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diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
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Version 3, 29 June 2007
- Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
software and other kinds of works.
The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
know their rights.
Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
authors of previous versions.
Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. Definitions.
"This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
"Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
works, such as semiconductor masks.
"The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
on the Program.
To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
public, and in some countries other activities as well.
To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
1. Source Code.
The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
form of a work.
A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
is widely used among developers working in that language.
The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
includes interface definition files associated with source files for
the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
subprograms and other parts of the work.
The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
same work.
2. Basic Permissions.
All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
makes it unnecessary.
3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
technological measures.
4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
it, and giving a relevant date.
b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
released under this License and any conditions added under section
7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
"keep intact all notices".
c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
work need not make them do so.
A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
parts of the aggregate.
6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
in one of these ways:
a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
customarily used for software interchange.
b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
with subsection 6b.
d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
charge under subsection 6d.
A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
included in conveying the object code work.
A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
the only significant mode of use of the product.
"Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
modification has been made.
If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
been installed in ROM).
The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
protocols for communication across the network.
Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
source code form), and must require no special password or key for
unpacking, reading or copying.
7. Additional Terms.
"Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
this License without regard to the additional permissions.
When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
Notices displayed by works containing it; or
c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
authors of the material; or
e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
those licensors and authors.
All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
governed by this License along with a term that is a further
restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
not survive such relicensing or conveying.
If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
where to find the applicable terms.
Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
the above requirements apply either way.
8. Termination.
You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
paragraph of section 11).
However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
prior to 60 days after the cessation.
Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
your receipt of the notice.
Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
material under section 10.
9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
11. Patents.
A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
this License.
Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
propagate the contents of its contributor version.
In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
patent against the party.
If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
country that you have reason to believe are valid.
If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
work and works based on it.
A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
combination as such.
14. Revised Versions of this License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
version or of any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
to choose that version for the Program.
Later license versions may give you additional or different
permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
later version.
15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
16. Limitation of Liability.
17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
copy of the Program in return for a fee.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
<program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
index 75885f4a0..4cd69205c 100644
@@ -1,167 +1,167 @@
[Note that only a few files are distributed under this license.]
Version 3, 29 June 2007
- Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates
the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public
License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.
0. Additional Definitions.
As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU
General Public License.
"The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License,
other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.
An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided
by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library.
Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode
of using an interface provided by the Library.
A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an
Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library
with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked
The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the
Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code
for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are
based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version.
The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the
object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data
and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the
Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.
1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.
You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License
without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL.
2. Conveying Modified Versions.
If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a
facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application
that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the
facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified
a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to
ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the
function or data, the facility still operates, and performs
whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or
b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of
this License applicable to that copy.
3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.
The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from
a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object
code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated
material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure
layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates
(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following:
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the
Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
covered by this License.
b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
4. Combined Works.
You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that,
taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the
portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse
engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of
the following:
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that
the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
covered by this License.
b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during
execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among
these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the
copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.
d) Do one of the following:
0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this
License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form
suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to
recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of
the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the
manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying
Corresponding Source.
1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time
a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer
system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version
of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked
e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise
be required to provide such information under section 6 of the
GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is
necessary to install and execute a modified version of the
Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the
Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If
you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany
the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application
Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation
Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL
for conveying Corresponding Source.)
5. Combined Libraries.
You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
Library side by side in a single library together with other library
facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this
License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your
choice, if you do both of the following:
a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based
on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities,
conveyed under the terms of this License.
b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it
is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the
accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new
versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version
of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version"
applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and
conditions either of that published version or of any later version
published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you
received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser
General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide
whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall
apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is
permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the
diff --git a/ b/
index 7950980c0..5eeac11ee 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,146 +1,146 @@
# - main makefile for GnuPG
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2004, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
## Process this file with automake to produce
DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = --enable-symcryptrun --enable-g13 \
EXTRA_DIST = build-aux/config.rpath build-aux/potomo autogen.rc \
ChangeLog-2011 po/ChangeLog-2011 build-aux/ChangeLog-2011 \
VERSION README.GIT build-aux/gitlog-to-changelog COPYING.CC0 \
build-aux/git-log-fix build-aux/git-log-footer \
build-aux/ \
build-aux/ \
build-aux/speedo/zlib.pc \
build-aux/speedo/w32/inst-options.ini \
build-aux/speedo/w32/inst.nsi \
build-aux/speedo/w32/pkg-copyright.txt \
build-aux/speedo/w32/g4wihelp.c \
build-aux/speedo/w32/pango.modules \
build-aux/speedo/w32/gdk-pixbuf-loaders.cache \
build-aux/speedo/w32/exdll.h \
build-aux/speedo/w32/README.txt \
build-aux/speedo/w32/gnupg-logo-150x57.bmp \
build-aux/speedo/w32/gnupg-logo-164x314.bmp \
build-aux/speedo/patches/atk-1.32.0.patch \
build-aux/speedo/patches/libiconv-1.14.patch \
build-aux/speedo/patches/pango-1.29.4.patch \
gpg = g10
gpg =
sm = sm
sm =
agent = agent
agent =
scd = scd
scd =
if BUILD_G13
g13 = g13
g13 =
dirmngr = dirmngr
dirmngr =
tools = tools
tools =
doc = doc
doc =
SUBDIRS = m4 common kbx \
${gpg} ${sm} ${agent} ${scd} ${g13} ${dirmngr} \
${tools} po ${doc} tests
dist_doc_DATA = README
dist-hook: gen-ChangeLog
set -e; ( \
pref="#+macro: gnupg21_" ;\
reldate="$$(date -u +%Y-%m-%d)" ;\
echo "$${pref}ver $(PACKAGE_VERSION)" ;\
echo "$${pref}date $${reldate}" ;\
list='$(DIST_ARCHIVES)'; for i in $$list; do \
case "$$i" in *.tar.bz2) \
echo "$${pref}size $$(wc -c <$$i|awk '{print int($$1/1024)}')k" ;\
echo "$${pref}sha1 $$(sha1sum <$$i|cut -d' ' -f1)" ;\
echo "$${pref}sha2 $$(sha256sum <$$i|cut -d' ' -f1)" ;;\
done ) | tee $(distdir).swdb
set -e; \
for i in $$($(top_srcdir)/build-aux/potomo \
--get-linguas $(top_srcdir)/po) ; do \
$(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$i/LC_MESSAGES" || true; \
rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$i/LC_MESSAGES/" \
2>/dev/null || true; \
$(top_srcdir)/build-aux/potomo $(top_srcdir)/po/$$i.po \
"$(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$i/LC_MESSAGES/" ; \
gen_start_date = 2011-12-01T06:00:00
.PHONY: gen-ChangeLog
if test -e $(top_srcdir)/.git; then \
(cd $(top_srcdir) && \
$(GITLOG_TO_CHANGELOG) --append-dot --tear-off \
--amend=build-aux/git-log-fix \
--since=$(gen_start_date) ) > $(distdir)/cl-t; \
cat $(top_srcdir)/build-aux/git-log-footer >> $(distdir)/cl-t; \
rm -f $(distdir)/ChangeLog; \
mv $(distdir)/cl-t $(distdir)/ChangeLog; \
$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install prefix=/usr/local/stow/gnupg
diff --git a/acinclude.m4 b/acinclude.m4
index 4b48ea202..690dc4227 100644
--- a/acinclude.m4
+++ b/acinclude.m4
@@ -1,351 +1,351 @@
dnl macros to configure gnupg
dnl Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
dnl This file is part of GnuPG.
dnl GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
dnl (at your option) any later version.
dnl GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-dnl along with this program; if not, see <>.
+dnl along with this program; if not, see <>.
dnl Check whether a typedef exists and create a #define $2 if it exists
[ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for $1 typedef)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>], [
#undef $1
int a = sizeof($1);
], gnupg_cv_typedef_$1=yes, gnupg_cv_typedef_$1=no )])
if test "$gnupg_cv_typedef_$1" = yes; then
AC_DEFINE($2,1,[Defined if a `]$1[' is typedef'd])
if ${MAKE-make} --version 2>/dev/null | grep '^GNU ' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
*** It seems that you are not using GNU make. Some make tools have serious
*** flaws and you may not be able to build this software at all. Before you
*** complain, please try GNU make: GNU make is easy to build and available
*** at all GNU archives. It is always available from
if -V 2>/dev/null | grep '^ ' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
AM_CONDITIONAL(WORKING_FAQPROG, test "$working_faqprog" = "yes" )
dnl if test $working_faqprog = no; then
dnl AC_MSG_WARN([[
dnl ***
dnl *** It seems that the program is not installed;
dnl *** however it is only needed if you want to change the FAQ.
dnl *** ( should be available at:
dnl *** )
dnl *** No need to worry about this warning.
dnl ***]])
dnl fi
AC_CHECK_PROG(DOCBOOK_TO_TEXI, docbook2texi, yes, no)
AC_MSG_CHECKING(for sgml to texi tools)
if test "$ac_cv_prog_DOCBOOK_TO_TEXI" = yes; then
if sgml2xml -v /dev/null 2>&1 | grep 'SP version' >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_DOCBOOK_TO_TEXI, test "$working_sgmltotexi" = "yes" )
if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then
case "$host_cpu" in
i@<:@345678@:>@* )
[ gnupg_cv_c_endian=unknown
# See if sys/param.h defines the BYTE_ORDER macro.
AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>], [
bogus endian macros
#endif], [# It does; now see whether it defined to BIG_ENDIAN or not.
AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>], [
not big endian
#endif], gnupg_cv_c_endian=big, gnupg_cv_c_endian=little)])
if test "$gnupg_cv_c_endian" = unknown; then
AC_TRY_RUN([main () {
/* Are we little or big endian? From Harbison&Steele. */
long l;
char c[sizeof (long)];
} u;
u.l = 1;
exit (u.c[sizeof (long) - 1] == 1);
tmp_assumed_warn=" (assumed)"
if test "$gnupg_cv_c_endian" = little; then
[Defined if the host has little endian byte ordering])
[Defined if the host has big endian byte ordering])
# Add a --enable-NAME option to configure an set the
# shell variable build_NAME either to "yes" or "no". DEFAULT must
# either be "yes" or "no" and decided on the default value for
# build_NAME and whether --enable-NAME or --disable-NAME is shown with
# ./configure --help
[m4_define([my_build], [m4_bpatsubst(build_$1, [[^a-zA-Z0-9_]], [_])])
AC_ARG_ENABLE([$1], AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-$1],
[do not build the $1 program]),
my_build=$enableval, my_build=$2)
AC_ARG_ENABLE([$1], AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-$1],
[build the $1 program]),
my_build=$enableval, my_build=$2)
case "$my_build" in
AC_MSG_ERROR([only yes or no allowed for feature --enable-$1])
# Add a --disable-gpg-NAME option and the corresponding ac_define
[AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable the $2 for gpg])
AC_ARG_ENABLE([gpg-$1], AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-gpg-$1],
[disable the $2 algorithm in gpg]),
, enableval=yes)
if test x"$enableval" = xyes ; then
AC_DEFINE(GPG_USE_[]m4_toupper($1), 1, [Define to support the $2])
# Check whether mlock is broken (hpux 10.20 raises a SIGBUS if mlock
# is not called from uid 0 (not tested whether uid 0 works)
# For DECs Tru64 we have also to check whether mlock is in librt
# mlock is there a macro using memlk()
if test "$ac_cv_func_mlock" = "no"; then
if test "$ac_cv_header_sys_mman_h" = "yes"; then
# Add librt to LIBS:
AC_CHECK_LIB(rt, memlk)
AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether mlock is in sys/mman.h],
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
], [
int i;
/* glibc defines this for functions which it implements
* to always fail with ENOSYS. Some functions are actually
* named something starting with __ and the normal name
* is an alias. */
#if defined (__stub_mlock) || defined (__stub___mlock)
choke me
mlock(&i, 4);
; return 0;
if test "$gnupg_cv_mlock_is_in_sys_mman" = "yes"; then
[Defined if the system supports an mlock() call])
if test "$ac_cv_func_mlock" = "yes"; then
AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether mlock is broken)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main()
char *pool;
int err;
long int pgsize = getpagesize();
pool = malloc( 4096 + pgsize );
if( !pool )
return 2;
pool += (pgsize - ((long int)pool % pgsize));
err = mlock( pool, 4096 );
if( !err || errno == EPERM )
return 0; /* okay */
return 1; /* hmmm */
if test "$gnupg_cv_have_broken_mlock" = "yes"; then
[Defined if the mlock() call does not work])
if test "$gnupg_cv_have_broken_mlock" = "no"; then
AC_MSG_RESULT(assuming no)
dnl Stolen from gcc
dnl Define MKDIR_TAKES_ONE_ARG if mkdir accepts only one argument instead
dnl of the usual 2.
[AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/stat.h unistd.h direct.h)
AC_CACHE_CHECK([if mkdir takes one argument], gnupg_cv_mkdir_takes_one_arg,
#include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <direct.h>
#endif], [mkdir ("foo", 0);],
gnupg_cv_mkdir_takes_one_arg=no, gnupg_cv_mkdir_takes_one_arg=yes)])
if test $gnupg_cv_mkdir_takes_one_arg = yes ; then
[Defined if mkdir() does not take permission flags])
# Check whether time_t is unsigned
[ AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether time_t is unsigned, gnupg_cv_time_t_unsigned,
# include <sys/time.h>
# include <time.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
# else
# include <time.h>
# endif
[((time_t)-1) < 0])],
gnupg_cv_time_t_unsigned=no, gnupg_cv_time_t_unsigned=yes)])
if test $gnupg_cv_time_t_unsigned = yes; then
AC_DEFINE(HAVE_UNSIGNED_TIME_T,1,[Defined if time_t is an unsigned type])
diff --git a/agent/ b/agent/
index ed0ed441f..045566ebc 100644
--- a/agent/
+++ b/agent/
@@ -1,109 +1,109 @@
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
## Process this file with automake to produce
bin_PROGRAMS = gpg-agent
libexec_PROGRAMS = gpg-protect-tool
# fixme: Do no use simple-pwquery for preset-passphrase.
libexec_PROGRAMS += gpg-preset-passphrase
noinst_PROGRAMS = $(TESTS)
EXTRA_DIST = ChangeLog-2011 gpg-agent-w32info.rc
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/common
include $(top_srcdir)/am/
resource_objs += gpg-agent-w32info.o
gpg_agent_SOURCES = \
gpg-agent.c agent.h \
command.c command-ssh.c \
call-pinentry.c \
cache.c \
trans.c \
findkey.c \
pksign.c \
pkdecrypt.c \
genkey.c \
protect.c \
trustlist.c \
divert-scd.c \
cvt-openpgp.c cvt-openpgp.h \
call-scd.c \
common_libs = $(libcommon)
commonpth_libs = $(libcommonpth)
pwquery_libs =
pwquery_libs = ../common/libsimple-pwquery.a
gpg_agent_LDADD = $(commonpth_libs) \
gpg_agent_LDFLAGS = $(extra_bin_ldflags)
gpg_agent_DEPENDENCIES = $(resource_objs)
gpg_protect_tool_SOURCES = \
protect-tool.c \
protect.c cvt-openpgp.c
gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(LIBASSUAN_CFLAGS) \
gpg_protect_tool_LDADD = $(common_libs) $(LIBGCRYPT_LIBS) $(LIBASSUAN_LIBS) \
gpg_preset_passphrase_SOURCES = \
# Needs $(NETLIBS) for
gpg_preset_passphrase_LDADD = \
$(pwquery_libs) $(common_libs) $(LIBASSUAN_LIBS) \
# Make sure that all libs are build before we use them. This is
# important for things like make -j2.
$(PROGRAMS): $(common_libs) $(commonpth_libs) $(pwquery_libs)
# Module tests
TESTS = t-protect
t_common_ldadd = $(common_libs) $(LIBGCRYPT_LIBS) $(GPG_ERROR_LIBS) \
t_protect_SOURCES = t-protect.c protect.c
t_protect_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
diff --git a/agent/agent.h b/agent/agent.h
index 2775c8486..9ba7dc875 100644
--- a/agent/agent.h
+++ b/agent/agent.h
@@ -1,577 +1,577 @@
/* agent.h - Global definitions for the agent
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef AGENT_H
#define AGENT_H
#error GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT already defined
#include <gpg-error.h>
#define map_assuan_err(a) \
map_assuan_err_with_source (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT, (a))
#include <errno.h>
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include "../common/util.h"
#include "../common/membuf.h"
#include "../common/sysutils.h" /* (gnupg_fd_t) */
#include "../common/session-env.h"
#include "../common/shareddefs.h"
/* To convey some special hash algorithms we use algorithm numbers
reserved for application use. */
#define GCRY_MODULE_ID_USER 1024
/* Maximum length of a digest. */
#define MAX_DIGEST_LEN 64
/* The maximum length of a passphrase (in bytes). Note: this is
further contrained by the Assuan line length (and any other text on
the same line). However, the Assuan line length is 1k bytes so
this shouldn't be a problem in practice. */
/* A large struct name "opt" to keep global flags */
unsigned int debug; /* Debug flags (DBG_foo_VALUE) */
int verbose; /* Verbosity level */
int quiet; /* Be as quiet as possible */
int dry_run; /* Don't change any persistent data */
int batch; /* Batch mode */
/* True if we handle sigusr2. */
int sigusr2_enabled;
/* Environment settings gathered at program start or changed using the
Assuan command UPDATESTARTUPTTY. */
session_env_t startup_env;
char *startup_lc_ctype;
char *startup_lc_messages;
/* Enable pinentry debugging (--debug 1024 should also be used). */
int debug_pinentry;
/* Filename of the program to start as pinentry. */
const char *pinentry_program;
/* Filename of the program to handle smartcard tasks. */
const char *scdaemon_program;
int disable_scdaemon; /* Never use the SCdaemon. */
int no_grab; /* Don't let the pinentry grab the keyboard */
/* The name of the file pinentry shall touch before exiting. If
this is not set the file name of the standard socket is used. */
const char *pinentry_touch_file;
/* A string where the first character is used by the pinentry as a
custom invisible character. */
char *pinentry_invisible_char;
/* The timeout value for the Pinentry in seconds. This is passed to
the pinentry if it is not 0. It is up to the pinentry to act
upon this timeout value. */
unsigned long pinentry_timeout;
/* The default and maximum TTL of cache entries. */
unsigned long def_cache_ttl; /* Default. */
unsigned long def_cache_ttl_ssh; /* for SSH. */
unsigned long max_cache_ttl; /* Default. */
unsigned long max_cache_ttl_ssh; /* for SSH. */
/* Flag disallowing bypassing of the warning. */
int enforce_passphrase_constraints;
/* The require minmum length of a passphrase. */
unsigned int min_passphrase_len;
/* The minimum number of non-alpha characters in a passphrase. */
unsigned int min_passphrase_nonalpha;
/* File name with a patternfile or NULL if not enabled. */
const char *check_passphrase_pattern;
/* If not 0 the user is asked to change his passphrase after these
number of days. */
unsigned int max_passphrase_days;
/* If set, a passphrase history will be written and checked at each
passphrase change. */
int enable_passphrase_history;
int running_detached; /* We are running detached from the tty. */
/* If this global option is true, the passphrase cache is ignored
for signing operations. */
int ignore_cache_for_signing;
/* If this global option is true, the user is allowed to
interactively mark certificate in trustlist.txt as trusted. */
int allow_mark_trusted;
/* If this global option is true, the Assuan command
PRESET_PASSPHRASE is allowed. */
int allow_preset_passphrase;
/* If this global option is true, the Assuan option
pinentry-mode=loopback is allowed. */
int allow_loopback_pinentry;
/* Allow the use of an external password cache. If this option is
enabled (which is the default) we send an option to Pinentry
to allow it to enable such a cache. */
int allow_external_cache;
/* If this global option is true, the Assuan option of Pinentry
allow-emacs-prompt is allowed. */
int allow_emacs_pinentry;
int keep_tty; /* Don't switch the TTY (for pinentry) on request */
int keep_display; /* Don't switch the DISPLAY (for pinentry) on request */
/* This global options indicates the use of an extra socket. Note
that we use a hack for cleanup handling in gpg-agent.c: If the
value is less than 2 the name has not yet been malloced. */
int extra_socket;
/* This global options indicates the use of an extra socket for web
browsers. Note that we use a hack for cleanup handling in
gpg-agent.c: If the value is less than 2 the name has not yet
been malloced. */
int browser_socket;
} opt;
/* Bit values for the --debug option. */
#define DBG_COMMAND_VALUE 1 /* debug commands i/o */
#define DBG_MPI_VALUE 2 /* debug mpi details */
#define DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE 4 /* debug low level crypto */
#define DBG_MEMORY_VALUE 32 /* debug memory allocation stuff */
#define DBG_CACHE_VALUE 64 /* debug the caching */
#define DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE 128 /* show memory statistics */
#define DBG_HASHING_VALUE 512 /* debug hashing operations */
#define DBG_IPC_VALUE 1024 /* Enable Assuan debugging. */
/* Test macros for the debug option. */
#define DBG_COMMAND (opt.debug & DBG_COMMAND_VALUE)
#define DBG_CRYPTO (opt.debug & DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE)
#define DBG_MEMORY (opt.debug & DBG_MEMORY_VALUE)
#define DBG_CACHE (opt.debug & DBG_CACHE_VALUE)
#define DBG_HASHING (opt.debug & DBG_HASHING_VALUE)
#define DBG_IPC (opt.debug & DBG_IPC_VALUE)
/* Forward reference for local definitions in command.c. */
struct server_local_s;
/* Declaration of objects from command-ssh.c. */
struct ssh_control_file_s;
typedef struct ssh_control_file_s *ssh_control_file_t;
/* Forward reference for local definitions in call-scd.c. */
struct scd_local_s;
/* Collection of data per session (aka connection). */
struct server_control_s
/* Private data used to fire up the connection thread. We use this
structure do avoid an extra allocation for only a few bytes while
spawning a new connection thread. */
struct {
gnupg_fd_t fd;
} thread_startup;
/* Flag indicating the connection is run in restricted mode.
A value of 1 if used for --extra-socket,
a value of 2 is used for --browser-socket. */
int restricted;
/* Private data of the server (command.c). */
struct server_local_s *server_local;
/* Private data of the SCdaemon (call-scd.c). */
struct scd_local_s *scd_local;
/* Environment settings for the connection. */
session_env_t session_env;
char *lc_ctype;
char *lc_messages;
/* The current pinentry mode. */
pinentry_mode_t pinentry_mode;
/* The TTL used for the --preset option of certain commands. */
int cache_ttl_opt_preset;
/* Information on the currently used digest (for signing commands). */
struct {
int algo;
unsigned char value[MAX_DIGEST_LEN];
int valuelen;
int raw_value: 1;
} digest;
unsigned char keygrip[20];
int have_keygrip;
/* A flag to enable a hack to send the PKAUTH command instead of the
PKSIGN command to the scdaemon. */
int use_auth_call;
/* A flag to inhibit enforced passphrase change during an explicit
passwd command. */
int in_passwd;
/* The current S2K which might be different from the calibrated
count. */
unsigned long s2k_count;
/* Information pertaining to pinentry requests. */
struct pin_entry_info_s
int min_digits; /* min. number of digits required or 0 for freeform entry */
int max_digits; /* max. number of allowed digits allowed*/
int max_tries; /* max. number of allowed tries. */
int failed_tries; /* Number of tries so far failed. */
int with_qualitybar; /* Set if the quality bar should be displayed. */
int with_repeat; /* Request repetition of the passphrase. */
int repeat_okay; /* Repetition worked. */
gpg_error_t (*check_cb)(struct pin_entry_info_s *); /* CB used to check
the PIN */
void *check_cb_arg; /* optional argument which might be of use in the CB */
const char *cb_errtext; /* used by the cb to display a specific error */
size_t max_length; /* Allocated length of the buffer PIN. */
char pin[1]; /* The buffer to hold the PIN or passphrase.
It's actual allocated length is given by
MAX_LENGTH (above). */
/* Types of the private keys. */
PRIVATE_KEY_UNKNOWN = 0, /* Type of key is not known. */
PRIVATE_KEY_CLEAR = 1, /* The key is not protected. */
PRIVATE_KEY_PROTECTED = 2, /* The key is protected. */
PRIVATE_KEY_SHADOWED = 3, /* The key is a stub for a smartcard
based key. */
PRIVATE_KEY_OPENPGP_NONE = 5 /* openpgp-native with protection "none". */
/* Values for the cache_mode arguments. */
typedef enum
CACHE_MODE_IGNORE = 0, /* Special mode to bypass the cache. */
CACHE_MODE_ANY, /* Any mode except ignore matches. */
CACHE_MODE_NORMAL, /* Normal cache (gpg-agent). */
CACHE_MODE_USER, /* GET_PASSPHRASE related cache. */
CACHE_MODE_SSH, /* SSH related cache. */
CACHE_MODE_NONCE /* This is a non-predictable nonce. */
/* The TTL is seconds used for adding a new nonce mode cache item. */
#define CACHE_TTL_NONCE 120
/* The TTL in seconds used by the --preset option of some commands.
This is the default value changeable by an OPTION command. */
/* The type of a function to lookup a TTL by a keygrip. */
typedef int (*lookup_ttl_t)(const char *hexgrip);
/* This is a special version of the usual _() gettext macro. It
assumes a server connection control variable with the name "ctrl"
and uses that to translate a string according to the locale set for
the connection. The macro LunderscoreIMPL is used by i18n to
actually define the inline function when needed. */
#define L_(a) agent_Lunderscore (ctrl, (a))
#define LunderscorePROTO \
static inline const char *agent_Lunderscore (ctrl_t ctrl, \
const char *string) \
#define LunderscoreIMPL \
static inline const char * \
agent_Lunderscore (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *string) \
{ \
return ctrl? i18n_localegettext (ctrl->lc_messages, string) \
/* */: gettext (string); \
#define L_(a) (a)
/*-- gpg-agent.c --*/
void agent_exit (int rc)
GPGRT_ATTR_NORETURN; /* Also implemented in other tools */
void agent_set_progress_cb (void (*cb)(ctrl_t ctrl, const char *what,
int printchar, int current, int total),
ctrl_t ctrl);
gpg_error_t agent_copy_startup_env (ctrl_t ctrl);
const char *get_agent_socket_name (void);
const char *get_agent_ssh_socket_name (void);
int get_agent_active_connection_count (void);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
void *get_agent_scd_notify_event (void);
void agent_sighup_action (void);
int map_pk_openpgp_to_gcry (int openpgp_algo);
/*-- command.c --*/
gpg_error_t agent_inq_pinentry_launched (ctrl_t ctrl, unsigned long pid,
const char *extra);
gpg_error_t agent_write_status (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyword, ...)
gpg_error_t agent_print_status (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyword,
const char *format, ...)
void bump_key_eventcounter (void);
void bump_card_eventcounter (void);
void start_command_handler (ctrl_t, gnupg_fd_t, gnupg_fd_t);
gpg_error_t pinentry_loopback (ctrl_t, const char *keyword,
unsigned char **buffer, size_t *size,
size_t max_length);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
int serve_mmapped_ssh_request (ctrl_t ctrl,
unsigned char *request, size_t maxreqlen);
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/*-- command-ssh.c --*/
ssh_control_file_t ssh_open_control_file (void);
void ssh_close_control_file (ssh_control_file_t cf);
gpg_error_t ssh_read_control_file (ssh_control_file_t cf,
char *r_hexgrip, int *r_disabled,
int *r_ttl, int *r_confirm);
gpg_error_t ssh_search_control_file (ssh_control_file_t cf,
const char *hexgrip,
int *r_disabled,
int *r_ttl, int *r_confirm);
void start_command_handler_ssh (ctrl_t, gnupg_fd_t);
/*-- findkey.c --*/
int agent_write_private_key (const unsigned char *grip,
const void *buffer, size_t length, int force);
gpg_error_t agent_key_from_file (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *cache_nonce,
const char *desc_text,
const unsigned char *grip,
unsigned char **shadow_info,
cache_mode_t cache_mode,
lookup_ttl_t lookup_ttl,
gcry_sexp_t *result,
char **r_passphrase);
gpg_error_t agent_raw_key_from_file (ctrl_t ctrl, const unsigned char *grip,
gcry_sexp_t *result);
gpg_error_t agent_public_key_from_file (ctrl_t ctrl,
const unsigned char *grip,
gcry_sexp_t *result);
int agent_is_dsa_key (gcry_sexp_t s_key);
int agent_is_eddsa_key (gcry_sexp_t s_key);
int agent_key_available (const unsigned char *grip);
gpg_error_t agent_key_info_from_file (ctrl_t ctrl, const unsigned char *grip,
int *r_keytype,
unsigned char **r_shadow_info);
gpg_error_t agent_delete_key (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc_text,
const unsigned char *grip, int force);
/*-- call-pinentry.c --*/
void initialize_module_call_pinentry (void);
void agent_query_dump_state (void);
void agent_reset_query (ctrl_t ctrl);
int pinentry_active_p (ctrl_t ctrl, int waitseconds);
gpg_error_t agent_askpin (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *desc_text, const char *prompt_text,
const char *inital_errtext,
struct pin_entry_info_s *pininfo,
const char *keyinfo, cache_mode_t cache_mode);
int agent_get_passphrase (ctrl_t ctrl, char **retpass,
const char *desc, const char *prompt,
const char *errtext, int with_qualitybar,
const char *keyinfo, cache_mode_t cache_mode);
int agent_get_confirmation (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc, const char *ok,
const char *notokay, int with_cancel);
int agent_show_message (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc, const char *ok_btn);
int agent_popup_message_start (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *desc, const char *ok_btn);
void agent_popup_message_stop (ctrl_t ctrl);
int agent_clear_passphrase (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *keyinfo, cache_mode_t cache_mode);
/*-- cache.c --*/
void initialize_module_cache (void);
void deinitialize_module_cache (void);
void agent_flush_cache (void);
int agent_put_cache (const char *key, cache_mode_t cache_mode,
const char *data, int ttl);
char *agent_get_cache (const char *key, cache_mode_t cache_mode);
void agent_store_cache_hit (const char *key);
/*-- pksign.c --*/
int agent_pksign_do (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *cache_nonce,
const char *desc_text,
gcry_sexp_t *signature_sexp,
cache_mode_t cache_mode, lookup_ttl_t lookup_ttl,
const void *overridedata, size_t overridedatalen);
int agent_pksign (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *cache_nonce,
const char *desc_text,
membuf_t *outbuf, cache_mode_t cache_mode);
/*-- pkdecrypt.c --*/
int agent_pkdecrypt (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc_text,
const unsigned char *ciphertext, size_t ciphertextlen,
membuf_t *outbuf, int *r_padding);
/*-- genkey.c --*/
int check_passphrase_constraints (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *pw,
char **failed_constraint);
gpg_error_t agent_ask_new_passphrase (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *prompt,
char **r_passphrase);
int agent_genkey (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *cache_nonce,
const char *keyparam, size_t keyparmlen,
int no_protection, const char *override_passphrase,
int preset, membuf_t *outbuf);
gpg_error_t agent_protect_and_store (ctrl_t ctrl, gcry_sexp_t s_skey,
char **passphrase_addr);
/*-- protect.c --*/
unsigned long get_standard_s2k_count (void);
unsigned char get_standard_s2k_count_rfc4880 (void);
int agent_protect (const unsigned char *plainkey, const char *passphrase,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen,
unsigned long s2k_count, int use_ocb);
int agent_unprotect (ctrl_t ctrl,
const unsigned char *protectedkey, const char *passphrase,
gnupg_isotime_t protected_at,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen);
int agent_private_key_type (const unsigned char *privatekey);
unsigned char *make_shadow_info (const char *serialno, const char *idstring);
int agent_shadow_key (const unsigned char *pubkey,
const unsigned char *shadow_info,
unsigned char **result);
int agent_get_shadow_info (const unsigned char *shadowkey,
unsigned char const **shadow_info);
gpg_error_t parse_shadow_info (const unsigned char *shadow_info,
char **r_hexsn, char **r_idstr, int *r_pinlen);
gpg_error_t s2k_hash_passphrase (const char *passphrase, int hashalgo,
int s2kmode,
const unsigned char *s2ksalt,
unsigned int s2kcount,
unsigned char *key, size_t keylen);
gpg_error_t agent_write_shadow_key (const unsigned char *grip,
const char *serialno, const char *keyid,
const unsigned char *pkbuf, int force);
/*-- trustlist.c --*/
void initialize_module_trustlist (void);
gpg_error_t agent_istrusted (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fpr, int *r_disabled);
gpg_error_t agent_listtrusted (void *assuan_context);
gpg_error_t agent_marktrusted (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name,
const char *fpr, int flag);
void agent_reload_trustlist (void);
/*-- divert-scd.c --*/
int divert_pksign (ctrl_t ctrl,
const unsigned char *digest, size_t digestlen, int algo,
const unsigned char *shadow_info, unsigned char **r_sig,
size_t *r_siglen);
int divert_pkdecrypt (ctrl_t ctrl,
const unsigned char *cipher,
const unsigned char *shadow_info,
char **r_buf, size_t *r_len, int *r_padding);
int divert_generic_cmd (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *cmdline, void *assuan_context);
int divert_writekey (ctrl_t ctrl, int force, const char *serialno,
const char *id, const char *keydata, size_t keydatalen);
/*-- call-scd.c --*/
void initialize_module_call_scd (void);
void agent_scd_dump_state (void);
int agent_scd_check_running (void);
void agent_scd_check_aliveness (void);
int agent_reset_scd (ctrl_t ctrl);
int agent_card_learn (ctrl_t ctrl,
void (*kpinfo_cb)(void*, const char *),
void *kpinfo_cb_arg,
void (*certinfo_cb)(void*, const char *),
void *certinfo_cb_arg,
void (*sinfo_cb)(void*, const char *,
size_t, const char *),
void *sinfo_cb_arg);
int agent_card_serialno (ctrl_t ctrl, char **r_serialno);
int agent_card_pksign (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *keyid,
int (*getpin_cb)(void *, const char *, char*, size_t),
void *getpin_cb_arg,
int mdalgo,
const unsigned char *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **r_buf, size_t *r_buflen);
int agent_card_pkdecrypt (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *keyid,
int (*getpin_cb)(void *, const char *, char*,size_t),
void *getpin_cb_arg,
const unsigned char *indata, size_t indatalen,
char **r_buf, size_t *r_buflen, int *r_padding);
int agent_card_readcert (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *id, char **r_buf, size_t *r_buflen);
int agent_card_readkey (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *id, unsigned char **r_buf);
int agent_card_writekey (ctrl_t ctrl, int force, const char *serialno,
const char *id, const char *keydata,
size_t keydatalen,
int (*getpin_cb)(void *, const char *, char*, size_t),
void *getpin_cb_arg);
gpg_error_t agent_card_getattr (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, char **result);
int agent_card_scd (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *cmdline,
int (*getpin_cb)(void *, const char *, char*, size_t),
void *getpin_cb_arg, void *assuan_context);
/*-- learncard.c --*/
int agent_handle_learn (ctrl_t ctrl, int send, void *assuan_context, int force);
/*-- cvt-openpgp.c --*/
extract_private_key (gcry_sexp_t s_key, int req_private_key_data,
const char **r_algoname, int *r_npkey, int *r_nskey,
const char **r_format,
gcry_mpi_t *mpi_array, int arraysize,
gcry_sexp_t *r_curve, gcry_sexp_t *r_flags);
#endif /*AGENT_H*/
diff --git a/agent/cache.c b/agent/cache.c
index 83107a6c9..f58eaeaaa 100644
--- a/agent/cache.c
+++ b/agent/cache.c
@@ -1,480 +1,480 @@
/* cache.c - keep a cache of passphrases
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <npth.h>
#include "agent.h"
/* The size of the encryption key in bytes. */
#define ENCRYPTION_KEYSIZE (128/8)
/* A mutex used to protect the encryption. This is required because
we use one context to do all encryption and decryption. */
static npth_mutex_t encryption_lock;
/* The encryption context. This is the only place where the
encryption key for all cached entries is available. It would be nice
to keep this (or just the key) in some hardware device, for example
a TPM. Libgcrypt could be extended to provide such a service.
With the current scheme it is easy to retrieve the cached entries
if access to Libgcrypt's memory is available. The encryption
merely avoids grepping for clear texts in the memory. Nevertheless
the encryption provides the necessary infrastructure to make it
more secure. */
static gcry_cipher_hd_t encryption_handle;
struct secret_data_s {
int totallen; /* This includes the padding and space for AESWRAP. */
char data[1]; /* A string. */
typedef struct cache_item_s *ITEM;
struct cache_item_s {
ITEM next;
time_t created;
time_t accessed;
int ttl; /* max. lifetime given in seconds, -1 one means infinite */
struct secret_data_s *pw;
cache_mode_t cache_mode;
char key[1];
/* The cache himself. */
static ITEM thecache;
/* NULL or the last cache key stored by agent_store_cache_hit. */
static char *last_stored_cache_key;
/* This function must be called once to initialize this module. It
has to be done before a second thread is spawned. */
initialize_module_cache (void)
int err;
err = npth_mutex_init (&encryption_lock, NULL);
if (err)
log_fatal ("error initializing cache module: %s\n", strerror (err));
deinitialize_module_cache (void)
gcry_cipher_close (encryption_handle);
encryption_handle = NULL;
/* We do the encryption init on the fly. We can't do it in the module
init code because that is run before we listen for connections and
in case we are started on demand by gpg etc. it will only wait for
a few seconds to decide whether the agent may now accept
connections. Thus we should get into listen state as soon as
possible. */
static gpg_error_t
init_encryption (void)
gpg_error_t err;
void *key;
int res;
if (encryption_handle)
return 0; /* Shortcut - Already initialized. */
res = npth_mutex_lock (&encryption_lock);
if (res)
log_fatal ("failed to acquire cache encryption mutex: %s\n", strerror (res));
err = gcry_cipher_open (&encryption_handle, GCRY_CIPHER_AES128,
if (!err)
if (!key)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = gcry_cipher_setkey (encryption_handle, key, ENCRYPTION_KEYSIZE);
xfree (key);
if (err)
gcry_cipher_close (encryption_handle);
encryption_handle = NULL;
if (err)
log_error ("error initializing cache encryption context: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
res = npth_mutex_unlock (&encryption_lock);
if (res)
log_fatal ("failed to release cache encryption mutex: %s\n", strerror (res));
return err? gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED) : 0;
static void
release_data (struct secret_data_s *data)
xfree (data);
static gpg_error_t
new_data (const char *string, struct secret_data_s **r_data)
gpg_error_t err;
struct secret_data_s *d, *d_enc;
size_t length;
int total;
int res;
*r_data = NULL;
err = init_encryption ();
if (err)
return err;
length = strlen (string) + 1;
/* We pad the data to 32 bytes so that it get more complicated
finding something out by watching allocation patterns. This is
usually not possible but we better assume nothing about our secure
storage provider. To support the AESWRAP mode we need to add 8
extra bytes as well. */
total = (length + 8) + 32 - ((length+8) % 32);
d = xtrymalloc_secure (sizeof *d + total - 1);
if (!d)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (d->data, string, length);
d_enc = xtrymalloc (sizeof *d_enc + total - 1);
if (!d_enc)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (d);
return err;
d_enc->totallen = total;
res = npth_mutex_lock (&encryption_lock);
if (res)
log_fatal ("failed to acquire cache encryption mutex: %s\n",
strerror (res));
err = gcry_cipher_encrypt (encryption_handle, d_enc->data, total,
d->data, total - 8);
xfree (d);
res = npth_mutex_unlock (&encryption_lock);
if (res)
log_fatal ("failed to release cache encryption mutex: %s\n", strerror (res));
if (err)
xfree (d_enc);
return err;
*r_data = d_enc;
return 0;
/* Check whether there are items to expire. */
static void
housekeeping (void)
ITEM r, rprev;
time_t current = gnupg_get_time ();
/* First expire the actual data */
for (r=thecache; r; r = r->next)
if (r->pw && r->ttl >= 0 && r->accessed + r->ttl < current)
log_debug (" expired '%s' (%ds after last access)\n",
r->key, r->ttl);
release_data (r->pw);
r->pw = NULL;
r->accessed = current;
/* Second, make sure that we also remove them based on the created stamp so
that the user has to enter it from time to time. */
for (r=thecache; r; r = r->next)
unsigned long maxttl;
switch (r->cache_mode)
case CACHE_MODE_SSH: maxttl = opt.max_cache_ttl_ssh; break;
default: maxttl = opt.max_cache_ttl; break;
if (r->pw && r->created + maxttl < current)
log_debug (" expired '%s' (%lus after creation)\n",
r->key, opt.max_cache_ttl);
release_data (r->pw);
r->pw = NULL;
r->accessed = current;
/* Third, make sure that we don't have too many items in the list.
Expire old and unused entries after 30 minutes */
for (rprev=NULL, r=thecache; r; )
if (!r->pw && r->ttl >= 0 && r->accessed + 60*30 < current)
ITEM r2 = r->next;
log_debug (" removed '%s' (mode %d) (slot not used for 30m)\n",
r->key, r->cache_mode);
xfree (r);
if (!rprev)
thecache = r2;
rprev->next = r2;
r = r2;
rprev = r;
r = r->next;
agent_flush_cache (void)
log_debug ("agent_flush_cache\n");
for (r=thecache; r; r = r->next)
if (r->pw)
log_debug (" flushing '%s'\n", r->key);
release_data (r->pw);
r->pw = NULL;
r->accessed = 0;
/* Compare two cache modes. */
static int
cache_mode_equal (cache_mode_t a, cache_mode_t b)
/* CACHE_MODE_ANY matches any mode other than CACHE_MODE_IGNORE. */
return ((a == CACHE_MODE_ANY && b != CACHE_MODE_IGNORE)
|| (b == CACHE_MODE_ANY && a != CACHE_MODE_IGNORE) || a == b);
/* Store the string DATA in the cache under KEY and mark it with a
maximum lifetime of TTL seconds. If there is already data under
this key, it will be replaced. Using a DATA of NULL deletes the
entry. A TTL of 0 is replaced by the default TTL and a TTL of -1
set infinite timeout. CACHE_MODE is stored with the cache entry
and used to select different timeouts. */
agent_put_cache (const char *key, cache_mode_t cache_mode,
const char *data, int ttl)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
log_debug ("agent_put_cache '%s' (mode %d) requested ttl=%d\n",
key, cache_mode, ttl);
housekeeping ();
if (!ttl)
case CACHE_MODE_SSH: ttl = opt.def_cache_ttl_ssh; break;
default: ttl = opt.def_cache_ttl; break;
if ((!ttl && data) || cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_IGNORE)
return 0;
for (r=thecache; r; r = r->next)
if (((cache_mode != CACHE_MODE_USER
&& cache_mode != CACHE_MODE_NONCE)
|| cache_mode_equal (r->cache_mode, cache_mode))
&& !strcmp (r->key, key))
if (r) /* Replace. */
if (r->pw)
release_data (r->pw);
r->pw = NULL;
if (data)
r->created = r->accessed = gnupg_get_time ();
r->ttl = ttl;
r->cache_mode = cache_mode;
err = new_data (data, &r->pw);
if (err)
log_error ("error replacing cache item: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
else if (data) /* Insert. */
r = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *r + strlen (key));
if (!r)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
strcpy (r->key, key);
r->created = r->accessed = gnupg_get_time ();
r->ttl = ttl;
r->cache_mode = cache_mode;
err = new_data (data, &r->pw);
if (err)
xfree (r);
r->next = thecache;
thecache = r;
if (err)
log_error ("error inserting cache item: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Try to find an item in the cache. Note that we currently don't
make use of CACHE_MODE except for CACHE_MODE_NONCE and
char *
agent_get_cache (const char *key, cache_mode_t cache_mode)
gpg_error_t err;
char *value = NULL;
int res;
int last_stored = 0;
if (cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_IGNORE)
return NULL;
if (!key)
key = last_stored_cache_key;
if (!key)
return NULL;
last_stored = 1;
log_debug ("agent_get_cache '%s' (mode %d)%s ...\n",
key, cache_mode,
last_stored? " (stored cache key)":"");
housekeeping ();
for (r=thecache; r; r = r->next)
if (r->pw
&& ((cache_mode != CACHE_MODE_USER
&& cache_mode != CACHE_MODE_NONCE)
|| cache_mode_equal (r->cache_mode, cache_mode))
&& !strcmp (r->key, key))
/* Note: To avoid races KEY may not be accessed anymore below. */
r->accessed = gnupg_get_time ();
log_debug ("... hit\n");
if (r->pw->totallen < 32)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_LENGTH);
else if ((err = init_encryption ()))
else if (!(value = xtrymalloc_secure (r->pw->totallen - 8)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
res = npth_mutex_lock (&encryption_lock);
if (res)
log_fatal ("failed to acquire cache encryption mutex: %s\n",
strerror (res));
err = gcry_cipher_decrypt (encryption_handle,
value, r->pw->totallen - 8,
r->pw->data, r->pw->totallen);
res = npth_mutex_unlock (&encryption_lock);
if (res)
log_fatal ("failed to release cache encryption mutex: %s\n",
strerror (res));
if (err)
xfree (value);
value = NULL;
log_error ("retrieving cache entry '%s' failed: %s\n",
key, gpg_strerror (err));
return value;
log_debug ("... miss\n");
return NULL;
/* Store the key for the last successful cache hit. That value is
used by agent_get_cache if the requested KEY is given as NULL.
NULL may be used to remove that key. */
agent_store_cache_hit (const char *key)
xfree (last_stored_cache_key);
last_stored_cache_key = key? xtrystrdup (key) : NULL;
diff --git a/agent/call-pinentry.c b/agent/call-pinentry.c
index f83778e98..fa00bf921 100644
--- a/agent/call-pinentry.c
+++ b/agent/call-pinentry.c
@@ -1,1493 +1,1493 @@
/* call-pinentry.c - Spawn the pinentry to query stuff from the user
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2004, 2007, 2008,
* 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# include <sys/wait.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <signal.h>
#include <npth.h>
#include "agent.h"
#include <assuan.h>
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#define MAX_OPEN_FDS 20
/* Because access to the pinentry must be serialized (it is and shall
be a global mutually exclusive dialog) we better timeout pending
requests after some time. 1 minute seem to be a reasonable
time. */
#define LOCK_TIMEOUT (1*60)
/* The assuan context of the current pinentry. */
static assuan_context_t entry_ctx;
/* The control variable of the connection owning the current pinentry.
This is only valid if ENTRY_CTX is not NULL. Note, that we care
only about the value of the pointer and that it should never be
dereferenced. */
static ctrl_t entry_owner;
/* A mutex used to serialize access to the pinentry. */
static npth_mutex_t entry_lock;
/* The thread ID of the popup working thread. */
static npth_t popup_tid;
/* A flag used in communication between the popup working thread and
its stop function. */
static int popup_finished;
/* Data to be passed to our callbacks, */
struct entry_parm_s
int lines;
size_t size;
unsigned char *buffer;
/* This function must be called once to initialize this module. This
has to be done before a second thread is spawned. We can't do the
static initialization because Pth emulation code might not be able
to do a static init; in particular, it is not possible for W32. */
initialize_module_call_pinentry (void)
static int initialized;
if (!initialized)
if (npth_mutex_init (&entry_lock, NULL))
initialized = 1;
/* This function may be called to print infromation pertaining to the
current state of this module to the log. */
agent_query_dump_state (void)
log_info ("agent_query_dump_state: entry_ctx=%p pid=%ld popup_tid=%p\n",
entry_ctx, (long)assuan_get_pid (entry_ctx), (void*)popup_tid);
/* Called to make sure that a popup window owned by the current
connection gets closed. */
agent_reset_query (ctrl_t ctrl)
if (entry_ctx && popup_tid && entry_owner == ctrl)
agent_popup_message_stop (ctrl);
/* Unlock the pinentry so that another thread can start one and
disconnect that pinentry - we do this after the unlock so that a
stalled pinentry does not block other threads. Fixme: We should
have a timeout in Assuan for the disconnect operation. */
static gpg_error_t
unlock_pinentry (gpg_error_t rc)
assuan_context_t ctx = entry_ctx;
int err;
if (rc)
if (DBG_IPC)
log_debug ("error calling pinentry: %s <%s>\n",
gpg_strerror (rc), gpg_strsource (rc));
/* Change the source of the error to pinentry so that the final
consumer of the error code knows that the problem is with
pinentry. For backward compatibility we do not do that for
some common error codes. */
switch (gpg_err_code (rc))
rc = gpg_err_make (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_PINENTRY, gpg_err_code (rc));
entry_ctx = NULL;
err = npth_mutex_unlock (&entry_lock);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to release the entry lock: %s\n", strerror (err));
if (!rc)
rc = gpg_error_from_errno (err);
assuan_release (ctx);
return rc;
/* To make sure we leave no secrets in our image after forking of the
pinentry, we use this callback. */
static void
atfork_cb (void *opaque, int where)
ctrl_t ctrl = opaque;
if (!where)
int iterator = 0;
const char *name, *assname, *value;
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_TERM_SECMEM);
while ((name = session_env_list_stdenvnames (&iterator, &assname)))
/* For all new envvars (!ASSNAME) and the two medium old
ones which do have an assuan name but are conveyed using
environment variables, update the environment of the
forked process. */
if (!assname
|| !strcmp (name, "XAUTHORITY")
|| !strcmp (name, "PINENTRY_USER_DATA"))
value = session_env_getenv (ctrl->session_env, name);
if (value)
gnupg_setenv (name, value, 1);
static gpg_error_t
getinfo_pid_cb (void *opaque, const void *buffer, size_t length)
unsigned long *pid = opaque;
char pidbuf[50];
/* There is only the pid in the server's response. */
if (length >= sizeof pidbuf)
length = sizeof pidbuf -1;
if (length)
strncpy (pidbuf, buffer, length);
pidbuf[length] = 0;
*pid = strtoul (pidbuf, NULL, 10);
return 0;
/* Fork off the pin entry if this has not already been done. Note,
that this function must always be used to acquire the lock for the
pinentry - we will serialize _all_ pinentry calls.
static gpg_error_t
start_pinentry (ctrl_t ctrl)
int rc = 0;
const char *full_pgmname;
const char *pgmname;
assuan_context_t ctx;
const char *argv[5];
assuan_fd_t no_close_list[3];
int i;
const char *tmpstr;
unsigned long pinentry_pid;
const char *value;
struct timespec abstime;
char *flavor_version;
int err;
npth_clock_gettime (&abstime);
abstime.tv_sec += LOCK_TIMEOUT;
err = npth_mutex_timedlock (&entry_lock, &abstime);
if (err)
if (err == ETIMEDOUT)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TIMEOUT);
rc = gpg_error_from_errno (rc);
log_error (_("failed to acquire the pinentry lock: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
entry_owner = ctrl;
if (entry_ctx)
return 0;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("starting a new PIN Entry\n");
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
fflush (stdout);
fflush (stderr);
if (fflush (NULL))
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
gpg_error_t tmperr = gpg_error (gpg_err_code_from_errno (errno));
log_error ("error flushing pending output: %s\n", strerror (errno));
/* At least Windows XP fails here with EBADF. According to docs
and Wine an fflush(NULL) is the same as _flushall. However
the Wine implementaion does not flush stdin,stdout and stderr
- see above. Let's try to ignore the error. */
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
return unlock_pinentry (tmperr);
full_pgmname = opt.pinentry_program;
if (!full_pgmname || !*full_pgmname)
full_pgmname = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_PINENTRY);
if ( !(pgmname = strrchr (full_pgmname, '/')))
pgmname = full_pgmname;
/* OS X needs the entire file name in argv[0], so that it can locate
the resource bundle. For other systems we stick to the usual
convention of supplying only the name of the program. */
#ifdef __APPLE__
argv[0] = full_pgmname;
#else /*!__APPLE__*/
argv[0] = pgmname;
#endif /*__APPLE__*/
if (!opt.keep_display
&& (value = session_env_getenv (ctrl->session_env, "DISPLAY")))
argv[1] = "--display";
argv[2] = value;
argv[3] = NULL;
argv[1] = NULL;
if (!opt.running_detached)
if (log_get_fd () != -1)
no_close_list[i++] = assuan_fd_from_posix_fd (log_get_fd ());
no_close_list[i++] = assuan_fd_from_posix_fd (fileno (stderr));
no_close_list[i] = ASSUAN_INVALID_FD;
rc = assuan_new (&ctx);
if (rc)
log_error ("can't allocate assuan context: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
/* We don't want to log the pinentry communication to make the logs
easier to read. We might want to add a new debug option to enable
pinentry logging. */
assuan_set_flag (ctx, ASSUAN_NO_LOGGING, !opt.debug_pinentry);
/* Connect to the pinentry and perform initial handshaking. Note
that atfork is used to change the environment for pinentry. We
start the server in detached mode to suppress the console window
under Windows. */
rc = assuan_pipe_connect (ctx, full_pgmname, argv,
no_close_list, atfork_cb, ctrl,
if (rc)
log_error ("can't connect to the PIN entry module '%s': %s\n",
full_pgmname, gpg_strerror (rc));
assuan_release (ctx);
return unlock_pinentry (gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PIN_ENTRY));
entry_ctx = ctx;
if (DBG_IPC)
log_debug ("connection to PIN entry established\n");
value = session_env_getenv (ctrl->session_env, "PINENTRY_USER_DATA");
if (value != NULL)
char *optstr;
if (asprintf (&optstr, "OPTION pinentry-user-data=%s", value) < 0 )
return unlock_pinentry (out_of_core ());
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, optstr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
xfree (optstr);
if (rc && gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_OPTION)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx,
opt.no_grab? "OPTION no-grab":"OPTION grab",
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
value = session_env_getenv (ctrl->session_env, "GPG_TTY");
if (value)
char *optstr;
if (asprintf (&optstr, "OPTION ttyname=%s", value) < 0 )
return unlock_pinentry (out_of_core ());
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, optstr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
xfree (optstr);
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
value = session_env_getenv (ctrl->session_env, "TERM");
if (value)
char *optstr;
if (asprintf (&optstr, "OPTION ttytype=%s", value) < 0 )
return unlock_pinentry (out_of_core ());
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, optstr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
xfree (optstr);
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
if (ctrl->lc_ctype)
char *optstr;
if (asprintf (&optstr, "OPTION lc-ctype=%s", ctrl->lc_ctype) < 0 )
return unlock_pinentry (out_of_core ());
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, optstr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
xfree (optstr);
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
if (ctrl->lc_messages)
char *optstr;
if (asprintf (&optstr, "OPTION lc-messages=%s", ctrl->lc_messages) < 0 )
return unlock_pinentry (out_of_core ());
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, optstr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
xfree (optstr);
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
if (opt.allow_external_cache)
/* Indicate to the pinentry that it may read from an external cache.
It is essential that the pinentry respect this. If the
cached password is not up to date and retry == 1, then, using
a version of GPG Agent that doesn't support this, won't issue
another pin request and the user won't get a chance to
correct the password. */
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, "OPTION allow-external-password-cache",
if (rc && gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_OPTION)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
if (opt.allow_emacs_pinentry)
/* Indicate to the pinentry that it may read passphrase through
Emacs minibuffer, if possible. */
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, "OPTION allow-emacs-prompt",
if (rc && gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_OPTION)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
/* Provide a few default strings for use by the pinentries. This
may help a pinentry to avoid implementing localization code. */
static struct { const char *key, *value; int what; } tbl[] = {
/* TRANSLATORS: These are labels for buttons etc used in
Pinentries. An underscore indicates that the next letter
should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for
a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after
the second vertical bar. Note that gpg-agent has been set to
utf-8 so that the strings are in the expected encoding. */
{ "ok", N_("|pinentry-label|_OK") },
{ "cancel", N_("|pinentry-label|_Cancel") },
{ "yes", N_("|pinentry-label|_Yes") },
{ "no", N_("|pinentry-label|_No") },
{ "prompt", N_("|pinentry-label|PIN:") },
{ "pwmngr", N_("|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager"), 1 },
{ "cf-visi",N_("Do you really want to make your "
"passphrase visible on the screen?") },
{ "tt-visi",N_("|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible") },
{ "tt-hide",N_("|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase") },
char *optstr;
int idx;
const char *s, *s2;
for (idx=0; tbl[idx].key; idx++)
if (!opt.allow_external_cache && tbl[idx].what == 1)
continue; /* No need for it. */
s = L_(tbl[idx].value);
if (*s == '|' && (s2=strchr (s+1,'|')))
s = s2+1;
if (asprintf (&optstr, "OPTION default-%s=%s", tbl[idx].key, s) < 0 )
return unlock_pinentry (out_of_core ());
assuan_transact (entry_ctx, optstr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
xfree (optstr);
/* Tell the pinentry that we would prefer that the given character
is used as the invisible character by the entry widget. */
if (opt.pinentry_invisible_char)
char *optstr;
if ((optstr = xtryasprintf ("OPTION invisible-char=%s",
assuan_transact (entry_ctx, optstr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
/* We ignore errors because this is just a fancy thing and
older pinentries do not support this feature. */
xfree (optstr);
if (opt.pinentry_timeout)
char *optstr;
if ((optstr = xtryasprintf ("SETTIMEOUT %lu", opt.pinentry_timeout)))
assuan_transact (entry_ctx, optstr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
/* We ignore errors because this is just a fancy thing. */
xfree (optstr);
/* Tell the pinentry the name of a file it shall touch after having
messed with the tty. This is optional and only supported by
newer pinentries and thus we do no error checking. */
tmpstr = opt.pinentry_touch_file;
if (tmpstr && !strcmp (tmpstr, "/dev/null"))
tmpstr = NULL;
else if (!tmpstr)
tmpstr = get_agent_socket_name ();
if (tmpstr)
char *optstr;
if (asprintf (&optstr, "OPTION touch-file=%s", tmpstr ) < 0 )
assuan_transact (entry_ctx, optstr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
xfree (optstr);
/* Ask the pinentry for its version and flavor and streo that as a
* string in MB. This information is useful for helping users to
* figure out Pinentry problems. */
membuf_t mb;
init_membuf (&mb, 256);
if (assuan_transact (entry_ctx, "GETINFO flavor",
put_membuf_cb, &mb, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))
put_membuf_str (&mb, "unknown");
put_membuf_str (&mb, " ");
if (assuan_transact (entry_ctx, "GETINFO version",
put_membuf_cb, &mb, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))
put_membuf_str (&mb, "unknown");
put_membuf (&mb, "", 1);
flavor_version = get_membuf (&mb, NULL);
/* Now ask the Pinentry for its PID. If the Pinentry is new enough
it will send the pid back and we will use an inquire to notify
our client. The client may answer the inquiry either with END or
with CAN to cancel the pinentry. */
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, "GETINFO pid",
getinfo_pid_cb, &pinentry_pid,
if (rc)
log_info ("You may want to update to a newer pinentry\n");
rc = 0;
else if (!rc && (pid_t)pinentry_pid == (pid_t)(-1))
log_error ("pinentry did not return a PID\n");
rc = agent_inq_pinentry_launched (ctrl, pinentry_pid, flavor_version);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_CANCELED
|| gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_FULLY_CANCELED)
return unlock_pinentry (gpg_err_make (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT,
gpg_err_code (rc)));
rc = 0;
xfree (flavor_version);
return 0;
/* Returns True if the pinentry is currently active. If WAITSECONDS is
greater than zero the function will wait for this many seconds
before returning. */
pinentry_active_p (ctrl_t ctrl, int waitseconds)
int err;
if (waitseconds > 0)
struct timespec abstime;
int rc;
npth_clock_gettime (&abstime);
abstime.tv_sec += waitseconds;
err = npth_mutex_timedlock (&entry_lock, &abstime);
if (err)
if (err == ETIMEDOUT)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TIMEOUT);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
return rc;
err = npth_mutex_trylock (&entry_lock);
if (err)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LOCKED);
err = npth_mutex_unlock (&entry_lock);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to release the entry lock at %d: %s\n", __LINE__,
strerror (errno));
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
getpin_cb (void *opaque, const void *buffer, size_t length)
struct entry_parm_s *parm = opaque;
if (!buffer)
return 0;
/* we expect the pin to fit on one line */
if (parm->lines || length >= parm->size)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_TOO_MUCH_DATA);
/* fixme: we should make sure that the assuan buffer is allocated in
secure memory or read the response byte by byte */
memcpy (parm->buffer, buffer, length);
parm->buffer[length] = 0;
return 0;
static int
all_digitsp( const char *s)
for (; *s && *s >= '0' && *s <= '9'; s++)
return !*s;
/* Return a new malloced string by unescaping the string S. Escaping
is percent escaping and '+'/space mapping. A binary Nul will
silently be replaced by a 0xFF. Function returns NULL to indicate
an out of memory status. Parsing stops at the end of the string or
a white space character. */
static char *
unescape_passphrase_string (const unsigned char *s)
char *buffer, *d;
buffer = d = xtrymalloc_secure (strlen ((const char*)s)+1);
if (!buffer)
return NULL;
while (*s && !spacep (s))
if (*s == '%' && s[1] && s[2])
*d = xtoi_2 (s);
if (!*d)
*d = '\xff';
s += 2;
else if (*s == '+')
*d++ = ' ';
*d++ = *s++;
*d = 0;
return buffer;
/* Estimate the quality of the passphrase PW and return a value in the
range 0..100. */
static int
estimate_passphrase_quality (const char *pw)
int goodlength = opt.min_passphrase_len + opt.min_passphrase_len/3;
int length;
const char *s;
if (goodlength < 1)
return 0;
for (length = 0, s = pw; *s; s++)
if (!spacep (s))
length ++;
if (length > goodlength)
return 100;
return ((length*10) / goodlength)*10;
/* Handle the QUALITY inquiry. */
static gpg_error_t
inq_quality (void *opaque, const char *line)
assuan_context_t ctx = opaque;
const char *s;
char *pin;
int rc;
int percent;
char numbuf[20];
if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "QUALITY")))
pin = unescape_passphrase_string (s);
if (!pin)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
percent = estimate_passphrase_quality (pin);
if (check_passphrase_constraints (NULL, pin, NULL))
percent = -percent;
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%d", percent);
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, numbuf, strlen (numbuf));
xfree (pin);
log_error ("unsupported inquiry '%s' from pinentry\n", line);
return rc;
/* Helper for agent_askpin and agent_get_passphrase. */
static gpg_error_t
setup_qualitybar (ctrl_t ctrl)
int rc;
char *tmpstr, *tmpstr2;
const char *tooltip;
/* TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label
for the quality bar. */
tmpstr = try_percent_escape (L_("Quality:"), "\t\r\n\f\v");
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETQUALITYBAR %s", tmpstr? tmpstr:"");
xfree (tmpstr);
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (rc == 103 /*(Old assuan error code)*/
|| gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_ASS_UNKNOWN_CMD)
; /* Ignore Unknown Command from old Pinentry versions. */
else if (rc)
return rc;
tmpstr2 = gnupg_get_help_string ("pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip", 0);
if (tmpstr2)
tooltip = tmpstr2;
/* TRANSLATORS: This string is a tooltip, shown by pinentry when
hovering over the quality bar. Please use an appropriate
string to describe what this is about. The length of the
tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not
translate this entry, a default english text (see source)
will be used. */
tooltip = L_("pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip");
if (!strcmp ("pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip", tooltip))
tooltip = ("The quality of the text entered above.\n"
"Please ask your administrator for "
"details about the criteria.");
tmpstr = try_percent_escape (tooltip, "\t\r\n\f\v");
xfree (tmpstr2);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETQUALITYBAR_TT %s", tmpstr? tmpstr:"");
xfree (tmpstr);
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (rc == 103 /*(Old assuan error code)*/
|| gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_ASS_UNKNOWN_CMD)
; /* Ignore Unknown Command from old pinentry versions. */
else if (rc)
return rc;
return 0;
/* Check the button_info line for a close action. Also check for the
static gpg_error_t
pinentry_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
unsigned int *flag = opaque;
const char *args;
if ((args = has_leading_keyword (line, "BUTTON_INFO")))
if (!strcmp (args, "close"))
else if (has_leading_keyword (line, "PIN_REPEATED"))
else if (has_leading_keyword (line, "PASSWORD_FROM_CACHE"))
return 0;
/* Call the Entry and ask for the PIN. We do check for a valid PIN
number here and repeat it as long as we have invalid formed
numbers. KEYINFO and CACHE_MODE are used to tell pinentry something
about the key. */
agent_askpin (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *desc_text, const char *prompt_text,
const char *initial_errtext,
struct pin_entry_info_s *pininfo,
const char *keyinfo, cache_mode_t cache_mode)
gpg_error_t rc;
struct entry_parm_s parm;
const char *errtext = NULL;
int is_pin = 0;
int saveflag;
unsigned int pinentry_status;
if (opt.batch)
return 0; /* fixme: we should return BAD PIN */
if (ctrl->pinentry_mode != PINENTRY_MODE_ASK)
if (ctrl->pinentry_mode == PINENTRY_MODE_CANCEL)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
if (ctrl->pinentry_mode == PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK)
unsigned char *passphrase;
size_t size;
*pininfo->pin = 0; /* Reset the PIN. */
rc = pinentry_loopback(ctrl, "PASSPHRASE", &passphrase, &size,
pininfo->max_length - 1);
if (rc)
return rc;
memcpy(&pininfo->pin, passphrase, size);
pininfo->pin[size] = 0;
if (pininfo->check_cb)
/* More checks by utilizing the optional callback. */
pininfo->cb_errtext = NULL;
rc = pininfo->check_cb (pininfo);
return rc;
return gpg_error(GPG_ERR_NO_PIN_ENTRY);
if (!pininfo || pininfo->max_length < 1)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!desc_text && pininfo->min_digits)
desc_text = L_("Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key "
"can be unlocked for this session");
else if (!desc_text)
desc_text = L_("Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key "
"can be unlocked for this session");
if (prompt_text)
is_pin = !!strstr (prompt_text, "PIN");
is_pin = desc_text && strstr (desc_text, "PIN");
rc = start_pinentry (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
/* If we have a KEYINFO string and are normal, user, or ssh cache
mode, we tell that the Pinentry so it may use it for own caching
purposes. Most pinentries won't have this implemented and thus
we do not error out in this case. */
if (keyinfo && (cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_NORMAL
|| cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_USER
|| cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_SSH))
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETKEYINFO %c/%s",
cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_USER? 'u' :
cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_SSH? 's' : 'n',
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETKEYINFO --clear");
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line,
if (rc && gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_ASS_UNKNOWN_CMD)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETDESC %s", desc_text);
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETPROMPT %s",
prompt_text? prompt_text : is_pin? L_("PIN:") : L_("Passphrase:"));
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
/* If a passphrase quality indicator has been requested and a
minimum passphrase length has not been disabled, send the command
to the pinentry. */
if (pininfo->with_qualitybar && opt.min_passphrase_len )
rc = setup_qualitybar (ctrl);
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
if (initial_errtext)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETERROR %s", initial_errtext);
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line,
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
if (pininfo->with_repeat)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETREPEATERROR %s",
L_("does not match - try again"));
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line,
if (rc)
pininfo->with_repeat = 0; /* Pinentry does not support it. */
pininfo->repeat_okay = 0;
for (;pininfo->failed_tries < pininfo->max_tries; pininfo->failed_tries++)
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
parm.size = pininfo->max_length;
*pininfo->pin = 0; /* Reset the PIN. */
parm.buffer = (unsigned char*)pininfo->pin;
if (errtext)
/* TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in
the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the
two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. */
snprintf (line, DIM(line), L_("SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)"),
errtext, pininfo->failed_tries+1, pininfo->max_tries);
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line,
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
errtext = NULL;
if (pininfo->with_repeat)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETREPEAT %s", L_("Repeat:"));
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line,
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
saveflag = assuan_get_flag (entry_ctx, ASSUAN_CONFIDENTIAL);
assuan_begin_confidential (entry_ctx);
pinentry_status = 0;
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, "GETPIN", getpin_cb, &parm,
inq_quality, entry_ctx,
pinentry_status_cb, &pinentry_status);
assuan_set_flag (entry_ctx, ASSUAN_CONFIDENTIAL, saveflag);
/* Most pinentries out in the wild return the old Assuan error code
for canceled which gets translated to an assuan Cancel error and
not to the code for a user cancel. Fix this here. */
if (rc && gpg_err_source (rc)
&& gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED)
rc = gpg_err_make (gpg_err_source (rc), GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
/* Change error code in case the window close button was clicked
to cancel the operation. */
if ((pinentry_status & PINENTRY_STATUS_CLOSE_BUTTON)
&& gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_CANCELED)
rc = gpg_err_make (gpg_err_source (rc), GPG_ERR_FULLY_CANCELED);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_ASS_TOO_MUCH_DATA)
errtext = is_pin? L_("PIN too long")
: L_("Passphrase too long");
else if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
if (!errtext && pininfo->min_digits)
/* do some basic checks on the entered PIN. */
if (!all_digitsp (pininfo->pin))
errtext = L_("Invalid characters in PIN");
else if (pininfo->max_digits
&& strlen (pininfo->pin) > pininfo->max_digits)
errtext = L_("PIN too long");
else if (strlen (pininfo->pin) < pininfo->min_digits)
errtext = L_("PIN too short");
if (!errtext && pininfo->check_cb)
/* More checks by utilizing the optional callback. */
pininfo->cb_errtext = NULL;
rc = pininfo->check_cb (pininfo);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE
&& pininfo->cb_errtext)
errtext = pininfo->cb_errtext;
else if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE
|| gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN)
errtext = (is_pin? L_("Bad PIN") : L_("Bad Passphrase"));
else if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
if (!errtext)
if (pininfo->with_repeat
&& (pinentry_status & PINENTRY_STATUS_PIN_REPEATED))
pininfo->repeat_okay = 1;
return unlock_pinentry (0); /* okay, got a PIN or passphrase */
/* The password was read from the cache. Don't count this
against the retry count. */
pininfo->failed_tries --;
return unlock_pinentry (gpg_error (pininfo->min_digits? GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN
/* Ask for the passphrase using the supplied arguments. The returned
passphrase needs to be freed by the caller. */
agent_get_passphrase (ctrl_t ctrl,
char **retpass, const char *desc, const char *prompt,
const char *errtext, int with_qualitybar,
const char *keyinfo, cache_mode_t cache_mode)
int rc;
struct entry_parm_s parm;
int saveflag;
unsigned int pinentry_status;
*retpass = NULL;
if (opt.batch)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE);
if (ctrl->pinentry_mode != PINENTRY_MODE_ASK)
if (ctrl->pinentry_mode == PINENTRY_MODE_CANCEL)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
if (ctrl->pinentry_mode == PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK)
size_t size;
size_t len = ASSUAN_LINELENGTH/2;
return pinentry_loopback (ctrl, "PASSPHRASE",
(unsigned char **)retpass, &size, len);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PIN_ENTRY);
rc = start_pinentry (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (!prompt)
prompt = desc && strstr (desc, "PIN")? L_("PIN:"): L_("Passphrase:");
/* If we have a KEYINFO string and are normal, user, or ssh cache
mode, we tell that the Pinentry so it may use it for own caching
purposes. Most pinentries won't have this implemented and thus
we do not error out in this case. */
if (keyinfo && (cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_NORMAL
|| cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_USER
|| cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_SSH))
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETKEYINFO %c/%s",
cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_USER? 'u' :
cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_SSH? 's' : 'n',
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETKEYINFO --clear");
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line,
if (rc && gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_ASS_UNKNOWN_CMD)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
if (desc)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETDESC %s", desc);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "RESET");
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETPROMPT %s", prompt);
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
if (with_qualitybar && opt.min_passphrase_len)
rc = setup_qualitybar (ctrl);
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
if (errtext)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETERROR %s", errtext);
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
parm.size = ASSUAN_LINELENGTH/2 - 5;
parm.buffer = gcry_malloc_secure (parm.size+10);
if (!parm.buffer)
return unlock_pinentry (out_of_core ());
saveflag = assuan_get_flag (entry_ctx, ASSUAN_CONFIDENTIAL);
assuan_begin_confidential (entry_ctx);
pinentry_status = 0;
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, "GETPIN", getpin_cb, &parm,
inq_quality, entry_ctx,
pinentry_status_cb, &pinentry_status);
assuan_set_flag (entry_ctx, ASSUAN_CONFIDENTIAL, saveflag);
/* Most pinentries out in the wild return the old Assuan error code
for canceled which gets translated to an assuan Cancel error and
not to the code for a user cancel. Fix this here. */
if (rc && gpg_err_source (rc) && gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED)
rc = gpg_err_make (gpg_err_source (rc), GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
/* Change error code in case the window close button was clicked
to cancel the operation. */
if ((pinentry_status & PINENTRY_STATUS_CLOSE_BUTTON)
&& gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_CANCELED)
rc = gpg_err_make (gpg_err_source (rc), GPG_ERR_FULLY_CANCELED);
if (rc)
xfree (parm.buffer);
*retpass = parm.buffer;
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
/* Pop up the PIN-entry, display the text and the prompt and ask the
user to confirm this. We return 0 for success, ie. the user
confirmed it, GPG_ERR_NOT_CONFIRMED for what the text says or an
other error. If WITH_CANCEL it true an extra cancel button is
displayed to allow the user to easily return a GPG_ERR_CANCELED.
if the Pinentry does not support this, the user can still cancel by
closing the Pinentry window. */
agent_get_confirmation (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *desc, const char *ok,
const char *notok, int with_cancel)
int rc;
if (ctrl->pinentry_mode != PINENTRY_MODE_ASK)
if (ctrl->pinentry_mode == PINENTRY_MODE_CANCEL)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PIN_ENTRY);
rc = start_pinentry (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (desc)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETDESC %s", desc);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "RESET");
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* Most pinentries out in the wild return the old Assuan error code
for canceled which gets translated to an assuan Cancel error and
not to the code for a user cancel. Fix this here. */
if (rc && gpg_err_source (rc) && gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED)
rc = gpg_err_make (gpg_err_source (rc), GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
if (ok)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETOK %s", ok);
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx,
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
if (notok)
/* Try to use the newer NOTOK feature if a cancel button is
requested. If no cancel button is requested we keep on using
the standard cancel. */
if (with_cancel)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETNOTOK %s", notok);
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx,
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_ASS_UNKNOWN_CMD)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETCANCEL %s", notok);
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line,
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, "CONFIRM",
if (rc && gpg_err_source (rc) && gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED)
rc = gpg_err_make (gpg_err_source (rc), GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
/* Pop up the PINentry, display the text DESC and a button with the
text OK_BTN (which may be NULL to use the default of "OK") and wait
for the user to hit this button. The return value is not
relevant. */
agent_show_message (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc, const char *ok_btn)
int rc;
if (ctrl->pinentry_mode != PINENTRY_MODE_ASK)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
rc = start_pinentry (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (desc)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETDESC %s", desc);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "RESET");
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* Most pinentries out in the wild return the old Assuan error code
for canceled which gets translated to an assuan Cancel error and
not to the code for a user cancel. Fix this here. */
if (rc && gpg_err_source (rc) && gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED)
rc = gpg_err_make (gpg_err_source (rc), GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
if (ok_btn)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETOK %s", ok_btn);
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL,
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, "CONFIRM --one-button", NULL, NULL, NULL,
if (rc && gpg_err_source (rc) && gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED)
rc = gpg_err_make (gpg_err_source (rc), GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
/* The thread running the popup message. */
static void *
popup_message_thread (void *arg)
/* We use the --one-button hack instead of the MESSAGE command to
allow the use of old Pinentries. Those old Pinentries will then
show an additional Cancel button but that is mostly a visual
annoyance. */
assuan_transact (entry_ctx, "CONFIRM --one-button",
popup_finished = 1;
return NULL;
/* Pop up a message window similar to the confirm one but keep it open
until agent_popup_message_stop has been called. It is crucial for
the caller to make sure that the stop function gets called as soon
as the message is not anymore required because the message is
system modal and all other attempts to use the pinentry will fail
(after a timeout). */
agent_popup_message_start (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc, const char *ok_btn)
int rc;
npth_attr_t tattr;
int err;
if (ctrl->pinentry_mode != PINENTRY_MODE_ASK)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
rc = start_pinentry (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (desc)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETDESC %s", desc);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "RESET");
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
if (ok_btn)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETOK %s", ok_btn);
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
if (rc)
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
err = npth_attr_init (&tattr);
if (err)
return unlock_pinentry (gpg_error_from_errno (err));
npth_attr_setdetachstate (&tattr, NPTH_CREATE_JOINABLE);
popup_finished = 0;
err = npth_create (&popup_tid, &tattr, popup_message_thread, NULL);
npth_attr_destroy (&tattr);
if (err)
rc = gpg_error_from_errno (err);
log_error ("error spawning popup message handler: %s\n",
strerror (err) );
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
npth_setname_np (popup_tid, "popup-message");
return 0;
/* Close a popup window. */
agent_popup_message_stop (ctrl_t ctrl)
int rc;
pid_t pid;
if (!popup_tid || !entry_ctx)
log_debug ("agent_popup_message_stop called with no active popup\n");
pid = assuan_get_pid (entry_ctx);
if (pid == (pid_t)(-1))
; /* No pid available can't send a kill. */
else if (popup_finished)
; /* Already finished and ready for joining. */
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* Older versions of assuan set PID to 0 on Windows to indicate an
invalid value. */
else if (pid != (pid_t) INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
&& pid != 0)
HANDLE process = (HANDLE) pid;
/* Arbitrary error code. */
TerminateProcess (process, 1);
else if (pid && ((rc=waitpid (pid, NULL, WNOHANG))==-1 || (rc == pid)) )
{ /* The daemon already died. No need to send a kill. However
because we already waited for the process, we need to tell
assuan that it should not wait again (done by
unlock_pinentry). */
if (rc == pid)
assuan_set_flag (entry_ctx, ASSUAN_NO_WAITPID, 1);
else if (pid > 0)
kill (pid, SIGINT);
/* Now wait for the thread to terminate. */
rc = npth_join (popup_tid, NULL);
if (rc)
log_debug ("agent_popup_message_stop: pth_join failed: %s\n",
strerror (rc));
/* Thread IDs are opaque, but we try our best here by resetting it
to the same content that a static global variable has. */
memset (&popup_tid, '\0', sizeof (popup_tid));
entry_owner = NULL;
/* Now we can close the connection. */
unlock_pinentry (0);
agent_clear_passphrase (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *keyinfo, cache_mode_t cache_mode)
int rc;
if (! (keyinfo && (cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_NORMAL
|| cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_USER
|| cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_SSH)))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
rc = start_pinentry (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "CLEARPASSPHRASE %c/%s",
cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_USER? 'u' :
cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_SSH? 's' : 'n',
rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line,
return unlock_pinentry (rc);
diff --git a/agent/call-scd.c b/agent/call-scd.c
index 0f7d57000..ba59c1825 100644
--- a/agent/call-scd.c
+++ b/agent/call-scd.c
@@ -1,1270 +1,1270 @@
/* call-scd.c - fork of the scdaemon to do SC operations
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2010,
* 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2013 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
# include <signal.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <npth.h>
#include "agent.h"
#include <assuan.h>
#define MAX_OPEN_FDS 20
/* Definition of module local data of the CTRL structure. */
struct scd_local_s
/* We keep a list of all allocated context with a an achnor at
SCD_LOCAL_LIST (see below). */
struct scd_local_s *next_local;
/* We need to get back to the ctrl object actually referencing this
structure. This is really an awkward way of enumerint the lcoal
contects. A much cleaner way would be to keep a global list of
ctrl objects to enumerate them. */
ctrl_t ctrl_backlink;
assuan_context_t ctx; /* NULL or session context for the SCdaemon
used with this connection. */
int locked; /* This flag is used to assert proper use of
start_scd and unlock_scd. */
/* Callback parameter for learn card */
struct learn_parm_s
void (*kpinfo_cb)(void*, const char *);
void *kpinfo_cb_arg;
void (*certinfo_cb)(void*, const char *);
void *certinfo_cb_arg;
void (*sinfo_cb)(void*, const char *, size_t, const char *);
void *sinfo_cb_arg;
struct inq_needpin_s
assuan_context_t ctx;
int (*getpin_cb)(void *, const char *, char*, size_t);
void *getpin_cb_arg;
assuan_context_t passthru; /* If not NULL, pass unknown inquiries
up to the caller. */
int any_inq_seen;
/* To keep track of all active SCD contexts, we keep a linked list
anchored at this variable. */
static struct scd_local_s *scd_local_list;
/* A Mutex used inside the start_scd function. */
static npth_mutex_t start_scd_lock;
/* A malloced string with the name of the socket to be used for
additional connections. May be NULL if not provided by
SCdaemon. */
static char *socket_name;
/* The context of the primary connection. This is also used as a flag
to indicate whether the scdaemon has been started. */
static assuan_context_t primary_scd_ctx;
/* To allow reuse of the primary connection, the following flag is set
to true if the primary context has been reset and is not in use by
any connection. */
static int primary_scd_ctx_reusable;
/* Local prototypes. */
/* This function must be called once to initialize this module. This
has to be done before a second thread is spawned. We can't do the
static initialization because NPth emulation code might not be able
to do a static init; in particular, it is not possible for W32. */
initialize_module_call_scd (void)
static int initialized;
int err;
if (!initialized)
err = npth_mutex_init (&start_scd_lock, NULL);
if (err)
log_fatal ("error initializing mutex: %s\n", strerror (err));
initialized = 1;
/* This function may be called to print infromation pertaining to the
current state of this module to the log. */
agent_scd_dump_state (void)
log_info ("agent_scd_dump_state: primary_scd_ctx=%p pid=%ld reusable=%d\n",
(long)assuan_get_pid (primary_scd_ctx),
if (socket_name)
log_info ("agent_scd_dump_state: socket='%s'\n", socket_name);
/* The unlock_scd function shall be called after having accessed the
SCD. It is currently not very useful but gives an opportunity to
keep track of connections currently calling SCD. Note that the
"lock" operation is done by the start_scd() function which must be
called and error checked before any SCD operation. CTRL is the
usual connection context and RC the error code to be passed trhough
the function. */
static int
unlock_scd (ctrl_t ctrl, int rc)
if (ctrl->scd_local->locked != 1)
log_error ("unlock_scd: invalid lock count (%d)\n",
if (!rc)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
ctrl->scd_local->locked = 0;
return rc;
/* To make sure we leave no secrets in our image after forking of the
scdaemon, we use this callback. */
static void
atfork_cb (void *opaque, int where)
if (!where)
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_TERM_SECMEM);
/* Fork off the SCdaemon if this has not already been done. Lock the
daemon and make sure that a proper context has been setup in CTRL.
This function might also lock the daemon, which means that the
caller must call unlock_scd after this function has returned
success and the actual Assuan transaction been done. */
static int
start_scd (ctrl_t ctrl)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
const char *pgmname;
assuan_context_t ctx = NULL;
const char *argv[5];
assuan_fd_t no_close_list[3];
int i;
int rc;
char *abs_homedir = NULL;
if (opt.disable_scdaemon)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
/* If this is the first call for this session, setup the local data
structure. */
if (!ctrl->scd_local)
ctrl->scd_local = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl->scd_local);
if (!ctrl->scd_local)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
ctrl->scd_local->ctrl_backlink = ctrl;
ctrl->scd_local->next_local = scd_local_list;
scd_local_list = ctrl->scd_local;
/* Assert that the lock count is as expected. */
if (ctrl->scd_local->locked)
log_error ("start_scd: invalid lock count (%d)\n",
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
if (ctrl->scd_local->ctx)
return 0; /* Okay, the context is fine. We used to test for an
alive context here and do an disconnect. Now that we
have a ticker function to check for it, it is easier
not to check here but to let the connection run on an
error instead. */
/* We need to protect the following code. */
rc = npth_mutex_lock (&start_scd_lock);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to acquire the start_scd lock: %s\n",
strerror (rc));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
/* Check whether the pipe server has already been started and in
this case either reuse a lingering pipe connection or establish a
new socket based one. */
if (primary_scd_ctx && primary_scd_ctx_reusable)
ctx = primary_scd_ctx;
primary_scd_ctx_reusable = 0;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("new connection to SCdaemon established (reusing)\n");
goto leave;
rc = assuan_new (&ctx);
if (rc)
log_error ("can't allocate assuan context: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
err = rc;
goto leave;
if (socket_name)
rc = assuan_socket_connect (ctx, socket_name, 0, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("can't connect to socket '%s': %s\n",
socket_name, gpg_strerror (rc));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SCDAEMON);
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("new connection to SCdaemon established\n");
goto leave;
if (primary_scd_ctx)
log_info ("SCdaemon is running but won't accept further connections\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SCDAEMON);
goto leave;
/* Nope, it has not been started. Fire it up now. */
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("no running SCdaemon - starting it\n");
if (fflush (NULL))
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error flushing pending output: %s\n", strerror (errno));
/* At least Windows XP fails here with EBADF. According to docs
and Wine an fflush(NULL) is the same as _flushall. However
the Wime implementaion does not flush stdin,stdout and stderr
- see above. Lets try to ignore the error. */
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
goto leave;
if (!opt.scdaemon_program || !*opt.scdaemon_program)
opt.scdaemon_program = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_SCDAEMON);
if ( !(pgmname = strrchr (opt.scdaemon_program, '/')))
pgmname = opt.scdaemon_program;
argv[0] = pgmname;
argv[1] = "--multi-server";
if (gnupg_default_homedir_p ())
argv[2] = NULL;
abs_homedir = make_absfilename_try (gnupg_homedir (), NULL);
if (!abs_homedir)
log_error ("error building filename: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
goto leave;
argv[2] = "--homedir";
argv[3] = abs_homedir;
argv[4] = NULL;
if (!opt.running_detached)
if (log_get_fd () != -1)
no_close_list[i++] = assuan_fd_from_posix_fd (log_get_fd ());
no_close_list[i++] = assuan_fd_from_posix_fd (fileno (stderr));
no_close_list[i] = ASSUAN_INVALID_FD;
/* Connect to the scdaemon and perform initial handshaking. Use
detached flag so that under Windows SCDAEMON does not show up a
new window. */
rc = assuan_pipe_connect (ctx, opt.scdaemon_program, argv,
no_close_list, atfork_cb, NULL,
if (rc)
log_error ("can't connect to the SCdaemon: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SCDAEMON);
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose)
log_debug ("first connection to SCdaemon established\n");
/* Get the name of the additional socket opened by scdaemon. */
membuf_t data;
unsigned char *databuf;
size_t datalen;
xfree (socket_name);
socket_name = NULL;
init_membuf (&data, 256);
assuan_transact (ctx, "GETINFO socket_name",
put_membuf_cb, &data, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
databuf = get_membuf (&data, &datalen);
if (databuf && datalen)
socket_name = xtrymalloc (datalen + 1);
if (!socket_name)
log_error ("warning: can't store socket name: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
memcpy (socket_name, databuf, datalen);
socket_name[datalen] = 0;
if (DBG_IPC)
log_debug ("additional connections at '%s'\n", socket_name);
xfree (databuf);
/* Tell the scdaemon we want him to send us an event signal. We
don't support this for W32CE. */
if (opt.sigusr2_enabled)
char buf[100];
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "OPTION event-signal=%lx",
(unsigned long)get_agent_scd_notify_event ());
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "OPTION event-signal=%d", SIGUSR2);
assuan_transact (ctx, buf, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
#endif /*HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM*/
primary_scd_ctx = ctx;
primary_scd_ctx_reusable = 0;
xfree (abs_homedir);
if (err)
unlock_scd (ctrl, err);
if (ctx)
assuan_release (ctx);
ctrl->scd_local->ctx = ctx;
rc = npth_mutex_unlock (&start_scd_lock);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to release the start_scd lock: %s\n", strerror (rc));
return err;
/* Check whether the SCdaemon is active. This is a fast check without
any locking and might give a wrong result if another thread is about
to start the daemon or the daemon is about to be stopped.. */
agent_scd_check_running (void)
return !!primary_scd_ctx;
/* Check whether the Scdaemon is still alive and clean it up if not. */
agent_scd_check_aliveness (void)
pid_t pid;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
int rc;
struct timespec abstime;
int err;
if (!primary_scd_ctx)
return; /* No scdaemon running. */
/* This is not a critical function so we use a short timeout while
acquiring the lock. */
npth_clock_gettime (&abstime);
abstime.tv_sec += 1;
err = npth_mutex_timedlock (&start_scd_lock, &abstime);
if (err)
if (err == ETIMEDOUT)
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info ("failed to acquire the start_scd lock while"
" doing an aliveness check: %s\n", strerror (err));
log_error ("failed to acquire the start_scd lock while"
" doing an aliveness check: %s\n", strerror (err));
if (primary_scd_ctx)
pid = assuan_get_pid (primary_scd_ctx);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* If we have a PID we disconnect if either GetExitProcessCode
fails or if ir returns the exit code of the scdaemon. 259 is
the error code for STILL_ALIVE. */
if (pid != (pid_t)(void*)(-1) && pid
&& (!GetExitCodeProcess ((HANDLE)pid, &rc) || rc != 259))
if (pid != (pid_t)(-1) && pid
&& ((rc=waitpid (pid, NULL, WNOHANG))==-1 || (rc == pid)) )
/* Okay, scdaemon died. Disconnect the primary connection
now but take care that it won't do another wait. Also
cleanup all other connections and release their
resources. The next use will start a new daemon then.
Due to the use of the START_SCD_LOCAL we are sure that
none of these context are actually in use. */
struct scd_local_s *sl;
assuan_set_flag (primary_scd_ctx, ASSUAN_NO_WAITPID, 1);
assuan_release (primary_scd_ctx);
for (sl=scd_local_list; sl; sl = sl->next_local)
if (sl->ctx)
if (sl->ctx != primary_scd_ctx)
assuan_release (sl->ctx);
sl->ctx = NULL;
primary_scd_ctx = NULL;
primary_scd_ctx_reusable = 0;
xfree (socket_name);
socket_name = NULL;
err = npth_mutex_unlock (&start_scd_lock);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to release the start_scd lock while"
" doing the aliveness check: %s\n", strerror (err));
/* Reset the SCD if it has been used. Actually it is not a reset but
a cleanup of resources used by the current connection. */
agent_reset_scd (ctrl_t ctrl)
if (ctrl->scd_local)
if (ctrl->scd_local->ctx)
/* We can't disconnect the primary context because libassuan
does a waitpid on it and thus the system would hang.
Instead we send a reset and keep that connection for
reuse. */
if (ctrl->scd_local->ctx == primary_scd_ctx)
/* Send a RESTART to the SCD. This is required for the
primary connection as a kind of virtual EOF; we don't
have another way to tell it that the next command
should be viewed as if a new connection has been
made. For the non-primary connections this is not
needed as we simply close the socket. We don't check
for an error here because the RESTART may fail for
example if the scdaemon has already been terminated.
Anyway, we need to set the reusable flag to make sure
that the aliveness check can clean it up. */
assuan_transact (primary_scd_ctx, "RESTART",
primary_scd_ctx_reusable = 1;
assuan_release (ctrl->scd_local->ctx);
ctrl->scd_local->ctx = NULL;
/* Remove the local context from our list and release it. */
if (!scd_local_list)
BUG ();
else if (scd_local_list == ctrl->scd_local)
scd_local_list = ctrl->scd_local->next_local;
struct scd_local_s *sl;
for (sl=scd_local_list; sl->next_local; sl = sl->next_local)
if (sl->next_local == ctrl->scd_local)
if (!sl->next_local)
BUG ();
sl->next_local = ctrl->scd_local->next_local;
xfree (ctrl->scd_local);
ctrl->scd_local = NULL;
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
learn_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct learn_parm_s *parm = opaque;
const char *keyword = line;
int keywordlen;
for (keywordlen=0; *line && !spacep (line); line++, keywordlen++)
while (spacep (line))
if (keywordlen == 8 && !memcmp (keyword, "CERTINFO", keywordlen))
parm->certinfo_cb (parm->certinfo_cb_arg, line);
else if (keywordlen == 11 && !memcmp (keyword, "KEYPAIRINFO", keywordlen))
parm->kpinfo_cb (parm->kpinfo_cb_arg, line);
else if (keywordlen && *line)
parm->sinfo_cb (parm->sinfo_cb_arg, keyword, keywordlen, line);
return 0;
/* Perform the LEARN command and return a list of all private keys
stored on the card. */
agent_card_learn (ctrl_t ctrl,
void (*kpinfo_cb)(void*, const char *),
void *kpinfo_cb_arg,
void (*certinfo_cb)(void*, const char *),
void *certinfo_cb_arg,
void (*sinfo_cb)(void*, const char *, size_t, const char *),
void *sinfo_cb_arg)
int rc;
struct learn_parm_s parm;
rc = start_scd (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
parm.kpinfo_cb = kpinfo_cb;
parm.kpinfo_cb_arg = kpinfo_cb_arg;
parm.certinfo_cb = certinfo_cb;
parm.certinfo_cb_arg = certinfo_cb_arg;
parm.sinfo_cb = sinfo_cb;
parm.sinfo_cb_arg = sinfo_cb_arg;
rc = assuan_transact (ctrl->scd_local->ctx, "LEARN --force",
learn_status_cb, &parm);
if (rc)
return unlock_scd (ctrl, rc);
return unlock_scd (ctrl, 0);
static gpg_error_t
get_serialno_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
char **serialno = opaque;
const char *keyword = line;
const char *s;
int keywordlen, n;
for (keywordlen=0; *line && !spacep (line); line++, keywordlen++)
while (spacep (line))
if (keywordlen == 8 && !memcmp (keyword, "SERIALNO", keywordlen))
if (*serialno)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFLICT); /* Unexpected status line. */
for (n=0,s=line; hexdigitp (s); s++, n++)
if (!n || (n&1)|| !(spacep (s) || !*s) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER);
*serialno = xtrymalloc (n+1);
if (!*serialno)
return out_of_core ();
memcpy (*serialno, line, n);
(*serialno)[n] = 0;
return 0;
/* Return the serial number of the card or an appropriate error. The
serial number is returned as a hexstring. */
agent_card_serialno (ctrl_t ctrl, char **r_serialno)
int rc;
char *serialno = NULL;
rc = start_scd (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = assuan_transact (ctrl->scd_local->ctx, "SERIALNO",
get_serialno_cb, &serialno);
if (rc)
xfree (serialno);
return unlock_scd (ctrl, rc);
*r_serialno = serialno;
return unlock_scd (ctrl, 0);
/* Handle the NEEDPIN inquiry. */
static gpg_error_t
inq_needpin (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct inq_needpin_s *parm = opaque;
const char *s;
char *pin;
size_t pinlen;
int rc;
parm->any_inq_seen = 1;
if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "NEEDPIN")))
line = s;
pinlen = 90;
pin = gcry_malloc_secure (pinlen);
if (!pin)
return out_of_core ();
rc = parm->getpin_cb (parm->getpin_cb_arg, line, pin, pinlen);
if (!rc)
rc = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, pin, pinlen);
xfree (pin);
else if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "POPUPPINPADPROMPT")))
rc = parm->getpin_cb (parm->getpin_cb_arg, s, NULL, 1);
else if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "DISMISSPINPADPROMPT")))
rc = parm->getpin_cb (parm->getpin_cb_arg, "", NULL, 0);
else if (parm->passthru)
unsigned char *value;
size_t valuelen;
int rest;
int needrest = !strncmp (line, "KEYDATA", 8);
/* Pass the inquiry up to our caller. We limit the maximum
amount to an arbitrary value. As we know that the KEYDATA
enquiry is pretty sensitive we disable logging then */
if ((rest = (needrest
&& !assuan_get_flag (parm->passthru, ASSUAN_CONFIDENTIAL))))
assuan_begin_confidential (parm->passthru);
rc = assuan_inquire (parm->passthru, line, &value, &valuelen, 8096);
if (rest)
assuan_end_confidential (parm->passthru);
if (!rc)
if ((rest = (needrest
&& !assuan_get_flag (parm->ctx, ASSUAN_CONFIDENTIAL))))
assuan_begin_confidential (parm->ctx);
rc = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, value, valuelen);
if (rest)
assuan_end_confidential (parm->ctx);
xfree (value);
log_error ("error forwarding inquiry '%s': %s\n",
line, gpg_strerror (rc));
log_error ("unsupported inquiry '%s'\n", line);
return rc;
/* Helper returning a command option to describe the used hash
algorithm. See scd/command.c:cmd_pksign. */
static const char *
hash_algo_option (int algo)
switch (algo)
case GCRY_MD_MD5 : return "--hash=md5";
case GCRY_MD_RMD160: return "--hash=rmd160";
case GCRY_MD_SHA1 : return "--hash=sha1";
case GCRY_MD_SHA224: return "--hash=sha224";
case GCRY_MD_SHA256: return "--hash=sha256";
case GCRY_MD_SHA384: return "--hash=sha384";
case GCRY_MD_SHA512: return "--hash=sha512";
default: return "";
static gpg_error_t
cancel_inquire (ctrl_t ctrl, gpg_error_t rc)
gpg_error_t oldrc = rc;
/* The inquire callback was called and transact returned a
cancel error. We assume that the inquired process sent a
CANCEL. The passthrough code is not able to pass on the
CANCEL and thus scdaemon would stuck on this. As a
workaround we send a CANCEL now. */
rc = assuan_write_line (ctrl->scd_local->ctx, "CAN");
if (!rc) {
char *line;
size_t len;
rc = assuan_read_line (ctrl->scd_local->ctx, &line, &len);
if (!rc)
rc = oldrc;
return rc;
/* Create a signature using the current card. MDALGO is either 0 or
gives the digest algorithm. */
agent_card_pksign (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *keyid,
int (*getpin_cb)(void *, const char *, char*, size_t),
void *getpin_cb_arg,
int mdalgo,
const unsigned char *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **r_buf, size_t *r_buflen)
int rc;
membuf_t data;
struct inq_needpin_s inqparm;
*r_buf = NULL;
rc = start_scd (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (indatalen*2 + 50 > DIM(line))
return unlock_scd (ctrl, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL));
bin2hex (indata, indatalen, stpcpy (line, "SETDATA "));
rc = assuan_transact (ctrl->scd_local->ctx, line,
if (rc)
return unlock_scd (ctrl, rc);
init_membuf (&data, 1024);
inqparm.ctx = ctrl->scd_local->ctx;
inqparm.getpin_cb = getpin_cb;
inqparm.getpin_cb_arg = getpin_cb_arg;
inqparm.passthru = 0;
inqparm.any_inq_seen = 0;
if (ctrl->use_auth_call)
snprintf (line, sizeof line, "PKAUTH %s", keyid);
snprintf (line, sizeof line, "PKSIGN %s %s",
hash_algo_option (mdalgo), keyid);
rc = assuan_transact (ctrl->scd_local->ctx, line,
put_membuf_cb, &data,
inq_needpin, &inqparm,
if (inqparm.any_inq_seen && (gpg_err_code(rc) == GPG_ERR_CANCELED ||
gpg_err_code(rc) == GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED))
rc = cancel_inquire (ctrl, rc);
if (rc)
size_t len;
xfree (get_membuf (&data, &len));
return unlock_scd (ctrl, rc);
*r_buf = get_membuf (&data, r_buflen);
return unlock_scd (ctrl, 0);
/* Check whether there is any padding info from scdaemon. */
static gpg_error_t
padding_info_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
int *r_padding = opaque;
const char *s;
if ((s=has_leading_keyword (line, "PADDING")))
*r_padding = atoi (s);
return 0;
/* Decipher INDATA using the current card. Note that the returned
value is not an s-expression but the raw data as returned by
scdaemon. The padding information is stored at R_PADDING with -1
for not known. */
agent_card_pkdecrypt (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *keyid,
int (*getpin_cb)(void *, const char *, char*, size_t),
void *getpin_cb_arg,
const unsigned char *indata, size_t indatalen,
char **r_buf, size_t *r_buflen, int *r_padding)
int rc, i;
char *p, line[ASSUAN_LINELENGTH];
membuf_t data;
struct inq_needpin_s inqparm;
size_t len;
*r_buf = NULL;
*r_padding = -1; /* Unknown. */
rc = start_scd (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
/* FIXME: use secure memory where appropriate */
for (len = 0; len < indatalen;)
p = stpcpy (line, "SETDATA ");
if (len)
p = stpcpy (p, "--append ");
for (i=0; len < indatalen && (i*2 < DIM(line)-50); i++, len++)
sprintf (p, "%02X", indata[len]);
p += 2;
rc = assuan_transact (ctrl->scd_local->ctx, line,
if (rc)
return unlock_scd (ctrl, rc);
init_membuf (&data, 1024);
inqparm.ctx = ctrl->scd_local->ctx;
inqparm.getpin_cb = getpin_cb;
inqparm.getpin_cb_arg = getpin_cb_arg;
inqparm.passthru = 0;
inqparm.any_inq_seen = 0;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "PKDECRYPT %s", keyid);
rc = assuan_transact (ctrl->scd_local->ctx, line,
put_membuf_cb, &data,
inq_needpin, &inqparm,
padding_info_cb, r_padding);
if (inqparm.any_inq_seen && (gpg_err_code(rc) == GPG_ERR_CANCELED ||
gpg_err_code(rc) == GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED))
rc = cancel_inquire (ctrl, rc);
if (rc)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, &len));
return unlock_scd (ctrl, rc);
*r_buf = get_membuf (&data, r_buflen);
if (!*r_buf)
return unlock_scd (ctrl, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM));
return unlock_scd (ctrl, 0);
/* Read a certificate with ID into R_BUF and R_BUFLEN. */
agent_card_readcert (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *id, char **r_buf, size_t *r_buflen)
int rc;
membuf_t data;
size_t len;
*r_buf = NULL;
rc = start_scd (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
init_membuf (&data, 1024);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "READCERT %s", id);
rc = assuan_transact (ctrl->scd_local->ctx, line,
put_membuf_cb, &data,
if (rc)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, &len));
return unlock_scd (ctrl, rc);
*r_buf = get_membuf (&data, r_buflen);
if (!*r_buf)
return unlock_scd (ctrl, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM));
return unlock_scd (ctrl, 0);
/* Read a key with ID and return it in an allocate buffer pointed to
by r_BUF as a valid S-expression. */
agent_card_readkey (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *id, unsigned char **r_buf)
int rc;
membuf_t data;
size_t len, buflen;
*r_buf = NULL;
rc = start_scd (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
init_membuf (&data, 1024);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "READKEY %s", id);
rc = assuan_transact (ctrl->scd_local->ctx, line,
put_membuf_cb, &data,
if (rc)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, &len));
return unlock_scd (ctrl, rc);
*r_buf = get_membuf (&data, &buflen);
if (!*r_buf)
return unlock_scd (ctrl, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM));
if (!gcry_sexp_canon_len (*r_buf, buflen, NULL, NULL))
xfree (*r_buf); *r_buf = NULL;
return unlock_scd (ctrl, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE));
return unlock_scd (ctrl, 0);
struct writekey_parm_s
assuan_context_t ctx;
int (*getpin_cb)(void *, const char *, char*, size_t);
void *getpin_cb_arg;
assuan_context_t passthru;
int any_inq_seen;
const unsigned char *keydata;
size_t keydatalen;
/* Handle a KEYDATA inquiry. Note, we only send the data,
assuan_transact takes care of flushing and writing the end */
static gpg_error_t
inq_writekey_parms (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct writekey_parm_s *parm = opaque;
if (has_leading_keyword (line, "KEYDATA"))
return assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, parm->keydata, parm->keydatalen);
return inq_needpin (opaque, line);
agent_card_writekey (ctrl_t ctrl, int force, const char *serialno,
const char *id, const char *keydata, size_t keydatalen,
int (*getpin_cb)(void *, const char *, char*, size_t),
void *getpin_cb_arg)
int rc;
struct writekey_parm_s parms;
rc = start_scd (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "WRITEKEY %s%s", force ? "--force " : "", id);
parms.ctx = ctrl->scd_local->ctx;
parms.getpin_cb = getpin_cb;
parms.getpin_cb_arg = getpin_cb_arg;
parms.passthru = 0;
parms.any_inq_seen = 0;
parms.keydata = keydata;
parms.keydatalen = keydatalen;
rc = assuan_transact (ctrl->scd_local->ctx, line, NULL, NULL,
inq_writekey_parms, &parms, NULL, NULL);
if (parms.any_inq_seen && (gpg_err_code(rc) == GPG_ERR_CANCELED ||
gpg_err_code(rc) == GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED))
rc = cancel_inquire (ctrl, rc);
return unlock_scd (ctrl, rc);
/* Type used with the card_getattr_cb. */
struct card_getattr_parm_s {
const char *keyword; /* Keyword to look for. */
size_t keywordlen; /* strlen of KEYWORD. */
char *data; /* Malloced and unescaped data. */
int error; /* ERRNO value or 0 on success. */
/* Callback function for agent_card_getattr. */
static gpg_error_t
card_getattr_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct card_getattr_parm_s *parm = opaque;
const char *keyword = line;
int keywordlen;
if (parm->data)
return 0; /* We want only the first occurrence. */
for (keywordlen=0; *line && !spacep (line); line++, keywordlen++)
while (spacep (line))
if (keywordlen == parm->keywordlen
&& !memcmp (keyword, parm->keyword, keywordlen))
parm->data = percent_plus_unescape ((const unsigned char*)line, 0xff);
if (!parm->data)
parm->error = errno;
return 0;
/* Call the agent to retrieve a single line data object. On success
the object is malloced and stored at RESULT; it is guaranteed that
NULL is never stored in this case. On error an error code is
returned and NULL stored at RESULT. */
agent_card_getattr (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, char **result)
int err;
struct card_getattr_parm_s parm;
*result = NULL;
if (!*name)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
parm.keyword = name;
parm.keywordlen = strlen (name);
/* We assume that NAME does not need escaping. */
if (8 + strlen (name) > DIM(line)-1)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
stpcpy (stpcpy (line, "GETATTR "), name);
err = start_scd (ctrl);
if (err)
return err;
err = assuan_transact (ctrl->scd_local->ctx, line,
card_getattr_cb, &parm);
if (!err && parm.error)
err = gpg_error_from_errno (parm.error);
if (!err && !
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
if (!err)
*result =;
xfree (;
return unlock_scd (ctrl, err);
static gpg_error_t
pass_status_thru (void *opaque, const char *line)
assuan_context_t ctx = opaque;
char keyword[200];
int i;
if (line[0] == '#' && (!line[1] || spacep (line+1)))
/* We are called in convey comments mode. Now, if we see a
comment marker as keyword we forward the line verbatim to the
the caller. This way the comment lines from scdaemon won't
appear as status lines with keyword '#'. */
assuan_write_line (ctx, line);
for (i=0; *line && !spacep (line) && i < DIM(keyword)-1; line++, i++)
keyword[i] = *line;
keyword[i] = 0;
/* Truncate any remaining keyword stuff. */
for (; *line && !spacep (line); line++)
while (spacep (line))
assuan_write_status (ctx, keyword, line);
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
pass_data_thru (void *opaque, const void *buffer, size_t length)
assuan_context_t ctx = opaque;
assuan_send_data (ctx, buffer, length);
return 0;
/* Send the line CMDLINE with command for the SCDdaemon to it and send
all status messages back. This command is used as a general quoting
mechanism to pass everything verbatim to SCDAEMON. The PIN
inquiry is handled inside gpg-agent. */
agent_card_scd (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *cmdline,
int (*getpin_cb)(void *, const char *, char*, size_t),
void *getpin_cb_arg, void *assuan_context)
int rc;
struct inq_needpin_s inqparm;
int saveflag;
rc = start_scd (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
inqparm.ctx = ctrl->scd_local->ctx;
inqparm.getpin_cb = getpin_cb;
inqparm.getpin_cb_arg = getpin_cb_arg;
inqparm.passthru = assuan_context;
inqparm.any_inq_seen = 0;
saveflag = assuan_get_flag (ctrl->scd_local->ctx, ASSUAN_CONVEY_COMMENTS);
assuan_set_flag (ctrl->scd_local->ctx, ASSUAN_CONVEY_COMMENTS, 1);
rc = assuan_transact (ctrl->scd_local->ctx, cmdline,
pass_data_thru, assuan_context,
inq_needpin, &inqparm,
pass_status_thru, assuan_context);
if (inqparm.any_inq_seen && gpg_err_code(rc) == GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED)
rc = cancel_inquire (ctrl, rc);
assuan_set_flag (ctrl->scd_local->ctx, ASSUAN_CONVEY_COMMENTS, saveflag);
if (rc)
return unlock_scd (ctrl, rc);
return unlock_scd (ctrl, 0);
diff --git a/agent/command-ssh.c b/agent/command-ssh.c
index 969d89846..95cef41d5 100644
--- a/agent/command-ssh.c
+++ b/agent/command-ssh.c
@@ -1,3692 +1,3692 @@
/* command-ssh.c - gpg-agent's ssh-agent emulation layer
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006, 2009, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006, 2009, 2012-2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* Only v2 of the ssh-agent protocol is implemented. Relevant RFCs
RFC-4250 - Protocol Assigned Numbers
RFC-4251 - Protocol Architecture
RFC-4252 - Authentication Protocol
RFC-4253 - Transport Layer Protocol
RFC-5656 - ECC support
The protocol for the agent is defined in OpenSSH's PROTOCL.agent
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "agent.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "ssh-utils.h"
/* Request types. */
/* Options. */
/* Response types. */
/* Other constants. */
#define SPEC_FLAG_USE_PKCS1V2 (1 << 0)
#define SPEC_FLAG_IS_ECDSA (1 << 1)
#define SPEC_FLAG_IS_EdDSA (1 << 2) /*(lowercase 'd' on purpose.)*/
#define SPEC_FLAG_WITH_CERT (1 << 7)
/* The name of the control file. */
#define SSH_CONTROL_FILE_NAME "sshcontrol"
/* The blurb we put into the header of a newly created control file. */
static const char sshcontrolblurb[] =
"# List of allowed ssh keys. Only keys present in this file are used\n"
"# in the SSH protocol. The ssh-add tool may add new entries to this\n"
"# file to enable them; you may also add them manually. Comment\n"
"# lines, like this one, as well as empty lines are ignored. Lines do\n"
"# have a certain length limit but this is not serious limitation as\n"
"# the format of the entries is fixed and checked by gpg-agent. A\n"
"# non-comment line starts with optional white spaces, followed by the\n"
"# keygrip of the key given as 40 hex digits, optionally followed by a\n"
"# caching TTL in seconds, and another optional field for arbitrary\n"
"# flags. Prepend the keygrip with an '!' mark to disable it.\n"
/* Macros. */
/* Return a new uint32 with b0 being the most significant byte and b3
being the least significant byte. */
#define uint32_construct(b0, b1, b2, b3) \
((b0 << 24) | (b1 << 16) | (b2 << 8) | b3)
* Basic types.
/* Type for a request handler. */
typedef gpg_error_t (*ssh_request_handler_t) (ctrl_t ctrl,
estream_t request,
estream_t response);
struct ssh_key_type_spec;
typedef struct ssh_key_type_spec ssh_key_type_spec_t;
/* Type, which is used for associating request handlers with the
appropriate request IDs. */
typedef struct ssh_request_spec
unsigned char type;
ssh_request_handler_t handler;
const char *identifier;
unsigned int secret_input;
} ssh_request_spec_t;
/* Type for "key modifier functions", which are necessary since
OpenSSH and GnuPG treat key material slightly different. A key
modifier is called right after a new key identity has been received
in order to "sanitize" the material. */
typedef gpg_error_t (*ssh_key_modifier_t) (const char *elems,
gcry_mpi_t *mpis);
/* The encoding of a generated signature is dependent on the
algorithm; therefore algorithm specific signature encoding
functions are necessary. */
typedef gpg_error_t (*ssh_signature_encoder_t) (ssh_key_type_spec_t *spec,
estream_t signature_blob,
gcry_sexp_t sig);
/* Type, which is used for boundling all the algorithm specific
information together in a single object. */
struct ssh_key_type_spec
/* Algorithm identifier as used by OpenSSH. */
const char *ssh_identifier;
/* Human readable name of the algorithm. */
const char *name;
/* Algorithm identifier as used by GnuPG. */
int algo;
/* List of MPI names for secret keys; order matches the one of the
agent protocol. */
const char *elems_key_secret;
/* List of MPI names for public keys; order matches the one of the
agent protocol. */
const char *elems_key_public;
/* List of MPI names for signature data. */
const char *elems_signature;
/* List of MPI names for secret keys; order matches the one, which
is required by gpg-agent's key access layer. */
const char *elems_sexp_order;
/* Key modifier function. Key modifier functions are necessary in
order to fix any inconsistencies between the representation of
keys on the SSH and on the GnuPG side. */
ssh_key_modifier_t key_modifier;
/* Signature encoder function. Signature encoder functions are
necessary since the encoding of signatures depends on the used
algorithm. */
ssh_signature_encoder_t signature_encoder;
/* The name of the ECC curve or NULL. */
const char *curve_name;
/* The hash algorithm to be used with this key. 0 for using the
default. */
int hash_algo;
/* Misc flags. */
unsigned int flags;
/* Definition of an object to access the sshcontrol file. */
struct ssh_control_file_s
char *fname; /* Name of the file. */
FILE *fp; /* This is never NULL. */
int lnr; /* The current line number. */
struct {
int valid; /* True if the data of this structure is valid. */
int disabled; /* The item is disabled. */
int ttl; /* The TTL of the item. */
int confirm; /* The confirm flag is set. */
char hexgrip[40+1]; /* The hexgrip of the item (uppercase). */
} item;
/* Prototypes. */
static gpg_error_t ssh_handler_request_identities (ctrl_t ctrl,
estream_t request,
estream_t response);
static gpg_error_t ssh_handler_sign_request (ctrl_t ctrl,
estream_t request,
estream_t response);
static gpg_error_t ssh_handler_add_identity (ctrl_t ctrl,
estream_t request,
estream_t response);
static gpg_error_t ssh_handler_remove_identity (ctrl_t ctrl,
estream_t request,
estream_t response);
static gpg_error_t ssh_handler_remove_all_identities (ctrl_t ctrl,
estream_t request,
estream_t response);
static gpg_error_t ssh_handler_lock (ctrl_t ctrl,
estream_t request,
estream_t response);
static gpg_error_t ssh_handler_unlock (ctrl_t ctrl,
estream_t request,
estream_t response);
static gpg_error_t ssh_key_modifier_rsa (const char *elems, gcry_mpi_t *mpis);
static gpg_error_t ssh_signature_encoder_rsa (ssh_key_type_spec_t *spec,
estream_t signature_blob,
gcry_sexp_t signature);
static gpg_error_t ssh_signature_encoder_dsa (ssh_key_type_spec_t *spec,
estream_t signature_blob,
gcry_sexp_t signature);
static gpg_error_t ssh_signature_encoder_ecdsa (ssh_key_type_spec_t *spec,
estream_t signature_blob,
gcry_sexp_t signature);
static gpg_error_t ssh_signature_encoder_eddsa (ssh_key_type_spec_t *spec,
estream_t signature_blob,
gcry_sexp_t signature);
static gpg_error_t ssh_key_extract_comment (gcry_sexp_t key, char **comment);
/* Global variables. */
/* Associating request types with the corresponding request
handlers. */
static ssh_request_spec_t request_specs[] =
#define REQUEST_SPEC_DEFINE(id, name, secret_input) \
{ SSH_REQUEST_##id, ssh_handler_##name, #name, secret_input }
/* Table holding key type specifications. */
static ssh_key_type_spec_t ssh_key_types[] =
"ssh-ed25519", "Ed25519", GCRY_PK_EDDSA, "qd", "q", "rs", "qd",
NULL, ssh_signature_encoder_eddsa,
"Ed25519", 0, SPEC_FLAG_IS_EdDSA
"ssh-rsa", "RSA", GCRY_PK_RSA, "nedupq", "en", "s", "nedpqu",
ssh_key_modifier_rsa, ssh_signature_encoder_rsa,
"ssh-dss", "DSA", GCRY_PK_DSA, "pqgyx", "pqgy", "rs", "pqgyx",
NULL, ssh_signature_encoder_dsa,
NULL, 0, 0
"ecdsa-sha2-nistp256", "ECDSA", GCRY_PK_ECC, "qd", "q", "rs", "qd",
NULL, ssh_signature_encoder_ecdsa,
"ecdsa-sha2-nistp384", "ECDSA", GCRY_PK_ECC, "qd", "q", "rs", "qd",
NULL, ssh_signature_encoder_ecdsa,
"ecdsa-sha2-nistp521", "ECDSA", GCRY_PK_ECC, "qd", "q", "rs", "qd",
NULL, ssh_signature_encoder_ecdsa,
"", "Ed25519",
GCRY_PK_EDDSA, "qd", "q", "rs", "qd",
NULL, ssh_signature_encoder_eddsa,
"", "RSA",
GCRY_PK_RSA, "nedupq", "en", "s", "nedpqu",
ssh_key_modifier_rsa, ssh_signature_encoder_rsa,
"", "DSA",
GCRY_PK_DSA, "pqgyx", "pqgy", "rs", "pqgyx",
NULL, ssh_signature_encoder_dsa,
"", "ECDSA",
GCRY_PK_ECC, "qd", "q", "rs", "qd",
NULL, ssh_signature_encoder_ecdsa,
"", "ECDSA",
GCRY_PK_ECC, "qd", "q", "rs", "qd",
NULL, ssh_signature_encoder_ecdsa,
"", "ECDSA",
GCRY_PK_ECC, "qd", "q", "rs", "qd",
NULL, ssh_signature_encoder_ecdsa,
General utility functions.
/* A secure realloc, i.e. it makes sure to allocate secure memory if A
is NULL. This is required because the standard gcry_realloc does
not know whether to allocate secure or normal if NULL is passed as
existing buffer. */
static void *
realloc_secure (void *a, size_t n)
void *p;
if (a)
p = gcry_realloc (a, n);
p = gcry_malloc_secure (n);
return p;
/* Lookup the ssh-identifier for the ECC curve CURVE_NAME. Returns
NULL if not found. */
static const char *
ssh_identifier_from_curve_name (const char *curve_name)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < DIM (ssh_key_types); i++)
if (ssh_key_types[i].curve_name
&& !strcmp (ssh_key_types[i].curve_name, curve_name))
return ssh_key_types[i].ssh_identifier;
return NULL;
Primitive I/O functions.
/* Read a byte from STREAM, store it in B. */
static gpg_error_t
stream_read_byte (estream_t stream, unsigned char *b)
gpg_error_t err;
int ret;
ret = es_fgetc (stream);
if (ret == EOF)
if (es_ferror (stream))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
*b = 0;
*b = ret & 0xFF;
err = 0;
return err;
/* Write the byte contained in B to STREAM. */
static gpg_error_t
stream_write_byte (estream_t stream, unsigned char b)
gpg_error_t err;
int ret;
ret = es_fputc (b, stream);
if (ret == EOF)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = 0;
return err;
/* Read a uint32 from STREAM, store it in UINT32. */
static gpg_error_t
stream_read_uint32 (estream_t stream, u32 *uint32)
unsigned char buffer[4];
size_t bytes_read;
gpg_error_t err;
int ret;
ret = es_read (stream, buffer, sizeof (buffer), &bytes_read);
if (ret)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (bytes_read != sizeof (buffer))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
u32 n;
n = uint32_construct (buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3]);
*uint32 = n;
err = 0;
return err;
/* Write the uint32 contained in UINT32 to STREAM. */
static gpg_error_t
stream_write_uint32 (estream_t stream, u32 uint32)
unsigned char buffer[4];
gpg_error_t err;
int ret;
buffer[0] = uint32 >> 24;
buffer[1] = uint32 >> 16;
buffer[2] = uint32 >> 8;
buffer[3] = uint32 >> 0;
ret = es_write (stream, buffer, sizeof (buffer), NULL);
if (ret)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = 0;
return err;
/* Read SIZE bytes from STREAM into BUFFER. */
static gpg_error_t
stream_read_data (estream_t stream, unsigned char *buffer, size_t size)
gpg_error_t err;
size_t bytes_read;
int ret;
ret = es_read (stream, buffer, size, &bytes_read);
if (ret)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (bytes_read != size)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
err = 0;
return err;
/* Skip over SIZE bytes from STREAM. */
static gpg_error_t
stream_read_skip (estream_t stream, size_t size)
char buffer[128];
size_t bytes_to_read, bytes_read;
int ret;
bytes_to_read = size;
if (bytes_to_read > sizeof buffer)
bytes_to_read = sizeof buffer;
ret = es_read (stream, buffer, bytes_to_read, &bytes_read);
if (ret)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
else if (bytes_read != bytes_to_read)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
size -= bytes_to_read;
while (size);
return 0;
/* Write SIZE bytes from BUFFER to STREAM. */
static gpg_error_t
stream_write_data (estream_t stream, const unsigned char *buffer, size_t size)
gpg_error_t err;
int ret;
ret = es_write (stream, buffer, size, NULL);
if (ret)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = 0;
return err;
/* Read a binary string from STREAM into STRING, store size of string
in STRING_SIZE. Append a hidden nul so that the result may
directly be used as a C string. Depending on SECURE use secure
memory for STRING. If STRING is NULL do only a dummy read. */
static gpg_error_t
stream_read_string (estream_t stream, unsigned int secure,
unsigned char **string, u32 *string_size)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
u32 length = 0;
if (string_size)
*string_size = 0;
/* Read string length. */
err = stream_read_uint32 (stream, &length);
if (err)
goto out;
if (string)
/* Allocate space. */
if (secure)
buffer = xtrymalloc_secure (length + 1);
buffer = xtrymalloc (length + 1);
if (! buffer)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
/* Read data. */
err = stream_read_data (stream, buffer, length);
if (err)
goto out;
/* Finalize string object. */
buffer[length] = 0;
*string = buffer;
else /* Dummy read requested. */
err = stream_read_skip (stream, length);
if (err)
goto out;
if (string_size)
*string_size = length;
if (err)
xfree (buffer);
return err;
/* Read a binary string from STREAM and store it as an opaque MPI at
R_MPI, adding 0x40 (this is the prefix for EdDSA key in OpenPGP).
Depending on SECURE use secure memory. If the string is too large
for key material return an error. */
static gpg_error_t
stream_read_blob (estream_t stream, unsigned int secure, gcry_mpi_t *r_mpi)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
u32 length = 0;
*r_mpi = NULL;
/* Read string length. */
err = stream_read_uint32 (stream, &length);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* To avoid excessive use of secure memory we check that an MPI is
not too large. */
if (length > (4096/8) + 8)
log_error (_("ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n"), 4096);
goto leave;
/* Allocate space. */
if (secure)
buffer = xtrymalloc_secure (length+1);
buffer = xtrymalloc (length+1);
if (!buffer)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Read data. */
err = stream_read_data (stream, buffer + 1, length);
if (err)
goto leave;
buffer[0] = 0x40;
*r_mpi = gcry_mpi_set_opaque (NULL, buffer, 8*(length+1));
buffer = NULL;
xfree (buffer);
return err;
/* Read a C-string from STREAM, store copy in STRING. */
static gpg_error_t
stream_read_cstring (estream_t stream, char **string)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer;
err = stream_read_string (stream, 0, &buffer, NULL);
if (!err)
*string = (char *)buffer;
return err;
/* Write a binary string from STRING of size STRING_N to STREAM. */
static gpg_error_t
stream_write_string (estream_t stream,
const unsigned char *string, u32 string_n)
gpg_error_t err;
err = stream_write_uint32 (stream, string_n);
if (err)
goto out;
err = stream_write_data (stream, string, string_n);
return err;
/* Write a C-string from STRING to STREAM. */
static gpg_error_t
stream_write_cstring (estream_t stream, const char *string)
gpg_error_t err;
err = stream_write_string (stream,
(const unsigned char *) string, strlen (string));
return err;
/* Read an MPI from STREAM, store it in MPINT. Depending on SECURE
use secure memory. */
static gpg_error_t
stream_read_mpi (estream_t stream, unsigned int secure, gcry_mpi_t *mpint)
unsigned char *mpi_data;
u32 mpi_data_size;
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_mpi_t mpi;
mpi_data = NULL;
err = stream_read_string (stream, secure, &mpi_data, &mpi_data_size);
if (err)
goto out;
/* To avoid excessive use of secure memory we check that an MPI is
not too large. */
if (mpi_data_size > 520)
log_error (_("ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n"), 4096);
goto out;
err = gcry_mpi_scan (&mpi, GCRYMPI_FMT_STD, mpi_data, mpi_data_size, NULL);
if (err)
goto out;
*mpint = mpi;
xfree (mpi_data);
return err;
/* Write the MPI contained in MPINT to STREAM. */
static gpg_error_t
stream_write_mpi (estream_t stream, gcry_mpi_t mpint)
unsigned char *mpi_buffer;
size_t mpi_buffer_n;
gpg_error_t err;
mpi_buffer = NULL;
err = gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_STD, &mpi_buffer, &mpi_buffer_n, mpint);
if (err)
goto out;
err = stream_write_string (stream, mpi_buffer, mpi_buffer_n);
xfree (mpi_buffer);
return err;
/* Copy data from SRC to DST until EOF is reached. */
static gpg_error_t
stream_copy (estream_t dst, estream_t src)
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
size_t bytes_read;
gpg_error_t err;
int ret;
err = 0;
while (1)
ret = es_read (src, buffer, sizeof (buffer), &bytes_read);
if (ret || (! bytes_read))
if (ret)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
ret = es_write (dst, buffer, bytes_read, NULL);
if (ret)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return err;
/* Open the ssh control file and create it if not available. With
APPEND passed as true the file will be opened in append mode,
otherwise in read only mode. On success 0 is returned and a new
control file object stored at R_CF. On error an error code is
returned and NULL is stored at R_CF. */
static gpg_error_t
open_control_file (ssh_control_file_t *r_cf, int append)
gpg_error_t err;
ssh_control_file_t cf;
cf = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *cf);
if (!cf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Note: As soon as we start to use non blocking functions here
(i.e. where Pth might switch threads) we need to employ a
mutex. */
cf->fname = make_filename_try (gnupg_homedir (), SSH_CONTROL_FILE_NAME, NULL);
if (!cf->fname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* FIXME: With "a+" we are not able to check whether this will
be created and thus the blurb needs to be written first. */
cf->fp = fopen (cf->fname, append? "a+":"r");
if (!cf->fp && errno == ENOENT)
estream_t stream = es_fopen (cf->fname, "wx,mode=-rw-r");
if (!stream)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't create '%s': %s\n"),
cf->fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
es_fputs (sshcontrolblurb, stream);
es_fclose (stream);
cf->fp = fopen (cf->fname, append? "a+":"r");
if (!cf->fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"),
cf->fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = 0;
if (err && cf)
if (cf->fp)
fclose (cf->fp);
xfree (cf->fname);
xfree (cf);
*r_cf = cf;
return err;
static void
rewind_control_file (ssh_control_file_t cf)
fseek (cf->fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
cf->lnr = 0;
clearerr (cf->fp);
static void
close_control_file (ssh_control_file_t cf)
if (!cf)
fclose (cf->fp);
xfree (cf->fname);
xfree (cf);
/* Read the next line from the control file and store the data in CF.
Returns 0 on success, GPG_ERR_EOF on EOF, or other error codes. */
static gpg_error_t
read_control_file_item (ssh_control_file_t cf)
int c, i, n;
char *p, *pend, line[256];
long ttl = 0;
cf->item.valid = 0;
clearerr (cf->fp);
if (!fgets (line, DIM(line)-1, cf->fp) )
if (feof (cf->fp))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (!*line || line[strlen(line)-1] != '\n')
/* Eat until end of line */
while ( (c=getc (cf->fp)) != EOF && c != '\n')
return gpg_error (*line? GPG_ERR_LINE_TOO_LONG
/* Allow for empty lines and spaces */
for (p=line; spacep (p); p++)
while (!*p || *p == '\n' || *p == '#');
cf->item.disabled = 0;
if (*p == '!')
cf->item.disabled = 1;
for (p++; spacep (p); p++)
for (i=0; hexdigitp (p) && i < 40; p++, i++)
cf->item.hexgrip[i] = (*p >= 'a'? (*p & 0xdf): *p);
cf->item.hexgrip[i] = 0;
if (i != 40 || !(spacep (p) || *p == '\n'))
log_error ("%s:%d: invalid formatted line\n", cf->fname, cf->lnr);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_DATA);
ttl = strtol (p, &pend, 10);
p = pend;
if (!(spacep (p) || *p == '\n') || (int)ttl < -1)
log_error ("%s:%d: invalid TTL value; assuming 0\n", cf->fname, cf->lnr);
cf->item.ttl = 0;
cf->item.ttl = ttl;
/* Now check for key-value pairs of the form NAME[=VALUE]. */
cf->item.confirm = 0;
while (*p)
for (; spacep (p) && *p != '\n'; p++)
if (!*p || *p == '\n')
n = strcspn (p, "= \t\n");
if (p[n] == '=')
log_error ("%s:%d: assigning a value to a flag is not yet supported; "
"flag ignored\n", cf->fname, cf->lnr);
else if (n == 7 && !memcmp (p, "confirm", 7))
cf->item.confirm = 1;
log_error ("%s:%d: invalid flag '%.*s'; ignored\n",
cf->fname, cf->lnr, n, p);
p += n;
/* log_debug ("%s:%d: grip=%s ttl=%d%s%s\n", */
/* cf->fname, cf->lnr, */
/* cf->item.hexgrip, cf->item.ttl, */
/* cf->item.disabled? " disabled":"", */
/* cf->item.confirm? " confirm":""); */
cf->item.valid = 1;
return 0; /* Okay: valid entry found. */
/* Search the control file CF from the beginning until a matching
HEXGRIP is found; return success in this case and store true at
DISABLED if the found key has been disabled. If R_TTL is not NULL
a specified TTL for that key is stored there. If R_CONFIRM is not
NULL it is set to 1 if the key has the confirm flag set. */
static gpg_error_t
search_control_file (ssh_control_file_t cf, const char *hexgrip,
int *r_disabled, int *r_ttl, int *r_confirm)
gpg_error_t err;
assert (strlen (hexgrip) == 40 );
if (r_disabled)
*r_disabled = 0;
if (r_ttl)
*r_ttl = 0;
if (r_confirm)
*r_confirm = 0;
rewind_control_file (cf);
while (!(err=read_control_file_item (cf)))
if (!cf->item.valid)
continue; /* Should not happen. */
if (!strcmp (hexgrip, cf->item.hexgrip))
if (!err)
if (r_disabled)
*r_disabled = cf->item.disabled;
if (r_ttl)
*r_ttl = cf->item.ttl;
if (r_confirm)
*r_confirm = cf->item.confirm;
return err;
/* Add an entry to the control file to mark the key with the keygrip
HEXGRIP as usable for SSH; i.e. it will be returned when ssh asks
for it. FMTFPR is the fingerprint string. This function is in
general used to add a key received through the ssh-add function.
We can assume that the user wants to allow ssh using this key. */
static gpg_error_t
add_control_entry (ctrl_t ctrl, ssh_key_type_spec_t *spec,
const char *hexgrip, const char *fmtfpr,
int ttl, int confirm)
gpg_error_t err;
ssh_control_file_t cf;
int disabled;
err = open_control_file (&cf, 1);
if (err)
return err;
err = search_control_file (cf, hexgrip, &disabled, NULL, NULL);
if (err && gpg_err_code(err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
struct tm *tp;
time_t atime = time (NULL);
/* Not yet in the file - add it. Because the file has been
opened in append mode, we simply need to write to it. */
tp = localtime (&atime);
fprintf (cf->fp,
("# %s key added on: %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n"
"# MD5 Fingerprint: %s\n"
"%s %d%s\n"),
1900+tp->tm_year, tp->tm_mon+1, tp->tm_mday,
tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec,
fmtfpr, hexgrip, ttl, confirm? " confirm":"");
close_control_file (cf);
return 0;
/* Scan the sshcontrol file and return the TTL. */
static int
ttl_from_sshcontrol (const char *hexgrip)
ssh_control_file_t cf;
int disabled, ttl;
if (!hexgrip || strlen (hexgrip) != 40)
return 0; /* Wrong input: Use global default. */
if (open_control_file (&cf, 0))
return 0; /* Error: Use the global default TTL. */
if (search_control_file (cf, hexgrip, &disabled, &ttl, NULL)
|| disabled)
ttl = 0; /* Use the global default if not found or disabled. */
close_control_file (cf);
return ttl;
/* Scan the sshcontrol file and return the confirm flag. */
static int
confirm_flag_from_sshcontrol (const char *hexgrip)
ssh_control_file_t cf;
int disabled, confirm;
if (!hexgrip || strlen (hexgrip) != 40)
return 1; /* Wrong input: Better ask for confirmation. */
if (open_control_file (&cf, 0))
return 1; /* Error: Better ask for confirmation. */
if (search_control_file (cf, hexgrip, &disabled, NULL, &confirm)
|| disabled)
confirm = 0; /* If not found or disabled, there is no reason to
ask for confirmation. */
close_control_file (cf);
return confirm;
/* Open the ssh control file for reading. This is a public version of
open_control_file. The caller must use ssh_close_control_file to
release the returned handle. */
ssh_open_control_file (void)
ssh_control_file_t cf;
/* Then look at all the registered and non-disabled keys. */
if (open_control_file (&cf, 0))
return NULL;
return cf;
/* Close an ssh control file handle. This is the public version of
close_control_file. CF may be NULL. */
ssh_close_control_file (ssh_control_file_t cf)
close_control_file (cf);
/* Read the next item from the ssh control file. The function returns
0 if a item was read, GPG_ERR_EOF on eof or another error value.
R_HEXGRIP shall either be null or a BUFFER of at least 41 byte.
R_DISABLED, R_TTLm and R_CONFIRM return flags from the control
file; they are only set on success. */
ssh_read_control_file (ssh_control_file_t cf,
char *r_hexgrip,
int *r_disabled, int *r_ttl, int *r_confirm)
gpg_error_t err;
err = read_control_file_item (cf);
while (!err && !cf->item.valid);
if (!err)
if (r_hexgrip)
strcpy (r_hexgrip, cf->item.hexgrip);
if (r_disabled)
*r_disabled = cf->item.disabled;
if (r_ttl)
*r_ttl = cf->item.ttl;
if (r_confirm)
*r_confirm = cf->item.confirm;
return err;
/* Search for a key with HEXGRIP in sshcontrol and return all
info. */
ssh_search_control_file (ssh_control_file_t cf,
const char *hexgrip,
int *r_disabled, int *r_ttl, int *r_confirm)
gpg_error_t err;
int i;
const char *s;
char uphexgrip[41];
/* We need to make sure that HEXGRIP is all uppercase. The easiest
way to do this and also check its length is by copying to a
second buffer. */
for (i=0, s=hexgrip; i < 40 && *s; s++, i++)
uphexgrip[i] = *s >= 'a'? (*s & 0xdf): *s;
uphexgrip[i] = 0;
if (i != 40)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_LENGTH);
err = search_control_file (cf, uphexgrip, r_disabled, r_ttl, r_confirm);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
return err;
MPI lists.
/* Free the list of MPIs MPI_LIST. */
static void
mpint_list_free (gcry_mpi_t *mpi_list)
if (mpi_list)
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; mpi_list[i]; i++)
gcry_mpi_release (mpi_list[i]);
xfree (mpi_list);
/* Receive key material MPIs from STREAM according to KEY_SPEC;
depending on SECRET expect a public key or secret key. CERT is the
certificate blob used if KEY_SPEC indicates the certificate format;
it needs to be positioned to the end of the nonce. The newly
allocated list of MPIs is stored in MPI_LIST. Returns usual error
code. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_receive_mpint_list (estream_t stream, int secret,
ssh_key_type_spec_t *spec, estream_t cert,
gcry_mpi_t **mpi_list)
const char *elems_public;
unsigned int elems_n;
const char *elems;
int elem_is_secret;
gcry_mpi_t *mpis = NULL;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
unsigned int i;
if (secret)
elems = spec->elems_key_secret;
elems = spec->elems_key_public;
elems_n = strlen (elems);
elems_public = spec->elems_key_public;
/* Check that either both, CERT and the WITH_CERT flag, are given or
none of them. */
if (!(!!(spec->flags & SPEC_FLAG_WITH_CERT) ^ !cert))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CERT_OBJ);
goto out;
mpis = xtrycalloc (elems_n + 1, sizeof *mpis );
if (!mpis)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
elem_is_secret = 0;
for (i = 0; i < elems_n; i++)
if (secret)
elem_is_secret = !strchr (elems_public, elems[i]);
if (cert && !elem_is_secret)
err = stream_read_mpi (cert, elem_is_secret, &mpis[i]);
err = stream_read_mpi (stream, elem_is_secret, &mpis[i]);
if (err)
goto out;
*mpi_list = mpis;
mpis = NULL;
if (err)
mpint_list_free (mpis);
return err;
/* Key modifier function for RSA. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_key_modifier_rsa (const char *elems, gcry_mpi_t *mpis)
gcry_mpi_t p;
gcry_mpi_t q;
gcry_mpi_t u;
if (strcmp (elems, "nedupq"))
/* Modifying only necessary for secret keys. */
goto out;
u = mpis[3];
p = mpis[4];
q = mpis[5];
if (gcry_mpi_cmp (p, q) > 0)
/* P shall be smaller then Q! Swap primes. iqmp becomes u. */
gcry_mpi_t tmp;
tmp = mpis[4];
mpis[4] = mpis[5];
mpis[5] = tmp;
/* U needs to be recomputed. */
gcry_mpi_invm (u, p, q);
return 0;
/* Signature encoder function for RSA. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_signature_encoder_rsa (ssh_key_type_spec_t *spec,
estream_t signature_blob,
gcry_sexp_t s_signature)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
gcry_sexp_t valuelist = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t sublist = NULL;
gcry_mpi_t sig_value = NULL;
gcry_mpi_t *mpis = NULL;
const char *elems;
size_t elems_n;
int i;
unsigned char *data;
size_t data_n;
gcry_mpi_t s;
valuelist = gcry_sexp_nth (s_signature, 1);
if (!valuelist)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
goto out;
elems = spec->elems_signature;
elems_n = strlen (elems);
mpis = xtrycalloc (elems_n + 1, sizeof *mpis);
if (!mpis)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
for (i = 0; i < elems_n; i++)
sublist = gcry_sexp_find_token (valuelist, spec->elems_signature + i, 1);
if (!sublist)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
sig_value = gcry_sexp_nth_mpi (sublist, 1, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG);
if (!sig_value)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL); /* FIXME? */
gcry_sexp_release (sublist);
sublist = NULL;
mpis[i] = sig_value;
if (err)
goto out;
/* RSA specific */
s = mpis[0];
err = gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, &data, &data_n, s);
if (err)
goto out;
err = stream_write_string (signature_blob, data, data_n);
xfree (data);
gcry_sexp_release (valuelist);
gcry_sexp_release (sublist);
mpint_list_free (mpis);
return err;
/* Signature encoder function for DSA. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_signature_encoder_dsa (ssh_key_type_spec_t *spec,
estream_t signature_blob,
gcry_sexp_t s_signature)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
gcry_sexp_t valuelist = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t sublist = NULL;
gcry_mpi_t sig_value = NULL;
gcry_mpi_t *mpis = NULL;
const char *elems;
size_t elems_n;
int i;
unsigned char *data = NULL;
size_t data_n;
valuelist = gcry_sexp_nth (s_signature, 1);
if (!valuelist)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
goto out;
elems = spec->elems_signature;
elems_n = strlen (elems);
mpis = xtrycalloc (elems_n + 1, sizeof *mpis);
if (!mpis)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
for (i = 0; i < elems_n; i++)
sublist = gcry_sexp_find_token (valuelist, spec->elems_signature + i, 1);
if (!sublist)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
sig_value = gcry_sexp_nth_mpi (sublist, 1, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG);
if (!sig_value)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL); /* FIXME? */
gcry_sexp_release (sublist);
sublist = NULL;
mpis[i] = sig_value;
if (err)
goto out;
/* DSA specific code. */
/* FIXME: Why this complicated code? Why collecting boths mpis in a
buffer instead of writing them out one after the other? */
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
err = gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, &data, &data_n, mpis[i]);
if (err)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL); /* FIXME? */
memset (buffer + (i * SSH_DSA_SIGNATURE_PADDING), 0,
memcpy (buffer + (i * SSH_DSA_SIGNATURE_PADDING)
+ (SSH_DSA_SIGNATURE_PADDING - data_n), data, data_n);
xfree (data);
data = NULL;
if (err)
goto out;
err = stream_write_string (signature_blob, buffer, sizeof (buffer));
xfree (data);
gcry_sexp_release (valuelist);
gcry_sexp_release (sublist);
mpint_list_free (mpis);
return err;
/* Signature encoder function for ECDSA. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_signature_encoder_ecdsa (ssh_key_type_spec_t *spec,
estream_t stream, gcry_sexp_t s_signature)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
gcry_sexp_t valuelist = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t sublist = NULL;
gcry_mpi_t sig_value = NULL;
gcry_mpi_t *mpis = NULL;
const char *elems;
size_t elems_n;
int i;
unsigned char *data[2] = {NULL, NULL};
size_t data_n[2];
size_t innerlen;
valuelist = gcry_sexp_nth (s_signature, 1);
if (!valuelist)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
goto out;
elems = spec->elems_signature;
elems_n = strlen (elems);
mpis = xtrycalloc (elems_n + 1, sizeof *mpis);
if (!mpis)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
for (i = 0; i < elems_n; i++)
sublist = gcry_sexp_find_token (valuelist, spec->elems_signature + i, 1);
if (!sublist)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
sig_value = gcry_sexp_nth_mpi (sublist, 1, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG);
if (!sig_value)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL); /* FIXME? */
gcry_sexp_release (sublist);
sublist = NULL;
mpis[i] = sig_value;
if (err)
goto out;
/* ECDSA specific */
innerlen = 0;
for (i = 0; i < DIM(data); i++)
err = gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_STD, &data[i], &data_n[i], mpis[i]);
if (err)
goto out;
innerlen += 4 + data_n[i];
err = stream_write_uint32 (stream, innerlen);
if (err)
goto out;
for (i = 0; i < DIM(data); i++)
err = stream_write_string (stream, data[i], data_n[i]);
if (err)
goto out;
for (i = 0; i < DIM(data); i++)
xfree (data[i]);
gcry_sexp_release (valuelist);
gcry_sexp_release (sublist);
mpint_list_free (mpis);
return err;
/* Signature encoder function for EdDSA. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_signature_encoder_eddsa (ssh_key_type_spec_t *spec,
estream_t stream, gcry_sexp_t s_signature)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
gcry_sexp_t valuelist = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t sublist = NULL;
const char *elems;
size_t elems_n;
int i;
unsigned char *data[2] = {NULL, NULL};
size_t data_n[2];
size_t totallen = 0;
valuelist = gcry_sexp_nth (s_signature, 1);
if (!valuelist)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
goto out;
elems = spec->elems_signature;
elems_n = strlen (elems);
if (elems_n != DIM(data))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
goto out;
for (i = 0; i < DIM(data); i++)
sublist = gcry_sexp_find_token (valuelist, spec->elems_signature + i, 1);
if (!sublist)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
data[i] = gcry_sexp_nth_buffer (sublist, 1, &data_n[i]);
if (!data[i])
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL); /* FIXME? */
totallen += data_n[i];
gcry_sexp_release (sublist);
sublist = NULL;
if (err)
goto out;
err = stream_write_uint32 (stream, totallen);
if (err)
goto out;
for (i = 0; i < DIM(data); i++)
err = stream_write_data (stream, data[i], data_n[i]);
if (err)
goto out;
for (i = 0; i < DIM(data); i++)
xfree (data[i]);
gcry_sexp_release (valuelist);
gcry_sexp_release (sublist);
return err;
/* This function constructs a new S-Expression for the key identified
by the KEY_SPEC, SECRET, CURVE_NAME, MPIS, and COMMENT, which is to
be stored at R_SEXP. Returns an error code. */
static gpg_error_t
sexp_key_construct (gcry_sexp_t *r_sexp,
ssh_key_type_spec_t key_spec, int secret,
const char *curve_name, gcry_mpi_t *mpis,
const char *comment)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t sexp_new = NULL;
void *formatbuf = NULL;
void **arg_list = NULL;
estream_t format = NULL;
char *algo_name = NULL;
if ((key_spec.flags & SPEC_FLAG_IS_EdDSA))
/* It is much easier and more readable to use a separate code
path for EdDSA. */
if (!curve_name)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CURVE);
else if (!mpis[0] || !gcry_mpi_get_flag (mpis[0], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PUBKEY);
else if (secret
&& (!mpis[1]
|| !gcry_mpi_get_flag (mpis[1], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE)))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
else if (secret)
err = gcry_sexp_build (&sexp_new, NULL,
"(private-key(ecc(curve %s)"
"(flags eddsa)(q %m)(d %m))"
mpis[0], mpis[1],
comment? comment:"");
err = gcry_sexp_build (&sexp_new, NULL,
"(public-key(ecc(curve %s)"
"(flags eddsa)(q %m))"
comment? comment:"");
const char *key_identifier[] = { "public-key", "private-key" };
int arg_idx;
const char *elems;
size_t elems_n;
unsigned int i, j;
if (secret)
elems = key_spec.elems_sexp_order;
elems = key_spec.elems_key_public;
elems_n = strlen (elems);
format = es_fopenmem (0, "a+b");
if (!format)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
/* Key identifier, algorithm identifier, mpis, comment, and a NULL
as a safeguard. */
arg_list = xtrymalloc (sizeof (*arg_list) * (2 + 1 + elems_n + 1 + 1));
if (!arg_list)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
arg_idx = 0;
es_fputs ("(%s(%s", format);
arg_list[arg_idx++] = &key_identifier[secret];
algo_name = xtrystrdup (gcry_pk_algo_name (key_spec.algo));
if (!algo_name)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
strlwr (algo_name);
arg_list[arg_idx++] = &algo_name;
if (curve_name)
es_fputs ("(curve%s)", format);
arg_list[arg_idx++] = &curve_name;
for (i = 0; i < elems_n; i++)
es_fprintf (format, "(%c%%m)", elems[i]);
if (secret)
for (j = 0; j < elems_n; j++)
if (key_spec.elems_key_secret[j] == elems[i])
j = i;
arg_list[arg_idx++] = &mpis[j];
es_fputs (")(comment%s))", format);
arg_list[arg_idx++] = &comment;
arg_list[arg_idx] = NULL;
es_putc (0, format);
if (es_ferror (format))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
if (es_fclose_snatch (format, &formatbuf, NULL))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
format = NULL;
err = gcry_sexp_build_array (&sexp_new, NULL, formatbuf, arg_list);
if (!err)
*r_sexp = sexp_new;
es_fclose (format);
xfree (arg_list);
xfree (formatbuf);
xfree (algo_name);
return err;
/* This function extracts the key from the s-expression SEXP according
to KEY_SPEC and stores it in ssh format at (R_BLOB, R_BLOBLEN). If
WITH_SECRET is true, the secret key parts are also extracted if
possible. Returns 0 on success or an error code. Note that data
stored at R_BLOB must be freed using es_free! */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_key_to_blob (gcry_sexp_t sexp, int with_secret,
ssh_key_type_spec_t key_spec,
void **r_blob, size_t *r_blob_size)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
gcry_sexp_t value_list = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t value_pair = NULL;
char *curve_name = NULL;
estream_t stream = NULL;
void *blob = NULL;
size_t blob_size;
const char *elems, *p_elems;
const char *data;
size_t datalen;
*r_blob = NULL;
*r_blob_size = 0;
stream = es_fopenmem (0, "r+b");
if (!stream)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
/* Get the type of the key extpression. */
data = gcry_sexp_nth_data (sexp, 0, &datalen);
if (!data)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
goto out;
if ((datalen == 10 && !strncmp (data, "public-key", 10))
|| (datalen == 21 && !strncmp (data, "protected-private-key", 21))
|| (datalen == 20 && !strncmp (data, "shadowed-private-key", 20)))
elems = key_spec.elems_key_public;
else if (datalen == 11 && !strncmp (data, "private-key", 11))
elems = with_secret? key_spec.elems_key_secret : key_spec.elems_key_public;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
goto out;
/* Get key value list. */
value_list = gcry_sexp_cadr (sexp);
if (!value_list)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
goto out;
/* Write the ssh algorithm identifier. */
if ((key_spec.flags & SPEC_FLAG_IS_ECDSA))
/* Parse the "curve" parameter. We currently expect the curve
name for ECC and not the parameters of the curve. This can
easily be changed but then we need to find the curve name
from the parameters using gcry_pk_get_curve. */
const char *mapped;
const char *sshname;
gcry_sexp_release (value_pair);
value_pair = gcry_sexp_find_token (value_list, "curve", 5);
if (!value_pair)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CURVE);
goto out;
curve_name = gcry_sexp_nth_string (value_pair, 1);
if (!curve_name)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CURVE); /* (Or out of core.) */
goto out;
/* Fixme: The mapping should be done by using gcry_pk_get_curve
et al to iterate over all name aliases. */
if (!strcmp (curve_name, "NIST P-256"))
mapped = "nistp256";
else if (!strcmp (curve_name, "NIST P-384"))
mapped = "nistp384";
else if (!strcmp (curve_name, "NIST P-521"))
mapped = "nistp521";
mapped = NULL;
if (mapped)
xfree (curve_name);
curve_name = xtrystrdup (mapped);
if (!curve_name)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
sshname = ssh_identifier_from_curve_name (curve_name);
if (!sshname)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_CURVE);
goto out;
err = stream_write_cstring (stream, sshname);
if (err)
goto out;
err = stream_write_cstring (stream, curve_name);
if (err)
goto out;
/* Note: This is also used for EdDSA. */
err = stream_write_cstring (stream, key_spec.ssh_identifier);
if (err)
goto out;
/* Write the parameters. */
for (p_elems = elems; *p_elems; p_elems++)
gcry_sexp_release (value_pair);
value_pair = gcry_sexp_find_token (value_list, p_elems, 1);
if (!value_pair)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
goto out;
if ((key_spec.flags & SPEC_FLAG_IS_EdDSA))
data = gcry_sexp_nth_data (value_pair, 1, &datalen);
if (!data)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
goto out;
if (*p_elems == 'q' && datalen)
{ /* Remove the prefix 0x40. */
err = stream_write_string (stream, data, datalen);
if (err)
goto out;
gcry_mpi_t mpi;
/* Note that we need to use STD format; i.e. prepend a 0x00
to indicate a positive number if the high bit is set. */
mpi = gcry_sexp_nth_mpi (value_pair, 1, GCRYMPI_FMT_STD);
if (!mpi)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
goto out;
err = stream_write_mpi (stream, mpi);
gcry_mpi_release (mpi);
if (err)
goto out;
if (es_fclose_snatch (stream, &blob, &blob_size))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
stream = NULL;
*r_blob = blob;
blob = NULL;
*r_blob_size = blob_size;
gcry_sexp_release (value_list);
gcry_sexp_release (value_pair);
xfree (curve_name);
es_fclose (stream);
es_free (blob);
return err;
Key I/O.
/* Search for a key specification entry. If SSH_NAME is not NULL,
search for an entry whose "ssh_name" is equal to SSH_NAME;
otherwise, search for an entry whose algorithm is equal to ALGO.
Store found entry in SPEC on success, return error otherwise. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_key_type_lookup (const char *ssh_name, int algo,
ssh_key_type_spec_t *spec)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < DIM (ssh_key_types); i++)
if ((ssh_name && (! strcmp (ssh_name, ssh_key_types[i].ssh_identifier)))
|| algo == ssh_key_types[i].algo)
if (i == DIM (ssh_key_types))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
*spec = ssh_key_types[i];
err = 0;
return err;
/* Receive a key from STREAM, according to the key specification given
as KEY_SPEC. Depending on SECRET, receive a secret or a public
key. If READ_COMMENT is true, receive a comment string as well.
Constructs a new S-Expression from received data and stores it in
KEY_NEW. Returns zero on success or an error code. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_receive_key (estream_t stream, gcry_sexp_t *key_new, int secret,
int read_comment, ssh_key_type_spec_t *key_spec)
gpg_error_t err;
char *key_type = NULL;
char *comment = NULL;
estream_t cert = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t key = NULL;
ssh_key_type_spec_t spec;
gcry_mpi_t *mpi_list = NULL;
const char *elems;
char *curve_name = NULL;
err = stream_read_cstring (stream, &key_type);
if (err)
goto out;
err = ssh_key_type_lookup (key_type, 0, &spec);
if (err)
goto out;
if ((spec.flags & SPEC_FLAG_WITH_CERT))
/* This is an OpenSSH certificate+private key. The certificate
is an SSH string and which we store in an estream object. */
unsigned char *buffer;
u32 buflen;
char *cert_key_type;
err = stream_read_string (stream, 0, &buffer, &buflen);
if (err)
goto out;
cert = es_fopenmem_init (0, "rb", buffer, buflen);
xfree (buffer);
if (!cert)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
/* Check that the key type matches. */
err = stream_read_cstring (cert, &cert_key_type);
if (err)
goto out;
if (strcmp (cert_key_type, key_type) )
xfree (cert_key_type);
log_error ("key types in received ssh certificate do not match\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CERT_OBJ);
goto out;
xfree (cert_key_type);
/* Skip the nonce. */
err = stream_read_string (cert, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
goto out;
if ((spec.flags & SPEC_FLAG_IS_EdDSA))
/* The format of an EdDSA key is:
* string key_type ("ssh-ed25519")
* string public_key
* string private_key
* Note that the private key is the concatenation of the private
* key with the public key. Thus theres are 64 bytes; however
* we only want the real 32 byte private key - Libgcrypt expects
* this.
mpi_list = xtrycalloc (3, sizeof *mpi_list);
if (!mpi_list)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
err = stream_read_blob (cert? cert : stream, 0, &mpi_list[0]);
if (err)
goto out;
if (secret)
u32 len = 0;
unsigned char *buffer;
/* Read string length. */
err = stream_read_uint32 (stream, &len);
if (err)
goto out;
if (len != 32 && len != 64)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
goto out;
buffer = xtrymalloc_secure (32);
if (!buffer)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
err = stream_read_data (stream, buffer, 32);
if (err)
xfree (buffer);
goto out;
mpi_list[1] = gcry_mpi_set_opaque (NULL, buffer, 8*32);
buffer = NULL;
if (len == 64)
err = stream_read_skip (stream, 32);
if (err)
goto out;
else if ((spec.flags & SPEC_FLAG_IS_ECDSA))
/* The format of an ECDSA key is:
* string key_type ("ecdsa-sha2-nistp256" |
* "ecdsa-sha2-nistp384" |
* "ecdsa-sha2-nistp521" )
* string ecdsa_curve_name
* string ecdsa_public_key
* mpint ecdsa_private
* Note that we use the mpint reader instead of the string
* reader for ecsa_public_key. For the certificate variante
* ecdsa_curve_name+ecdsa_public_key are replaced by the
* certificate.
unsigned char *buffer;
const char *mapped;
err = stream_read_string (cert? cert : stream, 0, &buffer, NULL);
if (err)
goto out;
curve_name = buffer;
/* Fixme: Check that curve_name matches the keytype. */
/* Because Libgcrypt < 1.6 has no support for the "nistpNNN"
curve names, we need to translate them here to Libgcrypt's
native names. */
if (!strcmp (curve_name, "nistp256"))
mapped = "NIST P-256";
else if (!strcmp (curve_name, "nistp384"))
mapped = "NIST P-384";
else if (!strcmp (curve_name, "nistp521"))
mapped = "NIST P-521";
mapped = NULL;
if (mapped)
xfree (curve_name);
curve_name = xtrystrdup (mapped);
if (!curve_name)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
err = ssh_receive_mpint_list (stream, secret, &spec, cert, &mpi_list);
if (err)
goto out;
err = ssh_receive_mpint_list (stream, secret, &spec, cert, &mpi_list);
if (err)
goto out;
if (read_comment)
err = stream_read_cstring (stream, &comment);
if (err)
goto out;
if (secret)
elems = spec.elems_key_secret;
elems = spec.elems_key_public;
if (spec.key_modifier)
err = (*spec.key_modifier) (elems, mpi_list);
if (err)
goto out;
if ((spec.flags & SPEC_FLAG_IS_EdDSA))
if (secret)
err = gcry_sexp_build (&key, NULL,
"(private-key(ecc(curve \"Ed25519\")"
"(flags eddsa)(q %m)(d %m))"
mpi_list[0], mpi_list[1],
comment? comment:"");
err = gcry_sexp_build (&key, NULL,
"(public-key(ecc(curve \"Ed25519\")"
"(flags eddsa)(q %m))"
comment? comment:"");
err = sexp_key_construct (&key, spec, secret, curve_name, mpi_list,
comment? comment:"");
if (err)
goto out;
if (key_spec)
*key_spec = spec;
*key_new = key;
es_fclose (cert);
mpint_list_free (mpi_list);
xfree (curve_name);
xfree (key_type);
xfree (comment);
return err;
/* Write the public key from KEY to STREAM in SSH key format. If
OVERRIDE_COMMENT is not NULL, it will be used instead of the
comment stored in the key. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_send_key_public (estream_t stream, gcry_sexp_t key,
const char *override_comment)
ssh_key_type_spec_t spec;
int algo;
char *comment = NULL;
void *blob = NULL;
size_t bloblen;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
algo = get_pk_algo_from_key (key);
if (algo == 0)
goto out;
err = ssh_key_type_lookup (NULL, algo, &spec);
if (err)
goto out;
err = ssh_key_to_blob (key, 0, spec, &blob, &bloblen);
if (err)
goto out;
err = stream_write_string (stream, blob, bloblen);
if (err)
goto out;
if (override_comment)
err = stream_write_cstring (stream, override_comment);
err = ssh_key_extract_comment (key, &comment);
if (err)
err = stream_write_cstring (stream, "(none)");
err = stream_write_cstring (stream, comment);
if (err)
goto out;
xfree (comment);
es_free (blob);
return err;
/* Read a public key out of BLOB/BLOB_SIZE according to the key
specification given as KEY_SPEC, storing the new key in KEY_PUBLIC.
Returns zero on success or an error code. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_read_key_public_from_blob (unsigned char *blob, size_t blob_size,
gcry_sexp_t *key_public,
ssh_key_type_spec_t *key_spec)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t blob_stream;
blob_stream = es_fopenmem (0, "r+b");
if (!blob_stream)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
err = stream_write_data (blob_stream, blob, blob_size);
if (err)
goto out;
err = es_fseek (blob_stream, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (err)
goto out;
err = ssh_receive_key (blob_stream, key_public, 0, 0, key_spec);
es_fclose (blob_stream);
return err;
/* This function calculates the key grip for the key contained in the
S-Expression KEY and writes it to BUFFER, which must be large
enough to hold it. Returns usual error code. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_key_grip (gcry_sexp_t key, unsigned char *buffer)
if (!gcry_pk_get_keygrip (key, buffer))
gpg_error_t err = gcry_pk_testkey (key);
return err? err : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
return 0;
/* Check whether a smartcard is available and whether it has a usable
key. Store a copy of that key at R_PK and return 0. If no key is
available store NULL at R_PK and return an error code. If CARDSN
is not NULL, a string with the serial number of the card will be
a malloced and stored there. */
static gpg_error_t
card_key_available (ctrl_t ctrl, gcry_sexp_t *r_pk, char **cardsn)
gpg_error_t err;
char *authkeyid;
char *serialno = NULL;
unsigned char *pkbuf;
size_t pkbuflen;
gcry_sexp_t s_pk;
unsigned char grip[20];
*r_pk = NULL;
if (cardsn)
*cardsn = NULL;
/* First see whether a card is available and whether the application
is supported. */
err = agent_card_getattr (ctrl, "$AUTHKEYID", &authkeyid);
if ( gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_CARD_REMOVED )
/* Ask for the serial number to reset the card. */
err = agent_card_serialno (ctrl, &serialno);
if (err)
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("error getting serial number of card: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
log_info (_("detected card with S/N: %s\n"), serialno);
err = agent_card_getattr (ctrl, "$AUTHKEYID", &authkeyid);
if (err)
log_error (_("no authentication key for ssh on card: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (serialno);
return err;
/* Get the S/N if we don't have it yet. Use the fast getattr method. */
if (!serialno && (err = agent_card_getattr (ctrl, "SERIALNO", &serialno)) )
log_error (_("error getting serial number of card: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (authkeyid);
return err;
/* Read the public key. */
err = agent_card_readkey (ctrl, authkeyid, &pkbuf);
if (err)
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("no suitable card key found: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (serialno);
xfree (authkeyid);
return err;
pkbuflen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (pkbuf, 0, NULL, NULL);
err = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_pk, NULL, (char*)pkbuf, pkbuflen);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to build S-Exp from received card key: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (pkbuf);
xfree (serialno);
xfree (authkeyid);
return err;
err = ssh_key_grip (s_pk, grip);
if (err)
log_debug ("error computing keygrip from received card key: %s\n",
gcry_strerror (err));
xfree (pkbuf);
gcry_sexp_release (s_pk);
xfree (serialno);
xfree (authkeyid);
return err;
if ( agent_key_available (grip) )
/* (Shadow)-key is not available in our key storage. */
err = agent_write_shadow_key (grip, serialno, authkeyid, pkbuf, 0);
if (err)
xfree (pkbuf);
gcry_sexp_release (s_pk);
xfree (serialno);
xfree (authkeyid);
return err;
if (cardsn)
char *dispsn;
/* If the card handler is able to return a short serialnumber,
use that one, else use the complete serialno. */
if (!agent_card_getattr (ctrl, "$DISPSERIALNO", &dispsn))
*cardsn = xtryasprintf ("cardno:%s", dispsn);
xfree (dispsn);
*cardsn = xtryasprintf ("cardno:%s", serialno);
if (!*cardsn)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (pkbuf);
gcry_sexp_release (s_pk);
xfree (serialno);
xfree (authkeyid);
return err;
xfree (pkbuf);
xfree (serialno);
xfree (authkeyid);
*r_pk = s_pk;
return 0;
Request handler. Each handler is provided with a CTRL context, a
REQUEST object and a RESPONSE object. The actual request is to be
read from REQUEST, the response needs to be written to RESPONSE.
/* Handler for the "request_identities" command. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_handler_request_identities (ctrl_t ctrl,
estream_t request, estream_t response)
u32 key_counter;
estream_t key_blobs;
gcry_sexp_t key_public;
gpg_error_t err;
int ret;
ssh_control_file_t cf = NULL;
char *cardsn;
gpg_error_t ret_err;
/* Prepare buffer stream. */
key_public = NULL;
key_counter = 0;
err = 0;
key_blobs = es_fopenmem (0, "r+b");
if (! key_blobs)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
/* First check whether a key is currently available in the card
reader - this should be allowed even without being listed in
sshcontrol. */
if (!opt.disable_scdaemon
&& !card_key_available (ctrl, &key_public, &cardsn))
err = ssh_send_key_public (key_blobs, key_public, cardsn);
gcry_sexp_release (key_public);
key_public = NULL;
xfree (cardsn);
if (err)
goto out;
/* Then look at all the registered and non-disabled keys. */
err = open_control_file (&cf, 0);
if (err)
goto out;
while (!read_control_file_item (cf))
unsigned char grip[20];
if (!cf->item.valid)
continue; /* Should not happen. */
if (cf->item.disabled)
assert (strlen (cf->item.hexgrip) == 40);
hex2bin (cf->item.hexgrip, grip, sizeof (grip));
err = agent_public_key_from_file (ctrl, grip, &key_public);
if (err)
log_error ("%s:%d: key '%s' skipped: %s\n",
cf->fname, cf->lnr, cf->item.hexgrip,
gpg_strerror (err));
err = ssh_send_key_public (key_blobs, key_public, NULL);
if (err)
goto out;
gcry_sexp_release (key_public);
key_public = NULL;
err = 0;
ret = es_fseek (key_blobs, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (ret)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
/* Send response. */
gcry_sexp_release (key_public);
if (!err)
ret_err = stream_write_byte (response, SSH_RESPONSE_IDENTITIES_ANSWER);
if (!ret_err)
ret_err = stream_write_uint32 (response, key_counter);
if (!ret_err)
ret_err = stream_copy (response, key_blobs);
ret_err = stream_write_byte (response, SSH_RESPONSE_FAILURE);
es_fclose (key_blobs);
close_control_file (cf);
return ret_err;
/* This function hashes the data contained in DATA of size DATA_N
according to the message digest algorithm specified by MD_ALGORITHM
and writes the message digest to HASH, which needs to large enough
for the digest. */
static gpg_error_t
data_hash (unsigned char *data, size_t data_n,
int md_algorithm, unsigned char *hash)
gcry_md_hash_buffer (md_algorithm, hash, data, data_n);
return 0;
/* This function signs the data described by CTRL. If HASH is is not
NULL, (HASH,HASHLEN) overrides the hash stored in CTRL. This is to
allow the use of signature algorithms that implement the hashing
internally (e.g. Ed25519). On success the created signature is
stored in ssh format at R_SIG and it's size at R_SIGLEN; the caller
must use es_free to releaase this memory. */
static gpg_error_t
data_sign (ctrl_t ctrl, ssh_key_type_spec_t *spec,
const void *hash, size_t hashlen,
unsigned char **r_sig, size_t *r_siglen)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t signature_sexp = NULL;
estream_t stream = NULL;
void *blob = NULL;
size_t bloblen;
char hexgrip[40+1];
*r_sig = NULL;
*r_siglen = 0;
/* Quick check to see whether we have a valid keygrip and convert it
to hex. */
if (!ctrl->have_keygrip)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
goto out;
bin2hex (ctrl->keygrip, 20, hexgrip);
/* Ask for confirmation if needed. */
if (confirm_flag_from_sshcontrol (hexgrip))
gcry_sexp_t key;
char *fpr, *prompt;
char *comment = NULL;
err = agent_raw_key_from_file (ctrl, ctrl->keygrip, &key);
if (err)
goto out;
err = ssh_get_fingerprint_string (key, &fpr);
if (!err)
gcry_sexp_t tmpsxp = gcry_sexp_find_token (key, "comment", 0);
if (tmpsxp)
comment = gcry_sexp_nth_string (tmpsxp, 1);
gcry_sexp_release (tmpsxp);
gcry_sexp_release (key);
if (err)
goto out;
prompt = xtryasprintf (L_("An ssh process requested the use of key%%0A"
" %s%%0A"
" (%s)%%0A"
"Do you want to allow this?"),
fpr, comment? comment:"");
xfree (fpr);
gcry_free (comment);
err = agent_get_confirmation (ctrl, prompt, L_("Allow"), L_("Deny"), 0);
xfree (prompt);
if (err)
goto out;
/* Create signature. */
ctrl->use_auth_call = 1;
err = agent_pksign_do (ctrl, NULL,
L_("Please enter the passphrase "
"for the ssh key%%0A %F%%0A (%c)"),
CACHE_MODE_SSH, ttl_from_sshcontrol,
hash, hashlen);
ctrl->use_auth_call = 0;
if (err)
goto out;
stream = es_fopenmem (0, "r+b");
if (!stream)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
err = stream_write_cstring (stream, spec->ssh_identifier);
if (err)
goto out;
err = spec->signature_encoder (spec, stream, signature_sexp);
if (err)
goto out;
err = es_fclose_snatch (stream, &blob, &bloblen);
if (err)
goto out;
stream = NULL;
*r_sig = blob; blob = NULL;
*r_siglen = bloblen;
xfree (blob);
es_fclose (stream);
gcry_sexp_release (signature_sexp);
return err;
/* Handler for the "sign_request" command. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_handler_sign_request (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t request, estream_t response)
gcry_sexp_t key = NULL;
ssh_key_type_spec_t spec;
unsigned char hash[MAX_DIGEST_LEN];
unsigned int hash_n;
unsigned char key_grip[20];
unsigned char *key_blob = NULL;
u32 key_blob_size;
unsigned char *data = NULL;
unsigned char *sig = NULL;
size_t sig_n;
u32 data_size;
u32 flags;
gpg_error_t err;
gpg_error_t ret_err;
int hash_algo;
/* Receive key. */
err = stream_read_string (request, 0, &key_blob, &key_blob_size);
if (err)
goto out;
err = ssh_read_key_public_from_blob (key_blob, key_blob_size, &key, &spec);
if (err)
goto out;
/* Receive data to sign. */
err = stream_read_string (request, 0, &data, &data_size);
if (err)
goto out;
/* FIXME? */
err = stream_read_uint32 (request, &flags);
if (err)
goto out;
hash_algo = spec.hash_algo;
if (!hash_algo)
hash_algo = GCRY_MD_SHA1; /* Use the default. */
ctrl->digest.algo = hash_algo;
if ((spec.flags & SPEC_FLAG_USE_PKCS1V2))
ctrl->digest.raw_value = 0;
ctrl->digest.raw_value = 1;
/* Calculate key grip. */
err = ssh_key_grip (key, key_grip);
if (err)
goto out;
ctrl->have_keygrip = 1;
memcpy (ctrl->keygrip, key_grip, 20);
/* Hash data unless we use EdDSA. */
if ((spec.flags & SPEC_FLAG_IS_EdDSA))
ctrl->digest.valuelen = 0;
hash_n = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (hash_algo);
if (!hash_n)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
goto out;
err = data_hash (data, data_size, hash_algo, hash);
if (err)
goto out;
memcpy (ctrl->digest.value, hash, hash_n);
ctrl->digest.valuelen = hash_n;
/* Sign data. */
if ((spec.flags & SPEC_FLAG_IS_EdDSA))
err = data_sign (ctrl, &spec, data, data_size, &sig, &sig_n);
err = data_sign (ctrl, &spec, NULL, 0, &sig, &sig_n);
/* Done. */
if (!err)
ret_err = stream_write_byte (response, SSH_RESPONSE_SIGN_RESPONSE);
if (ret_err)
goto leave;
ret_err = stream_write_string (response, sig, sig_n);
if (ret_err)
goto leave;
log_error ("ssh sign request failed: %s <%s>\n",
gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
ret_err = stream_write_byte (response, SSH_RESPONSE_FAILURE);
if (ret_err)
goto leave;
gcry_sexp_release (key);
xfree (key_blob);
xfree (data);
es_free (sig);
return ret_err;
/* This function extracts the comment contained in the key
s-expression KEY and stores a copy in COMMENT. Returns usual error
code. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_key_extract_comment (gcry_sexp_t key, char **r_comment)
gcry_sexp_t comment_list;
*r_comment = NULL;
comment_list = gcry_sexp_find_token (key, "comment", 0);
if (!comment_list)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
*r_comment = gcry_sexp_nth_string (comment_list, 1);
gcry_sexp_release (comment_list);
if (!*r_comment)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
return 0;
/* This function converts the key contained in the S-Expression KEY
into a buffer, which is protected by the passphrase PASSPHRASE.
Returns usual error code. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_key_to_protected_buffer (gcry_sexp_t key, const char *passphrase,
unsigned char **buffer, size_t *buffer_n)
unsigned char *buffer_new;
unsigned int buffer_new_n;
gpg_error_t err;
err = 0;
buffer_new_n = gcry_sexp_sprint (key, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, NULL, 0);
buffer_new = xtrymalloc_secure (buffer_new_n);
if (! buffer_new)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
gcry_sexp_sprint (key, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, buffer_new, buffer_new_n);
/* FIXME: guarantee? */
err = agent_protect (buffer_new, passphrase, buffer, buffer_n, 0, -1);
xfree (buffer_new);
return err;
/* Callback function to compare the first entered PIN with the one
currently being entered. */
static gpg_error_t
reenter_compare_cb (struct pin_entry_info_s *pi)
const char *pin1 = pi->check_cb_arg;
if (!strcmp (pin1, pi->pin))
return 0; /* okay */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE);
/* Store the ssh KEY into our local key storage and protect it after
asking for a passphrase. Cache that passphrase. TTL is the
maximum caching time for that key. If the key already exists in
our key storage, don't do anything. When entering a key also add
an entry to the sshcontrol file. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_identity_register (ctrl_t ctrl, ssh_key_type_spec_t *spec,
gcry_sexp_t key, int ttl, int confirm)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char key_grip_raw[20];
char key_grip[41];
unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
size_t buffer_n;
char *description = NULL;
const char *description2 = L_("Please re-enter this passphrase");
char *comment = NULL;
char *key_fpr = NULL;
const char *initial_errtext = NULL;
struct pin_entry_info_s *pi = NULL;
struct pin_entry_info_s *pi2 = NULL;
err = ssh_key_grip (key, key_grip_raw);
if (err)
goto out;
bin2hex (key_grip_raw, 20, key_grip);
err = ssh_get_fingerprint_string (key, &key_fpr);
if (err)
goto out;
/* Check whether the key is already in our key storage. Don't do
anything then besides (re-)adding it to sshcontrol. */
if ( !agent_key_available (key_grip_raw) )
goto key_exists; /* Yes, key is available. */
err = ssh_key_extract_comment (key, &comment);
if (err)
goto out;
if ( asprintf (&description,
L_("Please enter a passphrase to protect"
" the received secret key%%0A"
" %s%%0A"
" %s%%0A"
"within gpg-agent's key storage"),
key_fpr, comment ? comment : "") < 0)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
pi = gcry_calloc_secure (1, sizeof (*pi) + MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN + 1);
if (!pi)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
pi2 = gcry_calloc_secure (1, sizeof (*pi2) + MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN + 1);
if (!pi2)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
pi->max_length = MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN + 1;
pi->max_tries = 1;
pi->with_repeat = 1;
pi2->max_length = MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN + 1;
pi2->max_tries = 1;
pi2->check_cb = reenter_compare_cb;
pi2->check_cb_arg = pi->pin;
err = agent_askpin (ctrl, description, NULL, initial_errtext, pi, NULL, 0);
initial_errtext = NULL;
if (err)
goto out;
/* Unless the passphrase is empty or the pinentry told us that
it already did the repetition check, ask to confirm it. */
if (*pi->pin && !pi->repeat_okay)
err = agent_askpin (ctrl, description2, NULL, NULL, pi2, NULL, 0);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE)
{ /* The re-entered one did not match and the user did not
hit cancel. */
initial_errtext = L_("does not match - try again");
goto next_try;
err = ssh_key_to_protected_buffer (key, pi->pin, &buffer, &buffer_n);
if (err)
goto out;
/* Store this key to our key storage. */
err = agent_write_private_key (key_grip_raw, buffer, buffer_n, 0);
if (err)
goto out;
/* Cache this passphrase. */
err = agent_put_cache (key_grip, CACHE_MODE_SSH, pi->pin, ttl);
if (err)
goto out;
/* And add an entry to the sshcontrol file. */
err = add_control_entry (ctrl, spec, key_grip, key_fpr, ttl, confirm);
if (pi2 && pi2->max_length)
wipememory (pi2->pin, pi2->max_length);
xfree (pi2);
if (pi && pi->max_length)
wipememory (pi->pin, pi->max_length);
xfree (pi);
xfree (buffer);
xfree (comment);
xfree (key_fpr);
xfree (description);
return err;
/* This function removes the key contained in the S-Expression KEY
from the local key storage, in case it exists there. Returns usual
error code. FIXME: this function is a stub. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_identity_drop (gcry_sexp_t key)
unsigned char key_grip[21] = { 0 };
gpg_error_t err;
err = ssh_key_grip (key, key_grip);
if (err)
goto out;
key_grip[sizeof (key_grip) - 1] = 0;
/* FIXME: What to do here - forgetting the passphrase or deleting
the key from key cache? */
return err;
/* Handler for the "add_identity" command. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_handler_add_identity (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t request, estream_t response)
gpg_error_t ret_err;
ssh_key_type_spec_t spec;
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t key;
unsigned char b;
int confirm;
int ttl;
confirm = 0;
key = NULL;
ttl = 0;
/* FIXME? */
err = ssh_receive_key (request, &key, 1, 1, &spec);
if (err)
goto out;
while (1)
err = stream_read_byte (request, &b);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
err = 0;
switch (b)
u32 n = 0;
err = stream_read_uint32 (request, &n);
if (! err)
ttl = n;
confirm = 1;
/* FIXME: log/bad? */
if (err)
goto out;
err = ssh_identity_register (ctrl, &spec, key, ttl, confirm);
gcry_sexp_release (key);
if (! err)
ret_err = stream_write_byte (response, SSH_RESPONSE_SUCCESS);
ret_err = stream_write_byte (response, SSH_RESPONSE_FAILURE);
return ret_err;
/* Handler for the "remove_identity" command. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_handler_remove_identity (ctrl_t ctrl,
estream_t request, estream_t response)
unsigned char *key_blob;
u32 key_blob_size;
gcry_sexp_t key;
gpg_error_t ret_err;
gpg_error_t err;
/* Receive key. */
key_blob = NULL;
key = NULL;
err = stream_read_string (request, 0, &key_blob, &key_blob_size);
if (err)
goto out;
err = ssh_read_key_public_from_blob (key_blob, key_blob_size, &key, NULL);
if (err)
goto out;
err = ssh_identity_drop (key);
xfree (key_blob);
gcry_sexp_release (key);
if (! err)
ret_err = stream_write_byte (response, SSH_RESPONSE_SUCCESS);
ret_err = stream_write_byte (response, SSH_RESPONSE_FAILURE);
return ret_err;
/* FIXME: stub function. Actually useful? */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_identities_remove_all (void)
gpg_error_t err;
err = 0;
/* FIXME: shall we remove _all_ cache entries or only those
registered through the ssh emulation? */
return err;
/* Handler for the "remove_all_identities" command. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_handler_remove_all_identities (ctrl_t ctrl,
estream_t request, estream_t response)
gpg_error_t ret_err;
gpg_error_t err;
err = ssh_identities_remove_all ();
if (! err)
ret_err = stream_write_byte (response, SSH_RESPONSE_SUCCESS);
ret_err = stream_write_byte (response, SSH_RESPONSE_FAILURE);
return ret_err;
/* Lock agent? FIXME: stub function. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_lock (void)
gpg_error_t err;
/* FIXME */
log_error ("ssh-agent's lock command is not implemented\n");
err = 0;
return err;
/* Unock agent? FIXME: stub function. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_unlock (void)
gpg_error_t err;
log_error ("ssh-agent's unlock command is not implemented\n");
err = 0;
return err;
/* Handler for the "lock" command. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_handler_lock (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t request, estream_t response)
gpg_error_t ret_err;
gpg_error_t err;
err = ssh_lock ();
if (! err)
ret_err = stream_write_byte (response, SSH_RESPONSE_SUCCESS);
ret_err = stream_write_byte (response, SSH_RESPONSE_FAILURE);
return ret_err;
/* Handler for the "unlock" command. */
static gpg_error_t
ssh_handler_unlock (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t request, estream_t response)
gpg_error_t ret_err;
gpg_error_t err;
err = ssh_unlock ();
if (! err)
ret_err = stream_write_byte (response, SSH_RESPONSE_SUCCESS);
ret_err = stream_write_byte (response, SSH_RESPONSE_FAILURE);
return ret_err;
/* Return the request specification for the request identified by TYPE
or NULL in case the requested request specification could not be
found. */
static ssh_request_spec_t *
request_spec_lookup (int type)
ssh_request_spec_t *spec;
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < DIM (request_specs); i++)
if (request_specs[i].type == type)
if (i == DIM (request_specs))
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("ssh request %u is not supported\n", type);
spec = NULL;
spec = request_specs + i;
return spec;
/* Process a single request. The request is read from and the
response is written to STREAM_SOCK. Uses CTRL as context. Returns
zero in case of success, non zero in case of failure. */
static int
ssh_request_process (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t stream_sock)
ssh_request_spec_t *spec;
estream_t response = NULL;
estream_t request = NULL;
unsigned char request_type;
gpg_error_t err;
int send_err = 0;
int ret;
unsigned char *request_data = NULL;
u32 request_data_size;
u32 response_size;
/* Create memory streams for request/response data. The entire
request will be stored in secure memory, since it might contain
secret key material. The response does not have to be stored in
secure memory, since we never give out secret keys.
Note: we only have little secure memory, but there is NO
possibility of DoS here; only trusted clients are allowed to
connect to the agent. What could happen is that the agent
returns out-of-secure-memory errors on requests in case the
agent's owner floods his own agent with many large messages.
-moritz */
/* Retrieve request. */
err = stream_read_string (stream_sock, 1, &request_data, &request_data_size);
if (err)
goto out;
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info ("received ssh request of length %u\n",
(unsigned int)request_data_size);
if (! request_data_size)
send_err = 1;
goto out;
/* Broken request; FIXME. */
request_type = request_data[0];
spec = request_spec_lookup (request_type);
if (! spec)
send_err = 1;
goto out;
/* Unknown request; FIXME. */
if (spec->secret_input)
request = es_mopen (NULL, 0, 0, 1, realloc_secure, gcry_free, "r+b");
request = es_mopen (NULL, 0, 0, 1, gcry_realloc, gcry_free, "r+b");
if (! request)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
ret = es_setvbuf (request, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
if (ret)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
err = stream_write_data (request, request_data + 1, request_data_size - 1);
if (err)
goto out;
es_rewind (request);
response = es_fopenmem (0, "r+b");
if (! response)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("ssh request handler for %s (%u) started\n",
spec->identifier, spec->type);
err = (*spec->handler) (ctrl, request, response);
if (opt.verbose)
if (err)
log_info ("ssh request handler for %s (%u) failed: %s\n",
spec->identifier, spec->type, gpg_strerror (err));
log_info ("ssh request handler for %s (%u) ready\n",
spec->identifier, spec->type);
if (err)
send_err = 1;
goto out;
response_size = es_ftell (response);
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info ("sending ssh response of length %u\n",
(unsigned int)response_size);
err = es_fseek (response, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (err)
send_err = 1;
goto out;
err = stream_write_uint32 (stream_sock, response_size);
if (err)
send_err = 1;
goto out;
err = stream_copy (stream_sock, response);
if (err)
goto out;
err = es_fflush (stream_sock);
if (err)
goto out;
if (err && es_feof (stream_sock))
log_error ("error occurred while processing request: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
if (send_err)
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info ("sending ssh error response\n");
err = stream_write_uint32 (stream_sock, 1);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = stream_write_byte (stream_sock, SSH_RESPONSE_FAILURE);
if (err)
goto leave;
es_fclose (request);
es_fclose (response);
xfree (request_data);
return !!err;
/* Start serving client on SOCK_CLIENT. */
start_command_handler_ssh (ctrl_t ctrl, gnupg_fd_t sock_client)
estream_t stream_sock = NULL;
gpg_error_t err;
int ret;
err = agent_copy_startup_env (ctrl);
if (err)
goto out;
/* Create stream from socket. */
stream_sock = es_fdopen (FD2INT(sock_client), "r+");
if (!stream_sock)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("failed to create stream from socket: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
goto out;
/* We have to disable the estream buffering, because the estream
core doesn't know about secure memory. */
ret = es_setvbuf (stream_sock, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
if (ret)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("failed to disable buffering "
"on socket stream: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto out;
/* Main processing loop. */
while ( !ssh_request_process (ctrl, stream_sock) )
/* Check wether we have reached EOF before trying to read
another request. */
int c;
c = es_fgetc (stream_sock);
if (c == EOF)
es_ungetc (c, stream_sock);
/* Reset the SCD in case it has been used. */
agent_reset_scd (ctrl);
if (stream_sock)
es_fclose (stream_sock);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* Serve one ssh-agent request. This is used for the Putty support.
REQUEST is the the mmapped memory which may be accessed up to a
length of MAXREQLEN. Returns 0 on success which also indicates
that a valid SSH response message is now in REQUEST. */
serve_mmapped_ssh_request (ctrl_t ctrl,
unsigned char *request, size_t maxreqlen)
gpg_error_t err;
int send_err = 0;
int valid_response = 0;
ssh_request_spec_t *spec;
u32 msglen;
estream_t request_stream, response_stream;
if (agent_copy_startup_env (ctrl))
goto leave; /* Error setting up the environment. */
if (maxreqlen < 5)
goto leave; /* Caller error. */
msglen = uint32_construct (request[0], request[1], request[2], request[3]);
if (msglen < 1 || msglen > maxreqlen - 4)
log_error ("ssh message len (%u) out of range", (unsigned int)msglen);
goto leave;
spec = request_spec_lookup (request[4]);
if (!spec)
send_err = 1; /* Unknown request type. */
goto leave;
/* Create a stream object with the data part of the request. */
if (spec->secret_input)
request_stream = es_mopen (NULL, 0, 0, 1, realloc_secure, gcry_free, "r+");
request_stream = es_mopen (NULL, 0, 0, 1, gcry_realloc, gcry_free, "r+");
if (!request_stream)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* We have to disable the estream buffering, because the estream
core doesn't know about secure memory. */
if (es_setvbuf (request_stream, NULL, _IONBF, 0))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Copy the request to the stream but omit the request type. */
err = stream_write_data (request_stream, request + 5, msglen - 1);
if (err)
goto leave;
es_rewind (request_stream);
response_stream = es_fopenmem (0, "r+b");
if (!response_stream)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("ssh request handler for %s (%u) started\n",
spec->identifier, spec->type);
err = (*spec->handler) (ctrl, request_stream, response_stream);
if (opt.verbose)
if (err)
log_info ("ssh request handler for %s (%u) failed: %s\n",
spec->identifier, spec->type, gpg_strerror (err));
log_info ("ssh request handler for %s (%u) ready\n",
spec->identifier, spec->type);
es_fclose (request_stream);
request_stream = NULL;
if (err)
send_err = 1;
goto leave;
/* Put the response back into the mmapped buffer. */
void *response_data;
size_t response_size;
/* NB: In contrast to the request-stream, the response stream
includes the the message type byte. */
if (es_fclose_snatch (response_stream, &response_data, &response_size))
log_error ("snatching ssh response failed: %s",
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
send_err = 1; /* Ooops. */
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info ("sending ssh response of length %u\n",
(unsigned int)response_size);
if (response_size > maxreqlen - 4)
log_error ("invalid length of the ssh response: %s",
gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL));
es_free (response_data);
send_err = 1;
goto leave;
request[0] = response_size >> 24;
request[1] = response_size >> 16;
request[2] = response_size >> 8;
request[3] = response_size >> 0;
memcpy (request+4, response_data, response_size);
es_free (response_data);
valid_response = 1;
if (send_err)
request[0] = 0;
request[1] = 0;
request[2] = 0;
request[3] = 1;
valid_response = 1;
/* Reset the SCD in case it has been used. */
agent_reset_scd (ctrl);
return valid_response? 0 : -1;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
diff --git a/agent/command.c b/agent/command.c
index 4db2834db..a2d493167 100644
--- a/agent/command.c
+++ b/agent/command.c
@@ -1,3351 +1,3351 @@
/* command.c - gpg-agent command handler
* Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Werner Koch
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* FIXME: we should not use the default assuan buffering but setup
some buffering in secure mempory to protect session keys etc. */
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include "agent.h"
#include <assuan.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "cvt-openpgp.h"
#include "../common/ssh-utils.h"
#include "../common/asshelp.h"
#include "../common/server-help.h"
/* Maximum allowed size of the inquired ciphertext. */
/* Maximum allowed size of the key parameters. */
#define MAXLEN_KEYPARAM 1024
/* Maximum allowed size of key data as used in inquiries (bytes). */
#define MAXLEN_KEYDATA 8192
/* The size of the import/export KEK key (in bytes). */
#define KEYWRAP_KEYSIZE (128/8)
/* A shortcut to call assuan_set_error using an gpg_err_code_t and a
text string. */
#define set_error(e,t) assuan_set_error (ctx, gpg_error (e), (t))
/* Check that the maximum digest length we support has at least the
length of the keygrip. */
#error MAX_DIGEST_LEN shorter than keygrip
/* Data used to associate an Assuan context with local server data.
This is this modules local part of the server_control_s struct. */
struct server_local_s
/* Our Assuan context. */
assuan_context_t assuan_ctx;
/* If this flag is true, the passphrase cache is used for signing
operations. It defaults to true but may be set on a per
connection base. The global option opt.ignore_cache_for_signing
takes precedence over this flag. */
unsigned int use_cache_for_signing : 1;
/* Flag to suppress I/O logging during a command. */
unsigned int pause_io_logging : 1;
/* Flag indicating that the connection is from ourselves. */
unsigned int connect_from_self : 1;
/* Helper flag for io_monitor to allow suppressing of our own
* greeting in some cases. See io_monitor for details. */
unsigned int greeting_seen : 1;
/* If this flag is set to true the agent will be terminated after
the end of the current session. */
unsigned int stopme : 1;
/* Flag indicating whether pinentry notifications shall be done. */
unsigned int allow_pinentry_notify : 1;
/* An allocated description for the next key operation. This is
used if a pinnetry needs to be popped up. */
char *keydesc;
/* Malloced KEK (Key-Encryption-Key) for the import_key command. */
void *import_key;
/* Malloced KEK for the export_key command. */
void *export_key;
/* Client is aware of the error code GPG_ERR_FULLY_CANCELED. */
int allow_fully_canceled;
/* Last CACHE_NONCE sent as status (malloced). */
char *last_cache_nonce;
/* Last PASSWD_NONCE sent as status (malloced). */
char *last_passwd_nonce;
/* An entry for the getval/putval commands. */
struct putval_item_s
struct putval_item_s *next;
size_t off; /* Offset to the value into DATA. */
size_t len; /* Length of the value. */
char d[1]; /* Key | Nul | value. */
/* A list of key value pairs fpr the getval/putval commands. */
static struct putval_item_s *putval_list;
/* To help polling clients, we keep track of the number of certain
events. This structure keeps those counters. The counters are
integers and there should be no problem if they are overflowing as
callers need to check only whether a counter changed. The actual
values are not meaningful. */
/* Incremented if any of the other counters below changed. */
unsigned int any;
/* Incremented if a key is added or removed from the internal privat
key database. */
unsigned int key;
/* Incremented if a change of the card readers stati has been
detected. */
unsigned int card;
} eventcounter;
/* Local prototypes. */
static int command_has_option (const char *cmd, const char *cmdopt);
/* Release the memory buffer MB but first wipe out the used memory. */
static void
clear_outbuf (membuf_t *mb)
void *p;
size_t n;
p = get_membuf (mb, &n);
if (p)
wipememory (p, n);
xfree (p);
/* Write the content of memory buffer MB as assuan data to CTX and
wipe the buffer out afterwards. */
static gpg_error_t
write_and_clear_outbuf (assuan_context_t ctx, membuf_t *mb)
gpg_error_t ae;
void *p;
size_t n;
p = get_membuf (mb, &n);
if (!p)
return out_of_core ();
ae = assuan_send_data (ctx, p, n);
memset (p, 0, n);
xfree (p);
return ae;
/* Clear the nonces used to enable the passphrase cache for certain
multi-command command sequences. */
static void
clear_nonce_cache (ctrl_t ctrl)
if (ctrl->server_local->last_cache_nonce)
agent_put_cache (ctrl->server_local->last_cache_nonce,
xfree (ctrl->server_local->last_cache_nonce);
ctrl->server_local->last_cache_nonce = NULL;
if (ctrl->server_local->last_passwd_nonce)
agent_put_cache (ctrl->server_local->last_passwd_nonce,
xfree (ctrl->server_local->last_passwd_nonce);
ctrl->server_local->last_passwd_nonce = NULL;
/* This function is called by Libassuan whenever the client sends a
reset. It has been registered similar to the other Assuan
commands. */
static gpg_error_t
reset_notify (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
(void) line;
memset (ctrl->keygrip, 0, 20);
ctrl->have_keygrip = 0;
ctrl->digest.valuelen = 0;
xfree (ctrl->server_local->keydesc);
ctrl->server_local->keydesc = NULL;
clear_nonce_cache (ctrl);
return 0;
/* Replace all '+' by a blank in the string S. */
static void
plus_to_blank (char *s)
for (; *s; s++)
if (*s == '+')
*s = ' ';
/* Parse a hex string. Return an Assuan error code or 0 on success and the
length of the parsed string in LEN. */
static int
parse_hexstring (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *string, size_t *len)
const char *p;
size_t n;
/* parse the hash value */
for (p=string, n=0; hexdigitp (p); p++, n++)
if (*p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "invalid hexstring");
if ((n&1))
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "odd number of digits");
*len = n;
return 0;
/* Parse the keygrip in STRING into the provided buffer BUF. BUF must
provide space for 20 bytes. BUF is not changed if the function
returns an error. */
static int
parse_keygrip (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *string, unsigned char *buf)
int rc;
size_t n = 0;
rc = parse_hexstring (ctx, string, &n);
if (rc)
return rc;
n /= 2;
if (n != 20)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "invalid length of keygrip");
if (hex2bin (string, buf, 20) < 0)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_BUG, "hex2bin");
return 0;
/* Write an Assuan status line. KEYWORD is the first item on the
status line. The following arguments are all separated by a space
in the output. The last argument must be a NULL. Linefeeds and
carriage returns characters (which are not allowed in an Assuan
status line) are silently quoted in C-style. */
agent_write_status (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyword, ...)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
va_list arg_ptr;
const char *text;
assuan_context_t ctx = ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx;
char buf[950], *p;
size_t n;
va_start (arg_ptr, keyword);
p = buf;
n = 0;
while ( (text = va_arg (arg_ptr, const char *)) )
if (n)
*p++ = ' ';
for ( ; *text && n < DIM (buf)-3; n++, text++)
if (*text == '\n')
*p++ = '\\';
*p++ = 'n';
else if (*text == '\r')
*p++ = '\\';
*p++ = 'r';
*p++ = *text;
*p = 0;
err = assuan_write_status (ctx, keyword, buf);
va_end (arg_ptr);
return err;
/* This function is similar to print_assuan_status but takes a CTRL
arg instead of an assuan context as first argument. */
agent_print_status (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyword, const char *format, ...)
gpg_error_t err;
va_list arg_ptr;
assuan_context_t ctx = ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx;
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
err = vprint_assuan_status (ctx, keyword, format, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
return err;
/* Helper to notify the client about a launched Pinentry. Because
that might disturb some older clients, this is only done if enabled
via an option. Returns an gpg error code. */
agent_inq_pinentry_launched (ctrl_t ctrl, unsigned long pid, const char *extra)
char line[256];
if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local
|| !ctrl->server_local->allow_pinentry_notify)
return 0;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "PINENTRY_LAUNCHED %lu%s%s",
pid, extra?" ":"", extra? extra:"");
return assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, 0);
/* An agent progress callback for Libgcrypt. This has been registered
* to be called via the progress dispatcher mechanism from
* gpg-agent.c */
static void
progress_cb (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *what, int printchar,
int current, int total)
if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local || !ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx)
else if (printchar == '\n' && what && !strcmp (what, "primegen"))
agent_print_status (ctrl, "PROGRESS", "%.20s X 100 100", what);
agent_print_status (ctrl, "PROGRESS", "%.20s %c %d %d",
what, printchar=='\n'?'X':printchar, current, total);
/* Helper to print a message while leaving a command. Note that this
* function does not call assuan_set_error; the caller may do this
* prior to calling us. */
static gpg_error_t
leave_cmd (assuan_context_t ctx, gpg_error_t err)
if (err)
const char *name = assuan_get_command_name (ctx);
if (!name)
name = "?";
/* Not all users of gpg-agent know about the fully canceled
error code; map it back if needed. */
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_FULLY_CANCELED)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
if (!ctrl->server_local->allow_fully_canceled)
err = gpg_err_make (gpg_err_source (err), GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
/* Most code from common/ does not know the error source, thus
we fix this here. */
if (gpg_err_source (err) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_UNKNOWN)
err = gpg_err_make (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT, gpg_err_code (err));
if (gpg_err_source (err) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT)
log_error ("command '%s' failed: %s\n", name,
gpg_strerror (err));
log_error ("command '%s' failed: %s <%s>\n", name,
gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
return err;
static const char hlp_geteventcounter[] =
"Return a a status line named EVENTCOUNTER with the current values\n"
"of all event counters. The values are decimal numbers in the range\n"
"0 to UINT_MAX and wrapping around to 0. The actual values should\n"
"not be relied upon, they shall only be used to detect a change.\n"
"The currently defined counters are:\n"
"ANY - Incremented with any change of any of the other counters.\n"
"KEY - Incremented for added or removed private keys.\n"
"CARD - Incremented for changes of the card readers stati.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_geteventcounter (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
return agent_print_status (ctrl, "EVENTCOUNTER", "%u %u %u",
/* This function should be called once for all key removals or
additions. This function is assured not to do any context
switches. */
bump_key_eventcounter (void)
/* This function should be called for all card reader status
changes. This function is assured not to do any context
switches. */
bump_card_eventcounter (void)
static const char hlp_istrusted[] =
"ISTRUSTED <hexstring_with_fingerprint>\n"
"Return OK when we have an entry with this fingerprint in our\n"
static gpg_error_t
cmd_istrusted (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc, n, i;
char *p;
char fpr[41];
/* Parse the fingerprint value. */
for (p=line,n=0; hexdigitp (p); p++, n++)
if (*p || !(n == 40 || n == 32))
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "invalid fingerprint");
i = 0;
if (n==32)
strcpy (fpr, "00000000");
i += 8;
for (p=line; i < 40; p++, i++)
fpr[i] = *p >= 'a'? (*p & 0xdf): *p;
fpr[i] = 0;
rc = agent_istrusted (ctrl, fpr, NULL);
if (!rc || gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED)
return rc;
else if (rc == -1 || gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_EOF )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED);
return leave_cmd (ctx, rc);
static const char hlp_listtrusted[] =
"List all entries from the trustlist.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_listtrusted (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
rc = agent_listtrusted (ctx);
return leave_cmd (ctx, rc);
static const char hlp_martrusted[] =
"MARKTRUSTED <hexstring_with_fingerprint> <flag> <display_name>\n"
"Store a new key in into the trustlist.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_marktrusted (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc, n, i;
char *p;
char fpr[41];
int flag;
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
/* parse the fingerprint value */
for (p=line,n=0; hexdigitp (p); p++, n++)
if (!spacep (p) || !(n == 40 || n == 32))
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "invalid fingerprint");
i = 0;
if (n==32)
strcpy (fpr, "00000000");
i += 8;
for (p=line; i < 40; p++, i++)
fpr[i] = *p >= 'a'? (*p & 0xdf): *p;
fpr[i] = 0;
while (spacep (p))
flag = *p++;
if ( (flag != 'S' && flag != 'P') || !spacep (p) )
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "invalid flag - must be P or S");
while (spacep (p))
rc = agent_marktrusted (ctrl, p, fpr, flag);
return leave_cmd (ctx, rc);
static const char hlp_havekey[] =
"HAVEKEY <hexstrings_with_keygrips>\n"
"Return success if at least one of the secret keys with the given\n"
"keygrips is available.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_havekey (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char buf[20];
err = parse_keygrip (ctx, line, buf);
if (err)
return err;
if (!agent_key_available (buf))
return 0; /* Found. */
while (*line && *line != ' ' && *line != '\t')
while (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t')
while (*line);
/* No leave_cmd() here because errors are expected and would clutter
the log. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
static const char hlp_sigkey[] =
"SIGKEY <hexstring_with_keygrip>\n"
"SETKEY <hexstring_with_keygrip>\n"
"Set the key used for a sign or decrypt operation.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_sigkey (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
int rc;
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
rc = parse_keygrip (ctx, line, ctrl->keygrip);
if (rc)
return rc;
ctrl->have_keygrip = 1;
return 0;
static const char hlp_setkeydesc[] =
"SETKEYDESC plus_percent_escaped_string\n"
"Set a description to be used for the next PKSIGN, PKDECRYPT, IMPORT_KEY\n"
"or EXPORT_KEY operation if this operation requires a passphrase. If\n"
"this command is not used a default text will be used. Note, that\n"
"this description implictly selects the label used for the entry\n"
"box; if the string contains the string PIN (which in general will\n"
"not be translated), \"PIN\" is used, otherwise the translation of\n"
"\"passphrase\" is used. The description string should not contain\n"
"blanks unless they are percent or '+' escaped.\n"
"The description is only valid for the next PKSIGN, PKDECRYPT,\n"
static gpg_error_t
cmd_setkeydesc (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
char *desc, *p;
for (p=line; *p == ' '; p++)
desc = p;
p = strchr (desc, ' ');
if (p)
*p = 0; /* We ignore any garbage; we might late use it for other args. */
if (!*desc)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "no description given");
/* Note, that we only need to replace the + characters and should
leave the other escaping in place because the escaped string is
send verbatim to the pinentry which does the unescaping (but not
the + replacing) */
plus_to_blank (desc);
xfree (ctrl->server_local->keydesc);
if (ctrl->restricted)
ctrl->server_local->keydesc = strconcat
((ctrl->restricted == 2
? _("Note: Request from the web browser.")
: _("Note: Request from a remote site.") ), "%0A%0A", desc, NULL);
ctrl->server_local->keydesc = xtrystrdup (desc);
if (!ctrl->server_local->keydesc)
return out_of_core ();
return 0;
static const char hlp_sethash[] =
"SETHASH (--hash=<name>)|(<algonumber>) <hexstring>\n"
"The client can use this command to tell the server about the data\n"
"(which usually is a hash) to be signed.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_sethash (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
int rc;
size_t n;
char *p;
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
unsigned char *buf;
char *endp;
int algo;
/* Parse the alternative hash options which may be used instead of
the algo number. */
if (has_option_name (line, "--hash"))
if (has_option (line, "--hash=sha1"))
algo = GCRY_MD_SHA1;
else if (has_option (line, "--hash=sha224"))
algo = GCRY_MD_SHA224;
else if (has_option (line, "--hash=sha256"))
algo = GCRY_MD_SHA256;
else if (has_option (line, "--hash=sha384"))
algo = GCRY_MD_SHA384;
else if (has_option (line, "--hash=sha512"))
algo = GCRY_MD_SHA512;
else if (has_option (line, "--hash=rmd160"))
algo = GCRY_MD_RMD160;
else if (has_option (line, "--hash=md5"))
algo = GCRY_MD_MD5;
else if (has_option (line, "--hash=tls-md5sha1"))
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "invalid hash algorithm");
algo = 0;
line = skip_options (line);
if (!algo)
/* No hash option has been given: require an algo number instead */
algo = (int)strtoul (line, &endp, 10);
for (line = endp; *line == ' ' || *line == '\t'; line++)
if (!algo || gcry_md_test_algo (algo))
ctrl->digest.algo = algo;
ctrl->digest.raw_value = 0;
/* Parse the hash value. */
n = 0;
rc = parse_hexstring (ctx, line, &n);
if (rc)
return rc;
n /= 2;
if (algo == MD_USER_TLS_MD5SHA1 && n == 36)
else if (n != 16 && n != 20 && n != 24
&& n != 28 && n != 32 && n != 48 && n != 64)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "unsupported length of hash");
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "hash value to long");
buf = ctrl->digest.value;
ctrl->digest.valuelen = n;
for (p=line, n=0; n < ctrl->digest.valuelen; p += 2, n++)
buf[n] = xtoi_2 (p);
for (; n < ctrl->digest.valuelen; n++)
buf[n] = 0;
return 0;
static const char hlp_pksign[] =
"PKSIGN [<options>] [<cache_nonce>]\n"
"Perform the actual sign operation. Neither input nor output are\n"
"sensitive to eavesdropping.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_pksign (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
int rc;
cache_mode_t cache_mode = CACHE_MODE_NORMAL;
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
membuf_t outbuf;
char *cache_nonce = NULL;
char *p;
line = skip_options (line);
p = line;
for (p=line; *p && *p != ' ' && *p != '\t'; p++)
*p = '\0';
if (*line)
cache_nonce = xtrystrdup (line);
if (opt.ignore_cache_for_signing)
cache_mode = CACHE_MODE_IGNORE;
else if (!ctrl->server_local->use_cache_for_signing)
cache_mode = CACHE_MODE_IGNORE;
init_membuf (&outbuf, 512);
rc = agent_pksign (ctrl, cache_nonce, ctrl->server_local->keydesc,
&outbuf, cache_mode);
if (rc)
clear_outbuf (&outbuf);
rc = write_and_clear_outbuf (ctx, &outbuf);
xfree (cache_nonce);
xfree (ctrl->server_local->keydesc);
ctrl->server_local->keydesc = NULL;
return leave_cmd (ctx, rc);
static const char hlp_pkdecrypt[] =
"PKDECRYPT [<options>]\n"
"Perform the actual decrypt operation. Input is not\n"
"sensitive to eavesdropping.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_pkdecrypt (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
int rc;
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
unsigned char *value;
size_t valuelen;
membuf_t outbuf;
int padding;
/* First inquire the data to decrypt */
rc = print_assuan_status (ctx, "INQUIRE_MAXLEN", "%u", MAXLEN_CIPHERTEXT);
if (!rc)
rc = assuan_inquire (ctx, "CIPHERTEXT",
&value, &valuelen, MAXLEN_CIPHERTEXT);
if (rc)
return rc;
init_membuf (&outbuf, 512);
rc = agent_pkdecrypt (ctrl, ctrl->server_local->keydesc,
value, valuelen, &outbuf, &padding);
xfree (value);
if (rc)
clear_outbuf (&outbuf);
if (padding != -1)
rc = print_assuan_status (ctx, "PADDING", "%d", padding);
rc = 0;
if (!rc)
rc = write_and_clear_outbuf (ctx, &outbuf);
xfree (ctrl->server_local->keydesc);
ctrl->server_local->keydesc = NULL;
return leave_cmd (ctx, rc);
static const char hlp_genkey[] =
"GENKEY [--no-protection] [--preset] [--inq-passwd]\n"
" [--passwd-nonce=<s>] [<cache_nonce>]\n"
"Generate a new key, store the secret part and return the public\n"
"part. Here is an example transaction:\n"
" C: GENKEY\n"
" C: D (genkey (rsa (nbits 2048)))\n"
" C: END\n"
" S: D (public-key\n"
" S: D (rsa (n 326487324683264) (e 10001)))\n"
" S: OK key created\n"
"When the --preset option is used the passphrase for the generated\n"
"key will be added to the cache. When --inq-passwd is used an inquire\n"
"with the keyword NEWPASSWD is used to request the passphrase for the\n"
"new key. When a --passwd-nonce is used, the corresponding cached\n"
"passphrase is used to protect the new key.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_genkey (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
int no_protection;
unsigned char *value;
size_t valuelen;
unsigned char *newpasswd = NULL;
membuf_t outbuf;
char *cache_nonce = NULL;
char *passwd_nonce = NULL;
int opt_preset;
int opt_inq_passwd;
size_t n;
char *p, *pend;
int c;
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
no_protection = has_option (line, "--no-protection");
opt_preset = has_option (line, "--preset");
opt_inq_passwd = has_option (line, "--inq-passwd");
passwd_nonce = option_value (line, "--passwd-nonce");
if (passwd_nonce)
for (pend = passwd_nonce; *pend && !spacep (pend); pend++)
c = *pend;
*pend = '\0';
passwd_nonce = xtrystrdup (passwd_nonce);
*pend = c;
if (!passwd_nonce)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
line = skip_options (line);
p = line;
for (p=line; *p && *p != ' ' && *p != '\t'; p++)
*p = '\0';
if (*line)
cache_nonce = xtrystrdup (line);
/* First inquire the parameters */
rc = print_assuan_status (ctx, "INQUIRE_MAXLEN", "%u", MAXLEN_KEYPARAM);
if (!rc)
rc = assuan_inquire (ctx, "KEYPARAM", &value, &valuelen, MAXLEN_KEYPARAM);
if (rc)
return rc;
init_membuf (&outbuf, 512);
/* If requested, ask for the password to be used for the key. If
this is not used the regular Pinentry mechanism is used. */
if (opt_inq_passwd && !no_protection)
/* (N is used as a dummy) */
assuan_begin_confidential (ctx);
rc = assuan_inquire (ctx, "NEWPASSWD", &newpasswd, &n, 256);
assuan_end_confidential (ctx);
if (rc)
goto leave;
if (!*newpasswd)
/* Empty password given - switch to no-protection mode. */
xfree (newpasswd);
newpasswd = NULL;
no_protection = 1;
else if (passwd_nonce)
newpasswd = agent_get_cache (passwd_nonce, CACHE_MODE_NONCE);
rc = agent_genkey (ctrl, cache_nonce, (char*)value, valuelen, no_protection,
newpasswd, opt_preset, &outbuf);
if (newpasswd)
/* Assuan_inquire does not allow us to read into secure memory
thus we need to wipe it ourself. */
wipememory (newpasswd, strlen (newpasswd));
xfree (newpasswd);
xfree (value);
if (rc)
clear_outbuf (&outbuf);
rc = write_and_clear_outbuf (ctx, &outbuf);
xfree (cache_nonce);
xfree (passwd_nonce);
return leave_cmd (ctx, rc);
static const char hlp_readkey[] =
"READKEY <hexstring_with_keygrip>\n"
" --card <keyid>\n"
"Return the public key for the given keygrip or keyid.\n"
"With --card, private key file with card information will be created.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_readkey (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
unsigned char grip[20];
gcry_sexp_t s_pkey = NULL;
unsigned char *pkbuf = NULL;
char *serialno = NULL;
size_t pkbuflen;
const char *opt_card;
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
opt_card = has_option_name (line, "--card");
line = skip_options (line);
if (opt_card)
const char *keyid = opt_card;
rc = agent_card_getattr (ctrl, "SERIALNO", &serialno);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error getting serial number of card: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
rc = agent_card_readkey (ctrl, keyid, &pkbuf);
if (rc)
goto leave;
pkbuflen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (pkbuf, 0, NULL, NULL);
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_pkey, NULL, (char*)pkbuf, pkbuflen);
if (rc)
goto leave;
if (!gcry_pk_get_keygrip (s_pkey, grip))
rc = gcry_pk_testkey (s_pkey);
if (rc == 0)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
goto leave;
rc = agent_write_shadow_key (grip, serialno, keyid, pkbuf, 0);
if (rc)
goto leave;
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, pkbuf, pkbuflen);
rc = parse_keygrip (ctx, line, grip);
if (rc)
goto leave;
rc = agent_public_key_from_file (ctrl, grip, &s_pkey);
if (!rc)
pkbuflen = gcry_sexp_sprint (s_pkey, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, NULL, 0);
log_assert (pkbuflen);
pkbuf = xtrymalloc (pkbuflen);
if (!pkbuf)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
gcry_sexp_sprint (s_pkey, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, pkbuf, pkbuflen);
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, pkbuf, pkbuflen);
xfree (serialno);
xfree (pkbuf);
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
return leave_cmd (ctx, rc);
static const char hlp_keyinfo[] =
"KEYINFO [--[ssh-]list] [--data] [--ssh-fpr] [--with-ssh] <keygrip>\n"
"Return information about the key specified by the KEYGRIP. If the\n"
"key is not available GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND is returned. If the option\n"
"--list is given the keygrip is ignored and information about all\n"
"available keys are returned. If --ssh-list is given information\n"
"about all keys listed in the sshcontrol are returned. With --with-ssh\n"
"information from sshcontrol is always added to the info. Unless --data\n"
"is given, the information is returned as a status line using the format:\n"
" KEYINFO <keygrip> <type> <serialno> <idstr> <cached> <protection> <fpr>\n"
"KEYGRIP is the keygrip.\n"
"TYPE is describes the type of the key:\n"
" 'D' - Regular key stored on disk,\n"
" 'T' - Key is stored on a smartcard (token),\n"
" 'X' - Unknown type,\n"
" '-' - Key is missing.\n"
"SERIALNO is an ASCII string with the serial number of the\n"
" smartcard. If the serial number is not known a single\n"
" dash '-' is used instead.\n"
"IDSTR is the IDSTR used to distinguish keys on a smartcard. If it\n"
" is not known a dash is used instead.\n"
"CACHED is 1 if the passphrase for the key was found in the key cache.\n"
" If not, a '-' is used instead.\n"
"PROTECTION describes the key protection type:\n"
" 'P' - The key is protected with a passphrase,\n"
" 'C' - The key is not protected,\n"
" '-' - Unknown protection.\n"
"FPR returns the formatted ssh-style fingerprint of the key. It is only\n"
" printed if the option --ssh-fpr has been used. It defaults to '-'.\n"
"TTL is the TTL in seconds for that key or '-' if n/a.\n"
"FLAGS is a word consisting of one-letter flags:\n"
" 'D' - The key has been disabled,\n"
" 'S' - The key is listed in sshcontrol (requires --with-ssh),\n"
" 'c' - Use of the key needs to be confirmed,\n"
" '-' - No flags given.\n"
"More information may be added in the future.";
static gpg_error_t
do_one_keyinfo (ctrl_t ctrl, const unsigned char *grip, assuan_context_t ctx,
int data, int with_ssh_fpr, int in_ssh,
int ttl, int disabled, int confirm)
gpg_error_t err;
char hexgrip[40+1];
char *fpr = NULL;
int keytype;
unsigned char *shadow_info = NULL;
char *serialno = NULL;
char *idstr = NULL;
const char *keytypestr;
const char *cached;
const char *protectionstr;
char *pw;
int missing_key = 0;
char ttlbuf[20];
char flagsbuf[5];
err = agent_key_info_from_file (ctrl, grip, &keytype, &shadow_info);
if (err)
if (in_ssh && gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
missing_key = 1;
goto leave;
/* Reformat the grip so that we use uppercase as good style. */
bin2hex (grip, 20, hexgrip);
if (ttl > 0)
snprintf (ttlbuf, sizeof ttlbuf, "%d", ttl);
strcpy (ttlbuf, "-");
*flagsbuf = 0;
if (disabled)
strcat (flagsbuf, "D");
if (in_ssh)
strcat (flagsbuf, "S");
if (confirm)
strcat (flagsbuf, "c");
if (!*flagsbuf)
strcpy (flagsbuf, "-");
if (missing_key)
protectionstr = "-"; keytypestr = "-";
switch (keytype)
protectionstr = "C"; keytypestr = "D";
case PRIVATE_KEY_PROTECTED: protectionstr = "P"; keytypestr = "D";
case PRIVATE_KEY_SHADOWED: protectionstr = "-"; keytypestr = "T";
default: protectionstr = "-"; keytypestr = "X";
/* Compute the ssh fingerprint if requested. */
if (with_ssh_fpr)
gcry_sexp_t key;
if (!agent_raw_key_from_file (ctrl, grip, &key))
ssh_get_fingerprint_string (key, &fpr);
gcry_sexp_release (key);
/* Here we have a little race by doing the cache check separately
from the retrieval function. Given that the cache flag is only a
hint, it should not really matter. */
pw = agent_get_cache (hexgrip, CACHE_MODE_NORMAL);
cached = pw ? "1" : "-";
xfree (pw);
if (shadow_info)
err = parse_shadow_info (shadow_info, &serialno, &idstr, NULL);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (!data)
err = agent_write_status (ctrl, "KEYINFO",
serialno? serialno : "-",
idstr? idstr : "-",
fpr? fpr : "-",
char *string;
string = xtryasprintf ("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n",
hexgrip, keytypestr,
serialno? serialno : "-",
idstr? idstr : "-", cached, protectionstr,
fpr? fpr : "-",
if (!string)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, string, strlen(string));
xfree (string);
xfree (fpr);
xfree (shadow_info);
xfree (serialno);
xfree (idstr);
return err;
/* Entry int for the command KEYINFO. This function handles the
command option processing. For details see hlp_keyinfo above. */
static gpg_error_t
cmd_keyinfo (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int err;
unsigned char grip[20];
DIR *dir = NULL;
int list_mode;
int opt_data, opt_ssh_fpr, opt_with_ssh;
ssh_control_file_t cf = NULL;
char hexgrip[41];
int disabled, ttl, confirm, is_ssh;
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
if (has_option (line, "--ssh-list"))
list_mode = 2;
list_mode = has_option (line, "--list");
opt_data = has_option (line, "--data");
opt_ssh_fpr = has_option (line, "--ssh-fpr");
opt_with_ssh = has_option (line, "--with-ssh");
line = skip_options (line);
if (opt_with_ssh || list_mode == 2)
cf = ssh_open_control_file ();
if (list_mode == 2)
if (cf)
while (!ssh_read_control_file (cf, hexgrip,
&disabled, &ttl, &confirm))
if (hex2bin (hexgrip, grip, 20) < 0 )
continue; /* Bad hex string. */
err = do_one_keyinfo (ctrl, grip, ctx, opt_data, opt_ssh_fpr, 1,
ttl, disabled, confirm);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = 0;
else if (list_mode)
char *dirname;
struct dirent *dir_entry;
dirname = make_filename_try (gnupg_homedir (),
if (!dirname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
dir = opendir (dirname);
if (!dir)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (dirname);
goto leave;
xfree (dirname);
while ( (dir_entry = readdir (dir)) )
if (strlen (dir_entry->d_name) != 44
|| strcmp (dir_entry->d_name + 40, ".key"))
strncpy (hexgrip, dir_entry->d_name, 40);
hexgrip[40] = 0;
if ( hex2bin (hexgrip, grip, 20) < 0 )
continue; /* Bad hex string. */
disabled = ttl = confirm = is_ssh = 0;
if (opt_with_ssh)
err = ssh_search_control_file (cf, hexgrip,
&disabled, &ttl, &confirm);
if (!err)
is_ssh = 1;
else if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
goto leave;
err = do_one_keyinfo (ctrl, grip, ctx, opt_data, opt_ssh_fpr, is_ssh,
ttl, disabled, confirm);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = 0;
err = parse_keygrip (ctx, line, grip);
if (err)
goto leave;
disabled = ttl = confirm = is_ssh = 0;
if (opt_with_ssh)
err = ssh_search_control_file (cf, line,
&disabled, &ttl, &confirm);
if (!err)
is_ssh = 1;
else if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
goto leave;
err = do_one_keyinfo (ctrl, grip, ctx, opt_data, opt_ssh_fpr, is_ssh,
ttl, disabled, confirm);
ssh_close_control_file (cf);
if (dir)
closedir (dir);
if (err && gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
leave_cmd (ctx, err);
return err;
/* Helper for cmd_get_passphrase. */
static int
send_back_passphrase (assuan_context_t ctx, int via_data, const char *pw)
size_t n;
int rc;
assuan_begin_confidential (ctx);
n = strlen (pw);
if (via_data)
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, pw, n);
char *p = xtrymalloc_secure (n*2+1);
if (!p)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
bin2hex (pw, n, p);
rc = assuan_set_okay_line (ctx, p);
xfree (p);
return rc;
static const char hlp_get_passphrase[] =
"GET_PASSPHRASE [--data] [--check] [--no-ask] [--repeat[=N]]\n"
" [--qualitybar] <cache_id>\n"
" [<error_message> <prompt> <description>]\n"
"This function is usually used to ask for a passphrase to be used\n"
"for conventional encryption, but may also be used by programs which\n"
"need specal handling of passphrases. This command uses a syntax\n"
"which helps clients to use the agent with minimum effort. The\n"
"agent either returns with an error or with a OK followed by the hex\n"
"encoded passphrase. Note that the length of the strings is\n"
"implicitly limited by the maximum length of a command.\n"
"If the option \"--data\" is used the passphrase is returned by usual\n"
"data lines and not on the okay line.\n"
"If the option \"--check\" is used the passphrase constraints checks as\n"
"implemented by gpg-agent are applied. A check is not done if the\n"
"passphrase has been found in the cache.\n"
"If the option \"--no-ask\" is used and the passphrase is not in the\n"
"cache the user will not be asked to enter a passphrase but the error\n"
"code GPG_ERR_NO_DATA is returned. \n"
"If the option \"--qualitybar\" is used a visual indication of the\n"
"entered passphrase quality is shown. (Unless no minimum passphrase\n"
"length has been configured.)";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_get_passphrase (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
char *pw;
char *response;
char *cacheid = NULL, *desc = NULL, *prompt = NULL, *errtext = NULL;
const char *desc2 = _("Please re-enter this passphrase");
char *p;
int opt_data, opt_check, opt_no_ask, opt_qualbar;
int opt_repeat = 0;
char *entry_errtext = NULL;
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
opt_data = has_option (line, "--data");
opt_check = has_option (line, "--check");
opt_no_ask = has_option (line, "--no-ask");
if (has_option_name (line, "--repeat"))
p = option_value (line, "--repeat");
if (p)
opt_repeat = atoi (p);
opt_repeat = 1;
opt_qualbar = has_option (line, "--qualitybar");
line = skip_options (line);
cacheid = line;
p = strchr (cacheid, ' ');
if (p)
*p++ = 0;
while (*p == ' ')
errtext = p;
p = strchr (errtext, ' ');
if (p)
*p++ = 0;
while (*p == ' ')
prompt = p;
p = strchr (prompt, ' ');
if (p)
*p++ = 0;
while (*p == ' ')
desc = p;
p = strchr (desc, ' ');
if (p)
*p = 0; /* Ignore trailing garbage. */
if (!*cacheid || strlen (cacheid) > 50)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "invalid length of cacheID");
if (!desc)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "no description given");
if (!strcmp (cacheid, "X"))
cacheid = NULL;
if (!strcmp (errtext, "X"))
errtext = NULL;
if (!strcmp (prompt, "X"))
prompt = NULL;
if (!strcmp (desc, "X"))
desc = NULL;
pw = cacheid ? agent_get_cache (cacheid, CACHE_MODE_USER) : NULL;
if (pw)
rc = send_back_passphrase (ctx, opt_data, pw);
xfree (pw);
else if (opt_no_ask)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
/* Note, that we only need to replace the + characters and
should leave the other escaping in place because the escaped
string is send verbatim to the pinentry which does the
unescaping (but not the + replacing) */
if (errtext)
plus_to_blank (errtext);
if (prompt)
plus_to_blank (prompt);
if (desc)
plus_to_blank (desc);
rc = agent_get_passphrase (ctrl, &response, desc, prompt,
entry_errtext? entry_errtext:errtext,
opt_qualbar, cacheid, CACHE_MODE_USER);
xfree (entry_errtext);
entry_errtext = NULL;
if (!rc)
int i;
if (opt_check
&& check_passphrase_constraints (ctrl, response, &entry_errtext))
xfree (response);
goto next_try;
for (i = 0; i < opt_repeat; i++)
char *response2;
if (ctrl->pinentry_mode == PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK)
rc = agent_get_passphrase (ctrl, &response2, desc2, prompt,
errtext, 0,
cacheid, CACHE_MODE_USER);
if (rc)
if (strcmp (response2, response))
xfree (response2);
xfree (response);
entry_errtext = try_percent_escape
(_("does not match - try again"), NULL);
if (!entry_errtext)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto next_try;
xfree (response2);
if (!rc)
if (cacheid)
agent_put_cache (cacheid, CACHE_MODE_USER, response, 0);
rc = send_back_passphrase (ctx, opt_data, response);
xfree (response);
return leave_cmd (ctx, rc);
static const char hlp_clear_passphrase[] =
"CLEAR_PASSPHRASE [--mode=normal] <cache_id>\n"
"may be used to invalidate the cache entry for a passphrase. The\n"
"function returns with OK even when there is no cached passphrase.\n"
"The --mode=normal option is used to clear an entry for a cacheid\n"
"added by the agent.\n";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_clear_passphrase (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
char *cacheid = NULL;
char *p;
int opt_normal;
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
opt_normal = has_option (line, "--mode=normal");
line = skip_options (line);
/* parse the stuff */
for (p=line; *p == ' '; p++)
cacheid = p;
p = strchr (cacheid, ' ');
if (p)
*p = 0; /* ignore garbage */
if (!*cacheid || strlen (cacheid) > 50)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "invalid length of cacheID");
agent_put_cache (cacheid, opt_normal ? CACHE_MODE_NORMAL : CACHE_MODE_USER,
NULL, 0);
agent_clear_passphrase (ctrl, cacheid,
return 0;
static const char hlp_get_confirmation[] =
"GET_CONFIRMATION <description>\n"
"This command may be used to ask for a simple confirmation.\n"
"DESCRIPTION is displayed along with a Okay and Cancel button. This\n"
"command uses a syntax which helps clients to use the agent with\n"
"minimum effort. The agent either returns with an error or with a\n"
"OK. Note, that the length of DESCRIPTION is implicitly limited by\n"
"the maximum length of a command. DESCRIPTION should not contain\n"
"any spaces, those must be encoded either percent escaped or simply\n"
"as '+'.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_get_confirmation (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
char *desc = NULL;
char *p;
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
/* parse the stuff */
for (p=line; *p == ' '; p++)
desc = p;
p = strchr (desc, ' ');
if (p)
*p = 0; /* We ignore any garbage -may be later used for other args. */
if (!*desc)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "no description given");
if (!strcmp (desc, "X"))
desc = NULL;
/* Note, that we only need to replace the + characters and should
leave the other escaping in place because the escaped string is
send verbatim to the pinentry which does the unescaping (but not
the + replacing) */
if (desc)
plus_to_blank (desc);
rc = agent_get_confirmation (ctrl, desc, NULL, NULL, 0);
return leave_cmd (ctx, rc);
static const char hlp_learn[] =
"LEARN [--send] [--sendinfo] [--force]\n"
"Learn something about the currently inserted smartcard. With\n"
"--sendinfo information about the card is returned; with --send\n"
"the available certificates are returned as D lines; with --force\n"
"private key storage will be updated by the result.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_learn (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
int send, sendinfo, force;
send = has_option (line, "--send");
sendinfo = send? 1 : has_option (line, "--sendinfo");
force = has_option (line, "--force");
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
err = agent_handle_learn (ctrl, send, sendinfo? ctx : NULL, force);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_passwd[] =
"PASSWD [--cache-nonce=<c>] [--passwd-nonce=<s>] [--preset]\n"
" [--verify] <hexkeygrip>\n"
"Change the passphrase/PIN for the key identified by keygrip in LINE. If\n"
"--preset is used then the new passphrase will be added to the cache.\n"
"If --verify is used the command asks for the passphrase and verifies\n"
"that the passphrase valid.\n";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_passwd (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
int c;
char *cache_nonce = NULL;
char *passwd_nonce = NULL;
unsigned char grip[20];
gcry_sexp_t s_skey = NULL;
unsigned char *shadow_info = NULL;
char *passphrase = NULL;
char *pend;
int opt_preset, opt_verify;
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
opt_preset = has_option (line, "--preset");
cache_nonce = option_value (line, "--cache-nonce");
opt_verify = has_option (line, "--verify");
if (cache_nonce)
for (pend = cache_nonce; *pend && !spacep (pend); pend++)
c = *pend;
*pend = '\0';
cache_nonce = xtrystrdup (cache_nonce);
*pend = c;
if (!cache_nonce)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
passwd_nonce = option_value (line, "--passwd-nonce");
if (passwd_nonce)
for (pend = passwd_nonce; *pend && !spacep (pend); pend++)
c = *pend;
*pend = '\0';
passwd_nonce = xtrystrdup (passwd_nonce);
*pend = c;
if (!passwd_nonce)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
line = skip_options (line);
err = parse_keygrip (ctx, line, grip);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = agent_key_from_file (ctrl,
opt_verify? NULL : cache_nonce,
grip, &shadow_info, CACHE_MODE_IGNORE, NULL,
&s_skey, &passphrase);
if (err)
else if (shadow_info)
log_error ("changing a smartcard PIN is not yet supported\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
else if (opt_verify)
/* All done. */
if (passphrase)
if (!passwd_nonce)
char buf[12];
gcry_create_nonce (buf, 12);
passwd_nonce = bin2hex (buf, 12, NULL);
if (passwd_nonce
&& !agent_put_cache (passwd_nonce, CACHE_MODE_NONCE,
passphrase, CACHE_TTL_NONCE))
assuan_write_status (ctx, "PASSWD_NONCE", passwd_nonce);
xfree (ctrl->server_local->last_passwd_nonce);
ctrl->server_local->last_passwd_nonce = passwd_nonce;
passwd_nonce = NULL;
char *newpass = NULL;
if (passwd_nonce)
newpass = agent_get_cache (passwd_nonce, CACHE_MODE_NONCE);
err = agent_protect_and_store (ctrl, s_skey, &newpass);
if (!err && passphrase)
/* A passphrase existed on the old key and the change was
successful. Return a nonce for that old passphrase to
let the caller try to unprotect the other subkeys with
the same key. */
if (!cache_nonce)
char buf[12];
gcry_create_nonce (buf, 12);
cache_nonce = bin2hex (buf, 12, NULL);
if (cache_nonce
&& !agent_put_cache (cache_nonce, CACHE_MODE_NONCE,
passphrase, CACHE_TTL_NONCE))
assuan_write_status (ctx, "CACHE_NONCE", cache_nonce);
xfree (ctrl->server_local->last_cache_nonce);
ctrl->server_local->last_cache_nonce = cache_nonce;
cache_nonce = NULL;
if (newpass)
/* If we have a new passphrase (which might be empty) we
store it under a passwd nonce so that the caller may
send that nonce again to use it for another key. */
if (!passwd_nonce)
char buf[12];
gcry_create_nonce (buf, 12);
passwd_nonce = bin2hex (buf, 12, NULL);
if (passwd_nonce
&& !agent_put_cache (passwd_nonce, CACHE_MODE_NONCE,
newpass, CACHE_TTL_NONCE))
assuan_write_status (ctx, "PASSWD_NONCE", passwd_nonce);
xfree (ctrl->server_local->last_passwd_nonce);
ctrl->server_local->last_passwd_nonce = passwd_nonce;
passwd_nonce = NULL;
if (!err && opt_preset)
char hexgrip[40+1];
bin2hex(grip, 20, hexgrip);
err = agent_put_cache (hexgrip, CACHE_MODE_ANY, newpass,
xfree (newpass);
xfree (ctrl->server_local->keydesc);
ctrl->server_local->keydesc = NULL;
xfree (passphrase);
gcry_sexp_release (s_skey);
xfree (shadow_info);
xfree (cache_nonce);
xfree (passwd_nonce);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_preset_passphrase[] =
"PRESET_PASSPHRASE [--inquire] <string_or_keygrip> <timeout> [<hexstring>]\n"
"Set the cached passphrase/PIN for the key identified by the keygrip\n"
"to passwd for the given time, where -1 means infinite and 0 means\n"
"the default (currently only a timeout of -1 is allowed, which means\n"
"to never expire it). If passwd is not provided, ask for it via the\n"
"pinentry module unless --inquire is passed in which case the passphrase\n"
"is retrieved from the client via a server inquire.\n";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_preset_passphrase (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
char *grip_clear = NULL;
unsigned char *passphrase = NULL;
int ttl;
size_t len;
int opt_inquire;
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
if (!opt.allow_preset_passphrase)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "no --allow-preset-passphrase");
opt_inquire = has_option (line, "--inquire");
line = skip_options (line);
grip_clear = line;
while (*line && (*line != ' ' && *line != '\t'))
if (!*line)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE);
*line = '\0';
while (*line && (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t'))
/* Currently, only infinite timeouts are allowed. */
ttl = -1;
if (line[0] != '-' || line[1] != '1')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
while (!(*line != ' ' && *line != '\t'))
/* Syntax check the hexstring. */
len = 0;
rc = parse_hexstring (ctx, line, &len);
if (rc)
return rc;
line[len] = '\0';
/* If there is a passphrase, use it. Currently, a passphrase is
required. */
if (*line)
if (opt_inquire)
rc = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER,
"both --inquire and passphrase specified");
goto leave;
/* Do in-place conversion. */
passphrase = line;
if (!hex2str (passphrase, passphrase, strlen (passphrase)+1, NULL))
rc = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "invalid hexstring");
else if (opt_inquire)
/* Note that the passphrase will be truncated at any null byte and the
* limit is 480 characters. */
size_t maxlen = 480;
rc = print_assuan_status (ctx, "INQUIRE_MAXLEN", "%zu", maxlen);
if (!rc)
rc = assuan_inquire (ctx, "PASSPHRASE", &passphrase, &len, maxlen);
rc = set_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "passphrase is required");
if (!rc)
rc = agent_put_cache (grip_clear, CACHE_MODE_ANY, passphrase, ttl);
if (opt_inquire)
xfree (passphrase);
return leave_cmd (ctx, rc);
static const char hlp_scd[] =
"SCD <commands to pass to the scdaemon>\n"
" \n"
"This is a general quote command to redirect everything to the\n"
static gpg_error_t
cmd_scd (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
rc = divert_generic_cmd (ctrl, line, ctx);
return rc;
static const char hlp_keywrap_key[] =
"KEYWRAP_KEY [--clear] <mode>\n"
"Return a key to wrap another key. For now the key is returned\n"
"verbatim and and thus makes not much sense because an eavesdropper on\n"
"the gpg-agent connection will see the key as well as the wrapped key.\n"
"However, this function may either be equipped with a public key\n"
"mechanism or not used at all if the key is a pre-shared key. In any\n"
"case wrapping the import and export of keys is a requirement for\n"
"certain cryptographic validations and thus useful. The key persists\n"
"until a RESET command but may be cleared using the option --clear.\n"
"Supported modes are:\n"
" --import - Return a key to import a key into gpg-agent\n"
" --export - Return a key to export a key from gpg-agent";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_keywrap_key (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int clearopt = has_option (line, "--clear");
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
assuan_begin_confidential (ctx);
if (has_option (line, "--import"))
xfree (ctrl->server_local->import_key);
if (clearopt)
ctrl->server_local->import_key = NULL;
else if (!(ctrl->server_local->import_key =
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, ctrl->server_local->import_key,
else if (has_option (line, "--export"))
xfree (ctrl->server_local->export_key);
if (clearopt)
ctrl->server_local->export_key = NULL;
else if (!(ctrl->server_local->export_key =
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, ctrl->server_local->export_key,
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "unknown value for MODE");
assuan_end_confidential (ctx);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_import_key[] =
"IMPORT_KEY [--unattended] [--force] [<cache_nonce>]\n"
"Import a secret key into the key store. The key is expected to be\n"
"encrypted using the current session's key wrapping key (cf. command\n"
"KEYWRAP_KEY) using the AESWRAP-128 algorithm. This function takes\n"
"no arguments but uses the inquiry \"KEYDATA\" to ask for the actual\n"
"key data. The unwrapped key must be a canonical S-expression. The\n"
"option --unattended tries to import the key as-is without any\n"
"re-encryption. Existing key can be overwritten with --force.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_import_key (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
int opt_unattended;
int force;
unsigned char *wrappedkey = NULL;
size_t wrappedkeylen;
gcry_cipher_hd_t cipherhd = NULL;
unsigned char *key = NULL;
size_t keylen, realkeylen;
char *passphrase = NULL;
unsigned char *finalkey = NULL;
size_t finalkeylen;
unsigned char grip[20];
gcry_sexp_t openpgp_sexp = NULL;
char *cache_nonce = NULL;
char *p;
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
if (!ctrl->server_local->import_key)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_KEY);
goto leave;
opt_unattended = has_option (line, "--unattended");
force = has_option (line, "--force");
line = skip_options (line);
p = line;
for (p=line; *p && *p != ' ' && *p != '\t'; p++)
*p = '\0';
if (*line)
cache_nonce = xtrystrdup (line);
assuan_begin_confidential (ctx);
err = assuan_inquire (ctx, "KEYDATA",
&wrappedkey, &wrappedkeylen, MAXLEN_KEYDATA);
assuan_end_confidential (ctx);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (wrappedkeylen < 24)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_LENGTH);
goto leave;
keylen = wrappedkeylen - 8;
key = xtrymalloc_secure (keylen);
if (!key)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = gcry_cipher_open (&cipherhd, GCRY_CIPHER_AES128,
if (err)
goto leave;
err = gcry_cipher_setkey (cipherhd,
ctrl->server_local->import_key, KEYWRAP_KEYSIZE);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = gcry_cipher_decrypt (cipherhd, key, keylen, wrappedkey, wrappedkeylen);
if (err)
goto leave;
gcry_cipher_close (cipherhd);
cipherhd = NULL;
xfree (wrappedkey);
wrappedkey = NULL;
realkeylen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (key, keylen, NULL, &err);
if (!realkeylen)
goto leave; /* Invalid canonical encoded S-expression. */
err = keygrip_from_canon_sexp (key, realkeylen, grip);
if (err)
/* This might be due to an unsupported S-expression format.
Check whether this is openpgp-private-key and trigger that
import code. */
if (!gcry_sexp_sscan (&openpgp_sexp, NULL, key, realkeylen))
const char *tag;
size_t taglen;
tag = gcry_sexp_nth_data (openpgp_sexp, 0, &taglen);
if (tag && taglen == 19 && !memcmp (tag, "openpgp-private-key", 19))
gcry_sexp_release (openpgp_sexp);
openpgp_sexp = NULL;
if (!openpgp_sexp)
goto leave; /* Note that ERR is still set. */
if (openpgp_sexp)
/* In most cases the key is encrypted and thus the conversion
function from the OpenPGP format to our internal format will
ask for a passphrase. That passphrase will be returned and
used to protect the key using the same code as for regular
key import. */
xfree (key);
key = NULL;
err = convert_from_openpgp (ctrl, openpgp_sexp, force, grip,
ctrl->server_local->keydesc, cache_nonce,
&key, opt_unattended? NULL : &passphrase);
if (err)
goto leave;
realkeylen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (key, 0, NULL, &err);
if (!realkeylen)
goto leave; /* Invalid canonical encoded S-expression. */
if (passphrase)
assert (!opt_unattended);
if (!cache_nonce)
char buf[12];
gcry_create_nonce (buf, 12);
cache_nonce = bin2hex (buf, 12, NULL);
if (cache_nonce
&& !agent_put_cache (cache_nonce, CACHE_MODE_NONCE,
passphrase, CACHE_TTL_NONCE))
assuan_write_status (ctx, "CACHE_NONCE", cache_nonce);
else if (opt_unattended)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER,
"\"--unattended\" may only be used with OpenPGP keys");
goto leave;
if (!force && !agent_key_available (grip))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EEXIST);
char *prompt = xtryasprintf
(_("Please enter the passphrase to protect the "
"imported object within the %s system."), GNUPG_NAME);
if (!prompt)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = agent_ask_new_passphrase (ctrl, prompt, &passphrase);
xfree (prompt);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (passphrase)
err = agent_protect (key, passphrase, &finalkey, &finalkeylen,
ctrl->s2k_count, -1);
if (!err)
err = agent_write_private_key (grip, finalkey, finalkeylen, force);
err = agent_write_private_key (grip, key, realkeylen, force);
gcry_sexp_release (openpgp_sexp);
xfree (finalkey);
xfree (passphrase);
xfree (key);
gcry_cipher_close (cipherhd);
xfree (wrappedkey);
xfree (cache_nonce);
xfree (ctrl->server_local->keydesc);
ctrl->server_local->keydesc = NULL;
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_export_key[] =
"EXPORT_KEY [--cache-nonce=<nonce>] [--openpgp] <hexstring_with_keygrip>\n"
"Export a secret key from the key store. The key will be encrypted\n"
"using the current session's key wrapping key (cf. command KEYWRAP_KEY)\n"
"using the AESWRAP-128 algorithm. The caller needs to retrieve that key\n"
"prior to using this command. The function takes the keygrip as argument.\n"
"If --openpgp is used, the secret key material will be exported in RFC 4880\n"
"compatible passphrase-protected form. Without --openpgp, the secret key\n"
"material will be exported in the clear (after prompting the user to unlock\n"
"it, if needed).\n";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_export_key (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char grip[20];
gcry_sexp_t s_skey = NULL;
unsigned char *key = NULL;
size_t keylen;
gcry_cipher_hd_t cipherhd = NULL;
unsigned char *wrappedkey = NULL;
size_t wrappedkeylen;
int openpgp;
char *cache_nonce;
char *passphrase = NULL;
unsigned char *shadow_info = NULL;
char *pend;
int c;
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
openpgp = has_option (line, "--openpgp");
cache_nonce = option_value (line, "--cache-nonce");
if (cache_nonce)
for (pend = cache_nonce; *pend && !spacep (pend); pend++)
c = *pend;
*pend = '\0';
cache_nonce = xtrystrdup (cache_nonce);
*pend = c;
if (!cache_nonce)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
line = skip_options (line);
if (!ctrl->server_local->export_key)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_KEY, "did you run KEYWRAP_KEY ?");
goto leave;
err = parse_keygrip (ctx, line, grip);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (agent_key_available (grip))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
goto leave;
/* Get the key from the file. With the openpgp flag we also ask for
the passphrase so that we can use it to re-encrypt it. */
err = agent_key_from_file (ctrl, cache_nonce,
ctrl->server_local->keydesc, grip,
&shadow_info, CACHE_MODE_IGNORE, NULL, &s_skey,
openpgp ? &passphrase : NULL);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (shadow_info)
/* Key is on a smartcard. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNUSABLE_SECKEY);
goto leave;
if (openpgp)
/* The openpgp option changes the key format into the OpenPGP
key transfer format. The result is already a padded
canonical S-expression. */
if (!passphrase)
err = agent_ask_new_passphrase
(ctrl, _("This key (or subkey) is not protected with a passphrase."
" Please enter a new passphrase to export it."),
if (err)
goto leave;
err = convert_to_openpgp (ctrl, s_skey, passphrase, &key, &keylen);
if (!err && passphrase)
if (!cache_nonce)
char buf[12];
gcry_create_nonce (buf, 12);
cache_nonce = bin2hex (buf, 12, NULL);
if (cache_nonce
&& !agent_put_cache (cache_nonce, CACHE_MODE_NONCE,
passphrase, CACHE_TTL_NONCE))
assuan_write_status (ctx, "CACHE_NONCE", cache_nonce);
xfree (ctrl->server_local->last_cache_nonce);
ctrl->server_local->last_cache_nonce = cache_nonce;
cache_nonce = NULL;
/* Convert into a canonical S-expression and wrap that. */
err = make_canon_sexp_pad (s_skey, 1, &key, &keylen);
if (err)
goto leave;
gcry_sexp_release (s_skey);
s_skey = NULL;
err = gcry_cipher_open (&cipherhd, GCRY_CIPHER_AES128,
if (err)
goto leave;
err = gcry_cipher_setkey (cipherhd,
ctrl->server_local->export_key, KEYWRAP_KEYSIZE);
if (err)
goto leave;
wrappedkeylen = keylen + 8;
wrappedkey = xtrymalloc (wrappedkeylen);
if (!wrappedkey)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = gcry_cipher_encrypt (cipherhd, wrappedkey, wrappedkeylen, key, keylen);
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (key);
key = NULL;
gcry_cipher_close (cipherhd);
cipherhd = NULL;
assuan_begin_confidential (ctx);
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, wrappedkey, wrappedkeylen);
assuan_end_confidential (ctx);
xfree (cache_nonce);
xfree (passphrase);
xfree (wrappedkey);
gcry_cipher_close (cipherhd);
xfree (key);
gcry_sexp_release (s_skey);
xfree (ctrl->server_local->keydesc);
ctrl->server_local->keydesc = NULL;
xfree (shadow_info);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_delete_key[] =
"DELETE_KEY [--force] <hexstring_with_keygrip>\n"
"Delete a secret key from the key store. If --force is used\n"
"and a loopback pinentry is allowed, the agent will not ask\n"
"the user for confirmation.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_delete_key (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
int force;
unsigned char grip[20];
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
force = has_option (line, "--force");
line = skip_options (line);
/* If the use of a loopback pinentry has been disabled, we assume
* that a silent deletion of keys shall also not be allowed. */
if (!opt.allow_loopback_pinentry)
force = 0;
err = parse_keygrip (ctx, line, grip);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = agent_delete_key (ctrl, ctrl->server_local->keydesc, grip, force );
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (ctrl->server_local->keydesc);
ctrl->server_local->keydesc = NULL;
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_keytocard[] =
"KEYTOCARD [--force] <hexstring_with_keygrip> <serialno> <id> <timestamp>\n"
static gpg_error_t
cmd_keytocard (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int force;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
unsigned char grip[20];
gcry_sexp_t s_skey = NULL;
unsigned char *keydata;
size_t keydatalen, timestamplen;
const char *serialno, *timestamp_str, *id;
unsigned char *shadow_info = NULL;
time_t timestamp;
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
force = has_option (line, "--force");
line = skip_options (line);
err = parse_keygrip (ctx, line, grip);
if (err)
return err;
if (agent_key_available (grip))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
line += 40;
while (*line && (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t'))
serialno = line;
while (*line && (*line != ' ' && *line != '\t'))
if (!*line)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE);
*line = '\0';
while (*line && (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t'))
id = line;
while (*line && (*line != ' ' && *line != '\t'))
if (!*line)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE);
*line = '\0';
while (*line && (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t'))
timestamp_str = line;
while (*line && (*line != ' ' && *line != '\t'))
if (*line)
*line = '\0';
timestamplen = line - timestamp_str;
if (timestamplen != 15)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
err = agent_key_from_file (ctrl, NULL, ctrl->server_local->keydesc, grip,
&shadow_info, CACHE_MODE_IGNORE, NULL,
&s_skey, NULL);
if (err)
xfree (shadow_info);
return err;
if (shadow_info)
/* Key is on a smartcard already. */
xfree (shadow_info);
gcry_sexp_release (s_skey);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNUSABLE_SECKEY);
keydatalen = gcry_sexp_sprint (s_skey, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, NULL, 0);
keydata = xtrymalloc_secure (keydatalen + 30);
if (keydata == NULL)
gcry_sexp_release (s_skey);
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
gcry_sexp_sprint (s_skey, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, keydata, keydatalen);
gcry_sexp_release (s_skey);
keydatalen--; /* Decrement for last '\0'. */
/* Add timestamp "created-at" in the private key */
timestamp = isotime2epoch (timestamp_str);
snprintf (keydata+keydatalen-1, 30, "(10:created-at10:%010lu))", timestamp);
keydatalen += 10 + 19 - 1;
err = divert_writekey (ctrl, force, serialno, id, keydata, keydatalen);
xfree (keydata);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_getval[] =
"GETVAL <key>\n"
"Return the value for KEY from the special environment as created by\n"
static gpg_error_t
cmd_getval (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc = 0;
char *key = NULL;
char *p;
struct putval_item_s *vl;
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
for (p=line; *p == ' '; p++)
key = p;
p = strchr (key, ' ');
if (p)
*p++ = 0;
for (; *p == ' '; p++)
if (*p)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "too many arguments");
if (!*key)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "no key given");
for (vl=putval_list; vl; vl = vl->next)
if ( !strcmp (vl->d, key) )
if (vl) /* Got an entry. */
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, vl->d+vl->off, vl->len);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
return leave_cmd (ctx, rc);
static const char hlp_putval[] =
"PUTVAL <key> [<percent_escaped_value>]\n"
"The gpg-agent maintains a kind of environment which may be used to\n"
"store key/value pairs in it, so that they can be retrieved later.\n"
"This may be used by helper daemons to daemonize themself on\n"
"invocation and register them with gpg-agent. Callers of the\n"
"daemon's service may now first try connect to get the information\n"
"for that service from gpg-agent through the GETVAL command and then\n"
"try to connect to that daemon. Only if that fails they may start\n"
"an own instance of the service daemon. \n"
"KEY is an an arbitrary symbol with the same syntax rules as keys\n"
"for shell environment variables. PERCENT_ESCAPED_VALUE is the\n"
"corresponding value; they should be similar to the values of\n"
"envronment variables but gpg-agent does not enforce any\n"
"restrictions. If that value is not given any value under that KEY\n"
"is removed from this special environment.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_putval (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc = 0;
char *key = NULL;
char *value = NULL;
size_t valuelen = 0;
char *p;
struct putval_item_s *vl, *vlprev;
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
for (p=line; *p == ' '; p++)
key = p;
p = strchr (key, ' ');
if (p)
*p++ = 0;
for (; *p == ' '; p++)
if (*p)
value = p;
p = strchr (value, ' ');
if (p)
*p = 0;
valuelen = percent_plus_unescape_inplace (value, 0);
if (!*key)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "no key given");
for (vl=putval_list,vlprev=NULL; vl; vlprev=vl, vl = vl->next)
if ( !strcmp (vl->d, key) )
if (vl) /* Delete old entry. */
if (vlprev)
vlprev->next = vl->next;
putval_list = vl->next;
xfree (vl);
if (valuelen) /* Add entry. */
vl = xtrymalloc (sizeof *vl + strlen (key) + valuelen);
if (!vl)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
vl->len = valuelen;
vl->off = strlen (key) + 1;
strcpy (vl->d, key);
memcpy (vl->d + vl->off, value, valuelen);
vl->next = putval_list;
putval_list = vl;
return leave_cmd (ctx, rc);
static const char hlp_updatestartuptty[] =
"Set startup TTY and X11 DISPLAY variables to the values of this\n"
"session. This command is useful to pull future pinentries to\n"
"another screen. It is only required because there is no way in the\n"
"ssh-agent protocol to convey this information.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_updatestartuptty (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
session_env_t se;
char *lc_ctype = NULL;
char *lc_messages = NULL;
int iterator;
const char *name;
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
se = session_env_new ();
if (!se)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
iterator = 0;
while (!err && (name = session_env_list_stdenvnames (&iterator, NULL)))
const char *value = session_env_getenv (ctrl->session_env, name);
if (value)
err = session_env_setenv (se, name, value);
if (!err && ctrl->lc_ctype)
if (!(lc_ctype = xtrystrdup (ctrl->lc_ctype)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (!err && ctrl->lc_messages)
if (!(lc_messages = xtrystrdup (ctrl->lc_messages)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (err)
session_env_release (se);
xfree (lc_ctype);
xfree (lc_messages);
session_env_release (opt.startup_env);
opt.startup_env = se;
xfree (opt.startup_lc_ctype);
opt.startup_lc_ctype = lc_ctype;
xfree (opt.startup_lc_messages);
opt.startup_lc_messages = lc_messages;
return err;
static const char hlp_killagent[] =
"Stop the agent.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_killagent (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
ctrl->server_local->stopme = 1;
assuan_set_flag (ctx, ASSUAN_FORCE_CLOSE, 1);
return 0;
static const char hlp_reloadagent[] =
"This command is an alternative to SIGHUP\n"
"to reload the configuration.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_reloadagent (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
if (ctrl->restricted)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN));
agent_sighup_action ();
return 0;
static const char hlp_getinfo[] =
"GETINFO <what>\n"
"Multipurpose function to return a variety of information.\n"
"Supported values for WHAT are:\n"
" version - Return the version of the program.\n"
" pid - Return the process id of the server.\n"
" socket_name - Return the name of the socket.\n"
" ssh_socket_name - Return the name of the ssh socket.\n"
" scd_running - Return OK if the SCdaemon is already running.\n"
" s2k_count - Return the calibrated S2K count.\n"
" std_env_names - List the names of the standard environment.\n"
" std_session_env - List the standard session environment.\n"
" std_startup_env - List the standard startup environment.\n"
" cmd_has_option\n"
" - Returns OK if the command CMD implements the option OPT.\n"
" connections - Return number of active connections.\n"
" restricted - Returns OK if the connection is in restricted mode.\n";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_getinfo (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc = 0;
if (!strcmp (line, "version"))
const char *s = VERSION;
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, s, strlen (s));
else if (!strncmp (line, "cmd_has_option", 14)
&& (line[14] == ' ' || line[14] == '\t' || !line[14]))
char *cmd, *cmdopt;
line += 14;
while (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t')
if (!*line)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE);
cmd = line;
while (*line && (*line != ' ' && *line != '\t'))
if (!*line)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE);
*line++ = 0;
while (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t')
if (!*line)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE);
cmdopt = line;
if (!command_has_option (cmd, cmdopt))
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
else if (!strcmp (line, "s2k_count"))
char numbuf[50];
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%lu", get_standard_s2k_count ());
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, numbuf, strlen (numbuf));
else if (!strcmp (line, "restricted"))
rc = ctrl->restricted? 0 : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
else if (ctrl->restricted)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN);
/* All sub-commands below are not allowed in restricted mode. */
else if (!strcmp (line, "pid"))
char numbuf[50];
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%lu", (unsigned long)getpid ());
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, numbuf, strlen (numbuf));
else if (!strcmp (line, "socket_name"))
const char *s = get_agent_socket_name ();
if (s)
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, s, strlen (s));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
else if (!strcmp (line, "ssh_socket_name"))
const char *s = get_agent_ssh_socket_name ();
if (s)
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, s, strlen (s));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
else if (!strcmp (line, "scd_running"))
rc = agent_scd_check_running ()? 0 : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
else if (!strcmp (line, "std_env_names"))
int iterator;
const char *name;
iterator = 0;
while ((name = session_env_list_stdenvnames (&iterator, NULL)))
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, name, strlen (name)+1);
if (!rc)
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, NULL, 0);
if (rc)
else if (!strcmp (line, "std_session_env")
|| !strcmp (line, "std_startup_env"))
int iterator;
const char *name, *value;
char *string;
iterator = 0;
while ((name = session_env_list_stdenvnames (&iterator, NULL)))
value = session_env_getenv_or_default
(line[5] == 't'? opt.startup_env:ctrl->session_env, name, NULL);
if (value)
string = xtryasprintf ("%s=%s", name, value);
if (!string)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, string, strlen (string)+1);
if (!rc)
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, NULL, 0);
if (rc)
else if (!strcmp (line, "connections"))
char numbuf[20];
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%d",
get_agent_active_connection_count ());
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, numbuf, strlen (numbuf));
rc = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "unknown value for WHAT");
return rc;
/* This function is called by Libassuan to parse the OPTION command.
It has been registered similar to the other Assuan commands. */
static gpg_error_t
option_handler (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *key, const char *value)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
if (!strcmp (key, "agent-awareness"))
/* The value is a version string telling us of which agent
version the caller is aware of. */
ctrl->server_local->allow_fully_canceled =
gnupg_compare_version (value, "2.1.0");
else if (ctrl->restricted)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN);
/* All options below are not allowed in restricted mode. */
else if (!strcmp (key, "putenv"))
/* Change the session's environment to be used for the
Pinentry. Valid values are:
<NAME> Delete envvar NAME
<KEY>= Set envvar NAME to the empty string
<KEY>=<VALUE> Set envvar NAME to VALUE
err = session_env_putenv (ctrl->session_env, value);
else if (!strcmp (key, "display"))
err = session_env_setenv (ctrl->session_env, "DISPLAY", value);
else if (!strcmp (key, "ttyname"))
if (!opt.keep_tty)
err = session_env_setenv (ctrl->session_env, "GPG_TTY", value);
else if (!strcmp (key, "ttytype"))
if (!opt.keep_tty)
err = session_env_setenv (ctrl->session_env, "TERM", value);
else if (!strcmp (key, "lc-ctype"))
if (ctrl->lc_ctype)
xfree (ctrl->lc_ctype);
ctrl->lc_ctype = xtrystrdup (value);
if (!ctrl->lc_ctype)
return out_of_core ();
else if (!strcmp (key, "lc-messages"))
if (ctrl->lc_messages)
xfree (ctrl->lc_messages);
ctrl->lc_messages = xtrystrdup (value);
if (!ctrl->lc_messages)
return out_of_core ();
else if (!strcmp (key, "xauthority"))
err = session_env_setenv (ctrl->session_env, "XAUTHORITY", value);
else if (!strcmp (key, "pinentry-user-data"))
err = session_env_setenv (ctrl->session_env, "PINENTRY_USER_DATA", value);
else if (!strcmp (key, "use-cache-for-signing"))
ctrl->server_local->use_cache_for_signing = *value? !!atoi (value) : 0;
else if (!strcmp (key, "allow-pinentry-notify"))
ctrl->server_local->allow_pinentry_notify = 1;
else if (!strcmp (key, "pinentry-mode"))
int tmp = parse_pinentry_mode (value);
if (tmp == -1)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
else if (tmp == PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK && !opt.allow_loopback_pinentry)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
ctrl->pinentry_mode = tmp;
else if (!strcmp (key, "cache-ttl-opt-preset"))
ctrl->cache_ttl_opt_preset = *value? atoi (value) : 0;
else if (!strcmp (key, "s2k-count"))
ctrl->s2k_count = *value? strtoul(value, NULL, 10) : 0;
if (ctrl->s2k_count && ctrl->s2k_count < 65536)
ctrl->s2k_count = 0;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_OPTION);
return err;
/* Called by libassuan after all commands. ERR is the error from the
last assuan operation and not the one returned from the command. */
static void
post_cmd_notify (assuan_context_t ctx, gpg_error_t err)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
/* Switch off any I/O monitor controlled logging pausing. */
ctrl->server_local->pause_io_logging = 0;
/* This function is called by libassuan for all I/O. We use it here
to disable logging for the GETEVENTCOUNTER commands. This is so
that the debug output won't get cluttered by this primitive
command. */
static unsigned int
io_monitor (assuan_context_t ctx, void *hook, int direction,
const char *line, size_t linelen)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
(void) hook;
/* We want to suppress all Assuan log messages for connections from
* self. However, assuan_get_pid works only after
* assuan_accept. Now, assuan_accept already logs a line ending with
* the process id. We use this hack here to get the peers pid so
* that we can compare it to our pid. We should add an assuan
* function to return the pid for a file descriptor and use that to
* detect connections to self. */
if (ctx && !ctrl->server_local->greeting_seen
&& direction == ASSUAN_IO_TO_PEER)
ctrl->server_local->greeting_seen = 1;
if (linelen > 32
&& !strncmp (line, "OK Pleased to meet you, process ", 32)
&& strtoul (line+32, NULL, 10) == getpid ())
/* Do not log self-connections. This makes the log cleaner because
* we won't see the check-our-own-socket calls. */
if (ctx && ctrl->server_local->connect_from_self)
/* Note that we only check for the uppercase name. This allows the user to
see the logging for debugging if using a non-upercase command
name. */
if (ctx && direction == ASSUAN_IO_FROM_PEER
&& linelen >= 15
&& !strncmp (line, "GETEVENTCOUNTER", 15)
&& (linelen == 15 || spacep (line+15)))
ctrl->server_local->pause_io_logging = 1;
return ctrl->server_local->pause_io_logging? ASSUAN_IO_MONITOR_NOLOG : 0;
/* Return true if the command CMD implements the option OPT. */
static int
command_has_option (const char *cmd, const char *cmdopt)
if (!strcmp (cmd, "GET_PASSPHRASE"))
if (!strcmp (cmdopt, "repeat"))
return 1;
return 0;
/* Tell Libassuan about our commands. Also register the other Assuan
handlers. */
static int
register_commands (assuan_context_t ctx)
static struct {
const char *name;
assuan_handler_t handler;
const char * const help;
} table[] = {
{ "GETEVENTCOUNTER",cmd_geteventcounter, hlp_geteventcounter },
{ "ISTRUSTED", cmd_istrusted, hlp_istrusted },
{ "HAVEKEY", cmd_havekey, hlp_havekey },
{ "KEYINFO", cmd_keyinfo, hlp_keyinfo },
{ "SIGKEY", cmd_sigkey, hlp_sigkey },
{ "SETKEY", cmd_sigkey, hlp_sigkey },
{ "SETKEYDESC", cmd_setkeydesc,hlp_setkeydesc },
{ "SETHASH", cmd_sethash, hlp_sethash },
{ "PKSIGN", cmd_pksign, hlp_pksign },
{ "PKDECRYPT", cmd_pkdecrypt, hlp_pkdecrypt },
{ "GENKEY", cmd_genkey, hlp_genkey },
{ "READKEY", cmd_readkey, hlp_readkey },
{ "GET_PASSPHRASE", cmd_get_passphrase, hlp_get_passphrase },
{ "PRESET_PASSPHRASE", cmd_preset_passphrase, hlp_preset_passphrase },
{ "CLEAR_PASSPHRASE", cmd_clear_passphrase, hlp_clear_passphrase },
{ "GET_CONFIRMATION", cmd_get_confirmation, hlp_get_confirmation },
{ "LISTTRUSTED", cmd_listtrusted, hlp_listtrusted },
{ "MARKTRUSTED", cmd_marktrusted, hlp_martrusted },
{ "LEARN", cmd_learn, hlp_learn },
{ "PASSWD", cmd_passwd, hlp_passwd },
{ "INPUT", NULL },
{ "SCD", cmd_scd, hlp_scd },
{ "KEYWRAP_KEY", cmd_keywrap_key, hlp_keywrap_key },
{ "IMPORT_KEY", cmd_import_key, hlp_import_key },
{ "EXPORT_KEY", cmd_export_key, hlp_export_key },
{ "DELETE_KEY", cmd_delete_key, hlp_delete_key },
{ "GETVAL", cmd_getval, hlp_getval },
{ "PUTVAL", cmd_putval, hlp_putval },
{ "UPDATESTARTUPTTY", cmd_updatestartuptty, hlp_updatestartuptty },
{ "KILLAGENT", cmd_killagent, hlp_killagent },
{ "RELOADAGENT", cmd_reloadagent,hlp_reloadagent },
{ "GETINFO", cmd_getinfo, hlp_getinfo },
{ "KEYTOCARD", cmd_keytocard, hlp_keytocard },
{ NULL }
int i, rc;
for (i=0; table[i].name; i++)
rc = assuan_register_command (ctx, table[i].name, table[i].handler,
if (rc)
return rc;
assuan_register_post_cmd_notify (ctx, post_cmd_notify);
assuan_register_reset_notify (ctx, reset_notify);
assuan_register_option_handler (ctx, option_handler);
return 0;
/* Startup the server. If LISTEN_FD and FD is given as -1, this is a
simple piper server, otherwise it is a regular server. CTRL is the
control structure for this connection; it has only the basic
initialization. */
start_command_handler (ctrl_t ctrl, gnupg_fd_t listen_fd, gnupg_fd_t fd)
int rc;
assuan_context_t ctx = NULL;
if (ctrl->restricted)
if (agent_copy_startup_env (ctrl))
rc = assuan_new (&ctx);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to allocate assuan context: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
agent_exit (2);
if (listen_fd == GNUPG_INVALID_FD && fd == GNUPG_INVALID_FD)
assuan_fd_t filedes[2];
filedes[0] = assuan_fdopen (0);
filedes[1] = assuan_fdopen (1);
rc = assuan_init_pipe_server (ctx, filedes);
else if (listen_fd != GNUPG_INVALID_FD)
rc = assuan_init_socket_server (ctx, listen_fd, 0);
/* FIXME: Need to call assuan_sock_set_nonce for Windows. But
this branch is currently not used. */
rc = assuan_init_socket_server (ctx, fd, ASSUAN_SOCKET_SERVER_ACCEPTED);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to initialize the server: %s\n",
agent_exit (2);
rc = register_commands (ctx);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to register commands with Assuan: %s\n",
agent_exit (2);
assuan_set_pointer (ctx, ctrl);
ctrl->server_local = xcalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl->server_local);
ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx = ctx;
ctrl->server_local->use_cache_for_signing = 1;
ctrl->digest.raw_value = 0;
assuan_set_io_monitor (ctx, io_monitor, NULL);
agent_set_progress_cb (progress_cb, ctrl);
for (;;)
rc = assuan_accept (ctx);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_EOF || rc == -1)
else if (rc)
log_info ("Assuan accept problem: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
ctrl->server_local->connect_from_self = (assuan_get_pid (ctx)==getpid ());
rc = assuan_process (ctx);
if (rc)
log_info ("Assuan processing failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
/* Reset the nonce caches. */
clear_nonce_cache (ctrl);
/* Reset the SCD if needed. */
agent_reset_scd (ctrl);
/* Reset the pinentry (in case of popup messages). */
agent_reset_query (ctrl);
/* Cleanup. */
assuan_release (ctx);
xfree (ctrl->server_local->keydesc);
xfree (ctrl->server_local->import_key);
xfree (ctrl->server_local->export_key);
if (ctrl->server_local->stopme)
agent_exit (0);
xfree (ctrl->server_local);
ctrl->server_local = NULL;
/* Helper for the pinentry loopback mode. It merely passes the
parameters on to the client. */
pinentry_loopback(ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyword,
unsigned char **buffer, size_t *size,
size_t max_length)
gpg_error_t rc;
assuan_context_t ctx = ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx;
rc = print_assuan_status (ctx, "INQUIRE_MAXLEN", "%zu", max_length);
if (rc)
return rc;
assuan_begin_confidential (ctx);
rc = assuan_inquire (ctx, keyword, buffer, size, max_length);
assuan_end_confidential (ctx);
return rc;
diff --git a/agent/cvt-openpgp.c b/agent/cvt-openpgp.c
index eb420b061..510b6ff63 100644
--- a/agent/cvt-openpgp.c
+++ b/agent/cvt-openpgp.c
@@ -1,1410 +1,1410 @@
/* cvt-openpgp.c - Convert an OpenPGP key to our internal format.
* Copyright (C) 1998-2002, 2006, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "agent.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "cvt-openpgp.h"
#include "host2net.h"
/* Helper to pass data via the callback to do_unprotect. */
struct try_do_unprotect_arg_s
int is_v4;
int is_protected;
int pubkey_algo;
const char *curve;
int protect_algo;
char *iv;
int ivlen;
int s2k_mode;
int s2k_algo;
byte *s2k_salt;
u32 s2k_count;
u16 desired_csum;
gcry_mpi_t *skey;
size_t skeysize;
int skeyidx;
gcry_sexp_t *r_key;
/* Compute the keygrip from the public key and store it at GRIP. */
static gpg_error_t
get_keygrip (int pubkey_algo, const char *curve, gcry_mpi_t *pkey,
unsigned char *grip)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t s_pkey = NULL;
switch (pubkey_algo)
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_pkey, NULL,
pkey[0], pkey[1], pkey[2], pkey[3]);
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_pkey, NULL,
pkey[0], pkey[1], pkey[2]);
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_pkey, NULL,
"(public-key(rsa(n%m)(e%m)))", pkey[0], pkey[1]);
if (!curve)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
const char *format;
if (!strcmp (curve, "Ed25519"))
format = "(public-key(ecc(curve %s)(flags eddsa)(q%m)))";
else if (!strcmp (curve, "Curve25519"))
format = "(public-key(ecc(curve %s)(flags djb-tweak)(q%m)))";
format = "(public-key(ecc(curve %s)(q%m)))";
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_pkey, NULL, format, curve, pkey[0]);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO);
if (!err && !gcry_pk_get_keygrip (s_pkey, grip))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
return err;
/* Convert a secret key given as algorithm id and an array of key
parameters into our s-expression based format. Note that
PUBKEY_ALGO has an gcrypt algorithm number. */
static gpg_error_t
convert_secret_key (gcry_sexp_t *r_key, int pubkey_algo, gcry_mpi_t *skey,
const char *curve)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t s_skey = NULL;
*r_key = NULL;
switch (pubkey_algo)
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_skey, NULL,
skey[0], skey[1], skey[2], skey[3], skey[4]);
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_skey, NULL,
skey[0], skey[1], skey[2], skey[3]);
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_skey, NULL,
skey[0], skey[1], skey[2], skey[3], skey[4],
if (!curve)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
const char *format;
if (!strcmp (curve, "Ed25519"))
/* Do not store the OID as name but the real name and the
EdDSA flag. */
format = "(private-key(ecc(curve %s)(flags eddsa)(q%m)(d%m)))";
else if (!strcmp (curve, "Curve25519"))
format = "(private-key(ecc(curve %s)(flags djb-tweak)(q%m)(d%m)))";
format = "(private-key(ecc(curve %s)(q%m)(d%m)))";
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_skey, NULL, format, curve, skey[0], skey[1]);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO);
if (!err)
*r_key = s_skey;
return err;
/* Convert a secret key given as algorithm id, an array of key
parameters, and an S-expression of the original OpenPGP transfer
key into our s-expression based format. This is a variant of
convert_secret_key which is used for the openpgp-native protection
mode. Note that PUBKEY_ALGO has an gcrypt algorithm number. */
static gpg_error_t
convert_transfer_key (gcry_sexp_t *r_key, int pubkey_algo, gcry_mpi_t *skey,
const char *curve, gcry_sexp_t transfer_key)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t s_skey = NULL;
*r_key = NULL;
switch (pubkey_algo)
err = gcry_sexp_build
(&s_skey, NULL,
"(protected openpgp-native%S)))",
skey[0], skey[1], skey[2], skey[3], transfer_key);
err = gcry_sexp_build
(&s_skey, NULL,
"(protected openpgp-native%S)))",
skey[0], skey[1], skey[2], transfer_key);
err = gcry_sexp_build
(&s_skey, NULL,
"(protected openpgp-native%S)))",
skey[0], skey[1], transfer_key );
if (!curve)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
const char *format;
if (!strcmp (curve, "Ed25519"))
/* Do not store the OID as name but the real name and the
EdDSA flag. */
format = "(protected-private-key(ecc(curve %s)(flags eddsa)(q%m)"
"(protected openpgp-native%S)))";
else if (!strcmp (curve, "Curve25519"))
format = "(protected-private-key(ecc(curve %s)(flags djb-tweak)(q%m)"
"(protected openpgp-native%S)))";
format = "(protected-private-key(ecc(curve %s)(q%m)"
"(protected openpgp-native%S)))";
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_skey, NULL, format, curve, skey[0], transfer_key);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO);
if (!err)
*r_key = s_skey;
return err;
/* Hash the passphrase and set the key. */
static gpg_error_t
hash_passphrase_and_set_key (const char *passphrase,
gcry_cipher_hd_t hd, int protect_algo,
int s2k_mode, int s2k_algo,
byte *s2k_salt, u32 s2k_count)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *key;
size_t keylen;
keylen = gcry_cipher_get_algo_keylen (protect_algo);
if (!keylen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
key = xtrymalloc_secure (keylen);
if (!key)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = s2k_hash_passphrase (passphrase,
s2k_algo, s2k_mode, s2k_salt, s2k_count,
key, keylen);
if (!err)
err = gcry_cipher_setkey (hd, key, keylen);
xfree (key);
return err;
static u16
checksum (const unsigned char *p, unsigned int n)
u16 a;
for (a=0; n; n-- )
a += *p++;
return a;
/* Return the number of expected key parameters. */
static void
get_npkey_nskey (int pubkey_algo, size_t *npkey, size_t *nskey)
switch (pubkey_algo)
case GCRY_PK_RSA: *npkey = 2; *nskey = 6; break;
case GCRY_PK_ELG: *npkey = 3; *nskey = 4; break;
case GCRY_PK_ELG_E: *npkey = 3; *nskey = 4; break;
case GCRY_PK_DSA: *npkey = 4; *nskey = 5; break;
case GCRY_PK_ECC: *npkey = 1; *nskey = 2; break;
default: *npkey = 0; *nskey = 0; break;
/* Helper for do_unprotect. PUBKEY_ALOGO is the gcrypt algo number.
On success R_NPKEY and R_NSKEY receive the number or parameters for
the algorithm PUBKEY_ALGO and R_SKEYLEN the used length of
SKEY. */
static int
prepare_unprotect (int pubkey_algo, gcry_mpi_t *skey, size_t skeysize,
int s2k_mode,
unsigned int *r_npkey, unsigned int *r_nskey,
unsigned int *r_skeylen)
size_t npkey, nskey, skeylen;
int i;
/* Count the actual number of MPIs is in the array and set the
remainder to NULL for easier processing later on. */
for (skeylen = 0; skey[skeylen]; skeylen++)
for (i=skeylen; i < skeysize; i++)
skey[i] = NULL;
/* Check some args. */
if (s2k_mode == 1001)
/* Stub key. */
log_info (_("secret key parts are not available\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNUSABLE_SECKEY);
if (gcry_pk_test_algo (pubkey_algo))
log_info (_("public key algorithm %d (%s) is not supported\n"),
pubkey_algo, gcry_pk_algo_name (pubkey_algo));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO);
/* Get properties of the public key algorithm and do some
consistency checks. Note that we need at least NPKEY+1 elements
in the SKEY array. */
get_npkey_nskey (pubkey_algo, &npkey, &nskey);
if (!npkey || !nskey || npkey >= nskey)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
if (skeylen <= npkey)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE);
if (nskey+1 >= skeysize)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT);
/* Check that the public key parameters are all available and not
encrypted. */
for (i=0; i < npkey; i++)
if (!skey[i] || gcry_mpi_get_flag (skey[i], GCRYMPI_FLAG_USER1))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
if (r_npkey)
*r_npkey = npkey;
if (r_nskey)
*r_nskey = nskey;
if (r_skeylen)
*r_skeylen = skeylen;
return 0;
/* Note that this function modifies SKEY. SKEYSIZE is the allocated
size of the array including the NULL item; this is used for a
bounds check. On success a converted key is stored at R_KEY. */
static int
do_unprotect (const char *passphrase,
int pkt_version, int pubkey_algo, int is_protected,
const char *curve, gcry_mpi_t *skey, size_t skeysize,
int protect_algo, void *protect_iv, size_t protect_ivlen,
int s2k_mode, int s2k_algo, byte *s2k_salt, u32 s2k_count,
u16 desired_csum, gcry_sexp_t *r_key)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned int npkey, nskey, skeylen;
gcry_cipher_hd_t cipher_hd = NULL;
u16 actual_csum;
size_t nbytes;
int i;
gcry_mpi_t tmpmpi;
*r_key = NULL;
err = prepare_unprotect (pubkey_algo, skey, skeysize, s2k_mode,
&npkey, &nskey, &skeylen);
if (err)
return err;
/* Check whether SKEY is at all protected. If it is not protected
merely verify the checksum. */
if (!is_protected)
actual_csum = 0;
for (i=npkey; i < nskey; i++)
if (!skey[i] || gcry_mpi_get_flag (skey[i], GCRYMPI_FLAG_USER1))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
if (gcry_mpi_get_flag (skey[i], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE))
unsigned int nbits;
const unsigned char *buffer;
buffer = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (skey[i], &nbits);
nbytes = (nbits+7)/8;
actual_csum += checksum (buffer, nbytes);
unsigned char *buffer;
err = gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_PGP, &buffer, &nbytes,
if (!err)
actual_csum += checksum (buffer, nbytes);
xfree (buffer);
if (err)
return err;
if (actual_csum != desired_csum)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CHECKSUM);
goto do_convert;
if (gcry_cipher_test_algo (protect_algo))
/* The algorithm numbers are Libgcrypt numbers but fortunately
the OpenPGP algorithm numbers map one-to-one to the Libgcrypt
numbers. */
log_info (_("protection algorithm %d (%s) is not supported\n"),
protect_algo, gnupg_cipher_algo_name (protect_algo));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CIPHER_ALGO);
if (gcry_md_test_algo (s2k_algo))
log_info (_("protection hash algorithm %d (%s) is not supported\n"),
s2k_algo, gcry_md_algo_name (s2k_algo));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DIGEST_ALGO);
err = gcry_cipher_open (&cipher_hd, protect_algo,
| (protect_algo >= 100 ?
if (err)
log_error ("failed to open cipher_algo %d: %s\n",
protect_algo, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
err = hash_passphrase_and_set_key (passphrase, cipher_hd, protect_algo,
s2k_mode, s2k_algo, s2k_salt, s2k_count);
if (err)
gcry_cipher_close (cipher_hd);
return err;
gcry_cipher_setiv (cipher_hd, protect_iv, protect_ivlen);
actual_csum = 0;
if (pkt_version >= 4)
int ndata;
unsigned int ndatabits;
const unsigned char *p;
unsigned char *data;
u16 csum_pgp7 = 0;
if (!gcry_mpi_get_flag (skey[npkey], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE ))
gcry_cipher_close (cipher_hd);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (skey[npkey], &ndatabits);
ndata = (ndatabits+7)/8;
if (ndata > 1)
csum_pgp7 = buf16_to_u16 (p+ndata-2);
data = xtrymalloc_secure (ndata);
if (!data)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
gcry_cipher_close (cipher_hd);
return err;
gcry_cipher_decrypt (cipher_hd, data, ndata, p, ndata);
p = data;
if (is_protected == 2)
/* This is the new SHA1 checksum method to detect tampering
with the key as used by the Klima/Rosa attack. */
desired_csum = 0;
actual_csum = 1; /* Default to bad checksum. */
if (ndata < 20)
log_error ("not enough bytes for SHA-1 checksum\n");
gcry_md_hd_t h;
if (gcry_md_open (&h, GCRY_MD_SHA1, 1))
BUG(); /* Algo not available. */
gcry_md_write (h, data, ndata - 20);
gcry_md_final (h);
if (!memcmp (gcry_md_read (h, GCRY_MD_SHA1), data+ndata-20, 20))
actual_csum = 0; /* Digest does match. */
gcry_md_close (h);
/* Old 16 bit checksum method. */
if (ndata < 2)
log_error ("not enough bytes for checksum\n");
desired_csum = 0;
actual_csum = 1; /* Mark checksum bad. */
desired_csum = buf16_to_u16 (data+ndata-2);
actual_csum = checksum (data, ndata-2);
if (desired_csum != actual_csum)
/* This is a PGP 7.0.0 workaround */
desired_csum = csum_pgp7; /* Take the encrypted one. */
/* Better check it here. Otherwise the gcry_mpi_scan would fail
because the length may have an arbitrary value. */
if (desired_csum == actual_csum)
for (i=npkey; i < nskey; i++ )
if (gcry_mpi_scan (&tmpmpi, GCRYMPI_FMT_PGP, p, ndata, &nbytes))
/* Checksum was okay, but not correctly decrypted. */
desired_csum = 0;
actual_csum = 1; /* Mark checksum bad. */
gcry_mpi_release (skey[i]);
skey[i] = tmpmpi;
ndata -= nbytes;
p += nbytes;
skey[i] = NULL;
skeylen = i;
assert (skeylen <= skeysize);
/* Note: at this point NDATA should be 2 for a simple
checksum or 20 for the sha1 digest. */
else /* Packet version <= 3. */
unsigned char *buffer;
for (i = npkey; i < nskey; i++)
const unsigned char *p;
size_t ndata;
unsigned int ndatabits;
if (!skey[i] || !gcry_mpi_get_flag (skey[i], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE))
gcry_cipher_close (cipher_hd);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (skey[i], &ndatabits);
ndata = (ndatabits+7)/8;
if (!(ndata >= 2) || !(ndata == (buf16_to_ushort (p) + 7)/8 + 2))
gcry_cipher_close (cipher_hd);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
buffer = xtrymalloc_secure (ndata);
if (!buffer)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
gcry_cipher_close (cipher_hd);
return err;
gcry_cipher_sync (cipher_hd);
buffer[0] = p[0];
buffer[1] = p[1];
gcry_cipher_decrypt (cipher_hd, buffer+2, ndata-2, p+2, ndata-2);
actual_csum += checksum (buffer, ndata);
err = gcry_mpi_scan (&tmpmpi, GCRYMPI_FMT_PGP, buffer, ndata, &ndata);
xfree (buffer);
if (err)
/* Checksum was okay, but not correctly decrypted. */
desired_csum = 0;
actual_csum = 1; /* Mark checksum bad. */
gcry_mpi_release (skey[i]);
skey[i] = tmpmpi;
gcry_cipher_close (cipher_hd);
/* Now let's see whether we have used the correct passphrase. */
if (actual_csum != desired_csum)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE);
if (nskey != skeylen)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
err = convert_secret_key (r_key, pubkey_algo, skey, curve);
if (err)
return err;
/* The checksum may fail, thus we also check the key itself. */
err = gcry_pk_testkey (*r_key);
if (err)
gcry_sexp_release (*r_key);
*r_key = NULL;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE);
return 0;
/* Callback function to try the unprotection from the passphrase query
code. */
static gpg_error_t
try_do_unprotect_cb (struct pin_entry_info_s *pi)
gpg_error_t err;
struct try_do_unprotect_arg_s *arg = pi->check_cb_arg;
err = do_unprotect (pi->pin,
arg->is_v4? 4:3,
arg->pubkey_algo, arg->is_protected,
arg->skey, arg->skeysize,
arg->protect_algo, arg->iv, arg->ivlen,
arg->s2k_mode, arg->s2k_algo,
arg->s2k_salt, arg->s2k_count,
arg->desired_csum, arg->r_key);
/* SKEY may be modified now, thus we need to re-compute SKEYIDX. */
for (arg->skeyidx = 0; (arg->skeyidx < arg->skeysize
&& arg->skey[arg->skeyidx]); arg->skeyidx++)
return err;
/* See convert_from_openpgp for the core of the description. This
function adds an optional PASSPHRASE argument and uses this to
silently decrypt the key; CACHE_NONCE and R_PASSPHRASE must both be
NULL in this mode. */
static gpg_error_t
convert_from_openpgp_main (ctrl_t ctrl, gcry_sexp_t s_pgp, int dontcare_exist,
unsigned char *grip, const char *prompt,
const char *cache_nonce, const char *passphrase,
unsigned char **r_key, char **r_passphrase)
gpg_error_t err;
int unattended;
int from_native;
gcry_sexp_t top_list;
gcry_sexp_t list = NULL;
const char *value;
size_t valuelen;
char *string;
int idx;
int is_v4, is_protected;
int pubkey_algo;
int protect_algo = 0;
char iv[16];
int ivlen = 0;
int s2k_mode = 0;
int s2k_algo = 0;
byte s2k_salt[8];
u32 s2k_count = 0;
size_t npkey, nskey;
gcry_mpi_t skey[10]; /* We support up to 9 parameters. */
char *curve = NULL;
u16 desired_csum;
int skeyidx = 0;
gcry_sexp_t s_skey = NULL;
*r_key = NULL;
if (r_passphrase)
*r_passphrase = NULL;
unattended = !r_passphrase;
from_native = (!cache_nonce && passphrase && !r_passphrase);
top_list = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_pgp, "openpgp-private-key", 0);
if (!top_list)
goto bad_seckey;
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (top_list, "version", 0);
if (!list)
goto bad_seckey;
value = gcry_sexp_nth_data (list, 1, &valuelen);
if (!value || valuelen != 1 || !(value[0] == '3' || value[0] == '4'))
goto bad_seckey;
is_v4 = (value[0] == '4');
gcry_sexp_release (list);
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (top_list, "protection", 0);
if (!list)
goto bad_seckey;
value = gcry_sexp_nth_data (list, 1, &valuelen);
if (!value)
goto bad_seckey;
if (valuelen == 4 && !memcmp (value, "sha1", 4))
is_protected = 2;
else if (valuelen == 3 && !memcmp (value, "sum", 3))
is_protected = 1;
else if (valuelen == 4 && !memcmp (value, "none", 4))
is_protected = 0;
goto bad_seckey;
if (is_protected)
string = gcry_sexp_nth_string (list, 2);
if (!string)
goto bad_seckey;
protect_algo = gcry_cipher_map_name (string);
xfree (string);
value = gcry_sexp_nth_data (list, 3, &valuelen);
if (!value || !valuelen || valuelen > sizeof iv)
goto bad_seckey;
memcpy (iv, value, valuelen);
ivlen = valuelen;
string = gcry_sexp_nth_string (list, 4);
if (!string)
goto bad_seckey;
s2k_mode = strtol (string, NULL, 10);
xfree (string);
string = gcry_sexp_nth_string (list, 5);
if (!string)
goto bad_seckey;
s2k_algo = gcry_md_map_name (string);
xfree (string);
value = gcry_sexp_nth_data (list, 6, &valuelen);
if (!value || !valuelen || valuelen > sizeof s2k_salt)
goto bad_seckey;
memcpy (s2k_salt, value, valuelen);
string = gcry_sexp_nth_string (list, 7);
if (!string)
goto bad_seckey;
s2k_count = strtoul (string, NULL, 10);
xfree (string);
gcry_sexp_release (list);
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (top_list, "algo", 0);
if (!list)
goto bad_seckey;
string = gcry_sexp_nth_string (list, 1);
if (!string)
goto bad_seckey;
pubkey_algo = gcry_pk_map_name (string);
xfree (string);
get_npkey_nskey (pubkey_algo, &npkey, &nskey);
if (!npkey || !nskey || npkey >= nskey)
goto bad_seckey;
if (npkey == 1) /* This is ECC */
gcry_sexp_release (list);
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (top_list, "curve", 0);
if (!list)
goto bad_seckey;
curve = gcry_sexp_nth_string (list, 1);
if (!curve)
goto bad_seckey;
gcry_sexp_release (list);
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (top_list, "skey", 0);
if (!list)
goto bad_seckey;
for (idx=0;;)
int is_enc;
value = gcry_sexp_nth_data (list, ++idx, &valuelen);
if (!value && skeyidx >= npkey)
break; /* Ready. */
/* Check for too many parameters. Note that depending on the
protection mode and version number we may see less than NSKEY
(but at least NPKEY+1) parameters. */
if (idx >= 2*nskey)
goto bad_seckey;
if (skeyidx >= DIM (skey)-1)
goto bad_seckey;
if (!value || valuelen != 1 || !(value[0] == '_' || value[0] == 'e'))
goto bad_seckey;
is_enc = (value[0] == 'e');
value = gcry_sexp_nth_data (list, ++idx, &valuelen);
if (!value || !valuelen)
goto bad_seckey;
if (is_enc)
/* Encrypted parameters need to be stored as opaque. */
skey[skeyidx] = gcry_mpi_set_opaque_copy (NULL, value, valuelen*8);
if (!skey[skeyidx])
goto outofmem;
gcry_mpi_set_flag (skey[skeyidx], GCRYMPI_FLAG_USER1);
if (gcry_mpi_scan (skey + skeyidx, GCRYMPI_FMT_STD,
value, valuelen, NULL))
goto bad_seckey;
skey[skeyidx++] = NULL;
gcry_sexp_release (list);
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (top_list, "csum", 0);
if (list)
string = gcry_sexp_nth_string (list, 1);
if (!string)
goto bad_seckey;
desired_csum = strtoul (string, NULL, 10);
xfree (string);
desired_csum = 0;
gcry_sexp_release (list); list = NULL;
gcry_sexp_release (top_list); top_list = NULL;
#if 0
log_debug ("XXX is_v4=%d\n", is_v4);
log_debug ("XXX pubkey_algo=%d\n", pubkey_algo);
log_debug ("XXX is_protected=%d\n", is_protected);
log_debug ("XXX protect_algo=%d\n", protect_algo);
log_printhex ("XXX iv", iv, ivlen);
log_debug ("XXX ivlen=%d\n", ivlen);
log_debug ("XXX s2k_mode=%d\n", s2k_mode);
log_debug ("XXX s2k_algo=%d\n", s2k_algo);
log_printhex ("XXX s2k_salt", s2k_salt, sizeof s2k_salt);
log_debug ("XXX s2k_count=%lu\n", (unsigned long)s2k_count);
log_debug ("XXX curve='%s'\n", curve);
for (idx=0; skey[idx]; idx++)
gcry_log_debugmpi (gcry_mpi_get_flag (skey[idx], GCRYMPI_FLAG_USER1)
? "skey(e)" : "skey(_)", skey[idx]);
#endif /*0*/
err = get_keygrip (pubkey_algo, curve, skey, grip);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (!dontcare_exist && !from_native && !agent_key_available (grip))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EEXIST);
goto leave;
if (unattended && !from_native)
err = prepare_unprotect (pubkey_algo, skey, DIM(skey), s2k_mode,
if (err)
goto leave;
err = convert_transfer_key (&s_skey, pubkey_algo, skey, curve, s_pgp);
if (err)
goto leave;
struct pin_entry_info_s *pi;
struct try_do_unprotect_arg_s pi_arg;
pi = xtrycalloc_secure (1, sizeof (*pi) + MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN + 1);
if (!pi)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
pi->max_length = MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN + 1;
pi->min_digits = 0; /* We want a real passphrase. */
pi->max_digits = 16;
pi->max_tries = 3;
pi->check_cb = try_do_unprotect_cb;
pi->check_cb_arg = &pi_arg;
pi_arg.is_v4 = is_v4;
pi_arg.is_protected = is_protected;
pi_arg.pubkey_algo = pubkey_algo;
pi_arg.curve = curve;
pi_arg.protect_algo = protect_algo;
pi_arg.iv = iv;
pi_arg.ivlen = ivlen;
pi_arg.s2k_mode = s2k_mode;
pi_arg.s2k_algo = s2k_algo;
pi_arg.s2k_salt = s2k_salt;
pi_arg.s2k_count = s2k_count;
pi_arg.desired_csum = desired_csum;
pi_arg.skey = skey;
pi_arg.skeysize = DIM (skey);
pi_arg.skeyidx = skeyidx;
pi_arg.r_key = &s_skey;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE);
if (!is_protected)
err = try_do_unprotect_cb (pi);
else if (cache_nonce)
char *cache_value;
cache_value = agent_get_cache (cache_nonce, CACHE_MODE_NONCE);
if (cache_value)
if (strlen (cache_value) < pi->max_length)
strcpy (pi->pin, cache_value);
xfree (cache_value);
if (*pi->pin)
err = try_do_unprotect_cb (pi);
else if (from_native)
if (strlen (passphrase) < pi->max_length)
strcpy (pi->pin, passphrase);
err = try_do_unprotect_cb (pi);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE && !from_native)
err = agent_askpin (ctrl, prompt, NULL, NULL, pi, NULL, 0);
skeyidx = pi_arg.skeyidx;
if (!err && r_passphrase && is_protected)
*r_passphrase = xtrystrdup (pi->pin);
if (!*r_passphrase)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (pi);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Save some memory and get rid of the SKEY array now. */
for (idx=0; idx < skeyidx; idx++)
gcry_mpi_release (skey[idx]);
skeyidx = 0;
/* Note that the padding is not required - we use it only because
that function allows us to create the result in secure memory. */
err = make_canon_sexp_pad (s_skey, 1, r_key, NULL);
xfree (curve);
gcry_sexp_release (s_skey);
gcry_sexp_release (list);
gcry_sexp_release (top_list);
for (idx=0; idx < skeyidx; idx++)
gcry_mpi_release (skey[idx]);
if (err && r_passphrase)
xfree (*r_passphrase);
*r_passphrase = NULL;
return err;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
goto leave;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);
goto leave;
/* Convert an OpenPGP transfer key into our internal format. Before
asking for a passphrase we check whether the key already exists in
our key storage. S_PGP is the OpenPGP key in transfer format. If
CACHE_NONCE is given the passphrase will be looked up in the cache.
On success R_KEY will receive a canonical encoded S-expression with
the unprotected key in our internal format; the caller needs to
release that memory. The passphrase used to decrypt the OpenPGP
key will be returned at R_PASSPHRASE; the caller must release this
passphrase. If R_PASSPHRASE is NULL the unattended conversion mode
will be used which uses the openpgp-native protection format for
the key. The keygrip will be stored at the 20 byte buffer pointed
to by GRIP. On error NULL is stored at all return arguments. */
convert_from_openpgp (ctrl_t ctrl, gcry_sexp_t s_pgp, int dontcare_exist,
unsigned char *grip, const char *prompt,
const char *cache_nonce,
unsigned char **r_key, char **r_passphrase)
return convert_from_openpgp_main (ctrl, s_pgp, dontcare_exist, grip, prompt,
cache_nonce, NULL,
r_key, r_passphrase);
/* This function is called by agent_unprotect to re-protect an
openpgp-native protected private-key into the standard private-key
protection format. */
convert_from_openpgp_native (ctrl_t ctrl,
gcry_sexp_t s_pgp, const char *passphrase,
unsigned char **r_key)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char grip[20];
if (!passphrase)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
err = convert_from_openpgp_main (ctrl, s_pgp, 0, grip, NULL,
NULL, passphrase,
r_key, NULL);
/* On success try to re-write the key. */
if (!err)
if (*passphrase)
unsigned char *protectedkey = NULL;
size_t protectedkeylen;
if (!agent_protect (*r_key, passphrase,
&protectedkey, &protectedkeylen,
ctrl->s2k_count, -1))
agent_write_private_key (grip, protectedkey, protectedkeylen, 1);
xfree (protectedkey);
/* Empty passphrase: write key without protection. */
agent_write_private_key (grip,
gcry_sexp_canon_len (*r_key, 0, NULL,NULL),
return err;
/* Given an ARRAY of mpis with the key parameters, protect the secret
parameters in that array and replace them by one opaque encoded
mpi. NPKEY is the number of public key parameters and NSKEY is
the number of secret key parameters (including the public ones).
On success the array will have NPKEY+1 elements. */
static gpg_error_t
apply_protection (gcry_mpi_t *array, int npkey, int nskey,
const char *passphrase,
int protect_algo, void *protect_iv, size_t protect_ivlen,
int s2k_mode, int s2k_algo, byte *s2k_salt, u32 s2k_count)
gpg_error_t err;
int i, j;
gcry_cipher_hd_t cipherhd;
unsigned char *bufarr[10];
size_t narr[10];
unsigned int nbits[10];
int ndata;
unsigned char *p, *data;
assert (npkey < nskey);
assert (nskey < DIM (bufarr));
/* Collect only the secret key parameters into BUFARR et al and
compute the required size of the data buffer. */
ndata = 20; /* Space for the SHA-1 checksum. */
for (i = npkey, j = 0; i < nskey; i++, j++ )
err = gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, bufarr+j, narr+j, array[i]);
if (err)
for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
xfree (bufarr[i]);
return err;
nbits[j] = gcry_mpi_get_nbits (array[i]);
ndata += 2 + narr[j];
/* Allocate data buffer and stuff it with the secret key parameters. */
data = xtrymalloc_secure (ndata);
if (!data)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
for (i = 0; i < (nskey-npkey); i++ )
xfree (bufarr[i]);
return err;
p = data;
for (i = 0; i < (nskey-npkey); i++ )
*p++ = nbits[i] >> 8 ;
*p++ = nbits[i];
memcpy (p, bufarr[i], narr[i]);
p += narr[i];
xfree (bufarr[i]);
bufarr[i] = NULL;
assert (p == data + ndata - 20);
/* Append a hash of the secret key parameters. */
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, p, data, ndata - 20);
/* Encrypt it. */
err = gcry_cipher_open (&cipherhd, protect_algo,
if (!err)
err = hash_passphrase_and_set_key (passphrase, cipherhd, protect_algo,
s2k_mode, s2k_algo, s2k_salt, s2k_count);
if (!err)
err = gcry_cipher_setiv (cipherhd, protect_iv, protect_ivlen);
if (!err)
err = gcry_cipher_encrypt (cipherhd, data, ndata, NULL, 0);
gcry_cipher_close (cipherhd);
if (err)
xfree (data);
return err;
/* Replace the secret key parameters in the array by one opaque value. */
for (i = npkey; i < nskey; i++ )
gcry_mpi_release (array[i]);
array[i] = NULL;
array[npkey] = gcry_mpi_set_opaque (NULL, data, ndata*8);
return 0;
* Examining S_KEY in S-Expression and extract data.
* When REQ_PRIVATE_KEY_DATA == 1, S_KEY's CAR should be 'private-key',
* but it also allows shadowed or protected versions.
* On success, it returns 0, otherwise error number.
* R_ALGONAME is static string which is no need to free by caller.
* R_NPKEY is pointer to number of public key data.
* R_NSKEY is pointer to number of private key data.
* R_ELEMS is static string which is no need to free by caller.
* ARRAY contains public and private key data.
* ARRAYSIZE is the allocated size of the array for cross-checking.
* R_CURVE is pointer to S-Expression of the curve (can be NULL).
* R_FLAGS is pointer to S-Expression of the flags (can be NULL).
extract_private_key (gcry_sexp_t s_key, int req_private_key_data,
const char **r_algoname, int *r_npkey, int *r_nskey,
const char **r_elems,
gcry_mpi_t *array, int arraysize,
gcry_sexp_t *r_curve, gcry_sexp_t *r_flags)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t list, l2;
char *name;
const char *algoname, *format;
int npkey, nskey;
gcry_sexp_t curve = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t flags = NULL;
*r_curve = NULL;
*r_flags = NULL;
if (!req_private_key_data)
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_key, "shadowed-private-key", 0 );
if (!list)
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_key, "protected-private-key", 0 );
if (!list)
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_key, "private-key", 0 );
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_key, "private-key", 0);
if (!list)
log_error ("invalid private key format\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
l2 = gcry_sexp_cadr (list);
gcry_sexp_release (list);
list = l2;
name = gcry_sexp_nth_string (list, 0);
if (!name)
gcry_sexp_release (list);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ); /* Invalid structure of object. */
if (arraysize < 7)
BUG ();
/* Map NAME to a name as used by Libgcrypt. We do not use the
Libgcrypt function here because we need a lowercase name and
require special treatment for some algorithms. */
strlwr (name);
if (!strcmp (name, "rsa"))
algoname = "rsa";
format = "ned?p?q?u?";
npkey = 2;
nskey = 6;
err = gcry_sexp_extract_param (list, NULL, format,
array+0, array+1, array+2, array+3,
array+4, array+5, NULL);
else if (!strcmp (name, "elg"))
algoname = "elg";
format = "pgyx?";
npkey = 3;
nskey = 4;
err = gcry_sexp_extract_param (list, NULL, format,
array+0, array+1, array+2, array+3,
else if (!strcmp (name, "dsa"))
algoname = "dsa";
format = "pqgyx?";
npkey = 4;
nskey = 5;
err = gcry_sexp_extract_param (list, NULL, format,
array+0, array+1, array+2, array+3,
array+4, NULL);
else if (!strcmp (name, "ecc") || !strcmp (name, "ecdsa"))
algoname = "ecc";
format = "qd?";
npkey = 1;
nskey = 2;
curve = gcry_sexp_find_token (list, "curve", 0);
flags = gcry_sexp_find_token (list, "flags", 0);
err = gcry_sexp_extract_param (list, NULL, format,
array+0, array+1, NULL);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO);
xfree (name);
gcry_sexp_release (list);
if (err)
gcry_sexp_release (curve);
gcry_sexp_release (flags);
return err;
*r_algoname = algoname;
if (r_elems)
*r_elems = format;
*r_npkey = npkey;
if (r_nskey)
*r_nskey = nskey;
*r_curve = curve;
*r_flags = flags;
return 0;
/* Convert our key S_KEY into an OpenPGP key transfer format. On
success a canonical encoded S-expression is stored at R_TRANSFERKEY
and its length at R_TRANSFERKEYLEN; this S-expression is also
padded to a multiple of 64 bits. */
convert_to_openpgp (ctrl_t ctrl, gcry_sexp_t s_key, const char *passphrase,
unsigned char **r_transferkey, size_t *r_transferkeylen)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *algoname;
int npkey, nskey;
gcry_mpi_t array[10];
gcry_sexp_t curve = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t flags = NULL;
char protect_iv[16];
char salt[8];
unsigned long s2k_count;
int i, j;
*r_transferkey = NULL;
for (i=0; i < DIM (array); i++)
array[i] = NULL;
err = extract_private_key (s_key, 1, &algoname, &npkey, &nskey, NULL,
array, DIM (array), &curve, &flags);
if (err)
return err;
gcry_create_nonce (protect_iv, sizeof protect_iv);
gcry_create_nonce (salt, sizeof salt);
/* We need to use the encoded S2k count. It is not possible to
encode it after it has been used because the encoding procedure
may round the value up. */
s2k_count = get_standard_s2k_count_rfc4880 ();
err = apply_protection (array, npkey, nskey, passphrase,
GCRY_CIPHER_AES, protect_iv, sizeof protect_iv,
3, GCRY_MD_SHA1, salt, s2k_count);
/* Turn it into the transfer key S-expression. Note that we always
return a protected key. */
if (!err)
char countbuf[35];
membuf_t mbuf;
void *format_args[10+2];
gcry_sexp_t tmpkey;
gcry_sexp_t tmpsexp = NULL;
snprintf (countbuf, sizeof countbuf, "%lu", s2k_count);
init_membuf (&mbuf, 50);
put_membuf_str (&mbuf, "(skey");
for (i=j=0; i < npkey; i++)
put_membuf_str (&mbuf, " _ %m");
format_args[j++] = array + i;
put_membuf_str (&mbuf, " e %m");
format_args[j++] = array + npkey;
put_membuf_str (&mbuf, ")\n");
put_membuf (&mbuf, "", 1);
tmpkey = NULL;
char *format = get_membuf (&mbuf, NULL);
if (!format)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = gcry_sexp_build_array (&tmpkey, NULL, format, format_args);
xfree (format);
if (!err)
err = gcry_sexp_build (&tmpsexp, NULL,
" (version 1:4)\n"
" (algo %s)\n"
" %S%S\n"
" (protection sha1 aes %b 1:3 sha1 %b %s))\n",
(int)sizeof protect_iv, protect_iv,
(int)sizeof salt, salt,
gcry_sexp_release (tmpkey);
if (!err)
err = make_canon_sexp_pad (tmpsexp, 0, r_transferkey, r_transferkeylen);
gcry_sexp_release (tmpsexp);
for (i=0; i < DIM (array); i++)
gcry_mpi_release (array[i]);
gcry_sexp_release (curve);
gcry_sexp_release (flags);
return err;
diff --git a/agent/cvt-openpgp.h b/agent/cvt-openpgp.h
index 9a4fc3dbf..23092f687 100644
--- a/agent/cvt-openpgp.h
+++ b/agent/cvt-openpgp.h
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
/* cvt-openpgp.h - Convert an OpenPGP key to our internal format.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
gpg_error_t convert_from_openpgp (ctrl_t ctrl, gcry_sexp_t s_pgp,
int dontcare_exist,
unsigned char *grip, const char *prompt,
const char *cache_nonce,
unsigned char **r_key, char **r_passphrase);
gpg_error_t convert_from_openpgp_native (ctrl_t ctrl,
gcry_sexp_t s_pgp,
const char *passphrase,
unsigned char **r_key);
gpg_error_t convert_to_openpgp (ctrl_t ctrl, gcry_sexp_t s_key,
const char *passphrase,
unsigned char **r_transferkey,
size_t *r_transferkeylen);
diff --git a/agent/divert-scd.c b/agent/divert-scd.c
index 5d3b1efa5..7b070081a 100644
--- a/agent/divert-scd.c
+++ b/agent/divert-scd.c
@@ -1,492 +1,492 @@
/* divert-scd.c - divert operations to the scdaemon
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "agent.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sexp-parse.h"
static int
ask_for_card (ctrl_t ctrl, const unsigned char *shadow_info, char **r_kid)
int rc, i;
char *serialno;
int no_card = 0;
char *desc;
char *want_sn, *want_kid;
int want_sn_displen;
*r_kid = NULL;
rc = parse_shadow_info (shadow_info, &want_sn, &want_kid, NULL);
if (rc)
return rc;
/* We assume that a 20 byte serial number is a standard one which
has the property to have a zero in the last nibble (Due to BCD
representation). We don't display this '0' because it may
confuse the user. */
want_sn_displen = strlen (want_sn);
if (want_sn_displen == 20 && want_sn[19] == '0')
for (;;)
rc = agent_card_serialno (ctrl, &serialno);
if (!rc)
log_debug ("detected card with S/N %s\n", serialno);
i = strcmp (serialno, want_sn);
xfree (serialno);
serialno = NULL;
if (!i)
xfree (want_sn);
*r_kid = want_kid;
return 0; /* yes, we have the correct card */
else if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_PRESENT)
log_debug ("no card present\n");
rc = 0;
no_card = 1;
log_error ("error accessing card: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
if (!rc)
if (asprintf (&desc,
" \"%.*s\"",
? L_("Please insert the card with serial number")
: L_("Please remove the current card and "
"insert the one with serial number"),
want_sn_displen, want_sn) < 0)
rc = out_of_core ();
rc = agent_get_confirmation (ctrl, desc, NULL, NULL, 0);
if (ctrl->pinentry_mode == PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK &&
gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_PIN_ENTRY)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_PRESENT);
xfree (desc);
if (rc)
xfree (want_sn);
xfree (want_kid);
return rc;
/* Put the DIGEST into an DER encoded container and return it in R_VAL. */
static int
encode_md_for_card (const unsigned char *digest, size_t digestlen, int algo,
unsigned char **r_val, size_t *r_len)
unsigned char *frame;
unsigned char asn[100];
size_t asnlen;
*r_val = NULL;
*r_len = 0;
asnlen = DIM(asn);
if (!algo || gcry_md_test_algo (algo))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DIGEST_ALGO);
if (gcry_md_algo_info (algo, GCRYCTL_GET_ASNOID, asn, &asnlen))
log_error ("no object identifier for algo %d\n", algo);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
frame = xtrymalloc (asnlen + digestlen);
if (!frame)
return out_of_core ();
memcpy (frame, asn, asnlen);
memcpy (frame+asnlen, digest, digestlen);
log_printhex ("encoded hash:", frame, asnlen+digestlen);
*r_val = frame;
*r_len = asnlen+digestlen;
return 0;
/* Callback used to ask for the PIN which should be set into BUF. The
buf has been allocated by the caller and is of size MAXBUF which
includes the terminating null. The function should return an UTF-8
string with the passphrase, the buffer may optionally be padded
with arbitrary characters.
INFO gets displayed as part of a generic string. However if the
first character of INFO is a vertical bar all up to the next
verical bar are considered flags and only everything after the
second vertical bar gets displayed as the full prompt.
'N' = New PIN, this requests a second prompt to repeat the
PIN. If the PIN is not correctly repeated it starts from
all over.
'A' = The PIN is an Admin PIN, SO-PIN or alike.
'P' = The PIN is a PUK (Personal Unblocking Key).
'R' = The PIN is a Reset Code.
"|AN|Please enter the new security officer's PIN"
The text "Please ..." will get displayed and the flags 'A' and 'N'
are considered.
static int
getpin_cb (void *opaque, const char *info, char *buf, size_t maxbuf)
struct pin_entry_info_s *pi;
int rc;
ctrl_t ctrl = opaque;
const char *ends, *s;
int any_flags = 0;
int newpin = 0;
int resetcode = 0;
int is_puk = 0;
const char *again_text = NULL;
const char *prompt = "PIN";
if (buf && maxbuf < 2)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
/* Parse the flags. */
if (info && *info =='|' && (ends=strchr (info+1, '|')))
for (s=info+1; s < ends; s++)
if (*s == 'A')
prompt = L_("Admin PIN");
else if (*s == 'P')
/* TRANSLATORS: A PUK is the Personal Unblocking Code
used to unblock a PIN. */
prompt = L_("PUK");
is_puk = 1;
else if (*s == 'N')
newpin = 1;
else if (*s == 'R')
prompt = L_("Reset Code");
resetcode = 1;
info = ends+1;
any_flags = 1;
else if (info && *info == '|')
log_debug ("pin_cb called without proper PIN info hack\n");
/* If BUF has been passed as NULL, we are in pinpad mode: The
callback opens the popup and immediately returns. */
if (!buf)
if (maxbuf == 0) /* Close the pinentry. */
agent_popup_message_stop (ctrl);
rc = 0;
else if (maxbuf == 1) /* Open the pinentry. */
if (info)
char *desc;
if ( asprintf (&desc,
L_("%s%%0A%%0AUse the reader's pinpad for input."),
info) < 0 )
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
rc = agent_popup_message_start (ctrl, desc, NULL);
xfree (desc);
rc = agent_popup_message_start (ctrl, NULL, NULL);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
return rc;
/* FIXME: keep PI and TRIES in OPAQUE. Frankly this is a whole
mess because we should call the card's verify function from the
pinentry check pin CB. */
pi = gcry_calloc_secure (1, sizeof (*pi) + maxbuf + 10);
if (!pi)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
pi->max_length = maxbuf-1;
pi->min_digits = 0; /* we want a real passphrase */
pi->max_digits = 16;
pi->max_tries = 3;
if (any_flags)
rc = agent_askpin (ctrl, info, prompt, again_text, pi, NULL, 0);
again_text = NULL;
if (!rc && newpin)
struct pin_entry_info_s *pi2;
pi2 = gcry_calloc_secure (1, sizeof (*pi) + maxbuf + 10);
if (!pi2)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (pi);
return rc;
pi2->max_length = maxbuf-1;
pi2->min_digits = 0;
pi2->max_digits = 16;
pi2->max_tries = 1;
rc = agent_askpin (ctrl,
L_("Repeat this Reset Code"):
L_("Repeat this PUK"):
L_("Repeat this PIN")),
prompt, NULL, pi2, NULL, 0);
if (!rc && strcmp (pi->pin, pi2->pin))
again_text = (resetcode?
L_("Reset Code not correctly repeated; try again"):
L_("PUK not correctly repeated; try again"):
L_("PIN not correctly repeated; try again"));
xfree (pi2);
xfree (pi);
goto again;
xfree (pi2);
char *desc;
if ( asprintf (&desc,
L_("Please enter the PIN%s%s%s to unlock the card"),
info? " (":"",
info? info:"",
info? ")":"") < 0)
desc = NULL;
rc = agent_askpin (ctrl, desc?desc:info, prompt, NULL, pi, NULL, 0);
xfree (desc);
if (!rc)
strncpy (buf, pi->pin, maxbuf-1);
buf[maxbuf-1] = 0;
xfree (pi);
return rc;
divert_pksign (ctrl_t ctrl,
const unsigned char *digest, size_t digestlen, int algo,
const unsigned char *shadow_info, unsigned char **r_sig,
size_t *r_siglen)
int rc;
char *kid;
size_t siglen;
unsigned char *sigval = NULL;
rc = ask_for_card (ctrl, shadow_info, &kid);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (algo == MD_USER_TLS_MD5SHA1)
int save = ctrl->use_auth_call;
ctrl->use_auth_call = 1;
rc = agent_card_pksign (ctrl, kid, getpin_cb, ctrl,
algo, digest, digestlen, &sigval, &siglen);
ctrl->use_auth_call = save;
unsigned char *data;
size_t ndata;
rc = encode_md_for_card (digest, digestlen, algo, &data, &ndata);
if (!rc)
rc = agent_card_pksign (ctrl, kid, getpin_cb, ctrl,
algo, data, ndata, &sigval, &siglen);
xfree (data);
if (!rc)
*r_sig = sigval;
*r_siglen = siglen;
xfree (kid);
return rc;
/* Decrypt the the value given asn an S-expression in CIPHER using the
key identified by SHADOW_INFO and return the plaintext in an
allocated buffer in R_BUF. The padding information is stored at
R_PADDING with -1 for not known. */
divert_pkdecrypt (ctrl_t ctrl,
const unsigned char *cipher,
const unsigned char *shadow_info,
char **r_buf, size_t *r_len, int *r_padding)
int rc;
char *kid;
const unsigned char *s;
size_t n;
const unsigned char *ciphertext;
size_t ciphertextlen;
char *plaintext;
size_t plaintextlen;
*r_padding = -1;
s = cipher;
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (!smatch (&s, n, "enc-val"))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (smatch (&s, n, "rsa"))
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (!smatch (&s, n, "a"))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
else if (smatch (&s, n, "ecdh"))
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (smatch (&s, n, "s"))
n = snext (&s);
s += n;
if (*s++ != ')')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (*s++ != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (!smatch (&s, n, "e"))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
ciphertext = s;
ciphertextlen = n;
rc = ask_for_card (ctrl, shadow_info, &kid);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = agent_card_pkdecrypt (ctrl, kid, getpin_cb, ctrl,
ciphertext, ciphertextlen,
&plaintext, &plaintextlen, r_padding);
if (!rc)
*r_buf = plaintext;
*r_len = plaintextlen;
xfree (kid);
return rc;
divert_writekey (ctrl_t ctrl, int force, const char *serialno,
const char *id, const char *keydata, size_t keydatalen)
return agent_card_writekey (ctrl, force, serialno, id, keydata, keydatalen,
getpin_cb, ctrl);
divert_generic_cmd (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *cmdline, void *assuan_context)
return agent_card_scd (ctrl, cmdline, getpin_cb, ctrl, assuan_context);
diff --git a/agent/findkey.c b/agent/findkey.c
index c67dc7255..1b187ba9a 100644
--- a/agent/findkey.c
+++ b/agent/findkey.c
@@ -1,1539 +1,1539 @@
/* findkey.c - Locate the secret key
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007,
* 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <npth.h> /* (we use pth_sleep) */
#include "agent.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "../common/ssh-utils.h"
#include "../common/name-value.h"
#ifndef O_BINARY
#define O_BINARY 0
/* Helper to pass data to the check callback of the unprotect function. */
struct try_unprotect_arg_s
ctrl_t ctrl;
const unsigned char *protected_key;
unsigned char *unprotected_key;
int change_required; /* Set by the callback to indicate that the
user should change the passphrase. */
static gpg_error_t
write_extended_private_key (char *fname, estream_t fp,
const void *buf, size_t len)
gpg_error_t err;
nvc_t pk = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t key = NULL;
int remove = 0;
int line;
err = nvc_parse_private_key (&pk, &line, fp);
if (err)
log_error ("error parsing '%s' line %d: %s\n",
fname, line, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = gcry_sexp_sscan (&key, NULL, buf, len);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = nvc_set_private_key (pk, key);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = es_fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = nvc_write (pk, fp);
if (err)
log_error ("error writing '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
remove = 1;
goto leave;
if (ftruncate (es_fileno (fp), es_ftello (fp)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error truncating '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
remove = 1;
goto leave;
if (es_fclose (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error closing '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
remove = 1;
goto leave;
fp = NULL;
bump_key_eventcounter ();
if (fp)
es_fclose (fp);
if (remove)
gnupg_remove (fname);
xfree (fname);
gcry_sexp_release (key);
nvc_release (pk);
return err;
/* Write an S-expression formatted key to our key storage. With FORCE
passed as true an existing key with the given GRIP will get
overwritten. */
agent_write_private_key (const unsigned char *grip,
const void *buffer, size_t length, int force)
char *fname;
estream_t fp;
char hexgrip[40+4+1];
bin2hex (grip, 20, hexgrip);
strcpy (hexgrip+40, ".key");
fname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), GNUPG_PRIVATE_KEYS_DIR,
hexgrip, NULL);
/* FIXME: Write to a temp file first so that write failures during
key updates won't lead to a key loss. */
if (!force && !access (fname, F_OK))
log_error ("secret key file '%s' already exists\n", fname);
xfree (fname);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EEXIST);
fp = es_fopen (fname, force? "rb+,mode=-rw" : "wbx,mode=-rw");
if (!fp)
gpg_error_t tmperr = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (force && gpg_err_code (tmperr) == GPG_ERR_ENOENT)
fp = es_fopen (fname, "wbx,mode=-rw");
if (!fp)
tmperr = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (!fp)
log_error ("can't create '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (tmperr));
xfree (fname);
return tmperr;
else if (force)
gpg_error_t rc;
char first;
/* See if an existing key is in extended format. */
if (es_fread (&first, 1, 1, fp) != 1)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error reading first byte from '%s': %s\n",
fname, strerror (errno));
xfree (fname);
es_fclose (fp);
return rc;
rc = es_fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (rc)
log_error ("error seeking in '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror (errno));
xfree (fname);
es_fclose (fp);
return rc;
if (first != '(')
/* Key is in extended format. */
return write_extended_private_key (fname, fp, buffer, length);
if (es_fwrite (buffer, length, 1, fp) != 1)
gpg_error_t tmperr = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error writing '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (tmperr));
es_fclose (fp);
gnupg_remove (fname);
xfree (fname);
return tmperr;
/* When force is given, the file might have to be truncated. */
if (force && ftruncate (es_fileno (fp), es_ftello (fp)))
gpg_error_t tmperr = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error truncating '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (tmperr));
es_fclose (fp);
gnupg_remove (fname);
xfree (fname);
return tmperr;
if (es_fclose (fp))
gpg_error_t tmperr = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error closing '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (tmperr));
gnupg_remove (fname);
xfree (fname);
return tmperr;
bump_key_eventcounter ();
xfree (fname);
return 0;
/* Callback function to try the unprotection from the passphrase query
code. */
static gpg_error_t
try_unprotect_cb (struct pin_entry_info_s *pi)
struct try_unprotect_arg_s *arg = pi->check_cb_arg;
ctrl_t ctrl = arg->ctrl;
size_t dummy;
gpg_error_t err;
gnupg_isotime_t now, protected_at, tmptime;
char *desc = NULL;
assert (!arg->unprotected_key);
arg->change_required = 0;
err = agent_unprotect (ctrl, arg->protected_key, pi->pin, protected_at,
&arg->unprotected_key, &dummy);
if (err)
return err;
if (!opt.max_passphrase_days || ctrl->in_passwd)
return 0; /* No regular passphrase change required. */
if (!*protected_at)
/* No protection date known - must force passphrase change. */
desc = xtrystrdup (L_("Note: This passphrase has never been changed.%0A"
"Please change it now."));
if (!desc)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
gnupg_get_isotime (now);
gnupg_copy_time (tmptime, protected_at);
err = add_days_to_isotime (tmptime, opt.max_passphrase_days);
if (err)
return err;
if (strcmp (now, tmptime) > 0 )
/* Passphrase "expired". */
desc = xtryasprintf
(L_("This passphrase has not been changed%%0A"
"since %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. Please change it now."),
protected_at, protected_at+4, protected_at+6);
if (!desc)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (desc)
/* Change required. */
if (opt.enforce_passphrase_constraints)
err = agent_get_confirmation (ctrl, desc,
L_("Change passphrase"), NULL, 0);
if (!err)
arg->change_required = 1;
err = agent_get_confirmation (ctrl, desc,
L_("Change passphrase"),
L_("I'll change it later"), 0);
if (!err)
arg->change_required = 1;
else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_CANCELED
|| gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_FULLY_CANCELED)
err = 0;
xfree (desc);
return 0;
/* Modify a Key description, replacing certain special format
characters. List of currently supported replacements:
%% - Replaced by a single %
%c - Replaced by the content of COMMENT.
%C - Same as %c but put into parentheses.
%F - Replaced by an ssh style fingerprint computed from KEY.
The functions returns 0 on success or an error code. On success a
newly allocated string is stored at the address of RESULT.
static gpg_error_t
modify_description (const char *in, const char *comment, const gcry_sexp_t key,
char **result)
size_t comment_length;
size_t in_len;
size_t out_len;
char *out;
size_t i;
int special, pass;
char *ssh_fpr = NULL;
comment_length = strlen (comment);
in_len = strlen (in);
/* First pass calculates the length, second pass does the actual
copying. */
out = NULL;
out_len = 0;
for (pass=0; pass < 2; pass++)
special = 0;
for (i = 0; i < in_len; i++)
if (special)
special = 0;
switch (in[i])
case '%':
if (out)
*out++ = '%';
case 'c': /* Comment. */
if (out)
memcpy (out, comment, comment_length);
out += comment_length;
out_len += comment_length;
case 'C': /* Comment. */
if (!comment_length)
else if (out)
*out++ = '(';
memcpy (out, comment, comment_length);
out += comment_length;
*out++ = ')';
out_len += comment_length + 2;
case 'F': /* SSH style fingerprint. */
if (!ssh_fpr && key)
ssh_get_fingerprint_string (key, &ssh_fpr);
if (ssh_fpr)
if (out)
out = stpcpy (out, ssh_fpr);
out_len += strlen (ssh_fpr);
default: /* Invalid special sequences are kept as they are. */
if (out)
*out++ = '%';
*out++ = in[i];
else if (in[i] == '%')
special = 1;
if (out)
*out++ = in[i];
if (!pass)
*result = out = xtrymalloc (out_len + 1);
if (!out)
xfree (ssh_fpr);
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*out = 0;
assert (*result + out_len == out);
xfree (ssh_fpr);
return 0;
/* Unprotect the canconical encoded S-expression key in KEYBUF. GRIP
should be the hex encoded keygrip of that key to be used with the
caching mechanism. DESC_TEXT may be set to override the default
description used for the pinentry. If LOOKUP_TTL is given this
function is used to lookup the default ttl. If R_PASSPHRASE is not
NULL, the function succeeded and the key was protected the used
passphrase (entered or from the cache) is stored there; if not NULL
will be stored. The caller needs to free the returned
passphrase. */
static int
unprotect (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *cache_nonce, const char *desc_text,
unsigned char **keybuf, const unsigned char *grip,
cache_mode_t cache_mode, lookup_ttl_t lookup_ttl,
char **r_passphrase)
struct pin_entry_info_s *pi;
struct try_unprotect_arg_s arg;
int rc;
unsigned char *result;
size_t resultlen;
char hexgrip[40+1];
if (r_passphrase)
*r_passphrase = NULL;
bin2hex (grip, 20, hexgrip);
/* Initially try to get it using a cache nonce. */
if (cache_nonce)
char *pw;
pw = agent_get_cache (cache_nonce, CACHE_MODE_NONCE);
if (pw)
rc = agent_unprotect (ctrl, *keybuf, pw, NULL, &result, &resultlen);
if (!rc)
if (r_passphrase)
*r_passphrase = pw;
xfree (pw);
xfree (*keybuf);
*keybuf = result;
return 0;
xfree (pw);
/* First try to get it from the cache - if there is none or we can't
unprotect it, we fall back to ask the user */
if (cache_mode != CACHE_MODE_IGNORE)
char *pw;
pw = agent_get_cache (hexgrip, cache_mode);
if (pw)
rc = agent_unprotect (ctrl, *keybuf, pw, NULL, &result, &resultlen);
if (!rc)
if (cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_NORMAL)
agent_store_cache_hit (hexgrip);
if (r_passphrase)
*r_passphrase = pw;
xfree (pw);
xfree (*keybuf);
*keybuf = result;
return 0;
xfree (pw);
rc = 0;
else if (cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_NORMAL)
/* The standard use of GPG keys is to have a signing and an
encryption subkey. Commonly both use the same
passphrase. We try to help the user to enter the
passphrase only once by silently trying the last
correctly entered passphrase. Checking one additional
passphrase should be acceptable; despite the S2K
introduced delays. The assumed workflow is:
1. Read encrypted message in a MUA and thus enter a
passphrase for the encryption subkey.
2. Reply to that mail with an encrypted and signed
mail, thus entering the passphrase for the signing
We can often avoid the passphrase entry in the second
step. We do this only in normal mode, so not to
interfere with unrelated cache entries. */
pw = agent_get_cache (NULL, cache_mode);
if (pw)
rc = agent_unprotect (ctrl, *keybuf, pw, NULL,
&result, &resultlen);
if (!rc)
if (r_passphrase)
*r_passphrase = pw;
xfree (pw);
xfree (*keybuf);
*keybuf = result;
return 0;
xfree (pw);
rc = 0;
/* If the pinentry is currently in use, we wait up to 60 seconds
for it to close and check the cache again. This solves a common
situation where several requests for unprotecting a key have
been made but the user is still entering the passphrase for
the first request. Because all requests to agent_askpin are
serialized they would then pop up one after the other to
request the passphrase - despite that the user has already
entered it and is then available in the cache. This
implementation is not race free but in the worst case the
user has to enter the passphrase only once more. */
if (pinentry_active_p (ctrl, 0))
/* Active - wait */
if (!pinentry_active_p (ctrl, 60))
/* We need to give the other thread a chance to actually put
it into the cache. */
npth_sleep (1);
goto retry;
/* Timeout - better call pinentry now the plain way. */
pi = gcry_calloc_secure (1, sizeof (*pi) + MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN + 1);
if (!pi)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
pi->max_length = MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN + 1;
pi->min_digits = 0; /* we want a real passphrase */
pi->max_digits = 16;
pi->max_tries = 3;
pi->check_cb = try_unprotect_cb;
arg.ctrl = ctrl;
arg.protected_key = *keybuf;
arg.unprotected_key = NULL;
arg.change_required = 0;
pi->check_cb_arg = &arg;
rc = agent_askpin (ctrl, desc_text, NULL, NULL, pi, hexgrip, cache_mode);
if (!rc)
assert (arg.unprotected_key);
if (arg.change_required)
/* The callback told as that the user should change their
passphrase. Present the dialog to do. */
size_t canlen, erroff;
gcry_sexp_t s_skey;
assert (arg.unprotected_key);
canlen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (arg.unprotected_key, 0, NULL, NULL);
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_skey, &erroff,
(char*)arg.unprotected_key, canlen);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to build S-Exp (off=%u): %s\n",
(unsigned int)erroff, gpg_strerror (rc));
wipememory (arg.unprotected_key, canlen);
xfree (arg.unprotected_key);
xfree (pi);
return rc;
rc = agent_protect_and_store (ctrl, s_skey, NULL);
gcry_sexp_release (s_skey);
if (rc)
log_error ("changing the passphrase failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
wipememory (arg.unprotected_key, canlen);
xfree (arg.unprotected_key);
xfree (pi);
return rc;
/* Passphrase is fine. */
agent_put_cache (hexgrip, cache_mode, pi->pin,
lookup_ttl? lookup_ttl (hexgrip) : 0);
agent_store_cache_hit (hexgrip);
if (r_passphrase && *pi->pin)
*r_passphrase = xtrystrdup (pi->pin);
xfree (*keybuf);
*keybuf = arg.unprotected_key;
xfree (pi);
return rc;
/* Read the key identified by GRIP from the private key directory and
return it as an gcrypt S-expression object in RESULT. On failure
returns an error code and stores NULL at RESULT. */
static gpg_error_t
read_key_file (const unsigned char *grip, gcry_sexp_t *result)
int rc;
char *fname;
estream_t fp;
struct stat st;
unsigned char *buf;
size_t buflen, erroff;
gcry_sexp_t s_skey;
char hexgrip[40+4+1];
char first;
*result = NULL;
bin2hex (grip, 20, hexgrip);
strcpy (hexgrip+40, ".key");
fname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), GNUPG_PRIVATE_KEYS_DIR,
hexgrip, NULL);
fp = es_fopen (fname, "rb");
if (!fp)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_ENOENT)
log_error ("can't open '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror (errno));
xfree (fname);
return rc;
if (es_fread (&first, 1, 1, fp) != 1)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error reading first byte from '%s': %s\n",
fname, strerror (errno));
xfree (fname);
es_fclose (fp);
return rc;
rc = es_fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (rc)
log_error ("error seeking in '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror (errno));
xfree (fname);
es_fclose (fp);
return rc;
if (first != '(')
/* Key is in extended format. */
nvc_t pk;
int line;
rc = nvc_parse_private_key (&pk, &line, fp);
es_fclose (fp);
if (rc)
log_error ("error parsing '%s' line %d: %s\n",
fname, line, gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = nvc_get_private_key (pk, result);
nvc_release (pk);
if (rc)
log_error ("error getting private key from '%s': %s\n",
fname, gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (fname);
return rc;
if (fstat (es_fileno (fp), &st))
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("can't stat '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror (errno));
xfree (fname);
es_fclose (fp);
return rc;
buflen = st.st_size;
buf = xtrymalloc (buflen+1);
if (!buf)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error allocating %zu bytes for '%s': %s\n",
buflen, fname, strerror (errno));
xfree (fname);
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (buf);
return rc;
if (es_fread (buf, buflen, 1, fp) != 1)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error reading %zu bytes from '%s': %s\n",
buflen, fname, strerror (errno));
xfree (fname);
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (buf);
return rc;
/* Convert the file into a gcrypt S-expression object. */
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_skey, &erroff, (char*)buf, buflen);
xfree (fname);
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (buf);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to build S-Exp (off=%u): %s\n",
(unsigned int)erroff, gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
*result = s_skey;
return 0;
/* Remove the key identified by GRIP from the private key directory. */
static gpg_error_t
remove_key_file (const unsigned char *grip)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
char *fname;
char hexgrip[40+4+1];
bin2hex (grip, 20, hexgrip);
strcpy (hexgrip+40, ".key");
fname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), GNUPG_PRIVATE_KEYS_DIR,
hexgrip, NULL);
if (gnupg_remove (fname))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (fname);
return err;
/* Return the secret key as an S-Exp in RESULT after locating it using
the GRIP. If the operation shall be diverted to a token, an
allocated S-expression with the shadow_info part from the file is
stored at SHADOW_INFO; if not NULL will be stored at SHADOW_INFO.
CACHE_MODE defines now the cache shall be used. DESC_TEXT may be
set to present a custom description for the pinentry. LOOKUP_TTL
is an optional function to convey a TTL to the cache manager; we do
not simply pass the TTL value because the value is only needed if
an unprotect action was needed and looking up the TTL may have some
overhead (e.g. scanning the sshcontrol file). If a CACHE_NONCE is
given that cache item is first tried to get a passphrase. If
R_PASSPHRASE is not NULL, the function succeeded and the key was
protected the used passphrase (entered or from the cache) is stored
there; if not NULL will be stored. The caller needs to free the
returned passphrase. */
agent_key_from_file (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *cache_nonce,
const char *desc_text,
const unsigned char *grip, unsigned char **shadow_info,
cache_mode_t cache_mode, lookup_ttl_t lookup_ttl,
gcry_sexp_t *result, char **r_passphrase)
int rc;
unsigned char *buf;
size_t len, buflen, erroff;
gcry_sexp_t s_skey;
*result = NULL;
if (shadow_info)
*shadow_info = NULL;
if (r_passphrase)
*r_passphrase = NULL;
rc = read_key_file (grip, &s_skey);
if (rc)
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_ENOENT)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
return rc;
/* For use with the protection functions we also need the key as an
canonical encoded S-expression in a buffer. Create this buffer
now. */
rc = make_canon_sexp (s_skey, &buf, &len);
if (rc)
return rc;
switch (agent_private_key_type (buf))
break; /* no unprotection needed */
unsigned char *buf_new;
size_t buf_newlen;
rc = agent_unprotect (ctrl, buf, "", NULL, &buf_new, &buf_newlen);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to convert unprotected openpgp key: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (buf);
buf = buf_new;
char *desc_text_final;
char *comment = NULL;
/* Note, that we will take the comment as a C string for
display purposes; i.e. all stuff beyond a Nul character is
ignored. */
gcry_sexp_t comment_sexp;
comment_sexp = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_skey, "comment", 0);
if (comment_sexp)
comment = gcry_sexp_nth_string (comment_sexp, 1);
gcry_sexp_release (comment_sexp);
desc_text_final = NULL;
if (desc_text)
rc = modify_description (desc_text, comment? comment:"", s_skey,
gcry_free (comment);
if (!rc)
rc = unprotect (ctrl, cache_nonce, desc_text_final, &buf, grip,
cache_mode, lookup_ttl, r_passphrase);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to unprotect the secret key: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (desc_text_final);
if (shadow_info)
const unsigned char *s;
size_t n;
rc = agent_get_shadow_info (buf, &s);
if (!rc)
n = gcry_sexp_canon_len (s, 0, NULL,NULL);
assert (n);
*shadow_info = xtrymalloc (n);
if (!*shadow_info)
rc = out_of_core ();
memcpy (*shadow_info, s, n);
rc = 0;
if (rc)
log_error ("get_shadow_info failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNUSABLE_SECKEY);
log_error ("invalid private key format\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
gcry_sexp_release (s_skey);
s_skey = NULL;
if (rc)
xfree (buf);
if (r_passphrase)
xfree (*r_passphrase);
*r_passphrase = NULL;
return rc;
buflen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (buf, 0, NULL, NULL);
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_skey, &erroff, (char*)buf, buflen);
wipememory (buf, buflen);
xfree (buf);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to build S-Exp (off=%u): %s\n",
(unsigned int)erroff, gpg_strerror (rc));
if (r_passphrase)
xfree (*r_passphrase);
*r_passphrase = NULL;
return rc;
*result = s_skey;
return 0;
/* Return the string name from the S-expression S_KEY as well as a
string describing the names of the parameters. ALGONAMESIZE and
ELEMSSIZE give the allocated size of the provided buffers. The
buffers may be NULL if not required. If R_LIST is not NULL the top
level list will be stored there; the caller needs to release it in
this case. */
static gpg_error_t
key_parms_from_sexp (gcry_sexp_t s_key, gcry_sexp_t *r_list,
char *r_algoname, size_t algonamesize,
char *r_elems, size_t elemssize)
gcry_sexp_t list, l2;
const char *name, *algoname, *elems;
size_t n;
if (r_list)
*r_list = NULL;
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_key, "shadowed-private-key", 0 );
if (!list)
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_key, "protected-private-key", 0 );
if (!list)
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_key, "private-key", 0 );
if (!list)
log_error ("invalid private key format\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
l2 = gcry_sexp_cadr (list);
gcry_sexp_release (list);
list = l2;
name = gcry_sexp_nth_data (list, 0, &n);
if (n==3 && !memcmp (name, "rsa", 3))
algoname = "rsa";
elems = "ne";
else if (n==3 && !memcmp (name, "dsa", 3))
algoname = "dsa";
elems = "pqgy";
else if (n==3 && !memcmp (name, "ecc", 3))
algoname = "ecc";
elems = "pabgnq";
else if (n==5 && !memcmp (name, "ecdsa", 5))
algoname = "ecdsa";
elems = "pabgnq";
else if (n==4 && !memcmp (name, "ecdh", 4))
algoname = "ecdh";
elems = "pabgnq";
else if (n==3 && !memcmp (name, "elg", 3))
algoname = "elg";
elems = "pgy";
log_error ("unknown private key algorithm\n");
gcry_sexp_release (list);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
if (r_algoname)
if (strlen (algoname) >= algonamesize)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT);
strcpy (r_algoname, algoname);
if (r_elems)
if (strlen (elems) >= elemssize)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT);
strcpy (r_elems, elems);
if (r_list)
*r_list = list;
gcry_sexp_release (list);
return 0;
/* Return true if KEYPARMS holds an EdDSA key. */
static int
is_eddsa (gcry_sexp_t keyparms)
int result = 0;
gcry_sexp_t list;
const char *s;
size_t n;
int i;
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (keyparms, "flags", 0);
for (i = list ? gcry_sexp_length (list)-1 : 0; i > 0; i--)
s = gcry_sexp_nth_data (list, i, &n);
if (!s)
continue; /* Not a data element. */
if (n == 5 && !memcmp (s, "eddsa", 5))
result = 1;
gcry_sexp_release (list);
return result;
/* Return the public key algorithm number if S_KEY is a DSA style key.
If it is not a DSA style key, return 0. */
agent_is_dsa_key (gcry_sexp_t s_key)
int result;
gcry_sexp_t list;
char algoname[6];
if (!s_key)
return 0;
if (key_parms_from_sexp (s_key, &list, algoname, sizeof algoname, NULL, 0))
return 0; /* Error - assume it is not an DSA key. */
if (!strcmp (algoname, "dsa"))
result = GCRY_PK_DSA;
else if (!strcmp (algoname, "ecc"))
if (is_eddsa (list))
result = 0;
result = GCRY_PK_ECDSA;
else if (!strcmp (algoname, "ecdsa"))
result = GCRY_PK_ECDSA;
result = 0;
gcry_sexp_release (list);
return result;
/* Return true if S_KEY is an EdDSA key as used with curve Ed25519. */
agent_is_eddsa_key (gcry_sexp_t s_key)
int result;
gcry_sexp_t list;
char algoname[6];
if (!s_key)
return 0;
if (key_parms_from_sexp (s_key, &list, algoname, sizeof algoname, NULL, 0))
return 0; /* Error - assume it is not an EdDSA key. */
if (!strcmp (algoname, "ecc") && is_eddsa (list))
result = 1;
else if (!strcmp (algoname, "eddsa")) /* backward compatibility. */
result = 1;
result = 0;
gcry_sexp_release (list);
return result;
/* Return the key for the keygrip GRIP. The result is stored at
RESULT. This function extracts the key from the private key
database and returns it as an S-expression object as it is. On
failure an error code is returned and NULL stored at RESULT. */
agent_raw_key_from_file (ctrl_t ctrl, const unsigned char *grip,
gcry_sexp_t *result)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t s_skey;
*result = NULL;
err = read_key_file (grip, &s_skey);
if (!err)
*result = s_skey;
return err;
/* Return the public key for the keygrip GRIP. The result is stored
at RESULT. This function extracts the public key from the private
key database. On failure an error code is returned and NULL stored
at RESULT. */
agent_public_key_from_file (ctrl_t ctrl,
const unsigned char *grip,
gcry_sexp_t *result)
gpg_error_t err;
int i, idx;
gcry_sexp_t s_skey;
const char *algoname, *elems;
int npkey;
gcry_mpi_t array[10];
gcry_sexp_t curve = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t flags = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t uri_sexp, comment_sexp;
const char *uri, *comment;
size_t uri_length, comment_length;
char *format, *p;
void *args[2+7+2+2+1]; /* Size is 2 + max. # of elements + 2 for uri + 2
for comment + end-of-list. */
int argidx;
gcry_sexp_t list = NULL;
const char *s;
*result = NULL;
err = read_key_file (grip, &s_skey);
if (err)
return err;
for (i=0; i < DIM (array); i++)
array[i] = NULL;
err = extract_private_key (s_skey, 0, &algoname, &npkey, NULL, &elems,
array, DIM (array), &curve, &flags);
if (err)
gcry_sexp_release (s_skey);
return err;
uri = NULL;
uri_length = 0;
uri_sexp = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_skey, "uri", 0);
if (uri_sexp)
uri = gcry_sexp_nth_data (uri_sexp, 1, &uri_length);
comment = NULL;
comment_length = 0;
comment_sexp = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_skey, "comment", 0);
if (comment_sexp)
comment = gcry_sexp_nth_data (comment_sexp, 1, &comment_length);
gcry_sexp_release (s_skey);
s_skey = NULL;
/* FIXME: The following thing is pretty ugly code; we should
investigate how to make it cleaner. Probably code to handle
canonical S-expressions in a memory buffer is better suited for
such a task. After all that is what we do in protect.c. Neeed
to find common patterns and write a straightformward API to use
them. */
assert (sizeof (size_t) <= sizeof (void*));
format = xtrymalloc (15+4+7*npkey+10+15+1+1);
if (!format)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
for (i=0; array[i]; i++)
gcry_mpi_release (array[i]);
gcry_sexp_release (curve);
gcry_sexp_release (flags);
gcry_sexp_release (uri_sexp);
gcry_sexp_release (comment_sexp);
return err;
argidx = 0;
p = stpcpy (stpcpy (format, "(public-key("), algoname);
p = stpcpy (p, "%S%S"); /* curve name and flags. */
args[argidx++] = &curve;
args[argidx++] = &flags;
for (idx=0, s=elems; idx < npkey; idx++)
*p++ = '(';
*p++ = *s++;
p = stpcpy (p, " %m)");
assert (argidx < DIM (args));
args[argidx++] = &array[idx];
*p++ = ')';
if (uri)
p = stpcpy (p, "(uri %b)");
assert (argidx+1 < DIM (args));
args[argidx++] = (void *)&uri_length;
args[argidx++] = (void *)&uri;
if (comment)
p = stpcpy (p, "(comment %b)");
assert (argidx+1 < DIM (args));
args[argidx++] = (void *)&comment_length;
args[argidx++] = (void*)&comment;
*p++ = ')';
*p = 0;
assert (argidx < DIM (args));
args[argidx] = NULL;
err = gcry_sexp_build_array (&list, NULL, format, args);
xfree (format);
for (i=0; array[i]; i++)
gcry_mpi_release (array[i]);
gcry_sexp_release (curve);
gcry_sexp_release (flags);
gcry_sexp_release (uri_sexp);
gcry_sexp_release (comment_sexp);
if (!err)
*result = list;
return err;
/* Check whether the the secret key identified by GRIP is available.
Returns 0 is the key is available. */
agent_key_available (const unsigned char *grip)
int result;
char *fname;
char hexgrip[40+4+1];
bin2hex (grip, 20, hexgrip);
strcpy (hexgrip+40, ".key");
fname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), GNUPG_PRIVATE_KEYS_DIR,
hexgrip, NULL);
result = !access (fname, R_OK)? 0 : -1;
xfree (fname);
return result;
/* Return the information about the secret key specified by the binary
keygrip GRIP. If the key is a shadowed one the shadow information
will be stored at the address R_SHADOW_INFO as an allocated
S-expression. */
agent_key_info_from_file (ctrl_t ctrl, const unsigned char *grip,
int *r_keytype, unsigned char **r_shadow_info)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buf;
size_t len;
int keytype;
if (r_keytype)
if (r_shadow_info)
*r_shadow_info = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t sexp;
err = read_key_file (grip, &sexp);
if (err)
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_ENOENT)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
return err;
err = make_canon_sexp (sexp, &buf, &len);
gcry_sexp_release (sexp);
if (err)
return err;
keytype = agent_private_key_type (buf);
switch (keytype)
/* If we ever require it we could retrieve the comment fields
from such a key. */
if (r_shadow_info)
const unsigned char *s;
size_t n;
err = agent_get_shadow_info (buf, &s);
if (!err)
n = gcry_sexp_canon_len (s, 0, NULL, NULL);
assert (n);
*r_shadow_info = xtrymalloc (n);
if (!*r_shadow_info)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (*r_shadow_info, s, n);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
if (!err && r_keytype)
*r_keytype = keytype;
xfree (buf);
return err;
/* Delete the key with GRIP from the disk after having asked for
confirmation using DESC_TEXT. If FORCE is set the function won't
require a confirmation via Pinentry or warns if the key is also
used by ssh.
Common error codes are:
agent_delete_key (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc_text,
const unsigned char *grip, int force)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t s_skey = NULL;
unsigned char *buf = NULL;
size_t len;
char *desc_text_final = NULL;
char *comment = NULL;
ssh_control_file_t cf = NULL;
char hexgrip[40+4+1];
char *default_desc = NULL;
err = read_key_file (grip, &s_skey);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_ENOENT)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = make_canon_sexp (s_skey, &buf, &len);
if (err)
goto leave;
switch (agent_private_key_type (buf))
bin2hex (grip, 20, hexgrip);
if (!force)
if (!desc_text)
default_desc = xtryasprintf
(L_("Do you really want to delete the key identified by keygrip%%0A"
" %s%%0A %%C%%0A?"), hexgrip);
desc_text = default_desc;
/* Note, that we will take the comment as a C string for
display purposes; i.e. all stuff beyond a Nul character is
ignored. */
gcry_sexp_t comment_sexp;
comment_sexp = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_skey, "comment", 0);
if (comment_sexp)
comment = gcry_sexp_nth_string (comment_sexp, 1);
gcry_sexp_release (comment_sexp);
if (desc_text)
err = modify_description (desc_text, comment? comment:"", s_skey,
if (err)
goto leave;
err = agent_get_confirmation (ctrl, desc_text_final,
L_("Delete key"), L_("No"), 0);
if (err)
goto leave;
cf = ssh_open_control_file ();
if (cf)
if (!ssh_search_control_file (cf, hexgrip, NULL, NULL, NULL))
err = agent_get_confirmation
L_("Warning: This key is also listed for use with SSH!\n"
"Deleting the key might remove your ability to "
"access remote machines."),
L_("Delete key"), L_("No"), 0);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = remove_key_file (grip);
err = remove_key_file (grip);
log_error ("invalid private key format\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
ssh_close_control_file (cf);
gcry_free (comment);
xfree (desc_text_final);
xfree (default_desc);
xfree (buf);
gcry_sexp_release (s_skey);
return err;
/* Write an S-expression formatted shadow key to our key storage.
Shadow key is created by an S-expression public key in PKBUF and
card's SERIALNO and the IDSTRING. With FORCE passed as true an
existing key with the given GRIP will get overwritten. */
agent_write_shadow_key (const unsigned char *grip,
const char *serialno, const char *keyid,
const unsigned char *pkbuf, int force)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *shadow_info;
unsigned char *shdkey;
size_t len;
shadow_info = make_shadow_info (serialno, keyid);
if (!shadow_info)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = agent_shadow_key (pkbuf, shadow_info, &shdkey);
xfree (shadow_info);
if (err)
log_error ("shadowing the key failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
len = gcry_sexp_canon_len (shdkey, 0, NULL, NULL);
err = agent_write_private_key (grip, shdkey, len, force);
xfree (shdkey);
if (err)
log_error ("error writing key: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
diff --git a/agent/genkey.c b/agent/genkey.c
index 12c3e3417..8a43d8944 100644
--- a/agent/genkey.c
+++ b/agent/genkey.c
@@ -1,617 +1,617 @@
/* genkey.c - Generate a keypair
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "agent.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "exechelp.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
static int
store_key (gcry_sexp_t private, const char *passphrase, int force,
unsigned long s2k_count)
int rc;
unsigned char *buf;
size_t len;
unsigned char grip[20];
if ( !gcry_pk_get_keygrip (private, grip) )
log_error ("can't calculate keygrip\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (private, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, NULL, 0);
assert (len);
buf = gcry_malloc_secure (len);
if (!buf)
return out_of_core ();
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (private, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, buf, len);
assert (len);
if (passphrase)
unsigned char *p;
rc = agent_protect (buf, passphrase, &p, &len, s2k_count, -1);
if (rc)
xfree (buf);
return rc;
xfree (buf);
buf = p;
rc = agent_write_private_key (grip, buf, len, force);
xfree (buf);
return rc;
/* Count the number of non-alpha characters in S. Control characters
and non-ascii characters are not considered. */
static size_t
nonalpha_count (const char *s)
size_t n;
for (n=0; *s; s++)
if (isascii (*s) && ( isdigit (*s) || ispunct (*s) ))
return n;
/* Check PW against a list of pattern. Return 0 if PW does not match
these pattern. */
static int
check_passphrase_pattern (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *pw)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
const char *pgmname = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_CHECK_PATTERN);
FILE *infp;
const char *argv[10];
pid_t pid;
int result, i;
infp = gnupg_tmpfile ();
if (!infp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error creating temporary file: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
return 1; /* Error - assume password should not be used. */
if (fwrite (pw, strlen (pw), 1, infp) != 1)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error writing to temporary file: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
fclose (infp);
return 1; /* Error - assume password should not be used. */
fseek (infp, 0, SEEK_SET);
clearerr (infp);
i = 0;
argv[i++] = "--null";
argv[i++] = "--",
argv[i++] = opt.check_passphrase_pattern,
argv[i] = NULL;
assert (i < sizeof argv);
if (gnupg_spawn_process_fd (pgmname, argv, fileno (infp), -1, -1, &pid))
result = 1; /* Execute error - assume password should no be used. */
else if (gnupg_wait_process (pgmname, pid, 1, NULL))
result = 1; /* Helper returned an error - probably a match. */
result = 0; /* Success; i.e. no match. */
gnupg_release_process (pid);
/* Overwrite our temporary file. */
fseek (infp, 0, SEEK_SET);
clearerr (infp);
for (i=((strlen (pw)+99)/100)*100; i > 0; i--)
putc ('\xff', infp);
fflush (infp);
fclose (infp);
return result;
static int
take_this_one_anyway2 (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc, const char *anyway_btn)
gpg_error_t err;
if (opt.enforce_passphrase_constraints)
err = agent_show_message (ctrl, desc, L_("Enter new passphrase"));
if (!err)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
err = agent_get_confirmation (ctrl, desc,
anyway_btn, L_("Enter new passphrase"), 0);
return err;
static int
take_this_one_anyway (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc)
return take_this_one_anyway2 (ctrl, desc, L_("Take this one anyway"));
/* Check whether the passphrase PW is suitable. Returns 0 if the
passphrase is suitable and true if it is not and the user should be
asked to provide a different one. If FAILED_CONSTRAINT is set, a
message describing the problem is returned in
check_passphrase_constraints (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *pw,
char **failed_constraint)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
unsigned int minlen = opt.min_passphrase_len;
unsigned int minnonalpha = opt.min_passphrase_nonalpha;
char *msg1 = NULL;
char *msg2 = NULL;
char *msg3 = NULL;
if (ctrl && ctrl->pinentry_mode == PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK)
return 0;
if (!pw)
pw = "";
/* The first check is to warn about an empty passphrase. */
if (!*pw)
const char *desc = (opt.enforce_passphrase_constraints?
L_("You have not entered a passphrase!%0A"
"An empty passphrase is not allowed.") :
L_("You have not entered a passphrase - "
"this is in general a bad idea!%0A"
"Please confirm that you do not want to "
"have any protection on your key."));
err = 1;
if (failed_constraint)
if (opt.enforce_passphrase_constraints)
*failed_constraint = xstrdup (desc);
err = take_this_one_anyway2 (ctrl, desc,
L_("Yes, protection is not needed"));
goto leave;
/* Now check the constraints and collect the error messages unless
in in silent mode which returns immediately. */
if (utf8_charcount (pw, -1) < minlen )
if (!failed_constraint)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PASSPHRASE);
goto leave;
msg1 = xtryasprintf
( ngettext ("A passphrase should be at least %u character long.",
"A passphrase should be at least %u characters long.",
minlen), minlen );
if (!msg1)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (nonalpha_count (pw) < minnonalpha )
if (!failed_constraint)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PASSPHRASE);
goto leave;
msg2 = xtryasprintf
( ngettext ("A passphrase should contain at least %u digit or%%0A"
"special character.",
"A passphrase should contain at least %u digits or%%0A"
"special characters.",
minnonalpha), minnonalpha );
if (!msg2)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* If configured check the passphrase against a list of known words
and pattern. The actual test is done by an external program.
The warning message is generic to give the user no hint on how to
circumvent this list. */
if (*pw && opt.check_passphrase_pattern &&
check_passphrase_pattern (ctrl, pw))
if (!failed_constraint)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PASSPHRASE);
goto leave;
msg3 = xtryasprintf
(L_("A passphrase may not be a known term or match%%0A"
"certain pattern."));
if (!msg3)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (failed_constraint && (msg1 || msg2 || msg3))
char *msg;
size_t n;
msg = strconcat
(L_("Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase."),
msg1? msg1 : "", msg1? "%0A" : "",
msg2? msg2 : "", msg2? "%0A" : "",
msg3? msg3 : "", msg3? "%0A" : "",
if (!msg)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Strip a trailing "%0A". */
n = strlen (msg);
if (n > 3 && !strcmp (msg + n - 3, "%0A"))
msg[n-3] = 0;
err = 1;
if (opt.enforce_passphrase_constraints)
*failed_constraint = msg;
err = take_this_one_anyway (ctrl, msg);
xfree (msg);
xfree (msg1);
xfree (msg2);
xfree (msg3);
return err;
/* Callback function to compare the first entered PIN with the one
currently being entered. */
static gpg_error_t
reenter_compare_cb (struct pin_entry_info_s *pi)
const char *pin1 = pi->check_cb_arg;
if (!strcmp (pin1, pi->pin))
return 0; /* okay */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE);
/* Ask the user for a new passphrase using PROMPT. On success the
function returns 0 and store the passphrase at R_PASSPHRASE; if the
user opted not to use a passphrase NULL will be stored there. The
user needs to free the returned string. In case of an error and
error code is returned and NULL stored at R_PASSPHRASE. */
agent_ask_new_passphrase (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *prompt,
char **r_passphrase)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *text1 = prompt;
const char *text2 = L_("Please re-enter this passphrase");
char *initial_errtext = NULL;
struct pin_entry_info_s *pi, *pi2;
*r_passphrase = NULL;
if (ctrl->pinentry_mode == PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK)
size_t size;
size_t len = 100;
unsigned char *buffer;
err = pinentry_loopback(ctrl, "NEW_PASSPHRASE", &buffer, &size, len);
if (!err)
if (size)
buffer[size] = 0;
*r_passphrase = buffer;
*r_passphrase = NULL;
return err;
pi = gcry_calloc_secure (1, sizeof (*pi) + MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN + 1);
if (!pi)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
pi2 = gcry_calloc_secure (1, sizeof (*pi2) + MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN + 1);
if (!pi2)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (pi2);
return err;
pi->max_length = MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN + 1;
pi->max_tries = 3;
pi->with_qualitybar = 1;
pi->with_repeat = 1;
pi2->max_length = MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN + 1;
pi2->max_tries = 3;
pi2->check_cb = reenter_compare_cb;
pi2->check_cb_arg = pi->pin;
err = agent_askpin (ctrl, text1, NULL, initial_errtext, pi, NULL, 0);
xfree (initial_errtext);
initial_errtext = NULL;
if (!err)
if (check_passphrase_constraints (ctrl, pi->pin, &initial_errtext))
pi->failed_tries = 0;
pi2->failed_tries = 0;
goto next_try;
/* Unless the passphrase is empty or the pinentry told us that
it already did the repetition check, ask to confirm it. */
if (*pi->pin && !pi->repeat_okay)
err = agent_askpin (ctrl, text2, NULL, NULL, pi2, NULL, 0);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE)
{ /* The re-entered one did not match and the user did not
hit cancel. */
initial_errtext = xtrystrdup (L_("does not match - try again"));
if (initial_errtext)
goto next_try;
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (!err && *pi->pin)
/* User wants a passphrase. */
*r_passphrase = xtrystrdup (pi->pin);
if (!*r_passphrase)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (initial_errtext);
xfree (pi2);
xfree (pi);
return err;
/* Generate a new keypair according to the parameters given in
KEYPARAM. If CACHE_NONCE is given first try to lookup a passphrase
using the cache nonce. If NO_PROTECTION is true the key will not
be protected by a passphrase. If OVERRIDE_PASSPHRASE is true that
passphrase will be used for the new key. */
agent_genkey (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *cache_nonce,
const char *keyparam, size_t keyparamlen, int no_protection,
const char *override_passphrase, int preset, membuf_t *outbuf)
gcry_sexp_t s_keyparam, s_key, s_private, s_public;
char *passphrase_buffer = NULL;
const char *passphrase;
int rc;
size_t len;
char *buf;
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_keyparam, NULL, keyparam, keyparamlen);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to convert keyparam: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
/* Get the passphrase now, cause key generation may take a while. */
if (override_passphrase)
passphrase = override_passphrase;
else if (no_protection || !cache_nonce)
passphrase = NULL;
passphrase_buffer = agent_get_cache (cache_nonce, CACHE_MODE_NONCE);
passphrase = passphrase_buffer;
if (passphrase || no_protection)
rc = agent_ask_new_passphrase (ctrl,
L_("Please enter the passphrase to%0A"
"protect your new key"),
if (rc)
return rc;
passphrase = passphrase_buffer;
rc = gcry_pk_genkey (&s_key, s_keyparam );
gcry_sexp_release (s_keyparam);
if (rc)
log_error ("key generation failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (passphrase_buffer);
return rc;
/* break out the parts */
s_private = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_key, "private-key", 0);
if (!s_private)
log_error ("key generation failed: invalid return value\n");
gcry_sexp_release (s_key);
xfree (passphrase_buffer);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
s_public = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_key, "public-key", 0);
if (!s_public)
log_error ("key generation failed: invalid return value\n");
gcry_sexp_release (s_private);
gcry_sexp_release (s_key);
xfree (passphrase_buffer);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
gcry_sexp_release (s_key); s_key = NULL;
/* store the secret key */
log_debug ("storing private key\n");
rc = store_key (s_private, passphrase, 0, ctrl->s2k_count);
if (!rc)
if (!cache_nonce)
char tmpbuf[12];
gcry_create_nonce (tmpbuf, 12);
cache_nonce = bin2hex (tmpbuf, 12, NULL);
if (cache_nonce
&& !no_protection
&& !agent_put_cache (cache_nonce, CACHE_MODE_NONCE,
passphrase, ctrl->cache_ttl_opt_preset))
agent_write_status (ctrl, "CACHE_NONCE", cache_nonce, NULL);
if (preset && !no_protection)
unsigned char grip[20];
char hexgrip[40+1];
if (gcry_pk_get_keygrip (s_private, grip))
bin2hex(grip, 20, hexgrip);
rc = agent_put_cache (hexgrip, CACHE_MODE_ANY, passphrase,
xfree (passphrase_buffer);
passphrase_buffer = NULL;
passphrase = NULL;
gcry_sexp_release (s_private);
if (rc)
gcry_sexp_release (s_public);
return rc;
/* return the public key */
log_debug ("returning public key\n");
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (s_public, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, NULL, 0);
assert (len);
buf = xtrymalloc (len);
if (!buf)
gpg_error_t tmperr = out_of_core ();
gcry_sexp_release (s_private);
gcry_sexp_release (s_public);
return tmperr;
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (s_public, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, buf, len);
assert (len);
put_membuf (outbuf, buf, len);
gcry_sexp_release (s_public);
xfree (buf);
return 0;
/* Apply a new passphrase to the key S_SKEY and store it. If
passphrase. If PASSPHRASE_ADDR is not NULL store a newly entered
passphrase at that address. */
agent_protect_and_store (ctrl_t ctrl, gcry_sexp_t s_skey,
char **passphrase_addr)
gpg_error_t err;
if (passphrase_addr && *passphrase_addr)
/* Take an empty string as request not to protect the key. */
err = store_key (s_skey, **passphrase_addr? *passphrase_addr:NULL, 1,
char *pass = NULL;
if (passphrase_addr)
xfree (*passphrase_addr);
*passphrase_addr = NULL;
err = agent_ask_new_passphrase (ctrl,
L_("Please enter the new passphrase"),
if (!err)
err = store_key (s_skey, pass, 1, ctrl->s2k_count);
if (!err && passphrase_addr)
*passphrase_addr = pass;
xfree (pass);
return err;
diff --git a/agent/gpg-agent.c b/agent/gpg-agent.c
index 67ef321fc..a3c1aa8dd 100644
--- a/agent/gpg-agent.c
+++ b/agent/gpg-agent.c
@@ -1,3075 +1,3075 @@
/* gpg-agent.c - The GnuPG Agent
* Copyright (C) 2000-2007, 2009-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2000-2016 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# ifndef WINVER
# define WINVER 0x0500 /* Same as in common/sysutils.c */
# endif
# include <winsock2.h>
# endif
# include <aclapi.h>
# include <sddl.h>
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
# include <sys/socket.h>
# include <sys/un.h>
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#include <unistd.h>
# include <signal.h>
#include <npth.h>
#include "agent.h"
#include <assuan.h> /* Malloc hooks and socket wrappers. */
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "gc-opt-flags.h"
#include "exechelp.h"
#include "asshelp.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
enum cmd_and_opt_values
{ aNull = 0,
oCsh = 'c',
oQuiet = 'q',
oSh = 's',
oVerbose = 'v',
oNoVerbose = 500,
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfList, "gpgconf-list", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfTest, "gpgconf-test", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aUseStandardSocketP, "use-standard-socket-p", "@"),
ARGPARSE_group (301, N_("@Options:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDaemon, "daemon", N_("run in daemon mode (background)")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oServer, "server", N_("run in server mode (foreground)")),
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
ARGPARSE_s_n (oSupervised, "supervised", N_("run in supervised mode")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oVerbose, "verbose", N_("verbose")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oQuiet, "quiet", N_("be somewhat more quiet")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oSh, "sh", N_("sh-style command output")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oCsh, "csh", N_("csh-style command output")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oOptions, "options", N_("|FILE|read options from FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebug, "debug", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugAll, "debug-all", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebugLevel, "debug-level", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oDebugWait," debug-wait", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugQuickRandom, "debug-quick-random", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugPinentry, "debug-pinentry", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoDetach, "no-detach", N_("do not detach from the console")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoGrab, "no-grab", N_("do not grab keyboard and mouse")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLogFile, "log-file", N_("use a log file for the server")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oPinentryProgram, "pinentry-program",
/* */ N_("|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oPinentryTouchFile, "pinentry-touch-file", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oPinentryInvisibleChar, "pinentry-invisible-char", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_u (oPinentryTimeout, "pinentry-timeout", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oScdaemonProgram, "scdaemon-program",
/* */ N_("|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program") ),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableScdaemon, "disable-scdaemon",
/* */ N_("do not use the SCdaemon") ),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableCheckOwnSocket, "disable-check-own-socket", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oExtraSocket, "extra-socket",
/* */ N_("|NAME|accept some commands via NAME")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oBrowserSocket, "browser-socket", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oFakedSystemTime, "faked-system-time", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oBatch, "batch", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oHomedir, "homedir", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisplay, "display", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oTTYname, "ttyname", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oTTYtype, "ttytype", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLCctype, "lc-ctype", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLCmessages, "lc-messages", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oXauthority, "xauthority", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oKeepTTY, "keep-tty",
/* */ N_("ignore requests to change the TTY")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oKeepDISPLAY, "keep-display",
/* */ N_("ignore requests to change the X display")),
ARGPARSE_s_u (oDefCacheTTL, "default-cache-ttl",
N_("|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds")),
ARGPARSE_s_u (oDefCacheTTLSSH, "default-cache-ttl-ssh", "@" ),
ARGPARSE_s_u (oMaxCacheTTL, "max-cache-ttl", "@" ),
ARGPARSE_s_u (oMaxCacheTTLSSH, "max-cache-ttl-ssh", "@" ),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnforcePassphraseConstraints, "enforce-passphrase-constraints",
/* */ "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_u (oMinPassphraseLen, "min-passphrase-len", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_u (oMinPassphraseNonalpha, "min-passphrase-nonalpha", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oCheckPassphrasePattern, "check-passphrase-pattern", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_u (oMaxPassphraseDays, "max-passphrase-days", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnablePassphraseHistory, "enable-passphrase-history", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oIgnoreCacheForSigning, "ignore-cache-for-signing",
/* */ N_("do not use the PIN cache when signing")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAllowExternalCache, "no-allow-external-cache",
/* */ N_("disallow the use of an external password cache")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAllowMarkTrusted, "no-allow-mark-trusted",
/* */ N_("disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowMarkTrusted, "allow-mark-trusted", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowPresetPassphrase, "allow-preset-passphrase",
/* */ N_("allow presetting passphrase")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAllowLoopbackPinentry, "no-allow-loopback-pinentry",
N_("disallow caller to override the pinentry")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowLoopbackPinentry, "allow-loopback-pinentry", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowEmacsPinentry, "allow-emacs-pinentry",
/* */ N_("allow passphrase to be prompted through Emacs")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oSSHSupport, "enable-ssh-support", N_("enable ssh support")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oPuttySupport, "enable-putty-support",
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* */ N_("enable putty support")
/* */ "@"
/* Dummy options for backward compatibility. */
ARGPARSE_o_s (oWriteEnvFile, "write-env-file", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oUseStandardSocket, "use-standard-socket", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoUseStandardSocket, "no-use-standard-socket", "@"),
{0} /* End of list */
/* The list of supported debug flags. */
static struct debug_flags_s debug_flags [] =
{ DBG_COMMAND_VALUE, "command" },
{ DBG_MPI_VALUE , "mpi" },
{ DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE , "crypto" },
{ DBG_MEMORY_VALUE , "memory" },
{ DBG_CACHE_VALUE , "cache" },
{ DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE, "memstat" },
{ DBG_HASHING_VALUE, "hashing" },
{ DBG_IPC_VALUE , "ipc" },
{ 77, NULL } /* 77 := Do not exit on "help" or "?". */
#define DEFAULT_CACHE_TTL (10*60) /* 10 minutes */
#define DEFAULT_CACHE_TTL_SSH (30*60) /* 30 minutes */
#define MAX_CACHE_TTL (120*60) /* 2 hours */
#define MAX_CACHE_TTL_SSH (120*60) /* 2 hours */
/* The timer tick used for housekeeping stuff. For Windows we use a
longer period as the SetWaitableTimer seems to signal earlier than
the 2 seconds. CHECK_OWN_SOCKET_INTERVAL defines how often we
check our own socket in standard socket mode. If that value is 0
we don't check at all. All values are in seconds. */
#if defined(HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM)
# define CHECK_OWN_SOCKET_INTERVAL (0) /* Never */
#elif defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM)
/* Flag indicating that the ssh-agent subsystem has been enabled. */
static int ssh_support;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* Flag indicating that support for Putty has been enabled. */
static int putty_support;
/* A magic value used with WM_COPYDATA. */
#define PUTTY_IPC_MAGIC 0x804e50ba
/* To avoid surprises we limit the size of the mapped IPC file to this
value. Putty currently (0.62) uses 8k, thus 16k should be enough
for the foreseeable future. */
#define PUTTY_IPC_MAXLEN 16384
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* The list of open file descriptors at startup. Note that this list
has been allocated using the standard malloc. */
static int *startup_fd_list;
/* The signal mask at startup and a flag telling whether it is valid. */
static sigset_t startup_signal_mask;
static int startup_signal_mask_valid;
/* Flag to indicate that a shutdown was requested. */
static int shutdown_pending;
/* Counter for the currently running own socket checks. */
static int check_own_socket_running;
/* Flags to indicate that check_own_socket shall not be called. */
static int disable_check_own_socket;
/* Flag indicating that we are in supervised mode. */
static int is_supervised;
/* Flag to inhibit socket removal in cleanup. */
static int inhibit_socket_removal;
/* It is possible that we are currently running under setuid permissions */
static int maybe_setuid = 1;
/* Name of the communication socket used for native gpg-agent
requests. The second variable is either NULL or a malloced string
with the real socket name in case it has been redirected. */
static char *socket_name;
static char *redir_socket_name;
/* Name of the optional extra socket used for native gpg-agent requests. */
static char *socket_name_extra;
static char *redir_socket_name_extra;
/* Name of the optional browser socket used for native gpg-agent requests. */
static char *socket_name_browser;
static char *redir_socket_name_browser;
/* Name of the communication socket used for ssh-agent-emulation. */
static char *socket_name_ssh;
static char *redir_socket_name_ssh;
/* We need to keep track of the server's nonces (these are dummies for
POSIX systems). */
static assuan_sock_nonce_t socket_nonce;
static assuan_sock_nonce_t socket_nonce_extra;
static assuan_sock_nonce_t socket_nonce_browser;
static assuan_sock_nonce_t socket_nonce_ssh;
/* Default values for options passed to the pinentry. */
static char *default_display;
static char *default_ttyname;
static char *default_ttytype;
static char *default_lc_ctype;
static char *default_lc_messages;
static char *default_xauthority;
/* Name of a config file, which will be reread on a HUP if it is not NULL. */
static char *config_filename;
/* Helper to implement --debug-level */
static const char *debug_level;
/* Keep track of the current log file so that we can avoid updating
the log file after a SIGHUP if it didn't changed. Malloced. */
static char *current_logfile;
/* The handle_tick() function may test whether a parent is still
running. We record the PID of the parent here or -1 if it should be
watched. */
static pid_t parent_pid = (pid_t)(-1);
/* Number of active connections. */
static int active_connections;
/* This object is used to dispatch progress messages from Libgcrypt to
* the right thread. Given that we won't have at max a few dozen
* connections at the same time using a linked list is the easiest way
* to handle this. */
struct progress_dispatch_s
struct progress_dispatch_s *next;
/* The control object of the connection. If this is NULL no
* connection is associated with this item and it is free for reuse
* by new connections. */
ctrl_t ctrl;
/* The thread id of (npth_self) of the connection. */
npth_t tid;
/* The callback set by the connection. This is similar to the
* Libgcrypt callback but with the control object passed as the
* first argument. */
void (*cb)(ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *what, int printchar,
int current, int total);
struct progress_dispatch_s *progress_dispatch_list;
Local prototypes.
static char *create_socket_name (char *standard_name, int with_homedir);
static gnupg_fd_t create_server_socket (char *name, int primary, int cygwin,
char **r_redir_name,
assuan_sock_nonce_t *nonce);
static void create_directories (void);
static void agent_libgcrypt_progress_cb (void *data, const char *what,
int printchar,
int current, int total);
static void agent_init_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl);
static void agent_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl);
static void handle_connections (gnupg_fd_t listen_fd,
gnupg_fd_t listen_fd_extra,
gnupg_fd_t listen_fd_browser,
gnupg_fd_t listen_fd_ssh);
static void check_own_socket (void);
static int check_for_running_agent (int silent);
/* Pth wrapper function definitions. */
/* Allocate a string describing a library version by calling a GETFNC.
This function is expected to be called only once. GETFNC is
expected to have a semantic like gcry_check_version (). */
static char *
make_libversion (const char *libname, const char *(*getfnc)(const char*))
const char *s;
char *result;
if (maybe_setuid)
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 0, 0); /* Drop setuid. */
maybe_setuid = 0;
s = getfnc (NULL);
result = xmalloc (strlen (libname) + 1 + strlen (s) + 1);
strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (result, libname), " "), s);
return result;
/* Return strings describing this program. The case values are
described in common/argparse.c:strusage. The values here override
the default values given by strusage. */
static const char *
my_strusage (int level)
static char *ver_gcry;
const char *p;
switch (level)
case 11: p = "@GPG_AGENT@ (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
/* TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug
reporting address. This is so that we can change the
reporting address without breaking the translations. */
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 20:
if (!ver_gcry)
ver_gcry = make_libversion ("libgcrypt", gcry_check_version);
p = ver_gcry;
case 1:
case 40: p = _("Usage: @GPG_AGENT@ [options] (-h for help)");
case 41: p = _("Syntax: @GPG_AGENT@ [options] [command [args]]\n"
"Secret key management for @GNUPG@\n");
default: p = NULL;
return p;
/* Setup the debugging. With the global variable DEBUG_LEVEL set to NULL
only the active debug flags are propagated to the subsystems. With
DEBUG_LEVEL set, a specific set of debug flags is set; thus overriding
all flags already set. Note that we don't fail here, because it is
important to keep gpg-agent running even after re-reading the
options due to a SIGHUP. */
static void
set_debug (void)
int numok = (debug_level && digitp (debug_level));
int numlvl = numok? atoi (debug_level) : 0;
if (!debug_level)
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "none") || (numok && numlvl < 1))
opt.debug = 0;
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "basic") || (numok && numlvl <= 2))
opt.debug = DBG_IPC_VALUE;
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "advanced") || (numok && numlvl <= 5))
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "expert") || (numok && numlvl <= 8))
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "guru") || numok)
opt.debug = ~0;
/* Unless the "guru" string has been used we don't want to allow
hashing debugging. The rationale is that people tend to
select the highest debug value and would then clutter their
disk with debug files which may reveal confidential data. */
if (numok)
opt.debug &= ~(DBG_HASHING_VALUE);
log_error (_("invalid debug-level '%s' given\n"), debug_level);
opt.debug = 0; /* Reset debugging, so that prior debug
statements won't have an undesired effect. */
if (opt.debug && !opt.verbose)
opt.verbose = 1;
if (opt.debug && opt.quiet)
opt.quiet = 0;
if (opt.debug & DBG_MPI_VALUE)
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_DEBUG_FLAGS, 2);
if (opt.debug & DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE )
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_DEBUG_FLAGS, 1);
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose);
if (opt.debug)
parse_debug_flag (NULL, &opt.debug, debug_flags);
/* Helper for cleanup to remove one socket with NAME. REDIR_NAME is
the corresponding real name if the socket has been redirected. */
static void
remove_socket (char *name, char *redir_name)
if (name && *name)
if (redir_name)
name = redir_name;
gnupg_remove (name);
*name = 0;
/* Discover which inherited file descriptors correspond to which
* services/sockets offered by gpg-agent, using the LISTEN_FDS and
* LISTEN_FDNAMES convention. The understood labels are "ssh",
* "extra", and "browser". "std" or other labels will be interpreted
* as the standard socket.
* This function is designed to log errors when the expected file
* descriptors don't make sense, but to do its best to continue to
* work even in the face of minor misconfigurations.
* For more information on the LISTEN_FDS convention, see
* sd_listen_fds(3) on certain Linux distributions.
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static void
map_supervised_sockets (gnupg_fd_t *r_fd,
gnupg_fd_t *r_fd_extra,
gnupg_fd_t *r_fd_browser,
gnupg_fd_t *r_fd_ssh)
struct {
const char *label;
int **fdaddr;
char **nameaddr;
} tbl[] = {
{ "ssh", &r_fd_ssh, &socket_name_ssh },
{ "browser", &r_fd_browser, &socket_name_browser },
{ "extra", &r_fd_extra, &socket_name_extra },
{ "std", &r_fd, &socket_name } /* (Must be the last item.) */
const char *envvar;
char **fdnames;
int nfdnames;
int fd_count;
*r_fd = *r_fd_extra = *r_fd_browser = *r_fd_ssh = -1;
/* Print a warning if LISTEN_PID does not match outr pid. */
envvar = getenv ("LISTEN_PID");
if (!envvar)
log_error ("no LISTEN_PID environment variable found in "
"--supervised mode (ignoring)\n");
else if (strtoul (envvar, NULL, 10) != (unsigned long)getpid ())
log_error ("environment variable LISTEN_PID (%lu) does not match"
" our pid (%lu) in --supervised mode (ignoring)\n",
(unsigned long)strtoul (envvar, NULL, 10),
(unsigned long)getpid ());
/* Parse LISTEN_FDNAMES into the array FDNAMES. */
envvar = getenv ("LISTEN_FDNAMES");
if (envvar)
fdnames = strtokenize (envvar, ":");
if (!fdnames)
log_error ("strtokenize failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
agent_exit (1);
for (nfdnames=0; fdnames[nfdnames]; nfdnames++)
fdnames = NULL;
nfdnames = 0;
/* Parse LISTEN_FDS into fd_count or provide a replacement. */
envvar = getenv ("LISTEN_FDS");
if (envvar)
fd_count = atoi (envvar);
else if (fdnames)
log_error ("no LISTEN_FDS environment variable found in --supervised"
" mode (relying on LISTEN_FDNAMES instead)\n");
fd_count = nfdnames;
log_error ("no LISTEN_FDS or LISTEN_FDNAMES environment variables "
"found in --supervised mode"
" (assuming 1 active descriptor)\n");
fd_count = 1;
if (fd_count < 1)
log_error ("--supervised mode expects at least one file descriptor"
" (was told %d, carrying on as though it were 1)\n",
fd_count = 1;
/* Assign the descriptors to the return values. */
if (!fdnames)
struct stat statbuf;
if (fd_count != 1)
log_error ("no LISTEN_FDNAMES and LISTEN_FDS (%d) != 1"
" in --supervised mode."
" (ignoring all sockets but the first one)\n",
if (fstat (3, &statbuf) == -1 && errno ==EBADF)
log_fatal ("file descriptor 3 must be valid in --supervised mode"
" if LISTEN_FDNAMES is not set\n");
*r_fd = 3;
socket_name = gnupg_get_socket_name (3);
else if (fd_count != nfdnames)
log_fatal ("number of items in LISTEN_FDNAMES (%d) does not match "
"LISTEN_FDS (%d) in --supervised mode\n",
nfdnames, fd_count);
int i, j, fd;
char *name;
for (i = 0; i < nfdnames; i++)
for (j = 0; j < DIM (tbl); j++)
if (!strcmp (fdnames[i], tbl[j].label) || j == DIM(tbl)-1)
fd = 3 + i;
if (**tbl[j].fdaddr == -1)
name = gnupg_get_socket_name (fd);
if (name)
**tbl[j].fdaddr = fd;
*tbl[j].nameaddr = name;
log_info ("using fd %d for %s socket (%s)\n",
fd, tbl[j].label, name);
log_error ("cannot listen on fd %d for %s socket\n",
fd, tbl[j].label);
close (fd);
log_error ("cannot listen on more than one %s socket\n",
close (fd);
xfree (fdnames);
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* Cleanup code for this program. This is either called has an atexit
handler or directly. */
static void
cleanup (void)
static int done;
if (done)
done = 1;
deinitialize_module_cache ();
if (!is_supervised && !inhibit_socket_removal)
remove_socket (socket_name, redir_socket_name);
if (opt.extra_socket > 1)
remove_socket (socket_name_extra, redir_socket_name_extra);
if (opt.browser_socket > 1)
remove_socket (socket_name_browser, redir_socket_name_browser);
remove_socket (socket_name_ssh, redir_socket_name_ssh);
/* Handle options which are allowed to be reset after program start.
Return true when the current option in PARGS could be handled and
false if not. As a special feature, passing a value of NULL for
PARGS, resets the options to the default. REREAD should be set
true if it is not the initial option parsing. */
static int
parse_rereadable_options (ARGPARSE_ARGS *pargs, int reread)
if (!pargs)
{ /* reset mode */
opt.quiet = 0;
opt.verbose = 0;
opt.debug = 0;
opt.no_grab = 0;
opt.debug_pinentry = 0;
opt.pinentry_program = NULL;
opt.pinentry_touch_file = NULL;
xfree (opt.pinentry_invisible_char);
opt.pinentry_invisible_char = NULL;
opt.pinentry_timeout = 0;
opt.scdaemon_program = NULL;
opt.def_cache_ttl = DEFAULT_CACHE_TTL;
opt.def_cache_ttl_ssh = DEFAULT_CACHE_TTL_SSH;
opt.max_cache_ttl = MAX_CACHE_TTL;
opt.max_cache_ttl_ssh = MAX_CACHE_TTL_SSH;
opt.enforce_passphrase_constraints = 0;
opt.min_passphrase_len = MIN_PASSPHRASE_LEN;
opt.min_passphrase_nonalpha = MIN_PASSPHRASE_NONALPHA;
opt.check_passphrase_pattern = NULL;
opt.max_passphrase_days = MAX_PASSPHRASE_DAYS;
opt.enable_passphrase_history = 0;
opt.ignore_cache_for_signing = 0;
opt.allow_mark_trusted = 1;
opt.allow_external_cache = 1;
opt.allow_loopback_pinentry = 1;
opt.allow_emacs_pinentry = 0;
opt.disable_scdaemon = 0;
disable_check_own_socket = 0;
return 1;
switch (pargs->r_opt)
case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break;
case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; break;
case oDebug:
parse_debug_flag (pargs->r.ret_str, &opt.debug, debug_flags);
case oDebugAll: opt.debug = ~0; break;
case oDebugLevel: debug_level = pargs->r.ret_str; break;
case oDebugPinentry: opt.debug_pinentry = 1; break;
case oLogFile:
if (!reread)
return 0; /* not handeld */
if (!current_logfile || !pargs->r.ret_str
|| strcmp (current_logfile, pargs->r.ret_str))
log_set_file (pargs->r.ret_str);
xfree (current_logfile);
current_logfile = xtrystrdup (pargs->r.ret_str);
case oNoGrab: opt.no_grab = 1; break;
case oPinentryProgram: opt.pinentry_program = pargs->r.ret_str; break;
case oPinentryTouchFile: opt.pinentry_touch_file = pargs->r.ret_str; break;
case oPinentryInvisibleChar:
xfree (opt.pinentry_invisible_char);
opt.pinentry_invisible_char = xtrystrdup (pargs->r.ret_str); break;
case oPinentryTimeout: opt.pinentry_timeout = pargs->r.ret_ulong; break;
case oScdaemonProgram: opt.scdaemon_program = pargs->r.ret_str; break;
case oDisableScdaemon: opt.disable_scdaemon = 1; break;
case oDisableCheckOwnSocket: disable_check_own_socket = 1; break;
case oDefCacheTTL: opt.def_cache_ttl = pargs->r.ret_ulong; break;
case oDefCacheTTLSSH: opt.def_cache_ttl_ssh = pargs->r.ret_ulong; break;
case oMaxCacheTTL: opt.max_cache_ttl = pargs->r.ret_ulong; break;
case oMaxCacheTTLSSH: opt.max_cache_ttl_ssh = pargs->r.ret_ulong; break;
case oEnforcePassphraseConstraints:
case oMinPassphraseLen: opt.min_passphrase_len = pargs->r.ret_ulong; break;
case oMinPassphraseNonalpha:
opt.min_passphrase_nonalpha = pargs->r.ret_ulong;
case oCheckPassphrasePattern:
opt.check_passphrase_pattern = pargs->r.ret_str;
case oMaxPassphraseDays:
opt.max_passphrase_days = pargs->r.ret_ulong;
case oEnablePassphraseHistory:
opt.enable_passphrase_history = 1;
case oIgnoreCacheForSigning: opt.ignore_cache_for_signing = 1; break;
case oAllowMarkTrusted: opt.allow_mark_trusted = 1; break;
case oNoAllowMarkTrusted: opt.allow_mark_trusted = 0; break;
case oAllowPresetPassphrase: opt.allow_preset_passphrase = 1; break;
case oAllowLoopbackPinentry: opt.allow_loopback_pinentry = 1; break;
case oNoAllowLoopbackPinentry: opt.allow_loopback_pinentry = 0; break;
case oNoAllowExternalCache: opt.allow_external_cache = 0;
case oAllowEmacsPinentry: opt.allow_emacs_pinentry = 1;
return 0; /* not handled */
return 1; /* handled */
/* Fixup some options after all have been processed. */
static void
finalize_rereadable_options (void)
static void
thread_init_once (void)
static int npth_initialized = 0;
if (!npth_initialized)
npth_init ();
gpgrt_set_syscall_clamp (npth_unprotect, npth_protect);
static void
initialize_modules (void)
thread_init_once ();
assuan_set_system_hooks (ASSUAN_SYSTEM_NPTH);
initialize_module_cache ();
initialize_module_call_pinentry ();
initialize_module_call_scd ();
initialize_module_trustlist ();
/* The main entry point. */
main (int argc, char **argv )
int orig_argc;
char **orig_argv;
FILE *configfp = NULL;
char *configname = NULL;
const char *shell;
unsigned configlineno;
int parse_debug = 0;
int default_config =1;
int pipe_server = 0;
int is_daemon = 0;
int nodetach = 0;
int csh_style = 0;
char *logfile = NULL;
int debug_wait = 0;
int gpgconf_list = 0;
gpg_error_t err;
struct assuan_malloc_hooks malloc_hooks;
early_system_init ();
/* Before we do anything else we save the list of currently open
file descriptors and the signal mask. This info is required to
do the exec call properly. */
startup_fd_list = get_all_open_fds ();
if (!sigprocmask (SIG_UNBLOCK, NULL, &startup_signal_mask))
startup_signal_mask_valid = 1;
/* Set program name etc. */
set_strusage (my_strusage);
/* Please note that we may running SUID(ROOT), so be very CAREFUL
when adding any stuff between here and the call to INIT_SECMEM()
somewhere after the option parsing */
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
i18n_init ();
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
malloc_hooks.malloc = gcry_malloc;
malloc_hooks.realloc = gcry_realloc; = gcry_free;
assuan_set_malloc_hooks (&malloc_hooks);
assuan_set_gpg_err_source (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT);
assuan_sock_init ();
setup_libassuan_logging (&opt.debug, NULL);
setup_libgcrypt_logging ();
gcry_set_progress_handler (agent_libgcrypt_progress_cb, NULL);
disable_core_dumps ();
/* Set default options. */
parse_rereadable_options (NULL, 0); /* Reset them to default values. */
shell = getenv ("SHELL");
if (shell && strlen (shell) >= 3 && !strcmp (shell+strlen (shell)-3, "csh") )
csh_style = 1;
/* Record some of the original environment strings. */
const char *s;
int idx;
static const char *names[] =
err = 0;
opt.startup_env = session_env_new ();
if (!opt.startup_env)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
for (idx=0; !err && names[idx]; idx++)
s = getenv (names[idx]);
if (s)
err = session_env_setenv (opt.startup_env, names[idx], s);
if (!err)
s = gnupg_ttyname (0);
if (s)
err = session_env_setenv (opt.startup_env, "GPG_TTY", s);
if (err)
log_fatal ("error recording startup environment: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
/* Fixme: Better use the locale function here. */
opt.startup_lc_ctype = getenv ("LC_CTYPE");
if (opt.startup_lc_ctype)
opt.startup_lc_ctype = xstrdup (opt.startup_lc_ctype);
opt.startup_lc_messages = getenv ("LC_MESSAGES");
if (opt.startup_lc_messages)
opt.startup_lc_messages = xstrdup (opt.startup_lc_messages);
/* Check whether we have a config file on the commandline */
orig_argc = argc;
orig_argv = argv;
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= 1|(1<<6); /* do not remove the args, ignore version */
while (arg_parse( &pargs, opts))
if (pargs.r_opt == oDebug || pargs.r_opt == oDebugAll)
else if (pargs.r_opt == oOptions)
{ /* yes there is one, so we do not try the default one, but
read the option file when it is encountered at the
commandline */
default_config = 0;
else if (pargs.r_opt == oNoOptions)
default_config = 0; /* --no-options */
else if (pargs.r_opt == oHomedir)
gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str);
else if (pargs.r_opt == oDebugQuickRandom)
/* Initialize the secure memory. */
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 32768, 0);
maybe_setuid = 0;
Now we are now working under our real uid
if (default_config)
configname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (),
argc = orig_argc;
argv = orig_argv;
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= 1; /* do not remove the args */
if (configname)
configlineno = 0;
configfp = fopen (configname, "r");
if (!configfp)
if (default_config)
if( parse_debug )
log_info (_("Note: no default option file '%s'\n"),
configname );
/* Save the default conf file name so that
reread_configuration is able to test whether the
config file has been created in the meantime. */
xfree (config_filename);
config_filename = configname;
configname = NULL;
log_error (_("option file '%s': %s\n"),
configname, strerror(errno) );
xfree (configname);
configname = NULL;
if (parse_debug && configname )
log_info (_("reading options from '%s'\n"), configname );
default_config = 0;
while (optfile_parse( configfp, configname, &configlineno, &pargs, opts) )
if (parse_rereadable_options (&pargs, 0))
continue; /* Already handled */
switch (pargs.r_opt)
case aGPGConfList: gpgconf_list = 1; break;
case aGPGConfTest: gpgconf_list = 2; break;
case aUseStandardSocketP: gpgconf_list = 3; break;
case oBatch: opt.batch=1; break;
case oDebugWait: debug_wait = pargs.r.ret_int; break;
case oOptions:
/* config files may not be nested (silently ignore them) */
if (!configfp)
configname = xstrdup(pargs.r.ret_str);
goto next_pass;
case oNoGreeting: /* Dummy option. */ break;
case oNoVerbose: opt.verbose = 0; break;
case oNoOptions: break; /* no-options */
case oHomedir: gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oNoDetach: nodetach = 1; break;
case oLogFile: logfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oCsh: csh_style = 1; break;
case oSh: csh_style = 0; break;
case oServer: pipe_server = 1; break;
case oDaemon: is_daemon = 1; break;
case oSupervised: is_supervised = 1; break;
case oDisplay: default_display = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oTTYname: default_ttyname = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oTTYtype: default_ttytype = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oLCctype: default_lc_ctype = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oLCmessages: default_lc_messages = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str);
case oXauthority: default_xauthority = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str);
case oUseStandardSocket:
case oNoUseStandardSocket:
obsolete_option (configname, configlineno, "use-standard-socket");
case oFakedSystemTime:
time_t faked_time = isotime2epoch (pargs.r.ret_str);
if (faked_time == (time_t)(-1))
faked_time = (time_t)strtoul (pargs.r.ret_str, NULL, 10);
gnupg_set_time (faked_time, 0);
case oKeepTTY: opt.keep_tty = 1; break;
case oKeepDISPLAY: opt.keep_display = 1; break;
case oSSHSupport:
ssh_support = 1;
case oPuttySupport:
# ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
putty_support = 1;
# endif
case oExtraSocket:
opt.extra_socket = 1; /* (1 = points into argv) */
socket_name_extra = pargs.r.ret_str;
case oBrowserSocket:
opt.browser_socket = 1; /* (1 = points into argv) */
socket_name_browser = pargs.r.ret_str;
case oDebugQuickRandom:
/* Only used by the first stage command line parser. */
case oWriteEnvFile:
obsolete_option (configname, configlineno, "write-env-file");
default : pargs.err = configfp? 1:2; break;
if (configfp)
fclose( configfp );
configfp = NULL;
/* Keep a copy of the name so that it can be read on SIGHUP. */
if (config_filename != configname)
xfree (config_filename);
config_filename = configname;
configname = NULL;
goto next_pass;
xfree (configname);
configname = NULL;
if (log_get_errorcount(0))
finalize_rereadable_options ();
/* Print a warning if an argument looks like an option. */
if (!opt.quiet && !(pargs.flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_STOP_SEEN))
int i;
for (i=0; i < argc; i++)
if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '-')
log_info (_("Note: '%s' is not considered an option\n"), argv[i]);
/* gpg-agent usually does not output any messages because it runs in
the background. For log files it is acceptable to have messages
always encoded in utf-8. We switch here to utf-8, so that
commands like --help still give native messages. It is far
easier to switch only once instead of for every message and it
actually helps when more then one thread is active (avoids an
extra copy step). */
bind_textdomain_codeset (PACKAGE_GT, "UTF-8");
if (!pipe_server && !is_daemon && !gpgconf_list && !is_supervised)
/* We have been called without any command and thus we merely
check whether an agent is already running. We do this right
here so that we don't clobber a logfile with this check but
print the status directly to stderr. */
opt.debug = 0;
set_debug ();
check_for_running_agent (0);
agent_exit (0);
if (is_supervised)
else if (!opt.extra_socket)
opt.extra_socket = 1;
else if (socket_name_extra
&& (!strcmp (socket_name_extra, "none")
|| !strcmp (socket_name_extra, "/dev/null")))
/* User requested not to create this socket. */
opt.extra_socket = 0;
socket_name_extra = NULL;
if (is_supervised)
else if (!opt.browser_socket)
opt.browser_socket = 1;
else if (socket_name_browser
&& (!strcmp (socket_name_browser, "none")
|| !strcmp (socket_name_browser, "/dev/null")))
/* User requested not to create this socket. */
opt.browser_socket = 0;
socket_name_browser = NULL;
set_debug ();
if (atexit (cleanup))
log_error ("atexit failed\n");
cleanup ();
exit (1);
/* Try to create missing directories. */
create_directories ();
if (debug_wait && pipe_server)
thread_init_once ();
log_debug ("waiting for debugger - my pid is %u .....\n",
(unsigned int)getpid());
gnupg_sleep (debug_wait);
log_debug ("... okay\n");
if (gpgconf_list == 3)
/* We now use the standard socket always - return true for
backward compatibility. */
agent_exit (0);
else if (gpgconf_list == 2)
agent_exit (0);
else if (gpgconf_list)
char *filename;
char *filename_esc;
/* List options and default values in the GPG Conf format. */
filename = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (),
filename_esc = percent_escape (filename, NULL);
es_printf ("%s-%s.conf:%lu:\"%s\n",
GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT, filename_esc);
xfree (filename);
xfree (filename_esc);
es_printf ("verbose:%lu:\n"
es_printf ("default-cache-ttl:%lu:%d:\n",
es_printf ("default-cache-ttl-ssh:%lu:%d:\n",
es_printf ("max-cache-ttl:%lu:%d:\n",
es_printf ("max-cache-ttl-ssh:%lu:%d:\n",
es_printf ("enforce-passphrase-constraints:%lu:\n",
es_printf ("min-passphrase-len:%lu:%d:\n",
es_printf ("min-passphrase-nonalpha:%lu:%d:\n",
es_printf ("check-passphrase-pattern:%lu:\n",
es_printf ("max-passphrase-days:%lu:%d:\n",
es_printf ("enable-passphrase-history:%lu:\n",
es_printf ("no-grab:%lu:\n",
es_printf ("ignore-cache-for-signing:%lu:\n",
es_printf ("no-allow-external-cache:%lu:\n",
es_printf ("no-allow-mark-trusted:%lu:\n",
es_printf ("disable-scdaemon:%lu:\n",
es_printf ("enable-ssh-support:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
es_printf ("enable-putty-support:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("no-allow-loopback-pinentry:%lu:\n",
es_printf ("allow-emacs-pinentry:%lu:\n",
es_printf ("pinentry-timeout:%lu:0:\n",
agent_exit (0);
/* Now start with logging to a file if this is desired. */
if (logfile)
log_set_file (logfile);
log_set_prefix (NULL, (GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX
current_logfile = xstrdup (logfile);
/* Make sure that we have a default ttyname. */
if (!default_ttyname && gnupg_ttyname (1))
default_ttyname = xstrdup (gnupg_ttyname (1));
if (!default_ttytype && getenv ("TERM"))
default_ttytype = xstrdup (getenv ("TERM"));
if (pipe_server)
/* This is the simple pipe based server */
ctrl_t ctrl;
initialize_modules ();
ctrl = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl);
if (!ctrl)
log_error ("error allocating connection control data: %s\n",
strerror (errno) );
agent_exit (1);
ctrl->session_env = session_env_new ();
if (!ctrl->session_env)
log_error ("error allocating session environment block: %s\n",
strerror (errno) );
xfree (ctrl);
agent_exit (1);
agent_init_default_ctrl (ctrl);
start_command_handler (ctrl, GNUPG_INVALID_FD, GNUPG_INVALID_FD);
agent_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl);
xfree (ctrl);
else if (is_supervised)
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
gnupg_fd_t fd, fd_extra, fd_browser, fd_ssh;
initialize_modules ();
/* when supervised and sending logs to stderr, the process
supervisor should handle log entry metadata (pid, name,
timestamp) */
if (!logfile)
log_set_prefix (NULL, 0);
log_info ("%s %s starting in supervised mode.\n",
strusage(11), strusage(13) );
/* See below in "regular server mode" on why we remove certain
* envvars. */
if (!opt.keep_display)
gnupg_unsetenv ("DISPLAY");
gnupg_unsetenv ("INSIDE_EMACS");
/* Virtually create the sockets. Note that we use -1 here
* because the whole thing works only on Unix. */
map_supervised_sockets (&fd, &fd_extra, &fd_browser, &fd_ssh);
if (fd == -1)
log_fatal ("no standard socket provided\n");
if (startup_signal_mask_valid)
if (sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &startup_signal_mask, NULL))
log_error ("error restoring signal mask: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
log_info ("no saved signal mask\n");
log_info ("listening on: std=%d extra=%d browser=%d ssh=%d\n",
fd, fd_extra, fd_browser, fd_ssh);
handle_connections (fd, fd_extra, fd_browser, fd_ssh);
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
else if (!is_daemon)
{ /* Regular server mode */
gnupg_fd_t fd;
gnupg_fd_t fd_extra = GNUPG_INVALID_FD;
gnupg_fd_t fd_browser = GNUPG_INVALID_FD;
gnupg_fd_t fd_ssh = GNUPG_INVALID_FD;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
pid_t pid;
initialize_modules ();
/* Remove the DISPLAY variable so that a pinentry does not
default to a specific display. There is still a default
display when gpg-agent was started using --display or a
client requested this using an OPTION command. Note, that we
don't do this when running in reverse daemon mode (i.e. when
exec the program given as arguments). */
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (!opt.keep_display && !argc)
gnupg_unsetenv ("DISPLAY");
/* Remove the INSIDE_EMACS variable so that a pinentry does not
always try to interact with Emacs. The variable is set when
a client requested this using an OPTION command. */
gnupg_unsetenv ("INSIDE_EMACS");
/* Create the sockets. */
socket_name = create_socket_name (GPG_AGENT_SOCK_NAME, 1);
fd = create_server_socket (socket_name, 1, 0,
&redir_socket_name, &socket_nonce);
if (opt.extra_socket)
if (socket_name_extra)
socket_name_extra = create_socket_name (socket_name_extra, 0);
socket_name_extra = create_socket_name
opt.extra_socket = 2; /* Indicate that it has been malloced. */
fd_extra = create_server_socket (socket_name_extra, 0, 0,
if (opt.browser_socket)
if (socket_name_browser)
socket_name_browser = create_socket_name (socket_name_browser, 0);
socket_name_browser= create_socket_name
opt.browser_socket = 2; /* Indicate that it has been malloced. */
fd_browser = create_server_socket (socket_name_browser, 0, 0,
socket_name_ssh = create_socket_name (GPG_AGENT_SSH_SOCK_NAME, 1);
fd_ssh = create_server_socket (socket_name_ssh, 0, 1,
/* If we are going to exec a program in the parent, we record
the PID, so that the child may check whether the program is
still alive. */
if (argc)
parent_pid = getpid ();
fflush (NULL);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
pid = fork ();
if (pid == (pid_t)-1)
log_fatal ("fork failed: %s\n", strerror (errno) );
exit (1);
else if (pid)
{ /* We are the parent */
char *infostr_ssh_sock, *infostr_ssh_valid;
/* Close the socket FD. */
close (fd);
/* The signal mask might not be correct right now and thus
we restore it. That is not strictly necessary but some
programs falsely assume a cleared signal mask. */
if (startup_signal_mask_valid)
if (sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &startup_signal_mask, NULL))
log_error ("error restoring signal mask: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
log_info ("no saved signal mask\n");
/* Create the SSH info string if enabled. */
if (ssh_support)
if (asprintf (&infostr_ssh_sock, "SSH_AUTH_SOCK=%s",
socket_name_ssh) < 0)
log_error ("out of core\n");
kill (pid, SIGTERM);
exit (1);
if (asprintf (&infostr_ssh_valid, "gnupg_SSH_AUTH_SOCK_by=%lu",
(unsigned long)getpid()) < 0)
log_error ("out of core\n");
kill (pid, SIGTERM);
exit (1);
*socket_name = 0; /* Don't let cleanup() remove the socket -
the child should do this from now on */
if (opt.extra_socket)
*socket_name_extra = 0;
if (opt.browser_socket)
*socket_name_browser = 0;
*socket_name_ssh = 0;
if (argc)
{ /* Run the program given on the commandline. */
if (ssh_support && (putenv (infostr_ssh_sock)
|| putenv (infostr_ssh_valid)))
log_error ("failed to set environment: %s\n",
strerror (errno) );
kill (pid, SIGTERM );
exit (1);
/* Close all the file descriptors except the standard
ones and those open at startup. We explicitly don't
close 0,1,2 in case something went wrong collecting
them at startup. */
close_all_fds (3, startup_fd_list);
/* Run the command. */
execvp (argv[0], argv);
log_error ("failed to run the command: %s\n", strerror (errno));
kill (pid, SIGTERM);
exit (1);
/* Print the environment string, so that the caller can use
shell's eval to set it */
if (csh_style)
if (ssh_support)
*strchr (infostr_ssh_sock, '=') = ' ';
es_printf ("setenv %s;\n", infostr_ssh_sock);
if (ssh_support)
es_printf ("%s; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;\n",
if (ssh_support)
xfree (infostr_ssh_sock);
xfree (infostr_ssh_valid);
exit (0);
} /* End parent */
This is the child
initialize_modules ();
/* Detach from tty and put process into a new session */
if (!nodetach )
int i;
unsigned int oldflags;
/* Close stdin, stdout and stderr unless it is the log stream */
for (i=0; i <= 2; i++)
if (!log_test_fd (i) && i != fd )
if ( ! close (i)
&& open ("/dev/null", i? O_WRONLY : O_RDONLY) == -1)
log_error ("failed to open '%s': %s\n",
"/dev/null", strerror (errno));
cleanup ();
exit (1);
if (setsid() == -1)
log_error ("setsid() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno) );
cleanup ();
exit (1);
log_get_prefix (&oldflags);
log_set_prefix (NULL, oldflags | GPGRT_LOG_RUN_DETACHED);
opt.running_detached = 1;
if (chdir("/"))
log_error ("chdir to / failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
exit (1);
struct sigaction sa;
sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);
sa.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction (SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL);
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
log_info ("%s %s started\n", strusage(11), strusage(13) );
handle_connections (fd, fd_extra, fd_browser, fd_ssh);
assuan_sock_close (fd);
return 0;
/* Exit entry point. This function should be called instead of a
plain exit. */
agent_exit (int rc)
/*FIXME: update_random_seed_file();*/
/* We run our cleanup handler because that may close cipher contexts
stored in secure memory and thus this needs to be done before we
explicitly terminate secure memory. */
cleanup ();
#if 1
/* at this time a bit annoying */
if (opt.debug & DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE)
if (opt.debug)
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_TERM_SECMEM );
rc = rc? rc : log_get_errorcount(0)? 2 : 0;
exit (rc);
/* This is our callback function for gcrypt progress messages. It is
set once at startup and dispatches progress messages to the
corresponding threads of the agent. */
static void
agent_libgcrypt_progress_cb (void *data, const char *what, int printchar,
int current, int total)
struct progress_dispatch_s *dispatch;
npth_t mytid = npth_self ();
for (dispatch = progress_dispatch_list; dispatch; dispatch = dispatch->next)
if (dispatch->ctrl && dispatch->tid == mytid)
if (dispatch && dispatch->cb)
dispatch->cb (dispatch->ctrl, what, printchar, current, total);
/* If a progress dispatcher callback has been associated with the
* current connection unregister it. */
static void
unregister_progress_cb (void)
struct progress_dispatch_s *dispatch;
npth_t mytid = npth_self ();
for (dispatch = progress_dispatch_list; dispatch; dispatch = dispatch->next)
if (dispatch->ctrl && dispatch->tid == mytid)
if (dispatch)
dispatch->ctrl = NULL;
dispatch->cb = NULL;
/* Setup a progress callback CB for the current connection. Using a
* CB of NULL disables the callback. */
agent_set_progress_cb (void (*cb)(ctrl_t ctrl, const char *what,
int printchar, int current, int total),
ctrl_t ctrl)
struct progress_dispatch_s *dispatch, *firstfree;
npth_t mytid = npth_self ();
firstfree = NULL;
for (dispatch = progress_dispatch_list; dispatch; dispatch = dispatch->next)
if (dispatch->ctrl && dispatch->tid == mytid)
if (!dispatch->ctrl && !firstfree)
firstfree = dispatch;
if (!dispatch) /* None allocated: Reuse or allocate a new one. */
if (firstfree)
dispatch = firstfree;
else if ((dispatch = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *dispatch)))
dispatch->next = progress_dispatch_list;
progress_dispatch_list = dispatch;
log_error ("error allocating new progress dispatcher slot: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
dispatch->ctrl = ctrl;
dispatch->tid = mytid;
dispatch->cb = cb;
/* Each thread has its own local variables conveyed by a control
structure usually identified by an argument named CTRL. This
function is called immediately after allocating the control
structure. Its purpose is to setup the default values for that
structure. Note that some values may have already been set. */
static void
agent_init_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl)
assert (ctrl->session_env);
/* Note we ignore malloc errors because we can't do much about it
and the request will fail anyway shortly after this
initialization. */
session_env_setenv (ctrl->session_env, "DISPLAY", default_display);
session_env_setenv (ctrl->session_env, "GPG_TTY", default_ttyname);
session_env_setenv (ctrl->session_env, "TERM", default_ttytype);
session_env_setenv (ctrl->session_env, "XAUTHORITY", default_xauthority);
session_env_setenv (ctrl->session_env, "PINENTRY_USER_DATA", NULL);
if (ctrl->lc_ctype)
xfree (ctrl->lc_ctype);
ctrl->lc_ctype = default_lc_ctype? xtrystrdup (default_lc_ctype) : NULL;
if (ctrl->lc_messages)
xfree (ctrl->lc_messages);
ctrl->lc_messages = default_lc_messages? xtrystrdup (default_lc_messages)
/**/ : NULL;
ctrl->cache_ttl_opt_preset = CACHE_TTL_OPT_PRESET;
/* Release all resources allocated by default in the control
structure. This is the counterpart to agent_init_default_ctrl. */
static void
agent_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl)
unregister_progress_cb ();
session_env_release (ctrl->session_env);
if (ctrl->lc_ctype)
xfree (ctrl->lc_ctype);
if (ctrl->lc_messages)
xfree (ctrl->lc_messages);
/* Because the ssh protocol does not send us information about the
current TTY setting, we use this function to use those from startup
or those explicitly set. This is also used for the restricted mode
where we ignore requests to change the environment. */
agent_copy_startup_env (ctrl_t ctrl)
static const char *names[] =
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int idx;
const char *value;
for (idx=0; !err && names[idx]; idx++)
if ((value = session_env_getenv (opt.startup_env, names[idx])))
err = session_env_setenv (ctrl->session_env, names[idx], value);
if (!err && !ctrl->lc_ctype && opt.startup_lc_ctype)
if (!(ctrl->lc_ctype = xtrystrdup (opt.startup_lc_ctype)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (!err && !ctrl->lc_messages && opt.startup_lc_messages)
if (!(ctrl->lc_messages = xtrystrdup (opt.startup_lc_messages)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (err)
log_error ("error setting default session environment: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Reread parts of the configuration. Note, that this function is
obviously not thread-safe and should only be called from the PTH
signal handler.
Fixme: Due to the way the argument parsing works, we create a
memory leak here for all string type arguments. There is currently
no clean way to tell whether the memory for the argument has been
allocated or points into the process' original arguments. Unless
we have a mechanism to tell this, we need to live on with this. */
static void
reread_configuration (void)
FILE *fp;
unsigned int configlineno = 0;
int dummy;
if (!config_filename)
return; /* No config file. */
fp = fopen (config_filename, "r");
if (!fp)
log_info (_("option file '%s': %s\n"),
config_filename, strerror(errno) );
parse_rereadable_options (NULL, 1); /* Start from the default values. */
memset (&pargs, 0, sizeof pargs);
dummy = 0;
pargs.argc = &dummy;
pargs.flags = 1; /* do not remove the args */
while (optfile_parse (fp, config_filename, &configlineno, &pargs, opts) )
if (pargs.r_opt < -1)
pargs.err = 1; /* Print a warning. */
else /* Try to parse this option - ignore unchangeable ones. */
parse_rereadable_options (&pargs, 1);
fclose (fp);
finalize_rereadable_options ();
set_debug ();
/* Return the file name of the socket we are using for native
requests. */
const char *
get_agent_socket_name (void)
const char *s = socket_name;
return (s && *s)? s : NULL;
/* Return the file name of the socket we are using for SSH
requests. */
const char *
get_agent_ssh_socket_name (void)
const char *s = socket_name_ssh;
return (s && *s)? s : NULL;
/* Return the number of active connections. */
get_agent_active_connection_count (void)
return active_connections;
/* Under W32, this function returns the handle of the scdaemon
notification event. Calling it the first time creates that
event. */
#if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) && !defined(HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM)
void *
get_agent_scd_notify_event (void)
if (the_event == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
HANDLE h, h2;
/* We need to use a manual reset event object due to the way our
w32-pth wait function works: If we would use an automatic
reset event we are not able to figure out which handle has
been signaled because at the time we single out the signaled
handles using WFSO the event has already been reset due to
the WFMO. */
h = CreateEvent (&sa, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (!h)
log_error ("can't create scd notify event: %s\n", w32_strerror (-1) );
else if (!DuplicateHandle (GetCurrentProcess(), h,
GetCurrentProcess(), &h2,
log_error ("setting syncronize for scd notify event failed: %s\n",
w32_strerror (-1) );
CloseHandle (h);
CloseHandle (h);
the_event = h2;
return the_event;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM && !HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM*/
/* Create a name for the socket in the home directory as using
STANDARD_NAME. We also check for valid characters as well as
against a maximum allowed length for a unix domain socket is done.
The function terminates the process in case of an error. Returns:
Pointer to an allocated string with the absolute name of the socket
used. */
static char *
create_socket_name (char *standard_name, int with_homedir)
char *name;
if (with_homedir)
name = make_filename (gnupg_socketdir (), standard_name, NULL);
name = make_filename (standard_name, NULL);
if (strchr (name, PATHSEP_C))
log_error (("'%s' are not allowed in the socket name\n"), PATHSEP_S);
agent_exit (2);
return name;
/* Create a Unix domain socket with NAME. Returns the file descriptor
or terminates the process in case of an error. Note that this
function needs to be used for the regular socket first (indicated
by PRIMARY) and only then for the extra and the ssh sockets. If
the socket has been redirected the name of the real socket is
stored as a malloced string at R_REDIR_NAME. If CYGWIN is set a
Cygwin compatible socket is created (Windows only). */
static gnupg_fd_t
create_server_socket (char *name, int primary, int cygwin,
char **r_redir_name, assuan_sock_nonce_t *nonce)
struct sockaddr *addr;
struct sockaddr_un *unaddr;
socklen_t len;
gnupg_fd_t fd;
int rc;
xfree (*r_redir_name);
*r_redir_name = NULL;
fd = assuan_sock_new (AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
log_error (_("can't create socket: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
*name = 0; /* Inhibit removal of the socket by cleanup(). */
agent_exit (2);
if (cygwin)
assuan_sock_set_flag (fd, "cygwin", 1);
unaddr = xmalloc (sizeof *unaddr);
addr = (struct sockaddr*)unaddr;
int redirected;
if (assuan_sock_set_sockaddr_un (name, addr, &redirected))
if (errno == ENAMETOOLONG)
log_error (_("socket name '%s' is too long\n"), name);
log_error ("error preparing socket '%s': %s\n",
name, gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
*name = 0; /* Inhibit removal of the socket by cleanup(). */
agent_exit (2);
if (redirected)
*r_redir_name = xstrdup (unaddr->sun_path);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("redirecting socket '%s' to '%s'\n", name, *r_redir_name);
len = SUN_LEN (unaddr);
rc = assuan_sock_bind (fd, addr, len);
/* Our error code mapping on W32CE returns EEXIST thus we also test
for this. */
if (rc == -1
&& (errno == EADDRINUSE
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
|| errno == EEXIST
/* Check whether a gpg-agent is already running. We do this
test only if this is the primary socket. For secondary
sockets we assume that a test for gpg-agent has already been
done and reuse the requested socket. Testing the ssh-socket
is not possible because at this point, though we know the new
Assuan socket, the Assuan server and thus the ssh-agent
server is not yet operational; this would lead to a hang. */
if (primary && !check_for_running_agent (1))
log_set_prefix (NULL, GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX);
log_set_file (NULL);
log_error (_("a gpg-agent is already running - "
"not starting a new one\n"));
*name = 0; /* Inhibit removal of the socket by cleanup(). */
assuan_sock_close (fd);
agent_exit (2);
gnupg_remove (unaddr->sun_path);
rc = assuan_sock_bind (fd, addr, len);
if (rc != -1 && (rc=assuan_sock_get_nonce (addr, len, nonce)))
log_error (_("error getting nonce for the socket\n"));
if (rc == -1)
/* We use gpg_strerror here because it allows us to get strings
for some W32 socket error codes. */
log_error (_("error binding socket to '%s': %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
assuan_sock_close (fd);
*name = 0; /* Inhibit removal of the socket by cleanup(). */
agent_exit (2);
if (gnupg_chmod (unaddr->sun_path, "-rwx"))
log_error (_("can't set permissions of '%s': %s\n"),
unaddr->sun_path, strerror (errno));
if (listen (FD2INT(fd), 5 ) == -1)
log_error (_("listen() failed: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
*name = 0; /* Inhibit removal of the socket by cleanup(). */
assuan_sock_close (fd);
agent_exit (2);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("listening on socket '%s'\n"), unaddr->sun_path);
return fd;
/* Check that the directory for storing the private keys exists and
create it if not. This function won't fail as it is only a
convenience function and not strictly necessary. */
static void
create_private_keys_directory (const char *home)
char *fname;
struct stat statbuf;
fname = make_filename (home, GNUPG_PRIVATE_KEYS_DIR, NULL);
if (stat (fname, &statbuf) && errno == ENOENT)
if (gnupg_mkdir (fname, "-rwx"))
log_error (_("can't create directory '%s': %s\n"),
fname, strerror (errno) );
else if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("directory '%s' created\n"), fname);
if (gnupg_chmod (fname, "-rwx"))
log_error (_("can't set permissions of '%s': %s\n"),
fname, strerror (errno));
xfree (fname);
/* Create the directory only if the supplied directory name is the
same as the default one. This way we avoid to create arbitrary
directories when a non-default home directory is used. To cope
with HOME, we compare only the suffix if we see that the default
homedir does start with a tilde. We don't stop here in case of
problems because other functions will throw an error anyway.*/
static void
create_directories (void)
struct stat statbuf;
const char *defhome = standard_homedir ();
char *home;
home = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), NULL);
if ( stat (home, &statbuf) )
if (errno == ENOENT)
if (
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
( !compare_filenames (home, defhome) )
(*defhome == '~'
&& (strlen (home) >= strlen (defhome+1)
&& !strcmp (home + strlen(home)
- strlen (defhome+1), defhome+1)))
|| (*defhome != '~' && !strcmp (home, defhome) )
if (gnupg_mkdir (home, "-rwx"))
log_error (_("can't create directory '%s': %s\n"),
home, strerror (errno) );
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("directory '%s' created\n"), home);
create_private_keys_directory (home);
log_error (_("stat() failed for '%s': %s\n"), home, strerror (errno));
else if ( !S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))
log_error (_("can't use '%s' as home directory\n"), home);
else /* exists and is a directory. */
create_private_keys_directory (home);
xfree (home);
/* This is the worker for the ticker. It is called every few seconds
and may only do fast operations. */
static void
handle_tick (void)
static time_t last_minute;
if (!last_minute)
last_minute = time (NULL);
/* Check whether the scdaemon has died and cleanup in this case. */
agent_scd_check_aliveness ();
/* If we are running as a child of another process, check whether
the parent is still alive and shutdown if not. */
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (parent_pid != (pid_t)(-1))
if (kill (parent_pid, 0))
shutdown_pending = 2;
log_info ("parent process died - shutting down\n");
log_info ("%s %s stopped\n", strusage(11), strusage(13) );
cleanup ();
agent_exit (0);
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* Code to be run from time to time. */
if (last_minute + CHECK_OWN_SOCKET_INTERVAL <= time (NULL))
check_own_socket ();
last_minute = time (NULL);
/* A global function which allows us to call the reload stuff from
other places too. This is only used when build for W32. */
agent_sighup_action (void)
log_info ("SIGHUP received - "
"re-reading configuration and flushing cache\n");
agent_flush_cache ();
reread_configuration ();
agent_reload_trustlist ();
/* We flush the module name cache so that after installing a
"pinentry" binary that one can be used in case the
"pinentry-basic" fallback was in use. */
gnupg_module_name_flush_some ();
/* A helper function to handle SIGUSR2. */
static void
agent_sigusr2_action (void)
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("SIGUSR2 received - updating card event counter\n");
/* Nothing to check right now. We only increment a counter. */
bump_card_eventcounter ();
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* The signal handler for this program. It is expected to be run in
its own trhead and not in the context of a signal handler. */
static void
handle_signal (int signo)
switch (signo)
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
case SIGHUP:
agent_sighup_action ();
case SIGUSR1:
log_info ("SIGUSR1 received - printing internal information:\n");
/* Fixme: We need to see how to integrate pth dumping into our
logging system. */
/* pth_ctrl (PTH_CTRL_DUMPSTATE, log_get_stream ()); */
agent_query_dump_state ();
agent_scd_dump_state ();
case SIGUSR2:
agent_sigusr2_action ();
if (!shutdown_pending)
log_info ("SIGTERM received - shutting down ...\n");
log_info ("SIGTERM received - still %i open connections\n",
if (shutdown_pending > 2)
log_info ("shutdown forced\n");
log_info ("%s %s stopped\n", strusage(11), strusage(13) );
cleanup ();
agent_exit (0);
case SIGINT:
log_info ("SIGINT received - immediate shutdown\n");
log_info( "%s %s stopped\n", strusage(11), strusage(13));
cleanup ();
agent_exit (0);
log_info ("signal %d received - no action defined\n", signo);
/* Check the nonce on a new connection. This is a NOP unless we we
are using our Unix domain socket emulation under Windows. */
static int
check_nonce (ctrl_t ctrl, assuan_sock_nonce_t *nonce)
if (assuan_sock_check_nonce (ctrl->thread_startup.fd, nonce))
log_info (_("error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n"),
FD2INT(ctrl->thread_startup.fd), strerror (errno));
assuan_sock_close (ctrl->thread_startup.fd);
xfree (ctrl);
return -1;
return 0;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* The window message processing function for Putty. Warning: This
code runs as a native Windows thread. Use of our own functions
needs to be bracket with pth_leave/pth_enter. */
putty_message_proc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
int ret = 0;
int w32rc;
const char *mapfile;
HANDLE maphd;
PSID mysid = NULL;
PSID mapsid = NULL;
void *data = NULL;
ctrl_t ctrl = NULL;
if (msg != WM_COPYDATA)
return DefWindowProc (hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam);
cds = (COPYDATASTRUCT*)lparam;
if (cds->dwData != PUTTY_IPC_MAGIC)
return 0; /* Ignore data with the wrong magic. */
mapfile = cds->lpData;
if (!cds->cbData || mapfile[cds->cbData - 1])
return 0; /* Ignore empty and non-properly terminated strings. */
if (DBG_IPC)
npth_protect ();
log_debug ("ssh map file '%s'", mapfile);
npth_unprotect ();
maphd = OpenFileMapping (FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, mapfile);
if (DBG_IPC)
npth_protect ();
log_debug ("ssh map handle %p\n", maphd);
npth_unprotect ();
if (!maphd || maphd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
return 0;
npth_protect ();
mysid = w32_get_user_sid ();
if (!mysid)
log_error ("error getting my sid\n");
goto leave;
w32rc = GetSecurityInfo (maphd, SE_KERNEL_OBJECT,
&mapsid, NULL, NULL, NULL,
if (w32rc)
log_error ("error getting sid of ssh map file: rc=%d", w32rc);
goto leave;
if (DBG_IPC)
char *sidstr;
if (!ConvertSidToStringSid (mysid, &sidstr))
sidstr = NULL;
log_debug (" my sid: '%s'", sidstr? sidstr: "[error]");
LocalFree (sidstr);
if (!ConvertSidToStringSid (mapsid, &sidstr))
sidstr = NULL;
log_debug ("ssh map file sid: '%s'", sidstr? sidstr: "[error]");
LocalFree (sidstr);
if (!EqualSid (mysid, mapsid))
log_error ("ssh map file has a non-matching sid\n");
goto leave;
data = MapViewOfFile (maphd, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0);
if (DBG_IPC)
log_debug ("ssh IPC buffer at %p\n", data);
if (!data)
goto leave;
/* log_printhex ("request:", data, 20); */
ctrl = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl);
if (!ctrl)
log_error ("error allocating connection control data: %s\n",
strerror (errno) );
goto leave;
ctrl->session_env = session_env_new ();
if (!ctrl->session_env)
log_error ("error allocating session environment block: %s\n",
strerror (errno) );
goto leave;
agent_init_default_ctrl (ctrl);
if (!serve_mmapped_ssh_request (ctrl, data, PUTTY_IPC_MAXLEN))
ret = 1; /* Valid ssh message has been constructed. */
agent_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl);
/* log_printhex (" reply:", data, 20); */
xfree (ctrl);
if (data)
UnmapViewOfFile (data);
xfree (mapsid);
if (psd)
LocalFree (psd);
xfree (mysid);
CloseHandle (maphd);
npth_unprotect ();
return ret;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* The thread handling Putty's IPC requests. */
static void *
putty_message_thread (void *arg)
WNDCLASS wndwclass = {0, putty_message_proc, 0, 0,
HWND hwnd;
MSG msg;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("putty message loop thread started\n");
/* The message loop runs as thread independent from our nPth system.
This also means that we need to make sure that we switch back to
our system before calling any no-windows function. */
npth_unprotect ();
/* First create a window to make sure that a message queue exists
for this thread. */
if (!RegisterClass (&wndwclass))
npth_protect ();
log_error ("error registering Pageant window class");
return NULL;
hwnd = CreateWindowEx (0, "Pageant", "Pageant", 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
HWND_MESSAGE, /* hWndParent */
NULL, /* hWndMenu */
NULL, /* hInstance */
NULL); /* lpParm */
if (!hwnd)
npth_protect ();
log_error ("error creating Pageant window");
return NULL;
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
/* Back to nPth. */
npth_protect ();
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("putty message loop thread stopped\n");
return NULL;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
static void *
do_start_connection_thread (ctrl_t ctrl)
agent_init_default_ctrl (ctrl);
if (opt.verbose && !DBG_IPC)
log_info (_("handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n"),
(unsigned long) npth_self(), FD2INT(ctrl->thread_startup.fd));
start_command_handler (ctrl, GNUPG_INVALID_FD, ctrl->thread_startup.fd);
if (opt.verbose && !DBG_IPC)
log_info (_("handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n"),
(unsigned long) npth_self(), FD2INT(ctrl->thread_startup.fd));
agent_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl);
xfree (ctrl);
return NULL;
/* This is the standard connection thread's main function. */
static void *
start_connection_thread_std (void *arg)
ctrl_t ctrl = arg;
if (check_nonce (ctrl, &socket_nonce))
log_error ("handler 0x%lx nonce check FAILED\n",
(unsigned long) npth_self());
return NULL;
return do_start_connection_thread (ctrl);
/* This is the extra socket connection thread's main function. */
static void *
start_connection_thread_extra (void *arg)
ctrl_t ctrl = arg;
if (check_nonce (ctrl, &socket_nonce_extra))
log_error ("handler 0x%lx nonce check FAILED\n",
(unsigned long) npth_self());
return NULL;
ctrl->restricted = 1;
return do_start_connection_thread (ctrl);
/* This is the browser socket connection thread's main function. */
static void *
start_connection_thread_browser (void *arg)
ctrl_t ctrl = arg;
if (check_nonce (ctrl, &socket_nonce_browser))
log_error ("handler 0x%lx nonce check FAILED\n",
(unsigned long) npth_self());
return NULL;
ctrl->restricted = 2;
return do_start_connection_thread (ctrl);
/* This is the ssh connection thread's main function. */
static void *
start_connection_thread_ssh (void *arg)
ctrl_t ctrl = arg;
if (check_nonce (ctrl, &socket_nonce_ssh))
return NULL;
agent_init_default_ctrl (ctrl);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n"),
(unsigned long) npth_self(), FD2INT(ctrl->thread_startup.fd));
start_command_handler_ssh (ctrl, ctrl->thread_startup.fd);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n"),
(unsigned long) npth_self(), FD2INT(ctrl->thread_startup.fd));
agent_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl);
xfree (ctrl);
return NULL;
/* Connection handler loop. Wait for connection requests and spawn a
thread after accepting a connection. */
static void
handle_connections (gnupg_fd_t listen_fd,
gnupg_fd_t listen_fd_extra,
gnupg_fd_t listen_fd_browser,
gnupg_fd_t listen_fd_ssh)
gpg_error_t err;
npth_attr_t tattr;
struct sockaddr_un paddr;
socklen_t plen;
fd_set fdset, read_fdset;
int ret;
gnupg_fd_t fd;
int nfd;
int saved_errno;
struct timespec abstime;
struct timespec curtime;
struct timespec timeout;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
HANDLE events[2];
unsigned int events_set;
int my_inotify_fd = -1;
struct {
const char *name;
void *(*func) (void *arg);
gnupg_fd_t l_fd;
} listentbl[] = {
{ "std", start_connection_thread_std },
{ "extra", start_connection_thread_extra },
{ "browser", start_connection_thread_browser },
{ "ssh", start_connection_thread_ssh }
ret = npth_attr_init(&tattr);
if (ret)
log_fatal ("error allocating thread attributes: %s\n",
strerror (ret));
npth_attr_setdetachstate (&tattr, NPTH_CREATE_DETACHED);
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
npth_sigev_init ();
npth_sigev_add (SIGHUP);
npth_sigev_add (SIGUSR1);
npth_sigev_add (SIGUSR2);
npth_sigev_add (SIGINT);
npth_sigev_add (SIGTERM);
npth_sigev_fini ();
/* Use a dummy event. */
sigs = 0;
ev = pth_event (PTH_EVENT_SIGS, &sigs, &signo);
# else
events[0] = get_agent_scd_notify_event ();
# endif
if (disable_check_own_socket)
my_inotify_fd = -1;
else if ((err = gnupg_inotify_watch_socket (&my_inotify_fd, socket_name)))
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)
log_info ("error enabling fast daemon termination: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
/* On Windows we need to fire up a separate thread to listen for
requests from Putty (an SSH client), so we can replace Putty's
Pageant (its ssh-agent implementation). */
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (putty_support)
npth_t thread;
ret = npth_create (&thread, &tattr, putty_message_thread, NULL);
if (ret)
log_error ("error spawning putty message loop: %s\n", strerror (ret));
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* Set a flag to tell call-scd.c that it may enable event
notifications. */
opt.sigusr2_enabled = 1;
FD_ZERO (&fdset);
FD_SET (FD2INT (listen_fd), &fdset);
nfd = FD2INT (listen_fd);
if (listen_fd_extra != GNUPG_INVALID_FD)
FD_SET ( FD2INT(listen_fd_extra), &fdset);
if (FD2INT (listen_fd_extra) > nfd)
nfd = FD2INT (listen_fd_extra);
if (listen_fd_browser != GNUPG_INVALID_FD)
FD_SET ( FD2INT(listen_fd_browser), &fdset);
if (FD2INT (listen_fd_browser) > nfd)
nfd = FD2INT (listen_fd_browser);
if (listen_fd_ssh != GNUPG_INVALID_FD)
FD_SET ( FD2INT(listen_fd_ssh), &fdset);
if (FD2INT (listen_fd_ssh) > nfd)
nfd = FD2INT (listen_fd_ssh);
if (my_inotify_fd != -1)
FD_SET (my_inotify_fd, &fdset);
if (my_inotify_fd > nfd)
nfd = my_inotify_fd;
listentbl[0].l_fd = listen_fd;
listentbl[1].l_fd = listen_fd_extra;
listentbl[2].l_fd = listen_fd_browser;
listentbl[3].l_fd = listen_fd_ssh;
npth_clock_gettime (&abstime);
abstime.tv_sec += TIMERTICK_INTERVAL;
for (;;)
/* Shutdown test. */
if (shutdown_pending)
if (active_connections == 0)
break; /* ready */
/* Do not accept new connections but keep on running the
loop to cope with the timer events. */
FD_ZERO (&fdset);
/* POSIX says that fd_set should be implemented as a structure,
thus a simple assignment is fine to copy the entire set. */
read_fdset = fdset;
npth_clock_gettime (&curtime);
if (!(npth_timercmp (&curtime, &abstime, <)))
/* Timeout. */
handle_tick ();
npth_clock_gettime (&abstime);
abstime.tv_sec += TIMERTICK_INTERVAL;
npth_timersub (&abstime, &curtime, &timeout);
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
ret = npth_pselect (nfd+1, &read_fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout,
npth_sigev_sigmask ());
saved_errno = errno;
int signo;
while (npth_sigev_get_pending (&signo))
handle_signal (signo);
ret = npth_eselect (nfd+1, &read_fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout,
events, &events_set);
saved_errno = errno;
/* This is valid even if npth_eselect returns an error. */
if (events_set & 1)
agent_sigusr2_action ();
if (ret == -1 && saved_errno != EINTR)
log_error (_("npth_pselect failed: %s - waiting 1s\n"),
strerror (saved_errno));
npth_sleep (1);
if (ret <= 0)
/* Interrupt or timeout. Will be handled when calculating the
next timeout. */
if (!shutdown_pending)
int idx;
ctrl_t ctrl;
npth_t thread;
if (my_inotify_fd != -1
&& FD_ISSET (my_inotify_fd, &read_fdset)
&& gnupg_inotify_has_name (my_inotify_fd, GPG_AGENT_SOCK_NAME))
shutdown_pending = 1;
log_info ("socket file has been removed - shutting down\n");
for (idx=0; idx < DIM(listentbl); idx++)
if (listentbl[idx].l_fd == GNUPG_INVALID_FD)
if (!FD_ISSET (FD2INT (listentbl[idx].l_fd), &read_fdset))
plen = sizeof paddr;
fd = INT2FD (npth_accept (FD2INT(listentbl[idx].l_fd),
(struct sockaddr *)&paddr, &plen));
log_error ("accept failed for %s: %s\n",
listentbl[idx].name, strerror (errno));
else if ( !(ctrl = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl)))
log_error ("error allocating connection data for %s: %s\n",
listentbl[idx].name, strerror (errno) );
assuan_sock_close (fd);
else if ( !(ctrl->session_env = session_env_new ()))
log_error ("error allocating session env block for %s: %s\n",
listentbl[idx].name, strerror (errno) );
xfree (ctrl);
assuan_sock_close (fd);
ctrl->thread_startup.fd = fd;
ret = npth_create (&thread, &tattr,
listentbl[idx].func, ctrl);
if (ret)
log_error ("error spawning connection handler for %s:"
" %s\n", listentbl[idx].name, strerror (ret));
assuan_sock_close (fd);
xfree (ctrl);
if (my_inotify_fd != -1)
close (my_inotify_fd);
cleanup ();
log_info (_("%s %s stopped\n"), strusage(11), strusage(13));
npth_attr_destroy (&tattr);
/* Helper for check_own_socket. */
static gpg_error_t
check_own_socket_pid_cb (void *opaque, const void *buffer, size_t length)
membuf_t *mb = opaque;
put_membuf (mb, buffer, length);
return 0;
/* The thread running the actual check. We need to run this in a
separate thread so that check_own_thread can be called from the
timer tick. */
static void *
check_own_socket_thread (void *arg)
int rc;
char *sockname = arg;
assuan_context_t ctx = NULL;
membuf_t mb;
char *buffer;
rc = assuan_new (&ctx);
if (rc)
log_error ("can't allocate assuan context: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
assuan_set_flag (ctx, ASSUAN_NO_LOGGING, 1);
rc = assuan_socket_connect (ctx, sockname, (pid_t)(-1), 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("can't connect my own socket: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
init_membuf (&mb, 100);
rc = assuan_transact (ctx, "GETINFO pid", check_own_socket_pid_cb, &mb,
put_membuf (&mb, "", 1);
buffer = get_membuf (&mb, NULL);
if (rc || !buffer)
log_error ("sending command \"%s\" to my own socket failed: %s\n",
"GETINFO pid", gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = 1;
else if ( (pid_t)strtoul (buffer, NULL, 10) != getpid ())
log_error ("socket is now serviced by another server\n");
rc = 1;
else if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_error ("socket is still served by this server\n");
xfree (buffer);
xfree (sockname);
if (ctx)
assuan_release (ctx);
if (rc)
/* We may not remove the socket as it is now in use by another
server. */
inhibit_socket_removal = 1;
shutdown_pending = 2;
log_info ("this process is useless - shutting down\n");
return NULL;
/* Check whether we are still listening on our own socket. In case
another gpg-agent process started after us has taken ownership of
our socket, we would linger around without any real task. Thus we
better check once in a while whether we are really needed. */
static void
check_own_socket (void)
char *sockname;
npth_t thread;
npth_attr_t tattr;
int err;
if (disable_check_own_socket)
if (check_own_socket_running || shutdown_pending)
return; /* Still running or already shutting down. */
sockname = make_filename_try (gnupg_socketdir (), GPG_AGENT_SOCK_NAME, NULL);
if (!sockname)
return; /* Out of memory. */
err = npth_attr_init (&tattr);
if (err)
npth_attr_setdetachstate (&tattr, NPTH_CREATE_DETACHED);
err = npth_create (&thread, &tattr, check_own_socket_thread, sockname);
if (err)
log_error ("error spawning check_own_socket_thread: %s\n", strerror (err));
npth_attr_destroy (&tattr);
/* Figure out whether an agent is available and running. Prints an
error if not. If SILENT is true, no messages are printed.
Returns 0 if the agent is running. */
static int
check_for_running_agent (int silent)
gpg_error_t err;
char *sockname;
assuan_context_t ctx = NULL;
sockname = make_filename_try (gnupg_socketdir (), GPG_AGENT_SOCK_NAME, NULL);
if (!sockname)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = assuan_new (&ctx);
if (!err)
err = assuan_socket_connect (ctx, sockname, (pid_t)(-1), 0);
xfree (sockname);
if (err)
if (!silent)
log_error (_("no gpg-agent running in this session\n"));
if (ctx)
assuan_release (ctx);
return -1;
if (!opt.quiet && !silent)
log_info ("gpg-agent running and available\n");
assuan_release (ctx);
return 0;
diff --git a/agent/learncard.c b/agent/learncard.c
index 103a82163..57bce7a51 100644
--- a/agent/learncard.c
+++ b/agent/learncard.c
@@ -1,446 +1,446 @@
/* learncard.c - Handle the LEARN command
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "agent.h"
#include <assuan.h>
/* Structures used by the callback mechanism to convey information
pertaining to key pairs. */
struct keypair_info_s
struct keypair_info_s *next;
int no_cert;
char *id; /* points into grip */
char hexgrip[1]; /* The keygrip (i.e. a hash over the public key
parameters) formatted as a hex string.
Allocated somewhat large to also act as
memeory for the above ID field. */
typedef struct keypair_info_s *KEYPAIR_INFO;
struct kpinfo_cb_parm_s
ctrl_t ctrl;
int error;
/* Structures used by the callback mechanism to convey information
pertaining to certificates. */
struct certinfo_s {
struct certinfo_s *next;
int type;
int done;
char id[1];
typedef struct certinfo_s *CERTINFO;
struct certinfo_cb_parm_s
ctrl_t ctrl;
int error;
/* Structures used by the callback mechanism to convey assuan status
lines. */
struct sinfo_s {
struct sinfo_s *next;
char *data; /* Points into keyword. */
char keyword[1];
typedef struct sinfo_s *SINFO;
struct sinfo_cb_parm_s {
int error;
SINFO info;
/* Destructor for key information objects. */
static void
release_keypair_info (KEYPAIR_INFO info)
while (info)
KEYPAIR_INFO tmp = info->next;
xfree (info);
info = tmp;
/* Destructor for certificate information objects. */
static void
release_certinfo (CERTINFO info)
while (info)
CERTINFO tmp = info->next;
xfree (info);
info = tmp;
/* Destructor for status information objects. */
static void
release_sinfo (SINFO info)
while (info)
SINFO tmp = info->next;
xfree (info);
info = tmp;
/* This callback is used by agent_card_learn and passed the content of
all KEYPAIRINFO lines. It merely stores this data away */
static void
kpinfo_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct kpinfo_cb_parm_s *parm = opaque;
char *p;
if (parm->error)
return; /* no need to gather data after an error occurred */
if ((parm->error = agent_write_status (parm->ctrl, "PROGRESS",
"learncard", "k", "0", "0", NULL)))
item = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *item + strlen (line));
if (!item)
parm->error = out_of_core ();
strcpy (item->hexgrip, line);
for (p = item->hexgrip; hexdigitp (p); p++)
if (p == item->hexgrip && *p == 'X' && spacep (p+1))
item->no_cert = 1;
else if ((p - item->hexgrip) != 40 || !spacep (p))
{ /* not a 20 byte hex keygrip or not followed by a space */
parm->error = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_RESPONSE);
xfree (item);
*p++ = 0;
while (spacep (p))
item->id = p;
while (*p && !spacep (p))
if (p == item->id)
{ /* invalid ID string */
parm->error = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_RESPONSE);
xfree (item);
*p = 0; /* ignore trailing stuff */
/* store it */
item->next = parm->info;
parm->info = item;
/* This callback is used by agent_card_learn and passed the content of
all CERTINFO lines. It merely stores this data away */
static void
certinfo_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct certinfo_cb_parm_s *parm = opaque;
int type;
char *p, *pend;
if (parm->error)
return; /* no need to gather data after an error occurred */
if ((parm->error = agent_write_status (parm->ctrl, "PROGRESS",
"learncard", "c", "0", "0", NULL)))
type = strtol (line, &p, 10);
while (spacep (p))
for (pend = p; *pend && !spacep (pend); pend++)
if (p == pend || !*p)
parm->error = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_RESPONSE);
*pend = 0; /* ignore trailing stuff */
item = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *item + strlen (p));
if (!item)
parm->error = out_of_core ();
item->type = type;
strcpy (item->id, p);
/* store it */
item->next = parm->info;
parm->info = item;
/* This callback is used by agent_card_learn and passed the content of
all SINFO lines. It merely stores this data away */
static void
sinfo_cb (void *opaque, const char *keyword, size_t keywordlen,
const char *data)
struct sinfo_cb_parm_s *sparm = opaque;
SINFO item;
if (sparm->error)
return; /* no need to gather data after an error occurred */
item = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *item + keywordlen + 1 + strlen (data));
if (!item)
sparm->error = out_of_core ();
memcpy (item->keyword, keyword, keywordlen);
item->data = item->keyword + keywordlen;
*item->data = 0;
strcpy (item->data, data);
/* store it */
item->next = sparm->info;
sparm->info = item;
static int
send_cert_back (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *id, void *assuan_context)
int rc;
char *derbuf;
size_t derbuflen;
rc = agent_card_readcert (ctrl, id, &derbuf, &derbuflen);
if (rc)
const char *action;
switch (gpg_err_code (rc))
action = " - ignored";
action = "";
if (opt.verbose || !*action)
log_info ("error reading certificate '%s': %s%s\n",
id? id:"?", gpg_strerror (rc), action);
return *action? 0 : rc;
rc = assuan_send_data (assuan_context, derbuf, derbuflen);
xfree (derbuf);
if (!rc)
rc = assuan_send_data (assuan_context, NULL, 0);
if (!rc)
rc = assuan_write_line (assuan_context, "END");
if (rc)
log_error ("sending certificate failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
return 0;
/* Perform the learn operation. If ASSUAN_CONTEXT is not NULL and
SEND is true all new certificates are send back via Assuan. */
agent_handle_learn (ctrl_t ctrl, int send, void *assuan_context, int force)
int rc;
struct kpinfo_cb_parm_s parm;
struct certinfo_cb_parm_s cparm;
struct sinfo_cb_parm_s sparm;
char *serialno = NULL;
SINFO sitem;
unsigned char grip[20];
char *p;
int i;
static int certtype_list[] = {
111, /* Root CA */
101, /* trusted */
102, /* useful */
100, /* regular */
/* We don't include 110 here because gpgsm can't handle that
special root CA format. */
-1 /* end of list */
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
memset (&cparm, 0, sizeof cparm);
memset (&sparm, 0, sizeof sparm);
parm.ctrl = ctrl;
cparm.ctrl = ctrl;
/* Check whether a card is present and get the serial number */
rc = agent_card_serialno (ctrl, &serialno);
if (rc)
goto leave;
/* Now gather all the available info. */
rc = agent_card_learn (ctrl, kpinfo_cb, &parm, certinfo_cb, &cparm,
sinfo_cb, &sparm);
if (!rc && (parm.error || cparm.error || sparm.error))
rc = parm.error? parm.error : cparm.error? cparm.error : sparm.error;
if (rc)
log_debug ("agent_card_learn failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
log_info ("card has S/N: %s\n", serialno);
/* Pass on all the collected status information. */
if (assuan_context)
for (sitem =; sitem; sitem = sitem->next)
assuan_write_status (assuan_context, sitem->keyword, sitem->data);
/* Write out the certificates in a standard order. */
for (i=0; certtype_list[i] != -1; i++)
for (citem =; citem; citem = citem->next)
if (certtype_list[i] != citem->type)
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (" id: %s (type=%d)\n",
citem->id, citem->type);
if (assuan_context && send)
rc = send_cert_back (ctrl, citem->id, assuan_context);
if (rc)
goto leave;
citem->done = 1;
for (item =; item; item = item->next)
unsigned char *pubkey;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (" id: %s (grip=%s)\n", item->id, item->hexgrip);
if (item->no_cert)
continue; /* No public key yet available. */
if (assuan_context)
agent_write_status (ctrl, "KEYPAIRINFO",
item->hexgrip, item->id, NULL);
for (p=item->hexgrip, i=0; i < 20; p += 2, i++)
grip[i] = xtoi_2 (p);
if (!force && !agent_key_available (grip))
continue; /* The key is already available. */
/* Unknown key - store it. */
rc = agent_card_readkey (ctrl, item->id, &pubkey);
if (rc)
log_debug ("agent_card_readkey failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
rc = agent_write_shadow_key (grip, serialno, item->id, pubkey, force);
xfree (pubkey);
if (rc)
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (" id: %s - shadow key created\n", item->id);
if (assuan_context && send)
/* only send the certificate if we have not done so before */
for (citem =; citem; citem = citem->next)
if (!strcmp (citem->id, item->id))
if (!citem)
rc = send_cert_back (ctrl, item->id, assuan_context);
if (rc)
goto leave;
xfree (serialno);
release_keypair_info (;
release_certinfo (;
release_sinfo (;
return rc;
diff --git a/agent/pkdecrypt.c b/agent/pkdecrypt.c
index 8c09b8c4e..3d0f5aac6 100644
--- a/agent/pkdecrypt.c
+++ b/agent/pkdecrypt.c
@@ -1,146 +1,146 @@
/* pkdecrypt.c - public key decryption (well, acually using a secret key)
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "agent.h"
/* DECRYPT the stuff in ciphertext which is expected to be a S-Exp.
Try to get the key from CTRL and write the decoded stuff back to
OUTFP. The padding information is stored at R_PADDING with -1
for not known. */
agent_pkdecrypt (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc_text,
const unsigned char *ciphertext, size_t ciphertextlen,
membuf_t *outbuf, int *r_padding)
gcry_sexp_t s_skey = NULL, s_cipher = NULL, s_plain = NULL;
unsigned char *shadow_info = NULL;
int rc;
char *buf = NULL;
size_t len;
*r_padding = -1;
if (!ctrl->have_keygrip)
log_error ("speculative decryption not yet supported\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
goto leave;
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_cipher, NULL, (char*)ciphertext, ciphertextlen);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to convert ciphertext: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
goto leave;
log_printhex ("keygrip:", ctrl->keygrip, 20);
log_printhex ("cipher: ", ciphertext, ciphertextlen);
rc = agent_key_from_file (ctrl, NULL, desc_text,
ctrl->keygrip, &shadow_info,
if (rc)
if (gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY)
log_error ("failed to read the secret key\n");
goto leave;
if (shadow_info)
{ /* divert operation to the smartcard */
if (!gcry_sexp_canon_len (ciphertext, ciphertextlen, NULL, NULL))
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
goto leave;
rc = divert_pkdecrypt (ctrl, ciphertext, shadow_info,
&buf, &len, r_padding);
if (rc)
log_error ("smartcard decryption failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
put_membuf_printf (outbuf, "(5:value%u:", (unsigned int)len);
put_membuf (outbuf, buf, len);
put_membuf (outbuf, ")", 2);
{ /* No smartcard, but a private key */
/* if (DBG_CRYPTO ) */
/* { */
/* log_debug ("skey: "); */
/* gcry_sexp_dump (s_skey); */
/* } */
rc = gcry_pk_decrypt (&s_plain, s_cipher, s_skey);
if (rc)
log_error ("decryption failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
log_debug ("plain: ");
gcry_sexp_dump (s_plain);
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (s_plain, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, NULL, 0);
assert (len);
buf = xmalloc (len);
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (s_plain, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, buf, len);
assert (len);
if (*buf == '(')
put_membuf (outbuf, buf, len);
/* Old style libgcrypt: This is only an S-expression
part. Turn it into a complete S-expression. */
put_membuf (outbuf, "(5:value", 8);
put_membuf (outbuf, buf, len);
put_membuf (outbuf, ")", 2);
gcry_sexp_release (s_skey);
gcry_sexp_release (s_plain);
gcry_sexp_release (s_cipher);
xfree (buf);
xfree (shadow_info);
return rc;
diff --git a/agent/pksign.c b/agent/pksign.c
index 17f270490..b34760818 100644
--- a/agent/pksign.c
+++ b/agent/pksign.c
@@ -1,557 +1,557 @@
/* pksign.c - public key signing (well, actually using a secret key)
* Copyright (C) 2001-2004, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2001-2004, 2010, 2013 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "agent.h"
#include "i18n.h"
static int
do_encode_md (const byte * md, size_t mdlen, int algo, gcry_sexp_t * r_hash,
int raw_value)
gcry_sexp_t hash;
int rc;
if (!raw_value)
const char *s;
char tmp[16+1];
int i;
s = gcry_md_algo_name (algo);
if (s && strlen (s) < 16)
for (i=0; i < strlen (s); i++)
tmp[i] = tolower (s[i]);
tmp[i] = '\0';
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&hash, NULL,
"(data (flags pkcs1) (hash %s %b))",
tmp, (int)mdlen, md);
gcry_mpi_t mpi;
rc = gcry_mpi_scan (&mpi, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, md, mdlen, NULL);
if (!rc)
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&hash, NULL,
"(data (flags raw) (value %m))",
gcry_mpi_release (mpi);
hash = NULL;
*r_hash = hash;
return rc;
/* Return the number of bits of the Q parameter from the DSA key
KEY. */
static unsigned int
get_dsa_qbits (gcry_sexp_t key)
gcry_sexp_t l1, l2;
gcry_mpi_t q;
unsigned int nbits;
l1 = gcry_sexp_find_token (key, "private-key", 0);
if (!l1)
l1 = gcry_sexp_find_token (key, "protected-private-key", 0);
if (!l1)
l1 = gcry_sexp_find_token (key, "shadowed-private-key", 0);
if (!l1)
l1 = gcry_sexp_find_token (key, "public-key", 0);
if (!l1)
return 0; /* Does not contain a key object. */
l2 = gcry_sexp_cadr (l1);
gcry_sexp_release (l1);
l1 = gcry_sexp_find_token (l2, "q", 1);
gcry_sexp_release (l2);
if (!l1)
return 0; /* Invalid object. */
q = gcry_sexp_nth_mpi (l1, 1, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG);
gcry_sexp_release (l1);
if (!q)
return 0; /* Missing value. */
nbits = gcry_mpi_get_nbits (q);
gcry_mpi_release (q);
return nbits;
/* Return an appropriate hash algorithm to be used with RFC-6979 for a
message digest of length MDLEN. Although a fallback of SHA-256 is
used the current implementation in Libgcrypt will reject a hash
algorithm which does not match the length of the message. */
static const char *
rfc6979_hash_algo_string (size_t mdlen)
switch (mdlen)
case 20: return "sha1";
case 28: return "sha224";
case 32: return "sha256";
case 48: return "sha384";
case 64: return "sha512";
default: return "sha256";
/* Encode a message digest for use with the EdDSA algorithm
(i.e. curve Ed25519). */
static gpg_error_t
do_encode_eddsa (const byte *md, size_t mdlen, gcry_sexp_t *r_hash)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t hash;
*r_hash = NULL;
err = gcry_sexp_build (&hash, NULL,
"(data(flags eddsa)(hash-algo sha512)(value %b))",
(int)mdlen, md);
if (!err)
*r_hash = hash;
return err;
/* Encode a message digest for use with an DSA algorithm. */
static gpg_error_t
do_encode_dsa (const byte *md, size_t mdlen, int pkalgo, gcry_sexp_t pkey,
gcry_sexp_t *r_hash)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t hash;
unsigned int qbits;
*r_hash = NULL;
if (pkalgo == GCRY_PK_ECDSA)
qbits = gcry_pk_get_nbits (pkey);
else if (pkalgo == GCRY_PK_DSA)
qbits = get_dsa_qbits (pkey);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_PUBKEY_ALGO);
if (pkalgo == GCRY_PK_DSA && (qbits%8))
/* FIXME: We check the QBITS but print a message about the hash
length. */
log_error (_("DSA requires the hash length to be a"
" multiple of 8 bits\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_LENGTH);
/* Don't allow any Q smaller than 160 bits. We don't want someone
to issue signatures from a key with a 16-bit Q or something like
that, which would look correct but allow trivial forgeries. Yes,
I know this rules out using MD5 with DSA. ;) */
if (qbits < 160)
log_error (_("%s key uses an unsafe (%u bit) hash\n"),
gcry_pk_algo_name (pkalgo), qbits);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_LENGTH);
/* ECDSA 521 is special has it is larger than the largest hash
we have (SHA-512). Thus we chnage the size for further
processing to 512. */
if (pkalgo == GCRY_PK_ECDSA && qbits > 512)
qbits = 512;
/* Check if we're too short. Too long is safe as we'll
automatically left-truncate. */
if (mdlen < qbits/8)
log_error (_("a %zu bit hash is not valid for a %u bit %s key\n"),
gcry_pk_get_nbits (pkey),
gcry_pk_algo_name (pkalgo));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_LENGTH);
/* Truncate. */
if (mdlen > qbits/8)
mdlen = qbits/8;
/* Create the S-expression. */
err = gcry_sexp_build (&hash, NULL,
"(data (flags rfc6979) (hash %s %b))",
rfc6979_hash_algo_string (mdlen),
(int)mdlen, md);
if (!err)
*r_hash = hash;
return err;
/* Special version of do_encode_md to take care of pkcs#1 padding.
For TLS-MD5SHA1 we need to do the padding ourself as Libgrypt does
not know about this special scheme. Fixme: We should have a
pkcs1-only-padding flag for Libgcrypt. */
static int
do_encode_raw_pkcs1 (const byte *md, size_t mdlen, unsigned int nbits,
gcry_sexp_t *r_hash)
int rc;
gcry_sexp_t hash;
unsigned char *frame;
size_t i, n, nframe;
nframe = (nbits+7) / 8;
if ( !mdlen || mdlen + 8 + 4 > nframe )
/* Can't encode this hash into a frame of size NFRAME. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
frame = xtrymalloc (nframe);
if (!frame)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* Assemble the pkcs#1 block type 1. */
n = 0;
frame[n++] = 0;
frame[n++] = 1; /* Block type. */
i = nframe - mdlen - 3 ;
assert (i >= 8); /* At least 8 bytes of padding. */
memset (frame+n, 0xff, i );
n += i;
frame[n++] = 0;
memcpy (frame+n, md, mdlen );
n += mdlen;
assert (n == nframe);
/* Create the S-expression. */
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&hash, NULL,
"(data (flags raw) (value %b))",
(int)nframe, frame);
xfree (frame);
*r_hash = hash;
return rc;
/* SIGN whatever information we have accumulated in CTRL and return
the signature S-expression. LOOKUP is an optional function to
provide a way for lower layers to ask for the caching TTL. If a
CACHE_NONCE is given that cache item is first tried to get a
from this buffer are used instead of the data in CTRL. The
override feature is required to allow the use of Ed25519 with ssh
because Ed25519 does the hashing itself. */
agent_pksign_do (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *cache_nonce,
const char *desc_text,
gcry_sexp_t *signature_sexp,
cache_mode_t cache_mode, lookup_ttl_t lookup_ttl,
const void *overridedata, size_t overridedatalen)
gcry_sexp_t s_skey = NULL, s_sig = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t s_hash = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t s_pkey = NULL;
unsigned char *shadow_info = NULL;
unsigned int rc = 0; /* FIXME: gpg-error? */
const unsigned char *data;
int datalen;
int check_signature = 0;
if (overridedata)
data = overridedata;
datalen = overridedatalen;
data = ctrl->digest.value;
datalen = ctrl->digest.valuelen;
if (!ctrl->have_keygrip)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
rc = agent_key_from_file (ctrl, cache_nonce, desc_text, ctrl->keygrip,
&shadow_info, cache_mode, lookup_ttl,
&s_skey, NULL);
if (rc)
if (gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY)
log_error ("failed to read the secret key\n");
goto leave;
if (shadow_info)
/* Divert operation to the smartcard */
size_t len;
unsigned char *buf = NULL;
int key_type;
int is_RSA = 0;
int is_ECDSA = 0;
int is_EdDSA = 0;
rc = agent_public_key_from_file (ctrl, ctrl->keygrip, &s_pkey);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to read the public key\n");
goto leave;
if (agent_is_eddsa_key (s_skey))
is_EdDSA = 1;
key_type = agent_is_dsa_key (s_skey);
if (key_type == 0)
is_RSA = 1;
else if (key_type == GCRY_PK_ECDSA)
is_ECDSA = 1;
rc = divert_pksign (ctrl,
data, datalen,
shadow_info, &buf, &len);
if (rc)
log_error ("smartcard signing failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if (is_RSA)
check_signature = 1;
if (*buf & 0x80)
buf = xtryrealloc (buf, len);
if (!buf)
goto leave;
memmove (buf + 1, buf, len - 1);
*buf = 0;
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_sig, NULL, "(sig-val(rsa(s%b)))",
(int)len, buf);
else if (is_EdDSA)
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_sig, NULL, "(sig-val(eddsa(r%b)(s%b)))",
(int)len/2, buf, (int)len/2, buf + len/2);
else if (is_ECDSA)
unsigned char *r_buf_allocated = NULL;
unsigned char *s_buf_allocated = NULL;
unsigned char *r_buf, *s_buf;
int r_buflen, s_buflen;
r_buflen = s_buflen = len/2;
if (*buf & 0x80)
r_buf_allocated = xtrymalloc (r_buflen);
if (!r_buf_allocated)
goto leave;
r_buf = r_buf_allocated;
memcpy (r_buf + 1, buf, len/2);
*r_buf = 0;
r_buf = buf;
if (*(buf + len/2) & 0x80)
s_buf_allocated = xtrymalloc (s_buflen);
if (!s_buf_allocated)
xfree (r_buf_allocated);
goto leave;
s_buf = s_buf_allocated;
memcpy (s_buf + 1, buf + len/2, len/2);
*s_buf = 0;
s_buf = buf + len/2;
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_sig, NULL, "(sig-val(ecdsa(r%b)(s%b)))",
r_buflen, r_buf,
s_buflen, s_buf);
xfree (r_buf_allocated);
xfree (s_buf_allocated);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
xfree (buf);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to convert sigbuf returned by divert_pksign "
"into S-Exp: %s", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
/* No smartcard, but a private key */
int dsaalgo = 0;
/* Put the hash into a sexp */
if (agent_is_eddsa_key (s_skey))
rc = do_encode_eddsa (data, datalen,
else if (ctrl->digest.algo == MD_USER_TLS_MD5SHA1)
rc = do_encode_raw_pkcs1 (data, datalen,
gcry_pk_get_nbits (s_skey),
else if ( (dsaalgo = agent_is_dsa_key (s_skey)) )
rc = do_encode_dsa (data, datalen,
dsaalgo, s_skey,
rc = do_encode_md (data, datalen,
if (rc)
goto leave;
if (dsaalgo == 0 && GCRYPT_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x010700)
/* It's RSA and Libgcrypt < 1.7 */
check_signature = 1;
gcry_log_debugsxp ("skey", s_skey);
gcry_log_debugsxp ("hash", s_hash);
/* sign */
rc = gcry_pk_sign (&s_sig, s_hash, s_skey);
if (rc)
log_error ("signing failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
gcry_log_debugsxp ("rslt", s_sig);
/* Check that the signature verification worked and nothing is
* fooling us e.g. by a bug in the signature create code or by
* deliberately introduced faults. Because Libgcrypt 1.7 does this
* for RSA internally there is no need to do it here again. */
if (check_signature)
gcry_sexp_t sexp_key = s_pkey? s_pkey: s_skey;
if (s_hash == NULL)
if (ctrl->digest.algo == MD_USER_TLS_MD5SHA1)
rc = do_encode_raw_pkcs1 (data, datalen,
gcry_pk_get_nbits (sexp_key), &s_hash);
rc = do_encode_md (data, datalen, ctrl->digest.algo, &s_hash,
if (! rc)
rc = gcry_pk_verify (s_sig, s_hash, sexp_key);
if (rc)
log_error (_("checking created signature failed: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
gcry_sexp_release (s_sig);
s_sig = NULL;
*signature_sexp = s_sig;
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
gcry_sexp_release (s_skey);
gcry_sexp_release (s_hash);
xfree (shadow_info);
return rc;
/* SIGN whatever information we have accumulated in CTRL and write it
back to OUTFP. If a CACHE_NONCE is given that cache item is first
tried to get a passphrase. */
agent_pksign (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *cache_nonce, const char *desc_text,
membuf_t *outbuf, cache_mode_t cache_mode)
gcry_sexp_t s_sig = NULL;
char *buf = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
int rc = 0;
rc = agent_pksign_do (ctrl, cache_nonce, desc_text, &s_sig, cache_mode, NULL,
NULL, 0);
if (rc)
goto leave;
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (s_sig, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, NULL, 0);
assert (len);
buf = xmalloc (len);
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (s_sig, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, buf, len);
assert (len);
put_membuf (outbuf, buf, len);
gcry_sexp_release (s_sig);
xfree (buf);
return rc;
diff --git a/agent/preset-passphrase.c b/agent/preset-passphrase.c
index a104977ca..ae6f0ce53 100644
--- a/agent/preset-passphrase.c
+++ b/agent/preset-passphrase.c
@@ -1,266 +1,266 @@
/* preset-passphrase.c - A tool to preset a passphrase.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <langinfo.h>
#include <fcntl.h> /* for setmode() */
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# include <winsock2.h>
# endif
# include <windows.h> /* To initialize the sockets. fixme */
#include "agent.h"
#include "simple-pwquery.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
enum cmd_and_opt_values
{ aNull = 0,
oVerbose = 'v',
oPassphrase = 'P',
oPreset = 'c',
oForget = 'f',
oNoVerbose = 500,
aTest };
static const char *opt_passphrase;
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
{ 301, NULL, 0, N_("@Options:\n ") },
{ oVerbose, "verbose", 0, "verbose" },
{ oPassphrase, "passphrase", 2, "|STRING|use passphrase STRING" },
{ oPreset, "preset", 256, "preset passphrase"},
{ oForget, "forget", 256, "forget passphrase"},
{ oHomedir, "homedir", 2, "@" },
static const char *
my_strusage (int level)
const char *p;
switch (level)
case 11: p = "gpg-preset-passphrase (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 1:
case 40:
p = _("Usage: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP (-h for help)\n");
case 41:
p = _("Syntax: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP\n"
"Password cache maintenance\n");
default: p = NULL;
return p;
static void
preset_passphrase (const char *keygrip)
int rc;
char *line;
/* FIXME: Use secure memory. */
char passphrase[500];
char *passphrase_esc;
if (!opt_passphrase)
rc = read (0, passphrase, sizeof (passphrase) - 1);
if (rc < 0)
log_error ("reading passphrase failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
passphrase[rc] = '\0';
line = strchr (passphrase, '\n');
if (line)
if (line > passphrase && line[-1] == '\r')
*line = '\0';
/* FIXME: How to handle empty passwords? */
const char *s = opt_passphrase ? opt_passphrase : passphrase;
passphrase_esc = bin2hex (s, strlen (s), NULL);
if (!passphrase_esc)
log_error ("can not escape string: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
rc = asprintf (&line, "PRESET_PASSPHRASE %s -1 %s\n", keygrip,
wipememory (passphrase_esc, strlen (passphrase_esc));
xfree (passphrase_esc);
if (rc < 0)
log_error ("caching passphrase failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
if (!opt_passphrase)
wipememory (passphrase, sizeof (passphrase));
rc = simple_query (line);
if (rc)
log_error ("caching passphrase failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
wipememory (line, strlen (line));
xfree (line);
static void
forget_passphrase (const char *keygrip)
int rc;
char *line;
rc = asprintf (&line, "CLEAR_PASSPHRASE %s\n", keygrip);
if (rc < 0)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
rc = simple_query (line);
if (rc)
log_error ("clearing passphrase failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (line);
main (int argc, char **argv)
int cmd = 0;
const char *keygrip = NULL;
early_system_init ();
set_strusage (my_strusage);
log_set_prefix ("gpg-preset-passphrase", GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX);
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
i18n_init ();
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= 1; /* (do not remove the args) */
while (arg_parse (&pargs, opts) )
switch (pargs.r_opt)
case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; break;
case oHomedir: gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oPreset: cmd = oPreset; break;
case oForget: cmd = oForget; break;
case oPassphrase: opt_passphrase = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
default : pargs.err = 2; break;
if (log_get_errorcount(0))
if (argc == 1)
keygrip = *argv;
usage (1);
/* Tell simple-pwquery about the the standard socket name. */
char *tmp = make_filename (gnupg_socketdir (), GPG_AGENT_SOCK_NAME, NULL);
simple_pw_set_socket (tmp);
xfree (tmp);
if (cmd == oPreset)
preset_passphrase (keygrip);
else if (cmd == oForget)
forget_passphrase (keygrip);
log_error ("one of the options --preset or --forget must be given\n");
agent_exit (0);
return 8; /*NOTREACHED*/
agent_exit (int rc)
rc = rc? rc : log_get_errorcount(0)? 2 : 0;
exit (rc);
diff --git a/agent/protect-tool.c b/agent/protect-tool.c
index d683f4aec..231274439 100644
--- a/agent/protect-tool.c
+++ b/agent/protect-tool.c
@@ -1,819 +1,819 @@
/* protect-tool.c - A tool to test the secret key protection
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <langinfo.h>
#include <fcntl.h> /* for setmode() */
#include "agent.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "get-passphrase.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
enum cmd_and_opt_values
aNull = 0,
oVerbose = 'v',
oArmor = 'a',
oPassphrase = 'P',
oProtect = 'p',
oUnprotect = 'u',
oNoVerbose = 500,
struct rsa_secret_key_s
gcry_mpi_t n; /* public modulus */
gcry_mpi_t e; /* public exponent */
gcry_mpi_t d; /* exponent */
gcry_mpi_t p; /* prime p. */
gcry_mpi_t q; /* prime q. */
gcry_mpi_t u; /* inverse of p mod q. */
static int opt_armor;
static int opt_canonical;
static int opt_store;
static int opt_force;
static int opt_no_fail_on_exist;
static int opt_have_cert;
static const char *opt_passphrase;
static char *opt_prompt;
static int opt_status_msg;
static const char *opt_agent_program;
static int opt_debug_use_ocb;
static char *get_passphrase (int promptno);
static void release_passphrase (char *pw);
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
ARGPARSE_group (300, N_("@Commands:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_c (oProtect, "protect", "protect a private key"),
ARGPARSE_c (oUnprotect, "unprotect", "unprotect a private key"),
ARGPARSE_c (oShadow, "shadow", "create a shadow entry for a public key"),
ARGPARSE_c (oShowShadowInfo, "show-shadow-info", "return the shadow info"),
ARGPARSE_c (oShowKeygrip, "show-keygrip", "show the \"keygrip\""),
ARGPARSE_c (oS2Kcalibration, "s2k-calibration", "@"),
ARGPARSE_group (301, N_("@\nOptions:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oVerbose, "verbose", "verbose"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oArmor, "armor", "write output in advanced format"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oCanonical, "canonical", "write output in canonical format"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oPassphrase, "passphrase", "|STRING|use passphrase STRING"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oHaveCert, "have-cert",
"certificate to export provided on STDIN"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oStore, "store",
"store the created key in the appropriate place"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oForce, "force",
"force overwriting"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoFailOnExist, "no-fail-on-exist", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oHomedir, "homedir", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oPrompt, "prompt",
"|ESCSTRING|use ESCSTRING as prompt in pinentry"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oStatusMsg, "enable-status-msg", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oAgentProgram, "agent-program", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugUseOCB, "debug-use-ocb", "@"), /* For hacking only. */
static const char *
my_strusage (int level)
const char *p;
switch (level)
case 11: p = "gpg-protect-tool (" GNUPG_NAME ")";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 1:
case 40: p = _("Usage: gpg-protect-tool [options] (-h for help)\n");
case 41: p = _("Syntax: gpg-protect-tool [options] [args]\n"
"Secret key maintenance tool\n");
default: p = NULL;
return p;
/* static void */
/* print_mpi (const char *text, gcry_mpi_t a) */
/* { */
/* char *buf; */
/* void *bufaddr = &buf; */
/* int rc; */
/* rc = gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_HEX, bufaddr, NULL, a); */
/* if (rc) */
/* log_info ("%s: [error printing number: %s]\n", text, gpg_strerror (rc)); */
/* else */
/* { */
/* log_info ("%s: %s\n", text, buf); */
/* gcry_free (buf); */
/* } */
/* } */
static unsigned char *
make_canonical (const char *fname, const char *buf, size_t buflen)
int rc;
size_t erroff, len;
gcry_sexp_t sexp;
unsigned char *result;
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan (&sexp, &erroff, buf, buflen);
if (rc)
log_error ("invalid S-Expression in '%s' (off=%u): %s\n",
fname, (unsigned int)erroff, gpg_strerror (rc));
return NULL;
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (sexp, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, NULL, 0);
assert (len);
result = xmalloc (len);
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (sexp, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, result, len);
assert (len);
gcry_sexp_release (sexp);
return result;
static char *
make_advanced (const unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen)
int rc;
size_t erroff, len;
gcry_sexp_t sexp;
char *result;
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan (&sexp, &erroff, (const char*)buf, buflen);
if (rc)
log_error ("invalid canonical S-Expression (off=%u): %s\n",
(unsigned int)erroff, gpg_strerror (rc));
return NULL;
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (sexp, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, NULL, 0);
assert (len);
result = xmalloc (len);
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (sexp, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, result, len);
assert (len);
gcry_sexp_release (sexp);
return result;
static char *
read_file (const char *fname, size_t *r_length)
FILE *fp;
char *buf;
size_t buflen;
if (!strcmp (fname, "-"))
size_t nread, bufsize = 0;
fp = stdin;
setmode ( fileno(fp) , O_BINARY );
buf = NULL;
buflen = 0;
#define NCHUNK 8192
bufsize += NCHUNK;
if (!buf)
buf = xmalloc (bufsize);
buf = xrealloc (buf, bufsize);
nread = fread (buf+buflen, 1, NCHUNK, fp);
if (nread < NCHUNK && ferror (fp))
log_error ("error reading '[stdin]': %s\n", strerror (errno));
xfree (buf);
return NULL;
buflen += nread;
while (nread == NCHUNK);
#undef NCHUNK
struct stat st;
fp = fopen (fname, "rb");
if (!fp)
log_error ("can't open '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror (errno));
return NULL;
if (fstat (fileno(fp), &st))
log_error ("can't stat '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror (errno));
fclose (fp);
return NULL;
buflen = st.st_size;
buf = xmalloc (buflen+1);
if (fread (buf, buflen, 1, fp) != 1)
log_error ("error reading '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror (errno));
fclose (fp);
xfree (buf);
return NULL;
fclose (fp);
*r_length = buflen;
return buf;
static unsigned char *
read_key (const char *fname)
char *buf;
size_t buflen;
unsigned char *key;
buf = read_file (fname, &buflen);
if (!buf)
return NULL;
key = make_canonical (fname, buf, buflen);
xfree (buf);
return key;
static void
read_and_protect (const char *fname)
int rc;
unsigned char *key;
unsigned char *result;
size_t resultlen;
char *pw;
key = read_key (fname);
if (!key)
pw = get_passphrase (1);
rc = agent_protect (key, pw, &result, &resultlen, 0,
opt_debug_use_ocb? 1 : -1);
release_passphrase (pw);
xfree (key);
if (rc)
log_error ("protecting the key failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
if (opt_armor)
char *p = make_advanced (result, resultlen);
xfree (result);
if (!p)
result = (unsigned char*)p;
resultlen = strlen (p);
fwrite (result, resultlen, 1, stdout);
xfree (result);
static void
read_and_unprotect (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname)
int rc;
unsigned char *key;
unsigned char *result;
size_t resultlen;
char *pw;
gnupg_isotime_t protected_at;
key = read_key (fname);
if (!key)
rc = agent_unprotect (ctrl, key, (pw=get_passphrase (1)),
protected_at, &result, &resultlen);
release_passphrase (pw);
xfree (key);
if (rc)
if (opt_status_msg)
log_info ("[PROTECT-TOOL:] bad-passphrase\n");
log_error ("unprotecting the key failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
if (opt.verbose)
if (*protected_at)
log_info ("key protection done at %.4s-%.2s-%.2s %.2s:%.2s:%s\n",
protected_at, protected_at+4, protected_at+6,
protected_at+9, protected_at+11, protected_at+13);
log_info ("key protection done at [unknown]\n");
if (opt_armor)
char *p = make_advanced (result, resultlen);
xfree (result);
if (!p)
result = (unsigned char*)p;
resultlen = strlen (p);
fwrite (result, resultlen, 1, stdout);
xfree (result);
static void
read_and_shadow (const char *fname)
int rc;
unsigned char *key;
unsigned char *result;
size_t resultlen;
unsigned char dummy_info[] = "(8:313233342:43)";
key = read_key (fname);
if (!key)
rc = agent_shadow_key (key, dummy_info, &result);
xfree (key);
if (rc)
log_error ("shadowing the key failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
resultlen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (result, 0, NULL,NULL);
assert (resultlen);
if (opt_armor)
char *p = make_advanced (result, resultlen);
xfree (result);
if (!p)
result = (unsigned char*)p;
resultlen = strlen (p);
fwrite (result, resultlen, 1, stdout);
xfree (result);
static void
show_shadow_info (const char *fname)
int rc;
unsigned char *key;
const unsigned char *info;
size_t infolen;
key = read_key (fname);
if (!key)
rc = agent_get_shadow_info (key, &info);
xfree (key);
if (rc)
log_error ("get_shadow_info failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
infolen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (info, 0, NULL,NULL);
assert (infolen);
if (opt_armor)
char *p = make_advanced (info, infolen);
if (!p)
fwrite (p, strlen (p), 1, stdout);
xfree (p);
fwrite (info, infolen, 1, stdout);
static void
show_file (const char *fname)
unsigned char *key;
size_t keylen;
char *p;
key = read_key (fname);
if (!key)
keylen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (key, 0, NULL,NULL);
assert (keylen);
if (opt_canonical)
fwrite (key, keylen, 1, stdout);
p = make_advanced (key, keylen);
if (p)
fwrite (p, strlen (p), 1, stdout);
xfree (p);
xfree (key);
static void
show_keygrip (const char *fname)
unsigned char *key;
gcry_sexp_t private;
unsigned char grip[20];
int i;
key = read_key (fname);
if (!key)
if (gcry_sexp_new (&private, key, 0, 0))
log_error ("gcry_sexp_new failed\n");
xfree (key);
if (!gcry_pk_get_keygrip (private, grip))
log_error ("can't calculate keygrip\n");
gcry_sexp_release (private);
for (i=0; i < 20; i++)
printf ("%02X", grip[i]);
putchar ('\n');
main (int argc, char **argv )
int cmd = 0;
const char *fname;
ctrl_t ctrl;
early_system_init ();
set_strusage (my_strusage);
log_set_prefix ("gpg-protect-tool", GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX);
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
i18n_init ();
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
setup_libgcrypt_logging ();
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 16384, 0);
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= 1; /* (do not remove the args) */
while (arg_parse (&pargs, opts) )
switch (pargs.r_opt)
case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; break;
case oArmor: opt_armor=1; break;
case oCanonical: opt_canonical=1; break;
case oHomedir: gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oAgentProgram: opt_agent_program = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oProtect: cmd = oProtect; break;
case oUnprotect: cmd = oUnprotect; break;
case oShadow: cmd = oShadow; break;
case oShowShadowInfo: cmd = oShowShadowInfo; break;
case oShowKeygrip: cmd = oShowKeygrip; break;
case oS2Kcalibration: cmd = oS2Kcalibration; break;
case oPassphrase: opt_passphrase = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oStore: opt_store = 1; break;
case oForce: opt_force = 1; break;
case oNoFailOnExist: opt_no_fail_on_exist = 1; break;
case oHaveCert: opt_have_cert = 1; break;
case oPrompt: opt_prompt = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oStatusMsg: opt_status_msg = 1; break;
case oDebugUseOCB: opt_debug_use_ocb = 1; break;
default: pargs.err = ARGPARSE_PRINT_ERROR; break;
if (log_get_errorcount (0))
exit (2);
fname = "-";
if (argc == 1)
fname = *argv;
else if (argc > 1)
usage (1);
/* Allocate an CTRL object. An empty object should be sufficient. */
ctrl = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl);
if (!ctrl)
log_error ("error allocating connection control data: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
agent_exit (1);
/* Set the information which can't be taken from envvars. */
gnupg_prepare_get_passphrase (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT,
if (opt_prompt)
opt_prompt = percent_plus_unescape (opt_prompt, 0);
if (cmd == oProtect)
read_and_protect (fname);
else if (cmd == oUnprotect)
read_and_unprotect (ctrl, fname);
else if (cmd == oShadow)
read_and_shadow (fname);
else if (cmd == oShowShadowInfo)
show_shadow_info (fname);
else if (cmd == oShowKeygrip)
show_keygrip (fname);
else if (cmd == oS2Kcalibration)
if (!opt.verbose)
opt.verbose++; /* We need to see something. */
get_standard_s2k_count ();
show_file (fname);
xfree (ctrl);
agent_exit (0);
return 8; /*NOTREACHED*/
agent_exit (int rc)
rc = rc? rc : log_get_errorcount(0)? 2 : 0;
exit (rc);
/* Return the passphrase string and ask the agent if it has not been
set from the command line PROMPTNO select the prompt to display:
0 = default
1 = taken from the option --prompt
2 = for unprotecting a pkcs#12 object
3 = for protecting a new pkcs#12 object
4 = for protecting an imported pkcs#12 in our system
static char *
get_passphrase (int promptno)
char *pw;
int err;
const char *desc;
char *orig_codeset;
int repeat = 0;
if (opt_passphrase)
return xstrdup (opt_passphrase);
orig_codeset = i18n_switchto_utf8 ();
if (promptno == 1 && opt_prompt)
desc = opt_prompt;
else if (promptno == 2)
desc = _("Please enter the passphrase to unprotect the "
"PKCS#12 object.");
else if (promptno == 3)
desc = _("Please enter the passphrase to protect the "
"new PKCS#12 object.");
repeat = 1;
else if (promptno == 4)
desc = _("Please enter the passphrase to protect the "
"imported object within the GnuPG system.");
repeat = 1;
desc = _("Please enter the passphrase or the PIN\n"
"needed to complete this operation.");
i18n_switchback (orig_codeset);
err = gnupg_get_passphrase (NULL, NULL, _("Passphrase:"), desc,
repeat, repeat, 1, &pw);
if (err)
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_CANCELED
|| gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_FULLY_CANCELED)
log_info (_("cancelled\n"));
log_error (_("error while asking for the passphrase: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
agent_exit (0);
assert (pw);
return pw;
static void
release_passphrase (char *pw)
if (pw)
wipememory (pw, strlen (pw));
xfree (pw);
/* Stub function. */
agent_key_available (const unsigned char *grip)
return -1; /* Not available. */
char *
agent_get_cache (const char *key, cache_mode_t cache_mode)
return NULL;
agent_askpin (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *desc_text, const char *prompt_text,
const char *initial_errtext,
struct pin_entry_info_s *pininfo,
const char *keyinfo, cache_mode_t cache_mode)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *passphrase;
size_t size;
*pininfo->pin = 0; /* Reset the PIN. */
passphrase = get_passphrase (0);
size = strlen (passphrase);
if (size >= pininfo->max_length)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
memcpy (&pininfo->pin, passphrase, size);
xfree (passphrase);
pininfo->pin[size] = 0;
if (pininfo->check_cb)
/* More checks by utilizing the optional callback. */
pininfo->cb_errtext = NULL;
err = pininfo->check_cb (pininfo);
err = 0;
return err;
/* Replacement for the function in findkey.c. Here we write the key
* to stdout. */
agent_write_private_key (const unsigned char *grip,
const void *buffer, size_t length, int force)
char hexgrip[40+4+1];
char *p;
bin2hex (grip, 20, hexgrip);
strcpy (hexgrip+40, ".key");
p = make_advanced (buffer, length);
if (p)
printf ("# Begin dump of %s\n%s%s# End dump of %s\n",
hexgrip, p, (*p && p[strlen(p)-1] == '\n')? "":"\n", hexgrip);
xfree (p);
return 0;
diff --git a/agent/protect.c b/agent/protect.c
index 68e408160..e20586970 100644
--- a/agent/protect.c
+++ b/agent/protect.c
@@ -1,1709 +1,1709 @@
/* protect.c - Un/Protect a secret key
* Copyright (C) 1998-2003, 2007, 2009, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 1998-2003, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013-2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# include <winsock2.h>
# endif
# include <windows.h>
# include <sys/times.h>
#include "agent.h"
#include "cvt-openpgp.h"
#include "sexp-parse.h"
/* To use the openpgp-s2k3-ocb-aes scheme by default set the value of
* this macro to 1. Note that the caller of agent_protect may
* override this default. */
/* The protection mode for encryption. The supported modes for
decryption are listed in agent_unprotect(). */
#define PROT_CIPHER_STRING "aes"
#define PROT_CIPHER_KEYLEN (128/8)
/* Decode an rfc4880 encoded S2K count. */
#define S2K_DECODE_COUNT(_val) ((16ul + ((_val) & 15)) << (((_val) >> 4) + 6))
/* A table containing the information needed to create a protected
private key. */
static struct {
const char *algo;
const char *parmlist;
int prot_from, prot_to;
int ecc_hack;
} protect_info[] = {
{ "rsa", "nedpqu", 2, 5 },
{ "dsa", "pqgyx", 4, 4 },
{ "elg", "pgyx", 3, 3 },
{ "ecdsa","pabgnqd", 6, 6, 1 },
{ "ecdh", "pabgnqd", 6, 6, 1 },
{ "ecc", "pabgnqd", 6, 6, 1 },
{ NULL }
/* A helper object for time measurement. */
struct calibrate_time_s
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
FILETIME creation_time, exit_time, kernel_time, user_time;
clock_t ticks;
static int
hash_passphrase (const char *passphrase, int hashalgo,
int s2kmode,
const unsigned char *s2ksalt, unsigned long s2kcount,
unsigned char *key, size_t keylen);
/* Get the process time and store it in DATA. */
static void
calibrate_get_time (struct calibrate_time_s *data)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
GetThreadTimes (GetCurrentThread (),
&data->creation_time, &data->exit_time,
&data->kernel_time, &data->user_time);
# else
GetProcessTimes (GetCurrentProcess (),
&data->creation_time, &data->exit_time,
&data->kernel_time, &data->user_time);
# endif
struct tms tmp;
times (&tmp);
data->ticks = tmp.tms_utime;
static unsigned long
calibrate_elapsed_time (struct calibrate_time_s *starttime)
struct calibrate_time_s stoptime;
calibrate_get_time (&stoptime);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
unsigned long long t1, t2;
t1 = (((unsigned long long)starttime->kernel_time.dwHighDateTime << 32)
+ starttime->kernel_time.dwLowDateTime);
t1 += (((unsigned long long)starttime->user_time.dwHighDateTime << 32)
+ starttime->user_time.dwLowDateTime);
t2 = (((unsigned long long)stoptime.kernel_time.dwHighDateTime << 32)
+ stoptime.kernel_time.dwLowDateTime);
t2 += (((unsigned long long)stoptime.user_time.dwHighDateTime << 32)
+ stoptime.user_time.dwLowDateTime);
return (unsigned long)((t2 - t1)/10000);
return (unsigned long)((((double) (stoptime.ticks - starttime->ticks))
/* Run a test hashing for COUNT and return the time required in
milliseconds. */
static unsigned long
calibrate_s2k_count_one (unsigned long count)
int rc;
char keybuf[PROT_CIPHER_KEYLEN];
struct calibrate_time_s starttime;
calibrate_get_time (&starttime);
rc = hash_passphrase ("123456789abcdef0", GCRY_MD_SHA1,
3, "saltsalt", count, keybuf, sizeof keybuf);
if (rc)
BUG ();
return calibrate_elapsed_time (&starttime);
/* Measure the time we need to do the hash operations and deduce an
S2K count which requires about 100ms of time. */
static unsigned long
calibrate_s2k_count (void)
unsigned long count;
unsigned long ms;
for (count = 65536; count; count *= 2)
ms = calibrate_s2k_count_one (count);
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info ("S2K calibration: %lu -> %lums\n", count, ms);
if (ms > 100)
count = (unsigned long)(((double)count / ms) * 100);
count /= 1024;
count *= 1024;
if (count < 65536)
count = 65536;
if (opt.verbose)
ms = calibrate_s2k_count_one (count);
log_info ("S2K calibration: %lu -> %lums\n", count, ms);
return count;
/* Return the standard S2K count. */
unsigned long
get_standard_s2k_count (void)
static unsigned long count;
if (!count)
count = calibrate_s2k_count ();
/* Enforce a lower limit. */
return count < 65536 ? 65536 : count;
/* Same as get_standard_s2k_count but return the count in the encoding
as described by rfc4880. */
unsigned char
get_standard_s2k_count_rfc4880 (void)
unsigned long iterations;
unsigned int count;
unsigned char result;
unsigned char c=0;
iterations = get_standard_s2k_count ();
if (iterations >= 65011712)
return 255;
/* Need count to be in the range 16-31 */
for (count=iterations>>6; count>=32; count>>=1)
result = (c<<4)|(count-16);
if (S2K_DECODE_COUNT(result) < iterations)
return result;
/* Calculate the MIC for a private key or shared secret S-expression.
SHA1HASH should point to a 20 byte buffer. This function is
suitable for all algorithms. */
static int
calculate_mic (const unsigned char *plainkey, unsigned char *sha1hash)
const unsigned char *hash_begin, *hash_end;
const unsigned char *s;
size_t n;
int is_shared_secret;
s = plainkey;
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (smatch (&s, n, "private-key"))
is_shared_secret = 0;
else if (smatch (&s, n, "shared-secret"))
is_shared_secret = 1;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
hash_begin = s;
if (!is_shared_secret)
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
s += n; /* Skip the algorithm name. */
while (*s == '(')
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
s += n;
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
s += n;
if ( *s != ')' )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (*s != ')')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
hash_end = s;
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, sha1hash,
hash_begin, hash_end - hash_begin);
return 0;
/* Encrypt the parameter block starting at PROTBEGIN with length
PROTLEN using the utf8 encoded key PASSPHRASE and return the entire
encrypted block in RESULT or return with an error code. SHA1HASH
is the 20 byte SHA-1 hash required for the integrity code.
The parameter block is expected to be an incomplete canonical
encoded S-Expression of the form (example in advanced format):
(d #046129F..[some bytes not shown]..81#)
(p #00e861b..[some bytes not shown]..f1#)
(q #00f7a7c..[some bytes not shown]..61#)
(u #304559a..[some bytes not shown]..9b#)
the returned block is the S-Expression:
(protected mode (parms) encrypted_octet_string)
static int
do_encryption (const unsigned char *hashbegin, size_t hashlen,
const unsigned char *protbegin, size_t protlen,
const char *passphrase,
const char *timestamp_exp, size_t timestamp_exp_len,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen,
unsigned long s2k_count, int use_ocb)
gcry_cipher_hd_t hd;
const char *modestr;
unsigned char hashvalue[20];
int blklen, enclen, outlen;
unsigned char *iv = NULL;
unsigned int ivsize; /* Size of the buffer allocated for IV. */
const unsigned char *s2ksalt; /* Points into IV. */
int rc;
char *outbuf = NULL;
char *p;
int saltpos, ivpos, encpos;
s2ksalt = iv; /* Silence compiler warning. */
*resultlen = 0;
*result = NULL;
modestr = (use_ocb? "openpgp-s2k3-ocb-aes"
/* */: "openpgp-s2k3-sha1-" PROT_CIPHER_STRING "-cbc");
rc = gcry_cipher_open (&hd, PROT_CIPHER,
if (rc)
return rc;
/* We need to work on a copy of the data because this makes it
* easier to add the trailer and the padding and more important we
* have to prefix the text with 2 parenthesis. In CBC mode we
* have to allocate enough space for:
* ((<parameter_list>)(4:hash4:sha120:<hashvalue>)) + padding
* we always append a full block of random bytes as padding but
* encrypt only what is needed for a full blocksize. In OCB mode we
* have to allocate enough space for just:
* ((<parameter_list>))
blklen = gcry_cipher_get_algo_blklen (PROT_CIPHER);
if (use_ocb)
/* (( )) */
outlen = 2 + protlen + 2 ;
enclen = outlen + 16 /* taglen */;
outbuf = gcry_malloc_secure (enclen);
/* (( )( 4:hash 4:sha1 20:<hash> )) <padding> */
outlen = 2 + protlen + 2 + 6 + 6 + 23 + 2 + blklen;
enclen = outlen/blklen * blklen;
outbuf = gcry_malloc_secure (outlen);
if (!outbuf)
rc = out_of_core ();
/* Allocate a buffer for the nonce and the salt. */
if (!rc)
/* Allocate random bytes to be used as IV, padding and s2k salt
* or in OCB mode for a nonce and the s2k salt. The IV/nonce is
* set later because for OCB we need to set the key first. */
ivsize = (use_ocb? 12 : (blklen*2)) + 8;
iv = xtrymalloc (ivsize);
if (!iv)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
gcry_create_nonce (iv, ivsize);
s2ksalt = iv + ivsize - 8;
/* Hash the passphrase and set the key. */
if (!rc)
unsigned char *key;
size_t keylen = PROT_CIPHER_KEYLEN;
key = gcry_malloc_secure (keylen);
if (!key)
rc = out_of_core ();
rc = hash_passphrase (passphrase, GCRY_MD_SHA1,
3, s2ksalt,
s2k_count? s2k_count:get_standard_s2k_count(),
key, keylen);
if (!rc)
rc = gcry_cipher_setkey (hd, key, keylen);
xfree (key);
/* Set the IV/nonce. */
if (!rc)
rc = gcry_cipher_setiv (hd, iv, use_ocb? 12 : blklen);
if (use_ocb)
/* In OCB Mode we use only the public key parameters as AAD. */
rc = gcry_cipher_authenticate (hd, hashbegin, protbegin - hashbegin);
if (!rc)
rc = gcry_cipher_authenticate (hd, timestamp_exp, timestamp_exp_len);
if (!rc)
rc = gcry_cipher_authenticate
(hd, protbegin+protlen, hashlen - (protbegin+protlen - hashbegin));
/* Hash the entire expression for CBC mode. Because
* TIMESTAMP_EXP won't get protected, we can't simply hash a
* continuous buffer but need to call md_write several times. */
gcry_md_hd_t md;
rc = gcry_md_open (&md, GCRY_MD_SHA1, 0 );
if (!rc)
gcry_md_write (md, hashbegin, protbegin - hashbegin);
gcry_md_write (md, protbegin, protlen);
gcry_md_write (md, timestamp_exp, timestamp_exp_len);
gcry_md_write (md, protbegin+protlen,
hashlen - (protbegin+protlen - hashbegin));
memcpy (hashvalue, gcry_md_read (md, GCRY_MD_SHA1), 20);
gcry_md_close (md);
/* Encrypt. */
if (!rc)
p = outbuf;
*p++ = '(';
*p++ = '(';
memcpy (p, protbegin, protlen);
p += protlen;
if (use_ocb)
*p++ = ')';
*p++ = ')';
memcpy (p, ")(4:hash4:sha120:", 17);
p += 17;
memcpy (p, hashvalue, 20);
p += 20;
*p++ = ')';
*p++ = ')';
memcpy (p, iv+blklen, blklen); /* Add padding. */
p += blklen;
assert ( p - outbuf == outlen);
if (use_ocb)
gcry_cipher_final (hd);
rc = gcry_cipher_encrypt (hd, outbuf, outlen, NULL, 0);
if (!rc)
log_assert (outlen + 16 == enclen);
rc = gcry_cipher_gettag (hd, outbuf + outlen, 16);
rc = gcry_cipher_encrypt (hd, outbuf, enclen, NULL, 0);
/* Release cipher handle and check for errors. */
gcry_cipher_close (hd);
if (rc)
xfree (iv);
xfree (outbuf);
return rc;
/* Now allocate the buffer we want to return. This is
(protected openpgp-s2k3-sha1-aes-cbc
((sha1 salt no_of_iterations) 16byte_iv)
in canoncical format of course. We use asprintf and %n modifier
and dummy values as placeholders. */
char countbuf[35];
snprintf (countbuf, sizeof countbuf, "%lu",
s2k_count ? s2k_count : get_standard_s2k_count ());
p = xtryasprintf
(int)strlen (modestr), modestr,
(unsigned int)strlen (countbuf), countbuf,
use_ocb? 12 : blklen, &ivpos, use_ocb? 12 : blklen, "",
enclen, &encpos, enclen, "");
if (!p)
gpg_error_t tmperr = out_of_core ();
xfree (iv);
xfree (outbuf);
return tmperr;
*resultlen = strlen (p);
*result = (unsigned char*)p;
memcpy (p+saltpos, s2ksalt, 8);
memcpy (p+ivpos, iv, use_ocb? 12 : blklen);
memcpy (p+encpos, outbuf, enclen);
xfree (iv);
xfree (outbuf);
return 0;
/* Protect the key encoded in canonical format in PLAINKEY. We assume
a valid S-Exp here. With USE_UCB set to -1 the default scheme is
used (ie. either CBC or OCB), set to 0 the old CBC mode is used,
and set to 1 OCB is used. */
agent_protect (const unsigned char *plainkey, const char *passphrase,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen,
unsigned long s2k_count, int use_ocb)
int rc;
const char *parmlist;
int prot_from_idx, prot_to_idx;
const unsigned char *s;
const unsigned char *hash_begin, *hash_end;
const unsigned char *prot_begin, *prot_end, *real_end;
size_t n;
int c, infidx, i;
char timestamp_exp[35];
unsigned char *protected;
size_t protectedlen;
int depth = 0;
unsigned char *p;
int have_curve = 0;
if (use_ocb == -1)
/* Create an S-expression with the protected-at timestamp. */
memcpy (timestamp_exp, "(12:protected-at15:", 19);
gnupg_get_isotime (timestamp_exp+19);
timestamp_exp[19+15] = ')';
/* Parse original key. */
s = plainkey;
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (!smatch (&s, n, "private-key"))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
hash_begin = s;
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
for (infidx=0; protect_info[infidx].algo
&& !smatch (&s, n, protect_info[infidx].algo); infidx++)
if (!protect_info[infidx].algo)
/* The parser below is a complete mess: To make it robust for ECC
use we should reorder the s-expression to include only what we
really need and thus guarantee the right order for saving stuff.
This should be done before calling this function and maybe with
the help of the new gcry_sexp_extract_param. */
parmlist = protect_info[infidx].parmlist;
prot_from_idx = protect_info[infidx].prot_from;
prot_to_idx = protect_info[infidx].prot_to;
prot_begin = prot_end = NULL;
for (i=0; (c=parmlist[i]); i++)
if (i == prot_from_idx)
prot_begin = s;
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (n != 1 || c != *s)
if (n == 5 && !memcmp (s, "curve", 5)
&& !i && protect_info[infidx].ecc_hack)
/* This is a private ECC key but the first parameter is
the name of the curve. We change the parameter list
here to the one we expect in this case. */
have_curve = 1;
parmlist = "?qd";
prot_from_idx = 2;
prot_to_idx = 2;
else if (n == 5 && !memcmp (s, "flags", 5)
&& i == 1 && have_curve)
/* "curve" followed by "flags": Change again. */
parmlist = "??qd";
prot_from_idx = 3;
prot_to_idx = 3;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
s += n;
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
s +=n; /* skip value */
if (*s != ')')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (i == prot_to_idx)
prot_end = s;
if (*s != ')' || !prot_begin || !prot_end )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
hash_end = s;
/* Skip to the end of the S-expression. */
assert (depth == 1);
rc = sskip (&s, &depth);
if (rc)
return rc;
assert (!depth);
real_end = s-1;
rc = do_encryption (hash_begin, hash_end - hash_begin + 1,
prot_begin, prot_end - prot_begin + 1,
passphrase, timestamp_exp, sizeof (timestamp_exp),
&protected, &protectedlen, s2k_count, use_ocb);
if (rc)
return rc;
/* Now create the protected version of the key. Note that the 10
extra bytes are for for the inserted "protected-" string (the
beginning of the plaintext reads: "((11:private-key(" ). The 35
term is the space for (12:protected-at15:<timestamp>). */
*resultlen = (10
+ (prot_begin-plainkey)
+ protectedlen
+ 35
+ (real_end-prot_end));
*result = p = xtrymalloc (*resultlen);
if (!p)
gpg_error_t tmperr = out_of_core ();
xfree (protected);
return tmperr;
memcpy (p, "(21:protected-", 14);
p += 14;
memcpy (p, plainkey+4, prot_begin - plainkey - 4);
p += prot_begin - plainkey - 4;
memcpy (p, protected, protectedlen);
p += protectedlen;
memcpy (p, timestamp_exp, 35);
p += 35;
memcpy (p, prot_end+1, real_end - prot_end);
p += real_end - prot_end;
assert ( p - *result == *resultlen);
xfree (protected);
return 0;
/* Do the actual decryption and check the return list for consistency. */
static int
do_decryption (const unsigned char *aad_begin, size_t aad_len,
const unsigned char *aadhole_begin, size_t aadhole_len,
const unsigned char *protected, size_t protectedlen,
const char *passphrase,
const unsigned char *s2ksalt, unsigned long s2kcount,
const unsigned char *iv, size_t ivlen,
int prot_cipher, int prot_cipher_keylen, int is_ocb,
unsigned char **result)
int rc = 0;
int blklen;
gcry_cipher_hd_t hd;
unsigned char *outbuf;
size_t reallen;
blklen = gcry_cipher_get_algo_blklen (prot_cipher);
if (is_ocb)
/* OCB does not require a multiple of the block length but we
* check that it is long enough for the 128 bit tag and that we
* have the 96 bit nonce. */
if (protectedlen < (4 + 16) || ivlen != 12)
if (protectedlen < 4 || (protectedlen%blklen))
rc = gcry_cipher_open (&hd, prot_cipher,
if (rc)
return rc;
outbuf = gcry_malloc_secure (protectedlen);
if (!outbuf)
rc = out_of_core ();
/* Hash the passphrase and set the key. */
if (!rc)
unsigned char *key;
key = gcry_malloc_secure (prot_cipher_keylen);
if (!key)
rc = out_of_core ();
rc = hash_passphrase (passphrase, GCRY_MD_SHA1,
3, s2ksalt, s2kcount, key, prot_cipher_keylen);
if (!rc)
rc = gcry_cipher_setkey (hd, key, prot_cipher_keylen);
xfree (key);
/* Set the IV/nonce. */
if (!rc)
rc = gcry_cipher_setiv (hd, iv, ivlen);
/* Decrypt. */
if (!rc)
if (is_ocb)
rc = gcry_cipher_authenticate (hd, aad_begin,
aadhole_begin - aad_begin);
if (!rc)
rc = gcry_cipher_authenticate
(hd, aadhole_begin + aadhole_len,
aad_len - (aadhole_begin+aadhole_len - aad_begin));
if (!rc)
gcry_cipher_final (hd);
rc = gcry_cipher_decrypt (hd, outbuf, protectedlen - 16,
protected, protectedlen - 16);
if (!rc)
rc = gcry_cipher_checktag (hd, protected + protectedlen - 16, 16);
rc = gcry_cipher_decrypt (hd, outbuf, protectedlen,
protected, protectedlen);
/* Release cipher handle and check for errors. */
gcry_cipher_close (hd);
if (rc)
xfree (outbuf);
return rc;
/* Do a quick check on the data structure. */
if (*outbuf != '(' && outbuf[1] != '(')
/* Note that in OCB mode this is actually invalid _encrypted_
* data and not a bad passphrase. */
xfree (outbuf);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE);
/* Check that we have a consistent S-Exp. */
reallen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (outbuf, protectedlen, NULL, NULL);
if (!reallen || (reallen + blklen < protectedlen) )
xfree (outbuf);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE);
*result = outbuf;
return 0;
/* Merge the parameter list contained in CLEARTEXT with the original
* protect lists PROTECTEDKEY by replacing the list at REPLACEPOS.
* Return the new list in RESULT and the MIC value in the 20 byte
* buffer SHA1HASH; if SHA1HASH is NULL no MIC will be computed.
* CUTOFF and CUTLEN will receive the offset and the length of the
* resulting list which should go into the MIC calculation but then be
* removed. */
static int
merge_lists (const unsigned char *protectedkey,
size_t replacepos,
const unsigned char *cleartext,
unsigned char *sha1hash,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen,
size_t *cutoff, size_t *cutlen)
size_t n, newlistlen;
unsigned char *newlist, *p;
const unsigned char *s;
const unsigned char *startpos, *endpos;
int i, rc;
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
*cutoff = 0;
*cutlen = 0;
if (replacepos < 26)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
/* Estimate the required size of the resulting list. We have a large
safety margin of >20 bytes (FIXME: MIC hash from CLEARTEXT and the
removed "protected-" */
newlistlen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (protectedkey, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!newlistlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
n = gcry_sexp_canon_len (cleartext, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
newlistlen += n;
newlist = gcry_malloc_secure (newlistlen);
if (!newlist)
return out_of_core ();
/* Copy the initial segment */
strcpy ((char*)newlist, "(11:private-key");
p = newlist + 15;
memcpy (p, protectedkey+15+10, replacepos-15-10);
p += replacepos-15-10;
/* Copy the cleartext. */
s = cleartext;
if (*s != '(' && s[1] != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG); /*we already checked this */
s += 2;
startpos = s;
while ( *s == '(' )
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
goto invalid_sexp;
s += n;
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
goto invalid_sexp;
s += n;
if ( *s != ')' )
goto invalid_sexp;
if ( *s != ')' )
goto invalid_sexp;
endpos = s;
/* Intermezzo: Get the MIC if requested. */
if (sha1hash)
if (*s != '(')
goto invalid_sexp;
n = snext (&s);
if (!smatch (&s, n, "hash"))
goto invalid_sexp;
n = snext (&s);
if (!smatch (&s, n, "sha1"))
goto invalid_sexp;
n = snext (&s);
if (n != 20)
goto invalid_sexp;
memcpy (sha1hash, s, 20);
s += n;
if (*s != ')')
goto invalid_sexp;
/* Append the parameter list. */
memcpy (p, startpos, endpos - startpos);
p += endpos - startpos;
/* Skip over the protected list element in the original list. */
s = protectedkey + replacepos;
assert (*s == '(');
i = 1;
rc = sskip (&s, &i);
if (rc)
goto failure;
/* Record the position of the optional protected-at expression. */
if (*s == '(')
const unsigned char *save_s = s;
n = snext (&s);
if (smatch (&s, n, "protected-at"))
i = 1;
rc = sskip (&s, &i);
if (rc)
goto failure;
*cutlen = s - save_s;
s = save_s;
startpos = s;
i = 2; /* we are inside this level */
rc = sskip (&s, &i);
if (rc)
goto failure;
assert (s[-1] == ')');
endpos = s; /* one behind the end of the list */
/* Append the rest. */
if (*cutlen)
*cutoff = p - newlist;
memcpy (p, startpos, endpos - startpos);
p += endpos - startpos;
/* ready */
*result = newlist;
*resultlen = newlistlen;
return 0;
wipememory (newlist, newlistlen);
xfree (newlist);
return rc;
wipememory (newlist, newlistlen);
xfree (newlist);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
/* Unprotect the key encoded in canonical format. We assume a valid
S-Exp here. If a protected-at item is available, its value will
be stored at protected_at unless this is NULL. */
agent_unprotect (ctrl_t ctrl,
const unsigned char *protectedkey, const char *passphrase,
gnupg_isotime_t protected_at,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen)
static struct {
const char *name; /* Name of the protection method. */
int algo; /* (A zero indicates the "openpgp-native" hack.) */
int keylen; /* Used key length in bytes. */
unsigned int is_ocb:1;
} algotable[] = {
{ "openpgp-s2k3-sha1-aes-cbc", GCRY_CIPHER_AES128, (128/8)},
{ "openpgp-s2k3-sha1-aes256-cbc", GCRY_CIPHER_AES256, (256/8)},
{ "openpgp-s2k3-ocb-aes", GCRY_CIPHER_AES128, (128/8), 1},
{ "openpgp-native", 0, 0 }
int rc;
const unsigned char *s;
const unsigned char *protect_list;
size_t n;
int infidx, i;
unsigned char sha1hash[20], sha1hash2[20];
const unsigned char *s2ksalt;
unsigned long s2kcount;
const unsigned char *iv;
int prot_cipher, prot_cipher_keylen;
int is_ocb;
const unsigned char *aad_begin, *aad_end, *aadhole_begin, *aadhole_end;
const unsigned char *prot_begin;
unsigned char *cleartext;
unsigned char *final;
size_t finallen;
size_t cutoff, cutlen;
if (protected_at)
*protected_at = 0;
s = protectedkey;
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (!smatch (&s, n, "protected-private-key"))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
aad_begin = aad_end = s;
i = 1;
rc = sskip (&aad_end, &i);
if (rc)
return rc;
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
for (infidx=0; protect_info[infidx].algo
&& !smatch (&s, n, protect_info[infidx].algo); infidx++)
if (!protect_info[infidx].algo)
/* See wether we have a protected-at timestamp. */
protect_list = s; /* Save for later. */
if (protected_at)
while (*s == '(')
prot_begin = s;
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (smatch (&s, n, "protected-at"))
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (n != 15)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
memcpy (protected_at, s, 15);
protected_at[15] = 0;
s += n;
i = 1;
rc = sskip (&s, &i);
if (rc)
return rc;
/* Now find the list with the protected information. Here is an
example for such a list:
(protected openpgp-s2k3-sha1-aes-cbc
((sha1 <salt> <count>) <Initialization_Vector>)
s = protect_list;
for (;;)
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
prot_begin = s;
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (smatch (&s, n, "protected"))
s += n;
i = 1;
rc = sskip (&s, &i);
if (rc)
return rc;
/* found */
aadhole_begin = aadhole_end = prot_begin;
i = 1;
rc = sskip (&aadhole_end, &i);
if (rc)
return rc;
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
/* Lookup the protection algo. */
prot_cipher = 0; /* (avoid gcc warning) */
prot_cipher_keylen = 0; /* (avoid gcc warning) */
is_ocb = 0;
for (i=0; i < DIM (algotable); i++)
if (smatch (&s, n, algotable[i].name))
prot_cipher = algotable[i].algo;
prot_cipher_keylen = algotable[i].keylen;
is_ocb = algotable[i].is_ocb;
if (i == DIM (algotable))
if (!prot_cipher) /* This is "openpgp-native". */
gcry_sexp_t s_prot_begin;
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_prot_begin, NULL,
gcry_sexp_canon_len (prot_begin, 0,NULL,NULL));
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = convert_from_openpgp_native (ctrl, s_prot_begin, passphrase, &final);
gcry_sexp_release (s_prot_begin);
if (!rc)
*result = final;
*resultlen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (final, 0, NULL, NULL);
return rc;
if (*s != '(' || s[1] != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
s += 2;
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (!smatch (&s, n, "sha1"))
n = snext (&s);
if (n != 8)
s2ksalt = s;
s += n;
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
/* We expect a list close as next, so we can simply use strtoul()
here. We might want to check that we only have digits - but this
is nothing we should worry about */
if (s[n] != ')' )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
/* Old versions of gpg-agent used the funny floating point number in
a byte encoding as specified by OpenPGP. However this is not
needed and thus we now store it as a plain unsigned integer. We
can easily distinguish the old format by looking at its value:
Less than 256 is an old-style encoded number; other values are
plain integers. In any case we check that they are at least
65536 because we never used a lower value in the past and we
should have a lower limit. */
s2kcount = strtoul ((const char*)s, NULL, 10);
if (!s2kcount)
if (s2kcount < 256)
s2kcount = (16ul + (s2kcount & 15)) << ((s2kcount >> 4) + 6);
if (s2kcount < 65536)
s += n;
s++; /* skip list end */
n = snext (&s);
if (is_ocb)
if (n != 12) /* Wrong size of the nonce. */
if (n != 16) /* Wrong blocksize for IV (we support only 128 bit). */
iv = s;
s += n;
if (*s != ')' )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
cleartext = NULL; /* Avoid cc warning. */
rc = do_decryption (aad_begin, aad_end - aad_begin,
aadhole_begin, aadhole_end - aadhole_begin,
s, n,
passphrase, s2ksalt, s2kcount,
iv, is_ocb? 12:16,
prot_cipher, prot_cipher_keylen, is_ocb,
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = merge_lists (protectedkey, prot_begin-protectedkey, cleartext,
is_ocb? NULL : sha1hash,
&final, &finallen, &cutoff, &cutlen);
/* Albeit cleartext has been allocated in secure memory and thus
xfree will wipe it out, we do an extra wipe just in case
somethings goes badly wrong. */
wipememory (cleartext, n);
xfree (cleartext);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (!is_ocb)
rc = calculate_mic (final, sha1hash2);
if (!rc && memcmp (sha1hash, sha1hash2, 20))
if (rc)
wipememory (final, finallen);
xfree (final);
return rc;
/* Now remove the part which is included in the MIC but should not
go into the final thing. */
if (cutlen)
memmove (final+cutoff, final+cutoff+cutlen, finallen-cutoff-cutlen);
finallen -= cutlen;
*result = final;
*resultlen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (final, 0, NULL, NULL);
return 0;
/* Check the type of the private key, this is one of the constants:
PRIVATE_KEY_UNKNOWN if we can't figure out the type (this is the
value 0), PRIVATE_KEY_CLEAR for an unprotected private key.
PRIVATE_KEY_PROTECTED for an protected private key or
PRIVATE_KEY_SHADOWED for a sub key where the secret parts are
stored elsewhere. Finally PRIVATE_KEY_OPENPGP_NONE may be returned
is the key is still in the openpgp-native format but without
protection. */
agent_private_key_type (const unsigned char *privatekey)
const unsigned char *s;
size_t n;
int i;
s = privatekey;
if (*s != '(')
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
if (smatch (&s, n, "protected-private-key"))
/* We need to check whether this is openpgp-native protected
with the protection method "none". In that case we return a
different key type so that the caller knows that there is no
need to ask for a passphrase. */
if (*s != '(')
return PRIVATE_KEY_PROTECTED; /* Unknown sexp - assume protected. */
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return PRIVATE_KEY_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid sexp. */
s += n; /* Skip over the algo */
/* Find the (protected ...) list. */
for (;;)
if (*s != '(')
return PRIVATE_KEY_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid sexp. */
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return PRIVATE_KEY_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid sexp. */
if (smatch (&s, n, "protected"))
s += n;
i = 1;
if (sskip (&s, &i))
return PRIVATE_KEY_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid sexp. */
/* Found - Is this openpgp-native? */
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return PRIVATE_KEY_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid sexp. */
if (smatch (&s, n, "openpgp-native")) /* Yes. */
if (*s != '(')
return PRIVATE_KEY_UNKNOWN; /* Unknown sexp. */
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return PRIVATE_KEY_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid sexp. */
s += n; /* Skip over "openpgp-private-key". */
/* Find the (protection ...) list. */
for (;;)
if (*s != '(')
return PRIVATE_KEY_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid sexp. */
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return PRIVATE_KEY_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid sexp. */
if (smatch (&s, n, "protection"))
s += n;
i = 1;
if (sskip (&s, &i))
return PRIVATE_KEY_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid sexp. */
/* Found - Is the mode "none"? */
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return PRIVATE_KEY_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid sexp. */
if (smatch (&s, n, "none"))
if (smatch (&s, n, "shadowed-private-key"))
if (smatch (&s, n, "private-key"))
/* Transform a passphrase into a suitable key of length KEYLEN and
store this key in the caller provided buffer KEY. The caller must
provide an HASHALGO, a valid S2KMODE (see rfc-2440) and depending on
that mode an S2KSALT of 8 random bytes and an S2KCOUNT.
Returns an error code on failure. */
static int
hash_passphrase (const char *passphrase, int hashalgo,
int s2kmode,
const unsigned char *s2ksalt,
unsigned long s2kcount,
unsigned char *key, size_t keylen)
/* The key derive function does not support a zero length string for
the passphrase in the S2K modes. Return a better suited error
code than GPG_ERR_INV_DATA. */
if (!passphrase || !*passphrase)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PASSPHRASE);
return gcry_kdf_derive (passphrase, strlen (passphrase),
s2kmode == 3? GCRY_KDF_ITERSALTED_S2K :
s2kmode == 1? GCRY_KDF_SALTED_S2K :
hashalgo, s2ksalt, 8, s2kcount,
keylen, key);
s2k_hash_passphrase (const char *passphrase, int hashalgo,
int s2kmode,
const unsigned char *s2ksalt,
unsigned int s2kcount,
unsigned char *key, size_t keylen)
return hash_passphrase (passphrase, hashalgo, s2kmode, s2ksalt,
S2K_DECODE_COUNT (s2kcount),
key, keylen);
/* Create an canonical encoded S-expression with the shadow info from
a card's SERIALNO and the IDSTRING. */
unsigned char *
make_shadow_info (const char *serialno, const char *idstring)
const char *s;
char *info, *p;
char numbuf[20];
size_t n;
for (s=serialno, n=0; *s && s[1]; s += 2)
info = p = xtrymalloc (1 + sizeof numbuf + n
+ sizeof numbuf + strlen (idstring) + 1 + 1);
if (!info)
return NULL;
*p++ = '(';
p = stpcpy (p, smklen (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, n, NULL));
for (s=serialno; *s && s[1]; s += 2)
*(unsigned char *)p++ = xtoi_2 (s);
p = stpcpy (p, smklen (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, strlen (idstring), NULL));
p = stpcpy (p, idstring);
*p++ = ')';
*p = 0;
return (unsigned char *)info;
/* Create a shadow key from a public key. We use the shadow protocol
"ti-v1" and insert the S-expressionn SHADOW_INFO. The resulting
S-expression is returned in an allocated buffer RESULT will point
to. The input parameters are expected to be valid canonicalized
S-expressions */
agent_shadow_key (const unsigned char *pubkey,
const unsigned char *shadow_info,
unsigned char **result)
const unsigned char *s;
const unsigned char *point;
size_t n;
int depth = 0;
char *p;
size_t pubkey_len = gcry_sexp_canon_len (pubkey, 0, NULL,NULL);
size_t shadow_info_len = gcry_sexp_canon_len (shadow_info, 0, NULL,NULL);
if (!pubkey_len || !shadow_info_len)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
s = pubkey;
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (!smatch (&s, n, "public-key"))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
s += n; /* skip over the algorithm name */
while (*s != ')')
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
s += n;
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
s +=n; /* skip value */
if (*s != ')')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
point = s; /* insert right before the point */
assert (depth == 1);
/* Calculate required length by taking in account: the "shadowed-"
prefix, the "shadowed", "t1-v1" as well as some parenthesis */
n = 12 + pubkey_len + 1 + 3+8 + 2+5 + shadow_info_len + 1;
*result = xtrymalloc (n);
p = (char*)*result;
if (!p)
return out_of_core ();
p = stpcpy (p, "(20:shadowed-private-key");
/* (10:public-key ...)*/
memcpy (p, pubkey+14, point - (pubkey+14));
p += point - (pubkey+14);
p = stpcpy (p, "(8:shadowed5:t1-v1");
memcpy (p, shadow_info, shadow_info_len);
p += shadow_info_len;
*p++ = ')';
memcpy (p, point, pubkey_len - (point - pubkey));
p += pubkey_len - (point - pubkey);
return 0;
/* Parse a canonical encoded shadowed key and return a pointer to the
inner list with the shadow_info */
agent_get_shadow_info (const unsigned char *shadowkey,
unsigned char const **shadow_info)
const unsigned char *s;
size_t n;
int depth = 0;
s = shadowkey;
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (!smatch (&s, n, "shadowed-private-key"))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
s += n; /* skip over the algorithm name */
for (;;)
if (*s == ')')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (smatch (&s, n, "shadowed"))
s += n;
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
s +=n; /* skip value */
if (*s != ')')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
/* Found the shadowed list, S points to the protocol */
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (smatch (&s, n, "t1-v1"))
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
*shadow_info = s;
return 0;
/* Parse the canonical encoded SHADOW_INFO S-expression. On success
the hex encoded serial number is returned as a malloced strings at
R_HEXSN and the Id string as a malloced string at R_IDSTR. On
error an error code is returned and NULL is stored at the result
parameters addresses. If the serial number or the ID string is not
required, NULL may be passed for them. */
parse_shadow_info (const unsigned char *shadow_info,
char **r_hexsn, char **r_idstr, int *r_pinlen)
const unsigned char *s;
size_t n;
if (r_hexsn)
*r_hexsn = NULL;
if (r_idstr)
*r_idstr = NULL;
if (r_pinlen)
*r_pinlen = 0;
s = shadow_info;
if (*s != '(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (r_hexsn)
*r_hexsn = bin2hex (s, n, NULL);
if (!*r_hexsn)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
s += n;
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
if (r_hexsn)
xfree (*r_hexsn);
*r_hexsn = NULL;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (r_idstr)
*r_idstr = xtrymalloc (n+1);
if (!*r_idstr)
if (r_hexsn)
xfree (*r_hexsn);
*r_hexsn = NULL;
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (*r_idstr, s, n);
(*r_idstr)[n] = 0;
/* Parse the optional PINLEN. */
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return 0;
if (r_pinlen)
char *tmpstr = xtrymalloc (n+1);
if (!tmpstr)
if (r_hexsn)
xfree (*r_hexsn);
*r_hexsn = NULL;
if (r_idstr)
xfree (*r_idstr);
*r_idstr = NULL;
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (tmpstr, s, n);
tmpstr[n] = 0;
*r_pinlen = (int)strtol (tmpstr, NULL, 10);
xfree (tmpstr);
return 0;
diff --git a/agent/t-protect.c b/agent/t-protect.c
index 431eccf49..1d3c8ec17 100644
--- a/agent/t-protect.c
+++ b/agent/t-protect.c
@@ -1,350 +1,350 @@
/* t-protect.c - Module tests for protect.c
* Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "agent.h"
#define pass() do { ; } while(0)
#define fail() do { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: test failed\n",\
__FILE__,__LINE__); \
exit (1); \
} while(0)
static void
test_agent_protect (void)
/* Protect the key encoded in canonical format in PLAINKEY. We assume
a valid S-Exp here. */
unsigned int i;
int ret;
struct key_spec
const char *string;
/* Valid RSA key. */
struct key_spec key_rsa_valid =
/* This RSA key is missing the last closing brace. */
struct key_spec key_rsa_bogus_0 =
/* This RSA key is the 'e' value. */
struct key_spec key_rsa_bogus_1 =
struct key_spec key_ecdsa_valid =
const char *key;
const char *passphrase;
int no_result_expected;
int compare_results;
unsigned char *result_expected;
size_t resultlen_expected;
int ret_expected;
unsigned char *result;
size_t resultlen;
} specs[] =
/* Invalid S-Expressions */
/* - non-NULL */
{ "",
"passphrase", 1, 0, NULL, 0, GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP, NULL, 0 },
/* - NULL; disabled, this segfaults */
//{ NULL,
// "passphrase", 1, NULL, 0, GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP, NULL, 0 },
/* Valid and invalid keys. */
{ key_rsa_valid.string,
"passphrase", 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0 },
{ key_rsa_bogus_0.string,
"passphrase", 0, 0, NULL, 0, GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP, NULL, 0 },
{ key_rsa_bogus_1.string,
"passphrase", 0, 0, NULL, 0, GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP, NULL, 0 },
{ key_ecdsa_valid.string,
"passphrase", 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0 },
/* FIXME: add more test data. */
for (i = 0; i < DIM (specs); i++)
ret = agent_protect ((const unsigned char*)specs[i].key,
&specs[i].result, &specs[i].resultlen, 0, -1);
if (gpg_err_code (ret) != specs[i].ret_expected)
printf ("agent_protect(%d) returned '%i/%s'; expected '%i/%s'\n",
i, ret, gpg_strerror (ret),
specs[i].ret_expected, gpg_strerror (specs[i].ret_expected));
abort ();
if (specs[i].no_result_expected)
assert (! specs[i].result);
assert (! specs[i].resultlen);
if (specs[i].compare_results)
assert (specs[i].resultlen == specs[i].resultlen_expected);
if (specs[i].result_expected)
assert (! memcmp (specs[i].result, specs[i].result_expected,
assert (! specs[i].result);
xfree (specs[i].result);
static void
test_agent_unprotect (void)
/* Unprotect the key encoded in canonical format. We assume a valid
S-Exp here. */
/* int */
/* agent_unprotect (const unsigned char *protectedkey, const char *passphrase, */
/* unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen) */
static void
test_agent_private_key_type (void)
/* Check the type of the private key, this is one of the constants:
PRIVATE_KEY_UNKNOWN if we can't figure out the type (this is the
value 0), PRIVATE_KEY_CLEAR for an unprotected private key.
PRIVATE_KEY_PROTECTED for an protected private key or
PRIVATE_KEY_SHADOWED for a sub key where the secret parts are stored
elsewhere. */
/* int */
/* agent_private_key_type (const unsigned char *privatekey) */
static void
test_make_shadow_info (void)
#if 0
static struct
const char *snstr;
const char *idstr;
const char *expected;
} data[] = {
{ "", "", NULL },
int i;
unsigned char *result;
for (i=0; i < DIM(data); i++)
result = make_shadow_info (data[i].snstr, data[i].idstr);
if (!result && !data[i].expected)
pass ();
else if (!result && data[i].expected)
fail ();
else if (!data[i].expected)
fail ();
/* fixme: Need to compare the result but also need to check
proper S-expression syntax. */
static void
test_agent_shadow_key (void)
/* Create a shadow key from a public key. We use the shadow protocol
"ti-v1" and insert the S-expressionn SHADOW_INFO. The resulting
S-expression is returned in an allocated buffer RESULT will point
to. The input parameters are expected to be valid canonicalized
S-expressions */
/* int */
/* agent_shadow_key (const unsigned char *pubkey, */
/* const unsigned char *shadow_info, */
/* unsigned char **result) */
static void
test_agent_get_shadow_info (void)
/* Parse a canonical encoded shadowed key and return a pointer to the
inner list with the shadow_info */
/* int */
/* agent_get_shadow_info (const unsigned char *shadowkey, */
/* unsigned char const **shadow_info) */
static void
test_agent_protect_shared_secret (void)
main (int argc, char **argv)
test_agent_protect ();
test_agent_unprotect ();
test_agent_private_key_type ();
test_make_shadow_info ();
test_agent_shadow_key ();
test_agent_get_shadow_info ();
test_agent_protect_shared_secret ();
return 0;
/* Stub function. */
convert_from_openpgp_native (gcry_sexp_t s_pgp, const char *passphrase,
unsigned char **r_key)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
diff --git a/agent/trans.c b/agent/trans.c
index 9e48889d3..ff1a34e68 100644
--- a/agent/trans.c
+++ b/agent/trans.c
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
/* trans.c - translatable strings
* Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* To avoid any problems with the gettext implementation (there used
to be some vulnerabilities in the last years and the use of
external files is a minor security problem in itself), we use our
own simple translation stuff */
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "agent.h"
const char *
trans (const char *text)
return text;
diff --git a/agent/trustlist.c b/agent/trustlist.c
index b8df3fdde..9d3325964 100644
--- a/agent/trustlist.c
+++ b/agent/trustlist.c
@@ -1,825 +1,825 @@
/* trustlist.c - Maintain the list of trusted keys
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009,
* 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <npth.h>
#include "agent.h"
#include <assuan.h> /* fixme: need a way to avoid assuan calls here */
#include "i18n.h"
/* A structure to store the information from the trust file. */
struct trustitem_s
int disabled:1; /* This entry is disabled. */
int for_pgp:1; /* Set by '*' or 'P' as first flag. */
int for_smime:1; /* Set by '*' or 'S' as first flag. */
int relax:1; /* Relax checking of root certificate
constraints. */
int cm:1; /* Use chain model for validation. */
} flags;
unsigned char fpr[20]; /* The binary fingerprint. */
typedef struct trustitem_s trustitem_t;
/* Malloced table and its allocated size with all trust items. */
static trustitem_t *trusttable;
static size_t trusttablesize;
/* A mutex used to protect the table. */
static npth_mutex_t trusttable_lock;
static const char headerblurb[] =
"# This is the list of trusted keys. Comment lines, like this one, as\n"
"# well as empty lines are ignored. Lines have a length limit but this\n"
"# is not a serious limitation as the format of the entries is fixed and\n"
"# checked by gpg-agent. A non-comment line starts with optional white\n"
"# space, followed by the SHA-1 fingerpint in hex, followed by a flag\n"
"# which may be one of 'P', 'S' or '*' and optionally followed by a list of\n"
"# other flags. The fingerprint may be prefixed with a '!' to mark the\n"
"# key as not trusted. You should give the gpg-agent a HUP or run the\n"
"# command \"gpgconf --reload gpg-agent\" after changing this file.\n"
"# Include the default trust list\n"
/* This function must be called once to initialize this module. This
has to be done before a second thread is spawned. We can't do the
static initialization because Pth emulation code might not be able
to do a static init; in particular, it is not possible for W32. */
initialize_module_trustlist (void)
static int initialized;
int err;
if (!initialized)
err = npth_mutex_init (&trusttable_lock, NULL);
if (err)
log_fatal ("failed to init mutex in %s: %s\n", __FILE__,strerror (err));
initialized = 1;
static void
lock_trusttable (void)
int err;
err = npth_mutex_lock (&trusttable_lock);
if (err)
log_fatal ("failed to acquire mutex in %s: %s\n", __FILE__, strerror (err));
static void
unlock_trusttable (void)
int err;
err = npth_mutex_unlock (&trusttable_lock);
if (err)
log_fatal ("failed to release mutex in %s: %s\n", __FILE__, strerror (err));
/* Clear the trusttable. The caller needs to make sure that the
trusttable is locked. */
static inline void
clear_trusttable (void)
xfree (trusttable);
trusttable = NULL;
trusttablesize = 0;
static gpg_error_t
read_one_trustfile (const char *fname, int allow_include,
trustitem_t **addr_of_table,
size_t *addr_of_tablesize,
int *addr_of_tableidx)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
estream_t fp;
int n, c;
char *p, line[256];
trustitem_t *table, *ti;
int tableidx;
size_t tablesize;
int lnr = 0;
table = *addr_of_table;
tablesize = *addr_of_tablesize;
tableidx = *addr_of_tableidx;
fp = es_fopen (fname, "r");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error opening '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
while (es_fgets (line, DIM(line)-1, fp))
n = strlen (line);
if (!n || line[n-1] != '\n')
/* Eat until end of line. */
while ( (c=es_getc (fp)) != EOF && c != '\n')
err = gpg_error (*line? GPG_ERR_LINE_TOO_LONG
log_error (_("file '%s', line %d: %s\n"),
fname, lnr, gpg_strerror (err));
line[--n] = 0; /* Chop the LF. */
if (n && line[n-1] == '\r')
line[--n] = 0; /* Chop an optional CR. */
/* Allow for empty lines and spaces */
for (p=line; spacep (p); p++)
if (!*p || *p == '#')
if (!strncmp (p, "include-default", 15)
&& (!p[15] || spacep (p+15)))
char *etcname;
gpg_error_t err2;
if (!allow_include)
log_error (_("statement \"%s\" ignored in '%s', line %d\n"),
"include-default", fname, lnr);
/* fixme: Should check for trailing garbage. */
etcname = make_filename (gnupg_sysconfdir (), "trustlist.txt", NULL);
if ( !strcmp (etcname, fname) ) /* Same file. */
log_info (_("statement \"%s\" ignored in '%s', line %d\n"),
"include-default", fname, lnr);
else if ( access (etcname, F_OK) && errno == ENOENT )
/* A non existent system trustlist is not an error.
Just print a note. */
log_info (_("system trustlist '%s' not available\n"), etcname);
err2 = read_one_trustfile (etcname, 0,
&table, &tablesize, &tableidx);
if (err2)
err = err2;
xfree (etcname);
if (tableidx == tablesize) /* Need more space. */
trustitem_t *tmp;
size_t tmplen;
tmplen = tablesize + 20;
tmp = xtryrealloc (table, tmplen * sizeof *table);
if (!tmp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
table = tmp;
tablesize = tmplen;
ti = table + tableidx;
memset (&ti->flags, 0, sizeof ti->flags);
if (*p == '!')
ti->flags.disabled = 1;
while (spacep (p))
n = hexcolon2bin (p, ti->fpr, 20);
if (n < 0)
log_error (_("bad fingerprint in '%s', line %d\n"), fname, lnr);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_DATA);
p += n;
for (; spacep (p); p++)
/* Process the first flag which needs to be the first for
backward compatibility. */
if (!*p || *p == '*' )
ti->flags.for_smime = 1;
ti->flags.for_pgp = 1;
else if ( *p == 'P' || *p == 'p')
ti->flags.for_pgp = 1;
else if ( *p == 'S' || *p == 's')
ti->flags.for_smime = 1;
log_error (_("invalid keyflag in '%s', line %d\n"), fname, lnr);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_DATA);
if ( *p && !spacep (p) )
log_error (_("invalid keyflag in '%s', line %d\n"), fname, lnr);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_DATA);
/* Now check for more key-value pairs of the form NAME[=VALUE]. */
while (*p)
for (; spacep (p); p++)
if (!*p)
n = strcspn (p, "= \t");
if (p[n] == '=')
log_error ("assigning a value to a flag is not yet supported; "
"in '%s', line %d\n", fname, lnr);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_DATA);
else if (n == 5 && !memcmp (p, "relax", 5))
ti->flags.relax = 1;
else if (n == 2 && !memcmp (p, "cm", 2))
ti-> = 1;
log_error ("flag '%.*s' in '%s', line %d ignored\n",
n, p, fname, lnr);
p += n;
if ( !err && !es_feof (fp) )
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error reading '%s', line %d: %s\n"),
fname, lnr, gpg_strerror (err));
es_fclose (fp);
*addr_of_table = table;
*addr_of_tablesize = tablesize;
*addr_of_tableidx = tableidx;
return err;
/* Read the trust files and update the global table on success. The
trusttable is assumed to be locked. */
static gpg_error_t
read_trustfiles (void)
gpg_error_t err;
trustitem_t *table, *ti;
int tableidx;
size_t tablesize;
char *fname;
int allow_include = 1;
tablesize = 20;
table = xtrycalloc (tablesize, sizeof *table);
if (!table)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
tableidx = 0;
fname = make_filename_try (gnupg_homedir (), "trustlist.txt", NULL);
if (!fname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (table);
return err;
if ( access (fname, F_OK) )
if ( errno == ENOENT )
; /* Silently ignore a non-existing trustfile. */
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error opening '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (fname);
fname = make_filename (gnupg_sysconfdir (), "trustlist.txt", NULL);
allow_include = 0;
err = read_one_trustfile (fname, allow_include,
&table, &tablesize, &tableidx);
xfree (fname);
if (err)
xfree (table);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_ENOENT)
/* Take a missing trustlist as an empty one. */
clear_trusttable ();
err = 0;
return err;
/* Fixme: we should drop duplicates and sort the table. */
ti = xtryrealloc (table, (tableidx?tableidx:1) * sizeof *table);
if (!ti)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (table);
return err;
/* Replace the trusttable. */
xfree (trusttable);
trusttable = ti;
trusttablesize = tableidx;
return 0;
/* Check whether the given fpr is in our trustdb. We expect FPR to be
an all uppercase hexstring of 40 characters. If ALREADY_LOCKED is
true the function assumes that the trusttable is already locked. */
static gpg_error_t
istrusted_internal (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fpr, int *r_disabled,
int already_locked)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int locked = already_locked;
trustitem_t *ti;
size_t len;
unsigned char fprbin[20];
if (r_disabled)
*r_disabled = 0;
if ( hexcolon2bin (fpr, fprbin, 20) < 0 )
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
goto leave;
if (!already_locked)
lock_trusttable ();
locked = 1;
if (!trusttable)
err = read_trustfiles ();
if (err)
log_error (_("error reading list of trusted root certificates\n"));
goto leave;
if (trusttable)
for (ti=trusttable, len = trusttablesize; len; ti++, len--)
if (!memcmp (ti->fpr, fprbin, 20))
if (ti->flags.disabled && r_disabled)
*r_disabled = 1;
/* Print status messages only if we have not been called
in a locked state. */
if (already_locked)
else if (ti->flags.relax)
unlock_trusttable ();
locked = 0;
err = agent_write_status (ctrl, "TRUSTLISTFLAG", "relax", NULL);
else if (ti->
unlock_trusttable ();
locked = 0;
err = agent_write_status (ctrl, "TRUSTLISTFLAG", "cm", NULL);
if (!err)
err = ti->flags.disabled? gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED) : 0;
goto leave;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED);
if (locked && !already_locked)
unlock_trusttable ();
return err;
/* Check whether the given fpr is in our trustdb. We expect FPR to be
an all uppercase hexstring of 40 characters. */
agent_istrusted (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fpr, int *r_disabled)
return istrusted_internal (ctrl, fpr, r_disabled, 0);
/* Write all trust entries to FP. */
agent_listtrusted (void *assuan_context)
trustitem_t *ti;
char key[51];
gpg_error_t err;
size_t len;
lock_trusttable ();
if (!trusttable)
err = read_trustfiles ();
if (err)
unlock_trusttable ();
log_error (_("error reading list of trusted root certificates\n"));
return err;
if (trusttable)
for (ti=trusttable, len = trusttablesize; len; ti++, len--)
if (ti->flags.disabled)
bin2hex (ti->fpr, 20, key);
key[40] = ' ';
key[41] = ((ti->flags.for_smime && ti->flags.for_pgp)? '*'
: ti->flags.for_smime? 'S': ti->flags.for_pgp? 'P':' ');
key[42] = '\n';
assuan_send_data (assuan_context, key, 43);
assuan_send_data (assuan_context, NULL, 0); /* flush */
unlock_trusttable ();
return 0;
/* Create a copy of string with colons inserted after each two bytes.
Caller needs to release the string. In case of a memory failure,
NULL is returned. */
static char *
insert_colons (const char *string)
char *buffer, *p;
size_t n = strlen (string);
size_t nnew = n + (n+1)/2;
p = buffer = xtrymalloc ( nnew + 1 );
if (!buffer)
return NULL;
while (*string)
*p++ = *string++;
if (*string)
*p++ = *string++;
if (*string)
*p++ = ':';
*p = 0;
assert (strlen (buffer) <= nnew);
return buffer;
/* To pretty print DNs in the Pinentry, we replace slashes by
REPLSTRING. The caller needs to free the returned string. NULL is
returned on error with ERRNO set. */
static char *
reformat_name (const char *name, const char *replstring)
const char *s;
char *newname;
char *d;
size_t count;
size_t replstringlen = strlen (replstring);
/* If the name does not start with a slash it is not a preformatted
DN and thus we don't bother to reformat it. */
if (*name != '/')
return xtrystrdup (name);
/* Count the names. Note that a slash contained in a DN part is
expected to be C style escaped and thus the slashes we see here
are the actual part delimiters. */
for (s=name+1, count=0; *s; s++)
if (*s == '/')
newname = xtrymalloc (strlen (name) + count*replstringlen + 1);
if (!newname)
return NULL;
for (s=name+1, d=newname; *s; s++)
if (*s == '/')
d = stpcpy (d, replstring);
*d++ = *s;
*d = 0;
return newname;
/* Insert the given fpr into our trustdb. We expect FPR to be an all
uppercase hexstring of 40 characters. FLAG is either 'P' or 'C'.
This function does first check whether that key has already been
put into the trustdb and returns success in this case. Before a
FPR actually gets inserted, the user is asked by means of the
Pinentry whether this is actual what he wants to do. */
agent_marktrusted (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, const char *fpr, int flag)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
char *desc;
char *fname;
estream_t fp;
char *fprformatted;
char *nameformatted;
int is_disabled;
int yes_i_trust;
/* Check whether we are at all allowed to modify the trustlist.
This is useful so that the trustlist may be a symlink to a global
trustlist with only admin priviliges to modify it. Of course
this is not a secure way of denying access, but it avoids the
usual clicking on an Okay button most users are used to. */
fname = make_filename_try (gnupg_homedir (), "trustlist.txt", NULL);
if (!fname)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if ( access (fname, W_OK) && errno != ENOENT)
xfree (fname);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EPERM);
xfree (fname);
if (!agent_istrusted (ctrl, fpr, &is_disabled))
return 0; /* We already got this fingerprint. Silently return
success. */
/* This feature must explicitly been enabled. */
if (!opt.allow_mark_trusted)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
if (is_disabled)
/* There is an disabled entry in the trustlist. Return an error
so that the user won't be asked again for that one. Changing
this flag with the integrated marktrusted feature is and will
not be made possible. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED);
/* Insert a new one. */
nameformatted = reformat_name (name, "%0A ");
if (!nameformatted)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* First a general question whether this is trusted. */
desc = xtryasprintf (
/* TRANSLATORS: This prompt is shown by the Pinentry
and has one special property: A "%%0A" is used by
Pinentry to insert a line break. The double
percent sign is actually needed because it is also
a printf format string. If you need to insert a
plain % sign, you need to encode it as "%%25". The
"%s" gets replaced by the name as stored in the
certificate. */
L_("Do you ultimately trust%%0A"
" \"%s\"%%0A"
"to correctly certify user certificates?"),
if (!desc)
xfree (nameformatted);
return out_of_core ();
err = agent_get_confirmation (ctrl, desc, L_("Yes"), L_("No"), 1);
xfree (desc);
if (!err)
yes_i_trust = 1;
else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_CONFIRMED)
yes_i_trust = 0;
xfree (nameformatted);
return err;
fprformatted = insert_colons (fpr);
if (!fprformatted)
xfree (nameformatted);
return out_of_core ();
/* If the user trusts this certificate he has to verify the
fingerprint of course. */
if (yes_i_trust)
desc = xtryasprintf
/* TRANSLATORS: This prompt is shown by the Pinentry and has
one special property: A "%%0A" is used by Pinentry to
insert a line break. The double percent sign is actually
needed because it is also a printf format string. If you
need to insert a plain % sign, you need to encode it as
"%%25". The second "%s" gets replaced by a hexdecimal
fingerprint string whereas the first one receives the name
as stored in the certificate. */
L_("Please verify that the certificate identified as:%%0A"
" \"%s\"%%0A"
"has the fingerprint:%%0A"
" %s"), nameformatted, fprformatted);
if (!desc)
xfree (fprformatted);
xfree (nameformatted);
return out_of_core ();
/* TRANSLATORS: "Correct" is the label of a button and intended
to be hit if the fingerprint matches the one of the CA. The
other button is "the default "Cancel" of the Pinentry. */
err = agent_get_confirmation (ctrl, desc, L_("Correct"), L_("Wrong"), 1);
xfree (desc);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_CONFIRMED)
yes_i_trust = 0;
else if (err)
xfree (fprformatted);
xfree (nameformatted);
return err;
/* Now check again to avoid duplicates. We take the lock to make
sure that nobody else plays with our file and force a reread. */
lock_trusttable ();
clear_trusttable ();
if (!istrusted_internal (ctrl, fpr, &is_disabled, 1) || is_disabled)
unlock_trusttable ();
xfree (fprformatted);
xfree (nameformatted);
return is_disabled? gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED) : 0;
fname = make_filename_try (gnupg_homedir (), "trustlist.txt", NULL);
if (!fname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
unlock_trusttable ();
xfree (fprformatted);
xfree (nameformatted);
return err;
if ( access (fname, F_OK) && errno == ENOENT)
fp = es_fopen (fname, "wx,mode=-rw-r");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("can't create '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (fname);
unlock_trusttable ();
xfree (fprformatted);
xfree (nameformatted);
return err;
es_fputs (headerblurb, fp);
es_fclose (fp);
fp = es_fopen (fname, "a+,mode=-rw-r");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("can't open '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (fname);
unlock_trusttable ();
xfree (fprformatted);
xfree (nameformatted);
return err;
/* Append the key. */
es_fputs ("\n# ", fp);
xfree (nameformatted);
nameformatted = reformat_name (name, "\n# ");
if (!nameformatted || strchr (name, '\n'))
/* Note that there should never be a LF in NAME but we better
play safe and print a sanitized version in this case. */
es_write_sanitized (fp, name, strlen (name), NULL, NULL);
es_fputs (nameformatted, fp);
es_fprintf (fp, "\n%s%s %c%s\n", yes_i_trust?"":"!", fprformatted, flag,
flag == 'S'? " relax":"");
if (es_ferror (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (es_fclose (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
clear_trusttable ();
xfree (fname);
unlock_trusttable ();
xfree (fprformatted);
xfree (nameformatted);
if (!err)
bump_key_eventcounter ();
return err;
/* This function may be called to force reloading of the
trustlist. */
agent_reload_trustlist (void)
/* All we need to do is to delete the trusttable. At the next
access it will get re-read. */
lock_trusttable ();
clear_trusttable ();
unlock_trusttable ();
bump_key_eventcounter ();
diff --git a/agent/w32main.c b/agent/w32main.c
index d907fe597..375bbdfc2 100644
--- a/agent/w32main.c
+++ b/agent/w32main.c
@@ -1,306 +1,306 @@
/* w32main.c - W32 main entry pint and taskbar support for the GnuPG Agent
* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright 1996, 1998 Alexandre Julliard
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
#error This module is only useful for the W32 version of gpg-agent
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "w32main.h"
/* The instance handle has received by WinMain. */
static HINSTANCE glob_hinst;
static HWND glob_hwnd;
/* Build an argv array from the command in CMDLINE. RESERVED is the
number of args to reserve before the first one. This code is based
on Alexandre Julliard's LGPLed wine-0.9.34/dlls/kernel32/process.c
and modified to fit into our framework. The function returns NULL
on error; on success an arry with the argiments is returned. This
array has been allocaqted using a plain malloc (and not the usual
xtrymalloc). */
static char **
build_argv (char *cmdline_arg, int reserved)
int argc;
char **argv;
char *cmdline, *s, *arg, *d;
int in_quotes, bs_count;
cmdline = malloc (strlen (cmdline_arg) + 1);
if (!cmdline)
return NULL;
strcpy (cmdline, cmdline_arg);
/* First determine the required size of the array. */
argc = reserved + 1;
bs_count = 0;
in_quotes = 0;
s = cmdline;
for (;;)
if ( !*s || ((*s==' ' || *s=='\t') && !in_quotes)) /* A space. */
/* Skip the remaining spaces. */
while (*s==' ' || *s=='\t')
if (!*s)
bs_count = 0;
else if (*s=='\\')
else if ( (*s == '\"') && !(bs_count & 1))
/* Unescaped '\"' */
in_quotes = !in_quotes;
else /* A regular character. */
bs_count = 0;
argv = xtrymalloc (argc * sizeof *argv);
if (!argv)
xfree (cmdline);
return NULL;
/* Now actually parse the command line. */
argc = reserved;
bs_count = 0;
arg = d = s = cmdline;
while (*s)
if ((*s==' ' || *s=='\t') && !in_quotes)
/* Close the argument and copy it. */
*d = 0;
argv[argc++] = arg;
/* Skip the remaining spaces. */
while (*s==' ' || *s=='\t');
/* Start with a new argument */
arg = d = s;
bs_count = 0;
else if (*s=='\\')
*d++ = *s++;
else if (*s=='\"')
if ( !(bs_count & 1) )
/* Preceded by an even number of backslashes, this is
half that number of backslashes, plus a '\"' which we
discard. */
d -= bs_count/2;
in_quotes = !in_quotes;
/* Preceded by an odd number of backslashes, this is
half that number of backslashes followed by a '\"'. */
d = d - bs_count/2 - 1;
*d++ ='\"';
else /* A regular character. */
*d++ = *s++;
bs_count = 0;
if (*arg)
*d = 0;
argv[argc++] = arg;
argv[argc] = NULL;
return argv;
/* Our window message processing function. */
wndw_proc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
switch (msg)
case WM_USER:
fprintf (stderr,"%s: received WM_%s\n", __func__, "USER" );
return DefWindowProc (hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam);
/* This function is called to do some fast event polling and
processing. */
w32_poll_events (void)
/* MSG msg; */
/* fprintf (stderr,"%s: enter\n", __func__); */
/* while (PeekMessage (&msg, glob_hwnd, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) */
/* { */
/* DispatchMessage (&msg); */
/* } */
/* fprintf (stderr,"%s: leave\n", __func__); */
static void *
handle_taskbar (void *ctx)
WNDCLASS wndwclass = {0, wndw_proc, 0, 0, glob_hinst,
0, 0, 0, 0, "gpg-agent"};
HWND hwnd;
MSG msg;
int rc;
if (!RegisterClass (&wndwclass))
log_error ("error registering window class\n");
ExitThread (0);
hwnd = CreateWindow ("gpg-agent", "gpg-agent",
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
NULL, NULL, glob_hinst, NULL);
if (!hwnd)
log_error ("error creating main window\n");
ExitThread (0);
glob_hwnd = hwnd;
UpdateWindow (hwnd);
memset (&nid, 0, sizeof nid);
nid.cbSize = sizeof (nid);
nid.uCallbackMessage = WM_USER;
nid.hWnd = glob_hwnd;
nid.uID = 1;
nid.hIcon = LoadIcon (glob_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE (1));
mem2str (nid.szTip, GPG_AGENT_NAME " version "PACKAGE_VERSION,
sizeof nid.szTip);
Shell_NotifyIcon (NIM_ADD, &nid);
DestroyIcon (nid.hIcon);
fprintf (stderr, "%s: enter\n", __func__);
while ( (rc=GetMessage (&msg, hwnd, 0, 0)) )
if (rc == -1)
log_error ("getMessage failed: %s\n", w32_strerror (-1));
TranslateMessage (&msg);
DispatchMessage (&msg);
fprintf (stderr,"%s: leave\n", __func__);
ExitThread (0);
return NULL;
/* This function initializes the Window system and sets up the taskbar
icon. We only have very limited GUI support just to give the
taskbar icon a little bit of life. This function is called once to
fire up the icon. */
w32_setup_taskbar (void)
DWORD tid;
memset (&sa, 0, sizeof sa);
sa.nLength = sizeof sa;
sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
fprintf (stderr,"creating thread for the taskbar_event_loop...\n");
th = CreateThread (&sa, 128*1024,
NULL, 0, &tid);
fprintf (stderr,"created thread %p tid=%d\n", th, (int)tid);
CloseHandle (th);
return 0;
/* The main entry point for the Windows version. We save away all GUI
related stuff, parse the command line and finally call the real
main. */
WinMain (HINSTANCE hinst, HINSTANCE hprev, LPSTR cmdline, int showcmd)
char **argv;
int argc;
/* We use the GetCommandLine function because that also includes the
program name in contrast to the CMDLINE arg. */
argv = build_argv (GetCommandLineA (), 0);
if (!argv)
return 2; /* Can't do much about a malloc failure. */
for (argc=0; argv[argc]; argc++)
glob_hinst = hinst;
return w32_main (argc, argv);
diff --git a/agent/w32main.h b/agent/w32main.h
index 7a6cc1c9e..d1106b24d 100644
--- a/agent/w32main.h
+++ b/agent/w32main.h
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
/* w32main.h - W32 main entry point and support functions
* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef AGENT_W32MAIN_H
#define AGENT_W32MAIN_H
/* This is the actual entry point as called by w32main.c. */
int w32_main (int argc, char **argv );
/* Fire up the icon for the taskbar. */
int w32_setup_taskbar (void);
void w32_poll_events (void);
#endif /*AGENT_W32MAIN_H*/
diff --git a/am/ b/am/
index 8bd839c46..9610e4efe 100644
--- a/am/
+++ b/am/
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
# - C macro definitions
# Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
localedir = $(datadir)/locale
# NB: AM_CFLAGS may also be used by tools running on the build
# platform to create source files.
AM_CPPFLAGS += -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(localedir)\"
AM_CPPFLAGS += -DGNUPG_BINDIR="\"$(bindir)\"" \
-DGNUPG_LIBEXECDIR="\"$(libexecdir)\"" \
-DGNUPG_LIBDIR="\"$(libdir)/@PACKAGE@\"" \
-DGNUPG_DATADIR="\"$(datadir)/@PACKAGE@\"" \
-DGNUPG_SYSCONFDIR="\"$(sysconfdir)/@PACKAGE@\"" \
# If a specific protect tool program has been defined, pass its name
# to cc. Note that these macros should not be used directly but via
# the gnupg_module_name function.
# Under Windows we use LockFileEx. WindowsCE provides this only on
# the WindowsMobile 6 platform and thus we need to use the coredll6
# import library. We also want to use a stacksize of 256k instead of
# the 2MB which is the default with cegcc. 256k is the largest stack
# we use with pth.
extra_sys_libs = -lcoredll6
extra_bin_ldflags = -Wl,--stack=0x40000
extra_sys_libs =
extra_bin_ldflags =
resource_objs =
# Convenience macros
libcommon = ../common/libcommon.a
libcommonpth = ../common/libcommonpth.a
libcommontls = ../common/libcommontls.a
libcommontlsnpth = ../common/libcommontlsnpth.a
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
index 960d1dc9e..72e3fb475 100644
--- a/common/
+++ b/common/
@@ -1,224 +1,224 @@
# Makefile for common gnupg modules
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2007, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
## Process this file with automake to produce
EXTRA_DIST = mkstrtable.awk exaudit.awk exstatus.awk ChangeLog-2011 \
audit-events.h status-codes.h ChangeLog.jnlib \
ChangeLog-2011.include gnupg.ico
noinst_LIBRARIES = libcommon.a libcommonpth.a libgpgrl.a
noinst_LIBRARIES += libsimple-pwquery.a
noinst_PROGRAMS = $(module_tests) $(module_maint_tests)
TESTS = $(module_tests)
BUILT_SOURCES = audit-events.h status-codes.h
MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = audit-events.h status-codes.h
include $(top_srcdir)/am/
common_sources = \
common-defs.h \
util.h utilproto.h fwddecl.h i18n.c i18n.h \
types.h host2net.h dynload.h w32help.h \
mapstrings.c stringhelp.c stringhelp.h \
strlist.c strlist.h \
utf8conv.c utf8conv.h \
argparse.c argparse.h \
logging.c logging.h \
dotlock.c dotlock.h \
mischelp.c mischelp.h \
status.c status.h\
shareddefs.h \
openpgpdefs.h \
gc-opt-flags.h \
keyserver.h \
sexp-parse.h \
tlv.c tlv.h \
init.c init.h \
sexputil.c \
sysutils.c sysutils.h \
homedir.c \
gettime.c gettime.h \
yesno.c \
b64enc.c b64dec.c zb32.c zb32.h \
convert.c \
percent.c \
mbox-util.c mbox-util.h \
miscellaneous.c \
xasprintf.c \
xreadline.c \
membuf.c membuf.h \
ccparray.c ccparray.h \
iobuf.c iobuf.h \
ttyio.c ttyio.h \
asshelp.c asshelp2.c asshelp.h \
exechelp.h \
signal.c \
audit.c audit.h \
localename.c \
session-env.c session-env.h \
userids.c userids.h \
openpgp-oid.c \
ssh-utils.c ssh-utils.h \
agent-opt.c \
helpfile.c \
mkdir_p.c mkdir_p.h \
strlist.c strlist.h \
exectool.c exectool.h \
server-help.c server-help.h \
name-value.c name-value.h \
recsel.c recsel.h
common_sources += w32-reg.c
# To make the code easier to read we have split home some code into
# separate source files.
common_sources += exechelp-w32ce.c
common_sources += exechelp-w32.c
common_sources += exechelp-posix.c
# Sources only useful without NPTH.
without_npth_sources = \
get-passphrase.c get-passphrase.h
# Sources only useful with NPTH.
with_npth_sources = \
call-gpg.c call-gpg.h
libcommon_a_SOURCES = $(common_sources) $(without_npth_sources)
libcommonpth_a_SOURCES = $(common_sources) $(with_npth_sources)
libsimple_pwquery_a_SOURCES = \
simple-pwquery.c simple-pwquery.h asshelp.c asshelp.h
libsimple_pwquery_a_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(LIBASSUAN_CFLAGS)
libgpgrl_a_SOURCES = \
# Note: Due to the dependency on Makefile, the file will always be
# rebuilt, so we allow this only in maintainer mode.
# Create the audit-events.h include file from audit.h
# Note: We create the target file in the source directory because it
# is a distributed built source. If we would not do that we may end
# up with two files and then it is not clear which version of the
# files will be picked up.
audit-events.h: mkstrtable.awk exaudit.awk audit.h
$(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/exaudit.awk $(srcdir)/audit.h \
| $(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/mkstrtable.awk -v textidx=3 -v nogettext=1 \
-v namespace=eventstr_ > $(srcdir)/audit-events.h
# Create the status-codes.h include file from status.h
status-codes.h: mkstrtable.awk exstatus.awk status.h
$(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/exstatus.awk $(srcdir)/status.h \
| $(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/mkstrtable.awk -v textidx=3 -v nogettext=1 \
-v namespace=statusstr_ > $(srcdir)/status-codes.h
# Module tests
module_tests = t-stringhelp t-timestuff \
t-convert t-percent t-gettime t-sysutils t-sexputil \
t-session-env t-openpgp-oid t-ssh-utils \
t-mapstrings t-zb32 t-mbox-util t-iobuf t-strlist \
t-name-value t-ccparray t-recsel
module_tests += t-exechelp t-exectool
module_tests += t-w32-reg
module_maint_tests = t-helpfile t-b64
module_maint_tests =
t_extra_src = t-support.h
t_common_cflags = $(KSBA_CFLAGS) $(LIBGCRYPT_CFLAGS) \
t_common_ldadd = libcommon.a \
# Common tests
t_stringhelp_SOURCES = t-stringhelp.c $(t_extra_src)
t_stringhelp_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_timestuff_SOURCES = t-timestuff.c $(t_extra_src)
t_timestuff_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_convert_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_percent_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_gettime_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_sysutils_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_helpfile_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_sexputil_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_b64_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_exechelp_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_exectool_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_session_env_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_openpgp_oid_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_ssh_utils_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_mapstrings_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_zb32_SOURCES = t-zb32.c $(t_extra_src)
t_zb32_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_mbox_util_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_iobuf_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_strlist_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_name_value_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_ccparray_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_recsel_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
# System specific test
t_w32_reg_SOURCES = t-w32-reg.c $(t_extra_src)
t_w32_reg_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
# All programs should depend on the created libs.
$(PROGRAMS) : libcommon.a libcommonpth.a
diff --git a/common/agent-opt.c b/common/agent-opt.c
index 4317ba343..b32448242 100644
--- a/common/agent-opt.c
+++ b/common/agent-opt.c
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
/* agent-opt.c - Helper for certain agent options
* Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "shareddefs.h"
/* Parse VALUE and return an integer representing a pinentry_mode_t.
(-1) is returned for an invalid VALUE. */
parse_pinentry_mode (const char *value)
int result;
if (!strcmp (value, "ask") || !strcmp (value, "default"))
else if (!strcmp (value, "cancel"))
else if (!strcmp (value, "error"))
else if (!strcmp (value, "loopback"))
result = -1;
return result;
/* Return the string representation for the pinentry MODE. Returns
"?" for an invalid mode. */
const char *
str_pinentry_mode (pinentry_mode_t mode)
switch (mode)
case PINENTRY_MODE_ASK: return "ask";
case PINENTRY_MODE_CANCEL: return "cancel";
case PINENTRY_MODE_ERROR: return "error";
case PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK: return "loopback";
return "?";
diff --git a/common/argparse.h b/common/argparse.h
index 10b838fef..81e881dfc 100644
--- a/common/argparse.h
+++ b/common/argparse.h
@@ -1,203 +1,203 @@
/* argparse.h - Argument parser for option handling.
* Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000,2001,2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct
int *argc; /* Pointer to ARGC (value subject to change). */
char ***argv; /* Pointer to ARGV (value subject to change). */
unsigned int flags; /* Global flags. May be set prior to calling the
parser. The parser may change the value. */
int err; /* Print error description for last option.
int r_opt; /* Returns option code. */
int r_type; /* Returns type of option value. */
union {
int ret_int;
long ret_long;
unsigned long ret_ulong;
char *ret_str;
} r; /* Return values */
struct {
int idx;
int inarg;
int stopped;
const char *last;
void *aliases;
const void *cur_alias;
void *iio_list;
} internal; /* Private - do not change. */
typedef struct
int short_opt;
const char *long_opt;
unsigned int flags;
const char *description; /* Optional option description. */
/* Global flags (ARGPARSE_ARGS). */
#define ARGPARSE_FLAG_KEEP 1 /* Do not remove options form argv. */
#define ARGPARSE_FLAG_ALL 2 /* Do not stop at last option but return
remaining args with R_OPT set to -1. */
#define ARGPARSE_FLAG_MIXED 4 /* Assume options and args are mixed. */
#define ARGPARSE_FLAG_NOSTOP 8 /* Do not stop processing at "--". */
#define ARGPARSE_FLAG_ARG0 16 /* Do not skip the first arg. */
#define ARGPARSE_FLAG_ONEDASH 32 /* Allow long options with one dash. */
#define ARGPARSE_FLAG_NOVERSION 64 /* No output for "--version". */
#define ARGPARSE_FLAG_STOP_SEEN 256 /* Set to true if a "--" has been seen. */
/* Flags for each option (ARGPARSE_OPTS). The type code may be
ORed with the OPT flags. */
#define ARGPARSE_TYPE_NONE 0 /* Does not take an argument. */
#define ARGPARSE_TYPE_INT 1 /* Takes an int argument. */
#define ARGPARSE_TYPE_STRING 2 /* Takes a string argument. */
#define ARGPARSE_TYPE_LONG 3 /* Takes a long argument. */
#define ARGPARSE_TYPE_ULONG 4 /* Takes an unsigned long argument. */
#define ARGPARSE_OPT_OPTIONAL (1<<3) /* Argument is optional. */
#define ARGPARSE_OPT_PREFIX (1<<4) /* Allow 0x etc. prefixed values. */
#define ARGPARSE_OPT_IGNORE (1<<6) /* Ignore command or option. */
#define ARGPARSE_OPT_COMMAND (1<<7) /* The argument is a command. */
#define ARGPARSE_TYPE_MASK 7 /* Mask for the type values (internal). */
/* A set of macros to make option definitions easier to read. */
#define ARGPARSE_x(s,l,t,f,d) \
{ (s), (l), ARGPARSE_TYPE_ ## t | (f), (d) }
#define ARGPARSE_s(s,l,t,d) \
{ (s), (l), ARGPARSE_TYPE_ ## t, (d) }
#define ARGPARSE_s_n(s,l,d) \
{ (s), (l), ARGPARSE_TYPE_NONE, (d) }
#define ARGPARSE_s_i(s,l,d) \
{ (s), (l), ARGPARSE_TYPE_INT, (d) }
#define ARGPARSE_s_s(s,l,d) \
{ (s), (l), ARGPARSE_TYPE_STRING, (d) }
#define ARGPARSE_s_l(s,l,d) \
{ (s), (l), ARGPARSE_TYPE_LONG, (d) }
#define ARGPARSE_s_u(s,l,d) \
{ (s), (l), ARGPARSE_TYPE_ULONG, (d) }
#define ARGPARSE_o(s,l,t,d) \
{ (s), (l), (ARGPARSE_TYPE_ ## t | ARGPARSE_OPT_OPTIONAL), (d) }
#define ARGPARSE_o_n(s,l,d) \
#define ARGPARSE_o_i(s,l,d) \
#define ARGPARSE_o_s(s,l,d) \
#define ARGPARSE_o_l(s,l,d) \
#define ARGPARSE_o_u(s,l,d) \
#define ARGPARSE_p(s,l,t,d) \
{ (s), (l), (ARGPARSE_TYPE_ ## t | ARGPARSE_OPT_PREFIX), (d) }
#define ARGPARSE_p_n(s,l,d) \
#define ARGPARSE_p_i(s,l,d) \
#define ARGPARSE_p_s(s,l,d) \
#define ARGPARSE_p_l(s,l,d) \
#define ARGPARSE_p_u(s,l,d) \
#define ARGPARSE_op(s,l,t,d) \
{ (s), (l), (ARGPARSE_TYPE_ ## t \
#define ARGPARSE_op_n(s,l,d) \
{ (s), (l), (ARGPARSE_TYPE_NONE \
#define ARGPARSE_op_i(s,l,d) \
{ (s), (l), (ARGPARSE_TYPE_INT \
#define ARGPARSE_op_s(s,l,d) \
#define ARGPARSE_op_l(s,l,d) \
{ (s), (l), (ARGPARSE_TYPE_LONG \
#define ARGPARSE_op_u(s,l,d) \
{ (s), (l), (ARGPARSE_TYPE_ULONG \
#define ARGPARSE_c(s,l,d) \
#define ARGPARSE_ignore(s,l) \
{ (s), (l), (ARGPARSE_OPT_IGNORE), "@" }
#define ARGPARSE_group(s,d) \
{ (s), NULL, 0, (d) }
#define ARGPARSE_end() { 0, NULL, 0, NULL }
/* Other constants. */
/* Error values. */
#define ARGPARSE_IS_ARG (-1)
#define ARGPARSE_OUT_OF_CORE (-11)
int arg_parse (ARGPARSE_ARGS *arg, ARGPARSE_OPTS *opts);
int optfile_parse (FILE *fp, const char *filename, unsigned *lineno,
void usage (int level);
const char *strusage (int level);
void set_strusage (const char *(*f)( int ));
void argparse_register_outfnc (int (*fnc)(int, const char *));
diff --git a/common/asshelp.c b/common/asshelp.c
index b4efcf326..f8c323735 100644
--- a/common/asshelp.c
+++ b/common/asshelp.c
@@ -1,722 +1,722 @@
/* asshelp.c - Helper functions for Assuan
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "exechelp.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "membuf.h"
#include "asshelp.h"
/* The type we use for lock_agent_spawning. */
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# define lock_spawn_t HANDLE
# define lock_spawn_t dotlock_t
/* The time we wait until the agent or the dirmngr are ready for
operation after we started them before giving up. */
/* A bitfield that specifies the assuan categories to log. This is
identical to the default log handler of libassuan. We need to do
it ourselves because we use a custom log handler and want to use
the same assuan variables to select the categories to log. */
static int log_cats;
#define TEST_LOG_CAT(x) (!! (log_cats & (1 << (x - 1))))
/* The assuan log monitor used to temporary inhibit log messages from
* assuan. */
static int (*my_log_monitor) (assuan_context_t ctx,
unsigned int cat,
const char *msg);
static int
my_libassuan_log_handler (assuan_context_t ctx, void *hook,
unsigned int cat, const char *msg)
unsigned int dbgval;
if (! TEST_LOG_CAT (cat))
return 0;
dbgval = hook? *(unsigned int*)hook : 0;
if (!(dbgval & 1024))
return 0; /* Assuan debugging is not enabled. */
if (ctx && my_log_monitor && !my_log_monitor (ctx, cat, msg))
return 0; /* Temporary disabled. */
if (msg)
log_string (GPGRT_LOG_DEBUG, msg);
return 1;
/* Setup libassuan to use our own logging functions. Should be used
early at startup. */
setup_libassuan_logging (unsigned int *debug_var_address,
int (*log_monitor)(assuan_context_t ctx,
unsigned int cat,
const char *msg))
char *flagstr;
flagstr = getenv ("ASSUAN_DEBUG");
if (flagstr)
log_cats = atoi (flagstr);
else /* Default to log the control channel. */
log_cats = (1 << (ASSUAN_LOG_CONTROL - 1));
my_log_monitor = log_monitor;
assuan_set_log_cb (my_libassuan_log_handler, debug_var_address);
/* Change the Libassuan log categories to those given by NEWCATS.
NEWCATS is 0 the default category of ASSUAN_LOG_CONTROL is
selected. Note, that setup_libassuan_logging overrides the values
given here. */
set_libassuan_log_cats (unsigned int newcats)
if (newcats)
log_cats = newcats;
else /* Default to log the control channel. */
log_cats = (1 << (ASSUAN_LOG_CONTROL - 1));
static gpg_error_t
send_one_option (assuan_context_t ctx, gpg_err_source_t errsource,
const char *name, const char *value, int use_putenv)
gpg_error_t err;
char *optstr;
if (!value || !*value)
err = 0; /* Avoid sending empty strings. */
else if (asprintf (&optstr, "OPTION %s%s=%s",
use_putenv? "putenv=":"", name, value) < 0)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = assuan_transact (ctx, optstr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
xfree (optstr);
return err;
/* Send the assuan commands pertaining to the pinentry environment. The
OPT_* arguments are optional and may be used to override the
defaults taken from the current locale. */
send_pinentry_environment (assuan_context_t ctx,
gpg_err_source_t errsource,
const char *opt_lc_ctype,
const char *opt_lc_messages,
session_env_t session_env)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
#if defined(HAVE_SETLOCALE)
char *old_lc = NULL;
char *dft_lc = NULL;
const char *dft_ttyname;
int iterator;
const char *name, *assname, *value;
int is_default;
iterator = 0;
while ((name = session_env_list_stdenvnames (&iterator, &assname)))
value = session_env_getenv_or_default (session_env, name, NULL);
if (!value)
if (assname)
err = send_one_option (ctx, errsource, assname, value, 0);
err = send_one_option (ctx, errsource, name, value, 1);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_OPTION)
err = 0; /* Server too old; can't pass the new envvars. */
if (err)
return err;
dft_ttyname = session_env_getenv_or_default (session_env, "GPG_TTY",
if (dft_ttyname && !is_default)
dft_ttyname = NULL; /* We need the default value. */
/* Send the value for LC_CTYPE. */
#if defined(HAVE_SETLOCALE) && defined(LC_CTYPE)
old_lc = setlocale (LC_CTYPE, NULL);
if (old_lc)
old_lc = xtrystrdup (old_lc);
if (!old_lc)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
dft_lc = setlocale (LC_CTYPE, "");
if (opt_lc_ctype || (dft_ttyname && dft_lc))
err = send_one_option (ctx, errsource, "lc-ctype",
opt_lc_ctype ? opt_lc_ctype : dft_lc, 0);
#if defined(HAVE_SETLOCALE) && defined(LC_CTYPE)
if (old_lc)
setlocale (LC_CTYPE, old_lc);
xfree (old_lc);
if (err)
return err;
/* Send the value for LC_MESSAGES. */
#if defined(HAVE_SETLOCALE) && defined(LC_MESSAGES)
old_lc = setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, NULL);
if (old_lc)
old_lc = xtrystrdup (old_lc);
if (!old_lc)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
dft_lc = setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, "");
if (opt_lc_messages || (dft_ttyname && dft_lc))
err = send_one_option (ctx, errsource, "lc-messages",
opt_lc_messages ? opt_lc_messages : dft_lc, 0);
#if defined(HAVE_SETLOCALE) && defined(LC_MESSAGES)
if (old_lc)
setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, old_lc);
xfree (old_lc);
if (err)
return err;
return 0;
/* Lock a spawning process. The caller needs to provide the address
of a variable to store the lock information and the name or the
process. */
static gpg_error_t
lock_spawning (lock_spawn_t *lock, const char *homedir, const char *name,
int verbose)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
int waitrc;
int timeout = (!strcmp (name, "agent")
(void)homedir; /* Not required. */
*lock = CreateMutexW
!strcmp (name, "agent")? L"spawn_"GNUPG_NAME"_agent_sentinel":
!strcmp (name, "dirmngr")? L"spawn_"GNUPG_NAME"_dirmngr_sentinel":
/* */ L"spawn_"GNUPG_NAME"_unknown_sentinel");
if (!*lock)
log_error ("failed to create the spawn_%s mutex: %s\n",
name, w32_strerror (-1));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
waitrc = WaitForSingleObject (*lock, 1000);
if (waitrc == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
return 0;
if (waitrc == WAIT_TIMEOUT && timeout)
if (verbose)
log_info ("another process is trying to start the %s ... (%ds)\n",
name, timeout);
goto retry;
if (waitrc == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
log_info ("error waiting for the spawn_%s mutex: timeout\n", name);
log_info ("error waiting for the spawn_%s mutex: (code=%d) %s\n",
name, waitrc, w32_strerror (-1));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
char *fname;
*lock = NULL;
fname = make_absfilename_try
!strcmp (name, "agent")? "gnupg_spawn_agent_sentinel":
!strcmp (name, "dirmngr")? "gnupg_spawn_dirmngr_sentinel":
/* */ "gnupg_spawn_unknown_sentinel",
if (!fname)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*lock = dotlock_create (fname, 0);
xfree (fname);
if (!*lock)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* FIXME: We should use a timeout of 5000 here - however
make_dotlock does not yet support values other than -1 and 0. */
if (dotlock_take (*lock, -1))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return 0;
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* Unlock the spawning process. */
static void
unlock_spawning (lock_spawn_t *lock, const char *name)
if (*lock)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (!ReleaseMutex (*lock))
log_error ("failed to release the spawn_%s mutex: %s\n",
name, w32_strerror (-1));
CloseHandle (*lock);
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
dotlock_destroy (*lock);
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
*lock = NULL;
/* Try to connect to the agent via socket or start it if it is not
running and AUTOSTART is set. Handle the server's initial
greeting. Returns a new assuan context at R_CTX or an error
code. */
start_new_gpg_agent (assuan_context_t *r_ctx,
gpg_err_source_t errsource,
const char *agent_program,
const char *opt_lc_ctype,
const char *opt_lc_messages,
session_env_t session_env,
int autostart, int verbose, int debug,
gpg_error_t (*status_cb)(ctrl_t, int, ...),
ctrl_t status_cb_arg)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
int did_success_msg = 0;
char *sockname;
const char *argv[6];
*r_ctx = NULL;
err = assuan_new (&ctx);
if (err)
log_error ("error allocating assuan context: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
sockname = make_filename_try (gnupg_socketdir (), GPG_AGENT_SOCK_NAME, NULL);
if (!sockname)
err = gpg_err_make (errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
assuan_release (ctx);
return err;
err = assuan_socket_connect (ctx, sockname, 0, 0);
if (err && autostart)
char *abs_homedir;
lock_spawn_t lock;
char *program = NULL;
const char *program_arg = NULL;
char *p;
const char *s;
int i;
/* With no success start a new server. */
if (!agent_program || !*agent_program)
agent_program = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_AGENT);
else if ((s=strchr (agent_program, '|')) && s[1] == '-' && s[2]=='-')
/* Hack to insert an additional option on the command line. */
program = xtrystrdup (agent_program);
if (!program)
gpg_error_t tmperr = gpg_err_make (errsource,
gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
xfree (sockname);
assuan_release (ctx);
return tmperr;
p = strchr (program, '|');
*p++ = 0;
program_arg = p;
if (verbose)
log_info (_("no running gpg-agent - starting '%s'\n"),
if (status_cb)
status_cb (status_cb_arg, STATUS_PROGRESS,
"starting_agent ? 0 0", NULL);
/* We better pass an absolute home directory to the agent just
in case gpg-agent does not convert the passed name to an
absolute one (which it should do). */
abs_homedir = make_absfilename_try (gnupg_homedir (), NULL);
if (!abs_homedir)
gpg_error_t tmperr = gpg_err_make (errsource,
gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
log_error ("error building filename: %s\n",gpg_strerror (tmperr));
xfree (sockname);
assuan_release (ctx);
xfree (program);
return tmperr;
if (fflush (NULL))
gpg_error_t tmperr = gpg_err_make (errsource,
gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
log_error ("error flushing pending output: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
xfree (sockname);
assuan_release (ctx);
xfree (abs_homedir);
xfree (program);
return tmperr;
/* If the agent has been configured for use with a standard
socket, an environment variable is not required and thus
we we can savely start the agent here. */
i = 0;
argv[i++] = "--homedir";
argv[i++] = abs_homedir;
argv[i++] = "--use-standard-socket";
if (program_arg)
argv[i++] = program_arg;
argv[i++] = "--daemon";
argv[i++] = NULL;
if (!(err = lock_spawning (&lock, gnupg_homedir (), "agent", verbose))
&& assuan_socket_connect (ctx, sockname, 0, 0))
err = gnupg_spawn_process_detached (program? program : agent_program,
argv, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to start agent '%s': %s\n",
agent_program, gpg_strerror (err));
for (i=0; i < SECS_TO_WAIT_FOR_AGENT; i++)
if (verbose)
log_info (_("waiting for the agent to come up ... (%ds)\n"),
gnupg_sleep (1);
err = assuan_socket_connect (ctx, sockname, 0, 0);
if (!err)
if (verbose)
log_info (_("connection to agent established\n"));
did_success_msg = 1;
unlock_spawning (&lock, "agent");
xfree (abs_homedir);
xfree (program);
xfree (sockname);
if (err)
if (autostart || gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_ASS_CONNECT_FAILED)
log_error ("can't connect to the agent: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
assuan_release (ctx);
return gpg_err_make (errsource, GPG_ERR_NO_AGENT);
if (debug && !did_success_msg)
log_debug ("connection to agent established\n");
err = assuan_transact (ctx, "RESET",
if (!err)
err = send_pinentry_environment (ctx, errsource,
opt_lc_ctype, opt_lc_messages,
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN
&& gpg_err_source (err) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_GPGAGENT)
/* Check whether we are in restricted mode. */
if (!assuan_transact (ctx, "GETINFO restricted",
if (verbose)
log_info (_("connection to agent is in restricted mode\n"));
err = 0;
if (err)
assuan_release (ctx);
return err;
*r_ctx = ctx;
return 0;
/* Try to connect to the dirmngr via a socket. On platforms
supporting it, start it up if needed and if AUTOSTART is true.
Returns a new assuan context at R_CTX or an error code. */
start_new_dirmngr (assuan_context_t *r_ctx,
gpg_err_source_t errsource,
const char *dirmngr_program,
int autostart,
int verbose, int debug,
gpg_error_t (*status_cb)(ctrl_t, int, ...),
ctrl_t status_cb_arg)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
const char *sockname;
int did_success_msg = 0;
*r_ctx = NULL;
err = assuan_new (&ctx);
if (err)
log_error ("error allocating assuan context: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
sockname = dirmngr_socket_name ();
err = assuan_socket_connect (ctx, sockname, 0, 0);
if (err && autostart)
lock_spawn_t lock;
const char *argv[4];
char *abs_homedir;
/* No connection: Try start a new Dirmngr. */
if (!dirmngr_program || !*dirmngr_program)
dirmngr_program = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_DIRMNGR);
if (verbose)
log_info (_("no running Dirmngr - starting '%s'\n"),
if (status_cb)
status_cb (status_cb_arg, STATUS_PROGRESS,
"starting_dirmngr ? 0 0", NULL);
abs_homedir = make_absfilename (gnupg_homedir (), NULL);
if (!abs_homedir)
gpg_error_t tmperr = gpg_err_make (errsource,
gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
log_error ("error building filename: %s\n",gpg_strerror (tmperr));
assuan_release (ctx);
return tmperr;
if (fflush (NULL))
gpg_error_t tmperr = gpg_err_make (errsource,
gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
log_error ("error flushing pending output: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
assuan_release (ctx);
return tmperr;
argv[0] = "--daemon";
/* Try starting the daemon. Versions of dirmngr < 2.1.15 do
* this only if the home directory is given on the command line. */
argv[1] = "--homedir";
argv[2] = abs_homedir;
argv[3] = NULL;
if (!(err = lock_spawning (&lock, gnupg_homedir (), "dirmngr", verbose))
&& assuan_socket_connect (ctx, sockname, 0, 0))
err = gnupg_spawn_process_detached (dirmngr_program, argv, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to start the dirmngr '%s': %s\n",
dirmngr_program, gpg_strerror (err));
int i;
for (i=0; i < SECS_TO_WAIT_FOR_DIRMNGR; i++)
if (verbose)
log_info (_("waiting for the dirmngr "
"to come up ... (%ds)\n"),
gnupg_sleep (1);
err = assuan_socket_connect (ctx, sockname, 0, 0);
if (!err)
if (verbose)
log_info (_("connection to the dirmngr"
" established\n"));
did_success_msg = 1;
unlock_spawning (&lock, "dirmngr");
xfree (abs_homedir);
if (err)
if (autostart || gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_ASS_CONNECT_FAILED)
log_error ("connecting dirmngr at '%s' failed: %s\n",
sockname, gpg_strerror (err));
assuan_release (ctx);
return gpg_err_make (errsource, GPG_ERR_NO_DIRMNGR);
if (debug && !did_success_msg)
log_debug ("connection to the dirmngr established\n");
*r_ctx = ctx;
return 0;
/* Return the version of a server using "GETINFO version". On success
0 is returned and R_VERSION receives a malloced string with the
version which must be freed by the caller. On error NULL is stored
at R_VERSION and an error code returned. Mode is in general 0 but
certain values may be used to modify the used version command:
MODE == 0 = Use "GETINFO version"
MODE == 2 - Use "SCD GETINFO version"
get_assuan_server_version (assuan_context_t ctx, int mode, char **r_version)
gpg_error_t err;
membuf_t data;
init_membuf (&data, 64);
err = assuan_transact (ctx,
mode == 2? "SCD GETINFO version"
/**/ : "GETINFO version",
put_membuf_cb, &data,
if (err)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, NULL));
*r_version = NULL;
put_membuf (&data, "", 1);
*r_version = get_membuf (&data, NULL);
if (!*r_version)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return err;
diff --git a/common/asshelp.h b/common/asshelp.h
index 609b203da..f169d8774 100644
--- a/common/asshelp.h
+++ b/common/asshelp.h
@@ -1,97 +1,97 @@
/* asshelp.h - Helper functions for Assuan
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <assuan.h>
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include "session-env.h"
#include "util.h"
/*-- asshelp.c --*/
void setup_libassuan_logging (unsigned int *debug_var_address,
int (*log_monitor)(assuan_context_t ctx,
unsigned int cat,
const char *msg));
void set_libassuan_log_cats (unsigned int newcats);
send_pinentry_environment (assuan_context_t ctx,
gpg_err_source_t errsource,
const char *opt_lc_ctype,
const char *opt_lc_messages,
session_env_t session_env);
/* This function is used by the call-agent.c modules to fire up a new
agent. */
start_new_gpg_agent (assuan_context_t *r_ctx,
gpg_err_source_t errsource,
const char *agent_program,
const char *opt_lc_ctype,
const char *opt_lc_messages,
session_env_t session_env,
int autostart, int verbose, int debug,
gpg_error_t (*status_cb)(ctrl_t, int, ...),
ctrl_t status_cb_arg);
/* This function is used to connect to the dirmngr. On some platforms
the function is able starts a dirmngr process if needed. */
start_new_dirmngr (assuan_context_t *r_ctx,
gpg_err_source_t errsource,
const char *dirmngr_program,
int autostart, int verbose, int debug,
gpg_error_t (*status_cb)(ctrl_t, int, ...),
ctrl_t status_cb_arg);
/* Return the version of a server using "GETINFO version". */
gpg_error_t get_assuan_server_version (assuan_context_t ctx,
int mode, char **r_version);
/*-- asshelp2.c --*/
/* Helper function to print an assuan status line using a printf
format string. */
gpg_error_t print_assuan_status (assuan_context_t ctx,
const char *keyword,
const char *format,
gpg_error_t vprint_assuan_status (assuan_context_t ctx,
const char *keyword,
const char *format,
va_list arg_ptr) GPGRT_ATTR_PRINTF(3,0);
diff --git a/common/asshelp2.c b/common/asshelp2.c
index 0a70d2b05..f85c1e67e 100644
--- a/common/asshelp2.c
+++ b/common/asshelp2.c
@@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
/* asshelp2.c - More helper functions for Assuan
* Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assuan.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "asshelp.h"
/* Helper function to print an assuan status line using a printf
format string. */
vprint_assuan_status (assuan_context_t ctx,
const char *keyword,
const char *format, va_list arg_ptr)
int rc;
char *buf;
rc = gpgrt_vasprintf (&buf, format, arg_ptr);
if (rc < 0)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
rc = assuan_write_status (ctx, keyword, buf);
xfree (buf);
return rc;
/* Helper function to print an assuan status line using a printf
format string. */
print_assuan_status (assuan_context_t ctx,
const char *keyword,
const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
gpg_error_t err;
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
err = vprint_assuan_status (ctx, keyword, format, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
return err;
diff --git a/common/audit.c b/common/audit.c
index efd5fcd18..7d545a349 100644
--- a/common/audit.c
+++ b/common/audit.c
@@ -1,1323 +1,1323 @@
/* audit.c - GnuPG's audit subsystem
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "audit.h"
#include "audit-events.h"
/* A list to maintain a list of helptags. */
struct helptag_s
struct helptag_s *next;
const char *name;
typedef struct helptag_s *helptag_t;
/* One log entry. */
struct log_item_s
audit_event_t event; /* The event. */
gpg_error_t err; /* The logged error code. */
int intvalue; /* A logged integer value. */
char *string; /* A malloced string or NULL. */
ksba_cert_t cert; /* A certifciate or NULL. */
int have_err:1;
int have_intvalue:1;
typedef struct log_item_s *log_item_t;
/* The main audit object. */
struct audit_ctx_s
const char *failure; /* If set a description of the internal failure. */
audit_type_t type;
log_item_t log; /* The table with the log entries. */
size_t logsize; /* The allocated size for LOG. */
size_t logused; /* The used size of LOG. */
estream_t outstream; /* The current output stream. */
int use_html; /* The output shall be HTML formatted. */
int indentlevel; /* Current level of indentation. */
helptag_t helptags; /* List of help keys. */
static void writeout_para (audit_ctx_t ctx,
const char *format, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_PRINTF(2,3);
static void writeout_li (audit_ctx_t ctx, const char *oktext,
const char *format, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_PRINTF(3,4);
static void writeout_rem (audit_ctx_t ctx,
const char *format, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_PRINTF(2,3);
/* Add NAME to the list of help tags. NAME needs to be a const string
an this function merly stores this pointer. */
static void
add_helptag (audit_ctx_t ctx, const char *name)
helptag_t item;
for (item=ctx->helptags; item; item = item->next)
if (!strcmp (item->name, name))
return; /* Already in the list. */
item = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *item);
if (!item)
return; /* Don't care about memory problems. */
item->name = name;
item->next = ctx->helptags;
ctx->helptags = item;
/* Remove all help tags from the context. */
static void
clear_helptags (audit_ctx_t ctx)
while (ctx->helptags)
helptag_t tmp = ctx->helptags->next;
xfree (ctx->helptags);
ctx->helptags = tmp;
static const char *
event2str (audit_event_t event)
/* We need the cast so that compiler does not complain about an
always true comparison (>= 0) for an unsigned value. */
int idx = eventstr_msgidxof ((int)event);
if (idx == -1)
return "Unknown event";
return eventstr_msgstr + eventstr_msgidx[idx];
/* Create a new audit context. In case of an error NULL is returned
and errno set appropriately. */
audit_new (void)
audit_ctx_t ctx;
ctx = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctx);
return ctx;
/* Release an audit context. Passing NULL for CTX is allowed and does
nothing. */
audit_release (audit_ctx_t ctx)
int idx;
if (!ctx)
if (ctx->log)
for (idx=0; idx < ctx->logused; idx++)
if (ctx->log[idx].string)
xfree (ctx->log[idx].string);
if (ctx->log[idx].cert)
ksba_cert_release (ctx->log[idx].cert);
xfree (ctx->log);
clear_helptags (ctx);
xfree (ctx);
/* Set the type for the audit operation. If CTX is NULL, this is a
dummy function. */
audit_set_type (audit_ctx_t ctx, audit_type_t type)
if (!ctx || ctx->failure)
return; /* Audit not enabled or an internal error has occurred. */
if (ctx->type && ctx->type != type)
ctx->failure = "conflict in type initialization";
ctx->type = type;
/* Create a new log item and put it into the table. Return that log
item on success; return NULL on memory failure and mark that in
CTX. */
static log_item_t
create_log_item (audit_ctx_t ctx)
log_item_t item, table;
size_t size;
if (!ctx->log)
size = 10;
table = xtrymalloc (size * sizeof *table);
if (!table)
ctx->failure = "Out of memory in create_log_item";
return NULL;
ctx->log = table;
ctx->logsize = size;
item = ctx->log + 0;
ctx->logused = 1;
else if (ctx->logused >= ctx->logsize)
size = ctx->logsize + 10;
table = xtryrealloc (ctx->log, size * sizeof *table);
if (!table)
ctx->failure = "Out of memory while reallocating in create_log_item";
return NULL;
ctx->log = table;
ctx->logsize = size;
item = ctx->log + ctx->logused++;
item = ctx->log + ctx->logused++;
item->event = AUDIT_NULL_EVENT;
item->err = 0;
item->have_err = 0;
item->intvalue = 0;
item->have_intvalue = 0;
item->string = NULL;
item->cert = NULL;
return item;
/* Add a new event to the audit log. If CTX is NULL, this function
does nothing. */
audit_log (audit_ctx_t ctx, audit_event_t event)
log_item_t item;
if (!ctx || ctx->failure)
return; /* Audit not enabled or an internal error has occurred. */
if (!event)
ctx->failure = "Invalid event passed to audit_log";
if (!(item = create_log_item (ctx)))
item->event = event;
/* Add a new event to the audit log. If CTX is NULL, this function
does nothing. This version also adds the result of the operation
to the log. */
audit_log_ok (audit_ctx_t ctx, audit_event_t event, gpg_error_t err)
log_item_t item;
if (!ctx || ctx->failure)
return; /* Audit not enabled or an internal error has occurred. */
if (!event)
ctx->failure = "Invalid event passed to audit_log_ok";
if (!(item = create_log_item (ctx)))
item->event = event;
item->err = err;
item->have_err = 1;
/* Add a new event to the audit log. If CTX is NULL, this function
does nothing. This version also add the integer VALUE to the log. */
audit_log_i (audit_ctx_t ctx, audit_event_t event, int value)
log_item_t item;
if (!ctx || ctx->failure)
return; /* Audit not enabled or an internal error has occurred. */
if (!event)
ctx->failure = "Invalid event passed to audit_log_i";
if (!(item = create_log_item (ctx)))
item->event = event;
item->intvalue = value;
item->have_intvalue = 1;
/* Add a new event to the audit log. If CTX is NULL, this function
does nothing. This version also add the integer VALUE to the log. */
audit_log_s (audit_ctx_t ctx, audit_event_t event, const char *value)
log_item_t item;
char *tmp;
if (!ctx || ctx->failure)
return; /* Audit not enabled or an internal error has occurred. */
if (!event)
ctx->failure = "Invalid event passed to audit_log_s";
tmp = xtrystrdup (value? value : "");
if (!tmp)
ctx->failure = "Out of memory in audit_event";
if (!(item = create_log_item (ctx)))
xfree (tmp);
item->event = event;
item->string = tmp;
/* Add a new event to the audit log. If CTX is NULL, this function
does nothing. This version also adds the certificate CERT and the
result of an operation to the log. */
audit_log_cert (audit_ctx_t ctx, audit_event_t event,
ksba_cert_t cert, gpg_error_t err)
log_item_t item;
if (!ctx || ctx->failure)
return; /* Audit not enabled or an internal error has occurred. */
if (!event)
ctx->failure = "Invalid event passed to audit_log_cert";
if (!(item = create_log_item (ctx)))
item->event = event;
item->err = err;
item->have_err = 1;
if (cert)
ksba_cert_ref (cert);
item->cert = cert;
/* Write TEXT to the outstream. */
static void
writeout (audit_ctx_t ctx, const char *text)
if (ctx->use_html)
for (; *text; text++)
if (*text == '<')
es_fputs ("&lt;", ctx->outstream);
else if (*text == '&')
es_fputs ("&amp;", ctx->outstream);
es_putc (*text, ctx->outstream);
es_fputs (text, ctx->outstream);
/* Write TEXT to the outstream using a variable argument list. */
static void
writeout_v (audit_ctx_t ctx, const char *format, va_list arg_ptr)
char *buf;
gpgrt_vasprintf (&buf, format, arg_ptr);
if (buf)
writeout (ctx, buf);
xfree (buf);
writeout (ctx, "[!!Out of core!!]");
/* Write TEXT as a paragraph. */
static void
writeout_para (audit_ctx_t ctx, const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
if (ctx->use_html)
es_fputs ("<p>", ctx->outstream);
va_start (arg_ptr, format) ;
writeout_v (ctx, format, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
if (ctx->use_html)
es_fputs ("</p>\n", ctx->outstream);
es_fputc ('\n', ctx->outstream);
static void
enter_li (audit_ctx_t ctx)
if (ctx->use_html)
if (!ctx->indentlevel)
es_fputs ("<table border=\"0\">\n"
" <colgroup>\n"
" <col width=\"80%\" />\n"
" <col width=\"20%\" />\n"
" </colgroup>\n",
static void
leave_li (audit_ctx_t ctx)
if (ctx->use_html)
if (!ctx->indentlevel)
es_fputs ("</table>\n", ctx->outstream);
/* Write TEXT as a list element. If OKTEXT is not NULL, append it to
the last line. */
static void
writeout_li (audit_ctx_t ctx, const char *oktext, const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
const char *color = NULL;
if (ctx->use_html && format && oktext)
if (!strcmp (oktext, "Yes")
|| !strcmp (oktext, "good") )
color = "green";
else if (!strcmp (oktext, "No")
|| !strcmp (oktext, "bad") )
color = "red";
if (format && oktext)
const char *s = NULL;
if (!strcmp (oktext, "Yes"))
oktext = _("Yes");
else if (!strcmp (oktext, "No"))
oktext = _("No");
else if (!strcmp (oktext, "good"))
/* TRANSLATORS: Copy the prefix between the vertical bars
verbatim. It will not be printed. */
oktext = _("|audit-log-result|Good");
else if (!strcmp (oktext, "bad"))
oktext = _("|audit-log-result|Bad");
else if (!strcmp (oktext, "unsupported"))
oktext = _("|audit-log-result|Not supported");
else if (!strcmp (oktext, "no-cert"))
oktext = _("|audit-log-result|No certificate");
else if (!strcmp (oktext, "disabled"))
oktext = _("|audit-log-result|Not enabled");
else if (!strcmp (oktext, "error"))
oktext = _("|audit-log-result|Error");
else if (!strcmp (oktext, "not-used"))
oktext = _("|audit-log-result|Not used");
else if (!strcmp (oktext, "okay"))
oktext = _("|audit-log-result|Okay");
else if (!strcmp (oktext, "skipped"))
oktext = _("|audit-log-result|Skipped");
else if (!strcmp (oktext, "some"))
oktext = _("|audit-log-result|Some");
s = "";
/* If we have set a prefix, skip it. */
if (!s && *oktext == '|' && (s=strchr (oktext+1,'|')))
oktext = s+1;
if (ctx->use_html)
int i;
es_fputs (" <tr><td><table><tr><td>", ctx->outstream);
if (color)
es_fprintf (ctx->outstream, "<font color=\"%s\">*</font>", color);
es_fputs ("*", ctx->outstream);
for (i=1; i < ctx->indentlevel; i++)
es_fputs ("&nbsp;&nbsp;", ctx->outstream);
es_fputs ("</td><td>", ctx->outstream);
es_fprintf (ctx->outstream, "* %*s", (ctx->indentlevel-1)*2, "");
if (format)
va_start (arg_ptr, format) ;
writeout_v (ctx, format, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
if (ctx->use_html)
es_fputs ("</td></tr></table>", ctx->outstream);
if (format && oktext)
if (ctx->use_html)
es_fputs ("</td><td>", ctx->outstream);
if (color)
es_fprintf (ctx->outstream, "<font color=\"%s\">", color);
writeout (ctx, ": ");
writeout (ctx, oktext);
if (color)
es_fputs ("</font>", ctx->outstream);
if (ctx->use_html)
es_fputs ("</td></tr>\n", ctx->outstream);
es_fputc ('\n', ctx->outstream);
/* Write a remark line. */
static void
writeout_rem (audit_ctx_t ctx, const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
if (ctx->use_html)
int i;
es_fputs (" <tr><td><table><tr><td>*", ctx->outstream);
for (i=1; i < ctx->indentlevel; i++)
es_fputs ("&nbsp;&nbsp;", ctx->outstream);
es_fputs ("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td> (", ctx->outstream);
es_fprintf (ctx->outstream, "* %*s (", (ctx->indentlevel-1)*2, "");
if (format)
va_start (arg_ptr, format) ;
writeout_v (ctx, format, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
if (ctx->use_html)
es_fputs (")</td></tr></table></td></tr>\n", ctx->outstream);
es_fputs (")\n", ctx->outstream);
/* Return the first log item for EVENT. If STOPEVENT is not 0 never
look behind that event in the log. If STARTITEM is not NULL start
search _after_that item. */
static log_item_t
find_next_log_item (audit_ctx_t ctx, log_item_t startitem,
audit_event_t event, audit_event_t stopevent)
int idx;
for (idx=0; idx < ctx->logused; idx++)
if (startitem)
if (ctx->log + idx == startitem)
startitem = NULL;
else if (stopevent && ctx->log[idx].event == stopevent)
else if (ctx->log[idx].event == event)
return ctx->log + idx;
return NULL;
static log_item_t
find_log_item (audit_ctx_t ctx, audit_event_t event, audit_event_t stopevent)
return find_next_log_item (ctx, NULL, event, stopevent);
/* Helper to a format a serial number. */
static char *
format_serial (ksba_const_sexp_t sn)
const char *p = (const char *)sn;
unsigned long n;
char *endp;
if (!p)
return NULL;
if (*p != '(')
BUG (); /* Not a valid S-expression. */
n = strtoul (p+1, &endp, 10);
p = endp;
if (*p != ':')
BUG (); /* Not a valid S-expression. */
return bin2hex (p+1, n, NULL);
/* Return a malloced string with the serial number and the issuer DN
of the certificate. */
static char *
get_cert_name (ksba_cert_t cert)
char *result;
ksba_sexp_t sn;
char *issuer, *p;
if (!cert)
return xtrystrdup ("[no certificate]");
issuer = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0);
sn = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert);
if (issuer && sn)
p = format_serial (sn);
if (!p)
result = xtrystrdup ("[invalid S/N]");
result = xtrymalloc (strlen (p) + strlen (issuer) + 2 + 1);
if (result)
*result = '#';
strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (result+1, p),"/"), issuer);
xfree (p);
result = xtrystrdup ("[missing S/N or issuer]");
ksba_free (sn);
xfree (issuer);
return result;
/* Return a malloced string with the serial number and the issuer DN
of the certificate. */
static char *
get_cert_subject (ksba_cert_t cert, int idx)
char *result;
char *subject;
if (!cert)
return xtrystrdup ("[no certificate]");
subject = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, idx);
if (subject)
result = xtrymalloc (strlen (subject) + 1 + 1);
if (result)
*result = '/';
strcpy (result+1, subject);
result = NULL;
xfree (subject);
return result;
/* List the given certificiate. If CERT is NULL, this is a NOP. */
static void
list_cert (audit_ctx_t ctx, ksba_cert_t cert, int with_subj)
char *name;
int idx;
name = get_cert_name (cert);
writeout_rem (ctx, "%s", name);
xfree (name);
if (with_subj)
enter_li (ctx);
for (idx=0; (name = get_cert_subject (cert, idx)); idx++)
writeout_rem (ctx, "%s", name);
xfree (name);
leave_li (ctx);
/* List the chain of certificates from STARTITEM up to STOPEVENT. The
certifcates are written out as comments. */
static void
list_certchain (audit_ctx_t ctx, log_item_t startitem, audit_event_t stopevent)
log_item_t item;
startitem = find_next_log_item (ctx, startitem, AUDIT_CHAIN_BEGIN,stopevent);
writeout_li (ctx, startitem? "Yes":"No", _("Certificate chain available"));
if (!startitem)
item = find_next_log_item (ctx, startitem,
if (!item)
writeout_rem (ctx, "%s", _("root certificate missing"));
list_cert (ctx, item->cert, 0);
item = startitem;
while ( ((item = find_next_log_item (ctx, item,
list_cert (ctx, item->cert, 1);
/* Process an encrypt operation's log. */
static void
proc_type_encrypt (audit_ctx_t ctx)
log_item_t loopitem, item;
int recp_no, idx;
char numbuf[35];
int algo;
char *name;
item = find_log_item (ctx, AUDIT_ENCRYPTION_DONE, 0);
writeout_li (ctx, item?"Yes":"No", "%s", _("Data encryption succeeded"));
enter_li (ctx);
item = find_log_item (ctx, AUDIT_GOT_DATA, 0);
writeout_li (ctx, item? "Yes":"No", "%s", _("Data available"));
item = find_log_item (ctx, AUDIT_SESSION_KEY, 0);
writeout_li (ctx, item? "Yes":"No", "%s", _("Session key created"));
if (item)
algo = gcry_cipher_map_name (item->string);
if (algo)
writeout_rem (ctx, _("algorithm: %s"), gnupg_cipher_algo_name (algo));
else if (item->string && !strcmp (item->string, "1.2.840.113549.3.2"))
writeout_rem (ctx, _("unsupported algorithm: %s"), "RC2");
else if (item->string)
writeout_rem (ctx, _("unsupported algorithm: %s"), item->string);
writeout_rem (ctx, _("seems to be not encrypted"));
item = find_log_item (ctx, AUDIT_GOT_RECIPIENTS, 0);
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%d",
item && item->have_intvalue? item->intvalue : 0);
writeout_li (ctx, numbuf, "%s", _("Number of recipients"));
/* Loop over all recipients. */
loopitem = NULL;
recp_no = 0;
while ((loopitem=find_next_log_item (ctx, loopitem, AUDIT_ENCRYPTED_TO, 0)))
writeout_li (ctx, NULL, _("Recipient %d"), recp_no);
if (loopitem->cert)
name = get_cert_name (loopitem->cert);
writeout_rem (ctx, "%s", name);
xfree (name);
enter_li (ctx);
for (idx=0; (name = get_cert_subject (loopitem->cert, idx)); idx++)
writeout_rem (ctx, "%s", name);
xfree (name);
leave_li (ctx);
leave_li (ctx);
/* Process a sign operation's log. */
static void
proc_type_sign (audit_ctx_t ctx)
log_item_t item, loopitem;
int signer, idx;
const char *result;
ksba_cert_t cert;
char *name;
int lastalgo;
item = find_log_item (ctx, AUDIT_SIGNING_DONE, 0);
writeout_li (ctx, item?"Yes":"No", "%s", _("Data signing succeeded"));
enter_li (ctx);
item = find_log_item (ctx, AUDIT_GOT_DATA, 0);
writeout_li (ctx, item? "Yes":"No", "%s", _("Data available"));
/* Write remarks with the data hash algorithms. We use a very
simple scheme to avoid some duplicates. */
loopitem = NULL;
lastalgo = 0;
while ((loopitem = find_next_log_item
if (loopitem->intvalue && loopitem->intvalue != lastalgo)
writeout_rem (ctx, _("data hash algorithm: %s"),
gcry_md_algo_name (loopitem->intvalue));
lastalgo = loopitem->intvalue;
/* Loop over all signer. */
loopitem = NULL;
signer = 0;
while ((loopitem=find_next_log_item (ctx, loopitem, AUDIT_NEW_SIG, 0)))
item = find_next_log_item (ctx, loopitem, AUDIT_SIGNED_BY, AUDIT_NEW_SIG);
if (!item)
result = "error";
else if (!item->err)
result = "okay";
else if (gpg_err_code (item->err) == GPG_ERR_CANCELED)
result = "skipped";
result = gpg_strerror (item->err);
cert = item? item->cert : NULL;
writeout_li (ctx, result, _("Signer %d"), signer);
item = find_next_log_item (ctx, loopitem,
if (item)
writeout_rem (ctx, _("attr hash algorithm: %s"),
gcry_md_algo_name (item->intvalue));
if (cert)
name = get_cert_name (cert);
writeout_rem (ctx, "%s", name);
xfree (name);
enter_li (ctx);
for (idx=0; (name = get_cert_subject (cert, idx)); idx++)
writeout_rem (ctx, "%s", name);
xfree (name);
leave_li (ctx);
leave_li (ctx);
/* Process a decrypt operation's log. */
static void
proc_type_decrypt (audit_ctx_t ctx)
log_item_t loopitem, item;
int algo, recpno;
char *name;
char numbuf[35];
int idx;
item = find_log_item (ctx, AUDIT_DECRYPTION_RESULT, 0);
writeout_li (ctx, item && !item->err?"Yes":"No",
"%s", _("Data decryption succeeded"));
enter_li (ctx);
item = find_log_item (ctx, AUDIT_GOT_DATA, 0);
writeout_li (ctx, item? "Yes":"No", "%s", _("Data available"));
item = find_log_item (ctx, AUDIT_DATA_CIPHER_ALGO, 0);
algo = item? item->intvalue : 0;
writeout_li (ctx, algo?"Yes":"No", "%s", _("Encryption algorithm supported"));
if (algo)
writeout_rem (ctx, _("algorithm: %s"), gnupg_cipher_algo_name (algo));
item = find_log_item (ctx, AUDIT_BAD_DATA_CIPHER_ALGO, 0);
if (item && item->string)
algo = gcry_cipher_map_name (item->string);
if (algo)
writeout_rem (ctx, _("algorithm: %s"), gnupg_cipher_algo_name (algo));
else if (item->string && !strcmp (item->string, "1.2.840.113549.3.2"))
writeout_rem (ctx, _("unsupported algorithm: %s"), "RC2");
else if (item->string)
writeout_rem (ctx, _("unsupported algorithm: %s"), item->string);
writeout_rem (ctx, _("seems to be not encrypted"));
for (recpno = 0, item = NULL;
(item = find_next_log_item (ctx, item, AUDIT_NEW_RECP, 0)); recpno++)
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%d", recpno);
writeout_li (ctx, numbuf, "%s", _("Number of recipients"));
/* Loop over all recipients. */
loopitem = NULL;
while ((loopitem = find_next_log_item (ctx, loopitem, AUDIT_NEW_RECP, 0)))
const char *result;
recpno = loopitem->have_intvalue? loopitem->intvalue : -1;
item = find_next_log_item (ctx, loopitem,
if (!item)
result = "not-used";
else if (!item->err)
result = "okay";
else if (gpg_err_code (item->err) == GPG_ERR_CANCELED)
result = "skipped";
result = gpg_strerror (item->err);
item = find_next_log_item (ctx, loopitem,
writeout_li (ctx, result, _("Recipient %d"), recpno);
if (item && item->string)
writeout_rem (ctx, "%s", item->string);
/* If we have a certificate write out more infos. */
item = find_next_log_item (ctx, loopitem,
if (item && item->cert)
enter_li (ctx);
for (idx=0; (name = get_cert_subject (item->cert, idx)); idx++)
writeout_rem (ctx, "%s", name);
xfree (name);
leave_li (ctx);
leave_li (ctx);
/* Process a verification operation's log. */
static void
proc_type_verify (audit_ctx_t ctx)
log_item_t loopitem, item;
int signo, count, idx, n_good, n_bad;
char numbuf[35];
const char *result;
/* If there is at least one signature status we claim that the
verification succeeded. This does not mean that the data has
verified okay. */
item = find_log_item (ctx, AUDIT_SIG_STATUS, 0);
writeout_li (ctx, item?"Yes":"No", "%s", _("Data verification succeeded"));
enter_li (ctx);
item = find_log_item (ctx, AUDIT_GOT_DATA, AUDIT_NEW_SIG);
writeout_li (ctx, item? "Yes":"No", "%s", _("Data available"));
if (!item)
goto leave;
item = find_log_item (ctx, AUDIT_NEW_SIG, 0);
writeout_li (ctx, item? "Yes":"No", "%s", _("Signature available"));
if (!item)
goto leave;
/* Print info about the used data hashing algorithms. */
for (idx=0, n_good=n_bad=0; idx < ctx->logused; idx++)
item = ctx->log + idx;
if (item->event == AUDIT_NEW_SIG)
else if (item->event == AUDIT_DATA_HASH_ALGO)
else if (item->event == AUDIT_BAD_DATA_HASH_ALGO)
item = find_log_item (ctx, AUDIT_DATA_HASHING, AUDIT_NEW_SIG);
if (!item || item->err || !n_good)
result = "No";
else if (n_good && !n_bad)
result = "Yes";
result = "Some";
writeout_li (ctx, result, "%s", _("Parsing data succeeded"));
if (n_good || n_bad)
for (idx=0; idx < ctx->logused; idx++)
item = ctx->log + idx;
if (item->event == AUDIT_NEW_SIG)
else if (item->event == AUDIT_DATA_HASH_ALGO)
writeout_rem (ctx, _("data hash algorithm: %s"),
gcry_md_algo_name (item->intvalue));
else if (item->event == AUDIT_BAD_DATA_HASH_ALGO)
writeout_rem (ctx, _("bad data hash algorithm: %s"),
item->string? item->string:"?");
/* Loop over all signatures. */
loopitem = find_log_item (ctx, AUDIT_NEW_SIG, 0);
assert (loopitem);
signo = loopitem->have_intvalue? loopitem->intvalue : -1;
item = find_next_log_item (ctx, loopitem,
writeout_li (ctx, item? item->string:"?", _("Signature %d"), signo);
item = find_next_log_item (ctx, loopitem,
if (item)
writeout_rem (ctx, "%s", item->string);
item = find_next_log_item (ctx, loopitem,
if (item)
writeout_rem (ctx, _("data hash algorithm: %s"),
gcry_md_algo_name (item->intvalue));
item = find_next_log_item (ctx, loopitem,
if (item)
writeout_rem (ctx, _("attr hash algorithm: %s"),
gcry_md_algo_name (item->intvalue));
enter_li (ctx);
/* List the certificate chain. */
list_certchain (ctx, loopitem, AUDIT_NEW_SIG);
/* Show the result of the chain validation. */
item = find_next_log_item (ctx, loopitem,
if (item && item->have_err)
writeout_li (ctx, item->err? "No":"Yes",
_("Certificate chain valid"));
if (item->err)
writeout_rem (ctx, "%s", gpg_strerror (item->err));
/* Show whether the root certificate is fine. */
item = find_next_log_item (ctx, loopitem,
if (item)
writeout_li (ctx, item->err?"No":"Yes", "%s",
_("Root certificate trustworthy"));
if (item->err)
add_helptag (ctx, "gpgsm.root-cert-not-trusted");
writeout_rem (ctx, "%s", gpg_strerror (item->err));
list_cert (ctx, item->cert, 0);
/* Show result of the CRL/OCSP check. */
item = find_next_log_item (ctx, loopitem,
if (item)
const char *ok;
switch (gpg_err_code (item->err))
case 0: ok = "good"; break;
case GPG_ERR_CERT_REVOKED: ok = "bad"; break;
case GPG_ERR_NOT_ENABLED: ok = "disabled"; break;
ok = _("no CRL found for certificate");
ok = _("the available CRL is too old");
default: ok = gpg_strerror (item->err); break;
writeout_li (ctx, ok, "%s", _("CRL/OCSP check of certificates"));
if (item->err
&& gpg_err_code (item->err) != GPG_ERR_CERT_REVOKED
&& gpg_err_code (item->err) != GPG_ERR_NOT_ENABLED)
add_helptag (ctx, "gpgsm.crl-problem");
leave_li (ctx);
while ((loopitem = find_next_log_item (ctx, loopitem, AUDIT_NEW_SIG, 0)));
/* Always list the certificates stored in the signature. */
item = NULL;
count = 0;
while ( ((item = find_next_log_item (ctx, item,
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%d", count);
writeout_li (ctx, numbuf, _("Included certificates"));
item = NULL;
while ( ((item = find_next_log_item (ctx, item,
char *name = get_cert_name (item->cert);
writeout_rem (ctx, "%s", name);
xfree (name);
enter_li (ctx);
for (idx=0; (name = get_cert_subject (item->cert, idx)); idx++)
writeout_rem (ctx, "%s", name);
xfree (name);
leave_li (ctx);
leave_li (ctx);
/* Print the formatted audit result. THIS IS WORK IN PROGRESS. */
audit_print_result (audit_ctx_t ctx, estream_t out, int use_html)
int idx;
size_t n;
log_item_t item;
helptag_t helptag;
const char *s;
int show_raw = 0;
char *orig_codeset;
if (!ctx)
orig_codeset = i18n_switchto_utf8 ();
/* We use an environment variable to include some debug info in the
log. */
if ((s = getenv ("gnupg_debug_audit")))
show_raw = 1;
assert (!ctx->outstream);
ctx->outstream = out;
ctx->use_html = use_html;
ctx->indentlevel = 0;
clear_helptags (ctx);
if (use_html)
es_fputs ("<div class=\"" GNUPG_NAME "AuditLog\">\n", ctx->outstream);
if (!ctx->log || !ctx->logused)
writeout_para (ctx, _("No audit log entries."));
goto leave;
if (show_raw)
int maxlen;
for (idx=0,maxlen=0; idx < DIM (eventstr_msgidx); idx++)
n = strlen (eventstr_msgstr + eventstr_msgidx[idx]);
if (n > maxlen)
maxlen = n;
if (use_html)
es_fputs ("<pre>\n", out);
for (idx=0; idx < ctx->logused; idx++)
es_fprintf (out, "log: %-*s",
maxlen, event2str (ctx->log[idx].event));
if (ctx->log[idx].have_intvalue)
es_fprintf (out, " i=%d", ctx->log[idx].intvalue);
if (ctx->log[idx].string)
es_fputs (" s='", out);
writeout (ctx, ctx->log[idx].string);
es_fputs ("'", out);
if (ctx->log[idx].cert)
es_fprintf (out, " has_cert");
if (ctx->log[idx].have_err)
es_fputs (" err='", out);
writeout (ctx, gpg_strerror (ctx->log[idx].err));
es_fputs ("'", out);
es_fputs ("\n", out);
if (use_html)
es_fputs ("</pre>\n", out);
es_fputs ("\n", out);
enter_li (ctx);
switch (ctx->type)
writeout_li (ctx, NULL, _("Unknown operation"));
proc_type_encrypt (ctx);
proc_type_sign (ctx);
proc_type_decrypt (ctx);
proc_type_verify (ctx);
item = find_log_item (ctx, AUDIT_AGENT_READY, 0);
if (item && item->have_err)
writeout_li (ctx, item->err? "No":"Yes", "%s", _("Gpg-Agent usable"));
if (item->err)
writeout_rem (ctx, "%s", gpg_strerror (item->err));
add_helptag (ctx, "gnupg.agent-problem");
item = find_log_item (ctx, AUDIT_DIRMNGR_READY, 0);
if (item && item->have_err)
writeout_li (ctx, item->err? "No":"Yes", "%s", _("Dirmngr usable"));
if (item->err)
writeout_rem (ctx, "%s", gpg_strerror (item->err));
add_helptag (ctx, "gnupg.dirmngr-problem");
leave_li (ctx);
/* Show the help from the collected help tags. */
if (ctx->helptags)
if (use_html)
es_fputs ("<hr/>\n", ctx->outstream);
if (ctx->helptags->next)
es_fputs ("<ul>\n", ctx->outstream);
es_fputs ("\n\n", ctx->outstream);
for (helptag = ctx->helptags; helptag; helptag = helptag->next)
char *text;
if (use_html && ctx->helptags->next)
es_fputs ("<li>\n", ctx->outstream);
text = gnupg_get_help_string (helptag->name, 0);
if (text)
writeout_para (ctx, "%s", text);
xfree (text);
writeout_para (ctx, _("No help available for '%s'."), helptag->name);
if (use_html && ctx->helptags->next)
es_fputs ("</li>\n", ctx->outstream);
if (helptag->next)
es_fputs ("\n", ctx->outstream);
if (use_html && ctx->helptags && ctx->helptags->next)
es_fputs ("</ul>\n", ctx->outstream);
if (use_html)
es_fputs ("</div>\n", ctx->outstream);
ctx->outstream = NULL;
ctx->use_html = 0;
clear_helptags (ctx);
i18n_switchback (orig_codeset);
diff --git a/common/audit.h b/common/audit.h
index b324a2847..4ef2645da 100644
--- a/common/audit.h
+++ b/common/audit.h
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
/* audit.h - Definitions for the audit subsystem
* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <ksba.h>
struct audit_ctx_s;
typedef struct audit_ctx_s *audit_ctx_t;
/* Constants for the audit type. */
typedef enum
AUDIT_TYPE_NONE = 0, /* No type set. */
AUDIT_TYPE_ENCRYPT, /* Data encryption. */
AUDIT_TYPE_SIGN, /* Signature creation. */
AUDIT_TYPE_DECRYPT, /* Data decryption. */
AUDIT_TYPE_VERIFY /* Signature verification. */
/* The events we support. */
typedef enum
/* No such event. Its value shall be 0 and no other values shall
be assigned to the other enum symbols. This is required so
that the exaudit.awk script comes up with correct values
without running cc. */
/* All preparations done so that the actual processing can start
now. This indicates that all parameters are okay and we can
start to process the actual data. */
/* Indicates whether the gpg-agent is available. For some
operations the agent is not required and thus no such event
will be logged. */
/* Indicates whether the Dirmngr is available. For some
operations the Dirmngr is not required and thus no such event
will be logged. */
AUDIT_GPG_READY, /* err */
/* Indicates whether the Gpg engine is available. */
/* Indicates whether the Gpgsm engine is available. */
AUDIT_G13_READY, /* err */
/* Indicates whether the G13 engine is available. */
/* Data to be processed has been seen. */
/* The signature is a detached one. */
/* A certifciate only signature has been detected. */
/* The hash algo given as argument is used for the data. This
event will be repeated for all hash algorithms used with the
data. */
/* The hash algo given as argument is used to hash the message
digest and other signed attributes of this signature. */
/* The cipher algo given as argument is used for this data. */
/* The hash algo as specified by the signature can't be used.
STRING is the description of this algorithm which usually is an
OID string. STRING may be NULL. */
/* The symmetric cipher algorithm is not supported. STRING is the
description of this algorithm which usually is an OID string.
STRING may be NULL. */
AUDIT_DATA_HASHING, /* ok_err */
/* Logs the result of the data hashing. */
AUDIT_READ_ERROR, /* ok_err */
/* A generic read error occurred. */
AUDIT_WRITE_ERROR, /* ok_err */
/* A generic write error occurred. */
/* The program was used in an inappropriate way; For example by
passing a data object while the signature does not expect one
or vice versa. */
AUDIT_SAVE_CERT, /* cert, ok_err */
/* Save the certificate received in a message. */
AUDIT_NEW_SIG, /* int */
/* Start the verification of a new signature for the last data
object. The argument is the signature number as used
internally by the program. */
AUDIT_SIG_NAME, /* string */
/* The name of a signer. This is the name or other identification
data as known from the signature and not the name from the
certificate used for verification. An example for STRING when
using CMS is: "#1234/CN=Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz". */
AUDIT_SIG_STATUS, /* string */
/* The signature status of the current signer. This is the last
audit information for one signature. STRING gives the status:
"error" - there was a problem checking this or any signature.
"unsupported" - the signature type is not supported.
"no-cert" - The certificate of the signer was not found (the
S/N+issuer of the signer is already in the log).
"bad" - bad signature
"good" - good signature
AUDIT_NEW_RECP, /* int */
/* A new recipient has been seen during decryption. The argument
is the recipient number as used internally by the program. */
AUDIT_RECP_NAME, /* string */
/* The name of a recipient. This is the name or other identification
data as known from the decryption and not the name from the
certificate used for decryption. An example for STRING when
using CMS is: "#1234/CN=Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz". */
AUDIT_RECP_RESULT, /* ok_err */
/* The status of the session key decryption. This is only written
for recipients tried. */
/* The status of the entire decryption. The decryption was
successful if the error code is 0. */
/* Start the validation of a certificate chain. */
AUDIT_CHAIN_CERT, /* cert */
/* These 4 events are used to log the certificates making up a
certificate chain. ROOTCERT is used for the trustanchor and
CERT for all other certificates. */
/* Tells the final status of the chain validation. */
AUDIT_ROOT_TRUSTED, /* cert, err */
/* Tells whether the root certificate is trusted. This event is
emitted during chain validation. */
AUDIT_CRL_CHECK, /* err */
/* Tells the status of a CRL or OCSP check. */
/* Records the number of recipients to be used for encryption.
This includes the recipients set by --encrypt-to but records 0
if no real recipient has been given. */
AUDIT_SESSION_KEY, /* string */
/* Mark the creation or availibility of the session key. The
parameter is the algorithm ID. */
AUDIT_ENCRYPTED_TO, /* cert, err */
/* Records the certificate used for encryption and whether the
session key could be encrypted to it (err==0). */
/* Encryption succeeded. */
AUDIT_SIGNED_BY, /* cert, err */
/* Records the certificate used for signed and whether the signure
could be created (if err==0). */
/* Signing succeeded. */
AUDIT_LAST_EVENT /* Marker for parsing this list. */
audit_ctx_t audit_new (void);
void audit_release (audit_ctx_t ctx);
void audit_set_type (audit_ctx_t ctx, audit_type_t type);
void audit_log (audit_ctx_t ctx, audit_event_t event);
void audit_log_ok (audit_ctx_t ctx, audit_event_t event, gpg_error_t err);
void audit_log_i (audit_ctx_t ctx, audit_event_t event, int value);
void audit_log_s (audit_ctx_t ctx, audit_event_t event, const char *value);
void audit_log_cert (audit_ctx_t ctx, audit_event_t event,
ksba_cert_t cert, gpg_error_t err);
void audit_print_result (audit_ctx_t ctx, estream_t stream, int use_html);
diff --git a/common/b64dec.c b/common/b64dec.c
index c84c35ada..74cf93351 100644
--- a/common/b64dec.c
+++ b/common/b64dec.c
@@ -1,253 +1,253 @@
/* b64dec.c - Simple Base64 decoder.
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2011, 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "util.h"
/* The reverse base-64 list used for base-64 decoding. */
static unsigned char const asctobin[128] =
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x3e, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x3f,
0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b,
0x3c, 0x3d, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06,
0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e,
0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16,
0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20,
0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28,
0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30,
0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
enum decoder_states
s_init, s_idle, s_lfseen, s_beginseen, s_waitheader, s_waitblank, s_begin,
s_b64_0, s_b64_1, s_b64_2, s_b64_3,
s_waitendtitle, s_waitend
/* Initialize the context for the base64 decoder. If TITLE is NULL a
plain base64 decoding is done. If it is the empty string the
decoder will skip everything until a "-----BEGIN " line has been
seen, decoding ends at a "----END " line. */
b64dec_start (struct b64state *state, const char *title)
memset (state, 0, sizeof *state);
if (title)
state->title = xtrystrdup (title);
if (!state->title)
state->lasterr = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
state->idx = s_init;
state->idx = s_b64_0;
return state->lasterr;
/* Do in-place decoding of base-64 data of LENGTH in BUFFER. Stores the
new length of the buffer at R_NBYTES. */
b64dec_proc (struct b64state *state, void *buffer, size_t length,
size_t *r_nbytes)
enum decoder_states ds = state->idx;
unsigned char val = state->radbuf[0];
int pos = state->quad_count;
char *d, *s;
if (state->lasterr)
return state->lasterr;
if (state->stop_seen)
*r_nbytes = 0;
state->lasterr = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
xfree (state->title);
state->title = NULL;
return state->lasterr;
for (s=d=buffer; length && !state->stop_seen; length--, s++)
switch (ds)
case s_idle:
if (*s == '\n')
ds = s_lfseen;
pos = 0;
case s_init:
ds = s_lfseen;
case s_lfseen:
if (*s != "-----BEGIN "[pos])
ds = s_idle;
goto again;
else if (pos == 10)
pos = 0;
ds = s_beginseen;
case s_beginseen:
if (*s != "PGP "[pos])
ds = s_begin; /* Not a PGP armor. */
else if (pos == 3)
ds = s_waitheader;
case s_waitheader:
if (*s == '\n')
ds = s_waitblank;
case s_waitblank:
if (*s == '\n')
ds = s_b64_0; /* blank line found. */
else if (*s == ' ' || *s == '\r' || *s == '\t')
; /* Ignore spaces. */
/* Armor header line. Note that we don't care that our
* FSM accepts a header prefixed with spaces. */
ds = s_waitheader; /* Wait for next header. */
case s_begin:
if (*s == '\n')
ds = s_b64_0;
case s_b64_0:
case s_b64_1:
case s_b64_2:
case s_b64_3:
int c;
if (*s == '-' && state->title)
/* Not a valid Base64 character: assume end
header. */
ds = s_waitend;
else if (*s == '=')
/* Pad character: stop */
if (ds == s_b64_1)
*d++ = val;
ds = state->title? s_waitendtitle : s_waitend;
else if (*s == '\n' || *s == ' ' || *s == '\r' || *s == '\t')
; /* Skip white spaces. */
else if ( (*s & 0x80)
|| (c = asctobin[*(unsigned char *)s]) == 255)
/* Skip invalid encodings. */
state->invalid_encoding = 1;
else if (ds == s_b64_0)
val = c << 2;
ds = s_b64_1;
else if (ds == s_b64_1)
val |= (c>>4)&3;
*d++ = val;
val = (c<<4)&0xf0;
ds = s_b64_2;
else if (ds == s_b64_2)
val |= (c>>2)&15;
*d++ = val;
val = (c<<6)&0xc0;
ds = s_b64_3;
val |= c&0x3f;
*d++ = val;
ds = s_b64_0;
case s_waitendtitle:
if (*s == '-')
ds = s_waitend;
case s_waitend:
if ( *s == '\n')
state->stop_seen = 1;
state->idx = ds;
state->radbuf[0] = val;
state->quad_count = pos;
*r_nbytes = (d -(char*) buffer);
return 0;
/* This function needs to be called before releasing the decoder
state. It may return an error code in case an encoding error has
been found during decoding. */
b64dec_finish (struct b64state *state)
xfree (state->title);
state->title = NULL;
if (state->lasterr)
return state->lasterr;
return state->invalid_encoding? gpg_error(GPG_ERR_BAD_DATA): 0;
diff --git a/common/b64enc.c b/common/b64enc.c
index 4150f3e56..d633048ea 100644
--- a/common/b64enc.c
+++ b/common/b64enc.c
@@ -1,422 +1,422 @@
/* b64enc.c - Simple Base64 encoder.
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2010,
* 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2010,
* 2011 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "util.h"
#define B64ENC_DID_HEADER 1
#define B64ENC_DID_TRAILER 2
#define B64ENC_NO_LINEFEEDS 16
#define B64ENC_USE_PGPCRC 32
/* The base-64 character list */
static unsigned char bintoasc[64] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
/* Stuff required to create the OpenPGP CRC. This crc_table has been
created using this code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define CRCPOLY 0x864CFB
main (void)
int i, j;
uint32_t t;
uint32_t crc_table[256];
crc_table[0] = 0;
for (i=j=0; j < 128; j++ )
t = crc_table[j];
if ( (t & 0x00800000) )
t <<= 1;
crc_table[i++] = t ^ CRCPOLY;
crc_table[i++] = t;
t <<= 1;
crc_table[i++] = t;
crc_table[i++] = t ^ CRCPOLY;
puts ("static const u32 crc_table[256] = {");
for (i=j=0; i < 256; i++)
printf ("%s 0x%08lx", j? "":" ", (unsigned long)crc_table[i]);
if (i != 255)
putchar (',');
if ( ++j > 5)
j = 0;
putchar ('\n');
puts ("\n};");
return 0;
#define CRCINIT 0xB704CE
static const u32 crc_table[256] = {
0x00000000, 0x00864cfb, 0x018ad50d, 0x010c99f6, 0x0393e6e1, 0x0315aa1a,
0x021933ec, 0x029f7f17, 0x07a18139, 0x0727cdc2, 0x062b5434, 0x06ad18cf,
0x043267d8, 0x04b42b23, 0x05b8b2d5, 0x053efe2e, 0x0fc54e89, 0x0f430272,
0x0e4f9b84, 0x0ec9d77f, 0x0c56a868, 0x0cd0e493, 0x0ddc7d65, 0x0d5a319e,
0x0864cfb0, 0x08e2834b, 0x09ee1abd, 0x09685646, 0x0bf72951, 0x0b7165aa,
0x0a7dfc5c, 0x0afbb0a7, 0x1f0cd1e9, 0x1f8a9d12, 0x1e8604e4, 0x1e00481f,
0x1c9f3708, 0x1c197bf3, 0x1d15e205, 0x1d93aefe, 0x18ad50d0, 0x182b1c2b,
0x192785dd, 0x19a1c926, 0x1b3eb631, 0x1bb8faca, 0x1ab4633c, 0x1a322fc7,
0x10c99f60, 0x104fd39b, 0x11434a6d, 0x11c50696, 0x135a7981, 0x13dc357a,
0x12d0ac8c, 0x1256e077, 0x17681e59, 0x17ee52a2, 0x16e2cb54, 0x166487af,
0x14fbf8b8, 0x147db443, 0x15712db5, 0x15f7614e, 0x3e19a3d2, 0x3e9fef29,
0x3f9376df, 0x3f153a24, 0x3d8a4533, 0x3d0c09c8, 0x3c00903e, 0x3c86dcc5,
0x39b822eb, 0x393e6e10, 0x3832f7e6, 0x38b4bb1d, 0x3a2bc40a, 0x3aad88f1,
0x3ba11107, 0x3b275dfc, 0x31dced5b, 0x315aa1a0, 0x30563856, 0x30d074ad,
0x324f0bba, 0x32c94741, 0x33c5deb7, 0x3343924c, 0x367d6c62, 0x36fb2099,
0x37f7b96f, 0x3771f594, 0x35ee8a83, 0x3568c678, 0x34645f8e, 0x34e21375,
0x2115723b, 0x21933ec0, 0x209fa736, 0x2019ebcd, 0x228694da, 0x2200d821,
0x230c41d7, 0x238a0d2c, 0x26b4f302, 0x2632bff9, 0x273e260f, 0x27b86af4,
0x252715e3, 0x25a15918, 0x24adc0ee, 0x242b8c15, 0x2ed03cb2, 0x2e567049,
0x2f5ae9bf, 0x2fdca544, 0x2d43da53, 0x2dc596a8, 0x2cc90f5e, 0x2c4f43a5,
0x2971bd8b, 0x29f7f170, 0x28fb6886, 0x287d247d, 0x2ae25b6a, 0x2a641791,
0x2b688e67, 0x2beec29c, 0x7c3347a4, 0x7cb50b5f, 0x7db992a9, 0x7d3fde52,
0x7fa0a145, 0x7f26edbe, 0x7e2a7448, 0x7eac38b3, 0x7b92c69d, 0x7b148a66,
0x7a181390, 0x7a9e5f6b, 0x7801207c, 0x78876c87, 0x798bf571, 0x790db98a,
0x73f6092d, 0x737045d6, 0x727cdc20, 0x72fa90db, 0x7065efcc, 0x70e3a337,
0x71ef3ac1, 0x7169763a, 0x74578814, 0x74d1c4ef, 0x75dd5d19, 0x755b11e2,
0x77c46ef5, 0x7742220e, 0x764ebbf8, 0x76c8f703, 0x633f964d, 0x63b9dab6,
0x62b54340, 0x62330fbb, 0x60ac70ac, 0x602a3c57, 0x6126a5a1, 0x61a0e95a,
0x649e1774, 0x64185b8f, 0x6514c279, 0x65928e82, 0x670df195, 0x678bbd6e,
0x66872498, 0x66016863, 0x6cfad8c4, 0x6c7c943f, 0x6d700dc9, 0x6df64132,
0x6f693e25, 0x6fef72de, 0x6ee3eb28, 0x6e65a7d3, 0x6b5b59fd, 0x6bdd1506,
0x6ad18cf0, 0x6a57c00b, 0x68c8bf1c, 0x684ef3e7, 0x69426a11, 0x69c426ea,
0x422ae476, 0x42aca88d, 0x43a0317b, 0x43267d80, 0x41b90297, 0x413f4e6c,
0x4033d79a, 0x40b59b61, 0x458b654f, 0x450d29b4, 0x4401b042, 0x4487fcb9,
0x461883ae, 0x469ecf55, 0x479256a3, 0x47141a58, 0x4defaaff, 0x4d69e604,
0x4c657ff2, 0x4ce33309, 0x4e7c4c1e, 0x4efa00e5, 0x4ff69913, 0x4f70d5e8,
0x4a4e2bc6, 0x4ac8673d, 0x4bc4fecb, 0x4b42b230, 0x49ddcd27, 0x495b81dc,
0x4857182a, 0x48d154d1, 0x5d26359f, 0x5da07964, 0x5cace092, 0x5c2aac69,
0x5eb5d37e, 0x5e339f85, 0x5f3f0673, 0x5fb94a88, 0x5a87b4a6, 0x5a01f85d,
0x5b0d61ab, 0x5b8b2d50, 0x59145247, 0x59921ebc, 0x589e874a, 0x5818cbb1,
0x52e37b16, 0x526537ed, 0x5369ae1b, 0x53efe2e0, 0x51709df7, 0x51f6d10c,
0x50fa48fa, 0x507c0401, 0x5542fa2f, 0x55c4b6d4, 0x54c82f22, 0x544e63d9,
0x56d11cce, 0x56575035, 0x575bc9c3, 0x57dd8538
static gpg_error_t
enc_start (struct b64state *state, FILE *fp, estream_t stream,
const char *title)
memset (state, 0, sizeof *state);
state->fp = fp;
state->stream = stream;
state->lasterr = 0;
if (title && !*title)
state->flags |= B64ENC_NO_LINEFEEDS;
else if (title)
if (!strncmp (title, "PGP ", 4))
state->flags |= B64ENC_USE_PGPCRC;
state->crc = CRCINIT;
state->title = xtrystrdup (title);
if (!state->title)
state->lasterr = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return state->lasterr;
/* Prepare for base-64 writing to the stream FP. If TITLE is not NULL
and not an empty string, this string will be used as the title for
the armor lines, with TITLE being an empty string, we don't write
the header lines and furthermore even don't write any linefeeds.
If TITLE starts with "PGP " the OpenPGP CRC checksum will be
written as well. With TITLE being NULL, we merely don't write
header but make sure that lines are not too long. Note, that we
don't write any output unless at least one byte get written using
b64enc_write. */
b64enc_start (struct b64state *state, FILE *fp, const char *title)
return enc_start (state, fp, NULL, title);
/* Same as b64enc_start but takes an estream. */
b64enc_start_es (struct b64state *state, estream_t fp, const char *title)
return enc_start (state, NULL, fp, title);
static int
my_fputs (const char *string, struct b64state *state)
if (state->stream)
return es_fputs (string, state->stream);
return fputs (string, state->fp);
/* Write NBYTES from BUFFER to the Base 64 stream identified by
STATE. With BUFFER and NBYTES being 0, merely do a fflush on the
stream. */
b64enc_write (struct b64state *state, const void *buffer, size_t nbytes)
unsigned char radbuf[4];
int idx, quad_count;
const unsigned char *p;
if (state->lasterr)
return state->lasterr;
if (!nbytes)
if (buffer)
if (state->stream? es_fflush (state->stream) : fflush (state->fp))
goto write_error;
return 0;
if (!(state->flags & B64ENC_DID_HEADER))
if (state->title)
if ( my_fputs ("-----BEGIN ", state) == EOF
|| my_fputs (state->title, state) == EOF
|| my_fputs ("-----\n", state) == EOF)
goto write_error;
if ( (state->flags & B64ENC_USE_PGPCRC)
&& my_fputs ("\n", state) == EOF)
goto write_error;
state->flags |= B64ENC_DID_HEADER;
idx = state->idx;
quad_count = state->quad_count;
assert (idx < 4);
memcpy (radbuf, state->radbuf, idx);
if ( (state->flags & B64ENC_USE_PGPCRC) )
size_t n;
u32 crc = state->crc;
for (p=buffer, n=nbytes; n; p++, n-- )
crc = ((u32)crc << 8) ^ crc_table[((crc >> 16)&0xff) ^ *p];
state->crc = (crc & 0x00ffffff);
for (p=buffer; nbytes; p++, nbytes--)
radbuf[idx++] = *p;
if (idx > 2)
char tmp[4];
tmp[0] = bintoasc[(*radbuf >> 2) & 077];
tmp[1] = bintoasc[(((*radbuf<<4)&060)|((radbuf[1] >> 4)&017))&077];
tmp[2] = bintoasc[(((radbuf[1]<<2)&074)|((radbuf[2]>>6)&03))&077];
tmp[3] = bintoasc[radbuf[2]&077];
if (state->stream)
for (idx=0; idx < 4; idx++)
es_putc (tmp[idx], state->stream);
idx = 0;
if (es_ferror (state->stream))
goto write_error;
for (idx=0; idx < 4; idx++)
putc (tmp[idx], state->fp);
idx = 0;
if (ferror (state->fp))
goto write_error;
if (++quad_count >= (64/4))
quad_count = 0;
if (!(state->flags & B64ENC_NO_LINEFEEDS)
&& my_fputs ("\n", state) == EOF)
goto write_error;
memcpy (state->radbuf, radbuf, idx);
state->idx = idx;
state->quad_count = quad_count;
return 0;
state->lasterr = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (state->title)
xfree (state->title);
state->title = NULL;
return state->lasterr;
b64enc_finish (struct b64state *state)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
unsigned char radbuf[4];
int idx, quad_count;
char tmp[4];
if (state->lasterr)
return state->lasterr;
if (!(state->flags & B64ENC_DID_HEADER))
goto cleanup;
/* Flush the base64 encoding */
idx = state->idx;
quad_count = state->quad_count;
assert (idx < 4);
memcpy (radbuf, state->radbuf, idx);
if (idx)
tmp[0] = bintoasc[(*radbuf>>2)&077];
if (idx == 1)
tmp[1] = bintoasc[((*radbuf << 4) & 060) & 077];
tmp[2] = '=';
tmp[3] = '=';
tmp[1] = bintoasc[(((*radbuf<<4)&060)|((radbuf[1]>>4)&017))&077];
tmp[2] = bintoasc[((radbuf[1] << 2) & 074) & 077];
tmp[3] = '=';
if (state->stream)
for (idx=0; idx < 4; idx++)
es_putc (tmp[idx], state->stream);
if (es_ferror (state->stream))
goto write_error;
for (idx=0; idx < 4; idx++)
putc (tmp[idx], state->fp);
if (ferror (state->fp))
goto write_error;
if (++quad_count >= (64/4))
quad_count = 0;
if (!(state->flags & B64ENC_NO_LINEFEEDS)
&& my_fputs ("\n", state) == EOF)
goto write_error;
/* Finish the last line and write the trailer. */
if (quad_count
&& !(state->flags & B64ENC_NO_LINEFEEDS)
&& my_fputs ("\n", state) == EOF)
goto write_error;
if ( (state->flags & B64ENC_USE_PGPCRC) )
/* Write the CRC. */
my_fputs ("=", state);
radbuf[0] = state->crc >>16;
radbuf[1] = state->crc >> 8;
radbuf[2] = state->crc;
tmp[0] = bintoasc[(*radbuf>>2)&077];
tmp[1] = bintoasc[(((*radbuf<<4)&060)|((radbuf[1]>>4)&017))&077];
tmp[2] = bintoasc[(((radbuf[1]<<2)&074)|((radbuf[2]>>6)&03))&077];
tmp[3] = bintoasc[radbuf[2]&077];
if (state->stream)
for (idx=0; idx < 4; idx++)
es_putc (tmp[idx], state->stream);
if (es_ferror (state->stream))
goto write_error;
for (idx=0; idx < 4; idx++)
putc (tmp[idx], state->fp);
if (ferror (state->fp))
goto write_error;
if (!(state->flags & B64ENC_NO_LINEFEEDS)
&& my_fputs ("\n", state) == EOF)
goto write_error;
if (state->title)
if ( my_fputs ("-----END ", state) == EOF
|| my_fputs (state->title, state) == EOF
|| my_fputs ("-----\n", state) == EOF)
goto write_error;
goto cleanup;
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (state->title)
xfree (state->title);
state->title = NULL;
state->fp = NULL;
state->stream = NULL;
state->lasterr = err;
return err;
diff --git a/common/call-gpg.c b/common/call-gpg.c
index 0bda1d391..d42325aed 100644
--- a/common/call-gpg.c
+++ b/common/call-gpg.c
@@ -1,753 +1,753 @@
/* call-gpg.c - Communication with the GPG
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <assuan.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <npth.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "call-gpg.h"
#include "exechelp.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "membuf.h"
#include "strlist.h"
#include "util.h"
static GPGRT_INLINE gpg_error_t
my_error_from_syserror (void)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
static GPGRT_INLINE gpg_error_t
my_error_from_errno (int e)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_errno (e));
/* Fire up a new GPG. Handle the server's initial greeting. Returns
0 on success and stores the assuan context at R_CTX. */
static gpg_error_t
start_gpg (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *gpg_program, strlist_t gpg_arguments,
int input_fd, int output_fd, assuan_context_t *r_ctx)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx = NULL;
const char *pgmname;
const char **argv;
assuan_fd_t no_close_list[5];
int i;
*r_ctx = NULL;
err = assuan_new (&ctx);
if (err)
log_error ("can't allocate assuan context: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* The first time we are used, intialize the gpg_program variable. */
if ( !gpg_program || !*gpg_program )
gpg_program = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_GPG);
/* Compute argv[0]. */
if ( !(pgmname = strrchr (gpg_program, '/')))
pgmname = gpg_program;
if (fflush (NULL))
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error flushing pending output: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
argv = xtrycalloc (strlist_length (gpg_arguments) + 3, sizeof *argv);
if (argv == NULL)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
return err;
i = 0;
argv[i++] = pgmname;
argv[i++] = "--server";
for (; gpg_arguments; gpg_arguments = gpg_arguments->next)
argv[i++] = gpg_arguments->d;
argv[i++] = NULL;
i = 0;
if (log_get_fd () != -1)
no_close_list[i++] = assuan_fd_from_posix_fd (log_get_fd ());
no_close_list[i++] = assuan_fd_from_posix_fd (fileno (stderr));
if (input_fd != -1)
no_close_list[i++] = assuan_fd_from_posix_fd (input_fd);
if (output_fd != -1)
no_close_list[i++] = assuan_fd_from_posix_fd (output_fd);
no_close_list[i] = ASSUAN_INVALID_FD;
/* Connect to GPG and perform initial handshaking. */
err = assuan_pipe_connect (ctx, gpg_program, argv, no_close_list,
if (err)
assuan_release (ctx);
log_error ("can't connect to GPG: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_ENGINE);
if (input_fd != -1)
snprintf (line, sizeof line, "INPUT FD=%d", input_fd);
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
assuan_release (ctx);
log_error ("error sending INPUT command: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
if (output_fd != -1)
snprintf (line, sizeof line, "OUTPUT FD=%d", output_fd);
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
assuan_release (ctx);
log_error ("error sending OUTPUT command: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
*r_ctx = ctx;
return 0;
/* Release the assuan context created by start_gpg. */
static void
release_gpg (assuan_context_t ctx)
assuan_release (ctx);
/* The data passed to the writer_thread. */
struct writer_thread_parms
int fd;
const void *data;
size_t datalen;
estream_t stream;
gpg_error_t *err_addr;
/* The thread started by start_writer. */
static void *
writer_thread_main (void *arg)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
struct writer_thread_parms *parm = arg;
char _buffer[4096];
char *buffer;
size_t length;
if (parm->stream)
buffer = _buffer;
err = es_read (parm->stream, buffer, sizeof _buffer, &length);
if (err)
log_error ("reading stream failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
buffer = (char *) parm->data;
length = parm->datalen;
while (length)
ssize_t nwritten;
nwritten = npth_write (parm->fd, buffer, length < 4096? length:4096);
if (nwritten < 0)
if (errno == EINTR)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
break; /* Write error. */
length -= nwritten;
if (parm->stream)
if (length == 0)
err = es_read (parm->stream, buffer, sizeof _buffer, &length);
if (err)
log_error ("reading stream failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
if (length == 0)
/* We're done. */
buffer += nwritten;
*parm->err_addr = err;
if (close (parm->fd))
log_error ("closing writer fd %d failed: %s\n", parm->fd, strerror (errno));
xfree (parm);
return NULL;
/* Fire up a thread to send (DATA,DATALEN) to the file descriptor FD.
On success the thread receives the ownership over FD. The thread
ID is stored at R_TID. WRITER_ERR is the address of an gpg_error_t
variable to receive a possible write error after the thread has
finished. */
static gpg_error_t
start_writer (int fd, const void *data, size_t datalen, estream_t stream,
npth_t *r_thread, gpg_error_t *err_addr)
gpg_error_t err;
struct writer_thread_parms *parm;
npth_attr_t tattr;
npth_t thread;
int ret;
memset (r_thread, '\0', sizeof (*r_thread));
*err_addr = 0;
parm = xtrymalloc (sizeof *parm);
if (!parm)
return my_error_from_syserror ();
parm->fd = fd;
parm->data = data;
parm->datalen = datalen;
parm->stream = stream;
parm->err_addr = err_addr;
npth_attr_init (&tattr);
npth_attr_setdetachstate (&tattr, NPTH_CREATE_JOINABLE);
ret = npth_create (&thread, &tattr, writer_thread_main, parm);
if (ret)
err = my_error_from_errno (ret);
log_error ("error spawning writer thread: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
npth_setname_np (thread, "fd-writer");
err = 0;
*r_thread = thread;
npth_attr_destroy (&tattr);
return err;
/* The data passed to the reader_thread. */
struct reader_thread_parms
int fd;
membuf_t *mb;
estream_t stream;
gpg_error_t *err_addr;
/* The thread started by start_reader. */
static void *
reader_thread_main (void *arg)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
struct reader_thread_parms *parm = arg;
char buffer[4096];
int nread;
while ( (nread = npth_read (parm->fd, buffer, sizeof buffer)) )
if (nread < 0)
if (errno == EINTR)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
break; /* Read error. */
if (parm->stream)
const char *p = buffer;
size_t nwritten;
while (nread)
err = es_write (parm->stream, p, nread, &nwritten);
if (err)
log_error ("writing stream failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
nread -= nwritten;
p += nwritten;
put_membuf (parm->mb, buffer, nread);
*parm->err_addr = err;
if (close (parm->fd))
log_error ("closing reader fd %d failed: %s\n", parm->fd, strerror (errno));
xfree (parm);
return NULL;
/* Fire up a thread to receive data from the file descriptor FD. On
success the thread receives the ownership over FD. The thread ID
is stored at R_TID. After the thread has finished an error from
the thread will be stored at ERR_ADDR. */
static gpg_error_t
start_reader (int fd, membuf_t *mb, estream_t stream,
npth_t *r_thread, gpg_error_t *err_addr)
gpg_error_t err;
struct reader_thread_parms *parm;
npth_attr_t tattr;
npth_t thread;
int ret;
memset (r_thread, '\0', sizeof (*r_thread));
*err_addr = 0;
parm = xtrymalloc (sizeof *parm);
if (!parm)
return my_error_from_syserror ();
parm->fd = fd;
parm->mb = mb;
parm->stream = stream;
parm->err_addr = err_addr;
npth_attr_init (&tattr);
npth_attr_setdetachstate (&tattr, NPTH_CREATE_JOINABLE);
ret = npth_create (&thread, &tattr, reader_thread_main, parm);
if (ret)
err = my_error_from_errno (ret);
log_error ("error spawning reader thread: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
npth_setname_np (thread, "fd-reader");
err = 0;
*r_thread = thread;
npth_attr_destroy (&tattr);
return err;
/* Call GPG to encrypt a block of data.
static gpg_error_t
_gpg_encrypt (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *gpg_program,
strlist_t gpg_arguments,
const void *plain, size_t plainlen,
estream_t plain_stream,
strlist_t keys,
membuf_t *reader_mb,
estream_t cipher_stream)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx = NULL;
int outbound_fds[2] = { -1, -1 };
int inbound_fds[2] = { -1, -1 };
npth_t writer_thread = (npth_t)0;
npth_t reader_thread = (npth_t)0;
gpg_error_t writer_err, reader_err;
strlist_t sl;
int ret;
/* Make sure that either the stream interface xor the buffer
interface is used. */
assert ((plain == NULL) != (plain_stream == NULL));
assert ((reader_mb == NULL) != (cipher_stream == NULL));
/* Create two pipes. */
err = gnupg_create_outbound_pipe (outbound_fds, NULL, 0);
if (!err)
err = gnupg_create_inbound_pipe (inbound_fds, NULL, 0);
if (err)
log_error (_("error creating a pipe: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Start GPG and send the INPUT and OUTPUT commands. */
err = start_gpg (ctrl, gpg_program, gpg_arguments,
outbound_fds[0], inbound_fds[1], &ctx);
if (err)
goto leave;
close (outbound_fds[0]); outbound_fds[0] = -1;
close (inbound_fds[1]); inbound_fds[1] = -1;
/* Start a writer thread to feed the INPUT command of the server. */
err = start_writer (outbound_fds[1], plain, plainlen, plain_stream,
&writer_thread, &writer_err);
if (err)
return err;
outbound_fds[1] = -1; /* The thread owns the FD now. */
/* Start a reader thread to eat from the OUTPUT command of the
server. */
err = start_reader (inbound_fds[0], reader_mb, cipher_stream,
&reader_thread, &reader_err);
if (err)
return err;
outbound_fds[0] = -1; /* The thread owns the FD now. */
/* Run the encryption. */
for (sl = keys; sl; sl = sl->next)
snprintf (line, sizeof line, "RECIPIENT -- %s", sl->d);
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("the engine's RECIPIENT command failed: %s <%s>\n",
gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
goto leave;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, "ENCRYPT", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("the engine's ENCRYPT command failed: %s <%s>\n",
gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
goto leave;
/* Wait for reader and return the data. */
ret = npth_join (reader_thread, NULL);
if (ret)
err = my_error_from_errno (ret);
log_error ("waiting for reader thread failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* FIXME: Not really valid, as npth_t is an opaque type. */
memset (&reader_thread, '\0', sizeof (reader_thread));
if (reader_err)
err = reader_err;
log_error ("read error in reader thread: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Wait for the writer to catch a writer error. */
ret = npth_join (writer_thread, NULL);
if (ret)
err = my_error_from_errno (ret);
log_error ("waiting for writer thread failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
memset (&writer_thread, '\0', sizeof (writer_thread));
if (writer_err)
err = writer_err;
log_error ("write error in writer thread: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* FIXME: Not valid, as npth_t is an opaque type. */
if (reader_thread)
npth_detach (reader_thread);
if (writer_thread)
npth_detach (writer_thread);
if (outbound_fds[0] != -1)
close (outbound_fds[0]);
if (outbound_fds[1] != -1)
close (outbound_fds[1]);
if (inbound_fds[0] != -1)
close (inbound_fds[0]);
if (inbound_fds[1] != -1)
close (inbound_fds[1]);
release_gpg (ctx);
return err;
gpg_encrypt_blob (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *gpg_program,
strlist_t gpg_arguments,
const void *plain, size_t plainlen,
strlist_t keys,
void **r_ciph, size_t *r_ciphlen)
gpg_error_t err;
membuf_t reader_mb;
*r_ciph = NULL;
*r_ciphlen = 0;
/* Init the memory buffer to receive the encrypted stuff. */
init_membuf (&reader_mb, 4096);
err = _gpg_encrypt (ctrl, gpg_program, gpg_arguments,
plain, plainlen, NULL,
&reader_mb, NULL);
if (! err)
/* Return the data. */
*r_ciph = get_membuf (&reader_mb, r_ciphlen);
if (!*r_ciph)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error while storing the data in the reader thread: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (get_membuf (&reader_mb, NULL));
return err;
gpg_encrypt_stream (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *gpg_program,
strlist_t gpg_arguments,
estream_t plain_stream,
strlist_t keys,
estream_t cipher_stream)
return _gpg_encrypt (ctrl, gpg_program, gpg_arguments,
NULL, 0, plain_stream,
NULL, cipher_stream);
/* Call GPG to decrypt a block of data.
static gpg_error_t
_gpg_decrypt (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *gpg_program,
strlist_t gpg_arguments,
const void *ciph, size_t ciphlen,
estream_t cipher_stream,
membuf_t *reader_mb,
estream_t plain_stream)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx = NULL;
int outbound_fds[2] = { -1, -1 };
int inbound_fds[2] = { -1, -1 };
npth_t writer_thread = (npth_t)0;
npth_t reader_thread = (npth_t)0;
gpg_error_t writer_err, reader_err;
int ret;
/* Make sure that either the stream interface xor the buffer
interface is used. */
assert ((ciph == NULL) != (cipher_stream == NULL));
assert ((reader_mb == NULL) != (plain_stream == NULL));
/* Create two pipes. */
err = gnupg_create_outbound_pipe (outbound_fds, NULL, 0);
if (!err)
err = gnupg_create_inbound_pipe (inbound_fds, NULL, 0);
if (err)
log_error (_("error creating a pipe: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Start GPG and send the INPUT and OUTPUT commands. */
err = start_gpg (ctrl, gpg_program, gpg_arguments,
outbound_fds[0], inbound_fds[1], &ctx);
if (err)
goto leave;
close (outbound_fds[0]); outbound_fds[0] = -1;
close (inbound_fds[1]); inbound_fds[1] = -1;
/* Start a writer thread to feed the INPUT command of the server. */
err = start_writer (outbound_fds[1], ciph, ciphlen, cipher_stream,
&writer_thread, &writer_err);
if (err)
return err;
outbound_fds[1] = -1; /* The thread owns the FD now. */
/* Start a reader thread to eat from the OUTPUT command of the
server. */
err = start_reader (inbound_fds[0], reader_mb, plain_stream,
&reader_thread, &reader_err);
if (err)
return err;
outbound_fds[0] = -1; /* The thread owns the FD now. */
/* Run the decryption. */
err = assuan_transact (ctx, "DECRYPT", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("the engine's DECRYPT command failed: %s <%s>\n",
gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
goto leave;
/* Wait for reader and return the data. */
ret = npth_join (reader_thread, NULL);
if (ret)
err = my_error_from_errno (ret);
log_error ("waiting for reader thread failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
memset (&reader_thread, '\0', sizeof (reader_thread));
if (reader_err)
err = reader_err;
log_error ("read error in reader thread: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Wait for the writer to catch a writer error. */
ret = npth_join (writer_thread, NULL);
if (ret)
err = my_error_from_errno (ret);
log_error ("waiting for writer thread failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
memset (&writer_thread, '\0', sizeof (writer_thread));
if (writer_err)
err = writer_err;
log_error ("write error in writer thread: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (reader_thread)
npth_detach (reader_thread);
if (writer_thread)
npth_detach (writer_thread);
if (outbound_fds[0] != -1)
close (outbound_fds[0]);
if (outbound_fds[1] != -1)
close (outbound_fds[1]);
if (inbound_fds[0] != -1)
close (inbound_fds[0]);
if (inbound_fds[1] != -1)
close (inbound_fds[1]);
release_gpg (ctx);
return err;
gpg_decrypt_blob (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *gpg_program,
strlist_t gpg_arguments,
const void *ciph, size_t ciphlen,
void **r_plain, size_t *r_plainlen)
gpg_error_t err;
membuf_t reader_mb;
*r_plain = NULL;
*r_plainlen = 0;
/* Init the memory buffer to receive the encrypted stuff. */
init_membuf_secure (&reader_mb, 1024);
err = _gpg_decrypt (ctrl, gpg_program, gpg_arguments,
ciph, ciphlen, NULL,
&reader_mb, NULL);
if (! err)
/* Return the data. */
*r_plain = get_membuf (&reader_mb, r_plainlen);
if (!*r_plain)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error while storing the data in the reader thread: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (get_membuf (&reader_mb, NULL));
return err;
gpg_decrypt_stream (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *gpg_program,
strlist_t gpg_arguments,
estream_t cipher_stream,
estream_t plain_stream)
return _gpg_decrypt (ctrl, gpg_program, gpg_arguments,
NULL, 0, cipher_stream,
NULL, plain_stream);
diff --git a/common/call-gpg.h b/common/call-gpg.h
index 19993ef0b..fd7d2e67e 100644
--- a/common/call-gpg.h
+++ b/common/call-gpg.h
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
/* call-gpg.h - Defs for the communication with GPG
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include "fwddecl.h"
#include "strlist.h"
gpg_error_t gpg_encrypt_blob (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *gpg_program,
strlist_t gpg_arguments,
const void *plain, size_t plainlen,
strlist_t keys,
void **r_ciph, size_t *r_ciphlen);
gpg_error_t gpg_encrypt_stream (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *gpg_program,
strlist_t gpg_arguments,
estream_t plain_stream,
strlist_t keys,
estream_t cipher_stream);
gpg_error_t gpg_decrypt_blob (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *gpg_program,
strlist_t gpg_arguments,
const void *ciph, size_t ciphlen,
void **r_plain, size_t *r_plainlen);
gpg_error_t gpg_decrypt_stream (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *gpg_program,
strlist_t gpg_arguments,
estream_t cipher_stream,
estream_t plain_stream);
diff --git a/common/ccparray.c b/common/ccparray.c
index d3c28333c..ff3eb40a9 100644
--- a/common/ccparray.c
+++ b/common/ccparray.c
@@ -1,148 +1,148 @@
/* ccparray.c - A simple dynamic array for character pointer.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "ccparray.h"
/* A simple implementation of a dynamic array of const char pointers.
* The example code:
* ccparray_t ccp;
* const char **argv;
* int i;
* ccparray_init (&ccp, 0);
* ccparray_put (&ccp, "First arg");
* ccparray_put (&ccp, "Second arg");
* ccparray_put (&ccp, NULL);
* ccparray_put (&ccp, "Fourth arg");
* argv = ccparray_get (&ccp, NULL);
* if (!argv)
* die ("error building array: %s\n", strerror (errno));
* for (i=0; argv[i]; i++)
* printf ("[%d] = '%s'\n", i, argv[i]);
* xfree (argv);
* will result in this output:
* [0] = 'First arg'
* [1] = 'Second arg'
* Note that allocation errors are detected but only returned with the
* final ccparray_get(); this helps not to clutter the code with out
* of core checks.
ccparray_init (ccparray_t *cpa, unsigned int initialsize)
if (!initialsize)
cpa->size = 16;
else if (initialsize < (1<<16))
cpa->size = initialsize;
cpa->size = (1<<16);
cpa->count = 0;
cpa->out_of_core = 0;
cpa->array = xtrycalloc (cpa->size, sizeof *cpa->array);
if (!cpa->array)
cpa->out_of_core = errno;
ccparray_put (ccparray_t *cpa, const char *value)
if (cpa->out_of_core)
if (cpa->count + 1 >= cpa->size)
const char **newarray;
size_t n, newsize;
if (cpa->size < 8)
newsize = 16;
else if (cpa->size < 4096)
newsize = 2 * cpa->size;
else if (cpa->size < (1<<16))
newsize = cpa->size + 2048;
cpa->out_of_core = ENOMEM;
newarray = xtrycalloc (newsize, sizeof *newarray);
if (!newarray)
cpa->out_of_core = errno ? errno : ENOMEM;
for (n=0; n < cpa->size; n++)
newarray[n] = cpa->array[n];
xfree (cpa->array);
cpa->array = newarray;
cpa->size = newsize;
cpa->array[cpa->count++] = value;
const char **
ccparray_get (ccparray_t *cpa, size_t *r_count)
const char **result;
if (cpa->out_of_core)
if (cpa->array)
xfree (cpa->array);
cpa->array = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (cpa->out_of_core);
return NULL;
result= cpa->array;
if (r_count)
*r_count = cpa->count;
cpa->array = NULL;
cpa->out_of_core = ENOMEM; /* hack to make sure it won't get reused. */
return result;
diff --git a/common/ccparray.h b/common/ccparray.h
index 241d42db0..1ecf95b09 100644
--- a/common/ccparray.h
+++ b/common/ccparray.h
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
/* ccparray.c - A simple dynamic array for character pointer.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* The definition of the structure is private, we only need it here,
* so it can be allocated on the stack. */
struct _ccparray_private_s
unsigned int count;
unsigned int size;
int out_of_core;
const char **array;
typedef struct _ccparray_private_s ccparray_t;
void ccparray_init (ccparray_t *cpa, unsigned int initialsize);
void ccparray_put (ccparray_t *cpa, const char *value);
const char **ccparray_get (ccparray_t *cpa, size_t *r_nelems);
diff --git a/common/common-defs.h b/common/common-defs.h
index ab5ed343f..b1928e611 100644
--- a/common/common-defs.h
+++ b/common/common-defs.h
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
/* common-defs.h - Private declarations for common/
* Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* Dummy replacement for getenv. */
#define getenv(a) (NULL)
#define getpid() GetCurrentProcessId ()
/*-- ttyio.c --*/
void tty_private_set_rl_hooks (void (*init_stream) (FILE *),
void (*set_completer) (rl_completion_func_t*),
void (*inhibit_completion) (int),
void (*cleanup_after_signal) (void),
char *(*readline_fun) (const char*),
void (*add_history_fun) (const char*));
diff --git a/common/convert.c b/common/convert.c
index 4611e7765..6d03adc3d 100644
--- a/common/convert.c
+++ b/common/convert.c
@@ -1,266 +1,266 @@
/* convert.c - Hex conversion functions.
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "util.h"
#define tohex(n) ((n) < 10 ? ((n) + '0') : (((n) - 10) + 'A'))
/* Convert STRING consisting of hex characters into its binary
representation and store that at BUFFER. BUFFER needs to be of
LENGTH bytes. The function checks that the STRING will convert
exactly to LENGTH bytes. The string is delimited by either end of
string or a white space character. The function returns -1 on
error or the length of the parsed string. */
hex2bin (const char *string, void *buffer, size_t length)
int i;
const char *s = string;
for (i=0; i < length; )
if (!hexdigitp (s) || !hexdigitp (s+1))
return -1; /* Invalid hex digits. */
((unsigned char*)buffer)[i++] = xtoi_2 (s);
s += 2;
if (*s && (!isascii (*s) || !isspace (*s)) )
return -1; /* Not followed by Nul or white space. */
if (i != length)
return -1; /* Not of expected length. */
if (*s)
s++; /* Skip the delimiter. */
return s - string;
/* Convert STRING consisting of hex characters into its binary representation
and store that at BUFFER. BUFFER needs to be of LENGTH bytes. The
function check that the STRING will convert exactly to LENGTH
bytes. Colons between the hex digits are allowed, if one colon
has been given a colon is expected very 2 characters. The string
is delimited by either end of string or a white space character.
The function returns -1 on error or the length of the parsed
string. */
hexcolon2bin (const char *string, void *buffer, size_t length)
int i;
const char *s = string;
int need_colon = 0;
for (i=0; i < length; )
if (i==1 && *s == ':') /* Skip colons between hex digits. */
need_colon = 1;
else if (need_colon && *s == ':')
else if (need_colon)
return -1; /* Colon expected. */
if (!hexdigitp (s) || !hexdigitp (s+1))
return -1; /* Invalid hex digits. */
((unsigned char*)buffer)[i++] = xtoi_2 (s);
s += 2;
if (*s == ':')
return -1; /* Trailing colons are not allowed. */
if (*s && (!isascii (*s) || !isspace (*s)) )
return -1; /* Not followed by Nul or white space. */
if (i != length)
return -1; /* Not of expected length. */
if (*s)
s++; /* Skip the delimiter. */
return s - string;
static char *
do_bin2hex (const void *buffer, size_t length, char *stringbuf, int with_colon)
const unsigned char *s;
char *p;
if (!stringbuf)
/* Not really correct for with_colon but we don't care about the
one wasted byte. */
size_t n = with_colon? 3:2;
size_t nbytes = n * length + 1;
if (length && (nbytes-1) / n != length)
gpg_err_set_errno (ENOMEM);
return NULL;
stringbuf = xtrymalloc (nbytes);
if (!stringbuf)
return NULL;
for (s = buffer, p = stringbuf; length; length--, s++)
if (with_colon && s != buffer)
*p++ = ':';
*p++ = tohex ((*s>>4)&15);
*p++ = tohex (*s&15);
*p = 0;
return stringbuf;
/* Convert LENGTH bytes of data in BUFFER into hex encoding and store
that at the provided STRINGBUF. STRINGBUF must be allocated of at
least (2*LENGTH+1) bytes or be NULL so that the function mallocs an
appropriate buffer. Returns STRINGBUF or NULL on error (which may
only occur if STRINGBUF has been NULL and the internal malloc
failed). */
char *
bin2hex (const void *buffer, size_t length, char *stringbuf)
return do_bin2hex (buffer, length, stringbuf, 0);
/* Convert LENGTH bytes of data in BUFFER into hex encoding and store
that at the provided STRINGBUF. STRINGBUF must be allocated of at
least (3*LENGTH+1) bytes or be NULL so that the function mallocs an
appropriate buffer. Returns STRINGBUF or NULL on error (which may
only occur if STRINGBUF has been NULL and the internal malloc
failed). */
char *
bin2hexcolon (const void *buffer, size_t length, char *stringbuf)
return do_bin2hex (buffer, length, stringbuf, 1);
/* Convert HEXSTRING consisting of hex characters into string and
store that at BUFFER. HEXSTRING is either delimited by end of
string or a white space character. The function makes sure that
the resulting string in BUFFER is terminated by a Nul byte. Note
that the returned string may include embedded Nul bytes; the extra
Nul byte at the end is used to make sure tha the result can always
be used as a C-string.
BUFSIZE is the available length of BUFFER; if the converted result
plus a possible required extra Nul character does not fit into this
buffer, the function returns NULL and won't change the existing
content of BUFFER. In-place conversion is possible as long as
If BUFFER is NULL and BUFSIZE is 0 the function scans HEXSTRING but
does not store anything. This may be used to find the end of
On success the function returns a pointer to the next character
after HEXSTRING (which is either end-of-string or a the next white
space). If BUFLEN is not NULL the number of valid vytes in BUFFER
is stored there (an extra Nul byte is not counted); this will even
be done if BUFFER has been passed as NULL. */
const char *
hex2str (const char *hexstring, char *buffer, size_t bufsize, size_t *buflen)
const char *s = hexstring;
int idx, count;
int need_nul = 0;
if (buflen)
*buflen = 0;
for (s=hexstring, count=0; hexdigitp (s) && hexdigitp (s+1); s += 2, count++)
if (*s && (!isascii (*s) || !isspace (*s)) )
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
return NULL; /* Not followed by Nul or white space. */
/* We need to append a nul character. However we don't want that if
the hexstring already ends with "00". */
need_nul = ((s == hexstring) || !(s[-2] == '0' && s[-1] == '0'));
if (need_nul)
if (buffer)
if (count > bufsize)
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
return NULL; /* Too long. */
for (s=hexstring, idx=0; hexdigitp (s) && hexdigitp (s+1); s += 2)
((unsigned char*)buffer)[idx++] = xtoi_2 (s);
if (need_nul)
buffer[idx] = 0;
if (buflen)
*buflen = count - need_nul;
return s;
/* Same as hex2str but this function allocated a new string. Returns
NULL on error. If R_COUNT is not NULL, the number of scanned bytes
will be stored there. ERRNO is set on error. */
char *
hex2str_alloc (const char *hexstring, size_t *r_count)
const char *tail;
size_t nbytes;
char *result;
tail = hex2str (hexstring, NULL, 0, &nbytes);
if (!tail)
if (r_count)
*r_count = 0;
return NULL;
if (r_count)
*r_count = tail - hexstring;
result = xtrymalloc (nbytes+1);
if (!result)
return NULL;
if (!hex2str (hexstring, result, nbytes+1, NULL))
BUG ();
return result;
diff --git a/common/dotlock.c b/common/dotlock.c
index 26005bf6e..7ebd5231c 100644
--- a/common/dotlock.c
+++ b/common/dotlock.c
@@ -1,1379 +1,1379 @@
/* dotlock.c - dotfile locking
* Copyright (C) 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004,
* 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
* ALTERNATIVELY, this file may be distributed under the terms of the
* following license, in which case the provisions of this license are
* required INSTEAD OF the GNU Lesser General License or the GNU
* General Public License. If you wish to allow use of your version of
* this file only under the terms of the GNU Lesser General License or
* the GNU General Public License, and not to allow others to use your
* version of this file under the terms of the following license,
* indicate your decision by deleting this paragraph and the license
* below.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, and the entire permission notice in its entirety,
* including the disclaimer of warranties.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote
* products derived from this software without specific prior
* written permission.
This module implements advisory file locking in a portable way.
Due to the problems with POSIX fcntl locking a separate lock file
is used. It would be possible to use fcntl locking on this lock
file and thus avoid the weird auto unlock bug of POSIX while still
having an unproved better performance of fcntl locking. However
there are still problems left, thus we resort to use a hardlink
which has the well defined property that a link call will fail if
the target file already exists.
Given that hardlinks are also available on NTFS file systems since
Windows XP; it will be possible to enhance this module to use
hardlinks even on Windows and thus allow Windows and Posix clients
to use locking on the same directory. This is not yet implemented;
instead we use a lockfile on Windows along with W32 style file
On FAT file systems hardlinks are not supported. Thus this method
does not work. Our solution is to use a O_EXCL locking instead.
Querying the type of the file system is not easy to do in a
portable way (e.g. Linux has a statfs, BSDs have a the same call
but using different structures and constants). What we do instead
is to check at runtime whether link(2) works for a specific lock
How to use:
At program initialization time, the module should be explicitly
dotlock_create (NULL, 0);
This installs an atexit handler and may also initialize mutex etc.
It is optional for non-threaded applications. Only the first call
has an effect. This needs to be done before any extra threads are
To create a lock file (which prepares it but does not take the
lock) you do:
dotlock_t h
h = dotlock_create (fname, 0);
if (!h)
error ("error creating lock file: %s\n", strerror (errno));
It is important to handle the error. For example on a read-only
file system a lock can't be created (but is usually not needed).
FNAME is the file you want to lock; the actual lockfile is that
name with the suffix ".lock" appended. On success a handle to be
used with the other functions is returned or NULL on error. Note
that the handle shall only be used by one thread at a time. This
function creates a unique file temporary file (".#lk*") in the same
directory as FNAME and returns a handle for further operations.
The module keeps track of theses unique files so that they will be
unlinked using the atexit handler. If you don't need the lock file
anymore, you may also explicitly remove it with a call to:
dotlock_destroy (h);
To actually lock the file, you use:
if (dotlock_take (h, -1))
error ("error taking lock: %s\n", strerror (errno));
This function will wait until the lock is acquired. If an
unexpected error occurs if will return non-zero and set ERRNO. If
you pass (0) instead of (-1) the function does not wait in case the
file is already locked but returns -1 and sets ERRNO to EACCES.
Any other positive value for the second parameter is considered a
timeout valuie in milliseconds.
To release the lock you call:
if (dotlock_release (h))
error ("error releasing lock: %s\n", strerror (errno));
or, if the lock file is not anymore needed, you may just call
dotlock_destroy. However dotlock_release does some extra checks
before releasing the lock and prints diagnostics to help detecting
If you want to explicitly destroy all lock files you may call
dotlock_remove_lockfiles ();
which is the core of the installed atexit handler. In case your
application wants to disable locking completely it may call
disable_locking ()
before any locks are created.
There are two convenience functions to store an integer (e.g. a
file descriptor) value with the handle:
void dotlock_set_fd (dotlock_t h, int fd);
int dotlock_get_fd (dotlock_t h);
If nothing has been stored dotlock_get_fd returns -1.
How to build:
This module was originally developed for GnuPG but later changed to
allow its use without any GnuPG dependency. If you want to use it
with you application you may simply use it and it should figure out
most things automagically.
You may use the common config.h file to pass macros, but take care
to pass -DHAVE_CONFIG_H to the compiler. Macros used by this
module are:
DOTLOCK_USE_PTHREAD - Define if POSIX threads are in use.
DOTLOCK_GLIB_LOGGING - Define this to use Glib logging functions.
DOTLOCK_EXT_SYM_PREFIX - Prefix all external symbols with the
string to which this macro evaluates.
GNUPG_MAJOR_VERSION - Defined when used by GnuPG.
HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM - Defined for Windows etc. Will be
automatically defined if a the target is
HAVE_SIGNAL_H - Should be defined on Posix systems. If config.h
is not used defaults to defined.
DIRSEP_C - Separation character for file name parts.
Usually not redefined.
EXTSEP_S - Separation string for file name suffixes.
Usually not redefined.
HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM - Currently only used by GnuPG.
Note that there is a test program t-dotlock which has compile
instructions at its end. At least for SMBFS and CIFS it is
important that 64 bit versions of stat are used; most programming
environments do this these days, just in case you want to compile
it on the command line, remember to pass -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
On Windows this module is not yet thread-safe.
Miscellaneous notes:
On hardlinks:
- Hardlinks are supported under Windows with NTFS since XP/Server2003.
- In Linux 2.6.33 both SMBFS and CIFS seem to support hardlinks.
- NFS supports hard links. But there are solvable problems.
- FAT does not support links
On the file locking API:
- CIFS on Linux 2.6.33 supports several locking methods.
SMBFS seems not to support locking. No closer checks done.
- NFS supports Posix locks. flock is emulated in the server.
However there are a couple of problems; see below.
- FAT does not support locks.
- An advantage of fcntl locking is that R/W locks can be
implemented which is not easy with a straight lock file.
- Does not work reliable on NFS
- Should work on CIFS and SMBFS but how can we delete lockfiles?
On NFS problems:
- Locks vanish if the server crashes and reboots.
- Client crashes keep the lock in the server until the client
- Communication problems may return unreliable error codes. The
MUA Postfix's workaround is to compare the link count after
seeing an error for link. However that gives a race. If using a
unique file to link to a lockfile and using stat to check the
link count instead of looking at the error return of link(2) is
the best solution.
- O_EXCL seems to have a race and may re-create a file anyway.
# include <config.h>
/* Some quick replacements for stuff we usually expect to be defined
in config.h. Define HAVE_POSIX_SYSTEM for better readability. */
#if !defined (HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM) && defined(_WIN32)
#if !defined (HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM) && !defined (HAVE_POSIX_SYSTEM)
/* With no config.h assume that we have sitgnal.h. */
#if !defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H) && defined (HAVE_POSIX_SYSTEM)
# define HAVE_SIGNAL_H 1
/* Standard headers. */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /* We only need the OS core stuff. */
# include <windows.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
# include <signal.h>
# include <pthread.h>
# include <glib.h>
# include "util.h"
# include "common-defs.h"
# include "stringhelp.h" /* For stpcpy and w32_strerror. */
# include "utf8conv.h" /* WindowsCE requires filename conversion. */
#include "dotlock.h"
/* Define constants for file name construction. */
#if !defined(DIRSEP_C) && !defined(EXTSEP_S)
# define DIRSEP_C '\\'
# define EXTSEP_S "."
# define DIRSEP_C '/'
# define EXTSEP_S "."
# endif
/* In GnuPG we use wrappers around the malloc fucntions. If they are
not defined we assume that this code is used outside of GnuPG and
fall back to the regular malloc functions. */
#ifndef xtrymalloc
# define xtrymalloc(a) malloc ((a))
# define xtrycalloc(a,b) calloc ((a), (b))
# define xfree(a) free ((a))
/* Wrapper to set ERRNO (required for W32CE). */
# define my_set_errno(e) gpg_err_set_errno ((e))
# define my_set_errno(e) do { errno = (e); } while (0)
/* Gettext macro replacement. */
#ifndef _
# define _(a) (a)
# define my_info_0(a) log_info ((a))
# define my_info_1(a,b) log_info ((a), (b))
# define my_info_2(a,b,c) log_info ((a), (b), (c))
# define my_info_3(a,b,c,d) log_info ((a), (b), (c), (d))
# define my_error_0(a) log_error ((a))
# define my_error_1(a,b) log_error ((a), (b))
# define my_error_2(a,b,c) log_error ((a), (b), (c))
# define my_debug_1(a,b) log_debug ((a), (b))
# define my_fatal_0(a) log_fatal ((a))
#elif defined (DOTLOCK_GLIB_LOGGING)
# define my_info_0(a) g_message ((a))
# define my_info_1(a,b) g_message ((a), (b))
# define my_info_2(a,b,c) g_message ((a), (b), (c))
# define my_info_3(a,b,c,d) g_message ((a), (b), (c), (d))
# define my_error_0(a) g_warning ((a))
# define my_error_1(a,b) g_warning ((a), (b))
# define my_error_2(a,b,c) g_warning ((a), (b), (c))
# define my_debug_1(a,b) g_debug ((a), (b))
# define my_fatal_0(a) g_error ((a))
# define my_info_0(a) fprintf (stderr, (a))
# define my_info_1(a,b) fprintf (stderr, (a), (b))
# define my_info_2(a,b,c) fprintf (stderr, (a), (b), (c))
# define my_info_3(a,b,c,d) fprintf (stderr, (a), (b), (c), (d))
# define my_error_0(a) fprintf (stderr, (a))
# define my_error_1(a,b) fprintf (stderr, (a), (b))
# define my_error_2(a,b,c) fprintf (stderr, (a), (b), (c))
# define my_debug_1(a,b) fprintf (stderr, (a), (b))
# define my_fatal_0(a) do { fprintf (stderr,(a)); fflush (stderr); \
abort (); } while (0)
/* The object describing a lock. */
struct dotlock_handle
struct dotlock_handle *next;
char *lockname; /* Name of the actual lockfile. */
unsigned int locked:1; /* Lock status. */
unsigned int disable:1; /* If true, locking is disabled. */
unsigned int use_o_excl:1; /* Use open (O_EXCL) for locking. */
int extra_fd; /* A place for the caller to store an FD. */
HANDLE lockhd; /* The W32 handle of the lock file. */
char *tname; /* Name of the lockfile template. */
size_t nodename_off; /* Offset in TNAME of the nodename part. */
size_t nodename_len; /* Length of the nodename part. */
/* A list of of all lock handles. The volatile attribute might help
if used in an atexit handler. Note that [UN]LOCK_all_lockfiles
must not change ERRNO. */
static volatile dotlock_t all_lockfiles;
static pthread_mutex_t all_lockfiles_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
# define LOCK_all_lockfiles() do { \
if (pthread_mutex_lock (&all_lockfiles_mutex)) \
my_fatal_0 ("locking all_lockfiles_mutex failed\n"); \
} while (0)
# define UNLOCK_all_lockfiles() do { \
if (pthread_mutex_unlock (&all_lockfiles_mutex)) \
my_fatal_0 ("unlocking all_lockfiles_mutex failed\n"); \
} while (0)
# define LOCK_all_lockfiles() do { } while (0)
# define UNLOCK_all_lockfiles() do { } while (0)
/* If this has the value true all locking is disabled. */
static int never_lock;
static int
map_w32_to_errno (DWORD w32_err)
switch (w32_err)
case 0:
return 0;
return ENOENT;
return ENOENT;
return EPERM;
return EINVAL;
return ENOMEM;
return EPIPE;
return EIO;
/* Entirely disable all locking. This function should be called
before any locking is done. It may be called right at startup of
the process as it only sets a global value. */
dotlock_disable (void)
never_lock = 1;
static int
maybe_deadlock (dotlock_t h)
dotlock_t r;
int res = 0;
LOCK_all_lockfiles ();
for (r=all_lockfiles; r; r = r->next)
if ( r != h && r->locked )
res = 1;
UNLOCK_all_lockfiles ();
return res;
/* Read the lock file and return the pid, returns -1 on error. True
will be stored in the integer at address SAME_NODE if the lock file
has been created on the same node. */
static int
read_lockfile (dotlock_t h, int *same_node )
char buffer_space[10+1+70+1]; /* 70 is just an estimated value; node
names are usually shorter. */
int fd;
int pid = -1;
char *buffer, *p;
size_t expected_len;
int res, nread;
*same_node = 0;
expected_len = 10 + 1 + h->nodename_len + 1;
if ( expected_len >= sizeof buffer_space)
buffer = xtrymalloc (expected_len);
if (!buffer)
return -1;
buffer = buffer_space;
if ( (fd = open (h->lockname, O_RDONLY)) == -1 )
int e = errno;
my_info_2 ("error opening lockfile '%s': %s\n",
h->lockname, strerror(errno) );
if (buffer != buffer_space)
xfree (buffer);
my_set_errno (e); /* Need to return ERRNO here. */
return -1;
p = buffer;
nread = 0;
res = read (fd, p, expected_len - nread);
if (res == -1 && errno == EINTR)
if (res < 0)
int e = errno;
my_info_1 ("error reading lockfile '%s'\n", h->lockname );
close (fd);
if (buffer != buffer_space)
xfree (buffer);
my_set_errno (e);
return -1;
p += res;
nread += res;
while (res && nread != expected_len);
if (nread < 11)
my_info_1 ("invalid size of lockfile '%s'\n", h->lockname);
if (buffer != buffer_space)
xfree (buffer);
my_set_errno (EINVAL);
return -1;
if (buffer[10] != '\n'
|| (buffer[10] = 0, pid = atoi (buffer)) == -1
|| !pid )
my_error_2 ("invalid pid %d in lockfile '%s'\n", pid, h->lockname);
if (buffer != buffer_space)
xfree (buffer);
my_set_errno (EINVAL);
return -1;
if (nread == expected_len
&& !memcmp (h->tname+h->nodename_off, buffer+11, h->nodename_len)
&& buffer[11+h->nodename_len] == '\n')
*same_node = 1;
if (buffer != buffer_space)
xfree (buffer);
return pid;
/* Check whether the file system which stores TNAME supports
hardlinks. Instead of using the non-portable statsfs call which
differs between various Unix versions, we do a runtime test.
Returns: 0 supports hardlinks; 1 no hardlink support, -1 unknown
(test error). */
static int
use_hardlinks_p (const char *tname)
char *lname;
struct stat sb;
unsigned int nlink;
int res;
if (stat (tname, &sb))
return -1;
nlink = (unsigned int)sb.st_nlink;
lname = xtrymalloc (strlen (tname) + 1 + 1);
if (!lname)
return -1;
strcpy (lname, tname);
strcat (lname, "x");
/* We ignore the return value of link() because it is unreliable. */
(void) link (tname, lname);
if (stat (tname, &sb))
res = -1; /* Ooops. */
else if (sb.st_nlink == nlink + 1)
res = 0; /* Yeah, hardlinks are supported. */
res = 1; /* No hardlink support. */
unlink (lname);
xfree (lname);
return res;
/* Locking core for Unix. It used a temporary file and the link
system call to make locking an atomic operation. */
static dotlock_t
dotlock_create_unix (dotlock_t h, const char *file_to_lock)
int fd = -1;
char pidstr[16];
const char *nodename;
const char *dirpart;
int dirpartlen;
struct utsname utsbuf;
size_t tnamelen;
snprintf (pidstr, sizeof pidstr, "%10d\n", (int)getpid() );
/* Create a temporary file. */
if ( uname ( &utsbuf ) )
nodename = "unknown";
nodename = utsbuf.nodename;
if ( !(dirpart = strrchr (file_to_lock, DIRSEP_C)) )
dirpart = EXTSEP_S;
dirpartlen = 1;
dirpartlen = dirpart - file_to_lock;
dirpart = file_to_lock;
LOCK_all_lockfiles ();
h->next = all_lockfiles;
all_lockfiles = h;
tnamelen = dirpartlen + 6 + 30 + strlen(nodename) + 10 + 1;
h->tname = xtrymalloc (tnamelen + 1);
if (!h->tname)
all_lockfiles = h->next;
UNLOCK_all_lockfiles ();
xfree (h);
return NULL;
h->nodename_len = strlen (nodename);
snprintf (h->tname, tnamelen, "%.*s/.#lk%p.", dirpartlen, dirpart, h );
h->nodename_off = strlen (h->tname);
snprintf (h->tname+h->nodename_off, tnamelen - h->nodename_off,
"%s.%d", nodename, (int)getpid ());
my_set_errno (0);
fd = open (h->tname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL,
while (fd == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if ( fd == -1 )
int saveerrno = errno;
all_lockfiles = h->next;
UNLOCK_all_lockfiles ();
my_error_2 (_("failed to create temporary file '%s': %s\n"),
h->tname, strerror (errno));
xfree (h->tname);
xfree (h);
my_set_errno (saveerrno);
return NULL;
if ( write (fd, pidstr, 11 ) != 11 )
goto write_failed;
if ( write (fd, nodename, strlen (nodename) ) != strlen (nodename) )
goto write_failed;
if ( write (fd, "\n", 1 ) != 1 )
goto write_failed;
if ( close (fd) )
if ( errno == EINTR )
fd = -1;
goto write_failed;
fd = -1;
/* Check whether we support hard links. */
switch (use_hardlinks_p (h->tname))
case 0: /* Yes. */
case 1: /* No. */
unlink (h->tname);
h->use_o_excl = 1;
int saveerrno = errno;
my_error_2 ("can't check whether hardlinks are supported for '%s': %s\n"
, h->tname, strerror (saveerrno));
my_set_errno (saveerrno);
goto write_failed;
h->lockname = xtrymalloc (strlen (file_to_lock) + 6 );
if (!h->lockname)
int saveerrno = errno;
all_lockfiles = h->next;
UNLOCK_all_lockfiles ();
unlink (h->tname);
xfree (h->tname);
xfree (h);
my_set_errno (saveerrno);
return NULL;
strcpy (stpcpy (h->lockname, file_to_lock), EXTSEP_S "lock");
UNLOCK_all_lockfiles ();
if (h->use_o_excl)
my_debug_1 ("locking for '%s' done via O_EXCL\n", h->lockname);
return h;
int saveerrno = errno;
all_lockfiles = h->next;
UNLOCK_all_lockfiles ();
my_error_2 (_("error writing to '%s': %s\n"), h->tname, strerror (errno));
if ( fd != -1 )
close (fd);
unlink (h->tname);
xfree (h->tname);
xfree (h);
my_set_errno (saveerrno);
return NULL;
/* Locking core for Windows. This version does not need a temporary
file but uses the plain lock file along with record locking. We
create this file here so that we later only need to do the file
locking. For error reporting it is useful to keep the name of the
file in the handle. */
static dotlock_t
dotlock_create_w32 (dotlock_t h, const char *file_to_lock)
LOCK_all_lockfiles ();
h->next = all_lockfiles;
all_lockfiles = h;
h->lockname = xtrymalloc ( strlen (file_to_lock) + 6 );
if (!h->lockname)
all_lockfiles = h->next;
UNLOCK_all_lockfiles ();
xfree (h);
return NULL;
strcpy (stpcpy(h->lockname, file_to_lock), EXTSEP_S "lock");
/* If would be nice if we would use the FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE
along with FILE_SHARE_DELETE but that does not work due to a race
condition: Despite the OPEN_ALWAYS flag CreateFile may return an
error and we can't reliable create/open the lock file unless we
would wait here until it works - however there are other valid
reasons why a lock file can't be created and thus the process
would not stop as expected but spin until Windows crashes. Our
solution is to keep the lock file open; that does not harm. */
wchar_t *wname = utf8_to_wchar (h->lockname);
if (wname)
h->lockhd = CreateFile (wname,
xfree (wname);
h->lockhd = CreateFile (h->lockname,
if (h->lockhd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
int saveerrno = map_w32_to_errno (GetLastError ());
all_lockfiles = h->next;
UNLOCK_all_lockfiles ();
my_error_2 (_("can't create '%s': %s\n"), h->lockname, w32_strerror (-1));
xfree (h->lockname);
xfree (h);
my_set_errno (saveerrno);
return NULL;
return h;
/* Create a lockfile for a file name FILE_TO_LOCK and returns an
object of type dotlock_t which may be used later to actually acquire
the lock. A cleanup routine gets installed to cleanup left over
locks or other files used internally by the lock mechanism.
Calling this function with NULL does only install the atexit
handler and may thus be used to assure that the cleanup is called
after all other atexit handlers.
This function creates a lock file in the same directory as
FILE_TO_LOCK using that name and a suffix of ".lock". Note that on
POSIX systems a temporary file ".#lk.<hostname>.pid[.threadid] is
FLAGS must be 0.
The function returns an new handle which needs to be released using
destroy_dotlock but gets also released at the termination of the
process. On error NULL is returned.
dotlock_create (const char *file_to_lock, unsigned int flags)
static int initialized;
dotlock_t h;
if ( !initialized )
atexit (dotlock_remove_lockfiles);
initialized = 1;
if ( !file_to_lock )
return NULL; /* Only initialization was requested. */
if (flags)
my_set_errno (EINVAL);
return NULL;
h = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *h);
if (!h)
return NULL;
h->extra_fd = -1;
if (never_lock)
h->disable = 1;
LOCK_all_lockfiles ();
h->next = all_lockfiles;
all_lockfiles = h;
UNLOCK_all_lockfiles ();
return h;
return dotlock_create_w32 (h, file_to_lock);
return dotlock_create_unix (h, file_to_lock);
/* Convenience function to store a file descriptor (or any any other
integer value) in the context of handle H. */
dotlock_set_fd (dotlock_t h, int fd)
h->extra_fd = fd;
/* Convenience function to retrieve a file descriptor (or any any other
integer value) stored in the context of handle H. */
dotlock_get_fd (dotlock_t h)
return h->extra_fd;
/* Unix specific code of destroy_dotlock. */
static void
dotlock_destroy_unix (dotlock_t h)
if (h->locked && h->lockname)
unlink (h->lockname);
if (h->tname && !h->use_o_excl)
unlink (h->tname);
xfree (h->tname);
/* Windows specific code of destroy_dotlock. */
static void
dotlock_destroy_w32 (dotlock_t h)
if (h->locked)
memset (&ovl, 0, sizeof ovl);
UnlockFileEx (h->lockhd, 0, 1, 0, &ovl);
CloseHandle (h->lockhd);
/* Destroy the lock handle H and release the lock. */
dotlock_destroy (dotlock_t h)
dotlock_t hprev, htmp;
if ( !h )
/* First remove the handle from our global list of all locks. */
LOCK_all_lockfiles ();
for (hprev=NULL, htmp=all_lockfiles; htmp; hprev=htmp, htmp=htmp->next)
if (htmp == h)
if (hprev)
hprev->next = htmp->next;
all_lockfiles = htmp->next;
h->next = NULL;
UNLOCK_all_lockfiles ();
/* Then destroy the lock. */
if (!h->disable)
dotlock_destroy_w32 (h);
dotlock_destroy_unix (h);
xfree (h->lockname);
/* Unix specific code of make_dotlock. Returns 0 on success and -1 on
error. */
static int
dotlock_take_unix (dotlock_t h, long timeout)
int wtime = 0;
int sumtime = 0;
int pid;
int lastpid = -1;
int ownerchanged;
const char *maybe_dead="";
int same_node;
int saveerrno;
if (h->use_o_excl)
/* No hardlink support - use open(O_EXCL). */
int fd;
my_set_errno (0);
fd = open (h->lockname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL,
while (fd == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (fd == -1 && errno == EEXIST)
; /* Lock held by another process. */
else if (fd == -1)
saveerrno = errno;
my_error_2 ("lock not made: open(O_EXCL) of '%s' failed: %s\n",
h->lockname, strerror (saveerrno));
my_set_errno (saveerrno);
return -1;
char pidstr[16];
snprintf (pidstr, sizeof pidstr, "%10d\n", (int)getpid());
if (write (fd, pidstr, 11 ) == 11
&& write (fd, h->tname + h->nodename_off,h->nodename_len)
== h->nodename_len
&& write (fd, "\n", 1) == 1
&& !close (fd))
h->locked = 1;
return 0;
/* Write error. */
saveerrno = errno;
my_error_2 ("lock not made: writing to '%s' failed: %s\n",
h->lockname, strerror (errno));
close (fd);
unlink (h->lockname);
my_set_errno (saveerrno);
return -1;
else /* Standard method: Use hardlinks. */
struct stat sb;
/* We ignore the return value of link() because it is unreliable. */
(void) link (h->tname, h->lockname);
if (stat (h->tname, &sb))
saveerrno = errno;
my_error_1 ("lock not made: Oops: stat of tmp file failed: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
/* In theory this might be a severe error: It is possible
that link succeeded but stat failed due to changed
permissions. We can't do anything about it, though. */
my_set_errno (saveerrno);
return -1;
if (sb.st_nlink == 2)
h->locked = 1;
return 0; /* Okay. */
/* Check for stale lock files. */
if ( (pid = read_lockfile (h, &same_node)) == -1 )
if ( errno != ENOENT )
saveerrno = errno;
my_info_0 ("cannot read lockfile\n");
my_set_errno (saveerrno);
return -1;
my_info_0 ("lockfile disappeared\n");
goto again;
else if ( pid == getpid() && same_node )
my_info_0 ("Oops: lock already held by us\n");
h->locked = 1;
return 0; /* okay */
else if ( same_node && kill (pid, 0) && errno == ESRCH )
/* Note: It is unlikley that we get a race here unless a pid is
reused too fast or a new process with the same pid as the one
of the stale file tries to lock right at the same time as we. */
my_info_1 (_("removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n"), pid);
unlink (h->lockname);
goto again;
if (lastpid == -1)
lastpid = pid;
ownerchanged = (pid != lastpid);
if (timeout)
struct timeval tv;
/* Wait until lock has been released. We use increasing retry
intervals of 50ms, 100ms, 200ms, 400ms, 800ms, 2s, 4s and 8s
but reset it if the lock owner meanwhile changed. */
if (!wtime || ownerchanged)
wtime = 50;
else if (wtime < 800)
wtime *= 2;
else if (wtime == 800)
wtime = 2000;
else if (wtime < 8000)
wtime *= 2;
if (timeout > 0)
if (wtime > timeout)
wtime = timeout;
timeout -= wtime;
sumtime += wtime;
if (sumtime >= 1500)
sumtime = 0;
my_info_3 (_("waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n"),
pid, maybe_dead, maybe_deadlock(h)? _("(deadlock?) "):"");
tv.tv_sec = wtime / 1000;
tv.tv_usec = (wtime % 1000) * 1000;
select (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv);
goto again;
my_set_errno (EACCES);
return -1;
/* Windows specific code of make_dotlock. Returns 0 on success and -1 on
error. */
static int
dotlock_take_w32 (dotlock_t h, long timeout)
int wtime = 0;
int w32err;
/* Lock one byte at offset 0. The offset is given by OVL. */
memset (&ovl, 0, sizeof ovl);
if (LockFileEx (h->lockhd, (LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK
h->locked = 1;
return 0; /* okay */
w32err = GetLastError ();
my_error_2 (_("lock '%s' not made: %s\n"),
h->lockname, w32_strerror (w32err));
my_set_errno (map_w32_to_errno (w32err));
return -1;
if (timeout)
/* Wait until lock has been released. We use retry intervals of
50ms, 100ms, 200ms, 400ms, 800ms, 2s, 4s and 8s. */
if (!wtime)
wtime = 50;
else if (wtime < 800)
wtime *= 2;
else if (wtime == 800)
wtime = 2000;
else if (wtime < 8000)
wtime *= 2;
if (timeout > 0)
if (wtime > timeout)
wtime = timeout;
timeout -= wtime;
if (wtime >= 800)
my_info_1 (_("waiting for lock %s...\n"), h->lockname);
Sleep (wtime);
goto again;
my_set_errno (EACCES);
return -1;
/* Take a lock on H. A value of 0 for TIMEOUT returns immediately if
the lock can't be taked, -1 waits forever (hopefully not), other
values wait for TIMEOUT milliseconds. Returns: 0 on success */
dotlock_take (dotlock_t h, long timeout)
int ret;
if ( h->disable )
return 0; /* Locks are completely disabled. Return success. */
if ( h->locked )
my_debug_1 ("Oops, '%s' is already locked\n", h->lockname);
return 0;
ret = dotlock_take_w32 (h, timeout);
ret = dotlock_take_unix (h, timeout);
return ret;
/* Unix specific code of release_dotlock. */
static int
dotlock_release_unix (dotlock_t h)
int pid, same_node;
int saveerrno;
pid = read_lockfile (h, &same_node);
if ( pid == -1 )
saveerrno = errno;
my_error_0 ("release_dotlock: lockfile error\n");
my_set_errno (saveerrno);
return -1;
if ( pid != getpid() || !same_node )
my_error_1 ("release_dotlock: not our lock (pid=%d)\n", pid);
my_set_errno (EACCES);
return -1;
if ( unlink( h->lockname ) )
saveerrno = errno;
my_error_1 ("release_dotlock: error removing lockfile '%s'\n",
my_set_errno (saveerrno);
return -1;
/* Fixme: As an extra check we could check whether the link count is
now really at 1. */
return 0;
/* Windows specific code of release_dotlock. */
static int
dotlock_release_w32 (dotlock_t h)
memset (&ovl, 0, sizeof ovl);
if (!UnlockFileEx (h->lockhd, 0, 1, 0, &ovl))
int saveerrno = map_w32_to_errno (GetLastError ());
my_error_2 ("release_dotlock: error removing lockfile '%s': %s\n",
h->lockname, w32_strerror (-1));
my_set_errno (saveerrno);
return -1;
return 0;
/* Release a lock. Returns 0 on success. */
dotlock_release (dotlock_t h)
int ret;
/* To avoid atexit race conditions we first check whether there are
any locks left. It might happen that another atexit handler
tries to release the lock while the atexit handler of this module
already ran and thus H is undefined. */
LOCK_all_lockfiles ();
ret = !all_lockfiles;
UNLOCK_all_lockfiles ();
if (ret)
return 0;
if ( h->disable )
return 0;
if ( !h->locked )
my_debug_1 ("Oops, '%s' is not locked\n", h->lockname);
return 0;
ret = dotlock_release_w32 (h);
ret = dotlock_release_unix (h);
if (!ret)
h->locked = 0;
return ret;
/* Remove all lockfiles. This is called by the atexit handler
installed by this module but may also be called by other
termination handlers. */
dotlock_remove_lockfiles (void)
dotlock_t h, h2;
/* First set the lockfiles list to NULL so that for example
dotlock_release is aware that this function is currently
running. */
LOCK_all_lockfiles ();
h = all_lockfiles;
all_lockfiles = NULL;
UNLOCK_all_lockfiles ();
while ( h )
h2 = h->next;
dotlock_destroy (h);
h = h2;
diff --git a/common/dotlock.h b/common/dotlock.h
index c317c379a..78a7e73aa 100644
--- a/common/dotlock.h
+++ b/common/dotlock.h
@@ -1,112 +1,112 @@
/* dotlock.h - dotfile locking declarations
* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2006, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
* ALTERNATIVELY, this file may be distributed under the terms of the
* following license, in which case the provisions of this license are
* required INSTEAD OF the GNU Lesser General License or the GNU
* General Public License. If you wish to allow use of your version of
* this file only under the terms of the GNU Lesser General License or
* the GNU General Public License, and not to allow others to use your
* version of this file under the terms of the following license,
* indicate your decision by deleting this paragraph and the license
* below.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, and the entire permission notice in its entirety,
* including the disclaimer of warranties.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote
* products derived from this software without specific prior
* written permission.
/* See dotlock.c for a description. */
# define _DOTLOCK_PREFIX1(x,y) x ## y
# define _DOTLOCK_PREFIX2(x,y) _DOTLOCK_PREFIX1(x,y)
# endif /*_DOTLOCK_PREFIX*/
# define dotlock_disable _DOTLOCK_PREFIX(dotlock_disable)
# define dotlock_create _DOTLOCK_PREFIX(dotlock_create)
# define dotlock_set_fd _DOTLOCK_PREFIX(dotlock_set_fd)
# define dotlock_get_fd _DOTLOCK_PREFIX(dotlock_get_fd)
# define dotlock_destroy _DOTLOCK_PREFIX(dotlock_destroy)
# define dotlock_take _DOTLOCK_PREFIX(dotlock_take)
# define dotlock_release _DOTLOCK_PREFIX(dotlock_release)
# define dotlock_remove_lockfiles _DOTLOCK_PREFIX(dotlock_remove_lockfiles)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#if 0
struct dotlock_handle;
typedef struct dotlock_handle *dotlock_t;
void dotlock_disable (void);
dotlock_t dotlock_create (const char *file_to_lock, unsigned int flags);
void dotlock_set_fd (dotlock_t h, int fd);
int dotlock_get_fd (dotlock_t h);
void dotlock_destroy (dotlock_t h);
int dotlock_take (dotlock_t h, long timeout);
int dotlock_release (dotlock_t h);
void dotlock_remove_lockfiles (void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/common/dynload.h b/common/dynload.h
index 6ba02ffc0..61930d26b 100644
--- a/common/dynload.h
+++ b/common/dynload.h
@@ -1,97 +1,97 @@
/* dynload.h - Wrapper functions for run-time dynamic loading
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
#ifndef __MINGW32__
# include <dlfcn.h>
# include <windows.h>
# include "utf8conv.h"
# include "mischelp.h"
# define RTLD_LAZY 0
static inline void *
dlopen (const char *name, int flag)
void *hd;
wchar_t *wname = utf8_to_wchar (name);
hd = wname? LoadLibrary (wname) : NULL;
xfree (wname);
hd = LoadLibrary (name);
return hd;
static inline void *
dlsym (void *hd, const char *sym)
if (hd && sym)
wchar_t *wsym = utf8_to_wchar (sym);
void *fnc = wsym? GetProcAddress (hd, wsym) : NULL;
xfree (wsym);
void *fnc = GetProcAddress (hd, sym);
if (!fnc)
return NULL;
return fnc;
return NULL;
static inline const char *
dlerror (void)
static char buf[32];
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "ec=%lu", GetLastError ());
return buf;
static inline int
dlclose (void * hd)
if (hd)
CloseHandle (hd);
return 0;
return -1;
# endif /*__MINGW32__*/
diff --git a/common/exechelp-posix.c b/common/exechelp-posix.c
index f19dda2ac..7237993a2 100644
--- a/common/exechelp-posix.c
+++ b/common/exechelp-posix.c
@@ -1,892 +1,892 @@
/* exechelp.c - Fork and exec helpers for POSIX
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009,
* 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) || defined (HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM)
#error This code is only used on POSIX
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
# include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef WITHOUT_NPTH /* Give the Makefile a chance to build without Pth. */
#undef HAVE_NPTH
#undef USE_NPTH
#ifdef HAVE_NPTH
#include <npth.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#ifdef HAVE_STAT
# include <sys/stat.h>
#if __linux__
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <dirent.h>
#endif /*__linux__ */
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "exechelp.h"
/* Helper */
static inline gpg_error_t
my_error_from_syserror (void)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
static inline gpg_error_t
my_error (int errcode)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, errcode);
/* Return the maximum number of currently allowed open file
descriptors. Only useful on POSIX systems but returns a value on
other systems too. */
get_max_fds (void)
int max_fds = -1;
struct rlimit rl;
/* Under Linux we can figure out the highest used file descriptor by
* reading /proc/PID/fd. This is in the common cases much fast than
* for example doing 4096 close calls where almost all of them will
* fail. On a system with a limit of 4096 files and only 8 files
* open with the highest number being 10, we speedup close_all_fds
* from 125ms to 0.4ms including readdir.
* Another option would be to close the file descriptors as returned
* from reading that directory - however then we need to snapshot
* that list before starting to close them. */
#ifdef __linux__
DIR *dir = NULL;
struct dirent *dir_entry;
const char *s;
int x;
dir = opendir ("/proc/self/fd");
if (dir)
while ((dir_entry = readdir (dir)))
s = dir_entry->d_name;
if ( *s < '0' || *s > '9')
x = atoi (s);
if (x > max_fds)
max_fds = x;
closedir (dir);
if (max_fds != -1)
return max_fds + 1;
#endif /* __linux__ */
if (!getrlimit (RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl))
max_fds = rl.rlim_max;
# endif
if (max_fds == -1 && !getrlimit (RLIMIT_OFILE, &rl))
max_fds = rl.rlim_max;
# endif
#ifdef _SC_OPEN_MAX
if (max_fds == -1)
long int scres = sysconf (_SC_OPEN_MAX);
if (scres >= 0)
max_fds = scres;
if (max_fds == -1)
max_fds = _POSIX_OPEN_MAX;
#ifdef OPEN_MAX
if (max_fds == -1)
max_fds = OPEN_MAX;
if (max_fds == -1)
max_fds = 256; /* Arbitrary limit. */
/* AIX returns INT32_MAX instead of a proper value. We assume that
this is always an error and use an arbitrary limit. */
#ifdef INT32_MAX
if (max_fds == INT32_MAX)
max_fds = 256;
return max_fds;
/* Close all file descriptors starting with descriptor FIRST. If
EXCEPT is not NULL, it is expected to be a list of file descriptors
which shall not be closed. This list shall be sorted in ascending
order with the end marked by -1. */
close_all_fds (int first, int *except)
int max_fd = get_max_fds ();
int fd, i, except_start;
if (except)
except_start = 0;
for (fd=first; fd < max_fd; fd++)
for (i=except_start; except[i] != -1; i++)
if (except[i] == fd)
/* If we found the descriptor in the exception list
we can start the next compare run at the next
index because the exception list is ordered. */
except_start = i + 1;
if (except[i] == -1)
close (fd);
for (fd=first; fd < max_fd; fd++)
close (fd);
gpg_err_set_errno (0);
/* Returns an array with all currently open file descriptors. The end
of the array is marked by -1. The caller needs to release this
array using the *standard free* and not with xfree. This allow the
use of this function right at startup even before libgcrypt has
been initialized. Returns NULL on error and sets ERRNO
accordingly. */
int *
get_all_open_fds (void)
int *array;
size_t narray;
int fd, max_fd, idx;
#ifndef HAVE_STAT
array = calloc (1, sizeof *array);
if (array)
array[0] = -1;
#else /*HAVE_STAT*/
struct stat statbuf;
max_fd = get_max_fds ();
narray = 32; /* If you change this change also t-exechelp.c. */
array = calloc (narray, sizeof *array);
if (!array)
return NULL;
/* Note: The list we return is ordered. */
for (idx=0, fd=0; fd < max_fd; fd++)
if (!(fstat (fd, &statbuf) == -1 && errno == EBADF))
if (idx+1 >= narray)
int *tmp;
narray += (narray < 256)? 32:256;
tmp = realloc (array, narray * sizeof *array);
if (!tmp)
free (array);
return NULL;
array = tmp;
array[idx++] = fd;
array[idx] = -1;
#endif /*HAVE_STAT*/
return array;
/* The exec core used right after the fork. This will never return. */
static void
do_exec (const char *pgmname, const char *argv[],
int fd_in, int fd_out, int fd_err,
int *except, void (*preexec)(void) )
char **arg_list;
int i, j;
int fds[3];
fds[0] = fd_in;
fds[1] = fd_out;
fds[2] = fd_err;
/* Create the command line argument array. */
i = 0;
if (argv)
while (argv[i])
arg_list = xcalloc (i+2, sizeof *arg_list);
arg_list[0] = strrchr (pgmname, '/');
if (arg_list[0])
arg_list[0] = xstrdup (pgmname);
if (argv)
for (i=0,j=1; argv[i]; i++, j++)
arg_list[j] = (char*)argv[i];
/* Assign /dev/null to unused FDs. */
for (i=0; i <= 2; i++)
if (fds[i] == -1 )
fds[i] = open ("/dev/null", i? O_WRONLY : O_RDONLY);
if (fds[i] == -1)
log_fatal ("failed to open '%s': %s\n",
"/dev/null", strerror (errno));
/* Connect the standard files. */
for (i=0; i <= 2; i++)
if (fds[i] != i && dup2 (fds[i], i) == -1)
log_fatal ("dup2 std%s failed: %s\n",
i==0?"in":i==1?"out":"err", strerror (errno));
/* Close all other files. */
close_all_fds (3, except);
if (preexec)
preexec ();
execv (pgmname, arg_list);
/* No way to print anything, as we have closed all streams. */
_exit (127);
static gpg_error_t
do_create_pipe (int filedes[2])
gpg_error_t err = 0;
if (pipe (filedes) == -1)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
filedes[0] = filedes[1] = -1;
return err;
static gpg_error_t
create_pipe_and_estream (int filedes[2], estream_t *r_fp,
int outbound, int nonblock)
gpg_error_t err;
if (pipe (filedes) == -1)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error creating a pipe: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
filedes[0] = filedes[1] = -1;
*r_fp = NULL;
return err;
if (!outbound)
*r_fp = es_fdopen (filedes[0], nonblock? "r,nonblock" : "r");
*r_fp = es_fdopen (filedes[1], nonblock? "w,nonblock" : "w");
if (!*r_fp)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error creating a stream for a pipe: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
close (filedes[0]);
close (filedes[1]);
filedes[0] = filedes[1] = -1;
return err;
return 0;
/* Portable function to create a pipe. Under Windows the write end is
inheritable. If R_FP is not NULL, an estream is created for the
read end and stored at R_FP. */
gnupg_create_inbound_pipe (int filedes[2], estream_t *r_fp, int nonblock)
if (r_fp)
return create_pipe_and_estream (filedes, r_fp, 0, nonblock);
return do_create_pipe (filedes);
/* Portable function to create a pipe. Under Windows the read end is
inheritable. If R_FP is not NULL, an estream is created for the
write end and stored at R_FP. */
gnupg_create_outbound_pipe (int filedes[2], estream_t *r_fp, int nonblock)
if (r_fp)
return create_pipe_and_estream (filedes, r_fp, 1, nonblock);
return do_create_pipe (filedes);
/* Portable function to create a pipe. Under Windows both ends are
inheritable. */
gnupg_create_pipe (int filedes[2])
return do_create_pipe (filedes);
/* Fork and exec the PGMNAME, see exechelp.h for details. */
gnupg_spawn_process (const char *pgmname, const char *argv[],
int *except, void (*preexec)(void), unsigned int flags,
estream_t *r_infp,
estream_t *r_outfp,
estream_t *r_errfp,
pid_t *pid)
gpg_error_t err;
int inpipe[2] = {-1, -1};
int outpipe[2] = {-1, -1};
int errpipe[2] = {-1, -1};
estream_t infp = NULL;
estream_t outfp = NULL;
estream_t errfp = NULL;
int nonblock = !!(flags & GNUPG_SPAWN_NONBLOCK);
if (r_infp)
*r_infp = NULL;
if (r_outfp)
*r_outfp = NULL;
if (r_errfp)
*r_errfp = NULL;
*pid = (pid_t)(-1); /* Always required. */
if (r_infp)
err = create_pipe_and_estream (inpipe, &infp, 1, nonblock);
if (err)
return err;
if (r_outfp)
err = create_pipe_and_estream (outpipe, &outfp, 0, nonblock);
if (err)
if (infp)
es_fclose (infp);
else if (inpipe[1] != -1)
close (inpipe[1]);
if (inpipe[0] != -1)
close (inpipe[0]);
return err;
if (r_errfp)
err = create_pipe_and_estream (errpipe, &errfp, 0, nonblock);
if (err)
if (infp)
es_fclose (infp);
else if (inpipe[1] != -1)
close (inpipe[1]);
if (inpipe[0] != -1)
close (inpipe[0]);
if (outfp)
es_fclose (outfp);
else if (outpipe[0] != -1)
close (outpipe[0]);
if (outpipe[1] != -1)
close (outpipe[1]);
return err;
*pid = fork ();
if (*pid == (pid_t)(-1))
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error forking process: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
if (infp)
es_fclose (infp);
else if (inpipe[1] != -1)
close (inpipe[1]);
if (inpipe[0] != -1)
close (inpipe[0]);
if (outfp)
es_fclose (outfp);
else if (outpipe[0] != -1)
close (outpipe[0]);
if (outpipe[1] != -1)
close (outpipe[1]);
if (errfp)
es_fclose (errfp);
else if (errpipe[0] != -1)
close (errpipe[0]);
if (errpipe[1] != -1)
close (errpipe[1]);
return err;
if (!*pid)
/* This is the child. */
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_TERM_SECMEM);
es_fclose (infp);
es_fclose (outfp);
es_fclose (errfp);
do_exec (pgmname, argv, inpipe[0], outpipe[1], errpipe[1],
except, preexec);
/* This is the parent. */
if (inpipe[0] != -1)
close (inpipe[0]);
if (outpipe[1] != -1)
close (outpipe[1]);
if (errpipe[1] != -1)
close (errpipe[1]);
if (r_infp)
*r_infp = infp;
if (r_outfp)
*r_outfp = outfp;
if (r_errfp)
*r_errfp = errfp;
return 0;
/* Simplified version of gnupg_spawn_process. This function forks and
then execs PGMNAME, while connecting INFD to stdin, OUTFD to stdout
and ERRFD to stderr (any of them may be -1 to connect them to
/dev/null). The arguments for the process are expected in the NULL
terminated array ARGV. The program name itself should not be
included there. Calling gnupg_wait_process is required.
Returns 0 on success or an error code. */
gnupg_spawn_process_fd (const char *pgmname, const char *argv[],
int infd, int outfd, int errfd, pid_t *pid)
gpg_error_t err;
*pid = fork ();
if (*pid == (pid_t)(-1))
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error forking process: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
return err;
if (!*pid)
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_TERM_SECMEM);
/* Run child. */
do_exec (pgmname, argv, infd, outfd, errfd, NULL, NULL);
return 0;
/* Waiting for child processes.
waitpid(2) may return information about terminated children that we
did not yet request, and there is no portable way to wait for a
specific set of children.
As a workaround, we store the results of children for later use.
XXX: This assumes that PIDs are not reused too quickly. */
struct terminated_child
pid_t pid;
int exitcode;
struct terminated_child *next;
struct terminated_child *terminated_children;
static gpg_error_t
store_result (pid_t pid, int exitcode)
struct terminated_child *c;
c = xtrymalloc (sizeof *c);
if (c == NULL)
return gpg_err_code_from_syserror ();
c->pid = pid;
c->exitcode = exitcode;
c->next = terminated_children;
terminated_children = c;
return 0;
static int
get_result (pid_t pid, int *r_exitcode)
struct terminated_child *c, **prevp;
for (prevp = &terminated_children, c = terminated_children;
prevp = &c->next, c = c->next)
if (c->pid == pid)
*prevp = c->next;
*r_exitcode = c->exitcode;
xfree (c);
return 1;
return 0;
/* See exechelp.h for a description. */
gnupg_wait_process (const char *pgmname, pid_t pid, int hang, int *r_exitcode)
gpg_err_code_t ec;
int i, status;
if (r_exitcode)
*r_exitcode = -1;
if (pid == (pid_t)(-1))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
#ifdef USE_NPTH
i = npth_waitpid (pid, &status, hang? 0:WNOHANG);
while ((i=waitpid (pid, &status, hang? 0:WNOHANG)) == (pid_t)(-1)
&& errno == EINTR);
if (i == (pid_t)(-1))
ec = gpg_err_code_from_errno (errno);
log_error (_("waiting for process %d to terminate failed: %s\n"),
(int)pid, strerror (errno));
else if (!i)
ec = GPG_ERR_TIMEOUT; /* Still running. */
else if (WIFEXITED (status) && WEXITSTATUS (status) == 127)
log_error (_("error running '%s': probably not installed\n"), pgmname);
else if (WIFEXITED (status) && WEXITSTATUS (status))
if (!r_exitcode)
log_error (_("error running '%s': exit status %d\n"), pgmname,
WEXITSTATUS (status));
*r_exitcode = WEXITSTATUS (status);
else if (!WIFEXITED (status))
log_error (_("error running '%s': terminated\n"), pgmname);
if (r_exitcode)
*r_exitcode = 0;
ec = 0;
return gpg_err_make (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT, ec);
/* See exechelp.h for a description. */
gnupg_wait_processes (const char **pgmnames, pid_t *pids, size_t count,
int hang, int *r_exitcodes)
gpg_err_code_t ec = 0;
size_t i, left;
int *dummy = NULL;
if (r_exitcodes == NULL)
dummy = r_exitcodes = xtrymalloc (sizeof *r_exitcodes * count);
if (dummy == NULL)
return gpg_err_code_from_syserror ();
for (i = 0, left = count; i < count; i++)
int status = -1;
if (pids[i] == (pid_t)(-1))
return my_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
/* See if there was a previously stored result for this pid. */
if (get_result (pids[i], &status))
left -= 1;
r_exitcodes[i] = status;
while (left > 0)
pid_t pid;
int status;
#ifdef USE_NPTH
pid = npth_waitpid (-1, &status, hang ? 0 : WNOHANG);
while ((pid = waitpid (-1, &status, hang ? 0 : WNOHANG)) == (pid_t)(-1)
&& errno == EINTR);
if (pid == (pid_t)(-1))
ec = gpg_err_code_from_errno (errno);
log_error (_("waiting for processes to terminate failed: %s\n"),
strerror (errno));
else if (!pid)
ec = GPG_ERR_TIMEOUT; /* Still running. */
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (pid == pids[i])
if (i == count)
/* No match, store this result. */
ec = store_result (pid, status);
if (ec)
/* Process PIDS[i] died. */
if (r_exitcodes[i] != (pid_t) -1)
log_error ("PID %d was reused", pid);
left -= 1;
r_exitcodes[i] = status;
if (ec == 0)
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (WIFEXITED (r_exitcodes[i]) && WEXITSTATUS (r_exitcodes[i]) == 127)
log_error (_("error running '%s': probably not installed\n"),
else if (WIFEXITED (r_exitcodes[i]) && WEXITSTATUS (r_exitcodes[i]))
if (dummy)
log_error (_("error running '%s': exit status %d\n"),
pgmnames[i], WEXITSTATUS (r_exitcodes[i]));
r_exitcodes[i] = WEXITSTATUS (r_exitcodes[i]);
else if (!WIFEXITED (r_exitcodes[i]))
log_error (_("error running '%s': terminated\n"), pgmnames[i]);
xfree (dummy);
return gpg_err_make (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT, ec);
gnupg_release_process (pid_t pid)
/* Spawn a new process and immediately detach from it. The name of
the program to exec is PGMNAME and its arguments are in ARGV (the
programname is automatically passed as first argument).
Environment strings in ENVP are set. An error is returned if
pgmname is not executable; to make this work it is necessary to
provide an absolute file name. All standard file descriptors are
connected to /dev/null. */
gnupg_spawn_process_detached (const char *pgmname, const char *argv[],
const char *envp[] )
pid_t pid;
int i;
if (getuid() != geteuid())
return my_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
if (access (pgmname, X_OK))
return my_error_from_syserror ();
pid = fork ();
if (pid == (pid_t)(-1))
log_error (_("error forking process: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
return my_error_from_syserror ();
if (!pid)
pid_t pid2;
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_TERM_SECMEM);
if (setsid() == -1 || chdir ("/"))
_exit (1);
pid2 = fork (); /* Double fork to let init take over the new child. */
if (pid2 == (pid_t)(-1))
_exit (1);
if (pid2)
_exit (0); /* Let the parent exit immediately. */
if (envp)
for (i=0; envp[i]; i++)
putenv (xstrdup (envp[i]));
do_exec (pgmname, argv, -1, -1, -1, NULL, NULL);
if (waitpid (pid, NULL, 0) == -1)
log_error ("waitpid failed in gnupg_spawn_process_detached: %s",
strerror (errno));
return 0;
/* Kill a process; that is send an appropriate signal to the process.
gnupg_wait_process must be called to actually remove the process
from the system. An invalid PID is ignored. */
gnupg_kill_process (pid_t pid)
if (pid != (pid_t)(-1))
kill (pid, SIGTERM);
diff --git a/common/exechelp-w32.c b/common/exechelp-w32.c
index 19e4d9e72..a7a6db369 100644
--- a/common/exechelp-w32.c
+++ b/common/exechelp-w32.c
@@ -1,921 +1,921 @@
/* exechelp-w32.c - Fork and exec helpers for W32.
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009,
* 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#if !defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) || defined (HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM)
#error This code is only used on W32.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
# include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef WITHOUT_NPTH /* Give the Makefile a chance to build without Pth. */
#undef HAVE_NPTH
#undef USE_NPTH
#ifdef HAVE_NPTH
#include <npth.h>
#ifdef HAVE_STAT
# include <sys/stat.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "exechelp.h"
/* Define to 1 do enable debugging. */
#define DEBUG_W32_SPAWN 0
/* It seems Vista doesn't grok X_OK and so fails access() tests.
Previous versions interpreted X_OK as F_OK anyway, so we'll just
use F_OK directly. */
#undef X_OK
#define X_OK F_OK
/* We assume that a HANDLE can be represented by an int which should
be true for all i386 systems (HANDLE is defined as void *) and
these are the only systems for which Windows is available. Further
we assume that -1 denotes an invalid handle. */
# define fd_to_handle(a) ((HANDLE)(a))
# define handle_to_fd(a) ((int)(a))
# define pid_to_handle(a) ((HANDLE)(a))
# define handle_to_pid(a) ((int)(a))
/* Helper */
static inline gpg_error_t
my_error_from_syserror (void)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
static inline gpg_error_t
my_error (int errcode)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, errcode);
/* Return the maximum number of currently allowed open file
descriptors. Only useful on POSIX systems but returns a value on
other systems too. */
get_max_fds (void)
int max_fds = -1;
#ifdef OPEN_MAX
if (max_fds == -1)
max_fds = OPEN_MAX;
if (max_fds == -1)
max_fds = 256; /* Arbitrary limit. */
return max_fds;
/* Under Windows this is a dummy function. */
close_all_fds (int first, int *except)
/* Returns an array with all currently open file descriptors. The end
of the array is marked by -1. The caller needs to release this
array using the *standard free* and not with xfree. This allow the
use of this function right at startup even before libgcrypt has
been initialized. Returns NULL on error and sets ERRNO
accordingly. */
int *
get_all_open_fds (void)
int *array;
size_t narray;
int fd, max_fd, idx;
#ifndef HAVE_STAT
array = calloc (1, sizeof *array);
if (array)
array[0] = -1;
#else /*HAVE_STAT*/
struct stat statbuf;
max_fd = get_max_fds ();
narray = 32; /* If you change this change also t-exechelp.c. */
array = calloc (narray, sizeof *array);
if (!array)
return NULL;
/* Note: The list we return is ordered. */
for (idx=0, fd=0; fd < max_fd; fd++)
if (!(fstat (fd, &statbuf) == -1 && errno == EBADF))
if (idx+1 >= narray)
int *tmp;
narray += (narray < 256)? 32:256;
tmp = realloc (array, narray * sizeof *array);
if (!tmp)
free (array);
return NULL;
array = tmp;
array[idx++] = fd;
array[idx] = -1;
#endif /*HAVE_STAT*/
return array;
/* Helper function to build_w32_commandline. */
static char *
build_w32_commandline_copy (char *buffer, const char *string)
char *p = buffer;
const char *s;
if (!*string) /* Empty string. */
p = stpcpy (p, "\"\"");
else if (strpbrk (string, " \t\n\v\f\""))
/* Need to do some kind of quoting. */
p = stpcpy (p, "\"");
for (s=string; *s; s++)
*p++ = *s;
if (*s == '\"')
*p++ = *s;
*p++ = '\"';
*p = 0;
p = stpcpy (p, string);
return p;
/* Build a command line for use with W32's CreateProcess. On success
CMDLINE gets the address of a newly allocated string. */
static gpg_error_t
build_w32_commandline (const char *pgmname, const char * const *argv,
char **cmdline)
int i, n;
const char *s;
char *buf, *p;
*cmdline = NULL;
n = 0;
s = pgmname;
n += strlen (s) + 1 + 2; /* (1 space, 2 quoting */
for (; *s; s++)
if (*s == '\"')
n++; /* Need to double inner quotes. */
for (i=0; (s=argv[i]); i++)
n += strlen (s) + 1 + 2; /* (1 space, 2 quoting */
for (; *s; s++)
if (*s == '\"')
n++; /* Need to double inner quotes. */
buf = p = xtrymalloc (n);
if (!buf)
return my_error_from_syserror ();
p = build_w32_commandline_copy (p, pgmname);
for (i=0; argv[i]; i++)
*p++ = ' ';
p = build_w32_commandline_copy (p, argv[i]);
*cmdline= buf;
return 0;
#define INHERIT_READ 1
/* Create pipe. FLAGS indicates which ends are inheritable. */
static int
create_inheritable_pipe (HANDLE filedes[2], int flags)
HANDLE r, w;
memset (&sec_attr, 0, sizeof sec_attr );
sec_attr.nLength = sizeof sec_attr;
sec_attr.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
if (!CreatePipe (&r, &w, &sec_attr, 0))
return -1;
if ((flags & INHERIT_READ) == 0)
if (! SetHandleInformation (r, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0))
goto fail;
if ((flags & INHERIT_WRITE) == 0)
if (! SetHandleInformation (w, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0))
goto fail;
filedes[0] = r;
filedes[1] = w;
return 0;
log_error ("SetHandleInformation failed: %s\n", w32_strerror (-1));
CloseHandle (r);
CloseHandle (w);
return -1;
static HANDLE
w32_open_null (int for_write)
HANDLE hfile;
hfile = CreateFileW (L"nul",
log_debug ("can't open 'nul': %s\n", w32_strerror (-1));
return hfile;
static gpg_error_t
create_pipe_and_estream (int filedes[2], int flags,
estream_t *r_fp, int outbound, int nonblock)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
HANDLE fds[2];
filedes[0] = filedes[1] = -1;
err = my_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
if (!create_inheritable_pipe (fds, flags))
filedes[0] = _open_osfhandle (handle_to_fd (fds[0]), O_RDONLY);
if (filedes[0] == -1)
log_error ("failed to translate osfhandle %p\n", fds[0]);
CloseHandle (fds[1]);
filedes[1] = _open_osfhandle (handle_to_fd (fds[1]), O_APPEND);
if (filedes[1] == -1)
log_error ("failed to translate osfhandle %p\n", fds[1]);
close (filedes[0]);
filedes[0] = -1;
CloseHandle (fds[1]);
err = 0;
if (! err && r_fp)
if (!outbound)
*r_fp = es_fdopen (filedes[0], nonblock? "r,nonblock" : "r");
*r_fp = es_fdopen (filedes[1], nonblock? "w,nonblock" : "w");
if (!*r_fp)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error creating a stream for a pipe: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
close (filedes[0]);
close (filedes[1]);
filedes[0] = filedes[1] = -1;
return err;
return err;
/* Portable function to create a pipe. Under Windows the write end is
inheritable. If R_FP is not NULL, an estream is created for the
read end and stored at R_FP. */
gnupg_create_inbound_pipe (int filedes[2], estream_t *r_fp, int nonblock)
return create_pipe_and_estream (filedes, INHERIT_WRITE,
r_fp, 0, nonblock);
/* Portable function to create a pipe. Under Windows the read end is
inheritable. If R_FP is not NULL, an estream is created for the
write end and stored at R_FP. */
gnupg_create_outbound_pipe (int filedes[2], estream_t *r_fp, int nonblock)
return create_pipe_and_estream (filedes, INHERIT_READ,
r_fp, 1, nonblock);
/* Portable function to create a pipe. Under Windows both ends are
inheritable. */
gnupg_create_pipe (int filedes[2])
return create_pipe_and_estream (filedes, INHERIT_BOTH,
NULL, 0, 0);
/* Fork and exec the PGMNAME, see exechelp.h for details. */
gnupg_spawn_process (const char *pgmname, const char *argv[],
int *except, void (*preexec)(void), unsigned int flags,
estream_t *r_infp,
estream_t *r_outfp,
estream_t *r_errfp,
pid_t *pid)
gpg_error_t err;
NULL, /* Returns process handle. */
0, /* Returns primary thread handle. */
0, /* Returns pid. */
0 /* Returns tid. */
int cr_flags;
char *cmdline;
estream_t infp = NULL;
estream_t outfp = NULL;
estream_t errfp = NULL;
int i;
es_syshd_t syshd;
gpg_err_source_t errsource = default_errsource;
int nonblock = !!(flags & GNUPG_SPAWN_NONBLOCK);
(void)except; /* Not yet used. */
if (r_infp)
*r_infp = NULL;
if (r_outfp)
*r_outfp = NULL;
if (r_errfp)
*r_errfp = NULL;
*pid = (pid_t)(-1); /* Always required. */
if (r_infp)
if (create_inheritable_pipe (inpipe, INHERIT_READ))
err = gpg_err_make (errsource, GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
log_error (_("error creating a pipe: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
syshd.type = ES_SYSHD_HANDLE;
syshd.u.handle = inpipe[1];
infp = es_sysopen (&syshd, nonblock? "w,nonblock" : "w");
if (!infp)
err = gpg_err_make (errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
log_error (_("error creating a stream for a pipe: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
CloseHandle (inpipe[0]);
CloseHandle (inpipe[1]);
inpipe[0] = inpipe[1] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
return err;
if (r_outfp)
if (create_inheritable_pipe (outpipe, INHERIT_WRITE))
err = gpg_err_make (errsource, GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
log_error (_("error creating a pipe: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
syshd.type = ES_SYSHD_HANDLE;
syshd.u.handle = outpipe[0];
outfp = es_sysopen (&syshd, nonblock? "r,nonblock" : "r");
if (!outfp)
err = gpg_err_make (errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
log_error (_("error creating a stream for a pipe: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
CloseHandle (outpipe[0]);
CloseHandle (outpipe[1]);
outpipe[0] = outpipe[1] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if (infp)
es_fclose (infp);
else if (inpipe[1] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
CloseHandle (inpipe[1]);
if (inpipe[0] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
CloseHandle (inpipe[0]);
return err;
if (r_errfp)
if (create_inheritable_pipe (errpipe, INHERIT_WRITE))
err = gpg_err_make (errsource, GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
log_error (_("error creating a pipe: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
syshd.type = ES_SYSHD_HANDLE;
syshd.u.handle = errpipe[0];
errfp = es_sysopen (&syshd, nonblock? "r,nonblock" : "r");
if (!errfp)
err = gpg_err_make (errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
log_error (_("error creating a stream for a pipe: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
CloseHandle (errpipe[0]);
CloseHandle (errpipe[1]);
errpipe[0] = errpipe[1] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if (outfp)
es_fclose (outfp);
else if (outpipe[0] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
CloseHandle (outpipe[0]);
if (outpipe[1] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
CloseHandle (outpipe[1]);
if (infp)
es_fclose (infp);
else if (inpipe[1] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
CloseHandle (inpipe[1]);
if (inpipe[0] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
CloseHandle (inpipe[0]);
return err;
/* Prepare security attributes. */
memset (&sec_attr, 0, sizeof sec_attr );
sec_attr.nLength = sizeof sec_attr;
sec_attr.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
/* Build the command line. */
err = build_w32_commandline (pgmname, argv, &cmdline);
if (err)
return err;
if (inpipe[0] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
nullhd[0] = w32_open_null (0);
if (outpipe[1] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
nullhd[1] = w32_open_null (1);
if (errpipe[1] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
nullhd[2] = w32_open_null (1);
/* Start the process. Note that we can't run the PREEXEC function
because this might change our own environment. */
memset (&si, 0, sizeof si);
si.cb = sizeof (si);
si.hStdInput = inpipe[0] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE? nullhd[0] : inpipe[0];
si.hStdOutput = outpipe[1] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE? nullhd[1] : outpipe[1];
si.hStdError = errpipe[1] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE? nullhd[2] : errpipe[1];
| GetPriorityClass (GetCurrentProcess ())
/* log_debug ("CreateProcess, path='%s' cmdline='%s'\n", pgmname, cmdline); */
if (!CreateProcess (pgmname, /* Program to start. */
cmdline, /* Command line arguments. */
&sec_attr, /* Process security attributes. */
&sec_attr, /* Thread security attributes. */
TRUE, /* Inherit handles. */
cr_flags, /* Creation flags. */
NULL, /* Environment. */
NULL, /* Use current drive/directory. */
&si, /* Startup information. */
&pi /* Returns process information. */
log_error ("CreateProcess failed: %s\n", w32_strerror (-1));
xfree (cmdline);
if (infp)
es_fclose (infp);
else if (inpipe[1] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
CloseHandle (outpipe[1]);
if (inpipe[0] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
CloseHandle (inpipe[0]);
if (outfp)
es_fclose (outfp);
else if (outpipe[0] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
CloseHandle (outpipe[0]);
if (outpipe[1] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
CloseHandle (outpipe[1]);
if (errfp)
es_fclose (errfp);
else if (errpipe[0] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
CloseHandle (errpipe[0]);
if (errpipe[1] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
CloseHandle (errpipe[1]);
return gpg_err_make (errsource, GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
xfree (cmdline);
cmdline = NULL;
/* Close the inherited handles to /dev/null. */
for (i=0; i < DIM (nullhd); i++)
if (nullhd[i] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
CloseHandle (nullhd[i]);
/* Close the inherited ends of the pipes. */
if (inpipe[0] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
CloseHandle (inpipe[0]);
if (outpipe[1] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
CloseHandle (outpipe[1]);
if (errpipe[1] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
CloseHandle (errpipe[1]);
/* log_debug ("CreateProcess ready: hProcess=%p hThread=%p" */
/* " dwProcessID=%d dwThreadId=%d\n", */
/* pi.hProcess, pi.hThread, */
/* (int) pi.dwProcessId, (int) pi.dwThreadId); */
/* log_debug (" outfp=%p errfp=%p\n", outfp, errfp); */
/* Fixme: For unknown reasons AllowSetForegroundWindow returns an
invalid argument error if we pass it the correct processID. As a
workaround we use -1 (ASFW_ANY). */
if ((flags & GNUPG_SPAWN_RUN_ASFW))
gnupg_allow_set_foregound_window ((pid_t)(-1)/*pi.dwProcessId*/);
/* Process has been created suspended; resume it now. */
ResumeThread (pi.hThread);
CloseHandle (pi.hThread);
if (r_infp)
*r_infp = infp;
if (r_outfp)
*r_outfp = outfp;
if (r_errfp)
*r_errfp = errfp;
*pid = handle_to_pid (pi.hProcess);
return 0;
/* Simplified version of gnupg_spawn_process. This function forks and
then execs PGMNAME, while connecting INFD to stdin, OUTFD to stdout
and ERRFD to stderr (any of them may be -1 to connect them to
/dev/null). The arguments for the process are expected in the NULL
terminated array ARGV. The program name itself should not be
included there. Calling gnupg_wait_process is required.
Returns 0 on success or an error code. */
gnupg_spawn_process_fd (const char *pgmname, const char *argv[],
int infd, int outfd, int errfd, pid_t *pid)
gpg_error_t err;
char *cmdline;
int i;
HANDLE stdhd[3];
/* Setup return values. */
*pid = (pid_t)(-1);
/* Prepare security attributes. */
memset (&sec_attr, 0, sizeof sec_attr );
sec_attr.nLength = sizeof sec_attr;
sec_attr.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
/* Build the command line. */
err = build_w32_commandline (pgmname, argv, &cmdline);
if (err)
return err;
memset (&si, 0, sizeof si);
si.cb = sizeof (si);
stdhd[0] = infd == -1? w32_open_null (0) : INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
stdhd[1] = outfd == -1? w32_open_null (1) : INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
stdhd[2] = errfd == -1? w32_open_null (1) : INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
si.hStdInput = infd == -1? stdhd[0] : (void*)_get_osfhandle (infd);
si.hStdOutput = outfd == -1? stdhd[1] : (void*)_get_osfhandle (outfd);
si.hStdError = errfd == -1? stdhd[2] : (void*)_get_osfhandle (errfd);
/* log_debug ("CreateProcess, path='%s' cmdline='%s'\n", pgmname, cmdline); */
if (!CreateProcess (pgmname, /* Program to start. */
cmdline, /* Command line arguments. */
&sec_attr, /* Process security attributes. */
&sec_attr, /* Thread security attributes. */
TRUE, /* Inherit handles. */
| GetPriorityClass (GetCurrentProcess ())
NULL, /* Environment. */
NULL, /* Use current drive/directory. */
&si, /* Startup information. */
&pi /* Returns process information. */
log_error ("CreateProcess failed: %s\n", w32_strerror (-1));
err = my_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
err = 0;
xfree (cmdline);
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
if (stdhd[i] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
CloseHandle (stdhd[i]);
if (err)
return err;
/* log_debug ("CreateProcess ready: hProcess=%p hThread=%p" */
/* " dwProcessID=%d dwThreadId=%d\n", */
/* pi.hProcess, pi.hThread, */
/* (int) pi.dwProcessId, (int) pi.dwThreadId); */
/* Process has been created suspended; resume it now. */
ResumeThread (pi.hThread);
CloseHandle (pi.hThread);
*pid = handle_to_pid (pi.hProcess);
return 0;
/* See exechelp.h for a description. */
gnupg_wait_process (const char *pgmname, pid_t pid, int hang, int *r_exitcode)
return gnupg_wait_processes (&pgmname, &pid, 1, hang, r_exitcode);
/* See exechelp.h for a description. */
gnupg_wait_processes (const char **pgmnames, pid_t *pids, size_t count,
int hang, int *r_exitcodes)
gpg_err_code_t ec = 0;
size_t i;
HANDLE *procs;
int code;
procs = xtrycalloc (count, sizeof *procs);
if (procs == NULL)
return my_error_from_syserror ();
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (r_exitcodes)
r_exitcodes[i] = -1;
if (pids[i] == (pid_t)(-1))
return my_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
procs[i] = fd_to_handle (pids[i]);
/* FIXME: We should do a pth_waitpid here. However this has not yet
been implemented. A special W32 pth system call would even be
better. */
code = WaitForMultipleObjects (count, procs, TRUE, hang? INFINITE : 0);
switch (code)
goto leave;
log_error (_("waiting for processes to terminate failed: %s\n"),
w32_strerror (-1));
goto leave;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
DWORD exc;
if (! GetExitCodeProcess (procs[i], &exc))
log_error (_("error getting exit code of process %d: %s\n"),
(int) pids[i], w32_strerror (-1) );
else if (exc)
if (!r_exitcodes)
log_error (_("error running '%s': exit status %d\n"),
pgmnames[i], (int)exc);
r_exitcodes[i] = (int)exc;
if (r_exitcodes)
r_exitcodes[i] = 0;
log_error ("WaitForMultipleObjects returned unexpected "
"code %d\n", code);
return gpg_err_make (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT, ec);
gnupg_release_process (pid_t pid)
if (pid != (pid_t)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
HANDLE process = (HANDLE)pid;
CloseHandle (process);
/* Spawn a new process and immediately detach from it. The name of
the program to exec is PGMNAME and its arguments are in ARGV (the
programname is automatically passed as first argument).
Environment strings in ENVP are set. An error is returned if
pgmname is not executable; to make this work it is necessary to
provide an absolute file name. All standard file descriptors are
connected to /dev/null. */
gnupg_spawn_process_detached (const char *pgmname, const char *argv[],
const char *envp[] )
gpg_error_t err;
NULL, /* Returns process handle. */
0, /* Returns primary thread handle. */
0, /* Returns pid. */
0 /* Returns tid. */
int cr_flags;
char *cmdline;
/* We don't use ENVP. */
if (access (pgmname, X_OK))
return my_error_from_syserror ();
/* Prepare security attributes. */
memset (&sec_attr, 0, sizeof sec_attr );
sec_attr.nLength = sizeof sec_attr;
sec_attr.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
/* Build the command line. */
err = build_w32_commandline (pgmname, argv, &cmdline);
if (err)
return err;
/* Start the process. */
memset (&si, 0, sizeof si);
si.cb = sizeof (si);
| GetPriorityClass (GetCurrentProcess ())
/* log_debug ("CreateProcess(detached), path='%s' cmdline='%s'\n", */
/* pgmname, cmdline); */
if (!CreateProcess (pgmname, /* Program to start. */
cmdline, /* Command line arguments. */
&sec_attr, /* Process security attributes. */
&sec_attr, /* Thread security attributes. */
FALSE, /* Inherit handles. */
cr_flags, /* Creation flags. */
NULL, /* Environment. */
NULL, /* Use current drive/directory. */
&si, /* Startup information. */
&pi /* Returns process information. */
log_error ("CreateProcess(detached) failed: %s\n", w32_strerror (-1));
xfree (cmdline);
return my_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
xfree (cmdline);
cmdline = NULL;
/* log_debug ("CreateProcess(detached) ready: hProcess=%p hThread=%p" */
/* " dwProcessID=%d dwThreadId=%d\n", */
/* pi.hProcess, pi.hThread, */
/* (int) pi.dwProcessId, (int) pi.dwThreadId); */
CloseHandle (pi.hThread);
CloseHandle (pi.hProcess);
return 0;
/* Kill a process; that is send an appropriate signal to the process.
gnupg_wait_process must be called to actually remove the process
from the system. An invalid PID is ignored. */
gnupg_kill_process (pid_t pid)
if (pid != (pid_t) INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
HANDLE process = (HANDLE) pid;
/* Arbitrary error code. */
TerminateProcess (process, 1);
diff --git a/common/exechelp-w32ce.c b/common/exechelp-w32ce.c
index 9e72ceff8..ec9f01441 100644
--- a/common/exechelp-w32ce.c
+++ b/common/exechelp-w32ce.c
@@ -1,886 +1,886 @@
/* exechelp-w32.c - Fork and exec helpers for W32CE.
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009,
* 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#if !defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) && !defined (HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM)
#error This code is only used on W32CE.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
# include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef WITHOUT_NPTH /* Give the Makefile a chance to build without Pth. */
#undef HAVE_NPTH
#undef USE_NPTH
#ifdef HAVE_NPTH
#include <npth.h>
#ifdef HAVE_STAT
# include <sys/stat.h>
#include <assuan.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "exechelp.h"
/* It seems Vista doesn't grok X_OK and so fails access() tests.
Previous versions interpreted X_OK as F_OK anyway, so we'll just
use F_OK directly. */
#undef X_OK
#define X_OK F_OK
/* We assume that a HANDLE can be represented by an int which should
be true for all i386 systems (HANDLE is defined as void *) and
these are the only systems for which Windows is available. Further
we assume that -1 denotes an invalid handle. */
#define fd_to_handle(a) ((HANDLE)(a))
#define handle_to_fd(a) ((int)(a))
#define pid_to_handle(a) ((HANDLE)(a))
#define handle_to_pid(a) ((int)(a))
#ifdef USE_NPTH
/* The data passed to the feeder_thread. */
struct feeder_thread_parms
estream_t stream;
volatile int stream_valid;
int direction;
/* The thread started by start_feede3. */
static void *
feeder_thread (void *arg)
struct feeder_thread_parms *parm = arg;
char buffer[4096];
int rc;
if (parm->direction)
size_t nread = 0;
DWORD nwritten;
log_debug ("feeder_thread estream->pipe: stream=%p pipe=%p\n",
parm->stream, parm->hd);
while (parm->stream_valid
&& !es_read (parm->stream, buffer, sizeof buffer, &nread))
pth_enter ();
rc = WriteFile (parm->hd, buffer, nread, &nwritten, NULL);
pth_leave ();
if (!rc)
log_debug ("feeder(%p): WriteFile error: rc=%d\n",
parm->hd, (int)GetLastError ());
goto leave;
nread -= nwritten;
while (nread);
if (!parm->stream_valid)
log_debug ("feeder(%p): closed by other thread\n", parm->hd);
else if (nread)
log_debug ("feeder(%p): es_read error: %s\n",
parm->hd, strerror (errno));
DWORD nread = 0;
size_t nwritten;
log_debug ("feeder_thread pipe->estream: stream=%p pipe=%p\n",
parm->stream, parm->hd);
while ( (pth_enter (),
(rc = ReadFile (parm->hd, buffer, sizeof buffer, &nread, NULL)),
pth_leave (),
rc) && nread)
log_debug ("feeder_thread pipe->estream: read %d bytes\n",
if (parm->stream_valid
&& es_write (parm->stream, buffer, nread, &nwritten))
log_debug ("feeder(%p): es_write error: %s\n",
parm->hd, strerror (errno));
goto leave;
log_debug ("feeder_thread pipe->estream: es_wrote %d bytes\n",
nread -= nwritten;
while (nread && parm->stream_valid);
if (!parm->stream_valid)
log_debug ("feeder(%p): closed by other thread\n", parm->hd);
else if (nread)
log_debug ("feeder(%p): ReadFile error: rc=%d\n",
parm->hd, (int)GetLastError ());
log_debug ("feeder(%p): eof\n", parm->hd);
log_debug ("feeder(%p): waiting for es_fclose\n", parm->hd);
while (parm->stream_valid)
pth_yield (NULL);
log_debug ("feeder(%p): about to close the pipe handle\n", parm->hd);
CloseHandle (parm->hd);
log_debug ("feeder(%p): pipe handle closed\n", parm->hd);
xfree (parm);
return NULL;
#endif /*USE_NPTH*/
#ifdef USE_NPTH
static void
feeder_onclose_notification (estream_t stream, void *opaque)
struct feeder_thread_parms *parm = opaque;
log_debug ("feeder(%p): received onclose note\n", parm->hd);
parm->stream_valid = 0;
#endif /*USE_NPTH*/
/* Fire up a thread to copy data between STREAM and a pipe's
descriptor FD. With DIRECTION set to true the copy takes place
from the stream to the pipe, otherwise from the pipe to the
stream. */
static gpg_error_t
start_feeder (estream_t stream, HANDLE hd, int direction)
#ifdef USE_NPTH
gpg_error_t err;
struct feeder_thread_parms *parm;
pth_attr_t tattr;
parm = xtrymalloc (sizeof *parm);
if (!parm)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
parm->stream = stream;
parm->stream_valid = 1;
parm->hd = hd;
parm->direction = direction;
if (es_onclose (stream, 1, feeder_onclose_notification, parm))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (parm);
return err;
tattr = pth_attr_new ();
pth_attr_set (tattr, PTH_ATTR_JOINABLE, 0);
pth_attr_set (tattr, PTH_ATTR_STACK_SIZE, 64*1024);
pth_attr_set (tattr, PTH_ATTR_NAME, "exec-feeder");
log_debug ("spawning new feeder(%p, %p, %d)\n", stream, hd, direction);
if(!pth_spawn (tattr, feeder_thread, parm))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
es_onclose (stream, 0, feeder_onclose_notification, parm);
xfree (parm);
err = 0;
pth_attr_destroy (tattr);
return err;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); /* No Pth. */
/* Return the maximum number of currently allowed open file
descriptors. Only useful on POSIX systems but returns a value on
other systems too. */
get_max_fds (void)
int max_fds = -1;
#ifdef OPEN_MAX
if (max_fds == -1)
max_fds = OPEN_MAX;
if (max_fds == -1)
max_fds = 256; /* Arbitrary limit. */
return max_fds;
/* Under Windows this is a dummy function. */
close_all_fds (int first, int *except)
/* Returns an array with all currently open file descriptors. The end
of the array is marked by -1. The caller needs to release this
array using the *standard free* and not with xfree. This allow the
use of this function right at startup even before libgcrypt has
been initialized. Returns NULL on error and sets ERRNO
accordingly. */
int *
get_all_open_fds (void)
int *array;
size_t narray;
int fd, max_fd, idx;
#ifndef HAVE_STAT
array = calloc (1, sizeof *array);
if (array)
array[0] = -1;
#else /*HAVE_STAT*/
struct stat statbuf;
max_fd = get_max_fds ();
narray = 32; /* If you change this change also t-exechelp.c. */
array = calloc (narray, sizeof *array);
if (!array)
return NULL;
/* Note: The list we return is ordered. */
for (idx=0, fd=0; fd < max_fd; fd++)
if (!(fstat (fd, &statbuf) == -1 && errno == EBADF))
if (idx+1 >= narray)
int *tmp;
narray += (narray < 256)? 32:256;
tmp = realloc (array, narray * sizeof *array);
if (!tmp)
free (array);
return NULL;
array = tmp;
array[idx++] = fd;
array[idx] = -1;
#endif /*HAVE_STAT*/
return array;
static char *
copy_quoted (char *p, const char *string)
const char *s;
if (!*string) /* Empty string. */
p = stpcpy (p, "\"\"");
else if (strpbrk (string, " \t\n\v\f\"")) /* Need quotes. */
p = stpcpy (p, "\"");
for (s = string; *s; s++)
*p++ = *s;
if (*s == '\"')
*p++ = *s;
*p++ = '\"';
*p = 0;
else /* Copy verbatim. */
p = stpcpy (p, string);
return p;
/* Build a command line for use with W32's CreateProcess. On success
CMDLINE gets the address of a newly allocated string. */
static int
build_w32_commandline (const char * const *argv,
int rvid0, int rvid1, int rvid2,
char **cmdline)
int i, n;
const char *s;
char *buf, *p;
char fdbuf[3*30];
p = fdbuf;
*p = 0;
if (rvid0)
snprintf (p, 25, "-&S0=%d ", rvid0);
strcpy (p, "-&S0=null ");
p += strlen (p);
if (rvid1)
snprintf (p, 25, "-&S1=%d ", rvid1);
strcpy (p, "-&S1=null ");
p += strlen (p);
if (rvid2)
snprintf (p, 25, "-&S2=%d ", rvid2);
strcpy (p, "-&S2=null ");
p += strlen (p);
*cmdline = NULL;
n = strlen (fdbuf);
for (i=0; (s = argv[i]); i++)
n += strlen (s) + 1 + 2; /* (1 space, 2 quoting) */
for (; *s; s++)
if (*s == '\"')
n++; /* Need to double inner quotes. */
buf = p = xtrymalloc (n);
if (! buf)
return -1;
p = stpcpy (p, fdbuf);
for (i = 0; argv[i]; i++)
*p++ = ' ';
p = copy_quoted (p, argv[i]);
*cmdline = buf;
return 0;
/* Create pipe where one end is inheritable: With an INHERIT_IDX of 0
the read end is inheritable, with 1 the write end is inheritable.
Note that the inheritable ends are rendezvous ids and no file
descriptors or handles. */
static gpg_error_t
create_inheritable_pipe (int filedes[2], int inherit_idx)
int rvid;
filedes[0] = filedes[1] = -1;
hd = _assuan_w32ce_prepare_pipe (&rvid, !inherit_idx);
log_error ("_assuan_w32ce_prepare_pipe failed: %s\n", w32_strerror (-1));
gpg_err_set_errno (EIO);
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (inherit_idx)
filedes[0] = handle_to_fd (hd);
filedes[1] = rvid;
filedes[0] = rvid;
filedes[1] = handle_to_fd (hd);
return 0;
/* Portable function to create a pipe. Under Windows the write end is
inheritable (i.e. an rendezvous id). */
gnupg_create_inbound_pipe (int filedes[2], estream_t *r_fp, int nonblock)
if (r_fp)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
return create_inheritable_pipe (filedes, 1);
/* Portable function to create a pipe. Under Windows the read end is
inheritable (i.e. an rendezvous id). */
gnupg_create_outbound_pipe (int filedes[2], estream_t *r_fp, int nonblock)
if (r_fp)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
return create_inheritable_pipe (filedes, 0);
/* Portable function to create a pipe. Under Windows both ends are
inheritable. */
gnupg_create_pipe (int filedes[2])
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
static int
create_process (const char *pgmname, const char *cmdline,
int res;
wchar_t *wpgmname, *wcmdline;
wpgmname = utf8_to_wchar (pgmname);
if (!wpgmname)
return 0;
wcmdline = utf8_to_wchar (cmdline);
if (!wcmdline)
xfree (wpgmname);
return 0;
res = CreateProcess (wpgmname, /* Program to start. */
wcmdline, /* Command line arguments. */
NULL, /* Process security attributes. */
NULL, /* Thread security attributes. */
FALSE, /* Inherit handles. */
CREATE_SUSPENDED, /* Creation flags. */
NULL, /* Environment. */
NULL, /* Use current drive/directory. */
NULL, /* Startup information. */
pi); /* Returns process information. */
xfree (wcmdline);
xfree (wpgmname);
return res;
/* Fork and exec the PGMNAME, see exechelp.h for details. */
gnupg_spawn_process (const char *pgmname, const char *argv[],
int *except, void (*preexec)(void), unsigned int flags,
estream_t *r_infp,
estream_t *r_outfp,
estream_t *r_errfp,
pid_t *pid)
gpg_error_t err;
char *cmdline;
es_syshd_t syshd;
struct {
int rvid;
} inpipe = {INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0};
struct {
int rvid;
} outpipe = {INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0};
struct {
int rvid;
} errpipe = {INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0};
estream_t outfp = NULL;
estream_t errfp = NULL;
gpg_err_source_t errsource = default_errsource;
(void)except; /* Not yet used. */
/* Setup return values. */
if (r_outfp)
*r_outfp = NULL;
if (r_errfp)
*r_errfp = NULL;
*pid = (pid_t)(-1); /* Always required. */
log_debug ("%s: enter\n", __func__);
if (infp)
es_fflush (infp);
es_rewind (infp);
/* Create a pipe to copy our infile to the stdin of the child
process. On success inpipe.hd is owned by the feeder. */
inpipe.hd = _assuan_w32ce_prepare_pipe (&inpipe.rvid, 1);
if (inpipe.hd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
log_error ("_assuan_w32ce_prepare_pipe failed: %s\n",
w32_strerror (-1));
gpg_err_set_errno (EIO);
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_debug ("%s: inpipe %p created; hd=%p rvid=%d\n", __func__,
infp, inpipe.hd, inpipe.rvid);
err = start_feeder (infp, inpipe.hd, 1);
if (err)
log_error ("error spawning feeder: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
CloseHandle (inpipe.hd);
return err;
inpipe.hd = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; /* Now owned by the feeder. */
log_debug ("%s: inpipe %p created; feeder started\n", __func__,
if (r_outfp)
/* Create a pipe to make the stdout of the child process
available as a stream. */
outpipe.hd = _assuan_w32ce_prepare_pipe (&outpipe.rvid, 0);
if (outpipe.hd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
log_error ("_assuan_w32ce_prepare_pipe failed: %s\n",
w32_strerror (-1));
gpg_err_set_errno (EIO);
/* Fixme release other stuff/kill feeder. */
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
syshd.type = ES_SYSHD_HANDLE;
syshd.u.handle = outpipe.hd;
err = 0;
outfp = es_sysopen (&syshd, "r");
if (!outfp)
err = gpg_err_make (errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
log_error ("error opening pipe stream: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
CloseHandle (outpipe.hd);
return err;
log_debug ("%s: outpipe %p created; hd=%p rvid=%d\n", __func__,
outfp, outpipe.hd, outpipe.rvid);
outpipe.hd = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; /* Now owned by the OUTFP. */
if (r_errfp)
/* Create a pipe to make the stderr of the child process
available as a stream. */
errpipe.hd = _assuan_w32ce_prepare_pipe (&errpipe.rvid, 0);
if (errpipe.hd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
log_error ("_assuan_w32ce_prepare_pipe failed: %s\n",
w32_strerror (-1));
gpg_err_set_errno (EIO);
/* Fixme release other stuff/kill feeder. */
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
syshd.type = ES_SYSHD_HANDLE;
syshd.u.handle = errpipe.hd;
err = 0;
errfp = es_sysopen (&syshd, "r");
if (!errfp)
err = gpg_err_make (errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
log_error ("error opening pipe stream: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
CloseHandle (errpipe.hd);
return err;
log_debug ("%s: errpipe %p created; hd=%p rvid=%d\n", __func__,
errfp, errpipe.hd, errpipe.rvid);
errpipe.hd = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; /* Now owned by the ERRFP. */
/* Build the command line. */
err = build_w32_commandline (argv, inpipe.rvid, outpipe.rvid, errpipe.rvid,
if (err)
/* Fixme release other stuff/kill feeder. */
CloseHandle (errpipe.hd);
return err;
log_debug ("CreateProcess, path='%s' cmdline='%s'\n", pgmname, cmdline);
if (!create_process (pgmname, cmdline, &pi))
log_error ("CreateProcess failed: %s\n", w32_strerror (-1));
xfree (cmdline);
/* Fixme release other stuff/kill feeder. */
CloseHandle (errpipe.hd);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
xfree (cmdline);
cmdline = NULL;
/* Note: The other end of the pipe is a rendezvous id and thus there
is no need for a close. */
log_debug ("CreateProcess ready: hProcess=%p hThread=%p"
" dwProcessID=%d dwThreadId=%d\n",
pi.hProcess, pi.hThread,
(int) pi.dwProcessId, (int) pi.dwThreadId);
/* Process has been created suspended; resume it now. */
ResumeThread (pi.hThread);
CloseHandle (pi.hThread);
if (r_outfp)
*r_outfp = outfp;
if (r_errfp)
*r_errfp = errfp;
*pid = handle_to_pid (pi.hProcess);
return 0;
/* Simplified version of gnupg_spawn_process. This function forks and
then execs PGMNAME, while connecting INFD to stdin, OUTFD to stdout
and ERRFD to stderr (any of them may be -1 to connect them to
/dev/null). The arguments for the process are expected in the NULL
terminated array ARGV. The program name itself should not be
included there. Calling gnupg_wait_process is required.
Returns 0 on success or an error code. */
gnupg_spawn_process_fd (const char *pgmname, const char *argv[],
int infd, int outfd, int errfd, pid_t *pid)
gpg_error_t err;
char *cmdline;
/* Setup return values. */
*pid = (pid_t)(-1);
if (infd != -1 || outfd != -1 || errfd != -1)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
/* Build the command line. */
err = build_w32_commandline (argv, 0, 0, 0, &cmdline);
if (err)
return err;
log_debug ("CreateProcess, path='%s' cmdline='%s'\n", pgmname, cmdline);
if (!create_process (pgmname, cmdline, &pi))
log_error ("CreateProcess(fd) failed: %s\n", w32_strerror (-1));
xfree (cmdline);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
xfree (cmdline);
cmdline = NULL;
log_debug ("CreateProcess(fd) ready: hProcess=%p hThread=%p"
" dwProcessID=%d dwThreadId=%d\n",
pi.hProcess, pi.hThread,
(int) pi.dwProcessId, (int) pi.dwThreadId);
/* Process has been created suspended; resume it now. */
ResumeThread (pi.hThread);
CloseHandle (pi.hThread);
*pid = handle_to_pid (pi.hProcess);
return 0;
/* See exechelp.h for a description. */
gnupg_wait_process (const char *pgmname, pid_t pid, int hang, int *exitcode)
gpg_err_code_t ec;
HANDLE proc = fd_to_handle (pid);
int code;
DWORD exc;
if (exitcode)
*exitcode = -1;
if (pid == (pid_t)(-1))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
/* FIXME: We should do a pth_waitpid here. However this has not yet
been implemented. A special W32 pth system call would even be
better. */
code = WaitForSingleObject (proc, hang? INFINITE : 0);
switch (code)
log_error (_("waiting for process %d to terminate failed: %s\n"),
(int)pid, w32_strerror (-1));
if (!GetExitCodeProcess (proc, &exc))
log_error (_("error getting exit code of process %d: %s\n"),
(int)pid, w32_strerror (-1) );
else if (exc)
log_error (_("error running '%s': exit status %d\n"),
pgmname, (int)exc );
if (exitcode)
*exitcode = (int)exc;
if (exitcode)
*exitcode = 0;
ec = 0;
log_error ("WaitForSingleObject returned unexpected "
"code %d for pid %d\n", code, (int)pid );
return gpg_err_make (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT, ec);
/* See exechelp.h for a description. */
gnupg_wait_processes (const char **pgmnames, pid_t *pids, size_t count,
int hang, int *r_exitcodes)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
gnupg_release_process (pid_t pid)
if (pid != (pid_t)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
HANDLE process = (HANDLE)pid;
CloseHandle (process);
/* Spawn a new process and immediately detach from it. The name of
the program to exec is PGMNAME and its arguments are in ARGV (the
programname is automatically passed as first argument).
Environment strings in ENVP are set. An error is returned if
pgmname is not executable; to make this work it is necessary to
provide an absolute file name. All standard file descriptors are
connected to /dev/null. */
gnupg_spawn_process_detached (const char *pgmname, const char *argv[],
const char *envp[] )
gpg_error_t err;
char *cmdline;
/* Build the command line. */
err = build_w32_commandline (argv, 0, 0, 0, &cmdline);
if (err)
return err;
/* Note: There is no detached flag under CE. */
log_debug ("CreateProcess, path='%s' cmdline='%s'\n", pgmname, cmdline);
if (!create_process (pgmname, cmdline, &pi))
log_error ("CreateProcess(detached) failed: %s\n", w32_strerror (-1));
xfree (cmdline);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
xfree (cmdline);
cmdline = NULL;
log_debug ("CreateProcess(detached) ready: hProcess=%p hThread=%p"
" dwProcessID=%d dwThreadId=%d\n",
pi.hProcess, pi.hThread,
(int) pi.dwProcessId, (int) pi.dwThreadId);
/* Process has been created suspended; resume it now. */
ResumeThread (pi.hThread);
CloseHandle (pi.hThread);
return 0;
/* Kill a process; that is send an appropriate signal to the process.
gnupg_wait_process must be called to actually remove the process
from the system. An invalid PID is ignored. */
gnupg_kill_process (pid_t pid)
if (pid != (pid_t) INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
HANDLE process = (HANDLE) pid;
/* Arbitrary error code. */
TerminateProcess (process, 1);
diff --git a/common/exechelp.h b/common/exechelp.h
index c43cd25f1..6f2653b5d 100644
--- a/common/exechelp.h
+++ b/common/exechelp.h
@@ -1,199 +1,199 @@
/* exechelp.h - Definitions for the fork and exec helpers
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* Return the maximum number of currently allowed file descriptors.
Only useful on POSIX systems. */
int get_max_fds (void);
/* Close all file descriptors starting with descriptor FIRST. If
EXCEPT is not NULL, it is expected to be a list of file descriptors
which are not to close. This list shall be sorted in ascending
order with its end marked by -1. */
void close_all_fds (int first, int *except);
/* Returns an array with all currently open file descriptors. The end
of the array is marked by -1. The caller needs to release this
array using the *standard free* and not with xfree. This allow the
use of this function right at startup even before libgcrypt has
been initialized. Returns NULL on error and sets ERRNO accordingly. */
int *get_all_open_fds (void);
/* Portable function to create a pipe. Under Windows the write end is
inheritable. If R_FP is not NULL, an estream is created for the
write end and stored at R_FP. */
gpg_error_t gnupg_create_inbound_pipe (int filedes[2],
estream_t *r_fp, int nonblock);
/* Portable function to create a pipe. Under Windows the read end is
inheritable. If R_FP is not NULL, an estream is created for the
write end and stored at R_FP. */
gpg_error_t gnupg_create_outbound_pipe (int filedes[2],
estream_t *r_fp, int nonblock);
/* Portable function to create a pipe. Under Windows both ends are
inheritable. */
gpg_error_t gnupg_create_pipe (int filedes[2]);
/* Fork and exec the program PGMNAME.
If R_INFP is NULL connect stdin of the new process to /dev/null; if
it is not NULL store the address of a pointer to a new estream
there. If R_OUTFP is NULL connect stdout of the new process to
/dev/null; if it is not NULL store the address of a pointer to a
new estream there. If R_ERRFP is NULL connect stderr of the new
process to /dev/null; if it is not NULL store the address of a
pointer to a new estream there. On success the pid of the new
process is stored at PID. On error -1 is stored at PID and if
R_OUTFP or R_ERRFP are not NULL, NULL is stored there.
The arguments for the process are expected in the NULL terminated
array ARGV. The program name itself should not be included there.
If PREEXEC is not NULL, the given function will be called right
before the exec.
IF EXCEPT is not NULL, it is expected to be an ordered list of file
descriptors, terminated by an entry with the value (-1). These
file descriptors won't be closed before spawning a new program.
Returns 0 on success or an error code. Calling gnupg_wait_process
and gnupg_release_process is required if the function succeeded.
FLAGS is a bit vector:
If set the two output streams are created in non-blocking
mode and the input stream is switched to non-blocking mode.
This is merely a convenience feature because the caller
could do the same with gpgrt_set_nonblock. Does not yet
work for Windows.
If set the process will be started as a background process.
This flag is only useful under W32 (but not W32CE) systems,
so that no new console is created and pops up a console
window when starting the server. Does not work on W32CE.
On W32 (but not on W32CE) run AllowSetForegroundWindow for
the child. Note that due to unknown problems this actually
allows SetForegroundWindow for all childs of this process.
gnupg_spawn_process (const char *pgmname, const char *argv[],
int *execpt, void (*preexec)(void), unsigned int flags,
estream_t *r_infp,
estream_t *r_outfp,
estream_t *r_errfp,
pid_t *pid);
/* Simplified version of gnupg_spawn_process. This function forks and
then execs PGMNAME, while connecting INFD to stdin, OUTFD to stdout
and ERRFD to stderr (any of them may be -1 to connect them to
/dev/null). The arguments for the process are expected in the NULL
terminated array ARGV. The program name itself should not be
included there. Calling gnupg_wait_process and
gnupg_release_process is required. Returns 0 on success or an
error code. */
gpg_error_t gnupg_spawn_process_fd (const char *pgmname,
const char *argv[],
int infd, int outfd, int errfd,
pid_t *pid);
/* If HANG is true, waits for the process identified by PID to exit;
if HANG is false, checks whether the process has terminated.
PGMNAME should be the same as supplied to the spawn function and is
only used for diagnostics. Return values:
The process exited successful. 0 is stored at R_EXITCODE.
The process exited without success. The exit code of process
is then stored at R_EXITCODE. An exit code of -1 indicates
that the process terminated abnormally (e.g. due to a signal).
The process is still running (returned only if HANG is false).
An invalid PID has been specified.
Other error codes may be returned as well. Unless otherwise noted,
-1 will be stored at R_EXITCODE. R_EXITCODE may be passed as NULL
if the exit code is not required (in that case an error messge will
be printed). Note that under Windows PID is not the process id but
the handle of the process. */
gpg_error_t gnupg_wait_process (const char *pgmname, pid_t pid, int hang,
int *r_exitcode);
/* Like gnupg_wait_process, but for COUNT processes. */
gpg_error_t gnupg_wait_processes (const char **pgmnames, pid_t *pids,
size_t count, int hang, int *r_exitcodes);
/* Kill a process; that is send an appropriate signal to the process.
gnupg_wait_process must be called to actually remove the process
from the system. An invalid PID is ignored. */
void gnupg_kill_process (pid_t pid);
/* Release the process identified by PID. This function is actually
only required for Windows but it does not harm to always call it.
It is a nop if PID is invalid. */
void gnupg_release_process (pid_t pid);
/* Spawn a new process and immediately detach from it. The name of
the program to exec is PGMNAME and its arguments are in ARGV (the
programname is automatically passed as first argument).
Environment strings in ENVP are set. An error is returned if
pgmname is not executable; to make this work it is necessary to
provide an absolute file name. */
gpg_error_t gnupg_spawn_process_detached (const char *pgmname,
const char *argv[],
const char *envp[] );
diff --git a/common/exectool.c b/common/exectool.c
index cf54efe6e..4593abdc2 100644
--- a/common/exectool.c
+++ b/common/exectool.c
@@ -1,629 +1,629 @@
/* exectool.c - Utility functions to execute a helper tool
* Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Koch
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include <assuan.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "membuf.h"
#include "mischelp.h"
#include "exechelp.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "exectool.h"
typedef struct
const char *pgmname;
exec_tool_status_cb_t status_cb;
void *status_cb_value;
int cont;
size_t used;
size_t buffer_size;
char *buffer;
} read_and_log_buffer_t;
static inline gpg_error_t
my_error_from_syserror (void)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
static void
read_and_log_stderr (read_and_log_buffer_t *state, es_poll_t *fderr)
gpg_error_t err;
int c;
if (!fderr)
/* Flush internal buffer. */
if (state->used)
const char *pname;
int len;
state->buffer[state->used] = 0;
state->used = 0;
pname = strrchr (state->pgmname, '/');
if (pname && pname != state->pgmname && pname[1])
pname = state->pgmname;
len = strlen (pname);
if (state->status_cb
&& !strncmp (state->buffer, "[GNUPG:] ", 9)
&& state->buffer[9] >= 'A' && state->buffer[9] <= 'Z')
char *rest;
rest = strchr (state->buffer + 9, ' ');
if (!rest)
/* Set REST to an empty string. */
rest = state->buffer + strlen (state->buffer);
*rest++ = 0;
trim_spaces (rest);
state->status_cb (state->status_cb_value,
state->buffer + 9, rest);
else if (!state->cont
&& !strncmp (state->buffer, pname, len)
&& strlen (state->buffer) > strlen (pname)
&& state->buffer[len] == ':' )
/* PGMNAME plus colon is identical to the start of
the output: print only the output. */
log_info ("%s\n", state->buffer);
log_info ("%s%c %s\n",
pname, state->cont? '+':':', state->buffer);
state->cont = 0;
for (;;)
c = es_fgetc (fderr->stream);
if (c == EOF)
if (es_feof (fderr->stream))
fderr->ignore = 1; /* Not anymore needed. */
else if (es_ferror (fderr->stream))
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error reading stderr of '%s': %s\n",
state->pgmname, gpg_strerror (err));
fderr->ignore = 1; /* Disable. */
else if (c == '\n')
read_and_log_stderr (state, NULL);
if (state->used >= state->buffer_size - 1)
if (state->status_cb)
/* A status callback requires that we have a full
* line. Thus we need to enlarget the buffer in
* this case. */
char *newbuffer;
size_t newsize = state->buffer_size + 256;
newbuffer = xtrymalloc (newsize);
if (!newbuffer)
log_error ("error allocating memory for status cb: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (my_error_from_syserror ()));
/* We better disable the status CB in this case. */
state->status_cb = NULL;
read_and_log_stderr (state, NULL);
state->cont = 1;
memcpy (newbuffer, state->buffer, state->used);
xfree (state->buffer);
state->buffer = newbuffer;
state->buffer_size = newsize;
read_and_log_stderr (state, NULL);
state->cont = 1;
state->buffer[state->used++] = c;
/* A buffer to copy from one stream to another. */
struct copy_buffer
char buffer[4096];
char *writep;
size_t nread;
/* Initialize a copy buffer. */
static void
copy_buffer_init (struct copy_buffer *c)
c->writep = c->buffer;
c->nread = 0;
/* Securely wipe a copy buffer. */
static void
copy_buffer_shred (struct copy_buffer *c)
if (c == NULL)
wipememory (c->buffer, sizeof c->buffer);
c->writep = NULL;
c->nread = ~0U;
/* Copy data from SOURCE to SINK using copy buffer C. */
static gpg_error_t
copy_buffer_do_copy (struct copy_buffer *c, estream_t source, estream_t sink)
gpg_error_t err;
size_t nwritten = 0;
if (c->nread == 0)
c->writep = c->buffer;
err = es_read (source, c->buffer, sizeof c->buffer, &c->nread);
if (err)
if (errno == EAGAIN)
return 0; /* We will just retry next time. */
return my_error_from_syserror ();
assert (c->nread <= sizeof c->buffer);
if (c->nread == 0)
return 0; /* Done copying. */
nwritten = 0;
err = sink? es_write (sink, c->writep, c->nread, &nwritten) : 0;
assert (nwritten <= c->nread);
c->writep += nwritten;
c->nread -= nwritten;
assert (c->writep - c->buffer <= sizeof c->buffer);
if (err)
if (errno == EAGAIN)
return 0; /* We will just retry next time. */
return my_error_from_syserror ();
if (sink && es_fflush (sink) && errno != EAGAIN)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
return err;
/* Flush the remaining data to SINK. */
static gpg_error_t
copy_buffer_flush (struct copy_buffer *c, estream_t sink)
gpg_error_t err;
while (c->nread > 0)
err = copy_buffer_do_copy (c, NULL, sink);
if (err)
return err;
return 0;
/* Run the program PGMNAME with the command line arguments given in
* the NULL terminates array ARGV. If INPUT is not NULL it will be
* fed to stdin of the process. stderr is logged using log_info and
* the process' stdout is written to OUTPUT. If OUTPUT is NULL the
* output is discarded. If INEXTRA is given, an additional input
* stream will be passed to the child; to tell the child about this
* ARGV is scanned and the first occurrence of an argument
* "-&@INEXTRA@" is replaced by the concatenation of "-&" and the
* child's file descriptor of the pipe created for the INEXTRA stream.
* On error a diagnostic is printed and an error code returned. */
gnupg_exec_tool_stream (const char *pgmname, const char *argv[],
estream_t input, estream_t inextra,
estream_t output,
exec_tool_status_cb_t status_cb,
void *status_cb_value)
gpg_error_t err;
pid_t pid = (pid_t) -1;
estream_t infp = NULL;
estream_t extrafp = NULL;
estream_t outfp = NULL, errfp = NULL;
es_poll_t fds[4];
int exceptclose[2];
int extrapipe[2] = {-1, -1};
char extrafdbuf[20];
const char *argsave = NULL;
int argsaveidx;
int count;
read_and_log_buffer_t fderrstate;
struct copy_buffer *cpbuf_in = NULL, *cpbuf_out = NULL, *cpbuf_extra = NULL;
memset (fds, 0, sizeof fds);
memset (&fderrstate, 0, sizeof fderrstate);
cpbuf_in = xtrymalloc (sizeof *cpbuf_in);
if (cpbuf_in == NULL)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
copy_buffer_init (cpbuf_in);
cpbuf_out = xtrymalloc (sizeof *cpbuf_out);
if (cpbuf_out == NULL)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
copy_buffer_init (cpbuf_out);
cpbuf_extra = xtrymalloc (sizeof *cpbuf_extra);
if (cpbuf_extra == NULL)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
copy_buffer_init (cpbuf_extra);
fderrstate.pgmname = pgmname;
fderrstate.status_cb = status_cb;
fderrstate.status_cb_value = status_cb_value;
fderrstate.buffer_size = 256;
fderrstate.buffer = xtrymalloc (fderrstate.buffer_size);
if (!fderrstate.buffer)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (inextra)
err = gnupg_create_outbound_pipe (extrapipe, &extrafp, 1);
if (err)
log_error ("error running outbound pipe for extra fp: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
exceptclose[0] = extrapipe[0]; /* Do not close in child. */
exceptclose[1] = -1;
/* Now find the argument marker and replace by the pipe's fd.
Yeah, that is an ugly non-thread safe hack but it safes us to
create a copy of the array. */
snprintf (extrafdbuf, sizeof extrafdbuf, "-&%d", extrapipe[0]);
for (argsaveidx=0; argv[argsaveidx]; argsaveidx++)
if (!strcmp (argv[argsaveidx], "-&@INEXTRA@"))
argsave = argv[argsaveidx];
argv[argsaveidx] = extrafdbuf;
exceptclose[0] = -1;
err = gnupg_spawn_process (pgmname, argv,
input? &infp : NULL,
&outfp, &errfp, &pid);
if (extrapipe[0] != -1)
close (extrapipe[0]);
if (argsave)
argv[argsaveidx] = argsave;
if (err)
log_error ("error running '%s': %s\n", pgmname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
fds[0].stream = infp;
fds[0].want_write = 1;
if (!input)
fds[0].ignore = 1;
fds[1].stream = outfp;
fds[1].want_read = 1;
fds[2].stream = errfp;
fds[2].want_read = 1;
fds[3].stream = extrafp;
fds[3].want_write = 1;
if (!inextra)
fds[3].ignore = 1;
/* Now read as long as we have something to poll. We continue
reading even after EOF or error on stdout so that we get the
other error messages or remaining outut. */
while (! (fds[1].ignore && fds[2].ignore))
count = es_poll (fds, DIM(fds), -1);
if (count == -1)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error polling '%s': %s\n", pgmname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (!count)
log_debug ("unexpected timeout while polling '%s'\n", pgmname);
if (fds[0].got_write)
err = copy_buffer_do_copy (cpbuf_in, input, fds[0].stream);
if (err)
log_error ("error feeding data to '%s': %s\n",
pgmname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (es_feof (input))
err = copy_buffer_flush (cpbuf_in, fds[0].stream);
if (err)
log_error ("error feeding data to '%s': %s\n",
pgmname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
fds[0].ignore = 1; /* ready. */
es_fclose (infp); infp = NULL;
if (fds[3].got_write)
log_assert (inextra);
err = copy_buffer_do_copy (cpbuf_extra, inextra, fds[3].stream);
if (err)
log_error ("error feeding data to '%s': %s\n",
pgmname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (es_feof (inextra))
err = copy_buffer_flush (cpbuf_extra, fds[3].stream);
if (err)
log_error ("error feeding data to '%s': %s\n",
pgmname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
fds[3].ignore = 1; /* ready. */
es_fclose (extrafp); extrafp = NULL;
if (fds[1].got_read)
err = copy_buffer_do_copy (cpbuf_out, fds[1].stream, output);
if (err)
log_error ("error reading data from '%s': %s\n",
pgmname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (es_feof (fds[1].stream))
err = copy_buffer_flush (cpbuf_out, output);
if (err)
log_error ("error reading data from '%s': %s\n",
pgmname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
fds[1].ignore = 1; /* ready. */
if (fds[2].got_read)
read_and_log_stderr (&fderrstate, fds + 2);
read_and_log_stderr (&fderrstate, NULL); /* Flush. */
es_fclose (infp); infp = NULL;
es_fclose (extrafp); extrafp = NULL;
es_fclose (outfp); outfp = NULL;
es_fclose (errfp); errfp = NULL;
err = gnupg_wait_process (pgmname, pid, 1, NULL);
pid = (pid_t)(-1);
if (err && pid != (pid_t) -1)
gnupg_kill_process (pid);
es_fclose (infp);
es_fclose (extrafp);
es_fclose (outfp);
es_fclose (errfp);
if (pid != (pid_t)(-1))
gnupg_wait_process (pgmname, pid, 1, NULL);
gnupg_release_process (pid);
copy_buffer_shred (cpbuf_in);
xfree (cpbuf_in);
copy_buffer_shred (cpbuf_out);
xfree (cpbuf_out);
copy_buffer_shred (cpbuf_extra);
xfree (cpbuf_extra);
xfree (fderrstate.buffer);
return err;
/* A dummy free function to pass to 'es_mopen'. */
static void
nop_free (void *ptr)
(void) ptr;
/* Run the program PGMNAME with the command line arguments given in
the NULL terminates array ARGV. If INPUT_STRING is not NULL it
will be fed to stdin of the process. stderr is logged using
log_info and the process' stdout is returned in a newly malloced
buffer RESULT with the length stored at RESULTLEN if not given as
NULL. A hidden Nul is appended to the output. On error NULL is
stored at RESULT, a diagnostic is printed, and an error code
returned. */
gnupg_exec_tool (const char *pgmname, const char *argv[],
const char *input_string,
char **result, size_t *resultlen)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t input = NULL;
estream_t output;
size_t len;
size_t nread;
*result = NULL;
if (resultlen)
*resultlen = 0;
if (input_string)
len = strlen (input_string);
input = es_mopen ((char *) input_string, len, len,
0 /* don't grow */, NULL, nop_free, "rb");
if (! input)
return my_error_from_syserror ();
output = es_fopenmem (0, "wb");
if (! output)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = gnupg_exec_tool_stream (pgmname, argv, input, NULL, output, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
goto leave;
len = es_ftello (output);
err = es_fseek (output, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (err)
goto leave;
*result = xtrymalloc (len + 1);
if (!*result)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (len)
err = es_read (output, *result, len, &nread);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (nread != len)
log_fatal ("%s: short read from memstream\n", __func__);
(*result)[len] = 0;
if (resultlen)
*resultlen = len;
es_fclose (input);
es_fclose (output);
if (err)
xfree (*result);
*result = NULL;
return err;
diff --git a/common/exectool.h b/common/exectool.h
index 94091fdd7..27bbfc9e5 100644
--- a/common/exectool.h
+++ b/common/exectool.h
@@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
/* sh-exectool.h - Utility functions to execute a helper tool
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <gpg-error.h>
/* This callback can be used to process --status-fd outputs of GnuPG
* tools. OPAQUE can be used to communicate between the caller of the
* function and the callback. KEYWORD is the status keyword (see
* doc/DETAILS); it is never NULL. ARGS are the arguments of the
* status line and will also never be NULL; the caller may modify this
* string. */
typedef void (*exec_tool_status_cb_t) (void *opaque,
const char *keyword,
char *args);
/* Run the program PGMNAME with the command line arguments given in
the NULL terminates array ARGV. If INPUT_STRING is not NULL it
will be fed to stdin of the process. stderr is logged using
log_info and the process' stdout is returned in a newly malloced
buffer RESULT with the length stored at RESULTLEN if not given as
NULL. A hidden Nul is appended to the output. On error NULL is
stored at RESULT, a diagnostic is printed, and an error code
returned. */
gpg_error_t gnupg_exec_tool (const char *pgmname, const char *argv[],
const char *input_string,
char **result, size_t *resultlen);
/* Run the program PGMNAME with the command line arguments given in
the NULL terminates array ARGV. If INPUT is not NULL it will be
fed to stdin of the process. stderr is logged using log_info and
the process' stdout is written to OUTPUT. On error a diagnostic is
printed, and an error code returned. INEXTRA is reserved. */
gpg_error_t gnupg_exec_tool_stream (const char *pgmname, const char *argv[],
estream_t input, estream_t inextra,
estream_t output,
exec_tool_status_cb_t status_cb,
void *status_cb_value);
diff --git a/common/fwddecl.h b/common/fwddecl.h
index f9d7536f1..b9454062d 100644
--- a/common/fwddecl.h
+++ b/common/fwddecl.h
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
/* fwddecl.h - Forward declarations
* Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/*-- Forward declaration of the commonly used server control structure. */
struct server_control_s;
typedef struct server_control_s *ctrl_t;
diff --git a/common/get-passphrase.c b/common/get-passphrase.c
index 8c7496ca8..c24b40e88 100644
--- a/common/get-passphrase.c
+++ b/common/get-passphrase.c
@@ -1,255 +1,255 @@
/* get-passphrase.c - Ask for a passphrase via the agent
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <assuan.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "asshelp.h"
#include "membuf.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "get-passphrase.h"
/* The context used by this process to ask for the passphrase. */
static assuan_context_t agent_ctx;
static struct
gpg_err_source_t errsource;
int verbosity;
const char *agent_program;
const char *lc_ctype;
const char *lc_messages;
session_env_t session_env;
const char *pinentry_user_data;
} agentargs;
/* Set local variable to be used for a possible agent startup. Note
that the strings are just pointers and should not anymore be
modified by the caller. */
gnupg_prepare_get_passphrase (gpg_err_source_t errsource,
int verbosity,
const char *agent_program,
const char *opt_lc_ctype,
const char *opt_lc_messages,
session_env_t session_env)
agentargs.errsource = errsource;
agentargs.verbosity = verbosity;
agentargs.agent_program = agent_program;
agentargs.lc_ctype = opt_lc_ctype;
agentargs.lc_messages = opt_lc_messages;
agentargs.session_env = session_env;
/* Try to connect to the agent via socket or fork it off and work by
pipes. Handle the server's initial greeting. */
static gpg_error_t
start_agent (void)
gpg_error_t err;
/* Fixme: This code is not thread safe, thus we don't build it with
pth. We will need a context for each thread or serialize the
access to the agent. */
if (agent_ctx)
return 0;
err = start_new_gpg_agent (&agent_ctx,
1, agentargs.verbosity, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!err)
/* Tell the agent that we support Pinentry notifications. No
error checking so that it will work with older agents. */
assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "OPTION allow-pinentry-notify",
return err;
/* This is the default inquiry callback. It merely handles the
Pinentry notification. */
static gpg_error_t
default_inq_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
if (!strncmp (line, "PINENTRY_LAUNCHED", 17) && (line[17]==' '||!line[17]))
gnupg_allow_set_foregound_window ((pid_t)strtoul (line+17, NULL, 10));
/* We do not return errors to avoid breaking other code. */
log_debug ("ignoring gpg-agent inquiry '%s'\n", line);
return 0;
/* Ask for a passphrase via gpg-agent. On success the caller needs to
free the string stored at R_PASSPHRASE. On error NULL will be
stored at R_PASSPHRASE and an appropriate gpg error code is
returned. With REPEAT set to 1, gpg-agent will ask the user to
repeat the just entered passphrase. CACHE_ID is a gpg-agent style
passphrase cache id or NULL. ERR_MSG is a error message to be
presented to the user (e.g. "bad passphrase - try again") or NULL.
PROMPT is the prompt string to label the entry box, it may be NULL
for a default one. DESC_MSG is a longer description to be
displayed above the entry box, if may be NULL for a default one.
If USE_SECMEM is true, the returned passphrase is returned in
secure memory. The length of all these strings is limited; they
need to fit in their encoded form into a standard Assuan line (i.e
less then about 950 characters). All strings shall be UTF-8. */
gnupg_get_passphrase (const char *cache_id,
const char *err_msg,
const char *prompt,
const char *desc_msg,
int repeat,
int check_quality,
int use_secmem,
char **r_passphrase)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *arg1 = NULL;
char *arg2 = NULL;
char *arg3 = NULL;
char *arg4 = NULL;
membuf_t data;
*r_passphrase = NULL;
err = start_agent ();
if (err)
return err;
/* Check that the gpg-agent understands the repeat option. */
if (assuan_transact (agent_ctx,
"GETINFO cmd_has_option GET_PASSPHRASE repeat",
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
arg1 = cache_id && *cache_id? cache_id:NULL;
if (err_msg && *err_msg)
if (!(arg2 = percent_plus_escape (err_msg)))
goto no_mem;
if (prompt && *prompt)
if (!(arg3 = percent_plus_escape (prompt)))
goto no_mem;
if (desc_msg && *desc_msg)
if (!(arg4 = percent_plus_escape (desc_msg)))
goto no_mem;
snprintf (line, DIM(line),
"GET_PASSPHRASE --data %s--repeat=%d -- %s %s %s %s",
check_quality? "--check ":"",
arg1? arg1:"X",
arg2? arg2:"X",
arg3? arg3:"X",
arg4? arg4:"X");
xfree (arg2);
xfree (arg3);
xfree (arg4);
if (use_secmem)
init_membuf_secure (&data, 64);
init_membuf (&data, 64);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
put_membuf_cb, &data,
default_inq_cb, NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* Older Pinentries return the old assuan error code for canceled
which gets translated by libassuan to GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED and
not to the code for a user cancel. Fix this here. */
if (err && gpg_err_source (err)
&& gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED)
err = gpg_err_make (gpg_err_source (err), GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
if (err)
void *p;
size_t n;
p = get_membuf (&data, &n);
if (p)
wipememory (p, n);
xfree (p);
put_membuf (&data, "", 1);
*r_passphrase = get_membuf (&data, NULL);
if (!*r_passphrase)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return err;
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (arg2);
xfree (arg3);
xfree (arg4);
return err;
/* Flush the passphrase cache with Id CACHE_ID. */
gnupg_clear_passphrase (const char *cache_id)
gpg_error_t err;
if (!cache_id || !*cache_id)
return 0;
err = start_agent ();
if (err)
return err;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "CLEAR_PASSPHRASE %s", cache_id);
return assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL,
default_inq_cb, NULL, NULL, NULL);
diff --git a/common/get-passphrase.h b/common/get-passphrase.h
index 7e5cac087..afdbe78e0 100644
--- a/common/get-passphrase.h
+++ b/common/get-passphrase.h
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
/* get-passphrase.h - Definitions to ask for a passphrase via the agent.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include "session-env.h"
void gnupg_prepare_get_passphrase (gpg_err_source_t errsource,
int verbosity,
const char *agent_program,
const char *opt_lc_ctype,
const char *opt_lc_messages,
session_env_t session_env);
gpg_error_t gnupg_get_passphrase (const char *cache_id,
const char *err_msg,
const char *prompt,
const char *desc_msg,
int repeat,
int check_quality,
int use_secmem,
char **r_passphrase);
gpg_error_t gnupg_clear_passphrase (const char *cache_id);
diff --git a/common/gettime.c b/common/gettime.c
index 9c6365886..e5da4fb1a 100644
--- a/common/gettime.c
+++ b/common/gettime.c
@@ -1,993 +1,993 @@
/* gettime.c - Wrapper for time functions
* Copyright (C) 1998, 2002, 2007, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <langinfo.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "gettime.h"
# define IS_INVALID_TIME_T(a) ((a) == (time_t)(-1))
/* Error or 32 bit time_t and value after 2038-01-19. */
# define IS_INVALID_TIME_T(a) ((a) < 0)
static unsigned long timewarp;
static enum { NORMAL = 0, FROZEN, FUTURE, PAST } timemode;
/* Correction used to map to real Julian days. */
#define JD_DIFF 1721060L
/* Wrapper for the time(3). We use this here so we can fake the time
for tests */
gnupg_get_time ()
time_t current = time (NULL);
if (current == (time_t)(-1))
log_fatal ("time() failed\n");
if (timemode == NORMAL)
return current;
else if (timemode == FROZEN)
return timewarp;
else if (timemode == FUTURE)
return current + timewarp;
return current - timewarp;
/* Wrapper around gmtime_r.
On systems without gmtime_r this implementation works within gnupg
because we use only one thread a time. FIXME: An independent
library may use gmtime in one of its own thread (or via
npth_enter/npth_leave) - in this case we run into a problem. The
solution would be to use a mutex here. */
struct tm *
gnupg_gmtime (const time_t *timep, struct tm *result)
return gmtime_r (timep, result);
struct tm *tp;
tp = gmtime (timep);
if (tp)
memcpy (result, tp, sizeof *result);
return tp;
/* Return the current time (possibly faked) in ISO format. */
gnupg_get_isotime (gnupg_isotime_t timebuf)
time_t atime = gnupg_get_time ();
struct tm *tp;
struct tm tmbuf;
tp = gnupg_gmtime (&atime, &tmbuf);
if (!tp)
*timebuf = 0;
snprintf (timebuf, 16, "%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02d",
1900 + tp->tm_year, tp->tm_mon+1, tp->tm_mday,
tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec);
/* Set the time to NEWTIME so that gnupg_get_time returns a time
starting with this one. With FREEZE set to 1 the returned time
will never change. Just for completeness, a value of (time_t)-1
for NEWTIME gets you back to reality. Note that this is obviously
not thread-safe but this is not required. */
gnupg_set_time (time_t newtime, int freeze)
time_t current = time (NULL);
if ( newtime == (time_t)-1 || current == newtime)
timemode = NORMAL;
timewarp = 0;
else if (freeze)
timemode = FROZEN;
timewarp = current;
else if (newtime > current)
timemode = FUTURE;
timewarp = newtime - current;
timemode = PAST;
timewarp = current - newtime;
/* Returns true when we are in timewarp mode */
gnupg_faked_time_p (void)
return timemode;
/* This function is used by gpg because OpenPGP defines the timestamp
as an unsigned 32 bit value. */
make_timestamp (void)
time_t t = gnupg_get_time ();
return (u32)t;
* Scan a date string and return a timestamp.
* The only supported format is "yyyy-mm-dd"
* Returns 0 for an invalid date.
scan_isodatestr( const char *string )
int year, month, day;
struct tm tmbuf;
time_t stamp;
int i;
if( strlen(string) != 10 || string[4] != '-' || string[7] != '-' )
return 0;
for( i=0; i < 4; i++ )
if( !digitp (string+i) )
return 0;
if( !digitp (string+5) || !digitp(string+6) )
return 0;
if( !digitp(string+8) || !digitp(string+9) )
return 0;
year = atoi(string);
month = atoi(string+5);
day = atoi(string+8);
/* some basic checks */
if( year < 1970 || month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1 || day > 31 )
return 0;
memset( &tmbuf, 0, sizeof tmbuf );
tmbuf.tm_mday = day;
tmbuf.tm_mon = month-1;
tmbuf.tm_year = year - 1900;
tmbuf.tm_isdst = -1;
stamp = mktime( &tmbuf );
if( stamp == (time_t)-1 )
return 0;
return stamp;
isotime_p (const char *string)
const char *s;
int i;
if (!*string)
return 0;
for (s=string, i=0; i < 8; i++, s++)
if (!digitp (s))
return 0;
if (*s != 'T')
return 0;
for (s++, i=9; i < 15; i++, s++)
if (!digitp (s))
return 0;
if ( !(!*s || (isascii (*s) && isspace(*s)) || *s == ':' || *s == ','))
return 0; /* Wrong delimiter. */
return 1;
/* Scan a string and return true if the string represents the human
readable format of an ISO time. This format is:
yyyy-mm-dd[ hh[:mm[:ss]]]
Scanning stops at the second space or at a comma. If DATE_ONLY is
true the time part is not expected and the scanning stops at the
first space or at a comma. */
isotime_human_p (const char *string, int date_only)
const char *s;
int i;
if (!*string)
return 0;
for (s=string, i=0; i < 4; i++, s++)
if (!digitp (s))
return 0;
if (*s != '-')
return 0;
if (!digitp (s) || !digitp (s+1) || s[2] != '-')
return 0;
i = atoi_2 (s);
if (i < 1 || i > 12)
return 0;
s += 3;
if (!digitp (s) || !digitp (s+1))
return 0;
i = atoi_2 (s);
if (i < 1 || i > 31)
return 0;
s += 2;
if (!*s || *s == ',')
return 1; /* Okay; only date given. */
if (!spacep (s))
return 0;
if (date_only)
return 1; /* Okay; only date was requested. */
if (spacep (s))
return 1; /* Okay, second space stops scanning. */
if (!digitp (s) || !digitp (s+1))
return 0;
i = atoi_2 (s);
if (i < 0 || i > 23)
return 0;
s += 2;
if (!*s || *s == ',')
return 1; /* Okay; only date and hour given. */
if (*s != ':')
return 0;
if (!digitp (s) || !digitp (s+1))
return 0;
i = atoi_2 (s);
if (i < 0 || i > 59)
return 0;
s += 2;
if (!*s || *s == ',')
return 1; /* Okay; only date, hour and minute given. */
if (*s != ':')
return 0;
if (!digitp (s) || !digitp (s+1))
return 0;
i = atoi_2 (s);
if (i < 0 || i > 60)
return 0;
s += 2;
if (!*s || *s == ',' || spacep (s))
return 1; /* Okay; date, hour and minute and second given. */
return 0; /* Unexpected delimiter. */
/* Convert a standard isotime or a human readable variant into an
isotime structure. The allowed formats are those described by
isotime_p and isotime_human_p. The function returns 0 on failure
or the length of the scanned string on success. */
string2isotime (gnupg_isotime_t atime, const char *string)
gnupg_isotime_t dummyatime;
if (!atime)
atime = dummyatime;
atime[0] = 0;
if (isotime_p (string))
memcpy (atime, string, 15);
atime[15] = 0;
return 15;
if (!isotime_human_p (string, 0))
return 0;
atime[0] = string[0];
atime[1] = string[1];
atime[2] = string[2];
atime[3] = string[3];
atime[4] = string[5];
atime[5] = string[6];
atime[6] = string[8];
atime[7] = string[9];
atime[8] = 'T';
memset (atime+9, '0', 6);
atime[15] = 0;
if (!spacep (string+10))
return 10;
if (spacep (string+11))
return 11; /* As per def, second space stops scanning. */
atime[9] = string[11];
atime[10] = string[12];
if (string[13] != ':')
return 13;
atime[11] = string[14];
atime[12] = string[15];
if (string[16] != ':')
return 16;
atime[13] = string[17];
atime[14] = string[18];
return 19;
/* Scan an ISO timestamp and return an Epoch based timestamp. The only
supported format is "yyyymmddThhmmss" delimited by white space, nul, a
colon or a comma. Returns (time_t)(-1) for an invalid string. */
isotime2epoch (const char *string)
int year, month, day, hour, minu, sec;
struct tm tmbuf;
if (!isotime_p (string))
return (time_t)(-1);
year = atoi_4 (string);
month = atoi_2 (string + 4);
day = atoi_2 (string + 6);
hour = atoi_2 (string + 9);
minu = atoi_2 (string + 11);
sec = atoi_2 (string + 13);
/* Basic checks. */
if (year < 1970 || month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1 || day > 31
|| hour > 23 || minu > 59 || sec > 61 )
return (time_t)(-1);
memset (&tmbuf, 0, sizeof tmbuf);
tmbuf.tm_sec = sec;
tmbuf.tm_min = minu;
tmbuf.tm_hour = hour;
tmbuf.tm_mday = day;
tmbuf.tm_mon = month-1;
tmbuf.tm_year = year - 1900;
tmbuf.tm_isdst = -1;
return timegm (&tmbuf);
/* Convert an Epoch time to an iso time stamp. */
epoch2isotime (gnupg_isotime_t timebuf, time_t atime)
if (atime == (time_t)(-1))
*timebuf = 0;
struct tm *tp;
struct tm tmbuf;
tp = gmtime_r (&atime, &tmbuf);
tp = gmtime (&atime);
snprintf (timebuf, 16, "%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02d",
1900 + tp->tm_year, tp->tm_mon+1, tp->tm_mday,
tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec);
/* Parse a short ISO date string (YYYY-MM-DD) into a TM structure.
Returns 0 on success. */
isodate_human_to_tm (const char *string, struct tm *t)
int year, month, day;
if (!isotime_human_p (string, 1))
return -1;
year = atoi_4 (string);
month = atoi_2 (string + 5);
day = atoi_2 (string + 8);
/* Basic checks. */
if (year < 1970 || month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1 || day > 31)
return -1;
memset (t, 0, sizeof *t);
t->tm_sec = 0;
t->tm_min = 0;
t->tm_hour = 0;
t->tm_mday = day;
t->tm_mon = month-1;
t->tm_year = year - 1900;
t->tm_isdst = -1;
return 0;
/* This function is a copy of gpgme/src/conversion.c:_gpgme_timegm.
If you change it, then update the other one too. */
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static time_t
_win32_timegm (struct tm *tm)
/* This one is thread safe. */
unsigned long long cnsecs;
st.wYear = tm->tm_year + 1900;
st.wMonth = tm->tm_mon + 1;
st.wDay = tm->tm_mday;
st.wHour = tm->tm_hour;
st.wMinute = tm->tm_min;
st.wSecond = tm->tm_sec;
st.wMilliseconds = 0; /* Not available. */
st.wDayOfWeek = 0; /* Ignored. */
/* System time is UTC thus the conversion is pretty easy. */
if (!SystemTimeToFileTime (&st, &ft))
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
return (time_t)(-1);
cnsecs = (((unsigned long long)ft.dwHighDateTime << 32)
| ft.dwLowDateTime);
cnsecs -= 116444736000000000ULL; /* The filetime epoch is 1601-01-01. */
return (time_t)(cnsecs / 10000000ULL);
/* Parse the string TIMESTAMP into a time_t. The string may either be
seconds since Epoch or in the ISO 8601 format like
"20390815T143012". Returns 0 for an empty string or seconds since
Epoch. Leading spaces are skipped. If ENDP is not NULL, it will
point to the next non-parsed character in TIMESTRING.
This function is a copy of
gpgme/src/conversion.c:_gpgme_parse_timestamp. If you change it,
then update the other one too. */
parse_timestamp (const char *timestamp, char **endp)
/* Need to skip leading spaces, because that is what strtoul does
but not our ISO 8601 checking code. */
while (*timestamp && *timestamp== ' ')
if (!*timestamp)
return 0;
if (strlen (timestamp) >= 15 && timestamp[8] == 'T')
struct tm buf;
int year;
year = atoi_4 (timestamp);
if (year < 1900)
return (time_t)(-1);
if (endp)
*endp = (char*)(timestamp + 15);
/* Fixme: We would better use a configure test to see whether
mktime can handle dates beyond 2038. */
if (sizeof (time_t) <= 4 && year >= 2038)
return (time_t)2145914603; /* 2037-12-31 23:23:23 */
memset (&buf, 0, sizeof buf);
buf.tm_year = year - 1900;
buf.tm_mon = atoi_2 (timestamp+4) - 1;
buf.tm_mday = atoi_2 (timestamp+6);
buf.tm_hour = atoi_2 (timestamp+9);
buf.tm_min = atoi_2 (timestamp+11);
buf.tm_sec = atoi_2 (timestamp+13);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
return _win32_timegm (&buf);
return timegm (&buf);
time_t tim;
putenv ("TZ=UTC");
tim = mktime (&buf);
#ifdef __GNUC__
#warning fixme: we must somehow reset TZ here. It is not threadsafe anyway.
return tim;
#endif /* !HAVE_TIMEGM */
#endif /* !HAVE_W32_SYSTEM */
return (time_t)strtoul (timestamp, endp, 10);
add_days_to_timestamp( u32 stamp, u16 days )
return stamp + days*86400L;
* Return a string with a time value in the form: x Y, n D, n H
const char *
strtimevalue( u32 value )
static char buffer[30];
unsigned int years, days, hours, minutes;
value /= 60;
minutes = value % 60;
value /= 60;
hours = value % 24;
value /= 24;
days = value % 365;
value /= 365;
years = value;
sprintf(buffer,"%uy%ud%uh%um", years, days, hours, minutes );
if( years )
return buffer;
if( days )
return strchr( buffer, 'y' ) + 1;
return strchr( buffer, 'd' ) + 1;
/* Return a malloced string with the time elapsed between NOW and
SINCE. May return NULL on error. */
char *
elapsed_time_string (time_t since, time_t now)
char *result;
double diff;
unsigned long value;
unsigned int days, hours, minutes, seconds;
if (!now)
now = gnupg_get_time ();
diff = difftime (now, since);
if (diff < 0)
return xtrystrdup ("time-warp");
seconds = (unsigned long)diff % 60;
value = (unsigned long)(diff / 60);
minutes = value % 60;
value /= 60;
hours = value % 24;
value /= 24;
days = value % 365;
if (days)
result = xtryasprintf ("%ud%uh%um%us", days, hours, minutes, seconds);
else if (hours)
result = xtryasprintf ("%uh%um%us", hours, minutes, seconds);
else if (minutes)
result = xtryasprintf ("%um%us", minutes, seconds);
result = xtryasprintf ("%us", seconds);
return result;
* Note: this function returns GMT
const char *
strtimestamp (u32 stamp)
static char buffer[11+5];
struct tm *tp;
time_t atime = stamp;
if (IS_INVALID_TIME_T (atime))
strcpy (buffer, "????" "-??" "-??");
tp = gmtime( &atime );
snprintf (buffer, sizeof buffer, "%04d-%02d-%02d",
1900+tp->tm_year, tp->tm_mon+1, tp->tm_mday );
return buffer;
* Note: this function returns GMT
const char *
isotimestamp (u32 stamp)
static char buffer[25+5];
struct tm *tp;
time_t atime = stamp;
if (IS_INVALID_TIME_T (atime))
strcpy (buffer, "????" "-??" "-??" " " "??" ":" "??" ":" "??");
tp = gmtime ( &atime );
snprintf (buffer, sizeof buffer, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
1900+tp->tm_year, tp->tm_mon+1, tp->tm_mday,
tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec);
return buffer;
* Note: this function returns local time
const char *
asctimestamp (u32 stamp)
static char buffer[50];
#if defined (HAVE_STRFTIME) && defined (HAVE_NL_LANGINFO)
static char fmt[50];
struct tm *tp;
time_t atime = stamp;
if (IS_INVALID_TIME_T (atime))
strcpy (buffer, "????" "-??" "-??");
return buffer;
tp = localtime( &atime );
# if defined(HAVE_NL_LANGINFO)
mem2str( fmt, nl_langinfo(D_T_FMT), DIM(fmt)-3 );
if (!strstr( fmt, "%Z" ))
strcat( fmt, " %Z");
/* NOTE: gcc -Wformat-noliteral will complain here. I have found no
way to suppress this warning. */
strftime (buffer, DIM(buffer)-1, fmt, tp);
# elif defined(HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM)
/* tzset is not available but %Z nevertheless prints a default
nonsense timezone ("WILDABBR"). Thus we don't print the time
zone at all. */
strftime (buffer, DIM(buffer)-1, "%c", tp);
# else
/* FIXME: we should check whether the locale appends a " %Z" These
* locales from glibc don't put the " %Z": fi_FI hr_HR ja_JP lt_LT
* lv_LV POSIX ru_RU ru_SU sv_FI sv_SE zh_CN. */
strftime (buffer, DIM(buffer)-1, "%c %Z", tp);
# endif
buffer[DIM(buffer)-1] = 0;
mem2str( buffer, asctime(tp), DIM(buffer) );
return buffer;
/* Return the timestamp STAMP in RFC-2822 format. This is always done
* in the C locale. We return the gmtime to avoid computing the
* timezone. The caller must release the returned string.
* Example: "Mon, 27 Jun 2016 1:42:00 +0000".
char *
rfctimestamp (u32 stamp)
time_t atime = stamp;
struct tm tmbuf, *tp;
if (IS_INVALID_TIME_T (atime))
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
return NULL;
tp = gnupg_gmtime (&atime, &tmbuf);
if (!tp)
return NULL;
return xtryasprintf ("%.3s, %02d %.3s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d +0000",
tp->tm_year + 1900,
static int
days_per_year (int y)
int s ;
s = !(y % 4);
if ( !(y % 100))
if ((y%400))
s = 0;
return s ? 366 : 365;
static int
days_per_month (int y, int m)
int s;
case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12:
return 31 ;
case 2:
s = !(y % 4);
if (!(y % 100))
if ((y % 400))
s = 0;
return s? 29 : 28 ;
case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11:
return 30;
/* Convert YEAR, MONTH and DAY into the Julian date. We assume that
it is already noon. We do not support dates before 1582-10-15. */
static unsigned long
date2jd (int year, int month, int day)
unsigned long jd;
jd = 365L * year + 31 * (month-1) + day + JD_DIFF;
if (month < 3)
year-- ;
jd -= (4 * month + 23) / 10;
jd += year / 4 - ((year / 100 + 1) *3) / 4;
return jd ;
/* Convert a Julian date back to YEAR, MONTH and DAY. Return day of
the year or 0 on error. This function uses some more or less
arbitrary limits, most important is that days before 1582 are not
supported. */
static int
jd2date (unsigned long jd, int *year, int *month, int *day)
int y, m, d;
long delta;
if (!jd)
return 0 ;
if (jd < 1721425 || jd > 2843085)
return 0;
y = (jd - JD_DIFF) / 366;
d = m = 1;
while ((delta = jd - date2jd (y, m, d)) > days_per_year (y))
m = (delta / 31) + 1;
while( (delta = jd - date2jd (y, m, d)) > days_per_month (y,m))
if (++m > 12)
m = 1;
d = delta + 1 ;
if (d > days_per_month (y, m))
d = 1;
if (m > 12)
m = 1;
if (year)
*year = y;
if (month)
*month = m;
if (day)
*day = d ;
return (jd - date2jd (y, 1, 1)) + 1;
/* Check that the 15 bytes in ATIME represent a valid ISO time. Note
that this function does not expect a string but a plain 15 byte
isotime buffer. */
check_isotime (const gnupg_isotime_t atime)
int i;
const char *s;
if (!*atime)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_VALUE);
for (s=atime, i=0; i < 8; i++, s++)
if (!digitp (s))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_TIME);
if (*s != 'T')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_TIME);
for (s++, i=9; i < 15; i++, s++)
if (!digitp (s))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_TIME);
return 0;
/* Dump the ISO time T to the log stream without a LF. */
dump_isotime (const gnupg_isotime_t t)
if (!t || !*t)
log_printf ("%s", _("[none]"));
log_printf ("%.4s-%.2s-%.2s %.2s:%.2s:%s",
t, t+4, t+6, t+9, t+11, t+13);
/* Copy one ISO date to another, this is inline so that we can do a
minimal sanity check. A null date (empty string) is allowed. */
gnupg_copy_time (gnupg_isotime_t d, const gnupg_isotime_t s)
if (*s)
if ((strlen (s) != 15 || s[8] != 'T'))
memcpy (d, s, 15);
d[15] = 0;
*d = 0;
/* Add SECONDS to ATIME. SECONDS may not be negative and is limited
to about the equivalent of 62 years which should be more then
enough for our purposes. */
add_seconds_to_isotime (gnupg_isotime_t atime, int nseconds)
gpg_error_t err;
int year, month, day, hour, minute, sec, ndays;
unsigned long jd;
err = check_isotime (atime);
if (err)
return err;
if (nseconds < 0 || nseconds >= (0x7fffffff - 61) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
year = atoi_4 (atime+0);
month = atoi_2 (atime+4);
day = atoi_2 (atime+6);
hour = atoi_2 (atime+9);
minute= atoi_2 (atime+11);
sec = atoi_2 (atime+13);
if (year <= 1582) /* The julian date functions don't support this. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
sec += nseconds;
minute += sec/60;
sec %= 60;
hour += minute/60;
minute %= 60;
ndays = hour/24;
hour %= 24;
jd = date2jd (year, month, day) + ndays;
jd2date (jd, &year, &month, &day);
if (year > 9999 || month > 12 || day > 31
|| year < 0 || month < 1 || day < 1)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
snprintf (atime, 16, "%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02d",
year, month, day, hour, minute, sec);
return 0;
add_days_to_isotime (gnupg_isotime_t atime, int ndays)
gpg_error_t err;
int year, month, day, hour, minute, sec;
unsigned long jd;
err = check_isotime (atime);
if (err)
return err;
if (ndays < 0 || ndays >= 9999*366 )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
year = atoi_4 (atime+0);
month = atoi_2 (atime+4);
day = atoi_2 (atime+6);
hour = atoi_2 (atime+9);
minute= atoi_2 (atime+11);
sec = atoi_2 (atime+13);
if (year <= 1582) /* The julian date functions don't support this. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
jd = date2jd (year, month, day) + ndays;
jd2date (jd, &year, &month, &day);
if (year > 9999 || month > 12 || day > 31
|| year < 0 || month < 1 || day < 1)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
snprintf (atime, 16, "%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02d",
year, month, day, hour, minute, sec);
return 0;
diff --git a/common/gettime.h b/common/gettime.h
index 08cb3b176..73f188634 100644
--- a/common/gettime.h
+++ b/common/gettime.h
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
/* gettime.h - Wrapper for time functions
* Copyright (C) 2010, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <time.h> /* We need time_t. */
#include <gpg-error.h> /* We need gpg_error_t. */
/* A type to hold the ISO time. Note that this is the same as
the KSBA type ksba_isotime_t. */
typedef char gnupg_isotime_t[16];
time_t gnupg_get_time (void);
struct tm *gnupg_gmtime (const time_t *timep, struct tm *result);
void gnupg_get_isotime (gnupg_isotime_t timebuf);
void gnupg_set_time (time_t newtime, int freeze);
int gnupg_faked_time_p (void);
u32 make_timestamp (void);
char *elapsed_time_string (time_t since, time_t now);
u32 scan_isodatestr (const char *string);
int isotime_p (const char *string);
int isotime_human_p (const char *string, int date_only);
size_t string2isotime (gnupg_isotime_t atime, const char *string);
time_t isotime2epoch (const char *string);
void epoch2isotime (gnupg_isotime_t timebuf, time_t atime);
int isodate_human_to_tm (const char *string, struct tm *t);
time_t parse_timestamp (const char *timestamp, char **endp);
u32 add_days_to_timestamp (u32 stamp, u16 days);
const char *strtimevalue (u32 stamp);
const char *strtimestamp (u32 stamp); /* GMT */
const char *isotimestamp (u32 stamp); /* GMT */
const char *asctimestamp (u32 stamp); /* localized */
char *rfctimestamp (u32 stamp); /* RFC format, malloced. */
gpg_error_t add_seconds_to_isotime (gnupg_isotime_t atime, int nseconds);
gpg_error_t add_days_to_isotime (gnupg_isotime_t atime, int ndays);
gpg_error_t check_isotime (const gnupg_isotime_t atime);
void dump_isotime (const gnupg_isotime_t atime);
void gnupg_copy_time (gnupg_isotime_t d, const gnupg_isotime_t s);
diff --git a/common/gpgrlhelp.c b/common/gpgrlhelp.c
index e2fdb9a4d..680d9998b 100644
--- a/common/gpgrlhelp.c
+++ b/common/gpgrlhelp.c
@@ -1,97 +1,97 @@
/* gpgrlhelp.c - A readline wrapper.
* Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* This module may by used by applications to initializes readline
support. It is required so that we can have hooks in other parts
of libcommon without actually requiring to link against
libreadline. It works along with ttyio.c which is a proper part of
libcommon. */
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <readline/readline.h>
#include <readline/history.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "common-defs.h"
static void
set_completer (rl_completion_func_t *completer)
rl_attempted_completion_function = completer;
rl_inhibit_completion = 0;
static void
inhibit_completion (int value)
rl_inhibit_completion = value;
static void
cleanup_after_signal (void)
rl_free_line_state ();
rl_cleanup_after_signal ();
static void
init_stream (FILE *fp)
rl_catch_signals = 0;
rl_instream = rl_outstream = fp;
rl_inhibit_completion = 1;
/* Initialize our readline code. This should be called as early as
possible as it is actually a constructur. */
gnupg_rl_initialize (void)
tty_private_set_rl_hooks (init_stream,
rl_readline_name = GNUPG_NAME;
diff --git a/common/helpfile.c b/common/helpfile.c
index 0fb4e0212..7cb01a443 100644
--- a/common/helpfile.c
+++ b/common/helpfile.c
@@ -1,272 +1,272 @@
/* helpfile.c - GnuPG's helpfile feature
* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "membuf.h"
/* Try to find KEY in the file FNAME. */
static char *
findkey_fname (const char *key, const char *fname)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
FILE *fp;
int lnr = 0;
int c;
char *p, line[256];
int in_item = 0;
membuf_t mb = MEMBUF_ZERO;
fp = fopen (fname, "r");
if (!fp)
if (errno != ENOENT)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
return NULL;
while (fgets (line, DIM(line)-1, fp))
if (!*line || line[strlen(line)-1] != '\n')
/* Eat until end of line. */
while ( (c=getc (fp)) != EOF && c != '\n')
err = gpg_error (*line? GPG_ERR_LINE_TOO_LONG
log_error (_("file '%s', line %d: %s\n"),
fname, lnr, gpg_strerror (err));
line[strlen(line)-1] = 0; /* Chop the LF. */
if (!in_item)
/* Allow for empty lines and spaces while not in an item. */
for (p=line; spacep (p); p++)
if (!*p || *p == '#')
if (*line != '.' || spacep(line+1))
log_info (_("file '%s', line %d: %s\n"),
fname, lnr, _("ignoring garbage line"));
trim_trailing_spaces (line);
in_item = 1;
if (!strcmp (line+1, key))
/* Found. Start collecting. */
init_membuf (&mb, 1024);
/* If in an item only allow for comments in the first column
and provide ". " as an escape sequence to allow for
leading dots and hash marks in the actual text. */
if (*line == '#')
if (*line == '.')
if (spacep(line+1))
p = line + 2;
trim_trailing_spaces (line);
in_item = 0;
if (is_membuf_ready (&mb))
break; /* Yep, found and collected the item. */
if (!line[1])
continue; /* Just an end of text dot. */
goto again; /* A new key line. */
p = line;
if (is_membuf_ready (&mb))
put_membuf_str (&mb, p);
put_membuf (&mb, "\n", 1);
if ( !err && ferror (fp) )
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error reading '%s', line %d: %s\n"),
fname, lnr, gpg_strerror (err));
fclose (fp);
if (is_membuf_ready (&mb))
/* We have collected something. */
if (err)
xfree (get_membuf (&mb, NULL));
return NULL;
put_membuf (&mb, "", 1); /* Terminate string. */
return get_membuf (&mb, NULL);
return NULL;
/* Try the help files depending on the locale. */
static char *
findkey_locale (const char *key, const char *locname,
int only_current_locale, const char *dirname)
const char *s;
char *fname, *ext, *p;
char *result;
fname = xtrymalloc (strlen (dirname) + 6 + strlen (locname) + 4 + 1);
if (!fname)
return NULL;
ext = stpcpy (stpcpy (fname, dirname), "/help.");
/* Search with locale name and territory. ("help.LL_TT.txt") */
if (strchr (locname, '_'))
strcpy (stpcpy (ext, locname), ".txt");
result = findkey_fname (key, fname);
result = NULL; /* No territory. */
if (!result)
/* Search with just the locale name - if any. ("help.LL.txt") */
if (*locname)
for (p=ext, s=locname; *s && *s != '_';)
*p++ = *s++;
strcpy (p, ".txt");
result = findkey_fname (key, fname);
result = NULL;
if (!result && (!only_current_locale || !*locname) )
/* Last try: Search in file without any locale info. ("help.txt") */
strcpy (ext, "txt");
result = findkey_fname (key, fname);
xfree (fname);
return result;
/* Return a malloced help text as identified by KEY. The system takes
the string from an UTF-8 encoded file to be created by an
administrator or as distributed with GnuPG. On a GNU or Unix
system the entry is searched in these files:
Here LL denotes the two digit language code of the current locale.
If ONLY_CURRENT_LOCALE is set, the function won't fallback to the
english valiant ("help.txt") unless that locale has been requested.
The help file needs to be encoded in UTF-8, lines with a '#' in the
first column are comment lines and entirely ignored. Help keys are
identified by a key consisting of a single word with a single dot
as the first character. All key lines listed without any
intervening lines (except for comment lines) lead to the same help
text. Lines following the key lines make up the actual hep texts.
char *
gnupg_get_help_string (const char *key, int only_current_locale)
static const char *locname;
char *result;
if (!locname)
char *buffer, *p;
int count = 0;
const char *s = gnupg_messages_locale_name ();
buffer = xtrystrdup (s);
if (!buffer)
locname = "";
for (p = buffer; *p; p++)
if (*p == '.' || *p == '@' || *p == '/' /*(safeguard)*/)
*p = 0;
else if (*p == '_')
if (count++)
*p = 0; /* Also cut at a underscore in the territory. */
locname = buffer;
if (!key || !*key)
return NULL;
result = findkey_locale (key, locname, only_current_locale,
gnupg_sysconfdir ());
if (!result)
result = findkey_locale (key, locname, only_current_locale,
gnupg_datadir ());
if (result)
trim_trailing_spaces (result);
return result;
diff --git a/common/homedir.c b/common/homedir.c
index 13ed44c7f..59b713526 100644
--- a/common/homedir.c
+++ b/common/homedir.c
@@ -1,982 +1,982 @@
/* homedir.c - Setup the home directory.
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2006, 2007, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2013, 2016 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
#include <winsock2.h> /* Due to the stupid mingw64 requirement to
include this header before windows.h which
is often implicitly included. */
#include <shlobj.h>
#define CSIDL_APPDATA 0x001a
#define CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA 0x001c
#define CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE 0x8000
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#ifdef HAVE_STAT
#include <sys/stat.h> /* for stat() */
#include "util.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "zb32.h"
/* The GnuPG homedir. This is only accessed by the functions
* gnupg_homedir and gnupg_set_homedir. Malloced. */
static char *the_gnupg_homedir;
/* Flag indicating that home directory is not the default one. */
static byte non_default_homedir;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* A flag used to indicate that a control file for gpgconf has been
detected. Under Windows the presence of this file indicates a
portable installations and triggers several changes:
- The GNUGHOME directory is fixed relative to installation
directory. All other means to set the home directory are ignore.
- All registry variables will be ignored.
This flag is not used on Unix systems.
static byte w32_portable_app;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* This flag is true if this process' binary has been installed under
bin and not in the root directory as often used before GnuPG 2.1. */
static byte w32_bin_is_bin;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static const char *w32_rootdir (void);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static void
w32_try_mkdir (const char *dir)
wchar_t *wdir = utf8_to_wchar (dir);
if (wdir)
CreateDirectory (wdir, NULL);
xfree (wdir);
CreateDirectory (dir, NULL);
/* This is a helper function to load a Windows function from either of
one DLLs. */
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static HRESULT
w32_shgetfolderpath (HWND a, int b, HANDLE c, DWORD d, LPSTR e)
static int initialized;
if (!initialized)
static char *dllnames[] = { "shell32.dll", "shfolder.dll", NULL };
void *handle;
int i;
initialized = 1;
for (i=0, handle = NULL; !handle && dllnames[i]; i++)
handle = dlopen (dllnames[i], RTLD_LAZY);
if (handle)
func = dlsym (handle, "SHGetFolderPathA");
if (!func)
dlclose (handle);
handle = NULL;
if (func)
return func (a,b,c,d,e);
return -1;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* Check whether DIR is the default homedir. */
static int
is_gnupg_default_homedir (const char *dir)
int result;
char *a = make_absfilename (dir, NULL);
char *b = make_absfilename (GNUPG_DEFAULT_HOMEDIR, NULL);
result = !compare_filenames (a, b);
xfree (b);
xfree (a);
return result;
/* Get the standard home directory. In general this function should
not be used as it does not consider a registry value (under W32) or
the GNUPGHOME environment variable. It is better to use
default_homedir(). */
const char *
standard_homedir (void)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static const char *dir;
if (!dir)
const char *rdir;
rdir = w32_rootdir ();
if (w32_portable_app)
dir = xstrconcat (rdir, DIRSEP_S "home", NULL);
char path[MAX_PATH];
/* It might be better to use LOCAL_APPDATA because this is
defined as "non roaming" and thus more likely to be kept
locally. For private keys this is desired. However,
given that many users copy private keys anyway forth and
back, using a system roaming services might be better
than to let them do it manually. A security conscious
user will anyway use the registry entry to have better
control. */
if (w32_shgetfolderpath (NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA|CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE,
NULL, 0, path) >= 0)
char *tmp = xmalloc (strlen (path) + 6 +1);
strcpy (stpcpy (tmp, path), "\\gnupg");
dir = tmp;
/* Try to create the directory if it does not yet exists. */
if (access (dir, F_OK))
w32_try_mkdir (dir);
return dir;
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* Set up the default home directory. The usual --homedir option
should be parsed later. */
const char *
default_homedir (void)
const char *dir;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* For a portable application we only use the standard homedir. */
w32_rootdir ();
if (w32_portable_app)
return standard_homedir ();
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
dir = getenv ("GNUPGHOME");
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (!dir || !*dir)
static const char *saved_dir;
if (!saved_dir)
if (!dir || !*dir)
char *tmp;
tmp = read_w32_registry_string (NULL,
if (tmp && !*tmp)
xfree (tmp);
tmp = NULL;
if (tmp)
saved_dir = tmp;
if (!saved_dir)
saved_dir = standard_homedir ();
dir = saved_dir;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
if (!dir || !*dir)
else if (!is_gnupg_default_homedir (dir))
non_default_homedir = 1;
return dir;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* Check whether gpgconf is installed and if so read the gpgconf.ctl
file. */
static void
check_portable_app (const char *dir)
char *fname;
fname = xstrconcat (dir, DIRSEP_S "gpgconf.exe", NULL);
if (!access (fname, F_OK))
strcpy (fname + strlen (fname) - 3, "ctl");
if (!access (fname, F_OK))
/* gpgconf.ctl file found. Record this fact. */
w32_portable_app = 1;
unsigned int flags;
log_get_prefix (&flags);
log_set_prefix (NULL, (flags | GPGRT_LOG_NO_REGISTRY));
/* FIXME: We should read the file to detect special flags
and print a warning if we don't understand them */
xfree (fname);
/* Determine the root directory of the gnupg installation on Windows. */
static const char *
w32_rootdir (void)
static int got_dir;
static char dir[MAX_PATH+5];
if (!got_dir)
char *p;
int rc;
wchar_t wdir [MAX_PATH+5];
rc = GetModuleFileNameW (NULL, wdir, MAX_PATH);
if (rc && WideCharToMultiByte (CP_UTF8, 0, wdir, -1, dir, MAX_PATH-4,
NULL, NULL) < 0)
rc = 0;
if (!rc)
log_debug ("GetModuleFileName failed: %s\n", w32_strerror (-1));
*dir = 0;
got_dir = 1;
p = strrchr (dir, DIRSEP_C);
if (p)
*p = 0;
check_portable_app (dir);
/* If we are installed below "bin" we strip that and use
the top directory instead. */
p = strrchr (dir, DIRSEP_C);
if (p && !strcmp (p+1, "bin"))
*p = 0;
w32_bin_is_bin = 1;
if (!p)
log_debug ("bad filename '%s' returned for this process\n", dir);
*dir = 0;
if (*dir)
return dir;
/* Fallback to the hardwired value. */
static const char *
w32_commondir (void)
static char *dir;
if (!dir)
const char *rdir;
char path[MAX_PATH];
/* Make sure that w32_rootdir has been called so that we are
able to check the portable application flag. The common dir
is the identical to the rootdir. In that case there is also
no need to strdup its value. */
rdir = w32_rootdir ();
if (w32_portable_app)
return rdir;
if (w32_shgetfolderpath (NULL, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA,
NULL, 0, path) >= 0)
char *tmp = xmalloc (strlen (path) + 4 +1);
strcpy (stpcpy (tmp, path), "\\GNU");
dir = tmp;
/* No auto create of the directory. Either the installer or
the admin has to create these directories. */
/* Ooops: Not defined - probably an old Windows version.
Use the installation directory instead. */
dir = xstrdup (rdir);
return dir;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* Change the homedir. Some care must be taken to set this early
* enough because previous calls to gnupg_homedir may else return a
* different string. */
gnupg_set_homedir (const char *newdir)
if (!newdir || !*newdir)
newdir = default_homedir ();
else if (!is_gnupg_default_homedir (newdir))
non_default_homedir = 1;
xfree (the_gnupg_homedir);
the_gnupg_homedir = make_absfilename (newdir, NULL);;
/* Return the homedir. The returned string is valid until another
* gnupg-set-homedir call. This is always an absolute directory name.
* The function replaces the former global var opt.homedir. */
const char *
gnupg_homedir (void)
/* If a homedir has not been set, set it to the default. */
if (!the_gnupg_homedir)
the_gnupg_homedir = make_absfilename (default_homedir (), NULL);
return the_gnupg_homedir;
/* Return whether the home dir is the default one. */
gnupg_default_homedir_p (void)
return !non_default_homedir;
/* Helper for gnupg-socketdir. This is a global function, so that
* gpgconf can use it for its --create-socketdir command. If
* SKIP_CHECKS is set permission checks etc. are not done. The
* function always returns a malloced directory name and stores these
* bit flags at R_INFO:
* 1 := Internal error, stat failed, out of core, etc.
* 2 := No /run/user directory.
* 4 := Directory not owned by the user, not a directory
* or wrong permissions.
* 8 := Same as 4 but for the subdir.
* 16 := mkdir failed
* 32 := Non default homedir; checking subdir.
* 64 := Subdir does not exist.
* 128 := Using homedir as fallback.
char *
_gnupg_socketdir_internal (int skip_checks, unsigned *r_info)
#if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) || !defined(HAVE_STAT)
char *name;
*r_info = 0;
name = xstrdup (gnupg_homedir ());
#else /* Unix and stat(2) available. */
static const char * const bases[] = { "/run", "/var/run", NULL};
int i;
struct stat sb;
char prefix[13 + 1 + 20 + 6 + 1];
const char *s;
char *name = NULL;
*r_info = 0;
/* First make sure that non_default_homedir can be set. */
gnupg_homedir ();
/* It has been suggested to first check XDG_RUNTIME_DIR envvar.
* However, the specs state that the lifetime of the directory MUST
* be bound to the user being logged in. Now GnuPG may also be run
* as a background process with no (desktop) user logged in. Thus
* we better don't do that. */
/* Check whether we have a /run/user dir. */
for (i=0; bases[i]; i++)
snprintf (prefix, sizeof prefix, "%s/user/%u",
bases[i], (unsigned int)getuid ());
if (!stat (prefix, &sb) && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
if (!bases[i])
*r_info |= 2; /* No /run/user directory. */
goto leave;
if (sb.st_uid != getuid ())
*r_info |= 4; /* Not owned by the user. */
if (!skip_checks)
goto leave;
if (strlen (prefix) + 7 >= sizeof prefix)
*r_info |= 1; /* Ooops: Buffer too short to append "/gnupg". */
goto leave;
strcat (prefix, "/gnupg");
/* Check whether the gnupg sub directory has proper permissions. */
if (stat (prefix, &sb))
if (errno != ENOENT)
*r_info |= 1; /* stat failed. */
goto leave;
/* Try to create the directory and check again. */
if (gnupg_mkdir (prefix, "-rwx"))
*r_info |= 16; /* mkdir failed. */
goto leave;
if (stat (prefix, &sb))
*r_info |= 1; /* stat failed. */
goto leave;
/* Check that it is a directory, owned by the user, and only the
* user has permissions to use it. */
if (!S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)
|| sb.st_uid != getuid ()
|| (sb.st_mode & (S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO)))
*r_info |= 4; /* Bad permissions or not a directory. */
if (!skip_checks)
goto leave;
/* If a non default homedir is used, we check whether an
* corresponding sub directory below the socket dir is available
* and use that. We has the non default homedir to keep the new
* subdir short enough. */
if (non_default_homedir)
char sha1buf[20];
char *suffix;
*r_info |= 32; /* Testing subdir. */
s = gnupg_homedir ();
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, sha1buf, s, strlen (s));
suffix = zb32_encode (sha1buf, 8*15);
if (!suffix)
*r_info |= 1; /* Out of core etc. */
goto leave;
name = strconcat (prefix, "/d.", suffix, NULL);
xfree (suffix);
if (!name)
*r_info |= 1; /* Out of core etc. */
goto leave;
/* Stat that directory and check constraints. Note that we
* do not auto create such a directory because we would not
* have a way to remove it. Thus the directory needs to be
* pre-created. The command
* gpgconf --create-socketdir
* can be used tocreate that directory. */
if (stat (name, &sb))
if (errno != ENOENT)
*r_info |= 1; /* stat failed. */
*r_info |= 64; /* Subdir does not exist. */
if (!skip_checks)
xfree (name);
name = NULL;
goto leave;
else if (!S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)
|| sb.st_uid != getuid ()
|| (sb.st_mode & (S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO)))
*r_info |= 8; /* Bad permissions or subdir is not a directory. */
if (!skip_checks)
xfree (name);
name = NULL;
goto leave;
name = xstrdup (prefix);
/* If nothing works fall back to the homedir. */
if (!name)
*r_info |= 128; /* Fallback. */
name = xstrdup (gnupg_homedir ());
#endif /* Unix */
return name;
* Return the name of the socket dir. That is the directory used for
* the IPC local sockets. This is an absolute directory name.
const char *
gnupg_socketdir (void)
static char *name;
if (!name)
unsigned int dummy;
name = _gnupg_socketdir_internal (0, &dummy);
return name;
/* Return the name of the sysconfdir. This is a static string. This
function is required because under Windows we can't simply compile
it in. */
const char *
gnupg_sysconfdir (void)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static char *name;
if (!name)
const char *s1, *s2;
s1 = w32_commondir ();
s2 = DIRSEP_S "etc" DIRSEP_S "gnupg";
name = xmalloc (strlen (s1) + strlen (s2) + 1);
strcpy (stpcpy (name, s1), s2);
return name;
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
const char *
gnupg_bindir (void)
#if defined (HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM)
static char *name;
if (!name)
name = xstrconcat (w32_rootdir (), DIRSEP_S "bin", NULL);
return name;
#elif defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM)
const char *rdir;
rdir = w32_rootdir ();
if (w32_bin_is_bin)
static char *name;
if (!name)
name = xstrconcat (rdir, DIRSEP_S "bin", NULL);
return name;
return rdir;
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* Return the name of the libexec directory. The name is allocated in
a static area on the first use. This function won't fail. */
const char *
gnupg_libexecdir (void)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
return gnupg_bindir ();
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
const char *
gnupg_libdir (void)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static char *name;
if (!name)
name = xstrconcat (w32_rootdir (), DIRSEP_S "lib" DIRSEP_S "gnupg", NULL);
return name;
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
const char *
gnupg_datadir (void)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static char *name;
if (!name)
name = xstrconcat (w32_rootdir (), DIRSEP_S "share" DIRSEP_S "gnupg", NULL);
return name;
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
const char *
gnupg_localedir (void)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static char *name;
if (!name)
name = xstrconcat (w32_rootdir (), DIRSEP_S "share" DIRSEP_S "locale",
return name;
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* Return the name of the cache directory. The name is allocated in a
static area on the first use. Windows only: If the directory does
not exist it is created. */
const char *
gnupg_cachedir (void)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static const char *dir;
if (!dir)
const char *rdir;
rdir = w32_rootdir ();
if (w32_portable_app)
dir = xstrconcat (rdir,
DIRSEP_S, "var",
DIRSEP_S, "cache",
DIRSEP_S, "gnupg", NULL);
char path[MAX_PATH];
const char *s1[] = { "GNU", "cache", "gnupg", NULL };
int s1_len;
const char **comp;
s1_len = 0;
for (comp = s1; *comp; comp++)
s1_len += 1 + strlen (*comp);
NULL, 0, path) >= 0)
char *tmp = xmalloc (strlen (path) + s1_len + 1);
char *p;
p = stpcpy (tmp, path);
for (comp = s1; *comp; comp++)
p = stpcpy (p, "\\");
p = stpcpy (p, *comp);
if (access (tmp, F_OK))
w32_try_mkdir (tmp);
dir = tmp;
dir = "c:\\temp\\cache\\gnupg";
dir += 2;
w32_try_mkdir ("\\temp\\cache");
w32_try_mkdir ("\\temp\\cache\\gnupg");
return dir;
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* Return the user socket name used by DirMngr. */
const char *
dirmngr_socket_name (void)
static char *name;
if (!name)
name = make_filename (gnupg_socketdir (), DIRMNGR_SOCK_NAME, NULL);
return name;
/* Return the default pinentry name. If RESET is true the internal
cache is first flushed. */
static const char *
get_default_pinentry_name (int reset)
static struct {
const char *(*rfnc)(void);
const char *name;
} names[] = {
/* The first entry is what we return in case we found no
other pinentry. */
{ gnupg_bindir, DIRSEP_S "pinentry" EXEEXT_S },
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* Try Gpg4win directory (with bin and without.) */
{ w32_rootdir, "\\..\\Gpg4win\\bin\\pinentry.exe" },
{ w32_rootdir, "\\..\\Gpg4win\\pinentry.exe" },
/* Try old Gpgwin directory. */
{ w32_rootdir, "\\..\\GNU\\GnuPG\\pinentry.exe" },
/* Try a Pinentry from the common GNU dir. */
{ w32_rootdir, "\\..\\GNU\\bin\\pinentry.exe" },
/* Last chance is a pinentry-basic (which comes with the
GnuPG 2.1 Windows installer). */
{ gnupg_bindir, DIRSEP_S "pinentry-basic" EXEEXT_S }
static char *name;
if (reset)
xfree (name);
name = NULL;
if (!name)
int i;
for (i=0; i < DIM(names); i++)
char *name2;
name2 = xstrconcat (names[i].rfnc (), names[i].name, NULL);
if (!access (name2, F_OK))
/* Use that pinentry. */
xfree (name);
name = name2;
if (!i) /* Store the first as fallback return. */
name = name2;
xfree (name2);
return name;
/* Return the file name of a helper tool. WHICH is one of the
GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_foo constants. */
const char *
gnupg_module_name (int which)
#define X(a,b) do { \
static char *name; \
if (!name) \
name = xstrconcat (gnupg_ ## a (), DIRSEP_S b EXEEXT_S, NULL); \
return name; \
} while (0)
switch (which)
X(bindir, "gpg-agent");
return GNUPG_DEFAULT_PINENTRY; /* (Set by a configure option) */
return get_default_pinentry_name (0);
X(libexecdir, "scdaemon");
X(bindir, DIRMNGR_NAME);
X(libexecdir, "gpg-protect-tool");
X(libexecdir, "dirmngr_ldap");
X(libexecdir, "gpg-check-pattern");
X(bindir, "gpgsm");
X(bindir, GPG_NAME "2");
X(bindir, GPG_NAME);
X(bindir, GPG_NAME "v2");
X(bindir, GPG_NAME "v");
X(bindir, "gpg-connect-agent");
X(bindir, "gpgconf");
BUG ();
#undef X
/* Flush some of the cached module names. This is for example used by
gpg-agent to allow configuring a different pinentry. */
gnupg_module_name_flush_some (void)
(void)get_default_pinentry_name (1);
diff --git a/common/host2net.h b/common/host2net.h
index be5e5202a..9eeaf2447 100644
--- a/common/host2net.h
+++ b/common/host2net.h
@@ -1,112 +1,112 @@
/* host2net.h - Endian conversion macros
* Copyright (C) 1998, 2014, 2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include "types.h"
#define ulongtobuf( p, a ) do { \
((byte*)p)[0] = a >> 24; \
((byte*)p)[1] = a >> 16; \
((byte*)p)[2] = a >> 8; \
((byte*)p)[3] = a ; \
} while(0)
#define ushorttobuf( p, a ) do { \
((byte*)p)[0] = a >> 8; \
((byte*)p)[1] = a ; \
} while(0)
static inline unsigned long
buf16_to_ulong (const void *buffer)
const unsigned char *p = buffer;
return (((unsigned long)p[0] << 8) | p[1]);
static inline unsigned int
buf16_to_uint (const void *buffer)
const unsigned char *p = buffer;
return (((unsigned int)p[0] << 8) | p[1]);
static inline unsigned short
buf16_to_ushort (const void *buffer)
const unsigned char *p = buffer;
return (((unsigned short)p[0] << 8) | p[1]);
static inline u16
buf16_to_u16 (const void *buffer)
const unsigned char *p = buffer;
return (((u16)p[0] << 8) | p[1]);
static inline size_t
buf32_to_size_t (const void *buffer)
const unsigned char *p = buffer;
return (((size_t)p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]);
static inline unsigned long
buf32_to_ulong (const void *buffer)
const unsigned char *p = buffer;
return (((unsigned long)p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]);
static inline unsigned int
buf32_to_uint (const void *buffer)
const unsigned char *p = buffer;
return (((unsigned int)p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]);
static inline u32
buf32_to_u32 (const void *buffer)
const unsigned char *p = buffer;
return (((u32)p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]);
diff --git a/common/i18n.c b/common/i18n.c
index 413fa9a26..b5a286439 100644
--- a/common/i18n.c
+++ b/common/i18n.c
@@ -1,237 +1,237 @@
/* i18n.c - gettext initialization
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <langinfo.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#if defined(HAVE_SETLOCALE) && defined(LC_MESSAGES) \
&& !defined(USE_SIMPLE_GETTEXT) && defined(ENABLE_NLS)
# define USE_MSGCACHE 1
/* An object to store pointers to static strings and their static
translations. A linked list is not optimal but given that we only
have a few dozen messages it should be acceptable. */
struct msg_cache_s
struct msg_cache_s *next;
const char *key;
const char *value;
/* A object to store an lc_messages string and a link to the cache
object. */
struct msg_cache_heads_s
struct msg_cache_heads_s *next;
struct msg_cache_s *cache;
char lc_messages[1];
/* Out static cache of translated messages. We need this because
there is no gettext API to return a translation depending on the
locale. Switching the locale for each access to a translatable
string seems to be too expensive. Note that this is used only for
strings in gpg-agent which are passed to Pinentry. All other
strings are using the regular gettext interface. Note that we can
never release this memory because consumers take the result as
static strings. */
static struct msg_cache_heads_s *msgcache;
#endif /*USE_MSGCACHE*/
i18n_init (void)
bindtextdomain (PACKAGE_GT, gnupg_localedir ());
textdomain (PACKAGE_GT);
# ifdef ENABLE_NLS
setlocale (LC_ALL, "" );
bindtextdomain (PACKAGE_GT, LOCALEDIR);
textdomain (PACKAGE_GT);
# endif
/* The Assuan agent protocol requires us to transmit utf-8 strings
thus we need a way to temporary switch gettext from native to
utf8. */
char *
i18n_switchto_utf8 (void)
/* Return an arbitrary pointer as true value. */
return gettext_use_utf8 (1) ? (char*)(-1) : NULL;
#elif defined(ENABLE_NLS)
char *orig_codeset = bind_textdomain_codeset (PACKAGE_GT, NULL);
if (!orig_codeset)
orig_codeset = nl_langinfo (CODESET);
# endif
if (orig_codeset)
{ /* We only switch when we are able to restore the codeset later.
Note that bind_textdomain_codeset does only return on memory
errors but not if a codeset is not available. Thus we don't
bother printing a diagnostic here. */
orig_codeset = xstrdup (orig_codeset);
if (!bind_textdomain_codeset (PACKAGE_GT, "utf-8"))
xfree (orig_codeset);
orig_codeset = NULL;
return orig_codeset;
return NULL;
/* Switch back to the saved codeset. */
i18n_switchback (char *saved_codeset)
gettext_use_utf8 (!!saved_codeset);
#elif defined(ENABLE_NLS)
if (saved_codeset)
bind_textdomain_codeset (PACKAGE_GT, saved_codeset);
xfree (saved_codeset);
/* Gettext variant which temporary switches to utf-8 for string. */
const char *
i18n_utf8 (const char *string)
char *saved = i18n_switchto_utf8 ();
const char *result = _(string);
i18n_switchback (saved);
return result;
/* A variant of gettext which allows the programmer to specify the
locale to use for translating the message. The function assumes
that utf-8 is used for the encoding. */
const char *
i18n_localegettext (const char *lc_messages, const char *string)
const char *result = NULL;
char *saved = NULL;
struct msg_cache_heads_s *mh;
struct msg_cache_s *mc;
if (!lc_messages)
goto leave;
/* Lookup in the cache. */
for (mh = msgcache; mh; mh = mh->next)
if (!strcmp (mh->lc_messages, lc_messages))
if (mh)
/* A cache entry for this local exists - find the string.
Because the system is designed for static strings it is
sufficient to compare the pointers. */
for (mc = mh->cache; mc; mc = mc->next)
if (mc->key == string)
/* Cache hit. */
result = mc->value;
goto leave;
/* Cached miss. Change the locale, translate, reset locale. */
saved = setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, NULL);
if (!saved)
goto leave;
saved = xtrystrdup (saved);
if (!saved)
goto leave;
if (!setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, lc_messages))
goto leave;
bindtextdomain (PACKAGE_GT, LOCALEDIR);
result = gettext (string);
setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, saved);
bindtextdomain (PACKAGE_GT, LOCALEDIR);
/* Cache the result. */
if (!mh)
/* First use of this locale - create an entry. */
mh = xtrymalloc (sizeof *mh + strlen (lc_messages));
if (!mh)
goto leave;
strcpy (mh->lc_messages, lc_messages);
mh->cache = NULL;
mh->next = msgcache;
msgcache = mh;
mc = xtrymalloc (sizeof *mc);
if (!mc)
goto leave;
mc->key = string;
mc->value = result;
mc->next = mh->cache;
mh->cache = mc;
xfree (saved);
return result? result : _(string);
#else /*!USE_MSGCACHE*/
return _(string);
#endif /*!USE_MSGCACHE*/
diff --git a/common/init.c b/common/init.c
index cb4228a39..86b71e5ee 100644
--- a/common/init.c
+++ b/common/init.c
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
/* init.c - Various initializations
* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# include <winsock2.h>
# endif
# include <windows.h>
# include <assuan.h> /* For _assuan_w32ce_finish_pipe. */
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
/* This object is used to register memory cleanup functions.
Technically they are not needed but they can avoid frequent
questions about un-released memory. Note that we use the system
malloc and not any wrappers. */
struct mem_cleanup_item_s;
typedef struct mem_cleanup_item_s *mem_cleanup_item_t;
struct mem_cleanup_item_s
mem_cleanup_item_t next;
void (*func) (void);
static mem_cleanup_item_t mem_cleanup_list;
/* The default error source of the application. This is different
from GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT in that it does not depend on the
source file and thus is usable in code shared by applications.
Note that we need to initialize it because otherwise some linkers
(OS X at least) won't find the symbol when linking the t-*.c
files. */
gpg_err_source_t default_errsource = 0;
static void parse_std_file_handles (int *argcp, char ***argvp);
static void
sleep_on_exit (void)
/* The sshd on CE swallows some of the command output. Sleeping a
while usually helps. */
Sleep (400);
#endif /*HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM*/
static void
run_mem_cleanup (void)
mem_cleanup_item_t next;
while (mem_cleanup_list)
next = mem_cleanup_list->next;
mem_cleanup_list->func ();
free (mem_cleanup_list);
mem_cleanup_list = next;
register_mem_cleanup_func (void (*func)(void))
mem_cleanup_item_t item;
for (item = mem_cleanup_list; item; item = item->next)
if (item->func == func)
return; /* Function has already been registered. */
item = malloc (sizeof *item);
if (item)
item->func = func;
item->next = mem_cleanup_list;
mem_cleanup_list = item;
/* If STRING is not NULL write string to es_stdout or es_stderr. MODE
must be 1 or 2. If STRING is NULL flush the respective stream. */
static int
writestring_via_estream (int mode, const char *string)
if (mode == 1 || mode == 2)
if (string)
return es_fputs (string, mode == 1? es_stdout : es_stderr);
return es_fflush (mode == 1? es_stdout : es_stderr);
return -1;
/* This function should be the first called after main. */
early_system_init (void)
/* This function is to be used early at program startup to make sure
that some subsystems are initialized. This is in particular
important for W32 to initialize the sockets so that our socket
emulation code used directly as well as in libassuan may be used.
It should best be called before any I/O is done so that setup
required for logging is ready. ARGCP and ARGVP are the addresses
of the parameters given to main. This function may modify them.
This function should be called only via the macro
CAUTION: This might be called while running suid(root). */
_init_common_subsystems (gpg_err_source_t errsource, int *argcp, char ***argvp)
/* Store the error source in a global variable. */
default_errsource = errsource;
atexit (run_mem_cleanup);
/* Try to auto set the character set. */
set_native_charset (NULL);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* For W32 we need to initialize the socket layer. This is because
we use recv and send in libassuan as well as at some other
places. */
WSADATA wsadat;
WSAStartup (0x202, &wsadat);
/* Register the sleep exit function before the estream init so that
the sleep will be called after the estream registered atexit
function which flushes the left open estream streams and in
particular es_stdout. */
atexit (sleep_on_exit);
if (!gcry_check_version (NEED_LIBGCRYPT_VERSION))
log_fatal (_("%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n"), "libgcrypt",
NEED_LIBGCRYPT_VERSION, gcry_check_version (NULL));
/* Initialize the Estream library. */
gpgrt_init ();
gpgrt_set_alloc_func (gcry_realloc);
/* Special hack for Windows CE: We extract some options from arg
to setup the standard handles. */
parse_std_file_handles (argcp, argvp);
/* Access the standard estreams as early as possible. If we don't
do this the original stdio streams may have been closed when
_es_get_std_stream is first use and in turn it would connect to
the bit bucket. */
int i;
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
(void)_gpgrt_get_std_stream (i);
/* --version et al shall use estream as well. */
argparse_register_outfnc (writestring_via_estream);
/* Logging shall use the standard socket directory as fallback. */
log_set_socket_dir_cb (gnupg_socketdir);
/* WindowsCE uses a very strange way of handling the standard streams.
There is a function SetStdioPath to associate a standard stream
with a file or a device but what we really want is to use pipes as
standard streams. Despite that we implement pipes using a device,
we would have some limitations on the number of open pipes due to
the 3 character limit of device file name. Thus we don't take this
path. Another option would be to install a file system driver with
support for pipes; this would allow us to get rid of the device
name length limitation. However, with GnuPG we can get away be
redefining the standard streams and passing the handles to be used
on the command line. This has also the advantage that it makes
creating a process much easier and does not require the
SetStdioPath set and restore game. The caller needs to pass the
rendezvous ids using up to three options:
-&S0=<rvid> -&S1=<rvid> -&S2=<rvid>
They are all optional but they must be the first arguments on the
command line. Parsing stops as soon as an invalid option is found.
These rendezvous ids are then used to finish the pipe creation.*/
static void
parse_std_file_handles (int *argcp, char ***argvp)
int argc = *argcp;
char **argv = *argvp;
const char *s;
assuan_fd_t fd;
int i;
int fixup = 0;
if (!argc)
for (argc--, argv++; argc; argc--, argv++)
s = *argv;
if (*s == '-' && s[1] == '&' && s[2] == 'S'
&& (s[3] == '0' || s[3] == '1' || s[3] == '2')
&& s[4] == '='
&& (strchr ("-01234567890", s[5]) || !strcmp (s+5, "null")))
if (s[5] == 'n')
fd = _assuan_w32ce_finish_pipe (atoi (s+5), s[3] != '0');
_es_set_std_fd (s[3] - '0', (int)fd);
if (fixup)
argc = *argcp;
argc -= fixup;
*argcp = argc;
argv = *argvp;
for (i=1; i < argc; i++)
argv[i] = argv[i + fixup];
for (; i < argc + fixup; i++)
argv[i] = NULL;
#endif /*HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM*/
diff --git a/common/init.h b/common/init.h
index 530a4797c..28462a729 100644
--- a/common/init.h
+++ b/common/init.h
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
/* init.h - Definitions for init fucntions.
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
# error GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT is not defined
# error GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT has default value
void register_mem_cleanup_func (void (*func)(void));
void early_system_init (void);
void _init_common_subsystems (gpg_err_source_t errsource,
int *argcp, char ***argvp);
#define init_common_subsystems(a,b) \
_init_common_subsystems (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT, (a), (b))
diff --git a/common/iobuf.c b/common/iobuf.c
index 06d0b6144..ed90bd7a2 100644
--- a/common/iobuf.c
+++ b/common/iobuf.c
@@ -1,2727 +1,2727 @@
/* iobuf.c - File Handling for OpenPGP.
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008,
* 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# include <winsock2.h>
# endif
# include <windows.h>
#ifdef __riscos__
# include <kernel.h>
# include <swis.h>
#endif /* __riscos__ */
#include <assuan.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
/*-- Begin configurable part. --*/
/* The size of the internal buffers.
NOTE: If you change this value you MUST also adjust the regression
test "armored_key_8192" in armor.test! */
#define IOBUF_BUFFER_SIZE 8192
/* To avoid a potential DoS with compression packets we better limit
the number of filters in a chain. */
/*-- End configurable part. --*/
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# define FD_FOR_STDIN (es_fileno (es_stdin))
# define FD_FOR_STDOUT (es_fileno (es_stdout))
# else
# define FD_FOR_STDIN (GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE))
# endif
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
# define FD_FOR_STDIN (0)
# define FD_FOR_STDOUT (1)
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* The context used by the file filter. */
typedef struct
gnupg_fd_t fp; /* Open file pointer or handle. */
int keep_open;
int no_cache;
int eof_seen;
int print_only_name; /* Flags indicating that fname is not a real file. */
char fname[1]; /* Name of the file. */
} file_filter_ctx_t;
/* The context used by the estream filter. */
typedef struct
estream_t fp; /* Open estream handle. */
int keep_open;
int no_cache;
int eof_seen;
int print_only_name; /* Flags indicating that fname is not a real file. */
char fname[1]; /* Name of the file. */
} file_es_filter_ctx_t;
/* Object to control the "close cache". */
struct close_cache_s
struct close_cache_s *next;
gnupg_fd_t fp;
char fname[1];
typedef struct close_cache_s *close_cache_t;
static close_cache_t close_cache;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
typedef struct
int sock;
int keep_open;
int no_cache;
int eof_seen;
int print_only_name; /* Flag indicating that fname is not a real file. */
char fname[1]; /* Name of the file */
} sock_filter_ctx_t;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* The first partial length header block must be of size 512 to make
* it easier (and more efficient) we use a min. block size of 512 for
* all chunks (but the last one) */
/* The context we use for the block filter (used to handle OpenPGP
length information header). */
typedef struct
int use;
size_t size;
size_t count;
int partial; /* 1 = partial header, 2 in last partial packet. */
char *buffer; /* Used for partial header. */
size_t buflen; /* Used size of buffer. */
int first_c; /* First character of a partial header (which is > 0). */
int eof;
/* Global flag to tell whether special file names are enabled. See
gpg.c for an explanation of these file names. FIXME: This does not
belong in the iobuf subsystem. */
static int special_names_enabled;
/* Local prototypes. */
static int underflow (iobuf_t a, int clear_pending_eof);
static int underflow_target (iobuf_t a, int clear_pending_eof, size_t target);
static int translate_file_handle (int fd, int for_write);
/* Sends any pending data to the filter's FILTER function. Note: this
works on the filter and not on the whole pipeline. That is,
iobuf_flush doesn't necessarily cause data to be written to any
underlying file; it just causes any data buffered at the filter A
to be sent to A's filter function.
If A is a IOBUF_OUTPUT_TEMP filter, then this also enlarges the
May only be called on an IOBUF_OUTPUT or IOBUF_OUTPUT_TEMP filters. */
static int filter_flush (iobuf_t a);
/* This is a replacement for strcmp. Under W32 it does not
distinguish between backslash and slash. */
static int
fd_cache_strcmp (const char *a, const char *b)
for (; *a && *b; a++, b++)
if (*a != *b && !((*a == '/' && *b == '\\')
|| (*a == '\\' && *b == '/')) )
return *(const unsigned char *)a - *(const unsigned char *)b;
return strcmp (a, b);
* Invalidate (i.e. close) a cached iobuf
static int
fd_cache_invalidate (const char *fname)
close_cache_t cc;
int rc = 0;
assert (fname);
log_debug ("fd_cache_invalidate (%s)\n", fname);
for (cc = close_cache; cc; cc = cc->next)
if (cc->fp != GNUPG_INVALID_FD && !fd_cache_strcmp (cc->fname, fname))
log_debug (" did (%s)\n", cc->fname);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (!CloseHandle (cc->fp))
rc = -1;
rc = close (cc->fp);
return rc;
/* Try to sync changes to the disk. This is to avoid data loss during
a system crash in write/close/rename cycle on some file
systems. */
static int
fd_cache_synchronize (const char *fname)
int err = 0;
close_cache_t cc;
log_debug ("fd_cache_synchronize (%s)\n", fname);
for (cc=close_cache; cc; cc = cc->next )
if (cc->fp != GNUPG_INVALID_FD && !fd_cache_strcmp (cc->fname, fname))
log_debug (" did (%s)\n", cc->fname);
err = fsync (cc->fp);
#endif /*HAVE_FSYNC*/
return err;
static gnupg_fd_t
direct_open (const char *fname, const char *mode, int mode700)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
unsigned long da, cd, sm;
HANDLE hfile;
/* Note, that we do not handle all mode combinations */
/* According to the ReactOS source it seems that open() of the
* standard MSW32 crt does open the file in shared mode which is
* something new for MS applications ;-)
if (strchr (mode, '+'))
if (fd_cache_invalidate (fname))
else if (strchr (mode, 'w'))
if (fd_cache_invalidate (fname))
wchar_t *wfname = utf8_to_wchar (fname);
if (wfname)
hfile = CreateFile (wfname, da, sm, NULL, cd,
xfree (wfname);
hfile = CreateFile (fname, da, sm, NULL, cd, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
return hfile;
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
int oflag;
int cflag = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR;
if (!mode700)
/* Note, that we do not handle all mode combinations */
if (strchr (mode, '+'))
if (fd_cache_invalidate (fname))
oflag = O_RDWR;
else if (strchr (mode, 'w'))
if (fd_cache_invalidate (fname))
oflag = O_RDONLY;
#ifdef O_BINARY
if (strchr (mode, 'b'))
oflag |= O_BINARY;
#ifdef __riscos__
struct stat buf;
/* Don't allow iobufs on directories */
if (!stat (fname, &buf) && S_ISDIR (buf.st_mode) && !S_ISREG (buf.st_mode))
return __set_errno (EISDIR);
return open (fname, oflag, cflag);
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
* Instead of closing an FD we keep it open and cache it for later reuse
* Note that this caching strategy only works if the process does not chdir.
static void
fd_cache_close (const char *fname, gnupg_fd_t fp)
close_cache_t cc;
assert (fp);
if (!fname || !*fname)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
CloseHandle (fp);
close (fp);
log_debug ("fd_cache_close (%d) real\n", (int)fp);
/* try to reuse a slot */
for (cc = close_cache; cc; cc = cc->next)
if (cc->fp == GNUPG_INVALID_FD && !fd_cache_strcmp (cc->fname, fname))
cc->fp = fp;
log_debug ("fd_cache_close (%s) used existing slot\n", fname);
/* add a new one */
log_debug ("fd_cache_close (%s) new slot created\n", fname);
cc = xcalloc (1, sizeof *cc + strlen (fname));
strcpy (cc->fname, fname);
cc->fp = fp;
cc->next = close_cache;
close_cache = cc;
* Do a direct_open on FNAME but first try to reuse one from the fd_cache
static gnupg_fd_t
fd_cache_open (const char *fname, const char *mode)
close_cache_t cc;
assert (fname);
for (cc = close_cache; cc; cc = cc->next)
if (cc->fp != GNUPG_INVALID_FD && !fd_cache_strcmp (cc->fname, fname))
gnupg_fd_t fp = cc->fp;
log_debug ("fd_cache_open (%s) using cached fp\n", fname);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (SetFilePointer (fp, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == 0xffffffff)
log_error ("rewind file failed on handle %p: ec=%d\n",
fp, (int) GetLastError ());
if (lseek (fp, 0, SEEK_SET) == (off_t) - 1)
log_error ("can't rewind fd %d: %s\n", fp, strerror (errno));
return fp;
log_debug ("fd_cache_open (%s) not cached\n", fname);
return direct_open (fname, mode, 0);
static int
file_filter (void *opaque, int control, iobuf_t chain, byte * buf,
size_t * ret_len)
file_filter_ctx_t *a = opaque;
gnupg_fd_t f = a->fp;
size_t size = *ret_len;
size_t nbytes = 0;
int rc = 0;
(void)chain; /* Not used. */
assert (size); /* We need a buffer. */
if (a->eof_seen)
rc = -1;
*ret_len = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
unsigned long nread;
nbytes = 0;
if (!ReadFile (f, buf, size, &nread, NULL))
int ec = (int) GetLastError ();
rc = gpg_error_from_errno (ec);
log_error ("%s: read error: ec=%d\n", a->fname, ec);
else if (!nread)
a->eof_seen = 1;
rc = -1;
nbytes = nread;
int n;
nbytes = 0;
n = read (f, buf, size);
while (n == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (n == -1)
{ /* error */
if (errno != EPIPE)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("%s: read error: %s\n",
a->fname, strerror (errno));
else if (!n)
{ /* eof */
a->eof_seen = 1;
rc = -1;
nbytes = n;
*ret_len = nbytes;
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_FLUSH)
if (size)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
byte *p = buf;
unsigned long n;
nbytes = size;
if (size && !WriteFile (f, p, nbytes, &n, NULL))
int ec = (int) GetLastError ();
rc = gpg_error_from_errno (ec);
log_error ("%s: write error: ec=%d\n", a->fname, ec);
p += n;
nbytes -= n;
while (nbytes);
nbytes = p - buf;
byte *p = buf;
int n;
nbytes = size;
n = write (f, p, nbytes);
while (n == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (n > 0)
p += n;
nbytes -= n;
while (n != -1 && nbytes);
if (n == -1)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("%s: write error: %s\n", a->fname, strerror (errno));
nbytes = p - buf;
*ret_len = nbytes;
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_INIT)
a->eof_seen = 0;
a->keep_open = 0;
a->no_cache = 0;
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_DESC)
mem2str (buf, "file_filter(fd)", *ret_len);
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_FREE)
if (f != FD_FOR_STDIN && f != FD_FOR_STDOUT)
log_debug ("%s: close fd/handle %d\n", a->fname, FD2INT (f));
if (!a->keep_open)
fd_cache_close (a->no_cache ? NULL : a->fname, f);
xfree (a); /* We can free our context now. */
return rc;
/* Similar to file_filter but using the estream system. */
static int
file_es_filter (void *opaque, int control, iobuf_t chain, byte * buf,
size_t * ret_len)
file_es_filter_ctx_t *a = opaque;
estream_t f = a->fp;
size_t size = *ret_len;
size_t nbytes = 0;
int rc = 0;
(void)chain; /* Not used. */
assert (size); /* We need a buffer. */
if (a->eof_seen)
rc = -1;
*ret_len = 0;
nbytes = 0;
rc = es_read (f, buf, size, &nbytes);
if (rc == -1)
{ /* error */
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("%s: read error: %s\n", a->fname, strerror (errno));
else if (!nbytes)
{ /* eof */
a->eof_seen = 1;
rc = -1;
*ret_len = nbytes;
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_FLUSH)
if (size)
byte *p = buf;
size_t nwritten;
nbytes = size;
nwritten = 0;
if (es_write (f, p, nbytes, &nwritten))
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("%s: write error: %s\n",
a->fname, strerror (errno));
p += nwritten;
nbytes -= nwritten;
while (nbytes);
nbytes = p - buf;
*ret_len = nbytes;
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_INIT)
a->eof_seen = 0;
a->no_cache = 0;
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_DESC)
mem2str (buf, "estream_filter", *ret_len);
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_FREE)
if (f != es_stdin && f != es_stdout)
log_debug ("%s: es_fclose %p\n", a->fname, f);
if (!a->keep_open)
es_fclose (f);
f = NULL;
xfree (a); /* We can free our context now. */
return rc;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* Because network sockets are special objects under Lose32 we have to
use a dedicated filter for them. */
static int
sock_filter (void *opaque, int control, iobuf_t chain, byte * buf,
size_t * ret_len)
sock_filter_ctx_t *a = opaque;
size_t size = *ret_len;
size_t nbytes = 0;
int rc = 0;
assert (size); /* need a buffer */
if (a->eof_seen)
rc = -1;
*ret_len = 0;
int nread;
nread = recv (a->sock, buf, size, 0);
if (nread == SOCKET_ERROR)
int ec = (int) WSAGetLastError ();
rc = gpg_error_from_errno (ec);
log_error ("socket read error: ec=%d\n", ec);
else if (!nread)
a->eof_seen = 1;
rc = -1;
nbytes = nread;
*ret_len = nbytes;
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_FLUSH)
if (size)
byte *p = buf;
int n;
nbytes = size;
n = send (a->sock, p, nbytes, 0);
if (n == SOCKET_ERROR)
int ec = (int) WSAGetLastError ();
rc = gpg_error_from_errno (ec);
log_error ("socket write error: ec=%d\n", ec);
p += n;
nbytes -= n;
while (nbytes);
nbytes = p - buf;
*ret_len = nbytes;
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_INIT)
a->eof_seen = 0;
a->keep_open = 0;
a->no_cache = 0;
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_DESC)
mem2str (buf, "sock_filter", *ret_len);
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_FREE)
if (!a->keep_open)
closesocket (a->sock);
xfree (a); /* we can free our context now */
return rc;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
* This is used to implement the block write mode.
* Block reading is done on a byte by byte basis in readbyte(),
* without a filter
static int
block_filter (void *opaque, int control, iobuf_t chain, byte * buffer,
size_t * ret_len)
block_filter_ctx_t *a = opaque;
char *buf = (char *)buffer;
size_t size = *ret_len;
int c, needed, rc = 0;
char *p;
size_t n = 0;
p = buf;
assert (size); /* need a buffer */
if (a->eof) /* don't read any further */
rc = -1;
while (!rc && size)
if (!a->size)
{ /* get the length bytes */
if (a->partial == 2)
a->eof = 1;
if (!n)
rc = -1;
else if (a->partial)
/* These OpenPGP introduced huffman like encoded length
* bytes are really a mess :-( */
if (a->first_c)
c = a->first_c;
a->first_c = 0;
else if ((c = iobuf_get (chain)) == -1)
log_error ("block_filter: 1st length byte missing\n");
if (c < 192)
a->size = c;
a->partial = 2;
if (!a->size)
a->eof = 1;
if (!n)
rc = -1;
else if (c < 224)
a->size = (c - 192) * 256;
if ((c = iobuf_get (chain)) == -1)
("block_filter: 2nd length byte missing\n");
a->size += c + 192;
a->partial = 2;
if (!a->size)
a->eof = 1;
if (!n)
rc = -1;
else if (c == 255)
a->size = (size_t)iobuf_get (chain) << 24;
a->size |= iobuf_get (chain) << 16;
a->size |= iobuf_get (chain) << 8;
if ((c = iobuf_get (chain)) == -1)
log_error ("block_filter: invalid 4 byte length\n");
a->size |= c;
a->partial = 2;
if (!a->size)
a->eof = 1;
if (!n)
rc = -1;
{ /* Next partial body length. */
a->size = 1 << (c & 0x1f);
/* log_debug("partial: ctx=%p c=%02x size=%u\n", a, c, a->size); */
BUG ();
while (!rc && size && a->size)
needed = size < a->size ? size : a->size;
c = iobuf_read (chain, p, needed);
if (c < needed)
if (c == -1)
c = 0;
("block_filter %p: read error (size=%lu,a->size=%lu)\n",
a, (ulong) size + c, (ulong) a->size + c);
size -= c;
a->size -= c;
p += c;
n += c;
*ret_len = n;
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_FLUSH)
if (a->partial)
{ /* the complicated openpgp scheme */
size_t blen, n, nbytes = size + a->buflen;
assert (a->buflen <= OP_MIN_PARTIAL_CHUNK);
if (nbytes < OP_MIN_PARTIAL_CHUNK)
/* not enough to write a partial block out; so we store it */
if (!a->buffer)
a->buffer = xmalloc (OP_MIN_PARTIAL_CHUNK);
memcpy (a->buffer + a->buflen, buf, size);
a->buflen += size;
{ /* okay, we can write out something */
/* do this in a loop to use the most efficient block lengths */
p = buf;
/* find the best matching block length - this is limited
* by the size of the internal buffering */
for (blen = OP_MIN_PARTIAL_CHUNK * 2,
c = OP_MIN_PARTIAL_CHUNK_2POW + 1; blen <= nbytes;
blen *= 2, c++)
blen /= 2;
/* write the partial length header */
assert (c <= 0x1f); /*;-) */
c |= 0xe0;
iobuf_put (chain, c);
if ((n = a->buflen))
{ /* write stuff from the buffer */
assert (n == OP_MIN_PARTIAL_CHUNK);
if (iobuf_write (chain, a->buffer, n))
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
a->buflen = 0;
nbytes -= n;
if ((n = nbytes) > blen)
n = blen;
if (n && iobuf_write (chain, p, n))
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
p += n;
nbytes -= n;
while (!rc && nbytes >= OP_MIN_PARTIAL_CHUNK);
/* store the rest in the buffer */
if (!rc && nbytes)
assert (!a->buflen);
assert (nbytes < OP_MIN_PARTIAL_CHUNK);
if (!a->buffer)
a->buffer = xmalloc (OP_MIN_PARTIAL_CHUNK);
memcpy (a->buffer, p, nbytes);
a->buflen = nbytes;
BUG ();
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_INIT)
log_debug ("init block_filter %p\n", a);
if (a->partial)
a->count = 0;
else if (a->use == IOBUF_INPUT)
a->count = a->size = 0;
a->count = a->size; /* force first length bytes */
a->eof = 0;
a->buffer = NULL;
a->buflen = 0;
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_DESC)
mem2str (buf, "block_filter", *ret_len);
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_FREE)
if (a->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT)
{ /* write the end markers */
if (a->partial)
u32 len;
/* write out the remaining bytes without a partial header
* the length of this header may be 0 - but if it is
* the first block we are not allowed to use a partial header
* and frankly we can't do so, because this length must be
* a power of 2. This is _really_ complicated because we
* have to check the possible length of a packet prior
* to it's creation: a chain of filters becomes complicated
* and we need a lot of code to handle compressed packets etc.
* :-(((((((
/* construct header */
len = a->buflen;
/*log_debug("partial: remaining length=%u\n", len ); */
if (len < 192)
rc = iobuf_put (chain, len);
else if (len < 8384)
if (!(rc = iobuf_put (chain, ((len - 192) / 256) + 192)))
rc = iobuf_put (chain, ((len - 192) % 256));
{ /* use a 4 byte header */
if (!(rc = iobuf_put (chain, 0xff)))
if (!(rc = iobuf_put (chain, (len >> 24) & 0xff)))
if (!(rc = iobuf_put (chain, (len >> 16) & 0xff)))
if (!(rc = iobuf_put (chain, (len >> 8) & 0xff)))
rc = iobuf_put (chain, len & 0xff);
if (!rc && len)
rc = iobuf_write (chain, a->buffer, len);
if (rc)
log_error ("block_filter: write error: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (a->buffer);
a->buffer = NULL;
a->buflen = 0;
BUG ();
else if (a->size)
log_error ("block_filter: pending bytes!\n");
log_debug ("free block_filter %p\n", a);
xfree (a); /* we can free our context now */
return rc;
#define MAX_IOBUF_DESC 32
* Fill the buffer by the description of iobuf A.
* The buffer size should be MAX_IOBUF_DESC (or larger).
* Returns BUF as (const char *).
static const char *
iobuf_desc (iobuf_t a, byte *buf)
size_t len = MAX_IOBUF_DESC;
if (! a || ! a->filter)
memcpy (buf, "?", 2);
a->filter (a->filter_ov, IOBUFCTRL_DESC, NULL, buf, &len);
return buf;
static void
print_chain (iobuf_t a)
for (; a; a = a->chain)
byte desc[MAX_IOBUF_DESC];
log_debug ("iobuf chain: %d.%d '%s' filter_eof=%d start=%d len=%d\n",
a->no, a->subno, iobuf_desc (a, desc), a->filter_eof,
(int) a->d.start, (int) a->d.len);
iobuf_print_chain (iobuf_t a)
print_chain (a);
return 0;
iobuf_alloc (int use, size_t bufsize)
iobuf_t a;
static int number = 0;
assert (use == IOBUF_INPUT || use == IOBUF_INPUT_TEMP
|| use == IOBUF_OUTPUT || use == IOBUF_OUTPUT_TEMP);
if (bufsize == 0)
log_bug ("iobuf_alloc() passed a bufsize of 0!\n");
a = xcalloc (1, sizeof *a);
a->use = use;
a->d.buf = xmalloc (bufsize);
a->d.size = bufsize;
a->no = ++number;
a->subno = 0;
a->real_fname = NULL;
return a;
iobuf_close (iobuf_t a)
iobuf_t a_chain;
size_t dummy_len = 0;
int rc = 0;
for (; a; a = a_chain)
byte desc[MAX_IOBUF_DESC];
int rc2 = 0;
a_chain = a->chain;
if (a->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT && (rc = filter_flush (a)))
log_error ("filter_flush failed on close: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
log_debug ("iobuf-%d.%d: close '%s'\n",
a->no, a->subno, iobuf_desc (a, desc));
if (a->filter && (rc2 = a->filter (a->filter_ov, IOBUFCTRL_FREE,
a->chain, NULL, &dummy_len)))
log_error ("IOBUFCTRL_FREE failed on close: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
if (! rc && rc2)
/* Whoops! An error occurred. Save it in RC if we haven't
already recorded an error. */
rc = rc2;
xfree (a->real_fname);
if (a->d.buf)
memset (a->d.buf, 0, a->d.size); /* erase the buffer */
xfree (a->d.buf);
xfree (a);
return rc;
iobuf_cancel (iobuf_t a)
const char *s;
iobuf_t a2;
int rc;
#if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) || defined(__riscos__)
char *remove_name = NULL;
if (a && a->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT)
s = iobuf_get_real_fname (a);
if (s && *s)
#if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) || defined(__riscos__)
remove_name = xstrdup (s);
remove (s);
/* send a cancel message to all filters */
for (a2 = a; a2; a2 = a2->chain)
size_t dummy;
if (a2->filter)
a2->filter (a2->filter_ov, IOBUFCTRL_CANCEL, a2->chain, NULL, &dummy);
rc = iobuf_close (a);
#if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) || defined(__riscos__)
if (remove_name)
/* Argg, MSDOS does not allow removing open files. So
* we have to do it here */
wchar_t *wtmp = utf8_to_wchar (remove_name);
if (wtmp)
DeleteFile (wtmp);
xfree (wtmp);
remove (remove_name);
xfree (remove_name);
return rc;
iobuf_temp (void)
iobuf_temp_with_content (const char *buffer, size_t length)
iobuf_t a;
int i;
a = iobuf_alloc (IOBUF_INPUT_TEMP, length);
assert (length == a->d.size);
/* memcpy (a->d.buf, buffer, length); */
for (i=0; i < length; i++)
a->d.buf[i] = buffer[i];
a->d.len = length;
return a;
iobuf_enable_special_filenames (int yes)
special_names_enabled = yes;
/* See whether the filename has the form "-&nnnn", where n is a
non-zero number. Returns this number or -1 if it is not the
case. */
static int
check_special_filename (const char *fname)
if (special_names_enabled && fname && *fname == '-' && fname[1] == '&')
int i;
fname += 2;
for (i = 0; digitp (fname+i); i++)
if (!fname[i])
return atoi (fname);
return -1;
iobuf_is_pipe_filename (const char *fname)
if (!fname || (*fname=='-' && !fname[1]) )
return 1;
return check_special_filename (fname) != -1;
static iobuf_t
do_open (const char *fname, int special_filenames,
int use, const char *opentype, int mode700)
iobuf_t a;
gnupg_fd_t fp;
file_filter_ctx_t *fcx;
size_t len = 0;
int print_only = 0;
int fd;
byte desc[MAX_IOBUF_DESC];
assert (use == IOBUF_INPUT || use == IOBUF_OUTPUT);
if (special_filenames
/* NULL or '-'. */
&& (!fname || (*fname == '-' && !fname[1])))
if (use == IOBUF_INPUT)
fname = "[stdin]";
fname = "[stdout]";
print_only = 1;
else if (!fname)
return NULL;
else if (special_filenames && (fd = check_special_filename (fname)) != -1)
return iobuf_fdopen (translate_file_handle (fd, use == IOBUF_INPUT ? 0 : 1),
if (use == IOBUF_INPUT)
fp = fd_cache_open (fname, opentype);
fp = direct_open (fname, opentype, mode700);
return NULL;
a = iobuf_alloc (use, IOBUF_BUFFER_SIZE);
fcx = xmalloc (sizeof *fcx + strlen (fname));
fcx->fp = fp;
fcx->print_only_name = print_only;
strcpy (fcx->fname, fname);
if (!print_only)
a->real_fname = xstrdup (fname);
a->filter = file_filter;
a->filter_ov = fcx;
file_filter (fcx, IOBUFCTRL_INIT, NULL, NULL, &len);
log_debug ("iobuf-%d.%d: open '%s' desc=%s fd=%d\n",
a->no, a->subno, fname, iobuf_desc (a, desc), FD2INT (fcx->fp));
return a;
iobuf_open (const char *fname)
return do_open (fname, 1, IOBUF_INPUT, "rb", 0);
iobuf_create (const char *fname, int mode700)
return do_open (fname, 1, IOBUF_OUTPUT, "wb", mode700);
iobuf_openrw (const char *fname)
return do_open (fname, 0, IOBUF_OUTPUT, "r+b", 0);
static iobuf_t
do_iobuf_fdopen (int fd, const char *mode, int keep_open)
iobuf_t a;
gnupg_fd_t fp;
file_filter_ctx_t *fcx;
size_t len;
fp = INT2FD (fd);
a = iobuf_alloc (strchr (mode, 'w') ? IOBUF_OUTPUT : IOBUF_INPUT,
fcx = xmalloc (sizeof *fcx + 20);
fcx->fp = fp;
fcx->print_only_name = 1;
fcx->keep_open = keep_open;
sprintf (fcx->fname, "[fd %d]", fd);
a->filter = file_filter;
a->filter_ov = fcx;
file_filter (fcx, IOBUFCTRL_INIT, NULL, NULL, &len);
log_debug ("iobuf-%d.%d: fdopen%s '%s'\n",
a->no, a->subno, keep_open? "_nc":"", fcx->fname);
iobuf_ioctl (a, IOBUF_IOCTL_NO_CACHE, 1, NULL);
return a;
iobuf_fdopen (int fd, const char *mode)
return do_iobuf_fdopen (fd, mode, 0);
iobuf_fdopen_nc (int fd, const char *mode)
return do_iobuf_fdopen (fd, mode, 1);
iobuf_esopen (estream_t estream, const char *mode, int keep_open)
iobuf_t a;
file_es_filter_ctx_t *fcx;
size_t len = 0;
a = iobuf_alloc (strchr (mode, 'w') ? IOBUF_OUTPUT : IOBUF_INPUT,
fcx = xtrymalloc (sizeof *fcx + 30);
fcx->fp = estream;
fcx->print_only_name = 1;
fcx->keep_open = keep_open;
sprintf (fcx->fname, "[fd %p]", estream);
a->filter = file_es_filter;
a->filter_ov = fcx;
file_es_filter (fcx, IOBUFCTRL_INIT, NULL, NULL, &len);
log_debug ("iobuf-%d.%d: esopen%s '%s'\n",
a->no, a->subno, keep_open? "_nc":"", fcx->fname);
return a;
iobuf_sockopen (int fd, const char *mode)
iobuf_t a;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
sock_filter_ctx_t *scx;
size_t len;
a = iobuf_alloc (strchr (mode, 'w') ? IOBUF_OUTPUT : IOBUF_INPUT,
scx = xmalloc (sizeof *scx + 25);
scx->sock = fd;
scx->print_only_name = 1;
sprintf (scx->fname, "[sock %d]", fd);
a->filter = sock_filter;
a->filter_ov = scx;
sock_filter (scx, IOBUFCTRL_INIT, NULL, NULL, &len);
log_debug ("iobuf-%d.%d: sockopen '%s'\n", a->no, a->subno, scx->fname);
iobuf_ioctl (a, IOBUF_IOCTL_NO_CACHE, 1, NULL);
a = iobuf_fdopen (fd, mode);
return a;
iobuf_ioctl (iobuf_t a, iobuf_ioctl_t cmd, int intval, void *ptrval)
byte desc[MAX_IOBUF_DESC];
/* Keep system filepointer/descriptor open. This was used in
the past by http.c; this ioctl is not directly used
anymore. */
log_debug ("iobuf-%d.%d: ioctl '%s' keep_open=%d\n",
a ? a->no : -1, a ? a->subno : -1, iobuf_desc (a, desc),
for (; a; a = a->chain)
if (!a->chain && a->filter == file_filter)
file_filter_ctx_t *b = a->filter_ov;
b->keep_open = intval;
return 0;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
else if (!a->chain && a->filter == sock_filter)
sock_filter_ctx_t *b = a->filter_ov;
b->keep_open = intval;
return 0;
log_debug ("iobuf-*.*: ioctl '%s' invalidate\n",
ptrval ? (char *) ptrval : "?");
if (!a && !intval && ptrval)
if (fd_cache_invalidate (ptrval))
return -1;
return 0;
else if (cmd == IOBUF_IOCTL_NO_CACHE)
log_debug ("iobuf-%d.%d: ioctl '%s' no_cache=%d\n",
a ? a->no : -1, a ? a->subno : -1, iobuf_desc (a, desc),
for (; a; a = a->chain)
if (!a->chain && a->filter == file_filter)
file_filter_ctx_t *b = a->filter_ov;
b->no_cache = intval;
return 0;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
else if (!a->chain && a->filter == sock_filter)
sock_filter_ctx_t *b = a->filter_ov;
b->no_cache = intval;
return 0;
else if (cmd == IOBUF_IOCTL_FSYNC)
/* Do a fsync on the open fd and return any errors to the caller
of iobuf_ioctl. Note that we work on a file name here. */
log_debug ("iobuf-*.*: ioctl '%s' fsync\n",
ptrval? (const char*)ptrval:"<null>");
if (!a && !intval && ptrval)
return fd_cache_synchronize (ptrval);
return -1;
* Register an i/o filter.
iobuf_push_filter (iobuf_t a,
int (*f) (void *opaque, int control,
iobuf_t chain, byte * buf, size_t * len),
void *ov)
return iobuf_push_filter2 (a, f, ov, 0);
iobuf_push_filter2 (iobuf_t a,
int (*f) (void *opaque, int control,
iobuf_t chain, byte * buf, size_t * len),
void *ov, int rel_ov)
iobuf_t b;
size_t dummy_len = 0;
int rc = 0;
if (a->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT && (rc = filter_flush (a)))
return rc;
if (a->subno >= MAX_NESTING_FILTER)
log_error ("i/o filter too deeply nested - corrupted data?\n");
/* We want to create a new filter and put it in front of A. A
simple implementation would do:
b = iobuf_alloc (...);
b->chain = a;
return a;
This is a bit problematic: A is the head of the pipeline and
there are potentially many pointers to it. Requiring the caller
to update all of these pointers is a burden.
An alternative implementation would add a level of indirection.
For instance, we could use a pipeline object, which contains a
pointer to the first filter in the pipeline. This is not what we
do either.
Instead, we allocate a new buffer (B) and copy the first filter's
state into that and use the initial buffer (A) for the new
filter. One limitation of this approach is that it is not
practical to maintain a pointer to a specific filter's state.
v 0x100 0x200
+----------+ +----------+
| filter x |--------->| filter y |---->....
+----------+ +----------+
After: B
v 0x300
A | filter x |
| +----------+
v 0x100 ^ v 0x200
+----------+ +----------+
| filter w | | filter y |---->....
+----------+ +----------+
Note: filter x's address changed from 0x100 to 0x300, but A still
points to the head of the pipeline.
b = xmalloc (sizeof *b);
memcpy (b, a, sizeof *b);
/* fixme: it is stupid to keep a copy of the name at every level
* but we need the name somewhere because the name known by file_filter
* may have been released when we need the name of the file */
b->real_fname = a->real_fname ? xstrdup (a->real_fname) : NULL;
/* remove the filter stuff from the new stream */
a->filter = NULL;
a->filter_ov = NULL;
a->filter_ov_owner = 0;
a->filter_eof = 0;
if (a->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT_TEMP)
/* A TEMP filter buffers any data sent to it; it does not forward
any data down the pipeline. If we add a new filter to the
pipeline, it shouldn't also buffer data. It should send it
downstream to be buffered. Thus, the correct type for a filter
added in front of an IOBUF_OUTPUT_TEMP filter is IOBUF_OUPUT, not
a->use = IOBUF_OUTPUT;
/* When pipeline is written to, the temp buffer's size is
increased accordingly. We don't need to allocate a 10 MB
buffer for a non-terminal filter. Just use the default
size. */
a->d.size = IOBUF_BUFFER_SIZE;
else if (a->use == IOBUF_INPUT_TEMP)
/* Same idea as above. */
a->use = IOBUF_INPUT;
a->d.size = IOBUF_BUFFER_SIZE;
/* The new filter (A) gets a new buffer.
If the pipeline is an output or temp pipeline, then giving the
buffer to the new filter means that data that was written before
the filter was pushed gets sent to the filter. That's clearly
If the pipeline is an input pipeline, then giving the buffer to
the new filter (A) means that data that has read from (B), but
not yet read from the pipeline won't be processed by the new
filter (A)! That's certainly not what we want. */
a->d.buf = xmalloc (a->d.size);
a->d.len = 0;
a->d.start = 0;
/* disable nlimit for the new stream */
a->ntotal = b->ntotal + b->nbytes;
a->nlimit = a->nbytes = 0;
a->nofast = 0;
/* make a link from the new stream to the original stream */
a->chain = b;
/* setup the function on the new stream */
a->filter = f;
a->filter_ov = ov;
a->filter_ov_owner = rel_ov;
a->subno = b->subno + 1;
byte desc[MAX_IOBUF_DESC];
log_debug ("iobuf-%d.%d: push '%s'\n",
a->no, a->subno, iobuf_desc (a, desc));
print_chain (a);
/* now we can initialize the new function if we have one */
if (a->filter && (rc = a->filter (a->filter_ov, IOBUFCTRL_INIT, a->chain,
NULL, &dummy_len)))
log_error ("IOBUFCTRL_INIT failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
* Remove an i/o filter.
iobuf_pop_filter (iobuf_t a, int (*f) (void *opaque, int control,
iobuf_t chain, byte * buf, size_t * len),
void *ov)
iobuf_t b;
size_t dummy_len = 0;
int rc = 0;
byte desc[MAX_IOBUF_DESC];
log_debug ("iobuf-%d.%d: pop '%s'\n",
a->no, a->subno, iobuf_desc (a, desc));
if (a->use == IOBUF_INPUT_TEMP || a->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT_TEMP)
/* This should be the last filter in the pipeline. */
assert (! a->chain);
return 0;
if (!a->filter)
{ /* this is simple */
b = a->chain;
assert (b);
xfree (a->d.buf);
xfree (a->real_fname);
memcpy (a, b, sizeof *a);
xfree (b);
return 0;
for (b = a; b; b = b->chain)
if (b->filter == f && (!ov || b->filter_ov == ov))
if (!b)
log_bug ("iobuf_pop_filter(): filter function not found\n");
/* flush this stream if it is an output stream */
if (a->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT && (rc = filter_flush (b)))
log_error ("filter_flush failed in iobuf_pop_filter: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
/* and tell the filter to free it self */
if (b->filter && (rc = b->filter (b->filter_ov, IOBUFCTRL_FREE, b->chain,
NULL, &dummy_len)))
log_error ("IOBUFCTRL_FREE failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
if (b->filter_ov && b->filter_ov_owner)
xfree (b->filter_ov);
b->filter_ov = NULL;
/* and see how to remove it */
if (a == b && !b->chain)
log_bug ("can't remove the last filter from the chain\n");
else if (a == b)
{ /* remove the first iobuf from the chain */
/* everything from b is copied to a. This is save because
* a flush has been done on the to be removed entry
b = a->chain;
xfree (a->d.buf);
xfree (a->real_fname);
memcpy (a, b, sizeof *a);
xfree (b);
log_debug ("iobuf-%d.%d: popped filter\n", a->no, a->subno);
else if (!b->chain)
{ /* remove the last iobuf from the chain */
log_bug ("Ohh jeee, trying to remove a head filter\n");
{ /* remove an intermediate iobuf from the chain */
log_bug ("Ohh jeee, trying to remove an intermediate filter\n");
return rc;
* read underflow: read at least one byte into the buffer and return
* the first byte or -1 on EOF.
static int
underflow (iobuf_t a, int clear_pending_eof)
return underflow_target (a, clear_pending_eof, 1);
* read underflow: read TARGET bytes into the buffer and return
* the first byte or -1 on EOF.
static int
underflow_target (iobuf_t a, int clear_pending_eof, size_t target)
size_t len;
int rc;
log_debug ("iobuf-%d.%d: underflow: buffer size: %d; still buffered: %d => space for %d bytes\n",
a->no, a->subno,
(int) a->d.size, (int) (a->d.len - a->d.start),
(int) (a->d.size - (a->d.len - a->d.start)));
if (a->use == IOBUF_INPUT_TEMP)
/* By definition, there isn't more data to read into the
buffer. */
return -1;
assert (a->use == IOBUF_INPUT);
/* If there is still some buffered data, then move it to the start
of the buffer and try to fill the end of the buffer. (This is
useful if we are called from iobuf_peek().) */
assert (a->d.start <= a->d.len);
a->d.len -= a->d.start;
memmove (a->d.buf, &a->d.buf[a->d.start], a->d.len);
a->d.start = 0;
if (a->d.len < target && a->filter_eof)
/* The last time we tried to read from this filter, we got an EOF.
We couldn't return the EOF, because there was buffered data.
Since there is no longer any buffered data, return the
error. */
log_debug ("iobuf-%d.%d: underflow: eof (pending eof)\n",
a->no, a->subno);
if (! clear_pending_eof)
return -1;
if (a->chain)
/* A filter follows this one. Free this filter. */
iobuf_t b = a->chain;
log_debug ("iobuf-%d.%d: filter popped (pending EOF returned)\n",
a->no, a->subno);
xfree (a->d.buf);
xfree (a->real_fname);
memcpy (a, b, sizeof *a);
xfree (b);
print_chain (a);
a->filter_eof = 0; /* for the top level filter */
return -1; /* return one(!) EOF */
if (a->d.len == 0 && a->error)
/* The last time we tried to read from this filter, we got an
error. We couldn't return the error, because there was
buffered data. Since there is no longer any buffered data,
return the error. */
log_debug ("iobuf-%d.%d: pending error (%s) returned\n",
a->no, a->subno, gpg_strerror (a->error));
return -1;
if (a->filter && ! a->filter_eof && ! a->error)
/* We have a filter function and the last time we tried to read we
didn't get an EOF or an error. Try to fill the buffer. */
/* Be careful to account for any buffered data. */
len = a->d.size - a->d.len;
log_debug ("iobuf-%d.%d: underflow: A->FILTER (%lu bytes)\n",
a->no, a->subno, (ulong) len);
if (len == 0)
/* There is no space for more data. Don't bother calling
rc = 0;
rc = a->filter (a->filter_ov, IOBUFCTRL_UNDERFLOW, a->chain,
&a->d.buf[a->d.len], &len);
a->d.len += len;
log_debug ("iobuf-%d.%d: A->FILTER() returned rc=%d (%s), read %lu bytes\n",
a->no, a->subno,
rc, rc == 0 ? "ok" : rc == -1 ? "EOF" : gpg_strerror (rc),
(ulong) len);
/* if( a->no == 1 ) */
/* log_hexdump (" data:", a->d.buf, len); */
if (rc == -1)
/* EOF. */
size_t dummy_len = 0;
/* Tell the filter to free itself */
if ((rc = a->filter (a->filter_ov, IOBUFCTRL_FREE, a->chain,
NULL, &dummy_len)))
log_error ("IOBUFCTRL_FREE failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
/* Free everything except for the internal buffer. */
if (a->filter_ov && a->filter_ov_owner)
xfree (a->filter_ov);
a->filter_ov = NULL;
a->filter = NULL;
a->filter_eof = 1;
if (clear_pending_eof && a->d.len == 0 && a->chain)
/* We don't need to keep this filter around at all:
- we got an EOF
- we have no buffered data
- a filter follows this one.
Unlink this filter. */
iobuf_t b = a->chain;
log_debug ("iobuf-%d.%d: pop in underflow (nothing buffered, got EOF)\n",
a->no, a->subno);
xfree (a->d.buf);
xfree (a->real_fname);
memcpy (a, b, sizeof *a);
xfree (b);
print_chain (a);
return -1;
else if (a->d.len == 0)
/* We can't unlink this filter (it is the only one in the
pipeline), but we can immediately return EOF. */
return -1;
else if (rc)
/* Record the error. */
a->error = rc;
if (a->d.len == 0)
/* There is no buffered data. Immediately return EOF. */
return -1;
assert (a->d.start <= a->d.len);
if (a->d.start < a->d.len)
return a->d.buf[a->d.start++];
/* EOF. */
return -1;
static int
filter_flush (iobuf_t a)
size_t len;
int rc;
if (a->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT_TEMP)
{ /* increase the temp buffer */
size_t newsize = a->d.size + IOBUF_BUFFER_SIZE;
log_debug ("increasing temp iobuf from %lu to %lu\n",
(ulong) a->d.size, (ulong) newsize);
a->d.buf = xrealloc (a->d.buf, newsize);
a->d.size = newsize;
return 0;
else if (a->use != IOBUF_OUTPUT)
log_bug ("flush on non-output iobuf\n");
else if (!a->filter)
log_bug ("filter_flush: no filter\n");
len = a->d.len;
rc = a->filter (a->filter_ov, IOBUFCTRL_FLUSH, a->chain, a->d.buf, &len);
if (!rc && len != a->d.len)
log_info ("filter_flush did not write all!\n");
else if (rc)
a->error = rc;
a->d.len = 0;
return rc;
iobuf_readbyte (iobuf_t a)
int c;
if (a->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT || a->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT_TEMP)
log_bug ("iobuf_readbyte called on a non-INPUT pipeline!\n");
return -1;
assert (a->d.start <= a->d.len);
if (a->nlimit && a->nbytes >= a->nlimit)
return -1; /* forced EOF */
if (a->d.start < a->d.len)
c = a->d.buf[a->d.start++];
else if ((c = underflow (a, 1)) == -1)
return -1; /* EOF */
assert (a->d.start <= a->d.len);
/* Note: if underflow doesn't return EOF, then it returns the first
byte that was read and advances a->d.start appropriately. */
return c;
iobuf_read (iobuf_t a, void *buffer, unsigned int buflen)
unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)buffer;
int c, n;
if (a->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT || a->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT_TEMP)
log_bug ("iobuf_read called on a non-INPUT pipeline!\n");
return -1;
if (a->nlimit)
/* Handle special cases. */
for (n = 0; n < buflen; n++)
if ((c = iobuf_readbyte (a)) == -1)
if (!n)
return -1; /* eof */
if (buf)
*buf = c;
return n;
n = 0;
if (n < buflen && a->d.start < a->d.len)
/* Drain the buffer. */
unsigned size = a->d.len - a->d.start;
if (size > buflen - n)
size = buflen - n;
if (buf)
memcpy (buf, a->d.buf + a->d.start, size);
n += size;
a->d.start += size;
if (buf)
buf += size;
if (n < buflen)
/* Draining the internal buffer didn't fill BUFFER. Call
underflow to read more data into the filter's internal
buffer. */
if ((c = underflow (a, 1)) == -1)
/* EOF. If we managed to read something, don't return EOF
now. */
a->nbytes += n;
return n ? n : -1 /*EOF*/;
if (buf)
*buf++ = c;
while (n < buflen);
a->nbytes += n;
return n;
iobuf_peek (iobuf_t a, byte * buf, unsigned buflen)
int n = 0;
assert (buflen > 0);
assert (a->use == IOBUF_INPUT || a->use == IOBUF_INPUT_TEMP);
if (buflen > a->d.size)
/* We can't peek more than we can buffer. */
buflen = a->d.size;
/* Try to fill the internal buffer with enough data to satisfy the
request. */
while (buflen > a->d.len - a->d.start)
if (underflow_target (a, 0, buflen) == -1)
/* EOF. We can't read any more. */
/* Underflow consumes the first character (it's the return
value). unget() it by resetting the "file position". */
assert (a->d.start == 1);
a->d.start = 0;
n = a->d.len - a->d.start;
if (n > buflen)
n = buflen;
if (n == 0)
/* EOF. */
return -1;
memcpy (buf, &a->d.buf[a->d.start], n);
return n;
iobuf_writebyte (iobuf_t a, unsigned int c)
int rc;
if (a->use == IOBUF_INPUT || a->use == IOBUF_INPUT_TEMP)
log_bug ("iobuf_writebyte called on an input pipeline!\n");
return -1;
if (a->d.len == a->d.size)
if ((rc=filter_flush (a)))
return rc;
assert (a->d.len < a->d.size);
a->d.buf[a->d.len++] = c;
return 0;
iobuf_write (iobuf_t a, const void *buffer, unsigned int buflen)
const unsigned char *buf = (const unsigned char *)buffer;
int rc;
if (a->use == IOBUF_INPUT || a->use == IOBUF_INPUT_TEMP)
log_bug ("iobuf_write called on an input pipeline!\n");
return -1;
if (buflen && a->d.len < a->d.size)
unsigned size = a->d.size - a->d.len;
if (size > buflen)
size = buflen;
memcpy (a->d.buf + a->d.len, buf, size);
buflen -= size;
buf += size;
a->d.len += size;
if (buflen)
rc = filter_flush (a);
if (rc)
return rc;
while (buflen);
return 0;
iobuf_writestr (iobuf_t a, const char *buf)
if (a->use == IOBUF_INPUT || a->use == IOBUF_INPUT_TEMP)
log_bug ("iobuf_writestr called on an input pipeline!\n");
return -1;
return iobuf_write (a, buf, strlen (buf));
iobuf_write_temp (iobuf_t dest, iobuf_t source)
assert (source->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT || source->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT_TEMP);
assert (dest->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT || dest->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT_TEMP);
iobuf_flush_temp (source);
return iobuf_write (dest, source->d.buf, source->d.len);
iobuf_temp_to_buffer (iobuf_t a, byte * buffer, size_t buflen)
byte desc[MAX_IOBUF_DESC];
size_t n;
while (1)
int rc = filter_flush (a);
if (rc)
log_bug ("Flushing iobuf %d.%d (%s) from iobuf_temp_to_buffer failed. Ignoring.\n",
a->no, a->subno, iobuf_desc (a, desc));
if (! a->chain)
a = a->chain;
n = a->d.len;
if (n > buflen)
n = buflen;
memcpy (buffer, a->d.buf, n);
return n;
/* Copies the data from the input iobuf SOURCE to the output iobuf
DEST until either an error is encountered or EOF is reached.
Returns the number of bytes copies. */
iobuf_copy (iobuf_t dest, iobuf_t source)
char *temp;
/* Use a 32 KB buffer. */
const size_t temp_size = 32 * 1024;
size_t nread;
size_t nwrote = 0;
int err;
assert (source->use == IOBUF_INPUT || source->use == IOBUF_INPUT_TEMP);
assert (dest->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT || source->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT_TEMP);
if (iobuf_error (dest))
return -1;
temp = xmalloc (temp_size);
while (1)
nread = iobuf_read (source, temp, temp_size);
if (nread == -1)
/* EOF. */
err = iobuf_write (dest, temp, nread);
if (err)
nwrote += nread;
/* Burn the buffer. */
wipememory (temp, sizeof (temp));
xfree (temp);
return nwrote;
iobuf_flush_temp (iobuf_t temp)
if (temp->use == IOBUF_INPUT || temp->use == IOBUF_INPUT_TEMP)
log_bug ("iobuf_flush_temp called on an input pipeline!\n");
while (temp->chain)
iobuf_pop_filter (temp, temp->filter, NULL);
iobuf_set_limit (iobuf_t a, off_t nlimit)
if (nlimit)
a->nofast = 1;
a->nofast = 0;
a->nlimit = nlimit;
a->ntotal += a->nbytes;
a->nbytes = 0;
iobuf_get_filelength (iobuf_t a, int *overflow)
if (overflow)
*overflow = 0;
/* Hmmm: file_filter may have already been removed */
for ( ; a->chain; a = a->chain )
if (a->filter != file_filter)
return 0;
file_filter_ctx_t *b = a->filter_ov;
gnupg_fd_t fp = b->fp;
#if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM)
ulong size;
static int (* __stdcall get_file_size_ex) (void *handle,
static int get_file_size_ex_initialized;
if (!get_file_size_ex_initialized)
void *handle;
handle = dlopen ("kernel32.dll", RTLD_LAZY);
if (handle)
get_file_size_ex = dlsym (handle, "GetFileSizeEx");
if (!get_file_size_ex)
dlclose (handle);
get_file_size_ex_initialized = 1;
if (get_file_size_ex)
/* This is a newer system with GetFileSizeEx; we use this
then because it seem that GetFileSize won't return a
proper error in case a file is larger than 4GB. */
if (get_file_size_ex (fp, &exsize))
if (!exsize.u.HighPart)
return exsize.u.LowPart;
if (overflow)
*overflow = 1;
return 0;
if ((size=GetFileSize (fp, NULL)) != 0xffffffff)
return size;
log_error ("GetFileSize for handle %p failed: %s\n",
fp, w32_strerror (0));
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
struct stat st;
if ( !fstat (FD2INT (fp), &st) )
return st.st_size;
log_error("fstat() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno) );
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
return 0;
iobuf_get_fd (iobuf_t a)
for (; a->chain; a = a->chain)
if (a->filter != file_filter)
return -1;
file_filter_ctx_t *b = a->filter_ov;
gnupg_fd_t fp = b->fp;
return FD2INT (fp);
iobuf_tell (iobuf_t a)
return a->ntotal + a->nbytes;
#if !defined(HAVE_FSEEKO) && !defined(fseeko)
# include <limits.h>
#ifndef LONG_MAX
# define LONG_MAX ((long) ((unsigned long) -1 >> 1))
#ifndef LONG_MIN
# define LONG_MIN (-1 - LONG_MAX)
* A substitute for fseeko, for hosts that don't have it.
static int
fseeko (FILE * stream, off_t newpos, int whence)
while (newpos != (long) newpos)
long pos = newpos < 0 ? LONG_MIN : LONG_MAX;
if (fseek (stream, pos, whence) != 0)
return -1;
newpos -= pos;
whence = SEEK_CUR;
return fseek (stream, (long) newpos, whence);
iobuf_seek (iobuf_t a, off_t newpos)
file_filter_ctx_t *b = NULL;
if (a->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT || a->use == IOBUF_INPUT)
/* Find the last filter in the pipeline. */
for (; a->chain; a = a->chain)
if (a->filter != file_filter)
return -1;
b = a->filter_ov;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (SetFilePointer (b->fp, newpos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == 0xffffffff)
log_error ("SetFilePointer failed on handle %p: ec=%d\n",
b->fp, (int) GetLastError ());
return -1;
if (lseek (b->fp, newpos, SEEK_SET) == (off_t) - 1)
log_error ("can't lseek: %s\n", strerror (errno));
return -1;
/* Discard the buffer it is not a temp stream. */
a->d.len = 0;
a->d.start = 0;
a->nbytes = 0;
a->nlimit = 0;
a->nofast = 0;
a->ntotal = newpos;
a->error = 0;
/* It is impossible for A->CHAIN to be non-NULL. If A is an INPUT
or OUTPUT buffer, then we find the last filter, which is defined
as A->CHAIN being NULL. If A is a TEMP filter, then A must be
the only filter in the pipe: when iobuf_push_filter adds a filter
to the front of a pipeline, it sets the new filter to be an
OUTPUT filter if the pipeline is an OUTPUT or TEMP pipeline and
to be an INPUT filter if the pipeline is an INPUT pipeline.
Thus, only the last filter in a TEMP pipeline can be a */
/* remove filters, but the last */
if (a->chain)
log_debug ("iobuf_pop_filter called in iobuf_seek - please report\n");
while (a->chain)
iobuf_pop_filter (a, a->filter, NULL);
return 0;
const char *
iobuf_get_real_fname (iobuf_t a)
if (a->real_fname)
return a->real_fname;
/* the old solution */
for (; a; a = a->chain)
if (!a->chain && a->filter == file_filter)
file_filter_ctx_t *b = a->filter_ov;
return b->print_only_name ? NULL : b->fname;
return NULL;
const char *
iobuf_get_fname (iobuf_t a)
for (; a; a = a->chain)
if (!a->chain && a->filter == file_filter)
file_filter_ctx_t *b = a->filter_ov;
return b->fname;
return NULL;
const char *
iobuf_get_fname_nonnull (iobuf_t a)
const char *fname;
fname = iobuf_get_fname (a);
return fname? fname : "[?]";
* Enable or disable partial body length mode (RFC 4880
* If LEN is 0, this disables partial block mode by popping the
* partial body length filter, which which must be the most recently
* added filter.
* If LEN is non-zero, it pushes a partial body length filter. If
* this is a read filter, LEN must be the length byte from the first
* chunk and A should be position just after this first partial body
* length header.
iobuf_set_partial_body_length_mode (iobuf_t a, size_t len)
if (!len)
/* Disable partial body length mode. */
if (a->use == IOBUF_INPUT)
log_debug ("iobuf_pop_filter called in set_partial_block_mode"
" - please report\n");
log_assert (a->filter == block_filter);
iobuf_pop_filter (a, block_filter, NULL);
/* Enabled partial body length mode. */
block_filter_ctx_t *ctx = xcalloc (1, sizeof *ctx);
ctx->use = a->use;
ctx->partial = 1;
ctx->size = 0;
ctx->first_c = len;
iobuf_push_filter (a, block_filter, ctx);
unsigned int
iobuf_read_line (iobuf_t a, byte ** addr_of_buffer,
unsigned *length_of_buffer, unsigned *max_length)
int c;
char *buffer = (char *)*addr_of_buffer;
unsigned length = *length_of_buffer;
unsigned nbytes = 0;
unsigned maxlen = *max_length;
char *p;
/* The code assumes that we have space for at least a newline and a
NUL character in the buffer. This requires at least 2 bytes. We
don't complicate the code by handling the stupid corner case, but
simply assert that it can't happen. */
assert (length >= 2 || maxlen >= 2);
if (!buffer || length <= 1)
/* must allocate a new buffer */
length = 256 <= maxlen ? 256 : maxlen;
buffer = xrealloc (buffer, length);
*addr_of_buffer = (unsigned char *)buffer;
*length_of_buffer = length;
p = buffer;
while ((c = iobuf_get (a)) != -1)
*p++ = c;
if (c == '\n')
if (nbytes == length - 1)
/* We don't have enough space to add a \n and a \0. Increase
the buffer size. */
if (length == maxlen)
/* We reached the buffer's size limit! */
/* Skip the rest of the line. */
while (c != '\n' && (c = iobuf_get (a)) != -1)
/* p is pointing at the last byte in the buffer. We
always terminate the line with "\n\0" so overwrite
the previous byte with a \n. */
assert (p > buffer);
p[-1] = '\n';
/* Indicate truncation. */
*max_length = 0;
length += length < 1024 ? 256 : 1024;
if (length > maxlen)
length = maxlen;
buffer = xrealloc (buffer, length);
*addr_of_buffer = (unsigned char *)buffer;
*length_of_buffer = length;
p = buffer + nbytes;
/* Add the terminating NUL. */
*p = 0;
/* Return the number of characters written to the buffer including
the newline, but not including the terminating NUL. */
return nbytes;
static int
translate_file_handle (int fd, int for_write)
#if defined(HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM)
/* This is called only with one of the special filenames. Under
W32CE the FD here is not a file descriptor but a rendezvous id,
thus we need to finish the pipe first. */
fd = _assuan_w32ce_finish_pipe (fd, for_write);
#elif defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM)
int x;
if (fd == 0)
x = (int) GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
else if (fd == 1)
x = (int) GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
else if (fd == 2)
x = (int) GetStdHandle (STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
x = fd;
if (x == -1)
log_debug ("GetStdHandle(%d) failed: ec=%d\n",
fd, (int) GetLastError ());
fd = x;
return fd;
iobuf_skip_rest (iobuf_t a, unsigned long n, int partial)
if ( partial )
for (;;)
if (a->nofast || a->d.start >= a->d.len)
if (iobuf_readbyte (a) == -1)
unsigned long count = a->d.len - a->d.start;
a->nbytes += count;
a->d.start = a->d.len;
unsigned long remaining = n;
while (remaining > 0)
if (a->nofast || a->d.start >= a->d.len)
if (iobuf_readbyte (a) == -1)
unsigned long count = a->d.len - a->d.start;
if (count > remaining)
count = remaining;
a->nbytes += count;
a->d.start += count;
remaining -= count;
diff --git a/common/iobuf.h b/common/iobuf.h
index a8ca4dc55..4fa56609f 100644
--- a/common/iobuf.h
+++ b/common/iobuf.h
@@ -1,628 +1,628 @@
/* iobuf.h - I/O buffer
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003,
* 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* An iobuf is basically a filter in a pipeline.
Consider the following command, which consists of three filters
that are chained together:
$ cat file | base64 --decode | gunzip
The first filter reads the file from the file system and sends that
data to the second filter. The second filter decodes
base64-encoded data and sends the data to the third and last
filter. The last filter decompresses the data and the result is
displayed on the terminal. The iobuf system works in the same way
where each iobuf is a filter and the individual iobufs can be
chained together.
There are number of predefined filters. iobuf_open(), for
instance, creates a filter that reads from a specified file. And,
iobuf_temp_with_content() creates a filter that returns some
specified contents. There are also filters for writing content.
iobuf_openrw opens a file for writing. iobuf_temp creates a filter
that writes data to a fixed-sized buffer.
To chain filters together, you use the iobuf_push_filter()
function. The filters are chained together using the chain field
in the iobuf_t.
A pipeline can only be used for reading (IOBUF_INPUT) or for
writing (IOBUF_OUTPUT / IOBUF_OUTPUT_TEMP). When reading, data
flows from the last filter towards the first. That is, the user
calls iobuf_read(), the module reads from the first filter, which
gets its input from the second filter, etc. When writing, data
flows from the first filter towards the last. In this case, when
the user calls iobuf_write(), the data is written to the first
filter, which writes the transformed data to the second filter,
An iobuf_t contains some state about the filter. For instance, it
indicates if the filter has already returned EOF (filter_eof) and
the next filter in the pipeline, if any (chain). It also contains
a function pointer, filter. This is a generic function. It is
called when input is needed or output is available. In this case
it is passed a pointer to some filter-specific persistent state
(filter_ov), the actual operation, the next filter in the chain, if
any, and a buffer that either contains the contents to write, if
the pipeline is setup to write data, or is the place to store data,
if the pipeline is setup to read data.
Unlike a Unix pipeline, an IOBUF pipeline can return EOF multiple
times. This is similar to the following:
{ cat file1; cat file2; } | grep foo
However, instead of grep seeing a single stream, grep would see
each byte stream followed by an EOF marker. (When a filter returns
EOF, the EOF is returned to the user exactly once and then the
filter is removed from the pipeline.) */
/* For estream_t. */
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include "../common/types.h"
#include "../common/sysutils.h"
#define DBG_IOBUF iobuf_debug_mode
/* Filter control modes. */
/* Command codes for iobuf_ioctl. */
typedef enum
IOBUF_IOCTL_KEEP_OPEN = 1, /* Uses intval. */
IOBUF_IOCTL_INVALIDATE_CACHE = 2, /* Uses ptrval. */
IOBUF_IOCTL_NO_CACHE = 3, /* Uses intval. */
IOBUF_IOCTL_FSYNC = 4 /* Uses ptrval. */
} iobuf_ioctl_t;
enum iobuf_use
/* Pipeline is in input mode. The data flows from the end to the
beginning. That is, when reading from the pipeline, the first
filter gets its input from the second filter, etc. */
/* Pipeline is in input mode. The last filter in the pipeline is
a temporary buffer from which the data is "read". */
/* Pipeline is in output mode. The data flows from the beginning
to the end. That is, when writing to the pipeline, the user
writes to the first filter, which transforms the data and sends
it to the second filter, etc. */
/* Pipeline is in output mode. The last filter in the pipeline is
a temporary buffer that grows as necessary. */
typedef struct iobuf_struct *iobuf_t;
typedef struct iobuf_struct *IOBUF; /* Compatibility with gpg 1.4. */
/* fixme: we should hide most of this stuff */
struct iobuf_struct
/* The type of filter. Either IOBUF_INPUT, IOBUF_OUTPUT or
enum iobuf_use use;
/* nlimit can be changed using iobuf_set_limit. If non-zero, it is
the number of additional bytes that can be read from the filter
before EOF is forcefully returned. */
off_t nlimit;
/* nbytes if the number of bytes that have been read (using
iobuf_get / iobuf_readbyte / iobuf_read) since the last call to
iobuf_set_limit. */
off_t nbytes;
/* The number of bytes read prior to the last call to
iobuf_set_limit. Thus, the total bytes read (i.e., the position
of stream) is ntotal + nbytes. */
off_t ntotal;
/* Whether we need to read from the filter one byte at a time or
whether we can do bulk reads. We need to read one byte at a time
if a limit (set via iobuf_set_limit) is active. */
int nofast;
/* A buffer for unread/unwritten data.
For an output pipeline (IOBUF_OUTPUT), this is the data that has
not yet been written to the filter. Consider a simple pipeline
consisting of a single stage, which writes to a file. When you
write to the pipeline (iobuf_writebyte or iobuf_write), the data
is first stored in this buffer. Only when the buffer is full or
you call iobuf_flush() is FILTER actually called and the data
written to the file.
For an input pipeline (IOBUF_INPUT), this is the data that has
been read from this filter, but not yet been read from the
preceding filter (or the user, if this filter is the head of the
pipeline). Again, consider a simple pipeline consisting of a
single stage. This stage reads from a file. If you read a
single byte (iobuf_get) and the buffer is empty, then FILTER is
called to fill the buffer. In this case, a single byte is not
requested, but the whole buffer is filled (if possible). */
/* Size of the buffer. */
size_t size;
/* Number of bytes at the beginning of the buffer that have
already been consumed. (In other words: the index of the first
byte that hasn't been consumed.) This is only non-zero for
input filters. */
size_t start;
/* The number of bytes in the buffer including any bytes that have
been consumed. */
size_t len;
/* The buffer itself. */
byte *buf;
} d;
/* When FILTER is called to read some data, it may read some data
and then return EOF. We can't return the EOF immediately.
Instead, we note that we observed the EOF and when the buffer is
finally empty, we return the EOF. */
int filter_eof;
/* Like filter_eof, when FILTER is called to read some data, it may
read some data and then return an error. We can't return the
error (in the form of an EOF) immediately. Instead, we note that
we observed the error and when the buffer is finally empty, we
return the EOF. */
int error;
/* The callback function to read data from the filter, etc. See
iobuf_filter_push for details. */
int (*filter) (void *opaque, int control,
iobuf_t chain, byte * buf, size_t * len);
/* An opaque pointer that can be used for local filter state. This
is passed as the first parameter to FILTER. */
void *filter_ov;
/* Whether the iobuf code should free(filter_ov) when destroying the
filter. */
int filter_ov_owner;
/* When using iobuf_open, iobuf_create, iobuf_openrw to open a file,
the file's name is saved here. This is used to delete the file
when an output pipeline (IOBUF_OUPUT) is canceled
(iobuf_cancel). */
char *real_fname;
/* The next filter in the pipeline. */
iobuf_t chain;
/* This field is for debugging. Each time a filter is allocated
(via iobuf_alloc()), a monotonically increasing counter is
incremented and this field is set to the new value. This field
should only be accessed via the iobuf_io macro. */
int no;
/* The number of filters in the pipeline following (not including)
this one. When you call iobuf_push_filter or iobuf_push_filter2,
this value is used to check the length of the pipeline if the
pipeline already contains 65 stages then these functions fail.
This amount of nesting typically indicates corrupted data or an
active denial of service attack. */
int subno;
#if defined (__riscos__) && !defined (INCLUDED_BY_MAIN_MODULE)
EXTERN_UNLESS_MAIN_MODULE int iobuf_debug_mode;
/* Whether iobuf_open, iobuf_create and iobuf_is_pipefilename
recognize special filenames. Special filenames are of the form
"-&nnnn" where n is a positive integer. The integer corresponds to
a file descriptor. Note: these functions always recognize the
special filename '-', which corresponds to standard input. */
void iobuf_enable_special_filenames (int yes);
/* Returns whether the specified filename corresponds to a pipe. In
particular, this function checks if FNAME is "-" and, if special
filenames are enabled (see iobuf_enable_special_filenames), whether
FNAME is a special filename. */
int iobuf_is_pipe_filename (const char *fname);
/* Allocate a new filter. This filter doesn't have a function
assigned to it. Thus you need to manually set IOBUF->FILTER and
IOBUF->FILTER_OV, if required. This function is intended to help
create a new primary source or primary sink, i.e., the last filter
in the pipeline.
BUFSIZE is the desired internal buffer size (that is, the size of
the typical read / write request). */
iobuf_t iobuf_alloc (int use, size_t bufsize);
/* Create an output filter that simply buffers data written to it.
This is useful for collecting data for later processing. The
buffer can be written to in the usual way (iobuf_write, etc.). The
data can later be extracted using iobuf_write_temp() or
iobuf_temp_to_buffer(). */
iobuf_t iobuf_temp (void);
/* Create an input filter that contains some data for reading. */
iobuf_t iobuf_temp_with_content (const char *buffer, size_t length);
/* Create an input file filter that reads from a file. If FNAME is
'-', reads from stdin. If special filenames are enabled
(iobuf_enable_special_filenames), then interprets special
filenames. */
iobuf_t iobuf_open (const char *fname);
/* Create an output file filter that writes to a file. If FNAME is
NULL or '-', writes to stdout. If special filenames are enabled
(iobuf_enable_special_filenames), then interprets special
filenames. If FNAME is not NULL, '-' or a special filename, the
file is opened for writing. If the file exists, it is truncated.
If MODE700 is TRUE, the file is created with mode 600. Otherwise,
mode 666 is used. */
iobuf_t iobuf_create (const char *fname, int mode700);
/* Create an output file filter that writes to a specified file.
Neither '-' nor special file names are recognized. */
iobuf_t iobuf_openrw (const char *fname);
/* Create a file filter using an existing file descriptor. If MODE
contains the letter 'w', creates an output filter. Otherwise,
creates an input filter. Note: MODE must reflect the file
descriptors actual mode! When the filter is destroyed, the file
descriptor is closed. */
iobuf_t iobuf_fdopen (int fd, const char *mode);
/* Like iobuf_fdopen, but doesn't close the file descriptor when the
filter is destroyed. */
iobuf_t iobuf_fdopen_nc (int fd, const char *mode);
/* Create a filter using an existing estream. If MODE contains the
letter 'w', creates an output filter. Otherwise, creates an input
filter. If KEEP_OPEN is TRUE, then the stream is not closed when
the filter is destroyed. Otherwise, the stream is closed when the
filter is destroyed. */
iobuf_t iobuf_esopen (estream_t estream, const char *mode, int keep_open);
/* Create a filter using an existing socket. On Windows creates a
special socket filter. On non-Windows systems simply, this simply
calls iobuf_fdopen. */
iobuf_t iobuf_sockopen (int fd, const char *mode);
/* Set various options / perform different actions on a PIPELINE. See
the IOBUF_IOCTL_* macros above. */
int iobuf_ioctl (iobuf_t a, iobuf_ioctl_t cmd, int intval, void *ptrval);
/* Close a pipeline. The filters in the pipeline are first flushed
using iobuf_flush, if they are output filters, and then
IOBUFCTRL_FREE is called on each filter.
If any filter returns a non-zero value in response to the
IOBUFCTRL_FREE, that first such non-zero value is returned. Note:
processing is not aborted in this case. If all filters are freed
successfully, 0 is returned. */
int iobuf_close (iobuf_t iobuf);
/* Calls IOBUFCTRL_CANCEL on each filter in the pipeline. Then calls
io_close() on the pipeline. Finally, if the pipeline is an output
pipeline, deletes the file. Returns the result of calling
iobuf_close on the pipeline. */
int iobuf_cancel (iobuf_t iobuf);
/* Add a new filter to the front of a pipeline. A is the head of the
pipeline. F is the filter implementation. OV is an opaque pointer
that is passed to F and is normally used to hold any internal
state, such as a file pointer.
Note: you may only maintain a reference to an iobuf_t as a
reference to the head of the pipeline. That is, don't think about
setting a pointer in OV to point to the filter's iobuf_t. This is
because when we add a new filter to a pipeline, we memcpy the state
in A into new buffer. This has the advantage that there is no need
to update any references to the pipeline when a filter is added or
removed, but it also means that a filter's state moves around in
The behavior of the filter function is determined by the value of
the control parameter:
IOBUFCTRL_INIT: Called this value just before the filter is
linked into the pipeline. This can be used to initialize
internal data structures.
IOBUFCTRL_FREE: Called with this value just before the filter is
removed from the pipeline. Normally used to release internal
data structures, close a file handle, etc.
IOBUFCTRL_UNDERFLOW: Called with this value to fill the passed
buffer with more data. *LEN is the size of the buffer. Before
returning, it should be set to the number of bytes which were
written into the buffer. The function must return 0 to
indicate success, -1 on EOF and a GPG_ERR_xxxxx code for any
Note: this function may both return data and indicate an error
or EOF. In this case, it simply writes the data to BUF, sets
*LEN and returns the appropriate return code. The implication
is that if an error occurs and no data has yet been written, it
is essential that *LEN be set to 0!
IOBUFCTRL_FLUSH: Called with this value to write out any
collected data. *LEN is the number of bytes in BUF that need
to be written out. Returns 0 on success and a GPG_ERR_* code
otherwise. *LEN must be set to the number of bytes that were
written out.
IOBUFCTRL_CANCEL: Called with this value when iobuf_cancel() is
called on the pipeline.
IOBUFCTRL_DESC: Called with this value to get a human-readable
description of the filter. *LEN is the size of the buffer.
The description is filled into BUF, NUL-terminated. Always
returns 0.
int iobuf_push_filter (iobuf_t a, int (*f) (void *opaque, int control,
iobuf_t chain, byte * buf,
size_t * len), void *ov);
/* This variant of iobuf_push_filter allows the called to indicate
that OV should be freed when this filter is freed. That is, if
REL_OV is TRUE, then when the filter is popped or freed OV will be
freed after the filter function is called with control set to
int iobuf_push_filter2 (iobuf_t a,
int (*f) (void *opaque, int control, iobuf_t chain,
byte * buf, size_t * len), void *ov,
int rel_ov);
/* Pop the top filter. The top filter must have the filter function F
and the cookie OV. The cookie check is ignored if OV is NULL. */
int iobuf_pop_filter (iobuf_t a,
int (*f) (void *opaque, int control,
iobuf_t chain, byte * buf, size_t * len),
void *ov);
/* Used for debugging. Prints out the chain using log_debug if
IOBUF_DEBUG_MODE is not 0. */
int iobuf_print_chain (iobuf_t a);
/* Indicate that some error occurred on the specified filter. */
#define iobuf_set_error(a) do { (a)->error = 1; } while(0)
/* Return any pending error on filter A. */
#define iobuf_error(a) ((a)->error)
/* Limit the amount of additional data that may be read from the
filter. That is, if you've already read 100 bytes from A and you
set the limit to 50, then you can read up to an additional 50 bytes
(i.e., a total of 150 bytes) before EOF is forcefully returned.
Setting NLIMIT to 0 removes any active limit.
Note: using iobuf_seek removes any currently enforced limit! */
void iobuf_set_limit (iobuf_t a, off_t nlimit);
/* Returns the number of bytes that have been read from the pipeline.
Note: the result is undefined for IOBUF_OUTPUT and IOBUF_OUTPUT_TEMP
pipelines! */
off_t iobuf_tell (iobuf_t a);
/* There are two cases:
- If A is an INPUT or OUTPUT pipeline, then the last filter in the
pipeline is found. If that is not a file filter, -1 is returned.
Otherwise, an fseek(..., SEEK_SET) is performed on the file
- If A is a TEMP pipeline and the *first* (and thus only filter) is
a TEMP filter, then the "file position" is effectively unchanged.
That is, data is appended to the buffer and the seek does not
cause the size of the buffer to grow.
If no error occurred, then any limit previous set by
iobuf_set_limit() is cleared. Further, any error on the filter
(the file filter or the temp filter) is cleared.
Returns 0 on success and -1 if an error occurs. */
int iobuf_seek (iobuf_t a, off_t newpos);
/* Read a single byte. If a filter has no more data, returns -1 to
indicate the EOF. Generally, you don't want to use this function,
but instead prefer the iobuf_get macro, which is faster if there is
data in the internal buffer. */
int iobuf_readbyte (iobuf_t a);
/* Get a byte from the iobuf; must check for eof prior to this
function. This function returns values in the range 0 .. 255 or -1
to indicate EOF. iobuf_get_noeof() does not return -1 to indicate
EOF, but masks the returned value to be in the range 0 .. 255. */
#define iobuf_get(a) \
( ((a)->nofast || (a)->d.start >= (a)->d.len )? \
iobuf_readbyte((a)) : ( (a)->nbytes++, (a)->d.buf[(a)->d.start++] ) )
#define iobuf_get_noeof(a) (iobuf_get((a))&0xff)
/* Fill BUF with up to BUFLEN bytes. If a filter has no more data,
returns -1 to indicate the EOF. Otherwise returns the number of
bytes read. */
int iobuf_read (iobuf_t a, void *buf, unsigned buflen);
/* Read a line of input (including the '\n') from the pipeline.
The semantics are the same as for fgets(), but if the buffer is too
short a larger one will be allocated up to *MAX_LENGTH and the end
of the line except the trailing '\n' discarded. (Thus,
*ADDR_OF_BUFFER must be allocated using malloc().) If the buffer
is enlarged, then *LENGTH_OF_BUFFER will be updated to reflect the
new size. If the line is truncated, then *MAX_LENGTH will be set
to 0. If *ADDR_OF_BUFFER is NULL, a buffer is allocated using
A line is considered a byte stream ending in a '\n'. Returns the
number of characters written to the buffer (i.e., excluding any
discarded characters due to truncation). Thus, use this instead of
strlen(buffer) to determine the length of the string as this is
unreliable if the input contains NUL characters.
EOF is indicated by a line of length zero.
The last LF may be missing due to an EOF. */
unsigned iobuf_read_line (iobuf_t a, byte ** addr_of_buffer,
unsigned *length_of_buffer, unsigned *max_length);
/* Read up to BUFLEN bytes from pipeline A. Note: this function can't
return more than the pipeline's internal buffer size. The return
value is the number of bytes actually written to BUF. If the
filter returns EOF, then this function returns -1.
This function does not clear any pending EOF. That is, if the
pipeline consists of two filters and the first one returns EOF
during the peek, then the subsequent iobuf_read* will still return
EOF before returning the data from the second filter. */
int iobuf_peek (iobuf_t a, byte * buf, unsigned buflen);
/* Write a byte to the pipeline. Returns 0 on success and an error
code otherwise. */
int iobuf_writebyte (iobuf_t a, unsigned c);
/* Alias for iobuf_writebyte. */
#define iobuf_put(a,c) iobuf_writebyte(a,c)
/* Write a sequence of bytes to the pipeline. Returns 0 on success
and an error code otherwise. */
int iobuf_write (iobuf_t a, const void *buf, unsigned buflen);
/* Write a string (not including the NUL terminator) to the pipeline.
Returns 0 on success and an error code otherwise. */
int iobuf_writestr (iobuf_t a, const char *buf);
/* Flushes the pipeline removing all filters but the sink (the last
filter) in the process. */
void iobuf_flush_temp (iobuf_t temp);
/* Flushes the pipeline SOURCE removing all filters but the sink (the
last filter) in the process (i.e., it calls
iobuf_flush_temp(source)) and then writes the data to the pipeline
DEST. Note: this doesn't free (iobuf_close()) SOURCE. Both SOURCE
and DEST must be output pipelines. */
int iobuf_write_temp (iobuf_t dest, iobuf_t source);
/* Flushes each filter in the pipeline (i.e., sends any buffered data
to the filter by calling IOBUFCTRL_FLUSH). Then, copies up to the
first BUFLEN bytes from the last filter's internal buffer (which
will only be non-empty if it is a temp filter) to the buffer
BUFFER. Returns the number of bytes actually copied. */
size_t iobuf_temp_to_buffer (iobuf_t a, byte * buffer, size_t buflen);
/* Copies the data from the input iobuf SOURCE to the output iobuf
DEST until either an error is encountered or EOF is reached.
Returns the number of bytes successfully written. If an error
occurred, then any buffered bytes are not returned to SOURCE and are
effectively lost. To check if an error occurred, use
iobuf_error. */
size_t iobuf_copy (iobuf_t dest, iobuf_t source);
/* Return the size of any underlying file. This only works with
file_filter based pipelines.
On Win32, it is sometimes not possible to determine the size of
files larger than 4GB. In this case, *OVERFLOW (if not NULL) is
set to 1. Otherwise, *OVERFLOW is set to 0. */
off_t iobuf_get_filelength (iobuf_t a, int *overflow);
#define IOBUF_FILELENGTH_LIMIT 0xffffffff
/* Return the file descriptor designating the underlying file. This
only works with file_filter based pipelines. */
int iobuf_get_fd (iobuf_t a);
/* Return the real filename, if available. This only supports
pipelines that end in file filters. Returns NULL if not
available. */
const char *iobuf_get_real_fname (iobuf_t a);
/* Return the filename or a description thereof. For instance, for
iobuf_open("-"), this will return "[stdin]". This only supports
pipelines that end in file filters. Returns NULL if not
available. */
const char *iobuf_get_fname (iobuf_t a);
/* Like iobuf_getfname, but instead of returning NULL if no
description is available, return "[?]". */
const char *iobuf_get_fname_nonnull (iobuf_t a);
/* Pushes a filter on the pipeline that interprets the datastream as
an OpenPGP data block whose length is encoded using partial body
length headers (see Section of RFC 4880). Concretely, it
just returns / writes the data and finishes the packet with an
EOF. */
void iobuf_set_partial_body_length_mode (iobuf_t a, size_t len);
/* If PARTIAL is set, then read from the pipeline until the first EOF
is returned.
If PARTIAL is 0, then read up to N bytes or until the first EOF is
Recall: a filter can return EOF. In this case, it and all
preceding filters are popped from the pipeline and the next read is
from the following filter (which may or may not return EOF). */
void iobuf_skip_rest (iobuf_t a, unsigned long n, int partial);
#define iobuf_where(a) "[don't know]"
/* Each time a filter is allocated (via iobuf_alloc()), a
monotonically increasing counter is incremented and this field is
set to the new value. This macro returns that number. */
#define iobuf_id(a) ((a)->no)
#define iobuf_get_temp_buffer(a) ( (a)->d.buf )
#define iobuf_get_temp_length(a) ( (a)->d.len )
/* Whether the filter uses an in-memory buffer. */
#define iobuf_is_temp(a) ( (a)->use == IOBUF_OUTPUT_TEMP )
diff --git a/common/keyserver.h b/common/keyserver.h
index 200378d9b..850798ed0 100644
--- a/common/keyserver.h
+++ b/common/keyserver.h
@@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
/* keyserver.h - Public definitions for gpg keyserver helpers.
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* These are usable for return codes for the gpgkeys_ process, and
also KEY FAILED codes. */
#define KEYSERVER_OK 0 /* not an error */
#define KEYSERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR 1 /* gpgkeys_ internal error */
#define KEYSERVER_NOT_SUPPORTED 2 /* operation not supported */
#define KEYSERVER_VERSION_ERROR 3 /* VERSION mismatch */
#define KEYSERVER_GENERAL_ERROR 4 /* keyserver internal error */
#define KEYSERVER_NO_MEMORY 5 /* out of memory */
#define KEYSERVER_KEY_NOT_FOUND 6 /* key not found */
#define KEYSERVER_KEY_EXISTS 7 /* key already exists */
#define KEYSERVER_KEY_INCOMPLETE 8 /* key incomplete (EOF) */
#define KEYSERVER_UNREACHABLE 9 /* unable to contact keyserver */
/* Must be 127 due to shell internal magic. */
/* Object to hold information pertaining to a keyserver; it also
allows building a list of keyservers. Note that g10/options.h has
a typedef for this. FIXME: We should make use of the
parse_uri_t. */
struct keyserver_spec
struct keyserver_spec *next;
char *uri;
char *scheme;
char *auth;
char *host;
char *port;
char *path;
char *opaque;
strlist_t options;
unsigned int direct_uri:1;
} flags;
diff --git a/common/localename.c b/common/localename.c
index 876fdb023..2650ea7ec 100644
--- a/common/localename.c
+++ b/common/localename.c
@@ -1,126 +1,126 @@
/* localename.c - Determine the current selected locale.
* Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2003, 2007,
* 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
- * License along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * License along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* Written by Ulrich Drepper <>, 1995. */
/* Win32 code written by Tor Lillqvist <>. */
/* Modified for GpgOL use by Werner Koch <>, 2005. */
/* Modified for GnuPG use by Werner Koch <>, 2007 */
# include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <gpg-error.h> /* We need gettext_localename for W32. */
#include "../common/w32help.h"
/* XPG3 defines the result of 'setlocale (category, NULL)' as:
"Directs 'setlocale()' to query 'category' and return the current
setting of 'local'."
However it does not specify the exact format. Neither do SUSV2 and
ISO C 99. So we can use this feature only on selected systems (e.g.
those using GNU C Library). */
#if defined _LIBC || (defined __GNU_LIBRARY__ && __GNU_LIBRARY__ >= 2)
/* Use a dummy value for LC_MESSAGES in case it is not defined. This
works because we always test for HAVE_LC_MESSAGES and the core
function takes the category as a string as well. */
#define LC_MESSAGES 0
/* Determine the current locale's name, and canonicalize it into XPG syntax
The codeset part in the result is not reliable; the locale_charset()
should be used for codeset information instead.
The result must not be freed; it is statically allocated. */
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static const char *
do_nl_locale_name (int category, const char *categoryname)
const char *retval;
/* Use the POSIX methods of looking to 'LC_ALL', 'LC_xxx', and 'LANG'.
On some systems this can be done by the 'setlocale' function itself. */
# if defined HAVE_SETLOCALE && defined HAVE_LC_MESSAGES && defined HAVE_LOCALE_NULL
retval = setlocale (category, NULL);
# else
/* Setting of LC_ALL overwrites all other. */
retval = getenv ("LC_ALL");
if (retval == NULL || retval[0] == '\0')
/* Next comes the name of the desired category. */
retval = getenv (categoryname);
if (retval == NULL || retval[0] == '\0')
/* Last possibility is the LANG environment variable. */
retval = getenv ("LANG");
if (retval == NULL || retval[0] == '\0')
/* We use C as the default domain. POSIX says this is
implementation defined. */
retval = "C";
# endif
return retval;
#endif /* HAVE_W32_SYSTEM */
/* Return the locale used for translatable messages. The standard C
and POSIX are locale names are mapped to an empty string. If a
locale can't be found an empty string will be returned. */
const char *
gnupg_messages_locale_name (void)
const char *s;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* We use the localename function libgpg-error. */
s = gettext_localename ();
s = do_nl_locale_name (LC_MESSAGES, "LC_MESSAGES");
if (!s)
s = "";
else if (!strcmp (s, "C") || !strcmp (s, "POSIX"))
s = "";
return s;
diff --git a/common/logging.c b/common/logging.c
index 019d3128c..ca1341c20 100644
--- a/common/logging.c
+++ b/common/logging.c
@@ -1,1013 +1,1013 @@
/* logging.c - Useful logging functions
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
* 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# include <winsock2.h>
# endif
# include <windows.h>
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
# include <sys/socket.h>
# include <sys/un.h>
# include <netinet/in.h>
# include <arpa/inet.h>
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <assert.h>
/* #include <execinfo.h> */
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "common-defs.h"
#include "logging.h"
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# define S_IRGRP S_IRUSR
# define S_IROTH S_IRUSR
# define S_IWGRP S_IWUSR
# define S_IWOTH S_IWUSR
# define isatty(a) (0)
#undef WITH_IPV6
#if defined (AF_INET6) && defined(PF_INET) \
&& defined (INET6_ADDRSTRLEN) && defined(HAVE_INET_PTON)
# define WITH_IPV6 1
#ifndef INADDR_NONE /* Slowaris is missing that. */
#define INADDR_NONE ((unsigned long)(-1))
#endif /*INADDR_NONE*/
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
#define sock_close(a) closesocket(a)
#define sock_close(a) close(a)
static estream_t logstream;
static int log_socket = -1;
static char prefix_buffer[80];
static int with_time;
static int with_prefix;
static int with_pid;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static int no_registry;
static int (*get_pid_suffix_cb)(unsigned long *r_value);
static const char * (*socket_dir_cb)(void);
static int running_detached;
static int force_prefixes;
static int missing_lf;
static int errorcount;
log_get_errorcount (int clear)
int n = errorcount;
if( clear )
errorcount = 0;
return n;
log_inc_errorcount (void)
/* The following 3 functions are used by es_fopencookie to write logs
to a socket. */
struct fun_cookie_s
int fd;
int quiet;
int want_socket;
int is_socket;
int use_writefile;
char name[1];
/* Write NBYTES of BUFFER to file descriptor FD. */
static int
writen (int fd, const void *buffer, size_t nbytes, int is_socket)
const char *buf = buffer;
size_t nleft = nbytes;
int nwritten;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
(void)is_socket; /* Not required. */
while (nleft > 0)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (is_socket)
nwritten = send (fd, buf, nleft, 0);
nwritten = write (fd, buf, nleft);
if (nwritten < 0 && errno == EINTR)
if (nwritten < 0)
return -1;
nleft -= nwritten;
buf = buf + nwritten;
return 0;
/* Returns true if STR represents a valid port number in decimal
notation and no garbage is following. */
static int
parse_portno (const char *str, unsigned short *r_port)
unsigned int value;
for (value=0; *str && (*str >= '0' && *str <= '9'); str++)
value = value * 10 + (*str - '0');
if (value > 65535)
return 0;
if (*str || !value)
return 0;
*r_port = value;
return 1;
static gpgrt_ssize_t
fun_writer (void *cookie_arg, const void *buffer, size_t size)
struct fun_cookie_s *cookie = cookie_arg;
/* FIXME: Use only estream with a callback for socket writing. This
avoids the ugly mix of fd and estream code. */
/* Note that we always try to reconnect to the socket but print
error messages only the first time an error occurred. If
RUNNING_DETACHED is set we don't fall back to stderr and even do
not print any error messages. This is needed because detached
processes often close stderr and by writing to file descriptor 2
we might send the log message to a file not intended for logging
(e.g. a pipe or network connection). */
if (cookie->want_socket && cookie->fd == -1)
#ifdef WITH_IPV6
struct sockaddr_in6 srvr_addr_in6;
struct sockaddr_in srvr_addr_in;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
struct sockaddr_un srvr_addr_un;
const char *name_for_err = "";
size_t addrlen;
struct sockaddr *srvr_addr = NULL;
unsigned short port = 0;
int af = AF_LOCAL;
int pf = PF_LOCAL;
const char *name = cookie->name;
/* Not yet open or meanwhile closed due to an error. */
cookie->is_socket = 0;
/* Check whether this is a TCP socket or a local socket. */
if (!strncmp (name, "tcp://", 6) && name[6])
name += 6;
af = AF_INET;
pf = PF_INET;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
else if (!strncmp (name, "socket://", 9))
name += 9;
if (af == AF_LOCAL)
addrlen = 0;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
memset (&srvr_addr, 0, sizeof srvr_addr);
srvr_addr_un.sun_family = af;
if (!*name && (name = socket_dir_cb ()) && *name)
if (strlen (name) + 7 < sizeof (srvr_addr_un.sun_path)-1)
strncpy (srvr_addr_un.sun_path,
name, sizeof (srvr_addr_un.sun_path)-1);
strcat (srvr_addr_un.sun_path, "/S.log");
srvr_addr_un.sun_path[sizeof (srvr_addr_un.sun_path)-1] = 0;
srvr_addr = (struct sockaddr *)&srvr_addr_un;
addrlen = SUN_LEN (&srvr_addr_un);
name_for_err = srvr_addr_un.sun_path;
if (*name && strlen (name) < sizeof (srvr_addr_un.sun_path)-1)
strncpy (srvr_addr_un.sun_path,
name, sizeof (srvr_addr_un.sun_path)-1);
srvr_addr_un.sun_path[sizeof (srvr_addr_un.sun_path)-1] = 0;
srvr_addr = (struct sockaddr *)&srvr_addr_un;
addrlen = SUN_LEN (&srvr_addr_un);
#endif /*!HAVE_W32SYSTEM*/
char *addrstr, *p;
void *addrbuf = NULL;
#endif /*HAVE_INET_PTON*/
addrstr = xtrymalloc (strlen (name) + 1);
if (!addrstr)
addrlen = 0; /* This indicates an error. */
else if (*name == '[')
/* Check for IPv6 literal address. */
strcpy (addrstr, name+1);
p = strchr (addrstr, ']');
if (!p || p[1] != ':' || !parse_portno (p+2, &port))
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
addrlen = 0;
*p = 0;
#ifdef WITH_IPV6
af = AF_INET6;
pf = PF_INET6;
memset (&srvr_addr_in6, 0, sizeof srvr_addr_in6);
srvr_addr_in6.sin6_family = af;
srvr_addr_in6.sin6_port = htons (port);
addrbuf = &srvr_addr_in6.sin6_addr;
#endif /*HAVE_INET_PTON*/
srvr_addr = (struct sockaddr *)&srvr_addr_in6;
addrlen = sizeof srvr_addr_in6;
gpg_err_set_errno (EAFNOSUPPORT);
addrlen = 0;
/* Check for IPv4 literal address. */
strcpy (addrstr, name);
p = strchr (addrstr, ':');
if (!p || !parse_portno (p+1, &port))
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
addrlen = 0;
*p = 0;
memset (&srvr_addr_in, 0, sizeof srvr_addr_in);
srvr_addr_in.sin_family = af;
srvr_addr_in.sin_port = htons (port);
addrbuf = &srvr_addr_in.sin_addr;
#endif /*HAVE_INET_PTON*/
srvr_addr = (struct sockaddr *)&srvr_addr_in;
addrlen = sizeof srvr_addr_in;
if (addrlen)
if (inet_pton (af, addrstr, addrbuf) != 1)
addrlen = 0;
#else /*!HAVE_INET_PTON*/
/* We need to use the old function. If we are here v6
support isn't enabled anyway and thus we can do fine
without. Note that Windows has a compatible inet_pton
function named inetPton, but only since Vista. */
srvr_addr_in.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (addrstr);
if (srvr_addr_in.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE)
addrlen = 0;
#endif /*!HAVE_INET_PTON*/
xfree (addrstr);
cookie->fd = addrlen? socket (pf, SOCK_STREAM, 0) : -1;
if (cookie->fd == -1)
if (!cookie->quiet && !running_detached
&& isatty (es_fileno (es_stderr)))
es_fprintf (es_stderr, "failed to create socket for logging: %s\n",
if (connect (cookie->fd, srvr_addr, addrlen) == -1)
if (!cookie->quiet && !running_detached
&& isatty (es_fileno (es_stderr)))
es_fprintf (es_stderr, "can't connect to '%s%s': %s\n",
cookie->name, name_for_err, strerror(errno));
sock_close (cookie->fd);
cookie->fd = -1;
if (cookie->fd == -1)
if (!running_detached)
/* Due to all the problems with apps not running
detached but being called with stderr closed or used
for a different purposes, it does not make sense to
switch to stderr. We therefore disable it. */
if (!cookie->quiet)
/* fputs ("switching logging to stderr\n", stderr);*/
cookie->quiet = 1;
cookie->fd = -1; /*fileno (stderr);*/
else /* Connection has been established. */
cookie->quiet = 0;
cookie->is_socket = 1;
log_socket = cookie->fd;
if (cookie->fd != -1)
if (cookie->use_writefile)
DWORD nwritten;
WriteFile ((HANDLE)cookie->fd, buffer, size, &nwritten, NULL);
return (gpgrt_ssize_t)size; /* Okay. */
if (!writen (cookie->fd, buffer, size, cookie->is_socket))
return (gpgrt_ssize_t)size; /* Okay. */
if (!running_detached && cookie->fd != -1
&& isatty (es_fileno (es_stderr)))
if (*cookie->name)
es_fprintf (es_stderr, "error writing to '%s': %s\n",
cookie->name, strerror(errno));
es_fprintf (es_stderr, "error writing to file descriptor %d: %s\n",
cookie->fd, strerror(errno));
if (cookie->is_socket && cookie->fd != -1)
sock_close (cookie->fd);
cookie->fd = -1;
log_socket = -1;
return (gpgrt_ssize_t)size;
static int
fun_closer (void *cookie_arg)
struct fun_cookie_s *cookie = cookie_arg;
if (cookie->fd != -1 && cookie->fd != 2)
sock_close (cookie->fd);
xfree (cookie);
log_socket = -1;
return 0;
/* Common function to either set the logging to a file or a file
descriptor. */
static void
set_file_fd (const char *name, int fd)
estream_t fp;
int want_socket;
int use_writefile = 0;
struct fun_cookie_s *cookie;
/* Close an open log stream. */
if (logstream)
es_fclose (logstream);
logstream = NULL;
/* Figure out what kind of logging we want. */
if (name && !strcmp (name, "-"))
name = NULL;
fd = es_fileno (es_stderr);
want_socket = 0;
if (name && !strncmp (name, "tcp://", 6) && name[6])
want_socket = 1;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
else if (name && !strncmp (name, "socket://", 9))
want_socket = 2;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
else if (name && !strcmp (name, "GPG2:"))
ActivateDevice (L"Drivers\\"GNUPG_NAME"_Log", 0);
/* Ignore a filename and write the debug output to the GPG2:
device. */
hd = CreateFile (L"GPG2:", GENERIC_WRITE,
fd = (hd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)? -1 : (int)hd;
name = NULL;
force_prefixes = 1;
use_writefile = 1;
#endif /*HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM*/
/* Setup a new stream. */
/* The xmalloc below is justified because we can expect that this
function is called only during initialization and there is no
easy way out of this error condition. */
cookie = xmalloc (sizeof *cookie + (name? strlen (name):0));
strcpy (cookie->name, name? name:"");
cookie->quiet = 0;
cookie->is_socket = 0;
cookie->want_socket = want_socket;
cookie->use_writefile = use_writefile;
if (!name)
cookie->fd = fd;
else if (want_socket)
cookie->fd = -1;
cookie->fd = open (name, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT,
while (cookie->fd == -1 && errno == EINTR);
log_socket = cookie->fd;
es_cookie_io_functions_t io = { NULL };
io.func_write = fun_writer;
io.func_close = fun_closer;
fp = es_fopencookie (cookie, "w", io);
/* On error default to a stderr based estream. */
if (!fp)
fp = es_stderr;
es_setvbuf (fp, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);
logstream = fp;
/* We always need to print the prefix and the pid for socket mode,
so that the server reading the socket can do something
meaningful. */
force_prefixes = want_socket;
missing_lf = 0;
/* Set the file to write log to. The special names NULL and "-" may
be used to select stderr and names formatted like
"socket:///home/foo/mylogs" may be used to write the logging to the
socket "/home/foo/mylogs". If the connection to the socket fails
or a write error is detected, the function writes to stderr and
tries the next time again to connect the socket.
log_set_file (const char *name)
set_file_fd (name? name: "-", -1);
log_set_fd (int fd)
set_file_fd (NULL, fd);
/* Set a function to retrieve the directory name of a socket if
* only "socket://" has been given to log_set_file. */
log_set_socket_dir_cb (const char *(*fnc)(void))
socket_dir_cb = fnc;
log_set_pid_suffix_cb (int (*cb)(unsigned long *r_value))
get_pid_suffix_cb = cb;
log_set_prefix (const char *text, unsigned int flags)
if (text)
strncpy (prefix_buffer, text, sizeof (prefix_buffer)-1);
prefix_buffer[sizeof (prefix_buffer)-1] = 0;
with_prefix = (flags & GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX);
with_time = (flags & GPGRT_LOG_WITH_TIME);
with_pid = (flags & GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PID);
running_detached = (flags & GPGRT_LOG_RUN_DETACHED);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
no_registry = (flags & GPGRT_LOG_NO_REGISTRY);
const char *
log_get_prefix (unsigned int *flags)
if (flags)
*flags = 0;
if (with_prefix)
if (with_time)
if (with_pid)
if (running_detached)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (no_registry)
return prefix_buffer;
/* This function returns true if the file descriptor FD is in use for
logging. This is preferable over a test using log_get_fd in that
it allows the logging code to use more then one file descriptor. */
log_test_fd (int fd)
if (logstream)
int tmp = es_fileno (logstream);
if ( tmp != -1 && tmp == fd)
return 1;
if (log_socket != -1 && log_socket == fd)
return 1;
return 0;
log_get_fd ()
return logstream? es_fileno(logstream) : -1;
log_get_stream ()
if (!logstream)
log_set_file (NULL); /* Make sure a log stream has been set. */
assert (logstream);
return logstream;
static void
do_logv (int level, int ignore_arg_ptr, const char *fmt, va_list arg_ptr)
if (!logstream)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
char *tmp;
tmp = (no_registry
: read_w32_registry_string (NULL, GNUPG_REGISTRY_DIR,
log_set_file (tmp && *tmp? tmp : NULL);
xfree (tmp);
log_set_file (NULL); /* Make sure a log stream has been set. */
assert (logstream);
es_flockfile (logstream);
if (missing_lf && level != GPGRT_LOG_CONT)
es_putc_unlocked ('\n', logstream );
missing_lf = 0;
if (level != GPGRT_LOG_CONT)
{ /* Note this does not work for multiple line logging as we would
* need to print to a buffer first */
if (with_time && !force_prefixes)
struct tm *tp;
time_t atime = time (NULL);
tp = localtime (&atime);
es_fprintf_unlocked (logstream, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d ",
1900+tp->tm_year, tp->tm_mon+1, tp->tm_mday,
tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec );
if (with_prefix || force_prefixes)
es_fputs_unlocked (prefix_buffer, logstream);
if (with_pid || force_prefixes)
unsigned long pidsuf;
int pidfmt;
if (get_pid_suffix_cb && (pidfmt=get_pid_suffix_cb (&pidsuf)))
es_fprintf_unlocked (logstream, pidfmt == 1? "[%u.%lu]":"[%u.%lx]",
(unsigned int)getpid (), pidsuf);
es_fprintf_unlocked (logstream, "[%u]", (unsigned int)getpid ());
if ((!with_time && (with_prefix || with_pid)) || force_prefixes)
es_putc_unlocked (':', logstream);
/* A leading backspace suppresses the extra space so that we can
correctly output, programname, filename and linenumber. */
if (fmt && *fmt == '\b')
if (with_time || with_prefix || with_pid || force_prefixes)
es_putc_unlocked (' ', logstream);
switch (level)
case GPGRT_LOG_BEGIN: break;
case GPGRT_LOG_CONT: break;
case GPGRT_LOG_INFO: break;
case GPGRT_LOG_WARN: break;
case GPGRT_LOG_ERROR: break;
case GPGRT_LOG_FATAL: es_fputs_unlocked ("Fatal: ",logstream ); break;
case GPGRT_LOG_BUG: es_fputs_unlocked ("Ohhhh jeeee: ", logstream); break;
case GPGRT_LOG_DEBUG: es_fputs_unlocked ("DBG: ", logstream ); break;
es_fprintf_unlocked (logstream,"[Unknown log level %d]: ", level);
if (fmt)
if (ignore_arg_ptr)
{ /* This is used by log_string and comes with the extra
* feature that after a LF the next line is indent at the
* length of the prefix. Note that we do not yet include
* the length of the timestamp and pid in the indent
* computation. */
const char *p, *pend;
for (p = fmt; (pend = strchr (p, '\n')); p = pend+1)
es_fprintf_unlocked (logstream, "%*s%.*s",
(int)((p != fmt
&& (with_prefix || force_prefixes))
?strlen (prefix_buffer)+2:0), "",
(int)(pend - p)+1, p);
es_fputs_unlocked (p, logstream);
es_vfprintf_unlocked (logstream, fmt, arg_ptr);
if (*fmt && fmt[strlen(fmt)-1] != '\n')
missing_lf = 1;
if (level == GPGRT_LOG_FATAL)
if (missing_lf)
es_putc_unlocked ('\n', logstream);
es_funlockfile (logstream);
exit (2);
else if (level == GPGRT_LOG_BUG)
if (missing_lf)
es_putc_unlocked ('\n', logstream );
es_funlockfile (logstream);
/* Using backtrace requires a configure test and to pass
* -rdynamic to gcc. Thus we do not enable it now. */
/* { */
/* void *btbuf[20]; */
/* int btidx, btlen; */
/* char **btstr; */
/* btlen = backtrace (btbuf, DIM (btbuf)); */
/* btstr = backtrace_symbols (btbuf, btlen); */
/* if (btstr) */
/* for (btidx=0; btidx < btlen; btidx++) */
/* log_debug ("[%d] %s\n", btidx, btstr[btidx]); */
/* } */
abort ();
es_funlockfile (logstream);
log_log (int level, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list arg_ptr ;
va_start (arg_ptr, fmt) ;
do_logv (level, 0, fmt, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
log_logv (int level, const char *fmt, va_list arg_ptr)
do_logv (level, 0, fmt, arg_ptr);
static void
do_log_ignore_arg (int level, const char *str, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start (arg_ptr, str);
do_logv (level, 1, str, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
/* Log STRING at LEVEL but indent from the second line on by the
* length of the prefix. */
log_string (int level, const char *string)
/* We need a dummy arg_ptr, but there is no portable way to create
* one. So we call the do_logv function through a variadic wrapper. */
do_log_ignore_arg (level, string);
log_info (const char *fmt, ...)
va_list arg_ptr ;
va_start (arg_ptr, fmt);
do_logv (GPGRT_LOG_INFO, 0, fmt, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
log_error (const char *fmt, ...)
va_list arg_ptr ;
va_start (arg_ptr, fmt);
do_logv (GPGRT_LOG_ERROR, 0, fmt, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
/* Protect against counter overflow. */
if (errorcount < 30000)
log_fatal (const char *fmt, ...)
va_list arg_ptr ;
va_start (arg_ptr, fmt);
do_logv (GPGRT_LOG_FATAL, 0, fmt, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
abort (); /* Never called; just to make the compiler happy. */
log_bug (const char *fmt, ...)
va_list arg_ptr ;
va_start (arg_ptr, fmt);
do_logv (GPGRT_LOG_BUG, 0, fmt, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
abort (); /* Never called; just to make the compiler happy. */
log_debug (const char *fmt, ...)
va_list arg_ptr ;
va_start (arg_ptr, fmt);
do_logv (GPGRT_LOG_DEBUG, 0, fmt, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
log_printf (const char *fmt, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start (arg_ptr, fmt);
do_logv (fmt ? GPGRT_LOG_CONT : GPGRT_LOG_BEGIN, 0, fmt, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
/* Flush the log - this is useful to make sure that the trailing
linefeed has been printed. */
log_flush (void)
do_log_ignore_arg (GPGRT_LOG_CONT, NULL);
/* Print a hexdump of BUFFER. With TEXT of NULL print just the raw
dump, with TEXT just an empty string, print a trailing linefeed,
otherwise print an entire debug line. */
log_printhex (const char *text, const void *buffer, size_t length)
if (text && *text)
log_debug ("%s ", text);
if (length)
const unsigned char *p = buffer;
log_printf ("%02X", *p);
for (length--, p++; length--; p++)
log_printf (" %02X", *p);
if (text)
log_printf ("\n");
log_printcanon () {}
is found in sexputils.c
log_printsexp () {}
is found in sexputils.c
log_clock (const char *string)
#if 0
static unsigned long long initial;
struct timespec tv;
unsigned long long now;
if (clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &tv))
log_debug ("error getting the realtime clock value\n");
now = tv.tv_sec * 1000000000ull;
now += tv.tv_nsec;
if (!initial)
initial = now;
log_debug ("[%6llu] %s", (now - initial)/1000, string);
/* You need to link with -ltr to enable the above code. */
log_debug ("[not enabled in the source] %s", string);
bug_at( const char *file, int line, const char *func )
log_log (GPGRT_LOG_BUG, "... this is a bug (%s:%d:%s)\n", file, line, func);
abort (); /* Never called; just to make the compiler happy. */
bug_at( const char *file, int line )
log_log (GPGRT_LOG_BUG, "you found a bug ... (%s:%d)\n", file, line);
abort (); /* Never called; just to make the compiler happy. */
_log_assert (const char *expr, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
log_log (GPGRT_LOG_BUG, "Assertion \"%s\" in %s failed (%s:%d)\n",
expr, func, file, line);
abort (); /* Never called; just to make the compiler happy. */
_log_assert (const char *expr, const char *file, int line)
log_log (GPGRT_LOG_BUG, "Assertion \"%s\" failed (%s:%d)\n",
file, line, func);
abort (); /* Never called; just to make the compiler happy. */
diff --git a/common/logging.h b/common/logging.h
index 165a573ba..64b999d66 100644
--- a/common/logging.h
+++ b/common/logging.h
@@ -1,111 +1,111 @@
/* logging.h
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2006,
* 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include "mischelp.h"
#include "w32help.h"
int log_get_errorcount (int clear);
void log_inc_errorcount (void);
void log_set_file( const char *name );
void log_set_fd (int fd);
void log_set_socket_dir_cb (const char *(*fnc)(void));
void log_set_pid_suffix_cb (int (*cb)(unsigned long *r_value));
void log_set_prefix (const char *text, unsigned int flags);
const char *log_get_prefix (unsigned int *flags);
int log_test_fd (int fd);
int log_get_fd(void);
estream_t log_get_stream (void);
void bug_at (const char *file, int line, const char *func)
void _log_assert (const char *expr, const char *file, int line,
const char *func) GPGRT_ATTR_NORETURN;
# define BUG() bug_at( __FILE__ , __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
# define log_assert(expr) do { \
if (!(expr)) \
_log_assert (#expr, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \
} while (0)
void bug_at (const char *file, int line);
void _log_assert (const char *expr, const char *file, int line;
# define BUG() bug_at( __FILE__ , __LINE__ )
# define log_assert(expr) do { \
if (!(expr)) \
_log_assert (#expr, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
} while (0)
/* Flag values for log_set_prefix. */
/* Log levels as used by log_log. */
enum jnlib_log_levels {
void log_log (int level, const char *fmt, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_PRINTF(2,3);
void log_logv (int level, const char *fmt, va_list arg_ptr);
void log_string (int level, const char *string);
void log_bug (const char *fmt, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_NR_PRINTF(1,2);
void log_fatal (const char *fmt, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_NR_PRINTF(1,2);
void log_error (const char *fmt, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_PRINTF(1,2);
void log_info (const char *fmt, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_PRINTF(1,2);
void log_debug (const char *fmt, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_PRINTF(1,2);
void log_printf (const char *fmt, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_PRINTF(1,2);
void log_flush (void);
/* Print a hexdump of BUFFER. With TEXT passes as NULL print just the
raw dump, with TEXT being an empty string, print a trailing
linefeed, otherwise print an entire debug line with TEXT followed
by the hexdump and a final LF. */
void log_printhex (const char *text, const void *buffer, size_t length);
void log_clock (const char *string);
diff --git a/common/mapstrings.c b/common/mapstrings.c
index 5c5bec9a3..614fddd12 100644
--- a/common/mapstrings.c
+++ b/common/mapstrings.c
@@ -1,167 +1,167 @@
/* mapstrings.c - Static string mapping
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "stringhelp.h"
#include "membuf.h"
static struct {
const char *name;
const char *value;
} macros[] = {
{ "EMAIL", "" },
{ "GPG", GPG_NAME },
{ "G13", G13_NAME },
/* A list to remember already done mappings. */
struct mapping_s
struct mapping_s *next;
const char *key;
const char *value;
static struct mapping_s *mappings;
/* If STRING has already been mapped, return the mapped string. If
not return NULL. */
static const char *
already_mapped (const char *string)
struct mapping_s *m;
for (m=mappings; m; m = m->next)
if (m->key == string && !strcmp (m->key, string))
return m->value;
return NULL;
/* Store NEWSTRING under key STRING and return NEWSTRING. */
static const char *
store_mapping (const char *string, char *newstring)
struct mapping_s *m;
m = xmalloc (sizeof *m);
m->key = string;
m->value = newstring;
m->next = mappings;
mappings = m;
return newstring;
/* Find the first macro in STRING. Return a pointer to the
replacement value, set BEGPTR to the leading '@', and set ENDPTR to
the terminating '@'. If no macro is found return NULL. */
const char *
find_macro (const char *string, const char **begptr,
const char **endptr)
const char *s, *s2, *s3;
int idx;
s = string;
if (!s)
return NULL;
for (; (s2 = strchr (s, '@')); s = s2)
if (*s2 >= 'A' && *s2 <= 'Z' && (s3 = (strchr (s2, '@'))))
for (idx=0; idx < DIM (macros); idx++)
if (strlen (macros[idx].name) == (s3 - s2)
&& !memcmp (macros[idx].name, s2, (s3 - s2)))
*begptr = s2 - 1;
*endptr = s3;
return macros[idx].value;
return NULL;
/* If STRING includes known @FOO@ macros, replace these macros and
return a new static string. Warning: STRING must have been
allocated statically. Note that this function allocates memory
which will not be released (similar to gettext). */
const char *
map_static_macro_string (const char *string)
const char *s, *s2, *s3, *value;
membuf_t mb;
char *p;
if ((s = already_mapped (string)))
return s;
s = string;
value = find_macro (s, &s2, &s3);
if (!value)
return string; /* No macros at all. */
init_membuf (&mb, strlen (string) + 100);
put_membuf (&mb, s, s2 - s);
put_membuf_str (&mb, value);
s = s3 + 1;
while ((value = find_macro (s, &s2, &s3)));
put_membuf_str (&mb, s);
put_membuf (&mb, "", 1);
p = get_membuf_shrink (&mb, NULL);
if (!p)
log_fatal ("map_static_macro_string failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
return store_mapping (string, p);
diff --git a/common/mbox-util.c b/common/mbox-util.c
index 90722757d..c1f05b834 100644
--- a/common/mbox-util.c
+++ b/common/mbox-util.c
@@ -1,243 +1,243 @@
/* mbox-util.c - Mail address helper functions
* Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 1998-2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* NB: GPGME uses the same code to reflect our idea on how to extract
* a mail address from a user id.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "mbox-util.h"
static int
string_count_chr (const char *string, int c)
int count;
for (count=0; *string; string++ )
if ( *string == c )
return count;
static int
mem_count_chr (const void *buffer, int c, size_t length)
const char *s = buffer;
int count;
for (count=0; length; length--, s++)
if (*s == c)
return count;
/* This is a case-sensitive version of our memistr. I wonder why no
standard function memstr exists but I better do not use the name
memstr to avoid future conflicts. */
static const char *
my_memstr (const void *buffer, size_t buflen, const char *sub)
const unsigned char *buf = buffer;
const unsigned char *t = (const unsigned char *)buf;
const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char *)sub;
size_t n = buflen;
for ( ; n ; t++, n-- )
if (*t == *s)
for (buf = t++, buflen = n--, s++; n && *t ==*s; t++, s++, n--)
if (!*s)
return (const char*)buf;
t = (const unsigned char *)buf;
s = (const unsigned char *)sub ;
n = buflen;
return NULL;
static int
string_has_ctrl_or_space (const char *string)
for (; *string; string++ )
if (!(*string & 0x80) && *string <= 0x20)
return 1;
return 0;
/* Return true if STRING has two consecutive '.' after an '@'
sign. */
static int
has_dotdot_after_at (const char *string)
string = strchr (string, '@');
if (!string)
return 0; /* No at-sign. */
return !!strstr (string, "..");
/* Check whether BUFFER has characters not valid in an RFC-822
address. LENGTH gives the length of BUFFER.
To cope with OpenPGP we ignore non-ascii characters so that for
example umlauts are legal in an email address. An OpenPGP user ID
must be utf-8 encoded but there is no strict requirement for
RFC-822. Thus to avoid IDNA encoding we put the address verbatim
as utf-8 into the user ID under the assumption that mail programs
handle IDNA at a lower level and take OpenPGP user IDs as utf-8.
Note that we can't do an utf-8 encoding checking here because in
keygen.c this function is called with the native encoding and
native to utf-8 encoding is only done later. */
has_invalid_email_chars (const void *buffer, size_t length)
const unsigned char *s = buffer;
int at_seen=0;
const char *valid_chars=
for ( ; length && *s; length--, s++ )
if ((*s & 0x80))
continue; /* We only care about ASCII. */
if (*s == '@')
else if (!at_seen && !(strchr (valid_chars, *s)
|| strchr ("!#$%&'*+/=?^`{|}~", *s)))
return 1;
else if (at_seen && !strchr (valid_chars, *s))
return 1;
return 0;
/* Same as is_valid_mailbox (see below) but operates on non-nul
terminated buffer. */
is_valid_mailbox_mem (const void *name_arg, size_t namelen)
const char *name = name_arg;
return !( !name
|| !namelen
|| has_invalid_email_chars (name, namelen)
|| mem_count_chr (name, '@', namelen) != 1
|| *name == '@'
|| name[namelen-1] == '@'
|| name[namelen-1] == '.'
|| my_memstr (name, namelen, ".."));
/* Check whether NAME represents a valid mailbox according to
RFC822. Returns true if so. */
is_valid_mailbox (const char *name)
return name? is_valid_mailbox_mem (name, strlen (name)) : 0;
/* Return the mailbox (local-part@domain) form a standard user id.
All plain ASCII characters in the result are converted to
lowercase. Caller must free the result. Returns NULL if no valid
mailbox was found (or we are out of memory). */
char *
mailbox_from_userid (const char *userid)
const char *s, *s_end;
size_t len;
char *result = NULL;
s = strchr (userid, '<');
if (s)
/* Seems to be a standard user id. */
s_end = strchr (s, '>');
if (s_end && s_end > s)
len = s_end - s;
result = xtrymalloc (len + 1);
if (!result)
return NULL; /* Ooops - out of core. */
strncpy (result, s, len);
result[len] = 0;
/* Apply some basic checks on the address. We do not use
is_valid_mailbox because those checks are too strict. */
if (string_count_chr (result, '@') != 1 /* Need exactly one '@. */
|| *result == '@' /* local-part missing. */
|| result[len-1] == '@' /* domain missing. */
|| result[len-1] == '.' /* ends with a dot. */
|| string_has_ctrl_or_space (result)
|| has_dotdot_after_at (result))
xfree (result);
result = NULL;
errno = EINVAL;
errno = EINVAL;
else if (is_valid_mailbox (userid))
/* The entire user id is a mailbox. Return that one. Note that
this fallback method has some restrictions on the valid
syntax of the mailbox. However, those who want weird
addresses should know about it and use the regular <...>
syntax. */
result = xtrystrdup (userid);
errno = EINVAL;
return result? ascii_strlwr (result): NULL;
/* Check whether UID is a valid standard user id of the form
"Heinrich Heine <>"
and return true if this is the case. */
is_valid_user_id (const char *uid)
if (!uid || !*uid)
return 0;
return 1;
diff --git a/common/mbox-util.h b/common/mbox-util.h
index 9c7271f08..bce003f31 100644
--- a/common/mbox-util.h
+++ b/common/mbox-util.h
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
/* mbox-util.h - Defs for mail address helper functions
* Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
int has_invalid_email_chars (const void *buffer, size_t length);
int is_valid_mailbox (const char *name);
int is_valid_mailbox_mem (const void *buffer, size_t length);
char *mailbox_from_userid (const char *userid);
int is_valid_user_id (const char *uid);
diff --git a/common/membuf.c b/common/membuf.c
index fde24f615..4c1a844d1 100644
--- a/common/membuf.c
+++ b/common/membuf.c
@@ -1,230 +1,230 @@
/* membuf.c - A simple implementation of a dynamic buffer.
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2009, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2013 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "membuf.h"
/* A simple implementation of a dynamic buffer. Use init_membuf() to
create a buffer, put_membuf to append bytes and get_membuf to
release and return the buffer. Allocation errors are detected but
only returned at the final get_membuf(), this helps not to clutter
the code with out of core checks. */
init_membuf (membuf_t *mb, int initiallen)
mb->len = 0;
mb->size = initiallen;
mb->out_of_core = 0;
mb->buf = xtrymalloc (initiallen);
if (!mb->buf)
mb->out_of_core = errno;
/* Same as init_membuf but allocates the buffer in secure memory. */
init_membuf_secure (membuf_t *mb, int initiallen)
mb->len = 0;
mb->size = initiallen;
mb->out_of_core = 0;
mb->buf = xtrymalloc_secure (initiallen);
if (!mb->buf)
mb->out_of_core = errno;
/* Shift the the content of the membuf MB by AMOUNT bytes. The next
operation will then behave as if AMOUNT bytes had not been put into
the buffer. If AMOUNT is greater than the actual accumulated
bytes, the membuf is basically reset to its initial state. */
clear_membuf (membuf_t *mb, size_t amount)
/* No need to clear if we are already out of core. */
if (mb->out_of_core)
if (amount >= mb->len)
mb->len = 0;
mb->len -= amount;
memmove (mb->buf, mb->buf+amount, mb->len);
put_membuf (membuf_t *mb, const void *buf, size_t len)
if (mb->out_of_core || !len)
if (mb->len + len >= mb->size)
char *p;
mb->size += len + 1024;
p = xtryrealloc (mb->buf, mb->size);
if (!p)
mb->out_of_core = errno ? errno : ENOMEM;
/* Wipe out what we already accumulated. This is required
in case we are storing sensitive data here. The membuf
API does not provide another way to cleanup after an
error. */
wipememory (mb->buf, mb->len);
mb->buf = p;
memcpy (mb->buf + mb->len, buf, len);
mb->len += len;
/* A variant of put_membuf accepting a void * and returning a
gpg_error_t (which will always return 0) to be used as a generic
callback handler. This function also allows buffer to be NULL. */
put_membuf_cb (void *opaque, const void *buf, size_t len)
membuf_t *data = opaque;
if (buf)
put_membuf (data, buf, len);
return 0;
put_membuf_str (membuf_t *mb, const char *string)
put_membuf (mb, string, strlen (string));
put_membuf_printf (membuf_t *mb, const char *format, ...)
int rc;
va_list arg_ptr;
char *buf;
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
rc = gpgrt_vasprintf (&buf, format, arg_ptr);
if (rc < 0)
mb->out_of_core = errno ? errno : ENOMEM;
va_end (arg_ptr);
if (rc >= 0)
put_membuf (mb, buf, strlen (buf));
xfree (buf);
void *
get_membuf (membuf_t *mb, size_t *len)
char *p;
if (mb->out_of_core)
if (mb->buf)
wipememory (mb->buf, mb->len);
xfree (mb->buf);
mb->buf = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (mb->out_of_core);
return NULL;
p = mb->buf;
if (len)
*len = mb->len;
mb->buf = NULL;
mb->out_of_core = ENOMEM; /* hack to make sure it won't get reused. */
return p;
/* Same as get_membuf but shrinks the reallocated space to the
required size. */
void *
get_membuf_shrink (membuf_t *mb, size_t *len)
void *p, *pp;
size_t dummylen;
if (!len)
len = &dummylen;
p = get_membuf (mb, len);
if (!p)
return NULL;
if (*len)
pp = xtryrealloc (p, *len);
if (pp)
p = pp;
return p;
/* Peek at the membuf MB. On success a pointer to the buffer is
returned which is valid until the next operation on MB. If LEN is
not NULL the current LEN of the buffer is stored there. On error
NULL is returned and ERRNO is set. */
const void *
peek_membuf (membuf_t *mb, size_t *len)
const char *p;
if (mb->out_of_core)
gpg_err_set_errno (mb->out_of_core);
return NULL;
p = mb->buf;
if (len)
*len = mb->len;
return p;
diff --git a/common/membuf.h b/common/membuf.h
index a1610b6c8..1497bcd04 100644
--- a/common/membuf.h
+++ b/common/membuf.h
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
/* membuf.h - A simple implementation of a dynamic buffer
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include "mischelp.h"
/* The definition of the structure is private, we only need it here,
so it can be allocated on the stack. */
struct private_membuf_s
size_t len;
size_t size;
char *buf;
int out_of_core;
typedef struct private_membuf_s membuf_t;
/* Return the current length of the membuf. */
#define get_membuf_len(a) ((a)->len)
#define is_membuf_ready(a) ((a)->buf || (a)->out_of_core)
#define MEMBUF_ZERO { 0, 0, NULL, 0}
void init_membuf (membuf_t *mb, int initiallen);
void init_membuf_secure (membuf_t *mb, int initiallen);
void clear_membuf (membuf_t *mb, size_t amount);
void put_membuf (membuf_t *mb, const void *buf, size_t len);
gpg_error_t put_membuf_cb (void *opaque, const void *buf, size_t len);
void put_membuf_str (membuf_t *mb, const char *string);
void put_membuf_printf (membuf_t *mb, const char *format,
void *get_membuf (membuf_t *mb, size_t *len);
void *get_membuf_shrink (membuf_t *mb, size_t *len);
const void *peek_membuf (membuf_t *mb, size_t *len);
diff --git a/common/miscellaneous.c b/common/miscellaneous.c
index 1327649c8..992494332 100644
--- a/common/miscellaneous.c
+++ b/common/miscellaneous.c
@@ -1,563 +1,563 @@
/* miscellaneous.c - Stuff not fitting elsewhere
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "i18n.h"
/* Used by libgcrypt for logging. */
static void
my_gcry_logger (void *dummy, int level, const char *fmt, va_list arg_ptr)
/* Map the log levels. */
switch (level)
case GCRY_LOG_CONT: level = GPGRT_LOG_CONT; break;
case GCRY_LOG_INFO: level = GPGRT_LOG_INFO; break;
case GCRY_LOG_WARN: level = GPGRT_LOG_WARN; break;
case GCRY_LOG_ERROR:level = GPGRT_LOG_ERROR; break;
case GCRY_LOG_FATAL:level = GPGRT_LOG_FATAL; break;
case GCRY_LOG_BUG: level = GPGRT_LOG_BUG; break;
case GCRY_LOG_DEBUG:level = GPGRT_LOG_DEBUG; break;
default: level = GPGRT_LOG_ERROR; break;
log_logv (level, fmt, arg_ptr);
/* This function is called by libgcrypt on a fatal error. */
static void
my_gcry_fatalerror_handler (void *opaque, int rc, const char *text)
log_fatal ("libgcrypt problem: %s\n", text ? text : gpg_strerror (rc));
abort ();
/* This function is called by libgcrypt if it ran out of core and
there is no way to return that error to the caller. We do our own
function here to make use of our logging functions. */
static int
my_gcry_outofcore_handler (void *opaque, size_t req_n, unsigned int flags)
static int been_here; /* Used to protect against recursive calls. */
if (!been_here)
been_here = 1;
if ( (flags & 1) )
log_fatal (_("out of core in secure memory "
"while allocating %lu bytes"), (unsigned long)req_n);
log_fatal (_("out of core while allocating %lu bytes"),
(unsigned long)req_n);
return 0; /* Let libgcrypt call its own fatal error handler.
Actually this will turn out to be
my_gcry_fatalerror_handler. */
/* Setup libgcrypt to use our own logging functions. Should be used
early at startup. */
setup_libgcrypt_logging (void)
gcry_set_log_handler (my_gcry_logger, NULL);
gcry_set_fatalerror_handler (my_gcry_fatalerror_handler, NULL);
gcry_set_outofcore_handler (my_gcry_outofcore_handler, NULL);
/* Print an out of core message and let the process die. The printed
* error is taken from ERRNO. */
xoutofcore (void)
gpg_error_t err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_fatal (_("error allocating enough memory: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
abort (); /* Never called; just to make the compiler happy. */
/* A wrapper around gcry_cipher_algo_name to return the string
"AES-128" instead of "AES". Given that we have an alias in
libgcrypt for it, it does not harm to too much to return this other
string. Some users complained that we print "AES" but "AES192"
and "AES256". We can't fix that in libgcrypt but it is pretty
safe to do it in an application. */
const char *
gnupg_cipher_algo_name (int algo)
const char *s;
s = gcry_cipher_algo_name (algo);
if (!strcmp (s, "AES"))
s = "AES128";
return s;
obsolete_option (const char *configname, unsigned int configlineno,
const char *name)
if (configname)
log_info (_("%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n"),
configname, configlineno, name);
log_info (_("WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n"),
"--", name);
/* Decide whether the filename is stdout or a real filename and return
* an appropriate string. */
const char *
print_fname_stdout (const char *s)
if( !s || (*s == '-' && !s[1]) )
return "[stdout]";
return s;
/* Decide whether the filename is stdin or a real filename and return
* an appropriate string. */
const char *
print_fname_stdin (const char *s)
if( !s || (*s == '-' && !s[1]) )
return "[stdin]";
return s;
static int
do_print_utf8_buffer (estream_t stream,
const void *buffer, size_t length,
const char *delimiters, size_t *bytes_written)
const char *p = buffer;
size_t i;
/* We can handle plain ascii simpler, so check for it first. */
for (i=0; i < length; i++ )
if ( (p[i] & 0x80) )
if (i < length)
int delim = delimiters? *delimiters : 0;
char *buf;
int ret;
/*(utf8 conversion already does the control character quoting). */
buf = utf8_to_native (p, length, delim);
if (bytes_written)
*bytes_written = strlen (buf);
ret = es_fputs (buf, stream);
xfree (buf);
return ret == EOF? ret : (int)i;
return es_write_sanitized (stream, p, length, delimiters, bytes_written);
print_utf8_buffer3 (estream_t stream, const void *p, size_t n,
const char *delim)
do_print_utf8_buffer (stream, p, n, delim, NULL);
print_utf8_buffer2 (estream_t stream, const void *p, size_t n, int delim)
char tmp[2];
tmp[0] = delim;
tmp[1] = 0;
do_print_utf8_buffer (stream, p, n, tmp, NULL);
print_utf8_buffer (estream_t stream, const void *p, size_t n)
do_print_utf8_buffer (stream, p, n, NULL, NULL);
/* Write LENGTH bytes of BUFFER to FP as a hex encoded string.
RESERVED must be 0. */
print_hexstring (FILE *fp, const void *buffer, size_t length, int reserved)
#define tohex(n) ((n) < 10 ? ((n) + '0') : (((n) - 10) + 'A'))
const unsigned char *s;
for (s = buffer; length; s++, length--)
putc ( tohex ((*s>>4)&15), fp);
putc ( tohex (*s&15), fp);
#undef tohex
/* Create a string from the buffer P_ARG of length N which is suitable
* for printing. Caller must release the created string using xfree.
* On error ERRNO is set and NULL returned. Errors are only possible
* due to malloc failure. */
char *
try_make_printable_string (const void *p_arg, size_t n, int delim)
const unsigned char *p = p_arg;
size_t save_n, buflen;
const unsigned char *save_p;
char *buffer, *d;
/* First count length. */
for (save_n = n, save_p = p, buflen=1 ; n; n--, p++ )
if ( *p < 0x20 || *p == 0x7f || *p == delim || (delim && *p=='\\'))
if ( *p=='\n' || *p=='\r' || *p=='\f'
|| *p=='\v' || *p=='\b' || !*p )
buflen += 2;
buflen += 5;
p = save_p;
n = save_n;
/* And now make the string */
d = buffer = xtrymalloc (buflen);
for ( ; n; n--, p++ )
if (*p < 0x20 || *p == 0x7f || *p == delim || (delim && *p=='\\')) {
*d++ = '\\';
if( *p == '\n' )
*d++ = 'n';
else if( *p == '\r' )
*d++ = 'r';
else if( *p == '\f' )
*d++ = 'f';
else if( *p == '\v' )
*d++ = 'v';
else if( *p == '\b' )
*d++ = 'b';
else if( !*p )
*d++ = '0';
else {
sprintf(d, "x%02x", *p );
d += 3;
*d++ = *p;
*d = 0;
return buffer;
/* Same as try_make_printable_string but terminates the process on
* memory shortage. */
char *
make_printable_string (const void *p, size_t n, int delim )
char *string = try_make_printable_string (p, n, delim);
if (!string)
xoutofcore ();
return string;
* Check if the file is compressed.
is_file_compressed (const char *s, int *ret_rc)
iobuf_t a;
byte buf[4];
int i, rc = 0;
int overflow;
struct magic_compress_s {
size_t len;
byte magic[4];
} magic[] = {
{ 3, { 0x42, 0x5a, 0x68, 0x00 } }, /* bzip2 */
{ 3, { 0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00 } }, /* gzip */
{ 4, { 0x50, 0x4b, 0x03, 0x04 } }, /* (pk)zip */
if ( iobuf_is_pipe_filename (s) || !ret_rc )
return 0; /* We can't check stdin or no file was given */
a = iobuf_open( s );
if ( a == NULL ) {
*ret_rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return 0;
if ( iobuf_get_filelength( a, &overflow ) < 4 && !overflow) {
*ret_rc = 0;
goto leave;
if ( iobuf_read( a, buf, 4 ) == -1 ) {
*ret_rc = a->error;
goto leave;
for ( i = 0; i < DIM( magic ); i++ ) {
if ( !memcmp( buf, magic[i].magic, magic[i].len ) ) {
*ret_rc = 0;
rc = 1;
iobuf_close( a );
return rc;
/* Try match against each substring of multistr, delimited by | */
match_multistr (const char *multistr,const char *match)
size_t seglen = strcspn (multistr,"|");
if (!seglen)
/* Using the localized strncasecmp! */
if (strncasecmp(multistr,match,seglen)==0)
return 1;
multistr += seglen;
if (*multistr == '|')
while (*multistr);
return 0;
/* Parse the first portion of the version number S and store it at
NUMBER. On success, the function returns a pointer into S starting
with the first character, which is not part of the initial number
portion; on failure, NULL is returned. */
static const char*
parse_version_number (const char *s, int *number)
int val = 0;
if (*s == '0' && digitp (s+1))
return NULL; /* Leading zeros are not allowed. */
for (; digitp (s); s++ )
val *= 10;
val += *s - '0';
*number = val;
return val < 0? NULL : s;
/* Break up the complete string representation of the version number S,
which is expected to have this format:
<major number>.<minor number>.<micro number><patch level>.
The major, minor and micro number components will be stored at
MAJOR, MINOR and MICRO. On success, a pointer to the last
component, the patch level, will be returned; on failure, NULL will
be returned. */
static const char *
parse_version_string (const char *s, int *major, int *minor, int *micro)
s = parse_version_number (s, major);
if (!s || *s != '.')
return NULL;
s = parse_version_number (s, minor);
if (!s || *s != '.')
return NULL;
s = parse_version_number (s, micro);
if (!s)
return NULL;
return s; /* Patchlevel. */
/* Return true if version string is at least version B. */
gnupg_compare_version (const char *a, const char *b)
int a_major, a_minor, a_micro;
int b_major, b_minor, b_micro;
const char *a_plvl, *b_plvl;
if (!a || !b)
return 0;
/* Parse version A. */
a_plvl = parse_version_string (a, &a_major, &a_minor, &a_micro);
if (!a_plvl )
return 0; /* Invalid version number. */
/* Parse version B. */
b_plvl = parse_version_string (b, &b_major, &b_minor, &b_micro);
if (!b_plvl )
return 0; /* Invalid version number. */
/* Compare version numbers. */
return (a_major > b_major
|| (a_major == b_major && a_minor > b_minor)
|| (a_major == b_major && a_minor == b_minor
&& a_micro > b_micro)
|| (a_major == b_major && a_minor == b_minor
&& a_micro == b_micro
&& strcmp (a_plvl, b_plvl) >= 0));
/* Parse an --debug style argument. We allow the use of number values
* in the usual C notation or a string with comma separated keywords.
* Returns: 0 on success or -1 and ERRNO set on error. On success the
* supplied variable is updated by the parsed flags.
* If STRING is NULL the enabled debug flags are printed.
parse_debug_flag (const char *string, unsigned int *debugvar,
const struct debug_flags_s *flags)
unsigned long result = 0;
int i, j;
if (!string)
if (debugvar)
log_info ("enabled debug flags:");
for (i=0; flags[i].name; i++)
if ((*debugvar & flags[i].flag))
log_printf (" %s", flags[i].name);
log_printf ("\n");
return 0;
while (spacep (string))
if (*string == '-')
errno = EINVAL;
return -1;
if (!strcmp (string, "?") || !strcmp (string, "help"))
log_info ("available debug flags:\n");
for (i=0; flags[i].name; i++)
log_info (" %5u %s\n", flags[i].flag, flags[i].name);
if (flags[i].flag != 77)
exit (0);
else if (digitp (string))
errno = 0;
result = strtoul (string, NULL, 0);
if (result == ULONG_MAX && errno == ERANGE)
return -1;
char **words;
words = strtokenize (string, ",");
if (!words)
return -1;
for (i=0; words[i]; i++)
if (*words[i])
for (j=0; flags[j].name; j++)
if (!strcmp (words[i], flags[j].name))
result |= flags[j].flag;
if (!flags[j].name)
if (!strcmp (words[i], "none"))
*debugvar = 0;
result = 0;
else if (!strcmp (words[i], "all"))
result = ~0;
log_info (_("unknown debug flag '%s' ignored\n"), words[i]);
xfree (words);
*debugvar |= result;
return 0;
diff --git a/common/mischelp.c b/common/mischelp.c
index 566219192..fd8f67502 100644
--- a/common/mischelp.c
+++ b/common/mischelp.c
@@ -1,194 +1,194 @@
/* mischelp.c - Miscellaneous helper functions
* Copyright (C) 1998, 2000, 2001, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# include <windows.h>
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <unistd.h>
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#include <errno.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "common-defs.h"
#include "stringhelp.h"
#include "utf8conv.h"
#include "mischelp.h"
/* Check whether the files NAME1 and NAME2 are identical. This is for
example achieved by comparing the inode numbers of the files. */
same_file_p (const char *name1, const char *name2)
int yes;
/* First try a shortcut. */
if (!compare_filenames (name1, name2))
yes = 1;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
HANDLE file1, file2;
wchar_t *wname = utf8_to_wchar (name1);
if (wname)
file1 = CreateFile (wname, 0, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
xfree (wname);
file1 = CreateFile (name1, 0, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
yes = 0; /* If we can't open the file, it is not the same. */
wchar_t *wname = utf8_to_wchar (name2);
if (wname)
file2 = CreateFile (wname, 0, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
xfree (wname);
file2 = CreateFile (name2, 0, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
yes = 0; /* If we can't open the file, it is not the same. */
yes = (GetFileInformationByHandle (file1, &info1)
&& GetFileInformationByHandle (file2, &info2)
&& info1.dwVolumeSerialNumber==info2.dwVolumeSerialNumber
&& info1.nFileIndexHigh == info2.nFileIndexHigh
&& info1.nFileIndexLow == info2.nFileIndexLow);
CloseHandle (file2);
CloseHandle (file1);
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
struct stat info1, info2;
yes = (!stat (name1, &info1) && !stat (name2, &info2)
&& info1.st_dev == info2.st_dev && info1.st_ino == info2.st_ino);
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
return yes;
timegm() is a GNU function that might not be available everywhere.
It's basically the inverse of gmtime() - you give it a struct tm,
and get back a time_t. It differs from mktime() in that it handles
the case where the struct tm is UTC and the local environment isn't.
Note, that this replacement implementation might not be thread-safe!
Some BSDs don't handle the putenv("foo") case properly, so we use
unsetenv if the platform has it to remove environment variables.
timegm (struct tm *tm)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* This one is thread safe. */
unsigned long long cnsecs;
st.wYear = tm->tm_year + 1900;
st.wMonth = tm->tm_mon + 1;
st.wDay = tm->tm_mday;
st.wHour = tm->tm_hour;
st.wMinute = tm->tm_min;
st.wSecond = tm->tm_sec;
st.wMilliseconds = 0; /* Not available. */
st.wDayOfWeek = 0; /* Ignored. */
/* System time is UTC thus the conversion is pretty easy. */
if (!SystemTimeToFileTime (&st, &ft))
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
return (time_t)(-1);
cnsecs = (((unsigned long long)ft.dwHighDateTime << 32)
| ft.dwLowDateTime);
cnsecs -= 116444736000000000ULL; /* The filetime epoch is 1601-01-01. */
return (time_t)(cnsecs / 10000000ULL);
#else /* (Non thread safe implementation!) */
time_t answer;
char *zone;
static char *old_zone;
if (!old_zone)
old_zone = malloc(3+strlen(zone)+1);
if (old_zone)
if (old_zone)
putenv (old_zone);
return answer;
#endif /*!HAVE_TIMEGM*/
diff --git a/common/mischelp.h b/common/mischelp.h
index 391120226..1ad146eb3 100644
--- a/common/mischelp.h
+++ b/common/mischelp.h
@@ -1,98 +1,98 @@
/* mischelp.h - Miscellaneous helper macros and functions
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
* 2006, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
/* Check whether the files NAME1 and NAME2 are identical. This is for
example achieved by comparing the inode numbers of the files. */
int same_file_p (const char *name1, const char *name2);
#include <time.h>
time_t timegm (struct tm *tm);
#endif /*!HAVE_TIMEGM*/
#define DIM(v) (sizeof(v)/sizeof((v)[0]))
#define DIMof(type,member) DIM(((type *)0)->member)
/* To avoid that a compiler optimizes certain memset calls away, these
macros may be used instead. */
#define wipememory2(_ptr,_set,_len) do { \
volatile char *_vptr=(volatile char *)(_ptr); \
size_t _vlen=(_len); \
while(_vlen) { *_vptr=(_set); _vptr++; _vlen--; } \
} while(0)
#define wipememory(_ptr,_len) wipememory2(_ptr,0,_len)
/* Include hacks which are mainly required for Slowaris. */
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# include <sys/socket.h>
# include <sys/un.h>
# include <winsock2.h>
# endif
# include <windows.h>
#ifndef PF_LOCAL
# ifdef PF_UNIX
# else
# endif
#endif /*PF_LOCAL*/
#ifndef AF_LOCAL
#endif /*AF_UNIX*/
/* We used to avoid this macro in GnuPG and inlined the AF_LOCAL name
length computation directly with the little twist of adding 1 extra
byte. It seems that this was needed once on an old HP/UX box and
there are also rumours that 4.3 Reno and DEC systems need it. This
one-off buglet did not harm any current system until it came to Mac
OS X where the kernel (as of May 2009) exhibited a strange bug: The
systems basically froze in the connect call if the passed name
contained an invalid directory part. Ignore the old Unices. */
#ifndef SUN_LEN
# define SUN_LEN(ptr) ((size_t) (((struct sockaddr_un *) 0)->sun_path) \
+ strlen ((ptr)->sun_path))
#endif /*SUN_LEN*/
diff --git a/common/mkdir_p.c b/common/mkdir_p.c
index 37b44ec14..c26cfee01 100644
--- a/common/mkdir_p.c
+++ b/common/mkdir_p.c
@@ -1,187 +1,187 @@
/* mkdir_p.c - Create a directory and any missing parents.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "stringhelp.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "mkdir_p.h"
gnupg_amkdir_p (const char **directory_components)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int count;
char **dirs;
int i;
for (count = 0; directory_components[count]; count ++)
/* log_debug ("%s: %d directory components.\n", __func__, count); */
dirs = xtrycalloc (count, sizeof *dirs);
if (!dirs)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
for (i = 0; directory_components[i]; i ++)
if (i == 0)
dirs[i] = make_filename_try (directory_components[i], NULL);
dirs[i] = make_filename_try (dirs[i-1], directory_components[i], NULL);
if (!dirs[i])
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
goto out;
/* log_debug ("%s: Directory %d: `%s'.\n", __func__, i, dirs[i]); */
for (i = count - 1; i >= 0; i --)
struct stat s;
/* log_debug ("%s: stat(%s)\n", __func__, dirs[i]); */
if (!stat (dirs[i], &s))
if ( ! S_ISDIR (s.st_mode))
/* log_debug ("%s: %s exists, but is not a directory!\n", */
/* __func__, dirs[i]); */
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_ENOTDIR);
goto out;
/* Got a directory. */
/* log_debug ("%s: %s exists and is a directory!\n", */
/* __func__, dirs[i]); */
err = 0;
else if (errno == ENOENT)
/* This directory does not exist yet. Continue walking up the
hierarchy. */
/* log_debug ("%s: %s does not exist!\n", */
/* __func__, dirs[i]); */
/* Some other error code. Die. Note: this could be ENOTDIR
(we return this above), which means that a component of the
path prefix is not a directory. */
/* log_debug ("%s: stat(%s) => %s!\n", */
/* __func__, dirs[i], strerror (errno)); */
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
goto out;
assert (i >= -1);
/* DIRS[I] exists. Start with the following entry. */
i ++;
for (; i < count; i ++)
/* log_debug ("Creating directory: %s\n", dirs[i]); */
if (gnupg_mkdir (dirs[i], "-rwx"))
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
goto out;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++)
xfree (dirs[i]);
xfree (dirs);
/* log_debug ("%s: Returning %s\n", __func__, gpg_strerror (rc)); */
return err;
gnupg_mkdir_p (const char *directory_component, ...)
va_list ap;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int i;
int space = 1;
const char **dirs;
dirs = xtrymalloc (space * sizeof (char *));
if (!dirs)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
dirs[0] = directory_component;
va_start (ap, directory_component);
for (i = 1; dirs[i - 1]; i ++)
if (i == space)
const char **tmp_dirs;
space = 2 * space;
tmp_dirs = xtryrealloc (dirs, space * sizeof (char *));
if (!tmp_dirs)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource,
gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
dirs = tmp_dirs;
dirs[i] = va_arg (ap, char *);
va_end (ap);
if (!err)
err = gnupg_amkdir_p (dirs);
xfree (dirs);
return err;
diff --git a/common/mkdir_p.h b/common/mkdir_p.h
index 28f38d1d5..1e939b32b 100644
--- a/common/mkdir_p.h
+++ b/common/mkdir_p.h
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
/* mkdir_p.h - Create a directory and any missing parents.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef MKDIR_P_H
#define MKDIR_P_H
#include "types.h"
/* Create a directory as well as any missing parents.
The arguments must be NULL termianted. If DIRECTORY_COMPONENTS...
consists of two elements, "foo/bar" and "xyzzy", this function will
first try to create the directory "foo/bar" and then the directory
"foo/bar/xyzzy". On success returns 0, otherwise an error code is
returned. */
gpg_error_t gnupg_mkdir_p (const char *directory_component, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_SENTINEL(0);
/* Like mkdir_p, but DIRECTORY_COMPONENTS is a NULL terminated
array, e.g.:
char **dirs = { "foo", "bar", NULL };
amkdir_p (dirs);
gpg_error_t gnupg_amkdir_p (const char **directory_components);
diff --git a/common/name-value.c b/common/name-value.c
index ebc48e513..10186683f 100644
--- a/common/name-value.c
+++ b/common/name-value.c
@@ -1,806 +1,806 @@
/* name-value.c - Parser and writer for a name-value format.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
* This module aso provides features for the extended private key
* format of gpg-agent.
#include <config.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "mischelp.h"
#include "strlist.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "name-value.h"
struct name_value_container
struct name_value_entry *first;
struct name_value_entry *last;
unsigned int private_key_mode:1;
struct name_value_entry
struct name_value_entry *prev;
struct name_value_entry *next;
/* The name. Comments and blank lines have NAME set to NULL. */
char *name;
/* The value as stored in the file. We store it when when we parse
a file so that we can reproduce it. */
strlist_t raw_value;
/* The decoded value. */
char *value;
/* Helper */
static inline gpg_error_t
my_error_from_syserror (void)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
static inline gpg_error_t
my_error (gpg_err_code_t ec)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, ec);
/* Allocation and deallocation. */
/* Allocate a private key container structure. */
nvc_new (void)
return xtrycalloc (1, sizeof (struct name_value_container));
/* Allocate a private key container structure for use with private keys. */
nvc_new_private_key (void)
nvc_t nvc = nvc_new ();
if (nvc)
nvc->private_key_mode = 1;
return nvc;
static void
nve_release (nve_t entry, int private_key_mode)
if (entry == NULL)
xfree (entry->name);
if (entry->value && private_key_mode)
wipememory (entry->value, strlen (entry->value));
xfree (entry->value);
if (private_key_mode)
free_strlist_wipe (entry->raw_value);
free_strlist (entry->raw_value);
xfree (entry);
/* Release a private key container structure. */
nvc_release (nvc_t pk)
nve_t e, next;
if (pk == NULL)
for (e = pk->first; e; e = next)
next = e->next;
nve_release (e, pk->private_key_mode);
xfree (pk);
/* Dealing with names and values. */
/* Check whether the given name is valid. Valid names start with a
letter, end with a colon, and contain only alphanumeric characters
and the hyphen. */
static int
valid_name (const char *name)
size_t i, len = strlen (name);
if (! alphap (name) || len == 0 || name[len - 1] != ':')
return 0;
for (i = 1; i < len - 1; i++)
if (! alnump (&name[i]) && name[i] != '-')
return 0;
return 1;
/* Makes sure that ENTRY has a RAW_VALUE. */
static gpg_error_t
assert_raw_value (nve_t entry)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
size_t len, offset;
#define LINELEN 70
char buf[LINELEN+3];
if (entry->raw_value)
return 0;
len = strlen (entry->value);
offset = 0;
while (len)
size_t amount, linelen = LINELEN;
/* On the first line we need to subtract space for the name. */
if (entry->raw_value == NULL && strlen (entry->name) < linelen)
linelen -= strlen (entry->name);
/* See if the rest of the value fits in this line. */
if (len <= linelen)
amount = len;
size_t i;
/* Find a suitable space to break on. */
for (i = linelen - 1; linelen - i < 30 && linelen - i > offset; i--)
if (ascii_isspace (entry->value[i]))
if (ascii_isspace (entry->value[i]))
/* Found one. */
amount = i;
/* Just induce a hard break. */
amount = linelen;
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, " %.*s\n", (int) amount,
if (append_to_strlist_try (&entry->raw_value, buf) == NULL)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
offset += amount;
len -= amount;
if (err)
free_strlist_wipe (entry->raw_value);
entry->raw_value = NULL;
return err;
#undef LINELEN
/* Computes the length of the value encoded as continuation. If
*SWALLOW_WS is set, all whitespace at the beginning of S is
swallowed. If START is given, a pointer to the beginning of the
value is stored there. */
static size_t
continuation_length (const char *s, int *swallow_ws, const char **start)
size_t len;
if (*swallow_ws)
/* The previous line was a blank line and we inserted a newline.
Swallow all whitespace at the beginning of this line. */
while (ascii_isspace (*s))
/* Iff a continuation starts with more than one space, it
encodes a space. */
if (ascii_isspace (*s))
/* Strip whitespace at the end. */
len = strlen (s);
while (len > 0 && ascii_isspace (s[len-1]))
if (len == 0)
/* Blank lines encode newlines. */
len = 1;
s = "\n";
*swallow_ws = 1;
*swallow_ws = 0;
if (start)
*start = s;
return len;
/* Makes sure that ENTRY has a VALUE. */
static gpg_error_t
assert_value (nve_t entry)
size_t len;
int swallow_ws;
strlist_t s;
char *p;
if (entry->value)
return 0;
len = 0;
swallow_ws = 0;
for (s = entry->raw_value; s; s = s->next)
len += continuation_length (s->d, &swallow_ws, NULL);
/* Add one for the terminating zero. */
len += 1;
entry->value = p = xtrymalloc (len);
if (entry->value == NULL)
return my_error_from_syserror ();
swallow_ws = 0;
for (s = entry->raw_value; s; s = s->next)
const char *start;
size_t l = continuation_length (s->d, &swallow_ws, &start);
memcpy (p, start, l);
p += l;
*p++ = 0;
assert (p - entry->value == len);
return 0;
/* Get the name. */
char *
nve_name (nve_t pke)
return pke->name;
/* Get the value. */
char *
nve_value (nve_t pke)
if (assert_value (pke))
return NULL;
return pke->value;
/* Adding and modifying values. */
/* Add (NAME, VALUE, RAW_VALUE) to PK. NAME may be NULL for comments
and blank lines. At least one of VALUE and RAW_VALUE must be
given. If PRESERVE_ORDER is not given, entries with the same name
are grouped. NAME, VALUE and RAW_VALUE is consumed. */
static gpg_error_t
_nvc_add (nvc_t pk, char *name, char *value, strlist_t raw_value,
int preserve_order)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
nve_t e;
assert (value || raw_value);
if (name && ! valid_name (name))
err = my_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
goto leave;
if (name
&& pk->private_key_mode
&& !ascii_strcasecmp (name, "Key:")
&& nvc_lookup (pk, "Key:"))
err = my_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
goto leave;
e = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *e);
if (e == NULL)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
e->name = name;
e->value = value;
e->raw_value = raw_value;
if (pk->first)
nve_t last;
if (preserve_order || name == NULL)
last = pk->last;
/* See if there is already an entry with NAME. */
last = nvc_lookup (pk, name);
/* If so, find the last in that block. */
if (last)
while (last->next)
nve_t next = last->next;
if (next->name && ascii_strcasecmp (next->name, name) == 0)
last = next;
else /* Otherwise, just find the last entry. */
last = pk->last;
if (last->next)
e->prev = last;
e->next = last->next;
last->next = e;
e->next->prev = e;
e->prev = last;
last->next = e;
pk->last = e;
pk->first = pk->last = e;
if (err)
xfree (name);
if (value)
wipememory (value, strlen (value));
xfree (value);
free_strlist_wipe (raw_value);
return err;
/* Add (NAME, VALUE) to PK. If an entry with NAME already exists, it
is not updated but the new entry is appended. */
nvc_add (nvc_t pk, const char *name, const char *value)
char *k, *v;
k = xtrystrdup (name);
if (k == NULL)
return my_error_from_syserror ();
v = xtrystrdup (value);
if (v == NULL)
xfree (k);
return my_error_from_syserror ();
return _nvc_add (pk, k, v, NULL, 0);
/* Add (NAME, VALUE) to PK. If an entry with NAME already exists, it
is updated with VALUE. If multiple entries with NAME exist, the
first entry is updated. */
nvc_set (nvc_t pk, const char *name, const char *value)
nve_t e;
if (! valid_name (name))
e = nvc_lookup (pk, name);
if (e)
char *v;
v = xtrystrdup (value);
if (v == NULL)
return my_error_from_syserror ();
free_strlist_wipe (e->raw_value);
e->raw_value = NULL;
if (e->value)
wipememory (e->value, strlen (e->value));
xfree (e->value);
e->value = v;
return 0;
return nvc_add (pk, name, value);
/* Delete the given entry from PK. */
nvc_delete (nvc_t pk, nve_t entry)
if (entry->prev)
entry->prev->next = entry->next;
pk->first = entry->next;
if (entry->next)
entry->next->prev = entry->prev;
pk->last = entry->prev;
nve_release (entry, pk->private_key_mode);
/* Lookup and iteration. */
/* Get the first non-comment entry. */
nvc_first (nvc_t pk)
nve_t entry;
for (entry = pk->first; entry; entry = entry->next)
if (entry->name)
return entry;
return NULL;
/* Get the first entry with the given name. */
nvc_lookup (nvc_t pk, const char *name)
nve_t entry;
for (entry = pk->first; entry; entry = entry->next)
if (entry->name && ascii_strcasecmp (entry->name, name) == 0)
return entry;
return NULL;
/* Get the next non-comment entry. */
nve_next (nve_t entry)
for (entry = entry->next; entry; entry = entry->next)
if (entry->name)
return entry;
return NULL;
/* Get the next entry with the given name. */
nve_next_value (nve_t entry, const char *name)
for (entry = entry->next; entry; entry = entry->next)
if (entry->name && ascii_strcasecmp (entry->name, name) == 0)
return entry;
return NULL;
/* Private key handling. */
/* Get the private key. */
nvc_get_private_key (nvc_t pk, gcry_sexp_t *retsexp)
gpg_error_t err;
nve_t e;
e = pk->private_key_mode? nvc_lookup (pk, "Key:") : NULL;
if (e == NULL)
return my_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_KEY);
err = assert_value (e);
if (err)
return err;
return gcry_sexp_sscan (retsexp, NULL, e->value, strlen (e->value));
/* Set the private key. */
nvc_set_private_key (nvc_t pk, gcry_sexp_t sexp)
gpg_error_t err;
char *raw, *clean, *p;
size_t len, i;
if (!pk->private_key_mode)
return my_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_KEY);
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (sexp, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, NULL, 0);
raw = xtrymalloc (len);
if (raw == NULL)
return my_error_from_syserror ();
clean = xtrymalloc (len);
if (clean == NULL)
xfree (raw);
return my_error_from_syserror ();
gcry_sexp_sprint (sexp, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, raw, len);
/* Strip any whitespace at the end. */
i = strlen (raw) - 1;
while (i && ascii_isspace (raw[i]))
raw[i] = 0;
/* Replace any newlines with spaces, remove superfluous whitespace. */
len = strlen (raw);
for (p = clean, i = 0; i < len; i++)
char c = raw[i];
/* Collapse contiguous and superfluous spaces. */
if (ascii_isspace (c) && i > 0
&& (ascii_isspace (raw[i-1]) || raw[i-1] == '(' || raw[i-1] == ')'))
if (c == '\n')
c = ' ';
*p++ = c;
*p = 0;
err = nvc_set (pk, "Key:", clean);
xfree (raw);
xfree (clean);
return err;
/* Parsing and serialization. */
static gpg_error_t
do_nvc_parse (nvc_t *result, int *errlinep, estream_t stream,
int for_private_key)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
gpgrt_ssize_t len;
char *buf = NULL;
size_t buf_len = 0;
char *name = NULL;
strlist_t raw_value = NULL;
*result = for_private_key? nvc_new_private_key () : nvc_new ();
if (*result == NULL)
return my_error_from_syserror ();
if (errlinep)
*errlinep = 0;
while ((len = es_read_line (stream, &buf, &buf_len, NULL)) > 0)
char *p;
if (errlinep)
*errlinep += 1;
/* Skip any whitespace. */
for (p = buf; *p && ascii_isspace (*p); p++)
/* Do nothing. */;
if (name && (spacep (buf) || *p == 0))
/* A continuation. */
if (append_to_strlist_try (&raw_value, buf) == NULL)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* No continuation. Add the current entry if any. */
if (raw_value)
err = _nvc_add (*result, name, NULL, raw_value, 1);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* And prepare for the next one. */
name = NULL;
raw_value = NULL;
if (*p != 0 && *p != '#')
char *colon, *value, tmp;
colon = strchr (buf, ':');
if (colon == NULL)
err = my_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
goto leave;
value = colon + 1;
tmp = *value;
*value = 0;
name = xtrystrdup (p);
*value = tmp;
if (name == NULL)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (append_to_strlist_try (&raw_value, value) == NULL)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (append_to_strlist_try (&raw_value, buf) == NULL)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (len < 0)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Add the final entry. */
if (raw_value)
err = _nvc_add (*result, name, NULL, raw_value, 1);
gpgrt_free (buf);
if (err)
nvc_release (*result);
*result = NULL;
return err;
/* Parse STREAM and return a newly allocated name value container
structure in RESULT. If ERRLINEP is given, the line number the
parser was last considering is stored there. */
nvc_parse (nvc_t *result, int *errlinep, estream_t stream)
return do_nvc_parse (result, errlinep, stream, 0);
/* Parse STREAM and return a newly allocated name value container
structure in RESULT - assuming the extended private key format. If
ERRLINEP is given, the line number the parser was last considering
is stored there. */
nvc_parse_private_key (nvc_t *result, int *errlinep, estream_t stream)
return do_nvc_parse (result, errlinep, stream, 1);
/* Write a representation of PK to STREAM. */
nvc_write (nvc_t pk, estream_t stream)
gpg_error_t err;
nve_t entry;
strlist_t s;
for (entry = pk->first; entry; entry = entry->next)
if (entry->name)
es_fputs (entry->name, stream);
err = assert_raw_value (entry);
if (err)
return err;
for (s = entry->raw_value; s; s = s->next)
es_fputs (s->d, stream);
if (es_ferror (stream))
return my_error_from_syserror ();
return 0;
diff --git a/common/name-value.h b/common/name-value.h
index f5f17e6de..db9270a6c 100644
--- a/common/name-value.h
+++ b/common/name-value.h
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
/* name-value.h - Parser and writer for a name-value format.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
struct name_value_container;
typedef struct name_value_container *nvc_t;
struct name_value_entry;
typedef struct name_value_entry *nve_t;
/* Memory management, and dealing with entries. */
/* Allocate a name value container structure. */
nvc_t nvc_new (void);
/* Allocate a name value container structure for use with the extended
* private key format. */
nvc_t nvc_new_private_key (void);
/* Release a name value container structure. */
void nvc_release (nvc_t pk);
/* Get the name. */
char *nve_name (nve_t pke);
/* Get the value. */
char *nve_value (nve_t pke);
/* Lookup and iteration. */
/* Get the first non-comment entry. */
nve_t nvc_first (nvc_t pk);
/* Get the first entry with the given name. */
nve_t nvc_lookup (nvc_t pk, const char *name);
/* Get the next non-comment entry. */
nve_t nve_next (nve_t entry);
/* Get the next entry with the given name. */
nve_t nve_next_value (nve_t entry, const char *name);
/* Adding and modifying values. */
/* Add (NAME, VALUE) to PK. If an entry with NAME already exists, it
is not updated but the new entry is appended. */
gpg_error_t nvc_add (nvc_t pk, const char *name, const char *value);
/* Add (NAME, VALUE) to PK. If an entry with NAME already exists, it
is updated with VALUE. If multiple entries with NAME exist, the
first entry is updated. */
gpg_error_t nvc_set (nvc_t pk, const char *name, const char *value);
/* Delete the given entry from PK. */
void nvc_delete (nvc_t pk, nve_t pke);
/* Private key handling. */
/* Get the private key. */
gpg_error_t nvc_get_private_key (nvc_t pk, gcry_sexp_t *retsexp);
/* Set the private key. */
gpg_error_t nvc_set_private_key (nvc_t pk, gcry_sexp_t sexp);
/* Parsing and serialization. */
/* Parse STREAM and return a newly allocated private key container
structure in RESULT. If ERRLINEP is given, the line number the
parser was last considering is stored there. */
gpg_error_t nvc_parse (nvc_t *result, int *errlinep, estream_t stream);
/* Parse STREAM and return a newly allocated name value container
structure in RESULT - assuming the extended private key format. If
ERRLINEP is given, the line number the parser was last considering
is stored there. */
gpg_error_t nvc_parse_private_key (nvc_t *result, int *errlinep,
estream_t stream);
/* Write a representation of PK to STREAM. */
gpg_error_t nvc_write (nvc_t pk, estream_t stream);
diff --git a/common/openpgp-oid.c b/common/openpgp-oid.c
index 67f23caae..270bdf154 100644
--- a/common/openpgp-oid.c
+++ b/common/openpgp-oid.c
@@ -1,437 +1,437 @@
/* openpgp-oids.c - OID helper for OpenPGP
* Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2013 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "openpgpdefs.h"
/* A table with all our supported OpenPGP curves. */
static struct {
const char *name; /* Standard name. */
const char *oidstr; /* IETF formatted OID. */
unsigned int nbits; /* Nominal bit length of the curve. */
const char *alias; /* NULL or alternative name of the curve. */
int pubkey_algo; /* Required OpenPGP algo or 0 for ECDSA/ECDH. */
} oidtable[] = {
{ "Curve25519", "", 255, "cv25519", PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH },
{ "Ed25519", "", 255, "ed25519", PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA },
{ "NIST P-256", "1.2.840.10045.3.1.7", 256, "nistp256" },
{ "NIST P-384", "", 384, "nistp384" },
{ "NIST P-521", "", 521, "nistp521" },
{ "brainpoolP256r1", "", 256 },
{ "brainpoolP384r1", "", 384 },
{ "brainpoolP512r1", "", 512 },
{ "secp256k1", "", 256 },
{ NULL, NULL, 0}
/* The OID for Curve Ed25519 in OpenPGP format. */
static const char oid_ed25519[] =
{ 0x09, 0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0xda, 0x47, 0x0f, 0x01 };
/* The OID for Curve25519 in OpenPGP format. */
static const char oid_cv25519[] =
{ 0x0a, 0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x97, 0x55, 0x01, 0x05, 0x01 };
/* Helper for openpgp_oid_from_str. */
static size_t
make_flagged_int (unsigned long value, char *buf, size_t buflen)
int more = 0;
int shift;
/* fixme: figure out the number of bits in an ulong and start with
that value as shift (after making it a multiple of 7) a more
straigtforward implementation is to do it in reverse order using
a temporary buffer - saves a lot of compares */
for (more=0, shift=28; shift > 0; shift -= 7)
if (more || value >= (1<<shift))
buf[buflen++] = 0x80 | (value >> shift);
value -= (value >> shift) << shift;
more = 1;
buf[buflen++] = value;
return buflen;
/* Convert the OID given in dotted decimal form in STRING to an DER
* encoding and store it as an opaque value at R_MPI. The format of
* the DER encoded is not a regular ASN.1 object but the modified
* format as used by OpenPGP for the ECC curve description. On error
* the function returns and error code an NULL is stored at R_BUG.
* Note that scanning STRING stops at the first white space
* character. */
openpgp_oid_from_str (const char *string, gcry_mpi_t *r_mpi)
unsigned char *buf;
size_t buflen;
unsigned long val1, val;
const char *endp;
int arcno;
*r_mpi = NULL;
if (!string || !*string)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
/* We can safely assume that the encoded OID is shorter than the string. */
buf = xtrymalloc (1 + strlen (string) + 2);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* Save the first byte for the length. */
buflen = 1;
val1 = 0; /* Avoid compiler warning. */
arcno = 0;
do {
val = strtoul (string, (char**)&endp, 10);
if (!digitp (string) || !(*endp == '.' || !*endp))
xfree (buf);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OID_STRING);
if (*endp == '.')
string = endp+1;
if (arcno == 1)
if (val > 2)
break; /* Not allowed, error catched below. */
val1 = val;
else if (arcno == 2)
{ /* Need to combine the first two arcs in one octet. */
if (val1 < 2)
if (val > 39)
xfree (buf);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OID_STRING);
buf[buflen++] = val1*40 + val;
val += 80;
buflen = make_flagged_int (val, buf, buflen);
buflen = make_flagged_int (val, buf, buflen);
} while (*endp == '.');
if (arcno == 1 || buflen < 2 || buflen > 254 )
{ /* It is not possible to encode only the first arc. */
xfree (buf);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OID_STRING);
*buf = buflen - 1;
*r_mpi = gcry_mpi_set_opaque (NULL, buf, buflen * 8);
if (!*r_mpi)
xfree (buf);
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return 0;
/* Return a malloced string represenation of the OID in the opaque MPI
A. In case of an error NULL is returned and ERRNO is set. */
char *
openpgp_oid_to_str (gcry_mpi_t a)
const unsigned char *buf;
size_t length;
unsigned int lengthi;
char *string, *p;
int n = 0;
unsigned long val, valmask;
valmask = (unsigned long)0xfe << (8 * (sizeof (valmask) - 1));
if (!a
|| !gcry_mpi_get_flag (a, GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE)
|| !(buf = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (a, &lengthi)))
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
return NULL;
buf = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (a, &lengthi);
length = (lengthi+7)/8;
/* The first bytes gives the length; check consistency. */
if (!length || buf[0] != length -1)
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
return NULL;
/* Skip length byte. */
/* To calculate the length of the string we can safely assume an
upper limit of 3 decimal characters per byte. Two extra bytes
account for the special first octect */
string = p = xtrymalloc (length*(1+3)+2+1);
if (!string)
return NULL;
if (!length)
*p = 0;
return string;
if (buf[0] < 40)
p += sprintf (p, "0.%d", buf[n]);
else if (buf[0] < 80)
p += sprintf (p, "1.%d", buf[n]-40);
else {
val = buf[n] & 0x7f;
while ( (buf[n]&0x80) && ++n < length )
if ( (val & valmask) )
goto badoid; /* Overflow. */
val <<= 7;
val |= buf[n] & 0x7f;
if (val < 80)
goto badoid;
val -= 80;
sprintf (p, "2.%lu", val);
p += strlen (p);
for (n++; n < length; n++)
val = buf[n] & 0x7f;
while ( (buf[n]&0x80) && ++n < length )
if ( (val & valmask) )
goto badoid; /* Overflow. */
val <<= 7;
val |= buf[n] & 0x7f;
sprintf (p, ".%lu", val);
p += strlen (p);
*p = 0;
return string;
/* Return a special OID (gnu.gnupg.badoid) to indicate the error
case. The OID is broken and thus we return one which can't do
any harm. Formally this does not need to be a bad OID but an OID
with an arc that can't be represented in a 32 bit word is more
than likely corrupt. */
xfree (string);
return xtrystrdup ("");
/* Return true if A represents the OID for Ed25519. */
openpgp_oid_is_ed25519 (gcry_mpi_t a)
const unsigned char *buf;
unsigned int nbits;
size_t n;
if (!a || !gcry_mpi_get_flag (a, GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE))
return 0;
buf = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (a, &nbits);
n = (nbits+7)/8;
return (n == DIM (oid_ed25519)
&& !memcmp (buf, oid_ed25519, DIM (oid_ed25519)));
openpgp_oid_is_cv25519 (gcry_mpi_t a)
const unsigned char *buf;
unsigned int nbits;
size_t n;
if (!a || !gcry_mpi_get_flag (a, GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE))
return 0;
buf = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (a, &nbits);
n = (nbits+7)/8;
return (n == DIM (oid_cv25519)
&& !memcmp (buf, oid_cv25519, DIM (oid_cv25519)));
/* Map the Libgcrypt ECC curve NAME to an OID. If R_NBITS is not NULL
store the bit size of the curve there. Returns NULL for unknown
curve names. */
const char *
openpgp_curve_to_oid (const char *name, unsigned int *r_nbits)
int i;
unsigned int nbits = 0;
const char *oidstr = NULL;
if (name)
for (i=0; oidtable[i].name; i++)
if (!strcmp (oidtable[i].name, name)
|| (oidtable[i].alias && !strcmp (oidtable[i].alias, name)))
oidstr = oidtable[i].oidstr;
nbits = oidtable[i].nbits;
if (!oidtable[i].name)
/* If not found assume the input is already an OID and check
whether we support it. */
for (i=0; oidtable[i].name; i++)
if (!strcmp (name, oidtable[i].oidstr))
oidstr = oidtable[i].oidstr;
nbits = oidtable[i].nbits;
if (r_nbits)
*r_nbits = nbits;
return oidstr;
/* Map an OpenPGP OID to the Libgcrypt curve NAME. Returns NULL for
unknown curve names. Unless CANON is set we prefer an alias name
here which is more suitable for printing. */
const char *
openpgp_oid_to_curve (const char *oidstr, int canon)
int i;
if (!oidstr)
return NULL;
for (i=0; oidtable[i].name; i++)
if (!strcmp (oidtable[i].oidstr, oidstr))
return !canon && oidtable[i].alias? oidtable[i].alias : oidtable[i].name;
return NULL;
/* Return true if the curve with NAME is supported. */
static int
curve_supported_p (const char *name)
int result = 0;
gcry_sexp_t keyparms;
if (!gcry_sexp_build (&keyparms, NULL, "(public-key(ecc(curve %s)))", name))
result = !!gcry_pk_get_curve (keyparms, 0, NULL);
gcry_sexp_release (keyparms);
return result;
/* Enumerate available and supported OpenPGP curves. The caller needs
to set the integer variable at ITERP to zero and keep on calling
this function until NULL is returned. */
const char *
openpgp_enum_curves (int *iterp)
int idx = *iterp;
while (idx >= 0 && idx < DIM (oidtable) && oidtable[idx].name)
if (curve_supported_p (oidtable[idx].name))
*iterp = idx + 1;
return oidtable[idx].alias? oidtable[idx].alias : oidtable[idx].name;
*iterp = idx;
return NULL;
/* Return the Libgcrypt name for for the gpg curve NAME if supported.
* If R_ALGO is not NULL the required OpenPGP public key algo or 0 is
* stored at that address. NULL is returned if the curev is not
* supported. */
const char *
openpgp_is_curve_supported (const char *name, int *r_algo)
int idx;
if (r_algo)
*r_algo = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < DIM (oidtable) && oidtable[idx].name; idx++)
if ((!strcmp (name, oidtable[idx].name)
|| (oidtable[idx].alias && !strcmp (name, (oidtable[idx].alias))))
&& curve_supported_p (oidtable[idx].name))
if (r_algo)
*r_algo = oidtable[idx].pubkey_algo;
return oidtable[idx].name;
return NULL;
diff --git a/common/openpgpdefs.h b/common/openpgpdefs.h
index 2c0ace2a5..3d5d306c2 100644
--- a/common/openpgpdefs.h
+++ b/common/openpgpdefs.h
@@ -1,184 +1,184 @@
/* openpgpdefs.h - Constants from the OpenPGP standard (rfc2440)
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
* 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
typedef enum
PKT_PUBKEY_ENC = 1, /* Public key encrypted packet. */
PKT_SIGNATURE = 2, /* Secret key encrypted packet. */
PKT_SYMKEY_ENC = 3, /* Session key packet. */
PKT_ONEPASS_SIG = 4, /* One pass sig packet. */
PKT_SECRET_KEY = 5, /* Secret key. */
PKT_PUBLIC_KEY = 6, /* Public key. */
PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY = 7, /* Secret subkey. */
PKT_COMPRESSED = 8, /* Compressed data packet. */
PKT_ENCRYPTED = 9, /* Conventional encrypted data. */
PKT_MARKER = 10, /* Marker packet. */
PKT_PLAINTEXT = 11, /* Literal data packet. */
PKT_RING_TRUST = 12, /* Keyring trust packet. */
PKT_USER_ID = 13, /* User id packet. */
PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY = 14, /* Public subkey. */
PKT_OLD_COMMENT = 16, /* Comment packet from an OpenPGP draft. */
PKT_ATTRIBUTE = 17, /* PGP's attribute packet. */
PKT_ENCRYPTED_MDC = 18, /* Integrity protected encrypted data. */
PKT_MDC = 19, /* Manipulation detection code packet. */
PKT_COMMENT = 61, /* new comment packet (GnuPG specific). */
PKT_GPG_CONTROL = 63 /* internal control packet (GnuPG specific). */
static inline const char *
pkttype_str (pkttype_t type)
switch (type)
case PKT_MARKER: return "MARKER";
case PKT_USER_ID: return "USER_ID";
case PKT_MDC: return "MDC";
case PKT_COMMENT: return "COMMENT";
default: return "unknown packet type";
typedef enum
SIGSUBPKT_SIG_CREATED = 2, /* Signature creation time. */
SIGSUBPKT_SIG_EXPIRE = 3, /* Signature expiration time. */
SIGSUBPKT_EXPORTABLE = 4, /* Exportable. */
SIGSUBPKT_TRUST = 5, /* Trust signature. */
SIGSUBPKT_REGEXP = 6, /* Regular expression. */
SIGSUBPKT_REVOCABLE = 7, /* Revocable. */
SIGSUBPKT_KEY_EXPIRE = 9, /* Key expiration time. */
SIGSUBPKT_ARR = 10, /* Additional recipient request. */
SIGSUBPKT_PREF_SYM = 11, /* Preferred symmetric algorithms. */
SIGSUBPKT_REV_KEY = 12, /* Revocation key. */
SIGSUBPKT_ISSUER = 16, /* Issuer key ID. */
SIGSUBPKT_NOTATION = 20, /* Notation data. */
SIGSUBPKT_PREF_HASH = 21, /* Preferred hash algorithms. */
SIGSUBPKT_PREF_COMPR = 22, /* Preferred compression algorithms. */
SIGSUBPKT_KS_FLAGS = 23, /* Key server preferences. */
SIGSUBPKT_PREF_KS = 24, /* Preferred keyserver. */
SIGSUBPKT_PRIMARY_UID = 25, /* Primary user id. */
SIGSUBPKT_POLICY = 26, /* Policy URL. */
SIGSUBPKT_KEY_FLAGS = 27, /* Key flags. */
SIGSUBPKT_SIGNERS_UID = 28, /* Signer's user id. */
SIGSUBPKT_REVOC_REASON = 29, /* Reason for revocation. */
SIGSUBPKT_FEATURES = 30, /* Feature flags. */
SIGSUBPKT_SIGNATURE = 32, /* Embedded signature. */
SIGSUBPKT_ISSUER_FPR = 33, /* EXPERIMENTAL: Issuer fingerprint. */
typedef enum
CIPHER_ALGO_BLOWFISH = 4, /* 128 bit */
/* 5 & 6 are reserved */
CIPHER_ALGO_TWOFISH = 10, /* 256 bit */
typedef enum
PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_E = 2, /* RSA encrypt only (legacy). */
PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_S = 3, /* RSA sign only (legacy). */
PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E = 16, /* Elgamal encrypt only. */
PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH = 18, /* RFC-6637 */
PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA = 19, /* RFC-6637 */
PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL = 20, /* Elgamal encrypt+sign (legacy). */
/* 21 reserved by OpenPGP. */
PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA = 22 /* EdDSA (not yet assigned). */
typedef enum
/* 4, 5, 6, and 7 are reserved. */
typedef enum
diff --git a/common/percent.c b/common/percent.c
index 0cab99a82..569c5fd99 100644
--- a/common/percent.c
+++ b/common/percent.c
@@ -1,238 +1,238 @@
/* percent.c - Percent escaping
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "util.h"
/* Create a newly alloced string from STRING with all spaces and
control characters converted to plus signs or %xx sequences. The
function returns the new string or NULL in case of a malloc
Note that we also escape the quote character to work around a bug
in the mingw32 runtime which does not correcty handle command line
quoting. We correctly double the quote mark when calling a program
(i.e. gpg-protect-tool), but the pre-main code does not notice the
double quote as an escaped quote. We do this also on POSIX systems
for consistency. */
char *
percent_plus_escape (const char *string)
char *buffer, *p;
const char *s;
size_t length;
for (length=1, s=string; *s; s++)
if (*s == '+' || *s == '\"' || *s == '%'
|| *(const unsigned char *)s < 0x20)
length += 3;
buffer = p = xtrymalloc (length);
if (!buffer)
return NULL;
for (s=string; *s; s++)
if (*s == '+' || *s == '\"' || *s == '%'
|| *(const unsigned char *)s < 0x20)
snprintf (p, 4, "%%%02X", *(unsigned char *)s);
p += 3;
else if (*s == ' ')
*p++ = '+';
*p++ = *s;
*p = 0;
return buffer;
/* Do the percent and plus/space unescaping from STRING to BUFFER and
return the length of the valid buffer. Plus unescaping is only
done if WITHPLUS is true. An escaped Nul character will be
replaced by NULREPL. */
static size_t
do_unescape (unsigned char *buffer, const unsigned char *string,
int withplus, int nulrepl)
unsigned char *p = buffer;
while (*string)
if (*string == '%' && string[1] && string[2])
*p = xtoi_2 (string);
if (!*p)
*p = nulrepl;
else if (*string == '+' && withplus)
*p = ' ';
*p = *string;
return (p - buffer);
/* Count space required after unescaping STRING. Note that this will
never be larger than strlen (STRING). */
static size_t
count_unescape (const unsigned char *string)
size_t n = 0;
while (*string)
if (*string == '%' && string[1] && string[2])
return n;
/* Helper. */
static char *
do_plus_or_plain_unescape (const char *string, int withplus, int nulrepl)
size_t nbytes, n;
char *newstring;
nbytes = count_unescape (string);
newstring = xtrymalloc (nbytes+1);
if (newstring)
n = do_unescape (newstring, string, withplus, nulrepl);
assert (n == nbytes);
newstring[n] = 0;
return newstring;
/* Create a new allocated string from STRING with all "%xx" sequences
decoded and all plus signs replaced by a space. Embedded Nul
characters are replaced by the value of NULREPL. The function
returns the new string or NULL in case of a malloc failure. */
char *
percent_plus_unescape (const char *string, int nulrepl)
return do_plus_or_plain_unescape (string, 1, nulrepl);
/* Create a new allocated string from STRING with all "%xx" sequences
decoded. Embedded Nul characters are replaced by the value of
NULREPL. The function returns the new string or NULL in case of a
malloc failure. */
char *
percent_unescape (const char *string, int nulrepl)
return do_plus_or_plain_unescape (string, 0, nulrepl);
static size_t
do_unescape_inplace (char *string, int withplus, int nulrepl)
unsigned char *p, *p0;
p = p0 = string;
while (*string)
if (*string == '%' && string[1] && string[2])
*p = xtoi_2 (string);
if (!*p)
*p = nulrepl;
else if (*string == '+' && withplus)
*p = ' ';
*p = *string;
return (p - p0);
/* Perform percent and plus unescaping in STRING and return the new
valid length of the string. Embedded Nul characters are replaced
by the value of NULREPL. A terminating Nul character is not
inserted; the caller might want to call this function this way:
foo[percent_plus_unescape_inplace (foo, 0)] = 0;
percent_plus_unescape_inplace (char *string, int nulrepl)
return do_unescape_inplace (string, 1, nulrepl);
/* Perform percent unescaping in STRING and return the new valid
length of the string. Embedded Nul characters are replaced by the
value of NULREPL. A terminating Nul character is not inserted; the
caller might want to call this function this way:
foo[percent_unescape_inplace (foo, 0)] = 0;
percent_unescape_inplace (char *string, int nulrepl)
return do_unescape_inplace (string, 0, nulrepl);
diff --git a/common/recsel.c b/common/recsel.c
index ef71c4598..66c1c5e08 100644
--- a/common/recsel.c
+++ b/common/recsel.c
@@ -1,624 +1,624 @@
/* recsel.c - Record selection
* Copyright (C) 2014, 2016 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "recsel.h"
/* Select operators. */
typedef enum
SELECT_EQ, /* Numerically equal. */
SELECT_STRLE, /* String is less or equal. */
} select_op_t;
/* Definition for a select expression. */
struct recsel_expr_s
recsel_expr_t next;
select_op_t op; /* Operation code. */
unsigned int not:1; /* Negate operators. */
unsigned int disjun:1;/* Start of a disjunction. */
unsigned int xcase:1; /* String match is case sensitive. */
const char *value; /* (Points into NAME.) */
long numvalue; /* strtol of VALUE. */
char name[1]; /* Name of the property. */
/* Helper */
static inline gpg_error_t
my_error_from_syserror (void)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
/* Helper */
static inline gpg_error_t
my_error (gpg_err_code_t ec)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, ec);
/* This is a case-sensitive version of our memistr. I wonder why no
* standard function memstr exists but I better do not use the name
* memstr to avoid future conflicts.
* FIXME: Move this to a stringhelp.c
static const char *
my_memstr (const void *buffer, size_t buflen, const char *sub)
const unsigned char *buf = buffer;
const unsigned char *t = (const unsigned char *)buf;
const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char *)sub;
size_t n = buflen;
for ( ; n ; t++, n-- )
if (*t == *s)
for (buf = t++, buflen = n--, s++; n && *t ==*s; t++, s++, n--)
if (!*s)
return (const char*)buf;
t = (const unsigned char *)buf;
s = (const unsigned char *)sub ;
n = buflen;
return NULL;
/* Return a pointer to the next logical connection operator or NULL if
* none. */
static char *
find_next_lc (char *string)
char *p1, *p2;
p1 = strchr (string, '&');
if (p1 && p1[1] != '&')
p1 = NULL;
p2 = strchr (string, '|');
if (p2 && p2[1] != '|')
p2 = NULL;
if (p1 && !p2)
return p1;
if (!p1)
return p2;
return p1 < p2 ? p1 : p2;
/* Parse an expression. The expression syntax is:
* [<lc>] {{<flag>} PROPNAME <op> VALUE [<lc>]}
* A [] indicates an optional part, a {} a repetition. PROPNAME and
* VALUE may not be the empty string. White space between the
* elements is ignored. Numerical values are computed as long int;
* standard C notation applies. <lc> is the logical connection
* operator; either "&&" for a conjunction or "||" for a disjunction.
* A conjunction is assumed at the begin of an expression and
* conjunctions have higher precedence than disjunctions. If VALUE
* starts with one of the characters used in any <op> a space after
* the <op> is required. A VALUE is terminated by an <lc> unless the
* "--" <flag> is used in which case the VALUE spans to the end of the
* expression. <op> may be any of
* =~ Substring must match
* !~ Substring must not match
* = The full string must match
* <> The full string must not match
* == The numerical value must match
* != The numerical value must not match
* <= The numerical value of the field must be LE than the value.
* < The numerical value of the field must be LT than the value.
* >= The numerical value of the field must be GT than the value.
* >= The numerical value of the field must be GE than the value.
* -n True if value is not empty (no VALUE parameter allowed).
* -z True if value is empty (no VALUE parameter allowed).
* -t Alias for "PROPNAME != 0" (no VALUE parameter allowed).
* -f Alias for "PROPNAME == 0" (no VALUE parameter allowed).
* Values for <flag> must be space separated and any of:
* -- VALUE spans to the end of the expression.
* -c The string match in this part is done case-sensitive.
* For example four calls to recsel_parse_expr() with these values for
* "uid =~ Alfa"
* "&& uid !~ Test"
* "|| uid =~ Alpha"
* "uid !~ Test"
* or the equivalent expression
* "uid =~ Alfa" && uid !~ Test" || uid =~ Alpha" && "uid !~ Test"
* are making a selector for records where the "uid" property contains
* the strings "Alfa" or "Alpha" but not the String "test".
* The caller must pass the address of a selector variable to this
* function and initialize the value of the function to NULL before
* the first call. recset_release needs to be called to free the
* selector.
recsel_parse_expr (recsel_expr_t *selector, const char *expression)
recsel_expr_t se_head = NULL;
recsel_expr_t se, se2;
char *expr_buffer;
char *expr;
char *s0, *s;
int toend = 0;
int xcase = 0;
int disjun = 0;
char *next_lc = NULL;
while (*expression == ' ' || *expression == '\t')
expr_buffer = xtrystrdup (expression);
if (!expr_buffer)
return my_error_from_syserror ();
expr = expr_buffer;
if (*expr == '|' && expr[1] == '|')
disjun = 1;
expr += 2;
else if (*expr == '&' && expr[1] == '&')
expr += 2;
while (*expr == ' ' || *expr == '\t')
while (*expr == '-')
switch (*++expr)
case '-': toend = 1; break;
case 'c': xcase = 1; break;
log_error ("invalid flag '-%c' in expression\n", *expr);
recsel_release (se_head);
xfree (expr_buffer);
return my_error (GPG_ERR_INV_FLAG);
while (*expr == ' ' || *expr == '\t')
next_lc = toend? NULL : find_next_lc (expr);
if (next_lc)
*next_lc = 0; /* Terminate this term. */
se = xtrymalloc (sizeof *se + strlen (expr));
if (!se)
return my_error_from_syserror ();
strcpy (se->name, expr);
se->next = NULL;
se->not = 0;
se->disjun = disjun;
se->xcase = xcase;
if (!se_head)
se_head = se;
for (se2 = se_head; se2->next; se2 = se2->next)
se2->next = se;
s = strpbrk (expr, "=<>!~-");
if (!s || s == expr )
log_error ("no field name given in expression\n");
recsel_release (se_head);
xfree (expr_buffer);
return my_error (GPG_ERR_NO_NAME);
s0 = s;
if (!strncmp (s, "=~", 2))
se->op = SELECT_SUB;
s += 2;
else if (!strncmp (s, "!~", 2))
se->op = SELECT_SUB;
se->not = 1;
s += 2;
else if (!strncmp (s, "<>", 2))
se->op = SELECT_SAME;
se->not = 1;
s += 2;
else if (!strncmp (s, "==", 2))
se->op = SELECT_EQ;
s += 2;
else if (!strncmp (s, "!=", 2))
se->op = SELECT_EQ;
se->not = 1;
s += 2;
else if (!strncmp (s, "<=", 2))
se->op = SELECT_LE;
s += 2;
else if (!strncmp (s, ">=", 2))
se->op = SELECT_GE;
s += 2;
else if (!strncmp (s, "<", 1))
se->op = SELECT_LT;
s += 1;
else if (!strncmp (s, ">", 1))
se->op = SELECT_GT;
s += 1;
else if (!strncmp (s, "=", 1))
se->op = SELECT_SAME;
s += 1;
else if (!strncmp (s, "-z", 2))
se->not = 1;
s += 2;
else if (!strncmp (s, "-n", 2))
s += 2;
else if (!strncmp (s, "-f", 2))
se->not = 1;
s += 2;
else if (!strncmp (s, "-t", 2))
s += 2;
else if (!strncmp (s, "-le", 3))
se->op = SELECT_STRLE;
s += 3;
else if (!strncmp (s, "-ge", 3))
se->op = SELECT_STRGE;
s += 3;
else if (!strncmp (s, "-lt", 3))
se->op = SELECT_STRLT;
s += 3;
else if (!strncmp (s, "-gt", 3))
se->op = SELECT_STRGT;
s += 3;
log_error ("invalid operator in expression\n");
recsel_release (se_head);
xfree (expr_buffer);
return my_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OP);
/* We require that a space is used if the value starts with any of
the operator characters. */
if (se->op == SELECT_NONEMPTY || se->op == SELECT_ISTRUE)
else if (strchr ("=<>!~", *s))
log_error ("invalid operator in expression\n");
recsel_release (se_head);
xfree (expr_buffer);
return my_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OP);
while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t')
if (se->op == SELECT_NONEMPTY || se->op == SELECT_ISTRUE)
if (*s)
log_error ("value given for -n or -z\n");
recsel_release (se_head);
xfree (expr_buffer);
return my_error (GPG_ERR_SYNTAX);
if (!*s)
log_error ("no value given in expression\n");
recsel_release (se_head);
xfree (expr_buffer);
return my_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE);
se->name[s0 - expr] = 0;
trim_spaces (se->name);
if (!se->name[0])
log_error ("no field name given in expression\n");
recsel_release (se_head);
xfree (expr_buffer);
return my_error (GPG_ERR_NO_NAME);
trim_spaces (se->name + (s - expr));
se->value = se->name + (s - expr);
if (!se->value[0] && !(se->op == SELECT_NONEMPTY || se->op == SELECT_ISTRUE))
log_error ("no value given in expression\n");
recsel_release (se_head);
xfree (expr_buffer);
return my_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE);
se->numvalue = strtol (se->value, NULL, 0);
if (next_lc)
disjun = next_lc[1] == '|';
expr = next_lc + 2;
goto next_term;
/* Read:y Append to passes last selector. */
if (!*selector)
*selector = se_head;
for (se2 = *selector; se2->next; se2 = se2->next)
se2->next = se_head;
xfree (expr_buffer);
return 0;
recsel_release (recsel_expr_t a)
while (a)
recsel_expr_t tmp = a->next;
xfree (a);
a = tmp;
recsel_dump (recsel_expr_t selector)
recsel_expr_t se;
log_debug ("--- Begin selectors ---\n");
for (se = selector; se; se = se->next)
log_debug ("%s %s %s %s '%s'\n",
se==selector? " ": (se->disjun? "||":"&&"),
se->xcase? "-c":" ",
se->op == SELECT_SAME? (se->not? "<>":"= "):
se->op == SELECT_SUB? (se->not? "!~":"=~"):
se->op == SELECT_NONEMPTY?(se->not? "-z":"-n"):
se->op == SELECT_ISTRUE? (se->not? "-f":"-t"):
se->op == SELECT_EQ? (se->not? "!=":"=="):
se->op == SELECT_LT? "< ":
se->op == SELECT_LE? "<=":
se->op == SELECT_GT? "> ":
se->op == SELECT_GE? ">=":
se->op == SELECT_STRLT? "-lt":
se->op == SELECT_STRLE? "-le":
se->op == SELECT_STRGT? "-gt":
se->op == SELECT_STRGE? "-ge":
/**/ "[oops]",
log_debug ("--- End selectors ---\n");
/* Return true if the record RECORD has been selected. The GETVAL
* function is called with COOKIE and the NAME of a property used in
* the expression. */
recsel_select (recsel_expr_t selector,
const char *(*getval)(void *cookie, const char *propname),
void *cookie)
recsel_expr_t se;
const char *value;
size_t selen, valuelen;
long numvalue;
int result = 1;
se = selector;
while (se)
value = getval? getval (cookie, se->name) : NULL;
if (!value)
value = "";
if (!*value)
/* Field is empty. */
result = 0;
else /* Field has a value. */
valuelen = strlen (value);
numvalue = strtol (value, NULL, 0);
selen = strlen (se->value);
switch (se->op)
if (se->xcase)
result = (valuelen==selen && !memcmp (value,se->value,selen));
result = (valuelen==selen && !memicmp (value,se->value,selen));
if (se->xcase)
result = !!my_memstr (value, valuelen, se->value);
result = !!memistr (value, valuelen, se->value);
result = !!valuelen;
result = !!numvalue;
result = (numvalue == se->numvalue);
result = (numvalue > se->numvalue);
result = (numvalue >= se->numvalue);
result = (numvalue < se->numvalue);
result = (numvalue <= se->numvalue);
if (se->xcase)
result = strcmp (value, se->value) > 0;
result = strcasecmp (value, se->value) > 0;
if (se->xcase)
result = strcmp (value, se->value) >= 0;
result = strcasecmp (value, se->value) >= 0;
if (se->xcase)
result = strcmp (value, se->value) < 0;
result = strcasecmp (value, se->value) < 0;
if (se->xcase)
result = strcmp (value, se->value) <= 0;
result = strcasecmp (value, se->value) <= 0;
if (se->not)
result = !result;
if (result)
/* This expression evaluated to true. See wether there are
remaining expressions in this conjunction. */
if (!se->next || se->next->disjun)
break; /* All expressions are true. Return True. */
se = se->next; /* Test the next. */
/* This expression evaluated to false and thus the
* conjunction evaluates to false. We skip over the
* remaining expressions of this conjunction and continue
* with the next disjunction if any. */
se = se->next;
while (se && !se->disjun);
return result;
diff --git a/common/recsel.h b/common/recsel.h
index be67afcbe..0e0a7928a 100644
--- a/common/recsel.h
+++ b/common/recsel.h
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
/* recsel.c - Record selection
* Copyright (C) 2016 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
struct recsel_expr_s;
typedef struct recsel_expr_s *recsel_expr_t;
gpg_error_t recsel_parse_expr (recsel_expr_t *selector, const char *expr);
void recsel_release (recsel_expr_t a);
void recsel_dump (recsel_expr_t selector);
int recsel_select (recsel_expr_t selector,
const char *(*getval)(void *cookie, const char *propname),
void *cookie);
diff --git a/common/server-help.c b/common/server-help.c
index 2a59dc63e..53a888a86 100644
--- a/common/server-help.c
+++ b/common/server-help.c
@@ -1,137 +1,137 @@
/* server-help.h - Helper functions for writing Assuan servers.
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2009, 2010 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "server-help.h"
#include "util.h"
/* Skip over options in LINE.
Blanks after the options are also removed. Options are indicated
by two leading dashes followed by a string consisting of non-space
characters. The special option "--" indicates an explicit end of
options; all what follows will not be considered an option. The
first no-option string also indicates the end of option parsing. */
char *
skip_options (const char *line)
while (spacep (line))
while (*line == '-' && line[1] == '-')
while (*line && !spacep (line))
while (spacep (line))
return (char*) line;
/* Check whether the option NAME appears in LINE. */
has_option (const char *line, const char *name)
const char *s;
int n = strlen (name);
s = strstr (line, name);
if (s && s >= skip_options (line))
return 0;
return (s && (s == line || spacep (s-1)) && (!s[n] || spacep (s+n)));
/* Same as has_option but only considers options at the begin of the
line. This is useful for commands which allow arbitrary strings on
the line. */
has_leading_option (const char *line, const char *name)
const char *s;
int n;
if (name[0] != '-' || name[1] != '-' || !name[2] || spacep (name+2))
return 0;
n = strlen (name);
while ( *line == '-' && line[1] == '-' )
s = line;
while (*line && !spacep (line))
if (n == (line - s) && !strncmp (s, name, n))
return 1;
while (spacep (line))
return 0;
/* Same as has_option but does only test for the name of the option
and ignores an argument, i.e. with NAME being "--hash" it would
return a pointer for "--hash" as well as for "--hash=foo". If
there is no such option NULL is returned. The pointer returned
points right behind the option name, this may be an equal sign, Nul
or a space. */
const char *
has_option_name (const char *line, const char *name)
const char *s;
int n = strlen (name);
s = strstr (line, name);
return (s && (s == line || spacep (s-1))
&& (!s[n] || spacep (s+n) || s[n] == '=')) ? (s+n) : NULL;
/* Return a pointer to the argument of the option with NAME. If such
an option is not given, NULL is returned. */
char *
option_value (const char *line, const char *name)
char *s;
int n = strlen (name);
s = strstr (line, name);
if (s && s >= skip_options (line))
return NULL;
if (s && (s == line || spacep (s-1))
&& s[n] && (spacep (s+n) || s[n] == '='))
s += n + 1;
s += strspn (s, " ");
if (*s && !spacep(s))
return s;
return NULL;
diff --git a/common/server-help.h b/common/server-help.h
index 6df9e2c53..9e3d7ada1 100644
--- a/common/server-help.h
+++ b/common/server-help.h
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
/* server-help.h - Helper functions for writing Assuan servers.
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2009, 2010 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* Skip over options in LINE.
Blanks after the options are also removed. Options are indicated
by two leading dashes followed by a string consisting of non-space
characters. The special option "--" indicates an explicit end of
options; all what follows will not be considered an option. The
first no-option string also indicates the end of option parsing. */
char *skip_options (const char *line);
/* Check whether the option NAME appears in LINE. */
int has_option (const char *line, const char *name);
/* Same as has_option but only considers options at the begin of the
line. This is useful for commands which allow arbitrary strings on
the line. */
int has_leading_option (const char *line, const char *name);
/* Same as has_option but does only test for the name of the option
and ignores an argument, i.e. with NAME being "--hash" it would
return a pointer for "--hash" as well as for "--hash=foo". If
there is no such option NULL is returned. The pointer returned
points right behind the option name, this may be an equal sign, Nul
or a space. */
const char *has_option_name (const char *line, const char *name);
/* Return a pointer to the argument of the option with NAME. If such
an option is not given, NULL is returned. */
char *option_value (const char *line, const char *name);
diff --git a/common/session-env.c b/common/session-env.c
index 20b7c06c4..1bc3a2bc9 100644
--- a/common/session-env.c
+++ b/common/session-env.c
@@ -1,400 +1,400 @@
/* session-env.c - Session environment helper functions.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "session-env.h"
struct variable_s
char *value; /* Pointer into NAME to the Nul terminated value. */
int is_default; /* The value is a default one. */
char name[1]; /* Nul terminated Name and space for the value. */
/* The session environment object. */
struct session_environment_s
size_t arraysize; /* Allocated size or ARRAY. */
size_t arrayused; /* Used size of ARRAY. */
struct variable_s **array; /* Array of variables. NULL slots are unused. */
/* A list of environment variables we pass from the actual user
(e.g. gpgme) down to the pinentry. We do not handle the locale
settings because they do not only depend on envvars. */
static struct
const char *name;
const char *assname; /* Name used by Assuan or NULL. */
} stdenvnames[] = {
{ "GPG_TTY", "ttyname" }, /* GnuPG specific envvar. */
{ "TERM", "ttytype" }, /* Used to set ttytype. */
{ "DISPLAY", "display" }, /* The X-Display. */
{ "XAUTHORITY","xauthority"}, /* Xlib Authentication. */
{ "XMODIFIERS" }, /* Used by Xlib to select X input
modules (eg "@im=SCIM"). */
{ "GTK_IM_MODULE" }, /* Used by gtk to select gtk input
modules (eg "scim-bridge"). */
{ "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" },/* Used by GNOME3 to talk to gcr over
dbus */
{ "QT_IM_MODULE" }, /* Used by Qt to select qt input
modules (eg "xim"). */
{ "INSIDE_EMACS" }, /* Set by Emacs before running a
process. */
{ "PINENTRY_USER_DATA", "pinentry-user-data"}
/* Used for communication with
non-standard Pinentries. */
/* Track last allocated arraysize of all objects ever created. If
nothing has ever been allocated we use INITIAL_ARRAYSIZE and we
will never use more than MAXDEFAULT_ARRAYSIZE for initial
allocation. Note that this is not reentrant if used with a
preemptive thread model. */
static size_t lastallocatedarraysize;
#define INITIAL_ARRAYSIZE 8 /* Let's use the number of stdenvnames. */
/* Return the names of standard environment variables one after the
other. The caller needs to set the value at the address of
ITERATOR initially to 0 and then call this function until it returns
NULL. */
const char *
session_env_list_stdenvnames (int *iterator, const char **r_assname)
int idx = *iterator;
if (idx < 0 || idx >= DIM (stdenvnames))
return NULL;
*iterator = idx + 1;
if (r_assname)
*r_assname = stdenvnames[idx].assname;
return stdenvnames[idx].name;
/* Create a new session environment object. Return NULL and sets
ERRNO on failure. */
session_env_new (void)
session_env_t se;
se = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *se);
if (se)
se->arraysize = (lastallocatedarraysize?
lastallocatedarraysize : INITIAL_ARRAYSIZE);
se->array = xtrycalloc (se->arraysize, sizeof *se->array);
if (!se->array)
xfree (se);
se = NULL;
return se;
/* Release a session environment object. */
session_env_release (session_env_t se)
int idx;
if (!se)
if (se->arraysize > INITIAL_ARRAYSIZE
&& se->arraysize <= MAXDEFAULT_ARRAYSIZE
&& se->arraysize > lastallocatedarraysize)
lastallocatedarraysize = se->arraysize;
for (idx=0; idx < se->arrayused; idx++)
if (se->array[idx])
xfree (se->array[idx]);
xfree (se->array);
xfree (se);
static gpg_error_t
delete_var (session_env_t se, const char *name)
int idx;
for (idx=0; idx < se->arrayused; idx++)
if (se->array[idx] && !strcmp (se->array[idx]->name, name))
xfree (se->array[idx]);
se->array[idx] = NULL;
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
update_var (session_env_t se, const char *string, size_t namelen,
const char *explicit_value, int set_default)
int idx;
int freeidx = -1;
const char *value;
size_t valuelen;
struct variable_s *var;
if (explicit_value)
value = explicit_value;
value = string + namelen + 1;
valuelen = strlen (value);
for (idx=0; idx < se->arrayused; idx++)
if (!se->array[idx])
freeidx = idx;
else if (!strncmp (se->array[idx]->name, string, namelen)
&& strlen (se->array[idx]->name) == namelen)
if (strlen (se->array[idx]->value) == valuelen)
/* The new value has the same length. We can update it
in-place. */
memcpy (se->array[idx]->value, value, valuelen);
se->array[idx]->is_default = !!set_default;
return 0;
/* Prepare for update. */
freeidx = idx;
if (freeidx == -1)
if (se->arrayused == se->arraysize)
/* Reallocate the array. */
size_t newsize;
struct variable_s **newarray;
newsize = se->arraysize + CHUNK_ARRAYSIZE;
newarray = xtrycalloc (newsize, sizeof *newarray);
if (!newarray)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
for (idx=0; idx < se->arrayused; idx++)
newarray[idx] = se->array[idx];
se->arraysize = newsize;
xfree (se->array);
se->array = newarray;
freeidx = se->arrayused++;
/* Allocate new memory and return an error if that didn't worked.
Allocating it first allows us to keep the old value; it doesn't
matter that arrayused has already been incremented in case of a
new entry - it will then pint to a NULL slot. */
var = xtrymalloc (sizeof *var + namelen + 1 + valuelen);
if (!var)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
var->is_default = !!set_default;
memcpy (var->name, string, namelen);
var->name[namelen] = '\0';
var->value = var->name + namelen + 1;
strcpy (var->value, value);
xfree (se->array[freeidx]);
se->array[freeidx] = var;
return 0;
/* Set or update an environment variable of the session environment.
String is similar to the putval(3) function but it is reentrant and
takes a copy. In particular it exhibits this behaviour:
<NAME> Delete envvar NAME
<KEY>= Set envvar NAME to the empty string
<KEY>=<VALUE> Set envvar NAME to VALUE
On success 0 is returned; on error an gpg-error code. */
session_env_putenv (session_env_t se, const char *string)
const char *s;
if (!string || !*string)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
s = strchr (string, '=');
if (s == string)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!s)
return delete_var (se, string);
return update_var (se, string, s - string, NULL, 0);
/* Same as session_env_putenv but with name and value given as distict
values. */
session_env_setenv (session_env_t se, const char *name, const char *value)
if (!name || !*name)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!value)
return delete_var (se, name);
return update_var (se, name, strlen (name), value, 0);
/* Return the value of the environment variable NAME from the SE
object. If the variable does not exist, NULL is returned. The
returned value is valid as long as SE is valid and as long it has
not been removed or updated by a call to session_env_putenv. The
caller MUST not change the returned value. */
char *
session_env_getenv (session_env_t se, const char *name)
int idx;
if (!se || !name || !*name)
return NULL;
for (idx=0; idx < se->arrayused; idx++)
if (se->array[idx] && !strcmp (se->array[idx]->name, name))
return se->array[idx]->is_default? NULL : se->array[idx]->value;
return NULL;
/* Return the value of the environment variable NAME from the SE
object. The returned value is valid as long as SE is valid and as
long it has not been removed or updated by a call to
session_env_putenv. If the variable does not exist, the function
tries to return the value trough a call to getenv; if that returns
a value, this value is recorded and and used. If no value could be
found, returns NULL. The caller must not change the returned
value. */
char *
session_env_getenv_or_default (session_env_t se, const char *name,
int *r_default)
int idx;
char *defvalue;
if (r_default)
*r_default = 0;
if (!se || !name || !*name)
return NULL;
for (idx=0; idx < se->arrayused; idx++)
if (se->array[idx] && !strcmp (se->array[idx]->name, name))
if (r_default && se->array[idx]->is_default)
*r_default = 1;
return se->array[idx]->value;
/* Get the default value with an additional fallback for GPG_TTY. */
defvalue = getenv (name);
if ((!defvalue || !*defvalue) && !strcmp (name, "GPG_TTY")
&& gnupg_ttyname (0))
defvalue = gnupg_ttyname (0);
if (defvalue)
/* Record the default value for later use so that we are safe
from later modifications of the environment. We need to take
a copy to better cope with the rules of putenv(3). We ignore
the error of the update function because we can't return an
explicit error anyway and the following scan would then fail
anyway. */
update_var (se, name, strlen (name), defvalue, 1);
for (idx=0; idx < se->arrayused; idx++)
if (se->array[idx] && !strcmp (se->array[idx]->name, name))
if (r_default && se->array[idx]->is_default)
*r_default = 1;
return se->array[idx]->value;
return NULL;
/* List the entire environment stored in SE. The caller initially
needs to set the value of ITERATOR to 0 and then call this function
until it returns NULL. The value is returned at R_VALUE. If
R_DEFAULT is not NULL, the default flag is stored on return. The
default flag indicates that the value has been taken from the
process' environment. The caller must not change the returned
name or value. */
char *
session_env_listenv (session_env_t se, int *iterator,
const char **r_value, int *r_default)
int idx = *iterator;
if (!se || idx < 0)
return NULL;
for (; idx < se->arrayused; idx++)
if (se->array[idx])
*iterator = idx+1;
if (r_default)
*r_default = se->array[idx]->is_default;
if (r_value)
*r_value = se->array[idx]->value;
return se->array[idx]->name;
return NULL;
diff --git a/common/session-env.h b/common/session-env.h
index 1173ed57e..8709e223c 100644
--- a/common/session-env.h
+++ b/common/session-env.h
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
/* session-env.h - Definitions for session environment functions
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
struct session_environment_s;
typedef struct session_environment_s *session_env_t;
const char *session_env_list_stdenvnames (int *iterator,
const char **r_assname);
session_env_t session_env_new (void);
void session_env_release (session_env_t se);
gpg_error_t session_env_putenv (session_env_t se, const char *string);
gpg_error_t session_env_setenv (session_env_t se,
const char *name, const char *value);
char *session_env_getenv (session_env_t se, const char *name);
char *session_env_getenv_or_default (session_env_t se, const char *name,
int *r_default);
char *session_env_listenv (session_env_t se, int *iterator,
const char **r_value, int *r_default);
diff --git a/common/sexp-parse.h b/common/sexp-parse.h
index 442d10631..9b14f77d7 100644
--- a/common/sexp-parse.h
+++ b/common/sexp-parse.h
@@ -1,137 +1,137 @@
/* sexp-parse.h - S-expression helper functions
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef SEXP_PARSE_H
#define SEXP_PARSE_H
#include <gpg-error.h>
/* Return the length of the next S-Exp part and update the pointer to
the first data byte. 0 is returned on error */
static inline size_t
snext (unsigned char const **buf)
const unsigned char *s;
int n;
s = *buf;
for (n=0; *s && *s != ':' && (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9'); s++)
n = n*10 + (*s - '0');
if (!n || *s != ':')
return 0; /* we don't allow empty lengths */
*buf = s+1;
return n;
/* Skip over the S-Expression BUF points to and update BUF to point to
the character right behind. DEPTH gives the initial number of open
lists and may be passed as a positive number to skip over the
remainder of an S-Expression if the current position is somewhere
in an S-Expression. The function may return an error code if it
encounters an impossible condition. */
static inline gpg_error_t
sskip (unsigned char const **buf, int *depth)
const unsigned char *s = *buf;
size_t n;
int d = *depth;
while (d > 0)
if (*s == '(')
else if (*s == ')')
if (!d)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
s += n;
*buf = s;
*depth = d;
return 0;
/* Check whether the the string at the address BUF points to matches
the token. Return true on match and update BUF to point behind the
token. Return false and do not update the buffer if it does not
match. */
static inline int
smatch (unsigned char const **buf, size_t buflen, const char *token)
size_t toklen = strlen (token);
if (buflen != toklen || memcmp (*buf, token, toklen))
return 0;
*buf += toklen;
return 1;
/* Format VALUE for use as the length indicatior of an S-expression.
The caller needs to provide a buffer HELP_BUFFER wth a length of
HELP_BUFLEN. The return value is a pointer into HELP_BUFFER with
the formatted length string. The colon and a trailing nul are
appended. HELP_BUFLEN must be at least 3 - a more useful value is
15. If LENGTH is not NULL, the LENGTH of the resulting string
(excluding the terminating nul) is stored at that address. */
static inline char *
smklen (char *help_buffer, size_t help_buflen, size_t value, size_t *length)
char *p = help_buffer + help_buflen;
if (help_buflen >= 3)
*--p = 0;
*--p = ':';
*--p = '0' + (value % 10);
value /= 10;
while (value && p > help_buffer);
if (length)
*length = (help_buffer + help_buflen) - p;
return p;
#endif /*SEXP_PARSE_H*/
diff --git a/common/sexputil.c b/common/sexputil.c
index 50635462e..0c5c730ac 100644
--- a/common/sexputil.c
+++ b/common/sexputil.c
@@ -1,608 +1,608 @@
/* sexputil.c - Utility functions for S-expressions.
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2013 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* This file implements a few utility functions useful when working
with canonical encrypted S-expresions (i.e. not the S-exprssion
objects from libgcrypt). */
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "tlv.h"
#include "sexp-parse.h"
#include "openpgpdefs.h" /* for pubkey_algo_t */
/* Return a malloced string with the S-expression CANON in advanced
format. Returns NULL on error. */
static char *
sexp_to_string (gcry_sexp_t sexp)
size_t n;
char *result;
if (!sexp)
return NULL;
n = gcry_sexp_sprint (sexp, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, NULL, 0);
if (!n)
return NULL;
result = xtrymalloc (n);
if (!result)
return NULL;
n = gcry_sexp_sprint (sexp, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, result, n);
if (!n)
BUG ();
return result;
/* Return a malloced string with the S-expression CANON in advanced
format. Returns NULL on error. */
char *
canon_sexp_to_string (const unsigned char *canon, size_t canonlen)
size_t n;
gcry_sexp_t sexp;
char *result;
n = gcry_sexp_canon_len (canon, canonlen, NULL, NULL);
if (!n)
return NULL;
if (gcry_sexp_sscan (&sexp, NULL, canon, n))
return NULL;
result = sexp_to_string (sexp);
gcry_sexp_release (sexp);
return result;
/* Print the canonical encoded S-expression in SEXP in advanced
format. SEXPLEN may be passed as 0 is SEXP is known to be valid.
With TEXT of NULL print just the raw S-expression, with TEXT just
an empty string, print a trailing linefeed, otherwise print an
entire debug line. */
log_printcanon (const char *text, const unsigned char *sexp, size_t sexplen)
if (text && *text)
log_debug ("%s ", text);
if (sexp)
char *buf = canon_sexp_to_string (sexp, sexplen);
log_printf ("%s", buf? buf : "[invalid S-expression]");
xfree (buf);
if (text)
log_printf ("\n");
/* Print the gcryp S-expression in SEXP in advanced format. With TEXT
of NULL print just the raw S-expression, with TEXT just an empty
string, print a trailing linefeed, otherwise print an entire debug
line. */
log_printsexp (const char *text, gcry_sexp_t sexp)
if (text && *text)
log_debug ("%s ", text);
if (sexp)
char *buf = sexp_to_string (sexp);
log_printf ("%s", buf? buf : "[invalid S-expression]");
xfree (buf);
if (text)
log_printf ("\n");
/* Helper function to create a canonical encoded S-expression from a
Libgcrypt S-expression object. The function returns 0 on success
and the malloced canonical S-expression is stored at R_BUFFER and
the allocated length at R_BUFLEN. On error an error code is
returned and (NULL, 0) stored at R_BUFFER and R_BUFLEN. If the
allocated buffer length is not required, NULL by be used for
make_canon_sexp (gcry_sexp_t sexp, unsigned char **r_buffer, size_t *r_buflen)
size_t len;
unsigned char *buf;
*r_buffer = NULL;
if (r_buflen)
*r_buflen = 0;;
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (sexp, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, NULL, 0);
if (!len)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
buf = xtrymalloc (len);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (sexp, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, buf, len);
if (!len)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
*r_buffer = buf;
if (r_buflen)
*r_buflen = len;
return 0;
/* Same as make_canon_sexp but pad the buffer to multiple of 64
bits. If SECURE is set, secure memory will be allocated. */
make_canon_sexp_pad (gcry_sexp_t sexp, int secure,
unsigned char **r_buffer, size_t *r_buflen)
size_t len;
unsigned char *buf;
*r_buffer = NULL;
if (r_buflen)
*r_buflen = 0;;
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (sexp, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, NULL, 0);
if (!len)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
len += (8 - len % 8) % 8;
buf = secure? xtrycalloc_secure (1, len) : xtrycalloc (1, len);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (!gcry_sexp_sprint (sexp, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, buf, len))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
*r_buffer = buf;
if (r_buflen)
*r_buflen = len;
return 0;
/* Return the so called "keygrip" which is the SHA-1 hash of the
public key parameters expressed in a way depended on the algorithm.
KEY is expected to be an canonical encoded S-expression with a
public or private key. KEYLEN is the length of that buffer.
GRIP must be at least 20 bytes long. On success 0 is returned, on
error an error code. */
keygrip_from_canon_sexp (const unsigned char *key, size_t keylen,
unsigned char *grip)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t sexp;
if (!grip)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
err = gcry_sexp_sscan (&sexp, NULL, (const char *)key, keylen);
if (err)
return err;
if (!gcry_pk_get_keygrip (sexp, grip))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
gcry_sexp_release (sexp);
return err;
/* Compare two simple S-expressions like "(3:foo)". Returns 0 if they
are identical or !0 if they are not. Note that this function can't
be used for sorting. */
cmp_simple_canon_sexp (const unsigned char *a_orig,
const unsigned char *b_orig)
const char *a = (const char *)a_orig;
const char *b = (const char *)b_orig;
unsigned long n1, n2;
char *endp;
if (!a && !b)
return 0; /* Both are NULL, they are identical. */
if (!a || !b)
return 1; /* One is NULL, they are not identical. */
if (*a != '(' || *b != '(')
log_bug ("invalid S-exp in cmp_simple_canon_sexp\n");
n1 = strtoul (a, &endp, 10);
a = endp;
n2 = strtoul (b, &endp, 10);
b = endp;
if (*a != ':' || *b != ':' )
log_bug ("invalid S-exp in cmp_simple_canon_sexp\n");
if (n1 != n2)
return 1; /* Not the same. */
for (a++, b++; n1; n1--, a++, b++)
if (*a != *b)
return 1; /* Not the same. */
return 0;
/* Create a simple S-expression from the hex string at LINE. Returns
a newly allocated buffer with that canonical encoded S-expression
or NULL in case of an error. On return the number of characters
scanned in LINE will be stored at NSCANNED. This fucntions stops
converting at the first character not representing a hexdigit. Odd
numbers of hex digits are allowed; a leading zero is then
assumed. If no characters have been found, NULL is returned.*/
unsigned char *
make_simple_sexp_from_hexstr (const char *line, size_t *nscanned)
size_t n, len;
const char *s;
unsigned char *buf;
unsigned char *p;
char numbuf[50], *numbufp;
size_t numbuflen;
for (n=0, s=line; hexdigitp (s); s++, n++)
if (nscanned)
*nscanned = n;
if (!n)
return NULL;
len = ((n+1) & ~0x01)/2;
numbufp = smklen (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, len, &numbuflen);
buf = xtrymalloc (1 + numbuflen + len + 1 + 1);
if (!buf)
return NULL;
buf[0] = '(';
p = (unsigned char *)stpcpy ((char *)buf+1, numbufp);
s = line;
if ((n&1))
*p++ = xtoi_1 (s);
for (; n > 1; n -=2, s += 2)
*p++ = xtoi_2 (s);
*p++ = ')';
*p = 0; /* (Not really neaded.) */
return buf;
/* Return the hash algorithm from a KSBA sig-val. SIGVAL is a
canonical encoded S-expression. Return 0 if the hash algorithm is
not encoded in SIG-VAL or it is not supported by libgcrypt. */
hash_algo_from_sigval (const unsigned char *sigval)
const unsigned char *s = sigval;
size_t n;
int depth;
char buffer[50];
if (!s || *s != '(')
return 0; /* Invalid S-expression. */
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return 0; /* Invalid S-expression. */
if (!smatch (&s, n, "sig-val"))
return 0; /* Not a sig-val. */
if (*s != '(')
return 0; /* Invalid S-expression. */
/* Skip over the algo+parameter list. */
depth = 1;
if (sskip (&s, &depth) || depth)
return 0; /* Invalid S-expression. */
if (*s != '(')
return 0; /* No further list. */
/* Check whether this is (hash ALGO). */
n = snext (&s);
if (!n)
return 0; /* Invalid S-expression. */
if (!smatch (&s, n, "hash"))
return 0; /* Not a "hash" keyword. */
n = snext (&s);
if (!n || n+1 >= sizeof (buffer))
return 0; /* Algorithm string is missing or too long. */
memcpy (buffer, s, n);
buffer[n] = 0;
return gcry_md_map_name (buffer);
/* Create a public key S-expression for an RSA public key from the
modulus M with length MLEN and the public exponent E with length
ELEN. Returns a newly allocated buffer of NULL in case of a memory
allocation problem. If R_LEN is not NULL, the length of the
canonical S-expression is stored there. */
unsigned char *
make_canon_sexp_from_rsa_pk (const void *m_arg, size_t mlen,
const void *e_arg, size_t elen,
size_t *r_len)
const unsigned char *m = m_arg;
const unsigned char *e = e_arg;
int m_extra = 0;
int e_extra = 0;
char mlen_str[35];
char elen_str[35];
unsigned char *keybuf, *p;
const char part1[] = "(10:public-key(3:rsa(1:n";
const char part2[] = ")(1:e";
const char part3[] = ")))";
/* Remove leading zeroes. */
for (; mlen && !*m; mlen--, m++)
for (; elen && !*e; elen--, e++)
/* Insert a leading zero if the number would be zero or interpreted
as negative. */
if (!mlen || (m[0] & 0x80))
m_extra = 1;
if (!elen || (e[0] & 0x80))
e_extra = 1;
/* Build the S-expression. */
snprintf (mlen_str, sizeof mlen_str, "%u:", (unsigned int)mlen+m_extra);
snprintf (elen_str, sizeof elen_str, "%u:", (unsigned int)elen+e_extra);
keybuf = xtrymalloc (strlen (part1) + strlen (mlen_str) + mlen + m_extra
+ strlen (part2) + strlen (elen_str) + elen + e_extra
+ strlen (part3) + 1);
if (!keybuf)
return NULL;
p = stpcpy (keybuf, part1);
p = stpcpy (p, mlen_str);
if (m_extra)
*p++ = 0;
memcpy (p, m, mlen);
p += mlen;
p = stpcpy (p, part2);
p = stpcpy (p, elen_str);
if (e_extra)
*p++ = 0;
memcpy (p, e, elen);
p += elen;
p = stpcpy (p, part3);
if (r_len)
*r_len = p - keybuf;
return keybuf;
/* Return the parameters of a public RSA key expressed as an
canonical encoded S-expression. */
get_rsa_pk_from_canon_sexp (const unsigned char *keydata, size_t keydatalen,
unsigned char const **r_n, size_t *r_nlen,
unsigned char const **r_e, size_t *r_elen)
gpg_error_t err;
const unsigned char *buf, *tok;
size_t buflen, toklen;
int depth, last_depth1, last_depth2;
const unsigned char *rsa_n = NULL;
const unsigned char *rsa_e = NULL;
size_t rsa_n_len, rsa_e_len;
*r_n = NULL;
*r_nlen = 0;
*r_e = NULL;
*r_elen = 0;
buf = keydata;
buflen = keydatalen;
depth = 0;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
return err;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
return err;
if (!tok || toklen != 10 || memcmp ("public-key", tok, toklen))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PUBKEY);
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
return err;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
return err;
if (!tok || toklen != 3 || memcmp ("rsa", tok, toklen))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_PUBKEY_ALGO);
last_depth1 = depth;
while (!(err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen))
&& depth && depth >= last_depth1)
if (tok)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
return err;
if (tok && toklen == 1)
const unsigned char **mpi;
size_t *mpi_len;
switch (*tok)
case 'n': mpi = &rsa_n; mpi_len = &rsa_n_len; break;
case 'e': mpi = &rsa_e; mpi_len = &rsa_e_len; break;
default: mpi = NULL; mpi_len = NULL; break;
if (mpi && *mpi)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE);
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
return err;
if (tok && mpi)
/* Strip off leading zero bytes and save. */
for (;toklen && !*tok; toklen--, tok++)
*mpi = tok;
*mpi_len = toklen;
/* Skip to the end of the list. */
last_depth2 = depth;
while (!(err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen))
&& depth && depth >= last_depth2)
if (err)
return err;
if (err)
return err;
if (!rsa_n || !rsa_n_len || !rsa_e || !rsa_e_len)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PUBKEY);
*r_n = rsa_n;
*r_nlen = rsa_n_len;
*r_e = rsa_e;
*r_elen = rsa_e_len;
return 0;
/* Return the algo of a public RSA expressed as an canonical encoded
S-expression. The return value is a statically allocated
string. On error that string is set to NULL. */
get_pk_algo_from_canon_sexp (const unsigned char *keydata, size_t keydatalen,
const char **r_algo)
gpg_error_t err;
const unsigned char *buf, *tok;
size_t buflen, toklen;
int depth;
*r_algo = NULL;
buf = keydata;
buflen = keydatalen;
depth = 0;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
return err;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
return err;
if (!tok || toklen != 10 || memcmp ("public-key", tok, toklen))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PUBKEY);
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
return err;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
return err;
if (!tok)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PUBKEY);
if (toklen == 3 && !memcmp ("rsa", tok, toklen))
*r_algo = "rsa";
else if (toklen == 3 && !memcmp ("dsa", tok, toklen))
*r_algo = "dsa";
else if (toklen == 3 && !memcmp ("elg", tok, toklen))
*r_algo = "elg";
else if (toklen == 5 && !memcmp ("ecdsa", tok, toklen))
*r_algo = "ecdsa";
else if (toklen == 5 && !memcmp ("eddsa", tok, toklen))
*r_algo = "eddsa";
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO);
return 0;
/* Return the algo of a public KEY of SEXP. */
get_pk_algo_from_key (gcry_sexp_t key)
gcry_sexp_t list;
const char *s;
size_t n;
char algoname[6];
int algo = 0;
list = gcry_sexp_nth (key, 1);
if (!list)
goto out;
s = gcry_sexp_nth_data (list, 0, &n);
if (!s)
goto out;
if (n >= sizeof (algoname))
goto out;
memcpy (algoname, s, n);
algoname[n] = 0;
algo = gcry_pk_map_name (algoname);
if (algo == GCRY_PK_ECC)
gcry_sexp_t l1 = gcry_sexp_find_token (list, "flags", 0);
int i;
for (i = l1 ? gcry_sexp_length (l1)-1 : 0; i > 0; i--)
s = gcry_sexp_nth_data (l1, i, &n);
if (!s)
continue; /* Not a data element. */
if (n == 5 && !memcmp (s, "eddsa", 5))
gcry_sexp_release (l1);
gcry_sexp_release (list);
return algo;
diff --git a/common/shareddefs.h b/common/shareddefs.h
index 604b7e9d7..1594f6650 100644
--- a/common/shareddefs.h
+++ b/common/shareddefs.h
@@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
/* shareddefs.h - Constants and helpers useful for all modules
* Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* Values for the pinentry mode. */
typedef enum
PINENTRY_MODE_ASK = 0, /* Ask via pinentry (default). */
PINENTRY_MODE_CANCEL, /* Always return a cancel error. */
PINENTRY_MODE_ERROR, /* Return error code for no pinentry. */
PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK /* Use an inquiry to get the value. */
/*-- agent-opt.c --*/
int parse_pinentry_mode (const char *value);
const char *str_pinentry_mode (pinentry_mode_t mode);
diff --git a/common/signal.c b/common/signal.c
index 9064adcd1..ccfa8e670 100644
--- a/common/signal.c
+++ b/common/signal.c
@@ -1,249 +1,249 @@
/* signal.c - signal handling
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
* 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
# include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "util.h"
static volatile int caught_fatal_sig;
static volatile int caught_sigusr1;
static void (*cleanup_fnc)(void);
static void
init_one_signal (int sig, RETSIGTYPE (*handler)(int), int check_ign )
struct sigaction oact, nact;
if (check_ign)
/* we don't want to change an IGN handler */
sigaction (sig, NULL, &oact );
if (oact.sa_handler == SIG_IGN )
nact.sa_handler = handler;
sigemptyset (&nact.sa_mask);
nact.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction ( sig, &nact, NULL);
# else
RETSIGTYPE (*ohandler)(int);
ohandler = signal (sig, handler);
if (check_ign && ohandler == SIG_IGN)
/* Change it back if it was already set to IGN */
signal (sig, SIG_IGN);
# endif
static const char *
get_signal_name( int signum )
/* Note that we can't use strsignal(), because it is not
reentrant. */
return (signum >= 0 && signum < NSIG) ? sys_siglist[signum] : "?";
return NULL;
got_fatal_signal (int sig)
const char *s;
if (caught_fatal_sig)
raise (sig);
caught_fatal_sig = 1;
if (cleanup_fnc)
cleanup_fnc ();
/* Better don't translate these messages. */
(void)write (2, "\n", 1 );
s = log_get_prefix (NULL);
if (s)
(void)write(2, s, strlen (s));
(void)write (2, ": signal ", 9 );
s = get_signal_name(sig);
if (s)
(void) write (2, s, strlen(s) );
/* We are in a signal handler so we can't use any kind of printf
even not sprintf. So we use a straightforward algorithm. We
got a report that on one particular system, raising a signal
while in this handler, the parameter SIG get sclobbered and
things are messed up because we modify its value. Although
this is a bug in that system, we will protect against it. */
if (sig < 0 || sig >= 100000)
(void)write (2, "?", 1);
int i, value, any=0;
for (value=sig,i=10000; i; i /= 10)
if (value >= i || ((any || i==1) && !(value/i)))
(void)write (2, &"0123456789"[value/i], 1);
if ((value/i))
any = 1;
value %= i;
(void)write (2, " caught ... exiting\n", 20);
/* Reset action to default action and raise signal again */
init_one_signal (sig, SIG_DFL, 0);
/* Fixme: remove_lockfiles ();*/
#ifdef __riscos__
close_fds ();
#endif /* __riscos__ */
raise( sig );
got_usr_signal (int sig)
caught_sigusr1 = 1;
gnupg_init_signals (int mode, void (*fast_cleanup)(void))
assert (!mode);
cleanup_fnc = fast_cleanup;
init_one_signal (SIGINT, got_fatal_signal, 1 );
init_one_signal (SIGHUP, got_fatal_signal, 1 );
init_one_signal (SIGTERM, got_fatal_signal, 1 );
init_one_signal (SIGQUIT, got_fatal_signal, 1 );
init_one_signal (SIGSEGV, got_fatal_signal, 1 );
init_one_signal (SIGUSR1, got_usr_signal, 0 );
init_one_signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN, 0 );
static void
do_block (int block)
static int is_blocked;
static sigset_t oldmask;
if (block)
sigset_t newmask;
if (is_blocked)
log_bug ("signals are already blocked\n");
sigfillset( &newmask );
sigprocmask( SIG_BLOCK, &newmask, &oldmask );
is_blocked = 1;
if (!is_blocked)
log_bug("signals are not blocked\n");
sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &oldmask, NULL);
is_blocked = 0;
static void (*disposition[MAXSIG])();
int sig;
if (block)
if (is_blocked)
log_bug("signals are already blocked\n");
for (sig=1; sig < MAXSIG; sig++)
disposition[sig] = sigset (sig, SIG_HOLD);
is_blocked = 1;
if (!is_blocked)
log_bug ("signals are not blocked\n");
for (sig=1; sig < MAXSIG; sig++) {
sigset (sig, disposition[sig]);
is_blocked = 0;
gnupg_block_all_signals ()
gnupg_unblock_all_signals ()
diff --git a/common/simple-pwquery.c b/common/simple-pwquery.c
index bc555df9b..c74317f1a 100644
--- a/common/simple-pwquery.c
+++ b/common/simple-pwquery.c
@@ -1,494 +1,494 @@
/* simple-pwquery.c - A simple password query client for gpg-agent
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2004, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* This module is intended as a simple client implementation to
gpg-agent's GET_PASSPHRASE command. It can only cope with an
already running gpg-agent. Some stuff is configurable in the
header file. */
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assuan.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "../common/mischelp.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "membuf.h"
#include "simple-pwquery.h"
#define SPWQ_OUT_OF_CORE gpg_error_from_errno (ENOMEM)
#define SPWQ_IO_ERROR gpg_error_from_errno (EIO)
#define SPWQ_NO_AGENT gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_AGENT)
#define SPWQ_SYS_ERROR gpg_error_from_syserror ()
#ifndef _
#define _(a) (a)
#if !defined (hexdigitp) && !defined (xtoi_2)
#define digitp(p) (*(p) >= '0' && *(p) <= '9')
#define hexdigitp(a) (digitp (a) \
|| (*(a) >= 'A' && *(a) <= 'F') \
|| (*(a) >= 'a' && *(a) <= 'f'))
#define xtoi_1(p) (*(p) <= '9'? (*(p)- '0'): \
*(p) <= 'F'? (*(p)-'A'+10):(*(p)-'a'+10))
#define xtoi_2(p) ((xtoi_1(p) * 16) + xtoi_1((p)+1))
/* Name of the socket to be used. This is a kludge to keep on using
the existsing code despite that we only support a standard socket. */
static char *default_gpg_agent_info;
static char *
my_stpcpy(char *a,const char *b)
while( *b )
*a++ = *b++;
*a = 0;
return (char*)a;
#define stpcpy(a,b) my_stpcpy((a), (b))
/* Send an option to the agent */
static int
agent_send_option (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *name, const char *value)
int err;
char *line;
line = spwq_malloc (7 + strlen (name) + 1 + strlen (value) + 2);
if (!line)
strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (
stpcpy (line, "OPTION "), name), "="), value), "\n");
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
spwq_free (line);
return err;
/* Send all available options to the agent. */
static int
agent_send_all_options (assuan_context_t ctx)
char *dft_display = NULL;
char *dft_ttyname = NULL;
char *dft_ttytype = NULL;
char *dft_xauthority = NULL;
char *dft_pinentry_user_data = NULL;
int rc = 0;
dft_display = getenv ("DISPLAY");
if (dft_display)
if ((rc = agent_send_option (ctx, "display", dft_display)))
return rc;
dft_ttyname = getenv ("GPG_TTY");
#if !defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) && !defined(HAVE_BROKEN_TTYNAME)
if ((!dft_ttyname || !*dft_ttyname) && ttyname (0))
dft_ttyname = ttyname (0);
if (dft_ttyname && *dft_ttyname)
if ((rc=agent_send_option (ctx, "ttyname", dft_ttyname)))
return rc;
dft_ttytype = getenv ("TERM");
if (dft_ttyname && dft_ttytype)
if ((rc = agent_send_option (ctx, "ttytype", dft_ttytype)))
return rc;
#if defined(HAVE_SETLOCALE)
char *old_lc = NULL;
char *dft_lc = NULL;
#if defined(LC_CTYPE)
old_lc = setlocale (LC_CTYPE, NULL);
if (old_lc)
char *p = spwq_malloc (strlen (old_lc)+1);
if (!p)
strcpy (p, old_lc);
old_lc = p;
dft_lc = setlocale (LC_CTYPE, "");
if (dft_ttyname && dft_lc)
rc = agent_send_option (ctx, "lc-ctype", dft_lc);
if (old_lc)
setlocale (LC_CTYPE, old_lc);
spwq_free (old_lc);
if (rc)
return rc;
#if defined(LC_MESSAGES)
old_lc = setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, NULL);
if (old_lc)
char *p = spwq_malloc (strlen (old_lc)+1);
if (!p)
strcpy (p, old_lc);
old_lc = p;
dft_lc = setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, "");
if (dft_ttyname && dft_lc)
rc = agent_send_option (ctx, "lc-messages", dft_lc);
if (old_lc)
setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, old_lc);
spwq_free (old_lc);
if (rc)
return rc;
/* Send the XAUTHORITY variable. */
dft_xauthority = getenv ("XAUTHORITY");
if (dft_xauthority)
/* We ignore errors here because older gpg-agents don't support
this option. */
agent_send_option (ctx, "xauthority", dft_xauthority);
/* Send the PINENTRY_USER_DATA variable. */
dft_pinentry_user_data = getenv ("PINENTRY_USER_DATA");
if (dft_pinentry_user_data)
/* We ignore errors here because older gpg-agents don't support
this option. */
agent_send_option (ctx, "pinentry-user-data", dft_pinentry_user_data);
/* Tell the agent that we support Pinentry notifications. No
error checking so that it will work with older agents. */
assuan_transact (ctx, "OPTION allow-pinentry-notify",
return 0;
/* Try to open a connection to the agent, send all options and return
the file descriptor for the connection. Return -1 in case of
error. */
static int
agent_open (assuan_context_t *ctx)
int rc;
char *infostr;
infostr = default_gpg_agent_info;
if ( !infostr || !*infostr )
log_error (_("no gpg-agent running in this session\n"));
rc = assuan_new (ctx);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = assuan_socket_connect (*ctx, infostr, 0, 0);
if (rc)
log_error (_("can't connect to '%s': %s\n"),
infostr, gpg_strerror (rc));
goto errout;
rc = agent_send_all_options (*ctx);
if (rc)
log_error (_("problem setting the gpg-agent options\n"));
goto errout;
return 0;
assuan_release (*ctx);
*ctx = NULL;
return rc;
/* Copy text to BUFFER and escape as required. Return a pointer to
the end of the new buffer. Note that BUFFER must be large enough
to keep the entire text; allocataing it 3 times the size of TEXT
is sufficient. */
static char *
copy_and_escape (char *buffer, const char *text)
int i;
const unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)text;
char *p = buffer;
for (i=0; s[i]; i++)
if (s[i] < ' ' || s[i] == '+')
sprintf (p, "%%%02X", s[i]);
p += 3;
else if (s[i] == ' ')
*p++ = '+';
*p++ = s[i];
return p;
/* Set the name of the default socket to NAME. */
simple_pw_set_socket (const char *name)
spwq_free (default_gpg_agent_info);
default_gpg_agent_info = NULL;
if (name)
default_gpg_agent_info = spwq_malloc (strlen (name) + 1);
if (!default_gpg_agent_info)
strcpy (default_gpg_agent_info, name);
return 0;
/* This is the default inquiry callback. It merely handles the
Pinentry notification. */
static gpg_error_t
default_inq_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
if (!strncmp (line, "PINENTRY_LAUNCHED", 17) && (line[17]==' '||!line[17]))
gnupg_allow_set_foregound_window ((pid_t)strtoul (line+17, NULL, 10));
/* We do not return errors to avoid breaking other code. */
log_debug ("ignoring gpg-agent inquiry '%s'\n", line);
return 0;
/* Ask the gpg-agent for a passphrase and present the user with a
DESCRIPTION, a PROMPT and optionally with a TRYAGAIN extra text.
If a CACHEID is not NULL it is used to locate the passphrase in in
the cache and store it under this ID. If OPT_CHECK is true
gpg-agent is asked to apply some checks on the passphrase security.
If ERRORCODE is not NULL it should point a variable receiving an
errorcode; this error code might be 0 if the user canceled the
operation. The function returns NULL to indicate an error. */
char *
simple_pwquery (const char *cacheid,
const char *tryagain,
const char *prompt,
const char *description,
int opt_check,
int *errorcode)
int rc;
assuan_context_t ctx;
membuf_t data;
char *result = NULL;
char *pw = NULL;
char *p;
size_t n;
rc = agent_open (&ctx);
if (rc)
goto leave;
if (!cacheid)
cacheid = "X";
if (!tryagain)
tryagain = "X";
if (!prompt)
prompt = "X";
if (!description)
description = "X";
char *line;
/* We allocate 3 times the needed space so that there is enough
space for escaping. */
line = spwq_malloc (15 + 10
+ 3*strlen (cacheid) + 1
+ 3*strlen (tryagain) + 1
+ 3*strlen (prompt) + 1
+ 3*strlen (description) + 1
+ 2);
if (!line)
goto leave;
strcpy (line, "GET_PASSPHRASE ");
p = line+15;
if (opt_check)
p = stpcpy (p, "--check ");
p = copy_and_escape (p, cacheid);
*p++ = ' ';
p = copy_and_escape (p, tryagain);
*p++ = ' ';
p = copy_and_escape (p, prompt);
*p++ = ' ';
p = copy_and_escape (p, description);
*p++ = '\n';
init_membuf_secure (&data, 64);
rc = assuan_transact (ctx, line, put_membuf_cb, &data,
default_inq_cb, NULL, NULL, NULL);
spwq_free (line);
/* Older Pinentries return the old assuan error code for canceled
which gets translated by libassuan to GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED and
not to the code for a user cancel. Fix this here. */
if (rc && gpg_err_source (rc)
&& gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED)
rc = gpg_err_make (gpg_err_source (rc), GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
if (rc)
p = get_membuf (&data, &n);
if (p)
wipememory (p, n);
spwq_free (p);
put_membuf (&data, "", 1);
result = get_membuf (&data, NULL);
if (pw == NULL)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (errorcode)
*errorcode = rc;
assuan_release (ctx);
return result;
/* Ask the gpg-agent to clear the passphrase for the cache ID CACHEID. */
simple_pwclear (const char *cacheid)
char line[500];
char *p;
/* We need not more than 50 characters for the command and the
terminating nul. */
if (strlen (cacheid) * 3 > sizeof (line) - 50)
strcpy (line, "CLEAR_PASSPHRASE ");
p = line + 17;
p = copy_and_escape (p, cacheid);
*p++ = '\n';
*p++ = '\0';
return simple_query (line);
/* Perform the simple query QUERY (which must be new-line and 0
terminated) and return the error code. */
simple_query (const char *query)
assuan_context_t ctx;
int rc;
rc = agent_open (&ctx);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = assuan_transact (ctx, query, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
assuan_release (ctx);
return rc;
diff --git a/common/simple-pwquery.h b/common/simple-pwquery.h
index 2b87b11a2..f98a396a5 100644
--- a/common/simple-pwquery.h
+++ b/common/simple-pwquery.h
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
/* simple-pwquery.c - A simple password query cleint for gpg-agent
* Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifdef SIMPLE_PWQUERY_IMPLEMENTATION /* Begin configuration stuff. */
/* Include whatever files you need. */
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include "../common/logging.h"
/* Try to write error message using the standard gnupg log mechanism. */
/* Memory allocation functions used by the implementation. Note, that
the returned value is expected to be freed with
spwq_secure_free. */
#define spwq_malloc(a) gcry_malloc (a)
#define spwq_free(a) gcry_free (a)
#define spwq_secure_malloc(a) gcry_malloc_secure (a)
#define spwq_secure_free(a) gcry_free (a)
#endif /*SIMPLE_PWQUERY_IMPLEMENTATION*/ /* End configuration stuff. */
/* Ask the gpg-agent for a passphrase and present the user with a
DESCRIPTION, a PROMPT and optiaonlly with a TRYAGAIN extra text.
If a CACHEID is not NULL it is used to locate the passphrase in in
the cache and store it under this ID. If OPT_CHECK is true
gpg-agent is asked to apply some checks on the passphrase security.
If ERRORCODE is not NULL it should point a variable receiving an
errorcode; this errocode might be 0 if the user canceled the
operation. The function returns NULL to indicate an error. */
char *simple_pwquery (const char *cacheid,
const char *tryagain,
const char *prompt,
const char *description,
int opt_check,
int *errorcode);
/* Ask the gpg-agent to clear the passphrase for the cache ID CACHEID. */
int simple_pwclear (const char *cacheid);
/* Perform the simple query QUERY (which must be new-line and 0
terminated) and return the error code. */
int simple_query (const char *query);
/* Set the name of the standard socket to be used if GPG_AGENT_INFO is
not defined. The use of this function is optional but if it needs
to be called before any other function. Returns 0 on success. */
int simple_pw_set_socket (const char *name);
diff --git a/common/ssh-utils.c b/common/ssh-utils.c
index 58586a1aa..60aa07bc7 100644
--- a/common/ssh-utils.c
+++ b/common/ssh-utils.c
@@ -1,284 +1,284 @@
/* ssh-utils.c - Secure Shell helper functions
* Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "ssh-utils.h"
/* Return true if KEYPARMS holds an EdDSA key. */
static int
is_eddsa (gcry_sexp_t keyparms)
int result = 0;
gcry_sexp_t list;
const char *s;
size_t n;
int i;
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (keyparms, "flags", 0);
for (i = list ? gcry_sexp_length (list)-1 : 0; i > 0; i--)
s = gcry_sexp_nth_data (list, i, &n);
if (!s)
continue; /* Not a data element. */
if (n == 5 && !memcmp (s, "eddsa", 5))
result = 1;
gcry_sexp_release (list);
return result;
/* Return the Secure Shell type fingerprint for KEY. The length of
the fingerprint is returned at R_LEN and the fingerprint itself at
R_FPR. In case of a error code is returned and NULL stored at
R_FPR. */
static gpg_error_t
get_fingerprint (gcry_sexp_t key, void **r_fpr, size_t *r_len, int as_string)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t list = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t l2 = NULL;
const char *s;
char *name = NULL;
int idx;
const char *elems;
gcry_md_hd_t md = NULL;
int blobmode = 0;
*r_fpr = NULL;
*r_len = 0;
/* Check that the first element is valid. */
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (key, "public-key", 0);
if (!list)
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (key, "private-key", 0);
if (!list)
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (key, "protected-private-key", 0);
if (!list)
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (key, "shadowed-private-key", 0);
if (!list)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
goto leave;
l2 = gcry_sexp_cadr (list);
gcry_sexp_release (list);
list = l2;
l2 = NULL;
name = gcry_sexp_nth_string (list, 0);
if (!name)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
goto leave;
err = gcry_md_open (&md, GCRY_MD_MD5, 0);
if (err)
goto leave;
switch (gcry_pk_map_name (name))
elems = "en";
gcry_md_write (md, "\0\0\0\x07ssh-rsa", 11);
elems = "pqgy";
gcry_md_write (md, "\0\0\0\x07ssh-dss", 11);
if (is_eddsa (list))
elems = "q";
blobmode = 1;
/* For now there is just one curve, thus no need to switch
on it. */
gcry_md_write (md, "\0\0\0\x0b" "ssh-ed25519", 15);
/* We only support the 3 standard curves for now. It is
just a quick hack. */
elems = "q";
gcry_md_write (md, "\0\0\0\x13" "ecdsa-sha2-nistp", 20);
l2 = gcry_sexp_find_token (list, "curve", 0);
if (!l2)
elems = "";
gcry_free (name);
name = gcry_sexp_nth_string (l2, 1);
gcry_sexp_release (l2);
l2 = NULL;
if (!name)
elems = "";
else if (!strcmp (name, "NIST P-256")||!strcmp (name, "nistp256"))
gcry_md_write (md, "256\0\0\0\x08nistp256", 15);
else if (!strcmp (name, "NIST P-384")||!strcmp (name, "nistp384"))
gcry_md_write (md, "384\0\0\0\x08nistp384", 15);
else if (!strcmp (name, "NIST P-521")||!strcmp (name, "nistp521"))
gcry_md_write (md, "521\0\0\0\x08nistp521", 15);
elems = "";
if (!*elems)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_CURVE);
elems = "";
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO);
if (err)
goto leave;
for (idx = 0, s = elems; *s; s++, idx++)
l2 = gcry_sexp_find_token (list, s, 1);
if (!l2)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
goto leave;
if (blobmode)
const char *blob;
size_t bloblen;
unsigned char lenbuf[4];
blob = gcry_sexp_nth_data (l2, 1, &bloblen);
if (!blob)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
goto leave;
lenbuf[0] = bloblen >> 24;
lenbuf[1] = bloblen >> 16;
lenbuf[2] = bloblen >> 8;
lenbuf[3] = bloblen;
gcry_md_write (md, lenbuf, 4);
gcry_md_write (md, blob, bloblen);
gcry_mpi_t a;
unsigned char *buf;
size_t buflen;
a = gcry_sexp_nth_mpi (l2, 1, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG);
gcry_sexp_release (l2);
l2 = NULL;
if (!a)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
goto leave;
err = gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_SSH, &buf, &buflen, a);
gcry_mpi_release (a);
if (err)
goto leave;
gcry_md_write (md, buf, buflen);
gcry_free (buf);
*r_fpr = gcry_malloc (as_string? 61:20);
if (!*r_fpr)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
goto leave;
if (as_string)
bin2hexcolon (gcry_md_read (md, GCRY_MD_MD5), 16, *r_fpr);
*r_len = 3*16+1;
strlwr (*r_fpr);
memcpy (*r_fpr, gcry_md_read (md, GCRY_MD_MD5), 16);
*r_len = 16;
err = 0;
gcry_free (name);
gcry_sexp_release (l2);
gcry_md_close (md);
gcry_sexp_release (list);
return err;
/* Return the Secure Shell type fingerprint for KEY. The length of
the fingerprint is returned at R_LEN and the fingerprint itself at
R_FPR. In case of an error an error code is returned and NULL
stored at R_FPR. */
ssh_get_fingerprint (gcry_sexp_t key, void **r_fpr, size_t *r_len)
return get_fingerprint (key, r_fpr, r_len, 0);
/* Return the Secure Shell type fingerprint for KEY as a string. The
fingerprint is mallcoed and stored at R_FPRSTR. In case of an
error an error code is returned and NULL stored at R_FPRSTR. */
ssh_get_fingerprint_string (gcry_sexp_t key, char **r_fprstr)
gpg_error_t err;
size_t dummy;
void *string;
err = get_fingerprint (key, &string, &dummy, 1);
*r_fprstr = string;
return err;
diff --git a/common/ssh-utils.h b/common/ssh-utils.h
index dcf0787e9..36d38a3fa 100644
--- a/common/ssh-utils.h
+++ b/common/ssh-utils.h
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
/* ssh-utils.c - Secure Shell helper function definitions
* Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
gpg_error_t ssh_get_fingerprint (gcry_sexp_t key, void **r_fpr, size_t *r_len);
gpg_error_t ssh_get_fingerprint_string (gcry_sexp_t key, char **r_fprstr);
diff --git a/common/status.c b/common/status.c
index a16e7b46d..50afce496 100644
--- a/common/status.c
+++ b/common/status.c
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
/* status.c - status code helper functions
* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "status-codes.h"
/* Return the status string for code NO. */
const char *
get_status_string ( int no )
int idx = statusstr_msgidxof (no);
if (idx == -1)
return "?";
return statusstr_msgstr + statusstr_msgidx[idx];
const char *
get_inv_recpsgnr_code (gpg_error_t err)
const char *errstr;
switch (gpg_err_code (err))
case GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY: errstr = "1"; break;
case GPG_ERR_AMBIGUOUS_NAME: errstr = "2"; break;
case GPG_ERR_WRONG_KEY_USAGE: errstr = "3"; break;
case GPG_ERR_CERT_REVOKED: errstr = "4"; break;
case GPG_ERR_CERT_EXPIRED: errstr = "5"; break;
case GPG_ERR_NO_CRL_KNOWN: errstr = "6"; break;
case GPG_ERR_CRL_TOO_OLD: errstr = "7"; break;
case GPG_ERR_NO_POLICY_MATCH: errstr = "8"; break;
case GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY: errstr = "9"; break;
case GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED: errstr = "10"; break;
case GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT: errstr = "11"; break;
case GPG_ERR_MISSING_ISSUER_CERT: errstr = "12"; break;
default: errstr = "0"; break;
return errstr;
diff --git a/common/status.h b/common/status.h
index 079a04ac6..3de4aa524 100644
--- a/common/status.h
+++ b/common/status.h
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
/* status.h - Status codes
* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
STATUS_PLAINTEXT_FOLLOWS, /* Used by g13-syshelp */
const char *get_status_string (int code);
const char *get_inv_recpsgnr_code (gpg_error_t err);
diff --git a/common/stringhelp.c b/common/stringhelp.c
index f494bc5ad..dea2212c4 100644
--- a/common/stringhelp.c
+++ b/common/stringhelp.c
@@ -1,1567 +1,1567 @@
/* stringhelp.c - standard string helper functions
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
* 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifdef HAVE_PWD_H
# include <pwd.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# include <winsock2.h>
# endif
# include <windows.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "common-defs.h"
#include "utf8conv.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "stringhelp.h"
#define tohex_lower(n) ((n) < 10 ? ((n) + '0') : (((n) - 10) + 'a'))
/* Sometimes we want to avoid mixing slashes and backslashes on W32
and prefer backslashes. There is usual no problem with mixing
them, however a very few W32 API calls can't grok plain slashes.
Printing filenames with mixed slashes also looks a bit strange.
This function has no effext on POSIX. */
static inline char *
change_slashes (char *name)
char *p;
if (strchr (name, '\\'))
for (p=name; *p; p++)
if (*p == '/')
*p = '\\';
return name;
* Check whether STRING starts with KEYWORD. The keyword is
* delimited by end of string, a space or a tab. Returns NULL if not
* found or a pointer into STRING to the next non-space character
* after the KEYWORD (which may be end of string).
char *
has_leading_keyword (const char *string, const char *keyword)
size_t n = strlen (keyword);
if (!strncmp (string, keyword, n)
&& (!string[n] || string[n] == ' ' || string[n] == '\t'))
string += n;
while (*string == ' ' || *string == '\t')
return (char*)string;
return NULL;
* Look for the substring SUB in buffer and return a pointer to that
* substring in BUFFER or NULL if not found.
* Comparison is case-insensitive.
const char *
memistr (const void *buffer, size_t buflen, const char *sub)
const unsigned char *buf = buffer;
const unsigned char *t = (const unsigned char *)buffer;
const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char *)sub;
size_t n = buflen;
for ( ; n ; t++, n-- )
if ( toupper (*t) == toupper (*s) )
for ( buf=t++, buflen = n--, s++;
n && toupper (*t) == toupper (*s); t++, s++, n-- )
if (!*s)
return (const char*)buf;
t = buf;
s = (const unsigned char *)sub ;
n = buflen;
return NULL;
const char *
ascii_memistr ( const void *buffer, size_t buflen, const char *sub )
const unsigned char *buf = buffer;
const unsigned char *t = (const unsigned char *)buf;
const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char *)sub;
size_t n = buflen;
for ( ; n ; t++, n-- )
if (ascii_toupper (*t) == ascii_toupper (*s) )
for ( buf=t++, buflen = n--, s++;
n && ascii_toupper (*t) == ascii_toupper (*s); t++, s++, n-- )
if (!*s)
return (const char*)buf;
t = (const unsigned char *)buf;
s = (const unsigned char *)sub ;
n = buflen;
return NULL;
/* This function is similar to strncpy(). However it won't copy more
than N - 1 characters and makes sure that a '\0' is appended. With
N given as 0, nothing will happen. With DEST given as NULL, memory
will be allocated using xmalloc (i.e. if it runs out of core
the function terminates). Returns DES or a pointer to the
allocated memory.
char *
mem2str( char *dest , const void *src , size_t n )
char *d;
const char *s;
if( n ) {
if( !dest )
dest = xmalloc( n ) ;
d = dest;
s = src ;
for(n--; n && *s; n-- )
*d++ = *s++;
*d = '\0' ;
return dest ;
* remove leading and trailing white spaces
char *
trim_spaces( char *str )
char *string, *p, *mark;
string = str;
/* find first non space character */
for( p=string; *p && isspace( *(byte*)p ) ; p++ )
/* move characters */
for( (mark = NULL); (*string = *p); string++, p++ )
if( isspace( *(byte*)p ) ) {
if( !mark )
mark = string ;
mark = NULL ;
if( mark )
*mark = '\0' ; /* remove trailing spaces */
return str ;
* remove trailing white spaces
char *
trim_trailing_spaces( char *string )
char *p, *mark;
for( mark = NULL, p = string; *p; p++ ) {
if( isspace( *(byte*)p ) ) {
if( !mark )
mark = p;
mark = NULL;
if( mark )
*mark = '\0' ;
return string ;
trim_trailing_chars( byte *line, unsigned len, const char *trimchars )
byte *p, *mark;
unsigned n;
for(mark=NULL, p=line, n=0; n < len; n++, p++ ) {
if( strchr(trimchars, *p ) ) {
if( !mark )
mark = p;
mark = NULL;
if( mark ) {
*mark = 0;
return mark - line;
return len;
* remove trailing white spaces and return the length of the buffer
trim_trailing_ws( byte *line, unsigned len )
return trim_trailing_chars( line, len, " \t\r\n" );
length_sans_trailing_chars (const unsigned char *line, size_t len,
const char *trimchars )
const unsigned char *p, *mark;
size_t n;
for( mark=NULL, p=line, n=0; n < len; n++, p++ )
if (strchr (trimchars, *p ))
if( !mark )
mark = p;
mark = NULL;
if (mark)
return mark - line;
return len;
* Return the length of line ignoring trailing white-space.
length_sans_trailing_ws (const unsigned char *line, size_t len)
return length_sans_trailing_chars (line, len, " \t\r\n");
* Extract from a given path the filename component. This function
* terminates the process on memory shortage.
char *
make_basename(const char *filepath, const char *inputpath)
#ifdef __riscos__
return riscos_make_basename(filepath, inputpath);
char *p;
(void)inputpath; /* Only required for riscos. */
if ( !(p=strrchr(filepath, '/')) )
if ( !(p=strrchr(filepath, '\\')) )
if ( !(p=strrchr(filepath, ':')) )
return xstrdup(filepath);
return xstrdup(p+1);
* Extract from a given filename the path prepended to it. If there
* isn't a path prepended to the filename, a dot is returned ('.').
* This function terminates the process on memory shortage.
char *
make_dirname(const char *filepath)
char *dirname;
int dirname_length;
char *p;
if ( !(p=strrchr(filepath, '/')) )
if ( !(p=strrchr(filepath, '\\')) )
if ( !(p=strrchr(filepath, ':')) )
return xstrdup(".");
dirname_length = p-filepath;
dirname = xmalloc(dirname_length+1);
strncpy(dirname, filepath, dirname_length);
dirname[dirname_length] = 0;
return dirname;
static char *
get_pwdir (int xmode, const char *name)
char *result = NULL;
#ifdef HAVE_PWD_H
struct passwd *pwd = NULL;
if (name)
/* Fixme: We should use getpwnam_r if available. */
pwd = getpwnam (name);
/* Fixme: We should use getpwuid_r if available. */
pwd = getpwuid (getuid());
if (pwd)
if (xmode)
result = xstrdup (pwd->pw_dir);
result = xtrystrdup (pwd->pw_dir);
#else /*!HAVE_PWD_H*/
/* No support at all. */
#endif /*HAVE_PWD_H*/
return result;
/* xmode 0 := Return NULL on error
1 := Terminate on error
2 := Make sure that name is absolute; return NULL on error
3 := Make sure that name is absolute; terminate on error
static char *
do_make_filename (int xmode, const char *first_part, va_list arg_ptr)
const char *argv[32];
int argc;
size_t n;
int skip = 1;
char *home_buffer = NULL;
char *name, *home, *p;
int want_abs;
want_abs = !!(xmode & 2);
xmode &= 1;
n = strlen (first_part) + 1;
argc = 0;
while ( (argv[argc] = va_arg (arg_ptr, const char *)) )
n += strlen (argv[argc]) + 1;
if (argc >= DIM (argv)-1)
if (xmode)
BUG ();
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
return NULL;
home = NULL;
if (*first_part == '~')
if (first_part[1] == '/' || !first_part[1])
/* This is the "~/" or "~" case. */
home = getenv("HOME");
if (!home)
home = home_buffer = get_pwdir (xmode, NULL);
if (home && *home)
n += strlen (home);
/* This is the "~username/" or "~username" case. */
char *user;
if (xmode)
user = xstrdup (first_part+1);
user = xtrystrdup (first_part+1);
if (!user)
return NULL;
p = strchr (user, '/');
if (p)
*p = 0;
skip = 1 + strlen (user);
home = home_buffer = get_pwdir (xmode, user);
xfree (user);
if (home)
n += strlen (home);
skip = 1;
if (xmode)
name = xmalloc (n);
name = xtrymalloc (n);
if (!name)
xfree (home_buffer);
return NULL;
if (home)
p = stpcpy (stpcpy (name, home), first_part + skip);
p = stpcpy (name, first_part);
xfree (home_buffer);
for (argc=0; argv[argc]; argc++)
/* Avoid a leading double slash if the first part was "/". */
if (!argc && name[0] == '/' && !name[1])
p = stpcpy (p, argv[argc]);
p = stpcpy (stpcpy (p, "/"), argv[argc]);
if (want_abs)
p = strchr (name, ':');
if (p)
p = name;
p = name;
if (*p != '/'
&& *p != '\\'
home = gnupg_getcwd ();
if (!home)
if (xmode)
fprintf (stderr, "\nfatal: getcwd failed: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
xfree (name);
return NULL;
n = strlen (home) + 1 + strlen (name) + 1;
if (xmode)
home_buffer = xmalloc (n);
home_buffer = xtrymalloc (n);
if (!home_buffer)
xfree (home);
xfree (name);
return NULL;
if (p == name)
p = home_buffer;
else /* Windows case. */
memcpy (home_buffer, p, p - name + 1);
p = home_buffer + (p - name + 1);
/* Avoid a leading double slash if the cwd is "/". */
if (home[0] == '/' && !home[1])
strcpy (stpcpy (p, "/"), name);
strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (p, home), "/"), name);
xfree (home);
xfree (name);
name = home_buffer;
/* Let's do a simple compression to catch the most common
case of using "." for gpg's --homedir option. */
n = strlen (name);
if (n > 2 && name[n-2] == '/' && name[n-1] == '.')
name[n-2] = 0;
return change_slashes (name);
/* Construct a filename from the NULL terminated list of parts. Tilde
expansion is done for the first argument. This function terminates
the process on memory shortage. */
char *
make_filename (const char *first_part, ... )
va_list arg_ptr;
char *result;
va_start (arg_ptr, first_part);
result = do_make_filename (1, first_part, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
return result;
/* Construct a filename from the NULL terminated list of parts. Tilde
expansion is done for the first argument. This function may return
NULL on error. */
char *
make_filename_try (const char *first_part, ... )
va_list arg_ptr;
char *result;
va_start (arg_ptr, first_part);
result = do_make_filename (0, first_part, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
return result;
/* Construct an absolute filename from the NULL terminated list of
parts. Tilde expansion is done for the first argument. This
function terminates the process on memory shortage. */
char *
make_absfilename (const char *first_part, ... )
va_list arg_ptr;
char *result;
va_start (arg_ptr, first_part);
result = do_make_filename (3, first_part, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
return result;
/* Construct an absolute filename from the NULL terminated list of
parts. Tilde expansion is done for the first argument. This
function may return NULL on error. */
char *
make_absfilename_try (const char *first_part, ... )
va_list arg_ptr;
char *result;
va_start (arg_ptr, first_part);
result = do_make_filename (2, first_part, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
return result;
/* Compare whether the filenames are identical. This is a
special version of strcmp() taking the semantics of filenames in
account. Note that this function works only on the supplied names
without considering any context like the current directory. See
also same_file_p(). */
compare_filenames (const char *a, const char *b)
for ( ; *a && *b; a++, b++ )
if (*a != *b
&& (toupper (*(const unsigned char*)a)
!= toupper (*(const unsigned char*)b) )
&& !((*a == '/' && *b == '\\') || (*a == '\\' && *b == '/')))
if ((*a == '/' && *b == '\\') || (*a == '\\' && *b == '/'))
return 0;
return (toupper (*(const unsigned char*)a)
- toupper (*(const unsigned char*)b));
return strcmp(a,b);
/* Convert a base-10 number in STRING into a 64 bit unsigned int
* value. Leading white spaces are skipped but no error checking is
* done. Thus it is similar to atoi(). */
string_to_u64 (const char *string)
uint64_t val = 0;
while (spacep (string))
for (; digitp (string); string++)
val *= 10;
val += *string - '0';
return val;
/* Convert 2 hex characters at S to a byte value. Return this value
or -1 if there is an error. */
hextobyte (const char *s)
int c;
if ( *s >= '0' && *s <= '9' )
c = 16 * (*s - '0');
else if ( *s >= 'A' && *s <= 'F' )
c = 16 * (10 + *s - 'A');
else if ( *s >= 'a' && *s <= 'f' )
c = 16 * (10 + *s - 'a');
return -1;
if ( *s >= '0' && *s <= '9' )
c += *s - '0';
else if ( *s >= 'A' && *s <= 'F' )
c += 10 + *s - 'A';
else if ( *s >= 'a' && *s <= 'f' )
c += 10 + *s - 'a';
return -1;
return c;
/* Given a string containing an UTF-8 encoded text, return the number
of characters in this string. It differs from strlen in that it
only counts complete UTF-8 characters. SIZE is the maximum length
of the string in bytes. If SIZE is -1, then a NUL character is
taken to be the end of the string. Note, that this function does
not take combined characters into account. */
utf8_charcount (const char *s, int len)
size_t n;
if (len == 0)
return 0;
for (n=0; *s; s++)
if ( (*s&0xc0) != 0x80 ) /* Exclude continuation bytes: 10xxxxxx */
if (len != -1)
len --;
if (len == 0)
return n;
********** W32 specific functions ****************
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
const char *
w32_strerror (int ec)
static char strerr[256];
if (ec == -1)
ec = (int)GetLastError ();
/* There is only a wchar_t FormatMessage. It does not make much
sense to play the conversion game; we print only the code. */
snprintf (strerr, sizeof strerr, "ec=%d", (int)GetLastError ());
strerr, DIM (strerr)-1, NULL);
return strerr;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
******** Locale insensitive ctype functions ********
/* FIXME: replace them by a table lookup and macros */
ascii_isupper (int c)
return c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z';
ascii_islower (int c)
return c >= 'a' && c <= 'z';
ascii_toupper (int c)
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
c &= ~0x20;
return c;
ascii_tolower (int c)
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
c |= 0x20;
return c;
/* Lowercase all ASCII characters in S. */
char *
ascii_strlwr (char *s)
char *p = s;
for (p=s; *p; p++ )
if (isascii (*p) && *p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z')
*p |= 0x20;
return s;
ascii_strcasecmp( const char *a, const char *b )
if (a == b)
return 0;
for (; *a && *b; a++, b++) {
if (*a != *b && ascii_toupper(*a) != ascii_toupper(*b))
return *a == *b? 0 : (ascii_toupper (*a) - ascii_toupper (*b));
ascii_strncasecmp (const char *a, const char *b, size_t n)
const unsigned char *p1 = (const unsigned char *)a;
const unsigned char *p2 = (const unsigned char *)b;
unsigned char c1, c2;
if (p1 == p2 || !n )
return 0;
c1 = ascii_tolower (*p1);
c2 = ascii_tolower (*p2);
if ( !--n || c1 == '\0')
while (c1 == c2);
return c1 - c2;
ascii_memcasecmp (const void *a_arg, const void *b_arg, size_t n )
const char *a = a_arg;
const char *b = b_arg;
if (a == b)
return 0;
for ( ; n; n--, a++, b++ )
if( *a != *b && ascii_toupper (*a) != ascii_toupper (*b) )
return *a == *b? 0 : (ascii_toupper (*a) - ascii_toupper (*b));
return 0;
ascii_strcmp( const char *a, const char *b )
if (a == b)
return 0;
for (; *a && *b; a++, b++) {
if (*a != *b )
return *a == *b? 0 : (*(signed char *)a - *(signed char *)b);
void *
ascii_memcasemem (const void *haystack, size_t nhaystack,
const void *needle, size_t nneedle)
if (!nneedle)
return (void*)haystack; /* finding an empty needle is really easy */
if (nneedle <= nhaystack)
const char *a = haystack;
const char *b = a + nhaystack - nneedle;
for (; a <= b; a++)
if ( !ascii_memcasecmp (a, needle, nneedle) )
return (void *)a;
return NULL;
********** missing string functions *********
char *
stpcpy(char *a,const char *b)
while( *b )
*a++ = *b++;
*a = 0;
return (char*)a;
/* Find the first occurrence in S of any character in ACCEPT.
Code taken from glibc-2.6/string/strpbrk.c (LGPLv2.1+) and modified. */
char *
strpbrk (const char *s, const char *accept)
while (*s != '\0')
const char *a = accept;
while (*a != '\0')
if (*a++ == *s)
return (char *) s;
return NULL;
#endif /*!HAVE_STRPBRK*/
/* Code taken from glibc-2.2.1/sysdeps/generic/strsep.c. */
char *
strsep (char **stringp, const char *delim)
char *begin, *end;
begin = *stringp;
if (begin == NULL)
return NULL;
/* A frequent case is when the delimiter string contains only one
character. Here we don't need to call the expensive 'strpbrk'
function and instead work using 'strchr'. */
if (delim[0] == '\0' || delim[1] == '\0')
char ch = delim[0];
if (ch == '\0')
end = NULL;
if (*begin == ch)
end = begin;
else if (*begin == '\0')
end = NULL;
end = strchr (begin + 1, ch);
/* Find the end of the token. */
end = strpbrk (begin, delim);
if (end)
/* Terminate the token and set *STRINGP past NUL character. */
*end++ = '\0';
*stringp = end;
/* No more delimiters; this is the last token. */
*stringp = NULL;
return begin;
#endif /*HAVE_STRSEP*/
char *
strlwr(char *s)
char *p;
for(p=s; *p; p++ )
*p = tolower(*p);
return s;
strcasecmp( const char *a, const char *b )
for( ; *a && *b; a++, b++ ) {
if( *a != *b && toupper(*a) != toupper(*b) )
return *(const byte*)a - *(const byte*)b;
* mingw32/cpd has a memicmp()
memicmp( const char *a, const char *b, size_t n )
for( ; n; n--, a++, b++ )
if( *a != *b && toupper(*(const byte*)a) != toupper(*(const byte*)b) )
return *(const byte *)a - *(const byte*)b;
return 0;
void *
memrchr (const void *buffer, int c, size_t n)
const unsigned char *p = buffer;
for (p += n; n ; n--)
if (*--p == c)
return (void *)p;
return NULL;
#endif /*HAVE_MEMRCHR*/
/* Percent-escape the string STR by replacing colons with '%3a'. If
EXTRA is not NULL all characters in EXTRA are also escaped. */
static char *
do_percent_escape (const char *str, const char *extra, int die)
int i, j;
char *ptr;
if (!str)
return NULL;
for (i=j=0; str[i]; i++)
if (str[i] == ':' || str[i] == '%' || (extra && strchr (extra, str[i])))
if (die)
ptr = xmalloc (i + 2 * j + 1);
ptr = xtrymalloc (i + 2 * j + 1);
if (!ptr)
return NULL;
i = 0;
while (*str)
if (*str == ':')
ptr[i++] = '%';
ptr[i++] = '3';
ptr[i++] = 'a';
else if (*str == '%')
ptr[i++] = '%';
ptr[i++] = '2';
ptr[i++] = '5';
else if (extra && strchr (extra, *str))
ptr[i++] = '%';
ptr[i++] = tohex_lower ((*str>>4)&15);
ptr[i++] = tohex_lower (*str&15);
ptr[i++] = *str;
ptr[i] = '\0';
return ptr;
/* Percent-escape the string STR by replacing colons with '%3a'. If
EXTRA is not NULL all characters in EXTRA are also escaped. This
function terminates the process on memory shortage. */
char *
percent_escape (const char *str, const char *extra)
return do_percent_escape (str, extra, 1);
/* Same as percent_escape but return NULL instead of exiting on memory
error. */
char *
try_percent_escape (const char *str, const char *extra)
return do_percent_escape (str, extra, 0);
static char *
do_strconcat (const char *s1, va_list arg_ptr)
const char *argv[48];
size_t argc;
size_t needed;
char *buffer, *p;
argc = 0;
argv[argc++] = s1;
needed = strlen (s1);
while (((argv[argc] = va_arg (arg_ptr, const char *))))
needed += strlen (argv[argc]);
if (argc >= DIM (argv)-1)
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
return NULL;
buffer = xtrymalloc (needed);
if (buffer)
for (p = buffer, argc=0; argv[argc]; argc++)
p = stpcpy (p, argv[argc]);
return buffer;
/* Concatenate the string S1 with all the following strings up to a
NULL. Returns a malloced buffer with the new string or NULL on a
malloc error or if too many arguments are given. */
char *
strconcat (const char *s1, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
char *result;
if (!s1)
result = xtrystrdup ("");
va_start (arg_ptr, s1);
result = do_strconcat (s1, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
return result;
/* Same as strconcat but terminate the process with an error message
if something goes wrong. */
char *
xstrconcat (const char *s1, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
char *result;
if (!s1)
result = xstrdup ("");
va_start (arg_ptr, s1);
result = do_strconcat (s1, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
if (!result)
if (errno == EINVAL)
fputs ("\nfatal: too many args for xstrconcat\n", stderr);
fputs ("\nfatal: out of memory\n", stderr);
exit (2);
return result;
/* Split a string into fields at DELIM. REPLACEMENT is the character
to replace the delimiter with (normally: '\0' so that each field is
NUL terminated). The caller is responsible for freeing the result.
Note: this function modifies STRING! If you need the original
value, then you should pass a copy to this function.
If malloc fails, this function returns NULL. */
char **
strsplit (char *string, char delim, char replacement, int *count)
int fields = 1;
char *t;
char **result;
/* First, count the number of fields. */
for (t = strchr (string, delim); t; t = strchr (t + 1, delim))
fields ++;
result = xtrycalloc ((fields + 1), sizeof (*result));
if (! result)
return NULL;
result[0] = string;
fields = 1;
for (t = strchr (string, delim); t; t = strchr (t + 1, delim))
result[fields ++] = t + 1;
*t = replacement;
if (count)
*count = fields;
return result;
/* Tokenize STRING using the set of delimiters in DELIM. Leading
* spaces and tabs are removed from all tokens. The caller must xfree
* the result.
* Returns: A malloced and NULL delimited array with the tokens. On
* memory error NULL is returned and ERRNO is set.
char **
strtokenize (const char *string, const char *delim)
const char *s;
size_t fields;
size_t bytes, n;
char *buffer;
char *p, *px, *pend;
char **result;
/* Count the number of fields. */
for (fields = 1, s = strpbrk (string, delim); s; s = strpbrk (s + 1, delim))
fields++; /* Add one for the terminating NULL. */
/* Allocate an array for all fields, a terminating NULL, and space
for a copy of the string. */
bytes = fields * sizeof *result;
if (bytes / sizeof *result != fields)
gpg_err_set_errno (ENOMEM);
return NULL;
n = strlen (string) + 1;
bytes += n;
if (bytes < n)
gpg_err_set_errno (ENOMEM);
return NULL;
result = xtrymalloc (bytes);
if (!result)
return NULL;
buffer = (char*)(result + fields);
/* Copy and parse the string. */
strcpy (buffer, string);
for (n = 0, p = buffer; (pend = strpbrk (p, delim)); p = pend + 1)
*pend = 0;
while (spacep (p))
for (px = pend - 1; px >= p && spacep (px); px--)
*px = 0;
result[n++] = p;
while (spacep (p))
for (px = p + strlen (p) - 1; px >= p && spacep (px); px--)
*px = 0;
result[n++] = p;
result[n] = NULL;
assert ((char*)(result + n + 1) == buffer);
return result;
/* Split a string into space delimited fields and remove leading and
* trailing spaces from each field. A pointer to each field is stored
* in ARRAY. Stop splitting at ARRAYSIZE fields. The function
* modifies STRING. The number of parsed fields is returned.
* Example:
* char *fields[2];
* if (split_fields (string, fields, DIM (fields)) < 2)
* return // Not enough args.
* foo (fields[0]);
* foo (fields[1]);
split_fields (char *string, char **array, int arraysize)
int n = 0;
char *p, *pend;
for (p = string; *p == ' '; p++)
if (n == arraysize)
array[n++] = p;
pend = strchr (p, ' ');
if (!pend)
*pend++ = 0;
for (p = pend; *p == ' '; p++)
while (*p);
return n;
/* Version number parsing. */
/* This function parses the first portion of the version number S and
stores it in *NUMBER. On success, this function returns a pointer
into S starting with the first character, which is not part of the
initial number portion; on failure, NULL is returned. */
static const char*
parse_version_number (const char *s, int *number)
int val = 0;
if (*s == '0' && digitp (s+1))
return NULL; /* Leading zeros are not allowed. */
for (; digitp (s); s++)
val *= 10;
val += *s - '0';
*number = val;
return val < 0 ? NULL : s;
/* This function breaks up the complete string-representation of the
version number S, which is of the following struture: <major
number>.<minor number>[.<micro number>]<patch level>. The major,
minor, and micro number components will be stored in *MAJOR, *MINOR
and *MICRO. If MICRO is not given 0 is used instead.
On success, the last component, the patch level, will be returned;
in failure, NULL will be returned. */
static const char *
parse_version_string (const char *s, int *major, int *minor, int *micro)
s = parse_version_number (s, major);
if (!s || *s != '.')
return NULL;
s = parse_version_number (s, minor);
if (!s)
return NULL;
if (*s == '.')
s = parse_version_number (s, micro);
if (!s)
return NULL;
*micro = 0;
return s; /* Patchlevel. */
/* Compare the version string MY_VERSION to the version string
* REQ_VERSION. Returns -1, 0, or 1 if MY_VERSION is found,
* respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than
* REQ_VERSION. This function works for three and two part version
* strings; for a two part version string the micro part is assumed to
* be 0. Patch levels are compared as strings. If a version number
* is invalid INT_MIN is returned. If REQ_VERSION is given as NULL
* the function returns 0 if MY_VERSION is parsable version string. */
compare_version_strings (const char *my_version, const char *req_version)
int my_major, my_minor, my_micro;
int rq_major, rq_minor, rq_micro;
const char *my_patch, *rq_patch;
int result;
if (!my_version)
return INT_MIN;
my_patch = parse_version_string (my_version, &my_major, &my_minor, &my_micro);
if (!my_patch)
return INT_MIN;
if (!req_version)
return 0; /* MY_VERSION can be parsed. */
rq_patch = parse_version_string (req_version, &rq_major, &rq_minor,&rq_micro);
if (!rq_patch)
return INT_MIN;
if (my_major == rq_major)
if (my_minor == rq_minor)
if (my_micro == rq_micro)
result = strcmp (my_patch, rq_patch);
result = my_micro - rq_micro;
result = my_minor - rq_minor;
result = my_major - rq_major;
return !result? 0 : result < 0 ? -1 : 1;
/* Format a string so that it fits within about TARGET_COLS columns.
If IN_PLACE is 0, then TEXT is copied to a new buffer, which is
returned. Otherwise, TEXT is modified in place and returned.
Normally, target_cols will be 72 and max_cols is 80. */
char *
format_text (char *text, int in_place, int target_cols, int max_cols)
const int do_debug = 0;
/* The character under consideration. */
char *p;
/* The start of the current line. */
char *line;
/* The last space that we saw. */
char *last_space = NULL;
int last_space_cols = 0;
int copied_last_space = 0;
if (! in_place)
text = xstrdup (text);
p = line = text;
while (1)
/* The number of columns including any trailing space. */
int cols;
p = p + strcspn (p, "\n ");
if (! p)
/* P now points to the NUL character. */
p = &text[strlen (text)];
if (*p == '\n')
/* Pass through any newlines. */
p ++;
line = p;
last_space = NULL;
last_space_cols = 0;
copied_last_space = 1;
/* Have a space or a NUL. Note: we don't count the trailing
space. */
cols = utf8_charcount (line, (uintptr_t) p - (uintptr_t) line);
if (cols < target_cols)
if (! *p)
/* Nothing left to break. */
last_space = p;
last_space_cols = cols;
p ++;
/* Skip any immediately following spaces. If we break:
"... foo bar ..." between "foo" and "bar" then we want:
"... foo\nbar ...", which means that the left space has
to be the first space after foo, not the last space
before bar. */
while (*p == ' ')
p ++;
int cols_with_left_space;
int cols_with_right_space;
int left_penalty;
int right_penalty;
cols_with_left_space = last_space_cols;
cols_with_right_space = cols;
if (do_debug)
log_debug ("Breaking: '%.*s'\n",
(int) ((uintptr_t) p - (uintptr_t) line), line);
/* The number of columns away from TARGET_COLS. We prefer
to underflow than to overflow. */
left_penalty = target_cols - cols_with_left_space;
right_penalty = 2 * (cols_with_right_space - target_cols);
if (cols_with_right_space > max_cols)
/* Add a large penalty for each column that exceeds
max_cols. */
right_penalty += 4 * (cols_with_right_space - max_cols);
if (do_debug)
log_debug ("Left space => %d cols (penalty: %d); right space => %d cols (penalty: %d)\n",
cols_with_left_space, left_penalty,
cols_with_right_space, right_penalty);
if (last_space_cols && left_penalty <= right_penalty)
/* Prefer the left space. */
if (do_debug)
log_debug ("Breaking at left space.\n");
p = last_space;
if (do_debug)
log_debug ("Breaking at right space.\n");
if (! *p)
*p = '\n';
p ++;
if (*p == ' ')
int spaces;
for (spaces = 1; p[spaces] == ' '; spaces ++)
memmove (p, &p[spaces], strlen (&p[spaces]) + 1);
line = p;
last_space = NULL;
last_space_cols = 0;
copied_last_space = 0;
/* Chop off any trailing space. */
trim_trailing_chars (text, strlen (text), " ");
/* If we inserted the trailing newline, then remove it. */
if (! copied_last_space && *text && text[strlen (text) - 1] == '\n')
text[strlen (text) - 1] = '\0';
return text;
diff --git a/common/stringhelp.h b/common/stringhelp.h
index 79d228415..d0156d55e 100644
--- a/common/stringhelp.h
+++ b/common/stringhelp.h
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
/* stringhelp.h
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003,
* 2006, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "types.h"
/*-- stringhelp.c --*/
char *has_leading_keyword (const char *string, const char *keyword);
const char *memistr (const void *buf, size_t buflen, const char *sub);
char *mem2str( char *, const void *, size_t);
char *trim_spaces( char *string );
char *trim_trailing_spaces( char *string );
unsigned int trim_trailing_chars( unsigned char *line, unsigned len,
const char *trimchars);
unsigned int trim_trailing_ws( unsigned char *line, unsigned len );
size_t length_sans_trailing_chars (const unsigned char *line, size_t len,
const char *trimchars );
size_t length_sans_trailing_ws (const unsigned char *line, size_t len);
char *make_basename(const char *filepath, const char *inputpath);
char *make_dirname(const char *filepath);
char *make_filename( const char *first_part, ... ) GPGRT_ATTR_SENTINEL(0);
char *make_filename_try (const char *first_part, ... ) GPGRT_ATTR_SENTINEL(0);
char *make_absfilename (const char *first_part, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_SENTINEL(0);
char *make_absfilename_try (const char *first_part,
int compare_filenames( const char *a, const char *b );
uint64_t string_to_u64 (const char *string);
int hextobyte (const char *s);
size_t utf8_charcount (const char *s, int len);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
const char *w32_strerror (int ec);
int ascii_isupper (int c);
int ascii_islower (int c);
int ascii_toupper (int c);
int ascii_tolower (int c);
char *ascii_strlwr (char *s);
int ascii_strcasecmp( const char *a, const char *b );
int ascii_strncasecmp (const char *a, const char *b, size_t n);
int ascii_memcasecmp( const void *a, const void *b, size_t n );
const char *ascii_memistr ( const void *buf, size_t buflen, const char *sub);
void *ascii_memcasemem (const void *haystack, size_t nhaystack,
const void *needle, size_t nneedle);
int memicmp( const char *a, const char *b, size_t n );
char *stpcpy(char *a,const char *b);
char *strpbrk (const char *s, const char *accept);
char *strsep (char **stringp, const char *delim);
char *strlwr(char *a);
# define strtoul(a,b,c) ((unsigned long)strtol((a),(b),(c)))
# define memmove(d, s, n) bcopy((s), (d), (n))
# define stricmp(a,b) strcasecmp( (a), (b) )
void *memrchr (const void *buffer, int c, size_t n);
static inline int
isascii (int c)
return (((c) & ~0x7f) == 0);
#endif /* !HAVE_ISASCII */
#ifndef STR
# define STR(v) #v
#define STR2(v) STR(v)
/* Percent-escape the string STR by replacing colons with '%3a'. If
EXTRA is not NULL, also replace all characters given in EXTRA. The
"try_" variant fails with NULL if not enough memory can be
allocated. */
char *percent_escape (const char *str, const char *extra);
char *try_percent_escape (const char *str, const char *extra);
/* Concatenate the string S1 with all the following strings up to a
NULL. Returns a malloced buffer with the new string or NULL on a
malloc error or if too many arguments are given. */
char *strconcat (const char *s1, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_SENTINEL(0);
/* Ditto, but die on error. */
char *xstrconcat (const char *s1, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_SENTINEL(0);
char **strsplit (char *string, char delim, char replacement, int *count);
/* Tokenize STRING using the set of delimiters in DELIM. */
char **strtokenize (const char *string, const char *delim);
/* Split STRING into space delimited fields and store them in the
* provided ARRAY. */
int split_fields (char *string, char **array, int arraysize);
/* Return True if MYVERSION is greater or equal than REQ_VERSION. */
int compare_version_strings (const char *my_version, const char *req_version);
/* Format a string so that it fits within about TARGET_COLS columns. */
char *format_text (char *text, int in_place, int target_cols, int max_cols);
/*-- mapstrings.c --*/
const char *map_static_macro_string (const char *string);
diff --git a/common/strlist.c b/common/strlist.c
index d4f864496..02881cd2a 100644
--- a/common/strlist.c
+++ b/common/strlist.c
@@ -1,281 +1,281 @@
/* strlist.c - string helpers
* Copyright (C) 1998, 2000, 2001, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "common-defs.h"
#include "strlist.h"
#include "utf8conv.h"
#include "mischelp.h"
free_strlist( strlist_t sl )
strlist_t sl2;
for(; sl; sl = sl2 ) {
sl2 = sl->next;
free_strlist_wipe (strlist_t sl)
strlist_t sl2;
for(; sl; sl = sl2 ) {
sl2 = sl->next;
wipememory (sl, sizeof *sl + strlen (sl->d));
/* Add STRING to the LIST at the front. This function terminates the
process on memory shortage. */
add_to_strlist( strlist_t *list, const char *string )
strlist_t sl;
sl = xmalloc( sizeof *sl + strlen(string));
sl->flags = 0;
strcpy(sl->d, string);
sl->next = *list;
*list = sl;
return sl;
/* Add STRING to the LIST at the front. This function returns NULL
and sets ERRNO on memory shortage. */
add_to_strlist_try (strlist_t *list, const char *string)
strlist_t sl;
sl = xtrymalloc (sizeof *sl + strlen (string));
if (sl)
sl->flags = 0;
strcpy (sl->d, string);
sl->next = *list;
*list = sl;
return sl;
/* Same as add_to_strlist() but if IS_UTF8 is *not* set, a conversion
to UTF-8 is done. This function terminates the process on memory
shortage. */
add_to_strlist2( strlist_t *list, const char *string, int is_utf8 )
strlist_t sl;
if (is_utf8)
sl = add_to_strlist( list, string );
char *p = native_to_utf8( string );
sl = add_to_strlist( list, p );
xfree ( p );
return sl;
/* Add STRING to the LIST at the end. This function terminates the
process on memory shortage. */
append_to_strlist( strlist_t *list, const char *string )
strlist_t sl;
sl = append_to_strlist_try (list, string);
if (!sl)
xoutofcore ();
return sl;
/* Add STRING to the LIST at the end. */
append_to_strlist_try (strlist_t *list, const char *string)
strlist_t r, sl;
sl = xtrymalloc( sizeof *sl + strlen(string));
if (sl == NULL)
return NULL;
sl->flags = 0;
strcpy(sl->d, string);
sl->next = NULL;
if( !*list )
*list = sl;
else {
for( r = *list; r->next; r = r->next )
r->next = sl;
return sl;
append_to_strlist2( strlist_t *list, const char *string, int is_utf8 )
strlist_t sl;
if( is_utf8 )
sl = append_to_strlist( list, string );
char *p = native_to_utf8 (string);
sl = append_to_strlist( list, p );
xfree( p );
return sl;
/* Return a copy of LIST. This function terminates the process on
memory shortage.*/
strlist_copy (strlist_t list)
strlist_t newlist = NULL, sl, *last;
last = &newlist;
for (; list; list = list->next)
sl = xmalloc (sizeof *sl + strlen (list->d));
sl->flags = list->flags;
strcpy(sl->d, list->d);
sl->next = NULL;
*last = sl;
last = &sl;
return newlist;
strlist_prev( strlist_t head, strlist_t node )
strlist_t n;
for(n=NULL; head && head != node; head = head->next )
n = head;
return n;
strlist_last( strlist_t node )
if( node )
for( ; node->next ; node = node->next )
return node;
/* Remove the first item from LIST and return its content in an
allocated buffer. This function terminates the process on memory
shortage. */
char *
strlist_pop (strlist_t *list)
char *str=NULL;
strlist_t sl=*list;
str = xmalloc(strlen(sl->d)+1);
return str;
/* Return the first element of the string list HAYSTACK whose string
matches NEEDLE. If no elements match, return NULL. */
strlist_find (strlist_t haystack, const char *needle)
for (;
haystack = haystack->next)
if (strcmp (haystack->d, needle) == 0)
return haystack;
return NULL;
strlist_length (strlist_t list)
int i;
for (i = 0; list; list = list->next)
i ++;
return i;
/* Reverse the list *LIST in place. */
strlist_rev (strlist_t *list)
strlist_t l = *list;
strlist_t lrev = NULL;
while (l)
strlist_t tail = l->next;
l->next = lrev;
lrev = l;
l = tail;
*list = lrev;
return lrev;
diff --git a/common/strlist.h b/common/strlist.h
index 45f5543a3..d74bc4dbb 100644
--- a/common/strlist.h
+++ b/common/strlist.h
@@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
/* strlist.h
* Copyright (C) 1998, 2000, 2001, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
struct string_list
struct string_list *next;
unsigned int flags;
char d[1];
typedef struct string_list *strlist_t;
void free_strlist (strlist_t sl);
void free_strlist_wipe (strlist_t sl);
strlist_t add_to_strlist (strlist_t *list, const char *string);
strlist_t add_to_strlist_try (strlist_t *list, const char *string);
strlist_t add_to_strlist2( strlist_t *list, const char *string, int is_utf8);
strlist_t append_to_strlist (strlist_t *list, const char *string);
strlist_t append_to_strlist_try (strlist_t *list, const char *string);
strlist_t append_to_strlist2 (strlist_t *list, const char *string,
int is_utf8);
strlist_t strlist_copy (strlist_t list);
strlist_t strlist_prev (strlist_t head, strlist_t node);
strlist_t strlist_last (strlist_t node);
char * strlist_pop (strlist_t *list);
strlist_t strlist_find (strlist_t haystack, const char *needle);
int strlist_length (strlist_t list);
strlist_t strlist_rev (strlist_t *haystack);
#define FREE_STRLIST(a) do { free_strlist((a)); (a) = NULL ; } while(0)
diff --git a/common/sysutils.c b/common/sysutils.c
index 28d4cdee1..a0addd11d 100644
--- a/common/sysutils.c
+++ b/common/sysutils.c
@@ -1,1179 +1,1179 @@
/* sysutils.c - system helpers
* Copyright (C) 1991-2001, 2003-2004,
* 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#ifdef WITHOUT_NPTH /* Give the Makefile a chance to build without Pth. */
# undef HAVE_NPTH
# undef USE_NPTH
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifdef HAVE_STAT
# include <sys/stat.h>
#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__alpha__) && __GLIBC__ < 2
# include <asm/sysinfo.h>
# include <asm/unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
# include <sys/resource.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# if WINVER < 0x0500
# define WINVER 0x0500 /* Required for AllowSetForegroundWindow. */
# endif
# include <winsock2.h>
# endif
# include <windows.h>
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
# include <sys/socket.h>
# include <sys/un.h>
# include <sys/inotify.h>
#ifdef HAVE_NPTH
# include <npth.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <assuan.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#define tohex(n) ((n) < 10 ? ((n) + '0') : (((n) - 10) + 'A'))
static GPGRT_INLINE gpg_error_t
my_error_from_syserror (void)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
static GPGRT_INLINE gpg_error_t
my_error (int e)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, (e));
#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__alpha__) && __GLIBC__ < 2
#warning using trap_unaligned
static int
setsysinfo(unsigned long op, void *buffer, unsigned long size,
int *start, void *arg, unsigned long flag)
return syscall(__NR_osf_setsysinfo, op, buffer, size, start, arg, flag);
unsigned int buf[2];
buf[0] = SSIN_UACPROC;
setsysinfo(SSI_NVPAIRS, buf, 1, 0, 0, 0);
{ /* dummy */
disable_core_dumps (void)
return 0;
struct rlimit limit;
/* We only set the current limit unless we were not able to
retrieve the old value. */
if (getrlimit (RLIMIT_CORE, &limit))
limit.rlim_max = 0;
limit.rlim_cur = 0;
if( !setrlimit (RLIMIT_CORE, &limit) )
return 0;
if( errno != EINVAL && errno != ENOSYS )
log_fatal (_("can't disable core dumps: %s\n"), strerror(errno) );
return 1;
enable_core_dumps (void)
return 0;
struct rlimit limit;
if (getrlimit (RLIMIT_CORE, &limit))
return 1;
limit.rlim_cur = limit.rlim_max;
setrlimit (RLIMIT_CORE, &limit);
return 1; /* We always return true because this function is
merely a debugging aid. */
# endif
return 1;
/* Return a string which is used as a kind of process ID. */
const byte *
get_session_marker (size_t *rlen)
static byte marker[SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG*2];
static int initialized;
if (!initialized)
gcry_create_nonce (marker, sizeof marker);
initialized = 1;
*rlen = sizeof (marker);
return marker;
/* Return a random number in an unsigned int. */
unsigned int
get_uint_nonce (void)
unsigned int value;
gcry_create_nonce (&value, sizeof value);
return value;
#if 0 /* not yet needed - Note that this will require inclusion of in */
check_permissions(const char *path,int extension,int checkonly)
#if defined(HAVE_STAT) && !defined(HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM)
char *tmppath;
struct stat statbuf;
int ret=1;
int isdir=0;
return 0;
if(extension && path[0]!=DIRSEP_C)
/* It's okay if the file doesn't exist */
goto end;
/* Per-user files must be owned by the user. Extensions must be
owned by the user or root. */
if((!extension && statbuf.st_uid != getuid()) ||
(extension && statbuf.st_uid!=0 && statbuf.st_uid!=getuid()))
log_info(_("Warning: unsafe ownership on %s \"%s\"\n"),
goto end;
/* This works for both directories and files - basically, we don't
care what the owner permissions are, so long as the group and
other permissions are 0 for per-user files, and non-writable for
extensions. */
if((extension && (statbuf.st_mode & (S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH)) !=0) ||
(!extension && (statbuf.st_mode & (S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO)) != 0))
char *dir;
/* However, if the directory the directory/file is in is owned
by the user and is 700, then this is not a problem.
Theoretically, we could walk this test up to the root
directory /, but for the sake of sanity, I'm stopping at one
level down. */
dir= make_dirname (tmppath);
if(stat(dir,&statbuf)==0 && statbuf.st_uid==getuid() &&
S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) && (statbuf.st_mode & (S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO))==0)
xfree (dir);
goto end;
log_info(_("Warning: unsafe permissions on %s \"%s\"\n"),
goto end;
return ret;
return 0;
/* Wrapper around the usual sleep function. This one won't wake up
before the sleep time has really elapsed. When build with Pth it
merely calls pth_sleep and thus suspends only the current
thread. */
gnupg_sleep (unsigned int seconds)
#ifdef USE_NPTH
npth_sleep (seconds);
/* Fixme: make sure that a sleep won't wake up to early. */
# ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
Sleep (seconds*1000);
# else
sleep (seconds);
# endif
/* Wrapper around the platforms usleep function. This one won't wake
* up before the sleep time has really elapsed. When build with nPth
* it merely calls npth_usleep and thus suspends only the current
* thread. */
gnupg_usleep (unsigned int usecs)
#if defined(USE_NPTH)
npth_usleep (usecs);
#elif defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM)
Sleep ((usecs + 999) / 1000);
#elif defined(HAVE_NANOSLEEP)
if (usecs)
struct timespec req;
struct timespec rem;
req.tv_sec = 0;
req.tv_nsec = usecs * 1000;
while (nanosleep (&req, &rem) < 0 && errno == EINTR)
req = rem;
#else /*Standard Unix*/
if (usecs)
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = usecs / 1000000;
tv.tv_usec = usecs % 1000000;
select (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv);
/* This function is a NOP for POSIX systems but required under Windows
as the file handles as returned by OS calls (like CreateFile) are
different from the libc file descriptors (like open). This function
translates system file handles to libc file handles. FOR_WRITE
gives the direction of the handle. */
translate_sys2libc_fd (gnupg_fd_t fd, int for_write)
#if defined(HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM)
return (int) fd;
#elif defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM)
int x;
return -1;
/* Note that _open_osfhandle is currently defined to take and return
a long. */
x = _open_osfhandle ((long)fd, for_write ? 1 : 0);
if (x == -1)
log_error ("failed to translate osfhandle %p\n", (void *) fd);
return x;
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM */
return fd;
/* This is the same as translate_sys2libc_fd but takes an integer
which is assumed to be such an system handle. On WindowsCE the
passed FD is a rendezvous ID and the function finishes the pipe
creation. */
translate_sys2libc_fd_int (int fd, int for_write)
fd = (int) _assuan_w32ce_finish_pipe (fd, for_write);
return translate_sys2libc_fd ((void*)fd, for_write);
if (fd <= 2)
return fd; /* Do not do this for error, stdin, stdout, stderr. */
return translate_sys2libc_fd ((void*)fd, for_write);
return fd;
/* Replacement for tmpfile(). This is required because the tmpfile
function of Windows' runtime library is broken, insecure, ignores
TMPDIR and so on. In addition we create a file with an inheritable
handle. */
gnupg_tmpfile (void)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
int attempts, n;
wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH+7+12+1];
# define mystrlen(a) wcslen (a)
wchar_t *name, *p;
char buffer[MAX_PATH+7+12+1];
# define mystrlen(a) strlen (a)
char *name, *p;
HANDLE file;
int pid = GetCurrentProcessId ();
unsigned int value;
int i;
memset (&sec_attr, 0, sizeof sec_attr );
sec_attr.nLength = sizeof sec_attr;
sec_attr.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
n = GetTempPath (MAX_PATH+1, buffer);
if (!n || n > MAX_PATH || mystrlen (buffer) > MAX_PATH)
gpg_err_set_errno (ENOENT);
return NULL;
p = buffer + mystrlen (buffer);
wcscpy (p, L"_gnupg");
p += 7;
p = stpcpy (p, "_gnupg");
/* We try to create the directory but don't care about an error as
it may already exist and the CreateFile would throw an error
anyway. */
CreateDirectory (buffer, NULL);
*p++ = '\\';
name = p;
for (attempts=0; attempts < 10; attempts++)
p = name;
value = (GetTickCount () ^ ((pid<<16) & 0xffff0000));
for (i=0; i < 8; i++)
*p++ = tohex (((value >> 28) & 0x0f));
value <<= 4;
wcscpy (p, L".tmp");
strcpy (p, ".tmp");
file = CreateFile (buffer,
FILE *fp;
int fd = (int)file;
fp = _wfdopen (fd, L"w+b");
int fd = _open_osfhandle ((long)file, 0);
if (fd == -1)
CloseHandle (file);
return NULL;
fp = fdopen (fd, "w+b");
if (!fp)
int save = errno;
close (fd);
gpg_err_set_errno (save);
return NULL;
return fp;
Sleep (1); /* One ms as this is the granularity of GetTickCount. */
gpg_err_set_errno (ENOENT);
return NULL;
#undef mystrlen
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
return tmpfile ();
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* Make sure that the standard file descriptors are opened. Obviously
some folks close them before an exec and the next file we open will
get one of them assigned and thus any output (i.e. diagnostics) end
up in that file (e.g. the trustdb). Not actually a gpg problem as
this will happen with almost all utilities when called in a wrong
way. However we try to minimize the damage here and raise
awareness of the problem.
Must be called before we open any files! */
gnupg_reopen_std (const char *pgmname)
#if defined(HAVE_STAT) && !defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM)
struct stat statbuf;
int did_stdin = 0;
int did_stdout = 0;
int did_stderr = 0;
FILE *complain;
if (fstat (STDIN_FILENO, &statbuf) == -1 && errno ==EBADF)
if (open ("/dev/null",O_RDONLY) == STDIN_FILENO)
did_stdin = 1;
did_stdin = 2;
if (fstat (STDOUT_FILENO, &statbuf) == -1 && errno == EBADF)
if (open ("/dev/null",O_WRONLY) == STDOUT_FILENO)
did_stdout = 1;
did_stdout = 2;
if (fstat (STDERR_FILENO, &statbuf)==-1 && errno==EBADF)
if (open ("/dev/null", O_WRONLY) == STDERR_FILENO)
did_stderr = 1;
did_stderr = 2;
/* It's hard to log this sort of thing since the filehandle we would
complain to may be closed... */
if (!did_stderr)
complain = stderr;
else if (!did_stdout)
complain = stdout;
complain = NULL;
if (complain)
if (did_stdin == 1)
fprintf (complain, "%s: WARNING: standard input reopened\n", pgmname);
if (did_stdout == 1)
fprintf (complain, "%s: WARNING: standard output reopened\n", pgmname);
if (did_stderr == 1)
fprintf (complain, "%s: WARNING: standard error reopened\n", pgmname);
if (did_stdin == 2 || did_stdout == 2 || did_stderr == 2)
fprintf(complain,"%s: fatal: unable to reopen standard input,"
" output, or error\n", pgmname);
if (did_stdin == 2 || did_stdout == 2 || did_stderr == 2)
exit (3);
#else /* !(HAVE_STAT && !HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) */
/* Hack required for Windows. */
gnupg_allow_set_foregound_window (pid_t pid)
if (!pid)
log_info ("%s called with invalid pid %lu\n",
"gnupg_allow_set_foregound_window", (unsigned long)pid);
#if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) && !defined(HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM)
else if (!AllowSetForegroundWindow ((pid_t)pid == (pid_t)(-1)?ASFW_ANY:pid))
log_info ("AllowSetForegroundWindow(%lu) failed: %s\n",
(unsigned long)pid, w32_strerror (-1));
gnupg_remove (const char *fname)
int rc;
wchar_t *wfname;
wfname = utf8_to_wchar (fname);
if (!wfname)
rc = 0;
rc = DeleteFile (wfname);
xfree (wfname);
if (!rc)
return -1; /* ERRNO is automagically provided by gpg-error.h. */
return 0;
return remove (fname);
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static mode_t
modestr_to_mode (const char *modestr)
mode_t mode = 0;
if (modestr && *modestr)
if (*modestr && *modestr++ == 'r')
mode |= S_IRUSR;
if (*modestr && *modestr++ == 'w')
mode |= S_IWUSR;
if (*modestr && *modestr++ == 'x')
mode |= S_IXUSR;
if (*modestr && *modestr++ == 'r')
mode |= S_IRGRP;
if (*modestr && *modestr++ == 'w')
mode |= S_IWGRP;
if (*modestr && *modestr++ == 'x')
mode |= S_IXGRP;
if (*modestr && *modestr++ == 'r')
mode |= S_IROTH;
if (*modestr && *modestr++ == 'w')
mode |= S_IWOTH;
if (*modestr && *modestr++ == 'x')
mode |= S_IXOTH;
return mode;
/* A wrapper around mkdir which takes a string for the mode argument.
This makes it easier to handle the mode argument which is not
defined on all systems. The format of the modestring is
'-' is a don't care or not set. 'r', 'w', 'x' are read allowed,
write allowed, execution allowed with the first group for the user,
the second for the group and the third for all others. If the
string is shorter than above the missing mode characters are meant
to be not set. */
gnupg_mkdir (const char *name, const char *modestr)
wchar_t *wname;
wname = utf8_to_wchar (name);
if (!wname)
return -1;
if (!CreateDirectoryW (wname, NULL))
xfree (wname);
return -1; /* ERRNO is automagically provided by gpg-error.h. */
xfree (wname);
return 0;
/* Note: In the case of W32 we better use CreateDirectory and try to
set appropriate permissions. However using mkdir is easier
because this sets ERRNO. */
return mkdir (name);
return mkdir (name, modestr_to_mode (modestr));
/* A wrapper around chmod which takes a string for the mode argument.
This makes it easier to handle the mode argument which is not
defined on all systems. The format of the modestring is the same
as for gnupg_mkdir. */
gnupg_chmod (const char *name, const char *modestr)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
return 0;
return chmod (name, modestr_to_mode (modestr));
/* Our version of mkdtemp. The API is identical to POSIX.1-2008
version. We do not use a system provided mkdtemp because we have a
good RNG instantly available and this way we don't have diverging
versions. */
char *
gnupg_mkdtemp (char *tmpl)
/* A lower bound on the number of temporary files to attempt to
generate. The maximum total number of temporary file names that
can exist for a given template is 62**6 (5*36**3 for Windows).
It should never be necessary to try all these combinations.
Instead if a reasonable number of names is tried (we define
reasonable as 62**3 or 5*36**3) fail to give the system
administrator the chance to remove the problems. */
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static const char letters[] =
# define ATTEMPTS_MIN (5 * 36 * 36 * 36)
static const char letters[] =
# define ATTEMPTS_MIN (62 * 62 * 62)
int len;
char *XXXXXX;
uint64_t value;
unsigned int count;
int save_errno = errno;
/* The number of times to attempt to generate a temporary file. To
conform to POSIX, this must be no smaller than TMP_MAX. */
unsigned int attempts = TMP_MAX;
unsigned int attempts = ATTEMPTS_MIN;
len = strlen (tmpl);
if (len < 6 || strcmp (&tmpl[len - 6], "XXXXXX"))
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
return NULL;
/* This is where the Xs start. */
XXXXXX = &tmpl[len - 6];
/* Get a random start value. */
gcry_create_nonce (&value, sizeof value);
/* Loop until a directory was created. */
for (count = 0; count < attempts; value += 7777, ++count)
uint64_t v = value;
/* Fill in the random bits. */
XXXXXX[0] = letters[v % NUMBER_OF_LETTERS];
XXXXXX[1] = letters[v % NUMBER_OF_LETTERS];
XXXXXX[2] = letters[v % NUMBER_OF_LETTERS];
XXXXXX[3] = letters[v % NUMBER_OF_LETTERS];
XXXXXX[4] = letters[v % NUMBER_OF_LETTERS];
XXXXXX[5] = letters[v % NUMBER_OF_LETTERS];
if (!gnupg_mkdir (tmpl, "-rwx"))
gpg_err_set_errno (save_errno);
return tmpl;
if (errno != EEXIST)
return NULL;
/* We got out of the loop because we ran out of combinations to try. */
gpg_err_set_errno (EEXIST);
return NULL;
gnupg_setenv (const char *name, const char *value, int overwrite)
return 0;
#else /*!W32CE*/
# ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* Windows maintains (at least) two sets of environment variables.
One set can be accessed by GetEnvironmentVariable and
SetEnvironmentVariable. This set is inherited by the children.
The other set is maintained in the C runtime, and is accessed
using getenv and putenv. We try to keep them in sync by
modifying both sets. */
int exists;
char tmpbuf[10];
exists = GetEnvironmentVariable (name, tmpbuf, sizeof tmpbuf);
if ((! exists || overwrite) && !SetEnvironmentVariable (name, value))
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL); /* (Might also be ENOMEM.) */
return -1;
# endif /*W32*/
return setenv (name, value, overwrite);
# else /*!HAVE_SETENV*/
if (! getenv (name) || overwrite)
char *buf;
if (!name || !value)
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
return -1;
buf = strconcat (name, "=", value, NULL);
if (!buf)
return -1;
# if __GNUC__
# warning no setenv - using putenv but leaking memory.
# endif
return putenv (buf);
return 0;
# endif /*!HAVE_SETENV*/
#endif /*!W32CE*/
gnupg_unsetenv (const char *name)
return 0;
#else /*!W32CE*/
# ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* Windows maintains (at least) two sets of environment variables.
One set can be accessed by GetEnvironmentVariable and
SetEnvironmentVariable. This set is inherited by the children.
The other set is maintained in the C runtime, and is accessed
using getenv and putenv. We try to keep them in sync by
modifying both sets. */
if (!SetEnvironmentVariable (name, NULL))
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL); /* (Might also be ENOMEM.) */
return -1;
# endif /*W32*/
return unsetenv (name);
# else /*!HAVE_UNSETENV*/
char *buf;
if (!name)
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
return -1;
buf = xtrystrdup (name);
if (!buf)
return -1;
# if __GNUC__
# warning no unsetenv - trying putenv but leaking memory.
# endif
return putenv (buf);
# endif /*!HAVE_UNSETENV*/
#endif /*!W32CE*/
/* Return the current working directory as a malloced string. Return
NULL and sets ERRNo on error. */
char *
gnupg_getcwd (void)
char *buffer;
size_t size = 100;
for (;;)
buffer = xtrymalloc (size+1);
if (!buffer)
return NULL;
strcpy (buffer, "/"); /* Always "/". */
return buffer;
if (getcwd (buffer, size) == buffer)
return buffer;
xfree (buffer);
if (errno != ERANGE)
return NULL;
size *= 2;
/* There is a isatty function declaration in cegcc but it does not
make sense, thus we redefine it. */
_gnupg_isatty (int fd)
return 0;
/* Replacement for getenv which takes care of the our use of getenv.
The code is not thread safe but we expect it to work in all cases
because it is called for the first time early enough. */
char *
_gnupg_getenv (const char *name)
static int initialized;
static char *assuan_debug;
if (!initialized)
assuan_debug = read_w32_registry_string (NULL,
initialized = 1;
if (!strcmp (name, "ASSUAN_DEBUG"))
return assuan_debug;
return NULL;
#endif /*HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM*/
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* Return the user's security identifier from the current process. */
w32_get_user_sid (void)
int okay = 0;
HANDLE token = NULL;
PSID sid = NULL;
DWORD tokenlen, sidlen;
proc = OpenProcess (PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, GetCurrentProcessId());
if (!proc)
goto leave;
if (!OpenProcessToken (proc, TOKEN_QUERY, &token))
goto leave;
if (!GetTokenInformation (token, TokenUser, NULL, 0, &tokenlen)
goto leave;
user = xtrymalloc (tokenlen);
if (!user)
goto leave;
if (!GetTokenInformation (token, TokenUser, user, tokenlen, &tokenlen))
goto leave;
if (!IsValidSid (user->User.Sid))
goto leave;
sidlen = GetLengthSid (user->User.Sid);
sid = xtrymalloc (sidlen);
if (!sid)
goto leave;
if (!CopySid (sidlen, sid, user->User.Sid))
goto leave;
okay = 1;
xfree (user);
if (token)
CloseHandle (token);
if (proc)
CloseHandle (proc);
if (!okay)
xfree (sid);
sid = NULL;
return sid;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* Support for inotify under Linux. */
/* Store a new inotify file handle for SOCKET_NAME at R_FD or return
* an error code. */
gnupg_inotify_watch_socket (int *r_fd, const char *socket_name)
gpg_error_t err;
char *fname;
int fd;
char *p;
*r_fd = -1;
if (!socket_name)
return my_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
fname = xtrystrdup (socket_name);
if (!fname)
return my_error_from_syserror ();
fd = inotify_init ();
if (fd == -1)
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (fname);
return err;
/* We need to watch the directory for the file because there won't
* be an IN_DELETE_SELF for a socket file. To handle a removal of
* the directory we also watch the directory itself. */
p = strrchr (fname, '/');
if (p)
*p = 0;
if (inotify_add_watch (fd, fname,
err = my_error_from_syserror ();
close (fd);
xfree (fname);
return err;
xfree (fname);
*r_fd = fd;
return 0;
*r_fd = -1;
return my_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
/* Read an inotify event and return true if it matches NAME or if it
* sees an IN_DELETE_SELF event for the directory of NAME. */
gnupg_inotify_has_name (int fd, const char *name)
#define BUFSIZE_FOR_INOTIFY (sizeof (struct inotify_event) + 255 + 1)
union {
struct inotify_event ev;
char _buf[sizeof (struct inotify_event) + 255 + 1];
} buf;
struct inotify_event *evp;
int n;
n = npth_read (fd, &buf, sizeof buf);
/* log_debug ("notify read: n=%d\n", n); */
evp = &buf.ev;
while (n >= sizeof (struct inotify_event))
/* log_debug (" mask=%x len=%u name=(%s)\n", */
/* evp->mask, (unsigned int)evp->len, evp->len? evp->name:""); */
if ((evp->mask & IN_UNMOUNT))
/* log_debug (" found (dir unmounted)\n"); */
return 3; /* Directory was unmounted. */
if ((evp->mask & IN_DELETE_SELF))
/* log_debug (" found (dir removed)\n"); */
return 2; /* Directory was removed. */
if ((evp->mask & IN_DELETE))
if (evp->len >= strlen (name) && !strcmp (evp->name, name))
/* log_debug (" found (file removed)\n"); */
return 1; /* File was removed. */
n -= sizeof (*evp) + evp->len;
evp = (struct inotify_event *)(void *)
((char *)evp + sizeof (*evp) + evp->len);
return 0; /* Not found. */
/* Return a malloc'ed string that is the path to the passed
* unix-domain socket (or return NULL if this is not a valid
* unix-domain socket). We use a plain int here because it is only
* used on Linux.
* FIXME: This function needs to be moved to libassuan. */
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
char *
gnupg_get_socket_name (int fd)
struct sockaddr_un un;
socklen_t len = sizeof(un);
char *name = NULL;
if (getsockname (fd, (struct sockaddr*)&un, &len) != 0)
log_error ("could not getsockname(%d): %s\n", fd,
gpg_strerror (my_error_from_syserror ()));
else if (un.sun_family != AF_UNIX)
log_error ("file descriptor %d is not a unix-domain socket\n", fd);
else if (len <= offsetof (struct sockaddr_un, sun_path))
log_error ("socket name not present for file descriptor %d\n", fd);
else if (len > sizeof(un))
log_error ("socket name for file descriptor %d was truncated "
"(passed %zu bytes, wanted %u)\n", fd, sizeof(un), len);
size_t namelen = len - offsetof (struct sockaddr_un, sun_path);
/* log_debug ("file descriptor %d has path %s (%zu octets)\n", fd, */
/* un.sun_path, namelen); */
name = xtrymalloc (namelen + 1);
if (!name)
log_error ("failed to allocate memory for name of fd %d: %s\n",
fd, gpg_strerror (my_error_from_syserror ()));
memcpy (name, un.sun_path, namelen);
name[namelen] = 0;
return name;
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
diff --git a/common/sysutils.h b/common/sysutils.h
index 5467b4ce7..0847da7ea 100644
--- a/common/sysutils.h
+++ b/common/sysutils.h
@@ -1,83 +1,83 @@
/* sysutils.h - System utility functions for Gnupg
* Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* Because we use system handles and not libc low level file
descriptors on W32, we need to declare them as HANDLE (which
actually is a plain pointer). This is required to eventually
support 64 bits Windows systems. */
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
typedef void *gnupg_fd_t;
#define GNUPG_INVALID_FD ((void*)(-1))
#define INT2FD(s) ((void *)(s))
#define FD2INT(h) ((unsigned int)(h))
typedef int gnupg_fd_t;
#define GNUPG_INVALID_FD (-1)
#define INT2FD(s) (s)
#define FD2INT(h) (h)
void trap_unaligned (void);
int disable_core_dumps (void);
int enable_core_dumps (void);
const unsigned char *get_session_marker (size_t *rlen);
unsigned int get_uint_nonce (void);
/*int check_permissions (const char *path,int extension,int checkonly);*/
void gnupg_sleep (unsigned int seconds);
void gnupg_usleep (unsigned int usecs);
int translate_sys2libc_fd (gnupg_fd_t fd, int for_write);
int translate_sys2libc_fd_int (int fd, int for_write);
FILE *gnupg_tmpfile (void);
void gnupg_reopen_std (const char *pgmname);
void gnupg_allow_set_foregound_window (pid_t pid);
int gnupg_remove (const char *fname);
int gnupg_mkdir (const char *name, const char *modestr);
int gnupg_chmod (const char *name, const char *modestr);
char *gnupg_mkdtemp (char *template);
int gnupg_setenv (const char *name, const char *value, int overwrite);
int gnupg_unsetenv (const char *name);
char *gnupg_getcwd (void);
char *gnupg_get_socket_name (int fd);
gpg_error_t gnupg_inotify_watch_socket (int *r_fd, const char *socket_name);
int gnupg_inotify_has_name (int fd, const char *name);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
void *w32_get_user_sid (void);
#include "../common/w32help.h"
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
diff --git a/common/t-b64.c b/common/t-b64.c
index c86c92004..3b6387246 100644
--- a/common/t-b64.c
+++ b/common/t-b64.c
@@ -1,181 +1,181 @@
/* t-b64.c - Module tests for b64enc.c and b64dec.c
* Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
As of now this is only a test program for manual tests.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "util.h"
#define pass() do { ; } while(0)
#define fail(a) do { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: test %d failed\n",\
__FILE__,__LINE__, (a)); \
errcount++; \
} while(0)
static int verbose;
static int errcount;
static void
test_b64enc_pgp (const char *string)
gpg_error_t err;
struct b64state state;
if (!string)
string = "a";
err = b64enc_start (&state, stdout, "PGP MESSAGE");
if (err)
fail (1);
err = b64enc_write (&state, string, strlen (string));
if (err)
fail (2);
err = b64enc_finish (&state);
if (err)
fail (3);
pass ();
static void
test_b64enc_file (const char *fname)
gpg_error_t err;
struct b64state state;
FILE *fp;
char buffer[50];
size_t nread;
fp = fname ? fopen (fname, "r") : stdin;
if (!fp)
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: can't open '%s': %s\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__, fname? fname:"[stdin]", strerror (errno));
fail (0);
err = b64enc_start (&state, stdout, "DATA");
if (err)
fail (1);
while ( (nread = fread (buffer, 1, sizeof buffer, fp)) )
err = b64enc_write (&state, buffer, nread);
if (err)
fail (2);
err = b64enc_finish (&state);
if (err)
fail (3);
fclose (fp);
pass ();
static void
test_b64dec_file (const char *fname)
gpg_error_t err;
struct b64state state;
FILE *fp;
char buffer[50];
size_t nread, nbytes;
fp = fname ? fopen (fname, "r") : stdin;
if (!fp)
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: can't open '%s': %s\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__, fname? fname:"[stdin]", strerror (errno));
fail (0);
err = b64dec_start (&state, "");
if (err)
fail (1);
while ( (nread = fread (buffer, 1, sizeof buffer, fp)) )
err = b64dec_proc (&state, buffer, nread, &nbytes);
if (err)
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
fail (2);
else if (nbytes)
fwrite (buffer, 1, nbytes, stdout);
err = b64dec_finish (&state);
if (err)
fail (3);
fclose (fp);
pass ();
main (int argc, char **argv)
int do_encode = 0;
int do_decode = 0;
if (argc)
{ argc--; argv++; }
if (argc && !strcmp (argv[0], "--verbose"))
verbose = 1;
argc--; argv++;
if (argc && !strcmp (argv[0], "--encode"))
do_encode = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (argc && !strcmp (argv[0], "--decode"))
do_decode = 1;
argc--; argv++;
if (do_encode)
test_b64enc_file (argc? *argv: NULL);
else if (do_decode)
test_b64dec_file (argc? *argv: NULL);
test_b64enc_pgp (argc? *argv: NULL);
return !!errcount;
diff --git a/common/t-ccparray.c b/common/t-ccparray.c
index 0512346e0..eb96526ea 100644
--- a/common/t-ccparray.c
+++ b/common/t-ccparray.c
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
/* t-ccparray.c - Module test for ccparray.c
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "ccparray.h"
#define pass() do { ; } while(0)
#define fail(a) do { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: test %d failed\n",\
__FILE__,__LINE__, (a)); \
exit (1); \
} while(0)
static void
run_test_1 (void)
ccparray_t ccp;
const char **argv;
size_t nelem;
ccparray_init (&ccp, 0);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "First arg");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "Second arg");
ccparray_put (&ccp, NULL);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "Fourth arg");
argv = ccparray_get (&ccp, &nelem);
if (!argv)
fprintf (stderr, "error building array: %s\n", strerror (errno));
exit (1);
if (nelem != 4)
fail (1);
/* for (i=0; argv[i]; i++) */
/* printf ("[%d] = '%s'\n", i, argv[i]); */
xfree (argv);
static void
run_test_var (int count)
ccparray_t ccp;
size_t nelem;
int i;
ccparray_init (&ccp, 0);
for (i=0; i < count; i++)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "An arg");
xfree (ccparray_get (&ccp, &nelem));
if (nelem != i)
fail (2);
main (int argc, char **argv)
run_test_1 ();
run_test_var (0);
run_test_var (7);
run_test_var (8);
run_test_var (9);
run_test_var (4096);
return 0;
diff --git a/common/t-convert.c b/common/t-convert.c
index 68824e0cd..e25de9012 100644
--- a/common/t-convert.c
+++ b/common/t-convert.c
@@ -1,463 +1,463 @@
/* t-convert.c - Module test for convert.c
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "util.h"
#define pass() do { ; } while(0)
#define fail(a) do { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: test %d failed\n",\
__FILE__,__LINE__, (a)); \
/*exit (1)*/; \
} while(0)
static void
test_hex2bin (void)
static const char *valid[] = {
"00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF11223344 blah",
static const char *invalid[] = {
"00 112233445566778899aabbccddeeff11223344",
static const char *valid2[] = {
"00 x",
static const char *invalid2[] = {
" 00",
unsigned char buffer[20];
int len;
int i;
for (i=0; valid[i]; i++)
len = hex2bin (valid[i], buffer, sizeof buffer);
if (len < 0)
fail (i);
if (memcmp (buffer, ("\x00\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66\x77\x88\x99\xaa"
"\xbb\xcc\xdd\xee\xff\x11\x22\x33\x44"), 20))
fail (i);
if (hex2bin (valid[0], buffer, sizeof buffer) != 40)
fail (0);
if (hex2bin (valid[2], buffer, sizeof buffer) != 41)
fail (0);
for (i=0; invalid[i]; i++)
len = hex2bin (invalid[i], buffer, sizeof buffer);
if (!(len < 0))
fail (i);
for (i=0; valid2[i]; i++)
len = hex2bin (valid2[i], buffer, 1);
if (len < 0)
fail (i);
if (memcmp (buffer, "\x00", 1))
fail (i);
if (hex2bin (valid2[0], buffer, 1) != 2)
fail (0);
if (hex2bin (valid2[1], buffer, 1) != 3)
fail (0);
for (i=0; invalid2[i]; i++)
len = hex2bin (invalid2[i], buffer, 1);
if (!(len < 0))
fail (i);
static void
test_hexcolon2bin (void)
static const char *valid[] = {
"00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF11223344 blah",
static const char *invalid[] = {
"00 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:11:22:33:44",
"00:11 22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:11:22:33:44",
static const char *valid2[] = {
"00 x",
static const char *invalid2[] = {
" 00",
unsigned char buffer[20];
int len;
int i;
for (i=0; valid[i]; i++)
len = hexcolon2bin (valid[i], buffer, sizeof buffer);
if (len < 0)
fail (i);
if (memcmp (buffer, ("\x00\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66\x77\x88\x99\xaa"
"\xbb\xcc\xdd\xee\xff\x11\x22\x33\x44"), 20))
fail (i);
if (hexcolon2bin (valid[0], buffer, sizeof buffer) != 40)
fail (0);
if (hexcolon2bin (valid[3], buffer, sizeof buffer) != 41)
fail (0);
for (i=0; invalid[i]; i++)
len = hexcolon2bin (invalid[i], buffer, sizeof buffer);
if (!(len < 0))
fail (i);
for (i=0; valid2[i]; i++)
len = hexcolon2bin (valid2[i], buffer, 1);
if (len < 0)
fail (i);
if (memcmp (buffer, "\x00", 1))
fail (i);
if (hexcolon2bin (valid2[0], buffer, 1) != 2)
fail (0);
if (hexcolon2bin (valid2[1], buffer, 1) != 3)
fail (0);
for (i=0; invalid2[i]; i++)
len = hexcolon2bin (invalid2[i], buffer, 1);
if (!(len < 0))
fail (i);
static void
test_bin2hex (void)
char stuff[20+1] = ("\x00\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66\x77\x88\x99\xaa"
char hexstuff[] = "00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF011002A3";
char buffer[2*20+1];
char *p;
p = bin2hex (stuff, 20, buffer);
if (!p)
fail (0);
if (p != buffer)
fail (0);
if (strcmp (buffer, hexstuff))
fail (0);
p = bin2hex (stuff, 20, NULL);
if (!p)
fail (0);
else if (strcmp (p, hexstuff))
fail (0);
xfree (p);
p = bin2hex (stuff, (size_t)(-1), NULL);
if (p)
fail (0);
else if (errno != ENOMEM)
fail (1);
static void
test_bin2hexcolon (void)
char stuff[20+1] = ("\x00\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66\x77\x88\x99\xaa"
char hexstuff[] = ("00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF"
char buffer[3*20+1];
char *p;
p = bin2hexcolon (stuff, 20, buffer);
if (!p)
fail (0);
if (p != buffer)
fail (0);
if (strcmp (buffer, hexstuff))
fail (0);
p = bin2hexcolon (stuff, 20, NULL);
if (!p)
fail (0);
else if (strcmp (p, hexstuff))
fail (0);
xfree (p);
p = bin2hexcolon (stuff, (size_t)(-1), NULL);
if (p)
fail (0);
else if (errno != ENOMEM)
fail (1);
static void
test_hex2str (void)
static struct {
const char *hex;
const char *str;
int len; /* Length of STR. This may included embedded nuls. */
int off;
int no_alloc_test;
} tests[] = {
/* Simple tests. */
{ "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff1122",
17, 34 },
{ "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff1122 blah",
17, 34 },
{ "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff1122\tblah",
17, 34 },
{ "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff1122\nblah",
17, 34 },
/* Valid tests yielding an empty string. */
{ "00",
1, 2 },
{ "00 x",
1, 2 },
{ "",
0, 0 },
{ " ",
0, 0 },
/* Test trailing Nul feature. */
{ "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff1100",
17, 34 },
{ "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff1100 ",
17, 34 },
/* Test buffer size. (buffer is of length 20) */
{ "6162636465666768696A6b6c6D6e6f70717273",
19, 38 },
{ "6162636465666768696A6b6c6D6e6f7071727300",
20, 40 },
{ "6162636465666768696A6b6c6D6e6f7071727374",
0, 0, 1 },
{ "6162636465666768696A6b6c6D6e6f707172737400",
0, 0, 1 },
{ "6162636465666768696A6b6c6D6e6f707172737475",
0, 0, 1 },
/* Invalid tests. */
{ "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff1122334", NULL, 0, 0 },
{ "112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF1122334", NULL, 0, 0 },
{ "112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFG11223344", NULL, 0, 0 },
{ "0:0112233445566778899aabbccddeeff11223344", NULL, 0, 0 },
{ "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff11223344:", NULL, 0, 0 },
{ "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff112233445", NULL, 0, 0 },
{ "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff1122334455", NULL, 0, 0, 1 },
{ "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff11223344blah", NULL, 0, 0 },
{ "0", NULL, 0, 0 },
{ "00:", NULL, 0, 0 },
{ "00x", NULL, 0, 0 },
{ NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }
int idx;
char buffer[20];
const char *tail;
size_t count;
char *result;
for (idx=0; tests[idx].hex; idx++)
tail = hex2str (tests[idx].hex, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count);
if (tests[idx].str)
/* Good case test. */
if (!tail)
fail (idx);
else if (strcmp (tests[idx].str, buffer))
fail (idx);
else if (tail - tests[idx].hex != tests[idx].off)
fail (idx);
else if (tests[idx].len != count)
fail (idx);
/* Bad case test. */
if (tail)
fail (idx);
/* Same tests again using in-place conversion. */
for (idx=0; tests[idx].hex; idx++)
char tmpbuf[100];
assert (strlen (tests[idx].hex)+1 < sizeof tmpbuf);
strcpy (tmpbuf, tests[idx].hex);
/* Note: we still need to use 20 as buffer length because our
tests assume that. */
tail = hex2str (tmpbuf, tmpbuf, 20, &count);
if (tests[idx].str)
/* Good case test. */
if (!tail)
fail (idx);
else if (strcmp (tests[idx].str, tmpbuf))
fail (idx);
else if (tail - tmpbuf != tests[idx].off)
fail (idx);
else if (tests[idx].len != count)
fail (idx);
/* Bad case test. */
if (tail)
fail (idx);
if (strcmp (tmpbuf, tests[idx].hex))
fail (idx); /* Buffer was modified. */
/* Test the allocation variant. */
for (idx=0; tests[idx].hex; idx++)
if (tests[idx].no_alloc_test)
result = hex2str_alloc (tests[idx].hex, &count);
if (tests[idx].str)
/* Good case test. */
if (!result)
fail (idx);
else if (strcmp (tests[idx].str, result))
fail (idx);
else if (count != tests[idx].off)
fail (idx);
/* Bad case test. */
if (result)
fail (idx);
xfree (result);
main (int argc, char **argv)
test_hex2bin ();
test_hexcolon2bin ();
test_bin2hex ();
test_bin2hexcolon ();
test_hex2str ();
return 0;
diff --git a/common/t-dotlock.c b/common/t-dotlock.c
index d5094264b..f7aee09d3 100644
--- a/common/t-dotlock.c
+++ b/common/t-dotlock.c
@@ -1,145 +1,145 @@
/* t-dotlock.c - Module test for dotlock.c
* Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* Note: This is a standalone test program which does not rely on any
GnuPG helper files. However, it may also be build as part of the
GnuPG build system. */
# include <config.h>
/* Some quick replacements for stuff we usually expect to be defined
in config.h. Define HAVE_POSIX_SYSTEM for better readability. */
#if !defined (HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM) && defined(_WIN32)
#if !defined (HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM) && !defined (HAVE_POSIX_SYSTEM)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "dotlock.h"
#define PGM "t-dotlock"
static volatile int ctrl_c_pending;
static void
control_c_handler (int signo)
ctrl_c_pending = 1;
static void
die (const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
fprintf (stderr, PGM "[%lu]: ", (unsigned long)getpid ());
vfprintf (stderr, format, arg_ptr);
putc ('\n', stderr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
exit (1);
static void
inf (const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
fprintf (stderr, PGM "[%lu]: ", (unsigned long)getpid ());
vfprintf (stderr, format, arg_ptr);
putc ('\n', stderr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
static void
lock_and_unlock (const char *fname)
dotlock_t h;
h = dotlock_create (fname, 0);
if (!h)
die ("error creating lock file for '%s': %s", fname, strerror (errno));
inf ("lock created");
while (!ctrl_c_pending)
if (dotlock_take (h, -1))
die ("error taking lock");
inf ("lock taken");
sleep (1);
if (dotlock_release (h))
die ("error releasing lock");
inf ("lock released");
sleep (1);
dotlock_destroy (h);
inf ("lock destroyed");
main (int argc, char **argv)
const char *fname;
if (argc > 1)
fname = argv[1];
fname = "t-dotlock.tmp";
struct sigaction nact;
nact.sa_handler = control_c_handler;
nact.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction (SIGINT, &nact, NULL);
dotlock_create (NULL, 0); /* Initialize (optional). */
lock_and_unlock (fname);
return 0;
Local Variables:
compile-command: "cc -Wall -O2 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o t-dotlock t-dotlock.c dotlock.c"
diff --git a/common/t-exechelp.c b/common/t-exechelp.c
index 3a47dc8ef..cf967fcc7 100644
--- a/common/t-exechelp.c
+++ b/common/t-exechelp.c
@@ -1,188 +1,188 @@
/* t-exechelp.c - Module test for exechelp.c
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "exechelp.h"
static int verbose;
static void
print_open_fds (int *array)
int n;
if (!verbose)
for (n=0; array[n] != -1; n++)
printf ("open file descriptors: %d", n);
putchar (' ');
putchar (' ');
putchar ('(');
for (n=0; array[n] != -1; n++)
printf ("%d%s", array[n], array[n+1] == -1?"":" ");
putchar (')');
putchar ('\n');
static int *
xget_all_open_fds (void)
int *array;
array = get_all_open_fds ();
if (!array)
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: get_all_open_fds failed: %s\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__, strerror (errno));
exit (1);
return array;
/* That is a very crude test. To do a proper test we would need to
fork a test process and best return information by some other means
than file descriptors. */
static void
test_close_all_fds (void)
int max_fd = get_max_fds ();
int *array;
int fd;
int initial_count, count, n;
#if 0
char buffer[100];
snprintf (buffer, sizeof buffer, "/bin/ls -l /proc/%d/fd", (int)getpid ());
system (buffer);
if (verbose)
printf ("max. file descriptors: %d\n", max_fd);
array = xget_all_open_fds ();
print_open_fds (array);
for (initial_count=n=0; array[n] != -1; n++)
free (array);
/* Some dups to get more file descriptors and close one. */
dup (1);
dup (1);
fd = dup (1);
dup (1);
close (fd);
array = xget_all_open_fds ();
if (verbose)
print_open_fds (array);
for (count=n=0; array[n] != -1; n++)
if (count != initial_count+3)
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: dup or close failed\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
exit (1);
free (array);
/* Close the non standard ones. */
close_all_fds (3, NULL);
/* Get a list to check whether they are all closed. */
array = xget_all_open_fds ();
if (verbose)
print_open_fds (array);
for (count=n=0; array[n] != -1; n++)
if (count > initial_count)
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: not all files were closed\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
exit (1);
initial_count = count;
free (array);
/* Now let's check the realloc we use. We do this and the next
tests only if we are allowed to open enought descriptors. */
if (get_max_fds () > 32)
int except[] = { 20, 23, 24, -1 };
for (n=initial_count; n < 31; n++)
dup (1);
array = xget_all_open_fds ();
if (verbose)
print_open_fds (array);
free (array);
for (n=0; n < 5; n++)
dup (1);
array = xget_all_open_fds ();
if (verbose)
print_open_fds (array);
free (array);
/* Check whether the except list works. */
close_all_fds (3, except);
array = xget_all_open_fds ();
if (verbose)
print_open_fds (array);
for (count=n=0; array[n] != -1; n++)
free (array);
if (count != initial_count + DIM(except)-1)
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: close_all_fds failed\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
exit (1);
main (int argc, char **argv)
if (argc)
{ argc--; argv++; }
if (argc && !strcmp (argv[0], "--verbose"))
verbose = 1;
argc--; argv++;
test_close_all_fds ();
return 0;
diff --git a/common/t-exectool.c b/common/t-exectool.c
index bbbf8fab5..8b6ee6ae7 100644
--- a/common/t-exectool.c
+++ b/common/t-exectool.c
@@ -1,223 +1,223 @@
/* t-exectool.c - Module test for exectool.c
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "exectool.h"
static int verbose;
#define fail(msg, err) \
do { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: %s failed: %s\n", \
__FILE__,__LINE__, (msg), gpg_strerror (err)); \
exit (1); \
} while(0)
static void
test_executing_true (void)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *argv[] = { "/bin/true", NULL };
char *result;
size_t len;
if (access (argv[0], X_OK))
fprintf (stderr, "skipping test: %s not executable: %s",
argv[0], strerror (errno));
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "Executing %s...\n", argv[0]);
err = gnupg_exec_tool (argv[0], &argv[1], "", &result, &len);
if (err)
fail ("gnupg_exec_tool", err);
assert (result);
assert (len == 0);
free (result);
static void
test_executing_false (void)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *argv[] = { "/bin/false", NULL };
char *result;
size_t len;
if (access (argv[0], X_OK))
fprintf (stderr, "skipping test: %s not executable: %s",
argv[0], strerror (errno));
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "Executing %s...\n", argv[0]);
err = gnupg_exec_tool (argv[0], &argv[1], "", &result, &len);
assert (err == GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
static void
test_executing_cat (const char *vector)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *argv[] = { "/bin/cat", NULL };
char *result;
size_t len;
if (access (argv[0], X_OK))
fprintf (stderr, "skipping test: %s not executable: %s",
argv[0], strerror (errno));
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "Executing %s...\n", argv[0]);
err = gnupg_exec_tool (argv[0], &argv[1], vector, &result, &len);
if (err)
fail ("gnupg_exec_tool", err);
assert (result);
/* gnupg_exec_tool returns the correct length... */
assert (len == strlen (vector));
/* ... but 0-terminates data for ease of use. */
assert (result[len] == 0);
assert (strcmp (result, vector) == 0);
free (result);
static void
test_catting_cat (void)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *argv[] = { "/bin/cat", "/bin/cat", NULL };
char *result;
size_t len;
estream_t in;
char *reference, *p;
size_t reference_len;
if (access (argv[0], X_OK))
fprintf (stderr, "skipping test: %s not executable: %s",
argv[0], strerror (errno));
in = es_fopen (argv[1], "r");
if (in == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "skipping test: could not open %s: %s",
argv[1], strerror (errno));
err = es_fseek (in, 0L, SEEK_END);
if (err)
fprintf (stderr, "skipping test: could not seek in %s: %s",
argv[1], gpg_strerror (err));
reference_len = es_ftell (in);
err = es_fseek (in, 0L, SEEK_SET);
assert (!err || !"rewinding failed");
reference = malloc (reference_len);
assert (reference || !"allocating reference buffer failed");
for (p = reference; p - reference < reference_len; )
size_t bytes_read, left;
left = reference_len - (p - reference);
if (left > 4096)
left = 4096;
err = es_read (in, p, left, &bytes_read);
if (err)
fprintf (stderr, "error reading %s: %s",
argv[1], gpg_strerror (err));
exit (1);
p += bytes_read;
es_fclose (in);
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "Executing %s %s...\n", argv[0], argv[1]);
err = gnupg_exec_tool (argv[0], &argv[1], "", &result, &len);
if (err)
fail ("gnupg_exec_tool", err);
assert (result);
/* gnupg_exec_tool returns the correct length... */
assert (len == reference_len);
assert (memcmp (result, reference, reference_len) == 0);
free (reference);
free (result);
main (int argc, char **argv)
int i;
char binjunk[256];
if (argc)
{ argc--; argv++; }
if (argc && !strcmp (argv[0], "--verbose"))
verbose = 1;
argc--; argv++;
test_executing_true ();
test_executing_false ();
test_executing_cat ("Talking to myself here...");
for (i = 0; i < 255 /* one less */; i++)
binjunk[i] = i + 1; /* avoid 0 */
binjunk[255] = 0;
test_executing_cat (binjunk);
test_catting_cat ();
return 0;
diff --git a/common/t-gettime.c b/common/t-gettime.c
index 8a222b7e4..9d9881a23 100644
--- a/common/t-gettime.c
+++ b/common/t-gettime.c
@@ -1,268 +1,268 @@
/* t-gettime.c - Module test for gettime.c
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "util.h"
#define pass() do { ; } while(0)
#define fail(a) do { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: test %d failed\n",\
__FILE__,__LINE__, (a)); \
errcount++; \
} while(0)
static int verbose;
static int errcount;
#define INVALID ((time_t)(-1))
static void
test_isotime2epoch (void)
struct { const char *string; time_t expected; } array [] = {
{ "19700101T000001", 1 },
{ "19700101T235959", 86399 },
{ "19980815T143712", 903191832 },
{ "19700101T000000", 0 },
{ "19691231T235959", INVALID },
{ "19000101T000000", INVALID },
{ "", INVALID },
{ "19000101T00000", INVALID },
{ "20010101t123456", INVALID },
{ "20010101T123456", 978352496 },
{ "20070629T160000", 1183132800 },
{ "20070629T160000:", 1183132800 },
{ "20070629T160000,", 1183132800 },
{ "20070629T160000 ", 1183132800 },
{ "20070629T160000\n", 1183132800 },
{ "20070629T160000.", INVALID },
{ "21060207T062815", (time_t)0x0ffffffff },
{ "21060207T062816", (time_t)0x100000000 },
{ "21060207T062817", (time_t)0x100000001 },
{ "21060711T120001", (time_t)4308292801 },
#endif /*SIZEOF_TIME_T > 4*/
{ NULL, 0 }
int idx;
time_t val;
gnupg_isotime_t tbuf;
for (idx=0; array[idx].string; idx++)
val = isotime2epoch (array[idx].string);
if (val != array[idx].expected )
fail (idx);
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "string '%s' exp: %ld got: %ld\n",
array[idx].string, (long)array[idx].expected,
if (array[idx].expected != INVALID)
epoch2isotime (tbuf, val);
if (strlen (tbuf) != 15)
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "string '%s', time-t %ld, revert: '%s'\n",
array[idx].string, (long)val, tbuf);
fail (idx);
if (strncmp (array[idx].string, tbuf, 15))
fail (idx);
static void
test_string2isotime (void)
struct {
const char *string;
size_t result;
const char *expected;
} array [] = {
{ "19700101T000001", 15, "19700101T000001" },
{ "19700101T235959", 15, "19700101T235959" },
{ "19980815T143712", 15, "19980815T143712" },
{ "19700101T000000", 15, "19700101T000000" },
{ "19691231T235959", 15, "19691231T235959" },
{ "19000101T000000", 15, "19000101T000000" },
{ "", 0, "" },
{ "19000101T00000", 0, "" },
{ "20010101t123456", 0, "" },
{ "20010101T123456", 15, "20010101T123456" },
{ "20070629T160000", 15, "20070629T160000" },
{ "20070629T160000:", 15, "20070629T160000" },
{ "20070629T160000,", 15, "20070629T160000" },
{ "20070629T160000 ", 15, "20070629T160000" },
{ "20070629T160000\n", 15,"20070629T160000" },
{ "20070629T160000.", 0, "" },
{ "1066-03-20", 10, "10660320T000000" },
{ "1066-03-20,", 10, "10660320T000000" },
{ "1066-03-20:", 0, "" },
{ "1066-03-20 00", 13, "10660320T000000" },
{ "1066-03-20 01", 13, "10660320T010000" },
{ "1066-03-20 23", 13, "10660320T230000" },
{ "1066-03-20 24", 0, "" },
{ "1066-03-20 00:", 0, "" },
{ "1066-03-20 00:3", 0, "" },
{ "1066-03-20 00:31", 16, "10660320T003100" },
{ "1066-03-20 00:31:47", 19, "10660320T003147" },
{ "1066-03-20 00:31:47 ", 19, "10660320T003147" },
{ "1066-03-20 00:31:47,", 19, "10660320T003147" },
{ "1066-03-20 00:31:47:", 0, "" },
{ "1-03-20 00:31:47:", 0, "" },
{ "10-03-20 00:31:47:", 0, "" },
{ "106-03-20 00:31:47:", 0, "" },
{ "1066-23-20 00:31:47:", 0, "" },
{ "1066-00-20 00:31:47:", 0, "" },
{ "1066-0-20 00:31:47:", 0, "" },
{ "1066-01-2 00:31:47:", 0, "" },
{ "1066-01-2 00:31:47:", 0, "" },
{ "1066-01-32 00:31:47:", 0, "" },
{ "1066-01-00 00:31:47:", 0, "" },
{ "1066-03-20 00:31:47:",11, "10660320T000000" },
{ "1066-03-2000:31:47:", 0, "" },
{ "10666-03-20 00:31:47:", 0, "" },
{ NULL, 0 }
int idx;
size_t result;
gnupg_isotime_t tbuf;
for (idx=0; array[idx].string; idx++)
result = string2isotime (tbuf, array[idx].string);
if (result != array[idx].result)
fail (idx);
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "string '%s' expected: %d, got: %d\n",
array[idx].string, (int)array[idx].result, (int)result);
else if (result && strlen (tbuf) != 15)
fail (idx);
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "string '%s' invalid isotime returned\n",
else if (result && strcmp (array[idx].expected, tbuf))
fail (idx);
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "string '%s' bad isotime '%s' returned\n",
array[idx].string, tbuf);
static void
test_isodate_human_to_tm (void)
struct {
const char *string;
int okay;
int year, mon, mday;
} array [] = {
{ "1970-01-01", 1, 1970, 1, 1 },
{ "1970-02-01", 1, 1970, 2, 1 },
{ "1970-12-31", 1, 1970, 12, 31 },
{ "1971-01-01", 1, 1971, 1, 1 },
{ "1998-08-15", 1, 1998, 8, 15 },
{ "2015-04-10", 1, 2015, 4, 10 },
{ "2015-04-10 11:30",1, 2015, 4, 10 },
{ "1969-12-31", 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "1900-01-01", 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "", 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "1970-12-32", 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "1970-13-01", 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "1970-01-00", 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "1970-00-01", 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "1970-00-01", 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "1970", 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "1970-01", 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "1970-01-1", 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "1970-1--01", 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "1970-01-01,", 1, 1970, 1, 1 },
{ "1970-01-01 ", 1, 1970, 1, 1 },
{ "1970-01-01\t", 1, 1970, 1, 1 },
{ "1970-01-01;", 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "1970-01-01:", 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "1970_01-01", 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "1970-01_01", 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ NULL, 0 }
int idx;
int okay;
struct tm tmbuf;
for (idx=0; array[idx].string; idx++)
okay = !isodate_human_to_tm (array[idx].string, &tmbuf);
if (okay != array[idx].okay)
fail (idx);
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "string '%s' expected: %d, got: %d\n",
array[idx].string, (int)array[idx].okay, okay);
else if (!okay)
else if (tmbuf.tm_year + 1900 != array[idx].year
|| tmbuf.tm_mon +1 != array[idx].mon
|| tmbuf.tm_mday != array[idx].mday)
fail (idx);
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "string '%s' returned %04d-%02d-%02d\n",
tmbuf.tm_year + 1900, tmbuf.tm_mon + 1, tmbuf.tm_mday);
else if (tmbuf.tm_sec || tmbuf.tm_min || tmbuf.tm_hour
|| tmbuf.tm_isdst != -1)
fail (idx);
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "string '%s' returned bad time part\n",
main (int argc, char **argv)
if (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "--verbose"))
verbose = 1;
test_isotime2epoch ();
test_string2isotime ();
test_isodate_human_to_tm ();
return !!errcount;
diff --git a/common/t-helpfile.c b/common/t-helpfile.c
index 4c77c9ada..0e2c79f2d 100644
--- a/common/t-helpfile.c
+++ b/common/t-helpfile.c
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
/* t-helpfile.c - Module test for helpfile.c
* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
/* #define pass() do { ; } while(0) */
/* #define fail(a) do { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: test %d failed\n",\ */
/* __FILE__,__LINE__, (a)); \ */
/* errcount++; \ */
/* } while(0) */
static int verbose;
static int errcount;
main (int argc, char **argv)
char *result;
if (argc)
{ argc--; argv++; }
i18n_init ();
if (argc && !strcmp (argv[0], "--verbose"))
verbose = 1;
argc--; argv++;
result = gnupg_get_help_string (argc? argv[0]:NULL, 0);
if (!result)
fprintf (stderr,
"Error: nothing found for '%s'\n", argc?argv[0]:"(null)");
printf ("key '%s' result='%s'\n", argc?argv[0]:"(null)", result);
xfree (result);
return !!errcount;
diff --git a/common/t-mapstrings.c b/common/t-mapstrings.c
index 8f4c6507b..0856c3cc4 100644
--- a/common/t-mapstrings.c
+++ b/common/t-mapstrings.c
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
/* t-mapstrings.c - Regression tests for mapstrings.c
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "t-support.h"
#include "stringhelp.h"
static void
test_map_static_macro_string (void)
static struct {
const char *string;
const char *expected;
const char *lastresult;
} tests[] = {
{ "@GPG@ (@GNUPG@)",
{ "@GPG@(@GNUPG@)",
{ "@GPG@@GNUPG@",
{ " @GPG@@GNUPG@",
{ " @GPG@@GNUPG@ ",
{ " @GPG@GNUPG@ ",
" " GPG_NAME "GNUPG@ " },
{ " @ GPG@GNUPG@ ",
" @ GPG" GNUPG_NAME " " },
{ "--@GPGTAR@",
int testno;
const char *result;
for (testno=0; testno < DIM(tests); testno++)
result = map_static_macro_string (tests[testno].string);
if (!result)
fail (testno);
else if (strcmp (result, tests[testno].expected))
fail (testno);
if (!tests[testno].lastresult)
tests[testno].lastresult = result;
/* A second time to check that the same string is been returned. */
for (testno=0; testno < DIM(tests); testno++)
result = map_static_macro_string (tests[testno].string);
if (!result)
fail (testno);
else if (strcmp (result, tests[testno].expected))
fail (testno);
if (result != tests[testno].lastresult)
fail (testno);
main (int argc, char **argv)
test_map_static_macro_string ();
return 0;
diff --git a/common/t-mbox-util.c b/common/t-mbox-util.c
index ff48f6c5d..979d4b37c 100644
--- a/common/t-mbox-util.c
+++ b/common/t-mbox-util.c
@@ -1,105 +1,105 @@
/* t-mbox-util.c - Module test for mbox-util.c
* Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "mbox-util.h"
#define pass() do { ; } while(0)
#define fail(a) do { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: test %d failed\n",\
__FILE__,__LINE__, (a)); \
exit (1); \
} while(0)
static void
run_test (void)
static struct
const char *userid;
const char *mbox;
} testtbl[] =
{ "Werner Koch <>", "" },
{ "<>", "" },
{ "", "" },
{ " ", NULL },
{ "", NULL },
{ "Werner Koch (test) <>", "" },
{ "Werner Koch <> (test)", "" },
{ "Werner Koch < (test)", NULL },
{ "Werner Koch < >", NULL },
{ "Werner Koch <", NULL },
{ "", NULL },
{ "@", NULL },
{ "bar <>", NULL },
{ "<>", "" },
{ "<>", "" },
{ "<>", "" },
{ "<>", "" },
{ "<>", "" },
{ "<>", NULL },
{ "<>", NULL },
{ "<foo@.>", NULL },
{ "<>", NULL },
{ "<>", NULL },
{ "<>", NULL },
{ "<> ()", "" },
{ "<fo()> ()", "fo()" },
{ "<fo()> ()", "fo()" },
{ "fo()", NULL},
{ "Mr. Foo <><>", ""},
int idx;
for (idx=0; testtbl[idx].userid; idx++)
char *mbox = mailbox_from_userid (testtbl[idx].userid);
if (!testtbl[idx].mbox)
if (mbox)
fail (idx);
else if (!mbox)
fail (idx);
else if (strcmp (mbox, testtbl[idx].mbox))
fail (idx);
xfree (mbox);
main (int argc, char **argv)
run_test ();
return 0;
diff --git a/common/t-name-value.c b/common/t-name-value.c
index 3b01431d4..57f685ffb 100644
--- a/common/t-name-value.c
+++ b/common/t-name-value.c
@@ -1,593 +1,593 @@
/* t-name-value.c - Module test for name-value.c
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "name-value.h"
static int verbose;
static int private_key_mode;
static nvc_t
my_nvc_new (void)
if (private_key_mode)
return nvc_new_private_key ();
return nvc_new ();
test_getting_values (nvc_t pk)
nve_t e;
e = nvc_lookup (pk, "Comment:");
assert (e);
/* Names are case-insensitive. */
e = nvc_lookup (pk, "comment:");
assert (e);
e = nvc_lookup (pk, "COMMENT:");
assert (e);
e = nvc_lookup (pk, "SomeOtherName:");
assert (e);
test_key_extraction (nvc_t pk)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t key;
if (private_key_mode)
err = nvc_get_private_key (pk, &key);
assert (err == 0);
assert (key);
if (verbose)
gcry_sexp_dump (key);
gcry_sexp_release (key);
err = nvc_get_private_key (pk, &key);
assert (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_MISSING_KEY);
test_iteration (nvc_t pk)
int i;
nve_t e;
i = 0;
for (e = nvc_first (pk); e; e = nve_next (e))
assert (i == 4);
i = 0;
for (e = nvc_lookup (pk, "Comment:");
e = nve_next_value (e, "Comment:"))
assert (i == 3);
test_whitespace (nvc_t pk)
nve_t e;
e = nvc_lookup (pk, "One:");
assert (e);
assert (strcmp (nve_value (e), "WithoutWhitespace") == 0);
e = nvc_lookup (pk, "Two:");
assert (e);
assert (strcmp (nve_value (e), "With Whitespace") == 0);
e = nvc_lookup (pk, "Three:");
assert (e);
assert (strcmp (nve_value (e),
"Blank lines in continuations encode newlines.\n"
"Next paragraph.") == 0);
char *value;
void (*test_func) (nvc_t);
} tests[] =
"# This is a comment followed by an empty line\n"
"# This is a comment followed by two empty lines, Windows style\r\n"
"# Some name,value pairs\n"
"Comment: Some comment.\n"
"SomeOtherName: Some value.\n",
" # Whitespace is preserved as much as possible\r\n"
"Comment:Some comment.\n"
"SomeOtherName: Some value. \n",
"# Values may be continued in the next line as indicated by leading\n"
"# space\n"
"Comment: Some rather long\n"
" comment that is continued in the next line.\n"
" Blank lines with or without whitespace are allowed within\n"
" continuations to allow paragraphs.\n"
"SomeOtherName: Some value.\n",
"# Names may be given multiple times forming an array of values\n"
"Comment: Some comment, element 0.\n"
"Comment: Some comment, element 1.\n"
"Comment: Some comment, element 2.\n"
"SomeOtherName: Some value.\n",
"# One whitespace at the beginning of a continuation is swallowed.\n"
"One: Without\n"
" Whitespace\n"
"Two: With\n"
" Whitespace\n"
"Three: Blank lines in continuations encode newlines.\n"
" Next paragraph.\n",
"Description: Key to sign all GnuPG released tarballs.\n"
" The key is actually stored on a smart card.\n"
"Use-for-ssh: yes\n"
"OpenSSH-cert: long base64 encoded string wrapped so that this\n"
" key file can be easily edited with a standard editor.\n"
"Key: (shadowed-private-key\n"
" (rsa\n"
" (n #00AA1AD2A55FD8C8FDE9E1941772D9CC903FA43B268CB1B5A1BAFDC900\n"
" 2961D8AEA153424DC851EF13B83AC64FBE365C59DC1BD3E83017C90D4365B4\n"
" 83E02859FC13DB5842A00E969480DB96CE6F7D1C03600392B8E08EF0C01FC7\n"
" 19F9F9086B25AD39B4F1C2A2DF3E2BE317110CFFF21D4A11455508FE407997\n"
" 601260816C8422297C0637BB291C3A079B9CB38A92CE9E551F80AA0EBF4F0E\n"
" 72C3F250461E4D31F23A7087857FC8438324A013634563D34EFDDCBF2EA80D\n"
" F9662C9CCD4BEF2522D8BDFED24CEF78DC6B309317407EAC576D889F88ADA0\n"
" 8C4FFB480981FB68C5C6CA27503381D41018E6CDC52AAAE46B166BDC10637A\n"
" E186A02BA2497FDC5D1221#)\n"
" (e #00010001#)\n"
" (shadowed t1-v1\n"
" (#D2760001240102000005000011730000# OPENPGP.1)\n"
" )))\n",
static char *
nvc_to_string (nvc_t pk)
gpg_error_t err;
char *buf;
size_t len;
estream_t sink;
sink = es_fopenmem (0, "rw");
assert (sink);
err = nvc_write (pk, sink);
assert (err == 0);
len = es_ftell (sink);
buf = xmalloc (len+1);
assert (buf);
es_fseek (sink, 0, SEEK_SET);
es_read (sink, buf, len, NULL);
buf[len] = 0;
es_fclose (sink);
return buf;
void dummy_free (void *p) { (void) p; }
void *dummy_realloc (void *p, size_t s) { (void) s; return p; }
run_tests (void)
gpg_error_t err;
nvc_t pk;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < DIM (tests); i++)
estream_t source;
char *buf;
size_t len;
len = strlen (tests[i].value);
source = es_mopen (tests[i].value, len, len,
0, dummy_realloc, dummy_free, "r");
assert (source);
if (private_key_mode)
err = nvc_parse_private_key (&pk, NULL, source);
err = nvc_parse (&pk, NULL, source);
assert (err == 0);
assert (pk);
if (verbose)
err = nvc_write (pk, es_stderr);
assert (err == 0);
buf = nvc_to_string (pk);
assert (memcmp (tests[i].value, buf, len) == 0);
es_fclose (source);
xfree (buf);
if (tests[i].test_func)
tests[i].test_func (pk);
nvc_release (pk);
run_modification_tests (void)
gpg_error_t err;
nvc_t pk;
gcry_sexp_t key;
char *buf;
pk = my_nvc_new ();
assert (pk);
nvc_set (pk, "Foo:", "Bar");
buf = nvc_to_string (pk);
assert (strcmp (buf, "Foo: Bar\n") == 0);
xfree (buf);
nvc_set (pk, "Foo:", "Baz");
buf = nvc_to_string (pk);
assert (strcmp (buf, "Foo: Baz\n") == 0);
xfree (buf);
nvc_set (pk, "Bar:", "Bazzel");
buf = nvc_to_string (pk);
assert (strcmp (buf, "Foo: Baz\nBar: Bazzel\n") == 0);
xfree (buf);
nvc_add (pk, "Foo:", "Bar");
buf = nvc_to_string (pk);
assert (strcmp (buf, "Foo: Baz\nFoo: Bar\nBar: Bazzel\n") == 0);
xfree (buf);
nvc_add (pk, "DontExistYet:", "Bar");
buf = nvc_to_string (pk);
assert (strcmp (buf, "Foo: Baz\nFoo: Bar\nBar: Bazzel\nDontExistYet: Bar\n")
== 0);
xfree (buf);
nvc_delete (pk, nvc_lookup (pk, "DontExistYet:"));
buf = nvc_to_string (pk);
assert (strcmp (buf, "Foo: Baz\nFoo: Bar\nBar: Bazzel\n") == 0);
xfree (buf);
nvc_delete (pk, nve_next_value (nvc_lookup (pk, "Foo:"), "Foo:"));
buf = nvc_to_string (pk);
assert (strcmp (buf, "Foo: Baz\nBar: Bazzel\n") == 0);
xfree (buf);
nvc_delete (pk, nvc_lookup (pk, "Foo:"));
buf = nvc_to_string (pk);
assert (strcmp (buf, "Bar: Bazzel\n") == 0);
xfree (buf);
nvc_delete (pk, nvc_first (pk));
buf = nvc_to_string (pk);
assert (strcmp (buf, "") == 0);
xfree (buf);
nvc_set (pk, "Foo:", "A really long value spanning across multiple lines"
" that has to be wrapped at a convenient space.");
buf = nvc_to_string (pk);
assert (strcmp (buf, "Foo: A really long value spanning across multiple"
" lines that has to be\n wrapped at a convenient space.\n")
== 0);
xfree (buf);
nvc_set (pk, "Foo:", "XA really long value spanning across multiple lines"
" that has to be wrapped at a convenient space.");
buf = nvc_to_string (pk);
assert (strcmp (buf, "Foo: XA really long value spanning across multiple"
" lines that has to\n be wrapped at a convenient space.\n")
== 0);
xfree (buf);
nvc_set (pk, "Foo:", "XXXXA really long value spanning across multiple lines"
" that has to be wrapped at a convenient space.");
buf = nvc_to_string (pk);
assert (strcmp (buf, "Foo: XXXXA really long value spanning across multiple"
" lines that has\n to be wrapped at a convenient space.\n")
== 0);
xfree (buf);
nvc_set (pk, "Foo:", "Areallylongvaluespanningacrossmultiplelines"
buf = nvc_to_string (pk);
assert (strcmp (buf, "Foo: Areallylongvaluespanningacrossmultiplelinesthat"
"hastobewrappedataco\n nvenientspacethatisnotthere.\n")
== 0);
xfree (buf);
nvc_release (pk);
pk = my_nvc_new ();
assert (pk);
err = gcry_sexp_build (&key, NULL, "(hello world)");
assert (err == 0);
assert (key);
if (private_key_mode)
err = nvc_set_private_key (pk, key);
assert (err == 0);
buf = nvc_to_string (pk);
assert (strcmp (buf, "Key: (hello world)\n") == 0);
xfree (buf);
err = nvc_set_private_key (pk, key);
assert (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_MISSING_KEY);
gcry_sexp_release (key);
nvc_release (pk);
convert (const char *fname)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t source;
gcry_sexp_t key;
char *buf;
size_t buflen;
struct stat st;
nvc_t pk;
source = es_fopen (fname, "rb");
if (source == NULL)
goto leave;
if (fstat (es_fileno (source), &st))
goto leave;
buflen = st.st_size;
buf = xtrymalloc (buflen+1);
assert (buf);
if (es_fread (buf, buflen, 1, source) != 1)
goto leave;
err = gcry_sexp_sscan (&key, NULL, buf, buflen);
if (err)
fprintf (stderr, "malformed s-expression in %s\n", fname);
exit (1);
pk = my_nvc_new ();
assert (pk);
err = nvc_set_private_key (pk, key);
assert (err == 0);
err = nvc_write (pk, es_stdout);
assert (err == 0);
perror (fname);
exit (1);
parse (const char *fname)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t source;
char *buf;
nvc_t pk_a, pk_b;
nve_t e;
int line;
source = es_fopen (fname, "rb");
if (source == NULL)
perror (fname);
exit (1);
if (private_key_mode)
err = nvc_parse_private_key (&pk_a, &line, source);
err = nvc_parse (&pk_a, &line, source);
if (err)
fprintf (stderr, "failed to parse %s line %d: %s\n",
fname, line, gpg_strerror (err));
exit (1);
buf = nvc_to_string (pk_a);
xfree (buf);
pk_b = my_nvc_new ();
assert (pk_b);
for (e = nvc_first (pk_a); e; e = nve_next (e))
gcry_sexp_t key = NULL;
if (private_key_mode && !strcasecmp (nve_name (e), "Key:"))
err = nvc_get_private_key (pk_a, &key);
if (err)
key = NULL;
if (key)
err = nvc_set_private_key (pk_b, key);
assert (err == 0);
err = nvc_add (pk_b, nve_name (e), nve_value (e));
assert (err == 0);
buf = nvc_to_string (pk_b);
if (verbose)
fprintf (stdout, "%s", buf);
xfree (buf);
print_usage (void)
fprintf (stderr,
"usage: t-private-keys [--verbose]"
" [--convert <private-key-file>"
" || --parse-key <extended-private-key-file>"
" || --parse <file> ]\n");
exit (2);
main (int argc, char **argv)
if (argc)
{ argc--; argv++; }
if (argc && !strcmp (argv[0], "--verbose"))
verbose = 1;
argc--; argv++;
if (argc && !strcmp (argv[0], "--convert"))
command = CONVERT;
argc--; argv++;
if (argc != 1)
print_usage ();
if (argc && !strcmp (argv[0], "--parse-key"))
command = PARSEKEY;
argc--; argv++;
if (argc != 1)
print_usage ();
if (argc && !strcmp (argv[0], "--parse"))
command = PARSE;
argc--; argv++;
if (argc != 1)
print_usage ();
switch (command)
case TEST:
run_tests ();
run_modification_tests ();
private_key_mode = 1;
run_tests ();
run_modification_tests ();
convert (*argv);
private_key_mode = 1;
parse (*argv);
case PARSE:
parse (*argv);
return 0;
diff --git a/common/t-openpgp-oid.c b/common/t-openpgp-oid.c
index afb6ebe62..cb5709d98 100644
--- a/common/t-openpgp-oid.c
+++ b/common/t-openpgp-oid.c
@@ -1,238 +1,238 @@
/* t-openpgp-oid.c - Module test for openpgp-oid.c
* Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "util.h"
#define pass() do { ; } while(0)
#define fail(a,e) \
do { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: test %d failed (%s)\n", \
__FILE__,__LINE__, (a), gpg_strerror (e)); \
exit (1); \
} while(0)
#define BADOID ""
static int verbose;
static void
test_openpgp_oid_from_str (void)
static char *sample_oids[] =
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_mpi_t a;
int idx;
char *string;
unsigned char *p;
unsigned int nbits;
size_t length;
err = openpgp_oid_from_str ("", &a);
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE)
fail (0, err);
gcry_mpi_release (a);
err = openpgp_oid_from_str (".", &a);
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_INV_OID_STRING)
fail (0, err);
gcry_mpi_release (a);
err = openpgp_oid_from_str ("0", &a);
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_INV_OID_STRING)
fail (0, err);
gcry_mpi_release (a);
for (idx=0; sample_oids[idx]; idx++)
err = openpgp_oid_from_str (sample_oids[idx], &a);
if (err)
fail (idx, err);
string = openpgp_oid_to_str (a);
if (!string)
fail (idx, gpg_error_from_syserror ());
if (strcmp (string, sample_oids[idx]))
fail (idx, 0);
xfree (string);
p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (a, &nbits);
length = (nbits+7)/8;
if (!p || !length || p[0] != length - 1)
fail (idx, 0);
gcry_mpi_release (a);
static void
test_openpgp_oid_to_str (void)
static struct {
const char *string;
unsigned char der[10];
} samples[] = {
{ "1.2.840.10045.3.1.7",
{8, 0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0xCE, 0x3D, 0x03, 0x01, 0x07 }},
{ "",
{5, 0x2B, 0x81, 0x04, 0x00, 0x22 }},
{ "",
{ 5, 0x2B, 0x81, 0x04, 0x00, 0x23 }},
{ 9, 0x80, 0x02, 0x70, 0x50, 0x25, 0x46, 0xfd, 0x0c, 0xc0 }},
{ 1, 0x80 }},
{ NULL }};
gcry_mpi_t a;
int idx;
char *string;
unsigned char *p;
for (idx=0; samples[idx].string; idx++)
p = xmalloc (samples[idx].der[0]+1);
memcpy (p, samples[idx].der, samples[idx].der[0]+1);
a = gcry_mpi_set_opaque (NULL, p, (samples[idx].der[0]+1)*8);
if (!a)
fail (idx, gpg_error_from_syserror ());
string = openpgp_oid_to_str (a);
if (!string)
fail (idx, gpg_error_from_syserror ());
if (strcmp (string, samples[idx].string))
fail (idx, 0);
xfree (string);
gcry_mpi_release (a);
static void
test_openpgp_oid_is_ed25519 (void)
static struct
int yes;
const char *oidstr;
} samples[] = {
{ 0, "0.0" },
{ 0, "" },
{ 0, "" },
{ 0, "" }, /* Used during Libgcrypt development. */
{ 0, "" },
{ 0, "" },
{ 0, "" },
{ 0, "" },
{ 1, "" }, /* Your the one we want. */
{ 0, "" },
{ 0, "" },
{ 0, "" },
{ 0, NULL },
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_mpi_t a;
int idx;
for (idx=0; samples[idx].oidstr; idx++)
err = openpgp_oid_from_str (samples[idx].oidstr, &a);
if (err)
fail (idx, err);
if (openpgp_oid_is_ed25519 (a) != samples[idx].yes)
fail (idx, 0);
gcry_mpi_release (a);
static void
test_openpgp_enum_curves (void)
int iter = 0;
const char *name;
int p256 = 0;
int p384 = 0;
int p521 = 0;
while ((name = openpgp_enum_curves (&iter)))
if (verbose)
printf ("curve: %s\n", name);
if (!strcmp (name, "nistp256"))
else if (!strcmp (name, "nistp384"))
else if (!strcmp (name, "nistp521"))
if (p256 != 1 || p384 != 1 || p521 != 1)
/* We can only check the basic RFC-6637 requirements. */
fputs ("standard ECC curve missing\n", stderr);
exit (1);
main (int argc, char **argv)
if (argc)
{ argc--; argv++; }
if (argc && !strcmp (argv[0], "--verbose"))
verbose = 1;
argc--; argv++;
test_openpgp_oid_from_str ();
test_openpgp_oid_to_str ();
test_openpgp_oid_is_ed25519 ();
test_openpgp_enum_curves ();
return 0;
diff --git a/common/t-percent.c b/common/t-percent.c
index c148c228f..145a89bf3 100644
--- a/common/t-percent.c
+++ b/common/t-percent.c
@@ -1,114 +1,114 @@
/* t-percent.c - Module test for percent.c
* Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "util.h"
#define pass() do { ; } while(0)
#define fail(a) do { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: test %d failed\n",\
__FILE__,__LINE__, (a)); \
exit (1); \
} while(0)
static void
test_percent_plus_escape (void)
static struct {
const char *string;
const char *expect;
} tbl[] = {
}, {
}, {
" ",
}, {
" ",
}, {
"+ +",
}, {
"\" \"",
}, {
}, {
"%% ",
}, {
"\n ABC\t",
}, { NULL, NULL }
char *buf, *buf2;
int i;
size_t len;
for (i=0; tbl[i].string; i++)
buf = percent_plus_escape (tbl[i].string);
if (!buf)
fprintf (stderr, "out of core: %s\n", strerror (errno));
exit (2);
if (strcmp (buf, tbl[i].expect))
fail (i);
buf2 = percent_plus_unescape (buf, 0);
if (!buf2)
fprintf (stderr, "out of core: %s\n", strerror (errno));
exit (2);
if (strcmp (buf2, tbl[i].string))
fail (i);
xfree (buf2);
/* Now test the inplace conversion. */
len = percent_plus_unescape_inplace (buf, 0);
buf[len] = 0;
if (strcmp (buf, tbl[i].string))
fail (i);
xfree (buf);
main (int argc, char **argv)
/* FIXME: We escape_unescape is not tested - only
percent_plus_unescape. */
test_percent_plus_escape ();
return 0;
diff --git a/common/t-recsel.c b/common/t-recsel.c
index faddc97ed..f52d0857d 100644
--- a/common/t-recsel.c
+++ b/common/t-recsel.c
@@ -1,438 +1,438 @@
/* t-recsel.c - Module test for recsel.c
* Copyright (C) 2016 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "recsel.h"
#define PGM "t-recsel"
#define pass() do { ; } while(0)
#define fail(a,e) do { log_error ("line %d: test %d failed: %s\n", \
__LINE__, (a), gpg_strerror ((e))); \
exit (1); \
} while(0)
static int verbose;
static int debug;
#define FREEEXPR() do { recsel_release (se); se = NULL; } while (0)
#define ADDEXPR(a) do { \
err = recsel_parse_expr (&se, (a)); \
if (err) \
fail (0, err); \
} while (0)
static const char *
test_1_getval (void *cookie, const char *name)
if (strcmp (name, "uid"))
fail (0, 0);
return cookie;
static void
run_test_1 (void)
static const char *expr[] = {
"uid =~ Alfa",
"&& uid !~ Test ",
"|| uid =~ Alpha",
" uid !~ Test"
gpg_error_t err;
recsel_expr_t se = NULL;
int i;
for (i=0; i < DIM (expr); i++)
err = recsel_parse_expr (&se, expr[i]);
if (err)
fail (i, err);
if (debug)
recsel_dump (se);
/* The example from recsel.c in several variants. */
if (!recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, "Alfa"))
fail (0, 0);
if (!recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, "Alpha"))
fail (0, 0);
if (recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, "Alfa Test"))
fail (0, 0);
if (recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, "Alpha Test"))
fail (0, 0);
/* Some modified versions from above. */
if (!recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, " AlfA Tes"))
fail (0, 0);
if (!recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, " AlfA Tes "))
fail (0, 0);
if (!recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, " Tes AlfA"))
fail (0, 0);
if (!recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, "TesAlfA"))
fail (0, 0);
/* Simple cases. */
if (recsel_select (se, NULL, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
if (recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
if (recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, ""))
fail (0, 0);
/* Same as test1 but using a combined expression.. */
static void
run_test_1b (void)
gpg_error_t err;
recsel_expr_t se = NULL;
err = recsel_parse_expr
(&se, "uid =~ Alfa && uid !~ Test || uid =~ Alpha && uid !~ Test" );
if (err)
fail (0, err);
if (debug)
recsel_dump (se);
/* The example from recsel.c in several variants. */
if (!recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, "Alfa"))
fail (0, 0);
if (!recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, "Alpha"))
fail (0, 0);
if (recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, "Alfa Test"))
fail (0, 0);
if (recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, "Alpha Test"))
fail (0, 0);
/* Some modified versions from above. */
if (!recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, " AlfA Tes"))
fail (0, 0);
if (!recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, " AlfA Tes "))
fail (0, 0);
if (!recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, " Tes AlfA"))
fail (0, 0);
if (!recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, "TesAlfA"))
fail (0, 0);
/* Simple cases. */
if (recsel_select (se, NULL, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
if (recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
if (recsel_select (se, test_1_getval, ""))
fail (0, 0);
static const char *
test_2_getval (void *cookie, const char *name)
if (!strcmp (name, "uid"))
return "";
else if (!strcmp (name, "keyid"))
return "0x12345678";
else if (!strcmp (name, "zero"))
return "0";
else if (!strcmp (name, "one"))
return "1";
else if (!strcmp (name, "blanks"))
return " ";
else if (!strcmp (name, "letters"))
return "abcde";
else if (!strcmp (name, "str1"))
return "aaa";
return cookie;
static void
run_test_2 (void)
gpg_error_t err;
recsel_expr_t se = NULL;
ADDEXPR ("uid =");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("uid =");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("-c uid =");
if (recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("uid =~");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("uid =~");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("-c uid =~");
if (recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("uid !~");
if (recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("uid !~");
if (recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("-c uid !~");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("uid =~ @");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("uid =~ @");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("keyid == 0x12345678");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("keyid != 0x12345678");
if (recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("keyid >= 0x12345678");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("keyid <= 0x12345678");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("keyid > 0x12345677");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("keyid < 0x12345679");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("keyid > 0x12345678");
if (recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("keyid < 0x12345678");
if (recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("str1 -gt aa");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("str1 -gt aaa");
if (recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("str1 -ge aaa");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("str1 -lt aab");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("str1 -le aaa");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("-c str1 -lt AAB");
if (recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("str1 -lt AAB");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("uid -n");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("uid -z");
if (recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("nothing -z");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("nothing -n");
if (recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("blanks -n");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("blanks -z");
if (recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("letters -n");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("letters -z");
if (recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("nothing -f");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("nothing -t");
if (recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("zero -f");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("zero -t");
if (recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("one -t");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("one -f");
if (recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("blanks -f");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("blanks -t");
if (recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("letter -f");
if (!recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
ADDEXPR ("letters -t");
if (recsel_select (se, test_2_getval, NULL))
fail (0, 0);
main (int argc, char **argv)
int last_argc = -1;
log_set_prefix (PGM, GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX);
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
if (argc)
{ argc--; argv++; }
while (argc && last_argc != argc )
last_argc = argc;
if (!strcmp (*argv, "--"))
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--help"))
fputs ("usage: " PGM " [options]\n"
" --verbose print timings etc.\n"
" --debug flyswatter\n",
exit (0);
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--verbose"))
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--debug"))
verbose += 2;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strncmp (*argv, "--", 2))
log_error ("unknown option '%s'\n", *argv);
exit (2);
run_test_1 ();
run_test_1b ();
run_test_2 ();
/* Fixme: We should add test for complex conditions. */
return 0;
diff --git a/common/t-session-env.c b/common/t-session-env.c
index c5c7b0e3b..aa9d596e5 100644
--- a/common/t-session-env.c
+++ b/common/t-session-env.c
@@ -1,304 +1,304 @@
/* t-session-env.c - Module test for session-env.c
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "session-env.h"
#define pass() do { ; } while(0)
#define fail(e) do { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: function failed: %s\n", \
__FILE__,__LINE__, gpg_strerror (e)); \
exit (1); \
} while(0)
static int verbose;
static void
listall (session_env_t se)
int iterator = 0;
const char *name, *value;
int def;
if (verbose)
printf ("environment of %p\n", se);
while ( (name = session_env_listenv (se, &iterator, &value, &def)) )
if (verbose)
printf (" %s%s=%s\n", def? "[def] ":" ", name, value);
static void
show_stdnames (void)
const char *name, *assname;
int iterator = 0;
int count;
printf (" > Known envvars:");
count = 20;
while ((name = session_env_list_stdenvnames (&iterator, &assname)))
if (count > 60)
printf ("\n >");
count = 7;
printf ( " %s", name);
count += strlen (name) + 1;
if (assname)
printf ( "(%s)", assname);
count += strlen (assname) + 2;
static void
test_all (void)
gpg_error_t err;
session_env_t se_0, se;
const char *s, *s2;
int idx;
se_0 = session_env_new ();
if (!se_0)
fail (gpg_error_from_syserror ());
se = session_env_new ();
if (!se)
fail (gpg_error_from_syserror ());
err = session_env_putenv (se, NULL);
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE)
fail (err);
err = session_env_putenv (se, "");
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE)
fail (err);
err = session_env_putenv (se, "=");
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE)
fail (err);
/* Delete some nonexistant variables. */
err = session_env_putenv (se, "A");
if (err)
fail (err);
err = session_env_putenv (se, "a");
if (err)
fail (err);
err = session_env_putenv (se, "_aaaa aaaaaasssssssssssss\nddd");
if (err)
fail (err);
/* Create a few variables. */
err = session_env_putenv (se, "EMPTY=");
if (err)
fail (err);
err = session_env_putenv (se, "foo=value_of_foo");
if (err)
fail (err);
err = session_env_putenv (se, "bar=the value_of_bar");
if (err)
fail (err);
err = session_env_putenv (se, "baz=this-is-baz");
if (err)
fail (err);
err = session_env_putenv (se, "BAZ=this-is-big-baz");
if (err)
fail (err);
listall (se);
/* Update one. */
err = session_env_putenv (se, "baz=this-is-another-baz");
if (err)
fail (err);
listall (se);
/* Delete one. */
err = session_env_putenv (se, "bar");
if (err)
fail (err);
listall (se);
/* Insert a new one. */
err = session_env_putenv (se, "FOO=value_of_foo");
if (err)
fail (err);
listall (se);
/* Retrieve a default one. */
s = session_env_getenv_or_default (se, "HOME", NULL);
if (!s)
fprintf (stderr, "failed to get default of HOME\n");
exit (1);
s = session_env_getenv (se, "HOME");
if (s)
fail(0); /* This is a default value, thus we should not see it. */
s = session_env_getenv_or_default (se, "HOME", NULL);
if (!s)
fail(0); /* But here we should see it. */
/* Add a few more. */
err = session_env_putenv (se, "X1=A value");
if (err)
fail (err);
err = session_env_putenv (se, "X2=Another value");
if (err)
fail (err);
err = session_env_putenv (se, "X3=A value");
if (err)
fail (err);
listall (se);
/* Check that we can overwrite a default value. */
err = session_env_putenv (se, "HOME=/this/is/my/new/home");
if (err)
fail (err);
/* And that we get this string back. */
s = session_env_getenv (se, "HOME");
if (!s)
fail (0);
if (strcmp (s, "/this/is/my/new/home"))
fail (0);
/* A new get default should return the very same string. */
s2 = session_env_getenv_or_default (se, "HOME", NULL);
if (!s2)
fail (0);
if (s2 != s)
fail (0);
listall (se);
/* Check that the other object is clean. */
int iterator = 0;
if (session_env_listenv (se_0, &iterator, NULL, NULL))
fail (0);
session_env_release (se);
/* Use a new session for quick mass test. */
se = session_env_new ();
if (!se)
fail (gpg_error_from_syserror ());
/* Create. */
for (idx=0; idx < 500; idx++)
char buf[100];
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "FOO_%d=Value for %x", idx, idx);
err = session_env_putenv (se, buf);
if (err)
fail (err);
err = session_env_setenv (se, "TEST1", "value1");
if (err)
fail (err);
err = session_env_setenv (se, "TEST1", "value1-updated");
if (err)
fail (err);
listall (se);
/* Delete all. */
for (idx=0; idx < 500; idx++)
char buf[100];
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "FOO_%d", idx);
err = session_env_putenv (se, buf);
if (err)
fail (err);
err = session_env_setenv (se, "TEST1", NULL);
if (err)
fail (err);
/* Check that all are deleted. */
int iterator = 0;
if (session_env_listenv (se, &iterator, NULL, NULL))
fail (0);
/* Add a few strings again. */
for (idx=0; idx < 500; idx++)
char buf[100];
if (!(idx % 10))
if ( !(idx % 3))
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "FOO_%d=", idx);
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "FOO_%d=new value for %x", idx, idx);
err = session_env_putenv (se, buf);
if (err)
fail (err);
listall (se);
session_env_release (se);
session_env_release (se_0);
main (int argc, char **argv)
if (argc)
{ argc--; argv++; }
if (argc && !strcmp (argv[0], "--verbose"))
verbose = 1;
argc--; argv++;
show_stdnames ();
test_all ();
return 0;
diff --git a/common/t-sexputil.c b/common/t-sexputil.c
index 77f819930..ceb828076 100644
--- a/common/t-sexputil.c
+++ b/common/t-sexputil.c
@@ -1,191 +1,191 @@
/* t-sexputil.c - Module test for sexputil.c
* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "util.h"
#define pass() do { ; } while(0)
#define fail(a) do { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: test %d failed\n",\
__FILE__,__LINE__, (a)); \
exit (1); \
} while(0)
static void
test_hash_algo_from_sigval (void)
int algo;
/* A real world example. */
unsigned char example1_rsa_sha1[] =
/* The same but without the hash algo. */
unsigned char example1_rsa[] =
algo = hash_algo_from_sigval (example1_rsa_sha1);
if (algo != GCRY_MD_SHA1)
fail (0);
algo = hash_algo_from_sigval (example1_rsa);
if (algo)
fail (0);
static void
test_make_canon_sexp_from_rsa_pk (void)
struct {
unsigned char *m;
size_t mlen;
unsigned char *e;
size_t elen;
unsigned char *result;
size_t resultlen;
gpg_err_code_t reverr; /* Expected error from the reverse function. */
} tests[] = {
int idx;
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *sexp;
size_t length;
const unsigned char *rsa_n, *rsa_e;
size_t rsa_n_len, rsa_e_len;
for (idx=0; tests[idx].m; idx++)
sexp = make_canon_sexp_from_rsa_pk (tests[idx].m, tests[idx].mlen,
tests[idx].e, tests[idx].elen,
if (!sexp)
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: out of core\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
exit (1);
if (length != tests[idx].resultlen)
fail (idx);
if (memcmp (sexp, tests[idx].result, tests[idx].resultlen))
fail (idx);
/* Test the reverse function. */
err = get_rsa_pk_from_canon_sexp (sexp, length,
&rsa_n, &rsa_n_len,
&rsa_e, &rsa_e_len);
if (gpg_err_code (err) != tests[idx].reverr)
fail (idx);
if (!err)
if (tests[idx].mlen != rsa_n_len)
fail (idx);
if (memcmp (tests[idx].m, rsa_n, rsa_n_len))
fail (idx);
if (tests[idx].elen != rsa_e_len)
fail (idx);
if (memcmp (tests[idx].e, rsa_e, rsa_e_len))
fail (idx);
xfree (sexp);
main (int argc, char **argv)
test_hash_algo_from_sigval ();
test_make_canon_sexp_from_rsa_pk ();
return 0;
diff --git a/common/t-ssh-utils.c b/common/t-ssh-utils.c
index 961f451dc..f63ea95ac 100644
--- a/common/t-ssh-utils.c
+++ b/common/t-ssh-utils.c
@@ -1,314 +1,314 @@
/* t-ssh-utils.c - Module test for ssh-utils.c
* Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "ssh-utils.h"
static struct { const char *key; const char *fpr; } sample_keys[] = {
{ "(protected-private-key "
"(rsa "
"(n #"
"(e \"#\")"
"(protected openpgp-s2k3-sha1-aes-cbc "
"(sha1 #B5847F9A2DB4E0C5# \"5242880\")"
"(protected-at \"20110720T135431\")"
"(comment passphrase_is_abc)"
"(protected-private-key "
"(dsa "
"(p #00FC7DC086F4517079BCCFA7FD229477FE88B0231038DFC21B29CCBD74C6F6FE04FD"
"(q #00D498505BF0E7EE01239EB51F2B400B8EF6329B17#)"
"(g #00A127B3DD5106F0A463312E42ECB83790E6F3BEA7AC3FAF7A42FB2C00F376323676"
"(y #008E2B0915A3A299D83B4333C848C5D312F25903773E8C4D50691CAF81C3B768FA41"
"(protected openpgp-s2k3-sha1-aes-cbc "
"(sha1 \"ü¿jy²üa4\" \"5242880\")"
"(protected-at \"20110720T142801\")"
"(comment sample_dsa_passphrase_is_abc)"
{ /* OpenSSH 6.7p1 generated key: */
"(protected-private-key "
"(ecdsa "
"(curve \"NIST P-256\")"
"(q #041F17ED5E3D637181DFA68157270F94A46C089B6F5D4518564600551C0A60A063B3"
"(protected openpgp-s2k3-sha1-aes-cbc "
"(sha1 #43F887516D94A502# \"20971520\")"
"(protected-at \"20150922T071259\")"
"(comment \"ecdsa w/o comment\")"
")", /* Passphrase="abc" */
{ /* OpenSSH 6.7p1 generated key: */
"(protected-private-key "
"(ecdsa "
"(curve \"NIST P-384\") "
"(q #04B6E747AC2F179F96088D1DB58EB8600BB23FAEF5F58EFE712A7478FB7BF735"
"(protected openpgp-s2k3-sha1-aes-cbc "
"(sha1 #3B13710B67D756EA# \"20971520\")"
"(protected-at \"20150922T070806\")"
"(comment \"ecdsa w/o comment\")"
")", /* Passphrase="abc" */
{ /* OpenSSH 6.7p1 generated key: */
"(protected-private-key "
"(ecdsa "
"(curve \"NIST P-521\")"
"(q #04005E460058F37DB5ADA670040203C4D7E18D9FC8A7087165904A4E25EE5EEE"
"(protected openpgp-s2k3-sha1-aes-cbc "
"(sha1 #FB2E36984DE2E17C# \"19737600\")"
"(protected-at \"20150922T075611\")"
"(comment \"ecdsa w/o comment\")"
")", /* Passphrase="abc" */
{ /* OpenSSH 6.7p1 generated key: */
"(protected-private-key "
"(ecc "
"(curve Ed25519)"
"(flags eddsa)"
"(q #40A3577AA7830C50EBC15B538E9505DB2F0D2FFCD57EA477DD83dcaea530f3c277#)"
"(protected openpgp-s2k3-sha1-aes-cbc "
"(sha1 #FA8123F1A37CBC1F# \"3812352\")"
"(protected-at \"20150928T050210\")"
"(comment \"eddsa w/o comment\")"
")", /* Passphrase="abc" */
static char *
read_file (const char *fname, size_t *r_length)
FILE *fp;
char *buf;
size_t buflen;
struct stat st;
fp = fopen (fname, "rb");
if (!fp)
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: can't open '%s': %s\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__, fname, strerror (errno));
exit (1);
if (fstat (fileno(fp), &st))
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: can't stat '%s': %s\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__, fname, strerror (errno));
exit (1);
buflen = st.st_size;
buf = xmalloc (buflen+1);
if (fread (buf, buflen, 1, fp) != 1)
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: error reading '%s': %s\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__, fname, strerror (errno));
exit (1);
fclose (fp);
*r_length = buflen;
return buf;
static gcry_sexp_t
read_key (const char *fname)
gpg_error_t err;
char *buf;
size_t buflen;
gcry_sexp_t key;
buf = read_file (fname, &buflen);
err = gcry_sexp_sscan (&key, NULL, buf, buflen);
if (err)
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: gcry_sexp_sscan failed: %s\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__, gpg_strerror (err));
exit (1); \
xfree (buf);
return key;
main (int argc, char **argv)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t key;
char *string;
int idx;
if (argc == 2)
key = read_key (argv[1]);
err = ssh_get_fingerprint_string (key, &string);
if (err)
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: error getting fingerprint: %s\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__, gpg_strerror (err));
exit (1);
puts (string);
xfree (string);
gcry_sexp_release (key);
for (idx=0; sample_keys[idx].key; idx++)
err = gcry_sexp_sscan (&key, NULL, sample_keys[idx].key,
strlen (sample_keys[idx].key));
if (err)
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: gcry_sexp_sscan failed for "
"sample key %d: %s\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__, idx, gpg_strerror (err));
exit (1);
err = ssh_get_fingerprint_string (key, &string);
gcry_sexp_release (key);
if (err)
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: error getting fingerprint for "
"sample key %d: %s\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__, idx, gpg_strerror (err));
exit (1);
if (strcmp (string, sample_keys[idx].fpr))
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: fingerprint mismatch for "
"sample key %d\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__, idx);
fprintf (stderr, "want: %s\n got: %s\n",
sample_keys[idx].fpr, string);
exit (1);
xfree (string);
return 0;
diff --git a/common/t-stringhelp.c b/common/t-stringhelp.c
index 93b014ae1..d86d896f6 100644
--- a/common/t-stringhelp.c
+++ b/common/t-stringhelp.c
@@ -1,999 +1,999 @@
/* t-stringhelp.c - Regression tests for stringhelp.c
* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#ifdef HAVE_PWD_H
# include <pwd.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "t-support.h"
#include "stringhelp.h"
static char *home_buffer;
const char *
gethome (void)
if (!home_buffer)
char *home = getenv("HOME");
home_buffer = xstrdup (home);
#if defined(HAVE_GETPWUID) && defined(HAVE_PWD_H)
struct passwd *pwd;
pwd = getpwuid (getuid());
if (pwd)
home_buffer = xstrdup (pwd->pw_dir);
return home_buffer;
static char *
mygetcwd (void)
char *buffer;
size_t size = 100;
for (;;)
buffer = xmalloc (size+1);
strcpy (buffer, "/"); /* Always "/". */
return buffer;
if (getcwd (buffer, size) == buffer)
return buffer;
xfree (buffer);
if (errno != ERANGE)
fprintf (stderr,"error getting current cwd: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
exit (2);
size *= 2;
static void
test_percent_escape (void)
char *result;
static struct {
const char *extra;
const char *value;
const char *expected;
} tests[] =
{ NULL, "", "" },
{ NULL, "%", "%25" },
{ NULL, "%%", "%25%25" },
{ NULL, " %", " %25" },
{ NULL, ":", "%3a" },
{ NULL, " :", " %3a" },
{ NULL, ": ", "%3a " },
{ NULL, " : ", " %3a " },
{ NULL, "::", "%3a%3a" },
{ NULL, ": :", "%3a %3a" },
{ NULL, "%:", "%25%3a" },
{ NULL, ":%", "%3a%25" },
{ "\\\n:", ":%", "%3a%25" },
{ "\\\n:", "\\:%", "%5c%3a%25" },
{ "\\\n:", "\n:%", "%0a%3a%25" },
{ "\\\n:", "\xff:%", "\xff%3a%25" },
{ "\\\n:", "\xfe:%", "\xfe%3a%25" },
{ "\\\n:", "\x01:%", "\x01%3a%25" },
{ "\x01", "\x01:%", "%01%3a%25" },
{ "\xfe", "\xfe:%", "%fe%3a%25" },
{ "\xfe", "\xff:%", "\xff%3a%25" },
int testno;
result = percent_escape (NULL, NULL);
if (result)
fail (0);
for (testno=0; tests[testno].value; testno++)
result = percent_escape (tests[testno].value, tests[testno].extra);
if (!result)
fail (testno);
else if (strcmp (result, tests[testno].expected))
fail (testno);
xfree (result);
static void
test_compare_filenames (void)
struct {
const char *a;
const char *b;
int result;
} tests[] = {
{ "", "", 0 },
{ "", "a", -1 },
{ "a", "", 1 },
{ "a", "a", 0 },
{ "a", "aa", -1 },
{ "aa", "a", 1 },
{ "a", "b", -1 },
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
{ "a", "A", 0 },
{ "A", "a", 0 },
{ "foo/bar", "foo\\bar", 0 },
{ "foo\\bar", "foo/bar", 0 },
{ "foo\\", "foo/", 0 },
{ "foo/", "foo\\", 0 },
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
{ NULL, NULL, 0}
int testno, result;
for (testno=0; tests[testno].a; testno++)
result = compare_filenames (tests[testno].a, tests[testno].b);
result = result < 0? -1 : result > 0? 1 : 0;
if (result != tests[testno].result)
fail (testno);
static void
test_strconcat (void)
char *out;
out = strconcat ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", NULL);
if (!out)
fail (0);
xfree (out);
out = strconcat ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", NULL);
if (out)
fail (0);
else if (errno != EINVAL)
fail (0);
out = strconcat ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", NULL);
if (out)
fail (0);
else if (errno != EINVAL)
fail (0);
xfree (out);
#if __GNUC__ < 4 /* gcc 4.0 has a sentinel attribute. */
out = strconcat (NULL);
if (!out || *out)
fail (1);
out = strconcat (NULL, NULL);
if (!out || *out)
fail (1);
xfree (out);
out = strconcat ("", NULL);
if (!out || *out)
fail (1);
xfree (out);
out = strconcat ("", "", NULL);
if (!out || *out)
fail (2);
xfree (out);
out = strconcat ("a", "b", NULL);
if (!out || strcmp (out, "ab"))
fail (3);
xfree (out);
out = strconcat ("a", "b", "c", NULL);
if (!out || strcmp (out, "abc"))
fail (3);
xfree (out);
out = strconcat ("a", "b", "cc", NULL);
if (!out || strcmp (out, "abcc"))
fail (4);
xfree (out);
out = strconcat ("a1", "b1", "c1", NULL);
if (!out || strcmp (out, "a1b1c1"))
fail (4);
xfree (out);
out = strconcat ("", " long b ", "", "--even-longer--", NULL);
if (!out || strcmp (out, " long b --even-longer--"))
fail (5);
xfree (out);
out = strconcat ("", " long b ", "", "--even-longer--", NULL);
if (!out || strcmp (out, " long b --even-longer--"))
fail (5);
xfree (out);
static void
test_xstrconcat (void)
char *out;
out = xstrconcat ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", NULL);
if (!out)
fail (0);
xfree (out);
#if __GNUC__ < 4 /* gcc 4.0 has a sentinel attribute. */
out = xstrconcat (NULL);
if (!out)
fail (1);
out = xstrconcat (NULL, NULL);
if (!out)
fail (1);
xfree (out);
out = xstrconcat ("", NULL);
if (!out || *out)
fail (1);
xfree (out);
out = xstrconcat ("", "", NULL);
if (!out || *out)
fail (2);
xfree (out);
out = xstrconcat ("a", "b", NULL);
if (!out || strcmp (out, "ab"))
fail (3);
xfree (out);
out = xstrconcat ("a", "b", "c", NULL);
if (!out || strcmp (out, "abc"))
fail (3);
xfree (out);
out = xstrconcat ("a", "b", "cc", NULL);
if (!out || strcmp (out, "abcc"))
fail (4);
xfree (out);
out = xstrconcat ("a1", "b1", "c1", NULL);
if (!out || strcmp (out, "a1b1c1"))
fail (4);
xfree (out);
out = xstrconcat ("", " long b ", "", "--even-longer--", NULL);
if (!out || strcmp (out, " long b --even-longer--"))
fail (5);
xfree (out);
out = xstrconcat ("", " long b ", "", "--even-longer--", NULL);
if (!out || strcmp (out, " long b --even-longer--"))
fail (5);
xfree (out);
static void
test_make_filename_try (void)
char *out;
const char *home = gethome ();
size_t homelen = home? strlen (home):0;
out = make_filename_try ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", NULL);
if (out)
fail (0);
else if (errno != EINVAL)
fail (0);
xfree (out);
out = make_filename_try ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", NULL);
if (out)
fail (0);
else if (errno != EINVAL)
fail (0);
xfree (out);
out = make_filename_try ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"1", "2", NULL);
if (!out || strcmp (out,
fail (0);
xfree (out);
out = make_filename_try ("foo", "~/bar", "baz/cde", NULL);
if (!out || strcmp (out, "foo/~/bar/baz/cde"))
fail (1);
xfree (out);
out = make_filename_try ("foo", "~/bar", "baz/cde/", NULL);
if (!out || strcmp (out, "foo/~/bar/baz/cde/"))
fail (1);
xfree (out);
out = make_filename_try ("/foo", "~/bar", "baz/cde/", NULL);
if (!out || strcmp (out, "/foo/~/bar/baz/cde/"))
fail (1);
xfree (out);
out = make_filename_try ("//foo", "~/bar", "baz/cde/", NULL);
if (!out || strcmp (out, "//foo/~/bar/baz/cde/"))
fail (1);
xfree (out);
out = make_filename_try ("", "~/bar", "baz/cde", NULL);
if (!out || strcmp (out, "/~/bar/baz/cde"))
fail (1);
xfree (out);
out = make_filename_try ("~/foo", "bar", NULL);
if (!out)
fail (2);
else if (home)
if (strlen (out) < homelen + 7)
fail (2);
else if (strncmp (out, home, homelen))
fail (2);
else if (strcmp (out+homelen, "/foo/bar"))
fail (2);
if (strcmp (out, "~/foo/bar"))
fail (2);
xfree (out);
out = make_filename_try ("~", "bar", NULL);
if (!out)
fail (2);
else if (home)
if (strlen (out) < homelen + 3)
fail (2);
else if (strncmp (out, home, homelen))
fail (2);
else if (strcmp (out+homelen, "/bar"))
fail (2);
if (strcmp (out, "~/bar"))
fail (2);
xfree (out);
static void
test_make_absfilename_try (void)
char *out;
char *cwd = mygetcwd ();
size_t cwdlen = strlen (cwd);
out = make_absfilename_try ("foo", "bar", NULL);
if (!out)
fail (0);
else if (strlen (out) < cwdlen + 7)
fail (0);
else if (strncmp (out, cwd, cwdlen))
fail (0);
else if (strcmp (out+cwdlen, "/foo/bar"))
fail (0);
xfree (out);
out = make_absfilename_try ("./foo", NULL);
if (!out)
fail (1);
else if (strlen (out) < cwdlen + 5)
fail (1);
else if (strncmp (out, cwd, cwdlen))
fail (1);
else if (strcmp (out+cwdlen, "/./foo"))
fail (1);
xfree (out);
out = make_absfilename_try (".", NULL);
if (!out)
fail (2);
else if (strlen (out) < cwdlen)
fail (2);
else if (strncmp (out, cwd, cwdlen))
fail (2);
else if (strcmp (out+cwdlen, ""))
fail (2);
xfree (out);
xfree (cwd);
static void
test_strsplit (void)
struct {
const char *s;
char delim;
char replacement;
const char *fields_expected[10];
} tv[] = {
"a:bc:cde:fghi:jklmn::foo:", ':', '\0',
{ "a", "bc", "cde", "fghi", "jklmn", "", "foo", "", NULL }
",a,bc,,def,", ',', '!',
{ "!a!bc!!def!", "a!bc!!def!", "bc!!def!", "!def!", "def!", "", NULL }
"", ':', ',',
{ "", NULL }
int tidx;
for (tidx = 0; tidx < DIM(tv); tidx++)
char *s2;
int field_count;
char **fields;
int field_count_expected;
int i;
/* Count the fields. */
for (field_count_expected = 0;
field_count_expected ++)
/* We need to copy s since strsplit modifies it in place. */
s2 = xstrdup (tv[tidx].s);
fields = strsplit (s2, tv[tidx].delim, tv[tidx].replacement,
if (field_count != field_count_expected)
fail (tidx * 1000);
for (i = 0; i < field_count_expected; i ++)
if (strcmp (tv[tidx].fields_expected[i], fields[i]) != 0)
printf ("For field %d, expected '%s', but got '%s'\n",
i, tv[tidx].fields_expected[i], fields[i]);
fail (tidx * 1000 + i + 1);
xfree (fields);
xfree (s2);
static void
test_strtokenize (void)
struct {
const char *s;
const char *delim;
const char *fields_expected[10];
} tv[] = {
"", ":",
{ "", NULL }
"a", ":",
{ "a", NULL }
":", ":",
{ "", "", NULL }
"::", ":",
{ "", "", "", NULL }
"a:b:c", ":",
{ "a", "b", "c", NULL }
"a:b:", ":",
{ "a", "b", "", NULL }
"a:b", ":",
{ "a", "b", NULL }
"aa:b:cd", ":",
{ "aa", "b", "cd", NULL }
"aa::b:cd", ":",
{ "aa", "", "b", "cd", NULL }
"::b:cd", ":",
{ "", "", "b", "cd", NULL }
"aa: : b:cd ", ":",
{ "aa", "", "b", "cd", NULL }
" aa: : b: cd ", ":",
{ "aa", "", "b", "cd", NULL }
" ", ":",
{ "", NULL }
" :", ":",
{ "", "", NULL }
" : ", ":",
{ "", "", NULL }
": ", ":",
{ "", "", NULL }
": x ", ":",
{ "", "x", NULL }
"a:bc:cde:fghi:jklmn::foo:", ":",
{ "a", "bc", "cde", "fghi", "jklmn", "", "foo", "", NULL }
",a,bc,,def,", ",",
{ "", "a", "bc", "", "def", "", NULL }
" a ", " ",
{ "", "a", "", NULL }
" ", " ",
{ "", "", NULL }
"", " ",
{ "", NULL }
int tidx;
for (tidx = 0; tidx < DIM(tv); tidx++)
char **fields;
int field_count;
int field_count_expected;
int i;
for (field_count_expected = 0;
field_count_expected ++)
fields = strtokenize (tv[tidx].s, tv[tidx].delim);
if (!fields)
fail (tidx * 1000);
for (field_count = 0; fields[field_count]; field_count++)
if (field_count != field_count_expected)
fail (tidx * 1000);
for (i = 0; i < field_count_expected; i++)
if (strcmp (tv[tidx].fields_expected[i], fields[i]))
printf ("For field %d, expected '%s', but got '%s'\n",
i, tv[tidx].fields_expected[i], fields[i]);
fail (tidx * 1000 + i + 1);
xfree (fields);
static void
test_split_fields (void)
struct {
const char *s;
int nfields;
const char *fields_expected[10];
} tv[] = {
"a bc cde fghi jklmn foo ", 6,
{ "a", "bc", "cde", "fghi", "jklmn", "foo", NULL }
" a bc def ", 2,
{ "a", "bc", "def", NULL }
" a bc def ", 3,
{ "a", "bc", "def", NULL }
" a bc def ", 4,
{ "a", "bc", "def", NULL }
"", 0,
{ NULL }
int tidx;
char *fields[10];
int field_count_expected, nfields, field_count, i;
char *s2;
for (tidx = 0; tidx < DIM(tv); tidx++)
nfields = tv[tidx].nfields;
assert (nfields <= DIM (fields));
/* Count the fields. */
for (field_count_expected = 0;
field_count_expected ++)
if (field_count_expected > nfields)
field_count_expected = nfields;
/* We need to copy s since split_fields modifies in place. */
s2 = xstrdup (tv[tidx].s);
field_count = split_fields (s2, fields, nfields);
if (field_count != field_count_expected)
printf ("%s: tidx %d: expected %d, got %d\n",
__func__, tidx, field_count_expected, field_count);
fail (tidx * 1000);
for (i = 0; i < field_count_expected; i ++)
if (strcmp (tv[tidx].fields_expected[i], fields[i]))
printf ("%s: tidx %d, field %d: expected '%s', got '%s'\n",
tidx, i, tv[tidx].fields_expected[i], fields[i]);
fail (tidx * 1000 + i + 1);
xfree (s2);
static char *
stresc (char *s)
char *p;
int l = strlen (s) + 1;
for (p = s; *p; p ++)
if (*p == '\n')
l ++;
p = xmalloc (l);
for (l = 0; *s; s ++, l ++)
if (*s == ' ')
p[l] = '_';
else if (*p == '\n')
p[l ++] = '\\';
p[l ++] = 'n';
p[l] = '\n';
p[l] = *s;
p[l] = *s;
return p;
static void
test_format_text (void)
struct test
int target_cols, max_cols;
char *input;
char *expected;
struct test tests[] = {
10, 12,
10, 12,
" ",
10, 12,
" ",
10, 12,
" \n ",
" \n",
10, 12,
" \n \n ",
" \n \n",
10, 12,
"0123456789 0123456789 0",
10, 12,
" 0123456789 0123456789 0 ",
" 0123456789\n0123456789\n0",
10, 12,
"01 34 67 90 23 56 89 12 45 67 89 1",
"01 34 67\n90 23 56\n89 12 45\n67 89 1"
10, 12,
"01 34 67 90 23 56 89 12 45 67 89 1",
"01 34 67\n90 23 56\n89 12 45\n67 89 1"
72, 80,
"Warning: if you think you've seen more than 10 messages "
"signed by this key, then this key might be a forgery! "
"Carefully examine the email address for small variations "
"(e.g., additional white space). If the key is suspect, "
"then use 'gpg --tofu-policy bad \"FINGERPRINT\"' to mark it as being bad.\n",
"Warning: if you think you've seen more than 10 messages signed by this\n"
"key, then this key might be a forgery! Carefully examine the email\n"
"address for small variations (e.g., additional white space). If the key\n"
"is suspect, then use 'gpg --tofu-policy bad \"FINGERPRINT\"' to mark it as\n"
"being bad.\n"
72, 80,
"Normally, there is only a single key associated with an email "
"address. However, people sometimes generate a new key if "
"their key is too old or they think it might be compromised. "
"Alternatively, a new key may indicate a man-in-the-middle "
"attack! Before accepting this key, you should talk to or "
"call the person to make sure this new key is legitimate.",
"Normally, there is only a single key associated with an email "
"address.\nHowever, people sometimes generate a new key if "
"their key is too old or\nthey think it might be compromised. "
"Alternatively, a new key may indicate\na man-in-the-middle "
"attack! Before accepting this key, you should talk\nto or "
"call the person to make sure this new key is legitimate.",
int i;
int failed = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof (tests) / sizeof (tests[0]); i ++)
struct test *test = &tests[i];
char *result =
format_text (test->input, 0, test->target_cols, test->max_cols);
if (strcmp (result, test->expected) != 0)
printf ("%s: Test #%d failed.\nExpected: '%s'\nResult: '%s'\n",
__func__, i + 1, stresc (test->expected), stresc (result));
failed ++;
xfree (result);
if (failed)
static void
test_compare_version_strings (void)
struct { const char *a; const char *b; int okay; } tests[] = {
{ "1.0.0", "1.0.0", 0 },
{ "1.0.0-", "1.0.0", 1 },
{ "1.0.0-1", "1.0.0", 1 },
{ "", "1.0.0", 1 },
{ "1.0.0", "1.0.1", -1 },
{ "1.0.0-", "1.0.1", -1 },
{ "1.0.0-1", "1.0.1", -1 },
{ "", "1.0.1", -1 },
{ "1.0.0", "1.1.0", -1 },
{ "1.0.0-", "1.1.0", -1 },
{ "1.0.0-1", "1.1.0", -1 },
{ "", "1.1.0", -1 },
{ "1.0.0", "1.0.0-", -1 },
{ "1.0.0", "1.0.0-1", -1 },
{ "1.0.0", "", -1 },
{ "1.1.0", "1.0.0", 1 },
{ "1.1.1", "1.1.0", 1 },
{ "1.1.2", "1.1.2", 0 },
{ "1.1.2", "1.0.2", 1 },
{ "1.1.2", "0.0.2", 1 },
{ "1.1.2", "1.1.3", -1 },
{ "0.99.1", "0.9.9", 1 },
{ "0.9.1", "0.91.0", -1 },
{ "1.5.3", "1.5", 1 },
{ "1.5.0", "1.5", 0 },
{ "1.4.99", "1.5", -1 },
{ "1.5", "1.4.99", 1 },
{ "1.5", "1.5.0", 0 },
{ "1.5", "1.5.1", -1 },
{ "1.5.3-x17", "1.5-23", 1 },
{ "1.5.3a", "1.5.3", 1 },
{ "1.5.3a", "1.5.3b", -1 },
{ "3.1.4-ab", "3.1.4-ab", 0 },
{ "3.1.4-ab", "3.1.4-ac", -1 },
{ "3.1.4-ac", "3.1.4-ab", 1 },
{ "3.1.4-ab", "3.1.4-abb", -1 },
{ "3.1.4-abb", "3.1.4-ab", 1 },
{ "", "", INT_MIN },
{ NULL, "", INT_MIN },
{ "1.2.3", "", INT_MIN },
{ "1.2.3", "2", INT_MIN },
/* Test cases for validity of A. */
{ "", NULL, INT_MIN },
{ "1", NULL, INT_MIN },
{ "1.", NULL, 0 },
{ "1.0", NULL, 0 },
{ "1.0.", NULL, 0 },
{ "a1.2", NULL, INT_MIN },
int idx;
int res;
for (idx=0; idx < DIM(tests); idx++)
res = compare_version_strings (tests[idx].a, tests[idx].b);
/* printf ("test %d: '%s' '%s' %d -> %d\n", */
/* idx, tests[idx].a, tests[idx].b, tests[idx].okay, res); */
if (res != tests[idx].okay)
fail (idx);
main (int argc, char **argv)
test_percent_escape ();
test_compare_filenames ();
test_strconcat ();
test_xstrconcat ();
test_make_filename_try ();
test_make_absfilename_try ();
test_strsplit ();
test_strtokenize ();
test_split_fields ();
test_compare_version_strings ();
test_format_text ();
xfree (home_buffer);
return !!errcount;
diff --git a/common/t-strlist.c b/common/t-strlist.c
index e49d5a724..bd835ca87 100644
--- a/common/t-strlist.c
+++ b/common/t-strlist.c
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
/* t-strlist.c - Regression tests for strist.c
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "strlist.h"
#include "t-support.h"
static void
test_strlist_rev (void)
strlist_t s = NULL;
/* Reversing an empty list should yield the empty list. */
if (! (strlist_rev (&s) == NULL))
fail (1);
add_to_strlist (&s, "1");
add_to_strlist (&s, "2");
add_to_strlist (&s, "3");
if (strcmp (s->d, "3") != 0)
fail (2);
if (strcmp (s->next->d, "2") != 0)
fail (2);
if (strcmp (s->next->next->d, "1") != 0)
fail (2);
if (s->next->next->next)
fail (2);
strlist_rev (&s);
if (strcmp (s->d, "1") != 0)
fail (2);
if (strcmp (s->next->d, "2") != 0)
fail (2);
if (strcmp (s->next->next->d, "3") != 0)
fail (2);
if (s->next->next->next)
fail (2);
free_strlist (s);
main (int argc, char **argv)
test_strlist_rev ();
return 0;
diff --git a/common/t-support.c b/common/t-support.c
index 7dd8f0afe..8ed0a6279 100644
--- a/common/t-support.c
+++ b/common/t-support.c
@@ -1,153 +1,153 @@
/* t-support.c - helper functions for the regression tests.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "t-support.h"
/* Replacements for the malloc functions as used here. */
static void
out_of_memory (void)
fprintf (stderr,"error: out of core in regression tests: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
exit (2);
void *
gcry_malloc (size_t n)
return malloc (n);
void *
gcry_xmalloc (size_t n)
void *p = malloc (n);
if (!p)
out_of_memory ();
return p;
char *
gcry_strdup (const char *string)
char *p = malloc (strlen (string)+1);
if (p)
strcpy (p, string);
return p;
void *
gcry_realloc (void *a, size_t n)
return realloc (a, n);
void *
gcry_xrealloc (void *a, size_t n)
void *p = realloc (a, n);
if (!p)
out_of_memory ();
return p;
void *
gcry_calloc (size_t n, size_t m)
return calloc (n, m);
void *
gcry_xcalloc (size_t n, size_t m)
void *p = calloc (n, m);
if (!p)
out_of_memory ();
return p;
char *
gcry_xstrdup (const char *string)
void *p = malloc (strlen (string)+1);
if (!p)
out_of_memory ();
strcpy (p, string);
return p;
gcry_free (void *a)
if (a)
free (a);
/* Stubs for gpg-error functions required because some compilers do
not eliminate the supposed-to-be-unused-inline-functions and thus
require functions called from these inline functions. */
#ifndef GPG_ERROR_H /* Don't do this if gpg-error.h has been included. */
gpg_err_code_from_errno (int err)
assert (!"stub function");
return -1;
#endif /*GPG_ERROR_H*/
/* Retrieve the error code directly from the ERRNO variable. This
returns GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_ERRNO if the system error is not mapped
(report this) and GPG_ERR_MISSING_ERRNO if ERRNO has the value 0. */
#ifndef GPG_ERROR_H /* Don't do this if gpg-error.h has been included. */
gpg_err_code_from_syserror (void)
assert (!"stub function");
return -1;
#endif /*GPG_ERROR_H*/
diff --git a/common/t-support.h b/common/t-support.h
index cda675976..5449a5646 100644
--- a/common/t-support.h
+++ b/common/t-support.h
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
/* t-support.h - Helper for the regression tests
* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
#error The regression tests should not include with gcrypt.h
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gpg-error.h>
# define getenv(a) (NULL)
#ifndef DIM
# define DIM(v) (sizeof(v)/sizeof((v)[0]))
# define DIMof(type,member) DIM(((type *)0)->member)
/* Replacement prototypes. */
void *gcry_xmalloc (size_t n);
void *gcry_xcalloc (size_t n, size_t m);
void *gcry_xrealloc (void *a, size_t n);
char *gcry_xstrdup (const char * a);
void gcry_free (void *a);
/* Map the used xmalloc functions to those implemented by t-support.c */
#define xmalloc(a) gcry_xmalloc ( (a) )
#define xcalloc(a,b) gcry_xcalloc ( (a), (b) )
#define xrealloc(a,n) gcry_xrealloc ( (a), (n) )
#define xstrdup(a) gcry_xstrdup ( (a) )
#define xfree(a) gcry_free ( (a) )
/* Macros to print the result of a test. */
#define pass() do { ; } while(0)
#define fail(a) do { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: test %d failed\n",\
__FILE__,__LINE__, (a)); \
errcount++; \
if (!no_exit_on_fail) \
exit (1); \
} while(0)
/* If this flag is set the fail macro does not call exit. */
static int no_exit_on_fail;
/* Error counter. */
static int errcount;
diff --git a/common/t-sysutils.c b/common/t-sysutils.c
index 68c3e418d..79f8385ac 100644
--- a/common/t-sysutils.c
+++ b/common/t-sysutils.c
@@ -1,89 +1,89 @@
/* t-sysutils.c - Module test for sysutils.c
* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
# define rewind(f) do { fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET); clearerr (f); } while (0)
#define pass() do { ; } while(0)
#define fail(a) do { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: test %d failed\n",\
__FILE__,__LINE__, (a)); \
errcount++; \
} while(0)
static int verbose;
static int errcount;
static void
test_gnupg_tmpfile (void)
FILE *fparr[10];
int fparridx;
int idx;
FILE *fp;
char buffer[100];
#define ASTRING "fooooooooooooooo\n" /* Needs to be shorter than BUFFER. */
for (fparridx=0; fparridx < DIM (fparr); fparridx++)
fp = gnupg_tmpfile ();
fparr[fparridx] = fp;
if (!fp)
fail (fparridx);
fputs ( ASTRING, fp);
rewind (fp);
if (!fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fp))
fail (fparridx);
if (strcmp (buffer, ASTRING))
fail (fparridx);
if (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fp))
fail (fparridx);
for (idx=0; idx < fparridx; idx++)
if (fparr[idx])
fclose (fparr[idx]);
main (int argc, char **argv)
if (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "--verbose"))
verbose = 1;
test_gnupg_tmpfile ();
/* Fixme: Add tests for setenv and unsetenv. */
return !!errcount;
diff --git a/common/t-timestuff.c b/common/t-timestuff.c
index a80aaff59..1e524f538 100644
--- a/common/t-timestuff.c
+++ b/common/t-timestuff.c
@@ -1,175 +1,175 @@
/* t-timestuff.c - Regression tests for time functions
* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "mischelp.h"
#include "t-support.h"
static int
cmp_time_s (struct tm *a, struct tm *b)
if (a->tm_year != b->tm_year
|| a->tm_mon != b->tm_mon
|| a->tm_mday != b->tm_mday
|| a->tm_hour != b->tm_hour
|| a->tm_min != b->tm_min
|| a->tm_sec != b->tm_sec
|| a->tm_wday != b->tm_wday
|| a->tm_yday != b->tm_yday
|| !a->tm_isdst != !b->tm_isdst)
return -1;
return 0;
static void
test_timegm (void)
static struct {
int year, mon, mday, hour, min, sec;
} tvalues[] = {
{ -1 },
{ -2, 1 },
{ -2, 2 },
{ -2, 86399 },
{ -2, 86400 },
{ -2, 0x7ffffffe },
{ -2, 0x7fffffff },
/* Note: Because we use mktime below we can only start with the
day after Epoch. */
{ 1970, 0, 2, 0, 0 , 1},
{ 1970, 0, 2, 0, 0 , 2},
{ 1970, 0, 2, 12, 0 , 0},
{ 1970, 0, 2, 23, 59 , 59},
{ 1999, 11, 31, 23, 59 , 59},
{ 2000, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0},
{ 2000, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1},
{ 2010, 11, 31, 23, 59 , 59},
{ 2010, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0},
{ 2010, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1},
/* On GNU based 32 bit systems the end of all ticks will be on
20380119T031408 (unless Uli takes compassion on us and changes
time_t to a u64). We check that the previous day is okay. */
{ 2038, 0, 18, 23, 59, 59}
int tidx;
time_t now, atime;
struct tm tbuf, tbuf2, *tp;
for (tidx=0; tidx < DIM (tvalues); tidx++)
if (tvalues[tidx].year == -1)
now = time (NULL);
else if (tvalues[tidx].year == -2)
now = tvalues[tidx].mon;
memset (&tbuf, 0, sizeof tbuf);
tbuf.tm_year = tvalues[tidx].year - 1900;
tbuf.tm_mon = tvalues[tidx].mon;
tbuf.tm_mday = tvalues[tidx].mday;
tbuf.tm_hour = tvalues[tidx].hour;
tbuf.tm_min = tvalues[tidx].min;
tbuf.tm_sec = tvalues[tidx].sec;
now = timegm (&tbuf);
now = mktime (&tbuf);
if (now == (time_t)(-1))
fail (tidx);
tp = gmtime (&now);
if (!tp)
fail (tidx);
tbuf = *tp;
tbuf2 = tbuf;
atime = timegm (&tbuf);
atime = mktime (&tbuf);
if (atime == (time_t)(-1))
fail (tidx);
else if (atime != now)
fail (tidx);
tp = gmtime (&atime);
if (!tp)
fail (tidx);
else if (cmp_time_s (tp, &tbuf))
fail (tidx);
else if (cmp_time_s (tp, &tbuf2))
fail (tidx);
main (int argc, char **argv)
/* If we do not have timegm, we use mktime. However, we need to use
UTC in this case so that the 20380118T235959 test does not fail
for other timezones. */
setenv ("TZ", "UTC", 1);
putenv (xstrdup ("TZ=UTC"));
tzset ();
test_timegm ();
return 0;
diff --git a/common/t-w32-reg.c b/common/t-w32-reg.c
index a26afe9f8..48ea0d4dd 100644
--- a/common/t-w32-reg.c
+++ b/common/t-w32-reg.c
@@ -1,80 +1,80 @@
/* t-w32-reg.c - Regression tests for W32 registry functions
* Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "mischelp.h"
#include "t-support.h"
#include "w32help.h"
static void
test_read_registry (void)
char *string;
string = read_w32_registry_string ("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT",
if (!string)
fail (0);
fprintf (stderr, "Bootstrap clsid: %s\n", string);
xfree (string);
string = read_w32_registry_string
"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings",
"User Agent");
if (!string)
fail (0);
fprintf (stderr, "User agent: %s\n", string);
xfree (string);
main (int argc, char **argv)
test_read_registry ();
return 0;
diff --git a/common/t-zb32.c b/common/t-zb32.c
index c46d47f0f..956c2f5ec 100644
--- a/common/t-zb32.c
+++ b/common/t-zb32.c
@@ -1,305 +1,305 @@
/* t-zb32.c - Module tests for zb32.c
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
#include "zb32.h"
#include "t-support.h"
#define PGM "t-zb32"
static int verbose;
static int debug;
static int errcount;
static void
test_zb32enc (void)
static struct {
size_t datalen;
char *data;
const char *expected;
} tests[] = {
/* From the DESIGN document. */
{ 1, "\x00", "y" },
{ 1, "\x80", "o" },
{ 2, "\x40", "e" },
{ 2, "\xc0", "a" },
{ 10, "\x00\x00", "yy" },
{ 10, "\x80\x80", "on" },
{ 20, "\x8b\x88\x80", "tqre" },
{ 24, "\xf0\xbf\xc7", "6n9hq" },
{ 24, "\xd4\x7a\x04", "4t7ye" },
/* The next vector is strange: The DESIGN document from 2007 gives
"8ik66o" as result, the revision from 2009 gives "6im5sd". I
look at it for quite some time and came to the conclusion that
"6im54d" is the right encoding. */
{ 30, "\xf5\x57\xbd\x0c", "6im54d" },
/* From ccrtp's Java code. */
{ 40, "\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01", "yryonyeb" },
{ 15, "\x01\x01", "yry" },
{ 80, "\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01", "yryonyebyryonyeb" },
{ 15, "\x81\x81", "ogy" },
{ 16, "\x81\x81", "ogyo" },
{ 20, "\x81\x81\x81", "ogya" },
{ 64, "\x81\x81\x81\x81\x81\x81\x81\x81", "ogyadycbogyan" },
/* More tests. */
{ 160, "\x80\x61\x58\x70\xF5\xBA\xD6\x90\x33\x36"
/* */"\x86\xD0\xF2\xAD\x85\xAC\x1E\x42\xB3\x67",
/* */"oboioh8izmmjyc3so5exfmcfioxrfc58" },
{ 0, "", "" }
int tidx;
char *output;
for (tidx = 0; tidx < DIM(tests); tidx++)
output = zb32_encode (tests[tidx].data, tests[tidx].datalen);
if (!output)
fprintf (stderr, PGM": error encoding test %d: %s\n",
tidx, strerror (errno));
exit (1);
/* puts (output); */
if (strcmp (output, tests[tidx].expected))
fail (tidx);
xfree (output);
/* Read the file FNAME or stdin if FNAME is NULL and return a malloced
buffer with the content. R_LENGTH received the length of the file.
Print a diagnostic and returns NULL on error. */
static char *
read_file (const char *fname, size_t *r_length)
FILE *fp;
char *buf;
size_t buflen;
if (!fname)
size_t nread, bufsize = 0;
fp = stdin;
setmode (fileno(fp) , O_BINARY );
buf = NULL;
buflen = 0;
#define NCHUNK 8192
bufsize += NCHUNK;
if (!buf)
buf = xmalloc (bufsize);
buf = xrealloc (buf, bufsize);
nread = fread (buf+buflen, 1, NCHUNK, fp);
if (nread < NCHUNK && ferror (fp))
fprintf (stderr, PGM": error reading '[stdin]': %s\n",
strerror (errno));
xfree (buf);
return NULL;
buflen += nread;
while (nread == NCHUNK);
#undef NCHUNK
struct stat st;
fp = fopen (fname, "rb");
if (!fp)
fprintf (stderr, PGM": can't open '%s': %s\n",
fname, strerror (errno));
return NULL;
if (fstat (fileno(fp), &st))
fprintf (stderr, PGM": can't stat '%s': %s\n",
fname, strerror (errno));
fclose (fp);
return NULL;
buflen = st.st_size;
buf = xmalloc (buflen+1);
if (fread (buf, buflen, 1, fp) != 1)
fprintf (stderr, PGM": error reading '%s': %s\n",
fname, strerror (errno));
fclose (fp);
xfree (buf);
return NULL;
fclose (fp);
*r_length = buflen;
return buf;
/* Debug helper to encode or decode to/from zb32. */
static void
endecode_file (const char *fname, int decode)
char *buffer;
size_t buflen;
char *result;
if (decode)
fprintf (stderr, PGM": decode mode has not yet been implemented\n");
if (decode)
setmode (fileno (stdout), O_BINARY);
buffer = read_file (fname, &buflen);
if (!buffer)
result = zb32_encode (buffer, 8 * buflen);
if (!result)
fprintf (stderr, PGM": error encoding data: %s\n", strerror (errno));
xfree (buffer);
fputs (result, stdout);
putchar ('\n');
xfree (result);
xfree (buffer);
main (int argc, char **argv)
int last_argc = -1;
int opt_endecode = 0;
no_exit_on_fail = 1;
if (argc)
{ argc--; argv++; }
while (argc && last_argc != argc )
last_argc = argc;
if (!strcmp (*argv, "--"))
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--help"))
fputs ("usage: " PGM " [FILE]\n"
" --verbose Print timings etc.\n"
" --debug Flyswatter\n"
" --encode Encode FILE or stdin\n"
" --decode Decode FILE or stdin\n"
, stdout);
exit (0);
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--verbose"))
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--debug"))
verbose += 2;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--encode"))
opt_endecode = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--decode"))
opt_endecode = -1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strncmp (*argv, "--", 2))
fprintf (stderr, PGM ": unknown option '%s'\n", *argv);
exit (1);
if (argc > 1)
fprintf (stderr, PGM ": to many arguments given\n");
exit (1);
if (opt_endecode)
endecode_file (argc? *argv : NULL, (opt_endecode < 0));
test_zb32enc ();
return !!errcount;
diff --git a/common/tlv.c b/common/tlv.c
index 1a6c18f52..6813c585a 100644
--- a/common/tlv.c
+++ b/common/tlv.c
@@ -1,312 +1,312 @@
/* tlv.c - Tag-Length-Value Utilities
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define GPG_ERR_EOF (-1)
#define GPG_ERR_BAD_BER (1) /*G10ERR_GENERAL*/
#define GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP (45) /*G10ERR_INV_ARG*/
typedef int gpg_error_t;
#define gpg_make_err(x,n) (n)
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "tlv.h"
static const unsigned char *
do_find_tlv (const unsigned char *buffer, size_t length,
int tag, size_t *nbytes, int nestlevel)
const unsigned char *s = buffer;
size_t n = length;
size_t len;
int this_tag;
int composite;
for (;;)
if (n < 2)
return NULL; /* Buffer definitely too short for tag and length. */
if (!*s || *s == 0xff)
{ /* Skip optional filler between TLV objects. */
composite = !!(*s & 0x20);
if ((*s & 0x1f) == 0x1f)
{ /* more tag bytes to follow */
if (n < 2)
return NULL; /* buffer definitely too short for tag and length. */
if ((*s & 0x1f) == 0x1f)
return NULL; /* We support only up to 2 bytes. */
this_tag = (s[-1] << 8) | (s[0] & 0x7f);
this_tag = s[0];
len = s[1];
s += 2; n -= 2;
if (len < 0x80)
else if (len == 0x81)
{ /* One byte length follows. */
if (!n)
return NULL; /* we expected 1 more bytes with the length. */
len = s[0];
s++; n--;
else if (len == 0x82)
{ /* Two byte length follows. */
if (n < 2)
return NULL; /* We expected 2 more bytes with the length. */
len = ((size_t)s[0] << 8) | s[1];
s += 2; n -= 2;
return NULL; /* APDU limit is 65535, thus it does not make
sense to assume longer length fields. */
if (composite && nestlevel < 100)
{ /* Dive into this composite DO after checking for a too deep
nesting. */
const unsigned char *tmp_s;
size_t tmp_len;
tmp_s = do_find_tlv (s, len, tag, &tmp_len, nestlevel+1);
if (tmp_s)
*nbytes = tmp_len;
return tmp_s;
if (this_tag == tag)
*nbytes = len;
return s;
if (len > n)
return NULL; /* Buffer too short to skip to the next tag. */
s += len; n -= len;
/* Locate a TLV encoded data object in BUFFER of LENGTH and
return a pointer to value as well as its length in NBYTES. Return
NULL if it was not found or if the object does not fit into the buffer. */
const unsigned char *
find_tlv (const unsigned char *buffer, size_t length,
int tag, size_t *nbytes)
const unsigned char *p;
p = do_find_tlv (buffer, length, tag, nbytes, 0);
if (p && *nbytes > (length - (p-buffer)))
p = NULL; /* Object longer than buffer. */
return p;
/* Locate a TLV encoded data object in BUFFER of LENGTH and
return a pointer to value as well as its length in NBYTES. Return
NULL if it was not found. Note, that the function does not check
whether the value fits into the provided buffer. */
const unsigned char *
find_tlv_unchecked (const unsigned char *buffer, size_t length,
int tag, size_t *nbytes)
return do_find_tlv (buffer, length, tag, nbytes, 0);
/* ASN.1 BER parser: Parse BUFFER of length SIZE and return the tag
and the length part from the TLV triplet. Update BUFFER and SIZE
on success. */
parse_ber_header (unsigned char const **buffer, size_t *size,
int *r_class, int *r_tag,
int *r_constructed, int *r_ndef,
size_t *r_length, size_t *r_nhdr)
int c;
unsigned long tag;
const unsigned char *buf = *buffer;
size_t length = *size;
*r_ndef = 0;
*r_length = 0;
*r_nhdr = 0;
/* Get the tag. */
if (!length)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_EOF);
c = *buf++; length--; ++*r_nhdr;
*r_class = (c & 0xc0) >> 6;
*r_constructed = !!(c & 0x20);
tag = c & 0x1f;
if (tag == 0x1f)
tag = 0;
tag <<= 7;
if (!length)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_EOF);
c = *buf++; length--; ++*r_nhdr;
tag |= c & 0x7f;
while (c & 0x80);
*r_tag = tag;
/* Get the length. */
if (!length)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_EOF);
c = *buf++; length--; ++*r_nhdr;
if ( !(c & 0x80) )
*r_length = c;
else if (c == 0x80)
*r_ndef = 1;
else if (c == 0xff)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_BAD_BER);
unsigned long len = 0;
int count = c & 0x7f;
if (count > sizeof (len) || count > sizeof (size_t))
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_BAD_BER);
for (; count; count--)
len <<= 8;
if (!length)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_EOF);
c = *buf++; length--; ++*r_nhdr;
len |= c & 0xff;
*r_length = len;
/* Without this kludge some example certs can't be parsed. */
if (*r_class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && !*r_tag)
*r_length = 0;
*buffer = buf;
*size = length;
return 0;
/* FIXME: The following function should not go into this file but for
now it is easier to keep it here. */
/* Return the next token of an canonical encoded S-expression. BUF
is the pointer to the S-expression and BUFLEN is a pointer to the
length of this S-expression (used to validate the syntax). Both
are updated to reflect the new position. The token itself is
returned as a pointer into the original buffer at TOK and TOKLEN.
If a parentheses is the next token, TOK will be set to NULL.
TOKLEN is checked to be within the bounds. On error an error code
is returned and no pointer is not guaranteed to point to
a meaningful value. DEPTH should be initialized to 0 and will
reflect on return the actual depth of the tree. To detect the end
of the S-expression it is advisable to check DEPTH after a
successful return.
depth = 0;
while (!(err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen))
&& depth)
process_token (tok, toklen);
if (err)
handle_error ();
parse_sexp (unsigned char const **buf, size_t *buflen,
int *depth, unsigned char const **tok, size_t *toklen)
const unsigned char *s;
size_t n, vlen;
s = *buf;
n = *buflen;
*tok = NULL;
*toklen = 0;
if (!n)
return *depth ? gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP) : 0;
if (*s == '(')
s++; n--;
*buf = s;
*buflen = n;
return 0;
if (*s == ')')
if (!*depth)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
*toklen = 1;
s++; n--;
*buf = s;
*buflen = n;
return 0;
for (vlen=0; n && *s && *s != ':' && (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9'); s++, n--)
vlen = vlen*10 + (*s - '0');
if (!n || *s != ':')
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
s++; n--;
if (vlen > n)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
*tok = s;
*toklen = vlen;
s += vlen;
n -= vlen;
*buf = s;
*buflen = n;
return 0;
diff --git a/common/tlv.h b/common/tlv.h
index 05ddaa4ae..ba4ea2e42 100644
--- a/common/tlv.h
+++ b/common/tlv.h
@@ -1,116 +1,116 @@
/* tlv.h - Tag-Length-Value Utilities
* Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef SCD_TLV_H
#define SCD_TLV_H 1
enum tlv_tag_class {
enum tlv_tag_type {
TAG_SET = 17,
/* Locate a TLV encoded data object in BUFFER of LENGTH and return a
pointer to value as well as its length in NBYTES. Return NULL if
it was not found or if the object does not fit into the buffer. */
const unsigned char *find_tlv (const unsigned char *buffer, size_t length,
int tag, size_t *nbytes);
/* Locate a TLV encoded data object in BUFFER of LENGTH and return a
pointer to value as well as its length in NBYTES. Return NULL if
it was not found. Note, that the function does not check whether
the value fits into the provided buffer.*/
const unsigned char *find_tlv_unchecked (const unsigned char *buffer,
size_t length,
int tag, size_t *nbytes);
/* ASN.1 BER parser: Parse BUFFER of length SIZE and return the tag
and the length part from the TLV triplet. Update BUFFER and SIZE
on success. */
gpg_error_t parse_ber_header (unsigned char const **buffer, size_t *size,
int *r_class, int *r_tag,
int *r_constructed,
int *r_ndef, size_t *r_length, size_t *r_nhdr);
/* Return the next token of an canonical encoded S-expression. BUF
is the pointer to the S-expression and BUFLEN is a pointer to the
length of this S-expression (used to validate the syntax). Both
are updated to reflect the new position. The token itself is
returned as a pointer into the original buffer at TOK and TOKLEN.
If a parentheses is the next token, TOK will be set to NULL.
TOKLEN is checked to be within the bounds. On error an error code
is returned and no pointer is not guaranteed to point to
a meaningful value. DEPTH should be initialized to 0 and will
reflect on return the actual depth of the tree. To detect the end
of the S-expression it is advisable to check DEPTH after a
successful return. */
gpg_error_t parse_sexp (unsigned char const **buf, size_t *buflen,
int *depth, unsigned char const **tok, size_t *toklen);
#endif /* SCD_TLV_H */
diff --git a/common/ttyio.c b/common/ttyio.c
index 61674128f..5fb620dfa 100644
--- a/common/ttyio.c
+++ b/common/ttyio.c
@@ -1,766 +1,766 @@
/* ttyio.c - tty i/O functions
* Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2006,2007,
* 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) && !defined(HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM)
# define USE_W32_CONSOLE 1
#include <termios.h>
/* simulate termios with termio */
#include <termio.h>
#define termios termio
#define tcsetattr ioctl
#define tcgetattr(A,B) ioctl(A,TCGETA,B)
#ifdef USE_W32_CONSOLE
# include <winsock2.h>
# endif
# include <windows.h>
# error mingw32 and termios
# endif
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "common-defs.h"
#define CONTROL_D ('D' - 'A' + 1)
#ifdef USE_W32_CONSOLE
static struct {
HANDLE in, out;
} con;
#else /* yeah, we have a real OS */
static FILE *ttyfp = NULL;
static int initialized;
static int last_prompt_len;
static int batchmode;
static int no_terminal;
static struct termios termsave;
static int restore_termios;
/* Hooks set by gpgrlhelp.c if required. */
static void (*my_rl_set_completer) (rl_completion_func_t *);
static void (*my_rl_inhibit_completion) (int);
static void (*my_rl_cleanup_after_signal) (void);
static void (*my_rl_init_stream) (FILE *);
static char *(*my_rl_readline) (const char*);
static void (*my_rl_add_history) (const char*);
/* This is a wrapper around ttyname so that we can use it even when
the standard streams are redirected. It figures the name out the
first time and returns it in a statically allocated buffer. */
const char *
tty_get_ttyname (void)
static char *name;
/* On a GNU system ctermid() always return /dev/tty, so this does
not make much sense - however if it is ever changed we do the
Right Thing now. */
static int got_name;
if (!got_name)
const char *s;
/* Note that despite our checks for these macros the function is
not necessarily thread save. We mainly do this for
portability reasons, in case L_ctermid is not defined. */
char buffer[L_ctermid];
s = ctermid (buffer);
# else
s = ctermid (NULL);
# endif
if (s)
name = strdup (s);
got_name = 1;
#endif /*HAVE_CTERMID*/
/* Assume the standard tty on memory error or when there is no
ctermid. */
return name? name : "/dev/tty";
static void
if( restore_termios ) {
restore_termios = 0; /* do it prios in case it is interrupted again */
if( tcsetattr(fileno(ttyfp), TCSAFLUSH, &termsave) )
log_error("tcsetattr() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno) );
static void
if( initialized )
#if defined(USE_W32_CONSOLE)
memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
sa.nLength = sizeof(sa);
sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
&sa, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 );
if( con.out == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
log_fatal("open(CONOUT$) failed: rc=%d", (int)GetLastError() );
memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
sa.nLength = sizeof(sa);
sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; = CreateFileA( "CONIN$", GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,
&sa, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 );
log_fatal("open(CONIN$) failed: rc=%d", (int)GetLastError() );
SetConsoleMode(, DEF_INPMODE );
SetConsoleMode(con.out, DEF_OUTMODE );
#elif defined(__EMX__)
ttyfp = stdout; /* Fixme: replace by the real functions: see wklib */
if (my_rl_init_stream)
my_rl_init_stream (ttyfp);
#elif defined (HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM)
ttyfp = stderr;
ttyfp = batchmode? stderr : fopen (tty_get_ttyname (), "r+");
if( !ttyfp ) {
log_error("cannot open '%s': %s\n", tty_get_ttyname (),
strerror(errno) );
if (my_rl_init_stream)
my_rl_init_stream (ttyfp);
atexit( cleanup );
initialized = 1;
tty_batchmode( int onoff )
int old = batchmode;
if( onoff != -1 )
batchmode = onoff;
return old;
tty_no_terminal(int onoff)
int old = no_terminal;
no_terminal = onoff ? 1 : 0;
return old;
tty_printf( const char *fmt, ... )
va_list arg_ptr;
if (no_terminal)
if( !initialized )
va_start( arg_ptr, fmt ) ;
#ifdef USE_W32_CONSOLE
char *buf = NULL;
int n;
DWORD nwritten;
n = vasprintf(&buf, fmt, arg_ptr);
if( !buf )
log_bug("vasprintf() failed\n");
if( !WriteConsoleA( con.out, buf, n, &nwritten, NULL ) )
log_fatal("WriteConsole failed: rc=%d", (int)GetLastError() );
if( n != nwritten )
log_fatal("WriteConsole failed: %d != %d\n", n, (int)nwritten );
last_prompt_len += n;
xfree (buf);
last_prompt_len += vfprintf(ttyfp,fmt,arg_ptr) ;
/* Same as tty_printf but if FP is not NULL, behave like a regular
fprintf. */
tty_fprintf (estream_t fp, const char *fmt, ... )
va_list arg_ptr;
if (fp)
va_start (arg_ptr, fmt) ;
es_vfprintf (fp, fmt, arg_ptr );
va_end (arg_ptr);
if (no_terminal)
if (!initialized)
init_ttyfp ();
va_start (arg_ptr, fmt);
#ifdef USE_W32_CONSOLE
char *buf = NULL;
int n;
DWORD nwritten;
n = vasprintf(&buf, fmt, arg_ptr);
if (!buf)
log_bug("vasprintf() failed\n");
if (!WriteConsoleA( con.out, buf, n, &nwritten, NULL ))
log_fatal("WriteConsole failed: rc=%d", (int)GetLastError() );
if (n != nwritten)
log_fatal("WriteConsole failed: %d != %d\n", n, (int)nwritten );
last_prompt_len += n;
xfree (buf);
last_prompt_len += vfprintf(ttyfp,fmt,arg_ptr) ;
* Print a string, but filter all control characters out. If FP is
* not NULL print to that stream instead to the tty.
tty_print_string (estream_t fp, const byte *p, size_t n )
if (no_terminal && !fp)
if( !initialized & !fp)
#ifdef USE_W32_CONSOLE
/* not so effective, change it if you want */
if (fp)
for( ; n; n--, p++ )
if( iscntrl( *p ) )
if( *p == '\n' )
tty_fprintf (fp, "\\n");
else if( !*p )
tty_fprintf (fp, "\\0");
tty_fprintf (fp, "\\x%02x", *p);
tty_fprintf (fp, "%c", *p);
for( ; n; n--, p++ )
if( iscntrl( *p ) )
if( *p == '\n' )
tty_printf ("\\n");
else if( !*p )
tty_printf ("\\0");
tty_printf ("\\x%02x", *p);
tty_printf ("%c", *p);
if (fp)
for( ; n; n--, p++ )
if (iscntrl (*p))
es_putc ('\\', fp);
if ( *p == '\n' )
es_putc ('n', fp);
else if ( !*p )
es_putc ('0', fp);
es_fprintf (fp, "x%02x", *p);
es_putc (*p, fp);
for (; n; n--, p++)
if (iscntrl (*p))
putc ('\\', ttyfp);
if ( *p == '\n' )
putc ('n', ttyfp);
else if ( !*p )
putc ('0', ttyfp);
fprintf (ttyfp, "x%02x", *p );
putc (*p, ttyfp);
tty_print_utf8_string2 (estream_t fp, const byte *p, size_t n, size_t max_n)
size_t i;
char *buf;
if (no_terminal && !fp)
/* we can handle plain ascii simpler, so check for it first */
for(i=0; i < n; i++ ) {
if( p[i] & 0x80 )
if( i < n ) {
buf = utf8_to_native( (const char *)p, n, 0 );
if( max_n && (strlen( buf ) > max_n )) {
buf[max_n] = 0;
/*(utf8 conversion already does the control character quoting)*/
tty_fprintf (fp, "%s", buf);
xfree (buf);
else {
if( max_n && (n > max_n) ) {
n = max_n;
tty_print_string (fp, p, n );
tty_print_utf8_string( const byte *p, size_t n )
tty_print_utf8_string2 (NULL, p, n, 0);
static char *
do_get( const char *prompt, int hidden )
char *buf;
#ifndef __riscos__
byte cbuf[1];
int c, n, i;
if( batchmode ) {
log_error("Sorry, we are in batchmode - can't get input\n");
if (no_terminal) {
log_error("Sorry, no terminal at all requested - can't get input\n");
if( !initialized )
last_prompt_len = 0;
tty_printf( "%s", prompt );
buf = xmalloc((n=50));
i = 0;
#ifdef USE_W32_CONSOLE
if( hidden )
SetConsoleMode(, HID_INPMODE );
for(;;) {
DWORD nread;
if( !ReadConsoleA(, cbuf, 1, &nread, NULL ) )
log_fatal("ReadConsole failed: rc=%d", (int)GetLastError() );
if( !nread )
if( *cbuf == '\n' )
if( !hidden )
c = *cbuf;
if( c == '\t' )
c = ' ';
else if( c > 0xa0 )
; /* we don't allow 0xa0, as this is a protected blank which may
* confuse the user */
else if( iscntrl(c) )
if( !(i < n-1) ) {
n += 50;
buf = xrealloc (buf, n);
buf[i++] = c;
if( hidden )
SetConsoleMode(, DEF_INPMODE );
#elif defined(__riscos__) || defined(HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM)
do {
/* Using getchar is not a correct solution but for now it
doesn't matter because we have no real console at all. We
should rework this as soon as we have switched this entire
module to estream. */
c = getchar();
c = riscos_getchar();
if (c == 0xa || c == 0xd) { /* Return || Enter */
c = (int) '\n';
} else if (c == 0x8 || c == 0x7f) { /* Backspace || Delete */
if (i>0) {
if (!hidden) {
fputc(8, ttyfp);
fputc(32, ttyfp);
fputc(8, ttyfp);
} else {
fputc(7, ttyfp);
} else if (c == (int) '\t') { /* Tab */
c = ' ';
} else if (c > 0xa0) {
; /* we don't allow 0xa0, as this is a protected blank which may
* confuse the user */
} else if (iscntrl(c)) {
if(!(i < n-1)) {
n += 50;
buf = xrealloc (buf, n);
buf[i++] = c;
if (!hidden) {
fputc(c, ttyfp);
} while (c != '\n');
i = (i>0) ? i-1 : 0;
#else /* Other systems. */
if( hidden ) {
struct termios term;
if( tcgetattr(fileno(ttyfp), &termsave) )
log_fatal("tcgetattr() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno) );
restore_termios = 1;
term = termsave;
term.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK | ECHONL);
if( tcsetattr( fileno(ttyfp), TCSAFLUSH, &term ) )
log_fatal("tcsetattr() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno) );
/* fixme: How can we avoid that the \n is echoed w/o disabling
* canonical mode - w/o this kill_prompt can't work */
while( read(fileno(ttyfp), cbuf, 1) == 1 && *cbuf != '\n' ) {
if( !hidden )
c = *cbuf;
if( c == CONTROL_D )
log_info("control d found\n");
if( c == '\t' )
c = ' ';
else if( c > 0xa0 )
; /* we don't allow 0xa0, as this is a protected blank which may
* confuse the user */
else if( iscntrl(c) )
if( !(i < n-1) ) {
n += 50;
buf = xrealloc (buf, n );
buf[i++] = c;
if( *cbuf != '\n' ) {
buf[0] = CONTROL_D;
i = 1;
if( hidden ) {
if( tcsetattr(fileno(ttyfp), TCSAFLUSH, &termsave) )
log_error("tcsetattr() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno) );
restore_termios = 0;
#endif /* end unix version */
buf[i] = 0;
return buf;
char *
tty_get( const char *prompt )
if (!batchmode && !no_terminal && my_rl_readline && my_rl_add_history)
char *line;
char *buf;
if (!initialized)
last_prompt_len = 0;
line = my_rl_readline (prompt?prompt:"");
/* We need to copy it to memory controlled by our malloc
implementations; further we need to convert an EOF to our
convention. */
buf = xmalloc(line? strlen(line)+1:2);
if (line)
strcpy (buf, line);
trim_spaces (buf);
if (strlen (buf) > 2 )
my_rl_add_history (line); /* Note that we test BUF but add LINE. */
free (line);
buf[0] = CONTROL_D;
buf[1] = 0;
return buf;
return do_get ( prompt, 0 );
/* Variable argument version of tty_get. The prompt is is actually a
format string with arguments. */
char *
tty_getf (const char *promptfmt, ... )
va_list arg_ptr;
char *prompt;
char *answer;
va_start (arg_ptr, promptfmt);
if (gpgrt_vasprintf (&prompt, promptfmt, arg_ptr) < 0)
log_fatal ("estream_vasprintf failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
va_end (arg_ptr);
answer = tty_get (prompt);
xfree (prompt);
return answer;
char *
tty_get_hidden( const char *prompt )
return do_get( prompt, 1 );
if ( no_terminal )
if( !initialized )
if( batchmode )
last_prompt_len = 0;
if( !last_prompt_len )
#ifdef USE_W32_CONSOLE
tty_printf("\r%*s\r", last_prompt_len, "");
int i;
putc('\r', ttyfp);
for(i=0; i < last_prompt_len; i ++ )
putc(' ', ttyfp);
putc('\r', ttyfp);
last_prompt_len = 0;
tty_get_answer_is_yes( const char *prompt )
int yes;
char *p = tty_get( prompt );
yes = answer_is_yes(p);
return yes;
/* Called by gnupg_rl_initialize to setup the readline support. */
tty_private_set_rl_hooks (void (*init_stream) (FILE *),
void (*set_completer) (rl_completion_func_t*),
void (*inhibit_completion) (int),
void (*cleanup_after_signal) (void),
char *(*readline_fun) (const char*),
void (*add_history_fun) (const char*))
my_rl_init_stream = init_stream;
my_rl_set_completer = set_completer;
my_rl_inhibit_completion = inhibit_completion;
my_rl_cleanup_after_signal = cleanup_after_signal;
my_rl_readline = readline_fun;
my_rl_add_history = add_history_fun;
tty_enable_completion (rl_completion_func_t *completer)
if (no_terminal || !my_rl_set_completer )
if (!initialized)
my_rl_set_completer (completer);
tty_disable_completion (void)
if (no_terminal || !my_rl_inhibit_completion)
if (!initialized)
my_rl_inhibit_completion (1);
tty_cleanup_after_signal (void)
cleanup ();
tty_cleanup_rl_after_signal (void)
if (my_rl_cleanup_after_signal)
my_rl_cleanup_after_signal ();
diff --git a/common/ttyio.h b/common/ttyio.h
index 0a66d8654..004aa859a 100644
--- a/common/ttyio.h
+++ b/common/ttyio.h
@@ -1,74 +1,74 @@
/* ttyio.h
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006,
* 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNUPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include "util.h" /* Make sure our readline typedef is available. */
const char *tty_get_ttyname (void);
int tty_batchmode (int onoff);
#if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5 )
void tty_printf (const char *fmt, ... )
__attribute__ ((format (printf,1,2)));
void tty_fprintf (estream_t fp, const char *fmt, ... )
__attribute__ ((format (printf,2,3)));
char *tty_getf (const char *promptfmt, ... )
__attribute__ ((format (printf,1,2)));
void tty_printf (const char *fmt, ... );
void tty_fprintf (estream_t fp, const char *fmt, ... );
char *tty_getf (const char *promptfmt, ... );
void tty_print_string (estream_t fp, const unsigned char *p, size_t n);
void tty_print_utf8_string (const unsigned char *p, size_t n);
void tty_print_utf8_string2 (estream_t fp,
const unsigned char *p, size_t n, size_t max_n);
char *tty_get (const char *prompt);
char *tty_get_hidden (const char *prompt);
void tty_kill_prompt (void);
int tty_get_answer_is_yes (const char *prompt);
int tty_no_terminal (int onoff);
void tty_enable_completion (rl_completion_func_t *completer);
void tty_disable_completion (void);
/* Use a macro to stub out these functions since a macro has no need
to typedef a "rl_completion_func_t" which would be undefined
without readline. */
#define tty_enable_completion(x)
#define tty_disable_completion()
void tty_cleanup_after_signal (void);
void tty_cleanup_rl_after_signal (void);
diff --git a/common/types.h b/common/types.h
index 0767a27b8..7d85a3594 100644
--- a/common/types.h
+++ b/common/types.h
@@ -1,116 +1,116 @@
/* types.h - define some extra types
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
# include <inttypes.h>
/* The AC_CHECK_SIZEOF() in configure fails for some machines.
* we provide some fallback values here */
#include <sys/types.h>
/* We use byte as an abbreviation for unsigned char. On some
platforms this needs special treatment:
Norcroft C treats char = unsigned char as legal assignment
but char* = unsigned char* as illegal assignment
and the same applies to the signed variants as well. Thus we use
char which is anyway unsigned.
- Windows:
Windows typedefs byte in the RPC headers but we need to avoid a
warning about a double definition.
# undef byte /* There might be a macro with this name. */
# ifdef __riscos__
typedef char byte;
# elif !(defined(_WIN32) && defined(cbNDRContext))
typedef unsigned char byte;
# endif
# undef ushort /* There might be a macro with this name. */
typedef unsigned short ushort;
# undef ulong /* There might be a macro with this name. */
typedef unsigned long ulong;
#ifndef HAVE_U16_TYPEDEF
# undef u16 /* There might be a macro with this name. */
typedef unsigned int u16;
typedef unsigned short u16;
# else
# error no typedef for u16
# endif
# define HAVE_U16_TYPEDEF
#ifndef HAVE_U32_TYPEDEF
# undef u32 /* There might be a macro with this name. */
typedef unsigned int u32;
typedef unsigned long u32;
# else
# error no typedef for u32
# endif
# define HAVE_U32_TYPEDEF
diff --git a/common/userids.c b/common/userids.c
index b761d14b7..01f2cd84b 100644
--- a/common/userids.c
+++ b/common/userids.c
@@ -1,434 +1,434 @@
/* userids.c - Utility functions for user ids.
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006,
* 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "userids.h"
/* Parse the user-id NAME and build a search description for it.
* Returns 0 on success or an error code. DESC may be NULL to merely
* check the validity of a user-id.
* Some used rules:
* - If the username starts with 8,9,16 or 17 hex-digits (the first one
* must be in the range 0..9), this is considered a keyid; depending
* on the length a short or complete one.
* - If the username starts with 32,33,40 or 41 hex-digits (the first one
* must be in the range 0..9), this is considered a fingerprint.
* - If the username starts with a left angle, we assume it is a complete
* email address and look only at this part.
* - If the username starts with a colon we assume it is a unified
* key specfification.
* - If the username starts with a '.', we assume it is the ending
* part of an email address
* - If the username starts with an '@', we assume it is a part of an
* email address
* - If the userid start with an '=' an exact compare is done.
* - If the userid starts with a '*' a case insensitive substring search is
* done (This is the default).
* - If the userid starts with a '+' we will compare individual words
* and a match requires that all the words are in the userid.
* Words are delimited by white space or "()<>[]{}.@-+_,;/&!"
* (note that you can't search for these characters). Compare
* is not case sensitive.
* - If the userid starts with a '&' a 40 hex digits keygrip is expected.
classify_user_id (const char *name, KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc, int openpgp_hack)
const char *s;
char *s2 = NULL;
int rc = 0;
int hexprefix = 0;
int hexlength;
int mode = 0;
if (!desc)
desc = &dummy_desc;
/* Clear the structure so that the mode field is set to zero unless
we set it to the correct value right at the end of this
function. */
memset (desc, 0, sizeof *desc);
/* Skip leading and trailing spaces. */
for(s = name; *s && spacep (s); s++ )
if (*s && spacep (s + strlen(s) - 1))
s2 = xtrystrdup (s);
if (!s2)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
trim_trailing_spaces (s2);
s = s2;
switch (*s)
case 0: /* Empty string is an error. */
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
goto out;
case '.': /* An email address, compare from end. Note that this
has not yet been implemented in the search code. */
desc-> = s;
case '<': /* An email address. */
/* FIXME: The keyring code in g10 assumes that the mail name is
prefixed with an '<'. However the keybox code used for sm/
assumes it has been removed. For now we use this simple hack
to overcome the problem. */
if (!openpgp_hack)
desc-> = s;
case '@': /* Part of an email address. */
desc-> = s;
case '=': /* Exact compare. */
desc-> = s;
case '*': /* Case insensitive substring search. */
desc-> = s;
case '+': /* Compare individual words. Note that this has not
yet been implemented in the search code. */
desc-> = s;
case '/': /* Subject's DN. */
if (!*s || spacep (s)) /* No DN or prefixed with a space. */
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
goto out;
desc-> = s;
case '#': /* S/N with optional issuer id or just issuer id. */
const char *si;
if ( *s == '/')
{ /* "#/" indicates an issuer's DN. */
if (!*s || spacep (s)) /* No DN or prefixed with a space. */
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
goto out;
desc-> = s;
{ /* Serialnumber + optional issuer ID. */
for (si=s; *si && *si != '/'; si++)
/* Check for an invalid digit in the serial number. */
if (!strchr("01234567890abcdefABCDEF", *si))
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
goto out;
desc->sn = (const unsigned char*)s;
desc->snlen = -1;
if (!*si)
s = si+1;
if (!*s || spacep (s)) /* No DN or prefixed with a space. */
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
goto out;
desc-> = s;
case ':': /* Unified fingerprint. */
const char *se, *si;
int i;
se = strchr (++s,':');
if (!se)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
goto out;
for (i=0,si=s; si < se; si++, i++ )
if (!strchr("01234567890abcdefABCDEF", *si))
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID); /* Invalid digit. */
goto out;
if (i != 32 && i != 40)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID); /* Invalid length of fpr. */
goto out;
for (i=0,si=s; si < se; i++, si +=2)
desc->u.fpr[i] = hextobyte(si);
for (; i < 20; i++)
desc->u.fpr[i]= 0;
case '&': /* Keygrip*/
if (hex2bin (s+1, desc->u.grip, 20) < 0)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID); /* Invalid. */
goto out;
if (s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'x')
hexprefix = 1;
s += 2;
hexlength = strspn(s, "0123456789abcdefABCDEF");
if (hexlength >= 8 && s[hexlength] =='!')
desc->exact = 1;
hexlength++; /* Just for the following check. */
/* Check if a hexadecimal number is terminated by EOS or blank. */
if (hexlength && s[hexlength] && !spacep (s+hexlength))
if (hexprefix) /* A "0x" prefix without a correct
termination is an error. */
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
goto out;
/* The first characters looked like a hex number, but the
entire string is not. */
hexlength = 0;
if (desc->exact)
hexlength--; /* Remove the bang. */
if ((hexlength == 8
&& (s[hexlength] == 0
|| (s[hexlength] == '!' && s[hexlength + 1] == 0)))
|| (!hexprefix && hexlength == 9 && *s == '0'))
/* Short keyid. */
if (hexlength == 9)
desc->u.kid[1] = strtoul( s, NULL, 16 );
else if ((hexlength == 16
&& (s[hexlength] == 0
|| (s[hexlength] == '!' && s[hexlength + 1] == 0)))
|| (!hexprefix && hexlength == 17 && *s == '0'))
/* Long keyid. */
char buf[9];
if (hexlength == 17)
mem2str (buf, s, 9);
desc->u.kid[0] = strtoul (buf, NULL, 16);
desc->u.kid[1] = strtoul (s+8, NULL, 16);
else if ((hexlength == 32
&& (s[hexlength] == 0
|| (s[hexlength] == '!' && s[hexlength + 1] == 0)))
|| (!hexprefix && hexlength == 33 && *s == '0'))
/* MD5 fingerprint. */
int i;
if (hexlength == 33)
memset (desc->u.fpr+16, 0, 4);
for (i=0; i < 16; i++, s+=2)
int c = hextobyte(s);
if (c == -1)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
goto out;
desc->u.fpr[i] = c;
else if ((hexlength == 40
&& (s[hexlength] == 0
|| (s[hexlength] == '!' && s[hexlength + 1] == 0)))
|| (!hexprefix && hexlength == 41 && *s == '0'))
/* SHA1/RMD160 fingerprint. */
int i;
if (hexlength == 41)
for (i=0; i < 20; i++, s+=2)
int c = hextobyte(s);
if (c == -1)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
goto out;
desc->u.fpr[i] = c;
else if (!hexprefix)
/* The fingerprint in an X.509 listing is often delimited by
colons, so we try to single this case out. */
mode = 0;
hexlength = strspn (s, ":0123456789abcdefABCDEF");
if (hexlength == 59 && (!s[hexlength] || spacep (s+hexlength)))
int i;
for (i=0; i < 20; i++, s += 3)
int c = hextobyte(s);
if (c == -1 || (i < 19 && s[2] != ':'))
desc->u.fpr[i] = c;
if (i == 20)
if (!mode)
/* Still not found. Now check for a space separated
OpenPGP v4 fingerprint like:
8061 5870 F5BA D690 3336 86D0 F2AD 85AC 1E42 B367
8061 5870 F5BA D690 3336 86D0 F2AD 85AC 1E42 B367
hexlength = strspn (s, " 0123456789abcdefABCDEF");
if (s[hexlength] && s[hexlength] != ' ')
hexlength = 0; /* Followed by non-space. */
while (hexlength && s[hexlength-1] == ' ')
hexlength--; /* Trim trailing spaces. */
if ((hexlength == 49 || hexlength == 50)
&& (!s[hexlength] || s[hexlength] == ' '))
int i, c;
for (i=0; i < 20; i++)
if (i && !(i % 2))
if (*s != ' ')
/* Skip the double space in the middle but
don't require it to help copying
fingerprints from sources which fold
multiple space to one. */
if (i == 10 && *s == ' ')
c = hextobyte(s);
if (c == -1)
desc->u.fpr[i] = c;
s += 2;
if (i == 20)
if (!mode) /* Default to substring search. */
desc->exact = 0;
desc-> = s;
/* Hex number with a prefix but with a wrong length. */
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
goto out;
desc->mode = mode;
xfree (s2);
return rc;
diff --git a/common/userids.h b/common/userids.h
index dcb6f4ab3..c60bc3306 100644
--- a/common/userids.h
+++ b/common/userids.h
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
/* userids.h - Utility functions for user ids.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include "../kbx/keybox-search-desc.h"
gpg_error_t classify_user_id (const char *name, KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc,
int openpgp_hack);
diff --git a/common/utf8conv.c b/common/utf8conv.c
index 83e6eae93..bce9e3ac6 100644
--- a/common/utf8conv.c
+++ b/common/utf8conv.c
@@ -1,838 +1,838 @@
/* utf8conf.c - UTF8 character set conversion
* Copyright (C) 1994, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006,
* 2008, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <langinfo.h>
#include <errno.h>
# /* Tell libgpg-error to provide the iconv macros. */
# /* No iconv support. */
# include <iconv.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "common-defs.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "stringhelp.h"
#include "utf8conv.h"
#ifndef MB_LEN_MAX
#define MB_LEN_MAX 16
static const char *active_charset_name = "iso-8859-1";
static int no_translation; /* Set to true if we let simply pass through. */
static int use_iconv; /* iconv conversion functions required. */
/* Fake stuff to get things building. */
typedef void *iconv_t;
static iconv_t
iconv_open (const char *tocode, const char *fromcode)
return (iconv_t)(-1);
static size_t
iconv (iconv_t cd, char **inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft,
char **outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft)
return (size_t)(0);
static int
iconv_close (iconv_t cd)
return 0;
/* Error handler for iconv failures. This is needed to not clutter the
output with repeated diagnostics about a missing conversion. */
static void
handle_iconv_error (const char *to, const char *from, int use_fallback)
if (errno == EINVAL)
static int shown1, shown2;
int x;
if (to && !strcmp (to, "utf-8"))
x = shown1;
shown1 = 1;
x = shown2;
shown2 = 1;
if (!x)
log_info (_("conversion from '%s' to '%s' not available\n"),
from, to);
static int shown;
if (!shown)
log_info (_("iconv_open failed: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
shown = 1;
if (use_fallback)
/* To avoid further error messages we fallback to UTF-8 for the
native encoding. Nowadays this seems to be the best bet in
case of errors from iconv or nl_langinfo. */
active_charset_name = "utf-8";
no_translation = 0;
use_iconv = 0;
set_native_charset (const char *newset)
const char *full_newset;
if (!newset)
newset = "utf-8";
#elif defined HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static char codepage[30];
unsigned int cpno;
const char *aliases;
/* We are a console program thus we need to use the
GetConsoleOutputCP function and not the the GetACP which
would give the codepage for a GUI program. Note this is not
a bulletproof detection because GetConsoleCP might return a
different one for console input. Not sure how to cope with
that. If the console Code page is not known we fall back to
the system code page. */
cpno = GetConsoleOutputCP ();
if (!cpno)
cpno = GetACP ();
sprintf (codepage, "CP%u", cpno );
/* Resolve alias. We use a long string string and not the usual
array to optimize if the code is taken to a DSO. Taken from
libiconv 1.9.2. */
newset = codepage;
for (aliases = ("CP936" "\0" "GBK" "\0"
"CP1361" "\0" "JOHAB" "\0"
"CP20127" "\0" "ASCII" "\0"
"CP20866" "\0" "KOI8-R" "\0"
"CP21866" "\0" "KOI8-RU" "\0"
"CP28591" "\0" "ISO-8859-1" "\0"
"CP28592" "\0" "ISO-8859-2" "\0"
"CP28593" "\0" "ISO-8859-3" "\0"
"CP28594" "\0" "ISO-8859-4" "\0"
"CP28595" "\0" "ISO-8859-5" "\0"
"CP28596" "\0" "ISO-8859-6" "\0"
"CP28597" "\0" "ISO-8859-7" "\0"
"CP28598" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0"
"CP28599" "\0" "ISO-8859-9" "\0"
"CP28605" "\0" "ISO-8859-15" "\0"
"CP65001" "\0" "UTF-8" "\0");
aliases += strlen (aliases) + 1, aliases += strlen (aliases) + 1)
if (!strcmp (codepage, aliases) ||(*aliases == '*' && !aliases[1]))
newset = aliases + strlen (aliases) + 1;
newset = nl_langinfo (CODESET);
/* Try to get the used charset from environment variables. */
static char codepage[30];
const char *lc, *dot, *mod;
strcpy (codepage, "iso-8859-1");
lc = getenv ("LC_ALL");
if (!lc || !*lc)
lc = getenv ("LC_CTYPE");
if (!lc || !*lc)
lc = getenv ("LANG");
if (lc && *lc)
dot = strchr (lc, '.');
if (dot)
mod = strchr (++dot, '@');
if (!mod)
mod = dot + strlen (dot);
if (mod - dot < sizeof codepage && dot != mod)
memcpy (codepage, dot, mod - dot);
codepage [mod - dot] = 0;
newset = codepage;
full_newset = newset;
if (strlen (newset) > 3 && !ascii_memcasecmp (newset, "iso", 3))
newset += 3;
if (*newset == '-' || *newset == '_')
/* Note that we silently assume that plain ASCII is actually meant
as Latin-1. This makes sense because many Unix system don't have
their locale set up properly and thus would get annoying error
messages and we have to handle all the "bug" reports. Latin-1 has
traditionally been the character set used for 8 bit characters on
Unix systems. */
if ( !*newset
|| !ascii_strcasecmp (newset, "8859-1" )
|| !ascii_strcasecmp (newset, "646" )
|| !ascii_strcasecmp (newset, "ASCII" )
|| !ascii_strcasecmp (newset, "ANSI_X3.4-1968" )
active_charset_name = "iso-8859-1";
no_translation = 0;
use_iconv = 0;
else if ( !ascii_strcasecmp (newset, "utf8" )
|| !ascii_strcasecmp(newset, "utf-8") )
active_charset_name = "utf-8";
no_translation = 1;
use_iconv = 0;
iconv_t cd;
cd = iconv_open (full_newset, "utf-8");
if (cd == (iconv_t)-1)
handle_iconv_error (full_newset, "utf-8", 0);
return -1;
iconv_close (cd);
cd = iconv_open ("utf-8", full_newset);
if (cd == (iconv_t)-1)
handle_iconv_error ("utf-8", full_newset, 0);
return -1;
iconv_close (cd);
active_charset_name = full_newset;
no_translation = 0;
use_iconv = 1;
return 0;
const char *
get_native_charset ()
return active_charset_name;
/* Return true if the native charset is utf-8. */
is_native_utf8 (void)
return no_translation;
/* Convert string, which is in native encoding to UTF8 and return a
new allocated UTF-8 string. This function terminates the process
on memory shortage. */
char *
native_to_utf8 (const char *orig_string)
const unsigned char *string = (const unsigned char *)orig_string;
const unsigned char *s;
char *buffer;
unsigned char *p;
size_t length = 0;
if (no_translation)
/* Already utf-8 encoded. */
buffer = xstrdup (orig_string);
else if (!use_iconv)
/* For Latin-1 we can avoid the iconv overhead. */
for (s = string; *s; s++)
if (*s & 0x80)
buffer = xmalloc (length + 1);
for (p = (unsigned char *)buffer, s = string; *s; s++)
if ( (*s & 0x80 ))
*p++ = 0xc0 | ((*s >> 6) & 3);
*p++ = 0x80 | (*s & 0x3f);
*p++ = *s;
*p = 0;
/* Need to use iconv. */
iconv_t cd;
const char *inptr;
char *outptr;
size_t inbytes, outbytes;
cd = iconv_open ("utf-8", active_charset_name);
if (cd == (iconv_t)-1)
handle_iconv_error ("utf-8", active_charset_name, 1);
return native_to_utf8 (string);
for (s=string; *s; s++ )
if ((*s & 0x80))
length += 5; /* We may need up to 6 bytes for the utf8 output. */
buffer = xmalloc (length + 1);
inptr = string;
inbytes = strlen (string);
outptr = buffer;
outbytes = length;
if ( iconv (cd, (ICONV_CONST char **)&inptr, &inbytes,
&outptr, &outbytes) == (size_t)-1)
static int shown;
if (!shown)
log_info (_("conversion from '%s' to '%s' failed: %s\n"),
active_charset_name, "utf-8", strerror (errno));
shown = 1;
/* We don't do any conversion at all but use the strings as is. */
strcpy (buffer, string);
else /* Success. */
*outptr = 0;
/* We could realloc the buffer now but I doubt that it makes
much sense given that it will get freed anyway soon
after. */
iconv_close (cd);
return buffer;
static char *
do_utf8_to_native (const char *string, size_t length, int delim,
int with_iconv)
int nleft;
int i;
unsigned char encbuf[8];
int encidx;
const unsigned char *s;
size_t n;
char *buffer = NULL;
char *p = NULL;
unsigned long val = 0;
size_t slen;
int resync = 0;
/* First pass (p==NULL): count the extended utf-8 characters. */
/* Second pass (p!=NULL): create string. */
for (;;)
for (slen = length, nleft = encidx = 0, n = 0,
s = (const unsigned char *)string;
s++, slen--)
if (resync)
if (!(*s < 128 || (*s >= 0xc0 && *s <= 0xfd)))
/* Still invalid. */
if (p)
sprintf (p, "\\x%02x", *s);
p += 4;
n += 4;
resync = 0;
if (!nleft)
if (!(*s & 0x80))
/* Plain ascii. */
if ( delim != -1
&& (*s < 0x20 || *s == 0x7f || *s == delim
|| (delim && *s == '\\')))
if (p)
*p++ = '\\';
switch (*s)
case '\n': n++; if ( p ) *p++ = 'n'; break;
case '\r': n++; if ( p ) *p++ = 'r'; break;
case '\f': n++; if ( p ) *p++ = 'f'; break;
case '\v': n++; if ( p ) *p++ = 'v'; break;
case '\b': n++; if ( p ) *p++ = 'b'; break;
case 0: n++; if ( p ) *p++ = '0'; break;
n += 3;
if (p)
sprintf (p, "x%02x", *s);
p += 3;
if (p)
*p++ = *s;
else if ((*s & 0xe0) == 0xc0) /* 110x xxxx */
val = *s & 0x1f;
nleft = 1;
encidx = 0;
encbuf[encidx++] = *s;
else if ((*s & 0xf0) == 0xe0) /* 1110 xxxx */
val = *s & 0x0f;
nleft = 2;
encidx = 0;
encbuf[encidx++] = *s;
else if ((*s & 0xf8) == 0xf0) /* 1111 0xxx */
val = *s & 0x07;
nleft = 3;
encidx = 0;
encbuf[encidx++] = *s;
else if ((*s & 0xfc) == 0xf8) /* 1111 10xx */
val = *s & 0x03;
nleft = 4;
encidx = 0;
encbuf[encidx++] = *s;
else if ((*s & 0xfe) == 0xfc) /* 1111 110x */
val = *s & 0x01;
nleft = 5;
encidx = 0;
encbuf[encidx++] = *s;
else /* Invalid encoding: print as \xNN. */
if (p)
sprintf (p, "\\x%02x", *s);
p += 4;
n += 4;
resync = 1;
else if (*s < 0x80 || *s >= 0xc0) /* Invalid utf-8 */
if (p)
for (i = 0; i < encidx; i++)
sprintf (p, "\\x%02x", encbuf[i]);
p += 4;
sprintf (p, "\\x%02x", *s);
p += 4;
n += 4 + 4 * encidx;
nleft = 0;
encidx = 0;
resync = 1;
encbuf[encidx++] = *s;
val <<= 6;
val |= *s & 0x3f;
if (!--nleft) /* Ready. */
if (no_translation)
if (p)
for (i = 0; i < encidx; i++)
*p++ = encbuf[i];
n += encidx;
encidx = 0;
else if (with_iconv)
/* Our strategy for using iconv is a bit strange
but it better keeps compatibility with
previous versions in regard to how invalid
encodings are displayed. What we do is to
keep the utf-8 as is and have the real
translation step then at the end. Yes, I
know that this is ugly. However we are short
of the 1.4 release and for this branch we
should not mess too much around with iconv
things. One reason for this is that we don't
know enough about non-GNU iconv
implementation and want to minimize the risk
of breaking the code on too many platforms. */
if ( p )
for (i=0; i < encidx; i++ )
*p++ = encbuf[i];
n += encidx;
encidx = 0;
else /* Latin-1 case. */
if (val >= 0x80 && val < 256)
/* We can simply print this character */
if (p)
*p++ = val;
/* We do not have a translation: print utf8. */
if (p)
for (i = 0; i < encidx; i++)
sprintf (p, "\\x%02x", encbuf[i]);
p += 4;
n += encidx * 4;
encidx = 0;
if (!buffer)
/* Allocate the buffer after the first pass. */
buffer = p = xmalloc (n + 1);
else if (with_iconv)
/* Note: See above for comments. */
iconv_t cd;
const char *inptr;
char *outbuf, *outptr;
size_t inbytes, outbytes;
*p = 0; /* Terminate the buffer. */
cd = iconv_open (active_charset_name, "utf-8");
if (cd == (iconv_t)-1)
handle_iconv_error (active_charset_name, "utf-8", 1);
xfree (buffer);
return utf8_to_native (string, length, delim);
/* Allocate a new buffer large enough to hold all possible
encodings. */
n = p - buffer + 1;
inbytes = n - 1;;
inptr = buffer;
outbytes = n * MB_LEN_MAX;
if (outbytes / MB_LEN_MAX != n)
BUG (); /* Actually an overflow. */
outbuf = outptr = xmalloc (outbytes);
if ( iconv (cd, (ICONV_CONST char **)&inptr, &inbytes,
&outptr, &outbytes) == (size_t)-1)
static int shown;
if (!shown)
log_info (_("conversion from '%s' to '%s' failed: %s\n"),
"utf-8", active_charset_name, strerror (errno));
shown = 1;
/* Didn't worked out. Try again but without iconv. */
xfree (buffer);
buffer = NULL;
xfree (outbuf);
outbuf = do_utf8_to_native (string, length, delim, 0);
else /* Success. */
*outptr = 0; /* Make sure it is a string. */
/* We could realloc the buffer now but I doubt that it
makes much sense given that it will get freed
anyway soon after. */
xfree (buffer);
iconv_close (cd);
return outbuf;
else /* Not using iconv. */
*p = 0; /* Make sure it is a string. */
return buffer;
/* Convert string, which is in UTF-8 to native encoding. Replace
illegal encodings by some "\xnn" and quote all control
characters. A character with value DELIM will always be quoted, it
must be a vanilla ASCII character. A DELIM value of -1 is special:
it disables all quoting of control characters. This function
terminates the process on memory shortage. */
char *
utf8_to_native (const char *string, size_t length, int delim)
return do_utf8_to_native (string, length, delim, use_iconv);
/* Wrapper function for iconv_open, required for W32 as we dlopen that
library on that system. */
jnlib_iconv_open (const char *tocode, const char *fromcode)
return (jnlib_iconv_t)iconv_open (tocode, fromcode);
/* Wrapper function for iconv, required for W32 as we dlopen that
library on that system. */
jnlib_iconv (jnlib_iconv_t cd,
const char **inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft,
char **outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft)
return iconv ((iconv_t)cd, (ICONV_CONST char**)inbuf, inbytesleft,
outbuf, outbytesleft);
/* Wrapper function for iconv_close, required for W32 as we dlopen that
library on that system. */
jnlib_iconv_close (jnlib_iconv_t cd)
return iconv_close ((iconv_t)cd);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* Return a malloced string encoded for CODEPAGE from the wide char input
string STRING. Caller must free this value. Returns NULL and sets
ERRNO on failure. Calling this function with STRING set to NULL is
not defined. */
static char *
wchar_to_cp (const wchar_t *string, unsigned int codepage)
int n;
char *result;
n = WideCharToMultiByte (codepage, 0, string, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (n < 0)
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
return NULL;
result = xtrymalloc (n+1);
if (!result)
return NULL;
n = WideCharToMultiByte (codepage, 0, string, -1, result, n, NULL, NULL);
if (n < 0)
xfree (result);
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
result = NULL;
return result;
/* Return a malloced wide char string from a CODEPAGE encoded input
string STRING. Caller must free this value. Returns NULL and sets
ERRNO on failure. Calling this function with STRING set to NULL is
not defined. */
static wchar_t *
cp_to_wchar (const char *string, unsigned int codepage)
int n;
size_t nbytes;
wchar_t *result;
n = MultiByteToWideChar (codepage, 0, string, -1, NULL, 0);
if (n < 0)
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
return NULL;
nbytes = (size_t)(n+1) * sizeof(*result);
if (nbytes / sizeof(*result) != (n+1))
gpg_err_set_errno (ENOMEM);
return NULL;
result = xtrymalloc (nbytes);
if (!result)
return NULL;
n = MultiByteToWideChar (codepage, 0, string, -1, result, n);
if (n < 0)
xfree (result);
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
result = NULL;
return result;
/* Return a malloced string encoded in the active code page from the
* wide char input string STRING. Caller must free this value.
* Returns NULL and sets ERRNO on failure. Calling this function with
* STRING set to NULL is not defined. */
char *
wchar_to_native (const wchar_t *string)
return wchar_to_cp (string, CP_ACP);
/* Return a malloced wide char string from an UTF-8 encoded input
* string STRING. Caller must free this value. Returns NULL and sets
* ERRNO on failure. Calling this function with STRING set to NULL is
* not defined. */
wchar_t *
native_to_wchar (const char *string)
return cp_to_wchar (string, CP_ACP);
/* Return a malloced string encoded in UTF-8 from the wide char input
* string STRING. Caller must free this value. Returns NULL and sets
* ERRNO on failure. Calling this function with STRING set to NULL is
* not defined. */
char *
wchar_to_utf8 (const wchar_t *string)
return wchar_to_cp (string, CP_UTF8);
/* Return a malloced wide char string from an UTF-8 encoded input
* string STRING. Caller must free this value. Returns NULL and sets
* ERRNO on failure. Calling this function with STRING set to NULL is
* not defined. */
wchar_t *
utf8_to_wchar (const char *string)
return cp_to_wchar (string, CP_UTF8);
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
diff --git a/common/utf8conv.h b/common/utf8conv.h
index def35def0..1c6c5840e 100644
--- a/common/utf8conv.h
+++ b/common/utf8conv.h
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
/* utf8conf.h
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
int set_native_charset (const char *newset);
const char *get_native_charset (void);
int is_native_utf8 (void);
char *native_to_utf8 (const char *string);
char *utf8_to_native (const char *string, size_t length, int delim);
/* Silly wrappers, required for W32 portability. */
typedef void *jnlib_iconv_t;
jnlib_iconv_t jnlib_iconv_open (const char *tocode, const char *fromcode);
size_t jnlib_iconv (jnlib_iconv_t cd, const char **inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft,
char **outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft);
int jnlib_iconv_close (jnlib_iconv_t cd);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
char *wchar_to_native (const wchar_t *string);
wchar_t *native_to_wchar (const char *string);
char *wchar_to_utf8 (const wchar_t *string);
wchar_t *utf8_to_wchar (const char *string);
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
diff --git a/common/util.h b/common/util.h
index 8a6732fdd..2f82fb09b 100644
--- a/common/util.h
+++ b/common/util.h
@@ -1,361 +1,361 @@
/* util.h - Utility functions for GnuPG
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
#include <gcrypt.h> /* We need this for the memory function protos. */
#include <errno.h> /* We need errno. */
#include <gpg-error.h> /* We need gpg_error_t and estream. */
/* These error codes are used but not defined in the required
* libgpg-error version. Define them here.
* Example: (#if GPG_ERROR_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x011500 // 1.21)
/* Hash function used with libksba. */
#define HASH_FNC ((void (*)(void *, const void*,size_t))gcry_md_write)
/* Get all the stuff from jnlib. */
#include "../common/logging.h"
#include "../common/argparse.h"
#include "../common/stringhelp.h"
#include "../common/mischelp.h"
#include "../common/strlist.h"
#include "../common/dotlock.h"
#include "../common/utf8conv.h"
#include "../common/dynload.h"
#include "../common/fwddecl.h"
#include "../common/utilproto.h"
#include "gettime.h"
/* Redefine asprintf by our estream version which uses our own memory
allocator.. */
#define asprintf gpgrt_asprintf
#define vasprintf gpgrt_vasprintf
/* Due to a bug in mingw32's snprintf related to the 'l' modifier and
for increased portability we use our snprintf on all systems. */
#undef snprintf
#define snprintf gpgrt_snprintf
/* Replacements for macros not available with libgpg-error < 1.20. */
/* We need this type even if we are not using libreadline and or we
did not include libreadline in the current file. */
typedef char **rl_completion_func_t (const char *, int, int);
/* Handy malloc macros - please use only them. */
#define xtrymalloc(a) gcry_malloc ((a))
#define xtrymalloc_secure(a) gcry_malloc_secure ((a))
#define xtrycalloc(a,b) gcry_calloc ((a),(b))
#define xtrycalloc_secure(a,b) gcry_calloc_secure ((a),(b))
#define xtryrealloc(a,b) gcry_realloc ((a),(b))
#define xtrystrdup(a) gcry_strdup ((a))
#define xfree(a) gcry_free ((a))
#define xfree_fnc gcry_free
#define xmalloc(a) gcry_xmalloc ((a))
#define xmalloc_secure(a) gcry_xmalloc_secure ((a))
#define xcalloc(a,b) gcry_xcalloc ((a),(b))
#define xcalloc_secure(a,b) gcry_xcalloc_secure ((a),(b))
#define xrealloc(a,b) gcry_xrealloc ((a),(b))
#define xstrdup(a) gcry_xstrdup ((a))
/* For compatibility with gpg 1.4 we also define these: */
#define xmalloc_clear(a) gcry_xcalloc (1, (a))
#define xmalloc_secure_clear(a) gcry_xcalloc_secure (1, (a))
/* The default error source of the application. This is different
from GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT in that it does not depend on the
source file and thus is usable in code shared by applications.
Defined by init.c. */
extern gpg_err_source_t default_errsource;
/* Convenience function to return a gpg-error code for memory
allocation failures. This function makes sure that an error will
be returned even if accidentally ERRNO is not set. */
static inline gpg_error_t
out_of_core (void)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/*-- yesno.c --*/
int answer_is_yes (const char *s);
int answer_is_yes_no_default (const char *s, int def_answer);
int answer_is_yes_no_quit (const char *s);
int answer_is_okay_cancel (const char *s, int def_answer);
/*-- xreadline.c --*/
ssize_t read_line (FILE *fp,
char **addr_of_buffer, size_t *length_of_buffer,
size_t *max_length);
/*-- b64enc.c and b64dec.c --*/
struct b64state
unsigned int flags;
int idx;
int quad_count;
FILE *fp;
estream_t stream;
char *title;
unsigned char radbuf[4];
u32 crc;
int stop_seen:1;
int invalid_encoding:1;
gpg_error_t lasterr;
gpg_error_t b64enc_start (struct b64state *state, FILE *fp, const char *title);
gpg_error_t b64enc_start_es (struct b64state *state, estream_t fp,
const char *title);
gpg_error_t b64enc_write (struct b64state *state,
const void *buffer, size_t nbytes);
gpg_error_t b64enc_finish (struct b64state *state);
gpg_error_t b64dec_start (struct b64state *state, const char *title);
gpg_error_t b64dec_proc (struct b64state *state, void *buffer, size_t length,
size_t *r_nbytes);
gpg_error_t b64dec_finish (struct b64state *state);
/*-- sexputil.c */
char *canon_sexp_to_string (const unsigned char *canon, size_t canonlen);
void log_printcanon (const char *text,
const unsigned char *sexp, size_t sexplen);
void log_printsexp (const char *text, gcry_sexp_t sexp);
gpg_error_t make_canon_sexp (gcry_sexp_t sexp,
unsigned char **r_buffer, size_t *r_buflen);
gpg_error_t make_canon_sexp_pad (gcry_sexp_t sexp, int secure,
unsigned char **r_buffer, size_t *r_buflen);
gpg_error_t keygrip_from_canon_sexp (const unsigned char *key, size_t keylen,
unsigned char *grip);
int cmp_simple_canon_sexp (const unsigned char *a, const unsigned char *b);
unsigned char *make_simple_sexp_from_hexstr (const char *line,
size_t *nscanned);
int hash_algo_from_sigval (const unsigned char *sigval);
unsigned char *make_canon_sexp_from_rsa_pk (const void *m, size_t mlen,
const void *e, size_t elen,
size_t *r_len);
gpg_error_t get_rsa_pk_from_canon_sexp (const unsigned char *keydata,
size_t keydatalen,
unsigned char const **r_n,
size_t *r_nlen,
unsigned char const **r_e,
size_t *r_elen);
gpg_error_t get_pk_algo_from_canon_sexp (const unsigned char *keydata,
size_t keydatalen,
const char **r_algo);
int get_pk_algo_from_key (gcry_sexp_t key);
/*-- convert.c --*/
int hex2bin (const char *string, void *buffer, size_t length);
int hexcolon2bin (const char *string, void *buffer, size_t length);
char *bin2hex (const void *buffer, size_t length, char *stringbuf);
char *bin2hexcolon (const void *buffer, size_t length, char *stringbuf);
const char *hex2str (const char *hexstring,
char *buffer, size_t bufsize, size_t *buflen);
char *hex2str_alloc (const char *hexstring, size_t *r_count);
/*-- percent.c --*/
char *percent_plus_escape (const char *string);
char *percent_plus_unescape (const char *string, int nulrepl);
char *percent_unescape (const char *string, int nulrepl);
size_t percent_plus_unescape_inplace (char *string, int nulrepl);
size_t percent_unescape_inplace (char *string, int nulrepl);
/*-- openpgp-oid.c --*/
gpg_error_t openpgp_oid_from_str (const char *string, gcry_mpi_t *r_mpi);
char *openpgp_oid_to_str (gcry_mpi_t a);
int openpgp_oid_is_ed25519 (gcry_mpi_t a);
int openpgp_oid_is_cv25519 (gcry_mpi_t a);
const char *openpgp_curve_to_oid (const char *name, unsigned int *r_nbits);
const char *openpgp_oid_to_curve (const char *oid, int canon);
const char *openpgp_enum_curves (int *idxp);
const char *openpgp_is_curve_supported (const char *name, int *r_algo);
/*-- homedir.c --*/
const char *standard_homedir (void);
const char *default_homedir (void);
void gnupg_set_homedir (const char *newdir);
const char *gnupg_homedir (void);
int gnupg_default_homedir_p (void);
const char *gnupg_socketdir (void);
const char *gnupg_sysconfdir (void);
const char *gnupg_bindir (void);
const char *gnupg_libexecdir (void);
const char *gnupg_libdir (void);
const char *gnupg_datadir (void);
const char *gnupg_localedir (void);
const char *gnupg_cachedir (void);
const char *dirmngr_socket_name (void);
char *_gnupg_socketdir_internal (int skip_checks, unsigned *r_info);
/* All module names. We also include gpg and gpgsm for the sake for
gpgconf. */
const char *gnupg_module_name (int which);
void gnupg_module_name_flush_some (void);
/*-- gpgrlhelp.c --*/
void gnupg_rl_initialize (void);
/*-- helpfile.c --*/
char *gnupg_get_help_string (const char *key, int only_current_locale);
/*-- localename.c --*/
const char *gnupg_messages_locale_name (void);
/*-- miscellaneous.c --*/
/* This function is called at startup to tell libgcrypt to use our own
logging subsystem. */
void setup_libgcrypt_logging (void);
/* Print an out of core emssage and die. */
void xoutofcore (void);
/* Same as estream_asprintf but die on memory failure. */
char *xasprintf (const char *fmt, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_PRINTF(1,2);
/* This is now an alias to estream_asprintf. */
char *xtryasprintf (const char *fmt, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_PRINTF(1,2);
/* Replacement for gcry_cipher_algo_name. */
const char *gnupg_cipher_algo_name (int algo);
void obsolete_option (const char *configname, unsigned int configlineno,
const char *name);
const char *print_fname_stdout (const char *s);
const char *print_fname_stdin (const char *s);
void print_utf8_buffer3 (estream_t fp, const void *p, size_t n,
const char *delim);
void print_utf8_buffer2 (estream_t fp, const void *p, size_t n, int delim);
void print_utf8_buffer (estream_t fp, const void *p, size_t n);
void print_hexstring (FILE *fp, const void *buffer, size_t length,
int reserved);
char *try_make_printable_string (const void *p, size_t n, int delim);
char *make_printable_string (const void *p, size_t n, int delim);
int is_file_compressed (const char *s, int *ret_rc);
int match_multistr (const char *multistr,const char *match);
int gnupg_compare_version (const char *a, const char *b);
struct debug_flags_s
unsigned int flag;
const char *name;
int parse_debug_flag (const char *string, unsigned int *debugvar,
const struct debug_flags_s *flags);
/*-- Simple replacement functions. */
/* We use the gnupg_ttyname macro to be safe not to run into conflicts
which an extisting but broken ttyname. */
#if !defined(HAVE_TTYNAME) || defined(HAVE_BROKEN_TTYNAME)
# define gnupg_ttyname(n) _gnupg_ttyname ((n))
/* Systems without ttyname (W32) will merely return NULL. */
static inline char *
_gnupg_ttyname (int fd)
return NULL;
#else /*HAVE_TTYNAME*/
# define gnupg_ttyname(n) ttyname ((n))
#endif /*HAVE_TTYNAME */
#define getpid() GetCurrentProcessId ()
char *_gnupg_getenv (const char *name); /* See sysutils.c */
#define getenv(a) _gnupg_getenv ((a))
char *_gnupg_setenv (const char *name); /* See sysutils.c */
#define setenv(a,b,c) _gnupg_setenv ((a),(b),(c))
int _gnupg_isatty (int fd);
#define gnupg_isatty(a) _gnupg_isatty ((a))
#define gnupg_isatty(a) isatty ((a))
/*-- Macros to replace ctype ones to avoid locale problems. --*/
#define spacep(p) (*(p) == ' ' || *(p) == '\t')
#define digitp(p) (*(p) >= '0' && *(p) <= '9')
#define alphap(p) ((*(p) >= 'A' && *(p) <= 'Z') \
|| (*(p) >= 'a' && *(p) <= 'z'))
#define alnump(p) (alphap (p) || digitp (p))
#define hexdigitp(a) (digitp (a) \
|| (*(a) >= 'A' && *(a) <= 'F') \
|| (*(a) >= 'a' && *(a) <= 'f'))
/* Note this isn't identical to a C locale isspace() without \f and
\v, but works for the purposes used here. */
#define ascii_isspace(a) ((a)==' ' || (a)=='\n' || (a)=='\r' || (a)=='\t')
/* The atoi macros assume that the buffer has only valid digits. */
#define atoi_1(p) (*(p) - '0' )
#define atoi_2(p) ((atoi_1(p) * 10) + atoi_1((p)+1))
#define atoi_4(p) ((atoi_2(p) * 100) + atoi_2((p)+2))
#define xtoi_1(p) (*(p) <= '9'? (*(p)- '0'): \
*(p) <= 'F'? (*(p)-'A'+10):(*(p)-'a'+10))
#define xtoi_2(p) ((xtoi_1(p) * 16) + xtoi_1((p)+1))
#define xtoi_4(p) ((xtoi_2(p) * 256) + xtoi_2((p)+2))
diff --git a/common/utilproto.h b/common/utilproto.h
index 5bb9dd113..7467f6b1d 100644
--- a/common/utilproto.h
+++ b/common/utilproto.h
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
/* utilproto.h - Some prototypes for inclusion by util.h
* Copyright (C) 2016 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* This file is in general included via util.h but sometimes we do not
* want all stuff from util.h and instead use this file with its
* simple prototypes. */
/*-- signal.c --*/
void gnupg_init_signals (int mode, void (*fast_cleanup)(void));
void gnupg_block_all_signals (void);
void gnupg_unblock_all_signals (void);
diff --git a/common/w32-reg.c b/common/w32-reg.c
index 6afb599bd..2d64215fe 100644
--- a/common/w32-reg.c
+++ b/common/w32-reg.c
@@ -1,230 +1,230 @@
/* w32-reg.c - MS-Windows Registry access
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2002, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* This module is only used in this environment */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
# include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "common-defs.h"
#include "utf8conv.h"
#include "w32help.h"
static HKEY
get_root_key(const char *root)
HKEY root_key;
if (!root)
else if (!strcmp( root, "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" ) )
else if (!strcmp( root, "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ) )
else if (!strcmp( root, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" ) )
else if (!strcmp( root, "HKEY_USERS" ) )
root_key = HKEY_USERS;
else if (!strcmp( root, "HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA" ) )
else if (!strcmp( root, "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG" ) )
return NULL;
return root_key;
/* Return a string from the Win32 Registry or NULL in case of error.
Caller must release the return value. A NULL for root is an alias
char *
read_w32_registry_string (const char *root, const char *dir, const char *name)
HKEY root_key, key_handle;
DWORD n1, nbytes, type;
char *result = NULL;
wchar_t *wdir, *wname;
if ( !(root_key = get_root_key(root) ) )
return NULL;
wdir = utf8_to_wchar (dir);
if (!wdir)
return NULL;
if (RegOpenKeyEx (root_key, wdir, 0, KEY_READ, &key_handle) )
if (root)
xfree (wdir);
return NULL; /* No need for a RegClose, so return immediately. */
/* It seems to be common practise to fall back to HKLM. */
if (RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wdir, 0, KEY_READ, &key_handle) )
xfree (wdir);
return NULL; /* Still no need for a RegClose. */
xfree (wdir);
if (name)
wname = utf8_to_wchar (name);
if (!wname)
goto leave;
wname = NULL;
nbytes = 2;
if (RegQueryValueEx (key_handle, wname, 0, NULL, NULL, &nbytes))
goto leave;
result = xtrymalloc ((n1=nbytes+2));
if (!result)
goto leave;
if (RegQueryValueEx (key_handle, wname, 0, &type, result, &n1))
xfree (result);
result = NULL;
goto leave;
result[nbytes] = 0; /* Make sure it is a string. */
result[nbytes+1] = 0;
if (type == REG_SZ || type == REG_EXPAND_SZ)
wchar_t *tmp = (void*)result;
result = wchar_to_utf8 (tmp);
xfree (tmp);
xfree (wname);
RegCloseKey (key_handle);
return result;
#else /*!HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM*/
HKEY root_key, key_handle;
DWORD n1, nbytes, type;
char *result = NULL;
if ( !(root_key = get_root_key(root) ) )
return NULL;
if (RegOpenKeyEx (root_key, dir, 0, KEY_READ, &key_handle) )
if (root)
return NULL; /* No need for a RegClose, so return immediately. */
/* It seems to be common practise to fall back to HKLM. */
if (RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, dir, 0, KEY_READ, &key_handle) )
return NULL; /* Still no need for a RegClose. */
nbytes = 1;
if (RegQueryValueEx( key_handle, name, 0, NULL, NULL, &nbytes ) )
goto leave;
result = xtrymalloc ((n1=nbytes+1));
if (!result)
goto leave;
if (RegQueryValueEx( key_handle, name, 0, &type, result, &n1 ))
xfree (result);
result = NULL;
goto leave;
result[nbytes] = 0; /* Make sure it is a string. */
if (type == REG_EXPAND_SZ && strchr (result, '%'))
char *tmp;
n1 += 1000;
tmp = xtrymalloc (n1+1);
if (!tmp)
goto leave;
nbytes = ExpandEnvironmentStrings (result, tmp, n1);
if (nbytes && nbytes > n1)
xfree (tmp);
n1 = nbytes;
tmp = xtrymalloc (n1 + 1);
if (!tmp)
goto leave;
nbytes = ExpandEnvironmentStrings (result, tmp, n1);
if (nbytes && nbytes > n1)
/* Oops - truncated, better don't expand at all. */
xfree (tmp);
goto leave;
tmp[nbytes] = 0;
xfree (result);
result = tmp;
else if (nbytes)
/* Okay, reduce the length. */
tmp[nbytes] = 0;
xfree (result);
result = xtrymalloc (strlen (tmp)+1);
if (!result)
result = tmp;
strcpy (result, tmp);
xfree (tmp);
/* Error - don't expand. */
xfree (tmp);
RegCloseKey (key_handle);
return result;
#endif /*!HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM*/
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
diff --git a/common/w32help.h b/common/w32help.h
index be6dd3e32..e495e341a 100644
--- a/common/w32help.h
+++ b/common/w32help.h
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
/* w32help.h - W32 speicif functions
* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/*-- w32-reg.c --*/
char *read_w32_registry_string (const char *root,
const char *dir, const char *name );
/* Other stuff. */
/* Setmode is missing in cegcc but available since CE 5.0. */
int _setmode (int handle, int mode);
# define setmode(a,b) _setmode ((a),(b))
static inline int
umask (int a)
return 0;
#endif /*HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM*/
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
diff --git a/common/xasprintf.c b/common/xasprintf.c
index 8adf2e471..00ff66a75 100644
--- a/common/xasprintf.c
+++ b/common/xasprintf.c
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
/* xasprintf.c
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "util.h"
/* Same as asprintf but return an allocated buffer suitable to be
freed using xfree. This function simply dies on memory failure,
thus no extra check is required.
FIXME: We should remove these functions in favor of gpgrt_bsprintf
and a xgpgrt_bsprintf or rename them to xbsprintf and
xtrybsprintf. */
char *
xasprintf (const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
char *buf;
va_start (ap, fmt);
if (gpgrt_vasprintf (&buf, fmt, ap) < 0)
log_fatal ("estream_asprintf failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
va_end (ap);
return buf;
/* Same as above but return NULL on memory failure. */
char *
xtryasprintf (const char *fmt, ...)
int rc;
va_list ap;
char *buf;
va_start (ap, fmt);
rc = gpgrt_vasprintf (&buf, fmt, ap);
va_end (ap);
if (rc < 0)
return NULL;
return buf;
diff --git a/common/xreadline.c b/common/xreadline.c
index f3c43df0f..b17579f48 100644
--- a/common/xreadline.c
+++ b/common/xreadline.c
@@ -1,127 +1,127 @@
/* xreadline.c - fgets replacement function
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "util.h"
/* Same as fgets() but if the provided buffer is too short a larger
one will be allocated. This is similar to getline. A line is
considered a byte stream ending in a LF.
If MAX_LENGTH is not NULL, it shall point to a value with the
maximum allowed allocation.
Returns the length of the line. EOF is indicated by a line of
length zero. A truncated line is indicated by setting the value at
MAX_LENGTH to 0. If the returned value is less then 0 not enough
memory was enable and ERRNO is set accordingly.
If a line has been truncated, the file pointer is moved forward to
the end of the line so that the next read starts with the next
line. Note that MAX_LENGTH must be re-initialzied in this case.
Note: The returned buffer is allocated with enough extra space to
append a CR,LF,Nul
read_line (FILE *fp,
char **addr_of_buffer, size_t *length_of_buffer,
size_t *max_length)
int c;
char *buffer = *addr_of_buffer;
size_t length = *length_of_buffer;
size_t nbytes = 0;
size_t maxlen = max_length? *max_length : 0;
char *p;
if (!buffer)
{ /* No buffer given - allocate a new one. */
length = 256;
buffer = xtrymalloc (length);
*addr_of_buffer = buffer;
if (!buffer)
*length_of_buffer = 0;
if (max_length)
*max_length = 0;
return -1;
*length_of_buffer = length;
length -= 3; /* Reserve 3 bytes for CR,LF,EOL. */
p = buffer;
while ((c = getc (fp)) != EOF)
if (nbytes == length)
{ /* Enlarge the buffer. */
if (maxlen && length > maxlen) /* But not beyond our limit. */
/* Skip the rest of the line. */
while (c != '\n' && (c=getc (fp)) != EOF)
*p++ = '\n'; /* Always append a LF (we reserved some space). */
if (max_length)
*max_length = 0; /* Indicate truncation. */
break; /* the while loop. */
length += 3; /* Adjust for the reserved bytes. */
length += length < 1024? 256 : 1024;
*addr_of_buffer = xtryrealloc (buffer, length);
if (!*addr_of_buffer)
int save_errno = errno;
xfree (buffer);
*length_of_buffer = 0;
if (max_length)
*max_length = 0;
gpg_err_set_errno (save_errno);
return -1;
buffer = *addr_of_buffer;
*length_of_buffer = length;
length -= 3;
p = buffer + nbytes;
*p++ = c;
if (c == '\n')
*p = 0; /* Make sure the line is a string. */
return nbytes;
diff --git a/common/yesno.c b/common/yesno.c
index 780334921..58de63ddf 100644
--- a/common/yesno.c
+++ b/common/yesno.c
@@ -1,150 +1,150 @@
/* yesno.c - Yes/No questions
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "util.h"
/* Check the string S for a YES or NO answer and take care of
localization. If no valid string is given the value of DEF_ANSWER
is returned. Returns 1 for yes and 0 for no. */
answer_is_yes_no_default (const char *s, int def_answer)
/* TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. */
const char *long_yes = _("yes");
const char *short_yes = _("yY");
/* TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. */
const char *long_no = _("no");
const char *short_no = _("nN");
/* Note: we have to use the local dependent compare here. */
if ( match_multistr(long_yes,s) )
return 1;
if ( *s && strchr( short_yes, *s ) && !s[1] )
return 1;
/* Test for "no" strings to catch ambiguities for the next test. */
if ( match_multistr(long_no,s) )
return 0;
if ( *s && strchr( short_no, *s ) && !s[1] )
return 0;
/* Test for the english version (for those who are used to type yes). */
if ( !ascii_strcasecmp(s, "yes" ) )
return 1;
if ( *s && strchr( "yY", *s ) && !s[1] )
return 1;
return def_answer;
answer_is_yes ( const char *s )
return answer_is_yes_no_default(s,0);
* Return 1 for yes, -1 for quit, or 0 for no
answer_is_yes_no_quit ( const char *s )
/* TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. */
const char *long_yes = _("yes");
/* TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. */
const char *long_no = _("no");
/* TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. */
const char *long_quit = _("quit");
const char *short_yes = _("yY");
const char *short_no = _("nN");
const char *short_quit = _("qQ");
/* Note: we have to use a local dependent compare here. */
if ( match_multistr(long_no,s) )
return 0;
if ( match_multistr(long_yes,s) )
return 1;
if ( match_multistr(long_quit,s) )
return -1;
if ( *s && strchr( short_no, *s ) && !s[1] )
return 0;
if ( *s && strchr( short_yes, *s ) && !s[1] )
return 1;
if ( *s && strchr( short_quit, *s ) && !s[1] )
return -1;
/* but not here. */
if ( !ascii_strcasecmp(s, "yes" ) )
return 1;
if ( !ascii_strcasecmp(s, "quit" ) )
return -1;
if ( *s && strchr( "yY", *s ) && !s[1] )
return 1;
if ( *s && strchr( "qQ", *s ) && !s[1] )
return -1;
return 0;
Return 1 for okay, 0 for for cancel or DEF_ANSWER for default.
answer_is_okay_cancel (const char *s, int def_answer)
/* TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. */
const char *long_okay = _("okay|okay");
/* TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. */
const char *long_cancel = _("cancel|cancel");
const char *short_okay = _("oO");
const char *short_cancel = _("cC");
/* Note: We have to use the locale dependent compare. */
if ( match_multistr(long_okay,s) )
return 1;
if ( match_multistr(long_cancel,s) )
return 0;
if ( *s && strchr( short_okay, *s ) && !s[1] )
return 1;
if ( *s && strchr( short_cancel, *s ) && !s[1] )
return 0;
/* Always test for the English values (not locale here). */
if ( !ascii_strcasecmp(s, "okay" ) )
return 1;
if ( !ascii_strcasecmp(s, "ok" ) )
return 1;
if ( !ascii_strcasecmp(s, "cancel" ) )
return 0;
if ( *s && strchr( "oO", *s ) && !s[1] )
return 1;
if ( *s && strchr( "cC", *s ) && !s[1] )
return 0;
return def_answer;
diff --git a/common/zb32.c b/common/zb32.c
index 54bd5d4fd..517321e0c 100644
--- a/common/zb32.c
+++ b/common/zb32.c
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
/* zb32.c - z-base-32 functions
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "zb32.h"
/* Zooko's base32 variant. See RFC-6189 and
Caller must xfree the returned string. Returns NULL and sets ERRNO
on error. To avoid integer overflow DATALEN is limited to 2^16
bytes. Note, that DATABITS is measured in bits!. */
char *
zb32_encode (const void *data, unsigned int databits)
static char const zb32asc[32] = {'y','b','n','d','r','f','g','8',
'a','3','4','5','h','7','6','9' };
const unsigned char *s;
char *output, *d;
size_t datalen;
datalen = (databits + 7) / 8;
if (datalen > (1 << 16))
errno = EINVAL;
return NULL;
d = output = xtrymalloc (8 * (datalen / 5)
+ 2 * (datalen % 5)
- ((datalen%5)>2)
+ 1);
if (!output)
return NULL;
/* I use straightforward code. The compiler should be able to do a
better job on optimization than me and it is easier to read. */
for (s = data; datalen >= 5; s += 5, datalen -= 5)
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[0] ) >> 3) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[0] & 7) << 2) | (s[1] >> 6) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[1] & 63) >> 1) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[1] & 1) << 4) | (s[2] >> 4) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[2] & 15) << 1) | (s[3] >> 7) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[3] & 127) >> 2) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[3] & 3) << 3) | (s[4] >> 5) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[4] & 31) ) ];
switch (datalen)
case 4:
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[0] ) >> 3) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[0] & 7) << 2) | (s[1] >> 6) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[1] & 63) >> 1) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[1] & 1) << 4) | (s[2] >> 4) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[2] & 15) << 1) | (s[3] >> 7) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[3] & 127) >> 2) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[3] & 3) << 3) ];
case 3:
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[0] ) >> 3) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[0] & 7) << 2) | (s[1] >> 6) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[1] & 63) >> 1) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[1] & 1) << 4) | (s[2] >> 4) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[2] & 15) << 1) ];
case 2:
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[0] ) >> 3) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[0] & 7) << 2) | (s[1] >> 6) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[1] & 63) >> 1) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[1] & 1) << 4) ];
case 1:
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[0] ) >> 3) ];
*d++ = zb32asc[((s[0] & 7) << 2) ];
*d = 0;
/* Need to strip some bytes if not a multiple of 40. */
output[(databits + 5 - 1) / 5] = 0;
return output;
diff --git a/common/zb32.h b/common/zb32.h
index 1fb41ecae..47bb1f85f 100644
--- a/common/zb32.h
+++ b/common/zb32.h
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
/* zb32.h - z-base-32 functions
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* Encode DATA which has a length of DATABITS (bits!) using the
zbase32 encoder and return a malloced string. Returns NULL on
error and sets ERRNO. */
char *zb32_encode (const void *data, unsigned int databits);
#endif /*GNUPG_COMMON_ZB32_H*/
diff --git a/ b/
index 47de5f873..bc3e2a80a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,1983 +1,1983 @@
# - for GnuPG 2.1
# Copyright (C) 1998-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 1998-2016 Werner Koch
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
# To build a release you need to create a tag with the version number
# (git tag -s gnupg-2.n.m) and run "./ --force". Please
# bump the version number immediately *after* the release and do
# another commit and push so that the git magic is able to work.
m4_define([mym4_major], [2])
m4_define([mym4_minor], [1])
m4_define([mym4_micro], [16])
# To start a new development series, i.e a new major or minor number
# you need to mark an arbitrary commit before the first beta release
# with an annotated tag. For example the 2.1 branch starts off with
# the tag "gnupg-2.1-base". This is used as the base for counting
# beta numbers before the first release of a series.
# Below is m4 magic to extract and compute the git revision number,
# the decimalized short revision number, a beta version string and a
# flag indicating a development version (mym4_isbeta). Note that the
# m4 processing is done by autoconf and not during the configure run.
m4_define([mym4_verslist], m4_split(m4_esyscmd([./ --find-version] \
mym4_package mym4_major mym4_minor mym4_micro),[:]))
m4_define([mym4_isbeta], m4_argn(2, mym4_verslist))
m4_define([mym4_version], m4_argn(4, mym4_verslist))
m4_define([mym4_revision], m4_argn(7, mym4_verslist))
m4_define([mym4_revision_dec], m4_argn(8, mym4_verslist))
m4_esyscmd([echo ]mym4_version[>VERSION])
AC_INIT([mym4_package],[mym4_version], [])
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([serial-tests dist-bzip2 no-dist-gzip])
# Before we do anything with the C compiler, we first save the user's
# CFLAGS (they are restored at the end of the configure script). This
# is because some configure checks don't work with -Werror, but we'd
# like to use -Werror with our build.
# Some status variables.
# The agent is a required part and can't be disabled anymore.
GNUPG_BUILD_PROGRAM(scdaemon, yes)
GNUPG_BUILD_PROGRAM(symcryptrun, no)
# We use gpgtar to unpack test data, hence we always build it. If the
# user opts out, we simply don't install it.
GNUPG_BUILD_PROGRAM(wks-tools, no)
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE, "$PACKAGE", [Name of this package])
[Name of this package for gettext])
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(VERSION, "$VERSION", [Version of this package])
[Bug report address])
[Required version of Libgcrypt])
[Required version of Libksba])
[Required version of NTBTLS])
# The default is to use the modules from this package and the few
# other packages in a standard place; i.e where this package gets
# installed. With these options it is possible to override these
# ${prefix} depended values with fixed paths, which can't be replaced
# at make time. See also am/ and the defaults in AH_BOTTOM.
[ --with-agent-pgm=PATH Use PATH as the default for the agent)],
test -n "$GNUPG_AGENT_PGM" && show_gnupg_agent_pgm="$GNUPG_AGENT_PGM"
[ --with-pinentry-pgm=PATH Use PATH as the default for the pinentry)],
test -n "$GNUPG_PINENTRY_PGM" && show_gnupg_pinentry_pgm="$GNUPG_PINENTRY_PGM"
[ --with-scdaemon-pgm=PATH Use PATH as the default for the scdaemon)],
test -n "$GNUPG_SCDAEMON_PGM" && show_gnupg_scdaemon_pgm="$GNUPG_SCDAEMON_PGM"
[ --with-dirmngr-pgm=PATH Use PATH as the default for the dirmngr)],
test -n "$GNUPG_DIRMNGR_PGM" && show_gnupg_dirmngr_pgm="$GNUPG_DIRMNGR_PGM"
[ --with-protect-tool-pgm=PATH Use PATH as the default for the protect-tool)],
&& show_gnupg_protect_tool_pgm="$GNUPG_PROTECT_TOOL_PGM"
[ --with-dirmngr-ldap-pgm=PATH Use PATH as the default for the dirmngr ldap wrapper)],
&& show_gnupg_dirmngr_ldap_pgm="$GNUPG_DIRMNGR_LDAP_PGM"
# On some platforms gpg2 is usually installed as gpg without using a
# symlink. For correct operation of gpgconf it needs to know the
# installed name of gpg. This option sets "gpg2"'s installed name to
# just "gpg". Note that it might be required to rename gpg2 to gpg
# manually after the build process.
AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-gpg2-is-gpg],[Set installed name of gpg2 to gpg]),
if test "$gpg2_is_gpg" != "yes"; then
AC_DEFINE(USE_GPG2_HACK, 1, [Define to install gpg as gpg2])
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_GPG2_HACK, test "$gpg2_is_gpg" != "yes")
# SELinux support includes tracking of sensitive files to avoid
# leaking their contents through processing these files by gpg itself
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether SELinux support is requested])
[enable SELinux support]),
selinux_support=$enableval, selinux_support=no)
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to allocate extra secure memory])
[allocate extra secure memory]),
large_secmem=$enableval, large_secmem=no)
if test "$large_secmem" = yes ; then
[Size of secure memory buffer])
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable trust models])
[disable all trust models except "always"]),
if test "$use_trust_models" = no ; then
[Define to include only trust-model always])
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable TOFU])
[disable the TOFU trust model]),
use_tofu=$enableval, use_tofu=$use_trust_models)
if test "$use_trust_models" = no && test "$use_tofu" = yes; then
AC_MSG_ERROR([both --disable-trust-models and --enable-tofu given])
# Options to disable algorithm
GNUPG_GPG_DISABLE_ALGO([rsa],[RSA public key])
# Elgamal is a MUST algorithm
# DSA is a MUST algorithm
GNUPG_GPG_DISABLE_ALGO([ecdh],[ECDH public key])
GNUPG_GPG_DISABLE_ALGO([ecdsa],[ECDSA public key])
GNUPG_GPG_DISABLE_ALGO([eddsa],[EdDSA public key])
# 3DES is a MUST algorithm
GNUPG_GPG_DISABLE_ALGO([cast5],[CAST5 cipher])
GNUPG_GPG_DISABLE_ALGO([aes128],[AES128 cipher])
GNUPG_GPG_DISABLE_ALGO([aes192],[AES192 cipher])
GNUPG_GPG_DISABLE_ALGO([aes256],[AES256 cipher])
GNUPG_GPG_DISABLE_ALGO([camellia128],[CAMELLIA128 cipher])
GNUPG_GPG_DISABLE_ALGO([camellia192],[CAMELLIA192 cipher])
GNUPG_GPG_DISABLE_ALGO([camellia256],[CAMELLIA256 cipher])
# SHA1 is a MUST algorithm
GNUPG_GPG_DISABLE_ALGO([rmd160],[RIPE-MD160 hash])
GNUPG_GPG_DISABLE_ALGO([sha224],[SHA-224 hash])
# SHA256 is a MUST algorithm for GnuPG.
GNUPG_GPG_DISABLE_ALGO([sha384],[SHA-384 hash])
GNUPG_GPG_DISABLE_ALGO([sha512],[SHA-512 hash])
# Allow disabling of zip support.
# This is in general not a good idea because according to rfc4880 OpenPGP
# implementations SHOULD support ZLIB.
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable the ZIP and ZLIB compression algorithm])
[disable the ZIP and ZLIB compression algorithm]),
# Allow disabling of bzib2 support.
# It is defined only after we confirm the library is available later
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable the BZIP2 compression algorithm])
AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-bzip2],[disable the BZIP2 compression algorithm]),
# Configure option to allow or disallow execution of external
# programs, like a photo viewer.
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable external program execution])
AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-exec],[disable all external program execution]),
if test "$use_exec" = no ; then
AC_DEFINE(NO_EXEC,1,[Define to disable all external program execution])
if test "$use_exec" = yes ; then
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable photo ID viewing])
[ --disable-photo-viewers disable photo ID viewers],
[if test "$enableval" = no ; then
AC_DEFINE(DISABLE_PHOTO_VIEWER,1,[define to disable photo viewing])
if test "$gnupg_cv_enable_photo_viewers" = yes ; then
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use a fixed photo ID viewer])
[ --with-photo-viewer=FIXED_VIEWER set a fixed photo ID viewer],
[if test "$withval" = yes ; then
elif test "$withval" != no ; then
[if set, restrict photo-viewer to this])
# Check for the key/uid cache size. This can't be zero, but can be
# pretty small on embedded systems. This is used for the gpg part.
AC_MSG_CHECKING([for the size of the key and uid cache])
[Set key cache to SIZE (default 4096)]),,enableval=4096)
if test "$enableval" = "no"; then
elif test "$enableval" = "yes" || test "$enableval" = ""; then
key_cache_size=`echo "$enableval" | sed 's/[A-Za-z]//g'`
if test "$enableval" != "$key_cache_size" || test "$key_cache_size" -lt 5; then
AC_MSG_ERROR([invalid key-cache size])
[Size of the key and UID caches])
# Check whether we want to use Linux capabilities
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether use of capabilities is requested])
[ --with-capabilities use linux capabilities [default=no]],
# Check whether to disable the card support
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether smartcard support is requested])
[disable smartcard support]),
if test "$card_support" = yes ; then
AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_CARD_SUPPORT,1,[Define to include smartcard support])
# Allow disabling of internal CCID support.
# It is defined only after we confirm the library is available later
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable the internal CCID driver])
[disable the internal CCID driver]),
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to auto start dirmngr])
[disable auto starting of the dirmngr]),
if test "$dirmngr_auto_start" = yes ; then
[Define to enable auto starting of the dirmngr])
# To avoid double inclusion of config.h which might happen at some
# places, we add the usual double inclusion protection at the top of
# config.h.
# Stuff which goes at the bottom of config.h.
/* This is the major version number of GnuPG so that
source included files can test for this. Note, that
we use 2 here even for GnuPG 1.9.x. */
/* Now to separate file name parts.
Please note that the string version must not contain more
than one character because the code assumes strlen()==1 */
#define DIRSEP_C '\\'
#define DIRSEP_S "\\"
#define EXTSEP_C '.'
#define EXTSEP_S "."
#define PATHSEP_C ';'
#define PATHSEP_S ";"
#define EXEEXT_S ".exe"
#define DIRSEP_C '/'
#define DIRSEP_S "/"
#define EXTSEP_C '.'
#define EXTSEP_S "."
#define PATHSEP_C ':'
#define PATHSEP_S ":"
#define EXEEXT_S ""
/* This is the same as VERSION, but should be overridden if the
platform cannot handle things like dots '.' in filenames. Set
uses for dots and dashes. */
#define SAFE_VERSION_DOT '.'
/* Some global constants. */
# define GNUPG_DEFAULT_HOMEDIR "c:/gnupg"
# else
# define GNUPG_DEFAULT_HOMEDIR "/gnupg"
# endif
#elif defined(__VMS)
#define GNUPG_DEFAULT_HOMEDIR "~/.gnupg"
#define GNUPG_PRIVATE_KEYS_DIR "private-keys-v1.d"
#define GNUPG_OPENPGP_REVOC_DIR "openpgp-revocs.d"
/* For some systems (DOS currently), we hardcode the path here. For
POSIX systems the values are constructed by the Makefiles, so that
the values may be overridden by the make invocations; this is to
comply with the GNU coding standards. Note that these values are
only defaults. */
# define GNUPG_BINDIR "c:\\gnupg"
# define GNUPG_LIBEXECDIR "c:\\gnupg"
# define GNUPG_LIBDIR "c:\\gnupg"
# define GNUPG_DATADIR "c:\\gnupg"
# define GNUPG_SYSCONFDIR "c:\\gnupg"
# else
# define GNUPG_BINDIR "\\gnupg"
# define GNUPG_LIBEXECDIR "\\gnupg"
# define GNUPG_LIBDIR "\\gnupg"
# define GNUPG_DATADIR "\\gnupg"
# define GNUPG_SYSCONFDIR "\\gnupg"
# endif
/* Derive some other constants. */
#if !(defined(HAVE_FORK) && defined(HAVE_PIPE) && defined(HAVE_WAITPID))
/* We didn't define endianness above, so get it from OS macros. This
is intended for making fat binary builds on OS X. */
#if !defined(BIG_ENDIAN_HOST) && !defined(LITTLE_ENDIAN_HOST)
#if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
#elif defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
#error "No endianness found"
/* Hack used for W32: ldap.m4 also tests for the ASCII version of
ldap_start_tls_s because that is the actual symbol used in the
library. winldap.h redefines it to our commonly used value,
thus we define our usual macro here. */
# endif
/* Provide the es_ macro for estream. */
/* Tell libgcrypt not to use its own libgpg-error implementation. */
/* Tell Libgcrypt not to include deprecated definitions. */
/* Our HTTP code is used in estream mode. */
/* Under W32 we do an explicit socket initialization, thus we need to
avoid the on-demand initialization which would also install an atexit
handler. */
/* Under Windows we use the gettext code from libgpg-error. */
/* Under WindowsCE we use the strerror replacement from libgpg-error. */
AC_ARG_VAR(SYSROOT,[locate config scripts also below that directory])
# Checks for programs.
AC_MSG_NOTICE([checking for programs])
missing_dir=`cd $ac_aux_dir && pwd`
AM_MISSING_PROG(ACLOCAL, aclocal, $missing_dir)
AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOCONF, autoconf, $missing_dir)
AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOMAKE, automake, $missing_dir)
AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOHEADER, autoheader, $missing_dir)
AM_MISSING_PROG(MAKEINFO, makeinfo, $missing_dir)
if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" = "xno" ; then
AC_MSG_ERROR([[No C-89 compiler found]])
# We need to compile and run a program on the build machine. A
# comment in libgpg-error says that the AC_PROG_CC_FOR_BUILD macro in
# the AC archive is broken for autoconf 2.57. Given that there is no
# newer version of that macro, we assume that it is also broken for
# autoconf 2.61 and thus we use a simple but usually sufficient
# approach.
AC_MSG_CHECKING(for cc for build)
if test "$cross_compiling" = "yes"; then
AC_ARG_VAR(CC_FOR_BUILD,[build system C compiler])
# We need to call this macro because other pkg-config macros are
# not always used.
case "${host}" in
# special stuff for Windoze NT
[Set this to limit filenames to the 8.3 format])
[Because the Unix gettext has too much overhead on
MingW32 systems and these systems lack Posix functions,
we use a simplified version of gettext])
use_ldapwrapper=no # Fixme: Do this only for CE.
case "${host}" in
[Defined if the OS supports drive letters.])
i?86-emx-os2 | i?86-*-os2*emx )
# OS/2 with the EMX environment
# DOS with the DJGPP environment
if test -z "$GCC" ; then
if test -z "$GCC" ; then
# Suppress all warnings
# to get rid of the unsigned/signed char mismatch warnings.
if test -z "$GCC" ; then
# Use the newer compiler `-msg_disable ptrmismatch1' to
# get rid of the unsigned/signed char mismatch warnings.
# Using this may hide other pointer mismatch warnings, but
# it at least lets other warning classes through
CFLAGS="-msg_disable ptrmismatch1 $CFLAGS"
# Android is fully utf-8 and we do not want to use iconv to
# keeps things simple
if test "$have_dosish_system" = yes; then
[Defined if we run on some of the PCDOS like systems
(DOS, Windoze. OS/2) with special properties like
no file modes, case insensitive file names and preferred
use of backslashes as directory name separators.])
AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM, test "$have_dosish_system" = yes)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_SIMPLE_GETTEXT, test x"$use_simple_gettext" = xyes)
if test "$have_w32_system" = yes; then
AC_DEFINE(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM,1, [Defined if we run on a W32 API based system])
if test "$have_w32ce_system" = yes; then
AC_DEFINE(HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM,1,[Defined if we run on WindowsCE])
AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM, test "$have_w32_system" = yes)
AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM, test "$have_w32ce_system" = yes)
if test "$have_android_system" = yes; then
AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ANDROID_SYSTEM,1, [Defined if we build for an Android system])
AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_ANDROID_SYSTEM, test "$have_android_system" = yes)
# (These need to go after AC_PROG_CC so that $EXEEXT is defined)
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(EXEEXT,"$EXEEXT",[The executable file extension, if any])
# Checks for libraries.
AC_MSG_NOTICE([checking for libraries])
# libgpg-error is a library with error codes shared between GnuPG
# related projects.
# Libgcrypt is our generic crypto library
# libassuan is used for IPC
if test "$have_libassuan" = "yes"; then
[version of the libassuan library])
show_tor_support="only .onion"
# libksba is our X.509 support library
# libusb allows us to use the integrated CCID smartcard reader driver.
# FiXME: Use GNUPG_CHECK_LIBUSB and modify to use separate AC_SUBSTs.
if test "$use_ccid_driver" = auto || test "$use_ccid_driver" = yes; then
case "${host}" in
LIBUSB_LIBS="-Wl,-framework,CoreFoundation -Wl,-framework,IOKit"
# FreeBSD has a native 1.0 compatible library by -lusb.
if test x"$LIBUSB_NAME" != x ; then
have_libusb=yes ])
AC_MSG_CHECKING([libusb include dir])
for _incdir in "" "/usr/include/libusb-1.0" "/usr/local/include/libusb-1.0"; do
if test -n "${_incdir}"; then
CPPFLAGS="-I${_incdir} ${CPPFLAGS}"
AC_PREPROC_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[@%:@include <libusb.h>]])],
[usb_incdir=${_incdir}; usb_incdir_found="yes"], [])
if test "$usb_incdir_found" = "yes"; then
if test "$usb_incdir_found" = "yes"; then
AC_MSG_RESULT([not found])
if test "$use_ccid_driver" != yes; then
if test "$have_libusb" = yes; then
AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBUSB,1, [defined if libusb is available])
if test x"$usb_incdir" = x; then
# Check wether it is necessary to link against libdl.
# (For example to load libpcsclite)
AC_SEARCH_LIBS(dlopen, c dl,,,)
# Checks for g10
[disable the use of SQLITE]),
try_sqlite=$enableval, try_sqlite=yes)
if test x"$use_tofu" = xyes ; then
if test x"$try_sqlite" = xyes ; then
if test "$have_sqlite" = "yes"; then
tmp=$(echo "$SQLITE3_PKG_ERRORS" | tr '\n' '\v' | sed 's/\v/\n*** /g')
*** Building without SQLite support - TOFU disabled
*** $tmp]])
AM_CONDITIONAL(SQLITE3, test "$have_sqlite" = "yes")
if test x"$use_tofu" = xyes ; then
AC_DEFINE(USE_TOFU, 1, [Enable to build the TOFU code])
# Checks for g13
AC_PATH_PROG(ENCFS, encfs, /usr/bin/encfs)
"${ENCFS}", [defines the filename of the encfs program])
AC_PATH_PROG(FUSERMOUNT, fusermount, /usr/bin/fusermount)
"${FUSERMOUNT}", [defines the filename of the fusermount program])
# Checks for dirmngr
# Checks for symcryptrun:
# libutil has openpty() and login_tty().
AC_CHECK_LIB(util, openpty,
[defined if libutil is available])
# shred is used to clean temporary plain text files.
AC_PATH_PROG(SHRED, shred, /usr/bin/shred)
"${SHRED}", [defines the filename of the shred program])
# Check whether the nPth library is available
if test "$have_npth" = "yes"; then
[Defined if the New Portable Thread Library is available])
[Defined if support for nPth is requested and nPth is available])
*** To support concurrent access for example in gpg-agent and the SCdaemon
*** we need the support of the New Portable Threads Library.
# NTBTLS is our TLS library. If it is not available fallback to
[disable the use of NTBTLS as TLS library]),
try_ntbtls=$enableval, try_ntbtls=yes)
if test x"$try_ntbtls" = xyes ; then
if test "$have_ntbtls" = yes ; then
AC_DEFINE(HTTP_USE_NTBTLS, 1, [Enable NTBTLS support in http.c])
[disable GNUTLS as fallback TLS library]),
try_gnutls=$enableval, try_gnutls=yes)
if test x"$try_gnutls" = xyes ; then
if test "$have_gnutls" = "yes"; then
AC_DEFINE(HTTP_USE_GNUTLS, 1, [Enable GNUTLS support in http.c])
tmp=$(echo "$LIBGNUTLS_PKG_ERRORS" | tr '\n' '\v' | sed 's/\v/\n*** /g')
*** Building without NTBTLS and GNUTLS - no TLS access to keyservers.
*** $tmp]])
AC_MSG_NOTICE([checking for networking options])
# Must check for network library requirements before doing link tests
# for ldap, for example. If ldap libs are static (or dynamic and without
# ELF runtime link paths), then link will fail and LDAP support won't
# be detected.
AC_CHECK_FUNC(gethostbyname, , AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl, gethostbyname,
[NETLIBS="-lnsl $NETLIBS"]))
AC_CHECK_FUNC(setsockopt, , AC_CHECK_LIB(socket, setsockopt,
[NETLIBS="-lsocket $NETLIBS"]))
# Check for ADNS.
[look for the adns library in DIR]),
[if test -d "$withval"; then
CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I$withval/include"
LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L$withval/lib"
if test "$with_adns" != "no"; then
AC_CHECK_HEADERS(adns.h,AC_CHECK_LIB(adns, adns_init_strcfg,[have_adns=yes]))
AC_MSG_CHECKING([if adns supports adns_if_tormode])
#include <adns.h>
adns_initflags flags = adns_if_tormode;
if test x"$adns_if_tormode" = xyes; then
AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ADNS_IF_TORMODE,1,[define if adns_if_tormode is available])
if test "$show_tor_support" != "no"; then
if test "$have_adns" = "yes"; then
# Now try for the resolver functions so we can use DNS for SRV, PA and CERT.
[disable the use of DNS SRV in HKP and HTTP]),
[disable the use of CERT records in DNS]),
if test x"$use_dns_srv" = xyes || test x"$use_dns_cert" = xyes; then
if test x"$have_adns" = xyes ; then
# We prefer ADNS.
AC_DEFINE(USE_ADNS,1,[Use ADNS as resolver library.])
if test x"$use_dns_srv" = xyes ; then
if test x"$use_dns_cert" = xyes ; then
AC_DEFINE(USE_DNS_CERT,1,[define to use DNS CERT])
# With no ADNS find the system resolver.
# the double underscore thing is a glibc-ism?
AC_SEARCH_LIBS(res_query,resolv bind,,
AC_SEARCH_LIBS(__res_query,resolv bind,,have_resolver=no))
AC_SEARCH_LIBS(dn_expand,resolv bind,,
AC_SEARCH_LIBS(__dn_expand,resolv bind,,have_resolver=no))
# macOS renames dn_skipname into res_9_dn_skipname in <resolv.h>,
# and for some reason fools us into believing we don't need
# -lresolv even if we do. Since the test program checking for the
# symbol does not include <resolv.h>, we need to check for the
# renamed symbol explicitly.
AC_SEARCH_LIBS(res_9_dn_skipname,resolv bind,,
AC_SEARCH_LIBS(dn_skipname,resolv bind,,
AC_SEARCH_LIBS(__dn_skipname,resolv bind,,have_resolver=no)))
if test x"$have_resolver" != xno ; then
# Make sure that the BIND 4 resolver interface is workable before
# enabling any code that calls it. At some point I'll rewrite the
# code to use the BIND 8 resolver API.
# We might also want to use adns instead. Problem with ADNS is that
# it does not support v6.
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether the resolver is usable])
AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/nameser.h>
#include <resolv.h>]],
[[unsigned char answer[PACKETSZ];
# This is Apple-specific and somewhat bizarre as they changed the
# define in bind 8 for some reason.
if test x"$have_resolver" != xyes ; then
[whether I can make the resolver usable with BIND_8_COMPAT])
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/nameser.h>
#include <resolv.h>]],
[[unsigned char answer[PACKETSZ];
dn_skipname(0,0); dn_expand(0,0,0,0,0);
]])],[have_resolver=yes ; need_compat=yes])
if test x"$have_resolver" = xyes ; then
if test x"$use_dns_srv" = xyes ; then
AC_DEFINE(USE_DNS_SRV,1,[define to use DNS SRV])
if test x"$use_dns_cert" = xyes ; then
AC_DEFINE(USE_DNS_CERT,1,[define to use DNS CERT])
if test x"$need_compat" = xyes ; then
AC_DEFINE(BIND_8_COMPAT,1,[an Apple OSXism])
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_DNS_SRV, test x"$use_dns_srv" = xyes)
# Check for LDAP
# Note that running the check changes the variable
# gnupg_have_ldap from "n/a" to "no" or "yes".
AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-ldap],[disable LDAP support]),
[if test "$enableval" = "no"; then gnupg_have_ldap=no; fi])
if test "$gnupg_have_ldap" != "no" ; then
if test "$build_dirmngr" = "yes" ; then
AC_CHECK_LIB(lber, ber_free,
[defined if liblber is available])
if test "$gnupg_have_ldap" = "no"; then
*** Building without LDAP support.
*** No CRL access or X.509 certificate search available.
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_LDAP, [test "$gnupg_have_ldap" = yes])
if test "$gnupg_have_ldap" = yes ; then
AC_DEFINE(USE_LDAP,1,[Defined if LDAP is support])
if test "$use_ldapwrapper" = yes; then
AC_DEFINE(USE_LDAPWRAPPER,1, [Build dirmngr with LDAP wrapper process])
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_LDAPWRAPPER, test "$use_ldapwrapper" = yes)
# Check for sendmail
# This isn't necessarily sendmail itself, but anything that gives a
# sendmail-ish interface to the outside world. That includes Exim,
# Postfix, etc. Basically, anything that can handle "sendmail -t".
[use "NAME -t" for mail transport]),
if test x"$with_mailprog" = xyes ; then
elif test x"$with_mailprog" != xno ; then
AC_MSG_CHECKING([for a mail transport program])
# Construct a printable name of the OS
case "${host}" in
i?86-emx-os2 | i?86-*-os2*emx )
PRINTABLE_OS_NAME=`uname -s || echo "Unknown"`
[A human readable text with the name of the OS])
# Checking for iconv
if test "$require_iconv" = yes; then
# Check for gettext
# This is "GNU gnupg" - The project-id script from gettext
# needs this string
AC_MSG_NOTICE([checking for gettext])
if test "$try_gettext" = yes; then
# gettext requires some extra checks. These really should be part of
# the basic AM_GNU_GETTEXT macro. TODO: move other gettext-specific
# function checks to here.
# We use HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET in a couple of places.
# Checks required for our use of locales
# SELinux support
if test "$selinux_support" = yes ; then
AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_SELINUX_HACKS,1,[Define to enable SELinux support])
# Checks for header files.
AC_MSG_NOTICE([checking for header files])
AC_CHECK_HEADERS([string.h unistd.h langinfo.h termio.h locale.h getopt.h \
pty.h utmp.h pwd.h inttypes.h signal.h sys/select.h \
# Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
AC_MSG_NOTICE([checking for system characteristics])
AC_SEARCH_LIBS([inet_addr], [nsl])
[disable the endian check and trust the OS provided macros]),
if test x"$endiancheck" = xyes ; then
# fixme: we should get rid of the byte type
AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(unsigned short)
AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(unsigned int)
AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(unsigned long)
AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(unsigned long long)
#include <stdio.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
# include <time.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
# else
# include <time.h>
# endif
if test "$ac_cv_sizeof_unsigned_short" = "0" \
|| test "$ac_cv_sizeof_unsigned_int" = "0" \
|| test "$ac_cv_sizeof_unsigned_long" = "0"; then
AC_MSG_WARN([Hmmm, something is wrong with the sizes - using defaults]);
# Checks for library functions.
AC_MSG_NOTICE([checking for library functions])
AC_CHECK_FUNCS([strerror strlwr tcgetattr mmap canonicalize_file_name])
AC_CHECK_FUNCS([strcasecmp strncasecmp ctermid times gmtime_r strtoull])
AC_CHECK_FUNCS([setenv unsetenv fcntl ftruncate inet_ntop])
AC_CHECK_FUNCS([gettimeofday getrusage getrlimit setrlimit clock_gettime])
AC_CHECK_FUNCS([atexit raise getpagesize strftime nl_langinfo setlocale])
AC_CHECK_FUNCS([waitpid wait4 sigaction sigprocmask pipe getaddrinfo])
AC_CHECK_FUNCS([ttyname rand ftello fsync stat lstat])
AC_CHECK_FUNCS([memicmp stpcpy strsep strlwr strtoul memmove stricmp strtol \
memrchr isascii timegm getrusage setrlimit stat setlocale \
flockfile funlockfile getpwnam getpwuid \
getenv inet_pton strpbrk])
# On some systems (e.g. Solaris) nanosleep requires linking to librl.
# Given that we use nanosleep only as an optimization over a select
# based wait function we want it only if it is available in libc.
AC_SEARCH_LIBS([nanosleep], [],
[Define to 1 if you have the `nanosleep' function in libc.])])
# See whether libc supports the Linux inotify interface
case "${host}" in
if test "$have_android_system" = yes; then
# On Android ttyname is a stub but prints an error message.
[Defined if ttyname does not work properly])
AC_CHECK_TYPES([struct sigaction, sigset_t],,,[#include <signal.h>])
# Dirmngr requires mmap on Unix systems.
if test $ac_cv_func_mmap != yes -a $mmap_needed = yes; then
AC_MSG_ERROR([[Sorry, the current implemenation requires mmap.]])
# W32 specific test
# Sanity check regex. Tests adapted from mutt.
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether regular expression support is requested])
[do not handle regular expressions in trust signatures]),
use_regex=$enableval, use_regex=yes)
if test "$use_regex" = yes ; then
AC_HELP_STRING([--with-regex=DIR],[look for regex in DIR]),
if test -d "$withval" ; then
CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I$withval/include"
LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L$withval/lib"
# Does the system have regex functions at all?
AC_SEARCH_LIBS([regcomp], [regex])
AC_CHECK_FUNC(regcomp, gnupg_cv_have_regex=yes, gnupg_cv_have_regex=no)
if test $gnupg_cv_have_regex = no; then
if test x"$cross_compiling" = xyes; then
AC_MSG_WARN([cross compiling; assuming regexp libray is not broken])
AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether your system's regexp library is broken],
#include <unistd.h>
#include <regex.h>
main() { regex_t blah ; regmatch_t p; p.rm_eo = p.rm_eo; return regcomp(&blah, "foo.*bar", REG_NOSUB) || regexec (&blah, "foobar", 0, NULL, 0); }],
gnupg_cv_regex_broken=no, gnupg_cv_regex_broken=yes, gnupg_cv_regex_broken=yes))
if test $gnupg_cv_regex_broken = yes; then
AC_MSG_WARN([your regex is broken - disabling regex use])
if test "$use_regex" != yes ; then
AC_DEFINE(DISABLE_REGEX,1, [Define to disable regular expression support])
AM_CONDITIONAL(DISABLE_REGEX, test x"$use_regex" != xyes)
# Do we have zlib? Must do it here because Solaris failed
# when compiling a conftest (due to the "-lz" from LIBS).
# Note that we combine zlib and bzlib2 in ZLIBS.
if test "$use_zip" = yes ; then
[ --with-zlib=DIR use libz in DIR],[
if test -d "$withval"; then
CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I$withval/include"
LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L$withval/lib"
AC_CHECK_LIB(z, deflateInit2_,
AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ZIP,1, [Defined if ZIP and ZLIB are supported])
CPPFLAGS=${_cppflags} LDFLAGS=${_ldflags}),
CPPFLAGS=${_cppflags} LDFLAGS=${_ldflags})
# Check whether we can support bzip2
if test "$use_bzip2" = yes ; then
AC_HELP_STRING([--with-bzip2=DIR],[look for bzip2 in DIR]),
if test -d "$withval" ; then
CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I$withval/include"
LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L$withval/lib"
# Checking alongside stdio.h as an early version of bzip2 (1.0)
# required stdio.h to be included before bzlib.h, and Solaris 9 is
# woefully out of date.
if test "$withval" != no ; then
ZLIBS="$ZLIBS -lbz2"
[Defined if the bz2 compression library is available])
CPPFLAGS=${_cppflags} LDFLAGS=${_ldflags}),
CPPFLAGS=${_cppflags} LDFLAGS=${_ldflags},[#include <stdio.h>])
AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_BZIP2_SUPPORT,test x"$have_bz2" = "xyes")
# Check for readline support
if test "$development_version" = yes; then
[Defined if this is not a regular release])
AM_CONDITIONAL(CROSS_COMPILING, test x$cross_compiling = xyes)
# Add some extra libs here so that previous tests don't fail for
# mysterious reasons - the final link step should bail out.
# W32SOCKLIBS is also defined so that if can be used for tools not
# requiring any network stuff but linking to code in libcommon which
# tracks in winsock stuff (e.g. init_common_subsystems).
if test "$have_w32_system" = yes; then
if test "$have_w32ce_system" = yes; then
# Setup gcc specific options
AC_MSG_NOTICE([checking for cc features])
if test "$GCC" = yes; then
# Check whether gcc does not emit a diagnositc for unknow -Wno-*
# options. This is the case for gcc >= 4.6
AC_MSG_CHECKING([if gcc ignores unknown -Wno-* options])
#if __GNUC__ < 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 6 )
# Note that it is okay to use CFLAGS here because these are just
# warning options and the user should have a chance of overriding
# them.
if test "$USE_MAINTAINER_MODE" = "yes"; then
mycflags="$mycflags -O3 -Wall -Wcast-align -Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes"
mycflags="$mycflags -Wformat -Wno-format-y2k -Wformat-security"
if test x"$_gcc_silent_wno" = xyes ; then
AC_MSG_CHECKING([if gcc supports -Wno-missing-field-initializers])
if test x"$_gcc_wopt" = xyes ; then
mycflags="$mycflags -W -Wno-sign-compare"
mycflags="$mycflags -Wno-missing-field-initializers"
AC_MSG_CHECKING([if gcc supports -Wdeclaration-after-statement])
if test x"$_gcc_wopt" = xyes ; then
mycflags="$mycflags -Wdeclaration-after-statement"
mycflags="$mycflags -Wall"
if test x"$_gcc_silent_wno" = xyes ; then
AC_MSG_CHECKING([if gcc supports -Wno-pointer-sign])
if test x"$_gcc_psign" = xyes ; then
mycflags="$mycflags -Wno-pointer-sign"
AC_MSG_CHECKING([if gcc supports -Wpointer-arith])
if test x"$_gcc_psign" = xyes ; then
mycflags="$mycflags -Wpointer-arith"
CFLAGS="$mycflags $mycflags_save"
# This is handy for debugging so the compiler doesn't rearrange
# things and eliminate variables.
[disable compiler optimization]),
[if test $enableval = no ; then
CFLAGS=`echo $CFLAGS | sed s/-O[[1-9]]\ /-O0\ /g`
# Add user CFLAGS.
# Decide what to build
if test "$build_scdaemon" = "yes"; then
if test $have_libusb = no; then
build_scdaemon_extra="without internal CCID driver"
if test -n "$build_scdaemon_extra"; then
# Set variables for use by automake makefiles.
AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_GPG, test "$build_gpg" = "yes")
AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_GPGSM, test "$build_gpgsm" = "yes")
AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_AGENT, test "$build_agent" = "yes")
AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_SCDAEMON, test "$build_scdaemon" = "yes")
AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_G13, test "$build_g13" = "yes")
AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_DIRMNGR, test "$build_dirmngr" = "yes")
AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_TOOLS, test "$build_tools" = "yes")
AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_DOC, test "$build_doc" = "yes")
AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_SYMCRYPTRUN, test "$build_symcryptrun" = "yes")
AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_GPGTAR, test "$build_gpgtar" = "yes")
AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_WKS_TOOLS, test "$build_wks_tools" = "yes")
AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_CARD_SUPPORT, test "$card_support" = yes)
AM_CONDITIONAL(NO_TRUST_MODELS, test "$use_trust_models" = no)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_TOFU, test "$use_tofu" = yes)
# Set some defines for use gpgconf.
if test "$build_gpg" = yes ; then
AC_DEFINE(BUILD_WITH_GPG,1,[Defined if GPG is to be build])
if test "$build_gpgsm" = yes ; then
AC_DEFINE(BUILD_WITH_GPGSM,1,[Defined if GPGSM is to be build])
if test "$build_agent" = yes ; then
AC_DEFINE(BUILD_WITH_AGENT,1,[Defined if GPG-AGENT is to be build])
if test "$build_scdaemon" = yes ; then
AC_DEFINE(BUILD_WITH_SCDAEMON,1,[Defined if SCDAEMON is to be build])
if test "$build_dirmngr" = yes ; then
AC_DEFINE(BUILD_WITH_DIRMNGR,1,[Defined if SCDAEMON is to be build])
if test "$build_g13" = yes ; then
AC_DEFINE(BUILD_WITH_G13,1,[Defined if G13 is to be build])
# Define Name strings
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GNUPG_NAME, "GnuPG", [The name of the project])
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GPG_NAME, "gpg", [The name of the OpenPGP tool])
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GPG_DISP_NAME, "GnuPG", [The displayed name of gpg])
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GPGSM_NAME, "gpgsm", [The name of the S/MIME tool])
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GPGSM_DISP_NAME, "GPGSM", [The displayed name of gpgsm])
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GPG_AGENT_NAME, "gpg-agent", [The name of the agent])
[The displayed name of gpg-agent])
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SCDAEMON_NAME, "scdaemon", [The name of the scdaemon])
[The displayed name of scdaemon])
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DIRMNGR_NAME, "dirmngr", [The name of the dirmngr])
[The displayed name of dirmngr])
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(G13_NAME, "g13", [The name of the g13 tool])
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(G13_DISP_NAME, "G13", [The displayed name of g13])
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GPGCONF_NAME, "gpgconf", [The name of the gpgconf tool])
[The displayed name of gpgconf])
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GPGTAR_NAME, "gpgtar", [The name of the gpgtar tool])
[The name of the agent socket])
[The name of the agent socket for remote access])
[The name of the agent socket for browsers])
[The name of the agent socket for ssh])
[The name of the dirmngr info envvar])
[The name of the SCdaemon socket])
[The name of the dirmngr socket])
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GPGEXT_GPG, "gpg", [The standard binary file suffix])
if test "$have_w32_system" = yes; then
[The directory part of the W32 registry keys])
# Provide information about the build.
[GIT commit id revision used to build this package])
BUILD_VERSION=`echo "$VERSION" | sed 's/\([0-9.]*\).*/\1./'`
[set an explicit build timestamp for reproducibility.
(default is the current time in ISO-8601 format)]),
[if test "$enableval" = "yes"; then
BUILD_TIMESTAMP=`date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M+0000 2>/dev/null || date`
[The time this package was configured for a build])
# Print errors here so that they are visible all
# together and the user can acquire them all together.
if test "$have_gpg_error" = "no"; then
*** You need libgpg-error to build this program.
** This library is for example available at
*** (at least version $NEED_GPG_ERROR_VERSION is required.)
if test "$have_libgcrypt" = "no"; then
*** You need libgcrypt to build this program.
** This library is for example available at
*** (at least version $NEED_LIBGCRYPT_VERSION (API $NEED_LIBGCRYPT_API) is required.)
if test "$have_libassuan" = "no"; then
*** You need libassuan to build this program.
*** This library is for example available at
*** (at least version $NEED_LIBASSUAN_VERSION (API $NEED_LIBASSUAN_API) is required).
if test "$have_ksba" = "no"; then
*** You need libksba to build this program.
*** This library is for example available at
*** (at least version $NEED_KSBA_VERSION using API $NEED_KSBA_API is required).
if test "$gnupg_have_ldap" = yes; then
if test "$have_w32ce_system" = yes; then
*** Note that CeGCC might be broken, a package fixing this is:
*** source/wldap32_0.1-mingw32ce.orig.tar.gz
*** binary/wldap32-ce-arm-dev_0.1-1_all.deb
if test "$have_npth" = "no"; then
*** It is now required to build with support for the
*** New Portable Threads Library (nPth). Please install this
*** library first. The library is for example available at
*** (at least version $NEED_NPTH_VERSION (API $NEED_NPTH_API) is required).
if test "$require_iconv" = yes; then
if test "$am_func_iconv" != yes; then
*** The system does not provide a working iconv function. Please
*** install a suitable library; for example GNU Libiconv which is
*** available at:
if test "$use_ccid_driver" = yes; then
if test "$have_libusb" != yes; then
*** You need libusb to build the internal ccid driver. Please
*** install a libusb suitable for your system.
if test "$die" = "yes"; then
*** Required libraries not found. Please consult the above messages
*** and install them before running configure again.
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ m4/Makefile
echo "
GnuPG v${VERSION} has been configured as follows:
Revision: mym4_revision (mym4_revision_dec)
Platform: $PRINTABLE_OS_NAME ($host)
OpenPGP: $build_gpg
S/MIME: $build_gpgsm
Agent: $build_agent
Smartcard: $build_scdaemon $build_scdaemon_extra
G13: $build_g13
Dirmngr: $build_dirmngr
Gpgtar: $build_gpgtar
WKS tools: $build_wks_tools
Protect tool: $show_gnupg_protect_tool_pgm
LDAP wrapper: $show_gnupg_dirmngr_ldap_pgm
Default agent: $show_gnupg_agent_pgm
Default pinentry: $show_gnupg_pinentry_pgm
Default scdaemon: $show_gnupg_scdaemon_pgm
Default dirmngr: $show_gnupg_dirmngr_pgm
Dirmngr auto start: $dirmngr_auto_start
Readline support: $gnupg_cv_have_readline
LDAP support: $gnupg_have_ldap
DNS SRV support: $use_dns_srv
TLS support: $use_tls_library
TOFU support: $use_tofu
Tor support: $show_tor_support
if test x"$use_regex" != xyes ; then
echo "
Warning: No regular expression support available.
OpenPGP trust signatures won't work.
gpg-check-pattern will not be built.
if test "x${gpg_config_script_warn}" != x; then
cat <<G10EOF
Warning: Mismatches between the target platform and the
to be used libraries have been detected for:
Please check above for more warning messages.
diff --git a/dirmngr/ b/dirmngr/
index 5a2fd36b2..bd70c8c3b 100644
--- a/dirmngr/
+++ b/dirmngr/
@@ -1,152 +1,152 @@
# - dirmngr
# Copyright (C) 2002 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
# Copyright (C) 2004, 2007, 2010 g10 Code GmbH
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
## Process this file with automake to produce
EXTRA_DIST = OAUTHORS ONEWS ChangeLog-2011 tls-ca.pem
dist_pkgdata_DATA = sks-keyservers.netCA.pem
bin_PROGRAMS = dirmngr dirmngr-client
libexec_PROGRAMS = dirmngr_ldap
noinst_PROGRAMS = $(module_tests) $(module_net_tests) $(module_maint_tests)
TESTS = $(module_tests) $(module_net_tests)
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/common
include $(top_srcdir)/am/
ldap_url = ldap-url.h ldap-url.c
ldap_url =
extraldap_src = ldap-wrapper.c
extraldap_src = ldap-wrapper-ce.c dirmngr_ldap.c
noinst_HEADERS = dirmngr.h crlcache.h crlfetch.h misc.h
dirmngr_SOURCES = dirmngr.c dirmngr.h server.c crlcache.c crlfetch.c \
certcache.c certcache.h \
cdb.h cdblib.c misc.c dirmngr-err.h \
ocsp.c ocsp.h validate.c validate.h \
dns-stuff.c dns-stuff.h \
http.c http.h \
ks-action.c ks-action.h ks-engine.h \
ks-engine-hkp.c ks-engine-http.c ks-engine-finger.c ks-engine-kdns.c
dirmngr_SOURCES += ldapserver.h ldapserver.c ldap.c w32-ldap-help.h \
ldap-wrapper.h ldap-parse-uri.c ldap-parse-uri.h \
ks-engine-ldap.c $(ldap_url) $(extraldap_src)
ldaplibs = $(LDAPLIBS)
ldaplibs =
dirmngr_LDADD = $(libcommonpth) \
dirmngr_LDADD += $(ldaplibs)
dirmngr_LDADD += $(ldaplibs)
dirmngr_LDFLAGS = $(extra_bin_ldflags)
dirmngr_ldap_SOURCES = dirmngr_ldap.c $(ldap_url)
dirmngr_ldap_LDFLAGS =
dirmngr_ldap_LDADD = $(libcommon) \
dirmngr_client_SOURCES = dirmngr-client.c
dirmngr_client_LDADD = $(libcommon) \
dirmngr_client_LDFLAGS = $(extra_bin_ldflags)
t_common_src = t-support.h
t_common_ldadd = $(libcommon) $(LIBASSUAN_LIBS) $(LIBGCRYPT_LIBS) \
module_tests =
module_tests += t-ldap-parse-uri
# Test which need a network connections are only used in maintainer mode.
module_net_tests = t-dns-stuff
module_net_tests =
# Tests which are only for manually testing are only build in maintainer-mode.
module_maint_tests = t-http
module_maint_tests =
# http tests
t_http_SOURCES = t-http.c http.c dns-stuff.c
t_http_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd) \
t_ldap_parse_uri_SOURCES = \
t-ldap-parse-uri.c ldap-parse-uri.c ldap-parse-uri.h \
http.c dns-stuff.c \
$(ldap_url) $(t_common_src)
t_ldap_parse_uri_CFLAGS = -DWITHOUT_NPTH=1 \
t_ldap_parse_uri_LDADD = $(ldaplibs) $(t_common_ldadd) $(DNSLIBS)
t_dns_stuff_CFLAGS = -DWITHOUT_NPTH=1 \
t_dns_stuff_SOURCES = t-dns-stuff.c dns-stuff.c
t_dns_stuff_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd) $(DNSLIBS)
$(PROGRAMS) : $(libcommon) $(libcommonpth)
diff --git a/dirmngr/certcache.c b/dirmngr/certcache.c
index 9e741c131..ad85d9912 100644
--- a/dirmngr/certcache.c
+++ b/dirmngr/certcache.c
@@ -1,1391 +1,1391 @@
/* certcache.c - Certificate caching
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of DirMngr.
* DirMngr is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* DirMngr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <npth.h>
#include "dirmngr.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "crlfetch.h"
#include "certcache.h"
/* Constants used to classify search patterns. */
enum pattern_class
/* A certificate cache item. This consists of a the KSBA cert object
and some meta data for easier lookup. We use a hash table to keep
track of all items and use the (randomly distributed) first byte of
the fingerprint directly as the hash which makes it pretty easy. */
struct cert_item_s
struct cert_item_s *next; /* Next item with the same hash value. */
ksba_cert_t cert; /* The KSBA cert object or NULL is this is
not a valid item. */
unsigned char fpr[20]; /* The fingerprint of this object. */
char *issuer_dn; /* The malloced issuer DN. */
ksba_sexp_t sn; /* The malloced serial number */
char *subject_dn; /* The malloced subject DN - maybe NULL. */
unsigned int loaded:1; /* It has been explicitly loaded. */
unsigned int trusted:1; /* This is a trusted root certificate. */
} flags;
typedef struct cert_item_s *cert_item_t;
/* The actual cert cache consisting of 256 slots for items indexed by
the first byte of the fingerprint. */
static cert_item_t cert_cache[256];
/* This is the global cache_lock variable. In general locking is not
needed but it would take extra efforts to make sure that no
indirect use of npth functions is done, so we simply lock it
always. Note: We can't use static initialization, as that is not
available through w32-pth. */
static npth_rwlock_t cert_cache_lock;
/* Flag to track whether the cache has been initialized. */
static int initialization_done;
/* Total number of certificates loaded during initialization and
cached during operation. */
static unsigned int total_loaded_certificates;
static unsigned int total_extra_certificates;
/* Helper to do the cache locking. */
static void
init_cache_lock (void)
int err;
err = npth_rwlock_init (&cert_cache_lock, NULL);
if (err)
log_fatal (_("can't initialize certificate cache lock: %s\n"),
strerror (err));
static void
acquire_cache_read_lock (void)
int err;
err = npth_rwlock_rdlock (&cert_cache_lock);
if (err)
log_fatal (_("can't acquire read lock on the certificate cache: %s\n"),
strerror (err));
static void
acquire_cache_write_lock (void)
int err;
err = npth_rwlock_wrlock (&cert_cache_lock);
if (err)
log_fatal (_("can't acquire write lock on the certificate cache: %s\n"),
strerror (err));
static void
release_cache_lock (void)
int err;
err = npth_rwlock_unlock (&cert_cache_lock);
if (err)
log_fatal (_("can't release lock on the certificate cache: %s\n"),
strerror (err));
/* Return false if both serial numbers match. Can't be used for
sorting. */
static int
compare_serialno (ksba_sexp_t serial1, ksba_sexp_t serial2 )
unsigned char *a = serial1;
unsigned char *b = serial2;
return cmp_simple_canon_sexp (a, b);
/* Return a malloced canonical S-Expression with the serial number
converted from the hex string HEXSN. Return NULL on memory
error. */
hexsn_to_sexp (const char *hexsn)
char *buffer, *p;
size_t len;
char numbuf[40];
len = unhexify (NULL, hexsn);
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "(%u:", (unsigned int)len);
buffer = xtrymalloc (strlen (numbuf) + len + 2 );
if (!buffer)
return NULL;
p = stpcpy (buffer, numbuf);
len = unhexify (p, hexsn);
p[len] = ')';
p[len+1] = 0;
return buffer;
/* Compute the fingerprint of the certificate CERT and put it into
the 20 bytes large buffer DIGEST. Return address of this buffer. */
unsigned char *
cert_compute_fpr (ksba_cert_t cert, unsigned char *digest)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_md_hd_t md;
err = gcry_md_open (&md, GCRY_MD_SHA1, 0);
if (err)
log_fatal ("gcry_md_open failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
err = ksba_cert_hash (cert, 0, HASH_FNC, md);
if (err)
log_error ("oops: ksba_cert_hash failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
memset (digest, 0xff, 20); /* Use a dummy value. */
gcry_md_final (md);
memcpy (digest, gcry_md_read (md, GCRY_MD_SHA1), 20);
gcry_md_close (md);
return digest;
/* Cleanup one slot. This releases all resourses but keeps the actual
slot in the cache marked for reuse. */
static void
clean_cache_slot (cert_item_t ci)
ksba_cert_t cert;
if (!ci->cert)
return; /* Already cleaned. */
ksba_free (ci->sn);
ci->sn = NULL;
ksba_free (ci->issuer_dn);
ci->issuer_dn = NULL;
ksba_free (ci->subject_dn);
ci->subject_dn = NULL;
cert = ci->cert;
ci->cert = NULL;
ksba_cert_release (cert);
/* Put the certificate CERT into the cache. It is assumed that the
cache is locked while this function is called. If FPR_BUFFER is not
NULL the fingerprint of the certificate will be stored there.
FPR_BUFFER neds to point to a buffer of at least 20 bytes. The
fingerprint will be stored on success or when the function returns
gpg_err_code(GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE). */
static gpg_error_t
put_cert (ksba_cert_t cert, int is_loaded, int is_trusted, void *fpr_buffer)
unsigned char help_fpr_buffer[20], *fpr;
cert_item_t ci;
fpr = fpr_buffer? fpr_buffer : &help_fpr_buffer;
/* If we already reached the caching limit, drop a couple of certs
from the cache. Our dropping strategy is simple: We keep a
static index counter and use this to start looking for
certificates, then we drop 5 percent of the oldest certificates
starting at that index. For a large cache this is a fair way of
removing items. An LRU strategy would be better of course.
Because we append new entries to the head of the list and we want
to remove old ones first, we need to do this from the tail. The
implementation is not very efficient but compared to the long
time it takes to retrieve a certifciate from an external resource
it seems to be reasonable. */
if (!is_loaded && total_extra_certificates >= MAX_EXTRA_CACHED_CERTS)
static int idx;
cert_item_t ci_mark;
int i;
unsigned int drop_count;
drop_count = MAX_EXTRA_CACHED_CERTS / 20;
if (drop_count < 2)
drop_count = 2;
log_info (_("dropping %u certificates from the cache\n"), drop_count);
assert (idx < 256);
for (i=idx; drop_count; i = ((i+1)%256))
ci_mark = NULL;
for (ci = cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next)
if (ci->cert && !ci->flags.loaded)
ci_mark = ci;
if (ci_mark)
clean_cache_slot (ci_mark);
if (i==idx)
idx = i;
idx %= 256;
cert_compute_fpr (cert, fpr);
for (ci=cert_cache[*fpr]; ci; ci = ci->next)
if (ci->cert && !memcmp (ci->fpr, fpr, 20))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE);
/* Try to reuse an existing entry. */
for (ci=cert_cache[*fpr]; ci; ci = ci->next)
if (!ci->cert)
if (!ci)
{ /* No: Create a new entry. */
ci = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ci);
if (!ci)
return gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
ci->next = cert_cache[*fpr];
cert_cache[*fpr] = ci;
memset (&ci->flags, 0, sizeof ci->flags);
ksba_cert_ref (cert);
ci->cert = cert;
memcpy (ci->fpr, fpr, 20);
ci->sn = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert);
ci->issuer_dn = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0);
if (!ci->issuer_dn || !ci->sn)
clean_cache_slot (ci);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CERT_OBJ);
ci->subject_dn = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0);
ci->flags.loaded = !!is_loaded;
ci->flags.trusted = !!is_trusted;
if (is_loaded)
return 0;
/* Load certificates from the directory DIRNAME. All certificates
matching the pattern "*.crt" or "*.der" are loaded. We assume that
certificates are DER encoded and not PEM encapsulated. The cache
should be in a locked state when calling this function. */
static gpg_error_t
load_certs_from_dir (const char *dirname, int are_trusted)
gpg_error_t err;
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *ep;
char *p;
size_t n;
estream_t fp;
ksba_reader_t reader;
ksba_cert_t cert;
char *fname = NULL;
dir = opendir (dirname);
if (!dir)
return 0; /* We do not consider this a severe error. */
while ( (ep=readdir (dir)) )
p = ep->d_name;
if (*p == '.' || !*p)
continue; /* Skip any hidden files and invalid entries. */
n = strlen (p);
if ( n < 5 || (strcmp (p+n-4,".crt") && strcmp (p+n-4,".der")))
continue; /* Not the desired "*.crt" or "*.der" pattern. */
xfree (fname);
fname = make_filename (dirname, p, NULL);
fp = es_fopen (fname, "rb");
if (!fp)
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"),
fname, strerror (errno));
err = create_estream_ksba_reader (&reader, fp);
if (err)
es_fclose (fp);
err = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (!err)
err = ksba_cert_read_der (cert, reader);
ksba_reader_release (reader);
es_fclose (fp);
if (err)
log_error (_("can't parse certificate '%s': %s\n"),
fname, gpg_strerror (err));
ksba_cert_release (cert);
err = put_cert (cert, 1, are_trusted, NULL);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE)
log_info (_("certificate '%s' already cached\n"), fname);
else if (!err)
if (are_trusted)
log_info (_("trusted certificate '%s' loaded\n"), fname);
log_info (_("certificate '%s' loaded\n"), fname);
if (opt.verbose)
p = get_fingerprint_hexstring_colon (cert);
log_info (_(" SHA1 fingerprint = %s\n"), p);
xfree (p);
cert_log_name (_(" issuer ="), cert);
cert_log_subject (_(" subject ="), cert);
log_error (_("error loading certificate '%s': %s\n"),
fname, gpg_strerror (err));
ksba_cert_release (cert);
xfree (fname);
closedir (dir);
return 0;
/* Initialize the certificate cache if not yet done. */
cert_cache_init (void)
char *dname;
if (initialization_done)
init_cache_lock ();
acquire_cache_write_lock ();
dname = make_filename (gnupg_sysconfdir (), "trusted-certs", NULL);
load_certs_from_dir (dname, 1);
xfree (dname);
dname = make_filename (gnupg_sysconfdir (), "extra-certs", NULL);
load_certs_from_dir (dname, 0);
xfree (dname);
initialization_done = 1;
release_cache_lock ();
cert_cache_print_stats ();
/* Deinitialize the certificate cache. With FULL set to true even the
unused certificate slots are released. */
cert_cache_deinit (int full)
cert_item_t ci, ci2;
int i;
if (!initialization_done)
acquire_cache_write_lock ();
for (i=0; i < 256; i++)
for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next)
clean_cache_slot (ci);
if (full)
for (i=0; i < 256; i++)
for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci2)
ci2 = ci->next;
xfree (ci);
cert_cache[i] = NULL;
total_loaded_certificates = 0;
total_extra_certificates = 0;
initialization_done = 0;
release_cache_lock ();
/* Print some statistics to the log file. */
cert_cache_print_stats (void)
log_info (_("permanently loaded certificates: %u\n"),
log_info (_(" runtime cached certificates: %u\n"),
/* Put CERT into the certificate cache. */
cache_cert (ksba_cert_t cert)
gpg_error_t err;
acquire_cache_write_lock ();
err = put_cert (cert, 0, 0, NULL);
release_cache_lock ();
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE)
log_info (_("certificate already cached\n"));
else if (!err)
log_info (_("certificate cached\n"));
log_error (_("error caching certificate: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Put CERT into the certificate cache and store the fingerprint of
the certificate into FPR_BUFFER. If the certificate is already in
the cache do not print a warning; just store the
fingerprint. FPR_BUFFER needs to be at least 20 bytes. */
cache_cert_silent (ksba_cert_t cert, void *fpr_buffer)
gpg_error_t err;
acquire_cache_write_lock ();
err = put_cert (cert, 0, 0, fpr_buffer);
release_cache_lock ();
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE)
err = 0;
if (err)
log_error (_("error caching certificate: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Return a certificate object for the given fingerprint. FPR is
expected to be a 20 byte binary SHA-1 fingerprint. If no matching
certificate is available in the cache NULL is returned. The caller
must release a returned certificate. Note that although we are
using reference counting the caller should not just compare the
pointers to check for identical certificates. */
get_cert_byfpr (const unsigned char *fpr)
cert_item_t ci;
acquire_cache_read_lock ();
for (ci=cert_cache[*fpr]; ci; ci = ci->next)
if (ci->cert && !memcmp (ci->fpr, fpr, 20))
ksba_cert_ref (ci->cert);
release_cache_lock ();
return ci->cert;
release_cache_lock ();
return NULL;
/* Return a certificate object for the given fingerprint. STRING is
expected to be a SHA-1 fingerprint in standard hex notation with or
without colons. If no matching certificate is available in the
cache NULL is returned. The caller must release a returned
certificate. Note that although we are using reference counting
the caller should not just compare the pointers to check for
identical certificates. */
get_cert_byhexfpr (const char *string)
unsigned char fpr[20];
const char *s;
int i;
if (strchr (string, ':'))
for (s=string,i=0; i < 20 && hexdigitp (s) && hexdigitp(s+1);)
if (s[2] && s[2] != ':')
break; /* Invalid string. */
fpr[i++] = xtoi_2 (s);
s += 2;
if (i!= 20 && *s == ':')
for (s=string,i=0; i < 20 && hexdigitp (s) && hexdigitp(s+1); s+=2 )
fpr[i++] = xtoi_2 (s);
if (i!=20 || *s)
log_error (_("invalid SHA1 fingerprint string '%s'\n"), string);
return NULL;
return get_cert_byfpr (fpr);
/* Return the certificate matching ISSUER_DN and SERIALNO. */
get_cert_bysn (const char *issuer_dn, ksba_sexp_t serialno)
/* Simple and inefficient implementation. fixme! */
cert_item_t ci;
int i;
acquire_cache_read_lock ();
for (i=0; i < 256; i++)
for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next)
if (ci->cert && !strcmp (ci->issuer_dn, issuer_dn)
&& !compare_serialno (ci->sn, serialno))
ksba_cert_ref (ci->cert);
release_cache_lock ();
return ci->cert;
release_cache_lock ();
return NULL;
/* Return the certificate matching ISSUER_DN. SEQ should initially be
set to 0 and bumped up to get the next issuer with that DN. */
get_cert_byissuer (const char *issuer_dn, unsigned int seq)
/* Simple and very inefficient implementation and API. fixme! */
cert_item_t ci;
int i;
acquire_cache_read_lock ();
for (i=0; i < 256; i++)
for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next)
if (ci->cert && !strcmp (ci->issuer_dn, issuer_dn))
if (!seq--)
ksba_cert_ref (ci->cert);
release_cache_lock ();
return ci->cert;
release_cache_lock ();
return NULL;
/* Return the certificate matching SUBJECT_DN. SEQ should initially be
set to 0 and bumped up to get the next subject with that DN. */
get_cert_bysubject (const char *subject_dn, unsigned int seq)
/* Simple and very inefficient implementation and API. fixme! */
cert_item_t ci;
int i;
if (!subject_dn)
return NULL;
acquire_cache_read_lock ();
for (i=0; i < 256; i++)
for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next)
if (ci->cert && ci->subject_dn
&& !strcmp (ci->subject_dn, subject_dn))
if (!seq--)
ksba_cert_ref (ci->cert);
release_cache_lock ();
return ci->cert;
release_cache_lock ();
return NULL;
/* Return a value describing the the class of PATTERN. The offset of
the actual string to be used for the comparison is stored at
R_OFFSET. The offset of the serialnumer is stored at R_SN_OFFSET. */
static enum pattern_class
classify_pattern (const char *pattern, size_t *r_offset, size_t *r_sn_offset)
enum pattern_class result;
const char *s;
int hexprefix = 0;
int hexlength;
*r_offset = *r_sn_offset = 0;
/* Skip leading spaces. */
for(s = pattern; *s && spacep (s); s++ )
switch (*s)
case 0: /* Empty string is an error. */
case '.': /* An email address, compare from end. */
result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Not implemented. */
case '<': /* An email address. */
case '@': /* Part of an email address. */
case '=': /* Exact compare. */
result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Does not make sense for X.509. */
case '*': /* Case insensitive substring search. */
case '+': /* Compare individual words. */
result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Not implemented. */
case '/': /* Subject's DN. */
if (!*s || spacep (s))
result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* No DN or prefixed with a space. */
case '#': /* Serial number or issuer DN. */
const char *si;
if ( *s == '/')
/* An issuer's DN is indicated by "#/" */
if (!*s || spacep (s))
result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* No DN or prefixed with a space. */
{ /* Serialnumber + optional issuer ID. */
for (si=s; *si && *si != '/'; si++)
if (!strchr("01234567890abcdefABCDEF", *si))
if (*si && *si != '/')
result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid digit in serial number. */
*r_sn_offset = s - pattern;
if (!*si)
s = si+1;
if (!*s || spacep (s))
result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* No DN or prefixed
with a space. */
case ':': /* Unified fingerprint. */
const char *se, *si;
int i;
se = strchr (++s, ':');
if (!se)
for (i=0, si=s; si < se; si++, i++ )
if (!strchr("01234567890abcdefABCDEF", *si))
if ( si < se )
result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid digit. */
else if (i == 32)
else if (i == 40)
result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid length for a fingerprint. */
case '&': /* Keygrip. */
result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Not implemented. */
if (s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'x')
hexprefix = 1;
s += 2;
hexlength = strspn(s, "0123456789abcdefABCDEF");
/* Check if a hexadecimal number is terminated by EOS or blank. */
if (hexlength && s[hexlength] && !spacep (s+hexlength))
/* If the "0x" prefix is used a correct termination is required. */
if (hexprefix)
break; /* switch */
hexlength = 0; /* Not a hex number. */
if (hexlength == 8 || (!hexprefix && hexlength == 9 && *s == '0'))
if (hexlength == 9)
else if (hexlength == 16 || (!hexprefix && hexlength == 17 && *s == '0'))
if (hexlength == 17)
else if (hexlength == 32 || (!hexprefix && hexlength == 33 && *s == '0'))
if (hexlength == 33)
else if (hexlength == 40 || (!hexprefix && hexlength == 41 && *s == '0'))
if (hexlength == 41)
else if (!hexprefix)
/* The fingerprints used with X.509 are often delimited by
colons, so we try to single this case out. */
hexlength = strspn (s, ":0123456789abcdefABCDEF");
if (hexlength == 59 && (!s[hexlength] || spacep (s+hexlength)))
int i, c;
for (i=0; i < 20; i++, s += 3)
c = hextobyte(s);
if (c == -1 || (i < 19 && s[2] != ':'))
if (i == 20)
if (result == PATTERN_UNKNOWN) /* Default to substring match. */
else /* A hex number with a prefix but with a wrong length. */
if (result != PATTERN_UNKNOWN)
*r_offset = s - pattern;
return result;
/* Given PATTERN, which is a string as used by GnuPG to specify a
certificate, return all matching certificates by calling the
supplied function RETFNC. */
get_certs_bypattern (const char *pattern,
gpg_error_t (*retfnc)(void*,ksba_cert_t),
void *retfnc_data)
gpg_error_t err = GPG_ERR_BUG;
enum pattern_class class;
size_t offset, sn_offset;
const char *hexserialno;
ksba_sexp_t serialno = NULL;
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
unsigned int seq;
if (!pattern || !retfnc)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
class = classify_pattern (pattern, &offset, &sn_offset);
hexserialno = pattern + sn_offset;
pattern += offset;
switch (class)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
cert = get_cert_byhexfpr (pattern);
err = cert? 0 : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
serialno = hexsn_to_sexp (hexserialno);
if (!serialno)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
cert = get_cert_bysn (pattern, serialno);
err = cert? 0 : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
for (seq=0,err=0; !err && (cert = get_cert_byissuer (pattern, seq)); seq++)
err = retfnc (retfnc_data, cert);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
if (!err && !seq)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
for (seq=0,err=0; !err && (cert = get_cert_bysubject (pattern, seq));seq++)
err = retfnc (retfnc_data, cert);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
if (!err && !seq)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
/* Not supported. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
if (!err && cert)
err = retfnc (retfnc_data, cert);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
xfree (serialno);
return err;
/* Return the certificate matching ISSUER_DN and SERIALNO; if it is
not already in the cache, try to find it from other resources. */
find_cert_bysn (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *issuer_dn, ksba_sexp_t serialno)
gpg_error_t err;
ksba_cert_t cert;
cert_fetch_context_t context = NULL;
char *hexsn, *buf;
/* First check whether it has already been cached. */
cert = get_cert_bysn (issuer_dn, serialno);
if (cert)
return cert;
/* Ask back to the service requester to return the certificate.
This is because we can assume that he already used the
certificate while checking for the CRL. */
hexsn = serial_hex (serialno);
if (!hexsn)
log_error ("serial_hex() failed\n");
return NULL;
buf = xtrymalloc (1 + strlen (hexsn) + 1 + strlen (issuer_dn) + 1);
if (!buf)
log_error ("can't allocate enough memory: %s\n", strerror (errno));
xfree (hexsn);
return NULL;
strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (buf, "#"), hexsn),"/"), issuer_dn);
xfree (hexsn);
cert = get_cert_local (ctrl, buf);
xfree (buf);
if (cert)
cache_cert (cert);
return cert; /* Done. */
log_debug ("find_cert_bysn: certificate not returned by caller"
" - doing lookup\n");
/* Retrieve the certificate from external resources. */
while (!cert)
ksba_sexp_t sn;
char *issdn;
if (!context)
err = ca_cert_fetch (ctrl, &context, issuer_dn);
if (err)
log_error (_("error fetching certificate by S/N: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
err = fetch_next_ksba_cert (context, &cert);
if (err)
log_error (_("error fetching certificate by S/N: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err) );
issdn = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0);
if (strcmp (issuer_dn, issdn))
log_debug ("find_cert_bysn: Ooops: issuer DN does not match\n");
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
ksba_free (issdn);
sn = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert);
log_debug (" considering certificate (#");
dump_serial (sn);
log_printf ("/");
dump_string (issdn);
log_printf (")\n");
if (!compare_serialno (serialno, sn))
ksba_free (sn);
ksba_free (issdn);
cache_cert (cert);
log_debug (" found\n");
break; /* Ready. */
ksba_free (sn);
ksba_free (issdn);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
end_cert_fetch (context);
return cert;
/* Return the certificate matching SUBJECT_DN and (if not NULL)
KEYID. If it is not already in the cache, try to find it from other
resources. Note, that the external search does not work for user
certificates because the LDAP lookup is on the caCertificate
attribute. For our purposes this is just fine. */
find_cert_bysubject (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *subject_dn, ksba_sexp_t keyid)
gpg_error_t err;
int seq;
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
cert_fetch_context_t context = NULL;
ksba_sexp_t subj;
/* If we have certificates from an OCSP request we first try to use
them. This is because these certificates will really be the
required ones and thus even in the case that they can't be
uniquely located by the following code we can use them. This is
for example required by Telesec certificates where a keyId is
used but the issuer certificate comes without a subject keyId! */
if (ctrl->ocsp_certs && subject_dn)
cert_item_t ci;
cert_ref_t cr;
int i;
/* For efficiency reasons we won't use get_cert_bysubject here. */
acquire_cache_read_lock ();
for (i=0; i < 256; i++)
for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next)
if (ci->cert && ci->subject_dn
&& !strcmp (ci->subject_dn, subject_dn))
for (cr=ctrl->ocsp_certs; cr; cr = cr->next)
if (!memcmp (ci->fpr, cr->fpr, 20))
ksba_cert_ref (ci->cert);
release_cache_lock ();
return ci->cert; /* We use this certificate. */
release_cache_lock ();
log_debug ("find_cert_bysubject: certificate not in ocsp_certs\n");
/* First we check whether the certificate is cached. */
for (seq=0; (cert = get_cert_bysubject (subject_dn, seq)); seq++)
if (!keyid)
break; /* No keyid requested, so return the first one found. */
if (!ksba_cert_get_subj_key_id (cert, NULL, &subj)
&& !cmp_simple_canon_sexp (keyid, subj))
xfree (subj);
break; /* Found matching cert. */
xfree (subj);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
if (cert)
return cert; /* Done. */
log_debug ("find_cert_bysubject: certificate not in cache\n");
/* Ask back to the service requester to return the certificate.
This is because we can assume that he already used the
certificate while checking for the CRL. */
if (keyid)
cert = get_cert_local_ski (ctrl, subject_dn, keyid);
/* In contrast to get_cert_local_ski, get_cert_local uses any
passed pattern, so we need to make sure that an exact subject
search is done. */
char *buf;
buf = xtrymalloc (1 + strlen (subject_dn) + 1);
if (!buf)
log_error ("can't allocate enough memory: %s\n", strerror (errno));
return NULL;
strcpy (stpcpy (buf, "/"), subject_dn);
cert = get_cert_local (ctrl, buf);
xfree (buf);
if (cert)
cache_cert (cert);
return cert; /* Done. */
log_debug ("find_cert_bysubject: certificate not returned by caller"
" - doing lookup\n");
/* Locate the certificate using external resources. */
while (!cert)
char *subjdn;
if (!context)
err = ca_cert_fetch (ctrl, &context, subject_dn);
if (err)
log_error (_("error fetching certificate by subject: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
err = fetch_next_ksba_cert (context, &cert);
if (err)
log_error (_("error fetching certificate by subject: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err) );
subjdn = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0);
if (strcmp (subject_dn, subjdn))
log_info ("find_cert_bysubject: subject DN does not match\n");
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
ksba_free (subjdn);
log_debug (" considering certificate (/");
dump_string (subjdn);
log_printf (")\n");
ksba_free (subjdn);
/* If no key ID has been provided, we return the first match. */
if (!keyid)
cache_cert (cert);
log_debug (" found\n");
break; /* Ready. */
/* With the key ID given we need to compare it. */
if (!ksba_cert_get_subj_key_id (cert, NULL, &subj))
if (!cmp_simple_canon_sexp (keyid, subj))
ksba_free (subj);
cache_cert (cert);
log_debug (" found\n");
break; /* Ready. */
ksba_free (subj);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
end_cert_fetch (context);
return cert;
/* Return 0 if the certificate is a trusted certificate. Returns
GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED if it is not trusted or other error codes in
case of systems errors. */
is_trusted_cert (ksba_cert_t cert)
unsigned char fpr[20];
cert_item_t ci;
cert_compute_fpr (cert, fpr);
acquire_cache_read_lock ();
for (ci=cert_cache[*fpr]; ci; ci = ci->next)
if (ci->cert && !memcmp (ci->fpr, fpr, 20))
if (ci->flags.trusted)
release_cache_lock ();
return 0; /* Yes, it is trusted. */
release_cache_lock ();
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED);
/* Given the certificate CERT locate the issuer for this certificate
and return it at R_CERT. Returns 0 on success or
find_issuing_cert (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, ksba_cert_t *r_cert)
gpg_error_t err;
char *issuer_dn;
ksba_cert_t issuer_cert = NULL;
ksba_name_t authid;
ksba_sexp_t authidno;
ksba_sexp_t keyid;
*r_cert = NULL;
issuer_dn = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0);
if (!issuer_dn)
log_error (_("no issuer found in certificate\n"));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT);
goto leave;
/* First we need to check whether we can return that certificate
using the authorithyKeyIdentifier. */
err = ksba_cert_get_auth_key_id (cert, &keyid, &authid, &authidno);
if (err)
log_info (_("error getting authorityKeyIdentifier: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
const char *s = ksba_name_enum (authid, 0);
if (s && *authidno)
issuer_cert = find_cert_bysn (ctrl, s, authidno);
if (!issuer_cert && keyid)
/* Not found by issuer+s/n. Now that we have an AKI
keyIdentifier look for a certificate with a matching
SKI. */
issuer_cert = find_cert_bysubject (ctrl, issuer_dn, keyid);
/* Print a note so that the user does not feel too helpless when
an issuer certificate was found and gpgsm prints BAD
signature because it is not the correct one. */
if (!issuer_cert)
log_info ("issuer certificate ");
if (keyid)
log_printf ("{");
dump_serial (keyid);
log_printf ("} ");
if (authidno)
log_printf ("(#");
dump_serial (authidno);
log_printf ("/");
dump_string (s);
log_printf (") ");
log_printf ("not found using authorityKeyIdentifier\n");
ksba_name_release (authid);
xfree (authidno);
xfree (keyid);
/* If this did not work, try just with the issuer's name and assume
that there is only one such certificate. We only look into our
cache then. */
if (err || !issuer_cert)
issuer_cert = get_cert_bysubject (issuer_dn, 0);
if (issuer_cert)
err = 0;
if (!err && !issuer_cert)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
xfree (issuer_dn);
if (err)
ksba_cert_release (issuer_cert);
*r_cert = issuer_cert;
return err;
diff --git a/dirmngr/crlcache.c b/dirmngr/crlcache.c
index 94d5f5f6c..07fa5b1d3 100644
--- a/dirmngr/crlcache.c
+++ b/dirmngr/crlcache.c
@@ -1,2584 +1,2584 @@
/* crlcache.c - LDAP access
* Copyright (C) 2002 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of DirMngr.
* DirMngr is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* DirMngr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
1. To keep track of the CRLs actually cached and to store the meta
information of the CRLs a simple record oriented text file is
used. Fields in the file are colon (':') separated and values
containing colons or linefeeds are percent escaped (e.g. a colon
itself is represented as "%3A").
The first field is a record type identifier, so that the file is
useful to keep track of other meta data too.
The name of the file is "DIR.txt".
1.1. Comment record
Field 1: Constant beginning with "#".
Other fields are not defined and such a record is simply
skipped during processing.
1.2. Version record
Field 1: Constant "v"
Field 2: Version number of this file. Must be 1.
This record must be the first non-comment record record and
there shall only exist one record of this type.
1.3. CRL cache record
Field 1: Constant "c", "u" or "i".
A "c" or "u" indicate a valid cache entry, however
"u" requires that a user root certificate check needs
to be done.
An "i" indicates an invalid cache entry which should
not be used but still exists so that it can be
updated at NEXT_UPDATE.
Field 2: Hexadecimal encoded SHA-1 hash of the issuer DN using
uppercase letters.
Field 3: Issuer DN in RFC-2253 notation.
Field 4: URL used to retrieve the corresponding CRL.
Field 5: 15 character ISO timestamp with THIS_UPDATE.
Field 6: 15 character ISO timestamp with NEXT_UPDATE.
Field 7: Hexadecimal encoded MD-5 hash of the DB file to detect
accidental modified (i.e. deleted and created) cache files.
Field 8: optional CRL number as a hex string.
Field 9: AuthorityKeyID.issuer, each Name separated by 0x01
Field 10: AuthorityKeyID.serial
Field 11: Hex fingerprint of trust anchor if field 1 is 'u'.
2. Layout of the standard CRL Cache DB file:
We use records of variable length with this structure
n bytes Serialnumber (binary) used as key
thus there is no need to store the length explicitly with DB2.
1 byte Reason for revocation
(currently the KSBA reason flags are used)
15 bytes ISO date of revocation (e.g. 19980815T142000)
Note that there is no terminating 0 stored.
The filename used is the hexadecimal (using uppercase letters)
SHA-1 hash value of the issuer DN prefixed with a "crl-" and
suffixed with a ".db". Thus the length of the filename is 47.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#undef mkdir
#define mkdir(a,b) mkdir(a)
#include "dirmngr.h"
#include "validate.h"
#include "certcache.h"
#include "crlcache.h"
#include "crlfetch.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "cdb.h"
/* Change this whenever the format changes */
#define DBDIR_D "crls.d"
#define DBDIRFILE "DIR.txt"
/* The number of DB files we may have open at one time. We need to
limit this because there is no guarantee that the number of issuers
has a upper limit. We are currently using mmap, so it is a good
idea anyway to limit the number of opened cache files. */
static const char oidstr_crlNumber[] = "";
static const char oidstr_issuingDistributionPoint[] = "";
static const char oidstr_authorityKeyIdentifier[] = "";
/* Definition of one cached item. */
struct crl_cache_entry_s
struct crl_cache_entry_s *next;
int deleted; /* True if marked for deletion. */
int mark; /* Internally used by update_dir. */
unsigned int lineno;/* A 0 indicates a new entry. */
char *release_ptr; /* The actual allocated memory. */
char *url; /* Points into RELEASE_PTR. */
char *issuer; /* Ditto. */
char *issuer_hash; /* Ditto. */
char *dbfile_hash; /* MD5 sum of the cache file, points into RELEASE_PTR.*/
int invalid; /* Can't use this CRL. */
int user_trust_req; /* User supplied root certificate required. */
char *check_trust_anchor; /* Malloced fingerprint. */
ksba_isotime_t this_update;
ksba_isotime_t next_update;
ksba_isotime_t last_refresh; /* Use for the force_crl_refresh feature. */
char *crl_number;
char *authority_issuer;
char *authority_serialno;
struct cdb *cdb; /* The cache file handle or NULL if not open. */
unsigned int cdb_use_count; /* Current use count. */
unsigned int cdb_lru_count; /* Used for LRU purposes. */
int dbfile_checked; /* Set to true if the dbfile_hash value has
been checked one. */
/* Definition of the entire cache object. */
struct crl_cache_s
crl_cache_entry_t entries;
typedef struct crl_cache_s *crl_cache_t;
/* Prototypes. */
static crl_cache_entry_t find_entry (crl_cache_entry_t first,
const char *issuer_hash);
/* The currently loaded cache object. This is usually initialized
right at startup. */
static crl_cache_t current_cache;
/* Return the current cache object or bail out if it is has not yet
been initialized. */
static crl_cache_t
get_current_cache (void)
if (!current_cache)
log_fatal ("CRL cache has not yet been initialized\n");
return current_cache;
Create ae directory if it does not yet exists. Returns on
success, or -1 on error.
static int
create_directory_if_needed (const char *name)
DIR *dir;
char *fname;
fname = make_filename (opt.homedir_cache, name, NULL);
dir = opendir (fname);
if (!dir)
log_info (_("creating directory '%s'\n"), fname);
if (mkdir (fname, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IXUSR) )
int save_errno = errno;
log_error (_("error creating directory '%s': %s\n"),
fname, strerror (errno));
xfree (fname);
gpg_err_set_errno (save_errno);
return -1;
closedir (dir);
xfree (fname);
return 0;
/* Remove all files from the cache directory. If FORCE is not true,
some sanity checks on the filenames are done. Return 0 if
everything went fine. */
static int
cleanup_cache_dir (int force)
char *dname = make_filename (opt.homedir_cache, DBDIR_D, NULL);
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *de;
int problem = 0;
if (!force)
{ /* Very minor sanity checks. */
if (!strcmp (dname, "~/") || !strcmp (dname, "/" ))
log_error (_("ignoring database dir '%s'\n"), dname);
xfree (dname);
return -1;
dir = opendir (dname);
if (!dir)
log_error (_("error reading directory '%s': %s\n"),
dname, strerror (errno));
xfree (dname);
return -1;
while ((de = readdir (dir)))
if (strcmp (de->d_name, "." ) && strcmp (de->d_name, ".."))
char *cdbname = make_filename (dname, de->d_name, NULL);
int okay;
struct stat sbuf;
if (force)
okay = 1;
okay = (!stat (cdbname, &sbuf) && S_ISREG (sbuf.st_mode));
if (okay)
log_info (_("removing cache file '%s'\n"), cdbname);
if (gnupg_remove (cdbname))
log_error ("failed to remove '%s': %s\n",
cdbname, strerror (errno));
problem = -1;
log_info (_("not removing file '%s'\n"), cdbname);
xfree (cdbname);
xfree (dname);
closedir (dir);
return problem;
/* Read the next line from the file FP and return the line in an
malloced buffer. Return NULL on error or EOF. There is no
limitation os the line length. The trailing linefeed has been
removed, the function will read the last line of a file, even if
that is not terminated by a LF. */
static char *
next_line_from_file (estream_t fp, gpg_error_t *r_err)
char buf[300];
char *largebuf = NULL;
size_t buflen;
size_t len = 0;
unsigned char *p;
int c;
char *tmpbuf;
*r_err = 0;
p = buf;
buflen = sizeof buf - 1;
while ((c=es_getc (fp)) != EOF && c != '\n')
if (len >= buflen)
if (!largebuf)
buflen += 1024;
largebuf = xtrymalloc ( buflen + 1 );
if (!largebuf)
*r_err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return NULL;
memcpy (largebuf, buf, len);
buflen += 1024;
tmpbuf = xtryrealloc (largebuf, buflen + 1);
if (!tmpbuf)
*r_err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (largebuf);
return NULL;
largebuf = tmpbuf;
p = largebuf;
p[len++] = c;
if (c == EOF && !len)
return NULL;
p[len] = 0;
if (largebuf)
tmpbuf = xtryrealloc (largebuf, len+1);
tmpbuf = xtrystrdup (buf);
if (!tmpbuf)
*r_err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (largebuf);
return tmpbuf;
/* Release one cache entry. */
static void
release_one_cache_entry (crl_cache_entry_t entry)
if (entry)
if (entry->cdb)
int fd = cdb_fileno (entry->cdb);
cdb_free (entry->cdb);
xfree (entry->cdb);
if (close (fd))
log_error (_("error closing cache file: %s\n"), strerror(errno));
xfree (entry->release_ptr);
xfree (entry->check_trust_anchor);
xfree (entry);
/* Release the CACHE object. */
static void
release_cache (crl_cache_t cache)
crl_cache_entry_t entry, entry2;
if (!cache)
for (entry = cache->entries; entry; entry = entry2)
entry2 = entry->next;
release_one_cache_entry (entry);
cache->entries = NULL;
xfree (cache);
/* Open the dir file FNAME or create a new one if it does not yet
exist. */
static estream_t
open_dir_file (const char *fname)
estream_t fp;
fp = es_fopen (fname, "r");
if (!fp)
log_error (_("failed to open cache dir file '%s': %s\n"),
fname, strerror (errno));
/* Make sure that the directory exists, try to create if otherwise. */
if (create_directory_if_needed (NULL)
|| create_directory_if_needed (DBDIR_D))
return NULL;
fp = es_fopen (fname, "w");
if (!fp)
log_error (_("error creating new cache dir file '%s': %s\n"),
fname, strerror (errno));
return NULL;
es_fprintf (fp, "v:%d:\n", DBDIRVERSION);
if (es_ferror (fp))
log_error (_("error writing new cache dir file '%s': %s\n"),
fname, strerror (errno));
es_fclose (fp);
return NULL;
if (es_fclose (fp))
log_error (_("error closing new cache dir file '%s': %s\n"),
fname, strerror (errno));
return NULL;
log_info (_("new cache dir file '%s' created\n"), fname);
fp = es_fopen (fname, "r");
if (!fp)
log_error (_("failed to re-open cache dir file '%s': %s\n"),
fname, strerror (errno));
return NULL;
return fp;
/* Helper for open_dir. */
static gpg_error_t
check_dir_version (estream_t *fpadr, const char *fname,
unsigned int *lineno,
int cleanup_on_mismatch)
char *line;
gpg_error_t lineerr = 0;
estream_t fp = *fpadr;
int created = 0;
while ((line = next_line_from_file (fp, &lineerr)))
if (*line == 'v' && line[1] == ':')
else if (*line != '#')
log_error (_("first record of '%s' is not the version\n"), fname);
xfree (line);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFIGURATION);
xfree (line);
if (lineerr)
return lineerr;
/* The !line catches the case of an empty DIR file. We handle this
the same as a non-matching version. */
if (!line || strtol (line+2, NULL, 10) != DBDIRVERSION)
if (!created && cleanup_on_mismatch)
log_error (_("old version of cache directory - cleaning up\n"));
es_fclose (fp);
*fpadr = NULL;
if (!cleanup_cache_dir (1))
*lineno = 0;
fp = *fpadr = open_dir_file (fname);
if (!fp)
xfree (line);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFIGURATION);
created = 1;
goto retry;
log_error (_("old version of cache directory - giving up\n"));
xfree (line);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFIGURATION);
xfree (line);
return 0;
/* Open the dir file and read in all available information. Store
that in a newly allocated cache object and return that if
everything worked out fine. Create the cache directory and the dir
if it does not yet exist. Remove all files in that directory if
the version does not match. */
static gpg_error_t
open_dir (crl_cache_t *r_cache)
crl_cache_t cache;
char *fname;
char *line = NULL;
gpg_error_t lineerr = 0;
estream_t fp;
crl_cache_entry_t entry, *entrytail;
unsigned int lineno;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int anyerr = 0;
cache = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *cache);
if (!cache)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
fname = make_filename (opt.homedir_cache, DBDIR_D, DBDIRFILE, NULL);
lineno = 0;
fp = open_dir_file (fname);
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFIGURATION);
goto leave;
err = check_dir_version (&fp, fname, &lineno, 1);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Read in all supported entries from the dir file. */
cache->entries = NULL;
entrytail = &cache->entries;
xfree (line);
while ((line = next_line_from_file (fp, &lineerr)))
int fieldno;
char *p, *endp;
if ( *line == 'c' || *line == 'u' || *line == 'i' )
entry = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *entry);
if (!entry)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
entry->lineno = lineno;
entry->release_ptr = line;
if (*line == 'i')
entry->invalid = atoi (line+1);
if (entry->invalid < 1)
entry->invalid = 1;
else if (*line == 'u')
entry->user_trust_req = 1;
for (fieldno=1, p = line; p; p = endp, fieldno++)
endp = strchr (p, ':');
if (endp)
*endp++ = '\0';
switch (fieldno)
case 1: /* record type */ break;
case 2: entry->issuer_hash = p; break;
case 3: entry->issuer = unpercent_string (p); break;
case 4: entry->url = unpercent_string (p); break;
case 5:
strncpy (entry->this_update, p, 15);
entry->this_update[15] = 0;
case 6:
strncpy (entry->next_update, p, 15);
entry->next_update[15] = 0;
case 7: entry->dbfile_hash = p; break;
case 8: if (*p) entry->crl_number = p; break;
case 9:
if (*p)
entry->authority_issuer = unpercent_string (p);
case 10:
if (*p)
entry->authority_serialno = unpercent_string (p);
case 11:
if (*p)
entry->check_trust_anchor = xtrystrdup (p);
if (*p)
log_info (_("extra field detected in crl record of "
"'%s' line %u\n"), fname, lineno);
if (!entry->issuer_hash)
log_info (_("invalid line detected in '%s' line %u\n"),
fname, lineno);
xfree (entry);
entry = NULL;
else if (find_entry (cache->entries, entry->issuer_hash))
/* Fixme: The duplicate checking used is not very
effective for large numbers of issuers. */
log_info (_("duplicate entry detected in '%s' line %u\n"),
fname, lineno);
xfree (entry);
entry = NULL;
line = NULL;
*entrytail = entry;
entrytail = &entry->next;
else if (*line == '#')
log_info (_("unsupported record type in '%s' line %u skipped\n"),
fname, lineno);
if (line)
xfree (line);
if (lineerr)
err = lineerr;
log_error (_("error reading '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (es_ferror (fp))
log_error (_("error reading '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror (errno));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFIGURATION);
goto leave;
/* Now do some basic checks on the data. */
for (entry = cache->entries; entry; entry = entry->next)
assert (entry->lineno);
if (strlen (entry->issuer_hash) != 40)
log_error (_("invalid issuer hash in '%s' line %u\n"),
fname, entry->lineno);
else if ( !*entry->issuer )
log_error (_("no issuer DN in '%s' line %u\n"),
fname, entry->lineno);
else if ( check_isotime (entry->this_update)
|| check_isotime (entry->next_update))
log_error (_("invalid timestamp in '%s' line %u\n"),
fname, entry->lineno);
/* Checks not leading to an immediate fail. */
if (strlen (entry->dbfile_hash) != 32)
log_info (_("WARNING: invalid cache file hash in '%s' line %u\n"),
fname, entry->lineno);
if (anyerr)
log_error (_("detected errors in cache dir file\n"));
log_info (_("please check the reason and manually delete that file\n"));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFIGURATION);
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (line);
xfree (fname);
if (err)
release_cache (cache);
cache = NULL;
*r_cache = cache;
return err;
static void
write_percented_string (const char *s, estream_t fp)
for (; *s; s++)
if (*s == ':')
es_fputs ("%3A", fp);
else if (*s == '\n')
es_fputs ("%0A", fp);
else if (*s == '\r')
es_fputs ("%0D", fp);
es_putc (*s, fp);
static void
write_dir_line_crl (estream_t fp, crl_cache_entry_t e)
if (e->invalid)
es_fprintf (fp, "i%d", e->invalid);
else if (e->user_trust_req)
es_putc ('u', fp);
es_putc ('c', fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
es_fputs (e->issuer_hash, fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
write_percented_string (e->issuer, fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
write_percented_string (e->url, fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
es_fwrite (e->this_update, 15, 1, fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
es_fwrite (e->next_update, 15, 1, fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
es_fputs (e->dbfile_hash, fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
if (e->crl_number)
es_fputs (e->crl_number, fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
if (e->authority_issuer)
write_percented_string (e->authority_issuer, fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
if (e->authority_serialno)
es_fputs (e->authority_serialno, fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
if (e->check_trust_anchor && e->user_trust_req)
es_fputs (e->check_trust_anchor, fp);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
/* Update the current dir file using the cache. */
static gpg_error_t
update_dir (crl_cache_t cache)
char *fname = NULL;
char *tmpfname = NULL;
char *line = NULL;
gpg_error_t lineerr = 0;
estream_t fp;
estream_t fpout = NULL;
crl_cache_entry_t e;
unsigned int lineno;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
fname = make_filename (opt.homedir_cache, DBDIR_D, DBDIRFILE, NULL);
/* Fixme: Take an update file lock here. */
for (e= cache->entries; e; e = e->next)
e->mark = 1;
lineno = 0;
fp = es_fopen (fname, "r");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
log_error (_("failed to open cache dir file '%s': %s\n"),
fname, strerror (errno));
goto leave;
err = check_dir_version (&fp, fname, &lineno, 0);
if (err)
goto leave;
es_rewind (fp);
lineno = 0;
/* Create a temporary DIR file. */
char *tmpbuf, *p;
const char *nodename;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
struct utsname utsbuf;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
nodename = "unknown";
if (uname (&utsbuf))
nodename = "unknown";
nodename = utsbuf.nodename;
gpgrt_asprintf (&tmpbuf, "DIR-tmp-%s-%u-%p.txt.tmp",
nodename, (unsigned int)getpid (), &tmpbuf);
if (!tmpbuf)
err = gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
log_error (_("failed to create temporary cache dir file '%s': %s\n"),
tmpfname, strerror (errno));
goto leave;
for (p=tmpbuf; *p; p++)
if (*p == '/')
*p = '.';
tmpfname = make_filename (opt.homedir_cache, DBDIR_D, tmpbuf, NULL);
xfree (tmpbuf);
fpout = es_fopen (tmpfname, "w");
if (!fpout)
err = gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
log_error (_("failed to create temporary cache dir file '%s': %s\n"),
tmpfname, strerror (errno));
goto leave;
while ((line = next_line_from_file (fp, &lineerr)))
if (*line == 'c' || *line == 'u' || *line == 'i')
/* Extract the issuer hash field. */
char *fieldp, *endp;
fieldp = strchr (line, ':');
endp = fieldp? strchr (++fieldp, ':') : NULL;
if (endp)
/* There should be no percent within the issuer hash
field, thus we can compare it pretty easily. */
*endp = 0;
e = find_entry ( cache->entries, fieldp);
*endp = ':'; /* Restore original line. */
if (e && e->deleted)
/* Marked for deletion, so don't write it. */
e->mark = 0;
else if (e)
/* Yep, this is valid entry we know about; write it out */
write_dir_line_crl (fpout, e);
e->mark = 0;
{ /* We ignore entries we don't have in our cache
because they may have been added in the meantime
by other instances of dirmngr. */
es_fprintf (fpout, "# Next line added by "
"another process; our pid is %lu\n",
(unsigned long)getpid ());
es_fputs (line, fpout);
es_putc ('\n', fpout);
es_fputs ("# Invalid line detected: ", fpout);
es_fputs (line, fpout);
es_putc ('\n', fpout);
/* Write out all non CRL lines as they are. */
es_fputs (line, fpout);
es_putc ('\n', fpout);
xfree (line);
if (!es_ferror (fp) && !es_ferror (fpout) && !lineerr)
/* Write out the remaining entries. */
for (e= cache->entries; e; e = e->next)
if (e->mark)
if (!e->deleted)
write_dir_line_crl (fpout, e);
e->mark = 0;
if (lineerr)
err = lineerr;
log_error (_("error reading '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (es_ferror (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
log_error (_("error reading '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror (errno));
if (es_ferror (fpout))
err = gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
log_error (_("error writing '%s': %s\n"), tmpfname, strerror (errno));
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Rename the files. */
es_fclose (fp);
fp = NULL;
if (es_fclose (fpout))
err = gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
log_error (_("error closing '%s': %s\n"), tmpfname, strerror (errno));
goto leave;
fpout = NULL;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* No atomic mv on W32 systems. */
gnupg_remove (fname);
if (rename (tmpfname, fname))
err = gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
log_error (_("error renaming '%s' to '%s': %s\n"),
tmpfname, fname, strerror (errno));
goto leave;
/* Fixme: Relinquish update lock. */
xfree (line);
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (fname);
if (fpout)
es_fclose (fpout);
if (err && tmpfname)
gnupg_remove (tmpfname);
xfree (tmpfname);
return err;
/* Create the filename for the cache file from the 40 byte ISSUER_HASH
string. Caller must release the return string. */
static char *
make_db_file_name (const char *issuer_hash)
char bname[50];
assert (strlen (issuer_hash) == 40);
memcpy (bname, "crl-", 4);
memcpy (bname + 4, issuer_hash, 40);
strcpy (bname + 44, ".db");
return make_filename (opt.homedir_cache, DBDIR_D, bname, NULL);
/* Hash the file FNAME and return the MD5 digest in MD5BUFFER. The
caller must allocate MD%buffer wityh at least 16 bytes. Returns 0
on success. */
static int
hash_dbfile (const char *fname, unsigned char *md5buffer)
estream_t fp;
char *buffer;
size_t n;
gcry_md_hd_t md5;
gpg_error_t err;
buffer = xtrymalloc (65536);
fp = buffer? es_fopen (fname, "rb") : NULL;
if (!fp)
log_error (_("can't hash '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror (errno));
xfree (buffer);
return -1;
err = gcry_md_open (&md5, GCRY_MD_MD5, 0);
if (err)
log_error (_("error setting up MD5 hash context: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (buffer);
es_fclose (fp);
return -1;
/* We better hash some information about the cache file layout in. */
sprintf (buffer, "%.100s/%.100s:%d", DBDIR_D, DBDIRFILE, DBDIRVERSION);
gcry_md_write (md5, buffer, strlen (buffer));
for (;;)
n = es_fread (buffer, 1, 65536, fp);
if (n < 65536 && es_ferror (fp))
log_error (_("error hashing '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror (errno));
xfree (buffer);
es_fclose (fp);
gcry_md_close (md5);
return -1;
if (!n)
gcry_md_write (md5, buffer, n);
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (buffer);
gcry_md_final (md5);
memcpy (md5buffer, gcry_md_read (md5, GCRY_MD_MD5), 16);
gcry_md_close (md5);
return 0;
/* Compare the file FNAME against the dexified MD5 hash MD5HASH and
return 0 if they match. */
static int
check_dbfile (const char *fname, const char *md5hexvalue)
unsigned char buffer1[16], buffer2[16];
if (strlen (md5hexvalue) != 32)
log_error (_("invalid formatted checksum for '%s'\n"), fname);
return -1;
unhexify (buffer1, md5hexvalue);
if (hash_dbfile (fname, buffer2))
return -1;
return memcmp (buffer1, buffer2, 16);
/* Open the cache file for ENTRY. This function implements a caching
strategy and might close unused cache files. It is required to use
unlock_db_file after using the file. */
static struct cdb *
lock_db_file (crl_cache_t cache, crl_cache_entry_t entry)
char *fname;
int fd;
int open_count;
crl_cache_entry_t e;
if (entry->cdb)
return entry->cdb;
for (open_count = 0, e = cache->entries; e; e = e->next)
if (e->cdb)
/* log_debug ("CACHE: cdb=%p use_count=%u lru_count=%u\n", */
/* e->cdb,e->cdb_use_count,e->cdb_lru_count); */
/* If there are too many file open, find the least recent used DB
file and close it. Note that for Pth thread safeness we need to
use a loop here. */
while (open_count >= MAX_OPEN_DB_FILES )
crl_cache_entry_t last_e = NULL;
unsigned int last_lru = (unsigned int)(-1);
for (e = cache->entries; e; e = e->next)
if (e->cdb && !e->cdb_use_count && e->cdb_lru_count < last_lru)
last_lru = e->cdb_lru_count;
last_e = e;
if (!last_e)
log_error (_("too many open cache files; can't open anymore\n"));
return NULL;
/* log_debug ("CACHE: closing file at cdb=%p\n", last_e->cdb); */
fd = cdb_fileno (last_e->cdb);
cdb_free (last_e->cdb);
xfree (last_e->cdb);
last_e->cdb = NULL;
if (close (fd))
log_error (_("error closing cache file: %s\n"), strerror(errno));
fname = make_db_file_name (entry->issuer_hash);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("opening cache file '%s'\n"), fname );
if (!entry->dbfile_checked)
if (!check_dbfile (fname, entry->dbfile_hash))
entry->dbfile_checked = 1;
/* Note, in case of an error we don't print an error here but
let require the caller to do that check. */
entry->cdb = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *entry->cdb);
if (!entry->cdb)
xfree (fname);
return NULL;
fd = open (fname, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1)
log_error (_("error opening cache file '%s': %s\n"),
fname, strerror (errno));
xfree (entry->cdb);
entry->cdb = NULL;
xfree (fname);
return NULL;
if (cdb_init (entry->cdb, fd))
log_error (_("error initializing cache file '%s' for reading: %s\n"),
fname, strerror (errno));
xfree (entry->cdb);
entry->cdb = NULL;
close (fd);
xfree (fname);
return NULL;
xfree (fname);
entry->cdb_use_count = 1;
entry->cdb_lru_count = 0;
return entry->cdb;
/* Unlock a cache file, so that it can be reused. */
static void
unlock_db_file (crl_cache_t cache, crl_cache_entry_t entry)
if (!entry->cdb)
log_error (_("calling unlock_db_file on a closed file\n"));
else if (!entry->cdb_use_count)
log_error (_("calling unlock_db_file on an unlocked file\n"));
/* If the entry was marked for deletion in the meantime do it now.
We do this for the sake of Pth thread safeness. */
if (!entry->cdb_use_count && entry->deleted)
crl_cache_entry_t eprev, enext;
enext = entry->next;
for (eprev = cache->entries;
eprev && eprev->next != entry; eprev = eprev->next)
assert (eprev);
if (eprev == cache->entries)
cache->entries = enext;
eprev->next = enext;
/* FIXME: Do we leak ENTRY? */
/* Find ISSUER_HASH in our cache FIRST. This may be used to enumerate
the linked list we use to keep the CRLs of an issuer. */
static crl_cache_entry_t
find_entry (crl_cache_entry_t first, const char *issuer_hash)
while (first && (first->deleted || strcmp (issuer_hash, first->issuer_hash)))
first = first->next;
return first;
/* Create a new CRL cache. This function is usually called only once.
never fail. */
crl_cache_t cache = NULL;
gpg_error_t err;
if (current_cache)
log_error ("crl cache has already been initialized - not doing twice\n");
err = open_dir (&cache);
if (err)
log_fatal (_("failed to create a new cache object: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
current_cache = cache;
/* Remove the cache information and all its resources. Note that we
still keep the cache on disk. */
crl_cache_deinit (void)
if (current_cache)
release_cache (current_cache);
current_cache = NULL;
/* Delete the cache from disk. Return 0 on success.*/
crl_cache_flush (void)
int rc;
rc = cleanup_cache_dir (0)? -1 : 0;
return rc;
/* Check whether the certificate identified by ISSUER_HASH and
SN/SNLEN is valid; i.e. not listed in our cache. With
FORCE_REFRESH set to true, a new CRL will be retrieved even if the
cache has not yet expired. We use a 30 minutes threshold here so
that invoking this function several times won't load the CRL over
and over. */
static crl_cache_result_t
cache_isvalid (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *issuer_hash,
const unsigned char *sn, size_t snlen,
int force_refresh)
crl_cache_t cache = get_current_cache ();
crl_cache_result_t retval;
struct cdb *cdb;
int rc;
crl_cache_entry_t entry;
gnupg_isotime_t current_time;
size_t n;
entry = find_entry (cache->entries, issuer_hash);
if (!entry)
log_info (_("no CRL available for issuer id %s\n"), issuer_hash );
gnupg_get_isotime (current_time);
if (strcmp (entry->next_update, current_time) < 0 )
log_info (_("cached CRL for issuer id %s too old; update required\n"),
if (force_refresh)
gnupg_isotime_t tmptime;
if (*entry->last_refresh)
gnupg_copy_time (tmptime, entry->last_refresh);
add_seconds_to_isotime (tmptime, 30 * 60);
if (strcmp (tmptime, current_time) < 0 )
log_info (_("force-crl-refresh active and %d minutes passed for"
" issuer id %s; update required\n"),
30, issuer_hash);
log_info (_("force-crl-refresh active for"
" issuer id %s; update required\n"),
if (entry->invalid)
log_info (_("available CRL for issuer ID %s can't be used\n"),
cdb = lock_db_file (cache, entry);
if (!cdb)
return CRL_CACHE_DONTKNOW; /* Hmmm, not the best error code. */
if (!entry->dbfile_checked)
log_error (_("cached CRL for issuer id %s tampered; we need to update\n")
, issuer_hash);
unlock_db_file (cache, entry);
rc = cdb_find (cdb, sn, snlen);
if (rc == 1)
n = cdb_datalen (cdb);
if (n != 16)
log_error (_("WARNING: invalid cache record length for S/N "));
log_printf ("0x");
log_printhex ("", sn, snlen);
else if (opt.verbose)
unsigned char record[16];
char *tmp = hexify_data (sn, snlen, 1);
if (cdb_read (cdb, record, n, cdb_datapos (cdb)))
log_error (_("problem reading cache record for S/N %s: %s\n"),
tmp, strerror (errno));
log_info (_("S/N %s is not valid; reason=%02X date=%.15s\n"),
tmp, *record, record+1);
xfree (tmp);
else if (!rc)
if (opt.verbose)
char *serialno = hexify_data (sn, snlen, 1);
log_info (_("S/N %s is valid, it is not listed in the CRL\n"),
serialno );
xfree (serialno);
log_error (_("error getting data from cache file: %s\n"),
strerror (errno));
if (entry->user_trust_req
&& (retval == CRL_CACHE_VALID || retval == CRL_CACHE_INVALID))
if (!entry->check_trust_anchor)
log_error ("inconsistent data on user trust check\n");
else if (get_istrusted_from_client (ctrl, entry->check_trust_anchor))
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("no system trust and client does not trust either\n");
/* Okay, the CRL is considered valid by the client and thus
we can return the result as is. */
unlock_db_file (cache, entry);
return retval;
/* Check whether the certificate identified by ISSUER_HASH and
SERIALNO is valid; i.e. not listed in our cache. With
FORCE_REFRESH set to true, a new CRL will be retrieved even if the
cache has not yet expired. We use a 30 minutes threshold here so
that invoking this function several times won't load the CRL over
and over. */
crl_cache_isvalid (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *issuer_hash, const char *serialno,
int force_refresh)
crl_cache_result_t result;
unsigned char snbuf_buffer[50];
unsigned char *snbuf;
size_t n;
n = strlen (serialno)/2+1;
if (n < sizeof snbuf_buffer - 1)
snbuf = snbuf_buffer;
snbuf = xtrymalloc (n);
if (!snbuf)
n = unhexify (snbuf, serialno);
result = cache_isvalid (ctrl, issuer_hash, snbuf, n, force_refresh);
if (snbuf != snbuf_buffer)
xfree (snbuf);
return result;
/* Check whether the certificate CERT is valid; i.e. not listed in our
cache. With FORCE_REFRESH set to true, a new CRL will be retrieved
even if the cache has not yet expired. We use a 30 minutes
threshold here so that invoking this function several times won't
load the CRL over and over. */
crl_cache_cert_isvalid (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert,
int force_refresh)
gpg_error_t err;
crl_cache_result_t result;
unsigned char issuerhash[20];
char issuerhash_hex[41];
ksba_sexp_t serial;
unsigned char *sn;
size_t snlen;
char *endp, *tmp;
int i;
/* Compute the hash value of the issuer name. */
tmp = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0);
if (!tmp)
log_error ("oops: issuer missing in certificate\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CERT_OBJ);
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, issuerhash, tmp, strlen (tmp));
xfree (tmp);
for (i=0,tmp=issuerhash_hex; i < 20; i++, tmp += 2)
sprintf (tmp, "%02X", issuerhash[i]);
/* Get the serial number. */
serial = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert);
if (!serial)
log_error ("oops: S/N missing in certificate\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CERT_OBJ);
sn = serial;
if (*sn != '(')
log_error ("oops: invalid S/N\n");
xfree (serial);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CERT_OBJ);
snlen = strtoul (sn, &endp, 10);
sn = endp;
if (*sn != ':')
log_error ("oops: invalid S/N\n");
xfree (serial);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CERT_OBJ);
/* Check the cache. */
result = cache_isvalid (ctrl, issuerhash_hex, sn, snlen, force_refresh);
switch (result)
err = 0;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CERT_REVOKED);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_CRL_KNOWN);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_CRL_KNOWN);
log_fatal ("cache_isvalid returned invalid status code %d\n", result);
xfree (serial);
return err;
/* Prepare a hash context for the signature verification. Input is
the CRL and the output is the hash context MD as well as the uses
algorithm identifier ALGO. */
static gpg_error_t
start_sig_check (ksba_crl_t crl, gcry_md_hd_t *md, int *algo)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *algoid;
algoid = ksba_crl_get_digest_algo (crl);
*algo = gcry_md_map_name (algoid);
if (!*algo)
log_error (_("unknown hash algorithm '%s'\n"), algoid? algoid:"?");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DIGEST_ALGO);
err = gcry_md_open (md, *algo, 0);
if (err)
log_error (_("gcry_md_open for algorithm %d failed: %s\n"),
*algo, gcry_strerror (err));
return err;
gcry_md_debug (*md, "hash.cert");
ksba_crl_set_hash_function (crl, HASH_FNC, *md);
return 0;
/* Finish a hash context and verify the signature. This function
should return 0 on a good signature, GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE if the
signature does not verify or any other error code. CRL is the CRL
object we are working on, MD the hash context and ISSUER_CERT the
certificate of the CRL issuer. This function closes MD. */
static gpg_error_t
finish_sig_check (ksba_crl_t crl, gcry_md_hd_t md, int algo,
ksba_cert_t issuer_cert)
gpg_error_t err;
ksba_sexp_t sigval = NULL, pubkey = NULL;
const char *s;
char algoname[50];
size_t n;
gcry_sexp_t s_sig = NULL, s_hash = NULL, s_pkey = NULL;
unsigned int i;
/* This also stops debugging on the MD. */
gcry_md_final (md);
/* Get and convert the signature value. */
sigval = ksba_crl_get_sig_val (crl);
n = gcry_sexp_canon_len (sigval, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!n)
log_error (_("got an invalid S-expression from libksba\n"));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
goto leave;
err = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_sig, NULL, sigval, n);
if (err)
log_error (_("converting S-expression failed: %s\n"),
gcry_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Get and convert the public key for the issuer certificate. */
if (DBG_X509)
dump_cert ("crl_issuer_cert", issuer_cert);
pubkey = ksba_cert_get_public_key (issuer_cert);
n = gcry_sexp_canon_len (pubkey, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!n)
log_error (_("got an invalid S-expression from libksba\n"));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
goto leave;
err = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_pkey, NULL, pubkey, n);
if (err)
log_error (_("converting S-expression failed: %s\n"),
gcry_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Create an S-expression with the actual hash value. */
s = gcry_md_algo_name (algo);
for (i = 0; *s && i < sizeof(algoname) - 1; s++, i++)
algoname[i] = ascii_tolower (*s);
algoname[i] = 0;
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_hash, NULL, "(data(flags pkcs1)(hash %s %b))",
gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (algo), gcry_md_read (md, algo));
if (err)
log_error (_("creating S-expression failed: %s\n"), gcry_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Pass this on to the signature verification. */
err = gcry_pk_verify (s_sig, s_hash, s_pkey);
if (DBG_X509)
log_debug ("gcry_pk_verify: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (sigval);
xfree (pubkey);
gcry_sexp_release (s_sig);
gcry_sexp_release (s_hash);
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
gcry_md_close (md);
return err;
/* Call this to match a start_sig_check that can not be completed
normally. */
static void
abort_sig_check (ksba_crl_t crl, gcry_md_hd_t md)
gcry_md_close (md);
/* Workhorse of the CRL loading machinery. The CRL is read using the
CRL object and stored in the data base file DB with the name FNAME
(only used for printing error messages). That DB should be a
temporary one and not the actual one. If the function fails the
caller should delete this temporary database file. CTRL is
required to retrieve certificates using the general dirmngr
callback service. R_CRLISSUER returns an allocated string with the
crl-issuer DN, THIS_UPDATE and NEXT_UPDATE are filled with the
corresponding data from the CRL. Note that these values might get
set even if the CRL processing fails at a later step; thus the
caller should free *R_ISSUER even if the function returns with an
error. R_TRUST_ANCHOR is set on exit to NULL or a string with the
hexified fingerprint of the root certificate, if checking this
certificate for trustiness is required.
static int
crl_parse_insert (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_crl_t crl,
struct cdb_make *cdb, const char *fname,
char **r_crlissuer,
ksba_isotime_t thisupdate, ksba_isotime_t nextupdate,
char **r_trust_anchor)
gpg_error_t err;
ksba_stop_reason_t stopreason;
ksba_cert_t crlissuer_cert = NULL;
gcry_md_hd_t md = NULL;
int algo = 0;
size_t n;
*r_crlissuer = NULL;
*thisupdate = *nextupdate = 0;
*r_trust_anchor = NULL;
/* Start of the KSBA parser loop. */
err = ksba_crl_parse (crl, &stopreason);
if (err)
log_error (_("ksba_crl_parse failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err) );
goto failure;
switch (stopreason)
err = start_sig_check (crl, &md, &algo);
if (err)
goto failure;
err = ksba_crl_get_update_times (crl, thisupdate, nextupdate);
if (err)
log_error (_("error getting update times of CRL: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CRL);
goto failure;
if (opt.verbose || !*nextupdate)
log_info (_("update times of this CRL: this=%s next=%s\n"),
thisupdate, nextupdate);
if (!*nextupdate)
log_info (_("nextUpdate not given; "
"assuming a validity period of one day\n"));
gnupg_copy_time (nextupdate, thisupdate);
add_seconds_to_isotime (nextupdate, 86400);
ksba_sexp_t serial;
const unsigned char *p;
ksba_isotime_t rdate;
ksba_crl_reason_t reason;
int rc;
unsigned char record[1+15];
err = ksba_crl_get_item (crl, &serial, rdate, &reason);
if (err)
log_error (_("error getting CRL item: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CRL);
ksba_free (serial);
goto failure;
p = serial_to_buffer (serial, &n);
if (!p)
BUG ();
record[0] = (reason & 0xff);
memcpy (record+1, rdate, 15);
rc = cdb_make_add (cdb, p, n, record, 1+15);
if (rc)
err = gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
log_error (_("error inserting item into "
"temporary cache file: %s\n"),
strerror (errno));
goto failure;
ksba_free (serial);
char *crlissuer;
ksba_name_t authid;
ksba_sexp_t authidsn;
ksba_sexp_t keyid;
/* We need to look for the issuer only after having read
all items. The issuer itselfs comes before the items
but the optional authorityKeyIdentifier comes after the
items. */
err = ksba_crl_get_issuer (crl, &crlissuer);
if( err )
log_error (_("no CRL issuer found in CRL: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err) );
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CRL);
goto failure;
/* Note: This should be released by ksba_free, not xfree.
May need a memory reallocation dance. */
*r_crlissuer = crlissuer; /* (Do it here so we don't need
to free it later) */
if (!ksba_crl_get_auth_key_id (crl, &keyid, &authid, &authidsn))
const char *s;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("locating CRL issuer certificate by "
s = ksba_name_enum (authid, 0);
if (s && *authidsn)
crlissuer_cert = find_cert_bysn (ctrl, s, authidsn);
if (!crlissuer_cert && keyid)
crlissuer_cert = find_cert_bysubject (ctrl,
crlissuer, keyid);
if (!crlissuer_cert)
log_info ("CRL issuer certificate ");
if (keyid)
log_printf ("{");
dump_serial (keyid);
log_printf ("} ");
if (authidsn)
log_printf ("(#");
dump_serial (authidsn);
log_printf ("/");
dump_string (s);
log_printf (") ");
log_printf ("not found\n");
ksba_name_release (authid);
xfree (authidsn);
xfree (keyid);
crlissuer_cert = find_cert_bysubject (ctrl, crlissuer, NULL);
err = 0;
if (!crlissuer_cert)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT);
goto failure;
err = finish_sig_check (crl, md, algo, crlissuer_cert);
if (err)
log_error (_("CRL signature verification failed: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
goto failure;
md = NULL;
err = validate_cert_chain (ctrl, crlissuer_cert, NULL,
if (err)
log_error (_("error checking validity of CRL "
"issuer certificate: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
goto failure;
log_debug ("crl_parse_insert: unknown stop reason\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
goto failure;
while (stopreason != KSBA_SR_READY);
assert (!err);
if (md)
abort_sig_check (crl, md);
ksba_cert_release (crlissuer_cert);
return err;
/* Return the crlNumber extension as an allocated hex string or NULL
if there is none. */
static char *
get_crl_number (ksba_crl_t crl)
gpg_error_t err;
ksba_sexp_t number;
char *string;
err = ksba_crl_get_crl_number (crl, &number);
if (err)
return NULL;
string = serial_hex (number);
ksba_free (number);
return string;
/* Return the authorityKeyIdentifier or NULL if it is not available.
The issuer name may consists of several parts - they are delimted by
0x01. */
static char *
get_auth_key_id (ksba_crl_t crl, char **serialno)
gpg_error_t err;
ksba_name_t name;
ksba_sexp_t sn;
int idx;
const char *s;
char *string;
size_t length;
*serialno = NULL;
err = ksba_crl_get_auth_key_id (crl, NULL, &name, &sn);
if (err)
return NULL;
*serialno = serial_hex (sn);
ksba_free (sn);
if (!name)
return xstrdup ("");
length = 0;
for (idx=0; (s = ksba_name_enum (name, idx)); idx++)
char *p = ksba_name_get_uri (name, idx);
length += strlen (p?p:s) + 1;
xfree (p);
string = xtrymalloc (length+1);
if (string)
*string = 0;
for (idx=0; (s = ksba_name_enum (name, idx)); idx++)
char *p = ksba_name_get_uri (name, idx);
if (*string)
strcat (string, "\x01");
strcat (string, p?p:s);
xfree (p);
ksba_name_release (name);
return string;
/* Insert the CRL retrieved using URL into the cache specified by
CACHE. The CRL itself will be read from the stream FP and is
expected in binary format.
Called by:
crl_cache_insert (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *url, ksba_reader_t reader)
crl_cache_t cache = get_current_cache ();
gpg_error_t err, err2;
ksba_crl_t crl;
char *fname = NULL;
char *newfname = NULL;
struct cdb_make cdb;
int fd_cdb = -1;
char *issuer = NULL;
char *issuer_hash = NULL;
ksba_isotime_t thisupdate, nextupdate;
crl_cache_entry_t entry = NULL;
crl_cache_entry_t e;
gnupg_isotime_t current_time;
char *checksum = NULL;
int invalidate_crl = 0;
int idx;
const char *oid;
int critical;
char *trust_anchor = NULL;
/* FIXME: We should acquire a mutex for the URL, so that we don't
simultaneously enter the same CRL twice. However this needs to be
interweaved with the checking function.*/
err2 = 0;
err = ksba_crl_new (&crl);
if (err)
log_error (_("ksba_crl_new failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = ksba_crl_set_reader (crl, reader);
if ( err )
log_error (_("ksba_crl_set_reader failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Create a temporary cache file to load the CRL into. */
char *tmpfname, *p;
const char *nodename;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
struct utsname utsbuf;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
nodename = "unknown";
if (uname (&utsbuf))
nodename = "unknown";
nodename = utsbuf.nodename;
gpgrt_asprintf (&tmpfname, "crl-tmp-%s-%u-%p.db.tmp",
nodename, (unsigned int)getpid (), &tmpfname);
if (!tmpfname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
for (p=tmpfname; *p; p++)
if (*p == '/')
*p = '.';
fname = make_filename (opt.homedir_cache, DBDIR_D, tmpfname, NULL);
xfree (tmpfname);
if (!gnupg_remove (fname))
log_info (_("removed stale temporary cache file '%s'\n"), fname);
else if (errno != ENOENT)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("problem removing stale temporary cache file '%s': %s\n"),
fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
fd_cdb = open (fname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
if (fd_cdb == -1)
err = gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
log_error (_("error creating temporary cache file '%s': %s\n"),
fname, strerror (errno));
goto leave;
cdb_make_start(&cdb, fd_cdb);
err = crl_parse_insert (ctrl, crl, &cdb, fname,
&issuer, thisupdate, nextupdate, &trust_anchor);
if (err)
log_error (_("crl_parse_insert failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
/* Error in cleanup ignored. */
cdb_make_finish (&cdb);
goto leave;
/* Finish the database. */
if (cdb_make_finish (&cdb))
err = gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
log_error (_("error finishing temporary cache file '%s': %s\n"),
fname, strerror (errno));
goto leave;
if (close (fd_cdb))
err = gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
log_error (_("error closing temporary cache file '%s': %s\n"),
fname, strerror (errno));
goto leave;
fd_cdb = -1;
/* Create a checksum. */
unsigned char md5buf[16];
if (hash_dbfile (fname, md5buf))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CHECKSUM);
goto leave;
checksum = hexify_data (md5buf, 16, 0);
/* Check whether that new CRL is still not expired. */
gnupg_get_isotime (current_time);
if (strcmp (nextupdate, current_time) < 0 )
if (opt.force)
log_info (_("WARNING: new CRL still too old; it expired on %s "
"- loading anyway\n"), nextupdate);
log_error (_("new CRL still too old; it expired on %s\n"),
if (!err2)
err2 = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CRL_TOO_OLD);
invalidate_crl |= 1;
/* Check for unknown critical extensions. */
for (idx=0; !(err=ksba_crl_get_extension (crl, idx, &oid, &critical,
NULL, NULL)); idx++)
if (!critical
|| !strcmp (oid, oidstr_authorityKeyIdentifier)
|| !strcmp (oid, oidstr_crlNumber) )
log_error (_("unknown critical CRL extension %s\n"), oid);
if (!err2)
err2 = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CRL);
invalidate_crl |= 2;
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF
|| gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA )
err = 0;
if (err)
log_error (_("error reading CRL extensions: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CRL);
/* Create an hex encoded SHA-1 hash of the issuer DN to be
used as the key for the cache. */
issuer_hash = hashify_data (issuer, strlen (issuer));
/* Create an ENTRY. */
entry = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *entry);
if (!entry)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
entry->release_ptr = xtrymalloc (strlen (issuer_hash) + 1
+ strlen (issuer) + 1
+ strlen (url) + 1
+ strlen (checksum) + 1);
if (!entry->release_ptr)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (entry);
entry = NULL;
goto leave;
entry->issuer_hash = entry->release_ptr;
entry->issuer = stpcpy (entry->issuer_hash, issuer_hash) + 1;
entry->url = stpcpy (entry->issuer, issuer) + 1;
entry->dbfile_hash = stpcpy (entry->url, url) + 1;
strcpy (entry->dbfile_hash, checksum);
gnupg_copy_time (entry->this_update, thisupdate);
gnupg_copy_time (entry->next_update, nextupdate);
gnupg_copy_time (entry->last_refresh, current_time);
entry->crl_number = get_crl_number (crl);
entry->authority_issuer = get_auth_key_id (crl, &entry->authority_serialno);
entry->invalid = invalidate_crl;
entry->user_trust_req = !!trust_anchor;
entry->check_trust_anchor = trust_anchor;
trust_anchor = NULL;
/* Check whether we already have an entry for this issuer and mark
it as deleted. We better use a loop, just in case duplicates got
somehow into the list. */
for (e = cache->entries; (e=find_entry (e, entry->issuer_hash)); e = e->next)
e->deleted = 1;
/* Rename the temporary DB to the real name. */
newfname = make_db_file_name (entry->issuer_hash);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("creating cache file '%s'\n"), newfname);
/* Just in case close unused matching files. Actually we need this
only under Windows but saving file descriptors is never bad. */
int any;
any = 0;
for (e = cache->entries; e; e = e->next)
if (!e->cdb_use_count && e->cdb
&& !strcmp (e->issuer_hash, entry->issuer_hash))
int fd = cdb_fileno (e->cdb);
cdb_free (e->cdb);
xfree (e->cdb);
e->cdb = NULL;
if (close (fd))
log_error (_("error closing cache file: %s\n"),
any = 1;
while (any);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
gnupg_remove (newfname);
if (rename (fname, newfname))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("problem renaming '%s' to '%s': %s\n"),
fname, newfname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
xfree (fname); fname = NULL; /*(let the cleanup code not try to remove it)*/
/* Link the new entry in. */
entry->next = cache->entries;
cache->entries = entry;
entry = NULL;
err = update_dir (cache);
if (err)
log_error (_("updating the DIR file failed - "
"cache entry will get lost with the next program start\n"));
err = 0; /* Keep on running. */
release_one_cache_entry (entry);
if (fd_cdb != -1)
close (fd_cdb);
if (fname)
gnupg_remove (fname);
xfree (fname);
xfree (newfname);
ksba_crl_release (crl);
xfree (issuer);
xfree (issuer_hash);
xfree (checksum);
xfree (trust_anchor);
return err ? err : err2;
/* Print one cached entry E in a human readable format to stream
FP. Return 0 on success. */
static gpg_error_t
list_one_crl_entry (crl_cache_t cache, crl_cache_entry_t e, estream_t fp)
struct cdb_find cdbfp;
struct cdb *cdb;
int rc;
int warn = 0;
const unsigned char *s;
es_fputs ("--------------------------------------------------------\n", fp );
es_fprintf (fp, _("Begin CRL dump (retrieved via %s)\n"), e->url );
es_fprintf (fp, " Issuer:\t%s\n", e->issuer );
es_fprintf (fp, " Issuer Hash:\t%s\n", e->issuer_hash );
es_fprintf (fp, " This Update:\t%s\n", e->this_update );
es_fprintf (fp, " Next Update:\t%s\n", e->next_update );
es_fprintf (fp, " CRL Number :\t%s\n", e->crl_number? e->crl_number: "none");
es_fprintf (fp, " AuthKeyId :\t%s\n",
e->authority_serialno? e->authority_serialno:"none");
if (e->authority_serialno && e->authority_issuer)
es_fputs (" \t", fp);
for (s=e->authority_issuer; *s; s++)
if (*s == '\x01')
es_fputs ("\n \t", fp);
es_putc (*s, fp);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
es_fprintf (fp, " Trust Check:\t%s\n",
!e->user_trust_req? "[system]" :
e->check_trust_anchor? e->check_trust_anchor:"[missing]");
if ((e->invalid & 1))
es_fprintf (fp, _(" ERROR: The CRL will not be used "
"because it was still too old after an update!\n"));
if ((e->invalid & 2))
es_fprintf (fp, _(" ERROR: The CRL will not be used "
"due to an unknown critical extension!\n"));
if ((e->invalid & ~3))
es_fprintf (fp, _(" ERROR: The CRL will not be used\n"));
cdb = lock_db_file (cache, e);
if (!cdb)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
if (!e->dbfile_checked)
es_fprintf (fp, _(" ERROR: This cached CRL may have been tampered with!\n"));
es_putc ('\n', fp);
rc = cdb_findinit (&cdbfp, cdb, NULL, 0);
while (!rc && (rc=cdb_findnext (&cdbfp)) > 0 )
unsigned char keyrecord[256];
unsigned char record[16];
int reason;
int any = 0;
cdbi_t n;
cdbi_t i;
rc = 0;
n = cdb_datalen (cdb);
if (n != 16)
log_error (_(" WARNING: invalid cache record length\n"));
warn = 1;
if (cdb_read (cdb, record, n, cdb_datapos (cdb)))
log_error (_("problem reading cache record: %s\n"),
strerror (errno));
warn = 1;
n = cdb_keylen (cdb);
if (n > sizeof keyrecord)
n = sizeof keyrecord;
if (cdb_read (cdb, keyrecord, n, cdb_keypos (cdb)))
log_error (_("problem reading cache key: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
warn = 1;
reason = *record;
es_fputs (" ", fp);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
es_fprintf (fp, "%02X", keyrecord[i]);
es_fputs (":\t reasons( ", fp);
es_fputs( "unspecified ", fp ), any = 1;
es_fputs( "key_compromise ", fp ), any = 1;
es_fputs( "ca_compromise ", fp ), any = 1;
es_fputs( "affiliation_changed ", fp ), any = 1;
es_fputs( "superseded", fp ), any = 1;
es_fputs( "cessation_of_operation", fp ), any = 1;
es_fputs( "certificate_hold", fp ), any = 1;
if (reason && !any)
es_fputs( "other", fp );
es_fprintf (fp, ") rdate: %.15s\n", record+1);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error reading cache entry from db: %s\n"), strerror (rc));
unlock_db_file (cache, e);
es_fprintf (fp, _("End CRL dump\n") );
es_putc ('\n', fp);
return (rc||warn)? gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL) : 0;
/* Print the contents of the CRL CACHE in a human readable format to
stream FP. */
crl_cache_list (estream_t fp)
crl_cache_t cache = get_current_cache ();
crl_cache_entry_t entry;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
for (entry = cache->entries;
entry && !entry->deleted && !err;
entry = entry->next )
err = list_one_crl_entry (cache, entry, fp);
return err;
/* Load the CRL containing the file named FILENAME into our CRL cache. */
crl_cache_load (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *filename)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t fp;
ksba_reader_t reader;
fp = es_fopen (filename, "rb");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), filename, strerror (errno));
return err;
err = create_estream_ksba_reader (&reader, fp);
if (!err)
err = crl_cache_insert (ctrl, filename, reader);
ksba_reader_release (reader);
es_fclose (fp);
return err;
/* Locate the corresponding CRL for the certificate CERT, read and
verify the CRL and store it in the cache. */
crl_cache_reload_crl (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert)
gpg_error_t err;
ksba_reader_t reader = NULL;
char *issuer = NULL;
ksba_name_t distpoint = NULL;
ksba_name_t issuername = NULL;
char *distpoint_uri = NULL;
char *issuername_uri = NULL;
int any_dist_point = 0;
int seq;
/* Loop over all distribution points, get the CRLs and put them into
the cache. */
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("checking distribution points\n");
seq = 0;
while ( !(err = ksba_cert_get_crl_dist_point (cert, seq++,
&issuername, NULL )))
int name_seq;
gpg_error_t last_err = 0;
if (!distpoint && !issuername)
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("no issuer name and no distribution point\n");
break; /* Not allowed; i.e. an invalid certificate. We give
up here and hope that the default method returns a
suitable CRL. */
xfree (issuername_uri); issuername_uri = NULL;
/* Get the URIs. We do this in a loop to iterate over all names
in the crlDP. */
for (name_seq=0; ksba_name_enum (distpoint, name_seq); name_seq++)
xfree (distpoint_uri); distpoint_uri = NULL;
distpoint_uri = ksba_name_get_uri (distpoint, name_seq);
if (!distpoint_uri)
if (!strncmp (distpoint_uri, "ldap:", 5)
|| !strncmp (distpoint_uri, "ldaps:", 6))
if (opt.ignore_ldap_dp)
else if (!strncmp (distpoint_uri, "http:", 5)
|| !strncmp (distpoint_uri, "https:", 6))
if (opt.ignore_http_dp)
continue; /* Skip unknown schemes. */
any_dist_point = 1;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("fetching CRL from '%s'\n", distpoint_uri);
err = crl_fetch (ctrl, distpoint_uri, &reader);
if (err)
log_error (_("crl_fetch via DP failed: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
last_err = err;
continue; /* with the next name. */
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("inserting CRL (reader %p)\n", reader);
err = crl_cache_insert (ctrl, distpoint_uri, reader);
if (err)
log_error (_("crl_cache_insert via DP failed: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
last_err = err;
continue; /* with the next name. */
last_err = 0;
break; /* Ready. */
if (last_err)
err = last_err;
goto leave;
ksba_name_release (distpoint); distpoint = NULL;
/* We don't do anything with issuername_uri yet but we keep the
code for documentation. */
issuername_uri = ksba_name_get_uri (issuername, 0);
ksba_name_release (issuername); issuername = NULL;
/* Close the reader. */
crl_close_reader (reader);
reader = NULL;
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
err = 0;
/* If we did not found any distpoint, try something reasonable. */
if (!any_dist_point )
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("no distribution point - trying issuer name\n");
crl_close_reader (reader);
reader = NULL;
issuer = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0);
if (!issuer)
log_error ("oops: issuer missing in certificate\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CERT_OBJ);
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("fetching CRL from default location\n");
err = crl_fetch_default (ctrl, issuer, &reader);
if (err)
log_error ("crl_fetch via issuer failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("inserting CRL (reader %p)\n", reader);
err = crl_cache_insert (ctrl, "default location(s)", reader);
if (err)
log_error (_("crl_cache_insert via issuer failed: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
crl_close_reader (reader);
xfree (distpoint_uri);
xfree (issuername_uri);
ksba_name_release (distpoint);
ksba_name_release (issuername);
ksba_free (issuer);
return err;
diff --git a/dirmngr/crlfetch.c b/dirmngr/crlfetch.c
index 7e814f53b..8fe6e0b1b 100644
--- a/dirmngr/crlfetch.c
+++ b/dirmngr/crlfetch.c
@@ -1,565 +1,565 @@
/* crlfetch.c - LDAP access
* Copyright (C) 2002 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of DirMngr.
* DirMngr is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* DirMngr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <npth.h>
#include "crlfetch.h"
#include "dirmngr.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "http.h"
# include "ldap-wrapper.h"
/* For detecting armored CRLs received via HTTP (yes, such CRLS really
exits, e.g. at least in June
2008) we need a context in the reader callback. */
struct reader_cb_context_s
estream_t fp; /* The stream used with the ksba reader. */
int checked:1; /* PEM/binary detection ahs been done. */
int is_pem:1; /* The file stream is PEM encoded. */
struct b64state b64state; /* The state used for Base64 decoding. */
/* We need to associate a reader object with the reader callback
context. This table is used for it. */
struct file_reader_map_s
ksba_reader_t reader;
struct reader_cb_context_s *cb_ctx;
#define MAX_FILE_READER 50
static struct file_reader_map_s file_reader_map[MAX_FILE_READER];
/* Associate FP with READER. If the table is full wait until another
thread has removed an entry. */
static void
register_file_reader (ksba_reader_t reader, struct reader_cb_context_s *cb_ctx)
int i;
for (;;)
for (i=0; i < MAX_FILE_READER; i++)
if (!file_reader_map[i].reader)
file_reader_map[i].reader = reader;
file_reader_map[i].cb_ctx = cb_ctx;
log_info (_("reader to file mapping table full - waiting\n"));
npth_sleep (2);
/* Scan the table for an entry matching READER, remove that entry and
return the associated file pointer. */
static struct reader_cb_context_s *
get_file_reader (ksba_reader_t reader)
struct reader_cb_context_s *cb_ctx = NULL;
int i;
for (i=0; i < MAX_FILE_READER; i++)
if (file_reader_map[i].reader == reader)
cb_ctx = file_reader_map[i].cb_ctx;
file_reader_map[i].reader = NULL;
file_reader_map[i].cb_ctx = NULL;
return cb_ctx;
static int
my_es_read (void *opaque, char *buffer, size_t nbytes, size_t *nread)
struct reader_cb_context_s *cb_ctx = opaque;
int result;
result = es_read (cb_ctx->fp, buffer, nbytes, nread);
if (result)
return result;
/* Fixme we should check whether the semantics of es_read are okay
and well defined. I have some doubts. */
if (nbytes && !*nread && es_feof (cb_ctx->fp))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
if (!nread && es_ferror (cb_ctx->fp))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EIO);
if (!cb_ctx->checked && *nread)
int c = *(unsigned char *)buffer;
cb_ctx->checked = 1;
if ( ((c & 0xc0) >> 6) == 0 /* class: universal */
&& (c & 0x1f) == 16 /* sequence */
&& (c & 0x20) /* is constructed */ )
; /* Binary data. */
cb_ctx->is_pem = 1;
b64dec_start (&cb_ctx->b64state, "");
if (cb_ctx->is_pem && *nread)
size_t nread2;
if (b64dec_proc (&cb_ctx->b64state, buffer, *nread, &nread2))
/* EOF from decoder. */
*nread = 0;
result = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
*nread = nread2;
return result;
/* Fetch CRL from URL and return the entire CRL using new ksba reader
object in READER. Note that this reader object should be closed
only using ldap_close_reader. */
crl_fetch (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *url, ksba_reader_t *reader)
gpg_error_t err;
parsed_uri_t uri;
char *free_this = NULL;
int redirects_left = 2; /* We allow for 2 redirect levels. */
*reader = NULL;
if (!url)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
err = http_parse_uri (&uri, url, 0);
http_release_parsed_uri (uri);
if (err && !strncmp (url, "https:", 6))
/* Our HTTP code does not support TLS, thus we can't use this
scheme and it is frankly not useful for CRL retrieval anyway.
We resort to using http, assuming that the server also
provides plain http access. */
free_this = xtrymalloc (strlen (url) + 1);
if (free_this)
strcpy (stpcpy (free_this,"http:"), url+6);
err = http_parse_uri (&uri, free_this, 0);
http_release_parsed_uri (uri);
if (!err)
log_info (_("using \"http\" instead of \"https\"\n"));
url = free_this;
if (!err) /* Yes, our HTTP code groks that. */
http_t hd;
if (opt.disable_http)
log_error (_("CRL access not possible due to disabled %s\n"),
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
err = http_open_document (&hd, url, NULL,
((opt.honor_http_proxy? HTTP_FLAG_TRY_PROXY:0)
|(opt.use_tor? HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TOR:0)),
ctrl->http_proxy, NULL, NULL, NULL);
switch ( err? 99999 : http_get_status_code (hd) )
case 200:
estream_t fp = http_get_read_ptr (hd);
struct reader_cb_context_s *cb_ctx;
cb_ctx = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *cb_ctx);
if (!cb_ctx)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (!err)
err = ksba_reader_new (reader);
if (!err)
cb_ctx->fp = fp;
err = ksba_reader_set_cb (*reader, &my_es_read, cb_ctx);
if (err)
log_error (_("error initializing reader object: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
ksba_reader_release (*reader);
*reader = NULL;
http_close (hd, 0);
/* The ksba reader misses a user pointer thus we need
to come up with our own way of associating a file
pointer (or well the callback context) with the
reader. It is only required when closing the
reader thus there is no performance issue doing it
this way. FIXME: We now have a close notification
which might be used here. */
register_file_reader (*reader, cb_ctx);
http_close (hd, 1);
case 301: /* Redirection (perm.). */
case 302: /* Redirection (temp.). */
const char *s = http_get_header (hd, "Location");
log_info (_("URL '%s' redirected to '%s' (%u)\n"),
url, s?s:"[none]", http_get_status_code (hd));
if (s && *s && redirects_left-- )
xfree (free_this); url = NULL;
free_this = xtrystrdup (s);
if (!free_this)
err = gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
url = free_this;
http_close (hd, 0);
/* Note, that our implementation of redirection
actually handles a redirect to LDAP. */
goto once_more;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
log_error (_("too many redirections\n")); /* Or no "Location". */
http_close (hd, 0);
case 99999: /* Made up status code for error reporting. */
log_error (_("error retrieving '%s': %s\n"),
url, gpg_strerror (err));
log_error (_("error retrieving '%s': http status %u\n"),
url, http_get_status_code (hd));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
http_close (hd, 0);
else /* Let the LDAP code try other schemes. */
if (opt.disable_ldap)
log_error (_("CRL access not possible due to disabled %s\n"),
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
else if (opt.use_tor)
/* For now we do not support LDAP over Tor. */
log_error (_("CRL access not possible due to Tor mode\n"));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
err = url_fetch_ldap (ctrl, url, NULL, 0, reader);
# else /*!USE_LDAP*/
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
# endif /*!USE_LDAP*/
xfree (free_this);
return err;
/* Fetch CRL for ISSUER using a default server. Return the entire CRL
as a newly opened stream returned in R_FP. */
crl_fetch_default (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *issuer, ksba_reader_t *reader)
if (opt.use_tor)
/* For now we do not support LDAP over Tor. */
log_error (_("CRL access not possible due to Tor mode\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
if (opt.disable_ldap)
log_error (_("CRL access not possible due to disabled %s\n"),
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
return attr_fetch_ldap (ctrl, issuer, "certificateRevocationList",
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
/* Fetch a CA certificate for DN using the default server. This
function only initiates the fetch; fetch_next_cert must be used to
actually read the certificate; end_cert_fetch to end the
operation. */
ca_cert_fetch (ctrl_t ctrl, cert_fetch_context_t *context, const char *dn)
if (opt.use_tor)
/* For now we do not support LDAP over Tor. */
log_error (_("CRL access not possible due to Tor mode\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
if (opt.disable_ldap)
log_error (_("CRL access not possible due to disabled %s\n"),
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
return start_default_fetch_ldap (ctrl, context, dn, "cACertificate");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
start_cert_fetch (ctrl_t ctrl, cert_fetch_context_t *context,
strlist_t patterns, const ldap_server_t server)
if (opt.use_tor)
/* For now we do not support LDAP over Tor. */
log_error (_("CRL access not possible due to Tor mode\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
if (opt.disable_ldap)
log_error (_("certificate search not possible due to disabled %s\n"),
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
return start_cert_fetch_ldap (ctrl, context, patterns, server);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
fetch_next_cert (cert_fetch_context_t context,
unsigned char **value, size_t * valuelen)
return fetch_next_cert_ldap (context, value, valuelen);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
/* Fetch the next data from CONTEXT, assuming it is a certificate and return
it as a cert object in R_CERT. */
fetch_next_ksba_cert (cert_fetch_context_t context, ksba_cert_t *r_cert)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *value;
size_t valuelen;
ksba_cert_t cert;
*r_cert = NULL;
err = fetch_next_cert_ldap (context, &value, &valuelen);
if (!err && !value)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
if (err)
return err;
err = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (err)
xfree (value);
return err;
err = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, value, valuelen);
xfree (value);
if (err)
ksba_cert_release (cert);
return err;
*r_cert = cert;
return 0;
end_cert_fetch (cert_fetch_context_t context)
end_cert_fetch_ldap (context);
/* Lookup a cert by it's URL. */
fetch_cert_by_url (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *url,
unsigned char **value, size_t *valuelen)
const unsigned char *cert_image;
size_t cert_image_n;
ksba_reader_t reader;
ksba_cert_t cert;
gpg_error_t err;
*value = NULL;
*valuelen = 0;
cert_image = NULL;
reader = NULL;
cert = NULL;
err = url_fetch_ldap (ctrl, url, NULL, 0, &reader);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
if (err)
goto leave;
err = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = ksba_cert_read_der (cert, reader);
if (err)
goto leave;
cert_image = ksba_cert_get_image (cert, &cert_image_n);
if (!cert_image || !cert_image_n)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CERT_OBJ);
goto leave;
*value = xtrymalloc (cert_image_n);
if (!*value)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
memcpy (*value, cert_image, cert_image_n);
*valuelen = cert_image_n;
ksba_cert_release (cert);
ldap_wrapper_release_context (reader);
#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
return err;
/* This function is to be used to close the reader object. In
addition to running ksba_reader_release it also releases the LDAP
or HTTP contexts associated with that reader. */
crl_close_reader (ksba_reader_t reader)
struct reader_cb_context_s *cb_ctx;
if (!reader)
/* Check whether this is a HTTP one. */
cb_ctx = get_file_reader (reader);
if (cb_ctx)
/* This is an HTTP context. */
if (cb_ctx->fp)
es_fclose (cb_ctx->fp);
/* Release the base64 decoder state. */
if (cb_ctx->is_pem)
b64dec_finish (&cb_ctx->b64state);
/* Release the callback context. */
xfree (cb_ctx);
else /* This is an ldap wrapper context (Currently not used). */
ldap_wrapper_release_context (reader);
#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
/* Now get rid of the reader object. */
ksba_reader_release (reader);
diff --git a/dirmngr/crlfetch.h b/dirmngr/crlfetch.h
index dd282385d..cf4a3c0aa 100644
--- a/dirmngr/crlfetch.h
+++ b/dirmngr/crlfetch.h
@@ -1,88 +1,88 @@
/* crlfetch.h - LDAP access
* Copyright (C) 2002 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
* This file is part of DirMngr.
* DirMngr is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* DirMngr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef CRLFETCH_H
#define CRLFETCH_H
#include "dirmngr.h"
struct cert_fetch_context_s;
typedef struct cert_fetch_context_s *cert_fetch_context_t;
/* Fetch CRL from URL. */
gpg_error_t crl_fetch (ctrl_t ctrl, const char* url, ksba_reader_t *reader);
/* Fetch CRL for ISSUER using default server. */
gpg_error_t crl_fetch_default (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char* issuer, ksba_reader_t *reader);
/* Fetch cert for DN. */
gpg_error_t ca_cert_fetch (ctrl_t ctrl, cert_fetch_context_t *context,
const char *dn);
/* Query the server for certs matching patterns. */
gpg_error_t start_cert_fetch (ctrl_t ctrl,
cert_fetch_context_t *context,
strlist_t patterns,
const ldap_server_t server);
gpg_error_t fetch_next_cert(cert_fetch_context_t context,
unsigned char **value, size_t *valuelen);
gpg_error_t fetch_next_ksba_cert (cert_fetch_context_t context,
ksba_cert_t *r_cert);
void end_cert_fetch (cert_fetch_context_t context);
/* Lookup a cert by it's URL. */
gpg_error_t fetch_cert_by_url (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *url,
unsigned char **value, size_t *valuelen);
/* Close a reader object. */
void crl_close_reader (ksba_reader_t reader);
/*-- ldap.c --*/
gpg_error_t url_fetch_ldap (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *url, const char *host, int port,
ksba_reader_t *reader);
gpg_error_t attr_fetch_ldap (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *dn, const char *attr,
ksba_reader_t *reader);
gpg_error_t start_default_fetch_ldap (ctrl_t ctrl,
cert_fetch_context_t *context,
const char *dn, const char *attr);
gpg_error_t start_cert_fetch_ldap( ctrl_t ctrl,
cert_fetch_context_t *context,
strlist_t patterns,
const ldap_server_t server );
gpg_error_t fetch_next_cert_ldap (cert_fetch_context_t context,
unsigned char **value, size_t *valuelen );
void end_cert_fetch_ldap (cert_fetch_context_t context);
#endif /* CRLFETCH_H */
diff --git a/dirmngr/dirmngr-client.c b/dirmngr/dirmngr-client.c
index 9b004cc19..01cface5f 100644
--- a/dirmngr/dirmngr-client.c
+++ b/dirmngr/dirmngr-client.c
@@ -1,934 +1,934 @@
/* dirmngr-client.c - A client for the dirmngr daemon
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2007 g10 Code GmbH
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of DirMngr.
* DirMngr is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* DirMngr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include <assuan.h>
#include "../common/logging.h"
#include "../common/argparse.h"
#include "../common/stringhelp.h"
#include "../common/mischelp.h"
#include "../common/strlist.h"
#include "../common/asshelp.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "init.h"
/* Constants for the options. */
oQuiet = 'q',
oVerbose = 'v',
oLocal = 'l',
oUrl = 'u',
oOCSP = 500,
/* The list of options as used by the argparse.c code. */
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
{ oVerbose, "verbose", 0, N_("verbose") },
{ oQuiet, "quiet", 0, N_("be somewhat more quiet") },
{ oOCSP, "ocsp", 0, N_("use OCSP instead of CRLs") },
{ oPing, "ping", 0, N_("check whether a dirmngr is running")},
{ oCacheCert,"cache-cert",0, N_("add a certificate to the cache")},
{ oValidate, "validate", 0, N_("validate a certificate")},
{ oLookup, "lookup", 0, N_("lookup a certificate")},
{ oLocal, "local", 0, N_("lookup only locally stored certificates")},
{ oUrl, "url", 0, N_("expect an URL for --lookup")},
{ oLoadCRL, "load-crl", 0, N_("load a CRL into the dirmngr")},
{ oSquidMode,"squid-mode",0, N_("special mode for use by Squid")},
{ oPEM, "pem", 0, N_("expect certificates in PEM format")},
{ oForceDefaultResponder, "force-default-responder", 0,
N_("force the use of the default OCSP responder")},
{ 0, NULL, 0, NULL }
/* The usual structure for the program flags. */
static struct
int quiet;
int verbose;
const char *dirmngr_program;
int force_default_responder;
int pem;
int escaped_pem; /* PEM is additional percent encoded. */
int url; /* Expect an URL. */
int local; /* Lookup up only local certificates. */
int use_ocsp;
} opt;
/* Communication structure for the certificate inquire callback. */
struct inq_cert_parm_s
assuan_context_t ctx;
const unsigned char *cert;
size_t certlen;
/* Base64 conversion tables. */
static unsigned char bintoasc[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
static unsigned char asctobin[256]; /* runtime initialized */
/* Build the helptable for radix64 to bin conversion. */
static void
init_asctobin (void)
static int initialized;
int i;
unsigned char *s;
if (initialized)
initialized = 1;
for (i=0; i < 256; i++ )
asctobin[i] = 255; /* Used to detect invalid characters. */
for (s=bintoasc, i=0; *s; s++, i++)
asctobin[*s] = i;
/* Prototypes. */
static gpg_error_t read_certificate (const char *fname,
unsigned char **rbuf, size_t *rbuflen);
static gpg_error_t do_check (assuan_context_t ctx,
const unsigned char *cert, size_t certlen);
static gpg_error_t do_cache (assuan_context_t ctx,
const unsigned char *cert, size_t certlen);
static gpg_error_t do_validate (assuan_context_t ctx,
const unsigned char *cert, size_t certlen);
static gpg_error_t do_loadcrl (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *filename);
static gpg_error_t do_lookup (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *pattern);
static gpg_error_t squid_loop_body (assuan_context_t ctx);
/* Function called by argparse.c to display information. */
static const char *
my_strusage (int level)
const char *p;
case 11: p = "dirmngr-client (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 49: p = PACKAGE_BUGREPORT; break;
case 1:
case 40: p =
_("Usage: dirmngr-client [options] "
"[certfile|pattern] (-h for help)\n");
case 41: p =
_("Syntax: dirmngr-client [options] [certfile|pattern]\n"
"Test an X.509 certificate against a CRL or do an OCSP check\n"
"The process returns 0 if the certificate is valid, 1 if it is\n"
"not valid and other error codes for general failures\n");
default: p = NULL;
return p;
main (int argc, char **argv )
assuan_context_t ctx;
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *certbuf;
size_t certbuflen = 0;
int cmd_ping = 0;
int cmd_cache_cert = 0;
int cmd_validate = 0;
int cmd_lookup = 0;
int cmd_loadcrl = 0;
int cmd_squid_mode = 0;
early_system_init ();
set_strusage (my_strusage);
log_set_prefix ("dirmngr-client",
/* For W32 we need to initialize the socket subsystem. Because we
don't use Pth we need to do this explicit. */
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
WSADATA wsadat;
WSAStartup (0x202, &wsadat);
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* Init Assuan. */
assuan_set_assuan_log_prefix (log_get_prefix (NULL));
assuan_set_gpg_err_source (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT);
/* Setup I18N. */
/* Parse the command line. */
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= 1; /* Do not remove the args. */
while (arg_parse (&pargs, opts) )
switch (pargs.r_opt)
case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; break;
case oQuiet: opt.quiet++; break;
case oOCSP: opt.use_ocsp++; break;
case oPing: cmd_ping = 1; break;
case oCacheCert: cmd_cache_cert = 1; break;
case oValidate: cmd_validate = 1; break;
case oLookup: cmd_lookup = 1; break;
case oUrl: opt.url = 1; break;
case oLocal: opt.local = 1; break;
case oLoadCRL: cmd_loadcrl = 1; break;
case oPEM: opt.pem = 1; break;
case oSquidMode:
opt.pem = 1;
opt.escaped_pem = 1;
cmd_squid_mode = 1;
case oForceDefaultResponder: opt.force_default_responder = 1; break;
default : pargs.err = 2; break;
if (log_get_errorcount (0))
exit (2);
if (cmd_ping)
err = 0;
else if (cmd_lookup || cmd_loadcrl)
if (!argc)
usage (1);
err = 0;
else if (cmd_squid_mode)
err = 0;
if (argc)
usage (1);
else if (!argc)
err = read_certificate (NULL, &certbuf, &certbuflen);
if (err)
log_error (_("error reading certificate from stdin: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
else if (argc == 1)
err = read_certificate (*argv, &certbuf, &certbuflen);
if (err)
log_error (_("error reading certificate from '%s': %s\n"),
*argv, gpg_strerror (err));
err = 0;
usage (1);
if (log_get_errorcount (0))
exit (2);
if (certbuflen > 20000)
log_error (_("certificate too large to make any sense\n"));
exit (2);
err = start_new_dirmngr (&ctx,
? opt.dirmngr_program
: gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_DIRMNGR),
! cmd_ping,
if (err)
log_error (_("can't connect to the dirmngr: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
exit (2);
if (cmd_ping)
else if (cmd_squid_mode)
while (!(err = squid_loop_body (ctx)))
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
err = 0;
else if (cmd_lookup)
int last_err = 0;
for (; argc; argc--, argv++)
err = do_lookup (ctx, *argv);
if (err)
log_error (_("lookup failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
last_err = err;
err = last_err;
else if (cmd_loadcrl)
int last_err = 0;
for (; argc; argc--, argv++)
err = do_loadcrl (ctx, *argv);
if (err)
log_error (_("loading CRL '%s' failed: %s\n"),
*argv, gpg_strerror (err));
last_err = err;
err = last_err;
else if (cmd_cache_cert)
err = do_cache (ctx, certbuf, certbuflen);
xfree (certbuf);
else if (cmd_validate)
err = do_validate (ctx, certbuf, certbuflen);
xfree (certbuf);
err = do_check (ctx, certbuf, certbuflen);
xfree (certbuf);
assuan_release (ctx);
if (cmd_ping)
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("a dirmngr daemon is up and running\n"));
return 0;
else if (cmd_lookup|| cmd_loadcrl || cmd_squid_mode)
return err? 1:0;
else if (cmd_cache_cert)
if (err && gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE )
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("certificate already cached\n"));
else if (err)
log_error (_("error caching certificate: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
return 1;
return 0;
else if (cmd_validate && err)
log_error (_("validation of certificate failed: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
return 1;
else if (!err)
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("certificate is valid\n"));
return 0;
else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_CERT_REVOKED )
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("certificate has been revoked\n"));
return 1;
log_error (_("certificate check failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
return 2;
/* Print status line from the assuan protocol. */
static gpg_error_t
status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
if (opt.verbose > 2)
log_info (_("got status: '%s'\n"), line);
return 0;
/* Print data as retrieved by the lookup function. */
static gpg_error_t
data_cb (void *opaque, const void *buffer, size_t length)
gpg_error_t err;
struct b64state *state = opaque;
if (buffer)
err = b64enc_write (state, buffer, length);
if (err)
log_error (_("error writing base64 encoding: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
return 0;
/* Read the first PEM certificate from the file FNAME. If fname is
NULL the next certificate is read from stdin. The certificate is
returned in an alloced buffer whose address will be returned in
RBUF and its length in RBUFLEN. */
static gpg_error_t
read_pem_certificate (const char *fname, unsigned char **rbuf, size_t *rbuflen)
FILE *fp;
int c;
int pos;
int value;
unsigned char *buf;
size_t bufsize, buflen;
enum {
s_init, s_idle, s_lfseen, s_begin,
s_b64_0, s_b64_1, s_b64_2, s_b64_3,
} state = s_init;
init_asctobin ();
fp = fname? fopen (fname, "r") : stdin;
if (!fp)
return gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
pos = 0;
value = 0;
bufsize = 8192;
buf = xmalloc (bufsize);
buflen = 0;
while ((c=getc (fp)) != EOF)
int escaped_c = 0;
if (opt.escaped_pem)
if (c == '%')
char tmp[2];
if ((c = getc(fp)) == EOF)
tmp[0] = c;
if ((c = getc(fp)) == EOF)
tmp[1] = c;
if (!hexdigitp (tmp) || !hexdigitp (tmp+1))
log_error ("invalid percent escape sequence\n");
state = s_idle; /* Force an error. */
/* Skip to end of line. */
while ( (c=getc (fp)) != EOF && c != '\n')
goto ready;
c = xtoi_2 (tmp);
escaped_c = 1;
else if (c == '\n')
goto ready; /* Ready. */
switch (state)
case s_idle:
if (c == '\n')
state = s_lfseen;
pos = 0;
case s_init:
state = s_lfseen;
case s_lfseen:
if (c != "-----BEGIN "[pos])
state = s_idle;
else if (pos == 10)
state = s_begin;
case s_begin:
if (c == '\n')
state = s_b64_0;
case s_b64_0:
case s_b64_1:
case s_b64_2:
case s_b64_3:
if (buflen >= bufsize)
bufsize += 8192;
buf = xrealloc (buf, bufsize);
if (c == '-')
state = s_waitend;
else if ((c = asctobin[c & 0xff]) == 255 )
; /* Just skip invalid base64 characters. */
else if (state == s_b64_0)
value = c << 2;
state = s_b64_1;
else if (state == s_b64_1)
value |= (c>>4)&3;
buf[buflen++] = value;
value = (c<<4)&0xf0;
state = s_b64_2;
else if (state == s_b64_2)
value |= (c>>2)&15;
buf[buflen++] = value;
value = (c<<6)&0xc0;
state = s_b64_3;
value |= c&0x3f;
buf[buflen++] = value;
state = s_b64_0;
case s_waitend:
/* Note that we do not check that the base64 decoder has
been left in the expected state. We assume that the PEM
header is just fine. However we need to wait for the
real LF and not a trailing percent escaped one. */
if (c== '\n' && !escaped_c)
goto ready;
if (fname)
fclose (fp);
if (state == s_init && c == EOF)
xfree (buf);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
else if (state != s_waitend)
log_error ("no certificate or invalid encoded\n");
xfree (buf);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARMOR);
*rbuf = buf;
*rbuflen = buflen;
return 0;
/* Read a binary certificate from the file FNAME. If fname is NULL the
file is read from stdin. The certificate is returned in an alloced
buffer whose address will be returned in RBUF and its length in
static gpg_error_t
read_certificate (const char *fname, unsigned char **rbuf, size_t *rbuflen)
gpg_error_t err;
FILE *fp;
unsigned char *buf;
size_t nread, bufsize, buflen;
if (opt.pem)
return read_pem_certificate (fname, rbuf, rbuflen);
else if (fname)
/* A filename has been given. Let's just assume it is in PEM
format and decode it, and fall back to interpreting it as
binary certificate if that fails. */
err = read_pem_certificate (fname, rbuf, rbuflen);
if (! err)
return 0;
fp = fname? fopen (fname, "rb") : stdin;
if (!fp)
return gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
buf = NULL;
bufsize = buflen = 0;
#define NCHUNK 8192
bufsize += NCHUNK;
if (!buf)
buf = xmalloc (bufsize);
buf = xrealloc (buf, bufsize);
nread = fread (buf+buflen, 1, NCHUNK, fp);
if (nread < NCHUNK && ferror (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
xfree (buf);
if (fname)
fclose (fp);
return err;
buflen += nread;
while (nread == NCHUNK);
#undef NCHUNK
if (fname)
fclose (fp);
*rbuf = buf;
*rbuflen = buflen;
return 0;
/* Callback for the inquire fiunction to send back the certificate. */
static gpg_error_t
inq_cert (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct inq_cert_parm_s *parm = opaque;
gpg_error_t err;
if (!strncmp (line, "TARGETCERT", 10) && (line[10] == ' ' || !line[10]))
err = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, parm->cert, parm->certlen);
else if (!strncmp (line, "SENDCERT", 8) && (line[8] == ' ' || !line[8]))
/* We don't support this but dirmngr might ask for it. So
simply ignore it by sending back and empty value. */
err = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, NULL, 0);
else if (!strncmp (line, "SENDCERT_SKI", 12)
&& (line[12]==' ' || !line[12]))
/* We don't support this but dirmngr might ask for it. So
simply ignore it by sending back an empty value. */
err = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, NULL, 0);
else if (!strncmp (line, "SENDISSUERCERT", 14)
&& (line[14] == ' ' || !line[14]))
/* We don't support this but dirmngr might ask for it. So
simply ignore it by sending back an empty value. */
err = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, NULL, 0);
log_info (_("unsupported inquiry '%s'\n"), line);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_UNKNOWN_INQUIRE);
/* Note that this error will let assuan_transact terminate
immediately instead of return the error to the caller. It is
not clear whether this is the desired behaviour - it may
change in future. */
return err;
/* Check the certificate CERT,CERTLEN for validity using a CRL or OCSP.
Return a proper error code. */
static gpg_error_t
do_check (assuan_context_t ctx, const unsigned char *cert, size_t certlen)
gpg_error_t err;
struct inq_cert_parm_s parm;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
parm.ctx = ctx;
parm.cert = cert;
parm.certlen = certlen;
err = assuan_transact (ctx,
(opt.use_ocsp && opt.force_default_responder
? "CHECKOCSP --force-default-responder"
: opt.use_ocsp? "CHECKOCSP" : "CHECKCRL"),
NULL, NULL, inq_cert, &parm, status_cb, NULL);
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info ("response of dirmngr: %s\n", err? gpg_strerror (err): "okay");
return err;
/* Check the certificate CERT,CERTLEN for validity using a CRL or OCSP.
Return a proper error code. */
static gpg_error_t
do_cache (assuan_context_t ctx, const unsigned char *cert, size_t certlen)
gpg_error_t err;
struct inq_cert_parm_s parm;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
parm.ctx = ctx;
parm.cert = cert;
parm.certlen = certlen;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, "CACHECERT", NULL, NULL,
inq_cert, &parm,
status_cb, NULL);
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info ("response of dirmngr: %s\n", err? gpg_strerror (err): "okay");
return err;
/* Check the certificate CERT,CERTLEN for validity using dirmngrs
internal validate feature. Return a proper error code. */
static gpg_error_t
do_validate (assuan_context_t ctx, const unsigned char *cert, size_t certlen)
gpg_error_t err;
struct inq_cert_parm_s parm;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
parm.ctx = ctx;
parm.cert = cert;
parm.certlen = certlen;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, "VALIDATE", NULL, NULL,
inq_cert, &parm,
status_cb, NULL);
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info ("response of dirmngr: %s\n", err? gpg_strerror (err): "okay");
return err;
/* Load a CRL into the dirmngr. */
static gpg_error_t
do_loadcrl (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *filename)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *s;
char *fname, *line, *p;
if (opt.url)
fname = xstrdup (filename);
fname = canonicalize_file_name (filename);
if (!fname)
log_error ("error canonicalizing '%s': %s\n",
filename, strerror (errno));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
fname = xstrdup (filename);
if (*fname != '/')
log_error (_("absolute file name expected\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
line = xmalloc (8 + 6 + strlen (fname) * 3 + 1);
p = stpcpy (line, "LOADCRL ");
if (opt.url)
p = stpcpy (p, "--url ");
for (s = fname; *s; s++)
if (*s < ' ' || *s == '+')
sprintf (p, "%%%02X", *s);
p += 3;
else if (*s == ' ')
*p++ = '+';
*p++ = *s;
*p = 0;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line, NULL, NULL,
status_cb, NULL);
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info ("response of dirmngr: %s\n", err? gpg_strerror (err): "okay");
xfree (line);
xfree (fname);
return err;
/* Do a LDAP lookup using PATTERN and print the result in a base-64
encoded format. */
static gpg_error_t
do_lookup (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *pattern)
gpg_error_t err;
const unsigned char *s;
char *line, *p;
struct b64state state;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("looking up '%s'\n"), pattern);
err = b64enc_start (&state, stdout, NULL);
if (err)
return err;
line = xmalloc (10 + 6 + 13 + strlen (pattern)*3 + 1);
p = stpcpy (line, "LOOKUP ");
if (opt.url)
p = stpcpy (p, "--url ");
if (opt.local)
p = stpcpy (p, "--cache-only ");
for (s=pattern; *s; s++)
if (*s < ' ' || *s == '+')
sprintf (p, "%%%02X", *s);
p += 3;
else if (*s == ' ')
*p++ = '+';
*p++ = *s;
*p = 0;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line,
data_cb, &state,
status_cb, NULL);
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info ("response of dirmngr: %s\n", err? gpg_strerror (err): "okay");
err = b64enc_finish (&state);
xfree (line);
return err;
/* The body of an endless loop: Read a line from stdin, retrieve the
certificate from it, validate it and print "ERR" or "OK" to stdout.
Continue. */
static gpg_error_t
squid_loop_body (assuan_context_t ctx)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *certbuf;
size_t certbuflen = 0;
err = read_pem_certificate (NULL, &certbuf, &certbuflen);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
return err;
if (err)
log_error (_("error reading certificate from stdin: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
puts ("ERROR");
return 0;
err = do_check (ctx, certbuf, certbuflen);
xfree (certbuf);
if (!err)
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("certificate is valid\n"));
puts ("OK");
if (!opt.quiet)
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_CERT_REVOKED )
log_info (_("certificate has been revoked\n"));
log_error (_("certificate check failed: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
puts ("ERROR");
fflush (stdout);
return 0;
diff --git a/dirmngr/dirmngr.c b/dirmngr/dirmngr.c
index 07cbed99a..14189fea6 100644
--- a/dirmngr/dirmngr.c
+++ b/dirmngr/dirmngr.c
@@ -1,2129 +1,2129 @@
/* dirmngr.c - Keyserver and X.509 LDAP access
* Copyright (C) 2002 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011 g10 Code GmbH
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
# include <signal.h>
# include <sys/inotify.h>
#include <npth.h>
#include "dirmngr-err.h"
# include <ntbtls.h>
# include <gnutls/gnutls.h>
#endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
#include "dirmngr.h"
#include <assuan.h>
#include "certcache.h"
#include "crlcache.h"
#include "crlfetch.h"
#include "misc.h"
# include "ldapserver.h"
#include "asshelp.h"
# include "ldap-wrapper.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
#include "gc-opt-flags.h"
#include "dns-stuff.h"
enum cmd_and_opt_values {
aNull = 0,
oCsh = 'c',
oQuiet = 'q',
oSh = 's',
oVerbose = 'v',
oNoVerbose = 500,
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
ARGPARSE_group (300, N_("@Commands:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_c (aServer, "server", N_("run in server mode (foreground)") ),
ARGPARSE_c (aDaemon, "daemon", N_("run in daemon mode (background)") ),
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
ARGPARSE_c (aSupervised, "supervised", N_("run in supervised mode")),
ARGPARSE_c (aListCRLs, "list-crls", N_("list the contents of the CRL cache")),
ARGPARSE_c (aLoadCRL, "load-crl", N_("|FILE|load CRL from FILE into cache")),
ARGPARSE_c (aFetchCRL, "fetch-crl", N_("|URL|fetch a CRL from URL")),
ARGPARSE_c (aShutdown, "shutdown", N_("shutdown the dirmngr")),
ARGPARSE_c (aFlush, "flush", N_("flush the cache")),
ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfList, "gpgconf-list", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfTest, "gpgconf-test", "@"),
ARGPARSE_group (301, N_("@\nOptions:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oVerbose, "verbose", N_("verbose")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oQuiet, "quiet", N_("be somewhat more quiet")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oSh, "sh", N_("sh-style command output")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oCsh, "csh", N_("csh-style command output")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oOptions, "options", N_("|FILE|read options from FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebugLevel, "debug-level",
N_("|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoDetach, "no-detach", N_("do not detach from the console")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLogFile, "log-file",
N_("|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oBatch, "batch", N_("run without asking a user")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oForce, "force", N_("force loading of outdated CRLs")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowOCSP, "allow-ocsp", N_("allow sending OCSP requests")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableHTTP, "disable-http", N_("inhibit the use of HTTP")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableLDAP, "disable-ldap", N_("inhibit the use of LDAP")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oIgnoreHTTPDP,"ignore-http-dp",
N_("ignore HTTP CRL distribution points")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oIgnoreLDAPDP,"ignore-ldap-dp",
N_("ignore LDAP CRL distribution points")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oIgnoreOCSPSvcUrl, "ignore-ocsp-service-url",
N_("ignore certificate contained OCSP service URLs")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oHTTPProxy, "http-proxy",
N_("|URL|redirect all HTTP requests to URL")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLDAPProxy, "ldap-proxy",
N_("|HOST|use HOST for LDAP queries")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oOnlyLDAPProxy, "only-ldap-proxy",
N_("do not use fallback hosts with --ldap-proxy")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLDAPFile, "ldapserverlist-file",
N_("|FILE|read LDAP server list from FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oLDAPAddServers, "add-servers",
N_("add new servers discovered in CRL distribution"
" points to serverlist")),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oLDAPTimeout, "ldaptimeout",
N_("|N|set LDAP timeout to N seconds")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oOCSPResponder, "ocsp-responder",
N_("|URL|use OCSP responder at URL")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oOCSPSigner, "ocsp-signer",
N_("|FPR|OCSP response signed by FPR")),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oOCSPMaxClockSkew, "ocsp-max-clock-skew", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oOCSPMaxPeriod, "ocsp-max-period", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oOCSPCurrentPeriod, "ocsp-current-period", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oMaxReplies, "max-replies",
N_("|N|do not return more than N items in one query")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oNameServer, "nameserver", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyServer, "keyserver", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oHkpCaCert, "hkp-cacert",
N_("|FILE|use the CA certificates in FILE for HKP over TLS")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oUseTor, "use-tor", N_("route all network traffic via Tor")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oSocketName, "socket-name", "@"), /* Only for debugging. */
ARGPARSE_s_u (oFakedSystemTime, "faked-system-time", "@"), /*(epoch time)*/
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebug, "debug", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugAll, "debug-all", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oGnutlsDebug, "gnutls-debug", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oGnutlsDebug, "tls-debug", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oDebugWait, "debug-wait", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableCheckOwnSocket, "disable-check-own-socket", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoGreeting, "no-greeting", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oHomedir, "homedir", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLDAPWrapperProgram, "ldap-wrapper-program", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oHTTPWrapperProgram, "http-wrapper-program", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oHonorHTTPProxy, "honor-http-proxy", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oIgnoreCertExtension,"ignore-cert-extension", "@"),
ARGPARSE_group (302,N_("@\n(See the \"info\" manual for a complete listing "
"of all commands and options)\n")),
/* The list of supported debug flags. */
static struct debug_flags_s debug_flags [] =
{ DBG_X509_VALUE , "x509" },
{ DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE , "crypto" },
{ DBG_MEMORY_VALUE , "memory" },
{ DBG_CACHE_VALUE , "cache" },
{ DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE, "memstat" },
{ DBG_HASHING_VALUE, "hashing" },
{ DBG_IPC_VALUE , "ipc" },
{ DBG_LOOKUP_VALUE , "lookup" },
{ 77, NULL } /* 77 := Do not exit on "help" or "?". */
#define DEFAULT_LDAP_TIMEOUT 100 /* arbitrary large timeout */
/* For the cleanup handler we need to keep track of the socket's name. */
static const char *socket_name;
/* If the socket has been redirected, this is the name of the
redirected socket.. */
static const char *redir_socket_name;
/* We need to keep track of the server's nonces (these are dummies for
POSIX systems). */
static assuan_sock_nonce_t socket_nonce;
/* Only if this flag has been set will we remove the socket file. */
static int cleanup_socket;
/* Keep track of the current log file so that we can avoid updating
the log file after a SIGHUP if it didn't changed. Malloced. */
static char *current_logfile;
/* Helper to implement --debug-level. */
static const char *debug_level;
/* Helper to set the NTBTLS or GNUTLS log level. */
static int opt_gnutls_debug = -1;
/* Flag indicating that a shutdown has been requested. */
static volatile int shutdown_pending;
/* Flags to indicate that we shall not watch our own socket. */
static int disable_check_own_socket;
/* Counter for the active connections. */
static int active_connections;
/* The timer tick used for housekeeping stuff. For Windows we use a
longer period as the SetWaitableTimer seems to signal earlier than
the 2 seconds. All values are in seconds. */
#if defined(HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM)
#elif defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM)
/* This union is used to avoid compiler warnings in case a pointer is
64 bit and an int 32 bit. We store an integer in a pointer and get
it back later (npth_getspecific et al.). */
union int_and_ptr_u
int aint;
assuan_fd_t afd;
void *aptr;
/* The key used to store the current file descriptor in the thread
local storage. We use this in conjunction with the
log_set_pid_suffix_cb feature. */
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static int my_tlskey_current_fd;
/* Prototypes. */
static void cleanup (void);
static ldap_server_t parse_ldapserver_file (const char* filename);
#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
static fingerprint_list_t parse_ocsp_signer (const char *string);
static void handle_connections (assuan_fd_t listen_fd);
/* NPth wrapper function definitions. */
static const char *
my_strusage( int level )
const char *p;
switch ( level )
case 11: p = "@DIRMNGR@ (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
/* TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug
reporting address. This is so that we can change the
reporting address without breaking the translations. */
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 49: p = PACKAGE_BUGREPORT; break;
case 1:
case 40: p = _("Usage: @DIRMNGR@ [options] (-h for help)");
case 41: p = _("Syntax: @DIRMNGR@ [options] [command [args]]\n"
"Keyserver, CRL, and OCSP access for @GNUPG@\n");
default: p = NULL;
return p;
/* Callback from libksba to hash a provided buffer. Our current
implementation does only allow SHA-1 for hashing. This may be
extended by mapping the name, testing for algorithm availibility
and adjust the length checks accordingly. */
static gpg_error_t
my_ksba_hash_buffer (void *arg, const char *oid,
const void *buffer, size_t length, size_t resultsize,
unsigned char *result, size_t *resultlen)
if (oid && strcmp (oid, ""))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
if (resultsize < 20)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT);
gcry_md_hash_buffer (2, result, buffer, length);
*resultlen = 20;
return 0;
/* GNUTLS log function callback. */
static void
my_gnutls_log (int level, const char *text)
int n;
n = strlen (text);
while (n && text[n-1] == '\n')
log_debug ("gnutls:L%d: %.*s\n", level, n, text);
#endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
/* Setup the debugging. With a LEVEL of NULL only the active debug
flags are propagated to the subsystems. With LEVEL set, a specific
set of debug flags is set; thus overriding all flags already
set. */
static void
set_debug (void)
int numok = (debug_level && digitp (debug_level));
int numlvl = numok? atoi (debug_level) : 0;
if (!debug_level)
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "none") || (numok && numlvl < 1))
opt.debug = 0;
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "basic") || (numok && numlvl <= 2))
opt.debug = DBG_IPC_VALUE;
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "advanced") || (numok && numlvl <= 5))
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "expert") || (numok && numlvl <= 8))
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "guru") || numok)
opt.debug = ~0;
/* Unless the "guru" string has been used we don't want to allow
hashing debugging. The rationale is that people tend to
select the highest debug value and would then clutter their
disk with debug files which may reveal confidential data. */
if (numok)
opt.debug &= ~(DBG_HASHING_VALUE);
log_error (_("invalid debug-level '%s' given\n"), debug_level);
log_info (_("valid debug levels are: %s\n"),
"none, basic, advanced, expert, guru");
opt.debug = 0; /* Reset debugging, so that prior debug
statements won't have an undesired effect. */
if (opt.debug && !opt.verbose)
opt.verbose = 1;
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose);
if (opt.debug && opt.quiet)
opt.quiet = 0;
if (opt.debug & DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE )
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_DEBUG_FLAGS, 1);
if (opt_gnutls_debug >= 0)
ntbtls_set_debug (opt_gnutls_debug, NULL, NULL);
if (opt_gnutls_debug >= 0)
gnutls_global_set_log_function (my_gnutls_log);
gnutls_global_set_log_level (opt_gnutls_debug);
#endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
if (opt.debug)
parse_debug_flag (NULL, &opt.debug, debug_flags);
static void
set_tor_mode (void)
if (opt.use_tor)
if (assuan_sock_set_flag (ASSUAN_INVALID_FD, "tor-mode", 1))
log_error ("error enabling Tor mode: %s\n", strerror (errno));
log_info ("(is your Libassuan recent enough?)\n");
static void
wrong_args (const char *text)
es_fprintf (es_stderr, _("usage: %s [options] "), DIRMNGR_NAME);
es_fputs (text, es_stderr);
es_putc ('\n', es_stderr);
dirmngr_exit (2);
/* Helper to stop the reaper thread for the ldap wrapper. */
static void
shutdown_reaper (void)
ldap_wrapper_wait_connections ();
/* Handle options which are allowed to be reset after program start.
Return true if the current option in PARGS could be handled and
false if not. As a special feature, passing a value of NULL for
PARGS, resets the options to the default. REREAD should be set
true if it is not the initial option parsing. */
static int
parse_rereadable_options (ARGPARSE_ARGS *pargs, int reread)
if (!pargs)
{ /* Reset mode. */
opt.quiet = 0;
opt.verbose = 0;
opt.debug = 0;
opt.ldap_wrapper_program = NULL;
opt.disable_http = 0;
opt.disable_ldap = 0;
opt.honor_http_proxy = 0;
opt.http_proxy = NULL;
opt.ldap_proxy = NULL;
opt.only_ldap_proxy = 0;
opt.ignore_http_dp = 0;
opt.ignore_ldap_dp = 0;
opt.ignore_ocsp_service_url = 0;
opt.allow_ocsp = 0;
opt.ocsp_responder = NULL;
opt.ocsp_max_clock_skew = 10 * 60; /* 10 minutes. */
opt.ocsp_max_period = 90 * 86400; /* 90 days. */
opt.ocsp_current_period = 3 * 60 * 60; /* 3 hours. */
opt.max_replies = DEFAULT_MAX_REPLIES;
while (opt.ocsp_signer)
fingerprint_list_t tmp = opt.ocsp_signer->next;
xfree (opt.ocsp_signer);
opt.ocsp_signer = tmp;
FREE_STRLIST (opt.ignored_cert_extensions);
http_register_tls_ca (NULL);
FREE_STRLIST (opt.keyserver);
/* Note: We do not allow resetting of opt.use_tor at runtime. */
disable_check_own_socket = 0;
return 1;
switch (pargs->r_opt)
case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break;
case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; break;
case oDebug:
parse_debug_flag (pargs->r.ret_str, &opt.debug, debug_flags);
case oDebugAll: opt.debug = ~0; break;
case oDebugLevel: debug_level = pargs->r.ret_str; break;
case oGnutlsDebug: opt_gnutls_debug = pargs->r.ret_int; break;
case oLogFile:
if (!reread)
return 0; /* Not handled. */
if (!current_logfile || !pargs->r.ret_str
|| strcmp (current_logfile, pargs->r.ret_str))
log_set_file (pargs->r.ret_str);
xfree (current_logfile);
current_logfile = xtrystrdup (pargs->r.ret_str);
case oDisableCheckOwnSocket: disable_check_own_socket = 1; break;
case oLDAPWrapperProgram:
opt.ldap_wrapper_program = pargs->r.ret_str;
case oHTTPWrapperProgram:
opt.http_wrapper_program = pargs->r.ret_str;
case oDisableHTTP: opt.disable_http = 1; break;
case oDisableLDAP: opt.disable_ldap = 1; break;
case oHonorHTTPProxy: opt.honor_http_proxy = 1; break;
case oHTTPProxy: opt.http_proxy = pargs->r.ret_str; break;
case oLDAPProxy: opt.ldap_proxy = pargs->r.ret_str; break;
case oOnlyLDAPProxy: opt.only_ldap_proxy = 1; break;
case oIgnoreHTTPDP: opt.ignore_http_dp = 1; break;
case oIgnoreLDAPDP: opt.ignore_ldap_dp = 1; break;
case oIgnoreOCSPSvcUrl: opt.ignore_ocsp_service_url = 1; break;
case oAllowOCSP: opt.allow_ocsp = 1; break;
case oOCSPResponder: opt.ocsp_responder = pargs->r.ret_str; break;
case oOCSPSigner:
opt.ocsp_signer = parse_ocsp_signer (pargs->r.ret_str);
case oOCSPMaxClockSkew: opt.ocsp_max_clock_skew = pargs->r.ret_int; break;
case oOCSPMaxPeriod: opt.ocsp_max_period = pargs->r.ret_int; break;
case oOCSPCurrentPeriod: opt.ocsp_current_period = pargs->r.ret_int; break;
case oMaxReplies: opt.max_replies = pargs->r.ret_int; break;
case oHkpCaCert:
char *tmpname;
/* Do tilde expansion and print a warning if the file can't be
accessed. */
tmpname = make_absfilename_try (pargs->r.ret_str, NULL);
if (!tmpname || access (tmpname, F_OK))
log_info (_("can't access '%s': %s\n"),
tmpname? tmpname : pargs->r.ret_str,
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror()));
http_register_tls_ca (tmpname);
xfree (tmpname);
case oIgnoreCertExtension:
add_to_strlist (&opt.ignored_cert_extensions, pargs->r.ret_str);
case oUseTor: opt.use_tor = 1; break;
case oKeyServer:
if (*pargs->r.ret_str)
add_to_strlist (&opt.keyserver, pargs->r.ret_str);
case oNameServer:
set_dns_nameserver (pargs->r.ret_str);
return 0; /* Not handled. */
return 1; /* Handled. */
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static int
pid_suffix_callback (unsigned long *r_suffix)
union int_and_ptr_u value;
memset (&value, 0, sizeof value);
value.aptr = npth_getspecific (my_tlskey_current_fd);
*r_suffix = value.aint;
return (*r_suffix != -1); /* Use decimal representation. */
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
static void
thread_init (void)
npth_init ();
gpgrt_set_syscall_clamp (npth_unprotect, npth_protect);
/* Now with NPth running we can set the logging callback. Our
windows implementation does not yet feature the NPth TLS
functions. */
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (npth_key_create (&my_tlskey_current_fd, NULL) == 0)
if (npth_setspecific (my_tlskey_current_fd, NULL) == 0)
log_set_pid_suffix_cb (pid_suffix_callback);
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
main (int argc, char **argv)
enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd = 0;
int orig_argc;
char **orig_argv;
FILE *configfp = NULL;
char *configname = NULL;
const char *shell;
unsigned configlineno;
int parse_debug = 0;
int default_config =1;
int greeting = 0;
int nogreeting = 0;
int nodetach = 0;
int csh_style = 0;
char *logfile = NULL;
char *ldapfile = NULL;
#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
int debug_wait = 0;
int rc;
struct assuan_malloc_hooks malloc_hooks;
early_system_init ();
set_strusage (my_strusage);
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
i18n_init ();
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_DISABLE_SECMEM, 0);
/* Check that the libraries are suitable. Do it here because
the option parsing may need services of the libraries. */
if (!ksba_check_version (NEED_KSBA_VERSION) )
log_fatal( _("%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n"), "libksba",
NEED_KSBA_VERSION, ksba_check_version (NULL) );
ksba_set_malloc_hooks (gcry_malloc, gcry_realloc, gcry_free );
ksba_set_hash_buffer_function (my_ksba_hash_buffer, NULL);
/* Init TLS library. */
if (!ntbtls_check_version (NEED_NTBTLS_VERSION) )
log_fatal( _("%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n"), "ntbtls",
NEED_NTBTLS_VERSION, ntbtls_check_version (NULL) );
rc = gnutls_global_init ();
if (rc)
log_fatal ("gnutls_global_init failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (rc));
#endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
/* Init Assuan. */
malloc_hooks.malloc = gcry_malloc;
malloc_hooks.realloc = gcry_realloc; = gcry_free;
assuan_set_malloc_hooks (&malloc_hooks);
assuan_set_assuan_log_prefix (log_get_prefix (NULL));
assuan_set_gpg_err_source (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT);
assuan_set_system_hooks (ASSUAN_SYSTEM_NPTH);
assuan_sock_init ();
setup_libassuan_logging (&opt.debug, dirmngr_assuan_log_monitor);
setup_libgcrypt_logging ();
/* Setup defaults. */
shell = getenv ("SHELL");
if (shell && strlen (shell) >= 3 && !strcmp (shell+strlen (shell)-3, "csh") )
csh_style = 1;
/* Reset rereadable options to default values. */
parse_rereadable_options (NULL, 0);
/* LDAP defaults. */
opt.add_new_ldapservers = 0;
opt.ldaptimeout = DEFAULT_LDAP_TIMEOUT;
/* Other defaults. */
/* Check whether we have a config file given on the commandline */
orig_argc = argc;
orig_argv = argv;
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= 1|(1<<6); /* do not remove the args, ignore version */
while (arg_parse( &pargs, opts))
if (pargs.r_opt == oDebug || pargs.r_opt == oDebugAll)
else if (pargs.r_opt == oOptions)
{ /* Yes there is one, so we do not try the default one, but
read the option file when it is encountered at the
commandline */
default_config = 0;
else if (pargs.r_opt == oNoOptions)
default_config = 0; /* --no-options */
else if (pargs.r_opt == oHomedir)
gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str);
socket_name = dirmngr_socket_name ();
if (default_config)
configname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), DIRMNGR_NAME".conf", NULL );
argc = orig_argc;
argv = orig_argv;
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= 1; /* do not remove the args */
if (configname)
configlineno = 0;
configfp = fopen (configname, "r");
if (!configfp)
if (default_config)
if( parse_debug )
log_info (_("Note: no default option file '%s'\n"),
configname );
log_error (_("option file '%s': %s\n"),
configname, strerror(errno) );
xfree (configname);
configname = NULL;
if (parse_debug && configname )
log_info (_("reading options from '%s'\n"), configname );
default_config = 0;
while (optfile_parse( configfp, configname, &configlineno, &pargs, opts) )
if (parse_rereadable_options (&pargs, 0))
continue; /* Already handled */
switch (pargs.r_opt)
case aServer:
case aDaemon:
case aSupervised:
case aShutdown:
case aFlush:
case aListCRLs:
case aLoadCRL:
case aFetchCRL:
case aGPGConfList:
case aGPGConfTest:
cmd = pargs.r_opt;
case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break;
case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; break;
case oBatch: opt.batch=1; break;
case oDebugWait: debug_wait = pargs.r.ret_int; break;
case oOptions:
/* Config files may not be nested (silently ignore them) */
if (!configfp)
configname = xstrdup(pargs.r.ret_str);
goto next_pass;
case oNoGreeting: nogreeting = 1; break;
case oNoVerbose: opt.verbose = 0; break;
case oNoOptions: break; /* no-options */
case oHomedir: /* Ignore this option here. */; break;
case oNoDetach: nodetach = 1; break;
case oLogFile: logfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oCsh: csh_style = 1; break;
case oSh: csh_style = 0; break;
case oLDAPFile:
ldapfile = pargs.r.ret_str;
# endif /*USE_LDAP*/
case oLDAPAddServers: opt.add_new_ldapservers = 1; break;
case oLDAPTimeout:
opt.ldaptimeout = pargs.r.ret_int;
case oFakedSystemTime:
gnupg_set_time ((time_t)pargs.r.ret_ulong, 0);
case oForce: opt.force = 1; break;
case oSocketName: socket_name = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
default : pargs.err = configfp? 1:2; break;
if (configfp)
fclose (configfp);
configfp = NULL;
/* Keep a copy of the name so that it can be read on SIGHUP. */
opt.config_filename = configname;
configname = NULL;
goto next_pass;
xfree (configname);
configname = NULL;
if (log_get_errorcount(0))
if (nogreeting )
greeting = 0;
if (!opt.homedir_cache)
opt.homedir_cache = xstrdup (gnupg_homedir ());
if (greeting)
es_fprintf (es_stderr, "%s %s; %s\n",
strusage(11), strusage(13), strusage(14) );
es_fprintf (es_stderr, "%s\n", strusage(15) );
log_info ("NOTE: this is a development version!\n");
if (opt.use_tor)
log_info ("WARNING: ***************************************\n");
log_info ("WARNING: Tor mode (--use-tor) MAY NOT FULLY WORK!\n");
log_info ("WARNING: ***************************************\n");
/* Print a warning if an argument looks like an option. */
if (!opt.quiet && !(pargs.flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_STOP_SEEN))
int i;
for (i=0; i < argc; i++)
if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '-')
log_info (_("Note: '%s' is not considered an option\n"), argv[i]);
if (!access ("/etc/"DIRMNGR_NAME, F_OK)
&& !strncmp (gnupg_homedir (), "/etc/", 5))
("NOTE: DirMngr is now a proper part of %s. The configuration and"
" other directory names changed. Please check that no other version"
" of dirmngr is still installed. To disable this warning, remove the"
" directory '/etc/dirmngr'.\n", GNUPG_NAME);
if (gnupg_faked_time_p ())
gnupg_isotime_t tbuf;
log_info (_("WARNING: running with faked system time: "));
gnupg_get_isotime (tbuf);
dump_isotime (tbuf);
log_printf ("\n");
set_debug ();
set_tor_mode ();
/* Get LDAP server list from file. */
if (!ldapfile)
ldapfile = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (),
opt.ldapservers = parse_ldapserver_file (ldapfile);
xfree (ldapfile);
opt.ldapservers = parse_ldapserver_file (ldapfile);
#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* We need to ignore the PIPE signal because the we might log to a
socket and that code handles EPIPE properly. The ldap wrapper
also requires us to ignore this silly signal. Assuan would set
this signal to ignore anyway.*/
signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
/* Ready. Now to our duties. */
if (!cmd)
cmd = aServer;
rc = 0;
if (cmd == aServer)
/* Note that this server mode is mainly useful for debugging. */
if (argc)
wrong_args ("--server");
if (logfile)
log_set_file (logfile);
if (debug_wait)
log_debug ("waiting for debugger - my pid is %u .....\n",
(unsigned int)getpid());
gnupg_sleep (debug_wait);
log_debug ("... okay\n");
thread_init ();
cert_cache_init ();
crl_cache_init ();
ldap_wrapper_launch_thread ();
#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
start_command_handler (ASSUAN_INVALID_FD);
shutdown_reaper ();
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
else if (cmd == aSupervised)
/* In supervised mode, we expect file descriptor 3 to be an
already opened, listening socket.
We will also not detach from the controlling process or close
stderr; the supervisor should handle all of that. */
struct stat statbuf;
if (fstat (3, &statbuf) == -1 && errno == EBADF)
log_error ("file descriptor 3 must be validin --supervised mode\n");
dirmngr_exit (1);
socket_name = gnupg_get_socket_name (3);
/* Now start with logging to a file if this is desired. */
if (logfile)
log_set_file (logfile);
log_set_prefix (NULL, (GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX
current_logfile = xstrdup (logfile);
log_set_prefix (NULL, 0);
thread_init ();
cert_cache_init ();
crl_cache_init ();
ldap_wrapper_launch_thread ();
#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
handle_connections (3);
assuan_sock_close (3);
shutdown_reaper ();
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
else if (cmd == aDaemon)
assuan_fd_t fd;
pid_t pid;
int len;
struct sockaddr_un serv_addr;
if (argc)
wrong_args ("--daemon");
/* Now start with logging to a file if this is desired. */
if (logfile)
log_set_file (logfile);
log_set_prefix (NULL, (GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX
current_logfile = xstrdup (logfile);
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (strchr (socket_name, ':'))
log_error (_("colons are not allowed in the socket name\n"));
dirmngr_exit (1);
fd = assuan_sock_new (AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
log_error (_("can't create socket: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
cleanup ();
dirmngr_exit (1);
int redirected;
if (assuan_sock_set_sockaddr_un (socket_name,
(struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr,
if (errno == ENAMETOOLONG)
log_error (_("socket name '%s' is too long\n"), socket_name);
log_error ("error preparing socket '%s': %s\n",
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
dirmngr_exit (1);
if (redirected)
redir_socket_name = xstrdup (serv_addr.sun_path);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("redirecting socket '%s' to '%s'\n",
socket_name, redir_socket_name);
len = SUN_LEN (&serv_addr);
rc = assuan_sock_bind (fd, (struct sockaddr*) &serv_addr, len);
if (rc == -1
&& (errno == EADDRINUSE
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
|| errno == EEXIST
/* Fixme: We should test whether a dirmngr is already running. */
gnupg_remove (redir_socket_name? redir_socket_name : socket_name);
rc = assuan_sock_bind (fd, (struct sockaddr*) &serv_addr, len);
if (rc != -1
&& (rc = assuan_sock_get_nonce ((struct sockaddr*) &serv_addr, len, &socket_nonce)))
log_error (_("error getting nonce for the socket\n"));
if (rc == -1)
log_error (_("error binding socket to '%s': %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_errno (errno)));
assuan_sock_close (fd);
dirmngr_exit (1);
cleanup_socket = 1;
if (gnupg_chmod (serv_addr.sun_path, "-rwx"))
log_error (_("can't set permissions of '%s': %s\n"),
serv_addr.sun_path, strerror (errno));
if (listen (FD2INT (fd), 5) == -1)
log_error (_("listen() failed: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
assuan_sock_close (fd);
dirmngr_exit (1);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("listening on socket '%s'\n"), serv_addr.sun_path);
es_fflush (NULL);
/* Note: We keep the dirmngr_info output only for the sake of
existing scripts which might use this to detect a successful
start of the dirmngr. */
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
pid = getpid ();
es_printf ("set %s=%s;%lu;1\n",
DIRMNGR_INFO_NAME, socket_name, (ulong) pid);
pid = fork();
if (pid == (pid_t)-1)
log_fatal (_("error forking process: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
dirmngr_exit (1);
if (pid)
{ /* We are the parent */
char *infostr;
/* Don't let cleanup() remove the socket - the child is
responsible for doing that. */
cleanup_socket = 0;
close (fd);
/* Create the info string: <name>:<pid>:<protocol_version> */
if (asprintf (&infostr, "%s=%s:%lu:1",
DIRMNGR_INFO_NAME, serv_addr.sun_path, (ulong)pid ) < 0)
log_error (_("out of core\n"));
kill (pid, SIGTERM);
dirmngr_exit (1);
/* Print the environment string, so that the caller can use
shell's eval to set it. But see above. */
if (csh_style)
*strchr (infostr, '=') = ' ';
es_printf ( "setenv %s;\n", infostr);
es_printf ( "%s; export %s;\n", infostr, DIRMNGR_INFO_NAME);
free (infostr);
exit (0);
} /* end parent */
This is the child
/* Detach from tty and put process into a new session */
if (!nodetach )
int i;
unsigned int oldflags;
/* Close stdin, stdout and stderr unless it is the log stream */
for (i=0; i <= 2; i++)
if (!log_test_fd (i) && i != fd )
close (i);
if (setsid() == -1)
log_error ("setsid() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno) );
dirmngr_exit (1);
log_get_prefix (&oldflags);
log_set_prefix (NULL, oldflags | GPGRT_LOG_RUN_DETACHED);
opt.running_detached = 1;
if (chdir("/"))
log_error ("chdir to / failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
dirmngr_exit (1);
thread_init ();
cert_cache_init ();
crl_cache_init ();
ldap_wrapper_launch_thread ();
#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
handle_connections (fd);
assuan_sock_close (fd);
shutdown_reaper ();
else if (cmd == aListCRLs)
/* Just list the CRL cache and exit. */
if (argc)
wrong_args ("--list-crls");
ldap_wrapper_launch_thread ();
#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
crl_cache_init ();
crl_cache_list (es_stdout);
else if (cmd == aLoadCRL)
struct server_control_s ctrlbuf;
memset (&ctrlbuf, 0, sizeof ctrlbuf);
dirmngr_init_default_ctrl (&ctrlbuf);
thread_init ();
cert_cache_init ();
crl_cache_init ();
ldap_wrapper_launch_thread ();
#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
if (!argc)
rc = crl_cache_load (&ctrlbuf, NULL);
for (; !rc && argc; argc--, argv++)
rc = crl_cache_load (&ctrlbuf, *argv);
dirmngr_deinit_default_ctrl (&ctrlbuf);
else if (cmd == aFetchCRL)
ksba_reader_t reader;
struct server_control_s ctrlbuf;
if (argc != 1)
wrong_args ("--fetch-crl URL");
memset (&ctrlbuf, 0, sizeof ctrlbuf);
dirmngr_init_default_ctrl (&ctrlbuf);
thread_init ();
cert_cache_init ();
crl_cache_init ();
ldap_wrapper_launch_thread ();
#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
rc = crl_fetch (&ctrlbuf, argv[0], &reader);
if (rc)
log_error (_("fetching CRL from '%s' failed: %s\n"),
argv[0], gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = crl_cache_insert (&ctrlbuf, argv[0], reader);
if (rc)
log_error (_("processing CRL from '%s' failed: %s\n"),
argv[0], gpg_strerror (rc));
crl_close_reader (reader);
dirmngr_deinit_default_ctrl (&ctrlbuf);
else if (cmd == aFlush)
/* Delete cache and exit. */
if (argc)
wrong_args ("--flush");
rc = crl_cache_flush();
else if (cmd == aGPGConfTest)
dirmngr_exit (0);
else if (cmd == aGPGConfList)
unsigned long flags = 0;
char *filename;
char *filename_esc;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* On Windows systems, dirmngr always runs as system daemon, and
the per-user configuration is never used. So we short-cut
everything to use the global system configuration of dirmngr
above, and here we set the no change flag to make these
read-only. */
/* First the configuration file. This is not an option, but it
is vital information for GPG Conf. */
if (!opt.config_filename)
opt.config_filename = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (),
"dirmngr.conf", NULL );
filename = percent_escape (opt.config_filename, NULL);
es_printf ("gpgconf-dirmngr.conf:%lu:\"%s\n",
xfree (filename);
es_printf ("verbose:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("quiet:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("debug-level:%lu:\"none\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT);
es_printf ("log-file:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("force:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
/* --csh and --sh are mutually exclusive, something we can not
express in GPG Conf. --options is only usable from the
command line, really. --debug-all interacts with --debug,
and having both of them is thus problematic. --no-detach is
also only usable on the command line. --batch is unused. */
filename = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (),
filename_esc = percent_escape (filename, NULL);
es_printf ("ldapserverlist-file:%lu:\"%s\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT,
xfree (filename_esc);
xfree (filename);
es_printf ("ldaptimeout:%lu:%u\n",
es_printf ("max-replies:%lu:%u\n",
es_printf ("allow-ocsp:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("ocsp-responder:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("ocsp-signer:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("faked-system-time:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("no-greeting:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("disable-http:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("disable-ldap:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("honor-http-proxy:%lu\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("http-proxy:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("ldap-proxy:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("only-ldap-proxy:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("ignore-ldap-dp:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("ignore-http-dp:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("ignore-ocsp-service-url:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
/* Note: The next one is to fix a typo in gpgconf - should be
removed eventually. */
es_printf ("ignore-ocsp-servic-url:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("use-tor:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("keyserver:%lu:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
cleanup ();
return !!rc;
static void
cleanup (void)
crl_cache_deinit ();
cert_cache_deinit (1);
ldapserver_list_free (opt.ldapservers);
#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
opt.ldapservers = NULL;
if (cleanup_socket)
cleanup_socket = 0;
if (redir_socket_name)
gnupg_remove (redir_socket_name);
else if (socket_name && *socket_name)
gnupg_remove (socket_name);
dirmngr_exit (int rc)
cleanup ();
exit (rc);
dirmngr_init_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl)
if (opt.http_proxy)
ctrl->http_proxy = xstrdup (opt.http_proxy);
dirmngr_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl)
if (!ctrl)
xfree (ctrl->http_proxy);
ctrl->http_proxy = NULL;
/* Create a list of LDAP servers from the file FILENAME. Returns the
list or NULL in case of errors.
The format fo such a file is line oriented where empty lines and
lines starting with a hash mark are ignored. All other lines are
assumed to be colon seprated with these fields:
1. field: Hostname
2. field: Portnumber
3. field: Username
4. field: Password
5. field: Base DN
static ldap_server_t
parse_ldapserver_file (const char* filename)
char buffer[1024];
char *p;
ldap_server_t server, serverstart, *serverend;
int c;
unsigned int lineno = 0;
estream_t fp;
fp = es_fopen (filename, "r");
if (!fp)
log_error (_("error opening '%s': %s\n"), filename, strerror (errno));
return NULL;
serverstart = NULL;
serverend = &serverstart;
while (es_fgets (buffer, sizeof buffer, fp))
if (!*buffer || buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] != '\n')
if (*buffer && es_feof (fp))
; /* Last line not terminated - continue. */
log_error (_("%s:%u: line too long - skipped\n"),
filename, lineno);
while ( (c=es_fgetc (fp)) != EOF && c != '\n')
; /* Skip until end of line. */
/* Skip empty and comment lines.*/
for (p=buffer; spacep (p); p++)
if (!*p || *p == '\n' || *p == '#')
/* Parse the colon separated fields. */
server = ldapserver_parse_one (buffer, filename, lineno);
if (server)
*serverend = server;
serverend = &server->next;
if (es_ferror (fp))
log_error (_("error reading '%s': %s\n"), filename, strerror (errno));
es_fclose (fp);
return serverstart;
#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
static fingerprint_list_t
parse_ocsp_signer (const char *string)
gpg_error_t err;
char *fname;
estream_t fp;
char line[256];
char *p;
fingerprint_list_t list, *list_tail, item;
unsigned int lnr = 0;
int c, i, j;
int errflag = 0;
/* Check whether this is not a filename and treat it as a direct
fingerprint specification. */
if (!strpbrk (string, "/.~\\"))
item = xcalloc (1, sizeof *item);
for (i=j=0; (string[i] == ':' || hexdigitp (string+i)) && j < 40; i++)
if ( string[i] != ':' )
item->hexfpr[j++] = string[i] >= 'a'? (string[i] & 0xdf): string[i];
item->hexfpr[j] = 0;
if (j != 40 || !(spacep (string+i) || !string[i]))
log_error (_("%s:%u: invalid fingerprint detected\n"),
"--ocsp-signer", 0);
xfree (item);
return NULL;
return item;
/* Well, it is a filename. */
if (*string == '/' || (*string == '~' && string[1] == '/'))
fname = make_filename (string, NULL);
if (string[0] == '.' && string[1] == '/' )
string += 2;
fname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), string, NULL);
fp = es_fopen (fname, "r");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (fname);
return NULL;
list = NULL;
list_tail = &list;
for (;;)
if (!es_fgets (line, DIM(line)-1, fp) )
if (!es_feof (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("%s:%u: read error: %s\n"),
fname, lnr, gpg_strerror (err));
errflag = 1;
es_fclose (fp);
if (errflag)
while (list)
fingerprint_list_t tmp = list->next;
xfree (list);
list = tmp;
xfree (fname);
return list; /* Ready. */
if (!*line || line[strlen(line)-1] != '\n')
/* Eat until end of line. */
while ( (c=es_getc (fp)) != EOF && c != '\n')
err = gpg_error (*line? GPG_ERR_LINE_TOO_LONG
log_error (_("%s:%u: read error: %s\n"),
fname, lnr, gpg_strerror (err));
errflag = 1;
/* Allow for empty lines and spaces */
for (p=line; spacep (p); p++)
if (!*p || *p == '\n' || *p == '#')
item = xcalloc (1, sizeof *item);
*list_tail = item;
list_tail = &item->next;
for (i=j=0; (p[i] == ':' || hexdigitp (p+i)) && j < 40; i++)
if ( p[i] != ':' )
item->hexfpr[j++] = p[i] >= 'a'? (p[i] & 0xdf): p[i];
item->hexfpr[j] = 0;
if (j != 40 || !(spacep (p+i) || p[i] == '\n'))
log_error (_("%s:%u: invalid fingerprint detected\n"), fname, lnr);
errflag = 1;
while (spacep (p+i))
if (p[i] && p[i] != '\n')
log_info (_("%s:%u: garbage at end of line ignored\n"), fname, lnr);
Stuff used in daemon mode.
/* Reread parts of the configuration. Note, that this function is
obviously not thread-safe and should only be called from the NPTH
signal handler.
Fixme: Due to the way the argument parsing works, we create a
memory leak here for all string type arguments. There is currently
no clean way to tell whether the memory for the argument has been
allocated or points into the process' original arguments. Unless
we have a mechanism to tell this, we need to live on with this. */
static void
reread_configuration (void)
FILE *fp;
unsigned int configlineno = 0;
int dummy;
if (!opt.config_filename)
return; /* No config file. */
fp = fopen (opt.config_filename, "r");
if (!fp)
log_error (_("option file '%s': %s\n"),
opt.config_filename, strerror(errno) );
parse_rereadable_options (NULL, 1); /* Start from the default values. */
memset (&pargs, 0, sizeof pargs);
dummy = 0;
pargs.argc = &dummy;
pargs.flags = 1; /* do not remove the args */
while (optfile_parse (fp, opt.config_filename, &configlineno, &pargs, opts) )
if (pargs.r_opt < -1)
pargs.err = 1; /* Print a warning. */
else /* Try to parse this option - ignore unchangeable ones. */
parse_rereadable_options (&pargs, 1);
fclose (fp);
set_debug ();
set_tor_mode ();
/* A global function which allows us to trigger the reload stuff from
other places. */
dirmngr_sighup_action (void)
log_info (_("SIGHUP received - "
"re-reading configuration and flushing caches\n"));
reread_configuration ();
cert_cache_deinit (0);
crl_cache_deinit ();
cert_cache_init ();
crl_cache_init ();
/* The signal handler. */
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static void
handle_signal (int signo)
switch (signo)
case SIGHUP:
dirmngr_sighup_action ();
case SIGUSR1:
cert_cache_print_stats ();
case SIGUSR2:
log_info (_("SIGUSR2 received - no action defined\n"));
if (!shutdown_pending)
log_info (_("SIGTERM received - shutting down ...\n"));
log_info (_("SIGTERM received - still %d active connections\n"),
if (shutdown_pending > 2)
log_info (_("shutdown forced\n"));
log_info ("%s %s stopped\n", strusage(11), strusage(13) );
cleanup ();
dirmngr_exit (0);
case SIGINT:
log_info (_("SIGINT received - immediate shutdown\n"));
log_info( "%s %s stopped\n", strusage(11), strusage(13));
cleanup ();
dirmngr_exit (0);
log_info (_("signal %d received - no action defined\n"), signo);
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* Thread to do the housekeeping. */
static void *
housekeeping_thread (void *arg)
static int sentinel;
time_t curtime;
curtime = gnupg_get_time ();
if (sentinel)
log_info ("housekeeping is already going on\n");
return NULL;
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info ("starting housekeeping\n");
ks_hkp_housekeeping (curtime);
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info ("ready with housekeeping\n");
return NULL;
# pragma GCC push_options
# pragma GCC optimize ("no-strict-overflow")
static int
time_for_housekeeping_p (time_t curtime)
static time_t last_housekeeping;
if (!last_housekeeping)
last_housekeeping = curtime;
if (last_housekeeping + HOUSEKEEPING_INTERVAL <= curtime
|| last_housekeeping > curtime /*(be prepared for y2038)*/)
last_housekeeping = curtime;
return 1;
return 0;
# pragma GCC pop_options
/* This is the worker for the ticker. It is called every few seconds
and may only do fast operations. */
static void
handle_tick (void)
/* Under Windows we don't use signals and need a way for the loop to
check for the shutdown flag. */
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (shutdown_pending)
log_info (_("SIGTERM received - shutting down ...\n"));
if (shutdown_pending > 2)
log_info (_("shutdown forced\n"));
log_info ("%s %s stopped\n", strusage(11), strusage(13) );
cleanup ();
dirmngr_exit (0);
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
if (time_for_housekeeping_p (gnupg_get_time ()))
npth_t thread;
npth_attr_t tattr;
int err;
err = npth_attr_init (&tattr);
if (err)
log_error ("error preparing housekeeping thread: %s\n", strerror (err));
npth_attr_setdetachstate (&tattr, NPTH_CREATE_DETACHED);
err = npth_create (&thread, &tattr, housekeeping_thread, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error spawning housekeeping thread: %s\n",
strerror (err));
npth_attr_destroy (&tattr);
/* Check the nonce on a new connection. This is a NOP unless we are
using our Unix domain socket emulation under Windows. */
static int
check_nonce (assuan_fd_t fd, assuan_sock_nonce_t *nonce)
if (assuan_sock_check_nonce (fd, nonce))
log_info (_("error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n"),
FD2INT (fd), strerror (errno));
assuan_sock_close (fd);
return -1;
return 0;
/* Helper to call a connection's main function. */
static void *
start_connection_thread (void *arg)
union int_and_ptr_u argval;
gnupg_fd_t fd;
memset (&argval, 0, sizeof argval);
argval.aptr = arg;
fd = argval.afd;
if (check_nonce (fd, &socket_nonce))
log_error ("handler nonce check FAILED\n");
return NULL;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
npth_setspecific (my_tlskey_current_fd, argval.aptr);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("handler for fd %d started\n"), FD2INT (fd));
start_command_handler (fd);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("handler for fd %d terminated\n"), FD2INT (fd));
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
argval.afd = ASSUAN_INVALID_FD;
npth_setspecific (my_tlskey_current_fd, argval.aptr);
return NULL;
/* Read an inotify event and return true if it matches NAME. */
static int
my_inotify_is_name (int fd, const char *name)
union {
struct inotify_event ev;
char _buf[sizeof (struct inotify_event) + 100 + 1];
} buf;
int n;
const char *s;
s = strrchr (name, '/');
if (s && s[1])
name = s + 1;
n = npth_read (fd, &buf, sizeof buf);
if (n < sizeof (struct inotify_event))
return 0;
if (buf.ev.len < strlen (name)+1)
return 0;
if (strcmp (, name))
return 0; /* Not the desired file. */
return 1; /* Found. */
/* Main loop in daemon mode. */
static void
handle_connections (assuan_fd_t listen_fd)
npth_attr_t tattr;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
int signo;
struct sockaddr_un paddr;
socklen_t plen = sizeof( paddr );
gnupg_fd_t fd;
int nfd, ret;
fd_set fdset, read_fdset;
struct timespec abstime;
struct timespec curtime;
struct timespec timeout;
int saved_errno;
int my_inotify_fd;
npth_attr_init (&tattr);
npth_attr_setdetachstate (&tattr, NPTH_CREATE_DETACHED);
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM /* FIXME */
npth_sigev_init ();
npth_sigev_add (SIGHUP);
npth_sigev_add (SIGUSR1);
npth_sigev_add (SIGUSR2);
npth_sigev_add (SIGINT);
npth_sigev_add (SIGTERM);
npth_sigev_fini ();
if (disable_check_own_socket)
my_inotify_fd = -1;
else if ((my_inotify_fd = inotify_init ()) == -1)
log_info ("error enabling fast daemon termination: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
/* We need to watch the directory for the file because there
* won't be an IN_DELETE_SELF for a socket file. */
char *slash = strrchr (socket_name, '/');
log_assert (slash && slash[1]);
*slash = 0;
if (inotify_add_watch (my_inotify_fd, socket_name, IN_DELETE) == -1)
close (my_inotify_fd);
my_inotify_fd = -1;
*slash = '/';
/* Setup the fdset. It has only one member. This is because we use
pth_select instead of pth_accept to properly sync timeouts with
to full second. */
FD_ZERO (&fdset);
FD_SET (FD2INT (listen_fd), &fdset);
nfd = FD2INT (listen_fd);
if (my_inotify_fd != -1)
FD_SET (my_inotify_fd, &fdset);
if (my_inotify_fd > nfd)
nfd = my_inotify_fd;
npth_clock_gettime (&abstime);
abstime.tv_sec += TIMERTICK_INTERVAL;
/* Main loop. */
for (;;)
/* Shutdown test. */
if (shutdown_pending)
if (!active_connections)
break; /* ready */
/* Do not accept new connections but keep on running the
loop to cope with the timer events. */
FD_ZERO (&fdset);
/* Take a copy of the fdset. */
read_fdset = fdset;
npth_clock_gettime (&curtime);
if (!(npth_timercmp (&curtime, &abstime, <)))
/* Timeout. */
handle_tick ();
npth_clock_gettime (&abstime);
abstime.tv_sec += TIMERTICK_INTERVAL;
npth_timersub (&abstime, &curtime, &timeout);
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
ret = npth_pselect (nfd+1, &read_fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout, npth_sigev_sigmask());
saved_errno = errno;
while (npth_sigev_get_pending(&signo))
handle_signal (signo);
ret = npth_eselect (nfd+1, &read_fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout, NULL, NULL);
saved_errno = errno;
if (ret == -1 && saved_errno != EINTR)
log_error (_("npth_pselect failed: %s - waiting 1s\n"),
strerror (saved_errno));
npth_sleep (1);
if (ret <= 0)
/* Interrupt or timeout. Will be handled when calculating the
next timeout. */
if (shutdown_pending)
/* Do not anymore accept connections. */
if (my_inotify_fd != -1 && FD_ISSET (my_inotify_fd, &read_fdset)
&& my_inotify_is_name (my_inotify_fd, socket_name))
shutdown_pending = 1;
log_info ("socket file has been removed - shutting down\n");
if (FD_ISSET (FD2INT (listen_fd), &read_fdset))
plen = sizeof paddr;
fd = INT2FD (npth_accept (FD2INT(listen_fd),
(struct sockaddr *)&paddr, &plen));
log_error ("accept failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
char threadname[50];
union int_and_ptr_u argval;
npth_t thread;
memset (&argval, 0, sizeof argval);
argval.afd = fd;
snprintf (threadname, sizeof threadname,
"conn fd=%d", FD2INT(fd));
ret = npth_create (&thread, &tattr,
start_connection_thread, argval.aptr);
if (ret)
log_error ("error spawning connection handler: %s\n",
strerror (ret) );
assuan_sock_close (fd);
npth_setname_np (thread, threadname);
if (my_inotify_fd != -1)
close (my_inotify_fd);
npth_attr_destroy (&tattr);
cleanup ();
log_info ("%s %s stopped\n", strusage(11), strusage(13));
const char*
dirmngr_get_current_socket_name (void)
if (socket_name)
return socket_name;
return dirmngr_socket_name ();
diff --git a/dirmngr/dirmngr.h b/dirmngr/dirmngr.h
index 9e216cdb8..107059df4 100644
--- a/dirmngr/dirmngr.h
+++ b/dirmngr/dirmngr.h
@@ -1,210 +1,210 @@
/* dirmngr.h - Common definitions for the dirmngr
* Copyright (C) 2002 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef DIRMNGR_H
#define DIRMNGR_H
#include "./dirmngr-err.h"
#define map_assuan_err(a) \
map_assuan_err_with_source (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT, (a))
#include <errno.h>
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <ksba.h>
#include "../common/util.h"
#include "../common/membuf.h"
#include "../common/sysutils.h" /* (gnupg_fd_t) */
#include "../common/asshelp.h" /* (assuan_context_t) */
#include "../common/i18n.h"
#include "http.h" /* (parsed_uri_t) */
/* This objects keeps information about a particular LDAP server and
is used as item of a single linked list of servers. */
struct ldap_server_s
struct ldap_server_s* next;
char *host;
int port;
char *user;
char *pass;
char *base;
typedef struct ldap_server_s *ldap_server_t;
/* This objects is used to build a list of URI consisting of the
original and the parsed URI. */
struct uri_item_s
struct uri_item_s *next;
parsed_uri_t parsed_uri; /* The broken down URI. */
char uri[1]; /* The original URI. */
typedef struct uri_item_s *uri_item_t;
/* A list of fingerprints. */
struct fingerprint_list_s;
typedef struct fingerprint_list_s *fingerprint_list_t;
struct fingerprint_list_s
fingerprint_list_t next;
char hexfpr[20+20+1];
/* A large struct named "opt" to keep global flags. */
unsigned int debug; /* debug flags (DBG_foo_VALUE) */
int verbose; /* verbosity level */
int quiet; /* be as quiet as possible */
int dry_run; /* don't change any persistent data */
int batch; /* batch mode */
const char *homedir_cache; /* Dir for cache files (/var/cache/dirmngr). */
char *config_filename; /* Name of a config file, which will be
reread on a HUP if it is not NULL. */
char *ldap_wrapper_program; /* Override value for the LDAP wrapper
program. */
char *http_wrapper_program; /* Override value for the HTTP wrapper
program. */
int running_detached; /* We are running in detached mode. */
int use_tor; /* Tor mode has been enabled. */
int force; /* Force loading outdated CRLs. */
int disable_http; /* Do not use HTTP at all. */
int disable_ldap; /* Do not use LDAP at all. */
int honor_http_proxy; /* Honor the http_proxy env variable. */
const char *http_proxy; /* The default HTTP proxy. */
const char *ldap_proxy; /* Use given LDAP proxy. */
int only_ldap_proxy; /* Only use the LDAP proxy; no fallback. */
int ignore_http_dp; /* Ignore HTTP CRL distribution points. */
int ignore_ldap_dp; /* Ignore LDAP CRL distribution points. */
int ignore_ocsp_service_url; /* Ignore OCSP service URLs as given in
the certificate. */
/* A list of certificate extension OIDs which are ignored so that
one can claim that a critical extension has been handled. One
OID per string. */
strlist_t ignored_cert_extensions;
int allow_ocsp; /* Allow using OCSP. */
int max_replies;
unsigned int ldaptimeout;
ldap_server_t ldapservers;
int add_new_ldapservers;
const char *ocsp_responder; /* Standard OCSP responder's URL. */
fingerprint_list_t ocsp_signer; /* The list of fingerprints with allowed
standard OCSP signer certificates. */
unsigned int ocsp_max_clock_skew; /* Allowed seconds of clocks skew. */
unsigned int ocsp_max_period; /* Seconds a response is at maximum
considered valid after thisUpdate. */
unsigned int ocsp_current_period; /* Seconds a response is considered
current after nextUpdate. */
strlist_t keyserver; /* List of default keyservers. */
} opt;
#define DBG_X509_VALUE 1 /* debug x.509 parsing */
#define DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE 4 /* debug low level crypto */
#define DBG_MEMORY_VALUE 32 /* debug memory allocation stuff */
#define DBG_CACHE_VALUE 64 /* debug the caching */
#define DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE 128 /* show memory statistics */
#define DBG_HASHING_VALUE 512 /* debug hashing operations */
#define DBG_IPC_VALUE 1024 /* debug assuan communication */
#define DBG_LOOKUP_VALUE 8192 /* debug lookup details */
#define DBG_X509 (opt.debug & DBG_X509_VALUE)
#define DBG_CRYPTO (opt.debug & DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE)
#define DBG_MEMORY (opt.debug & DBG_MEMORY_VALUE)
#define DBG_CACHE (opt.debug & DBG_CACHE_VALUE)
#define DBG_HASHING (opt.debug & DBG_HASHING_VALUE)
#define DBG_IPC (opt.debug & DBG_IPC_VALUE)
#define DBG_LOOKUP (opt.debug & DBG_LOOKUP_VALUE)
/* A simple list of certificate references. */
struct cert_ref_s
struct cert_ref_s *next;
unsigned char fpr[20];
typedef struct cert_ref_s *cert_ref_t;
/* Forward references; access only through server.c. */
struct server_local_s;
/* Connection control structure. */
struct server_control_s
int refcount; /* Count additional references to this object. */
int no_server; /* We are not running under server control. */
int status_fd; /* Only for non-server mode. */
struct server_local_s *server_local;
int force_crl_refresh; /* Always load a fresh CRL. */
int check_revocations_nest_level; /* Internal to check_revovations. */
cert_ref_t ocsp_certs; /* Certificates from the current OCSP
response. */
int audit_events; /* Send audit events to client. */
char *http_proxy; /* The used http_proxy or NULL. */
/*-- dirmngr.c --*/
void dirmngr_exit( int ); /* Wrapper for exit() */
void dirmngr_init_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl);
void dirmngr_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl);
void dirmngr_sighup_action (void);
const char* dirmngr_get_current_socket_name (void);
/*-- Various housekeeping functions. --*/
void ks_hkp_housekeeping (time_t curtime);
/*-- server.c --*/
ldap_server_t get_ldapservers_from_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl);
ksba_cert_t get_cert_local (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *issuer);
ksba_cert_t get_issuing_cert_local (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *issuer);
ksba_cert_t get_cert_local_ski (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *name, ksba_sexp_t keyid);
gpg_error_t get_istrusted_from_client (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexfpr);
int dirmngr_assuan_log_monitor (assuan_context_t ctx, unsigned int cat,
const char *msg);
void start_command_handler (gnupg_fd_t fd);
gpg_error_t dirmngr_status (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyword, ...);
gpg_error_t dirmngr_status_help (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *text);
gpg_error_t dirmngr_tick (ctrl_t ctrl);
#endif /*DIRMNGR_H*/
diff --git a/dirmngr/dirmngr_ldap.c b/dirmngr/dirmngr_ldap.c
index c5702b151..a0acb8e48 100644
--- a/dirmngr/dirmngr_ldap.c
+++ b/dirmngr/dirmngr_ldap.c
@@ -1,732 +1,732 @@
/* dirmngr-ldap.c - The LDAP helper for dirmngr.
* Copyright (C) 2004 g10 Code GmbH
* Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
# include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
# include <npth.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# include <winsock2.h>
# include <winldap.h>
# include <winber.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
# include "ldap-url.h"
/* For OpenLDAP, to enable the API that we're using. */
# include <ldap.h>
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include "../common/logging.h"
#include "../common/argparse.h"
#include "../common/stringhelp.h"
#include "../common/mischelp.h"
#include "../common/strlist.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
/* With the ldap wrapper, there is no need for the npth_unprotect and leave
functions; thus we redefine them to nops. If we are not using the
ldap wrapper process we need to include the prototype for our
module's main function. */
static void npth_unprotect (void) { }
static void npth_protect (void) { }
# include "./ldap-wrapper.h"
# include "w32-ldap-help.h"
# define my_ldap_init(a,b) \
_dirmngr_ldap_init ((a), (b))
# define my_ldap_simple_bind_s(a,b,c) \
_dirmngr_ldap_simple_bind_s ((a),(b),(c))
# define my_ldap_search_st(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) \
_dirmngr_ldap_search_st ((a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h))
# define my_ldap_first_attribute(a,b,c) \
_dirmngr_ldap_first_attribute ((a),(b),(c))
# define my_ldap_next_attribute(a,b,c) \
_dirmngr_ldap_next_attribute ((a),(b),(c))
# define my_ldap_get_values_len(a,b,c) \
_dirmngr_ldap_get_values_len ((a),(b),(c))
# define my_ldap_free_attr(a) \
xfree ((a))
# define my_ldap_init(a,b) ldap_init ((a), (b))
# define my_ldap_simple_bind_s(a,b,c) ldap_simple_bind_s ((a), (b), (c))
# define my_ldap_search_st(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) \
ldap_search_st ((a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h))
# define my_ldap_first_attribute(a,b,c) ldap_first_attribute ((a),(b),(c))
# define my_ldap_next_attribute(a,b,c) ldap_next_attribute ((a),(b),(c))
# define my_ldap_get_values_len(a,b,c) ldap_get_values_len ((a),(b),(c))
# define my_ldap_free_attr(a) ldap_memfree ((a))
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
typedef LDAP_TIMEVAL my_ldap_timeval_t;
typedef struct timeval my_ldap_timeval_t;
#define DEFAULT_LDAP_TIMEOUT 100 /* Arbitrary long timeout. */
/* Constants for the options. */
oQuiet = 'q',
oVerbose = 'v',
oTimeout = 500,
/* The list of options as used by the argparse.c code. */
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
{ oVerbose, "verbose", 0, N_("verbose") },
{ oQuiet, "quiet", 0, N_("be somewhat more quiet") },
{ oTimeout, "timeout", 1, N_("|N|set LDAP timeout to N seconds")},
{ oMulti, "multi", 0, N_("return all values in"
" a record oriented format")},
{ oProxy, "proxy", 2,
N_("|NAME|ignore host part and connect through NAME")},
{ oHost, "host", 2, N_("|NAME|connect to host NAME")},
{ oPort, "port", 1, N_("|N|connect to port N")},
{ oUser, "user", 2, N_("|NAME|use user NAME for authentication")},
{ oPass, "pass", 2, N_("|PASS|use password PASS"
" for authentication")},
{ oEnvPass, "env-pass", 0, N_("take password from $DIRMNGR_LDAP_PASS")},
{ oDN, "dn", 2, N_("|STRING|query DN STRING")},
{ oFilter, "filter", 2, N_("|STRING|use STRING as filter expression")},
{ oAttr, "attr", 2, N_("|STRING|return the attribute STRING")},
{ oOnlySearchTimeout, "only-search-timeout", 0, "@"},
{ oLogWithPID,"log-with-pid", 0, "@"},
{ 0, NULL, 0, NULL }
/* A structure with module options. This is not a static variable
because if we are not build as a standalone binary, each thread
using this module needs to handle its own values. */
struct my_opt_s
int quiet;
int verbose;
my_ldap_timeval_t timeout;/* Timeout for the LDAP search functions. */
unsigned int alarm_timeout; /* And for the alarm based timeout. */
int multi;
estream_t outstream; /* Send output to this stream. */
/* Note that we can't use const for the strings because ldap_* are
not defined that way. */
char *proxy; /* Host and Port override. */
char *user; /* Authentication user. */
char *pass; /* Authentication password. */
char *host; /* Override host. */
int port; /* Override port. */
char *dn; /* Override DN. */
char *filter;/* Override filter. */
char *attr; /* Override attribute. */
typedef struct my_opt_s *my_opt_t;
/* Prototypes. */
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static void catch_alarm (int dummy);
static int process_url (my_opt_t myopt, const char *url);
/* Function called by argparse.c to display information. */
static const char *
my_strusage (int level)
const char *p;
case 11: p = "dirmngr_ldap (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 49: p = PACKAGE_BUGREPORT; break;
case 1:
case 40: p =
_("Usage: dirmngr_ldap [options] [URL] (-h for help)\n");
case 41: p =
_("Syntax: dirmngr_ldap [options] [URL]\n"
"Internal LDAP helper for Dirmngr\n"
"Interface and options may change without notice\n");
default: p = NULL;
return p;
main (int argc, char **argv)
ldap_wrapper_main (char **argv, estream_t outstream)
int argc;
int any_err = 0;
char *p;
int only_search_timeout = 0;
struct my_opt_s my_opt_buffer;
my_opt_t myopt = &my_opt_buffer;
char *malloced_buffer1 = NULL;
memset (&my_opt_buffer, 0, sizeof my_opt_buffer);
early_system_init ();
set_strusage (my_strusage);
log_set_prefix ("dirmngr_ldap", GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX);
/* Setup I18N and common subsystems. */
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
es_set_binary (es_stdout);
myopt->outstream = es_stdout;
myopt->outstream = outstream;
for (argc=0; argv[argc]; argc++)
/* LDAP defaults */
myopt->timeout.tv_sec = DEFAULT_LDAP_TIMEOUT;
myopt->timeout.tv_usec = 0;
myopt->alarm_timeout = 0;
/* Parse the command line. */
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= 1; /* Do not remove the args. */
while (arg_parse (&pargs, opts) )
switch (pargs.r_opt)
case oVerbose: myopt->verbose++; break;
case oQuiet: myopt->quiet++; break;
case oTimeout:
myopt->timeout.tv_sec = pargs.r.ret_int;
myopt->timeout.tv_usec = 0;
myopt->alarm_timeout = pargs.r.ret_int;
case oOnlySearchTimeout: only_search_timeout = 1; break;
case oMulti: myopt->multi = 1; break;
case oUser: myopt->user = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oPass: myopt->pass = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oEnvPass:
myopt->pass = getenv ("DIRMNGR_LDAP_PASS");
case oProxy: myopt->proxy = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oHost: myopt->host = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oPort: myopt->port = pargs.r.ret_int; break;
case oDN: myopt->dn = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oFilter: myopt->filter = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oAttr: myopt->attr = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oLogWithPID:
unsigned int oldflags;
log_get_prefix (&oldflags);
log_set_prefix (NULL, oldflags | GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PID);
default :
pargs.err = ARGPARSE_PRINT_WARNING; /* No exit() please. */
if (only_search_timeout)
myopt->alarm_timeout = 0;
if (myopt->proxy)
malloced_buffer1 = xtrystrdup (myopt->proxy);
if (!malloced_buffer1)
log_error ("error copying string: %s\n", strerror (errno));
return 1;
myopt->host = malloced_buffer1;
p = strchr (myopt->host, ':');
if (p)
*p++ = 0;
myopt->port = atoi (p);
if (!myopt->port)
myopt->port = 389; /* make sure ports gets overridden. */
if (myopt->port < 0 || myopt->port > 65535)
log_error (_("invalid port number %d\n"), myopt->port);
if (log_get_errorcount (0))
exit (2);
if (argc < 1)
usage (1);
/* All passed arguments should be fine in this case. */
assert (argc);
if (myopt->alarm_timeout)
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
struct sigaction act;
act.sa_handler = catch_alarm;
sigemptyset (&act.sa_mask);
act.sa_flags = 0;
if (sigaction (SIGALRM,&act,NULL))
# else
if (signal (SIGALRM, catch_alarm) == SIG_ERR)
# endif
log_fatal ("unable to register timeout handler\n");
for (; argc; argc--, argv++)
if (process_url (myopt, *argv))
any_err = 1;
xfree (malloced_buffer1);
return any_err;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static void
catch_alarm (int dummy)
_exit (10);
static void
set_timeout (my_opt_t myopt)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* FIXME for W32. */
if (myopt->alarm_timeout)
alarm (myopt->alarm_timeout);
/* Helper for fetch_ldap(). */
static int
print_ldap_entries (my_opt_t myopt, LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *msg, char *want_attr)
LDAPMessage *item;
int any = 0;
for (npth_unprotect (), item = ldap_first_entry (ld, msg), npth_protect ();
npth_unprotect (), item = ldap_next_entry (ld, item), npth_protect ())
BerElement *berctx;
char *attr;
if (myopt->verbose > 1)
log_info (_("scanning result for attribute '%s'\n"),
want_attr? want_attr : "[all]");
if (myopt->multi)
{ /* Write item marker. */
if (es_fwrite ("I\0\0\0\0", 5, 1, myopt->outstream) != 1)
log_error (_("error writing to stdout: %s\n"),
strerror (errno));
return -1;
for (npth_unprotect (), attr = my_ldap_first_attribute (ld, item, &berctx),
npth_protect ();
npth_unprotect (), attr = my_ldap_next_attribute (ld, item, berctx),
npth_protect ())
struct berval **values;
int idx;
if (myopt->verbose > 1)
log_info (_(" available attribute '%s'\n"), attr);
set_timeout (myopt);
/* I case we want only one attribute we do a case
insensitive compare without the optional extension
(i.e. ";binary"). Case insensitive is not really correct
but the best we can do. */
if (want_attr)
char *cp1, *cp2;
int cmpres;
cp1 = strchr (want_attr, ';');
if (cp1)
*cp1 = 0;
cp2 = strchr (attr, ';');
if (cp2)
*cp2 = 0;
cmpres = ascii_strcasecmp (want_attr, attr);
if (cp1)
*cp1 = ';';
if (cp2)
*cp2 = ';';
if (cmpres)
my_ldap_free_attr (attr);
continue; /* Not found: Try next attribute. */
npth_unprotect ();
values = my_ldap_get_values_len (ld, item, attr);
npth_protect ();
if (!values)
if (myopt->verbose)
log_info (_("attribute '%s' not found\n"), attr);
my_ldap_free_attr (attr);
if (myopt->verbose)
log_info (_("found attribute '%s'\n"), attr);
if (myopt->verbose > 1)
for (idx=0; values[idx]; idx++)
log_info (" length[%d]=%d\n",
idx, (int)values[0]->bv_len);
if (myopt->multi)
{ /* Write attribute marker. */
unsigned char tmp[5];
size_t n = strlen (attr);
tmp[0] = 'A';
tmp[1] = (n >> 24);
tmp[2] = (n >> 16);
tmp[3] = (n >> 8);
tmp[4] = (n);
if (es_fwrite (tmp, 5, 1, myopt->outstream) != 1
|| es_fwrite (attr, n, 1, myopt->outstream) != 1)
log_error (_("error writing to stdout: %s\n"),
strerror (errno));
ldap_value_free_len (values);
my_ldap_free_attr (attr);
ber_free (berctx, 0);
return -1;
for (idx=0; values[idx]; idx++)
if (myopt->multi)
{ /* Write value marker. */
unsigned char tmp[5];
size_t n = values[0]->bv_len;
tmp[0] = 'V';
tmp[1] = (n >> 24);
tmp[2] = (n >> 16);
tmp[3] = (n >> 8);
tmp[4] = (n);
if (es_fwrite (tmp, 5, 1, myopt->outstream) != 1)
log_error (_("error writing to stdout: %s\n"),
strerror (errno));
ldap_value_free_len (values);
my_ldap_free_attr (attr);
ber_free (berctx, 0);
return -1;
if (es_fwrite (values[0]->bv_val, values[0]->bv_len,
1, myopt->outstream) != 1)
log_error (_("error writing to stdout: %s\n"),
strerror (errno));
ldap_value_free_len (values);
my_ldap_free_attr (attr);
ber_free (berctx, 0);
return -1;
any = 1;
if (!myopt->multi)
break; /* Print only the first value. */
ldap_value_free_len (values);
my_ldap_free_attr (attr);
if (want_attr || !myopt->multi)
break; /* We only want to return the first attribute. */
ber_free (berctx, 0);
if (myopt->verbose > 1 && any)
log_info ("result has been printed\n");
return any?0:-1;
/* Helper for the URL based LDAP query. */
static int
fetch_ldap (my_opt_t myopt, const char *url, const LDAPURLDesc *ludp)
LDAP *ld;
LDAPMessage *msg;
int rc = 0;
char *host, *dn, *filter, *attrs[2], *attr;
int port;
int ret;
host = myopt->host? myopt->host : ludp->lud_host;
port = myopt->port? myopt->port : ludp->lud_port;
dn = myopt->dn? myopt->dn : ludp->lud_dn;
filter = myopt->filter? myopt->filter : ludp->lud_filter;
attrs[0] = myopt->attr? myopt->attr : ludp->lud_attrs? ludp->lud_attrs[0]:NULL;
attrs[1] = NULL;
attr = attrs[0];
if (!port)
port = (ludp->lud_scheme && !strcmp (ludp->lud_scheme, "ldaps"))? 636:389;
if (myopt->verbose)
log_info (_("processing url '%s'\n"), url);
if (myopt->user)
log_info (_(" user '%s'\n"), myopt->user);
if (myopt->pass)
log_info (_(" pass '%s'\n"), *myopt->pass?"*****":"");
if (host)
log_info (_(" host '%s'\n"), host);
log_info (_(" port %d\n"), port);
if (dn)
log_info (_(" DN '%s'\n"), dn);
if (filter)
log_info (_(" filter '%s'\n"), filter);
if (myopt->multi && !myopt->attr && ludp->lud_attrs)
int i;
for (i=0; ludp->lud_attrs[i]; i++)
log_info (_(" attr '%s'\n"), ludp->lud_attrs[i]);
else if (attr)
log_info (_(" attr '%s'\n"), attr);
if (!host || !*host)
log_error (_("no host name in '%s'\n"), url);
return -1;
if (!myopt->multi && !attr)
log_error (_("no attribute given for query '%s'\n"), url);
return -1;
if (!myopt->multi && !myopt->attr
&& ludp->lud_attrs && ludp->lud_attrs[0] && ludp->lud_attrs[1])
log_info (_("WARNING: using first attribute only\n"));
set_timeout (myopt);
npth_unprotect ();
ld = my_ldap_init (host, port);
npth_protect ();
if (!ld)
log_error (_("LDAP init to '%s:%d' failed: %s\n"),
host, port, strerror (errno));
return -1;
npth_unprotect ();
/* Fixme: Can we use MYOPT->user or is it shared with other theeads?. */
ret = my_ldap_simple_bind_s (ld, myopt->user, myopt->pass);
npth_protect ();
/* Protocol error could mean that the server only supports v3. */
int version = LDAP_VERSION3;
if (myopt->verbose)
log_info ("protocol error; retrying bind with v3 protocol\n");
npth_unprotect ();
ldap_set_option (ld, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &version);
ret = my_ldap_simple_bind_s (ld, myopt->user, myopt->pass);
npth_protect ();
if (ret)
log_error (_("binding to '%s:%d' failed: %s\n"),
host, port, ldap_err2string (ret));
ldap_unbind (ld);
return -1;
set_timeout (myopt);
npth_unprotect ();
rc = my_ldap_search_st (ld, dn, ludp->lud_scope, filter,
myopt->multi && !myopt->attr && ludp->lud_attrs?
&myopt->timeout, &msg);
npth_protect ();
if (rc == LDAP_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED && myopt->multi)
if (es_fwrite ("E\0\0\0\x09truncated", 14, 1, myopt->outstream) != 1)
log_error (_("error writing to stdout: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
return -1;
else if (rc)
log_error ("searching '%s' failed: %d\n", url, rc);
log_error (_("searching '%s' failed: %s\n"),
url, ldap_err2string (rc));
/* FIXME: Need deinit (ld)? */
/* Hmmm: Do we need to released MSG in case of an error? */
return -1;
rc = print_ldap_entries (myopt, ld, msg, myopt->multi? NULL:attr);
ldap_msgfree (msg);
ldap_unbind (ld);
return rc;
/* Main processing. Take the URL and run the LDAP query. The result
is printed to stdout, errors are logged to the log stream. */
static int
process_url (my_opt_t myopt, const char *url)
int rc;
LDAPURLDesc *ludp = NULL;
if (!ldap_is_ldap_url (url))
log_error (_("'%s' is not an LDAP URL\n"), url);
return -1;
if (ldap_url_parse (url, &ludp))
log_error (_("'%s' is an invalid LDAP URL\n"), url);
return -1;
rc = fetch_ldap (myopt, url, ludp);
ldap_free_urldesc (ludp);
return rc;
diff --git a/dirmngr/dns-stuff.c b/dirmngr/dns-stuff.c
index 4bd3a8793..70554f6f3 100644
--- a/dirmngr/dns-stuff.c
+++ b/dirmngr/dns-stuff.c
@@ -1,1374 +1,1374 @@
/* dns-stuff.c - DNS related code including CERT RR (rfc-4398)
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2009, 2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# include <winsock2.h>
# endif
# include <windows.h>
# include <netinet/in.h>
# include <arpa/nameser.h>
# include <resolv.h>
# include <netdb.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef USE_ADNS
# include <adns.h>
#if !defined(HAVE_GETADDRINFO) && !defined(USE_ADNS)
# error Either getaddrinfo or the ADNS library is required.
#ifdef WITHOUT_NPTH /* Give the Makefile a chance to build without Pth. */
# undef USE_NPTH
#ifdef USE_NPTH
# include <npth.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "host2net.h"
#include "dns-stuff.h"
#ifdef USE_NPTH
# define my_unprotect() npth_unprotect ()
# define my_protect() npth_protect ()
# define my_unprotect() do { } while(0)
# define my_protect() do { } while(0)
/* We allow the use of 0 instead of AF_UNSPEC - check this assumption. */
#if AF_UNSPEC != 0
# error AF_UNSPEC does not have the value 0
/* Windows does not support the AI_ADDRCONFIG flag - use zero instead. */
# define AI_ADDRCONFIG 0
/* Provide a replacement function for older ADNS versions. */
# define adns_free(a) free ((a))
/* Not every installation has gotten around to supporting SRVs or
CERTs yet... */
#ifndef T_SRV
#define T_SRV 33
#ifndef T_CERT
# define T_CERT 37
/* ADNS has no support for CERT yet. */
#define my_adns_r_cert 37
/* The default nameserver used with ADNS in Tor mode. */
/* If set Tor mode shall be used. */
static int tor_mode;
/* A string with the nameserver IP address used with Tor.
(40 should be sufficient for v6 but we add some extra for a scope.) */
static char tor_nameserver[40+20];
/* A string to hold the credentials presented to Tor. */
#ifdef USE_ADNS
static char tor_credentials[50];
/* Sets the module in Tor mode. Returns 0 is this is possible or an
error code. */
enable_dns_tormode (int new_circuit)
(void) new_circuit;
#if defined(USE_DNS_CERT) && defined(USE_ADNS)
if (!*tor_credentials || new_circuit)
static unsigned int counter;
gpgrt_snprintf (tor_credentials, sizeof tor_credentials,
(unsigned long)getpid (), counter);
tor_mode = 1;
return 0;
# endif
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
/* Change the default IP address of the nameserver to IPADDR. The
address needs to be a numerical IP address and will be used for the
next DNS query. Note that this is only used in Tor mode. */
set_dns_nameserver (const char *ipaddr)
strncpy (tor_nameserver, ipaddr? ipaddr : DEFAULT_NAMESERVER,
sizeof tor_nameserver -1);
tor_nameserver[sizeof tor_nameserver -1] = 0;
/* Free an addressinfo linked list as returned by resolve_dns_name. */
free_dns_addrinfo (dns_addrinfo_t ai)
while (ai)
dns_addrinfo_t next = ai->next;
xfree (ai);
ai = next;
static gpg_error_t
map_eai_to_gpg_error (int ec)
gpg_error_t err;
switch (ec)
case EAI_AGAIN: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EAGAIN); break;
case EAI_BADFLAGS: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_FLAG); break;
case EAI_FAIL: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_SERVER_FAILED); break;
case EAI_MEMORY: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM); break;
case EAI_NODATA: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA); break;
case EAI_NONAME: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_NAME); break;
case EAI_SERVICE: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); break;
case EAI_FAMILY: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EAFNOSUPPORT); break;
case EAI_SOCKTYPE: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ESOCKTNOSUPPORT); break;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
case EAI_ADDRFAMILY:err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EADDRNOTAVAIL); break;
# endif
case EAI_SYSTEM: err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); break;
default: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_ERRNO); break;
return err;
#ifdef USE_ADNS
/* Init ADNS and store the new state at R_STATE. Returns 0 on
success; prints an error message and returns an error code on
failure. */
static gpg_error_t
my_adns_init (adns_state *r_state)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int ret;
if (tor_mode)
char *cfgstr;
if (!*tor_nameserver)
set_dns_nameserver (NULL);
cfgstr = xtryasprintf ("nameserver %s\n"
"options adns_tormode adns_sockscred:%s",
tor_nameserver, tor_credentials);
if (!cfgstr)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
ret = adns_init_strcfg (r_state, adns_if_debug /*adns_if_noerrprint*/, NULL, cfgstr);
if (ret)
err = gpg_error_from_errno (ret);
xfree (cfgstr);
ret = adns_init (r_state, adns_if_noerrprint, NULL);
if (ret)
err = gpg_error_from_errno (ret);
if (err)
log_error ("error initializing adns: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
return 0;
#endif /*USE_ADNS*/
#ifdef USE_ADNS
/* Resolve a name using the ADNS library. See resolve_dns_name for
the description. */
static gpg_error_t
resolve_name_adns (const char *name, unsigned short port,
int want_family, int want_socktype,
dns_addrinfo_t *r_dai, char **r_canonname)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int ret;
dns_addrinfo_t daihead = NULL;
dns_addrinfo_t dai;
adns_state state;
adns_answer *answer = NULL;
int count;
*r_dai = NULL;
if (r_canonname)
*r_canonname = NULL;
if (want_socktype != SOCK_STREAM && want_socktype != SOCK_DGRAM)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ESOCKTNOSUPPORT);
err = my_adns_init (&state);
if (err)
return err;
my_unprotect ();
ret = adns_synchronous (state, name, adns_r_addr,
adns_qf_quoteok_query, &answer);
my_protect ();
if (ret)
err = gpg_error (gpg_err_code_from_errno (ret));
log_error ("DNS query failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
if (answer->status != adns_s_ok || answer->type != adns_r_addr)
log_error ("DNS query returned an error: %s (%s)\n",
adns_strerror (answer->status),
adns_errabbrev (answer->status));
goto leave;
if (r_canonname && answer->cname)
*r_canonname = xtrystrdup (answer->cname);
if (!*r_canonname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
for (count = 0; count < answer->nrrs; count++)
int len;
adns_rr_addr *addr;
len = answer->rrs.addr[count].len;
addr = &answer->rrs.addr[count];
if (addr-> != AF_INET6
&& addr-> != AF_INET)
dai = xtrymalloc (sizeof *dai + len - 1);
if (!dai)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
dai->family = addr->;
dai->socktype = want_socktype == SOCK_STREAM? SOCK_STREAM : SOCK_DGRAM;
dai->protocol = want_socktype == SOCK_STREAM? IPPROTO_TCP : IPPROTO_UDP;
dai->addrlen = len;
memcpy (dai->addr, &addr->, len);
((struct sockaddr_in *) dai->addr)->sin_port = htons (port);
dai->next = daihead;
daihead = dai;
err = 0;
adns_free (answer);
adns_finish (state);
if (err)
if (r_canonname)
xfree (*r_canonname);
*r_canonname = NULL;
free_dns_addrinfo (daihead);
*r_dai = daihead;
return err;
#endif /*USE_ADNS*/
#ifndef USE_ADNS
/* Resolve a name using the standard system function. */
static gpg_error_t
resolve_name_standard (const char *name, unsigned short port,
int want_family, int want_socktype,
dns_addrinfo_t *r_dai, char **r_canonname)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
dns_addrinfo_t daihead = NULL;
dns_addrinfo_t dai;
struct addrinfo *aibuf = NULL;
struct addrinfo hints, *ai;
char portstr[21];
int ret;
*r_dai = NULL;
if (r_canonname)
*r_canonname = NULL;
memset (&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
hints.ai_family = want_family;
hints.ai_socktype = want_socktype;
hints.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG;
if (r_canonname)
hints.ai_flags |= AI_CANONNAME;
if (port)
snprintf (portstr, sizeof portstr, "%hu", port);
*portstr = 0;
/* We can't use the the AI_IDN flag because that does the conversion
using the current locale. However, GnuPG always used UTF-8. To
support IDN we would need to make use of the libidn API. */
ret = getaddrinfo (name, *portstr? portstr : NULL, &hints, &aibuf);
if (ret)
aibuf = NULL;
err = map_eai_to_gpg_error (ret);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_NAME)
/* There seems to be a bug in the glibc getaddrinfo function
if the CNAME points to a long list of A and AAAA records
in which case the function return NO_NAME. Let's do the
CNAME redirection again. */
char *cname;
if (get_dns_cname (name, &cname))
goto leave; /* Still no success. */
ret = getaddrinfo (cname, *portstr? portstr : NULL, &hints, &aibuf);
xfree (cname);
if (ret)
aibuf = NULL;
err = map_eai_to_gpg_error (ret);
goto leave;
err = 0; /* Yep, now it worked. */
goto leave;
if (r_canonname && aibuf && aibuf->ai_canonname)
*r_canonname = xtrystrdup (aibuf->ai_canonname);
if (!*r_canonname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
for (ai = aibuf; ai; ai = ai->ai_next)
if (ai->ai_family != AF_INET6 && ai->ai_family != AF_INET)
dai = xtrymalloc (sizeof *dai + ai->ai_addrlen - 1);
dai->family = ai->ai_family;
dai->socktype = ai->ai_socktype;
dai->protocol = ai->ai_protocol;
dai->addrlen = ai->ai_addrlen;
memcpy (dai->addr, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen);
dai->next = daihead;
daihead = dai;
if (aibuf)
freeaddrinfo (aibuf);
if (err)
if (r_canonname)
xfree (*r_canonname);
*r_canonname = NULL;
free_dns_addrinfo (daihead);
*r_dai = daihead;
return err;
#endif /*!USE_ADNS*/
/* Resolve an address using the standard system function. */
static gpg_error_t
resolve_addr_standard (const struct sockaddr *addr, int addrlen,
unsigned int flags, char **r_name)
gpg_error_t err;
int ec;
char *buffer, *p;
int buflen;
*r_name = NULL;
buflen = NI_MAXHOST;
buffer = xtrymalloc (buflen + 2 + 1);
if (!buffer)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if ((flags & DNS_NUMERICHOST) || tor_mode)
ec = getnameinfo (addr, addrlen, buffer, buflen, NULL, 0, NI_NAMEREQD);
if (!ec && *buffer == '[')
ec = EAI_FAIL; /* A name may never start with a bracket. */
else if (ec == EAI_NONAME)
p = buffer;
if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET6 && (flags & DNS_WITHBRACKET))
*p++ = '[';
buflen -= 2;
ec = getnameinfo (addr, addrlen, p, buflen, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST);
if (!ec && addr->sa_family == AF_INET6 && (flags & DNS_WITHBRACKET))
strcat (buffer, "]");
if (ec)
err = map_eai_to_gpg_error (ec);
p = xtryrealloc (buffer, strlen (buffer)+1);
if (!p)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
buffer = p;
err = 0;
if (err)
xfree (buffer);
*r_name = buffer;
return err;
/* This a wrapper around getaddrinfo with slightly different semantics.
NAME is the name to resolve.
PORT is the requested port or 0.
On success the result is stored in a linked list with the head
stored at the address R_AI; the caller must call gpg_addrinfo_free
on this. If R_CANONNAME is not NULL the official name of the host
is stored there as a malloced string; if that name is not available
NULL is stored. */
resolve_dns_name (const char *name, unsigned short port,
int want_family, int want_socktype,
dns_addrinfo_t *r_ai, char **r_canonname)
#ifdef USE_ADNS
return resolve_name_adns (name, port, want_family, want_socktype,
r_ai, r_canonname);
return resolve_name_standard (name, port, want_family, want_socktype,
r_ai, r_canonname);
resolve_dns_addr (const struct sockaddr *addr, int addrlen,
unsigned int flags, char **r_name)
#ifdef USE_ADNS_disabled_for_now
return resolve_addr_adns (addr, addrlen, flags, r_name);
return resolve_addr_standard (addr, addrlen, flags, r_name);
/* Check whether NAME is an IP address. Returns true if it is either
an IPv6 or IPv4 numerical address. */
is_ip_address (const char *name)
const char *s;
int ndots, dblcol, n;
if (*name == '[')
return 1; /* yes: A legal DNS name may not contain this character;
this mut be bracketed v6 address. */
if (*name == '.')
return 0; /* No. A leading dot is not a valid IP address. */
/* Check whether this is a v6 address. */
ndots = n = dblcol = 0;
for (s=name; *s; s++)
if (*s == ':')
if (s[1] == ':')
if (dblcol)
return 0; /* No: Only one "::" allowed. */
if (s[1])
n = 0;
else if (*s == '.')
goto legacy;
else if (!strchr ("0123456789abcdefABCDEF", *s))
return 0; /* No: Not a hex digit. */
else if (++n > 4)
return 0; /* To many digits in a group. */
if (ndots > 7)
return 0; /* No: Too many colons. */
else if (ndots > 1)
return 1; /* Yes: At least 2 colons indicate an v6 address. */
/* Check whether it is legacy IP address. */
ndots = n = 0;
for (s=name; *s; s++)
if (*s == '.')
if (s[1] == '.')
return 0; /* No: Douple dot. */
if (atoi (s+1) > 255)
return 0; /* No: Ipv4 byte value too large. */
n = 0;
else if (!strchr ("0123456789", *s))
return 0; /* No: Not a digit. */
else if (++n > 3)
return 0; /* No: More than 3 digits. */
return !!(ndots == 3);
/* Return true if NAME is an onion address. */
is_onion_address (const char *name)
size_t len;
len = name? strlen (name) : 0;
if (len < 8 || strcmp (name + len - 6, ".onion"))
return 0;
/* Note that we require at least 2 characters before the suffix. */
return 1; /* Yes. */
/* Returns 0 on success or an error code. If a PGP CERT record was
found, the malloced data is returned at (R_KEY, R_KEYLEN) and
the other return parameters are set to NULL/0. If an IPGP CERT
record was found the fingerprint is stored as an allocated block at
R_FPR and its length at R_FPRLEN; an URL is is allocated as a
string and returned at R_URL. If WANT_CERTTYPE is 0 this function
returns the first CERT found with a supported type; it is expected
that only one CERT record is used. If WANT_CERTTYPE is one of the
supported certtypes only records with this certtype are considered
and the first found is returned. (R_KEY,R_KEYLEN) are optional. */
get_dns_cert (const char *name, int want_certtype,
void **r_key, size_t *r_keylen,
unsigned char **r_fpr, size_t *r_fprlen, char **r_url)
#ifdef USE_ADNS
gpg_error_t err;
int ret;
adns_state state;
adns_answer *answer = NULL;
unsigned int ctype;
int count;
if (r_key)
*r_key = NULL;
if (r_keylen)
*r_keylen = 0;
*r_fpr = NULL;
*r_fprlen = 0;
*r_url = NULL;
err = my_adns_init (&state);
if (err)
return err;
my_unprotect ();
ret = adns_synchronous (state, name,
| (want_certtype < DNS_CERTTYPE_RRBASE
? my_adns_r_cert
: (want_certtype - DNS_CERTTYPE_RRBASE))),
adns_qf_quoteok_query, &answer);
my_protect ();
if (ret)
err = gpg_error (gpg_err_code_from_errno (ret));
/* log_error ("DNS query failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); */
adns_finish (state);
return err;
if (answer->status != adns_s_ok)
/* log_error ("DNS query returned an error: %s (%s)\n", */
/* adns_strerror (answer->status), */
/* adns_errabbrev (answer->status)); */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
goto leave;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
for (count = 0; count < answer->nrrs; count++)
int datalen = answer->rrs.byteblock[count].len;
const unsigned char *data = answer->rrs.byteblock[count].data;
/* First check for our generic RR hack. */
if (datalen
&& want_certtype >= DNS_CERTTYPE_RRBASE
&& ((want_certtype - DNS_CERTTYPE_RRBASE)
== (answer->type & ~adns_r_unknown)))
/* Found the requested record - return it. */
*r_key = xtrymalloc (datalen);
if (!*r_key)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (*r_key, data, datalen);
*r_keylen = datalen;
err = 0;
goto leave;
if (datalen < 5)
continue; /* Truncated CERT record - skip. */
ctype = buf16_to_uint (data);
/* (key tag and algorithm fields are not required.) */
data += 5;
datalen -= 5;
if (want_certtype && want_certtype != ctype)
; /* Not of the requested certtype. */
else if (ctype == DNS_CERTTYPE_PGP && datalen >= 11 && r_key && r_keylen)
/* CERT type is PGP. Gpg checks for a minimum length of 11,
thus we do the same. */
*r_key = xtrymalloc (datalen);
if (!*r_key)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (*r_key, data, datalen);
*r_keylen = datalen;
err = 0;
goto leave;
else if (ctype == DNS_CERTTYPE_IPGP && datalen && datalen < 1023
&& datalen >= data[0] + 1 && r_fpr && r_fprlen && r_url)
/* CERT type is IPGP. We made sure that the data is
plausible and that the caller requested this
information. */
*r_fprlen = data[0];
if (*r_fprlen)
*r_fpr = xtrymalloc (*r_fprlen);
if (!*r_fpr)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
memcpy (*r_fpr, data + 1, *r_fprlen);
*r_fpr = NULL;
if (datalen > *r_fprlen + 1)
*r_url = xtrymalloc (datalen - (*r_fprlen + 1) + 1);
if (!*r_url)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (*r_fpr);
*r_fpr = NULL;
goto leave;
memcpy (*r_url,
data + (*r_fprlen + 1), datalen - (*r_fprlen + 1));
(*r_url)[datalen - (*r_fprlen + 1)] = '\0';
*r_url = NULL;
err = 0;
goto leave;
adns_free (answer);
adns_finish (state);
return err;
#else /*!USE_ADNS*/
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *answer;
int r;
u16 count;
if (r_key)
*r_key = NULL;
if (r_keylen)
*r_keylen = 0;
*r_fpr = NULL;
*r_fprlen = 0;
*r_url = NULL;
/* Allocate a 64k buffer which is the limit for an DNS response. */
answer = xtrymalloc (65536);
if (!answer)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
r = res_query (name, C_IN,
(want_certtype < DNS_CERTTYPE_RRBASE
: (want_certtype - DNS_CERTTYPE_RRBASE)),
answer, 65536);
/* Not too big, not too small, no errors and at least 1 answer. */
if (r >= sizeof (HEADER) && r <= 65536
&& (((HEADER *)(void *) answer)->rcode) == NOERROR
&& (count = ntohs (((HEADER *)(void *) answer)->ancount)))
int rc;
unsigned char *pt, *emsg;
emsg = &answer[r];
pt = &answer[sizeof (HEADER)];
/* Skip over the query */
rc = dn_skipname (pt, emsg);
if (rc == -1)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
goto leave;
pt += rc + QFIXEDSZ;
/* There are several possible response types for a CERT request.
We're interested in the PGP (a key) and IPGP (a URI) types.
Skip all others. TODO: A key is better than a URI since
we've gone through all this bother to fetch it, so favor that
if we have both PGP and IPGP? */
while (count-- > 0 && pt < emsg)
u16 type, class, dlen, ctype;
rc = dn_skipname (pt, emsg); /* the name we just queried for */
if (rc == -1)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
goto leave;
pt += rc;
/* Truncated message? 15 bytes takes us to the point where
we start looking at the ctype. */
if ((emsg - pt) < 15)
type = buf16_to_u16 (pt);
pt += 2;
class = buf16_to_u16 (pt);
pt += 2;
if (class != C_IN)
/* ttl */
pt += 4;
/* data length */
dlen = buf16_to_u16 (pt);
pt += 2;
/* Check the type and parse. */
if (want_certtype >= DNS_CERTTYPE_RRBASE
&& type == (want_certtype - DNS_CERTTYPE_RRBASE)
&& r_key)
*r_key = xtrymalloc (dlen);
if (!*r_key)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (*r_key, pt, dlen);
*r_keylen = dlen;
err = 0;
goto leave;
else if (want_certtype >= DNS_CERTTYPE_RRBASE)
/* We did not found the requested RR. */
pt += dlen;
else if (type == T_CERT)
/* We got a CERT type. */
ctype = buf16_to_u16 (pt);
pt += 2;
/* Skip the CERT key tag and algo which we don't need. */
pt += 3;
dlen -= 5;
/* 15 bytes takes us to here */
if (want_certtype && want_certtype != ctype)
; /* Not of the requested certtype. */
else if (ctype == DNS_CERTTYPE_PGP && dlen && r_key && r_keylen)
/* PGP type */
*r_key = xtrymalloc (dlen);
if (!*r_key)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (*r_key, pt, dlen);
*r_keylen = dlen;
err = 0;
goto leave;
else if (ctype == DNS_CERTTYPE_IPGP
&& dlen && dlen < 1023 && dlen >= pt[0] + 1)
/* IPGP type */
*r_fprlen = pt[0];
if (*r_fprlen)
*r_fpr = xtrymalloc (*r_fprlen);
if (!*r_fpr)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
memcpy (*r_fpr, &pt[1], *r_fprlen);
*r_fpr = NULL;
if (dlen > *r_fprlen + 1)
*r_url = xtrymalloc (dlen - (*r_fprlen + 1) + 1);
if (!*r_fpr)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (*r_fpr);
*r_fpr = NULL;
goto leave;
memcpy (*r_url, &pt[*r_fprlen + 1],
dlen - (*r_fprlen + 1));
(*r_url)[dlen - (*r_fprlen + 1)] = '\0';
*r_url = NULL;
err = 0;
goto leave;
/* No subtype matches, so continue with the next answer. */
pt += dlen;
/* Not a requested type - might be a CNAME. Try next item. */
pt += dlen;
xfree (answer);
return err;
#endif /*!USE_ADNS */
#else /* !USE_DNS_CERT */
if (r_key)
*r_key = NULL;
if (r_keylen)
*r_keylen = 0;
*r_fpr = NULL;
*r_fprlen = 0;
*r_url = NULL;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
#ifdef USE_DNS_SRV
static int
priosort(const void *a,const void *b)
const struct srventry *sa=a,*sb=b;
return 1;
else if(sa->priority<sb->priority)
return -1;
return 0;
getsrv (const char *name,struct srventry **list)
int srvcount=0;
u16 count;
int i, rc;
*list = NULL;
#ifdef USE_ADNS
adns_state state;
adns_answer *answer = NULL;
if (my_adns_init (&state))
return -1;
my_unprotect ();
rc = adns_synchronous (state, name, adns_r_srv, adns_qf_quoteok_query,
my_protect ();
if (rc)
log_error ("DNS query failed: %s\n", strerror (rc));
adns_finish (state);
return -1;
if (answer->status != adns_s_ok
|| answer->type != adns_r_srv || !answer->nrrs)
log_error ("DNS query returned an error or no records: %s (%s)\n",
adns_strerror (answer->status),
adns_errabbrev (answer->status));
adns_free (answer);
adns_finish (state);
return 0;
for (count = 0; count < answer->nrrs; count++)
struct srventry *srv = NULL;
struct srventry *newlist;
if (strlen (answer->rrs.srvha[count] >= sizeof srv->target)
log_info ("hostname in SRV record too long - skipped\n");
newlist = xtryrealloc (*list, (srvcount+1)*sizeof(struct srventry));
if (!newlist)
goto fail;
*list = newlist;
memset (&(*list)[srvcount], 0, sizeof(struct srventry));
srv = &(*list)[srvcount];
srv->priority = answer->rrs.srvha[count].priority;
srv->weight = answer->rrs.srvha[count].weight;
srv->port = answer->rrs.srvha[count].port;
strcpy (srv->target, answer->rrs.srvha[count];
adns_free (answer);
adns_finish (state);
#else /*!USE_ADNS*/
union {
unsigned char ans[2048];
HEADER header[1];
} res;
unsigned char *answer = res.ans;
HEADER *header = res.header;
unsigned char *pt, *emsg;
int r;
u16 dlen;
/* Do not allow a query using the standard resolver in Tor mode. */
if (tor_mode)
return -1;
r = res_query (name, C_IN, T_SRV, answer, sizeof answer);
if (r < sizeof (HEADER) || r > sizeof answer
|| header->rcode != NOERROR || !(count=ntohs (header->ancount)))
return 0; /* Error or no record found. */
emsg = &answer[r];
pt = &answer[sizeof(HEADER)];
/* Skip over the query */
rc = dn_skipname (pt, emsg);
if (rc == -1)
goto fail;
pt += rc + QFIXEDSZ;
while (count-- > 0 && pt < emsg)
struct srventry *srv=NULL;
u16 type,class;
struct srventry *newlist;
newlist = xtryrealloc (*list, (srvcount+1)*sizeof(struct srventry));
if (!newlist)
goto fail;
*list = newlist;
memset(&(*list)[srvcount],0,sizeof(struct srventry));
rc = dn_skipname(pt,emsg); /* the name we just queried for */
if (rc == -1)
goto fail;
/* Truncated message? */
goto fail;
type = buf16_to_u16 (pt);
pt += 2;
/* We asked for SRV and got something else !? */
goto fail;
class = buf16_to_u16 (pt);
pt += 2;
/* We asked for IN and got something else !? */
goto fail;
pt += 4; /* ttl */
dlen = buf16_to_u16 (pt);
pt += 2;
srv->priority = buf16_to_ushort (pt);
pt += 2;
srv->weight = buf16_to_ushort (pt);
pt += 2;
srv->port = buf16_to_ushort (pt);
pt += 2;
/* Get the name. 2782 doesn't allow name compression, but
dn_expand still works to pull the name out of the
packet. */
rc = dn_expand(answer,emsg,pt,srv->target, sizeof srv->target);
if (rc == 1 && srv->target[0] == 0) /* "." */
*list = NULL;
return 0;
if (rc == -1)
goto fail;
pt += rc;
/* Corrupt packet? */
if (dlen != rc+6)
goto fail;
#endif /*!USE_ADNS*/
/* Now we have an array of all the srv records. */
/* Order by priority */
qsort(*list,srvcount,sizeof(struct srventry),priosort);
/* For each priority, move the zero-weighted items first. */
for (i=0; i < srvcount; i++)
int j;
for (j=i;j < srvcount && (*list)[i].priority == (*list)[j].priority; j++)
/* Swap j with i */
struct srventry temp;
memcpy (&temp,&(*list)[j],sizeof(struct srventry));
memcpy (&(*list)[j],&(*list)[i],sizeof(struct srventry));
memcpy (&(*list)[i],&temp,sizeof(struct srventry));
/* Run the RFC-2782 weighting algorithm. We don't need very high
quality randomness for this, so regular libc srand/rand is
sufficient. */
static int done;
if (!done)
done = 1;
srand (time (NULL)*getpid());
for (i=0; i < srvcount; i++)
int j;
float prio_count=0,chose;
for (j=i; j < srvcount && (*list)[i].priority == (*list)[j].priority; j++)
for (j=i;j<srvcount && (*list)[i].priority==(*list)[j].priority;j++)
if (chose<=(*list)[j].run_count)
/* Swap j with i */
struct srventry temp;
memcpy(&temp,&(*list)[j],sizeof(struct srventry));
memcpy(&(*list)[j],&(*list)[i],sizeof(struct srventry));
memcpy(&(*list)[i],&temp,sizeof(struct srventry));
return srvcount;
return -1;
#endif /*USE_DNS_SRV*/
get_dns_cname (const char *name, char **r_cname)
gpg_error_t err;
int rc;
*r_cname = NULL;
#ifdef USE_ADNS
adns_state state;
adns_answer *answer = NULL;
if (my_adns_init (&state))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
my_unprotect ();
rc = adns_synchronous (state, name, adns_r_cname, adns_qf_quoteok_query,
my_protect ();
if (rc)
err = gpg_error (gpg_err_code_from_errno (rc));
log_error ("DNS query failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
adns_finish (state);
return err;
if (answer->status != adns_s_ok
|| answer->type != adns_r_cname || answer->nrrs != 1)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
log_error ("DNS query returned an error or no records: %s (%s)\n",
adns_strerror (answer->status),
adns_errabbrev (answer->status));
adns_free (answer);
adns_finish (state);
return err;
*r_cname = xtrystrdup (answer->rrs.str[0]);
if (!*r_cname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = 0;
adns_free (answer);
adns_finish (state);
return err;
#else /*!USE_ADNS*/
union {
unsigned char ans[2048];
HEADER header[1];
} res;
unsigned char *answer = res.ans;
HEADER *header = res.header;
unsigned char *pt, *emsg;
int r;
char *cname;
int cnamesize = 1025;
u16 count;
/* Do not allow a query using the standard resolver in Tor mode. */
if (tor_mode)
return -1;
r = res_query (name, C_IN, T_CERT, answer, sizeof answer);
if (r < sizeof (HEADER) || r > sizeof answer)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_SERVER_FAILED);
if (header->rcode != NOERROR || !(count=ntohs (header->ancount)))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_NAME); /* Error or no record found. */
if (count != 1)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_SERVER_FAILED);
emsg = &answer[r];
pt = &answer[sizeof(HEADER)];
rc = dn_skipname (pt, emsg);
if (rc == -1)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_SERVER_FAILED);
pt += rc + QFIXEDSZ;
if (pt >= emsg)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_SERVER_FAILED);
rc = dn_skipname (pt, emsg);
if (rc == -1)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_SERVER_FAILED);
pt += rc + 2 + 2 + 4;
if (pt+2 >= emsg)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_SERVER_FAILED);
pt += 2; /* Skip rdlen */
cname = xtrymalloc (cnamesize);
if (!cname)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
rc = dn_expand (answer, emsg, pt, cname, cnamesize -1);
if (rc == -1)
xfree (cname);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_SERVER_FAILED);
*r_cname = xtryrealloc (cname, strlen (cname)+1);
if (!*r_cname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (cname);
return err;
return 0;
#endif /*!USE_ADNS*/
diff --git a/dirmngr/dns-stuff.h b/dirmngr/dns-stuff.h
index ee5132d61..10e6d8d91 100644
--- a/dirmngr/dns-stuff.h
+++ b/dirmngr/dns-stuff.h
@@ -1,135 +1,135 @@
/* dns-stuff.c - DNS related code including CERT RR (rfc-4398)
* Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# include <winsock2.h>
# endif
# include <windows.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/socket.h>
* Flags used with resolve_dns_addr.
#define DNS_NUMERICHOST 1 /* Force numeric output format. */
#define DNS_WITHBRACKET 2 /* Put brackets around numeric v6
addresses. */
* Constants for use with get_dns_cert.
#define DNS_CERTTYPE_ANY 0 /* Internal catch all type. */
/* Certificate types according to RFC-4398: */
#define DNS_CERTTYPE_PKIX 1 /* X.509 as per PKIX. */
#define DNS_CERTTYPE_SPKI 2 /* SPKI certificate. */
#define DNS_CERTTYPE_PGP 3 /* OpenPGP packet. */
#define DNS_CERTTYPE_IPKIX 4 /* The URL of an X.509 data object. */
#define DNS_CERTTYPE_ISPKI 5 /* The URL of an SPKI certificate. */
#define DNS_CERTTYPE_IPGP 6 /* The fingerprint
and URL of an OpenPGP packet. */
#define DNS_CERTTYPE_ACPKIX 7 /* Attribute Certificate. */
#define DNS_CERTTYPE_IACPKIX 8 /* The URL of an Attribute Certificate. */
#define DNS_CERTTYPE_URI 253 /* URI private. */
#define DNS_CERTTYPE_OID 254 /* OID private. */
/* Hacks for our implementation. */
#define DNS_CERTTYPE_RRBASE 1024 /* Base of special constants. */
struct dns_addrinfo_s;
typedef struct dns_addrinfo_s *dns_addrinfo_t;
struct dns_addrinfo_s
dns_addrinfo_t next;
int family;
int socktype;
int protocol;
int addrlen;
struct sockaddr addr[1];
struct srventry
unsigned short priority;
unsigned short weight;
unsigned short port;
int run_count;
char target[1025];
/* Calling this function switches the DNS code into Tor mode if
possibe. Return 0 on success. */
gpg_error_t enable_dns_tormode (int new_circuit);
/* Change the default IP address of the nameserver to IPADDR. The
address needs to be a numerical IP address and will be used for the
next DNS query. Note that this is only used in Tor mode. */
void set_dns_nameserver (const char *ipaddr);
void free_dns_addrinfo (dns_addrinfo_t ai);
/* Function similar to getaddrinfo. */
gpg_error_t resolve_dns_name (const char *name, unsigned short port,
int want_family, int want_socktype,
dns_addrinfo_t *r_dai, char **r_canonname);
/* Function similar to getnameinfo. */
gpg_error_t resolve_dns_addr (const struct sockaddr *addr, int addrlen,
unsigned int flags, char **r_name);
/* Return true if NAME is a numerical IP address. */
int is_ip_address (const char *name);
/* Return true if NAME is an onion address. */
int is_onion_address (const char *name);
/* Get the canonical name for NAME. */
gpg_error_t get_dns_cname (const char *name, char **r_cname);
/* Return a CERT record or an arbitray RR. */
gpg_error_t get_dns_cert (const char *name, int want_certtype,
void **r_key, size_t *r_keylen,
unsigned char **r_fpr, size_t *r_fprlen,
char **r_url);
int getsrv (const char *name,struct srventry **list);
diff --git a/dirmngr/http.c b/dirmngr/http.c
index ac8238caf..5f5775b2f 100644
--- a/dirmngr/http.c
+++ b/dirmngr/http.c
@@ -1,2796 +1,2796 @@
/* http.c - HTTP protocol handler
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2009, 2010,
* 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* Simple HTTP client implementation. We try to keep the code as
self-contained as possible. There are some contraints however:
- estream is required. We now require estream because it provides a
very useful and portable asprintf implementation and the fopencookie
- stpcpy is required
- fixme: list other requirements.
- With HTTP_USE_NTBTLS or HTTP_USE_GNUTLS support for https is
provided (this also requires estream).
- With HTTP_NO_WSASTARTUP the socket initialization is not done
under Windows. This is useful if the socket layer has already
been initialized elsewhere. This also avoids the installation of
an exit handler to cleanup the socket layer.
# include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# include <winsock2.h>
# endif
# include <windows.h>
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/socket.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
# include <time.h>
# include <netinet/in.h>
# include <arpa/inet.h>
# include <netdb.h>
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#ifdef WITHOUT_NPTH /* Give the Makefile a chance to build without Pth. */
# undef USE_NPTH
#ifdef USE_NPTH
# include <npth.h>
#if defined (HTTP_USE_GNUTLS) && defined (HTTP_USE_NTBTLS)
# error Both, HTTP_USE_GNUTLS and HTTP_USE_NTBTLS, are defined.
# include <ntbtls.h>
# include <gnutls/gnutls.h>
# include <gnutls/x509.h>
#endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
#include <assuan.h> /* We need the socket wrapper. */
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "dns-stuff.h"
#include "http.h"
#ifdef USE_NPTH
# define my_select(a,b,c,d,e) npth_select ((a), (b), (c), (d), (e))
# define my_accept(a,b,c) npth_accept ((a), (b), (c))
# define my_select(a,b,c,d,e) select ((a), (b), (c), (d), (e))
# define my_accept(a,b,c) accept ((a), (b), (c))
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
#define sock_close(a) closesocket(a)
#define sock_close(a) close(a)
#ifndef EAGAIN
#ifndef INADDR_NONE /* Slowaris is missing that. */
#define INADDR_NONE ((unsigned long)(-1))
#endif /*INADDR_NONE*/
#define HTTP_PROXY_ENV "http_proxy"
#define MAX_LINELEN 20000 /* Max. length of a HTTP header line. */
#define VALID_URI_CHARS "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" \
"01234567890@" \
typedef ntbtls_t tls_session_t;
# define USE_TLS 1
typedef gnutls_session_t tls_session_t;
# define USE_TLS 1
typedef void *tls_session_t;
# undef USE_TLS
static gpg_err_code_t do_parse_uri (parsed_uri_t uri, int only_local_part,
int no_scheme_check, int force_tls);
static gpg_error_t parse_uri (parsed_uri_t *ret_uri, const char *uri,
int no_scheme_check, int force_tls);
static int remove_escapes (char *string);
static int insert_escapes (char *buffer, const char *string,
const char *special);
static uri_tuple_t parse_tuple (char *string);
static gpg_error_t send_request (http_t hd, const char *httphost,
const char *auth,const char *proxy,
const char *srvtag,strlist_t headers);
static char *build_rel_path (parsed_uri_t uri);
static gpg_error_t parse_response (http_t hd);
static assuan_fd_t connect_server (const char *server, unsigned short port,
unsigned int flags, const char *srvtag,
int *r_host_not_found);
static gpg_error_t write_server (int sock, const char *data, size_t length);
static gpgrt_ssize_t cookie_read (void *cookie, void *buffer, size_t size);
static gpgrt_ssize_t cookie_write (void *cookie,
const void *buffer, size_t size);
static int cookie_close (void *cookie);
/* A socket object used to a allow ref counting of sockets. */
struct my_socket_s
assuan_fd_t fd; /* The actual socket - shall never be ASSUAN_INVALID_FD. */
int refcount; /* Number of references to this socket. */
typedef struct my_socket_s *my_socket_t;
/* Cookie function structure and cookie object. */
static es_cookie_io_functions_t cookie_functions =
struct cookie_s
/* Socket object or NULL if already closed. */
my_socket_t sock;
/* The session object or NULL if not used. */
http_session_t session;
/* True if TLS is to be used. */
int use_tls;
/* The remaining content length and a flag telling whether to use
the content length. */
uint64_t content_length;
unsigned int content_length_valid:1;
typedef struct cookie_s *cookie_t;
/* The session object. */
struct http_session_s
int refcount; /* Number of references to this object. */
gnutls_certificate_credentials_t certcred;
#endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
#ifdef USE_TLS
tls_session_t tls_session;
struct {
int done; /* Verifciation has been done. */
int rc; /* TLS verification return code. */
unsigned int status; /* Verification status. */
} verify;
char *servername; /* Malloced server name. */
#endif /*USE_TLS*/
/* A callback function to log details of TLS certifciates. */
void (*cert_log_cb) (http_session_t, gpg_error_t, const char *,
const void **, size_t *);
/* An object to save header lines. */
struct header_s
struct header_s *next;
char *value; /* The value of the header (malloced). */
char name[1]; /* The name of the header (canonicalized). */
typedef struct header_s *header_t;
/* Our handle context. */
struct http_context_s
unsigned int status_code;
my_socket_t sock;
unsigned int in_data:1;
unsigned int is_http_0_9:1;
estream_t fp_read;
estream_t fp_write;
void *write_cookie;
void *read_cookie;
http_session_t session;
parsed_uri_t uri;
http_req_t req_type;
char *buffer; /* Line buffer. */
size_t buffer_size;
unsigned int flags;
header_t headers; /* Received headers. */
/* The global callback for the verification function. */
static gpg_error_t (*tls_callback) (http_t, http_session_t, int);
/* The list of files with trusted CA certificates. */
static strlist_t tls_ca_certlist;
#if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) && !defined(HTTP_NO_WSASTARTUP)
static void
deinit_sockets (void)
static void
init_sockets (void)
static int initialized;
static WSADATA wsdata;
if (initialized)
log_error ("error initializing socket library: ec=%d\n",
(int)WSAGetLastError () );
if ( LOBYTE(wsdata.wVersion) != REQ_WINSOCK_MAJOR
|| HIBYTE(wsdata.wVersion) != REQ_WINSOCK_MINOR )
log_error ("socket library version is %x.%x - but %d.%d needed\n",
LOBYTE(wsdata.wVersion), HIBYTE(wsdata.wVersion),
atexit ( deinit_sockets );
initialized = 1;
/* Create a new socket object. Returns NULL and closes FD if not
enough memory is available. */
static my_socket_t
_my_socket_new (int lnr, assuan_fd_t fd)
my_socket_t so;
so = xtrymalloc (sizeof *so);
if (!so)
int save_errno = errno;
assuan_sock_close (fd);
gpg_err_set_errno (save_errno);
return NULL;
so->fd = fd;
so->refcount = 1;
/* log_debug ("http.c:socket_new(%d): object %p for fd %d created\n", */
/* lnr, so, so->fd); */
return so;
#define my_socket_new(a) _my_socket_new (__LINE__, (a))
/* Bump up the reference counter for the socket object SO. */
static my_socket_t
_my_socket_ref (int lnr, my_socket_t so)
/* log_debug ("http.c:socket_ref(%d) object %p for fd %d refcount now %d\n", */
/* lnr, so, so->fd, so->refcount); */
return so;
#define my_socket_ref(a) _my_socket_ref (__LINE__,(a))
/* Bump down the reference counter for the socket object SO. If SO
has no more references, close the socket and release the
object. */
static void
_my_socket_unref (int lnr, my_socket_t so,
void (*preclose)(void*), void *preclosearg)
if (so)
/* log_debug ("http.c:socket_unref(%d): object %p for fd %d ref now %d\n", */
/* lnr, so, so->fd, so->refcount); */
if (!so->refcount)
if (preclose)
preclose (preclosearg);
assuan_sock_close (so->fd);
xfree (so);
#define my_socket_unref(a,b,c) _my_socket_unref (__LINE__,(a),(b),(c))
static ssize_t
my_gnutls_read (gnutls_transport_ptr_t ptr, void *buffer, size_t size)
my_socket_t sock = ptr;
return npth_read (sock->fd, buffer, size);
return read (sock->fd, buffer, size);
static ssize_t
my_gnutls_write (gnutls_transport_ptr_t ptr, const void *buffer, size_t size)
my_socket_t sock = ptr;
return npth_write (sock->fd, buffer, size);
return write (sock->fd, buffer, size);
#endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
/* This notification function is called by estream whenever stream is
closed. Its purpose is to mark the closing in the handle so
that a http_close won't accidentally close the estream. The function
http_close removes this notification so that it won't be called if
http_close was used before an es_fclose. */
static void
fp_onclose_notification (estream_t stream, void *opaque)
http_t hd = opaque;
if (hd->fp_read && hd->fp_read == stream)
hd->fp_read = NULL;
else if (hd->fp_write && hd->fp_write == stream)
hd->fp_write = NULL;
* Helper function to create an HTTP header with hex encoded data. A
* new buffer is returned. This buffer is the concatenation of the
* string PREFIX, the hex-encoded DATA of length LEN and the string
* SUFFIX. On error NULL is returned and ERRNO set.
static char *
make_header_line (const char *prefix, const char *suffix,
const void *data, size_t len )
static unsigned char bintoasc[] =
const unsigned char *s = data;
char *buffer, *p;
buffer = xtrymalloc (strlen (prefix) + (len+2)/3*4 + strlen (suffix) + 1);
if (!buffer)
return NULL;
p = stpcpy (buffer, prefix);
for ( ; len >= 3 ; len -= 3, s += 3 )
*p++ = bintoasc[(s[0] >> 2) & 077];
*p++ = bintoasc[(((s[0] <<4)&060)|((s[1] >> 4)&017))&077];
*p++ = bintoasc[(((s[1]<<2)&074)|((s[2]>>6)&03))&077];
*p++ = bintoasc[s[2]&077];
*p = 0;
if ( len == 2 )
*p++ = bintoasc[(s[0] >> 2) & 077];
*p++ = bintoasc[(((s[0] <<4)&060)|((s[1] >> 4)&017))&077];
*p++ = bintoasc[((s[1]<<2)&074)];
*p++ = '=';
else if ( len == 1 )
*p++ = bintoasc[(s[0] >> 2) & 077];
*p++ = bintoasc[(s[0] <<4)&060];
*p++ = '=';
*p++ = '=';
*p = 0;
strcpy (p, suffix);
return buffer;
/* Register a non-standard global TLS callback function. If no
verification is desired a callback needs to be registered which
always returns NULL. */
http_register_tls_callback (gpg_error_t (*cb)(http_t, http_session_t, int))
tls_callback = cb;
/* Register a CA certificate for future use. The certificate is
expected to be in FNAME. PEM format is assume if FNAME has a
suffix of ".pem". If FNAME is NULL the list of CA files is
removed. */
http_register_tls_ca (const char *fname)
strlist_t sl;
if (!fname)
free_strlist (tls_ca_certlist);
tls_ca_certlist = NULL;
sl = add_to_strlist (&tls_ca_certlist, fname);
if (*sl->d && !strcmp (sl->d + strlen (sl->d) - 4, ".pem"))
sl->flags = 1;
#ifdef USE_TLS
/* Free the TLS session associated with SESS, if any. */
static void
close_tls_session (http_session_t sess)
if (sess->tls_session)
my_socket_t sock = gnutls_transport_get_ptr (sess->tls_session);
my_socket_unref (sock, NULL, NULL);
gnutls_deinit (sess->tls_session);
if (sess->certcred)
gnutls_certificate_free_credentials (sess->certcred);
# endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
xfree (sess->servername);
sess->tls_session = NULL;
#endif /*USE_TLS*/
/* Release a session. Take care not to release it while it is being
used by a http context object. */
static void
session_unref (int lnr, http_session_t sess)
if (!sess)
/* log_debug ("http.c:session_unref(%d): sess %p ref now %d\n", */
/* lnr, sess, sess->refcount); */
if (sess->refcount)
#ifdef USE_TLS
close_tls_session (sess);
#endif /*USE_TLS*/
xfree (sess);
#define http_session_unref(a) session_unref (__LINE__, (a))
http_session_release (http_session_t sess)
http_session_unref (sess);
/* Create a new session object which is currently used to enable TLS
* support. It may eventually allow reusing existing connections.
* Valid values for FLAGS are:
* HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_DEF - Use the CAs set with http_register_tls_ca
* HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_SYS - Also use the CAs defined by the system
http_session_new (http_session_t *r_session, const char *tls_priority,
const char *intended_hostname, unsigned int flags)
gpg_error_t err;
http_session_t sess;
*r_session = NULL;
sess = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *sess);
if (!sess)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
sess->refcount = 1;
err = ntbtls_new (&sess->tls_session, NTBTLS_CLIENT);
if (err)
log_error ("ntbtls_new failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
const char *errpos;
int rc;
strlist_t sl;
rc = gnutls_certificate_allocate_credentials (&sess->certcred);
if (rc < 0)
log_error ("gnutls_certificate_allocate_credentials failed: %s\n",
gnutls_strerror (rc));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
/* If the user has not specified a CA list, and they are looking
* for the hkps pool from, then default to
* Kristian's certificate authority: */
if (!tls_ca_certlist
&& intended_hostname
&& !ascii_strcasecmp (intended_hostname,
char *pemname = make_filename_try (gnupg_datadir (),
"sks-keyservers.netCA.pem", NULL);
if (!pemname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("setting CA from file '%s' failed: %s\n",
pemname, gpg_strerror (err));
rc = gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file
(sess->certcred, pemname, GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM);
if (rc < 0)
log_info ("setting CA from file '%s' failed: %s\n",
pemname, gnutls_strerror (rc));
xfree (pemname);
/* Add configured certificates to the session. */
if ((flags & HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_DEF))
for (sl = tls_ca_certlist; sl; sl = sl->next)
rc = gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file
(sess->certcred, sl->d,
(sl->flags & 1)? GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM : GNUTLS_X509_FMT_DER);
if (rc < 0)
log_info ("setting CA from file '%s' failed: %s\n",
sl->d, gnutls_strerror (rc));
/* Add system certificates to the session. */
if ((flags & HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_SYS))
static int shown;
rc = gnutls_certificate_set_x509_system_trust (sess->certcred);
if (rc < 0)
log_info ("setting system CAs failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (rc));
else if (!shown)
shown = 1;
log_info ("number of system provided CAs: %d\n", rc);
#endif /* gnutls >= 3.0.20 */
rc = gnutls_init (&sess->tls_session, GNUTLS_CLIENT);
if (rc < 0)
log_error ("gnutls_init failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (rc));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
/* A new session has the transport ptr set to (void*(-1), we need
it to be NULL. */
gnutls_transport_set_ptr (sess->tls_session, NULL);
rc = gnutls_priority_set_direct (sess->tls_session,
tls_priority? tls_priority : "NORMAL",
if (rc < 0)
log_error ("gnutls_priority_set_direct failed at '%s': %s\n",
errpos, gnutls_strerror (rc));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
rc = gnutls_credentials_set (sess->tls_session,
GNUTLS_CRD_CERTIFICATE, sess->certcred);
if (rc < 0)
log_error ("gnutls_credentials_set failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (rc));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
#else /*!HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
#endif /*!HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
/* log_debug ("http.c:session_new: sess %p created\n", sess); */
err = 0;
#endif /*USE_TLS*/
if (err)
http_session_unref (sess);
*r_session = sess;
return err;
/* Increment the reference count for session SESS. Passing NULL for
SESS is allowed. */
http_session_ref (http_session_t sess)
if (sess)
/* log_debug ("http.c:session_ref: sess %p ref now %d\n", sess, */
/* sess->refcount); */
return sess;
http_session_set_log_cb (http_session_t sess,
void (*cb)(http_session_t, gpg_error_t,
const char *hostname,
const void **certs, size_t *certlens))
sess->cert_log_cb = cb;
/* Start a HTTP retrieval and on success store at R_HD a context
pointer for completing the request and to wait for the response.
If HTTPHOST is not NULL it is used for the Host header instead of a
Host header derived from the URL. */
http_open (http_t *r_hd, http_req_t reqtype, const char *url,
const char *httphost,
const char *auth, unsigned int flags, const char *proxy,
http_session_t session, const char *srvtag, strlist_t headers)
gpg_error_t err;
http_t hd;
*r_hd = NULL;
if (!(reqtype == HTTP_REQ_GET || reqtype == HTTP_REQ_POST))
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
/* Create the handle. */
hd = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *hd);
if (!hd)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
hd->req_type = reqtype;
hd->flags = flags;
hd->session = http_session_ref (session);
err = parse_uri (&hd->uri, url, 0, !!(flags & HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TLS));
if (!err)
err = send_request (hd, httphost, auth, proxy, srvtag, headers);
if (err)
my_socket_unref (hd->sock, NULL, NULL);
if (hd->fp_read)
es_fclose (hd->fp_read);
if (hd->fp_write)
es_fclose (hd->fp_write);
http_session_unref (hd->session);
xfree (hd);
*r_hd = hd;
return err;
/* This function is useful to connect to a generic TCP service using
this http abstraction layer. This has the advantage of providing
service tags and an estream interface. */
http_raw_connect (http_t *r_hd, const char *server, unsigned short port,
unsigned int flags, const char *srvtag)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
http_t hd;
cookie_t cookie;
int hnf;
*r_hd = NULL;
if ((flags & HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TOR))
int mode;
if (assuan_sock_get_flag (ASSUAN_INVALID_FD, "tor-mode", &mode) || !mode)
log_error ("Tor support is not available\n");
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
/* Create the handle. */
hd = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *hd);
if (!hd)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
hd->req_type = HTTP_REQ_OPAQUE;
hd->flags = flags;
/* Connect. */
assuan_fd_t sock;
sock = connect_server (server, port, hd->flags, srvtag, &hnf);
if (sock == ASSUAN_INVALID_FD)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource,
: gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()));
xfree (hd);
return err;
hd->sock = my_socket_new (sock);
if (!hd->sock)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
xfree (hd);
return err;
/* Setup estreams for reading and writing. */
cookie = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *cookie);
if (!cookie)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
goto leave;
cookie->sock = my_socket_ref (hd->sock);
hd->fp_write = es_fopencookie (cookie, "w", cookie_functions);
if (!hd->fp_write)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
my_socket_unref (cookie->sock, NULL, NULL);
xfree (cookie);
goto leave;
hd->write_cookie = cookie; /* Cookie now owned by FP_WRITE. */
cookie = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *cookie);
if (!cookie)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
goto leave;
cookie->sock = my_socket_ref (hd->sock);
hd->fp_read = es_fopencookie (cookie, "r", cookie_functions);
if (!hd->fp_read)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
my_socket_unref (cookie->sock, NULL, NULL);
xfree (cookie);
goto leave;
hd->read_cookie = cookie; /* Cookie now owned by FP_READ. */
/* Register close notification to interlock the use of es_fclose in
http_close and in user code. */
err = es_onclose (hd->fp_write, 1, fp_onclose_notification, hd);
if (!err)
err = es_onclose (hd->fp_read, 1, fp_onclose_notification, hd);
if (err)
if (hd->fp_read)
es_fclose (hd->fp_read);
if (hd->fp_write)
es_fclose (hd->fp_write);
my_socket_unref (hd->sock, NULL, NULL);
xfree (hd);
*r_hd = hd;
return err;
http_start_data (http_t hd)
if (!hd->in_data)
es_fputs ("\r\n", hd->fp_write);
es_fflush (hd->fp_write);
hd->in_data = 1;
es_fflush (hd->fp_write);
http_wait_response (http_t hd)
gpg_error_t err;
cookie_t cookie;
/* Make sure that we are in the data. */
http_start_data (hd);
/* Close the write stream. Note that the reference counted socket
object keeps the actual system socket open. */
cookie = hd->write_cookie;
if (!cookie)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
es_fclose (hd->fp_write);
hd->fp_write = NULL;
/* The close has released the cookie and thus we better set it to NULL. */
hd->write_cookie = NULL;
/* Shutdown one end of the socket is desired. As per HTTP/1.0 this
is not required but some very old servers (e.g. the original pksd
keyserver didn't worked without it. */
if ((hd->flags & HTTP_FLAG_SHUTDOWN))
shutdown (hd->sock->fd, 1);
hd->in_data = 0;
/* Create a new cookie and a stream for reading. */
cookie = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *cookie);
if (!cookie)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
cookie->sock = my_socket_ref (hd->sock);
cookie->session = http_session_ref (hd->session);
cookie->use_tls = hd->uri->use_tls;
hd->read_cookie = cookie;
hd->fp_read = es_fopencookie (cookie, "r", cookie_functions);
if (!hd->fp_read)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
my_socket_unref (cookie->sock, NULL, NULL);
http_session_unref (cookie->session);
xfree (cookie);
hd->read_cookie = NULL;
return err;
err = parse_response (hd);
if (!err)
err = es_onclose (hd->fp_read, 1, fp_onclose_notification, hd);
return err;
/* Convenience function to send a request and wait for the response.
Closes the handle on error. If PROXY is not NULL, this value will
be used as an HTTP proxy and any enabled $http_proxy gets
ignored. */
http_open_document (http_t *r_hd, const char *document,
const char *auth, unsigned int flags, const char *proxy,
http_session_t session,
const char *srvtag, strlist_t headers)
gpg_error_t err;
err = http_open (r_hd, HTTP_REQ_GET, document, NULL, auth, flags,
proxy, session, srvtag, headers);
if (err)
return err;
err = http_wait_response (*r_hd);
if (err)
http_close (*r_hd, 0);
return err;
http_close (http_t hd, int keep_read_stream)
if (!hd)
/* First remove the close notifications for the streams. */
if (hd->fp_read)
es_onclose (hd->fp_read, 0, fp_onclose_notification, hd);
if (hd->fp_write)
es_onclose (hd->fp_write, 0, fp_onclose_notification, hd);
/* Now we can close the streams. */
my_socket_unref (hd->sock, NULL, NULL);
if (hd->fp_read && !keep_read_stream)
es_fclose (hd->fp_read);
if (hd->fp_write)
es_fclose (hd->fp_write);
http_session_unref (hd->session);
http_release_parsed_uri (hd->uri);
while (hd->headers)
header_t tmp = hd->headers->next;
xfree (hd->headers->value);
xfree (hd->headers);
hd->headers = tmp;
xfree (hd->buffer);
xfree (hd);
http_get_read_ptr (http_t hd)
return hd?hd->fp_read:NULL;
http_get_write_ptr (http_t hd)
return hd?hd->fp_write:NULL;
unsigned int
http_get_status_code (http_t hd)
return hd?hd->status_code:0;
/* Return information pertaining to TLS. If TLS is not in use for HD,
NULL is returned. WHAT is used ask for specific information:
(NULL) := Only check whether TLS is is use. Returns an
unspecified string if TLS is in use. That string may
even be the empty string.
const char *
http_get_tls_info (http_t hd, const char *what)
if (!hd)
return NULL;
return hd->uri->use_tls? "":NULL;
static gpg_error_t
parse_uri (parsed_uri_t *ret_uri, const char *uri,
int no_scheme_check, int force_tls)
gpg_err_code_t ec;
*ret_uri = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof **ret_uri + strlen (uri));
if (!*ret_uri)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
strcpy ((*ret_uri)->buffer, uri);
ec = do_parse_uri (*ret_uri, 0, no_scheme_check, force_tls);
if (ec)
xfree (*ret_uri);
*ret_uri = NULL;
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, ec);
* Parse an URI and put the result into the newly allocated RET_URI.
* On success the caller must use http_release_parsed_uri() to
* releases the resources. If NO_SCHEME_CHECK is set, the function
* tries to parse the URL in the same way it would do for an HTTP
* style URI.
http_parse_uri (parsed_uri_t *ret_uri, const char *uri,
int no_scheme_check)
return parse_uri (ret_uri, uri, no_scheme_check, 0);
http_release_parsed_uri (parsed_uri_t uri)
if (uri)
uri_tuple_t r, r2;
for (r = uri->query; r; r = r2)
r2 = r->next;
xfree (r);
xfree (uri);
static gpg_err_code_t
do_parse_uri (parsed_uri_t uri, int only_local_part,
int no_scheme_check, int force_tls)
uri_tuple_t *tail;
char *p, *p2, *p3, *pp;
int n;
p = uri->buffer;
n = strlen (uri->buffer);
/* Initialize all fields to an empty string or an empty list. */
uri->scheme = uri->host = uri->path = p + n;
uri->port = 0;
uri->params = uri->query = NULL;
uri->use_tls = 0;
uri->is_http = 0;
uri->opaque = 0;
uri->v6lit = 0;
uri->onion = 0;
/* A quick validity check. */
if (strspn (p, VALID_URI_CHARS) != n)
return GPG_ERR_BAD_URI; /* Invalid characters found. */
if (!only_local_part)
/* Find the scheme. */
if (!(p2 = strchr (p, ':')) || p2 == p)
return GPG_ERR_BAD_URI; /* No scheme. */
*p2++ = 0;
for (pp=p; *pp; pp++)
*pp = tolower (*(unsigned char*)pp);
uri->scheme = p;
if (!strcmp (uri->scheme, "http") && !force_tls)
uri->port = 80;
uri->is_http = 1;
else if (!strcmp (uri->scheme, "hkp") && !force_tls)
uri->port = 11371;
uri->is_http = 1;
#ifdef USE_TLS
else if (!strcmp (uri->scheme, "https") || !strcmp (uri->scheme,"hkps")
|| (force_tls && (!strcmp (uri->scheme, "http")
|| !strcmp (uri->scheme,"hkp"))))
uri->port = 443;
uri->is_http = 1;
uri->use_tls = 1;
#endif /*USE_TLS*/
else if (!no_scheme_check)
return GPG_ERR_INV_URI; /* Unsupported scheme */
p = p2;
if (*p == '/' && p[1] == '/' ) /* There seems to be a hostname. */
p += 2;
if ((p2 = strchr (p, '/')))
*p2++ = 0;
/* Check for username/password encoding */
if ((p3 = strchr (p, '@')))
uri->auth = p;
*p3++ = '\0';
p = p3;
for (pp=p; *pp; pp++)
*pp = tolower (*(unsigned char*)pp);
/* Handle an IPv6 literal */
if( *p == '[' && (p3=strchr( p, ']' )) )
*p3++ = '\0';
/* worst case, uri->host should have length 0, points to \0 */
uri->host = p + 1;
uri->v6lit = 1;
p = p3;
uri->host = p;
if ((p3 = strchr (p, ':')))
*p3++ = '\0';
uri->port = atoi (p3);
if ((n = remove_escapes (uri->host)) < 0)
if (n != strlen (uri->host))
return GPG_ERR_BAD_URI; /* Hostname incudes a Nul. */
p = p2 ? p2 : NULL;
else if (uri->is_http)
return GPG_ERR_INV_URI; /* No Leading double slash for HTTP. */
uri->opaque = 1;
uri->path = p;
if (is_onion_address (uri->path))
uri->onion = 1;
return 0;
} /* End global URI part. */
/* Parse the pathname part if any. */
if (p && *p)
/* TODO: Here we have to check params. */
/* Do we have a query part? */
if ((p2 = strchr (p, '?')))
*p2++ = 0;
uri->path = p;
if ((n = remove_escapes (p)) < 0)
if (n != strlen (p))
return GPG_ERR_BAD_URI; /* Path includes a Nul. */
p = p2 ? p2 : NULL;
/* Parse a query string if any. */
if (p && *p)
tail = &uri->query;
for (;;)
uri_tuple_t elem;
if ((p2 = strchr (p, '&')))
*p2++ = 0;
if (!(elem = parse_tuple (p)))
*tail = elem;
tail = &elem->next;
if (!p2)
break; /* Ready. */
p = p2;
if (is_onion_address (uri->host))
uri->onion = 1;
return 0;
* Remove all %xx escapes; this is done in-place. Returns: New length
* of the string.
static int
remove_escapes (char *string)
int n = 0;
unsigned char *p, *s;
for (p = s = (unsigned char*)string; *s; s++)
if (*s == '%')
if (s[1] && s[2] && isxdigit (s[1]) && isxdigit (s[2]))
*p = *s >= '0' && *s <= '9' ? *s - '0' :
*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'F' ? *s - 'A' + 10 : *s - 'a' + 10;
*p <<= 4;
*p |= *s >= '0' && *s <= '9' ? *s - '0' :
*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'F' ? *s - 'A' + 10 : *s - 'a' + 10;
*p++ = *s++;
if (*s)
*p++ = *s++;
if (*s)
*p++ = *s++;
if (*s)
*p = 0;
return -1; /* Bad URI. */
*p++ = *s;
*p = 0; /* Make sure to keep a string terminator. */
return n;
/* If SPECIAL is NULL this function escapes in forms mode. */
static size_t
escape_data (char *buffer, const void *data, size_t datalen,
const char *special)
int forms = !special;
const unsigned char *s;
size_t n = 0;
if (forms)
special = "%;?&=";
for (s = data; datalen; s++, datalen--)
if (forms && *s == ' ')
if (buffer)
*buffer++ = '+';
else if (forms && *s == '\n')
if (buffer)
memcpy (buffer, "%0D%0A", 6);
n += 6;
else if (forms && *s == '\r' && datalen > 1 && s[1] == '\n')
if (buffer)
memcpy (buffer, "%0D%0A", 6);
n += 6;
else if (strchr (VALID_URI_CHARS, *s) && !strchr (special, *s))
if (buffer)
*(unsigned char*)buffer++ = *s;
if (buffer)
snprintf (buffer, 4, "%%%02X", *s);
buffer += 3;
n += 3;
return n;
static int
insert_escapes (char *buffer, const char *string,
const char *special)
return escape_data (buffer, string, strlen (string), special);
/* Allocate a new string from STRING using standard HTTP escaping as
well as escaping of characters given in SPECIALS. A common pattern
for SPECIALS is "%;?&=". However it depends on the needs, for
example "+" and "/: often needs to be escaped too. Returns NULL on
failure and sets ERRNO. If SPECIAL is NULL a dedicated forms
encoding mode is used. */
char *
http_escape_string (const char *string, const char *specials)
int n;
char *buf;
n = insert_escapes (NULL, string, specials);
buf = xtrymalloc (n+1);
if (buf)
insert_escapes (buf, string, specials);
buf[n] = 0;
return buf;
/* Allocate a new string from {DATA,DATALEN} using standard HTTP
escaping as well as escaping of characters given in SPECIALS. A
common pattern for SPECIALS is "%;?&=". However it depends on the
needs, for example "+" and "/: often needs to be escaped too.
Returns NULL on failure and sets ERRNO. If SPECIAL is NULL a
dedicated forms encoding mode is used. */
char *
http_escape_data (const void *data, size_t datalen, const char *specials)
int n;
char *buf;
n = escape_data (NULL, data, datalen, specials);
buf = xtrymalloc (n+1);
if (buf)
escape_data (buf, data, datalen, specials);
buf[n] = 0;
return buf;
static uri_tuple_t
parse_tuple (char *string)
char *p = string;
char *p2;
int n;
uri_tuple_t tuple;
if ((p2 = strchr (p, '=')))
*p2++ = 0;
if ((n = remove_escapes (p)) < 0)
return NULL; /* Bad URI. */
if (n != strlen (p))
return NULL; /* Name with a Nul in it. */
tuple = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *tuple);
if (!tuple)
return NULL; /* Out of core. */
tuple->name = p;
if (!p2) /* We have only the name, so we assume an empty value string. */
tuple->value = p + strlen (p);
tuple->valuelen = 0;
tuple->no_value = 1; /* Explicitly mark that we have seen no '='. */
else /* Name and value. */
if ((n = remove_escapes (p2)) < 0)
xfree (tuple);
return NULL; /* Bad URI. */
tuple->value = p2;
tuple->valuelen = n;
return tuple;
/* Return true if STRING is likely "hostname:port" or only "hostname". */
static int
is_hostname_port (const char *string)
int colons = 0;
if (!string || !*string)
return 0;
for (; *string; string++)
if (*string == ':')
if (colons)
return 0;
if (!string[1])
return 0;
else if (!colons && strchr (" \t\f\n\v_@[]/", *string))
return 0; /* Invalid characters in hostname. */
else if (colons && !digitp (string))
return 0; /* Not a digit in the port. */
return 1;
* Send a HTTP request to the server
* Returns 0 if the request was successful
static gpg_error_t
send_request (http_t hd, const char *httphost, const char *auth,
const char *proxy, const char *srvtag, strlist_t headers)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *server;
char *request, *p;
unsigned short port;
const char *http_proxy = NULL;
char *proxy_authstr = NULL;
char *authstr = NULL;
int sock;
int hnf;
if (hd->uri->use_tls && !hd->session)
log_error ("TLS requested but no session object provided\n");
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
#ifdef USE_TLS
if (hd->uri->use_tls && !hd->session->tls_session)
log_error ("TLS requested but no GNUTLS context available\n");
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
#endif /*USE_TLS*/
if ((hd->flags & HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TOR))
int mode;
if (assuan_sock_get_flag (ASSUAN_INVALID_FD, "tor-mode", &mode) || !mode)
log_error ("Tor support is not available\n");
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
server = *hd->uri->host ? hd->uri->host : "localhost";
port = hd->uri->port ? hd->uri->port : 80;
/* Try to use SNI. */
#ifdef USE_TLS
if (hd->uri->use_tls)
int rc;
# endif
xfree (hd->session->servername);
hd->session->servername = xtrystrdup (httphost? httphost : server);
if (!hd->session->servername)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
return err;
err = ntbtls_set_hostname (hd->session->tls_session,
if (err)
log_info ("ntbtls_set_hostname failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
rc = gnutls_server_name_set (hd->session->tls_session,
strlen (hd->session->servername));
if (rc < 0)
log_info ("gnutls_server_name_set failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (rc));
# endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
#endif /*USE_TLS*/
if ( (proxy && *proxy)
|| ( (hd->flags & HTTP_FLAG_TRY_PROXY)
&& (http_proxy = getenv (HTTP_PROXY_ENV))
&& *http_proxy ))
parsed_uri_t uri;
int save_errno;
if (proxy)
http_proxy = proxy;
err = parse_uri (&uri, http_proxy, 0, 0);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_INV_URI
&& is_hostname_port (http_proxy))
/* Retry assuming a "hostname:port" string. */
char *tmpname = strconcat ("http://", http_proxy, NULL);
if (tmpname && !parse_uri (&uri, tmpname, 0, 0))
err = 0;
xfree (tmpname);
if (err)
else if (!strcmp (uri->scheme, "http") || !strcmp (uri->scheme, "socks4"))
else if (!strcmp (uri->scheme, "socks5h"))
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_INV_URI);
if (err)
log_error ("invalid HTTP proxy (%s): %s\n",
http_proxy, gpg_strerror (err));
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_CONFIGURATION);
if (uri->auth)
remove_escapes (uri->auth);
proxy_authstr = make_header_line ("Proxy-Authorization: Basic ",
uri->auth, strlen(uri->auth));
if (!proxy_authstr)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource,
gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
http_release_parsed_uri (uri);
return err;
sock = connect_server (*uri->host ? uri->host : "localhost",
uri->port ? uri->port : 80,
hd->flags, srvtag, &hnf);
save_errno = errno;
http_release_parsed_uri (uri);
if (sock == ASSUAN_INVALID_FD)
gpg_err_set_errno (save_errno);
sock = connect_server (server, port, hd->flags, srvtag, &hnf);
if (sock == ASSUAN_INVALID_FD)
xfree (proxy_authstr);
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource,
: gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()));
hd->sock = my_socket_new (sock);
if (!hd->sock)
xfree (proxy_authstr);
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
if (hd->uri->use_tls)
my_socket_ref (hd->sock);
while ((err = ntbtls_handshake (hd->session->tls_session)))
switch (err)
log_info ("TLS handshake failed: %s <%s>\n",
gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
xfree (proxy_authstr);
return err;
hd->session->verify.done = 0;
if (tls_callback)
err = tls_callback (hd, hd->session, 0);
err = http_verify_server_credentials (hd->session);
if (err)
log_info ("TLS connection authentication failed: %s <%s>\n",
gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
xfree (proxy_authstr);
return err;
if (hd->uri->use_tls)
int rc;
my_socket_ref (hd->sock);
gnutls_transport_set_ptr (hd->session->tls_session, hd->sock);
gnutls_transport_set_pull_function (hd->session->tls_session,
gnutls_transport_set_push_function (hd->session->tls_session,
rc = gnutls_handshake (hd->session->tls_session);
if (rc < 0)
gnutls_alert_description_t alertno;
const char *alertstr;
alertno = gnutls_alert_get (hd->session->tls_session);
alertstr = gnutls_alert_get_name (alertno);
log_info ("TLS handshake failed: %s (alert %d)\n",
alertstr, (int)alertno);
if (alertno == GNUTLS_A_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME && server)
log_info (" (sent server name '%s')\n", server);
log_info ("TLS handshake failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (rc));
xfree (proxy_authstr);
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_NETWORK);
hd->session->verify.done = 0;
if (tls_callback)
err = tls_callback (hd, hd->session, 0);
err = http_verify_server_credentials (hd->session);
if (err)
log_info ("TLS connection authentication failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (proxy_authstr);
return err;
#endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
if (auth || hd->uri->auth)
char *myauth;
if (auth)
myauth = xtrystrdup (auth);
if (!myauth)
xfree (proxy_authstr);
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
remove_escapes (myauth);
remove_escapes (hd->uri->auth);
myauth = hd->uri->auth;
authstr = make_header_line ("Authorization: Basic ", "\r\n",
myauth, strlen (myauth));
if (auth)
xfree (myauth);
if (!authstr)
xfree (proxy_authstr);
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource,
gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
p = build_rel_path (hd->uri);
if (!p)
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
if (http_proxy && *http_proxy)
request = es_bsprintf
("%s %s://%s:%hu%s%s HTTP/1.0\r\n%s%s",
hd->req_type == HTTP_REQ_GET ? "GET" :
hd->req_type == HTTP_REQ_HEAD ? "HEAD" :
hd->req_type == HTTP_REQ_POST ? "POST" : "OOPS",
hd->uri->use_tls? "https" : "http",
httphost? httphost : server,
port, *p == '/' ? "" : "/", p,
authstr ? authstr : "",
proxy_authstr ? proxy_authstr : "");
char portstr[35];
if (port == 80)
*portstr = 0;
snprintf (portstr, sizeof portstr, ":%u", port);
request = es_bsprintf
("%s %s%s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s%s\r\n%s",
hd->req_type == HTTP_REQ_GET ? "GET" :
hd->req_type == HTTP_REQ_HEAD ? "HEAD" :
hd->req_type == HTTP_REQ_POST ? "POST" : "OOPS",
*p == '/' ? "" : "/", p,
httphost? httphost : server,
authstr? authstr:"");
xfree (p);
if (!request)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
xfree (authstr);
xfree (proxy_authstr);
return err;
/* log_debug ("request:\n%s\nEND request\n", request); */
/* First setup estream so that we can write even the first line
using estream. This is also required for the sake of gnutls. */
cookie_t cookie;
cookie = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *cookie);
if (!cookie)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
goto leave;
cookie->sock = my_socket_ref (hd->sock);
hd->write_cookie = cookie;
cookie->use_tls = hd->uri->use_tls;
cookie->session = http_session_ref (hd->session);
hd->fp_write = es_fopencookie (cookie, "w", cookie_functions);
if (!hd->fp_write)
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
my_socket_unref (cookie->sock, NULL, NULL);
xfree (cookie);
hd->write_cookie = NULL;
else if (es_fputs (request, hd->fp_write) || es_fflush (hd->fp_write))
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
err = 0;
if (!err)
for (;headers; headers=headers->next)
if ((es_fputs (headers->d, hd->fp_write) || es_fflush (hd->fp_write))
|| (es_fputs("\r\n",hd->fp_write) || es_fflush(hd->fp_write)))
err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource,
gpg_err_code_from_syserror ());
es_free (request);
xfree (authstr);
xfree (proxy_authstr);
return err;
* Build the relative path from the parsed URI. Minimal
* implementation. May return NULL in case of memory failure; errno
* is then set accordingly.
static char *
build_rel_path (parsed_uri_t uri)
uri_tuple_t r;
char *rel_path, *p;
int n;
/* Count the needed space. */
n = insert_escapes (NULL, uri->path, "%;?&");
/* TODO: build params. */
for (r = uri->query; r; r = r->next)
n++; /* '?'/'&' */
n += insert_escapes (NULL, r->name, "%;?&=");
if (!r->no_value)
n++; /* '=' */
n += insert_escapes (NULL, r->value, "%;?&=");
/* Now allocate and copy. */
p = rel_path = xtrymalloc (n);
if (!p)
return NULL;
n = insert_escapes (p, uri->path, "%;?&");
p += n;
/* TODO: add params. */
for (r = uri->query; r; r = r->next)
*p++ = r == uri->query ? '?' : '&';
n = insert_escapes (p, r->name, "%;?&=");
p += n;
if (!r->no_value)
*p++ = '=';
/* TODO: Use valuelen. */
n = insert_escapes (p, r->value, "%;?&=");
p += n;
*p = 0;
return rel_path;
/* Transform a header name into a standard capitalized format; e.g.
"Content-Type". Conversion stops at the colon. As usual we don't
use the localized versions of ctype.h. */
static void
capitalize_header_name (char *name)
int first = 1;
for (; *name && *name != ':'; name++)
if (*name == '-')
first = 1;
else if (first)
if (*name >= 'a' && *name <= 'z')
*name = *name - 'a' + 'A';
first = 0;
else if (*name >= 'A' && *name <= 'Z')
*name = *name - 'A' + 'a';
/* Store an HTTP header line in LINE away. Line continuation is
supported as well as merging of headers with the same name. This
function may modify LINE. */
static gpg_err_code_t
store_header (http_t hd, char *line)
size_t n;
char *p, *value;
header_t h;
n = strlen (line);
if (n && line[n-1] == '\n')
line[--n] = 0;
if (n && line[n-1] == '\r')
line[--n] = 0;
if (!n) /* we are never called to hit this. */
return GPG_ERR_BUG;
if (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t')
/* Continuation. This won't happen too often as it is not
recommended. We use a straightforward implementaion. */
if (!hd->headers)
n += strlen (hd->headers->value);
p = xtrymalloc (n+1);
if (!p)
return gpg_err_code_from_syserror ();
strcpy (stpcpy (p, hd->headers->value), line);
xfree (hd->headers->value);
hd->headers->value = p;
return 0;
capitalize_header_name (line);
p = strchr (line, ':');
if (!p)
*p++ = 0;
while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
value = p;
for (h=hd->headers; h; h = h->next)
if ( !strcmp (h->name, line) )
if (h)
/* We have already seen a line with that name. Thus we assume
it is a comma separated list and merge them. */
p = xtrymalloc (strlen (h->value) + 1 + strlen (value)+ 1);
if (!p)
return gpg_err_code_from_syserror ();
strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (p, h->value), ","), value);
xfree (h->value);
h->value = p;
return 0;
/* Append a new header. */
h = xtrymalloc (sizeof *h + strlen (line));
if (!h)
return gpg_err_code_from_syserror ();
strcpy (h->name, line);
h->value = xtrymalloc (strlen (value)+1);
if (!h->value)
xfree (h);
return gpg_err_code_from_syserror ();
strcpy (h->value, value);
h->next = hd->headers;
hd->headers = h;
return 0;
/* Return the header NAME from the last response. The returned value
is valid as along as HD has not been closed and no other request
has been send. If the header was not found, NULL is returned. NAME
must be canonicalized, that is the first letter of each dash
delimited part must be uppercase and all other letters lowercase. */
const char *
http_get_header (http_t hd, const char *name)
header_t h;
for (h=hd->headers; h; h = h->next)
if ( !strcmp (h->name, name) )
return h->value;
return NULL;
/* Return a newly allocated and NULL terminated array with pointers to
header names. The array must be released with xfree() and its
content is only values as long as no other request has been
send. */
const char **
http_get_header_names (http_t hd)
const char **array;
size_t n;
header_t h;
for (n=0, h = hd->headers; h; h = h->next)
array = xtrycalloc (n+1, sizeof *array);
if (array)
for (n=0, h = hd->headers; h; h = h->next)
array[n++] = h->name;
return array;
* Parse the response from a server.
* Returns: Errorcode and sets some files in the handle
static gpg_err_code_t
parse_response (http_t hd)
char *line, *p, *p2;
size_t maxlen, len;
cookie_t cookie = hd->read_cookie;
const char *s;
/* Delete old header lines. */
while (hd->headers)
header_t tmp = hd->headers->next;
xfree (hd->headers->value);
xfree (hd->headers);
hd->headers = tmp;
/* Wait for the status line. */
maxlen = MAX_LINELEN;
len = es_read_line (hd->fp_read, &hd->buffer, &hd->buffer_size, &maxlen);
line = hd->buffer;
if (!line)
return gpg_err_code_from_syserror (); /* Out of core. */
if (!maxlen)
return GPG_ERR_TRUNCATED; /* Line has been truncated. */
if (!len)
return GPG_ERR_EOF;
if ((hd->flags & HTTP_FLAG_LOG_RESP))
log_info ("RESP: '%.*s'\n",
while (!*line);
if ((p = strchr (line, '/')))
*p++ = 0;
if (!p || strcmp (line, "HTTP"))
return 0; /* Assume http 0.9. */
if ((p2 = strpbrk (p, " \t")))
*p2++ = 0;
p2 += strspn (p2, " \t");
if (!p2)
return 0; /* Also assume http 0.9. */
p = p2;
/* TODO: Add HTTP version number check. */
if ((p2 = strpbrk (p, " \t")))
*p2++ = 0;
if (!isdigit ((unsigned int)p[0]) || !isdigit ((unsigned int)p[1])
|| !isdigit ((unsigned int)p[2]) || p[3])
/* Malformed HTTP status code - assume http 0.9. */
hd->is_http_0_9 = 1;
hd->status_code = 200;
return 0;
hd->status_code = atoi (p);
/* Skip all the header lines and wait for the empty line. */
maxlen = MAX_LINELEN;
len = es_read_line (hd->fp_read, &hd->buffer, &hd->buffer_size, &maxlen);
line = hd->buffer;
if (!line)
return gpg_err_code_from_syserror (); /* Out of core. */
/* Note, that we can silently ignore truncated lines. */
if (!len)
return GPG_ERR_EOF;
/* Trim line endings of empty lines. */
if ((*line == '\r' && line[1] == '\n') || *line == '\n')
*line = 0;
if ((hd->flags & HTTP_FLAG_LOG_RESP))
log_info ("RESP: '%.*s'\n",
if (*line)
gpg_err_code_t ec = store_header (hd, line);
if (ec)
return ec;
while (len && *line);
cookie->content_length_valid = 0;
if (!(hd->flags & HTTP_FLAG_IGNORE_CL))
s = http_get_header (hd, "Content-Length");
if (s)
cookie->content_length_valid = 1;
cookie->content_length = string_to_u64 (s);
return 0;
#if 0
static int
start_server ()
struct sockaddr_in mya;
struct sockaddr_in peer;
int fd, client;
fd_set rfds;
int addrlen;
int i;
if ((fd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
log_error ("socket() failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
return -1;
i = 1;
if (setsockopt (fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (byte *) & i, sizeof (i)))
log_info ("setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR) failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
mya.sin_family = AF_INET;
memset (&mya.sin_addr, 0, sizeof (mya.sin_addr));
mya.sin_port = htons (11371);
if (bind (fd, (struct sockaddr *) &mya, sizeof (mya)))
log_error ("bind to port 11371 failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
sock_close (fd);
return -1;
if (listen (fd, 5))
log_error ("listen failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
sock_close (fd);
return -1;
for (;;)
FD_ZERO (&rfds);
FD_SET (fd, &rfds);
if (my_select (fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL) <= 0)
continue; /* ignore any errors */
if (!FD_ISSET (fd, &rfds))
addrlen = sizeof peer;
client = my_accept (fd, (struct sockaddr *) &peer, &addrlen);
if (client == -1)
continue; /* oops */
log_info ("connect from %s\n", inet_ntoa (peer.sin_addr));
fflush (stdout);
fflush (stderr);
if (!fork ())
int c;
FILE *fp;
fp = fdopen (client, "r");
while ((c = getc (fp)) != EOF)
putchar (c);
fclose (fp);
exit (0);
sock_close (client);
return 0;
/* Actually connect to a server. Returns the file descriptor or -1 on
error. ERRNO is set on error. */
static assuan_fd_t
connect_server (const char *server, unsigned short port,
unsigned int flags, const char *srvtag, int *r_host_not_found)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_fd_t sock = ASSUAN_INVALID_FD;
int srvcount = 0;
int hostfound = 0;
int anyhostaddr = 0;
int srv, connected;
int last_errno = 0;
struct srventry *serverlist = NULL;
int ret;
*r_host_not_found = 0;
#if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) && !defined(HTTP_NO_WSASTARTUP)
init_sockets ();
#endif /*Windows*/
/* Onion addresses require special treatment. */
if (is_onion_address (server))
sock = assuan_sock_connect_byname (server, port, 0, NULL,
if (sock == ASSUAN_INVALID_FD)
if (errno == EHOSTUNREACH)
*r_host_not_found = 1;
log_error ("can't connect to '%s': %s\n", server, strerror (errno));
return sock;
#else /*!ASSUAN_SOCK_TOR*/
gpg_err_set_errno (ENETUNREACH);
return -1; /* Out of core. */
#endif /*!HASSUAN_SOCK_TOR*/
#ifdef USE_DNS_SRV
/* Do the SRV thing */
if (srvtag)
/* We're using SRV, so append the tags. */
if (1 + strlen (srvtag) + 6 + strlen (server) + 1
<= DIMof (struct srventry, target))
char *srvname = xtrymalloc (DIMof (struct srventry, target));
if (!srvname) /* Out of core */
serverlist = NULL;
srvcount = 0;
stpcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (srvname,"_"), srvtag),
"._tcp."), server);
srvcount = getsrv (srvname, &serverlist);
xfree (srvname);
#endif /*USE_DNS_SRV*/
if (!serverlist)
/* Either we're not using SRV, or the SRV lookup failed. Make
up a fake SRV record. */
serverlist = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *serverlist);
if (!serverlist)
return -1; /* Out of core. */
serverlist->port = port;
strncpy (serverlist->target, server, DIMof (struct srventry, target));
serverlist->target[DIMof (struct srventry, target)-1] = '\0';
srvcount = 1;
connected = 0;
for (srv=0; srv < srvcount && !connected; srv++)
dns_addrinfo_t aibuf, ai;
err = resolve_dns_name (serverlist[srv].target, port, 0, SOCK_STREAM,
&aibuf, NULL);
if (err)
log_info ("resolving '%s' failed: %s\n",
serverlist[srv].target, gpg_strerror (err));
continue; /* Not found - try next one. */
hostfound = 1;
for (ai = aibuf; ai && !connected; ai = ai->next)
if (ai->family == AF_INET && (flags & HTTP_FLAG_IGNORE_IPv4))
if (ai->family == AF_INET6 && (flags & HTTP_FLAG_IGNORE_IPv6))
if (sock != ASSUAN_INVALID_FD)
assuan_sock_close (sock);
sock = assuan_sock_new (ai->family, ai->socktype, ai->protocol);
if (sock == ASSUAN_INVALID_FD)
int save_errno = errno;
log_error ("error creating socket: %s\n", strerror (errno));
free_dns_addrinfo (aibuf);
xfree (serverlist);
errno = save_errno;
anyhostaddr = 1;
ret = assuan_sock_connect (sock, ai->addr, ai->addrlen);
if (ret)
last_errno = errno;
connected = 1;
free_dns_addrinfo (aibuf);
xfree (serverlist);
if (!connected)
if (!hostfound)
log_error ("can't connect to '%s': %s\n",
server, "host not found");
else if (!anyhostaddr)
log_error ("can't connect to '%s': %s\n",
server, "no IP address for host");
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
log_error ("can't connect to '%s': ec=%d\n",
server, (int)WSAGetLastError());
log_error ("can't connect to '%s': %s\n",
server, strerror (last_errno));
if (!hostfound || (hostfound && !anyhostaddr))
*r_host_not_found = 1;
if (sock != ASSUAN_INVALID_FD)
assuan_sock_close (sock);
gpg_err_set_errno (last_errno);
return sock;
static gpg_error_t
write_server (int sock, const char *data, size_t length)
int nleft;
int nwritten;
nleft = length;
while (nleft > 0)
#if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM)
# if defined(USE_NPTH)
npth_unprotect ();
# endif
nwritten = send (sock, data, nleft, 0);
# if defined(USE_NPTH)
npth_protect ();
# endif
if ( nwritten == SOCKET_ERROR )
log_info ("network write failed: ec=%d\n", (int)WSAGetLastError ());
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NETWORK);
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
# ifdef USE_NPTH
nwritten = npth_write (sock, data, nleft);
# else
nwritten = write (sock, data, nleft);
# endif
if (nwritten == -1)
if (errno == EINTR)
if (errno == EAGAIN)
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 50000;
my_select (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv);
log_info ("network write failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
nleft -= nwritten;
data += nwritten;
return 0;
/* Read handler for estream. */
static gpgrt_ssize_t
cookie_read (void *cookie, void *buffer, size_t size)
cookie_t c = cookie;
int nread;
if (c->content_length_valid)
if (!c->content_length)
return 0; /* EOF */
if (c->content_length < size)
size = c->content_length;
if (c->use_tls && c->session && c->session->tls_session)
nread = gnutls_record_recv (c->session->tls_session, buffer, size);
if (nread < 0)
goto again;
if (nread == GNUTLS_E_AGAIN)
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 50000;
my_select (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv);
goto again;
goto again; /* A client is allowed to just ignore this request. */
/* The server terminated the connection. Close the TLS
session, and indicate EOF using a short read. */
close_tls_session (c->session);
return 0;
log_info ("TLS network read failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (nread));
gpg_err_set_errno (EIO);
return -1;
#endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* Under Windows we need to use recv for a socket. */
# if defined(USE_NPTH)
npth_unprotect ();
# endif
nread = recv (c->sock->fd, buffer, size, 0);
# if defined(USE_NPTH)
npth_protect ();
# endif
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
# ifdef USE_NPTH
nread = npth_read (c->sock->fd, buffer, size);
# else
nread = read (c->sock->fd, buffer, size);
# endif
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
while (nread == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (c->content_length_valid && nread > 0)
if (nread < c->content_length)
c->content_length -= nread;
c->content_length = 0;
return (gpgrt_ssize_t)nread;
/* Write handler for estream. */
static gpgrt_ssize_t
cookie_write (void *cookie, const void *buffer_arg, size_t size)
const char *buffer = buffer_arg;
cookie_t c = cookie;
int nwritten = 0;
if (c->use_tls && c->session && c->session->tls_session)
int nleft = size;
while (nleft > 0)
nwritten = gnutls_record_send (c->session->tls_session,
buffer, nleft);
if (nwritten <= 0)
if (nwritten == GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED)
if (nwritten == GNUTLS_E_AGAIN)
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 50000;
my_select (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv);
log_info ("TLS network write failed: %s\n",
gnutls_strerror (nwritten));
gpg_err_set_errno (EIO);
return -1;
nleft -= nwritten;
buffer += nwritten;
#endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
if ( write_server (c->sock->fd, buffer, size) )
gpg_err_set_errno (EIO);
nwritten = -1;
nwritten = size;
return (gpgrt_ssize_t)nwritten;
/* Wrapper for gnutls_bye used by my_socket_unref. */
static void
send_gnutls_bye (void *opaque)
tls_session_t tls_session = opaque;
int ret;
ret = gnutls_bye (tls_session, GNUTLS_SHUT_RDWR);
while (ret == GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED);
if (ret == GNUTLS_E_AGAIN)
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 50000;
my_select (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv);
goto again;
#endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
/* Close handler for estream. */
static int
cookie_close (void *cookie)
cookie_t c = cookie;
if (!c)
return 0;
if (c->use_tls && c->session && c->session->tls_session)
my_socket_unref (c->sock, send_gnutls_bye, c->session->tls_session);
#endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
if (c->sock)
my_socket_unref (c->sock, NULL, NULL);
if (c->session)
http_session_unref (c->session);
xfree (c);
return 0;
/* Verify the credentials of the server. Returns 0 on success and
store the result in the session object. */
http_verify_server_credentials (http_session_t sess)
return 0; /* FIXME!! */
static const char const errprefix[] = "TLS verification of peer failed";
int rc;
unsigned int status;
const char *hostname;
const gnutls_datum_t *certlist;
unsigned int certlistlen;
gnutls_x509_crt_t cert;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
sess->verify.done = 1;
sess->verify.status = 0;
if (gnutls_certificate_type_get (sess->tls_session) != GNUTLS_CRT_X509)
log_error ("%s: %s\n", errprefix, "not an X.509 certificate");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
rc = gnutls_certificate_verify_peers2 (sess->tls_session, &status);
if (rc)
log_error ("%s: %s\n", errprefix, gnutls_strerror (rc));
if (!err)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
else if (status)
log_error ("%s: status=0x%04x\n", errprefix, status);
gnutls_datum_t statusdat;
if (!gnutls_certificate_verification_status_print
(status, GNUTLS_CRT_X509, &statusdat, 0))
log_info ("%s: %s\n", errprefix,;
gnutls_free (;
#endif /*gnutls >= 3.1.4*/
sess->verify.status = status;
if (!err)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
hostname = sess->servername;
if (!hostname || !strchr (hostname, '.'))
log_error ("%s: %s\n", errprefix, "hostname missing");
if (!err)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
certlist = gnutls_certificate_get_peers (sess->tls_session, &certlistlen);
if (!certlistlen)
log_error ("%s: %s\n", errprefix, "server did not send a certificate");
if (!err)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
/* Need to stop here. */
if (err)
return err;
rc = gnutls_x509_crt_init (&cert);
if (rc < 0)
if (!err)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
if (err)
return err;
rc = gnutls_x509_crt_import (cert, &certlist[0], GNUTLS_X509_FMT_DER);
if (rc < 0)
log_error ("%s: %s: %s\n", errprefix, "error importing certificate",
gnutls_strerror (rc));
if (!err)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
if (!gnutls_x509_crt_check_hostname (cert, hostname))
log_error ("%s: %s\n", errprefix, "hostname does not match");
if (!err)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
gnutls_x509_crt_deinit (cert);
if (!err)
sess->verify.rc = 0;
if (sess->cert_log_cb)
const void *bufarr[10];
size_t buflenarr[10];
size_t n;
for (n = 0; n < certlistlen && n < DIM (bufarr)-1; n++)
bufarr[n] = certlist[n].data;
buflenarr[n] = certlist[n].size;
bufarr[n] = NULL;
buflenarr[n] = 0;
sess->cert_log_cb (sess, err, hostname, bufarr, buflenarr);
return err;
#else /*!HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
/* Return the first query variable with the specified key. If there
is no such variable, return NULL. */
struct uri_tuple_s *
uri_query_lookup (parsed_uri_t uri, const char *key)
struct uri_tuple_s *t;
for (t = uri->query; t; t = t->next)
if (strcmp (t->name, key) == 0)
return t;
return NULL;
diff --git a/dirmngr/http.h b/dirmngr/http.h
index 569ccea0e..4a70caf4f 100644
--- a/dirmngr/http.h
+++ b/dirmngr/http.h
@@ -1,161 +1,161 @@
/* http.h - HTTP protocol handler
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006,
* 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <gpg-error.h>
struct uri_tuple_s
struct uri_tuple_s *next;
const char *name; /* A pointer into name. */
char *value; /* A pointer to value (a Nul is always appended). */
size_t valuelen; /* The real length of the value; we need it
because the value may contain embedded Nuls. */
int no_value; /* True if no value has been given in the URL. */
typedef struct uri_tuple_s *uri_tuple_t;
struct parsed_uri_s
/* All these pointers point into BUFFER; most stuff is not escaped. */
char *scheme; /* Pointer to the scheme string (always lowercase). */
unsigned int is_http:1; /* This is a HTTP style URI. */
unsigned int use_tls:1; /* Whether TLS should be used. */
unsigned int opaque:1;/* Unknown scheme; PATH has the rest. */
unsigned int v6lit:1; /* Host was given as a literal v6 address. */
unsigned int onion:1; /* .onion address given. */
char *auth; /* username/password for basic auth. */
char *host; /* Host (converted to lowercase). */
unsigned short port; /* Port (always set if the host is set). */
char *path; /* Path. */
uri_tuple_t params; /* ";xxxxx" */
uri_tuple_t query; /* "?xxx=yyy" */
char buffer[1]; /* Buffer which holds a (modified) copy of the URI. */
typedef struct parsed_uri_s *parsed_uri_t;
struct uri_tuple_s *uri_query_lookup (parsed_uri_t uri, const char *key);
typedef enum
HTTP_REQ_OPAQUE = 4 /* Internal use. */
/* We put the flag values into an enum, so that gdb can display them. */
HTTP_FLAG_TRY_PROXY = 1, /* Try to use a proxy. */
HTTP_FLAG_SHUTDOWN = 2, /* Close sending end after the request. */
HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TOR = 4, /* Force a TOR connection. */
HTTP_FLAG_LOG_RESP = 8, /* Log the server response. */
HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TLS = 16, /* Force the use of TLS. */
HTTP_FLAG_IGNORE_CL = 32, /* Ignore content-length. */
HTTP_FLAG_IGNORE_IPv4 = 64, /* Do not use IPv4. */
HTTP_FLAG_IGNORE_IPv6 = 128, /* Do not use IPv6. */
HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_DEF = 256, /* Use the default CAs. */
HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_SYS = 512 /* Also use the system defined CAs. */
struct http_session_s;
typedef struct http_session_s *http_session_t;
struct http_context_s;
typedef struct http_context_s *http_t;
void http_register_tls_callback (gpg_error_t (*cb)(http_t,http_session_t,int));
void http_register_tls_ca (const char *fname);
gpg_error_t http_session_new (http_session_t *r_session,
const char *tls_priority,
const char *intended_hostname,
unsigned int flags);
http_session_t http_session_ref (http_session_t sess);
void http_session_release (http_session_t sess);
void http_session_set_log_cb (http_session_t sess,
void (*cb)(http_session_t, gpg_error_t,
const char *,
const void **, size_t *));
gpg_error_t http_parse_uri (parsed_uri_t *ret_uri, const char *uri,
int no_scheme_check);
void http_release_parsed_uri (parsed_uri_t uri);
gpg_error_t http_raw_connect (http_t *r_hd,
const char *server, unsigned short port,
unsigned int flags, const char *srvtag);
gpg_error_t http_open (http_t *r_hd, http_req_t reqtype,
const char *url,
const char *httphost,
const char *auth,
unsigned int flags,
const char *proxy,
http_session_t session,
const char *srvtag,
strlist_t headers);
void http_start_data (http_t hd);
gpg_error_t http_wait_response (http_t hd);
void http_close (http_t hd, int keep_read_stream);
gpg_error_t http_open_document (http_t *r_hd,
const char *document,
const char *auth,
unsigned int flags,
const char *proxy,
http_session_t session,
const char *srvtag,
strlist_t headers);
estream_t http_get_read_ptr (http_t hd);
estream_t http_get_write_ptr (http_t hd);
unsigned int http_get_status_code (http_t hd);
const char *http_get_tls_info (http_t hd, const char *what);
const char *http_get_header (http_t hd, const char *name);
const char **http_get_header_names (http_t hd);
gpg_error_t http_verify_server_credentials (http_session_t sess);
char *http_escape_string (const char *string, const char *specials);
char *http_escape_data (const void *data, size_t datalen, const char *specials);
diff --git a/dirmngr/ks-action.c b/dirmngr/ks-action.c
index 21aa6465d..1087bb5ce 100644
--- a/dirmngr/ks-action.c
+++ b/dirmngr/ks-action.c
@@ -1,403 +1,403 @@
/* ks-action.c - OpenPGP keyserver actions
* Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2014 Werner Koch
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "dirmngr.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "ks-engine.h"
#include "ks-action.h"
# include "ldap-parse-uri.h"
/* Called by the engine's help functions to print the actual help. */
ks_print_help (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *text)
return dirmngr_status_help (ctrl, text);
/* Called by the engine's help functions to print the actual help. */
ks_printf_help (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
gpg_error_t err;
char *buf;
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
buf = es_vbsprintf (format, arg_ptr);
err = buf? 0 : gpg_error_from_syserror ();
va_end (arg_ptr);
if (!err)
err = dirmngr_status_help (ctrl, buf);
es_free (buf);
return err;
/* Run the help command for the engine responsible for URI. */
ks_action_help (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *url)
gpg_error_t err;
parsed_uri_t parsed_uri; /* The broken down URI. */
if (!url || !*url)
ks_print_help (ctrl, "Known schemata:\n");
parsed_uri = NULL;
if (ldap_uri_p (url))
err = ldap_parse_uri (&parsed_uri, url);
err = http_parse_uri (&parsed_uri, url, 1);
if (err)
return err;
/* Call all engines to give them a chance to print a help sting. */
err = ks_hkp_help (ctrl, parsed_uri);
if (!err)
err = ks_http_help (ctrl, parsed_uri);
if (!err)
err = ks_finger_help (ctrl, parsed_uri);
if (!err)
err = ks_kdns_help (ctrl, parsed_uri);
if (!err)
err = ks_ldap_help (ctrl, parsed_uri);
if (!parsed_uri)
ks_print_help (ctrl,
"(Use an URL for engine specific help.)");
http_release_parsed_uri (parsed_uri);
return err;
/* Resolve all host names. This is useful for looking at the status
of configured keyservers. */
ks_action_resolve (ctrl_t ctrl, uri_item_t keyservers)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int any_server = 0;
uri_item_t uri;
for (uri = keyservers; !err && uri; uri = uri->next)
if (uri->parsed_uri->is_http)
any_server = 1;
err = ks_hkp_resolve (ctrl, uri->parsed_uri);
if (err)
if (!any_server)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_KEYSERVER);
return err;
/* Search all configured keyservers for keys matching PATTERNS and
write the result to the provided output stream. */
ks_action_search (ctrl_t ctrl, uri_item_t keyservers,
strlist_t patterns, estream_t outfp)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int any_server = 0;
int any_results = 0;
uri_item_t uri;
estream_t infp;
if (!patterns)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_USER_ID);
/* FIXME: We only take care of the first pattern. To fully support
multiple patterns we might either want to run several queries in
parallel and merge them. We also need to decide what to do with
errors - it might not be the best idea to ignore an error from
one server and silently continue with another server. For now we
stop at the first error, unless the server responds with '404 Not
Found', in which case we try the next server. */
for (uri = keyservers; !err && uri; uri = uri->next)
int is_http = uri->parsed_uri->is_http;
int is_ldap = 0;
unsigned int http_status = 0;
is_ldap = (strcmp (uri->parsed_uri->scheme, "ldap") == 0
|| strcmp (uri->parsed_uri->scheme, "ldaps") == 0
|| strcmp (uri->parsed_uri->scheme, "ldapi") == 0);
if (is_http || is_ldap)
any_server = 1;
if (is_ldap)
err = ks_ldap_search (ctrl, uri->parsed_uri, patterns->d, &infp);
err = ks_hkp_search (ctrl, uri->parsed_uri, patterns->d,
&infp, &http_status);
if (err == gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
&& http_status == 404 /* not found */)
/* No record found. Clear error and try next server. */
err = 0;
if (!err)
err = copy_stream (infp, outfp);
es_fclose (infp);
any_results = 1;
if (!any_server)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_KEYSERVER);
else if (err == 0 && !any_results)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
return err;
/* Get the requested keys (matching PATTERNS) using all configured
keyservers and write the result to the provided output stream. */
ks_action_get (ctrl_t ctrl, uri_item_t keyservers,
strlist_t patterns, estream_t outfp)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
gpg_error_t first_err = 0;
int any_server = 0;
int any_data = 0;
strlist_t sl;
uri_item_t uri;
estream_t infp;
if (!patterns)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_USER_ID);
/* FIXME: We only take care of the first keyserver. To fully
support multiple keyservers we need to track the result for each
pattern and use the next keyserver if one key was not found. The
keyservers might not all be fully synced thus it is not clear
whether the first keyserver has the freshest copy of the key.
Need to think about a better strategy. */
for (uri = keyservers; !err && uri; uri = uri->next)
int is_http = uri->parsed_uri->is_http;
int is_ldap = 0;
is_ldap = (strcmp (uri->parsed_uri->scheme, "ldap") == 0
|| strcmp (uri->parsed_uri->scheme, "ldaps") == 0
|| strcmp (uri->parsed_uri->scheme, "ldapi") == 0);
if (is_http || is_ldap)
any_server = 1;
for (sl = patterns; !err && sl; sl = sl->next)
if (is_ldap)
err = ks_ldap_get (ctrl, uri->parsed_uri, sl->d, &infp);
err = ks_hkp_get (ctrl, uri->parsed_uri, sl->d, &infp);
if (err)
/* It is possible that a server does not carry a
key, thus we only save the error and continue
with the next pattern. FIXME: It is an open
question how to return such an error condition to
the caller. */
first_err = err;
err = 0;
err = copy_stream (infp, outfp);
/* Reading from the keyserver should never fail, thus
return this error. */
if (!err)
any_data = 1;
es_fclose (infp);
infp = NULL;
if (any_data)
break; /* Stop loop after a keyserver returned something. */
if (!any_server)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_KEYSERVER);
else if (!err && first_err && !any_data)
err = first_err;
return err;
/* Retrieve keys from URL and write the result to the provided output
stream OUTFP. */
ks_action_fetch (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *url, estream_t outfp)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
estream_t infp;
parsed_uri_t parsed_uri; /* The broken down URI. */
if (!url)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_URI);
err = http_parse_uri (&parsed_uri, url, 1);
if (err)
return err;
if (parsed_uri->is_http)
err = ks_http_fetch (ctrl, url, &infp);
if (!err)
err = copy_stream (infp, outfp);
es_fclose (infp);
else if (!parsed_uri->opaque)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_URI);
else if (!strcmp (parsed_uri->scheme, "finger"))
err = ks_finger_fetch (ctrl, parsed_uri, &infp);
if (!err)
err = copy_stream (infp, outfp);
es_fclose (infp);
else if (!strcmp (parsed_uri->scheme, "kdns"))
err = ks_kdns_fetch (ctrl, parsed_uri, &infp);
if (!err)
err = copy_stream (infp, outfp);
es_fclose (infp);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_URI);
http_release_parsed_uri (parsed_uri);
return err;
/* Send an OpenPGP key to all keyservers. The key in {DATA,DATALEN}
is expected to be in OpenPGP binary transport format. The metadata
in {INFO,INFOLEN} is in colon-separated format (concretely, it is
the output of 'for x in keys sigs; do gpg --list-$x --with-colons
KEYID; done'. This function may modify DATA and INFO. If this is
a problem, then the caller should create a copy. */
ks_action_put (ctrl_t ctrl, uri_item_t keyservers,
void *data, size_t datalen,
void *info, size_t infolen)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
gpg_error_t first_err = 0;
int any_server = 0;
uri_item_t uri;
(void) info;
(void) infolen;
for (uri = keyservers; !err && uri; uri = uri->next)
int is_http = uri->parsed_uri->is_http;
int is_ldap = 0;
is_ldap = (strcmp (uri->parsed_uri->scheme, "ldap") == 0
|| strcmp (uri->parsed_uri->scheme, "ldaps") == 0
|| strcmp (uri->parsed_uri->scheme, "ldapi") == 0);
if (is_http || is_ldap)
any_server = 1;
if (is_ldap)
err = ks_ldap_put (ctrl, uri->parsed_uri, data, datalen,
info, infolen);
err = ks_hkp_put (ctrl, uri->parsed_uri, data, datalen);
if (err)
first_err = err;
err = 0;
if (!any_server)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_KEYSERVER);
else if (!err && first_err)
err = first_err;
return err;
diff --git a/dirmngr/ks-action.h b/dirmngr/ks-action.h
index c373bf9fd..d576ef00f 100644
--- a/dirmngr/ks-action.h
+++ b/dirmngr/ks-action.h
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
/* ks-action.h - OpenPGP keyserver actions definitions
* Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
gpg_error_t ks_action_help (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *url);
gpg_error_t ks_action_resolve (ctrl_t ctrl, uri_item_t keyservers);
gpg_error_t ks_action_search (ctrl_t ctrl, uri_item_t keyservers,
strlist_t patterns, estream_t outfp);
gpg_error_t ks_action_get (ctrl_t ctrl, uri_item_t keyservers,
strlist_t patterns, estream_t outfp);
gpg_error_t ks_action_fetch (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *url, estream_t outfp);
gpg_error_t ks_action_put (ctrl_t ctrl, uri_item_t keyservers,
void *data, size_t datalen,
void *info, size_t infolen);
diff --git a/dirmngr/ks-engine-finger.c b/dirmngr/ks-engine-finger.c
index 96e092d24..b1f02ad7d 100644
--- a/dirmngr/ks-engine-finger.c
+++ b/dirmngr/ks-engine-finger.c
@@ -1,124 +1,124 @@
/* ks-engine-finger.c - Finger OpenPGP key access
* Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "dirmngr.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "userids.h"
#include "ks-engine.h"
/* Print a help output for the schemata supported by this module. */
ks_finger_help (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri)
char const data[] =
"Handler for FINGER:\n"
" finger:<user>@<host>\n"
"Supported methods: fetch\n"
gpg_error_t err;
if (!uri)
err = ks_print_help (ctrl, " finger");
else if (!strcmp (uri->scheme, "finger"))
err = ks_print_help (ctrl, data);
err = 0;
return err;
/* Get the key from URI which is expected to specify a finger scheme.
On success R_FP has an open stream to read the data. */
ks_finger_fetch (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri, estream_t *r_fp)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t fp;
char *server;
char *name;
http_t http;
*r_fp = NULL;
if (strcmp (uri->scheme, "finger") || !uri->opaque || !uri->path)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
name = xtrystrdup (uri->path);
if (!name)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
server = strchr (name, '@');
if (!server)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_URI);
xfree (name);
return err;
*server++ = 0;
err = http_raw_connect (&http, server, 79,
(opt.use_tor? HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TOR : 0), NULL);
if (err)
xfree (name);
return err;
fp = http_get_write_ptr (http);
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
http_close (http, 0);
xfree (name);
return err;
if (es_fputs (name, fp) || es_fputs ("\r\n", fp) || es_fflush (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
http_close (http, 0);
xfree (name);
return err;
xfree (name);
es_fclose (fp);
fp = http_get_read_ptr (http);
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
http_close (http, 0);
return err;
http_close (http, 1 /* Keep read ptr. */);
*r_fp = fp;
return 0;
diff --git a/dirmngr/ks-engine-hkp.c b/dirmngr/ks-engine-hkp.c
index bcc17504d..853085163 100644
--- a/dirmngr/ks-engine-hkp.c
+++ b/dirmngr/ks-engine-hkp.c
@@ -1,1519 +1,1519 @@
/* ks-engine-hkp.c - HKP keyserver engine
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# include <winsock2.h>
# endif
# include <windows.h>
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/socket.h>
# include <netdb.h>
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#include "dirmngr.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "userids.h"
#include "dns-stuff.h"
#include "ks-engine.h"
/* Substitutes for missing Mingw macro. The EAI_SYSTEM mechanism
seems not to be available (probably because there is only one set
of error codes anyway). For now we use WSAEINVAL. */
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# ifndef EAI_SYSTEM
# endif
/* Number of seconds after a host is marked as resurrected. */
#define RESURRECT_INTERVAL (3600*3) /* 3 hours */
/* To match the behaviour of our old gpgkeys helper code we escape
more characters than actually needed. */
#define EXTRA_ESCAPE_CHARS "@!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\\]^_{|}~"
/* How many redirections do we allow. */
/* Number of retries done for a dead host etc. */
/* Objects used to maintain information about hosts. */
struct hostinfo_s;
typedef struct hostinfo_s *hostinfo_t;
struct hostinfo_s
time_t lastfail; /* Time we tried to connect and failed. */
time_t lastused; /* Time of last use. */
int *pool; /* A -1 terminated array with indices into
HOSTTABLE or NULL if NAME is not a pool
name. */
int poolidx; /* Index into POOL with the used host. -1 if not set. */
unsigned int v4:1; /* Host supports AF_INET. */
unsigned int v6:1; /* Host supports AF_INET6. */
unsigned int onion:1;/* NAME is an onion (Tor HS) address. */
unsigned int dead:1; /* Host is currently unresponsive. */
time_t died_at; /* The time the host was marked dead. If this is
0 the host has been manually marked dead. */
char *cname; /* Canonical name of the host. Only set if this
is a pool. */
char *v4addr; /* A string with the v4 IP address of the host.
NULL if NAME has a numeric IP address or no v4
address is available. */
char *v6addr; /* A string with the v6 IP address of the host.
NULL if NAME has a numeric IP address or no v6
address is available. */
unsigned short port; /* The port used by the host, 0 if unknown. */
char name[1]; /* The hostname. */
/* An array of hostinfo_t for all hosts requested by the caller or
resolved from a pool name and its allocated size.*/
static hostinfo_t *hosttable;
static int hosttable_size;
/* The number of host slots we initially allocate for HOSTTABLE. */
/* Create a new hostinfo object, fill in NAME and put it into
HOSTTABLE. Return the index into hosttable on success or -1 on
error. */
static int
create_new_hostinfo (const char *name)
hostinfo_t hi, *newtable;
int newsize;
int idx, rc;
hi = xtrymalloc (sizeof *hi + strlen (name));
if (!hi)
return -1;
strcpy (hi->name, name);
hi->pool = NULL;
hi->poolidx = -1;
hi->lastused = (time_t)(-1);
hi->lastfail = (time_t)(-1);
hi->v4 = 0;
hi->v6 = 0;
hi->onion = 0;
hi->dead = 0;
hi->died_at = 0;
hi->cname = NULL;
hi->v4addr = NULL;
hi->v6addr = NULL;
hi->port = 0;
/* Add it to the hosttable. */
for (idx=0; idx < hosttable_size; idx++)
if (!hosttable[idx])
hosttable[idx] = hi;
return idx;
/* Need to extend the hosttable. */
newsize = hosttable_size + INITIAL_HOSTTABLE_SIZE;
newtable = xtryrealloc (hosttable, newsize * sizeof *hosttable);
if (!newtable)
xfree (hi);
return -1;
hosttable = newtable;
idx = hosttable_size;
hosttable_size = newsize;
rc = idx;
hosttable[idx++] = hi;
while (idx < hosttable_size)
hosttable[idx++] = NULL;
return rc;
/* Find the host NAME in our table. Return the index into the
hosttable or -1 if not found. */
static int
find_hostinfo (const char *name)
int idx;
for (idx=0; idx < hosttable_size; idx++)
if (hosttable[idx] && !ascii_strcasecmp (hosttable[idx]->name, name))
return idx;
return -1;
static int
sort_hostpool (const void *xa, const void *xb)
int a = *(int *)xa;
int b = *(int *)xb;
assert (a >= 0 && a < hosttable_size);
assert (b >= 0 && b < hosttable_size);
assert (hosttable[a]);
assert (hosttable[b]);
return ascii_strcasecmp (hosttable[a]->name, hosttable[b]->name);
/* Return true if the host with the hosttable index TBLIDX is in POOL. */
static int
host_in_pool_p (int *pool, int tblidx)
int i, pidx;
for (i=0; (pidx = pool[i]) != -1; i++)
if (pidx == tblidx && hosttable[pidx])
return 1;
return 0;
/* Select a random host. Consult TABLE which indices into the global
hosttable. Returns index into TABLE or -1 if no host could be
selected. */
static int
select_random_host (int *table)
int *tbl;
size_t tblsize;
int pidx, idx;
/* We create a new table so that we randomly select only from
currently alive hosts. */
for (idx=0, tblsize=0; (pidx = table[idx]) != -1; idx++)
if (hosttable[pidx] && !hosttable[pidx]->dead)
if (!tblsize)
return -1; /* No hosts. */
tbl = xtrymalloc (tblsize * sizeof *tbl);
if (!tbl)
return -1;
for (idx=0, tblsize=0; (pidx = table[idx]) != -1; idx++)
if (hosttable[pidx] && !hosttable[pidx]->dead)
tbl[tblsize++] = pidx;
if (tblsize == 1) /* Save a get_uint_nonce. */
pidx = tbl[0];
pidx = tbl[get_uint_nonce () % tblsize];
xfree (tbl);
return pidx;
/* Figure out if a set of DNS records looks like a pool. */
static int
arecords_is_pool (dns_addrinfo_t aibuf)
dns_addrinfo_t ai;
int n_v6, n_v4;
n_v6 = n_v4 = 0;
for (ai = aibuf; ai; ai = ai->next)
if (ai->family == AF_INET6)
else if (ai->family == AF_INET)
return n_v6 > 1 || n_v4 > 1;
/* Add the host AI under the NAME into the HOSTTABLE. If PORT is not
zero, it specifies which port to use to talk to the host. If NAME
specifies a pool (as indicated by IS_POOL), update the given
reference table accordingly. */
static void
add_host (const char *name, int is_pool,
const dns_addrinfo_t ai, unsigned short port,
int *reftbl, size_t reftblsize, int *refidx)
gpg_error_t tmperr;
char *tmphost;
int idx, tmpidx;
int is_numeric = 0;
int i;
idx = find_hostinfo (name);
if (!is_pool && !is_ip_address (name))
/* This is a hostname but not a pool. Use the name
as given without going through resolve_dns_addr. */
tmphost = xtrystrdup (name);
if (!tmphost)
tmperr = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
tmperr = 0;
tmperr = resolve_dns_addr (ai->addr, ai->addrlen,
if (tmphost && is_ip_address (tmphost))
is_numeric = 1;
if (tmperr)
log_info ("resolve_dns_addr failed while checking '%s': %s\n",
name, gpg_strerror (tmperr));
else if ((*refidx) + 1 >= reftblsize)
log_error ("resolve_dns_addr for '%s': '%s'"
" [index table full - ignored]\n", name, tmphost);
if (!is_pool && is_ip_address (name))
/* Update the original entry. */
tmpidx = idx;
tmpidx = find_hostinfo (tmphost);
log_info ("resolve_dns_addr for '%s': '%s'%s\n",
name, tmphost,
tmpidx == -1? "" : " [already known]");
if (tmpidx == -1) /* Create a new entry. */
tmpidx = create_new_hostinfo (tmphost);
if (tmpidx == -1)
log_error ("map_host for '%s' problem: %s - '%s'"
" [ignored]\n",
name, strerror (errno), tmphost);
else /* Set or update the entry. */
char *ipaddr = NULL;
if (port)
hosttable[tmpidx]->port = port;
if (!is_numeric)
xfree (tmphost);
tmperr = resolve_dns_addr (ai->addr, ai->addrlen,
if (tmperr)
log_info ("resolve_dns_addr failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (tmperr));
ipaddr = tmphost;
tmphost = NULL;
if (ai->family == AF_INET6)
hosttable[tmpidx]->v6 = 1;
xfree (hosttable[tmpidx]->v6addr);
hosttable[tmpidx]->v6addr = ipaddr;
else if (ai->family == AF_INET)
hosttable[tmpidx]->v4 = 1;
xfree (hosttable[tmpidx]->v4addr);
hosttable[tmpidx]->v4addr = ipaddr;
BUG ();
for (i=0; i < *refidx; i++)
if (reftbl[i] == tmpidx)
if (!(i < *refidx) && tmpidx != idx)
reftbl[(*refidx)++] = tmpidx;
xfree (tmphost);
/* Map the host name NAME to the actual to be used host name. This
allows us to manage round robin DNS names. We use our own strategy
to choose one of the hosts. For example we skip those hosts which
failed for some time and we stick to one host for a time
independent of DNS retry times. If FORCE_RESELECT is true a new
host is always selected. The selected host is stored as a malloced
string at R_HOST; on error NULL is stored. If we know the port
used by the selected host, a string representation is written to
R_PORTSTR, otherwise it is left untouched. If R_HTTPFLAGS is not
NULL it will receive flags which are to be passed to http_open. If
R_POOLNAME is not NULL a malloced name of the pool is stored or
NULL if it is not a pool. */
static gpg_error_t
map_host (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, int force_reselect,
char **r_host, char *r_portstr,
unsigned int *r_httpflags, char **r_poolname)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
hostinfo_t hi;
int idx;
*r_host = NULL;
if (r_httpflags)
*r_httpflags = 0;
if (r_poolname)
*r_poolname = NULL;
/* No hostname means localhost. */
if (!name || !*name)
*r_host = xtrystrdup ("localhost");
return *r_host? 0 : gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* See whether the host is in our table. */
idx = find_hostinfo (name);
if (idx == -1 && is_onion_address (name))
idx = create_new_hostinfo (name);
if (idx == -1)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
hi = hosttable[idx];
hi->onion = 1;
else if (idx == -1)
/* We never saw this host. Allocate a new entry. */
dns_addrinfo_t aibuf, ai;
int *reftbl;
size_t reftblsize;
int refidx;
int is_pool = 0;
char *cname;
#ifdef USE_DNS_SRV
char *srvrecord;
struct srventry *srvs;
int srvscount;
#endif /* USE_DNS_SRV */
reftblsize = 100;
reftbl = xtrymalloc (reftblsize * sizeof *reftbl);
if (!reftbl)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
refidx = 0;
idx = create_new_hostinfo (name);
if (idx == -1)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (reftbl);
return err;
hi = hosttable[idx];
#ifdef USE_DNS_SRV
/* Check for SRV records. */
srvrecord = xtryasprintf ("_hkp._tcp.%s", name);
if (srvrecord == NULL)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (reftbl);
return err;
srvscount = getsrv (srvrecord, &srvs);
xfree (srvrecord);
if (srvscount < 0)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (reftbl);
return err;
if (srvscount > 0)
int i;
is_pool = srvscount > 1;
for (i = 0; i < srvscount; i++)
err = resolve_dns_name (srvs[i].target, 0,
&ai, &cname);
if (err)
dirmngr_tick (ctrl);
add_host (name, is_pool, ai, srvs[i].port,
reftbl, reftblsize, &refidx);
xfree (srvs);
#endif /* USE_DNS_SRV */
/* Find all A records for this entry and put them into the pool
list - if any. */
err = resolve_dns_name (name, 0, 0, SOCK_STREAM, &aibuf, &cname);
if (err)
log_error ("resolving '%s' failed: %s\n", name, gpg_strerror (err));
err = 0;
/* First figure out whether this is a pool. For a pool we
use a different strategy than for a plain server: We use
the canonical name of the pool as the virtual host along
with the IP addresses. If it is not a pool, we use the
specified name. */
if (! is_pool)
is_pool = arecords_is_pool (aibuf);
if (is_pool && cname)
hi->cname = cname;
cname = NULL;
for (ai = aibuf; ai; ai = ai->next)
if (ai->family != AF_INET && ai->family != AF_INET6)
dirmngr_tick (ctrl);
add_host (name, is_pool, ai, 0, reftbl, reftblsize, &refidx);
reftbl[refidx] = -1;
xfree (cname);
free_dns_addrinfo (aibuf);
if (refidx && is_pool)
assert (!hi->pool);
hi->pool = xtryrealloc (reftbl, (refidx+1) * sizeof *reftbl);
if (!hi->pool)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("shrinking index table in map_host failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (reftbl);
return err;
qsort (hi->pool, refidx, sizeof *reftbl, sort_hostpool);
xfree (reftbl);
hi = hosttable[idx];
if (hi->pool)
/* Deal with the pool name before selecting a host. */
if (r_poolname)
*r_poolname = xtrystrdup (hi->cname? hi->cname : hi->name);
if (!*r_poolname)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* If the currently selected host is now marked dead, force a
re-selection . */
if (force_reselect)
hi->poolidx = -1;
else if (hi->poolidx >= 0 && hi->poolidx < hosttable_size
&& hosttable[hi->poolidx] && hosttable[hi->poolidx]->dead)
hi->poolidx = -1;
/* Select a host if needed. */
if (hi->poolidx == -1)
hi->poolidx = select_random_host (hi->pool);
if (hi->poolidx == -1)
log_error ("no alive host found in pool '%s'\n", name);
if (r_poolname)
xfree (*r_poolname);
*r_poolname = NULL;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_KEYSERVER);
assert (hi->poolidx >= 0 && hi->poolidx < hosttable_size);
hi = hosttable[hi->poolidx];
assert (hi);
if (hi->dead)
log_error ("host '%s' marked as dead\n", hi->name);
if (r_poolname)
xfree (*r_poolname);
*r_poolname = NULL;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_KEYSERVER);
if (r_httpflags)
/* If the hosttable does not indicate that a certain host
supports IPv<N>, we explicit set the corresponding http
flags. The reason for this is that a host might be listed in
a pool as not v6 only but actually support v6 when later
the name is resolved by our http layer. */
if (!hi->v4)
*r_httpflags |= HTTP_FLAG_IGNORE_IPv4;
if (!hi->v6)
*r_httpflags |= HTTP_FLAG_IGNORE_IPv6;
/* Note that we do not set the HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TOR for onion
addresses because the http module detects this itself. This
also allows us to use an onion address without Tor mode being
enabled. */
*r_host = xtrystrdup (hi->name);
if (!*r_host)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (r_poolname)
xfree (*r_poolname);
*r_poolname = NULL;
return err;
if (hi->port)
snprintf (r_portstr, 6 /* five digits and the sentinel */,
"%hu", hi->port);
return 0;
/* Mark the host NAME as dead. NAME may be given as an URL. Returns
true if a host was really marked as dead or was already marked dead
(e.g. by a concurrent session). */
static int
mark_host_dead (const char *name)
const char *host;
char *host_buffer = NULL;
parsed_uri_t parsed_uri = NULL;
int done = 0;
if (name && *name && !http_parse_uri (&parsed_uri, name, 1))
if (parsed_uri->v6lit)
host_buffer = strconcat ("[", parsed_uri->host, "]", NULL);
if (!host_buffer)
log_error ("out of core in mark_host_dead");
host = host_buffer;
host = parsed_uri->host;
host = name;
if (host && *host && strcmp (host, "localhost"))
hostinfo_t hi;
int idx;
idx = find_hostinfo (host);
if (idx != -1)
hi = hosttable[idx];
log_info ("marking host '%s' as dead%s\n",
hi->name, hi->dead? " (again)":"");
hi->dead = 1;
hi->died_at = gnupg_get_time ();
if (!hi->died_at)
hi->died_at = 1;
done = 1;
http_release_parsed_uri (parsed_uri);
xfree (host_buffer);
return done;
/* Mark a host in the hosttable as dead or - if ALIVE is true - as
alive. */
ks_hkp_mark_host (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, int alive)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
hostinfo_t hi, hi2;
int idx, idx2, idx3, n;
if (!name || !*name || !strcmp (name, "localhost"))
return 0;
idx = find_hostinfo (name);
if (idx == -1)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
hi = hosttable[idx];
if (alive && hi->dead)
hi->dead = 0;
err = ks_printf_help (ctrl, "marking '%s' as alive", name);
else if (!alive && !hi->dead)
hi->dead = 1;
hi->died_at = 0; /* Manually set dead. */
err = ks_printf_help (ctrl, "marking '%s' as dead", name);
/* If the host is a pool mark all member hosts. */
if (!err && hi->pool)
for (idx2=0; !err && (n=hi->pool[idx2]) != -1; idx2++)
assert (n >= 0 && n < hosttable_size);
if (!alive)
/* Do not mark a host from a pool dead if it is also a
member in another pool. */
for (idx3=0; idx3 < hosttable_size; idx3++)
if (hosttable[idx3]
&& hosttable[idx3]->pool
&& idx3 != idx
&& host_in_pool_p (hosttable[idx3]->pool, n))
if (idx3 < hosttable_size)
continue; /* Host is also a member of another pool. */
hi2 = hosttable[n];
if (!hi2)
else if (alive && hi2->dead)
hi2->dead = 0;
err = ks_printf_help (ctrl, "marking '%s' as alive",
else if (!alive && !hi2->dead)
hi2->dead = 1;
hi2->died_at = 0; /* Manually set dead. */
err = ks_printf_help (ctrl, "marking '%s' as dead",
return err;
/* Debug function to print the entire hosttable. */
ks_hkp_print_hosttable (ctrl_t ctrl)
gpg_error_t err;
int idx, idx2;
hostinfo_t hi;
membuf_t mb;
time_t curtime;
char *p, *died;
const char *diedstr;
err = ks_print_help (ctrl, "hosttable (idx, ipv6, ipv4, dead, name, time):");
if (err)
return err;
curtime = gnupg_get_time ();
for (idx=0; idx < hosttable_size; idx++)
if ((hi=hosttable[idx]))
if (hi->dead && hi->died_at)
died = elapsed_time_string (hi->died_at, curtime);
diedstr = died? died : "error";
diedstr = died = NULL;
err = ks_printf_help (ctrl, "%3d %s %s %s %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n",
hi->onion? "O" : hi->v6? "6":" ",
hi->v4? "4":" ",
hi->dead? "d":" ",
hi->v6addr? " v6=":"",
hi->v6addr? hi->v6addr:"",
hi->v4addr? " v4=":"",
hi->v4addr? hi->v4addr:"",
diedstr? " (":"",
diedstr? diedstr:"",
diedstr? ")":"" );
xfree (died);
if (err)
return err;
if (hi->cname)
err = ks_printf_help (ctrl, " . %s", hi->cname);
if (err)
return err;
if (hi->pool)
init_membuf (&mb, 256);
put_membuf_printf (&mb, " . -->");
for (idx2=0; hi->pool[idx2] != -1; idx2++)
put_membuf_printf (&mb, " %d", hi->pool[idx2]);
if (hi->poolidx == hi->pool[idx2])
put_membuf_printf (&mb, "*");
put_membuf( &mb, "", 1);
p = get_membuf (&mb, NULL);
if (!p)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = ks_print_help (ctrl, p);
xfree (p);
if (err)
return err;
return 0;
/* Print a help output for the schemata supported by this module. */
ks_hkp_help (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri)
const char const data[] =
"Handler for HKP URLs:\n"
" hkp://\n"
" hkps://\n"
"Supported methods: search, get, put\n";
gpg_error_t err;
const char data2[] = " hkp\n hkps";
const char data2[] = " hkp";
if (!uri)
err = ks_print_help (ctrl, data2);
else if (uri->is_http && (!strcmp (uri->scheme, "hkp")
|| !strcmp (uri->scheme, "hkps")))
err = ks_print_help (ctrl, data);
err = 0;
return err;
/* Build the remote part of the URL from SCHEME, HOST and an optional
PORT. Returns an allocated string at R_HOSTPORT or NULL on failure
If R_POOLNAME is not NULL it receives a malloced string with the
poolname. */
static gpg_error_t
make_host_part (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *scheme, const char *host, unsigned short port,
int force_reselect,
char **r_hostport, unsigned int *r_httpflags, char **r_poolname)
gpg_error_t err;
char portstr[10];
char *hostname;
*r_hostport = NULL;
portstr[0] = 0;
err = map_host (ctrl, host, force_reselect,
&hostname, portstr, r_httpflags, r_poolname);
if (err)
return err;
/* Map scheme and port. */
if (!strcmp (scheme, "hkps") || !strcmp (scheme,"https"))
scheme = "https";
if (! *portstr)
strcpy (portstr, "443");
else /* HKP or HTTP. */
scheme = "http";
if (! *portstr)
strcpy (portstr, "11371");
if (port)
snprintf (portstr, sizeof portstr, "%hu", port);
/*fixme_do_srv_lookup ()*/
*r_hostport = strconcat (scheme, "://", hostname, ":", portstr, NULL);
xfree (hostname);
if (!*r_hostport)
if (r_poolname)
xfree (*r_poolname);
*r_poolname = NULL;
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return 0;
/* Resolve all known keyserver names and update the hosttable. This
is mainly useful for debugging because the resolving is anyway done
on demand. */
ks_hkp_resolve (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri)
gpg_error_t err;
char *hostport = NULL;
err = make_host_part (ctrl, uri->scheme, uri->host, uri->port, 1,
&hostport, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
err = ks_printf_help (ctrl, "%s://%s:%hu: resolve failed: %s",
uri->scheme, uri->host, uri->port,
gpg_strerror (err));
err = ks_printf_help (ctrl, "%s", hostport);
xfree (hostport);
return err;
/* Housekeeping function called from the housekeeping thread. It is
used to mark dead hosts alive so that they may be tried again after
some time. */
ks_hkp_housekeeping (time_t curtime)
int idx;
hostinfo_t hi;
for (idx=0; idx < hosttable_size; idx++)
hi = hosttable[idx];
if (!hi)
if (!hi->dead)
if (!hi->died_at)
continue; /* Do not resurrect manually shot hosts. */
if (hi->died_at + RESURRECT_INTERVAL <= curtime
|| hi->died_at > curtime)
hi->dead = 0;
log_info ("resurrected host '%s'", hi->name);
/* Send an HTTP request. On success returns an estream object at
R_FP. HOSTPORTSTR is only used for diagnostics. If HTTPHOST is
not NULL it will be used as HTTP "Host" header. If POST_CB is not
NULL a post request is used and that callback is called to allow
writing the post data. If R_HTTP_STATUS is not NULL, the http
status code will be stored there. */
static gpg_error_t
send_request (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *request, const char *hostportstr,
const char *httphost, unsigned int httpflags,
gpg_error_t (*post_cb)(void *, http_t), void *post_cb_value,
estream_t *r_fp, unsigned int *r_http_status)
gpg_error_t err;
http_session_t session = NULL;
http_t http = NULL;
int redirects_left = MAX_REDIRECTS;
estream_t fp = NULL;
char *request_buffer = NULL;
*r_fp = NULL;
err = http_session_new (&session, NULL, httphost, HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_DEF);
if (err)
goto leave;
http_session_set_log_cb (session, cert_log_cb);
err = http_open (&http,
/* fixme: AUTH */ NULL,
|(opt.honor_http_proxy? HTTP_FLAG_TRY_PROXY:0)
|(opt.use_tor? HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TOR:0)),
/*FIXME curl->srvtag*/NULL);
if (!err)
fp = http_get_write_ptr (http);
/* Avoid caches to get the most recent copy of the key. We set
both the Pragma and Cache-Control versions of the header, so
we're good with both HTTP 1.0 and 1.1. */
es_fputs ("Pragma: no-cache\r\n"
"Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n", fp);
if (post_cb)
err = post_cb (post_cb_value, http);
if (!err)
http_start_data (http);
if (es_ferror (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (err)
/* Fixme: After a redirection we show the old host name. */
log_error (_("error connecting to '%s': %s\n"),
hostportstr, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Wait for the response. */
dirmngr_tick (ctrl);
err = http_wait_response (http);
if (err)
log_error (_("error reading HTTP response for '%s': %s\n"),
hostportstr, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (http_get_tls_info (http, NULL))
/* Update the httpflags so that a redirect won't fallback to an
unencrypted connection. */
httpflags |= HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TLS;
if (r_http_status)
*r_http_status = http_get_status_code (http);
switch (http_get_status_code (http))
case 200:
err = 0;
break; /* Success. */
case 301:
case 302:
case 307:
const char *s = http_get_header (http, "Location");
log_info (_("URL '%s' redirected to '%s' (%u)\n"),
request, s?s:"[none]", http_get_status_code (http));
if (s && *s && redirects_left-- )
xfree (request_buffer);
request_buffer = xtrystrdup (s);
if (request_buffer)
request = request_buffer;
http_close (http, 0);
http = NULL;
goto once_more;
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
log_error (_("too many redirections\n"));
goto leave;
case 501:
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
goto leave;
log_error (_("error accessing '%s': http status %u\n"),
request, http_get_status_code (http));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
goto leave;
/* FIXME: We should register a permanent redirection and whether a
host has ever used TLS so that future calls will always use
TLS. */
fp = http_get_read_ptr (http);
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
goto leave;
/* Return the read stream and close the HTTP context. */
*r_fp = fp;
http_close (http, 1);
http = NULL;
http_close (http, 0);
http_session_release (session);
xfree (request_buffer);
return err;
/* Helper to evaluate the error code ERR form a send_request() call
with REQUEST. The function returns true if the caller shall try
again. TRIES_LEFT points to a variable to track the number of
retries; this function decrements it and won't return true if it is
down to zero. */
static int
handle_send_request_error (gpg_error_t err, const char *request,
unsigned int *tries_left)
int retry = 0;
switch (gpg_err_code (err))
if (mark_host_dead (request) && *tries_left)
retry = 1;
if (*tries_left)
log_info ("selecting a different host due to a timeout\n");
retry = 1;
if (*tries_left)
return retry;
/* Search the keyserver identified by URI for keys matching PATTERN.
On success R_FP has an open stream to read the data. If
R_HTTP_STATUS is not NULL, the http status code will be stored
there. */
ks_hkp_search (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri, const char *pattern,
estream_t *r_fp, unsigned int *r_http_status)
gpg_error_t err;
char fprbuf[2+40+1];
char *hostport = NULL;
char *request = NULL;
estream_t fp = NULL;
int reselect;
unsigned int httpflags;
char *httphost = NULL;
unsigned int tries = SEND_REQUEST_RETRIES;
*r_fp = NULL;
/* Remove search type indicator and adjust PATTERN accordingly.
Note that HKP keyservers like the 0x to be present when searching
by keyid. We need to re-format the fingerprint and keyids so to
remove the gpg specific force-use-of-this-key flag ("!"). */
err = classify_user_id (pattern, &desc, 1);
if (err)
return err;
switch (desc.mode)
pattern =;
snprintf (fprbuf, sizeof fprbuf, "0x%08lX", (ulong)desc.u.kid[1]);
pattern = fprbuf;
snprintf (fprbuf, sizeof fprbuf, "0x%08lX%08lX",
(ulong)desc.u.kid[0], (ulong)desc.u.kid[1]);
pattern = fprbuf;
fprbuf[0] = '0';
fprbuf[1] = 'x';
bin2hex (desc.u.fpr, 16, fprbuf+2);
pattern = fprbuf;
fprbuf[0] = '0';
fprbuf[1] = 'x';
bin2hex (desc.u.fpr, 20, fprbuf+2);
pattern = fprbuf;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
/* Build the request string. */
reselect = 0;
char *searchkey;
xfree (hostport); hostport = NULL;
xfree (httphost); httphost = NULL;
err = make_host_part (ctrl, uri->scheme, uri->host, uri->port, reselect,
&hostport, &httpflags, &httphost);
if (err)
goto leave;
searchkey = http_escape_string (pattern, EXTRA_ESCAPE_CHARS);
if (!searchkey)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
xfree (request);
request = strconcat (hostport,
xfree (searchkey);
if (!request)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Send the request. */
err = send_request (ctrl, request, hostport, httphost, httpflags,
NULL, NULL, &fp, r_http_status);
if (handle_send_request_error (err, request, &tries))
reselect = 1;
goto again;
if (err)
goto leave;
err = dirmngr_status (ctrl, "SOURCE", hostport, NULL);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Peek at the response. */
int c = es_getc (fp);
if (c == -1)
err = es_ferror (fp)?gpg_error_from_syserror ():gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
log_error ("error reading response: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (c == '<')
/* The document begins with a '<': Assume a HTML response,
which we don't support. */
goto leave;
es_ungetc (c, fp);
/* Return the read stream. */
*r_fp = fp;
fp = NULL;
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (request);
xfree (hostport);
xfree (httphost);
return err;
/* Get the key described key the KEYSPEC string from the keyserver
identified by URI. On success R_FP has an open stream to read the
data. The data will be provided in a format GnuPG can import
(either a binary OpenPGP message or an armored one). */
ks_hkp_get (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri, const char *keyspec, estream_t *r_fp)
gpg_error_t err;
char kidbuf[2+40+1];
const char *exactname = NULL;
char *searchkey = NULL;
char *hostport = NULL;
char *request = NULL;
estream_t fp = NULL;
int reselect;
char *httphost = NULL;
unsigned int httpflags;
unsigned int tries = SEND_REQUEST_RETRIES;
*r_fp = NULL;
/* Remove search type indicator and adjust PATTERN accordingly.
Note that HKP keyservers like the 0x to be present when searching
by keyid. We need to re-format the fingerprint and keyids so to
remove the gpg specific force-use-of-this-key flag ("!"). */
err = classify_user_id (keyspec, &desc, 1);
if (err)
return err;
switch (desc.mode)
snprintf (kidbuf, sizeof kidbuf, "0x%08lX", (ulong)desc.u.kid[1]);
snprintf (kidbuf, sizeof kidbuf, "0x%08lX%08lX",
(ulong)desc.u.kid[0], (ulong)desc.u.kid[1]);
/* This is a v4 fingerprint. */
kidbuf[0] = '0';
kidbuf[1] = 'x';
bin2hex (desc.u.fpr, 20, kidbuf+2);
exactname =;
log_error ("HKP keyservers do not support v3 fingerprints\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
searchkey = http_escape_string (exactname? exactname : kidbuf,
if (!searchkey)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
reselect = 0;
/* Build the request string. */
xfree (hostport); hostport = NULL;
xfree (httphost); httphost = NULL;
err = make_host_part (ctrl, uri->scheme, uri->host, uri->port, reselect,
&hostport, &httpflags, &httphost);
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (request);
request = strconcat (hostport,
exactname? "&exact=on":"",
if (!request)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Send the request. */
err = send_request (ctrl, request, hostport, httphost, httpflags,
if (handle_send_request_error (err, request, &tries))
reselect = 1;
goto again;
if (err)
goto leave;
err = dirmngr_status (ctrl, "SOURCE", hostport, NULL);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Return the read stream and close the HTTP context. */
*r_fp = fp;
fp = NULL;
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (request);
xfree (hostport);
xfree (httphost);
xfree (searchkey);
return err;
/* Callback parameters for put_post_cb. */
struct put_post_parm_s
char *datastring;
/* Helper for ks_hkp_put. */
static gpg_error_t
put_post_cb (void *opaque, http_t http)
struct put_post_parm_s *parm = opaque;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
estream_t fp;
size_t len;
fp = http_get_write_ptr (http);
len = strlen (parm->datastring);
es_fprintf (fp,
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"
"Content-Length: %zu\r\n", len+8 /* 8 is for "keytext" */);
http_start_data (http);
if (es_fputs ("keytext=", fp) || es_write (fp, parm->datastring, len, NULL))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return err;
/* Send the key in {DATA,DATALEN} to the keyserver identified by URI. */
ks_hkp_put (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri, const void *data, size_t datalen)
gpg_error_t err;
char *hostport = NULL;
char *request = NULL;
estream_t fp = NULL;
struct put_post_parm_s parm;
char *armored = NULL;
int reselect;
char *httphost = NULL;
unsigned int httpflags;
unsigned int tries = SEND_REQUEST_RETRIES;
parm.datastring = NULL;
err = armor_data (&armored, data, datalen);
if (err)
goto leave;
parm.datastring = http_escape_string (armored, EXTRA_ESCAPE_CHARS);
if (!parm.datastring)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
xfree (armored);
armored = NULL;
/* Build the request string. */
reselect = 0;
xfree (hostport); hostport = NULL;
xfree (httphost); httphost = NULL;
err = make_host_part (ctrl, uri->scheme, uri->host, uri->port, reselect,
&hostport, &httpflags, &httphost);
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (request);
request = strconcat (hostport, "/pks/add", NULL);
if (!request)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Send the request. */
err = send_request (ctrl, request, hostport, httphost, 0,
put_post_cb, &parm, &fp, NULL);
if (handle_send_request_error (err, request, &tries))
reselect = 1;
goto again;
if (err)
goto leave;
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (parm.datastring);
xfree (armored);
xfree (request);
xfree (hostport);
xfree (httphost);
return err;
diff --git a/dirmngr/ks-engine-http.c b/dirmngr/ks-engine-http.c
index adee04f1b..4c4ab1eb8 100644
--- a/dirmngr/ks-engine-http.c
+++ b/dirmngr/ks-engine-http.c
@@ -1,184 +1,184 @@
/* ks-engine-http.c - HTTP OpenPGP key access
* Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "dirmngr.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "ks-engine.h"
/* How many redirections do we allow. */
/* Print a help output for the schemata supported by this module. */
ks_http_help (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri)
const char const data[] =
"Handler for HTTP URLs:\n"
" http://\n"
" https://\n"
"Supported methods: fetch\n";
gpg_error_t err;
const char data2[] = " http\n https";
const char data2[] = " http";
if (!uri)
err = ks_print_help (ctrl, data2);
else if (uri->is_http && strcmp (uri->scheme, "hkp"))
err = ks_print_help (ctrl, data);
err = 0;
return err;
/* Get the key from URL which is expected to specify a http style
scheme. On success R_FP has an open stream to read the data. */
ks_http_fetch (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *url, estream_t *r_fp)
gpg_error_t err;
http_session_t session = NULL;
http_t http = NULL;
int redirects_left = MAX_REDIRECTS;
estream_t fp = NULL;
char *request_buffer = NULL;
/* Note that we only use the system provided certificates with the
* fetch command. */
err = http_session_new (&session, NULL, NULL, HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_SYS);
if (err)
goto leave;
http_session_set_log_cb (session, cert_log_cb);
*r_fp = NULL;
err = http_open (&http,
/* httphost */ NULL,
/* fixme: AUTH */ NULL,
((opt.honor_http_proxy? HTTP_FLAG_TRY_PROXY:0)
| (opt.use_tor? HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TOR:0)),
/*FIXME curl->srvtag*/NULL);
if (!err)
fp = http_get_write_ptr (http);
/* Avoid caches to get the most recent copy of the key. We set
both the Pragma and Cache-Control versions of the header, so
we're good with both HTTP 1.0 and 1.1. */
es_fputs ("Pragma: no-cache\r\n"
"Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n", fp);
http_start_data (http);
if (es_ferror (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (err)
/* Fixme: After a redirection we show the old host name. */
log_error (_("error connecting to '%s': %s\n"),
url, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Wait for the response. */
dirmngr_tick (ctrl);
err = http_wait_response (http);
if (err)
log_error (_("error reading HTTP response for '%s': %s\n"),
url, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
switch (http_get_status_code (http))
case 200:
err = 0;
break; /* Success. */
case 301:
case 302:
case 307:
const char *s = http_get_header (http, "Location");
log_info (_("URL '%s' redirected to '%s' (%u)\n"),
url, s?s:"[none]", http_get_status_code (http));
if (s && *s && redirects_left-- )
xfree (request_buffer);
request_buffer = xtrystrdup (s);
if (request_buffer)
url = request_buffer;
http_close (http, 0);
http = NULL;
http_session_release (session);
goto once_more;
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
log_error (_("too many redirections\n"));
goto leave;
log_error (_("error accessing '%s': http status %u\n"),
url, http_get_status_code (http));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
goto leave;
fp = http_get_read_ptr (http);
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
goto leave;
/* Return the read stream and close the HTTP context. */
*r_fp = fp;
http_close (http, 1);
http = NULL;
http_close (http, 0);
http_session_release (session);
xfree (request_buffer);
return err;
diff --git a/dirmngr/ks-engine-kdns.c b/dirmngr/ks-engine-kdns.c
index 748274db1..d49d04637 100644
--- a/dirmngr/ks-engine-kdns.c
+++ b/dirmngr/ks-engine-kdns.c
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
/* ks-engine-kdns.c - KDNS OpenPGP key access
* Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "dirmngr.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "userids.h"
#include "ks-engine.h"
/* Print a help output for the schemata supported by this module. */
ks_kdns_help (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri)
const char const data[] =
"This keyserver engine accepts URLs of the form:\n"
" kdns://[NAMESERVER]/[ROOT][?at=STRING]\n"
" NAMESERVER used for queries (default: system standard)\n"
" ROOT a DNS name appended to the query (default: none)\n"
" STRING a string to replace the '@' (default: \".\")\n"
"If a long answer is expected add the parameter \"usevc=1\".\n"
"Supported methods: fetch\n"
"A query for \"\" with\n"
" kdns://\n"
"setup as --auto-key-lookup in gpg does a CERT record query\n"
"with type PGP on the nameserver for\n"
gpg_error_t err;
if (!uri)
err = ks_print_help (ctrl, " kdns");
else if (!strcmp (uri->scheme, "kdns"))
err = ks_print_help (ctrl, data);
err = 0;
return err;
/* Get the key from URI which is expected to specify a kdns scheme.
On success R_FP has an open stream to read the data. */
ks_kdns_fetch (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri, estream_t *r_fp)
gpg_error_t err;
*r_fp = NULL;
if (strcmp (uri->scheme, "kdns"))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
return err;
diff --git a/dirmngr/ks-engine-ldap.c b/dirmngr/ks-engine-ldap.c
index baed6cdb8..ee55bf25d 100644
--- a/dirmngr/ks-engine-ldap.c
+++ b/dirmngr/ks-engine-ldap.c
@@ -1,2101 +1,2101 @@
/* ks-engine-ldap.c - talk to a LDAP keyserver
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006
* 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
# include <getopt.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
# include <winsock2.h>
# include <winldap.h>
# ifdef NEED_LBER_H
# include <lber.h>
# endif
/* For OpenLDAP, to enable the API that we're using. */
# include <ldap.h>
#include "dirmngr.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "userids.h"
#include "ks-engine.h"
#include "ldap-parse-uri.h"
time_t timegm(struct tm *tm);
/* Convert an LDAP error to a GPG error. */
static int
ldap_err_to_gpg_err (int code)
gpg_err_code_t ec;
switch (code)
case LDAP_IS_LEAF: ec = GPG_ERR_LDAP_IS_LEAF; break;
case LDAP_BUSY: ec = GPG_ERR_LDAP_BUSY; break;
case LDAP_VLV_ERROR: ec = GPG_ERR_LDAP_VLV; break;
case LDAP_OTHER: ec = GPG_ERR_LDAP_OTHER; break;
#if defined(LDAP_E_ERROR) && defined(LDAP_X_ERROR)
if (LDAP_E_ERROR (code))
else if (LDAP_X_ERROR (code))
return ec;
/* Retrieve an LDAP error and return it's GPG equivalent. */
static int
ldap_to_gpg_err (LDAP *ld)
int err;
if (ldap_get_option (ld, LDAP_OPT_ERROR_NUMBER, &err) == 0)
return ldap_err_to_gpg_err (err);
#elif defined(HAVE_LDAP_LD_ERRNO)
return ldap_err_to_gpg_err (ld->ld_errno);
/* We should never get here since the LDAP library should always
have either ldap_get_option or ld_errno, but just in case... */
static time_t
ldap2epochtime (const char *timestr)
struct tm pgptime;
time_t answer;
memset (&pgptime, 0, sizeof(pgptime));
sscanf (timestr, "%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d",
pgptime.tm_year -= 1900;
pgptime.tm_isdst = -1;
/* mktime() takes the timezone into account, so we use timegm() */
answer = timegm (&pgptime);
return answer;
/* Caller must free the result. */
static char *
tm2ldaptime (struct tm *tm)
struct tm tmp = *tm;
char buf[16];
tmp.tm_year += 1900;
tmp.tm_mon ++;
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dZ",
return xstrdup (buf);
#if 0
/* Caller must free */
static char *
epoch2ldaptime (time_t stamp)
struct tm tm;
if (gmtime_r (&stamp, &tm))
return tm2ldaptime (&tm);
return xstrdup ("INVALID TIME");
/* Print a help output for the schemata supported by this module. */
ks_ldap_help (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri)
const char const data[] =
"Handler for LDAP URLs:\n"
" ldap://host:port/[BASEDN]???[bindname=BINDNAME,password=PASSWORD]\n"
"Note: basedn, bindname and password need to be percent escaped. In\n"
"particular, spaces need to be replaced with %20 and commas with %2c.\n"
"bindname will typically be of the form:\n"
" uid=user%2cou=PGP%20Users%2cdc=EXAMPLE%2cdc=ORG\n"
"The ldaps:// and ldapi:// schemes are also supported. If ldaps is used\n"
"then the server's certificate will be checked. If it is not valid, any\n"
"operation will be aborted.\n"
"Supported methods: search, get, put\n";
gpg_error_t err;
err = ks_print_help (ctrl, " ldap");
else if (strcmp (uri->scheme, "ldap") == 0
|| strcmp (uri->scheme, "ldaps") == 0
|| strcmp (uri->scheme, "ldapi") == 0)
err = ks_print_help (ctrl, data);
err = 0;
return err;
/* Convert a keyspec to a filter. Return an error if the keyspec is
bad or is not supported. The filter is escaped and returned in
*filter. It is the caller's responsibility to free *filter.
*filter is only set if this function returns success (i.e., 0). */
static gpg_error_t
keyspec_to_ldap_filter (const char *keyspec, char **filter, int only_exact)
/* Remove search type indicator and adjust PATTERN accordingly.
Note: don't include a preceding 0x when searching by keyid. */
/* XXX: Should we include disabled / revoke options? */
char *f = NULL;
char *freeme = NULL;
gpg_error_t err = classify_user_id (keyspec, &desc, 1);
if (err)
return err;
switch (desc.mode)
f = xasprintf ("(pgpUserID=%s)",
(freeme = ldap_escape_filter (;
if (! only_exact)
f = xasprintf ("(pgpUserID=*%s*)",
(freeme = ldap_escape_filter (;
if (! only_exact)
f = xasprintf ("(pgpUserID=*<%s>*)",
(freeme = ldap_escape_filter (;
if (! only_exact)
f = xasprintf ("(pgpUserID=*<*%s*>*)",
(freeme = ldap_escape_filter (;
if (! only_exact)
f = xasprintf ("(pgpUserID=*<*%s>*)",
(freeme = ldap_escape_filter (;
f = xasprintf ("(pgpKeyID=%08lX)", (ulong) desc.u.kid[1]);
f = xasprintf ("(pgpCertID=%08lX%08lX)",
(ulong) desc.u.kid[0], (ulong) desc.u.kid[1]);
xfree (freeme);
if (! f)
log_error ("Unsupported search mode.\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
*filter = f;
return 0;
/* Connect to an LDAP server and interrogate it.
- uri describes the server to connect to and various options
including whether to use TLS and the username and password (see
ldap_parse_uri for a description of the various fields).
This function returns:
- The ldap connection handle in *LDAP_CONNP.
- The base DN for the PGP key space by querying the
pgpBaseKeySpaceDN attribute (This is normally
'ou=PGP Keys,dc=EXAMPLE,dc=ORG').
- The attribute to lookup to find the pgp key. This is either
'pgpKey' or 'pgpKeyV2'.
- Whether this is a real ldap server. (It's unclear what this
exactly means.)
The values are returned in the passed variables. If you pass NULL,
then the value won't be returned. It is the caller's
responsibility to release *LDAP_CONNP with ldap_unbind and xfree
If this function successfully interrogated the server, it returns
0. If there was an LDAP error, it returns the LDAP error code. If
an error occurred, *basednp, etc., are undefined (and don't need to
be freed.)
If no LDAP error occurred, you still need to check that *basednp is
valid. If it is NULL, then the server does not appear to be an
OpenPGP Keyserver. In this case, you also do not need to xfree
*pgpkeyattrp. */
static int
my_ldap_connect (parsed_uri_t uri, LDAP **ldap_connp,
char **basednp, char **pgpkeyattrp, int *real_ldapp)
int err = 0;
LDAP *ldap_conn = NULL;
char *user = uri->auth;
struct uri_tuple_s *password_param = uri_query_lookup (uri, "password");
char *password = password_param ? password_param->value : NULL;
char *basedn = NULL;
/* Whether to look for the pgpKey or pgpKeyv2 attribute. */
char *pgpkeyattr = "pgpKey";
int real_ldap = 0;
log_debug ("my_ldap_connect(%s:%d/%s????%s%s%s%s%s)\n",
uri->host, uri->port,
uri->path ?: "",
uri->auth ? "bindname=" : "", uri->auth ?: "",
uri->auth && password ? "," : "",
password ? "password=" : "", password ?: "");
/* If the uri specifies a secure connection and we don't support
TLS, then fail; don't silently revert to an insecure
connection. */
if (uri->use_tls)
log_error ("Can't use LDAP to connect to the server: no TLS support.");
goto out;
ldap_conn = ldap_init (uri->host, uri->port);
if (! ldap_conn)
err = gpg_err_code_from_syserror ();
log_error ("Failed to open connection to LDAP server (%s://%s:%d)\n",
uri->scheme, uri->host, uri->port);
goto out;
int ver = LDAP_VERSION3;
err = ldap_set_option (ldap_conn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &ver);
if (err != LDAP_SUCCESS)
log_error ("gpgkeys: unable to go to LDAP 3: %s\n",
ldap_err2string (err));
goto out;
/* XXX: It would be nice to have an option to provide the server's
certificate. */
#if 0
err = ldap_set_option (NULL, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, ca_cert_file);
if (err)
log_error ("unable to set ca-cert-file to '%s': %s\n",
ca_cert_file, ldap_err2string (err));
goto out;
if (uri->use_tls)
/* XXX: We need an option to determine whether to abort if the
certificate is bad or not. Right now we conservatively
default to checking the certificate and aborting. */
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
int check_cert = LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_HARD; /* LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_NEVER */
err = ldap_set_option (ldap_conn,
if (err)
log_error ("Failed to set TLS option on LDAP connection.\n");
goto out;
/* On Windows, the certificates are checked by default. If the
option to disable checking mentioned above is ever
implemented, the way to do that on Windows is to install a
callback routine using ldap_set_option (..,
err = ldap_start_tls_s (ldap_conn,
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* ServerReturnValue, result */
/* ServerControls, ClientControls */
if (err)
log_error ("Failed to connect to LDAP server with TLS.\n");
goto out;
/* By default we don't bind as there is usually no need to. */
if (uri->auth)
log_debug ("LDAP bind to %s, password %s\n",
user, password ? ">not shown<" : ">none<");
err = ldap_simple_bind_s (ldap_conn, user, password);
if (err != LDAP_SUCCESS)
log_error ("Internal LDAP bind error: %s\n",
ldap_err2string (err));
goto out;
if (uri->path && *uri->path)
/* User specified base DN. */
basedn = xstrdup (uri->path);
/* If the user specifies a base DN, then we know the server is a
real LDAP server. */
real_ldap = 1;
LDAPMessage *res = NULL;
/* Look for namingContexts. */
char *attr[] = { "namingContexts", NULL };
err = ldap_search_s (ldap_conn, "", LDAP_SCOPE_BASE,
"(objectClass=*)", attr, 0, &res);
if (err == LDAP_SUCCESS)
char **context = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, res, "namingContexts");
if (context)
/* We found some, so try each namingContext as the search
base and look for pgpBaseKeySpaceDN. Because we found
this, we know we're talking to a regular-ish LDAP
server and not an LDAP keyserver. */
int i;
char *attr2[] =
{ "pgpBaseKeySpaceDN", "pgpVersion", "pgpSoftware", NULL };
real_ldap = 1;
for (i = 0; context[i] && ! basedn; i++)
char **vals;
LDAPMessage *si_res;
char *object = xasprintf ("cn=pgpServerInfo,%s",
err = ldap_search_s (ldap_conn, object, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE,
"(objectClass=*)", attr2, 0, &si_res);
xfree (object);
if (err == LDAP_SUCCESS)
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, si_res,
if (vals)
basedn = xtrystrdup (vals[0]);
ldap_value_free (vals);
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, si_res,
if (vals)
log_debug ("Server: \t%s\n", vals[0]);
ldap_value_free (vals);
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, si_res,
if (vals)
log_debug ("Version:\t%s\n", vals[0]);
ldap_value_free (vals);
/* From man ldap_search_s: "res parameter of
ldap_search_ext_s() and ldap_search_s() should be
freed with ldap_msgfree() regardless of return
value of these functions. */
ldap_msgfree (si_res);
ldap_value_free (context);
/* We don't have an answer yet, which means the server might
be an LDAP keyserver. */
char **vals;
LDAPMessage *si_res = NULL;
char *attr2[] = { "pgpBaseKeySpaceDN", "version", "software", NULL };
err = ldap_search_s (ldap_conn, "cn=pgpServerInfo", LDAP_SCOPE_BASE,
"(objectClass=*)", attr2, 0, &si_res);
if (err == LDAP_SUCCESS)
/* For the LDAP keyserver, this is always
"OU=ACTIVE,O=PGP KEYSPACE,C=US", but it might not be
in the future. */
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, si_res, "baseKeySpaceDN");
if (vals)
basedn = xtrystrdup (vals[0]);
ldap_value_free (vals);
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, si_res, "software");
if (vals)
log_debug ("ldap: Server: \t%s\n", vals[0]);
ldap_value_free (vals);
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, si_res, "version");
if (vals)
log_debug ("ldap: Version:\t%s\n", vals[0]);
/* If the version is high enough, use the new
pgpKeyV2 attribute. This design is iffy at best,
but it matches how PGP does it. I figure the NAI
folks assumed that there would never be an LDAP
keyserver vendor with a different numbering
scheme. */
if (atoi (vals[0]) > 1)
pgpkeyattr = "pgpKeyV2";
ldap_value_free (vals);
ldap_msgfree (si_res);
/* From man ldap_search_s: "res parameter of ldap_search_ext_s()
and ldap_search_s() should be freed with ldap_msgfree()
regardless of return value of these functions. */
ldap_msgfree (res);
if (! err)
log_debug ("ldap_conn: %p\n", ldap_conn);
log_debug ("real_ldap: %d\n", real_ldap);
log_debug ("basedn: %s\n", basedn);
log_debug ("pgpkeyattr: %s\n", pgpkeyattr);
if (! err && real_ldapp)
*real_ldapp = real_ldap;
if (err)
xfree (basedn);
if (pgpkeyattrp)
if (basedn)
*pgpkeyattrp = xstrdup (pgpkeyattr);
*pgpkeyattrp = NULL;
if (basednp)
*basednp = basedn;
xfree (basedn);
if (err)
if (ldap_conn)
ldap_unbind (ldap_conn);
*ldap_connp = ldap_conn;
return err;
/* Extract keys from an LDAP reply and write them out to the output
stream OUTPUT in a format GnuPG can import (either the OpenPGP
binary format or armored format). */
static void
extract_keys (estream_t output,
LDAP *ldap_conn, const char *certid, LDAPMessage *message)
char **vals;
es_fprintf (output, "INFO %s BEGIN\n", certid);
es_fprintf (output, "pub:%s:", certid);
/* Note: ldap_get_values returns a NULL terminates array of
strings. */
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, message, "pgpkeytype");
if (vals && vals[0])
if (strcmp (vals[0], "RSA") == 0)
es_fprintf (output, "1");
else if (strcmp (vals[0],"DSS/DH") == 0)
es_fprintf (output, "17");
ldap_value_free (vals);
es_fprintf (output, ":");
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, message, "pgpkeysize");
if (vals && vals[0])
int v = atoi (vals[0]);
if (v > 0)
es_fprintf (output, "%d", v);
ldap_value_free (vals);
es_fprintf (output, ":");
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, message, "pgpkeycreatetime");
if (vals && vals[0])
if (strlen (vals[0]) == 15)
es_fprintf (output, "%u", (unsigned int) ldap2epochtime (vals[0]));
ldap_value_free (vals);
es_fprintf (output, ":");
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, message, "pgpkeyexpiretime");
if (vals && vals[0])
if (strlen (vals[0]) == 15)
es_fprintf (output, "%u", (unsigned int) ldap2epochtime (vals[0]));
ldap_value_free (vals);
es_fprintf (output, ":");
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, message, "pgprevoked");
if (vals && vals[0])
if (atoi (vals[0]) == 1)
es_fprintf (output, "r");
ldap_value_free (vals);
es_fprintf (output, "\n");
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, message, "pgpuserid");
if (vals && vals[0])
int i;
for (i = 0; vals[i]; i++)
es_fprintf (output, "uid:%s\n", vals[i]);
ldap_value_free (vals);
es_fprintf (output, "INFO %s END\n", certid);
/* Get the key described key the KEYSPEC string from the keyserver
identified by URI. On success R_FP has an open stream to read the
data. */
ks_ldap_get (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri, const char *keyspec,
estream_t *r_fp)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int ldap_err;
char *filter = NULL;
LDAP *ldap_conn = NULL;
char *basedn = NULL;
char *pgpkeyattr = NULL;
estream_t fp = NULL;
LDAPMessage *message = NULL;
(void) ctrl;
if (opt.use_tor)
/* For now we do not support LDAP over Tor. */
log_error (_("LDAP access not possible due to Tor mode\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
/* Before connecting to the server, make sure we have a sane
keyspec. If not, there is no need to establish a network
connection. */
err = keyspec_to_ldap_filter (keyspec, &filter, 1);
if (err)
return (err);
/* Make sure we are talking to an OpenPGP LDAP server. */
ldap_err = my_ldap_connect (uri, &ldap_conn, &basedn, &pgpkeyattr, NULL);
if (ldap_err || !basedn)
if (ldap_err)
err = ldap_err_to_gpg_err (ldap_err);
goto out;
/* The ordering is significant. Specifically, "pgpcertid" needs
to be the second item in the list, since everything after it
may be discarded we aren't in verbose mode. */
char *attrs[] =
"pgpcertid", "pgpuserid", "pgpkeyid", "pgprevoked", "pgpdisabled",
"pgpkeycreatetime", "modifytimestamp", "pgpkeysize", "pgpkeytype",
/* 1 if we want just attribute types; 0 if we want both attribute
types and values. */
int attrsonly = 0;
int count;
ldap_err = ldap_search_s (ldap_conn, basedn, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,
filter, attrs, attrsonly, &message);
if (ldap_err)
err = ldap_err_to_gpg_err (ldap_err);
log_error ("gpgkeys: LDAP search error: %s\n",
ldap_err2string (ldap_err));
goto out;
count = ldap_count_entries (ldap_conn, message);
if (count < 1)
log_error ("gpgkeys: key %s not found on keyserver\n", keyspec);
if (count == -1)
err = ldap_to_gpg_err (ldap_conn);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
goto out;
/* There may be more than one unique result for a given keyID,
so we should fetch them all (test this by fetching short key
id 0xDEADBEEF). */
/* The set of entries that we've seen. */
strlist_t seen = NULL;
LDAPMessage *each;
for (each = ldap_first_entry (ldap_conn, message);
each = ldap_next_entry (ldap_conn, each))
char **vals;
char **certid;
/* Use the long keyid to remove duplicates. The LDAP
server returns the same keyid more than once if there
are multiple user IDs on the key. Note that this does
NOT mean that a keyid that exists multiple times on the
keyserver will not be fetched. It means that each KEY,
no matter how many user IDs share its keyid, will be
fetched only once. If a keyid that belongs to more
than one key is fetched, the server quite properly
responds with all matching keys. -ds */
certid = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, each, "pgpcertid");
if (certid && certid[0])
if (! strlist_find (seen, certid[0]))
/* It's not a duplicate, add it */
add_to_strlist (&seen, certid[0]);
if (! fp)
fp = es_fopenmem(0, "rw");
extract_keys (fp, ldap_conn, certid[0], each);
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, each, pgpkeyattr);
if (! vals)
err = ldap_to_gpg_err (ldap_conn);
log_error("gpgkeys: unable to retrieve key %s "
"from keyserver\n", certid[0]);
goto out;
/* We should strip the new lines. */
es_fprintf (fp, "KEY 0x%s BEGIN\n", certid[0]);
es_fputs (vals[0], fp);
es_fprintf (fp, "\nKEY 0x%s END\n", certid[0]);
ldap_value_free (vals);
ldap_value_free (certid);
free_strlist (seen);
if (! fp)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
if (message)
ldap_msgfree (message);
if (err)
if (fp)
es_fclose (fp);
if (fp)
es_fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
*r_fp = fp;
xfree (pgpkeyattr);
xfree (basedn);
if (ldap_conn)
ldap_unbind (ldap_conn);
xfree (filter);
return err;
/* Search the keyserver identified by URI for keys matching PATTERN.
On success R_FP has an open stream to read the data. */
ks_ldap_search (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri, const char *pattern,
estream_t *r_fp)
gpg_error_t err;
int ldap_err;
char *filter = NULL;
LDAP *ldap_conn = NULL;
char *basedn = NULL;
estream_t fp = NULL;
(void) ctrl;
if (opt.use_tor)
/* For now we do not support LDAP over Tor. */
log_error (_("LDAP access not possible due to Tor mode\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
/* Before connecting to the server, make sure we have a sane
keyspec. If not, there is no need to establish a network
connection. */
err = keyspec_to_ldap_filter (pattern, &filter, 0);
if (err)
log_error ("Bad search pattern: '%s'\n", pattern);
return (err);
/* Make sure we are talking to an OpenPGP LDAP server. */
ldap_err = my_ldap_connect (uri, &ldap_conn, &basedn, NULL, NULL);
if (ldap_err || !basedn)
if (ldap_err)
err = ldap_err_to_gpg_err (ldap_err);
goto out;
/* Even if we have no results, we want to return a stream. */
fp = es_fopenmem(0, "rw");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
char **vals;
LDAPMessage *res, *each;
int count = 0;
strlist_t dupelist = NULL;
/* The maximum size of the search, including the optional stuff
and the trailing \0 */
char *attrs[] =
"pgpcertid", "pgpuserid", "pgprevoked", "pgpdisabled",
"pgpkeycreatetime", "pgpkeyexpiretime", "modifytimestamp",
"pgpkeysize", "pgpkeytype", NULL
log_debug ("SEARCH '%s' => '%s' BEGIN\n", pattern, filter);
ldap_err = ldap_search_s (ldap_conn, basedn,
LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, attrs, 0, &res);
xfree (filter);
filter = NULL;
if (ldap_err != LDAP_SUCCESS && ldap_err != LDAP_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED)
err = ldap_err_to_gpg_err (ldap_err);
log_error ("SEARCH %s FAILED %d\n", pattern, err);
log_error ("gpgkeys: LDAP search error: %s\n",
ldap_err2string (err));
goto out;
/* The LDAP server doesn't return a real count of unique keys, so we
can't use ldap_count_entries here. */
for (each = ldap_first_entry (ldap_conn, res);
each = ldap_next_entry (ldap_conn, each))
char **certid = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, each, "pgpcertid");
if (certid && certid[0] && ! strlist_find (dupelist, certid[0]))
add_to_strlist (&dupelist, certid[0]);
if (count == 1)
log_error ("gpgkeys: search results exceeded server limit."
" First 1 result shown.\n");
log_error ("gpgkeys: search results exceeded server limit."
" First %d results shown.\n", count);
free_strlist (dupelist);
dupelist = NULL;
if (count < 1)
es_fputs ("info:1:0\n", fp);
es_fprintf (fp, "info:1:%d\n", count);
for (each = ldap_first_entry (ldap_conn, res);
each = ldap_next_entry (ldap_conn, each))
char **certid;
LDAPMessage *uids;
certid = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, each, "pgpcertid");
if (! certid || ! certid[0])
/* Have we seen this certid before? */
if (! strlist_find (dupelist, certid[0]))
add_to_strlist (&dupelist, certid[0]);
es_fprintf (fp, "pub:%s:",certid[0]);
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, each, "pgpkeytype");
if (vals)
/* The LDAP server doesn't exactly handle this
well. */
if (strcasecmp (vals[0], "RSA") == 0)
es_fputs ("1", fp);
else if (strcasecmp (vals[0], "DSS/DH") == 0)
es_fputs ("17", fp);
ldap_value_free (vals);
es_fputc (':', fp);
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, each, "pgpkeysize");
if (vals)
/* Not sure why, but some keys are listed with a
key size of 0. Treat that like an unknown. */
if (atoi (vals[0]) > 0)
es_fprintf (fp, "%d", atoi (vals[0]));
ldap_value_free (vals);
es_fputc (':', fp);
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, each, "pgpkeycreatetime");
if(vals && strlen (vals[0]) == 15)
es_fprintf (fp, "%u",
(unsigned int) ldap2epochtime(vals[0]));
ldap_value_free (vals);
es_fputc (':', fp);
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, each, "pgpkeyexpiretime");
if (vals && strlen (vals[0]) == 15)
es_fprintf (fp, "%u",
(unsigned int) ldap2epochtime (vals[0]));
ldap_value_free (vals);
es_fputc (':', fp);
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, each, "pgprevoked");
if (vals)
if (atoi (vals[0]) == 1)
es_fprintf (fp, "r");
ldap_value_free (vals);
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, each, "pgpdisabled");
if (vals)
if (atoi (vals[0]) ==1)
es_fprintf (fp, "d");
ldap_value_free (vals);
#if 0
/* This is not yet specified in the keyserver
protocol, but may be someday. */
es_fputc (':', fp);
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, each, "modifytimestamp");
if(vals && strlen (vals[0]) == 15)
es_fprintf (fp, "%u",
(unsigned int) ldap2epochtime (vals[0]));
ldap_value_free (vals);
es_fprintf (fp, "\n");
/* Now print all the uids that have this certid */
for (uids = ldap_first_entry (ldap_conn, res);
uids = ldap_next_entry (ldap_conn, uids))
vals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn, uids, "pgpcertid");
if (! vals)
if (strcasecmp (certid[0], vals[0]) == 0)
char **uidvals;
es_fprintf (fp, "uid:");
uidvals = ldap_get_values (ldap_conn,
uids, "pgpuserid");
if (uidvals)
/* Need to escape any colons */
char *quoted = percent_escape (uidvals[0], NULL);
es_fputs (quoted, fp);
xfree (quoted);
ldap_value_free (uidvals);
es_fprintf (fp, "\n");
ldap_value_free (certid);
ldap_msgfree (res);
free_strlist (dupelist);
log_debug ("SEARCH %s END\n", pattern);
if (err)
if (fp)
es_fclose (fp);
/* Return the read stream. */
if (fp)
es_fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
*r_fp = fp;
xfree (basedn);
if (ldap_conn)
ldap_unbind (ldap_conn);
xfree (filter);
return err;
/* A modlist describes a set of changes to an LDAP entry. (An entry
consists of 1 or more attributes. Attributes are <name, value>
pairs. Note: an attribute may be multi-valued in which case
multiple values are associated with a single name.)
A modlist is a NULL terminated array of struct LDAPMod's.
Thus, if we have:
LDAPMod **modlist;
Is the ith modification.
Each LDAPMod describes a change to a single attribute. Further,
there is one modification for each attribute that we want to
change. The attribute's new value is stored in LDAPMod.mod_values.
If the attribute is multi-valued, we still only use a single
LDAPMod structure: mod_values is a NULL-terminated array of
strings. To delete an attribute from an entry, we set mod_values
to NULL.
Thus, if:
modlist[i]->mod_values == NULL
then we remove the attribute.
(Using LDAP_MOD_DELETE doesn't work here as we don't know if the
attribute in question exists or not.)
Note: this function does NOT copy or free ATTR. It does copy
static void
modlist_add (LDAPMod ***modlistp, char *attr, const char *value)
LDAPMod **modlist = *modlistp;
LDAPMod **m;
int nummods = 0;
/* Search modlist for the attribute we're playing with. If modlist
is NULL, then the list is empty. Recall: modlist is a NULL
terminated array. */
for (m = modlist; m && *m; m++, nummods ++)
/* The attribute is already on the list. */
char **ptr;
int numvalues = 0;
if (strcasecmp ((*m)->mod_type, attr) != 0)
/* We have this attribute already, so when the REPLACE happens,
the server attributes will be replaced anyway. */
if (! value)
/* Attributes can be multi-valued. See if the value is already
present. mod_values is a NULL terminated array of pointers.
Note: mod_values can be NULL. */
for (ptr = (*m)->mod_values; ptr && *ptr; ptr++)
if (strcmp (*ptr, value) == 0)
/* Duplicate value, we're done. */
numvalues ++;
/* Append the value. */
ptr = xrealloc ((*m)->mod_values, sizeof (char *) * (numvalues + 2));
(*m)->mod_values = ptr;
ptr[numvalues] = xstrdup (value);
ptr[numvalues + 1] = NULL;
/* We didn't find the attr, so make one and add it to the end */
/* Like attribute values, the list of attributes is NULL terminated
array of pointers. */
modlist = xrealloc (modlist, sizeof (LDAPMod *) * (nummods + 2));
*modlistp = modlist;
modlist[nummods] = xmalloc (sizeof (LDAPMod));
modlist[nummods]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE;
modlist[nummods]->mod_type = attr;
if (value)
modlist[nummods]->mod_values = xmalloc (sizeof(char *) * 2);
modlist[nummods]->mod_values[0] = xstrdup (value);
modlist[nummods]->mod_values[1] = NULL;
modlist[nummods]->mod_values = NULL;
modlist[nummods + 1] = NULL;
/* Look up the value of an attribute in the specified modlist. If the
attribute is not on the mod list, returns NULL. The result is a
NULL-terminated array of strings. Don't change it. */
static char **
modlist_lookup (LDAPMod **modlist, const char *attr)
LDAPMod **m;
for (m = modlist; m && *m; m++)
if (strcasecmp ((*m)->mod_type, attr) != 0)
return (*m)->mod_values;
return NULL;
/* Dump a modlist to a file. This is useful for debugging. */
static estream_t modlist_dump (LDAPMod **modlist, estream_t output)
static estream_t
modlist_dump (LDAPMod **modlist, estream_t output)
LDAPMod **m;
int opened = 0;
if (! output)
output = es_fopenmem (0, "rw");
if (!output)
return NULL;
opened = 1;
for (m = modlist; m && *m; m++)
es_fprintf (output, " %s:", (*m)->mod_type);
if (! (*m)->mod_values)
es_fprintf(output, " delete.\n");
char **ptr;
int i;
int multi = 0;
if ((*m)->mod_values[0] && (*m)->mod_values[1])
/* Have at least 2. */
multi = 1;
if (multi)
es_fprintf (output, "\n");
for ((ptr = (*m)->mod_values), (i = 1); ptr && *ptr; ptr++, i ++)
/* Assuming terminals are about 80 characters wide,
display at most most about 10 lines of debugging
output. If we do trim the buffer, append '...' to
the end. */
const int max_len = 10 * 70;
size_t value_len = strlen (*ptr);
int elide = value_len > max_len;
if (multi)
es_fprintf (output, " %d. ", i);
es_fprintf (output, "`%.*s", max_len, *ptr);
if (elide)
es_fprintf (output, "...' (%zd bytes elided)",
value_len - max_len);
es_fprintf (output, "'");
es_fprintf (output, "\n");
if (opened)
es_fseek (output, 0, SEEK_SET);
return output;
/* Free all of the memory allocated by the mod list. This assumes
that the attribute names don't have to be freed, but the attributes
values do. (Which is what modlist_add does.) */
static void
modlist_free (LDAPMod **modlist)
LDAPMod **ml;
if (! modlist)
/* Unwind and free the whole modlist structure */
/* The modlist is a NULL terminated array of pointers. */
for (ml = modlist; *ml; ml++)
LDAPMod *mod = *ml;
char **ptr;
/* The list of values is a NULL termianted array of pointers.
If the list is NULL, there are no values. */
if (mod->mod_values)
for (ptr = mod->mod_values; *ptr; ptr++)
xfree (*ptr);
xfree (mod->mod_values);
xfree (mod);
xfree (modlist);
/* Append two onto the end of one. Two is not freed, but its pointers
are now part of one. Make sure you don't free them both!
As long as you don't add anything to ONE, TWO is still valid.
After that all bets are off. */
static void
modlists_join (LDAPMod ***one, LDAPMod **two)
int i, one_count = 0, two_count = 0;
LDAPMod **grow;
if (!*two)
/* two is empty. Nothing to do. */
if (!*one)
/* one is empty. Just set it equal to *two. */
*one = two;
for (grow = *one; *grow; grow++)
one_count ++;
for (grow = two; *grow; grow++)
two_count ++;
grow = xrealloc (*one, sizeof(LDAPMod *) * (one_count + two_count + 1));
for (i = 0; i < two_count; i++)
grow[one_count + i] = two[i];
grow[one_count + i] = NULL;
*one = grow;
/* Given a string, unescape C escapes. In particular, \xXX. This
modifies the string in place. */
static void
uncescape (char *str)
size_t r = 0;
size_t w = 0;
char *first = strchr (str, '\\');
if (! first)
/* No backslashes => no escaping. We're done. */
/* Start at the first '\\'. */
r = w = (uintptr_t) first - (uintptr_t) str;
while (str[r])
/* XXX: What to do about bad escapes?
XXX: hextobyte already checks the string thus the hexdigitp
could be removed. */
if (str[r] == '\\' && str[r + 1] == 'x'
&& str[r+2] && str[r+3]
&& hexdigitp (str + r + 2)
&& hexdigitp (str + r + 3))
int x = hextobyte (&str[r + 2]);
assert (0 <= x && x <= 0xff);
str[w] = x;
/* We consumed 4 characters and wrote 1. */
r += 4;
w ++;
str[w ++] = str[r ++];
str[w] = '\0';
/* Given one line from an info block (`gpg --list-{keys,sigs}
--with-colons KEYID'), pull it apart and fill in the modlist with
the relevant (for the LDAP schema) attributes. */
static void
extract_attributes (LDAPMod ***modlist, char *line)
int field_count;
char **fields;
char *keyid;
int is_pub, is_sub, is_uid, is_sig;
/* Remove trailing whitespace */
trim_trailing_spaces (line);
fields = strsplit (line, ':', '\0', &field_count);
if (field_count == 1)
/* We only have a single field. There is definitely nothing to
do. */
goto out;
if (field_count < 7)
goto out;
is_pub = strcasecmp ("pub", fields[0]) == 0;
is_sub = strcasecmp ("sub", fields[0]) == 0;
is_uid = strcasecmp ("uid", fields[0]) == 0;
is_sig = strcasecmp ("sig", fields[0]) == 0;
if (!is_pub && !is_sub && !is_uid && !is_sig)
/* Not a relevant line. */
goto out;
keyid = fields[4];
if (is_uid && strlen (keyid) == 0)
/* The uid record type can have an empty keyid. */
else if (strlen (keyid) == 16
&& strspn (keyid, "0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF") == 16)
/* Otherwise, we expect exactly 16 hex characters. */
log_error ("malformed record!\n");
goto out;
if (is_pub)
int disabled = 0;
int revoked = 0;
char *flags;
for (flags = fields[1]; *flags; flags ++)
switch (*flags)
case 'r':
case 'R':
revoked = 1;
case 'd':
case 'D':
disabled = 1;
/* Note: we always create the pgpDisabled and pgpRevoked
attributes, regardless of whether the key is disabled/revoked
or not. This is because a very common search is like
"(&(pgpUserID=*isabella*)(pgpDisabled=0))" */
if (is_pub)
modlist_add (modlist,"pgpDisabled", disabled ? "1" : "0");
modlist_add (modlist,"pgpRevoked", revoked ? "1" : "0");
if (is_pub || is_sub)
char *size = fields[2];
int val = atoi (size);
size = NULL;
if (val > 0)
/* We zero pad this on the left to make PGP happy. */
char padded[6];
if (val < 99999 && val > 0)
snprintf (padded, sizeof padded, "%05u", val);
size = padded;
if (size)
if (is_pub || is_sub)
modlist_add (modlist, "pgpKeySize", size);
if (is_pub)
char *algo = fields[3];
int val = atoi (algo);
switch (val)
case 1:
algo = "RSA";
case 17:
algo = "DSS/DH";
algo = NULL;
if (algo)
if (is_pub)
modlist_add (modlist, "pgpKeyType", algo);
if (is_pub || is_sub || is_sig)
if (is_pub)
modlist_add (modlist, "pgpCertID", keyid);
modlist_add (modlist, "pgpKeyID", &keyid[8]);
if (is_sub)
modlist_add (modlist, "pgpSubKeyID", keyid);
if (is_sig)
modlist_add (modlist, "pgpSignerID", keyid);
if (is_pub)
char *create_time = fields[5];
if (strlen (create_time) == 0)
create_time = NULL;
char *create_time_orig = create_time;
struct tm tm;
time_t t;
char *end;
memset (&tm, 0, sizeof (tm));
/* parse_timestamp handles both seconds fromt he epoch and
ISO 8601 format. We also need to handle YYYY-MM-DD
format (as generated by gpg1 --with-colons --list-key).
Check that first and then if it fails, then try
parse_timestamp. */
if (!isodate_human_to_tm (create_time, &tm))
create_time = tm2ldaptime (&tm);
else if ((t = parse_timestamp (create_time, &end)) != (time_t) -1
&& *end == '\0')
if (!gnupg_gmtime (&t, &tm))
create_time = NULL;
create_time = tm2ldaptime (&tm);
create_time = NULL;
if (! create_time)
/* Failed to parse string. */
log_error ("Failed to parse creation time ('%s')",
if (create_time)
modlist_add (modlist, "pgpKeyCreateTime", create_time);
xfree (create_time);
if (is_pub)
char *expire_time = fields[6];
if (strlen (expire_time) == 0)
expire_time = NULL;
char *expire_time_orig = expire_time;
struct tm tm;
time_t t;
char *end;
memset (&tm, 0, sizeof (tm));
/* parse_timestamp handles both seconds fromt he epoch and
ISO 8601 format. We also need to handle YYYY-MM-DD
format (as generated by gpg1 --with-colons --list-key).
Check that first and then if it fails, then try
parse_timestamp. */
if (!isodate_human_to_tm (expire_time, &tm))
expire_time = tm2ldaptime (&tm);
else if ((t = parse_timestamp (expire_time, &end)) != (time_t) -1
&& *end == '\0')
if (!gnupg_gmtime (&t, &tm))
expire_time = NULL;
expire_time = tm2ldaptime (&tm);
expire_time = NULL;
if (! expire_time)
/* Failed to parse string. */
log_error ("Failed to parse creation time ('%s')",
if (expire_time)
modlist_add (modlist, "pgpKeyExpireTime", expire_time);
xfree (expire_time);
if ((is_uid || is_pub) && field_count >= 10)
char *uid = fields[9];
if (is_pub && strlen (uid) == 0)
/* When using gpg --list-keys, the uid is included. When
passed via gpg, it is not. It is important to process it
when it is present, because gpg 1 won't print a UID record
if there is only one key. */
uncescape (uid);
modlist_add (modlist, "pgpUserID", uid);
free (fields);
/* Send the key in {KEY,KEYLEN} with the metadata {INFO,INFOLEN} to
the keyserver identified by URI. See server.c:cmd_ks_put for the
format of the data and metadata. */
ks_ldap_put (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri,
void *data, size_t datalen,
void *info, size_t infolen)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int ldap_err;
LDAP *ldap_conn = NULL;
char *basedn = NULL;
char *pgpkeyattr = NULL;
int real_ldap;
LDAPMod **modlist = NULL;
LDAPMod **addlist = NULL;
char *data_armored = NULL;
/* The last byte of the info block. */
const char *infoend = (const char *) info + infolen - 1;
/* Enable this code to dump the modlist to /tmp/modlist.txt. */
#if 0
# warning Disable debug code before checking in.
const int dump_modlist = 1;
const int dump_modlist = 0;
estream_t dump = NULL;
/* Elide a warning. */
(void) ctrl;
if (opt.use_tor)
/* For now we do not support LDAP over Tor. */
log_error (_("LDAP access not possible due to Tor mode\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
ldap_err = my_ldap_connect (uri,
&ldap_conn, &basedn, &pgpkeyattr, &real_ldap);
if (ldap_err || !basedn)
if (ldap_err)
err = ldap_err_to_gpg_err (ldap_err);
goto out;
if (! real_ldap)
/* We appear to have an OpenPGP Keyserver, which can unpack the key
on its own (not just a dumb LDAP server). */
LDAPMod mod, *attrs[2];
char *key[] = { data, NULL };
char *dn;
memset (&mod, 0, sizeof (mod));
mod.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD;
mod.mod_type = pgpkeyattr;
mod.mod_values = key;
attrs[0] = &mod;
attrs[1] = NULL;
dn = xasprintf ("pgpCertid=virtual,%s", basedn);
ldap_err = ldap_add_s (ldap_conn, dn, attrs);
xfree (dn);
if (ldap_err != LDAP_SUCCESS)
err = ldap_err_to_gpg_err (err);
goto out;
goto out;
modlist = xmalloc (sizeof (LDAPMod *));
*modlist = NULL;
if (dump_modlist)
dump = es_fopen("/tmp/modlist.txt", "w");
if (! dump)
log_error ("Failed to open /tmp/modlist.txt: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
if (dump)
es_fprintf(dump, "data (%zd bytes)\n", datalen);
es_fprintf(dump, "info (%zd bytes): '\n", infolen);
es_fwrite(info, infolen, 1, dump);
es_fprintf(dump, "'\n");
/* Start by nulling out all attributes. We try and do a modify
operation first, so this ensures that we don't leave old
attributes lying around. */
modlist_add (&modlist, "pgpDisabled", NULL);
modlist_add (&modlist, "pgpKeyID", NULL);
modlist_add (&modlist, "pgpKeyType", NULL);
modlist_add (&modlist, "pgpUserID", NULL);
modlist_add (&modlist, "pgpKeyCreateTime", NULL);
modlist_add (&modlist, "pgpSignerID", NULL);
modlist_add (&modlist, "pgpRevoked", NULL);
modlist_add (&modlist, "pgpSubKeyID", NULL);
modlist_add (&modlist, "pgpKeySize", NULL);
modlist_add (&modlist, "pgpKeyExpireTime", NULL);
modlist_add (&modlist, "pgpCertID", NULL);
/* Assemble the INFO stuff into LDAP attributes */
while (infolen > 0)
char *temp = NULL;
char *newline = memchr (info, '\n', infolen);
if (! newline)
/* The last line is not \n terminated! Make a copy so we can
add a NUL terminator. */
temp = xmalloc (infolen + 1);
memcpy (temp, info, infolen);
info = temp;
newline = (char *) info + infolen;
*newline = '\0';
extract_attributes (&modlist, info);
infolen = infolen - ((uintptr_t) newline - (uintptr_t) info + 1);
info = newline + 1;
/* Sanity check. */
if (! temp)
assert ((char *) info + infolen - 1 == infoend);
assert (infolen == -1);
xfree (temp);
modlist_add (&addlist, "objectClass", "pgpKeyInfo");
err = armor_data (&data_armored, data, datalen);
if (err)
goto out;
modlist_add (&addlist, pgpkeyattr, data_armored);
/* Now append addlist onto modlist. */
modlists_join (&modlist, addlist);
if (dump)
estream_t input = modlist_dump (modlist, NULL);
if (input)
copy_stream (input, dump);
es_fclose (input);
/* Going on the assumption that modify operations are more frequent
than adds, we try a modify first. If it's not there, we just
turn around and send an add command for the same key. Otherwise,
the modify brings the server copy into compliance with our copy.
Note that unlike the LDAP keyserver (and really, any other
keyserver) this does NOT merge signatures, but replaces the whole
key. This should make some people very happy. */
char **certid;
char *dn;
certid = modlist_lookup (modlist, "pgpCertID");
if (/* We should have a value. */
! certid
/* Exactly one. */
|| !(certid[0] && !certid[1]))
log_error ("Bad certid.\n");
goto out;
dn = xasprintf ("pgpCertID=%s,%s", certid[0], basedn);
err = ldap_modify_s (ldap_conn, dn, modlist);
err = ldap_add_s (ldap_conn, dn, addlist);
xfree (dn);
if (err != LDAP_SUCCESS)
log_error ("gpgkeys: error adding key to keyserver: %s\n",
ldap_err2string (err));
err = ldap_err_to_gpg_err (err);
if (dump)
es_fclose (dump);
if (ldap_conn)
ldap_unbind (ldap_conn);
xfree (basedn);
xfree (pgpkeyattr);
modlist_free (modlist);
xfree (addlist);
xfree (data_armored);
return err;
diff --git a/dirmngr/ks-engine.h b/dirmngr/ks-engine.h
index cb48f7f1f..b5b4dd08b 100644
--- a/dirmngr/ks-engine.h
+++ b/dirmngr/ks-engine.h
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
/* ks-engine.h - Keyserver engines definitions
* Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include "http.h"
/*-- ks-action.c --*/
gpg_error_t ks_print_help (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *text);
gpg_error_t ks_printf_help (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *format,
/*-- ks-engine-hkp.c --*/
gpg_error_t ks_hkp_resolve (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri);
gpg_error_t ks_hkp_mark_host (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, int alive);
gpg_error_t ks_hkp_print_hosttable (ctrl_t ctrl);
gpg_error_t ks_hkp_help (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri);
gpg_error_t ks_hkp_search (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri, const char *pattern,
estream_t *r_fp, unsigned int *r_http_status);
gpg_error_t ks_hkp_get (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri,
const char *keyspec, estream_t *r_fp);
gpg_error_t ks_hkp_put (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri,
const void *data, size_t datalen);
/*-- ks-engine-http.c --*/
gpg_error_t ks_http_help (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri);
gpg_error_t ks_http_fetch (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *url, estream_t *r_fp);
/*-- ks-engine-finger.c --*/
gpg_error_t ks_finger_help (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri);
gpg_error_t ks_finger_fetch (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri, estream_t *r_fp);
/*-- ks-engine-kdns.c --*/
gpg_error_t ks_kdns_help (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri);
gpg_error_t ks_kdns_fetch (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri, estream_t *r_fp);
/*-- ks-engine-ldap.c --*/
gpg_error_t ks_ldap_help (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri);
gpg_error_t ks_ldap_search (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri, const char *pattern,
estream_t *r_fp);
gpg_error_t ks_ldap_get (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri,
const char *keyspec, estream_t *r_fp);
gpg_error_t ks_ldap_put (ctrl_t ctrl, parsed_uri_t uri,
void *data, size_t datalen,
void *info, size_t infolen);
diff --git a/dirmngr/ldap-parse-uri.c b/dirmngr/ldap-parse-uri.c
index 62f8f6d4e..967149694 100644
--- a/dirmngr/ldap-parse-uri.c
+++ b/dirmngr/ldap-parse-uri.c
@@ -1,246 +1,246 @@
/* ldap-parse-uri.c - Parse an LDAP URI.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <gpg-error.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# include "ldap-url.h"
# include <ldap.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "http.h"
/* Returns 1 if the string is an LDAP URL (begins with ldap:, ldaps:
or ldapi:). */
ldap_uri_p (const char *url)
char *colon = strchr (url, ':');
if (! colon)
return 0;
int offset = (uintptr_t) colon - (uintptr_t) url;
if (/* All lower case. */
(offset == 4 && memcmp (url, "ldap", 4) == 0)
|| (offset == 5
&& (memcmp (url, "ldaps", 5) == 0
&& memcmp (url, "ldapi", 5) == 0))
/* Mixed case. */
|| ((url[0] == 'l' || url[0] == 'L')
&& (url[1] == 'd' || url[1] == 'D')
&& (url[2] == 'a' || url[2] == 'A')
&& (url[3] == 'p' || url[3] == 'P')
&& (url[4] == ':'
|| ((url[4] == 's' || url[4] == 'S'
|| url[4] == 'i' || url[4] == 'i')
&& url[5] == ':'))))
return 1;
return 0;
/* Parse a URI and put the result into *purip. On success the
caller must use http_release_parsed_uri() to releases the resources.
uri->path is the base DN (or NULL for the default).
uri->auth is the bindname (or NULL for none).
The uri->query variable "password" is the password.
Note: any specified scope, any attributes, any filter and any
unknown extensions are simply ignored. */
ldap_parse_uri (parsed_uri_t *purip, const char *uri)
gpg_err_code_t err = 0;
parsed_uri_t puri = NULL;
int result;
LDAPURLDesc *lud = NULL;
char *scheme = NULL;
char *host = NULL;
char *dn = NULL;
char *bindname = NULL;
char *password = NULL;
char **s;
char *buffer;
int len;
result = ldap_url_parse (uri, &lud);
if (result != 0)
log_error ("Unable to parse LDAP uri '%s'\n", uri);
goto out;
scheme = lud->lud_scheme;
host = lud->lud_host;
dn = lud->lud_dn;
for (s = lud->lud_exts; s && *s; s ++)
if (strncmp (*s, "bindname=", 9) == 0)
if (bindname)
log_error ("bindname given multiple times in URL '%s', ignoring.\n",
bindname = *s + 9;
else if (strncmp (*s, "password=", 9) == 0)
if (password)
log_error ("password given multiple times in URL '%s', ignoring.\n",
password = *s + 9;
log_error ("Unhandled extension (%s) in URL '%s', ignoring.",
*s, uri);
len = 0;
#define add(s) do { if (s) len += strlen (s) + 1; } while (0)
add (scheme);
add (host);
add (dn);
add (bindname);
add (password);
puri = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *puri + len);
if (! puri)
err = gpg_err_code_from_syserror ();
goto out;
buffer = puri->buffer;
#define copy(to, s) \
do \
{ \
if (s) \
{ \
to = buffer; \
buffer = stpcpy (buffer, s) + 1; \
} \
} \
while (0)
copy (puri->scheme, scheme);
/* Make sure the scheme is lower case. */
ascii_strlwr (puri->scheme);
copy (puri->host, host);
copy (puri->path, dn);
copy (puri->auth, bindname);
if (password)
puri->query = calloc (sizeof (*puri->query), 1);
if (!puri->query)
err = gpg_err_code_from_syserror ();
goto out;
puri->query->name = "password";
copy (puri->query->value, password);
puri->query->valuelen = strlen (password) + 1;
puri->use_tls = strcmp (puri->scheme, "ldaps") == 0;
puri->port = lud->lud_port;
if (lud)
ldap_free_urldesc (lud);
if (err)
if (puri)
http_release_parsed_uri (puri);
*purip = puri;
return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, err);
/* The following characters need to be escaped to be part of an LDAP
filter: *, (, ), \, NUL and /. Note: we don't handle NUL, since a
NUL can't be part of a C string.
This function always allocates a new string on success. It is the
caller's responsibility to free it.
char *
ldap_escape_filter (const char *filter)
int l = strcspn (filter, "*()\\/");
if (l == strlen (filter))
/* Nothing to escape. */
return xstrdup (filter);
/* In the worst case we need to escape every letter. */
char *escaped = xmalloc (1 + 3 * strlen (filter));
/* Indices into filter and escaped. */
int filter_i = 0;
int escaped_i = 0;
for (filter_i = 0; filter_i < strlen (filter); filter_i ++)
switch (filter[filter_i])
case '*':
case '(':
case ')':
case '\\':
case '/':
snprintf (&escaped[escaped_i], 4, "%%%02x",
((const unsigned char *)filter)[filter_i]);
escaped_i += 3;
escaped[escaped_i ++] = filter[filter_i];
/* NUL terminate it. */
escaped[escaped_i] = 0;
/* We could shrink escaped to be just escaped_i bytes, but the
result will probably be freed very quickly anyways. */
return escaped;
diff --git a/dirmngr/ldap-parse-uri.h b/dirmngr/ldap-parse-uri.h
index 1ef1b91c6..bdbb6c3fc 100644
--- a/dirmngr/ldap-parse-uri.h
+++ b/dirmngr/ldap-parse-uri.h
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
/* ldap-parse-uri.h - Parse an LDAP URI.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include "util.h"
#include "http.h"
extern int ldap_uri_p (const char *url);
extern gpg_error_t ldap_parse_uri (parsed_uri_t *ret_uri, const char *uri);
extern char *ldap_escape_filter (const char *filter);
diff --git a/dirmngr/ldap-wrapper-ce.c b/dirmngr/ldap-wrapper-ce.c
index ce63ea682..478e6941b 100644
--- a/dirmngr/ldap-wrapper-ce.c
+++ b/dirmngr/ldap-wrapper-ce.c
@@ -1,571 +1,571 @@
/* ldap-wrapper-ce.c - LDAP access via W32 threads
* Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
Alternative wrapper for use with WindowsCE. Under WindowsCE the
number of processes is strongly limited (32 processes including the
kernel processes) and thus we don't use the process approach but
implement a wrapper based on native threads.
See ldap-wrapper.c for the standard wrapper interface.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <npth.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "dirmngr.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "ldap-wrapper.h"
# error This module is not expected to be build.
/* Read a fixed amount of data from READER into BUFFER. */
static gpg_error_t
read_buffer (ksba_reader_t reader, unsigned char *buffer, size_t count)
gpg_error_t err;
size_t nread;
while (count)
err = ksba_reader_read (reader, buffer, count, &nread);
if (err)
return err;
buffer += nread;
count -= nread;
return 0;
/* Start the reaper thread for this wrapper. */
ldap_wrapper_launch_thread (void)
/* Not required. */
/* Wait until all ldap wrappers have terminated. We assume that the
kill has already been sent to all of them. */
ldap_wrapper_wait_connections ()
/* Not required. */
/* Cleanup all resources held by the connection associated with
CTRL. This is used after a cancel to kill running wrappers. */
ldap_wrapper_connection_cleanup (ctrl_t ctrl)
/* Not required. */
/* The cookie we use to implement the outstream of the wrapper thread. */
struct outstream_cookie_s
int refcount; /* Reference counter - possible values are 1 and 2. */
/* We don't need a mutex for the conditions, as npth provides a
simpler condition interface that relies on the global lock. This
can be used if we never yield between testing the condition and
waiting on it. */
npth_cond_t wait_data; /* Condition that data is available. */
npth_cond_t wait_space; /* Condition that space is available. */
int eof_seen; /* EOF indicator. */
char buffer[4000]; /* Data ring buffer. */
size_t buffer_len; /* The amount of data in the BUFFER. */
size_t buffer_pos; /* The next read position of the BUFFER. */
#define BUFFER_EMPTY(c) ((c)->buffer_len == 0)
#define BUFFER_FULL(c) ((c)->buffer_len == DIM((c)->buffer))
#define BUFFER_DATA_AVAILABLE(c) ((c)->buffer_len)
#define BUFFER_SPACE_AVAILABLE(c) (DIM((c)->buffer) - (c)->buffer_len)
#define BUFFER_INC_POS(c,n) (c)->buffer_pos = ((c)->buffer_pos + (n)) % DIM((c)->buffer)
#define BUFFER_CUR_POS(c) (&(c)->buffer[(c)->buffer_pos])
static int
buffer_get_data (struct outstream_cookie_s *cookie, char *dst, int cnt)
int amount;
int left;
int chunk;
amount = cnt;
if (BUFFER_DATA_AVAILABLE (cookie) < amount)
amount = BUFFER_DATA_AVAILABLE (cookie);
left = amount;
/* How large is the part up to the end of the buffer array? */
chunk = DIM(cookie->buffer) - cookie->buffer_pos;
if (chunk > left)
chunk = left;
memcpy (dst, BUFFER_CUR_POS (cookie), chunk);
BUFFER_INC_POS (cookie, chunk);
left -= chunk;
dst += chunk;
if (left)
memcpy (dst, BUFFER_CUR_POS (cookie), left);
BUFFER_INC_POS (cookie, left);
return amount;
static int
buffer_put_data (struct outstream_cookie_s *cookie, const char *src, int cnt)
int amount;
int remain;
int left;
int chunk;
remain = DIM(cookie->buffer) - cookie->buffer_len;
amount = cnt;
if (remain < amount)
amount = remain;
left = amount;
/* How large is the part up to the end of the buffer array? */
chunk = DIM(cookie->buffer) - cookie->buffer_pos;
if (chunk > left)
chunk = left;
memcpy (BUFFER_CUR_POS (cookie), src, chunk);
BUFFER_INC_POS (cookie, chunk);
left -= chunk;
src += chunk;
if (left)
memcpy (BUFFER_CUR_POS (cookie), src, left);
BUFFER_INC_POS (cookie, left);
cookie->buffer_len -= amount;
return amount;
/* The writer function for the outstream. This is used to transfer
the output of the ldap wrapper thread to the ksba reader object. */
static ssize_t
outstream_cookie_writer (void *cookie_arg, const void *buffer, size_t size)
struct outstream_cookie_s *cookie = cookie_arg;
const char *src;
ssize_t nwritten = 0;
int res;
ssize_t amount = 0;
src = buffer;
int was_empty = 0;
/* Wait for free space. */
while (BUFFER_FULL(cookie))
/* Buffer is full: Wait for space. */
res = npth_cond_wait (&cookie->wait_space, NULL);
if (res)
gpg_err_set_errno (res);
return -1;
if (BUFFER_EMPTY(cookie))
was_empty = 1;
/* Copy data. */
nwritten = buffer_put_data (cookie, buffer, size);
size -= nwritten;
src += nwritten;
amount += nwritten;
if (was_empty)
npth_cond_signal (&cookie->wait_data);
while (size); /* Until done. */
return amount;
static void
outstream_release_cookie (struct outstream_cookie_s *cookie)
if (!cookie->refcount)
npth_cond_destroy (&cookie->wait_data);
npth_cond_destroy (&cookie->wait_space);
xfree (cookie);
/* Closer function for the outstream. This deallocates the cookie if
it won't be used anymore. */
static int
outstream_cookie_closer (void *cookie_arg)
struct outstream_cookie_s *cookie = cookie_arg;
if (!cookie)
return 0; /* Nothing to do. */
cookie->eof_seen = 1; /* (only useful if refcount > 1) */
assert (cookie->refcount > 0);
outstream_release_cookie (cookie);
return 0;
/* The KSBA reader callback which takes the output of the ldap thread
form the outstream_cookie_writer and make it available to the ksba
reader. */
static int
outstream_reader_cb (void *cb_value, char *buffer, size_t count,
size_t *r_nread)
struct outstream_cookie_s *cookie = cb_value;
size_t nread = 0;
int was_full = 0;
if (!buffer && !count && !r_nread)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); /* Rewind is not supported. */
*r_nread = 0;
while (BUFFER_EMPTY(cookie))
if (cookie->eof_seen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
/* Wait for data to become available. */
npth_cond_wait (&cookie->wait_data, NULL);
if (BUFFER_FULL(cookie))
was_full = 1;
nread = buffer_get_data (cookie, buffer, count);
if (was_full)
npth_cond_signal (&cookie->wait_space);
*r_nread = nread;
return 0; /* Success. */
/* This function is called by ksba_reader_release. */
static void
outstream_reader_released (void *cb_value, ksba_reader_t r)
struct outstream_cookie_s *cookie = cb_value;
assert (cookie->refcount > 0);
outstream_release_cookie (cookie);
/* This function is to be used to release a context associated with the
given reader object. This does not release the reader object, though. */
ldap_wrapper_release_context (ksba_reader_t reader)
/* Nothing to do. */
/* Free a NULL terminated array of malloced strings and the array
itself. */
static void
free_arg_list (char **arg_list)
int i;
if (arg_list)
for (i=0; arg_list[i]; i++)
xfree (arg_list[i]);
xfree (arg_list);
/* Copy ARGV into a new array and prepend one element as name of the
program (which is more or less a stub). We need to allocate all
the strings to get ownership of them. */
static gpg_error_t
create_arg_list (const char *argv[], char ***r_arg_list)
gpg_error_t err;
char **arg_list;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; argv[i]; i++)
arg_list = xtrycalloc (i + 2, sizeof *arg_list);
if (!arg_list)
goto outofcore;
i = 0;
arg_list[i] = xtrystrdup ("<ldap-wrapper-thread>");
if (!arg_list[i])
goto outofcore;
for (j=0; argv[j]; j++)
arg_list[i] = xtrystrdup (argv[j]);
if (!arg_list[i])
goto outofcore;
arg_list[i] = NULL;
*r_arg_list = arg_list;
return 0;
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error allocating memory: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
free_arg_list (arg_list);
*r_arg_list = NULL;
return err;
/* Parameters passed to the wrapper thread. */
struct ldap_wrapper_thread_parms
char **arg_list;
estream_t outstream;
/* The thread which runs the LDAP wrapper. */
static void *
ldap_wrapper_thread (void *opaque)
struct ldap_wrapper_thread_parms *parms = opaque;
/*err =*/ ldap_wrapper_main (parms->arg_list, parms->outstream);
/* FIXME: Do we need to return ERR? */
free_arg_list (parms->arg_list);
es_fclose (parms->outstream);
xfree (parms);
return NULL;
/* Start a new LDAP thread and returns a new libksba reader
object at READER. ARGV is a NULL terminated list of arguments for
the wrapper. The function returns 0 on success or an error code. */
ldap_wrapper (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_reader_t *r_reader, const char *argv[])
gpg_error_t err;
struct ldap_wrapper_thread_parms *parms;
npth_attr_t tattr;
es_cookie_io_functions_t outstream_func = { NULL };
struct outstream_cookie_s *outstream_cookie;
ksba_reader_t reader;
int res;
npth_t thread;
*r_reader = NULL;
parms = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *parms);
if (!parms)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = create_arg_list (argv, &parms->arg_list);
if (err)
xfree (parms);
return err;
outstream_cookie = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *outstream_cookie);
if (!outstream_cookie)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
free_arg_list (parms->arg_list);
xfree (parms);
return err;
res = npth_cond_init (&outstream_cookie->wait_data, NULL);
if (res)
free_arg_list (parms->arg_list);
xfree (parms);
return gpg_error_from_errno (res);
res = npth_cond_init (&outstream_cookie->wait_space, NULL);
if (res)
npth_cond_destroy (&outstream_cookie->wait_data);
free_arg_list (parms->arg_list);
xfree (parms);
return gpg_error_from_errno (res);
err = ksba_reader_new (&reader);
if (!err)
err = ksba_reader_set_release_notify (reader,
if (!err)
err = ksba_reader_set_cb (reader,
outstream_reader_cb, outstream_cookie);
if (err)
log_error (_("error initializing reader object: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
ksba_reader_release (reader);
outstream_release_cookie (outstream_cookie);
free_arg_list (parms->arg_list);
xfree (parms);
return err;
outstream_func.func_write = outstream_cookie_writer;
outstream_func.func_close = outstream_cookie_closer;
parms->outstream = es_fopencookie (outstream_cookie, "wb", outstream_func);
if (!parms->outstream)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
ksba_reader_release (reader);
outstream_release_cookie (outstream_cookie);
free_arg_list (parms->arg_list);
xfree (parms);
return err;
res = npth_attr_init(&tattr);
if (res)
err = gpg_error_from_errno (res);
ksba_reader_release (reader);
free_arg_list (parms->arg_list);
es_fclose (parms->outstream);
xfree (parms);
return err;
npth_attr_setdetachstate (&tattr, NPTH_CREATE_DETACHED);
res = npth_create (&thread, &tattr, ldap_wrapper_thread, parms);
npth_attr_destroy (&tattr);
if (res)
err = gpg_error_from_errno (res);
log_error ("error spawning ldap wrapper thread: %s\n",
strerror (res) );
parms = NULL; /* Now owned by the thread. */
if (parms)
free_arg_list (parms->arg_list);
es_fclose (parms->outstream);
xfree (parms);
if (err)
ksba_reader_release (reader);
return err;
/* Need to wait for the first byte so we are able to detect an empty
output and not let the consumer see an EOF without further error
indications. The CRL loading logic assumes that after return
from this function, a failed search (e.g. host not found ) is
indicated right away. */
unsigned char c;
err = read_buffer (reader, &c, 1);
if (err)
ksba_reader_release (reader);
reader = NULL;
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
return err;
ksba_reader_unread (reader, &c, 1);
*r_reader = reader;
return 0;
diff --git a/dirmngr/ldap-wrapper.c b/dirmngr/ldap-wrapper.c
index 5fa3eac77..b9931a099 100644
--- a/dirmngr/ldap-wrapper.c
+++ b/dirmngr/ldap-wrapper.c
@@ -1,781 +1,781 @@
/* ldap-wrapper.c - LDAP access via a wrapper process
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008 g10 Code GmbH
* Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
We can't use LDAP directly for these reasons:
1. On some systems the LDAP library uses (indirectly) pthreads and
that is not compatible with PTh.
2. It is huge library in particular if TLS comes into play. So
problems with unfreed memory might turn up and we don't want
this in a long running daemon.
3. There is no easy way for timeouts. In particular the timeout
value does not work for DNS lookups (well, this is usual) and it
seems not to work while loading a large attribute like a
CRL. Having a separate process allows us to either tell the
process to commit suicide or have our own housekepping function
kill it after some time. The latter also allows proper
cancellation of a query at any point of time.
4. Given that we are going out to the network and usually get back
a long response, the fork/exec overhead is acceptable.
Note that under WindowsCE the number of processes is strongly
limited (32 processes including the kernel processes) and thus we
don't use the process approach but implement a different wrapper in
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <npth.h>
#include "dirmngr.h"
#include "exechelp.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "ldap-wrapper.h"
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
#define setenv(a,b,c) SetEnvironmentVariable ((a),(b))
#define pth_close(fd) close(fd)
# error This module is not expected to be build.
/* In case sysconf does not return a value we need to have a limit. */
#define MAX_OPEN_FDS 20
#define INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT (opt.ldaptimeout + 60*5) /* seconds */
/* To keep track of the LDAP wrapper state we use this structure. */
struct wrapper_context_s
struct wrapper_context_s *next;
pid_t pid; /* The pid of the wrapper process. */
int printable_pid; /* Helper to print diagnostics after the process has
been cleaned up. */
int fd; /* Connected with stdout of the ldap wrapper. */
gpg_error_t fd_error; /* Set to the gpg_error of the last read error
if any. */
int log_fd; /* Connected with stderr of the ldap wrapper. */
ctrl_t ctrl; /* Connection data. */
int ready; /* Internally used to mark to be removed contexts. */
ksba_reader_t reader; /* The ksba reader object or NULL. */
char *line; /* Used to print the log lines (malloced). */
size_t linesize;/* Allocated size of LINE. */
size_t linelen; /* Use size of LINE. */
time_t stamp; /* The last time we noticed ativity. */
/* We keep a global list of spawed wrapper process. A separate thread
makes use of this list to log error messages and to watch out for
finished processes. */
static struct wrapper_context_s *wrapper_list;
/* We need to know whether we are shutting down the process. */
static int shutting_down;
/* Close the pth file descriptor FD and set it to -1. */
#define SAFE_CLOSE(fd) \
do { int _fd = fd; if (_fd != -1) { close (_fd); fd = -1;} } while (0)
/* Read a fixed amount of data from READER into BUFFER. */
static gpg_error_t
read_buffer (ksba_reader_t reader, unsigned char *buffer, size_t count)
gpg_error_t err;
size_t nread;
while (count)
err = ksba_reader_read (reader, buffer, count, &nread);
if (err)
return err;
buffer += nread;
count -= nread;
return 0;
/* Release the wrapper context and kill a running wrapper process. */
static void
destroy_wrapper (struct wrapper_context_s *ctx)
if (ctx->pid != (pid_t)(-1))
gnupg_kill_process (ctx->pid);
gnupg_release_process (ctx->pid);
ksba_reader_release (ctx->reader);
SAFE_CLOSE (ctx->fd);
SAFE_CLOSE (ctx->log_fd);
xfree (ctx->line);
xfree (ctx);
/* Print the content of LINE to thye log stream but make sure to only
print complete lines. Using NULL for LINE will flush any pending
output. LINE may be modified by this function. */
static void
print_log_line (struct wrapper_context_s *ctx, char *line)
char *s;
size_t n;
if (!line)
if (ctx->line && ctx->linelen)
log_info ("%s\n", ctx->line);
ctx->linelen = 0;
while ((s = strchr (line, '\n')))
*s = 0;
if (ctx->line && ctx->linelen)
log_info ("%s", ctx->line);
ctx->linelen = 0;
log_printf ("%s\n", line);
log_info ("%s\n", line);
line = s + 1;
n = strlen (line);
if (n)
if (ctx->linelen + n + 1 >= ctx->linesize)
char *tmp;
size_t newsize;
newsize = ctx->linesize + ((n + 255) & ~255) + 1;
tmp = (ctx->line ? xtryrealloc (ctx->line, newsize)
: xtrymalloc (newsize));
if (!tmp)
log_error (_("error printing log line: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
ctx->line = tmp;
ctx->linesize = newsize;
memcpy (ctx->line + ctx->linelen, line, n);
ctx->linelen += n;
ctx->line[ctx->linelen] = 0;
/* Read data from the log stream. Returns true if the log stream
indicated EOF or error. */
static int
read_log_data (struct wrapper_context_s *ctx)
int n;
char line[256];
/* We must use the npth_read function for pipes, always. */
n = npth_read (ctx->log_fd, line, sizeof line - 1);
while (n < 0 && errno == EINTR);
if (n <= 0) /* EOF or error. */
if (n < 0)
log_error (_("error reading log from ldap wrapper %d: %s\n"),
(int)ctx->pid, strerror (errno));
print_log_line (ctx, NULL);
SAFE_CLOSE (ctx->log_fd);
return 1;
line[n] = 0;
print_log_line (ctx, line);
if (ctx->stamp != (time_t)(-1))
ctx->stamp = time (NULL);
return 0;
/* This function is run by a separate thread to maintain the list of
wrappers and to log error messages from these wrappers. */
void *
ldap_wrapper_thread (void *dummy)
int nfds;
struct wrapper_context_s *ctx;
struct wrapper_context_s *ctx_prev;
struct timespec abstime;
struct timespec curtime;
struct timespec timeout;
fd_set fdset;
int ret;
time_t exptime;
npth_clock_gettime (&abstime);
abstime.tv_sec += TIMERTICK_INTERVAL;
for (;;)
int any_action = 0;
npth_clock_gettime (&curtime);
if (!(npth_timercmp (&curtime, &abstime, <)))
/* Inactivity is checked below. Nothing else to do. */
npth_clock_gettime (&abstime);
abstime.tv_sec += TIMERTICK_INTERVAL;
npth_timersub (&abstime, &curtime, &timeout);
FD_ZERO (&fdset);
nfds = -1;
for (ctx = wrapper_list; ctx; ctx = ctx->next)
if (ctx->log_fd != -1)
FD_SET (ctx->log_fd, &fdset);
if (ctx->log_fd > nfds)
nfds = ctx->log_fd;
/* FIXME: For Windows, we have to use a reader thread on the
pipe that signals an event (and a npth_select_ev variant). */
ret = npth_pselect (nfds + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout, NULL);
if (ret == -1)
if (errno != EINTR)
log_error (_("npth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n"),
strerror (errno));
npth_sleep (1);
/* All timestamps before exptime should be considered expired. */
exptime = time (NULL);
/* Note that there is no need to lock the list because we always
add entries at the head (with a pending event status) and
thus traversing the list will even work if we have a context
switch in waitpid (which should anyway only happen with Pth's
hard system call mapping). */
for (ctx = wrapper_list; ctx; ctx = ctx->next)
/* Check whether there is any logging to be done. */
if (nfds && ctx->log_fd != -1 && FD_ISSET (ctx->log_fd, &fdset))
if (read_log_data (ctx))
SAFE_CLOSE (ctx->log_fd);
any_action = 1;
/* Check whether the process is still running. */
if (ctx->pid != (pid_t)(-1))
gpg_error_t err;
int status;
err = gnupg_wait_process ("[dirmngr_ldap]", ctx->pid, 0,
if (!err)
log_info (_("ldap wrapper %d ready"), (int)ctx->pid);
ctx->ready = 1;
gnupg_release_process (ctx->pid);
ctx->pid = (pid_t)(-1);
any_action = 1;
else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_GENERAL)
if (status == 10)
log_info (_("ldap wrapper %d ready: timeout\n"),
log_info (_("ldap wrapper %d ready: exitcode=%d\n"),
(int)ctx->pid, status);
ctx->ready = 1;
gnupg_release_process (ctx->pid);
ctx->pid = (pid_t)(-1);
any_action = 1;
else if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_TIMEOUT)
log_error (_("waiting for ldap wrapper %d failed: %s\n"),
(int)ctx->pid, gpg_strerror (err));
any_action = 1;
/* Check whether we should terminate the process. */
if (ctx->pid != (pid_t)(-1)
&& ctx->stamp != (time_t)(-1) && ctx->stamp < exptime)
gnupg_kill_process (ctx->pid);
ctx->stamp = (time_t)(-1);
log_info (_("ldap wrapper %d stalled - killing\n"),
/* We need to close the log fd because the cleanup loop
waits for it. */
SAFE_CLOSE (ctx->log_fd);
any_action = 1;
/* If something has been printed to the log file or we got an
EOF from a wrapper, we now print the list of active
wrappers. */
if (any_action && DBG_LOOKUP)
log_info ("ldap worker stati:\n");
for (ctx = wrapper_list; ctx; ctx = ctx->next)
log_info (" c=%p pid=%d/%d rdr=%p ctrl=%p/%d la=%lu rdy=%d\n",
(int)ctx->pid, (int)ctx->printable_pid,
ctx->ctrl, ctx->ctrl? ctx->ctrl->refcount:0,
(unsigned long)ctx->stamp, ctx->ready);
/* Use a separate loop to check whether ready marked wrappers
may be removed. We may only do so if the ksba reader object
is not anymore in use or we are in shutdown state. */
for (ctx_prev=NULL, ctx=wrapper_list; ctx; ctx_prev=ctx, ctx=ctx->next)
if (ctx->ready
&& ((ctx->log_fd == -1 && !ctx->reader) || shutting_down))
if (ctx_prev)
ctx_prev->next = ctx->next;
wrapper_list = ctx->next;
destroy_wrapper (ctx);
/* We need to restart because destroy_wrapper might have
done a context switch. */
goto again;
return NULL; /* Make the compiler happy. */
/* Start the reaper thread for the ldap wrapper. */
ldap_wrapper_launch_thread (void)
static int done;
npth_attr_t tattr;
npth_t thread;
int err;
if (done)
done = 1;
npth_attr_init (&tattr);
npth_attr_setdetachstate (&tattr, NPTH_CREATE_DETACHED);
err = npth_create (&thread, &tattr, ldap_wrapper_thread, NULL);
if (err)
log_error (_("error spawning ldap wrapper reaper thread: %s\n"),
strerror (err) );
dirmngr_exit (1);
npth_setname_np (thread, "ldap-reaper");
npth_attr_destroy (&tattr);
/* Wait until all ldap wrappers have terminated. We assume that the
kill has already been sent to all of them. */
ldap_wrapper_wait_connections ()
shutting_down = 1;
/* FIXME: This is a busy wait. */
while (wrapper_list)
npth_usleep (200);
/* This function is to be used to release a context associated with the
given reader object. */
ldap_wrapper_release_context (ksba_reader_t reader)
struct wrapper_context_s *ctx;
if (!reader )
for (ctx=wrapper_list; ctx; ctx=ctx->next)
if (ctx->reader == reader)
log_info ("releasing ldap worker c=%p pid=%d/%d rdr=%p ctrl=%p/%d\n",
(int)ctx->pid, (int)ctx->printable_pid,
ctx->ctrl, ctx->ctrl? ctx->ctrl->refcount:0);
ctx->reader = NULL;
SAFE_CLOSE (ctx->fd);
if (ctx->ctrl)
ctx->ctrl = NULL;
if (ctx->fd_error)
log_info (_("reading from ldap wrapper %d failed: %s\n"),
ctx->printable_pid, gpg_strerror (ctx->fd_error));
/* Cleanup all resources held by the connection associated with
CTRL. This is used after a cancel to kill running wrappers. */
ldap_wrapper_connection_cleanup (ctrl_t ctrl)
struct wrapper_context_s *ctx;
for (ctx=wrapper_list; ctx; ctx=ctx->next)
if (ctx->ctrl && ctx->ctrl == ctrl)
ctx->ctrl = NULL;
if (ctx->pid != (pid_t)(-1))
gnupg_kill_process (ctx->pid);
if (ctx->fd_error)
log_info (_("reading from ldap wrapper %d failed: %s\n"),
ctx->printable_pid, gpg_strerror (ctx->fd_error));
/* This is the callback used by the ldap wrapper to feed the ksba
reader with the wrappers stdout. See the description of
ksba_reader_set_cb for details. */
static int
reader_callback (void *cb_value, char *buffer, size_t count, size_t *nread)
struct wrapper_context_s *ctx = cb_value;
size_t nleft = count;
int nfds;
struct timespec abstime;
struct timespec curtime;
struct timespec timeout;
int saved_errno;
fd_set fdset, read_fdset;
int ret;
/* FIXME: We might want to add some internal buffering because the
ksba code does not do any buffering for itself (because a ksba
reader may be detached from another stream to read other data and
the it would be cumbersome to get back already buffered
stuff). */
if (!buffer && !count && !nread)
return -1; /* Rewind is not supported. */
/* If we ever encountered a read error, don't continue (we don't want to
possibly overwrite the last error cause). Bail out also if the
file descriptor has been closed. */
if (ctx->fd_error || ctx->fd == -1)
*nread = 0;
return -1;
FD_ZERO (&fdset);
FD_SET (ctx->fd, &fdset);
nfds = ctx->fd + 1;
npth_clock_gettime (&abstime);
abstime.tv_sec += TIMERTICK_INTERVAL;
while (nleft > 0)
int n;
gpg_error_t err;
npth_clock_gettime (&curtime);
if (!(npth_timercmp (&curtime, &abstime, <)))
err = dirmngr_tick (ctx->ctrl);
if (err)
ctx->fd_error = err;
SAFE_CLOSE (ctx->fd);
return -1;
npth_clock_gettime (&abstime);
abstime.tv_sec += TIMERTICK_INTERVAL;
npth_timersub (&abstime, &curtime, &timeout);
read_fdset = fdset;
ret = npth_pselect (nfds, &read_fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout, NULL);
saved_errno = errno;
if (ret == -1 && saved_errno != EINTR)
ctx->fd_error = gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
SAFE_CLOSE (ctx->fd);
return -1;
if (ret <= 0)
/* Timeout. Will be handled when calculating the next timeout. */
/* This should not block now that select returned with a file
descriptor. So it shouldn't be necessary to use npth_read
(and it is slightly dangerous in the sense that a concurrent
thread might (accidentially?) change the status of ctx->fd
before we read. FIXME: Set ctx->fd to nonblocking? */
n = read (ctx->fd, buffer, nleft);
if (n < 0)
ctx->fd_error = gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
SAFE_CLOSE (ctx->fd);
return -1;
else if (!n)
if (nleft == count)
return -1; /* EOF. */
nleft -= n;
buffer += n;
if (n > 0 && ctx->stamp != (time_t)(-1))
ctx->stamp = time (NULL);
*nread = count - nleft;
return 0;
/* Fork and exec the LDAP wrapper and return a new libksba reader
object at READER. ARGV is a NULL terminated list of arguments for
the wrapper. The function returns 0 on success or an error code.
Special hack to avoid passing a password through the command line
which is globally visible: If the first element of ARGV is "--pass"
it will be removed and instead the environment variable
DIRMNGR_LDAP_PASS will be set to the next value of ARGV. On modern
OSes the environment is not visible to other users. For those old
systems where it can't be avoided, we don't want to go into the
hassle of passing the password via stdin; it's just too complicated
and an LDAP password used for public directory lookups should not
be that confidential. */
ldap_wrapper (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_reader_t *reader, const char *argv[])
gpg_error_t err;
pid_t pid;
struct wrapper_context_s *ctx;
int i;
int j;
const char **arg_list;
const char *pgmname;
int outpipe[2], errpipe[2];
/* It would be too simple to connect stderr just to our logging
stream. The problem is that if we are running multi-threaded
everything gets intermixed. Clearly we don't want this. So the
only viable solutions are either to have another thread
responsible for logging the messages or to add an option to the
wrapper module to do the logging on its own. Given that we anyway
need a way to rip the child process and this is best done using a
general ripping thread, that thread can do the logging too. */
*reader = NULL;
/* Files: We need to prepare stdin and stdout. We get stderr from
the function. */
if (!opt.ldap_wrapper_program || !*opt.ldap_wrapper_program)
pgmname = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_DIRMNGR_LDAP);
pgmname = opt.ldap_wrapper_program;
/* Create command line argument array. */
for (i = 0; argv[i]; i++)
arg_list = xtrycalloc (i + 2, sizeof *arg_list);
if (!arg_list)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error allocating memory: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
return err;
for (i = j = 0; argv[i]; i++, j++)
if (!i && argv[i + 1] && !strcmp (*argv, "--pass"))
arg_list[j] = "--env-pass";
setenv ("DIRMNGR_LDAP_PASS", argv[1], 1);
arg_list[j] = (char*) argv[i];
ctx = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctx);
if (!ctx)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error allocating memory: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
xfree (arg_list);
return err;
err = gnupg_create_inbound_pipe (outpipe, NULL, 0);
if (!err)
err = gnupg_create_inbound_pipe (errpipe, NULL, 0);
if (err)
close (outpipe[0]);
close (outpipe[1]);
if (err)
log_error (_("error creating a pipe: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (arg_list);
xfree (ctx);
return err;
err = gnupg_spawn_process_fd (pgmname, arg_list,
-1, outpipe[1], errpipe[1], &pid);
xfree (arg_list);
close (outpipe[1]);
close (errpipe[1]);
if (err)
close (outpipe[0]);
close (errpipe[0]);
xfree (ctx);
return err;
ctx->pid = pid;
ctx->printable_pid = (int) pid;
ctx->fd = outpipe[0];
ctx->log_fd = errpipe[0];
ctx->ctrl = ctrl;
ctx->stamp = time (NULL);
err = ksba_reader_new (reader);
if (!err)
err = ksba_reader_set_cb (*reader, reader_callback, ctx);
if (err)
log_error (_("error initializing reader object: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
destroy_wrapper (ctx);
ksba_reader_release (*reader);
*reader = NULL;
return err;
/* Hook the context into our list of running wrappers. */
ctx->reader = *reader;
ctx->next = wrapper_list;
wrapper_list = ctx;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("ldap wrapper %d started (reader %p)\n",
(int)ctx->pid, ctx->reader);
/* Need to wait for the first byte so we are able to detect an empty
output and not let the consumer see an EOF without further error
indications. The CRL loading logic assumes that after return
from this function, a failed search (e.g. host not found ) is
indicated right away. */
unsigned char c;
err = read_buffer (*reader, &c, 1);
if (err)
ldap_wrapper_release_context (*reader);
ksba_reader_release (*reader);
*reader = NULL;
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
return err;
ksba_reader_unread (*reader, &c, 1);
return 0;
diff --git a/dirmngr/ldap-wrapper.h b/dirmngr/ldap-wrapper.h
index f7f5680fa..a015efafe 100644
--- a/dirmngr/ldap-wrapper.h
+++ b/dirmngr/ldap-wrapper.h
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
/* ldap-wrapper.h - Interface to an LDAP access wrapper.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <ksba.h>
/* ldap-wrapper.c or ldap-wrapper-ce.c */
void ldap_wrapper_launch_thread (void);
void ldap_wrapper_wait_connections (void);
void ldap_wrapper_release_context (ksba_reader_t reader);
void ldap_wrapper_connection_cleanup (ctrl_t);
gpg_error_t ldap_wrapper (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_reader_t *reader,
const char *argv[]);
/* dirmngr_ldap.c */
int ldap_wrapper_main (char **argv, estream_t outstream);
#endif /*LDAP_WRAPPER_H*/
diff --git a/dirmngr/ldapserver.h b/dirmngr/ldapserver.h
index 8056e6789..b6eb452b7 100644
--- a/dirmngr/ldapserver.h
+++ b/dirmngr/ldapserver.h
@@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
/* ldapserver.h
Copyright (C) 2008 g10 Code GmbH
This file is part of DirMngr.
DirMngr is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
DirMngr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>. */
+ along with this program; if not, see <>. */
#include "dirmngr.h"
/* Release the list of SERVERS. As usual it is okay to call this
function with SERVERS passed as NULL. */
void ldapserver_list_free (ldap_server_t servers);
/* Parse a single LDAP server configuration line. Returns the server
or NULL in case of errors. The configuration line is assumed to be
colon separated with these fields:
1. field: Hostname
2. field: Portnumber
3. field: Username
4. field: Password
5. field: Base DN
FILENAME and LINENO are used for diagnostic purposes only.
ldap_server_t ldapserver_parse_one (char *line,
const char *filename, unsigned int lineno);
/* Iterate over all servers. */
struct ldapserver_iter
ctrl_t ctrl;
ldap_server_t server;
static inline void
ldapserver_iter_next (struct ldapserver_iter *iter)
if (iter->server)
iter->server = iter->server->next;
if (! iter->server)
if (iter->group == LDAPSERVER_SESSION)
iter->group = LDAPSERVER_OPT;
iter->server = opt.ldapservers;
static inline int
ldapserver_iter_end_p (struct ldapserver_iter *iter)
return (iter->group == LDAPSERVER_OPT && iter->server == NULL);
static inline void
ldapserver_iter_begin (struct ldapserver_iter *iter, ctrl_t ctrl)
iter->ctrl = ctrl;
iter->server = get_ldapservers_from_ctrl (ctrl);
while (iter->server == NULL && ! ldapserver_iter_end_p (iter))
ldapserver_iter_next (iter);
#endif /* LDAPSERVER_H */
diff --git a/dirmngr/server.c b/dirmngr/server.c
index e3fe1a4ae..2122d548c 100644
--- a/dirmngr/server.c
+++ b/dirmngr/server.c
@@ -1,3049 +1,3049 @@
/* server.c - LDAP and Keyserver access server
* Copyright (C) 2002 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "dirmngr.h"
#include <assuan.h>
#include "crlcache.h"
#include "crlfetch.h"
# include "ldapserver.h"
#include "ocsp.h"
#include "certcache.h"
#include "validate.h"
#include "misc.h"
# include "ldap-wrapper.h"
#include "ks-action.h"
#include "ks-engine.h" /* (ks_hkp_print_hosttable) */
# include "ldap-parse-uri.h"
#include "dns-stuff.h"
#include "mbox-util.h"
#include "zb32.h"
#include "server-help.h"
#include "ccparray.h"
#include "../common/exectool.h"
/* To avoid DoS attacks we limit the size of a certificate to
something reasonable. The DoS was actually only an issue back when
Dirmngr was a system service and not a user service. */
#define MAX_CERT_LENGTH (16*1024)
/* The same goes for OpenPGP keyblocks, but here we need to allow for
much longer blocks; a 200k keyblock is not too unusual for keys
with a lot of signatures (e.g. 0x5b0358a2). 9C31503C6D866396 even
has 770 KiB as of 2015-08-23. To avoid adding a runtime option we
now use 20MiB which should really be enough. Well, a key with
several pictures could be larger (the parser as a 18MiB limit for
attribute packets) but it won't be nice to the keyservers to send
them such large blobs. */
#define MAX_KEYBLOCK_LENGTH (20*1024*1024)
#define PARM_ERROR(t) assuan_set_error (ctx, \
gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER), (t))
#define set_error(e,t) assuan_set_error (ctx, gpg_error (e), (t))
/* Control structure per connection. */
struct server_local_s
/* Data used to associate an Assuan context with local server data */
assuan_context_t assuan_ctx;
/* Per-session LDAP servers. */
ldap_server_t ldapservers;
/* Per-session list of keyservers. */
uri_item_t keyservers;
/* If this flag is set to true this dirmngr process will be
terminated after the end of this session. */
int stopme;
/* State variable private to is_tor_running. */
int tor_state;
/* If the first both flags are set the assuan logging of data lines
* is suppressed. The count variable is used to show the number of
* non-logged bytes. */
size_t inhibit_data_logging_count;
unsigned int inhibit_data_logging : 1;
unsigned int inhibit_data_logging_now : 1;
/* Cookie definition for assuan data line output. */
static gpgrt_ssize_t data_line_cookie_write (void *cookie,
const void *buffer, size_t size);
static int data_line_cookie_close (void *cookie);
static es_cookie_io_functions_t data_line_cookie_functions =
/* Accessor for the local ldapservers variable. */
get_ldapservers_from_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl)
if (ctrl && ctrl->server_local)
return ctrl->server_local->ldapservers;
return NULL;
/* Release an uri_item_t list. */
static void
release_uri_item_list (uri_item_t list)
while (list)
uri_item_t tmp = list->next;
http_release_parsed_uri (list->parsed_uri);
xfree (list);
list = tmp;
/* Release all configured keyserver info from CTRL. */
release_ctrl_keyservers (ctrl_t ctrl)
if (! ctrl->server_local)
release_uri_item_list (ctrl->server_local->keyservers);
ctrl->server_local->keyservers = NULL;
/* Helper to print a message while leaving a command. */
static gpg_error_t
leave_cmd (assuan_context_t ctx, gpg_error_t err)
if (err)
const char *name = assuan_get_command_name (ctx);
if (!name)
name = "?";
if (gpg_err_source (err) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT)
log_error ("command '%s' failed: %s\n", name,
gpg_strerror (err));
log_error ("command '%s' failed: %s <%s>\n", name,
gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
return err;
/* This is a wrapper around assuan_send_data which makes debugging the
output in verbose mode easier. */
static gpg_error_t
data_line_write (assuan_context_t ctx, const void *buffer_arg, size_t size)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
const char *buffer = buffer_arg;
gpg_error_t err;
/* If we do not want logging, enable it it here. */
if (ctrl && ctrl->server_local && ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging)
ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_now = 1;
if (opt.verbose && buffer && size)
/* Ease reading of output by sending a physical line at each LF. */
const char *p;
size_t n, nbytes;
nbytes = size;
p = memchr (buffer, '\n', nbytes);
n = p ? (p - buffer) + 1 : nbytes;
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, buffer, n);
if (err)
gpg_err_set_errno (EIO);
goto leave;
buffer += n;
nbytes -= n;
if (nbytes && (err=assuan_send_data (ctx, NULL, 0))) /* Flush line. */
gpg_err_set_errno (EIO);
goto leave;
while (nbytes);
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, buffer, size);
if (err)
gpg_err_set_errno (EIO); /* For use by data_line_cookie_write. */
goto leave;
if (ctrl && ctrl->server_local && ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging)
ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_now = 0;
ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_count += size;
return err;
/* A write handler used by es_fopencookie to write assuan data
lines. */
static gpgrt_ssize_t
data_line_cookie_write (void *cookie, const void *buffer, size_t size)
assuan_context_t ctx = cookie;
if (data_line_write (ctx, buffer, size))
return -1;
return (gpgrt_ssize_t)size;
static int
data_line_cookie_close (void *cookie)
assuan_context_t ctx = cookie;
if (DBG_IPC)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
if (ctrl && ctrl->server_local
&& ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging
&& ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_count)
log_debug ("(%zu bytes sent via D lines not shown)\n",
if (assuan_send_data (ctx, NULL, 0))
gpg_err_set_errno (EIO);
return -1;
return 0;
/* Copy the % and + escaped string S into the buffer D and replace the
escape sequences. Note, that it is sufficient to allocate the
target string D as long as the source string S, i.e.: strlen(s)+1.
Note further that if S contains an escaped binary Nul the resulting
string D will contain the 0 as well as all other characters but it
will be impossible to know whether this is the original EOS or a
copied Nul. */
static void
strcpy_escaped_plus (char *d, const unsigned char *s)
while (*s)
if (*s == '%' && s[1] && s[2])
*d++ = xtoi_2 ( s);
s += 2;
else if (*s == '+')
*d++ = ' ', s++;
*d++ = *s++;
*d = 0;
/* This function returns true if a Tor server is running. The sattus
is cached for the current connection. */
static int
is_tor_running (ctrl_t ctrl)
/* Check whether we can connect to the proxy. */
if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local)
return 0; /* Ooops. */
if (!ctrl->server_local->tor_state)
assuan_fd_t sock;
sock = assuan_sock_connect_byname (NULL, 0, 0, NULL, ASSUAN_SOCK_TOR);
if (sock == ASSUAN_INVALID_FD)
ctrl->server_local->tor_state = -1; /* Not running. */
assuan_sock_close (sock);
ctrl->server_local->tor_state = 1; /* Running. */
return (ctrl->server_local->tor_state > 0);
/* Return an error if the assuan context does not belong to the owner
of the process or to root. On error FAILTEXT is set as Assuan
error string. */
static gpg_error_t
check_owner_permission (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *failtext)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* Under Windows the dirmngr is always run under the control of the
user. */
gpg_err_code_t ec;
assuan_peercred_t cred;
ec = gpg_err_code (assuan_get_peercred (ctx, &cred));
if (!ec && cred->uid && cred->uid != getuid ())
if (ec)
return set_error (ec, failtext);
return 0;
/* Common code for get_cert_local and get_issuer_cert_local. */
static ksba_cert_t
do_get_cert_local (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, const char *command)
unsigned char *value;
size_t valuelen;
int rc;
char *buf;
ksba_cert_t cert;
if (name)
buf = xmalloc ( strlen (command) + 1 + strlen(name) + 1);
strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (buf, command), " "), name);
buf = xstrdup (command);
rc = assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, buf,
&value, &valuelen, MAX_CERT_LENGTH);
xfree (buf);
if (rc)
log_error (_("assuan_inquire(%s) failed: %s\n"),
command, gpg_strerror (rc));
return NULL;
if (!valuelen)
xfree (value);
return NULL;
rc = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (!rc)
rc = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, value, valuelen);
if (rc)
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
xfree (value);
return cert;
/* Ask back to return a certificate for name, given as a regular
gpgsm certificate indentificates (e.g. fingerprint or one of the
other methods). Alternatively, NULL may be used for NAME to
return the current target certificate. Either return the certificate
in a KSBA object or NULL if it is not available.
get_cert_local (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name)
if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local || !ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx)
if (opt.debug)
log_debug ("get_cert_local called w/o context\n");
return NULL;
return do_get_cert_local (ctrl, name, "SENDCERT");
/* Ask back to return the issuing certificate for name, given as a
regular gpgsm certificate indentificates (e.g. fingerprint or one
of the other methods). Alternatively, NULL may be used for NAME to
return thecurrent target certificate. Either return the certificate
in a KSBA object or NULL if it is not available.
get_issuing_cert_local (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name)
if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local || !ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx)
if (opt.debug)
log_debug ("get_issuing_cert_local called w/o context\n");
return NULL;
return do_get_cert_local (ctrl, name, "SENDISSUERCERT");
/* Ask back to return a certificate with subject NAME and a
subjectKeyIdentifier of KEYID. */
get_cert_local_ski (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, ksba_sexp_t keyid)
unsigned char *value;
size_t valuelen;
int rc;
char *buf;
ksba_cert_t cert;
char *hexkeyid;
if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local || !ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx)
if (opt.debug)
log_debug ("get_cert_local_ski called w/o context\n");
return NULL;
if (!name || !keyid)
log_debug ("get_cert_local_ski called with insufficient arguments\n");
return NULL;
hexkeyid = serial_hex (keyid);
if (!hexkeyid)
log_debug ("serial_hex() failed\n");
return NULL;
buf = xtrymalloc (15 + strlen (hexkeyid) + 2 + strlen(name) + 1);
if (!buf)
log_error ("can't allocate enough memory: %s\n", strerror (errno));
xfree (hexkeyid);
return NULL;
strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (buf, "SENDCERT_SKI "), hexkeyid)," /"),name);
xfree (hexkeyid);
rc = assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, buf,
&value, &valuelen, MAX_CERT_LENGTH);
xfree (buf);
if (rc)
log_error (_("assuan_inquire(%s) failed: %s\n"), "SENDCERT_SKI",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return NULL;
if (!valuelen)
xfree (value);
return NULL;
rc = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (!rc)
rc = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, value, valuelen);
if (rc)
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
xfree (value);
return cert;
/* Ask the client via an inquiry to check the istrusted status of the
certificate specified by the hexified fingerprint HEXFPR. Returns
0 if the certificate is trusted by the client or an error code. */
get_istrusted_from_client (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexfpr)
unsigned char *value;
size_t valuelen;
int rc;
char request[100];
if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local || !ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx
|| !hexfpr)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
snprintf (request, sizeof request, "ISTRUSTED %s", hexfpr);
rc = assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, request,
&value, &valuelen, 100);
if (rc)
log_error (_("assuan_inquire(%s) failed: %s\n"),
request, gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
/* The expected data is: "1" or "1 cruft" (not a C-string). */
if (valuelen && *value == '1' && (valuelen == 1 || spacep (value+1)))
rc = 0;
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED);
xfree (value);
return rc;
/* Ask the client to return the certificate associated with the
current command. This is sometimes needed because the client usually
sends us just the cert ID, assuming that the request can be
satisfied from the cache, where the cert ID is used as key. */
static int
inquire_cert_and_load_crl (assuan_context_t ctx)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *value = NULL;
size_t valuelen;
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
err = assuan_inquire( ctx, "SENDCERT", &value, &valuelen, 0);
if (err)
return err;
/* { */
/* FILE *fp = fopen ("foo.der", "r"); */
/* value = xmalloc (2000); */
/* valuelen = fread (value, 1, 2000, fp); */
/* fclose (fp); */
/* } */
if (!valuelen) /* No data returned; return a comprehensible error. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT);
err = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, value, valuelen);
goto leave;
xfree (value); value = NULL;
err = crl_cache_reload_crl (ctrl, cert);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
xfree (value);
return err;
/* Handle OPTION commands. */
static gpg_error_t
option_handler (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *key, const char *value)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
if (!strcmp (key, "force-crl-refresh"))
int i = *value? atoi (value) : 0;
ctrl->force_crl_refresh = i;
else if (!strcmp (key, "audit-events"))
int i = *value? atoi (value) : 0;
ctrl->audit_events = i;
else if (!strcmp (key, "http-proxy"))
xfree (ctrl->http_proxy);
if (!*value || !strcmp (value, "none"))
ctrl->http_proxy = NULL;
else if (!(ctrl->http_proxy = xtrystrdup (value)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
else if (!strcmp (key, "honor-keyserver-url-used"))
/* Return an error if we are running in Tor mode. */
if (opt.use_tor)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_OPTION);
return err;
static const char hlp_dns_cert[] =
"DNS_CERT <subtype> <name>\n"
"DNS_CERT --pka <user_id>\n"
"DNS_CERT --dane <user_id>\n"
"Return the CERT record for <name>. <subtype> is one of\n"
" * Return the first record of any supported subtype\n"
" PGP Return the first record of subtype PGP (3)\n"
" IPGP Return the first record of subtype IPGP (6)\n"
"If the content of a certificate is available (PGP) it is returned\n"
"by data lines. Fingerprints and URLs are returned via status lines.\n"
"In --pka mode the fingerprint and if available an URL is returned.\n"
"In --dane mode the key is returned from RR type 61";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_dns_cert (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
/* ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); */
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int pka_mode, dane_mode;
char *mbox = NULL;
char *namebuf = NULL;
char *encodedhash = NULL;
const char *name;
int certtype;
char *p;
void *key = NULL;
size_t keylen;
unsigned char *fpr = NULL;
size_t fprlen;
char *url = NULL;
pka_mode = has_option (line, "--pka");
dane_mode = has_option (line, "--dane");
line = skip_options (line);
if (pka_mode && dane_mode)
err = PARM_ERROR ("either --pka or --dane may be given");
goto leave;
if (pka_mode || dane_mode)
; /* No need to parse here - we do this later. */
p = strchr (line, ' ');
if (!p)
err = PARM_ERROR ("missing arguments");
goto leave;
*p++ = 0;
if (!strcmp (line, "*"))
certtype = DNS_CERTTYPE_ANY;
else if (!strcmp (line, "IPGP"))
else if (!strcmp (line, "PGP"))
certtype = DNS_CERTTYPE_PGP;
err = PARM_ERROR ("unknown subtype");
goto leave;
while (spacep (p))
line = p;
if (!*line)
err = PARM_ERROR ("name missing");
goto leave;
if (opt.use_tor && (err = enable_dns_tormode (0)))
/* Tor mode is requested but the DNS code can't enable it. */
assuan_set_error (ctx, err, "error enabling Tor mode");
goto leave;
if (pka_mode || dane_mode)
char *domain; /* Points to mbox. */
char hashbuf[32]; /* For SHA-1 and SHA-256. */
/* We lowercase ascii characters but the DANE I-D does not allow
this. FIXME: Check after the release of the RFC whether to
change this. */
mbox = mailbox_from_userid (line);
if (!mbox || !(domain = strchr (mbox, '@')))
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID, "no mailbox in user id");
goto leave;
*domain++ = 0;
if (pka_mode)
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, hashbuf, mbox, strlen (mbox));
encodedhash = zb32_encode (hashbuf, 8*20);
if (!encodedhash)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
namebuf = strconcat (encodedhash, "._pka.", domain, NULL);
if (!namebuf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
name = namebuf;
/* Note: The hash is truncated to 28 bytes and we lowercase
the result only for aesthetic reasons. */
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA256, hashbuf, mbox, strlen (mbox));
encodedhash = bin2hex (hashbuf, 28, NULL);
if (!encodedhash)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
ascii_strlwr (encodedhash);
namebuf = strconcat (encodedhash, "._openpgpkey.", domain, NULL);
if (!namebuf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
name = namebuf;
certtype = DNS_CERTTYPE_RR61;
name = line;
err = get_dns_cert (name, certtype, &key, &keylen, &fpr, &fprlen, &url);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (key)
err = data_line_write (ctx, key, keylen);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (fpr)
char *tmpstr;
tmpstr = bin2hex (fpr, fprlen, NULL);
if (!tmpstr)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = assuan_write_status (ctx, "FPR", tmpstr);
xfree (tmpstr);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (url)
err = assuan_write_status (ctx, "URL", url);
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (key);
xfree (fpr);
xfree (url);
xfree (mbox);
xfree (namebuf);
xfree (encodedhash);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_wkd_get[] =
"WKD_GET [--submission-address|--policy-flags] <user_id>\n"
"Return the key or other info for <user_id>\n"
"from the Web Key Directory.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_wkd_get (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
char *mbox = NULL;
char *domain; /* Points to mbox. */
char sha1buf[20];
char *uri = NULL;
char *encodedhash = NULL;
int opt_submission_addr;
int opt_policy_flags;
int no_log = 0;
opt_submission_addr = has_option (line, "--submission-address");
opt_policy_flags = has_option (line, "--policy-flags");
line = skip_options (line);
mbox = mailbox_from_userid (line);
if (!mbox || !(domain = strchr (mbox, '@')))
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID, "no mailbox in user id");
goto leave;
*domain++ = 0;
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, sha1buf, mbox, strlen (mbox));
encodedhash = zb32_encode (sha1buf, 8*20);
if (!encodedhash)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (opt_submission_addr)
uri = strconcat ("https://",
else if (opt_policy_flags)
uri = strconcat ("https://",
uri = strconcat ("https://",
no_log = 1;
if (!uri)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Setup an output stream and perform the get. */
estream_t outfp;
outfp = es_fopencookie (ctx, "w", data_line_cookie_functions);
if (!outfp)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_GENERAL,
"error setting up a data stream");
if (no_log)
ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging = 1;
ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_now = 0;
ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_count = 0;
err = ks_action_fetch (ctrl, uri, outfp);
es_fclose (outfp);
ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging = 0;
xfree (uri);
xfree (encodedhash);
xfree (mbox);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_ldapserver[] =
"LDAPSERVER <data>\n"
"Add a new LDAP server to the list of configured LDAP servers.\n"
"DATA is in the same format as expected in the configure file.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_ldapserver (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
ldap_server_t server;
ldap_server_t *last_next_p;
while (spacep (line))
if (*line == '\0')
return leave_cmd (ctx, PARM_ERROR (_("ldapserver missing")));
server = ldapserver_parse_one (line, "", 0);
if (! server)
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG));
last_next_p = &ctrl->server_local->ldapservers;
while (*last_next_p)
last_next_p = &(*last_next_p)->next;
*last_next_p = server;
return leave_cmd (ctx, 0);
return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED));
static const char hlp_isvalid[] =
"ISVALID [--only-ocsp] [--force-default-responder]"
" <certificate_id>|<certificate_fpr>\n"
"This command checks whether the certificate identified by the\n"
"certificate_id is valid. This is done by consulting CRLs or\n"
"whatever has been configured. Note, that the returned error codes\n"
"are from gpg-error.h. The command may callback using the inquire\n"
"function. See the manual for details.\n"
"The CERTIFICATE_ID is a hex encoded string consisting of two parts,\n"
"delimited by a single dot. The first part is the SHA-1 hash of the\n"
"issuer name and the second part the serial number.\n"
"Alternatively the certificate's fingerprint may be given in which\n"
"case an OCSP request is done before consulting the CRL.\n"
"If the option --only-ocsp is given, no fallback to a CRL check will\n"
"be used.\n"
"If the option --force-default-responder is given, only the default\n"
"OCSP responder will be used and any other methods of obtaining an\n"
"OCSP responder URL won't be used.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_isvalid (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
char *issuerhash, *serialno;
gpg_error_t err;
int did_inquire = 0;
int ocsp_mode = 0;
int only_ocsp;
int force_default_responder;
only_ocsp = has_option (line, "--only-ocsp");
force_default_responder = has_option (line, "--force-default-responder");
line = skip_options (line);
issuerhash = xstrdup (line); /* We need to work on a copy of the
line because that same Assuan
context may be used for an inquiry.
That is because Assuan reuses its
line buffer.
serialno = strchr (issuerhash, '.');
if (serialno)
*serialno++ = 0;
char *endp = strchr (issuerhash, ' ');
if (endp)
*endp = 0;
if (strlen (issuerhash) != 40)
xfree (issuerhash);
return leave_cmd (ctx, PARM_ERROR (_("serialno missing in cert ID")));
ocsp_mode = 1;
if (ocsp_mode)
/* Note, that we ignore the given issuer hash and instead rely
on the current certificate semantics used with this
command. */
if (!opt.allow_ocsp)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
err = ocsp_isvalid (ctrl, NULL, NULL, force_default_responder);
/* Fixme: If we got no ocsp response and --only-ocsp is not used
we should fall back to CRL mode. Thus we need to clear
OCSP_MODE, get the issuerhash and the serialno from the
current certificate and jump to again. */
else if (only_ocsp)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_CRL_KNOWN);
switch (crl_cache_isvalid (ctrl,
issuerhash, serialno,
err = 0;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CERT_REVOKED);
if (did_inquire)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_CRL_KNOWN);
else if (!(err = inquire_cert_and_load_crl (ctx)))
did_inquire = 1;
goto again;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_CRL_KNOWN);
log_fatal ("crl_cache_isvalid returned invalid code\n");
xfree (issuerhash);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
/* If the line contains a SHA-1 fingerprint as the first argument,
return the FPR vuffer on success. The function checks that the
fingerprint consists of valid characters and prints and error
message if it does not and returns NULL. Fingerprints are
considered optional and thus no explicit error is returned. NULL is
also returned if there is no fingerprint at all available.
FPR must be a caller provided buffer of at least 20 bytes.
Note that colons within the fingerprint are allowed to separate 2
hex digits; this allows for easier cutting and pasting using the
usual fingerprint rendering.
static unsigned char *
get_fingerprint_from_line (const char *line, unsigned char *fpr)
const char *s;
int i;
for (s=line, i=0; *s && *s != ' '; s++ )
if ( hexdigitp (s) && hexdigitp (s+1) )
if ( i >= 20 )
return NULL; /* Fingerprint too long. */
fpr[i++] = xtoi_2 (s);
else if ( *s != ':' )
return NULL; /* Invalid. */
if ( i != 20 )
return NULL; /* Fingerprint to short. */
return fpr;
static const char hlp_checkcrl[] =
"CHECKCRL [<fingerprint>]\n"
"Check whether the certificate with FINGERPRINT (SHA-1 hash of the\n"
"entire X.509 certificate blob) is valid or not by consulting the\n"
"CRL responsible for this certificate. If the fingerprint has not\n"
"been given or the certificate is not known, the function \n"
"inquires the certificate using an\n"
"and the caller is expected to return the certificate for the\n"
"request (which should match FINGERPRINT) as a binary blob.\n"
"Processing then takes place without further interaction; in\n"
"particular dirmngr tries to locate other required certificate by\n"
"its own mechanism which includes a local certificate store as well\n"
"as a list of trusted root certificates.\n"
"The return value is the usual gpg-error code or 0 for ducesss;\n"
"i.e. the certificate validity has been confirmed by a valid CRL.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_checkcrl (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char fprbuffer[20], *fpr;
ksba_cert_t cert;
fpr = get_fingerprint_from_line (line, fprbuffer);
cert = fpr? get_cert_byfpr (fpr) : NULL;
if (!cert)
/* We do not have this certificate yet or the fingerprint has
not been given. Inquire it from the client. */
unsigned char *value = NULL;
size_t valuelen;
err = assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, "TARGETCERT",
&value, &valuelen, MAX_CERT_LENGTH);
if (err)
log_error (_("assuan_inquire failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (!valuelen) /* No data returned; return a comprehensible error. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT);
err = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (!err)
err = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, value, valuelen);
xfree (value);
goto leave;
assert (cert);
err = crl_cache_cert_isvalid (ctrl, cert, ctrl->force_crl_refresh);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_CRL_KNOWN)
err = crl_cache_reload_crl (ctrl, cert);
if (!err)
err = crl_cache_cert_isvalid (ctrl, cert, 0);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_checkocsp[] =
"CHECKOCSP [--force-default-responder] [<fingerprint>]\n"
"Check whether the certificate with FINGERPRINT (SHA-1 hash of the\n"
"entire X.509 certificate blob) is valid or not by asking an OCSP\n"
"responder responsible for this certificate. The optional\n"
"fingerprint may be used for a quick check in case an OCSP check has\n"
"been done for this certificate recently (we always cache OCSP\n"
"responses for a couple of minutes). If the fingerprint has not been\n"
"given or there is no cached result, the function inquires the\n"
"certificate using an\n"
"and the caller is expected to return the certificate for the\n"
"request (which should match FINGERPRINT) as a binary blob.\n"
"Processing then takes place without further interaction; in\n"
"particular dirmngr tries to locate other required certificates by\n"
"its own mechanism which includes a local certificate store as well\n"
"as a list of trusted root certificates.\n"
"If the option --force-default-responder is given, only the default\n"
"OCSP responder will be used and any other methods of obtaining an\n"
"OCSP responder URL won't be used.\n"
"The return value is the usual gpg-error code or 0 for ducesss;\n"
"i.e. the certificate validity has been confirmed by a valid CRL.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_checkocsp (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char fprbuffer[20], *fpr;
ksba_cert_t cert;
int force_default_responder;
force_default_responder = has_option (line, "--force-default-responder");
line = skip_options (line);
fpr = get_fingerprint_from_line (line, fprbuffer);
cert = fpr? get_cert_byfpr (fpr) : NULL;
if (!cert)
/* We do not have this certificate yet or the fingerprint has
not been given. Inquire it from the client. */
unsigned char *value = NULL;
size_t valuelen;
err = assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, "TARGETCERT",
&value, &valuelen, MAX_CERT_LENGTH);
if (err)
log_error (_("assuan_inquire failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (!valuelen) /* No data returned; return a comprehensible error. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT);
err = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (!err)
err = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, value, valuelen);
xfree (value);
goto leave;
assert (cert);
if (!opt.allow_ocsp)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
err = ocsp_isvalid (ctrl, cert, NULL, force_default_responder);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static int
lookup_cert_by_url (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *url)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
unsigned char *value = NULL;
size_t valuelen;
/* Fetch single certificate given it's URL. */
err = fetch_cert_by_url (ctrl, url, &value, &valuelen);
if (err)
log_error (_("fetch_cert_by_url failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Send the data, flush the buffer and then send an END. */
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, value, valuelen);
if (!err)
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, NULL, 0);
if (!err)
err = assuan_write_line (ctx, "END");
if (err)
log_error (_("error sending data: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
return err;
/* Send the certificate, flush the buffer and then send an END. */
static gpg_error_t
return_one_cert (void *opaque, ksba_cert_t cert)
assuan_context_t ctx = opaque;
gpg_error_t err;
const unsigned char *der;
size_t derlen;
der = ksba_cert_get_image (cert, &derlen);
if (!der)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CERT_OBJ);
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, der, derlen);
if (!err)
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, NULL, 0);
if (!err)
err = assuan_write_line (ctx, "END");
if (err)
log_error (_("error sending data: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Lookup certificates from the internal cache or using the ldap
servers. */
static int
lookup_cert_by_pattern (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line,
int single, int cache_only)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
char *p;
strlist_t sl, list = NULL;
int truncated = 0, truncation_forced = 0;
int count = 0;
int local_count = 0;
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
unsigned char *value = NULL;
size_t valuelen;
struct ldapserver_iter ldapserver_iter;
cert_fetch_context_t fetch_context;
#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
int any_no_data = 0;
/* Break the line down into an STRLIST */
for (p=line; *p; line = p)
while (*p && *p != ' ')
if (*p)
*p++ = 0;
if (*line)
sl = xtrymalloc (sizeof *sl + strlen (line));
if (!sl)
err = gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
goto leave;
memset (sl, 0, sizeof *sl);
strcpy_escaped_plus (sl->d, line);
sl->next = list;
list = sl;
/* First look through the internal cache. The certifcates returned
here are not counted towards the truncation limit. */
if (single && !cache_only)
; /* Do not read from the local cache in this case. */
for (sl=list; sl; sl = sl->next)
err = get_certs_bypattern (sl->d, return_one_cert, ctx);
if (!err)
if (!err && single)
goto ready;
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
err = 0;
if (cache_only)
any_no_data = 1;
else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_INV_NAME && !cache_only)
/* No real fault because the internal pattern lookup
can't yet cope with all types of pattern. */
err = 0;
if (err)
goto ready;
/* Loop over all configured servers unless we want only the
certificates from the cache. */
for (ldapserver_iter_begin (&ldapserver_iter, ctrl);
!cache_only && !ldapserver_iter_end_p (&ldapserver_iter)
&& ldapserver_iter.server->host && !truncation_forced;
ldapserver_iter_next (&ldapserver_iter))
ldap_server_t ldapserver = ldapserver_iter.server;
log_debug ("cmd_lookup: trying %s:%d base=%s\n",
ldapserver->host, ldapserver->port,
ldapserver->base?ldapserver->base : "[default]");
/* Fetch certificates matching pattern */
err = start_cert_fetch (ctrl, &fetch_context, list, ldapserver);
if ( gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA )
log_debug ("cmd_lookup: no data\n");
err = 0;
any_no_data = 1;
if (err)
log_error (_("start_cert_fetch failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Fetch the certificates for this query. */
while (!truncation_forced)
xfree (value); value = NULL;
err = fetch_next_cert (fetch_context, &value, &valuelen);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA )
err = 0;
any_no_data = 1;
break; /* Ready. */
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_TRUNCATED)
truncated = 1;
err = 0;
break; /* Ready. */
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
err = 0;
break; /* Ready. */
if (!err && !value)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
goto leave;
if (err)
log_error (_("fetch_next_cert failed: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
end_cert_fetch (fetch_context);
goto leave;
log_debug ("cmd_lookup: returning one cert%s\n",
truncated? " (truncated)":"");
/* Send the data, flush the buffer and then send an END line
as a certificate delimiter. */
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, value, valuelen);
if (!err)
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, NULL, 0);
if (!err)
err = assuan_write_line (ctx, "END");
if (err)
log_error (_("error sending data: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
end_cert_fetch (fetch_context);
goto leave;
if (++count >= opt.max_replies )
truncation_forced = 1;
log_info (_("max_replies %d exceeded\n"), opt.max_replies );
if (single)
end_cert_fetch (fetch_context);
#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
if (truncated || truncation_forced)
char str[50];
sprintf (str, "%d", count);
assuan_write_status (ctx, "TRUNCATED", str);
if (!err && !count && !local_count && any_no_data)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
free_strlist (list);
return err;
static const char hlp_lookup[] =
"LOOKUP [--url] [--single] [--cache-only] <pattern>\n"
"Lookup certificates matching PATTERN. With --url the pattern is\n"
"expected to be one URL.\n"
"If --url is not given: To allow for multiple patterns (which are ORed)\n"
"quoting is required: Spaces are translated to \"+\" or \"%20\";\n"
"obviously this requires that the usual escape quoting rules are applied.\n"
"If --url is given no special escaping is required because URLs are\n"
"already escaped this way.\n"
"If --single is given the first and only the first match will be\n"
"returned. If --cache-only is _not_ given, no local query will be\n"
"If --cache-only is given no external lookup is done so that only\n"
"certificates from the cache may get returned.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_lookup (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
gpg_error_t err;
int lookup_url, single, cache_only;
lookup_url = has_leading_option (line, "--url");
single = has_leading_option (line, "--single");
cache_only = has_leading_option (line, "--cache-only");
line = skip_options (line);
if (lookup_url && cache_only)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
else if (lookup_url && single)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
else if (lookup_url)
err = lookup_cert_by_url (ctx, line);
err = lookup_cert_by_pattern (ctx, line, single, cache_only);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_loadcrl[] =
"LOADCRL [--url] <filename|url>\n"
"Load the CRL in the file with name FILENAME into our cache. Note\n"
"that FILENAME should be given with an absolute path because\n"
"Dirmngrs cwd is not known. With --url the CRL is directly loaded\n"
"from the given URL.\n"
"This command is usually used by gpgsm using the invocation \"gpgsm\n"
"--call-dirmngr loadcrl <filename>\". A direct invocation of Dirmngr\n"
"is not useful because gpgsm might need to callback gpgsm to ask for\n"
"the CA's certificate.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_loadcrl (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int use_url = has_leading_option (line, "--url");
line = skip_options (line);
if (use_url)
ksba_reader_t reader;
err = crl_fetch (ctrl, line, &reader);
if (err)
log_error (_("fetching CRL from '%s' failed: %s\n"),
line, gpg_strerror (err));
err = crl_cache_insert (ctrl, line, reader);
if (err)
log_error (_("processing CRL from '%s' failed: %s\n"),
line, gpg_strerror (err));
crl_close_reader (reader);
char *buf;
buf = xtrymalloc (strlen (line)+1);
if (!buf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
strcpy_escaped_plus (buf, line);
err = crl_cache_load (ctrl, buf);
xfree (buf);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_listcrls[] =
"List the content of all CRLs in a readable format. This command is\n"
"usually used by gpgsm using the invocation \"gpgsm --call-dirmngr\n"
"listcrls\". It may also be used directly using \"dirmngr\n"
static gpg_error_t
cmd_listcrls (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t fp;
fp = es_fopencookie (ctx, "w", data_line_cookie_functions);
if (!fp)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_GENERAL, "error setting up a data stream");
err = crl_cache_list (fp);
es_fclose (fp);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_cachecert[] =
"Put a certificate into the internal cache. This command might be\n"
"useful if a client knows in advance certificates required for a\n"
"test and wants to make sure they get added to the internal cache.\n"
"It is also helpful for debugging. To get the actual certificate,\n"
"this command immediately inquires it using\n"
"and the caller is expected to return the certificate for the\n"
"request as a binary blob.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_cachecert (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
unsigned char *value = NULL;
size_t valuelen;
err = assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, "TARGETCERT",
&value, &valuelen, MAX_CERT_LENGTH);
if (err)
log_error (_("assuan_inquire failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (!valuelen) /* No data returned; return a comprehensible error. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT);
err = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (!err)
err = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, value, valuelen);
xfree (value);
goto leave;
err = cache_cert (cert);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_validate[] =
"Validate a certificate using the certificate validation function\n"
"used internally by dirmngr. This command is only useful for\n"
"debugging. To get the actual certificate, this command immediately\n"
"inquires it using\n"
"and the caller is expected to return the certificate for the\n"
"request as a binary blob.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_validate (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
unsigned char *value = NULL;
size_t valuelen;
err = assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, "TARGETCERT",
&value, &valuelen, MAX_CERT_LENGTH);
if (err)
log_error (_("assuan_inquire failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (!valuelen) /* No data returned; return a comprehensible error. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT);
err = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (!err)
err = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, value, valuelen);
xfree (value);
goto leave;
/* If we have this certificate already in our cache, use the cached
version for validation because this will take care of any cached
results. */
unsigned char fpr[20];
ksba_cert_t tmpcert;
cert_compute_fpr (cert, fpr);
tmpcert = get_cert_byfpr (fpr);
if (tmpcert)
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = tmpcert;
err = validate_cert_chain (ctrl, cert, NULL, VALIDATE_MODE_CERT, NULL);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
/* Parse an keyserver URI and store it in a new uri item which is
returned at R_ITEM. On error return an error code. */
static gpg_error_t
make_keyserver_item (const char *uri, uri_item_t *r_item)
gpg_error_t err;
uri_item_t item;
*r_item = NULL;
item = xtrymalloc (sizeof *item + strlen (uri));
if (!item)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
item->next = NULL;
item->parsed_uri = NULL;
strcpy (item->uri, uri);
if (ldap_uri_p (item->uri))
err = ldap_parse_uri (&item->parsed_uri, uri);
err = http_parse_uri (&item->parsed_uri, uri, 1);
if (err)
xfree (item);
*r_item = item;
return err;
/* If no keyserver is stored in CTRL but a global keyserver has been
set, put that global keyserver into CTRL. We need use this
function to help migrate from the old gpg based keyserver
configuration to the new dirmngr based configuration. */
static gpg_error_t
ensure_keyserver (ctrl_t ctrl)
gpg_error_t err;
uri_item_t item;
uri_item_t onion_items = NULL;
uri_item_t plain_items = NULL;
uri_item_t ui;
strlist_t sl;
if (ctrl->server_local->keyservers)
return 0; /* Already set for this session. */
if (!opt.keyserver)
return 0; /* No global option set. */
for (sl = opt.keyserver; sl; sl = sl->next)
err = make_keyserver_item (sl->d, &item);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (item->parsed_uri->onion)
item->next = onion_items;
onion_items = item;
item->next = plain_items;
plain_items = item;
/* Decide which to use. Note that the sesssion has no keyservers
yet set. */
if (onion_items && !onion_items->next && plain_items && !plain_items->next)
/* If there is just one onion and one plain keyserver given, we take
only one depending on whether Tor is running or not. */
if (is_tor_running (ctrl))
ctrl->server_local->keyservers = onion_items;
onion_items = NULL;
ctrl->server_local->keyservers = plain_items;
plain_items = NULL;
else if (!is_tor_running (ctrl))
/* Tor is not running. It does not make sense to add Onion
addresses. */
ctrl->server_local->keyservers = plain_items;
plain_items = NULL;
/* In all other cases add all keyservers. */
ctrl->server_local->keyservers = onion_items;
onion_items = NULL;
for (ui = ctrl->server_local->keyservers; ui && ui->next; ui = ui->next)
if (ui)
ui->next = plain_items;
ctrl->server_local->keyservers = plain_items;
plain_items = NULL;
release_uri_item_list (onion_items);
release_uri_item_list (plain_items);
return err;
static const char hlp_keyserver[] =
"KEYSERVER [<options>] [<uri>|<host>]\n"
"Options are:\n"
" --help\n"
" --clear Remove all configured keyservers\n"
" --resolve Resolve HKP host names and rotate\n"
" --hosttable Print table of known hosts and pools\n"
" --dead Mark <host> as dead\n"
" --alive Mark <host> as alive\n"
"If called without arguments list all configured keyserver URLs.\n"
"If called with an URI add this as keyserver. Note that keyservers\n"
"are configured on a per-session base. A default keyserver may already be\n"
"present, thus the \"--clear\" option must be used to get full control.\n"
"If \"--clear\" and an URI are used together the clear command is\n"
"obviously executed first. A RESET command does not change the list\n"
"of configured keyservers.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_keyserver (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int clear_flag, add_flag, help_flag, host_flag, resolve_flag;
int dead_flag, alive_flag;
uri_item_t item = NULL; /* gcc 4.4.5 is not able to detect that it
is always initialized. */
clear_flag = has_option (line, "--clear");
help_flag = has_option (line, "--help");
resolve_flag = has_option (line, "--resolve");
host_flag = has_option (line, "--hosttable");
dead_flag = has_option (line, "--dead");
alive_flag = has_option (line, "--alive");
line = skip_options (line);
add_flag = !!*line;
if (help_flag)
err = ks_action_help (ctrl, line);
goto leave;
if (resolve_flag)
err = ensure_keyserver (ctrl);
if (!err)
err = ks_action_resolve (ctrl, ctrl->server_local->keyservers);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (alive_flag && dead_flag)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "no support for zombies");
goto leave;
if (dead_flag)
err = check_owner_permission (ctx, "no permission to use --dead");
if (err)
goto leave;
if (alive_flag || dead_flag)
if (!*line)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "name of host missing");
goto leave;
err = ks_hkp_mark_host (ctrl, line, alive_flag);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (host_flag)
err = ks_hkp_print_hosttable (ctrl);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (resolve_flag || host_flag || alive_flag || dead_flag)
goto leave;
if (add_flag)
err = make_keyserver_item (line, &item);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (clear_flag)
release_ctrl_keyservers (ctrl);
if (add_flag)
item->next = ctrl->server_local->keyservers;
ctrl->server_local->keyservers = item;
if (!add_flag && !clear_flag && !help_flag)
/* List configured keyservers. However, we first add a global
keyserver. */
uri_item_t u;
err = ensure_keyserver (ctrl);
if (err)
assuan_set_error (ctx, err,
"Bad keyserver configuration in dirmngr.conf");
goto leave;
for (u=ctrl->server_local->keyservers; u; u = u->next)
dirmngr_status (ctrl, "KEYSERVER", u->uri, NULL);
err = 0;
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_ks_search[] =
"KS_SEARCH {<pattern>}\n"
"Search the configured OpenPGP keyservers (see command KEYSERVER)\n"
"for keys matching PATTERN";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_ks_search (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
strlist_t list, sl;
char *p;
estream_t outfp;
/* No options for now. */
line = skip_options (line);
/* Break the line down into an strlist. Each pattern is
percent-plus escaped. */
list = NULL;
for (p=line; *p; line = p)
while (*p && *p != ' ')
if (*p)
*p++ = 0;
if (*line)
sl = xtrymalloc (sizeof *sl + strlen (line));
if (!sl)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
sl->flags = 0;
strcpy_escaped_plus (sl->d, line);
sl->next = list;
list = sl;
err = ensure_keyserver (ctrl);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Setup an output stream and perform the search. */
outfp = es_fopencookie (ctx, "w", data_line_cookie_functions);
if (!outfp)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_GENERAL, "error setting up a data stream");
err = ks_action_search (ctrl, ctrl->server_local->keyservers,
list, outfp);
es_fclose (outfp);
free_strlist (list);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_ks_get[] =
"KS_GET {<pattern>}\n"
"Get the keys matching PATTERN from the configured OpenPGP keyservers\n"
"(see command KEYSERVER). Each pattern should be a keyid, a fingerprint,\n"
"or an exact name indicated by the '=' prefix.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_ks_get (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
strlist_t list, sl;
char *p;
estream_t outfp;
/* No options for now. */
line = skip_options (line);
/* Break the line into a strlist. Each pattern is by
definition percent-plus escaped. However we only support keyids
and fingerprints and thus the client has no need to apply the
escaping. */
list = NULL;
for (p=line; *p; line = p)
while (*p && *p != ' ')
if (*p)
*p++ = 0;
if (*line)
sl = xtrymalloc (sizeof *sl + strlen (line));
if (!sl)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
sl->flags = 0;
strcpy_escaped_plus (sl->d, line);
sl->next = list;
list = sl;
err = ensure_keyserver (ctrl);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Setup an output stream and perform the get. */
outfp = es_fopencookie (ctx, "w", data_line_cookie_functions);
if (!outfp)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_GENERAL, "error setting up a data stream");
ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging = 1;
ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_now = 0;
ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_count = 0;
err = ks_action_get (ctrl, ctrl->server_local->keyservers, list, outfp);
es_fclose (outfp);
ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging = 0;
free_strlist (list);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_ks_fetch[] =
"Get the key(s) from URL.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_ks_fetch (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t outfp;
/* No options for now. */
line = skip_options (line);
err = ensure_keyserver (ctrl); /* FIXME: Why do we needs this here? */
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Setup an output stream and perform the get. */
outfp = es_fopencookie (ctx, "w", data_line_cookie_functions);
if (!outfp)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_GENERAL, "error setting up a data stream");
ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging = 1;
ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_now = 0;
ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_count = 0;
err = ks_action_fetch (ctrl, line, outfp);
es_fclose (outfp);
ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging = 0;
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_ks_put[] =
"Send a key to the configured OpenPGP keyservers. The actual key material\n"
"is then requested by Dirmngr using\n"
"The client shall respond with a binary version of the keyblock (e.g.,\n"
"the output of `gpg --export KEYID'). For LDAP\n"
"keyservers Dirmngr may ask for meta information of the provided keyblock\n"
"The client shall respond with a colon delimited info lines (the output\n"
"of 'for x in keys sigs; do gpg --list-$x --with-colons KEYID; done').\n";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_ks_put (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *value = NULL;
size_t valuelen;
unsigned char *info = NULL;
size_t infolen;
/* No options for now. */
line = skip_options (line);
err = ensure_keyserver (ctrl);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Ask for the key material. */
err = assuan_inquire (ctx, "KEYBLOCK",
&value, &valuelen, MAX_KEYBLOCK_LENGTH);
if (err)
log_error (_("assuan_inquire failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (!valuelen) /* No data returned; return a comprehensible error. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT);
goto leave;
/* Ask for the key meta data. Not actually needed for HKP servers
but we do it anyway to test the client implementaion. */
err = assuan_inquire (ctx, "KEYBLOCK_INFO",
&info, &infolen, MAX_KEYBLOCK_LENGTH);
if (err)
log_error (_("assuan_inquire failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Send the key. */
err = ks_action_put (ctrl, ctrl->server_local->keyservers,
value, valuelen, info, infolen);
xfree (info);
xfree (value);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_getinfo[] =
"GETINFO <what>\n"
"Multi purpose command to return certain information. \n"
"Supported values of WHAT are:\n"
"version - Return the version of the program.\n"
"pid - Return the process id of the server.\n"
"tor - Return OK if running in Tor mode\n"
"dnsinfo - Return info about the DNS resolver\n"
"socket_name - Return the name of the socket.\n";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_getinfo (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
if (!strcmp (line, "version"))
const char *s = VERSION;
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, s, strlen (s));
else if (!strcmp (line, "pid"))
char numbuf[50];
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%lu", (unsigned long)getpid ());
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, numbuf, strlen (numbuf));
else if (!strcmp (line, "socket_name"))
const char *s = dirmngr_get_current_socket_name ();
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, s, strlen (s));
else if (!strcmp (line, "tor"))
if (opt.use_tor)
if (!is_tor_running (ctrl))
err = assuan_write_status (ctx, "NO_TOR", "Tor not running");
err = 0;
if (!err)
assuan_set_okay_line (ctx, "- Tor mode is enabled");
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_FALSE, "Tor mode is NOT enabled");
else if (!strcmp (line, "dnsinfo"))
assuan_set_okay_line (ctx, "- ADNS with Tor support");
#elif USE_ADNS
assuan_set_okay_line (ctx, "- ADNS w/o Tor support");
assuan_set_okay_line (ctx, "- System resolver w/o Tor support");
err = 0;
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "unknown value for WHAT");
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_killdirmngr[] =
"This command allows a user - given sufficient permissions -\n"
"to kill this dirmngr process.\n";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_killdirmngr (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
ctrl->server_local->stopme = 1;
assuan_set_flag (ctx, ASSUAN_FORCE_CLOSE, 1);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
static const char hlp_reloaddirmngr[] =
"This command is an alternative to SIGHUP\n"
"to reload the configuration.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_reloaddirmngr (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
dirmngr_sighup_action ();
return 0;
/* This function parses the first portion of the version number S and
* stores it in *NUMBER. On success, this function returns a pointer
* into S starting with the first character, which is not part of the
* initial number portion; on failure, NULL is returned. */
static const char*
parse_version_number (const char *s, int *number)
int val = 0;
if (*s == '0' && digitp (&s[1]))
return NULL; /* Leading zeros are not allowed. */
for (; digitp (s); s++)
val *= 10;
val += *s - '0';
*number = val;
return val < 0 ? NULL : s;
/* This function breaks up the complete string-representation of the
* version number S, which is of the following struture: <major
* number>.<minor number>[.<micro number>]<patch level>. The major,
* minor and micro number components will be stored in *MAJOR, *MINOR
* and *MICRO. If MICRO is not given 0 is used instead.
* On success, the last component, the patch level, will be returned;
* on failure, NULL will be returned. */
static const char *
parse_version_string (const char *s, int *major, int *minor, int *micro)
s = parse_version_number (s, major);
if (!s || *s != '.')
return NULL;
s = parse_version_number (s, minor);
if (!s)
return NULL;
if (*s == '.')
s = parse_version_number (s, micro);
if (!s)
return NULL;
micro = 0;
return s; /* Patchlevel. */
/* Create temporary directory with mode 0700. Returns a dynamically
* allocated string with the filename of the directory. */
static char *
my_mktmpdir (void)
char *name, *p;
p = getenv ("TMPDIR");
if (!p || !*p)
p = "/tmp";
if (p[strlen (p) - 1] == '/')
name = strconcat (p, "gpg-XXXXXX", NULL);
name = strconcat (p, "/", "gpg-XXXXXX", NULL);
if (!name || !gnupg_mkdtemp (name))
int saveerr = errno;
log_error (_("can't create temporary directory '%s': %s\n"),
name, strerror (saveerr));
gpg_err_set_errno (saveerr);
return NULL;
return name;
/* Sets result to -1 if version a is less than b, 0 if the versions are equal
* and 1 otherwise. Patch levels are compared as strings. */
static gpg_error_t
cmp_version (const char *a, const char *b, int *result)
int a_major, b_major;
int a_minor, b_minor;
int a_micro, b_micro;
const char *a_patch, *b_patch;
if (!a || !b || !result)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EINVAL);
a_patch = parse_version_string (a, &a_major, &a_minor, &a_micro);
b_patch = parse_version_string (b, &b_major, &b_minor, &b_micro);
if (!a_patch || !b_patch)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EINVAL);
if (a_major == b_major)
if (a_minor == b_minor)
if (a_micro == b_micro)
*result = strcmp (a_patch, b_patch);
*result = a_micro - b_minor;
*result = a_minor - b_minor;
*result = a_major - b_major;
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
fetch_into_tmpdir (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *url, estream_t *strm_out,
char **path)
gpg_error_t err;
char *filename = NULL;
char *dirname = NULL;
estream_t file = NULL;
estream_t strm = NULL;
size_t len, nwritten;
char buf[1024];
if (!strm_out || !path || !url)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
goto leave;
dirname = my_mktmpdir ();
if (!dirname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
filename = strconcat (dirname, DIRSEP_S, "file", NULL);
if (!filename)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
file = es_fopen (filename, "w+");
if (!file)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if ((err = ks_http_fetch (ctrl, url, &strm)))
goto leave;
for (;;)
if (es_read (strm, buf, sizeof buf, &len))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error reading '%s': %s\n",
es_fname_get (strm), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (!len)
if (es_write (file, buf, len, &nwritten))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error writing '%s': %s\n", filename, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
else if (len != nwritten)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EIO);
log_error ("error writing '%s': %s\n", filename, "short write");
goto leave;
es_rewind (file);
*strm_out = file;
file = NULL;
if (path)
*path = dirname;
dirname = NULL;
es_fclose (file);
es_fclose (strm);
xfree (dirname);
xfree (filename);
return err;
struct verify_swdb_parm_s
time_t sigtime;
int anyvalid;
static void
verify_swdb_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *keyword, char *args)
struct verify_swdb_parm_s *parm = opaque;
/* We care only about the first valid signature. */
if (!strcmp (keyword, "VALIDSIG") && !parm->anyvalid)
char *fields[3];
parm->anyvalid = 1;
if (split_fields (args, fields, DIM (fields)) >= 3)
parm->sigtime = parse_timestamp (fields[2], NULL);
static const char hlp_versioncheck[] =
"VERSIONCHECK <name> <version>"
"Checks the internet to find whenever a new program version is available."
"<name> program name i.e. \"gnupg\"\n"
"<version> current version of the program i.e. \"2.0.2\"";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_versioncheck (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
gpg_error_t err;
char *name;
char *version;
size_t name_len;
char *cmd_fields[2];
ctrl_t ctrl;
estream_t swdb = NULL;
estream_t swdb_sig = NULL;
char* swdb_dir = NULL;
char* swdb_sig_dir = NULL;
char* buf = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
ccparray_t ccp;
const char **argv = NULL;
char keyring_name[128];
char swdb_name[128];
char swdb_sig_name[128];
struct verify_swdb_parm_s verify_swdb_parm = { (time_t)(-1), 0 };
swdb_name[0] = 0;
swdb_sig_name[0] = 0;
ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
if (split_fields (line, cmd_fields, 2) != 2)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER,
"No program name and/or version given");
goto out;
name = cmd_fields[0];
name_len = strlen (name);
version = cmd_fields[1];
if ((err = fetch_into_tmpdir (ctrl, "",
&swdb, &swdb_dir)))
goto out;
snprintf (swdb_name, sizeof swdb_name, "%s%s%s", swdb_dir, DIRSEP_S, "file");
if ((err = fetch_into_tmpdir (ctrl, "",
&swdb_sig, &swdb_sig_dir)))
goto out;
snprintf (keyring_name, sizeof keyring_name, "%s%s%s", gnupg_datadir (),
DIRSEP_S, "distsigkey.gpg");
snprintf (swdb_sig_name, sizeof swdb_sig_name, "%s%s%s", swdb_sig_dir,
DIRSEP_S, "file");
ccparray_init (&ccp, 0);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--status-fd=2");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--keyring");
ccparray_put (&ccp, keyring_name);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--");
ccparray_put (&ccp, swdb_sig_name);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "-");
ccparray_put (&ccp, NULL);
argv = ccparray_get (&ccp, NULL);
if (!argv)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
if ((err = gnupg_exec_tool_stream (gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_GPGV),
argv, swdb, NULL, NULL,
verify_swdb_status_cb, &verify_swdb_parm)))
goto out;
if (verify_swdb_parm.sigtime == (time_t)(-1))
if (verify_swdb_parm.anyvalid)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_TIME);
goto out;
gnupg_isotime_t tbuf;
epoch2isotime (tbuf, verify_swdb_parm.sigtime);
log_debug ("swdb created: %s\n", tbuf);
es_fseek (swdb, 0, SEEK_SET);
while (es_getline (&buf, &len, swdb) > 0)
if (len > name_len + 5 &&
strncmp (buf, name, name_len) == 0 &&
strncmp (buf + name_len, "_ver ", 5) == 0)
const char* this_ver_start = buf + name_len + 5;
char* this_ver_end = strchr (this_ver_start, '\n');
int cmp;
if (this_ver_end)
*this_ver_end = 0;
err = assuan_write_status (ctx, "LINE", buf);
err = cmp_version (this_ver_start, version, &cmp);
if (err > 0)
goto out;
if (cmp < 0)
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, "ROLLBACK", strlen ("ROLLBACK"));
else if (cmp == 0)
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, "CURRENT", strlen ("CURRENT"));
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, "UPDATE", strlen ("UPDATE"));
goto out;
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, "NOT_FOUND", strlen ("NOT_FOUND"));
es_fclose (swdb);
es_fclose (swdb_sig);
xfree (buf);
if (strlen (swdb_name) > 0)
remove (swdb_name);
if (swdb_dir)
rmdir (swdb_dir);
xfree (swdb_dir);
if (strlen (swdb_sig_name) > 0)
remove (swdb_sig_name);
if (swdb_sig_dir)
rmdir (swdb_sig_dir);
xfree (swdb_sig_dir);
xfree (argv);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
/* Tell the assuan library about our commands. */
static int
register_commands (assuan_context_t ctx)
static struct {
const char *name;
assuan_handler_t handler;
const char * const help;
} table[] = {
{ "DNS_CERT", cmd_dns_cert, hlp_dns_cert },
{ "WKD_GET", cmd_wkd_get, hlp_wkd_get },
{ "LDAPSERVER", cmd_ldapserver, hlp_ldapserver },
{ "ISVALID", cmd_isvalid, hlp_isvalid },
{ "CHECKCRL", cmd_checkcrl, hlp_checkcrl },
{ "CHECKOCSP", cmd_checkocsp, hlp_checkocsp },
{ "LOOKUP", cmd_lookup, hlp_lookup },
{ "LOADCRL", cmd_loadcrl, hlp_loadcrl },
{ "LISTCRLS", cmd_listcrls, hlp_listcrls },
{ "CACHECERT", cmd_cachecert, hlp_cachecert },
{ "VALIDATE", cmd_validate, hlp_validate },
{ "KEYSERVER", cmd_keyserver, hlp_keyserver },
{ "KS_SEARCH", cmd_ks_search, hlp_ks_search },
{ "KS_GET", cmd_ks_get, hlp_ks_get },
{ "KS_FETCH", cmd_ks_fetch, hlp_ks_fetch },
{ "KS_PUT", cmd_ks_put, hlp_ks_put },
{ "GETINFO", cmd_getinfo, hlp_getinfo },
{ "KILLDIRMNGR",cmd_killdirmngr,hlp_killdirmngr },
{ "RELOADDIRMNGR",cmd_reloaddirmngr,hlp_reloaddirmngr },
{ "VERSIONCHECK",cmd_versioncheck,hlp_versioncheck },
int i, j, rc;
for (i=j=0; table[i].name; i++)
rc = assuan_register_command (ctx, table[i].name, table[i].handler,
if (rc)
return rc;
return 0;
/* Note that we do not reset the list of configured keyservers. */
static gpg_error_t
reset_notify (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
ldapserver_list_free (ctrl->server_local->ldapservers);
#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
ctrl->server_local->ldapservers = NULL;
return 0;
/* This function is called by our assuan log handler to test whether a
* log message shall really be printed. The function must return
* false to inhibit the logging of MSG. CAT gives the requested log
* category. MSG might be NULL. */
dirmngr_assuan_log_monitor (assuan_context_t ctx, unsigned int cat,
const char *msg)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local)
return 1; /* Can't decide - allow logging. */
if (!ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging)
return 1; /* Not requested - allow logging. */
/* Disallow logging if *_now is true. */
return !ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_now;
/* Startup the server and run the main command loop. With FD = -1,
use stdin/stdout. */
start_command_handler (assuan_fd_t fd)
static const char hello[] = "Dirmngr " VERSION " at your service";
static char *hello_line;
int rc;
assuan_context_t ctx;
ctrl_t ctrl;
ctrl = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl);
if (ctrl)
ctrl->server_local = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl->server_local);
if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local)
log_error (_("can't allocate control structure: %s\n"),
strerror (errno));
xfree (ctrl);
dirmngr_init_default_ctrl (ctrl);
rc = assuan_new (&ctx);
if (rc)
log_error (_("failed to allocate assuan context: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
dirmngr_exit (2);
assuan_fd_t filedes[2];
filedes[0] = assuan_fdopen (0);
filedes[1] = assuan_fdopen (1);
rc = assuan_init_pipe_server (ctx, filedes);
rc = assuan_init_socket_server (ctx, fd, ASSUAN_SOCKET_SERVER_ACCEPTED);
if (rc)
assuan_release (ctx);
log_error (_("failed to initialize the server: %s\n"),
dirmngr_exit (2);
rc = register_commands (ctx);
if (rc)
log_error (_("failed to the register commands with Assuan: %s\n"),
dirmngr_exit (2);
if (!hello_line)
hello_line = xtryasprintf
("Home: %s\n"
"Config: %s\n"
gnupg_homedir (),
opt.config_filename? opt.config_filename : "[none]",
ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx = ctx;
assuan_set_pointer (ctx, ctrl);
assuan_set_hello_line (ctx, hello_line);
assuan_register_option_handler (ctx, option_handler);
assuan_register_reset_notify (ctx, reset_notify);
for (;;)
rc = assuan_accept (ctx);
if (rc == -1)
if (rc)
log_info (_("Assuan accept problem: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (opt.verbose)
assuan_peercred_t peercred;
if (!assuan_get_peercred (ctx, &peercred))
log_info ("connection from process %ld (%ld:%ld)\n",
(long)peercred->pid, (long)peercred->uid,
rc = assuan_process (ctx);
if (rc)
log_info (_("Assuan processing failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
ldap_wrapper_connection_cleanup (ctrl);
ldapserver_list_free (ctrl->server_local->ldapservers);
#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
ctrl->server_local->ldapservers = NULL;
release_ctrl_keyservers (ctrl);
ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx = NULL;
assuan_release (ctx);
if (ctrl->server_local->stopme)
dirmngr_exit (0);
if (ctrl->refcount)
log_error ("oops: connection control structure still referenced (%d)\n",
release_ctrl_ocsp_certs (ctrl);
xfree (ctrl->server_local);
dirmngr_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl);
xfree (ctrl);
/* Send a status line back to the client. KEYWORD is the status
keyword, the optional string arguments are blank separated added to
the line, the last argument must be a NULL. */
dirmngr_status (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyword, ...)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
va_list arg_ptr;
const char *text;
va_start (arg_ptr, keyword);
if (ctrl->server_local)
assuan_context_t ctx = ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx;
char buf[950], *p;
size_t n;
p = buf;
n = 0;
while ( (text = va_arg (arg_ptr, const char *)) )
if (n)
*p++ = ' ';
for ( ; *text && n < DIM (buf)-2; n++)
*p++ = *text++;
*p = 0;
err = assuan_write_status (ctx, keyword, buf);
va_end (arg_ptr);
return err;
/* Print a help status line. TEXTLEN gives the length of the text
from TEXT to be printed. The function splits text at LFs. */
dirmngr_status_help (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *text)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
if (ctrl->server_local)
assuan_context_t ctx = ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx;
char buf[950], *p;
size_t n;
p = buf;
n = 0;
for ( ; *text && *text != '\n' && n < DIM (buf)-2; n++)
*p++ = *text++;
if (*text == '\n')
*p = 0;
err = assuan_write_status (ctx, "#", buf);
while (!err && *text);
return err;
/* Send a tick progress indicator back. Fixme: This is only done for
the currently active channel. */
dirmngr_tick (ctrl_t ctrl)
static time_t next_tick = 0;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
time_t now = time (NULL);
if (!next_tick)
next_tick = now + 1;
else if ( now > next_tick )
if (ctrl)
err = dirmngr_status (ctrl, "PROGRESS", "tick", "? 0 0", NULL);
if (err)
/* Take this as in indication for a cancel request. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
now = time (NULL);
next_tick = now + 1;
return err;
diff --git a/dirmngr/t-dns-stuff.c b/dirmngr/t-dns-stuff.c
index 05b39a08c..5e8bf228a 100644
--- a/dirmngr/t-dns-stuff.c
+++ b/dirmngr/t-dns-stuff.c
@@ -1,285 +1,285 @@
/* t-dns-cert.c - Module test for dns-stuff.c
* Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "dns-stuff.h"
#define PGM "t-dns-stuff"
static int verbose;
static int debug;
main (int argc, char **argv)
int last_argc = -1;
gpg_error_t err;
int any_options = 0;
int opt_tor = 0;
int opt_new_circuit = 0;
int opt_cert = 0;
int opt_srv = 0;
int opt_bracket = 0;
int opt_cname = 0;
char const *name = NULL;
gpgrt_init ();
log_set_prefix (PGM, GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX);
if (argc)
{ argc--; argv++; }
while (argc && last_argc != argc )
last_argc = argc;
if (!strcmp (*argv, "--"))
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--help"))
fputs ("usage: " PGM " [HOST]\n"
" --verbose print timings etc.\n"
" --debug flyswatter\n"
" --use-tor use Tor\n"
" --new-circuit use a new Tor circuit\n"
" --bracket enclose v6 addresses in brackets\n"
" --cert lookup a CERT RR\n"
" --srv lookup a SRV RR\n"
" --cname lookup a CNAME RR\n"
, stdout);
exit (0);
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--verbose"))
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--debug"))
verbose += 2;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--use-tor"))
opt_tor = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--new-circuit"))
opt_new_circuit = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--bracket"))
opt_bracket = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--cert"))
any_options = opt_cert = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--srv"))
any_options = opt_srv = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--cname"))
any_options = opt_cname = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strncmp (*argv, "--", 2))
fprintf (stderr, PGM ": unknown option '%s'\n", *argv);
exit (1);
if (!argc && !any_options)
opt_cert = 1;
name = "";
else if (argc == 1)
name = *argv;
fprintf (stderr, PGM ": none or too many host names given\n");
exit (1);
if (opt_tor)
err = enable_dns_tormode (opt_new_circuit);
if (err)
fprintf (stderr, "error switching into Tor mode: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
exit (1);
if (opt_cert)
unsigned char *fpr;
size_t fpr_len;
char *url;
void *key;
size_t keylen;
if (verbose || any_options)
printf ("CERT lookup on '%s'\n", name);
err = get_dns_cert (name, DNS_CERTTYPE_ANY, &key, &keylen,
&fpr, &fpr_len, &url);
if (err)
printf ("get_dns_cert failed: %s <%s>\n",
gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
else if (key)
if (verbose || any_options)
printf ("Key found (%u bytes)\n", (unsigned int)keylen);
if (fpr)
int i;
printf ("Fingerprint found (%d bytes): ", (int)fpr_len);
for (i = 0; i < fpr_len; i++)
printf ("%02X", fpr[i]);
putchar ('\n');
printf ("No fingerprint found\n");
if (url)
printf ("URL found: %s\n", url);
printf ("No URL found\n");
xfree (key);
xfree (fpr);
xfree (url);
else if (opt_cname)
char *cname;
printf ("CNAME lookup on '%s'\n", name);
err = get_dns_cname (name, &cname);
if (err)
printf ("get_dns_cname failed: %s <%s>\n",
gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
printf ("CNAME found: '%s'\n", cname);
xfree (cname);
else if (opt_srv)
struct srventry *srv;
int rc,i;
rc=getsrv (name? name : "", &srv);
printf("priority=%-8hu ",srv[i].priority);
printf("weight=%-8hu ",srv[i].weight);
printf("port=%-5hu ",srv[i].port);
else /* Standard lookup. */
char *cname;
dns_addrinfo_t aibuf, ai;
char *host;
printf ("Lookup on '%s'\n", name);
err = resolve_dns_name (name, 0, 0, SOCK_STREAM, &aibuf, &cname);
if (err)
fprintf (stderr, PGM": resolving '%s' failed: %s\n",
name, gpg_strerror (err));
exit (1);
if (cname)
printf ("cname: %s\n", cname);
for (ai = aibuf; ai; ai = ai->next)
printf ("%s %3d %3d ",
ai->family == AF_INET6? "inet6" :
ai->family == AF_INET? "inet4" : "? ",
ai->socktype, ai->protocol);
err = resolve_dns_addr (ai->addr, ai->addrlen,
| (opt_bracket? DNS_WITHBRACKET:0)),
if (err)
printf ("[resolve_dns_addr failed: %s]", gpg_strerror (err));
printf ("%s", host);
xfree (host);
err = resolve_dns_addr (ai->addr, ai->addrlen,
(opt_bracket? DNS_WITHBRACKET:0),
if (err)
printf ("[resolve_dns_addr failed (2): %s]", gpg_strerror (err));
if (!is_ip_address (host))
printf (" (%s)", host);
xfree (host);
putchar ('\n');
xfree (cname);
free_dns_addrinfo (aibuf);
return 0;
diff --git a/dirmngr/t-http.c b/dirmngr/t-http.c
index 59959c4a5..a87382a93 100644
--- a/dirmngr/t-http.c
+++ b/dirmngr/t-http.c
@@ -1,398 +1,398 @@
/* t-http.c
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2009, 2010,
* 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assuan.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "http.h"
# include <ntbtls.h>
# include <gnutls/gnutls.h> /* For init, logging, and deinit. */
#endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
#define PGM "t-http"
static int verbose;
static int debug;
static int no_verify;
/* static void */
/* read_dh_params (const char *fname) */
/* { */
/* gpg_error_t err; */
/* int rc; */
/* FILE *fp; */
/* struct stat st; */
/* char *buf; */
/* size_t buflen; */
/* gnutls_datum_t datum; */
/* fp = fopen (fname, "rb"); */
/* if (!fp) */
/* { */
/* err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); */
/* log_fatal ("can't open '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err)); */
/* } */
/* if (fstat (fileno(fp), &st)) */
/* { */
/* err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); */
/* log_fatal ("can't stat '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err)); */
/* } */
/* buflen = st.st_size; */
/* buf = xmalloc (buflen+1); */
/* if (fread (buf, buflen, 1, fp) != 1) */
/* { */
/* err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); */
/* log_fatal ("error reading '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err)); */
/* } */
/* fclose (fp); */
/* datum.size = buflen; */
/* = buf; */
/* rc = gnutls_dh_params_import_pkcs3 (dh_params, &datum, GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM); */
/* if (rc < 0) */
/* log_fatal ("gnutls_dh_param_import failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (rc)); */
/* xfree (buf); */
/* } */
static gpg_error_t
verify_callback (http_t hd, http_session_t session, int reserved)
return no_verify? 0 : http_verify_server_credentials (session);
static void
my_gnutls_log (int level, const char *text)
fprintf (stderr, "gnutls:L%d: %s", level, text);
/* Prepend FNAME with the srcdir environment variable's value and
return an allocated filename. */
static char *
prepend_srcdir (const char *fname)
static const char *srcdir;
char *result;
if (!srcdir && !(srcdir = getenv ("srcdir")))
srcdir = ".";
result = xmalloc (strlen (srcdir) + 1 + strlen (fname) + 1);
strcpy (result, srcdir);
strcat (result, "/");
strcat (result, fname);
return result;
main (int argc, char **argv)
int last_argc = -1;
gpg_error_t err;
int rc;
parsed_uri_t uri;
uri_tuple_t r;
http_t hd;
int c;
unsigned int my_http_flags = 0;
int no_out = 0;
int tls_dbg = 0;
const char *cafile = NULL;
http_session_t session = NULL;
gpgrt_init ();
if (argc)
{ argc--; argv++; }
while (argc && last_argc != argc )
last_argc = argc;
if (!strcmp (*argv, "--"))
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--help"))
fputs ("usage: " PGM " URL\n"
" --verbose print timings etc.\n"
" --debug flyswatter\n"
" --gnutls-debug N use GNUTLS debug level N\n"
" --cacert FNAME expect CA certificate in file FNAME\n"
" --no-verify do not verify the certificate\n"
" --force-tls use HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TLS\n"
" --force-tor use HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TOR\n"
" --no-out do not print the content\n",
exit (0);
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--verbose"))
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--debug"))
verbose += 2;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--gnutls-debug"))
argc--; argv++;
if (argc)
tls_dbg = atoi (*argv);
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--cacert"))
argc--; argv++;
if (argc)
cafile = *argv;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--no-verify"))
no_verify = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--force-tls"))
my_http_flags |= HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TLS;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--force-tor"))
my_http_flags |= HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TOR;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--no-out"))
no_out = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strncmp (*argv, "--", 2))
fprintf (stderr, PGM ": unknown option '%s'\n", *argv);
exit (1);
if (argc != 1)
fprintf (stderr, PGM ": no or too many URLS given\n");
exit (1);
if (!cafile)
cafile = prepend_srcdir ("tls-ca.pem");
/* http.c makes use of the assuan socket wrapper. */
assuan_sock_init ();
ntbtls_set_debug (tls_dbg, NULL, NULL);
rc = gnutls_global_init ();
if (rc)
log_error ("gnutls_global_init failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (rc));
http_register_tls_callback (verify_callback);
http_register_tls_ca (cafile);
err = http_session_new (&session, NULL, NULL, HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_DEF);
if (err)
log_error ("http_session_new failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
/* rc = gnutls_dh_params_init(&dh_params); */
/* if (rc) */
/* log_error ("gnutls_dh_params_init failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (rc)); */
/* read_dh_params ("dh_param.pem"); */
/* rc = gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file */
/* (certcred, "ca.pem", GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM); */
/* if (rc) */
/* log_error ("gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file failed: %s\n", */
/* gnutls_strerror (rc)); */
/* gnutls_certificate_set_dh_params (certcred, dh_params); */
gnutls_global_set_log_function (my_gnutls_log);
if (tls_dbg)
gnutls_global_set_log_level (tls_dbg);
#endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
rc = http_parse_uri (&uri, *argv, 1);
if (rc)
log_error ("'%s': %s\n", *argv, gpg_strerror (rc));
return 1;
printf ("Scheme: %s\n", uri->scheme);
if (uri->opaque)
printf ("Value : %s\n", uri->path);
printf ("Auth : %s\n", uri->auth? uri->auth:"[none]");
printf ("Host : %s\n", uri->host);
printf ("Port : %u\n", uri->port);
printf ("Path : %s\n", uri->path);
for (r = uri->params; r; r = r->next)
printf ("Params: %s", r->name);
if (!r->no_value)
printf ("=%s", r->value);
if (strlen (r->value) != r->valuelen)
printf (" [real length=%d]", (int) r->valuelen);
putchar ('\n');
for (r = uri->query; r; r = r->next)
printf ("Query : %s", r->name);
if (!r->no_value)
printf ("=%s", r->value);
if (strlen (r->value) != r->valuelen)
printf (" [real length=%d]", (int) r->valuelen);
putchar ('\n');
printf ("Flags :%s%s%s%s\n",
uri->is_http? " http":"",
uri->opaque? " opaque":"",
uri->v6lit? " v6lit":"",
uri->onion? " onion":"");
printf ("TLS : %s\n",
uri->use_tls? "yes":
(my_http_flags&HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TLS)? "forced" : "no");
printf ("Tor : %s\n",
(my_http_flags&HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TOR)? "yes" : "no");
fflush (stdout);
http_release_parsed_uri (uri);
uri = NULL;
rc = http_open_document (&hd, *argv, NULL, my_http_flags,
NULL, session, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
log_error ("can't get '%s': %s\n", *argv, gpg_strerror (rc));
return 1;
log_info ("open_http_document succeeded; status=%u\n",
http_get_status_code (hd));
const char **names;
int i;
names = http_get_header_names (hd);
if (!names)
log_fatal ("http_get_header_names failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
for (i = 0; names[i]; i++)
printf ("HDR: %s: %s\n", names[i], http_get_header (hd, names[i]));
xfree (names);
fflush (stdout);
switch (http_get_status_code (hd))
case 200:
case 400:
case 401:
case 403:
case 404:
unsigned long count = 0;
while ((c = es_getc (http_get_read_ptr (hd))) != EOF)
if (!no_out)
putchar (c);
log_info ("Received bytes: %lu\n", count);
case 301:
case 302:
case 307:
log_info ("Redirected to: %s\n", http_get_header (hd, "Location"));
http_close (hd, 0);
http_session_release (session);
gnutls_global_deinit ();
#endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/
return 0;
diff --git a/dirmngr/t-ldap-parse-uri.c b/dirmngr/t-ldap-parse-uri.c
index 145b47ab9..932ca7dcb 100644
--- a/dirmngr/t-ldap-parse-uri.c
+++ b/dirmngr/t-ldap-parse-uri.c
@@ -1,257 +1,257 @@
/* t-ldap-parse-uri.c - Regression tests for ldap-parse-uri.c.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include "ldap-parse-uri.h"
#include "t-support.h"
struct test_ldap_uri_p
const char *uri;
int result;
check_ldap_uri_p (int test_count, struct test_ldap_uri_p *test)
int result = ldap_uri_p (test->uri);
if (result != test->result)
printf ("'%s' is %san LDAP schema, but ldap_uri_p says opposite.\n",
test->uri, test->result ? "" : "not ");
fail(1000 * test_count);
static void
test_ldap_uri_p (void)
struct test_ldap_uri_p tests[] = {
{ "ldap://foo", 1 },
{ "ldap://", 1 },
{ "ldap:", 1 },
{ "ldap", 0 },
{ "ldapfoobar", 0 },
{ "ldaps://foo", 1 },
{ "ldaps://", 1 },
{ "ldaps:", 1 },
{ "ldaps", 0 },
{ "ldapsfoobar", 0 },
{ "ldapi://foo", 1 },
{ "ldapi://", 1 },
{ "ldapi:", 1 },
{ "ldapi", 0 },
{ "ldapifoobar", 0 },
{ "LDAP://FOO", 1 },
{ "LDAP://", 1 },
{ "LDAP:", 1 },
{ "LDAP", 0 },
int test_count;
for (test_count = 1;
test_count <= sizeof (tests) / sizeof (tests[0]);
test_count ++)
check_ldap_uri_p (test_count, &tests[test_count - 1]);
struct test_ldap_parse_uri
const char *uri;
const char *scheme;
const char *host;
const int port;
const int use_tls;
const char *path; /* basedn. */
const char *auth; /* binddn. */
const char *password; /* query[1]. */
static int
cmp (const char *a, const char *b)
if (! a)
a = "";
if (! b)
b = "";
return strcmp (a, b) == 0;
check_ldap_parse_uri (int test_count, struct test_ldap_parse_uri *test)
gpg_error_t err;
parsed_uri_t puri;
err = ldap_parse_uri (&puri, test->uri);
if (err)
printf ("Parsing '%s' failed (%d).\n", test->uri, err);
fail (test_count * 1000 + 0);
if (! cmp(test->scheme, puri->scheme))
printf ("scheme mismatch: got '%s', expected '%s'.\n",
puri->scheme, test->scheme);
fail (test_count * 1000 + 1);
if (! cmp(test->host, puri->host))
printf ("host mismatch: got '%s', expected '%s'.\n",
puri->host, test->host);
fail (test_count * 1000 + 2);
if (test->port != puri->port)
printf ("port mismatch: got '%d', expected '%d'.\n",
puri->port, test->port);
fail (test_count * 1000 + 3);
if (test->use_tls != puri->use_tls)
printf ("use_tls mismatch: got '%d', expected '%d'.\n",
puri->use_tls, test->use_tls);
fail (test_count * 1000 + 4);
if (! cmp(test->path, puri->path))
printf ("path mismatch: got '%s', expected '%s'.\n",
puri->path, test->path);
fail (test_count * 1000 + 5);
if (! cmp(test->auth, puri->auth))
printf ("auth mismatch: got '%s', expected '%s'.\n",
puri->auth, test->auth);
fail (test_count * 1000 + 6);
if (! test->password && ! puri->query)
/* Ok. */
else if (test->password && ! puri->query)
printf ("password mismatch: got NULL, expected '%s'.\n",
fail (test_count * 1000 + 7);
else if (! test->password && puri->query)
printf ("password mismatch: got something, expected NULL.\n");
fail (test_count * 1000 + 8);
else if (! (test->password && puri->query
&& puri->query->name && puri->query->value
&& strcmp (puri->query->name, "password") == 0
&& cmp (puri->query->value, test->password)))
printf ("password mismatch: got '%s:%s', expected 'password:%s'.\n",
puri->query->name, puri->query->value,
fail (test_count * 1000 + 9);
http_release_parsed_uri (puri);
static void
test_ldap_parse_uri (void)
struct test_ldap_parse_uri tests[] = {
{ "ldap://", "ldap", NULL, 389, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL },
{ "ldap://host", "ldap", "host", 389, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL },
{ "ldap://host:100", "ldap", "host", 100, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL },
{ "ldaps://host", "ldaps", "host", 636, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL },
{ "ldap://host/ou%3DPGP%20Keys%2Cdc%3DEXAMPLE%2Cdc%3DORG",
"ldap", "host", 389, 0, "ou=PGP Keys,dc=EXAMPLE,dc=ORG" },
{ "ldap://host/????bindname=uid%3Duser%2Cou%3DPGP%20Users%2Cdc%3DEXAMPLE%2Cdc%3DORG,password=foobar",
"ldap", "host", 389, 0, "",
"uid=user,ou=PGP Users,dc=EXAMPLE,dc=ORG", "foobar" }
int test_count;
for (test_count = 1;
test_count <= sizeof (tests) / sizeof (tests[0]);
test_count ++)
check_ldap_parse_uri (test_count, &tests[test_count - 1]);
struct test_ldap_escape_filter
const char *filter;
const char *result;
static void
check_ldap_escape_filter (int test_count, struct test_ldap_escape_filter *test)
char *result = ldap_escape_filter (test->filter);
if (strcmp (result, test->result) != 0)
printf ("Filter: '%s'. Escaped: '%s'. Expected: '%s'.\n",
test->filter, result, test->result);
fail (test_count * 1000);
xfree (result);
static void
test_ldap_escape_filter (void)
struct test_ldap_escape_filter tests[] = {
{ "foobar", "foobar" },
{ "", "" },
{ "(foo)", "%28foo%29" },
{ "* ( ) \\ /", "%2a %28 %29 %5c %2f" }
int test_count;
for (test_count = 1;
test_count <= sizeof (tests) / sizeof (tests[0]);
test_count ++)
check_ldap_escape_filter (test_count, &tests[test_count - 1]);
main (int argc, char **argv)
test_ldap_uri_p ();
test_ldap_parse_uri ();
test_ldap_escape_filter ();
return 0;
diff --git a/dirmngr/t-support.h b/dirmngr/t-support.h
index 99fd267ac..f773f1efb 100644
--- a/dirmngr/t-support.h
+++ b/dirmngr/t-support.h
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
/* t-support.h - Helper for the regression tests
* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of JNLIB, which is a subsystem of GnuPG.
* JNLIB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of either
* - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or
* - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* or both in parallel, as here.
* JNLIB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copies of the GNU General Public License
* and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program;
- * if not, see <>.
+ * if not, see <>.
/* Macros to print the result of a test. */
#define pass() do { ; } while(0)
#define fail(a) do { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: test %d failed\n",\
__FILE__,__LINE__, (a)); \
exit (1); \
} while(0)
#endif /* DIRMNGR_T_SUPPORT_H */
diff --git a/dirmngr/w32-ldap-help.h b/dirmngr/w32-ldap-help.h
index 80668d935..566a34634 100644
--- a/dirmngr/w32-ldap-help.h
+++ b/dirmngr/w32-ldap-help.h
@@ -1,169 +1,169 @@
/* w32-ldap-help.h - Map utf8 based API into a wchar_t API.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef W32_LDAP_HELP_H
#define W32_LDAP_HELP_H
# error This is only required for W32CE.
static inline LDAP *
_dirmngr_ldap_init (const char *host, unsigned short port)
LDAP *ld;
wchar_t *whost = NULL;
if (host)
whost = utf8_to_wchar (host);
if (!whost)
return NULL;
ld = ldap_init (whost, port);
xfree (whost);
return ld;
static inline ULONG
_dirmngr_ldap_simple_bind_s (LDAP *ld, const char *user, const char *pass)
ULONG ret;
wchar_t *wuser, *wpass;
wuser = user? utf8_to_wchar (user) : NULL;
wpass = pass? utf8_to_wchar (pass) : NULL;
/* We can't easily map errnos to ldap_errno, thus we pass a NULL to
the function in the hope that the server will throw an error. */
ret = ldap_simple_bind_s (ld, wuser, wpass);
xfree (wpass);
xfree (wuser);
return ret;
static inline ULONG
_dirmngr_ldap_search_st (LDAP *ld, const char *base, ULONG scope,
const char *filter, char **attrs,
ULONG attrsonly, struct timeval *timeout,
LDAPMessage **res)
wchar_t *wbase = NULL;
wchar_t *wfilter = NULL;
wchar_t **wattrs = NULL;
int i;
if (base)
wbase = utf8_to_wchar (base);
if (!wbase)
goto leave;
if (filter)
wfilter = utf8_to_wchar (filter);
if (!wfilter)
goto leave;
if (attrs)
for (i=0; attrs[i]; i++)
wattrs = xtrycalloc (i+1, sizeof *wattrs);
if (!wattrs)
goto leave;
for (i=0; attrs[i]; i++)
wattrs[i] = utf8_to_wchar (attrs[i]);
if (!wattrs[i])
goto leave;
ret = ldap_search_st (ld, wbase, scope, wfilter, wattrs, attrsonly,
(struct l_timeval *)timeout, res);
if (wattrs)
for (i=0; wattrs[i]; i++)
xfree (wattrs[i]);
xfree (wattrs);
xfree (wfilter);
xfree (wbase);
return ret;
static inline char *
_dirmngr_ldap_first_attribute (LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *msg, BerElement **elem)
wchar_t *wattr;
char *attr;
wattr = ldap_first_attribute (ld, msg, elem);
if (!wattr)
return NULL;
attr = wchar_to_utf8 (wattr);
ldap_memfree (wattr);
return attr;
static inline char *
_dirmngr_ldap_next_attribute (LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *msg, BerElement *elem)
wchar_t *wattr;
char *attr;
wattr = ldap_next_attribute (ld, msg, elem);
if (!wattr)
return NULL;
attr = wchar_to_utf8 (wattr);
ldap_memfree (wattr);
return attr;
static inline BerValue **
_dirmngr_ldap_get_values_len (LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *msg, const char *attr)
BerValue **ret;
wchar_t *wattr;
if (attr)
wattr = utf8_to_wchar (attr);
if (!wattr)
return NULL;
wattr = NULL;
ret = ldap_get_values_len (ld, msg, wattr);
xfree (wattr);
return ret;
#endif /*W32_LDAP_HELP_H*/
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 52ac3987c..0791dbcf1 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -1,188 +1,188 @@
# Copyright (C) 2002, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
## Process this file with automake to produce
include $(top_srcdir)/am/
examples = examples/README examples/scd-event examples/trustlist.txt \
examples/gpgconf.conf examples/pwpattern.list
helpfiles = help.txt help.cs.txt \
help.da.txt help.el.txt help.eo.txt \ \ \
help.ja.txt help.nb.txt \
help.pt_BR.txt \ help.zh_CN.txt help.zh_TW.txt
EXTRA_DIST = samplekeys.asc mksamplekeys com-certs.pem qualified.txt \
gnupg-logo.eps gnupg-logo.pdf gnupg-logo.png gnupg-logo-tr.png \
gnupg-module-overview.png gnupg-module-overview.pdf \
gnupg-card-architecture.png gnupg-card-architecture.pdf \
FAQ gnupg7.texi mkdefsinc.c defsincdate \
opt-homedir.texi see-also-note.texi specify-user-id.texi \
gpgv.texi yat2m.c ChangeLog-2011 whats-new-in-2.1.txt
BUILT_SOURCES = gnupg-module-overview.png gnupg-module-overview.pdf \
gnupg-card-architecture.png gnupg-card-architecture.pdf \
info_TEXINFOS = gnupg.texi
dist_pkgdata_DATA = $(helpfiles)
#dist_html_DATA =
gnupg_TEXINFOS = \
gpg.texi gpgsm.texi gpg-agent.texi scdaemon.texi instguide.texi \
tools.texi debugging.texi glossary.texi contrib.texi gpl.texi \
sysnotes.texi dirmngr.texi \
gnupg-module-overview.svg \
gnupg-card-architecture.fig \
howtos.texi howto-create-a-server-cert.texi
gnupg.texi :
# We need EPS files for "make distcheck" but we do not want to distribute
# them due to their size. Let's build them as needed.
gnupg.dvi : gnupg-module-overview.eps gnupg-card-architecture.eps
AM_MAKEINFOFLAGS = -I $(srcdir) --css-ref=/share/site.css
YAT2M_OPTIONS = -I $(srcdir) \
--release "GnuPG @PACKAGE_VERSION@" --source "GNU Privacy Guard 2.1"
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dirmngr.texi scdaemon.texi tools.texi
myman_pages = gpgsm.1 gpg-agent.1 dirmngr.8 scdaemon.1 \
watchgnupg.1 gpgconf.1 addgnupghome.8 gpg-preset-passphrase.1 \
gpg-connect-agent.1 gpgparsemail.1 symcryptrun.1 \
applygnupgdefaults.8 \
myman_pages += gpg2.1 gpgv2.1
myman_pages += gpg.1 gpgv.1
man_MANS = $(myman_pages) gnupg.7
watchgnupg_SOURCE = gnupg.texi
CLEANFILES = yat2m mkdefsinc
DISTCLEANFILES = gnupg.tmp gnupg.ops yat2m-stamp.tmp yat2m-stamp \
gnupg-card-architecture.eps \
gnupg-module-overview.eps \
$(myman_pages) gpg-zip.1 gnupg.7
yat2m: yat2m.c
$(CC_FOR_BUILD) -o $@ $(srcdir)/yat2m.c
mkdefsinc: mkdefsinc.c Makefile ../config.h
$(CC_FOR_BUILD) -I. -I.. -I$(srcdir) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \
-o $@ $(srcdir)/mkdefsinc.c
convert `test -f '$<' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$< $@
convert `test -f '$<' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$< $@
convert `test -f '$<' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$< $@
fig2dev -L png `test -f '$<' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$< $@
fig2dev -L jpeg `test -f '$<' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$< $@
fig2dev -L eps `test -f '$<' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$< $@
fig2dev -L pdf `test -f '$<' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$< $@
yat2m-stamp: $(myman_sources)
@rm -f yat2m-stamp.tmp
@touch yat2m-stamp.tmp
incd="`test -f defsincdate || echo '$(srcdir)/'`defsincdate"; \
for file in $(myman_sources) ; do \
./yat2m $(YAT2M_OPTIONS) --store \
--date "`cat $$incd 2>/dev/null`" \
`test -f '$$file' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$$file ; done
@mv -f yat2m-stamp.tmp $@
yat2m-stamp: yat2m
$(myman_pages) gnupg.7 : yat2m-stamp
@if test -f $@; then :; else \
trap 'rm -rf yat2m-stamp yat2m-lock' 1 2 13 15; \
if mkdir yat2m-lock 2>/dev/null; then \
rm -f yat2m-stamp; \
$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) yat2m-stamp; \
rmdir yat2m-lock; \
else \
while test -d yat2m-lock; do sleep 1; done; \
test -f yat2m-stamp; exit $$?; \
fi; \
dist-hook: defsincdate
defsincdate: $(gnupg_TEXINFOS)
: >defsincdate ; \
if test -e $(top_srcdir)/.git; then \
(cd $(srcdir) && git log -1 --format='%ct' \
-- $(gnupg_TEXINFOS) 2>/dev/null) >>defsincdate; \
fi : defsincdate Makefile mkdefsinc
incd="`test -f defsincdate || echo '$(srcdir)/'`defsincdate"; \
./mkdefsinc -C $(srcdir) --date "`cat $$incd 2>/dev/null`" \
$(gnupg_TEXINFOS) >$@
online: gnupg.html gnupg.pdf gnupg-module-overview.png \
set -e; \
echo "Uploading current manuals to ..."; \
cp $(srcdir)/gnupg-logo-tr.png gnupg.html/; \
cp gnupg-module-overview.png gnupg.html/; \
cp gnupg-card-architecture.png gnupg.html/; \
user=werner ; webhost="" ; dashdevel="" ; \
if echo "@PACKAGE_VERSION@" | grep -- "-beta" >/dev/null; then \
dashdevel="-devel" ; \
else \
rsync -v gnupg.pdf $${user}@$${webhost}:webspace/manuals/ ; \
fi ; \
cd gnupg.html ; \
rsync -vr --exclude='.git' . \
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 27046ffdb..22d07f073 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -1,1558 +1,1558 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#+STARTUP: overview
#+OPTIONS: H:2 num:t toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t *:t TeX:t
#+AUTHOR: GnuPG users
#+TITLE: GnuPG Frequently Asked Questions
#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:{} -:t f:t *:t TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:nil d:(HIDE) tags:not-in-toc
#+LINK: gnupgweb
#+LINK: roundup
#+STYLE: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
# FIXME: This FAQ needs a heavy cleanup. For now I only switched to
# org-mode format for easier maintenance.
-<a href="/"><img src="" class="logo-link" /></a>
+<a href="/"><img src="" class="logo-link" /></a>
*WARNING: This FAQ is heavily outdated*. Mentioned versions of GnuPG
have reached end of life many years ago. Almost all bugs and problems
have been fixed in the now current versions of GnuPG. We will try to
update this FAQ in the next month. See the section "Changes" for recent updates.
* Welcome
:CUSTOM_ID: welcome
Welcome to the GnuPG FAQ. The latest HTML version is available at\\
[[]]; \\
a plain text Gversion at \\
See the end of this file for the release date.
The index is generated automatically, so there may be errors. Not
all questions may be in the section they belong to. Suggestions
about how to improve the structure of this FAQ are welcome.
Please send additions and corrections to the gnupg-users mailing
list. It would be most convenient if you could provide the answer to
be included here as well. Your help is very much appreciated!
Please, don't send message like "This should be a FAQ - what's the
answer?". If it hasn't been asked before, it isn't a FAQ. In that
case you could search in the mailing list archive.
** What conventions are used in this FAQ?
:CUSTOM_ID: what-conventions-are-used-in-this-faq
Although GnuPG is being developed for several operating systems
(often in parallel), the conventions used in this FAQ reflect a
UNIX shell environment. For Win32 users, references to a shell
prompt (=$=) should be interpreted as a command prompt (=>=),
directory names separated by a forward slash (=/=) may need to be
converted to a back slash (=\=), and a tilde (=~=) represents a
user's "home" directory (reference question [[id:how-do-i-put-my-keyring-in-a-different-directory][How do I put my keyring in a different directory?]] for an example).
Some command-lines presented in this FAQ are too long to properly
display in some browsers for the web page version of this file, and
have been split into two or more lines. For these commands please
remember to enter the entire command-string on one line or the
command will error, or at minimum not give the desired results.
Please keep in mind that this FAQ contains information that may not
apply to your particular version, as new features and bug fixes are
added on a continuing basis (reference the NEWS file included with
the source or package for noteworthy changes between versions). One
item to note is that starting with GnuPG version 1.1.92 the file
containing user options and settings has been renamed from "options"
to "gpg.conf". Information in the FAQ that relates to the options
file may be interchangeable with the newer gpg.conf file in many
instances. See question
[[#gnupg-no-longer-installs-a-options-file-is-it-missing][GnuPG no longer installs a ~/.gnupg/options file. Is it missing?]]
for details.
* General Questions
** What is GnuPG?
:CUSTOM_ID: what-is-gnupg
[[gnupgweb][GnuPG]] stands for GNU Privacy Guard and is GNU's tool for secure
communication and data storage. It can be used to encrypt data and
to create digital signatures. It includes an advanced key
management facility and is compliant with the proposed OpenPGP
Internet standard as described in [[][RFC-4880]]. As such, it is aimed
to be compatible with PGP from PGP Corp. and other OpenPGP tools
** Is GnuPG compatible with PGP?
:CUSTOM_ID: is-gnupg-compatible-with-pgp
In general, yes. GnuPG and newer PGP releases should be implementing
the OpenPGP standard. But there are some interoperability problems.
See question
[[#how-can-i-encrypt-a-message-so-that-pgp-is-able-to-decrypt-it][How can I encrypt a message with GnuPG so that PGP is able to decrypt it?]]
for details.
** Is GnuPG free to use for personal or commercial use?
:CUSTOM_ID: is-gnupg-free-to-use
Yes. GnuPG is part of the GNU family of tools and applications built
and provided in accordance with the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
General Public License (GPL). Therefore the software is free to copy,
use, modify and distribute in accordance with that license. Please
read the file titled COPYING that accompanies the application for
more information.
* Sources of Information
** Where can I find more information on GnuPG?
:CUSTOM_ID: more-information-on-gnupg
On-line resources:
- The documentation page is located at [[gnupgweb:documentation/]].
Also, have a look at the HOWTOs and the GNU Privacy Handbook
(GPH, available in English, Spanish and Russian). The latter
provides a detailed user's guide to GnuPG. You'll also find a
document about how to convert from PGP 2.x to GnuPG.
- At [[gnupgweb:documentation/mailing-lists.html]] you'll find an
online archive of the GnuPG mailing lists. Most interesting
should be gnupg-users for all user-related issues and gnupg-devel
if you want to get in touch with the developers.
In addition, searchable archives can be found on MARC, e.g.:\\
For gnupg-users : [[]]\\
For gnupg-devel : [[]]
*Please:* Before posting to a list, read this FAQ and the
available documentation. In addition, search the list archive
--- maybe your question has already been discussed. This way you
help people focus on topics that have not yet been resolved.
- The GnuPG source distribution contains a subdirectory:
: ./doc
where some additional documentation is located (mainly
interesting for hackers, not the casual user).
** Where do I get GnuPG?
:CUSTOM_ID: where-do-i-get-gnupg
You can download the GNU Privacy Guard from its primary FTP server
[[][]] or from one of its [[gnupgweb:download/mirrors.html][mirrors]].
The current stable version is FIXME. Please upgrade to this
version as it includes additional features, functions and security
fixes that may not have existed in prior versions.
* Installation
** Which OSes does GnuPG run on?
:CUSTOM_ID: which-oses-does-gnupg-run-on
It should run on most Unices as well as Windows versions
(including Windows NT/2000) and Macintosh OS/X. A list of OSes
reported to be OK is presented at:
** Which random data gatherer should I use?
:CUSTOM_ID: which-random-data-gatherer-should-i-use
"Good" random numbers are crucial for the security of your encryption.
Different operating systems provide a variety of more or less quality
random data. Linux and *BSD provide kernel generated random data
through /dev/random - this should be the preferred choice on these
systems. Also Solaris users with the SUNWski package installed have
a /dev/random. In these cases, use the configure option:
: --enable-static-rnd=linux
In addition, there's also the kernel random device by Andi Maier
[[]], but it's still beta. Use
at your own risk!
On other systems, the Entropy Gathering Daemon (EGD) is a good choice.
It is a perl-daemon that monitors system activity and hashes it into
random data. See the download page [[gnupgweb:download/]]
to obtain EGD. Use:
: --enable-static-rnd=egd
If the above options do not work, you can use the random number
generator "unix". This is *very slow* and should be avoided. The
random quality isn't very good so don't use it on sensitive data.
** How do I include support for RSA and IDEA?
:CUSTOM_ID: how-do-i-include-support-for-rsa-and-idea
RSA is included as of GnuPG version 1.0.3.
The official GnuPG distribution does not contain IDEA due to a patent
restriction. The patent does not expire before 2007 so don't expect
official support before then.
However, there is an unofficial module to include it even in earlier
versions of GnuPG. It's available from
[[]]. Look for:
: idea.c.gz (c module)
: idea.c.gz.sig (signature file)
: (c module and win32 dll)
: (signature file)
Compilation directives are in the headers of these files. You will
then need to add the following line to your =~/.gnupg/gpg.conf= or
=~/.gnupg/options= file:
: load-extension idea
* Usage
** What is the recommended key size?
:CUSTOM_ID: what-is-the-recommended-key-size
1024 bit for DSA signatures; even for plain Elgamal signatures.
This is sufficient as the size of the hash is probably the weakest
link if the key size is larger than 1024 bits. Encryption keys may
have greater sizes, but you should then check the fingerprint of
this key:
: $ gpg --fingerprint <user ID>
As for the key algorithms, you should stick with the default (i.e.,
DSA signature and Elgamal encryption). An Elgamal signing key has
the following disadvantages: the signature is larger, it is hard
to create such a key useful for signatures which can withstand some
real world attacks, you don't get any extra security compared to
DSA, and there might be compatibility problems with certain PGP
versions. It has only been introduced because at the time it was
not clear whether there was a patent on DSA.
** Why does it sometimes take so long to create keys?
:CUSTOM_ID: why-does-it-sometimes-take-so-long-to-create-keys
The problem here is that we need a lot of random bytes and for that
we (on Linux the /dev/random device) must collect some random data.
It is really not easy to fill the Linux internal entropy buffer; I
talked to Ted Ts'o and he commented that the best way to fill the
buffer is to play with your keyboard. Good security has its price.
What I do is to hit several times on the shift, control, alternate,
and caps lock keys, because these keys do not produce output to the
screen. This way you get your keys really fast (it's the same thing
PGP2 does).
Another problem might be another program which eats up your random
bytes (a program (look at your daemons) that reads from /dev/random).
** And it really takes long when I work on a remote system. Why?
:CUSTOM_ID: it-really-takes-long-when-i-work-on-a-remote-system
Don't do this at all! You should never create keys or even use GnuPG
on a remote system because you normally have no physical control
over your secret key ring (which is in most cases vulnerable to
advanced dictionary attacks) - I strongly encourage everyone to only
create keys on a local computer (a disconnected laptop is probably
the best choice) and if you need it on your connected box (I know,
we all do this) be sure to have a strong password for both your
account and for your secret key, and that you can trust your system
When I check GnuPG on a remote system via ssh (I have no Alpha here)
;-) I have the same problem. It takes a *very* long time to create
the keys, so I use a special option, --quick-random, to generate
insecure keys which are only good for some tests.
** What is the difference between options and commands?
:CUSTOM_ID: difference-between-options-and-commands
If you do a 'gpg --help', you will get two separate lists. The first
is a list of commands. The second is a list of options. Whenever you
run GPG, you *must* pick exactly one command (with one exception,
see below). You *may* pick one or more options. The command should,
just by convention, come at the end of the argument list, after all
the options. If the command takes a file (all the basic ones do),
the filename comes at the very end. So the basic way to run gpg is:
: $ gpg [--option something] [--option2] [--option3 something] --command file
Some options take arguments. For example, the --output option (which
can be abbreviated as -o) is an option that takes a filename. The
option's argument must follow immediately after the option itself,
otherwise gpg doesn't know which option the argument is supposed to
paired with. As an option, --output and its filename must come before
the command. The --recipient (-r) option takes a name or keyID to
encrypt the message to, which must come right after the -r option.
The --encrypt (or -e) command comes after all the options and is
followed by the file you wish to encrypt. Therefore in this example
the command-line issued would be:
: $ gpg -r alice -o secret.txt -e test.txt
If you write the options out in full, it is easier to read:
: $ gpg --recipient alice --output secret.txt --encrypt test.txt
If you're encrypting to a file with the extension ".txt", then you'd
probably expect to see ASCII-armored text in the file (not binary),
so you need to add the --armor (-a) option, which doesn't take any
: $ gpg --armor --recipient alice --output secret.txt --encrypt test.txt
If you imagine square brackets around the optional parts, it becomes
a bit clearer:
: $ gpg [--armor] [--recipient alice] [--output secret.txt] --encrypt test.txt
The optional parts can be rearranged any way you want:
: $ gpg --output secret.txt --recipient alice --armor --encrypt test.txt
If your filename begins with a hyphen (e.g. "-a.txt"), GnuPG assumes
this is an option and may complain. To avoid this you have to either
use =./-a.txt=, or stop the option and command processing with two
hyphens: =-- -a.txt=.
*The exception to using only one command*: signing and encrypting
at the same time. For this you can combine both commands, such as in:
: $ gpg [--options] --sign --encrypt foo.txt
** I can't delete a user ID on my secret keyring because it has already been deleted on my public keyring. What can I do?
:CUSTOM_ID: delete-user-id-from-secring-if-already-deleted-from-pubring
Because you can only select from the public key ring, there is no
direct way to do this. However it is not very complicated to do
anyway. Create a new user ID with exactly the same name and you
will see that there are now two identical user IDs on the secret
ring. Now select this user ID and delete it. Both user IDs will be
removed from the secret ring.
** I can't delete my secret key because the public key disappeared. What can I do?
:CUSTOM_ID: delete-my-secret-key-because-the-public-key-disappeared
To select a key a search is always done on the public keyring,
therefore it is not possible to select a secret key without
having the public key. Normally it should never happen that the
public key got lost but the secret key is still available. The
reality is different, so GnuPG implements a special way to deal
with it: Simply use the long keyID to specify the key to delete,
which can be obtained by using the --with-colons options (it is
the fifth field in the lines beginning with "sec").
If you've lost your public key and need to recreate it instead
for continued use with your secret key, you may be able to use
gpgsplit as detailed in question
[[#i-still-have-my-secret-key-but-lost-my-public-key][I still have my secret key, but lost my public key. What can I do?]].
** What are trust, validity and ownertrust?
:CUSTOM_ID: what-are-trust-validity-and-ownertrust
With GnuPG, the term "ownertrust" is used instead of "trust" to
help clarify that this is the value you have assigned to a key
to express how much you trust the owner of this key to correctly
sign (and thereby introduce) other keys. The "validity", or
calculated trust, is a value which indicates how much GnuPG
considers a key as being valid (that it really belongs to the
one who claims to be the owner of the key). For more information
on trust values see the chapter "The Web of Trust" in The GNU
Privacy Handbook.
** How do I sign a patch file?
:CUSTOM_ID: how-do-i-sign-a-patch-file
Use "gpg --clearsign --not-dash-escaped ...". The problem with
--clearsign is that all lines starting with a dash are quoted with
"- "; obviously diff produces many lines starting with a dash and
these are then quoted and that is not good for a patch ;-). To use
a patch file without removing the cleartext signature, the special
option --not-dash-escaped may be used to suppress generation of
these escape sequences. You should not mail such a patch because
spaces and line endings are also subject to the signature and a
mailer may not preserve these. If you want to mail a file you can
simply sign it using your MUA (Mail User Agent).
** Where is the "encrypt-to-self" option?
:CUSTOM_ID: where-is-the-encrypt-to-self-option
Use "--encrypt-to your_keyID". You can use more than one of these
options. To temporarily override the use of this additional key,
you can use the option "--no-encrypt-to".
** How can I get rid of the Version and Comment headers in armored messages?
:CUSTOM_ID: get-rid-of-the-version-and-comment-headers-in-armored-messages
: --no-version --comment ''
Note that the left over blank line
is required by the protocol.
** What does the "You are using the xxxx character set." mean?
:CUSTOM_ID: what-does-the-you-are-using-the-xxx-character-set-mean
This note is printed when UTF-8 mapping has to be done. Make sure
that the displayed character set is the one you have activated on
your system. Since "iso-8859-1" is the character set most used,
this is the default. You can change the charset with the option
=--charset=. It is important that your active character set matches
the one displayed --- if not, restrict yourself to plain 7 bit
ASCII and no mapping has to be done.
** How can I get list of key IDs used to encrypt a message?
:CUSTOM_ID: how-can-i-get-list-of-key-ids-used-to-encrypt-a-message
: $ gpg --batch --decrypt --list-only --status-fd 1 2>/dev/null | \
: awk '/^\[GNUPG:\] ENC_TO / { print $3 }'
** Why can't I decrypt files encrypted as symmetrical-only (-c) with a version of GnuPG prior to 1.0.1.
:CUSTOM_ID: why-cant-i-decrypt-symmetrical-only-with-gnupg-prior-to-1.0.1
There was a bug in GnuPG versions prior to 1.0.1 which affected files
only if 3DES or Twofish was used for symmetric-only encryption (this has
never been the default). The bug has been fixed, but to enable decryption
of old files you should run gpg with the option =--emulate-3des-s2k-bug=,
decrypt the file and encrypt it again without this option.
NOTE: This option was removed in GnuPG development version 1.1.0 and later
updates, so you will need to use a version between 1.0.1 and 1.0.7 to
re-encrypt any affected files.
** How can I use GnuPG in an automated environment?
:CUSTOM_ID: how-can-i-use-gnupg-in-an-automated-environment
You should use the option =--batch= and don't use passphrases as
there is usually no way to store it more securely than on the
secret keyring itself. The suggested way to create keys for an
automated environment is:
On a secure machine:
1. If you want to do automatic signing, create a signing subkey for
your key. Use the interactive key editing menu by issuing the
: gpg --edit-key keyID
enter "addkey" and select the DSA key type).
1. Make sure that you use a passphrase (needed by the current
: gpg --export-secret-subkeys --no-comment foo >
1. Copy and the public keyring to a test directory.
1. Change to this directory.
1. Run the command
: gpg --homedir . --edit foo
and use the sub-command =passwd= to remove the passphrase from the
subkeys. You may also want to remove all unused subkeys.
1. Copy to a floppy and carry it to the target box.
On the target machine:
1. Install as the secret keyring.
1. Now you can start your new service. It's also a good idea to
install an intrusion detection system so that you hopefully get
a notice of an successful intrusion, so that you in turn can
revoke all the subkeys installed on that machine and install new
** Which email-client can I use with GnuPG?
:CUSTOM_ID: which-email-client-can-i-use-with-gnupg
Using GnuPG to encrypt email is one of the most popular uses.
Several mail clients or mail user agents (MUAs) support GnuPG to
varying degrees. Simplifying a bit, there are two ways mail can be
encrypted with GnuPG: the "old style" ASCII armor (i.e. cleartext
encryption), and RFC 2015 style (previously PGP/MIME, now OpenPGP).
The latter has full MIME support. Some MUAs support only one of
them, so whichever you actually use depends on your needs as well
as the capabilities of your addressee. As well, support may be
native to the MUA, or provided via "plug-ins" or external tools.
The following list is not exhaustive:
| MUA | OpenPGP | ASCII | How? (N,P,T) |
| Calypso | N | Y | P (Unixmail) |
| Elm | N | Y | T (mailpgp,morepgp) |
| Elm ME+ | N | Y | N |
| Emacs/Gnus | Y | Y | T (Mailcrypt,gpg.el) |
| Emacs/Mew | Y | Y | N |
| Emacs/VM | N | Y | T (Mailcrypt) |
| Evolution | Y | Y | N |
| Exmh | Y | Y | N |
| | Y | Y | P (PGPBundle) |
| GPGMail | Y | Y | N |
| KMail (<=1.4.x) | N | Y | N |
| KMail (1.5.x) | Y(P) | Y(N) | P/N |
| Mozilla | Y | Y | P (Enigmail) |
| Mulberry | Y | Y | P |
| Mutt | Y | Y | N |
| Sylpheed | Y | Y | N |
| Claws-mail | Y | Y | N |
| TkRat | Y | Y | N |
| XEmacs/Gnus | Y | Y | T (Mailcrypt) |
| XEmacs/Mew | Y | Y | N |
| XEmacs/VM | N | Y | T (Mailcrypt) |
| XFmail | Y | Y | N |
( N - Native, P - Plug-in, T - External Tool)
The following table lists proprietary MUAs. The GNU Project
suggests against the use of these programs, but they are listed
for interoperability reasons for your convenience.
| MUA | OpenPGP | ASCII | How? (N,P,T) |
| Apple Mail | Y | Y | P (GPGMail) |
| Becky2 | Y | Y | P (BkGnuPG) |
| Eudora | Y | Y | P (EuroraGPG) |
| Eudora Pro | Y | Y | P (EudoraGPG) |
| Lotus Notes | N | Y | P |
| Netscape 4.x | N | Y | P |
| Netscape 7.x | Y | Y | P (Enigmail) |
| Novell Groupwise | N | Y | P |
| Outlook | N | Y | P (G-Data) |
| Outlook Express | N | Y | P (GPGOE) |
| Pegasus | N | Y | P (QDPGP,PM-PGP) |
| Pine | N | Y | T (pgpenvelope,gpg4pine) |
| Postme | N | Y | P (GPGPPL) |
| The Bat! | N | Y | P (Ritlabs) |
Good overviews of OpenPGP-support can be found at:\\
[[]] \\
Users of Win32 MUAs that lack OpenPGP support may look into using
GPGrelay, a small email-relaying
server that uses GnuPG to enable many email clients to send and
receive emails that conform to PGP-MIME (RFC 2015).
** Can't we have a gpg library?
:CUSTOM_ID: cant-we-have-a-gpg-library
This has been frequently requested. However, the current viewpoint
of the GnuPG maintainers is that this would lead to several security
issues and will therefore not be implemented in the foreseeable
future. However, for some areas of application gpgme could do the
trick. You'll find it at [[gnupgweb:related_software/gpgme]].
** I have successfully generated a revocation certificate, but I don't understand how to send it to the key servers.
:CUSTOM_ID: how-to-send-a-revocation-to-the-keyservers
Most keyservers don't accept a 'bare' revocation certificate. You
have to import the certificate into gpg first:
: $ gpg --import my-revocation.asc
then send the revoked key to the keyservers:
: $ gpg --keyserver --send-keys mykeyid
(or use a keyserver web interface for this).
** How do I put my keyring in a different directory?
:CUSTOM_ID: how-do-i-put-my-keyring-in-a-different-directory
GnuPG keeps several files in a special homedir directory. These
include the options file, pubring.gpg, secring.gpg, trustdb.gpg,
and others. GnuPG will always create and use these files. On
unices, the homedir is usually ~/.gnupg; on Windows it is name
"gnupg" and found below the user's application directory. Run the
gpg and pass the option --version to see the name of that
If you want to put your keyrings somewhere else, use the option:
: --homedir /my/path/
to make GnuPG create all its files in that directory. Your keyring
will be "/my/path/pubring.gpg". This way you can store your secrets
on a floppy disk. Don't use "--keyring" as its purpose is to specify
additional keyring files.
** How do I verify signed packages?
:CUSTOM_ID: how-do-i-verify-signed-packages
must first have the vendor, organisation, or issuing person's key
Before you can verify the signature that accompanies a package, you
imported into your public keyring. To prevent GnuPG warning
messages the key should also be validated (or locally signed).
You will also need to download the detached signature file along
with the package. These files will usually have the same name as
the package, with either a binary (.sig) or ASCII armor (.asc)
Once their key has been imported, and the package and accompanying
signature files have been downloaded, use:
: $ gpg --verify sigfile signed-file
If the signature file has the same base name as the package file,
the package can also be verified by specifying just the signature
file, as GnuPG will derive the package's file name from the name
given (less the .sig or .asc extension). For example, to verify a
package named foobar.tar.gz against its detached binary signature
file, use:
: $ gpg --verify foobar.tar.gz.sig
** How do I export a keyring with only selected signatures (keys)?
:CUSTOM_ID: how-do-i-export-a-keyring-with-only-selected-signatures
If you're wanting to create a keyring with only a subset of keys
selected from a master keyring (for a club, user group, or company
department for example), simply specify the keys you want to export:
: $ gpg --armor --export key1 key2 key3 key4 > keys1-4.asc
** I still have my secret key, but lost my public key. What can I do?
:CUSTOM_ID: i-still-have-my-secret-key-but-lost-my-public-key
All OpenPGP secret keys have a copy of the public key inside them,
and in a worst-case scenario, you can create yourself a new public
key using the secret key.
A tool to convert a secret key into a public one has been included
(it's actually a new option for gpgsplit) and is available with GnuPG
versions 1.2.1 or later (or can be found in CVS). It works like this:
: $ gpgsplit --no-split --secret-to-public secret.gpg >publickey.gpg
One should first try to export the secret key and convert just this
one. Using the entire secret keyring should work too. After this has
been done, the publickey.gpg file can be imported into GnuPG as usual.
** Clearsigned messages sent from my web-mail account have an invalid signature. Why?
:CUSTOM_ID: clearsig-sent-from-webmail-have-an-invalid-signature
Check to make sure the settings for your web-based email account
do not use HTML formatting for the pasted clearsigned message. This can
alter the message with embedded HTML markup tags or spaces, resulting
in an invalid signature. The recipient may be able to copy the signed
message block to a text file for verification, or the web email
service may allow you to attach the clearsigned message as a file
if plaintext messages are not an option.
* Compatibility Issues
** How can I encrypt a message with GnuPG so that PGP is able to decrypt it?
:CUSTOM_ID: how-can-i-encrypt-a-message-so-that-pgp-is-able-to-decrypt-it
It depends on the PGP version.
- PGP 2.x ::
You can't do that because PGP 2.x normally uses IDEA which is
not supported by GnuPG as it is patented (see [[#how-do-i-include-support-for-rsa-and-idea][How do I include
support for RSA and IDEA?]]), but if you have a modified version
of PGP you can try this:
: $ gpg --rfc1991 --cipher-algo 3des ...
Please don't pipe the data to encrypt to gpg but provide it
using a filename; otherwise, PGP 2 will not be able to handle
As for conventional encryption, you can't do this for PGP 2.
- PGP 5.x and higher ::
You need to provide two additional options:
: --compress-algo 1 --cipher-algo cast5
You may also use "3des" instead of "cast5", and "blowfish" does
not work with all versions of PGP 5. You may also want to put:
: compress-algo 1
into your =~/.gnupg/options= file --- this does not affect
normal GnuPG operation.
This applies to conventional encryption as well.
** How do I migrate from PGP 2.x to GnuPG?
:CUSTOM_ID: how-do-i-migrate-from-pgp2-to-gnupg
PGP 2 uses the RSA and IDEA encryption algorithms. Whereas the RSA
patent has expired and RSA is included as of GnuPG 1.0.3, the IDEA
algorithm is still patented until 2007. Under certain conditions you
may use IDEA even today. In that case, you may refer to Question
[[*How%20do%20I%20include%20support%20for%20RSA%20and%20IDEA][How do I include support for RSA and IDEA?]] about how to add
IDEA support to GnuPG and read
[[gnupgweb:gph/en/pgp2x.html]] to perform the migration.
** Why is PGP 5.x not able to encrypt messages with some keys?
:CUSTOM_ID: why-is-pgp5-not-able-to-encrypt-messages-with-some-keys
PGP, Inc. refuses to accept Elgamal keys of type 20 even for
encryption. They only support type 16 (which is identical at least
for decryption). To be more inter-operable, GnuPG (starting with
version 0.3.3) now also uses type 16 for the Elgamal subkey which is
created if the default key algorithm is chosen. You may add a type
16 Elgamal key to your public key, which is easy as your key
signatures are still valid.
** Why is PGP 5.x not able to verify my messages?
:CUSTOM_ID: why-is-pgp5-not-able-to-verify-my-messages
PGP 5.x does not accept v4 signatures for data material but OpenPGP
requests generation of v4 signatures for all kind of data, that's why
GnuPG defaults to them. Use the option "--force-v3-sigs" to generate
v3 signatures for data.
** How do I transfer owner trust values from PGP to GnuPG?
:CUSTOM_ID: how-do-i-transfer-owner-trust-values-from-pgp-to-gnupg
There is a script in the tools directory to help you. After you have
imported the PGP keyring you can give this command:
: $ lspgpot pgpkeyring | gpg --import-ownertrust
where pgpkeyring is the original keyring and not the GnuPG keyring
you might have created in the first step.
** PGP does not like my secret key.
:CUSTOM_ID: pgp-does-not-like-my-secret-key
Older PGPs probably bail out on some private comment packets used by
GnuPG. These packets are fully in compliance with OpenPGP; however
PGP is not really OpenPGP aware. A workaround is to export the
secret keys with this command:
: $ gpg --export-secret-keys --no-comment -a your-KeyID
Another possibility is this: by default, GnuPG encrypts your secret
key using the Blowfish symmetric algorithm. Older PGPs will only
understand 3DES, CAST5, or IDEA symmetric algorithms. Using the
following method you can re-encrypt your secret gpg key with a
different algo:
: $ gpg --s2k-cipher-algo=CAST5 --s2k-digest-algo=SHA1 \
: --compress-algo=1 --edit-key <username>
Then use passwd to change the password (just change it to the same
thing, but it will encrypt the key with CAST5 this time).
Now you can export it and PGP should be able to handle it.
For PGP 6.x the following options work to export a key:
: $ gpg --s2k-cipher-algo 3des --compress-algo 1 --rfc1991 \
: --export-secret-keys <KeyID>
** GnuPG no longer installs a ~/.gnupg/options file. Is it missing?
:CUSTOM_ID: gnupg-no-longer-installs-a-options-file-is-it-missing
No. The ~/.gnupg/options file has been renamed to
~/.gnupg/gpg.conf for new installs as of version 1.1.92. If an
existing ~/.gnupg/options file is found during an upgrade it will
still be used, but this change was required to have a more
consistent naming scheme with forthcoming tools. An existing
options file can be renamed to gpg.conf for users upgrading, or
receiving the message that the "old default options file" is
ignored (occurs if both a gpg.conf and an options file are found).
** How do you export GnuPG keys for use with PGP?
:CUSTOM_ID: how-do-you-export-gnupg-keys-for-use-with-pgp
This has come up fairly often, so here's the HOWTO:
PGP can (for most key types) use secret keys generated by GnuPG. The
problems that come up occasionally are generally because GnuPG
supports a few more features from the OpenPGP standard than PGP does.
If your secret key has any of those features in use, then PGP will
reject the key or you will have problems communicating later. Note
that PGP doesn't do Elgamal signing keys at all, so they are not
usable with any version.
These instructions should work for GnuPG 1.0.7 and later, and PGP
7.0.3 and later.
Start by editing the key. Most of this line is not really necessary
as the default values are correct, but it does not hurt to repeat the
values, as this will override them in case you have something else set
in your options file.
: $ gpg --s2k-cipher-algo cast5 --s2k-digest-algo sha1 --s2k-mode 3 \
: --simple-sk-checksum --edit KeyID
Turn off some features. Set the list of preferred ciphers, hashes,
and compression algorithms to things that PGP can handle. (Yes, I
know this is an odd list of ciphers, but this is what PGP itself uses,
minus IDEA).
: > setpref S9 S8 S7 S3 S2 S10 H2 H3 Z1 Z0
Now put the list of preferences onto the key.
: > updpref
Finally we must decrypt and re-encrypt the key, making sure that we
encrypt with a cipher that PGP likes. We set this up in the --edit
line above, so now we just need to change the passphrase to make it
take effect. You can use the same passphrase if you like, or take
this opportunity to actually change it.
: > passwd
Save our work.
: > save
Now we can do the usual export:
: $ gpg --export KeyID > mypublickey.pgp[H br]
: $ gpg --export-secret-key KeyID > mysecretkey.pgp
Thanks to David Shaw for this information!
** What are DH/DSS keys?
:CUSTOM_ID: what-are-dh-dss-keys
PGP uses a different name for the former default encryption
algorithm Elgamal: They name it DH, which usually stands for the
Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm. It has been said that this
had historic patent and business reasons. It is however exactly
the same thing as the Elgamal algorithm.
They also use the acronym DSS (Digital Signature Standard) instead
of the DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm). The difference is that
DSS requires the use of certain hash algorithms; however OpenPGP
allows the use of more than those hash algorithms, thus GPG usually
uses the term DSA.
* Problems and Error Messages
** Why do I get "gpg: Warning: using insecure memory!"
:CUSTOM_ID: why-do-i-get-gpg_warning_using_insecure_memory
You see this warning if GPG is not able to lock pages against being
swapped out to disk.
However, on most modern system you should not see this message
anymore because these systems allow any process to prevent a small
number of memory pages from being swapped out to disk (using the
mlock system call). Other (mostly older) systems don't allow this
unless you install GPG as setuid(root).
Locking pages against being swapped out is not necessary if your
system uses an encrypted swap partition. In fact that is the best
way to protect sensitive data from ending up on a disk. If your
system allows for encrypted swap partitions, please make use of
that feature. Note that GPG does not know about encrypted swap
partitions and might print the warning; thus you should disabled
the warning if your swap partition is encrypted. You may also want
to disable this warning if you can't or don't want to install GnuPG
setuid(root). To disable the warning you put a line
: no-secmem-warning
into your ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf file.
What follows is a short description on how to install GPG
setuid(root); for those who need this.
On some systems this program should be installed as setuid(root).
This is necessary to lock memory pages. Locking memory pages
prevents the operating system from writing them to disk and thereby
keeping your secret keys really secret. If you get no warning
message about insecure memory your operating system supports
locking without being root. The program drops root privileges as
soon as locked memory is allocated.
To setuid(root) permissions on the gpg binary you can either use:
: $ chmod u+s /path/to/gpg
: $ chmod 4755 /path/to/gpg
Some refrain from using setuid(root) unless absolutely required for
security reasons. Please check with your system administrator if
you are not able to make these determinations yourself.
On UnixWare 2.x and 7.x you should install GnuPG with the 'plock'
privilege to get the same effect:
: $ filepriv -f plock /path/to/gpg
On some systems (e.g., Windows) GnuPG does not lock memory pages
and older GnuPG versions (<=1.0.4) issue the warning:
: gpg: Please note that you don't have secure memory
This warning can't be switched off by the above option because it
was thought to be too serious an issue. However, it confused users
too much, so the warning was eventually removed.
** Large File Support doesn't work
:CUSTOM_ID: large-file-support-does-not-work
LFS works correctly in post-1.0.4 versions. If configure doesn't
detect it, try a different (i.e., better) compiler. egcs 1.1.2
works fine, other gccs sometimes don't. BTW, several compilation
problems of GnuPG 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 on HP-UX and Solaris were due to
broken LFS support.
** In the edit menu the trust values are not displayed correctly after signing uids. Why?
:CUSTOM_ID: edit-menu-trust-not-show-correctly-after-signing-uids
This happens because some information is stored immediately in
the trustdb, but the actual trust calculation can be done after the
save command. This is a "not easy to fix" design bug which will be
addressed in some future release.
** What does "skipping pubkey 1: already loaded" mean?
:CUSTOM_ID: what-does-skipping_pubkey_1_already_loaded-mean
As of GnuPG 1.0.3, the RSA algorithm is included. If you still have
a "load-extension rsa" in your options file, the above message
occurs. Just remove the load command from the options file.
** GnuPG 1.0.4 doesn't create ~/.gnupg ...
:CUSTOM_ID: gnupg-1.0.4-does-not-create-.gnupg
That's a known bug, already fixed in newer versions.
** An Elgamal signature does not verify anymore since version 1.0.2
:CUSTOM_ID: an-elgamal-signature-does-not-verify-anymore-since-version-1.0.2
Use the option --emulate-md-encode-bug.
** Old versions of GnuPG can't verify Elgamal signatures
:CUSTOM_ID: old-versions-of-gnupg-cant-verify-elgamal-signatures
Update to GnuPG 1.0.2 or newer.
** When I use --clearsign, the plain text has sometimes extra dashes in it - why?
:CUSTOM_ID: extra-dashes-in-clearsign-messages
This is called dash-escaped text and is required by OpenPGP.
It always happens when a line starts with a dash ("-") and is
needed to make the lines that structure signature and text
(i.e., "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----") to be the only lines
that start with two dashes.
If you use GnuPG to process those messages, the extra dashes
are removed. Good mail clients remove those extra dashes when
displaying such a message.
** What is the thing with "can't handle multiple signatures"?
:CUSTOM_ID: what-is-the-thing-with-cant_handle_multiple_signatures
Due to different message formats GnuPG is not always able to split
a file with multiple signatures unambiguously into its parts. This
error message informs you that there is something wrong with the input.
The only way to have multiple signatures in a file is by using the
OpenPGP format with one-pass-signature packets (which is GnuPG's
default) or the cleartext signed format.
** If I submit a key to a keyserver, nothing happens
:CUSTOM_ID: if-i-submit-a-key-to-a-keyserver-nothing-happens
You are most likely using GnuPG 1.0.2 or older on Windows. That's
feature isn't yet implemented, but it's a bug not to say it. Newer
versions issue a warning. Upgrade to 1.4.5 or newer.
** I get "gpg: waiting for lock ..."
:CUSTOM_ID: i-get-gpg_waiting_for_lock
A previous instance of gpg has most likely exited abnormally and left
a lock file. Go to ~/.gnupg and look for .*.lock files and remove them.
** Older gpg binaries (e.g., 1.0) have problems with keys from newer gpg binaries
:CUSTOM_ID: gpg-1.0-has-problems-with-keys-from-newer-gpg-versions
As of 1.0.3, keys generated with gpg are created with preferences to
TWOFISH (and AES since 1.0.4) and that also means that they have the
capability to use the new MDC encryption method. This will go into
OpenPGP soon, and is also suppoted by PGP 7. This new method avoids
a (not so new) attack on all email encryption systems.
This in turn means that pre-1.0.3 gpg binaries have problems with
newer keys. Because of security and bug fixes, you should keep your
GnuPG installation in a recent state anyway. As a workaround, you can
force gpg to use a previous default cipher algo by putting:
: cipher-algo cast5
into your options file.
** With 1.0.4, I get "this cipher algorithm is deprecated ..."
:CUSTOM_ID: with-1.0.4-i-get-this_cipher_algorithm_is_deprecated
If you just generated a new key and get this message while
encrypting, you've witnessed a bug in 1.0.4. It uses the new AES
cipher Rijndael that is incorrectly being referred as "deprecated".
Ignore this warning, more recent versions of gpg are corrected.
** Some dates are displayed as ????-??-??. Why?
:CUSTOM_ID: some-dates-are-displayed-as-question-marks
Due to constraints in most libc implementations, dates beyond
2038-01-19 can't be displayed correctly. 64-bit OSes are not
affected by this problem. To avoid printing wrong dates, GnuPG
instead prints some question marks. To see the correct value, you
can use the options --with-colons and --fixed-list-mode.
** I still have a problem. How do I report a bug?
:CUSTOM_ID: i-still-have-a-problem-how-do-i-report-a-bug
Are you sure that it's not been mentioned somewhere on the mailing
lists? Did you have a look at the bug list (you'll find a link to
the list of reported bugs on the documentation page). If you're
not sure about it being a bug, you can send mail to the
gnupg-devel list. Otherwise, use the bug tracking system
** Why doesn't GnuPG support X.509 certificates?
:CUSTOM_ID: why-doesnt-gnupg-support-x509-certificates
That is only the case for GnuPG version 1.x. GnuPG 2.x fully
supports X.509 and S/MIME using the gpgsm tool.
** Why do national characters in my user ID look funny?
:CUSTOM_ID: why-do-national-characters-in-my-user-id-look-funny
According to OpenPGP, GnuPG encodes user ID strings (and other
things) using UTF-8. In this encoding of Unicode, most national
characters get encoded as two- or three-byte sequences. For
example, &aring; (0xE5 in ISO-8859-1) becomes &Atilde;&yen; (0xC3,
0xA5). This might also be the reason why keyservers can't find
your key.
** I get 'sed' errors when running ./configure on Mac OS X ...
:CUSTOM_ID: i-get-sed-errors-when-running-configure-on-mac-os-x
This problem has been fixed for all modern GnuPG versions.
(By using an autoconf 2.50 generated configure script).
** Why does GnuPG 1.0.6 bail out on keyrings used with 1.0.7?
:CUSTOM_ID: why-does-gnupg-1.0.6-bail-out-on-keyrings-used-with-1.0.7
There is a small bug in 1.0.6 which didn't parse trust packets
correctly. You may want to apply this patch if you can't upgrade:
** I upgraded to GnuPG version 1.0.7 and now it takes longer to load my keyrings. What can I do?
:CUSTOM_ID: with-gpg-1.0.7-it-takes-longer-to-load-my-keyrings
The way signature states are stored has changed so that v3 signatures
can be supported. You can use the new --rebuild-keydb-caches migration
command, which was built into this release and increases the speed of
many operations for existing keyrings.
** Doesn't a fully trusted user ID on a key prevent warning messages when encrypting to other IDs on the key?
:CUSTOM_ID: key-validation-bug-in-gpg-1.2.1
No. That was actually a key validity bug in GnuPG 1.2.1 and earlier
versions. As part of the development of GnuPG 1.2.2, a bug was
discovered in the key validation code. This bug causes keys with
more than one user ID to give all user IDs on the key the amount of
validity given to the most-valid key. The bug has been fixed in GnuPG
release 1.2.2, and upgrading is the recommended fix for this problem.
More information and a patch for a some pre-1.2.2 versions of GnuPG
can be found at:
** I just compiled GnuPG from source on my GNU/Linux RPM-based system and it's not working. Why?
:CUSTOM_ID: compiled-on-gnu-linux-rpm-based-system-and-not-working
Many GNU/Linux distributions that are RPM-based will install a
version of GnuPG as part of its standard installation, placing the
binaries in the /usr/bin directory. Later, compiling and installing
GnuPG from source other than from a source RPM won't normally
overwrite these files, as the default location for placement of
GnuPG binaries is in /usr/local/bin unless the '--prefix' switch
is used during compile to specify an alternate location. Since the
/usr/bin directory more than likely appears in your path before
/usr/local/bin, the older RPM-version binaries will continue to
be used when called since they were not replaced.
To resolve this, uninstall the RPM-based version with 'rpm -e gnupg'
before installing the binaries compiled from source. If dependency
errors are displayed when attempting to uninstall the RPM (such as
when Red Hat's up2date is also installed, which uses GnuPG), uninstall
the RPM with 'rpm -e gnupg --nodeps' to force the uninstall. Any
dependent files should be automatically replaced during the install
of the compiled version. If the default /usr/local/bin directory is
used, some packages such as SuSE's Yast Online Update may need to be
configured to look for GnuPG binaries in the /usr/local/bin directory,
or symlinks can be created in /usr/bin that point to the binaries
located in /usr/local/bin.
* Advanced Topics
** How does this whole thing work?
:CUSTOM_ID: how-does-this-whole-thing-work
To generate a secret/public keypair, run:
: $ gpg --gen-key
and choose the default values.
Data that is encrypted with a public key can only be decrypted by
the matching secret key. The secret key is protected by a password,
the public key is not.
So to send your friend a message, you would encrypt your message
with his public key, and he would only be able to decrypt it by
having the secret key and putting in the password to use his secret
GnuPG is also useful for signing things. Files that are encrypted
with the secret key can be decrypted with the public key. To sign
something, a hash is taken of the data, and then the hash is in some
form encoded with the secret key. If someone has your public key, they
can verify that it is from you and that it hasn't changed by checking
the encoded form of the hash with the public key.
A keyring is just a large file that stores keys. You have a public
keyring where you store yours and your friend's public keys. You have
a secret keyring that you keep your secret key on, and should be very
careful with. Never ever give anyone else access to it and use a *good*
passphrase to protect the data in it.
You can 'conventionally' encrypt something by using the option 'gpg -c'.
It is encrypted using a passphrase, and does not use public and secret
keys. If the person you send the data to knows that passphrase, they
can decrypt it. This is usually most useful for encrypting things to
yourself, although you can encrypt things to your own public key in the
same way. It should be used for communication with partners you know
and where it is easy to exchange the passphrases (e.g. with your boy
friend or your wife). The advantage is that you can change the
passphrase from time to time and decrease the risk, that many old
messages may be decrypted by people who accidentally got your passphrase.
You can add and copy keys to and from your keyring with the 'gpg
--import' and 'gpg --export' command. 'gpg --export-secret-keys' will
export secret keys. This is normally not useful, but you can generate
the key on one machine then move it to another machine.
Keys can be signed under the 'gpg --edit-key' option. When you sign a
key, you are saying that you are certain that the key belongs to the
person it says it comes from. You should be very sure that is really
that person: You should verify the key fingerprint with:
: $ gpg --fingerprint KeyID
over the phone (if you really know the voice of the other person), at
a key signing party (which are often held at computer conferences),
or at a meeting of your local GNU/Linux User Group.
Hmm, what else. You may use the option '-o filename' to force output
to this filename (use '-' to force output to stdout). '-r' just lets
you specify the recipient (which public key you encrypt with) on the
command line instead of typing it interactively.
Oh yeah, this is important. By default all data is encrypted in some
weird binary format. If you want to have things appear in ASCII text
that is readable, just add the '-a' option. But the preferred method
is to use a MIME aware mail reader (Mutt, Pine and many more).
There is a small security glitch in the OpenPGP (and therefore GnuPG)
system; to avoid this you should always sign and encrypt a message
instead of only encrypting it.
** Why are some signatures with an ELG-E key valid?
:CUSTOM_ID: why-are-some-signatures-with-an-elg-e-key-valid
These are Elgamal keys generated by GnuPG in v3 (RFC 1991) packets.
The OpenPGP draft later changed the algorithm identifier for Elgamal
keys which are usable for signatures and encryption from 16 to 20.
GnuPG now uses 20 when it generates new Elgamal keys but still
accepts 16 (which is according to OpenPGP "encryption only") if this
key is in a v3 packet. GnuPG is the only program which had used
these v3 Elgamal keys - so this assumption is quite safe.
** How does the whole trust thing work?
:CUSTOM_ID: how-does-the-whole-trust-thing-work
It works more or less like PGP. The difference is that the trust is
computed at the time it is needed. This is one of the reasons for
the trustdb which holds a list of valid key signatures. If you are
not running in batch mode you will be asked to assign a trust
parameter (ownertrust) to a key.
You can see the validity (calculated trust value) using this
: $ gpg --list-keys --with-colons
If the first field is "pub" or "uid", the second field shows you the
: o = Unknown (this key is new to the system)
: e = The key has expired
: q = Undefined (no value assigned)
: n = Don't trust this key at all
: m = There is marginal trust in this key
: f = The key is full trusted
: u = The key is ultimately trusted; this is only used
: for keys for which the secret key is also available.
: r = The key has been revoked
: d = The key has been disabled
The value in the "pub" record is the best one of all "uid" records.
You can get a list of the assigned trust values (how much you trust
the owner to correctly sign another person's key) with:
: $ gpg --export-ownertrust
The first field is the fingerprint of the primary key, the second
field is the assigned value:
: - = No ownertrust value yet assigned or calculated.
: n = Never trust this keyholder to correctly verify others signatures.
: m = Have marginal trust in the keyholders capability to sign other
: keys.
: f = Assume that the key holder really knows how to sign keys.
: u = No need to trust ourself because we have the secret key.
Keep these values confidential because they express your opinions
about others. PGP stores this information with the keyring thus it
is not a good idea to publish a PGP keyring instead of exporting
the keyring. GnuPG stores the trust in the trustdb.gpg file so it
is okay to give a gpg keyring away (but we have a --export command
** What kind of output is this: "key C26EE891.298, uid 09FB: ...."?
:CUSTOM_ID: trustb-diagnostics-output-key-uid
This is the internal representation of a user ID in the trustdb.
"C26EE891" is the keyid, "298" is the local ID (a record number in
the trustdb) and "09FB" is the last two bytes of a ripe-md-160 hash
of the user ID for this key.
** How do I interpret some of the informational outputs?
:CUSTOM_ID: how-do-i-interpret-some-of-the-informational-outputs
While checking the validity of a key, GnuPG sometimes prints some
information which is prefixed with information about the checked
: "key 12345678.3456"
This is about the key with key ID 12345678 and the internal number
3456, which is the record number of the so called directory record
in the trustdb.
: "uid 12345678.3456/ACDE"
This is about the user ID for the same key. To identify the user ID
the last two bytes of a ripe-md-160 over the user ID ring is printed.
: "sig 12345678.3456/ACDE/9A8B7C6D"
This is about the signature with key ID 9A8B7C6D for the above key
and user ID, if it is a signature which is direct on a key, the user
ID part is empty (..//..).
** Are the header lines of a cleartext signature part of the signed material?
:CUSTOM_ID: are-header-lines-of-cleartext-sigs-part-of-the-signed-material
No. For example you can add or remove "Comment:" lines. They have
a purpose like the mail header lines. However a "Hash:" line is
needed for OpenPGP signatures to tell the parser which hash
algorithm to use.
** What is the list of preferred algorithms?
:CUSTOM_ID: what-is-the-list-of-preferred-algorithms
The list of preferred algorithms is a list of cipher, hash and
compression algorithms stored in the self-signature of a key during
key generation. When you encrypt a document, GnuPG uses this list
(which is then part of a public key) to determine which algorithms
to use. Basically it tells other people what algorithms the
recipient is able to handle and provides an order of preference.
** How do I change the list of preferred algorithms?
:CUSTOM_ID: how-do-i-change-the-list-of-preferred-algorithms
In version 1.0.7 or later, you can use the edit menu and set the
new list of preference using the command "setpref"; the format of
this command resembles the output of the command "pref". The
preference is not changed immediately but the set preference will
be used when a new user ID is created. If you want to update the
preferences for existing user IDs, select those user IDs (or select
none to update all) and enter the command "updpref". Note that the
timestamp of the self-signature is increased by one second when
running this command.
** How can I import all the missing signer keys?
:CUSTOM_ID: how-can-i-import-all-the-missing-signer-keys
If you imported a key and you want to also import all the signer's
keys, you can do this with this command:
: gpg --check-sigs --with-colon KEYID \
: | awk -F: '$1 == "sig" && $2 == "?" { print $5 }' \
: | sort | uniq | xargs echo gpg --recv-keys
Note that the invocation of sort is also required to wait for the
of the listing before before starting the import.
* Bug reporting and hacking
:CUSTOM_ID: bugreports-et-al
** Copyright assignments
:CUSTOM_ID: copyright-assignments
Like most core GNU projects, GnuPG requires the signing of a copyright
assignment to the FSF. Without such an assignment we may only accept
trivial patches. As a rule of thumb the sum of all changed lines by
one contributor may not exceed about 15 lines. Exceptions are typo
corrections and translations. See for
** U.S. export restrictions
:CUSTOM_ID: us-export-restrictions
GnuPG has originally been developed in Germany because we have been
able to do that without being affected by the US export restrictions.
We had to reject any contributions from US citizens or from people
living the the US. That changed by end of 2000 when the export
restrictions were basically dropped for all kind of freely available
software. However there are still some requirements in the US.
Quoting David Shaw: mail
For each release of GPG that I contributed to, I sent an email
containing a pointer to the new source code to the Commerce
Department. The rules changed slightly in 2004, so that you could
send a single email and then be done until the information in that
email changed, so I just sent "" and haven't bothered
with the email since.
The rules:
The 2004 rule change:
* Acknowledgements
:CUSTOM_ID: acknowledgements
Many thanks to Nils Ellmenreich for maintaining this FAQ file for
such a long time, David D. Scribner for continuing maintenance,
Werner Koch for the original FAQ file, and to all posters to
gnupg-users and gnupg-devel. They all provided most of the answers.
Converted to org-mode and removed from the tarballs in October 2010.
Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2010 Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111, USA
This file is free software; as a special exception the author gives
unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without
modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
* Changes
- 2010-11-14: Update "gpg: Warning: using insecure memory!"
* COMMENT HTML style specifications
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun org-faq-make-target ()
"Make hard target for current headline."
(if (not (org-on-heading-p))
(error "Not on a headline"))
(let ((h (org-trim (org-get-heading 'no-tags))))
(if (string-match "[ \t]*\\?\\'" h)
(setq h (replace-match "" t t h)))
(while (string-match "[ \t]+" h)
(setq h (replace-match "-" t t h)))
(setq h (downcase h))
(org-entry-put nil "CUSTOM_ID" h)))
# Local Variables:
# org-export-html-style-include-default: nil
# org-export-html-style-include-scripts: nil
# End:
diff --git a/doc/gpl.texi b/doc/gpl.texi
index d13e9e4ab..931a93dd0 100644
--- a/doc/gpl.texi
+++ b/doc/gpl.texi
@@ -1,732 +1,732 @@
@node Copying
@unnumbered GNU General Public License
@center Version 3, 29 June 2007
@c This file is intended to be included in another file.
-Copyright @copyright{} 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. @url{}
+Copyright @copyright{} 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. @url{}
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
license document, but changing it is not allowed.
@end display
@unnumberedsec Preamble
The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
software and other kinds of works.
The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom
to share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains
free software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation,
use the GNU General Public License for most of our software; it
applies also to any other work released this way by its authors. You
can apply it to your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you
have certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the
software, or if you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom
of others.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too,
receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these
terms so they know their rights.
Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
authors of previous versions.
Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
modified versions of the software inside them, although the
manufacturer can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the
aim of protecting users' freedom to change the software. The
systematic pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for
individuals to use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.
Therefore, we have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the
practice for those products. If such problems arise substantially in
other domains, we stand ready to extend this provision to those
domains in future versions of the GPL, as needed to protect the
freedom of users.
Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish
to avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program
could make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL
assures that patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
@end iftex
@end ifinfo
@enumerate 0
@item Definitions.
``This License'' refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
``Copyright'' also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds
of works, such as semiconductor masks.
``The Program'' refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
License. Each licensee is addressed as ``you''. ``Licensees'' and
``recipients'' may be individuals or organizations.
To ``modify'' a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of
an exact copy. The resulting work is called a ``modified version'' of
the earlier work or a work ``based on'' the earlier work.
A ``covered work'' means either the unmodified Program or a work based
on the Program.
To ``propagate'' a work means to do anything with it that, without
permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
public, and in some countries other activities as well.
To ``convey'' a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user
through a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not
An interactive user interface displays ``Appropriate Legal Notices'' to
the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
@item Source Code.
The ``source code'' for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. ``Object code'' means any non-source form
of a work.
A ``Standard Interface'' means an interface that either is an official
standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
is widely used among developers working in that language.
The ``System Libraries'' of an executable work include anything, other
than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
``Major Component'', in this context, means a major essential component
(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
The ``Corresponding Source'' for a work in object code form means all
the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
includes interface definition files associated with source files for
the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
subprograms and other parts of the work.
The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users can
regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding Source.
The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that same
@item Basic Permissions.
All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not convey,
without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains in force.
You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose of having
them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you with
facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with the
terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do not
control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works for
you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction and
control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of your
copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under the
conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
makes it unnecessary.
@item Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
circumvention of technological measures to the extent such
circumvention is effected by exercising rights under this License with
respect to the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit
operation or modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against
the work's users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid
circumvention of technological measures.
@item Conveying Verbatim Copies.
You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
@item Conveying Modified Source Versions.
You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these
@enumerate a
The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified it,
and giving a relevant date.
The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is released
under this License and any conditions added under section 7. This
requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to ``keep intact all
You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this License to
anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This License will
therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 additional terms,
to the whole of the work, and all its parts, regardless of how they
are packaged. This License gives no permission to license the work in
any other way, but it does not invalidate such permission if you have
separately received it.
If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your work
need not make them do so.
@end enumerate
A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
``aggregate'' if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
parts of the aggregate.
@item Conveying Non-Source Forms.
You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms of
sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the machine-readable
Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, in one of these
@enumerate a
Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium customarily
used for software interchange.
Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a written
offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as long as you
offer spare parts or customer support for that product model, to give
anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a copy of the
Corresponding Source for all the software in the product that is
covered by this License, on a durable physical medium customarily used
for software interchange, for a price no more than your reasonable
cost of physically performing this conveying of source, or (2) access
to copy the Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the written
offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This alternative is
allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and only if you
received the object code with such an offer, in accord with subsection
Convey the object code by offering access from a designated place
(gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to copy
the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source may be
on a different server (operated by you or a third party) that supports
equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain clear directions
next to the object code saying where to find the Corresponding Source.
Regardless of what server hosts the Corresponding Source, you remain
obligated to ensure that it is available for as long as needed to
satisfy these requirements.
Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided you
inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding Source of
the work are being offered to the general public at no charge under
subsection 6d.
@end enumerate
A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
included in conveying the object code work.
A ``User Product'' is either (1) a ``consumer product'', which means any
tangible personal property which is normally used for personal,
family, or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for
incorporation into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a
consumer product, doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of
coverage. For a particular product received by a particular user,
``normally used'' refers to a typical or common use of that class of
product, regardless of the status of the particular user or of the way
in which the particular user actually uses, or expects or is expected
to use, the product. A product is a consumer product regardless of
whether the product has substantial commercial, industrial or
non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent the only significant
mode of use of the product.
``Installation Information'' for a User Product means any methods,
procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to
install and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User
Product from a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The
information must suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of
the modified object code is in no case prevented or interfered with
solely because modification has been made.
If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
been installed in ROM).
The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or
updates for a work that has been modified or installed by the
recipient, or for the User Product in which it has been modified or
installed. Access to a network may be denied when the modification
itself materially and adversely affects the operation of the network
or violates the rules and protocols for communication across the
Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
source code form), and must require no special password or key for
unpacking, reading or copying.
@item Additional Terms.
``Additional permissions'' are terms that supplement the terms of this
License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
this License without regard to the additional permissions.
When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders
of that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
@enumerate a
Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the terms
of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author
attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices
displayed by works containing it; or
Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
authors of the material; or
Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some trade
names, trademarks, or service marks; or
Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that material by
anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of it) with
contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for any
liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on those
licensors and authors.
@end enumerate
All other non-permissive additional terms are considered ``further
restrictions'' within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
governed by this License along with a term that is a further
restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
not survive such relicensing or conveying.
If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
where to find the applicable terms.
Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; the
above requirements apply either way.
@item Termination.
You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
paragraph of section 11).
However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license
from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally,
unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally
terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder
fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to
60 days after the cessation.
Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
your receipt of the notice.
Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
material under section 10.
@item Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or run
a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
@item Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
An ``entity transaction'' is a transaction transferring control of an
organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
@item Patents.
A ``contributor'' is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
work thus licensed is called the contributor's ``contributor version''.
A contributor's ``essential patent claims'' are all patent claims owned
or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
purposes of this definition, ``control'' includes the right to grant
patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
this License.
Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
propagate the contents of its contributor version.
In the following three paragraphs, a ``patent license'' is any express
agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
sue for patent infringement). To ``grant'' such a patent license to a
party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
patent against the party.
If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
license to downstream recipients. ``Knowingly relying'' means you have
actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
country that you have reason to believe are valid.
If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
work and works based on it.
A patent license is ``discriminatory'' if it does not include within the
scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is conditioned on
the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are specifically
granted under this License. You may not convey a covered work if you
are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is in the
business of distributing software, under which you make payment to the
third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying the
work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the parties
who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory patent
license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work conveyed by
you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily for and in
connection with specific products or compilations that contain the
covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, or that patent
license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
@item No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey
a covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under
this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a
consequence you may not convey it at all. For example, if you agree
to terms that obligate you to collect a royalty for further conveying
from those to whom you convey the Program, the only way you could
satisfy both those terms and this License would be to refrain entirely
from conveying the Program.
@item Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
combination as such.
@item Revised Versions of this License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new
versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General Public
License ``or any later version'' applies to it, you have the option of
following the terms and conditions either of that numbered version or
of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If
the Program does not specify a version number of the GNU General
Public License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free
Software Foundation.
If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions
of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's public
statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to
choose that version for the Program.
Later license versions may give you additional or different
permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
later version.
@item Disclaimer of Warranty.
@item Limitation of Liability.
@item Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
copy of the Program in return for a fee.
@end enumerate
@end iftex
@end ifinfo
@unnumberedsec How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the ``copyright'' line and a pointer to where the full notice is
@var{one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.}
Copyright (C) @var{year} @var{name of author}
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see @url{}.
+along with this program. If not, see @url{}.
@end example
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
@var{program} Copyright (C) @var{year} @var{name of author}
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details
type @samp{show w}. This is free software, and you are
welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions;
type @samp{show c} for details.
@end smallexample
The hypothetical commands @samp{show w} and @samp{show c} should show
the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, your
program's commands might be different; for a GUI interface, you would
use an ``about box''.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
if any, to sign a ``copyright disclaimer'' for the program, if necessary.
For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your
program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine
library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary
applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use
the GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License. But
-first, please read @url{}.
+first, please read @url{}.
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index d6d07e850..0ac3be7ab 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -1,286 +1,286 @@
# help..txt - GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
It's up to you to assign a value here; this value will never be exported
to any 3rd party. We need it to implement the web-of-trust; it has nothing
to do with the (implicitly created) web-of-certificates.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
To build the Web-of-Trust, GnuPG needs to know which keys are
ultimately trusted - those are usually the keys for which you have
access to the secret key. Answer "yes" to set this key to
ultimately trusted
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you want to use this untrusted key anyway, answer "yes".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the user ID of the addressee to whom you want to send the message.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Select the algorithm to use.
DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used
for signatures.
Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.
RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.
The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
In general it is not a good idea to use the same key for signing and
encryption. This algorithm should only be used in certain domains.
Please consult your security expert first.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the size of the key
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the required value as shown in the prompt.
It is possible to enter a ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD) but you won't
get a good error response - instead the system tries to interpret
the given value as an interval.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the name of the key holder
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
please enter an optional but highly suggested email address
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter an optional comment
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
N to change the name.
C to change the comment.
E to change the email address.
O to continue with key generation.
Q to to quit the key generation.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" (or just "y") if it is okay to generate the sub key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
When you sign a user ID on a key, you should first verify that the key
belongs to the person named in the user ID. It is useful for others to
know how carefully you verified this.
"0" means you make no particular claim as to how carefully you verified the
"1" means you believe the key is owned by the person who claims to own it
but you could not, or did not verify the key at all. This is useful for
a "persona" verification, where you sign the key of a pseudonymous user.
"2" means you did casual verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint and checked the user ID on the
key against a photo ID.
"3" means you did extensive verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint with the owner of the key in
person, and that you checked, by means of a hard to forge document with a
photo ID (such as a passport) that the name of the key owner matches the
name in the user ID on the key, and finally that you verified (by exchange
of email) that the email address on the key belongs to the key owner.
Note that the examples given above for levels 2 and 3 are *only* examples.
In the end, it is up to you to decide just what "casual" and "extensive"
mean to you when you sign other keys.
If you don't know what the right answer is, answer "0".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you really want to delete this user ID.
All certificates are then also lost!
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to delete the subkey
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a valid signature on the key; you normally don't want
to delete this signature because it may be important to establish a
trust connection to the key or another key certified by this key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This signature can't be checked because you don't have the
corresponding key. You should postpone its deletion until you
know which key was used because this signing key might establish
a trust connection through another already certified key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
The signature is not valid. It does make sense to remove it from
your keyring.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a signature which binds the user ID to the key. It is
usually not a good idea to remove such a signature. Actually
GnuPG might not be able to use this key anymore. So do this
only if this self-signature is for some reason not valid and
a second one is available.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Change the preferences of all user IDs (or just of the selected ones)
to the current list of preferences. The timestamp of all affected
self-signatures will be advanced by one second.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter the passphrase; this is a secret sentence
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please repeat the last passphrase, so you are sure what you typed in.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Give the name of the file to which the signature applies
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to overwrite the file
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter a new filename. If you just hit RETURN the default
file (which is shown in brackets) will be used.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
You should specify a reason for the certification. Depending on the
context you have the ability to choose from this list:
"Key has been compromised"
Use this if you have a reason to believe that unauthorized persons
got access to your secret key.
"Key is superseded"
Use this if you have replaced this key with a newer one.
"Key is no longer used"
Use this if you have retired this key.
"User ID is no longer valid"
Use this to state that the user ID should not longer be used;
this is normally used to mark an email address invalid.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you like, you can enter a text describing why you issue this
revocation certificate. Please keep this text concise.
An empty line ends the text.
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index d6d07e850..0ac3be7ab 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -1,286 +1,286 @@
# help..txt - GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
It's up to you to assign a value here; this value will never be exported
to any 3rd party. We need it to implement the web-of-trust; it has nothing
to do with the (implicitly created) web-of-certificates.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
To build the Web-of-Trust, GnuPG needs to know which keys are
ultimately trusted - those are usually the keys for which you have
access to the secret key. Answer "yes" to set this key to
ultimately trusted
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you want to use this untrusted key anyway, answer "yes".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the user ID of the addressee to whom you want to send the message.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Select the algorithm to use.
DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used
for signatures.
Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.
RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.
The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
In general it is not a good idea to use the same key for signing and
encryption. This algorithm should only be used in certain domains.
Please consult your security expert first.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the size of the key
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the required value as shown in the prompt.
It is possible to enter a ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD) but you won't
get a good error response - instead the system tries to interpret
the given value as an interval.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the name of the key holder
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
please enter an optional but highly suggested email address
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter an optional comment
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
N to change the name.
C to change the comment.
E to change the email address.
O to continue with key generation.
Q to to quit the key generation.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" (or just "y") if it is okay to generate the sub key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
When you sign a user ID on a key, you should first verify that the key
belongs to the person named in the user ID. It is useful for others to
know how carefully you verified this.
"0" means you make no particular claim as to how carefully you verified the
"1" means you believe the key is owned by the person who claims to own it
but you could not, or did not verify the key at all. This is useful for
a "persona" verification, where you sign the key of a pseudonymous user.
"2" means you did casual verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint and checked the user ID on the
key against a photo ID.
"3" means you did extensive verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint with the owner of the key in
person, and that you checked, by means of a hard to forge document with a
photo ID (such as a passport) that the name of the key owner matches the
name in the user ID on the key, and finally that you verified (by exchange
of email) that the email address on the key belongs to the key owner.
Note that the examples given above for levels 2 and 3 are *only* examples.
In the end, it is up to you to decide just what "casual" and "extensive"
mean to you when you sign other keys.
If you don't know what the right answer is, answer "0".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you really want to delete this user ID.
All certificates are then also lost!
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to delete the subkey
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a valid signature on the key; you normally don't want
to delete this signature because it may be important to establish a
trust connection to the key or another key certified by this key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This signature can't be checked because you don't have the
corresponding key. You should postpone its deletion until you
know which key was used because this signing key might establish
a trust connection through another already certified key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
The signature is not valid. It does make sense to remove it from
your keyring.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a signature which binds the user ID to the key. It is
usually not a good idea to remove such a signature. Actually
GnuPG might not be able to use this key anymore. So do this
only if this self-signature is for some reason not valid and
a second one is available.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Change the preferences of all user IDs (or just of the selected ones)
to the current list of preferences. The timestamp of all affected
self-signatures will be advanced by one second.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter the passphrase; this is a secret sentence
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please repeat the last passphrase, so you are sure what you typed in.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Give the name of the file to which the signature applies
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to overwrite the file
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter a new filename. If you just hit RETURN the default
file (which is shown in brackets) will be used.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
You should specify a reason for the certification. Depending on the
context you have the ability to choose from this list:
"Key has been compromised"
Use this if you have a reason to believe that unauthorized persons
got access to your secret key.
"Key is superseded"
Use this if you have replaced this key with a newer one.
"Key is no longer used"
Use this if you have retired this key.
"User ID is no longer valid"
Use this to state that the user ID should not longer be used;
this is normally used to mark an email address invalid.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you like, you can enter a text describing why you issue this
revocation certificate. Please keep this text concise.
An empty line ends the text.
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
diff --git a/doc/help.cs.txt b/doc/help.cs.txt
index d6d07e850..0ac3be7ab 100644
--- a/doc/help.cs.txt
+++ b/doc/help.cs.txt
@@ -1,286 +1,286 @@
# help..txt - GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
It's up to you to assign a value here; this value will never be exported
to any 3rd party. We need it to implement the web-of-trust; it has nothing
to do with the (implicitly created) web-of-certificates.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
To build the Web-of-Trust, GnuPG needs to know which keys are
ultimately trusted - those are usually the keys for which you have
access to the secret key. Answer "yes" to set this key to
ultimately trusted
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you want to use this untrusted key anyway, answer "yes".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the user ID of the addressee to whom you want to send the message.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Select the algorithm to use.
DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used
for signatures.
Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.
RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.
The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
In general it is not a good idea to use the same key for signing and
encryption. This algorithm should only be used in certain domains.
Please consult your security expert first.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the size of the key
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the required value as shown in the prompt.
It is possible to enter a ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD) but you won't
get a good error response - instead the system tries to interpret
the given value as an interval.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the name of the key holder
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
please enter an optional but highly suggested email address
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter an optional comment
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
N to change the name.
C to change the comment.
E to change the email address.
O to continue with key generation.
Q to to quit the key generation.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" (or just "y") if it is okay to generate the sub key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
When you sign a user ID on a key, you should first verify that the key
belongs to the person named in the user ID. It is useful for others to
know how carefully you verified this.
"0" means you make no particular claim as to how carefully you verified the
"1" means you believe the key is owned by the person who claims to own it
but you could not, or did not verify the key at all. This is useful for
a "persona" verification, where you sign the key of a pseudonymous user.
"2" means you did casual verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint and checked the user ID on the
key against a photo ID.
"3" means you did extensive verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint with the owner of the key in
person, and that you checked, by means of a hard to forge document with a
photo ID (such as a passport) that the name of the key owner matches the
name in the user ID on the key, and finally that you verified (by exchange
of email) that the email address on the key belongs to the key owner.
Note that the examples given above for levels 2 and 3 are *only* examples.
In the end, it is up to you to decide just what "casual" and "extensive"
mean to you when you sign other keys.
If you don't know what the right answer is, answer "0".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you really want to delete this user ID.
All certificates are then also lost!
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to delete the subkey
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a valid signature on the key; you normally don't want
to delete this signature because it may be important to establish a
trust connection to the key or another key certified by this key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This signature can't be checked because you don't have the
corresponding key. You should postpone its deletion until you
know which key was used because this signing key might establish
a trust connection through another already certified key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
The signature is not valid. It does make sense to remove it from
your keyring.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a signature which binds the user ID to the key. It is
usually not a good idea to remove such a signature. Actually
GnuPG might not be able to use this key anymore. So do this
only if this self-signature is for some reason not valid and
a second one is available.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Change the preferences of all user IDs (or just of the selected ones)
to the current list of preferences. The timestamp of all affected
self-signatures will be advanced by one second.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter the passphrase; this is a secret sentence
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please repeat the last passphrase, so you are sure what you typed in.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Give the name of the file to which the signature applies
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to overwrite the file
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter a new filename. If you just hit RETURN the default
file (which is shown in brackets) will be used.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
You should specify a reason for the certification. Depending on the
context you have the ability to choose from this list:
"Key has been compromised"
Use this if you have a reason to believe that unauthorized persons
got access to your secret key.
"Key is superseded"
Use this if you have replaced this key with a newer one.
"Key is no longer used"
Use this if you have retired this key.
"User ID is no longer valid"
Use this to state that the user ID should not longer be used;
this is normally used to mark an email address invalid.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you like, you can enter a text describing why you issue this
revocation certificate. Please keep this text concise.
An empty line ends the text.
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
diff --git a/doc/help.da.txt b/doc/help.da.txt
index d6d07e850..0ac3be7ab 100644
--- a/doc/help.da.txt
+++ b/doc/help.da.txt
@@ -1,286 +1,286 @@
# help..txt - GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
It's up to you to assign a value here; this value will never be exported
to any 3rd party. We need it to implement the web-of-trust; it has nothing
to do with the (implicitly created) web-of-certificates.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
To build the Web-of-Trust, GnuPG needs to know which keys are
ultimately trusted - those are usually the keys for which you have
access to the secret key. Answer "yes" to set this key to
ultimately trusted
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you want to use this untrusted key anyway, answer "yes".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the user ID of the addressee to whom you want to send the message.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Select the algorithm to use.
DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used
for signatures.
Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.
RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.
The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
In general it is not a good idea to use the same key for signing and
encryption. This algorithm should only be used in certain domains.
Please consult your security expert first.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the size of the key
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the required value as shown in the prompt.
It is possible to enter a ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD) but you won't
get a good error response - instead the system tries to interpret
the given value as an interval.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the name of the key holder
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
please enter an optional but highly suggested email address
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter an optional comment
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
N to change the name.
C to change the comment.
E to change the email address.
O to continue with key generation.
Q to to quit the key generation.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" (or just "y") if it is okay to generate the sub key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
When you sign a user ID on a key, you should first verify that the key
belongs to the person named in the user ID. It is useful for others to
know how carefully you verified this.
"0" means you make no particular claim as to how carefully you verified the
"1" means you believe the key is owned by the person who claims to own it
but you could not, or did not verify the key at all. This is useful for
a "persona" verification, where you sign the key of a pseudonymous user.
"2" means you did casual verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint and checked the user ID on the
key against a photo ID.
"3" means you did extensive verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint with the owner of the key in
person, and that you checked, by means of a hard to forge document with a
photo ID (such as a passport) that the name of the key owner matches the
name in the user ID on the key, and finally that you verified (by exchange
of email) that the email address on the key belongs to the key owner.
Note that the examples given above for levels 2 and 3 are *only* examples.
In the end, it is up to you to decide just what "casual" and "extensive"
mean to you when you sign other keys.
If you don't know what the right answer is, answer "0".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you really want to delete this user ID.
All certificates are then also lost!
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to delete the subkey
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a valid signature on the key; you normally don't want
to delete this signature because it may be important to establish a
trust connection to the key or another key certified by this key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This signature can't be checked because you don't have the
corresponding key. You should postpone its deletion until you
know which key was used because this signing key might establish
a trust connection through another already certified key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
The signature is not valid. It does make sense to remove it from
your keyring.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a signature which binds the user ID to the key. It is
usually not a good idea to remove such a signature. Actually
GnuPG might not be able to use this key anymore. So do this
only if this self-signature is for some reason not valid and
a second one is available.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Change the preferences of all user IDs (or just of the selected ones)
to the current list of preferences. The timestamp of all affected
self-signatures will be advanced by one second.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter the passphrase; this is a secret sentence
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please repeat the last passphrase, so you are sure what you typed in.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Give the name of the file to which the signature applies
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to overwrite the file
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter a new filename. If you just hit RETURN the default
file (which is shown in brackets) will be used.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
You should specify a reason for the certification. Depending on the
context you have the ability to choose from this list:
"Key has been compromised"
Use this if you have a reason to believe that unauthorized persons
got access to your secret key.
"Key is superseded"
Use this if you have replaced this key with a newer one.
"Key is no longer used"
Use this if you have retired this key.
"User ID is no longer valid"
Use this to state that the user ID should not longer be used;
this is normally used to mark an email address invalid.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you like, you can enter a text describing why you issue this
revocation certificate. Please keep this text concise.
An empty line ends the text.
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 7b2fffe6e..ce0ce148f 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -1,279 +1,279 @@
# - German GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# Die Datei help.txt beschreibt das verwendete Format.
# Diese Datei muß UTF-8 kodiert sein.
# Dies ist lediglich eine kommentiertes Beispiel. Es ist am sinnvolssten
# einen individuellen Text in /etc/gnupg/ zu erstellen.
Die Qualität der Passphrase, die Sie oben eingegeben haben. Bitte
fragen sie Ihren Systembeauftragten nach den Kriterien für die Messung
der Qualität.
Sie müssen selbst entscheiden, welchen Wert Sie hier eintragen; dieser Wert
wird niemals an eine dritte Seite weitergegeben. Wir brauchen diesen Wert,
um das "Netz des Vertrauens" aufzubauen. Dieses hat nichts mit dem
(implizit erzeugten) "Netz der Zertifikate" zu tun.
Um das Web-of-Trust aufzubauen muß GnuPG wissen, welchen Schlüsseln
ultimativ vertraut wird. Das sind üblicherweise die Schlüssel
auf deren geheimen Schlüssel Sie Zugruff haben.
Antworten Sie mit "yes" um diesen Schlüssel ultimativ zu vertrauen
Wenn Sie diesen nicht vertrauenswürdigen Schlüssel trotzdem benutzen wollen,
so antworten Sie mit "ja".
Geben Sie die User-ID dessen ein, dem Sie die Botschaft senden wollen.
Wählen Sie das zu verwendene Verfahren.
DSA (alias DSS) ist der "Digital Signature Algorithm" und kann nur für
Unterschriften genutzt werden.
Elgamal ist ein Verfahren nur für Verschlüsselung.
RSA kann sowohl für Unterschriften als auch für Verschlüsselung genutzt
Der erste Schlüssel (Hauptschlüssel) muß immer ein Schlüssel sein, mit dem
unterschrieben werden kann.
Normalerweise ist es nicht gut, denselben Schlüssel zum unterschreiben
und verschlüsseln zu nutzen. Dieses Verfahren sollte in speziellen
Anwendungsgebiten benutzt werden. Bitte lassen Sie sich zuerst von
einem Sicherheistexperten beraten.
Wählen Sie die gewünschte Schlüssellänge
Geben Sie "ja" oder "nein" ein
Geben Sie "ja" oder "nein" ein
Geben Sie den benötigten Wert so an, wie er im Prompt erscheint.
Es ist zwar möglich ein "ISO"-Datum (JJJJ-MM-DD) einzugeben, aber man
erhält dann ggfs. keine brauchbaren Fehlermeldungen - stattdessen versucht
der Rechner den Wert als Intervall (von-bis) zu deuten.
Geben Sie "ja" oder "nein" ein
Geben Sie den Namen des Schlüsselinhabers ein.
Beispiel: Heinrich Heine.
Geben Sie eine Email-Adresse ein. Dies ist zwar nicht unbedingt notwendig,
aber sehr empfehlenswert.
Geben Sie - bei Bedarf - einen Kommentar ein.
N um den Namen zu ändern.
K um den Kommentar zu ändern.
E um die Email-Adresse zu ändern.
F um mit der Schlüsselerzeugung fortzusetzen.
B um die Schlüsselerzeugung abbrechen.
Geben Sie "ja" (oder nur "j") ein, um den Unterschlüssel zu erzeugen.
Geben Sie "ja" oder "nein" ein
Wenn Sie die User-ID eines Schlüssels beglaubigen wollen, sollten Sie zunächst
sicherstellen, daß der Schlüssel demjenigen gehört, der in der User-ID genannt
ist. Für Dritte ist es hilfreich zu wissen, wie gut diese Zuordnung überprüft
"0" zeigt, daß Sie keine bestimmte Aussage über die Sorgfalt der
Schlüsselzuordnung machen.
"1" Sie glauben, daß der Schlüssel der benannten Person gehört,
aber Sie konnten oder nahmen die Überpüfung überhaupt nicht vor.
Dies ist hilfreich für eine "persona"-Überprüfung, wobei man den
Schlüssel eines Pseudonym-Trägers beglaubigt
"2" Sie nahmen eine flüchtige Überprüfung vor. Das heißt Sie haben z.B.
den Schlüsselfingerabdruck kontrolliert und die User-ID des Schlüssels
anhand des Fotos geprüft.
"3" Sie haben eine ausführlich Kontrolle des Schlüssels vorgenommen.
Das kann z.B. die Kontrolle des Schlüsselfingerabdrucks mit dem
Schlüsselinhaber persönlich vorgenommen haben; daß Sie die User-ID des
Schlüssel anhand einer schwer zu fälschenden Urkunde mit Foto (wie z.B.
einem Paß) abgeglichen haben und schließlich per Email-Verkehr die
Email-Adresse als zum Schlüsselbesitzer gehörig erkannt haben.
Beachten Sie, daß diese Beispiele für die Antworten 2 und 3 *nur* Beispiele
sind. Schlußendlich ist es Ihre Sache, was Sie unter "flüchtig" oder
"ausführlich" verstehen, wenn Sie Schlüssel Dritter beglaubigen.
Wenn Sie nicht wissen, wie Sie antworten sollen, wählen Sie "0".
Geben Sie "ja" oder "nein" ein
Geben Sie "ja" oder "nein" ein
Geben Sie "ja" oder "nein" ein
Geben Sie "ja" (oder nur "j") ein, um alle User-IDs zu beglaubigen
Geben Sie "ja" (oder nur "j") ein, um diese User-ID zu LÖSCHEN.
Alle Zertifikate werden dann auch weg sein!
Geben Sie "ja" (oder nur "j") ein, um diesen Unterschlüssel zu löschen
Dies ist eine gültige Beglaubigung für den Schlüssel. Es ist normalerweise
unnötig sie zu löschen. Sie ist möglicherweise sogar notwendig, um einen
Trust-Weg zu diesem oder einem durch diesen Schlüssel beglaubigten Schlüssel
Diese Beglaubigung kann nicht geprüft werden, da Sie den passenden Schlüssel
nicht besitzen. Sie sollten die Löschung der Beglaubigung verschieben, bis
sie wissen, welcher Schlüssel verwendet wurde. Denn vielleicht würde genau
diese Beglaubigung den "Trust"-Weg komplettieren.
Diese Beglaubigung ist ungültig. Es ist sinnvoll sie aus Ihrem
Schlüsselbund zu entfernen.
Diese Beglaubigung bindet die User-ID an den Schlüssel. Normalerweise ist
es nicht gut, solche Beglaubigungen zu entfernen. Um ehrlich zu sein:
Es könnte dann sein, daß GnuPG diesen Schlüssel gar nicht mehr benutzen kann.
Sie sollten diese Eigenbeglaubigung also nur dann entfernen, wenn sie aus
irgendeinem Grund nicht gültig ist und eine zweite Beglaubigung verfügbar ist.
Ändern der Voreinstellung aller User-IDs (oder nur der ausgewählten)
auf die aktuelle Liste der Voreinstellung. Die Zeitangaben aller betroffenen
Eigenbeglaubigungen werden um eine Sekunde vorgestellt.
Bitte geben Sie die Passphrase ein. Dies ist ein geheimer Satz
Um sicher zu gehen, daß Sie sich bei der Eingabe der Passphrase nicht
vertippt haben, geben Sie diese bitte nochmal ein. Nur wenn beide Eingaben
übereinstimmen, wird die Passphrase akzeptiert.
Geben Sie den Namen der Datei an, zu dem die abgetrennte Unterschrift gehört
Geben Sie "ja" ein, wenn Sie die Datei überschreiben möchten
Geben Sie bitte einen neuen Dateinamen ein. Falls Sie nur die
Eingabetaste betätigen, wird der (in Klammern angezeigte) Standarddateiname
Sie sollten einen Grund für die Zertifizierung angeben. Je nach
Zusammenhang können Sie aus dieser Liste auswählen:
"Schlüssel wurde kompromitiert"
Falls Sie Grund zu der Annahme haben, daß nicht berechtigte Personen
Zugriff zu Ihrem geheimen Schlüssel hatten
"Schlüssel ist überholt"
Falls Sie diesen Schlüssel durch einem neuen ersetzt haben.
"Schlüssel wird nicht mehr benutzt"
Falls Sie diesen Schlüssel zurückgezogen haben.
"User-ID ist nicht mehr gültig"
Um bekanntzugeben, daß die User-ID nicht mehr benutzt werden soll.
So weist man normalerweise auf eine ungültige Emailadresse hin.
Wenn Sie möchten, können Sie hier einen Text eingeben, der darlegt, warum
Sie diesen Widerruf herausgeben. Der Text sollte möglichst knapp sein.
Eine Leerzeile beendet die Eingabe.
# Local variables:
# mode: default-generic
# coding: utf-8
# End:
diff --git a/doc/help.el.txt b/doc/help.el.txt
index d6d07e850..0ac3be7ab 100644
--- a/doc/help.el.txt
+++ b/doc/help.el.txt
@@ -1,286 +1,286 @@
# help..txt - GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
It's up to you to assign a value here; this value will never be exported
to any 3rd party. We need it to implement the web-of-trust; it has nothing
to do with the (implicitly created) web-of-certificates.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
To build the Web-of-Trust, GnuPG needs to know which keys are
ultimately trusted - those are usually the keys for which you have
access to the secret key. Answer "yes" to set this key to
ultimately trusted
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you want to use this untrusted key anyway, answer "yes".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the user ID of the addressee to whom you want to send the message.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Select the algorithm to use.
DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used
for signatures.
Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.
RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.
The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
In general it is not a good idea to use the same key for signing and
encryption. This algorithm should only be used in certain domains.
Please consult your security expert first.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the size of the key
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the required value as shown in the prompt.
It is possible to enter a ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD) but you won't
get a good error response - instead the system tries to interpret
the given value as an interval.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the name of the key holder
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
please enter an optional but highly suggested email address
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter an optional comment
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
N to change the name.
C to change the comment.
E to change the email address.
O to continue with key generation.
Q to to quit the key generation.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" (or just "y") if it is okay to generate the sub key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
When you sign a user ID on a key, you should first verify that the key
belongs to the person named in the user ID. It is useful for others to
know how carefully you verified this.
"0" means you make no particular claim as to how carefully you verified the
"1" means you believe the key is owned by the person who claims to own it
but you could not, or did not verify the key at all. This is useful for
a "persona" verification, where you sign the key of a pseudonymous user.
"2" means you did casual verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint and checked the user ID on the
key against a photo ID.
"3" means you did extensive verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint with the owner of the key in
person, and that you checked, by means of a hard to forge document with a
photo ID (such as a passport) that the name of the key owner matches the
name in the user ID on the key, and finally that you verified (by exchange
of email) that the email address on the key belongs to the key owner.
Note that the examples given above for levels 2 and 3 are *only* examples.
In the end, it is up to you to decide just what "casual" and "extensive"
mean to you when you sign other keys.
If you don't know what the right answer is, answer "0".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you really want to delete this user ID.
All certificates are then also lost!
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to delete the subkey
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a valid signature on the key; you normally don't want
to delete this signature because it may be important to establish a
trust connection to the key or another key certified by this key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This signature can't be checked because you don't have the
corresponding key. You should postpone its deletion until you
know which key was used because this signing key might establish
a trust connection through another already certified key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
The signature is not valid. It does make sense to remove it from
your keyring.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a signature which binds the user ID to the key. It is
usually not a good idea to remove such a signature. Actually
GnuPG might not be able to use this key anymore. So do this
only if this self-signature is for some reason not valid and
a second one is available.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Change the preferences of all user IDs (or just of the selected ones)
to the current list of preferences. The timestamp of all affected
self-signatures will be advanced by one second.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter the passphrase; this is a secret sentence
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please repeat the last passphrase, so you are sure what you typed in.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Give the name of the file to which the signature applies
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to overwrite the file
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter a new filename. If you just hit RETURN the default
file (which is shown in brackets) will be used.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
You should specify a reason for the certification. Depending on the
context you have the ability to choose from this list:
"Key has been compromised"
Use this if you have a reason to believe that unauthorized persons
got access to your secret key.
"Key is superseded"
Use this if you have replaced this key with a newer one.
"Key is no longer used"
Use this if you have retired this key.
"User ID is no longer valid"
Use this to state that the user ID should not longer be used;
this is normally used to mark an email address invalid.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you like, you can enter a text describing why you issue this
revocation certificate. Please keep this text concise.
An empty line ends the text.
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
diff --git a/doc/help.eo.txt b/doc/help.eo.txt
index d6d07e850..0ac3be7ab 100644
--- a/doc/help.eo.txt
+++ b/doc/help.eo.txt
@@ -1,286 +1,286 @@
# help..txt - GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
It's up to you to assign a value here; this value will never be exported
to any 3rd party. We need it to implement the web-of-trust; it has nothing
to do with the (implicitly created) web-of-certificates.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
To build the Web-of-Trust, GnuPG needs to know which keys are
ultimately trusted - those are usually the keys for which you have
access to the secret key. Answer "yes" to set this key to
ultimately trusted
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you want to use this untrusted key anyway, answer "yes".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the user ID of the addressee to whom you want to send the message.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Select the algorithm to use.
DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used
for signatures.
Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.
RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.
The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
In general it is not a good idea to use the same key for signing and
encryption. This algorithm should only be used in certain domains.
Please consult your security expert first.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the size of the key
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the required value as shown in the prompt.
It is possible to enter a ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD) but you won't
get a good error response - instead the system tries to interpret
the given value as an interval.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the name of the key holder
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
please enter an optional but highly suggested email address
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter an optional comment
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
N to change the name.
C to change the comment.
E to change the email address.
O to continue with key generation.
Q to to quit the key generation.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" (or just "y") if it is okay to generate the sub key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
When you sign a user ID on a key, you should first verify that the key
belongs to the person named in the user ID. It is useful for others to
know how carefully you verified this.
"0" means you make no particular claim as to how carefully you verified the
"1" means you believe the key is owned by the person who claims to own it
but you could not, or did not verify the key at all. This is useful for
a "persona" verification, where you sign the key of a pseudonymous user.
"2" means you did casual verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint and checked the user ID on the
key against a photo ID.
"3" means you did extensive verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint with the owner of the key in
person, and that you checked, by means of a hard to forge document with a
photo ID (such as a passport) that the name of the key owner matches the
name in the user ID on the key, and finally that you verified (by exchange
of email) that the email address on the key belongs to the key owner.
Note that the examples given above for levels 2 and 3 are *only* examples.
In the end, it is up to you to decide just what "casual" and "extensive"
mean to you when you sign other keys.
If you don't know what the right answer is, answer "0".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you really want to delete this user ID.
All certificates are then also lost!
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to delete the subkey
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a valid signature on the key; you normally don't want
to delete this signature because it may be important to establish a
trust connection to the key or another key certified by this key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This signature can't be checked because you don't have the
corresponding key. You should postpone its deletion until you
know which key was used because this signing key might establish
a trust connection through another already certified key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
The signature is not valid. It does make sense to remove it from
your keyring.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a signature which binds the user ID to the key. It is
usually not a good idea to remove such a signature. Actually
GnuPG might not be able to use this key anymore. So do this
only if this self-signature is for some reason not valid and
a second one is available.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Change the preferences of all user IDs (or just of the selected ones)
to the current list of preferences. The timestamp of all affected
self-signatures will be advanced by one second.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter the passphrase; this is a secret sentence
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please repeat the last passphrase, so you are sure what you typed in.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Give the name of the file to which the signature applies
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to overwrite the file
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter a new filename. If you just hit RETURN the default
file (which is shown in brackets) will be used.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
You should specify a reason for the certification. Depending on the
context you have the ability to choose from this list:
"Key has been compromised"
Use this if you have a reason to believe that unauthorized persons
got access to your secret key.
"Key is superseded"
Use this if you have replaced this key with a newer one.
"Key is no longer used"
Use this if you have retired this key.
"User ID is no longer valid"
Use this to state that the user ID should not longer be used;
this is normally used to mark an email address invalid.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you like, you can enter a text describing why you issue this
revocation certificate. Please keep this text concise.
An empty line ends the text.
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 42e531beb..d59f2145c 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -1,251 +1,251 @@
# - es GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
Está en su mano asignar un valor aquí. Dicho valor nunca será exportado a
terceros. Es necesario para implementar la red de confianza, no tiene nada
que ver con la red de certificados (implícitamente creada).
Para construir la Red-de-Confianza, GnuPG necesita saber qué claves
tienen confianza absoluta - normalmente son las claves para las que usted
puede acceder a la clave secreta. Conteste "sí" para hacer que esta
clave se considere como de total confianza
Si quiere usar esta clave no fiable de todos modos, conteste "sí".
Introduzca el ID de usuario al que quiere enviar el mensaje.
Seleccione el algoritmo que usar.
DSA (alias DSS) es el Algoritmo de Firma Digital y sólo se usa para firmas.
Elgamal es un algoritmo sólo para cifrar.
RSA sirve tanto para firmar como para cifrar.
La primera clave (clave primaria) debe ser siempre de tipo capaz de firmar.
En general no es una buena idea usar la misma clave para firmar y
cifrar. Este algoritmo debéria usarse solo en ciertos contextos.
Por favor consulte primero a un experto en seguridad.
Introduzca la longitud de la clave
Responda "sí" o "no"
Responda "sí" o "no"
Introduzca el valor requerido conforme se muestra.
Es posible introducir una fecha ISO (AAAA-MM-DD), pero no se obtendrá una
buena respuesta a los errores; el sistema intentará interpretar el valor
introducido como un intervalo.
Responda "sí" o "no"
Introduzca el nombre del dueño de la clave
Introduzca una dirección de correo electrónico (opcional pero muy
Introduzca un comentario opcional
N para cambiar el nombre.
C para cambiar el comentario.
E para cambiar la dirección.
O para continuar con la generación de clave.
S para interrumpir la generación de clave.
Responda "sí" (o sólo "s") para generar la subclave.
Responda "sí" o "no"
Cuando firme un ID de usuario en una clave, debería verificar que la clave
pertenece a la persona que se nombra en el ID de usuario. Es útil para
otros saber cómo de cuidadosamente lo ha verificado.
"0" significa que no hace ninguna declaración concreta sobre como ha
comprobado la validez de la clave.
"1" significa que cree que la clave pertenece a la persona que declara
poseerla pero no pudo o no verificó la clave en absoluto. Esto es útil
para una verificación en persona cuando firmas la clave de un usuario
"2" significa que hizo una comprobación informal de la clave. Por ejemplo
podría querer decir que comprobó la huella dactilar de la clave y
comprobó el ID de usuario en la clave con un ID fotográfico.
"3" significa que hizo una comprobación exhaustiva de la clave. Por
ejemplo verificando la huella dactilar de la clave con el propietario
de la clave, y que comprobó, mediante un documento difícil de falsificar
con ID fotográfico (como un pasaporte) que el nombre del poseedor de la
clave coincide con el ID de usuario en la clave y finalmente que verificó
(intercambiando email) que la dirección de email de la clave pertenece
al poseedor de la clave.
Observe que los ejemplos dados en los niveles 2 y 3 son *solo* ejemplos.
En definitiva, usted decide lo que significa "informal" y "exhaustivo"
para usted cuando firma las claves de otros.
Si no sabe qué contestar, conteste "0".
Responda "sí" o "no"
Responda "sí" o "no"
Responda "sí" o "no"
Responda "sí" si quiere firmar TODOS los IDs de usuario
Responda "sí" si realmente quiere borrar este ID de usuario.
¡También se perderán todos los certificados!
Responda "sí" si quiere borrar esta subclave
Esta es una firma válida de esta clave. Normalmente no será deseable
borrar esta firma ya que puede ser importante para establecer una conexión
de confianza con la clave o con otra clave certificada por ésta.
Esta firma no puede ser comprobada porque no tiene Vd. la clave
correspondiente. Debería posponer su borrado hasta conocer qué clave
se usó, ya que dicha clave podría establecer una conexión de confianza
a través de otra clave certificada.
Esta firma no es válida. Tiene sentido borrarla de su anillo.
Esta es una firma que une el ID de usuario a la clave. No suele ser una
buena idea borrar dichas firmas. De hecho, GnuPG podría no ser capaz de
volver a usar esta clave. Así que bórrela tan sólo si esta autofirma no
es válida por alguna razón y hay otra disponible.
Cambiar las preferencias de todos los IDs de usuario (o sólo los
seleccionados) a la lista actual de preferencias. El sello de tiempo
de todas las autofirmas afectadas se avanzará en un segundo.
Por favor introduzca la contraseña: una frase secreta
Repita la última frase contraseña para asegurarse de lo que tecleó.
Introduzca el nombre del fichero al que corresponde la firma
Responda "sí" para sobreescribir el fichero
Introduzca un nuevo nombre de fichero. Si pulsa INTRO se usará el fichero
por omisión (mostrado entre corchetes).
Debería especificar un motivo para la certificación. Dependiendo del
contexto puede elegir una opción de esta lista:
"La clave ha sido comprometida"
Use esto si tiene razones para pensar que personas no autorizadas
tuvieron acceso a su clave secreta.
"La clave ha sido sustituida"
Use esto si ha reemplazado la clave por otra más nueva.
"La clave ya no está en uso"
Use esto si ha dejado de usar esta clave.
"La identificación de usuario ya no es válida"
Use esto para señalar que la identificación de usuario no debería
seguir siendo usada; esto se utiliza normalmente para marcar una
dirección de correo-e como inválida.
Si lo desea puede introducir un texto explicando por qué emite
este certificado de revocación. Por favor, que el texto sea breve.
Una línea vacía pone fin al texto.
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index d6d07e850..0ac3be7ab 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -1,286 +1,286 @@
# help..txt - GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
It's up to you to assign a value here; this value will never be exported
to any 3rd party. We need it to implement the web-of-trust; it has nothing
to do with the (implicitly created) web-of-certificates.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
To build the Web-of-Trust, GnuPG needs to know which keys are
ultimately trusted - those are usually the keys for which you have
access to the secret key. Answer "yes" to set this key to
ultimately trusted
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you want to use this untrusted key anyway, answer "yes".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the user ID of the addressee to whom you want to send the message.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Select the algorithm to use.
DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used
for signatures.
Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.
RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.
The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
In general it is not a good idea to use the same key for signing and
encryption. This algorithm should only be used in certain domains.
Please consult your security expert first.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the size of the key
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the required value as shown in the prompt.
It is possible to enter a ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD) but you won't
get a good error response - instead the system tries to interpret
the given value as an interval.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the name of the key holder
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
please enter an optional but highly suggested email address
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter an optional comment
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
N to change the name.
C to change the comment.
E to change the email address.
O to continue with key generation.
Q to to quit the key generation.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" (or just "y") if it is okay to generate the sub key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
When you sign a user ID on a key, you should first verify that the key
belongs to the person named in the user ID. It is useful for others to
know how carefully you verified this.
"0" means you make no particular claim as to how carefully you verified the
"1" means you believe the key is owned by the person who claims to own it
but you could not, or did not verify the key at all. This is useful for
a "persona" verification, where you sign the key of a pseudonymous user.
"2" means you did casual verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint and checked the user ID on the
key against a photo ID.
"3" means you did extensive verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint with the owner of the key in
person, and that you checked, by means of a hard to forge document with a
photo ID (such as a passport) that the name of the key owner matches the
name in the user ID on the key, and finally that you verified (by exchange
of email) that the email address on the key belongs to the key owner.
Note that the examples given above for levels 2 and 3 are *only* examples.
In the end, it is up to you to decide just what "casual" and "extensive"
mean to you when you sign other keys.
If you don't know what the right answer is, answer "0".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you really want to delete this user ID.
All certificates are then also lost!
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to delete the subkey
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a valid signature on the key; you normally don't want
to delete this signature because it may be important to establish a
trust connection to the key or another key certified by this key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This signature can't be checked because you don't have the
corresponding key. You should postpone its deletion until you
know which key was used because this signing key might establish
a trust connection through another already certified key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
The signature is not valid. It does make sense to remove it from
your keyring.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a signature which binds the user ID to the key. It is
usually not a good idea to remove such a signature. Actually
GnuPG might not be able to use this key anymore. So do this
only if this self-signature is for some reason not valid and
a second one is available.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Change the preferences of all user IDs (or just of the selected ones)
to the current list of preferences. The timestamp of all affected
self-signatures will be advanced by one second.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter the passphrase; this is a secret sentence
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please repeat the last passphrase, so you are sure what you typed in.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Give the name of the file to which the signature applies
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to overwrite the file
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter a new filename. If you just hit RETURN the default
file (which is shown in brackets) will be used.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
You should specify a reason for the certification. Depending on the
context you have the ability to choose from this list:
"Key has been compromised"
Use this if you have a reason to believe that unauthorized persons
got access to your secret key.
"Key is superseded"
Use this if you have replaced this key with a newer one.
"Key is no longer used"
Use this if you have retired this key.
"User ID is no longer valid"
Use this to state that the user ID should not longer be used;
this is normally used to mark an email address invalid.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you like, you can enter a text describing why you issue this
revocation certificate. Please keep this text concise.
An empty line ends the text.
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 9f92246ac..4286cc0d4 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -1,256 +1,256 @@
# - fi GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
Tämän arvon määrittäminen on sinun tehtäväsi, tätä arvoa ei koskaan
kerrota kolmansille osapuolille. Tarvitsemme sitä toteuttamaan
luottamusverkko eikä sillä ei ole mitään tekemistä (epäsuorasti luotujen)
varmenneverkkojen kanssa.
Rakentaakseen luottamusverkon, GnuPG:n täytyy tietää mihin avaimiin
luotetaan ehdottomasti - nämä ovat tavallisesti ne avaimet, joiden salainen
pari on sinulla. Vastaa "kyllä" luottaaksesi tähän avaimeen ehdoitta
Vastaa "kyllä" jos haluat kaikesta huolimatta käyttää tätä epäluotettavaa
Syötä vastaanottajan, jolle haluat lähettää viestin, käyttäjätunnus.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Select the algorithm to use.
DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used
for signatures.
Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.
RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.
The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing.
Yleensä ei ole järkevää käyttää samaa avainta allekirjoitukseen
ja salaamiseen. Tätä algorimiä tulisi käyttää vain määrätyissä ympäristöissä.
Ole hyvä ja kysy tietoturva-asiantuntijaltasi ensin
Syötä avaimen koko
Vastaa "kyllä" tai " ei"
Vastaa "kyllä" tai " ei"
Syötä pyydetty arvo kuten näkyy kehotteessa.
On mahdollista syöttää ISO-muotoinen päivä (VVVV-KK-PP),
mutta sen seurauksena et saa kunnollista virheilmoitusta
vaan järjestelmä yrittää tulkita arvon aikajaksona.
Vastaa "kyllä" tai " ei"
Anna avaimen haltijan nimi
anna vapaaehtoinen, mutta erittäin suositeltava sähköpostiosoite
Kirjoita vapaaehtoinen huomautus
N muuta nimeä
C muuta kommenttia
E muuta sähköpostiosoitetta
O jatka avaimen luomista
L lopeta
Vastaa "kyllä" (tai vain "k") jos haluat luoda aliavaimen.
Vastaa "kyllä" tai " ei"
Allekirjoittaessasi avaimen käyttäjätunnuksen sinun tulisi varmista, että
avain todella kuuluu henkilölle, joka mainitaan käyttäjätunnuksessa. Muiden
on hyvä tietää kuinka huolellisesti olet varmistanut tämän.
"0" tarkoittaa, että et väitä mitään siitä, kuinka huolellisesti olet
varmistanut avaimen.
"1" tarkoittaa, että uskot avaimen kuuluvan henkilölle, joka väittää
hallitsevan sitä, mutta et voinut varmistaa tai et varmistanut avainta
lainkaan. Tämä on hyödyllinen "persoonan" varmistamiseen, jossa
allekirjoitat pseudonyymin käyttäjän avaimen.
"2" tarkoittaa arkista varmistusta. Esimerkiksi olet varmistanut
avaimen sormenjäljen ja tarkistanut käyttäjätunnuksen ja
valokuvatunnisteen täsmäävän.
"3" tarkoittaa syvällistä henkilöllisyyden varmistamista. Esimerkiksi
tämä voi tarkoittaa avaimen sormenjäljen tarkistamista avaimen haltijan
kanssa henkilökohtaisesti, ja että tarkistit nimen avaimessa täsmäävän
vaikeasti väärennettävän kuvallisen henkilöllisyystodistuksen (kuten
passi) kanssa, ja lopuksi varmistit (sähköpostin vaihtamisella), että
sähköpostiosoite kuuluu avaimen haltijalle.
Huomaa, että yllä annetut esimerkit tasoille 2 ja 3 ovat todellakin *vain*
esimerkkejä. Lopullisesti se on sinun päätöksesi mitä "arkinen" ja
"syvällinen" tarkoittaa allekirjoittaessasi muita avaimia.
Jos et tiedä mikä olisi sopiva vastaus, vastaa "0".
Vastaa "kyllä" tai " ei"
Vastaa "kyllä" tai " ei"
Vastaa "kyllä" tai " ei"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs
Vastaa "kyllä", jos haluat poistaa tämän käyttäjätunnuksen.
Menetät samalla kaikki siihen liittyvät varmenteet!
Vastaa "kyllä", jos aliavaimen voi poistaa
Tämä on voimassa oleva allekirjoitus tälle avaimelle, tavallisesti ei
kannata poistaa tätä allekirjoitusta koska se saattaa olla tarpeen
luottamussuhteen luomiseksi avaimeen tai johonkin toiseen tämän avaimen
varmentamaan avaimeen.
Allekirjoitusta ei voida tarkistaa koska sinulla ei ole
siihen liittyvää avainta. Lykkää sen poistamista kunnes
tiedät mitä avainta on käytetty, koska allekirjoitus
avain saattaa luoda luottamusketjun toisen, jo ennalta
varmennetun avaimen kautta.
Allekirjoitus ei ole pätevä. Järkevintä olisi poistaa se
Tämä allekirjoitus takaa avaimen haltijan henkilöllisyyden.
Tällaisen allekirjoituksen poistaminen on tavallisesti huono
ajatus. GnuPG ei kenties voi käyttää avainta enää. Poista
allekirjoitus vain, jos se ei ole jostain syystä pätevä, ja
avaimella on jo toinen allekirjoitus.
Muuta valinnat kaikille käyttäjätunnuksille (tai vain valituille)
nykyiseen luetteloon valinnoista. Kaikkien muutettujen
oma-allekirjoitusten aikaleima siirretään yhdellä sekunnilla eteenpäin.
Ole hyvä ja syötä salasana, tämän on salainen lause
Toista edellinen salasanasi varmistuaksesi siitä, mitä kirjoitit.
Anna allekirjoitetun tiedoston nimi
Vastaa "kyllä", jos tiedoston voi ylikirjoittaa
Syötä uusi tiedostonimi. Jos painat vain RETURN, käytetään
oletustiedostoa (joka näkyy sulkeissa).
Sinun tulisi määrittää syy varmenteelle. Riippuen asiayhteydestä
voit valita tästä listasta:
"Avain on paljastunut"
Käytä tätä, jos sinulla on syytä uskoa, että luvattomat henkilöt
ovat saaneet salaisen avaimesi käsiinsä.
"Avain on korvattu"
Käytä tätä, jos olet korvannut tämän uudemmalla avaimella.
"Avain ei ole enää käytössä"
Käytä tätä, jost ole lopettanut tämän avaimen käytön.
"Käyttäjätunnus ei ole enää voimassa"
Käytä tätä ilmoittamaan, että käyttäjätunnusta ei pitäisi käyttää;
tätä normaalisti käytetään merkitsemään sähköpostiosoite vanhenneeksi.
Halutessasi voit kirjoittaa tähän kuvauksen miksi julkaiset tämän
mitätöintivarmenteen. Kirjoita lyhyesti.
Tyhjä rivi päättää tekstin.
# Local variables:
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# - fr GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
C'est à vous d'assigner une valeur ici; cette valeur ne sera jamais
envoyée à une tierce personne. Nous en avons besoin pour créer le réseau
de confiance (web-of-trust); cela n'a rien à voir avec le réseau des
certificats (créé implicitement)
Pour mettre en place le Réseau de confiance (Web of Trust), GnuPG a
besoin de savoir en quelles clés votre confiance est ultime - ce sont
en général les clés dont vous avez accès à la clé secrète. Répondez
"oui" pour indiquer que votre confiance en cette clé est ultime
Si vous voulez utiliser cette clé peu sûre quand-même, répondez «oui».
Entrez le nom d'utilisateur de la personne à qui vous voulez envoyer
le message.
Sélectionnez l'algorithme à utiliser.
DSA (connu également sous le nom de DSS) est un algorithme de signature
digitale et ne peut être utilisé que pour des signatures.
Elgamal est un algorithme pour le chiffrement seul.
RSA peut être utilisé pour les signatures et le chiffrement.
La première clé (clé principale) doit toujours être une clé capable
de signer.
En général ce n'est pas une bonne idée d'utiliser la même clé pour
signer et pour chiffrer. Cet algorithme ne doit être utilisé que
pour certains domaines.
Consultez votre expert en sécurité d'abord.
Entrez la taille de la clé
Répondez «oui» ou «non»
Répondez «oui» ou «non»
Entrez la valeur demandée comme indiqué dans la ligne de commande.
On peut entrer une date ISO (AAAA-MM-JJ) mais le résultat d'erreur sera
mauvais - le système essaierait d'interpréter la valeur donnée comme un
Répondez «oui» ou «non»
Entrez le nom du propriétaire de la clé
entrez une adresse e-mail optionnelle mais hautement recommandée
Entrez un commentaire optionnel
N pour changer le nom.
C pour changer le commentaire.
E pour changer l'adresse e-mail.
O pour continuer à générer la clé.
Q pour arrêter de générer de clé.
Répondez «oui» (ou simplement «o») pour générer la sous-clé
Répondez «oui» ou «non»
Quand vous signez un nom d'utilisateur d'une clé, vous devriez d'abord
vérifier que la clé appartient à la personne nommée. Il est utile que
les autres personnes sachent avec quel soin vous l'avez vérifié.
"0" signifie que vous n'avez pas d'opinon.
"1" signifie que vous croyez que la clé appartient à la personne qui
dit la posséder mais vous n'avez pas pu vérifier du tout la clé.
C'est utile lorsque vous signez la clé d'un pseudonyme.
"2" signifie que vous avez un peu vérifié la clé. Par exemple, cela
pourrait être un vérification de l'empreinte et du nom de
l'utilisateur avec la photo.
"3" signifie que vous avez complètement vérifié la clé. Par exemple,
cela pourrait être une vérification de l'empreinte, du nom de
l'utilisateur avec un document difficile à contrefaire (comme un
passeport) et de son adresse e-mail (vérifié par un échange de
courrier électronique).
Notez bien que les exemples donnés ci-dessus pour les niveaux 2 et
3 ne sont *que* des exemples.
C'est à vous de décider quelle valeur mettre quand vous signez
les clés des autres personnes.
Si vous ne savez pas quelle réponse est la bonne, répondez "0".
Répondez «oui» ou «non»
Répondez «oui» ou «non»
Répondez «oui» ou «non»
Répondez «oui» si vous voulez signer TOUS les noms d'utilisateurs
Répondez «oui» si vous voulez vraiment supprimer ce nom
d'utilisateur. Tous les certificats seront alors perdus en même temps !
Répondez «oui» s'il faut vraiment supprimer la sous-clé
C'est une signature valide dans la clé; vous n'avez pas normalement
intérêt à supprimer cette signature car elle peut être importante pour
établir une connection de confiance vers la clé ou une autre clé certifiée
par celle-là.
Cette signature ne peut pas être vérifiée parce que vous n'avez pas la
clé correspondante. Vous devriez remettre sa supression jusqu'à ce que
vous soyez sûr de quelle clé a été utilisée car cette clé de signature
peut établir une connection de confiance vers une autre clé déjà certifiée.
Cette signature n'est pas valide. Vous devriez la supprimer de votre
Cette signature relie le nom d'utilisateur à la clé. Habituellement
enlever une telle signature n'est pas une bonne idée. En fait GnuPG peut
ne plus être capable d'utiliser cette clé. Donc faites ceci uniquement si
cette auto-signature est invalide pour une certaine raison et si une autre
est disponible.
Changer les préférences de tous les noms d'utilisateurs (ou juste
ceux qui sont sélectionnés) vers la liste actuelle. La date de toutes
les auto-signatures affectées seront avancées d'une seconde.
Entrez le mot de passe ; c'est une phrase secrète
Répétez la dernière phrase de passe pour être sûr de ce que vous
avez tapé.
Donnez le nom du fichier auquel la signature se rapporte
Répondez «oui» s'il faut vraiment réécrire le fichier
Entrez le nouveau nom de fichier. Si vous tapez simplement ENTRÉE le
fichier par défaut (indiqué entre crochets) sera utilisé.
Vous devriez donner une raison pour la certification. Selon le contexte
vous pouvez choisir dans cette liste:
«La clé a été compromise»
Utilisez cette option si vous avez une raison de croire que des
personnes ont pu accéder à votre clé secrète sans autorisation.
«La clé a été remplacée»
Utilisez cette option si vous avez remplacé la clé par une nouvelle.
«La clé n'est plus utilisée»
Utilisez cette option si cette clé n'a plus d'utilité.
«Le nom d'utilisateur n'est plus valide»
Utilisez cette option si le nom d'utilisateur ne doit plus être
utilisé. Cela sert généralement à indiquer qu'une adresse e-mail
est invalide.
Si vous le désirez, vous pouvez entrer un texte qui explique pourquoi vous
avez émis ce certificat de révocation. Essayez de garder ce texte concis.
Une ligne vide délimite la fin du texte.
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# help..txt - GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
It's up to you to assign a value here; this value will never be exported
to any 3rd party. We need it to implement the web-of-trust; it has nothing
to do with the (implicitly created) web-of-certificates.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
To build the Web-of-Trust, GnuPG needs to know which keys are
ultimately trusted - those are usually the keys for which you have
access to the secret key. Answer "yes" to set this key to
ultimately trusted
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you want to use this untrusted key anyway, answer "yes".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the user ID of the addressee to whom you want to send the message.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Select the algorithm to use.
DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used
for signatures.
Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.
RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.
The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
In general it is not a good idea to use the same key for signing and
encryption. This algorithm should only be used in certain domains.
Please consult your security expert first.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the size of the key
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the required value as shown in the prompt.
It is possible to enter a ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD) but you won't
get a good error response - instead the system tries to interpret
the given value as an interval.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the name of the key holder
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
please enter an optional but highly suggested email address
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter an optional comment
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
N to change the name.
C to change the comment.
E to change the email address.
O to continue with key generation.
Q to to quit the key generation.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" (or just "y") if it is okay to generate the sub key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
When you sign a user ID on a key, you should first verify that the key
belongs to the person named in the user ID. It is useful for others to
know how carefully you verified this.
"0" means you make no particular claim as to how carefully you verified the
"1" means you believe the key is owned by the person who claims to own it
but you could not, or did not verify the key at all. This is useful for
a "persona" verification, where you sign the key of a pseudonymous user.
"2" means you did casual verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint and checked the user ID on the
key against a photo ID.
"3" means you did extensive verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint with the owner of the key in
person, and that you checked, by means of a hard to forge document with a
photo ID (such as a passport) that the name of the key owner matches the
name in the user ID on the key, and finally that you verified (by exchange
of email) that the email address on the key belongs to the key owner.
Note that the examples given above for levels 2 and 3 are *only* examples.
In the end, it is up to you to decide just what "casual" and "extensive"
mean to you when you sign other keys.
If you don't know what the right answer is, answer "0".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you really want to delete this user ID.
All certificates are then also lost!
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to delete the subkey
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a valid signature on the key; you normally don't want
to delete this signature because it may be important to establish a
trust connection to the key or another key certified by this key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This signature can't be checked because you don't have the
corresponding key. You should postpone its deletion until you
know which key was used because this signing key might establish
a trust connection through another already certified key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
The signature is not valid. It does make sense to remove it from
your keyring.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a signature which binds the user ID to the key. It is
usually not a good idea to remove such a signature. Actually
GnuPG might not be able to use this key anymore. So do this
only if this self-signature is for some reason not valid and
a second one is available.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Change the preferences of all user IDs (or just of the selected ones)
to the current list of preferences. The timestamp of all affected
self-signatures will be advanced by one second.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter the passphrase; this is a secret sentence
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please repeat the last passphrase, so you are sure what you typed in.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Give the name of the file to which the signature applies
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to overwrite the file
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter a new filename. If you just hit RETURN the default
file (which is shown in brackets) will be used.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
You should specify a reason for the certification. Depending on the
context you have the ability to choose from this list:
"Key has been compromised"
Use this if you have a reason to believe that unauthorized persons
got access to your secret key.
"Key is superseded"
Use this if you have replaced this key with a newer one.
"Key is no longer used"
Use this if you have retired this key.
"User ID is no longer valid"
Use this to state that the user ID should not longer be used;
this is normally used to mark an email address invalid.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you like, you can enter a text describing why you issue this
revocation certificate. Please keep this text concise.
An empty line ends the text.
# Local variables:
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# End:
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# - hu GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
Az Ön döntésén múlik, hogy milyen értéket ad meg itt. Ezt az értéket soha
nem exportáljuk mások részére. Ez a bizalmak hálózatához (web-of-trust)
szükséges, semmi köze az igazolások hálózatához (web-of-certificates).
Hogy a bizalmak hálózatát felépítsük, a GnuPG-nek tudnia kell, hogy
mely kulcsok alapvetően megbízhatóak - általában ezek azok a kulcsok,
melyek titkos kulcsához hozzáfér. Válaszoljon "igen"-nel, ha kulcsot
alapvetően megbízhatónak jelöli!
Ha mégis használni akarja ezt a kulcsot, melyben nem bízunk,
válaszoljon "igen"-nel!
Adja meg a címzett felhasználói azonosítóját!
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Select the algorithm to use.
DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used
for signatures.
Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.
RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.
The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing.
Általában nem jó ötlet ugyanazt a kulcsot használni aláíráshoz és
titkosításhoz. Ezt az algoritmust csak bizonyos területeken ajánlatos
használni. Kérem, először konzultáljon a biztonsági szakértőjével!
Adja meg a kulcs méretét!
Kérem, adjon "igen" vagy "nem" választ!
Kérem, adjon "igen" vagy "nem" választ!
Adja meg a szükséges értéket, ahogy a prompt mutatja!
Lehetséges ISO dátumot is beírni (ÉÉÉÉ-HH-NN), de nem fog rendes
hibaüzenetet kapni, hanem a rendszer megpróbálja az értéket
intervallumként értelmezni.
Kérem, adjon "igen" vagy "nem" választ!
Adja meg a kulcs tulajdonosának a nevét!
Kérem, adjon meg egy opcionális, de nagyon ajánlott e-mail címet!
Kérem, adjon meg egy opcionális megjegyzést!
N név változtatása
M megjegyzés változtatása
E e-mail változtatása
R kulcsgenerálás folytatása
Q kilépés a kulcsgenerálásból
Válaszoljon "igen"-nel (vagy csak "i"-vel), ha kezdhetjük az alkulcs
Kérem, adjon "igen" vagy "nem" választ!
Mielőtt aláír egy felhasználói azonosítót egy kulcson, ellenőriznie kell,
hogy a kulcs a felhasználói azonosítóban megnevezett személyhez tartozik.
Mások számára hasznos lehet, ha tudják, hogy milyen gondosan ellenőrizte
Ön ezt.
"0" azt jelenti, hogy nem tesz az ellenőrzés gondosságára vonatkozó
"1" azt jelenti, hogy Ön hiszi, hogy a kulcs annak a személynek a
tulajdona, aki azt állítja, hogy az övé, de Ön nem tudta ezt
ellenőrizni, vagy egyszerűen nem ellenőrizte ezt. Ez hasznos egy
"persona" típusú ellenőrzéshez, mikor Ön egy pszeudonim felhasználó
kulcsát írja alá.
"2" azt jelenti, hogy Ön a kulcsot hétköznapi alapossággal ellenőrizte.
Például ez azt jelentheti, hogy ellenőrizte a kulcs ujjlenyomatát, és
összevetette a kulcson szereplő felhasználóazonosítót egy fényképes
"3" azt jelenti, hogy alaposan ellenőrizte a kulcsot. Például ez azt
jelentheti, hogy a kulcs ujjlenyomatát a tulajdonossal személyesen
találkozva ellenőrizte, egy nehezen hamisítható, fényképes igazolvánnyal
(mint az útlevél) meggyőződött arról, hogy a személy neve egyezik a
kulcson levővel, és végül (e-mail váltással) ellenőrizte, hogy a kulcson
szereplő e-mail cím a kulcs tulajdonosához tartozik.
A 2-es és 3-as szintekhez adott példák *csak* példák. Végső soron Ön dönti
el, hogy mit jelentenek Önnek a "hétköznapi" és "alapos" kifejezések,
amikor mások kulcsát aláírja.
Ha nem tudja, hogy mit válaszoljon, írjon "0"-t!
Kérem, adjon "igen" vagy "nem" választ!
Kérem, adjon "igen" vagy "nem" választ!
Kérem, adjon "igen" vagy "nem" választ!
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs
Válaszoljon "igen"-nel, ha valóban törölni akarja ezt a felhasználóazonosítót!
Minden igazolás törlődik vele együtt!
Válaszoljon "igen"-nel, ha az alkulcs törölhető.
Ez egy érvényes aláírás a kulcson. Normál esetben nincs értelme
törölni, mert fontos lehet ahhoz, hogy érvényesítse ezt a kulcsot,
vagy egy másikat, melyet ezzel a kulccsal igazolnak.
Ezt az aláírást nem tudom ellenőrizni, mert nincs meg a hozzá tartozó
kulcs. Ajánlatos lenne elhalasztani a törlést addig, amíg meg nem tudja,
hogy melyik kulcsot használták, mert ez az aláíró kulcs bizalmi
kapcsolatot hozhat létre egy már hitelesített kulcson keresztül.
Ez az aláírás nem érvényes. Értelmetlen eltávolítani a kulcskarikáról.
Ez egy olyan aláírás, amely összeköti a felhasználóazonosítót
a kulccsal. Általában nem jó ötlet egy ilyen aláírást eltávolítani.
Az is lehetséges, hogy a GnuPG többé nem tudja használni ezt
a kulcsot. Csak akkor tegye ezt, ha valami okból ez az önaláírás nem
érvényes, és rendelkezésre áll egy másik!
Lecseréli az összes felhasználóazonosítóhoz (vagy csak a kijelöltekhez)
tartozó preferenciákat az aktuális preferenciákra. Minden érintett
önaláírás időpontját egy másodperccel növeli.
Kérem, adja meg a jelszót! Ezt egy titkos mondat.
Kérem, ismételje meg az előző jelszót ellenőrzésképpen!
Adja meg az állomány nevét, melyhez az aláírás tartozik!
Válaszoljon "igen"-nel, ha felülírható az állomány!
Kérem, adjon meg egy új fájlnevet! Ha RETURN-t/ENTER-t nyom, akkor
a szögletes zárójelben levő alapértelmezett nevet használom.
Ajánlatos megadni a visszavonás okát. A helyzettől függően válasszon
a következő listából:
"A kulcs kompromittálódott."
Használja ezt akkor, ha oka van azt hinni, hogy titkos kulcsa
illetéktelen kezekbe került!
"A kulcsot lecserélték."
Használja ezt akkor, ha a kulcsot lecserélte egy újabbra!
"A kulcs már nem használatos."
Használja ezt akkor, ha már nem használja a kulcsot!
"A felhasználóazonosító már nem érvényes."
Használja ezt akkor, ha azt állítja, hogy a felhasználóazonosító
már nem használatos! Általában érvénytelen e-mail címet jelent.
Ha akarja, megadhat egy szöveget, melyben megindokolja, hogy miért
adta ki ezt a visszavonó igazolást. Kérem, fogalmazzon tömören!
Egy üres sor jelzi a szöveg végét.
# Local variables:
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# - id GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
Terserah anda untuk memberi nilai baru di sini; nilai ini tidak akan diekspor
ke pihak ketiga. Kami perlu untuk mengimplementasikan web-of-trust; tidak ada
kaitan dengan (membuat secara implisit) web-of-certificates.
Untuk membuat Web-of-Trust, GnuPG perlu tahu kunci mana yang
sangat dipercaya - mereka biasanya adalah kunci yang anda punya
akses ke kunci rahasia. Jawab "yes" untuk menset kunci ini ke
sangat dipercaya
Jika anda ingin menggunakan kunci tidak terpercaya ini, jawab "ya".
Masukkan ID user penerima pesan.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Select the algorithm to use.
DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used
for signatures.
Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.
RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.
The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing.
Secara umum bukan ide baik untuk menggunakan kunci yang sama untuk menandai dan
mengenkripsi. Algoritma ini seharusnya digunakan dalam domain tertentu.
Silakan berkonsultasi dulu dengan ahli keamanan anda.
Masukkan ukuran kunci
Jawab "ya" atau "tidak"
Jawab "ya" atau "tidak"
Masukkan nilai yang diperlukan seperti pada prompt.
Dapat digunakan format (YYYY-MM-DD) untuk mengisi tanggal ISO tetapi anda
tidak akan mendapat respon kesalahan yang baik - sebaiknya sistem akan
berusaha menginterprestasi nilai yang diberikan sebagai sebuah interval.
Jawab "ya" atau "tidak"
Masukkan nama pemegang kunci
silakan masukkan alamat email (pilihan namun sangat dianjurkan)
Silakan masukkan komentar tambahan
N untuk merubah nama.
K untuk merubah komentar.
E untuk merubah alamat email.
O untuk melanjutkan dengan pembuatan kunci.
K untuk menghentikan pembuatan kunci.
Jawab "ya" (atau "y") jika telah siap membuat subkey.
Jawab "ya" atau "tidak"
Ketika anda menandai user ID pada kunci, anda perlu memverifikasi bahwa kunci
milik orang yang disebut dalam user ID. Ini penting bagi orang lain untuk tahu
seberapa cermat anda memverifikasi ini.
"0" berarti anda tidak melakukan klaim tentang betapa cermat anda memverifikasi kunci.
"1" berarti anda percaya bahwa kunci dimiliki oleh orang yang mengklaim memilikinya
namun anda tidak dapat, atau tidak memverifikasi kunci sama sekali. Hal ini bergunabagi
verifikasi "persona", yaitu anda menandai kunci user pseudonymous
"2" berarti anda melakukan verifikasi kasual atas kunci. Sebagai contoh, halini dapat
berarti bahwa anda memverifikasi fingerprint kunci dan memeriksa user ID pada kunci
dengan photo ID.
"3" berarti anda melakukan verifikasi ekstensif atas kunci. Sebagai contoh, hal ini
dapat berarti anda memverifikasi fingerprint kunci dengan pemilik kunci
secara personal, dan anda memeriksa, dengan menggunakan dokumen yang sulit dipalsukan yang memiliki
photo ID (seperti paspor) bahwa nama pemilik kunci cocok dengan
nama user ID kunci, dan bahwa anda telah memverifikasi (dengan pertukaran
email) bahwa alamat email pada kunci milik pemilik kunci.
Contoh-contoh pada level 2 dan 3 hanyalah contoh.
Pada akhirnya, terserah anda untuk memutuskan apa arti "kasual" dan "ekstensif"
bagi anda ketika menandai kunci lain.
Jika anda tidak tahu jawaban yang tepat, jawab "0".
Jawab "ya" atau "tidak"
Jawab "ya" atau "tidak"
Jawab "ya" atau "tidak"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs
Jawab "ya" jika anda benar-benar ingin menghapus ID user ini.
Seluruh sertifikat juga akan hilang!
Jawab "ya" jika ingin menghapus subkey
Ini adalah signature valid untuk kunci; anda normalnya tdk ingin menghapus
signature ini karena mungkin penting membangun koneksi trust ke kunci atau
ke kunci tersertifikasi lain dengan kunci ini.
Signature ini tidak dapat diperiksa karena anda tidak memiliki kunci
korespondennya. Anda perlu menunda penghapusannya hingga anda tahu
kunci yang digunakan karena kunci penanda ini mungkin membangun suatu
koneksi trust melalui kunci yang telah tersertifikasi lain.
Signature tidak valid. Adalah hal yang masuk akal untuk menghapusnya dari
keyring anda
Ini adalah signature yang menghubungkan ID pemakai ke kunci. Biasanya
bukan ide yang baik untuk menghapus signature semacam itu. Umumnya
GnuPG tidak akan dapat menggunakan kunci ini lagi. Sehingga lakukan hal
ini bila self-signature untuk beberapa alasan tidak valid dan
tersedia yang kedua.
Rubah preferensi seluruh user ID (atau hanya yang terpilih)
ke daftar preferensi saat ini. Timestamp seluruh self-signature
yang terpengaruh akan bertambah satu detik.
Silakan masukkan passphrase; ini kalimat rahasia
Silakan ulangi passphrase terakhir, sehingga anda yakin yang anda ketikkan.
Beri nama file tempat berlakunya signature
Jawab "ya" jika tidak apa-apa menimpa file
Silakan masukan nama file baru. Jika anda hanya menekan RETURN nama
file baku (yang diapit tanda kurung) akan dipakai.
Anda harus menspesifikasikan alasan pembatalan. Semua ini tergantung
konteks, anda dapat memilih dari daftar berikut:
"Key has been compromised"
Gunakan ini jika anda punya alasan untuk percaya bahwa orang yang tidak berhak
memiliki akses ke kunci pribadi anda.
"Key is superseded"
Gunakan ini bila anda mengganti kunci anda dengan yang baru.
"Key is no longer used"
Gunakan ini bila anda telah mempensiunkan kunci ini.
"User ID is no longer valid"
Gunakan ini untuk menyatakan user ID tidak boleh digunakan lagi;
normalnya digunakan untuk menandai bahwa alamat email tidak valid lagi.
Jika anda suka, anda dapat memasukkan teks menjelaskan mengapa anda
mengeluarkan sertifikat pembatalan ini. Buatlah ringkas.
Baris kosong mengakhiri teks.
# Local variables:
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# End:
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# - Italian GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
E compito tuo assegnare un valore; questo valore non sarà mai esportato a
terzi. Ci serve per implementare il web-of-trust; non ha nulla a che fare
con il web-of-certificates (creato implicitamente).
Per costruire il Web-Of-Trust, GnuPG ha bisogno di sapere quali chiavi sono
definitivamente affidabili - di solito quelle per cui hai accesso alla chiave
Rispondi "sì" per impostare questa chiave come definitivamente affidabile
Se vuoi usare comunque questa chiave non fidata, rispondi "si".
Inserisci l'user ID del destinatario a cui vuoi mandare il messaggio.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Select the algorithm to use.
DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used
for signatures.
Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.
RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.
The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing.
In generale non è una buona idea usare la stessa chiave per le firme e la
cifratura. Questo algoritmo dovrebbe solo essere usato in determinati campi.
Per favore consulta prima il tuo esperto di sicurezza.
Inserisci le dimensioni della chiave
Rispondi "si" o "no"
Rispondi "si" o "no"
Inserisci il valore richiesto come indicato dal prompt.
È possibile inserire una data in formato ISO (YYYY-MM-DD) ma non avrai un
messaggio di errore corretto: il sistema cerca di interpretare il valore
dato come un intervallo.
Rispondi "si" o "no"
Inserisci il nome del proprietario della chiave
Inserisci un indirizzo di email opzionale (ma fortemente suggerito)
Inserisci un commento opzionale
N per cambiare il nome.
C per cambiare il commento.
E per cambiare l'indirizzo di email.
O per continuare con la generazione della chiave.
Q per abbandonare il processo di generazione della chiave.
Rispondi "si" (o "y") se va bene generare la subchiave.
Rispondi "si" o "no"
Quando firmi l'user ID di una chiave dovresti prima verificare che questa
appartiene alla persona indicata nell'user ID. È utile agli altri sapere
con quanta attenzione lo hai verificato.
"0" significa che non fai particolari affermazioni sull'attenzione con cui
hai ferificato la chiave.
"1" significa che credi che la chiave sia posseduta dalla persona che dice di
possederla, ma non hai o non hai potuto verificare per niente la chiave.
"2" significa che hai fatto una verifica superficiale della chiave. Per esempio
potrebbe significare che hai verificato l'impronta digitale e confrontato
l'user ID della chiave con un documento di identità con fotografia.
"3" significa che hai fatto una verifica approfondita della chiave. Per esempio
potrebbe significare che hai verificato di persona l'impronta digitale con
il possessore della chiave e hai controllato, per esempio per mezzo di
un documento di identità con fotografia difficile da falsificare (come
un passaporto), che il nome del proprietario della chiave corrisponde a
quello nell'user ID della chiave, e per finire che hai verificato
(scambiando dei messaggi) che l'indirizzo di email sulla chiave appartiene
al proprietario.
Nota che gli esempi indicati per i livelli 2 e 3 sono *solo* esempi. Alla fine
sta a te decidere cosa significano "superficiale" e "approfondita" quando
firmi chiavi di altri.
Se non sai cosa rispondere, rispondi "0".
Rispondi "si" o "no"
Rispondi "si" o "no"
Rispondi "si" o "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs
Rispondi "si" se vuoi davvero cancellare questo user ID.
Tutti i certificati saranno persi!
Rispondi "si" se va bene cancellare la subchiave
Questa è una firma valida per la chiave. Normalmente non vorresti cancellare
questa firma perchè può essere importante per stabilire una connessione di
fiducia alla chiave o a un'altra chiave certificata da questa chiave.
Questa firma non può essere verificata perchè non hai la chiave corrispondente.
Dovresti rimandare la sua cancellazione finchè non saprai quale chiave è stata
usata perchè questa chiave potrebbe stabilire una connessione di fiducia
attraverso una chiave già certificata.
La firma non è valida. Ha senso rimuoverla dal tuo portachiavi.
Questa è una firma che collega l'user id alla chiave. Solitamente non è una
buona idea rimuovere questo tipo di firma. In realtà GnuPG potrebbe non essere
più in grado di usare questa chiave. Quindi fallo solo se questa autofirma non
è valida per qualche ragione e ne è disponibile un'altra.
Cambia le preferenze di tutti gli user ID (o solo di quelli selezionati) con
la lista di preferenze corrente. L'orario di tutte le autofirme coinvolte
sarà aumentato di un secondo.
Inserisci la passphrase, cioè una frase segreta
Ripeti l'ultima passphrase per essere sicuro di cosa hai scritto.
Inserisci il nome del file a cui si riferisce la firma.
Rispondi "si" se va bene sovrascrivere il file.
Inserisci il nuovo nome del file. Se premi INVIO sarà usato il nome
predefinito (quello indicato tra parentesi).
Dovresti specificare un motivo per questa certificazione. A seconda del
contesto hai la possibilità di scegliere tra questa lista:
"Key has been compromised"
Usa questo se hai un motivo per credere che una persona non autorizzata
abbia avuto accesso alla tua chiave segreta.
"Key is superseded"
Usa questo se hai sostituito questa chiave con una più recente.
"Key is no longer used"
Usa questo se hai mandato in pensione questa chiave.
"User ID is no longer valid"
Usa questo per affermare che l'user ID non dovrebbe più essere usato;
solitamente è usato per indicare un indirizzo di email non valido.
Se vuoi, puoi digitare un testo che descrive perché hai emesso
questo certificato di revoca. Per favore sii conciso.
Una riga vuota termina il testo.
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
diff --git a/doc/help.ja.txt b/doc/help.ja.txt
index 0a538b88c..c503de6f7 100644
--- a/doc/help.ja.txt
+++ b/doc/help.ja.txt
@@ -1,335 +1,335 @@
# help.ja.txt - Japanese GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# [ このエントリは有効にするには、上記のキーの # を削除してください。]
# これは例です。
# There was a problem accessing or starting the agent.
# There was a problen accessing the dirmngr.
るものです。この鍵が究極的に信頼できる場合、"yes" と答えてください。
この信頼されてない鍵をどちらにせよ使いたい場合、"yes" と答えてください。
DSA (別名 DSS)は電子署名アルゴリズムであり、署名にのみ使えます。
Elgamal は暗号化のみのアルゴリズムです。
RSA は署名と暗号化のどちらにも使えます。
"yes" か "no" で答えてください。
"yes" か "no" で答えてください。
"yes" か "no" で答えてください。
文字 "<" と ">" は許されていません。
例: Heinrich Heine
文字 "(" と ")" は許されていません。
# (Keep a leading empty line)
N 名前の変更。
C コメントの変更。
E 電子メールアドレスの変更。
O 鍵生成に進む。
Q 鍵生成を止める。
副鍵を生成してよければ、"yes" (あるいは単に "y") と答えてください。
"yes" か "no" で答えてください。
"0" は、どれくらい慎重に確認したかについて特になにも主張しないことを意味します。
"1" は、あなたは、主張するその人が所有する鍵であると考えるが、その鍵について、
ユーザの鍵に署名するような "persona" 確認に有用です。
"2" は、その鍵に対し、通常の検証を行ったことを意味します。たとえば、鍵
"3" は、その鍵に対し、広範な検証を行ったことを意味します。たとえば、鍵
正しい答えがなにかわからないときは "0" と答えてください。
"yes" か "no" で答えてください。
"yes" か "no" で答えてください。
"yes" か "no" で答えてください。
# (keep a leading empty line)
# openfile.c (overwrite_filep)
# openfile.c (ask_outfile_name)
# revoke.c (ask_revocation_reason)
# revoke.c (ask_revocation_reason)
# This text gets displayed by the audit log if
# a root certificates was not trusted.
trustlist.txt に設定します。疑問のある場合、システム管理者にこの証明書
# This tex is displayed by the audit log for problems with
# the CRL or OCSP checking.
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
diff --git a/doc/help.nb.txt b/doc/help.nb.txt
index d6d07e850..0ac3be7ab 100644
--- a/doc/help.nb.txt
+++ b/doc/help.nb.txt
@@ -1,286 +1,286 @@
# help..txt - GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
It's up to you to assign a value here; this value will never be exported
to any 3rd party. We need it to implement the web-of-trust; it has nothing
to do with the (implicitly created) web-of-certificates.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
To build the Web-of-Trust, GnuPG needs to know which keys are
ultimately trusted - those are usually the keys for which you have
access to the secret key. Answer "yes" to set this key to
ultimately trusted
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you want to use this untrusted key anyway, answer "yes".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the user ID of the addressee to whom you want to send the message.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Select the algorithm to use.
DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used
for signatures.
Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.
RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.
The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
In general it is not a good idea to use the same key for signing and
encryption. This algorithm should only be used in certain domains.
Please consult your security expert first.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the size of the key
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the required value as shown in the prompt.
It is possible to enter a ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD) but you won't
get a good error response - instead the system tries to interpret
the given value as an interval.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the name of the key holder
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
please enter an optional but highly suggested email address
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter an optional comment
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
N to change the name.
C to change the comment.
E to change the email address.
O to continue with key generation.
Q to to quit the key generation.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" (or just "y") if it is okay to generate the sub key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
When you sign a user ID on a key, you should first verify that the key
belongs to the person named in the user ID. It is useful for others to
know how carefully you verified this.
"0" means you make no particular claim as to how carefully you verified the
"1" means you believe the key is owned by the person who claims to own it
but you could not, or did not verify the key at all. This is useful for
a "persona" verification, where you sign the key of a pseudonymous user.
"2" means you did casual verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint and checked the user ID on the
key against a photo ID.
"3" means you did extensive verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint with the owner of the key in
person, and that you checked, by means of a hard to forge document with a
photo ID (such as a passport) that the name of the key owner matches the
name in the user ID on the key, and finally that you verified (by exchange
of email) that the email address on the key belongs to the key owner.
Note that the examples given above for levels 2 and 3 are *only* examples.
In the end, it is up to you to decide just what "casual" and "extensive"
mean to you when you sign other keys.
If you don't know what the right answer is, answer "0".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you really want to delete this user ID.
All certificates are then also lost!
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to delete the subkey
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a valid signature on the key; you normally don't want
to delete this signature because it may be important to establish a
trust connection to the key or another key certified by this key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This signature can't be checked because you don't have the
corresponding key. You should postpone its deletion until you
know which key was used because this signing key might establish
a trust connection through another already certified key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
The signature is not valid. It does make sense to remove it from
your keyring.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a signature which binds the user ID to the key. It is
usually not a good idea to remove such a signature. Actually
GnuPG might not be able to use this key anymore. So do this
only if this self-signature is for some reason not valid and
a second one is available.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Change the preferences of all user IDs (or just of the selected ones)
to the current list of preferences. The timestamp of all affected
self-signatures will be advanced by one second.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter the passphrase; this is a secret sentence
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please repeat the last passphrase, so you are sure what you typed in.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Give the name of the file to which the signature applies
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to overwrite the file
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter a new filename. If you just hit RETURN the default
file (which is shown in brackets) will be used.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
You should specify a reason for the certification. Depending on the
context you have the ability to choose from this list:
"Key has been compromised"
Use this if you have a reason to believe that unauthorized persons
got access to your secret key.
"Key is superseded"
Use this if you have replaced this key with a newer one.
"Key is no longer used"
Use this if you have retired this key.
"User ID is no longer valid"
Use this to state that the user ID should not longer be used;
this is normally used to mark an email address invalid.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you like, you can enter a text describing why you issue this
revocation certificate. Please keep this text concise.
An empty line ends the text.
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index ef719a893..c5444b632 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -1,250 +1,250 @@
# - pl GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
Te wartości użytkownik przydziela wg swojego uznania; nie będą nigdy
eksportowane poza ten system. Potrzebne są one do zbudowania sieci
zaufania, i nie ma to nic wspólnego z tworzoną automatycznie siecią
Aby zbudować Sieć Zaufania, GnuPG potrzebuje znać klucze do których
masz absolutne zaufanie. Zwykle są to klucze do których masz klucze
tajne. Odpowiedz ,,tak'', jeśli chcesz określić ten klucz jako klucz
do którego masz absolutne zaufanie.
Jeśli mimo wszystko chcesz użyć tego klucza, klucza, co do którego nie ma
żadnej pewności do kogo należy, odpowiedz ,,tak''.
Podaj adresatów tej wiadomości.
Proszę wybrać algorytm.
DSA (znany także jako DSS) to algorytm podpisu cyfrowego (Digital Signature
Algorithm) i może być używany tylko do podpisów.
Elgamal to algorytm tylko do szyfrowania.
RSA może być używany do podpisów lub szyfrowania.
Pierwszy (główny) klucz zawsze musi być kluczem nadającym się do podpisywania.
Używanie tego samego klucza do podpisywania i szyfrowania nie jest dobrym
pomysłem. Można tak postępować tylko w niektórych zastosowaniach. Proszę się
najpierw skonsultować z ekspertem od bezpieczeństwa.
Wprowadź rozmiar klucza
Odpowiedz "tak" lub "nie".
Odpowiedz "tak" lub "nie".
Wprowadź żądaną wartość (jak w znaku zachęty).
Można tu podać datę w formacie ISO (RRRR-MM-DD) ale nie da to
właściwej obsługi błędów - system próbuje interpretować podaną wartość
jako okres.
Odpowiedz "tak" lub "nie".
Nazwa właściciela klucza.
proszę wprowadzić opcjonalny ale wysoce doradzany adres e-mail
Proszę wprowadzić opcjonalny komentarz
N aby zmienić nazwę (nazwisko).
C aby zmienić komentarz.<
E aby zmienić adres e-mail.
O aby kontynuować tworzenie klucza.
Q aby zrezygnować z tworzenia klucza.
Jeśli ma zostać wygenerowany podklucz, należy odpowiedzieć "tak".
Odpowiedz "tak" lub "nie".
Przy podpisywaniu identyfikatora użytkownika na kluczu należy sprawdzić,
czy tożsamość użytkownika odpowiada temu, co jest wpisane w identyfikatorze.
Innym użytkownikom przyda się informacja, jak dogłębnie zostało to przez
Ciebie sprawdzone.
"0" oznacza, że nie podajesz żadnych informacji na temat tego jak dogłębnie
tożsamość użytkownika została przez Ciebie potwierdzona.
"1" oznacza, że masz przekonanie, że tożsamość użytkownika odpowiada
identyfikatorowi klucza, ale nie było możliwości sprawdzenia tego.
Taka sytuacja występuje też kiedy podpisujesz identyfikator będący
"2" oznacza, że tożsamość użytkownika została przez Ciebie potwierdzona
pobieżnie - sprawdziliście odcisk klucza, sprawdziłaś/eś tożsamość
na okazanym dokumencie ze zdjęciem.
"3" to dogłębna weryfikacja tożsamości. Na przykład sprawdzenie odcisku
klucza, sprawdzenie tożsamości z okazanego oficjalnego dokumentu ze
zdjęciem (np paszportu) i weryfikacja poprawności adresu poczty
elektronicznej przez wymianę poczty z tym adresem.
Zauważ, że podane powyżej przykłady dla poziomów "2" i "3" to *tylko*
przykłady. Do Ciebie należy decyzja co oznacza "pobieżny" i "dogłębny" w
kontekście poświadczania i podpisywania kluczy.
Jeśli nie wiesz co odpowiedzieć, podaj "0".
Odpowiedz "tak" lub "nie".
Odpowiedz "tak" lub "nie".
Odpowiedz "tak" lub "nie".
Odpowiedz "tak", aby podpisać WSZYSTKIE identyfikatory użytkownika.
Aby skasować ten identyfikator użytkownika (co wiąże się ze utratą
wszystkich jego poświadczeń!) należy odpowiedzieć ,,tak''.
Aby skasować podklucz należy odpowiedzieć "tak".
To jest poprawny podpis na tym kluczu; normalnie nie należy go usuwać
ponieważ może być ważny dla zestawienia połączenia zaufania do klucza
którym go złożono lub do innego klucza nim poświadczonego.
Ten podpis nie może zostać potwierdzony ponieważ nie ma
odpowiadającego mu klucza publicznego. Należy odłożyć usunięcie tego
podpisu do czasu, kiedy okaże się który klucz został użyty, ponieważ
w momencie uzyskania tego klucza może pojawić się ścieżka zaufania
pomiędzy tym a innym, już poświadczonym kluczem.
Ten podpis jest niepoprawny. Można usunąć go ze zbioru kluczy.
To jest podpis wiążący identyfikator użytkownika z kluczem. Nie należy
go usuwać - GnuPG może nie móc posługiwać się dalej kluczem bez
takiego podpisu. Bezpiecznie można go usunąć tylko jeśli ten podpis
klucza nim samym z jakichś przyczyn nie jest poprawny, i klucz jest
drugi raz podpisany w ten sam sposób.
Przestawienie wszystkich (lub tylko wybranych) identyfikatorów na aktualne
ustawienia. Data na odpowiednich podpisach zostane przesunięta do przodu o
jedną sekundę.
Podaj długie, skomplikowane hasło, np. całe zdanie.
Proszę powtórzyć hasło, aby upewnić się że nie było pomyłki.
Podaj nazwę pliku którego dotyczy ten podpis
Jeśli można nadpisać ten plik, należy odpowiedzieć ,,tak''
Nazwa pliku. Naciśnięcie ENTER potwierdzi nazwę domyślną (w nawiasach).
Nalezy podać powód unieważnienia klucza. W zależności od kontekstu można
go wybrać z listy:
"Klucz został skompromitowany"
Masz powody uważać że twój klucz tajny dostał się w niepowołane ręce.
"Klucz został zastąpiony"
Klucz został zastąpiony nowym.
"Klucz nie jest już używany"
Klucz został wycofany z użycia.
"Identyfikator użytkownika przestał być poprawny"
Identyfikator użytkownika (najczęściej adres e-mail przestał być
Jeśli chcesz, możesz podać opis powodu wystawienia certyfikatu
unieważnienia. Opis powinien byc zwięzły.
Pusta linia kończy wprowadzanie tekstu.
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
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index dac17c0d9..da9a18153 100644
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# - pt GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
Você decide que valor usar aqui; este valor nunca será exportado para
terceiros. Precisamos dele implementar a rede de confiança, que não tem
nada a ver com a rede de certificados (implicitamente criada).
Para construir a Teia-de-Confiança ('Web-of-Trust'), o GnuPG precisa de
saber quais são as chaves em que deposita confiança absoluta - normalmente
estas são as chaves a que tem acesso à chave privada. Responda "sim" para
que esta chave seja de confiança absoluta.
Se você quiser usar esta chave, não de confiança, assim mesmo, responda "sim".
Digite o ID de utilizador do destinatário para quem quer enviar a
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Select the algorithm to use.
DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used
for signatures.
Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.
RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.
The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing.
Em geral não é uma boa ideia utilizar a mesma chave para assinar e para
cifrar. Este algoritmo só deve ser utilizado em alguns domínios.
Por favor consulte primeiro o seu perito em segurança.
Insira o tamanho da chave
Responda "sim" ou "não"
Responda "sim" ou "não"
Digite o valor necessário conforme pedido.
É possível digitar uma data ISO (AAAA-MM-DD) mas você não terá uma boa
reacção a erros - o sistema tentará interpretar o valor dado como um intervalo.
Responda "sim" ou "não"
Digite o nome do possuidor da chave
por favor digite um endereço de email (opcional mas recomendado)
Por favor digite um comentário (opcional)
N para mudar o nome.
C para mudar o comentário.
E para mudar o endereço de email
O para continuar a geração da chave.
S para interromper a geração da chave.
Responda "sim" (ou apenas "s") se quiser gerar a subchave.
Responda "sim" ou "não"
Quando assina uma chave de identificação de um utilizador, deve primeiro
verificar que a chave pertence realmente à pessoa em questão. É útil para
terceiros saberem com que cuidado é que efectuou esta verificação.
"0" significa que não deseja declarar a forma com verificou a chave
"1" significa que acredita que a chave pertence à pessoa em questão, mas
não conseguiu ou não tentou verificar. Este grau é útil para quando
assina a chave de uma utilizador pseudo-anónimo.
"2" significa que efectuou uma verificação normal da chave. Por exemplo,
isto pode significar que verificou a impressão digital da chave e
verificou o identificador de utilizador da chave contra uma identificação
"3" significa que efectuou uma verificação exaustiva da chave. Por exemplo,
isto pode significar que efectuou a verificação pessoalmente, e que
utilizou um documento, com fotografia, difícil de falsificar
(como por exemplo um passaporte) que o nome do dono da chave é o
mesmo do que o identificador da chave, e que, finalmente, verificou
(através de troca de e-mail) que o endereço de email da chave pertence
ao done da chave.
Atenção: os exemplos dados para os níveis 2 e 3 são *apenas* exemplos.
Compete-lhe a si decidir o que considera, ao assinar chaves, uma verificação
"normal" e uma verificação "exaustiva".
Se não sabe qual é a resposta correcta, responda "0".
Responda "sim" ou "não"
Responda "sim" ou "não"
Responda "sim" ou "não"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs
Responda "sim" se quiser realmente remover este ID de utilizador.
Todos os certificados também serão perdidos!
Responda "sim" se quiser remover a subchave
Esta é uma assinatura válida na chave; normalmente não é desejável
remover esta assinatura porque ela pode ser importante para estabelecer
uma conexão de confiança à chave ou a outra chave certificada por esta.
Esta assinatura não pode ser verificada porque você não tem a chave
correspondente. Você deve adiar sua remoção até saber que chave foi usada
porque a chave desta assinatura pode estabelecer uma conexão de confiança
através de outra chave já certificada.
A assinatura não é válida. Faz sentido removê-la do seu porta-chaves.
Esta é uma assinatura que liga o ID de utilizador à chave. Geralmente
não é uma boa idéia remover tal assinatura. É possível que o GnuPG
não consiga mais usar esta chave. Faça isto apenas se por alguma
razão esta auto-assinatura não for válida e há uma segunda disponível.
Muda as preferências de todos os identificadores de utilizadores
(ou apenas dos seleccionados) para a lista actual de preferências.
O 'timestamp' de todas as auto-assinaturas afectuadas será avançado
em um segundo.
Por favor digite a frase secreta
Por favor repita a frase secreta, para ter certeza do que digitou.
Dê o nome para o ficheiro ao qual a assinatura se aplica
Responda "sim" se quiser escrever por cima do ficheiro
Por favor digite um novo nome de ficheiro. Se você apenas carregar em RETURN
o ficheiro por omissão (que é mostrado entre parênteses) será utilizado.
Deve especificar uma razão para a emissão do certificado. Dependendo no
contexto, pode escolher as seguintes opções desta lista:
"A chave foi comprometida"
Utilize esta opção se tem razões para acreditar que indivíduos não
autorizados obtiveram acesso à sua chave secreta.
"A chave foi substituida"
Utilize esta opção se substituiu esta chave com uma mais recente.
"A chave já não é utilizada"
Utilize esta opção se já não utiliza a chave.
"O identificador do utilizador já não é válido"
Utilize esta opção para comunicar que o identificador do utilizador
não deve ser mais utilizado; normalmente utilizada para indicar
que um endereço de email é inválido.
Se desejar, pode inserir uma texto descrevendo a razão pela qual criou
este certificado de revogação. Por favor mantenha este texto conciso.
Uma linha vazia termina o texto.
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
diff --git a/doc/help.pt_BR.txt b/doc/help.pt_BR.txt
index 25a23c316..e88265c2e 100644
--- a/doc/help.pt_BR.txt
+++ b/doc/help.pt_BR.txt
@@ -1,253 +1,253 @@
# help.pt_BR.txt - Brazilian GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
Você decide que valor usar aqui; este valor nunca será exportado para
terceiros. Precisamos dele implementar a rede de confiança, que não tem
nada a ver com a rede de certificados (implicitamente criada).
Para construir a Teia-de-Confiança ('Web-of-Trust'), o GnuPG precisa de
saber quais são as chaves em que deposita confiança absoluta - normalmente
estas são as chaves a que tem acesso à chave privada. Responda "sim" para
que esta chave seja de confiança absoluta.
Se você quiser usar esta chave não confiável assim mesmo, responda "sim".
Digite o ID de usuário do destinatário para o qual você quer enviar a
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Select the algorithm to use.
DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used
for signatures.
Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.
RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.
The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing.
Em geral não é uma boa ideia utilizar a mesma chave para assinar e para
cifrar. Este algoritmo só deve ser utilizado em alguns domínios.
Por favor consulte primeiro o seu perito em segurança.
Digite o tamanho da chave
Responda "sim" ou "não"
Responda "sim" ou "não"
Digite o valor necessário conforme pedido.
É possível digitar uma data ISO (AAAA-MM-DD) mas você não terá uma boa
reação a erros - o sistema tentará interpretar o valor dado como um intervalo.
Responda "sim" ou "não"
Digite o nome do possuidor da chave
por favor digite um endereço de email (opcional mas recomendado)
Por favor digite um comentário (opcional)
N para mudar o nome.
C para mudar o comentário.
E para mudar o endereço de correio eletrônico.
O para continuar a geração da chave.
S para interromper a geração da chave.
Responda "sim" (ou apenas "s") se quiser gerar a subchave.
Responda "sim" ou "não"
Quando assina uma chave de identificação de um utilizador, deve primeiro
verificar que a chave pertence realmente à pessoa em questão. É útil para
terceiros saberem com que cuidado é que efectuou esta verificação.
"0" significa que não deseja declarar a forma com verificou a chave
"1" significa que acredita que a chave pertence à pessoa em questão, mas
não conseguiu ou não tentou verificar. Este grau é útil para quando
assina a chave de uma utilizador pseudo-anónimo.
"2" significa que efectuou uma verificação normal da chave. Por exemplo,
isto pode significar que verificou a impressão digital da chave e
verificou o identificador de utilizador da chave contra uma identificação
"3" significa que efectuou uma verificação exaustiva da chave. Por exemplo,
isto pode significar que efectuou a verificação pessoalmente, e que
utilizou um documento, com fotografia, difícil de falsificar
(como por exemplo um passaporte) que o nome do dono da chave é o
mesmo do que o identificador da chave, e que, finalmente, verificou
(através de troca de e-mail) que o endereço de email da chave pertence
ao done da chave.
Atenção: os exemplos dados para os níveis 2 e 3 são *apenas* exemplos.
Compete-lhe a si decidir o que considera, ao assinar chaves, uma verificação
"normal" e uma verificação "exaustiva".
Se não sabe qual é a resposta correcta, responda "0".
Responda "sim" ou "não"
Responda "sim" ou "não"
Responda "sim" ou "não"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs
Responda "sim" se quiser realmente remover este ID de usuário.
Todos os certificados também serão perdidos!
Responda "sim" se quiser remover a subchave
Esta é uma assinatura válida na chave; normalmente não é desejável
remover esta assinatura porque ela pode ser importante para estabelecer
uma conexão de confiança à chave ou a outra chave certificada por esta.
Esta assinatura não pode ser verificada porque você não tem a chave
correspondente. Você deve adiar sua remoção até saber que chave foi usada
porque a chave desta assinatura pode estabelecer uma conexão de confiança
através de outra chave já certificada.
A assinatura não é válida. Faz sentido removê-la de seu chaveiro.
Esta é uma assinatura que liga o ID de usuário à chave. Geralmente
não é uma boa idéia remover tal assinatura. É possível que o GnuPG
não consiga mais usar esta chave. Faça isto apenas se por alguma
razão esta auto-assinatura não for válida e há uma segunda disponível.
Muda as preferências de todos os identificadores de utilizadores
(ou apenas dos seleccionados) para a lista actual de preferências.
O 'timestamp' de todas as auto-assinaturas afectuadas será avançado
em um segundo.
Por favor digite a frase secreta
Por favor repita a última frase secreta, para ter certeza do que você digitou.
Dê o nome para o arquivo ao qual a assinatura se aplica
Responda "sim" se quiser sobrescrever o arquivo
Por favor digite um novo nome de arquivo. Se você apenas apertar RETURN o
arquivo padrão (que é mostrado em colchetes) será usado.
Deve especificar uma razão para a emissão do certificado. Dependendo no
contexto, pode escolher as seguintes opções desta lista:
"A chave foi comprometida"
Utilize esta opção se tem razões para acreditar que indivíduos não
autorizados obtiveram acesso à sua chave secreta.
"A chave foi substituida"
Utilize esta opção se substituiu esta chave com uma mais recente.
"A chave já não é utilizada"
Utilize esta opção se já não utiliza a chave.
"O identificador do utilizador já não é válido"
Utilize esta opção para comunicar que o identificador do utilizador
não deve ser mais utilizado; normalmente utilizada para indicar
que um endereço de email é inválido.
Se desejar, pode inserir uma texto descrevendo a razão pela qual criou
este certificado de revogação. Por favor mantenha este texto conciso.
Uma linha vazia termina o texto.
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index f655fdffb..b26dd53ba 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
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# - ro GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
Este sarcina d-voastră să atribuiţi o valoare aici; această valoare
nu va fi niciodată exportată pentru o terţă parte. Trebuie să
implementăm reţeaua-de-încredere; aceasta nu are nimic în comun cu
certificatele-de-reţea (create implicit).
Pentru a construi Reţeaua-de-Încredere, GnuPG trebuie să ştie care chei
au nivel de încredere suprem - acestea de obicei sunt cheile pentru care
aveţi acces la cheia secretă. Răspundeţi "da" pentru a seta
această cheie cu nivel de încredere suprem
Dacă doriţi oricum să folosiţi această cheie fără încredere, răspundeţi "da".
Introduceţi ID-ul utilizator al destinatarului mesajului.
Selectaţi algoritmul de folosit.
DSA (aka DSS) este Digital Signature Algorithm şi poate fi folosit numai
pentru semnături.
Elgamal este un algoritm numai pentru cifrare.
RSA poate fi folosit pentru semnături sau cifrare.
Prima cheie (primară) trebuie să fie întotdeauna o cheie cu care se poate semna.
În general nu este o idee bună să folosiţi aceeaşi cheie şi pentru
semnare şi pentru cifrare. Acest algoritm ar trebui folosit numai
în anumite domenii. Vă rugăm consultaţi mai întâi un expert în domeniu.
Introduceţi lungimea cheii
Răspundeţi "da" sau "nu"
Răspundeţi "da" sau "nu"
Introduceţi valoarea cerută precum a arătat la prompt.
Este posibil să introduceţi o dată ISO (AAAA-LL-ZZ) dar nu veţi
obţine un răspuns de eroare bun - în loc sistemul încearcă să
interpreteze valoare dată ca un interval.
Răspundeţi "da" sau "nu"
Introduceţi numele deţinătorului cheii
vă rugăm introduceţi o adresă de email (opţională dar recomandată)
Vă rugăm introduceţi un comentriu opţional
N pentru a schimba numele.
C pentru a schimba comentariul.
E pentru a schimba adresa de email.
O pentru a continua cu generarea cheii.
T pentru a termina generarea cheii.
Răspundeţi "da" (sau numai "d") dacă sunteţi OK să generaţi subcheia.
Răspundeţi "da" sau "nu"
Când semnaţi un ID utilizator pe o cheie ar trebui să verificaţi mai întâi
că cheia aparţine persoanei numite în ID-ul utilizator. Este util şi altora
să ştie cât de atent aţi verificat acest lucru.
"0" înseamnă că nu pretindeţi nimic despre cât de atent aţi verificat cheia
"1" înseamnă că credeţi că cheia este a persoanei ce pretinde că este
proprietarul ei, dar n-aţi putut, sau nu aţi verificat deloc cheia.
Aceasta este utilă pentru verificare "persona", unde semnaţi cheia
unui utilizator pseudonim.
"2" înseamnă că aţi făcut o verificare supericială a cheii. De exemplu,
aceasta ar putea însemna că aţi verificat amprenta cheii şi aţi verificat
ID-ul utilizator de pe cheie cu un ID cu poză.
"3" înseamnă că aţi făcut o verificare extensivă a cheii. De exemplu,
aceasta ar putea însemna că aţi verificat amprenta cheii cu proprietarul
cheii în persoană, că aţi verificat folosind un document dificil de
falsificat cu poză (cum ar fi un paşaport) că numele proprietarului cheii
este acelaşi cu numele ID-ului utilizator al cheii şi că aţi verificat
(schimbând emailuri) că adresa de email de pe cheie aparţine proprietarului
De notat că exemplele date pentru nivelele 2 şi 3 ceva mai sus sunt *numai*
exemple. La urma urmei, d-voastră decideţi ce înseamnă "superficial" şi
"extensiv" pentru d-voastră când semnaţi alte chei.
Dacă nu ştiţi care este răspunsul, răspundeţi "0".
Răspundeţi "da" sau "nu"
Răspundeţi "da" sau "nu"
Răspundeţi "da" sau "nu"
Răspundeţi "da" dacă doriţi să semnaţi TOATE ID-urile utilizator
Răspundeţi "da" dacă într-adevăr doriţi să ştergeţi acest ID utilizator.
Toate certificatele sunt de asemenea pierdute!
Răspundeţi "da" dacă este OK să ştergeţi subcheia
Aceasta este o semnătură validă pe cheie; în mod normal n-ar trebui
să ştergeţi această semnătură pentru că aceasta ar putea fi importantăla stabilirea conexiunii de încredere la cheie sau altă cheie certificată
de această cheie.
Această semnătură nu poate fi verificată pentru că nu aveţi cheia
corespunzătoare. Ar trebui să amânaţi ştergerea sa până ştiţi care
cheie a fost folosită pentru că această cheie de semnare ar putea
constitui o conexiune de încredere spre o altă cheie deja certificată.
Semnătura nu este validă. Aceasta ar trebui ştearsă de pe inelul
d-voastră de chei.
Aceasta este o semnătură care leagă ID-ul utilizator de cheie.
De obicei nu este o idee bună să ştergeţi o asemenea semnătură.
De fapt, GnuPG ar putea să nu mai poată folosi această cheie.
Aşa că faceţi acest lucru numai dacă această auto-semnătură este
dintr-o oarecare cauză invalidă şi o a doua este disponibilă.
Schimbaţi toate preferinţele ale tuturor ID-urilor utilizator (sau doar
cele selectate) conform cu lista curentă de preferinţe. Timestamp-urile
tuturor auto-semnăturilor afectate vor fi avansate cu o secundă.
Vă rugăm introduceţi fraza-parolă; aceasta este o propoziţie secretă
Vă rugăm repetaţi ultima frază-parolă, pentru a fi sigur(ă) ce aţi tastat.
Daţi numele fişierului la care se aplică semnătura
Răspundeţi "da" dacă este OK să suprascrieţi fişierul
Vă rugăm introduceţi un nou nume-fişier. Dacă doar apăsaţi RETURN,
va fi folosit fişierul implicit (arătat în paranteze).
Ar trebui să specificaţi un motiv pentru certificare. În funcţie de
context aveţi posibilitatea să alegeţi din această listă:
"Cheia a fost compromisă"
Folosiţi această opţiune dacă aveţi un motiv să credeţi că persoane
neautorizate au avut acces la cheia d-voastră secretă.
"Cheia este înlocuită"
Folosiţi această opţiune dacă înlocuiţi cheia cu una nouă.
"Cheia nu mai este folosită"
Folosiţi această opţiune dacă pensionaţi cheia.
"ID-ul utilizator nu mai este valid"
Folosiţi această opţiune dacă ID-ul utilizator nu mai trebuie folosit;
de obicei folosită pentru a marca o adresă de email ca invalidă.
Dacă doriţi, puteţi introduce un text descriind de ce publicaţi acest
certificat de revocare. Vă rugăm fiţi concis.
O linie goală termină textul.
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
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index 5a98cb36e..b78e1ff92 100644
--- a/doc/
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# - Russian GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2016 Ineiev <> (translation)
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# The translated revision was taken from HEAD b8bb16c6c08d3c2947f1ff67
# which is the same as the revision from STABLE-BRANCH-2-0 776bee6d370
# [remove the hash mark from the key to enable this text]
# This entry is just an example on how to customize the tooltip shown
# when hovering over the quality bar of the pinentry. We don't
# install this text so that the hardcoded translation takes
# precedence. An administrator should write up a short help to tell
# the users about the configured passphrase constraints and save that
# to /etc/gnupg/help.txt. The help text should not be longer than
# about 800 characters.
Этот индикатор показывает качество введенной выше фразы-пароля.
Пока индикатор красный, GnuPG считает фразу-пароль неприемлемо слабой.
Уточните у своего администратора принятые требования к фразе-паролю.
# There was a problem accessing or starting the agent.
К запущенному Gpg-Agent было невозможно подключиться, либо возникла
проблема соединения с ним.
Система использует фоновый процесс под названием Gpg-Agent
для обработки секретных ключей и запроса фраз-паролей. Обычно процесс
запускается при входе пользователя в систему и работает, пока
пользователь не выйдет. Если процесс недоступен, система пытается
запустить его на ходу, но функции этой версий несколько ограничены,
это может привести к небольшим проблемам.
Вероятно, для решения проблемы нужно обратиться к администратору.
В качестве временной меры можно выйти и снова войти в систему;
может быть, это поможет. В любом случае сообщите об этом
администратору, потому что это указывает на недочет в программе.
# There was a problen accessing the dirmngr.
К запущенному Dirmngr было невозможно подключиться, либо возникла
проблема соединения с ним.
Для просмотра списков отзыва сертификатов во время проверки
сертификатов и для поиска ключей на локальных серверах система
пользуется внешней служебной программой Dirmngr. Обычно она работает
как системная служба (демон) и не нуждается в каких-либо действиях
со стороны пользователя. В случае проблем система может запускать
новую копию Dirmngr по каждому запросу; это запасной вариант
с ухудшенными характеристиками.
Если Вы столкнулись с этой проблемой, обратитесь к системному
администратору. В качестве временного решения можно попробовать
отключить проверку списков отзыва сертификатов в настройках gpgsm.
# The help identies prefixed with "gpg." used to be hard coded in gpg
# but may now be overridden by help texts from this file.
Если хотите, поставьте здесь значение; оно никогда не будет выводиться
для третьих сторон. Нам оно нужно для реализации сети доверия; оно
никак не связано с (неявно создаваемой) сетью сертификатов.
Для построения Сети доверия GnuPG нужно знать, каким ключам доверять
полностью - обычно это ключи, секретные части которых у Вас есть.
Ответ "да" установит полное доверие этому ключу.
Если Вы хотите все равно пользоваться этим недоверенным ключом,
ответьте "да".
Введите ID пользователя - получателя Вашего сообщения.
Выберите алгоритм.
DSA (он же DSS) можно применять только для подписей.
Elgamal - алгоритм только для шифрования.
RSA можно применять для шифрования или подписей.
Первый (первичный) ключ всегда должен быть пригоден для подписей.
В целом неразумно пользоваться одним и тем же ключом и для подписи,
и для шифрования. Это может быть полезно только в определенных
случаях. Проконсультируйтесь со своим экспертом по безопасности.
Поменять функции ключа.
Переключать можно только функции, доступные для выбранного
Для быстрой установки сразу всех возможностей введите сначала '=',
а за ним список букв, задающих набор функций: '1' - подпись, '2' -
шифрование, '3' - аутентификация. Неправильные буквы и функции
не учитываются. Сразу после быстрого ввода это подменю закрывается.
Введите размер ключа.
Предлагаемое значение обычно хорошо подходит.
Если Вам нужен ключ большого размера, например, 4096 бит, подумайте,
действительно ли это для Вас имеет смысл. См. комикс на странице .
Отвечайте "да" или "нет".
Отвечайте "да" или "нет".
Введите нужное значение, как показано в приглашении.
Можно ввести дату ИСО (ГГГГ-ММ-ДД), но сообщения об ошибках будут
неудобочитаемыми: система пытается интерпретировать данное значение
как интервал.
Отвечайте "да" или "нет".
Введите имя владельца ключа.
Символы "<" и ">" недопустимы.
Пример: Вася Пушкин
Введите, пожалуйста, адрес электронной почты (необязательно,
но очень рекомендуется).
Введите, пожалуйста, необязательное примечание.
Символы "(" и ")" недопустимы.
В общем и целом оно не нужно.
# (Keep a leading empty line)
N сменить имя.
C сменить примечание.
E сменить адрес.
O продолжить создание ключа.
Q прекратить создание ключа.
Введите "да" (или "y"), чтобы разрешить создание ключа.
Отвечайте "да" или "нет".
Когда Вы подписываете идентификатор пользователя в ключе, нужно сначала
удостовериться, что ключ принадлежит указанному в идентификаторе лицу.
Другим полезно знать, насколько тщательно Вы это проверили.
"0" значит, что Вы не указываете, насколько тщательно вы проверяли ключ.
"1" значит, что Вы считаете, что ключ принадлежит заявленному лицу, но Вы
не могли проверить или не проверяли ключ. Это полезно для проверки
"инкогнито", когда вы подписываете ключ с псевдонимом.
"2" значит, что Вы провели частичную проверку ключа. Например, проверили
отпечаток ключа и идентификатор пользователя из ключа
по фотоидентификатору.
"3" значит, что Вы провели тщательную проверку ключа. Например,
Вы проверили отпечаток ключа, а также проверили по удостоверению
личности (такому как паспорт), что имя владельца ключа совпадает
с именем человека, записанным в идентификаторе пользователя ключа;
наконец, Вы удостоверились (обменявшись электронной почтой), что
адрес электронной почты принадлежит владельцу ключа.
Имейте в виду, что примеры, данные для уровней 2 и 3 - это *только*
примеры. В конечном счете Вы сами решаете, что значит "частичная"
и "тщательная" проверка, когда Вы подписываете другие ключи.
Если затрудняетесь с ответом, поставьте "0".
Отвечайте "да" или "нет".
Отвечайте "да" или "нет".
Отвечайте "да" или "нет".
Ответьте "да", если хотите подписать ВСЕ идентификаторы пользователя.
Ответьте "да", если действительно хотите удалить этот идентификатор
Все сертификаты будут также удалены!
Ответьте "да", если подключ можно удалить.
Это верная подпись ключа; как правило, ее не нужно удалять,
поскольку может быть важно установить отношение доверия между
этим ключом и другими ключами.
Эту подпись нельзя проверить, поскольку отсутствует соответствующий
ключ. Удаление ее нужно отложить до тех пор, пока не станет
известно, какой из ключей был использован, так как подпись
этого ключа могло бы установить отношение доверия через
другой, уже сертифицированный ключ.
Подпись недействительна. Имеет смысл удалить ее из Вашей таблицы
Эта подпись связывает идентификатор пользователя с ключом. Обычно
удалять такие подписи не следует. Это может сделать ключ непригодным
для пользования с GnuPG. Так что делайте это только если эта
самоподпись по какой-то причине недействительна и есть другая.
Изменить предпочтения для всех идентификаторов пользователя (или
только для выбранных) на текущий список предпочтений. Дата всех
самоподписей, которых это касается, будет сдвинута вперед
на одну секунду.
# (keep a leading empty line)
Введите, пожалуйста, фразу-пароль (секретное предложение).
Повторите введенную фразу-пароль, чтобы проверить, что Вы не ошиблись.
Задайте имя файла, который подписывается.
# openfile.c (overwrite_filep)
Ответьте "да", если файл можно перезаписать.
# openfile.c (ask_outfile_name)
Введите новое имя файла. Если просто нажать "Enter", будет
использован файл по умолчанию (указан в скобках).
# revoke.c (ask_revocation_reason)
Нужно указать причину отзыва. Можно выбрать из списка:
"Ключ был раскрыт"
Есть основания полагать, что какие-то лица получили
несанкционированный доступ к секретному ключу.
"Ключ заменен другим"
Вы заменили ключ на новый.
"Ключ больше не используется"
Вы дали ключу отставку.
"ID пользователя больше не действителен"
ID пользователя больше не должен употребляться; обычно это значит,
что адрес электронной почты недействителен.
# revoke.c (ask_revocation_reason)
Если хотите, можете ввести текст, поясняющий причину, по которой
выпущен этот сертификат отзыва. Выражайтесь, пожалуйста, ясно.
Текст заканчивается пустой строкой.
# This text gets displayed by the audit log if
# a root certificates was not trusted.
Нет доверия к корневому сертификату. В зависимости от настроек
Вам могли предложить пометить этот корневой сертификат как доверенный
или вручную указать GnuPG, что этому сертификату нужно доверять.
Доверенные сертификаты задаются в файле trustlist.txt в домашнем
каталоге GnuPG. Если сомневаетесь, спросите своего системного
администратора, следует ли Вам доверять этому сертификату.
# This tex is displayed by the audit log for problems with
# the CRL or OCSP checking.
В зависимости от настроек возникла проблема в получении списка
отозванных сертификатов или в выполнении проверки по протоколу
OCSP. Это могло случиться по очень многим причинам. Обратитесь
к документации за возможными решениями.
# Local variables:
# mode: default-generic
# coding: utf-8
# End:
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index a0fa4aa5b..9e50c762f 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
# - sk GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
Je na Vás, aby ste sem priradili hodnotu; táto hodnota nebude nikdy
exportovaná tretej strane. Potrebujeme ju k implementácii "pavučiny
dôvery"; nemá to nič spoločné s (implicitne vytvorenou) "pavučinou
Aby bolo možné vybudovať pavučinu dôvery, musí GnuPG vedieť, ktorým kľúčom
dôverujete absolútne - obyčajne sú to tie kľúče, pre ktoré máte prístup
k tajným kľúčom. Odpovedzte "ano", aby ste nastavili tieto kľúče
ako absolútne dôveryhodné
Pokiaľ aj tak chcete použiť tento nedôveryhodný kľúč, odpovedzte "ano".
Vložte identifikátor adresáta, ktorému chcete poslať správu.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Select the algorithm to use.
DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used
for signatures.
Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.
RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.
The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing.
Všebecne nemožno odporúčať používať rovnaký kľúč na šifrovanie a podeisovanie
Tento algoritmus je vhodné použiť len za určitých podmienok.
Kontaktujte prosím najprv bezpečnostného špecialistu.
Vložte dĺžku kľúča
Odpovedzte "ano" alebo "nie"
Odpovedzte "ano" alebo "nie"
Vložte požadovanú hodnotu tak, ako je uvedené v príkazovom riadku.
Je možné vložiť dátum vo formáte ISO (RRRR-MM-DD), ale nedostanete
správnu chybovú hlášku - miesto toho systém skúsi interpretovať
zadanú hodnotu ako interval.
Odpovedzte "ano" alebo "nie"
Vložte meno držiteľa kľúča
prosím, vložte e-mailovú adresu (nepovinné, ale veľmi odporúčané)
Prosím, vložte nepovinný komentár
N pre zmenu názvu.
C pre zmenu komentára.
E pre zmenu e-mailovej adresy.
O pre pokračovanie generovania kľúča.
Q pre ukončenie generovania kľúča.
Ak chcete generovať podkľúč, odpovedzte "ano" (alebo len "a").
Odpovedzte "ano" alebo "nie"
Skôr ako podpíšete id užívateľa, mali by ste najprv overiť, či kľúč
patrí osobe, ktorej meno je uvedené v identifikátore užívateľa.
Je veľmi užitočné, keď ostatní vedia, ako dôsledne ste previedli
takéto overenie.
"0" znamená, že neuvádzate, ako dôsledne ste pravosť kľúča overili
"1" znamená, že veríte tomu, že kľúč patrí osobe, ktorá je uvedená,
v užívateľskom ID, ale nemohli ste alebo jste nepreverili túto skutočnosť.
To je užitočné pre "osobnú" verifikáciu, keď podpisujete kľúče, ktoré
používajú pseudonym užívateľa.
"2" znamená, že ste čiastočne overili pravosť kľúča. Napr. ste overili
fingerprint kľúča a skontrolovali identifikátor užívateľa
uvedený na kľúči s fotografickým id.
"3" Znamená, že ste vykonali veľmi dôkladné overenie pravosti kľúča.
To môže napríklad znamenať, že ste overili fingerprint kľúča
jeho vlastníka osobne a ďalej ste pomocou tažko falšovateľného
dokumentu s fotografiou (napríklad pasu) overili, že meno majiteľa
kľúča sa zhoduje s menom uvedeným v užívateľskom ID a ďalej ste
overili (výmenou elektronických dopisov), že elektronická adresa uvedená
v ID užívateľa patrí majiteľovi kľúča.
Prosím nezabúdajte, že príklady uvedené pre úroveň 2 a 3 sú *len*
Je len na Vašom rozhodnutí, čo "čiastočné" a "dôkladné" overenie znamená
keď budete podpisovať kľúče iným užívateľom.
Pokiaľ neviete, aká je správna odpoveď, odpovedzte "0".
Odpovedzte "ano" alebo "nie"
Odpovedzte "ano" alebo "nie"
Odpovedzte "ano" alebo "nie"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs
Pokiaľ skutočne chcete zmazať tento identifikátor užívateľa, odpovedzte "ano".
Všetky certifikáty budú tiež stratené!
Odpovedzte "ano", pokiaľ chcete zmazať podkľúč
Toto je platný podpis kľúča; normálne nechcete tento podpis zmazať,
pretože môže byť dôležitý pri vytváraní dôvery kľúča alebo iného kľúča
ceritifikovaného týmto kľúčom.
Tento podpis nemôže byť overený, pretože nemáte zodpovedajúci verejný kľúč.
Jeho zmazanie by ste mali odložiť do času, keď budete vedieť, ktorý kľúč
bol použitý, pretože tento podpisovací kľúč môže vytvoriť dôveru
prostredníctvom iného už certifikovaného kľúča.
Podpis je neplatný. Je rozumné ho odstrániť z Vášho súboru kľúčov.
Toto je podpis, ktorý viaže identifikátor užívateľa ku kľúču. Zvyčajne
nie je dobré takýto podpis odstrániť. GnuPG nemôže tento kľúč naďalej
používať. Urobte to len v prípade, keď je tento podpis kľúča
ním samým z nejakého dôvodu neplatný a keď je k dispozícii iný kľúč.
Zmeniť predvoľby pre všetky užívateľské ID (alebo len pre označené)
na aktuálny zoznam predvolieb. Časové razítka všetkých dotknutých podpisov
kľúčov nimi samotnými budú posunuté o jednu sekundu dopredu.
Prosím, vložte heslo; toto je tajná veta
Prosím, zopakujte posledné heslo, aby ste si boli istý, čo ste napísali.
Zadajte názov súboru, ku ktorému sa podpis vzťahuje
Ak si prajete prepísanie súboru, odpovedzte "ano"
Prosím, vložte nový názov súboru. Ak len stlačíte RETURN, bude
použitý implicitný súbor (ktorý je zobrazený v zátvorkách).
Mali by ste špecifikovať dôvod certifikácie. V závislosti na kontexte
máte možnosť si vybrať zo zoznamu:
"kľúč bol kompromitovaný"
Toto použite, pokiaľ si myslíte, že k Vášmu tajnému kľúču získali
prístup neoprávnené osoby.
"kľúč je nahradený"
Toto použite, pokiaľ ste tento kľúč nahradili novším kľúčom.
"kľúč sa už nepoužíva"
Toto použite, pokiaľ tento kľúč už nepoužívate.
"Identifikátor užívateľa už nie je platný"
Toto použite, pokiaľ by sa identifikátor užívateľa už nemal používať;
normálne sa používa na označenie neplatnej e-mailové adresy.
Ak chcete, môžete vložiť text popisujúcí pôvod vzniku tohto revokačného
ceritifikátu. Prosím, stručne.
Text končí prázdnym riadkom.
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index d6d07e850..0ac3be7ab 100644
--- a/doc/
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# help..txt - GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
It's up to you to assign a value here; this value will never be exported
to any 3rd party. We need it to implement the web-of-trust; it has nothing
to do with the (implicitly created) web-of-certificates.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
To build the Web-of-Trust, GnuPG needs to know which keys are
ultimately trusted - those are usually the keys for which you have
access to the secret key. Answer "yes" to set this key to
ultimately trusted
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you want to use this untrusted key anyway, answer "yes".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the user ID of the addressee to whom you want to send the message.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Select the algorithm to use.
DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used
for signatures.
Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.
RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.
The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
In general it is not a good idea to use the same key for signing and
encryption. This algorithm should only be used in certain domains.
Please consult your security expert first.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the size of the key
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the required value as shown in the prompt.
It is possible to enter a ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD) but you won't
get a good error response - instead the system tries to interpret
the given value as an interval.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Enter the name of the key holder
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
please enter an optional but highly suggested email address
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter an optional comment
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
N to change the name.
C to change the comment.
E to change the email address.
O to continue with key generation.
Q to to quit the key generation.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" (or just "y") if it is okay to generate the sub key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
When you sign a user ID on a key, you should first verify that the key
belongs to the person named in the user ID. It is useful for others to
know how carefully you verified this.
"0" means you make no particular claim as to how carefully you verified the
"1" means you believe the key is owned by the person who claims to own it
but you could not, or did not verify the key at all. This is useful for
a "persona" verification, where you sign the key of a pseudonymous user.
"2" means you did casual verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint and checked the user ID on the
key against a photo ID.
"3" means you did extensive verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint with the owner of the key in
person, and that you checked, by means of a hard to forge document with a
photo ID (such as a passport) that the name of the key owner matches the
name in the user ID on the key, and finally that you verified (by exchange
of email) that the email address on the key belongs to the key owner.
Note that the examples given above for levels 2 and 3 are *only* examples.
In the end, it is up to you to decide just what "casual" and "extensive"
mean to you when you sign other keys.
If you don't know what the right answer is, answer "0".
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" or "no"
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if you really want to delete this user ID.
All certificates are then also lost!
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to delete the subkey
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a valid signature on the key; you normally don't want
to delete this signature because it may be important to establish a
trust connection to the key or another key certified by this key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This signature can't be checked because you don't have the
corresponding key. You should postpone its deletion until you
know which key was used because this signing key might establish
a trust connection through another already certified key.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
The signature is not valid. It does make sense to remove it from
your keyring.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
This is a signature which binds the user ID to the key. It is
usually not a good idea to remove such a signature. Actually
GnuPG might not be able to use this key anymore. So do this
only if this self-signature is for some reason not valid and
a second one is available.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Change the preferences of all user IDs (or just of the selected ones)
to the current list of preferences. The timestamp of all affected
self-signatures will be advanced by one second.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter the passphrase; this is a secret sentence
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please repeat the last passphrase, so you are sure what you typed in.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Give the name of the file to which the signature applies
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Answer "yes" if it is okay to overwrite the file
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
Please enter a new filename. If you just hit RETURN the default
file (which is shown in brackets) will be used.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
You should specify a reason for the certification. Depending on the
context you have the ability to choose from this list:
"Key has been compromised"
Use this if you have a reason to believe that unauthorized persons
got access to your secret key.
"Key is superseded"
Use this if you have replaced this key with a newer one.
"Key is no longer used"
Use this if you have retired this key.
"User ID is no longer valid"
Use this to state that the user ID should not longer be used;
this is normally used to mark an email address invalid.
# fixme: Please translate and remove the hash mark from the key line.
If you like, you can enter a text describing why you issue this
revocation certificate. Please keep this text concise.
An empty line ends the text.
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
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index 15bdf8ed1..086f19163 100644
--- a/doc/
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# - tr GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
Bir değeri buraya işaretlemek size kalmış; bu değer herhangi bir 3. şahsa
gönderilmeyecek. Bir güvence ağı sağlamak için bizim buna ihtiyacımız var;
bunun (açıkça belirtilmeden oluşturulmuş) sertifikalar ağıyla
hiçbir alakası yok.
Web-of-Trust oluşturulabilmesi için GnuPG'ye hangi anahtarların son derece
güvenli (bunlar gizli anahtarlarına erişiminiz olan anahtarlardır) olduğunun
bildirilmesi gerekir. "evet" yanıtı bu anahtarın son derece güvenli
olduğunun belirtilmesi için yeterlidir.
Bu güvencesiz anahtarı yine de kullanmak istiyorsanız cevap olarak
"evet" yazın.
Bu iletiyi göndereceğiniz adresin kullanıcı kimliğini giriniz.
Kullanılacak algoritmayı seçiniz.
DSA (nam-ı diğer DSS) Sayısal İmza Algortimasıdır ve
sadece imzalar için kullanılabilir.
Elgamal sadece şifreleme amacıyla kullanılabilen bir algoritmadır.
RSA hem imzalamak hem de şifrelemek amacıyla kullanılabilir.
İlk (asıl) anahtar daima imzalama yeteneğine sahip bir anahtar olmalıdır.
Genelde imzalama ve şifreleme için aynı anahtarı kullanmak iyi bir fikir
değildir. Bu algoritma sadece belli alanlarda kullanılabilir.
Lütfen güvenlik uzmanınıza danışın.
Anahtar uzunluğunu giriniz
Cevap "evet" ya da "hayır"
Cevap "evet" ya da "hayır"
İstenen değeri girin. ISO tarihi (YYYY-AA-GG) girmeniz mümkündür fakat
iyi bir hata cevabı alamazsınız -- onun yerine sistem verilen değeri
bir zaman aralığı olarak çözümlemeyi dener.
Cevap "evet" ya da "hayır"
Anahtar tutucunun ismini giriniz
lütfen bir E-posta adresi girin (isteğe bağlı ancak kuvvetle tavsiye edilir)
Lütfen önbilgi girin (isteğe bağlı)
S iSim değiştirmek için.
B önBilgiyi değiştirmek için.
P e-Posta adresini değiştirmek için.
D anahtar üretimine Devam etmek için.
K anahtar üretiminden çıKmak için.
Yardımcı anahtarı üretmek istiyorsanız "evet" ya da "e" girin.
Cevap "evet" ya da "hayır"
Bir anahtarı bir kullanıcı kimlikle imzalamadan önce kullanıcı kimliğin
içindeki ismin, anahtarın sahibine ait olup olmadığını kontrol etmelisiniz.
"0" bu kontrolu yapmadığınız ve yapmayı da bilmediğiniz anlamındadır.
"1" anahtar size sahibi tarafından gönderildi ama siz bu anahtarı başka
kaynaklardan doğrulamadınız anlamındadır. Bu kişisel doğrulama için
yeterlidir. En azında yarı anonim bir anahtar imzalaması yapmış
"2" ayrıntılı bir inceleme yapıldığı anlamındadır. Örneğin parmakizi ve
bir anahtarın foto kimliğiyle kullanıcı kimliğini karşılaştırmak
gibi denetimleri yapmışsınızdır.
"3" inceden inceye bir doğrulama anlatır. Örneğin, şahıstaki anahtarın
sahibi ile anahtar parmak izini karşılaştırmışsınızdır ve anahtardaki
kullanıcı kimlikte belirtilen isme ait bir basılı kimlik belgesindeki
bir fotoğrafla şahsı karşılaştırmışsınızdır ve son olarak anahtar
sahibinin e-posta adresini kendisinin kullanmakta olduğunu da
Burada 2 ve 3 için verilen örnekler *sadece* örnektir.
Eninde sonunda bir anahtarı imzalarken "ayrıntılı" ve "inceden inceye" kontroller arasındaki ayrıma siz karar vereceksiniz.
Bu kararı verebilecek durumda değilseniz "0" cevabını verin.
Cevap "evet" ya da "hayır"
Cevap "evet" ya da "hayır"
Cevap "evet" ya da "hayır"
Kullanıcı kimliklerinin TÜMünü imzalamak istiyorsanız "evet" ya da "yes" yazın
Bu kullanıcı kimliğini gerçekten silmek istiyorsanız "evet" girin.
Böylece bütün sertifikaları kaybedeceksiniz!
Bu yardımcı anahtarı silme izni vermek istiyorsanız "evet" girin
Bu, anahtar üzerinde geçerli bir imzadır; anahtara ya da bu anahtarla
sertifikalanmış bir diğer anahtara bir güvence bağlantısı sağlamakta
önemli olabileceğinden normalde bu imzayı silmek istemezsiniz.
Bu imza, anahtarına sahip olmadığınızdan, kontrol edilemez. Bu imzanın
silinmesini hangi anahtarın kullanıldığını bilene kadar
ertelemelisiniz çünkü bu imzalama anahtarı başka bir sertifikalı
anahtar vasıtası ile bir güvence bağlantısı sağlayabilir.
İmza geçersiz. Anahtarlıktan kaldırmak uygun olacak.
Bu imza kullanıcı kimliğini anahtara bağlar. Öz-imzayı silmek hiç iyi
bir fikir değil. GnuPG bu anahtarı bir daha hiç kullanamayabilir.
Bunu sadece, eğer bu öz-imza bazı durumlarda geçerli değilse ya da
kullanılabilir bir ikincisi var ise yapın.
Tüm kullanıcı kimlik tercihlerini (ya da seçilen birini) mevcut tercihler
listesine çevirir. Tüm etkilenen öz-imzaların zaman damgaları bir sonraki
tarafından öne alınacaktır.
Lütfen bir anahtar parolası giriniz; yazdıklarınız görünmeyecek
Lütfen son parolayı tekrarlayarak ne yazdığınızdan emin olun.
İmzanın uygulanacağı dosyanın ismini verin
Dosyanın üzerine yazılacaksa lütfen "evet" yazın
Lütfen yeni dosya ismini girin. Dosya ismini yazmadan RETURN tuşlarsanız
parantez içinde gösterilen öntanımlı dosya kullanılacak.
Sertifikalama için bir sebep belirtmelisiniz. İçeriğine bağlı olarak
bu listeden seçebilirsiniz:
"Anahtar tehlikede"
Yetkisiz kişilerin gizli anahtarınıza erişebildiğine inanıyorsanız
bunu seçin.
"Anahtar geçici"
Mevcut anahtarı daha yeni bir anahtar ile değiştirmişseniz bunu seçin.
"Anahtar artık kullanılmayacak"
Anahtarı emekliye ayıracaksanız bunu seçin.
"Kullanıcı kimliği artık geçersiz"
Kullanıcı kimliği artık kullanılamayacak durumdaysa bunu
seçin; genelde Eposta adresi geçersiz olduğunda kullanılır.
İsterseniz, neden bu yürürlükten kaldırma sertifikasını
verdiğinizi açıklayan bir metin girebilirsiniz.
Lütfen bu metin kısa olsun. Bir boş satır metni bitirir.
# Local variables:
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# End:
diff --git a/doc/help.txt b/doc/help.txt
index e64656e1b..38f25cd3e 100644
--- a/doc/help.txt
+++ b/doc/help.txt
@@ -1,398 +1,398 @@
# help.txt - English GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# Note that this help file needs to be UTF-8 encoded. When looking
# for a help item, GnuPG scans the help files in the following order
# (assuming a GNU or Unix system):
# /etc/gnupg/help.LL_TT.txt
# /etc/gnupg/help.LL.txt
# /etc/gnupg/help.txt
# /usr/share/gnupg/help.LL_TT.txt
# /usr/share/gnupg/help.LL.txt
# /usr/share/gnupg/help.txt
# Here LL_TT denotes the full name of the current locale with the
# territory (.e.g. "de_DE"), LL denotes just the locale name
# (e.g. "de"). The first matching item is returned. To put a dot or
# a hash mark at the beginning of a help text line, it needs to be
# prefixed with ". ". A single dot may be used to terminated ahelp
# entry.
# [remove the hash mark from the key to enable this text]
# This entry is just an example on how to customize the tooltip shown
# when hovering over the quality bar of the pinentry. We don't
# install this text so that the hardcoded translation takes
# precedence. An administrator should write up a short help to tell
# the users about the configured passphrase constraints and save that
# to /etc/gnupg/help.txt. The help text should not be longer than
# about 800 characters.
This bar indicates the quality of the passphrase entered above.
As long as the bar is shown in red, GnuPG considers the passphrase too
weak to accept. Please ask your administrator for details about the
configured passphrase constraints.
# There was a problem accessing or starting the agent.
It was either not possible to connect to a running Gpg-Agent or a
communication problem with a running agent occurred.
The system uses a background process, called Gpg-Agent, for processing
private keys and to ask for passphrases. The agent is usually started
when the user logs in and runs as long the user is logged in. In case
that no agent is available, the system tries to start one on the fly
but that version of the agent is somewhat limited in functionality and
thus may lead to little problems.
You probably need to ask your administrator on how to solve the
problem. As a workaround you might try to log out and in to your
session and see whether this helps. If this helps please tell the
administrator anyway because this indicates a bug in the software.
# There was a problen accessing the dirmngr.
It was either not possible to connect to a running Dirmngr or a
communication problem with a running Dirmngr occurred.
To lookup certificate revocation lists (CRLs), performing OCSP
validation and to lookup keys through LDAP servers, the system uses an
external service program named Dirmngr. The Dirmngr is usually running
as a system service (daemon) and does not need any attention by the
user. In case of problems the system might start its own copy of the
Dirmngr on a per request base; this is a workaround and yields limited
If you encounter this problem, you should ask your system
administrator how to proceed. As an interim solution you may try to
disable CRL checking in gpgsm's configuration.
# The help identies prefixed with "gpg." used to be hard coded in gpg
# but may now be overridden by help texts from this file.
It's up to you to assign a value here; this value will never be exported
to any 3rd party. We need it to implement the web-of-trust; it has nothing
to do with the (implicitly created) web-of-certificates.
To build the Web-of-Trust, GnuPG needs to know which keys are
ultimately trusted - those are usually the keys for which you have
access to the secret key. Answer "yes" to set this key to
ultimately trusted.
If you want to use this untrusted key anyway, answer "yes".
Enter the user ID of the addressee to whom you want to send the message.
Select the algorithm to use.
DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used
for signatures.
Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.
RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.
The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing.
In general it is not a good idea to use the same key for signing and
encryption. This algorithm should only be used in certain domains.
Please consult your security expert first.
Toggle the capabilities of the key.
It is only possible to toggle those capabilities which are possible
for the selected algorithm.
To quickly set the capabilities all at once it is possible to enter a
'=' as first character followed by a list of letters indicating the
capability to set: 's' for signing, 'e' for encryption, and 'a' for
authentication. Invalid letters and impossible capabilities are
ignored. This submenu is immediately closed after using this
Enter the size of the key.
The suggested default is usually a good choice.
If you want to use a large key size, for example 4096 bit, please
think again whether it really makes sense for you. You may want
to view the web page .
Answer "yes" or "no".
Answer "yes" or "no".
Enter the required value as shown in the prompt.
It is possible to enter a ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD) but you won't
get a good error response - instead the system tries to interpret
the given value as an interval.
Answer "yes" or "no".
Enter the name of the key holder.
The characters "<" and ">" are not allowed.
Example: Heinrich Heine
Please enter an optional but highly suggested email address.
Please enter an optional comment.
The characters "(" and ")" are not allowed.
In general there is no need for a comment.
# (Keep a leading empty line)
N to change the name.
C to change the comment.
E to change the email address.
O to continue with key generation.
Q to quit the key generation.
Answer "yes" (or just "y") if it is okay to generate the sub key.
Answer "yes" or "no".
When you sign a user ID on a key, you should first verify that the key
belongs to the person named in the user ID. It is useful for others to
know how carefully you verified this.
"0" means you make no particular claim as to how carefully you verified the
"1" means you believe the key is owned by the person who claims to own it
but you could not, or did not verify the key at all. This is useful for
a "persona" verification, where you sign the key of a pseudonymous user.
"2" means you did casual verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint and checked the user ID on the
key against a photo ID.
"3" means you did extensive verification of the key. For example, this could
mean that you verified the key fingerprint with the owner of the key in
person, and that you checked, by means of a hard to forge document with a
photo ID (such as a passport) that the name of the key owner matches the
name in the user ID on the key, and finally that you verified (by exchange
of email) that the email address on the key belongs to the key owner.
Note that the examples given above for levels 2 and 3 are *only* examples.
In the end, it is up to you to decide just what "casual" and "extensive"
mean to you when you sign other keys.
If you don't know what the right answer is, answer "0".
Answer "yes" or "no".
Answer "yes" or "no".
Answer "yes" or "no".
Answer "yes" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs.
Answer "yes" if you really want to delete this user ID.
All certificates are then also lost!
Answer "yes" if it is okay to delete the subkey.
This is a valid signature on the key; you normally don't want
to delete this signature because it may be important to establish a
trust connection to the key or another key certified by this key.
This signature can't be checked because you don't have the
corresponding key. You should postpone its deletion until you
know which key was used because this signing key might establish
a trust connection through another already certified key.
The signature is not valid. It does make sense to remove it from
your keyring.
This is a signature which binds the user ID to the key. It is
usually not a good idea to remove such a signature. Actually
GnuPG might not be able to use this key anymore. So do this
only if this self-signature is for some reason not valid and
a second one is available.
Change the preferences of all user IDs (or just of the selected ones)
to the current list of preferences. The timestamp of all affected
self-signatures will be advanced by one second.
# (keep a leading empty line)
Please enter the passphrase; this is a secret sentence.
Please repeat the last passphrase, so you are sure what you typed in.
Give the name of the file to which the signature applies.
# openfile.c (overwrite_filep)
Answer "yes" if it is okay to overwrite the file.
# openfile.c (ask_outfile_name)
Please enter a new filename. If you just hit RETURN the default
file (which is shown in brackets) will be used.
# revoke.c (ask_revocation_reason)
You should specify a reason for the revocation. Depending on the
context you have the ability to choose from this list:
"Key has been compromised"
Use this if you have a reason to believe that unauthorized persons
got access to your secret key.
"Key is superseded"
Use this if you have replaced this key with a newer one.
"Key is no longer used"
Use this if you have retired this key.
"User ID is no longer valid"
Use this to state that the user ID should not longer be used;
this is normally used to mark an email address invalid.
# revoke.c (ask_revocation_reason)
If you like, you can enter a text describing why you issue this
revocation certificate. Please keep this text concise.
An empty line ends the text.
# tofu.c
TOFU has detected another key with the same (or a very similar) email
address. It might be that the user created a new key. In this case,
you can safely trust the new key (but, confirm this by asking the
person). However, it could also be that the key is a forgery or there
is an active Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack. In this case, you
should mark the key as being bad, so that it is untrusted. Marking a
key as being untrusted means that any signatures will be considered
bad and attempts to encrypt to the key will be flagged. If you are
unsure and can't currently check, you should select either accept once
or reject once.
# This text gets displayed by the audit log if
# a root certificates was not trusted.
The root certificate (the trust-anchor) is not trusted. Depending on
the configuration you may have been prompted to mark that root
certificate as trusted or you need to manually tell GnuPG to trust that
certificate. Trusted certificates are configured in the file
trustlist.txt in GnuPG's home directory. If you are in doubt, ask
your system administrator whether you should trust this certificate.
# This text is displayed by the audit log for problems with
# the CRL or OCSP checking.
Depending on your configuration a problem retrieving the CRL or
performing an OCSP check occurred. There are a great variety of
reasons why this did not work. Check the manual for possible
# Local variables:
# mode: default-generic
# coding: utf-8
# End:
diff --git a/doc/help.zh_CN.txt b/doc/help.zh_CN.txt
index e000fa0c6..7b199c2fe 100644
--- a/doc/help.zh_CN.txt
+++ b/doc/help.zh_CN.txt
@@ -1,233 +1,233 @@
# help.zh_CN.txt - zh_CN GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
要建立起信任网络,GnuPG 需要知道哪些密钥是可绝对信任的――通常
DSA (也叫 DSS)即“数字签名算法”(美国国家标准),只能够用作签名。
Elgamal 是一种只能用作加密的算法。
RSA 可以用作签名或加密。
您可以输入 ISO 日期格式(YYYY-MM-DD),但是出错时您不会得到友好的响应
N 修改姓名。
C 修改注释。
E 修改电子邮件地址。
O 继续产生密钥。
Q 中止产生密钥。
“0” 表示您对您有多么仔细地验证这把密钥的问题不表态。
“1” 表示您相信这把密钥属于那个声明是主人的人,但是您不能或根本没有验
“2” 表示您随意地验证了那把密钥。例如,您验证了这把密钥的指纹,或比对
“3” 表示您做了大量而详尽的验证密钥工作。例如,您同密钥持有人验证了密
请注意上述关于验证级别 2 和 3 的说明仅是例子而已。最终还是由您自己决定
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
diff --git a/doc/help.zh_TW.txt b/doc/help.zh_TW.txt
index 800dad986..5665b7087 100644
--- a/doc/help.zh_TW.txt
+++ b/doc/help.zh_TW.txt
@@ -1,245 +1,245 @@
# help.zh_TW.txt - zh_TW GnuPG online help
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
在這裡指派的數值完全是看妳自己決定; 這些數值永遠不會被匯出給其他人.
我們需要它來實施信任網絡; 這跟 (自動建立起的) 憑證網絡一點關係也沒有.
要建立起信任網絡, GnuPG 需要知道哪些金鑰是被徹底信任的 -
那些金鑰通常就是妳有辦法存取到私鑰的. 回答 "yes" 來將這些
如果妳無論如何想要使用這把未被信任的金鑰, 請回答 "yes".
輸入妳要遞送的訊息接收者的使用者 ID.
DSA (亦即 DSS) 是數位簽章演算法 (Digital Signature Algorithm),
Elgamal 是祇能用於加密的演算法.
RSA 可以被用來簽署及加密.
第一把 (主要的) 金鑰一定要含有能用於簽署的金鑰.
請回答 "yes" 或 "no"
請回答 "yes" 或 "no"
妳可以輸入 ISO 日期格式 (YYYY-MM-DD), 但是不會得到良好的錯誤回應 -
反之, 系統會試著把給定的數值中斷成若干片段.
請回答 "yes" 或 "no"
請輸入選用 (但強烈建議使用) 的電子郵件位址
N 修改姓名.
C 修改註釋.
E 修改電子郵件位址.
O 繼續產生金鑰.
Q 中止產生金鑰.
如果妳覺得產生子鑰可以的話, 就回答 "yes" (或者祇要 "y").
請回答 "yes" 或 "no"
當妳在某把金鑰上簽署某個使用者 ID, 妳首先必須先驗證那把
金鑰確實屬於那個使用者 ID 上叫那個名字的人. 這對那些知道
"0" 表示妳不能提出任何特別的主張來表明
"1" 表示妳相信這把金鑰屬於那個主張是主人的人,
這對那些祇想要 "個人的" 驗證的人來說很有用,
"2" 表示妳真的仔細驗證了那把金鑰.
例如說, 這能表示妳驗證了這把金鑰的指紋和
使用者 ID, 並比對了照片 ID.
"3" 表示妳真的做了大規模的驗證金鑰工作.
例如說, 這能表示妳向金鑰持有人驗證了金鑰指紋,
而且妳透過附帶照片而難以偽造的文件 (像是護照)
確認了金鑰持有人的姓名與金鑰上使用者 ID 的一致,
最後妳還 (透過電子郵件往來) 驗證了金鑰上的
請注意上述關於等級 2 和 3 的例子 "祇是" 例子而已.
最後, 還是得由妳自己決定當妳簽署其他金鑰時,
甚麼是 "漫不經心", 而甚麼是 "超級謹慎".
如果妳不知道應該選甚麼答案的話, 就選 "0".
請回答 "yes" 或 "no"
請回答 "yes" 或 "no"
請回答 "yes" 或 "no"
如果妳想要簽署 *所有* 使用者 ID 的話就回答 "yes"
如果妳真的想要刪除這個使用者 ID 的話就回答 "yes".
如果刪除這把子鑰沒問題的話就回答 "yes"
這是一份在這把金鑰上有效的簽章; 通常妳不會想要刪除這份簽章,
因為要跟別的金鑰建立起信任連結, 或由這把金鑰所簽署的金鑰憑證
這份簽章無法被檢驗, 因為妳沒有符合的金鑰. 妳應該延緩刪除它,
直到妳知道哪一把金鑰被使用了; 因為這把來簽署的金鑰可能透過
這份簽章無效. 把它從妳的鑰匙圈裡移去相當合理.
這是一份和這個金鑰使用者 ID 相繫的簽章. 通常
把這樣的簽章移除不會是個好點子. 事實上 GnuPG
可能從此就不能再使用這把金鑰了. 所以祇有在這
把金鑰的第一個自我簽章因某些原因無效, 而第二
變更所有 (或祇有被選取的那幾個) 使用者 ID 的偏好成現用的偏好清單.
請輸入密語; 這是一個秘密的句子
請再次輸入最後的密語, 以確定妳到底鍵進了些甚麼.
如果覆寫這個檔案沒有問題的話就回答 "yes"
請輸入一個新的檔名. 如果妳直接按下了 Enter, 那麼
就會使用預設的檔案 (顯示在括號中).
根據情境的不同, 妳應該可以從這個清單中選出一項:
如果妳把妳的金鑰換成新的了, 就選這個.
如果妳已經撤回了這把金鑰, 就選這個.
"使用者 ID 不再有效了"
如果這個使用者 ID 不再被使用了, 就選這個;
# Local variables:
# mode: fundamental
# coding: utf-8
# End:
diff --git a/g10/ b/g10/
index 7b87e6a32..604be93d5 100644
--- a/g10/
+++ b/g10/
@@ -1,259 +1,259 @@
# Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
# 2003, 2006, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
## Process this file with automake to produce
EXTRA_DIST = options.skel dirmngr-conf.skel distsigkey.gpg \
ChangeLog-2011 gpg-w32info.rc \ test.c t-keydb-keyring.kbx \
t-keydb-get-keyblock.gpg t-stutter-data.asc
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/common
include $(top_srcdir)/am/
needed_libs = ../kbx/libkeybox.a $(libcommon)
# Because there are no program specific transform macros we need to
# work around that to allow installing gpg as gpg2.
gpg2_hack_list = gpg gpgv
gpg2_hack_uninst = gpg2 gpgv2
use_gpg2_hack = yes
gpg2_hack_uninst = $(gpg2_hack_list)
use_gpg2_hack = no
# NB: We use noinst_ for gpg and gpgv so that we can install them with
# the install-hook target under the name gpg2/gpgv2.
noinst_PROGRAMS = gpg
noinst_PROGRAMS += gpgv
noinst_PROGRAMS += gpgcompose
noinst_PROGRAMS += $(module_tests)
TESTS = $(module_tests)
bzip2_source = compress-bz2.c
bzip2_source =
card_source = card-util.c
card_source =
trust_source =
trust_source = trustdb.c trustdb.h tdbdump.c tdbio.c tdbio.h
tofu_source = tofu.h tofu.c gpgsql.c gpgsql.h sqrtu32.c sqrtu32.h
tofu_source =
resource_objs += gpg-w32info.o
gpg-w32info.o : gpg.w32-manifest
common_source = \
gpg.h \
dek.h \
build-packet.c \
compress.c \
$(bzip2_source) \
filter.h \
free-packet.c \
getkey.c \
keydb.c keydb.h \
keyring.c keyring.h \
seskey.c \
kbnode.c \
main.h \
mainproc.c \
armor.c \
mdfilter.c \
textfilter.c \
progress.c \
misc.c \
rmd160.c rmd160.h \
options.h \
openfile.c \
keyid.c \
packet.h \
parse-packet.c \
cpr.c \
plaintext.c \
sig-check.c \
keylist.c \
pkglue.c pkglue.h \
gpg_sources = server.c \
$(common_source) \
pkclist.c \
skclist.c \
pubkey-enc.c \
passphrase.c \
decrypt.c \
decrypt-data.c \
cipher.c \
encrypt.c \
sign.c \
verify.c \
revoke.c \
dearmor.c \
import.c \
export.c \
migrate.c \
delkey.c \
keygen.c \
helptext.c \
keyserver.c \
keyserver-internal.h \
call-dirmngr.c call-dirmngr.h \
photoid.c photoid.h \
call-agent.c call-agent.h \
trust.c $(trust_source) $(tofu_source) \
$(card_source) \
exec.c exec.h
gpg_SOURCES = gpg.c \
keyedit.c \
gpgcompose_SOURCES = gpgcompose.c $(gpg_sources)
gpgv_SOURCES = gpgv.c \
$(common_source) \
#gpgd_SOURCES = gpgd.c \
# ks-proto.h \
# ks-proto.c \
# ks-db.c \
# ks-db.h \
# $(common_source)
LDADD = $(needed_libs) ../common/libgpgrl.a \
$(LIBICONV) $(resource_objs) $(extra_sys_libs)
gpg_LDFLAGS = $(extra_bin_ldflags)
$(LIBICONV) $(resource_objs) $(extra_sys_libs)
gpgv_LDFLAGS = $(extra_bin_ldflags)
$(LIBICONV) $(resource_objs) $(extra_sys_libs)
gpgcompose_LDFLAGS = $(extra_bin_ldflags)
t_common_ldadd =
module_tests = t-rmd160 t-keydb t-keydb-get-keyblock t-stutter
t_rmd160_SOURCES = t-rmd160.c rmd160.c
t_rmd160_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
t_keydb_SOURCES = t-keydb.c test-stubs.c $(common_source)
$(LIBICONV) $(t_common_ldadd)
t_keydb_get_keyblock_SOURCES = t-keydb-get-keyblock.c test-stubs.c \
t_keydb_get_keyblock_LDADD = $(LDADD) $(LIBGCRYPT_LIBS) $(GPG_ERROR_LIBS) \
$(LIBICONV) $(t_common_ldadd)
t_stutter_SOURCES = t-stutter.c test-stubs.c \
$(LIBICONV) $(t_common_ldadd)
$(PROGRAMS): $(needed_libs) ../common/libgpgrl.a
# NB: To install gpg and gpgv we use this -hook. This code has to
# duplicate most of the automake generated install-binPROGRAMS target
# so that directories are created and the transform feature works.
@echo "running install-exec-hook"; \
echo " $(MKDIR_P) '$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)'"; \
$(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)"; \
for p in $(gpg2_hack_list); do \
echo "$$p$(EXEEXT) $$p$(EXEEXT)"; done | \
sed 's/$(EXEEXT)$$//' | \
while read p p1; do if test -f $$p \
; then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \
done | \
sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' \
-e 's|.*|.|' \
-e 'p;x;s,.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform);s/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' | \
sed 'N;N;N;s,\n, ,g' | \
$(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = ""; dirs["."] = 1 } \
{ d=$$3; if (dirs[d] != 1) { print "d", d; dirs[d] = 1 } \
if ($$2 == $$4) files[d] = files[d] " " $$1; \
else { print "f", $$3 "/" $$4, $$1; } } \
END { for (d in files) print "f", d, files[d] }' | \
while read type dir files; do \
for f in $$files; do \
if test $(use_gpg2_hack) = yes ; \
then f2=`echo "$${f}" | sed 's/$(EXEEXT)$$//'`2$(EXEEXT); \
else f2="$${f}" ;\
fi ; \
$${f} '$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$${f2}'"; \
$${f} "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$${f2}"; \
done; \
$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/options.skel \
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/dirmngr-conf.skel \
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/distsigkey.gpg \
# NB: For uninstalling gpg and gpgv we use -local because there is
# no need for a specific order the targets need to be run.
-@rm $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/gpg-conf.skel
-@rm $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/dirmngr-conf.skel
-@rm $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/distsigkey.gpg
-@files=`for p in $(gpg2_hack_uninst); do echo "$$p"; done | \
sed -e 'h;s,^.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform)' \
-e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' \
`; \
echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
cd "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)" && rm -f $$files
diff --git a/g10/armor.c b/g10/armor.c
index 55c84258b..c80e902d2 100644
--- a/g10/armor.c
+++ b/g10/armor.c
@@ -1,1568 +1,1568 @@
/* armor.c - Armor flter
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
* 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#define MAX_LINELEN 20000
#define CRCINIT 0xB704CE
#define CRCPOLY 0X864CFB
#define CRCUPDATE(a,c) do { \
a = ((a) << 8) ^ crc_table[((a)&0xff >> 16) ^ (c)]; \
a &= 0x00ffffff; \
} while(0)
static u32 crc_table[256];
static byte bintoasc[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
static byte asctobin[256]; /* runtime initialized */
static int is_initialized;
typedef enum {
fhdrHASArmor = 0,
} fhdr_state_t;
/* if we encounter this armor string with this index, go
* into a mode which fakes packets and wait for the next armor */
static char *head_strings[] = {
"BEGIN PGP ARMORED FILE", /* gnupg extension */
"BEGIN PGP SECRET KEY BLOCK", /* only used by pgp2 */
static char *tail_strings[] = {
"END dummy",
static int armor_filter ( void *opaque, int control,
iobuf_t chain, byte *buf, size_t *ret_len);
/* Create a new context for armor filters. */
armor_filter_context_t *
new_armor_context (void)
armor_filter_context_t *afx;
afx = xcalloc (1, sizeof *afx);
afx->refcount = 1;
return afx;
/* Release an armor filter context. Passing NULL is explicitly
allowed and a no-op. */
release_armor_context (armor_filter_context_t *afx)
if (!afx)
log_assert (afx->refcount);
if ( --afx->refcount )
xfree (afx);
/* Push the armor filter onto the iobuf stream IOBUF. */
push_armor_filter (armor_filter_context_t *afx, iobuf_t iobuf)
int rc;
rc = iobuf_push_filter (iobuf, armor_filter, afx);
if (rc)
return rc;
static void
int i, j;
u32 t;
byte *s;
/* init the crc lookup table */
crc_table[0] = 0;
for(i=j=0; j < 128; j++ ) {
t = crc_table[j];
if( t & 0x00800000 ) {
t <<= 1;
crc_table[i++] = t ^ CRCPOLY;
crc_table[i++] = t;
else {
t <<= 1;
crc_table[i++] = t;
crc_table[i++] = t ^ CRCPOLY;
/* build the helptable for radix64 to bin conversion */
for(i=0; i < 256; i++ )
asctobin[i] = 255; /* used to detect invalid characters */
for(s=bintoasc,i=0; *s; s++,i++ )
asctobin[*s] = i;
* Check whether this is an armored file. See also
* parse-packet.c for details on this code.
* Note that the buffer BUF needs to be at least 2 bytes long. If in
* doubt that the second byte to 0.
* Returns: True if it seems to be armored
static int
is_armored (const byte *buf)
int ctb, pkttype;
int indeterminate_length_allowed;
ctb = *buf;
if( !(ctb & 0x80) )
/* The most significant bit of the CTB must be set. Since it is
cleared, this is not a binary OpenPGP message. Assume it is
armored. */
return 1;
pkttype = ctb & 0x40 ? (ctb & 0x3f) : ((ctb>>2)&0xf);
switch( pkttype ) {
case PKT_MDC:
indeterminate_length_allowed = 0;
indeterminate_length_allowed = 1;
/* Invalid packet type. */
return 1;
if (! indeterminate_length_allowed)
/* It is only legal to use an indeterminate length with a few
packet types. If a packet uses an indeterminate length, but
that is not allowed, then the data is not valid binary
OpenPGP data. */
int new_format;
int indeterminate_length;
new_format = !! (ctb & (1 << 6));
if (new_format)
indeterminate_length = (buf[1] >= 224 && buf[1] < 255);
indeterminate_length = (ctb & 3) == 3;
if (indeterminate_length)
return 1;
/* The first CTB seems legit. It is probably not armored
data. */
return 0;
* Try to check whether the iobuf is armored
* Returns true if this may be the case; the caller should use the
* filter to do further processing.
use_armor_filter( IOBUF a )
byte buf[2];
int n;
/* fixme: there might be a problem with iobuf_peek */
n = iobuf_peek (a, buf, 2);
if( n == -1 )
return 0; /* EOF, doesn't matter whether armored or not */
if( !n )
return 1; /* can't check it: try armored */
if (n != 2)
return 0; /* short buffer */
return is_armored(buf);
static void
g10_exit(1); /* stop here */
* check whether the armor header is valid on a signed message.
* this is for security reasons: the header lines are not included in the
* hash and by using some creative formatting rules, Mallory could fake
* any text at the beginning of a document; assuming it is read with
* a simple viewer. We only allow the Hash Header.
static int
parse_hash_header( const char *line )
const char *s, *s2;
unsigned found = 0;
if( strlen(line) < 6 || strlen(line) > 60 )
return 0; /* too short or too long */
if( memcmp( line, "Hash:", 5 ) )
return 0; /* invalid header */
for(s=line+5;;s=s2) {
for(; *s && (*s==' ' || *s == '\t'); s++ )
if( !*s )
for(s2=s+1; *s2 && *s2!=' ' && *s2 != '\t' && *s2 != ','; s2++ )
if( !strncmp( s, "RIPEMD160", s2-s ) )
found |= 1;
else if( !strncmp( s, "SHA1", s2-s ) )
found |= 2;
else if( !strncmp( s, "SHA224", s2-s ) )
found |= 8;
else if( !strncmp( s, "SHA256", s2-s ) )
found |= 16;
else if( !strncmp( s, "SHA384", s2-s ) )
found |= 32;
else if( !strncmp( s, "SHA512", s2-s ) )
found |= 64;
return 0;
for(; *s2 && (*s2==' ' || *s2 == '\t'); s2++ )
if( *s2 && *s2 != ',' )
return 0;
if( *s2 )
return found;
/* Returns true if this is a valid armor tag as per RFC-2440bis-21. */
static int
is_armor_tag(const char *line)
|| strncmp(line,"Comment",7)==0
|| strncmp(line,"MessageID",9)==0
|| strncmp(line,"Hash",4)==0
|| strncmp(line,"Charset",7)==0)
return 1;
return 0;
* Check whether this is a armor line.
* returns: -1 if it is not a armor header or the index number of the
* armor header.
static int
is_armor_header( byte *line, unsigned len )
const char *s;
byte *save_p, *p;
int save_c;
int i;
if( len < 15 )
return -1; /* too short */
if( memcmp( line, "-----", 5 ) )
return -1; /* no */
p = strstr( line+5, "-----");
if( !p )
return -1;
save_p = p;
p += 5;
/* Some Windows environments seem to add whitespace to the end of
the line, so we strip it here. This becomes strict if
--rfc2440 is set since 2440 reads "The header lines, therefore,
MUST start at the beginning of a line, and MUST NOT have text
following them on the same line." It is unclear whether "text"
refers to all text or just non-whitespace text. 4880 clarified
this was only non-whitespace text. */
if( *p == '\r' )
if( *p == '\n' )
while(*p==' ' || *p=='\r' || *p=='\n' || *p=='\t')
if( *p )
return -1; /* garbage after dashes */
save_c = *save_p; *save_p = 0;
p = line+5;
for(i=0; (s=head_strings[i]); i++ )
if( !strcmp(s, p) )
*save_p = save_c;
if( !s )
return -1; /* unknown armor line */
if( opt.verbose > 1 )
log_info(_("armor: %s\n"), head_strings[i]);
return i;
* Parse a header lines
* Return 0: Empty line (end of header lines)
* -1: invalid header line
* >0: Good header line
static int
parse_header_line( armor_filter_context_t *afx, byte *line, unsigned int len )
byte *p;
int hashes=0;
unsigned int len2;
len2 = length_sans_trailing_ws ( line, len );
if( !len2 ) {
afx->buffer_pos = len2; /* (it is not the fine way to do it here) */
return 0; /* WS only: same as empty line */
This is fussy. The spec says that a header line is delimited
with a colon-space pair. This means that a line such as
"Comment: " (with nothing else) is actually legal as an empty
string comment. However, email and cut-and-paste being what it
is, that trailing space may go away. Therefore, we accept empty
headers delimited with only a colon. --rfc2440, as always,
makes this strict and enforces the colon-space pair. -dms
p = strchr( line, ':');
if( !p || (RFC2440 && p[1]!=' ')
|| (!RFC2440 && p[1]!=' ' && p[1]!='\n' && p[1]!='\r'))
log_error (_("invalid armor header: "));
es_write_sanitized (log_get_stream (), line, len, NULL, NULL);
log_printf ("\n");
return -1;
/* Chop off the whitespace we detected before */
if( opt.verbose ) {
log_info(_("armor header: "));
es_write_sanitized (log_get_stream (), line, len, NULL, NULL);
log_printf ("\n");
if( afx->in_cleartext )
if( (hashes=parse_hash_header( line )) )
afx->hashes |= hashes;
else if( strlen(line) > 15 && !memcmp( line, "NotDashEscaped:", 15 ) )
afx->not_dash_escaped = 1;
log_error(_("invalid clearsig header\n"));
return -1;
else if(!is_armor_tag(line))
/* Section 6.2: "Unknown keys should be reported to the user,
but OpenPGP should continue to process the message." Note
that in a clearsigned message this applies to the signature
part (i.e. "BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE") and not the signed data
("BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE"). The only key allowed in the
signed data section is "Hash". */
log_info(_("unknown armor header: "));
es_write_sanitized (log_get_stream (), line, len, NULL, NULL);
log_printf ("\n");
return 1;
/* figure out whether the data is armored or not */
static int
check_input( armor_filter_context_t *afx, IOBUF a )
int rc = 0;
int i;
byte *line;
unsigned len;
unsigned maxlen;
int hdr_line = -1;
/* read the first line to see whether this is armored data */
maxlen = MAX_LINELEN;
len = afx->buffer_len = iobuf_read_line( a, &afx->buffer,
&afx->buffer_size, &maxlen );
line = afx->buffer;
if( !maxlen ) {
/* line has been truncated: assume not armored */
afx->inp_checked = 1;
afx->inp_bypass = 1;
return 0;
if( !len ) {
return -1; /* eof */
/* (the line is always a C string but maybe longer) */
if( *line == '\n' || ( len && (*line == '\r' && line[1]=='\n') ) )
else if (len >= 2 && !is_armored (line)) {
afx->inp_checked = 1;
afx->inp_bypass = 1;
return 0;
/* find the armor header */
while(len) {
i = is_armor_header( line, len );
if( i >= 0 && !(afx->only_keyblocks && i != 1 && i != 5 && i != 6 )) {
hdr_line = i;
if( hdr_line == BEGIN_SIGNED_MSG_IDX ) {
if( afx->in_cleartext ) {
log_error(_("nested clear text signatures\n"));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARMOR);
afx->in_cleartext = 1;
/* read the next line (skip all truncated lines) */
do {
maxlen = MAX_LINELEN;
afx->buffer_len = iobuf_read_line( a, &afx->buffer,
&afx->buffer_size, &maxlen );
line = afx->buffer;
len = afx->buffer_len;
} while( !maxlen );
/* Parse the header lines. */
while(len) {
/* Read the next line (skip all truncated lines). */
do {
maxlen = MAX_LINELEN;
afx->buffer_len = iobuf_read_line( a, &afx->buffer,
&afx->buffer_size, &maxlen );
line = afx->buffer;
len = afx->buffer_len;
} while( !maxlen );
i = parse_header_line( afx, line, len );
if( i <= 0 ) {
if (i && RFC2440)
if( rc )
else if( afx->in_cleartext )
afx->faked = 1;
else {
afx->inp_checked = 1;
afx->crc = CRCINIT;
afx->idx = 0;
afx->radbuf[0] = 0;
return rc;
#define PARTIAL_CHUNK 512
#define PARTIAL_POW 9
* Fake a literal data packet and wait for the next armor line
* fixme: empty line handling and null length clear text signature are
* not implemented/checked.
static int
fake_packet( armor_filter_context_t *afx, IOBUF a,
size_t *retn, byte *buf, size_t size )
int rc = 0;
size_t len = 0;
int lastline = 0;
unsigned maxlen, n;
byte *p;
byte tempbuf[PARTIAL_CHUNK];
size_t tempbuf_len=0;
while( !rc && size-len>=(PARTIAL_CHUNK+1)) {
/* copy what we have in the line buffer */
if( afx->faked == 1 )
afx->faked++; /* skip the first (empty) line */
/* It's full, so write this partial chunk */
while( tempbuf_len < PARTIAL_CHUNK
&& afx->buffer_pos < afx->buffer_len )
tempbuf[tempbuf_len++] = afx->buffer[afx->buffer_pos++];
if( tempbuf_len==PARTIAL_CHUNK )
/* read the next line */
maxlen = MAX_LINELEN;
afx->buffer_pos = 0;
afx->buffer_len = iobuf_read_line( a, &afx->buffer,
&afx->buffer_size, &maxlen );
if( !afx->buffer_len ) {
rc = -1; /* eof (should not happen) */
if( !maxlen )
p = afx->buffer;
n = afx->buffer_len;
/* Armor header or dash-escaped line? */
/* 2440bis-10: When reversing dash-escaping, an
implementation MUST strip the string "- " if it occurs
at the beginning of a line, and SHOULD warn on "-" and
any character other than a space at the beginning of a
line. */
if(p[1]==' ' && !afx->not_dash_escaped)
/* It's a dash-escaped line, so skip over the
escape. */
afx->buffer_pos = 2;
else if(p[1]=='-' && p[2]=='-' && p[3]=='-' && p[4]=='-')
/* Five dashes in a row mean it's probably armor
header. */
int type = is_armor_header( p, n );
if( afx->not_dash_escaped && type != BEGIN_SIGNATURE )
; /* this is okay */
if( type != BEGIN_SIGNATURE )
log_info(_("unexpected armor: "));
es_write_sanitized (log_get_stream (), p, n,
log_printf ("\n");
lastline = 1;
rc = -1;
else if(!afx->not_dash_escaped)
/* Bad dash-escaping. */
log_info (_("invalid dash escaped line: "));
es_write_sanitized (log_get_stream (), p, n, NULL, NULL);
log_printf ("\n");
/* Now handle the end-of-line canonicalization */
if( !afx->not_dash_escaped )
int crlf = n > 1 && p[n-2] == '\r' && p[n-1]=='\n';
trim_trailing_chars( &p[afx->buffer_pos], n-afx->buffer_pos,
" \t\r\n");
/* the buffer is always allocated with enough space to append
* the removed [CR], LF and a Nul
* The reason for this complicated procedure is to keep at least
* the original type of lineending - handling of the removed
* trailing spaces seems to be impossible in our method
* of faking a packet; either we have to use a temporary file
* or calculate the hash here in this module and somehow find
* a way to send the hash down the processing line (well, a special
* faked packet could do the job).
if( crlf )
afx->buffer[afx->buffer_len++] = '\r';
afx->buffer[afx->buffer_len++] = '\n';
afx->buffer[afx->buffer_len] = '\0';
if( lastline ) { /* write last (ending) length header */
buf[len++]=((tempbuf_len-192)/256) + 192;
buf[len++]=(tempbuf_len-192) % 256;
rc = 0;
afx->faked = 0;
afx->in_cleartext = 0;
/* and now read the header lines */
afx->buffer_pos = 0;
for(;;) {
int i;
/* read the next line (skip all truncated lines) */
do {
maxlen = MAX_LINELEN;
afx->buffer_len = iobuf_read_line( a, &afx->buffer,
&afx->buffer_size, &maxlen );
} while( !maxlen );
p = afx->buffer;
n = afx->buffer_len;
if( !n ) {
rc = -1;
break; /* eof */
i = parse_header_line( afx, p , n );
if( i <= 0 ) {
if( i )
afx->inp_checked = 1;
afx->crc = CRCINIT;
afx->idx = 0;
afx->radbuf[0] = 0;
*retn = len;
return rc;
static int
if ( opt.ignore_crc_error )
return 0;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARMOR);
static int
radix64_read( armor_filter_context_t *afx, IOBUF a, size_t *retn,
byte *buf, size_t size )
byte val;
int c=0, c2; /*init c because gcc is not clever enough for the continue*/
int checkcrc=0;
int rc = 0;
size_t n = 0;
int idx, i, onlypad=0;
u32 crc;
crc = afx->crc;
idx = afx->idx;
val = afx->radbuf[0];
for( n=0; n < size; ) {
if( afx->buffer_pos < afx->buffer_len )
c = afx->buffer[afx->buffer_pos++];
else { /* read the next line */
unsigned maxlen = MAX_LINELEN;
afx->buffer_pos = 0;
afx->buffer_len = iobuf_read_line( a, &afx->buffer,
&afx->buffer_size, &maxlen );
if( !maxlen )
if( !afx->buffer_len )
break; /* eof */
if( c == '\n' || c == ' ' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' )
else if( c == '=' ) { /* pad character: stop */
/* some mailers leave quoted-printable encoded characters
* so we try to workaround this */
if( afx->buffer_pos+2 < afx->buffer_len ) {
int cc1, cc2, cc3;
cc1 = afx->buffer[afx->buffer_pos];
cc2 = afx->buffer[afx->buffer_pos+1];
cc3 = afx->buffer[afx->buffer_pos+2];
if( isxdigit(cc1) && isxdigit(cc2)
&& strchr( "=\n\r\t ", cc3 )) {
/* well it seems to be the case - adjust */
c = isdigit(cc1)? (cc1 - '0'): (ascii_toupper(cc1)-'A'+10);
c <<= 4;
c |= isdigit(cc2)? (cc2 - '0'): (ascii_toupper(cc2)-'A'+10);
afx->buffer_pos += 2;
afx->qp_detected = 1;
goto again;
/* Occasionally a bug MTA will leave the = escaped as
=3D. If the 4 characters following that are valid
Radix64 characters and they are following by a new
line, assume that this is the case and skip the
3D. */
if (afx->buffer_pos + 6 < afx->buffer_len
&& afx->buffer[afx->buffer_pos + 0] == '3'
&& afx->buffer[afx->buffer_pos + 1] == 'D'
&& asctobin[afx->buffer[afx->buffer_pos + 2]] != 255
&& asctobin[afx->buffer[afx->buffer_pos + 3]] != 255
&& asctobin[afx->buffer[afx->buffer_pos + 4]] != 255
&& asctobin[afx->buffer[afx->buffer_pos + 5]] != 255
&& afx->buffer[afx->buffer_pos + 6] == '\n')
afx->buffer_pos += 2;
afx->qp_detected = 1;
if (!n)
onlypad = 1;
if( idx == 1 )
buf[n++] = val;
else if( (c = asctobin[(c2=c)]) == 255 ) {
log_error(_("invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n"), c2);
switch(idx) {
case 0: val = c << 2; break;
case 1: val |= (c>>4)&3; buf[n++]=val;val=(c<<4)&0xf0;break;
case 2: val |= (c>>2)&15; buf[n++]=val;val=(c<<6)&0xc0;break;
case 3: val |= c&0x3f; buf[n++] = val; break;
idx = (idx+1) % 4;
for(i=0; i < n; i++ )
crc = (crc << 8) ^ crc_table[((crc >> 16)&0xff) ^ buf[i]];
crc &= 0x00ffffff;
afx->crc = crc;
afx->idx = idx;
afx->radbuf[0] = val;
if( checkcrc ) {
afx->any_data = 1;
afx->faked = 0;
for(;;) { /* skip lf and pad characters */
if( afx->buffer_pos < afx->buffer_len )
c = afx->buffer[afx->buffer_pos++];
else { /* read the next line */
unsigned maxlen = MAX_LINELEN;
afx->buffer_pos = 0;
afx->buffer_len = iobuf_read_line( a, &afx->buffer,
&afx->buffer_size, &maxlen );
if( !maxlen )
if( !afx->buffer_len )
break; /* eof */
if( c == '\n' || c == ' ' || c == '\r'
|| c == '\t' || c == '=' )
if( c == -1 )
log_error(_("premature eof (no CRC)\n"));
else {
u32 mycrc = 0;
idx = 0;
do {
if( (c = asctobin[c]) == 255 )
switch(idx) {
case 0: val = c << 2; break;
case 1: val |= (c>>4)&3; mycrc |= val << 16;val=(c<<4)&0xf0;break;
case 2: val |= (c>>2)&15; mycrc |= val << 8;val=(c<<6)&0xc0;break;
case 3: val |= c&0x3f; mycrc |= val; break;
for(;;) {
if( afx->buffer_pos < afx->buffer_len )
c = afx->buffer[afx->buffer_pos++];
else { /* read the next line */
unsigned maxlen = MAX_LINELEN;
afx->buffer_pos = 0;
afx->buffer_len = iobuf_read_line( a, &afx->buffer,
&maxlen );
if( !maxlen )
if( !afx->buffer_len )
break; /* eof */
if( !afx->buffer_len )
break; /* eof */
} while( ++idx < 4 );
if( c == -1 ) {
log_info(_("premature eof (in CRC)\n"));
rc = invalid_crc();
else if( idx == 0 ) {
/* No CRC at all is legal ("MAY") */
else if( idx != 4 ) {
log_info(_("malformed CRC\n"));
rc = invalid_crc();
else if( mycrc != afx->crc ) {
log_info (_("CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n"),
(ulong)afx->crc, (ulong)mycrc);
rc = invalid_crc();
else {
rc = 0;
/* FIXME: Here we should emit another control packet,
* so that we know in mainproc that we are processing
* a clearsign message */
#if 0
for(rc=0;!rc;) {
rc = 0 /*check_trailer( &fhdr, c )*/;
if( !rc ) {
if( (c=iobuf_get(a)) == -1 )
rc = 2;
if( rc == -1 )
rc = 0;
else if( rc == 2 ) {
log_error(_("premature eof (in trailer)\n"));
else {
log_error(_("error in trailer line\n"));
if( !n && !onlypad )
rc = -1;
*retn = n;
return rc;
* This filter is used to handle the armor stuff
static int
armor_filter( void *opaque, int control,
IOBUF a, byte *buf, size_t *ret_len)
size_t size = *ret_len;
armor_filter_context_t *afx = opaque;
int rc=0, i, c;
byte radbuf[3];
int idx, idx2;
size_t n=0;
u32 crc;
#if 0
static FILE *fp ;
if( !fp ) {
fp = fopen("armor.out", "w");
log_debug("armor-filter: control: %d\n", control );
if( control == IOBUFCTRL_UNDERFLOW && afx->inp_bypass ) {
n = 0;
if( afx->buffer_len ) {
for(; n < size && afx->buffer_pos < afx->buffer_len; n++ )
buf[n++] = afx->buffer[afx->buffer_pos++];
if( afx->buffer_pos >= afx->buffer_len )
afx->buffer_len = 0;
for(; n < size; n++ ) {
if( (c=iobuf_get(a)) == -1 )
buf[n] = c & 0xff;
if( !n )
rc = -1;
*ret_len = n;
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_UNDERFLOW ) {
/* We need some space for the faked packet. The minmum
* required size is the PARTIAL_CHUNK size plus a byte for the
* length itself */
if( size < PARTIAL_CHUNK+1 )
BUG(); /* supplied buffer too short */
if( afx->faked )
rc = fake_packet( afx, a, &n, buf, size );
else if( !afx->inp_checked ) {
rc = check_input( afx, a );
if( afx->inp_bypass ) {
for(n=0; n < size && afx->buffer_pos < afx->buffer_len; )
buf[n++] = afx->buffer[afx->buffer_pos++];
if( afx->buffer_pos >= afx->buffer_len )
afx->buffer_len = 0;
if( !n )
rc = -1;
else if( afx->faked ) {
unsigned int hashes = afx->hashes;
const byte *sesmark;
size_t sesmarklen;
sesmark = get_session_marker( &sesmarklen );
if ( sesmarklen > 20 )
/* the buffer is at least 15+n*15 bytes long, so it
* is easy to construct the packets */
hashes &= 1|2|8|16|32|64;
if( !hashes ) {
hashes |= 2; /* Default to SHA-1. */
/* First a gpg control packet... */
buf[n++] = 0xff; /* new format, type 63, 1 length byte */
n++; /* see below */
memcpy(buf+n, sesmark, sesmarklen ); n+= sesmarklen;
buf[n++] = afx->not_dash_escaped? 0:1; /* sigclass */
if( hashes & 1 )
buf[n++] = DIGEST_ALGO_RMD160;
if( hashes & 2 )
buf[n++] = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1;
if( hashes & 8 )
buf[n++] = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA224;
if( hashes & 16 )
buf[n++] = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA256;
if( hashes & 32 )
buf[n++] = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA384;
if( hashes & 64 )
buf[n++] = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA512;
buf[1] = n - 2;
/* ...followed by an invented plaintext packet.
Amusingly enough, this packet is not compliant with
2440 as the initial partial length is less than 512
bytes. Of course, we'll accept it anyway ;) */
buf[n++] = 0xCB; /* new packet format, type 11 */
buf[n++] = 0xE1; /* 2^1 == 2 bytes */
buf[n++] = 't'; /* canonical text mode */
buf[n++] = 0; /* namelength */
buf[n++] = 0xE2; /* 2^2 == 4 more bytes */
memset(buf+n, 0, 4); /* timestamp */
n += 4;
else if( !rc )
rc = radix64_read( afx, a, &n, buf, size );
rc = radix64_read( afx, a, &n, buf, size );
#if 0
if( n )
if( fwrite(buf, n, 1, fp ) != 1 )
*ret_len = n;
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_FLUSH && !afx->cancel ) {
if( !afx->status ) { /* write the header line */
const char *s;
strlist_t comment=opt.comments;
if( afx->what >= DIM(head_strings) )
log_bug("afx->what=%d", afx->what);
iobuf_writestr(a, "-----");
iobuf_writestr(a, head_strings[afx->what] );
iobuf_writestr(a, "-----" );
if (opt.emit_version)
iobuf_writestr (a, "Version: "GNUPG_NAME" v");
for (s=VERSION; *s && *s != '.'; s++)
iobuf_writebyte (a, *s);
if (opt.emit_version > 1 && *s)
iobuf_writebyte (a, *s++);
for (; *s && *s != '.'; s++)
iobuf_writebyte (a, *s);
if (opt.emit_version > 2)
for (; *s && *s != '-' && !spacep (s); s++)
iobuf_writebyte (a, *s);
if (opt.emit_version > 3)
iobuf_writestr (a, " (" PRINTABLE_OS_NAME ")");
/* write the comment strings */
iobuf_writestr(a, "Comment: " );
for( ; *s; s++ )
if( *s == '\n' )
iobuf_writestr(a, "\\n" );
else if( *s == '\r' )
iobuf_writestr(a, "\\r" );
else if( *s == '\v' )
iobuf_writestr(a, "\\v" );
iobuf_put(a, *s );
if ( afx->hdrlines ) {
for ( s = afx->hdrlines; *s; s++ ) {
if ( *s == '\n' )
iobuf_put( a, '\r');
iobuf_put(a, *s );
afx->idx = 0;
afx->idx2 = 0;
afx->crc = CRCINIT;
crc = afx->crc;
idx = afx->idx;
idx2 = afx->idx2;
for(i=0; i < idx; i++ )
radbuf[i] = afx->radbuf[i];
for(i=0; i < size; i++ )
crc = (crc << 8) ^ crc_table[((crc >> 16)&0xff) ^ buf[i]];
crc &= 0x00ffffff;
for( ; size; buf++, size-- ) {
radbuf[idx++] = *buf;
if( idx > 2 ) {
idx = 0;
c = bintoasc[(*radbuf >> 2) & 077];
iobuf_put(a, c);
c = bintoasc[(((*radbuf<<4)&060)|((radbuf[1] >> 4)&017))&077];
iobuf_put(a, c);
c = bintoasc[(((radbuf[1]<<2)&074)|((radbuf[2]>>6)&03))&077];
iobuf_put(a, c);
c = bintoasc[radbuf[2]&077];
iobuf_put(a, c);
if( ++idx2 >= (64/4) )
{ /* pgp doesn't like 72 here */
for(i=0; i < idx; i++ )
afx->radbuf[i] = radbuf[i];
afx->idx = idx;
afx->idx2 = idx2;
afx->crc = crc;
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_INIT )
if( !is_initialized )
/* Figure out what we're using for line endings if the caller
didn't specify. */
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_CANCEL ) {
afx->cancel = 1;
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_FREE ) {
if( afx->cancel )
else if( afx->status ) { /* pad, write cecksum, and bottom line */
crc = afx->crc;
idx = afx->idx;
idx2 = afx->idx2;
if( idx ) {
c = bintoasc[(afx->radbuf[0]>>2)&077];
iobuf_put(a, c);
if( idx == 1 ) {
c = bintoasc[((afx->radbuf[0] << 4) & 060) & 077];
iobuf_put(a, c);
iobuf_put(a, '=');
iobuf_put(a, '=');
else { /* 2 */
c = bintoasc[(((afx->radbuf[0]<<4)&060)
iobuf_put(a, c);
c = bintoasc[((afx->radbuf[1] << 2) & 074) & 077];
iobuf_put(a, c);
iobuf_put(a, '=');
if( ++idx2 >= (64/4) )
{ /* pgp doesn't like 72 here */
/* may need a linefeed */
if( idx2 )
/* write the CRC */
iobuf_put(a, '=');
radbuf[0] = crc >>16;
radbuf[1] = crc >> 8;
radbuf[2] = crc;
c = bintoasc[(*radbuf >> 2) & 077];
iobuf_put(a, c);
c = bintoasc[(((*radbuf<<4)&060)|((radbuf[1] >> 4)&017))&077];
iobuf_put(a, c);
c = bintoasc[(((radbuf[1]<<2)&074)|((radbuf[2]>>6)&03))&077];
iobuf_put(a, c);
c = bintoasc[radbuf[2]&077];
iobuf_put(a, c);
/* and the the trailer */
if( afx->what >= DIM(tail_strings) )
log_bug("afx->what=%d", afx->what);
iobuf_writestr(a, "-----");
iobuf_writestr(a, tail_strings[afx->what] );
iobuf_writestr(a, "-----" );
else if( !afx->any_data && !afx->inp_bypass ) {
log_error(_("no valid OpenPGP data found.\n"));
afx->no_openpgp_data = 1;
write_status_text( STATUS_NODATA, "1" );
if( afx->truncated )
log_info(_("invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n"),
/* issue an error to enforce dissemination of correct software */
if( afx->qp_detected )
log_error(_("quoted printable character in armor - "
"probably a buggy MTA has been used\n") );
xfree( afx->buffer );
afx->buffer = NULL;
release_armor_context (afx);
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_DESC )
mem2str (buf, "armor_filter", *ret_len);
return rc;
* create a radix64 encoded string.
char *
make_radix64_string( const byte *data, size_t len )
char *buffer, *p;
buffer = p = xmalloc( (len+2)/3*4 + 1 );
for( ; len >= 3 ; len -= 3, data += 3 ) {
*p++ = bintoasc[(data[0] >> 2) & 077];
*p++ = bintoasc[(((data[0] <<4)&060)|((data[1] >> 4)&017))&077];
*p++ = bintoasc[(((data[1]<<2)&074)|((data[2]>>6)&03))&077];
*p++ = bintoasc[data[2]&077];
if( len == 2 ) {
*p++ = bintoasc[(data[0] >> 2) & 077];
*p++ = bintoasc[(((data[0] <<4)&060)|((data[1] >> 4)&017))&077];
*p++ = bintoasc[((data[1]<<2)&074)];
else if( len == 1 ) {
*p++ = bintoasc[(data[0] >> 2) & 077];
*p++ = bintoasc[(data[0] <<4)&060];
*p = 0;
return buffer;
* For the pipemode command we can't use the armor filter for various
* reasons, so we use this new unarmor_pump stuff to remove the armor
enum unarmor_state_e {
STA_init = 0,
struct unarmor_pump_s {
enum unarmor_state_e state;
byte val;
int checkcrc;
int pos; /* counts from 0..3 */
u32 crc;
u32 mycrc; /* the one store in the data */
unarmor_pump_new (void)
UnarmorPump x;
if( !is_initialized )
x = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *x);
return x;
unarmor_pump_release (UnarmorPump x)
xfree (x);
* Get the next character from the ascii armor taken from the IOBUF
* created earlier by unarmor_pump_new().
* Return: c = Character
* 256 = ignore this value
* -1 = End of current armor
* -2 = Premature EOF (not used)
* -3 = Invalid armor
unarmor_pump (UnarmorPump x, int c)
int rval = 256; /* default is to ignore the return value */
switch (x->state) {
case STA_init:
byte tmp[2];
tmp[0] = c;
tmp[1] = 0;
if ( is_armored (tmp) )
x->state = c == '-'? STA_first_dash : STA_wait_newline;
else {
x->state = STA_bypass;
return c;
case STA_bypass:
return c; /* return here to avoid crc calculation */
case STA_wait_newline:
if (c == '\n')
x->state = STA_wait_dash;
case STA_wait_dash:
x->state = c == '-'? STA_first_dash : STA_wait_newline;
case STA_first_dash: /* just need for initialization */
x->pos = 0;
x->state = STA_compare_header;
case STA_compare_header:
if ( "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----"[++x->pos] == c ) {
if ( x->pos == 28 )
x->state = STA_found_header_wait_newline;
x->state = c == '\n'? STA_wait_dash : STA_wait_newline;
case STA_found_header_wait_newline:
/* to make CR,LF issues easier we simply allow for white space
behind the 5 dashes */
if ( c == '\n' )
x->state = STA_skip_header_lines;
else if ( c != '\r' && c != ' ' && c != '\t' )
x->state = STA_wait_dash; /* garbage after the header line */
case STA_skip_header_lines:
/* i.e. wait for one empty line */
if ( c == '\n' ) {
x->state = STA_read_data;
x->crc = CRCINIT;
x->val = 0;
x->pos = 0;
else if ( c != '\r' && c != ' ' && c != '\t' )
x->state = STA_skip_header_lines_non_ws;
case STA_skip_header_lines_non_ws:
/* like above but we already encountered non white space */
if ( c == '\n' )
x->state = STA_skip_header_lines;
case STA_read_data:
/* fixme: we don't check for the trailing dash lines but rely
* on the armor stop characters */
if( c == '\n' || c == ' ' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' )
break; /* skip all kind of white space */
if( c == '=' ) { /* pad character: stop */
if( x->pos == 1 ) /* in this case val has some value */
rval = x->val;
x->state = STA_wait_crc;
int c2;
if( (c = asctobin[(c2=c)]) == 255 ) {
log_error(_("invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n"), c2);
switch(x->pos) {
case 0:
x->val = c << 2;
case 1:
x->val |= (c>>4)&3;
rval = x->val;
x->val = (c<<4)&0xf0;
case 2:
x->val |= (c>>2)&15;
rval = x->val;
x->val = (c<<6)&0xc0;
case 3:
x->val |= c&0x3f;
rval = x->val;
x->pos = (x->pos+1) % 4;
case STA_wait_crc:
if( c == '\n' || c == ' ' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' || c == '=' )
break; /* skip ws and pad characters */
/* assume that we are at the next line */
x->state = STA_read_crc;
x->pos = 0;
x->mycrc = 0;
case STA_read_crc:
if( (c = asctobin[c]) == 255 ) {
rval = -1; /* ready */
if( x->crc != x->mycrc ) {
log_info (_("CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n"),
(ulong)x->crc, (ulong)x->mycrc);
if ( invalid_crc() )
rval = -3;
x->state = STA_ready; /* not sure whether this is correct */
switch(x->pos) {
case 0:
x->val = c << 2;
case 1:
x->val |= (c>>4)&3;
x->mycrc |= x->val << 16;
x->val = (c<<4)&0xf0;
case 2:
x->val |= (c>>2)&15;
x->mycrc |= x->val << 8;
x->val = (c<<6)&0xc0;
case 3:
x->val |= c&0x3f;
x->mycrc |= x->val;
x->pos = (x->pos+1) % 4;
case STA_ready:
rval = -1;
if ( !(rval & ~255) ) { /* compute the CRC */
x->crc = (x->crc << 8) ^ crc_table[((x->crc >> 16)&0xff) ^ rval];
x->crc &= 0x00ffffff;
return rval;
diff --git a/g10/build-packet.c b/g10/build-packet.c
index 0115d64a1..ad46a0270 100644
--- a/g10/build-packet.c
+++ b/g10/build-packet.c
@@ -1,1696 +1,1696 @@
/* build-packet.c - assemble packets and write them
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
* 2006, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "host2net.h"
static int do_user_id( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_user_id *uid );
static int do_key (iobuf_t out, int ctb, PKT_public_key *pk);
static int do_symkey_enc( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_symkey_enc *enc );
static int do_pubkey_enc( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_pubkey_enc *enc );
static u32 calc_plaintext( PKT_plaintext *pt );
static int do_plaintext( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_plaintext *pt );
static int do_encrypted( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_encrypted *ed );
static int do_encrypted_mdc( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_encrypted *ed );
static int do_compressed( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_compressed *cd );
static int do_signature( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_signature *sig );
static int do_onepass_sig( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_onepass_sig *ops );
static int calc_header_length( u32 len, int new_ctb );
static int write_16(IOBUF inp, u16 a);
static int write_32(IOBUF inp, u32 a);
static int write_header( IOBUF out, int ctb, u32 len );
static int write_sign_packet_header( IOBUF out, int ctb, u32 len );
static int write_header2( IOBUF out, int ctb, u32 len, int hdrlen );
static int write_new_header( IOBUF out, int ctb, u32 len, int hdrlen );
/* Returns 1 if CTB is a new format ctb and 0 if CTB is an old format
ctb. */
static int
ctb_new_format_p (int ctb)
/* Bit 7 must always be set. */
log_assert ((ctb & (1 << 7)));
/* Bit 6 indicates whether the packet is a new format packet. */
return (ctb & (1 << 6));
/* Extract the packet type from a CTB. */
static int
ctb_pkttype (int ctb)
if (ctb_new_format_p (ctb))
/* Bits 0 through 5 are the packet type. */
return (ctb & ((1 << 6) - 1));
/* Bits 2 through 5 are the packet type. */
return (ctb & ((1 << 6) - 1)) >> 2;
* Build a packet and write it to INP
* Returns: 0 := okay
* >0 := error
* Note: Caller must free the packet
build_packet( IOBUF out, PACKET *pkt )
int new_ctb=0, rc=0, ctb;
int pkttype;
log_debug("build_packet() type=%d\n", pkt->pkttype );
log_assert( pkt->pkt.generic );
switch ((pkttype = pkt->pkttype))
if (pkt->pkt.public_key->seckey_info)
pkttype = PKT_SECRET_KEY;
if (pkt->pkt.public_key->seckey_info)
case PKT_PLAINTEXT: new_ctb = pkt->pkt.plaintext->new_ctb; break;
case PKT_ENCRYPTED_MDC: new_ctb = pkt->pkt.encrypted->new_ctb; break;
case PKT_COMPRESSED:new_ctb = pkt->pkt.compressed->new_ctb; break;
if( pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data )
pkttype = PKT_ATTRIBUTE;
default: break;
if( new_ctb || pkttype > 15 ) /* new format */
ctb = 0xc0 | (pkttype & 0x3f);
ctb = 0x80 | ((pkttype & 15)<<2);
switch( pkttype )
rc = do_user_id( out, ctb, pkt->pkt.user_id );
Ignore these. Theoretically, this will never be called as
we have no way to output comment packets any longer, but
just in case there is some code path that would end up
outputting a comment that was written before comments were
dropped (in the public key?) this is a no-op.
rc = do_key (out, ctb, pkt->pkt.public_key);
rc = do_symkey_enc( out, ctb, pkt->pkt.symkey_enc );
rc = do_pubkey_enc( out, ctb, pkt->pkt.pubkey_enc );
rc = do_plaintext( out, ctb, pkt->pkt.plaintext );
rc = do_encrypted( out, ctb, pkt->pkt.encrypted );
rc = do_encrypted_mdc( out, ctb, pkt->pkt.encrypted );
rc = do_compressed( out, ctb, pkt->pkt.compressed );
rc = do_signature( out, ctb, pkt->pkt.signature );
rc = do_onepass_sig( out, ctb, pkt->pkt.onepass_sig );
break; /* ignore it (keyring.c does write it directly)*/
case PKT_MDC: /* we write it directly, so we should never see it here. */
log_bug("invalid packet type in build_packet()\n");
return rc;
* Write the mpi A to OUT.
gpg_mpi_write (iobuf_t out, gcry_mpi_t a)
int rc;
if (gcry_mpi_get_flag (a, GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE))
unsigned int nbits;
const unsigned char *p;
unsigned char lenhdr[2];
/* gcry_log_debugmpi ("a", a); */
p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (a, &nbits);
if (p)
/* Strip leading zero bits. */
for (; nbits >= 8 && !*p; p++, nbits -= 8)
if (nbits >= 8 && !(*p & 0x80))
if (--nbits >= 7 && !(*p & 0x40))
if (--nbits >= 6 && !(*p & 0x20))
if (--nbits >= 5 && !(*p & 0x10))
if (--nbits >= 4 && !(*p & 0x08))
if (--nbits >= 3 && !(*p & 0x04))
if (--nbits >= 2 && !(*p & 0x02))
if (--nbits >= 1 && !(*p & 0x01))
/* gcry_log_debug (" [%u bit]\n", nbits); */
/* gcry_log_debughex (" ", p, (nbits+7)/8); */
lenhdr[0] = nbits >> 8;
lenhdr[1] = nbits;
rc = iobuf_write (out, lenhdr, 2);
if (!rc && p)
rc = iobuf_write (out, p, (nbits+7)/8);
char buffer[(MAX_EXTERN_MPI_BITS+7)/8+2]; /* 2 is for the mpi length. */
size_t nbytes;
nbytes = DIM(buffer);
rc = gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_PGP, buffer, nbytes, &nbytes, a );
if( !rc )
rc = iobuf_write( out, buffer, nbytes );
else if (gpg_err_code(rc) == GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT )
log_info ("mpi too large (%u bits)\n", gcry_mpi_get_nbits (a));
/* The buffer was too small. We better tell the user about the MPI. */
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
return rc;
* Write an opaque MPI to the output stream without length info.
gpg_mpi_write_nohdr (iobuf_t out, gcry_mpi_t a)
int rc;
if (gcry_mpi_get_flag (a, GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE))
unsigned int nbits;
const void *p;
p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (a, &nbits);
rc = p ? iobuf_write (out, p, (nbits+7)/8) : 0;
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_MPI);
return rc;
/* Calculate the length of a packet described by PKT. */
calc_packet_length( PACKET *pkt )
u32 n=0;
int new_ctb = 0;
log_assert (pkt->pkt.generic);
switch( pkt->pkttype ) {
n = calc_plaintext( pkt->pkt.plaintext );
new_ctb = pkt->pkt.plaintext->new_ctb;
log_bug("invalid packet type in calc_packet_length()");
n += calc_header_length(n, new_ctb);
return n;
static gpg_error_t
write_fake_data (IOBUF out, gcry_mpi_t a)
unsigned int n;
void *p;
if (!a)
return 0;
if (!gcry_mpi_get_flag (a, GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE))
return 0; /* e.g. due to generating a key with wrong usage. */
p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque ( a, &n);
if (!p)
return 0; /* For example due to a read error in
parse-packet.c:read_rest. */
return iobuf_write (out, p, (n+7)/8 );
/* Serialize the user id (RFC 4880, Section 5.11) or the user
attribute UID (Section 5.12) and write it to OUT.
CTB is the serialization's CTB. It specifies the header format and
the packet's type. The header length must not be set. */
static int
do_user_id( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_user_id *uid )
int rc;
log_assert (ctb_pkttype (ctb) == PKT_USER_ID
|| ctb_pkttype (ctb) == PKT_ATTRIBUTE);
if (uid->attrib_data)
write_header(out, ctb, uid->attrib_len);
rc = iobuf_write( out, uid->attrib_data, uid->attrib_len );
write_header2( out, ctb, uid->len, 0 );
rc = iobuf_write( out, uid->name, uid->len );
return rc;
/* Serialize the key (RFC 4880, Section 5.5) described by PK and write
it to OUT.
This function serializes both primary keys and subkeys with or
without a secret part.
CTB is the serialization's CTB. It specifies the header format and
the packet's type. The header length must not be set.
PK->VERSION specifies the serialization format. A value of 0 means
to use the default version. Currently, only version 4 packets are
static int
do_key (iobuf_t out, int ctb, PKT_public_key *pk)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
/* The length of the body is stored in the packet's header, which
occurs before the body. Unfortunately, we don't know the length
of the packet's body until we've written all of the data! To
work around this, we first write the data into this temporary
buffer, then generate the header, and finally copy the contents
of this buffer to OUT. */
iobuf_t a = iobuf_temp();
int i, nskey, npkey;
log_assert (pk->version == 0 || pk->version == 4);
log_assert (ctb_pkttype (ctb) == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| ctb_pkttype (ctb) == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| ctb_pkttype (ctb) == PKT_SECRET_KEY
|| ctb_pkttype (ctb) == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY);
/* Write the version number - if none is specified, use 4 */
if ( !pk->version )
iobuf_put ( a, 4 );
iobuf_put ( a, pk->version );
write_32 (a, pk->timestamp );
iobuf_put (a, pk->pubkey_algo );
/* Get number of secret and public parameters. They are held in one
array: the public ones followed by the secret ones. */
nskey = pubkey_get_nskey (pk->pubkey_algo);
npkey = pubkey_get_npkey (pk->pubkey_algo);
/* If we don't have any public parameters - which is for example the
case if we don't know the algorithm used - the parameters are
stored as one blob in a faked (opaque) MPI. */
if (!npkey)
write_fake_data (a, pk->pkey[0]);
goto leave;
log_assert (npkey < nskey);
for (i=0; i < npkey; i++ )
if ( (pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA && (i == 0))
|| (pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA && (i == 0))
|| (pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH && (i == 0 || i == 2)))
err = gpg_mpi_write_nohdr (a, pk->pkey[i]);
err = gpg_mpi_write (a, pk->pkey[i]);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (pk->seckey_info)
/* This is a secret key packet. */
struct seckey_info *ski = pk->seckey_info;
/* Build the header for protected (encrypted) secret parameters. */
if (ski->is_protected)
/* OpenPGP protection according to rfc2440. */
iobuf_put (a, ski->sha1chk? 0xfe : 0xff);
iobuf_put (a, ski->algo);
if (ski->s2k.mode >= 1000)
/* These modes are not possible in OpenPGP, we use them
to implement our extensions, 101 can be viewed as a
private/experimental extension (this is not specified
in rfc2440 but the same scheme is used for all other
algorithm identifiers). */
iobuf_put (a, 101);
iobuf_put (a, ski->s2k.hash_algo);
iobuf_write (a, "GNU", 3 );
iobuf_put (a, ski->s2k.mode - 1000);
iobuf_put (a, ski->s2k.mode);
iobuf_put (a, ski->s2k.hash_algo);
if (ski->s2k.mode == 1 || ski->s2k.mode == 3)
iobuf_write (a, ski->s2k.salt, 8);
if (ski->s2k.mode == 3)
iobuf_put (a, ski->s2k.count);
/* For our special modes 1001, 1002 we do not need an IV. */
if (ski->s2k.mode != 1001 && ski->s2k.mode != 1002)
iobuf_write (a, ski->iv, ski->ivlen);
else /* Not protected. */
iobuf_put (a, 0 );
if (ski->s2k.mode == 1001)
; /* GnuPG extension - don't write a secret key at all. */
else if (ski->s2k.mode == 1002)
/* GnuPG extension - divert to OpenPGP smartcard. */
/* Length of the serial number or 0 for no serial number. */
iobuf_put (a, ski->ivlen );
/* The serial number gets stored in the IV field. */
iobuf_write (a, ski->iv, ski->ivlen);
else if (ski->is_protected)
/* The secret key is protected - write it out as it is. */
byte *p;
unsigned int ndatabits;
log_assert (gcry_mpi_get_flag (pk->pkey[npkey], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE));
p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (pk->pkey[npkey], &ndatabits);
if (p)
iobuf_write (a, p, (ndatabits+7)/8 );
/* Non-protected key. */
for ( ; i < nskey; i++ )
if ( (err = gpg_mpi_write (a, pk->pkey[i])))
goto leave;
write_16 (a, ski->csum );
if (!err)
/* Build the header of the packet - which we must do after
writing all the other stuff, so that we know the length of
the packet */
write_header2 (out, ctb, iobuf_get_temp_length(a), 0);
/* And finally write it out to the real stream. */
err = iobuf_write_temp (out, a);
iobuf_close (a); /* Close the temporary buffer */
return err;
/* Serialize the symmetric-key encrypted session key packet (RFC 4880,
5.3) described by ENC and write it to OUT.
CTB is the serialization's CTB. It specifies the header format and
the packet's type. The header length must not be set. */
static int
do_symkey_enc( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_symkey_enc *enc )
int rc = 0;
IOBUF a = iobuf_temp();
log_assert (ctb_pkttype (ctb) == PKT_SYMKEY_ENC);
/* The only acceptable version. */
log_assert( enc->version == 4 );
/* RFC 4880, Section 3.7. */
switch( enc->s2k.mode )
/* Simple S2K. */
case 0:
/* Salted S2K. */
case 1:
/* Iterated and salted S2K. */
case 3:
/* Reasonable values. */
log_bug("do_symkey_enc: s2k=%d\n", enc->s2k.mode );
iobuf_put( a, enc->version );
iobuf_put( a, enc->cipher_algo );
iobuf_put( a, enc->s2k.mode );
iobuf_put( a, enc->s2k.hash_algo );
if( enc->s2k.mode == 1 || enc->s2k.mode == 3 ) {
iobuf_write(a, enc->s2k.salt, 8 );
if( enc->s2k.mode == 3 )
iobuf_put(a, enc->s2k.count);
if( enc->seskeylen )
iobuf_write(a, enc->seskey, enc->seskeylen );
write_header(out, ctb, iobuf_get_temp_length(a) );
rc = iobuf_write_temp( out, a );
return rc;
/* Serialize the public-key encrypted session key packet (RFC 4880,
5.1) described by ENC and write it to OUT.
CTB is the serialization's CTB. It specifies the header format and
the packet's type. The header length must not be set. */
static int
do_pubkey_enc( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_pubkey_enc *enc )
int rc = 0;
int n, i;
IOBUF a = iobuf_temp();
log_assert (ctb_pkttype (ctb) == PKT_PUBKEY_ENC);
iobuf_put (a, 3); /* Version. */
if ( enc->throw_keyid )
write_32(a, 0 ); /* Don't tell Eve who can decrypt the message. */
write_32(a, 0 );
write_32(a, enc->keyid[0] );
write_32(a, enc->keyid[1] );
iobuf_put(a,enc->pubkey_algo );
n = pubkey_get_nenc( enc->pubkey_algo );
if ( !n )
write_fake_data( a, enc->data[0] );
for (i=0; i < n && !rc ; i++ )
if (enc->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH && i == 1)
rc = gpg_mpi_write_nohdr (a, enc->data[i]);
rc = gpg_mpi_write (a, enc->data[i]);
if (!rc)
write_header (out, ctb, iobuf_get_temp_length(a) );
rc = iobuf_write_temp (out, a);
return rc;
/* Calculate the length of the serialized plaintext packet PT (RFC
4480, Section 5.9). */
static u32
calc_plaintext( PKT_plaintext *pt )
/* Truncate namelen to the maximum 255 characters. Note this means
that a function that calls build_packet with an illegal literal
packet will get it back legalized. */
return pt->len? (1 + 1 + pt->namelen + 4 + pt->len) : 0;
/* Serialize the plaintext packet (RFC 4880, 5.9) described by PT and
write it to OUT.
The body of the message is stored in PT->BUF. The amount of data
to write is PT->LEN. (PT->BUF should be configured to return EOF
after this much data has been read.) If PT->LEN is 0 and CTB
indicates that this is a new format packet, then partial block mode
is assumed to have been enabled on OUT. On success, partial block
mode is disabled.
If PT->BUF is NULL, the the caller must write out the data. In
this case, if PT->LEN was 0, then partial body length mode was
enabled and the caller must disable it by calling
iobuf_set_partial_body_length_mode (out, 0). */
static int
do_plaintext( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_plaintext *pt )
int rc = 0;
size_t nbytes;
log_assert (ctb_pkttype (ctb) == PKT_PLAINTEXT);
write_header(out, ctb, calc_plaintext( pt ) );
log_assert (pt->mode == 'b' || pt->mode == 't' || pt->mode == 'u'
|| pt->mode == 'm'
|| pt->mode == 'l' || pt->mode == '1');
iobuf_put(out, pt->mode );
iobuf_put(out, pt->namelen );
iobuf_write (out, pt->name, pt->namelen);
rc = write_32(out, pt->timestamp );
if (rc)
return rc;
if (pt->buf)
nbytes = iobuf_copy (out, pt->buf);
if(ctb_new_format_p (ctb) && !pt->len)
/* Turn off partial body length mode. */
iobuf_set_partial_body_length_mode (out, 0);
if( pt->len && nbytes != pt->len )
log_error("do_plaintext(): wrote %lu bytes but expected %lu bytes\n",
(ulong)nbytes, (ulong)pt->len );
return rc;
/* Serialize the symmetrically encrypted data packet (RFC 4880,
Section 5.7) described by ED and write it to OUT.
Note: this only writes the packets header! The call must then
follow up and write the initial random data and the body to OUT.
(If you use the encryption iobuf filter (cipher_filter), then this
is done automatically.) */
static int
do_encrypted( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_encrypted *ed )
int rc = 0;
u32 n;
log_assert (! ed->mdc_method);
log_assert (ctb_pkttype (ctb) == PKT_ENCRYPTED);
n = ed->len ? (ed->len + ed->extralen) : 0;
write_header(out, ctb, n );
/* This is all. The caller has to write the real data */
return rc;
/* Serialize the symmetrically encrypted integrity protected data
packet (RFC 4880, Section 5.13) described by ED and write it to
Note: this only writes the packet's header! The caller must then
follow up and write the initial random data, the body and the MDC
packet to OUT. (If you use the encryption iobuf filter
(cipher_filter), then this is done automatically.) */
static int
do_encrypted_mdc( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_encrypted *ed )
int rc = 0;
u32 n;
log_assert (ed->mdc_method);
log_assert (ctb_pkttype (ctb) == PKT_ENCRYPTED_MDC);
/* Take version number and the following MDC packet in account. */
n = ed->len ? (ed->len + ed->extralen + 1 + 22) : 0;
write_header(out, ctb, n );
iobuf_put(out, 1 ); /* version */
/* This is all. The caller has to write the real data */
return rc;
/* Serialize the compressed packet (RFC 4880, Section 5.6) described
by CD and write it to OUT.
Note: this only writes the packet's header! The caller must then
follow up and write the body to OUT. */
static int
do_compressed( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_compressed *cd )
int rc = 0;
log_assert (ctb_pkttype (ctb) == PKT_COMPRESSED);
/* We must use the old convention and don't use blockmode for the
sake of PGP 2 compatibility. However if the new_ctb flag was
set, CTB is already formatted as new style and write_header2
does create a partial length encoding using new the new
style. */
write_header2(out, ctb, 0, 0);
iobuf_put(out, cd->algorithm );
/* This is all. The caller has to write the real data */
return rc;
* Delete all subpackets of type REQTYPE and return a bool whether a packet
* was deleted.
delete_sig_subpkt (subpktarea_t *area, sigsubpkttype_t reqtype )
int buflen;
sigsubpkttype_t type;
byte *buffer, *bufstart;
size_t n;
size_t unused = 0;
int okay = 0;
if( !area )
return 0;
buflen = area->len;
buffer = area->data;
for(;;) {
if( !buflen ) {
okay = 1;
bufstart = buffer;
n = *buffer++; buflen--;
if( n == 255 ) {
if( buflen < 4 )
n = buf32_to_size_t (buffer);
buffer += 4;
buflen -= 4;
else if( n >= 192 ) {
if( buflen < 2 )
n = (( n - 192 ) << 8) + *buffer + 192;
if( buflen < n )
type = *buffer & 0x7f;
if( type == reqtype ) {
if( n > buflen )
buffer += n; /* point to next subpkt */
buflen -= n;
memmove (bufstart, buffer, buflen); /* shift */
unused += buffer - bufstart;
buffer = bufstart;
else {
buffer += n; buflen -=n;
if (!okay)
log_error ("delete_subpkt: buffer shorter than subpacket\n");
log_assert (unused <= area->len);
area->len -= unused;
return !!unused;
* Create or update a signature subpacket for SIG of TYPE. This
* functions knows where to put the data (hashed or unhashed). The
* function may move data from the unhashed part to the hashed one.
* Note: All pointers into sig->[un]hashed (e.g. returned by
* parse_sig_subpkt) are not valid after a call to this function. The
* data to put into the subpaket should be in a buffer with a length
* of buflen.
build_sig_subpkt (PKT_signature *sig, sigsubpkttype_t type,
const byte *buffer, size_t buflen )
byte *p;
int critical, hashed;
subpktarea_t *oldarea, *newarea;
size_t nlen, n, n0;
critical = (type & SIGSUBPKT_FLAG_CRITICAL);
/* Sanity check buffer sizes */
/* we do allow multiple subpackets */
/* we don't allow multiple subpackets */
/* Any special magic that needs to be done for this type so the
packet doesn't need to be reparsed? */
/* This should never happen since we don't currently allow
creating such a subpacket, but just in case... */
if( (buflen+1) >= 8384 )
nlen = 5; /* write 5 byte length header */
else if( (buflen+1) >= 192 )
nlen = 2; /* write 2 byte length header */
nlen = 1; /* just a 1 byte length header */
switch( type )
/* The issuer being unhashed is a historical oddity. It
should work equally as well hashed. Of course, if even an
unhashed issuer is tampered with, it makes it awfully hard
to verify the sig... */
hashed = 0;
hashed = 1;
if( critical )
oldarea = hashed? sig->hashed : sig->unhashed;
/* Calculate new size of the area and allocate */
n0 = oldarea? oldarea->len : 0;
n = n0 + nlen + 1 + buflen; /* length, type, buffer */
if (oldarea && n <= oldarea->size) { /* fits into the unused space */
newarea = oldarea;
/*log_debug ("updating area for type %d\n", type );*/
else if (oldarea) {
newarea = xrealloc (oldarea, sizeof (*newarea) + n - 1);
newarea->size = n;
/*log_debug ("reallocating area for type %d\n", type );*/
else {
newarea = xmalloc (sizeof (*newarea) + n - 1);
newarea->size = n;
/*log_debug ("allocating area for type %d\n", type );*/
newarea->len = n;
p = newarea->data + n0;
if (nlen == 5) {
*p++ = 255;
*p++ = (buflen+1) >> 24;
*p++ = (buflen+1) >> 16;
*p++ = (buflen+1) >> 8;
*p++ = (buflen+1);
*p++ = type;
memcpy (p, buffer, buflen);
else if (nlen == 2) {
*p++ = (buflen+1-192) / 256 + 192;
*p++ = (buflen+1-192) % 256;
*p++ = type;
memcpy (p, buffer, buflen);
else {
*p++ = buflen+1;
*p++ = type;
memcpy (p, buffer, buflen);
if (hashed)
sig->hashed = newarea;
sig->unhashed = newarea;
* Put all the required stuff from SIG into subpackets of sig.
* PKSK is the signing key.
* Hmmm, should we delete those subpackets which are in a wrong area?
build_sig_subpkt_from_sig (PKT_signature *sig, PKT_public_key *pksk)
u32 u;
size_t fprlen;
/* For v4 keys we need to write the ISSUER subpacket. We do not
* want that for a future v5 format. */
if (pksk->version < 5)
u = sig->keyid[0];
buf[0] = (u >> 24) & 0xff;
buf[1] = (u >> 16) & 0xff;
buf[2] = (u >> 8) & 0xff;
buf[3] = u & 0xff;
u = sig->keyid[1];
buf[4] = (u >> 24) & 0xff;
buf[5] = (u >> 16) & 0xff;
buf[6] = (u >> 8) & 0xff;
buf[7] = u & 0xff;
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_ISSUER, buf, 8);
/* Write the new ISSUER_FPR subpacket. */
fingerprint_from_pk (pksk, buf+1, &fprlen);
if (fprlen == 20)
buf[0] = pksk->version;
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_ISSUER_FPR, buf, 21);
/* Write the timestamp. */
u = sig->timestamp;
buf[0] = (u >> 24) & 0xff;
buf[1] = (u >> 16) & 0xff;
buf[2] = (u >> 8) & 0xff;
buf[3] = u & 0xff;
build_sig_subpkt( sig, SIGSUBPKT_SIG_CREATED, buf, 4 );
u=1; /* A 1-second expiration time is the shortest one
OpenPGP has */
buf[0] = (u >> 24) & 0xff;
buf[1] = (u >> 16) & 0xff;
buf[2] = (u >> 8) & 0xff;
buf[3] = u & 0xff;
/* Mark this CRITICAL, so if any implementation doesn't
understand sigs that can expire, it'll just disregard this
sig altogether. */
buf, 4 );
build_attribute_subpkt(PKT_user_id *uid,byte type,
const void *buf,u32 buflen,
const void *header,u32 headerlen)
byte *attrib;
int idx;
else if(1+headerlen+buflen>191)
/* realloc uid->attrib_data to the right size */
attrib[1]=(1+headerlen+buflen) >> 24;
attrib[2]=(1+headerlen+buflen) >> 16;
attrib[3]=(1+headerlen+buflen) >> 8;
else if(idx==2)
attrib[0]=(1+headerlen+buflen-192) / 256 + 192;
attrib[1]=(1+headerlen+buflen-192) % 256;
attrib[0]=1+headerlen+buflen; /* Good luck finding a JPEG this small! */
/* Tack on our data at the end */
/* Returns a human-readable string corresponding to the notation.
This ignores notation->value. The caller must free the result. */
static char *
notation_value_to_human_readable_string (struct notation *notation)
/* Binary data. */
size_t len = notation->blen;
int i;
char preview[20];
for (i = 0; i < len && i < sizeof (preview) - 1; i ++)
if (isprint (notation->bdat[i]))
preview[i] = notation->bdat[i];
preview[i] = '?';
preview[i] = 0;
return xasprintf (_("[ not human readable (%zu bytes: %s%s) ]"),
len, preview, i < len ? "..." : "");
/* The value is human-readable. */
return xstrdup (notation->value);
/* Turn the notation described by the string STRING into a notation.
STRING has the form:
- -name - Delete the notation.
- - Normal notation
- ! - Notation with critical bit set.
The caller must free the result using free_notation(). */
struct notation *
string_to_notation(const char *string,int is_utf8)
const char *s;
int saw_at=0;
struct notation *notation;
/* If and when the IETF assigns some official name tags, we'll have
to add them here. */
for( s=string ; *s != '='; s++ )
if( *s=='@')
/* -notationname is legal without an = sign */
if(!*s && notation->flags.ignore)
if( !*s || !isascii (*s) || (!isgraph(*s) && !isspace(*s)) )
log_error(_("a notation name must have only printable characters"
" or spaces, and end with an '='\n") );
goto fail;
if(!saw_at && !
log_error(_("a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n"));
goto fail;
if (saw_at > 1)
log_error(_("a notation name must not contain more than"
" one '@' character\n"));
goto fail;
const char *i=s+1;
int highbit=0;
/* we only support printable text - therefore we enforce the use
of only printable characters (an empty value is valid) */
for(s++; *s ; s++ )
if ( !isascii (*s) )
else if (iscntrl(*s))
log_error(_("a notation value must not use any"
" control characters\n"));
goto fail;
if(!highbit || is_utf8)
return notation;
return NULL;
/* Like string_to_notation, but store opaque data rather than human
readable data. */
struct notation *
blob_to_notation(const char *name, const char *data, size_t len)
const char *s;
int saw_at=0;
struct notation *notation;
/* If and when the IETF assigns some official name tags, we'll have
to add them here. */
for( s=name ; *s; s++ )
if( *s=='@')
/* -notationname is legal without an = sign */
if(!*s && notation->flags.ignore)
if (*s == '=')
log_error(_("a notation name may not contain an '=' character\n"));
goto fail;
if (!isascii (*s) || (!isgraph(*s) && !isspace(*s)))
log_error(_("a notation name must have only printable characters"
" or spaces\n") );
goto fail;
notation->name=xstrdup (name);
if(!saw_at && !
log_error(_("a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n"));
goto fail;
if (saw_at > 1)
log_error(_("a notation name must not contain more than"
" one '@' character\n"));
goto fail;
notation->bdat = xmalloc (len);
memcpy (notation->bdat, data, len);
notation->blen = len;
notation->value = notation_value_to_human_readable_string (notation);
return notation;
return NULL;
struct notation *
sig_to_notation(PKT_signature *sig)
const byte *p;
size_t len;
int seq = 0;
int crit;
notation_t list = NULL;
/* See RFC 4880, for the format of notation data. In
short, a notation has:
- 4 bytes of flags
- 2 byte name length (n1)
- 2 byte value length (n2)
- n1 bytes of name data
- n2 bytes of value data
int n1,n2;
struct notation *n=NULL;
log_info(_("WARNING: invalid notation data found\n"));
/* name length. */
/* value length. */
log_info(_("WARNING: invalid notation data found\n"));
/* The value is human-readable. */
n->flags.human = 1;
/* Binary data. */
n->value = notation_value_to_human_readable_string (n);
return list;
/* Release the resources associated with the *list* of notations. To
release a single notation, make sure that notation->next is
NULL. */
free_notation(struct notation *notation)
struct notation *n=notation;
/* Serialize the signature packet (RFC 4880, Section 5.2) described by
SIG and write it to OUT. */
static int
do_signature( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_signature *sig )
int rc = 0;
int n, i;
IOBUF a = iobuf_temp();
log_assert (ctb_pkttype (ctb) == PKT_SIGNATURE);
if ( !sig->version || sig->version == 3)
iobuf_put( a, 3 );
/* Version 3 packets don't support subpackets. */
log_assert (! sig->hashed);
log_assert (! sig->unhashed);
iobuf_put( a, sig->version );
if ( sig->version < 4 )
iobuf_put (a, 5 ); /* Constant */
iobuf_put (a, sig->sig_class );
if ( sig->version < 4 )
write_32(a, sig->timestamp );
write_32(a, sig->keyid[0] );
write_32(a, sig->keyid[1] );
iobuf_put(a, sig->pubkey_algo );
iobuf_put(a, sig->digest_algo );
if ( sig->version >= 4 )
size_t nn;
/* Timestamp and keyid must have been packed into the subpackets
prior to the call of this function, because these subpackets
are hashed. */
nn = sig->hashed? sig->hashed->len : 0;
write_16(a, nn);
if (nn)
iobuf_write( a, sig->hashed->data, nn );
nn = sig->unhashed? sig->unhashed->len : 0;
write_16(a, nn);
if (nn)
iobuf_write( a, sig->unhashed->data, nn );
iobuf_put(a, sig->digest_start[0] );
iobuf_put(a, sig->digest_start[1] );
n = pubkey_get_nsig( sig->pubkey_algo );
if ( !n )
write_fake_data( a, sig->data[0] );
for (i=0; i < n && !rc ; i++ )
rc = gpg_mpi_write (a, sig->data[i] );
if (!rc)
if ( is_RSA(sig->pubkey_algo) && sig->version < 4 )
write_sign_packet_header(out, ctb, iobuf_get_temp_length(a) );
write_header(out, ctb, iobuf_get_temp_length(a) );
rc = iobuf_write_temp( out, a );
return rc;
/* Serialize the one-pass signature packet (RFC 4880, Section 5.4)
described by OPS and write it to OUT. */
static int
do_onepass_sig( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_onepass_sig *ops )
log_assert (ctb_pkttype (ctb) == PKT_ONEPASS_SIG);
write_header(out, ctb, 4 + 8 + 1);
iobuf_put (out, 3); /* Version. */
iobuf_put(out, ops->sig_class );
iobuf_put(out, ops->digest_algo );
iobuf_put(out, ops->pubkey_algo );
write_32(out, ops->keyid[0] );
write_32(out, ops->keyid[1] );
iobuf_put(out, ops->last );
return 0;
/* Write a 16-bit quantity to OUT in big endian order. */
static int
write_16(IOBUF out, u16 a)
iobuf_put(out, a>>8);
if( iobuf_put(out,a) )
return -1;
return 0;
/* Write a 32-bit quantity to OUT in big endian order. */
static int
write_32(IOBUF out, u32 a)
iobuf_put(out, a>> 24);
iobuf_put(out, a>> 16);
iobuf_put(out, a>> 8);
return iobuf_put(out, a);
* calculate the length of a header.
* LEN is the length of the packet's body. NEW_CTB is whether we are
* using a new or old format packet.
* This function does not handle indeterminate lengths or partial body
* lengths. (If you pass LEN as 0, then this function assumes you
* really mean an empty body.)
static int
calc_header_length( u32 len, int new_ctb )
if( new_ctb ) {
if( len < 192 )
return 2;
if( len < 8384 )
return 3;
return 6;
if( len < 256 )
return 2;
if( len < 65536 )
return 3;
return 5;
* Write the CTB and the packet length
static int
write_header( IOBUF out, int ctb, u32 len )
return write_header2( out, ctb, len, 0 );
static int
write_sign_packet_header (IOBUF out, int ctb, u32 len)
/* Work around a bug in the pgp read function for signature packets,
which are not correctly coded and silently assume at some point 2
byte length headers.*/
iobuf_put (out, 0x89 );
iobuf_put (out, len >> 8 );
return iobuf_put (out, len) == -1 ? -1:0;
* Write a packet header to OUT.
* CTB is the ctb. It determines whether a new or old format packet
* header should be written. The length field is adjusted, but the
* CTB is otherwise written out as is.
* LEN is the length of the packet's body.
* If HDRLEN is set, then we don't necessarily use the most efficient
* encoding to store LEN, but the specified length. (If this is not
* possible, this is a bug.) In this case, LEN=0 means a 0 length
* packet. Note: setting HDRLEN is only supported for old format
* packets!
* If HDRLEN is not set, then the shortest encoding is used. In this
* case, LEN=0 means the body has an indeterminate length and a
* partial body length header (if a new format packet) or an
* indeterminate length header (if an old format packet) is written
* out. Further, if using partial body lengths, this enables partial
* body length mode on OUT.
static int
write_header2( IOBUF out, int ctb, u32 len, int hdrlen )
if (ctb_new_format_p (ctb))
return write_new_header( out, ctb, len, hdrlen );
/* An old format packet. Refer to RFC 4880, Section 4.2.1 to
understand how lengths are encoded in this case. */
/* The length encoding is stored in the two least significant bits.
Make sure they are cleared. */
log_assert ((ctb & 3) == 0);
log_assert (hdrlen == 0 || hdrlen == 2 || hdrlen == 3 || hdrlen == 5);
if (hdrlen)
/* Header length is given. */
if( hdrlen == 2 && len < 256 )
/* 00 => 1 byte length. */
else if( hdrlen == 3 && len < 65536 )
/* 01 => 2 byte length. If len < 256, this is not the most
compact encoding, but it is a correct encoding. */
ctb |= 1;
else if (hdrlen == 5)
/* 10 => 4 byte length. If len < 65536, this is not the most
compact encoding, but it is a correct encoding. */
ctb |= 2;
log_bug ("Can't encode length=%d in a %d byte header!\n",
len, hdrlen);
if( !len )
/* 11 => Indeterminate length. */
ctb |= 3;
else if( len < 256 )
/* 00 => 1 byte length. */
else if( len < 65536 )
/* 01 => 2 byte length. */
ctb |= 1;
/* 10 => 4 byte length. */
ctb |= 2;
if( iobuf_put(out, ctb ) )
return -1;
if( len || hdrlen )
if( ctb & 2 )
if(iobuf_put(out, len >> 24 ))
return -1;
if(iobuf_put(out, len >> 16 ))
return -1;
if( ctb & 3 )
if(iobuf_put(out, len >> 8 ))
return -1;
if( iobuf_put(out, len ) )
return -1;
return 0;
/* Write a new format header to OUT.
CTB is the ctb.
LEN is the length of the packet's body. If LEN is 0, then enables
partial body length mode (i.e., the body is of an indeterminant
length) on OUT. Note: this function cannot be used to generate a
header for a zero length packet.
HDRLEN is the length of the packet's header. If HDRLEN is 0, the
shortest encoding is chosen based on the length of the packet's
body. Currently, values other than 0 are not supported.
Returns 0 on success. */
static int
write_new_header( IOBUF out, int ctb, u32 len, int hdrlen )
if( hdrlen )
log_bug("can't cope with hdrlen yet\n");
if( iobuf_put(out, ctb ) )
return -1;
if( !len ) {
iobuf_set_partial_body_length_mode(out, 512 );
else {
if( len < 192 ) {
if( iobuf_put(out, len ) )
return -1;
else if( len < 8384 ) {
len -= 192;
if( iobuf_put( out, (len / 256) + 192) )
return -1;
if( iobuf_put( out, (len % 256) ) )
return -1;
else {
if( iobuf_put( out, 0xff ) )
return -1;
if( iobuf_put( out, (len >> 24)&0xff ) )
return -1;
if( iobuf_put( out, (len >> 16)&0xff ) )
return -1;
if( iobuf_put( out, (len >> 8)&0xff ) )
return -1;
if( iobuf_put( out, len & 0xff ) )
return -1;
return 0;
diff --git a/g10/call-agent.c b/g10/call-agent.c
index eeea7bf97..1d4bd664c 100644
--- a/g10/call-agent.c
+++ b/g10/call-agent.c
@@ -1,2309 +1,2309 @@
/* call-agent.c - Divert GPG operations to the agent.
* Copyright (C) 2001-2003, 2006-2011, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include <assuan.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "membuf.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "asshelp.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "call-agent.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "../common/shareddefs.h"
#include "host2net.h"
#define CONTROL_D ('D' - 'A' + 1)
static assuan_context_t agent_ctx = NULL;
static int did_early_card_test;
struct default_inq_parm_s
ctrl_t ctrl;
assuan_context_t ctx;
struct {
u32 *keyid;
u32 *mainkeyid;
int pubkey_algo;
} keyinfo;
struct cipher_parm_s
struct default_inq_parm_s *dflt;
assuan_context_t ctx;
unsigned char *ciphertext;
size_t ciphertextlen;
struct writecert_parm_s
struct default_inq_parm_s *dflt;
const unsigned char *certdata;
size_t certdatalen;
struct writekey_parm_s
struct default_inq_parm_s *dflt;
const unsigned char *keydata;
size_t keydatalen;
struct genkey_parm_s
struct default_inq_parm_s *dflt;
const char *keyparms;
const char *passphrase;
struct import_key_parm_s
struct default_inq_parm_s *dflt;
const void *key;
size_t keylen;
struct cache_nonce_parm_s
char **cache_nonce_addr;
char **passwd_nonce_addr;
static gpg_error_t learn_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line);
/* If RC is not 0, write an appropriate status message. */
static void
status_sc_op_failure (int rc)
switch (gpg_err_code (rc))
case 0:
write_status_text (STATUS_SC_OP_FAILURE, "1");
write_status_text (STATUS_SC_OP_FAILURE, "2");
write_status (STATUS_SC_OP_FAILURE);
/* This is the default inquiry callback. It mainly handles the
Pinentry notifications. */
static gpg_error_t
default_inq_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
struct default_inq_parm_s *parm = opaque;
if (has_leading_keyword (line, "PINENTRY_LAUNCHED"))
err = gpg_proxy_pinentry_notify (parm->ctrl, line);
if (err)
log_error (_("failed to proxy %s inquiry to client\n"),
/* We do not pass errors to avoid breaking other code. */
else if ((has_leading_keyword (line, "PASSPHRASE")
|| has_leading_keyword (line, "NEW_PASSPHRASE"))
&& opt.pinentry_mode == PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK)
if (have_static_passphrase ())
const char *s = get_static_passphrase ();
err = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, s, strlen (s));
char *pw;
char buf[32];
if (parm->keyinfo.keyid)
emit_status_need_passphrase (parm->keyinfo.keyid,
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%u", 100);
write_status_text (STATUS_INQUIRE_MAXLEN, buf);
pw = cpr_get_hidden ("passphrase.enter", _("Enter passphrase: "));
cpr_kill_prompt ();
if (*pw == CONTROL_D && !pw[1])
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
err = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, pw, strlen (pw));
xfree (pw);
log_debug ("ignoring gpg-agent inquiry '%s'\n", line);
return err;
/* Print a warning if the server's version number is less than our
version number. Returns an error code on a connection problem. */
static gpg_error_t
warn_version_mismatch (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *servername, int mode)
gpg_error_t err;
char *serverversion;
const char *myversion = strusage (13);
err = get_assuan_server_version (ctx, mode, &serverversion);
if (err)
log_error (_("error getting version from '%s': %s\n"),
servername, gpg_strerror (err));
else if (compare_version_strings (serverversion, myversion) < 0)
char *warn;
warn = xtryasprintf (_("server '%s' is older than us (%s < %s)"),
servername, serverversion, myversion);
if (!warn)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_info (_("WARNING: %s\n"), warn);
write_status_strings (STATUS_WARNING, "server_version_mismatch 0",
" ", warn, NULL);
xfree (warn);
xfree (serverversion);
return err;
/* Try to connect to the agent via socket or fork it off and work by
pipes. Handle the server's initial greeting */
static int
start_agent (ctrl_t ctrl, int for_card)
int rc;
(void)ctrl; /* Not yet used. */
/* Fixme: We need a context for each thread or serialize the access
to the agent. */
if (agent_ctx)
rc = 0;
rc = start_new_gpg_agent (&agent_ctx,
opt.lc_ctype, opt.lc_messages,
opt.autostart, opt.verbose, DBG_IPC,
if (!opt.autostart && gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_AGENT)
static int shown;
if (!shown)
shown = 1;
log_info (_("no gpg-agent running in this session\n"));
else if (!rc
&& !(rc = warn_version_mismatch (agent_ctx, GPG_AGENT_NAME, 0)))
/* Tell the agent that we support Pinentry notifications.
No error checking so that it will work also with older
agents. */
assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "OPTION allow-pinentry-notify",
/* Tell the agent about what version we are aware. This is
here used to indirectly enable GPG_ERR_FULLY_CANCELED. */
assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "OPTION agent-awareness=2.1.0",
/* Pass on the pinentry mode. */
if (opt.pinentry_mode)
char *tmp = xasprintf ("OPTION pinentry-mode=%s",
str_pinentry_mode (opt.pinentry_mode));
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, tmp,
xfree (tmp);
if (rc)
log_error ("setting pinentry mode '%s' failed: %s\n",
str_pinentry_mode (opt.pinentry_mode),
gpg_strerror (rc));
write_status_error ("set_pinentry_mode", rc);
if (!rc && for_card && !did_early_card_test)
/* Request the serial number of the card for an early test. */
struct agent_card_info_s info;
memset (&info, 0, sizeof info);
rc = warn_version_mismatch (agent_ctx, SCDAEMON_NAME, 2);
if (!rc)
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "SCD SERIALNO openpgp",
learn_status_cb, &info);
if (rc)
switch (gpg_err_code (rc))
write_status_text (STATUS_CARDCTRL, "6");
write_status_text (STATUS_CARDCTRL, "7");
write_status_text (STATUS_CARDCTRL, "4");
log_info ("selecting openpgp failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
if (!rc && is_status_enabled () && info.serialno)
char *buf;
buf = xasprintf ("3 %s", info.serialno);
write_status_text (STATUS_CARDCTRL, buf);
xfree (buf);
agent_release_card_info (&info);
if (!rc)
did_early_card_test = 1;
return rc;
/* Return a new malloced string by unescaping the string S. Escaping
is percent escaping and '+'/space mapping. A binary nul will
silently be replaced by a 0xFF. Function returns NULL to indicate
an out of memory status. */
static char *
unescape_status_string (const unsigned char *s)
return percent_plus_unescape (s, 0xff);
/* Take a 20 byte hexencoded string and put it into the the provided
20 byte buffer FPR in binary format. */
static int
unhexify_fpr (const char *hexstr, unsigned char *fpr)
const char *s;
int n;
for (s=hexstr, n=0; hexdigitp (s); s++, n++)
if (*s || (n != 40))
return 0; /* no fingerprint (invalid or wrong length). */
for (s=hexstr, n=0; *s; s += 2, n++)
fpr[n] = xtoi_2 (s);
return 1; /* okay */
/* Take the serial number from LINE and return it verbatim in a newly
allocated string. We make sure that only hex characters are
returned. */
static char *
store_serialno (const char *line)
const char *s;
char *p;
for (s=line; hexdigitp (s); s++)
p = xtrymalloc (s + 1 - line);
if (p)
memcpy (p, line, s-line);
p[s-line] = 0;
return p;
/* This is a dummy data line callback. */
static gpg_error_t
dummy_data_cb (void *opaque, const void *buffer, size_t length)
return 0;
/* A simple callback used to return the serialnumber of a card. */
static gpg_error_t
get_serialno_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
char **serialno = opaque;
const char *keyword = line;
const char *s;
int keywordlen, n;
for (keywordlen=0; *line && !spacep (line); line++, keywordlen++)
while (spacep (line))
if (keywordlen == 8 && !memcmp (keyword, "SERIALNO", keywordlen))
if (*serialno)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFLICT); /* Unexpected status line. */
for (n=0,s=line; hexdigitp (s); s++, n++)
if (!n || (n&1)|| !(spacep (s) || !*s) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER);
*serialno = xtrymalloc (n+1);
if (!*serialno)
return out_of_core ();
memcpy (*serialno, line, n);
(*serialno)[n] = 0;
return 0;
/* Release the card info structure INFO. */
agent_release_card_info (struct agent_card_info_s *info)
int i;
if (!info)
xfree (info->reader); info->reader = NULL;
xfree (info->serialno); info->serialno = NULL;
xfree (info->apptype); info->apptype = NULL;
xfree (info->disp_name); info->disp_name = NULL;
xfree (info->disp_lang); info->disp_lang = NULL;
xfree (info->pubkey_url); info->pubkey_url = NULL;
xfree (info->login_data); info->login_data = NULL;
info->cafpr1valid = info->cafpr2valid = info->cafpr3valid = 0;
info->fpr1valid = info->fpr2valid = info->fpr3valid = 0;
for (i=0; i < DIM(info->private_do); i++)
xfree (info->private_do[i]);
info->private_do[i] = NULL;
static gpg_error_t
learn_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct agent_card_info_s *parm = opaque;
const char *keyword = line;
int keywordlen;
int i;
for (keywordlen=0; *line && !spacep (line); line++, keywordlen++)
while (spacep (line))
if (keywordlen == 6 && !memcmp (keyword, "READER", keywordlen))
xfree (parm->reader);
parm->reader = unescape_status_string (line);
else if (keywordlen == 8 && !memcmp (keyword, "SERIALNO", keywordlen))
xfree (parm->serialno);
parm->serialno = store_serialno (line);
parm->is_v2 = (strlen (parm->serialno) >= 16
&& xtoi_2 (parm->serialno+12) >= 2 );
else if (keywordlen == 7 && !memcmp (keyword, "APPTYPE", keywordlen))
xfree (parm->apptype);
parm->apptype = unescape_status_string (line);
else if (keywordlen == 9 && !memcmp (keyword, "DISP-NAME", keywordlen))
xfree (parm->disp_name);
parm->disp_name = unescape_status_string (line);
else if (keywordlen == 9 && !memcmp (keyword, "DISP-LANG", keywordlen))
xfree (parm->disp_lang);
parm->disp_lang = unescape_status_string (line);
else if (keywordlen == 8 && !memcmp (keyword, "DISP-SEX", keywordlen))
parm->disp_sex = *line == '1'? 1 : *line == '2' ? 2: 0;
else if (keywordlen == 10 && !memcmp (keyword, "PUBKEY-URL", keywordlen))
xfree (parm->pubkey_url);
parm->pubkey_url = unescape_status_string (line);
else if (keywordlen == 10 && !memcmp (keyword, "LOGIN-DATA", keywordlen))
xfree (parm->login_data);
parm->login_data = unescape_status_string (line);
else if (keywordlen == 11 && !memcmp (keyword, "SIG-COUNTER", keywordlen))
parm->sig_counter = strtoul (line, NULL, 0);
else if (keywordlen == 10 && !memcmp (keyword, "CHV-STATUS", keywordlen))
char *p, *buf;
buf = p = unescape_status_string (line);
if (buf)
while (spacep (p))
parm->chv1_cached = atoi (p);
while (*p && !spacep (p))
while (spacep (p))
for (i=0; *p && i < 3; i++)
parm->chvmaxlen[i] = atoi (p);
while (*p && !spacep (p))
while (spacep (p))
for (i=0; *p && i < 3; i++)
parm->chvretry[i] = atoi (p);
while (*p && !spacep (p))
while (spacep (p))
xfree (buf);
else if (keywordlen == 6 && !memcmp (keyword, "EXTCAP", keywordlen))
char *p, *p2, *buf;
int abool;
buf = p = unescape_status_string (line);
if (buf)
for (p = strtok (buf, " "); p; p = strtok (NULL, " "))
p2 = strchr (p, '=');
if (p2)
*p2++ = 0;
abool = (*p2 == '1');
if (!strcmp (p, "ki"))
parm-> = abool;
else if (!strcmp (p, "aac"))
parm->extcap.aac = abool;
else if (!strcmp (p, "si"))
parm->status_indicator = strtoul (p2, NULL, 10);
xfree (buf);
else if (keywordlen == 7 && !memcmp (keyword, "KEY-FPR", keywordlen))
int no = atoi (line);
while (*line && !spacep (line))
while (spacep (line))
if (no == 1)
parm->fpr1valid = unhexify_fpr (line, parm->fpr1);
else if (no == 2)
parm->fpr2valid = unhexify_fpr (line, parm->fpr2);
else if (no == 3)
parm->fpr3valid = unhexify_fpr (line, parm->fpr3);
else if (keywordlen == 8 && !memcmp (keyword, "KEY-TIME", keywordlen))
int no = atoi (line);
while (* line && !spacep (line))
while (spacep (line))
if (no == 1)
parm->fpr1time = strtoul (line, NULL, 10);
else if (no == 2)
parm->fpr2time = strtoul (line, NULL, 10);
else if (no == 3)
parm->fpr3time = strtoul (line, NULL, 10);
else if (keywordlen == 6 && !memcmp (keyword, "CA-FPR", keywordlen))
int no = atoi (line);
while (*line && !spacep (line))
while (spacep (line))
if (no == 1)
parm->cafpr1valid = unhexify_fpr (line, parm->cafpr1);
else if (no == 2)
parm->cafpr2valid = unhexify_fpr (line, parm->cafpr2);
else if (no == 3)
parm->cafpr3valid = unhexify_fpr (line, parm->cafpr3);
else if (keywordlen == 8 && !memcmp (keyword, "KEY-ATTR", keywordlen))
int keyno = 0;
int algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA;
int n = 0;
sscanf (line, "%d %d %n", &keyno, &algo, &n);
if (keyno < 0 || keyno >= DIM (parm->key_attr))
return 0;
parm->key_attr[keyno].algo = algo;
if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA)
parm->key_attr[keyno].nbits = strtoul (line+n+3, NULL, 10);
else if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH || algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA
parm->key_attr[keyno].curve = openpgp_is_curve_supported (line+n, NULL);
else if (keywordlen == 12 && !memcmp (keyword, "PRIVATE-DO-", 11)
&& strchr("1234", keyword[11]))
int no = keyword[11] - '1';
log_assert (no >= 0 && no <= 3);
xfree (parm->private_do[no]);
parm->private_do[no] = unescape_status_string (line);
return 0;
/* Call the scdaemon to learn about a smartcard */
agent_scd_learn (struct agent_card_info_s *info, int force)
int rc;
struct default_inq_parm_s parm;
struct agent_card_info_s dummyinfo;
if (!info)
info = &dummyinfo;
memset (info, 0, sizeof *info);
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
rc = start_agent (NULL, 1);
if (rc)
return rc;
/* Send the serialno command to initialize the connection. We don't
care about the data returned. If the card has already been
initialized, this is a very fast command. The main reason we
need to do this here is to handle a card removed case so that an
"l" command in --card-edit can be used to show ta newly inserted
card. We request the openpgp card because that is what we
expect. */
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "SCD SERIALNO openpgp",
if (rc)
return rc;
parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx,
force ? "LEARN --sendinfo --force" : "LEARN --sendinfo",
dummy_data_cb, NULL, default_inq_cb, &parm,
learn_status_cb, info);
/* Also try to get the key attributes. */
if (!rc)
agent_scd_getattr ("KEY-ATTR", info);
if (info == &dummyinfo)
agent_release_card_info (info);
return rc;
/* Send an APDU to the current card. On success the status word is
stored at R_SW. With HEXAPDU being NULL only a RESET command is
send to scd. With HEXAPDU being the string "undefined" the command
"SERIALNO undefined" is send to scd. */
agent_scd_apdu (const char *hexapdu, unsigned int *r_sw)
gpg_error_t err;
/* Start the agent but not with the card flag so that we do not
autoselect the openpgp application. */
err = start_agent (NULL, 0);
if (err)
return err;
if (!hexapdu)
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "SCD RESET",
else if (!strcmp (hexapdu, "undefined"))
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "SCD SERIALNO undefined",
membuf_t mb;
unsigned char *data;
size_t datalen;
init_membuf (&mb, 256);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SCD APDU %s", hexapdu);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
put_membuf_cb, &mb, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (!err)
data = get_membuf (&mb, &datalen);
if (!data)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
else if (datalen < 2) /* Ooops */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD);
*r_sw = buf16_to_uint (data+datalen-2);
xfree (data);
return err;
agent_keytocard (const char *hexgrip, int keyno, int force,
const char *serialno, const char *timestamp)
int rc;
struct default_inq_parm_s parm;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "KEYTOCARD %s%s %s OPENPGP.%d %s",
force?"--force ": "", hexgrip, serialno, keyno, timestamp);
rc = start_agent (NULL, 1);
if (rc)
return rc;
parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, default_inq_cb, &parm,
if (rc)
return rc;
return rc;
/* Call the agent to retrieve a data object. This function returns
the data in the same structure as used by the learn command. It is
allowed to update such a structure using this commmand. */
agent_scd_getattr (const char *name, struct agent_card_info_s *info)
int rc;
struct default_inq_parm_s parm;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
if (!*name)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
/* We assume that NAME does not need escaping. */
if (12 + strlen (name) > DIM(line)-1)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
stpcpy (stpcpy (line, "SCD GETATTR "), name);
rc = start_agent (NULL, 1);
if (rc)
return rc;
parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, default_inq_cb, &parm,
learn_status_cb, info);
return rc;
/* Send an setattr command to the SCdaemon. SERIALNO is not actually
used here but required by gpg 1.4's implementation of this code in
cardglue.c. */
agent_scd_setattr (const char *name,
const unsigned char *value, size_t valuelen,
const char *serialno)
int rc;
char *p;
struct default_inq_parm_s parm;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
if (!*name || !valuelen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
/* We assume that NAME does not need escaping. */
if (12 + strlen (name) > DIM(line)-1)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
p = stpcpy (stpcpy (line, "SCD SETATTR "), name);
*p++ = ' ';
for (; valuelen; value++, valuelen--)
if (p >= line + DIM(line)-5 )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
if (*value < ' ' || *value == '+' || *value == '%')
sprintf (p, "%%%02X", *value);
p += 3;
else if (*value == ' ')
*p++ = '+';
*p++ = *value;
*p = 0;
rc = start_agent (NULL, 1);
if (!rc)
parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL,
default_inq_cb, &parm, NULL, NULL);
status_sc_op_failure (rc);
return rc;
/* Handle a CERTDATA inquiry. Note, we only send the data,
assuan_transact takes care of flushing and writing the END
command. */
static gpg_error_t
inq_writecert_parms (void *opaque, const char *line)
int rc;
struct writecert_parm_s *parm = opaque;
if (has_leading_keyword (line, "CERTDATA"))
rc = assuan_send_data (parm->dflt->ctx,
parm->certdata, parm->certdatalen);
rc = default_inq_cb (parm->dflt, line);
return rc;
/* Send a WRITECERT command to the SCdaemon. */
agent_scd_writecert (const char *certidstr,
const unsigned char *certdata, size_t certdatalen)
int rc;
struct writecert_parm_s parms;
struct default_inq_parm_s dfltparm;
memset (&dfltparm, 0, sizeof dfltparm);
rc = start_agent (NULL, 1);
if (rc)
return rc;
memset (&parms, 0, sizeof parms);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SCD WRITECERT %s", certidstr);
dfltparm.ctx = agent_ctx;
parms.dflt = &dfltparm;
parms.certdata = certdata;
parms.certdatalen = certdatalen;
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL,
inq_writecert_parms, &parms, NULL, NULL);
return rc;
/* Handle a KEYDATA inquiry. Note, we only send the data,
assuan_transact takes care of flushing and writing the end */
static gpg_error_t
inq_writekey_parms (void *opaque, const char *line)
int rc;
struct writekey_parm_s *parm = opaque;
if (has_leading_keyword (line, "KEYDATA"))
rc = assuan_send_data (parm->dflt->ctx, parm->keydata, parm->keydatalen);
rc = default_inq_cb (parm->dflt, line);
return rc;
/* Send a WRITEKEY command to the SCdaemon. */
agent_scd_writekey (int keyno, const char *serialno,
const unsigned char *keydata, size_t keydatalen)
int rc;
struct writekey_parm_s parms;
struct default_inq_parm_s dfltparm;
memset (&dfltparm, 0, sizeof dfltparm);
rc = start_agent (NULL, 1);
if (rc)
return rc;
memset (&parms, 0, sizeof parms);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SCD WRITEKEY --force OPENPGP.%d", keyno);
dfltparm.ctx = agent_ctx;
parms.dflt = &dfltparm;
parms.keydata = keydata;
parms.keydatalen = keydatalen;
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL,
inq_writekey_parms, &parms, NULL, NULL);
status_sc_op_failure (rc);
return rc;
/* Status callback for the SCD GENKEY command. */
static gpg_error_t
scd_genkey_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
u32 *createtime = opaque;
const char *keyword = line;
int keywordlen;
for (keywordlen=0; *line && !spacep (line); line++, keywordlen++)
while (spacep (line))
if (keywordlen == 14 && !memcmp (keyword,"KEY-CREATED-AT", keywordlen))
*createtime = (u32)strtoul (line, NULL, 10);
else if (keywordlen == 8 && !memcmp (keyword, "PROGRESS", keywordlen))
write_status_text (STATUS_PROGRESS, line);
return 0;
/* Send a GENKEY command to the SCdaemon. If *CREATETIME is not 0,
the value will be passed to SCDAEMON with --timestamp option so that
the key is created with this. Otherwise, timestamp was generated by
SCDEAMON. On success, creation time is stored back to
agent_scd_genkey (int keyno, int force, u32 *createtime)
int rc;
gnupg_isotime_t tbuf;
struct default_inq_parm_s dfltparm;
memset (&dfltparm, 0, sizeof dfltparm);
rc = start_agent (NULL, 1);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (*createtime)
epoch2isotime (tbuf, *createtime);
*tbuf = 0;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SCD GENKEY %s%s %s %d",
*tbuf? "--timestamp=":"", tbuf,
force? "--force":"",
dfltparm.ctx = agent_ctx;
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
NULL, NULL, default_inq_cb, &dfltparm,
scd_genkey_cb, createtime);
status_sc_op_failure (rc);
return rc;
/* Issue an SCD SERIALNO openpgp command and if SERIALNO is not NULL
ask the user to insert the requested card. */
select_openpgp (const char *serialno)
gpg_error_t err;
/* Send the serialno command to initialize the connection. Without
a given S/N we don't care about the data returned. If the card
has already been initialized, this is a very fast command. We
request the openpgp card because that is what we expect.
Note that an opt.limit_card_insert_tries of 1 means: No tries at
all whereas 0 means do not limit the number of tries. Due to the
sue of a pinentry prompt with a cancel option we use it here in a
boolean sense. */
if (!serialno || opt.limit_card_insert_tries == 1)
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "SCD SERIALNO openpgp",
char *this_sn = NULL;
char *desc;
int ask;
char *want_sn;
char *p;
want_sn = xtrystrdup (serialno);
if (!want_sn)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
p = strchr (want_sn, '/');
if (p)
*p = 0;
ask = 0;
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "SCD SERIALNO openpgp",
get_serialno_cb, &this_sn);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_PRESENT)
ask = 1;
else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)
ask = 2;
else if (err)
else if (this_sn)
if (strcmp (want_sn, this_sn))
ask = 2;
xfree (this_sn);
this_sn = NULL;
if (ask)
char *formatted = NULL;
char *ocodeset = i18n_switchto_utf8 ();
if (!strncmp (want_sn, "D27600012401", 12)
&& strlen (want_sn) == 32 )
formatted = xtryasprintf ("(%.4s) %.8s",
want_sn + 16, want_sn + 20);
err = 0;
desc = xtryasprintf
" \"%s\"",
ask == 1
? _("Please insert the card with serial number")
: _("Please remove the current card and "
"insert the one with serial number"),
formatted? formatted : want_sn);
if (!desc)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (formatted);
i18n_switchback (ocodeset);
if (!err)
err = gpg_agent_get_confirmation (desc);
xfree (desc);
while (ask && !err);
xfree (want_sn);
return err;
/* Send a READCERT command to the SCdaemon. */
agent_scd_readcert (const char *certidstr,
void **r_buf, size_t *r_buflen)
int rc;
membuf_t data;
size_t len;
struct default_inq_parm_s dfltparm;
memset (&dfltparm, 0, sizeof dfltparm);
*r_buf = NULL;
rc = start_agent (NULL, 1);
if (rc)
return rc;
dfltparm.ctx = agent_ctx;
init_membuf (&data, 2048);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SCD READCERT %s", certidstr);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
put_membuf_cb, &data,
default_inq_cb, &dfltparm,
if (rc)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, &len));
return rc;
*r_buf = get_membuf (&data, r_buflen);
if (!*r_buf)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);
return 0;
/* Change the PIN of an OpenPGP card or reset the retry counter.
CHVNO 1: Change the PIN
2: For v1 cards: Same as 1.
For v2 cards: Reset the PIN using the Reset Code.
3: Change the admin PIN
101: Set a new PIN and reset the retry counter
102: For v1 cars: Same as 101.
For v2 cards: Set a new Reset Code.
SERIALNO is not used.
agent_scd_change_pin (int chvno, const char *serialno)
int rc;
const char *reset = "";
struct default_inq_parm_s dfltparm;
memset (&dfltparm, 0, sizeof dfltparm);
if (chvno >= 100)
reset = "--reset";
chvno %= 100;
rc = start_agent (NULL, 1);
if (rc)
return rc;
dfltparm.ctx = agent_ctx;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SCD PASSWD %s %d", reset, chvno);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
default_inq_cb, &dfltparm,
status_sc_op_failure (rc);
return rc;
/* Perform a CHECKPIN operation. SERIALNO should be the serial
number of the card - optionally followed by the fingerprint;
however the fingerprint is ignored here. */
agent_scd_checkpin (const char *serialno)
int rc;
struct default_inq_parm_s dfltparm;
memset (&dfltparm, 0, sizeof dfltparm);
rc = start_agent (NULL, 1);
if (rc)
return rc;
dfltparm.ctx = agent_ctx;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SCD CHECKPIN %s", serialno);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
default_inq_cb, &dfltparm,
status_sc_op_failure (rc);
return rc;
/* Dummy function, only used by the gpg 1.4 implementation. */
agent_clear_pin_cache (const char *sn)
/* Note: All strings shall be UTF-8. On success the caller needs to
free the string stored at R_PASSPHRASE. On error NULL will be
stored at R_PASSPHRASE and an appropriate fpf error code
returned. */
agent_get_passphrase (const char *cache_id,
const char *err_msg,
const char *prompt,
const char *desc_msg,
int repeat,
int check,
char **r_passphrase)
int rc;
char *arg1 = NULL;
char *arg2 = NULL;
char *arg3 = NULL;
char *arg4 = NULL;
membuf_t data;
struct default_inq_parm_s dfltparm;
memset (&dfltparm, 0, sizeof dfltparm);
*r_passphrase = NULL;
rc = start_agent (NULL, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
dfltparm.ctx = agent_ctx;
/* Check that the gpg-agent understands the repeat option. */
if (assuan_transact (agent_ctx,
"GETINFO cmd_has_option GET_PASSPHRASE repeat",
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
if (cache_id && *cache_id)
if (!(arg1 = percent_plus_escape (cache_id)))
goto no_mem;
if (err_msg && *err_msg)
if (!(arg2 = percent_plus_escape (err_msg)))
goto no_mem;
if (prompt && *prompt)
if (!(arg3 = percent_plus_escape (prompt)))
goto no_mem;
if (desc_msg && *desc_msg)
if (!(arg4 = percent_plus_escape (desc_msg)))
goto no_mem;
snprintf (line, DIM(line),
"GET_PASSPHRASE --data --repeat=%d%s -- %s %s %s %s",
check? " --check --qualitybar":"",
arg1? arg1:"X",
arg2? arg2:"X",
arg3? arg3:"X",
arg4? arg4:"X");
xfree (arg1);
xfree (arg2);
xfree (arg3);
xfree (arg4);
init_membuf_secure (&data, 64);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
put_membuf_cb, &data,
default_inq_cb, &dfltparm,
if (rc)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, NULL));
put_membuf (&data, "", 1);
*r_passphrase = get_membuf (&data, NULL);
if (!*r_passphrase)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return rc;
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (arg1);
xfree (arg2);
xfree (arg3);
xfree (arg4);
return rc;
agent_clear_passphrase (const char *cache_id)
int rc;
struct default_inq_parm_s dfltparm;
memset (&dfltparm, 0, sizeof dfltparm);
if (!cache_id || !*cache_id)
return 0;
rc = start_agent (NULL, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
dfltparm.ctx = agent_ctx;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "CLEAR_PASSPHRASE %s", cache_id);
return assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
default_inq_cb, &dfltparm,
/* Ask the agent to pop up a confirmation dialog with the text DESC
and an okay and cancel button. */
gpg_agent_get_confirmation (const char *desc)
int rc;
char *tmp;
struct default_inq_parm_s dfltparm;
memset (&dfltparm, 0, sizeof dfltparm);
rc = start_agent (NULL, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
dfltparm.ctx = agent_ctx;
tmp = percent_plus_escape (desc);
if (!tmp)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "GET_CONFIRMATION %s", tmp);
xfree (tmp);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
default_inq_cb, &dfltparm,
return rc;
/* Return the S2K iteration count as computed by gpg-agent. */
agent_get_s2k_count (unsigned long *r_count)
gpg_error_t err;
membuf_t data;
char *buf;
*r_count = 0;
err = start_agent (NULL, 0);
if (err)
return err;
init_membuf (&data, 32);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "GETINFO s2k_count",
put_membuf_cb, &data,
if (err)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, NULL));
put_membuf (&data, "", 1);
buf = get_membuf (&data, NULL);
if (!buf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*r_count = strtoul (buf, NULL, 10);
xfree (buf);
return err;
/* Ask the agent whether a secret key for the given public key is
available. Returns 0 if available. */
agent_probe_secret_key (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk)
gpg_error_t err;
char *hexgrip;
err = start_agent (ctrl, 0);
if (err)
return err;
err = hexkeygrip_from_pk (pk, &hexgrip);
if (err)
return err;
snprintf (line, sizeof line, "HAVEKEY %s", hexgrip);
xfree (hexgrip);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
return err;
/* Ask the agent whether a secret key is available for any of the
keys (primary or sub) in KEYBLOCK. Returns 0 if available. */
agent_probe_any_secret_key (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock)
gpg_error_t err;
char *p;
kbnode_t kbctx, node;
int nkeys;
unsigned char grip[20];
err = start_agent (ctrl, 0);
if (err)
return err;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY); /* Just in case no key was
found in KEYBLOCK. */
p = stpcpy (line, "HAVEKEY");
for (kbctx=NULL, nkeys=0; (node = walk_kbnode (keyblock, &kbctx, 0)); )
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
if (nkeys && ((p - line) + 41) > (ASSUAN_LINELENGTH - 2))
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
if (err != gpg_err_code (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY))
break; /* Seckey available or unexpected error - ready. */
p = stpcpy (line, "HAVEKEY");
nkeys = 0;
err = keygrip_from_pk (node->pkt->pkt.public_key, grip);
if (err)
return err;
*p++ = ' ';
bin2hex (grip, 20, p);
p += 40;
if (!err && nkeys)
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
return err;
struct keyinfo_data_parm_s
char *serialno;
int cleartext;
static gpg_error_t
keyinfo_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct keyinfo_data_parm_s *data = opaque;
int is_smartcard;
char *s;
if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "KEYINFO")) && data)
/* Parse the arguments:
* 0 1 2 3 4 5
* <keygrip> <type> <serialno> <idstr> <cached> <protection>
char *fields[6];
if (split_fields (s, fields, DIM (fields)) == 6)
is_smartcard = (fields[1][0] == 'T');
if (is_smartcard && !data->serialno && strcmp (fields[2], "-"))
data->serialno = xtrystrdup (fields[2]);
/* 'P' for protected, 'C' for clear */
data->cleartext = (fields[5][0] == 'C');
return 0;
/* Return the serial number for a secret key. If the returned serial
number is NULL, the key is not stored on a smartcard. Caller needs
to free R_SERIALNO.
if r_cleartext is not NULL, the referenced int will be set to 1 if
the agent's copy of the key is stored in the clear, or 0 otherwise
agent_get_keyinfo (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexkeygrip,
char **r_serialno, int *r_cleartext)
gpg_error_t err;
struct keyinfo_data_parm_s keyinfo;
memset (&keyinfo, 0,sizeof keyinfo);
*r_serialno = NULL;
err = start_agent (ctrl, 0);
if (err)
return err;
if (!hexkeygrip || strlen (hexkeygrip) != 40)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "KEYINFO %s", hexkeygrip);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
keyinfo_status_cb, &keyinfo);
if (!err && keyinfo.serialno)
/* Sanity check for bad characters. */
if (strpbrk (keyinfo.serialno, ":\n\r"))
if (err)
xfree (keyinfo.serialno);
*r_serialno = keyinfo.serialno;
if (r_cleartext)
*r_cleartext = keyinfo.cleartext;
return err;
/* Status callback for agent_import_key, agent_export_key and
agent_genkey. */
static gpg_error_t
cache_nonce_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct cache_nonce_parm_s *parm = opaque;
const char *s;
if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "CACHE_NONCE")))
if (parm->cache_nonce_addr)
xfree (*parm->cache_nonce_addr);
*parm->cache_nonce_addr = xtrystrdup (s);
else if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "PASSWD_NONCE")))
if (parm->passwd_nonce_addr)
xfree (*parm->passwd_nonce_addr);
*parm->passwd_nonce_addr = xtrystrdup (s);
else if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "PROGRESS")))
if (opt.enable_progress_filter)
write_status_text (STATUS_PROGRESS, s);
return 0;
/* Handle a KEYPARMS inquiry. Note, we only send the data,
assuan_transact takes care of flushing and writing the end */
static gpg_error_t
inq_genkey_parms (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct genkey_parm_s *parm = opaque;
gpg_error_t err;
if (has_leading_keyword (line, "KEYPARAM"))
err = assuan_send_data (parm->dflt->ctx,
parm->keyparms, strlen (parm->keyparms));
else if (has_leading_keyword (line, "NEWPASSWD") && parm->passphrase)
err = assuan_send_data (parm->dflt->ctx,
parm->passphrase, strlen (parm->passphrase));
err = default_inq_cb (parm->dflt, line);
return err;
/* Call the agent to generate a new key. KEYPARMS is the usual
S-expression giving the parameters of the key. gpg-agent passes it
gcry_pk_genkey. If NO_PROTECTION is true the agent is advised not
to protect the generated key. If NO_PROTECTION is not set and
PASSPHRASE is not NULL the agent is requested to protect the key
with that passphrase instead of asking for one. */
agent_genkey (ctrl_t ctrl, char **cache_nonce_addr, char **passwd_nonce_addr,
const char *keyparms, int no_protection,
const char *passphrase, gcry_sexp_t *r_pubkey)
gpg_error_t err;
struct genkey_parm_s gk_parm;
struct cache_nonce_parm_s cn_parm;
struct default_inq_parm_s dfltparm;
membuf_t data;
size_t len;
unsigned char *buf;
memset (&dfltparm, 0, sizeof dfltparm);
dfltparm.ctrl = ctrl;
*r_pubkey = NULL;
err = start_agent (ctrl, 0);
if (err)
return err;
dfltparm.ctx = agent_ctx;
if (passwd_nonce_addr && *passwd_nonce_addr)
; /* A RESET would flush the passwd nonce cache. */
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "RESET",
if (err)
return err;
init_membuf (&data, 1024);
gk_parm.dflt = &dfltparm;
gk_parm.keyparms = keyparms;
gk_parm.passphrase = passphrase;
snprintf (line, sizeof line, "GENKEY%s%s%s%s%s",
no_protection? " --no-protection" :
passphrase ? " --inq-passwd" :
/* */ "",
passwd_nonce_addr && *passwd_nonce_addr? " --passwd-nonce=":"",
passwd_nonce_addr && *passwd_nonce_addr? *passwd_nonce_addr:"",
cache_nonce_addr && *cache_nonce_addr? " ":"",
cache_nonce_addr && *cache_nonce_addr? *cache_nonce_addr:"");
cn_parm.cache_nonce_addr = cache_nonce_addr;
cn_parm.passwd_nonce_addr = NULL;
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
put_membuf_cb, &data,
inq_genkey_parms, &gk_parm,
cache_nonce_status_cb, &cn_parm);
if (err)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, &len));
return err;
buf = get_membuf (&data, &len);
if (!buf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = gcry_sexp_sscan (r_pubkey, NULL, buf, len);
xfree (buf);
return err;
/* Call the agent to read the public key part for a given keygrip. If
FROMCARD is true, the key is directly read from the current
smartcard. In this case HEXKEYGRIP should be the keyID
(e.g. OPENPGP.3). */
agent_readkey (ctrl_t ctrl, int fromcard, const char *hexkeygrip,
unsigned char **r_pubkey)
gpg_error_t err;
membuf_t data;
size_t len;
unsigned char *buf;
struct default_inq_parm_s dfltparm;
memset (&dfltparm, 0, sizeof dfltparm);
dfltparm.ctrl = ctrl;
*r_pubkey = NULL;
err = start_agent (ctrl, 0);
if (err)
return err;
dfltparm.ctx = agent_ctx;
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "RESET",NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
return err;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "READKEY %s%s", fromcard? "--card ":"",
init_membuf (&data, 1024);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
put_membuf_cb, &data,
default_inq_cb, &dfltparm,
if (err)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, &len));
return err;
buf = get_membuf (&data, &len);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (!gcry_sexp_canon_len (buf, len, NULL, NULL))
xfree (buf);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
*r_pubkey = buf;
return 0;
/* Call the agent to do a sign operation using the key identified by
the hex string KEYGRIP. DESC is a description of the key to be
displayed if the agent needs to ask for the PIN. DIGEST and
DIGESTLEN is the hash value to sign and DIGESTALGO the algorithm id
used to compute the digest. If CACHE_NONCE is used the agent is
advised to first try a passphrase associated with that nonce. */
agent_pksign (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *cache_nonce,
const char *keygrip, const char *desc,
u32 *keyid, u32 *mainkeyid, int pubkey_algo,
unsigned char *digest, size_t digestlen, int digestalgo,
gcry_sexp_t *r_sigval)
gpg_error_t err;
membuf_t data;
struct default_inq_parm_s dfltparm;
memset (&dfltparm, 0, sizeof dfltparm);
dfltparm.ctrl = ctrl;
dfltparm.keyinfo.keyid = keyid;
dfltparm.keyinfo.mainkeyid = mainkeyid;
dfltparm.keyinfo.pubkey_algo = pubkey_algo;
*r_sigval = NULL;
err = start_agent (ctrl, 0);
if (err)
return err;
dfltparm.ctx = agent_ctx;
if (digestlen*2 + 50 > DIM(line))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "RESET",
if (err)
return err;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SIGKEY %s", keygrip);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
return err;
if (desc)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETKEYDESC %s", desc);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
if (err)
return err;
snprintf (line, sizeof line, "SETHASH %d ", digestalgo);
bin2hex (digest, digestlen, line + strlen (line));
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
return err;
init_membuf (&data, 1024);
snprintf (line, sizeof line, "PKSIGN%s%s",
cache_nonce? " -- ":"",
cache_nonce? cache_nonce:"");
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
put_membuf_cb, &data,
default_inq_cb, &dfltparm,
if (err)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, NULL));
unsigned char *buf;
size_t len;
buf = get_membuf (&data, &len);
if (!buf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = gcry_sexp_sscan (r_sigval, NULL, buf, len);
xfree (buf);
return err;
/* Handle a CIPHERTEXT inquiry. Note, we only send the data,
assuan_transact takes care of flushing and writing the END. */
static gpg_error_t
inq_ciphertext_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct cipher_parm_s *parm = opaque;
int rc;
if (has_leading_keyword (line, "CIPHERTEXT"))
assuan_begin_confidential (parm->ctx);
rc = assuan_send_data (parm->dflt->ctx,
parm->ciphertext, parm->ciphertextlen);
assuan_end_confidential (parm->ctx);
rc = default_inq_cb (parm->dflt, line);
return rc;
/* Check whether there is any padding info from the agent. */
static gpg_error_t
padding_info_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
int *r_padding = opaque;
const char *s;
if ((s=has_leading_keyword (line, "PADDING")))
*r_padding = atoi (s);
return 0;
/* Call the agent to do a decrypt operation using the key identified
by the hex string KEYGRIP and the input data S_CIPHERTEXT. On the
success the decoded value is stored verbatim at R_BUF and its
length at R_BUF; the callers needs to release it. KEYID, MAINKEYID
and PUBKEY_ALGO are used to construct additional promots or status
messages. The padding information is stored at R_PADDING with -1
for not known. */
agent_pkdecrypt (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keygrip, const char *desc,
u32 *keyid, u32 *mainkeyid, int pubkey_algo,
gcry_sexp_t s_ciphertext,
unsigned char **r_buf, size_t *r_buflen, int *r_padding)
gpg_error_t err;
membuf_t data;
size_t n, len;
char *p, *buf, *endp;
struct default_inq_parm_s dfltparm;
memset (&dfltparm, 0, sizeof dfltparm);
dfltparm.ctrl = ctrl;
dfltparm.keyinfo.keyid = keyid;
dfltparm.keyinfo.mainkeyid = mainkeyid;
dfltparm.keyinfo.pubkey_algo = pubkey_algo;
if (!keygrip || strlen(keygrip) != 40
|| !s_ciphertext || !r_buf || !r_buflen || !r_padding)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
*r_buf = NULL;
*r_padding = -1;
err = start_agent (ctrl, 0);
if (err)
return err;
dfltparm.ctx = agent_ctx;
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "RESET",
if (err)
return err;
snprintf (line, sizeof line, "SETKEY %s", keygrip);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
return err;
if (desc)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETKEYDESC %s", desc);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
if (err)
return err;
init_membuf_secure (&data, 1024);
struct cipher_parm_s parm;
parm.dflt = &dfltparm;
parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
err = make_canon_sexp (s_ciphertext, &parm.ciphertext, &parm.ciphertextlen);
if (err)
return err;
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "PKDECRYPT",
put_membuf_cb, &data,
inq_ciphertext_cb, &parm,
padding_info_cb, r_padding);
xfree (parm.ciphertext);
if (err)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, &len));
return err;
put_membuf (&data, "", 1); /* Make sure it is 0 terminated. */
buf = get_membuf (&data, &len);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_assert (len); /* (we forced Nul termination.) */
if (*buf != '(')
xfree (buf);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (len < 13 || memcmp (buf, "(5:value", 8) ) /* "(5:valueN:D)\0" */
xfree (buf);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
len -= 10; /* Count only the data of the second part. */
p = buf + 8; /* Skip leading parenthesis and the value tag. */
n = strtoul (p, &endp, 10);
if (!n || *endp != ':')
xfree (buf);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (endp-p+n > len)
xfree (buf);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP); /* Oops: Inconsistent S-Exp. */
memmove (buf, endp, n);
*r_buflen = n;
*r_buf = buf;
return 0;
/* Retrieve a key encryption key from the agent. With FOREXPORT true
the key shall be used for export, with false for import. On success
the new key is stored at R_KEY and its length at R_KEKLEN. */
agent_keywrap_key (ctrl_t ctrl, int forexport, void **r_kek, size_t *r_keklen)
gpg_error_t err;
membuf_t data;
size_t len;
unsigned char *buf;
struct default_inq_parm_s dfltparm;
memset (&dfltparm, 0, sizeof dfltparm);
dfltparm.ctrl = ctrl;
*r_kek = NULL;
err = start_agent (ctrl, 0);
if (err)
return err;
dfltparm.ctx = agent_ctx;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "KEYWRAP_KEY %s",
forexport? "--export":"--import");
init_membuf_secure (&data, 64);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
put_membuf_cb, &data,
default_inq_cb, &dfltparm,
if (err)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, &len));
return err;
buf = get_membuf (&data, &len);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*r_kek = buf;
*r_keklen = len;
return 0;
/* Handle the inquiry for an IMPORT_KEY command. */
static gpg_error_t
inq_import_key_parms (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct import_key_parm_s *parm = opaque;
gpg_error_t err;
if (has_leading_keyword (line, "KEYDATA"))
err = assuan_send_data (parm->dflt->ctx, parm->key, parm->keylen);
err = default_inq_cb (parm->dflt, line);
return err;
/* Call the agent to import a key into the agent. */
agent_import_key (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc, char **cache_nonce_addr,
const void *key, size_t keylen, int unattended, int force)
gpg_error_t err;
struct import_key_parm_s parm;
struct cache_nonce_parm_s cn_parm;
struct default_inq_parm_s dfltparm;
memset (&dfltparm, 0, sizeof dfltparm);
dfltparm.ctrl = ctrl;
err = start_agent (ctrl, 0);
if (err)
return err;
dfltparm.ctx = agent_ctx;
if (desc)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETKEYDESC %s", desc);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
if (err)
return err;
parm.dflt = &dfltparm;
parm.key = key;
parm.keylen = keylen;
snprintf (line, sizeof line, "IMPORT_KEY%s%s%s%s",
unattended? " --unattended":"",
force? " --force":"",
cache_nonce_addr && *cache_nonce_addr? " ":"",
cache_nonce_addr && *cache_nonce_addr? *cache_nonce_addr:"");
cn_parm.cache_nonce_addr = cache_nonce_addr;
cn_parm.passwd_nonce_addr = NULL;
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
inq_import_key_parms, &parm,
cache_nonce_status_cb, &cn_parm);
return err;
/* Receive a secret key from the agent. HEXKEYGRIP is the hexified
keygrip, DESC a prompt to be displayed with the agent's passphrase
question (needs to be plus+percent escaped). if OPENPGP_PROTECTED
is not zero, ensure that the key material is returned in RFC
4880-compatible passphrased-protected form. If CACHE_NONCE_ADDR is
not NULL the agent is advised to first try a passphrase associated
with that nonce. On success the key is stored as a canonical
S-expression at R_RESULT and R_RESULTLEN. */
agent_export_key (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexkeygrip, const char *desc,
int openpgp_protected, char **cache_nonce_addr,
unsigned char **r_result, size_t *r_resultlen)
gpg_error_t err;
struct cache_nonce_parm_s cn_parm;
membuf_t data;
size_t len;
unsigned char *buf;
struct default_inq_parm_s dfltparm;
memset (&dfltparm, 0, sizeof dfltparm);
dfltparm.ctrl = ctrl;
*r_result = NULL;
err = start_agent (ctrl, 0);
if (err)
return err;
dfltparm.ctx = agent_ctx;
if (desc)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETKEYDESC %s", desc);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
if (err)
return err;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "EXPORT_KEY %s%s%s %s",
openpgp_protected ? "--openpgp ":"",
cache_nonce_addr && *cache_nonce_addr? "--cache-nonce=":"",
cache_nonce_addr && *cache_nonce_addr? *cache_nonce_addr:"",
init_membuf_secure (&data, 1024);
cn_parm.cache_nonce_addr = cache_nonce_addr;
cn_parm.passwd_nonce_addr = NULL;
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
put_membuf_cb, &data,
default_inq_cb, &dfltparm,
cache_nonce_status_cb, &cn_parm);
if (err)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, &len));
return err;
buf = get_membuf (&data, &len);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*r_result = buf;
*r_resultlen = len;
return 0;
/* Ask the agent to delete the key identified by HEXKEYGRIP. If DESC
is not NULL, display DESC instead of the default description
message. If FORCE is true the agent is advised not to ask for
confirmation. */
agent_delete_key (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexkeygrip, const char *desc,
int force)
gpg_error_t err;
struct default_inq_parm_s dfltparm;
memset (&dfltparm, 0, sizeof dfltparm);
dfltparm.ctrl = ctrl;
err = start_agent (ctrl, 0);
if (err)
return err;
if (!hexkeygrip || strlen (hexkeygrip) != 40)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (desc)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETKEYDESC %s", desc);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
if (err)
return err;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "DELETE_KEY%s %s",
force? " --force":"", hexkeygrip);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL,
default_inq_cb, &dfltparm,
return err;
/* Ask the agent to change the passphrase of the key identified by
* HEXKEYGRIP. If DESC is not NULL, display DESC instead of the
* default description message. If CACHE_NONCE_ADDR is not NULL the
* agent is advised to first try a passphrase associated with that
* nonce. If PASSWD_NONCE_ADDR is not NULL the agent will try to use
* the passphrase associated with that nonce for the new passphrase.
* If VERIFY is true the passphrase is only verified. */
agent_passwd (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexkeygrip, const char *desc, int verify,
char **cache_nonce_addr, char **passwd_nonce_addr)
gpg_error_t err;
struct cache_nonce_parm_s cn_parm;
struct default_inq_parm_s dfltparm;
memset (&dfltparm, 0, sizeof dfltparm);
dfltparm.ctrl = ctrl;
err = start_agent (ctrl, 0);
if (err)
return err;
dfltparm.ctx = agent_ctx;
if (!hexkeygrip || strlen (hexkeygrip) != 40)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (desc)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETKEYDESC %s", desc);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
if (err)
return err;
if (verify)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "PASSWD %s%s --verify %s",
cache_nonce_addr && *cache_nonce_addr? "--cache-nonce=":"",
cache_nonce_addr && *cache_nonce_addr? *cache_nonce_addr:"",
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "PASSWD %s%s %s%s %s",
cache_nonce_addr && *cache_nonce_addr? "--cache-nonce=":"",
cache_nonce_addr && *cache_nonce_addr? *cache_nonce_addr:"",
passwd_nonce_addr && *passwd_nonce_addr? "--passwd-nonce=":"",
passwd_nonce_addr && *passwd_nonce_addr? *passwd_nonce_addr:"",
cn_parm.cache_nonce_addr = cache_nonce_addr;
cn_parm.passwd_nonce_addr = passwd_nonce_addr;
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL,
default_inq_cb, &dfltparm,
cache_nonce_status_cb, &cn_parm);
return err;
/* Return the version reported by gpg-agent. */
agent_get_version (ctrl_t ctrl, char **r_version)
gpg_error_t err;
err = start_agent (ctrl, 0);
if (err)
return err;
err = get_assuan_server_version (agent_ctx, 0, r_version);
return err;
diff --git a/g10/call-agent.h b/g10/call-agent.h
index 032c345e5..e4fea5730 100644
--- a/g10/call-agent.h
+++ b/g10/call-agent.h
@@ -1,203 +1,203 @@
/* call-agent.h - Divert operations to the agent
* Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
struct agent_card_info_s
int error; /* private. */
char *reader; /* Reader information. */
char *apptype; /* Malloced application type string. */
char *serialno; /* malloced hex string. */
char *disp_name; /* malloced. */
char *disp_lang; /* malloced. */
int disp_sex; /* 0 = unspecified, 1 = male, 2 = female */
char *pubkey_url; /* malloced. */
char *login_data; /* malloced. */
char *private_do[4]; /* malloced. */
char cafpr1valid;
char cafpr2valid;
char cafpr3valid;
char cafpr1[20];
char cafpr2[20];
char cafpr3[20];
char fpr1valid;
char fpr2valid;
char fpr3valid;
char fpr1[20];
char fpr2[20];
char fpr3[20];
u32 fpr1time;
u32 fpr2time;
u32 fpr3time;
unsigned long sig_counter;
int chv1_cached; /* True if a PIN is not required for each
signing. Note that the gpg-agent might cache
it anyway. */
int is_v2; /* True if this is a v2 card. */
int chvmaxlen[3]; /* Maximum allowed length of a CHV. */
int chvretry[3]; /* Allowed retries for the CHV; 0 = blocked. */
struct { /* Array with key attributes. */
int algo; /* Algorithm identifier. */
union {
unsigned int nbits; /* Supported keysize. */
const char *curve; /* Name of curve. */
} key_attr[3];
struct {
unsigned int ki:1; /* Key import available. */
unsigned int aac:1; /* Algorithm attributes are changeable. */
} extcap;
unsigned int status_indicator;
/* Release the card info structure. */
void agent_release_card_info (struct agent_card_info_s *info);
/* Return card info. */
int agent_scd_learn (struct agent_card_info_s *info, int force);
/* Send an APDU to the card. */
gpg_error_t agent_scd_apdu (const char *hexapdu, unsigned int *r_sw);
/* Update INFO with the attribute NAME. */
int agent_scd_getattr (const char *name, struct agent_card_info_s *info);
/* Send the KEYTOCARD command. */
int agent_keytocard (const char *hexgrip, int keyno, int force,
const char *serialno, const char *timestamp);
/* Send a SETATTR command to the SCdaemon. */
int agent_scd_setattr (const char *name,
const unsigned char *value, size_t valuelen,
const char *serialno);
/* Send a WRITECERT command to the SCdaemon. */
int agent_scd_writecert (const char *certidstr,
const unsigned char *certdata, size_t certdatalen);
/* Send a WRITEKEY command to the SCdaemon. */
int agent_scd_writekey (int keyno, const char *serialno,
const unsigned char *keydata, size_t keydatalen);
/* Send a GENKEY command to the SCdaemon. */
int agent_scd_genkey (int keyno, int force, u32 *createtime);
/* Send a READKEY command to the SCdaemon. */
int agent_scd_readcert (const char *certidstr,
void **r_buf, size_t *r_buflen);
/* Change the PIN of an OpenPGP card or reset the retry counter. */
int agent_scd_change_pin (int chvno, const char *serialno);
/* Send the CHECKPIN command to the SCdaemon. */
int agent_scd_checkpin (const char *serialno);
/* Dummy function, only implemented by gpg 1.4. */
void agent_clear_pin_cache (const char *sn);
/* Send the GET_PASSPHRASE command to the agent. */
gpg_error_t agent_get_passphrase (const char *cache_id,
const char *err_msg,
const char *prompt,
const char *desc_msg,
int repeat,
int check,
char **r_passphrase);
/* Send the CLEAR_PASSPHRASE command to the agent. */
gpg_error_t agent_clear_passphrase (const char *cache_id);
/* Present the prompt DESC and ask the user to confirm. */
gpg_error_t gpg_agent_get_confirmation (const char *desc);
/* Return the S2K iteration count as computed by gpg-agent. */
gpg_error_t agent_get_s2k_count (unsigned long *r_count);
/* Check whether a secret key for public key PK is available. Returns
0 if the secret key is available. */
gpg_error_t agent_probe_secret_key (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk);
/* Ask the agent whether a secret key is availabale for any of the
keys (primary or sub) in KEYBLOCK. Returns 0 if available. */
gpg_error_t agent_probe_any_secret_key (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock);
/* Return infos about the secret key with HEXKEYGRIP. */
gpg_error_t agent_get_keyinfo (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexkeygrip,
char **r_serialno, int *r_cleartext);
/* Generate a new key. */
gpg_error_t agent_genkey (ctrl_t ctrl,
char **cache_nonce_addr, char **passwd_nonce_addr,
const char *keyparms, int no_protection,
const char *passphrase,
gcry_sexp_t *r_pubkey);
/* Read a public key. */
gpg_error_t agent_readkey (ctrl_t ctrl, int fromcard, const char *hexkeygrip,
unsigned char **r_pubkey);
/* Create a signature. */
gpg_error_t agent_pksign (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *cache_nonce,
const char *hexkeygrip, const char *desc,
u32 *keyid, u32 *mainkeyid, int pubkey_algo,
unsigned char *digest, size_t digestlen,
int digestalgo,
gcry_sexp_t *r_sigval);
/* Decrypt a ciphertext. */
gpg_error_t agent_pkdecrypt (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keygrip, const char *desc,
u32 *keyid, u32 *mainkeyid, int pubkey_algo,
gcry_sexp_t s_ciphertext,
unsigned char **r_buf, size_t *r_buflen,
int *r_padding);
/* Retrieve a key encryption key. */
gpg_error_t agent_keywrap_key (ctrl_t ctrl, int forexport,
void **r_kek, size_t *r_keklen);
/* Send a key to the agent. */
gpg_error_t agent_import_key (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc,
char **cache_nonce_addr, const void *key,
size_t keylen, int unattended, int force);
/* Receive a key from the agent. */
gpg_error_t agent_export_key (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keygrip,
const char *desc, int openpgp_protected,
char **cache_nonce_addr,
unsigned char **r_result, size_t *r_resultlen);
/* Delete a key from the agent. */
gpg_error_t agent_delete_key (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexkeygrip,
const char *desc, int force);
/* Change the passphrase of a key. */
gpg_error_t agent_passwd (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexkeygrip, const char *desc,
int verify,
char **cache_nonce_addr, char **passwd_nonce_addr);
/* Get the version reported by gpg-agent. */
gpg_error_t agent_get_version (ctrl_t ctrl, char **r_version);
#endif /*GNUPG_G10_CALL_AGENT_H*/
diff --git a/g10/call-dirmngr.c b/g10/call-dirmngr.c
index 66db357db..4be9da117 100644
--- a/g10/call-dirmngr.c
+++ b/g10/call-dirmngr.c
@@ -1,1348 +1,1348 @@
/* call-dirmngr.c - GPG operations to the Dirmngr.
* Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
# include <locale.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include <assuan.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "membuf.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "asshelp.h"
#include "keyserver.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "call-dirmngr.h"
/* Parameter structure used to gather status info. */
struct ks_status_parm_s
const char *keyword; /* Look for this keyword or NULL for "SOURCE". */
char *source;
/* Parameter structure used with the KS_SEARCH command. */
struct ks_search_parm_s
gpg_error_t lasterr; /* Last error code. */
membuf_t saveddata; /* Buffer to build complete lines. */
char *helpbuf; /* NULL or malloced buffer. */
size_t helpbufsize; /* Allocated size of HELPBUF. */
gpg_error_t (*data_cb)(void*, int, char*); /* Callback. */
void *data_cb_value; /* First argument for DATA_CB. */
struct ks_status_parm_s *stparm; /* Link to the status parameter. */
/* Parameter structure used with the KS_GET command. */
struct ks_get_parm_s
estream_t memfp;
/* Parameter structure used with the KS_PUT command. */
struct ks_put_parm_s
assuan_context_t ctx;
kbnode_t keyblock; /* The optional keyblock. */
const void *data; /* The key in OpenPGP binary format. */
size_t datalen; /* The length of DATA. */
/* Parameter structure used with the DNS_CERT command. */
struct dns_cert_parm_s
estream_t memfp;
unsigned char *fpr;
size_t fprlen;
char *url;
/* Data used to associate an session with dirmngr contexts. We can't
use a simple one to one mapping because we sometimes need two
connections to the dirmngr; for example while doing a listing and
being in a data callback we may want to retrieve a key. The local
dirmngr data takes care of this. At the end of the session the
function dirmngr_deinit_session_data is called by gpg.c to cleanup
these resources. Note that gpg.h defines a typedef dirmngr_local_t
for this structure. */
struct dirmngr_local_s
/* Link to other contexts which are used simultaneously. */
struct dirmngr_local_s *next;
/* The active Assuan context. */
assuan_context_t ctx;
/* Flag set when the keyserver names have been send. */
int set_keyservers_done;
/* Flag set to true while an operation is running on CTX. */
int is_active;
/* Deinitialize all session data of dirmngr pertaining to CTRL. */
gpg_dirmngr_deinit_session_data (ctrl_t ctrl)
dirmngr_local_t dml;
while ((dml = ctrl->dirmngr_local))
ctrl->dirmngr_local = dml->next;
if (dml->is_active)
log_error ("oops: trying to cleanup an active dirmngr context\n");
assuan_release (dml->ctx);
xfree (dml);
/* Print a warning if the server's version number is less than our
version number. Returns an error code on a connection problem. */
static gpg_error_t
warn_version_mismatch (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *servername)
gpg_error_t err;
char *serverversion;
const char *myversion = strusage (13);
err = get_assuan_server_version (ctx, 0, &serverversion);
if (err)
log_error (_("error getting version from '%s': %s\n"),
servername, gpg_strerror (err));
else if (compare_version_strings (serverversion, myversion) < 0)
char *warn;
warn = xtryasprintf (_("server '%s' is older than us (%s < %s)"),
servername, serverversion, myversion);
if (!warn)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_info (_("WARNING: %s\n"), warn);
write_status_strings (STATUS_WARNING, "server_version_mismatch 0",
" ", warn, NULL);
xfree (warn);
xfree (serverversion);
return err;
/* Try to connect to the Dirmngr via a socket or spawn it if possible.
Handle the server's initial greeting and set global options. */
static gpg_error_t
create_context (ctrl_t ctrl, assuan_context_t *r_ctx)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
*r_ctx = NULL;
err = start_new_dirmngr (&ctx,
opt.autostart, opt.verbose, DBG_IPC,
NULL /*gpg_status2*/, ctrl);
if (!opt.autostart && gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DIRMNGR)
static int shown;
if (!shown)
shown = 1;
log_info (_("no dirmngr running in this session\n"));
else if (!err && !(err = warn_version_mismatch (ctx, DIRMNGR_NAME)))
char *line;
/* Tell the dirmngr that we want to collect audit event. */
/* err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "OPTION audit-events=1", */
if (opt.keyserver_options.http_proxy)
line = xtryasprintf ("OPTION http-proxy=%s",
if (!line)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL,
xfree (line);
if (err)
else if ((opt.keyserver_options.options & KEYSERVER_HONOR_KEYSERVER_URL))
/* Tell the dirmngr that this possibly privacy invading
option is in use. If Dirmngr is running in Tor mode, it
will return an error. */
err = assuan_transact (ctx, "OPTION honor-keyserver-url-used",
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN)
log_error (_("keyserver option \"honor-keyserver-url\""
" may not be used in Tor mode\n"));
else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_OPTION)
err = 0; /* Old dirmngr versions do not support this option. */
if (err)
assuan_release (ctx);
/* audit_log_ok (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_DIRMNGR_READY, err); */
*r_ctx = ctx;
return err;
/* Get a context for accessing dirmngr. If no context is available a
new one is created and - if required - dirmngr started. On success
an assuan context is stored at R_CTX. This context may only be
released by means of close_context. Note that NULL is stored at
R_CTX on error. */
static gpg_error_t
open_context (ctrl_t ctrl, assuan_context_t *r_ctx)
gpg_error_t err;
dirmngr_local_t dml;
*r_ctx = NULL;
for (;;)
for (dml = ctrl->dirmngr_local; dml && dml->is_active; dml = dml->next)
if (dml)
/* Found an inactive local session - return that. */
log_assert (!dml->is_active);
/* But first do the per session init if not yet done. */
if (!dml->set_keyservers_done)
keyserver_spec_t ksi;
/* Set all configured keyservers. We clear existing
keyservers so that any keyserver configured in GPG
overrides keyservers possibly still configured in Dirmngr
for the session (Note that the keyserver list of a
session in Dirmngr survives a RESET. */
for (ksi = opt.keyserver; ksi; ksi = ksi->next)
char *line;
line = xtryasprintf
("KEYSERVER%s %s",
ksi == opt.keyserver? " --clear":"", ksi->uri);
if (!line)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = assuan_transact (dml->ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL,
xfree (line);
if (err)
return err;
dml->set_keyservers_done = 1;
dml->is_active = 1;
*r_ctx = dml->ctx;
return 0;
dml = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *dml);
if (!dml)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = create_context (ctrl, &dml->ctx);
if (err)
xfree (dml);
return err;
/* To be on the nPth thread safe site we need to add it to a
list; this is far easier than to have a lock for this
function. It should not happen anyway but the code is free
because we need it for the is_active check above. */
dml->next = ctrl->dirmngr_local;
ctrl->dirmngr_local = dml;
/* Close the assuan context CTX or return it to a pool of unused
contexts. If CTX is NULL, the function does nothing. */
static void
close_context (ctrl_t ctrl, assuan_context_t ctx)
dirmngr_local_t dml;
if (!ctx)
for (dml = ctrl->dirmngr_local; dml; dml = dml->next)
if (dml->ctx == ctx)
if (!dml->is_active)
log_fatal ("closing inactive dirmngr context %p\n", ctx);
dml->is_active = 0;
log_fatal ("closing unknown dirmngr ctx %p\n", ctx);
/* Clear the set_keyservers_done flag on context CTX. */
static void
clear_context_flags (ctrl_t ctrl, assuan_context_t ctx)
dirmngr_local_t dml;
if (!ctx)
for (dml = ctrl->dirmngr_local; dml; dml = dml->next)
if (dml->ctx == ctx)
if (!dml->is_active)
log_fatal ("clear_context_flags on inactive dirmngr ctx %p\n", ctx);
dml->set_keyservers_done = 0;
log_fatal ("clear_context_flags on unknown dirmngr ctx %p\n", ctx);
/* Status callback for ks_list, ks_get and ks_search. */
static gpg_error_t
ks_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct ks_status_parm_s *parm = opaque;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
const char *s;
if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, parm->keyword? parm->keyword : "SOURCE")))
if (!parm->source)
parm->source = xtrystrdup (s);
if (!parm->source)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return err;
/* Run the "KEYSERVER" command to return the name of the used
keyserver at R_KEYSERVER. */
gpg_dirmngr_ks_list (ctrl_t ctrl, char **r_keyserver)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
struct ks_status_parm_s stparm;
memset (&stparm, 0, sizeof stparm);
stparm.keyword = "KEYSERVER";
if (r_keyserver)
*r_keyserver = NULL;
err = open_context (ctrl, &ctx);
if (err)
return err;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, "KEYSERVER", NULL, NULL,
NULL, NULL, ks_status_cb, &stparm);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (!stparm.source)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_KEYSERVER);
goto leave;
if (r_keyserver)
*r_keyserver = stparm.source;
xfree (stparm.source);
stparm.source = NULL;
xfree (stparm.source);
close_context (ctrl, ctx);
return err;
/* Data callback for the KS_SEARCH command. */
static gpg_error_t
ks_search_data_cb (void *opaque, const void *data, size_t datalen)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
struct ks_search_parm_s *parm = opaque;
const char *line, *s;
size_t rawlen, linelen;
char fixedbuf[256];
if (parm->lasterr)
return 0;
if (parm->stparm->source)
err = parm->data_cb (parm->data_cb_value, 1, parm->stparm->source);
if (err)
parm->lasterr = err;
return err;
/* Clear it so that we won't get back here unless the server
accidentally sends a second source status line. Note that
will not see all accidentally sent source lines because it
depends on whether data lines have been send in between. */
xfree (parm->stparm->source);
parm->stparm->source = NULL;
if (!data)
return 0; /* Ignore END commands. */
put_membuf (&parm->saveddata, data, datalen);
line = peek_membuf (&parm->saveddata, &rawlen);
if (!line)
parm->lasterr = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return parm->lasterr; /* Tell the server about our problem. */
if ((s = memchr (line, '\n', rawlen)))
linelen = s - line; /* That is the length excluding the LF. */
if (linelen + 1 < sizeof fixedbuf)
/* We can use the static buffer. */
memcpy (fixedbuf, line, linelen);
fixedbuf[linelen] = 0;
if (linelen && fixedbuf[linelen-1] == '\r')
fixedbuf[linelen-1] = 0;
err = parm->data_cb (parm->data_cb_value, 0, fixedbuf);
if (linelen + 1 >= parm->helpbufsize)
xfree (parm->helpbuf);
parm->helpbufsize = linelen + 1 + 1024;
parm->helpbuf = xtrymalloc (parm->helpbufsize);
if (!parm->helpbuf)
parm->lasterr = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return parm->lasterr;
memcpy (parm->helpbuf, line, linelen);
parm->helpbuf[linelen] = 0;
if (linelen && parm->helpbuf[linelen-1] == '\r')
parm->helpbuf[linelen-1] = 0;
err = parm->data_cb (parm->data_cb_value, 0, parm->helpbuf);
if (err)
parm->lasterr = err;
clear_membuf (&parm->saveddata, linelen+1);
goto again; /* There might be another complete line. */
return err;
/* Run the KS_SEARCH command using the search string SEARCHSTR. All
data lines are passed to the CB function. That function is called
with CB_VALUE as its first argument, a 0 as second argument, and
the decoded data line as third argument. The callback function may
modify the data line and it is guaranteed that this data line is a
complete line with a terminating 0 character but without the
linefeed. NULL is passed to the callback to indicate EOF. */
gpg_dirmngr_ks_search (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *searchstr,
gpg_error_t (*cb)(void*, int, char *), void *cb_value)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
struct ks_status_parm_s stparm;
struct ks_search_parm_s parm;
err = open_context (ctrl, &ctx);
if (err)
return err;
char *escsearchstr = percent_plus_escape (searchstr);
if (!escsearchstr)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
close_context (ctrl, ctx);
return err;
snprintf (line, sizeof line, "KS_SEARCH -- %s", escsearchstr);
xfree (escsearchstr);
memset (&stparm, 0, sizeof stparm);
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
init_membuf (&parm.saveddata, 1024);
parm.data_cb = cb;
parm.data_cb_value = cb_value;
parm.stparm = &stparm;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line, ks_search_data_cb, &parm,
NULL, NULL, ks_status_cb, &stparm);
if (!err)
err = cb (cb_value, 0, NULL); /* Send EOF. */
xfree (get_membuf (&parm.saveddata, NULL));
xfree (parm.helpbuf);
xfree (stparm.source);
close_context (ctrl, ctx);
return err;
/* Data callback for the KS_GET and KS_FETCH commands. */
static gpg_error_t
ks_get_data_cb (void *opaque, const void *data, size_t datalen)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
struct ks_get_parm_s *parm = opaque;
size_t nwritten;
if (!data)
return 0; /* Ignore END commands. */
if (es_write (parm->memfp, data, datalen, &nwritten))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return err;
/* Run the KS_GET command using the patterns in the array PATTERN. On
success an estream object is returned to retrieve the keys. On
error an error code is returned and NULL stored at R_FP.
The pattern may only use search specification which a keyserver can
use to retrieve keys. Because we know the format of the pattern we
don't need to escape the patterns before sending them to the
If QUICK is set the dirmngr is advised to use a shorter timeout.
If R_SOURCE is not NULL the source of the data is stored as a
malloced string there. If a source is not known NULL is stored.
If there are too many patterns the function returns an error. That
could be fixed by issuing several search commands or by
implementing a different interface. However with long keyids we
are able to ask for (1000-10-1)/(2+8+1) = 90 keys at once. */
gpg_dirmngr_ks_get (ctrl_t ctrl, char **pattern,
keyserver_spec_t override_keyserver, int quick,
estream_t *r_fp, char **r_source)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
struct ks_status_parm_s stparm;
struct ks_get_parm_s parm;
char *line = NULL;
size_t linelen;
membuf_t mb;
int idx;
memset (&stparm, 0, sizeof stparm);
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
*r_fp = NULL;
if (r_source)
*r_source = NULL;
err = open_context (ctrl, &ctx);
if (err)
return err;
/* If we have an override keyserver we first indicate that the next
user of the context needs to again setup the global keyservers and
them we send the override keyserver. */
if (override_keyserver)
clear_context_flags (ctrl, ctx);
line = xtryasprintf ("KEYSERVER --clear %s", override_keyserver->uri);
if (!line)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL,
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (line);
line = NULL;
/* Lump all patterns into one string. */
init_membuf (&mb, 1024);
put_membuf_str (&mb, quick? "KS_GET --quick --" : "KS_GET --");
for (idx=0; pattern[idx]; idx++)
put_membuf (&mb, " ", 1); /* Append Delimiter. */
put_membuf_str (&mb, pattern[idx]);
put_membuf (&mb, "", 1); /* Append Nul. */
line = get_membuf (&mb, &linelen);
if (!line)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (linelen + 2 >= ASSUAN_LINELENGTH)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_MANY);
goto leave;
parm.memfp = es_fopenmem (0, "rwb");
if (!parm.memfp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line, ks_get_data_cb, &parm,
NULL, NULL, ks_status_cb, &stparm);
if (err)
goto leave;
es_rewind (parm.memfp);
*r_fp = parm.memfp;
parm.memfp = NULL;
if (r_source)
*r_source = stparm.source;
stparm.source = NULL;
es_fclose (parm.memfp);
xfree (stparm.source);
xfree (line);
close_context (ctrl, ctx);
return err;
/* Run the KS_FETCH and pass URL as argument. On success an estream
object is returned to retrieve the keys. On error an error code is
returned and NULL stored at R_FP.
The url is expected to point to a small set of keys; in many cases
only to one key. However, schemes like finger may return several
keys. Note that the configured keyservers are ignored by the
KS_FETCH command. */
gpg_dirmngr_ks_fetch (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *url, estream_t *r_fp)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
struct ks_get_parm_s parm;
char *line = NULL;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
*r_fp = NULL;
err = open_context (ctrl, &ctx);
if (err)
return err;
line = strconcat ("KS_FETCH -- ", url, NULL);
if (!line)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (strlen (line) + 2 >= ASSUAN_LINELENGTH)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
goto leave;
parm.memfp = es_fopenmem (0, "rwb");
if (!parm.memfp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line, ks_get_data_cb, &parm,
if (err)
goto leave;
es_rewind (parm.memfp);
*r_fp = parm.memfp;
parm.memfp = NULL;
es_fclose (parm.memfp);
xfree (line);
close_context (ctrl, ctx);
return err;
static void
record_output (estream_t output,
pkttype_t type,
const char *validity,
/* The public key length or -1. */
int pub_key_length,
/* The public key algo or -1. */
int pub_key_algo,
/* 2 ulongs or NULL. */
const u32 *keyid,
/* The creation / expiration date or 0. */
u32 creation_date,
u32 expiration_date,
const char *userid)
const char *type_str = NULL;
char *pub_key_length_str = NULL;
char *pub_key_algo_str = NULL;
char *keyid_str = NULL;
char *creation_date_str = NULL;
char *expiration_date_str = NULL;
char *userid_escaped = NULL;
switch (type)
type_str = "pub";
type_str = "sub";
type_str = "uid";
type_str = "sig";
log_assert (! "Unhandled type.");
if (pub_key_length > 0)
pub_key_length_str = xasprintf ("%d", pub_key_length);
if (pub_key_algo != -1)
pub_key_algo_str = xasprintf ("%d", pub_key_algo);
if (keyid)
keyid_str = xasprintf ("%08lX%08lX", (ulong) keyid[0], (ulong) keyid[1]);
if (creation_date)
creation_date_str = xstrdup (colon_strtime (creation_date));
if (expiration_date)
expiration_date_str = xstrdup (colon_strtime (expiration_date));
/* Quote ':', '%', and any 8-bit characters. */
if (userid)
int r;
int w = 0;
int len = strlen (userid);
/* A 100k character limit on the uid should be way more than
enough. */
if (len > 100 * 1024)
len = 100 * 1024;
/* The minimum amount of space that we need. */
userid_escaped = xmalloc (len * 3 + 1);
for (r = 0; r < len; r++)
if (userid[r] == ':' || userid[r]== '%' || (userid[r] & 0x80))
sprintf (&userid_escaped[w], "%%%02X", (byte) userid[r]);
w += 3;
userid_escaped[w ++] = userid[r];
userid_escaped[w] = '\0';
es_fprintf (output, "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s\n",
validity ?: "",
pub_key_length_str ?: "",
pub_key_algo_str ?: "",
keyid_str ?: "",
creation_date_str ?: "",
expiration_date_str ?: "",
"" /* Certificate S/N */,
"" /* Ownertrust. */,
userid_escaped ?: "",
"" /* Signature class. */,
"" /* Key capabilities. */,
"" /* Issuer certificate fingerprint. */,
"" /* Flag field. */,
"" /* S/N of a token. */,
"" /* Hash algo. */,
"" /* Curve name. */);
xfree (userid_escaped);
xfree (expiration_date_str);
xfree (creation_date_str);
xfree (keyid_str);
xfree (pub_key_algo_str);
xfree (pub_key_length_str);
/* Handle the KS_PUT inquiries. */
static gpg_error_t
ks_put_inq_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct ks_put_parm_s *parm = opaque;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
if (has_leading_keyword (line, "KEYBLOCK"))
if (parm->data)
err = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, parm->data, parm->datalen);
else if (has_leading_keyword (line, "KEYBLOCK_INFO"))
kbnode_t node;
estream_t fp;
/* Parse the keyblock and send info lines back to the server. */
fp = es_fopenmem (0, "rw,samethread");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* Note: the output format for the INFO block follows the colon
format as described in doc/DETAILS. We don't actually reuse
the functionality from g10/keylist.c to produce the output,
because we don't need all of it and some of it is quite
expensive to generate.
The fields are (the starred fields are the ones we need):
* Field 1 - Type of record
* Field 2 - Validity
* Field 3 - Key length
* Field 4 - Public key algorithm
* Field 5 - KeyID
* Field 6 - Creation date
* Field 7 - Expiration date
Field 8 - Certificate S/N, UID hash, trust signature info
Field 9 - Ownertrust
* Field 10 - User-ID
Field 11 - Signature class
Field 12 - Key capabilities
Field 13 - Issuer certificate fingerprint or other info
Field 14 - Flag field
Field 15 - S/N of a token
Field 16 - Hash algorithm
Field 17 - Curve name
for (node = parm->keyblock; !err && node; node=node->next)
switch (node->pkt->pkttype)
PKT_public_key *pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
char validity[3];
int i;
i = 0;
if (pk->flags.revoked)
validity[i ++] = 'r';
if (pk->has_expired)
validity[i ++] = 'e';
validity[i] = '\0';
keyid_from_pk (pk, NULL);
record_output (fp, node->pkt->pkttype, validity,
nbits_from_pk (pk), pk->pubkey_algo,
pk->keyid, pk->timestamp, pk->expiredate,
PKT_user_id *uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
if (!uid->attrib_data)
char validity[3];
int i;
i = 0;
if (uid->is_revoked)
validity[i ++] = 'r';
if (uid->is_expired)
validity[i ++] = 'e';
validity[i] = '\0';
record_output (fp, node->pkt->pkttype, validity,
-1, -1, NULL,
uid->created, uid->expiredate,
/* This bit is really for the benefit of people who
store their keys in LDAP servers. It makes it easy
to do queries for things like "all keys signed by
Isabella". */
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (IS_UID_SIG (sig))
record_output (fp, node->pkt->pkttype, NULL,
-1, -1, sig->keyid,
sig->timestamp, sig->expiredate, NULL);
/* Given that the last operation was an es_fprintf we should
get the correct ERRNO if ferror indicates an error. */
if (es_ferror (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* Without an error and if we have an keyblock at all, send the
data back. */
if (!err && parm->keyblock)
int rc;
char buffer[512];
size_t nread;
es_rewind (fp);
while (!(rc=es_read (fp, buffer, sizeof buffer, &nread)) && nread)
err = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, buffer, nread);
if (err)
if (!err && rc)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
es_fclose (fp);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_UNKNOWN_INQUIRE);
return err;
/* Send a key to the configured server. {DATA,DATLEN} contains the
key in OpenPGP binary transport format. If KEYBLOCK is not NULL it
has the internal representaion of that key; this is for example
used to convey meta data to LDAP keyservers. */
gpg_dirmngr_ks_put (ctrl_t ctrl, void *data, size_t datalen, kbnode_t keyblock)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
struct ks_put_parm_s parm;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
/* We are going to parse the keyblock, thus we better make sure the
all information is readily available. */
if (keyblock)
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
err = open_context (ctrl, &ctx);
if (err)
return err;
parm.ctx = ctx;
parm.keyblock = keyblock; = data;
parm.datalen = datalen;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, "KS_PUT", NULL, NULL,
ks_put_inq_cb, &parm, NULL, NULL);
close_context (ctrl, ctx);
return err;
/* Data callback for the DNS_CERT and WKD_GET commands. */
static gpg_error_t
dns_cert_data_cb (void *opaque, const void *data, size_t datalen)
struct dns_cert_parm_s *parm = opaque;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
size_t nwritten;
if (!data)
return 0; /* Ignore END commands. */
if (!parm->memfp)
return 0; /* Data is not required. */
if (es_write (parm->memfp, data, datalen, &nwritten))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return err;
/* Status callback for the DNS_CERT command. */
static gpg_error_t
dns_cert_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct dns_cert_parm_s *parm = opaque;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
const char *s;
size_t nbytes;
if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "FPR")))
char *buf;
if (!(buf = xtrystrdup (s)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
else if (parm->fpr)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DUP_KEY);
else if (!hex2str (buf, buf, strlen (buf)+1, &nbytes))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
else if (nbytes < 20)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
parm->fpr = xtrymalloc (nbytes);
if (!parm->fpr)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (parm->fpr, buf, (parm->fprlen = nbytes));
xfree (buf);
else if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "URL")) && *s)
if (parm->url)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DUP_KEY);
else if (!(parm->url = xtrystrdup (s)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return err;
/* Ask the dirmngr for a DNS CERT record. Depending on the found
subtypes different return values are set:
- For a PGP subtype a new estream with that key will be returned at
R_KEY and the other return parameters are set to NULL/0.
- For an IPGP subtype the fingerprint is stored as a malloced block
at (R_FPR,R_FPRLEN). If an URL is available it is stored as a
malloced string at R_URL; NULL is stored if there is no URL.
If CERTTYPE is DNS_CERTTYPE_ANY this function returns the first
CERT record found with a supported type; it is expected that only
one CERT record is used. If CERTTYPE is one of the supported
certtypes, only records with this certtype are considered and the
first one found is returned. All R_* args are optional.
If CERTTYPE is NULL the DANE method is used to fetch the key.
gpg_dirmngr_dns_cert (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, const char *certtype,
estream_t *r_key,
unsigned char **r_fpr, size_t *r_fprlen,
char **r_url)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
struct dns_cert_parm_s parm;
char *line = NULL;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
if (r_key)
*r_key = NULL;
if (r_fpr)
*r_fpr = NULL;
if (r_fprlen)
*r_fprlen = 0;
if (r_url)
*r_url = NULL;
err = open_context (ctrl, &ctx);
if (err)
return err;
line = es_bsprintf ("DNS_CERT %s %s", certtype? certtype : "--dane", name);
if (!line)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (strlen (line) + 2 >= ASSUAN_LINELENGTH)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
goto leave;
parm.memfp = es_fopenmem (0, "rwb");
if (!parm.memfp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line, dns_cert_data_cb, &parm,
NULL, NULL, dns_cert_status_cb, &parm);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (r_key)
es_rewind (parm.memfp);
*r_key = parm.memfp;
parm.memfp = NULL;
if (r_fpr && parm.fpr)
*r_fpr = parm.fpr;
parm.fpr = NULL;
if (r_fprlen)
*r_fprlen = parm.fprlen;
if (r_url && parm.url)
*r_url = parm.url;
parm.url = NULL;
xfree (parm.fpr);
xfree (parm.url);
es_fclose (parm.memfp);
xfree (line);
close_context (ctrl, ctx);
return err;
/* Ask the dirmngr for PKA info. On success the retrieved fingerprint
is returned in a malloced buffer at R_FPR and its length is stored
at R_FPRLEN. If an URL is available it is stored as a malloced
string at R_URL. On error all return values are set to NULL/0. */
gpg_dirmngr_get_pka (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *userid,
unsigned char **r_fpr, size_t *r_fprlen,
char **r_url)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
struct dns_cert_parm_s parm;
char *line = NULL;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
if (r_fpr)
*r_fpr = NULL;
if (r_fprlen)
*r_fprlen = 0;
if (r_url)
*r_url = NULL;
err = open_context (ctrl, &ctx);
if (err)
return err;
line = es_bsprintf ("DNS_CERT --pka -- %s", userid);
if (!line)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (strlen (line) + 2 >= ASSUAN_LINELENGTH)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
goto leave;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line, dns_cert_data_cb, &parm,
NULL, NULL, dns_cert_status_cb, &parm);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (r_fpr && parm.fpr)
*r_fpr = parm.fpr;
parm.fpr = NULL;
if (r_fprlen)
*r_fprlen = parm.fprlen;
if (r_url && parm.url)
*r_url = parm.url;
parm.url = NULL;
xfree (parm.fpr);
xfree (parm.url);
xfree (line);
close_context (ctrl, ctx);
return err;
/* Ask the dirmngr to retrieve a key via the Web Key Directory
* protocol. If QUICK is set the dirmngr is advised to use a shorter
* timeout. On success a new estream with the key is stored at R_KEY.
gpg_dirmngr_wkd_get (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, int quick, estream_t *r_key)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
struct dns_cert_parm_s parm;
char *line = NULL;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
err = open_context (ctrl, &ctx);
if (err)
return err;
line = es_bsprintf ("WKD_GET%s -- %s", quick?" --quick":"", name);
if (!line)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (strlen (line) + 2 >= ASSUAN_LINELENGTH)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
goto leave;
parm.memfp = es_fopenmem (0, "rwb");
if (!parm.memfp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line, dns_cert_data_cb, &parm,
NULL, NULL, NULL, &parm);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (r_key)
es_rewind (parm.memfp);
*r_key = parm.memfp;
parm.memfp = NULL;
xfree (parm.fpr);
xfree (parm.url);
es_fclose (parm.memfp);
xfree (line);
close_context (ctrl, ctx);
return err;
diff --git a/g10/call-dirmngr.h b/g10/call-dirmngr.h
index f15459851..95a8c4a3b 100644
--- a/g10/call-dirmngr.h
+++ b/g10/call-dirmngr.h
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
/* call-dirmngr.h - GPG operations to the Dirmngr
* Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
void gpg_dirmngr_deinit_session_data (ctrl_t ctrl);
gpg_error_t gpg_dirmngr_ks_list (ctrl_t ctrl, char **r_keyserver);
gpg_error_t gpg_dirmngr_ks_search (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *searchstr,
gpg_error_t (*cb)(void*, int, char *),
void *cb_value);
gpg_error_t gpg_dirmngr_ks_get (ctrl_t ctrl, char *pattern[],
keyserver_spec_t override_keyserver, int quick,
estream_t *r_fp, char **r_source);
gpg_error_t gpg_dirmngr_ks_fetch (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *url, estream_t *r_fp);
gpg_error_t gpg_dirmngr_ks_put (ctrl_t ctrl, void *data, size_t datalen,
kbnode_t keyblock);
gpg_error_t gpg_dirmngr_dns_cert (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *name, const char *certtype,
estream_t *r_key,
unsigned char **r_fpr, size_t *r_fprlen,
char **r_url);
gpg_error_t gpg_dirmngr_get_pka (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *userid,
unsigned char **r_fpr, size_t *r_fprlen,
char **r_url);
gpg_error_t gpg_dirmngr_wkd_get (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, int quick,
estream_t *r_key);
diff --git a/g10/card-util.c b/g10/card-util.c
index b322a8617..e35857220 100644
--- a/g10/card-util.c
+++ b/g10/card-util.c
@@ -1,2134 +1,2134 @@
/* card-util.c - Utility functions for the OpenPGP card.
* Copyright (C) 2003-2005, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2003-2005, 2009 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
# include <readline/readline.h>
# include "gpg.h"
#endif /*GNUPG_MAJOR_VERSION != 1*/
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "keyserver-internal.h"
# include "cardglue.h"
# include "call-agent.h"
#define CONTROL_D ('D' - 'A' + 1)
static void
write_sc_op_status (gpg_error_t err)
switch (gpg_err_code (err))
case 0:
write_status (STATUS_SC_OP_SUCCESS);
write_status_text (STATUS_SC_OP_FAILURE, "1");
write_status_text (STATUS_SC_OP_FAILURE, "2");
write_status (STATUS_SC_OP_FAILURE);
#endif /* GNUPG_MAJOR_VERSION != 1 */
/* Change the PIN of a an OpenPGP card. This is an interactive
function. */
change_pin (int unblock_v2, int allow_admin)
struct agent_card_info_s info;
int rc;
rc = agent_scd_learn (&info, 0);
if (rc)
log_error (_("OpenPGP card not available: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
log_info (_("OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n"),
info.serialno? info.serialno : "[none]");
agent_clear_pin_cache (info.serialno);
if (opt.batch)
agent_release_card_info (&info);
log_error (_("can't do this in batch mode\n"));
if (unblock_v2)
if (!info.is_v2)
log_error (_("This command is only available for version 2 cards\n"));
else if (!info.chvretry[1])
log_error (_("Reset Code not or not anymore available\n"));
rc = agent_scd_change_pin (2, info.serialno);
write_sc_op_status (rc);
if (rc)
tty_printf ("Error changing the PIN: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
tty_printf ("PIN changed.\n");
else if (!allow_admin)
rc = agent_scd_change_pin (1, info.serialno);
write_sc_op_status (rc);
if (rc)
tty_printf ("Error changing the PIN: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
tty_printf ("PIN changed.\n");
for (;;)
char *answer;
tty_printf ("\n");
tty_printf ("1 - change PIN\n"
"2 - unblock PIN\n"
"3 - change Admin PIN\n"
"4 - set the Reset Code\n"
"Q - quit\n");
tty_printf ("\n");
answer = cpr_get("",_("Your selection? "));
if (strlen (answer) != 1)
if (*answer == '1')
/* Change PIN. */
rc = agent_scd_change_pin (1, info.serialno);
write_sc_op_status (rc);
if (rc)
tty_printf ("Error changing the PIN: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
tty_printf ("PIN changed.\n");
else if (*answer == '2')
/* Unblock PIN. */
rc = agent_scd_change_pin (101, info.serialno);
write_sc_op_status (rc);
if (rc)
tty_printf ("Error unblocking the PIN: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
tty_printf ("PIN unblocked and new PIN set.\n");
else if (*answer == '3')
/* Change Admin PIN. */
rc = agent_scd_change_pin (3, info.serialno);
write_sc_op_status (rc);
if (rc)
tty_printf ("Error changing the PIN: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
tty_printf ("PIN changed.\n");
else if (*answer == '4')
/* Set a new Reset Code. */
rc = agent_scd_change_pin (102, info.serialno);
write_sc_op_status (rc);
if (rc)
tty_printf ("Error setting the Reset Code: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
tty_printf ("Reset Code set.\n");
else if (*answer == 'q' || *answer == 'Q')
agent_release_card_info (&info);
static const char *
get_manufacturer (unsigned int no)
/* Note: Make sure that there is no colon or linefeed in the string. */
switch (no)
case 0x0001: return "PPC Card Systems";
case 0x0002: return "Prism";
case 0x0003: return "OpenFortress";
case 0x0004: return "Wewid";
case 0x0005: return "ZeitControl";
case 0x0006: return "Yubico";
case 0x0007: return "OpenKMS";
case 0x0008: return "LogoEmail";
case 0x0009: return "Fidesmo";
case 0x000A: return "Dangerous Things";
case 0x002A: return "Magrathea";
case 0x1337: return "Warsaw Hackerspace";
case 0x2342: return "warpzone"; /* hackerspace Muenster. */
case 0xF517: return "FSIJ";
/* 0x0000 and 0xFFFF are defined as test cards per spec,
0xFF00 to 0xFFFE are assigned for use with randomly created
serial numbers. */
case 0x0000:
case 0xffff: return "test card";
default: return (no & 0xff00) == 0xff00? "unmanaged S/N range":"unknown";
static void
print_sha1_fpr (estream_t fp, const unsigned char *fpr)
int i;
if (fpr)
for (i=0; i < 20 ; i+=2, fpr += 2 )
if (i == 10 )
tty_fprintf (fp, " ");
tty_fprintf (fp, " %02X%02X", *fpr, fpr[1]);
tty_fprintf (fp, " [none]");
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
static void
print_sha1_fpr_colon (estream_t fp, const unsigned char *fpr)
int i;
if (fpr)
for (i=0; i < 20 ; i++, fpr++)
es_fprintf (fp, "%02X", *fpr);
es_putc (':', fp);
static void
print_name (estream_t fp, const char *text, const char *name)
tty_fprintf (fp, "%s", text);
/* FIXME: tty_printf_utf8_string2 eats everything after and
including an @ - e.g. when printing an url. */
if (name && *name)
if (fp)
print_utf8_buffer2 (fp, name, strlen (name), '\n');
tty_print_utf8_string2 (NULL, name, strlen (name), 0);
tty_fprintf (fp, _("[not set]"));
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
static void
print_isoname (estream_t fp, const char *text,
const char *tag, const char *name)
if (opt.with_colons)
es_fprintf (fp, "%s:", tag);
tty_fprintf (fp, "%s", text);
if (name && *name)
char *p, *given, *buf = xstrdup (name);
given = strstr (buf, "<<");
for (p=buf; *p; p++)
if (*p == '<')
*p = ' ';
if (given && given[2])
*given = 0;
given += 2;
if (opt.with_colons)
es_write_sanitized (fp, given, strlen (given), ":", NULL);
else if (fp)
print_utf8_buffer2 (fp, given, strlen (given), '\n');
tty_print_utf8_string2 (NULL, given, strlen (given), 0);
if (opt.with_colons)
es_putc (':', fp);
else if (*buf)
tty_fprintf (fp, " ");
if (opt.with_colons)
es_write_sanitized (fp, buf, strlen (buf), ":", NULL);
else if (fp)
print_utf8_buffer2 (fp, buf, strlen (buf), '\n');
tty_print_utf8_string2 (NULL, buf, strlen (buf), 0);
xfree (buf);
if (opt.with_colons)
es_putc (':', fp);
tty_fprintf (fp, _("[not set]"));
if (opt.with_colons)
es_fputs (":\n", fp);
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
/* Return true if the SHA1 fingerprint FPR consists only of zeroes. */
static int
fpr_is_zero (const char *fpr)
int i;
for (i=0; i < 20 && !fpr[i]; i++)
return (i == 20);
/* Return true if the SHA1 fingerprint FPR consists only of 0xFF. */
static int
fpr_is_ff (const char *fpr)
int i;
for (i=0; i < 20 && fpr[i] == '\xff'; i++)
return (i == 20);
/* Print all available information about the current card. */
card_status (estream_t fp, char *serialno, size_t serialnobuflen)
struct agent_card_info_s info;
PKT_public_key *pk = xcalloc (1, sizeof *pk);
kbnode_t keyblock = NULL;
int rc;
unsigned int uval;
const unsigned char *thefpr;
int i;
if (serialno && serialnobuflen)
*serialno = 0;
rc = agent_scd_learn (&info, 0);
if (rc)
if (opt.with_colons)
es_fputs ("AID:::\n", fp);
log_error (_("OpenPGP card not available: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (pk);
if (opt.with_colons)
es_fprintf (fp, "Reader:%s:", info.reader? info.reader : "");
tty_fprintf (fp, "Reader ...........: %s\n",
info.reader? info.reader : "[none]");
if (opt.with_colons)
es_fprintf (fp, "AID:%s:", info.serialno? info.serialno : "");
tty_fprintf (fp, "Application ID ...: %s\n",
info.serialno? info.serialno : "[none]");
if (!info.serialno || strncmp (info.serialno, "D27600012401", 12)
|| strlen (info.serialno) != 32 )
if (info.apptype && !strcmp (info.apptype, "NKS"))
if (opt.with_colons)
es_fputs ("netkey-card:\n", fp);
log_info ("this is a NetKey card\n");
else if (info.apptype && !strcmp (info.apptype, "DINSIG"))
if (opt.with_colons)
es_fputs ("dinsig-card:\n", fp);
log_info ("this is a DINSIG compliant card\n");
else if (info.apptype && !strcmp (info.apptype, "P15"))
if (opt.with_colons)
es_fputs ("pkcs15-card:\n", fp);
log_info ("this is a PKCS#15 compliant card\n");
else if (info.apptype && !strcmp (info.apptype, "GELDKARTE"))
if (opt.with_colons)
es_fputs ("geldkarte-card:\n", fp);
log_info ("this is a Geldkarte compliant card\n");
if (opt.with_colons)
es_fputs ("unknown:\n", fp);
log_info ("not an OpenPGP card\n");
agent_release_card_info (&info);
xfree (pk);
if (!serialno)
else if (strlen (serialno)+1 > serialnobuflen)
log_error ("serial number longer than expected\n");
strcpy (serialno, info.serialno);
if (opt.with_colons)
es_fputs ("openpgp-card:\n", fp);
if (opt.with_colons)
es_fprintf (fp, "version:%.4s:\n", info.serialno+12);
uval = xtoi_2(info.serialno+16)*256 + xtoi_2 (info.serialno+18);
es_fprintf (fp, "vendor:%04x:%s:\n", uval, get_manufacturer (uval));
es_fprintf (fp, "serial:%.8s:\n", info.serialno+20);
print_isoname (fp, "Name of cardholder: ", "name", info.disp_name);
es_fputs ("lang:", fp);
if (info.disp_lang)
es_write_sanitized (fp, info.disp_lang, strlen (info.disp_lang),
":", NULL);
es_fputs (":\n", fp);
es_fprintf (fp, "sex:%c:\n", (info.disp_sex == 1? 'm':
info.disp_sex == 2? 'f' : 'u'));
es_fputs ("url:", fp);
if (info.pubkey_url)
es_write_sanitized (fp, info.pubkey_url, strlen (info.pubkey_url),
":", NULL);
es_fputs (":\n", fp);
es_fputs ("login:", fp);
if (info.login_data)
es_write_sanitized (fp, info.login_data, strlen (info.login_data),
":", NULL);
es_fputs (":\n", fp);
es_fprintf (fp, "forcepin:%d:::\n", !info.chv1_cached);
for (i=0; i < DIM (info.key_attr); i++)
if (info.key_attr[i].algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA)
es_fprintf (fp, "keyattr:%d:%d:%u:\n", i+1,
info.key_attr[i].algo, info.key_attr[i].nbits);
else if (info.key_attr[i].algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH
|| info.key_attr[i].algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA
|| info.key_attr[i].algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA)
es_fprintf (fp, "keyattr:%d:%d:%s:\n", i+1,
info.key_attr[i].algo, info.key_attr[i].curve);
es_fprintf (fp, "maxpinlen:%d:%d:%d:\n",
info.chvmaxlen[0], info.chvmaxlen[1], info.chvmaxlen[2]);
es_fprintf (fp, "pinretry:%d:%d:%d:\n",
info.chvretry[0], info.chvretry[1], info.chvretry[2]);
es_fprintf (fp, "sigcount:%lu:::\n", info.sig_counter);
for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
if (info.private_do[i])
es_fprintf (fp, "private_do:%d:", i+1);
es_write_sanitized (fp, info.private_do[i],
strlen (info.private_do[i]), ":", NULL);
es_fputs (":\n", fp);
es_fputs ("cafpr:", fp);
print_sha1_fpr_colon (fp, info.cafpr1valid? info.cafpr1:NULL);
print_sha1_fpr_colon (fp, info.cafpr2valid? info.cafpr2:NULL);
print_sha1_fpr_colon (fp, info.cafpr3valid? info.cafpr3:NULL);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
es_fputs ("fpr:", fp);
print_sha1_fpr_colon (fp, info.fpr1valid? info.fpr1:NULL);
print_sha1_fpr_colon (fp, info.fpr2valid? info.fpr2:NULL);
print_sha1_fpr_colon (fp, info.fpr3valid? info.fpr3:NULL);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
es_fprintf (fp, "fprtime:%lu:%lu:%lu:\n",
(unsigned long)info.fpr1time, (unsigned long)info.fpr2time,
(unsigned long)info.fpr3time);
tty_fprintf (fp, "Version ..........: %.1s%c.%.1s%c\n",
info.serialno[12] == '0'?"":info.serialno+12,
info.serialno[14] == '0'?"":info.serialno+14,
tty_fprintf (fp, "Manufacturer .....: %s\n",
get_manufacturer (xtoi_2(info.serialno+16)*256
+ xtoi_2 (info.serialno+18)));
tty_fprintf (fp, "Serial number ....: %.8s\n", info.serialno+20);
print_isoname (fp, "Name of cardholder: ", "name", info.disp_name);
print_name (fp, "Language prefs ...: ", info.disp_lang);
tty_fprintf (fp, "Sex ..............: %s\n",
info.disp_sex == 1? _("male"):
info.disp_sex == 2? _("female") : _("unspecified"));
print_name (fp, "URL of public key : ", info.pubkey_url);
print_name (fp, "Login data .......: ", info.login_data);
if (info.private_do[0])
print_name (fp, "Private DO 1 .....: ", info.private_do[0]);
if (info.private_do[1])
print_name (fp, "Private DO 2 .....: ", info.private_do[1]);
if (info.private_do[2])
print_name (fp, "Private DO 3 .....: ", info.private_do[2]);
if (info.private_do[3])
print_name (fp, "Private DO 4 .....: ", info.private_do[3]);
if (info.cafpr1valid)
tty_fprintf (fp, "CA fingerprint %d .:", 1);
print_sha1_fpr (fp, info.cafpr1);
if (info.cafpr2valid)
tty_fprintf (fp, "CA fingerprint %d .:", 2);
print_sha1_fpr (fp, info.cafpr2);
if (info.cafpr3valid)
tty_fprintf (fp, "CA fingerprint %d .:", 3);
print_sha1_fpr (fp, info.cafpr3);
tty_fprintf (fp, "Signature PIN ....: %s\n",
info.chv1_cached? _("not forced"): _("forced"));
if (info.key_attr[0].algo)
tty_fprintf (fp, "Key attributes ...:");
for (i=0; i < DIM (info.key_attr); i++)
if (info.key_attr[i].algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA)
tty_fprintf (fp, " rsa%u", info.key_attr[i].nbits);
else if (info.key_attr[i].algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH
|| info.key_attr[i].algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA
|| info.key_attr[i].algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA)
const char *curve_for_print = "?";
if (info.key_attr[i].curve)
const char *oid;
oid = openpgp_curve_to_oid (info.key_attr[i].curve, NULL);
if (oid)
curve_for_print = openpgp_oid_to_curve (oid, 0);
tty_fprintf (fp, " %s", curve_for_print);
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
tty_fprintf (fp, "Max. PIN lengths .: %d %d %d\n",
info.chvmaxlen[0], info.chvmaxlen[1], info.chvmaxlen[2]);
tty_fprintf (fp, "PIN retry counter : %d %d %d\n",
info.chvretry[0], info.chvretry[1], info.chvretry[2]);
tty_fprintf (fp, "Signature counter : %lu\n", info.sig_counter);
tty_fprintf (fp, "Signature key ....:");
print_sha1_fpr (fp, info.fpr1valid? info.fpr1:NULL);
if (info.fpr1valid && info.fpr1time)
tty_fprintf (fp, " created ....: %s\n",
isotimestamp (info.fpr1time));
tty_fprintf (fp, "Encryption key....:");
print_sha1_fpr (fp, info.fpr2valid? info.fpr2:NULL);
if (info.fpr2valid && info.fpr2time)
tty_fprintf (fp, " created ....: %s\n",
isotimestamp (info.fpr2time));
tty_fprintf (fp, "Authentication key:");
print_sha1_fpr (fp, info.fpr3valid? info.fpr3:NULL);
if (info.fpr3valid && info.fpr3time)
tty_fprintf (fp, " created ....: %s\n",
isotimestamp (info.fpr3time));
tty_fprintf (fp, "General key info..: ");
thefpr = (info.fpr1valid? info.fpr1 : info.fpr2valid? info.fpr2 :
info.fpr3valid? info.fpr3 : NULL);
/* If the fingerprint is all 0xff, the key has no asssociated
OpenPGP certificate. */
if ( thefpr && !fpr_is_ff (thefpr)
&& !get_pubkey_byfprint (pk, &keyblock, thefpr, 20))
print_pubkey_info (fp, pk);
if (keyblock)
print_card_key_info (fp, keyblock);
tty_fprintf (fp, "[none]\n");
release_kbnode (keyblock);
free_public_key (pk);
agent_release_card_info (&info);
static char *
get_one_name (const char *prompt1, const char *prompt2)
char *name;
int i;
for (;;)
name = cpr_get (prompt1, prompt2);
if (!name)
return NULL;
trim_spaces (name);
cpr_kill_prompt ();
for (i=0; name[i] && name[i] >= ' ' && name[i] <= 126; i++)
/* The name must be in Latin-1 and not UTF-8 - lacking the code
to ensure this we restrict it to ASCII. */
if (name[i])
tty_printf (_("Error: Only plain ASCII is currently allowed.\n"));
else if (strchr (name, '<'))
tty_printf (_("Error: The \"<\" character may not be used.\n"));
else if (strstr (name, " "))
tty_printf (_("Error: Double spaces are not allowed.\n"));
return name;
xfree (name);
static int
change_name (void)
char *surname = NULL, *givenname = NULL;
char *isoname, *p;
int rc;
surname = get_one_name ("keygen.smartcard.surname",
_("Cardholder's surname: "));
givenname = get_one_name ("keygen.smartcard.givenname",
_("Cardholder's given name: "));
if (!surname || !givenname || (!*surname && !*givenname))
xfree (surname);
xfree (givenname);
return -1; /*canceled*/
isoname = xmalloc ( strlen (surname) + 2 + strlen (givenname) + 1);
strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (isoname, surname), "<<"), givenname);
xfree (surname);
xfree (givenname);
for (p=isoname; *p; p++)
if (*p == ' ')
*p = '<';
if (strlen (isoname) > 39 )
tty_printf (_("Error: Combined name too long "
"(limit is %d characters).\n"), 39);
xfree (isoname);
return -1;
rc = agent_scd_setattr ("DISP-NAME", isoname, strlen (isoname), NULL );
if (rc)
log_error ("error setting Name: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (isoname);
return rc;
static int
change_url (void)
char *url;
int rc;
url = cpr_get ("cardedit.change_url", _("URL to retrieve public key: "));
if (!url)
return -1;
trim_spaces (url);
cpr_kill_prompt ();
if (strlen (url) > 254 )
tty_printf (_("Error: URL too long "
"(limit is %d characters).\n"), 254);
xfree (url);
return -1;
rc = agent_scd_setattr ("PUBKEY-URL", url, strlen (url), NULL );
if (rc)
log_error ("error setting URL: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (url);
write_sc_op_status (rc);
return rc;
/* Fetch the key from the URL given on the card or try to get it from
the default keyserver. */
static int
fetch_url (ctrl_t ctrl)
int rc;
struct agent_card_info_s info;
log_error("error retrieving URL from card: %s\n",gpg_strerror(rc));
log_error("error retrieving key fingerprint from card: %s\n",
else if (info.pubkey_url && *info.pubkey_url)
strlist_t sl = NULL;
add_to_strlist (&sl, info.pubkey_url);
rc = keyserver_fetch (ctrl, sl);
free_strlist (sl);
else if (info.fpr1valid)
rc = keyserver_import_fprint (ctrl, info.fpr1, 20, opt.keyserver, 0);
return rc;
/* Read data from file FNAME up to MAXLEN characters. On error return
-1 and store NULL at R_BUFFER; on success return the number of
bytes read and store the address of a newly allocated buffer at
static int
get_data_from_file (const char *fname, size_t maxlen, char **r_buffer)
estream_t fp;
char *data;
int n;
*r_buffer = NULL;
fp = es_fopen (fname, "rb");
if (fp && is_secured_file (fileno (fp)))
fclose (fp);
fp = NULL;
errno = EPERM;
if (!fp)
tty_printf (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror (errno));
return -1;
data = xtrymalloc (maxlen? maxlen:1);
if (!data)
tty_printf (_("error allocating enough memory: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
es_fclose (fp);
return -1;
if (maxlen)
n = es_fread (data, 1, maxlen, fp);
n = 0;
es_fclose (fp);
if (n < 0)
tty_printf (_("error reading '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror (errno));
xfree (data);
return -1;
*r_buffer = data;
return n;
/* Write LENGTH bytes from BUFFER to file FNAME. Return 0 on
success. */
static int
put_data_to_file (const char *fname, const void *buffer, size_t length)
estream_t fp;
fp = es_fopen (fname, "wb");
if (fp && is_secured_file (fileno (fp)))
fclose (fp);
fp = NULL;
errno = EPERM;
if (!fp)
tty_printf (_("can't create '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror (errno));
return -1;
if (length && es_fwrite (buffer, length, 1, fp) != 1)
tty_printf (_("error writing '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror (errno));
es_fclose (fp);
return -1;
es_fclose (fp);
return 0;
static int
change_login (const char *args)
char *data;
int n;
int rc;
if (args && *args == '<') /* Read it from a file */
for (args++; spacep (args); args++)
n = get_data_from_file (args, 254, &data);
if (n < 0)
return -1;
data = cpr_get ("cardedit.change_login",
_("Login data (account name): "));
if (!data)
return -1;
trim_spaces (data);
cpr_kill_prompt ();
n = strlen (data);
if (n > 254 )
tty_printf (_("Error: Login data too long "
"(limit is %d characters).\n"), 254);
xfree (data);
return -1;
rc = agent_scd_setattr ("LOGIN-DATA", data, n, NULL );
if (rc)
log_error ("error setting login data: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (data);
write_sc_op_status (rc);
return rc;
static int
change_private_do (const char *args, int nr)
char do_name[] = "PRIVATE-DO-X";
char *data;
int n;
int rc;
log_assert (nr >= 1 && nr <= 4);
do_name[11] = '0' + nr;
if (args && (args = strchr (args, '<'))) /* Read it from a file */
for (args++; spacep (args); args++)
n = get_data_from_file (args, 254, &data);
if (n < 0)
return -1;
data = cpr_get ("cardedit.change_private_do",
_("Private DO data: "));
if (!data)
return -1;
trim_spaces (data);
cpr_kill_prompt ();
n = strlen (data);
if (n > 254 )
tty_printf (_("Error: Private DO too long "
"(limit is %d characters).\n"), 254);
xfree (data);
return -1;
rc = agent_scd_setattr (do_name, data, n, NULL );
if (rc)
log_error ("error setting private DO: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (data);
write_sc_op_status (rc);
return rc;
static int
change_cert (const char *args)
char *data;
int n;
int rc;
if (args && *args == '<') /* Read it from a file */
for (args++; spacep (args); args++)
n = get_data_from_file (args, 16384, &data);
if (n < 0)
return -1;
tty_printf ("usage error: redirection to file required\n");
return -1;
rc = agent_scd_writecert ("OPENPGP.3", data, n);
if (rc)
log_error ("error writing certificate to card: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (data);
write_sc_op_status (rc);
return rc;
static int
read_cert (const char *args)
const char *fname;
void *buffer;
size_t length;
int rc;
if (args && *args == '>') /* Write it to a file */
for (args++; spacep (args); args++)
fname = args;
tty_printf ("usage error: redirection to file required\n");
return -1;
rc = agent_scd_readcert ("OPENPGP.3", &buffer, &length);
if (rc)
log_error ("error reading certificate from card: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = put_data_to_file (fname, buffer, length);
xfree (buffer);
write_sc_op_status (rc);
return rc;
static int
change_lang (void)
char *data, *p;
int rc;
data = cpr_get ("cardedit.change_lang",
_("Language preferences: "));
if (!data)
return -1;
trim_spaces (data);
cpr_kill_prompt ();
if (strlen (data) > 8 || (strlen (data) & 1))
tty_printf (_("Error: invalid length of preference string.\n"));
xfree (data);
return -1;
for (p=data; *p && *p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z'; p++)
if (*p)
tty_printf (_("Error: invalid characters in preference string.\n"));
xfree (data);
return -1;
rc = agent_scd_setattr ("DISP-LANG", data, strlen (data), NULL );
if (rc)
log_error ("error setting lang: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (data);
write_sc_op_status (rc);
return rc;
static int
change_sex (void)
char *data;
const char *str;
int rc;
data = cpr_get ("cardedit.change_sex",
_("Sex ((M)ale, (F)emale or space): "));
if (!data)
return -1;
trim_spaces (data);
cpr_kill_prompt ();
if (!*data)
str = "9";
else if ((*data == 'M' || *data == 'm') && !data[1])
str = "1";
else if ((*data == 'F' || *data == 'f') && !data[1])
str = "2";
tty_printf (_("Error: invalid response.\n"));
xfree (data);
return -1;
rc = agent_scd_setattr ("DISP-SEX", str, 1, NULL );
if (rc)
log_error ("error setting sex: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (data);
write_sc_op_status (rc);
return rc;
static int
change_cafpr (int fprno)
char *data;
const char *s;
int i, c, rc;
unsigned char fpr[20];
data = cpr_get ("cardedit.change_cafpr", _("CA fingerprint: "));
if (!data)
return -1;
trim_spaces (data);
cpr_kill_prompt ();
for (i=0, s=data; i < 20 && *s; )
while (spacep(s))
if (*s == ':')
while (spacep(s))
c = hextobyte (s);
if (c == -1)
fpr[i++] = c;
s += 2;
xfree (data);
if (i != 20 || *s)
tty_printf (_("Error: invalid formatted fingerprint.\n"));
return -1;
rc = agent_scd_setattr (fprno==1?"CA-FPR-1":
fprno==3?"CA-FPR-3":"x", fpr, 20, NULL );
if (rc)
log_error ("error setting cafpr: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
write_sc_op_status (rc);
return rc;
static void
toggle_forcesig (void)
struct agent_card_info_s info;
int rc;
int newstate;
memset (&info, 0, sizeof info);
rc = agent_scd_getattr ("CHV-STATUS", &info);
if (rc)
log_error ("error getting current status: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
newstate = !info.chv1_cached;
agent_release_card_info (&info);
rc = agent_scd_setattr ("CHV-STATUS-1", newstate? "\x01":"", 1, NULL);
if (rc)
log_error ("error toggling signature PIN flag: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
write_sc_op_status (rc);
/* Helper for the key generation/edit functions. */
static int
get_info_for_key_operation (struct agent_card_info_s *info)
int rc;
memset (info, 0, sizeof *info);
rc = agent_scd_getattr ("SERIALNO", info);
if (rc || !info->serialno || strncmp (info->serialno, "D27600012401", 12)
|| strlen (info->serialno) != 32 )
log_error (_("key operation not possible: %s\n"),
rc ? gpg_strerror (rc) : _("not an OpenPGP card"));
return rc? rc: -1;
rc = agent_scd_getattr ("KEY-FPR", info);
if (!rc)
rc = agent_scd_getattr ("CHV-STATUS", info);
if (!rc)
rc = agent_scd_getattr ("DISP-NAME", info);
if (!rc)
rc = agent_scd_getattr ("EXTCAP", info);
if (!rc)
rc = agent_scd_getattr ("KEY-ATTR", info);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error getting current key info: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
/* Helper for the key generation/edit functions. */
static int
check_pin_for_key_operation (struct agent_card_info_s *info, int *forced_chv1)
int rc = 0;
agent_clear_pin_cache (info->serialno);
*forced_chv1 = !info->chv1_cached;
if (*forced_chv1)
{ /* Switch off the forced mode so that during key generation we
don't get bothered with PIN queries for each
self-signature. */
rc = agent_scd_setattr ("CHV-STATUS-1", "\x01", 1, info->serialno);
if (rc)
log_error ("error clearing forced signature PIN flag: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
*forced_chv1 = 0;
if (!rc)
/* Check the PIN now, so that we won't get asked later for each
binding signature. */
rc = agent_scd_checkpin (info->serialno);
if (rc)
log_error ("error checking the PIN: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
write_sc_op_status (rc);
return rc;
/* Helper for the key generation/edit functions. */
static void
restore_forced_chv1 (int *forced_chv1)
int rc;
if (*forced_chv1)
{ /* Switch back to forced state. */
rc = agent_scd_setattr ("CHV-STATUS-1", "", 1, NULL);
if (rc)
log_error ("error setting forced signature PIN flag: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
/* Helper for the key generation/edit functions. */
static void
show_card_key_info (struct agent_card_info_s *info)
tty_fprintf (NULL, "Signature key ....:");
print_sha1_fpr (NULL, info->fpr1valid? info->fpr1:NULL);
tty_fprintf (NULL, "Encryption key....:");
print_sha1_fpr (NULL, info->fpr2valid? info->fpr2:NULL);
tty_fprintf (NULL, "Authentication key:");
print_sha1_fpr (NULL, info->fpr3valid? info->fpr3:NULL);
tty_printf ("\n");
/* Helper for the key generation/edit functions. */
static int
replace_existing_key_p (struct agent_card_info_s *info, int keyno)
log_assert (keyno >= 0 && keyno <= 3);
if ((keyno == 1 && info->fpr1valid)
|| (keyno == 2 && info->fpr2valid)
|| (keyno == 3 && info->fpr3valid))
tty_printf ("\n");
log_info ("WARNING: such a key has already been stored on the card!\n");
tty_printf ("\n");
if ( !cpr_get_answer_is_yes( "cardedit.genkeys.replace_key",
_("Replace existing key? (y/N) ")))
return -1;
return 1;
return 0;
static void
show_keysize_warning (void)
static int shown;
if (shown)
shown = 1;
(_("Note: There is no guarantee that the card "
"supports the requested size.\n"
" If the key generation does not succeed, "
"please check the\n"
" documentation of your card to see what "
"sizes are allowed.\n"));
/* Ask for the size of a card key. NBITS is the current size
configured for the card. KEYNO is the number of the key used to
select the prompt. Returns 0 to use the default size (i.e. NBITS)
or the selected size. */
static unsigned int
ask_card_rsa_keysize (int keyno, unsigned int nbits)
unsigned int min_nbits = 1024;
unsigned int max_nbits = 4096;
char *prompt, *answer;
unsigned int req_nbits;
for (;;)
prompt = xasprintf
(keyno == 0?
_("What keysize do you want for the Signature key? (%u) "):
keyno == 1?
_("What keysize do you want for the Encryption key? (%u) "):
_("What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) "),
answer = cpr_get ("cardedit.genkeys.size", prompt);
cpr_kill_prompt ();
req_nbits = *answer? atoi (answer): nbits;
xfree (prompt);
xfree (answer);
if (req_nbits != nbits && (req_nbits % 32) )
req_nbits = ((req_nbits + 31) / 32) * 32;
tty_printf (_("rounded up to %u bits\n"), req_nbits);
if (req_nbits == nbits)
return 0; /* Use default. */
if (req_nbits < min_nbits || req_nbits > max_nbits)
tty_printf (_("%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n"),
"RSA", min_nbits, max_nbits);
tty_printf (_("The card will now be re-configured "
"to generate a key of %u bits\n"), req_nbits);
show_keysize_warning ();
return req_nbits;
/* Change the size of key KEYNO (0..2) to NBITS and show an error
message if that fails. */
static gpg_error_t
do_change_rsa_keysize (int keyno, unsigned int nbits)
gpg_error_t err;
char args[100];
snprintf (args, sizeof args, "--force %d 1 rsa%u", keyno+1, nbits);
err = agent_scd_setattr ("KEY-ATTR", args, strlen (args), NULL);
if (err)
log_error (_("error changing size of key %d to %u bits: %s\n"),
keyno+1, nbits, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
static void
generate_card_keys (ctrl_t ctrl)
struct agent_card_info_s info;
int forced_chv1;
int want_backup;
int keyno;
if (get_info_for_key_operation (&info))
if (
char *answer;
/* FIXME: Should be something like cpr_get_bool so that a status
GET_BOOL will be emitted. */
answer = cpr_get ("cardedit.genkeys.backup_enc",
_("Make off-card backup of encryption key? (Y/n) "));
want_backup = answer_is_yes_no_default (answer, 1/*(default to Yes)*/);
cpr_kill_prompt ();
xfree (answer);
want_backup = 0;
if ( (info.fpr1valid && !fpr_is_zero (info.fpr1))
|| (info.fpr2valid && !fpr_is_zero (info.fpr2))
|| (info.fpr3valid && !fpr_is_zero (info.fpr3)))
tty_printf ("\n");
log_info (_("Note: keys are already stored on the card!\n"));
tty_printf ("\n");
if ( !cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("cardedit.genkeys.replace_keys",
_("Replace existing keys? (y/N) ")))
agent_release_card_info (&info);
/* If no displayed name has been set, we assume that this is a fresh
card and print a hint about the default PINs. */
if (!info.disp_name || !*info.disp_name)
tty_printf ("\n");
tty_printf (_("Please note that the factory settings of the PINs are\n"
" PIN = '%s' Admin PIN = '%s'\n"
"You should change them using the command --change-pin\n"),
"123456", "12345678");
tty_printf ("\n");
if (check_pin_for_key_operation (&info, &forced_chv1))
goto leave;
/* If the cards features changeable key attributes, we ask for the
key size. */
if (info.is_v2 && info.extcap.aac)
unsigned int nbits;
for (keyno = 0; keyno < DIM (info.key_attr); keyno++)
if (info.key_attr[keyno].algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA)
nbits = ask_card_rsa_keysize (keyno, info.key_attr[keyno].nbits);
if (nbits && do_change_rsa_keysize (keyno, nbits))
/* Error: Better read the default key size again. */
agent_release_card_info (&info);
if (get_info_for_key_operation (&info))
goto leave;
/* Ask again for this key size. */
/* Note that INFO has not be synced. However we will only use
the serialnumber and thus it won't harm. */
generate_keypair (ctrl, 1, NULL, info.serialno, want_backup);
agent_release_card_info (&info);
restore_forced_chv1 (&forced_chv1);
/* This function is used by the key edit menu to generate an arbitrary
subkey. */
card_generate_subkey (KBNODE pub_keyblock)
gpg_error_t err;
struct agent_card_info_s info;
int forced_chv1 = 0;
int keyno;
err = get_info_for_key_operation (&info);
if (err)
return err;
show_card_key_info (&info);
tty_printf (_("Please select the type of key to generate:\n"));
tty_printf (_(" (1) Signature key\n"));
tty_printf (_(" (2) Encryption key\n"));
tty_printf (_(" (3) Authentication key\n"));
for (;;)
char *answer = cpr_get ("cardedit.genkeys.subkeytype",
_("Your selection? "));
if (*answer == CONTROL_D)
xfree (answer);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
goto leave;
keyno = *answer? atoi(answer): 0;
if (keyno >= 1 && keyno <= 3)
break; /* Okay. */
tty_printf(_("Invalid selection.\n"));
if (replace_existing_key_p (&info, keyno) < 0)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
goto leave;
err = check_pin_for_key_operation (&info, &forced_chv1);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* If the cards features changeable key attributes, we ask for the
key size. */
if (info.is_v2 && info.extcap.aac)
if (info.key_attr[keyno-1].algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA)
unsigned int nbits;
nbits = ask_card_rsa_keysize (keyno-1, info.key_attr[keyno-1].nbits);
if (nbits && do_change_rsa_keysize (keyno-1, nbits))
/* Error: Better read the default key size again. */
agent_release_card_info (&info);
err = get_info_for_key_operation (&info);
if (err)
goto leave;
goto ask_again;
/* Note that INFO has not be synced. However we will only use
the serialnumber and thus it won't harm. */
err = generate_card_subkeypair (pub_keyblock, keyno, info.serialno);
agent_release_card_info (&info);
restore_forced_chv1 (&forced_chv1);
return err;
/* Store the key at NODE into the smartcard and modify NODE to
carry the serialno stuff instead of the actual secret key
parameters. USE is the usage for that key; 0 means any
usage. */
card_store_subkey (KBNODE node, int use)
struct agent_card_info_s info;
int okay = 0;
unsigned int nbits;
int allow_keyno[3];
int keyno;
PKT_public_key *pk;
gpg_error_t err;
char *hexgrip;
int rc;
gnupg_isotime_t timebuf;
log_assert (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY);
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (get_info_for_key_operation (&info))
return 0;
if (!
tty_printf ("The card does not support the import of keys\n");
tty_printf ("\n");
goto leave;
nbits = nbits_from_pk (pk);
if (!info.is_v2 && nbits != 1024)
tty_printf ("You may only store a 1024 bit RSA key on the card\n");
tty_printf ("\n");
goto leave;
allow_keyno[0] = (!use || (use & (PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG|PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT)));
allow_keyno[1] = (!use || (use & (PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC)));
allow_keyno[2] = (!use || (use & (PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG|PUBKEY_USAGE_AUTH)));
tty_printf (_("Please select where to store the key:\n"));
if (allow_keyno[0])
tty_printf (_(" (1) Signature key\n"));
if (allow_keyno[1])
tty_printf (_(" (2) Encryption key\n"));
if (allow_keyno[2])
tty_printf (_(" (3) Authentication key\n"));
for (;;)
char *answer = cpr_get ("cardedit.genkeys.storekeytype",
_("Your selection? "));
if (*answer == CONTROL_D || !*answer)
xfree (answer);
goto leave;
keyno = *answer? atoi(answer): 0;
if (keyno >= 1 && keyno <= 3 && allow_keyno[keyno-1])
if (info.is_v2 && !info.extcap.aac
&& info.key_attr[keyno-1].nbits != nbits)
tty_printf ("Key does not match the card's capability.\n");
break; /* Okay. */
tty_printf(_("Invalid selection.\n"));
if ((rc = replace_existing_key_p (&info, keyno)) < 0)
goto leave;
err = hexkeygrip_from_pk (pk, &hexgrip);
if (err)
goto leave;
epoch2isotime (timebuf, (time_t)pk->timestamp);
rc = agent_keytocard (hexgrip, keyno, rc, info.serialno, timebuf);
if (rc)
log_error (_("KEYTOCARD failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
okay = 1;
xfree (hexgrip);
agent_release_card_info (&info);
return okay;
/* Direct sending of an hex encoded APDU with error printing. */
static gpg_error_t
send_apdu (const char *hexapdu, const char *desc, unsigned int ignore)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned int sw;
err = agent_scd_apdu (hexapdu, &sw);
if (err)
tty_printf ("sending card command %s failed: %s\n", desc,
gpg_strerror (err));
else if (!hexapdu || !strcmp (hexapdu, "undefined"))
else if (ignore == 0xffff)
; /* Ignore all status words. */
else if (sw != 0x9000)
switch (sw)
case 0x6285: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_OBJ_TERM_STATE); break;
case 0x6982: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN); break;
case 0x6985: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_USE_CONDITIONS); break;
default: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD);
if (!(ignore && ignore == sw))
tty_printf ("card command %s failed: %s (0x%04x)\n", desc,
gpg_strerror (err), sw);
return err;
/* Do a factory reset after confirmation. */
static void
factory_reset (void)
struct agent_card_info_s info;
gpg_error_t err;
char *answer = NULL;
int termstate = 0;
int i;
/* The code below basically does the same what this
gpg-connect-agent script does:
scd reset
scd serialno undefined
scd apdu 00 A4 04 00 06 D2 76 00 01 24 01
scd apdu 00 20 00 81 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 81 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 81 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 81 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 83 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 83 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 83 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 83 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 e6 00 00
scd reset
scd serialno undefined
scd apdu 00 A4 04 00 06 D2 76 00 01 24 01
scd apdu 00 44 00 00
/echo Card has been reset to factory defaults
but tries to find out something about the card first.
err = agent_scd_learn (&info, 0);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_OBJ_TERM_STATE
&& gpg_err_source (err) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_SCD)
termstate = 1;
else if (err)
log_error (_("OpenPGP card not available: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
if (!termstate)
log_info (_("OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n"),
info.serialno? info.serialno : "[none]");
if (!(info.status_indicator == 3 || info.status_indicator == 5))
/* Note: We won't see status-indicator 3 here because it is not
possible to select a card application in termination state. */
log_error (_("This command is not supported by this card\n"));
goto leave;
tty_printf ("\n");
log_info (_("Note: This command destroys all keys stored on the card!\n"));
tty_printf ("\n");
if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("cardedit.factory-reset.proceed",
_("Continue? (y/N) ")))
goto leave;
answer = cpr_get ("cardedit.factory-reset.really",
_("Really do a factory reset? (enter \"yes\") "));
cpr_kill_prompt ();
trim_spaces (answer);
if (strcmp (answer, "yes"))
goto leave;
/* We need to select a card application before we can send APDUs
to the card without scdaemon doing anything on its own. */
err = send_apdu (NULL, "RESET", 0);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = send_apdu ("undefined", "dummy select ", 0);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Select the OpenPGP application. */
err = send_apdu ("00A4040006D27600012401", "SELECT AID", 0);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Do some dummy verifies with wrong PINs to set the retry
counter to zero. We can't easily use the card version 2.1
feature of presenting the admin PIN to allow the terminate
command because there is no machinery in scdaemon to catch
the verify command and ask for the PIN when the "APDU"
command is used. */
for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
send_apdu ("00200081084040404040404040", "VERIFY", 0xffff);
for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
send_apdu ("00200083084040404040404040", "VERIFY", 0xffff);
/* Send terminate datafile command. */
err = send_apdu ("00e60000", "TERMINATE DF", 0x6985);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* The card is in termination state - reset and select again. */
err = send_apdu (NULL, "RESET", 0);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = send_apdu ("undefined", "dummy select", 0);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Select the OpenPGP application. (no error checking here). */
send_apdu ("00A4040006D27600012401", "SELECT AID", 0xffff);
/* Send activate datafile command. This is used without
confirmation if the card is already in termination state. */
err = send_apdu ("00440000", "ACTIVATE DF", 0);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Finally we reset the card reader once more. */
err = send_apdu (NULL, "RESET", 0);
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (answer);
agent_release_card_info (&info);
/* Data used by the command parser. This needs to be outside of the
function scope to allow readline based command completion. */
enum cmdids
cmdNOP = 0,
cmdQUIT, cmdADMIN, cmdHELP, cmdLIST, cmdDEBUG, cmdVERIFY,
cmdNAME, cmdURL, cmdFETCH, cmdLOGIN, cmdLANG, cmdSEX, cmdCAFPR,
static struct
const char *name;
enum cmdids id;
int admin_only;
const char *desc;
} cmds[] =
{ "quit" , cmdQUIT , 0, N_("quit this menu")},
{ "q" , cmdQUIT , 0, NULL },
{ "admin" , cmdADMIN , 0, N_("show admin commands")},
{ "help" , cmdHELP , 0, N_("show this help")},
{ "?" , cmdHELP , 0, NULL },
{ "list" , cmdLIST , 0, N_("list all available data")},
{ "l" , cmdLIST , 0, NULL },
{ "debug" , cmdDEBUG , 0, NULL },
{ "name" , cmdNAME , 1, N_("change card holder's name")},
{ "url" , cmdURL , 1, N_("change URL to retrieve key")},
{ "fetch" , cmdFETCH , 0, N_("fetch the key specified in the card URL")},
{ "login" , cmdLOGIN , 1, N_("change the login name")},
{ "lang" , cmdLANG , 1, N_("change the language preferences")},
{ "sex" , cmdSEX , 1, N_("change card holder's sex")},
{ "cafpr" , cmdCAFPR , 1, N_("change a CA fingerprint")},
{ "forcesig", cmdFORCESIG, 1, N_("toggle the signature force PIN flag")},
{ "generate", cmdGENERATE, 1, N_("generate new keys")},
{ "passwd" , cmdPASSWD, 0, N_("menu to change or unblock the PIN")},
{ "verify" , cmdVERIFY, 0, N_("verify the PIN and list all data")},
{ "unblock" , cmdUNBLOCK,0, N_("unblock the PIN using a Reset Code") },
{ "factory-reset", cmdFACTORYRESET, 1, N_("destroy all keys and data")},
/* Note, that we do not announce these command yet. */
{ "privatedo", cmdPRIVATEDO, 0, NULL },
{ "readcert", cmdREADCERT, 0, NULL },
{ "writecert", cmdWRITECERT, 1, NULL },
{ NULL, cmdINVCMD, 0, NULL }
/* These two functions are used by readline for command completion. */
static char *
command_generator(const char *text,int state)
static int list_index,len;
const char *name;
/* If this is a new word to complete, initialize now. This includes
saving the length of TEXT for efficiency, and initializing the
index variable to 0. */
/* Return the next partial match */
/* Only complete commands that have help text */
if(cmds[list_index++].desc && strncmp(name,text,len)==0)
return strdup(name);
return NULL;
static char **
card_edit_completion(const char *text, int start, int end)
/* If we are at the start of a line, we try and command-complete.
If not, just do nothing for now. */
return rl_completion_matches(text,command_generator);
return NULL;
/* Menu to edit all user changeable values on an OpenPGP card. Only
Key creation is not handled here. */
card_edit (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t commands)
enum cmdids cmd = cmdNOP;
int have_commands = !!commands;
int redisplay = 1;
char *answer = NULL;
int allow_admin=0;
char serialnobuf[50];
if (opt.command_fd != -1)
else if (opt.batch && !have_commands)
log_error(_("can't do this in batch mode\n"));
goto leave;
for (;;)
int arg_number;
const char *arg_string = "";
const char *arg_rest = "";
char *p;
int i;
int cmd_admin_only;
if (redisplay )
if (opt.with_colons)
card_status (es_stdout, serialnobuf, DIM (serialnobuf));
fflush (stdout);
card_status (NULL, serialnobuf, DIM (serialnobuf));
redisplay = 0;
xfree (answer);
if (have_commands)
if (commands)
answer = xstrdup (commands->d);
commands = commands->next;
else if (opt.batch)
answer = xstrdup ("quit");
have_commands = 0;
if (!have_commands)
tty_enable_completion (card_edit_completion);
answer = cpr_get_no_help("cardedit.prompt", _("gpg/card> "));
tty_disable_completion ();
while ( *answer == '#' );
arg_number = 0; /* Yes, here is the init which egcc complains about */
cmd_admin_only = 0;
if (!*answer)
cmd = cmdLIST; /* Default to the list command */
else if (*answer == CONTROL_D)
cmd = cmdQUIT;
if ((p=strchr (answer,' ')))
*p++ = 0;
trim_spaces (answer);
trim_spaces (p);
arg_number = atoi(p);
arg_string = p;
arg_rest = p;
while (digitp (arg_rest))
while (spacep (arg_rest))
for (i=0; cmds[i].name; i++ )
if (!ascii_strcasecmp (answer, cmds[i].name ))
cmd = cmds[i].id;
cmd_admin_only = cmds[i].admin_only;
if (!allow_admin && cmd_admin_only)
tty_printf ("\n");
tty_printf (_("Admin-only command\n"));
switch (cmd)
case cmdHELP:
for (i=0; cmds[i].name; i++ )
&& (!cmds[i].admin_only || (cmds[i].admin_only && allow_admin)))
tty_printf("%-14s %s\n", cmds[i].name, _(cmds[i].desc) );
case cmdADMIN:
if ( !strcmp (arg_string, "on") )
allow_admin = 1;
else if ( !strcmp (arg_string, "off") )
allow_admin = 0;
else if ( !strcmp (arg_string, "verify") )
/* Force verification of the Admin Command. However,
this is only done if the retry counter is at initial
state. */
char *tmp = xmalloc (strlen (serialnobuf) + 6 + 1);
strcpy (stpcpy (tmp, serialnobuf), "[CHV3]");
allow_admin = !agent_scd_checkpin (tmp);
xfree (tmp);
else /* Toggle. */
tty_printf(_("Admin commands are allowed\n"));
tty_printf(_("Admin commands are not allowed\n"));
case cmdVERIFY:
agent_scd_checkpin (serialnobuf);
redisplay = 1;
case cmdLIST:
redisplay = 1;
case cmdNAME:
change_name ();
case cmdURL:
change_url ();
case cmdFETCH:
fetch_url (ctrl);
case cmdLOGIN:
change_login (arg_string);
case cmdLANG:
change_lang ();
case cmdSEX:
change_sex ();
case cmdCAFPR:
if ( arg_number < 1 || arg_number > 3 )
tty_printf ("usage: cafpr N\n"
" 1 <= N <= 3\n");
change_cafpr (arg_number);
case cmdPRIVATEDO:
if ( arg_number < 1 || arg_number > 4 )
tty_printf ("usage: privatedo N\n"
" 1 <= N <= 4\n");
change_private_do (arg_string, arg_number);
case cmdWRITECERT:
if ( arg_number != 3 )
tty_printf ("usage: writecert 3 < FILE\n");
change_cert (arg_rest);
case cmdREADCERT:
if ( arg_number != 3 )
tty_printf ("usage: readcert 3 > FILE\n");
read_cert (arg_rest);
case cmdFORCESIG:
toggle_forcesig ();
case cmdGENERATE:
generate_card_keys (ctrl);
case cmdPASSWD:
change_pin (0, allow_admin);
case cmdUNBLOCK:
change_pin (1, allow_admin);
factory_reset ();
case cmdQUIT:
goto leave;
case cmdNOP:
case cmdINVCMD:
tty_printf ("\n");
tty_printf (_("Invalid command (try \"help\")\n"));
} /* End command switch. */
} /* End of main menu loop. */
xfree (answer);
diff --git a/g10/cipher.c b/g10/cipher.c
index ae7ba17e3..98f398e3d 100644
--- a/g10/cipher.c
+++ b/g10/cipher.c
@@ -1,162 +1,162 @@
/* cipher.c - En-/De-ciphering filter
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003,
* 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "status.h"
#define MIN_PARTIAL_SIZE 512
static void
write_header( cipher_filter_context_t *cfx, IOBUF a )
gcry_error_t err;
PKT_encrypted ed;
byte temp[18];
unsigned int blocksize;
unsigned int nprefix;
blocksize = openpgp_cipher_get_algo_blklen (cfx->dek->algo);
if ( blocksize < 8 || blocksize > 16 )
log_fatal("unsupported blocksize %u\n", blocksize );
memset( &ed, 0, sizeof ed );
ed.len = cfx->datalen;
ed.extralen = blocksize+2;
ed.new_ctb = !ed.len;
if( cfx->dek->use_mdc ) {
ed.mdc_method = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1;
gcry_md_open (&cfx->mdc_hash, DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1, 0);
gcry_md_debug (cfx->mdc_hash, "creatmdc");
char buf[20];
sprintf (buf, "%d %d", ed.mdc_method, cfx->dek->algo);
write_status_text (STATUS_BEGIN_ENCRYPTION, buf);
init_packet( &pkt );
pkt.pkttype = cfx->dek->use_mdc? PKT_ENCRYPTED_MDC : PKT_ENCRYPTED;
pkt.pkt.encrypted = &ed;
if( build_packet( a, &pkt ))
log_bug("build_packet(ENCR_DATA) failed\n");
nprefix = blocksize;
gcry_randomize (temp, nprefix, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM );
temp[nprefix] = temp[nprefix-2];
temp[nprefix+1] = temp[nprefix-1];
print_cipher_algo_note( cfx->dek->algo );
err = openpgp_cipher_open (&cfx->cipher_hd,
| ((cfx->dek->use_mdc || cfx->dek->algo >= 100)?
if (err) {
/* We should never get an error here cause we already checked,
* that the algorithm is available. */
/* log_hexdump( "thekey", cfx->dek->key, cfx->dek->keylen );*/
gcry_cipher_setkey( cfx->cipher_hd, cfx->dek->key, cfx->dek->keylen );
gcry_cipher_setiv( cfx->cipher_hd, NULL, 0 );
/* log_hexdump( "prefix", temp, nprefix+2 ); */
if (cfx->mdc_hash) /* Hash the "IV". */
gcry_md_write (cfx->mdc_hash, temp, nprefix+2 );
gcry_cipher_encrypt (cfx->cipher_hd, temp, nprefix+2, NULL, 0);
gcry_cipher_sync (cfx->cipher_hd);
iobuf_write(a, temp, nprefix+2);
* This filter is used to en/de-cipher data with a conventional algorithm
cipher_filter( void *opaque, int control,
IOBUF a, byte *buf, size_t *ret_len)
size_t size = *ret_len;
cipher_filter_context_t *cfx = opaque;
int rc=0;
if( control == IOBUFCTRL_UNDERFLOW ) { /* decrypt */
rc = -1; /* not yet used */
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_FLUSH ) { /* encrypt */
if( !cfx->header ) {
write_header( cfx, a );
if (cfx->mdc_hash)
gcry_md_write (cfx->mdc_hash, buf, size);
gcry_cipher_encrypt (cfx->cipher_hd, buf, size, NULL, 0);
rc = iobuf_write( a, buf, size );
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_FREE ) {
if( cfx->mdc_hash ) {
byte *hash;
int hashlen = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (gcry_md_get_algo
byte temp[22];
log_assert( hashlen == 20 );
/* We must hash the prefix of the MDC packet here. */
temp[0] = 0xd3;
temp[1] = 0x14;
gcry_md_putc (cfx->mdc_hash, temp[0]);
gcry_md_putc (cfx->mdc_hash, temp[1]);
gcry_md_final (cfx->mdc_hash);
hash = gcry_md_read (cfx->mdc_hash, 0);
memcpy(temp+2, hash, 20);
gcry_cipher_encrypt (cfx->cipher_hd, temp, 22, NULL, 0);
gcry_md_close (cfx->mdc_hash); cfx->mdc_hash = NULL;
if( iobuf_write( a, temp, 22 ) )
log_error("writing MDC packet failed\n" );
gcry_cipher_close (cfx->cipher_hd);
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_DESC ) {
mem2str (buf, "cipher_filter", *ret_len);
return rc;
diff --git a/g10/compress-bz2.c b/g10/compress-bz2.c
index 128eadff1..22cefd99c 100644
--- a/g10/compress-bz2.c
+++ b/g10/compress-bz2.c
@@ -1,253 +1,253 @@
/* compress.c - bzip2 compress filter
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h> /* Early versions of bzlib (1.0) require stdio.h */
#include <bzlib.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "options.h"
/* Note that the code in compress.c is nearly identical to the code
here, so if you fix a bug here, look there to see if a matching bug
needs to be fixed. I tried to have one set of functions that could
do ZIP, ZLIB, and BZIP2, but it became dangerously unreadable with
#ifdefs and if(algo) -dshaw */
static void
init_compress( compress_filter_context_t *zfx, bz_stream *bzs )
int rc;
int level;
if( opt.bz2_compress_level >= 1 && opt.bz2_compress_level <= 9 )
level = opt.bz2_compress_level;
else if( opt.bz2_compress_level == -1 )
level = 6; /* no particular reason, but it seems reasonable */
log_error("invalid compression level; using default level\n");
level = 6;
log_fatal("bz2lib problem: %d\n",rc);
zfx->outbufsize = 8192;
zfx->outbuf = xmalloc( zfx->outbufsize );
static int
do_compress(compress_filter_context_t *zfx, bz_stream *bzs, int flush, IOBUF a)
int rc;
int zrc;
unsigned n;
bzs->next_out = zfx->outbuf;
bzs->avail_out = zfx->outbufsize;
log_debug("enter bzCompress: avail_in=%u, avail_out=%u, flush=%d\n",
(unsigned)bzs->avail_in, (unsigned)bzs->avail_out, flush );
zrc = BZ2_bzCompress( bzs, flush );
if( zrc == BZ_STREAM_END && flush == BZ_FINISH )
else if( zrc != BZ_RUN_OK && zrc != BZ_FINISH_OK )
log_fatal("bz2lib deflate problem: rc=%d\n", zrc );
n = zfx->outbufsize - bzs->avail_out;
log_debug("leave bzCompress:"
" avail_in=%u, avail_out=%u, n=%u, zrc=%d\n",
(unsigned)bzs->avail_in, (unsigned)bzs->avail_out,
(unsigned)n, zrc );
if( (rc=iobuf_write( a, zfx->outbuf, n )) )
log_debug("bzCompress: iobuf_write failed\n");
return rc;
while( bzs->avail_in || (flush == BZ_FINISH && zrc != BZ_STREAM_END) );
return 0;
static void
init_uncompress( compress_filter_context_t *zfx, bz_stream *bzs )
int rc;
log_fatal("bz2lib problem: %d\n",rc);
zfx->inbufsize = 2048;
zfx->inbuf = xmalloc( zfx->inbufsize );
bzs->avail_in = 0;
static int
do_uncompress( compress_filter_context_t *zfx, bz_stream *bzs,
IOBUF a, size_t *ret_len )
int zrc;
int rc=0;
size_t n;
int nread, count;
int refill = !bzs->avail_in;
int eofseen = 0;
log_debug("begin bzDecompress: avail_in=%u, avail_out=%u, inbuf=%u\n",
(unsigned)bzs->avail_in, (unsigned)bzs->avail_out,
(unsigned)zfx->inbufsize );
if( bzs->avail_in < zfx->inbufsize && refill )
n = bzs->avail_in;
if( !n )
bzs->next_in = zfx->inbuf;
count = zfx->inbufsize - n;
nread = iobuf_read( a, zfx->inbuf + n, count );
if( nread == -1 )
eofseen = 1;
nread = 0;
n += nread;
bzs->avail_in = n;
if (!eofseen)
refill = 1;
log_debug("enter bzDecompress: avail_in=%u, avail_out=%u\n",
(unsigned)bzs->avail_in, (unsigned)bzs->avail_out);
log_debug("leave bzDecompress: avail_in=%u, avail_out=%u, zrc=%d\n",
(unsigned)bzs->avail_in, (unsigned)bzs->avail_out, zrc);
if( zrc == BZ_STREAM_END )
rc = -1; /* eof */
else if( zrc != BZ_OK && zrc != BZ_PARAM_ERROR )
log_fatal("bz2lib inflate problem: rc=%d\n", zrc );
else if (zrc == BZ_OK && eofseen
&& !bzs->avail_in && bzs->avail_out > 0)
log_error ("unexpected EOF in bz2lib\n");
while( bzs->avail_out && zrc != BZ_STREAM_END && zrc != BZ_PARAM_ERROR );
/* I'm not completely happy with the two uses of BZ_PARAM_ERROR
here. The corresponding zlib function is Z_BUF_ERROR, which
covers a narrower scope than BZ_PARAM_ERROR. -dshaw */
*ret_len = zfx->outbufsize - bzs->avail_out;
log_debug("do_uncompress: returning %u bytes\n", (unsigned)*ret_len );
return rc;
compress_filter_bz2( void *opaque, int control,
IOBUF a, byte *buf, size_t *ret_len)
size_t size = *ret_len;
compress_filter_context_t *zfx = opaque;
bz_stream *bzs = zfx->opaque;
int rc=0;
if( control == IOBUFCTRL_UNDERFLOW )
if( !zfx->status )
bzs = zfx->opaque = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *bzs );
init_uncompress( zfx, bzs );
zfx->status = 1;
bzs->next_out = buf;
bzs->avail_out = size;
zfx->outbufsize = size; /* needed only for calculation */
rc = do_uncompress( zfx, bzs, a, ret_len );
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_FLUSH )
if( !zfx->status )
PKT_compressed cd;
if( zfx->algo != COMPRESS_ALGO_BZIP2 )
memset( &cd, 0, sizeof cd );
cd.len = 0;
cd.algorithm = zfx->algo;
init_packet( &pkt );
pkt.pkttype = PKT_COMPRESSED;
pkt.pkt.compressed = &cd;
if( build_packet( a, &pkt ))
log_bug("build_packet(PKT_COMPRESSED) failed\n");
bzs = zfx->opaque = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *bzs );
init_compress( zfx, bzs );
zfx->status = 2;
bzs->next_in = buf;
bzs->avail_in = size;
rc = do_compress( zfx, bzs, BZ_RUN, a );
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_FREE )
if( zfx->status == 1 )
zfx->opaque = NULL;
xfree(zfx->outbuf); zfx->outbuf = NULL;
else if( zfx->status == 2 )
bzs->next_in = buf;
bzs->avail_in = 0;
do_compress( zfx, bzs, BZ_FINISH, a );
zfx->opaque = NULL;
xfree(zfx->outbuf); zfx->outbuf = NULL;
if (zfx->release)
zfx->release (zfx);
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_DESC )
mem2str (buf, "compress_filter", *ret_len);
return rc;
diff --git a/g10/compress.c b/g10/compress.c
index c34beecf7..fbc8097d7 100644
--- a/g10/compress.c
+++ b/g10/compress.c
@@ -1,365 +1,365 @@
/* compress.c - compress filter
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
* 2003, 2006, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* Note that the code in compress-bz2.c is nearly identical to the
code here, so if you fix a bug here, look there to see if a
matching bug needs to be fixed. I tried to have one set of
functions that could do ZIP, ZLIB, and BZIP2, but it became
dangerously unreadable with #ifdefs and if(algo) -dshaw */
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifdef HAVE_ZIP
# include <zlib.h>
# if defined(__riscos__) && defined(USE_ZLIBRISCOS)
# include "zlib-riscos.h"
# endif
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "options.h"
#ifdef __riscos__
#define BYTEF_CAST(a) ((Bytef *)(a))
#define BYTEF_CAST(a) (a)
int compress_filter_bz2( void *opaque, int control,
IOBUF a, byte *buf, size_t *ret_len);
#ifdef HAVE_ZIP
static void
init_compress( compress_filter_context_t *zfx, z_stream *zs )
int rc;
int level;
#if defined(__riscos__) && defined(USE_ZLIBRISCOS)
static int zlib_initialized = 0;
if (!zlib_initialized)
zlib_initialized = riscos_load_module("ZLib", zlib_path, 1);
if( opt.compress_level >= 1 && opt.compress_level <= 9 )
level = opt.compress_level;
else if( opt.compress_level == -1 )
else {
log_error("invalid compression level; using default level\n");
if( (rc = zfx->algo == 1? deflateInit2( zs, level, Z_DEFLATED,
: deflateInit( zs, level )
) != Z_OK ) {
log_fatal("zlib problem: %s\n", zs->msg? zs->msg :
rc == Z_MEM_ERROR ? "out of core" :
rc == Z_VERSION_ERROR ? "invalid lib version" :
"unknown error" );
zfx->outbufsize = 8192;
zfx->outbuf = xmalloc( zfx->outbufsize );
static int
do_compress( compress_filter_context_t *zfx, z_stream *zs, int flush, IOBUF a )
int rc;
int zrc;
unsigned n;
do {
zs->next_out = BYTEF_CAST (zfx->outbuf);
zs->avail_out = zfx->outbufsize;
log_debug("enter deflate: avail_in=%u, avail_out=%u, flush=%d\n",
(unsigned)zs->avail_in, (unsigned)zs->avail_out, flush );
zrc = deflate( zs, flush );
if( zrc == Z_STREAM_END && flush == Z_FINISH )
else if( zrc != Z_OK ) {
if( zs->msg )
log_fatal("zlib deflate problem: %s\n", zs->msg );
log_fatal("zlib deflate problem: rc=%d\n", zrc );
n = zfx->outbufsize - zs->avail_out;
log_debug("leave deflate: "
"avail_in=%u, avail_out=%u, n=%u, zrc=%d\n",
(unsigned)zs->avail_in, (unsigned)zs->avail_out,
(unsigned)n, zrc );
if( (rc=iobuf_write( a, zfx->outbuf, n )) ) {
log_debug("deflate: iobuf_write failed\n");
return rc;
} while( zs->avail_in || (flush == Z_FINISH && zrc != Z_STREAM_END) );
return 0;
static void
init_uncompress( compress_filter_context_t *zfx, z_stream *zs )
int rc;
* PGP uses a windowsize of 13 bits. Using a negative value for
* it forces zlib not to expect a zlib header. This is a
* undocumented feature Peter Gutmann told me about.
* We must use 15 bits for the inflator because CryptoEx uses 15
* bits thus the output would get scrambled w/o error indication
* if we would use 13 bits. For the uncompressing this does not
* matter at all.
if( (rc = zfx->algo == 1? inflateInit2( zs, -15)
: inflateInit( zs )) != Z_OK ) {
log_fatal("zlib problem: %s\n", zs->msg? zs->msg :
rc == Z_MEM_ERROR ? "out of core" :
rc == Z_VERSION_ERROR ? "invalid lib version" :
"unknown error" );
zfx->inbufsize = 2048;
zfx->inbuf = xmalloc( zfx->inbufsize );
zs->avail_in = 0;
static int
do_uncompress( compress_filter_context_t *zfx, z_stream *zs,
IOBUF a, size_t *ret_len )
int zrc;
int rc = 0;
int leave = 0;
size_t n;
int nread, count;
int refill = !zs->avail_in;
log_debug("begin inflate: avail_in=%u, avail_out=%u, inbuf=%u\n",
(unsigned)zs->avail_in, (unsigned)zs->avail_out,
(unsigned)zfx->inbufsize );
do {
if( zs->avail_in < zfx->inbufsize && refill ) {
n = zs->avail_in;
if( !n )
zs->next_in = BYTEF_CAST (zfx->inbuf);
count = zfx->inbufsize - n;
nread = iobuf_read( a, zfx->inbuf + n, count );
if( nread == -1 ) nread = 0;
n += nread;
/* Algo 1 has no zlib header which requires us to to give
* inflate an extra dummy byte to read. To be on the safe
* side we allow for up to 4 ff bytes. */
if( nread < count && zfx->algo == 1 && zfx->algo1hack < 4) {
*(zfx->inbuf + n) = 0xFF;
leave = 1;
zs->avail_in = n;
refill = 1;
log_debug("enter inflate: avail_in=%u, avail_out=%u\n",
(unsigned)zs->avail_in, (unsigned)zs->avail_out);
zrc = inflate ( zs, Z_SYNC_FLUSH );
log_debug("leave inflate: avail_in=%u, avail_out=%u, zrc=%d\n",
(unsigned)zs->avail_in, (unsigned)zs->avail_out, zrc);
if( zrc == Z_STREAM_END )
rc = -1; /* eof */
else if( zrc != Z_OK && zrc != Z_BUF_ERROR ) {
if( zs->msg )
log_fatal("zlib inflate problem: %s\n", zs->msg );
log_fatal("zlib inflate problem: rc=%d\n", zrc );
} while (zs->avail_out && zrc != Z_STREAM_END && zrc != Z_BUF_ERROR
&& !leave);
*ret_len = zfx->outbufsize - zs->avail_out;
log_debug("do_uncompress: returning %u bytes (%u ignored)\n",
(unsigned int)*ret_len, (unsigned int)zs->avail_in );
return rc;
static int
compress_filter( void *opaque, int control,
IOBUF a, byte *buf, size_t *ret_len)
size_t size = *ret_len;
compress_filter_context_t *zfx = opaque;
z_stream *zs = zfx->opaque;
int rc=0;
if( control == IOBUFCTRL_UNDERFLOW ) {
if( !zfx->status ) {
zs = zfx->opaque = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *zs );
init_uncompress( zfx, zs );
zfx->status = 1;
zs->next_out = BYTEF_CAST (buf);
zs->avail_out = size;
zfx->outbufsize = size; /* needed only for calculation */
rc = do_uncompress( zfx, zs, a, ret_len );
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_FLUSH ) {
if( !zfx->status ) {
PKT_compressed cd;
if(zfx->algo != COMPRESS_ALGO_ZIP
&& zfx->algo != COMPRESS_ALGO_ZLIB)
memset( &cd, 0, sizeof cd );
cd.len = 0;
cd.algorithm = zfx->algo;
/* Fixme: We should force a new CTB here:
cd.new_ctb = zfx->new_ctb;
init_packet( &pkt );
pkt.pkttype = PKT_COMPRESSED;
pkt.pkt.compressed = &cd;
if( build_packet( a, &pkt ))
log_bug("build_packet(PKT_COMPRESSED) failed\n");
zs = zfx->opaque = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *zs );
init_compress( zfx, zs );
zfx->status = 2;
zs->next_in = BYTEF_CAST (buf);
zs->avail_in = size;
rc = do_compress( zfx, zs, Z_NO_FLUSH, a );
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_FREE ) {
if( zfx->status == 1 ) {
zfx->opaque = NULL;
xfree(zfx->outbuf); zfx->outbuf = NULL;
else if( zfx->status == 2 ) {
zs->next_in = BYTEF_CAST (buf);
zs->avail_in = 0;
do_compress( zfx, zs, Z_FINISH, a );
zfx->opaque = NULL;
xfree(zfx->outbuf); zfx->outbuf = NULL;
if (zfx->release)
zfx->release (zfx);
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_DESC )
mem2str (buf, "compress_filter", *ret_len);
return rc;
#endif /*HAVE_ZIP*/
static void
release_context (compress_filter_context_t *ctx)
ctx->inbuf = NULL;
ctx->outbuf = NULL;
xfree (ctx);
* Handle a compressed packet
handle_compressed (ctrl_t ctrl, void *procctx, PKT_compressed *cd,
int (*callback)(IOBUF, void *), void *passthru )
compress_filter_context_t *cfx;
int rc;
cfx = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *cfx);
cfx->release = release_context;
cfx->algo = cd->algorithm;
if( callback )
rc = callback(cd->buf, passthru );
rc = proc_packets (ctrl,procctx, cd->buf);
cd->buf = NULL;
return rc;
push_compress_filter(IOBUF out,compress_filter_context_t *zfx,int algo)
push_compress_filter2(IOBUF out,compress_filter_context_t *zfx,
int algo,int rel)
#ifdef HAVE_ZIP
#ifdef HAVE_BZIP2
diff --git a/g10/cpr.c b/g10/cpr.c
index 9961f927f..c20c3f4ce 100644
--- a/g10/cpr.c
+++ b/g10/cpr.c
@@ -1,627 +1,627 @@
/* status.c - Status message and command-fd interface
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
* 2004, 2005, 2006, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
# include <signal.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#define CONTROL_D ('D' - 'A' + 1)
/* The stream to output the status information. Output is disabled if
this is NULL. */
static estream_t statusfp;
static void
progress_cb (void *ctx, const char *what, int printchar,
int current, int total)
char buf[50];
if ( printchar == '\n' && !strcmp (what, "primegen") )
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%.20s X 100 100", what );
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%.20s %c %d %d",
what, printchar=='\n'?'X':printchar, current, total );
write_status_text (STATUS_PROGRESS, buf);
/* Return true if the status message NO may currently be issued. We
need this to avoid syncronisation problem while auto retrieving a
key. There it may happen that a status NODATA is issued for a non
available key and the user may falsely interpret this has a missing
signature. */
static int
status_currently_allowed (int no)
if (!glo_ctrl.in_auto_key_retrieve)
return 1; /* Yes. */
/* We allow some statis anyway, so that import statistics are
correct and to avoid problems if the retriebval subsystem will
prompt the user. */
switch (no)
return 1; /* Yes. */
return 0; /* No. */
set_status_fd (int fd)
static int last_fd = -1;
if (fd != -1 && last_fd == fd)
if (statusfp && statusfp != es_stdout && statusfp != es_stderr )
es_fclose (statusfp);
statusfp = NULL;
if (fd == -1)
if (fd == 1)
statusfp = es_stdout;
else if (fd == 2)
statusfp = es_stderr;
statusfp = es_fdopen (fd, "w");
if (!statusfp)
log_fatal ("can't open fd %d for status output: %s\n",
fd, strerror (errno));
last_fd = fd;
gcry_set_progress_handler (progress_cb, NULL);
is_status_enabled ()
return !!statusfp;
write_status ( int no )
write_status_text( no, NULL );
/* Write a status line with code NO followed by the string TEXT and
directly followed by the remaining strings up to a NULL. */
write_status_strings (int no, const char *text, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
const char *s;
if (!statusfp || !status_currently_allowed (no) )
return; /* Not enabled or allowed. */
es_fputs ("[GNUPG:] ", statusfp);
es_fputs (get_status_string (no), statusfp);
if ( text )
es_putc ( ' ', statusfp);
va_start (arg_ptr, text);
s = text;
for (; *s; s++)
if (*s == '\n')
es_fputs ("\\n", statusfp);
else if (*s == '\r')
es_fputs ("\\r", statusfp);
es_fputc (*(const byte *)s, statusfp);
while ((s = va_arg (arg_ptr, const char*)));
va_end (arg_ptr);
es_putc ('\n', statusfp);
if (es_fflush (statusfp) && opt.exit_on_status_write_error)
g10_exit (0);
write_status_text (int no, const char *text)
write_status_strings (no, text, NULL);
/* Write a status line with code NO followed by the outout of the
* printf style FORMAT. The caller needs to make sure that LFs and
* CRs are not printed. */
write_status_printf (int no, const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
if (!statusfp || !status_currently_allowed (no) )
return; /* Not enabled or allowed. */
es_fputs ("[GNUPG:] ", statusfp);
es_fputs (get_status_string (no), statusfp);
if (format)
es_putc ( ' ', statusfp);
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
es_vfprintf (statusfp, format, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
es_putc ('\n', statusfp);
if (es_fflush (statusfp) && opt.exit_on_status_write_error)
g10_exit (0);
/* Write an ERROR status line using a full gpg-error error value. */
write_status_error (const char *where, gpg_error_t err)
if (!statusfp || !status_currently_allowed (STATUS_ERROR))
return; /* Not enabled or allowed. */
es_fprintf (statusfp, "[GNUPG:] %s %s %u\n",
get_status_string (STATUS_ERROR), where, err);
if (es_fflush (statusfp) && opt.exit_on_status_write_error)
g10_exit (0);
/* Same as above but outputs the error code only. */
write_status_errcode (const char *where, int errcode)
if (!statusfp || !status_currently_allowed (STATUS_ERROR))
return; /* Not enabled or allowed. */
es_fprintf (statusfp, "[GNUPG:] %s %s %u\n",
get_status_string (STATUS_ERROR), where, gpg_err_code (errcode));
if (es_fflush (statusfp) && opt.exit_on_status_write_error)
g10_exit (0);
/* Write a FAILURE status line. */
write_status_failure (const char *where, gpg_error_t err)
if (!statusfp || !status_currently_allowed (STATUS_FAILURE))
return; /* Not enabled or allowed. */
es_fprintf (statusfp, "[GNUPG:] %s %s %u\n",
get_status_string (STATUS_FAILURE), where, err);
if (es_fflush (statusfp) && opt.exit_on_status_write_error)
g10_exit (0);
* Write a status line with a buffer using %XX escapes. If WRAP is >
* 0 wrap the line after this length. If STRING is not NULL it will
* be prepended to the buffer, no escaping is done for string.
* A wrap of -1 forces spaces not to be encoded as %20.
write_status_text_and_buffer (int no, const char *string,
const char *buffer, size_t len, int wrap)
const char *s, *text;
int esc, first;
int lower_limit = ' ';
size_t n, count, dowrap;
if (!statusfp || !status_currently_allowed (no))
return; /* Not enabled or allowed. */
if (wrap == -1)
wrap = 0;
text = get_status_string (no);
count = dowrap = first = 1;
if (dowrap)
es_fprintf (statusfp, "[GNUPG:] %s ", text);
count = dowrap = 0;
if (first && string)
es_fputs (string, statusfp);
count += strlen (string);
/* Make sure that there is a space after the string. */
if (*string && string[strlen (string)-1] != ' ')
es_putc (' ', statusfp);
first = 0;
for (esc=0, s=buffer, n=len; n && !esc; s++, n--)
if (*s == '%' || *(const byte*)s <= lower_limit
|| *(const byte*)s == 127 )
esc = 1;
if (wrap && ++count > wrap)
if (esc)
s--; n++;
if (s != buffer)
es_fwrite (buffer, s-buffer, 1, statusfp);
if ( esc )
es_fprintf (statusfp, "%%%02X", *(const byte*)s );
s++; n--;
buffer = s;
len = n;
if (dowrap && len)
es_putc ('\n', statusfp);
while (len);
es_putc ('\n',statusfp);
if (es_fflush (statusfp) && opt.exit_on_status_write_error)
g10_exit (0);
write_status_buffer (int no, const char *buffer, size_t len, int wrap)
write_status_text_and_buffer (no, NULL, buffer, len, wrap);
/* Print the BEGIN_SIGNING status message. If MD is not NULL it is
used to retrieve the hash algorithms used for the message. */
write_status_begin_signing (gcry_md_hd_t md)
if (md)
char buf[100];
size_t buflen;
int i, ga;
buflen = 0;
for (i=1; i <= 110; i++)
ga = map_md_openpgp_to_gcry (i);
if (ga && gcry_md_is_enabled (md, ga) && buflen+10 < DIM(buf))
snprintf (buf+buflen, DIM(buf) - buflen,
"%sH%d", buflen? " ":"",i);
buflen += strlen (buf+buflen);
write_status_text (STATUS_BEGIN_SIGNING, buf);
write_status ( STATUS_BEGIN_SIGNING );
static int
myread(int fd, void *buf, size_t count)
int rc;
rc = read( fd, buf, count );
while (rc == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (!rc && count)
static int eof_emmited=0;
if ( eof_emmited < 3 )
*(char*)buf = CONTROL_D;
rc = 1;
else /* Ctrl-D not caught - do something reasonable */
raise (SIGINT); /* Nothing to hangup under DOS. */
raise (SIGHUP); /* No more input data. */
return rc;
/* Request a string from the client over the command-fd. If GETBOOL
is set the function returns a static string (do not free) if the
netered value was true or NULL if the entered value was false. */
static char *
do_get_from_fd ( const char *keyword, int hidden, int getbool )
int i, len;
char *string;
if (statusfp != es_stdout)
es_fflush (es_stdout);
write_status_text (getbool? STATUS_GET_BOOL :
for (string = NULL, i = len = 200; ; i++ )
if (i >= len-1 )
char *save = string;
len += 100;
string = hidden? xmalloc_secure ( len ) : xmalloc ( len );
if (save)
memcpy (string, save, i );
i = 0;
/* Fixme: why not use our read_line function here? */
if ( myread( opt.command_fd, string+i, 1) != 1 || string[i] == '\n' )
else if ( string[i] == CONTROL_D )
/* Found ETX - Cancel the line and return a sole ETX. */
string[0] = CONTROL_D;
i = 1;
string[i] = 0;
write_status (STATUS_GOT_IT);
if (getbool) /* Fixme: is this correct??? */
return (string[0] == 'Y' || string[0] == 'y') ? "" : NULL;
return string;
if( opt.command_fd != -1 )
return 1;
return 0;
char *
cpr_get_no_help( const char *keyword, const char *prompt )
char *p;
if( opt.command_fd != -1 )
return do_get_from_fd ( keyword, 0, 0 );
for(;;) {
p = tty_get( prompt );
return p;
char *
cpr_get( const char *keyword, const char *prompt )
char *p;
if( opt.command_fd != -1 )
return do_get_from_fd ( keyword, 0, 0 );
for(;;) {
p = tty_get( prompt );
if( *p=='?' && !p[1] && !(keyword && !*keyword)) {
display_online_help( keyword );
return p;
char *
cpr_get_utf8( const char *keyword, const char *prompt )
char *p;
p = cpr_get( keyword, prompt );
if( p ) {
char *utf8 = native_to_utf8( p );
xfree( p );
p = utf8;
return p;
char *
cpr_get_hidden( const char *keyword, const char *prompt )
char *p;
if( opt.command_fd != -1 )
return do_get_from_fd ( keyword, 1, 0 );
for(;;) {
p = tty_get_hidden( prompt );
if( *p == '?' && !p[1] ) {
display_online_help( keyword );
return p;
if( opt.command_fd != -1 )
cpr_get_answer_is_yes_def (const char *keyword, const char *prompt, int def_yes)
int yes;
char *p;
if( opt.command_fd != -1 )
return !!do_get_from_fd ( keyword, 0, 1 );
for(;;) {
p = tty_get( prompt );
trim_spaces(p); /* it is okay to do this here */
if( *p == '?' && !p[1] ) {
display_online_help( keyword );
else {
yes = answer_is_yes_no_default (p, def_yes);
return yes;
cpr_get_answer_is_yes (const char *keyword, const char *prompt)
return cpr_get_answer_is_yes_def (keyword, prompt, 0);
cpr_get_answer_yes_no_quit( const char *keyword, const char *prompt )
int yes;
char *p;
if( opt.command_fd != -1 )
return !!do_get_from_fd ( keyword, 0, 1 );
for(;;) {
p = tty_get( prompt );
trim_spaces(p); /* it is okay to do this here */
if( *p == '?' && !p[1] ) {
display_online_help( keyword );
else {
yes = answer_is_yes_no_quit(p);
return yes;
cpr_get_answer_okay_cancel (const char *keyword,
const char *prompt,
int def_answer)
int yes;
char *answer = NULL;
char *p;
if( opt.command_fd != -1 )
answer = do_get_from_fd ( keyword, 0, 0 );
if (answer)
yes = answer_is_okay_cancel (answer, def_answer);
xfree (answer);
return yes;
p = tty_get( prompt );
trim_spaces(p); /* it is okay to do this here */
if (*p == '?' && !p[1])
display_online_help (keyword);
yes = answer_is_okay_cancel (p, def_answer);
return yes;
diff --git a/g10/dearmor.c b/g10/dearmor.c
index 38c3a3c1b..6217ddab5 100644
--- a/g10/dearmor.c
+++ b/g10/dearmor.c
@@ -1,131 +1,131 @@
/* dearmor.c - Armor utility
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "i18n.h"
* Take an armor file and write it out without armor
dearmor_file( const char *fname )
armor_filter_context_t *afx;
IOBUF inp = NULL, out = NULL;
int rc = 0;
int c;
afx = new_armor_context ();
/* prepare iobufs */
inp = iobuf_open(fname);
if (inp && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (inp)))
iobuf_close (inp);
inp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if (!inp) {
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error(_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname? fname: "[stdin]",
strerror(errno) );
goto leave;
push_armor_filter ( afx, inp );
if( (rc = open_outfile (-1, fname, 0, 0, &out)) )
goto leave;
while( (c = iobuf_get(inp)) != -1 )
iobuf_put( out, c );
if( rc )
release_armor_context (afx);
return rc;
* Take file and write it out with armor
enarmor_file( const char *fname )
armor_filter_context_t *afx;
IOBUF inp = NULL, out = NULL;
int rc = 0;
int c;
afx = new_armor_context ();
/* prepare iobufs */
inp = iobuf_open(fname);
if (inp && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (inp)))
iobuf_close (inp);
inp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if (!inp) {
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error(_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname? fname: "[stdin]",
strerror(errno) );
goto leave;
if( (rc = open_outfile (-1, fname, 1, 0, &out )) )
goto leave;
afx->what = 4;
afx->hdrlines = "Comment: Use \"gpg --dearmor\" for unpacking\n";
push_armor_filter ( afx, out );
while( (c = iobuf_get(inp)) != -1 )
iobuf_put( out, c );
if( rc )
release_armor_context (afx);
return rc;
diff --git a/g10/decrypt-data.c b/g10/decrypt-data.c
index 96d21774a..585b1507f 100644
--- a/g10/decrypt-data.c
+++ b/g10/decrypt-data.c
@@ -1,501 +1,501 @@
/* decrypt-data.c - Decrypt an encrypted data packet
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2005,
* 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "status.h"
static int mdc_decode_filter ( void *opaque, int control, IOBUF a,
byte *buf, size_t *ret_len);
static int decode_filter ( void *opaque, int control, IOBUF a,
byte *buf, size_t *ret_len);
typedef struct decode_filter_context_s
gcry_cipher_hd_t cipher_hd;
gcry_md_hd_t mdc_hash;
char defer[22];
int defer_filled;
int eof_seen;
int refcount;
int partial; /* Working on a partial length packet. */
size_t length; /* If !partial: Remaining bytes in the packet. */
} *decode_filter_ctx_t;
/* Helper to release the decode context. */
static void
release_dfx_context (decode_filter_ctx_t dfx)
if (!dfx)
log_assert (dfx->refcount);
if ( !--dfx->refcount )
gcry_cipher_close (dfx->cipher_hd);
dfx->cipher_hd = NULL;
gcry_md_close (dfx->mdc_hash);
dfx->mdc_hash = NULL;
xfree (dfx);
* Decrypt the data, specified by ED with the key DEK.
decrypt_data (ctrl_t ctrl, void *procctx, PKT_encrypted *ed, DEK *dek)
decode_filter_ctx_t dfx;
byte *p;
int rc=0, c, i;
byte temp[32];
unsigned blocksize;
unsigned nprefix;
dfx = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *dfx);
if (!dfx)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
dfx->refcount = 1;
if ( opt.verbose && !dek->algo_info_printed )
if (!openpgp_cipher_test_algo (dek->algo))
log_info (_("%s encrypted data\n"),
openpgp_cipher_algo_name (dek->algo));
log_info (_("encrypted with unknown algorithm %d\n"), dek->algo );
dek->algo_info_printed = 1;
char buf[20];
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%d %d", ed->mdc_method, dek->algo);
write_status_text (STATUS_DECRYPTION_INFO, buf);
if (opt.show_session_key)
char numbuf[25];
char *hexbuf;
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%d:", dek->algo);
hexbuf = bin2hex (dek->key, dek->keylen, NULL);
if (!hexbuf)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
log_info ("session key: '%s%s'\n", numbuf, hexbuf);
write_status_strings (STATUS_SESSION_KEY, numbuf, hexbuf, NULL);
xfree (hexbuf);
rc = openpgp_cipher_test_algo (dek->algo);
if (rc)
goto leave;
blocksize = openpgp_cipher_get_algo_blklen (dek->algo);
if ( !blocksize || blocksize > 16 )
log_fatal ("unsupported blocksize %u\n", blocksize );
nprefix = blocksize;
if ( ed->len && ed->len < (nprefix+2) )
/* An invalid message. We can't check that during parsing
because we may not know the used cipher then. */
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
if ( ed->mdc_method )
if (gcry_md_open (&dfx->mdc_hash, ed->mdc_method, 0 ))
BUG ();
gcry_md_debug (dfx->mdc_hash, "checkmdc");
rc = openpgp_cipher_open (&dfx->cipher_hd, dek->algo,
| ((ed->mdc_method || dek->algo >= 100)?
if (rc)
/* We should never get an error here cause we already checked
* that the algorithm is available. */
/* log_hexdump( "thekey", dek->key, dek->keylen );*/
rc = gcry_cipher_setkey (dfx->cipher_hd, dek->key, dek->keylen);
if ( gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_WEAK_KEY )
log_info(_("WARNING: message was encrypted with"
" a weak key in the symmetric cipher.\n"));
else if( rc )
log_error("key setup failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) );
goto leave;
if (!ed->buf)
log_error(_("problem handling encrypted packet\n"));
goto leave;
gcry_cipher_setiv (dfx->cipher_hd, NULL, 0);
if ( ed->len )
for (i=0; i < (nprefix+2) && ed->len; i++, ed->len-- )
if ( (c=iobuf_get(ed->buf)) == -1 )
temp[i] = c;
for (i=0; i < (nprefix+2); i++ )
if ( (c=iobuf_get(ed->buf)) == -1 )
temp[i] = c;
gcry_cipher_decrypt (dfx->cipher_hd, temp, nprefix+2, NULL, 0);
gcry_cipher_sync (dfx->cipher_hd);
p = temp;
/* log_hexdump( "prefix", temp, nprefix+2 ); */
if (dek->symmetric
&& (p[nprefix-2] != p[nprefix] || p[nprefix-1] != p[nprefix+1]) )
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_KEY);
goto leave;
if ( dfx->mdc_hash )
gcry_md_write (dfx->mdc_hash, temp, nprefix+2);
dfx->partial = ed->is_partial;
dfx->length = ed->len;
if ( ed->mdc_method )
iobuf_push_filter ( ed->buf, mdc_decode_filter, dfx );
iobuf_push_filter ( ed->buf, decode_filter, dfx );
if (opt.unwrap_encryption)
char *filename;
estream_t fp;
rc = get_output_file ("", 0, ed->buf, &filename, &fp);
if (! rc)
iobuf_t output = iobuf_esopen (fp, "w", 0);
armor_filter_context_t *afx = NULL;
if (opt.armor)
afx = new_armor_context ();
push_armor_filter (afx, output);
iobuf_copy (output, ed->buf);
if ((rc = iobuf_error (ed->buf)))
log_error (_("error reading '%s': %s\n"),
filename, gpg_strerror (rc));
else if ((rc = iobuf_error (output)))
log_error (_("error writing '%s': %s\n"),
filename, gpg_strerror (rc));
iobuf_close (output);
if (afx)
release_armor_context (afx);
proc_packets (ctrl, procctx, ed->buf );
ed->buf = NULL;
if (dfx->eof_seen > 1 )
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
else if ( ed->mdc_method )
/* We used to let parse-packet.c handle the MDC packet but this
turned out to be a problem with compressed packets: With old
style packets there is no length information available and
the decompressor uses an implicit end. However we can't know
this implicit end beforehand (:-) and thus may feed the
decompressor with more bytes than actually needed. It would
be possible to unread the extra bytes but due to our weird
iobuf system any unread is non reliable due to filters
already popped off. The easy and sane solution is to care
about the MDC packet only here and never pass it to the
packet parser. Fortunatley the OpenPGP spec requires a
strict format for the MDC packet so that we know that 22
bytes are appended. */
int datalen = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (ed->mdc_method);
log_assert (dfx->cipher_hd);
log_assert (dfx->mdc_hash);
gcry_cipher_decrypt (dfx->cipher_hd, dfx->defer, 22, NULL, 0);
gcry_md_write (dfx->mdc_hash, dfx->defer, 2);
gcry_md_final (dfx->mdc_hash);
if ( dfx->defer[0] != '\xd3'
|| dfx->defer[1] != '\x14'
|| datalen != 20
|| memcmp (gcry_md_read (dfx->mdc_hash, 0), dfx->defer+2, datalen))
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE);
/* log_printhex("MDC message:", dfx->defer, 22); */
/* log_printhex("MDC calc:", gcry_md_read (dfx->mdc_hash,0), datalen); */
release_dfx_context (dfx);
return rc;
static int
mdc_decode_filter (void *opaque, int control, IOBUF a,
byte *buf, size_t *ret_len)
decode_filter_ctx_t dfx = opaque;
size_t n, size = *ret_len;
int rc = 0;
int c;
/* Note: We need to distinguish between a partial and a fixed length
packet. The first is the usual case as created by GPG. However
for short messages the format degrades to a fixed length packet
and other implementations might use fixed length as well. Only
looking for the EOF on fixed data works only if the encrypted
packet is not followed by other data. This used to be a long
standing bug which was fixed on 2009-10-02. */
if ( control == IOBUFCTRL_UNDERFLOW && dfx->eof_seen )
*ret_len = 0;
rc = -1;
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_UNDERFLOW )
log_assert (a);
log_assert (size > 44); /* Our code requires at least this size. */
/* Get at least 22 bytes and put it ahead in the buffer. */
if (dfx->partial)
for (n=22; n < 44; n++)
if ( (c = iobuf_get(a)) == -1 )
buf[n] = c;
for (n=22; n < 44 && dfx->length; n++, dfx->length--)
c = iobuf_get (a);
if (c == -1)
break; /* Premature EOF. */
buf[n] = c;
if (n == 44)
/* We have enough stuff - flush the deferred stuff. */
if ( !dfx->defer_filled ) /* First time. */
memcpy (buf, buf+22, 22);
n = 22;
memcpy (buf, dfx->defer, 22);
/* Fill up the buffer. */
if (dfx->partial)
for (; n < size; n++ )
if ( (c = iobuf_get(a)) == -1 )
dfx->eof_seen = 1; /* Normal EOF. */
buf[n] = c;
for (; n < size && dfx->length; n++, dfx->length--)
c = iobuf_get(a);
if (c == -1)
dfx->eof_seen = 3; /* Premature EOF. */
buf[n] = c;
if (!dfx->length)
dfx->eof_seen = 1; /* Normal EOF. */
/* Move the trailing 22 bytes back to the defer buffer. We
have at least 44 bytes thus a memmove is not needed. */
n -= 22;
memcpy (dfx->defer, buf+n, 22 );
dfx->defer_filled = 1;
else if ( !dfx->defer_filled ) /* EOF seen but empty defer buffer. */
/* This is bad because it means an incomplete hash. */
n -= 22;
memcpy (buf, buf+22, n );
dfx->eof_seen = 2; /* EOF with incomplete hash. */
else /* EOF seen (i.e. read less than 22 bytes). */
memcpy (buf, dfx->defer, 22 );
n -= 22;
memcpy (dfx->defer, buf+n, 22 );
dfx->eof_seen = 1; /* Normal EOF. */
if ( n )
if ( dfx->cipher_hd )
gcry_cipher_decrypt (dfx->cipher_hd, buf, n, NULL, 0);
if ( dfx->mdc_hash )
gcry_md_write (dfx->mdc_hash, buf, n);
log_assert ( dfx->eof_seen );
rc = -1; /* Return EOF. */
*ret_len = n;
else if ( control == IOBUFCTRL_FREE )
release_dfx_context (dfx);
else if ( control == IOBUFCTRL_DESC )
mem2str (buf, "mdc_decode_filter", *ret_len);
return rc;
static int
decode_filter( void *opaque, int control, IOBUF a, byte *buf, size_t *ret_len)
decode_filter_ctx_t fc = opaque;
size_t size = *ret_len;
size_t n;
int c, rc = 0;
if ( control == IOBUFCTRL_UNDERFLOW && fc->eof_seen )
*ret_len = 0;
rc = -1;
else if ( control == IOBUFCTRL_UNDERFLOW )
log_assert (a);
if (fc->partial)
for (n=0; n < size; n++ )
c = iobuf_get(a);
if (c == -1)
fc->eof_seen = 1; /* Normal EOF. */
buf[n] = c;
for (n=0; n < size && fc->length; n++, fc->length--)
c = iobuf_get(a);
if (c == -1)
fc->eof_seen = 3; /* Premature EOF. */
buf[n] = c;
if (!fc->length)
fc->eof_seen = 1; /* Normal EOF. */
if (n)
if (fc->cipher_hd)
gcry_cipher_decrypt (fc->cipher_hd, buf, n, NULL, 0);
if (!fc->eof_seen)
fc->eof_seen = 1;
rc = -1; /* Return EOF. */
*ret_len = n;
else if ( control == IOBUFCTRL_FREE )
release_dfx_context (fc);
else if ( control == IOBUFCTRL_DESC )
mem2str (buf, "decode_filter", *ret_len);
return rc;
diff --git a/g10/decrypt.c b/g10/decrypt.c
index 27f51f613..751b7be55 100644
--- a/g10/decrypt.c
+++ b/g10/decrypt.c
@@ -1,280 +1,280 @@
/* decrypt.c - decrypt and verify data
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
* 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "i18n.h"
/* Assume that the input is an encrypted message and decrypt
* (and if signed, verify the signature on) it.
* This command differs from the default operation, as it never
* writes to the filename which is included in the file and it
* rejects files which don't begin with an encrypted message.
decrypt_message (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *filename)
armor_filter_context_t *afx = NULL;
progress_filter_context_t *pfx;
int rc;
int no_out = 0;
pfx = new_progress_context ();
/* Open the message file. */
fp = iobuf_open (filename);
if (fp && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (fp)))
iobuf_close (fp);
fp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if ( !fp )
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), print_fname_stdin(filename),
gpg_strerror (rc));
release_progress_context (pfx);
return rc;
handle_progress (pfx, fp, filename);
if ( !opt.no_armor )
if ( use_armor_filter( fp ) )
afx = new_armor_context ();
push_armor_filter ( afx, fp );
if (!opt.outfile)
no_out = 1;
opt.outfile = "-";
rc = proc_encryption_packets (ctrl, NULL, fp );
if (no_out)
opt.outfile = NULL;
iobuf_close (fp);
release_armor_context (afx);
release_progress_context (pfx);
return rc;
/* Same as decrypt_message but takes a file descriptor for input and
output. */
decrypt_message_fd (ctrl_t ctrl, int input_fd, int output_fd)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* No server mode yet. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
gpg_error_t err;
armor_filter_context_t *afx = NULL;
progress_filter_context_t *pfx;
if (opt.outfp)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
pfx = new_progress_context ();
/* Open the message file. */
fp = iobuf_fdopen_nc (FD2INT(input_fd), "rb");
if (fp && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (fp)))
iobuf_close (fp);
fp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if (!fp)
char xname[64];
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
snprintf (xname, sizeof xname, "[fd %d]", input_fd);
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), xname, gpg_strerror (err));
release_progress_context (pfx);
return err;
#warning Need to fix this if we want to use g13
opt.outfp = NULL;
opt.outfp = es_fdopen_nc (output_fd, "wb");
if (!opt.outfp)
char xname[64];
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
snprintf (xname, sizeof xname, "[fd %d]", output_fd);
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), xname, gpg_strerror (err));
iobuf_close (fp);
release_progress_context (pfx);
return err;
if (!opt.no_armor)
if (use_armor_filter (fp))
afx = new_armor_context ();
push_armor_filter ( afx, fp );
err = proc_encryption_packets (ctrl, NULL, fp );
iobuf_close (fp);
es_fclose (opt.outfp);
opt.outfp = NULL;
release_armor_context (afx);
release_progress_context (pfx);
return err;
decrypt_messages (ctrl_t ctrl, int nfiles, char *files[])
armor_filter_context_t *afx = NULL;
progress_filter_context_t *pfx;
char *p, *output = NULL;
int rc=0,use_stdin=0;
unsigned int lno=0;
if (opt.outfile)
log_error(_("--output doesn't work for this command\n"));
pfx = new_progress_context ();
char line[2048];
char *filename=NULL;
if(fgets(line, DIM(line), stdin))
if (!*line || line[strlen(line)-1] != '\n')
log_error("input line %u too long or missing LF\n", lno);
line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0';
print_file_status(STATUS_FILE_START, filename, 3);
output = make_outfile_name(filename);
if (!output)
goto next_file;
fp = iobuf_open(filename);
if (fp)
iobuf_ioctl (fp, IOBUF_IOCTL_NO_CACHE, 1, NULL);
if (fp && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (fp)))
iobuf_close (fp);
fp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if (!fp)
log_error(_("can't open '%s'\n"), print_fname_stdin(filename));
goto next_file;
handle_progress (pfx, fp, filename);
if (!opt.no_armor)
if (use_armor_filter(fp))
afx = new_armor_context ();
push_armor_filter ( afx, fp );
rc = proc_packets (ctrl,NULL, fp);
if (rc)
log_error("%s: decryption failed: %s\n", print_fname_stdin(filename),
gpg_strerror (rc));
p = get_last_passphrase();
xfree (p);
/* Note that we emit file_done even after an error. */
write_status( STATUS_FILE_DONE );
release_armor_context (afx);
release_progress_context (pfx);
diff --git a/g10/dek.h b/g10/dek.h
index 1a879e3af..666810c3d 100644
--- a/g10/dek.h
+++ b/g10/dek.h
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
/* dek.h - The data encryption key structure.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G10_DEK_H
#define G10_DEK_H
typedef struct
/* The algorithm (e.g., CIPHER_ALGO_AES). */
int algo;
/* The length of the key (in bytes). */
int keylen;
/* Whether we've already printed information about this key. This
is currently only used in decrypt_data() and only if we are in
verbose mode. */
int algo_info_printed;
int use_mdc;
/* This key was read from a SK-ESK packet (see proc_symkey_enc). */
int symmetric;
byte key[32]; /* This is the largest used keylen (256 bit). */
char s2k_cacheid[1+16+1];
} DEK;
#endif /*G10_DEK_H*/
diff --git a/g10/delkey.c b/g10/delkey.c
index 966c5712f..06aca9e85 100644
--- a/g10/delkey.c
+++ b/g10/delkey.c
@@ -1,293 +1,293 @@
/* delkey.c - delete keys
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004,
* 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "call-agent.h"
* Delete a public or secret key from a keyring.
* r_sec_avail will be set if a secret key is available and the public
* key can't be deleted for that reason.
static gpg_error_t
do_delete_key( const char *username, int secret, int force, int *r_sec_avail )
gpg_error_t err;
kbnode_t keyblock = NULL;
kbnode_t node, kbctx;
PKT_public_key *pk = NULL;
u32 keyid[2];
int okay=0;
int yes;
int exactmatch;
*r_sec_avail = 0;
hd = keydb_new ();
if (!hd)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* Search the userid. */
err = classify_user_id (username, &desc, 1);
exactmatch = (desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR
|| desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR16
|| desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20);
if (!err)
err = keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1, NULL);
if (err)
log_error (_("key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"), username, gpg_strerror (err));
write_status_text (STATUS_DELETE_PROBLEM, "1");
goto leave;
/* Read the keyblock. */
err = keydb_get_keyblock (hd, &keyblock);
if (err)
log_error (_("error reading keyblock: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err) );
goto leave;
/* Get the keyid from the keyblock. */
node = find_kbnode( keyblock, PKT_PUBLIC_KEY );
if (!node)
log_error ("Oops; key not found anymore!\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keyid_from_pk (pk, keyid);
if (!secret && !force)
if (have_secret_key_with_kid (keyid))
*r_sec_avail = 1;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
goto leave;
err = 0;
if (secret && !have_secret_key_with_kid (keyid))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
log_error (_("key \"%s\" not found\n"), username);
write_status_text (STATUS_DELETE_PROBLEM, "1");
goto leave;
if (opt.batch && exactmatch)
else if (opt.batch && secret)
log_error(_("can't do this in batch mode\n"));
log_info (_("(unless you specify the key by fingerprint)\n"));
else if (opt.batch && opt.answer_yes)
else if (opt.batch)
log_error(_("can't do this in batch mode without \"--yes\"\n"));
log_info (_("(unless you specify the key by fingerprint)\n"));
if (secret)
print_seckey_info (pk);
print_pubkey_info (NULL, pk );
tty_printf( "\n" );
yes = cpr_get_answer_is_yes
(secret? "delete_key.secret.okay": "delete_key.okay",
_("Delete this key from the keyring? (y/N) "));
if (!cpr_enabled() && secret && yes)
/* I think it is not required to check a passphrase; if the
* user is so stupid as to let others access his secret
* keyring (and has no backup) - it is up him to read some
* very basic texts about security. */
yes = cpr_get_answer_is_yes
_("This is a secret key! - really delete? (y/N) "));
if (yes)
if (okay)
if (secret)
char *prompt;
gpg_error_t firsterr = 0;
char *hexgrip;
setup_main_keyids (keyblock);
for (kbctx=NULL; (node = walk_kbnode (keyblock, &kbctx, 0)); )
if (!(node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY))
if (agent_probe_secret_key (NULL, node->pkt->pkt.public_key))
continue; /* No secret key for that public (sub)key. */
prompt = gpg_format_keydesc (node->pkt->pkt.public_key,
err = hexkeygrip_from_pk (node->pkt->pkt.public_key, &hexgrip);
/* NB: We require --yes to advise the agent not to
* request a confirmation. The rationale for this extra
* pre-caution is that since 2.1 the secret key may also
* be used for other protocols and thus deleting it from
* the gpg would also delete the key for other tools. */
if (!err)
err = agent_delete_key (NULL, hexgrip, prompt,
xfree (prompt);
xfree (hexgrip);
if (err)
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_KEY_ON_CARD)
write_status_text (STATUS_DELETE_PROBLEM, "1");
log_error (_("deleting secret %s failed: %s\n"),
(node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
? _("key"):_("subkey")),
gpg_strerror (err));
if (!firsterr)
firsterr = err;
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_CANCELED
|| gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_FULLY_CANCELED)
write_status_error ("delete_key.secret", err);
err = firsterr;
if (firsterr)
goto leave;
err = keydb_delete_keyblock (hd);
if (err)
log_error (_("deleting keyblock failed: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Note that the ownertrust being cleared will trigger a
revalidation_mark(). This makes sense - only deleting keys
that have ownertrust set should trigger this. */
if (!secret && pk && clear_ownertrusts (pk))
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("ownertrust information cleared\n"));
keydb_release (hd);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
return err;
* Delete a public or secret key from a keyring.
delete_keys (strlist_t names, int secret, int allow_both)
gpg_error_t err;
int avail;
int force = (!allow_both && !secret &&;
/* Force allows us to delete a public key even if a secret key
exists. */
for ( ;names ; names=names->next )
err = do_delete_key (names->d, secret, force, &avail);
if (err && avail)
if (allow_both)
err = do_delete_key (names->d, 1, 0, &avail);
if (!err)
err = do_delete_key (names->d, 0, 0, &avail);
log_error (_("there is a secret key for public key \"%s\"!\n"),
log_info(_("use option \"--delete-secret-keys\" to delete"
" it first.\n"));
write_status_text (STATUS_DELETE_PROBLEM, "2");
return err;
if (err)
log_error ("%s: delete key failed: %s\n",
names->d, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
return 0;
diff --git a/g10/ecdh.c b/g10/ecdh.c
index dd47544e6..89e8cf1cb 100644
--- a/g10/ecdh.c
+++ b/g10/ecdh.c
@@ -1,495 +1,495 @@
/* ecdh.c - ECDH public key operations used in public key glue code
* Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "pkglue.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "options.h"
/* A table with the default KEK parameters used by GnuPG. */
static const struct
unsigned int qbits;
int openpgp_hash_id; /* KEK digest algorithm. */
int openpgp_cipher_id; /* KEK cipher algorithm. */
} kek_params_table[] =
/* Note: Must be sorted by ascending values for QBITS. */
/* Note: 528 is 521 rounded to the 8 bit boundary */
/* Return KEK parameters as an opaque MPI The caller must free the
returned value. Returns NULL and sets ERRNO on error. */
pk_ecdh_default_params (unsigned int qbits)
byte *kek_params;
int i;
kek_params = xtrymalloc (4);
if (!kek_params)
return NULL;
kek_params[0] = 3; /* Number of bytes to follow. */
kek_params[1] = 1; /* Version for KDF+AESWRAP. */
/* Search for matching KEK parameter. Defaults to the strongest
possible choices. Performance is not an issue here, only
interoperability. */
for (i=0; i < DIM (kek_params_table); i++)
if (kek_params_table[i].qbits >= qbits
|| i+1 == DIM (kek_params_table))
kek_params[2] = kek_params_table[i].openpgp_hash_id;
kek_params[3] = kek_params_table[i].openpgp_cipher_id;
log_assert (i < DIM (kek_params_table));
log_printhex ("ECDH KEK params are", kek_params, sizeof(kek_params) );
return gcry_mpi_set_opaque (NULL, kek_params, 4 * 8);
/* Encrypts/decrypts DATA using a key derived from the ECC shared
point SHARED_MPI using the FIPS SP 800-56A compliant method
key_derivation+key_wrapping. If IS_ENCRYPT is true the function
encrypts; if false, it decrypts. PKEY is the public key and PK_FP
the fingerprint of this public key. On success the result is
stored at R_RESULT; on failure NULL is stored at R_RESULT and an
error code returned. */
pk_ecdh_encrypt_with_shared_point (int is_encrypt, gcry_mpi_t shared_mpi,
const byte pk_fp[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN],
gcry_mpi_t data, gcry_mpi_t *pkey,
gcry_mpi_t *r_result)
gpg_error_t err;
byte *secret_x;
int secret_x_size;
unsigned int nbits;
const unsigned char *kek_params;
size_t kek_params_size;
int kdf_hash_algo;
int kdf_encr_algo;
unsigned char message[256];
size_t message_size;
*r_result = NULL;
nbits = pubkey_nbits (PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH, pkey);
if (!nbits)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
size_t nbytes;
/* Extract x component of the shared point: this is the actual
shared secret. */
nbytes = (mpi_get_nbits (pkey[1] /* public point */)+7)/8;
secret_x = xtrymalloc_secure (nbytes);
if (!secret_x)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, secret_x, nbytes,
&nbytes, shared_mpi);
if (err)
xfree (secret_x);
log_error ("ECDH ephemeral export of shared point failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Expected size of the x component */
secret_x_size = (nbits+7)/8;
/* Extract X from the result. It must be in the format of:
04 || X || Y
40 || X
41 || X
Since it always comes with the prefix, it's larger than X. In
old experimental version of libgcrypt, there is a case where it
returns X with no prefix of 40, so, nbytes == secret_x_size
is allowed. */
if (nbytes < secret_x_size)
xfree (secret_x);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_DATA);
/* Remove the prefix. */
if ((nbytes & 1))
memmove (secret_x, secret_x+1, secret_x_size);
/* Clear the rest of data. */
if (nbytes - secret_x_size)
memset (secret_x+secret_x_size, 0, nbytes-secret_x_size);
log_printhex ("ECDH shared secret X is:", secret_x, secret_x_size );
/*** We have now the shared secret bytes in secret_x. ***/
/* At this point we are done with PK encryption and the rest of the
* function uses symmetric key encryption techniques to protect the
* input DATA. The following two sections will simply replace
* current secret_x with a value derived from it. This will become
* a KEK.
if (!gcry_mpi_get_flag (pkey[2], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE))
xfree (secret_x);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
kek_params = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (pkey[2], &nbits);
kek_params_size = (nbits+7)/8;
log_printhex ("ecdh KDF params:", kek_params, kek_params_size);
/* Expect 4 bytes 03 01 hash_alg symm_alg. */
if (kek_params_size != 4 || kek_params[0] != 3 || kek_params[1] != 1)
xfree (secret_x);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PUBKEY);
kdf_hash_algo = kek_params[2];
kdf_encr_algo = kek_params[3];
log_debug ("ecdh KDF algorithms %s+%s with aeswrap\n",
openpgp_md_algo_name (kdf_hash_algo),
openpgp_cipher_algo_name (kdf_encr_algo));
if (kdf_hash_algo != GCRY_MD_SHA256
&& kdf_hash_algo != GCRY_MD_SHA384
&& kdf_hash_algo != GCRY_MD_SHA512)
xfree (secret_x);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PUBKEY);
if (kdf_encr_algo != CIPHER_ALGO_AES
&& kdf_encr_algo != CIPHER_ALGO_AES192
&& kdf_encr_algo != CIPHER_ALGO_AES256)
xfree (secret_x);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PUBKEY);
/* Build kdf_params. */
IOBUF obuf;
obuf = iobuf_temp();
/* variable-length field 1, curve name OID */
err = gpg_mpi_write_nohdr (obuf, pkey[0]);
/* fixed-length field 2 */
iobuf_put (obuf, PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH);
/* variable-length field 3, KDF params */
err = (err ? err : gpg_mpi_write_nohdr (obuf, pkey[2]));
/* fixed-length field 4 */
iobuf_write (obuf, "Anonymous Sender ", 20);
/* fixed-length field 5, recipient fp */
iobuf_write (obuf, pk_fp, 20);
message_size = iobuf_temp_to_buffer (obuf, message, sizeof message);
iobuf_close (obuf);
if (err)
xfree (secret_x);
return err;
log_printhex ("ecdh KDF message params are:", message, message_size);
/* Derive a KEK (key wrapping key) using MESSAGE and SECRET_X. */
gcry_md_hd_t h;
int old_size;
err = gcry_md_open (&h, kdf_hash_algo, 0);
if (err)
log_error ("gcry_md_open failed for kdf_hash_algo %d: %s",
kdf_hash_algo, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (secret_x);
return err;
gcry_md_write(h, "\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4); /* counter = 1 */
gcry_md_write(h, secret_x, secret_x_size); /* x of the point X */
gcry_md_write(h, message, message_size); /* KDF parameters */
gcry_md_final (h);
log_assert( gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (kdf_hash_algo) >= 32 );
memcpy (secret_x, gcry_md_read (h, kdf_hash_algo),
gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (kdf_hash_algo));
gcry_md_close (h);
old_size = secret_x_size;
log_assert( old_size >= gcry_cipher_get_algo_keylen( kdf_encr_algo ) );
secret_x_size = gcry_cipher_get_algo_keylen( kdf_encr_algo );
log_assert( secret_x_size <= gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (kdf_hash_algo) );
/* We could have allocated more, so clean the tail before returning. */
memset (secret_x+secret_x_size, 0, old_size - secret_x_size);
log_printhex ("ecdh KEK is:", secret_x, secret_x_size );
/* And, finally, aeswrap with key secret_x. */
gcry_cipher_hd_t hd;
size_t nbytes;
byte *data_buf;
int data_buf_size;
gcry_mpi_t result;
err = gcry_cipher_open (&hd, kdf_encr_algo, GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_AESWRAP, 0);
if (err)
log_error ("ecdh failed to initialize AESWRAP: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (secret_x);
return err;
err = gcry_cipher_setkey (hd, secret_x, secret_x_size);
xfree (secret_x);
secret_x = NULL;
if (err)
gcry_cipher_close (hd);
log_error ("ecdh failed in gcry_cipher_setkey: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
data_buf_size = (gcry_mpi_get_nbits(data)+7)/8;
if ((data_buf_size & 7) != (is_encrypt ? 0 : 1))
log_error ("can't use a shared secret of %d bytes for ecdh\n",
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_DATA);
data_buf = xtrymalloc_secure( 1 + 2*data_buf_size + 8);
if (!data_buf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
gcry_cipher_close (hd);
return err;
if (is_encrypt)
byte *in = data_buf+1+data_buf_size+8;
/* Write data MPI into the end of data_buf. data_buf is size
aeswrap data. */
err = gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, in,
data_buf_size, &nbytes, data/*in*/);
if (err)
log_error ("ecdh failed to export DEK: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
gcry_cipher_close (hd);
xfree (data_buf);
return err;
log_printhex ("ecdh encrypting :", in, data_buf_size );
err = gcry_cipher_encrypt (hd, data_buf+1, data_buf_size+8,
in, data_buf_size);
memset (in, 0, data_buf_size);
gcry_cipher_close (hd);
if (err)
log_error ("ecdh failed in gcry_cipher_encrypt: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (data_buf);
return err;
data_buf[0] = data_buf_size+8;
log_printhex ("ecdh encrypted to:", data_buf+1, data_buf[0] );
result = gcry_mpi_set_opaque (NULL, data_buf, 8 * (1+data_buf[0]));
if (!result)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (data_buf);
log_error ("ecdh failed to create an MPI: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
*r_result = result;
byte *in;
const void *p;
p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (data, &nbits);
nbytes = (nbits+7)/8;
if (!p || nbytes > data_buf_size || !nbytes)
xfree (data_buf);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_MPI);
memcpy (data_buf, p, nbytes);
if (data_buf[0] != nbytes-1)
log_error ("ecdh inconsistent size\n");
xfree (data_buf);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_MPI);
in = data_buf+data_buf_size;
data_buf_size = data_buf[0];
log_printhex ("ecdh decrypting :", data_buf+1, data_buf_size);
err = gcry_cipher_decrypt (hd, in, data_buf_size, data_buf+1,
gcry_cipher_close (hd);
if (err)
log_error ("ecdh failed in gcry_cipher_decrypt: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (data_buf);
return err;
data_buf_size -= 8;
log_printhex ("ecdh decrypted to :", in, data_buf_size);
/* Padding is removed later. */
/* if (in[data_buf_size-1] > 8 ) */
/* { */
/* log_error ("ecdh failed at decryption: invalid padding." */
/* " 0x%02x > 8\n", in[data_buf_size-1] ); */
/* return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_KEY); */
/* } */
err = gcry_mpi_scan (&result, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, in, data_buf_size, NULL);
xfree (data_buf);
if (err)
log_error ("ecdh failed to create a plain text MPI: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
*r_result = result;
return err;
static gcry_mpi_t
gen_k (unsigned nbits)
gcry_mpi_t k;
k = gcry_mpi_snew (nbits);
log_debug ("choosing a random k of %u bits\n", nbits);
gcry_mpi_randomize (k, nbits-1, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
unsigned char *buffer;
if (gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_HEX, &buffer, NULL, k))
BUG ();
log_debug ("ephemeral scalar MPI #0: %s\n", buffer);
gcry_free (buffer);
return k;
/* Generate an ephemeral key for the public ECDH key in PKEY. On
success the generated key is stored at R_K; on failure NULL is
stored at R_K and an error code returned. */
pk_ecdh_generate_ephemeral_key (gcry_mpi_t *pkey, gcry_mpi_t *r_k)
unsigned int nbits;
gcry_mpi_t k;
*r_k = NULL;
nbits = pubkey_nbits (PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH, pkey);
if (!nbits)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
k = gen_k (nbits);
if (!k)
BUG ();
*r_k = k;
return 0;
/* Perform ECDH decryption. */
pk_ecdh_decrypt (gcry_mpi_t * result, const byte sk_fp[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN],
gcry_mpi_t data, gcry_mpi_t shared, gcry_mpi_t * skey)
if (!data)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_MPI);
return pk_ecdh_encrypt_with_shared_point (0 /*=decryption*/, shared,
sk_fp, data/*encr data as an MPI*/,
skey, result);
diff --git a/g10/encrypt.c b/g10/encrypt.c
index 2985408a4..5268946c3 100644
--- a/g10/encrypt.c
+++ b/g10/encrypt.c
@@ -1,992 +1,992 @@
/* encrypt.c - Main encryption driver
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
* 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "pkglue.h"
static int encrypt_simple( const char *filename, int mode, int use_seskey );
static int write_pubkey_enc_from_list( PK_LIST pk_list, DEK *dek, iobuf_t out );
* Encrypt FILENAME with only the symmetric cipher. Take input from
* stdin if FILENAME is NULL.
encrypt_symmetric (const char *filename)
return encrypt_simple( filename, 1, 0 );
* Encrypt FILENAME as a literal data packet only. Take input from
* stdin if FILENAME is NULL.
encrypt_store (const char *filename)
return encrypt_simple( filename, 0, 0 );
/* *SESKEY contains the unencrypted session key ((*SESKEY)->KEY) and
the algorithm that will be used to encrypt the contents of the SED
packet ((*SESKEY)->ALGO). If *SESKEY is NULL, then a random
session key that is appropriate for DEK->ALGO is generated and
stored there.
Encrypt that session key using DEK and store the result in ENCKEY,
which must be large enough to hold (*SESKEY)->KEYLEN + 1 bytes. */
encrypt_seskey (DEK *dek, DEK **seskey, byte *enckey)
gcry_cipher_hd_t hd;
byte buf[33];
log_assert ( dek->keylen <= 32 );
if (!*seskey)
/*log_hexdump( "thekey", c->key, c->keylen );*/
/* The encrypted session key is prefixed with a one-octet algorithm id. */
buf[0] = (*seskey)->algo;
memcpy( buf + 1, (*seskey)->key, (*seskey)->keylen );
/* We only pass already checked values to the following function,
thus we consider any failure as fatal. */
if (openpgp_cipher_open (&hd, dek->algo, GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CFB, 1))
BUG ();
if (gcry_cipher_setkey (hd, dek->key, dek->keylen))
BUG ();
gcry_cipher_setiv (hd, NULL, 0);
gcry_cipher_encrypt (hd, buf, (*seskey)->keylen + 1, NULL, 0);
gcry_cipher_close (hd);
memcpy( enckey, buf, (*seskey)->keylen + 1 );
wipememory( buf, sizeof buf ); /* burn key */
/* We try very hard to use a MDC */
use_mdc (pk_list_t pk_list,int algo)
/* RFC-2440 don't has MDC */
if (RFC2440)
return 0;
/* --force-mdc overrides --disable-mdc */
return 1;
return 0;
/* Do the keys really support MDC? */
return 1;
/* The keys don't support MDC, so now we do a bit of a hack - if any
of the AESes or TWOFISH are in the prefs, we assume that the user
can handle a MDC. This is valid for PGP 7, which can handle MDCs
though it will not generate them. 2440bis allows this, by the
way. */
return 1;
return 1;
return 1;
return 1;
/* Last try. Use MDC for the modern ciphers. */
if (openpgp_cipher_get_algo_blklen (algo) != 8)
return 1;
if (opt.verbose)
warn_missing_mdc_from_pklist (pk_list);
return 0; /* No MDC */
/* We don't want to use use_seskey yet because older gnupg versions
can't handle it, and there isn't really any point unless we're
making a message that can be decrypted by a public key or
passphrase. */
static int
encrypt_simple (const char *filename, int mode, int use_seskey)
iobuf_t inp, out;
PKT_plaintext *pt = NULL;
byte enckey[33];
int rc = 0;
int seskeylen = 0;
u32 filesize;
cipher_filter_context_t cfx;
armor_filter_context_t *afx = NULL;
compress_filter_context_t zfx;
text_filter_context_t tfx;
progress_filter_context_t *pfx;
int do_compress = !!default_compress_algo();
pfx = new_progress_context ();
memset( &cfx, 0, sizeof cfx);
memset( &zfx, 0, sizeof zfx);
memset( &tfx, 0, sizeof tfx);
/* Prepare iobufs. */
inp = iobuf_open(filename);
if (inp)
iobuf_ioctl (inp, IOBUF_IOCTL_NO_CACHE, 1, NULL);
if (inp && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (inp)))
iobuf_close (inp);
inp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if (!inp)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error(_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), filename? filename: "[stdin]",
strerror(errno) );
release_progress_context (pfx);
return rc;
handle_progress (pfx, inp, filename);
if (opt.textmode)
iobuf_push_filter( inp, text_filter, &tfx );
cfx.dek = NULL;
if ( mode )
int canceled;
s2k = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *s2k );
s2k->mode = opt.s2k_mode;
s2k->hash_algo = S2K_DIGEST_ALGO;
cfx.dek = passphrase_to_dek (default_cipher_algo (), s2k, 1, 0,
NULL, &canceled);
if ( !cfx.dek || !cfx.dek->keylen )
rc = gpg_error (canceled? GPG_ERR_CANCELED:GPG_ERR_INV_PASSPHRASE);
xfree (cfx.dek);
xfree (s2k);
iobuf_close (inp);
log_error (_("error creating passphrase: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
release_progress_context (pfx);
return rc;
if (use_seskey && s2k->mode != 1 && s2k->mode != 3)
use_seskey = 0;
log_info (_("can't use a symmetric ESK packet "
"due to the S2K mode\n"));
if ( use_seskey )
DEK *dek = NULL;
seskeylen = openpgp_cipher_get_algo_keylen (default_cipher_algo ());
encrypt_seskey( cfx.dek, &dek, enckey );
xfree( cfx.dek ); cfx.dek = dek;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info(_("using cipher %s\n"),
openpgp_cipher_algo_name (cfx.dek->algo));
if (do_compress && cfx.dek && cfx.dek->use_mdc
&& is_file_compressed(filename, &rc))
if (opt.verbose)
log_info(_("'%s' already compressed\n"), filename);
do_compress = 0;
if ( rc || (rc = open_outfile (-1, filename, opt.armor? 1:0, 0, &out )))
iobuf_cancel (inp);
xfree (cfx.dek);
xfree (s2k);
release_progress_context (pfx);
return rc;
if ( opt.armor )
afx = new_armor_context ();
push_armor_filter (afx, out);
if ( s2k )
PKT_symkey_enc *enc = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *enc + seskeylen + 1 );
enc->version = 4;
enc->cipher_algo = cfx.dek->algo;
enc->s2k = *s2k;
if ( use_seskey && seskeylen )
enc->seskeylen = seskeylen + 1; /* algo id */
memcpy (enc->seskey, enckey, seskeylen + 1 );
pkt.pkttype = PKT_SYMKEY_ENC;
pkt.pkt.symkey_enc = enc;
if ((rc = build_packet( out, &pkt )))
log_error("build symkey packet failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) );
xfree (enc);
if (!opt.no_literal)
pt = setup_plaintext_name (filename, inp);
/* Note that PGP 5 has problems decrypting symmetrically encrypted
data if the file length is in the inner packet. It works when
only partial length headers are use. In the past, we always used
partial body length here, but since PGP 2, PGP 6, and PGP 7 need
the file length, and nobody should be using PGP 5 nowadays
anyway, this is now set to the file length. Note also that this
only applies to the RFC-1991 style symmetric messages, and not
the RFC-2440 style. PGP 6 and 7 work with either partial length
or fixed length with the new style messages. */
if ( !iobuf_is_pipe_filename (filename) && *filename && !opt.textmode )
off_t tmpsize;
int overflow;
if ( !(tmpsize = iobuf_get_filelength(inp, &overflow))
&& !overflow && opt.verbose)
log_info(_("WARNING: '%s' is an empty file\n"), filename );
/* We can't encode the length of very large files because
OpenPGP uses only 32 bit for file sizes. So if the the
size of a file is larger than 2^32 minus some bytes for
packet headers, we switch to partial length encoding. */
if ( tmpsize < (IOBUF_FILELENGTH_LIMIT - 65536) )
filesize = tmpsize;
filesize = 0;
filesize = opt.set_filesize ? opt.set_filesize : 0; /* stdin */
if (!opt.no_literal)
/* Note that PT has been initialized above in !no_literal mode. */
pt->timestamp = make_timestamp();
pt->mode = opt.mimemode? 'm' : opt.textmode? 't' : 'b';
pt->len = filesize;
pt->new_ctb = !pt->len;
pt->buf = inp;
pkt.pkttype = PKT_PLAINTEXT;
pkt.pkt.plaintext = pt;
cfx.datalen = filesize && !do_compress ? calc_packet_length( &pkt ) : 0;
cfx.datalen = filesize && !do_compress ? filesize : 0;
pkt.pkttype = 0;
pkt.pkt.generic = NULL;
/* Register the cipher filter. */
if (mode)
iobuf_push_filter ( out, cipher_filter, &cfx );
/* Register the compress filter. */
if ( do_compress )
if (cfx.dek && cfx.dek->use_mdc)
zfx.new_ctb = 1;
push_compress_filter (out, &zfx, default_compress_algo());
/* Do the work. */
if (!opt.no_literal)
if ( (rc = build_packet( out, &pkt )) )
log_error("build_packet failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) );
/* User requested not to create a literal packet, so we copy the
plain data. */
byte copy_buffer[4096];
int bytes_copied;
while ((bytes_copied = iobuf_read(inp, copy_buffer, 4096)) != -1)
if ( (rc=iobuf_write(out, copy_buffer, bytes_copied)) ) {
log_error ("copying input to output failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc) );
wipememory (copy_buffer, 4096); /* burn buffer */
/* Finish the stuff. */
iobuf_close (inp);
if (rc)
iobuf_close (out); /* fixme: check returncode */
if (mode)
write_status ( STATUS_END_ENCRYPTION );
if (pt)
pt->buf = NULL;
free_packet (&pkt);
xfree (cfx.dek);
xfree (s2k);
release_armor_context (afx);
release_progress_context (pfx);
return rc;
setup_symkey (STRING2KEY **symkey_s2k,DEK **symkey_dek)
int canceled;
(*symkey_s2k)->mode = opt.s2k_mode;
(*symkey_s2k)->hash_algo = S2K_DIGEST_ALGO;
*symkey_dek = passphrase_to_dek (opt.s2k_cipher_algo,
*symkey_s2k, 1, 0, NULL, &canceled);
if(!*symkey_dek || !(*symkey_dek)->keylen)
return gpg_error (canceled?GPG_ERR_CANCELED:GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE);
return 0;
static int
write_symkey_enc (STRING2KEY *symkey_s2k, DEK *symkey_dek, DEK *dek,
iobuf_t out)
int rc, seskeylen = openpgp_cipher_get_algo_keylen (dek->algo);
PKT_symkey_enc *enc;
byte enckey[33];
enc->version = 4;
enc->cipher_algo = opt.s2k_cipher_algo;
enc->s2k = *symkey_s2k;
enc->seskeylen = seskeylen + 1; /* algo id */
memcpy( enc->seskey, enckey, seskeylen + 1 );
pkt.pkttype = PKT_SYMKEY_ENC;
pkt.pkt.symkey_enc = enc;
if ((rc=build_packet(out,&pkt)))
log_error("build symkey_enc packet failed: %s\n",gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
* Encrypt the file with the given userids (or ask if none is
* supplied). Either FILENAME or FILEFD must be given, but not both.
* The caller may provide a checked list of public keys in
* PROVIDED_PKS; if not the function builds a list of keys on its own.
* Note that FILEFD is currently only used by cmd_encrypt in the the
* not yet finished server.c.
encrypt_crypt (ctrl_t ctrl, int filefd, const char *filename,
strlist_t remusr, int use_symkey, pk_list_t provided_keys,
int outputfd)
iobuf_t inp = NULL;
iobuf_t out = NULL;
PKT_plaintext *pt = NULL;
DEK *symkey_dek = NULL;
STRING2KEY *symkey_s2k = NULL;
int rc = 0, rc2 = 0;
u32 filesize;
cipher_filter_context_t cfx;
armor_filter_context_t *afx = NULL;
compress_filter_context_t zfx;
text_filter_context_t tfx;
progress_filter_context_t *pfx;
PK_LIST pk_list;
int do_compress;
if (filefd != -1 && filename)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG); /* Both given. */
do_compress = !!opt.compress_algo;
pfx = new_progress_context ();
memset( &cfx, 0, sizeof cfx);
memset( &zfx, 0, sizeof zfx);
memset( &tfx, 0, sizeof tfx);
if (use_symkey
&& (rc=setup_symkey(&symkey_s2k,&symkey_dek)))
release_progress_context (pfx);
return rc;
if (provided_keys)
pk_list = provided_keys;
if ((rc = build_pk_list (ctrl, remusr, &pk_list)))
release_progress_context (pfx);
return rc;
/* Prepare iobufs. */
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (filefd == -1)
inp = iobuf_open (filename);
inp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (ENOSYS);
if (filefd == GNUPG_INVALID_FD)
inp = iobuf_open (filename);
inp = iobuf_fdopen_nc (FD2INT(filefd), "rb");
if (inp)
iobuf_ioctl (inp, IOBUF_IOCTL_NO_CACHE, 1, NULL);
if (inp && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (inp)))
iobuf_close (inp);
inp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if (!inp)
char xname[64];
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (filefd != -1)
snprintf (xname, sizeof xname, "[fd %d]", filefd);
else if (!filename)
strcpy (xname, "[stdin]");
*xname = 0;
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"),
*xname? xname : filename, gpg_strerror (rc) );
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("reading from '%s'\n"), iobuf_get_fname_nonnull (inp));
handle_progress (pfx, inp, filename);
if (opt.textmode)
iobuf_push_filter (inp, text_filter, &tfx);
rc = open_outfile (outputfd, filename, opt.armor? 1:0, 0, &out);
if (rc)
goto leave;
if (opt.armor)
afx = new_armor_context ();
push_armor_filter (afx, out);
/* Create a session key. */
cfx.dek = xmalloc_secure_clear (sizeof *cfx.dek);
if (!opt.def_cipher_algo)
/* Try to get it from the prefs. */
cfx.dek->algo = select_algo_from_prefs (pk_list, PREFTYPE_SYM, -1, NULL);
/* The only way select_algo_from_prefs can fail here is when
mixing v3 and v4 keys, as v4 keys have an implicit preference
entry for 3DES, and the pk_list cannot be empty. In this
case, use 3DES anyway as it's the safest choice - perhaps the
v3 key is being used in an OpenPGP implementation and we know
that the implementation behind any v4 key can handle 3DES. */
if (cfx.dek->algo == -1)
cfx.dek->algo = CIPHER_ALGO_3DES;
/* In case 3DES has been selected, print a warning if any key
does not have a preference for AES. This should help to
indentify why encrypting to several recipients falls back to
3DES. */
if (opt.verbose && cfx.dek->algo == CIPHER_ALGO_3DES)
warn_missing_aes_from_pklist (pk_list);
if (!
&& (select_algo_from_prefs (pk_list, PREFTYPE_SYM,
opt.def_cipher_algo, NULL)
!= opt.def_cipher_algo))
log_info(_("WARNING: forcing symmetric cipher %s (%d)"
" violates recipient preferences\n"),
openpgp_cipher_algo_name (opt.def_cipher_algo),
cfx.dek->algo = opt.def_cipher_algo;
cfx.dek->use_mdc = use_mdc (pk_list,cfx.dek->algo);
/* Only do the is-file-already-compressed check if we are using a
MDC. This forces compressed files to be re-compressed if we do
not have a MDC to give some protection against chosen ciphertext
attacks. */
if (do_compress && cfx.dek->use_mdc && is_file_compressed(filename, &rc2))
if (opt.verbose)
log_info(_("'%s' already compressed\n"), filename);
do_compress = 0;
if (rc2)
rc = rc2;
goto leave;
make_session_key (cfx.dek);
log_printhex ("DEK is: ", cfx.dek->key, cfx.dek->keylen );
rc = write_pubkey_enc_from_list (pk_list, cfx.dek, out);
if (rc)
goto leave;
/* We put the passphrase (if any) after any public keys as this
seems to be the most useful on the recipient side - there is no
point in prompting a user for a passphrase if they have the
secret key needed to decrypt. */
if(use_symkey && (rc = write_symkey_enc(symkey_s2k,symkey_dek,cfx.dek,out)))
goto leave;
if (!opt.no_literal)
pt = setup_plaintext_name (filename, inp);
/* Get the size of the file if possible, i.e., if it is a real file. */
if (filename && *filename
&& !iobuf_is_pipe_filename (filename) && !opt.textmode )
off_t tmpsize;
int overflow;
if ( !(tmpsize = iobuf_get_filelength(inp, &overflow))
&& !overflow && opt.verbose)
log_info(_("WARNING: '%s' is an empty file\n"), filename );
/* We can't encode the length of very large files because
OpenPGP uses only 32 bit for file sizes. So if the the size
of a file is larger than 2^32 minus some bytes for packet
headers, we switch to partial length encoding. */
if (tmpsize < (IOBUF_FILELENGTH_LIMIT - 65536) )
filesize = tmpsize;
filesize = 0;
filesize = opt.set_filesize ? opt.set_filesize : 0; /* stdin */
if (!opt.no_literal)
pt->timestamp = make_timestamp();
pt->mode = opt.mimemode? 'm' : opt.textmode ? 't' : 'b';
pt->len = filesize;
pt->new_ctb = !pt->len;
pt->buf = inp;
pkt.pkttype = PKT_PLAINTEXT;
pkt.pkt.plaintext = pt;
cfx.datalen = filesize && !do_compress? calc_packet_length( &pkt ) : 0;
cfx.datalen = filesize && !do_compress ? filesize : 0;
/* Register the cipher filter. */
iobuf_push_filter (out, cipher_filter, &cfx);
/* Register the compress filter. */
if (do_compress)
int compr_algo = opt.compress_algo;
if (compr_algo == -1)
compr_algo = select_algo_from_prefs (pk_list, PREFTYPE_ZIP, -1, NULL);
if (compr_algo == -1)
/* Theoretically impossible to get here since uncompressed
is implicit. */
else if (!
&& select_algo_from_prefs(pk_list, PREFTYPE_ZIP,
compr_algo, NULL) != compr_algo)
log_info (_("WARNING: forcing compression algorithm %s (%d)"
" violates recipient preferences\n"),
compress_algo_to_string(compr_algo), compr_algo);
/* Algo 0 means no compression. */
if (compr_algo)
if (cfx.dek && cfx.dek->use_mdc)
zfx.new_ctb = 1;
push_compress_filter (out,&zfx,compr_algo);
/* Do the work. */
if (!opt.no_literal)
if ((rc = build_packet( out, &pkt )))
log_error ("build_packet failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
/* User requested not to create a literal packet, so we copy the
plain data. */
byte copy_buffer[4096];
int bytes_copied;
while ((bytes_copied = iobuf_read (inp, copy_buffer, 4096)) != -1)
rc = iobuf_write (out, copy_buffer, bytes_copied);
if (rc)
log_error ("copying input to output failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
wipememory (copy_buffer, 4096); /* Burn the buffer. */
/* Finish the stuff. */
iobuf_close (inp);
if (rc)
iobuf_cancel (out);
iobuf_close (out); /* fixme: check returncode */
if (pt)
pt->buf = NULL;
free_packet (&pkt);
xfree (cfx.dek);
xfree (symkey_dek);
xfree (symkey_s2k);
if (!provided_keys)
release_pk_list (pk_list);
release_armor_context (afx);
release_progress_context (pfx);
return rc;
* Filter to do a complete public key encryption.
encrypt_filter (void *opaque, int control,
iobuf_t a, byte *buf, size_t *ret_len)
size_t size = *ret_len;
encrypt_filter_context_t *efx = opaque;
int rc = 0;
if (control == IOBUFCTRL_UNDERFLOW) /* decrypt */
BUG(); /* not used */
else if ( control == IOBUFCTRL_FLUSH ) /* encrypt */
if ( !efx->header_okay )
efx->cfx.dek = xmalloc_secure_clear ( sizeof *efx->cfx.dek );
if ( !opt.def_cipher_algo )
/* Try to get it from the prefs. */
efx->cfx.dek->algo =
select_algo_from_prefs (efx->pk_list, PREFTYPE_SYM, -1, NULL);
if (efx->cfx.dek->algo == -1 )
/* Because 3DES is implicitly in the prefs, this can
only happen if we do not have any public keys in
the list. */
efx->cfx.dek->algo = DEFAULT_CIPHER_ALGO;
/* In case 3DES has been selected, print a warning if
any key does not have a preference for AES. This
should help to indentify why encrypting to several
recipients falls back to 3DES. */
if (opt.verbose
&& efx->cfx.dek->algo == CIPHER_ALGO_3DES)
warn_missing_aes_from_pklist (efx->pk_list);
if (!
&& select_algo_from_prefs (efx->pk_list,PREFTYPE_SYM,
NULL) != opt.def_cipher_algo)
log_info(_("forcing symmetric cipher %s (%d) "
"violates recipient preferences\n"),
openpgp_cipher_algo_name (opt.def_cipher_algo),
efx->cfx.dek->algo = opt.def_cipher_algo;
efx->cfx.dek->use_mdc = use_mdc (efx->pk_list,efx->cfx.dek->algo);
make_session_key ( efx->cfx.dek );
log_printhex ("DEK is: ", efx->cfx.dek->key, efx->cfx.dek->keylen);
rc = write_pubkey_enc_from_list (efx->pk_list, efx->cfx.dek, a);
if (rc)
return rc;
if(efx->symkey_s2k && efx->symkey_dek)
return rc;
iobuf_push_filter (a, cipher_filter, &efx->cfx);
efx->header_okay = 1;
rc = iobuf_write (a, buf, size);
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_FREE)
xfree (efx->symkey_dek);
xfree (efx->symkey_s2k);
else if ( control == IOBUFCTRL_DESC )
mem2str (buf, "encrypt_filter", *ret_len);
return rc;
* Write a pubkey-enc packet for the public key PK to OUT.
write_pubkey_enc (PKT_public_key *pk, int throw_keyid, DEK *dek, iobuf_t out)
PKT_pubkey_enc *enc;
int rc;
gcry_mpi_t frame;
print_pubkey_algo_note ( pk->pubkey_algo );
enc = xmalloc_clear ( sizeof *enc );
enc->pubkey_algo = pk->pubkey_algo;
keyid_from_pk( pk, enc->keyid );
enc->throw_keyid = throw_keyid;
/* Okay, what's going on: We have the session key somewhere in
* the structure DEK and want to encode this session key in an
* integer value of n bits. pubkey_nbits gives us the number of
* bits we have to use. We then encode the session key in some
* way and we get it back in the big intger value FRAME. Then
* we use FRAME, the public key PK->PKEY and the algorithm
* number PK->PUBKEY_ALGO and pass it to pubkey_encrypt which
* returns the encrypted value in the array ENC->DATA. This
* array has a size which depends on the used algorithm (e.g. 2
* for Elgamal). We don't need frame anymore because we have
* everything now in enc->data which is the passed to
* build_packet(). */
frame = encode_session_key (pk->pubkey_algo, dek,
pubkey_nbits (pk->pubkey_algo, pk->pkey));
rc = pk_encrypt (pk->pubkey_algo, enc->data, frame, pk, pk->pkey);
gcry_mpi_release (frame);
if (rc)
log_error ("pubkey_encrypt failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) );
if ( opt.verbose )
char *ustr = get_user_id_string_native (enc->keyid);
log_info (_("%s/%s encrypted for: \"%s\"\n"),
openpgp_pk_algo_name (enc->pubkey_algo),
openpgp_cipher_algo_name (dek->algo),
ustr );
xfree (ustr);
/* And write it. */
init_packet (&pkt);
pkt.pkttype = PKT_PUBKEY_ENC;
pkt.pkt.pubkey_enc = enc;
rc = build_packet (out, &pkt);
if (rc)
log_error ("build_packet(pubkey_enc) failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
* Write pubkey-enc packets from the list of PKs to OUT.
static int
write_pubkey_enc_from_list (PK_LIST pk_list, DEK *dek, iobuf_t out)
if (opt.throw_keyids && (PGP6 || PGP7 || PGP8))
log_info(_("you may not use %s while in %s mode\n"),
for ( ; pk_list; pk_list = pk_list->next )
PKT_public_key *pk = pk_list->pk;
int throw_keyid = (opt.throw_keyids || (pk_list->flags&1));
int rc = write_pubkey_enc (pk, throw_keyid, dek, out);
if (rc)
return rc;
return 0;
encrypt_crypt_files (ctrl_t ctrl, int nfiles, char **files, strlist_t remusr)
int rc = 0;
if (opt.outfile)
log_error(_("--output doesn't work for this command\n"));
if (!nfiles)
char line[2048];
unsigned int lno = 0;
while ( fgets(line, DIM(line), stdin) )
if (!*line || line[strlen(line)-1] != '\n')
log_error("input line %u too long or missing LF\n", lno);
line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0';
print_file_status(STATUS_FILE_START, line, 2);
rc = encrypt_crypt (ctrl, -1, line, remusr, 0, NULL, -1);
if (rc)
log_error ("encryption of '%s' failed: %s\n",
print_fname_stdin(line), gpg_strerror (rc) );
write_status( STATUS_FILE_DONE );
while (nfiles--)
print_file_status(STATUS_FILE_START, *files, 2);
if ( (rc = encrypt_crypt (ctrl, -1, *files, remusr, 0, NULL, -1)) )
log_error("encryption of '%s' failed: %s\n",
print_fname_stdin(*files), gpg_strerror (rc) );
write_status( STATUS_FILE_DONE );
diff --git a/g10/exec.c b/g10/exec.c
index 30108eb4e..b868a1ff1 100644
--- a/g10/exec.c
+++ b/g10/exec.c
@@ -1,635 +1,635 @@
/* exec.c - generic call-a-program code
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
FIXME: We should replace most code in this module by our
spawn implementation from common/exechelp.c.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
# include <winsock2.h>
# endif
# include <windows.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "membuf.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "exec.h"
#ifdef NO_EXEC
exec_write(struct exec_info **info,const char *program,
const char *args_in,const char *name,int writeonly,int binary)
log_error(_("no remote program execution supported\n"));
exec_read(struct exec_info *info) { return GPG_ERR_GENERAL; }
exec_finish(struct exec_info *info) { return GPG_ERR_GENERAL; }
set_exec_path(const char *path) { return GPG_ERR_GENERAL; }
#else /* ! NO_EXEC */
#if defined (_WIN32)
/* This is a nicer system() for windows that waits for programs to
return before returning control to the caller. I hate helpful
computers. */
static int
w32_system(const char *command)
#warning Change this code to use common/exechelp.c
char *string;
/* We must use a copy of the command as CreateProcess modifies this
argument. */
return -1;
/* Wait for the child to exit */
return 0;
/* Replaces current $PATH */
set_exec_path(const char *path)
#warning Change this code to use common/exechelp.c
char *p;
log_debug("set_exec_path: %s\n",p);
/* Notice that path is never freed. That is intentional due to the
way putenv() works. This leaks a few bytes if we call
set_exec_path multiple times. */
return 0;
/* Makes a temp directory and filenames */
static int
make_tempdir(struct exec_info *info)
char *tmp=opt.temp_dir,*namein=info->name,*nameout;
namein=info->flags.binary?"tempin" EXTSEP_S "bin":"tempin" EXTSEP_S "txt";
nameout=info->flags.binary?"tempout" EXTSEP_S "bin":"tempout" EXTSEP_S "txt";
/* Make up the temp dir and files in case we need them */
#if defined (_WIN32)
int err;
if(err==0 || err>MAX_PATH+1)
int len=strlen(tmp);
/* GetTempPath may return with \ on the end */
while(len>0 && tmp[len-1]=='\\')
#else /* More unixish systems */
#ifdef __riscos__
mkdir(tmp,0700); /* Error checks occur later on */
sprintf(info->tempdir,"%s" DIRSEP_S "gpg-XXXXXX",tmp);
#if defined (_WIN32)
if (!gnupg_mkdtemp(info->tempdir))
log_error(_("can't create directory '%s': %s\n"),
sprintf(info->tempfile_in,"%s" DIRSEP_S "%s",info->tempdir,namein);
sprintf(info->tempfile_out,"%s" DIRSEP_S "%s",info->tempdir,nameout);
return info->flags.madedir? 0 : GPG_ERR_GENERAL;
/* Expands %i and %o in the args to the full temp files within the
temp directory. */
static int
expand_args(struct exec_info *info,const char *args_in)
const char *ch = args_in;
membuf_t command;
log_debug("expanding string \"%s\"\n",args_in);
init_membuf (&command, 100);
char *append=NULL;
case 'O':
/* fall through */
case 'o': /* out */
goto fail;
case 'I':
/* fall through */
case 'i': /* in */
goto fail;
case '%':
put_membuf_str (&command, append);
put_membuf (&command, ch, 1);
put_membuf (&command, "", 1); /* Terminate string. */
info->command = get_membuf (&command, NULL);
if (!info->command)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_debug("args expanded to \"%s\", use %u, keep %u\n",info->command,
return 0;
xfree (get_membuf (&command, NULL));
/* Either handles the tempfile creation, or the fork/exec. If it
returns ok, then info->tochild is a FILE * that can be written to.
The rules are: if there are no args, then it's a fork/exec/pipe.
If there are args, but no tempfiles, then it's a fork/exec/pipe via
shell -c. If there are tempfiles, then it's a system. */
exec_write(struct exec_info **info,const char *program,
const char *args_in,const char *name,int writeonly,int binary)
int ret = GPG_ERR_GENERAL;
if(opt.exec_disable && !opt.no_perm_warn)
log_info(_("external program calls are disabled due to unsafe "
"options file permissions\n"));
return ret;
#if defined(HAVE_GETUID) && defined(HAVE_GETEUID)
/* There should be no way to get to this spot while still carrying
setuid privs. Just in case, bomb out if we are. */
if ( getuid () != geteuid ())
BUG ();
if(program==NULL && args_in==NULL)
*info=xmalloc_clear(sizeof(struct exec_info));
/* Expand the args, if any */
if(args_in && expand_args(*info,args_in))
goto fail;
log_error(_("this platform requires temporary files when calling"
" external programs\n"));
goto fail;
/* If there are no args, or there are args, but no temp files, we
can use fork/exec/pipe */
if(args_in==NULL || (*info)->flags.use_temp_files==0)
int to[2],from[2];
goto fail;
goto fail;
goto fail;
char *shell=getenv("SHELL");
/* I'm the child */
/* If the program isn't going to respond back, they get to
keep their stdout/stderr */
/* implied close of STDERR */
/* implied close of STDOUT */
/* implied close of STDIN */
log_debug("execlp: %s\n",program);
execlp(program,program,(void *)NULL);
log_debug("execlp: %s -c %s\n",shell,(*info)->command);
execlp(shell,shell,"-c",(*info)->command,(void *)NULL);
/* If we get this far the exec failed. Clean up and return. */
log_error(_("unable to execute program '%s': %s\n"),
log_error(_("unable to execute shell '%s': %s\n"),
/* This mimics the POSIX sh behavior - 127 means "not found"
from the shell. */
/* I'm the parent */
ret = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto fail;
ret = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto fail;
/* fd iobufs are cached! */
iobuf_ioctl((*info)->fromchild, IOBUF_IOCTL_NO_CACHE, 1, NULL);
return 0;
#endif /* !EXEC_TEMPFILE_ONLY */
log_debug("using temp file '%s'\n",(*info)->tempfile_in);
/* It's not fork/exec/pipe, so create a temp file */
if( is_secured_filename ((*info)->tempfile_in) )
(*info)->tochild = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
ret = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error(_("can't create '%s': %s\n"),
goto fail;
if (ret)
xfree (*info);
*info = NULL;
return ret;
exec_read(struct exec_info *info)
int ret = GPG_ERR_GENERAL;
log_debug("system() command is %s\n",info->command);
#if defined (_WIN32)
log_error(_("system error while calling external program: %s\n"),
goto fail;
#if defined(WIFEXITED) && defined(WEXITSTATUS)
log_error(_("unnatural exit of external program\n"));
goto fail;
/* If we don't have the macros, do the best we can. */
info->progreturn = (info->progreturn & 0xff00) >> 8;
/* 127 is the magic value returned from system() to indicate
that the shell could not be executed, or from /bin/sh to
indicate that the program could not be executed. */
log_error(_("unable to execute external program\n"));
goto fail;
if (info->fromchild
&& is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (info->fromchild)))
iobuf_close (info->fromchild);
info->fromchild = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
ret = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error(_("unable to read external program response: %s\n"),
goto fail;
/* Do not cache this iobuf on close */
iobuf_ioctl(info->fromchild, IOBUF_IOCTL_NO_CACHE, 1, NULL);
return ret;
exec_finish(struct exec_info *info)
int ret=info->progreturn;
if(waitpid(info->child,&info->progreturn,0)!=0 &&
log_error(_("unnatural exit of external program\n"));
if(info->flags.madedir && !info->flags.keep_temp_files)
log_info(_("WARNING: unable to remove tempfile (%s) '%s': %s\n"),
log_info(_("WARNING: unable to remove tempfile (%s) '%s': %s\n"),
log_info(_("WARNING: unable to remove temp directory '%s': %s\n"),
return ret;
#endif /* ! NO_EXEC */
diff --git a/g10/exec.h b/g10/exec.h
index 51304adc0..1cb1c7208 100644
--- a/g10/exec.h
+++ b/g10/exec.h
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
/* exec.h
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef _EXEC_H_
#define _EXEC_H_
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "../common/iobuf.h"
struct exec_info
int progreturn;
unsigned int binary:1;
unsigned int writeonly:1;
unsigned int madedir:1;
unsigned int use_temp_files:1;
unsigned int keep_temp_files:1;
} flags;
pid_t child;
FILE *tochild;
iobuf_t fromchild;
char *command,*name,*tempdir,*tempfile_in,*tempfile_out;
int exec_write(struct exec_info **info,const char *program,
const char *args_in,const char *name,int writeonly,int binary);
int exec_read(struct exec_info *info);
int exec_finish(struct exec_info *info);
int set_exec_path(const char *path);
#endif /* !_EXEC_H_ */
diff --git a/g10/export.c b/g10/export.c
index 78cb85f34..6a5597ce1 100644
--- a/g10/export.c
+++ b/g10/export.c
@@ -1,2326 +1,2326 @@
/* export.c - Export keys in the OpenPGP defined format.
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
* 2005, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 1998-2016 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "membuf.h"
#include "host2net.h"
#include "zb32.h"
#include "recsel.h"
#include "mbox-util.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "call-agent.h"
/* An object to keep track of subkeys. */
struct subkey_list_s
struct subkey_list_s *next;
u32 kid[2];
typedef struct subkey_list_s *subkey_list_t;
/* An object to track statistics for export operations. */
struct export_stats_s
ulong count; /* Number of processed keys. */
ulong secret_count; /* Number of secret keys seen. */
ulong exported; /* Number of actual exported keys. */
/* A global variable to store the selector created from
* --export-filter keep-uid=EXPR.
* --export-filter drop-subkey=EXPR.
* FIXME: We should put this into the CTRL object but that requires a
* lot more changes right now.
static recsel_expr_t export_keep_uid;
static recsel_expr_t export_drop_subkey;
/* Local prototypes. */
static int do_export (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t users, int secret,
unsigned int options, export_stats_t stats);
static int do_export_stream (ctrl_t ctrl, iobuf_t out,
strlist_t users, int secret,
kbnode_t *keyblock_out, unsigned int options,
export_stats_t stats, int *any);
static gpg_error_t print_pka_or_dane_records
/**/ (iobuf_t out, kbnode_t keyblock, PKT_public_key *pk,
const void *data, size_t datalen,
int print_pka, int print_dane);
static void
cleanup_export_globals (void)
recsel_release (export_keep_uid);
export_keep_uid = NULL;
recsel_release (export_drop_subkey);
export_drop_subkey = NULL;
/* Option parser for export options. See parse_options fro
details. */
parse_export_options(char *str,unsigned int *options,int noisy)
struct parse_options export_opts[]=
N_("export signatures that are marked as local-only")},
N_("export attribute user IDs (generally photo IDs)")},
N_("export revocation keys marked as \"sensitive\"")},
N_("remove unusable parts from key during export")},
N_("remove as much as possible from key during export")},
{"export-pka", EXPORT_PKA_FORMAT, NULL, NULL },
{"export-dane", EXPORT_DANE_FORMAT, NULL, NULL },
/* Aliases for backward compatibility */
/* dummy */
/* add tags for include revoked and disabled? */
return parse_options(str,options,export_opts,noisy);
/* Parse and set an export filter from string. STRING has the format
* "NAME=EXPR" with NAME being the name of the filter. Spaces before
* and after NAME are not allowed. If this function is called several
* times all expressions for the same NAME are concatenated.
* Supported filter names are:
* - keep-uid :: If the expression evaluates to true for a certain
* user ID packet, that packet and all it dependencies
* will be exported. The expression may use these
* variables:
* - uid :: The entire user ID.
* - mbox :: The mail box part of the user ID.
* - primary :: Evaluate to true for the primary user ID.
* - drop-subkey :: If the expression evaluates to true for a subkey
* packet that subkey and all it dependencies will be
* remove from the keyblock. The expression may use these
* variables:
* - secret :: 1 for a secret subkey, else 0.
* - key_algo :: Public key algorithm id
parse_and_set_export_filter (const char *string)
gpg_error_t err;
/* Auto register the cleanup function. */
register_mem_cleanup_func (cleanup_export_globals);
if (!strncmp (string, "keep-uid=", 9))
err = recsel_parse_expr (&export_keep_uid, string+9);
else if (!strncmp (string, "drop-subkey=", 12))
err = recsel_parse_expr (&export_drop_subkey, string+12);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
return err;
/* Create a new export stats object initialized to zero. On error
returns NULL and sets ERRNO. */
export_new_stats (void)
export_stats_t stats;
return xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *stats);
/* Release an export stats object. */
export_release_stats (export_stats_t stats)
xfree (stats);
/* Print export statistics using the status interface. */
export_print_stats (export_stats_t stats)
if (!stats)
if (is_status_enabled ())
char buf[15*20];
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%lu %lu %lu",
stats->exported );
write_status_text (STATUS_EXPORT_RES, buf);
* Export public keys (to stdout or to --output FILE).
* Depending on opt.armor the output is armored. OPTIONS are defined
* in main.h. If USERS is NULL, all keys will be exported. STATS is
* either an export stats object for update or NULL.
* This function is the core of "gpg --export".
export_pubkeys (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t users, unsigned int options,
export_stats_t stats)
return do_export (ctrl, users, 0, options, stats);
* Export secret keys (to stdout or to --output FILE).
* Depending on opt.armor the output is armored. If USERS is NULL,
* all secret keys will be exported. STATS is either an export stats
* object for update or NULL.
* This function is the core of "gpg --export-secret-keys".
export_seckeys (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t users, export_stats_t stats)
return do_export (ctrl, users, 1, 0, stats);
* Export secret sub keys (to stdout or to --output FILE).
* This is the same as export_seckeys but replaces the primary key by
* a stub key. Depending on opt.armor the output is armored. If
* USERS is NULL, all secret subkeys will be exported. STATS is
* either an export stats object for update or NULL.
* This function is the core of "gpg --export-secret-subkeys".
export_secsubkeys (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t users, export_stats_t stats)
return do_export (ctrl, users, 2, 0, stats);
* Export a single key into a memory buffer. STATS is either an
* export stats object for update or NULL.
export_pubkey_buffer (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyspec, unsigned int options,
export_stats_t stats,
kbnode_t *r_keyblock, void **r_data, size_t *r_datalen)
gpg_error_t err;
iobuf_t iobuf;
int any;
strlist_t helplist;
*r_keyblock = NULL;
*r_data = NULL;
*r_datalen = 0;
helplist = NULL;
if (!add_to_strlist_try (&helplist, keyspec))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
iobuf = iobuf_temp ();
err = do_export_stream (ctrl, iobuf, helplist, 0, r_keyblock, options,
stats, &any);
if (!err && !any)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
if (!err)
const void *src;
size_t datalen;
iobuf_flush_temp (iobuf);
src = iobuf_get_temp_buffer (iobuf);
datalen = iobuf_get_temp_length (iobuf);
if (!datalen)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY);
else if (!(*r_data = xtrymalloc (datalen)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (*r_data, src, datalen);
*r_datalen = datalen;
iobuf_close (iobuf);
free_strlist (helplist);
if (err && *r_keyblock)
release_kbnode (*r_keyblock);
*r_keyblock = NULL;
return err;
/* Export the keys identified by the list of strings in USERS. If
Secret is false public keys will be exported. With secret true
secret keys will be exported; in this case 1 means the entire
secret keyblock and 2 only the subkeys. OPTIONS are the export
options to apply. */
static int
do_export (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t users, int secret, unsigned int options,
export_stats_t stats)
int any, rc;
armor_filter_context_t *afx = NULL;
compress_filter_context_t zfx;
memset( &zfx, 0, sizeof zfx);
rc = open_outfile (-1, NULL, 0, !!secret, &out );
if (rc)
return rc;
if ( opt.armor && !(options & (EXPORT_PKA_FORMAT|EXPORT_DANE_FORMAT)) )
afx = new_armor_context ();
afx->what = secret? 5 : 1;
push_armor_filter (afx, out);
rc = do_export_stream (ctrl, out, users, secret, NULL, options, stats, &any);
if ( rc || !any )
iobuf_cancel (out);
iobuf_close (out);
release_armor_context (afx);
return rc;
/* Release an entire subkey list. */
static void
release_subkey_list (subkey_list_t list)
while (list)
subkey_list_t tmp = list->next;;
xfree (list);
list = tmp;
/* Returns true if NODE is a subkey and contained in LIST. */
static int
subkey_in_list_p (subkey_list_t list, KBNODE node)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY )
u32 kid[2];
keyid_from_pk (node->pkt->pkt.public_key, kid);
for (; list; list = list->next)
if (list->kid[0] == kid[0] && list->kid[1] == kid[1])
return 1;
return 0;
/* Allocate a new subkey list item from NODE. */
static subkey_list_t
new_subkey_list_item (KBNODE node)
subkey_list_t list = xcalloc (1, sizeof *list);
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
keyid_from_pk (node->pkt->pkt.public_key, list->kid);
return list;
/* Helper function to check whether the subkey at NODE actually
matches the description at DESC. The function returns true if the
key under question has been specified by an exact specification
(keyID or fingerprint) and does match the one at NODE. It is
assumed that the packet at NODE is either a public or secret
subkey. */
static int
exact_subkey_match_p (KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc, KBNODE node)
u32 kid[2];
size_t fprlen;
int result = 0;
keyid_from_pk (node->pkt->pkt.public_key, kid);
fingerprint_from_pk (node->pkt->pkt.public_key, fpr,&fprlen);
if (desc->u.kid[1] == kid[1])
result = 1;
if (desc->u.kid[0] == kid[0] && desc->u.kid[1] == kid[1])
result = 1;
if (!memcmp (desc->u.fpr, fpr, 16))
result = 1;
if (!memcmp (desc->u.fpr, fpr, 20))
result = 1;
return result;
/* Return an error if the key represented by the S-expression S_KEY
* and the OpenPGP key represented by PK do not use the same curve. */
static gpg_error_t
match_curve_skey_pk (gcry_sexp_t s_key, PKT_public_key *pk)
gcry_sexp_t curve = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t flags = NULL;
char *curve_str = NULL;
char *flag;
const char *oidstr = NULL;
gcry_mpi_t curve_as_mpi = NULL;
gpg_error_t err;
int is_eddsa = 0;
int idx = 0;
if (!(pk->pubkey_algo==PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH
|| pk->pubkey_algo==PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA
|| pk->pubkey_algo==PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO);
curve = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_key, "curve", 0);
if (!curve)
log_error ("no reported curve\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_CURVE);
curve_str = gcry_sexp_nth_string (curve, 1);
gcry_sexp_release (curve); curve = NULL;
if (!curve_str)
log_error ("no curve name\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_CURVE);
oidstr = openpgp_curve_to_oid (curve_str, NULL);
if (!oidstr)
log_error ("no OID known for curve '%s'\n", curve_str);
xfree (curve_str);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_CURVE);
xfree (curve_str);
err = openpgp_oid_from_str (oidstr, &curve_as_mpi);
if (err)
return err;
if (gcry_mpi_cmp (pk->pkey[0], curve_as_mpi))
log_error ("curves do not match\n");
gcry_mpi_release (curve_as_mpi);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CURVE);
gcry_mpi_release (curve_as_mpi);
flags = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_key, "flags", 0);
if (flags)
for (idx = 1; idx < gcry_sexp_length (flags); idx++)
flag = gcry_sexp_nth_string (flags, idx);
if (flag && (strcmp ("eddsa", flag) == 0))
is_eddsa = 1;
gcry_free (flag);
if (is_eddsa != (pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA))
log_error ("disagreement about EdDSA\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CURVE);
return err;
/* Return a canonicalized public key algoithms. This is used to
compare different flavors of algorithms (e.g. ELG and ELG_E are
considered the same). */
static enum gcry_pk_algos
canon_pk_algo (enum gcry_pk_algos algo)
switch (algo)
case GCRY_PK_RSA_S: return GCRY_PK_RSA;
case GCRY_PK_ELG_E: return GCRY_PK_ELG;
case GCRY_PK_ECDH: return GCRY_PK_ECC;
default: return algo;
/* Take a cleartext dump of a secret key in PK and change the
* parameter array in PK to include the secret parameters. */
static gpg_error_t
cleartext_secret_key_to_openpgp (gcry_sexp_t s_key, PKT_public_key *pk)
gpg_error_t err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
gcry_sexp_t top_list;
gcry_sexp_t key = NULL;
char *key_type = NULL;
enum gcry_pk_algos pk_algo;
struct seckey_info *ski;
int idx, sec_start;
gcry_mpi_t pub_params[10] = { NULL };
/* we look for a private-key, then the first element in it tells us
the type */
top_list = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_key, "private-key", 0);
if (!top_list)
goto bad_seckey;
if (gcry_sexp_length(top_list) != 2)
goto bad_seckey;
key = gcry_sexp_nth (top_list, 1);
if (!key)
goto bad_seckey;
key_type = gcry_sexp_nth_string(key, 0);
pk_algo = gcry_pk_map_name (key_type);
log_assert (!pk->seckey_info);
pk->seckey_info = ski = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ski);
if (!ski)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
switch (canon_pk_algo (pk_algo))
if (!is_RSA (pk->pubkey_algo))
goto bad_pubkey_algo;
err = gcry_sexp_extract_param (key, NULL, "ne",
for (idx=0; idx < 2 && !err; idx++)
if (gcry_mpi_cmp(pk->pkey[idx], pub_params[idx]))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PUBKEY);
if (!err)
for (idx = 2; idx < 6 && !err; idx++)
gcry_mpi_release (pk->pkey[idx]);
pk->pkey[idx] = NULL;
err = gcry_sexp_extract_param (key, NULL, "dpqu",
if (!err)
for (idx = 2; idx < 6; idx++)
ski->csum += checksum_mpi (pk->pkey[idx]);
if (!is_DSA (pk->pubkey_algo))
goto bad_pubkey_algo;
err = gcry_sexp_extract_param (key, NULL, "pqgy",
for (idx=0; idx < 4 && !err; idx++)
if (gcry_mpi_cmp(pk->pkey[idx], pub_params[idx]))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PUBKEY);
if (!err)
gcry_mpi_release (pk->pkey[4]);
pk->pkey[4] = NULL;
err = gcry_sexp_extract_param (key, NULL, "x",
if (!err)
ski->csum += checksum_mpi (pk->pkey[4]);
if (!is_ELGAMAL (pk->pubkey_algo))
goto bad_pubkey_algo;
err = gcry_sexp_extract_param (key, NULL, "pgy",
for (idx=0; idx < 3 && !err; idx++)
if (gcry_mpi_cmp(pk->pkey[idx], pub_params[idx]))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PUBKEY);
if (!err)
gcry_mpi_release (pk->pkey[3]);
pk->pkey[3] = NULL;
err = gcry_sexp_extract_param (key, NULL, "x",
if (!err)
ski->csum += checksum_mpi (pk->pkey[3]);
err = match_curve_skey_pk (key, pk);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (!err)
err = gcry_sexp_extract_param (key, NULL, "q",
if (!err && (gcry_mpi_cmp(pk->pkey[1], pub_params[0])))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PUBKEY);
sec_start = 2;
if (pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
sec_start += 1;
if (!err)
gcry_mpi_release (pk->pkey[sec_start]);
pk->pkey[sec_start] = NULL;
err = gcry_sexp_extract_param (key, NULL, "d",
if (!err)
ski->csum += checksum_mpi (pk->pkey[sec_start]);
pk->seckey_info = NULL;
xfree (ski);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
gcry_sexp_release (top_list);
gcry_sexp_release (key);
gcry_free (key_type);
for (idx=0; idx < DIM(pub_params); idx++)
gcry_mpi_release (pub_params[idx]);
return err;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO);
goto leave;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
goto leave;
/* Use the key transfer format given in S_PGP to create the secinfo
structure in PK and change the parameter array in PK to include the
secret parameters. */
static gpg_error_t
transfer_format_to_openpgp (gcry_sexp_t s_pgp, PKT_public_key *pk)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t top_list;
gcry_sexp_t list = NULL;
char *curve = NULL;
const char *value;
size_t valuelen;
char *string;
int idx;
int is_v4, is_protected;
enum gcry_pk_algos pk_algo;
int protect_algo = 0;
char iv[16];
int ivlen = 0;
int s2k_mode = 0;
int s2k_algo = 0;
byte s2k_salt[8];
u32 s2k_count = 0;
int is_ecdh = 0;
size_t npkey, nskey;
gcry_mpi_t skey[10]; /* We support up to 9 parameters. */
int skeyidx = 0;
struct seckey_info *ski;
/* gcry_log_debugsxp ("transferkey", s_pgp); */
top_list = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_pgp, "openpgp-private-key", 0);
if (!top_list)
goto bad_seckey;
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (top_list, "version", 0);
if (!list)
goto bad_seckey;
value = gcry_sexp_nth_data (list, 1, &valuelen);
if (!value || valuelen != 1 || !(value[0] == '3' || value[0] == '4'))
goto bad_seckey;
is_v4 = (value[0] == '4');
gcry_sexp_release (list);
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (top_list, "protection", 0);
if (!list)
goto bad_seckey;
value = gcry_sexp_nth_data (list, 1, &valuelen);
if (!value)
goto bad_seckey;
if (valuelen == 4 && !memcmp (value, "sha1", 4))
is_protected = 2;
else if (valuelen == 3 && !memcmp (value, "sum", 3))
is_protected = 1;
else if (valuelen == 4 && !memcmp (value, "none", 4))
is_protected = 0;
goto bad_seckey;
if (is_protected)
string = gcry_sexp_nth_string (list, 2);
if (!string)
goto bad_seckey;
protect_algo = gcry_cipher_map_name (string);
xfree (string);
value = gcry_sexp_nth_data (list, 3, &valuelen);
if (!value || !valuelen || valuelen > sizeof iv)
goto bad_seckey;
memcpy (iv, value, valuelen);
ivlen = valuelen;
string = gcry_sexp_nth_string (list, 4);
if (!string)
goto bad_seckey;
s2k_mode = strtol (string, NULL, 10);
xfree (string);
string = gcry_sexp_nth_string (list, 5);
if (!string)
goto bad_seckey;
s2k_algo = gcry_md_map_name (string);
xfree (string);
value = gcry_sexp_nth_data (list, 6, &valuelen);
if (!value || !valuelen || valuelen > sizeof s2k_salt)
goto bad_seckey;
memcpy (s2k_salt, value, valuelen);
string = gcry_sexp_nth_string (list, 7);
if (!string)
goto bad_seckey;
s2k_count = strtoul (string, NULL, 10);
xfree (string);
/* Parse the gcrypt PK algo and check that it is okay. */
gcry_sexp_release (list);
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (top_list, "algo", 0);
if (!list)
goto bad_seckey;
string = gcry_sexp_nth_string (list, 1);
if (!string)
goto bad_seckey;
pk_algo = gcry_pk_map_name (string);
xfree (string); string = NULL;
if (gcry_pk_algo_info (pk_algo, GCRYCTL_GET_ALGO_NPKEY, NULL, &npkey)
|| gcry_pk_algo_info (pk_algo, GCRYCTL_GET_ALGO_NSKEY, NULL, &nskey)
|| !npkey || npkey >= nskey)
goto bad_seckey;
/* Check that the pubkey algo matches the one from the public key. */
switch (canon_pk_algo (pk_algo))
if (!is_RSA (pk->pubkey_algo))
pk_algo = 0; /* Does not match. */
if (!is_DSA (pk->pubkey_algo))
pk_algo = 0; /* Does not match. */
if (!is_ELGAMAL (pk->pubkey_algo))
pk_algo = 0; /* Does not match. */
if (pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA)
else if (pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
is_ecdh = 1;
else if (pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA)
pk_algo = 0; /* Does not match. */
/* For ECC we do not have the domain parameters thus fix our info. */
npkey = 1;
nskey = 2;
pk_algo = 0; /* Oops. */
if (!pk_algo)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO);
goto leave;
/* This check has to go after the ecc adjustments. */
if (nskey > PUBKEY_MAX_NSKEY)
goto bad_seckey;
/* Parse the key parameters. */
gcry_sexp_release (list);
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (top_list, "skey", 0);
if (!list)
goto bad_seckey;
for (idx=0;;)
int is_enc;
value = gcry_sexp_nth_data (list, ++idx, &valuelen);
if (!value && skeyidx >= npkey)
break; /* Ready. */
/* Check for too many parameters. Note that depending on the
protection mode and version number we may see less than NSKEY
(but at least NPKEY+1) parameters. */
if (idx >= 2*nskey)
goto bad_seckey;
if (skeyidx >= DIM (skey)-1)
goto bad_seckey;
if (!value || valuelen != 1 || !(value[0] == '_' || value[0] == 'e'))
goto bad_seckey;
is_enc = (value[0] == 'e');
value = gcry_sexp_nth_data (list, ++idx, &valuelen);
if (!value || !valuelen)
goto bad_seckey;
if (is_enc)
void *p = xtrymalloc (valuelen);
if (!p)
goto outofmem;
memcpy (p, value, valuelen);
skey[skeyidx] = gcry_mpi_set_opaque (NULL, p, valuelen*8);
if (!skey[skeyidx])
goto outofmem;
if (gcry_mpi_scan (skey + skeyidx, GCRYMPI_FMT_STD,
value, valuelen, NULL))
goto bad_seckey;
skey[skeyidx++] = NULL;
gcry_sexp_release (list); list = NULL;
/* We have no need for the CSUM value thus we don't parse it. */
/* list = gcry_sexp_find_token (top_list, "csum", 0); */
/* if (list) */
/* { */
/* string = gcry_sexp_nth_string (list, 1); */
/* if (!string) */
/* goto bad_seckey; */
/* desired_csum = strtoul (string, NULL, 10); */
/* xfree (string); */
/* } */
/* else */
/* desired_csum = 0; */
/* gcry_sexp_release (list); list = NULL; */
/* Get the curve name if any, */
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (top_list, "curve", 0);
if (list)
curve = gcry_sexp_nth_string (list, 1);
gcry_sexp_release (list); list = NULL;
gcry_sexp_release (top_list); top_list = NULL;
/* log_debug ("XXX is_v4=%d\n", is_v4); */
/* log_debug ("XXX pubkey_algo=%d\n", pubkey_algo); */
/* log_debug ("XXX is_protected=%d\n", is_protected); */
/* log_debug ("XXX protect_algo=%d\n", protect_algo); */
/* log_printhex ("XXX iv", iv, ivlen); */
/* log_debug ("XXX ivlen=%d\n", ivlen); */
/* log_debug ("XXX s2k_mode=%d\n", s2k_mode); */
/* log_debug ("XXX s2k_algo=%d\n", s2k_algo); */
/* log_printhex ("XXX s2k_salt", s2k_salt, sizeof s2k_salt); */
/* log_debug ("XXX s2k_count=%lu\n", (unsigned long)s2k_count); */
/* for (idx=0; skey[idx]; idx++) */
/* { */
/* int is_enc = gcry_mpi_get_flag (skey[idx], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE); */
/* log_info ("XXX skey[%d]%s:", idx, is_enc? " (enc)":""); */
/* if (is_enc) */
/* { */
/* void *p; */
/* unsigned int nbits; */
/* p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (skey[idx], &nbits); */
/* log_printhex (NULL, p, (nbits+7)/8); */
/* } */
/* else */
/* gcry_mpi_dump (skey[idx]); */
/* log_printf ("\n"); */
/* } */
if (!is_v4 || is_protected != 2 )
/* We only support the v4 format and a SHA-1 checksum. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
goto leave;
/* We need to change the received parameters for ECC algorithms.
The transfer format has the curve name and the parameters
separate. We put them all into the SKEY array. */
if (canon_pk_algo (pk_algo) == GCRY_PK_ECC)
const char *oidstr;
/* Assert that all required parameters are available. We also
check that the array does not contain more parameters than
needed (this was used by some beta versions of 2.1. */
if (!curve || !skey[0] || !skey[1] || skey[2])
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
goto leave;
oidstr = openpgp_curve_to_oid (curve, NULL);
if (!oidstr)
log_error ("no OID known for curve '%s'\n", curve);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_CURVE);
goto leave;
/* Put the curve's OID into into the MPI array. This requires
that we shift Q and D. For ECDH also insert the KDF parms. */
if (is_ecdh)
skey[4] = NULL;
skey[3] = skey[1];
skey[2] = gcry_mpi_copy (pk->pkey[2]);
skey[3] = NULL;
skey[2] = skey[1];
skey[1] = skey[0];
skey[0] = NULL;
err = openpgp_oid_from_str (oidstr, skey + 0);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Fixup the NPKEY and NSKEY to match OpenPGP reality. */
npkey = 2 + is_ecdh;
nskey = 3 + is_ecdh;
/* for (idx=0; skey[idx]; idx++) */
/* { */
/* log_info ("YYY skey[%d]:", idx); */
/* if (gcry_mpi_get_flag (skey[idx], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE)) */
/* { */
/* void *p; */
/* unsigned int nbits; */
/* p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (skey[idx], &nbits); */
/* log_printhex (NULL, p, (nbits+7)/8); */
/* } */
/* else */
/* gcry_mpi_dump (skey[idx]); */
/* log_printf ("\n"); */
/* } */
/* Do some sanity checks. */
if (s2k_count > 255)
/* We expect an already encoded S2K count. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
goto leave;
err = openpgp_cipher_test_algo (protect_algo);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = openpgp_md_test_algo (s2k_algo);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Check that the public key parameters match. Note that since
Libgcrypt 1.5 gcry_mpi_cmp handles opaque MPI correctly. */
for (idx=0; idx < npkey; idx++)
if (gcry_mpi_cmp (pk->pkey[idx], skey[idx]))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PUBKEY);
goto leave;
/* Check that the first secret key parameter in SKEY is encrypted
and that there are no more secret key parameters. The latter is
guaranteed by the v4 packet format. */
if (!gcry_mpi_get_flag (skey[npkey], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE))
goto bad_seckey;
if (npkey+1 < DIM (skey) && skey[npkey+1])
goto bad_seckey;
/* Check that the secret key parameters in PK are all set to NULL. */
for (idx=npkey; idx < nskey; idx++)
if (pk->pkey[idx])
goto bad_seckey;
/* Now build the protection info. */
pk->seckey_info = ski = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ski);
if (!ski)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
ski->is_protected = 1;
ski->sha1chk = 1;
ski->algo = protect_algo;
ski->s2k.mode = s2k_mode;
ski->s2k.hash_algo = s2k_algo;
log_assert (sizeof ski->s2k.salt == sizeof s2k_salt);
memcpy (ski->s2k.salt, s2k_salt, sizeof s2k_salt);
ski->s2k.count = s2k_count;
log_assert (ivlen <= sizeof ski->iv);
memcpy (ski->iv, iv, ivlen);
ski->ivlen = ivlen;
/* Store the protected secret key parameter. */
pk->pkey[npkey] = skey[npkey];
skey[npkey] = NULL;
/* That's it. */
gcry_free (curve);
gcry_sexp_release (list);
gcry_sexp_release (top_list);
for (idx=0; idx < skeyidx; idx++)
gcry_mpi_release (skey[idx]);
return err;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
goto leave;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);
goto leave;
/* Print an "EXPORTED" status line. PK is the primary public key. */
static void
print_status_exported (PKT_public_key *pk)
char *hexfpr;
if (!is_status_enabled ())
hexfpr = hexfingerprint (pk, NULL, 0);
write_status_text (STATUS_EXPORTED, hexfpr? hexfpr : "[?]");
xfree (hexfpr);
* Receive a secret key from agent specified by HEXGRIP.
* Since the key data from agant is encrypted, decrypt it by CIPHERHD.
* Then, parse the decrypted key data in transfer format, and put
* secret parameters into PK.
* If CLEARTEXT is 0, store the secret key material
* passphrase-protected. Otherwise, store secret key material in the
* clear.
* CACHE_NONCE_ADDR is used to share nonce for multple key retrievals.
receive_seckey_from_agent (ctrl_t ctrl, gcry_cipher_hd_t cipherhd,
int cleartext,
char **cache_nonce_addr, const char *hexgrip,
PKT_public_key *pk)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
unsigned char *wrappedkey = NULL;
size_t wrappedkeylen;
unsigned char *key = NULL;
size_t keylen, realkeylen;
gcry_sexp_t s_skey;
char *prompt;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("key %s: asking agent for the secret parts\n", hexgrip);
prompt = gpg_format_keydesc (pk, FORMAT_KEYDESC_EXPORT,1);
err = agent_export_key (ctrl, hexgrip, prompt, !cleartext, cache_nonce_addr,
&wrappedkey, &wrappedkeylen);
xfree (prompt);
if (err)
goto unwraperror;
if (wrappedkeylen < 24)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_LENGTH);
goto unwraperror;
keylen = wrappedkeylen - 8;
key = xtrymalloc_secure (keylen);
if (!key)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto unwraperror;
err = gcry_cipher_decrypt (cipherhd, key, keylen, wrappedkey, wrappedkeylen);
if (err)
goto unwraperror;
realkeylen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (key, keylen, NULL, &err);
if (!realkeylen)
goto unwraperror; /* Invalid csexp. */
err = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_skey, NULL, key, realkeylen);
if (!err)
if (cleartext)
err = cleartext_secret_key_to_openpgp (s_skey, pk);
err = transfer_format_to_openpgp (s_skey, pk);
gcry_sexp_release (s_skey);
xfree (key);
xfree (wrappedkey);
if (err)
log_error ("key %s: error receiving key from agent:"
" %s%s\n", hexgrip, gpg_strerror (err),
gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_FULLY_CANCELED?
"":_(" - skipped"));
return err;
/* Write KEYBLOCK either to stdout or to the file set with the
* --output option. This is a simplified version of do_export_stream
* which supports only a few export options. */
write_keyblock_to_output (kbnode_t keyblock, int with_armor,
unsigned int options)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *fname;
iobuf_t out;
kbnode_t node;
armor_filter_context_t *afx = NULL;
iobuf_t out_help = NULL;
PKT_public_key *pk = NULL;
fname = opt.outfile? opt.outfile : "-";
if (is_secured_filename (fname) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EPERM);
out = iobuf_create (fname, 0);
if (!out)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error(_("can't create '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("writing to '%s'\n"), iobuf_get_fname_nonnull (out));
with_armor = 0;
out_help = iobuf_temp ();
if (with_armor)
afx = new_armor_context ();
afx->what = 1;
push_armor_filter (afx, out);
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (is_deleted_kbnode (node) || node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_RING_TRUST)
if (!pk && (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY))
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
err = build_packet (out_help? out_help : out, node->pkt);
if (err)
log_error ("build_packet(%d) failed: %s\n",
node->pkt->pkttype, gpg_strerror (err) );
goto leave;
err = 0;
if (out_help && pk)
const void *data;
size_t datalen;
iobuf_flush_temp (out_help);
data = iobuf_get_temp_buffer (out_help);
datalen = iobuf_get_temp_length (out_help);
err = print_pka_or_dane_records (out,
keyblock, pk, data, datalen,
(options & EXPORT_PKA_FORMAT),
(options & EXPORT_DANE_FORMAT));
if (err)
iobuf_cancel (out);
iobuf_close (out);
iobuf_cancel (out_help);
release_armor_context (afx);
return err;
* Apply the keep-uid filter to the keyblock. The deleted nodes are
* marked and thus the caller should call commit_kbnode afterwards.
* KEYBLOCK must not have any blocks marked as deleted.
static void
apply_keep_uid_filter (kbnode_t keyblock, recsel_expr_t selector)
kbnode_t node;
for (node = keyblock->next; node; node = node->next )
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
if (!recsel_select (selector, impex_filter_getval, node))
/* log_debug ("keep-uid: deleting '%s'\n", */
/* node->pkt->pkt.user_id->name); */
/* The UID packet and all following packets up to the
* next UID or a subkey. */
delete_kbnode (node);
for (; node->next
&& node->next->pkt->pkttype != PKT_USER_ID
&& node->next->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
&& node->next->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY ;
node = node->next)
delete_kbnode (node->next);
/* else */
/* log_debug ("keep-uid: keeping '%s'\n", */
/* node->pkt->pkt.user_id->name); */
* Apply the drop-subkey filter to the keyblock. The deleted nodes are
* marked and thus the caller should call commit_kbnode afterwards.
* KEYBLOCK must not have any blocks marked as deleted.
static void
apply_drop_subkey_filter (kbnode_t keyblock, recsel_expr_t selector)
kbnode_t node;
for (node = keyblock->next; node; node = node->next )
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
if (recsel_select (selector, impex_filter_getval, node))
log_debug ("drop-subkey: deleting a key\n");
/* The subkey packet and all following packets up to the
* next subkey. */
delete_kbnode (node);
for (; node->next
&& node->next->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
&& node->next->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY ;
node = node->next)
delete_kbnode (node->next);
/* Print DANE or PKA records for all user IDs in KEYBLOCK to OUT. The
* data for the record is taken from (DATA,DATELEN). PK is the public
* key packet with the primary key. */
static gpg_error_t
print_pka_or_dane_records (iobuf_t out, kbnode_t keyblock, PKT_public_key *pk,
const void *data, size_t datalen,
int print_pka, int print_dane)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
kbnode_t kbctx, node;
PKT_user_id *uid;
char *mbox = NULL;
char hashbuf[32];
char *hash = NULL;
char *domain;
const char *s;
unsigned int len;
estream_t fp = NULL;
char *hexdata = NULL;
char *hexfpr;
hexfpr = hexfingerprint (pk, NULL, 0);
hexdata = bin2hex (data, datalen, NULL);
if (!hexdata)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
ascii_strlwr (hexdata);
fp = es_fopenmem (0, "rw,samethread");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
for (kbctx = NULL; (node = walk_kbnode (keyblock, &kbctx, 0));)
if (node->pkt->pkttype != PKT_USER_ID)
uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
if (uid->is_expired || uid->is_revoked)
xfree (mbox);
mbox = mailbox_from_userid (uid->name);
if (!mbox)
domain = strchr (mbox, '@');
*domain++ = 0;
if (print_pka)
es_fprintf (fp, "$ORIGIN _pka.%s.\n; %s\n; ", domain, hexfpr);
print_utf8_buffer (fp, uid->name, uid->len);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, hashbuf, mbox, strlen (mbox));
xfree (hash);
hash = zb32_encode (hashbuf, 8*20);
if (!hash)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
len = strlen (hexfpr)/2;
es_fprintf (fp, "%s TYPE37 \\# %u 0006 0000 00 %02X %s\n\n",
hash, 6 + len, len, hexfpr);
if (print_dane && hexdata)
es_fprintf (fp, "$ORIGIN _openpgpkey.%s.\n; %s\n; ", domain, hexfpr);
print_utf8_buffer (fp, uid->name, uid->len);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA256, hashbuf, mbox, strlen (mbox));
xfree (hash);
hash = bin2hex (hashbuf, 28, NULL);
if (!hash)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
ascii_strlwr (hash);
len = strlen (hexdata)/2;
es_fprintf (fp, "%s TYPE61 \\# %u (\n", hash, len);
for (s = hexdata; ;)
es_fprintf (fp, "\t%.64s\n", s);
if (strlen (s) < 64)
s += 64;
es_fputs ("\t)\n\n", fp);
/* Make sure it is a string and write it. */
es_fputc (0, fp);
void *vp;
if (es_fclose_snatch (fp, &vp, NULL))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
fp = NULL;
iobuf_writestr (out, vp);
es_free (vp);
err = 0;
xfree (hash);
xfree (mbox);
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (hexdata);
xfree (hexfpr);
return err;
/* Helper for do_export_stream which writes one keyblock to OUT. */
static gpg_error_t
do_export_one_keyblock (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock, u32 *keyid,
iobuf_t out, int secret, unsigned int options,
export_stats_t stats, int *any,
KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc, size_t ndesc,
size_t descindex, gcry_cipher_hd_t cipherhd)
gpg_error_t err;
char *cache_nonce = NULL;
subkey_list_t subkey_list = NULL; /* Track already processed subkeys. */
int skip_until_subkey = 0;
int cleartext = 0;
char *hexgrip = NULL;
char *serialno = NULL;
PKT_public_key *pk;
u32 subkidbuf[2], *subkid;
kbnode_t kbctx, node;
for (kbctx=NULL; (node = walk_kbnode (keyblock, &kbctx, 0)); )
if (skip_until_subkey)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
skip_until_subkey = 0;
/* We used to use comment packets, but not any longer. In
* case we still have comments on a key, strip them here
* before we call build_packet(). */
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_COMMENT)
/* Make sure that ring_trust packets never get exported. */
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_RING_TRUST)
/* If exact is set, then we only export what was requested
* (plus the primary key, if the user didn't specifically
* request it). */
if (desc[descindex].exact && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
if (!exact_subkey_match_p (desc+descindex, node))
/* Before skipping this subkey, check whether any
* other description wants an exact match on a
* subkey and include that subkey into the output
* too. Need to add this subkey to a list so that
* it won't get processed a second time.
* So the first step here is to check that list and
* skip in any case if the key is in that list.
* We need this whole mess because the import
* function of GnuPG < 2.1 is not able to merge
* secret keys and thus it is useless to output them
* as two separate keys and have import merge them.
if (subkey_in_list_p (subkey_list, node))
skip_until_subkey = 1; /* Already processed this one. */
size_t j;
for (j=0; j < ndesc; j++)
if (j != descindex && desc[j].exact
&& exact_subkey_match_p (desc+j, node))
if (!(j < ndesc))
skip_until_subkey = 1; /* No other one matching. */
if (skip_until_subkey)
/* Mark this one as processed. */
subkey_list_t tmp = new_subkey_list_item (node);
tmp->next = subkey_list;
subkey_list = tmp;
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
/* Do not export packets which are marked as not
* exportable. */
if (!(options & EXPORT_LOCAL_SIGS)
&& !node->pkt->pkt.signature->flags.exportable)
continue; /* not exportable */
/* Do not export packets with a "sensitive" revocation key
* unless the user wants us to. Note that we do export
* these when issuing the actual revocation (see revoke.c). */
&& node->pkt->pkt.signature->revkey)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < node->pkt->pkt.signature->numrevkeys; i++)
if ((node->pkt->pkt.signature->revkey[i].class & 0x40))
if (i < node->pkt->pkt.signature->numrevkeys)
/* Don't export attribs? */
if (!(options & EXPORT_ATTRIBUTES)
&& node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
&& node->pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data)
/* Skip until we get to something that is not an attrib or a
* signature on an attrib. */
while (kbctx->next && kbctx->next->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
kbctx = kbctx->next;
if (secret && (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY))
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
subkid = NULL;
keyid_from_pk (pk, subkidbuf);
subkid = subkidbuf;
if (pk->seckey_info)
log_error ("key %s: oops: seckey_info already set"
" - skipped\n", keystr_with_sub (keyid, subkid));
skip_until_subkey = 1;
xfree (hexgrip);
err = hexkeygrip_from_pk (pk, &hexgrip);
if (err)
log_error ("key %s: error computing keygrip: %s"
" - skipped\n", keystr_with_sub (keyid, subkid),
gpg_strerror (err));
skip_until_subkey = 1;
err = 0;
xfree (serialno);
serialno = NULL;
if (secret == 2 && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
/* We are asked not to export the secret parts of the
* primary key. Make up an error code to create the
* stub. */
err = agent_get_keyinfo (ctrl, hexgrip, &serialno, &cleartext);
if ((!err && serialno)
&& secret == 2 && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
/* It does not make sense to export a key with its
* primary key on card using a non-key stub. Thus we
* skip those keys when used with --export-secret-subkeys. */
log_info (_("key %s: key material on-card - skipped\n"),
keystr_with_sub (keyid, subkid));
skip_until_subkey = 1;
else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND
|| (!err && serialno))
/* Create a key stub. */
struct seckey_info *ski;
const char *s;
pk->seckey_info = ski = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ski);
if (!ski)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
ski->is_protected = 1;
if (err)
ski->s2k.mode = 1001; /* GNU dummy (no secret key). */
ski->s2k.mode = 1002; /* GNU-divert-to-card. */
for (s=serialno; sizeof (ski->ivlen) && *s && s[1];
ski->ivlen++, s += 2)
ski->iv[ski->ivlen] = xtoi_2 (s);
err = build_packet (out, node->pkt);
if (!err && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
print_status_exported (node->pkt->pkt.public_key);
else if (!err)
err = receive_seckey_from_agent (ctrl, cipherhd,
cleartext, &cache_nonce,
hexgrip, pk);
if (err)
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_FULLY_CANCELED)
goto leave;
skip_until_subkey = 1;
err = 0;
err = build_packet (out, node->pkt);
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
print_status_exported (node->pkt->pkt.public_key);
log_error ("key %s: error getting keyinfo from agent: %s"
" - skipped\n", keystr_with_sub (keyid, subkid),
gpg_strerror (err));
skip_until_subkey = 1;
err = 0;
xfree (pk->seckey_info);
pk->seckey_info = NULL;
int i;
for (i = pubkey_get_npkey (pk->pubkey_algo);
i < pubkey_get_nskey (pk->pubkey_algo); i++)
gcry_mpi_release (pk->pkey[i]);
pk->pkey[i] = NULL;
else /* Not secret or common packets. */
err = build_packet (out, node->pkt);
if (!err && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
print_status_exported (node->pkt->pkt.public_key);
if (err)
log_error ("build_packet(%d) failed: %s\n",
node->pkt->pkttype, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (!skip_until_subkey)
*any = 1;
release_subkey_list (subkey_list);
xfree (serialno);
xfree (hexgrip);
xfree (cache_nonce);
return err;
/* Export the keys identified by the list of strings in USERS to the
stream OUT. If SECRET is false public keys will be exported. With
secret true secret keys will be exported; in this case 1 means the
entire secret keyblock and 2 only the subkeys. OPTIONS are the
export options to apply. If KEYBLOCK_OUT is not NULL, AND the exit
code is zero, a pointer to the first keyblock found and exported
will be stored at this address; no other keyblocks are exported in
this case. The caller must free the returned keyblock. If any
key has been exported true is stored at ANY. */
static int
do_export_stream (ctrl_t ctrl, iobuf_t out, strlist_t users, int secret,
kbnode_t *keyblock_out, unsigned int options,
export_stats_t stats, int *any)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
kbnode_t keyblock = NULL;
kbnode_t node;
size_t ndesc, descindex;
strlist_t sl;
gcry_cipher_hd_t cipherhd = NULL;
struct export_stats_s dummystats;
iobuf_t out_help = NULL;
if (!stats)
stats = &dummystats;
*any = 0;
init_packet (&pkt);
kdbhd = keydb_new ();
if (!kdbhd)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* For the PKA and DANE format open a helper iobuf and for DANE
* enforce some options. */
out_help = iobuf_temp ();
if ((options & EXPORT_DANE_FORMAT))
if (!users)
ndesc = 1;
desc = xcalloc (ndesc, sizeof *desc);
for (ndesc=0, sl=users; sl; sl = sl->next, ndesc++)
desc = xmalloc ( ndesc * sizeof *desc);
for (ndesc=0, sl=users; sl; sl = sl->next)
if (!(err=classify_user_id (sl->d, desc+ndesc, 1)))
log_error (_("key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"),
sl->d, gpg_strerror (err));
keydb_disable_caching (kdbhd); /* We are looping the search. */
/* It would be nice to see which of the given users did actually
match one in the keyring. To implement this we need to have
a found flag for each entry in desc. To set this flag we
must check all those entries after a match to mark all
matched one - currently we stop at the first match. To do
this we need an extra flag to enable this feature. */
if (secret)
log_error (_("exporting secret keys not allowed\n"));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
goto leave;
/* For secret key export we need to setup a decryption context. */
if (secret)
void *kek = NULL;
size_t keklen;
err = agent_keywrap_key (ctrl, 1, &kek, &keklen);
if (err)
log_error ("error getting the KEK: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Prepare a cipher context. */
err = gcry_cipher_open (&cipherhd, GCRY_CIPHER_AES128,
if (!err)
err = gcry_cipher_setkey (cipherhd, kek, keklen);
if (err)
log_error ("error setting up an encryption context: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
xfree (kek);
kek = NULL;
for (;;)
u32 keyid[2];
PKT_public_key *pk;
err = keydb_search (kdbhd, desc, ndesc, &descindex);
if (!users)
desc[0].mode = KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NEXT;
if (err)
/* Read the keyblock. */
release_kbnode (keyblock);
keyblock = NULL;
err = keydb_get_keyblock (kdbhd, &keyblock);
if (err)
log_error (_("error reading keyblock: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
node = find_kbnode (keyblock, PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
if (!node)
log_error ("public key packet not found in keyblock - skipped\n");
setup_main_keyids (keyblock); /* gpg_format_keydesc needs it. */
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keyid_from_pk (pk, keyid);
/* If a secret key export is required we need to check whether
we have a secret key at all and if so create the seckey_info
structure. */
if (secret)
if (agent_probe_any_secret_key (ctrl, keyblock))
continue; /* No secret key (neither primary nor subkey). */
/* No v3 keys with GNU mode 1001. */
if (secret == 2 && pk->version == 3)
log_info (_("key %s: PGP 2.x style key - skipped\n"),
keystr (keyid));
/* The agent does not yet allow export of v3 packets. It is
actually questionable whether we should allow them at
all. */
if (pk->version == 3)
log_info ("key %s: PGP 2.x style key (v3) export "
"not yet supported - skipped\n", keystr (keyid));
/* Always do the cleaning on the public key part if requested.
Note that we don't yet set this option if we are exporting
secret keys. Note that both export-clean and export-minimal
only apply to UID sigs (0x10, 0x11, 0x12, and 0x13). A
designated revocation is never stripped, even with
export-minimal set. */
if ((options & EXPORT_CLEAN))
clean_key (keyblock, opt.verbose, (options&EXPORT_MINIMAL), NULL, NULL);
if (export_keep_uid)
commit_kbnode (&keyblock);
apply_keep_uid_filter (keyblock, export_keep_uid);
commit_kbnode (&keyblock);
if (export_drop_subkey)
commit_kbnode (&keyblock);
apply_drop_subkey_filter (keyblock, export_drop_subkey);
commit_kbnode (&keyblock);
/* And write it. */
err = do_export_one_keyblock (ctrl, keyblock, keyid,
out_help? out_help : out,
secret, options, stats, any,
desc, ndesc, descindex, cipherhd);
if (err)
if (keyblock_out)
*keyblock_out = keyblock;
if (out_help)
/* We want to write PKA or DANE records. OUT_HELP has the
* keyblock and we print a record for each uid to OUT. */
const void *data;
size_t datalen;
iobuf_flush_temp (out_help);
data = iobuf_get_temp_buffer (out_help);
datalen = iobuf_get_temp_length (out_help);
err = print_pka_or_dane_records (out,
keyblock, pk, data, datalen,
(options & EXPORT_PKA_FORMAT),
(options & EXPORT_DANE_FORMAT));
if (err)
goto leave;
iobuf_close (out_help);
out_help = iobuf_temp ();
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
err = 0;
iobuf_cancel (out_help);
gcry_cipher_close (cipherhd);
keydb_release (kdbhd);
if (err || !keyblock_out)
release_kbnode( keyblock );
if( !*any )
log_info(_("WARNING: nothing exported\n"));
return err;
static gpg_error_t
key_to_sshblob (membuf_t *mb, const char *identifier, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
unsigned char nbuf[4];
unsigned char *buf;
size_t buflen;
gcry_mpi_t a;
ulongtobuf (nbuf, (ulong)strlen (identifier));
put_membuf (mb, nbuf, 4);
put_membuf_str (mb, identifier);
if (!strncmp (identifier, "ecdsa-sha2-", 11))
ulongtobuf (nbuf, (ulong)strlen (identifier+11));
put_membuf (mb, nbuf, 4);
put_membuf_str (mb, identifier+11);
va_start (arg_ptr, identifier);
while ((a = va_arg (arg_ptr, gcry_mpi_t)))
err = gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_SSH, &buf, &buflen, a);
if (err)
if (!strcmp (identifier, "ssh-ed25519")
&& buflen > 5 && buf[4] == 0x40)
/* We need to strip our 0x40 prefix. */
put_membuf (mb, "\x00\x00\x00\x20", 4);
put_membuf (mb, buf+5, buflen-5);
put_membuf (mb, buf, buflen);
gcry_free (buf);
va_end (arg_ptr);
return err;
/* Export the key identified by USERID in the SSH public key format.
The function exports the latest subkey with Authentication
capability unless the '!' suffix is used to export a specific
key. */
export_ssh_key (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *userid)
gpg_error_t err;
kbnode_t keyblock = NULL;
u32 latest_date;
u32 curtime = make_timestamp ();
kbnode_t latest_key, node;
PKT_public_key *pk;
const char *identifier;
membuf_t mb;
estream_t fp = NULL;
struct b64state b64_state;
const char *fname = "-";
init_membuf (&mb, 4096);
/* We need to know whether the key has been specified using the
exact syntax ('!' suffix). Thus we need to run a
classify_user_id on our own. */
err = classify_user_id (userid, &desc, 1);
/* Get the public key. */
if (!err)
getkey_ctx_t getkeyctx;
err = get_pubkey_byname (ctrl, &getkeyctx, NULL, userid, &keyblock,
0 /* Only usable keys or given exact. */,
1 /* No AKL lookup. */);
if (!err)
err = getkey_next (getkeyctx, NULL, NULL);
if (!err)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_AMBIGUOUS_NAME);
else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY)
err = 0;
getkey_end (getkeyctx);
if (err)
log_error (_("key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"), userid, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* The finish_lookup code in getkey.c does not handle auth keys,
thus we have to duplicate the code here to find the latest
subkey. However, if the key has been found using an exact match
('!' notation) we use that key without any further checks and
even allow the use of the primary key. */
latest_date = 0;
latest_key = NULL;
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if ((node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
&& node->pkt->pkt.public_key->flags.exact)
latest_key = node;
if (!latest_key)
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
log_debug ("\tchecking subkey %08lX\n",
(ulong) keyid_from_pk (pk, NULL));
if (!(pk->pubkey_usage & PUBKEY_USAGE_AUTH))
log_debug ("\tsubkey not usable for authentication\n");
if (!pk->flags.valid)
log_debug ("\tsubkey not valid\n");
if (pk->flags.revoked)
log_debug ("\tsubkey has been revoked\n");
if (pk->has_expired)
log_debug ("\tsubkey has expired\n");
if (pk->timestamp > curtime && !opt.ignore_valid_from)
log_debug ("\tsubkey not yet valid\n");
log_debug ("\tsubkey might be fine\n");
/* In case a key has a timestamp of 0 set, we make sure that it
is used. A better change would be to compare ">=" but that
might also change the selected keys and is as such a more
intrusive change. */
if (pk->timestamp > latest_date || (!pk->timestamp && !latest_date))
latest_date = pk->timestamp;
latest_key = node;
if (!latest_key)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNUSABLE_PUBKEY);
log_error (_("key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"), userid, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
pk = latest_key->pkt->pkt.public_key;
log_debug ("\tusing key %08lX\n", (ulong) keyid_from_pk (pk, NULL));
switch (pk->pubkey_algo)
identifier = "ssh-dss";
err = key_to_sshblob (&mb, identifier,
pk->pkey[0], pk->pkey[1], pk->pkey[2], pk->pkey[3],
identifier = "ssh-rsa";
err = key_to_sshblob (&mb, identifier, pk->pkey[1], pk->pkey[0], NULL);
char *curveoid;
const char *curve;
curveoid = openpgp_oid_to_str (pk->pkey[0]);
if (!curveoid)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
else if (!(curve = openpgp_oid_to_curve (curveoid, 0)))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_CURVE);
if (!strcmp (curve, "nistp256"))
identifier = "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256";
else if (!strcmp (curve, "nistp384"))
identifier = "ecdsa-sha2-nistp384";
else if (!strcmp (curve, "nistp521"))
identifier = "ecdsa-sha2-nistp521";
identifier = NULL;
if (!identifier)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_CURVE);
err = key_to_sshblob (&mb, identifier, pk->pkey[1], NULL);
xfree (curveoid);
if (!openpgp_oid_is_ed25519 (pk->pkey[0]))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_CURVE);
identifier = "ssh-ed25519";
err = key_to_sshblob (&mb, identifier, pk->pkey[1], NULL);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNUSABLE_PUBKEY);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (opt.outfile && *opt.outfile && strcmp (opt.outfile, "-"))
fp = es_fopen ((fname = opt.outfile), "w");
fp = es_stdout;
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error creating '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
es_fprintf (fp, "%s ", identifier);
err = b64enc_start_es (&b64_state, fp, "");
if (err)
goto leave;
void *blob;
size_t bloblen;
blob = get_membuf (&mb, &bloblen);
if (!blob)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = b64enc_write (&b64_state, blob, bloblen);
xfree (blob);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = b64enc_finish (&b64_state);
if (err)
goto leave;
es_fprintf (fp, " openpgp:0x%08lX\n", (ulong)keyid_from_pk (pk, NULL));
if (es_ferror (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (es_fclose (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
fp = NULL;
if (err)
log_error (_("error writing '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (get_membuf (&mb, NULL));
release_kbnode (keyblock);
return err;
diff --git a/g10/filter.h b/g10/filter.h
index c3c7966e5..7accd7d4d 100644
--- a/g10/filter.h
+++ b/g10/filter.h
@@ -1,162 +1,162 @@
/* filter.h
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003,
* 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G10_FILTER_H
#define G10_FILTER_H
#include "types.h"
#include "dek.h"
typedef struct {
gcry_md_hd_t md; /* catch all */
gcry_md_hd_t md2; /* if we want to calculate an alternate hash */
size_t maxbuf_size;
} md_filter_context_t;
typedef struct {
int refcount; /* Initialized to 1. */
/* these fields may be initialized */
int what; /* what kind of armor headers to write */
int only_keyblocks; /* skip all headers but ".... key block" */
const char *hdrlines; /* write these headerlines */
/* these fields must be initialized to zero */
int no_openpgp_data; /* output flag: "No valid OpenPGP data found" */
/* the following fields must be initialized to zero */
int inp_checked; /* set if the input has been checked */
int inp_bypass; /* set if the input is not armored */
int in_cleartext; /* clear text message */
int not_dash_escaped; /* clear text is not dash escaped */
int hashes; /* detected hash algorithms */
int faked; /* we are faking a literal data packet */
int truncated; /* number of truncated lines */
int qp_detected;
byte eol[3]; /* The end of line characters as a
zero-terminated string. Defaults
(eol[0]=='\0') to whatever the local
platform uses. */
byte *buffer; /* malloced buffer */
unsigned buffer_size; /* and size of this buffer */
unsigned buffer_len; /* used length of the buffer */
unsigned buffer_pos; /* read position */
byte radbuf[4];
int idx, idx2;
u32 crc;
int status; /* an internal state flag */
int cancel;
int any_data; /* any valid armored data seen */
int pending_lf; /* used together with faked */
} armor_filter_context_t;
struct unarmor_pump_s;
typedef struct unarmor_pump_s *UnarmorPump;
struct compress_filter_context_s {
int status;
void *opaque; /* (used for z_stream) */
byte *inbuf;
unsigned inbufsize;
byte *outbuf;
unsigned outbufsize;
int algo; /* compress algo */
int algo1hack;
int new_ctb;
void (*release)(struct compress_filter_context_s*);
typedef struct compress_filter_context_s compress_filter_context_t;
typedef struct {
DEK *dek;
u32 datalen;
gcry_cipher_hd_t cipher_hd;
int header;
gcry_md_hd_t mdc_hash;
byte enchash[20];
int create_mdc; /* flag will be set by the cipher filter */
} cipher_filter_context_t;
typedef struct {
byte *buffer; /* malloced buffer */
unsigned buffer_size; /* and size of this buffer */
unsigned buffer_len; /* used length of the buffer */
unsigned buffer_pos; /* read position */
int truncated; /* number of truncated lines */
int not_dash_escaped;
int escape_from;
gcry_md_hd_t md;
int pending_lf;
int pending_esc;
} text_filter_context_t;
typedef struct {
char *what; /* description */
u32 last_time; /* last time reported */
unsigned long last; /* last amount reported */
unsigned long offset; /* current amount */
unsigned long total; /* total amount */
int refcount;
} progress_filter_context_t;
/* encrypt_filter_context_t defined in main.h */
/*-- mdfilter.c --*/
int md_filter( void *opaque, int control, iobuf_t a, byte *buf, size_t *ret_len);
void free_md_filter_context( md_filter_context_t *mfx );
/*-- armor.c --*/
armor_filter_context_t *new_armor_context (void);
void release_armor_context (armor_filter_context_t *afx);
int push_armor_filter (armor_filter_context_t *afx, iobuf_t iobuf);
int use_armor_filter( iobuf_t a );
UnarmorPump unarmor_pump_new (void);
void unarmor_pump_release (UnarmorPump x);
int unarmor_pump (UnarmorPump x, int c);
/*-- compress.c --*/
void push_compress_filter(iobuf_t out,compress_filter_context_t *zfx,int algo);
void push_compress_filter2(iobuf_t out,compress_filter_context_t *zfx,
int algo,int rel);
/*-- cipher.c --*/
int cipher_filter( void *opaque, int control,
iobuf_t chain, byte *buf, size_t *ret_len);
/*-- textfilter.c --*/
int text_filter( void *opaque, int control,
iobuf_t chain, byte *buf, size_t *ret_len);
int copy_clearsig_text (iobuf_t out, iobuf_t inp, gcry_md_hd_t md,
int escape_dash, int escape_from);
/*-- progress.c --*/
progress_filter_context_t *new_progress_context (void);
void release_progress_context (progress_filter_context_t *pfx);
void handle_progress (progress_filter_context_t *pfx,
iobuf_t inp, const char *name);
#endif /*G10_FILTER_H*/
diff --git a/g10/free-packet.c b/g10/free-packet.c
index 516e9a145..2ca1d3bc2 100644
--- a/g10/free-packet.c
+++ b/g10/free-packet.c
@@ -1,503 +1,503 @@
/* free-packet.c - cleanup stuff for packets
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
* 2005, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "../common/iobuf.h"
#include "options.h"
/* This is mpi_copy with a fix for opaque MPIs which store a NULL
pointer. This will also be fixed in Libggcrypt 1.7.0. */
static gcry_mpi_t
my_mpi_copy (gcry_mpi_t a)
if (a
&& gcry_mpi_get_flag (a, GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE)
&& !gcry_mpi_get_opaque (a, NULL))
return NULL;
return gcry_mpi_copy (a);
free_symkey_enc( PKT_symkey_enc *enc )
free_pubkey_enc( PKT_pubkey_enc *enc )
int n, i;
n = pubkey_get_nenc( enc->pubkey_algo );
if( !n )
for(i=0; i < n; i++ )
mpi_release( enc->data[i] );
free_seckey_enc( PKT_signature *sig )
int n, i;
n = pubkey_get_nsig( sig->pubkey_algo );
if( !n )
for(i=0; i < n; i++ )
mpi_release( sig->data[i] );
if (sig->pka_info)
xfree (sig->pka_info->uri);
xfree (sig->pka_info);
xfree (sig->signers_uid);
release_public_key_parts (PKT_public_key *pk)
int n, i;
if (pk->seckey_info)
n = pubkey_get_nskey (pk->pubkey_algo);
n = pubkey_get_npkey (pk->pubkey_algo);
if (!n)
mpi_release (pk->pkey[0]);
for (i=0; i < n; i++ )
mpi_release (pk->pkey[i]);
pk->pkey[i] = NULL;
if (pk->seckey_info)
xfree (pk->seckey_info);
pk->seckey_info = NULL;
if (pk->prefs)
xfree (pk->prefs);
pk->prefs = NULL;
if (pk->user_id)
free_user_id (pk->user_id);
pk->user_id = NULL;
if (pk->revkey)
if (pk->serialno)
xfree (pk->serialno);
pk->serialno = NULL;
/* Free an allocated public key structure including all parts.
Passing NULL is allowed. */
free_public_key (PKT_public_key *pk)
if (pk)
release_public_key_parts (pk);
static subpktarea_t *
cp_subpktarea (subpktarea_t *s )
subpktarea_t *d;
if( !s )
return NULL;
d = xmalloc (sizeof (*d) + s->size - 1 );
d->size = s->size;
d->len = s->len;
memcpy (d->data, s->data, s->len);
return d;
* Return a copy of the preferences
prefitem_t *
copy_prefs (const prefitem_t *prefs)
size_t n;
prefitem_t *new;
if (!prefs)
return NULL;
for (n=0; prefs[n].type; n++)
new = xmalloc ( sizeof (*new) * (n+1));
for (n=0; prefs[n].type; n++) {
new[n].type = prefs[n].type;
new[n].value = prefs[n].value;
new[n].type = PREFTYPE_NONE;
new[n].value = 0;
return new;
/* Copy the public key S to D. If D is NULL allocate a new public key
structure. If S has seckret key infos, only the public stuff is
copied. */
PKT_public_key *
copy_public_key (PKT_public_key *d, PKT_public_key *s)
int n, i;
if (!d)
d = xmalloc (sizeof *d);
memcpy (d, s, sizeof *d);
d->seckey_info = NULL;
d->user_id = scopy_user_id (s->user_id);
d->prefs = copy_prefs (s->prefs);
n = pubkey_get_npkey (s->pubkey_algo);
i = 0;
if (!n)
d->pkey[i++] = my_mpi_copy (s->pkey[0]);
for (; i < n; i++ )
d->pkey[i] = my_mpi_copy (s->pkey[i]);
for (; i < PUBKEY_MAX_NSKEY; i++)
d->pkey[i] = NULL;
if (!s->revkey && s->numrevkeys)
if (s->numrevkeys)
d->revkey = xmalloc(sizeof(struct revocation_key)*s->numrevkeys);
memcpy(d->revkey,s->revkey,sizeof(struct revocation_key)*s->numrevkeys);
d->revkey = NULL;
return d;
static pka_info_t *
cp_pka_info (const pka_info_t *s)
pka_info_t *d = xmalloc (sizeof *s + strlen (s->email));
d->valid = s->valid;
d->checked = s->checked;
d->uri = s->uri? xstrdup (s->uri):NULL;
memcpy (d->fpr, s->fpr, sizeof s->fpr);
strcpy (d->email, s->email);
return d;
PKT_signature *
copy_signature( PKT_signature *d, PKT_signature *s )
int n, i;
if( !d )
d = xmalloc(sizeof *d);
memcpy( d, s, sizeof *d );
n = pubkey_get_nsig( s->pubkey_algo );
if( !n )
d->data[0] = my_mpi_copy(s->data[0]);
else {
for(i=0; i < n; i++ )
d->data[i] = my_mpi_copy( s->data[i] );
d->pka_info = s->pka_info? cp_pka_info (s->pka_info) : NULL;
d->hashed = cp_subpktarea (s->hashed);
d->unhashed = cp_subpktarea (s->unhashed);
if (s->signers_uid)
d->signers_uid = xstrdup (s->signers_uid);
return d;
* shallow copy of the user ID
PKT_user_id *
scopy_user_id (PKT_user_id *s)
if (s)
return s;
free_comment( PKT_comment *rem )
free_attributes(PKT_user_id *uid)
free_user_id (PKT_user_id *uid)
log_assert (uid->ref > 0);
if (--uid->ref)
xfree (uid->prefs);
xfree (uid->namehash);
xfree (uid->mbox);
xfree (uid);
free_compressed( PKT_compressed *zd )
if( zd->buf ) { /* have to skip some bytes */
/* don't have any information about the length, so
* we assume this is the last packet */
while( iobuf_read( zd->buf, NULL, 1<<30 ) != -1 )
free_encrypted( PKT_encrypted *ed )
if( ed->buf ) { /* have to skip some bytes */
if( ed->is_partial ) {
while( iobuf_read( ed->buf, NULL, 1<<30 ) != -1 )
else {
while( ed->len ) { /* skip the packet */
int n = iobuf_read( ed->buf, NULL, ed->len );
if( n == -1 )
ed->len = 0;
ed->len -= n;
free_plaintext( PKT_plaintext *pt )
if( pt->buf ) { /* have to skip some bytes */
if( pt->is_partial ) {
while( iobuf_read( pt->buf, NULL, 1<<30 ) != -1 )
else {
while( pt->len ) { /* skip the packet */
int n = iobuf_read( pt->buf, NULL, pt->len );
if( n == -1 )
pt->len = 0;
pt->len -= n;
* Free the packet in pkt.
free_packet( PACKET *pkt )
if( !pkt || !pkt->pkt.generic )
log_debug("free_packet() type=%d\n", pkt->pkttype );
switch( pkt->pkttype ) {
free_seckey_enc( pkt->pkt.signature );
free_pubkey_enc( pkt->pkt.pubkey_enc );
free_symkey_enc( pkt->pkt.symkey_enc );
free_public_key (pkt->pkt.public_key);
free_comment( pkt->pkt.comment );
free_user_id( pkt->pkt.user_id );
free_compressed( pkt->pkt.compressed);
free_encrypted( pkt->pkt.encrypted );
free_plaintext( pkt->pkt.plaintext );
xfree( pkt->pkt.generic );
pkt->pkt.generic = NULL;
* returns 0 if they match.
cmp_public_keys( PKT_public_key *a, PKT_public_key *b )
int n, i;
if( a->timestamp != b->timestamp )
return -1;
if( a->version < 4 && a->expiredate != b->expiredate )
return -1;
if( a->pubkey_algo != b->pubkey_algo )
return -1;
n = pubkey_get_npkey( b->pubkey_algo );
if( !n ) { /* unknown algorithm, rest is in opaque MPI */
if( mpi_cmp( a->pkey[0], b->pkey[0] ) )
return -1; /* can't compare due to unknown algorithm */
} else {
for(i=0; i < n; i++ ) {
if( mpi_cmp( a->pkey[i], b->pkey[i] ) )
return -1;
return 0;
cmp_signatures( PKT_signature *a, PKT_signature *b )
int n, i;
if( a->keyid[0] != b->keyid[0] )
return -1;
if( a->keyid[1] != b->keyid[1] )
return -1;
if( a->pubkey_algo != b->pubkey_algo )
return -1;
n = pubkey_get_nsig( a->pubkey_algo );
if( !n )
return -1; /* can't compare due to unknown algorithm */
for(i=0; i < n; i++ ) {
if( mpi_cmp( a->data[i] , b->data[i] ) )
return -1;
return 0;
* Returns: true if the user ids do not match
cmp_user_ids( PKT_user_id *a, PKT_user_id *b )
int res=1;
if( a == b )
return 0;
if( a->attrib_data && b->attrib_data )
res = a->attrib_len - b->attrib_len;
if( !res )
res = memcmp( a->attrib_data, b->attrib_data, a->attrib_len );
else if( !a->attrib_data && !b->attrib_data )
res = a->len - b->len;
if( !res )
res = memcmp( a->name, b->name, a->len );
return res;
diff --git a/g10/getkey.c b/g10/getkey.c
index b844c1664..648c23040 100644
--- a/g10/getkey.c
+++ b/g10/getkey.c
@@ -1,4238 +1,4238 @@
/* getkey.c - Get a key from the database
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
* 2007, 2008, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "keyserver-internal.h"
#include "call-agent.h"
#include "host2net.h"
#include "mbox-util.h"
#include "status.h"
#error We need the cache for key creation
/* Flags values returned by the lookup code. Note that the values are
* directly used by the KEY_CONSIDERED status line. */
#define LOOKUP_NOT_SELECTED (1<<0)
#define LOOKUP_ALL_SUBKEYS_EXPIRED (1<<1) /* or revoked */
/* A context object used by the lookup functions. */
struct getkey_ctx_s
/* Part of the search criteria: whether the search is an exact
search or not. A search that is exact requires that a key or
subkey meet all of the specified criteria. A search that is not
exact allows selecting a different key or subkey from the
keyblock that matched the critera. Further, an exact search
returns the key or subkey that matched whereas a non-exact search
typically returns the primary key. See finish_lookup for
details. */
int exact;
/* Part of the search criteria: Whether the caller only wants keys
with an available secret key. This is used by getkey_next to get
the next result with the same initial criteria. */
int want_secret;
/* Part of the search criteria: The type of the requested key. A
If non-zero, then for a key to match, it must implement one of
the required uses. */
int req_usage;
/* The database handle. */
KEYDB_HANDLE kr_handle;
/* Whether we should call xfree() on the context when the context is
released using getkey_end()). */
int not_allocated;
/* This variable is used as backing store for strings which have
their address used in ITEMS. */
strlist_t extra_list;
/* Part of the search criteria: The low-level search specification
as passed to keydb_search. */
int nitems;
/* This must be the last element in the structure. When we allocate
the structure, we allocate it so that ITEMS can hold NITEMS. */
#if 0
static struct
int any;
int okay_count;
int nokey_count;
int error_count;
} lkup_stats[21];
typedef struct keyid_list
struct keyid_list *next;
u32 keyid[2];
} *keyid_list_t;
typedef struct pk_cache_entry
struct pk_cache_entry *next;
u32 keyid[2];
PKT_public_key *pk;
} *pk_cache_entry_t;
static pk_cache_entry_t pk_cache;
static int pk_cache_entries; /* Number of entries in pk cache. */
static int pk_cache_disabled;
#error we really need the userid cache
typedef struct user_id_db
struct user_id_db *next;
keyid_list_t keyids;
int len;
char name[1];
} *user_id_db_t;
static user_id_db_t user_id_db;
static int uid_cache_entries; /* Number of entries in uid cache. */
static void merge_selfsigs (kbnode_t keyblock);
static int lookup (getkey_ctx_t ctx,
kbnode_t *ret_keyblock, kbnode_t *ret_found_key,
int want_secret);
static kbnode_t finish_lookup (kbnode_t keyblock,
unsigned int req_usage, int want_exact,
unsigned int *r_flags);
static void print_status_key_considered (kbnode_t keyblock, unsigned int flags);
#if 0
static void
print_stats ()
int i;
for (i = 0; i < DIM (lkup_stats); i++)
if (lkup_stats[i].any)
es_fprintf (es_stderr,
"lookup stats: mode=%-2d ok=%-6d nokey=%-6d err=%-6d\n",
lkup_stats[i].nokey_count, lkup_stats[i].error_count);
/* Cache a copy of a public key in the public key cache. PK is not
* cached if caching is disabled (via getkey_disable_caches), if
* PK->FLAGS.DONT_CACHE is set, we don't know how to derive a key id
* from the public key (e.g., unsupported algorithm), or a key with
* the key id is already in the cache.
* The public key packet is copied into the cache using
* copy_public_key. Thus, any secret parts are not copied, for
* instance.
* This cache is filled by get_pubkey and is read by get_pubkey and
* get_pubkey_fast. */
cache_public_key (PKT_public_key * pk)
pk_cache_entry_t ce, ce2;
u32 keyid[2];
if (pk_cache_disabled)
if (pk->flags.dont_cache)
if (is_ELGAMAL (pk->pubkey_algo)
|| pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA
|| pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA
|| pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA
|| pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH
|| is_RSA (pk->pubkey_algo))
keyid_from_pk (pk, keyid);
return; /* Don't know how to get the keyid. */
for (ce = pk_cache; ce; ce = ce->next)
if (ce->keyid[0] == keyid[0] && ce->keyid[1] == keyid[1])
log_debug ("cache_public_key: already in cache\n");
if (pk_cache_entries >= MAX_PK_CACHE_ENTRIES)
int n;
/* Remove the last 50% of the entries. */
for (ce = pk_cache, n = 0; ce && n < pk_cache_entries/2; n++)
ce = ce->next;
if (ce && ce != pk_cache && ce->next)
ce2 = ce->next;
ce->next = NULL;
ce = ce2;
for (; ce; ce = ce2)
ce2 = ce->next;
free_public_key (ce->pk);
xfree (ce);
log_assert (pk_cache_entries < MAX_PK_CACHE_ENTRIES);
ce = xmalloc (sizeof *ce);
ce->next = pk_cache;
pk_cache = ce;
ce->pk = copy_public_key (NULL, pk);
ce->keyid[0] = keyid[0];
ce->keyid[1] = keyid[1];
/* Return a const utf-8 string with the text "[User ID not found]".
This function is required so that we don't need to switch gettext's
encoding temporary. */
static const char *
user_id_not_found_utf8 (void)
static char *text;
if (!text)
text = native_to_utf8 (_("[User ID not found]"));
return text;
/* Return the user ID from the given keyblock.
* We use the primary uid flag which has been set by the merge_selfsigs
* function. The returned value is only valid as long as the given
* keyblock is not changed. */
static const char *
get_primary_uid (KBNODE keyblock, size_t * uidlen)
const char *s;
for (k = keyblock; k; k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
&& !k->pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data
&& k->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_primary)
*uidlen = k->pkt->pkt.user_id->len;
return k->pkt->pkt.user_id->name;
s = user_id_not_found_utf8 ();
*uidlen = strlen (s);
return s;
static void
release_keyid_list (keyid_list_t k)
while (k)
keyid_list_t k2 = k->next;
xfree (k);
k = k2;
* Store the association of keyid and userid
* Feed only public keys to this function.
static void
cache_user_id (KBNODE keyblock)
user_id_db_t r;
const char *uid;
size_t uidlen;
keyid_list_t keyids = NULL;
for (k = keyblock; k; k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
keyid_list_t a = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *a);
/* Hmmm: For a long list of keyids it might be an advantage
* to append the keys. */
fingerprint_from_pk (k->pkt->pkt.public_key, a->fpr, NULL);
keyid_from_pk (k->pkt->pkt.public_key, a->keyid);
/* First check for duplicates. */
for (r = user_id_db; r; r = r->next)
keyid_list_t b;
for (b = r->keyids; b; b = b->next)
if (!memcmp (b->fpr, a->fpr, MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN))
log_debug ("cache_user_id: already in cache\n");
release_keyid_list (keyids);
xfree (a);
/* Now put it into the cache. */
a->next = keyids;
keyids = a;
if (!keyids)
BUG (); /* No key no fun. */
uid = get_primary_uid (keyblock, &uidlen);
if (uid_cache_entries >= MAX_UID_CACHE_ENTRIES)
/* fixme: use another algorithm to free some cache slots */
r = user_id_db;
user_id_db = r->next;
release_keyid_list (r->keyids);
xfree (r);
r = xmalloc (sizeof *r + uidlen - 1);
r->keyids = keyids;
r->len = uidlen;
memcpy (r->name, uid, r->len);
r->next = user_id_db;
user_id_db = r;
/* Disable and drop the public key cache (which is filled by
cache_public_key and get_pubkey). Note: there is currently no way
to reenable this cache. */
getkey_disable_caches ()
pk_cache_entry_t ce, ce2;
for (ce = pk_cache; ce; ce = ce2)
ce2 = ce->next;
free_public_key (ce->pk);
xfree (ce);
pk_cache_disabled = 1;
pk_cache_entries = 0;
pk_cache = NULL;
/* fixme: disable user id cache ? */
pubkey_free (pubkey_t key)
if (key)
xfree (key->pk);
release_kbnode (key->keyblock);
xfree (key);
pubkeys_free (pubkey_t keys)
while (keys)
pubkey_t next = keys->next;
pubkey_free (keys);
keys = next;
/* Returns all keys that match the search specfication SEARCH_TERMS.
This function also checks for and warns about duplicate entries in
the keydb, which can occur if the user has configured multiple
keyrings or keyboxes or if a keyring or keybox was corrupted.
Note: SEARCH_TERMS will not be expanded (i.e., it may not be a
USE is the operation for which the key is required. It must be
INCLUDE_UNUSABLE indicates whether disabled keys are allowed.
(Recipients specified with --encrypt-to and --hidden-encrypt-to may
be disabled. It is possible to edit disabled keys.)
SOURCE is the context in which SEARCH_TERMS was specified, e.g.,
"--encrypt-to", etc. If this function is called interactively,
then this should be NULL.
If WARN_POSSIBLY_AMBIGUOUS is set, then emits a warning if the user
does not specify a long key id or a fingerprint.
The results are placed in *KEYS. *KEYS must be NULL! */
get_pubkeys (ctrl_t ctrl,
char *search_terms, int use, int include_unusable, char *source,
int warn_possibly_ambiguous,
pubkey_t *r_keys)
/* We show a warning when a key appears multiple times in the DB.
This can happen for two reasons:
- The user has configured multiple keyrings or keyboxes.
- The keyring or keybox has been corrupted in some way, e.g., a
bug or a random process changing them.
For each duplicate, we only want to show the key once. Hence,
this list. */
static strlist_t key_dups;
/* USE transformed to a string. */
char *use_str;
gpg_error_t err;
pubkey_t results = NULL;
pubkey_t r;
int count;
char fingerprint[2 * MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN + 1];
log_debug ("\n");
log_debug ("%s: Checking %s=%s\n",
__func__, source ? source : "user input", search_terms);
if (*r_keys)
log_bug ("%s: KEYS should be NULL!\n", __func__);
switch (use)
case PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC: use_str = "encrypt"; break;
case PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG: use_str = "sign"; break;
case PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT: use_str = "cetify"; break;
case PUBKEY_USAGE_AUTH: use_str = "authentication"; break;
default: log_bug ("%s: Bad value for USE (%d)\n", __func__, use);
log_bug ("%s: use=%s is unimplemented.\n", __func__, use_str);
err = classify_user_id (search_terms, &desc, 1);
if (err)
log_info (_("key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"),
search_terms, gpg_strerror (err));
if (!opt.quiet && source)
log_info (_("(check argument of option '%s')\n"), source);
goto out;
if (warn_possibly_ambiguous
&& ! (desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_LONG_KID
|| desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR16
|| desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20
|| desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR))
log_info (_("Warning: '%s' should be a long key ID or a fingerprint\n"),
if (!opt.quiet && source)
log_info (_("(check argument of option '%s')\n"), source);
/* Gather all of the results. */
ctx = NULL;
count = 0;
PKT_public_key *pk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pk);
pk->req_usage = use;
if (! ctx)
err = get_pubkey_byname (ctrl, &ctx, pk, search_terms, &kb, NULL,
include_unusable, 1);
err = getkey_next (ctx, pk, &kb);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
/* No more results. */
xfree (pk);
else if (err)
/* An error (other than "not found"). */
log_error (_("error looking up: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (pk);
/* Another result! */
count ++;
r = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (*r));
r->pk = pk;
r->keyblock = kb;
r->next = results;
results = r;
while (ctx);
getkey_end (ctx);
log_debug ("%s resulted in %d matches.\n", search_terms, count);
for (r = results; r; r = r->next)
log_debug (" %s\n",
hexfingerprint (r->keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key,
fingerprint, sizeof (fingerprint)));
if (! results && gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
/* No match. */
log_debug ("%s: '%s' not found.\n", __func__, search_terms);
log_info (_("key \"%s\" not found\n"), search_terms);
if (!opt.quiet && source)
log_info (_("(check argument of option '%s')\n"), source);
goto out;
else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
/* No more matches. */
else if (err)
/* Some other error. An error message was already printed
out. Free RESULTS and continue. */
goto out;
/* Check for duplicates. */
log_debug ("%s: Checking results of %s='%s' for dups\n",
__func__, source ? source : "user input", search_terms);
count = 0;
for (r = results; r; r = r->next)
pubkey_t *prevp;
pubkey_t next;
pubkey_t r2;
int dups = 0;
prevp = &r->next;
next = r->next;
while ((r2 = next))
if (cmp_public_keys (r->keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key,
r2->keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key) != 0)
/* Not a dup. */
prevp = &r2->next;
next = r2->next;
dups ++;
count ++;
/* Remove R2 from the list. */
*prevp = r2->next;
release_kbnode (r2->keyblock);
next = r2->next;
xfree (r2);
if (dups)
hexfingerprint (r->keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key,
fingerprint, sizeof fingerprint);
if (! strlist_find (key_dups, fingerprint))
char fingerprint_formatted[MAX_FORMATTED_FINGERPRINT_LEN + 1];
log_info (_("Warning: %s appears in the keyring %d times\n"),
format_hexfingerprint (fingerprint,
sizeof fingerprint_formatted),
1 + dups);
add_to_strlist (&key_dups, fingerprint);
if (DBG_LOOKUP && count)
log_debug ("After removing %d dups:\n", count);
for (r = results, count = 0; r; r = r->next)
log_debug (" %d: %s\n",
hexfingerprint (r->keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key,
fingerprint, sizeof fingerprint));
if (err)
pubkeys_free (results);
*r_keys = results;
return err;
static void
pk_from_block (PKT_public_key *pk, kbnode_t keyblock, kbnode_t found_key)
kbnode_t a = found_key ? found_key : keyblock;
log_assert (a->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| a->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY);
copy_public_key (pk, a->pkt->pkt.public_key);
/* Return the public key with the key id KEYID and store it at PK.
* The resources in *PK should be released using
* release_public_key_parts(). This function also stores a copy of
* the public key in the user id cache (see cache_public_key).
* If PK is NULL, this function just stores the public key in the
* cache and returns the usual return code.
* PK->REQ_USAGE (which is a mask of PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG,
* PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC and PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT) is passed through to the
* lookup function. If this is non-zero, only keys with the specified
* usage will be returned. As such, it is essential that
* PK->REQ_USAGE be correctly initialized!
* Returns 0 on success, GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY if there is no public key
* with the specified key id, or another error code if an error
* occurs.
* If the data was not read from the cache, then the self-signed data
* has definitely been merged into the public key using
* merge_selfsigs. */
get_pubkey (PKT_public_key * pk, u32 * keyid)
int internal = 0;
int rc = 0;
if (pk)
/* Try to get it from the cache. We don't do this when pk is
NULL as it does not guarantee that the user IDs are
cached. */
pk_cache_entry_t ce;
for (ce = pk_cache; ce; ce = ce->next)
if (ce->keyid[0] == keyid[0] && ce->keyid[1] == keyid[1])
/* XXX: We don't check PK->REQ_USAGE here, but if we don't
read from the cache, we do check it! */
copy_public_key (pk, ce->pk);
return 0;
/* More init stuff. */
if (!pk)
pk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pk);
/* Do a lookup. */
struct getkey_ctx_s ctx;
KBNODE found_key = NULL;
memset (&ctx, 0, sizeof ctx);
ctx.exact = 1; /* Use the key ID exactly as given. */
ctx.not_allocated = 1;
ctx.kr_handle = keydb_new ();
if (!ctx.kr_handle)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
ctx.nitems = 1;
ctx.items[0].mode = KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_LONG_KID;
ctx.items[0].u.kid[0] = keyid[0];
ctx.items[0].u.kid[1] = keyid[1];
ctx.req_usage = pk->req_usage;
rc = lookup (&ctx, &kb, &found_key, 0);
if (!rc)
pk_from_block (pk, kb, found_key);
getkey_end (&ctx);
release_kbnode (kb);
if (!rc)
goto leave;
if (!rc)
cache_public_key (pk);
if (internal)
free_public_key (pk);
return rc;
/* Similar to get_pubkey, but it does not take PK->REQ_USAGE into
* account nor does it merge in the self-signed data. This function
* also only considers primary keys. It is intended to be used as a
* quick check of the key to avoid recursion. It should only be used
* in very certain cases. Like get_pubkey and unlike any of the other
* lookup functions, this function also consults the user id cache
* (see cache_public_key).
* Return the public key in *PK. The resources in *PK should be
* released using release_public_key_parts(). */
get_pubkey_fast (PKT_public_key * pk, u32 * keyid)
int rc = 0;
KBNODE keyblock;
u32 pkid[2];
log_assert (pk);
/* Try to get it from the cache */
pk_cache_entry_t ce;
for (ce = pk_cache; ce; ce = ce->next)
if (ce->keyid[0] == keyid[0] && ce->keyid[1] == keyid[1]
/* Only consider primary keys. */
&& ce->pk->keyid[0] == ce->pk->main_keyid[0]
&& ce->pk->keyid[1] == ce->pk->main_keyid[1])
if (pk)
copy_public_key (pk, ce->pk);
return 0;
hd = keydb_new ();
if (!hd)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
rc = keydb_search_kid (hd, keyid);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
keydb_release (hd);
rc = keydb_get_keyblock (hd, &keyblock);
keydb_release (hd);
if (rc)
log_error ("keydb_get_keyblock failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
log_assert (keyblock && keyblock->pkt
&& keyblock->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
/* We return the primary key. If KEYID matched a subkey, then we
return an error. */
keyid_from_pk (keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key, pkid);
if (keyid[0] == pkid[0] && keyid[1] == pkid[1])
copy_public_key (pk, keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
/* Not caching key here since it won't have all of the fields
properly set. */
return rc;
/* Return the key block for the key with key id KEYID or NULL, if an
* error occurs. Use release_kbnode() to release the key block.
* The self-signed data has already been merged into the public key
* using merge_selfsigs. */
get_pubkeyblock (u32 * keyid)
struct getkey_ctx_s ctx;
int rc = 0;
KBNODE keyblock = NULL;
memset (&ctx, 0, sizeof ctx);
/* No need to set exact here because we want the entire block. */
ctx.not_allocated = 1;
ctx.kr_handle = keydb_new ();
if (!ctx.kr_handle)
return NULL;
ctx.nitems = 1;
ctx.items[0].mode = KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_LONG_KID;
ctx.items[0].u.kid[0] = keyid[0];
ctx.items[0].u.kid[1] = keyid[1];
rc = lookup (&ctx, &keyblock, NULL, 0);
getkey_end (&ctx);
return rc ? NULL : keyblock;
/* Return the public key with the key id KEYID iff the secret key is
* available and store it at PK. The resources should be released
* using release_public_key_parts().
* Unlike other lookup functions, PK may not be NULL. PK->REQ_USAGE
* is passed through to the lookup function and is a mask of
* must be valid! If this is non-zero, only keys with the specified
* usage will be returned.
* Returns 0 on success. If a public key with the specified key id is
* not found or a secret key is not available for that public key, an
* error code is returned. Note: this function ignores legacy keys.
* An error code is also return if an error occurs.
* The self-signed data has already been merged into the public key
* using merge_selfsigs. */
get_seckey (PKT_public_key *pk, u32 *keyid)
gpg_error_t err;
struct getkey_ctx_s ctx;
kbnode_t keyblock = NULL;
kbnode_t found_key = NULL;
memset (&ctx, 0, sizeof ctx);
ctx.exact = 1; /* Use the key ID exactly as given. */
ctx.not_allocated = 1;
ctx.kr_handle = keydb_new ();
if (!ctx.kr_handle)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
ctx.nitems = 1;
ctx.items[0].mode = KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_LONG_KID;
ctx.items[0].u.kid[0] = keyid[0];
ctx.items[0].u.kid[1] = keyid[1];
ctx.req_usage = pk->req_usage;
err = lookup (&ctx, &keyblock, &found_key, 1);
if (!err)
pk_from_block (pk, keyblock, found_key);
getkey_end (&ctx);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
if (!err)
err = agent_probe_secret_key (/*ctrl*/NULL, pk);
if (err)
release_public_key_parts (pk);
return err;
/* Skip unusable keys. A key is unusable if it is revoked, expired or
disabled or if the selected user id is revoked or expired. */
static int
skip_unusable (void *dummy, u32 * keyid, int uid_no)
int unusable = 0;
KBNODE keyblock;
PKT_public_key *pk;
(void) dummy;
keyblock = get_pubkeyblock (keyid);
if (!keyblock)
log_error ("error checking usability status of %s\n", keystr (keyid));
goto leave;
pk = keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
/* Is the key revoked or expired? */
if (pk->flags.revoked || pk->has_expired)
unusable = 1;
/* Is the user ID in question revoked or expired? */
if (!unusable && uid_no)
KBNODE node;
int uids_seen = 0;
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
PKT_user_id *user_id = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
uids_seen ++;
if (uids_seen != uid_no)
if (user_id->is_revoked || user_id->is_expired)
unusable = 1;
/* If UID_NO is non-zero, then the keyblock better have at least
that many UIDs. */
log_assert (uids_seen == uid_no);
if (!unusable)
unusable = pk_is_disabled (pk);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
return unusable;
/* Search for keys matching some criteria.
If RETCTX is not NULL, then the constructed context is returned in
*RETCTX so that getpubkey_next can be used to get subsequent
results. In this case, getkey_end() must be used to free the
search context. If RETCTX is not NULL, then RET_KDBHD must be
If NAMELIST is not NULL, then a search query is constructed using
classify_user_id on each of the strings in the list. (Recall: the
database does an OR of the terms, not an AND.) If NAMELIST is
NULL, then all results are returned.
If PK is not NULL, the public key of the first result is returned
in *PK. Note: PK->REQ_USAGE must be valid!!! If PK->REQ_USAGE is
set, it is used to filter the search results. See the
documentation for finish_lookup to understand exactly how this is
used. Note: The self-signed data has already been merged into the
public key using merge_selfsigs. Free *PK by calling
release_public_key_parts (or, if PK was allocated using xfree, you
can use free_public_key, which calls release_public_key_parts(PK)
and then xfree(PK)).
If WANT_SECRET is set, then only keys with an available secret key
(either locally or via key registered on a smartcard) are returned.
If INCLUDE_UNUSABLE is set, then unusable keys (see the
documentation for skip_unusable for an exact definition) are
skipped unless they are looked up by key id or by fingerprint.
If RET_KB is not NULL, the keyblock is returned in *RET_KB. This
should be freed using release_kbnode().
If RET_KDBHD is not NULL, then the new database handle used to
conduct the search is returned in *RET_KDBHD. This can be used to
get subsequent results using keydb_search_next. Note: in this
case, no advanced filtering is done for subsequent results (e.g.,
WANT_SECRET and PK->REQ_USAGE are not respected).
This function returns 0 on success. Otherwise, an error code is
returned. In particular, GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY or GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY
(if want_secret is set) is returned if the key is not found. */
static int
key_byname (GETKEY_CTX *retctx, strlist_t namelist,
PKT_public_key *pk,
int want_secret, int include_unusable,
KBNODE * ret_kb, KEYDB_HANDLE * ret_kdbhd)
int rc = 0;
int n;
strlist_t r;
KBNODE help_kb = NULL;
KBNODE found_key = NULL;
if (retctx)
/* Reset the returned context in case of error. */
log_assert (!ret_kdbhd); /* Not allowed because the handle is stored
in the context. */
*retctx = NULL;
if (ret_kdbhd)
*ret_kdbhd = NULL;
if (!namelist)
/* No search terms: iterate over the whole DB. */
ctx = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *ctx);
ctx->nitems = 1;
ctx->items[0].mode = KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FIRST;
if (!include_unusable)
ctx->items[0].skipfnc = skip_unusable;
/* Build the search context. */
for (n = 0, r = namelist; r; r = r->next)
/* CTX has space for a single search term at the end. Thus, we
need to allocate sizeof *CTX plus (n - 1) sizeof
ctx = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *ctx + (n - 1) * sizeof ctx->items);
ctx->nitems = n;
for (n = 0, r = namelist; r; r = r->next, n++)
gpg_error_t err;
err = classify_user_id (r->d, &ctx->items[n], 1);
if (ctx->items[n].exact)
ctx->exact = 1;
if (err)
xfree (ctx);
return gpg_err_code (err); /* FIXME: remove gpg_err_code. */
if (!include_unusable
&& ctx->items[n].mode != KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_SHORT_KID
&& ctx->items[n].mode != KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_LONG_KID
&& ctx->items[n].mode != KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR16
&& ctx->items[n].mode != KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20
&& ctx->items[n].mode != KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR)
ctx->items[n].skipfnc = skip_unusable;
ctx->want_secret = want_secret;
ctx->kr_handle = keydb_new ();
if (!ctx->kr_handle)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
getkey_end (ctx);
return rc;
if (!ret_kb)
ret_kb = &help_kb;
if (pk)
ctx->req_usage = pk->req_usage;
rc = lookup (ctx, ret_kb, &found_key, want_secret);
if (!rc && pk)
pk_from_block (pk, *ret_kb, found_key);
release_kbnode (help_kb);
if (retctx) /* Caller wants the context. */
*retctx = ctx;
if (ret_kdbhd)
*ret_kdbhd = ctx->kr_handle;
ctx->kr_handle = NULL;
getkey_end (ctx);
return rc;
/* Find a public key identified by NAME.
* If name appears to be a valid valid RFC822 mailbox (i.e., email
* address) and auto key lookup is enabled (no_akl == 0), then the
* specified auto key lookup methods (--auto-key-lookup) are used to
* import the key into the local keyring. Otherwise, just the local
* keyring is consulted.
* If RETCTX is not NULL, then the constructed context is returned in
* *RETCTX so that getpubkey_next can be used to get subsequent
* results. In this case, getkey_end() must be used to free the
* search context. If RETCTX is not NULL, then RET_KDBHD must be
* If PK is not NULL, the public key of the first result is returned
* in *PK. Note: PK->REQ_USAGE must be valid!!! PK->REQ_USAGE is
* passed through to the lookup function and is a mask of
* is non-zero, only keys with the specified usage will be returned.
* Note: The self-signed data has already been merged into the public
* key using merge_selfsigs. Free *PK by calling
* release_public_key_parts (or, if PK was allocated using xfree, you
* can use free_public_key, which calls release_public_key_parts(PK)
* and then xfree(PK)).
* NAME is a string, which is turned into a search query using
* classify_user_id.
* If RET_KEYBLOCK is not NULL, the keyblock is returned in
* *RET_KEYBLOCK. This should be freed using release_kbnode().
* If RET_KDBHD is not NULL, then the new database handle used to
* conduct the search is returned in *RET_KDBHD. This can be used to
* get subsequent results using keydb_search_next or to modify the
* returned record. Note: in this case, no advanced filtering is done
* for subsequent results (e.g., PK->REQ_USAGE is not respected).
* Unlike RETCTX, this is always returned.
* If INCLUDE_UNUSABLE is set, then unusable keys (see the
* documentation for skip_unusable for an exact definition) are
* skipped unless they are looked up by key id or by fingerprint.
* If NO_AKL is set, then the auto key locate functionality is
* disabled and only the local key ring is considered. Note: the
* local key ring is consulted even if local is not in the
* --auto-key-locate option list!
* This function returns 0 on success. Otherwise, an error code is
* returned. In particular, GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY or GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY
* (if want_secret is set) is returned if the key is not found. */
get_pubkey_byname (ctrl_t ctrl, GETKEY_CTX * retctx, PKT_public_key * pk,
const char *name, KBNODE * ret_keyblock,
KEYDB_HANDLE * ret_kdbhd, int include_unusable, int no_akl)
int rc;
strlist_t namelist = NULL;
struct akl *akl;
int is_mbox;
int nodefault = 0;
int anylocalfirst = 0;
/* If RETCTX is not NULL, then RET_KDBHD must be NULL. */
log_assert (retctx == NULL || ret_kdbhd == NULL);
if (retctx)
*retctx = NULL;
/* Does NAME appear to be a mailbox (mail address)? */
is_mbox = is_valid_mailbox (name);
/* The auto-key-locate feature works as follows: there are a number
* of methods to look up keys. By default, the local keyring is
* tried first. Then, each method listed in the --auto-key-locate is
* tried in the order it appears.
* This can be changed as follows:
* - if nodefault appears anywhere in the list of options, then
* the local keyring is not tried first, or,
* - if local appears anywhere in the list of options, then the
* local keyring is not tried first, but in the order in which
* it was listed in the --auto-key-locate option.
* Note: we only save the search context in RETCTX if the local
* method is the first method tried (either explicitly or
* implicitly). */
if (!no_akl)
/* auto-key-locate is enabled. */
/* nodefault is true if "nodefault" or "local" appear. */
for (akl = opt.auto_key_locate; akl; akl = akl->next)
if (akl->type == AKL_NODEFAULT || akl->type == AKL_LOCAL)
nodefault = 1;
/* anylocalfirst is true if "local" appears before any other
search methods (except "nodefault"). */
for (akl = opt.auto_key_locate; akl; akl = akl->next)
if (akl->type != AKL_NODEFAULT)
if (akl->type == AKL_LOCAL)
anylocalfirst = 1;
if (!nodefault)
/* "nodefault" didn't occur. Thus, "local" is implicitly the
* first method to try. */
anylocalfirst = 1;
if (nodefault && is_mbox)
/* Either "nodefault" or "local" (explicitly) appeared in the
* auto key locate list and NAME appears to be an email address.
* Don't try the local keyring. */
/* Either "nodefault" and "local" don't appear in the auto key
* locate list (in which case we try the local keyring first) or
* NAME does not appear to be an email address (in which case we
* only try the local keyring). In this case, lookup NAME in
* the local keyring. */
add_to_strlist (&namelist, name);
rc = key_byname (retctx, namelist, pk, 0,
include_unusable, ret_keyblock, ret_kdbhd);
/* If the requested name resembles a valid mailbox and automatic
retrieval has been enabled, we try to import the key. */
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY && !no_akl && is_mbox)
/* NAME wasn't present in the local keyring (or we didn't try
* the local keyring). Since the auto key locate feature is
* enabled and NAME appears to be an email address, try the auto
* locate feature. */
for (akl = opt.auto_key_locate; akl; akl = akl->next)
unsigned char *fpr = NULL;
size_t fpr_len;
int did_akl_local = 0;
int no_fingerprint = 0;
const char *mechanism = "?";
switch (akl->type)
/* This is a dummy mechanism. */
mechanism = "None";
mechanism = "Local";
did_akl_local = 1;
if (retctx)
getkey_end (*retctx);
*retctx = NULL;
add_to_strlist (&namelist, name);
rc = key_byname (anylocalfirst ? retctx : NULL,
namelist, pk, 0,
include_unusable, ret_keyblock, ret_kdbhd);
case AKL_CERT:
mechanism = "DNS CERT";
rc = keyserver_import_cert (ctrl, name, 0, &fpr, &fpr_len);
case AKL_PKA:
mechanism = "PKA";
rc = keyserver_import_pka (ctrl, name, &fpr, &fpr_len);
case AKL_DANE:
mechanism = "DANE";
rc = keyserver_import_cert (ctrl, name, 1, &fpr, &fpr_len);
case AKL_WKD:
mechanism = "WKD";
rc = keyserver_import_wkd (ctrl, name, 0, &fpr, &fpr_len);
case AKL_LDAP:
mechanism = "LDAP";
rc = keyserver_import_ldap (ctrl, name, &fpr, &fpr_len);
/* Strictly speaking, we don't need to only use a valid
* mailbox for the getname search, but it helps cut down
* on the problem of searching for something like "john"
* and getting a whole lot of keys back. */
if (keyserver_any_configured (ctrl))
mechanism = "keyserver";
rc = keyserver_import_name (ctrl, name, &fpr, &fpr_len,
mechanism = "Unconfigured keyserver";
case AKL_SPEC:
struct keyserver_spec *keyserver;
mechanism = akl->spec->uri;
keyserver = keyserver_match (akl->spec);
rc = keyserver_import_name (ctrl,
name, &fpr, &fpr_len, keyserver);
/* Use the fingerprint of the key that we actually fetched.
* This helps prevent problems where the key that we fetched
* doesn't have the same name that we used to fetch it. In
* the case of CERT and PKA, this is an actual security
* requirement as the URL might point to a key put in by an
* attacker. By forcing the use of the fingerprint, we
* won't use the attacker's key here. */
if (!rc && fpr)
char fpr_string[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN * 2 + 1];
log_assert (fpr_len <= MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN);
free_strlist (namelist);
namelist = NULL;
bin2hex (fpr, fpr_len, fpr_string);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("auto-key-locate found fingerprint %s\n",
add_to_strlist (&namelist, fpr_string);
else if (!rc && !fpr && !did_akl_local)
{ /* The acquisition method said no failure occurred, but
* it didn't return a fingerprint. That's a failure. */
no_fingerprint = 1;
xfree (fpr);
fpr = NULL;
if (!rc && !did_akl_local)
{ /* There was no error and we didn't do a local lookup.
* This means that we imported a key into the local
* keyring. Try to read the imported key from the
* keyring. */
if (retctx)
getkey_end (*retctx);
*retctx = NULL;
rc = key_byname (anylocalfirst ? retctx : NULL,
namelist, pk, 0,
include_unusable, ret_keyblock, ret_kdbhd);
if (!rc)
/* Key found. */
log_info (_("automatically retrieved '%s' via %s\n"),
name, mechanism);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY
|| opt.verbose || no_fingerprint)
log_info (_("error retrieving '%s' via %s: %s\n"),
name, mechanism,
no_fingerprint ? _("No fingerprint") : gpg_strerror (rc));
if (rc && retctx)
getkey_end (*retctx);
*retctx = NULL;
if (retctx && *retctx)
log_assert (!(*retctx)->extra_list);
(*retctx)->extra_list = namelist;
free_strlist (namelist);
return rc;
/* Comparison machinery for get_best_pubkey_byname. */
/* First we have a struct to cache computed information about the key
* in question. */
struct pubkey_cmp_cookie
int valid; /* Is this cookie valid? */
PKT_public_key key; /* The key. */
PKT_user_id *uid; /* The matching UID packet. */
unsigned int validity; /* Computed validity of (KEY, UID). */
u32 creation_time; /* Creation time of the newest subkey
capable of encryption. */
/* Then we have a series of helper functions. */
static int
key_is_ok (const PKT_public_key *key)
return (! key->has_expired && ! key->flags.revoked
&& key->flags.valid && ! key->flags.disabled);
static int
uid_is_ok (const PKT_public_key *key, const PKT_user_id *uid)
return key_is_ok (key) && ! uid->is_revoked;
static int
subkey_is_ok (const PKT_public_key *sub)
return ! sub->flags.revoked && sub->flags.valid && ! sub->flags.disabled;
/* Finally this function compares a NEW key to the former candidate
* OLD. Returns < 0 if the old key is worse, > 0 if the old key is
* better, == 0 if it is a tie. */
static int
pubkey_cmp (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, struct pubkey_cmp_cookie *old,
struct pubkey_cmp_cookie *new, KBNODE new_keyblock)
kbnode_t n;
new->creation_time = 0;
for (n = find_next_kbnode (new_keyblock, PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY);
n; n = find_next_kbnode (n, PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY))
PKT_public_key *sub = n->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if ((sub->pubkey_usage & PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC) == 0)
if (! subkey_is_ok (sub))
if (sub->timestamp > new->creation_time)
new->creation_time = sub->timestamp;
for (n = find_next_kbnode (new_keyblock, PKT_USER_ID);
n; n = find_next_kbnode (n, PKT_USER_ID))
PKT_user_id *uid = n->pkt->pkt.user_id;
char *mbox = mailbox_from_userid (uid->name);
int match = mbox ? strcasecmp (name, mbox) == 0 : 0;
xfree (mbox);
if (! match)
new->uid = uid;
new->validity =
get_validity (ctrl, &new->key, uid, NULL, 0) & TRUST_MASK;
new->valid = 1;
if (! old->valid)
return -1; /* No OLD key. */
if (! uid_is_ok (&old->key, old->uid) && uid_is_ok (&new->key, uid))
return -1; /* Validity of the NEW key is better. */
if (old->validity < new->validity)
return -1; /* Validity of the NEW key is better. */
if (old->validity == new->validity && uid_is_ok (&new->key, uid)
&& old->creation_time < new->creation_time)
return -1; /* Both keys are of the same validity, but the
NEW key is newer. */
/* Stick with the OLD key. */
return 1;
/* This function works like get_pubkey_byname, but if the name
* resembles a mail address, the results are ranked and only the best
* result is returned. */
get_best_pubkey_byname (ctrl_t ctrl, GETKEY_CTX *retctx, PKT_public_key *pk,
const char *name, KBNODE *ret_keyblock,
int include_unusable, int no_akl)
int rc;
struct getkey_ctx_s *ctx = NULL;
rc = get_pubkey_byname (ctrl, &ctx, pk, name, ret_keyblock,
NULL, include_unusable, no_akl);
if (rc)
if (ctx)
getkey_end (ctx);
if (retctx)
*retctx = NULL;
return rc;
if (is_valid_mailbox (name))
/* Rank results and return only the most relevant key. */
struct pubkey_cmp_cookie best = { 0 }, new;
while (getkey_next (ctx, &new.key, NULL) == 0)
KBNODE new_keyblock = get_pubkeyblock (pk_keyid (&new.key));
int diff = pubkey_cmp (ctrl, name, &best, &new, new_keyblock);
release_kbnode (new_keyblock);
if (diff < 0)
/* New key is better. */
release_public_key_parts (&best.key);
best = new;
else if (diff > 0)
/* Old key is better. */
release_public_key_parts (&new.key);
/* A tie. Keep the old key. */
release_public_key_parts (&new.key);
getkey_end (ctx);
ctx = NULL;
if (best.valid)
if (retctx || ret_keyblock)
ctx = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof **retctx);
if (! ctx)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
ctx->kr_handle = keydb_new ();
if (! ctx->kr_handle)
xfree (ctx);
*retctx = NULL;
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
u32 *keyid = pk_keyid (&best.key);
ctx->exact = 1;
ctx->nitems = 1;
ctx->items[0].mode = KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_LONG_KID;
ctx->items[0].u.kid[0] = keyid[0];
ctx->items[0].u.kid[1] = keyid[1];
if (ret_keyblock)
release_kbnode (*ret_keyblock);
*ret_keyblock = NULL;
rc = getkey_next (ctx, NULL, ret_keyblock);
if (pk)
*pk = best.key;
release_public_key_parts (&best.key);
if (rc && ctx)
getkey_end (ctx);
ctx = NULL;
if (retctx && ctx)
*retctx = ctx;
getkey_end (ctx);
return rc;
/* Get a public key from a file.
* PK is the buffer to store the key. The caller needs to make sure
* that PK->REQ_USAGE is valid. PK->REQ_USAGE is passed through to
* the lookup function and is a mask of PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG,
* PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC and PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT. If this is non-zero, only
* keys with the specified usage will be returned.
* FNAME is the file name. That file should contain exactly one
* keyblock.
* This function returns 0 on success. Otherwise, an error code is
* returned. In particular, GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY is returned if the key
* is not found.
* The self-signed data has already been merged into the public key
* using merge_selfsigs. The caller must release the content of PK by
* calling release_public_key_parts (or, if PK was malloced, using
* free_public_key).
get_pubkey_fromfile (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk, const char *fname)
gpg_error_t err;
kbnode_t keyblock;
kbnode_t found_key;
unsigned int infoflags;
err = read_key_from_file (ctrl, fname, &keyblock);
if (!err)
/* Warning: node flag bits 0 and 1 should be preserved by
* merge_selfsigs. FIXME: Check whether this still holds. */
merge_selfsigs (keyblock);
found_key = finish_lookup (keyblock, pk->req_usage, 0, &infoflags);
print_status_key_considered (keyblock, infoflags);
if (found_key)
pk_from_block (pk, keyblock, found_key);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNUSABLE_PUBKEY);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
return err;
/* Lookup a key with the specified fingerprint.
* If PK is not NULL, the public key of the first result is returned
* in *PK. Note: this function does an exact search and thus the
* returned public key may be a subkey rather than the primary key.
* Note: The self-signed data has already been merged into the public
* key using merge_selfsigs. Free *PK by calling
* release_public_key_parts (or, if PK was allocated using xfree, you
* can use free_public_key, which calls release_public_key_parts(PK)
* and then xfree(PK)).
* If PK->REQ_USAGE is set, it is used to filter the search results.
* (Thus, if PK is not NULL, PK->REQ_USAGE must be valid!!!) See the
* documentation for finish_lookup to understand exactly how this is
* used.
* If R_KEYBLOCK is not NULL, then the first result's keyblock is
* returned in *R_KEYBLOCK. This should be freed using
* release_kbnode().
* FPRINT is a byte array whose contents is the fingerprint to use as
* the search term. FPRINT_LEN specifies the length of the
* fingerprint (in bytes). Currently, only 16 and 20-byte
* fingerprints are supported.
* FIXME: We should replace this with the _byname function. This can
* be done by creating a userID conforming to the unified fingerprint
* style. */
get_pubkey_byfprint (PKT_public_key *pk, kbnode_t *r_keyblock,
const byte * fprint, size_t fprint_len)
int rc;
if (r_keyblock)
*r_keyblock = NULL;
if (fprint_len == 20 || fprint_len == 16)
struct getkey_ctx_s ctx;
KBNODE found_key = NULL;
memset (&ctx, 0, sizeof ctx);
ctx.exact = 1;
ctx.not_allocated = 1;
ctx.kr_handle = keydb_new ();
if (!ctx.kr_handle)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
ctx.nitems = 1;
ctx.items[0].mode = fprint_len == 16 ? KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR16
memcpy (ctx.items[0].u.fpr, fprint, fprint_len);
rc = lookup (&ctx, &kb, &found_key, 0);
if (!rc && pk)
pk_from_block (pk, kb, found_key);
if (!rc && r_keyblock)
*r_keyblock = kb;
kb = NULL;
release_kbnode (kb);
getkey_end (&ctx);
rc = GPG_ERR_GENERAL; /* Oops */
return rc;
/* This function is similar to get_pubkey_byfprint, but it doesn't
* merge the self-signed data into the public key and subkeys or into
* the user ids. It also doesn't add the key to the user id cache.
* Further, this function ignores PK->REQ_USAGE.
* This function is intended to avoid recursion and, as such, should
* only be used in very specific situations.
* Like get_pubkey_byfprint, PK may be NULL. In that case, this
* function effectively just checks for the existence of the key. */
get_pubkey_byfprint_fast (PKT_public_key * pk,
const byte * fprint, size_t fprint_len)
int rc = 0;
KBNODE keyblock;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN && i < fprint_len; i++)
fprbuf[i] = fprint[i];
fprbuf[i++] = 0;
hd = keydb_new ();
if (!hd)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
rc = keydb_search_fpr (hd, fprbuf);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
keydb_release (hd);
rc = keydb_get_keyblock (hd, &keyblock);
keydb_release (hd);
if (rc)
log_error ("keydb_get_keyblock failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
log_assert (keyblock->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| keyblock->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY);
if (pk)
copy_public_key (pk, keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
/* Not caching key here since it won't have all of the fields
properly set. */
return 0;
const char *
parse_def_secret_key (ctrl_t ctrl)
strlist_t t;
static int warned;
for (t = opt.def_secret_key; t; t = t->next)
gpg_error_t err;
KBNODE node;
err = classify_user_id (t->d, &desc, 1);
if (err)
log_error (_("secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"),
t->d, gpg_strerror (err));
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("(check argument of option '%s')\n"), "--default-key");
if (! hd)
hd = keydb_new ();
if (!hd)
return NULL;
keydb_search_reset (hd);
err = keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1, NULL);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
if (err)
log_error (_("key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"), t->d, gpg_strerror (err));
t = NULL;
err = keydb_get_keyblock (hd, &kb);
if (err)
log_error (_("error reading keyblock: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
merge_selfsigs (kb);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
node = kb;
PKT_public_key *pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
/* Check that the key has the signing capability. */
if (! (pk->pubkey_usage & PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG))
/* Check if the key is valid. */
if (pk->flags.revoked)
log_debug ("not using %s as default key, %s",
keystr_from_pk (pk), "revoked");
if (pk->has_expired)
log_debug ("not using %s as default key, %s",
keystr_from_pk (pk), "expired");
if (pk_is_disabled (pk))
log_debug ("not using %s as default key, %s",
keystr_from_pk (pk), "disabled");
err = agent_probe_secret_key (ctrl, pk);
if (! err)
/* This is a valid key. */
while ((node = find_next_kbnode (node, PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)));
release_kbnode (kb);
if (err)
if (! warned && ! opt.quiet)
log_info (_("Warning: not using '%s' as default key: %s\n"),
t->d, gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY));
print_reported_error (err, GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
if (! warned && ! opt.quiet)
log_info (_("using \"%s\" as default secret key for signing\n"),
if (! warned && opt.def_secret_key && ! t)
log_info (_("all values passed to '%s' ignored\n"),
warned = 1;
if (hd)
keydb_release (hd);
if (t)
return t->d;
return NULL;
/* Look up a secret key.
* If PK is not NULL, the public key of the first result is returned
* in *PK. Note: PK->REQ_USAGE must be valid!!! If PK->REQ_USAGE is
* set, it is used to filter the search results. See the
* documentation for finish_lookup to understand exactly how this is
* used. Note: The self-signed data has already been merged into the
* public key using merge_selfsigs. Free *PK by calling
* release_public_key_parts (or, if PK was allocated using xfree, you
* can use free_public_key, which calls release_public_key_parts(PK)
* and then xfree(PK)).
* If --default-key was set, then the specified key is looked up. (In
* this case, the default key is returned even if it is considered
* unusable. See the documentation for skip_unusable for exactly what
* this means.)
* Otherwise, this initiates a DB scan that returns all keys that are
* usable (see previous paragraph for exactly what usable means) and
* for which a secret key is available.
* This function returns the first match. Additional results can be
* returned using getkey_next. */
get_seckey_default (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk)
gpg_error_t err;
strlist_t namelist = NULL;
int include_unusable = 1;
const char *def_secret_key = parse_def_secret_key (ctrl);
if (def_secret_key)
add_to_strlist (&namelist, def_secret_key);
include_unusable = 0;
err = key_byname (NULL, namelist, pk, 1, include_unusable, NULL, NULL);
free_strlist (namelist);
return err;
/* Search for keys matching some criteria.
* If RETCTX is not NULL, then the constructed context is returned in
* *RETCTX so that getpubkey_next can be used to get subsequent
* results. In this case, getkey_end() must be used to free the
* search context. If RETCTX is not NULL, then RET_KDBHD must be
* If PK is not NULL, the public key of the first result is returned
* in *PK. Note: PK->REQ_USAGE must be valid!!! If PK->REQ_USAGE is
* set, it is used to filter the search results. See the
* documentation for finish_lookup to understand exactly how this is
* used. Note: The self-signed data has already been merged into the
* public key using merge_selfsigs. Free *PK by calling
* release_public_key_parts (or, if PK was allocated using xfree, you
* can use free_public_key, which calls release_public_key_parts(PK)
* and then xfree(PK)).
* If NAMES is not NULL, then a search query is constructed using
* classify_user_id on each of the strings in the list. (Recall: the
* database does an OR of the terms, not an AND.) If NAMES is
* NULL, then all results are returned.
* If WANT_SECRET is set, then only keys with an available secret key
* (either locally or via key registered on a smartcard) are returned.
* This function does not skip unusable keys (see the documentation
* for skip_unusable for an exact definition).
* If RET_KEYBLOCK is not NULL, the keyblock is returned in
* *RET_KEYBLOCK. This should be freed using release_kbnode().
* This function returns 0 on success. Otherwise, an error code is
* returned. In particular, GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY or GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY
* (if want_secret is set) is returned if the key is not found. */
getkey_bynames (getkey_ctx_t *retctx, PKT_public_key *pk,
strlist_t names, int want_secret, kbnode_t *ret_keyblock)
return key_byname (retctx, names, pk, want_secret, 1,
ret_keyblock, NULL);
/* Search for one key matching some criteria.
* If RETCTX is not NULL, then the constructed context is returned in
* *RETCTX so that getpubkey_next can be used to get subsequent
* results. In this case, getkey_end() must be used to free the
* search context. If RETCTX is not NULL, then RET_KDBHD must be
* If PK is not NULL, the public key of the first result is returned
* in *PK. Note: PK->REQ_USAGE must be valid!!! If PK->REQ_USAGE is
* set, it is used to filter the search results. See the
* documentation for finish_lookup to understand exactly how this is
* used. Note: The self-signed data has already been merged into the
* public key using merge_selfsigs. Free *PK by calling
* release_public_key_parts (or, if PK was allocated using xfree, you
* can use free_public_key, which calls release_public_key_parts(PK)
* and then xfree(PK)).
* If NAME is not NULL, then a search query is constructed using
* classify_user_id on the string. In this case, even unusable keys
* (see the documentation for skip_unusable for an exact definition of
* unusable) are returned. Otherwise, if --default-key was set, then
* that key is returned (even if it is unusable). If neither of these
* conditions holds, then the first usable key is returned.
* If WANT_SECRET is set, then only keys with an available secret key
* (either locally or via key registered on a smartcard) are returned.
* This function does not skip unusable keys (see the documentation
* for skip_unusable for an exact definition).
* If RET_KEYBLOCK is not NULL, the keyblock is returned in
* *RET_KEYBLOCK. This should be freed using release_kbnode().
* This function returns 0 on success. Otherwise, an error code is
* returned. In particular, GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY or GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY
* (if want_secret is set) is returned if the key is not found.
* FIXME: We also have the get_pubkey_byname function which has a
* different semantic. Should be merged with this one. */
getkey_byname (ctrl_t ctrl, getkey_ctx_t *retctx, PKT_public_key *pk,
const char *name, int want_secret, kbnode_t *ret_keyblock)
gpg_error_t err;
strlist_t namelist = NULL;
int with_unusable = 1;
const char *def_secret_key = NULL;
if (want_secret && !name)
def_secret_key = parse_def_secret_key (ctrl);
if (want_secret && !name && def_secret_key)
add_to_strlist (&namelist, def_secret_key);
else if (name)
add_to_strlist (&namelist, name);
with_unusable = 0;
err = key_byname (retctx, namelist, pk, want_secret, with_unusable,
ret_keyblock, NULL);
/* FIXME: Check that we really return GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY if
WANT_SECRET has been used. */
free_strlist (namelist);
return err;
/* Return the next search result.
* If PK is not NULL, the public key of the next result is returned in
* *PK. Note: The self-signed data has already been merged into the
* public key using merge_selfsigs. Free *PK by calling
* release_public_key_parts (or, if PK was allocated using xmalloc, you
* can use free_public_key, which calls release_public_key_parts(PK)
* and then xfree(PK)).
* RET_KEYBLOCK can be given as NULL; if it is not NULL it the entire
* found keyblock is returned which must be released with
* release_kbnode. If the function returns an error NULL is stored at
* The self-signed data has already been merged into the public key
* using merge_selfsigs. */
getkey_next (getkey_ctx_t ctx, PKT_public_key *pk, kbnode_t *ret_keyblock)
int rc; /* Fixme: Make sure this is proper gpg_error */
KBNODE found_key = NULL;
/* We need to disable the caching so that for an exact key search we
won't get the result back from the cache and thus end up in an
endless loop. The endless loop can occur, because the cache is
used without respecting the current file pointer! */
keydb_disable_caching (ctx->kr_handle);
rc = lookup (ctx, ret_keyblock, &found_key, ctx->want_secret);
if (!rc && pk)
log_assert (found_key);
pk_from_block (pk, NULL, found_key);
return rc;
/* Release any resources used by a key listing context. This must be
* called on the context returned by, e.g., getkey_byname. */
getkey_end (getkey_ctx_t ctx)
if (ctx)
keydb_release (ctx->kr_handle);
free_strlist (ctx->extra_list);
if (!ctx->not_allocated)
xfree (ctx);
************* Merging stuff ********************
/* Set the mainkey_id fields for all keys in KEYBLOCK. This is
* usually done by merge_selfsigs but at some places we only need the
* main_kid not a full merge. The function also guarantees that all
* pk->keyids are computed. */
setup_main_keyids (kbnode_t keyblock)
u32 kid[2], mainkid[2];
kbnode_t kbctx, node;
PKT_public_key *pk;
if (keyblock->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
BUG ();
pk = keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keyid_from_pk (pk, mainkid);
for (kbctx=NULL; (node = walk_kbnode (keyblock, &kbctx, 0)); )
if (!(node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY))
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keyid_from_pk (pk, kid); /* Make sure pk->keyid is set. */
if (!pk->main_keyid[0] && !pk->main_keyid[1])
pk->main_keyid[0] = mainkid[0];
pk->main_keyid[1] = mainkid[1];
/* KEYBLOCK corresponds to a public key block. This function merges
* much of the information from the self-signed data into the public
* key, public subkey and user id data structures. If you use the
* high-level search API (e.g., get_pubkey) for looking up key blocks,
* then you don't need to call this function. This function is
* useful, however, if you change the keyblock, e.g., by adding or
* removing a self-signed data packet. */
merge_keys_and_selfsig (KBNODE keyblock)
if (!keyblock)
else if (keyblock->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
merge_selfsigs (keyblock);
log_debug ("FIXME: merging secret key blocks is not anymore available\n");
static int
parse_key_usage (PKT_signature * sig)
int key_usage = 0;
const byte *p;
size_t n;
byte flags;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_KEY_FLAGS, &n);
if (p && n)
/* First octet of the keyflags. */
flags = *p;
if (flags & 1)
key_usage |= PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT;
flags &= ~1;
if (flags & 2)
key_usage |= PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG;
flags &= ~2;
/* We do not distinguish between encrypting communications and
encrypting storage. */
if (flags & (0x04 | 0x08))
key_usage |= PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC;
flags &= ~(0x04 | 0x08);
if (flags & 0x20)
key_usage |= PUBKEY_USAGE_AUTH;
flags &= ~0x20;
if (flags)
if (!key_usage)
key_usage |= PUBKEY_USAGE_NONE;
else if (p) /* Key flags of length zero. */
key_usage |= PUBKEY_USAGE_NONE;
/* We set PUBKEY_USAGE_UNKNOWN to indicate that this key has a
capability that we do not handle. This serves to distinguish
between a zero key usage which we handle as the default
capabilities for that algorithm, and a usage that we do not
handle. Likewise we use PUBKEY_USAGE_NONE to indicate that
key_flags have been given but they do not specify any usage. */
return key_usage;
/* Apply information from SIGNODE (which is the valid self-signature
* associated with that UID) to the UIDNODE:
* - weather the UID has been revoked
* - assumed creation date of the UID
* - temporary store the keyflags here
* - temporary store the key expiration time here
* - mark whether the primary user ID flag hat been set.
* - store the preferences
static void
fixup_uidnode (KBNODE uidnode, KBNODE signode, u32 keycreated)
PKT_user_id *uid = uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id;
PKT_signature *sig = signode->pkt->pkt.signature;
const byte *p, *sym, *hash, *zip;
size_t n, nsym, nhash, nzip;
sig->flags.chosen_selfsig = 1;/* We chose this one. */
uid->created = 0; /* Not created == invalid. */
if (IS_UID_REV (sig))
uid->is_revoked = 1;
return; /* Has been revoked. */
uid->is_revoked = 0;
uid->expiredate = sig->expiredate;
if (sig->flags.expired)
uid->is_expired = 1;
return; /* Has expired. */
uid->is_expired = 0;
uid->created = sig->timestamp; /* This one is okay. */
uid->selfsigversion = sig->version;
/* If we got this far, it's not expired :) */
uid->is_expired = 0;
/* Store the key flags in the helper variable for later processing. */
uid->help_key_usage = parse_key_usage (sig);
/* Ditto for the key expiration. */
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_KEY_EXPIRE, NULL);
if (p && buf32_to_u32 (p))
uid->help_key_expire = keycreated + buf32_to_u32 (p);
uid->help_key_expire = 0;
/* Set the primary user ID flag - we will later wipe out some
* of them to only have one in our keyblock. */
uid->is_primary = 0;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_PRIMARY_UID, NULL);
if (p && *p)
uid->is_primary = 2;
/* We could also query this from the unhashed area if it is not in
* the hased area and then later try to decide which is the better
* there should be no security problem with this.
* For now we only look at the hashed one. */
/* Now build the preferences list. These must come from the
hashed section so nobody can modify the ciphers a key is
willing to accept. */
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_SYM, &n);
sym = p;
nsym = p ? n : 0;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_HASH, &n);
hash = p;
nhash = p ? n : 0;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_COMPR, &n);
zip = p;
nzip = p ? n : 0;
if (uid->prefs)
xfree (uid->prefs);
n = nsym + nhash + nzip;
if (!n)
uid->prefs = NULL;
uid->prefs = xmalloc (sizeof (*uid->prefs) * (n + 1));
n = 0;
for (; nsym; nsym--, n++)
uid->prefs[n].type = PREFTYPE_SYM;
uid->prefs[n].value = *sym++;
for (; nhash; nhash--, n++)
uid->prefs[n].type = PREFTYPE_HASH;
uid->prefs[n].value = *hash++;
for (; nzip; nzip--, n++)
uid->prefs[n].type = PREFTYPE_ZIP;
uid->prefs[n].value = *zip++;
uid->prefs[n].type = PREFTYPE_NONE; /* End of list marker */
uid->prefs[n].value = 0;
/* See whether we have the MDC feature. */
uid->flags.mdc = 0;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_FEATURES, &n);
if (p && n && (p[0] & 0x01))
uid->flags.mdc = 1;
/* And the keyserver modify flag. */
uid->flags.ks_modify = 1;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_KS_FLAGS, &n);
if (p && n && (p[0] & 0x80))
uid->flags.ks_modify = 0;
static void
sig_to_revoke_info (PKT_signature * sig, struct revoke_info *rinfo)
rinfo->date = sig->timestamp;
rinfo->algo = sig->pubkey_algo;
rinfo->keyid[0] = sig->keyid[0];
rinfo->keyid[1] = sig->keyid[1];
/* Given a keyblock, parse the key block and extract various pieces of
information and save them with the primary key packet and the user
id packets. For instance, some information is stored in signature
packets. We find the latest such valid packet (since the user can
change that information) and copy its contents into the
Note that R_REVOKED may be set to 0, 1 or 2.
This function fills in the following fields in the primary key's
main_keyid (computed)
revkey / numrevkeys (derived from self signed key data)
flags.valid (whether we have at least 1 self-sig)
flags.maybe_revoked (whether a designed revoked the key, but
we are missing the key to check the sig)
selfsigversion (highest version of any valid self-sig)
pubkey_usage (derived from most recent self-sig or most
recent user id)
has_expired (various sources)
expiredate (various sources)
See the documentation for fixup_uidnode for how the user id packets
are modified. In addition to that the primary user id's is_primary
field is set to 1 and the other user id's is_primary are set to
0. */
static void
merge_selfsigs_main (KBNODE keyblock, int *r_revoked,
struct revoke_info *rinfo)
PKT_public_key *pk = NULL;
u32 kid[2];
u32 sigdate, uiddate, uiddate2;
KBNODE signode, uidnode, uidnode2;
u32 curtime = make_timestamp ();
unsigned int key_usage = 0;
u32 keytimestamp = 0;
u32 key_expire = 0;
int key_expire_seen = 0;
byte sigversion = 0;
*r_revoked = 0;
memset (rinfo, 0, sizeof (*rinfo));
/* Section 11.1 of RFC 4880 determines the order of packets within a
message. There are three sections, which must occur in the
following order: the public key, the user ids and user attributes
and the subkeys. Within each section, each primary packet (e.g.,
a user id packet) is followed by one or more signature packets,
which modify that packet. */
/* According to Section 11.1 of RFC 4880, the public key must be the
first packet. */
if (keyblock->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
/* parse_keyblock_image ensures that the first packet is the
public key. */
BUG ();
pk = keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keytimestamp = pk->timestamp;
keyid_from_pk (pk, kid);
pk->main_keyid[0] = kid[0];
pk->main_keyid[1] = kid[1];
if (pk->version < 4)
/* Before v4 the key packet itself contains the expiration date
* and there was no way to change it, so we start with the one
* from the key packet. */
key_expire = pk->max_expiredate;
key_expire_seen = 1;
/* First pass:
- Find the latest direct key self-signature. We assume that the
newest one overrides all others.
- Determine whether the key has been revoked.
- Gather all revocation keys (unlike other data, we don't just
take them from the latest self-signed packet).
- Determine max (sig[...]->version).
/* Reset this in case this key was already merged. */
xfree (pk->revkey);
pk->revkey = NULL;
pk->numrevkeys = 0;
signode = NULL;
sigdate = 0; /* Helper variable to find the latest signature. */
/* According to Section 11.1 of RFC 4880, the public key comes first
and is immediately followed by any signature packets that modify
it. */
for (k = keyblock;
k && k->pkt->pkttype != PKT_USER_ID
&& k->pkt->pkttype != PKT_ATTRIBUTE
&& k->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY;
k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
PKT_signature *sig = k->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (sig->keyid[0] == kid[0] && sig->keyid[1] == kid[1])
/* Self sig. */
if (check_key_signature (keyblock, k, NULL))
; /* Signature did not verify. */
else if (IS_KEY_REV (sig))
/* Key has been revoked - there is no way to
* override such a revocation, so we theoretically
* can stop now. We should not cope with expiration
* times for revocations here because we have to
* assume that an attacker can generate all kinds of
* signatures. However due to the fact that the key
* has been revoked it does not harm either and by
* continuing we gather some more info on that
* key. */
*r_revoked = 1;
sig_to_revoke_info (sig, rinfo);
else if (IS_KEY_SIG (sig))
/* Add the indicated revocations keys from all
signatures not just the latest. We do this
because you need multiple 1F sigs to properly
handle revocation keys (PGP does it this way, and
a revocation key could be sensitive and hence in
a different signature). */
if (sig->revkey)
int i;
pk->revkey =
xrealloc (pk->revkey, sizeof (struct revocation_key) *
(pk->numrevkeys + sig->numrevkeys));
for (i = 0; i < sig->numrevkeys; i++)
memcpy (&pk->revkey[pk->numrevkeys++],
sizeof (struct revocation_key));
if (sig->timestamp >= sigdate)
/* This is the latest signature so far. */
if (sig->flags.expired)
; /* Signature has expired - ignore it. */
sigdate = sig->timestamp;
signode = k;
if (sig->version > sigversion)
sigversion = sig->version;
/* Remove dupes from the revocation keys. */
if (pk->revkey)
int i, j, x, changed = 0;
for (i = 0; i < pk->numrevkeys; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j < pk->numrevkeys; j++)
if (memcmp (&pk->revkey[i], &pk->revkey[j],
sizeof (struct revocation_key)) == 0)
/* remove j */
for (x = j; x < pk->numrevkeys - 1; x++)
pk->revkey[x] = pk->revkey[x + 1];
changed = 1;
if (changed)
pk->revkey = xrealloc (pk->revkey,
pk->numrevkeys *
sizeof (struct revocation_key));
if (signode)
/* SIGNODE is the 1F signature packet with the latest creation
time. Extract some information from it. */
/* Some information from a direct key signature take precedence
* over the same information given in UID sigs. */
PKT_signature *sig = signode->pkt->pkt.signature;
const byte *p;
key_usage = parse_key_usage (sig);
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_KEY_EXPIRE, NULL);
if (p && buf32_to_u32 (p))
key_expire = keytimestamp + buf32_to_u32 (p);
key_expire_seen = 1;
/* Mark that key as valid: One direct key signature should
* render a key as valid. */
pk->flags.valid = 1;
/* Pass 1.5: Look for key revocation signatures that were not made
by the key (i.e. did a revocation key issue a revocation for
us?). Only bother to do this if there is a revocation key in the
first place and we're not revoked already. */
if (!*r_revoked && pk->revkey)
for (k = keyblock; k && k->pkt->pkttype != PKT_USER_ID; k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
PKT_signature *sig = k->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (IS_KEY_REV (sig) &&
(sig->keyid[0] != kid[0] || sig->keyid[1] != kid[1]))
int rc = check_revocation_keys (pk, sig);
if (rc == 0)
*r_revoked = 2;
sig_to_revoke_info (sig, rinfo);
/* Don't continue checking since we can't be any
more revoked than this. */
else if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY)
pk->flags.maybe_revoked = 1;
/* A failure here means the sig did not verify, was
not issued by a revocation key, or a revocation
key loop was broken. If a revocation key isn't
findable, however, the key might be revoked and
we don't know it. */
/* TODO: In the future handle subkey and cert
revocations? PGP doesn't, but it's in 2440. */
/* Second pass: Look at the self-signature of all user IDs. */
/* According to RFC 4880 section 11.1, user id and attribute packets
are in the second section, after the public key packet and before
the subkey packets. */
signode = uidnode = NULL;
sigdate = 0; /* Helper variable to find the latest signature in one UID. */
for (k = keyblock; k && k->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY; k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID || k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_ATTRIBUTE)
/* New user id packet. */
if (uidnode && signode)
/* Apply the data from the most recent self-signed packet
to the preceding user id packet. */
fixup_uidnode (uidnode, signode, keytimestamp);
pk->flags.valid = 1;
/* Clear SIGNODE. The only relevant self-signed data for
UIDNODE follows it. */
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
uidnode = k;
uidnode = NULL;
signode = NULL;
sigdate = 0;
else if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE && uidnode)
PKT_signature *sig = k->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (sig->keyid[0] == kid[0] && sig->keyid[1] == kid[1])
if (check_key_signature (keyblock, k, NULL))
; /* signature did not verify */
else if ((IS_UID_SIG (sig) || IS_UID_REV (sig))
&& sig->timestamp >= sigdate)
/* Note: we allow invalidation of cert revocations
* by a newer signature. An attacker can't use this
* because a key should be revoked with a key revocation.
* The reason why we have to allow for that is that at
* one time an email address may become invalid but later
* the same email address may become valid again (hired,
* fired, hired again). */
sigdate = sig->timestamp;
signode = k;
signode->pkt->pkt.signature->flags.chosen_selfsig = 0;
if (sig->version > sigversion)
sigversion = sig->version;
if (uidnode && signode)
fixup_uidnode (uidnode, signode, keytimestamp);
pk->flags.valid = 1;
/* If the key isn't valid yet, and we have
--allow-non-selfsigned-uid set, then force it valid. */
if (!pk->flags.valid && opt.allow_non_selfsigned_uid)
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("Invalid key %s made valid by"
" --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n"), keystr_from_pk (pk));
pk->flags.valid = 1;
/* The key STILL isn't valid, so try and find an ultimately
trusted signature. */
if (!pk->flags.valid)
uidnode = NULL;
for (k = keyblock; k && k->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY;
k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
uidnode = k;
else if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE && uidnode)
PKT_signature *sig = k->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (sig->keyid[0] != kid[0] || sig->keyid[1] != kid[1])
PKT_public_key *ultimate_pk;
ultimate_pk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (*ultimate_pk));
/* We don't want to use the full get_pubkey to
avoid infinite recursion in certain cases.
There is no reason to check that an ultimately
trusted key is still valid - if it has been
revoked the user should also remove the
ultimate trust flag. */
if (get_pubkey_fast (ultimate_pk, sig->keyid) == 0
&& check_key_signature2 (keyblock, k, ultimate_pk,
&& get_ownertrust (ultimate_pk) == TRUST_ULTIMATE)
free_public_key (ultimate_pk);
pk->flags.valid = 1;
free_public_key (ultimate_pk);
/* Record the highest selfsig version so we know if this is a v3
key through and through, or a v3 key with a v4 selfsig
somewhere. This is useful in a few places to know if the key
must be treated as PGP2-style or OpenPGP-style. Note that a
selfsig revocation with a higher version number will also raise
this value. This is okay since such a revocation must be
issued by the user (i.e. it cannot be issued by someone else to
modify the key behavior.) */
pk->selfsigversion = sigversion;
/* Now that we had a look at all user IDs we can now get some information
* from those user IDs.
if (!key_usage)
/* Find the latest user ID with key flags set. */
uiddate = 0; /* Helper to find the latest user ID. */
for (k = keyblock; k && k->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY;
k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
PKT_user_id *uid = k->pkt->pkt.user_id;
if (uid->help_key_usage && uid->created > uiddate)
key_usage = uid->help_key_usage;
uiddate = uid->created;
if (!key_usage)
/* No key flags at all: get it from the algo. */
key_usage = openpgp_pk_algo_usage (pk->pubkey_algo);
/* Check that the usage matches the usage as given by the algo. */
int x = openpgp_pk_algo_usage (pk->pubkey_algo);
if (x) /* Mask it down to the actual allowed usage. */
key_usage &= x;
/* Whatever happens, it's a primary key, so it can certify. */
pk->pubkey_usage = key_usage | PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT;
if (!key_expire_seen)
/* Find the latest valid user ID with a key expiration set
* Note, that this may be a different one from the above because
* some user IDs may have no expiration date set. */
uiddate = 0;
for (k = keyblock; k && k->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY;
k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
PKT_user_id *uid = k->pkt->pkt.user_id;
if (uid->help_key_expire && uid->created > uiddate)
key_expire = uid->help_key_expire;
uiddate = uid->created;
/* Currently only v3 keys have a maximum expiration date, but I'll
bet v5 keys get this feature again. */
if (key_expire == 0
|| (pk->max_expiredate && key_expire > pk->max_expiredate))
key_expire = pk->max_expiredate;
pk->has_expired = key_expire >= curtime ? 0 : key_expire;
pk->expiredate = key_expire;
/* Fixme: we should see how to get rid of the expiretime fields but
* this needs changes at other places too. */
/* And now find the real primary user ID and delete all others. */
uiddate = uiddate2 = 0;
uidnode = uidnode2 = NULL;
for (k = keyblock; k && k->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY; k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID && !k->pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data)
PKT_user_id *uid = k->pkt->pkt.user_id;
if (uid->is_primary)
if (uid->created > uiddate)
uiddate = uid->created;
uidnode = k;
else if (uid->created == uiddate && uidnode)
/* The dates are equal, so we need to do a
different (and arbitrary) comparison. This
should rarely, if ever, happen. It's good to
try and guarantee that two different GnuPG
users with two different keyrings at least pick
the same primary. */
if (cmp_user_ids (uid, uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id) > 0)
uidnode = k;
if (uid->created > uiddate2)
uiddate2 = uid->created;
uidnode2 = k;
else if (uid->created == uiddate2 && uidnode2)
if (cmp_user_ids (uid, uidnode2->pkt->pkt.user_id) > 0)
uidnode2 = k;
if (uidnode)
for (k = keyblock; k && k->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY;
k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID &&
PKT_user_id *uid = k->pkt->pkt.user_id;
if (k != uidnode)
uid->is_primary = 0;
else if (uidnode2)
/* None is flagged primary - use the latest user ID we have,
and disambiguate with the arbitrary packet comparison. */
uidnode2->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_primary = 1;
/* None of our uids were self-signed, so pick the one that
sorts first to be the primary. This is the best we can do
here since there are no self sigs to date the uids. */
uidnode = NULL;
for (k = keyblock; k && k->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY;
k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
&& !k->pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data)
if (!uidnode)
uidnode = k;
uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_primary = 1;
if (cmp_user_ids (k->pkt->pkt.user_id,
uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id) > 0)
uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_primary = 0;
uidnode = k;
uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_primary = 1;
k->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_primary = 0; /* just to be
safe */
/* Convert a buffer to a signature. Useful for 0x19 embedded sigs.
Caller must free the signature when they are done. */
static PKT_signature *
buf_to_sig (const byte * buf, size_t len)
PKT_signature *sig = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (PKT_signature));
IOBUF iobuf = iobuf_temp_with_content (buf, len);
int save_mode = set_packet_list_mode (0);
if (parse_signature (iobuf, PKT_SIGNATURE, len, sig) != 0)
xfree (sig);
sig = NULL;
set_packet_list_mode (save_mode);
iobuf_close (iobuf);
return sig;
/* Use the self-signed data to fill in various fields in subkeys.
KEYBLOCK is the whole keyblock. SUBNODE is the subkey to fill in.
Sets the following fields on the subkey:
flags.valid if the subkey has a valid self-sig binding
On this subkey's most revent valid self-signed packet, the
following field is set:
static void
merge_selfsigs_subkey (KBNODE keyblock, KBNODE subnode)
PKT_public_key *mainpk = NULL, *subpk = NULL;
PKT_signature *sig;
u32 mainkid[2];
u32 sigdate = 0;
KBNODE signode;
u32 curtime = make_timestamp ();
unsigned int key_usage = 0;
u32 keytimestamp = 0;
u32 key_expire = 0;
const byte *p;
if (subnode->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
BUG ();
mainpk = keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (mainpk->version < 4)
return;/* (actually this should never happen) */
keyid_from_pk (mainpk, mainkid);
subpk = subnode->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keytimestamp = subpk->timestamp;
subpk->flags.valid = 0;
subpk->flags.exact = 0;
subpk->main_keyid[0] = mainpk->main_keyid[0];
subpk->main_keyid[1] = mainpk->main_keyid[1];
/* Find the latest key binding self-signature. */
signode = NULL;
sigdate = 0; /* Helper to find the latest signature. */
for (k = subnode->next; k && k->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY;
k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
sig = k->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (sig->keyid[0] == mainkid[0] && sig->keyid[1] == mainkid[1])
if (check_key_signature (keyblock, k, NULL))
; /* Signature did not verify. */
else if (IS_SUBKEY_REV (sig))
/* Note that this means that the date on a
revocation sig does not matter - even if the
binding sig is dated after the revocation sig,
the subkey is still marked as revoked. This
seems ok, as it is just as easy to make new
subkeys rather than re-sign old ones as the
problem is in the distribution. Plus, PGP (7)
does this the same way. */
subpk->flags.revoked = 1;
sig_to_revoke_info (sig, &subpk->revoked);
/* Although we could stop now, we continue to
* figure out other information like the old expiration
* time. */
else if (IS_SUBKEY_SIG (sig) && sig->timestamp >= sigdate)
if (sig->flags.expired)
; /* Signature has expired - ignore it. */
sigdate = sig->timestamp;
signode = k;
signode->pkt->pkt.signature->flags.chosen_selfsig = 0;
/* No valid key binding. */
if (!signode)
sig = signode->pkt->pkt.signature;
sig->flags.chosen_selfsig = 1; /* So we know which selfsig we chose later. */
key_usage = parse_key_usage (sig);
if (!key_usage)
/* No key flags at all: get it from the algo. */
key_usage = openpgp_pk_algo_usage (subpk->pubkey_algo);
/* Check that the usage matches the usage as given by the algo. */
int x = openpgp_pk_algo_usage (subpk->pubkey_algo);
if (x) /* Mask it down to the actual allowed usage. */
key_usage &= x;
subpk->pubkey_usage = key_usage;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_KEY_EXPIRE, NULL);
if (p && buf32_to_u32 (p))
key_expire = keytimestamp + buf32_to_u32 (p);
key_expire = 0;
subpk->has_expired = key_expire >= curtime ? 0 : key_expire;
subpk->expiredate = key_expire;
/* Algo doesn't exist. */
if (openpgp_pk_test_algo (subpk->pubkey_algo))
subpk->flags.valid = 1;
/* Find the most recent 0x19 embedded signature on our self-sig. */
if (!subpk->flags.backsig)
int seq = 0;
size_t n;
PKT_signature *backsig = NULL;
sigdate = 0;
/* We do this while() since there may be other embedded
signatures in the future. We only want 0x19 here. */
while ((p = enum_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed,
if (n > 3
&& ((p[0] == 3 && p[2] == 0x19) || (p[0] == 4 && p[1] == 0x19)))
PKT_signature *tempsig = buf_to_sig (p, n);
if (tempsig)
if (tempsig->timestamp > sigdate)
if (backsig)
free_seckey_enc (backsig);
backsig = tempsig;
sigdate = backsig->timestamp;
free_seckey_enc (tempsig);
seq = 0;
/* It is safe to have this in the unhashed area since the 0x19
is located on the selfsig for convenience, not security. */
while ((p = enum_sig_subpkt (sig->unhashed, SIGSUBPKT_SIGNATURE,
&n, &seq, NULL)))
if (n > 3
&& ((p[0] == 3 && p[2] == 0x19) || (p[0] == 4 && p[1] == 0x19)))
PKT_signature *tempsig = buf_to_sig (p, n);
if (tempsig)
if (tempsig->timestamp > sigdate)
if (backsig)
free_seckey_enc (backsig);
backsig = tempsig;
sigdate = backsig->timestamp;
free_seckey_enc (tempsig);
if (backsig)
/* At this point, backsig contains the most recent 0x19 sig.
Let's see if it is good. */
/* 2==valid, 1==invalid, 0==didn't check */
if (check_backsig (mainpk, subpk, backsig) == 0)
subpk->flags.backsig = 2;
subpk->flags.backsig = 1;
free_seckey_enc (backsig);
/* Merge information from the self-signatures with the public key,
subkeys and user ids to make using them more easy.
See documentation for merge_selfsigs_main, merge_selfsigs_subkey
and fixup_uidnode for exactly which fields are updated. */
static void
merge_selfsigs (KBNODE keyblock)
int revoked;
struct revoke_info rinfo;
PKT_public_key *main_pk;
prefitem_t *prefs;
unsigned int mdc_feature;
if (keyblock->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
if (keyblock->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY)
log_error ("expected public key but found secret key "
"- must stop\n");
/* We better exit here because a public key is expected at
other places too. FIXME: Figure this out earlier and
don't get to here at all */
g10_exit (1);
BUG ();
merge_selfsigs_main (keyblock, &revoked, &rinfo);
/* Now merge in the data from each of the subkeys. */
for (k = keyblock; k; k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
merge_selfsigs_subkey (keyblock, k);
main_pk = keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (revoked || main_pk->has_expired || !main_pk->flags.valid)
/* If the primary key is revoked, expired, or invalid we
* better set the appropriate flags on that key and all
* subkeys. */
for (k = keyblock; k; k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
PKT_public_key *pk = k->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (!main_pk->flags.valid)
pk->flags.valid = 0;
if (revoked && !pk->flags.revoked)
pk->flags.revoked = revoked;
memcpy (&pk->revoked, &rinfo, sizeof (rinfo));
if (main_pk->has_expired)
pk->has_expired = main_pk->has_expired;
/* Set the preference list of all keys to those of the primary real
* user ID. Note: we use these preferences when we don't know by
* which user ID the key has been selected.
* fixme: we should keep atoms of commonly used preferences or
* use reference counting to optimize the preference lists storage.
* FIXME: it might be better to use the intersection of
* all preferences.
* Do a similar thing for the MDC feature flag. */
prefs = NULL;
mdc_feature = 0;
for (k = keyblock; k && k->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY; k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
&& !k->pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data
&& k->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_primary)
prefs = k->pkt->pkt.user_id->prefs;
mdc_feature = k->pkt->pkt.user_id->flags.mdc;
for (k = keyblock; k; k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
PKT_public_key *pk = k->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (pk->prefs)
xfree (pk->prefs);
pk->prefs = copy_prefs (prefs);
pk->flags.mdc = mdc_feature;
/* See whether the key satisfies any additional requirements specified
* in CTX. If so, return the node of an appropriate key or subkey.
* Otherwise, return NULL if there was no appropriate key.
* In case the primary key is not required, select a suitable subkey.
* We need the primary key if PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT is set in REQ_USAGE or
* we are in PGP6 or PGP7 mode and PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG is set in
* are set in REQ_USAGE, we filter by the key's function. Concretely,
* if PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG and PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT are set, then we only
* return a key if it is (at least) either a signing or a
* certification key.
* If REQ_USAGE is set, then we reject any keys that are not good
* (i.e., valid, not revoked, not expired, etc.). This allows the
* getkey functions to be used for plain key listings.
* Sets the matched key's user id field (pk->user_id) to the user id
* that matched the low-level search criteria or NULL.
* If R_FLAGS is not NULL set certain flags for more detailed error
* reporting. Used flags are:
* - LOOKUP_ALL_SUBKEYS_EXPIRED :: All Subkeys are expired or have
* been revoked.
* - LOOKUP_NOT_SELECTED :: No suitable key found
* This function needs to handle several different cases:
* 1. No requested usage and no primary key requested
* Examples for this case are that we have a keyID to be used
* for decrytion or verification.
* 2. No usage but primary key requested
* This is the case for all functions which work on an
* entire keyblock, e.g. for editing or listing
* 3. Usage and primary key requested
* 4. Usage but no primary key requested
static kbnode_t
finish_lookup (kbnode_t keyblock, unsigned int req_usage, int want_exact,
unsigned int *r_flags)
kbnode_t k;
/* If WANT_EXACT is set, the key or subkey that actually matched the
low-level search criteria. */
kbnode_t foundk = NULL;
/* The user id (if any) that matched the low-level search criteria. */
PKT_user_id *foundu = NULL;
u32 latest_date;
kbnode_t latest_key;
PKT_public_key *pk;
int req_prim;
u32 curtime = make_timestamp ();
if (r_flags)
*r_flags = 0;
req_usage &= USAGE_MASK;
/* Request the primary if we're certifying another key, and also if
* signing data while --pgp6 or --pgp7 is on since pgp 6 and 7 do
* not understand signatures made by a signing subkey. PGP 8 does. */
req_prim = ((req_usage & PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT)
|| ((PGP6 || PGP7) && (req_usage & PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG)));
log_assert (keyblock->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
/* For an exact match mark the primary or subkey that matched the
low-level search criteria. */
if (want_exact)
for (k = keyblock; k; k = k->next)
if ((k->flag & 1))
log_assert (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY);
foundk = k;
pk = k->pkt->pkt.public_key;
pk->flags.exact = 1;
/* Get the user id that matched that low-level search criteria. */
for (k = keyblock; k; k = k->next)
if ((k->flag & 2))
log_assert (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID);
foundu = k->pkt->pkt.user_id;
log_debug ("finish_lookup: checking key %08lX (%s)(req_usage=%x)\n",
(ulong) keyid_from_pk (keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key, NULL),
foundk ? "one" : "all", req_usage);
if (!req_usage)
latest_key = foundk ? foundk : keyblock;
goto found;
latest_date = 0;
latest_key = NULL;
/* Set LATEST_KEY to the latest (the one with the most recent
* timestamp) good (valid, not revoked, not expired, etc.) subkey.
* Don't bother if we are only looking for a primary key or we need
* an exact match and the exact match is not a subkey. */
if (req_prim || (foundk && foundk->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY))
kbnode_t nextk;
int n_subkeys = 0;
int n_revoked_or_expired = 0;
/* Either start a loop or check just this one subkey. */
for (k = foundk ? foundk : keyblock; k; k = nextk)
if (foundk)
/* If FOUNDK is not NULL, then only consider that exact
key, i.e., don't iterate. */
nextk = NULL;
nextk = k->next;
if (k->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
pk = k->pkt->pkt.public_key;
log_debug ("\tchecking subkey %08lX\n",
(ulong) keyid_from_pk (pk, NULL));
if (!pk->flags.valid)
log_debug ("\tsubkey not valid\n");
if (!((pk->pubkey_usage & USAGE_MASK) & req_usage))
log_debug ("\tusage does not match: want=%x have=%x\n",
req_usage, pk->pubkey_usage);
if (pk->flags.revoked)
log_debug ("\tsubkey has been revoked\n");
if (pk->has_expired)
log_debug ("\tsubkey has expired\n");
if (pk->timestamp > curtime && !opt.ignore_valid_from)
log_debug ("\tsubkey not yet valid\n");
log_debug ("\tsubkey might be fine\n");
/* In case a key has a timestamp of 0 set, we make sure
that it is used. A better change would be to compare
">=" but that might also change the selected keys and
is as such a more intrusive change. */
if (pk->timestamp > latest_date || (!pk->timestamp && !latest_date))
latest_date = pk->timestamp;
latest_key = k;
if (n_subkeys == n_revoked_or_expired && r_flags)
/* Check if the primary key is ok (valid, not revoke, not expire,
* matches requested usage) if:
* - we didn't find an appropriate subkey and we're not doing an
* exact search,
* - we're doing an exact match and the exact match was the
* primary key, or,
* - we're just considering the primary key. */
if ((!latest_key && !want_exact) || foundk == keyblock || req_prim)
if (DBG_LOOKUP && !foundk && !req_prim)
log_debug ("\tno suitable subkeys found - trying primary\n");
pk = keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (!pk->flags.valid)
log_debug ("\tprimary key not valid\n");
else if (!((pk->pubkey_usage & USAGE_MASK) & req_usage))
log_debug ("\tprimary key usage does not match: "
"want=%x have=%x\n", req_usage, pk->pubkey_usage);
else if (pk->flags.revoked)
log_debug ("\tprimary key has been revoked\n");
else if (pk->has_expired)
log_debug ("\tprimary key has expired\n");
else /* Okay. */
log_debug ("\tprimary key may be used\n");
latest_key = keyblock;
if (!latest_key)
log_debug ("\tno suitable key found - giving up\n");
if (r_flags)
return NULL; /* Not found. */
log_debug ("\tusing key %08lX\n",
(ulong) keyid_from_pk (latest_key->pkt->pkt.public_key, NULL));
if (latest_key)
pk = latest_key->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (pk->user_id)
free_user_id (pk->user_id);
pk->user_id = scopy_user_id (foundu);
if (latest_key != keyblock && opt.verbose)
char *tempkeystr =
xstrdup (keystr_from_pk (latest_key->pkt->pkt.public_key));
log_info (_("using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n"),
tempkeystr, keystr_from_pk (keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key));
xfree (tempkeystr);
cache_user_id (keyblock);
return latest_key ? latest_key : keyblock; /* Found. */
/* Print a KEY_CONSIDERED status line. */
static void
print_status_key_considered (kbnode_t keyblock, unsigned int flags)
char hexfpr[2*MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN + 1];
kbnode_t node;
char flagbuf[20];
if (!is_status_enabled ())
for (node=keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY)
if (!node)
log_error ("%s: keyblock w/o primary key\n", __func__);
hexfingerprint (node->pkt->pkt.public_key, hexfpr, sizeof hexfpr);
snprintf (flagbuf, sizeof flagbuf, " %u", flags);
write_status_strings (STATUS_KEY_CONSIDERED, hexfpr, flagbuf, NULL);
/* A high-level function to lookup keys.
This function builds on top of the low-level keydb API. It first
searches the database using the description stored in CTX->ITEMS,
then it filters the results using CTX and, finally, if WANT_SECRET
is set, it ignores any keys for which no secret key is available.
Unlike the low-level search functions, this function also merges
all of the self-signed data into the keys, subkeys and user id
packets (see the merge_selfsigs for details).
On success the key's keyblock is stored at *RET_KEYBLOCK. */
static int
lookup (getkey_ctx_t ctx, kbnode_t *ret_keyblock, kbnode_t *ret_found_key,
int want_secret)
int rc;
int no_suitable_key = 0;
KBNODE keyblock = NULL;
KBNODE found_key = NULL;
unsigned int infoflags;
if (ret_keyblock)
*ret_keyblock = NULL;
for (;;)
rc = keydb_search (ctx->kr_handle, ctx->items, ctx->nitems, NULL);
if (rc)
/* If we are iterating over the entire database, then we need to
change from KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FIRST, which does an implicit
reset, to KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NEXT, which gets the next
record. */
if (ctx->nitems && ctx->items->mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FIRST)
ctx->items->mode = KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NEXT;
rc = keydb_get_keyblock (ctx->kr_handle, &keyblock);
if (rc)
log_error ("keydb_get_keyblock failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto skip;
if (want_secret && agent_probe_any_secret_key (NULL, keyblock))
goto skip; /* No secret key available. */
/* Warning: node flag bits 0 and 1 should be preserved by
* merge_selfsigs. */
merge_selfsigs (keyblock);
found_key = finish_lookup (keyblock, ctx->req_usage, ctx->exact,
print_status_key_considered (keyblock, infoflags);
if (found_key)
no_suitable_key = 0;
goto found;
no_suitable_key = 1;
/* Release resources and continue search. */
release_kbnode (keyblock);
keyblock = NULL;
/* The keyblock cache ignores the current "file position".
Thus, if we request the next result and the cache matches
(and it will since it is what we just looked for), we'll get
the same entry back! We can avoid this infinite loop by
disabling the cache. */
keydb_disable_caching (ctx->kr_handle);
if (rc && gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
log_error ("keydb_search failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
if (!rc)
if (ret_keyblock)
*ret_keyblock = keyblock; /* Return the keyblock. */
keyblock = NULL;
else if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND && no_suitable_key)
else if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
rc = want_secret? GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY : GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY;
release_kbnode (keyblock);
if (ret_found_key)
if (! rc)
*ret_found_key = found_key;
*ret_found_key = NULL;
return rc;
/* Enumerate some secret keys (specifically, those specified with
* --default-key and --try-secret-key). Use the following procedure:
* 1) Initialize a void pointer to NULL
* 2) Pass a reference to this pointer to this function (content)
* and provide space for the secret key (sk)
* 3) Call this function as long as it does not return an error (or
* until you are done). The error code GPG_ERR_EOF indicates the
* end of the listing.
* 4) Call this function a last time with SK set to NULL,
* so that can free it's context.
* In pseudo-code:
* void *ctx = NULL;
* PKT_public_key *sk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (*sk));
* while ((err = enum_secret_keys (&ctx, sk)))
* { // Process SK.
* if (done)
* break;
* free_public_key (sk);
* sk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (*sk));
* }
* // Release any resources used by CTX.
* enum_secret_keys (&ctx, NULL);
* free_public_key (sk);
* if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_EOF)
* ; // An error occurred.
enum_secret_keys (ctrl_t ctrl, void **context, PKT_public_key *sk)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
const char *name;
kbnode_t keyblock;
int eof;
int state;
strlist_t sl;
kbnode_t keyblock;
kbnode_t node;
getkey_ctx_t ctx;
} *c = *context;
if (!c)
/* Make a new context. */
c = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *c);
if (!c)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*context = c;
if (!sk)
/* Free the context. */
release_kbnode (c->keyblock);
getkey_end (c->ctx);
xfree (c);
*context = NULL;
return 0;
if (c->eof)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
for (;;)
/* Loop until we have a keyblock. */
while (!c->keyblock)
/* Loop over the list of secret keys. */
name = NULL;
keyblock = NULL;
switch (c->state)
case 0: /* First try to use the --default-key. */
name = parse_def_secret_key (ctrl);
c->state = 1;
case 1: /* Init list of keys to try. */
c->sl = opt.secret_keys_to_try;
case 2: /* Get next item from list. */
if (c->sl)
name = c->sl->d;
c->sl = c->sl->next;
case 3: /* Init search context to enum all secret keys. */
err = getkey_bynames (&c->ctx, NULL, NULL, 1, &keyblock);
if (err)
release_kbnode (keyblock);
keyblock = NULL;
getkey_end (c->ctx);
c->ctx = NULL;
case 4: /* Get next item from the context. */
if (c->ctx)
err = getkey_next (c->ctx, NULL, &keyblock);
if (err)
release_kbnode (keyblock);
keyblock = NULL;
getkey_end (c->ctx);
c->ctx = NULL;
default: /* No more names to check - stop. */
c->eof = 1;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
while ((!name || !*name) && !keyblock);
if (keyblock)
c->node = c->keyblock = keyblock;
err = getkey_byname (ctrl, NULL, NULL, name, 1, &c->keyblock);
if (err)
/* getkey_byname might return a keyblock even in the
error case - I have not checked. Thus better release
it. */
release_kbnode (c->keyblock);
c->keyblock = NULL;
c->node = c->keyblock;
/* Get the next key from the current keyblock. */
for (; c->node; c->node = c->node->next)
if (c->node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| c->node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
copy_public_key (sk, c->node->pkt->pkt.public_key);
c->node = c->node->next;
return 0; /* Found. */
/* Dispose the keyblock and continue. */
release_kbnode (c->keyblock);
c->keyblock = NULL;
*********** User ID printing helpers *******
/* Return a string with a printable representation of the user_id.
* this string must be freed by xfree. */
static char *
get_user_id_string (u32 * keyid, int mode, size_t *r_len)
user_id_db_t r;
keyid_list_t a;
int pass = 0;
char *p;
/* Try it two times; second pass reads from the database. */
for (r = user_id_db; r; r = r->next)
for (a = r->keyids; a; a = a->next)
if (a->keyid[0] == keyid[0] && a->keyid[1] == keyid[1])
if (mode == 2)
/* An empty string as user id is possible. Make
sure that the malloc allocates one byte and
does not bail out. */
p = xmalloc (r->len? r->len : 1);
memcpy (p, r->name, r->len);
if (r_len)
*r_len = r->len;
if (mode)
p = xasprintf ("%08lX%08lX %.*s",
(ulong) keyid[0], (ulong) keyid[1],
r->len, r->name);
p = xasprintf ("%s %.*s", keystr (keyid),
r->len, r->name);
if (r_len)
*r_len = strlen (p);
return p;
while (++pass < 2 && !get_pubkey (NULL, keyid));
if (mode == 2)
p = xstrdup (user_id_not_found_utf8 ());
else if (mode)
p = xasprintf ("%08lX%08lX [?]", (ulong) keyid[0], (ulong) keyid[1]);
p = xasprintf ("%s [?]", keystr (keyid));
if (r_len)
*r_len = strlen (p);
return p;
char *
get_user_id_string_native (u32 * keyid)
char *p = get_user_id_string (keyid, 0, NULL);
char *p2 = utf8_to_native (p, strlen (p), 0);
xfree (p);
return p2;
char *
get_long_user_id_string (u32 * keyid)
return get_user_id_string (keyid, 1, NULL);
/* Please try to use get_user_byfpr instead of this one. */
char *
get_user_id (u32 * keyid, size_t * rn)
return get_user_id_string (keyid, 2, rn);
/* Please try to use get_user_id_byfpr_native instead of this one. */
char *
get_user_id_native (u32 * keyid)
size_t rn;
char *p = get_user_id (keyid, &rn);
char *p2 = utf8_to_native (p, rn, 0);
xfree (p);
return p2;
/* Return the user id for a key designated by its fingerprint, FPR,
which must be MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN bytes in size. Note: the
returned string, which must be freed using xfree, may not be NUL
terminated. To determine the length of the string, you must use
*RN. */
char *
get_user_id_byfpr (const byte *fpr, size_t *rn)
user_id_db_t r;
char *p;
int pass = 0;
/* Try it two times; second pass reads from the database. */
for (r = user_id_db; r; r = r->next)
keyid_list_t a;
for (a = r->keyids; a; a = a->next)
if (!memcmp (a->fpr, fpr, MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN))
/* An empty string as user id is possible. Make
sure that the malloc allocates one byte and does
not bail out. */
p = xmalloc (r->len? r->len : 1);
memcpy (p, r->name, r->len);
*rn = r->len;
return p;
while (++pass < 2
&& !get_pubkey_byfprint (NULL, NULL, fpr, MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN));
p = xstrdup (user_id_not_found_utf8 ());
*rn = strlen (p);
return p;
/* Like get_user_id_byfpr, but convert the string to the native
encoding. The returned string needs to be freed. Unlike
get_user_id_byfpr, the returned string is NUL terminated. */
char *
get_user_id_byfpr_native (const byte *fpr)
size_t rn;
char *p = get_user_id_byfpr (fpr, &rn);
char *p2 = utf8_to_native (p, rn, 0);
xfree (p);
return p2;
/* Return the database handle used by this context. The context still
owns the handle. */
get_ctx_handle (GETKEY_CTX ctx)
return ctx->kr_handle;
static void
free_akl (struct akl *akl)
if (! akl)
if (akl->spec)
free_keyserver_spec (akl->spec);
xfree (akl);
release_akl (void)
while (opt.auto_key_locate)
struct akl *akl2 = opt.auto_key_locate;
opt.auto_key_locate = opt.auto_key_locate->next;
free_akl (akl2);
/* Returns false on error. */
parse_auto_key_locate (char *options)
char *tok;
while ((tok = optsep (&options)))
struct akl *akl, *check, *last = NULL;
int dupe = 0;
if (tok[0] == '\0')
akl = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (*akl));
if (ascii_strcasecmp (tok, "clear") == 0)
xfree (akl);
free_akl (opt.auto_key_locate);
opt.auto_key_locate = NULL;
else if (ascii_strcasecmp (tok, "nodefault") == 0)
akl->type = AKL_NODEFAULT;
else if (ascii_strcasecmp (tok, "local") == 0)
akl->type = AKL_LOCAL;
else if (ascii_strcasecmp (tok, "ldap") == 0)
akl->type = AKL_LDAP;
else if (ascii_strcasecmp (tok, "keyserver") == 0)
akl->type = AKL_KEYSERVER;
else if (ascii_strcasecmp (tok, "cert") == 0)
akl->type = AKL_CERT;
else if (ascii_strcasecmp (tok, "pka") == 0)
akl->type = AKL_PKA;
else if (ascii_strcasecmp (tok, "dane") == 0)
akl->type = AKL_DANE;
else if (ascii_strcasecmp (tok, "wkd") == 0)
akl->type = AKL_WKD;
else if ((akl->spec = parse_keyserver_uri (tok, 1)))
akl->type = AKL_SPEC;
free_akl (akl);
return 0;
/* We must maintain the order the user gave us */
for (check = opt.auto_key_locate; check;
last = check, check = check->next)
/* Check for duplicates */
if (check->type == akl->type
&& (akl->type != AKL_SPEC
|| (akl->type == AKL_SPEC
&& strcmp (check->spec->uri, akl->spec->uri) == 0)))
dupe = 1;
free_akl (akl);
if (!dupe)
if (last)
last->next = akl;
opt.auto_key_locate = akl;
return 1;
/* Returns true if a secret key is available for the public key with
key id KEYID; returns false if not. This function ignores legacy
keys. Note: this is just a fast check and does not tell us whether
the secret key is valid; this check merely indicates whether there
is some secret key with the specified key id. */
have_secret_key_with_kid (u32 *keyid)
gpg_error_t err;
kbnode_t keyblock;
kbnode_t node;
int result = 0;
kdbhd = keydb_new ();
if (!kdbhd)
return 0;
memset (&desc, 0, sizeof desc);
desc.u.kid[0] = keyid[0];
desc.u.kid[1] = keyid[1];
while (!result)
err = keydb_search (kdbhd, &desc, 1, NULL);
if (err)
err = keydb_get_keyblock (kdbhd, &keyblock);
if (err)
log_error (_("error reading keyblock: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
/* Bit 0 of the flags is set if the search found the key
using that key or subkey. Note: a search will only ever
match a single key or subkey. */
if ((node->flag & 1))
log_assert (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY);
if (!agent_probe_secret_key (NULL, node->pkt->pkt.public_key))
result = 1; /* Secret key available. */
result = 0;
release_kbnode (keyblock);
keydb_release (kdbhd);
return result;
diff --git a/g10/gpg.c b/g10/gpg.c
index 9ffce487f..4e266729c 100644
--- a/g10/gpg.c
+++ b/g10/gpg.c
@@ -1,5132 +1,5132 @@
/* gpg.c - The GnuPG utility (main for gpg)
* Copyright (C) 1998-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 1997-2016 Werner Koch
* Copyright (C) 2015-2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef HAVE_STAT
#include <sys/stat.h> /* for stat() */
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# include <winsock2.h>
# endif
# include <windows.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include <assuan.h>
#include "../common/iobuf.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "membuf.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "keyserver-internal.h"
#include "exec.h"
#include "gc-opt-flags.h"
#include "asshelp.h"
#include "call-dirmngr.h"
#include "tofu.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
#include "../common/mbox-util.h"
#include "../common/shareddefs.h"
#if defined(HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
#ifndef S_IRGRP
# define S_IRGRP 0
# define S_IWGRP 0
#define MY_O_BINARY 0
enum cmd_and_opt_values
aNull = 0,
oArmor = 'a',
aDetachedSign = 'b',
aSym = 'c',
aDecrypt = 'd',
aEncr = 'e',
oRecipientFile = 'f',
oHiddenRecipientFile = 'F',
oInteractive = 'i',
aListKeys = 'k',
oDryRun = 'n',
oOutput = 'o',
oQuiet = 'q',
oRecipient = 'r',
oHiddenRecipient = 'R',
aSign = 's',
oTextmodeShort= 't',
oLocalUser = 'u',
oVerbose = 'v',
oCompress = 'z',
oSetNotation = 'N',
aListSecretKeys = 'K',
oBatch = 500,
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
ARGPARSE_group (300, N_("@Commands:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_c (aSign, "sign", N_("make a signature")),
ARGPARSE_c (aClearsign, "clearsign", N_("make a clear text signature")),
ARGPARSE_c (aDetachedSign, "detach-sign", N_("make a detached signature")),
ARGPARSE_c (aEncr, "encrypt", N_("encrypt data")),
ARGPARSE_c (aEncrFiles, "encrypt-files", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aSym, "symmetric", N_("encryption only with symmetric cipher")),
ARGPARSE_c (aStore, "store", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aDecrypt, "decrypt", N_("decrypt data (default)")),
ARGPARSE_c (aDecryptFiles, "decrypt-files", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aVerify, "verify" , N_("verify a signature")),
ARGPARSE_c (aVerifyFiles, "verify-files" , "@" ),
ARGPARSE_c (aListKeys, "list-keys", N_("list keys")),
ARGPARSE_c (aListKeys, "list-public-keys", "@" ),
ARGPARSE_c (aListSigs, "list-sigs", N_("list keys and signatures")),
ARGPARSE_c (aCheckKeys, "check-sigs",N_("list and check key signatures")),
ARGPARSE_c (oFingerprint, "fingerprint", N_("list keys and fingerprints")),
ARGPARSE_c (aListSecretKeys, "list-secret-keys", N_("list secret keys")),
ARGPARSE_c (aKeygen, "gen-key",
N_("generate a new key pair")),
ARGPARSE_c (aQuickKeygen, "quick-gen-key" ,
N_("quickly generate a new key pair")),
ARGPARSE_c (aQuickAddUid, "quick-adduid",
N_("quickly add a new user-id")),
ARGPARSE_c (aQuickAddKey, "quick-addkey", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aQuickRevUid, "quick-revuid",
N_("quickly revoke a user-id")),
ARGPARSE_c (aFullKeygen, "full-gen-key" ,
N_("full featured key pair generation")),
ARGPARSE_c (aGenRevoke, "gen-revoke",N_("generate a revocation certificate")),
ARGPARSE_c (aDeleteKeys,"delete-keys",
N_("remove keys from the public keyring")),
ARGPARSE_c (aDeleteSecretKeys, "delete-secret-keys",
N_("remove keys from the secret keyring")),
ARGPARSE_c (aQuickSignKey, "quick-sign-key" ,
N_("quickly sign a key")),
ARGPARSE_c (aQuickLSignKey, "quick-lsign-key",
N_("quickly sign a key locally")),
ARGPARSE_c (aSignKey, "sign-key" ,N_("sign a key")),
ARGPARSE_c (aLSignKey, "lsign-key" ,N_("sign a key locally")),
ARGPARSE_c (aEditKey, "edit-key" ,N_("sign or edit a key")),
ARGPARSE_c (aEditKey, "key-edit" ,"@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aPasswd, "passwd", N_("change a passphrase")),
ARGPARSE_c (aDesigRevoke, "desig-revoke","@" ),
ARGPARSE_c (aExport, "export" , N_("export keys") ),
ARGPARSE_c (aSendKeys, "send-keys" , N_("export keys to a keyserver") ),
ARGPARSE_c (aRecvKeys, "recv-keys" , N_("import keys from a keyserver") ),
ARGPARSE_c (aSearchKeys, "search-keys" ,
N_("search for keys on a keyserver") ),
ARGPARSE_c (aRefreshKeys, "refresh-keys",
N_("update all keys from a keyserver")),
ARGPARSE_c (aLocateKeys, "locate-keys", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aFetchKeys, "fetch-keys" , "@" ),
ARGPARSE_c (aExportSecret, "export-secret-keys" , "@" ),
ARGPARSE_c (aExportSecretSub, "export-secret-subkeys" , "@" ),
ARGPARSE_c (aExportSshKey, "export-ssh-key", "@" ),
ARGPARSE_c (aImport, "import", N_("import/merge keys")),
ARGPARSE_c (aFastImport, "fast-import", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aCardStatus, "card-status", N_("print the card status")),
ARGPARSE_c (aCardEdit, "card-edit", N_("change data on a card")),
ARGPARSE_c (aChangePIN, "change-pin", N_("change a card's PIN")),
ARGPARSE_c (aListConfig, "list-config", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aListGcryptConfig, "list-gcrypt-config", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfList, "gpgconf-list", "@" ),
ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfTest, "gpgconf-test", "@" ),
ARGPARSE_c (aListPackets, "list-packets","@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aExportOwnerTrust, "export-ownertrust", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aImportOwnerTrust, "import-ownertrust", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aUpdateTrustDB,"update-trustdb",
N_("update the trust database")),
ARGPARSE_c (aCheckTrustDB, "check-trustdb", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aFixTrustDB, "fix-trustdb", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aDeArmor, "dearmor", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aDeArmor, "dearmour", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aEnArmor, "enarmor", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aEnArmor, "enarmour", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aPrintMD, "print-md", N_("print message digests")),
ARGPARSE_c (aPrimegen, "gen-prime", "@" ),
ARGPARSE_c (aGenRandom,"gen-random", "@" ),
ARGPARSE_c (aServer, "server", N_("run in server mode")),
ARGPARSE_c (aTOFUPolicy, "tofu-policy",
N_("|VALUE|set the TOFU policy for a key")),
ARGPARSE_group (301, N_("@\nOptions:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oArmor, "armor", N_("create ascii armored output")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oArmor, "armour", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oRecipient, "recipient", N_("|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oHiddenRecipient, "hidden-recipient", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oRecipientFile, "recipient-file", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oHiddenRecipientFile, "hidden-recipient-file", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oRecipient, "remote-user", "@"), /* (old option name) */
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDefRecipient, "default-recipient", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDefRecipientSelf, "default-recipient-self", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoDefRecipient, "no-default-recipient", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oTempDir, "temp-directory", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oExecPath, "exec-path", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oEncryptTo, "encrypt-to", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoEncryptTo, "no-encrypt-to", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oHiddenEncryptTo, "hidden-encrypt-to", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oEncryptToDefaultKey, "encrypt-to-default-key", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLocalUser, "local-user",
N_("|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oSender, "sender", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oTrySecretKey, "try-secret-key", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oCompress, NULL,
N_("|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)")),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oCompressLevel, "compress-level", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oBZ2CompressLevel, "bzip2-compress-level", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oBZ2DecompressLowmem, "bzip2-decompress-lowmem", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oMimemode, "mimemode", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oTextmodeShort, NULL, "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oTextmode, "textmode", N_("use canonical text mode")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoTextmode, "no-textmode", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oExpert, "expert", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoExpert, "no-expert", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDefSigExpire, "default-sig-expire", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAskSigExpire, "ask-sig-expire", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAskSigExpire, "no-ask-sig-expire", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDefCertExpire, "default-cert-expire", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAskCertExpire, "ask-cert-expire", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAskCertExpire, "no-ask-cert-expire", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oDefCertLevel, "default-cert-level", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oMinCertLevel, "min-cert-level", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAskCertLevel, "ask-cert-level", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAskCertLevel, "no-ask-cert-level", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oOutput, "output", N_("|FILE|write output to FILE")),
ARGPARSE_p_u (oMaxOutput, "max-output", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oInputSizeHint, "input-size-hint", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oVerbose, "verbose", N_("verbose")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oQuiet, "quiet", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoTTY, "no-tty", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oForceMDC, "force-mdc", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoForceMDC, "no-force-mdc", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableMDC, "disable-mdc", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoDisableMDC, "no-disable-mdc", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableSignerUID, "disable-signer-uid", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDryRun, "dry-run", N_("do not make any changes")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oInteractive, "interactive", N_("prompt before overwriting")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oBatch, "batch", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAnswerYes, "yes", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAnswerNo, "no", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyring, "keyring", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oPrimaryKeyring, "primary-keyring", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oSecretKeyring, "secret-keyring", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oShowKeyring, "show-keyring", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDefaultKey, "default-key", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyServer, "keyserver", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyServerOptions, "keyserver-options", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oImportOptions, "import-options", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oImportFilter, "import-filter", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oExportOptions, "export-options", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oExportFilter, "export-filter", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oListOptions, "list-options", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oVerifyOptions, "verify-options", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisplayCharset, "display-charset", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisplayCharset, "charset", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oOptions, "options", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebug, "debug", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebugLevel, "debug-level", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugAll, "debug-all", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugIOLBF, "debug-iolbf", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oStatusFD, "status-fd", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oStatusFile, "status-file", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oAttributeFD, "attribute-fd", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oAttributeFile, "attribute-file", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oCompletesNeeded, "completes-needed", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oMarginalsNeeded, "marginals-needed", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oMaxCertDepth, "max-cert-depth", "@" ),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oTrustedKey, "trusted-key", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLoadExtension, "load-extension", "@"), /* Dummy. */
ARGPARSE_s_n (oGnuPG, "gnupg", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oGnuPG, "no-pgp2", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oGnuPG, "no-pgp6", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oGnuPG, "no-pgp7", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oGnuPG, "no-pgp8", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oRFC2440, "rfc2440", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oRFC4880, "rfc4880", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oRFC4880bis, "rfc4880bis", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oOpenPGP, "openpgp", N_("use strict OpenPGP behavior")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oPGP6, "pgp6", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oPGP7, "pgp7", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oPGP8, "pgp8", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oRFC2440Text, "rfc2440-text", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoRFC2440Text, "no-rfc2440-text", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oS2KMode, "s2k-mode", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oS2KDigest, "s2k-digest-algo", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oS2KCipher, "s2k-cipher-algo", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oS2KCount, "s2k-count", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oCipherAlgo, "cipher-algo", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDigestAlgo, "digest-algo", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oCertDigestAlgo, "cert-digest-algo", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oCompressAlgo,"compress-algo", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oCompressAlgo, "compression-algo", "@"), /* Alias */
ARGPARSE_s_n (oThrowKeyids, "throw-keyids", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoThrowKeyids, "no-throw-keyids", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oShowPhotos, "show-photos", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoShowPhotos, "no-show-photos", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oPhotoViewer, "photo-viewer", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oSetNotation, "set-notation", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oSigNotation, "sig-notation", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oCertNotation, "cert-notation", "@"),
ARGPARSE_group (302, N_(
"@\n(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n"
ARGPARSE_group (303, N_("@\nExamples:\n\n"
" -se -r Bob [file] sign and encrypt for user Bob\n"
" --clearsign [file] make a clear text signature\n"
" --detach-sign [file] make a detached signature\n"
" --list-keys [names] show keys\n"
" --fingerprint [names] show fingerprints\n")),
/* More hidden commands and options. */
ARGPARSE_c (aPrintMDs, "print-mds", "@"), /* old */
ARGPARSE_c (aListTrustDB, "list-trustdb", "@"),
/* Not yet used:
ARGPARSE_c (aListTrustPath, "list-trust-path", "@"), */
ARGPARSE_c (aDeleteSecretAndPublicKeys,
"delete-secret-and-public-keys", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aRebuildKeydbCaches, "rebuild-keydb-caches", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oPassphrase, "passphrase", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oPassphraseFD, "passphrase-fd", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oPassphraseFile, "passphrase-file", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oPassphraseRepeat,"passphrase-repeat", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oPinentryMode, "pinentry-mode", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oCommandFD, "command-fd", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oCommandFile, "command-file", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oQuickRandom, "debug-quick-random", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoVerbose, "no-verbose", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oTrustDBName, "trustdb-name", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAutoCheckTrustDB, "auto-check-trustdb", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAutoCheckTrustDB, "no-auto-check-trustdb", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oForceOwnertrust, "force-ownertrust", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoSecmemWarn, "no-secmem-warning", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oRequireSecmem, "require-secmem", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoRequireSecmem, "no-require-secmem", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoPermissionWarn, "no-permission-warning", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoMDCWarn, "no-mdc-warning", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoArmor, "no-armor", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoArmor, "no-armour", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoDefKeyring, "no-default-keyring", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoKeyring, "no-keyring", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoGreeting, "no-greeting", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoOptions, "no-options", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oHomedir, "homedir", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoBatch, "no-batch", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithColons, "with-colons", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithTofuInfo,"with-tofu-info", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithKeyData,"with-key-data", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithSigList,"with-sig-list", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithSigCheck,"with-sig-check", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (aListKeys, "list-key", "@"), /* alias */
ARGPARSE_s_n (aListSigs, "list-sig", "@"), /* alias */
ARGPARSE_s_n (aCheckKeys, "check-sig", "@"), /* alias */
ARGPARSE_s_n (oSkipVerify, "skip-verify", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oSkipHiddenRecipients, "skip-hidden-recipients", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoSkipHiddenRecipients, "no-skip-hidden-recipients", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oDefCertLevel, "default-cert-check-level", "@"), /* old */
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAlwaysTrust, "always-trust", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oTrustModel, "trust-model", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oTOFUDefaultPolicy, "tofu-default-policy", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oSetFilename, "set-filename", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oForYourEyesOnly, "for-your-eyes-only", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoForYourEyesOnly, "no-for-your-eyes-only", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oSetPolicyURL, "set-policy-url", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oSigPolicyURL, "sig-policy-url", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oCertPolicyURL, "cert-policy-url", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oShowPolicyURL, "show-policy-url", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoShowPolicyURL, "no-show-policy-url", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oSigKeyserverURL, "sig-keyserver-url", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oShowNotation, "show-notation", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoShowNotation, "no-show-notation", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oComment, "comment", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDefaultComment, "default-comment", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoComments, "no-comments", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oEmitVersion, "emit-version", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoEmitVersion, "no-emit-version", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoEmitVersion, "no-version", "@"), /* alias */
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNotDashEscaped, "not-dash-escaped", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oEscapeFrom, "escape-from-lines", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoEscapeFrom, "no-escape-from-lines", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oLockOnce, "lock-once", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oLockMultiple, "lock-multiple", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oLockNever, "lock-never", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oLoggerFD, "logger-fd", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLoggerFile, "log-file", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLoggerFile, "logger-file", "@"), /* 1.4 compatibility. */
ARGPARSE_s_n (oUseEmbeddedFilename, "use-embedded-filename", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoUseEmbeddedFilename, "no-use-embedded-filename", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oUtf8Strings, "utf8-strings", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoUtf8Strings, "no-utf8-strings", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithFingerprint, "with-fingerprint", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithSubkeyFingerprint, "with-subkey-fingerprint", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithSubkeyFingerprint, "with-subkey-fingerprints", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithICAOSpelling, "with-icao-spelling", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithKeygrip, "with-keygrip", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithSecret, "with-secret", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithWKDHash, "with-wkd-hash", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisableCipherAlgo, "disable-cipher-algo", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisablePubkeyAlgo, "disable-pubkey-algo", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowNonSelfsignedUID, "allow-non-selfsigned-uid", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAllowNonSelfsignedUID, "no-allow-non-selfsigned-uid", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowFreeformUID, "allow-freeform-uid", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAllowFreeformUID, "no-allow-freeform-uid", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoLiteral, "no-literal", "@"),
ARGPARSE_p_u (oSetFilesize, "set-filesize", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oFastListMode, "fast-list-mode", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oFixedListMode, "fixed-list-mode", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oLegacyListMode, "legacy-list-mode", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oListOnly, "list-only", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oPrintPKARecords, "print-pka-records", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oPrintDANERecords, "print-dane-records", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oIgnoreTimeConflict, "ignore-time-conflict", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oIgnoreValidFrom, "ignore-valid-from", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oIgnoreCrcError, "ignore-crc-error", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oIgnoreMDCError, "ignore-mdc-error", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oShowSessionKey, "show-session-key", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oOverrideSessionKey, "override-session-key", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoRandomSeedFile, "no-random-seed-file", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAutoKeyRetrieve, "auto-key-retrieve", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAutoKeyRetrieve, "no-auto-key-retrieve", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoSigCache, "no-sig-cache", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oMergeOnly, "merge-only", "@" ),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowSecretKeyImport, "allow-secret-key-import", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oTryAllSecrets, "try-all-secrets", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableSpecialFilenames, "enable-special-filenames", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoExpensiveTrustChecks, "no-expensive-trust-checks", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oPreservePermissions, "preserve-permissions", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDefaultPreferenceList, "default-preference-list", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDefaultKeyserverURL, "default-keyserver-url", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oPersonalCipherPreferences, "personal-cipher-preferences","@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oPersonalDigestPreferences, "personal-digest-preferences","@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oPersonalCompressPreferences,
"personal-compress-preferences", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oFakedSystemTime, "faked-system-time", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oWeakDigest, "weak-digest","@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oUnwrap, "unwrap", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oOnlySignTextIDs, "only-sign-text-ids", "@"),
/* Aliases. I constantly mistype these, and assume other people do
as well. */
ARGPARSE_s_s (oPersonalCipherPreferences, "personal-cipher-prefs", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oPersonalDigestPreferences, "personal-digest-prefs", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oPersonalCompressPreferences, "personal-compress-prefs", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oAgentProgram, "agent-program", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDirmngrProgram, "dirmngr-program", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisplay, "display", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oTTYname, "ttyname", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oTTYtype, "ttytype", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLCctype, "lc-ctype", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLCmessages, "lc-messages","@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oXauthority, "xauthority", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oGroup, "group", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oUnGroup, "ungroup", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoGroups, "no-groups", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oStrict, "strict", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoStrict, "no-strict", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oMangleDosFilenames, "mangle-dos-filenames", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoMangleDosFilenames, "no-mangle-dos-filenames", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableProgressFilter, "enable-progress-filter", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oMultifile, "multifile", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyidFormat, "keyid-format", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oExitOnStatusWriteError, "exit-on-status-write-error", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oLimitCardInsertTries, "limit-card-insert-tries", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowMultisigVerification,
"allow-multisig-verification", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableLargeRSA, "enable-large-rsa", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableLargeRSA, "disable-large-rsa", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableDSA2, "enable-dsa2", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableDSA2, "disable-dsa2", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowMultipleMessages, "allow-multiple-messages", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAllowMultipleMessages, "no-allow-multiple-messages", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowWeakDigestAlgos, "allow-weak-digest-algos", "@"),
/* These two are aliases to help users of the PGP command line
product use gpg with minimal pain. Many commands are common
already as they seem to have borrowed commands from us. Now I'm
returning the favor. */
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLocalUser, "sign-with", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oRecipient, "user", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oRequireCrossCert, "require-backsigs", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oRequireCrossCert, "require-cross-certification", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoRequireCrossCert, "no-require-backsigs", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoRequireCrossCert, "no-require-cross-certification", "@"),
/* New options. Fixme: Should go more to the top. */
ARGPARSE_s_s (oAutoKeyLocate, "auto-key-locate", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAutoKeyLocate, "no-auto-key-locate", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAutostart, "no-autostart", "@"),
/* Dummy options with warnings. */
ARGPARSE_s_n (oUseAgent, "use-agent", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoUseAgent, "no-use-agent", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oGpgAgentInfo, "gpg-agent-info", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oReaderPort, "reader-port", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (octapiDriver, "ctapi-driver", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (opcscDriver, "pcsc-driver", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableCCID, "disable-ccid", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oHonorHttpProxy, "honor-http-proxy", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oTOFUDBFormat, "tofu-db-format", "@"),
/* Dummy options. */
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "sk-comments", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "no-sk-comments", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "compress-keys", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "compress-sigs", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "force-v3-sigs", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "no-force-v3-sigs", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "force-v4-certs", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "no-force-v4-certs", "@"),
/* The list of supported debug flags. */
static struct debug_flags_s debug_flags [] =
{ DBG_PACKET_VALUE , "packet" },
{ DBG_MPI_VALUE , "mpi" },
{ DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE , "crypto" },
{ DBG_FILTER_VALUE , "filter" },
{ DBG_IOBUF_VALUE , "iobuf" },
{ DBG_MEMORY_VALUE , "memory" },
{ DBG_CACHE_VALUE , "cache" },
{ DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE, "memstat" },
{ DBG_TRUST_VALUE , "trust" },
{ DBG_HASHING_VALUE, "hashing" },
{ DBG_CARD_IO_VALUE, "cardio" },
{ DBG_IPC_VALUE , "ipc" },
{ DBG_CLOCK_VALUE , "clock" },
{ DBG_LOOKUP_VALUE , "lookup" },
{ DBG_EXTPROG_VALUE, "extprog" },
{ 0, NULL }
int g10_errors_seen = 0;
static int utf8_strings = 0;
static int maybe_setuid = 1;
static char *build_list( const char *text, char letter,
const char *(*mapf)(int), int (*chkf)(int) );
static void set_cmd( enum cmd_and_opt_values *ret_cmd,
enum cmd_and_opt_values new_cmd );
static void print_mds( const char *fname, int algo );
static void add_notation_data( const char *string, int which );
static void add_policy_url( const char *string, int which );
static void add_keyserver_url( const char *string, int which );
static void emergency_cleanup (void);
static char *
make_libversion (const char *libname, const char *(*getfnc)(const char*))
const char *s;
char *result;
if (maybe_setuid)
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 0, 0); /* Drop setuid. */
maybe_setuid = 0;
s = getfnc (NULL);
result = xmalloc (strlen (libname) + 1 + strlen (s) + 1);
strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (result, libname), " "), s);
return result;
static int
build_list_pk_test_algo (int algo)
/* Show only one "RSA" string. If RSA_E or RSA_S is available RSA
is also available. */
if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_E
|| algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_S)
return openpgp_pk_test_algo (algo);
static const char *
build_list_pk_algo_name (int algo)
return openpgp_pk_algo_name (algo);
static int
build_list_cipher_test_algo (int algo)
return openpgp_cipher_test_algo (algo);
static const char *
build_list_cipher_algo_name (int algo)
return openpgp_cipher_algo_name (algo);
static int
build_list_md_test_algo (int algo)
/* By default we do not accept MD5 based signatures. To avoid
confusion we do not announce support for it either. */
if (algo == DIGEST_ALGO_MD5)
return openpgp_md_test_algo (algo);
static const char *
build_list_md_algo_name (int algo)
return openpgp_md_algo_name (algo);
static const char *
my_strusage( int level )
static char *digests, *pubkeys, *ciphers, *zips, *ver_gcry;
const char *p;
switch( level ) {
case 11: p = "@GPG@ (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 20:
if (!ver_gcry)
ver_gcry = make_libversion ("libgcrypt", gcry_check_version);
p = ver_gcry;
case 25:
case 26:
p="It is only intended for test purposes and should NOT be";
case 27:
p="used in a production environment or with production keys!";
case 1:
case 40: p =
_("Usage: @GPG@ [options] [files] (-h for help)");
case 41: p =
_("Syntax: @GPG@ [options] [files]\n"
"Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n"
"Default operation depends on the input data\n");
case 31: p = "\nHome: "; break;
#ifndef __riscos__
case 32: p = gnupg_homedir (); break;
#else /* __riscos__ */
case 32: p = make_filename(gnupg_homedir (), NULL); break;
#endif /* __riscos__ */
case 33: p = _("\nSupported algorithms:\n"); break;
case 34:
if (!pubkeys)
pubkeys = build_list (_("Pubkey: "), 1,
build_list_pk_test_algo );
p = pubkeys;
case 35:
if( !ciphers )
ciphers = build_list(_("Cipher: "), 'S',
build_list_cipher_test_algo );
p = ciphers;
case 36:
if( !digests )
digests = build_list(_("Hash: "), 'H',
build_list_md_test_algo );
p = digests;
case 37:
if( !zips )
zips = build_list(_("Compression: "),'Z',
p = zips;
default: p = NULL;
return p;
static char *
build_list (const char *text, char letter,
const char * (*mapf)(int), int (*chkf)(int))
membuf_t mb;
int indent;
int i, j, len;
const char *s;
char *string;
if (maybe_setuid)
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 0, 0); /* Drop setuid. */
indent = utf8_charcount (text, -1);
len = 0;
init_membuf (&mb, 512);
for (i=0; i <= 110; i++ )
if (!chkf (i) && (s = mapf (i)))
if (mb.len - len > 60)
put_membuf_str (&mb, ",\n");
len = mb.len;
for (j=0; j < indent; j++)
put_membuf_str (&mb, " ");
else if (mb.len)
put_membuf_str (&mb, ", ");
put_membuf_str (&mb, text);
put_membuf_str (&mb, s);
if (opt.verbose && letter)
char num[20];
if (letter == 1)
snprintf (num, sizeof num, " (%d)", i);
snprintf (num, sizeof num, " (%c%d)", letter, i);
put_membuf_str (&mb, num);
if (mb.len)
put_membuf_str (&mb, "\n");
put_membuf (&mb, "", 1);
string = get_membuf (&mb, NULL);
return xrealloc (string, strlen (string)+1);
static void
wrong_args( const char *text)
es_fprintf (es_stderr, _("usage: %s [options] %s\n"), GPG_NAME, text);
static char *
make_username( const char *string )
char *p;
if( utf8_strings )
p = xstrdup(string);
p = native_to_utf8( string );
return p;
static void
set_opt_session_env (const char *name, const char *value)
gpg_error_t err;
err = session_env_setenv (opt.session_env, name, value);
if (err)
log_fatal ("error setting session environment: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
/* Setup the debugging. With a LEVEL of NULL only the active debug
flags are propagated to the subsystems. With LEVEL set, a specific
set of debug flags is set; thus overriding all flags already
set. */
static void
set_debug (const char *level)
int numok = (level && digitp (level));
int numlvl = numok? atoi (level) : 0;
if (!level)
else if (!strcmp (level, "none") || (numok && numlvl < 1))
opt.debug = 0;
else if (!strcmp (level, "basic") || (numok && numlvl <= 2))
opt.debug = DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE;
else if (!strcmp (level, "advanced") || (numok && numlvl <= 5))
else if (!strcmp (level, "expert") || (numok && numlvl <= 8))
else if (!strcmp (level, "guru") || numok)
opt.debug = ~0;
/* Unless the "guru" string has been used we don't want to allow
hashing debugging. The rationale is that people tend to
select the highest debug value and would then clutter their
disk with debug files which may reveal confidential data. */
if (numok)
opt.debug &= ~(DBG_HASHING_VALUE);
log_error (_("invalid debug-level '%s' given\n"), level);
g10_exit (2);
if ((opt.debug & DBG_MEMORY_VALUE))
memory_debug_mode = 1;
if ((opt.debug & DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE))
memory_stat_debug_mode = 1;
if (DBG_MPI)
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_DEBUG_FLAGS, 2);
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_DEBUG_FLAGS, 1);
if ((opt.debug & DBG_IOBUF_VALUE))
iobuf_debug_mode = 1;
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose);
if (opt.debug)
parse_debug_flag (NULL, &opt.debug, debug_flags);
/* We set the screen dimensions for UI purposes. Do not allow screens
smaller than 80x24 for the sake of simplicity. */
static void
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
char *str;
if(opt.screen_columns<80 || opt.screen_columns>255)
if(opt.screen_lines<24 || opt.screen_lines>255)
/* Helper to open a file FNAME either for reading or writing to be
used with --status-file etc functions. Not generally useful but it
avoids the riscos specific functions and well some Windows people
might like it too. Prints an error message and returns -1 on
error. On success the file descriptor is returned. */
static int
open_info_file (const char *fname, int for_write, int binary)
#ifdef __riscos__
return riscos_fdopenfile (fname, for_write);
#elif defined (ENABLE_SELINUX_HACKS)
/* We can't allow these even when testing for a secured filename
because files to be secured might not yet been secured. This is
similar to the option file but in that case it is unlikely that
sensitive information may be retrieved by means of error
messages. */
return -1;
int fd;
if (binary)
binary = MY_O_BINARY;
/* if (is_secured_filename (fname)) */
/* { */
/* fd = -1; */
/* gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM); */
/* } */
/* else */
/* { */
if (for_write)
fd = open (fname, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY | binary,
fd = open (fname, O_RDONLY | binary);
while (fd == -1 && errno == EINTR);
/* } */
if ( fd == -1)
log_error ( for_write? _("can't create '%s': %s\n")
: _("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror(errno));
return fd;
static void
set_cmd( enum cmd_and_opt_values *ret_cmd, enum cmd_and_opt_values new_cmd )
enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd = *ret_cmd;
if( !cmd || cmd == new_cmd )
cmd = new_cmd;
else if( cmd == aSign && new_cmd == aEncr )
cmd = aSignEncr;
else if( cmd == aEncr && new_cmd == aSign )
cmd = aSignEncr;
else if( cmd == aSign && new_cmd == aSym )
cmd = aSignSym;
else if( cmd == aSym && new_cmd == aSign )
cmd = aSignSym;
else if( cmd == aSym && new_cmd == aEncr )
cmd = aEncrSym;
else if( cmd == aEncr && new_cmd == aSym )
cmd = aEncrSym;
else if (cmd == aSignEncr && new_cmd == aSym)
cmd = aSignEncrSym;
else if (cmd == aSignSym && new_cmd == aEncr)
cmd = aSignEncrSym;
else if (cmd == aEncrSym && new_cmd == aSign)
cmd = aSignEncrSym;
else if( ( cmd == aSign && new_cmd == aClearsign )
|| ( cmd == aClearsign && new_cmd == aSign ) )
cmd = aClearsign;
else {
log_error(_("conflicting commands\n"));
*ret_cmd = cmd;
static void
add_group(char *string)
char *name,*value;
struct groupitem *item;
/* Break off the group name */
log_error(_("no = sign found in group definition '%s'\n"),name);
/* Does this group already exist? */
item=xmalloc(sizeof(struct groupitem));
/* Break apart the values */
while ((value= strsep(&string," \t")))
if (*value)
static void
rm_group(char *name)
struct groupitem *item,*last=NULL;
/* We need to check three things.
0) The homedir. It must be x00, a directory, and owned by the
1) The options/gpg.conf file. Okay unless it or its containing
directory is group or other writable or not owned by us. Disable
exec in this case.
2) Extensions. Same as #1.
Returns true if the item is unsafe. */
static int
check_permissions (const char *path, int item)
#if defined(HAVE_STAT) && !defined(HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM)
static int homedir_cache=-1;
char *tmppath,*dir;
struct stat statbuf,dirbuf;
int homedir=0,ret=0,checkonly=0;
int perm=0,own=0,enc_dir_perm=0,enc_dir_own=0;
return 0;
log_assert(item==0 || item==1 || item==2);
/* extensions may attach a path */
if(item==2 && path[0]!=DIRSEP_C)
tmppath=make_filename(gnupg_libdir (),path,NULL);
/* If the item is located in the homedir, but isn't the homedir,
don't continue if we already checked the homedir itself. This is
to avoid user confusion with an extra options file warning which
could be rectified if the homedir itself had proper
permissions. */
if(item!=0 && homedir_cache>-1
&& !ascii_strncasecmp (gnupg_homedir (), tmppath,
strlen (gnupg_homedir ())))
goto end;
/* It's okay if the file or directory doesn't exist */
goto end;
/* Now check the enclosing directory. Theoretically, we could walk
this test up to the root directory /, but for the sake of sanity,
I'm stopping at one level down. */
if(stat(dir,&dirbuf)!=0 || !S_ISDIR(dirbuf.st_mode))
/* Weird error */
goto end;
/* Assume failure */
/* The homedir must be x00, a directory, and owned by the user. */
if((statbuf.st_mode & (S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO))==0)
else if(item==1 || item==2)
/* The options or extension file. Okay unless it or its
containing directory is group or other writable or not owned
by us or root. */
if(statbuf.st_uid==getuid() || statbuf.st_uid==0)
if((statbuf.st_mode & (S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH))==0)
/* it's not writable, so make sure the enclosing
directory is also not writable */
if(dirbuf.st_uid==getuid() || dirbuf.st_uid==0)
if((dirbuf.st_mode & (S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH))==0)
/* it's writable, so the enclosing directory had
better not let people get to it. */
if(dirbuf.st_uid==getuid() || dirbuf.st_uid==0)
if((dirbuf.st_mode & (S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO))==0)
perm=enc_dir_perm=1; /* unclear which one to fix! */
log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe ownership on"
" homedir '%s'\n"),tmppath);
else if(item==1)
log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe ownership on"
" configuration file '%s'\n"),tmppath);
log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe ownership on"
" extension '%s'\n"),tmppath);
log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe permissions on"
" homedir '%s'\n"),tmppath);
else if(item==1)
log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe permissions on"
" configuration file '%s'\n"),tmppath);
log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe permissions on"
" extension '%s'\n"),tmppath);
log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on"
" homedir '%s'\n"),tmppath);
else if(item==1)
log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on"
" configuration file '%s'\n"),tmppath);
log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on"
" extension '%s'\n"),tmppath);
log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on"
" homedir '%s'\n"),tmppath);
else if(item==1)
log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on"
" configuration file '%s'\n"),tmppath);
log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on"
" extension '%s'\n"),tmppath);
return ret;
return 0;
/* Print the OpenPGP defined algo numbers. */
static void
print_algo_numbers(int (*checker)(int))
int i,first=1;
es_printf (";");
es_printf ("%d",i);
static void
print_algo_names(int (*checker)(int),const char *(*mapper)(int))
int i,first=1;
es_printf (";");
es_printf ("%s",mapper(i));
/* In the future, we can do all sorts of interesting configuration
output here. For now, just give "group" as the Enigmail folks need
it, and pubkey, cipher, hash, and compress as they may be useful
for frontends. */
static void
list_config(char *items)
int show_all = !items;
char *name = NULL;
const char *s;
struct groupitem *giter;
int first, iter;
while(show_all || (name=strsep(&items," ")))
int any=0;
if(show_all || ascii_strcasecmp(name,"group")==0)
for (giter = opt.grouplist; giter; giter = giter->next)
strlist_t sl;
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "cfg:group:");
es_write_sanitized (es_stdout, giter->name, strlen(giter->name),
":", NULL);
es_putc (':', es_stdout);
for(sl=giter->values; sl; sl=sl->next)
es_write_sanitized (es_stdout, sl->d, strlen (sl->d),
":;", NULL);
if(show_all || ascii_strcasecmp(name,"version")==0)
es_write_sanitized (es_stdout, VERSION, strlen(VERSION), ":", NULL);
es_printf ("\n");
if(show_all || ascii_strcasecmp(name,"pubkey")==0)
es_printf ("cfg:pubkey:");
print_algo_numbers (build_list_pk_test_algo);
es_printf ("\n");
if(show_all || ascii_strcasecmp(name,"pubkeyname")==0)
es_printf ("cfg:pubkeyname:");
print_algo_names (build_list_pk_test_algo,
es_printf ("\n");
if(show_all || ascii_strcasecmp(name,"cipher")==0)
es_printf ("cfg:cipher:");
print_algo_numbers (build_list_cipher_test_algo);
es_printf ("\n");
if (show_all || !ascii_strcasecmp (name,"ciphername"))
es_printf ("cfg:ciphername:");
print_algo_names (build_list_cipher_test_algo,
es_printf ("\n");
any = 1;
|| ascii_strcasecmp(name,"digest")==0
|| ascii_strcasecmp(name,"hash")==0)
es_printf ("cfg:digest:");
print_algo_numbers (build_list_md_test_algo);
es_printf ("\n");
if (show_all
|| !ascii_strcasecmp(name,"digestname")
|| !ascii_strcasecmp(name,"hashname"))
es_printf ("cfg:digestname:");
print_algo_names (build_list_md_test_algo,
es_printf ("\n");
if(show_all || ascii_strcasecmp(name,"compress")==0)
es_printf ("cfg:compress:");
es_printf ("\n");
if (show_all || !ascii_strcasecmp(name,"ccid-reader-id"))
/* We ignore this for GnuPG 1.4 backward compatibility. */
if (show_all || !ascii_strcasecmp (name,"curve"))
es_printf ("cfg:curve:");
for (iter=0, first=1; (s = openpgp_enum_curves (&iter)); first=0)
es_printf ("%s%s", first?"":";", s);
es_printf ("\n");
/* Curve OIDs are rarely useful and thus only printed if requested. */
if (name && !ascii_strcasecmp (name,"curveoid"))
es_printf ("cfg:curveoid:");
for (iter=0, first=1; (s = openpgp_enum_curves (&iter)); first = 0)
s = openpgp_curve_to_oid (s, NULL);
es_printf ("%s%s", first?"":";", s? s:"[?]");
es_printf ("\n");
log_error(_("unknown configuration item '%s'\n"),name);
/* List options and default values in the GPG Conf format. This is a
new tool distributed with gnupg 1.9.x but we also want some limited
support in older gpg versions. The output is the name of the
configuration file and a list of options available for editing by
gpgconf. */
static void
gpgconf_list (const char *configfile)
char *configfile_esc = percent_escape (configfile, NULL);
es_printf ("%s-%s.conf:%lu:\"%s\n",
configfile_esc ? configfile_esc : "/dev/null");
es_printf ("verbose:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("quiet:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("keyserver:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("reader-port:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("default-key:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("encrypt-to:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("try-secret-key:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("auto-key-locate:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("log-file:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("debug-level:%lu:\"none:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT);
es_printf ("group:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
/* The next one is an info only item and should match the macros at
the top of keygen.c */
es_printf ("default_pubkey_algo:%lu:\"%s:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT,
xfree (configfile_esc);
static int
parse_subpacket_list(char *list)
char *tok;
byte subpackets[128],i;
int count=0;
/* No arguments means all subpackets */
/* Merge with earlier copy */
byte *in;
if(*in>127 || *in<1)
while((tok=strsep(&list," ,")))
if(i>127 || i<1)
return 0;
for(i=1;i<128 && count>=0;i++)
return 1;
static int
parse_list_options(char *str)
char *subpackets=""; /* something that isn't NULL */
struct parse_options lopts[]=
N_("display photo IDs during key listings")},
N_("show key usage information during key listings")},
N_("show policy URLs during signature listings")},
N_("show all notations during signature listings")},
N_("show IETF standard notations during signature listings")},
N_("show user-supplied notations during signature listings")},
N_("show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings")},
N_("show user ID validity during key listings")},
N_("show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings")},
N_("show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings")},
N_("show the keyring name in key listings")},
N_("show expiration dates during signature listings")},
/* C99 allows for non-constant initializers, but we'd like to
compile everywhere, so fill in the show-sig-subpackets argument
here. Note that if the parse_options array changes, we'll have
to change the subscript here. */
/* Unset so users can pass multiple lists in. */
return 0;
else if(subpackets==NULL && opt.show_subpackets)
/* User did 'no-show-subpackets' */
return 1;
return 0;
/* Collapses argc/argv into a single string that must be freed */
static char *
collapse_args(int argc,char *argv[])
char *str=NULL;
int i,first=1,len=0;
strcat(str," ");
return str;
static void
parse_trust_model(const char *model)
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(model,"classic")==0)
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(model,"always")==0)
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(model,"direct")==0)
#ifdef USE_TOFU
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(model,"tofu")==0)
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(model,"tofu+pgp")==0)
#endif /*USE_TOFU*/
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(model,"auto")==0)
log_error("unknown trust model '%s'\n",model);
#endif /*NO_TRUST_MODELS*/
static int
parse_tofu_policy (const char *policystr)
#ifdef USE_TOFU
struct { const char *keyword; int policy; } list[] = {
{ "auto", TOFU_POLICY_AUTO },
{ "good", TOFU_POLICY_GOOD },
{ "unknown", TOFU_POLICY_UNKNOWN },
{ "bad", TOFU_POLICY_BAD },
{ "ask", TOFU_POLICY_ASK }
int i;
if (!ascii_strcasecmp (policystr, "help"))
log_info (_("available TOFU policies:\n"));
for (i=0; i < DIM (list); i++)
log_info (" %s\n", list[i].keyword);
g10_exit (1);
for (i=0; i < DIM (list); i++)
if (!ascii_strcasecmp (policystr, list[i].keyword))
return list[i].policy;
#endif /*USE_TOFU*/
log_error (_("unknown TOFU policy '%s'\n"), policystr);
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("(use \"help\" to list choices)\n"));
g10_exit (1);
/* This function called to initialized a new control object. It is
assumed that this object has been zeroed out before calling this
function. */
static void
gpg_init_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl)
/* This function is called to deinitialize a control object. It is
not deallocated. */
static void
gpg_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl)
#ifdef USE_TOFU
tofu_closedbs (ctrl);
gpg_dirmngr_deinit_session_data (ctrl);
char *
get_default_configname (void)
char *configname = NULL;
char *name = xstrdup (GPG_NAME EXTSEP_S "conf-" SAFE_VERSION);
char *ver = &name[strlen (GPG_NAME EXTSEP_S "conf-")];
if (configname)
char *tok;
xfree (configname);
configname = NULL;
if ((tok = strrchr (ver, SAFE_VERSION_DASH)))
else if ((tok = strrchr (ver, SAFE_VERSION_DOT)))
configname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), name, NULL);
while (access (configname, R_OK));
if (! configname)
configname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (),
if (! access (configname, R_OK))
/* Print a warning when both config files are present. */
char *p = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), "options", NULL);
if (! access (p, R_OK))
log_info (_("Note: old default options file '%s' ignored\n"), p);
xfree (p);
/* Use the old default only if it exists. */
char *p = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), "options", NULL);
if (!access (p, R_OK))
xfree (configname);
configname = p;
xfree (p);
return configname;
main (int argc, char **argv)
int rc=0;
int orig_argc;
char **orig_argv;
const char *fname;
char *username;
int may_coredump;
strlist_t sl;
strlist_t remusr = NULL;
strlist_t locusr = NULL;
strlist_t nrings = NULL;
armor_filter_context_t *afx = NULL;
int detached_sig = 0;
FILE *configfp = NULL;
char *configname = NULL;
char *save_configname = NULL;
char *default_configname = NULL;
unsigned configlineno;
int parse_debug = 0;
int default_config = 1;
int default_keyring = 1;
int greeting = 0;
int nogreeting = 0;
char *logfile = NULL;
int use_random_seed = 1;
enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd = 0;
const char *debug_level = NULL;
const char *trustdb_name = NULL;
#endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/
char *def_cipher_string = NULL;
char *def_digest_string = NULL;
char *compress_algo_string = NULL;
char *cert_digest_string = NULL;
char *s2k_cipher_string = NULL;
char *s2k_digest_string = NULL;
char *pers_cipher_list = NULL;
char *pers_digest_list = NULL;
char *pers_compress_list = NULL;
int eyes_only=0;
int multifile=0;
int pwfd = -1;
int fpr_maybe_cmd = 0; /* --fingerprint maybe a command. */
int any_explicit_recipient = 0;
int require_secmem = 0;
int got_secmem = 0;
struct assuan_malloc_hooks malloc_hooks;
ctrl_t ctrl;
static int print_dane_records;
static int print_pka_records;
#ifdef __riscos__
opt.lock_once = 1;
#endif /* __riscos__ */
/* Please note that we may running SUID(ROOT), so be very CAREFUL
when adding any stuff between here and the call to
secmem_init() somewhere after the option parsing. */
early_system_init ();
gnupg_reopen_std (GPG_NAME);
trap_unaligned ();
gnupg_rl_initialize ();
set_strusage (my_strusage);
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
/* Use our own logging handler for Libcgrypt. */
setup_libgcrypt_logging ();
/* Put random number into secure memory */
may_coredump = disable_core_dumps();
gnupg_init_signals (0, emergency_cleanup);
dotlock_create (NULL, 0); /* Register lock file cleanup. */
opt.autostart = 1;
opt.session_env = session_env_new ();
if (!opt.session_env)
log_fatal ("error allocating session environment block: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
opt.command_fd = -1; /* no command fd */
opt.compress_level = -1; /* defaults to standard compress level */
opt.bz2_compress_level = -1; /* defaults to standard compress level */
/* note: if you change these lines, look at oOpenPGP */
opt.def_cipher_algo = 0;
opt.def_digest_algo = 0;
opt.cert_digest_algo = 0;
opt.compress_algo = -1; /* defaults to DEFAULT_COMPRESS_ALGO */
opt.s2k_mode = 3; /* iterated+salted */
opt.s2k_count = 0; /* Auto-calibrate when needed. */
opt.s2k_cipher_algo = DEFAULT_CIPHER_ALGO;
opt.completes_needed = 1;
opt.marginals_needed = 3;
opt.max_cert_depth = 5;
opt.escape_from = 1;
opt.flags.require_cross_cert = 1;
opt.import_options = 0;
opt.export_options = EXPORT_ATTRIBUTES;
opt.keyserver_options.import_options = IMPORT_REPAIR_PKS_SUBKEY_BUG;
opt.keyserver_options.export_options = EXPORT_ATTRIBUTES;
opt.keyserver_options.options = KEYSERVER_HONOR_PKA_RECORD;
opt.verify_options = (LIST_SHOW_UID_VALIDITY
opt.list_options = (LIST_SHOW_UID_VALIDITY
opt.trust_model = TM_ALWAYS;
opt.trust_model = TM_AUTO;
opt.tofu_default_policy = TOFU_POLICY_AUTO;
opt.mangle_dos_filenames = 0;
opt.min_cert_level = 2;
set_screen_dimensions ();
opt.keyid_format = KF_NONE;
opt.def_sig_expire = "0";
opt.def_cert_expire = "0";
gnupg_set_homedir (NULL);
opt.passphrase_repeat = 1;
opt.emit_version = 0;
opt.weak_digests = NULL;
/* Check whether we have a config file on the command line. */
orig_argc = argc;
orig_argv = argv;
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
while( arg_parse( &pargs, opts) ) {
if( pargs.r_opt == oDebug || pargs.r_opt == oDebugAll )
else if (pargs.r_opt == oDebugIOLBF)
es_setvbuf (es_stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);
else if( pargs.r_opt == oOptions ) {
/* yes there is one, so we do not try the default one, but
* read the option file when it is encountered at the commandline
default_config = 0;
else if( pargs.r_opt == oNoOptions )
default_config = 0; /* --no-options */
opt.no_homedir_creation = 1;
else if( pargs.r_opt == oHomedir )
gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str);
else if( pargs.r_opt == oNoPermissionWarn )
else if (pargs.r_opt == oStrict )
/* Not used */
else if (pargs.r_opt == oNoStrict )
/* Not used */
if ( strchr (gnupg_homedir (), '\\') ) {
char *d, *buf = xmalloc (strlen (gnupg_homedir ())+1);
const char *s;
for (d=buf, s = gnupg_homedir (); *s; s++)
*d++ = *s == '\\'? '/': *s;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (s[1] && IsDBCSLeadByte (*s))
*d++ = *++s;
*d = 0;
gnupg_set_homedir (buf);
/* Initialize the secure memory. */
got_secmem = 1;
#if defined(HAVE_GETUID) && defined(HAVE_GETEUID)
/* There should be no way to get to this spot while still carrying
setuid privs. Just in case, bomb out if we are. */
if ( getuid () != geteuid () )
BUG ();
maybe_setuid = 0;
/* Okay, we are now working under our real uid */
/* malloc hooks go here ... */
malloc_hooks.malloc = gcry_malloc;
malloc_hooks.realloc = gcry_realloc; = gcry_free;
assuan_set_malloc_hooks (&malloc_hooks);
assuan_set_gpg_err_source (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT);
setup_libassuan_logging (&opt.debug, NULL);
/* Try for a version specific config file first */
default_configname = get_default_configname ();
if (default_config)
configname = xstrdup (default_configname);
argc = orig_argc;
argv = orig_argv;
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= ARGPARSE_FLAG_KEEP;
/* By this point we have a homedir, and cannot change it. */
check_permissions (gnupg_homedir (), 0);
if( configname ) {
/* If any options file is unsafe, then disable any external
programs for keyserver calls or photo IDs. Since the
external program to call is set in the options file, a
unsafe options file can lead to an arbitrary program
being run. */
configlineno = 0;
configfp = fopen( configname, "r" );
if (configfp && is_secured_file (fileno (configfp)))
fclose (configfp);
configfp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if( !configfp ) {
if( default_config ) {
if( parse_debug )
log_info(_("Note: no default option file '%s'\n"),
configname );
else {
log_error(_("option file '%s': %s\n"),
configname, strerror(errno) );
xfree(configname); configname = NULL;
if( parse_debug && configname )
log_info(_("reading options from '%s'\n"), configname );
default_config = 0;
while( optfile_parse( configfp, configname, &configlineno,
&pargs, opts) )
switch( pargs.r_opt )
case aListConfig:
case aListGcryptConfig:
case aGPGConfList:
case aGPGConfTest:
set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt);
/* Do not register a keyring for these commands. */
default_keyring = -1;
case aCheckKeys:
case aListPackets:
case aImport:
case aFastImport:
case aSendKeys:
case aRecvKeys:
case aSearchKeys:
case aRefreshKeys:
case aFetchKeys:
case aExport:
case aCardStatus:
case aCardEdit:
case aChangePIN:
case aListKeys:
case aLocateKeys:
case aListSigs:
case aExportSecret:
case aExportSecretSub:
case aExportSshKey:
case aSym:
case aClearsign:
case aGenRevoke:
case aDesigRevoke:
case aPrimegen:
case aGenRandom:
case aPrintMD:
case aPrintMDs:
case aListTrustDB:
case aCheckTrustDB:
case aUpdateTrustDB:
case aFixTrustDB:
case aListTrustPath:
case aDeArmor:
case aEnArmor:
case aSign:
case aQuickSignKey:
case aQuickLSignKey:
case aSignKey:
case aLSignKey:
case aStore:
case aQuickKeygen:
case aQuickAddUid:
case aQuickAddKey:
case aQuickRevUid:
case aExportOwnerTrust:
case aImportOwnerTrust:
case aRebuildKeydbCaches:
set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt);
case aKeygen:
case aFullKeygen:
case aEditKey:
case aDeleteSecretKeys:
case aDeleteSecretAndPublicKeys:
case aDeleteKeys:
case aPasswd:
set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt);
case aDetachedSign: detached_sig = 1; set_cmd( &cmd, aSign ); break;
case aDecryptFiles: multifile=1; /* fall through */
case aDecrypt: set_cmd( &cmd, aDecrypt); break;
case aEncrFiles: multifile=1; /* fall through */
case aEncr: set_cmd( &cmd, aEncr); break;
case aVerifyFiles: multifile=1; /* fall through */
case aVerify: set_cmd( &cmd, aVerify); break;
case aServer:
set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt);
opt.batch = 1;
case aTOFUPolicy:
set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt);
case oArmor: opt.armor = 1; opt.no_armor=0; break;
case oOutput: opt.outfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oMaxOutput: opt.max_output = pargs.r.ret_ulong; break;
case oInputSizeHint:
opt.input_size_hint = string_to_u64 (pargs.r.ret_str);
case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break;
case oNoTTY: tty_no_terminal(1); break;
case oDryRun: opt.dry_run = 1; break;
case oInteractive: opt.interactive = 1; break;
case oVerbose:
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose);
case oBatch:
opt.batch = 1;
nogreeting = 1;
case oUseAgent: /* Dummy. */
case oNoUseAgent:
obsolete_option (configname, configlineno, "no-use-agent");
case oGpgAgentInfo:
obsolete_option (configname, configlineno, "gpg-agent-info");
case oReaderPort:
obsolete_scdaemon_option (configname, configlineno, "reader-port");
case octapiDriver:
obsolete_scdaemon_option (configname, configlineno, "ctapi-driver");
case opcscDriver:
obsolete_scdaemon_option (configname, configlineno, "pcsc-driver");
case oDisableCCID:
obsolete_scdaemon_option (configname, configlineno, "disable-ccid");
case oHonorHttpProxy:
obsolete_option (configname, configlineno, "honor-http-proxy");
case oAnswerYes: opt.answer_yes = 1; break;
case oAnswerNo: opt.answer_no = 1; break;
case oKeyring: append_to_strlist( &nrings, pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oPrimaryKeyring:
sl = append_to_strlist (&nrings, pargs.r.ret_str);
case oShowKeyring:
"--list-options ","show-keyring");
case oDebug:
if (parse_debug_flag (pargs.r.ret_str, &opt.debug, debug_flags))
case oDebugAll: opt.debug = ~0; break;
case oDebugLevel: debug_level = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oDebugIOLBF: break; /* Already set in pre-parse step. */
case oStatusFD:
set_status_fd ( translate_sys2libc_fd_int (pargs.r.ret_int, 1) );
case oStatusFile:
set_status_fd ( open_info_file (pargs.r.ret_str, 1, 0) );
case oAttributeFD:
set_attrib_fd ( translate_sys2libc_fd_int (pargs.r.ret_int, 1) );
case oAttributeFile:
set_attrib_fd ( open_info_file (pargs.r.ret_str, 1, 1) );
case oLoggerFD:
log_set_fd (translate_sys2libc_fd_int (pargs.r.ret_int, 1));
case oLoggerFile:
logfile = pargs.r.ret_str;
case oWithFingerprint:
opt.with_fingerprint = 1;
case oWithSubkeyFingerprint:
opt.with_subkey_fingerprint = 1;
case oWithICAOSpelling:
opt.with_icao_spelling = 1;
case oFingerprint:
fpr_maybe_cmd = 1;
case oWithKeygrip:
opt.with_keygrip = 1;
case oWithSecret:
opt.with_secret = 1;
case oWithWKDHash:
opt.with_wkd_hash = 1;
case oSecretKeyring:
/* Ignore this old option. */
case oOptions:
/* config files may not be nested (silently ignore them) */
if( !configfp ) {
configname = xstrdup(pargs.r.ret_str);
goto next_pass;
case oNoArmor: opt.no_armor=1; opt.armor=0; break;
case oNoDefKeyring:
if (default_keyring > 0)
default_keyring = 0;
case oNoKeyring:
default_keyring = -1;
case oNoGreeting: nogreeting = 1; break;
case oNoVerbose:
opt.verbose = 0;
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose);
case oQuickRandom:
case oEmitVersion: opt.emit_version++; break;
case oNoEmitVersion: opt.emit_version=0; break;
case oCompletesNeeded: opt.completes_needed = pargs.r.ret_int; break;
case oMarginalsNeeded: opt.marginals_needed = pargs.r.ret_int; break;
case oMaxCertDepth: opt.max_cert_depth = pargs.r.ret_int; break;
case oTrustDBName: trustdb_name = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
#endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/
case oDefaultKey:
sl = add_to_strlist (&opt.def_secret_key, pargs.r.ret_str);
sl->flags = (pargs.r_opt << PK_LIST_SHIFT);
if (configfp)
sl->flags |= PK_LIST_CONFIG;
case oDefRecipient:
if( *pargs.r.ret_str )
xfree (opt.def_recipient);
opt.def_recipient = make_username(pargs.r.ret_str);
case oDefRecipientSelf:
xfree(opt.def_recipient); opt.def_recipient = NULL;
opt.def_recipient_self = 1;
case oNoDefRecipient:
xfree(opt.def_recipient); opt.def_recipient = NULL;
opt.def_recipient_self = 0;
case oNoOptions: opt.no_homedir_creation = 1; break; /* no-options */
case oHomedir: break;
case oNoBatch: opt.batch = 0; break;
case oWithTofuInfo: opt.with_tofu_info = 1; break;
case oWithKeyData: opt.with_key_data=1; /*FALLTHRU*/
case oWithColons: opt.with_colons=':'; break;
case oWithSigCheck: opt.check_sigs = 1; /*FALLTHRU*/
case oWithSigList: opt.list_sigs = 1; break;
case oSkipVerify: opt.skip_verify=1; break;
case oSkipHiddenRecipients: opt.skip_hidden_recipients = 1; break;
case oNoSkipHiddenRecipients: opt.skip_hidden_recipients = 0; break;
case aListSecretKeys: set_cmd( &cmd, aListSecretKeys); break;
/* There are many programs (like mutt) that call gpg with
--always-trust so keep this option around for a long
time. */
case oAlwaysTrust: opt.trust_model=TM_ALWAYS; break;
case oTrustModel:
#endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/
case oTOFUDefaultPolicy:
opt.tofu_default_policy = parse_tofu_policy (pargs.r.ret_str);
case oTOFUDBFormat:
obsolete_option (configname, configlineno, "tofu-db-format");
case oForceOwnertrust:
log_info(_("Note: %s is not for normal use!\n"),
log_error("invalid ownertrust '%s'\n",pargs.r.ret_str);
case oLoadExtension:
/* Dummy so that gpg 1.4 conf files can work. Should
eventually be removed. */
case oRFC4880bis:
opt.flags.rfc4880bis = 1;
/* fall through. */
case oOpenPGP:
case oRFC4880:
/* This is effectively the same as RFC2440, but with
"--enable-dsa2 --no-rfc2440-text --escape-from-lines
--require-cross-certification". */
opt.compliance = CO_RFC4880;
opt.flags.dsa2 = 1;
opt.flags.require_cross_cert = 1;
opt.rfc2440_text = 0;
opt.allow_non_selfsigned_uid = 1;
opt.allow_freeform_uid = 1;
opt.escape_from = 1;
opt.not_dash_escaped = 0;
opt.def_cipher_algo = 0;
opt.def_digest_algo = 0;
opt.cert_digest_algo = 0;
opt.compress_algo = -1;
opt.s2k_mode = 3; /* iterated+salted */
opt.s2k_digest_algo = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1;
opt.s2k_cipher_algo = CIPHER_ALGO_3DES;
case oRFC2440:
opt.compliance = CO_RFC2440;
opt.flags.dsa2 = 0;
opt.rfc2440_text = 1;
opt.allow_non_selfsigned_uid = 1;
opt.allow_freeform_uid = 1;
opt.escape_from = 0;
opt.not_dash_escaped = 0;
opt.def_cipher_algo = 0;
opt.def_digest_algo = 0;
opt.cert_digest_algo = 0;
opt.compress_algo = -1;
opt.s2k_mode = 3; /* iterated+salted */
opt.s2k_digest_algo = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1;
opt.s2k_cipher_algo = CIPHER_ALGO_3DES;
case oPGP6: opt.compliance = CO_PGP6; break;
case oPGP7: opt.compliance = CO_PGP7; break;
case oPGP8: opt.compliance = CO_PGP8; break;
case oGnuPG: opt.compliance = CO_GNUPG; break;
case oRFC2440Text: opt.rfc2440_text=1; break;
case oNoRFC2440Text: opt.rfc2440_text=0; break;
case oSetFilename:
opt.set_filename = pargs.r.ret_str;
opt.set_filename = native_to_utf8(pargs.r.ret_str);
case oForYourEyesOnly: eyes_only = 1; break;
case oNoForYourEyesOnly: eyes_only = 0; break;
case oSetPolicyURL:
case oSigPolicyURL: add_policy_url(pargs.r.ret_str,0); break;
case oCertPolicyURL: add_policy_url(pargs.r.ret_str,1); break;
case oShowPolicyURL:
"--list-options ","show-policy-urls");
"--verify-options ","show-policy-urls");
case oNoShowPolicyURL:
"--list-options ","no-show-policy-urls");
"--verify-options ","no-show-policy-urls");
case oSigKeyserverURL: add_keyserver_url(pargs.r.ret_str,0); break;
case oUseEmbeddedFilename:
case oNoUseEmbeddedFilename:
case oComment:
case oDefaultComment:
/* fall through */
case oNoComments:
case oThrowKeyids: opt.throw_keyids = 1; break;
case oNoThrowKeyids: opt.throw_keyids = 0; break;
case oShowPhotos:
"--list-options ","show-photos");
"--verify-options ","show-photos");
case oNoShowPhotos:
"--list-options ","no-show-photos");
"--verify-options ","no-show-photos");
case oPhotoViewer: opt.photo_viewer = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oForceMDC: opt.force_mdc = 1; break;
case oNoForceMDC: opt.force_mdc = 0; break;
case oDisableMDC: opt.disable_mdc = 1; break;
case oNoDisableMDC: opt.disable_mdc = 0; break;
case oDisableSignerUID: opt.flags.disable_signer_uid = 1; break;
case oS2KMode: opt.s2k_mode = pargs.r.ret_int; break;
case oS2KDigest: s2k_digest_string = xstrdup(pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oS2KCipher: s2k_cipher_string = xstrdup(pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oS2KCount:
if (pargs.r.ret_int)
opt.s2k_count = encode_s2k_iterations (pargs.r.ret_int);
opt.s2k_count = 0; /* Auto-calibrate when needed. */
case oRecipient:
case oHiddenRecipient:
case oRecipientFile:
case oHiddenRecipientFile:
/* Store the recipient. Note that we also store the
* option as private data in the flags. This is achieved
* by shifting the option value to the left so to keep
* enough space for the flags. */
sl = add_to_strlist2( &remusr, pargs.r.ret_str, utf8_strings );
sl->flags = (pargs.r_opt << PK_LIST_SHIFT);
if (configfp)
sl->flags |= PK_LIST_CONFIG;
if (pargs.r_opt == oHiddenRecipient
|| pargs.r_opt == oHiddenRecipientFile)
sl->flags |= PK_LIST_HIDDEN;
if (pargs.r_opt == oRecipientFile
|| pargs.r_opt == oHiddenRecipientFile)
sl->flags |= PK_LIST_FROM_FILE;
any_explicit_recipient = 1;
case oEncryptTo:
case oHiddenEncryptTo:
/* Store an additional recipient. */
sl = add_to_strlist2( &remusr, pargs.r.ret_str, utf8_strings );
sl->flags = ((pargs.r_opt << PK_LIST_SHIFT) | PK_LIST_ENCRYPT_TO);
if (configfp)
sl->flags |= PK_LIST_CONFIG;
if (pargs.r_opt == oHiddenEncryptTo)
sl->flags |= PK_LIST_HIDDEN;
case oNoEncryptTo:
opt.no_encrypt_to = 1;
case oEncryptToDefaultKey:
opt.encrypt_to_default_key = configfp ? 2 : 1;
case oTrySecretKey:
add_to_strlist2 (&opt.secret_keys_to_try,
pargs.r.ret_str, utf8_strings);
case oMimemode: opt.mimemode = opt.textmode = 1; break;
case oTextmodeShort: opt.textmode = 2; break;
case oTextmode: opt.textmode=1; break;
case oNoTextmode: opt.textmode=opt.mimemode=0; break;
case oExpert: = 1; break;
case oNoExpert: = 0; break;
case oDefSigExpire:
log_error(_("'%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n"),
case oAskSigExpire: opt.ask_sig_expire = 1; break;
case oNoAskSigExpire: opt.ask_sig_expire = 0; break;
case oDefCertExpire:
log_error(_("'%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n"),
case oAskCertExpire: opt.ask_cert_expire = 1; break;
case oNoAskCertExpire: opt.ask_cert_expire = 0; break;
case oDefCertLevel: opt.def_cert_level=pargs.r.ret_int; break;
case oMinCertLevel: opt.min_cert_level=pargs.r.ret_int; break;
case oAskCertLevel: opt.ask_cert_level = 1; break;
case oNoAskCertLevel: opt.ask_cert_level = 0; break;
case oLocalUser: /* store the local users */
sl = add_to_strlist2( &locusr, pargs.r.ret_str, utf8_strings );
sl->flags = (pargs.r_opt << PK_LIST_SHIFT);
if (configfp)
sl->flags |= PK_LIST_CONFIG;
case oSender:
char *mbox = mailbox_from_userid (pargs.r.ret_str);
if (!mbox)
log_error (_("\"%s\" is not a proper mail address\n"),
add_to_strlist (&opt.sender_list, mbox);
xfree (mbox);
case oCompress:
/* this is the -z command line option */
opt.compress_level = opt.bz2_compress_level = pargs.r.ret_int;
case oCompressLevel: opt.compress_level = pargs.r.ret_int; break;
case oBZ2CompressLevel: opt.bz2_compress_level = pargs.r.ret_int; break;
case oBZ2DecompressLowmem: opt.bz2_decompress_lowmem=1; break;
case oPassphrase:
case oPassphraseFD:
pwfd = translate_sys2libc_fd_int (pargs.r.ret_int, 0);
case oPassphraseFile:
pwfd = open_info_file (pargs.r.ret_str, 0, 1);
case oPassphraseRepeat:
opt.passphrase_repeat = pargs.r.ret_int;
case oPinentryMode:
opt.pinentry_mode = parse_pinentry_mode (pargs.r.ret_str);
if (opt.pinentry_mode == -1)
log_error (_("invalid pinentry mode '%s'\n"), pargs.r.ret_str);
case oCommandFD:
opt.command_fd = translate_sys2libc_fd_int (pargs.r.ret_int, 0);
case oCommandFile:
opt.command_fd = open_info_file (pargs.r.ret_str, 0, 1);
case oCipherAlgo:
def_cipher_string = xstrdup(pargs.r.ret_str);
case oDigestAlgo:
def_digest_string = xstrdup(pargs.r.ret_str);
case oCompressAlgo:
/* If it is all digits, stick a Z in front of it for
later. This is for backwards compatibility with
versions that took the compress algorithm number. */
char *pt=pargs.r.ret_str;
if (!isascii (*pt) || !isdigit (*pt))
compress_algo_string = xstrdup(pargs.r.ret_str);
case oCertDigestAlgo:
cert_digest_string = xstrdup(pargs.r.ret_str);
case oNoSecmemWarn:
case oRequireSecmem: require_secmem=1; break;
case oNoRequireSecmem: require_secmem=0; break;
case oNoPermissionWarn: opt.no_perm_warn=1; break;
case oNoMDCWarn: opt.no_mdc_warn=1; break;
case oDisplayCharset:
if( set_native_charset( pargs.r.ret_str ) )
log_error(_("'%s' is not a valid character set\n"),
case oNotDashEscaped: opt.not_dash_escaped = 1; break;
case oEscapeFrom: opt.escape_from = 1; break;
case oNoEscapeFrom: opt.escape_from = 0; break;
case oLockOnce: opt.lock_once = 1; break;
case oLockNever:
dotlock_disable ();
case oLockMultiple:
#ifndef __riscos__
opt.lock_once = 0;
#else /* __riscos__ */
#endif /* __riscos__ */
case oKeyServer:
keyserver_spec_t keyserver;
keyserver = parse_keyserver_uri (pargs.r.ret_str, 0);
if (!keyserver)
log_error (_("could not parse keyserver URL\n"));
/* We only support a single keyserver. Later ones
override earlier ones. (Since we parse the
config file first and then the command line
arguments, the command line takes
precedence.) */
if (opt.keyserver)
free_keyserver_spec (opt.keyserver);
opt.keyserver = keyserver;
case oKeyServerOptions:
log_error(_("%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n"),
log_error(_("invalid keyserver options\n"));
case oImportOptions:
log_error(_("%s:%d: invalid import options\n"),
log_error(_("invalid import options\n"));
case oImportFilter:
rc = parse_and_set_import_filter (pargs.r.ret_str);
if (rc)
log_error (_("invalid filter option: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
case oExportOptions:
log_error(_("%s:%d: invalid export options\n"),
log_error(_("invalid export options\n"));
case oExportFilter:
rc = parse_and_set_export_filter (pargs.r.ret_str);
if (rc)
log_error (_("invalid filter option: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
case oListOptions:
log_error(_("%s:%d: invalid list options\n"),
log_error(_("invalid list options\n"));
case oVerifyOptions:
struct parse_options vopts[]=
N_("display photo IDs during signature verification")},
N_("show policy URLs during signature verification")},
N_("show all notations during signature verification")},
N_("show IETF standard notations during signature verification")},
N_("show user-supplied notations during signature verification")},
N_("show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification")},
N_("show user ID validity during signature verification")},
N_("show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification")},
N_("show only the primary user ID in signature verification")},
N_("validate signatures with PKA data")},
N_("elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data")},
log_error(_("%s:%d: invalid verify options\n"),
log_error(_("invalid verify options\n"));
case oTempDir: opt.temp_dir=pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oExecPath:
log_error(_("unable to set exec-path to %s\n"),pargs.r.ret_str);
case oSetNotation:
add_notation_data( pargs.r.ret_str, 0 );
add_notation_data( pargs.r.ret_str, 1 );
case oSigNotation: add_notation_data( pargs.r.ret_str, 0 ); break;
case oCertNotation: add_notation_data( pargs.r.ret_str, 1 ); break;
case oShowNotation:
"--list-options ","show-notations");
"--verify-options ","show-notations");
case oNoShowNotation:
"--list-options ","no-show-notations");
"--verify-options ","no-show-notations");
case oUtf8Strings: utf8_strings = 1; break;
case oNoUtf8Strings: utf8_strings = 0; break;
case oDisableCipherAlgo:
int algo = string_to_cipher_algo (pargs.r.ret_str);
gcry_cipher_ctl (NULL, GCRYCTL_DISABLE_ALGO, &algo, sizeof algo);
case oDisablePubkeyAlgo:
int algo = gcry_pk_map_name (pargs.r.ret_str);
gcry_pk_ctl (GCRYCTL_DISABLE_ALGO, &algo, sizeof algo);
case oNoSigCache: opt.no_sig_cache = 1; break;
case oAllowNonSelfsignedUID: opt.allow_non_selfsigned_uid = 1; break;
case oNoAllowNonSelfsignedUID: opt.allow_non_selfsigned_uid=0; break;
case oAllowFreeformUID: opt.allow_freeform_uid = 1; break;
case oNoAllowFreeformUID: opt.allow_freeform_uid = 0; break;
case oNoLiteral: opt.no_literal = 1; break;
case oSetFilesize: opt.set_filesize = pargs.r.ret_ulong; break;
case oFastListMode: opt.fast_list_mode = 1; break;
case oFixedListMode: /* Dummy */ break;
case oLegacyListMode: opt.legacy_list_mode = 1; break;
case oPrintPKARecords: print_pka_records = 1; break;
case oPrintDANERecords: print_dane_records = 1; break;
case oListOnly: opt.list_only=1; break;
case oIgnoreTimeConflict: opt.ignore_time_conflict = 1; break;
case oIgnoreValidFrom: opt.ignore_valid_from = 1; break;
case oIgnoreCrcError: opt.ignore_crc_error = 1; break;
case oIgnoreMDCError: opt.ignore_mdc_error = 1; break;
case oNoRandomSeedFile: use_random_seed = 0; break;
case oAutoKeyRetrieve:
case oNoAutoKeyRetrieve:
case oShowSessionKey: opt.show_session_key = 1; break;
case oOverrideSessionKey:
opt.override_session_key = pargs.r.ret_str;
case oMergeOnly:
"--import-options ","merge-only");
case oAllowSecretKeyImport: /* obsolete */ break;
case oTryAllSecrets: opt.try_all_secrets = 1; break;
case oTrustedKey: register_trusted_key( pargs.r.ret_str ); break;
case oEnableSpecialFilenames:
iobuf_enable_special_filenames (1);
case oNoExpensiveTrustChecks: opt.no_expensive_trust_checks=1; break;
case oAutoCheckTrustDB: opt.no_auto_check_trustdb=0; break;
case oNoAutoCheckTrustDB: opt.no_auto_check_trustdb=1; break;
case oPreservePermissions: opt.preserve_permissions=1; break;
case oDefaultPreferenceList:
opt.def_preference_list = pargs.r.ret_str;
case oDefaultKeyserverURL:
keyserver_spec_t keyserver;
keyserver = parse_keyserver_uri (pargs.r.ret_str,1 );
if (!keyserver)
log_error (_("could not parse keyserver URL\n"));
free_keyserver_spec (keyserver);
opt.def_keyserver_url = pargs.r.ret_str;
case oPersonalCipherPreferences:
case oPersonalDigestPreferences:
case oPersonalCompressPreferences:
case oAgentProgram: opt.agent_program = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oDirmngrProgram: opt.dirmngr_program = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oWeakDigest:
case oUnwrap:
opt.unwrap_encryption = 1;
case oOnlySignTextIDs:
opt.only_sign_text_ids = 1;
case oDisplay:
set_opt_session_env ("DISPLAY", pargs.r.ret_str);
case oTTYname:
set_opt_session_env ("GPG_TTY", pargs.r.ret_str);
case oTTYtype:
set_opt_session_env ("TERM", pargs.r.ret_str);
case oXauthority:
set_opt_session_env ("XAUTHORITY", pargs.r.ret_str);
case oLCctype: opt.lc_ctype = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oLCmessages: opt.lc_messages = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oGroup: add_group(pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oUnGroup: rm_group(pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oNoGroups:
struct groupitem *iter=opt.grouplist;
case oStrict:
case oNoStrict:
/* Not used */
case oMangleDosFilenames: opt.mangle_dos_filenames = 1; break;
case oNoMangleDosFilenames: opt.mangle_dos_filenames = 0; break;
case oEnableProgressFilter: opt.enable_progress_filter = 1; break;
case oMultifile: multifile=1; break;
case oKeyidFormat:
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(pargs.r.ret_str,"long")==0)
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(pargs.r.ret_str,"0xshort")==0)
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(pargs.r.ret_str,"0xlong")==0)
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(pargs.r.ret_str,"none")==0)
opt.keyid_format = KF_NONE;
log_error("unknown keyid-format '%s'\n",pargs.r.ret_str);
case oExitOnStatusWriteError:
opt.exit_on_status_write_error = 1;
case oLimitCardInsertTries:
opt.limit_card_insert_tries = pargs.r.ret_int;
case oRequireCrossCert: opt.flags.require_cross_cert=1; break;
case oNoRequireCrossCert: opt.flags.require_cross_cert=0; break;
case oAutoKeyLocate:
log_error(_("%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n"),
log_error(_("invalid auto-key-locate list\n"));
case oNoAutoKeyLocate:
case oEnableLargeRSA:
if (configname)
log_info("%s:%d: WARNING: gpg not built with large secure "
"memory buffer. Ignoring enable-large-rsa\n",
log_info("WARNING: gpg not built with large secure "
"memory buffer. Ignoring --enable-large-rsa\n");
#endif /* SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE >= 65536 */
case oDisableLargeRSA: opt.flags.large_rsa=0;
case oEnableDSA2: opt.flags.dsa2=1; break;
case oDisableDSA2: opt.flags.dsa2=0; break;
case oAllowMultisigVerification:
case oAllowMultipleMessages:
case oNoAllowMultipleMessages:
case oAllowWeakDigestAlgos:
opt.flags.allow_weak_digest_algos = 1;
case oFakedSystemTime:
time_t faked_time = isotime2epoch (pargs.r.ret_str);
if (faked_time == (time_t)(-1))
faked_time = (time_t)strtoul (pargs.r.ret_str, NULL, 10);
gnupg_set_time (faked_time, 0);
case oNoAutostart: opt.autostart = 0; break;
case oNoop: break;
if (configfp)
fclose( configfp );
configfp = NULL;
/* Remember the first config file name. */
if (!save_configname)
save_configname = configname;
configname = NULL;
goto next_pass;
xfree(configname); configname = NULL;
if (log_get_errorcount (0))
/* The command --gpgconf-list is pretty simple and may be called
directly after the option parsing. */
if (cmd == aGPGConfList)
gpgconf_list (save_configname ? save_configname : default_configname);
g10_exit (0);
xfree (save_configname);
xfree (default_configname);
if (print_dane_records)
log_error ("invalid option \"%s\"; use \"%s\" instead\n",
"--export-options export-dane");
if (print_pka_records)
log_error ("invalid option \"%s\"; use \"%s\" instead\n",
"--export-options export-pka");
if (log_get_errorcount (0))
if( nogreeting )
greeting = 0;
if( greeting )
es_fprintf (es_stderr, "%s %s; %s\n",
strusage(11), strusage(13), strusage(14) );
es_fprintf (es_stderr, "%s\n", strusage(15) );
if (!opt.batch)
const char *s;
/* FIXME: We should use logging to a file only in server mode;
however we have not yet implemetyed that. Thus we try to get
away with --batch as indication for logging to file
required. */
if (logfile && opt.batch)
log_set_file (logfile);
if (opt.verbose > 2)
log_info ("using character set '%s'\n", get_native_charset ());
if( may_coredump && !opt.quiet )
log_info(_("WARNING: program may create a core file!\n"));
if (opt.flags.rfc4880bis)
log_info ("WARNING: using experimental features from RFC4880bis!\n");
opt.mimemode = 0; /* This will use text mode instead. */
if (eyes_only) {
if (opt.set_filename)
log_info(_("WARNING: %s overrides %s\n"),
if (opt.no_literal) {
log_info(_("Note: %s is not for normal use!\n"), "--no-literal");
if (opt.textmode)
log_error(_("%s not allowed with %s!\n"),
"--textmode", "--no-literal" );
if (opt.set_filename)
log_error(_("%s makes no sense with %s!\n"),
"--no-literal" );
if (opt.set_filesize)
log_info(_("Note: %s is not for normal use!\n"), "--set-filesize");
if( opt.batch )
tty_batchmode( 1 );
if (gnupg_faked_time_p ())
gnupg_isotime_t tbuf;
log_info (_("WARNING: running with faked system time: "));
gnupg_get_isotime (tbuf);
dump_isotime (tbuf);
log_printf ("\n");
/* Print a warning if an argument looks like an option. */
if (!opt.quiet && !(pargs.flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_STOP_SEEN))
int i;
for (i=0; i < argc; i++)
if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '-')
log_info (_("Note: '%s' is not considered an option\n"), argv[i]);
if(require_secmem && !got_secmem)
log_info(_("will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n"),
set_debug (debug_level);
log_clock ("start");
/* Do these after the switch(), so they can override settings. */
/* That does not anymore work because we have no more support
for v3 signatures. */
else if(PGP7)
/* That does not anymore work because we have no more support
for v3 signatures. */
else if(PGP8)
if( def_cipher_string ) {
opt.def_cipher_algo = string_to_cipher_algo (def_cipher_string);
xfree(def_cipher_string); def_cipher_string = NULL;
if ( openpgp_cipher_test_algo (opt.def_cipher_algo) )
log_error(_("selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n"));
if( def_digest_string ) {
opt.def_digest_algo = string_to_digest_algo (def_digest_string);
xfree(def_digest_string); def_digest_string = NULL;
if ( openpgp_md_test_algo (opt.def_digest_algo) )
log_error(_("selected digest algorithm is invalid\n"));
if( compress_algo_string ) {
opt.compress_algo = string_to_compress_algo(compress_algo_string);
xfree(compress_algo_string); compress_algo_string = NULL;
if( check_compress_algo(opt.compress_algo) )
log_error(_("selected compression algorithm is invalid\n"));
if( cert_digest_string ) {
opt.cert_digest_algo = string_to_digest_algo (cert_digest_string);
xfree(cert_digest_string); cert_digest_string = NULL;
if (openpgp_md_test_algo(opt.cert_digest_algo))
log_error(_("selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n"));
if( s2k_cipher_string ) {
opt.s2k_cipher_algo = string_to_cipher_algo (s2k_cipher_string);
xfree(s2k_cipher_string); s2k_cipher_string = NULL;
if (openpgp_cipher_test_algo (opt.s2k_cipher_algo))
log_error(_("selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n"));
if( s2k_digest_string ) {
opt.s2k_digest_algo = string_to_digest_algo (s2k_digest_string);
xfree(s2k_digest_string); s2k_digest_string = NULL;
if (openpgp_md_test_algo(opt.s2k_digest_algo))
log_error(_("selected digest algorithm is invalid\n"));
if( opt.completes_needed < 1 )
log_error(_("completes-needed must be greater than 0\n"));
if( opt.marginals_needed < 2 )
log_error(_("marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n"));
if( opt.max_cert_depth < 1 || opt.max_cert_depth > 255 )
log_error(_("max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n"));
if(opt.def_cert_level<0 || opt.def_cert_level>3)
log_error(_("invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n"));
if( opt.min_cert_level < 1 || opt.min_cert_level > 3 )
log_error(_("invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n"));
switch( opt.s2k_mode ) {
case 0:
log_info(_("Note: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n"));
case 1: case 3: break;
log_error(_("invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n"));
/* This isn't actually needed, but does serve to error out if the
string is invalid. */
if(opt.def_preference_list &&
log_error(_("invalid default preferences\n"));
if(pers_cipher_list &&
log_error(_("invalid personal cipher preferences\n"));
if(pers_digest_list &&
log_error(_("invalid personal digest preferences\n"));
if(pers_compress_list &&
log_error(_("invalid personal compress preferences\n"));
/* We don't support all possible commands with multifile yet */
char *cmdname;
case aSign:
case aSignEncr:
cmdname="--sign --encrypt";
case aClearsign:
case aDetachedSign:
case aSym:
case aEncrSym:
cmdname="--symmetric --encrypt";
case aStore:
log_error(_("%s does not yet work with %s\n"),cmdname,"--multifile");
if( log_get_errorcount(0) )
/* Check our chosen algorithms against the list of legal
algorithms. */
const char *badalg=NULL;
preftype_t badtype=PREFTYPE_NONE;
&& !algo_available(PREFTYPE_SYM,opt.def_cipher_algo,NULL))
badalg = openpgp_cipher_algo_name (opt.def_cipher_algo);
badtype = PREFTYPE_SYM;
else if(opt.def_digest_algo
&& !algo_available(PREFTYPE_HASH,opt.def_digest_algo,NULL))
badalg = gcry_md_algo_name (opt.def_digest_algo);
badtype = PREFTYPE_HASH;
else if(opt.cert_digest_algo
&& !algo_available(PREFTYPE_HASH,opt.cert_digest_algo,NULL))
badalg = gcry_md_algo_name (opt.cert_digest_algo);
badtype = PREFTYPE_HASH;
else if(opt.compress_algo!=-1
&& !algo_available(PREFTYPE_ZIP,opt.compress_algo,NULL))
badalg = compress_algo_to_string(opt.compress_algo);
badtype = PREFTYPE_ZIP;
log_info(_("you may not use cipher algorithm '%s'"
" while in %s mode\n"),
log_info(_("you may not use digest algorithm '%s'"
" while in %s mode\n"),
log_info(_("you may not use compression algorithm '%s'"
" while in %s mode\n"),
/* Set the random seed file. */
if( use_random_seed ) {
char *p = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), "random_seed", NULL );
if (!access (p, F_OK))
register_secured_file (p);
/* If there is no command but the --fingerprint is given, default
to the --list-keys command. */
if (!cmd && fpr_maybe_cmd)
set_cmd (&cmd, aListKeys);
if( opt.verbose > 1 )
/* Add the keyrings, but not for some special commands. We always
* need to add the keyrings if we are running under SELinux, this
* is so that the rings are added to the list of secured files.
* We do not add any keyring if --no-keyring has been used. */
if (default_keyring >= 0
|| (cmd != aDeArmor && cmd != aEnArmor && cmd != aGPGConfTest)))
if (!nrings || default_keyring > 0) /* Add default ring. */
keydb_add_resource ("pubring" EXTSEP_S GPGEXT_GPG,
for (sl = nrings; sl; sl = sl->next )
keydb_add_resource (sl->d, sl->flags);
if (opt.pinentry_mode == PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK)
/* In loopback mode, never ask for the password multiple
times. */
opt.passphrase_repeat = 0;
if (cmd == aGPGConfTest)
if( pwfd != -1 ) /* Read the passphrase now. */
read_passphrase_from_fd( pwfd );
fname = argc? *argv : NULL;
if(fname && utf8_strings)
ctrl = xcalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl);
gpg_init_default_ctrl (ctrl);
switch (cmd)
case aPrimegen:
case aPrintMD:
case aPrintMDs:
case aGenRandom:
case aDeArmor:
case aEnArmor:
case aListConfig:
case aListGcryptConfig:
case aFixTrustDB:
case aExportOwnerTrust:
rc = setup_trustdb (0, trustdb_name);
case aListTrustDB:
rc = setup_trustdb (argc? 1:0, trustdb_name);
/* If we are using TM_ALWAYS, we do not need to create the
trustdb. */
rc = setup_trustdb (opt.trust_model != TM_ALWAYS, trustdb_name);
if (rc)
log_error (_("failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
#endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/
switch (cmd)
case aStore:
case aSym:
case aSign:
case aSignSym:
case aClearsign:
if (!opt.quiet && any_explicit_recipient)
log_info (_("WARNING: recipients (-r) given "
"without using public key encryption\n"));
/* Check for certain command whether we need to migrate a
secring.gpg to the gpg-agent. */
switch (cmd)
case aListSecretKeys:
case aSign:
case aSignEncr:
case aSignEncrSym:
case aSignSym:
case aClearsign:
case aDecrypt:
case aSignKey:
case aLSignKey:
case aEditKey:
case aPasswd:
case aDeleteSecretKeys:
case aDeleteSecretAndPublicKeys:
case aQuickKeygen:
case aQuickAddUid:
case aQuickAddKey:
case aQuickRevUid:
case aFullKeygen:
case aKeygen:
case aImport:
case aExportSecret:
case aExportSecretSub:
case aGenRevoke:
case aDesigRevoke:
case aCardEdit:
case aChangePIN:
migrate_secring (ctrl);
case aListKeys:
if (opt.with_secret)
migrate_secring (ctrl);
/* The command dispatcher. */
switch( cmd )
case aServer:
gpg_server (ctrl);
case aStore: /* only store the file */
if( argc > 1 )
wrong_args(_("--store [filename]"));
if( (rc = encrypt_store(fname)) )
write_status_failure ("store", rc);
log_error ("storing '%s' failed: %s\n",
print_fname_stdin(fname),gpg_strerror (rc) );
case aSym: /* encrypt the given file only with the symmetric cipher */
if( argc > 1 )
wrong_args(_("--symmetric [filename]"));
if( (rc = encrypt_symmetric(fname)) )
write_status_failure ("symencrypt", rc);
log_error (_("symmetric encryption of '%s' failed: %s\n"),
print_fname_stdin(fname),gpg_strerror (rc) );
case aEncr: /* encrypt the given file */
encrypt_crypt_files (ctrl, argc, argv, remusr);
if( argc > 1 )
wrong_args(_("--encrypt [filename]"));
if( (rc = encrypt_crypt (ctrl, -1, fname, remusr, 0, NULL, -1)) )
write_status_failure ("encrypt", rc);
log_error("%s: encryption failed: %s\n",
print_fname_stdin(fname), gpg_strerror (rc) );
case aEncrSym:
/* This works with PGP 8 in the sense that it acts just like a
symmetric message. It doesn't work at all with 2 or 6. It
might work with 7, but alas, I don't have a copy to test
with right now. */
if( argc > 1 )
wrong_args(_("--symmetric --encrypt [filename]"));
else if(opt.s2k_mode==0)
log_error(_("you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt"
" with --s2k-mode 0\n"));
else if(PGP6 || PGP7)
log_error(_("you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt"
" while in %s mode\n"),compliance_option_string());
if( (rc = encrypt_crypt (ctrl, -1, fname, remusr, 1, NULL, -1)) )
write_status_failure ("encrypt", rc);
log_error ("%s: encryption failed: %s\n",
print_fname_stdin(fname), gpg_strerror (rc) );
case aSign: /* sign the given file */
sl = NULL;
if( detached_sig ) { /* sign all files */
for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ )
add_to_strlist( &sl, *argv );
else {
if( argc > 1 )
wrong_args(_("--sign [filename]"));
if( argc ) {
sl = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *sl + strlen(fname));
strcpy(sl->d, fname);
if ((rc = sign_file (ctrl, sl, detached_sig, locusr, 0, NULL, NULL)))
write_status_failure ("sign", rc);
log_error ("signing failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) );
case aSignEncr: /* sign and encrypt the given file */
if( argc > 1 )
wrong_args(_("--sign --encrypt [filename]"));
if( argc ) {
sl = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *sl + strlen(fname));
strcpy(sl->d, fname);
sl = NULL;
if ((rc = sign_file (ctrl, sl, detached_sig, locusr, 1, remusr, NULL)))
write_status_failure ("sign-encrypt", rc);
log_error("%s: sign+encrypt failed: %s\n",
print_fname_stdin(fname), gpg_strerror (rc) );
case aSignEncrSym: /* sign and encrypt the given file */
if( argc > 1 )
wrong_args(_("--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]"));
else if(opt.s2k_mode==0)
log_error(_("you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt"
" with --s2k-mode 0\n"));
else if(PGP6 || PGP7)
log_error(_("you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt"
" while in %s mode\n"),compliance_option_string());
if( argc )
sl = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *sl + strlen(fname));
strcpy(sl->d, fname);
sl = NULL;
if ((rc = sign_file (ctrl, sl, detached_sig, locusr,
2, remusr, NULL)))
write_status_failure ("sign-encrypt", rc);
log_error("%s: symmetric+sign+encrypt failed: %s\n",
print_fname_stdin(fname), gpg_strerror (rc) );
case aSignSym: /* sign and conventionally encrypt the given file */
if (argc > 1)
wrong_args(_("--sign --symmetric [filename]"));
rc = sign_symencrypt_file (ctrl, fname, locusr);
if (rc)
write_status_failure ("sign-symencrypt", rc);
log_error("%s: sign+symmetric failed: %s\n",
print_fname_stdin(fname), gpg_strerror (rc) );
case aClearsign: /* make a clearsig */
if( argc > 1 )
wrong_args(_("--clearsign [filename]"));
if( (rc = clearsign_file (ctrl, fname, locusr, NULL)) )
write_status_failure ("sign", rc);
log_error("%s: clearsign failed: %s\n",
print_fname_stdin(fname), gpg_strerror (rc) );
case aVerify:
if (multifile)
if ((rc = verify_files (ctrl, argc, argv)))
log_error("verify files failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) );
if ((rc = verify_signatures (ctrl, argc, argv)))
log_error("verify signatures failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) );
if (rc)
write_status_failure ("verify", rc);
case aDecrypt:
if (multifile)
decrypt_messages (ctrl, argc, argv);
if( argc > 1 )
wrong_args(_("--decrypt [filename]"));
if( (rc = decrypt_message (ctrl, fname) ))
write_status_failure ("decrypt", rc);
log_error("decrypt_message failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) );
case aQuickSignKey:
case aQuickLSignKey:
const char *fpr;
if (argc < 1)
wrong_args ("--quick-[l]sign-key fingerprint [userids]");
fpr = *argv++; argc--;
sl = NULL;
for( ; argc; argc--, argv++)
append_to_strlist2 (&sl, *argv, utf8_strings);
keyedit_quick_sign (ctrl, fpr, sl, locusr, (cmd == aQuickLSignKey));
free_strlist (sl);
case aSignKey:
if( argc != 1 )
wrong_args(_("--sign-key user-id"));
/* fall through */
case aLSignKey:
if( argc != 1 )
wrong_args(_("--lsign-key user-id"));
/* fall through */
else if(cmd==aLSignKey)
append_to_strlist( &sl, "save" );
username = make_username( fname );
keyedit_menu (ctrl, username, locusr, sl, 0, 0 );
case aEditKey: /* Edit a key signature */
if( !argc )
wrong_args(_("--edit-key user-id [commands]"));
username = make_username( fname );
if( argc > 1 ) {
sl = NULL;
for( argc--, argv++ ; argc; argc--, argv++ )
append_to_strlist( &sl, *argv );
keyedit_menu (ctrl, username, locusr, sl, 0, 1 );
keyedit_menu (ctrl, username, locusr, NULL, 0, 1 );
case aPasswd:
if (argc != 1)
wrong_args (_("--passwd <user-id>"));
username = make_username (fname);
keyedit_passwd (ctrl, username);
xfree (username);
case aDeleteKeys:
case aDeleteSecretKeys:
case aDeleteSecretAndPublicKeys:
sl = NULL;
/* I'm adding these in reverse order as add_to_strlist2
reverses them again, and it's easier to understand in the
proper order :) */
for( ; argc; argc-- )
add_to_strlist2( &sl, argv[argc-1], utf8_strings );
case aCheckKeys:
opt.check_sigs = 1;
case aListSigs:
opt.list_sigs = 1;
case aListKeys:
sl = NULL;
for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ )
add_to_strlist2( &sl, *argv, utf8_strings );
public_key_list (ctrl, sl, 0);
case aListSecretKeys:
sl = NULL;
for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ )
add_to_strlist2( &sl, *argv, utf8_strings );
secret_key_list (ctrl, sl);
case aLocateKeys:
sl = NULL;
for (; argc; argc--, argv++)
add_to_strlist2( &sl, *argv, utf8_strings );
public_key_list (ctrl, sl, 1);
free_strlist (sl);
case aQuickKeygen:
const char *x_algo, *x_usage, *x_expire;
if (argc < 1 || argc > 4)
wrong_args("--quick-gen-key USER-ID [ALGO [USAGE [EXPIRE]]]");
username = make_username (fname);
argv++, argc--;
x_algo = "";
x_usage = "";
x_expire = "";
if (argc)
x_algo = *argv++; argc--;
if (argc)
x_usage = *argv++; argc--;
if (argc)
x_expire = *argv++; argc--;
quick_generate_keypair (ctrl, username, x_algo, x_usage, x_expire);
xfree (username);
case aKeygen: /* generate a key */
if( opt.batch ) {
if( argc > 1 )
wrong_args("--gen-key [parameterfile]");
generate_keypair (ctrl, 0, argc? *argv : NULL, NULL, 0);
else {
if (opt.command_fd != -1 && argc)
if( argc > 1 )
wrong_args("--gen-key [parameterfile]");
opt.batch = 1;
generate_keypair (ctrl, 0, argc? *argv : NULL, NULL, 0);
else if (argc)
wrong_args ("--gen-key");
generate_keypair (ctrl, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
case aFullKeygen: /* Generate a key with all options. */
if (opt.batch)
if (argc > 1)
wrong_args ("--full-gen-key [parameterfile]");
generate_keypair (ctrl, 1, argc? *argv : NULL, NULL, 0);
if (argc)
generate_keypair (ctrl, 1, NULL, NULL, 0);
case aQuickAddUid:
const char *uid, *newuid;
if (argc != 2)
wrong_args ("--quick-adduid USER-ID NEW-USER-ID");
uid = *argv++; argc--;
newuid = *argv++; argc--;
keyedit_quick_adduid (ctrl, uid, newuid);
case aQuickAddKey:
const char *x_fpr, *x_algo, *x_usage, *x_expire;
if (argc < 1 || argc > 4)
wrong_args ("--quick-addkey FINGERPRINT [ALGO [USAGE [EXPIRE]]]");
x_fpr = *argv++; argc--;
x_algo = "";
x_usage = "";
x_expire = "";
if (argc)
x_algo = *argv++; argc--;
if (argc)
x_usage = *argv++; argc--;
if (argc)
x_expire = *argv++; argc--;
keyedit_quick_addkey (ctrl, x_fpr, x_algo, x_usage, x_expire);
case aQuickRevUid:
const char *uid, *uidtorev;
if (argc != 2)
wrong_args ("--quick-revuid USER-ID USER-ID-TO-REVOKE");
uid = *argv++; argc--;
uidtorev = *argv++; argc--;
keyedit_quick_revuid (ctrl, uid, uidtorev);
case aFastImport:
opt.import_options |= IMPORT_FAST;
case aImport:
import_keys (ctrl, argc? argv:NULL, argc, NULL, opt.import_options);
/* TODO: There are a number of command that use this same
"make strlist, call function, report error, free strlist"
pattern. Join them together here and avoid all that
duplicated code. */
case aExport:
case aSendKeys:
case aRecvKeys:
sl = NULL;
for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ )
append_to_strlist2( &sl, *argv, utf8_strings );
if( cmd == aSendKeys )
rc = keyserver_export (ctrl, sl );
else if( cmd == aRecvKeys )
rc = keyserver_import (ctrl, sl );
export_stats_t stats = export_new_stats ();
rc = export_pubkeys (ctrl, sl, opt.export_options, stats);
export_print_stats (stats);
export_release_stats (stats);
write_status_failure ("send-keys", rc);
log_error(_("keyserver send failed: %s\n"),gpg_strerror (rc));
else if(cmd==aRecvKeys)
write_status_failure ("recv-keys", rc);
log_error (_("keyserver receive failed: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
write_status_failure ("export", rc);
log_error (_("key export failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
case aExportSshKey:
if (argc != 1)
wrong_args ("--export-ssh-key <user-id>");
rc = export_ssh_key (ctrl, argv[0]);
if (rc)
write_status_failure ("export-ssh-key", rc);
log_error (_("export as ssh key failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
case aSearchKeys:
sl = NULL;
for (; argc; argc--, argv++)
append_to_strlist2 (&sl, *argv, utf8_strings);
rc = keyserver_search (ctrl, sl);
if (rc)
write_status_failure ("search-keys", rc);
log_error (_("keyserver search failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
free_strlist (sl);
case aRefreshKeys:
sl = NULL;
for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ )
append_to_strlist2( &sl, *argv, utf8_strings );
rc = keyserver_refresh (ctrl, sl);
write_status_failure ("refresh-keys", rc);
log_error (_("keyserver refresh failed: %s\n"),gpg_strerror (rc));
case aFetchKeys:
sl = NULL;
for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ )
append_to_strlist2( &sl, *argv, utf8_strings );
rc = keyserver_fetch (ctrl, sl);
write_status_failure ("fetch-keys", rc);
log_error ("key fetch failed: %s\n",gpg_strerror (rc));
case aExportSecret:
sl = NULL;
for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ )
add_to_strlist2( &sl, *argv, utf8_strings );
export_stats_t stats = export_new_stats ();
export_seckeys (ctrl, sl, stats);
export_print_stats (stats);
export_release_stats (stats);
case aExportSecretSub:
sl = NULL;
for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ )
add_to_strlist2( &sl, *argv, utf8_strings );
export_stats_t stats = export_new_stats ();
export_secsubkeys (ctrl, sl, stats);
export_print_stats (stats);
export_release_stats (stats);
case aGenRevoke:
if( argc != 1 )
wrong_args("--gen-revoke user-id");
username = make_username(*argv);
gen_revoke( username );
xfree( username );
case aDesigRevoke:
if (argc != 1)
wrong_args ("--desig-revoke user-id");
username = make_username (*argv);
gen_desig_revoke (ctrl, username, locusr);
xfree (username);
case aDeArmor:
if( argc > 1 )
wrong_args("--dearmor [file]");
rc = dearmor_file( argc? *argv: NULL );
if( rc )
write_status_failure ("dearmor", rc);
log_error (_("dearmoring failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
case aEnArmor:
if( argc > 1 )
wrong_args("--enarmor [file]");
rc = enarmor_file( argc? *argv: NULL );
if( rc )
write_status_failure ("enarmor", rc);
log_error (_("enarmoring failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
case aPrimegen:
#if 0 /*FIXME*/
{ int mode = argc < 2 ? 0 : atoi(*argv);
if( mode == 1 && argc == 2 ) {
mpi_print (es_stdout,
generate_public_prime( atoi(argv[1]) ), 1);
else if( mode == 2 && argc == 3 ) {
mpi_print (es_stdout, generate_elg_prime(
0, atoi(argv[1]),
atoi(argv[2]), NULL,NULL ), 1);
else if( mode == 3 && argc == 3 ) {
MPI *factors;
mpi_print (es_stdout, generate_elg_prime(
1, atoi(argv[1]),
atoi(argv[2]), NULL,&factors ), 1);
es_putc ('\n', es_stdout);
mpi_print (es_stdout, factors[0], 1 ); /* print q */
else if( mode == 4 && argc == 3 ) {
MPI g = mpi_alloc(1);
mpi_print (es_stdout, generate_elg_prime(
0, atoi(argv[1]),
atoi(argv[2]), g, NULL ), 1);
es_putc ('\n', es_stdout);
mpi_print (es_stdout, g, 1 );
mpi_free (g);
wrong_args("--gen-prime mode bits [qbits] ");
es_putc ('\n', es_stdout);
wrong_args("--gen-prime not yet supported ");
case aGenRandom:
int level = argc ? atoi(*argv):0;
int count = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]): 0;
int endless = !count;
if( argc < 1 || argc > 2 || level < 0 || level > 2 || count < 0 )
wrong_args("--gen-random 0|1|2 [count]");
while( endless || count ) {
byte *p;
/* Wee need a multiple of 3, so that in case of
armored output we get a correct string. No
linefolding is done, as it is best to levae this to
other tools */
size_t n = !endless && count < 99? count : 99;
p = gcry_random_bytes (n, level);
setmode ( fileno(stdout), O_BINARY );
if (opt.armor) {
char *tmp = make_radix64_string (p, n);
es_fputs (tmp, es_stdout);
xfree (tmp);
if (n%3 == 1)
es_putc ('=', es_stdout);
if (n%3)
es_putc ('=', es_stdout);
} else {
es_fwrite( p, n, 1, es_stdout );
if( !endless )
count -= n;
if (opt.armor)
es_putc ('\n', es_stdout);
case aPrintMD:
if( argc < 1)
wrong_args("--print-md algo [files]");
int all_algos = (**argv=='*' && !(*argv)[1]);
int algo = all_algos? 0 : gcry_md_map_name (*argv);
if( !algo && !all_algos )
log_error(_("invalid hash algorithm '%s'\n"), *argv );
else {
argc--; argv++;
if( !argc )
print_mds(NULL, algo);
else {
for(; argc; argc--, argv++ )
print_mds(*argv, algo);
case aPrintMDs: /* old option */
if( !argc )
else {
for(; argc; argc--, argv++ )
case aListTrustDB:
if( !argc )
list_trustdb (es_stdout, NULL);
else {
for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ )
list_trustdb (es_stdout, *argv );
case aUpdateTrustDB:
if( argc )
update_trustdb (ctrl);
case aCheckTrustDB:
/* Old versions allowed for arguments - ignore them */
check_trustdb (ctrl);
case aFixTrustDB:
how_to_fix_the_trustdb ();
case aListTrustPath:
if( !argc )
wrong_args("--list-trust-path <user-ids>");
for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ ) {
username = make_username( *argv );
list_trust_path( username );
case aExportOwnerTrust:
if( argc )
case aImportOwnerTrust:
if( argc > 1 )
wrong_args("--import-ownertrust [file]");
import_ownertrust( argc? *argv:NULL );
#endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/
case aRebuildKeydbCaches:
if (argc)
wrong_args ("--rebuild-keydb-caches");
keydb_rebuild_caches (1);
case aCardStatus:
if (argc)
wrong_args ("--card-status");
card_status (es_stdout, NULL, 0);
case aCardEdit:
if (argc) {
sl = NULL;
for (argc--, argv++ ; argc; argc--, argv++)
append_to_strlist (&sl, *argv);
card_edit (ctrl, sl);
free_strlist (sl);
card_edit (ctrl, NULL);
case aChangePIN:
if (!argc)
change_pin (0,1);
else if (argc == 1)
change_pin (atoi (*argv),1);
wrong_args ("--change-pin [no]");
case aListConfig:
char *str=collapse_args(argc,argv);
case aListGcryptConfig:
/* Fixme: It would be nice to integrate that with
--list-config but unfortunately there is no way yet to have
libgcrypt print it to an estream for further parsing. */
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_PRINT_CONFIG, stdout);
case aTOFUPolicy:
#ifdef USE_TOFU
int policy;
int i;
if (argc < 2)
wrong_args ("--tofu-policy POLICY KEYID [KEYID...]");
policy = parse_tofu_policy (argv[0]);
hd = keydb_new ();
if (! hd)
g10_exit (1);
tofu_begin_batch_update (ctrl);
for (i = 1; i < argc; i ++)
kbnode_t kb;
rc = classify_user_id (argv[i], &desc, 0);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error parsing key specification '%s': %s\n"),
argv[i], gpg_strerror (rc));
g10_exit (1);
if (! (desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_SHORT_KID
|| desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR16
|| desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20
|| desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR
log_error (_("'%s' does not appear to be a valid"
" key ID, fingerprint or keygrip\n"),
g10_exit (1);
rc = keydb_search_reset (hd);
if (rc)
/* This should not happen, thus no need to tranalate
the string. */
log_error ("keydb_search_reset failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
g10_exit (1);
rc = keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1, NULL);
if (rc)
log_error (_("key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"), argv[i],
gpg_strerror (rc));
g10_exit (1);
rc = keydb_get_keyblock (hd, &kb);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error reading keyblock: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
g10_exit (1);
merge_keys_and_selfsig (kb);
if (tofu_set_policy (ctrl, kb, policy))
g10_exit (1);
tofu_end_batch_update (ctrl);
keydb_release (hd);
#endif /*USE_TOFU*/
case aListPackets:
if( argc > 1 )
/* Issue some output for the unix newbie */
if (!fname && !opt.outfile
&& gnupg_isatty (fileno (stdin))
&& gnupg_isatty (fileno (stdout))
&& gnupg_isatty (fileno (stderr)))
log_info(_("Go ahead and type your message ...\n"));
a = iobuf_open(fname);
if (a && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (a)))
iobuf_close (a);
a = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if( !a )
log_error(_("can't open '%s'\n"), print_fname_stdin(fname));
else {
if( !opt.no_armor ) {
if( use_armor_filter( a ) ) {
afx = new_armor_context ();
push_armor_filter (afx, a);
if( cmd == aListPackets ) {
rc = proc_packets (ctrl, NULL, a );
if( rc )
write_status_failure ("-", rc);
log_error ("processing message failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
/* cleanup */
gpg_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl);
xfree (ctrl);
release_armor_context (afx);
return 8; /*NEVER REACHED*/
/* Note: This function is used by signal handlers!. */
static void
emergency_cleanup (void)
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_TERM_SECMEM );
g10_exit( int rc )
log_clock ("stop");
if ( (opt.debug & DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE) )
keydb_dump_stats ();
if (opt.debug)
emergency_cleanup ();
rc = rc? rc : log_get_errorcount(0)? 2 : g10_errors_seen? 1 : 0;
exit (rc);
/* Pretty-print hex hashes. This assumes at least an 80-character
display, but there are a few other similar assumptions in the
display code. */
static void
print_hex (gcry_md_hd_t md, int algo, const char *fname)
int i,n,count,indent=0;
const byte *p;
if (fname)
indent = es_printf("%s: ",fname);
if (indent>40)
es_printf ("\n");
if (algo==DIGEST_ALGO_RMD160)
indent += es_printf("RMD160 = ");
else if (algo>0)
indent += es_printf("%6s = ", gcry_md_algo_name (algo));
algo = abs(algo);
count = indent;
p = gcry_md_read (md, algo);
n = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (algo);
count += es_printf ("%02X",*p++);
es_printf ("\n%*s",indent," ");
count = indent;
count += es_printf(" ");
if (!(i%8))
count += es_printf(" ");
else if (n==20)
es_printf ("\n%*s",indent," ");
count += es_printf(" ");
if (!(i%10))
count += es_printf(" ");
if (count+8>79)
es_printf ("\n%*s",indent," ");
count += es_printf(" ");
count += es_printf("%02X",*p);
es_printf ("\n");
static void
print_hashline( gcry_md_hd_t md, int algo, const char *fname )
int i, n;
const byte *p;
if ( fname )
for (p = fname; *p; p++ )
if ( *p <= 32 || *p > 127 || *p == ':' || *p == '%' )
es_printf ("%%%02X", *p );
es_putc (*p, es_stdout);
es_putc (':', es_stdout);
es_printf ("%d:", algo);
p = gcry_md_read (md, algo);
n = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (algo);
for(i=0; i < n ; i++, p++ )
es_printf ("%02X", *p);
es_fputs (":\n", es_stdout);
static void
print_mds( const char *fname, int algo )
estream_t fp;
char buf[1024];
size_t n;
gcry_md_hd_t md;
if (!fname)
fp = es_stdin;
es_set_binary (fp);
fp = es_fopen (fname, "rb" );
if (fp && is_secured_file (es_fileno (fp)))
es_fclose (fp);
fp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if (!fp)
log_error("%s: %s\n", fname?fname:"[stdin]", strerror(errno) );
gcry_md_open (&md, 0, 0);
if (algo)
gcry_md_enable (md, algo);
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_MD5))
gcry_md_enable (md, GCRY_MD_MD5);
gcry_md_enable (md, GCRY_MD_SHA1);
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_RMD160))
gcry_md_enable (md, GCRY_MD_RMD160);
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA224))
gcry_md_enable (md, GCRY_MD_SHA224);
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA256))
gcry_md_enable (md, GCRY_MD_SHA256);
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA384))
gcry_md_enable (md, GCRY_MD_SHA384);
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA512))
gcry_md_enable (md, GCRY_MD_SHA512);
while ((n=es_fread (buf, 1, DIM(buf), fp)))
gcry_md_write (md, buf, n);
if (es_ferror(fp))
log_error ("%s: %s\n", fname?fname:"[stdin]", strerror(errno));
gcry_md_final (md);
if (opt.with_colons)
if ( algo )
print_hashline (md, algo, fname);
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_MD5))
print_hashline( md, GCRY_MD_MD5, fname );
print_hashline( md, GCRY_MD_SHA1, fname );
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_RMD160))
print_hashline( md, GCRY_MD_RMD160, fname );
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA224))
print_hashline (md, GCRY_MD_SHA224, fname);
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA256))
print_hashline( md, GCRY_MD_SHA256, fname );
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA384))
print_hashline ( md, GCRY_MD_SHA384, fname );
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA512))
print_hashline ( md, GCRY_MD_SHA512, fname );
if (algo)
print_hex (md, -algo, fname);
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_MD5))
print_hex (md, GCRY_MD_MD5, fname);
print_hex (md, GCRY_MD_SHA1, fname );
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_RMD160))
print_hex (md, GCRY_MD_RMD160, fname );
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA224))
print_hex (md, GCRY_MD_SHA224, fname);
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA256))
print_hex (md, GCRY_MD_SHA256, fname );
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA384))
print_hex (md, GCRY_MD_SHA384, fname );
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA512))
print_hex (md, GCRY_MD_SHA512, fname );
gcry_md_close (md);
if (fp != es_stdin)
es_fclose (fp);
* Check the supplied name,value string and add it to the notation
* data to be used for signatures. which==0 for sig notations, and 1
* for cert notations.
static void
add_notation_data( const char *string, int which )
struct notation *notation;
static void
add_policy_url( const char *string, int which )
unsigned int i,critical=0;
strlist_t sl;
if( !isascii (string[i]) || iscntrl(string[i]))
if(i==0 || i<strlen(string))
log_error(_("the given certification policy URL is invalid\n"));
log_error(_("the given signature policy URL is invalid\n"));
sl=add_to_strlist( &opt.cert_policy_url, string );
sl=add_to_strlist( &opt.sig_policy_url, string );
sl->flags |= 1;
static void
add_keyserver_url( const char *string, int which )
unsigned int i,critical=0;
strlist_t sl;
if( !isascii (string[i]) || iscntrl(string[i]))
if(i==0 || i<strlen(string))
log_error(_("the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n"));
sl=add_to_strlist( &opt.sig_keyserver_url, string );
sl->flags |= 1;
diff --git a/g10/gpg.h b/g10/gpg.h
index 90a886613..8bc4c086e 100644
--- a/g10/gpg.h
+++ b/g10/gpg.h
@@ -1,92 +1,92 @@
/* gpg.h - top level include file for gpg etc.
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2006, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef GNUPG_G10_GPG_H
#define GNUPG_G10_GPG_H
/* Note, that this file should be the first one after the system
header files. This is required to set the error source to the
correct value and may be of advantage if we ever have to do
special things. */
#error GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT already defined
#define map_assuan_err(a) \
map_assuan_err_with_source (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT, (a))
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include <gcrypt.h>
/* Number of bits we accept when reading or writing MPIs. */
#define MAX_EXTERN_MPI_BITS 16384
/* The maximum length of a binary fingerprints. This is used to
provide a static buffer and will be increased if we need to support
longer fingerprints.
Warning: At some places we still use 20 instead of this macro. */
/* The maximum length of a formatted fingerprint as returned by
format_hexfingerprint(). */
Forward declarations.
/* Object used to keep state locally to server.c . */
struct server_local_s;
/* Object used to keep state locally to call-dirmngr.c . */
struct dirmngr_local_s;
typedef struct dirmngr_local_s *dirmngr_local_t;
/* Object used to describe a keyblok node. */
typedef struct kbnode_struct *KBNODE;
typedef struct kbnode_struct *kbnode_t;
/* TOFU database meta object. */
struct tofu_dbs_s;
typedef struct tofu_dbs_s *tofu_dbs_t;
/* Session control object. This object is passed to most functions to
convey the status of a session. Note that the defaults are set by
gpg_init_default_ctrl(). */
struct server_control_s
/* Local data for server.c */
struct server_local_s *server_local;
/* Local data for call-dirmngr.c */
dirmngr_local_t dirmngr_local;
/* Local data for tofu.c */
struct {
tofu_dbs_t dbs;
int batch_updated_wanted;
} tofu;
#endif /*GNUPG_G10_GPG_H*/
diff --git a/g10/gpgcompose.c b/g10/gpgcompose.c
index 6c44e3295..512cb450a 100644
--- a/g10/gpgcompose.c
+++ b/g10/gpgcompose.c
@@ -1,3034 +1,3034 @@
/* gpgcompose.c - Maintainer tool to create OpenPGP messages by hand.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "options.h"
static int do_debug;
#define debug(fmt, ...) \
do { if (do_debug) log_debug (fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); } while (0)
/* --encryption, for instance, adds a filter in front of out. There
is an operator (--encryption-pop) to end this. We use the
following infrastructure to make it easy to pop the state. */
struct filter
void *func;
void *context;
int pkttype;
int partial_block_mode;
struct filter *next;
static struct filter *filters;
static void
filter_push (iobuf_t out, void *func, void *context,
int type, int partial_block_mode)
gpg_error_t err;
struct filter *f = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (*f));
f->next = filters;
f->func = func;
f->context = context;
f->pkttype = type;
f->partial_block_mode = partial_block_mode;
filters = f;
err = iobuf_push_filter (out, func, context);
if (err)
log_fatal ("Adding filter: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
static void
filter_pop (iobuf_t out, int expected_type)
gpg_error_t err;
struct filter *f = filters;
log_assert (f);
if (f->pkttype != expected_type)
log_fatal ("Attempted to pop a %s container, "
"but current container is a %s container.\n",
pkttype_str (f->pkttype), pkttype_str (expected_type));
if (f->pkttype == PKT_ENCRYPTED || f->pkttype == PKT_ENCRYPTED_MDC)
err = iobuf_pop_filter (out, f->func, f->context);
if (err)
log_fatal ("Popping encryption filter: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
log_fatal ("FILTERS appears to be corrupted.\n");
if (f->partial_block_mode)
iobuf_set_partial_body_length_mode (out, 0);
filters = f->next;
xfree (f);
/* Return if CIPHER_ID is a valid cipher. */
static int
valid_cipher (int cipher_id)
return (cipher_id == CIPHER_ALGO_IDEA
|| cipher_id == CIPHER_ALGO_3DES
|| cipher_id == CIPHER_ALGO_CAST5
|| cipher_id == CIPHER_ALGO_BLOWFISH
|| cipher_id == CIPHER_ALGO_AES
|| cipher_id == CIPHER_ALGO_AES192
|| cipher_id == CIPHER_ALGO_AES256
|| cipher_id == CIPHER_ALGO_TWOFISH
|| cipher_id == CIPHER_ALGO_CAMELLIA128
|| cipher_id == CIPHER_ALGO_CAMELLIA192
|| cipher_id == CIPHER_ALGO_CAMELLIA256);
/* Parse a session key encoded as a string of the form x:HEXDIGITS
where x is the algorithm id. (This is the format emitted by gpg
--show-session-key.) */
struct session_key
int algo;
int keylen;
char *key;
static struct session_key
parse_session_key (const char *option, char *p, int require_algo)
char *tail;
struct session_key sk;
memset (&sk, 0, sizeof (sk));
/* Check for the optional "cipher-id:" at the start of the
string. */
errno = 0;
sk.algo = strtol (p, &tail, 10);
if (! errno && tail && *tail == ':')
if (! valid_cipher (sk.algo))
log_info ("%s: %d is not a known cipher (but using anyways)\n",
option, sk.algo);
p = tail + 1;
else if (require_algo)
log_fatal ("%s: Session key must have the form algo:HEXCHARACTERS.\n",
sk.algo = 0;
/* Ignore a leading 0x. */
if (p[0] == '0' && p[1] == 'x')
p += 2;
if (strlen (p) % 2 != 0)
log_fatal ("%s: session key must consist of an even number of hexadecimal characters.\n",
sk.keylen = strlen (p) / 2;
sk.key = xmalloc (sk.keylen);
if (hex2bin (p, sk.key, sk.keylen) == -1)
log_fatal ("%s: Session key must only contain hexadecimal characters\n",
return sk;
/* A callback.
OPTION_STR is the option that was matched. ARGC is the number of
arguments following the option and ARGV are those arguments.
(Thus, argv[0] is the first string following the option and
argv[-1] is the option.)
COOKIE is the opaque value passed to process_options. */
typedef int (*option_prcessor_t) (const char *option_str,
int argc, char *argv[],
void *cookie);
struct option
/* The option that this matches. This must start with "--" or be
the empty string. The empty string matches bare arguments. */
const char *option;
/* The function to call to process this option. */
option_prcessor_t func;
/* Documentation. */
const char *help;
/* Merge two lists of options. Note: this makes a shallow copy! The
caller must xfree() the result. */
static struct option *
merge_options (struct option a[], struct option b[])
int i, j;
struct option *c;
for (i = 0; a[i].option; i ++)
for (j = 0; b[j].option; j ++)
c = xmalloc ((i + j + 1) * sizeof (struct option));
memcpy (c, a, i * sizeof (struct option));
memcpy (&c[i], b, j * sizeof (struct option));
c[i + j].option = NULL;
if (a[i].help && b[j].help)
c[i + j].help = xasprintf ("%s\n\n%s", a[i].help, b[j].help);
else if (a[i].help)
c[i + j].help = a[i].help;
else if (b[j].help)
c[i + j].help = b[j].help;
return c;
/* Returns whether ARG is an option. All options start with --. */
static int
is_option (const char *arg)
return arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] == '-';
/* OPTIONS is a NULL terminated array of struct option:s. Finds the
entry that is the same as ARG. Returns -1 if no entry is found.
The empty string option matches bare arguments. */
static int
match_option (const struct option options[], const char *arg)
int i;
int bare_arg = ! is_option (arg);
for (i = 0; options[i].option; i ++)
if ((! bare_arg && strcmp (options[i].option, arg) == 0)
/* Non-options match the empty string. */
|| (bare_arg && options[i].option[0] == '\0'))
return i;
return -1;
static void
show_help (struct option options[])
int i;
int max_length = 0;
int space;
for (i = 0; options[i].option; i ++)
const char *option = options[i].option[0] ? options[i].option : "ARG";
int l = strlen (option);
if (l > max_length)
max_length = l;
space = 72 - (max_length + 2);
if (space < 40)
space = 40;
for (i = 0; ; i ++)
const char *option = options[i].option;
const char *help = options[i].help;
int l;
int j;
char *tmp;
char *formatted;
char *p;
char *newline;
if (! option && ! help)
if (option)
const char *o = option[0] ? option : "ARG";
l = strlen (o);
fprintf (stderr, "%s", o);
if (! help)
fputc ('\n', stderr);
if (option)
for (j = l; j < max_length + 2; j ++)
fputc (' ', stderr);
#define BOLD_START "\033[1m"
#define NORMAL_RESTORE "\033[0m"
if (! option || options[i].func)
tmp = (char *) help;
tmp = xasprintf ("%s " BOLD("(Unimplemented.)"), help);
if (! option)
space = 72;
formatted = format_text (tmp, 0, space, space + 4);
if (tmp != help)
xfree (tmp);
if (! option)
fprintf (stderr, "\n%s\n", formatted);
for (p = formatted;
p && *p;
p = (*newline == '\0') ? newline : newline + 1)
newline = strchr (p, '\n');
if (! newline)
newline = &p[strlen (p)];
l = (size_t) newline - (size_t) p;
if (p != formatted)
for (j = 0; j < max_length + 2; j ++)
fputc (' ', stderr);
fwrite (p, l, 1, stderr);
fputc ('\n', stderr);
xfree (formatted);
/* Return value is number of consumed argv elements. */
static int
process_options (const char *parent_option,
struct option break_options[],
struct option local_options[], void *lcookie,
struct option global_options[], void *gcookie,
int argc, char *argv[])
int i;
for (i = 0; i < argc; i ++)
int j;
struct option *option;
void *cookie;
int bare_arg;
option_prcessor_t func;
int consumed;
if (break_options)
j = match_option (break_options, argv[i]);
if (j != -1)
/* Match. Break out. */
return i;
j = match_option (local_options, argv[i]);
if (j == -1)
if (global_options)
j = match_option (global_options, argv[i]);
if (j == -1)
if (strcmp (argv[i], "--help") == 0)
if (! global_options)
show_help (local_options);
struct option *combined
= merge_options (local_options, global_options);
show_help (combined);
xfree (combined);
g10_exit (0);
if (parent_option)
log_fatal ("%s: Unknown option: %s\n", parent_option, argv[i]);
log_fatal ("Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]);
option = &global_options[j];
cookie = gcookie;
option = &local_options[j];
cookie = lcookie;
bare_arg = strcmp (option->option, "") == 0;
func = option->func;
if (! func)
if (bare_arg)
log_fatal ("Bare arguments unimplemented.\n");
log_fatal ("Unimplemented option: %s\n",
consumed = func (bare_arg ? parent_option : argv[i],
argc - i - !bare_arg, &argv[i + !bare_arg],
i += consumed;
if (bare_arg)
i --;
return i;
/* The keys, subkeys, user ids and user attributes in the order that
they were added. */
PACKET components[20];
/* The number of components. */
int ncomponents;
static int
add_component (int pkttype, void *component)
int i = ncomponents ++;
log_assert (i < sizeof (components) / sizeof (components[0]));
log_assert (pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY
|| pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY
|| pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
|| pkttype == PKT_ATTRIBUTE);
components[i].pkttype = pkttype;
components[i].pkt.generic = component;
return i;
static void
dump_component (PACKET *pkt)
struct kbnode_struct kbnode;
if (! do_debug)
memset (&kbnode, 0, sizeof (kbnode));
kbnode.pkt = pkt;
dump_kbnode (&kbnode);
/* Returns the first primary key in COMPONENTS or NULL if there is
none. */
static PKT_public_key *
primary_key (void)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ncomponents; i ++)
if (components[i].pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
return components[i].pkt.public_key;
return NULL;
/* The last session key (updated when adding a SK-ESK, PK-ESK or SED
packet. */
static DEK session_key;
static int user_id (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[],
void *cookie);
static int public_key (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[],
void *cookie);
static int sk_esk (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[],
void *cookie);
static int pk_esk (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[],
void *cookie);
static int encrypted (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[],
void *cookie);
static int encrypted_pop (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[],
void *cookie);
static int literal (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[],
void *cookie);
static int signature (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[],
void *cookie);
static int copy (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[],
void *cookie);
static struct option major_options[] = {
{ "--user-id", user_id, "Create a user id packet." },
{ "--public-key", public_key, "Create a public key packet." },
{ "--private-key", NULL, "Create a private key packet." },
{ "--public-subkey", public_key, "Create a subkey packet." },
{ "--private-subkey", NULL, "Create a private subkey packet." },
{ "--sk-esk", sk_esk,
"Create a symmetric-key encrypted session key packet." },
{ "--pk-esk", pk_esk,
"Create a public-key encrypted session key packet." },
{ "--encrypted", encrypted, "Create a symmetrically encrypted data packet." },
{ "--encrypted-mdc", encrypted,
"Create a symmetrically encrypted and integrity protected data packet." },
{ "--encrypted-pop", encrypted_pop,
"Pop an encryption container." },
{ "--compressed", NULL, "Create a compressed data packet." },
{ "--literal", literal, "Create a literal (plaintext) data packet." },
{ "--signature", signature, "Create a signature packet." },
{ "--onepass-sig", NULL, "Create a one-pass signature packet." },
{ "--copy", copy, "Copy the specified file." },
"To get more information about a given command, use:\n\n"
" $ gpgcompose --command --help to list a command's options."},
static struct option global_options[] = {
/* Make our lives easier and use a static limit for the user name.
10k is way more than enough anyways... */
const int user_id_max_len = 10 * 1024;
static int
user_id_name (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
PKT_user_id *uid = cookie;
int l;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s USER_ID\n", option);
if (uid->len)
log_fatal ("Attempt to set user id multiple times.\n");
l = strlen (argv[0]);
if (l > user_id_max_len)
log_fatal ("user id too long (max: %d)\n", user_id_max_len);
memcpy (uid->name, argv[0], l);
uid->name[l] = 0;
uid->len = l;
return 1;
static struct option user_id_options[] = {
{ "", user_id_name,
"Set the user id. This is usually in the format "
"\"Name (comment) <>\"" },
" $ gpgcompose --user-id \"USERID\" | " GPG_NAME " --list-packets" }
static int
user_id (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
iobuf_t out = cookie;
gpg_error_t err;
PKT_user_id *uid = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (*uid) + user_id_max_len);
int c = add_component (PKT_USER_ID, uid);
int processed;
processed = process_options (option,
user_id_options, uid,
global_options, NULL,
argc, argv);
if (! uid->len)
log_fatal ("%s: user id not given", option);
err = build_packet (out, &components[c]);
if (err)
log_fatal ("Serializing user id packet: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
debug ("Wrote user id packet:\n");
dump_component (&components[c]);
return processed;
static int
pk_search_terms (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
gpg_error_t err;
kbnode_t kb;
PKT_public_key *pk = cookie;
PKT_public_key *pk_ref;
int i;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s KEYID\n", option);
if (pk->pubkey_algo)
log_fatal ("%s: multiple keys provided\n", option);
err = classify_user_id (argv[0], &desc, 0);
if (err)
log_fatal ("search terms '%s': %s\n", argv[0], gpg_strerror (err));
hd = keydb_new ();
err = keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1, NULL);
if (err)
log_fatal ("looking up '%s': %s\n", argv[0], gpg_strerror (err));
err = keydb_get_keyblock (hd, &kb);
if (err)
log_fatal ("retrieving keyblock for '%s': %s\n",
argv[0], gpg_strerror (err));
keydb_release (hd);
pk_ref = kb->pkt->pkt.public_key;
/* Copy the timestamp (if not already set), algo and public key
parameters. */
if (! pk->timestamp)
pk->timestamp = pk_ref->timestamp;
pk->pubkey_algo = pk_ref->pubkey_algo;
for (i = 0; i < pubkey_get_npkey (pk->pubkey_algo); i ++)
pk->pkey[i] = gcry_mpi_copy (pk_ref->pkey[i]);
release_kbnode (kb);
return 1;
static int
pk_timestamp (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
PKT_public_key *pk = cookie;
char *tail = NULL;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s TIMESTAMP\n", option);
errno = 0;
pk->timestamp = parse_timestamp (argv[0], &tail);
if (errno || (tail && *tail))
log_fatal ("Invalid value passed to %s (%s)\n", option, argv[0]);
return 1;
"Either as seconds since the epoch or as an ISO 8601 formatted " \
"string (yyyymmddThhmmss, where the T is a literal)."
static struct option pk_options[] = {
{ "--timestamp", pk_timestamp,
"The creation time. " TIMESTAMP_HELP },
{ "", pk_search_terms,
"The key to copy the creation time and public key parameters from." },
" $ gpgcompose --public-key $KEYID --user-id \"USERID\" \\\n"
" | " GPG_NAME " --list-packets" }
static int
public_key (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
gpg_error_t err;
iobuf_t out = cookie;
PKT_public_key *pk;
int c;
int processed;
int t = (strcmp (option, "--public-key") == 0
(void) option;
pk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (*pk));
pk->version = 4;
c = add_component (t, pk);
processed = process_options (option,
pk_options, pk,
global_options, NULL,
argc, argv);
if (! pk->pubkey_algo)
log_fatal ("%s: key to extract public key parameters from not given",
/* Clear the keyid in case we updated one of the relevant fields
after accessing it. */
pk->keyid[0] = pk->keyid[1] = 0;
err = build_packet (out, &components[c]);
if (err)
log_fatal ("serializing %s packet: %s\n",
t == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY ? "public key" : "subkey",
gpg_strerror (err));
debug ("Wrote %s packet:\n",
t == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY ? "public key" : "subkey");
dump_component (&components[c]);
return processed;
struct signinfo
/* Key with which to sign. */
kbnode_t issuer_kb;
PKT_public_key *issuer_pk;
/* Overrides the issuer's key id. */
u32 issuer_keyid[2];
/* Sets the issuer's keyid to the primary key's key id. */
int issuer_keyid_self;
/* Key to sign. */
PKT_public_key *pk;
/* Subkey to sign. */
PKT_public_key *sk;
/* User id to sign. */
PKT_user_id *uid;
int class;
int digest_algo;
u32 timestamp;
u32 key_expiration;
byte *cipher_algorithms;
int cipher_algorithms_len;
byte *digest_algorithms;
int digest_algorithms_len;
byte *compress_algorithms;
int compress_algorithms_len;
u32 expiration;
int exportable_set;
int exportable;
int revocable_set;
int revocable;
int trust_level_set;
byte trust_args[2];
char *trust_scope;
struct revocation_key *revocation_key;
int nrevocation_keys;
struct notation *notations;
byte *key_server_preferences;
int key_server_preferences_len;
char *key_server;
int primary_user_id_set;
int primary_user_id;
char *policy_uri;
byte *key_flags;
int key_flags_len;
char *signers_user_id;
byte reason_for_revocation_code;
char *reason_for_revocation;
byte *features;
int features_len;
/* Whether to corrupt the signature. */
int corrupt;
static int
sig_issuer (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
gpg_error_t err;
struct signinfo *si = cookie;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s KEYID\n", option);
if (si->issuer_pk)
log_fatal ("%s: multiple keys provided\n", option);
err = classify_user_id (argv[0], &desc, 0);
if (err)
log_fatal ("search terms '%s': %s\n", argv[0], gpg_strerror (err));
hd = keydb_new ();
err = keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1, NULL);
if (err)
log_fatal ("looking up '%s': %s\n", argv[0], gpg_strerror (err));
err = keydb_get_keyblock (hd, &si->issuer_kb);
if (err)
log_fatal ("retrieving keyblock for '%s': %s\n",
argv[0], gpg_strerror (err));
keydb_release (hd);
si->issuer_pk = si->issuer_kb->pkt->pkt.public_key;
return 1;
static int
sig_issuer_keyid (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
gpg_error_t err;
struct signinfo *si = cookie;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s KEYID|self\n", option);
if (si->issuer_keyid[0] || si->issuer_keyid[1] || si->issuer_keyid_self)
log_fatal ("%s given multiple times.\n", option);
if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "self") == 0)
si->issuer_keyid_self = 1;
return 1;
err = classify_user_id (argv[0], &desc, 0);
if (err)
log_fatal ("search terms '%s': %s\n", argv[0], gpg_strerror (err));
if (desc.mode != KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_LONG_KID)
log_fatal ("%s is not a valid long key id.\n", argv[0]);
keyid_copy (si->issuer_keyid, desc.u.kid);
return 1;
static int
sig_pk (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct signinfo *si = cookie;
int i;
char *tail = NULL;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s COMPONENT_INDEX\n", option);
errno = 0;
i = strtoul (argv[0], &tail, 10);
if (errno || (tail && *tail))
log_fatal ("Invalid value passed to %s (%s)\n", option, argv[0]);
if (i >= ncomponents)
log_fatal ("%d: No such component (have %d components so far)\n",
i, ncomponents);
if (! (components[i].pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| components[i].pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY))
log_fatal ("Component %d is not a public key or a subkey.", i);
if (strcmp (option, "--pk") == 0)
if (si->pk)
log_fatal ("%s already given.\n", option);
si->pk = components[i].pkt.public_key;
else if (strcmp (option, "--sk") == 0)
if (si->sk)
log_fatal ("%s already given.\n", option);
si->sk = components[i].pkt.public_key;
log_fatal ("Cannot handle %s\n", option);
return 1;
static int
sig_user_id (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct signinfo *si = cookie;
int i;
char *tail = NULL;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s COMPONENT_INDEX\n", option);
if (si->uid)
log_fatal ("%s already given.\n", option);
errno = 0;
i = strtoul (argv[0], &tail, 10);
if (errno || (tail && *tail))
log_fatal ("Invalid value passed to %s (%s)\n", option, argv[0]);
if (i >= ncomponents)
log_fatal ("%d: No such component (have %d components so far)\n",
i, ncomponents);
if (! (components[i].pkttype != PKT_USER_ID
|| components[i].pkttype == PKT_ATTRIBUTE))
log_fatal ("Component %d is not a public key or a subkey.", i);
si->uid = components[i].pkt.user_id;
return 1;
static int
sig_class (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct signinfo *si = cookie;
int i;
char *tail = NULL;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s CLASS\n", option);
errno = 0;
i = strtoul (argv[0], &tail, 0);
if (errno || (tail && *tail))
log_fatal ("Invalid value passed to %s (%s)\n", option, argv[0]);
si->class = i;
return 1;
static int
sig_digest (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct signinfo *si = cookie;
int i;
char *tail = NULL;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s DIGEST_ALGO\n", option);
errno = 0;
i = strtoul (argv[0], &tail, 10);
if (errno || (tail && *tail))
log_fatal ("Invalid value passed to %s (%s)\n", option, argv[0]);
si->digest_algo = i;
return 1;
static int
sig_timestamp (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct signinfo *si = cookie;
char *tail = NULL;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s TIMESTAMP\n", option);
errno = 0;
si->timestamp = parse_timestamp (argv[0], &tail);
if (errno || (tail && *tail))
log_fatal ("Invalid value passed to %s (%s)\n", option, argv[0]);
return 1;
static int
sig_expiration (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct signinfo *si = cookie;
int is_expiration = strcmp (option, "--expiration") == 0;
u32 *i = is_expiration ? &si->expiration : &si->key_expiration;
if (! is_expiration)
log_assert (strcmp (option, "--key-expiration") == 0);
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s DURATION\n", option);
*i = parse_expire_string (argv[0]);
if (*i == (u32)-1)
log_fatal ("Invalid value passed to %s (%s)\n", option, argv[0]);
return 1;
static int
sig_int_list (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct signinfo *si = cookie;
int nvalues = 1;
char *values = xmalloc (nvalues * sizeof (values[0]));
char *tail = argv[0];
int i;
byte **a;
int *n;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s VALUE[,VALUE...]\n", option);
for (i = 0; tail && *tail; i ++)
int v;
char *old_tail = tail;
errno = 0;
v = strtol (tail, &tail, 0);
if (errno || old_tail == tail || (tail && !(*tail == ',' || *tail == 0)))
log_fatal ("Invalid value passed to %s (%s). "
"Expected a list of comma separated numbers\n",
option, argv[0]);
if (! (0 <= v && v <= 255))
log_fatal ("%s: %d is out of range (Expected: 0-255)\n", option, v);
if (i == nvalues)
nvalues *= 2;
values = xrealloc (values, nvalues * sizeof (values[0]));
values[i] = v;
if (*tail == ',')
tail ++;
log_assert (*tail == 0);
if (strcmp ("--cipher-algos", option) == 0)
a = &si->cipher_algorithms;
n = &si->cipher_algorithms_len;
else if (strcmp ("--digest-algos", option) == 0)
a = &si->digest_algorithms;
n = &si->digest_algorithms_len;
else if (strcmp ("--compress-algos", option) == 0)
a = &si->compress_algorithms;
n = &si->compress_algorithms_len;
log_fatal ("Cannot handle %s\n", option);
if (*a)
log_fatal ("Option %s given multiple times.\n", option);
*a = values;
*n = i;
return 1;
static int
sig_flag (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct signinfo *si = cookie;
int range[2] = {0, 255};
char *tail;
int v;
if (strcmp (option, "--primary-user-id") == 0)
range[1] = 1;
if (argc <= 1)
if (range[0] == 0 && range[1] == 1)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s 0|1\n", option);
log_fatal ("Usage: %s %d-%d\n", option, range[0], range[1]);
errno = 0;
v = strtol (argv[0], &tail, 0);
if (errno || (tail && *tail) || !(range[0] <= v && v <= range[1]))
log_fatal ("Invalid value passed to %s (%s). Expected %d-%d\n",
option, argv[0], range[0], range[1]);
if (strcmp (option, "--exportable") == 0)
si->exportable_set = 1;
si->exportable = v;
else if (strcmp (option, "--revocable") == 0)
si->revocable_set = 1;
si->revocable = v;
else if (strcmp (option, "--primary-user-id") == 0)
si->primary_user_id_set = 1;
si->primary_user_id = v;
log_fatal ("Cannot handle %s\n", option);
return 1;
static int
sig_trust_level (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct signinfo *si = cookie;
int i;
char *tail;
if (argc <= 1)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s DEPTH TRUST_AMOUNT\n", option);
for (i = 0; i < sizeof (si->trust_args) / sizeof (si->trust_args[0]); i ++)
int v;
errno = 0;
v = strtol (argv[i], &tail, 0);
if (errno || (tail && *tail) || !(0 <= v && v <= 255))
log_fatal ("Invalid value passed to %s (%s). Expected 0-255\n",
option, argv[i]);
si->trust_args[i] = v;
si->trust_level_set = 1;
return 2;
static int
sig_string_arg (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct signinfo *si = cookie;
char *p = argv[0];
char **s;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s STRING\n", option);
if (strcmp (option, "--trust-scope") == 0)
s = &si->trust_scope;
else if (strcmp (option, "--key-server") == 0)
s = &si->key_server;
else if (strcmp (option, "--signers-user-id") == 0)
s = &si->signers_user_id;
else if (strcmp (option, "--policy-uri") == 0)
s = &si->policy_uri;
log_fatal ("Cannot handle %s\n", option);
if (*s)
log_fatal ("%s already given.\n", option);
*s = xstrdup (p);
return 1;
static int
sig_revocation_key (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
gpg_error_t err;
struct signinfo *si = cookie;
int v;
char *tail;
PKT_public_key pk;
struct revocation_key *revkey;
if (argc < 2)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s CLASS KEYID\n", option);
memset (&pk, 0, sizeof (pk));
errno = 0;
v = strtol (argv[0], &tail, 16);
if (errno || (tail && *tail) || !(0 <= v && v <= 255))
log_fatal ("%s: Invalid class value (%s). Expected 0-255\n",
option, argv[0]);
pk.req_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG;
err = get_pubkey_byname (NULL, NULL, &pk, argv[1], NULL, NULL, 1, 1);
if (err)
log_fatal ("looking up key %s: %s\n", argv[1], gpg_strerror (err));
si->nrevocation_keys ++;
si->revocation_key = xrealloc (si->revocation_key,
* sizeof (*si->revocation_key));
revkey = &si->revocation_key[si->nrevocation_keys - 1];
revkey->class = v;
revkey->algid = pk.pubkey_algo;
fingerprint_from_pk (&pk, revkey->fpr, NULL);
release_public_key_parts (&pk);
return 2;
static int
sig_notation (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct signinfo *si = cookie;
int is_blob = strcmp (option, "--notation") != 0;
struct notation *notation;
char *p = argv[0];
int p_free = 0;
char *data;
int data_size;
int data_len;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s [!<]name=value\n", option);
if ((p[0] == '!' && p[1] == '<') || p[0] == '<')
/* Read from a file. */
char *filename = NULL;
iobuf_t in;
int prefix;
if (p[0] == '<')
p ++;
/* Remove the '<', which string_to_notation does not
understand, and preserve the '!'. */
p = xstrdup (&p[1]);
p_free = 1;
p[0] = '!';
filename = strchr (p, '=');
if (! filename)
log_fatal ("No value specified. Usage: %s [!<]name=value\n",
filename ++;
prefix = (size_t) filename - (size_t) p;
errno = 0;
in = iobuf_open (filename);
if (! in)
log_fatal ("Opening '%s': %s\n",
filename, errno ? strerror (errno): "unknown error");
/* A notation can be at most about a few dozen bytes short of
64k. Since this is relatively small, we just allocate that
much instead of trying to dynamically size a buffer. */
data_size = 64 * 1024;
data = xmalloc (data_size);
log_assert (prefix <= data_size);
memcpy (data, p, prefix);
data_len = iobuf_read (in, &data[prefix], data_size - prefix - 1);
if (data_len == -1)
/* EOF => 0 bytes read. */
data_len = 0;
if (data_len == data_size - prefix - 1)
/* Technically, we should do another read and check for EOF,
but what's one byte more or less? */
log_fatal ("Notation data doesn't fit in the packet.\n");
iobuf_close (in);
/* NUL terminate it. */
data[prefix + data_len] = 0;
if (p_free)
xfree (p);
p = data;
p_free = 1;
data = &p[prefix];
if (is_blob)
p[prefix - 1] = 0;
else if (is_blob)
data = strchr (p, '=');
if (! data)
data = p;
data_len = 0;
p = xstrdup (p);
p_free = 1;
data = strchr (p, '=');
log_assert (data);
/* NUL terminate the name. */
*data = 0;
data ++;
data_len = strlen (data);
if (is_blob)
notation = blob_to_notation (p, data, data_len);
notation = string_to_notation (p, 1);
if (! notation)
log_fatal ("creating notation: an unknown error occurred.\n");
notation->next = si->notations;
si->notations = notation;
if (p_free)
xfree (p);
return 1;
static int
sig_big_endian_arg (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct signinfo *si = cookie;
char *p = argv[0];
int i;
int l;
char *bytes;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s HEXDIGITS\n", option);
/* Skip a leading "0x". */
if (p[0] == '0' && p[1] == 'x')
p += 2;
for (i = 0; i < strlen (p); i ++)
if (!hexdigitp (&p[i]))
log_fatal ("%s: argument ('%s') must consist of hex digits.\n",
option, p);
if (strlen (p) % 2 != 0)
log_fatal ("%s: argument ('%s') must contain an even number of hex digits.\n",
option, p);
l = strlen (p) / 2;
bytes = xmalloc (l);
hex2bin (p, bytes, l);
if (strcmp (option, "--key-server-preferences") == 0)
if (si->key_server_preferences)
log_fatal ("%s given multiple times.\n", option);
si->key_server_preferences = bytes;
si->key_server_preferences_len = l;
else if (strcmp (option, "--key-flags") == 0)
if (si->key_flags)
log_fatal ("%s given multiple times.\n", option);
si->key_flags = bytes;
si->key_flags_len = l;
else if (strcmp (option, "--features") == 0)
if (si->features)
log_fatal ("%s given multiple times.\n", option);
si->features = bytes;
si->features_len = l;
log_fatal ("Cannot handle %s\n", option);
return 1;
static int
sig_reason_for_revocation (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct signinfo *si = cookie;
int v;
char *tail;
if (argc < 2)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s REASON_CODE REASON_STRING\n", option);
errno = 0;
v = strtol (argv[0], &tail, 16);
if (errno || (tail && *tail) || !(0 <= v && v <= 255))
log_fatal ("%s: Invalid reason code (%s). Expected 0-255\n",
option, argv[0]);
if (si->reason_for_revocation)
log_fatal ("%s given multiple times.\n", option);
si->reason_for_revocation_code = v;
si->reason_for_revocation = xstrdup (argv[1]);
return 2;
static int
sig_corrupt (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct signinfo *si = cookie;
(void) option;
(void) argc;
(void) argv;
(void) cookie;
si->corrupt = 1;
return 0;
static struct option sig_options[] = {
{ "--issuer", sig_issuer,
"The key to use to generate the signature."},
{ "--issuer-keyid", sig_issuer_keyid,
"Set the issuer's key id. This is useful for creating a "
"self-signature. As a special case, the value \"self\" refers "
"to the primary key's key id. "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--pk", sig_pk,
"The primary keyas an index into the components (keys and uids) "
"created so far where the first component has the index 0." },
{ "--sk", sig_pk,
"The subkey as an index into the components (keys and uids) created "
"so far where the first component has the index 0. Only needed for "
"0x18, 0x19, and 0x28 signatures." },
{ "--user-id", sig_user_id,
"The user id as an index into the components (keys and uids) created "
"so far where the first component has the index 0. Only needed for "
"0x10-0x13 and 0x30 signatures." },
{ "--class", sig_class,
"The signature's class. Valid values are "
"0x10-0x13 (user id and primary-key certification), "
"0x18 (subkey binding), "
"0x19 (primary key binding), "
"0x1f (direct primary key signature), "
"0x20 (key revocation), "
"0x28 (subkey revocation), and "
"0x30 (certification revocation)."
{ "--digest", sig_digest, "The digest algorithm" },
{ "--timestamp", sig_timestamp,
"The signature's creation time. " TIMESTAMP_HELP " 0 means now. "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--key-expiration", sig_expiration,
"The number of days until the associated key expires. To specify "
"seconds, prefix the value with \"seconds=\". It is also possible "
"to use 'y', 'm' and 'w' as simple multipliers. For instance, 2y "
"means 2 years, etc. "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--cipher-algos", sig_int_list,
"A comma separated list of the preferred cipher algorithms (identified by "
"their number, see RFC 4880, Section 9). "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--digest-algos", sig_int_list,
"A comma separated list of the preferred algorithms (identified by "
"their number, see RFC 4880, Section 9). "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--compress-algos", sig_int_list,
"A comma separated list of the preferred algorithms (identified by "
"their number, see RFC 4880, Section 9)."
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--expiration", sig_expiration,
"The number of days until the signature expires. To specify seconds, "
"prefix the value with \"seconds=\". It is also possible to use 'y', "
"'m' and 'w' as simple multipliers. For instance, 2y means 2 years, "
"etc. "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--exportable", sig_flag,
"Mark this signature as exportable (1) or local (0). "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--revocable", sig_flag,
"Mark this signature as revocable (1, revocations are ignored) "
"or non-revocable (0). "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--trust-level", sig_trust_level,
"Set the trust level. This takes two integer arguments (0-255): "
"the trusted-introducer level and the degree of trust. "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--trust-scope", sig_string_arg,
"A regular expression that limits the scope of --trust-level. "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--revocation-key", sig_revocation_key,
"Specify a designated revoker. Takes two arguments: the class "
"(normally 0x80 or 0xC0 (sensitive)) and the key id of the "
"designatured revoker. May be given multiple times. "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--notation", sig_notation,
"Add a human-readable notation of the form \"[!<]name=value\" where "
"\"!\" means that the critical flag should be set and \"<\" means "
"that VALUE is a file to read the data from. "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--notation-binary", sig_notation,
"Add a binary notation of the form \"[!<]name=value\" where "
"\"!\" means that the critical flag should be set and \"<\" means "
"that VALUE is a file to read the data from. "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--key-server-preferences", sig_big_endian_arg,
"Big-endian number encoding the keyserver preferences. "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--key-server", sig_string_arg,
"The preferred keyserver. (RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--primary-user-id", sig_flag,
"Sets the primary user id flag. (RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--policy-uri", sig_string_arg,
"URI of a document that describes the issuer's signing policy. "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--key-flags", sig_big_endian_arg,
"Big-endian number encoding the key flags. "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--signers-user-id", sig_string_arg,
"The user id (as a string) responsible for the signing. "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--reason-for-revocation", sig_reason_for_revocation,
"Takes two arguments: a reason for revocation code and a "
"user-provided string. "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--features", sig_big_endian_arg,
"Big-endian number encoding the feature flags. "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--signature-target", NULL,
"Takes three arguments: the target signature's public key algorithm "
" (as an integer), the hash algorithm (as an integer) and the hash "
" (as a hexadecimal string). "
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--embedded-signature", NULL,
"An embedded signature. This must be immediately followed by a "
"signature packet (created using --signature ...) or a filename "
"containing the packet."
"(RFC 4880, Section" },
{ "--hashed", NULL,
"The following attributes will be placed in the hashed area of "
"the signature. (This is the default and it reset at the end of"
"each signature.)" },
{ "--unhashed", NULL,
"The following attributes will be placed in the unhashed area of "
"the signature (and thus not integrity protected)." },
{ "--corrupt", sig_corrupt,
"Corrupt the signature." },
" $ gpgcompose --public-key $KEYID --user-id USERID \\\n"
" --signature --class 0x10 --issuer $KEYID --issuer-keyid self \\\n"
" | " GPG_NAME " --list-packets"}
static int
mksubpkt_callback (PKT_signature *sig, void *cookie)
struct signinfo *si = cookie;
int i;
if (si->key_expiration)
char buf[4];
buf[0] = (si->key_expiration >> 24) & 0xff;
buf[1] = (si->key_expiration >> 16) & 0xff;
buf[2] = (si->key_expiration >> 8) & 0xff;
buf[3] = si->key_expiration & 0xff;
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_KEY_EXPIRE, buf, 4);
if (si->cipher_algorithms)
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_SYM,
if (si->digest_algorithms)
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_HASH,
if (si->compress_algorithms)
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_COMPR,
if (si->exportable_set)
char buf = si->exportable;
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_EXPORTABLE, &buf, 1);
if (si->trust_level_set)
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_TRUST,
si->trust_args, sizeof (si->trust_args));
if (si->trust_scope)
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_REGEXP,
si->trust_scope, strlen (si->trust_scope));
for (i = 0; i < si->nrevocation_keys; i ++)
struct revocation_key *revkey = &si->revocation_key[i];
gpg_error_t err = keygen_add_revkey (sig, revkey);
if (err)
u32 keyid[2];
keyid_from_fingerprint (revkey->fpr, 20, keyid);
log_fatal ("adding revocation key %s: %s\n",
keystr (keyid), gpg_strerror (err));
/* keygen_add_revkey sets revocable=0 so be sure to do this after
adding the rev keys. */
if (si->revocable_set)
char buf = si->revocable;
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_REVOCABLE, &buf, 1);
keygen_add_notations (sig, si->notations);
if (si->key_server_preferences)
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_KS_FLAGS,
if (si->key_server)
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_KS,
si->key_server, strlen (si->key_server));
if (si->primary_user_id_set)
char buf = si->primary_user_id;
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_PRIMARY_UID, &buf, 1);
if (si->policy_uri)
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_POLICY,
si->policy_uri, strlen (si->policy_uri));
if (si->key_flags)
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_KEY_FLAGS,
si->key_flags, si->key_flags_len);
if (si->signers_user_id)
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_SIGNERS_UID,
si->signers_user_id, strlen (si->signers_user_id));
if (si->reason_for_revocation)
int l = 1 + strlen (si->reason_for_revocation);
char buf[l];
buf[0] = si->reason_for_revocation_code;
memcpy (&buf[1], si->reason_for_revocation, l - 1);
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_REVOC_REASON, buf, l);
if (si->features)
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_FEATURES,
si->features, si->features_len);
return 0;
static int
signature (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
gpg_error_t err;
iobuf_t out = cookie;
struct signinfo si;
int processed;
PKT_public_key *pk;
PKT_signature *sig;
u32 keyid_orig[2], keyid[2];
(void) option;
memset (&si, 0, sizeof (si));
memset (&pkt, 0, sizeof (pkt));
processed = process_options (option,
sig_options, &si,
global_options, NULL,
argc, argv);
if (ncomponents)
int pkttype = components[ncomponents - 1].pkttype;
if (pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
if (! si.class)
/* Direct key sig. */
si.class = 0x1F;
else if (pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
if (! = components[ncomponents - 1].pkt.public_key;
if (! si.class)
/* Subkey binding sig. */
si.class = 0x18;
else if (pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
if (! si.uid)
si.uid = components[ncomponents - 1].pkt.user_id;
if (! si.class)
/* Certification of a user id and public key packet. */
si.class = 0x10;
pk = NULL;
if (! || ! si.issuer_pk)
/* No primary key specified. Default to the first one that we
find. */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ncomponents; i ++)
if (components[i].pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
pk = components[i].pkt.public_key;
if (!
if (! pk)
log_fatal ("%s: no primary key given and no primary key available",
"--pk"); = pk;
if (! si.issuer_pk)
if (! pk)
log_fatal ("%s: no issuer key given and no primary key available",
si.issuer_pk = pk;
if (si.class == 0x18 || si.class == 0x19 || si.class == 0x28)
/* Requires the primary key and a subkey. */
if (!
log_fatal ("sig class 0x%x requires a subkey (--sk)\n", si.class);
else if (si.class == 0x10
|| si.class == 0x11
|| si.class == 0x12
|| si.class == 0x13
|| si.class == 0x30)
/* Requires the primary key and a user id. */
if (! si.uid)
log_fatal ("sig class 0x%x requires a uid (--uid)\n", si.class);
else if (si.class == 0x1F || si.class == 0x20)
/* Just requires the primary key. */
log_fatal ("Unsupported signature class: 0x%x\n", si.class);
sig = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (*sig));
keyid_copy (keyid_orig, pk_keyid (si.issuer_pk));
if (si.issuer_keyid[0] || si.issuer_keyid[1])
keyid_copy (si.issuer_pk->keyid, si.issuer_keyid);
else if (si.issuer_keyid_self)
PKT_public_key *pripk = primary_key();
if (! pripk)
log_fatal ("--issuer-keyid self given, but no primary key available.\n");
keyid_copy (si.issuer_pk->keyid, pk_keyid (pripk));
/* Changing the issuer's key id is fragile. Check to make sure
make_keysig_packet didn't recompute the keyid. */
keyid_copy (keyid, si.issuer_pk->keyid);
err = make_keysig_packet (&sig,, si.uid,, si.issuer_pk,
si.class, si.digest_algo,
si.timestamp, si.expiration,
mksubpkt_callback, &si, NULL);
log_assert (keyid_cmp (keyid, si.issuer_pk->keyid) == 0);
if (err)
log_fatal ("Generating signature: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
/* Restore SI.PK->KEYID. */
keyid_copy (si.issuer_pk->keyid, keyid_orig);
if (si.corrupt)
/* Set the top 32-bits to 0xBAD0DEAD. */
int bits = gcry_mpi_get_nbits (sig->data[0]);
gcry_mpi_t x = gcry_mpi_new (0);
gcry_mpi_add_ui (x, x, 0xBAD0DEAD);
gcry_mpi_lshift (x, x, bits > 32 ? bits - 32 : bits);
gcry_mpi_clear_highbit (sig->data[0], bits > 32 ? bits - 32 : 0);
gcry_mpi_add (sig->data[0], sig->data[0], x);
gcry_mpi_release (x);
pkt.pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
pkt.pkt.signature = sig;
err = build_packet (out, &pkt);
if (err)
log_fatal ("serializing public key packet: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
debug ("Wrote signature packet:\n");
dump_component (&pkt);
xfree (sig);
release_kbnode (si.issuer_kb);
xfree (si.revocation_key);
return processed;
struct sk_esk_info
/* The cipher used for encrypting the session key (when a session
key is used). */
int cipher;
/* The cipher used for encryping the SED packet. */
int sed_cipher;
/* S2K related data. */
int hash;
int mode;
int mode_set;
byte salt[8];
int salt_set;
int iterations;
/* If applying the S2K function to the passphrase is the session key
or if it is the decryption key for the session key. */
int s2k_is_session_key;
/* Generate a new, random session key. */
int new_session_key;
/* The unencrypted session key. */
int session_key_len;
char *session_key;
char *password;
static int
sk_esk_cipher (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct sk_esk_info *si = cookie;
int cipher;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s %s\n", option, usage);
if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "IDEA") == 0)
else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "3DES") == 0)
cipher = CIPHER_ALGO_3DES;
else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "CAST5") == 0)
else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "BLOWFISH") == 0)
else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "AES") == 0)
else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "AES192") == 0)
cipher = CIPHER_ALGO_AES192;
else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "TWOFISH") == 0)
else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "CAMELLIA128") == 0)
else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "CAMELLIA192") == 0)
else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "CAMELLIA256") == 0)
char *tail;
int v;
errno = 0;
v = strtol (argv[0], &tail, 0);
if (errno || (tail && *tail) || ! valid_cipher (v))
log_fatal ("Invalid or unsupported value. Usage: %s %s\n",
option, usage);
cipher = v;
if (strcmp (option, "--cipher") == 0)
if (si->cipher)
log_fatal ("%s given multiple times.", option);
si->cipher = cipher;
else if (strcmp (option, "--sed-cipher") == 0)
if (si->sed_cipher)
log_fatal ("%s given multiple times.", option);
si->sed_cipher = cipher;
return 1;
static int
sk_esk_mode (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct sk_esk_info *si = cookie;
char *usage = "integer|simple|salted|iterated";
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s %s\n", option, usage);
if (si->mode)
log_fatal ("%s given multiple times.", option);
if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "simple") == 0)
si->mode = 0;
else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "salted") == 0)
si->mode = 1;
else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "iterated") == 0)
si->mode = 3;
char *tail;
int v;
errno = 0;
v = strtol (argv[0], &tail, 0);
if (errno || (tail && *tail) || ! (v == 0 || v == 1 || v == 3))
log_fatal ("Invalid or unsupported value. Usage: %s %s\n",
option, usage);
si->mode = v;
si->mode_set = 1;
return 1;
static int
sk_esk_hash_algorithm (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct sk_esk_info *si = cookie;
char *usage = "integer|MD5|SHA1|RMD160|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512|SHA224";
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s %s\n", option, usage);
if (si->hash)
log_fatal ("%s given multiple times.", option);
if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "MD5") == 0)
si->hash = DIGEST_ALGO_MD5;
else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "SHA1") == 0)
si->hash = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1;
else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "RMD160") == 0)
si->hash = DIGEST_ALGO_RMD160;
else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "SHA256") == 0)
si->hash = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA256;
else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "SHA384") == 0)
si->hash = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA384;
else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "SHA512") == 0)
si->hash = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA512;
else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "SHA224") == 0)
si->hash = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA224;
char *tail;
int v;
errno = 0;
v = strtol (argv[0], &tail, 0);
if (errno || (tail && *tail)
|| ! (v == DIGEST_ALGO_MD5
|| v == DIGEST_ALGO_RMD160
|| v == DIGEST_ALGO_SHA256
|| v == DIGEST_ALGO_SHA384
|| v == DIGEST_ALGO_SHA512
|| v == DIGEST_ALGO_SHA224))
log_fatal ("Invalid or unsupported value. Usage: %s %s\n",
option, usage);
si->hash = v;
return 1;
static int
sk_esk_salt (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct sk_esk_info *si = cookie;
char *usage = "16-HEX-CHARACTERS";
char *p = argv[0];
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s %s\n", option, usage);
if (si->salt_set)
log_fatal ("%s given multiple times.", option);
if (p[0] == '0' && p[1] == 'x')
p += 2;
if (strlen (p) != 16)
log_fatal ("%s: Salt must be exactly 16 hexadecimal characters (have: %zd)\n",
option, strlen (p));
if (hex2bin (p, si->salt, sizeof (si->salt)) == -1)
log_fatal ("%s: Salt must only contain hexadecimal characters\n",
si->salt_set = 1;
return 1;
static int
sk_esk_iterations (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct sk_esk_info *si = cookie;
char *usage = "ITERATION-COUNT";
char *tail;
int v;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s %s\n", option, usage);
errno = 0;
v = strtol (argv[0], &tail, 0);
if (errno || (tail && *tail) || v < 0)
log_fatal ("%s: Non-negative integer expected.\n", option);
si->iterations = v;
return 1;
static int
sk_esk_session_key (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct sk_esk_info *si = cookie;
char *usage = "HEX-CHARACTERS|auto|none";
char *p = argv[0];
struct session_key sk;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s %s\n", option, usage);
if (si->session_key || si->s2k_is_session_key
|| si->new_session_key)
log_fatal ("%s given multiple times.", option);
if (strcasecmp (p, "none") == 0)
si->s2k_is_session_key = 1;
return 1;
if (strcasecmp (p, "new") == 0)
si->new_session_key = 1;
return 1;
if (strcasecmp (p, "auto") == 0)
return 1;
sk = parse_session_key (option, p, 0);
if (si->session_key)
log_fatal ("%s given multiple times.", option);
if (sk.algo)
si->sed_cipher = sk.algo;
si->session_key_len = sk.keylen;
si->session_key = sk.key;
return 1;
static int
sk_esk_password (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct sk_esk_info *si = cookie;
char *usage = "PASSWORD";
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: --sk-esk %s\n", usage);
if (si->password)
log_fatal ("%s given multiple times.", option);
si->password = xstrdup (argv[0]);
return 1;
static struct option sk_esk_options[] = {
{ "--cipher", sk_esk_cipher,
"The encryption algorithm for encrypting the session key. "
"One of IDEA, 3DES, CAST5, BLOWFISH, AES (default), AES192, "
{ "--sed-cipher", sk_esk_cipher,
"The encryption algorithm for encrypting the SED packet. "
"AES256 (default), TWOFISH, CAMELLIA128, CAMELLIA192, or CAMELLIA256." },
{ "--mode", sk_esk_mode,
"The S2K mode. Either one of the strings \"simple\", \"salted\" "
"or \"iterated\" or an integer." },
{ "--hash", sk_esk_hash_algorithm,
"The hash algorithm to used to derive the key. One of "
"MD5, SHA1 (default), RMD160, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, or SHA224." },
{ "--salt", sk_esk_salt,
"The S2K salt encoded as 16 hexadecimal characters. One needed "
"if the S2K function is in salted or iterated mode." },
{ "--iterations", sk_esk_iterations,
"The iteration count. If not provided, a reasonable value is chosen. "
"Note: due to the encoding scheme, not every value is valid. For "
"convenience, the provided value will be rounded appropriately. "
"Only needed if the S2K function is in iterated mode." },
{ "--session-key", sk_esk_session_key,
"The session key to be encrypted by the S2K function as a hexadecimal "
"string. If this is \"new\", then a new session key is generated."
"If this is \"auto\", then either the last session key is "
"used, if the was none, one is generated. If this is \"none\", then "
"the session key is the result of applying the S2K algorithms to the "
"password. The session key may be prefaced with an integer and a colon "
"to indicate the cipher to use for the SED packet (making --sed-cipher "
"unnecessary and allowing the direct use of the result of "
"\"" GPG_NAME " --show-session-key\")." },
{ "", sk_esk_password, "The password." },
" $ gpgcompose --sk-esk foobar --encrypted \\\n"
" --literal --value foo | " GPG_NAME " --list-packets" }
static int
sk_esk (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
iobuf_t out = cookie;
gpg_error_t err;
int processed;
struct sk_esk_info si;
DEK sesdek;
DEK s2kdek;
PKT_symkey_enc *ske;
memset (&si, 0, sizeof (si));
processed = process_options (option,
sk_esk_options, &si,
global_options, NULL,
argc, argv);
if (! si.password)
log_fatal ("%s: missing password. Usage: %s PASSWORD", option, option);
/* Fill in defaults, if appropriate. */
if (! si.cipher)
si.cipher = CIPHER_ALGO_AES;
if (! si.sed_cipher)
si.sed_cipher = CIPHER_ALGO_AES256;
if (! si.hash)
si.hash = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1;
if (! si.mode_set)
/* Salted and iterated. */
si.mode = 3;
if (si.mode != 0 && ! si.salt_set)
/* Generate a salt. */
gcry_randomize (si.salt, 8, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
if (si.mode == 0)
if (si.iterations)
log_info ("%s: --iterations provided, but not used for mode=0\n",
si.iterations = 0;
else if (! si.iterations)
si.iterations = 10000;
memset (&sesdek, 0, sizeof (sesdek));
/* The session key is used to encrypt the SED packet. */
sesdek.algo = si.sed_cipher;
if (si.session_key)
/* Copy the unencrypted session key into SESDEK. */
sesdek.keylen = openpgp_cipher_get_algo_keylen (sesdek.algo);
if (sesdek.keylen != si.session_key_len)
log_fatal ("%s: Cipher algorithm requires a %d byte session key, but provided session key is %d bytes.",
option, sesdek.keylen, si.session_key_len);
log_assert (sesdek.keylen <= sizeof (sesdek.key));
memcpy (sesdek.key, si.session_key, sesdek.keylen);
else if (! si.s2k_is_session_key || si.new_session_key)
/* We need a session key, but one wasn't provided. Generate it. */
make_session_key (&sesdek);
/* The encrypted session key needs 1 + SESDEK.KEYLEN bytes of
space. */
ske = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (*ske) + sesdek.keylen);
ske->version = 4;
ske->cipher_algo = si.cipher;
ske->s2k.mode = si.mode;
ske->s2k.hash_algo = si.hash;
log_assert (sizeof (si.salt) == sizeof (ske->s2k.salt));
memcpy (ske->s2k.salt, si.salt, sizeof (ske->s2k.salt));
if (! si.s2k_is_session_key)
/* 0 means get the default. */
ske->s2k.count = encode_s2k_iterations (si.iterations);
/* Derive the symmetric key that is either the session key or the
key used to encrypt the session key. */
memset (&s2kdek, 0, sizeof (s2kdek));
s2kdek.algo = si.cipher;
s2kdek.keylen = openpgp_cipher_get_algo_keylen (s2kdek.algo);
err = gcry_kdf_derive (si.password, strlen (si.password),
ske->s2k.mode == 3 ? GCRY_KDF_ITERSALTED_S2K
: ske->s2k.mode == 1 ? GCRY_KDF_SALTED_S2K
ske->s2k.hash_algo, ske->s2k.salt, 8,
S2K_DECODE_COUNT (ske->s2k.count),
/* The size of the desired key and its
buffer. */
s2kdek.keylen, s2kdek.key);
if (err)
log_fatal ("gcry_kdf_derive failed: %s", gpg_strerror (err));
if (si.s2k_is_session_key)
ske->seskeylen = 0;
session_key = s2kdek;
/* Encrypt the session key using the s2k specifier. */
DEK *sesdekp = &sesdek;
/* Now encrypt the session key (or rather, the algorithm used to
encrypt the SED plus the session key) using ENCKEY. */
ske->seskeylen = 1 + sesdek.keylen;
encrypt_seskey (&s2kdek, &sesdekp, ske->seskey);
/* Save the session key for later. */
session_key = sesdek;
pkt.pkttype = PKT_SYMKEY_ENC;
pkt.pkt.symkey_enc = ske;
err = build_packet (out, &pkt);
if (err)
log_fatal ("Serializing sym-key encrypted packet: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
debug ("Wrote sym-key encrypted packet:\n");
dump_component (&pkt);
xfree (si.session_key);
xfree (si.password);
xfree (ske);
return processed;
struct pk_esk_info
int session_key_set;
int new_session_key;
int sed_cipher;
int session_key_len;
char *session_key;
int throw_keyid;
char *keyid;
static int
pk_esk_session_key (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct pk_esk_info *pi = cookie;
char *usage = "HEX-CHARACTERS|auto|none";
char *p = argv[0];
struct session_key sk;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s %s\n", option, usage);
if (pi->session_key_set)
log_fatal ("%s given multiple times.", option);
pi->session_key_set = 1;
if (strcasecmp (p, "new") == 0)
pi->new_session_key = 1;
return 1;
if (strcasecmp (p, "auto") == 0)
return 1;
sk = parse_session_key (option, p, 0);
if (pi->session_key)
log_fatal ("%s given multiple times.", option);
if (sk.algo)
pi->sed_cipher = sk.algo;
pi->session_key_len = sk.keylen;
pi->session_key = sk.key;
return 1;
static int
pk_esk_throw_keyid (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct pk_esk_info *pi = cookie;
(void) option;
(void) argc;
(void) argv;
pi->throw_keyid = 1;
return 0;
static int
pk_esk_keyid (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct pk_esk_info *pi = cookie;
char *usage = "KEYID";
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s %s\n", option, usage);
if (pi->keyid)
log_fatal ("Multiple key ids given, but only one is allowed.");
pi->keyid = xstrdup (argv[0]);
return 1;
static struct option pk_esk_options[] = {
{ "--session-key", pk_esk_session_key,
"The session key to be encrypted by the S2K function as a hexadecimal "
"string. If this is not given or is \"auto\", then the current "
"session key is used. If there is no session key or this is \"new\", "
"then a new session key is generated. The session key may be "
"prefaced with an integer and a colon to indicate the cipher to use "
"for the SED packet (making --sed-cipher unnecessary and allowing the "
"direct use of the result of \"" GPG_NAME " --show-session-key\")." },
{ "--throw-keyid", pk_esk_throw_keyid,
"Throw the keyid." },
{ "", pk_esk_keyid, "The key id." },
" $ gpgcompose --pk-esk $KEYID --encrypted --literal --value foo \\\n"
" | " GPG_NAME " --list-packets"}
static int
pk_esk (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
iobuf_t out = cookie;
gpg_error_t err;
int processed;
struct pk_esk_info pi;
PKT_public_key pk;
memset (&pi, 0, sizeof (pi));
processed = process_options (option,
pk_esk_options, &pi,
global_options, NULL,
argc, argv);
if (! pi.keyid)
log_fatal ("%s: missing keyid. Usage: %s KEYID", option, option);
memset (&pk, 0, sizeof (pk));
pk.req_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC;
err = get_pubkey_byname (NULL, NULL, &pk, pi.keyid, NULL, NULL, 1, 1);
if (err)
log_fatal ("%s: looking up key %s: %s\n",
option, pi.keyid, gpg_strerror (err));
if (pi.sed_cipher)
/* Have a session key. */
session_key.algo = pi.sed_cipher;
session_key.keylen = pi.session_key_len;
log_assert (session_key.keylen <= sizeof (session_key.key));
memcpy (session_key.key, pi.session_key, session_key.keylen);
if (pi.new_session_key || ! session_key.algo)
if (! pi.new_session_key)
/* Default to AES256. */
session_key.algo = CIPHER_ALGO_AES256;
make_session_key (&session_key);
err = write_pubkey_enc (&pk, pi.throw_keyid, &session_key, out);
if (err)
log_fatal ("%s: writing pk_esk packet for %s: %s\n",
option, pi.keyid, gpg_strerror (err));
debug ("Wrote pk_esk packet for %s\n", pi.keyid);
xfree (pi.keyid);
xfree (pi.session_key);
return processed;
struct encinfo
int saw_session_key;
static int
encrypted_session_key (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct encinfo *ei = cookie;
char *usage = "HEX-CHARACTERS|auto";
char *p = argv[0];
struct session_key sk;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s %s\n", option, usage);
if (ei->saw_session_key)
log_fatal ("%s given multiple times.", option);
ei->saw_session_key = 1;
if (strcasecmp (p, "auto") == 0)
return 1;
sk = parse_session_key (option, p, 1);
session_key.algo = sk.algo;
log_assert (sk.keylen <= sizeof (session_key.key));
memcpy (session_key.key, sk.key, sk.keylen);
xfree (sk.key);
return 1;
static struct option encrypted_options[] = {
{ "--session-key", encrypted_session_key,
"The session key to be encrypted by the S2K function as a hexadecimal "
"string. If this is not given or is \"auto\", then the last session key "
"is used. If there was none, then an error is raised. The session key "
"must be prefaced with an integer and a colon to indicate the cipher "
"to use (this is format used by \"" GPG_NAME " --show-session-key\")." },
"After creating the packet, this command clears the current "
"session key.\n\n"
"Example: nested encryption packets:\n\n"
" $ gpgcompose --sk-esk foo --encrypted-mdc \\\n"
" --sk-esk bar --encrypted-mdc \\\n"
" --literal --value 123 --encrypted-pop --encrypted-pop | " GPG_NAME" -d" }
static int
encrypted (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
iobuf_t out = cookie;
int processed;
struct encinfo ei;
PKT_encrypted e;
cipher_filter_context_t *cfx;
memset (&ei, 0, sizeof (ei));
processed = process_options (option,
encrypted_options, &ei,
global_options, NULL,
argc, argv);
if (! session_key.algo)
log_fatal ("%s: no session key configured.\n", option);
memset (&e, 0, sizeof (e));
/* We only need to set E->LEN, E->EXTRALEN (if E->LEN is not
0), and E->NEW_CTB. */
e.len = 0;
e.new_ctb = 1;
/* Register the cipher filter. */
cfx = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (*cfx));
/* Copy the session key. */
cfx->dek = xmalloc (sizeof (*cfx->dek));
*cfx->dek = session_key;
if (do_debug)
char buf[2 * session_key.keylen + 1];
debug ("session key: algo: %d; keylen: %d; key: %s\n",
session_key.algo, session_key.keylen,
bin2hex (session_key.key, session_key.keylen, buf));
if (strcmp (option, "--encrypted-mdc") == 0)
cfx->dek->use_mdc = 1;
else if (strcmp (option, "--encrypted") == 0)
cfx->dek->use_mdc = 0;
log_fatal ("%s: option not handled by this function!\n", option);
cfx->datalen = 0;
filter_push (out, cipher_filter, cfx, PKT_ENCRYPTED, cfx->datalen == 0);
debug ("Wrote encrypted packet:\n");
/* Clear the current session key. */
memset (&session_key, 0, sizeof (session_key));
return processed;
static int
encrypted_pop (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
iobuf_t out = cookie;
(void) argc;
(void) argv;
if (strcmp (option, "--encrypted-pop") == 0)
filter_pop (out, PKT_ENCRYPTED);
else if (strcmp (option, "--encrypted-mdc-pop") == 0)
filter_pop (out, PKT_ENCRYPTED_MDC);
log_fatal ("%s: option not handled by this function!\n", option);
debug ("Popped encryption container.\n");
return 0;
struct data
int file;
char *data;
char *filename;
struct data *next;
/* This must be the first member of the struct to be able to use
add_value! */
struct datahead
struct data *head;
struct data **last_next;
static int
add_value (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct datahead *dh = cookie;
struct data *d = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (struct data));
d->file = strcmp ("--file", option) == 0;
if (! d->file)
log_assert (strcmp ("--value", option) == 0);
if (argc == 0)
if (d->file)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s FILENAME\n", option);
log_fatal ("Usage: %s STRING\n", option);
if (! dh->last_next)
/* First time through. Initialize DH->LAST_NEXT. */
log_assert (! dh->head);
dh->last_next = &dh->head;
if (d->file)
d->filename = argv[0];
d->data = argv[0];
/* Append it. */
*dh->last_next = d;
dh->last_next = &d->next;
return 1;
struct litinfo
/* This must be the first element for add_value to work! */
struct datahead data;
int timestamp_set;
u32 timestamp;
char mode;
int partial_body_length_encoding;
char *name;
static int
literal_timestamp (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct litinfo *li = cookie;
char *tail = NULL;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s TIMESTAMP\n", option);
errno = 0;
li->timestamp = parse_timestamp (argv[0], &tail);
if (errno || (tail && *tail))
log_fatal ("Invalid value passed to %s (%s)\n", option, argv[0]);
li->timestamp_set = 1;
return 1;
static int
literal_mode (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct litinfo *li = cookie;
if (argc == 0
|| ! (strcmp (argv[0], "b") == 0
|| strcmp (argv[0], "t") == 0
|| strcmp (argv[0], "u") == 0))
log_fatal ("Usage: %s [btu]\n", option);
li->mode = argv[0][0];
return 1;
static int
literal_partial_body_length (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[],
void *cookie)
struct litinfo *li = cookie;
char *tail;
int v;
int range[2] = {0, 1};
if (argc <= 1)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s [0|1]\n", option);
errno = 0;
v = strtol (argv[0], &tail, 0);
if (errno || (tail && *tail) || !(range[0] <= v && v <= range[1]))
log_fatal ("Invalid value passed to %s (%s). Expected %d-%d\n",
option, argv[0], range[0], range[1]);
li->partial_body_length_encoding = v;
return 1;
static int
literal_name (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
struct litinfo *li = cookie;
if (argc <= 1)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s NAME\n", option);
if (strlen (argv[0]) > 255)
log_fatal ("%s: name is too long (%zd > 255 characters).\n",
option, strlen (argv[0]));
li->name = argv[0];
return 1;
static struct option literal_options[] = {
{ "--value", add_value,
"A string to store in the literal packet." },
{ "--file", add_value,
"A file to copy into the literal packet." },
{ "--timestamp", literal_timestamp,
"The literal packet's time stamp. This defaults to the current time." },
{ "--mode", literal_mode,
"The content's mode (normally 'b' (default), 't' or 'u')." },
{ "--partial-body-length", literal_partial_body_length,
"Force partial body length encoding." },
{ "--name", literal_name,
"The literal's name." },
" $ gpgcompose --literal --value foobar | " GPG_NAME " -d"}
static int
literal (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
iobuf_t out = cookie;
gpg_error_t err;
int processed;
struct litinfo li;
PKT_plaintext *pt;
struct data *data;
memset (&li, 0, sizeof (li));
processed = process_options (option,
literal_options, &li,
global_options, NULL,
argc, argv);
if (!
log_fatal ("%s: no data provided (use --value or --file)", option);
pt = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (*pt) + ( ? strlen ( : 0));
pt->new_ctb = 1;
if (li.timestamp_set)
pt->timestamp = li.timestamp;
/* Default to the current time. */
pt->timestamp = make_timestamp ();
pt->mode = li.mode;
if (! pt->mode)
/* Default to binary. */
pt->mode = 'b';
if (
strcpy (pt->name,;
pt->namelen = strlen (pt->name);
pkt.pkttype = PKT_PLAINTEXT;
pkt.pkt.plaintext = pt;
if (! li.partial_body_length_encoding)
/* Compute the amount of data. */
pt->len = 0;
for (data =; data; data = data->next)
if (data->file)
iobuf_t in;
int overflow;
off_t off;
in = iobuf_open (data->filename);
if (! in)
/* An error opening the file. We do error handling
below so just break here. */
pt->len = 0;
off = iobuf_get_filelength (in, &overflow);
iobuf_close (in);
if (overflow || off == 0)
/* Length is unknown or there was an error
(unfortunately, iobuf_get_filelength doesn't
distinguish between 0 length files and an error!).
Fall back to partial body mode. */
pt->len = 0;
pt->len += off;
pt->len += strlen (data->data);
err = build_packet (out, &pkt);
if (err)
log_fatal ("Serializing literal packet: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
/* Write out the data. */
for (data =; data; data = data->next)
if (data->file)
iobuf_t in;
errno = 0;
in = iobuf_open (data->filename);
if (! in)
log_fatal ("Opening '%s': %s\n",
errno ? strerror (errno): "unknown error");
iobuf_copy (out, in);
if (iobuf_error (in))
log_fatal ("Reading from %s: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (iobuf_error (in)));
if (iobuf_error (out))
log_fatal ("Writing literal data from %s: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (iobuf_error (out)));
iobuf_close (in);
err = iobuf_write (out, data->data, strlen (data->data));
if (err)
log_fatal ("Writing literal data: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
if (! pt->len)
/* Disable partial body length mode. */
log_assert (pt->new_ctb == 1);
iobuf_set_partial_body_length_mode (out, 0);
debug ("Wrote literal packet:\n");
dump_component (&pkt);
while (
data =>next;
xfree (; = data;
xfree (pt);
return processed;
static int
copy_file (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
char **filep = cookie;
if (argc == 0)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s FILENAME\n", option);
*filep = argv[0];
return 1;
static struct option copy_options[] = {
{ "", copy_file, "Copy the specified file to stdout." },
" $ gpgcompose --copy /etc/hostname\n\n"
"This is particularly useful when combined with gpgsplit." }
static int
copy (const char *option, int argc, char *argv[], void *cookie)
iobuf_t out = cookie;
char *file = NULL;
iobuf_t in;
int processed;
processed = process_options (option,
copy_options, &file,
global_options, NULL,
argc, argv);
if (! file)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s FILE\n", option);
errno = 0;
in = iobuf_open (file);
if (! in)
log_fatal ("Error opening %s: %s.\n",
file, errno ? strerror (errno): "unknown error");
iobuf_copy (out, in);
if (iobuf_error (out))
log_fatal ("Copying data to destination: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (iobuf_error (out)));
if (iobuf_error (in))
log_fatal ("Reading data from %s: %s\n",
argv[0], gpg_strerror (iobuf_error (in)));
iobuf_close (in);
return processed;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
const char *filename = "-";
iobuf_t out;
int preprocessed = 1;
int processed;
ctrl_t ctrl;
opt.ignore_time_conflict = 1;
/* Allow notations in the IETF space, for instance. */ = 1;
ctrl = xcalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl);
keydb_add_resource ("pubring" EXTSEP_S GPGEXT_GPG,
if (argc == 1)
/* Nothing to do. */
return 0;
if (strcmp (argv[1], "--output") == 0
|| strcmp (argv[1], "-o") == 0)
filename = argv[2];
log_info ("Writing to %s\n", filename);
preprocessed += 2;
out = iobuf_create (filename, 0);
if (! out)
log_fatal ("Failed to open stdout for writing\n");
processed = process_options (NULL, NULL,
major_options, out,
global_options, NULL,
argc - preprocessed, &argv[preprocessed]);
if (processed != argc - preprocessed)
log_fatal ("Didn't process %d options.\n", argc - preprocessed - processed);
iobuf_close (out);
return 0;
/* Stubs duplicated from gpg.c. */
int g10_errors_seen = 0;
/* Note: This function is used by signal handlers!. */
static void
emergency_cleanup (void)
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_TERM_SECMEM );
g10_exit( int rc )
emergency_cleanup ();
rc = rc? rc : log_get_errorcount(0)? 2 : g10_errors_seen? 1 : 0;
exit (rc);
keyedit_menu (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *username, strlist_t locusr,
strlist_t commands, int quiet, int seckey_check)
(void) ctrl;
(void) username;
(void) locusr;
(void) commands;
(void) quiet;
(void) seckey_check;
show_basic_key_info (KBNODE keyblock)
(void) keyblock;
diff --git a/g10/gpgsql.c b/g10/gpgsql.c
index a9b336485..661bd3543 100644
--- a/g10/gpgsql.c
+++ b/g10/gpgsql.c
@@ -1,251 +1,251 @@
/* gpgsql.c - SQLite helper functions.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "gpgsql.h"
/* This is a convenience function that combines sqlite3_mprintf and
sqlite3_exec. */
gpgsql_exec_printf (sqlite3 *db,
int (*callback)(void*,int,char**,char**), void *cookie,
char **errmsg,
const char *sql, ...)
va_list ap;
int rc;
char *sql2;
va_start (ap, sql);
sql2 = sqlite3_vmprintf (sql, ap);
va_end (ap);
#if 0
log_debug ("tofo db: executing: '%s'\n", sql2);
rc = sqlite3_exec (db, sql2, callback, cookie, errmsg);
sqlite3_free (sql2);
return rc;
gpgsql_stepx (sqlite3 *db,
sqlite3_stmt **stmtp,
gpgsql_stepx_callback callback,
void *cookie,
char **errmsg,
const char *sql, ...)
int rc;
int err = 0;
sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
va_list va;
int args;
enum gpgsql_arg_type t;
int i;
int cols;
/* Names of the columns. We initialize this lazily to avoid the
overhead in case the query doesn't return any results. */
const char **azColName = 0;
int callback_initialized = 0;
const char **azVals = 0;
callback_initialized = 0;
if (stmtp && *stmtp)
stmt = *stmtp;
/* Make sure this statement is associated with the supplied db. */
log_assert (db == sqlite3_db_handle (stmt));
prepares_saved ++;
const char *tail = NULL;
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2 (db, sql, -1, &stmt, &tail);
if (rc)
log_fatal ("failed to prepare SQL: %s", sql);
/* We can only process a single statement. */
if (tail)
while (*tail == ' ' || *tail == ';' || *tail == '\n')
tail ++;
if (*tail)
("sqlite3_stepx can only process a single SQL statement."
" Second statement starts with: '%s'\n",
if (stmtp)
*stmtp = stmt;
queries ++;
args = sqlite3_bind_parameter_count (stmt);
va_start (va, sql);
if (args)
for (i = 1; i <= args; i ++)
t = va_arg (va, enum gpgsql_arg_type);
switch (t)
int value = va_arg (va, int);
err = sqlite3_bind_int (stmt, i, value);
long long value = va_arg (va, long long);
err = sqlite3_bind_int64 (stmt, i, value);
char *text = va_arg (va, char *);
err = sqlite3_bind_text (stmt, i, text, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
char *blob = va_arg (va, void *);
long long length = va_arg (va, long long);
err = sqlite3_bind_blob (stmt, i, blob, length, SQLITE_STATIC);
/* Internal error. Likely corruption. */
log_fatal ("Bad value for parameter type %d.\n", t);
if (err)
log_fatal ("Error binding parameter %d\n", i);
goto out;
t = va_arg (va, enum gpgsql_arg_type);
log_assert (t == GPGSQL_ARG_END);
va_end (va);
for (;;)
rc = sqlite3_step (stmt);
if (rc != SQLITE_ROW)
/* No more data (SQLITE_DONE) or an error occurred. */
if (! callback)
if (! callback_initialized)
cols = sqlite3_column_count (stmt);
azColName = xmalloc (2 * cols * sizeof (const char *) + 1);
for (i = 0; i < cols; i ++)
azColName[i] = sqlite3_column_name (stmt, i);
callback_initialized = 1;
azVals = &azColName[cols];
for (i = 0; i < cols; i ++)
azVals[i] = sqlite3_column_text (stmt, i);
if (! azVals[i] && sqlite3_column_type (stmt, i) != SQLITE_NULL)
/* Out of memory. */
if (callback (cookie, cols, (char **) azVals, (char **) azColName, stmt))
/* A non-zero result means to abort. */
xfree (azColName);
if (stmtp)
rc = sqlite3_reset (stmt);
rc = sqlite3_finalize (stmt);
if (rc == SQLITE_OK && err)
/* Local error. */
rc = err;
if (errmsg)
const char *e = sqlite3_errstr (err);
size_t l = strlen (e) + 1;
*errmsg = sqlite3_malloc (l);
if (! *errmsg)
log_fatal ("Out of memory.\n");
memcpy (*errmsg, e, l);
else if (rc != SQLITE_OK && errmsg)
/* Error reported by sqlite. */
const char * e = sqlite3_errmsg (db);
size_t l = strlen (e) + 1;
*errmsg = sqlite3_malloc (l);
if (! *errmsg)
log_fatal ("Out of memory.\n");
memcpy (*errmsg, e, l);
return rc;
diff --git a/g10/gpgsql.h b/g10/gpgsql.h
index 8117f4564..0d6903967 100644
--- a/g10/gpgsql.h
+++ b/g10/gpgsql.h
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
/* gpgsql.h - SQLite helper functions.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <sqlite3.h>
enum gpgsql_arg_type
GPGSQL_ARG_END = 0xdead001,
/* This takes two arguments: the blob as a void * and the length
of the blob as a long long. */
int gpgsql_exec_printf (sqlite3 *db,
int (*callback)(void*,int,char**,char**), void *cookie,
char **errmsg,
const char *sql, ...);
typedef int (*gpgsql_stepx_callback) (void *cookie,
/* number of columns. */
int cols,
/* columns as text. */
char **values,
/* column names. */
char **names,
/* The prepared statement so
* that it is possible to use
* something like
* sqlite3_column_blob(). */
sqlite3_stmt *statement);
int gpgsql_stepx (sqlite3 *db,
sqlite3_stmt **stmtp,
gpgsql_stepx_callback callback,
void *cookie,
char **errmsg,
const char *sql, ...);
#endif /*GNUPG_GPGSQL_H*/
diff --git a/g10/gpgv.c b/g10/gpgv.c
index 01138a054..d25b6be7d 100644
--- a/g10/gpgv.c
+++ b/g10/gpgv.c
@@ -1,710 +1,710 @@
/* gpgv.c - The GnuPG signature verify utility
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006,
* 2008, 2009, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h> /* for setmode() */
#include <readline/readline.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "call-agent.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
enum cmd_and_opt_values {
aNull = 0,
oQuiet = 'q',
oVerbose = 'v',
oOutput = 'o',
oBatch = 500,
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
ARGPARSE_group (300, N_("@\nOptions:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oVerbose, "verbose", N_("verbose")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oQuiet, "quiet", N_("be somewhat more quiet")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyring, "keyring",
N_("|FILE|take the keys from the keyring FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oOutput, "output", N_("|FILE|write output to FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oIgnoreTimeConflict, "ignore-time-conflict",
N_("make timestamp conflicts only a warning")),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oStatusFD, "status-fd",
N_("|FD|write status info to this FD")),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oLoggerFD, "logger-fd", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oHomedir, "homedir", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oWeakDigest, "weak-digest",
N_("|ALGO|reject signatures made with ALGO")),
int g10_errors_seen = 0;
static char *
make_libversion (const char *libname, const char *(*getfnc)(const char*))
const char *s;
char *result;
s = getfnc (NULL);
result = xmalloc (strlen (libname) + 1 + strlen (s) + 1);
strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (result, libname), " "), s);
return result;
static const char *
my_strusage( int level )
static char *ver_gcry;
const char *p;
switch (level)
case 11: p = "@GPG@v (GnuPG)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 1:
case 40: p = _("Usage: gpgv [options] [files] (-h for help)");
case 41: p = _("Syntax: gpgv [options] [files]\n"
"Check signatures against known trusted keys\n");
case 20:
if (!ver_gcry)
ver_gcry = make_libversion ("libgcrypt", gcry_check_version);
p = ver_gcry;
default: p = NULL;
return p;
main( int argc, char **argv )
int rc=0;
strlist_t sl;
strlist_t nrings = NULL;
unsigned configlineno;
ctrl_t ctrl;
early_system_init ();
set_strusage (my_strusage);
log_set_prefix ("gpgv", GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX);
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_DISABLE_SECMEM, 0);
gnupg_init_signals (0, NULL);
opt.command_fd = -1; /* no command fd */
opt.keyserver_options.options |= KEYSERVER_AUTO_KEY_RETRIEVE;
opt.trust_model = TM_ALWAYS;
opt.no_sig_cache = 1;
opt.flags.require_cross_cert = 1;
opt.batch = 1;
opt.answer_yes = 1;
opt.weak_digests = NULL;
dotlock_disable ();
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= 1; /* do not remove the args */
while (optfile_parse( NULL, NULL, &configlineno, &pargs, opts))
switch (pargs.r_opt)
case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break;
case oVerbose:
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose);
case oKeyring: append_to_strlist( &nrings, pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oOutput: opt.outfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oStatusFD: set_status_fd( pargs.r.ret_int ); break;
case oLoggerFD:
log_set_fd (translate_sys2libc_fd_int (pargs.r.ret_int, 1));
case oHomedir: gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oWeakDigest:
case oIgnoreTimeConflict: opt.ignore_time_conflict = 1; break;
default : pargs.err = ARGPARSE_PRINT_ERROR; break;
if (log_get_errorcount (0))
if (opt.verbose > 1)
/* Note: We open all keyrings in read-only mode. */
if (!nrings) /* No keyring given: use default one. */
keydb_add_resource ("trustedkeys" EXTSEP_S "kbx",
for (sl = nrings; sl; sl = sl->next)
keydb_add_resource (sl->d, KEYDB_RESOURCE_FLAG_READONLY);
FREE_STRLIST (nrings);
ctrl = xcalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl);
if ((rc = verify_signatures (ctrl, argc, argv)))
log_error("verify signatures failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) );
xfree (ctrl);
/* cleanup */
g10_exit (0);
return 8; /*NOTREACHED*/
g10_exit( int rc )
rc = rc? rc : log_get_errorcount(0)? 2 : g10_errors_seen? 1 : 0;
exit(rc );
/* Stub:
* We have to override the trustcheck from pkclist.c because
* this utility assumes that all keys in the keyring are trustworthy
check_signatures_trust (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_signature *sig)
return 0;
read_trust_options(byte *trust_model, ulong *created, ulong *nextcheck,
byte *marginals, byte *completes, byte *cert_depth,
byte *min_cert_level)
/* Stub:
* We don't have the trustdb , so we have to provide some stub functions
* instead
cache_disabled_value(PKT_public_key *pk)
return 0;
check_trustdb_stale (ctrl_t ctrl)
get_validity_info (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *uid)
return '?';
unsigned int
get_validity (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *uid,
PKT_signature *sig, int may_ask)
return 0;
const char *
trust_value_to_string (unsigned int value)
return "err";
const char *
uid_trust_string_fixed (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *key, PKT_user_id *uid)
return "err";
get_ownertrust_info (PKT_public_key *pk)
return '?';
unsigned int
get_ownertrust (PKT_public_key *pk)
/* Stubs:
* Because we only work with trusted keys, it does not make sense to
* get them from a keyserver
struct keyserver_spec *
keyserver_match (struct keyserver_spec *spec)
return NULL;
keyserver_any_configured (ctrl_t ctrl)
return 0;
keyserver_import_keyid (u32 *keyid, void *dummy, int quick)
return -1;
keyserver_import_fprint (ctrl_t ctrl, const byte *fprint,size_t fprint_len,
struct keyserver_spec *keyserver, int quick)
return -1;
keyserver_import_cert (const char *name)
return -1;
keyserver_import_pka (const char *name,unsigned char *fpr)
return -1;
keyserver_import_wkd (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, int quick,
unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fpr_len)
return GPG_ERR_BUG;
keyserver_import_name (const char *name,struct keyserver_spec *spec)
return -1;
keyserver_import_ldap (const char *name)
return -1;
read_key_from_file (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname, kbnode_t *r_keyblock)
return -1;
/* Stub:
* No encryption here but mainproc links to these functions.
get_session_key (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_pubkey_enc *k, DEK *dek)
/* Stub: */
get_override_session_key (DEK *dek, const char *string)
/* Stub: */
decrypt_data (ctrl_t ctrl, void *procctx, PKT_encrypted *ed, DEK *dek)
/* Stub:
* No interactive commands, so we don't need the helptexts
display_online_help (const char *keyword)
/* Stub:
* We don't use secret keys, but getkey.c links to this
check_secret_key (PKT_public_key *pk, int n)
/* Stub:
* No secret key, so no passphrase needed
passphrase_to_dek (int cipher_algo, STRING2KEY *s2k, int create, int nocache,
const char *tmp, int *canceled)
if (canceled)
*canceled = 0;
return NULL;
passphrase_clear_cache (const char *cacheid)
struct keyserver_spec *
parse_preferred_keyserver(PKT_signature *sig)
return NULL;
struct keyserver_spec *
parse_keyserver_uri (const char *uri, int require_scheme,
const char *configname, unsigned int configlineno)
return NULL;
free_keyserver_spec (struct keyserver_spec *keyserver)
/* Stubs to avoid linking to photoid.c */
show_photos (const struct user_attribute *attrs, int count, PKT_public_key *pk)
parse_image_header (const struct user_attribute *attr, byte *type, u32 *len)
return 0;
char *
image_type_to_string (byte type, int string)
return NULL;
agent_scd_getattr (const char *name, struct agent_card_info_s *info)
return 0;
/* We do not do any locking, so use these stubs here */
dotlock_disable (void)
dotlock_create (const char *file_to_lock, unsigned int flags)
return NULL;
dotlock_destroy (dotlock_t h)
dotlock_take (dotlock_t h, long timeout)
return 0;
dotlock_release (dotlock_t h)
return 0;
dotlock_remove_lockfiles (void)
agent_probe_secret_key (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
agent_probe_any_secret_key (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
agent_get_keyinfo (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexkeygrip,
char **r_serialno, int *r_cleartext)
*r_serialno = NULL;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
gpg_dirmngr_get_pka (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *userid,
unsigned char **r_fpr, size_t *r_fprlen,
char **r_url)
if (r_fpr)
*r_fpr = NULL;
if (r_fprlen)
*r_fprlen = 0;
if (r_url)
*r_url = NULL;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
export_pubkey_buffer (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyspec, unsigned int options,
export_stats_t stats,
kbnode_t *r_keyblock, void **r_data, size_t *r_datalen)
*r_keyblock = NULL;
*r_data = NULL;
*r_datalen = 0;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
tofu_write_tfs_record (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t fp,
PKT_public_key *pk, const char *user_id)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
tofu_get_policy (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *user_id,
enum tofu_policy *policy)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
const char *
tofu_policy_str (enum tofu_policy policy)
return "unknown";
tofu_begin_batch_update (ctrl_t ctrl)
tofu_end_batch_update (ctrl_t ctrl)
diff --git a/g10/helptext.c b/g10/helptext.c
index 7bca1db5e..730f699e3 100644
--- a/g10/helptext.c
+++ b/g10/helptext.c
@@ -1,86 +1,86 @@
/* helptext.c - English help texts
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
* 2004, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "i18n.h"
/* Helper to get the help through the configurable GnuPG help
system. */
static char *
get_help_from_file (const char *keyword)
char *key, *result;
key = xtrymalloc (4 + strlen (keyword) + 1);
if (key)
strcpy (stpcpy (key, "gpg."), keyword);
result = gnupg_get_help_string (key, 0);
xfree (key);
if (result && !is_native_utf8 ())
char *tmp = utf8_to_native (result, strlen (result), -1);
if (tmp)
xfree (result);
result = tmp;
result = NULL;
return result;
display_online_help( const char *keyword )
char *result;
int need_final_lf = 1;
if ( !keyword )
tty_printf (_("No help available") );
else if ( (result = get_help_from_file (keyword)) )
tty_printf ("%s", result);
if (*result && result[strlen (result)-1] == '\n')
need_final_lf = 0;
xfree (result);
tty_printf (_("No help available for '%s'"), keyword );
if (need_final_lf)
diff --git a/g10/import.c b/g10/import.c
index 88ee16254..590959d25 100644
--- a/g10/import.c
+++ b/g10/import.c
@@ -1,3362 +1,3362 @@
/* import.c - import a key into our key storage.
* Copyright (C) 1998-2007, 2010-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014, 2016 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "recsel.h"
#include "keyserver-internal.h"
#include "call-agent.h"
#include "../common/membuf.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
#include "../common/mbox-util.h"
struct import_stats_s
ulong count;
ulong no_user_id;
ulong imported;
ulong n_uids;
ulong n_sigs;
ulong n_subk;
ulong unchanged;
ulong n_revoc;
ulong secret_read;
ulong secret_imported;
ulong secret_dups;
ulong skipped_new_keys;
ulong not_imported;
ulong n_sigs_cleaned;
ulong n_uids_cleaned;
ulong v3keys; /* Number of V3 keys seen. */
/* Node flag to indicate that a user ID or a subkey has a
* valid self-signature. */
/* Node flag to indicate that a user ID or subkey has
* an invalid self-signature. */
/* Node flag to indicate that the node shall be deleted. */
/* A node flag used to temporary mark a node. */
#define NODE_FLAG_A 8
/* A an object and a global instance to store selectors created from
* --import-filter keep-uid=EXPR.
* --import-filter drop-sig=EXPR.
* FIXME: We should put this into the CTRL object but that requires a
* lot more changes right now. For now we use save and restore
* function to temporary change them.
/* Definition of the import filters. */
struct import_filter_s
recsel_expr_t keep_uid;
recsel_expr_t drop_sig;
/* The current instance. */
struct import_filter_s import_filter;
static int import (ctrl_t ctrl,
IOBUF inp, const char* fname, struct import_stats_s *stats,
unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fpr_len, unsigned int options,
import_screener_t screener, void *screener_arg);
static int read_block (IOBUF a, PACKET **pending_pkt, kbnode_t *ret_root,
int *r_v3keys);
static void revocation_present (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock);
static int import_one (ctrl_t ctrl,
kbnode_t keyblock,
struct import_stats_s *stats,
unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fpr_len,
unsigned int options, int from_sk, int silent,
import_screener_t screener, void *screener_arg);
static int import_secret_one (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock,
struct import_stats_s *stats, int batch,
unsigned int options, int for_migration,
import_screener_t screener, void *screener_arg);
static int import_revoke_cert (kbnode_t node, struct import_stats_s *stats);
static int chk_self_sigs (kbnode_t keyblock, u32 *keyid, int *non_self);
static int delete_inv_parts (kbnode_t keyblock,
u32 *keyid, unsigned int options);
static int any_uid_left (kbnode_t keyblock);
static int merge_blocks (kbnode_t keyblock_orig,
kbnode_t keyblock, u32 *keyid,
int *n_uids, int *n_sigs, int *n_subk );
static int append_uid (kbnode_t keyblock, kbnode_t node, int *n_sigs);
static int append_key (kbnode_t keyblock, kbnode_t node, int *n_sigs);
static int merge_sigs (kbnode_t dst, kbnode_t src, int *n_sigs);
static int merge_keysigs (kbnode_t dst, kbnode_t src, int *n_sigs);
static void
release_import_filter (import_filter_t filt)
recsel_release (filt->keep_uid);
filt->keep_uid = NULL;
recsel_release (filt->drop_sig);
filt->drop_sig = NULL;
static void
cleanup_import_globals (void)
release_import_filter (&import_filter);
parse_import_options(char *str,unsigned int *options,int noisy)
struct parse_options import_opts[]=
N_("import signatures that are marked as local-only")},
N_("repair damage from the pks keyserver during import")},
{"keep-ownertrust", IMPORT_KEEP_OWNERTTRUST, NULL,
N_("do not clear the ownertrust values during import")},
N_("do not update the trustdb after import")},
N_("show key during import")},
N_("only accept updates to existing keys")},
N_("remove unusable parts from key after import")},
N_("remove as much as possible from key after import")},
{"import-export", IMPORT_EXPORT, NULL,
N_("run import filters and export key immediately")},
/* Aliases for backward compatibility */
/* dummy */
{"convert-sk-to-pk",0, NULL,NULL}, /* Not anymore needed due to
the new design. */
return parse_options(str,options,import_opts,noisy);
/* Parse and set an import filter from string. STRING has the format
* "NAME=EXPR" with NAME being the name of the filter. Spaces before
* and after NAME are not allowed. If this function is all called
* several times all expressions for the same NAME are concatenated.
* Supported filter names are:
* - keep-uid :: If the expression evaluates to true for a certain
* user ID packet, that packet and all it dependencies
* will be imported. The expression may use these
* variables:
* - uid :: The entire user ID.
* - mbox :: The mail box part of the user ID.
* - primary :: Evaluate to true for the primary user ID.
parse_and_set_import_filter (const char *string)
gpg_error_t err;
/* Auto register the cleanup function. */
register_mem_cleanup_func (cleanup_import_globals);
if (!strncmp (string, "keep-uid=", 9))
err = recsel_parse_expr (&import_filter.keep_uid, string+9);
else if (!strncmp (string, "drop-sig=", 9))
err = recsel_parse_expr (&import_filter.drop_sig, string+9);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
return err;
/* Save the current import filters, return them, and clear the current
* filters. Returns NULL on error and sets ERRNO. */
save_and_clear_import_filter (void)
import_filter_t filt;
filt = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *filt);
if (!filt)
return NULL;
*filt = import_filter;
memset (&import_filter, 0, sizeof import_filter);
return filt;
/* Release the current import filters and restore them from NEWFILT.
* Ownership of NEWFILT is moved to this function. */
restore_import_filter (import_filter_t filt)
if (filt)
release_import_filter (&import_filter);
import_filter = *filt;
xfree (filt);
import_new_stats_handle (void)
return xmalloc_clear ( sizeof (struct import_stats_s) );
import_release_stats_handle (import_stats_t p)
xfree (p);
/* Read a key from a file. Only the first key in the file is
* considered and stored at R_KEYBLOCK. FNAME is the name of the
* file.
read_key_from_file (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname, kbnode_t *r_keyblock)
gpg_error_t err;
iobuf_t inp;
PACKET *pending_pkt = NULL;
kbnode_t keyblock = NULL;
u32 keyid[2];
int v3keys; /* Dummy */
int non_self; /* Dummy */
*r_keyblock = NULL;
inp = iobuf_open (fname);
if (!inp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
else if (is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (inp)))
iobuf_close (inp);
inp = NULL;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EPERM);
err = 0;
if (err)
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"),
iobuf_is_pipe_filename (fname)? "[stdin]": fname,
gpg_strerror (err));
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_ENOENT)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY);
goto leave;
/* Push the armor filter. */
armor_filter_context_t *afx;
afx = new_armor_context ();
afx->only_keyblocks = 1;
push_armor_filter (afx, inp);
release_armor_context (afx);
/* Read the first non-v3 keyblock. */
while (!(err = read_block (inp, &pending_pkt, &keyblock, &v3keys)))
if (keyblock->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
log_info (_("skipping block of type %d\n"), keyblock->pkt->pkttype);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
keyblock = NULL;
if (err)
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_INV_KEYRING)
log_error (_("error reading '%s': %s\n"),
iobuf_is_pipe_filename (fname)? "[stdin]": fname,
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
keyid_from_pk (keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key, keyid);
if (!find_next_kbnode (keyblock, PKT_USER_ID))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_USER_ID);
goto leave;
collapse_uids (&keyblock);
clear_kbnode_flags (keyblock);
if (chk_self_sigs (keyblock, keyid, &non_self))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_KEYRING);
goto leave;
if (!delete_inv_parts (keyblock, keyid, 0) )
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_USER_ID);
goto leave;
*r_keyblock = keyblock;
keyblock = NULL;
if (inp)
iobuf_close (inp);
/* Must invalidate that ugly cache to actually close the file. */
iobuf_ioctl (NULL, IOBUF_IOCTL_INVALIDATE_CACHE, 0, (char*)fname);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
/* FIXME: Do we need to free PENDING_PKT ? */
return err;
* Import the public keys from the given filename. Input may be armored.
* This function rejects all keys which are not validly self signed on at
* least one userid. Only user ids which are self signed will be imported.
* Other signatures are not checked.
* Actually this function does a merge. It works like this:
* - get the keyblock
* - check self-signatures and remove all userids and their signatures
* without/invalid self-signatures.
* - reject the keyblock, if we have no valid userid.
* - See whether we have this key already in one of our pubrings.
* If not, simply add it to the default keyring.
* - Compare the key and the self-signatures of the new and the one in
* our keyring. If they are different something weird is going on;
* ask what to do.
* - See whether we have only non-self-signature on one user id; if not
* ask the user what to do.
* - compare the signatures: If we already have this signature, check
* that they compare okay; if not, issue a warning and ask the user.
* (consider looking at the timestamp and use the newest?)
* - Simply add the signature. Can't verify here because we may not have
* the signature's public key yet; verification is done when putting it
* into the trustdb, which is done automagically as soon as this pubkey
* is used.
* - Proceed with next signature.
* Key revocation certificates have special handling.
static int
import_keys_internal (ctrl_t ctrl, iobuf_t inp, char **fnames, int nnames,
import_stats_t stats_handle,
unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fpr_len,
unsigned int options,
import_screener_t screener, void *screener_arg)
int i;
int rc = 0;
struct import_stats_s *stats = stats_handle;
if (!stats)
stats = import_new_stats_handle ();
if (inp)
rc = import (ctrl, inp, "[stream]", stats, fpr, fpr_len, options,
screener, screener_arg);
if (!fnames && !nnames)
nnames = 1; /* Ohh what a ugly hack to jump into the loop */
for (i=0; i < nnames; i++)
const char *fname = fnames? fnames[i] : NULL;
IOBUF inp2 = iobuf_open(fname);
if (!fname)
fname = "[stdin]";
if (inp2 && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (inp2)))
iobuf_close (inp2);
inp2 = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if (!inp2)
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror (errno));
rc = import (ctrl, inp2, fname, stats, fpr, fpr_len, options,
screener, screener_arg);
iobuf_close (inp2);
/* Must invalidate that ugly cache to actually close it. */
iobuf_ioctl (NULL, IOBUF_IOCTL_INVALIDATE_CACHE, 0, (char*)fname);
if (rc)
log_error ("import from '%s' failed: %s\n",
fname, gpg_strerror (rc) );
if (!fname)
if (!stats_handle)
import_print_stats (stats);
import_release_stats_handle (stats);
/* If no fast import and the trustdb is dirty (i.e. we added a key
or userID that had something other than a selfsig, a signature
that was other than a selfsig, or any revocation), then
update/check the trustdb if the user specified by setting
interactive or by not setting no-auto-check-trustdb */
if (!(options & IMPORT_FAST))
check_or_update_trustdb (ctrl);
return rc;
import_keys (ctrl_t ctrl, char **fnames, int nnames,
import_stats_t stats_handle, unsigned int options )
import_keys_internal (ctrl, NULL, fnames, nnames, stats_handle,
NULL, NULL, options, NULL, NULL);
import_keys_stream (ctrl_t ctrl, IOBUF inp, import_stats_t stats_handle,
unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fpr_len, unsigned int options)
return import_keys_internal (ctrl, inp, NULL, 0, stats_handle,
fpr, fpr_len, options, NULL, NULL);
/* Variant of import_keys_stream reading from an estream_t. */
import_keys_es_stream (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t fp,
import_stats_t stats_handle,
unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fpr_len,
unsigned int options,
import_screener_t screener, void *screener_arg)
int rc;
iobuf_t inp;
inp = iobuf_esopen (fp, "rb", 1);
if (!inp)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("iobuf_esopen failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
rc = import_keys_internal (ctrl, inp, NULL, 0, stats_handle,
fpr, fpr_len, options,
screener, screener_arg);
iobuf_close (inp);
return rc;
static int
import (ctrl_t ctrl, IOBUF inp, const char* fname,struct import_stats_s *stats,
unsigned char **fpr,size_t *fpr_len, unsigned int options,
import_screener_t screener, void *screener_arg)
PACKET *pending_pkt = NULL;
kbnode_t keyblock = NULL; /* Need to initialize because gcc can't
grasp the return semantics of
read_block. */
int rc = 0;
int v3keys;
getkey_disable_caches ();
if (!opt.no_armor) /* Armored reading is not disabled. */
armor_filter_context_t *afx;
afx = new_armor_context ();
afx->only_keyblocks = 1;
push_armor_filter (afx, inp);
release_armor_context (afx);
while (!(rc = read_block (inp, &pending_pkt, &keyblock, &v3keys)))
stats->v3keys += v3keys;
if (keyblock->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
rc = import_one (ctrl, keyblock,
stats, fpr, fpr_len, options, 0, 0,
screener, screener_arg);
else if (keyblock->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY)
rc = import_secret_one (ctrl, keyblock, stats,
opt.batch, options, 0,
screener, screener_arg);
else if (keyblock->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& keyblock->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class == 0x20 )
rc = import_revoke_cert (keyblock, stats);
log_info (_("skipping block of type %d\n"), keyblock->pkt->pkttype);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
/* fixme: we should increment the not imported counter but
this does only make sense if we keep on going despite of
errors. For now we do this only if the imported key is too
large. */
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE
&& gpg_err_source (rc) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_KEYBOX)
else if (rc)
if (!(++stats->count % 100) && !opt.quiet)
log_info (_("%lu keys processed so far\n"), stats->count );
stats->v3keys += v3keys;
if (rc == -1)
rc = 0;
else if (rc && gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_INV_KEYRING)
log_error (_("error reading '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
/* Helper to migrate secring.gpg to GnuPG 2.1. */
import_old_secring (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname)
gpg_error_t err;
iobuf_t inp;
PACKET *pending_pkt = NULL;
kbnode_t keyblock = NULL; /* Need to initialize because gcc can't
grasp the return semantics of
read_block. */
struct import_stats_s *stats;
int v3keys;
inp = iobuf_open (fname);
if (inp && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (inp)))
iobuf_close (inp);
inp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if (!inp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
stats = import_new_stats_handle ();
while (!(err = read_block (inp, &pending_pkt, &keyblock, &v3keys)))
if (keyblock->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY)
err = import_secret_one (ctrl, keyblock, stats, 1, 0, 1,
release_kbnode (keyblock);
if (err)
import_release_stats_handle (stats);
if (err == -1)
err = 0;
else if (err && gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_INV_KEYRING)
log_error (_("error reading '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
else if (err)
log_error ("import from '%s' failed: %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
iobuf_close (inp);
iobuf_ioctl (NULL, IOBUF_IOCTL_INVALIDATE_CACHE, 0, (char*)fname);
return err;
import_print_stats (import_stats_t stats)
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info(_("Total number processed: %lu\n"),
stats->count + stats->v3keys);
if (stats->v3keys)
log_info(_(" skipped PGP-2 keys: %lu\n"), stats->v3keys);
if (stats->skipped_new_keys )
log_info(_(" skipped new keys: %lu\n"),
stats->skipped_new_keys );
if (stats->no_user_id )
log_info(_(" w/o user IDs: %lu\n"), stats->no_user_id );
if (stats->imported)
log_info(_(" imported: %lu"), stats->imported );
log_printf ("\n");
if (stats->unchanged )
log_info(_(" unchanged: %lu\n"), stats->unchanged );
if (stats->n_uids )
log_info(_(" new user IDs: %lu\n"), stats->n_uids );
if (stats->n_subk )
log_info(_(" new subkeys: %lu\n"), stats->n_subk );
if (stats->n_sigs )
log_info(_(" new signatures: %lu\n"), stats->n_sigs );
if (stats->n_revoc )
log_info(_(" new key revocations: %lu\n"), stats->n_revoc );
if (stats->secret_read )
log_info(_(" secret keys read: %lu\n"), stats->secret_read );
if (stats->secret_imported )
log_info(_(" secret keys imported: %lu\n"), stats->secret_imported );
if (stats->secret_dups )
log_info(_(" secret keys unchanged: %lu\n"), stats->secret_dups );
if (stats->not_imported )
log_info(_(" not imported: %lu\n"), stats->not_imported );
if (stats->n_sigs_cleaned)
log_info(_(" signatures cleaned: %lu\n"),stats->n_sigs_cleaned);
if (stats->n_uids_cleaned)
log_info(_(" user IDs cleaned: %lu\n"),stats->n_uids_cleaned);
if (is_status_enabled ())
char buf[15*20];
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf,
"%lu %lu %lu 0 %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu",
stats->count + stats->v3keys,
stats->v3keys );
write_status_text (STATUS_IMPORT_RES, buf);
/* Return true if PKTTYPE is valid in a keyblock. */
static int
valid_keyblock_packet (int pkttype)
switch (pkttype)
return 1;
return 0;
* Read the next keyblock from stream A.
* PENDING_PKT should be initialzed to NULL
* and not changed by the caller.
* Return: 0 = okay, -1 no more blocks or another errorcode.
* The int at at R_V3KEY counts the number of unsupported v3
* keyblocks.
static int
read_block( IOBUF a, PACKET **pending_pkt, kbnode_t *ret_root, int *r_v3keys)
int rc;
PACKET *pkt;
kbnode_t root = NULL;
int in_cert, in_v3key;
*r_v3keys = 0;
if (*pending_pkt)
root = new_kbnode( *pending_pkt );
*pending_pkt = NULL;
in_cert = 1;
in_cert = 0;
pkt = xmalloc (sizeof *pkt);
init_packet (pkt);
in_v3key = 0;
while ((rc=parse_packet(a, pkt)) != -1)
if (rc && (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_LEGACY_KEY
&& (pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY)))
in_v3key = 1;
free_packet (pkt);
init_packet (pkt);
else if (rc ) /* (ignore errors) */
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_PACKET)
; /* Do not show a diagnostic. */
log_error("read_block: read error: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) );
goto ready;
free_packet( pkt );
if (in_v3key && !(pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY))
free_packet( pkt );
in_v3key = 0;
if (!root && pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class == 0x20 )
/* This is a revocation certificate which is handled in a
* special way. */
root = new_kbnode( pkt );
pkt = NULL;
goto ready;
/* Make a linked list of all packets. */
switch (pkt->pkttype)
if (check_compress_algo (pkt->pkt.compressed->algorithm))
goto ready;
compress_filter_context_t *cfx = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *cfx );
pkt->pkt.compressed->buf = NULL;
free_packet( pkt );
/* Skip those packets. */
free_packet( pkt );
if (in_cert ) /* Store this packet. */
*pending_pkt = pkt;
pkt = NULL;
goto ready;
in_cert = 1;
if (in_cert && valid_keyblock_packet (pkt->pkttype))
if (!root )
root = new_kbnode (pkt);
add_kbnode (root, new_kbnode (pkt));
pkt = xmalloc (sizeof *pkt);
if (rc == -1 && root )
rc = 0;
if (rc )
release_kbnode( root );
*ret_root = root;
free_packet( pkt );
xfree( pkt );
return rc;
/* Walk through the subkeys on a pk to find if we have the PKS
disease: multiple subkeys with their binding sigs stripped, and the
sig for the first subkey placed after the last subkey. That is,
instead of "pk uid sig sub1 bind1 sub2 bind2 sub3 bind3" we have
"pk uid sig sub1 sub2 sub3 bind1". We can't do anything about sub2
and sub3, as they are already lost, but we can try and rescue sub1
by reordering the keyblock so that it reads "pk uid sig sub1 bind1
sub2 sub3". Returns TRUE if the keyblock was modified. */
static int
fix_pks_corruption (kbnode_t keyblock)
int changed = 0;
int keycount = 0;
kbnode_t node;
kbnode_t last = NULL;
kbnode_t sknode=NULL;
/* First determine if we have the problem at all. Look for 2 or
more subkeys in a row, followed by a single binding sig. */
for (node=keyblock; node; last=node, node=node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& node->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class == 0x18
&& keycount >= 2
&& !node->next)
/* We might have the problem, as this key has two subkeys in
a row without any intervening packets. */
/* Sanity check */
if (!last)
/* Temporarily attach node to sknode. */
node->next = sknode->next;
sknode->next = node;
last->next = NULL;
/* Note we aren't checking whether this binding sig is a
selfsig. This is not necessary here as the subkey and
binding sig will be rejected later if that is the
case. */
if (check_key_signature (keyblock,node,NULL))
/* Not a match, so undo the changes. */
sknode->next = node->next;
last->next = node;
node->next = NULL;
/* Mark it good so we don't need to check it again */
sknode->flag |= NODE_GOOD_SELFSIG;
changed = 1;
keycount = 0;
return changed;
/* Versions of GnuPG before 1.4.11 and 2.0.16 allowed to import bogus
direct key signatures. A side effect of this was that a later
import of the same good direct key signatures was not possible
because the cmp_signature check in merge_blocks considered them
equal. Although direct key signatures are now checked during
import, there might still be bogus signatures sitting in a keyring.
We need to detect and delete them before doing a merge. This
function returns the number of removed sigs. */
static int
fix_bad_direct_key_sigs (kbnode_t keyblock, u32 *keyid)
gpg_error_t err;
kbnode_t node;
int count = 0;
for (node = keyblock->next; node; node=node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& IS_KEY_SIG (node->pkt->pkt.signature))
err = check_key_signature (keyblock, node, NULL);
if (err && gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO )
/* If we don't know the error, we can't decide; this is
not a problem because cmp_signature can't compare the
signature either. */
log_info ("key %s: invalid direct key signature removed\n",
keystr (keyid));
delete_kbnode (node);
return count;
static void
print_import_ok (PKT_public_key *pk, unsigned int reason)
byte array[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN], *s;
char buf[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN*2+30], *p;
size_t i, n;
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%u ", reason);
p = buf + strlen (buf);
fingerprint_from_pk (pk, array, &n);
s = array;
for (i=0; i < n ; i++, s++, p += 2)
sprintf (p, "%02X", *s);
write_status_text (STATUS_IMPORT_OK, buf);
static void
print_import_check (PKT_public_key * pk, PKT_user_id * id)
char * buf;
byte fpr[24];
u32 keyid[2];
size_t i, n;
size_t pos = 0;
buf = xmalloc (17+41+id->len+32);
keyid_from_pk (pk, keyid);
sprintf (buf, "%08X%08X ", keyid[0], keyid[1]);
pos = 17;
fingerprint_from_pk (pk, fpr, &n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++, pos += 2)
sprintf (buf+pos, "%02X", fpr[i]);
strcat (buf, " ");
strcat (buf, id->name);
write_status_text (STATUS_IMPORT_CHECK, buf);
xfree (buf);
static void
check_prefs_warning(PKT_public_key *pk)
log_info(_("WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n"
"algorithms on these user IDs:\n"), keystr_from_pk(pk));
static void
check_prefs (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock)
kbnode_t node;
PKT_public_key *pk;
int problem=0;
&& node->pkt->pkt.user_id->created
&& node->pkt->pkt.user_id->prefs)
PKT_user_id *uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
prefitem_t *prefs = uid->prefs;
char *user = utf8_to_native(uid->name,strlen(uid->name),0);
char num[10]; /* prefs->value is a byte, so we're over
safe here */
if (openpgp_cipher_test_algo (prefs->value))
const char *algo =
(openpgp_cipher_test_algo (prefs->value)
? num
: openpgp_cipher_algo_name (prefs->value));
log_info(_(" \"%s\": preference for cipher"
" algorithm %s\n"), user, algo);
else if(prefs->type==PREFTYPE_HASH)
const char *algo =
(gcry_md_test_algo (prefs->value)
? num
: gcry_md_algo_name (prefs->value));
log_info(_(" \"%s\": preference for digest"
" algorithm %s\n"), user, algo);
else if(prefs->type==PREFTYPE_ZIP)
if(check_compress_algo (prefs->value))
const char *algo=compress_algo_to_string(prefs->value);
log_info(_(" \"%s\": preference for compression"
" algorithm %s\n"),user,algo?algo:num);
log_info(_("it is strongly suggested that you update"
" your preferences and\n"));
log_info(_("re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm"
" mismatch problems\n"));
strlist_t sl = NULL;
strlist_t locusr = NULL;
size_t fprlen=0;
byte fpr[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN], *p;
char username[(MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN*2)+1];
unsigned int i;
p = fingerprint_from_pk (pk,fpr,&fprlen);
keyedit_menu (ctrl, username, locusr, sl, 1, 1 );
else if(!opt.quiet)
log_info(_("you can update your preferences with:"
" gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n"),keystr_from_pk(pk));
/* Helper for apply_*_filter in im,port.c and export.c. */
const char *
impex_filter_getval (void *cookie, const char *propname)
/* FIXME: Malloc our static buffers and access them via the cookie. */
kbnode_t node = cookie;
static char numbuf[20];
const char *result;
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
if (!strcmp (propname, "uid"))
result = node->pkt->pkt.user_id->name;
else if (!strcmp (propname, "mbox"))
if (!node->pkt->pkt.user_id->mbox)
= mailbox_from_userid (node->pkt->pkt.user_id->name);
result = node->pkt->pkt.user_id->mbox;
else if (!strcmp (propname, "primary"))
result = node->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_primary? "1":"0";
result = NULL;
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_ATTRIBUTE)
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (!strcmp (propname, "sig_created"))
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%lu", (ulong)sig->timestamp);
result = numbuf;
else if (!strcmp (propname, "sig_created_d"))
result = datestr_from_sig (sig);
else if (!strcmp (propname, "sig_algo"))
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%d", sig->pubkey_algo);
result = numbuf;
else if (!strcmp (propname, "sig_digest_algo"))
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%d", sig->digest_algo);
result = numbuf;
result = NULL;
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
PKT_public_key *pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (!strcmp (propname, "secret"))
result = (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)? "1":"0";
else if (!strcmp (propname, "key_algo"))
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%d", pk->pubkey_algo);
result = numbuf;
if (!strcmp (propname, "key_created"))
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%lu", (ulong)pk->timestamp);
result = numbuf;
else if (!strcmp (propname, "key_created_d"))
result = datestr_from_pk (pk);
result = NULL;
result = NULL;
return result;
* Apply the keep-uid filter to the keyblock. The deleted nodes are
* marked and thus the caller should call commit_kbnode afterwards.
* KEYBLOCK must not have any blocks marked as deleted.
static void
apply_keep_uid_filter (kbnode_t keyblock, recsel_expr_t selector)
kbnode_t node;
for (node = keyblock->next; node; node = node->next )
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
if (!recsel_select (selector, impex_filter_getval, node))
/* log_debug ("keep-uid: deleting '%s'\n", */
/* node->pkt->pkt.user_id->name); */
/* The UID packet and all following packets up to the
* next UID or a subkey. */
delete_kbnode (node);
for (; node->next
&& node->next->pkt->pkttype != PKT_USER_ID
&& node->next->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
&& node->next->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY ;
node = node->next)
delete_kbnode (node->next);
/* else */
/* log_debug ("keep-uid: keeping '%s'\n", */
/* node->pkt->pkt.user_id->name); */
* Apply the drop-sig filter to the keyblock. The deleted nodes are
* marked and thus the caller should call commit_kbnode afterwards.
* KEYBLOCK must not have any blocks marked as deleted.
static void
apply_drop_sig_filter (kbnode_t keyblock, recsel_expr_t selector)
kbnode_t node;
int active = 0;
u32 main_keyid[2];
PKT_signature *sig;
keyid_from_pk (keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key, main_keyid);
/* Loop over all signatures for user id and attribute packets which
* are not self signatures. */
for (node = keyblock->next; node; node = node->next )
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
break; /* ready. */
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
active = 1;
if (!active)
if (node->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SIGNATURE
&& node->pkt->pkttype != PKT_ATTRIBUTE)
sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (main_keyid[0] == sig->keyid[0] || main_keyid[1] == sig->keyid[1])
continue; /* Skip self-signatures. */
if (IS_UID_SIG(sig) || IS_UID_REV(sig))
if (recsel_select (selector, impex_filter_getval, node))
delete_kbnode (node);
* Try to import one keyblock. Return an error only in serious cases,
* but never for an invalid keyblock. It uses log_error to increase
* the internal errorcount, so that invalid input can be detected by
* programs which called gpg. If SILENT is no messages are printed -
* even most error messages are suppressed.
static int
import_one (ctrl_t ctrl,
kbnode_t keyblock, struct import_stats_s *stats,
unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fpr_len, unsigned int options,
int from_sk, int silent,
import_screener_t screener, void *screener_arg)
PKT_public_key *pk;
PKT_public_key *pk_orig = NULL;
kbnode_t node, uidnode;
kbnode_t keyblock_orig = NULL;
size_t fpr2len;
u32 keyid[2];
int rc = 0;
int new_key = 0;
int mod_key = 0;
int same_key = 0;
int non_self = 0;
size_t an;
char pkstrbuf[PUBKEY_STRING_SIZE];
int merge_keys_done = 0;
int any_filter = 0;
/* Get the key and print some info about it. */
node = find_kbnode( keyblock, PKT_PUBLIC_KEY );
if (!node )
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
fingerprint_from_pk (pk, fpr2, &fpr2len);
for (an = fpr2len; an < MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN; an++)
fpr2[an] = 0;
keyid_from_pk( pk, keyid );
uidnode = find_next_kbnode( keyblock, PKT_USER_ID );
if (opt.verbose && !opt.interactive && !silent)
log_info( "pub %s/%s %s ",
pubkey_string (pk, pkstrbuf, sizeof pkstrbuf),
keystr_from_pk(pk), datestr_from_pk(pk) );
if (uidnode)
print_utf8_buffer (log_get_stream (),
uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id->len );
log_printf ("\n");
if (!uidnode )
if (!silent)
log_error( _("key %s: no user ID\n"), keystr_from_pk(pk));
return 0;
if (screener && screener (keyblock, screener_arg))
log_error (_("key %s: %s\n"), keystr_from_pk (pk),
_("rejected by import screener"));
return 0;
if (opt.interactive && !silent)
if (is_status_enabled())
print_import_check (pk, uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id);
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
tty_printf ("\n");
show_basic_key_info (keyblock);
tty_printf ("\n");
if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("import.okay",
"Do you want to import this key? (y/N) "))
return 0;
/* Clean the key that we're about to import, to cut down on things
that we have to clean later. This has no practical impact on the
end result, but does result in less logging which might confuse
the user. */
if (options&IMPORT_CLEAN)
clean_key (keyblock,opt.verbose,options&IMPORT_MINIMAL,NULL,NULL);
clear_kbnode_flags( keyblock );
if ((options&IMPORT_REPAIR_PKS_SUBKEY_BUG) && fix_pks_corruption(keyblock)
&& opt.verbose)
log_info (_("key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n"),
if (chk_self_sigs (keyblock, keyid, &non_self))
return 0; /* Invalid keyblock - error already printed. */
/* If we allow such a thing, mark unsigned uids as valid */
if (opt.allow_non_selfsigned_uid)
for (node=keyblock; node; node = node->next )
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
&& !(node->flag & NODE_GOOD_SELFSIG)
&& !(node->flag & NODE_BAD_SELFSIG) )
char *user=utf8_to_native(node->pkt->pkt.user_id->name,
/* Fake a good signature status for the user id. */
node->flag |= NODE_GOOD_SELFSIG;
log_info( _("key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n"),
if (!delete_inv_parts (keyblock, keyid, options ) )
if (!silent)
log_error( _("key %s: no valid user IDs\n"), keystr_from_pk(pk));
if (!opt.quiet )
log_info(_("this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n"));
return 0;
/* Get rid of deleted nodes. */
commit_kbnode (&keyblock);
/* Apply import filter. */
if (import_filter.keep_uid)
apply_keep_uid_filter (keyblock, import_filter.keep_uid);
commit_kbnode (&keyblock);
any_filter = 1;
if (import_filter.drop_sig)
apply_drop_sig_filter (keyblock, import_filter.drop_sig);
commit_kbnode (&keyblock);
any_filter = 1;
/* If we ran any filter we need to check that at least one user id
* is left in the keyring. Note that we do not use log_error in
* this case. */
if (any_filter && !any_uid_left (keyblock))
if (!opt.quiet )
log_info ( _("key %s: no valid user IDs\n"), keystr_from_pk (pk));
return 0;
/* Show the key in the form it is merged or inserted. We skip this
* if "import-export" is also active without --armor or the output
* file has explicily been given. */
if ((options & IMPORT_SHOW)
&& !((options & IMPORT_EXPORT) && !opt.armor && !opt.outfile))
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
merge_keys_done = 1;
/* Note that we do not want to show the validity because the key
* has not yet imported. */
list_keyblock_direct (ctrl, keyblock, 0, 0, 1, 1);
es_fflush (es_stdout);
/* Write the keyblock to the output and do not actually import. */
if ((options & IMPORT_EXPORT))
if (!merge_keys_done)
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
merge_keys_done = 1;
rc = write_keyblock_to_output (keyblock, opt.armor, opt.export_options);
goto leave;
if (opt.dry_run)
goto leave;
/* Do we have this key already in one of our pubrings ? */
pk_orig = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *pk_orig );
rc = get_pubkey_byfprint_fast (pk_orig, fpr2, fpr2len);
if (rc && gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY
&& gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_UNUSABLE_PUBKEY )
if (!silent)
log_error (_("key %s: public key not found: %s\n"),
keystr(keyid), gpg_strerror (rc));
else if ( rc && (opt.import_options&IMPORT_MERGE_ONLY) )
if (opt.verbose && !silent )
log_info( _("key %s: new key - skipped\n"), keystr(keyid));
rc = 0;
else if (rc ) /* Insert this key. */
hd = keydb_new ();
if (!hd)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
rc = keydb_locate_writable (hd);
if (rc)
log_error (_("no writable keyring found: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
keydb_release (hd);
if (opt.verbose > 1 )
log_info (_("writing to '%s'\n"), keydb_get_resource_name (hd) );
rc = keydb_insert_keyblock (hd, keyblock );
if (rc)
log_error (_("error writing keyring '%s': %s\n"),
keydb_get_resource_name (hd), gpg_strerror (rc));
else if (!(opt.import_options & IMPORT_KEEP_OWNERTTRUST))
/* This should not be possible since we delete the
ownertrust when a key is deleted, but it can happen if
the keyring and trustdb are out of sync. It can also
be made to happen with the trusted-key command and by
importing and locally exported key. */
clear_ownertrusts (pk);
if (non_self)
revalidation_mark ();
keydb_release (hd);
/* We are ready. */
if (!opt.quiet && !silent)
char *p = get_user_id_byfpr_native (fpr2);
log_info (_("key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n"),
keystr(keyid), p);
if (is_status_enabled())
char *us = get_long_user_id_string( keyid );
write_status_text( STATUS_IMPORTED, us );
print_import_ok (pk, 1);
new_key = 1;
else /* merge */
int n_uids, n_sigs, n_subk, n_sigs_cleaned, n_uids_cleaned;
/* Compare the original against the new key; just to be sure nothing
* weird is going on */
if (cmp_public_keys( pk_orig, pk ) )
if (!silent)
log_error( _("key %s: doesn't match our copy\n"),keystr(keyid));
goto leave;
/* Now read the original keyblock again so that we can use
that handle for updating the keyblock. */
hd = keydb_new ();
if (!hd)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
keydb_disable_caching (hd);
rc = keydb_search_fpr (hd, fpr2);
if (rc )
log_error (_("key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n"),
keystr(keyid), gpg_strerror (rc));
keydb_release (hd);
goto leave;
rc = keydb_get_keyblock (hd, &keyblock_orig);
if (rc)
log_error (_("key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n"),
keystr(keyid), gpg_strerror (rc));
keydb_release (hd);
goto leave;
/* Make sure the original direct key sigs are all sane. */
n_sigs_cleaned = fix_bad_direct_key_sigs (keyblock_orig, keyid);
if (n_sigs_cleaned)
commit_kbnode (&keyblock_orig);
/* and try to merge the block */
clear_kbnode_flags( keyblock_orig );
clear_kbnode_flags( keyblock );
n_uids = n_sigs = n_subk = n_uids_cleaned = 0;
rc = merge_blocks (keyblock_orig, keyblock,
keyid, &n_uids, &n_sigs, &n_subk );
if (rc )
keydb_release (hd);
goto leave;
if ((options & IMPORT_CLEAN))
clean_key (keyblock_orig,opt.verbose,options&IMPORT_MINIMAL,
if (n_uids || n_sigs || n_subk || n_sigs_cleaned || n_uids_cleaned)
mod_key = 1;
/* KEYBLOCK_ORIG has been updated; write */
rc = keydb_update_keyblock (hd, keyblock_orig);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error writing keyring '%s': %s\n"),
keydb_get_resource_name (hd), gpg_strerror (rc) );
else if (non_self)
revalidation_mark ();
/* We are ready. */
if (!opt.quiet && !silent)
char *p = get_user_id_byfpr_native (fpr2);
if (n_uids == 1 )
log_info( _("key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n"),
else if (n_uids )
log_info( _("key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n"),
if (n_sigs == 1 )
log_info( _("key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n"),
keystr(keyid), p);
else if (n_sigs )
log_info( _("key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n"),
keystr(keyid), p, n_sigs );
if (n_subk == 1 )
log_info( _("key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n"),
keystr(keyid), p);
else if (n_subk )
log_info( _("key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n"),
keystr(keyid), p, n_subk );
if (n_sigs_cleaned==1)
log_info(_("key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n"),
else if (n_sigs_cleaned)
log_info(_("key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n"),
if (n_uids_cleaned==1)
log_info(_("key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n"),
else if (n_uids_cleaned)
log_info(_("key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n"),
stats->n_uids +=n_uids;
stats->n_sigs +=n_sigs;
stats->n_subk +=n_subk;
stats->n_sigs_cleaned +=n_sigs_cleaned;
stats->n_uids_cleaned +=n_uids_cleaned;
if (is_status_enabled () && !silent)
print_import_ok (pk, ((n_uids?2:0)|(n_sigs?4:0)|(n_subk?8:0)));
same_key = 1;
if (is_status_enabled ())
print_import_ok (pk, 0);
if (!opt.quiet && !silent)
char *p = get_user_id_byfpr_native (fpr2);
log_info( _("key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n"),keystr(keyid),p);
keydb_release (hd); hd = NULL;
if (mod_key || new_key || same_key)
/* A little explanation for this: we fill in the fingerprint
when importing keys as it can be useful to know the
fingerprint in certain keyserver-related cases (a keyserver
asked for a particular name, but the key doesn't have that
name). However, in cases where we're importing more than
one key at a time, we cannot know which key to fingerprint.
In these cases, rather than guessing, we do not
fingerprinting at all, and we must hope the user ID on the
keys are useful. Note that we need to do this for new
keys, merged keys and even for unchanged keys. This is
required because for example the --auto-key-locate feature
may import an already imported key and needs to know the
fingerprint of the key in all cases. */
if (fpr)
xfree (*fpr);
/* Note that we need to compare against 0 here because
COUNT gets only incremented after returning from this
function. */
if (!stats->count)
*fpr = fingerprint_from_pk (pk, NULL, fpr_len);
*fpr = NULL;
/* Now that the key is definitely incorporated into the keydb, we
need to check if a designated revocation is present or if the
prefs are not rational so we can warn the user. */
if (mod_key)
revocation_present (ctrl, keyblock_orig);
if (!from_sk && have_secret_key_with_kid (keyid))
check_prefs (ctrl, keyblock_orig);
else if (new_key)
revocation_present (ctrl, keyblock);
if (!from_sk && have_secret_key_with_kid (keyid))
check_prefs (ctrl, keyblock);
release_kbnode( keyblock_orig );
free_public_key( pk_orig );
return rc;
/* Transfer all the secret keys in SEC_KEYBLOCK to the gpg-agent. The
function prints diagnostics and returns an error code. If BATCH is
true the secret keys are stored by gpg-agent in the transfer format
(i.e. no re-protection and aksing for passphrases). */
transfer_secret_keys (ctrl_t ctrl, struct import_stats_s *stats,
kbnode_t sec_keyblock, int batch, int force)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
void *kek = NULL;
size_t keklen;
kbnode_t ctx = NULL;
kbnode_t node;
PKT_public_key *main_pk, *pk;
struct seckey_info *ski;
int nskey;
membuf_t mbuf;
int i, j;
void *format_args[2*PUBKEY_MAX_NSKEY];
gcry_sexp_t skey, prot, tmpsexp;
gcry_sexp_t curve = NULL;
unsigned char *transferkey = NULL;
size_t transferkeylen;
gcry_cipher_hd_t cipherhd = NULL;
unsigned char *wrappedkey = NULL;
size_t wrappedkeylen;
char *cache_nonce = NULL;
int stub_key_skipped = 0;
/* Get the current KEK. */
err = agent_keywrap_key (ctrl, 0, &kek, &keklen);
if (err)
log_error ("error getting the KEK: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Prepare a cipher context. */
err = gcry_cipher_open (&cipherhd, GCRY_CIPHER_AES128,
if (!err)
err = gcry_cipher_setkey (cipherhd, kek, keklen);
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (kek);
kek = NULL;
main_pk = NULL;
while ((node = walk_kbnode (sec_keyblock, &ctx, 0)))
if (node->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SECRET_KEY
&& node->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (!main_pk)
main_pk = pk;
/* Make sure the keyids are available. */
keyid_from_pk (pk, NULL);
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY)
pk->main_keyid[0] = pk->keyid[0];
pk->main_keyid[1] = pk->keyid[1];
pk->main_keyid[0] = main_pk->keyid[0];
pk->main_keyid[1] = main_pk->keyid[1];
ski = pk->seckey_info;
if (!ski)
BUG ();
if (stats)
/* We ignore stub keys. The way we handle them in other parts
of the code is by asking the agent whether any secret key is
available for a given keyblock and then concluding that we
have a secret key; all secret (sub)keys of the keyblock the
agent does not know of are then stub keys. This works also
for card stub keys. The learn command or the card-status
command may be used to check with the agent whether a card
has been inserted and a stub key is in turn generated by the
agent. */
if (ski->s2k.mode == 1001 || ski->s2k.mode == 1002)
stub_key_skipped = 1;
/* Convert our internal secret key object into an S-expression. */
nskey = pubkey_get_nskey (pk->pubkey_algo);
if (!nskey || nskey > PUBKEY_MAX_NSKEY)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
log_error ("internal error: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
init_membuf (&mbuf, 50);
put_membuf_str (&mbuf, "(skey");
if (pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA
|| pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA
|| pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
/* The ECC case. */
char *curvestr = openpgp_oid_to_str (pk->pkey[0]);
if (!curvestr)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
const char *curvename = openpgp_oid_to_curve (curvestr, 1);
gcry_sexp_release (curve);
err = gcry_sexp_build (&curve, NULL, "(curve %s)",
xfree (curvestr);
if (!err)
j = 0;
/* Append the public key element Q. */
put_membuf_str (&mbuf, " _ %m");
format_args[j++] = pk->pkey + 1;
/* Append the secret key element D. For ECDH we
skip PKEY[2] because this holds the KEK which is
not needed by gpg-agent. */
i = pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH? 3 : 2;
if (gcry_mpi_get_flag (pk->pkey[i], GCRYMPI_FLAG_USER1))
put_membuf_str (&mbuf, " e %m");
put_membuf_str (&mbuf, " _ %m");
format_args[j++] = pk->pkey + i;
/* Standard case for the old (non-ECC) algorithms. */
for (i=j=0; i < nskey; i++)
if (!pk->pkey[i])
continue; /* Protected keys only have NPKEY+1 elements. */
if (gcry_mpi_get_flag (pk->pkey[i], GCRYMPI_FLAG_USER1))
put_membuf_str (&mbuf, " e %m");
put_membuf_str (&mbuf, " _ %m");
format_args[j++] = pk->pkey + i;
put_membuf_str (&mbuf, ")");
put_membuf (&mbuf, "", 1);
if (err)
xfree (get_membuf (&mbuf, NULL));
char *format = get_membuf (&mbuf, NULL);
if (!format)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = gcry_sexp_build_array (&skey, NULL, format, format_args);
xfree (format);
if (err)
log_error ("error building skey array: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (ski->is_protected)
char countbuf[35];
/* Note that the IVLEN may be zero if we are working on a
dummy key. We can't express that in an S-expression and
thus we send dummy data for the IV. */
snprintf (countbuf, sizeof countbuf, "%lu",
(unsigned long)ski->s2k.count);
err = gcry_sexp_build
(&prot, NULL,
" (protection %s %s %b %d %s %b %s)\n",
ski->sha1chk? "sha1":"sum",
openpgp_cipher_algo_name (ski->algo),
ski->ivlen? (int)ski->ivlen:1,
ski->ivlen? ski->iv: (const unsigned char*)"X",
openpgp_md_algo_name (ski->s2k.hash_algo),
(int)sizeof (ski->s2k.salt), ski->s2k.salt,
err = gcry_sexp_build (&prot, NULL, " (protection none)\n");
tmpsexp = NULL;
xfree (transferkey);
transferkey = NULL;
if (!err)
err = gcry_sexp_build (&tmpsexp, NULL,
" (version %d)\n"
" (algo %s)\n"
" %S%S\n"
" (csum %d)\n"
" %S)\n",
openpgp_pk_algo_name (pk->pubkey_algo),
curve, skey,
(int)(unsigned long)ski->csum, prot);
gcry_sexp_release (skey);
gcry_sexp_release (prot);
if (!err)
err = make_canon_sexp_pad (tmpsexp, 1, &transferkey, &transferkeylen);
gcry_sexp_release (tmpsexp);
if (err)
log_error ("error building transfer key: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Wrap the key. */
wrappedkeylen = transferkeylen + 8;
xfree (wrappedkey);
wrappedkey = xtrymalloc (wrappedkeylen);
if (!wrappedkey)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = gcry_cipher_encrypt (cipherhd, wrappedkey, wrappedkeylen,
transferkey, transferkeylen);
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (transferkey);
transferkey = NULL;
/* Send the wrapped key to the agent. */
char *desc = gpg_format_keydesc (pk, FORMAT_KEYDESC_IMPORT, 1);
err = agent_import_key (ctrl, desc, &cache_nonce,
wrappedkey, wrappedkeylen, batch, force);
xfree (desc);
if (!err)
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("key %s: secret key imported\n"),
keystr_from_pk_with_sub (main_pk, pk));
if (stats)
else if ( gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EEXIST )
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("key %s: secret key already exists\n"),
keystr_from_pk_with_sub (main_pk, pk));
err = 0;
if (stats)
log_error (_("key %s: error sending to agent: %s\n"),
keystr_from_pk_with_sub (main_pk, pk),
gpg_strerror (err));
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_CANCELED
|| gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_FULLY_CANCELED)
break; /* Don't try the other subkeys. */
if (!err && stub_key_skipped)
/* We need to notify user how to migrate stub keys. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_PROCESSED);
gcry_sexp_release (curve);
xfree (cache_nonce);
xfree (wrappedkey);
xfree (transferkey);
gcry_cipher_close (cipherhd);
xfree (kek);
return err;
/* Walk a secret keyblock and produce a public keyblock out of it.
Returns a new node or NULL on error. */
static kbnode_t
sec_to_pub_keyblock (kbnode_t sec_keyblock)
kbnode_t pub_keyblock = NULL;
kbnode_t ctx = NULL;
kbnode_t secnode, pubnode;
while ((secnode = walk_kbnode (sec_keyblock, &ctx, 0)))
if (secnode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY
|| secnode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
/* Make a public key. */
PACKET *pkt;
PKT_public_key *pk;
pkt = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *pkt);
pk = pkt? copy_public_key (NULL, secnode->pkt->pkt.public_key): NULL;
if (!pk)
xfree (pkt);
release_kbnode (pub_keyblock);
return NULL;
if (secnode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY)
pkt->pkttype = PKT_PUBLIC_KEY;
pkt->pkttype = PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY;
pkt->pkt.public_key = pk;
pubnode = new_kbnode (pkt);
pubnode = clone_kbnode (secnode);
if (!pub_keyblock)
pub_keyblock = pubnode;
add_kbnode (pub_keyblock, pubnode);
return pub_keyblock;
* Ditto for secret keys. Handling is simpler than for public keys.
* We allow secret key importing only when allow is true, this is so
* that a secret key can not be imported accidentally and thereby tampering
* with the trust calculation.
static int
import_secret_one (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock,
struct import_stats_s *stats, int batch, unsigned int options,
int for_migration,
import_screener_t screener, void *screener_arg)
PKT_public_key *pk;
struct seckey_info *ski;
kbnode_t node, uidnode;
u32 keyid[2];
int rc = 0;
int nr_prev;
kbnode_t pub_keyblock;
char pkstrbuf[PUBKEY_STRING_SIZE];
/* Get the key and print some info about it */
node = find_kbnode (keyblock, PKT_SECRET_KEY);
if (!node)
BUG ();
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keyid_from_pk (pk, keyid);
uidnode = find_next_kbnode (keyblock, PKT_USER_ID);
if (screener && screener (keyblock, screener_arg))
log_error (_("secret key %s: %s\n"), keystr_from_pk (pk),
_("rejected by import screener"));
return 0;
if (opt.verbose && !for_migration)
log_info ("sec %s/%s %s ",
pubkey_string (pk, pkstrbuf, sizeof pkstrbuf),
keystr_from_pk (pk), datestr_from_pk (pk));
if (uidnode)
print_utf8_buffer (log_get_stream (), uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id->name,
log_printf ("\n");
if ((options & IMPORT_NO_SECKEY))
if (!for_migration)
log_error (_("importing secret keys not allowed\n"));
return 0;
if (!uidnode)
if (!for_migration)
log_error( _("key %s: no user ID\n"), keystr_from_pk (pk));
return 0;
ski = pk->seckey_info;
if (!ski)
/* Actually an internal error. */
log_error ("key %s: secret key info missing\n", keystr_from_pk (pk));
return 0;
/* A quick check to not import keys with an invalid protection
cipher algorithm (only checks the primary key, though). */
if (ski->algo > 110)
if (!for_migration)
log_error (_("key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d"
" - skipped\n"), keystr_from_pk (pk), ski->algo);
return 0;
if (1)
/* We don't allow importing secret keys because that may be used
to put a secret key into the keyring and the user might later
be tricked into signing stuff with that key. */
log_error (_("importing secret keys not allowed\n"));
return 0;
clear_kbnode_flags (keyblock);
nr_prev = stats->skipped_new_keys;
/* Make a public key out of the key. */
pub_keyblock = sec_to_pub_keyblock (keyblock);
if (!pub_keyblock)
log_error ("key %s: failed to create public key from secret key\n",
keystr_from_pk (pk));
/* Note that this outputs an IMPORT_OK status message for the
public key block, and below we will output another one for
the secret keys. FIXME? */
import_one (ctrl, pub_keyblock, stats,
NULL, NULL, options, 1, for_migration,
screener, screener_arg);
/* Fixme: We should check for an invalid keyblock and
cancel the secret key import in this case. */
release_kbnode (pub_keyblock);
/* At least we cancel the secret key import when the public key
import was skipped due to MERGE_ONLY option and a new
key. */
if (stats->skipped_new_keys <= nr_prev)
/* Read the keyblock again to get the effects of a merge. */
/* Fixme: we should do this based on the fingerprint or
even better let import_one return the merged
keyblock. */
node = get_pubkeyblock (keyid);
if (!node)
log_error ("key %s: failed to re-lookup public key\n",
keystr_from_pk (pk));
gpg_error_t err;
/* transfer_secret_keys collects subkey stats. */
struct import_stats_s subkey_stats = {0};
err = transfer_secret_keys (ctrl, &subkey_stats, keyblock,
batch, 0);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_PROCESSED)
/* TRANSLATORS: For smartcard, each private key on
host has a reference (stub) to a smartcard and
actual private key data is stored on the card. A
single smartcard can have up to three private key
data. Importing private key stub is always
skipped in 2.1, and it returns
GPG_ERR_NOT_PROCESSED. Instead, user should be
suggested to run 'gpg --card-status', then,
references to a card will be automatically
created again. */
log_info (_("To migrate '%s', with each smartcard, "
"run: %s\n"), "secring.gpg", "gpg --card-status");
err = 0;
if (!err)
int status = 16;
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("key %s: secret key imported\n"),
keystr_from_pk (pk));
if (subkey_stats.secret_imported)
status |= 1;
stats->secret_imported += 1;
if (subkey_stats.secret_dups)
stats->secret_dups += 1;
if (is_status_enabled ())
print_import_ok (pk, status);
check_prefs (ctrl, node);
release_kbnode (node);
return rc;
* Import a revocation certificate; this is a single signature packet.
static int
import_revoke_cert (kbnode_t node, struct import_stats_s *stats)
PKT_public_key *pk = NULL;
kbnode_t onode;
kbnode_t keyblock = NULL;
u32 keyid[2];
int rc = 0;
log_assert (!node->next );
log_assert (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE );
log_assert (node->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class == 0x20 );
keyid[0] = node->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid[0];
keyid[1] = node->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid[1];
pk = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *pk );
rc = get_pubkey( pk, keyid );
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY )
log_error(_("key %s: no public key -"
" can't apply revocation certificate\n"), keystr(keyid));
rc = 0;
goto leave;
else if (rc )
log_error(_("key %s: public key not found: %s\n"),
keystr(keyid), gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
/* Read the original keyblock. */
hd = keydb_new ();
if (!hd)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
size_t an;
fingerprint_from_pk (pk, afp, &an);
afp[an++] = 0;
rc = keydb_search_fpr (hd, afp);
if (rc)
log_error (_("key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n"),
keystr(keyid), gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
rc = keydb_get_keyblock (hd, &keyblock );
if (rc)
log_error (_("key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n"),
keystr(keyid), gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
/* it is okay, that node is not in keyblock because
* check_key_signature works fine for sig_class 0x20 in this
* special case. */
rc = check_key_signature( keyblock, node, NULL);
if (rc )
log_error( _("key %s: invalid revocation certificate"
": %s - rejected\n"), keystr(keyid), gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
/* check whether we already have this */
for(onode=keyblock->next; onode; onode=onode->next ) {
if (onode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID )
else if (onode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& !cmp_signatures(node->pkt->pkt.signature,
rc = 0;
goto leave; /* yes, we already know about it */
/* insert it */
insert_kbnode( keyblock, clone_kbnode(node), 0 );
/* and write the keyblock back */
rc = keydb_update_keyblock (hd, keyblock );
if (rc)
log_error (_("error writing keyring '%s': %s\n"),
keydb_get_resource_name (hd), gpg_strerror (rc) );
keydb_release (hd);
hd = NULL;
/* we are ready */
if (!opt.quiet )
char *p=get_user_id_native (keyid);
log_info( _("key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n"),
/* If the key we just revoked was ultimately trusted, remove its
ultimate trust. This doesn't stop the user from putting the
ultimate trust back, but is a reasonable solution for now. */
revalidation_mark ();
keydb_release (hd);
release_kbnode( keyblock );
free_public_key( pk );
return rc;
/* Loop over the keyblock and check all self signatures. On return
* the following bis in the node flags are set:
* - NODE_GOOD_SELFSIG :: User ID or subkey has a self-signature
* - NODE_BAD_SELFSIG :: Used ID or subkey has an invalid self-signature
* - NODE_DELETION_MARK :: This node shall be deleted
* NON_SELF is set to true if there are any sigs other than self-sigs
* in this keyblock.
* Returns 0 on success or -1 (but not an error code) if the keyblock
* is invalid.
static int
chk_self_sigs (kbnode_t keyblock, u32 *keyid, int *non_self )
kbnode_t n, knode = NULL;
PKT_signature *sig;
int rc;
u32 bsdate=0, rsdate=0;
kbnode_t bsnode = NULL, rsnode = NULL;
for (n=keyblock; (n = find_next_kbnode (n, 0)); )
if (n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
knode = n;
bsdate = 0;
rsdate = 0;
bsnode = NULL;
rsnode = NULL;
if ( n->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SIGNATURE )
sig = n->pkt->pkt.signature;
if ( keyid[0] != sig->keyid[0] || keyid[1] != sig->keyid[1] )
*non_self = 1;
/* This just caches the sigs for later use. That way we
import a fully-cached key which speeds things up. */
if (!opt.no_sig_cache)
check_key_signature (keyblock, n, NULL);
if ( IS_UID_SIG(sig) || IS_UID_REV(sig) )
kbnode_t unode = find_prev_kbnode( keyblock, n, PKT_USER_ID );
if ( !unode )
log_error( _("key %s: no user ID for signature\n"),
return -1; /* The complete keyblock is invalid. */
/* If it hasn't been marked valid yet, keep trying. */
if (!(unode->flag & NODE_GOOD_SELFSIG))
rc = check_key_signature (keyblock, n, NULL);
if ( rc )
if ( opt.verbose )
char *p = utf8_to_native
strlen (unode->pkt->pkt.user_id->name),0);
log_info (gpg_err_code(rc) == GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO ?
_("key %s: unsupported public key "
"algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n"):
_("key %s: invalid self-signature "
"on user ID \"%s\"\n"),
keystr (keyid),p);
xfree (p);
unode->flag |= NODE_GOOD_SELFSIG;
else if (IS_KEY_SIG (sig))
rc = check_key_signature (keyblock, n, NULL);
if ( rc )
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO ?
_("key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n"):
_("key %s: invalid direct key signature\n"),
keystr (keyid));
else if ( IS_SUBKEY_SIG (sig) )
/* Note that this works based solely on the timestamps like
the rest of gpg. If the standard gets revocation
targets, this may need to be revised. */
if ( !knode )
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("key %s: no subkey for key binding\n"),
keystr (keyid));
rc = check_key_signature (keyblock, n, NULL);
if ( rc )
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO ?
_("key %s: unsupported public key"
" algorithm\n"):
_("key %s: invalid subkey binding\n"),
keystr (keyid));
/* It's valid, so is it newer? */
if (sig->timestamp >= bsdate)
knode->flag |= NODE_GOOD_SELFSIG; /* Subkey is valid. */
if (bsnode)
/* Delete the last binding sig since this
one is newer */
bsnode->flag |= NODE_DELETION_MARK;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("key %s: removed multiple subkey"
" binding\n"),keystr(keyid));
bsnode = n;
bsdate = sig->timestamp;
n->flag |= NODE_DELETION_MARK; /* older */
else if ( IS_SUBKEY_REV (sig) )
/* We don't actually mark the subkey as revoked right now,
so just check that the revocation sig is the most recent
valid one. Note that we don't care if the binding sig is
newer than the revocation sig. See the comment in
getkey.c:merge_selfsigs_subkey for more. */
if ( !knode )
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n"),
rc = check_key_signature (keyblock, n, NULL);
if ( rc )
log_info (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO ?
_("key %s: unsupported public"
" key algorithm\n"):
_("key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n"),
/* It's valid, so is it newer? */
if (sig->timestamp >= rsdate)
if (rsnode)
/* Delete the last revocation sig since
this one is newer. */
rsnode->flag |= NODE_DELETION_MARK;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("key %s: removed multiple subkey"
" revocation\n"),keystr(keyid));
rsnode = n;
rsdate = sig->timestamp;
n->flag |= NODE_DELETION_MARK; /* older */
return 0;
/* Delete all parts which are invalid and those signatures whose
* public key algorithm is not available in this implemenation; but
* consider RSA as valid, because parse/build_packets knows about it.
* Returns: True if at least one valid user-id is left over.
static int
delete_inv_parts (kbnode_t keyblock, u32 *keyid, unsigned int options)
kbnode_t node;
int nvalid=0, uid_seen=0, subkey_seen=0;
for (node=keyblock->next; node; node = node->next )
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
uid_seen = 1;
if ((node->flag & NODE_BAD_SELFSIG)
|| !(node->flag & NODE_GOOD_SELFSIG))
if (opt.verbose )
char *p=utf8_to_native(node->pkt->pkt.user_id->name,
log_info( _("key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n"),
delete_kbnode( node ); /* the user-id */
/* and all following packets up to the next user-id */
while (node->next
&& node->next->pkt->pkttype != PKT_USER_ID
&& node->next->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
&& node->next->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY ){
delete_kbnode( node->next );
node = node->next;
else if ( node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY )
if ((node->flag & NODE_BAD_SELFSIG)
|| !(node->flag & NODE_GOOD_SELFSIG))
if (opt.verbose )
log_info( _("key %s: skipped subkey\n"),keystr(keyid));
delete_kbnode( node ); /* the subkey */
/* and all following signature packets */
while (node->next
&& node->next->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE ) {
delete_kbnode( node->next );
node = node->next;
subkey_seen = 1;
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& openpgp_pk_test_algo (node->pkt->pkt.signature->pubkey_algo)
&& node->pkt->pkt.signature->pubkey_algo != PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA )
delete_kbnode( node ); /* build_packet() can't handle this */
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& !node->pkt->pkt.signature->flags.exportable
&& !(options&IMPORT_LOCAL_SIGS)
&& !have_secret_key_with_kid (node->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid))
/* here we violate the rfc a bit by still allowing
* to import non-exportable signature when we have the
* the secret key used to create this signature - it
* seems that this makes sense */
log_info( _("key %s: non exportable signature"
" (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n"),
keystr(keyid), node->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class );
delete_kbnode( node );
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& node->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class == 0x20)
if (uid_seen )
log_info( _("key %s: revocation certificate"
" at wrong place - skipped\n"),keystr(keyid));
delete_kbnode( node );
/* If the revocation cert is from a different key than
the one we're working on don't check it - it's
probably from a revocation key and won't be
verifiable with this key anyway. */
&& node->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid[1]==keyid[1])
int rc = check_key_signature( keyblock, node, NULL);
if (rc )
log_info( _("key %s: invalid revocation"
" certificate: %s - skipped\n"),
keystr(keyid), gpg_strerror (rc));
delete_kbnode( node );
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& (node->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class == 0x18
|| node->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class == 0x28)
&& !subkey_seen )
log_info( _("key %s: subkey signature"
" in wrong place - skipped\n"), keystr(keyid));
delete_kbnode( node );
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& !IS_CERT(node->pkt->pkt.signature))
log_info(_("key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) -"
" skipped\n"),keystr(keyid),
else if ((node->flag & NODE_DELETION_MARK))
delete_kbnode( node );
/* note: because keyblock is the public key, it is never marked
* for deletion and so keyblock cannot change */
commit_kbnode( &keyblock );
return nvalid;
/* This function returns true if any UID is left in the keyring. */
static int
any_uid_left (kbnode_t keyblock)
kbnode_t node;
for (node=keyblock->next; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
return 1;
return 0;
* It may happen that the imported keyblock has duplicated user IDs.
* We check this here and collapse those user IDs together with their
* sigs into one.
* Returns: True if the keyblock has changed.
collapse_uids( kbnode_t *keyblock )
kbnode_t uid1;
int any=0;
kbnode_t uid2;
/* We have a duplicated uid */
kbnode_t sig1,last;
/* Now take uid2's signatures, and attach them to
uid1 */
|| last->next->pkt->pkttype==PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| last->next->pkt->pkttype==PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
/* Snip out uid2 */
/* Now put uid2 in place as part of uid1 */
/* Now dedupe uid1 */
kbnode_t sig2;
|| sig1->pkt->pkttype==PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| sig1->pkt->pkttype==PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
|| sig2->pkt->pkttype==PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| sig2->pkt->pkttype==PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
/* We have a match, so delete the second
signature */
if(any && !opt.quiet)
const char *key="???";
if ((uid1 = find_kbnode (*keyblock, PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)) )
key = keystr_from_pk (uid1->pkt->pkt.public_key);
else if ((uid1 = find_kbnode( *keyblock, PKT_SECRET_KEY)) )
key = keystr_from_pk (uid1->pkt->pkt.public_key);
log_info (_("key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n"), key);
return any;
/* Check for a 0x20 revocation from a revocation key that is not
present. This may be called without the benefit of merge_xxxx so
you can't rely on pk->revkey and friends. */
static void
revocation_present (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock)
kbnode_t onode, inode;
PKT_public_key *pk = keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
/* If we reach user IDs, we're done. */
if(onode->pkt->pkttype==PKT_SIGNATURE &&
onode->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class==0x1F &&
int idx;
PKT_signature *sig=onode->pkt->pkt.signature;
u32 keyid[2];
/* If we reach user IDs, we're done. */
if(inode->pkt->pkttype==PKT_SIGNATURE &&
inode->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class==0x20 &&
inode->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid[0]==keyid[0] &&
/* Okay, we have a revocation key, and a
revocation issued by it. Do we have the key
itself? */
int rc;
rc=get_pubkey_byfprint_fast (NULL,sig->revkey[idx].fpr,
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY
|| gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_UNUSABLE_PUBKEY)
char *tempkeystr=xstrdup(keystr_from_pk(pk));
/* No, so try and get it */
if ((opt.keyserver_options.options
&& keyserver_any_configured (ctrl))
log_info(_("WARNING: key %s may be revoked:"
" fetching revocation key %s\n"),
keyserver_import_fprint (ctrl,
opt.keyserver, 0);
/* Do we have it now? */
rc=get_pubkey_byfprint_fast (NULL,
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY
|| gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_UNUSABLE_PUBKEY)
log_info(_("WARNING: key %s may be revoked:"
" revocation key %s not present.\n"),
* compare and merge the blocks
* o compare the signatures: If we already have this signature, check
* that they compare okay; if not, issue a warning and ask the user.
* o Simply add the signature. Can't verify here because we may not have
* the signature's public key yet; verification is done when putting it
* into the trustdb, which is done automagically as soon as this pubkey
* is used.
* Note: We indicate newly inserted packets with NODE_FLAG_A.
static int
merge_blocks (kbnode_t keyblock_orig, kbnode_t keyblock,
u32 *keyid, int *n_uids, int *n_sigs, int *n_subk )
kbnode_t onode, node;
int rc, found;
/* 1st: handle revocation certificates */
for (node=keyblock->next; node; node=node->next )
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID )
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& node->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class == 0x20)
/* check whether we already have this */
found = 0;
for (onode=keyblock_orig->next; onode; onode=onode->next)
if (onode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID )
else if (onode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& onode->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class == 0x20
&& !cmp_signatures(onode->pkt->pkt.signature,
found = 1;
if (!found)
kbnode_t n2 = clone_kbnode(node);
insert_kbnode( keyblock_orig, n2, 0 );
n2->flag |= NODE_FLAG_A;
char *p=get_user_id_native (keyid);
log_info(_("key %s: \"%s\" revocation"
" certificate added\n"), keystr(keyid),p);
/* 2nd: merge in any direct key (0x1F) sigs */
for(node=keyblock->next; node; node=node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID )
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& node->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class == 0x1F)
/* check whether we already have this */
found = 0;
for (onode=keyblock_orig->next; onode; onode=onode->next)
if (onode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
else if (onode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& onode->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class == 0x1F
&& !cmp_signatures(onode->pkt->pkt.signature,
found = 1;
if (!found )
kbnode_t n2 = clone_kbnode(node);
insert_kbnode( keyblock_orig, n2, 0 );
n2->flag |= NODE_FLAG_A;
log_info( _("key %s: direct key signature added\n"),
/* 3rd: try to merge new certificates in */
for (onode=keyblock_orig->next; onode; onode=onode->next)
if (!(onode->flag & NODE_FLAG_A) && onode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
/* find the user id in the imported keyblock */
for (node=keyblock->next; node; node=node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
&& !cmp_user_ids( onode->pkt->pkt.user_id,
node->pkt->pkt.user_id ) )
if (node ) /* found: merge */
rc = merge_sigs (onode, node, n_sigs);
if (rc )
return rc;
/* 4th: add new user-ids */
for (node=keyblock->next; node; node=node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
/* do we have this in the original keyblock */
for (onode=keyblock_orig->next; onode; onode=onode->next )
if (onode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
&& !cmp_user_ids( onode->pkt->pkt.user_id,
node->pkt->pkt.user_id ) )
if (!onode ) /* this is a new user id: append */
rc = append_uid (keyblock_orig, node, n_sigs);
if (rc )
return rc;
/* 5th: add new subkeys */
for (node=keyblock->next; node; node=node->next)
onode = NULL;
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
/* do we have this in the original keyblock? */
for(onode=keyblock_orig->next; onode; onode=onode->next)
if (onode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
&& !cmp_public_keys( onode->pkt->pkt.public_key,
if (!onode ) /* This is a new subkey: append. */
rc = append_key (keyblock_orig, node, n_sigs);
if (rc)
return rc;
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
/* do we have this in the original keyblock? */
for (onode=keyblock_orig->next; onode; onode=onode->next )
if (onode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY
&& !cmp_public_keys (onode->pkt->pkt.public_key,
node->pkt->pkt.public_key) )
if (!onode ) /* This is a new subkey: append. */
rc = append_key (keyblock_orig, node, n_sigs);
if (rc )
return rc;
/* 6th: merge subkey certificates */
for (onode=keyblock_orig->next; onode; onode=onode->next)
if (!(onode->flag & NODE_FLAG_A)
&& (onode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| onode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY))
/* find the subkey in the imported keyblock */
for(node=keyblock->next; node; node=node->next)
if ((node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
&& !cmp_public_keys( onode->pkt->pkt.public_key,
node->pkt->pkt.public_key ) )
if (node) /* Found: merge. */
rc = merge_keysigs( onode, node, n_sigs);
if (rc )
return rc;
return 0;
/* Helper function for merge_blocks.
* Append the userid starting with NODE and all signatures to KEYBLOCK.
static int
append_uid (kbnode_t keyblock, kbnode_t node, int *n_sigs)
kbnode_t n;
kbnode_t n_where = NULL;
log_assert (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID );
/* find the position */
for (n = keyblock; n; n_where = n, n = n->next)
if (n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY )
if (!n)
n_where = NULL;
/* and append/insert */
while (node)
/* we add a clone to the original keyblock, because this
* one is released first */
n = clone_kbnode(node);
if (n_where)
insert_kbnode( n_where, n, 0 );
n_where = n;
add_kbnode( keyblock, n );
n->flag |= NODE_FLAG_A;
node->flag |= NODE_FLAG_A;
if (n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE )
node = node->next;
if (node && node->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SIGNATURE )
return 0;
/* Helper function for merge_blocks
* Merge the sigs from SRC onto DST. SRC and DST are both a PKT_USER_ID.
* (how should we handle comment packets here?)
static int
merge_sigs (kbnode_t dst, kbnode_t src, int *n_sigs)
kbnode_t n, n2;
int found = 0;
log_assert (dst->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID);
log_assert (src->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID);
for (n=src->next; n && n->pkt->pkttype != PKT_USER_ID; n = n->next)
if (n->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SIGNATURE )
if (n->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class == 0x18
|| n->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class == 0x28 )
continue; /* skip signatures which are only valid on subkeys */
found = 0;
for (n2=dst->next; n2 && n2->pkt->pkttype != PKT_USER_ID; n2 = n2->next)
if (!cmp_signatures(n->pkt->pkt.signature,n2->pkt->pkt.signature))
if (!found )
/* This signature is new or newer, append N to DST.
* We add a clone to the original keyblock, because this
* one is released first */
n2 = clone_kbnode(n);
insert_kbnode( dst, n2, PKT_SIGNATURE );
n2->flag |= NODE_FLAG_A;
n->flag |= NODE_FLAG_A;
return 0;
/* Helper function for merge_blocks
* Merge the sigs from SRC onto DST. SRC and DST are both a PKT_xxx_SUBKEY.
static int
merge_keysigs (kbnode_t dst, kbnode_t src, int *n_sigs)
kbnode_t n, n2;
int found = 0;
log_assert (dst->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| dst->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY);
for (n=src->next; n ; n = n->next)
if (n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY )
if (n->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SIGNATURE )
found = 0;
for (n2=dst->next; n2; n2 = n2->next)
if (n2->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| n2->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY )
if (n2->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& (n->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid[0]
== n2->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid[0])
&& (n->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid[1]
== n2->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid[1])
&& (n->pkt->pkt.signature->timestamp
<= n2->pkt->pkt.signature->timestamp)
&& (n->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class
== n2->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class))
if (!found )
/* This signature is new or newer, append N to DST.
* We add a clone to the original keyblock, because this
* one is released first */
n2 = clone_kbnode(n);
insert_kbnode( dst, n2, PKT_SIGNATURE );
n2->flag |= NODE_FLAG_A;
n->flag |= NODE_FLAG_A;
return 0;
/* Helper function for merge_blocks.
* Append the subkey starting with NODE and all signatures to KEYBLOCK.
* Mark all new and copied packets by setting flag bit 0.
static int
append_key (kbnode_t keyblock, kbnode_t node, int *n_sigs)
kbnode_t n;
log_assert (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY);
while (node)
/* we add a clone to the original keyblock, because this
* one is released first */
n = clone_kbnode(node);
add_kbnode( keyblock, n );
n->flag |= NODE_FLAG_A;
node->flag |= NODE_FLAG_A;
if (n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE )
node = node->next;
if (node && node->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SIGNATURE )
return 0;
diff --git a/g10/kbnode.c b/g10/kbnode.c
index e814fa802..6700dc026 100644
--- a/g10/kbnode.c
+++ b/g10/kbnode.c
@@ -1,431 +1,431 @@
/* kbnode.c - keyblock node utility functions
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
* 2005, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "keydb.h"
static int cleanup_registered;
static KBNODE unused_nodes;
static void
release_unused_nodes (void)
while (unused_nodes)
kbnode_t next = unused_nodes->next;
xfree (unused_nodes);
unused_nodes = next;
static kbnode_t
alloc_node (void)
kbnode_t n;
n = unused_nodes;
if (n)
unused_nodes = n->next;
if (!cleanup_registered)
cleanup_registered = 1;
register_mem_cleanup_func (release_unused_nodes);
n = xmalloc (sizeof *n);
n->next = NULL;
n->pkt = NULL;
n->flag = 0;
n->recno = 0;
return n;
static void
free_node( KBNODE n )
if (n)
n->next = unused_nodes;
unused_nodes = n;
xfree (n);
new_kbnode( PACKET *pkt )
KBNODE n = alloc_node();
n->pkt = pkt;
return n;
clone_kbnode( KBNODE node )
KBNODE n = alloc_node();
n->pkt = node->pkt;
n->private_flag = node->private_flag | 2; /* mark cloned */
return n;
release_kbnode( KBNODE n )
while( n ) {
n2 = n->next;
if( !is_cloned_kbnode(n) ) {
free_packet( n->pkt );
xfree( n->pkt );
free_node( n );
n = n2;
* Delete NODE.
* Note: This only works with walk_kbnode!!
delete_kbnode( KBNODE node )
node->private_flag |= 1;
* Append NODE to ROOT. ROOT must exist!
add_kbnode( KBNODE root, KBNODE node )
for(n1=root; n1->next; n1 = n1->next)
n1->next = node;
* Insert NODE into the list after root but before a packet which is not of
* type PKTTYPE
* (only if PKTTYPE != 0)
insert_kbnode( KBNODE root, KBNODE node, int pkttype )
if( !pkttype ) {
node->next = root->next;
root->next = node;
else {
for(n1=root; n1->next; n1 = n1->next)
if( pkttype != n1->next->pkt->pkttype ) {
node->next = n1->next;
n1->next = node;
/* no such packet, append */
node->next = NULL;
n1->next = node;
* Find the previous node (if PKTTYPE = 0) or the previous node
* with pkttype PKTTYPE in the list starting with ROOT of NODE.
find_prev_kbnode( KBNODE root, KBNODE node, int pkttype )
for (n1=NULL; root && root != node; root = root->next ) {
if (!pkttype ||root->pkt->pkttype == pkttype)
n1 = root;
return n1;
* Ditto, but find the next packet. The behaviour is trivial if
* PKTTYPE is 0 but if it is specified, the next node with a packet
* of this type is returned. The function has some knowledge about
* the valid ordering of packets: e.g. if the next signature packet
* is requested, the function will not return one if it encounters
* a user-id.
find_next_kbnode( KBNODE node, int pkttype )
for( node=node->next ; node; node = node->next ) {
if( !pkttype )
return node;
else if( pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
&& ( node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY ) )
return NULL;
else if( pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& ( node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY ) )
return NULL;
else if( node->pkt->pkttype == pkttype )
return node;
return NULL;
find_kbnode( KBNODE node, int pkttype )
for( ; node; node = node->next ) {
if( node->pkt->pkttype == pkttype )
return node;
return NULL;
* Walk through a list of kbnodes. This function returns
* the next kbnode for each call; before using the function the first
* time, the caller must set CONTEXT to NULL (This has simply the effect
* to start with ROOT).
walk_kbnode( KBNODE root, KBNODE *context, int all )
do {
if( !*context ) {
*context = root;
n = root;
else {
n = (*context)->next;
*context = n;
} while( !all && n && is_deleted_kbnode(n) );
return n;
clear_kbnode_flags( KBNODE n )
for( ; n; n = n->next ) {
n->flag = 0;
* Commit changes made to the kblist at ROOT. Note that ROOT my change,
* and it is therefore passed by reference.
* The function has the effect of removing all nodes marked as deleted.
* returns true if any node has been changed
commit_kbnode( KBNODE *root )
KBNODE n, nl;
int changed = 0;
for( n = *root, nl=NULL; n; n = nl->next ) {
if( is_deleted_kbnode(n) ) {
if( n == *root )
*root = nl = n->next;
nl->next = n->next;
if( !is_cloned_kbnode(n) ) {
free_packet( n->pkt );
xfree( n->pkt );
free_node( n );
changed = 1;
nl = n;
return changed;
remove_kbnode( KBNODE *root, KBNODE node )
KBNODE n, nl;
for( n = *root, nl=NULL; n; n = nl->next ) {
if( n == node ) {
if( n == *root )
*root = nl = n->next;
nl->next = n->next;
if( !is_cloned_kbnode(n) ) {
free_packet( n->pkt );
xfree( n->pkt );
free_node( n );
nl = n;
* Move NODE behind right after WHERE or to the beginning if WHERE is NULL.
move_kbnode( KBNODE *root, KBNODE node, KBNODE where )
KBNODE tmp, prev;
if( !root || !*root || !node )
return; /* sanity check */
for( prev = *root; prev && prev->next != node; prev = prev->next )
if( !prev )
return; /* node is not in the list */
if( !where ) { /* move node before root */
if( node == *root ) /* move to itself */
prev->next = node->next;
node->next = *root;
*root = node;
/* move it after where */
if( node == where )
tmp = node->next;
node->next = where->next;
where->next = node;
prev->next = tmp;
dump_kbnode (KBNODE node)
for (; node; node = node->next )
const char *s;
switch (node->pkt->pkttype)
case 0: s="empty"; break;
case PKT_PUBLIC_KEY: s="public-key"; break;
case PKT_SECRET_KEY: s="secret-key"; break;
case PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY: s= "secret-subkey"; break;
case PKT_PUBKEY_ENC: s="public-enc"; break;
case PKT_SIGNATURE: s="signature"; break;
case PKT_ONEPASS_SIG: s="onepass-sig"; break;
case PKT_USER_ID: s="user-id"; break;
case PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY: s="public-subkey"; break;
case PKT_COMMENT: s="comment"; break;
case PKT_RING_TRUST: s="trust"; break;
case PKT_PLAINTEXT: s="plaintext"; break;
case PKT_COMPRESSED: s="compressed"; break;
case PKT_ENCRYPTED: s="encrypted"; break;
case PKT_GPG_CONTROL: s="gpg-control"; break;
default: s="unknown"; break;
log_debug ("node %p %02x/%02x type=%s",
node, node->flag, node->private_flag, s);
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
PKT_user_id *uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
log_printf (" \"");
es_write_sanitized (log_get_stream (), uid->name, uid->len,
log_printf ("\" %c%c%c%c\n",
uid->is_expired? 'e':'.',
uid->is_revoked? 'r':'.',
uid->created? 'v':'.',
uid->is_primary? 'p':'.' );
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
log_printf (" class=%02x keyid=%08lX ts=%lu\n",
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_GPG_CONTROL)
log_printf (" ctrl=%d len=%u\n",
(unsigned int)node->pkt->pkt.gpg_control->datalen);
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
PKT_public_key *pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
log_printf (" keyid=%08lX a=%d u=%d %c%c%c%c\n",
(ulong)keyid_from_pk( pk, NULL ),
pk->pubkey_algo, pk->pubkey_usage,
pk->has_expired? 'e':'.',
pk->flags.revoked? 'r':'.',
pk->flags.valid? 'v':'.',
pk->flags.mdc? 'm':'.');
log_printf ("\n");
log_flush ();
diff --git a/g10/keydb.c b/g10/keydb.c
index b959f0521..76850f963 100644
--- a/g10/keydb.c
+++ b/g10/keydb.c
@@ -1,2083 +1,2083 @@
/* keydb.c - key database dispatcher
* Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Coyrright (C) 2001-2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "main.h" /*try_make_homedir ()*/
#include "packet.h"
#include "keyring.h"
#include "../kbx/keybox.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "i18n.h"
static int active_handles;
typedef enum
} KeydbResourceType;
struct resource_item
KeydbResourceType type;
union {
} u;
void *token;
static struct resource_item all_resources[MAX_KEYDB_RESOURCES];
static int used_resources;
/* A pointer used to check for the primary key database by comparing
to the struct resource_item's TOKEN. */
static void *primary_keydb;
/* This is a simple cache used to return the last result of a
successful fingerprint search. This works only for keybox resources
because (due to lack of a copy_keyblock function) we need to store
an image of the keyblock which is fortunately instantly available
for keyboxes. */
enum keyblock_cache_states {
struct keyblock_cache {
enum keyblock_cache_states state;
iobuf_t iobuf; /* Image of the keyblock. */
u32 *sigstatus;
int pk_no;
int uid_no;
/* Offset of the record in the keybox. */
int resource;
off_t offset;
struct keydb_handle
/* When we locked all of the resources in ACTIVE (using keyring_lock
/ keybox_lock, as appropriate). */
int locked;
/* The index into ACTIVE of the resources in which the last search
result was found. Initially -1. */
int found;
/* Initially -1 (invalid). This is used to save a search result and
later restore it as the selected result. */
int saved_found;
/* The number of skipped long blobs since the last search
(keydb_search_reset). */
unsigned long skipped_long_blobs;
/* If set, this disables the use of the keyblock cache. */
int no_caching;
/* Whether the next search will be from the beginning of the
database (and thus consider all records). */
int is_reset;
/* The "file position." In our case, this is index of the current
resource in ACTIVE. */
int current;
/* The number of resources in ACTIVE. */
int used;
/* Cache of the last found and parsed key block (only used for
keyboxes, not keyrings). */
struct keyblock_cache keyblock_cache;
/* Copy of ALL_RESOURCES when keydb_new is called. */
struct resource_item active[MAX_KEYDB_RESOURCES];
/* Looking up keys is expensive. To hide the cost, we cache whether
keys exist in the key database. Then, if we know a key does not
exist, we don't have to spend time looking it up. This
particularly helps the --list-sigs and --check-sigs commands.
The cache stores the results in a hash using separate chaining.
Concretely: we use the LSB of the keyid to index the hash table and
each bucket consists of a linked list of entries. An entry
consists of the 64-bit key id. If a key id is not in the cache,
then we don't know whether it is in the DB or not.
To simplify the cache consistency protocol, we simply flush the
whole cache whenever a key is inserted or updated. */
static struct kid_not_found_cache_bucket *
/* The total number of entries in the hash table. */
static unsigned int kid_not_found_cache_count;
struct kid_not_found_cache_bucket
struct kid_not_found_cache_bucket *next;
u32 kid[2];
static int lock_all (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
static void unlock_all (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
/* Check whether the keyid KID is in key id is definitely not in the
0 - Indeterminate: the key id is not in the cache; we don't know
whether the key is in the database or not. If you want a
definitive answer, you'll need to perform a lookup.
1 - There is definitely no key with this key id in the database.
We searched for a key with this key id previously, but we
didn't find it in the database. */
static int
kid_not_found_p (u32 *kid)
struct kid_not_found_cache_bucket *k;
for (k = kid_not_found_cache[kid[0] % KID_NOT_FOUND_CACHE_BUCKETS]; k; k = k->next)
if (k->kid[0] == kid[0] && k->kid[1] == kid[1])
log_debug ("keydb: kid_not_found_p (%08lx%08lx) => not in DB\n",
(ulong)kid[0], (ulong)kid[1]);
return 1;
log_debug ("keydb: kid_not_found_p (%08lx%08lx) => indeterminate\n",
(ulong)kid[0], (ulong)kid[1]);
return 0;
/* Insert the keyid KID into the kid_not_found_cache. FOUND is whether
the key is in the key database or not.
Note this function does not check whether the key id is already in
the cache. As such, kid_not_found_p() should be called first. */
static void
kid_not_found_insert (u32 *kid)
struct kid_not_found_cache_bucket *k;
log_debug ("keydb: kid_not_found_insert (%08lx%08lx)\n",
(ulong)kid[0], (ulong)kid[1]);
k = xmalloc (sizeof *k);
k->kid[0] = kid[0];
k->kid[1] = kid[1];
k->next = kid_not_found_cache[kid[0] % KID_NOT_FOUND_CACHE_BUCKETS];
kid_not_found_cache[kid[0] % KID_NOT_FOUND_CACHE_BUCKETS] = k;
/* Flush the kid not found cache. */
static void
kid_not_found_flush (void)
struct kid_not_found_cache_bucket *k, *knext;
int i;
log_debug ("keydb: kid_not_found_flush\n");
if (!kid_not_found_cache_count)
for (i=0; i < DIM(kid_not_found_cache); i++)
for (k = kid_not_found_cache[i]; k; k = knext)
knext = k->next;
xfree (k);
kid_not_found_cache[i] = NULL;
kid_not_found_cache_count = 0;
static void
keyblock_cache_clear (struct keydb_handle *hd)
hd->keyblock_cache.state = KEYBLOCK_CACHE_EMPTY;
xfree (hd->keyblock_cache.sigstatus);
hd->keyblock_cache.sigstatus = NULL;
iobuf_close (hd->keyblock_cache.iobuf);
hd->keyblock_cache.iobuf = NULL;
hd->keyblock_cache.resource = -1;
hd->keyblock_cache.offset = -1;
/* Handle the creation of a keyring or a keybox if it does not yet
exist. Take into account that other processes might have the
keyring/keybox already locked. This lock check does not work if
the directory itself is not yet available. If IS_BOX is true the
filename is expected to refer to a keybox. If FORCE_CREATE is true
the keyring or keybox will be created.
Return 0 if it is okay to access the specified file. */
static gpg_error_t
maybe_create_keyring_or_box (char *filename, int is_box, int force_create)
dotlock_t lockhd = NULL;
IOBUF iobuf;
int rc;
mode_t oldmask;
char *last_slash_in_filename;
char *bak_fname = NULL;
char *tmp_fname = NULL;
int save_slash;
/* A quick test whether the filename already exists. */
if (!access (filename, F_OK))
return 0;
/* If we don't want to create a new file at all, there is no need to
go any further - bail out right here. */
if (!force_create)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOENT);
/* First of all we try to create the home directory. Note, that we
don't do any locking here because any sane application of gpg
would create the home directory by itself and not rely on gpg's
tricky auto-creation which is anyway only done for certain home
directory name pattern. */
last_slash_in_filename = strrchr (filename, DIRSEP_C);
/* Windows may either have a slash or a backslash. Take care of it. */
char *p = strrchr (filename, '/');
if (!last_slash_in_filename || p > last_slash_in_filename)
last_slash_in_filename = p;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
if (!last_slash_in_filename)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOENT); /* No slash at all - should
not happen though. */
save_slash = *last_slash_in_filename;
*last_slash_in_filename = 0;
if (access(filename, F_OK))
static int tried;
if (!tried)
tried = 1;
try_make_homedir (filename);
if (access (filename, F_OK))
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*last_slash_in_filename = save_slash;
goto leave;
*last_slash_in_filename = save_slash;
/* To avoid races with other instances of gpg trying to create or
update the keyring (it is removed during an update for a short
time), we do the next stuff in a locked state. */
lockhd = dotlock_create (filename, 0);
if (!lockhd)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* A reason for this to fail is that the directory is not
writable. However, this whole locking stuff does not make
sense if this is the case. An empty non-writable directory
with no keyring is not really useful at all. */
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("can't allocate lock for '%s': %s\n",
filename, gpg_strerror (rc));
if (!force_create)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOENT); /* Won't happen. */
return rc;
if ( dotlock_take (lockhd, -1) )
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* This is something bad. Probably a stale lockfile. */
log_info ("can't lock '%s': %s\n", filename, gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
/* Now the real test while we are locked. */
/* Gpg either uses pubring.gpg or pubring.kbx and thus different
* lock files. Now, when one gpg process is updating a pubring.gpg
* and thus holding the corresponding lock, a second gpg process may
* get to here at the time between the two rename operation used by
* the first process to update pubring.gpg. The lock taken above
* may not protect the second process if it tries to create a
* pubring.kbx file which would be protected by a different lock
* file.
* We can detect this case by checking that the two temporary files
* used by the update code exist at the same time. In that case we
* do not create a new file but act as if FORCE_CREATE has not been
* given. Obviously there is a race between our two checks but the
* worst thing is that we won't create a new file, which is better
* than to accidentally creating one. */
rc = keybox_tmp_names (filename, is_box, &bak_fname, &tmp_fname);
if (rc)
goto leave;
if (!access (filename, F_OK))
rc = 0; /* Okay, we may access the file now. */
goto leave;
if (!access (bak_fname, F_OK) && !access (tmp_fname, F_OK))
/* Very likely another process is updating a pubring.gpg and we
should not create a pubring.kbx. */
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOENT);
goto leave;
/* The file does not yet exist, create it now. */
oldmask = umask (077);
if (is_secured_filename (filename))
iobuf = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
iobuf = iobuf_create (filename, 0);
umask (oldmask);
if (!iobuf)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (is_box)
log_error (_("error creating keybox '%s': %s\n"),
filename, gpg_strerror (rc));
log_error (_("error creating keyring '%s': %s\n"),
filename, gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
iobuf_close (iobuf);
/* Must invalidate that ugly cache */
iobuf_ioctl (NULL, IOBUF_IOCTL_INVALIDATE_CACHE, 0, filename);
/* Make sure that at least one record is in a new keybox file, so
that the detection magic will work the next time it is used. */
if (is_box)
FILE *fp = fopen (filename, "wb");
if (!fp)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
rc = _keybox_write_header_blob (fp, 1);
fclose (fp);
if (rc)
if (is_box)
log_error (_("error creating keybox '%s': %s\n"),
filename, gpg_strerror (rc));
log_error (_("error creating keyring '%s': %s\n"),
filename, gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if (!opt.quiet)
if (is_box)
log_info (_("keybox '%s' created\n"), filename);
log_info (_("keyring '%s' created\n"), filename);
rc = 0;
if (lockhd)
dotlock_release (lockhd);
dotlock_destroy (lockhd);
xfree (bak_fname);
xfree (tmp_fname);
return rc;
/* Helper for keydb_add_resource. Opens FILENAME to figure out the
resource type.
Returns the specified file's likely type. If the file does not
exist, returns KEYDB_RESOURCE_TYPE_NONE and sets *R_FOUND to 0.
Otherwise, tries to figure out the file's type. This is either
KEYDB_RESOURCE_TYPE_KEYNONE. If the file is a keybox and it has
the OpenPGP flag set, then R_OPENPGP is also set. */
static KeydbResourceType
rt_from_file (const char *filename, int *r_found, int *r_openpgp)
u32 magic;
unsigned char verbuf[4];
FILE *fp;
KeydbResourceType rt = KEYDB_RESOURCE_TYPE_NONE;
*r_found = *r_openpgp = 0;
fp = fopen (filename, "rb");
if (fp)
*r_found = 1;
if (fread (&magic, 4, 1, fp) == 1 )
if (magic == 0x13579ace || magic == 0xce9a5713)
; /* GDBM magic - not anymore supported. */
else if (fread (&verbuf, 4, 1, fp) == 1
&& verbuf[0] == 1
&& fread (&magic, 4, 1, fp) == 1
&& !memcmp (&magic, "KBXf", 4))
if ((verbuf[3] & 0x02))
*r_openpgp = 1;
else /* Maybe empty: assume keyring. */
fclose (fp);
return rt;
char *
keydb_search_desc_dump (struct keydb_search_desc *desc)
char fpr[2 * MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN + 1];
switch (desc->mode)
return xasprintf ("EXACT: '%s'", desc->;
return xasprintf ("SUBSTR: '%s'", desc->;
return xasprintf ("MAIL: '%s'", desc->;
return xasprintf ("MAILSUB: '%s'", desc->;
return xasprintf ("MAILEND: '%s'", desc->;
return xasprintf ("WORDS: '%s'", desc->;
return xasprintf ("SHORT_KID: '%s'",
format_keyid (desc->u.kid, KF_SHORT, b, sizeof (b)));
return xasprintf ("LONG_KID: '%s'",
format_keyid (desc->u.kid, KF_LONG, b, sizeof (b)));
bin2hex (desc->u.fpr, 16, fpr);
return xasprintf ("FPR16: '%s'",
format_hexfingerprint (fpr, b, sizeof (b)));
bin2hex (desc->u.fpr, 20, fpr);
return xasprintf ("FPR20: '%s'",
format_hexfingerprint (fpr, b, sizeof (b)));
bin2hex (desc->u.fpr, 20, fpr);
return xasprintf ("FPR: '%s'",
format_hexfingerprint (fpr, b, sizeof (b)));
return xasprintf ("ISSUER: '%s'", desc->;
return xasprintf ("ISSUER_SN: '%*s'",
(int) (desc->snlen == -1
? strlen (desc->sn) : desc->snlen),
return xasprintf ("SN: '%*s'",
(int) (desc->snlen == -1
? strlen (desc->sn) : desc->snlen),
return xasprintf ("SUBJECT: '%s'", desc->;
return xasprintf ("KEYGRIP: %s", desc->u.grip);
return xasprintf ("FIRST");
return xasprintf ("NEXT");
return xasprintf ("Bad search mode (%d)", desc->mode);
/* Register a resource (keyring or keybox). The first keyring or
* keybox that is added using this function is created if it does not
* already exist and the KEYDB_RESOURCE_FLAG_READONLY is not set.
* FLAGS are a combination of the KEYDB_RESOURCE_FLAG_* constants.
* URL must have the following form:
* gnupg-ring:filename = plain keyring
* gnupg-kbx:filename = keybox file
* filename = check file's type (create as a plain keyring)
* Note: on systems with drive letters (Windows) invalid URLs (i.e.,
* those with an unrecognized part before the ':' such as "c:\...")
* will silently be treated as bare filenames. On other systems, such
* URLs will cause this function to return GPG_ERR_GENERAL.
* If KEYDB_RESOURCE_FLAG_DEFAULT is set, the resource is a keyring
* and the file ends in ".gpg", then this function also checks if a
* file with the same name, but the extension ".kbx" exists, is a
* keybox and the OpenPGP flag is set. If so, this function opens
* that resource instead.
* If the file is not found, KEYDB_RESOURCE_FLAG_GPGVDEF is set and
* the URL ends in ".kbx", then this function will try opening the
* same URL, but with the extension ".gpg". If that file is a keybox
* with the OpenPGP flag set or it is a keyring, then we use that
* instead.
* If the file is not found, KEYDB_RESOURCE_FLAG_DEFAULT is set, the
* file should be created and the file's extension is ".gpg" then we
* replace the extension with ".kbx".
* If the KEYDB_RESOURCE_FLAG_PRIMARY is set and the resource is a
* keyring (not a keybox), then this resource is considered the
* primary resource. This is used by keydb_locate_writable(). If
* another primary keyring is set, then that keyring is considered the
* primary.
* If KEYDB_RESOURCE_FLAG_READONLY is set and the resource is a
* keyring (not a keybox), then the keyring is marked as read only and
* operations just as keyring_insert_keyblock will return
keydb_add_resource (const char *url, unsigned int flags)
/* Whether we have successfully registered a resource. */
static int any_registered;
/* The file named by the URL (i.e., without the prototype). */
const char *resname = url;
char *filename = NULL;
int create;
int read_only = !!(flags&KEYDB_RESOURCE_FLAG_READONLY);
int is_default = !!(flags&KEYDB_RESOURCE_FLAG_DEFAULT);
int is_gpgvdef = !!(flags&KEYDB_RESOURCE_FLAG_GPGVDEF);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
KeydbResourceType rt = KEYDB_RESOURCE_TYPE_NONE;
void *token;
/* Create the resource if it is the first registered one. */
create = (!read_only && !any_registered);
if (strlen (resname) > 11 && !strncmp( resname, "gnupg-ring:", 11) )
resname += 11;
else if (strlen (resname) > 10 && !strncmp (resname, "gnupg-kbx:", 10) )
resname += 10;
#if !defined(HAVE_DRIVE_LETTERS) && !defined(__riscos__)
else if (strchr (resname, ':'))
log_error ("invalid key resource URL '%s'\n", url );
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
#endif /* !HAVE_DRIVE_LETTERS && !__riscos__ */
if (*resname != DIRSEP_C
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
&& *resname != '/' /* Fixme: does not handle drive letters. */
/* Do tilde expansion etc. */
if (strchr (resname, DIRSEP_C)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
|| strchr (resname, '/') /* Windows also accepts this. */
filename = make_filename (resname, NULL);
filename = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), resname, NULL);
filename = xstrdup (resname);
/* See whether we can determine the filetype. */
int found, openpgp_flag;
int pass = 0;
size_t filenamelen;
filenamelen = strlen (filename);
rt = rt_from_file (filename, &found, &openpgp_flag);
if (found)
/* The file exists and we have the resource type in RT.
Now let us check whether in addition to the "pubring.gpg"
a "pubring.kbx with openpgp keys exists. This is so that
GPG 2.1 will use an existing "pubring.kbx" by default iff
that file has been created or used by 2.1. This check is
needed because after creation or use of the kbx file with
2.1 an older version of gpg may have created a new
pubring.gpg for its own use. */
if (!pass && is_default && rt == KEYDB_RESOURCE_TYPE_KEYRING
&& filenamelen > 4 && !strcmp (filename+filenamelen-4, ".gpg"))
strcpy (filename+filenamelen-4, ".kbx");
if ((rt_from_file (filename, &found, &openpgp_flag)
== KEYDB_RESOURCE_TYPE_KEYBOX) && found && openpgp_flag)
else /* Restore filename */
strcpy (filename+filenamelen-4, ".gpg");
else if (!pass && is_gpgvdef
&& filenamelen > 4 && !strcmp (filename+filenamelen-4, ".kbx"))
/* Not found but gpgv's default "trustedkeys.kbx" file has
been requested. We did not found it so now check whether
a "trustedkeys.gpg" file exists and use that instead. */
KeydbResourceType rttmp;
strcpy (filename+filenamelen-4, ".gpg");
rttmp = rt_from_file (filename, &found, &openpgp_flag);
if (found
&& ((rttmp == KEYDB_RESOURCE_TYPE_KEYBOX && openpgp_flag)
rt = rttmp;
else /* Restore filename */
strcpy (filename+filenamelen-4, ".kbx");
else if (!pass
&& is_default && create
&& filenamelen > 4 && !strcmp (filename+filenamelen-4, ".gpg"))
/* The file does not exist, the default resource has been
requested, the file shall be created, and the file has a
".gpg" suffix. Change the suffix to ".kbx" and try once
more. This way we achieve that we open an existing
".gpg" keyring, but create a new keybox file with an
".kbx" suffix. */
strcpy (filename+filenamelen-4, ".kbx");
goto check_again;
else /* No file yet: create keybox. */
switch (rt)
log_error ("unknown type of key resource '%s'\n", url );
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
err = maybe_create_keyring_or_box (filename, 0, create);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (keyring_register_filename (filename, read_only, &token))
if (used_resources >= MAX_KEYDB_RESOURCES)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_RESOURCE_LIMIT);
primary_keydb = token;
all_resources[used_resources].type = rt;
all_resources[used_resources] = NULL; /* Not used here */
all_resources[used_resources].token = token;
/* This keyring was already registered, so ignore it.
However, we can still mark it as primary even if it was
already registered. */
primary_keydb = token;
err = maybe_create_keyring_or_box (filename, 1, create);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = keybox_register_file (filename, 0, &token);
if (!err)
if (used_resources >= MAX_KEYDB_RESOURCES)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_RESOURCE_LIMIT);
primary_keydb = token;
all_resources[used_resources].type = rt;
all_resources[used_resources].u.kb = NULL; /* Not used here */
all_resources[used_resources].token = token;
/* FIXME: Do a compress run if needed and no other
user is currently using the keybox. */
else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EEXIST)
/* Already registered. We will mark it as the primary key
if requested. */
primary_keydb = token;
log_error ("resource type of '%s' not supported\n", url);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
/* fixme: check directory permissions and print a warning */
if (err)
log_error (_("keyblock resource '%s': %s\n"), filename, gpg_strerror (err));
any_registered = 1;
xfree (filename);
return err;
keydb_dump_stats (void)
if (kid_not_found_cache_count)
log_info ("keydb: kid_not_found_cache: total: %u\n",
/* Create a new database handle. A database handle is similar to a
file handle: it contains a local file position. This is used when
searching: subsequent searches resume where the previous search
left off. To rewind the position, use keydb_search_reset(). This
function returns NULL on error, sets ERRNO, and prints an error
diagnostic. */
keydb_new (void)
int i, j;
int die = 0;
int reterrno;
log_clock ("keydb_new");
hd = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *hd);
if (!hd)
goto leave;
hd->found = -1;
hd->saved_found = -1;
hd->is_reset = 1;
log_assert (used_resources <= MAX_KEYDB_RESOURCES);
for (i=j=0; ! die && i < used_resources; i++)
switch (all_resources[i].type)
case KEYDB_RESOURCE_TYPE_NONE: /* ignore */
hd->active[j].type = all_resources[i].type;
hd->active[j].token = all_resources[i].token;
hd->active[j] = keyring_new (all_resources[i].token);
if (!hd->active[j]
reterrno = errno;
die = 1;
hd->active[j].type = all_resources[i].type;
hd->active[j].token = all_resources[i].token;
hd->active[j].u.kb = keybox_new_openpgp (all_resources[i].token, 0);
if (!hd->active[j].u.kb)
reterrno = errno;
die = 1;
hd->used = j;
if (die)
keydb_release (hd);
gpg_err_set_errno (reterrno);
hd = NULL;
if (!hd)
log_error (_("error opening key DB: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror()));
return hd;
keydb_release (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
int i;
if (!hd)
log_assert (active_handles > 0);
unlock_all (hd);
for (i=0; i < hd->used; i++)
switch (hd->active[i].type)
keyring_release (hd->active[i];
keybox_release (hd->active[i].u.kb);
keyblock_cache_clear (hd);
xfree (hd);
/* Set a flag on the handle to suppress use of cached results. This
* is required for updating a keyring and for key listings. Fixme:
* Using a new parameter for keydb_new might be a better solution. */
keydb_disable_caching (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
if (hd)
hd->no_caching = 1;
/* Return the file name of the resource in which the current search
* result was found or, if there is no search result, the filename of
* the current resource (i.e., the resource that the file position
* points to). Note: the filename is not necessarily the URL used to
* open it!
* This function only returns NULL if no handle is specified, in all
* other error cases an empty string is returned. */
const char *
keydb_get_resource_name (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
int idx;
const char *s = NULL;
if (!hd)
return NULL;
if ( hd->found >= 0 && hd->found < hd->used)
idx = hd->found;
else if ( hd->current >= 0 && hd->current < hd->used)
idx = hd->current;
idx = 0;
switch (hd->active[idx].type)
s = NULL;
s = keyring_get_resource_name (hd->active[idx];
s = keybox_get_resource_name (hd->active[idx].u.kb);
return s? s: "";
static int
lock_all (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
int i, rc = 0;
/* Fixme: This locking scheme may lead to a deadlock if the resources
are not added in the same order by all processes. We are
currently only allowing one resource so it is not a problem.
[Oops: Who claimed the latter]
To fix this we need to use a lock file to protect lock_all. */
for (i=0; !rc && i < hd->used; i++)
switch (hd->active[i].type)
rc = keyring_lock (hd->active[i], 1);
rc = keybox_lock (hd->active[i].u.kb, 1);
if (rc)
/* Revert the already taken locks. */
for (i--; i >= 0; i--)
switch (hd->active[i].type)
keyring_lock (hd->active[i], 0);
keybox_lock (hd->active[i].u.kb, 0);
hd->locked = 1;
return rc;
static void
unlock_all (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
int i;
if (!hd->locked)
for (i=hd->used-1; i >= 0; i--)
switch (hd->active[i].type)
keyring_lock (hd->active[i], 0);
keybox_lock (hd->active[i].u.kb, 0);
hd->locked = 0;
/* Save the last found state and invalidate the current selection
* (i.e., the entry selected by keydb_search() is invalidated and
* something like keydb_get_keyblock() will return an error). This
* does not change the file position. This makes it possible to do
* something like:
* keydb_search (hd, ...); // Result 1.
* keydb_push_found_state (hd);
* keydb_search_reset (hd);
* keydb_search (hd, ...); // Result 2.
* keydb_pop_found_state (hd);
* keydb_get_keyblock (hd, ...); // -> Result 1.
* Note: it is only possible to save a single save state at a time.
* In other words, the the save stack only has room for a single
* instance of the state. */
keydb_push_found_state (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
if (!hd)
if (hd->found < 0 || hd->found >= hd->used)
hd->saved_found = -1;
switch (hd->active[hd->found].type)
keyring_push_found_state (hd->active[hd->found];
keybox_push_found_state (hd->active[hd->found].u.kb);
hd->saved_found = hd->found;
hd->found = -1;
/* Restore the previous save state. If the saved state is NULL or
invalid, this is a NOP. */
keydb_pop_found_state (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
if (!hd)
hd->found = hd->saved_found;
hd->saved_found = -1;
if (hd->found < 0 || hd->found >= hd->used)
switch (hd->active[hd->found].type)
keyring_pop_found_state (hd->active[hd->found];
keybox_pop_found_state (hd->active[hd->found].u.kb);
static gpg_error_t
parse_keyblock_image (iobuf_t iobuf, int pk_no, int uid_no,
const u32 *sigstatus, kbnode_t *r_keyblock)
gpg_error_t err;
PACKET *pkt;
kbnode_t keyblock = NULL;
kbnode_t node, *tail;
int in_cert, save_mode;
u32 n_sigs;
int pk_count, uid_count;
*r_keyblock = NULL;
pkt = xtrymalloc (sizeof *pkt);
if (!pkt)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
init_packet (pkt);
save_mode = set_packet_list_mode (0);
in_cert = 0;
n_sigs = 0;
tail = NULL;
pk_count = uid_count = 0;
while ((err = parse_packet (iobuf, pkt)) != -1)
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_PACKET)
free_packet (pkt);
init_packet (pkt);
if (err)
log_error ("parse_keyblock_image: read error: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_KEYRING);
/* Filter allowed packets. */
switch (pkt->pkttype)
break; /* Allowed per RFC. */
/* Note that can't allow ring trust packets here and some of
the other GPG specific packets don't make sense either. */
log_error ("skipped packet of type %d in keybox\n",
/* Other sanity checks. */
if (!in_cert && pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
log_error ("parse_keyblock_image: first packet in a keybox blob "
"is not a public key packet\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_KEYRING);
if (in_cert && (pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY))
log_error ("parse_keyblock_image: "
"multiple keyblocks in a keybox blob\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_KEYRING);
in_cert = 1;
if (pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE && sigstatus)
PKT_signature *sig = pkt->pkt.signature;
if (n_sigs > sigstatus[0])
log_error ("parse_keyblock_image: "
"more signatures than found in the meta data\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_KEYRING);
if (sigstatus[n_sigs])
sig->flags.checked = 1;
if (sigstatus[n_sigs] == 1 )
; /* missing key */
else if (sigstatus[n_sigs] == 2 )
; /* bad signature */
else if (sigstatus[n_sigs] < 0x10000000)
; /* bad flag */
sig->flags.valid = 1;
/* Fixme: Shall we set the expired flag here? */
node = new_kbnode (pkt);
switch (pkt->pkttype)
if (++pk_count == pk_no)
node->flag |= 1;
if (++uid_count == uid_no)
node->flag |= 2;
if (!keyblock)
keyblock = node;
*tail = node;
tail = &node->next;
pkt = xtrymalloc (sizeof *pkt);
if (!pkt)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
init_packet (pkt);
set_packet_list_mode (save_mode);
if (err == -1 && keyblock)
err = 0; /* Got the entire keyblock. */
if (!err && sigstatus && n_sigs != sigstatus[0])
log_error ("parse_keyblock_image: signature count does not match\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_KEYRING);
if (err)
release_kbnode (keyblock);
*r_keyblock = keyblock;
free_packet (pkt);
xfree (pkt);
return err;
/* Return the keyblock last found by keydb_search() in *RET_KB.
* On success, the function returns 0 and the caller must free *RET_KB
* using release_kbnode(). Otherwise, the function returns an error
* code.
* The returned keyblock has the kbnode flag bit 0 set for the node
* with the public key used to locate the keyblock or flag bit 1 set
* for the user ID node. */
keydb_get_keyblock (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, KBNODE *ret_kb)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
*ret_kb = NULL;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
log_clock ("keydb_get_keybock enter");
if (hd->keyblock_cache.state == KEYBLOCK_CACHE_FILLED)
err = iobuf_seek (hd->keyblock_cache.iobuf, 0);
if (err)
log_error ("keydb_get_keyblock: failed to rewind iobuf for cache\n");
keyblock_cache_clear (hd);
err = parse_keyblock_image (hd->keyblock_cache.iobuf,
if (err)
keyblock_cache_clear (hd);
log_clock (err? "keydb_get_keyblock leave (cached, failed)"
: "keydb_get_keyblock leave (cached)");
return err;
if (hd->found < 0 || hd->found >= hd->used)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_VALUE_NOT_FOUND);
switch (hd->active[hd->found].type)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); /* oops */
err = keyring_get_keyblock (hd->active[hd->found], ret_kb);
iobuf_t iobuf;
u32 *sigstatus;
int pk_no, uid_no;
err = keybox_get_keyblock (hd->active[hd->found].u.kb,
&iobuf, &pk_no, &uid_no, &sigstatus);
if (!err)
err = parse_keyblock_image (iobuf, pk_no, uid_no, sigstatus,
if (!err && hd->keyblock_cache.state == KEYBLOCK_CACHE_PREPARED)
hd->keyblock_cache.state = KEYBLOCK_CACHE_FILLED;
hd->keyblock_cache.sigstatus = sigstatus;
hd->keyblock_cache.iobuf = iobuf;
hd->keyblock_cache.pk_no = pk_no;
hd->keyblock_cache.uid_no = uid_no;
xfree (sigstatus);
iobuf_close (iobuf);
if (hd->keyblock_cache.state != KEYBLOCK_CACHE_FILLED)
keyblock_cache_clear (hd);
log_clock (err? "keydb_get_keyblock leave (failed)"
: "keydb_get_keyblock leave");
return err;
/* Build a keyblock image from KEYBLOCK. Returns 0 on success and
only then stores a new iobuf object at R_IOBUF and a signature
status vecotor at R_SIGSTATUS. */
static gpg_error_t
build_keyblock_image (kbnode_t keyblock, iobuf_t *r_iobuf, u32 **r_sigstatus)
gpg_error_t err;
iobuf_t iobuf;
kbnode_t kbctx, node;
u32 n_sigs;
u32 *sigstatus;
*r_iobuf = NULL;
if (r_sigstatus)
*r_sigstatus = NULL;
/* Allocate a vector for the signature cache. This is an array of
u32 values with the first value giving the number of elements to
follow and each element descriping the cache status of the
signature. */
if (r_sigstatus)
for (kbctx=NULL, n_sigs=0; (node = walk_kbnode (keyblock, &kbctx, 0));)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
sigstatus = xtrycalloc (1+n_sigs, sizeof *sigstatus);
if (!sigstatus)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
sigstatus = NULL;
iobuf = iobuf_temp ();
for (kbctx = NULL, n_sigs = 0; (node = walk_kbnode (keyblock, &kbctx, 0));)
/* Make sure to use only packets valid on a keyblock. */
switch (node->pkt->pkttype)
/* Note that we don't want the ring trust packets. They are
not useful. */
err = build_packet (iobuf, node->pkt);
if (err)
iobuf_close (iobuf);
return err;
/* Build signature status vector. */
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
/* Fixme: Detect the "missing key" status. */
if (sig->flags.checked && sigstatus)
if (sig->flags.valid)
if (!sig->expiredate)
sigstatus[n_sigs] = 0xffffffff;
else if (sig->expiredate < 0x1000000)
sigstatus[n_sigs] = 0x10000000;
sigstatus[n_sigs] = sig->expiredate;
sigstatus[n_sigs] = 0x00000002; /* Bad signature. */
if (sigstatus)
sigstatus[0] = n_sigs;
*r_iobuf = iobuf;
if (r_sigstatus)
*r_sigstatus = sigstatus;
return 0;
/* Update the keyblock KB (i.e., extract the fingerprint and find the
* corresponding keyblock in the keyring).
* This doesn't do anything if --dry-run was specified.
* Returns 0 on success. Otherwise, it returns an error code. Note:
* if there isn't a keyblock in the keyring corresponding to KB, then
* this function returns GPG_ERR_VALUE_NOT_FOUND.
* This function selects the matching record and modifies the current
* file position to point to the record just after the selected entry.
* Thus, if you do a subsequent search using HD, you should first do a
* keydb_search_reset. Further, if the selected record is important,
* you should use keydb_push_found_state and keydb_pop_found_state to
* save and restore it. */
keydb_update_keyblock (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, kbnode_t kb)
gpg_error_t err;
PKT_public_key *pk;
size_t len;
log_assert (kb);
log_assert (kb->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
pk = kb->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
kid_not_found_flush ();
keyblock_cache_clear (hd);
if (opt.dry_run)
return 0;
err = lock_all (hd);
if (err)
return err;
memset (&desc, 0, sizeof (desc));
fingerprint_from_pk (pk, desc.u.fpr, &len);
if (len == 20)
desc.mode = KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20;
log_bug ("%s: Unsupported key length: %zu\n", __func__, len);
keydb_search_reset (hd);
err = keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1, NULL);
if (err)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_VALUE_NOT_FOUND);
log_assert (hd->found >= 0 && hd->found < hd->used);
switch (hd->active[hd->found].type)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); /* oops */
err = keyring_update_keyblock (hd->active[hd->found], kb);
iobuf_t iobuf;
err = build_keyblock_image (kb, &iobuf, NULL);
if (!err)
err = keybox_update_keyblock (hd->active[hd->found].u.kb,
iobuf_get_temp_buffer (iobuf),
iobuf_get_temp_length (iobuf));
iobuf_close (iobuf);
unlock_all (hd);
return err;
/* Insert a keyblock into one of the underlying keyrings or keyboxes.
* Be default, the keyring / keybox from which the last search result
* came is used. If there was no previous search result (or
* keydb_search_reset was called), then the keyring / keybox where the
* next search would start is used (i.e., the current file position).
* Note: this doesn't do anything if --dry-run was specified.
* Returns 0 on success. Otherwise, it returns an error code. */
keydb_insert_keyblock (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, kbnode_t kb)
gpg_error_t err;
int idx;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
kid_not_found_flush ();
keyblock_cache_clear (hd);
if (opt.dry_run)
return 0;
if (hd->found >= 0 && hd->found < hd->used)
idx = hd->found;
else if (hd->current >= 0 && hd->current < hd->used)
idx = hd->current;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
err = lock_all (hd);
if (err)
return err;
switch (hd->active[idx].type)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); /* oops */
err = keyring_insert_keyblock (hd->active[idx], kb);
{ /* We need to turn our kbnode_t list of packets into a proper
keyblock first. This is required by the OpenPGP key parser
included in the keybox code. Eventually we can change this
kludge to have the caller pass the image. */
iobuf_t iobuf;
u32 *sigstatus;
err = build_keyblock_image (kb, &iobuf, &sigstatus);
if (!err)
err = keybox_insert_keyblock (hd->active[idx].u.kb,
iobuf_get_temp_buffer (iobuf),
iobuf_get_temp_length (iobuf),
xfree (sigstatus);
iobuf_close (iobuf);
unlock_all (hd);
return err;
/* Delete the currently selected keyblock. If you haven't done a
* search yet on this database handle (or called keydb_search_reset),
* then this will return an error.
* Returns 0 on success or an error code, if an error occurs. */
keydb_delete_keyblock (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
gpg_error_t rc;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
kid_not_found_flush ();
keyblock_cache_clear (hd);
if (hd->found < 0 || hd->found >= hd->used)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_VALUE_NOT_FOUND);
if (opt.dry_run)
return 0;
rc = lock_all (hd);
if (rc)
return rc;
switch (hd->active[hd->found].type)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
rc = keyring_delete_keyblock (hd->active[hd->found];
rc = keybox_delete (hd->active[hd->found].u.kb);
unlock_all (hd);
return rc;
/* A database may consists of multiple keyrings / key boxes. This
* sets the "file position" to the start of the first keyring / key
* box that is writable (i.e., doesn't have the read-only flag set).
* This first tries the primary keyring (the last keyring (not
* keybox!) added using keydb_add_resource() and with
* KEYDB_RESOURCE_FLAG_PRIMARY set). If that is not writable, then it
* tries the keyrings / keyboxes in the order in which they were
* added. */
keydb_locate_writable (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
gpg_error_t rc;
if (!hd)
rc = keydb_search_reset (hd); /* this does reset hd->current */
if (rc)
return rc;
/* If we have a primary set, try that one first */
if (primary_keydb)
for ( ; hd->current >= 0 && hd->current < hd->used; hd->current++)
if(hd->active[hd->current].token == primary_keydb)
if(keyring_is_writable (hd->active[hd->current].token))
return 0;
rc = keydb_search_reset (hd); /* this does reset hd->current */
if (rc)
return rc;
for ( ; hd->current >= 0 && hd->current < hd->used; hd->current++)
switch (hd->active[hd->current].type)
if (keyring_is_writable (hd->active[hd->current].token))
return 0; /* found (hd->current is set to it) */
if (keybox_is_writable (hd->active[hd->current].token))
return 0; /* found (hd->current is set to it) */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
/* Rebuild the on-disk caches of all key resources. */
keydb_rebuild_caches (int noisy)
int i, rc;
for (i=0; i < used_resources; i++)
if (!keyring_is_writable (all_resources[i].token))
switch (all_resources[i].type)
case KEYDB_RESOURCE_TYPE_NONE: /* ignore */
rc = keyring_rebuild_cache (all_resources[i].token,noisy);
if (rc)
log_error (_("failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
/* N/A. */
/* Return the number of skipped blocks (because they were to large to
read from a keybox) since the last search reset. */
unsigned long
keydb_get_skipped_counter (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
return hd ? hd->skipped_long_blobs : 0;
/* Clears the current search result and resets the handle's position
* so that the next search starts at the beginning of the database
* (the start of the first resource).
* Returns 0 on success and an error code if an error occurred.
* (Currently, this function always returns 0 if HD is valid.) */
keydb_search_reset (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
gpg_error_t rc = 0;
int i;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
keyblock_cache_clear (hd);
log_clock ("keydb_search_reset");
log_debug ("keydb_search: reset (hd=%p)", hd);
hd->skipped_long_blobs = 0;
hd->current = 0;
hd->found = -1;
/* Now reset all resources. */
for (i=0; !rc && i < hd->used; i++)
switch (hd->active[i].type)
rc = keyring_search_reset (hd->active[i];
rc = keybox_search_reset (hd->active[i].u.kb);
hd->is_reset = 1;
return rc;
/* Search the database for keys matching the search description. If
* the DB contains any legacy keys, these are silently ignored.
* DESC is an array of search terms with NDESC entries. The search
* terms are or'd together. That is, the next entry in the DB that
* matches any of the descriptions will be returned.
* Note: this function resumes searching where the last search left
* off (i.e., at the current file position). If you want to search
* from the start of the database, then you need to first call
* keydb_search_reset().
* If no key matches the search description, returns
* GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND. If there was a match, returns 0. If an error
* occurred, returns an error code.
* The returned key is considered to be selected and the raw data can,
* for instance, be returned by calling keydb_get_keyblock(). */
keydb_search (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc,
size_t ndesc, size_t *descindex)
int i;
gpg_error_t rc;
int was_reset = hd->is_reset;
/* If an entry is already in the cache, then don't add it again. */
int already_in_cache = 0;
if (descindex)
*descindex = 0; /* Make sure it is always set on return. */
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
log_clock ("keydb_search enter");
log_debug ("%s: %zd search descriptions:\n", __func__, ndesc);
for (i = 0; i < ndesc; i ++)
char *t = keydb_search_desc_dump (&desc[i]);
log_debug ("%s %d: %s\n", __func__, i, t);
xfree (t);
if (ndesc == 1 && desc[0].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_LONG_KID
&& (already_in_cache = kid_not_found_p (desc[0].u.kid)) == 1 )
log_clock ("keydb_search leave (not found, cached)");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
/* NB: If one of the exact search modes below is used in a loop to
walk over all keys (with the same fingerprint) the caching must
have been disabled for the handle. */
if (!hd->no_caching
&& ndesc == 1
&& (desc[0].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20
|| desc[0].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR)
&& hd->keyblock_cache.state == KEYBLOCK_CACHE_FILLED
&& !memcmp (hd->keyblock_cache.fpr, desc[0].u.fpr, 20)
/* Make sure the current file position occurs before the cached
result to avoid an infinite loop. */
&& (hd->current < hd->keyblock_cache.resource
|| (hd->current == hd->keyblock_cache.resource
&& (keybox_offset (hd->active[hd->current].u.kb)
<= hd->keyblock_cache.offset))))
/* (DESCINDEX is already set). */
log_clock ("keydb_search leave (cached)");
hd->current = hd->keyblock_cache.resource;
/* HD->KEYBLOCK_CACHE.OFFSET is the last byte in the record.
Seek just beyond that. */
keybox_seek (hd->active[hd->current].u.kb,
hd->keyblock_cache.offset + 1);
return 0;
rc = -1;
while ((rc == -1 || gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
&& hd->current >= 0 && hd->current < hd->used)
log_debug ("%s: searching %s (resource %d of %d)\n",
hd->active[hd->current].type == KEYDB_RESOURCE_TYPE_KEYRING
? "keyring"
: (hd->active[hd->current].type == KEYDB_RESOURCE_TYPE_KEYBOX
? "keybox" : "unknown type"),
hd->current, hd->used);
switch (hd->active[hd->current].type)
BUG(); /* we should never see it here */
rc = keyring_search (hd->active[hd->current], desc,
ndesc, descindex, 1);
rc = keybox_search (hd->active[hd->current].u.kb, desc,
descindex, &hd->skipped_long_blobs);
while (rc == GPG_ERR_LEGACY_KEY);
log_debug ("%s: searched %s (resource %d of %d) => %s\n",
hd->active[hd->current].type == KEYDB_RESOURCE_TYPE_KEYRING
? "keyring"
: (hd->active[hd->current].type == KEYDB_RESOURCE_TYPE_KEYBOX
? "keybox" : "unknown type"),
hd->current, hd->used,
rc == -1 ? "EOF" : gpg_strerror (rc));
if (rc == -1 || gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
/* EOF -> switch to next resource */
else if (!rc)
hd->found = hd->current;
hd->is_reset = 0;
rc = ((rc == -1 || gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
? gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
: rc);
keyblock_cache_clear (hd);
if (!hd->no_caching
&& !rc
&& ndesc == 1 && (desc[0].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20
|| desc[0].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR)
&& hd->active[hd->current].type == KEYDB_RESOURCE_TYPE_KEYBOX)
hd->keyblock_cache.state = KEYBLOCK_CACHE_PREPARED;
hd->keyblock_cache.resource = hd->current;
/* The current offset is at the start of the next record. Since
a record is at least 1 byte, we just use offset - 1, which is
within the record. */
= keybox_offset (hd->active[hd->current].u.kb) - 1;
memcpy (hd->keyblock_cache.fpr, desc[0].u.fpr, 20);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND
&& ndesc == 1 && desc[0].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_LONG_KID && was_reset
&& !already_in_cache)
kid_not_found_insert (desc[0].u.kid);
log_clock (rc? "keydb_search leave (not found)"
: "keydb_search leave (found)");
return rc;
/* Return the first non-legacy key in the database.
* If you want the very first key in the database, you can directly
* call keydb_search with the search description
keydb_search_first (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
gpg_error_t err;
err = keydb_search_reset (hd);
if (err)
return err;
memset (&desc, 0, sizeof desc);
return keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1, NULL);
/* Return the next key (not the next matching key!).
* Unlike calling keydb_search with KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NEXT, this
* function silently skips legacy keys. */
keydb_search_next (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
memset (&desc, 0, sizeof desc);
return keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1, NULL);
/* This is a convenience function for searching for keys with a long
* key id.
* Note: this function resumes searching where the last search left
* off. If you want to search the whole database, then you need to
* first call keydb_search_reset(). */
keydb_search_kid (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, u32 *kid)
memset (&desc, 0, sizeof desc);
desc.u.kid[0] = kid[0];
desc.u.kid[1] = kid[1];
return keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1, NULL);
/* This is a convenience function for searching for keys with a long
* (20 byte) fingerprint.
* Note: this function resumes searching where the last search left
* off. If you want to search the whole database, then you need to
* first call keydb_search_reset(). */
keydb_search_fpr (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, const byte *fpr)
memset (&desc, 0, sizeof desc);
memcpy (desc.u.fpr, fpr, MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN);
return keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1, NULL);
diff --git a/g10/keydb.h b/g10/keydb.h
index 6133202e6..815b17ee8 100644
--- a/g10/keydb.h
+++ b/g10/keydb.h
@@ -1,491 +1,491 @@
/* keydb.h - Key database
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
* 2006, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G10_KEYDB_H
#define G10_KEYDB_H
#include "types.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "packet.h"
/* What qualifies as a certification (rather than a signature?) */
#define IS_CERT(s) (IS_KEY_SIG(s) || IS_UID_SIG(s) || IS_SUBKEY_SIG(s) \
|| IS_KEY_REV(s) || IS_UID_REV(s) || IS_SUBKEY_REV(s))
#define IS_SIG(s) (!IS_CERT(s))
#define IS_KEY_SIG(s) ((s)->sig_class == 0x1f)
#define IS_UID_SIG(s) (((s)->sig_class & ~3) == 0x10)
#define IS_SUBKEY_SIG(s) ((s)->sig_class == 0x18)
#define IS_KEY_REV(s) ((s)->sig_class == 0x20)
#define IS_UID_REV(s) ((s)->sig_class == 0x30)
#define IS_SUBKEY_REV(s) ((s)->sig_class == 0x28)
struct getkey_ctx_s;
typedef struct getkey_ctx_s *GETKEY_CTX;
typedef struct getkey_ctx_s *getkey_ctx_t;
* A Keyblock is all packets which form an entire certificate;
* i.e. the public key, certificate, trust packets, user ids,
* signatures, and subkey.
* This structure is also used to bind arbitrary packets together.
struct kbnode_struct {
KBNODE next;
PACKET *pkt;
int flag;
int private_flag;
ulong recno; /* used while updating the trustdb */
#define is_deleted_kbnode(a) ((a)->private_flag & 1)
#define is_cloned_kbnode(a) ((a)->private_flag & 2)
enum resource_type {
rt_UNKNOWN = 0,
rt_RING = 1
/* Bit flags used with build_pk_list. */
PK_LIST_ENCRYPT_TO = 1, /* This is an encrypt-to recipient. */
PK_LIST_HIDDEN = 2, /* This is a hidden recipient. */
PK_LIST_CONFIG = 4, /* Specified via config file. */
PK_LIST_FROM_FILE = 8 /* Take key from file with that name. */
/* To store private data in the flags the private data must be left
shifted by this value. */
* A data structure to hold information about the external position
* of a keyblock.
struct keyblock_pos_struct {
int resno; /* resource number */
enum resource_type rt;
off_t offset; /* position information */
unsigned count; /* length of the keyblock in packets */
iobuf_t fp; /* Used by enum_keyblocks. */
int secret; /* working on a secret keyring */
PACKET *pkt; /* ditto */
int valid;
typedef struct keyblock_pos_struct KBPOS;
/* Structure to hold a couple of public key certificates. */
typedef struct pk_list *PK_LIST; /* Deprecated. */
typedef struct pk_list *pk_list_t;
struct pk_list
PK_LIST next;
PKT_public_key *pk;
int flags; /* See PK_LIST_ constants. */
/* Structure to hold a list of secret key certificates. */
typedef struct sk_list *SK_LIST;
struct sk_list
SK_LIST next;
PKT_public_key *pk;
int mark; /* not used */
/* structure to collect all information which can be used to
* identify a public key */
typedef struct pubkey_find_info *PUBKEY_FIND_INFO;
struct pubkey_find_info {
u32 keyid[2];
unsigned nbits;
byte pubkey_algo;
byte fingerprint[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN];
char userid[1];
typedef struct keydb_handle *KEYDB_HANDLE;
/* Helper type for preference fucntions. */
union pref_hint
int digest_length;
/*-- keydb.c --*/
#define KEYDB_RESOURCE_FLAG_PRIMARY 2 /* The primary resource. */
#define KEYDB_RESOURCE_FLAG_DEFAULT 4 /* The default one. */
#define KEYDB_RESOURCE_FLAG_READONLY 8 /* Open in read only mode. */
#define KEYDB_RESOURCE_FLAG_GPGVDEF 16 /* Default file for gpgv. */
/* Format a search term for debugging output. The caller must free
the result. */
char *keydb_search_desc_dump (struct keydb_search_desc *desc);
/* Register a resource (keyring or keybox). */
gpg_error_t keydb_add_resource (const char *url, unsigned int flags);
/* Dump some statistics to the log. */
void keydb_dump_stats (void);
/* Create a new database handle. Returns NULL on error, sets ERRNO,
and prints an error diagnostic. */
KEYDB_HANDLE keydb_new (void);
/* Free all resources owned by the database handle. */
void keydb_release (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
/* Set a flag on the handle to suppress use of cached results. This
is required for updating a keyring and for key listings. Fixme:
Using a new parameter for keydb_new might be a better solution. */
void keydb_disable_caching (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
/* Save the last found state and invalidate the current selection. */
void keydb_push_found_state (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
/* Restore the previous save state. */
void keydb_pop_found_state (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
/* Return the file name of the resource. */
const char *keydb_get_resource_name (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
/* Return the keyblock last found by keydb_search. */
gpg_error_t keydb_get_keyblock (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, KBNODE *ret_kb);
/* Update the keyblock KB. */
gpg_error_t keydb_update_keyblock (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, kbnode_t kb);
/* Insert a keyblock into one of the underlying keyrings or keyboxes. */
gpg_error_t keydb_insert_keyblock (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, kbnode_t kb);
/* Delete the currently selected keyblock. */
gpg_error_t keydb_delete_keyblock (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
/* Find the first writable resource. */
gpg_error_t keydb_locate_writable (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
/* Rebuild the on-disk caches of all key resources. */
void keydb_rebuild_caches (int noisy);
/* Return the number of skipped blocks (because they were to large to
read from a keybox) since the last search reset. */
unsigned long keydb_get_skipped_counter (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
/* Clears the current search result and resets the handle's position. */
gpg_error_t keydb_search_reset (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
/* Search the database for keys matching the search description. */
gpg_error_t keydb_search (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc,
size_t ndesc, size_t *descindex);
/* Return the first non-legacy key in the database. */
gpg_error_t keydb_search_first (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
/* Return the next key (not the next matching key!). */
gpg_error_t keydb_search_next (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
/* This is a convenience function for searching for keys with a long
key id. */
gpg_error_t keydb_search_kid (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, u32 *kid);
/* This is a convenience function for searching for keys with a long
(20 byte) fingerprint. */
gpg_error_t keydb_search_fpr (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, const byte *fpr);
/*-- pkclist.c --*/
void show_revocation_reason( PKT_public_key *pk, int mode );
int check_signatures_trust (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_signature *sig);
void release_pk_list (PK_LIST pk_list);
int build_pk_list (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t rcpts, PK_LIST *ret_pk_list);
gpg_error_t find_and_check_key (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *name, unsigned int use,
int mark_hidden, int from_file,
pk_list_t *pk_list_addr);
int algo_available( preftype_t preftype, int algo,
const union pref_hint *hint );
int select_algo_from_prefs( PK_LIST pk_list, int preftype,
int request, const union pref_hint *hint);
int select_mdc_from_pklist (PK_LIST pk_list);
void warn_missing_mdc_from_pklist (PK_LIST pk_list);
void warn_missing_aes_from_pklist (PK_LIST pk_list);
/*-- skclist.c --*/
int random_is_faked (void);
void release_sk_list( SK_LIST sk_list );
gpg_error_t build_sk_list (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t locusr,
SK_LIST *ret_sk_list, unsigned use);
/*-- passphrase.h --*/
unsigned char encode_s2k_iterations (int iterations);
int have_static_passphrase(void);
const char *get_static_passphrase (void);
void set_passphrase_from_string(const char *pass);
void read_passphrase_from_fd( int fd );
void passphrase_clear_cache (const char *cacheid);
DEK *passphrase_to_dek_ext(u32 *keyid, int pubkey_algo,
int cipher_algo, STRING2KEY *s2k, int mode,
const char *tryagain_text,
const char *custdesc, const char *custprompt,
int *canceled);
DEK *passphrase_to_dek (int cipher_algo, STRING2KEY *s2k,
int create, int nocache,
const char *tryagain_text, int *canceled);
void set_next_passphrase( const char *s );
char *get_last_passphrase(void);
void next_to_last_passphrase(void);
void emit_status_need_passphrase (u32 *keyid, u32 *mainkeyid, int pubkey_algo);
char *gpg_format_keydesc (PKT_public_key *pk, int mode, int escaped);
/*-- getkey.c --*/
/* Cache a copy of a public key in the public key cache. */
void cache_public_key( PKT_public_key *pk );
/* Disable and drop the public key cache. */
void getkey_disable_caches(void);
/* Return the public key with the key id KEYID and store it at PK. */
int get_pubkey( PKT_public_key *pk, u32 *keyid );
/* Similar to get_pubkey, but it does not take PK->REQ_USAGE into
account nor does it merge in the self-signed data. This function
also only considers primary keys. */
int get_pubkey_fast (PKT_public_key *pk, u32 *keyid);
/* Return the key block for the key with KEYID. */
kbnode_t get_pubkeyblock (u32 *keyid);
/* A list used by get_pubkeys to gather all of the matches. */
struct pubkey_s
struct pubkey_s *next;
/* The key to use (either the public key or the subkey). */
PKT_public_key *pk;
kbnode_t keyblock;
typedef struct pubkey_s *pubkey_t;
/* Free a single key. This does not remove key from any list! */
void pubkey_free (pubkey_t key);
/* Free a list of public keys. */
void pubkeys_free (pubkey_t keys);
/* Returns all keys that match the search specfication SEARCH_TERMS.
The returned keys should be freed using pubkeys_free. */
get_pubkeys (ctrl_t ctrl,
char *search_terms, int use, int include_unusable, char *source,
int warn_possibly_ambiguous,
pubkey_t *r_keys);
/* Find a public key identified by NAME. */
int get_pubkey_byname (ctrl_t ctrl,
GETKEY_CTX *retctx, PKT_public_key *pk,
const char *name,
KBNODE *ret_keyblock, KEYDB_HANDLE *ret_kdbhd,
int include_unusable, int no_akl );
/* Likewise, but only return the best match if NAME resembles a mail
* address. */
int get_best_pubkey_byname (ctrl_t ctrl,
GETKEY_CTX *retctx, PKT_public_key *pk,
const char *name, KBNODE *ret_keyblock,
int include_unusable, int no_akl);
/* Get a public key directly from file FNAME. */
gpg_error_t get_pubkey_fromfile (ctrl_t ctrl,
PKT_public_key *pk, const char *fname);
/* Return the public key with the key id KEYID iff the secret key is
* available and store it at PK. */
gpg_error_t get_seckey (PKT_public_key *pk, u32 *keyid);
/* Lookup a key with the specified fingerprint. */
int get_pubkey_byfprint (PKT_public_key *pk, kbnode_t *r_keyblock,
const byte *fprint, size_t fprint_len);
/* This function is similar to get_pubkey_byfprint, but it doesn't
merge the self-signed data into the public key and subkeys or into
the user ids. */
int get_pubkey_byfprint_fast (PKT_public_key *pk,
const byte *fprint, size_t fprint_len);
/* Returns true if a secret key is available for the public key with
key id KEYID. */
int have_secret_key_with_kid (u32 *keyid);
/* Parse the --default-key parameter. Returns the last key (in terms
of when the option is given) that is available. */
const char *parse_def_secret_key (ctrl_t ctrl);
/* Look up a secret key. */
gpg_error_t get_seckey_default (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk);
/* Search for keys matching some criteria. */
gpg_error_t getkey_bynames (getkey_ctx_t *retctx, PKT_public_key *pk,
strlist_t names, int want_secret,
kbnode_t *ret_keyblock);
/* Search for one key matching some criteria. */
gpg_error_t getkey_byname (ctrl_t ctrl,
getkey_ctx_t *retctx, PKT_public_key *pk,
const char *name, int want_secret,
kbnode_t *ret_keyblock);
/* Return the next search result. */
gpg_error_t getkey_next (getkey_ctx_t ctx, PKT_public_key *pk,
kbnode_t *ret_keyblock);
/* Release any resources used by a key listing context. */
void getkey_end (getkey_ctx_t ctx);
/* Return the database handle used by this context. The context still
owns the handle. */
KEYDB_HANDLE get_ctx_handle(GETKEY_CTX ctx);
/* Enumerate some secret keys. */
gpg_error_t enum_secret_keys (ctrl_t ctrl, void **context, PKT_public_key *pk);
/* Set the mainkey_id fields for all keys in KEYBLOCK. */
void setup_main_keyids (kbnode_t keyblock);
/* This function merges information from the self-signed data into the
data structures. */
void merge_keys_and_selfsig (kbnode_t keyblock);
char*get_user_id_string_native( u32 *keyid );
char*get_long_user_id_string( u32 *keyid );
char*get_user_id( u32 *keyid, size_t *rn );
char*get_user_id_native( u32 *keyid );
char *get_user_id_byfpr (const byte *fpr, size_t *rn);
char *get_user_id_byfpr_native (const byte *fpr);
void release_akl(void);
int parse_auto_key_locate(char *options);
/*-- keyid.c --*/
int pubkey_letter( int algo );
char *pubkey_string (PKT_public_key *pk, char *buffer, size_t bufsize);
u32 v3_keyid (gcry_mpi_t a, u32 *ki);
void hash_public_key( gcry_md_hd_t md, PKT_public_key *pk );
char *format_keyid (u32 *keyid, int format, char *buffer, int len);
/* Return PK's keyid. The memory is owned by PK. */
u32 *pk_keyid (PKT_public_key *pk);
/* Return the keyid of the primary key associated with PK. The memory
is owned by PK. */
u32 *pk_main_keyid (PKT_public_key *pk);
/* Order A and B. If A < B then return -1, if A == B then return 0,
and if A > B then return 1. */
keyid_cmp (const u32 *a, const u32 *b)
if (a[0] < b[0])
return -1;
if (a[0] > b[0])
return 1;
if (a[1] < b[1])
return -1;
if (a[1] > b[1])
return 1;
return 0;
/* Copy the keyid in SRC to DEST and return DEST. */
u32 *keyid_copy (u32 *dest, const u32 *src);
size_t keystrlen(void);
const char *keystr(u32 *keyid);
const char *keystr_with_sub (u32 *main_kid, u32 *sub_kid);
const char *keystr_from_pk(PKT_public_key *pk);
const char *keystr_from_pk_with_sub (PKT_public_key *main_pk,
PKT_public_key *sub_pk);
/* Return PK's key id as a string using the default format. PK owns
the storage. */
const char *pk_keyid_str (PKT_public_key *pk);
const char *keystr_from_desc(KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc);
u32 keyid_from_pk( PKT_public_key *pk, u32 *keyid );
u32 keyid_from_sig( PKT_signature *sig, u32 *keyid );
u32 keyid_from_fingerprint(const byte *fprint, size_t fprint_len, u32 *keyid);
byte *namehash_from_uid(PKT_user_id *uid);
unsigned nbits_from_pk( PKT_public_key *pk );
const char *datestr_from_pk( PKT_public_key *pk );
const char *datestr_from_sig( PKT_signature *sig );
const char *expirestr_from_pk( PKT_public_key *pk );
const char *expirestr_from_sig( PKT_signature *sig );
const char *revokestr_from_pk( PKT_public_key *pk );
const char *usagestr_from_pk (PKT_public_key *pk, int fill);
const char *colon_strtime (u32 t);
const char *colon_datestr_from_pk (PKT_public_key *pk);
const char *colon_datestr_from_sig (PKT_signature *sig);
const char *colon_expirestr_from_sig (PKT_signature *sig);
byte *fingerprint_from_pk( PKT_public_key *pk, byte *buf, size_t *ret_len );
char *hexfingerprint (PKT_public_key *pk, char *buffer, size_t buflen);
char *format_hexfingerprint (const char *fingerprint,
char *buffer, size_t buflen);
gpg_error_t keygrip_from_pk (PKT_public_key *pk, unsigned char *array);
gpg_error_t hexkeygrip_from_pk (PKT_public_key *pk, char **r_grip);
/*-- kbnode.c --*/
KBNODE new_kbnode( PACKET *pkt );
KBNODE clone_kbnode( KBNODE node );
void release_kbnode( KBNODE n );
void delete_kbnode( KBNODE node );
void add_kbnode( KBNODE root, KBNODE node );
void insert_kbnode( KBNODE root, KBNODE node, int pkttype );
void move_kbnode( KBNODE *root, KBNODE node, KBNODE where );
void remove_kbnode( KBNODE *root, KBNODE node );
KBNODE find_prev_kbnode( KBNODE root, KBNODE node, int pkttype );
KBNODE find_next_kbnode( KBNODE node, int pkttype );
KBNODE find_kbnode( KBNODE node, int pkttype );
KBNODE walk_kbnode( KBNODE root, KBNODE *context, int all );
void clear_kbnode_flags( KBNODE n );
int commit_kbnode( KBNODE *root );
void dump_kbnode( KBNODE node );
#endif /*G10_KEYDB_H*/
diff --git a/g10/keyedit.c b/g10/keyedit.c
index 65ac2eab3..ffc0da7c4 100644
--- a/g10/keyedit.c
+++ b/g10/keyedit.c
@@ -1,6555 +1,6555 @@
/* keyedit.c - Edit properties of a key
* Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 1998-2016 Werner Koch
* Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
# include <readline/readline.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "photoid.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "keyserver-internal.h"
#include "call-agent.h"
#include "host2net.h"
#include "tofu.h"
static void show_prefs (PKT_user_id * uid, PKT_signature * selfsig,
int verbose);
static void show_names (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t fp,
kbnode_t keyblock, PKT_public_key * pk,
unsigned int flag, int with_prefs);
static void show_key_with_all_names (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t fp,
KBNODE keyblock, int only_marked,
int with_revoker, int with_fpr,
int with_subkeys, int with_prefs,
int nowarn);
static void show_key_and_fingerprint (kbnode_t keyblock, int with_subkeys);
static void show_key_and_grip (kbnode_t keyblock);
static void subkey_expire_warning (kbnode_t keyblock);
static int menu_adduid (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock,
int photo, const char *photo_name, const char *uidstr);
static void menu_deluid (KBNODE pub_keyblock);
static int menu_delsig (KBNODE pub_keyblock);
static int menu_clean (KBNODE keyblock, int self_only);
static void menu_delkey (KBNODE pub_keyblock);
static int menu_addrevoker (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t pub_keyblock, int sensitive);
static int menu_expire (KBNODE pub_keyblock);
static int menu_changeusage (kbnode_t keyblock);
static int menu_backsign (KBNODE pub_keyblock);
static int menu_set_primary_uid (KBNODE pub_keyblock);
static int menu_set_preferences (KBNODE pub_keyblock);
static int menu_set_keyserver_url (const char *url, KBNODE pub_keyblock);
static int menu_set_notation (const char *string, KBNODE pub_keyblock);
static int menu_select_uid (KBNODE keyblock, int idx);
static int menu_select_uid_namehash (KBNODE keyblock, const char *namehash);
static int menu_select_key (KBNODE keyblock, int idx, char *p);
static int count_uids (KBNODE keyblock);
static int count_uids_with_flag (KBNODE keyblock, unsigned flag);
static int count_keys_with_flag (KBNODE keyblock, unsigned flag);
static int count_selected_uids (KBNODE keyblock);
static int real_uids_left (KBNODE keyblock);
static int count_selected_keys (KBNODE keyblock);
static int menu_revsig (KBNODE keyblock);
static int menu_revuid (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock);
static int core_revuid (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock, KBNODE node,
const struct revocation_reason_info *reason,
int *modified);
static int menu_revkey (KBNODE pub_keyblock);
static int menu_revsubkey (KBNODE pub_keyblock);
static int enable_disable_key (KBNODE keyblock, int disable);
#endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/
static void menu_showphoto (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock);
static int update_trust = 0;
#define CONTROL_D ('D' - 'A' + 1)
#define NODFLG_BADSIG (1<<0) /* Bad signature. */
#define NODFLG_NOKEY (1<<1) /* No public key. */
#define NODFLG_SIGERR (1<<2) /* Other sig error. */
#define NODFLG_MARK_A (1<<4) /* Temporary mark. */
#define NODFLG_DELSIG (1<<5) /* To be deleted. */
#define NODFLG_SELUID (1<<8) /* Indicate the selected userid. */
#define NODFLG_SELKEY (1<<9) /* Indicate the selected key. */
#define NODFLG_SELSIG (1<<10) /* Indicate a selected signature. */
struct sign_attrib
int non_exportable, non_revocable;
struct revocation_reason_info *reason;
byte trust_depth, trust_value;
char *trust_regexp;
/* TODO: Fix duplicated code between here and the check-sigs/list-sigs
code in keylist.c. */
static int
print_and_check_one_sig_colon (KBNODE keyblock, KBNODE node,
int *inv_sigs, int *no_key, int *oth_err,
int *is_selfsig, int print_without_key)
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
int rc, sigrc;
/* TODO: Make sure a cached sig record here still has the pk that
issued it. See also keylist.c:list_keyblock_print */
rc = check_key_signature (keyblock, node, is_selfsig);
switch (gpg_err_code (rc))
case 0:
sigrc = '!';
node->flag = NODFLG_BADSIG;
sigrc = '-';
if (inv_sigs)
++ * inv_sigs;
node->flag = NODFLG_NOKEY;
sigrc = '?';
if (no_key)
++ * no_key;
node->flag = NODFLG_SIGERR;
sigrc = '%';
if (oth_err)
++ * oth_err;
if (sigrc != '?' || print_without_key)
es_printf ("sig:%c::%d:%08lX%08lX:%lu:%lu:",
sigrc, sig->pubkey_algo, (ulong) sig->keyid[0],
(ulong) sig->keyid[1], (ulong) sig->timestamp,
(ulong) sig->expiredate);
if (sig->trust_depth || sig->trust_value)
es_printf ("%d %d", sig->trust_depth, sig->trust_value);
es_printf (":");
if (sig->trust_regexp)
es_write_sanitized (es_stdout,
sig->trust_regexp, strlen (sig->trust_regexp),
":", NULL);
es_printf ("::%02x%c\n", sig->sig_class,
sig->flags.exportable ? 'x' : 'l');
if (opt.show_subpackets)
print_subpackets_colon (sig);
return (sigrc == '!');
* Print information about a signature (rc is its status), check it
* and return true if the signature is okay. NODE must be a signature
* packet. With EXTENDED set all possible signature list options will
* always be printed.
static int
print_one_sig (int rc, KBNODE keyblock, KBNODE node,
int *inv_sigs, int *no_key, int *oth_err,
int is_selfsig, int print_without_key, int extended)
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
int sigrc;
int is_rev = sig->sig_class == 0x30;
/* TODO: Make sure a cached sig record here still has the pk that
issued it. See also keylist.c:list_keyblock_print */
switch (gpg_err_code (rc))
case 0:
sigrc = '!';
node->flag = NODFLG_BADSIG;
sigrc = '-';
if (inv_sigs)
++ * inv_sigs;
node->flag = NODFLG_NOKEY;
sigrc = '?';
if (no_key)
++ * no_key;
node->flag = NODFLG_SIGERR;
sigrc = '%';
if (oth_err)
++ * oth_err;
if (sigrc != '?' || print_without_key)
tty_printf ("%s%c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c %s %s",
is_rev ? "rev" : "sig", sigrc,
(sig->sig_class - 0x10 > 0 &&
sig->sig_class - 0x10 <
4) ? '0' + sig->sig_class - 0x10 : ' ',
sig->flags.exportable ? ' ' : 'L',
sig->flags.revocable ? ' ' : 'R',
sig->flags.policy_url ? 'P' : ' ',
sig->flags.notation ? 'N' : ' ',
sig->flags.expired ? 'X' : ' ',
(sig->trust_depth > 9) ? 'T' : (sig->trust_depth >
0) ? '0' +
sig->trust_depth : ' ',
keystr (sig->keyid),
datestr_from_sig (sig));
if ((opt.list_options & LIST_SHOW_SIG_EXPIRE) || extended )
tty_printf (" %s", expirestr_from_sig (sig));
tty_printf (" ");
if (sigrc == '%')
tty_printf ("[%s] ", gpg_strerror (rc));
else if (sigrc == '?')
else if (is_selfsig)
tty_printf (is_rev ? _("[revocation]") : _("[self-signature]"));
if (extended && sig->flags.chosen_selfsig)
tty_printf ("*");
size_t n;
char *p = get_user_id (sig->keyid, &n);
tty_print_utf8_string2 (NULL, p, n,
opt.screen_columns - keystrlen () - 26 -
list_options & LIST_SHOW_SIG_EXPIRE) ? 11
: 0));
xfree (p);
tty_printf ("\n");
if (sig->flags.policy_url
&& ((opt.list_options & LIST_SHOW_POLICY_URLS) || extended))
show_policy_url (sig, 3, 0);
if (sig->flags.notation
&& ((opt.list_options & LIST_SHOW_NOTATIONS) || extended))
show_notation (sig, 3, 0,
list_options & LIST_SHOW_STD_NOTATIONS) ? 1 : 0) +
list_options & LIST_SHOW_USER_NOTATIONS) ? 2 : 0));
if (sig->flags.pref_ks
&& ((opt.list_options & LIST_SHOW_KEYSERVER_URLS) || extended))
show_keyserver_url (sig, 3, 0);
if (extended)
PKT_public_key *pk = keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
const unsigned char *s;
s = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_PRIMARY_UID, NULL);
if (s && *s)
tty_printf (" [primary]\n");
s = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_KEY_EXPIRE, NULL);
if (s && buf32_to_u32 (s))
tty_printf (" [expires: %s]\n",
isotimestamp (pk->timestamp + buf32_to_u32 (s)));
return (sigrc == '!');
static int
print_and_check_one_sig (KBNODE keyblock, KBNODE node,
int *inv_sigs, int *no_key, int *oth_err,
int *is_selfsig, int print_without_key, int extended)
int rc;
rc = check_key_signature (keyblock, node, is_selfsig);
return print_one_sig (rc,
keyblock, node, inv_sigs, no_key, oth_err,
*is_selfsig, print_without_key, extended);
/* Order two signatures. The actual ordering isn't important. Our
goal is to ensure that identical signatures occur together. */
static int
sig_comparison (const void *av, const void *bv)
const KBNODE an = *(const KBNODE *) av;
const KBNODE bn = *(const KBNODE *) bv;
const PKT_signature *a;
const PKT_signature *b;
int ndataa;
int ndatab;
int i;
log_assert (an->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE);
log_assert (bn->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE);
a = an->pkt->pkt.signature;
b = bn->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (a->digest_algo < b->digest_algo)
return -1;
if (a->digest_algo > b->digest_algo)
return 1;
ndataa = pubkey_get_nsig (a->pubkey_algo);
ndatab = pubkey_get_nsig (b->pubkey_algo);
if (ndataa != ndatab)
return (ndataa < ndatab)? -1 : 1;
for (i = 0; i < ndataa; i ++)
int c = gcry_mpi_cmp (a->data[i], b->data[i]);
if (c != 0)
return c;
/* Okay, they are equal. */
return 0;
/* Perform a few sanity checks on a keyblock is okay and possibly
repair some damage. Concretely:
- Detect duplicate signatures and remove them.
- Detect out of order signatures and relocate them (e.g., a sig
over user id X located under subkey Y).
Note: this function does not remove signatures that don't belong or
components that are not signed! (Although it would be trivial to
do so.)
If ONLY_SELFSIGS is true, then this function only reorders self
signatures (it still checks all signatures for duplicates,
Returns 1 if the keyblock was modified, 0 otherwise. */
static int
check_all_keysigs (KBNODE kb, int only_selected, int only_selfsigs)
gpg_error_t err;
PKT_public_key *pk;
KBNODE n, n_next, *n_prevp, n2;
char *pending_desc = NULL;
PKT_public_key *issuer;
KBNODE last_printed_component;
KBNODE current_component = NULL;
int dups = 0;
int missing_issuer = 0;
int reordered = 0;
int bad_signature = 0;
int missing_selfsig = 0;
int modified = 0;
log_assert (kb->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
pk = kb->pkt->pkt.public_key;
/* First we look for duplicates. */
int nsigs;
kbnode_t *sigs;
int i;
int last_i;
/* Count the sigs. */
for (nsigs = 0, n = kb; n; n = n->next)
if (is_deleted_kbnode (n))
else if (n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
nsigs ++;
if (!nsigs)
return 0; /* No signatures at all. */
/* Add them all to the SIGS array. */
sigs = xtrycalloc (nsigs, sizeof *sigs);
if (!sigs)
log_error (_("error allocating memory: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
return 0;
i = 0;
for (n = kb; n; n = n->next)
if (is_deleted_kbnode (n))
if (n->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SIGNATURE)
sigs[i] = n;
i ++;
log_assert (i == nsigs);
qsort (sigs, nsigs, sizeof (sigs[0]), sig_comparison);
last_i = 0;
for (i = 1; i < nsigs; i ++)
log_assert (sigs[last_i]);
log_assert (sigs[last_i]->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE);
log_assert (sigs[i]);
log_assert (sigs[i]->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE);
if (sig_comparison (&sigs[last_i], &sigs[i]) == 0)
/* They are the same. Kill the latter. */
PKT_signature *sig = sigs[i]->pkt->pkt.signature;
log_debug ("Signature appears multiple times, "
"deleting duplicate:\n");
log_debug (" sig: class 0x%x, issuer: %s,"
" timestamp: %s (%lld), digest: %02x %02x\n",
sig->sig_class, keystr (sig->keyid),
isotimestamp (sig->timestamp),
(long long) sig->timestamp,
sig->digest_start[0], sig->digest_start[1]);
/* Remove sigs[i] from the keyblock. */
KBNODE z, *prevp;
int to_kill = last_i;
last_i = i;
for (prevp = &kb, z = kb; z; prevp = &z->next, z = z->next)
if (z == sigs[to_kill])
*prevp = sigs[to_kill]->next;
sigs[to_kill]->next = NULL;
release_kbnode (sigs[to_kill]);
sigs[to_kill] = NULL;
dups ++;
modified = 1;
last_i = i;
xfree (sigs);
/* Make sure the sigs occur after the component (public key, subkey,
user id) that they sign. */
issuer = NULL;
last_printed_component = NULL;
for (n_prevp = &kb, n = kb;
/* If we moved n, then n_prevp is need valid. */
n_prevp = (n->next == n_next ? &n->next : n_prevp), n = n_next)
int processed_current_component;
PKT_signature *sig;
int rc;
int dump_sig_params = 0;
n_next = n->next;
if (is_deleted_kbnode (n))
p = n->pkt;
if (issuer && issuer != pk)
free_public_key (issuer);
issuer = NULL;
xfree (pending_desc);
pending_desc = NULL;
switch (p->pkttype)
log_assert (p->pkt.public_key == pk);
if (only_selected && ! (n->flag & NODFLG_SELKEY))
current_component = NULL;
log_debug ("public key %s: timestamp: %s (%lld)\n",
pk_keyid_str (pk),
isotimestamp (pk->timestamp),
(long long) pk->timestamp);
current_component = n;
if (only_selected && ! (n->flag & NODFLG_SELKEY))
current_component = NULL;
log_debug ("subkey %s: timestamp: %s (%lld)\n",
pk_keyid_str (p->pkt.public_key),
isotimestamp (p->pkt.public_key->timestamp),
(long long) p->pkt.public_key->timestamp);
current_component = n;
if (only_selected && ! (n->flag & NODFLG_SELUID))
current_component = NULL;
log_debug ("user id: %s\n",
? "[ photo id ]"
: p->pkt.user_id->name);
current_component = n;
if (! current_component)
/* The current component is not selected, don't check the
sigs under it. */
sig = n->pkt->pkt.signature;
pending_desc = xasprintf (" sig: class: 0x%x, issuer: %s,"
" timestamp: %s (%lld), digest: %02x %02x",
keystr (sig->keyid),
isotimestamp (sig->timestamp),
(long long) sig->timestamp,
sig->digest_start[0], sig->digest_start[1]);
if (keyid_cmp (pk_keyid (pk), sig->keyid) == 0)
issuer = pk;
/* Issuer is a different key. */
if (only_selfsigs)
issuer = xmalloc (sizeof (*issuer));
err = get_pubkey (issuer, sig->keyid);
if (err)
xfree (issuer);
issuer = NULL;
if (pending_desc)
log_debug ("%s", pending_desc);
log_debug (" Can't check signature allegedly"
" issued by %s: %s\n",
keystr (sig->keyid), gpg_strerror (err));
missing_issuer ++;
if ((err = openpgp_pk_test_algo (sig->pubkey_algo)))
if (DBG_PACKET && pending_desc)
log_debug ("%s", pending_desc);
tty_printf (_("can't check signature with unsupported"
" public-key algorithm (%d): %s.\n"),
sig->pubkey_algo, gpg_strerror (err));
if ((err = openpgp_md_test_algo (sig->digest_algo)))
if (DBG_PACKET && pending_desc)
log_debug ("%s", pending_desc);
tty_printf (_("can't check signature with unsupported"
" message-digest algorithm %d: %s.\n"),
sig->digest_algo, gpg_strerror (err));
/* We iterate over the keyblock. Most likely, the matching
component is the current component so always try that
first. */
processed_current_component = 0;
for (n2 = current_component;
n2 = (processed_current_component ? n2->next : kb),
processed_current_component = 1)
if (is_deleted_kbnode (n2))
else if (processed_current_component && n2 == current_component)
/* Don't process it twice. */
err = check_signature_over_key_or_uid (issuer, sig, kb, n2->pkt,
if (! err)
/* n/sig is a signature and n2 is the component (public key,
subkey or user id) that it signs, if any.
current_component is that component that it appears to
apply to (according to the ordering). */
if (current_component == n2)
log_debug ("%s", pending_desc);
log_debug (" Good signature over last key or uid!\n");
rc = 0;
else if (n2)
log_assert (n2->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
|| n2->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| n2->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY);
log_debug ("%s", pending_desc);
log_debug (" Good signature out of order!"
" (Over %s (%d) '%s')\n",
n2->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
? "user id"
: n2->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
? "subkey"
: "primary key",
n2->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
? n2->pkt->pkt.user_id->name
: pk_keyid_str (n2->pkt->pkt.public_key));
/* Reorder the packets: move the signature n to be just
after n2. */
/* Unlink the signature. */
log_assert (n_prevp);
*n_prevp = n->next;
/* Insert the sig immediately after the component. */
n->next = n2->next;
n2->next = n;
reordered ++;
modified = 1;
rc = 0;
log_debug ("%s", pending_desc);
log_debug (" Bad signature.\n");
dump_sig_params = 1;
bad_signature ++;
/* We don't cache the result here, because we haven't
completely checked that the signature is legitimate. For
instance, if we have a revocation certificate on Alice's
key signed by Bob, the signature may be good, but we
haven't checked that Bob is a designated revoker. */
/* cache_sig_result (sig, rc); */
int has_selfsig = 0;
if (! rc && issuer == pk)
if (n2->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
&& (/* Direct key signature. */
sig->sig_class == 0x1f
/* Key revocation signature. */
|| sig->sig_class == 0x20))
has_selfsig = 1;
if (n2->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
&& (/* Subkey binding sig. */
sig->sig_class == 0x18
/* Subkey revocation sig. */
|| sig->sig_class == 0x28))
has_selfsig = 1;
if (n2->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
&& (/* Certification sigs. */
sig->sig_class == 0x10
|| sig->sig_class == 0x11
|| sig->sig_class == 0x12
|| sig->sig_class == 0x13
/* Certification revocation sig. */
|| sig->sig_class == 0x30))
has_selfsig = 1;
if ((n2 && n2 != last_printed_component)
|| (! n2 && last_printed_component != current_component))
int is_reordered = n2 && n2 != current_component;
if (n2)
last_printed_component = n2;
last_printed_component = current_component;
if (!modified)
else if (last_printed_component->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
tty_printf ("uid ");
tty_print_utf8_string (last_printed_component
else if (last_printed_component->pkt->pkttype
tty_printf ("pub %s",
pk_keyid_str (last_printed_component
tty_printf ("sub %s",
pk_keyid_str (last_printed_component
if (modified)
if (is_reordered)
tty_printf (_(" (reordered signatures follow)"));
tty_printf ("\n");
if (modified)
print_one_sig (rc, kb, n, NULL, NULL, NULL, has_selfsig,
0, only_selfsigs);
if (dump_sig_params)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < pubkey_get_nsig (sig->pubkey_algo); i ++)
char buffer[1024];
size_t len;
char *printable;
gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG,
buffer, sizeof (buffer), &len,
printable = bin2hex (buffer, len, NULL);
log_info (" %d: %s\n", i, printable);
xfree (printable);
log_debug ("unhandled packet: %d\n", p->pkttype);
xfree (pending_desc);
pending_desc = NULL;
if (issuer != pk)
free_public_key (issuer);
issuer = NULL;
/* Identify keys / uids that don't have a self-sig. */
int has_selfsig = 0;
PKT_signature *sig;
current_component = NULL;
for (n = kb; n; n = n->next)
if (is_deleted_kbnode (n))
p = n->pkt;
switch (p->pkttype)
if (current_component && ! has_selfsig)
missing_selfsig ++;
current_component = n;
has_selfsig = 0;
if (! current_component || has_selfsig)
sig = n->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (! (sig->flags.checked && sig->flags.valid))
if (keyid_cmp (pk_keyid (pk), sig->keyid) != 0)
/* Different issuer, couldn't be a self-sig. */
if (current_component->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
&& (/* Direct key signature. */
sig->sig_class == 0x1f
/* Key revocation signature. */
|| sig->sig_class == 0x20))
has_selfsig = 1;
if (current_component->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
&& (/* Subkey binding sig. */
sig->sig_class == 0x18
/* Subkey revocation sig. */
|| sig->sig_class == 0x28))
has_selfsig = 1;
if (current_component->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
&& (/* Certification sigs. */
sig->sig_class == 0x10
|| sig->sig_class == 0x11
|| sig->sig_class == 0x12
|| sig->sig_class == 0x13
/* Certification revocation sig. */
|| sig->sig_class == 0x30))
has_selfsig = 1;
if (current_component && ! has_selfsig)
missing_selfsig ++;
current_component = NULL;
if (dups || missing_issuer || bad_signature || reordered)
tty_printf (_("key %s:\n"), pk_keyid_str (pk));
if (dups)
tty_printf (ngettext ("%d duplicate signature removed\n",
"%d duplicate signatures removed\n", dups), dups);
if (missing_issuer)
tty_printf (ngettext ("%d signature not checked due to a missing key\n",
"%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n",
missing_issuer), missing_issuer);
if (bad_signature)
tty_printf (ngettext ("%d bad signature\n",
"%d bad signatures\n",
bad_signature), bad_signature);
if (reordered)
tty_printf (ngettext ("%d signature reordered\n",
"%d signatures reordered\n",
reordered), reordered);
if (only_selfsigs && (bad_signature || reordered))
tty_printf (_("Warning: errors found and only checked self-signatures,"
" run '%s' to check all signatures.\n"), "check");
return modified;
static int
sign_mk_attrib (PKT_signature * sig, void *opaque)
struct sign_attrib *attrib = opaque;
byte buf[8];
if (attrib->non_exportable)
buf[0] = 0; /* not exportable */
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_EXPORTABLE, buf, 1);
if (attrib->non_revocable)
buf[0] = 0; /* not revocable */
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_REVOCABLE, buf, 1);
if (attrib->reason)
revocation_reason_build_cb (sig, attrib->reason);
if (attrib->trust_depth)
/* Not critical. If someone doesn't understand trust sigs,
this can still be a valid regular signature. */
buf[0] = attrib->trust_depth;
buf[1] = attrib->trust_value;
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_TRUST, buf, 2);
/* Critical. If someone doesn't understands regexps, this
whole sig should be invalid. Note the +1 for the length -
regexps are null terminated. */
if (attrib->trust_regexp)
strlen (attrib->trust_regexp) + 1);
return 0;
static void
trustsig_prompt (byte * trust_value, byte * trust_depth, char **regexp)
char *p;
*trust_value = 0;
*trust_depth = 0;
*regexp = NULL;
/* Same string as pkclist.c:do_edit_ownertrust */
tty_printf (_
("Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify"
" other users' keys\n(by looking at passports, checking"
" fingerprints from different sources, etc.)\n"));
tty_printf ("\n");
tty_printf (_(" %d = I trust marginally\n"), 1);
tty_printf (_(" %d = I trust fully\n"), 2);
tty_printf ("\n");
while (*trust_value == 0)
p = cpr_get ("trustsig_prompt.trust_value", _("Your selection? "));
trim_spaces (p);
cpr_kill_prompt ();
/* 60 and 120 are as per RFC2440 */
if (p[0] == '1' && !p[1])
*trust_value = 60;
else if (p[0] == '2' && !p[1])
*trust_value = 120;
xfree (p);
tty_printf ("\n");
tty_printf (_("Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n"
"A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are"
" signing to make\n"
"trust signatures on your behalf.\n"));
tty_printf ("\n");
while (*trust_depth == 0)
p = cpr_get ("trustsig_prompt.trust_depth", _("Your selection? "));
trim_spaces (p);
cpr_kill_prompt ();
*trust_depth = atoi (p);
xfree (p);
tty_printf ("\n");
tty_printf (_("Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, "
"or enter for none.\n"));
tty_printf ("\n");
p = cpr_get ("trustsig_prompt.trust_regexp", _("Your selection? "));
trim_spaces (p);
cpr_kill_prompt ();
if (strlen (p) > 0)
char *q = p;
int regexplen = 100, ind;
*regexp = xmalloc (regexplen);
/* Now mangle the domain the user entered into a regexp. To do
this, \-escape everything that isn't alphanumeric, and attach
"<[^>]+[@.]" to the front, and ">$" to the end. */
strcpy (*regexp, "<[^>]+[@.]");
ind = strlen (*regexp);
while (*q)
if (!((*q >= 'A' && *q <= 'Z')
|| (*q >= 'a' && *q <= 'z') || (*q >= '0' && *q <= '9')))
(*regexp)[ind++] = '\\';
(*regexp)[ind++] = *q;
if ((regexplen - ind) < 3)
regexplen += 100;
*regexp = xrealloc (*regexp, regexplen);
(*regexp)[ind] = '\0';
strcat (*regexp, ">$");
xfree (p);
tty_printf ("\n");
* Loop over all LOCUSR and and sign the uids after asking. If no
* user id is marked, all user ids will be signed; if some user_ids
* are marked only those will be signed. If QUICK is true the
* function won't ask the user and use sensible defaults.
static int
sign_uids (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t fp,
kbnode_t keyblock, strlist_t locusr, int *ret_modified,
int local, int nonrevocable, int trust, int interactive,
int quick)
int rc = 0;
SK_LIST sk_list = NULL;
SK_LIST sk_rover = NULL;
PKT_public_key *pk = NULL;
KBNODE node, uidnode;
PKT_public_key *primary_pk = NULL;
int select_all = !count_selected_uids (keyblock) || interactive;
/* Build a list of all signators.
* We use the CERT flag to request the primary which must always
* be one which is capable of signing keys. I can't see a reason
* why to sign keys using a subkey. Implementation of USAGE_CERT
* is just a hack in getkey.c and does not mean that a subkey
* marked as certification capable will be used. */
rc = build_sk_list (ctrl, locusr, &sk_list, PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT);
if (rc)
goto leave;
/* Loop over all signators. */
for (sk_rover = sk_list; sk_rover; sk_rover = sk_rover->next)
u32 sk_keyid[2], pk_keyid[2];
char *p, *trust_regexp = NULL;
int class = 0, selfsig = 0;
u32 duration = 0, timestamp = 0;
byte trust_depth = 0, trust_value = 0;
pk = sk_rover->pk;
keyid_from_pk (pk, sk_keyid);
/* Set mark A for all selected user ids. */
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (select_all || (node->flag & NODFLG_SELUID))
node->flag |= NODFLG_MARK_A;
node->flag &= ~NODFLG_MARK_A;
/* Reset mark for uids which are already signed. */
uidnode = NULL;
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
primary_pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keyid_from_pk (primary_pk, pk_keyid);
/* Is this a self-sig? */
if (pk_keyid[0] == sk_keyid[0] && pk_keyid[1] == sk_keyid[1])
selfsig = 1;
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
uidnode = (node->flag & NODFLG_MARK_A) ? node : NULL;
if (uidnode)
int yesreally = 0;
char *user;
user = utf8_to_native (uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id->name,
uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id->len, 0);
if (opt.only_sign_text_ids
&& uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id->attribs)
tty_fprintf (fp, _("Skipping user ID \"%s\","
" which is not a text ID.\n"),
uidnode->flag &= ~NODFLG_MARK_A;
uidnode = NULL;
else if (uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_revoked)
tty_fprintf (fp, _("User ID \"%s\" is revoked."), user);
if (selfsig)
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
else if ( && !quick)
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
/* No, so remove the mark and continue */
if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("sign_uid.revoke_okay",
_("Are you sure you "
"still want to sign "
"it? (y/N) ")))
uidnode->flag &= ~NODFLG_MARK_A;
uidnode = NULL;
else if (interactive)
yesreally = 1;
uidnode->flag &= ~NODFLG_MARK_A;
uidnode = NULL;
tty_fprintf (fp, _(" Unable to sign.\n"));
else if (uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_expired)
tty_fprintf (fp, _("User ID \"%s\" is expired."), user);
if (selfsig)
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
else if ( && !quick)
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
/* No, so remove the mark and continue */
if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("sign_uid.expire_okay",
_("Are you sure you "
"still want to sign "
"it? (y/N) ")))
uidnode->flag &= ~NODFLG_MARK_A;
uidnode = NULL;
else if (interactive)
yesreally = 1;
uidnode->flag &= ~NODFLG_MARK_A;
uidnode = NULL;
tty_fprintf (fp, _(" Unable to sign.\n"));
else if (!uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id->created && !selfsig)
tty_fprintf (fp, _("User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed."),
if ( && !quick)
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
/* No, so remove the mark and continue */
if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("sign_uid.nosig_okay",
_("Are you sure you "
"still want to sign "
"it? (y/N) ")))
uidnode->flag &= ~NODFLG_MARK_A;
uidnode = NULL;
else if (interactive)
yesreally = 1;
uidnode->flag &= ~NODFLG_MARK_A;
uidnode = NULL;
tty_fprintf (fp, _(" Unable to sign.\n"));
if (uidnode && interactive && !yesreally && !quick)
tty_fprintf (fp,
_("User ID \"%s\" is signable. "), user);
if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("sign_uid.sign_okay",
_("Sign it? (y/N) ")))
uidnode->flag &= ~NODFLG_MARK_A;
uidnode = NULL;
xfree (user);
else if (uidnode && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& (node->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class & ~3) == 0x10)
if (sk_keyid[0] == node->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid[0]
&& sk_keyid[1] == node->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid[1])
char buf[50];
char *user;
user = utf8_to_native (uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id->name,
uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id->len, 0);
/* It's a v3 self-sig. Make it into a v4 self-sig? */
if (node->pkt->pkt.signature->version < 4
&& selfsig && !quick)
tty_fprintf (fp,
_("The self-signature on \"%s\"\n"
"is a PGP 2.x-style signature.\n"), user);
/* Note that the regular PGP2 warning below
still applies if there are no v4 sigs on
this key at all. */
if (
if (cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("sign_uid.v4_promote_okay",
_("Do you want to promote "
"it to an OpenPGP self-"
"signature? (y/N) ")))
node->flag |= NODFLG_DELSIG;
xfree (user);
/* Is the current signature expired? */
if (node->pkt->pkt.signature->flags.expired)
tty_fprintf (fp, _("Your current signature on \"%s\"\n"
"has expired.\n"), user);
if (quick || cpr_get_answer_is_yes
_("Do you want to issue a "
"new signature to replace "
"the expired one? (y/N) ")))
/* Mark these for later deletion. We
don't want to delete them here, just in
case the replacement signature doesn't
happen for some reason. We only delete
these after the replacement is already
in place. */
node->flag |= NODFLG_DELSIG;
xfree (user);
if (!node->pkt->pkt.signature->flags.exportable && !local)
/* It's a local sig, and we want to make a
exportable sig. */
tty_fprintf (fp, _("Your current signature on \"%s\"\n"
"is a local signature.\n"), user);
if (quick || cpr_get_answer_is_yes
_("Do you want to promote "
"it to a full exportable " "signature? (y/N) ")))
/* Mark these for later deletion. We
don't want to delete them here, just in
case the replacement signature doesn't
happen for some reason. We only delete
these after the replacement is already
in place. */
node->flag |= NODFLG_DELSIG;
xfree (user);
/* Fixme: see whether there is a revocation in which
* case we should allow signing it again. */
if (!node->pkt->pkt.signature->flags.exportable && local)
tty_fprintf ( fp,
_("\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n"),
user, keystr_from_pk (pk));
tty_fprintf (fp,
_("\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n"),
user, keystr_from_pk (pk));
if ( && !quick
&& cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("sign_uid.dupe_okay",
_("Do you want to sign it "
"again anyway? (y/N) ")))
/* Don't delete the old sig here since this is
an --expert thing. */
xfree (user);
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%08lX%08lX",
(ulong) pk->keyid[0], (ulong) pk->keyid[1]);
write_status_text (STATUS_ALREADY_SIGNED, buf);
uidnode->flag &= ~NODFLG_MARK_A; /* remove mark */
xfree (user);
/* Check whether any uids are left for signing. */
if (!count_uids_with_flag (keyblock, NODFLG_MARK_A))
tty_fprintf (fp, _("Nothing to sign with key %s\n"),
keystr_from_pk (pk));
/* Ask whether we really should sign these user id(s). */
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
show_key_with_all_names (ctrl, fp, keyblock, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
if (primary_pk->expiredate && !selfsig)
/* Static analyzer note: A claim that PRIMARY_PK might be
NULL is not correct because it set from the public key
packet which is always the first packet in a keyblock and
parsed in the above loop over the keyblock. In case the
keyblock has no packets at all and thus the loop was not
entered the above count_uids_with_flag would have
detected this case. */
u32 now = make_timestamp ();
if (primary_pk->expiredate <= now)
tty_fprintf (fp, _("This key has expired!"));
if ( && !quick)
tty_fprintf (fp, " ");
if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("sign_uid.expired_okay",
_("Are you sure you still "
"want to sign it? (y/N) ")))
tty_fprintf (fp, _(" Unable to sign.\n"));
tty_fprintf (fp, _("This key is due to expire on %s.\n"),
expirestr_from_pk (primary_pk));
if (opt.ask_cert_expire && !quick)
char *answer = cpr_get ("sign_uid.expire",
_("Do you want your signature to "
"expire at the same time? (Y/n) "));
if (answer_is_yes_no_default (answer, 1))
/* This fixes the signature timestamp we're
going to make as now. This is so the
expiration date is exactly correct, and not
a few seconds off (due to the time it takes
to answer the questions, enter the
passphrase, etc). */
timestamp = now;
duration = primary_pk->expiredate - now;
cpr_kill_prompt ();
xfree (answer);
/* Only ask for duration if we haven't already set it to match
the expiration of the pk */
if (!duration && !selfsig)
if (opt.ask_cert_expire && !quick)
duration = ask_expire_interval (1, opt.def_cert_expire);
duration = parse_expire_string (opt.def_cert_expire);
if (selfsig)
if (opt.batch || !opt.ask_cert_level || quick)
class = 0x10 + opt.def_cert_level;
char *answer;
tty_fprintf (fp,
_("How carefully have you verified the key you are "
"about to sign actually belongs\nto the person "
"named above? If you don't know what to "
"answer, enter \"0\".\n"));
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
tty_fprintf (fp, _(" (0) I will not answer.%s\n"),
opt.def_cert_level == 0 ? " (default)" : "");
tty_fprintf (fp, _(" (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n"),
opt.def_cert_level == 1 ? " (default)" : "");
tty_fprintf (fp, _(" (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n"),
opt.def_cert_level == 2 ? " (default)" : "");
tty_fprintf (fp,
_(" (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n"),
opt.def_cert_level == 3 ? " (default)" : "");
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
while (class == 0)
answer = cpr_get ("sign_uid.class",
_("Your selection? "
"(enter '?' for more information): "));
if (answer[0] == '\0')
class = 0x10 + opt.def_cert_level; /* Default */
else if (ascii_strcasecmp (answer, "0") == 0)
class = 0x10; /* Generic */
else if (ascii_strcasecmp (answer, "1") == 0)
class = 0x11; /* Persona */
else if (ascii_strcasecmp (answer, "2") == 0)
class = 0x12; /* Casual */
else if (ascii_strcasecmp (answer, "3") == 0)
class = 0x13; /* Positive */
tty_fprintf (fp, _("Invalid selection.\n"));
xfree (answer);
if (trust && !quick)
trustsig_prompt (&trust_value, &trust_depth, &trust_regexp);
if (!quick)
p = get_user_id_native (sk_keyid);
tty_fprintf (fp,
_("Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n"
"key \"%s\" (%s)\n"), p, keystr_from_pk (pk));
xfree (p);
if (selfsig)
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
tty_fprintf (fp, _("This will be a self-signature.\n"));
if (local)
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
tty_fprintf (fp, _("WARNING: the signature will not be marked "
"as non-exportable.\n"));
if (nonrevocable)
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
tty_fprintf (fp, _("WARNING: the signature will not be marked "
"as non-revocable.\n"));
if (local)
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
tty_fprintf (fp,
_("The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n"));
if (nonrevocable)
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
tty_fprintf (fp,
_("The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n"));
switch (class)
case 0x11:
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
tty_fprintf (fp, _("I have not checked this key at all.\n"));
case 0x12:
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
tty_fprintf (fp, _("I have checked this key casually.\n"));
case 0x13:
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
tty_fprintf (fp, _("I have checked this key very carefully.\n"));
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
if (opt.batch && opt.answer_yes)
else if (quick)
else if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("sign_uid.okay",
_("Really sign? (y/N) ")))
/* Now we can sign the user ids. */
reloop: /* (Must use this, because we are modifing the list.) */
primary_pk = NULL;
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
primary_pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
&& (node->flag & NODFLG_MARK_A))
PACKET *pkt;
PKT_signature *sig;
struct sign_attrib attrib;
log_assert (primary_pk);
memset (&attrib, 0, sizeof attrib);
attrib.non_exportable = local;
attrib.non_revocable = nonrevocable;
attrib.trust_depth = trust_depth;
attrib.trust_value = trust_value;
attrib.trust_regexp = trust_regexp;
node->flag &= ~NODFLG_MARK_A;
/* We force creation of a v4 signature for local
* signatures, otherwise we would not generate the
* subpacket with v3 keys and the signature becomes
* exportable. */
if (selfsig)
rc = make_keysig_packet (&sig, primary_pk,
0x13, 0, 0, 0,
keygen_add_std_prefs, primary_pk,
rc = make_keysig_packet (&sig, primary_pk,
class, 0,
timestamp, duration,
sign_mk_attrib, &attrib,
if (rc)
write_status_error ("keysig", rc);
log_error (_("signing failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
*ret_modified = 1; /* We changed the keyblock. */
update_trust = 1;
pkt = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pkt);
pkt->pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
pkt->pkt.signature = sig;
insert_kbnode (node, new_kbnode (pkt), PKT_SIGNATURE);
goto reloop;
/* Delete any sigs that got promoted */
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->flag & NODFLG_DELSIG)
delete_kbnode (node);
} /* End loop over signators. */
release_sk_list (sk_list);
return rc;
* Change the passphrase of the primary and all secondary keys. Note
* that it is common to use only one passphrase for the primary and
* all subkeys. However, this is now (since GnuPG 2.1) all up to the
* gpg-agent. Returns 0 on success or an error code.
static gpg_error_t
change_passphrase (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock)
gpg_error_t err;
kbnode_t node;
PKT_public_key *pk;
int any;
u32 keyid[2], subid[2];
char *hexgrip = NULL;
char *cache_nonce = NULL;
char *passwd_nonce = NULL;
node = find_kbnode (keyblock, PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
if (!node)
log_error ("Oops; public key missing!\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
goto leave;
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keyid_from_pk (pk, keyid);
/* Check whether it is likely that we will be able to change the
passphrase for any subkey. */
for (any = 0, node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
char *serialno;
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keyid_from_pk (pk, subid);
xfree (hexgrip);
err = hexkeygrip_from_pk (pk, &hexgrip);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = agent_get_keyinfo (ctrl, hexgrip, &serialno, NULL);
if (!err && serialno)
; /* Key on card. */
else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
; /* Maybe stub key. */
else if (!err)
any = 1; /* Key is known. */
log_error ("key %s: error getting keyinfo from agent: %s\n",
keystr_with_sub (keyid, subid), gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (serialno);
err = 0;
if (!any)
tty_printf (_("Key has only stub or on-card key items - "
"no passphrase to change.\n"));
goto leave;
/* Change the passphrase for all keys. */
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
char *desc;
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keyid_from_pk (pk, subid);
xfree (hexgrip);
err = hexkeygrip_from_pk (pk, &hexgrip);
if (err)
goto leave;
desc = gpg_format_keydesc (pk, FORMAT_KEYDESC_NORMAL, 1);
err = agent_passwd (ctrl, hexgrip, desc, 0,
&cache_nonce, &passwd_nonce);
xfree (desc);
if (err)
log_log ((gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_CANCELED
|| gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_FULLY_CANCELED)
_("key %s: error changing passphrase: %s\n"),
keystr_with_sub (keyid, subid),
gpg_strerror (err));
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_FULLY_CANCELED)
xfree (hexgrip);
xfree (cache_nonce);
xfree (passwd_nonce);
return err;
/* Fix various problems in the keyblock. Returns true if the keyblock
was changed. Note that a pointer to the keyblock must be given and
the function may change it (i.e. replacing the first node). */
static int
fix_keyblock (kbnode_t *keyblockp)
int changed = 0;
if (collapse_uids (keyblockp))
if (check_all_keysigs (*keyblockp, 0, 1))
reorder_keyblock (*keyblockp);
/* If we modified the keyblock, make sure the flags are right. */
if (changed)
merge_keys_and_selfsig (*keyblockp);
return changed;
static int
parse_sign_type (const char *str, int *localsig, int *nonrevokesig,
int *trustsig)
const char *p = str;
while (*p)
if (ascii_strncasecmp (p, "l", 1) == 0)
*localsig = 1;
else if (ascii_strncasecmp (p, "nr", 2) == 0)
*nonrevokesig = 1;
p += 2;
else if (ascii_strncasecmp (p, "t", 1) == 0)
*trustsig = 1;
return 0;
return 1;
* Menu driven key editor. If seckey_check is true, then a secret key
* that matches username will be looked for. If it is false, not all
* commands will be available.
* Note: to keep track of certain selections we use node->mark MARKBIT_xxxx.
/* Need an SK for this command */
/* Cannot be viewing the SK for this command */
#define KEYEDIT_NOT_SK 2
/* Must be viewing the SK for this command */
/* Match the tail of the string */
enum cmdids
cmdNONE = 0,
cmdQUIT, cmdHELP, cmdFPR, cmdLIST, cmdSELUID, cmdCHECK, cmdSIGN,
#endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/
static struct
const char *name;
enum cmdids id;
int flags;
const char *desc;
} cmds[] =
{ "quit", cmdQUIT, 0, N_("quit this menu")},
{ "q", cmdQUIT, 0, NULL},
{ "save", cmdSAVE, 0, N_("save and quit")},
{ "help", cmdHELP, 0, N_("show this help")},
{ "?", cmdHELP, 0, NULL},
{ "fpr", cmdFPR, 0, N_("show key fingerprint")},
{ "grip", cmdGRIP, 0, N_("show the keygrip")},
{ "list", cmdLIST, 0, N_("list key and user IDs")},
{ "l", cmdLIST, 0, NULL},
{ "uid", cmdSELUID, 0, N_("select user ID N")},
{ "key", cmdSELKEY, 0, N_("select subkey N")},
{ "check", cmdCHECK, 0, N_("check signatures")},
{ "c", cmdCHECK, 0, NULL},
N_("sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]")},
/* "lsign" and friends will never match since "sign" comes first
and it is a tail match. They are just here so they show up in
the help menu. */
{ "lsign", cmdNOP, 0, N_("sign selected user IDs locally")},
{ "tsign", cmdNOP, 0, N_("sign selected user IDs with a trust signature")},
{ "nrsign", cmdNOP, 0,
N_("sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature")},
{ "debug", cmdDEBUG, 0, NULL},
{ "adduid", cmdADDUID, KEYEDIT_NOT_SK | KEYEDIT_NEED_SK, N_("add a user ID")},
N_("add a photo ID")},
{ "deluid", cmdDELUID, KEYEDIT_NOT_SK, N_("delete selected user IDs")},
/* delphoto is really deluid in disguise */
{ "delphoto", cmdDELUID, KEYEDIT_NOT_SK, NULL},
{ "addkey", cmdADDKEY, KEYEDIT_NOT_SK | KEYEDIT_NEED_SK, N_("add a subkey")},
N_("add a key to a smartcard")},
N_("move a key to a smartcard")},
N_("move a backup key to a smartcard")},
{ "delkey", cmdDELKEY, KEYEDIT_NOT_SK, N_("delete selected subkeys")},
N_("add a revocation key")},
{ "delsig", cmdDELSIG, KEYEDIT_NOT_SK,
N_("delete signatures from the selected user IDs")},
N_("change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys")},
N_("flag the selected user ID as primary")},
{ "toggle", cmdTOGGLE, KEYEDIT_NEED_SK, NULL}, /* Dummy command. */
{ "pref", cmdPREF, KEYEDIT_NOT_SK, N_("list preferences (expert)")},
{ "showpref", cmdSHOWPREF, KEYEDIT_NOT_SK, N_("list preferences (verbose)")},
N_("set preference list for the selected user IDs")},
N_("set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs")},
N_("set a notation for the selected user IDs")},
N_("change the passphrase")},
{ "trust", cmdTRUST, KEYEDIT_NOT_SK, N_("change the ownertrust")},
#endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/
{ "revsig", cmdREVSIG, KEYEDIT_NOT_SK,
N_("revoke signatures on the selected user IDs")},
N_("revoke selected user IDs")},
N_("revoke key or selected subkeys")},
{ "enable", cmdENABLEKEY, KEYEDIT_NOT_SK, N_("enable key")},
{ "disable", cmdDISABLEKEY, KEYEDIT_NOT_SK, N_("disable key")},
#endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/
{ "showphoto", cmdSHOWPHOTO, 0, N_("show selected photo IDs")},
{ "clean", cmdCLEAN, KEYEDIT_NOT_SK,
N_("compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key")},
{ "minimize", cmdMINIMIZE, KEYEDIT_NOT_SK,
N_("compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key")},
{ NULL, cmdNONE, 0, NULL}
These two functions are used by readline for command completion.
static char *
command_generator (const char *text, int state)
static int list_index, len;
const char *name;
/* If this is a new word to complete, initialize now. This includes
saving the length of TEXT for efficiency, and initializing the
index variable to 0. */
if (!state)
list_index = 0;
len = strlen (text);
/* Return the next partial match */
while ((name = cmds[list_index].name))
/* Only complete commands that have help text */
if (cmds[list_index++].desc && strncmp (name, text, len) == 0)
return strdup (name);
return NULL;
static char **
keyedit_completion (const char *text, int start, int end)
/* If we are at the start of a line, we try and command-complete.
If not, just do nothing for now. */
(void) end;
if (start == 0)
return rl_completion_matches (text, command_generator);
rl_attempted_completion_over = 1;
return NULL;
/* Main function of the menu driven key editor. */
keyedit_menu (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *username, strlist_t locusr,
strlist_t commands, int quiet, int seckey_check)
enum cmdids cmd = 0;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
KBNODE keyblock = NULL;
int have_seckey = 0;
char *answer = NULL;
int redisplay = 1;
int modified = 0;
int sec_shadowing = 0;
int run_subkey_warnings = 0;
int have_commands = !!commands;
if (opt.command_fd != -1)
else if (opt.batch && !have_commands)
log_error (_("can't do this in batch mode\n"));
goto leave;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* Due to Windows peculiarities we need to make sure that the
trustdb stale check is done before we open another file
(i.e. by searching for a key). In theory we could make sure
that the files are closed after use but the open/close caches
inhibits that and flushing the cache right before the stale
check is not easy to implement. Thus we take the easy way out
and run the stale check as early as possible. Note, that for
non- W32 platforms it is run indirectly trough a call to
get_validity (). */
check_trustdb_stale (ctrl);
/* Get the public key */
err = get_pubkey_byname (ctrl, NULL, NULL, username, &keyblock, &kdbhd, 1, 1);
if (err)
log_error (_("key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"), username, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (fix_keyblock (&keyblock))
/* See whether we have a matching secret key. */
if (seckey_check)
have_seckey = !agent_probe_any_secret_key (ctrl, keyblock);
if (have_seckey && !quiet)
tty_printf (_("Secret key is available.\n"));
/* Main command loop. */
for (;;)
int i, arg_number, photo;
const char *arg_string = "";
char *p;
PKT_public_key *pk = keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
tty_printf ("\n");
if (redisplay && !quiet)
/* Show using flags: with_revoker, with_subkeys. */
show_key_with_all_names (ctrl, NULL, keyblock, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0);
tty_printf ("\n");
redisplay = 0;
if (run_subkey_warnings)
run_subkey_warnings = 0;
if (!count_selected_keys (keyblock))
subkey_expire_warning (keyblock);
xfree (answer);
if (have_commands)
if (commands)
answer = xstrdup (commands->d);
commands = commands->next;
else if (opt.batch)
answer = xstrdup ("quit");
have_commands = 0;
if (!have_commands)
tty_enable_completion (keyedit_completion);
answer = cpr_get_no_help ("keyedit.prompt", GPG_NAME "> ");
cpr_kill_prompt ();
tty_disable_completion ();
trim_spaces (answer);
while (*answer == '#');
arg_number = 0; /* Here is the init which egcc complains about. */
photo = 0; /* Same here. */
if (!*answer)
cmd = cmdLIST;
else if (*answer == CONTROL_D)
cmd = cmdQUIT;
else if (digitp (answer))
cmd = cmdSELUID;
arg_number = atoi (answer);
if ((p = strchr (answer, ' ')))
*p++ = 0;
trim_spaces (answer);
trim_spaces (p);
arg_number = atoi (p);
arg_string = p;
for (i = 0; cmds[i].name; i++)
if (cmds[i].flags & KEYEDIT_TAIL_MATCH)
size_t l = strlen (cmds[i].name);
size_t a = strlen (answer);
if (a >= l)
if (!ascii_strcasecmp (&answer[a - l], cmds[i].name))
answer[a - l] = '\0';
else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (answer, cmds[i].name))
if ((cmds[i].flags & KEYEDIT_NEED_SK) && !have_seckey)
tty_printf (_("Need the secret key to do this.\n"));
cmd = cmdNOP;
cmd = cmds[i].id;
/* Dispatch the command. */
switch (cmd)
case cmdHELP:
for (i = 0; cmds[i].name; i++)
if ((cmds[i].flags & KEYEDIT_NEED_SK) && !have_seckey)
; /* Skip those item if we do not have the secret key. */
else if (cmds[i].desc)
tty_printf ("%-11s %s\n", cmds[i].name, _(cmds[i].desc));
tty_printf ("\n");
(_("* The 'sign' command may be prefixed with an 'l' for local "
"signatures (lsign),\n"
" a 't' for trust signatures (tsign), an 'nr' for "
"non-revocable signatures\n"
" (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, "
"tnrsign, etc.).\n"));
case cmdLIST:
redisplay = 1;
case cmdFPR:
(keyblock, (*arg_string == '*'
&& (!arg_string[1] || spacep (arg_string + 1))));
case cmdGRIP:
show_key_and_grip (keyblock);
case cmdSELUID:
if (strlen (arg_string) == NAMEHASH_LEN * 2)
redisplay = menu_select_uid_namehash (keyblock, arg_string);
if (*arg_string == '*'
&& (!arg_string[1] || spacep (arg_string + 1)))
arg_number = -1; /* Select all. */
redisplay = menu_select_uid (keyblock, arg_number);
case cmdSELKEY:
if (*arg_string == '*'
&& (!arg_string[1] || spacep (arg_string + 1)))
arg_number = -1; /* Select all. */
if (menu_select_key (keyblock, arg_number, p))
redisplay = 1;
case cmdCHECK:
if (check_all_keysigs (keyblock, count_selected_uids (keyblock),
!strcmp (arg_string, "selfsig")))
modified = 1;
case cmdSIGN:
int localsig = 0, nonrevokesig = 0, trustsig = 0, interactive = 0;
if (pk->flags.revoked)
tty_printf (_("Key is revoked."));
if (
tty_printf (" ");
if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes
_("Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) ")))
tty_printf (_(" Unable to sign.\n"));
if (count_uids (keyblock) > 1 && !count_selected_uids (keyblock))
int result;
if (opt.only_sign_text_ids)
result = cpr_get_answer_is_yes
_("Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) "));
result = cpr_get_answer_is_yes
_("Really sign all text user IDs? (y/N) "));
if (! result)
if (opt.interactive)
interactive = 1;
tty_printf (_("Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n"));
have_commands = 0;
/* What sort of signing are we doing? */
if (!parse_sign_type
(answer, &localsig, &nonrevokesig, &trustsig))
tty_printf (_("Unknown signature type '%s'\n"), answer);
sign_uids (ctrl, NULL, keyblock, locusr, &modified,
localsig, nonrevokesig, trustsig, interactive, 0);
case cmdDEBUG:
dump_kbnode (keyblock);
case cmdTOGGLE:
/* The toggle command is a leftover from old gpg versions
where we worked with a secret and a public keyring. It
is not necessary anymore but we keep this command for the
sake of scripts using it. */
redisplay = 1;
case cmdADDPHOTO:
if (RFC2440)
tty_printf (_("This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n"),
compliance_option_string ());
photo = 1;
/* fall through */
case cmdADDUID:
if (menu_adduid (ctrl, keyblock, photo, arg_string, NULL))
update_trust = 1;
redisplay = 1;
modified = 1;
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
case cmdDELUID:
int n1;
if (!(n1 = count_selected_uids (keyblock)))
tty_printf (_("You must select at least one user ID.\n"));
if (!
tty_printf (_("(Use the '%s' command.)\n"), "uid");
else if (real_uids_left (keyblock) < 1)
tty_printf (_("You can't delete the last user ID!\n"));
else if (cpr_get_answer_is_yes
n1 > 1 ? _("Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) ")
: _("Really remove this user ID? (y/N) ")))
menu_deluid (keyblock);
redisplay = 1;
modified = 1;
case cmdDELSIG:
int n1;
if (!(n1 = count_selected_uids (keyblock)))
tty_printf (_("You must select at least one user ID.\n"));
if (!
tty_printf (_("(Use the '%s' command.)\n"), "uid");
else if (menu_delsig (keyblock))
/* No redisplay here, because it may scroll away some
* of the status output of this command. */
modified = 1;
case cmdADDKEY:
if (!generate_subkeypair (ctrl, keyblock, NULL, NULL, NULL))
redisplay = 1;
modified = 1;
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
if (!card_generate_subkey (keyblock))
redisplay = 1;
modified = 1;
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
case cmdKEYTOCARD:
switch (count_selected_keys (keyblock))
case 0:
if (cpr_get_answer_is_yes
/* TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about
moving the key and not about removing it. */
_("Really move the primary key? (y/N) ")))
node = keyblock;
case 1:
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
&& node->flag & NODFLG_SELKEY)
tty_printf (_("You must select exactly one key.\n"));
if (node)
PKT_public_key *xxpk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (card_store_subkey (node, xxpk ? xxpk->pubkey_usage : 0))
redisplay = 1;
sec_shadowing = 1;
/* Ask for a filename, check whether this is really a
backup key as generated by the card generation, parse
that key and store it on card. */
KBNODE node;
char *fname;
PACKET *pkt;
if (!*arg_string)
tty_printf (_("Command expects a filename argument\n"));
if (*arg_string == DIRSEP_C)
fname = xstrdup (arg_string);
else if (*arg_string == '~')
fname = make_filename (arg_string, NULL);
fname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), arg_string, NULL);
/* Open that file. */
a = iobuf_open (fname);
if (a && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (a)))
iobuf_close (a);
a = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if (!a)
tty_printf (_("Can't open '%s': %s\n"),
fname, strerror (errno));
xfree (fname);
/* Parse and check that file. */
pkt = xmalloc (sizeof *pkt);
init_packet (pkt);
err = parse_packet (a, pkt);
iobuf_close (a);
iobuf_ioctl (NULL, IOBUF_IOCTL_INVALIDATE_CACHE, 0, (char *) fname);
if (!err && pkt->pkttype != PKT_SECRET_KEY
&& pkt->pkttype != PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
if (err)
tty_printf (_("Error reading backup key from '%s': %s\n"),
fname, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (fname);
free_packet (pkt);
xfree (pkt);
xfree (fname);
node = new_kbnode (pkt);
/* Transfer it to gpg-agent which handles secret keys. */
err = transfer_secret_keys (ctrl, NULL, node, 1, 1);
/* Treat the pkt as a public key. */
pkt->pkttype = PKT_PUBLIC_KEY;
/* Ask gpg-agent to store the secret key to card. */
if (card_store_subkey (node, 0))
redisplay = 1;
sec_shadowing = 1;
release_kbnode (node);
case cmdDELKEY:
int n1;
if (!(n1 = count_selected_keys (keyblock)))
tty_printf (_("You must select at least one key.\n"));
if (!
tty_printf (_("(Use the '%s' command.)\n"), "key");
else if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes
n1 > 1 ? _("Do you really want to delete the "
"selected keys? (y/N) ")
: _("Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) ")))
menu_delkey (keyblock);
redisplay = 1;
modified = 1;
int sensitive = 0;
if (ascii_strcasecmp (arg_string, "sensitive") == 0)
sensitive = 1;
if (menu_addrevoker (ctrl, keyblock, sensitive))
redisplay = 1;
modified = 1;
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
case cmdREVUID:
int n1;
if (!(n1 = count_selected_uids (keyblock)))
tty_printf (_("You must select at least one user ID.\n"));
if (!
tty_printf (_("(Use the '%s' command.)\n"), "uid");
else if (cpr_get_answer_is_yes
n1 > 1 ? _("Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) ")
: _("Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) ")))
if (menu_revuid (ctrl, keyblock))
modified = 1;
redisplay = 1;
case cmdREVKEY:
int n1;
if (!(n1 = count_selected_keys (keyblock)))
if (cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("keyedit.revoke.subkey.okay",
_("Do you really want to revoke"
" the entire key? (y/N) ")))
if (menu_revkey (keyblock))
modified = 1;
redisplay = 1;
else if (cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("keyedit.revoke.subkey.okay",
n1 > 1 ?
_("Do you really want to revoke"
" the selected subkeys? (y/N) ")
: _("Do you really want to revoke"
" this subkey? (y/N) ")))
if (menu_revsubkey (keyblock))
modified = 1;
redisplay = 1;
if (modified)
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
case cmdEXPIRE:
if (menu_expire (keyblock))
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
run_subkey_warnings = 1;
modified = 1;
redisplay = 1;
if (menu_changeusage (keyblock))
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
modified = 1;
redisplay = 1;
case cmdBACKSIGN:
if (menu_backsign (keyblock))
modified = 1;
redisplay = 1;
case cmdPRIMARY:
if (menu_set_primary_uid (keyblock))
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
modified = 1;
redisplay = 1;
case cmdPASSWD:
change_passphrase (ctrl, keyblock);
case cmdTRUST:
if (opt.trust_model == TM_EXTERNAL)
tty_printf (_("Owner trust may not be set while "
"using a user provided trust database\n"));
show_key_with_all_names (ctrl, NULL, keyblock, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
tty_printf ("\n");
if (edit_ownertrust (ctrl, find_kbnode (keyblock,
public_key, 1))
redisplay = 1;
/* No real need to set update_trust here as
edit_ownertrust() calls revalidation_mark()
anyway. */
update_trust = 1;
#endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/
case cmdPREF:
int count = count_selected_uids (keyblock);
log_assert (keyblock->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
show_names (ctrl, NULL, keyblock, keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key,
count ? NODFLG_SELUID : 0, 1);
case cmdSHOWPREF:
int count = count_selected_uids (keyblock);
log_assert (keyblock->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
show_names (ctrl, NULL, keyblock, keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key,
count ? NODFLG_SELUID : 0, 2);
case cmdSETPREF:
PKT_user_id *tempuid;
keygen_set_std_prefs (!*arg_string ? "default" : arg_string, 0);
tempuid = keygen_get_std_prefs ();
tty_printf (_("Set preference list to:\n"));
show_prefs (tempuid, NULL, 1);
free_user_id (tempuid);
if (cpr_get_answer_is_yes
count_selected_uids (keyblock) ?
_("Really update the preferences"
" for the selected user IDs? (y/N) ")
: _("Really update the preferences? (y/N) ")))
if (menu_set_preferences (keyblock))
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
modified = 1;
redisplay = 1;
case cmdPREFKS:
if (menu_set_keyserver_url (*arg_string ? arg_string : NULL,
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
modified = 1;
redisplay = 1;
case cmdNOTATION:
if (menu_set_notation (*arg_string ? arg_string : NULL,
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
modified = 1;
redisplay = 1;
case cmdNOP:
case cmdREVSIG:
if (menu_revsig (keyblock))
redisplay = 1;
modified = 1;
case cmdENABLEKEY:
if (enable_disable_key (keyblock, cmd == cmdDISABLEKEY))
redisplay = 1;
modified = 1;
#endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/
case cmdSHOWPHOTO:
menu_showphoto (ctrl, keyblock);
case cmdCLEAN:
if (menu_clean (keyblock, 0))
redisplay = modified = 1;
case cmdMINIMIZE:
if (menu_clean (keyblock, 1))
redisplay = modified = 1;
case cmdQUIT:
if (have_commands)
goto leave;
if (!modified && !sec_shadowing)
goto leave;
if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("",
_("Save changes? (y/N) ")))
if (cpr_enabled ()
|| cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("keyedit.cancel.okay",
_("Quit without saving? (y/N) ")))
goto leave;
/* fall through */
case cmdSAVE:
if (modified)
err = keydb_update_keyblock (kdbhd, keyblock);
if (err)
log_error (_("update failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
if (sec_shadowing)
err = agent_scd_learn (NULL, 1);
if (err)
log_error (_("update failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
if (!modified && !sec_shadowing)
tty_printf (_("Key not changed so no update needed.\n"));
if (update_trust)
revalidation_mark ();
update_trust = 0;
goto leave;
case cmdINVCMD:
tty_printf ("\n");
tty_printf (_("Invalid command (try \"help\")\n"));
} /* End of the main command loop. */
release_kbnode (keyblock);
keydb_release (kdbhd);
xfree (answer);
/* Change the passphrase of the secret key identified by USERNAME. */
keyedit_passwd (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *username)
gpg_error_t err;
PKT_public_key *pk;
kbnode_t keyblock = NULL;
pk = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *pk);
if (!pk)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = getkey_byname (ctrl, NULL, pk, username, 1, &keyblock);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = change_passphrase (ctrl, keyblock);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
free_public_key (pk);
if (err)
log_info ("error changing the passphrase for '%s': %s\n",
username, gpg_strerror (err));
write_status_error ("keyedit.passwd", err);
write_status_text (STATUS_SUCCESS, "keyedit.passwd");
/* Unattended adding of a new keyid. USERNAME specifies the
key. NEWUID is the new user id to add to the key. */
keyedit_quick_adduid (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *username, const char *newuid)
gpg_error_t err;
kbnode_t keyblock = NULL;
kbnode_t node;
char *uidstring = NULL;
uidstring = xstrdup (newuid);
trim_spaces (uidstring);
if (!*uidstring)
log_error ("%s\n", gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID));
goto leave;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* See keyedit_menu for why we need this. */
check_trustdb_stale (ctrl);
/* Search the key; we don't want the whole getkey stuff here. */
kdbhd = keydb_new ();
if (!kdbhd)
/* Note that keydb_new has already used log_error. */
goto leave;
err = classify_user_id (username, &desc, 1);
if (!err)
err = keydb_search (kdbhd, &desc, 1, NULL);
if (!err)
err = keydb_get_keyblock (kdbhd, &keyblock);
if (err)
log_error (_("error reading keyblock: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Now with the keyblock retrieved, search again to detect an
ambiguous specification. We need to save the found state so
that we can do an update later. */
keydb_push_found_state (kdbhd);
err = keydb_search (kdbhd, &desc, 1, NULL);
if (!err)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_AMBIGUOUS_NAME);
else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
err = 0;
keydb_pop_found_state (kdbhd);
if (!err)
/* We require the secret primary key to add a UID. */
node = find_kbnode (keyblock, PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
if (!node)
BUG ();
err = agent_probe_secret_key (ctrl, node->pkt->pkt.public_key);
if (err)
log_error (_("secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"),
username, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
fix_keyblock (&keyblock);
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
if (menu_adduid (ctrl, keyblock, 0, NULL, uidstring))
err = keydb_update_keyblock (kdbhd, keyblock);
if (err)
log_error (_("update failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (update_trust)
revalidation_mark ();
xfree (uidstring);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
keydb_release (kdbhd);
/* Unattended revokation of a keyid. USERNAME specifies the
key. UIDTOREV is the user id revoke from the key. */
keyedit_quick_revuid (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *username, const char *uidtorev)
gpg_error_t err;
kbnode_t keyblock = NULL;
kbnode_t node;
int modified = 0;
size_t revlen;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* See keyedit_menu for why we need this. */
check_trustdb_stale (ctrl);
/* Search the key; we don't want the whole getkey stuff here. */
kdbhd = keydb_new ();
if (!kdbhd)
/* Note that keydb_new has already used log_error. */
goto leave;
err = classify_user_id (username, &desc, 1);
if (!err)
err = keydb_search (kdbhd, &desc, 1, NULL);
if (!err)
err = keydb_get_keyblock (kdbhd, &keyblock);
if (err)
log_error (_("error reading keyblock: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Now with the keyblock retrieved, search again to detect an
ambiguous specification. We need to save the found state so
that we can do an update later. */
keydb_push_found_state (kdbhd);
err = keydb_search (kdbhd, &desc, 1, NULL);
if (!err)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_AMBIGUOUS_NAME);
else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
err = 0;
keydb_pop_found_state (kdbhd);
if (!err)
/* We require the secret primary key to revoke a UID. */
node = find_kbnode (keyblock, PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
if (!node)
BUG ();
err = agent_probe_secret_key (ctrl, node->pkt->pkt.public_key);
if (err)
log_error (_("secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"),
username, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
fix_keyblock (&keyblock);
setup_main_keyids (keyblock);
revlen = strlen (uidtorev);
/* find the right UID */
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
&& revlen == node->pkt->pkt.user_id->len
&& !memcmp (node->pkt->pkt.user_id->name, uidtorev, revlen))
struct revocation_reason_info *reason;
reason = get_default_uid_revocation_reason ();
err = core_revuid (ctrl, keyblock, node, reason, &modified);
release_revocation_reason_info (reason);
if (err)
log_error (_("User ID revocation failed: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = keydb_update_keyblock (kdbhd, keyblock);
if (err)
log_error (_("update failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (update_trust)
revalidation_mark ();
goto leave;
release_kbnode (keyblock);
keydb_release (kdbhd);
/* Find a keyblock by fingerprint because only this uniquely
* identifies a key and may thus be used to select a key for
* unattended subkey creation os key signing. */
static gpg_error_t
find_by_primary_fpr (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fpr,
kbnode_t *r_keyblock, KEYDB_HANDLE *r_kdbhd)
gpg_error_t err;
kbnode_t keyblock = NULL;
size_t fprlen;
*r_keyblock = NULL;
*r_kdbhd = NULL;
if (classify_user_id (fpr, &desc, 1)
|| !(desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR
|| desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR16
|| desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20))
log_error (_("\"%s\" is not a fingerprint\n"), fpr);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
goto leave;
err = get_pubkey_byname (ctrl, NULL, NULL, fpr, &keyblock, &kdbhd, 1, 1);
if (err)
log_error (_("key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"), fpr, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Check that the primary fingerprint has been given. */
fingerprint_from_pk (keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key, fprbin, &fprlen);
if (fprlen == 16 && desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR16
&& !memcmp (fprbin, desc.u.fpr, 16))
else if (fprlen == 16 && desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR
&& !memcmp (fprbin, desc.u.fpr, 16)
&& !desc.u.fpr[16]
&& !desc.u.fpr[17]
&& !desc.u.fpr[18]
&& !desc.u.fpr[19])
else if (fprlen == 20 && (desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20
|| desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR)
&& !memcmp (fprbin, desc.u.fpr, 20))
log_error (_("\"%s\" is not the primary fingerprint\n"), fpr);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
goto leave;
*r_keyblock = keyblock;
keyblock = NULL;
*r_kdbhd = kdbhd;
kdbhd = NULL;
err = 0;
release_kbnode (keyblock);
keydb_release (kdbhd);
return err;
/* Unattended key signing function. If the key specifified by FPR is
available and FPR is the primary fingerprint all user ids of the
key are signed using the default signing key. If UIDS is an empty
list all usable UIDs are signed, if it is not empty, only those
user ids matching one of the entries of the list are signed. With
LOCAL being true the signatures are marked as non-exportable. */
keyedit_quick_sign (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fpr, strlist_t uids,
strlist_t locusr, int local)
gpg_error_t err;
kbnode_t keyblock = NULL;
int modified = 0;
PKT_public_key *pk;
kbnode_t node;
strlist_t sl;
int any;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* See keyedit_menu for why we need this. */
check_trustdb_stale (ctrl);
/* We require a fingerprint because only this uniquely identifies a
key and may thus be used to select a key for unattended key
signing. */
if (find_by_primary_fpr (ctrl, fpr, &keyblock, &kdbhd))
goto leave;
if (fix_keyblock (&keyblock))
/* Give some info in verbose. */
if (opt.verbose)
show_key_with_all_names (ctrl, es_stdout, keyblock, 0,
1/*with_revoker*/, 1/*with_fingerprint*/,
0, 0, 1);
es_fflush (es_stdout);
pk = keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (pk->flags.revoked)
if (!opt.verbose)
show_key_with_all_names (ctrl, es_stdout, keyblock, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
log_error ("%s%s", _("Key is revoked."), _(" Unable to sign.\n"));
goto leave;
/* Set the flags according to the UIDS list. Fixme: We may want to
use classify_user_id along with dedicated compare functions so
that we match the same way as in the key lookup. */
any = 0;
menu_select_uid (keyblock, 0); /* Better clear the flags first. */
for (sl=uids; sl; sl = sl->next)
const char *name = sl->d;
int count = 0;
sl->flags &= ~(1|2); /* Clear flags used for error reporting. */
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
PKT_user_id *uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
if (uid->attrib_data)
else if (*name == '='
&& strlen (name+1) == uid->len
&& !memcmp (uid->name, name + 1, uid->len))
{ /* Exact match - we don't do a check for ambiguity
* in this case. */
node->flag |= NODFLG_SELUID;
if (any != -1)
sl->flags |= 1; /* Report as found. */
any = 1;
else if (ascii_memistr (uid->name, uid->len,
*name == '*'? name+1:name))
node->flag |= NODFLG_SELUID;
if (any != -1)
sl->flags |= 1; /* Report as found. */
any = 1;
if (count > 1)
any = -1; /* Force failure at end. */
sl->flags |= 2; /* Report as ambiguous. */
/* Check whether all given user ids were found. */
for (sl=uids; sl; sl = sl->next)
if (!(sl->flags & 1))
any = -1; /* That user id was not found. */
/* Print an error if there was a problem with the user ids. */
if (uids && any < 1)
if (!opt.verbose)
show_key_with_all_names (ctrl, es_stdout, keyblock, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
es_fflush (es_stdout);
for (sl=uids; sl; sl = sl->next)
if ((sl->flags & 2))
log_info (_("Invalid user ID '%s': %s\n"),
sl->d, gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_AMBIGUOUS_NAME));
else if (!(sl->flags & 1))
log_info (_("Invalid user ID '%s': %s\n"),
sl->d, gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND));
log_error ("%s %s", _("No matching user IDs."), _("Nothing to sign.\n"));
goto leave;
/* Sign. */
sign_uids (ctrl, es_stdout, keyblock, locusr, &modified, local, 0, 0, 0, 1);
es_fflush (es_stdout);
if (modified)
err = keydb_update_keyblock (kdbhd, keyblock);
if (err)
log_error (_("update failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
log_info (_("Key not changed so no update needed.\n"));
if (update_trust)
revalidation_mark ();
release_kbnode (keyblock);
keydb_release (kdbhd);
/* Unattended subkey creation function.
keyedit_quick_addkey (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fpr, const char *algostr,
const char *usagestr, const char *expirestr)
gpg_error_t err;
kbnode_t keyblock;
int modified = 0;
PKT_public_key *pk;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* See keyedit_menu for why we need this. */
check_trustdb_stale (ctrl);
/* We require a fingerprint because only this uniquely identifies a
* key and may thus be used to select a key for unattended subkey
* creation. */
if (find_by_primary_fpr (ctrl, fpr, &keyblock, &kdbhd))
goto leave;
if (fix_keyblock (&keyblock))
pk = keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (pk->flags.revoked)
if (!opt.verbose)
show_key_with_all_names (ctrl, es_stdout, keyblock, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
log_error ("%s%s", _("Key is revoked."), "\n");
goto leave;
/* Create the subkey. Note that the called function already prints
* an error message. */
if (!generate_subkeypair (ctrl, keyblock, algostr, usagestr, expirestr))
modified = 1;
es_fflush (es_stdout);
/* Store. */
if (modified)
err = keydb_update_keyblock (kdbhd, keyblock);
if (err)
log_error (_("update failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
log_info (_("Key not changed so no update needed.\n"));
release_kbnode (keyblock);
keydb_release (kdbhd);
static void
tty_print_notations (int indent, PKT_signature * sig)
int first = 1;
struct notation *notation, *nd;
if (indent < 0)
first = 0;
indent = -indent;
notation = sig_to_notation (sig);
for (nd = notation; nd; nd = nd->next)
if (!first)
tty_printf ("%*s", indent, "");
first = 0;
tty_print_utf8_string (nd->name, strlen (nd->name));
tty_printf ("=");
tty_print_utf8_string (nd->value, strlen (nd->value));
tty_printf ("\n");
free_notation (notation);
* Show preferences of a public keyblock.
static void
show_prefs (PKT_user_id * uid, PKT_signature * selfsig, int verbose)
const prefitem_t fake = { 0, 0 };
const prefitem_t *prefs;
int i;
if (!uid)
if (uid->prefs)
prefs = uid->prefs;
else if (verbose)
prefs = &fake;
if (verbose)
int any, des_seen = 0, sha1_seen = 0, uncomp_seen = 0;
tty_printf (" ");
tty_printf (_("Cipher: "));
for (i = any = 0; prefs[i].type; i++)
if (prefs[i].type == PREFTYPE_SYM)
if (any)
tty_printf (", ");
any = 1;
/* We don't want to display strings for experimental algos */
if (!openpgp_cipher_test_algo (prefs[i].value)
&& prefs[i].value < 100)
tty_printf ("%s", openpgp_cipher_algo_name (prefs[i].value));
tty_printf ("[%d]", prefs[i].value);
if (prefs[i].value == CIPHER_ALGO_3DES)
des_seen = 1;
if (!des_seen)
if (any)
tty_printf (", ");
tty_printf ("%s", openpgp_cipher_algo_name (CIPHER_ALGO_3DES));
tty_printf ("\n ");
tty_printf (_("Digest: "));
for (i = any = 0; prefs[i].type; i++)
if (prefs[i].type == PREFTYPE_HASH)
if (any)
tty_printf (", ");
any = 1;
/* We don't want to display strings for experimental algos */
if (!gcry_md_test_algo (prefs[i].value) && prefs[i].value < 100)
tty_printf ("%s", gcry_md_algo_name (prefs[i].value));
tty_printf ("[%d]", prefs[i].value);
if (prefs[i].value == DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1)
sha1_seen = 1;
if (!sha1_seen)
if (any)
tty_printf (", ");
tty_printf ("%s", gcry_md_algo_name (DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1));
tty_printf ("\n ");
tty_printf (_("Compression: "));
for (i = any = 0; prefs[i].type; i++)
if (prefs[i].type == PREFTYPE_ZIP)
const char *s = compress_algo_to_string (prefs[i].value);
if (any)
tty_printf (", ");
any = 1;
/* We don't want to display strings for experimental algos */
if (s && prefs[i].value < 100)
tty_printf ("%s", s);
tty_printf ("[%d]", prefs[i].value);
if (prefs[i].value == COMPRESS_ALGO_NONE)
uncomp_seen = 1;
if (!uncomp_seen)
if (any)
tty_printf (", ");
tty_printf ("%s", compress_algo_to_string (COMPRESS_ALGO_ZIP));
tty_printf (", ");
tty_printf ("%s", compress_algo_to_string (COMPRESS_ALGO_NONE));
if (uid->flags.mdc || !uid->flags.ks_modify)
tty_printf ("\n ");
tty_printf (_("Features: "));
any = 0;
if (uid->flags.mdc)
tty_printf ("MDC");
any = 1;
if (!uid->flags.ks_modify)
if (any)
tty_printf (", ");
tty_printf (_("Keyserver no-modify"));
tty_printf ("\n");
if (selfsig)
const byte *pref_ks;
size_t pref_ks_len;
pref_ks = parse_sig_subpkt (selfsig->hashed,
SIGSUBPKT_PREF_KS, &pref_ks_len);
if (pref_ks && pref_ks_len)
tty_printf (" ");
tty_printf (_("Preferred keyserver: "));
tty_print_utf8_string (pref_ks, pref_ks_len);
tty_printf ("\n");
if (selfsig->flags.notation)
tty_printf (" ");
tty_printf (_("Notations: "));
tty_print_notations (5 + strlen (_("Notations: ")), selfsig);
tty_printf (" ");
for (i = 0; prefs[i].type; i++)
tty_printf (" %c%d", prefs[i].type == PREFTYPE_SYM ? 'S' :
prefs[i].type == PREFTYPE_HASH ? 'H' :
prefs[i].type == PREFTYPE_ZIP ? 'Z' : '?',
if (uid->flags.mdc)
tty_printf (" [mdc]");
if (!uid->flags.ks_modify)
tty_printf (" [no-ks-modify]");
tty_printf ("\n");
/* This is the version of show_key_with_all_names used when
opt.with_colons is used. It prints all available data in a easy to
parse format and does not translate utf8 */
static void
show_key_with_all_names_colon (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t fp, kbnode_t keyblock)
KBNODE node;
int i, j, ulti_hack = 0;
byte pk_version = 0;
PKT_public_key *primary = NULL;
int have_seckey;
if (!fp)
fp = es_stdout;
/* the keys */
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY))
PKT_public_key *pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
u32 keyid[2];
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
pk_version = pk->version;
primary = pk;
keyid_from_pk (pk, keyid);
have_seckey = !agent_probe_secret_key (ctrl, pk);
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
es_fputs (have_seckey? "sec:" : "pub:", fp);
es_fputs (have_seckey? "ssb:" : "sub:", fp);
if (!pk->flags.valid)
es_putc ('i', fp);
else if (pk->flags.revoked)
es_putc ('r', fp);
else if (pk->has_expired)
es_putc ('e', fp);
else if (!(opt.fast_list_mode || opt.no_expensive_trust_checks))
int trust = get_validity_info (ctrl, pk, NULL);
if (trust == 'u')
ulti_hack = 1;
es_putc (trust, fp);
es_fprintf (fp, ":%u:%d:%08lX%08lX:%lu:%lu::",
nbits_from_pk (pk),
(ulong) keyid[0], (ulong) keyid[1],
(ulong) pk->timestamp, (ulong) pk->expiredate);
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
&& !(opt.fast_list_mode || opt.no_expensive_trust_checks))
es_putc (get_ownertrust_info (pk), fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
/* Print capabilities. */
if ((pk->pubkey_usage & PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC))
es_putc ('e', fp);
if ((pk->pubkey_usage & PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG))
es_putc ('s', fp);
if ((pk->pubkey_usage & PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT))
es_putc ('c', fp);
if ((pk->pubkey_usage & PUBKEY_USAGE_AUTH))
es_putc ('a', fp);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
print_fingerprint (fp, pk, 0);
print_revokers (fp, pk);
/* the user ids */
i = 0;
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
PKT_user_id *uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
if (uid->attrib_data)
es_fputs ("uat:", fp);
es_fputs ("uid:", fp);
if (uid->is_revoked)
es_fputs ("r::::::::", fp);
else if (uid->is_expired)
es_fputs ("e::::::::", fp);
else if (opt.fast_list_mode || opt.no_expensive_trust_checks)
es_fputs ("::::::::", fp);
int uid_validity;
if (primary && !ulti_hack)
uid_validity = get_validity_info (ctrl, primary, uid);
uid_validity = 'u';
es_fprintf (fp, "%c::::::::", uid_validity);
if (uid->attrib_data)
es_fprintf (fp, "%u %lu", uid->numattribs, uid->attrib_len);
es_write_sanitized (fp, uid->name, uid->len, ":", NULL);
es_putc (':', fp);
/* signature class */
es_putc (':', fp);
/* capabilities */
es_putc (':', fp);
/* preferences */
if (pk_version > 3 || uid->selfsigversion > 3)
const prefitem_t *prefs = uid->prefs;
for (j = 0; prefs && prefs[j].type; j++)
if (j)
es_putc (' ', fp);
es_fprintf (fp,
"%c%d", prefs[j].type == PREFTYPE_SYM ? 'S' :
prefs[j].type == PREFTYPE_HASH ? 'H' :
prefs[j].type == PREFTYPE_ZIP ? 'Z' : '?',
if (uid->flags.mdc)
es_fputs (",mdc", fp);
if (!uid->flags.ks_modify)
es_fputs (",no-ks-modify", fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
/* flags */
es_fprintf (fp, "%d,", i);
if (uid->is_primary)
es_putc ('p', fp);
if (uid->is_revoked)
es_putc ('r', fp);
if (uid->is_expired)
es_putc ('e', fp);
if ((node->flag & NODFLG_SELUID))
es_putc ('s', fp);
if ((node->flag & NODFLG_MARK_A))
es_putc ('m', fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
if (opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU || opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU_PGP)
#ifdef USE_TOFU
enum tofu_policy policy;
if (! tofu_get_policy (ctrl, primary, uid, &policy)
&& policy != TOFU_POLICY_NONE)
es_fprintf (fp, "%s", tofu_policy_str (policy));
#endif /*USE_TOFU*/
es_putc (':', fp);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
static void
show_names (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t fp,
kbnode_t keyblock, PKT_public_key * pk, unsigned int flag,
int with_prefs)
KBNODE node;
int i = 0;
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID && !is_deleted_kbnode (node))
PKT_user_id *uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
if (!flag || (flag && (node->flag & flag)))
if (!(flag & NODFLG_MARK_A) && pk)
tty_fprintf (fp, "%s ", uid_trust_string_fixed (ctrl, pk, uid));
if (flag & NODFLG_MARK_A)
tty_fprintf (fp, " ");
else if (node->flag & NODFLG_SELUID)
tty_fprintf (fp, "(%d)* ", i);
else if (uid->is_primary)
tty_fprintf (fp, "(%d). ", i);
tty_fprintf (fp, "(%d) ", i);
tty_print_utf8_string2 (fp, uid->name, uid->len, 0);
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
if (with_prefs && pk)
if (pk->version > 3 || uid->selfsigversion > 3)
PKT_signature *selfsig = NULL;
KBNODE signode;
for (signode = node->next;
signode && signode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE;
signode = signode->next)
if (signode->pkt->pkt.signature->
selfsig = signode->pkt->pkt.signature;
show_prefs (uid, selfsig, with_prefs == 2);
tty_fprintf (fp, _("There are no preferences on a"
" PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n"));
* Display the key a the user ids, if only_marked is true, do only so
* for user ids with mark A flag set and do not display the index
* number. If FP is not NULL print to the given stream and not to the
* tty (ignored in with-colons mode).
static void
show_key_with_all_names (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t fp,
KBNODE keyblock, int only_marked, int with_revoker,
int with_fpr, int with_subkeys, int with_prefs,
int nowarn)
gpg_error_t err;
kbnode_t node;
int i;
int do_warn = 0;
int have_seckey = 0;
char *serialno = NULL;
PKT_public_key *primary = NULL;
char pkstrbuf[PUBKEY_STRING_SIZE];
if (opt.with_colons)
show_key_with_all_names_colon (ctrl, fp, keyblock);
/* the keys */
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| (with_subkeys && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
&& !is_deleted_kbnode (node)))
PKT_public_key *pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
const char *otrust = "err";
const char *trust = "err";
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
/* do it here, so that debug messages don't clutter the
* output */
static int did_warn = 0;
trust = get_validity_string (ctrl, pk, NULL);
otrust = get_ownertrust_string (pk);
/* Show a warning once */
if (!did_warn
&& (get_validity (ctrl, pk, NULL, NULL, 0)
did_warn = 1;
do_warn = 1;
primary = pk;
if (pk->flags.revoked)
char *user = get_user_id_string_native (pk->revoked.keyid);
tty_fprintf (fp,
_("The following key was revoked on"
" %s by %s key %s\n"),
revokestr_from_pk (pk),
gcry_pk_algo_name (pk->revoked.algo), user);
xfree (user);
if (with_revoker)
if (!pk->revkey && pk->numrevkeys)
BUG ();
for (i = 0; i < pk->numrevkeys; i++)
u32 r_keyid[2];
char *user;
const char *algo;
algo = gcry_pk_algo_name (pk->revkey[i].algid);
keyid_from_fingerprint (pk->revkey[i].fpr,
user = get_user_id_string_native (r_keyid);
tty_fprintf (fp,
_("This key may be revoked by %s key %s"),
algo ? algo : "?", user);
if (pk->revkey[i].class & 0x40)
tty_fprintf (fp, " ");
tty_fprintf (fp, _("(sensitive)"));
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
xfree (user);
keyid_from_pk (pk, NULL);
xfree (serialno);
serialno = NULL;
char *hexgrip;
err = hexkeygrip_from_pk (pk, &hexgrip);
if (err)
log_error ("error computing a keygrip: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
have_seckey = 0;
have_seckey = !agent_get_keyinfo (ctrl, hexgrip, &serialno, NULL);
xfree (hexgrip);
(fp, "%s%c %s/%s",
node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY && have_seckey? "sec" :
node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY ? "pub" :
have_seckey ? "ssb" :
(node->flag & NODFLG_SELKEY) ? '*' : ' ',
pubkey_string (pk, pkstrbuf, sizeof pkstrbuf),
keystr (pk->keyid));
if (opt.legacy_list_mode)
tty_fprintf (fp, " ");
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n ");
tty_fprintf (fp, _("created: %s"), datestr_from_pk (pk));
tty_fprintf (fp, " ");
if (pk->flags.revoked)
tty_fprintf (fp, _("revoked: %s"), revokestr_from_pk (pk));
else if (pk->has_expired)
tty_fprintf (fp, _("expired: %s"), expirestr_from_pk (pk));
tty_fprintf (fp, _("expires: %s"), expirestr_from_pk (pk));
tty_fprintf (fp, " ");
tty_fprintf (fp, _("usage: %s"), usagestr_from_pk (pk, 1));
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
if (serialno)
/* The agent told us that a secret key is available and
that it has been stored on a card. */
tty_fprintf (fp, "%*s%s", opt.legacy_list_mode? 21:5, "",
_("card-no: "));
if (strlen (serialno) == 32
&& !strncmp (serialno, "D27600012401", 12))
/* This is an OpenPGP card. Print the relevant part. */
/* Example: D2760001240101010001000003470000 */
/* xxxxyyyyyyyy */
tty_fprintf (fp, "%.*s %.*s\n",
4, serialno+16, 8, serialno+20);
tty_fprintf (fp, "%s\n", serialno);
else if (pk->seckey_info
&& pk->seckey_info->is_protected
&& pk->seckey_info->s2k.mode == 1002)
/* FIXME: Check wether this code path is still used. */
tty_fprintf (fp, "%*s%s", opt.legacy_list_mode? 21:5, "",
_("card-no: "));
if (pk->seckey_info->ivlen == 16
&& !memcmp (pk->seckey_info->iv,
"\xD2\x76\x00\x01\x24\x01", 6))
/* This is an OpenPGP card. */
for (i = 8; i < 14; i++)
if (i == 10)
tty_fprintf (fp, " ");
tty_fprintf (fp, "%02X", pk->seckey_info->iv[i]);
/* Unknown card: Print all. */
for (i = 0; i < pk->seckey_info->ivlen; i++)
tty_fprintf (fp, "%02X", pk->seckey_info->iv[i]);
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY)
if (opt.trust_model != TM_ALWAYS)
tty_fprintf (fp, "%*s",
((int) keystrlen () + 13):5, "");
/* Ownertrust is only meaningful for the PGP or
classic trust models, or PGP combined with TOFU */
if (opt.trust_model == TM_PGP
|| opt.trust_model == TM_CLASSIC
|| opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU_PGP)
int width = 14 - strlen (otrust);
if (width <= 0)
width = 1;
tty_fprintf (fp, _("trust: %s"), otrust);
tty_fprintf (fp, "%*s", width, "");
tty_fprintf (fp, _("validity: %s"), trust);
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
&& (get_ownertrust (pk) & TRUST_FLAG_DISABLED))
tty_fprintf (fp, "*** ");
tty_fprintf (fp, _("This key has been disabled"));
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
if ((node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY) && with_fpr)
print_fingerprint (fp, pk, 2);
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
show_names (ctrl, fp,
keyblock, primary, only_marked ? NODFLG_MARK_A : 0, with_prefs);
if (do_warn && !nowarn)
tty_fprintf (fp, _("Please note that the shown key validity"
" is not necessarily correct\n"
"unless you restart the program.\n"));
xfree (serialno);
/* Display basic key information. This function is suitable to show
information on the key without any dependencies on the trustdb or
any other internal GnuPG stuff. KEYBLOCK may either be a public or
a secret key. This function may be called with KEYBLOCK containing
secret keys and thus the printing of "pub" vs. "sec" does only
depend on the packet type and not by checking with gpg-agent. */
show_basic_key_info (KBNODE keyblock)
KBNODE node;
int i;
char pkstrbuf[PUBKEY_STRING_SIZE];
/* The primary key */
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY)
PKT_public_key *pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
/* Note, we use the same format string as in other show
functions to make the translation job easier. */
tty_printf ("%s %s/%s ",
node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY ? "pub" :
node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY ? "sub" :
node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY ? "sec" :"ssb",
pubkey_string (pk, pkstrbuf, sizeof pkstrbuf),
keystr_from_pk (pk));
tty_printf (_("created: %s"), datestr_from_pk (pk));
tty_printf (" ");
tty_printf (_("expires: %s"), expirestr_from_pk (pk));
tty_printf ("\n");
print_fingerprint (NULL, pk, 3);
tty_printf ("\n");
/* The user IDs. */
for (i = 0, node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
PKT_user_id *uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
tty_printf (" ");
if (uid->is_revoked)
tty_printf ("[%s] ", _("revoked"));
else if (uid->is_expired)
tty_printf ("[%s] ", _("expired"));
tty_print_utf8_string (uid->name, uid->len);
tty_printf ("\n");
static void
show_key_and_fingerprint (kbnode_t keyblock, int with_subkeys)
kbnode_t node;
PKT_public_key *pk = NULL;
char pkstrbuf[PUBKEY_STRING_SIZE];
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
tty_printf ("pub %s/%s %s ",
pubkey_string (pk, pkstrbuf, sizeof pkstrbuf),
datestr_from_pk (pk));
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
PKT_user_id *uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
tty_print_utf8_string (uid->name, uid->len);
tty_printf ("\n");
if (pk)
print_fingerprint (NULL, pk, 2);
if (with_subkeys)
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
tty_printf ("sub %s/%s %s [%s]\n",
pubkey_string (pk, pkstrbuf, sizeof pkstrbuf),
datestr_from_pk (pk),
usagestr_from_pk (pk, 0));
print_fingerprint (NULL, pk, 4);
/* Show a listing of the primary and its subkeys along with their
keygrips. */
static void
show_key_and_grip (kbnode_t keyblock)
kbnode_t node;
PKT_public_key *pk = NULL;
char pkstrbuf[PUBKEY_STRING_SIZE];
char *hexgrip;
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
tty_printf ("%s %s/%s %s [%s]\n",
node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY? "pub":"sub",
pubkey_string (pk, pkstrbuf, sizeof pkstrbuf),
datestr_from_pk (pk),
usagestr_from_pk (pk, 0));
if (!hexkeygrip_from_pk (pk, &hexgrip))
tty_printf (" Keygrip: %s\n", hexgrip);
xfree (hexgrip);
/* Show a warning if no uids on the key have the primary uid flag
set. */
static void
no_primary_warning (KBNODE keyblock)
KBNODE node;
int have_primary = 0, uid_count = 0;
/* TODO: if we ever start behaving differently with a primary or
non-primary attribute ID, we will need to check for attributes
here as well. */
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
&& node->pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data == NULL)
if (node->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_primary == 2)
have_primary = 1;
if (uid_count > 1 && !have_primary)
log_info (_
("WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command"
" may\n cause a different user ID to become"
" the assumed primary.\n"));
/* Print a warning if the latest encryption subkey expires soon. This
function is called after the expire data of the primary key has
been changed. */
static void
subkey_expire_warning (kbnode_t keyblock)
u32 curtime = make_timestamp ();
kbnode_t node;
PKT_public_key *pk;
/* u32 mainexpire = 0; */
u32 subexpire = 0;
u32 latest_date = 0;
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
/* if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY) */
/* { */
/* pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key; */
/* mainexpire = pk->expiredate; */
/* } */
if (node->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (!pk->flags.valid)
if (pk->flags.revoked)
if (pk->timestamp > curtime)
continue; /* Ignore future keys. */
if (!(pk->pubkey_usage & PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC))
continue; /* Not an encryption key. */
if (pk->timestamp > latest_date || (!pk->timestamp && !latest_date))
latest_date = pk->timestamp;
subexpire = pk->expiredate;
if (!subexpire)
return; /* No valid subkey with an expiration time. */
if (curtime + (10*86400) > subexpire)
log_info (_("WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n"));
log_info (_("You may want to change its expiration date too.\n"));
* Ask for a new user id, add the self-signature, and update the
* keyblock. If UIDSTRING is not NULL the user ID is generated
* unattended using that string. UIDSTRING is expected to be utf-8
* encoded and white space trimmed. Returns true if there is a new
* user id.
static int
menu_adduid (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t pub_keyblock,
int photo, const char *photo_name, const char *uidstring)
PKT_user_id *uid;
PKT_public_key *pk = NULL;
PKT_signature *sig = NULL;
PACKET *pkt;
KBNODE node;
KBNODE pub_where = NULL;
gpg_error_t err;
if (photo && uidstring)
return 0; /* Not allowed. */
for (node = pub_keyblock; node; pub_where = node, node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
if (!node) /* No subkey. */
pub_where = NULL;
log_assert (pk);
if (photo)
int hasattrib = 0;
for (node = pub_keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID &&
node->pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data != NULL)
hasattrib = 1;
/* It is legal but bad for compatibility to add a photo ID to a
v3 key as it means that PGP2 will not be able to use that key
anymore. Also, PGP may not expect a photo on a v3 key.
Don't bother to ask this if the key already has a photo - any
damage has already been done at that point. -dms */
if (pk->version == 3 && !hasattrib)
if (
tty_printf (_("WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. "
"Adding a photo ID may cause some versions\n"
" of PGP to reject this key.\n"));
if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("keyedit.v3_photo.okay",
_("Are you sure you still want "
"to add it? (y/N) ")))
return 0;
tty_printf (_("You may not add a photo ID to "
"a PGP2-style key.\n"));
return 0;
uid = generate_photo_id (ctrl, pk, photo_name);
uid = generate_user_id (pub_keyblock, uidstring);
if (!uid)
if (uidstring)
write_status_error ("adduid", gpg_error (304));
log_error ("%s", _("Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n"));
return 0;
err = make_keysig_packet (&sig, pk, uid, NULL, pk, 0x13, 0, 0, 0,
keygen_add_std_prefs, pk, NULL);
if (err)
write_status_error ("keysig", err);
log_error ("signing failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
free_user_id (uid);
return 0;
/* Insert/append to public keyblock */
pkt = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pkt);
pkt->pkttype = PKT_USER_ID;
pkt->pkt.user_id = uid;
node = new_kbnode (pkt);
if (pub_where)
insert_kbnode (pub_where, node, 0);
add_kbnode (pub_keyblock, node);
pkt = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pkt);
pkt->pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
pkt->pkt.signature = copy_signature (NULL, sig);
if (pub_where)
insert_kbnode (node, new_kbnode (pkt), 0);
add_kbnode (pub_keyblock, new_kbnode (pkt));
return 1;
* Remove all selected userids from the keyring
static void
menu_deluid (KBNODE pub_keyblock)
KBNODE node;
int selected = 0;
for (node = pub_keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
selected = node->flag & NODFLG_SELUID;
if (selected)
/* Only cause a trust update if we delete a
non-revoked user id */
if (!node->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_revoked)
update_trust = 1;
delete_kbnode (node);
else if (selected && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
delete_kbnode (node);
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
selected = 0;
commit_kbnode (&pub_keyblock);
static int
menu_delsig (KBNODE pub_keyblock)
KBNODE node;
PKT_user_id *uid = NULL;
int changed = 0;
for (node = pub_keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
uid = (node->flag & NODFLG_SELUID) ? node->pkt->pkt.user_id : NULL;
else if (uid && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
int okay, valid, selfsig, inv_sig, no_key, other_err;
tty_printf ("uid ");
tty_print_utf8_string (uid->name, uid->len);
tty_printf ("\n");
okay = inv_sig = no_key = other_err = 0;
if (opt.with_colons)
valid = print_and_check_one_sig_colon (pub_keyblock, node,
&inv_sig, &no_key,
&other_err, &selfsig, 1);
valid = print_and_check_one_sig (pub_keyblock, node,
&inv_sig, &no_key, &other_err,
&selfsig, 1, 0);
if (valid)
okay = cpr_get_answer_yes_no_quit
_("Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)"));
/* Only update trust if we delete a good signature.
The other two cases do not affect trust. */
if (okay)
update_trust = 1;
else if (inv_sig || other_err)
okay = cpr_get_answer_yes_no_quit
_("Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)"));
else if (no_key)
okay = cpr_get_answer_yes_no_quit
_("Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)"));
if (okay == -1)
if (okay && selfsig
&& !cpr_get_answer_is_yes
_("Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)")))
okay = 0;
if (okay)
delete_kbnode (node);
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
uid = NULL;
if (changed)
commit_kbnode (&pub_keyblock);
tty_printf (ngettext("Deleted %d signature.\n",
"Deleted %d signatures.\n", changed), changed);
tty_printf (_("Nothing deleted.\n"));
return changed;
static int
menu_clean (KBNODE keyblock, int self_only)
KBNODE uidnode;
int modified = 0, select_all = !count_selected_uids (keyblock);
for (uidnode = keyblock->next;
uidnode && uidnode->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY;
uidnode = uidnode->next)
if (uidnode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
&& (uidnode->flag & NODFLG_SELUID || select_all))
int uids = 0, sigs = 0;
char *user = utf8_to_native (uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id->name,
clean_one_uid (keyblock, uidnode, opt.verbose, self_only, &uids,
if (uids)
const char *reason;
if (uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_revoked)
reason = _("revoked");
else if (uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_expired)
reason = _("expired");
reason = _("invalid");
tty_printf (_("User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n"), user, reason);
modified = 1;
else if (sigs)
tty_printf (ngettext("User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n",
"User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n",
sigs), user, sigs);
modified = 1;
tty_printf (self_only == 1 ?
_("User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n") :
_("User ID \"%s\": already clean\n"), user);
xfree (user);
return modified;
* Remove some of the secondary keys
static void
menu_delkey (KBNODE pub_keyblock)
KBNODE node;
int selected = 0;
for (node = pub_keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
selected = node->flag & NODFLG_SELKEY;
if (selected)
delete_kbnode (node);
else if (selected && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
delete_kbnode (node);
selected = 0;
commit_kbnode (&pub_keyblock);
/* No need to set update_trust here since signing keys are no
longer used to certify other keys, so there is no change in
trust when revoking/removing them. */
* Ask for a new revoker, create the self-signature and put it into
* the keyblock. Returns true if there is a new revoker.
static int
menu_addrevoker (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t pub_keyblock, int sensitive)
PKT_public_key *pk = NULL;
PKT_public_key *revoker_pk = NULL;
PKT_signature *sig = NULL;
PACKET *pkt;
struct revocation_key revkey;
size_t fprlen;
int rc;
log_assert (pub_keyblock->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
pk = pub_keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (pk->numrevkeys == 0 && pk->version == 3)
/* It is legal but bad for compatibility to add a revoker to a
v3 key as it means that PGP2 will not be able to use that key
anymore. Also, PGP may not expect a revoker on a v3 key.
Don't bother to ask this if the key already has a revoker -
any damage has already been done at that point. -dms */
if (
tty_printf (_("WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. "
"Adding a designated revoker may cause\n"
" some versions of PGP to reject this key.\n"));
if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("keyedit.v3_revoker.okay",
_("Are you sure you still want "
"to add it? (y/N) ")))
return 0;
tty_printf (_("You may not add a designated revoker to "
"a PGP 2.x-style key.\n"));
return 0;
for (;;)
char *answer;
free_public_key (revoker_pk);
revoker_pk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (*revoker_pk));
tty_printf ("\n");
answer = cpr_get_utf8
_("Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: "));
if (answer[0] == '\0' || answer[0] == CONTROL_D)
xfree (answer);
goto fail;
/* Note that I'm requesting CERT here, which usually implies
primary keys only, but some casual testing shows that PGP and
GnuPG both can handle a designated revocation from a subkey. */
revoker_pk->req_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT;
rc = get_pubkey_byname (ctrl, NULL, revoker_pk, answer, NULL, NULL, 1, 1);
if (rc)
log_error (_("key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"), answer,
gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (answer);
xfree (answer);
fingerprint_from_pk (revoker_pk, revkey.fpr, &fprlen);
if (fprlen != 20)
log_error (_("cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a "
"designated revoker\n"));
revkey.class = 0x80;
if (sensitive)
revkey.class |= 0x40;
revkey.algid = revoker_pk->pubkey_algo;
if (cmp_public_keys (revoker_pk, pk) == 0)
/* This actually causes no harm (after all, a key that
designates itself as a revoker is the same as a
regular key), but it's easy enough to check. */
log_error (_("you cannot appoint a key as its own "
"designated revoker\n"));
keyid_from_pk (pk, NULL);
/* Does this revkey already exist? */
if (!pk->revkey && pk->numrevkeys)
BUG ();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < pk->numrevkeys; i++)
if (memcmp (&pk->revkey[i], &revkey,
sizeof (struct revocation_key)) == 0)
char buf[50];
log_error (_("this key has already been designated "
"as a revoker\n"));
format_keyid (pk_keyid (pk), KF_LONG, buf, sizeof (buf));
write_status_text (STATUS_ALREADY_SIGNED, buf);
if (i < pk->numrevkeys)
print_pubkey_info (NULL, revoker_pk);
print_fingerprint (NULL, revoker_pk, 2);
tty_printf ("\n");
tty_printf (_("WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker "
"cannot be undone!\n"));
tty_printf ("\n");
if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("keyedit.add_revoker.okay",
_("Are you sure you want to appoint this "
"key as a designated revoker? (y/N) ")))
free_public_key (revoker_pk);
revoker_pk = NULL;
rc = make_keysig_packet (&sig, pk, NULL, NULL, pk, 0x1F, 0, 0, 0,
keygen_add_revkey, &revkey, NULL);
if (rc)
write_status_error ("keysig", rc);
log_error ("signing failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto fail;
/* Insert into public keyblock. */
pkt = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pkt);
pkt->pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
pkt->pkt.signature = sig;
insert_kbnode (pub_keyblock, new_kbnode (pkt), PKT_SIGNATURE);
return 1;
if (sig)
free_seckey_enc (sig);
free_public_key (revoker_pk);
return 0;
static int
menu_expire (KBNODE pub_keyblock)
int n1, signumber, rc;
u32 expiredate;
int mainkey = 0;
PKT_public_key *main_pk, *sub_pk;
PKT_user_id *uid;
KBNODE node;
u32 keyid[2];
n1 = count_selected_keys (pub_keyblock);
if (n1 > 1)
if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes
_("Are you sure you want to change the"
" expiration time for multiple subkeys? (y/N) ")))
return 0;
else if (n1)
tty_printf (_("Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n"));
tty_printf (_("Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n"));
mainkey = 1;
no_primary_warning (pub_keyblock);
expiredate = ask_expiredate ();
/* Now we can actually change the self-signature(s) */
main_pk = sub_pk = NULL;
uid = NULL;
signumber = 0;
for (node = pub_keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
main_pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keyid_from_pk (main_pk, keyid);
main_pk->expiredate = expiredate;
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
if (node->flag & NODFLG_SELKEY)
sub_pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
sub_pk->expiredate = expiredate;
sub_pk = NULL;
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
else if (main_pk && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& (mainkey || sub_pk))
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (keyid[0] == sig->keyid[0] && keyid[1] == sig->keyid[1]
&& ((mainkey && uid
&& uid->created && (sig->sig_class & ~3) == 0x10)
|| (!mainkey && sig->sig_class == 0x18))
&& sig->flags.chosen_selfsig)
/* This is a self-signature which is to be replaced. */
PKT_signature *newsig;
PACKET *newpkt;
if ((mainkey && main_pk->version < 4)
|| (!mainkey && sub_pk->version < 4))
(_("You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n"));
return 0;
if (mainkey)
rc = update_keysig_packet (&newsig, sig, main_pk, uid, NULL,
main_pk, keygen_add_key_expire,
rc =
update_keysig_packet (&newsig, sig, main_pk, NULL, sub_pk,
main_pk, keygen_add_key_expire, sub_pk);
if (rc)
log_error ("make_keysig_packet failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return 0;
/* Replace the packet. */
newpkt = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *newpkt);
newpkt->pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
newpkt->pkt.signature = newsig;
free_packet (node->pkt);
xfree (node->pkt);
node->pkt = newpkt;
sub_pk = NULL;
update_trust = 1;
return 1;
/* Change the capability of a selected key. This command should only
* be used to rectify badly created keys and as such is not suggested
* for general use. */
static int
menu_changeusage (kbnode_t keyblock)
int n1, rc;
int mainkey = 0;
PKT_public_key *main_pk, *sub_pk;
PKT_user_id *uid;
kbnode_t node;
u32 keyid[2];
n1 = count_selected_keys (keyblock);
if (n1 > 1)
tty_printf (_("You must select exactly one key.\n"));
return 0;
else if (n1)
tty_printf ("Changing usage of a subkey.\n");
tty_printf ("Changing usage of the primary key.\n");
mainkey = 1;
/* Now we can actually change the self-signature(s) */
main_pk = sub_pk = NULL;
uid = NULL;
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
main_pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keyid_from_pk (main_pk, keyid);
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
if (node->flag & NODFLG_SELKEY)
sub_pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
sub_pk = NULL;
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
else if (main_pk && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& (mainkey || sub_pk))
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (keyid[0] == sig->keyid[0] && keyid[1] == sig->keyid[1]
&& ((mainkey && uid
&& uid->created && (sig->sig_class & ~3) == 0x10)
|| (!mainkey && sig->sig_class == 0x18))
&& sig->flags.chosen_selfsig)
/* This is the self-signature which is to be replaced. */
PKT_signature *newsig;
PACKET *newpkt;
if ((mainkey && main_pk->version < 4)
|| (!mainkey && sub_pk->version < 4))
log_info ("You can't change the capabilities of a v3 key\n");
return 0;
if (mainkey)
main_pk->pubkey_usage = ask_key_flags (main_pk->pubkey_algo, 0,
sub_pk->pubkey_usage = ask_key_flags (sub_pk->pubkey_algo, 1,
if (mainkey)
rc = update_keysig_packet (&newsig, sig, main_pk, uid, NULL,
main_pk, keygen_add_key_flags,
rc =
update_keysig_packet (&newsig, sig, main_pk, NULL, sub_pk,
main_pk, keygen_add_key_flags, sub_pk);
if (rc)
log_error ("make_keysig_packet failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return 0;
/* Replace the packet. */
newpkt = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *newpkt);
newpkt->pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
newpkt->pkt.signature = newsig;
free_packet (node->pkt);
xfree (node->pkt);
node->pkt = newpkt;
sub_pk = NULL;
return 1;
static int
menu_backsign (KBNODE pub_keyblock)
int rc, modified = 0;
PKT_public_key *main_pk;
KBNODE node;
u32 timestamp;
log_assert (pub_keyblock->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
merge_keys_and_selfsig (pub_keyblock);
main_pk = pub_keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keyid_from_pk (main_pk, NULL);
/* We use the same timestamp for all backsigs so that we don't
reveal information about the used machine. */
timestamp = make_timestamp ();
for (node = pub_keyblock; node; node = node->next)
PKT_public_key *sub_pk = NULL;
KBNODE node2, sig_pk = NULL /*,sig_sk = NULL*/;
/* char *passphrase; */
/* Find a signing subkey with no backsig */
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
if (node->pkt->pkt.public_key->pubkey_usage & PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG)
if (node->pkt->pkt.public_key->flags.backsig)
tty_printf (_
("signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n"),
keystr_from_pk (node->pkt->pkt.public_key));
sub_pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
tty_printf (_("subkey %s does not sign and so does"
" not need to be cross-certified\n"),
keystr_from_pk (node->pkt->pkt.public_key));
if (!sub_pk)
/* Find the selected selfsig on this subkey */
for (node2 = node->next;
node2 && node2->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE; node2 = node2->next)
if (node2->pkt->pkt.signature->version >= 4
&& node2->pkt->pkt.signature->flags.chosen_selfsig)
sig_pk = node2;
if (!sig_pk)
/* Find the secret subkey that matches the public subkey */
log_debug ("FIXME: Check whether a secret subkey is available.\n");
/* if (!sub_sk) */
/* { */
/* tty_printf (_("no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n"), */
/* keystr_from_pk (sub_pk)); */
/* continue; */
/* } */
/* Now we can get to work. */
rc = make_backsig (sig_pk->pkt->pkt.signature, main_pk, sub_pk, sub_pk,
timestamp, NULL);
if (!rc)
PKT_signature *newsig;
PACKET *newpkt;
rc = update_keysig_packet (&newsig, sig_pk->pkt->pkt.signature,
main_pk, NULL, sub_pk, main_pk,
if (!rc)
/* Put the new sig into place on the pubkey */
newpkt = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (*newpkt));
newpkt->pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
newpkt->pkt.signature = newsig;
free_packet (sig_pk->pkt);
xfree (sig_pk->pkt);
sig_pk->pkt = newpkt;
modified = 1;
log_error ("update_keysig_packet failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
log_error ("make_backsig failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return modified;
static int
change_primary_uid_cb (PKT_signature * sig, void *opaque)
byte buf[1];
/* first clear all primary uid flags so that we are sure none are
* lingering around */
delete_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_PRIMARY_UID);
delete_sig_subpkt (sig->unhashed, SIGSUBPKT_PRIMARY_UID);
/* if opaque is set,we want to set the primary id */
if (opaque)
buf[0] = 1;
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_PRIMARY_UID, buf, 1);
return 0;
* Set the primary uid flag for the selected UID. We will also reset
* all other primary uid flags. For this to work with have to update
* all the signature timestamps. If we would do this with the current
* time, we lose quite a lot of information, so we use a a kludge to
* do this: Just increment the timestamp by one second which is
* sufficient to updated a signature during import.
static int
menu_set_primary_uid (KBNODE pub_keyblock)
PKT_public_key *main_pk;
PKT_user_id *uid;
KBNODE node;
u32 keyid[2];
int selected;
int attribute = 0;
int modified = 0;
if (count_selected_uids (pub_keyblock) != 1)
tty_printf (_("Please select exactly one user ID.\n"));
return 0;
main_pk = NULL;
uid = NULL;
selected = 0;
/* Is our selected uid an attribute packet? */
for (node = pub_keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID && node->flag & NODFLG_SELUID)
attribute = (node->pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data != NULL);
for (node = pub_keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
break; /* No more user ids expected - ready. */
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
main_pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keyid_from_pk (main_pk, keyid);
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
selected = node->flag & NODFLG_SELUID;
else if (main_pk && uid && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (keyid[0] == sig->keyid[0] && keyid[1] == sig->keyid[1]
&& (uid && (sig->sig_class & ~3) == 0x10)
&& attribute == (uid->attrib_data != NULL)
&& sig->flags.chosen_selfsig)
if (sig->version < 4)
char *user =
utf8_to_native (uid->name, strlen (uid->name), 0);
log_info (_("skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n"),
xfree (user);
/* This is a selfsignature which is to be replaced.
We can just ignore v3 signatures because they are
not able to carry the primary ID flag. We also
ignore self-sigs on user IDs that are not of the
same type that we are making primary. That is, if
we are making a user ID primary, we alter user IDs.
If we are making an attribute packet primary, we
alter attribute packets. */
/* FIXME: We must make sure that we only have one
self-signature per user ID here (not counting
revocations) */
PKT_signature *newsig;
PACKET *newpkt;
const byte *p;
int action;
/* See whether this signature has the primary UID flag. */
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed,
if (!p)
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->unhashed,
if (p && *p) /* yes */
action = selected ? 0 : -1;
else /* no */
action = selected ? 1 : 0;
if (action)
int rc = update_keysig_packet (&newsig, sig,
main_pk, uid, NULL,
action > 0 ? "x" : NULL);
if (rc)
log_error ("update_keysig_packet failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return 0;
/* replace the packet */
newpkt = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *newpkt);
newpkt->pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
newpkt->pkt.signature = newsig;
free_packet (node->pkt);
xfree (node->pkt);
node->pkt = newpkt;
modified = 1;
return modified;
* Set preferences to new values for the selected user IDs
static int
menu_set_preferences (KBNODE pub_keyblock)
PKT_public_key *main_pk;
PKT_user_id *uid;
KBNODE node;
u32 keyid[2];
int selected, select_all;
int modified = 0;
no_primary_warning (pub_keyblock);
select_all = !count_selected_uids (pub_keyblock);
/* Now we can actually change the self signature(s) */
main_pk = NULL;
uid = NULL;
selected = 0;
for (node = pub_keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
break; /* No more user-ids expected - ready. */
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
main_pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keyid_from_pk (main_pk, keyid);
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
selected = select_all || (node->flag & NODFLG_SELUID);
else if (main_pk && uid && selected
&& node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (keyid[0] == sig->keyid[0] && keyid[1] == sig->keyid[1]
&& (uid && (sig->sig_class & ~3) == 0x10)
&& sig->flags.chosen_selfsig)
if (sig->version < 4)
char *user =
utf8_to_native (uid->name, strlen (uid->name), 0);
log_info (_("skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n"),
xfree (user);
/* This is a selfsignature which is to be replaced
* We have to ignore v3 signatures because they are
* not able to carry the preferences. */
PKT_signature *newsig;
PACKET *newpkt;
int rc;
rc = update_keysig_packet (&newsig, sig,
main_pk, uid, NULL, main_pk,
keygen_upd_std_prefs, NULL);
if (rc)
log_error ("update_keysig_packet failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return 0;
/* replace the packet */
newpkt = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *newpkt);
newpkt->pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
newpkt->pkt.signature = newsig;
free_packet (node->pkt);
xfree (node->pkt);
node->pkt = newpkt;
modified = 1;
return modified;
static int
menu_set_keyserver_url (const char *url, KBNODE pub_keyblock)
PKT_public_key *main_pk;
PKT_user_id *uid;
KBNODE node;
u32 keyid[2];
int selected, select_all;
int modified = 0;
char *answer, *uri;
no_primary_warning (pub_keyblock);
if (url)
answer = xstrdup (url);
answer = cpr_get_utf8 ("keyedit.add_keyserver",
_("Enter your preferred keyserver URL: "));
if (answer[0] == '\0' || answer[0] == CONTROL_D)
xfree (answer);
return 0;
if (ascii_strcasecmp (answer, "none") == 0)
uri = NULL;
struct keyserver_spec *keyserver = NULL;
/* Sanity check the format */
keyserver = parse_keyserver_uri (answer, 1);
xfree (answer);
if (!keyserver)
log_info (_("could not parse keyserver URL\n"));
return 0;
uri = xstrdup (keyserver->uri);
free_keyserver_spec (keyserver);
select_all = !count_selected_uids (pub_keyblock);
/* Now we can actually change the self signature(s) */
main_pk = NULL;
uid = NULL;
selected = 0;
for (node = pub_keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
break; /* ready */
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
main_pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keyid_from_pk (main_pk, keyid);
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
selected = select_all || (node->flag & NODFLG_SELUID);
else if (main_pk && uid && selected
&& node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (keyid[0] == sig->keyid[0] && keyid[1] == sig->keyid[1]
&& (uid && (sig->sig_class & ~3) == 0x10)
&& sig->flags.chosen_selfsig)
char *user = utf8_to_native (uid->name, strlen (uid->name), 0);
if (sig->version < 4)
log_info (_("skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n"),
/* This is a selfsignature which is to be replaced
* We have to ignore v3 signatures because they are
* not able to carry the subpacket. */
PKT_signature *newsig;
PACKET *newpkt;
int rc;
const byte *p;
size_t plen;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_KS, &plen);
if (p && plen)
tty_printf ("Current preferred keyserver for user"
" ID \"%s\": ", user);
tty_print_utf8_string (p, plen);
tty_printf ("\n");
if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes
? _("Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) ")
: _("Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) ")))
else if (uri == NULL)
/* There is no current keyserver URL, so there
is no point in trying to un-set it. */
rc = update_keysig_packet (&newsig, sig,
main_pk, uid, NULL,
keygen_add_keyserver_url, uri);
if (rc)
log_error ("update_keysig_packet failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (uri);
return 0;
/* replace the packet */
newpkt = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *newpkt);
newpkt->pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
newpkt->pkt.signature = newsig;
free_packet (node->pkt);
xfree (node->pkt);
node->pkt = newpkt;
modified = 1;
xfree (user);
xfree (uri);
return modified;
static int
menu_set_notation (const char *string, KBNODE pub_keyblock)
PKT_public_key *main_pk;
PKT_user_id *uid;
KBNODE node;
u32 keyid[2];
int selected, select_all;
int modified = 0;
char *answer;
struct notation *notation;
no_primary_warning (pub_keyblock);
if (string)
answer = xstrdup (string);
answer = cpr_get_utf8 ("keyedit.add_notation",
_("Enter the notation: "));
if (answer[0] == '\0' || answer[0] == CONTROL_D)
xfree (answer);
return 0;
if (!ascii_strcasecmp (answer, "none")
|| !ascii_strcasecmp (answer, "-"))
notation = NULL; /* Delete them all. */
notation = string_to_notation (answer, 0);
if (!notation)
xfree (answer);
return 0;
xfree (answer);
select_all = !count_selected_uids (pub_keyblock);
/* Now we can actually change the self signature(s) */
main_pk = NULL;
uid = NULL;
selected = 0;
for (node = pub_keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
break; /* ready */
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
main_pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keyid_from_pk (main_pk, keyid);
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
selected = select_all || (node->flag & NODFLG_SELUID);
else if (main_pk && uid && selected
&& node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (keyid[0] == sig->keyid[0] && keyid[1] == sig->keyid[1]
&& (uid && (sig->sig_class & ~3) == 0x10)
&& sig->flags.chosen_selfsig)
char *user = utf8_to_native (uid->name, strlen (uid->name), 0);
if (sig->version < 4)
log_info (_("skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n"),
PKT_signature *newsig;
PACKET *newpkt;
int rc, skip = 0, addonly = 1;
if (sig->flags.notation)
tty_printf ("Current notations for user ID \"%s\":\n",
tty_print_notations (-9, sig);
tty_printf ("No notations on user ID \"%s\"\n", user);
if (notation == NULL)
/* There are no current notations, so there
is no point in trying to un-set them. */
if (notation)
struct notation *n;
int deleting = 0;
notation->next = sig_to_notation (sig);
for (n = notation->next; n; n = n->next)
if (strcmp (n->name, notation->name) == 0)
if (notation->value)
if (strcmp (n->value, notation->value) == 0)
if (notation->flags.ignore)
/* Value match with a delete
flag. */
n->flags.ignore = 1;
deleting = 1;
/* Adding the same notation
twice, so don't add it at
all. */
skip = 1;
tty_printf ("Skipping notation:"
" %s=%s\n",
/* No value, so it means delete. */
n->flags.ignore = 1;
deleting = 1;
if (n->flags.ignore)
tty_printf ("Removing notation: %s=%s\n",
n->name, n->value);
addonly = 0;
if (!notation->flags.ignore && !skip)
tty_printf ("Adding notation: %s=%s\n",
notation->name, notation->value);
/* We tried to delete, but had no matches. */
if (notation->flags.ignore && !deleting)
tty_printf ("Removing all notations\n");
addonly = 0;
if (skip
|| (!addonly
!cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("keyedit.confirm_notation",
_("Proceed? (y/N) "))))
rc = update_keysig_packet (&newsig, sig,
main_pk, uid, NULL,
keygen_add_notations, notation);
if (rc)
log_error ("update_keysig_packet failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
free_notation (notation);
xfree (user);
return 0;
/* replace the packet */
newpkt = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *newpkt);
newpkt->pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
newpkt->pkt.signature = newsig;
free_packet (node->pkt);
xfree (node->pkt);
node->pkt = newpkt;
modified = 1;
if (notation)
/* Snip off the notation list from the sig */
free_notation (notation->next);
notation->next = NULL;
xfree (user);
free_notation (notation);
return modified;
* Select one user id or remove all selection if IDX is 0 or select
* all if IDX is -1. Returns: True if the selection changed.
static int
menu_select_uid (KBNODE keyblock, int idx)
KBNODE node;
int i;
if (idx == -1) /* Select all. */
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
node->flag |= NODFLG_SELUID;
return 1;
else if (idx) /* Toggle. */
for (i = 0, node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
if (++i == idx)
if (!node)
tty_printf (_("No user ID with index %d\n"), idx);
return 0;
for (i = 0, node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
if (++i == idx)
if ((node->flag & NODFLG_SELUID))
node->flag &= ~NODFLG_SELUID;
node->flag |= NODFLG_SELUID;
else /* Unselect all */
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
node->flag &= ~NODFLG_SELUID;
return 1;
/* Search in the keyblock for a uid that matches namehash */
static int
menu_select_uid_namehash (KBNODE keyblock, const char *namehash)
byte hash[NAMEHASH_LEN];
KBNODE node;
int i;
log_assert (strlen (namehash) == NAMEHASH_LEN * 2);
for (i = 0; i < NAMEHASH_LEN; i++)
hash[i] = hextobyte (&namehash[i * 2]);
for (node = keyblock->next; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
namehash_from_uid (node->pkt->pkt.user_id);
if (memcmp (node->pkt->pkt.user_id->namehash, hash, NAMEHASH_LEN) ==
if (node->flag & NODFLG_SELUID)
node->flag &= ~NODFLG_SELUID;
node->flag |= NODFLG_SELUID;
if (!node)
tty_printf (_("No user ID with hash %s\n"), namehash);
return 0;
return 1;
* Select secondary keys
* Returns: True if the selection changed.
static int
menu_select_key (KBNODE keyblock, int idx, char *p)
KBNODE node;
int i, j;
int is_hex_digits;
is_hex_digits = p && strlen (p) >= 8;
if (is_hex_digits)
/* Skip initial spaces. */
while (spacep (p))
p ++;
/* If the id starts with 0x accept and ignore it. */
if (p[0] == '0' && p[1] == 'x')
p += 2;
for (i = 0, j = 0; p[i]; i ++)
if (hexdigitp (&p[i]))
p[j] = toupper (p[i]);
j ++;
else if (spacep (&p[i]))
/* Skip spaces. */
is_hex_digits = 0;
if (is_hex_digits)
/* In case we skipped some spaces, add a new NUL terminator. */
p[j] = 0;
/* If we skipped some spaces, make sure that we still have
at least 8 characters. */
is_hex_digits = (/* Short keyid. */
strlen (p) == 8
/* Long keyid. */
|| strlen (p) == 16
/* Fingerprints are (currently) 32 or 40
characters. */
|| strlen (p) >= 32);
if (is_hex_digits)
int found_one = 0;
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
int match = 0;
if (strlen (p) == 8 || strlen (p) == 16)
u32 kid[2];
char kid_str[17];
keyid_from_pk (node->pkt->pkt.public_key, kid);
format_keyid (kid, strlen (p) == 8 ? KF_SHORT : KF_LONG,
kid_str, sizeof (kid_str));
if (strcmp (p, kid_str) == 0)
match = 1;
char fp[2*MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN + 1];
hexfingerprint (node->pkt->pkt.public_key, fp, sizeof (fp));
if (strcmp (fp, p) == 0)
match = 1;
if (match)
if ((node->flag & NODFLG_SELKEY))
node->flag &= ~NODFLG_SELKEY;
node->flag |= NODFLG_SELKEY;
found_one = 1;
if (found_one)
return 1;
tty_printf (_("No subkey with key ID '%s'.\n"), p);
return 0;
if (idx == -1) /* Select all. */
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
node->flag |= NODFLG_SELKEY;
else if (idx) /* Toggle selection. */
for (i = 0, node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
if (++i == idx)
if (!node)
tty_printf (_("No subkey with index %d\n"), idx);
return 0;
for (i = 0, node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
if (++i == idx)
if ((node->flag & NODFLG_SELKEY))
node->flag &= ~NODFLG_SELKEY;
node->flag |= NODFLG_SELKEY;
else /* Unselect all. */
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
node->flag &= ~NODFLG_SELKEY;
return 1;
static int
count_uids_with_flag (KBNODE keyblock, unsigned flag)
KBNODE node;
int i = 0;
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID && (node->flag & flag))
return i;
static int
count_keys_with_flag (KBNODE keyblock, unsigned flag)
KBNODE node;
int i = 0;
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if ((node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY) && (node->flag & flag))
return i;
static int
count_uids (KBNODE keyblock)
KBNODE node;
int i = 0;
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
return i;
* Returns true if there is at least one selected user id
static int
count_selected_uids (KBNODE keyblock)
return count_uids_with_flag (keyblock, NODFLG_SELUID);
static int
count_selected_keys (KBNODE keyblock)
return count_keys_with_flag (keyblock, NODFLG_SELKEY);
/* Returns how many real (i.e. not attribute) uids are unmarked. */
static int
real_uids_left (KBNODE keyblock)
KBNODE node;
int real = 0;
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID && !(node->flag & NODFLG_SELUID) &&
return real;
* Ask whether the signature should be revoked. If the user commits this,
* flag bit MARK_A is set on the signature and the user ID.
static void
ask_revoke_sig (KBNODE keyblock, KBNODE node)
int doit = 0;
PKT_user_id *uid;
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
KBNODE unode = find_prev_kbnode (keyblock, node, PKT_USER_ID);
if (!unode)
log_error ("Oops: no user ID for signature\n");
uid = unode->pkt->pkt.user_id;
if (opt.with_colons)
if (uid->attrib_data)
printf ("uat:::::::::%u %lu", uid->numattribs, uid->attrib_len);
es_printf ("uid:::::::::");
es_write_sanitized (es_stdout, uid->name, uid->len, ":", NULL);
es_printf ("\n");
print_and_check_one_sig_colon (keyblock, node, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
char *p = utf8_to_native (unode->pkt->pkt.user_id->name,
unode->pkt->pkt.user_id->len, 0);
tty_printf (_("user ID: \"%s\"\n"), p);
xfree (p);
tty_printf (_("signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n"),
keystr (sig->keyid), datestr_from_sig (sig),
sig->flags.exportable ? "" : _(" (non-exportable)"), "");
if (sig->flags.expired)
tty_printf (_("This signature expired on %s.\n"),
expirestr_from_sig (sig));
/* Use a different question so we can have different help text */
doit = cpr_get_answer_is_yes
_("Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) "));
doit = cpr_get_answer_is_yes
_("Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) "));
if (doit)
node->flag |= NODFLG_MARK_A;
unode->flag |= NODFLG_MARK_A;
* Display all user ids of the current public key together with signatures
* done by one of our keys. Then walk over all this sigs and ask the user
* whether he wants to revoke this signature.
* Return: True when the keyblock has changed.
static int
menu_revsig (KBNODE keyblock)
PKT_signature *sig;
PKT_public_key *primary_pk;
KBNODE node;
int changed = 0;
int rc, any, skip = 1, all = !count_selected_uids (keyblock);
struct revocation_reason_info *reason = NULL;
log_assert (keyblock->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
/* First check whether we have any signatures at all. */
any = 0;
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
node->flag &= ~(NODFLG_SELSIG | NODFLG_MARK_A);
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
if (node->flag & NODFLG_SELUID || all)
skip = 0;
skip = 1;
else if (!skip && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& ((sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature),
have_secret_key_with_kid (sig->keyid)))
if ((sig->sig_class & ~3) == 0x10)
any = 1;
if (!any)
tty_printf (_("Not signed by you.\n"));
return 0;
/* FIXME: detect duplicates here */
tty_printf (_("You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n"),
keystr_from_pk (keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key));
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
node->flag &= ~(NODFLG_SELSIG | NODFLG_MARK_A);
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
if (node->flag & NODFLG_SELUID || all)
PKT_user_id *uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
/* Hmmm: Should we show only UIDs with a signature? */
tty_printf (" ");
tty_print_utf8_string (uid->name, uid->len);
tty_printf ("\n");
skip = 0;
skip = 1;
else if (!skip && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& ((sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature),
have_secret_key_with_kid (sig->keyid)))
if ((sig->sig_class & ~3) == 0x10)
tty_printf (" ");
tty_printf (_("signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n"),
keystr (sig->keyid), datestr_from_sig (sig),
sig->flags.exportable ? "" : _(" (non-exportable)"),
sig->flags.revocable ? "" : _(" (non-revocable)"));
if (sig->flags.revocable)
node->flag |= NODFLG_SELSIG;
else if (sig->sig_class == 0x30)
tty_printf (" ");
tty_printf (_("revoked by your key %s on %s\n"),
keystr (sig->keyid), datestr_from_sig (sig));
tty_printf ("\n");
/* ask */
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (!(node->flag & NODFLG_SELSIG))
ask_revoke_sig (keyblock, node);
/* present selected */
any = 0;
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (!(node->flag & NODFLG_MARK_A))
if (!any)
any = 1;
tty_printf (_("You are about to revoke these signatures:\n"));
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
PKT_user_id *uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
tty_printf (" ");
tty_print_utf8_string (uid->name, uid->len);
tty_printf ("\n");
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
tty_printf (" ");
tty_printf (_("signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n"),
keystr (sig->keyid), datestr_from_sig (sig), "",
sig->flags.exportable ? "" : _(" (non-exportable)"));
if (!any)
return 0; /* none selected */
if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes
_("Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) ")))
return 0; /* forget it */
reason = ask_revocation_reason (0, 1, 0);
if (!reason)
{ /* user decided to cancel */
return 0;
/* now we can sign the user ids */
reloop: /* (must use this, because we are modifing the list) */
primary_pk = keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
KBNODE unode;
PACKET *pkt;
struct sign_attrib attrib;
PKT_public_key *signerkey;
if (!(node->flag & NODFLG_MARK_A)
|| node->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SIGNATURE)
unode = find_prev_kbnode (keyblock, node, PKT_USER_ID);
log_assert (unode); /* we already checked this */
memset (&attrib, 0, sizeof attrib);
attrib.reason = reason;
attrib.non_exportable = !node->pkt->pkt.signature->flags.exportable;
node->flag &= ~NODFLG_MARK_A;
signerkey = xmalloc_secure_clear (sizeof *signerkey);
if (get_seckey (signerkey, node->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid))
log_info (_("no secret key\n"));
free_public_key (signerkey);
rc = make_keysig_packet (&sig, primary_pk,
NULL, signerkey, 0x30, 0, 0, 0,
sign_mk_attrib, &attrib, NULL);
free_public_key (signerkey);
if (rc)
write_status_error ("keysig", rc);
log_error (_("signing failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
release_revocation_reason_info (reason);
return changed;
changed = 1; /* we changed the keyblock */
update_trust = 1;
/* Are we revoking our own uid? */
if (primary_pk->keyid[0] == sig->keyid[0] &&
primary_pk->keyid[1] == sig->keyid[1])
unode->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_revoked = 1;
pkt = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pkt);
pkt->pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
pkt->pkt.signature = sig;
insert_kbnode (unode, new_kbnode (pkt), 0);
goto reloop;
release_revocation_reason_info (reason);
return changed;
/* return 0 if revocation of NODE (which must be a User ID) was
successful, non-zero if there was an error. *modified will be set
to 1 if a change was made. */
static int
core_revuid (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock, KBNODE node,
const struct revocation_reason_info *reason, int *modified)
PKT_public_key *pk = keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
gpg_error_t rc;
if (node->pkt->pkttype != PKT_USER_ID)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_USER_ID);
write_status_error ("keysig", rc);
log_error (_("tried to revoke a non-user ID: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
return 1;
PKT_user_id *uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
if (uid->is_revoked)
char *user = utf8_to_native (uid->name, uid->len, 0);
log_info (_("user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n"), user);
xfree (user);
PACKET *pkt;
PKT_signature *sig;
struct sign_attrib attrib;
u32 timestamp = make_timestamp ();
if (uid->created >= timestamp)
/* Okay, this is a problem. The user ID selfsig was
created in the future, so we need to warn the user and
set our revocation timestamp one second after that so
everything comes out clean. */
log_info (_("WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d"
" seconds in the future\n"),
uid->created - timestamp);
timestamp = uid->created + 1;
memset (&attrib, 0, sizeof attrib);
/* should not need to cast away const here; but
revocation_reason_build_cb needs to take a non-const
void* in order to meet the function signtuare for the
mksubpkt argument to make_keysig_packet */
attrib.reason = (struct revocation_reason_info *)reason;
rc = make_keysig_packet (&sig, pk, uid, NULL, pk, 0x30, 0,
timestamp, 0,
sign_mk_attrib, &attrib, NULL);
if (rc)
write_status_error ("keysig", rc);
log_error (_("signing failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
return 1;
pkt = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pkt);
pkt->pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
pkt->pkt.signature = sig;
insert_kbnode (node, new_kbnode (pkt), 0);
/* If the trustdb has an entry for this key+uid then the
trustdb needs an update. */
if (!update_trust
&& ((get_validity (ctrl, pk, uid, NULL, 0) & TRUST_MASK)
update_trust = 1;
#endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/
node->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_revoked = 1;
if (modified)
*modified = 1;
return 0;
/* Revoke a user ID (i.e. revoke a user ID selfsig). Return true if
keyblock changed. */
static int
menu_revuid (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t pub_keyblock)
PKT_public_key *pk = pub_keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
KBNODE node;
int changed = 0;
int rc;
struct revocation_reason_info *reason = NULL;
/* Note that this is correct as per the RFCs, but nevertheless
somewhat meaningless in the real world. 1991 did define the 0x30
sig class, but PGP 2.x did not actually implement it, so it would
probably be safe to use v4 revocations everywhere. -ds */
for (node = pub_keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (pk->version > 3 || (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID &&
node->pkt->pkt.user_id->selfsigversion > 3))
if ((reason = ask_revocation_reason (0, 1, 4)))
goto leave;
reloop: /* (better this way because we are modifying the keyring) */
for (node = pub_keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID && (node->flag & NODFLG_SELUID))
int modified = 0;
rc = core_revuid (ctrl, pub_keyblock, node, reason, &modified);
if (rc)
goto leave;
if (modified)
node->flag &= ~NODFLG_SELUID;
changed = 1;
goto reloop;
if (changed)
commit_kbnode (&pub_keyblock);
release_revocation_reason_info (reason);
return changed;
* Revoke the whole key.
static int
menu_revkey (KBNODE pub_keyblock)
PKT_public_key *pk = pub_keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
int rc, changed = 0;
struct revocation_reason_info *reason;
PACKET *pkt;
PKT_signature *sig;
if (pk->flags.revoked)
tty_printf (_("Key %s is already revoked.\n"), keystr_from_pk (pk));
return 0;
reason = ask_revocation_reason (1, 0, 0);
/* user decided to cancel */
if (!reason)
return 0;
rc = make_keysig_packet (&sig, pk, NULL, NULL, pk,
0x20, 0, 0, 0,
revocation_reason_build_cb, reason, NULL);
if (rc)
write_status_error ("keysig", rc);
log_error (_("signing failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
goto scram;
changed = 1; /* we changed the keyblock */
pkt = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pkt);
pkt->pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
pkt->pkt.signature = sig;
insert_kbnode (pub_keyblock, new_kbnode (pkt), 0);
commit_kbnode (&pub_keyblock);
update_trust = 1;
release_revocation_reason_info (reason);
return changed;
static int
menu_revsubkey (KBNODE pub_keyblock)
PKT_public_key *mainpk;
KBNODE node;
int changed = 0;
int rc;
struct revocation_reason_info *reason = NULL;
reason = ask_revocation_reason (1, 0, 0);
if (!reason)
return 0; /* User decided to cancel. */
reloop: /* (better this way because we are modifing the keyring) */
mainpk = pub_keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
for (node = pub_keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
&& (node->flag & NODFLG_SELKEY))
PACKET *pkt;
PKT_signature *sig;
PKT_public_key *subpk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
struct sign_attrib attrib;
if (subpk->flags.revoked)
tty_printf (_("Subkey %s is already revoked.\n"),
keystr_from_pk (subpk));
memset (&attrib, 0, sizeof attrib);
attrib.reason = reason;
node->flag &= ~NODFLG_SELKEY;
rc = make_keysig_packet (&sig, mainpk, NULL, subpk, mainpk,
0x28, 0, 0, 0, sign_mk_attrib, &attrib,
if (rc)
write_status_error ("keysig", rc);
log_error (_("signing failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
release_revocation_reason_info (reason);
return changed;
changed = 1; /* we changed the keyblock */
pkt = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pkt);
pkt->pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
pkt->pkt.signature = sig;
insert_kbnode (node, new_kbnode (pkt), 0);
goto reloop;
commit_kbnode (&pub_keyblock);
/* No need to set update_trust here since signing keys no longer
are used to certify other keys, so there is no change in trust
when revoking/removing them */
release_revocation_reason_info (reason);
return changed;
/* Note that update_ownertrust is going to mark the trustdb dirty when
enabling or disabling a key. This is arguably sub-optimal as
disabled keys are still counted in the web of trust, but perhaps
not worth adding extra complexity to change. -ds */
static int
enable_disable_key (KBNODE keyblock, int disable)
PKT_public_key *pk =
find_kbnode (keyblock, PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)->pkt->pkt.public_key;
unsigned int trust, newtrust;
trust = newtrust = get_ownertrust (pk);
if (disable)
if (trust == newtrust)
return 0; /* already in that state */
update_ownertrust (pk, newtrust);
return 0;
#endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/
static void
menu_showphoto (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock)
KBNODE node;
int select_all = !count_selected_uids (keyblock);
int count = 0;
PKT_public_key *pk = NULL;
/* Look for the public key first. We have to be really, really,
explicit as to which photo this is, and what key it is a UID on
since people may want to sign it. */
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
PKT_user_id *uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
if ((select_all || (node->flag & NODFLG_SELUID)) &&
uid->attribs != NULL)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < uid->numattribs; i++)
byte type;
u32 size;
if (uid->attribs[i].type == ATTRIB_IMAGE &&
parse_image_header (&uid->attribs[i], &type, &size))
tty_printf (_("Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for "
"key %s (uid %d)\n"),
image_type_to_string (type, 1),
(ulong) size, keystr_from_pk (pk), count);
show_photos (ctrl, &uid->attribs[i], 1, pk, uid);
diff --git a/g10/keygen.c b/g10/keygen.c
index d98b70b94..e3cf81808 100644
--- a/g10/keygen.c
+++ b/g10/keygen.c
@@ -1,4993 +1,4993 @@
/* keygen.c - Generate a key pair
* Copyright (C) 1998-2007, 2009-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "keyserver-internal.h"
#include "call-agent.h"
#include "pkglue.h"
#include "../common/shareddefs.h"
#include "host2net.h"
#include "mbox-util.h"
/* The default algorithms. If you change them remember to change them
also in gpg.c:gpgconf_list. You should also check that the value
is inside the bounds enforced by ask_keysize and gen_xxx. */
#define FUTURE_STD_CURVE "Ed25519"
#define FUTURE_STD_SUBCURVE "Curve25519"
/* Flag bits used during key generation. */
/* Maximum number of supported algorithm preferences. */
#define MAX_PREFS 30
enum para_name {
pKEYCREATIONDATE, /* Same in seconds since epoch. */
pKEYEXPIRE, /* in n seconds */
pSUBKEYEXPIRE, /* in n seconds */
struct para_data_s {
struct para_data_s *next;
int lnr;
enum para_name key;
union {
u32 expire;
u32 creation;
unsigned int usage;
struct revocation_key revkey;
char value[1];
} u;
struct output_control_s
int lnr;
int dryrun;
unsigned int keygen_flags;
int use_files;
struct {
char *fname;
char *newfname;
IOBUF stream;
armor_filter_context_t *afx;
} pub;
struct opaque_data_usage_and_pk {
unsigned int usage;
PKT_public_key *pk;
static int prefs_initialized = 0;
static byte sym_prefs[MAX_PREFS];
static int nsym_prefs;
static byte hash_prefs[MAX_PREFS];
static int nhash_prefs;
static byte zip_prefs[MAX_PREFS];
static int nzip_prefs;
static int mdc_available,ks_modify;
static gpg_error_t parse_algo_usage_expire (ctrl_t ctrl, int for_subkey,
const char *algostr, const char *usagestr,
const char *expirestr,
int *r_algo, unsigned int *r_usage,
u32 *r_expire,
unsigned int *r_nbits, char **r_curve);
static void do_generate_keypair (ctrl_t ctrl, struct para_data_s *para,
struct output_control_s *outctrl, int card );
static int write_keyblock (iobuf_t out, kbnode_t node);
static gpg_error_t gen_card_key (int keyno, int algo, int is_primary,
kbnode_t pub_root, u32 *timestamp,
u32 expireval);
static void
print_status_key_created (int letter, PKT_public_key *pk, const char *handle)
byte array[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN], *s;
char *buf, *p;
size_t i, n;
if (!handle)
handle = "";
buf = xmalloc (MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN*2+31 + strlen (handle) + 1);
p = buf;
if (letter || pk)
*p++ = letter;
if (pk)
*p++ = ' ';
fingerprint_from_pk (pk, array, &n);
s = array;
/* Fixme: Use bin2hex */
for (i=0; i < n ; i++, s++, p += 2)
snprintf (p, 3, "%02X", *s);
if (*handle)
*p++ = ' ';
for (i=0; handle[i] && i < 100; i++)
*p++ = isspace ((unsigned int)handle[i])? '_':handle[i];
*p = 0;
write_status_text ((letter || pk)?STATUS_KEY_CREATED:STATUS_KEY_NOT_CREATED,
xfree (buf);
static void
print_status_key_not_created (const char *handle)
print_status_key_created (0, NULL, handle);
static void
write_uid( KBNODE root, const char *s )
PACKET *pkt = xmalloc_clear(sizeof *pkt );
size_t n = strlen(s);
pkt->pkttype = PKT_USER_ID;
pkt->pkt.user_id = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pkt->pkt.user_id + n);
pkt->pkt.user_id->len = n;
pkt->pkt.user_id->ref = 1;
strcpy(pkt->pkt.user_id->name, s);
add_kbnode( root, new_kbnode( pkt ) );
static void
do_add_key_flags (PKT_signature *sig, unsigned int use)
byte buf[1];
buf[0] = 0;
/* The spec says that all primary keys MUST be able to certify. */
buf[0] |= 0x01;
buf[0] |= 0x02;
buf[0] |= 0x04 | 0x08;
buf[0] |= 0x20;
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_KEY_FLAGS, buf, 1);
keygen_add_key_expire (PKT_signature *sig, void *opaque)
PKT_public_key *pk = opaque;
byte buf[8];
u32 u;
if (pk->expiredate)
if (pk->expiredate > pk->timestamp)
u = pk->expiredate - pk->timestamp;
u = 1;
buf[0] = (u >> 24) & 0xff;
buf[1] = (u >> 16) & 0xff;
buf[2] = (u >> 8) & 0xff;
buf[3] = u & 0xff;
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_KEY_EXPIRE, buf, 4);
/* Make sure we don't leave a key expiration subpacket lying
around */
delete_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_KEY_EXPIRE);
return 0;
/* Add the key usage (i.e. key flags) in SIG from the public keys
* pubkey_usage field. OPAQUE has the public key. */
keygen_add_key_flags (PKT_signature *sig, void *opaque)
PKT_public_key *pk = opaque;
do_add_key_flags (sig, pk->pubkey_usage);
return 0;
static int
keygen_add_key_flags_and_expire (PKT_signature *sig, void *opaque)
struct opaque_data_usage_and_pk *oduap = opaque;
do_add_key_flags (sig, oduap->usage);
return keygen_add_key_expire (sig, oduap->pk);
static int
set_one_pref (int val, int type, const char *item, byte *buf, int *nbuf)
int i;
for (i=0; i < *nbuf; i++ )
if (buf[i] == val)
log_info (_("preference '%s' duplicated\n"), item);
return -1;
if (*nbuf >= MAX_PREFS)
log_info(_("too many cipher preferences\n"));
else if(type==2)
log_info(_("too many digest preferences\n"));
else if(type==3)
log_info(_("too many compression preferences\n"));
return -1;
buf[(*nbuf)++] = val;
return 0;
* Parse the supplied string and use it to set the standard
* preferences. The string may be in a form like the one printed by
* "pref" (something like: "S10 S3 H3 H2 Z2 Z1") or the actual
* cipher/hash/compress names. Use NULL to set the default
* preferences. Returns: 0 = okay
keygen_set_std_prefs (const char *string,int personal)
byte sym[MAX_PREFS], hash[MAX_PREFS], zip[MAX_PREFS];
int nsym=0, nhash=0, nzip=0, val, rc=0;
int mdc=1, modify=0; /* mdc defaults on, modify defaults off. */
char dummy_string[20*4+1]; /* Enough for 20 items. */
if (!string || !ascii_strcasecmp (string, "default"))
if (opt.def_preference_list)
int any_compress = 0;
/* The rationale why we use the order AES256,192,128 is
for compatibility reasons with PGP. If gpg would
define AES128 first, we would get the somewhat
confusing situation:
gpg -r pgpkey -r gpgkey ---gives--> AES256
gpg -r gpgkey -r pgpkey ---gives--> AES
Note that by using --personal-cipher-preferences it is
possible to prefer AES128.
/* Make sure we do not add more than 15 items here, as we
could overflow the size of dummy_string. We currently
have at most 12. */
if ( !openpgp_cipher_test_algo (CIPHER_ALGO_AES256) )
strcat(dummy_string,"S9 ");
if ( !openpgp_cipher_test_algo (CIPHER_ALGO_AES192) )
strcat(dummy_string,"S8 ");
if ( !openpgp_cipher_test_algo (CIPHER_ALGO_AES) )
strcat(dummy_string,"S7 ");
strcat(dummy_string,"S2 "); /* 3DES */
/* The default hash algo order is:
SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-224, SHA-1.
if (!openpgp_md_test_algo (DIGEST_ALGO_SHA256))
strcat (dummy_string, "H8 ");
if (!openpgp_md_test_algo (DIGEST_ALGO_SHA384))
strcat (dummy_string, "H9 ");
if (!openpgp_md_test_algo (DIGEST_ALGO_SHA512))
strcat (dummy_string, "H10 ");
if (!openpgp_md_test_algo (DIGEST_ALGO_SHA224))
strcat (dummy_string, "H11 ");
strcat (dummy_string, "H2 "); /* SHA-1 */
strcat(dummy_string,"Z2 ");
any_compress = 1;
strcat(dummy_string,"Z3 ");
any_compress = 1;
strcat(dummy_string,"Z1 ");
any_compress = 1;
/* In case we have no compress algo at all, declare that
we prefer no compresssion. */
if (!any_compress)
strcat(dummy_string,"Z0 ");
/* Remove the trailing space. */
if (*dummy_string && dummy_string[strlen (dummy_string)-1] == ' ')
dummy_string[strlen (dummy_string)-1] = 0;
else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (string, "none"))
string = "";
char *dup, *tok, *prefstring;
dup = prefstring = xstrdup (string); /* need a writable string! */
while((tok=strsep(&prefstring," ,")))
if((val=string_to_cipher_algo (tok)))
else if((val=string_to_digest_algo (tok)))
else if((val=string_to_compress_algo(tok))>-1)
else if (ascii_strcasecmp(tok,"mdc")==0)
else if (ascii_strcasecmp(tok,"no-mdc")==0)
else if (ascii_strcasecmp(tok,"ks-modify")==0)
else if (ascii_strcasecmp(tok,"no-ks-modify")==0)
log_info (_("invalid item '%s' in preference string\n"),tok);
xfree (dup);
int i;
xmalloc(sizeof(prefitem_t *)*(nsym+1));
for (i=0; i<nsym; i++)
opt.personal_cipher_prefs[i].type = PREFTYPE_SYM;
opt.personal_cipher_prefs[i].value = sym[i];
opt.personal_cipher_prefs[i].type = PREFTYPE_NONE;
opt.personal_cipher_prefs[i].value = 0;
else if(personal==PREFTYPE_HASH)
int i;
xmalloc(sizeof(prefitem_t *)*(nhash+1));
for (i=0; i<nhash; i++)
opt.personal_digest_prefs[i].type = PREFTYPE_HASH;
opt.personal_digest_prefs[i].value = hash[i];
opt.personal_digest_prefs[i].type = PREFTYPE_NONE;
opt.personal_digest_prefs[i].value = 0;
else if(personal==PREFTYPE_ZIP)
int i;
xmalloc(sizeof(prefitem_t *)*(nzip+1));
for (i=0; i<nzip; i++)
opt.personal_compress_prefs[i].type = PREFTYPE_ZIP;
opt.personal_compress_prefs[i].value = zip[i];
opt.personal_compress_prefs[i].type = PREFTYPE_NONE;
opt.personal_compress_prefs[i].value = 0;
memcpy (sym_prefs, sym, (nsym_prefs=nsym));
memcpy (hash_prefs, hash, (nhash_prefs=nhash));
memcpy (zip_prefs, zip, (nzip_prefs=nzip));
mdc_available = mdc;
ks_modify = modify;
prefs_initialized = 1;
return rc;
/* Return a fake user ID containing the preferences. Caller must
free. */
PKT_user_id *
int i,j=0;
PKT_user_id *uid=xmalloc_clear(sizeof(PKT_user_id));
uid->prefs=xmalloc((sizeof(prefitem_t *)*
return uid;
static void
add_feature_mdc (PKT_signature *sig,int enabled)
const byte *s;
size_t n;
int i;
char *buf;
s = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_FEATURES, &n );
/* Already set or cleared */
if (s && n &&
((enabled && (s[0] & 0x01)) || (!enabled && !(s[0] & 0x01))))
if (!s || !n) { /* create a new one */
n = 1;
buf = xmalloc_clear (n);
else {
buf = xmalloc (n);
memcpy (buf, s, n);
buf[0] |= 0x01; /* MDC feature */
buf[0] &= ~0x01;
/* Are there any bits set? */
delete_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_FEATURES);
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_FEATURES, buf, n);
xfree (buf);
static void
add_keyserver_modify (PKT_signature *sig,int enabled)
const byte *s;
size_t n;
int i;
char *buf;
/* The keyserver modify flag is a negative flag (i.e. no-modify) */
s = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_KS_FLAGS, &n );
/* Already set or cleared */
if (s && n &&
((enabled && (s[0] & 0x80)) || (!enabled && !(s[0] & 0x80))))
if (!s || !n) { /* create a new one */
n = 1;
buf = xmalloc_clear (n);
else {
buf = xmalloc (n);
memcpy (buf, s, n);
buf[0] |= 0x80; /* no-modify flag */
buf[0] &= ~0x80;
/* Are there any bits set? */
delete_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_KS_FLAGS);
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_KS_FLAGS, buf, n);
xfree (buf);
keygen_upd_std_prefs (PKT_signature *sig, void *opaque)
if (!prefs_initialized)
keygen_set_std_prefs (NULL, 0);
if (nsym_prefs)
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_SYM, sym_prefs, nsym_prefs);
delete_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_SYM);
delete_sig_subpkt (sig->unhashed, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_SYM);
if (nhash_prefs)
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_HASH, hash_prefs, nhash_prefs);
delete_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_HASH);
delete_sig_subpkt (sig->unhashed, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_HASH);
if (nzip_prefs)
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_COMPR, zip_prefs, nzip_prefs);
delete_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_COMPR);
delete_sig_subpkt (sig->unhashed, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_COMPR);
/* Make sure that the MDC feature flag is set if needed. */
add_feature_mdc (sig,mdc_available);
add_keyserver_modify (sig,ks_modify);
return 0;
* Add preference to the self signature packet.
* This is only called for packets with version > 3.
keygen_add_std_prefs (PKT_signature *sig, void *opaque)
PKT_public_key *pk = opaque;
do_add_key_flags (sig, pk->pubkey_usage);
keygen_add_key_expire (sig, opaque );
keygen_upd_std_prefs (sig, opaque);
keygen_add_keyserver_url (sig,NULL);
return 0;
keygen_add_keyserver_url(PKT_signature *sig, void *opaque)
const char *url=opaque;
delete_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed,SIGSUBPKT_PREF_KS);
return 0;
keygen_add_notations(PKT_signature *sig,void *opaque)
struct notation *notation;
/* We always start clean */
unsigned char *buf;
unsigned int n1,n2;
else if(notation->bdat)
buf = xmalloc( 8 + n1 + n2 );
/* human readable or not */
buf[0] = notation->bdat?0:0x80;
buf[1] = buf[2] = buf[3] = 0;
buf[4] = n1 >> 8;
buf[5] = n1;
buf[6] = n2 >> 8;
buf[7] = n2;
memcpy(buf+8, notation->name, n1 );
memcpy(buf+8+n1, notation->altvalue, n2 );
else if(notation->bdat)
memcpy(buf+8+n1, notation->bdat, n2 );
memcpy(buf+8+n1, notation->value, n2 );
build_sig_subpkt( sig, SIGSUBPKT_NOTATION |
buf, 8+n1+n2 );
return 0;
keygen_add_revkey (PKT_signature *sig, void *opaque)
struct revocation_key *revkey = opaque;
buf[0] = revkey->class;
buf[1] = revkey->algid;
memcpy (&buf[2], revkey->fpr, MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN);
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_REV_KEY, buf, 2+MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN);
/* All sigs with revocation keys set are nonrevocable. */
sig->flags.revocable = 0;
buf[0] = 0;
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_REVOCABLE, buf, 1);
parse_revkeys (sig);
return 0;
/* Create a back-signature. If TIMESTAMP is not NULL, use it for the
signature creation time. */
make_backsig (PKT_signature *sig, PKT_public_key *pk,
PKT_public_key *sub_pk, PKT_public_key *sub_psk,
u32 timestamp, const char *cache_nonce)
gpg_error_t err;
PKT_signature *backsig;
cache_public_key (sub_pk);
err = make_keysig_packet (&backsig, pk, NULL, sub_pk, sub_psk, 0x19,
0, timestamp, 0, NULL, NULL, cache_nonce);
if (err)
log_error ("make_keysig_packet failed for backsig: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
/* Get it into a binary packed form. */
IOBUF backsig_out = iobuf_temp();
PACKET backsig_pkt;
init_packet (&backsig_pkt);
backsig_pkt.pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
backsig_pkt.pkt.signature = backsig;
err = build_packet (backsig_out, &backsig_pkt);
free_packet (&backsig_pkt);
if (err)
log_error ("build_packet failed for backsig: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
size_t pktlen = 0;
byte *buf = iobuf_get_temp_buffer (backsig_out);
/* Remove the packet header. */
if (buf[1] < 192)
pktlen = buf[1];
buf += 2;
else if(buf[1] < 224)
pktlen = (buf[1]-192)*256;
pktlen += buf[2]+192;
buf += 3;
else if (buf[1] == 255)
pktlen = buf32_to_size_t (buf+2);
buf += 6;
BUG ();
int mark = 1;
switch (buf[0]&3)
case 3:
BUG ();
case 2:
pktlen = (size_t)buf[mark++] << 24;
pktlen |= buf[mark++] << 16;
case 1:
pktlen |= buf[mark++] << 8;
case 0:
pktlen |= buf[mark++];
buf += mark;
/* Now make the binary blob into a subpacket. */
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_SIGNATURE, buf, pktlen);
iobuf_close (backsig_out);
return err;
/* Write a direct key signature to the first key in ROOT using the key
PSK. REVKEY is describes the direct key signature and TIMESTAMP is
the timestamp to set on the signature. */
static gpg_error_t
write_direct_sig (KBNODE root, PKT_public_key *psk,
struct revocation_key *revkey, u32 timestamp,
const char *cache_nonce)
gpg_error_t err;
PACKET *pkt;
PKT_signature *sig;
KBNODE node;
PKT_public_key *pk;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("writing direct signature\n"));
/* Get the pk packet from the pub_tree. */
node = find_kbnode (root, PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
if (!node)
BUG ();
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
/* We have to cache the key, so that the verification of the
signature creation is able to retrieve the public key. */
cache_public_key (pk);
/* Make the signature. */
err = make_keysig_packet (&sig, pk, NULL,NULL, psk, 0x1F,
0, timestamp, 0,
keygen_add_revkey, revkey, cache_nonce);
if (err)
log_error ("make_keysig_packet failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err) );
return err;
pkt = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pkt);
pkt->pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
pkt->pkt.signature = sig;
add_kbnode (root, new_kbnode (pkt));
return err;
/* Write a self-signature to the first user id in ROOT using the key
PSK. USE and TIMESTAMP give the extra data we need for the
signature. */
static gpg_error_t
write_selfsigs (KBNODE root, PKT_public_key *psk,
unsigned int use, u32 timestamp, const char *cache_nonce)
gpg_error_t err;
PACKET *pkt;
PKT_signature *sig;
PKT_user_id *uid;
KBNODE node;
PKT_public_key *pk;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("writing self signature\n"));
/* Get the uid packet from the list. */
node = find_kbnode (root, PKT_USER_ID);
if (!node)
BUG(); /* No user id packet in tree. */
uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
/* Get the pk packet from the pub_tree. */
node = find_kbnode (root, PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
if (!node)
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
/* The usage has not yet been set - do it now. */
pk->pubkey_usage = use;
/* We have to cache the key, so that the verification of the
signature creation is able to retrieve the public key. */
cache_public_key (pk);
/* Make the signature. */
err = make_keysig_packet (&sig, pk, uid, NULL, psk, 0x13,
0, timestamp, 0,
keygen_add_std_prefs, pk, cache_nonce);
if (err)
log_error ("make_keysig_packet failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
pkt = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pkt);
pkt->pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
pkt->pkt.signature = sig;
add_kbnode (root, new_kbnode (pkt));
return err;
/* Write the key binding signature. If TIMESTAMP is not NULL use the
signature creation time. PRI_PSK is the key use for signing.
SUB_PSK is a key used to create a back-signature; that one is only
used if USE has the PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG capability. */
static int
write_keybinding (KBNODE root, PKT_public_key *pri_psk, PKT_public_key *sub_psk,
unsigned int use, u32 timestamp, const char *cache_nonce)
gpg_error_t err;
PACKET *pkt;
PKT_signature *sig;
KBNODE node;
PKT_public_key *pri_pk, *sub_pk;
struct opaque_data_usage_and_pk oduap;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info(_("writing key binding signature\n"));
/* Get the primary pk packet from the tree. */
node = find_kbnode (root, PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
if (!node)
pri_pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
/* We have to cache the key, so that the verification of the
* signature creation is able to retrieve the public key. */
cache_public_key (pri_pk);
/* Find the last subkey. */
sub_pk = NULL;
for (node = root; node; node = node->next )
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
sub_pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (!sub_pk)
/* Make the signature. */
oduap.usage = use; = sub_pk;
err = make_keysig_packet (&sig, pri_pk, NULL, sub_pk, pri_psk, 0x18,
0, timestamp, 0,
keygen_add_key_flags_and_expire, &oduap,
if (err)
log_error ("make_keysig_packeto failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Make a backsig. */
err = make_backsig (sig, pri_pk, sub_pk, sub_psk, timestamp, cache_nonce);
if (err)
return err;
pkt = xmalloc_clear ( sizeof *pkt );
pkt->pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
pkt->pkt.signature = sig;
add_kbnode (root, new_kbnode (pkt) );
return err;
static gpg_error_t
ecckey_from_sexp (gcry_mpi_t *array, gcry_sexp_t sexp, int algo)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t list, l2;
char *curve;
int i;
const char *oidstr;
unsigned int nbits;
array[0] = NULL;
array[1] = NULL;
array[2] = NULL;
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (sexp, "public-key", 0);
if (!list)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
l2 = gcry_sexp_cadr (list);
gcry_sexp_release (list);
list = l2;
if (!list)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_OBJ);
l2 = gcry_sexp_find_token (list, "curve", 0);
if (!l2)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_OBJ);
goto leave;
curve = gcry_sexp_nth_string (l2, 1);
if (!curve)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_OBJ);
goto leave;
gcry_sexp_release (l2);
oidstr = openpgp_curve_to_oid (curve, &nbits);
if (!oidstr)
/* That can't happen because we used one of the curves
gpg_curve_to_oid knows about. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
goto leave;
err = openpgp_oid_from_str (oidstr, &array[0]);
if (err)
goto leave;
l2 = gcry_sexp_find_token (list, "q", 0);
if (!l2)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_OBJ);
goto leave;
array[1] = gcry_sexp_nth_mpi (l2, 1, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG);
gcry_sexp_release (l2);
if (!array[1])
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
goto leave;
gcry_sexp_release (list);
if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
array[2] = pk_ecdh_default_params (nbits);
if (!array[2])
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (err)
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
gcry_mpi_release (array[i]);
array[i] = NULL;
return err;
/* Extract key parameters from SEXP and store them in ARRAY. ELEMS is
a string where each character denotes a parameter name. TOPNAME is
the name of the top element above the elements. */
static int
key_from_sexp (gcry_mpi_t *array, gcry_sexp_t sexp,
const char *topname, const char *elems)
gcry_sexp_t list, l2;
const char *s;
int i, idx;
int rc = 0;
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (sexp, topname, 0);
if (!list)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
l2 = gcry_sexp_cadr (list);
gcry_sexp_release (list);
list = l2;
if (!list)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_OBJ);
for (idx=0,s=elems; *s; s++, idx++)
l2 = gcry_sexp_find_token (list, s, 1);
if (!l2)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_OBJ); /* required parameter not found */
goto leave;
array[idx] = gcry_sexp_nth_mpi (l2, 1, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG);
gcry_sexp_release (l2);
if (!array[idx])
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ); /* required parameter invalid */
goto leave;
gcry_sexp_release (list);
if (rc)
for (i=0; i<idx; i++)
gcry_mpi_release (array[i]);
array[i] = NULL;
gcry_sexp_release (list);
return rc;
/* Create a keyblock using the given KEYGRIP. ALGO is the OpenPGP
algorithm of that keygrip. */
static int
do_create_from_keygrip (ctrl_t ctrl, int algo, const char *hexkeygrip,
kbnode_t pub_root, u32 timestamp, u32 expireval,
int is_subkey)
int err;
PACKET *pkt;
PKT_public_key *pk;
gcry_sexp_t s_key;
const char *algoelem;
if (hexkeygrip[0] == '&')
switch (algo)
case PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA: algoelem = "ne"; break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA: algoelem = "pqgy"; break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E: algoelem = "pgy"; break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA: algoelem = ""; break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA: algoelem = ""; break;
default: return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
/* Ask the agent for the public key matching HEXKEYGRIP. */
unsigned char *public;
err = agent_readkey (ctrl, 0, hexkeygrip, &public);
if (err)
return err;
err = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_key, NULL,
public, gcry_sexp_canon_len (public, 0, NULL, NULL));
xfree (public);
if (err)
return err;
/* Build a public key packet. */
pk = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *pk);
if (!pk)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
gcry_sexp_release (s_key);
return err;
pk->timestamp = timestamp;
pk->version = 4;
if (expireval)
pk->expiredate = pk->timestamp + expireval;
pk->pubkey_algo = algo;
|| algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH )
err = ecckey_from_sexp (pk->pkey, s_key, algo);
err = key_from_sexp (pk->pkey, s_key, "public-key", algoelem);
if (err)
log_error ("key_from_sexp failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err) );
gcry_sexp_release (s_key);
free_public_key (pk);
return err;
gcry_sexp_release (s_key);
pkt = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *pkt);
if (!pkt)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
free_public_key (pk);
return err;
pkt->pkttype = is_subkey ? PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY : PKT_PUBLIC_KEY;
pkt->pkt.public_key = pk;
add_kbnode (pub_root, new_kbnode (pkt));
return 0;
/* Common code for the key generation function gen_xxx. */
static int
common_gen (const char *keyparms, int algo, const char *algoelem,
kbnode_t pub_root, u32 timestamp, u32 expireval, int is_subkey,
int keygen_flags, const char *passphrase,
char **cache_nonce_addr, char **passwd_nonce_addr)
int err;
PACKET *pkt;
PKT_public_key *pk;
gcry_sexp_t s_key;
err = agent_genkey (NULL, cache_nonce_addr, passwd_nonce_addr, keyparms,
!!(keygen_flags & KEYGEN_FLAG_NO_PROTECTION),
if (err)
log_error ("agent_genkey failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err) );
return err;
pk = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *pk);
if (!pk)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
gcry_sexp_release (s_key);
return err;
pk->timestamp = timestamp;
pk->version = 4;
if (expireval)
pk->expiredate = pk->timestamp + expireval;
pk->pubkey_algo = algo;
|| algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH )
err = ecckey_from_sexp (pk->pkey, s_key, algo);
err = key_from_sexp (pk->pkey, s_key, "public-key", algoelem);
if (err)
log_error ("key_from_sexp failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err) );
gcry_sexp_release (s_key);
free_public_key (pk);
return err;
gcry_sexp_release (s_key);
pkt = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *pkt);
if (!pkt)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
free_public_key (pk);
return err;
pkt->pkttype = is_subkey ? PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY : PKT_PUBLIC_KEY;
pkt->pkt.public_key = pk;
add_kbnode (pub_root, new_kbnode (pkt));
return 0;
* Generate an Elgamal key.
static int
gen_elg (int algo, unsigned int nbits, KBNODE pub_root,
u32 timestamp, u32 expireval, int is_subkey,
int keygen_flags, const char *passphrase,
char **cache_nonce_addr, char **passwd_nonce_addr)
int err;
char *keyparms;
char nbitsstr[35];
log_assert (is_ELGAMAL (algo));
if (nbits < 1024)
nbits = 2048;
log_info (_("keysize invalid; using %u bits\n"), nbits );
else if (nbits > 4096)
nbits = 4096;
log_info (_("keysize invalid; using %u bits\n"), nbits );
if ((nbits % 32))
nbits = ((nbits + 31) / 32) * 32;
log_info (_("keysize rounded up to %u bits\n"), nbits );
/* Note that we use transient-key only if no-protection has also
been enabled. */
snprintf (nbitsstr, sizeof nbitsstr, "%u", nbits);
keyparms = xtryasprintf ("(genkey(%s(nbits %zu:%s)%s))",
algo == GCRY_PK_ELG_E ? "openpgp-elg" :
algo == GCRY_PK_ELG ? "elg" : "x-oops" ,
strlen (nbitsstr), nbitsstr,
&& (keygen_flags & KEYGEN_FLAG_NO_PROTECTION))?
"(transient-key)" : "" );
if (!keyparms)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = common_gen (keyparms, algo, "pgy",
pub_root, timestamp, expireval, is_subkey,
keygen_flags, passphrase,
cache_nonce_addr, passwd_nonce_addr);
xfree (keyparms);
return err;
* Generate an DSA key
static gpg_error_t
gen_dsa (unsigned int nbits, KBNODE pub_root,
u32 timestamp, u32 expireval, int is_subkey,
int keygen_flags, const char *passphrase,
char **cache_nonce_addr, char **passwd_nonce_addr)
int err;
unsigned int qbits;
char *keyparms;
char nbitsstr[35];
char qbitsstr[35];
if (nbits < 768)
nbits = 2048;
log_info(_("keysize invalid; using %u bits\n"), nbits );
else if ( nbits > 3072 )
nbits = 3072;
log_info(_("keysize invalid; using %u bits\n"), nbits );
if( (nbits % 64) )
nbits = ((nbits + 63) / 64) * 64;
log_info(_("keysize rounded up to %u bits\n"), nbits );
/* To comply with FIPS rules we round up to the next value unless in
expert mode. */
if (! && nbits > 1024 && (nbits % 1024))
nbits = ((nbits + 1023) / 1024) * 1024;
log_info(_("keysize rounded up to %u bits\n"), nbits );
Figure out a q size based on the key size. FIPS 180-3 says:
L = 1024, N = 160
L = 2048, N = 224
L = 2048, N = 256
L = 3072, N = 256
2048/256 is an odd pair since there is also a 2048/224 and
3072/256. Matching sizes is not a very exact science.
We'll do 256 qbits for nbits over 2047, 224 for nbits over 1024
but less than 2048, and 160 for 1024 (DSA1).
if (nbits > 2047)
qbits = 256;
else if ( nbits > 1024)
qbits = 224;
qbits = 160;
if (qbits != 160 )
log_info (_("WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't"
" handle a DSA key with this digest size\n"));
snprintf (nbitsstr, sizeof nbitsstr, "%u", nbits);
snprintf (qbitsstr, sizeof qbitsstr, "%u", qbits);
keyparms = xtryasprintf ("(genkey(dsa(nbits %zu:%s)(qbits %zu:%s)%s))",
strlen (nbitsstr), nbitsstr,
strlen (qbitsstr), qbitsstr,
&& (keygen_flags & KEYGEN_FLAG_NO_PROTECTION))?
"(transient-key)" : "" );
if (!keyparms)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = common_gen (keyparms, PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA, "pqgy",
pub_root, timestamp, expireval, is_subkey,
keygen_flags, passphrase,
cache_nonce_addr, passwd_nonce_addr);
xfree (keyparms);
return err;
* Generate an ECC key
static gpg_error_t
gen_ecc (int algo, const char *curve, kbnode_t pub_root,
u32 timestamp, u32 expireval, int is_subkey,
int keygen_flags, const char *passphrase,
char **cache_nonce_addr, char **passwd_nonce_addr)
gpg_error_t err;
char *keyparms;
log_assert (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA
|| algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH);
if (!curve || !*curve)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_CURVE);
/* Note that we use the "comp" flag with EdDSA to request the use of
a 0x40 compression prefix octet. */
if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA)
keyparms = xtryasprintf
("(genkey(ecc(curve %zu:%s)(flags eddsa comp%s)))",
strlen (curve), curve,
(((keygen_flags & KEYGEN_FLAG_TRANSIENT_KEY)
&& (keygen_flags & KEYGEN_FLAG_NO_PROTECTION))?
" transient-key" : ""));
else if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH && !strcmp (curve, "Curve25519"))
keyparms = xtryasprintf
("(genkey(ecc(curve %zu:%s)(flags djb-tweak comp%s)))",
strlen (curve), curve,
(((keygen_flags & KEYGEN_FLAG_TRANSIENT_KEY)
&& (keygen_flags & KEYGEN_FLAG_NO_PROTECTION))?
" transient-key" : ""));
keyparms = xtryasprintf
("(genkey(ecc(curve %zu:%s)(flags nocomp%s)))",
strlen (curve), curve,
(((keygen_flags & KEYGEN_FLAG_TRANSIENT_KEY)
&& (keygen_flags & KEYGEN_FLAG_NO_PROTECTION))?
" transient-key" : ""));
if (!keyparms)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = common_gen (keyparms, algo, "",
pub_root, timestamp, expireval, is_subkey,
keygen_flags, passphrase,
cache_nonce_addr, passwd_nonce_addr);
xfree (keyparms);
return err;
* Generate an RSA key.
static int
gen_rsa (int algo, unsigned int nbits, KBNODE pub_root,
u32 timestamp, u32 expireval, int is_subkey,
int keygen_flags, const char *passphrase,
char **cache_nonce_addr, char **passwd_nonce_addr)
int err;
char *keyparms;
char nbitsstr[35];
const unsigned maxsize = (opt.flags.large_rsa ? 8192 : 4096);
log_assert (is_RSA(algo));
if (!nbits)
if (nbits < 1024)
nbits = 2048;
log_info (_("keysize invalid; using %u bits\n"), nbits );
else if (nbits > maxsize)
nbits = maxsize;
log_info (_("keysize invalid; using %u bits\n"), nbits );
if ((nbits % 32))
nbits = ((nbits + 31) / 32) * 32;
log_info (_("keysize rounded up to %u bits\n"), nbits );
snprintf (nbitsstr, sizeof nbitsstr, "%u", nbits);
keyparms = xtryasprintf ("(genkey(rsa(nbits %zu:%s)%s))",
strlen (nbitsstr), nbitsstr,
&& (keygen_flags & KEYGEN_FLAG_NO_PROTECTION))?
"(transient-key)" : "" );
if (!keyparms)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = common_gen (keyparms, algo, "ne",
pub_root, timestamp, expireval, is_subkey,
keygen_flags, passphrase,
cache_nonce_addr, passwd_nonce_addr);
xfree (keyparms);
return err;
* check valid days:
* return 0 on error or the multiplier
static int
check_valid_days( const char *s )
if( !digitp(s) )
return 0;
for( s++; *s; s++)
if( !digitp(s) )
if( !*s )
return 1;
if( s[1] )
return 0; /* e.g. "2323wc" */
if( *s == 'd' || *s == 'D' )
return 1;
if( *s == 'w' || *s == 'W' )
return 7;
if( *s == 'm' || *s == 'M' )
return 30;
if( *s == 'y' || *s == 'Y' )
return 365;
return 0;
static void
print_key_flags(int flags)
tty_printf("%s ",_("Sign"));
tty_printf("%s ",_("Certify"));
tty_printf("%s ",_("Encrypt"));
tty_printf("%s ",_("Authenticate"));
/* Ask for the key flags and return them. CURRENT gives the current
* usage which should normally be given as 0. */
unsigned int
ask_key_flags (int algo, int subkey, unsigned int current)
/* TRANSLATORS: Please use only plain ASCII characters for the
translation. If this is not possible use single digits. The
string needs to 8 bytes long. Here is a description of the
s = Toggle signing capability
e = Toggle encryption capability
a = Toggle authentication capability
q = Finish
const char *togglers = _("SsEeAaQq");
char *answer = NULL;
const char *s;
unsigned int possible = openpgp_pk_algo_usage(algo);
if ( strlen(togglers) != 8 )
tty_printf ("NOTE: Bad translation at %s:%d. "
"Please report.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
togglers = "11223300";
/* Only primary keys may certify. */
/* Preload the current set with the possible set, minus
authentication if CURRENT has been given as 0. If CURRENT has
been has non-zero we mask with all possible usages. */
if (current)
current &= possible;
current = (possible&~PUBKEY_USAGE_AUTH);
tty_printf(_("Possible actions for a %s key: "),
? "ECDSA/EdDSA" : openpgp_pk_algo_name (algo));
tty_printf(_("Current allowed actions: "));
tty_printf(_(" (%c) Toggle the sign capability\n"),
tty_printf(_(" (%c) Toggle the encrypt capability\n"),
tty_printf(_(" (%c) Toggle the authenticate capability\n"),
tty_printf(_(" (%c) Finished\n"),togglers[6]);
answer = cpr_get("keygen.flags",_("Your selection? "));
if (*answer == '=')
/* Hack to allow direct entry of the capabilities. */
current = 0;
for (s=answer+1; *s; s++)
if ((*s == 's' || *s == 'S') && (possible&PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG))
current |= PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG;
else if ((*s == 'e' || *s == 'E') && (possible&PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC))
current |= PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC;
else if ((*s == 'a' || *s == 'A') && (possible&PUBKEY_USAGE_AUTH))
else if (!subkey && *s == 'c')
/* Accept 'c' for the primary key because USAGE_CERT
will will be set anyway. This is for folks who
want to experiment with a cert-only primary key. */
else if (strlen(answer)>1)
tty_printf(_("Invalid selection.\n"));
else if(*answer=='\0' || *answer==togglers[6] || *answer==togglers[7])
else if((*answer==togglers[0] || *answer==togglers[1])
&& possible&PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG)
else if((*answer==togglers[2] || *answer==togglers[3])
&& possible&PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC)
else if((*answer==togglers[4] || *answer==togglers[5])
&& possible&PUBKEY_USAGE_AUTH)
tty_printf(_("Invalid selection.\n"));
return current;
/* Check whether we have a key for the key with HEXGRIP. Returns 0 if
there is no such key or the OpenPGP algo number for the key. */
static int
check_keygrip (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexgrip)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *public;
size_t publiclen;
const char *algostr;
if (hexgrip[0] == '&')
err = agent_readkey (ctrl, 0, hexgrip, &public);
if (err)
return 0;
publiclen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (public, 0, NULL, NULL);
get_pk_algo_from_canon_sexp (public, publiclen, &algostr);
xfree (public);
/* FIXME: Mapping of ECC algorithms is probably not correct. */
if (!algostr)
return 0;
else if (!strcmp (algostr, "rsa"))
else if (!strcmp (algostr, "dsa"))
else if (!strcmp (algostr, "elg"))
else if (!strcmp (algostr, "ecc"))
else if (!strcmp (algostr, "ecdsa"))
else if (!strcmp (algostr, "eddsa"))
return 0;
/* Ask for an algorithm. The function returns the algorithm id to
* create. If ADDMODE is false the function won't show an option to
* create the primary and subkey combined and won't set R_USAGE
* either. If a combined algorithm has been selected, the subkey
* algorithm is stored at R_SUBKEY_ALGO. If R_KEYGRIP is given, the
* user has the choice to enter the keygrip of an existing key. That
* keygrip is then stored at this address. The caller needs to free
* it. */
static int
ask_algo (ctrl_t ctrl, int addmode, int *r_subkey_algo, unsigned int *r_usage,
char **r_keygrip)
char *keygrip = NULL;
char *answer = NULL;
int algo;
int dummy_algo;
if (!r_subkey_algo)
r_subkey_algo = &dummy_algo;
tty_printf (_("Please select what kind of key you want:\n"));
if (!addmode)
tty_printf (_(" (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n"), 1 );
if (!addmode)
tty_printf (_(" (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n"), 2 );
tty_printf (_(" (%d) DSA (sign only)\n"), 3 );
tty_printf (_(" (%d) RSA (sign only)\n"), 4 );
if (addmode)
tty_printf (_(" (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n"), 5 );
tty_printf (_(" (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n"), 6 );
if (
tty_printf (_(" (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n"), 7 );
tty_printf (_(" (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n"), 8 );
if ( && !addmode)
tty_printf (_(" (%d) ECC and ECC\n"), 9 );
if (
tty_printf (_(" (%d) ECC (sign only)\n"), 10 );
if (
tty_printf (_(" (%d) ECC (set your own capabilities)\n"), 11 );
if ( && addmode)
tty_printf (_(" (%d) ECC (encrypt only)\n"), 12 );
if ( && r_keygrip)
tty_printf (_(" (%d) Existing key\n"), 13 );
for (;;)
*r_usage = 0;
*r_subkey_algo = 0;
xfree (answer);
answer = cpr_get ("keygen.algo", _("Your selection? "));
cpr_kill_prompt ();
algo = *answer? atoi (answer) : 1;
if ((algo == 1 || !strcmp (answer, "rsa+rsa")) && !addmode)
*r_subkey_algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA;
else if ((algo == 2 || !strcmp (answer, "dsa+elg")) && !addmode)
*r_subkey_algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E;
else if (algo == 3 || !strcmp (answer, "dsa"))
*r_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG;
else if (algo == 4 || !strcmp (answer, "rsa/s"))
*r_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG;
else if ((algo == 5 || !strcmp (answer, "elg")) && addmode)
*r_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC;
else if ((algo == 6 || !strcmp (answer, "rsa/e")) && addmode)
*r_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC;
else if ((algo == 7 || !strcmp (answer, "dsa/*")) &&
*r_usage = ask_key_flags (algo, addmode, 0);
else if ((algo == 8 || !strcmp (answer, "rsa/*")) &&
*r_usage = ask_key_flags (algo, addmode, 0);
else if ((algo == 9 || !strcmp (answer, "ecc+ecc"))
&& && !addmode)
*r_subkey_algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH;
else if ((algo == 10 || !strcmp (answer, "ecc/s")) &&
*r_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG;
else if ((algo == 11 || !strcmp (answer, "ecc/*")) &&
*r_usage = ask_key_flags (algo, addmode, 0);
else if ((algo == 12 || !strcmp (answer, "ecc/e"))
&& && addmode)
*r_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC;
else if ((algo == 13 || !strcmp (answer, "keygrip"))
&& && r_keygrip)
for (;;)
xfree (answer);
answer = tty_get (_("Enter the keygrip: "));
tty_kill_prompt ();
trim_spaces (answer);
if (!*answer)
xfree (answer);
answer = NULL;
if (strlen (answer) != 40 &&
!(answer[0] == '&' && strlen (answer+1) == 40))
(_("Not a valid keygrip (expecting 40 hex digits)\n"));
else if (!(algo = check_keygrip (ctrl, answer)) )
tty_printf (_("No key with this keygrip\n"));
break; /* Okay. */
xfree (keygrip);
keygrip = answer;
answer = NULL;
*r_usage = ask_key_flags (algo, addmode, 0);
tty_printf (_("Invalid selection.\n"));
if (r_keygrip)
*r_keygrip = keygrip;
return algo;
static void
get_keysize_range (int algo,
unsigned int *min, unsigned int *def, unsigned int *max)
*min = 1024;
*max = 4096;
/* Deviations from the standard values. */
*min = 768 : 1024;
/* Return a fixed up keysize depending on ALGO. */
static unsigned int
fixup_keysize (unsigned int nbits, int algo, int silent)
if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA && (nbits % 64))
nbits = ((nbits + 63) / 64) * 64;
if (!silent)
tty_printf (_("rounded up to %u bits\n"), nbits);
else if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA)
if (nbits != 255 && nbits != 441)
if (nbits < 256)
nbits = 255;
nbits = 441;
if (!silent)
tty_printf (_("rounded to %u bits\n"), nbits);
else if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH || algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA)
if (nbits != 256 && nbits != 384 && nbits != 521)
if (nbits < 256)
nbits = 256;
else if (nbits < 384)
nbits = 384;
nbits = 521;
if (!silent)
tty_printf (_("rounded to %u bits\n"), nbits);
else if ((nbits % 32))
nbits = ((nbits + 31) / 32) * 32;
if (!silent)
tty_printf (_("rounded up to %u bits\n"), nbits );
return nbits;
/* Ask for the key size. ALGO is the algorithm. If PRIMARY_KEYSIZE
is not 0, the function asks for the size of the encryption
subkey. */
static unsigned
ask_keysize (int algo, unsigned int primary_keysize)
unsigned int nbits;
unsigned int min, def, max;
int for_subkey = !!primary_keysize;
int autocomp = 0;
get_keysize_range (algo, &min, &def, &max);
if (primary_keysize && !
/* Deduce the subkey size from the primary key size. */
if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA && primary_keysize > 3072)
nbits = 3072; /* For performance reasons we don't support more
than 3072 bit DSA. However we won't see this
case anyway because DSA can't be used as an
encryption subkey ;-). */
nbits = primary_keysize;
autocomp = 1;
goto leave;
tty_printf(_("%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n"),
openpgp_pk_algo_name (algo), min, max);
for (;;)
char *prompt, *answer;
if (for_subkey)
prompt = xasprintf (_("What keysize do you want "
"for the subkey? (%u) "), def);
prompt = xasprintf (_("What keysize do you want? (%u) "), def);
answer = cpr_get ("keygen.size", prompt);
cpr_kill_prompt ();
nbits = *answer? atoi (answer): def;
if(nbits<min || nbits>max)
tty_printf(_("%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n"),
openpgp_pk_algo_name (algo), min, max);
tty_printf (_("Requested keysize is %u bits\n"), nbits);
nbits = fixup_keysize (nbits, algo, autocomp);
return nbits;
/* Ask for the curve. ALGO is the selected algorithm which this
function may adjust. Returns a malloced string with the name of
the curve. BOTH tells that gpg creates a primary and subkey. */
static char *
ask_curve (int *algo, int *subkey_algo)
/* NB: We always use a complete algo list so that we have stable
numbers in the menu regardless on how Gpg was configured. */
struct {
const char *name;
int available; /* Available in Libycrypt (runtime checked) */
int expert_only;
const char* eddsa_curve; /* Corresponding EdDSA curve. */
const char *pretty_name;
int supported; /* Supported by gpg. */
} curves[] = {
# define MY_USE_ECDSADH 1
# define MY_USE_ECDSADH 0
{ "Curve25519", 0, 0, "Ed25519", "Curve 25519", GPG_USE_EDDSA },
{ "Curve448", 0, 1, "Ed448", "Curve 448", 0/*reserved*/ },
{ "NIST P-256", 0, 1, NULL, NULL, MY_USE_ECDSADH },
{ "NIST P-384", 0, 0, NULL, NULL, MY_USE_ECDSADH },
{ "NIST P-521", 0, 1, NULL, NULL, MY_USE_ECDSADH },
{ "brainpoolP256r1", 0, 1, NULL, "Brainpool P-256", MY_USE_ECDSADH },
{ "brainpoolP384r1", 0, 1, NULL, "Brainpool P-384", MY_USE_ECDSADH },
{ "brainpoolP512r1", 0, 1, NULL, "Brainpool P-512", MY_USE_ECDSADH },
{ "secp256k1", 0, 1, NULL, NULL, MY_USE_ECDSADH },
int idx;
char *answer;
char *result = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t keyparms;
tty_printf (_("Please select which elliptic curve you want:\n"));
keyparms = NULL;
for (idx=0; idx < DIM(curves); idx++)
int rc;
curves[idx].available = 0;
if (!curves[idx].supported)
if (! && curves[idx].expert_only)
/* We need to switch from the ECDH name of the curve to the
EDDSA name of the curve if we want a signing key. */
gcry_sexp_release (keyparms);
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&keyparms, NULL,
"(public-key(ecc(curve %s)))",
curves[idx].eddsa_curve? curves[idx].eddsa_curve
/**/ : curves[idx].name);
if (rc)
if (!gcry_pk_get_curve (keyparms, 0, NULL))
if (subkey_algo && curves[idx].eddsa_curve)
/* Both Curve 25519 (or 448) keys are to be created. Check that
Libgcrypt also supports the real Curve25519 (or 448). */
gcry_sexp_release (keyparms);
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&keyparms, NULL,
"(public-key(ecc(curve %s)))",
if (rc)
if (!gcry_pk_get_curve (keyparms, 0, NULL))
curves[idx].available = 1;
tty_printf (" (%d) %s\n", idx + 1,
gcry_sexp_release (keyparms);
for (;;)
answer = cpr_get ("keygen.curve", _("Your selection? "));
cpr_kill_prompt ();
idx = *answer? atoi (answer) : 1;
if (*answer && !idx)
/* See whether the user entered the name of the curve. */
for (idx=0; idx < DIM(curves); idx++)
if (! && curves[idx].expert_only)
if (!stricmp (curves[idx].name, answer)
|| (curves[idx].pretty_name
&& !stricmp (curves[idx].pretty_name, answer)))
if (idx == DIM(curves))
idx = -1;
answer = NULL;
if (idx < 0 || idx >= DIM (curves) || !curves[idx].available)
tty_printf (_("Invalid selection.\n"));
/* If the user selected a signing algorithm and Curve25519
we need to set the algo to EdDSA and update the curve name. */
if ((*algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA || *algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA)
&& curves[idx].eddsa_curve)
if (subkey_algo && *subkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA)
*subkey_algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA;
result = xstrdup (curves[idx].eddsa_curve);
result = xstrdup (curves[idx].name);
if (!result)
result = xstrdup (curves[0].name);
return result;
* Parse an expire string and return its value in seconds.
* Returns (u32)-1 on error.
* This isn't perfect since scan_isodatestr returns unix time, and
* OpenPGP actually allows a 32-bit time *plus* a 32-bit offset.
* Because of this, we only permit setting expirations up to 2106, but
* OpenPGP could theoretically allow up to 2242. I think we'll all
* just cope for the next few years until we get a 64-bit time_t or
* similar.
parse_expire_string( const char *string )
int mult;
u32 seconds;
u32 abs_date = 0;
u32 curtime = make_timestamp ();
time_t tt;
if (!string || !*string || !strcmp (string, "none")
|| !strcmp (string, "never") || !strcmp (string, "-"))
seconds = 0;
else if (!strncmp (string, "seconds=", 8))
seconds = atoi (string+8);
else if ((abs_date = scan_isodatestr(string))
&& (abs_date+86400/2) > curtime)
seconds = (abs_date+86400/2) - curtime;
else if ((tt = isotime2epoch (string)) != (time_t)(-1))
seconds = (u32)tt - curtime;
else if ((mult = check_valid_days (string)))
seconds = atoi (string) * 86400L * mult;
seconds = (u32)(-1);
return seconds;
/* Parse a Creation-Date string which is either "1986-04-26" or
"19860426T042640". Returns 0 on error. */
static u32
parse_creation_string (const char *string)
u32 seconds;
if (!*string)
seconds = 0;
else if ( !strncmp (string, "seconds=", 8) )
seconds = atoi (string+8);
else if ( !(seconds = scan_isodatestr (string)))
time_t tmp = isotime2epoch (string);
seconds = (tmp == (time_t)(-1))? 0 : tmp;
return seconds;
/* object == 0 for a key, and 1 for a sig */
ask_expire_interval(int object,const char *def_expire)
u32 interval;
char *answer;
case 0:
tty_printf(_("Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n"
" 0 = key does not expire\n"
" <n> = key expires in n days\n"
" <n>w = key expires in n weeks\n"
" <n>m = key expires in n months\n"
" <n>y = key expires in n years\n"));
case 1:
tty_printf(_("Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n"
" 0 = signature does not expire\n"
" <n> = signature expires in n days\n"
" <n>w = signature expires in n weeks\n"
" <n>m = signature expires in n months\n"
" <n>y = signature expires in n years\n"));
/* Note: The elgamal subkey for DSA has no expiration date because
* it must be signed with the DSA key and this one has the expiration
* date */
answer = NULL;
u32 curtime;
answer = cpr_get("keygen.valid",_("Key is valid for? (0) "));
char *prompt;
prompt = xasprintf (_("Signature is valid for? (%s) "), def_expire);
answer = cpr_get("siggen.valid",prompt);
curtime = make_timestamp ();
interval = parse_expire_string( answer );
if( interval == (u32)-1 )
tty_printf(_("invalid value\n"));
if( !interval )
? _("Key does not expire at all\n")
: _("Signature does not expire at all\n"));
? _("Key expires at %s\n")
: _("Signature expires at %s\n"),
asctimestamp((ulong)(curtime + interval) ) );
#if SIZEOF_TIME_T <= 4 && !defined (HAVE_UNSIGNED_TIME_T)
if ( (time_t)((ulong)(curtime+interval)) < 0 )
tty_printf (_("Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n"
"However, it will be correctly handled up to"
" 2106.\n"));
#endif /*SIZEOF_TIME_T*/
if ( (time_t)((unsigned long)(curtime+interval)) < curtime )
tty_printf (_("invalid value\n"));
if( cpr_enabled() || cpr_get_answer_is_yes("keygen.valid.okay",
_("Is this correct? (y/N) ")) )
return interval;
u32 x = ask_expire_interval(0,NULL);
return x? make_timestamp() + x : 0;
static PKT_user_id *
uid_from_string (const char *string)
size_t n;
PKT_user_id *uid;
n = strlen (string);
uid = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *uid + n);
uid->len = n;
strcpy (uid->name, string);
uid->ref = 1;
return uid;
/* Return true if the user id UID already exists in the keyblock. */
static int
uid_already_in_keyblock (kbnode_t keyblock, const char *uid)
PKT_user_id *uidpkt = uid_from_string (uid);
kbnode_t node;
int result = 0;
for (node=keyblock; node && !result; node=node->next)
if (!is_deleted_kbnode (node)
&& node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
&& !cmp_user_ids (uidpkt, node->pkt->pkt.user_id))
result = 1;
free_user_id (uidpkt);
return result;
/* Ask for a user ID. With a MODE of 1 an extra help prompt is
printed for use during a new key creation. If KEYBLOCK is not NULL
the function prevents the creation of an already existing user
ID. IF FULL is not set some prompts are not shown. */
static char *
ask_user_id (int mode, int full, KBNODE keyblock)
char *answer;
char *aname, *acomment, *amail, *uid;
if ( !mode )
/* TRANSLATORS: This is the new string telling the user what
gpg is now going to do (i.e. ask for the parts of the user
ID). Note that if you do not translate this string, a
different string will be used, which might still have
a correct translation. */
const char *s1 =
"GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n"
const char *s2 = _(s1);
if (!strcmp (s1, s2))
/* There is no translation for the string thus we to use
the old info text. gettext has no way to tell whether
a translation is actually available, thus we need to
to compare again. */
/* TRANSLATORS: This string is in general not anymore used
but you should keep your existing translation. In case
the new string is not translated this old string will
be used. */
const char *s3 = N_("\n"
"You need a user ID to identify your key; "
"the software constructs the user ID\n"
"from the Real Name, Comment and Email Address in this form:\n"
" \"Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) <>\"\n\n");
const char *s4 = _(s3);
if (strcmp (s3, s4))
s2 = s3; /* A translation exists - use it. */
tty_printf ("%s", s2) ;
uid = aname = acomment = amail = NULL;
for(;;) {
char *p;
int fail=0;
if( !aname ) {
for(;;) {
aname = cpr_get("",_("Real name: "));
if( opt.allow_freeform_uid )
if( strpbrk( aname, "<>" ) )
tty_printf(_("Invalid character in name\n"));
tty_printf(_("The characters '%s' and '%s' may not "
"appear in name\n"), "<", ">");
else if( digitp(aname) )
tty_printf(_("Name may not start with a digit\n"));
else if (*aname && strlen (aname) < 5)
tty_printf(_("Name must be at least 5 characters long\n"));
/* However, we allow an empty name. */
if( !amail ) {
for(;;) {
amail = cpr_get("",_("Email address: "));
if( !*amail || opt.allow_freeform_uid )
break; /* no email address is okay */
else if ( !is_valid_mailbox (amail) )
tty_printf(_("Not a valid email address\n"));
if (!acomment) {
if (full) {
for(;;) {
acomment = cpr_get("keygen.comment",_("Comment: "));
if( !*acomment )
break; /* no comment is okay */
else if( strpbrk( acomment, "()" ) )
tty_printf(_("Invalid character in comment\n"));
else {
xfree (acomment);
acomment = xstrdup ("");
uid = p = xmalloc(strlen(aname)+strlen(amail)+strlen(acomment)+12+10);
if (!*aname && *amail && !*acomment && !random_is_faked ())
{ /* Empty name and comment but with mail address. Use
simplified form with only the non-angle-bracketed mail
address. */
p = stpcpy (p, amail);
p = stpcpy (p, aname );
if (*acomment)
p = stpcpy(stpcpy(stpcpy(p," ("), acomment),")");
if (*amail)
p = stpcpy(stpcpy(stpcpy(p," <"), amail),">");
/* Append a warning if the RNG is switched into fake mode. */
if ( random_is_faked () )
strcpy(p, " (insecure!)" );
/* print a note in case that UTF8 mapping has to be done */
for(p=uid; *p; p++ ) {
if( *p & 0x80 ) {
tty_printf(_("You are using the '%s' character set.\n"),
get_native_charset() );
tty_printf(_("You selected this USER-ID:\n \"%s\"\n\n"), uid);
if( !*amail && !opt.allow_freeform_uid
&& (strchr( aname, '@' ) || strchr( acomment, '@'))) {
fail = 1;
tty_printf(_("Please don't put the email address "
"into the real name or the comment\n") );
if (!fail && keyblock)
if (uid_already_in_keyblock (keyblock, uid))
tty_printf (_("Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n"));
fail = 1;
for(;;) {
/* TRANSLATORS: These are the allowed answers in
lower and uppercase. Below you will find the matching
string which should be translated accordingly and the
letter changed to match the one in the answer string.
n = Change name
c = Change comment
e = Change email
o = Okay (ready, continue)
q = Quit
const char *ansstr = _("NnCcEeOoQq");
if( strlen(ansstr) != 10 )
if( cpr_enabled() ) {
answer = xstrdup (ansstr + (fail?8:6));
answer[1] = 0;
else if (full) {
answer = cpr_get("keygen.userid.cmd", fail?
_("Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? ") :
_("Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? "));
else {
answer = cpr_get("keygen.userid.cmd", fail?
_("Change (N)ame, (E)mail, or (Q)uit? ") :
_("Change (N)ame, (E)mail, or (O)kay/(Q)uit? "));
if( strlen(answer) > 1 )
else if( *answer == ansstr[0] || *answer == ansstr[1] ) {
xfree(aname); aname = NULL;
else if( *answer == ansstr[2] || *answer == ansstr[3] ) {
xfree(acomment); acomment = NULL;
else if( *answer == ansstr[4] || *answer == ansstr[5] ) {
xfree(amail); amail = NULL;
else if( *answer == ansstr[6] || *answer == ansstr[7] ) {
if( fail ) {
tty_printf(_("Please correct the error first\n"));
else {
xfree(aname); aname = NULL;
xfree(acomment); acomment = NULL;
xfree(amail); amail = NULL;
else if( *answer == ansstr[8] || *answer == ansstr[9] ) {
xfree(aname); aname = NULL;
xfree(acomment); acomment = NULL;
xfree(amail); amail = NULL;
xfree(uid); uid = NULL;
if (!amail && !acomment)
xfree(uid); uid = NULL;
if( uid ) {
char *p = native_to_utf8( uid );
xfree( uid );
uid = p;
return uid;
/* Basic key generation. Here we divert to the actual generation
routines based on the requested algorithm. */
static int
do_create (int algo, unsigned int nbits, const char *curve, KBNODE pub_root,
u32 timestamp, u32 expiredate, int is_subkey,
int keygen_flags, const char *passphrase,
char **cache_nonce_addr, char **passwd_nonce_addr)
gpg_error_t err;
/* Fixme: The entropy collecting message should be moved to a
libgcrypt progress handler. */
if (!opt.batch)
tty_printf (_(
"We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n"
"some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n"
"disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number\n"
"generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.\n") );
err = gen_elg (algo, nbits, pub_root, timestamp, expiredate, is_subkey,
keygen_flags, passphrase,
cache_nonce_addr, passwd_nonce_addr);
else if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA)
err = gen_dsa (nbits, pub_root, timestamp, expiredate, is_subkey,
keygen_flags, passphrase,
cache_nonce_addr, passwd_nonce_addr);
else if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA
|| algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
err = gen_ecc (algo, curve, pub_root, timestamp, expiredate, is_subkey,
keygen_flags, passphrase,
cache_nonce_addr, passwd_nonce_addr);
else if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA)
err = gen_rsa (algo, nbits, pub_root, timestamp, expiredate, is_subkey,
keygen_flags, passphrase,
cache_nonce_addr, passwd_nonce_addr);
return err;
/* Generate a new user id packet or return NULL if canceled. If
KEYBLOCK is not NULL the function prevents the creation of an
already existing user ID. If UIDSTR is not NULL the user is not
asked but UIDSTR is used to create the user id packet; if the user
id already exists NULL is returned. UIDSTR is expected to be utf-8
encoded and should have already been checked for a valid length
etc. */
PKT_user_id *
generate_user_id (KBNODE keyblock, const char *uidstr)
PKT_user_id *uid;
char *p;
if (uidstr)
if (uid_already_in_keyblock (keyblock, uidstr))
return NULL; /* Already exists. */
uid = uid_from_string (uidstr);
p = ask_user_id (1, 1, keyblock);
if (!p)
return NULL; /* Canceled. */
uid = uid_from_string (p);
xfree (p);
return uid;
/* Append R to the linked list PARA. */
static void
append_to_parameter (struct para_data_s *para, struct para_data_s *r)
log_assert (para);
while (para->next)
para = para->next;
para->next = r;
/* Release the parameter list R. */
static void
release_parameter_list (struct para_data_s *r)
struct para_data_s *r2;
for (; r ; r = r2)
r2 = r->next;
if (r->key == pPASSPHRASE && *r->u.value)
wipememory (r->u.value, strlen (r->u.value));
xfree (r);
static struct para_data_s *
get_parameter( struct para_data_s *para, enum para_name key )
struct para_data_s *r;
for( r = para; r && r->key != key; r = r->next )
return r;
static const char *
get_parameter_value( struct para_data_s *para, enum para_name key )
struct para_data_s *r = get_parameter( para, key );
return (r && *r->u.value)? r->u.value : NULL;
/* This is similar to get_parameter_value but also returns the empty
string. This is required so that quick_generate_keypair can use an
empty Passphrase to specify no-protection. */
static const char *
get_parameter_passphrase (struct para_data_s *para)
struct para_data_s *r = get_parameter (para, pPASSPHRASE);
return r ? r->u.value : NULL;
static int
get_parameter_algo( struct para_data_s *para, enum para_name key,
int *r_default)
int i;
struct para_data_s *r = get_parameter( para, key );
if (r_default)
*r_default = 0;
if (!r)
return -1;
/* Note that we need to handle the ECC algorithms specified as
strings directly because Libgcrypt folds them all to ECC. */
if (!ascii_strcasecmp (r->u.value, "default"))
/* Note: If you change this default algo, remember to change it
also in gpg.c:gpgconf_list. */
if (r_default)
*r_default = 1;
else if (digitp (r->u.value))
i = atoi( r->u.value );
else if (!strcmp (r->u.value, "ELG-E")
|| !strcmp (r->u.value, "ELG"))
else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (r->u.value, "EdDSA"))
else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (r->u.value, "ECDSA"))
else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (r->u.value, "ECDH"))
i = map_pk_gcry_to_openpgp (gcry_pk_map_name (r->u.value));
i = 0; /* we don't want to allow generation of these algorithms */
return i;
/* Parse a usage string. The usage keywords "auth", "sign", "encr"
* may be elimited by space, tab, or comma. On error -1 is returned
* instead of the usage flags/ */
static int
parse_usagestr (const char *usagestr)
gpg_error_t err;
char **tokens = NULL;
const char *s;
int i;
unsigned int use = 0;
tokens = strtokenize (usagestr, " \t,");
if (!tokens)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("strtokenize failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return -1;
for (i=0; (s = tokens[i]); i++)
if (!*s)
else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (s, "sign"))
else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (s, "encrypt")
|| !ascii_strcasecmp (s, "encr"))
else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (s, "auth"))
else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (s, "cert"))
xfree (tokens);
return -1; /* error */
xfree (tokens);
return use;
* Parse the usage parameter and set the keyflags. Returns -1 on
* error, 0 for no usage given or 1 for usage available.
static int
parse_parameter_usage (const char *fname,
struct para_data_s *para, enum para_name key)
struct para_data_s *r = get_parameter( para, key );
int i;
if (!r)
return 0; /* none (this is an optional parameter)*/
i = parse_usagestr (r->u.value);
if (i == -1)
log_error ("%s:%d: invalid usage list\n", fname, r->lnr );
return -1; /* error */
r->u.usage = i;
return 1;
static int
parse_revocation_key (const char *fname,
struct para_data_s *para, enum para_name key)
struct para_data_s *r = get_parameter( para, key );
struct revocation_key revkey;
char *pn;
int i;
if( !r )
return 0; /* none (this is an optional parameter) */
pn = r->u.value;
goto fail;
/* Skip to the fpr */
while(*pn && *pn!=':')
goto fail;
for(i=0;i<MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN && *pn;i++,pn+=2)
int c=hextobyte(pn);
goto fail;
/* skip to the tag */
while(*pn && *pn!='s' && *pn!='S')
memcpy(&r->u.revkey,&revkey,sizeof(struct revocation_key));
return 0;
log_error("%s:%d: invalid revocation key\n", fname, r->lnr );
return -1; /* error */
static u32
get_parameter_u32( struct para_data_s *para, enum para_name key )
struct para_data_s *r = get_parameter( para, key );
if( !r )
return 0;
if( r->key == pKEYCREATIONDATE )
return r->u.creation;
if( r->key == pKEYEXPIRE || r->key == pSUBKEYEXPIRE )
return r->u.expire;
if( r->key == pKEYUSAGE || r->key == pSUBKEYUSAGE )
return r->u.usage;
return (unsigned int)strtoul( r->u.value, NULL, 10 );
static unsigned int
get_parameter_uint( struct para_data_s *para, enum para_name key )
return get_parameter_u32( para, key );
static struct revocation_key *
get_parameter_revkey( struct para_data_s *para, enum para_name key )
struct para_data_s *r = get_parameter( para, key );
return r? &r->u.revkey : NULL;
static int
proc_parameter_file (ctrl_t ctrl, struct para_data_s *para, const char *fname,
struct output_control_s *outctrl, int card )
struct para_data_s *r;
const char *s1, *s2, *s3;
size_t n;
char *p;
int is_default = 0;
int have_user_id = 0;
int err, algo;
/* Check that we have all required parameters. */
r = get_parameter( para, pKEYTYPE );
algo = get_parameter_algo (para, pKEYTYPE, &is_default);
if (openpgp_pk_test_algo2 (algo, PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG))
log_error ("%s:%d: invalid algorithm\n", fname, r->lnr );
return -1;
log_error ("%s: no Key-Type specified\n",fname);
return -1;
err = parse_parameter_usage (fname, para, pKEYUSAGE);
if (!err)
/* Default to algo capabilities if key-usage is not provided and
no default algorithm has been requested. */
r = xmalloc_clear(sizeof(*r));
r->key = pKEYUSAGE;
r->u.usage = (is_default
: openpgp_pk_algo_usage(algo));
append_to_parameter (para, r);
else if (err == -1)
return -1;
r = get_parameter (para, pKEYUSAGE);
if (r && (r->u.usage & ~openpgp_pk_algo_usage (algo)))
log_error ("%s:%d: specified Key-Usage not allowed for algo %d\n",
fname, r->lnr, algo);
return -1;
is_default = 0;
r = get_parameter( para, pSUBKEYTYPE );
algo = get_parameter_algo (para, pSUBKEYTYPE, &is_default);
if (openpgp_pk_test_algo (algo))
log_error ("%s:%d: invalid algorithm\n", fname, r->lnr );
return -1;
err = parse_parameter_usage (fname, para, pSUBKEYUSAGE);
if (!err)
/* Default to algo capabilities if subkey-usage is not
provided */
r = xmalloc_clear (sizeof(*r));
r->key = pSUBKEYUSAGE;
r->u.usage = (is_default
: openpgp_pk_algo_usage (algo));
append_to_parameter (para, r);
else if (err == -1)
return -1;
r = get_parameter (para, pSUBKEYUSAGE);
if (r && (r->u.usage & ~openpgp_pk_algo_usage (algo)))
log_error ("%s:%d: specified Subkey-Usage not allowed"
" for algo %d\n", fname, r->lnr, algo);
return -1;
if( get_parameter_value( para, pUSERID ) )
/* create the formatted user ID */
s1 = get_parameter_value( para, pNAMEREAL );
s2 = get_parameter_value( para, pNAMECOMMENT );
s3 = get_parameter_value( para, pNAMEEMAIL );
if( s1 || s2 || s3 )
n = (s1?strlen(s1):0) + (s2?strlen(s2):0) + (s3?strlen(s3):0);
r = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *r + n + 20 );
r->key = pUSERID;
p = r->u.value;
if( s1 )
p = stpcpy(p, s1 );
if( s2 )
p = stpcpy(stpcpy(stpcpy(p," ("), s2 ),")");
if( s3 )
p = stpcpy(stpcpy(stpcpy(p," <"), s3 ),">");
append_to_parameter (para, r);
log_error("%s: no User-ID specified\n",fname);
return -1;
/* Set preferences, if any. */
keygen_set_std_prefs(get_parameter_value( para, pPREFERENCES ), 0);
/* Set keyserver, if any. */
s1=get_parameter_value( para, pKEYSERVER );
struct keyserver_spec *spec;
spec = parse_keyserver_uri (s1, 1);
r = get_parameter (para, pKEYSERVER);
log_error("%s:%d: invalid keyserver url\n", fname, r->lnr );
return -1;
/* Set revoker, if any. */
if (parse_revocation_key (fname, para, pREVOKER))
return -1;
/* Make KEYCREATIONDATE from Creation-Date. */
r = get_parameter (para, pCREATIONDATE);
if (r && *r->u.value)
u32 seconds;
seconds = parse_creation_string (r->u.value);
if (!seconds)
log_error ("%s:%d: invalid creation date\n", fname, r->lnr );
return -1;
r->u.creation = seconds;
r->key = pKEYCREATIONDATE; /* Change that entry. */
/* Make KEYEXPIRE from Expire-Date. */
r = get_parameter( para, pEXPIREDATE );
if( r && *r->u.value )
u32 seconds;
seconds = parse_expire_string( r->u.value );
if( seconds == (u32)-1 )
log_error("%s:%d: invalid expire date\n", fname, r->lnr );
return -1;
r->u.expire = seconds;
r->key = pKEYEXPIRE; /* change hat entry */
/* also set it for the subkey */
r = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *r + 20 );
r->u.expire = seconds;
append_to_parameter (para, r);
do_generate_keypair (ctrl, para, outctrl, card );
return 0;
* Kludge to allow non interactive key generation controlled
* by a parameter file.
* Note, that string parameters are expected to be in UTF-8
static void
read_parameter_file (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname )
static struct { const char *name;
enum para_name key;
} keywords[] = {
{ "Key-Type", pKEYTYPE},
{ "Key-Length", pKEYLENGTH },
{ "Key-Curve", pKEYCURVE },
{ "Key-Usage", pKEYUSAGE },
{ "Subkey-Type", pSUBKEYTYPE },
{ "Subkey-Length", pSUBKEYLENGTH },
{ "Subkey-Curve", pSUBKEYCURVE },
{ "Subkey-Usage", pSUBKEYUSAGE },
{ "Name-Real", pNAMEREAL },
{ "Name-Email", pNAMEEMAIL },
{ "Name-Comment", pNAMECOMMENT },
{ "Expire-Date", pEXPIREDATE },
{ "Creation-Date", pCREATIONDATE },
{ "Passphrase", pPASSPHRASE },
{ "Preferences", pPREFERENCES },
{ "Revoker", pREVOKER },
{ "Handle", pHANDLE },
{ "Keyserver", pKEYSERVER },
{ NULL, 0 }
byte *line;
unsigned int maxlen, nline;
char *p;
int lnr;
const char *err = NULL;
struct para_data_s *para, *r;
int i;
struct output_control_s outctrl;
memset( &outctrl, 0, sizeof( outctrl ) ); = new_armor_context ();
if( !fname || !*fname)
fname = "-";
fp = iobuf_open (fname);
if (fp && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (fp)))
iobuf_close (fp);
fp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if (!fp) {
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror(errno) );
iobuf_ioctl (fp, IOBUF_IOCTL_NO_CACHE, 1, NULL);
lnr = 0;
err = NULL;
para = NULL;
maxlen = 1024;
line = NULL;
while ( iobuf_read_line (fp, &line, &nline, &maxlen) ) {
char *keyword, *value;
if( !maxlen ) {
err = "line too long";
for( p = line; isspace(*(byte*)p); p++ )
if( !*p || *p == '#' )
keyword = p;
if( *keyword == '%' ) {
for( ; !isspace(*(byte*)p); p++ )
if( *p )
*p++ = 0;
for( ; isspace(*(byte*)p); p++ )
value = p;
trim_trailing_ws( value, strlen(value) );
if( !ascii_strcasecmp( keyword, "%echo" ) )
log_info("%s\n", value );
else if( !ascii_strcasecmp( keyword, "%dry-run" ) )
outctrl.dryrun = 1;
else if( !ascii_strcasecmp( keyword, "%ask-passphrase" ) )
; /* Dummy for backward compatibility. */
else if( !ascii_strcasecmp( keyword, "%no-ask-passphrase" ) )
; /* Dummy for backward compatibility. */
else if( !ascii_strcasecmp( keyword, "%no-protection" ) )
outctrl.keygen_flags |= KEYGEN_FLAG_NO_PROTECTION;
else if( !ascii_strcasecmp( keyword, "%transient-key" ) )
outctrl.keygen_flags |= KEYGEN_FLAG_TRANSIENT_KEY;
else if( !ascii_strcasecmp( keyword, "%commit" ) ) {
outctrl.lnr = lnr;
if (proc_parameter_file (ctrl, para, fname, &outctrl, 0 ))
(get_parameter_value (para, pHANDLE));
release_parameter_list( para );
para = NULL;
else if( !ascii_strcasecmp( keyword, "%pubring" ) ) {
if( && !strcmp(, value ) )
; /* still the same file - ignore it */
else {
xfree( ); = xstrdup( value );
outctrl.use_files = 1;
else if( !ascii_strcasecmp( keyword, "%secring" ) ) {
/* Ignore this command. */
log_info("skipping control '%s' (%s)\n", keyword, value );
if( !(p = strchr( p, ':' )) || p == keyword ) {
err = "missing colon";
if( *p )
*p++ = 0;
for( ; isspace(*(byte*)p); p++ )
if( !*p ) {
err = "missing argument";
value = p;
trim_trailing_ws( value, strlen(value) );
for(i=0; keywords[i].name; i++ ) {
if( !ascii_strcasecmp( keywords[i].name, keyword ) )
if( !keywords[i].name ) {
err = "unknown keyword";
if( keywords[i].key != pKEYTYPE && !para ) {
err = "parameter block does not start with \"Key-Type\"";
if( keywords[i].key == pKEYTYPE && para ) {
outctrl.lnr = lnr;
if (proc_parameter_file (ctrl, para, fname, &outctrl, 0 ))
(get_parameter_value (para, pHANDLE));
release_parameter_list( para );
para = NULL;
else {
for( r = para; r; r = r->next ) {
if( r->key == keywords[i].key )
if( r ) {
err = "duplicate keyword";
r = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *r + strlen( value ) );
r->lnr = lnr;
r->key = keywords[i].key;
strcpy( r->u.value, value );
r->next = para;
para = r;
if( err )
log_error("%s:%d: %s\n", fname, lnr, err );
else if( iobuf_error (fp) ) {
log_error("%s:%d: read error\n", fname, lnr);
else if( para ) {
outctrl.lnr = lnr;
if (proc_parameter_file (ctrl, para, fname, &outctrl, 0 ))
print_status_key_not_created (get_parameter_value (para, pHANDLE));
if( outctrl.use_files ) { /* close open streams */
iobuf_close( );
/* Must invalidate that ugly cache to actually close it. */
if (
0, (char*);
xfree( );
xfree( );
xfree (line);
release_parameter_list( para );
iobuf_close (fp);
release_armor_context (;
/* Helper for quick_generate_keypair. */
static struct para_data_s *
quickgen_set_para (struct para_data_s *para, int for_subkey,
int algo, int nbits, const char *curve, unsigned int use)
struct para_data_s *r;
r = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *r + 30);
r->key = for_subkey? pSUBKEYUSAGE : pKEYUSAGE;
if (use)
snprintf (r->u.value, 30, "%s%s%s%s",
(use & PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC)? "encr " : "",
(use & PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG)? "sign " : "",
(use & PUBKEY_USAGE_AUTH)? "auth " : "",
(use & PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT)? "cert " : "");
strcpy (r->u.value, for_subkey ? "encr" : "sign");
r->next = para;
para = r;
r = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *r + 20);
r->key = for_subkey? pSUBKEYTYPE : pKEYTYPE;
snprintf (r->u.value, 20, "%d", algo);
r->next = para;
para = r;
if (curve)
r = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *r + strlen (curve));
r->key = for_subkey? pSUBKEYCURVE : pKEYCURVE;
strcpy (r->u.value, curve);
r->next = para;
para = r;
r = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *r + 20);
r->key = for_subkey? pSUBKEYLENGTH : pKEYLENGTH;
sprintf (r->u.value, "%u", nbits);
r->next = para;
para = r;
return para;
* Unattended generation of a standard key.
quick_generate_keypair (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *uid, const char *algostr,
const char *usagestr, const char *expirestr)
gpg_error_t err;
struct para_data_s *para = NULL;
struct para_data_s *r;
struct output_control_s outctrl;
int use_tty;
memset (&outctrl, 0, sizeof outctrl);
use_tty = (!opt.batch && !opt.answer_yes
&& !*algostr && !*usagestr && !*expirestr
&& !cpr_enabled ()
&& gnupg_isatty (fileno (stdin))
&& gnupg_isatty (fileno (stdout))
&& gnupg_isatty (fileno (stderr)));
r = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *r + strlen (uid));
r->key = pUSERID;
strcpy (r->u.value, uid);
r->next = para;
para = r;
uid = trim_spaces (r->u.value);
if (!*uid || (!opt.allow_freeform_uid && !is_valid_user_id (uid)))
log_error (_("Key generation failed: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID));
goto leave;
/* If gpg is directly used on the console ask whether a key with the
given user id shall really be created. */
if (use_tty)
tty_printf (_("About to create a key for:\n \"%s\"\n\n"), uid);
if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes_def ("quick_keygen.okay",
_("Continue? (Y/n) "), 1))
goto leave;
/* Check whether such a user ID already exists. */
memset (&desc, 0, sizeof desc);
desc.mode = KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_EXACT; = uid;
kdbhd = keydb_new ();
if (!kdbhd)
goto leave;
err = keydb_search (kdbhd, &desc, 1, NULL);
keydb_release (kdbhd);
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
log_info (_("A key for \"%s\" already exists\n"), uid);
if (opt.answer_yes)
else if (!use_tty
|| !cpr_get_answer_is_yes_def ("quick_keygen.force",
_("Create anyway? (y/N) "), 0))
write_status_error ("genkey", gpg_error (304));
log_inc_errorcount (); /* we used log_info */
goto leave;
log_info (_("creating anyway\n"));
if ((!*algostr || !strcmp (algostr, "default")
|| !strcmp (algostr, "future-default"))
&& (!*usagestr || !strcmp (usagestr, "default")
|| !strcmp (usagestr, "-")))
if (!strcmp (algostr, "future-default"))
para = quickgen_set_para (para, 0,
para = quickgen_set_para (para, 1,
para = quickgen_set_para (para, 0,
para = quickgen_set_para (para, 1,
if (*expirestr)
u32 expire;
expire = parse_expire_string (expirestr);
if (expire == (u32)-1 )
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
log_error (_("Key generation failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
r = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *r + 20);
r->key = pKEYEXPIRE;
r->u.expire = expire;
r->next = para;
para = r;
/* Extended unattended mode. Creates only the primary key. */
int algo;
unsigned int use;
u32 expire;
unsigned int nbits;
char *curve;
err = parse_algo_usage_expire (ctrl, 0, algostr, usagestr, expirestr,
&algo, &use, &expire, &nbits, &curve);
if (err)
log_error (_("Key generation failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err) );
goto leave;
para = quickgen_set_para (para, 0, algo, nbits, curve, use);
r = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *r + 20);
r->key = pKEYEXPIRE;
r->u.expire = expire;
r->next = para;
para = r;
/* If the pinentry loopback mode is not and we have a static
passphrase (i.e. set with --passphrase{,-fd,-file} while in batch
mode), we use that passphrase for the new key. */
if (opt.pinentry_mode != PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK
&& have_static_passphrase ())
const char *s = get_static_passphrase ();
r = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *r + strlen (s));
r->key = pPASSPHRASE;
strcpy (r->u.value, s);
r->next = para;
para = r;
proc_parameter_file (ctrl, para, "[internal]", &outctrl, 0);
release_parameter_list (para);
* Generate a keypair (fname is only used in batch mode) If
* CARD_SERIALNO is not NULL the function will create the keys on an
* OpenPGP Card. If CARD_BACKUP_KEY has been set and CARD_SERIALNO is
* NOT NULL, the encryption key for the card is generated on the host,
* imported to the card and a backup file created by gpg-agent. If
* FULL is not set only the basic prompts are used (except for batch
* mode).
generate_keypair (ctrl_t ctrl, int full, const char *fname,
const char *card_serialno, int card_backup_key)
unsigned int nbits;
char *uid = NULL;
int algo;
unsigned int use;
int both = 0;
u32 expire;
struct para_data_s *para = NULL;
struct para_data_s *r;
struct output_control_s outctrl;
memset( &outctrl, 0, sizeof( outctrl ) );
if (opt.batch && card_serialno)
/* We don't yet support unattended key generation. */
log_error (_("can't do this in batch mode\n"));
if (opt.batch)
read_parameter_file (ctrl, fname);
if (card_serialno)
gpg_error_t err;
struct agent_card_info_s info;
memset (&info, 0, sizeof (info));
err = agent_scd_getattr ("KEY-ATTR", &info);
if (err)
log_error (_("error getting current key info: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
r = xcalloc (1, sizeof *r + strlen (card_serialno) );
r->key = pSERIALNO;
strcpy( r->u.value, card_serialno);
r->next = para;
para = r;
r = xcalloc (1, sizeof *r + 20 );
r->key = pKEYTYPE;
sprintf( r->u.value, "%d", info.key_attr[0].algo );
r->next = para;
para = r;
r = xcalloc (1, sizeof *r + 20 );
r->key = pKEYUSAGE;
strcpy (r->u.value, "sign");
r->next = para;
para = r;
r = xcalloc (1, sizeof *r + 20 );
r->key = pSUBKEYTYPE;
sprintf( r->u.value, "%d", info.key_attr[1].algo );
r->next = para;
para = r;
r = xcalloc (1, sizeof *r + 20 );
r->key = pSUBKEYUSAGE;
strcpy (r->u.value, "encrypt");
r->next = para;
para = r;
if (info.key_attr[1].algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA)
r = xcalloc (1, sizeof *r + 20 );
sprintf( r->u.value, "%u", info.key_attr[1].nbits);
r->next = para;
para = r;
else if (info.key_attr[1].algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA
|| info.key_attr[1].algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA
|| info.key_attr[1].algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
r = xcalloc (1, sizeof *r + strlen (info.key_attr[1].curve));
r->key = pSUBKEYCURVE;
strcpy (r->u.value, info.key_attr[1].curve);
r->next = para;
para = r;
r = xcalloc (1, sizeof *r + 20 );
r->key = pAUTHKEYTYPE;
sprintf( r->u.value, "%d", info.key_attr[2].algo );
r->next = para;
para = r;
if (card_backup_key)
r = xcalloc (1, sizeof *r + 1);
strcpy (r->u.value, "1");
r->next = para;
para = r;
else if (full) /* Full featured key generation. */
int subkey_algo;
char *curve = NULL;
/* Fixme: To support creating a primary key by keygrip we better
also define the keyword for the parameter file. Note that
the subkey case will never be asserted if a keygrip has been
given. */
algo = ask_algo (ctrl, 0, &subkey_algo, &use, NULL);
if (subkey_algo)
/* Create primary and subkey at once. */
both = 1;
|| algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
curve = ask_curve (&algo, &subkey_algo);
r = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *r + 20 );
r->key = pKEYTYPE;
sprintf( r->u.value, "%d", algo);
r->next = para;
para = r;
nbits = 0;
r = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *r + strlen (curve));
r->key = pKEYCURVE;
strcpy (r->u.value, curve);
r->next = para;
para = r;
r = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *r + 20 );
r->key = pKEYTYPE;
sprintf( r->u.value, "%d", algo);
r->next = para;
para = r;
nbits = ask_keysize (algo, 0);
r = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *r + 20 );
r->key = pKEYLENGTH;
sprintf( r->u.value, "%u", nbits);
r->next = para;
para = r;
r = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *r + 20 );
r->key = pKEYUSAGE;
strcpy( r->u.value, "sign" );
r->next = para;
para = r;
r = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *r + 20 );
r->key = pSUBKEYTYPE;
sprintf( r->u.value, "%d", subkey_algo);
r->next = para;
para = r;
r = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *r + 20 );
r->key = pSUBKEYUSAGE;
strcpy( r->u.value, "encrypt" );
r->next = para;
para = r;
|| algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
&& subkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
/* Need to switch to a different curve for the
encryption key. */
xfree (curve);
curve = xstrdup ("Curve25519");
r = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *r + strlen (curve));
r->key = pSUBKEYCURVE;
strcpy (r->u.value, curve);
r->next = para;
para = r;
else /* Create only a single key. */
/* For ECC we need to ask for the curve before storing the
algo because ask_curve may change the algo. */
|| algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
curve = ask_curve (&algo, NULL);
r = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *r + strlen (curve));
r->key = pKEYCURVE;
strcpy (r->u.value, curve);
r->next = para;
para = r;
r = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *r + 20 );
r->key = pKEYTYPE;
sprintf( r->u.value, "%d", algo );
r->next = para;
para = r;
if (use)
r = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *r + 25 );
r->key = pKEYUSAGE;
sprintf( r->u.value, "%s%s%s",
(use & PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG)? "sign ":"",
(use & PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC)? "encrypt ":"",
(use & PUBKEY_USAGE_AUTH)? "auth":"" );
r->next = para;
para = r;
nbits = 0;
|| algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
/* The curve has already been set. */
nbits = ask_keysize (both? subkey_algo : algo, nbits);
r = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *r + 20 );
r->key = both? pSUBKEYLENGTH : pKEYLENGTH;
sprintf( r->u.value, "%u", nbits);
r->next = para;
para = r;
xfree (curve);
else /* Default key generation. */
tty_printf ( _("Note: Use \"%s %s\""
" for a full featured key generation dialog.\n"),
, "--full-gen-key" );
para = quickgen_set_para (para, 0,
para = quickgen_set_para (para, 1,
expire = full? ask_expire_interval (0, NULL) : 0;
r = xcalloc (1, sizeof *r + 20);
r->key = pKEYEXPIRE;
r->u.expire = expire;
r->next = para;
para = r;
r = xcalloc (1, sizeof *r + 20);
r->u.expire = expire;
r->next = para;
para = r;
uid = ask_user_id (0, full, NULL);
if (!uid)
log_error(_("Key generation canceled.\n"));
release_parameter_list( para );
r = xcalloc (1, sizeof *r + strlen (uid));
r->key = pUSERID;
strcpy (r->u.value, uid);
r->next = para;
para = r;
proc_parameter_file (ctrl, para, "[internal]", &outctrl, !!card_serialno);
release_parameter_list (para);
/* Create and delete a dummy packet to start off a list of kbnodes. */
static void
start_tree(KBNODE *tree)
PACKET *pkt;
/* Write the *protected* secret key to the file. */
static gpg_error_t
card_write_key_to_backup_file (PKT_public_key *sk, const char *backup_dir)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int rc;
char keyid_buffer[2 * 8 + 1];
char name_buffer[50];
char *fname;
mode_t oldmask;
format_keyid (pk_keyid (sk), KF_LONG, keyid_buffer, sizeof (keyid_buffer));
snprintf (name_buffer, sizeof name_buffer, "sk_%s.gpg", keyid_buffer);
fname = make_filename (backup_dir, name_buffer, NULL);
/* Note that the umask call is not anymore needed because
iobuf_create now takes care of it. However, it does not harm
and thus we keep it. */
oldmask = umask (077);
if (is_secured_filename (fname))
fp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
fp = iobuf_create (fname, 1);
umask (oldmask);
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't create backup file '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror (errno) );
goto leave;
pkt = xcalloc (1, sizeof *pkt);
pkt->pkttype = PKT_SECRET_KEY;
pkt->pkt.secret_key = sk;
rc = build_packet (fp, pkt);
if (rc)
log_error ("build packet failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
iobuf_cancel (fp);
char *fprbuf;
iobuf_close (fp);
iobuf_ioctl (NULL, IOBUF_IOCTL_INVALIDATE_CACHE, 0, (char*)fname);
log_info (_("Note: backup of card key saved to '%s'\n"), fname);
fprbuf = hexfingerprint (sk, NULL, 0);
write_status_text_and_buffer (STATUS_BACKUP_KEY_CREATED, fprbuf,
fname, strlen (fname), 0);
xfree (fprbuf);
xfree (pkt);
xfree (fname);
return err;
/* Store key to card and make a backup file in OpenPGP format. */
static gpg_error_t
card_store_key_with_backup (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *sub_psk,
const char *backup_dir)
PKT_public_key *sk;
gnupg_isotime_t timestamp;
gpg_error_t err;
char *hexgrip;
int rc;
struct agent_card_info_s info;
gcry_cipher_hd_t cipherhd = NULL;
char *cache_nonce = NULL;
void *kek = NULL;
size_t keklen;
sk = copy_public_key (NULL, sub_psk);
if (!sk)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
epoch2isotime (timestamp, (time_t)sk->timestamp);
err = hexkeygrip_from_pk (sk, &hexgrip);
if (err)
return err;
memset(&info, 0, sizeof (info));
rc = agent_scd_getattr ("SERIALNO", &info);
if (rc)
return (gpg_error_t)rc;
rc = agent_keytocard (hexgrip, 2, 1, info.serialno, timestamp);
xfree (info.serialno);
if (rc)
err = (gpg_error_t)rc;
goto leave;
err = agent_keywrap_key (ctrl, 1, &kek, &keklen);
if (err)
log_error ("error getting the KEK: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = gcry_cipher_open (&cipherhd, GCRY_CIPHER_AES128,
if (!err)
err = gcry_cipher_setkey (cipherhd, kek, keklen);
if (err)
log_error ("error setting up an encryption context: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = receive_seckey_from_agent (ctrl, cipherhd, 0,
&cache_nonce, hexgrip, sk);
if (err)
log_error ("error getting secret key from agent: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = card_write_key_to_backup_file (sk, backup_dir);
if (err)
log_error ("writing card key to backup file: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
/* Remove secret key data in agent side. */
agent_scd_learn (NULL, 1);
xfree (cache_nonce);
gcry_cipher_close (cipherhd);
xfree (kek);
xfree (hexgrip);
free_public_key (sk);
return err;
static void
do_generate_keypair (ctrl_t ctrl, struct para_data_s *para,
struct output_control_s *outctrl, int card)
gpg_error_t err;
KBNODE pub_root = NULL;
const char *s;
PKT_public_key *pri_psk = NULL;
PKT_public_key *sub_psk = NULL;
struct revocation_key *revkey;
int did_sub = 0;
u32 timestamp;
char *cache_nonce = NULL;
if (outctrl->dryrun)
log_info("dry-run mode - key generation skipped\n");
if ( outctrl->use_files )
if ( outctrl->pub.newfname )
outctrl-> = NULL;
if (outctrl->pub.fname)
0, (char*)outctrl->pub.fname);
xfree( outctrl->pub.fname );
outctrl->pub.fname = outctrl->pub.newfname;
outctrl->pub.newfname = NULL;
if (is_secured_filename (outctrl->pub.fname) )
outctrl-> = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
outctrl-> = iobuf_create (outctrl->pub.fname, 0);
if (!outctrl->
log_error(_("can't create '%s': %s\n"), outctrl->pub.newfname,
strerror(errno) );
if (opt.armor)
outctrl->pub.afx->what = 1;
push_armor_filter (outctrl->pub.afx, outctrl->;
log_assert( outctrl-> );
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("writing public key to '%s'\n"), outctrl->pub.fname );
/* We create the packets as a tree of kbnodes. Because the
structure we create is known in advance we simply generate a
linked list. The first packet is a dummy packet which we flag as
deleted. The very first packet must always be a KEY packet. */
start_tree (&pub_root);
timestamp = get_parameter_u32 (para, pKEYCREATIONDATE);
if (!timestamp)
timestamp = make_timestamp ();
/* Note that, depending on the backend (i.e. the used scdaemon
version), the card key generation may update TIMESTAMP for each
key. Thus we need to pass TIMESTAMP to all signing function to
make sure that the binding signature is done using the timestamp
of the corresponding (sub)key and not that of the primary key.
An alternative implementation could tell the signing function the
node of the subkey but that is more work than just to pass the
current timestamp. */
if (!card)
err = do_create (get_parameter_algo( para, pKEYTYPE, NULL ),
get_parameter_uint( para, pKEYLENGTH ),
get_parameter_value (para, pKEYCURVE),
get_parameter_u32( para, pKEYEXPIRE ), 0,
get_parameter_passphrase (para),
&cache_nonce, NULL);
err = gen_card_key (1, get_parameter_algo( para, pKEYTYPE, NULL ),
1, pub_root, &timestamp,
get_parameter_u32 (para, pKEYEXPIRE));
/* Get the pointer to the generated public key packet. */
if (!err)
pri_psk = pub_root->next->pkt->pkt.public_key;
log_assert (pri_psk);
/* Make sure a few fields are correctly set up before going
further. */
pri_psk->flags.primary = 1;
keyid_from_pk (pri_psk, NULL);
/* We don't use pk_keyid to get keyid, because it also asserts
that main_keyid is set! */
keyid_copy (pri_psk->main_keyid, pri_psk->keyid);
if (!err && (revkey = get_parameter_revkey (para, pREVOKER)))
err = write_direct_sig (pub_root, pri_psk, revkey, timestamp, cache_nonce);
if (!err && (s = get_parameter_value (para, pUSERID)))
write_uid (pub_root, s );
err = write_selfsigs (pub_root, pri_psk,
get_parameter_uint (para, pKEYUSAGE), timestamp,
/* Write the auth key to the card before the encryption key. This
is a partial workaround for a PGP bug (as of this writing, all
versions including 8.1), that causes it to try and encrypt to
the most recent subkey regardless of whether that subkey is
actually an encryption type. In this case, the auth key is an
RSA key so it succeeds. */
if (!err && card && get_parameter (para, pAUTHKEYTYPE))
err = gen_card_key (3, get_parameter_algo( para, pAUTHKEYTYPE, NULL ),
0, pub_root, &timestamp,
get_parameter_u32 (para, pKEYEXPIRE));
if (!err)
err = write_keybinding (pub_root, pri_psk, NULL,
PUBKEY_USAGE_AUTH, timestamp, cache_nonce);
if (!err && get_parameter (para, pSUBKEYTYPE))
sub_psk = NULL;
s = NULL;
if (!card || (s = get_parameter_value (para, pCARDBACKUPKEY)))
err = do_create (get_parameter_algo (para, pSUBKEYTYPE, NULL),
get_parameter_uint (para, pSUBKEYLENGTH),
get_parameter_value (para, pSUBKEYCURVE),
get_parameter_u32 (para, pSUBKEYEXPIRE), 1,
s ? KEYGEN_FLAG_NO_PROTECTION : outctrl->keygen_flags,
get_parameter_passphrase (para),
&cache_nonce, NULL);
/* Get the pointer to the generated public subkey packet. */
if (!err)
kbnode_t node;
for (node = pub_root; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
sub_psk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
log_assert (sub_psk);
if (s)
err = card_store_key_with_backup (ctrl,
sub_psk, gnupg_homedir ());
err = gen_card_key (2, get_parameter_algo (para, pSUBKEYTYPE, NULL),
0, pub_root, &timestamp,
get_parameter_u32 (para, pKEYEXPIRE));
if (!err)
err = write_keybinding (pub_root, pri_psk, sub_psk,
get_parameter_uint (para, pSUBKEYUSAGE),
timestamp, cache_nonce);
did_sub = 1;
if (!err && outctrl->use_files) /* Direct write to specified files. */
err = write_keyblock (outctrl->, pub_root);
if (err)
log_error ("can't write public key: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
else if (!err) /* Write to the standard keyrings. */
pub_hd = keydb_new ();
if (!pub_hd)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = keydb_locate_writable (pub_hd);
if (err)
log_error (_("no writable public keyring found: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
if (!err && opt.verbose)
log_info (_("writing public key to '%s'\n"),
keydb_get_resource_name (pub_hd));
if (!err)
err = keydb_insert_keyblock (pub_hd, pub_root);
if (err)
log_error (_("error writing public keyring '%s': %s\n"),
keydb_get_resource_name (pub_hd), gpg_strerror (err));
keydb_release (pub_hd);
if (!err)
int no_enc_rsa;
PKT_public_key *pk;
no_enc_rsa = ((get_parameter_algo (para, pKEYTYPE, NULL)
&& get_parameter_uint (para, pKEYUSAGE)
&& !((get_parameter_uint (para, pKEYUSAGE)
pk = find_kbnode (pub_root, PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)->pkt->pkt.public_key;
keyid_from_pk (pk, pk->main_keyid);
register_trusted_keyid (pk->main_keyid);
update_ownertrust (pk, ((get_ownertrust (pk) & ~TRUST_MASK)
gen_standard_revoke (pk, cache_nonce);
/* Get rid of the first empty packet. */
commit_kbnode (&pub_root);
if (!opt.batch)
tty_printf (_("public and secret key created and signed.\n") );
tty_printf ("\n");
merge_keys_and_selfsig (pub_root);
list_keyblock_direct (ctrl, pub_root, 0, 1, 1, 1);
if (!opt.batch
&& (get_parameter_algo (para, pKEYTYPE, NULL) == PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA
|| no_enc_rsa )
&& !get_parameter (para, pSUBKEYTYPE) )
tty_printf(_("Note that this key cannot be used for "
"encryption. You may want to use\n"
"the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a "
"subkey for this purpose.\n") );
if (err)
if (opt.batch)
log_error ("key generation failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err) );
tty_printf (_("Key generation failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err) );
write_status_error (card? "card_key_generate":"key_generate", err);
print_status_key_not_created ( get_parameter_value (para, pHANDLE) );
PKT_public_key *pk = find_kbnode (pub_root,
print_status_key_created (did_sub? 'B':'P', pk,
get_parameter_value (para, pHANDLE));
release_kbnode (pub_root);
xfree (cache_nonce);
static gpg_error_t
parse_algo_usage_expire (ctrl_t ctrl, int for_subkey,
const char *algostr, const char *usagestr,
const char *expirestr,
int *r_algo, unsigned int *r_usage, u32 *r_expire,
unsigned int *r_nbits, char **r_curve)
int algo;
unsigned int use, nbits;
u32 expire;
int wantuse;
unsigned int min, def, max;
const char *curve = NULL;
int eccalgo = 0;
*r_curve = NULL;
nbits = 0;
/* Parse the algo string. */
if (!algostr || !*algostr
|| !strcmp (algostr, "default") || !strcmp (algostr, "-"))
else if (!strcmp (algostr, "future-default"))
else if (*algostr == '&' && strlen (algostr) == 41)
/* Take algo from existing key. */
algo = check_keygrip (ctrl, algostr+1);
/* FIXME: We need the curve name as well. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
else if (!strncmp (algostr, "rsa", 3))
if (algostr[3])
nbits = atoi (algostr + 3);
else if (!strncmp (algostr, "elg", 3))
if (algostr[3])
nbits = atoi (algostr + 3);
else if (!strncmp (algostr, "dsa", 3))
if (algostr[3])
nbits = atoi (algostr + 3);
else if ((curve = openpgp_is_curve_supported (algostr, &algo)))
if (!algo)
algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH; /* Default ECC algorithm. */
eccalgo = 1; /* Remember - we may need to fix it up. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CURVE);
/* Parse the usage string. */
if (!usagestr || !*usagestr
|| !strcmp (usagestr, "default") || !strcmp (usagestr, "-"))
; /* Keep default usage */
else if ((wantuse = parse_usagestr (usagestr)) != -1)
use = wantuse;
if (eccalgo && !(use & PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC))
algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA; /* Switch from ECDH to ECDSA. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
/* Make sure a primary key has the CERT usage. */
if (!for_subkey)
/* Check that usage is possible. */
&& !pubkey_get_nsig (algo))
|| ((use & PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC)
&& !pubkey_get_nenc (algo))
|| (for_subkey && (use & PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT)))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_KEY_USAGE);
/* Parse the expire string. */
expire = parse_expire_string (expirestr);
if (expire == (u32)-1 )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
/* Make sure the keysize is in the allowed range. */
get_keysize_range (algo, &min, &def, &max);
if (!nbits)
nbits = def;
else if (nbits < min)
nbits = min;
else if (nbits > max)
nbits = max;
nbits = fixup_keysize (nbits, algo, 1);
if (curve)
*r_curve = xtrystrdup (curve);
if (!*r_curve)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*r_algo = algo;
*r_usage = use;
*r_expire = expire;
*r_nbits = nbits;
return 0;
/* Add a new subkey to an existing key. Returns 0 if a new key has
been generated and put into the keyblocks. If any of ALGOSTR,
USAGESTR, or EXPIRESTR is NULL interactive mode is used. */
generate_subkeypair (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock, const char *algostr,
const char *usagestr, const char *expirestr)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int interactive;
kbnode_t node;
PKT_public_key *pri_psk = NULL;
PKT_public_key *sub_psk = NULL;
int algo;
unsigned int use;
u32 expire;
unsigned int nbits = 0;
char *curve = NULL;
u32 cur_time;
char *key_from_hexgrip = NULL;
char *hexgrip = NULL;
char *serialno = NULL;
char *cache_nonce = NULL;
char *passwd_nonce = NULL;
interactive = (!algostr || !usagestr || !expirestr);
/* Break out the primary key. */
node = find_kbnode (keyblock, PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
if (!node)
log_error ("Oops; primary key missing in keyblock!\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
goto leave;
pri_psk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
cur_time = make_timestamp ();
if (pri_psk->timestamp > cur_time)
ulong d = pri_psk->timestamp - cur_time;
log_info ( d==1 ? _("key has been created %lu second "
"in future (time warp or clock problem)\n")
: _("key has been created %lu seconds "
"in future (time warp or clock problem)\n"), d );
if (!opt.ignore_time_conflict)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TIME_CONFLICT);
goto leave;
if (pri_psk->version < 4)
log_info (_("Note: creating subkeys for v3 keys "
"is not OpenPGP compliant\n"));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFLICT);
goto leave;
err = hexkeygrip_from_pk (pri_psk, &hexgrip);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (agent_get_keyinfo (NULL, hexgrip, &serialno, NULL))
if (interactive)
tty_printf (_("Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n"));
log_info ( _("Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n"));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
goto leave;
if (serialno)
if (interactive)
tty_printf (_("Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n"));
log_info ( _("Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n"));
if (interactive)
algo = ask_algo (ctrl, 1, NULL, &use, &key_from_hexgrip);
log_assert (algo);
if (key_from_hexgrip)
nbits = 0;
else if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA
|| algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
curve = ask_curve (&algo, NULL);
nbits = ask_keysize (algo, 0);
expire = ask_expire_interval (0, NULL);
if (!cpr_enabled() && !cpr_get_answer_is_yes("keygen.sub.okay",
_("Really create? (y/N) ")))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
goto leave;
else /* Unattended mode. */
err = parse_algo_usage_expire (ctrl, 1, algostr, usagestr, expirestr,
&algo, &use, &expire, &nbits, &curve);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Verify the passphrase now so that we get a cache item for the
* primary key passphrase. The agent also returns a passphrase
* nonce, which we can use to set the passphrase for the subkey to
* that of the primary key. */
char *desc = gpg_format_keydesc (pri_psk, FORMAT_KEYDESC_NORMAL, 1);
err = agent_passwd (ctrl, hexgrip, desc, 1 /*=verify*/,
&cache_nonce, &passwd_nonce);
xfree (desc);
/* Start creation. */
if (key_from_hexgrip)
err = do_create_from_keygrip (ctrl, algo, key_from_hexgrip,
keyblock, cur_time, expire, 1);
const char *passwd;
/* If the pinentry loopback mode is not and we have a static
passphrase (i.e. set with --passphrase{,-fd,-file} while in batch
mode), we use that passphrase for the new subkey. */
if (opt.pinentry_mode != PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK
&& have_static_passphrase ())
passwd = get_static_passphrase ();
passwd = NULL;
err = do_create (algo, nbits, curve,
keyblock, cur_time, expire, 1, 0,
passwd, &cache_nonce, &passwd_nonce);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Get the pointer to the generated public subkey packet. */
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
sub_psk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
/* Write the binding signature. */
err = write_keybinding (keyblock, pri_psk, sub_psk, use, cur_time,
if (err)
goto leave;
print_status_key_created ('S', sub_psk, NULL);
xfree (key_from_hexgrip);
xfree (curve);
xfree (hexgrip);
xfree (serialno);
xfree (cache_nonce);
xfree (passwd_nonce);
if (err)
log_error (_("Key generation failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err) );
return err;
/* Generate a subkey on a card. */
generate_card_subkeypair (kbnode_t pub_keyblock,
int keyno, const char *serialno)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
kbnode_t node;
PKT_public_key *pri_pk = NULL;
unsigned int use;
u32 expire;
u32 cur_time;
struct para_data_s *para = NULL;
PKT_public_key *sub_pk = NULL;
int algo;
struct agent_card_info_s info;
log_assert (keyno >= 1 && keyno <= 3);
memset (&info, 0, sizeof (info));
err = agent_scd_getattr ("KEY-ATTR", &info);
if (err)
log_error (_("error getting current key info: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
algo = info.key_attr[keyno-1].algo;
para = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *para + strlen (serialno) );
if (!para)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
para->key = pSERIALNO;
strcpy (para->u.value, serialno);
/* Break out the primary secret key */
node = find_kbnode (pub_keyblock, PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
if (!node)
log_error ("Oops; publkic key lost!\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
goto leave;
pri_pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
cur_time = make_timestamp();
if (pri_pk->timestamp > cur_time)
ulong d = pri_pk->timestamp - cur_time;
log_info (d==1 ? _("key has been created %lu second "
"in future (time warp or clock problem)\n")
: _("key has been created %lu seconds "
"in future (time warp or clock problem)\n"), d );
if (!opt.ignore_time_conflict)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TIME_CONFLICT);
goto leave;
if (pri_pk->version < 4)
log_info (_("Note: creating subkeys for v3 keys "
"is not OpenPGP compliant\n"));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
goto leave;
expire = ask_expire_interval (0, NULL);
if (keyno == 1)
else if (keyno == 2)
if (!cpr_enabled() && !cpr_get_answer_is_yes("keygen.cardsub.okay",
_("Really create? (y/N) ")))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
goto leave;
/* Note, that depending on the backend, the card key generation may
update CUR_TIME. */
err = gen_card_key (keyno, algo, 0, pub_keyblock, &cur_time, expire);
/* Get the pointer to the generated public subkey packet. */
if (!err)
for (node = pub_keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
sub_pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
log_assert (sub_pk);
err = write_keybinding (pub_keyblock, pri_pk, sub_pk,
use, cur_time, NULL);
if (err)
log_error (_("Key generation failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err) );
print_status_key_created ('S', sub_pk, NULL);
release_parameter_list (para);
return err;
* Write a keyblock to an output stream
static int
write_keyblock( IOBUF out, KBNODE node )
for( ; node ; node = node->next )
int rc = build_packet( out, node->pkt );
if( rc )
log_error("build_packet(%d) failed: %s\n",
node->pkt->pkttype, gpg_strerror (rc) );
return rc;
return 0;
/* Note that timestamp is an in/out arg. */
static gpg_error_t
gen_card_key (int keyno, int algo, int is_primary, kbnode_t pub_root,
u32 *timestamp, u32 expireval)
gpg_error_t err;
PACKET *pkt;
PKT_public_key *pk;
char keyid[10];
unsigned char *public;
gcry_sexp_t s_key;
snprintf (keyid, DIM(keyid), "OPENPGP.%d", keyno);
pk = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *pk );
if (!pk)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
pkt = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *pkt);
if (!pkt)
xfree (pk);
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* Note: SCD knows the serialnumber, thus there is no point in passing it. */
err = agent_scd_genkey (keyno, 1, timestamp);
/* The code below is not used because we force creation of
* the a card key (3rd arg).
* if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_EEXIST)
* {
* tty_printf ("\n");
* log_error ("WARNING: key does already exists!\n");
* tty_printf ("\n");
* if ( cpr_get_answer_is_yes( "keygen.card.replace_key",
* _("Replace existing key? ")))
* rc = agent_scd_genkey (keyno, 1, timestamp);
* }
if (err)
log_error ("key generation failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (pkt);
xfree (pk);
return err;
/* Send the READKEY command so that the agent creates a shadow key for
card key. We need to do that now so that we are able to create
the self-signatures. */
err = agent_readkey (NULL, 1, keyid, &public);
if (err)
return err;
err = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_key, NULL, public,
gcry_sexp_canon_len (public, 0, NULL, NULL));
xfree (public);
if (err)
return err;
if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA)
err = key_from_sexp (pk->pkey, s_key, "public-key", "ne");
else if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA
|| algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH )
err = ecckey_from_sexp (pk->pkey, s_key, algo);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO);
gcry_sexp_release (s_key);
if (err)
log_error ("key_from_sexp failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err) );
free_public_key (pk);
return err;
pk->timestamp = *timestamp;
pk->version = 4;
if (expireval)
pk->expiredate = pk->timestamp + expireval;
pk->pubkey_algo = algo;
pkt->pkttype = is_primary ? PKT_PUBLIC_KEY : PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY;
pkt->pkt.public_key = pk;
add_kbnode (pub_root, new_kbnode (pkt));
return 0;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
diff --git a/g10/keyid.c b/g10/keyid.c
index 4380151ee..dd098fd19 100644
--- a/g10/keyid.c
+++ b/g10/keyid.c
@@ -1,981 +1,981 @@
/* keyid.c - key ID and fingerprint handling
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003,
* 2004, 2006, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "rmd160.h"
#include "host2net.h"
#define KEYID_STR_SIZE 19
# define IS_INVALID_TIME_T(a) ((a) == (time_t)(-1))
/* Error or 32 bit time_t and value after 2038-01-19. */
# define IS_INVALID_TIME_T(a) ((a) < 0)
/* Return a letter describing the public key algorithms. */
pubkey_letter( int algo )
switch (algo)
case PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA: return 'R' ;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_E: return 'r' ;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_S: return 's' ;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E: return 'g' ;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL: return 'G' ;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA: return 'D' ;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH: return 'e' ; /* ECC DH (encrypt only) */
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA: return 'E' ; /* ECC DSA (sign only) */
case PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA: return 'E' ; /* ECC EdDSA (sign only) */
default: return '?';
/* Return a string describing the public key algorithm and the
keysize. For elliptic curves the functions prints the name of the
curve because the keysize is a property of the curve. The string
is copied to the supplied buffer up a length of BUFSIZE-1.
Examples for the output are:
"rsa2048" - RSA with 2048 bit
"elg1024" - Elgamal with 1024 bit
"ed25519" - ECC using the curve Ed25519.
"E_1.2.3.4" - ECC using the unsupported curve with OID "".
"E_1." ECC with a bogus OID.
"unknown_N" - Unknown OpenPGP algorithm N.
If the option --legacy-list-mode is active, the output use the
legacy format:
"2048R" - RSA with 2048 bit
"1024g" - Elgamal with 1024 bit
"256E" - ECDSA using a curve with 256 bit
The macro PUBKEY_STRING_SIZE may be used to allocate a buffer with
a suitable size.*/
char *
pubkey_string (PKT_public_key *pk, char *buffer, size_t bufsize)
const char *prefix = NULL;
if (opt.legacy_list_mode)
snprintf (buffer, bufsize, "%4u%c",
nbits_from_pk (pk), pubkey_letter (pk->pubkey_algo));
return buffer;
switch (pk->pubkey_algo)
case PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_S: prefix = "rsa"; break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E: prefix = "elg"; break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA: prefix = "dsa"; break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL: prefix = "xxx"; break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA: prefix = ""; break;
if (prefix && *prefix)
snprintf (buffer, bufsize, "%s%u", prefix, nbits_from_pk (pk));
else if (prefix)
char *curve = openpgp_oid_to_str (pk->pkey[0]);
const char *name = openpgp_oid_to_curve (curve, 0);
if (name)
snprintf (buffer, bufsize, "%s", name);
else if (curve)
snprintf (buffer, bufsize, "E_%s", curve);
snprintf (buffer, bufsize, "E_error");
xfree (curve);
snprintf (buffer, bufsize, "unknown_%u", (unsigned int)pk->pubkey_algo);
return buffer;
/* Hash a public key. This function is useful for v4 fingerprints and
for v3 or v4 key signing. */
hash_public_key (gcry_md_hd_t md, PKT_public_key *pk)
unsigned int n = 6;
unsigned int nn[PUBKEY_MAX_NPKEY];
int i;
unsigned int nbits;
size_t nbytes;
int npkey = pubkey_get_npkey (pk->pubkey_algo);
/* FIXME: We can avoid the extra malloc by calling only the first
mpi_print here which computes the required length and calling the
real mpi_print only at the end. The speed advantage would only be
for ECC (opaque MPIs) or if we could implement an mpi_print
variant with a callback handler to do the hashing. */
if (npkey==0 && pk->pkey[0]
&& gcry_mpi_get_flag (pk->pkey[0], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE))
pp[0] = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (pk->pkey[0], &nbits);
nn[0] = (nbits+7)/8;
for (i=0; i < npkey; i++ )
if (!pk->pkey[i])
/* This case may only happen if the parsing of the MPI
failed but the key was anyway created. May happen
during "gpg KEYFILE". */
pp[i] = NULL;
nn[i] = 0;
else if (gcry_mpi_get_flag (pk->pkey[i], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE))
const void *p;
p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (pk->pkey[i], &nbits);
pp[i] = xmalloc ((nbits+7)/8);
if (p)
memcpy (pp[i], p, (nbits+7)/8);
pp[i] = NULL;
nn[i] = (nbits+7)/8;
n += nn[i];
if (gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_PGP, NULL, 0,
&nbytes, pk->pkey[i]))
BUG ();
pp[i] = xmalloc (nbytes);
if (gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_PGP, pp[i], nbytes,
&nbytes, pk->pkey[i]))
BUG ();
nn[i] = nbytes;
n += nn[i];
gcry_md_putc ( md, 0x99 ); /* ctb */
/* What does it mean if n is greater than than 0xFFFF ? */
gcry_md_putc ( md, n >> 8 ); /* 2 byte length header */
gcry_md_putc ( md, n );
gcry_md_putc ( md, pk->version );
gcry_md_putc ( md, pk->timestamp >> 24 );
gcry_md_putc ( md, pk->timestamp >> 16 );
gcry_md_putc ( md, pk->timestamp >> 8 );
gcry_md_putc ( md, pk->timestamp );
gcry_md_putc ( md, pk->pubkey_algo );
if(npkey==0 && pk->pkey[0]
&& gcry_mpi_get_flag (pk->pkey[0], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE))
if (pp[0])
gcry_md_write (md, pp[0], nn[0]);
for(i=0; i < npkey; i++ )
if (pp[i])
gcry_md_write ( md, pp[i], nn[i] );
static gcry_md_hd_t
do_fingerprint_md( PKT_public_key *pk )
gcry_md_hd_t md;
if (gcry_md_open (&md, DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1, 0))
BUG ();
gcry_md_final( md );
return md;
/* fixme: Check whether we can replace this function or if not
describe why we need it. */
v3_keyid (gcry_mpi_t a, u32 *ki)
byte *buffer, *p;
size_t nbytes;
if (gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, NULL, 0, &nbytes, a ))
BUG ();
/* fixme: allocate it on the stack */
buffer = xmalloc (nbytes);
if (gcry_mpi_print( GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, buffer, nbytes, NULL, a ))
BUG ();
if (nbytes < 8) /* oops */
ki[0] = ki[1] = 0;
p = buffer + nbytes - 8;
ki[0] = buf32_to_u32 (p);
p += 4;
ki[1] = buf32_to_u32 (p);
xfree (buffer);
return ki[1];
/* Return PK's keyid. The memory is owned by PK. */
u32 *
pk_keyid (PKT_public_key *pk)
keyid_from_pk (pk, NULL);
/* Uncomment this for help tracking down bugs related to keyid or
main_keyid not being set correctly. */
#if 0
if (! (pk->main_keyid[0] || pk->main_keyid[1]))
log_bug ("pk->main_keyid not set!\n");
if (keyid_cmp (pk->keyid, pk->main_keyid) == 0
&& ! pk->flags.primary)
log_bug ("keyid and main_keyid are the same, but primary flag not set!\n");
if (keyid_cmp (pk->keyid, pk->main_keyid) != 0
&& pk->flags.primary)
log_bug ("keyid and main_keyid are different, but primary flag set!\n");
return pk->keyid;
/* Return the keyid of the primary key associated with PK. The memory
is owned by PK. */
u32 *
pk_main_keyid (PKT_public_key *pk)
/* Uncomment this for help tracking down bugs related to keyid or
main_keyid not being set correctly. */
#if 0
if (! (pk->main_keyid[0] || pk->main_keyid[1]))
log_bug ("pk->main_keyid not set!\n");
return pk->main_keyid;
/* Copy the keyid in SRC to DEST and return DEST. */
u32 *
keyid_copy (u32 *dest, const u32 *src)
dest[0] = src[0];
dest[1] = src[1];
return dest;
char *
format_keyid (u32 *keyid, int format, char *buffer, int len)
char tmp[KEYID_STR_SIZE];
if (! buffer)
buffer = tmp;
len = sizeof (tmp);
if (format == KF_DEFAULT)
format = opt.keyid_format;
if (format == KF_DEFAULT)
format = KF_NONE;
switch (format)
case KF_NONE:
if (len)
*buffer = 0;
case KF_SHORT:
snprintf (buffer, len, "%08lX", (ulong)keyid[1]);
case KF_LONG:
snprintf (buffer, len, "%08lX%08lX", (ulong)keyid[0], (ulong)keyid[1]);
case KF_0xSHORT:
snprintf (buffer, len, "0x%08lX", (ulong)keyid[1]);
case KF_0xLONG:
snprintf (buffer, len, "0x%08lX%08lX", (ulong)keyid[0],(ulong)keyid[1]);
if (buffer == tmp)
return xstrdup (buffer);
return buffer;
int format = opt.keyid_format;
if (format == KF_DEFAULT)
format = KF_NONE;
case KF_NONE:
return 0;
case KF_SHORT:
return 8;
case KF_LONG:
return 16;
case KF_0xSHORT:
return 10;
case KF_0xLONG:
return 18;
const char *
keystr (u32 *keyid)
static char keyid_str[KEYID_STR_SIZE];
int format = opt.keyid_format;
if (format == KF_DEFAULT)
format = KF_NONE;
if (format == KF_NONE)
format = KF_LONG;
return format_keyid (keyid, format, keyid_str, sizeof (keyid_str));
/* This function returns the key id of the main and possible the
* subkey as one string. It is used by error messages. */
const char *
keystr_with_sub (u32 *main_kid, u32 *sub_kid)
static char buffer[KEYID_STR_SIZE+1+KEYID_STR_SIZE];
char *p;
int format = opt.keyid_format;
if (format == KF_NONE)
format = KF_LONG;
format_keyid (main_kid, format, buffer, KEYID_STR_SIZE);
if (sub_kid)
p = buffer + strlen (buffer);
*p++ = '/';
format_keyid (sub_kid, format, p, KEYID_STR_SIZE);
return buffer;
const char *
keystr_from_pk(PKT_public_key *pk)
return keystr(pk->keyid);
const char *
keystr_from_pk_with_sub (PKT_public_key *main_pk, PKT_public_key *sub_pk)
keyid_from_pk (main_pk, NULL);
if (sub_pk)
keyid_from_pk (sub_pk, NULL);
return keystr_with_sub (main_pk->keyid, sub_pk? sub_pk->keyid:NULL);
/* Return PK's key id as a string using the default format. PK owns
the storage. */
const char *
pk_keyid_str (PKT_public_key *pk)
return keystr (pk_keyid (pk));
const char *
keystr_from_desc(KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc)
return keystr(desc->u.kid);
u32 keyid[2];
keyid[0] = buf32_to_u32 (desc->u.fpr+12);
keyid[1] = buf32_to_u32 (desc->u.fpr+16);
return keystr(keyid);
return "?v3 fpr?";
* Get the keyid from the public key and put it into keyid
* if this is not NULL. Return the 32 low bits of the keyid.
keyid_from_pk (PKT_public_key *pk, u32 *keyid)
u32 lowbits;
u32 dummy_keyid[2];
if (!keyid)
keyid = dummy_keyid;
if( pk->keyid[0] || pk->keyid[1] )
keyid[0] = pk->keyid[0];
keyid[1] = pk->keyid[1];
lowbits = keyid[1];
const byte *dp;
gcry_md_hd_t md;
md = do_fingerprint_md(pk);
dp = gcry_md_read ( md, 0 );
keyid[0] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+12);
keyid[1] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+16);
lowbits = keyid[1];
gcry_md_close (md);
pk->keyid[0] = keyid[0];
pk->keyid[1] = keyid[1];
return lowbits;
* Get the keyid from the fingerprint. This function is simple for most
* keys, but has to do a keylookup for old stayle keys.
keyid_from_fingerprint( const byte *fprint, size_t fprint_len, u32 *keyid )
u32 dummy_keyid[2];
if( !keyid )
keyid = dummy_keyid;
if (fprint_len != 20)
/* This is special as we have to lookup the key first. */
PKT_public_key pk;
int rc;
memset (&pk, 0, sizeof pk);
rc = get_pubkey_byfprint (&pk, NULL, fprint, fprint_len);
if( rc )
log_error("Oops: keyid_from_fingerprint: no pubkey\n");
keyid[0] = 0;
keyid[1] = 0;
keyid_from_pk (&pk, keyid);
const byte *dp = fprint;
keyid[0] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+12);
keyid[1] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+16);
return keyid[1];
keyid_from_sig (PKT_signature *sig, u32 *keyid)
if( keyid )
keyid[0] = sig->keyid[0];
keyid[1] = sig->keyid[1];
return sig->keyid[1];
byte *
namehash_from_uid (PKT_user_id *uid)
if (!uid->namehash)
uid->namehash = xmalloc (20);
if (uid->attrib_data)
rmd160_hash_buffer (uid->namehash, uid->attrib_data, uid->attrib_len);
rmd160_hash_buffer (uid->namehash, uid->name, uid->len);
return uid->namehash;
* Return the number of bits used in PK.
unsigned int
nbits_from_pk (PKT_public_key *pk)
return pubkey_nbits (pk->pubkey_algo, pk->pkey);
static const char *
mk_datestr (char *buffer, time_t atime)
struct tm *tp;
if (IS_INVALID_TIME_T (atime))
strcpy (buffer, "????" "-??" "-??"); /* Mark this as invalid. */
tp = gmtime (&atime);
sprintf (buffer,"%04d-%02d-%02d",
1900+tp->tm_year, tp->tm_mon+1, tp->tm_mday );
return buffer;
* return a string with the creation date of the pk
* Note: this is alloced in a static buffer.
* Format is: yyyy-mm-dd
const char *
datestr_from_pk (PKT_public_key *pk)
static char buffer[11+5];
time_t atime = pk->timestamp;
return mk_datestr (buffer, atime);
const char *
datestr_from_sig (PKT_signature *sig )
static char buffer[11+5];
time_t atime = sig->timestamp;
return mk_datestr (buffer, atime);
const char *
expirestr_from_pk (PKT_public_key *pk)
static char buffer[11+5];
time_t atime;
if (!pk->expiredate)
return _("never ");
atime = pk->expiredate;
return mk_datestr (buffer, atime);
const char *
expirestr_from_sig (PKT_signature *sig)
static char buffer[11+5];
time_t atime;
if (!sig->expiredate)
return _("never ");
return mk_datestr (buffer, atime);
const char *
revokestr_from_pk( PKT_public_key *pk )
static char buffer[11+5];
time_t atime;
return _("never ");
return mk_datestr (buffer, atime);
const char *
usagestr_from_pk (PKT_public_key *pk, int fill)
static char buffer[10];
int i = 0;
unsigned int use = pk->pubkey_usage;
if ( use & PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG )
buffer[i++] = 'S';
if ( use & PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT )
buffer[i++] = 'C';
if ( use & PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC )
buffer[i++] = 'E';
if ( (use & PUBKEY_USAGE_AUTH) )
buffer[i++] = 'A';
while (fill && i < 4)
buffer[i++] = ' ';
buffer[i] = 0;
return buffer;
const char *
colon_strtime (u32 t)
static char buf[20];
if (!t)
return "";
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%lu", (ulong)t);
return buf;
const char *
colon_datestr_from_pk (PKT_public_key *pk)
static char buf[20];
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%lu", (ulong)pk->timestamp);
return buf;
const char *
colon_datestr_from_sig (PKT_signature *sig)
static char buf[20];
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%lu", (ulong)sig->timestamp);
return buf;
const char *
colon_expirestr_from_sig (PKT_signature *sig)
static char buf[20];
if (!sig->expiredate)
return "";
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf,"%lu", (ulong)sig->expiredate);
return buf;
* Return a byte array with the fingerprint for the given PK/SK
* The length of the array is returned in ret_len. Caller must free
* the array or provide an array of length MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN.
byte *
fingerprint_from_pk (PKT_public_key *pk, byte *array, size_t *ret_len)
const byte *dp;
size_t len;
gcry_md_hd_t md;
md = do_fingerprint_md(pk);
dp = gcry_md_read( md, 0 );
len = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (gcry_md_get_algo (md));
log_assert( len <= MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN );
if (!array)
array = xmalloc ( len );
memcpy (array, dp, len );
pk->keyid[0] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+12);
pk->keyid[1] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+16);
gcry_md_close( md);
if (ret_len)
*ret_len = len;
return array;
/* Return an allocated buffer with the fingerprint of PK formatted as
a plain hexstring. If BUFFER is NULL the result is a malloc'd
string. If BUFFER is not NULL the result will be copied into this
buffer. In the latter case BUFLEN describes the length of the
buffer; if this is too short the function terminates the process.
Returns a malloc'ed string or BUFFER. A suitable length for BUFFER
is (2*MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN + 1). */
char *
hexfingerprint (PKT_public_key *pk, char *buffer, size_t buflen)
unsigned char fpr[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN];
size_t len;
fingerprint_from_pk (pk, fpr, &len);
if (!buffer)
buffer = xmalloc (2 * len + 1);
else if (buflen < 2*len+1)
log_fatal ("%s: buffer too short (%zu)\n", __func__, buflen);
bin2hex (fpr, len, buffer);
return buffer;
/* Pretty print a hex fingerprint. If BUFFER is NULL the result is a
malloc'd string. If BUFFER is not NULL the result will be copied
into this buffer. In the latter case BUFLEN describes the length
of the buffer; if this is too short the function terminates the
process. Returns a malloc'ed string or BUFFER. A suitable length
char *
format_hexfingerprint (const char *fingerprint, char *buffer, size_t buflen)
int hexlen = strlen (fingerprint);
int space;
int i, j;
if (hexlen == 40) /* v4 fingerprint */
space = (/* The characters and the NUL. */
40 + 1
/* After every fourth character, we add a space (except
the last). */
+ 40 / 4 - 1
/* Half way through we add a second space. */
+ 1);
else /* Other fingerprint versions - print as is. */
space = hexlen + 1;
if (!buffer)
buffer = xmalloc (space);
else if (buflen < space)
log_fatal ("%s: buffer too short (%zu)\n", __func__, buflen);
if (hexlen == 40) /* v4 fingerprint */
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < 40; i ++)
if (i && i % 4 == 0)
buffer[j ++] = ' ';
if (i == 40 / 2)
buffer[j ++] = ' ';
buffer[j ++] = fingerprint[i];
buffer[j ++] = 0;
log_assert (j == space);
strcpy (buffer, fingerprint);
return buffer;
/* Return the so called KEYGRIP which is the SHA-1 hash of the public
key parameters expressed as an canoncial encoded S-Exp. ARRAY must
be 20 bytes long. Returns 0 on success or an error code. */
keygrip_from_pk (PKT_public_key *pk, unsigned char *array)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t s_pkey;
log_debug ("get_keygrip for public key\n");
switch (pk->pubkey_algo)
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_pkey, NULL,
pk->pkey[0], pk->pkey[1],
pk->pkey[2], pk->pkey[3]);
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_pkey, NULL,
pk->pkey[0], pk->pkey[1], pk->pkey[2]);
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_pkey, NULL,
pk->pkey[0], pk->pkey[1]);
char *curve = openpgp_oid_to_str (pk->pkey[0]);
if (!curve)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_pkey, NULL,
pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA?
"(public-key(ecc(curve%s)(flags eddsa)(q%m)))":
(pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH
&& openpgp_oid_is_cv25519 (pk->pkey[0]))?
"(public-key(ecc(curve%s)(flags djb-tweak)(q%m)))":
curve, pk->pkey[1]);
xfree (curve);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO);
if (err)
return err;
if (!gcry_pk_get_keygrip (s_pkey, array))
log_info ("error computing keygrip\n");
memset (array, 0, 20);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
log_printhex ("keygrip=", array, 20);
/* FIXME: Save the keygrip in PK. */
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
return err;
/* Store an allocated buffer with the keygrip of PK encoded as a
hexstring at r_GRIP. Returns 0 on success. */
hexkeygrip_from_pk (PKT_public_key *pk, char **r_grip)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char grip[20];
*r_grip = NULL;
err = keygrip_from_pk (pk, grip);
if (!err)
char * buf = xtrymalloc (20*2+1);
if (!buf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
bin2hex (grip, 20, buf);
*r_grip = buf;
return err;
diff --git a/g10/keylist.c b/g10/keylist.c
index 51dc40905..0523be090 100644
--- a/g10/keylist.c
+++ b/g10/keylist.c
@@ -1,1922 +1,1922 @@
/* keylist.c - Print information about OpenPGP keys
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
* 2008, 2010, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
# include <fcntl.h> /* for setmode() */
#include "gpg.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "photoid.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "call-agent.h"
#include "mbox-util.h"
#include "zb32.h"
#include "tofu.h"
static void list_all (ctrl_t, int, int);
static void list_one (ctrl_t ctrl,
strlist_t names, int secret, int mark_secret);
static void locate_one (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t names);
static void print_card_serialno (const char *serialno);
struct keylist_context
int check_sigs; /* If set signatures shall be verified. */
int good_sigs; /* Counter used if CHECK_SIGS is set. */
int inv_sigs; /* Counter used if CHECK_SIGS is set. */
int no_key; /* Counter used if CHECK_SIGS is set. */
int oth_err; /* Counter used if CHECK_SIGS is set. */
int no_validity; /* Do not show validity. */
static void list_keyblock (ctrl_t ctrl,
kbnode_t keyblock, int secret, int has_secret,
int fpr, struct keylist_context *listctx);
/* The stream used to write attribute packets to. */
static estream_t attrib_fp;
/* Release resources from a keylist context. */
static void
keylist_context_release (struct keylist_context *listctx)
(void)listctx; /* Nothing to release. */
/* List the keys. If list is NULL, all available keys are listed.
With LOCATE_MODE set the locate algorithm is used to find a
key. */
public_key_list (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t list, int locate_mode)
if (opt.with_colons)
byte trust_model, marginals, completes, cert_depth, min_cert_level;
ulong created, nextcheck;
read_trust_options (&trust_model, &created, &nextcheck,
&marginals, &completes, &cert_depth, &min_cert_level);
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "tru:");
if (nextcheck && nextcheck <= make_timestamp ())
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "o");
if (trust_model != opt.trust_model)
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "t");
if (opt.trust_model == TM_PGP || opt.trust_model == TM_CLASSIC
|| opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU_PGP)
if (marginals != opt.marginals_needed)
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "m");
if (completes != opt.completes_needed)
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "c");
if (cert_depth != opt.max_cert_depth)
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "d");
if (min_cert_level != opt.min_cert_level)
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "l");
es_fprintf (es_stdout, ":%d:%lu:%lu", trust_model, created, nextcheck);
/* Only show marginals, completes, and cert_depth in the classic
or PGP trust models since they are not meaningful
otherwise. */
if (trust_model == TM_PGP || trust_model == TM_CLASSIC)
es_fprintf (es_stdout, ":%d:%d:%d", marginals, completes, cert_depth);
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "\n");
#endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/
/* We need to do the stale check right here because it might need to
update the keyring while we already have the keyring open. This
is very bad for W32 because of a sharing violation. For real OSes
it might lead to false results if we are later listing a keyring
which is associated with the inode of a deleted file. */
check_trustdb_stale (ctrl);
#ifdef USE_TOFU
tofu_begin_batch_update (ctrl);
if (locate_mode)
locate_one (ctrl, list);
else if (!list)
list_all (ctrl, 0, opt.with_secret);
list_one (ctrl, list, 0, opt.with_secret);
#ifdef USE_TOFU
tofu_end_batch_update (ctrl);
secret_key_list (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t list)
check_trustdb_stale (ctrl);
if (!list)
list_all (ctrl, 1, 0);
else /* List by user id */
list_one (ctrl, list, 1, 0);
char *
format_seckey_info (PKT_public_key *pk)
u32 keyid[2];
char *p;
char pkstrbuf[PUBKEY_STRING_SIZE];
char *info;
keyid_from_pk (pk, keyid);
p = get_user_id_native (keyid);
info = xtryasprintf ("sec %s/%s %s %s",
pubkey_string (pk, pkstrbuf, sizeof pkstrbuf),
keystr (keyid), datestr_from_pk (pk), p);
xfree (p);
return info;
print_seckey_info (PKT_public_key *pk)
char *p = format_seckey_info (pk);
tty_printf ("\n%s\n", p);
xfree (p);
/* Print information about the public key. With FP passed as NULL,
the tty output interface is used, otherwise output is directted to
the given stream. */
print_pubkey_info (estream_t fp, PKT_public_key *pk)
u32 keyid[2];
char *p;
char pkstrbuf[PUBKEY_STRING_SIZE];
keyid_from_pk (pk, keyid);
/* If the pk was chosen by a particular user ID, that is the one to
print. */
if (pk->user_id)
p = utf8_to_native (pk->user_id->name, pk->user_id->len, 0);
p = get_user_id_native (keyid);
if (fp)
tty_printf ("\n");
tty_fprintf (fp, "%s %s/%s %s %s\n",
pk->flags.primary? "pub":"sub",
pubkey_string (pk, pkstrbuf, sizeof pkstrbuf),
keystr (keyid), datestr_from_pk (pk), p);
xfree (p);
/* Print basic information of a secret key including the card serial
number information. */
print_card_key_info (estream_t fp, kbnode_t keyblock)
kbnode_t node;
char *hexgrip;
char *serialno;
int s2k_char;
char pkstrbuf[PUBKEY_STRING_SIZE];
int indent;
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
int rc;
PKT_public_key *pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
serialno = NULL;
rc = hexkeygrip_from_pk (pk, &hexgrip);
if (rc)
log_error ("error computing a keygrip: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
s2k_char = '?';
else if (!agent_get_keyinfo (NULL, hexgrip, &serialno, NULL))
s2k_char = serialno? '>':' ';
s2k_char = '#'; /* Key not found. */
tty_fprintf (fp, "%s%c %s/%s %n",
node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY ? "sec" : "ssb",
pubkey_string (pk, pkstrbuf, sizeof pkstrbuf),
keystr_from_pk (pk),
tty_fprintf (fp, _("created: %s"), datestr_from_pk (pk));
tty_fprintf (fp, " ");
tty_fprintf (fp, _("expires: %s"), expirestr_from_pk (pk));
if (serialno)
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n%*s%s", indent, "", _("card-no: "));
if (strlen (serialno) == 32
&& !strncmp (serialno, "D27600012401", 12))
/* This is an OpenPGP card. Print the relevant part. */
/* Example: D2760001240101010001000003470000 */
/* xxxxyyyyyyyy */
tty_fprintf (fp, "%.*s %.*s", 4, serialno+16, 8, serialno+20);
tty_fprintf (fp, "%s", serialno);
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
xfree (hexgrip);
xfree (serialno);
/* Flags = 0x01 hashed 0x02 critical. */
static void
status_one_subpacket (sigsubpkttype_t type, size_t len, int flags,
const byte * buf)
char status[40];
/* Don't print these. */
if (len > 256)
snprintf (status, sizeof status,
"%d %u %u ", type, flags, (unsigned int) len);
write_status_text_and_buffer (STATUS_SIG_SUBPACKET, status, buf, len, 0);
/* Print a policy URL. Allowed values for MODE are:
* 0 - print to stdout.
* 1 - use log_info and emit status messages.
* 2 - emit only status messages.
show_policy_url (PKT_signature * sig, int indent, int mode)
const byte *p;
size_t len;
int seq = 0, crit;
estream_t fp = mode ? log_get_stream () : es_stdout;
while ((p =
enum_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_POLICY, &len, &seq, &crit)))
if (mode != 2)
int i;
const char *str;
for (i = 0; i < indent; i++)
es_putc (' ', fp);
if (crit)
str = _("Critical signature policy: ");
str = _("Signature policy: ");
if (mode)
log_info ("%s", str);
es_fprintf (fp, "%s", str);
print_utf8_buffer (fp, p, len);
es_fprintf (fp, "\n");
if (mode)
write_status_buffer (STATUS_POLICY_URL, p, len, 0);
mode=0 for stdout.
mode=1 for log_info + status messages
mode=2 for status messages only
/* TODO: use this */
show_keyserver_url (PKT_signature * sig, int indent, int mode)
const byte *p;
size_t len;
int seq = 0, crit;
estream_t fp = mode ? log_get_stream () : es_stdout;
while ((p =
enum_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_KS, &len, &seq,
if (mode != 2)
int i;
const char *str;
for (i = 0; i < indent; i++)
es_putc (' ', es_stdout);
if (crit)
str = _("Critical preferred keyserver: ");
str = _("Preferred keyserver: ");
if (mode)
log_info ("%s", str);
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "%s", str);
print_utf8_buffer (fp, p, len);
es_fprintf (fp, "\n");
if (mode)
status_one_subpacket (SIGSUBPKT_PREF_KS, len,
(crit ? 0x02 : 0) | 0x01, p);
mode=0 for stdout.
mode=1 for log_info + status messages
mode=2 for status messages only
Defined bits in WHICH:
1 == standard notations
2 == user notations
show_notation (PKT_signature * sig, int indent, int mode, int which)
estream_t fp = mode ? log_get_stream () : es_stdout;
notation_t nd, notations;
if (which == 0)
which = 3;
notations = sig_to_notation (sig);
/* There may be multiple notations in the same sig. */
for (nd = notations; nd; nd = nd->next)
if (mode != 2)
int has_at = !!strchr (nd->name, '@');
if ((which & 1 && !has_at) || (which & 2 && has_at))
int i;
const char *str;
for (i = 0; i < indent; i++)
es_putc (' ', es_stdout);
if (nd->flags.critical)
str = _("Critical signature notation: ");
str = _("Signature notation: ");
if (mode)
log_info ("%s", str);
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "%s", str);
/* This is all UTF8 */
print_utf8_buffer (fp, nd->name, strlen (nd->name));
es_fprintf (fp, "=");
print_utf8_buffer (fp, nd->value, strlen (nd->value));
/* (We need to use log_printf so that the next call to a
log function does not insert an extra LF.) */
if (mode)
log_printf ("\n");
es_putc ('\n', fp);
if (mode)
write_status_buffer (STATUS_NOTATION_NAME,
nd->name, strlen (nd->name), 0);
if (nd->flags.critical || nd->flags.human)
write_status_text (STATUS_NOTATION_FLAGS,
nd->flags.critical && nd->flags.human? "1 1" :
nd->flags.critical? "1 0" : "0 1");
write_status_buffer (STATUS_NOTATION_DATA,
nd->value, strlen (nd->value), 50);
free_notation (notations);
static void
print_signature_stats (struct keylist_context *s)
if (!s->check_sigs)
return; /* Signature checking was not requested. */
if (s->good_sigs)
log_info (ngettext("%d good signature\n",
"%d good signatures\n", s->good_sigs), s->good_sigs);
if (s->inv_sigs)
log_info (ngettext("%d bad signature\n",
"%d bad signatures\n", s->inv_sigs), s->inv_sigs);
if (s->no_key)
log_info (ngettext("%d signature not checked due to a missing key\n",
"%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n",
s->no_key), s->no_key);
if (s->oth_err)
log_info (ngettext("%d signature not checked due to an error\n",
"%d signatures not checked due to errors\n",
s->oth_err), s->oth_err);
/* List all keys. If SECRET is true only secret keys are listed. If
MARK_SECRET is true secret keys are indicated in a public key
listing. */
static void
list_all (ctrl_t ctrl, int secret, int mark_secret)
KBNODE keyblock = NULL;
int rc = 0;
int any_secret;
const char *lastresname, *resname;
struct keylist_context listctx;
memset (&listctx, 0, sizeof (listctx));
if (opt.check_sigs)
listctx.check_sigs = 1;
hd = keydb_new ();
if (!hd)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
rc = keydb_search_first (hd);
if (rc)
if (gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
log_error ("keydb_search_first failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
lastresname = NULL;
rc = keydb_get_keyblock (hd, &keyblock);
if (rc)
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_LEGACY_KEY)
continue; /* Skip legacy keys. */
log_error ("keydb_get_keyblock failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if (secret || mark_secret)
any_secret = !agent_probe_any_secret_key (NULL, keyblock);
any_secret = 0;
if (secret && !any_secret)
; /* Secret key listing requested but this isn't one. */
if (!opt.with_colons)
resname = keydb_get_resource_name (hd);
if (lastresname != resname)
int i;
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "%s\n", resname);
for (i = strlen (resname); i; i--)
es_putc ('-', es_stdout);
es_putc ('\n', es_stdout);
lastresname = resname;
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
list_keyblock (ctrl, keyblock, secret, any_secret, opt.fingerprint,
release_kbnode (keyblock);
keyblock = NULL;
while (!(rc = keydb_search_next (hd)));
es_fflush (es_stdout);
if (rc && gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
log_error ("keydb_search_next failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
if (keydb_get_skipped_counter (hd))
log_info (ngettext("Warning: %lu key skipped due to its large size\n",
"Warning: %lu keys skipped due to their large sizes\n",
keydb_get_skipped_counter (hd)),
keydb_get_skipped_counter (hd));
if (opt.check_sigs && !opt.with_colons)
print_signature_stats (&listctx);
keylist_context_release (&listctx);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
keydb_release (hd);
static void
list_one (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t names, int secret, int mark_secret)
int rc = 0;
KBNODE keyblock = NULL;
const char *resname;
const char *keyring_str = _("Keyring");
int i;
struct keylist_context listctx;
memset (&listctx, 0, sizeof (listctx));
if (!secret && opt.check_sigs)
listctx.check_sigs = 1;
/* fixme: using the bynames function has the disadvantage that we
* don't know wether one of the names given was not found. OTOH,
* this function has the advantage to list the names in the
* sequence as defined by the keyDB and does not duplicate
* outputs. A solution could be do test whether all given have
* been listed (this needs a way to use the keyDB search
* functions) or to have the search function return indicators for
* found names. Yet another way is to use the keydb search
* facilities directly. */
rc = getkey_bynames (&ctx, NULL, names, secret, &keyblock);
if (rc)
log_error ("error reading key: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
getkey_end (ctx);
if ((opt.list_options & LIST_SHOW_KEYRING) && !opt.with_colons)
resname = keydb_get_resource_name (get_ctx_handle (ctx));
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "%s: %s\n", keyring_str, resname);
for (i = strlen (resname) + strlen (keyring_str) + 2; i; i--)
es_putc ('-', es_stdout);
es_putc ('\n', es_stdout);
list_keyblock (ctrl,
keyblock, secret, mark_secret, opt.fingerprint, &listctx);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
while (!getkey_next (ctx, NULL, &keyblock));
getkey_end (ctx);
if (opt.check_sigs && !opt.with_colons)
print_signature_stats (&listctx);
keylist_context_release (&listctx);
static void
locate_one (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t names)
int rc = 0;
strlist_t sl;
KBNODE keyblock = NULL;
struct keylist_context listctx;
memset (&listctx, 0, sizeof (listctx));
if (opt.check_sigs)
listctx.check_sigs = 1;
for (sl = names; sl; sl = sl->next)
rc = get_best_pubkey_byname (ctrl, &ctx, NULL, sl->d, &keyblock, 1, 0);
if (rc)
if (gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY)
log_error ("error reading key: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
else if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"),
sl->d, gpg_strerror (rc));
list_keyblock (ctrl, keyblock, 0, 0, opt.fingerprint, &listctx);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
while (ctx && !getkey_next (ctx, NULL, &keyblock));
getkey_end (ctx);
ctx = NULL;
if (opt.check_sigs && !opt.with_colons)
print_signature_stats (&listctx);
keylist_context_release (&listctx);
static void
print_key_data (PKT_public_key * pk)
int n = pk ? pubkey_get_npkey (pk->pubkey_algo) : 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "pkd:%d:%u:", i, mpi_get_nbits (pk->pkey[i]));
mpi_print (es_stdout, pk->pkey[i], 1);
es_putc (':', es_stdout);
es_putc ('\n', es_stdout);
static void
print_capabilities (PKT_public_key *pk, KBNODE keyblock)
unsigned int use = pk->pubkey_usage;
int c_printed = 0;
es_putc ('e', es_stdout);
es_putc ('s', es_stdout);
if (pk->flags.primary)
es_putc ('c', es_stdout);
/* The PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT flag was introduced later and we
used to always print 'c' for a primary key. To avoid any
regression here we better track whether we printed 'c'
already. */
c_printed = 1;
if ((use & PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT) && !c_printed)
es_putc ('c', es_stdout);
if ((use & PUBKEY_USAGE_AUTH))
es_putc ('a', es_stdout);
es_putc ('?', es_stdout);
if (keyblock)
/* Figure out the usable capabilities. */
int enc = 0, sign = 0, cert = 0, auth = 0, disabled = 0;
for (k = keyblock; k; k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
pk = k->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (pk->flags.primary)
disabled = pk_is_disabled (pk);
if (pk->flags.valid && !pk->flags.revoked && !pk->has_expired)
if (pk->pubkey_usage & PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC)
enc = 1;
if (pk->pubkey_usage & PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG)
sign = 1;
if (pk->flags.primary)
cert = 1;
if (pk->pubkey_usage & PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT)
cert = 1;
if ((pk->pubkey_usage & PUBKEY_USAGE_AUTH))
auth = 1;
if (enc)
es_putc ('E', es_stdout);
if (sign)
es_putc ('S', es_stdout);
if (cert)
es_putc ('C', es_stdout);
if (auth)
es_putc ('A', es_stdout);
if (disabled)
es_putc ('D', es_stdout);
es_putc (':', es_stdout);
/* FLAGS: 0x01 hashed
0x02 critical */
static void
print_one_subpacket (sigsubpkttype_t type, size_t len, int flags,
const byte * buf)
size_t i;
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "spk:%d:%u:%u:", type, flags, (unsigned int) len);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
/* printable ascii other than : and % */
if (buf[i] >= 32 && buf[i] <= 126 && buf[i] != ':' && buf[i] != '%')
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "%c", buf[i]);
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "%%%02X", buf[i]);
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "\n");
print_subpackets_colon (PKT_signature * sig)
byte *i;
log_assert (opt.show_subpackets);
for (i = opt.show_subpackets; *i; i++)
const byte *p;
size_t len;
int seq, crit;
seq = 0;
while ((p = enum_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, *i, &len, &seq, &crit)))
print_one_subpacket (*i, len, 0x01 | (crit ? 0x02 : 0), p);
seq = 0;
while ((p = enum_sig_subpkt (sig->unhashed, *i, &len, &seq, &crit)))
print_one_subpacket (*i, len, 0x00 | (crit ? 0x02 : 0), p);
dump_attribs (const PKT_user_id *uid, PKT_public_key *pk)
int i;
if (!attrib_fp)
for (i = 0; i < uid->numattribs; i++)
if (is_status_enabled ())
byte array[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN], *p;
char buf[(MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN * 2) + 90];
size_t j, n;
if (!pk)
BUG ();
fingerprint_from_pk (pk, array, &n);
p = array;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++, p++)
sprintf (buf + 2 * j, "%02X", *p);
sprintf (buf + strlen (buf), " %lu %u %u %u %lu %lu %u",
(ulong) uid->attribs[i].len, uid->attribs[i].type, i + 1,
uid->numattribs, (ulong) uid->created,
(ulong) uid->expiredate,
((uid->is_primary ? 0x01 : 0) | (uid->
is_revoked ? 0x02 : 0) |
(uid->is_expired ? 0x04 : 0)));
write_status_text (STATUS_ATTRIBUTE, buf);
es_fwrite (uid->attribs[i].data, uid->attribs[i].len, 1, attrib_fp);
es_fflush (attrib_fp);
static void
list_keyblock_print (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock, int secret, int fpr,
struct keylist_context *listctx)
int rc;
KBNODE kbctx;
KBNODE node;
PKT_public_key *pk;
int skip_sigs = 0;
char *hexgrip = NULL;
char *serialno = NULL;
/* Get the keyid from the keyblock. */
node = find_kbnode (keyblock, PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
if (!node)
log_error ("Oops; key lost!\n");
dump_kbnode (keyblock);
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (secret || opt.with_keygrip)
rc = hexkeygrip_from_pk (pk, &hexgrip);
if (rc)
log_error ("error computing a keygrip: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
if (secret)
/* Encode some info about the secret key in SECRET. */
if (!agent_get_keyinfo (NULL, hexgrip, &serialno, NULL))
secret = serialno? 3 : 1;
secret = 2; /* Key not found. */
if (!listctx->no_validity)
check_trustdb_stale (ctrl);
/* Print the "pub" line and in KF_NONE mode the fingerprint. */
print_key_line (es_stdout, pk, secret);
if (fpr)
print_fingerprint (NULL, pk, 0);
if (opt.with_keygrip && hexgrip)
es_fprintf (es_stdout, " Keygrip = %s\n", hexgrip);
if (serialno)
print_card_serialno (serialno);
if (opt.with_key_data)
print_key_data (pk);
for (kbctx = NULL; (node = walk_kbnode (keyblock, &kbctx, 0));)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
PKT_user_id *uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
int indent;
int kl = opt.keyid_format == KF_NONE? 10 : keystrlen ();
if ((uid->is_expired || uid->is_revoked)
&& !(opt.list_options & LIST_SHOW_UNUSABLE_UIDS))
skip_sigs = 1;
skip_sigs = 0;
if (attrib_fp && uid->attrib_data != NULL)
dump_attribs (uid, pk);
if ((uid->is_revoked || uid->is_expired)
|| ((opt.list_options & LIST_SHOW_UID_VALIDITY)
&& !listctx->no_validity))
const char *validity;
validity = uid_trust_string_fixed (ctrl, pk, uid);
indent = ((kl + (opt.legacy_list_mode? 9:11))
- atoi (uid_trust_string_fixed (ctrl, NULL, NULL)));
if (indent < 0 || indent > 40)
indent = 0;
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "uid%*s%s ", indent, "", validity);
indent = kl + (opt.legacy_list_mode? 10:12);
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "uid%*s", indent, "");
print_utf8_buffer (es_stdout, uid->name, uid->len);
es_putc ('\n', es_stdout);
if (opt.with_wkd_hash)
char *mbox, *hash, *p;
char hashbuf[32];
mbox = mailbox_from_userid (uid->name);
if (mbox && (p = strchr (mbox, '@')))
*p++ = 0;
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, hashbuf,
mbox, strlen (mbox));
hash = zb32_encode (hashbuf, 8*20);
if (hash)
es_fprintf (es_stdout, " %*s%s@%s\n",
indent, "", hash, p);
xfree (hash);
xfree (mbox);
if ((opt.list_options & LIST_SHOW_PHOTOS) && uid->attribs != NULL)
show_photos (ctrl, uid->attribs, uid->numattribs, pk, uid);
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
PKT_public_key *pk2 = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if ((pk2->flags.revoked || pk2->has_expired)
&& !(opt.list_options & LIST_SHOW_UNUSABLE_SUBKEYS))
skip_sigs = 1;
skip_sigs = 0;
xfree (serialno); serialno = NULL;
xfree (hexgrip); hexgrip = NULL;
if (secret || opt.with_keygrip)
rc = hexkeygrip_from_pk (pk2, &hexgrip);
if (rc)
log_error ("error computing a keygrip: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
if (secret)
if (!agent_get_keyinfo (NULL, hexgrip, &serialno, NULL))
secret = serialno? 3 : 1;
secret = '2'; /* Key not found. */
/* Print the "sub" line. */
print_key_line (es_stdout, pk2, secret);
if (fpr > 1 || opt.with_subkey_fingerprint)
print_fingerprint (NULL, pk2, 0);
if (serialno)
print_card_serialno (serialno);
if (opt.with_keygrip && hexgrip)
es_fprintf (es_stdout, " Keygrip = %s\n", hexgrip);
if (opt.with_key_data)
print_key_data (pk2);
else if (opt.list_sigs
&& node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE && !skip_sigs)
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
int sigrc;
char *sigstr;
if (listctx->check_sigs)
rc = check_key_signature (keyblock, node, NULL);
switch (gpg_err_code (rc))
case 0:
sigrc = '!';
sigrc = '-';
sigrc = '%';
/* TODO: Make sure a cached sig record here still has
the pk that issued it. See also
keyedit.c:print_and_check_one_sig */
rc = 0;
sigrc = ' ';
if (sig->sig_class == 0x20 || sig->sig_class == 0x28
|| sig->sig_class == 0x30)
sigstr = "rev";
else if ((sig->sig_class & ~3) == 0x10)
sigstr = "sig";
else if (sig->sig_class == 0x18)
sigstr = "sig";
else if (sig->sig_class == 0x1F)
sigstr = "sig";
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "sig "
"[unexpected signature class 0x%02x]\n",
es_fputs (sigstr, es_stdout);
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "%c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c %s %s",
sigrc, (sig->sig_class - 0x10 > 0 &&
sig->sig_class - 0x10 <
4) ? '0' + sig->sig_class - 0x10 : ' ',
sig->flags.exportable ? ' ' : 'L',
sig->flags.revocable ? ' ' : 'R',
sig->flags.policy_url ? 'P' : ' ',
sig->flags.notation ? 'N' : ' ',
sig->flags.expired ? 'X' : ' ',
(sig->trust_depth > 9) ? 'T' : (sig->trust_depth >
0) ? '0' +
sig->trust_depth : ' ', keystr (sig->keyid),
datestr_from_sig (sig));
if (opt.list_options & LIST_SHOW_SIG_EXPIRE)
es_fprintf (es_stdout, " %s", expirestr_from_sig (sig));
es_fprintf (es_stdout, " ");
if (sigrc == '%')
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "[%s] ", gpg_strerror (rc));
else if (sigrc == '?')
else if (!opt.fast_list_mode)
size_t n;
char *p = get_user_id (sig->keyid, &n);
print_utf8_buffer (es_stdout, p, n);
xfree (p);
es_putc ('\n', es_stdout);
if (sig->flags.policy_url
&& (opt.list_options & LIST_SHOW_POLICY_URLS))
show_policy_url (sig, 3, 0);
if (sig->flags.notation && (opt.list_options & LIST_SHOW_NOTATIONS))
show_notation (sig, 3, 0,
list_options & LIST_SHOW_STD_NOTATIONS) ? 1 : 0)
list_options & LIST_SHOW_USER_NOTATIONS) ? 2 :
if (sig->flags.pref_ks
&& (opt.list_options & LIST_SHOW_KEYSERVER_URLS))
show_keyserver_url (sig, 3, 0);
/* fixme: check or list other sigs here */
es_putc ('\n', es_stdout);
xfree (serialno);
xfree (hexgrip);
print_revokers (estream_t fp, PKT_public_key * pk)
/* print the revoker record */
if (!pk->revkey && pk->numrevkeys)
BUG ();
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < pk->numrevkeys; i++)
byte *p;
es_fprintf (fp, "rvk:::%d::::::", pk->revkey[i].algid);
p = pk->revkey[i].fpr;
for (j = 0; j < 20; j++, p++)
es_fprintf (fp, "%02X", *p);
es_fprintf (fp, ":%02x%s:\n",
(pk->revkey[i].class & 0x40) ? "s" : "");
/* List a key in colon mode. If SECRET is true this is a secret key
record (i.e. requested via --list-secret-key). If HAS_SECRET a
secret key is available even if SECRET is not set. */
static void
list_keyblock_colon (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock,
int secret, int has_secret)
int rc;
KBNODE kbctx;
KBNODE node;
PKT_public_key *pk;
u32 keyid[2];
int trustletter = 0;
int trustletter_print;
int ownertrust_print;
int ulti_hack = 0;
int i;
char *hexgrip_buffer = NULL;
const char *hexgrip = NULL;
char *serialno = NULL;
int stubkey;
/* Get the keyid from the keyblock. */
node = find_kbnode (keyblock, PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
if (!node)
log_error ("Oops; key lost!\n");
dump_kbnode (keyblock);
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (secret || has_secret || opt.with_keygrip || opt.with_key_data)
rc = hexkeygrip_from_pk (pk, &hexgrip_buffer);
if (rc)
log_error ("error computing a keygrip: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
/* In the error case we print an empty string so that we have a
* "grp" record for each and subkey - even if it is empty. This
* may help to prevent sync problems. */
hexgrip = hexgrip_buffer? hexgrip_buffer : "";
stubkey = 0;
if ((secret || has_secret)
&& agent_get_keyinfo (NULL, hexgrip, &serialno, NULL))
stubkey = 1; /* Key not found. */
keyid_from_pk (pk, keyid);
if (!pk->flags.valid)
trustletter_print = 'i';
else if (pk->flags.revoked)
trustletter_print = 'r';
else if (pk->has_expired)
trustletter_print = 'e';
else if (opt.fast_list_mode || opt.no_expensive_trust_checks)
trustletter_print = 0;
trustletter = get_validity_info (ctrl, pk, NULL);
if (trustletter == 'u')
ulti_hack = 1;
trustletter_print = trustletter;
if (!opt.fast_list_mode && !opt.no_expensive_trust_checks)
ownertrust_print = get_ownertrust_info (pk);
ownertrust_print = 0;
es_fputs (secret? "sec:":"pub:", es_stdout);
if (trustletter_print)
es_putc (trustletter_print, es_stdout);
es_fprintf (es_stdout, ":%u:%d:%08lX%08lX:%s:%s::",
nbits_from_pk (pk),
(ulong) keyid[0], (ulong) keyid[1],
colon_datestr_from_pk (pk), colon_strtime (pk->expiredate));
if (ownertrust_print)
es_putc (ownertrust_print, es_stdout);
es_putc (':', es_stdout);
es_putc (':', es_stdout);
es_putc (':', es_stdout);
print_capabilities (pk, keyblock);
es_putc (':', es_stdout); /* End of field 13. */
es_putc (':', es_stdout); /* End of field 14. */
if (secret || has_secret)
if (stubkey)
es_putc ('#', es_stdout);
else if (serialno)
es_fputs (serialno, es_stdout);
else if (has_secret)
es_putc ('+', es_stdout);
es_putc (':', es_stdout); /* End of field 15. */
es_putc (':', es_stdout); /* End of field 16. */
if (pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA
|| pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA
|| pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
char *curve = openpgp_oid_to_str (pk->pkey[0]);
const char *name = openpgp_oid_to_curve (curve, 0);
if (!name)
name = curve;
es_fputs (name, es_stdout);
xfree (curve);
es_putc (':', es_stdout); /* End of field 17. */
es_putc (':', es_stdout); /* End of field 18. */
es_putc ('\n', es_stdout);
print_revokers (es_stdout, pk);
print_fingerprint (NULL, pk, 0);
if (hexgrip)
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "grp:::::::::%s:\n", hexgrip);
if (opt.with_key_data)
print_key_data (pk);
for (kbctx = NULL; (node = walk_kbnode (keyblock, &kbctx, 0));)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
PKT_user_id *uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
int uid_validity;
if (attrib_fp && uid->attrib_data != NULL)
dump_attribs (uid, pk);
if (uid->is_revoked)
uid_validity = 'r';
else if (uid->is_expired)
uid_validity = 'e';
else if (opt.no_expensive_trust_checks)
uid_validity = 0;
else if (ulti_hack)
uid_validity = 'u';
uid_validity = get_validity_info (ctrl, pk, uid);
es_fputs (uid->attrib_data? "uat:":"uid:", es_stdout);
if (uid_validity)
es_putc (uid_validity, es_stdout);
es_fputs ("::::", es_stdout);
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "%s:", colon_strtime (uid->created));
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "%s:", colon_strtime (uid->expiredate));
namehash_from_uid (uid);
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "%02X", uid->namehash[i]);
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "::");
if (uid->attrib_data)
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "%u %lu", uid->numattribs, uid->attrib_len);
es_write_sanitized (es_stdout, uid->name, uid->len, ":", NULL);
es_putc (':', es_stdout);
es_putc ('\n', es_stdout);
#ifdef USE_TOFU
if (!uid->attrib_data && opt.with_tofu_info
&& (opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU || opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU_PGP))
/* Print a "tfs" record. */
tofu_write_tfs_record (ctrl, es_stdout, pk, uid->name);
#endif /*USE_TOFU*/
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
u32 keyid2[2];
PKT_public_key *pk2;
int need_hexgrip = !!hexgrip;
pk2 = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
xfree (hexgrip_buffer); hexgrip_buffer = NULL; hexgrip = NULL;
xfree (serialno); serialno = NULL;
if (need_hexgrip
|| secret || has_secret || opt.with_keygrip || opt.with_key_data)
rc = hexkeygrip_from_pk (pk2, &hexgrip_buffer);
if (rc)
log_error ("error computing a keygrip: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
hexgrip = hexgrip_buffer? hexgrip_buffer : "";
stubkey = 0;
if ((secret||has_secret)
&& agent_get_keyinfo (NULL, hexgrip, &serialno, NULL))
stubkey = 1; /* Key not found. */
keyid_from_pk (pk2, keyid2);
es_fputs (secret? "ssb:":"sub:", es_stdout);
if (!pk2->flags.valid)
es_putc ('i', es_stdout);
else if (pk2->flags.revoked)
es_putc ('r', es_stdout);
else if (pk2->has_expired)
es_putc ('e', es_stdout);
else if (opt.fast_list_mode || opt.no_expensive_trust_checks)
/* TRUSTLETTER should always be defined here. */
if (trustletter)
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "%c", trustletter);
es_fprintf (es_stdout, ":%u:%d:%08lX%08lX:%s:%s:::::",
nbits_from_pk (pk2),
(ulong) keyid2[0], (ulong) keyid2[1],
colon_datestr_from_pk (pk2), colon_strtime (pk2->expiredate)
/* fixme: add LID and ownertrust here */
print_capabilities (pk2, NULL);
es_putc (':', es_stdout); /* End of field 13. */
es_putc (':', es_stdout); /* End of field 14. */
if (secret || has_secret)
if (stubkey)
es_putc ('#', es_stdout);
else if (serialno)
es_fputs (serialno, es_stdout);
else if (has_secret)
es_putc ('+', es_stdout);
es_putc (':', es_stdout); /* End of field 15. */
es_putc (':', es_stdout); /* End of field 16. */
if (pk2->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA
|| pk2->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA
|| pk2->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
char *curve = openpgp_oid_to_str (pk2->pkey[0]);
const char *name = openpgp_oid_to_curve (curve, 0);
if (!name)
name = curve;
es_fputs (name, es_stdout);
xfree (curve);
es_putc (':', es_stdout); /* End of field 17. */
es_putc ('\n', es_stdout);
print_fingerprint (NULL, pk2, 0);
if (hexgrip)
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "grp:::::::::%s:\n", hexgrip);
if (opt.with_key_data)
print_key_data (pk2);
else if (opt.list_sigs && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
int sigrc, fprokay = 0;
char *sigstr;
size_t fplen;
byte fparray[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN];
char *siguid;
size_t siguidlen;
if (sig->sig_class == 0x20 || sig->sig_class == 0x28
|| sig->sig_class == 0x30)
sigstr = "rev";
else if ((sig->sig_class & ~3) == 0x10)
sigstr = "sig";
else if (sig->sig_class == 0x18)
sigstr = "sig";
else if (sig->sig_class == 0x1F)
sigstr = "sig";
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "sig::::::::::%02x%c:\n",
sig->sig_class, sig->flags.exportable ? 'x' : 'l');
if (opt.check_sigs)
PKT_public_key *signer_pk = NULL;
fflush (stdout);
if (opt.no_sig_cache)
signer_pk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (PKT_public_key));
rc = check_key_signature2 (keyblock, node, NULL, signer_pk,
switch (gpg_err_code (rc))
case 0:
sigrc = '!';
sigrc = '-';
sigrc = '?';
sigrc = '%';
if (opt.no_sig_cache)
if (!rc)
fingerprint_from_pk (signer_pk, fparray, &fplen);
fprokay = 1;
free_public_key (signer_pk);
rc = 0;
sigrc = ' ';
if (sigrc != '%' && sigrc != '?' && !opt.fast_list_mode)
siguid = get_user_id (sig->keyid, &siguidlen);
siguid = NULL;
siguidlen = 0;
es_fputs (sigstr, es_stdout);
es_putc (':', es_stdout);
if (sigrc != ' ')
es_putc (sigrc, es_stdout);
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "::%d:%08lX%08lX:%s:%s:", sig->pubkey_algo,
(ulong) sig->keyid[0], (ulong) sig->keyid[1],
colon_datestr_from_sig (sig),
colon_expirestr_from_sig (sig));
if (sig->trust_depth || sig->trust_value)
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "%d %d", sig->trust_depth, sig->trust_value);
es_fprintf (es_stdout, ":");
if (sig->trust_regexp)
es_write_sanitized (es_stdout, sig->trust_regexp,
strlen (sig->trust_regexp), ":", NULL);
es_fprintf (es_stdout, ":");
if (sigrc == '%')
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "[%s] ", gpg_strerror (rc));
else if (siguid)
es_write_sanitized (es_stdout, siguid, siguidlen, ":", NULL);
es_fprintf (es_stdout, ":%02x%c::", sig->sig_class,
sig->flags.exportable ? 'x' : 'l');
if (opt.no_sig_cache && opt.check_sigs && fprokay)
for (i = 0; i < fplen; i++)
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "%02X", fparray[i]);
es_fprintf (es_stdout, ":::%d:\n", sig->digest_algo);
if (opt.show_subpackets)
print_subpackets_colon (sig);
/* fixme: check or list other sigs here */
xfree (siguid);
xfree (hexgrip_buffer);
xfree (serialno);
* Reorder the keyblock so that the primary user ID (and not attribute
* packet) comes first. Fixme: Replace this by a generic sort
* function. */
static void
do_reorder_keyblock (KBNODE keyblock, int attr)
KBNODE primary = NULL, primary0 = NULL, primary2 = NULL;
KBNODE last, node;
for (node = keyblock; node; primary0 = node, node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID &&
((attr && node->pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data) ||
(!attr && !node->pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data)) &&
primary = primary2 = node;
for (node = node->next; node; primary2 = node, node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
if (!primary)
return; /* No primary key flag found (should not happen). */
for (last = NULL, node = keyblock; node; last = node, node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
log_assert (node);
log_assert (last); /* The user ID is never the first packet. */
log_assert (primary0); /* Ditto (this is the node before primary). */
if (node == primary)
return; /* Already the first one. */
last->next = primary;
primary0->next = primary2->next;
primary2->next = node;
reorder_keyblock (KBNODE keyblock)
do_reorder_keyblock (keyblock, 1);
do_reorder_keyblock (keyblock, 0);
static void
list_keyblock (ctrl_t ctrl,
KBNODE keyblock, int secret, int has_secret, int fpr,
struct keylist_context *listctx)
reorder_keyblock (keyblock);
if (opt.with_colons)
list_keyblock_colon (ctrl, keyblock, secret, has_secret);
list_keyblock_print (ctrl, keyblock, secret, fpr, listctx);
if (secret)
es_fflush (es_stdout);
/* Public function used by keygen to list a keyblock. If NO_VALIDITY
* is set the validity of a key is never shown. */
list_keyblock_direct (ctrl_t ctrl,
kbnode_t keyblock, int secret, int has_secret, int fpr,
int no_validity)
struct keylist_context listctx;
memset (&listctx, 0, sizeof (listctx));
listctx.no_validity = !!no_validity;
list_keyblock (ctrl, keyblock, secret, has_secret, fpr, &listctx);
keylist_context_release (&listctx);
/* Print an hex digit in ICAO spelling. */
static void
print_icao_hexdigit (estream_t fp, int c)
static const char *list[16] = {
"Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven",
"Eight", "Niner", "Alfa", "Bravo", "Charlie", "Delta", "Echo", "Foxtrot"
tty_fprintf (fp, "%s", list[c&15]);
* Function to print the finperprint.
* mode 0: as used in key listings, opt.with_colons is honored
* 1: print using log_info ()
* 2: direct use of tty
* 3: direct use of tty but only primary key.
* 4: direct use of tty but only subkey.
* 10: Same as 0 but with_colons etc is ignored.
* 20: Same as 0 but using a compact format.
* Modes 1 and 2 will try and print both subkey and primary key
* fingerprints. A MODE with bit 7 set is used internally. If
* OVERRIDE_FP is not NULL that stream will be used in 0 instead
* of es_stdout or instead of the TTY in modes 2 and 3.
print_fingerprint (estream_t override_fp, PKT_public_key *pk, int mode)
char hexfpr[2*MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN+1];
char *p;
size_t i;
estream_t fp;
const char *text;
int primary = 0;
int with_colons = opt.with_colons;
int with_icao = opt.with_icao_spelling;
int compact = 0;
if (mode == 10)
mode = 0;
with_colons = 0;
with_icao = 0;
else if (mode == 20)
mode = 0;
with_colons = 0;
compact = 1;
if (!opt.fingerprint && !opt.with_fingerprint
&& opt.with_subkey_fingerprint)
compact = 1;
if (pk->main_keyid[0] == pk->keyid[0]
&& pk->main_keyid[1] == pk->keyid[1])
primary = 1;
/* Just to be safe */
if ((mode & 0x80) && !primary)
log_error ("primary key is not really primary!\n");
mode &= ~0x80;
if (!primary && (mode == 1 || mode == 2))
PKT_public_key *primary_pk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (*primary_pk));
get_pubkey (primary_pk, pk->main_keyid);
print_fingerprint (override_fp, primary_pk, (mode | 0x80));
free_public_key (primary_pk);
if (mode == 1)
fp = log_get_stream ();
if (primary)
text = _("Primary key fingerprint:");
text = _(" Subkey fingerprint:");
else if (mode == 2)
fp = override_fp; /* Use tty or given stream. */
if (primary)
/* TRANSLATORS: this should fit into 24 bytes so that the
* fingerprint data is properly aligned with the user ID */
text = _(" Primary key fingerprint:");
text = _(" Subkey fingerprint:");
else if (mode == 3)
fp = override_fp; /* Use tty or given stream. */
text = _(" Key fingerprint =");
else if (mode == 4)
fp = override_fp; /* Use tty or given stream. */
text = _(" Subkey fingerprint:");
fp = override_fp? override_fp : es_stdout;
if (opt.keyid_format == KF_NONE)
text = " "; /* To indent ICAO spelling. */
compact = 1;
text = _(" Key fingerprint =");
hexfingerprint (pk, hexfpr, sizeof hexfpr);
if (with_colons && !mode)
es_fprintf (fp, "fpr:::::::::%s:", hexfpr);
else if (compact && !opt.fingerprint && !opt.with_fingerprint)
tty_fprintf (fp, "%*s%s", 6, "", hexfpr);
format_hexfingerprint (hexfpr, fmtfpr, sizeof fmtfpr);
if (compact)
tty_fprintf (fp, "%*s%s", 6, "", fmtfpr);
tty_fprintf (fp, "%s %s", text, fmtfpr);
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
if (!with_colons && with_icao)
tty_fprintf (fp, "%*s\"", (int)strlen(text)+1, "");
for (i = 0, p = hexfpr; *p; i++, p++)
if (!i)
else if (!(i%8))
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n%*s ", (int)strlen(text)+1, "");
else if (!(i%4))
tty_fprintf (fp, " ");
tty_fprintf (fp, " ");
print_icao_hexdigit (fp, xtoi_1 (p));
tty_fprintf (fp, "\"\n");
/* Print the serial number of an OpenPGP card if available. */
static void
print_card_serialno (const char *serialno)
if (!serialno)
if (opt.with_colons)
return; /* Handled elsewhere. */
es_fputs (_(" Card serial no. ="), es_stdout);
es_putc (' ', es_stdout);
if (strlen (serialno) == 32 && !strncmp (serialno, "D27600012401", 12))
/* This is an OpenPGP card. Print the relevant part. */
/* Example: D2760001240101010001000003470000 */
/* xxxxyyyyyyyy */
es_fprintf (es_stdout, "%.*s %.*s", 4, serialno+16, 8, serialno+20);
es_fputs (serialno, es_stdout);
es_putc ('\n', es_stdout);
/* Print a public or secret (sub)key line. Example:
* pub dsa2048 2007-12-31 [SC] [expires: 2018-12-31]
* 80615870F5BAD690333686D0F2AD85AC1E42B367
* Some global options may result in a different output format. If
* SECRET is set, "sec" or "ssb" is used instead of "pub" or "sub" and
* depending on the value a flag character is shown:
* 1 := ' ' Regular secret key
* 2 := '#' Stub secret key
* 3 := '>' Secret key is on a token.
print_key_line (estream_t fp, PKT_public_key *pk, int secret)
char pkstrbuf[PUBKEY_STRING_SIZE];
tty_fprintf (fp, "%s%c %s",
pk->flags.primary? (secret? "sec":"pub")
/**/ : (secret? "ssb":"sub"),
secret == 2? '#' : secret == 3? '>' : ' ',
pubkey_string (pk, pkstrbuf, sizeof pkstrbuf));
if (opt.keyid_format != KF_NONE)
tty_fprintf (fp, "/%s", keystr_from_pk (pk));
tty_fprintf (fp, " %s", datestr_from_pk (pk));
if ((opt.list_options & LIST_SHOW_USAGE))
tty_fprintf (fp, " [%s]", usagestr_from_pk (pk, 0));
if (pk->flags.revoked)
tty_fprintf (fp, " [");
tty_fprintf (fp, _("revoked: %s"), revokestr_from_pk (pk));
tty_fprintf (fp, "]");
else if (pk->has_expired)
tty_fprintf (fp, " [");
tty_fprintf (fp, _("expired: %s"), expirestr_from_pk (pk));
tty_fprintf (fp, "]");
else if (pk->expiredate)
tty_fprintf (fp, " [");
tty_fprintf (fp, _("expires: %s"), expirestr_from_pk (pk));
tty_fprintf (fp, "]");
#if 0
/* I need to think about this some more. It's easy enough to
include, but it looks sort of confusing in the listing... */
if (opt.list_options & LIST_SHOW_VALIDITY)
int validity = get_validity (ctrl, pk, NULL, NULL, 0);
tty_fprintf (fp, " [%s]", trust_value_to_string (validity));
if (pk->pubkey_algo >= 100)
tty_fprintf (fp, " [experimental algorithm %d]", pk->pubkey_algo);
tty_fprintf (fp, "\n");
/* if the user hasn't explicitly asked for human-readable
fingerprints, show compact fpr of primary key: */
if (pk->flags.primary &&
!opt.fingerprint && !opt.with_fingerprint)
print_fingerprint (fp, pk, 20);
set_attrib_fd (int fd)
static int last_fd = -1;
if (fd != -1 && last_fd == fd)
/* Fixme: Do we need to check for the log stream here? */
if (attrib_fp && attrib_fp != log_get_stream ())
es_fclose (attrib_fp);
attrib_fp = NULL;
if (fd == -1)
setmode (fd, O_BINARY);
if (fd == 1)
attrib_fp = es_stdout;
else if (fd == 2)
attrib_fp = es_stderr;
attrib_fp = es_fdopen (fd, "wb");
if (!attrib_fp)
log_fatal ("can't open fd %d for attribute output: %s\n",
fd, strerror (errno));
last_fd = fd;
diff --git a/g10/keyring.c b/g10/keyring.c
index aa73290b2..091151b2e 100644
--- a/g10/keyring.c
+++ b/g10/keyring.c
@@ -1,1771 +1,1771 @@
/* keyring.c - keyring file handling
* Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 1997-2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "keyring.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "main.h" /*for check_key_signature()*/
#include "i18n.h"
#include "../kbx/keybox.h"
typedef struct keyring_resource *KR_RESOURCE;
struct keyring_resource
struct keyring_resource *next;
int read_only;
dotlock_t lockhd;
int is_locked;
int did_full_scan;
char fname[1];
typedef struct keyring_resource const * CONST_KR_RESOURCE;
static KR_RESOURCE kr_resources;
struct keyring_handle
struct {
IOBUF iobuf;
int eof;
int error;
} current;
struct {
off_t offset;
size_t pk_no;
size_t uid_no;
unsigned int n_packets; /*used for delete and update*/
} found, saved_found;
struct {
char *name;
char *pattern;
} word_match;
/* The number of extant handles. */
static int active_handles;
static int do_copy (int mode, const char *fname, KBNODE root,
off_t start_offset, unsigned int n_packets );
/* We keep a cache of entries that we have entered in the DB. This
includes not only public keys, but also subkeys.
Note: we'd like to keep the offset of the items that are present,
however, this doesn't work, because another concurrent GnuPG
process could modify the keyring. */
struct key_present {
struct key_present *next;
u32 kid[2];
/* For the hash table, we use separate chaining with linked lists.
This means that we have an array of N linked lists (buckets), which
is indexed by KEYID[1] mod N. Elements present in the keyring will
be on the list; elements not present in the keyring will not be on
the list.
Note: since the hash table stores both present and not present
information, it cannot be used until we complete a full scan of the
keyring. This is indicated by key_present_hash_ready. */
typedef struct key_present **key_present_hash_t;
static key_present_hash_t key_present_hash;
static int key_present_hash_ready;
/* Allocate a new value for a key present hash table. */
static struct key_present *
key_present_value_new (void)
struct key_present *k;
k = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *k);
return k;
/* Allocate a new key present hash table. */
static key_present_hash_t
key_present_hash_new (void)
struct key_present **tbl;
tbl = xmalloc_clear (KEY_PRESENT_HASH_BUCKETS * sizeof *tbl);
return tbl;
/* Return whether the value described by KID if it is in the hash
table. Otherwise, return NULL. */
static struct key_present *
key_present_hash_lookup (key_present_hash_t tbl, u32 *kid)
struct key_present *k;
for (k = tbl[(kid[1] % (KEY_PRESENT_HASH_BUCKETS - 1))]; k; k = k->next)
if (k->kid[0] == kid[0] && k->kid[1] == kid[1])
return k;
return NULL;
/* Add the key to the hash table TBL if it is not already present. */
static void
key_present_hash_update (key_present_hash_t tbl, u32 *kid)
struct key_present *k;
for (k = tbl[(kid[1] % (KEY_PRESENT_HASH_BUCKETS - 1))]; k; k = k->next)
if (k->kid[0] == kid[0] && k->kid[1] == kid[1])
k = key_present_value_new ();
k->kid[0] = kid[0];
k->kid[1] = kid[1];
k->next = tbl[(kid[1] % (KEY_PRESENT_HASH_BUCKETS - 1))];
tbl[(kid[1] % (KEY_PRESENT_HASH_BUCKETS - 1))] = k;
/* Add all the keys (public and subkeys) present in the keyblock to
the hash TBL. */
static void
key_present_hash_update_from_kb (key_present_hash_t tbl, KBNODE node)
for (; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
u32 aki[2];
keyid_from_pk (node->pkt->pkt.public_key, aki);
key_present_hash_update (tbl, aki);
* Register a filename for plain keyring files. ptr is set to a
* pointer to be used to create a handles etc, or the already-issued
* pointer if it has already been registered. The function returns 1
* if a new keyring was registered.
keyring_register_filename (const char *fname, int read_only, void **ptr)
if (active_handles)
/* There are open handles. */
BUG ();
for (kr=kr_resources; kr; kr = kr->next)
if (same_file_p (kr->fname, fname))
/* Already registered. */
if (read_only)
kr->read_only = 1;
return 0;
kr = xmalloc (sizeof *kr + strlen (fname));
strcpy (kr->fname, fname);
kr->read_only = read_only;
kr->lockhd = NULL;
kr->is_locked = 0;
kr->did_full_scan = 0;
/* keep a list of all issued pointers */
kr->next = kr_resources;
kr_resources = kr;
/* create the offset table the first time a function here is used */
if (!key_present_hash)
key_present_hash = key_present_hash_new ();
return 1;
keyring_is_writable (void *token)
KR_RESOURCE r = token;
return r? (r->read_only || !access (r->fname, W_OK)) : 0;
/* Create a new handle for the resource associated with TOKEN.
On error NULL is returned and ERRNO is set.
The returned handle must be released using keyring_release (). */
keyring_new (void *token)
KR_RESOURCE resource = token;
log_assert (resource);
hd = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *hd);
if (!hd)
return hd;
hd->resource = resource;
return hd;
keyring_release (KEYRING_HANDLE hd)
if (!hd)
log_assert (active_handles > 0);
xfree (hd->;
xfree (hd->word_match.pattern);
iobuf_close (hd->current.iobuf);
xfree (hd);
/* Save the current found state in HD for later retrieval by
keybox_pop_found_state. Only one state may be saved. */
keyring_push_found_state (KEYRING_HANDLE hd)
hd->saved_found = hd->found;
hd-> = NULL;
/* Restore the saved found state in HD. */
keyring_pop_found_state (KEYRING_HANDLE hd)
hd->found = hd->saved_found;
hd-> = NULL;
const char *
keyring_get_resource_name (KEYRING_HANDLE hd)
if (!hd || !hd->resource)
return NULL;
return hd->resource->fname;
* Lock the keyring with the given handle, or unlock if YES is false.
* We ignore the handle and lock all registered files.
keyring_lock (KEYRING_HANDLE hd, int yes)
int rc = 0;
if (yes) {
/* first make sure the lock handles are created */
for (kr=kr_resources; kr; kr = kr->next) {
if (!keyring_is_writable(kr))
if (!kr->lockhd) {
kr->lockhd = dotlock_create (kr->fname, 0);
if (!kr->lockhd) {
log_info ("can't allocate lock for '%s'\n", kr->fname );
if (rc)
return rc;
/* and now set the locks */
for (kr=kr_resources; kr; kr = kr->next) {
if (!keyring_is_writable(kr))
if (kr->is_locked)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* Under Windows we need to CloseHandle the file before we
* try to lock it. This is because another process might
* have taken the lock and is using keybox_file_rename to
* rename the base file. How if our dotlock_take below is
* waiting for the lock but we have the base file still
* open, keybox_file_rename will never succeed as we are
* in a deadlock. */
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
if (dotlock_take (kr->lockhd, -1) ) {
log_info ("can't lock '%s'\n", kr->fname );
kr->is_locked = 1;
if (rc || !yes) {
for (kr=kr_resources; kr; kr = kr->next) {
if (!keyring_is_writable(kr))
if (!kr->is_locked)
if (dotlock_release (kr->lockhd))
log_info ("can't unlock '%s'\n", kr->fname );
kr->is_locked = 0;
return rc;
* Return the last found keyblock. Caller must free it.
* The returned keyblock has the kbode flag bit 0 set for the node with
* the public key used to locate the keyblock or flag bit 1 set for
* the user ID node.
keyring_get_keyblock (KEYRING_HANDLE hd, KBNODE *ret_kb)
PACKET *pkt;
int rc;
KBNODE keyblock = NULL, node, lastnode;
int in_cert = 0;
int pk_no = 0;
int uid_no = 0;
int save_mode;
if (ret_kb)
*ret_kb = NULL;
if (!hd->
return -1; /* no successful search */
a = iobuf_open (hd->>fname);
if (!a)
log_error(_("can't open '%s'\n"), hd->>fname);
if (iobuf_seek (a, hd->found.offset) ) {
log_error ("can't seek '%s'\n", hd->>fname);
pkt = xmalloc (sizeof *pkt);
init_packet (pkt);
hd->found.n_packets = 0;;
lastnode = NULL;
save_mode = set_packet_list_mode(0);
while ((rc=parse_packet (a, pkt)) != -1) {
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_PACKET) {
free_packet (pkt);
init_packet (pkt);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_LEGACY_KEY)
if (in_cert)
/* It is not this key that is problematic, but the
following key. */
rc = 0;
hd->found.n_packets --;
/* Upper layer needs to handle this. */
if (rc) {
log_error ("keyring_get_keyblock: read error: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc) );
/* Filter allowed packets. */
switch (pkt->pkttype)
break; /* Allowed per RFC. */
break; /* Allowed by us. */
log_error ("skipped packet of type %d in keyring\n",
if (in_cert && (pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY)) {
hd->found.n_packets--; /* fix counter */
break; /* ready */
in_cert = 1;
if (pkt->pkttype == PKT_RING_TRUST)
/*(this code is duplicated after the loop)*/
if ( lastnode
&& lastnode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& (pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache & 1) ) {
/* This is a ring trust packet with a checked signature
* status cache following directly a signature paket.
* Set the cache status into that signature packet. */
PKT_signature *sig = lastnode->pkt->pkt.signature;
sig->flags.checked = 1;
sig->flags.valid = !!(pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache & 2);
/* Reset LASTNODE, so that we set the cache status only from
* the ring trust packet immediately following a signature. */
lastnode = NULL;
node = lastnode = new_kbnode (pkt);
if (!keyblock)
keyblock = node;
add_kbnode (keyblock, node);
switch (pkt->pkttype)
if (++pk_no == hd->found.pk_no)
node->flag |= 1;
if (++uid_no == hd->found.uid_no)
node->flag |= 2;
pkt = xmalloc (sizeof *pkt);
if (rc == -1 && keyblock)
rc = 0; /* got the entire keyblock */
if (rc || !ret_kb)
release_kbnode (keyblock);
else {
/*(duplicated from the loop body)*/
if ( pkt && pkt->pkttype == PKT_RING_TRUST
&& lastnode
&& lastnode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& (pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache & 1) ) {
PKT_signature *sig = lastnode->pkt->pkt.signature;
sig->flags.checked = 1;
sig->flags.valid = !!(pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache & 2);
*ret_kb = keyblock;
free_packet (pkt);
xfree (pkt);
/* Make sure that future search operations fail immediately when
* we know that we are working on a invalid keyring
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_INV_KEYRING)
hd->current.error = rc;
return rc;
keyring_update_keyblock (KEYRING_HANDLE hd, KBNODE kb)
int rc;
if (!hd->
return -1; /* no successful prior search */
if (hd->>read_only)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EACCES);
if (!hd->found.n_packets) {
/* need to know the number of packets - do a dummy get_keyblock*/
rc = keyring_get_keyblock (hd, NULL);
if (rc) {
log_error ("re-reading keyblock failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
if (!hd->found.n_packets)
BUG ();
/* The open iobuf isn't needed anymore and in fact is a problem when
it comes to renaming the keyring files on some operating systems,
so close it here */
hd->current.iobuf = NULL;
/* do the update */
rc = do_copy (3, hd->>fname, kb,
hd->found.offset, hd->found.n_packets );
if (!rc) {
if (key_present_hash)
key_present_hash_update_from_kb (key_present_hash, kb);
/* better reset the found info */
hd-> = NULL;
hd->found.offset = 0;
return rc;
keyring_insert_keyblock (KEYRING_HANDLE hd, KBNODE kb)
int rc;
const char *fname;
if (!hd)
fname = NULL;
else if (hd->
fname = hd->>fname;
if (hd->>read_only)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EACCES);
else if (hd->
fname = hd->>fname;
if (hd->>read_only)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EACCES);
fname = hd->resource? hd->resource->fname:NULL;
if (!fname)
/* Close this one otherwise we will lose the position for
* a next search. Fixme: it would be better to adjust the position
* after the write opertions.
iobuf_close (hd->current.iobuf);
hd->current.iobuf = NULL;
/* do the insert */
rc = do_copy (1, fname, kb, 0, 0 );
if (!rc && key_present_hash)
key_present_hash_update_from_kb (key_present_hash, kb);
return rc;
keyring_delete_keyblock (KEYRING_HANDLE hd)
int rc;
if (!hd->
return -1; /* no successful prior search */
if (hd->>read_only)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EACCES);
if (!hd->found.n_packets) {
/* need to know the number of packets - do a dummy get_keyblock*/
rc = keyring_get_keyblock (hd, NULL);
if (rc) {
log_error ("re-reading keyblock failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
if (!hd->found.n_packets)
BUG ();
/* close this one otherwise we will lose the position for
* a next search. Fixme: it would be better to adjust the position
* after the write opertions.
iobuf_close (hd->current.iobuf);
hd->current.iobuf = NULL;
/* do the delete */
rc = do_copy (2, hd->>fname, NULL,
hd->found.offset, hd->found.n_packets );
if (!rc) {
/* better reset the found info */
hd-> = NULL;
hd->found.offset = 0;
/* Delete is a rare operations, so we don't remove the keys
* from the offset table */
return rc;
* Start the next search on this handle right at the beginning
keyring_search_reset (KEYRING_HANDLE hd)
log_assert (hd);
hd-> = NULL;
iobuf_close (hd->current.iobuf);
hd->current.iobuf = NULL;
hd->current.eof = 0;
hd->current.error = 0;
hd-> = NULL;
hd->found.offset = 0;
return 0;
static int
prepare_search (KEYRING_HANDLE hd)
if (hd->current.error) {
/* If the last key was a legacy key, we simply ignore the error so that
we can easily use search_next. */
if (gpg_err_code (hd->current.error) == GPG_ERR_LEGACY_KEY)
log_debug ("%s: last error was GPG_ERR_LEGACY_KEY, clearing\n",
hd->current.error = 0;
log_debug ("%s: returning last error: %s\n",
__func__, gpg_strerror (hd->current.error));
return hd->current.error; /* still in error state */
if (hd-> && !hd->current.eof) {
if ( !hd->current.iobuf )
log_debug ("%s: missing iobuf!\n", __func__);
return GPG_ERR_GENERAL; /* Position invalid after a modify. */
return 0; /* okay */
if (!hd-> && hd->current.eof)
log_debug ("%s: EOF!\n", __func__);
return -1; /* still EOF */
if (!hd-> { /* start search with first keyring */
hd-> = hd->resource;
if (!hd-> {
log_debug ("%s: keyring not available!\n", __func__);
hd->current.eof = 1;
return -1; /* keyring not available */
log_assert (!hd->current.iobuf);
else { /* EOF */
log_debug ("%s: EOF\n", __func__);
iobuf_close (hd->current.iobuf);
hd->current.iobuf = NULL;
hd-> = NULL;
hd->current.eof = 1;
return -1;
hd->current.eof = 0;
hd->current.iobuf = iobuf_open (hd->>fname);
if (!hd->current.iobuf)
hd->current.error = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error(_("can't open '%s'\n"), hd->>fname );
return hd->current.error;
return 0;
/* A map of the all characters valid used for word_match()
* Valid characters are in in this table converted to uppercase.
* because the upper 128 bytes have special meaning, we assume
* that they are all valid.
* Note: We must use numerical values here in case that this program
* will be converted to those little blue HAL9000s with their strange
* EBCDIC character set (user ids are UTF-8).
* wk 2000-04-13: Hmmm, does this really make sense, given the fact that
* we can run gpg now on a S/390 running GNU/Linux, where the code
* translation is done by the device drivers?
static const byte word_match_chars[256] = {
/* 00 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
/* 08 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
/* 10 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
/* 18 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
/* 20 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
/* 28 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
/* 30 */ 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37,
/* 38 */ 0x38, 0x39, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
/* 40 */ 0x00, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47,
/* 48 */ 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f,
/* 50 */ 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57,
/* 58 */ 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
/* 60 */ 0x00, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47,
/* 68 */ 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f,
/* 70 */ 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57,
/* 78 */ 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
/* 80 */ 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87,
/* 88 */ 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f,
/* 90 */ 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97,
/* 98 */ 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f,
/* a0 */ 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7,
/* a8 */ 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf,
/* b0 */ 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7,
/* b8 */ 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf,
/* c0 */ 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7,
/* c8 */ 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf,
/* d0 */ 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7,
/* d8 */ 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf,
/* e0 */ 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7,
/* e8 */ 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef,
/* f0 */ 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7,
/* f8 */ 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff
* Do a word match (original user id starts with a '+').
* The pattern is already tokenized to a more suitable format:
* There are only the real words in it delimited by one space
* and all converted to uppercase.
* Returns: 0 if all words match.
* Note: This algorithm is a straightforward one and not very
* fast. It works for UTF-8 strings. The uidlen should
* be removed but due to the fact that old versions of
* pgp don't use UTF-8 we still use the length; this should
* be fixed in parse-packet (and replace \0 by some special
* UTF-8 encoding)
static int
word_match( const byte *uid, size_t uidlen, const byte *pattern )
size_t wlen, n;
const byte *p;
const byte *s;
for( s=pattern; *s; ) {
do {
/* skip leading delimiters */
while( uidlen && !word_match_chars[*uid] )
uid++, uidlen--;
/* get length of the word */
n = uidlen; p = uid;
while( n && word_match_chars[*p] )
p++, n--;
wlen = p - uid;
/* and compare against the current word from pattern */
for(n=0, p=uid; n < wlen && s[n] != ' ' && s[n] ; n++, p++ ) {
if( word_match_chars[*p] != s[n] )
if( n == wlen && (s[n] == ' ' || !s[n]) )
break; /* found */
uid += wlen;
uidlen -= wlen;
} while( uidlen );
if( !uidlen )
return -1; /* not found */
/* advance to next word in pattern */
for(; *s != ' ' && *s ; s++ )
if( *s )
s++ ;
return 0; /* found */
* prepare word word_match; that is parse the name and
* build the pattern.
* caller has to free the returned pattern
static char*
prepare_word_match (const byte *name)
byte *pattern, *p;
int c;
/* the original length is always enough for the pattern */
p = pattern = xmalloc(strlen(name)+1);
do {
/* skip leading delimiters */
while( *name && !word_match_chars[*name] )
/* copy as long as we don't have a delimiter and convert
* to uppercase.
* fixme: how can we handle utf8 uppercasing */
for( ; *name && (c=word_match_chars[*name]); name++ )
*p++ = c;
*p++ = ' '; /* append pattern delimiter */
} while( *name );
p[-1] = 0; /* replace last pattern delimiter by EOS */
return pattern;
static int
compare_name (int mode, const char *name, const char *uid, size_t uidlen)
int i;
const char *s, *se;
for (i=0; name[i] && uidlen; i++, uidlen--)
if (uid[i] != name[i])
if (!uidlen && !name[i])
return 0; /* found */
else if (mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_SUBSTR) {
if (ascii_memistr( uid, uidlen, name ))
return 0;
else if ( mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_MAIL
for (i=0, s= uid; i < uidlen && *s != '<'; s++, i++)
if (i < uidlen) {
/* skip opening delim and one char and look for the closing one*/
s++; i++;
for (se=s+1, i++; i < uidlen && *se != '>'; se++, i++)
if (i < uidlen) {
i = se - s;
if( strlen(name)-2 == i
&& !ascii_memcasecmp( s, name+1, i) )
return 0;
else if (mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_MAILSUB) {
if( ascii_memistr( s, i, name ) )
return 0;
else { /* email from end */
/* nyi */
else if (mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_WORDS)
return word_match (uid, uidlen, name);
return -1; /* not found */
* Search through the keyring(s), starting at the current position,
* for a keyblock which contains one of the keys described in the DESC array.
keyring_search (KEYRING_HANDLE hd, KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc,
size_t ndesc, size_t *descindex, int ignore_legacy)
int rc;
int save_mode;
off_t offset, main_offset;
size_t n;
int need_uid, need_words, need_keyid, need_fpr, any_skip;
int pk_no, uid_no;
int initial_skip;
int scanned_from_start;
int use_key_present_hash;
PKT_user_id *uid = NULL;
PKT_public_key *pk = NULL;
u32 aki[2];
/* figure out what information we need */
need_uid = need_words = need_keyid = need_fpr = any_skip = 0;
for (n=0; n < ndesc; n++)
switch (desc[n].mode)
need_uid = 1;
need_uid = 1;
need_words = 1;
need_keyid = 1;
need_fpr = 1;
/* always restart the search in this mode */
keyring_search_reset (hd);
default: break;
if (desc[n].skipfnc)
any_skip = 1;
need_keyid = 1;
log_debug ("%s: need_uid = %d; need_words = %d; need_keyid = %d; need_fpr = %d; any_skip = %d\n",
__func__, need_uid, need_words, need_keyid, need_fpr, any_skip);
rc = prepare_search (hd);
if (rc)
log_debug ("%s: prepare_search failed: %s (%d)\n",
__func__, gpg_strerror (rc), gpg_err_code (rc));
return rc;
use_key_present_hash = !!key_present_hash;
if (!use_key_present_hash)
log_debug ("%s: no offset table.\n", __func__);
else if (!key_present_hash_ready)
log_debug ("%s: initializing offset table. (need_keyid: %d => 1)\n",
__func__, need_keyid);
need_keyid = 1;
else if (ndesc == 1 && desc[0].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_LONG_KID)
struct key_present *oi;
log_debug ("%s: look up by long key id, checking cache\n", __func__);
oi = key_present_hash_lookup (key_present_hash, desc[0].u.kid);
if (!oi)
{ /* We know that we don't have this key */
log_debug ("%s: cache says not present\n", __func__);
hd-> = NULL;
hd->current.eof = 1;
return -1;
/* We could now create a positive search status and return.
* However the problem is that another instance of gpg may
* have changed the keyring so that the offsets are not valid
* anymore - therefore we don't do it
if (need_words)
const char *name = NULL;
log_debug ("word search mode does not yet work\n");
/* FIXME: here is a long standing bug in our function and in addition we
just use the first search description */
for (n=0; n < ndesc && !name; n++)
if (desc[n].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_WORDS)
name = desc[n];
log_assert (name);
if ( !hd-> || strcmp (hd->, name) )
/* name changed */
xfree (hd->;
xfree (hd->word_match.pattern);
hd-> = xstrdup (name);
hd->word_match.pattern = prepare_word_match (name);
/* name = hd->word_match.pattern; */
save_mode = set_packet_list_mode(0);
hd-> = NULL;
main_offset = 0;
pk_no = uid_no = 0;
initial_skip = 1; /* skip until we see the start of a keyblock */
scanned_from_start = iobuf_tell (hd->current.iobuf) == 0;
log_debug ("%s: %ssearching from start of resource.\n",
__func__, scanned_from_start ? "" : "not ");
while (1)
size_t an;
rc = search_packet (hd->current.iobuf, &pkt, &offset, need_uid);
if (ignore_legacy && gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_LEGACY_KEY)
free_packet (&pkt);
if (rc)
if (pkt.pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY || pkt.pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY)
main_offset = offset;
pk_no = uid_no = 0;
initial_skip = 0;
if (initial_skip)
free_packet (&pkt);
pk = NULL;
uid = NULL;
if ( pkt.pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| pkt.pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| pkt.pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY
|| pkt.pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
pk = pkt.pkt.public_key;
if (need_fpr) {
fingerprint_from_pk (pk, afp, &an);
while (an < 20) /* fill up to 20 bytes */
afp[an++] = 0;
if (need_keyid)
keyid_from_pk (pk, aki);
if (use_key_present_hash
&& !key_present_hash_ready
&& scanned_from_start)
key_present_hash_update (key_present_hash, aki);
else if (pkt.pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
uid = pkt.pkt.user_id;
for (n=0; n < ndesc; n++)
switch (desc[n].mode) {
BUG ();
if ( uid && !compare_name (desc[n].mode,
uid->name, uid->len))
goto found;
if (pk && desc[n].u.kid[1] == aki[1])
goto found;
if (pk && desc[n].u.kid[0] == aki[0]
&& desc[n].u.kid[1] == aki[1])
goto found;
if (pk && !memcmp (desc[n].u.fpr, afp, 16))
goto found;
if (pk && !memcmp (desc[n].u.fpr, afp, 20))
goto found;
if (pk)
goto found;
if (pk)
goto found;
goto found;
free_packet (&pkt);
if (rc)
goto real_found;
log_debug ("%s: packet starting at offset %lld matched descriptor %zu\n"
, __func__, (long long)offset, n);
/* Record which desc we matched on. Note this value is only
meaningful if this function returns with no errors. */
for (n=any_skip?0:ndesc; n < ndesc; n++)
if (desc[n].skipfnc
&& desc[n].skipfnc (desc[n].skipfncvalue, aki, uid_no))
log_debug ("%s: skipping match: desc %zd's skip function returned TRUE\n",
__func__, n);
if (n == ndesc)
goto real_found;
free_packet (&pkt);
if (!rc)
log_debug ("%s: returning success\n", __func__);
hd->found.offset = main_offset;
hd-> = hd->;
hd->found.pk_no = pk? pk_no : 0;
hd->found.uid_no = uid? uid_no : 0;
else if (rc == -1)
log_debug ("%s: no matches (EOF)\n", __func__);
hd->current.eof = 1;
/* if we scanned all keyrings, we are sure that
* all known key IDs are in our offtbl, mark that. */
if (use_key_present_hash
&& !key_present_hash_ready
&& scanned_from_start)
/* First set the did_full_scan flag for this keyring. */
for (kr=kr_resources; kr; kr = kr->next)
if (hd->resource == kr)
kr->did_full_scan = 1;
/* Then check whether all flags are set and if so, mark the
offtbl ready */
for (kr=kr_resources; kr; kr = kr->next)
if (!kr->did_full_scan)
if (!kr)
key_present_hash_ready = 1;
log_debug ("%s: error encountered during search: %s (%d)\n",
__func__, gpg_strerror (rc), rc);
hd->current.error = rc;
return rc;
static int
create_tmp_file (const char *template,
char **r_bakfname, char **r_tmpfname, IOBUF *r_fp)
gpg_error_t err;
mode_t oldmask;
err = keybox_tmp_names (template, 1, r_bakfname, r_tmpfname);
if (err)
return err;
/* Create the temp file with limited access. Note that the umask
call is not anymore needed because iobuf_create now takes care of
it. However, it does not harm and thus we keep it. */
oldmask = umask (077);
if (is_secured_filename (*r_tmpfname))
*r_fp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
*r_fp = iobuf_create (*r_tmpfname, 1);
umask (oldmask);
if (!*r_fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't create '%s': %s\n"), *r_tmpfname, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (*r_tmpfname);
*r_tmpfname = NULL;
xfree (*r_bakfname);
*r_bakfname = NULL;
return err;
static int
rename_tmp_file (const char *bakfname, const char *tmpfname, const char *fname)
int rc = 0;
int block = 0;
/* Invalidate close caches. */
if (iobuf_ioctl (NULL, IOBUF_IOCTL_INVALIDATE_CACHE, 0, (char*)tmpfname ))
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto fail;
iobuf_ioctl (NULL, IOBUF_IOCTL_INVALIDATE_CACHE, 0, (char*)bakfname );
iobuf_ioctl (NULL, IOBUF_IOCTL_INVALIDATE_CACHE, 0, (char*)fname );
/* First make a backup file. */
block = 1;
rc = keybox_file_rename (fname, bakfname, &block);
if (rc)
goto fail;
/* then rename the file */
rc = keybox_file_rename (tmpfname, fname, NULL);
if (block)
gnupg_unblock_all_signals ();
block = 0;
if (rc)
register_secured_file (fname);
goto fail;
/* Now make sure the file has the same permissions as the original */
struct stat statbuf;
statbuf.st_mode=S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR;
if (!stat (bakfname, &statbuf) && !chmod (fname, statbuf.st_mode))
log_error ("WARNING: unable to restore permissions to '%s': %s",
fname, strerror(errno));
return 0;
if (block)
gnupg_unblock_all_signals ();
return rc;
static int
write_keyblock (IOBUF fp, KBNODE keyblock)
KBNODE kbctx = NULL, node;
int rc;
while ( (node = walk_kbnode (keyblock, &kbctx, 0)) )
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_RING_TRUST)
continue; /* we write it later on our own */
if ( (rc = build_packet (fp, node->pkt) ))
log_error ("build_packet(%d) failed: %s\n",
node->pkt->pkttype, gpg_strerror (rc) );
return rc;
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
{ /* always write a signature cache packet */
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
unsigned int cacheval = 0;
if (sig->flags.checked)
cacheval |= 1;
if (sig->flags.valid)
cacheval |= 2;
iobuf_put (fp, 0xb0); /* old style packet 12, 1 byte len*/
iobuf_put (fp, 2); /* 2 bytes */
iobuf_put (fp, 0); /* unused */
if (iobuf_put (fp, cacheval))
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("writing sigcache packet failed\n");
return rc;
return 0;
* Walk over all public keyrings, check the signatures and replace the
* keyring with a new one where the signature cache is then updated.
* This is only done for the public keyrings.
keyring_rebuild_cache (void *token,int noisy)
KBNODE keyblock = NULL, node;
const char *lastresname = NULL, *resname;
IOBUF tmpfp = NULL;
char *tmpfilename = NULL;
char *bakfilename = NULL;
int rc;
ulong count = 0, sigcount = 0;
hd = keyring_new (token);
if (!hd)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memset (&desc, 0, sizeof desc);
rc=keyring_lock (hd, 1);
goto leave;
for (;;)
rc = keyring_search (hd, &desc, 1, NULL, 1 /* ignore_legacy */);
if (rc)
break; /* ready. */
resname = keyring_get_resource_name (hd);
if (lastresname != resname )
{ /* we have switched to a new keyring - commit changes */
if (tmpfp)
if (iobuf_close (tmpfp))
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error closing '%s': %s\n",
tmpfilename, strerror (errno));
goto leave;
/* because we have switched resources, we can be sure that
* the original file is closed */
tmpfp = NULL;
/* Static analyzer note: BAKFILENAME is never NULL here
because it is controlled by LASTRESNAME. */
rc = lastresname? rename_tmp_file (bakfilename, tmpfilename,
lastresname) : 0;
xfree (tmpfilename); tmpfilename = NULL;
xfree (bakfilename); bakfilename = NULL;
if (rc)
goto leave;
lastresname = resname;
if (noisy && !opt.quiet)
log_info (_("caching keyring '%s'\n"), resname);
rc = create_tmp_file (resname, &bakfilename, &tmpfilename, &tmpfp);
if (rc)
goto leave;
release_kbnode (keyblock);
rc = keyring_get_keyblock (hd, &keyblock);
if (rc)
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_LEGACY_KEY)
continue; /* Skip legacy keys. */
log_error ("keyring_get_keyblock failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if ( keyblock->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
/* We had a few reports about corrupted keyrings; if we have
been called directly from the command line we delete such
a keyblock instead of bailing out. */
log_error ("unexpected keyblock found (pkttype=%d)%s\n",
keyblock->pkt->pkttype, noisy? " - deleted":"");
if (noisy)
log_info ("Hint: backup your keys and try running '%s'\n",
"gpg --rebuild-keydb-caches");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_KEYRING);
goto leave;
if (keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key->version < 4)
/* We do not copy/cache v3 keys or any other unknown
packets. It is better to remove them from the keyring.
The code required to keep them in the keyring would be
too complicated. Given that we do not touch the old
secring.gpg a suitable backup for decryption of v3 stuff
using an older gpg version will always be available.
Note: This test is actually superfluous because we
already acted upon GPG_ERR_LEGACY_KEY. */
/* Check all signature to set the signature's cache flags. */
for (node=keyblock; node; node=node->next)
/* Note that this doesn't cache the result of a
revocation issued by a designated revoker. This is
because the pk in question does not carry the revkeys
as we haven't merged the key and selfsigs. It is
questionable whether this matters very much since
there are very very few designated revoker revocation
packets out there. */
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
PKT_signature *sig=node->pkt->pkt.signature;
if(!opt.no_sig_cache && sig->flags.checked && sig->flags.valid
&& (openpgp_md_test_algo(sig->digest_algo)
|| openpgp_pk_test_algo(sig->pubkey_algo)))
check_key_signature (keyblock, node, NULL);
/* Write the keyblock to the temporary file. */
rc = write_keyblock (tmpfp, keyblock);
if (rc)
goto leave;
if ( !(++count % 50) && noisy && !opt.quiet)
log_info (ngettext("%lu keys cached so far (%lu signature)\n",
"%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n",
count, sigcount);
} /* end main loop */
if (rc == -1)
rc = 0;
if (rc)
log_error ("keyring_search failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if (noisy || opt.verbose)
log_info (ngettext("%lu key cached",
"%lu keys cached", count), count);
log_printf (ngettext(" (%lu signature)\n",
" (%lu signatures)\n", sigcount), sigcount);
if (tmpfp)
if (iobuf_close (tmpfp))
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error closing '%s': %s\n",
tmpfilename, strerror (errno));
goto leave;
/* because we have switched resources, we can be sure that
* the original file is closed */
tmpfp = NULL;
rc = lastresname? rename_tmp_file (bakfilename, tmpfilename,
lastresname) : 0;
xfree (tmpfilename); tmpfilename = NULL;
xfree (bakfilename); bakfilename = NULL;
if (tmpfp)
iobuf_cancel (tmpfp);
xfree (tmpfilename);
xfree (bakfilename);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
keyring_lock (hd, 0);
keyring_release (hd);
return rc;
* Perform insert/delete/update operation.
* mode 1 = insert
* 2 = delete
* 3 = update
static int
do_copy (int mode, const char *fname, KBNODE root,
off_t start_offset, unsigned int n_packets )
IOBUF fp, newfp;
int rc=0;
char *bakfname = NULL;
char *tmpfname = NULL;
/* Open the source file. Because we do a rename, we have to check the
permissions of the file */
if (access (fname, W_OK))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
fp = iobuf_open (fname);
if (mode == 1 && !fp && errno == ENOENT) {
/* insert mode but file does not exist: create a new file */
KBNODE kbctx, node;
mode_t oldmask;
if (is_secured_filename (fname)) {
newfp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
newfp = iobuf_create (fname, 1);
if( !newfp )
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't create '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror(errno));
return rc;
if( !opt.quiet )
log_info(_("%s: keyring created\n"), fname );
while ( (node = walk_kbnode( root, &kbctx, 0 )) ) {
if( (rc = build_packet( newfp, node->pkt )) ) {
log_error("build_packet(%d) failed: %s\n",
node->pkt->pkttype, gpg_strerror (rc) );
return rc;
if( iobuf_close(newfp) ) {
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("%s: close failed: %s\n", fname, strerror(errno));
return rc;
return 0; /* ready */
if( !fp )
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error(_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror(errno) );
goto leave;
/* Create the new file. */
rc = create_tmp_file (fname, &bakfname, &tmpfname, &newfp);
if (rc) {
goto leave;
if( mode == 1 ) { /* insert */
/* copy everything to the new file */
rc = copy_all_packets (fp, newfp);
if( rc != -1 ) {
log_error("%s: copy to '%s' failed: %s\n",
fname, tmpfname, gpg_strerror (rc) );
goto leave;
if( mode == 2 || mode == 3 ) { /* delete or update */
/* copy first part to the new file */
rc = copy_some_packets( fp, newfp, start_offset );
if( rc ) { /* should never get EOF here */
log_error ("%s: copy to '%s' failed: %s\n",
fname, tmpfname, gpg_strerror (rc) );
goto leave;
/* skip this keyblock */
log_assert( n_packets );
rc = skip_some_packets( fp, n_packets );
if( rc ) {
log_error("%s: skipping %u packets failed: %s\n",
fname, n_packets, gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if( mode == 1 || mode == 3 ) { /* insert or update */
rc = write_keyblock (newfp, root);
if (rc) {
goto leave;
if( mode == 2 || mode == 3 ) { /* delete or update */
/* copy the rest */
rc = copy_all_packets( fp, newfp );
if( rc != -1 ) {
log_error("%s: copy to '%s' failed: %s\n",
fname, tmpfname, gpg_strerror (rc) );
goto leave;
/* close both files */
if( iobuf_close(fp) ) {
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error("%s: close failed: %s\n", fname, strerror(errno) );
goto leave;
if( iobuf_close(newfp) ) {
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error("%s: close failed: %s\n", tmpfname, strerror(errno) );
goto leave;
rc = rename_tmp_file (bakfname, tmpfname, fname);
return rc;
diff --git a/g10/keyring.h b/g10/keyring.h
index 14d9f426f..07f383576 100644
--- a/g10/keyring.h
+++ b/g10/keyring.h
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
/* keyring.h - Keyring operations
* Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#define GPG_KEYRING_H 1
#include "../common/userids.h"
typedef struct keyring_handle *KEYRING_HANDLE;
int keyring_register_filename (const char *fname, int read_only, void **ptr);
int keyring_is_writable (void *token);
KEYRING_HANDLE keyring_new (void *token);
void keyring_release (KEYRING_HANDLE hd);
void keyring_push_found_state (KEYRING_HANDLE hd);
void keyring_pop_found_state (KEYRING_HANDLE hd);
const char *keyring_get_resource_name (KEYRING_HANDLE hd);
int keyring_lock (KEYRING_HANDLE hd, int yes);
int keyring_get_keyblock (KEYRING_HANDLE hd, KBNODE *ret_kb);
int keyring_update_keyblock (KEYRING_HANDLE hd, KBNODE kb);
int keyring_insert_keyblock (KEYRING_HANDLE hd, KBNODE kb);
int keyring_delete_keyblock (KEYRING_HANDLE hd);
int keyring_search_reset (KEYRING_HANDLE hd);
int keyring_search (KEYRING_HANDLE hd, KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc,
size_t ndesc, size_t *descindex, int skip_legacy);
int keyring_rebuild_cache (void *token,int noisy);
#endif /*GPG_KEYRING_H*/
diff --git a/g10/keyserver-internal.h b/g10/keyserver-internal.h
index 6988ae08c..77b362eef 100644
--- a/g10/keyserver-internal.h
+++ b/g10/keyserver-internal.h
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
/* keyserver-internal.h - Keyserver internals
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <time.h>
#include "../common/keyserver.h"
#include "../common/iobuf.h"
#include "types.h"
int parse_keyserver_options(char *options);
void free_keyserver_spec(struct keyserver_spec *keyserver);
struct keyserver_spec *keyserver_match(struct keyserver_spec *spec);
struct keyserver_spec *parse_keyserver_uri (const char *string,
int require_scheme);
struct keyserver_spec *parse_preferred_keyserver(PKT_signature *sig);
int keyserver_any_configured (ctrl_t ctrl);
int keyserver_export (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t users);
int keyserver_import (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t users);
int keyserver_import_fprint (ctrl_t ctrl, const byte *fprint,size_t fprint_len,
struct keyserver_spec *keyserver, int quick);
int keyserver_import_keyid (ctrl_t ctrl, u32 *keyid,
struct keyserver_spec *keyserver, int quick);
gpg_error_t keyserver_refresh (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t users);
gpg_error_t keyserver_search (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t tokens);
int keyserver_fetch (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t urilist);
int keyserver_import_cert (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, int dane_mode,
unsigned char **fpr,size_t *fpr_len);
gpg_error_t keyserver_import_pka (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name,
unsigned char **fpr,size_t *fpr_len);
gpg_error_t keyserver_import_wkd (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, int quick,
unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fpr_len);
int keyserver_import_name (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *name,unsigned char **fpr,size_t *fpr_len,
struct keyserver_spec *keyserver);
int keyserver_import_ldap (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name,
unsigned char **fpr,size_t *fpr_len);
#endif /* !_KEYSERVER_INTERNAL_H_ */
diff --git a/g10/keyserver.c b/g10/keyserver.c
index d98351cd2..9148e7d97 100644
--- a/g10/keyserver.c
+++ b/g10/keyserver.c
@@ -1,2155 +1,2155 @@
/* keyserver.c - generic keyserver code
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,
* 2009, 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "exec.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "keyserver-internal.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "membuf.h"
#include "mbox-util.h"
#include "call-dirmngr.h"
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* It seems Vista doesn't grok X_OK and so fails access() tests.
Previous versions interpreted X_OK as F_OK anyway, so we'll just
use F_OK directly. */
#undef X_OK
#define X_OK F_OK
#endif /* HAVE_W32_SYSTEM */
struct keyrec
u32 createtime,expiretime;
int size,flags;
byte type;
IOBUF uidbuf;
unsigned int lines;
/* Parameters for the search line handler. */
struct search_line_handler_parm_s
ctrl_t ctrl; /* The session control structure. */
char *searchstr_disp; /* Native encoded search string or NULL. */
KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc; /* Array with search descriptions. */
int count; /* Number of keys we are currently prepared to
handle. This is the size of the DESC array. If
it is too small, it will grow safely. */
int validcount; /* Enable the "Key x-y of z" messages. */
int nkeys; /* Number of processed records. */
int any_lines; /* At least one line has been processed. */
unsigned int numlines; /* Counter for displayed lines. */
int eof_seen; /* EOF encountered. */
int not_found; /* Set if no keys have been found. */
static struct parse_options keyserver_opts[]=
/* some of these options are not real - just for the help
message */
{"max-cert-size",0,NULL,NULL}, /* MUST be the first in this array! */
{"http-proxy", KEYSERVER_HTTP_PROXY, NULL, /* MUST be the second! */
N_("override proxy options set for dirmngr")},
{"include-revoked",0,NULL,N_("include revoked keys in search results")},
{"include-subkeys",0,NULL,N_("include subkeys when searching by key ID")},
N_("override timeout options set for dirmngr")},
N_("automatically retrieve keys when verifying signatures")},
N_("honor the preferred keyserver URL set on the key")},
N_("honor the PKA record set on a key when retrieving keys")},
static gpg_error_t keyserver_get (ctrl_t ctrl,
KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc, int ndesc,
struct keyserver_spec *override_keyserver,
int quick,
unsigned char **r_fpr, size_t *r_fprlen);
static gpg_error_t keyserver_put (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t keyspecs);
/* Reasonable guess. The commonly used test key
is larger than 32k, thus we need at least this value. */
static size_t max_cert_size=DEFAULT_MAX_CERT_SIZE;
static void
warn_kshelper_option(char *option, int noisy)
char *p;
if ((p=strchr (option, '=')))
*p = 0;
if (!strcmp (option, "ca-cert-file"))
log_info ("keyserver option '%s' is obsolete; please use "
"'%s' in dirmngr.conf\n",
"ca-cert-file", "hkp-cacert");
else if (!strcmp (option, "check-cert")
|| !strcmp (option, "broken-http-proxy"))
log_info ("keyserver option '%s' is obsolete\n", option);
else if (noisy || opt.verbose)
log_info ("keyserver option '%s' is unknown\n", option);
/* Called from main to parse the args for --keyserver-options. */
parse_keyserver_options(char *options)
int ret=1;
char *tok;
char *max_cert=NULL;
/* We accept quite a few possible options here - some options to
handle specially, the keyserver_options list, and import and
export options that pertain to keyserver operations. */
if (!parse_options (tok,&opt.keyserver_options.options, keyserver_opts,0)
&& !parse_import_options(tok,&opt.keyserver_options.import_options,0)
&& !parse_export_options(tok,&opt.keyserver_options.export_options,0))
/* All of the standard options have failed, so the option was
destined for a keyserver plugin as used by GnuPG < 2.1 */
warn_kshelper_option (tok, 1);
max_cert_size=strtoul(max_cert,(char **)NULL,10);
return ret;
free_keyserver_spec(struct keyserver_spec *keyserver)
/* Return 0 for match */
static int
cmp_keyserver_spec(struct keyserver_spec *one,struct keyserver_spec *two)
if(one->host && two->host && ascii_strcasecmp(one->host,two->host)==0)
if((one->port && two->port
&& ascii_strcasecmp(one->port,two->port)==0)
|| (!one->port && !two->port))
return 0;
else if(one->opaque && two->opaque
&& ascii_strcasecmp(one->opaque,two->opaque)==0)
return 0;
return 1;
/* Try and match one of our keyservers. If we can, return that. If
we can't, return our input. */
struct keyserver_spec *
keyserver_match(struct keyserver_spec *spec)
struct keyserver_spec *ks;
return ks;
return spec;
/* TODO: once we cut over to an all-curl world, we don't need this
parser any longer so it can be removed, or at least moved to
keyserver/ksutil.c for limited use in gpgkeys_ldap or the like. */
parse_keyserver_uri (const char *string,int require_scheme)
int assume_hkp=0;
struct keyserver_spec *keyserver;
const char *idx;
int count;
char *uri, *duped_uri, *options;
log_assert (string);
keyserver=xmalloc_clear(sizeof(struct keyserver_spec));
duped_uri = uri = xstrdup (string);
options=strchr(uri,' ');
char *tok;
warn_kshelper_option (tok, 0);
/* Get the scheme */
for(idx=uri,count=0;*idx && *idx!=':';idx++)
/* Do we see the start of an RFC-2732 ipv6 address here? If so,
there clearly isn't a scheme so get out early. */
/* Was the '[' the first thing in the string? If not, we
have a mangled scheme with a [ in it so fail. */
goto fail;
goto fail;
if(*idx=='\0' || *idx=='[')
return NULL;
/* Assume HKP if there is no scheme */
int i;
/* Force to lowercase */
/* Skip past the scheme and colon */
log_info ("keyserver option '%s' is obsolete\n",
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(keyserver->scheme,"x-hkp")==0)
/* Canonicalize this to "hkp" so it works with both the internal
and external keyserver interface. */
if (uri[0]=='/' && uri[1]=='/' && uri[2] == '/')
/* Three slashes means network path with a default host name.
This is a hack because it does not crok all possible
combiantions. We should better repalce all code bythe parser
from http.c. */
keyserver->path = xstrdup (uri+2);
else if(assume_hkp || (uri[0]=='/' && uri[1]=='/'))
/* Two slashes means network path. */
/* Skip over the "//", if any */
/* Do we have userinfo auth data present? */
for(idx=uri,count=0;*idx && *idx!='@' && *idx!='/';idx++)
/* We found a @ before the slash, so that means everything
before the @ is auth data. */
goto fail;
/* Is it an RFC-2732 ipv6 [literal address] ? */
&& ((isascii (*idx) && isxdigit(*idx))
|| *idx==':' || *idx=='.');idx++)
/* Is the ipv6 literal address terminated? */
goto fail;
for(idx=uri,count=0;*idx && *idx!=':' && *idx!='/';idx++)
goto fail;
/* Skip past the host */
/* It would seem to be reasonable to limit the range of the
ports to values between 1-65535, but RFC 1738 and 1808
imply there is no limit. Of course, the real world has
limits. */
for(idx=uri+1,count=0;*idx && *idx!='/';idx++)
/* Ports are digits only */
goto fail;
/* Skip past the colon and port number */
/* Everything else is the path */
else if(uri[0]!='/')
/* No slash means opaque. Just record the opaque blob and get
out. */
/* One slash means absolute path. We don't need to support that
yet. */
goto fail;
xfree (duped_uri);
return keyserver;
xfree (duped_uri);
return NULL;
struct keyserver_spec *
parse_preferred_keyserver(PKT_signature *sig)
struct keyserver_spec *spec=NULL;
const byte *p;
size_t plen;
if(p && plen)
byte *dupe=xmalloc(plen+1);
spec = parse_keyserver_uri (dupe, 1);
return spec;
static void
print_keyrec(int number,struct keyrec *keyrec)
int i;
es_printf ("(%d)\t%s ", number, iobuf_get_temp_buffer (keyrec->uidbuf));
if (keyrec->size>0)
es_printf ("%d bit ", keyrec->size);
const char *str;
str = openpgp_pk_algo_name (keyrec->type);
if (str && strcmp (str, "?"))
es_printf ("%s ",str);
es_printf ("unknown ");
/* If the keyserver helper gave us a short keyid, we have no
choice but to use it. Do check --keyid-format to add a 0x if
needed. */
es_printf ("key %s%08lX",
|| opt.keyid_format==KF_0xLONG)?"0x":"",
/* However, if it gave us a long keyid, we can honor
--keyid-format via keystr(). */
es_printf ("key %s",keystr(keyrec->desc.u.kid));
/* If it gave us a PGP 2.x fingerprint, not much we can do
beyond displaying it. */
es_printf ("key ");
es_printf ("%02X",keyrec->desc.u.fpr[i]);
/* If we get a modern fingerprint, we have the most
flexibility. */
u32 kid[2];
es_printf("key %s",keystr(kid));
es_printf (", ");
es_printf (_("created: %s"), strtimestamp(keyrec->createtime));
es_printf (", ");
es_printf (_("expires: %s"), strtimestamp(keyrec->expiretime));
if (keyrec->flags&1)
es_printf (" (%s)", _("revoked"));
es_printf (" (%s)", _("disabled"));
es_printf (" (%s)", _("expired"));
es_printf ("\n");
/* Returns a keyrec (which must be freed) once a key is complete, and
NULL otherwise. Call with a NULL keystring once key parsing is
complete to return any unfinished keys. */
static struct keyrec *
parse_keyrec(char *keystring)
/* FIXME: Remove the static and put the data into the parms we use
for the caller anyway. */
static struct keyrec *work=NULL;
struct keyrec *ret=NULL;
char *record;
int i;
return NULL;
else if(work->desc.mode==KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NONE)
return NULL;
return ret;
work=xmalloc_clear(sizeof(struct keyrec));
trim_trailing_ws (keystring, strlen (keystring));
return ret;
char *tok;
gpg_error_t err;
work=xmalloc_clear(sizeof(struct keyrec));
return ret;
err = classify_user_id (tok, &work->desc, 1);
if (err || (work->desc.mode != KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_SHORT_KID
&& work->desc.mode != KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_LONG_KID
&& work->desc.mode != KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR16
&& work->desc.mode != KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20))
return ret;
/* Note all items after this are optional. This allows us to
have a pub line as simple as pub:keyid and nothing else. */
return ret;
return ret;
return ret;
return ret;
/* Force the 'e' flag on if this key is expired. */
return ret;
case 'r':
case 'R':
case 'd':
case 'D':
case 'e':
case 'E':
else if(ascii_strcasecmp("uid",record)==0 && work->desc.mode)
char *userid,*tok,*decoded;
return ret;
return ret;
/* By definition, de-%-encoding is always smaller than the
original string so we can decode in place. */
if(tok[0]=='%' && tok[1] && tok[2])
int c;
userid[i] = (c=hextobyte(&tok[1])) == -1 ? '?' : c;
/* We don't care about the other info provided in the uid: line
since no keyserver supports marking userids with timestamps
or revoked/expired/disabled yet. */
/* No need to check for control characters, as utf8_to_native
does this for us. */
/* Ignore any records other than "pri" and "uid" for easy future
growth. */
return ret;
/* Show a prompt and allow the user to select keys for retrieval. */
static gpg_error_t
show_prompt (ctrl_t ctrl, KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc, int numdesc,
int count, const char *search)
gpg_error_t err;
char *answer = NULL;
es_fflush (es_stdout);
if (count && opt.command_fd == -1)
static int from = 1;
tty_printf ("Keys %d-%d of %d for \"%s\". ",
from, numdesc, count, search);
from = numdesc + 1;
err = 0;
xfree (answer);
answer = cpr_get_no_help ("keysearch.prompt",
_("Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > "));
/* control-d */
if (answer[0]=='\x04')
tty_printf ("Q\n");
answer[0] = 'q';
if (answer[0]=='q' || answer[0]=='Q')
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
else if (atoi (answer) >= 1 && atoi (answer) <= numdesc)
char *split = answer;
char *num;
int numarray[50];
int numidx = 0;
int idx;
while ((num = strsep (&split, " ,")))
if (atoi (num) >= 1 && atoi (num) <= numdesc)
if (numidx >= DIM (numarray))
tty_printf ("Too many keys selected\n");
goto again;
numarray[numidx++] = atoi (num);
if (!numidx)
goto again;
selarray = xtrymalloc (numidx * sizeof *selarray);
if (!selarray)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
for (idx = 0; idx < numidx; idx++)
selarray[idx] = desc[numarray[idx]-1];
err = keyserver_get (ctrl, selarray, numidx, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
xfree (selarray);
xfree (answer);
return err;
/* This is a callback used by call-dirmngr.c to process the result of
KS_SEARCH command. If SPECIAL is 0, LINE is the actual data line
received with all escaping removed and guaranteed to be exactly one
line with stripped LF; an EOF is indicated by LINE passed as NULL.
If special is 1, the line contains the source of the information
(usually an URL). LINE may be modified after return. */
static gpg_error_t
search_line_handler (void *opaque, int special, char *line)
struct search_line_handler_parm_s *parm = opaque;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
struct keyrec *keyrec;
if (special == 1)
log_info ("data source: %s\n", line);
return 0;
else if (special)
log_debug ("unknown value %d for special search callback", special);
return 0;
if (parm->eof_seen && line)
log_debug ("ooops: unexpected data after EOF\n");
line = NULL;
/* Print the received line. */
if (opt.with_colons && line)
es_printf ("%s\n", line);
/* Look for an info: line. The only current info: values defined
are the version and key count. */
if (line && !parm->any_lines && !ascii_strncasecmp ("info:", line, 5))
char *str = line + 5;
char *tok;
if ((tok = strsep (&str, ":")))
int version;
if (sscanf (tok, "%d", &version) !=1 )
version = 1;
if (version !=1 )
log_error (_("invalid keyserver protocol "
"(us %d!=handler %d)\n"), 1, version);
if ((tok = strsep (&str, ":"))
&& sscanf (tok, "%d", &parm->count) == 1)
if (!parm->count)
parm->not_found = 1;/* Server indicated that no items follow. */
else if (parm->count < 0)
parm->count = 10; /* Bad value - assume something reasonable. */
parm->validcount = 1; /* COUNT seems to be okay. */
parm->any_lines = 1;
return 0; /* Line processing finished. */
if (line)
keyrec = parse_keyrec (line);
/* Received EOF - flush data */
parm->eof_seen = 1;
keyrec = parse_keyrec (NULL);
if (!keyrec)
if (!parm->nkeys)
parm->not_found = 1; /* No keys at all. */
if (parm->nkeys != parm->count)
parm->validcount = 0;
if (!(opt.with_colons && opt.batch))
err = show_prompt (parm->ctrl, parm->desc, parm->nkeys,
parm->validcount? parm->count : 0,
return err;
/* Save the key in the key array. */
if (keyrec)
/* Allocate or enlarge the key array if needed. */
if (!parm->desc)
if (parm->count < 1)
parm->count = 10;
parm->validcount = 0;
parm->desc = xtrymalloc (parm->count * sizeof *parm->desc);
if (!parm->desc)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
iobuf_close (keyrec->uidbuf);
xfree (keyrec);
return err;
else if (parm->nkeys == parm->count)
/* Keyserver sent more keys than claimed in the info: line. */
int newcount = parm->count + 10;
tmp = xtryrealloc (parm->desc, newcount * sizeof *parm->desc);
if (!tmp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
iobuf_close (keyrec->uidbuf);
xfree (keyrec);
return err;
parm->count = newcount;
parm->desc = tmp;
parm->validcount = 0;
parm->desc[parm->nkeys] = keyrec->desc;
if (!opt.with_colons)
/* SCREEN_LINES - 1 for the prompt. */
if (parm->numlines + keyrec->lines > opt.screen_lines - 1)
err = show_prompt (parm->ctrl, parm->desc, parm->nkeys,
parm->validcount ? parm->count:0,
if (err)
return err;
parm->numlines = 0;
print_keyrec (parm->nkeys+1, keyrec);
parm->numlines += keyrec->lines;
iobuf_close (keyrec->uidbuf);
xfree (keyrec);
parm->any_lines = 1;
/* If we are here due to a flush after the EOF, run again for
the last prompt. Fixme: Make this code better readable. */
if (parm->eof_seen)
goto again;
return 0;
keyserver_export (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t users)
gpg_error_t err;
strlist_t sl=NULL;
int rc=0;
/* Weed out descriptors that we don't support sending */
err = classify_user_id (users->d, &desc, 1);
if (err || (desc.mode != KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_SHORT_KID
&& desc.mode != KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR16
&& desc.mode != KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20))
log_error(_("\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n"),users->d);
rc = keyserver_put (ctrl, sl);
return rc;
/* Structure to convey the arg to keyserver_retrieval_screener. */
struct ks_retrieval_screener_arg_s
int ndesc;
/* Check whether a key matches the search description. The function
returns 0 if the key shall be imported. */
static gpg_error_t
keyserver_retrieval_screener (kbnode_t keyblock, void *opaque)
struct ks_retrieval_screener_arg_s *arg = opaque;
KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc = arg->desc;
int ndesc = arg->ndesc;
kbnode_t node;
PKT_public_key *pk;
int n;
u32 keyid[2];
size_t fpr_len = 0;
/* Secret keys are not expected from a keyserver. We do not
care about secret subkeys because the import code takes care
of skipping them. Not allowing an import of a public key
with a secret subkey would make it too easy to inhibit the
downloading of a public key. Recall that keyservers do only
limited checks. */
node = find_kbnode (keyblock, PKT_SECRET_KEY);
if (node)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); /* Do not import. */
if (!ndesc)
return 0; /* Okay if no description given. */
/* Loop over all key packets. */
for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
&& node->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
fingerprint_from_pk (pk, fpr, &fpr_len);
keyid_from_pk (pk, keyid);
/* Compare requested and returned fingerprints if available. */
for (n = 0; n < ndesc; n++)
if (desc[n].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20)
if (fpr_len == 20 && !memcmp (fpr, desc[n].u.fpr, 20))
return 0;
else if (desc[n].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR16)
if (fpr_len == 16 && !memcmp (fpr, desc[n].u.fpr, 16))
return 0;
else if (desc[n].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_LONG_KID)
if (keyid[0] == desc[n].u.kid[0] && keyid[1] == desc[n].u.kid[1])
return 0;
else if (desc[n].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_SHORT_KID)
if (keyid[1] == desc[n].u.kid[1])
return 0;
else /* No keyid or fingerprint - can't check. */
return 0; /* allow import. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
keyserver_import (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t users)
gpg_error_t err;
int num=100,count=0;
int rc=0;
/* Build a list of key ids */
err = classify_user_id (users->d, &desc[count], 1);
if (err || (desc[count].mode != KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_SHORT_KID
&& desc[count].mode != KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_LONG_KID
&& desc[count].mode != KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR16
&& desc[count].mode != KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20))
log_error (_("\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n"), users->d);
rc = keyserver_get (ctrl, desc, count, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
return rc;
/* Return true if any keyserver has been configured. */
keyserver_any_configured (ctrl_t ctrl)
return !gpg_dirmngr_ks_list (ctrl, NULL);
/* Import all keys that exactly match NAME */
keyserver_import_name (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name,
unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fprlen,
struct keyserver_spec *keyserver)
memset (&desc, 0, sizeof desc);
desc.mode = KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_EXACT; = name;
return keyserver_get (ctrl, &desc, 1, keyserver, 0, fpr, fprlen);
keyserver_import_fprint (ctrl_t ctrl, const byte *fprint,size_t fprint_len,
struct keyserver_spec *keyserver, int quick)
else if(fprint_len==20)
return -1;
/* TODO: Warn here if the fingerprint we got doesn't match the one
we asked for? */
return keyserver_get (ctrl, &desc, 1, keyserver, quick, NULL, NULL);
keyserver_import_keyid (ctrl_t ctrl,
u32 *keyid,struct keyserver_spec *keyserver, int quick)
return keyserver_get (ctrl, &desc, 1, keyserver, quick, NULL, NULL);
/* code mostly stolen from do_export_stream */
static int
keyidlist(strlist_t users,KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC **klist,int *count,int fakev3)
int rc = 0;
int num = 100;
kbnode_t keyblock = NULL;
kbnode_t node;
int ndesc;
strlist_t sl;
kdbhd = keydb_new ();
if (!kdbhd)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
keydb_disable_caching (kdbhd); /* We are looping the search. */
ndesc = 1;
desc = xmalloc_clear ( ndesc * sizeof *desc);
for (ndesc=0, sl=users; sl; sl = sl->next, ndesc++)
desc = xmalloc ( ndesc * sizeof *desc);
for (ndesc=0, sl=users; sl; sl = sl->next)
gpg_error_t err;
if (!(err = classify_user_id (sl->d, desc+ndesc, 1)))
log_error (_("key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"),
sl->d, gpg_strerror (err));
for (;;)
rc = keydb_search (kdbhd, desc, ndesc, NULL);
if (rc)
break; /* ready. */
if (!users)
desc[0].mode = KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NEXT;
/* read the keyblock */
rc = keydb_get_keyblock (kdbhd, &keyblock );
if( rc )
log_error (_("error reading keyblock: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc) );
goto leave;
/* This is to work around a bug in some keyservers (pksd and
OKS) that calculate v4 RSA keyids as if they were v3 RSA.
The answer is to refresh both the correct v4 keyid
(e.g. 99242560) and the fake v3 keyid (e.g. 68FDDBC7).
This only happens for key refresh using the HKP scheme
and if the refresh-add-fake-v3-keyids keyserver option is
set. */
if(fakev3 && is_RSA(node->pkt->pkt.public_key->pubkey_algo) &&
v3_keyid (node->pkt->pkt.public_key->pkey[0],
/* v4 keys get full fingerprints. v3 keys get long keyids.
This is because it's easy to calculate any sort of keyid
from a v4 fingerprint, but not a v3 fingerprint. */
size_t dummy;
/* This is a little hackish, using the skipfncvalue as a
void* pointer to the keyserver spec, but we don't need
the skipfnc here, and it saves having an additional field
for this (which would be wasted space most of the
time). */
/* Are we honoring preferred keyservers? */
PKT_user_id *uid=NULL;
PKT_signature *sig=NULL;
&& node->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_primary)
else if(node->pkt->pkttype==PKT_SIGNATURE
&& node->pkt->pkt.signature->
flags.chosen_selfsig && uid)
/* Try and parse the keyserver URL. If it doesn't work,
then we end up writing NULL which indicates we are
the same as any other key. */
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
rc = 0;
*klist = NULL;
return rc;
/* Note this is different than the original HKP refresh. It allows
usernames to refresh only part of the keyring. */
keyserver_refresh (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t users)
gpg_error_t err;
int count, numdesc;
int fakev3 = 0;
unsigned int options=opt.keyserver_options.import_options;
/* We switch merge-only on during a refresh, as 'refresh' should
never import new keys, even if their keyids match. */
/* Similarly, we switch on fast-import, since refresh may make
multiple import sets (due to preferred keyserver URLs). We don't
want each set to rebuild the trustdb. Instead we do it once at
the end here. */
/* If refresh_add_fake_v3_keyids is on and it's a HKP or MAILTO
scheme, then enable fake v3 keyid generation. Note that this
works only with a keyserver configured. gpg.conf
(i.e. opt.keyserver); however that method of configuring a
keyserver is deprecated and in any case it is questionable
whether we should keep on supporting these ancient and broken
keyservers. */
if((opt.keyserver_options.options&KEYSERVER_ADD_FAKE_V3) && opt.keyserver
&& (ascii_strcasecmp(opt.keyserver->scheme,"hkp")==0 ||
err = keyidlist (users, &desc, &numdesc, fakev3);
if (err)
return err;
int i;
/* Try to handle preferred keyserver keys first */
struct keyserver_spec *keyserver=desc[i].skipfncvalue;
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("refreshing %d key from %s\n"), 1, keyserver->uri);
/* We use the keyserver structure we parsed out before.
Note that a preferred keyserver without a scheme://
will be interpreted as hkp:// */
err = keyserver_get (ctrl, &desc[i], 1, keyserver, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
log_info(_("WARNING: unable to refresh key %s"
" via %s: %s\n"),keystr_from_desc(&desc[i]),
keyserver->uri,gpg_strerror (err));
/* We got it, so mark it as NONE so we don't try and
get it again from the regular keyserver. */
char *tmpuri;
err = gpg_dirmngr_ks_list (ctrl, &tmpuri);
if (!err)
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (ngettext("refreshing %d key from %s\n",
"refreshing %d keys from %s\n",
count), count, tmpuri);
xfree (tmpuri);
err = keyserver_get (ctrl, desc, numdesc, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
/* If the original options didn't have fast import, and the trustdb
is dirty, rebuild. */
check_or_update_trustdb (ctrl);
return err;
/* Search for keys on the keyservers. The patterns are given in the
string list TOKENS. */
keyserver_search (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t tokens)
gpg_error_t err;
char *searchstr;
struct search_line_handler_parm_s parm;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
if (!tokens)
return 0; /* Return success if no patterns are given. */
/* Write global options */
/* for(temp=opt.keyserver_options.other;temp;temp=temp->next) */
/* es_fprintf(spawn->tochild,"OPTION %s\n",temp->d); */
/* Write per-keyserver options */
/* for(temp=keyserver->options;temp;temp=temp->next) */
/* es_fprintf(spawn->tochild,"OPTION %s\n",temp->d); */
membuf_t mb;
strlist_t item;
init_membuf (&mb, 1024);
for (item = tokens; item; item = item->next)
if (item != tokens)
put_membuf (&mb, " ", 1);
put_membuf_str (&mb, item->d);
put_membuf (&mb, "", 1); /* Append Nul. */
searchstr = get_membuf (&mb, NULL);
if (!searchstr)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* FIXME: Enable the next line */
/* log_info (_("searching for \"%s\" from %s\n"), searchstr, keyserver->uri); */
parm.ctrl = ctrl;
if (searchstr)
parm.searchstr_disp = utf8_to_native (searchstr, strlen (searchstr), 0);
err = gpg_dirmngr_ks_search (ctrl, searchstr, search_line_handler, &parm);
if (parm.not_found)
if (parm.searchstr_disp)
log_info (_("key \"%s\" not found on keyserver\n"),
log_info (_("key not found on keyserver\n"));
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_KEYSERVER)
log_error (_("no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n"));
else if (err)
log_error ("error searching keyserver: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
/* switch(ret) */
/* { */
/* log_error(_("no handler for keyserver scheme '%s'\n"), */
/* opt.keyserver->scheme); */
/* break; */
/* log_error(_("action '%s' not supported with keyserver " */
/* "scheme '%s'\n"), "search", opt.keyserver->scheme); */
/* break; */
/* log_error(_("keyserver timed out\n")); */
/* break; */
/* default: */
/* log_error(_("keyserver internal error\n")); */
/* break; */
/* } */
/* return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_KEYSERVER); */
xfree (parm.desc);
xfree (parm.searchstr_disp);
return err;
/* Helper for keyserver_get. Here we only receive a chunk of the
description to be processed in one batch. This is required due to
the limited number of patterns the dirmngr interface (KS_GET) can
grok and to limit the amount of temporary required memory. */
static gpg_error_t
keyserver_get_chunk (ctrl_t ctrl, KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc, int ndesc,
int *r_ndesc_used,
import_stats_t stats_handle,
struct keyserver_spec *override_keyserver,
int quick,
unsigned char **r_fpr, size_t *r_fprlen)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
char **pattern;
int idx, npat;
estream_t datastream;
char *source = NULL;
size_t linelen; /* Estimated linelen for KS_GET. */
size_t n;
#define MAX_KS_GET_LINELEN 950 /* Somewhat lower than the real limit. */
*r_ndesc_used = 0;
/* Create an array filled with a search pattern for each key. The
array is delimited by a NULL entry. */
pattern = xtrycalloc (ndesc+1, sizeof *pattern);
if (!pattern)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* Note that we break the loop as soon as our estimation of the to
be used line length reaches the limit. But we do this only if we
have processed at least one search requests so that an overlong
single request will be rejected only later by gpg_dirmngr_ks_get
but we are sure that R_NDESC_USED has been updated. This avoids
a possible indefinite loop. */
linelen = 17; /* "KS_GET --quick --" */
for (npat=idx=0; idx < ndesc; idx++)
int quiet = 0;
if (desc[idx].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20
|| desc[idx].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR16)
n = 1+2+2*20;
if (idx && linelen + n > MAX_KS_GET_LINELEN)
break; /* Declare end of this chunk. */
linelen += n;
pattern[npat] = xtrymalloc (n);
if (!pattern[npat])
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
strcpy (pattern[npat], "0x");
bin2hex (desc[idx].u.fpr,
desc[idx].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20? 20 : 16,
else if(desc[idx].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_LONG_KID)
n = 1+2+16;
if (idx && linelen + n > MAX_KS_GET_LINELEN)
break; /* Declare end of this chunk. */
linelen += n;
pattern[npat] = xtryasprintf ("0x%08lX%08lX",
if (!pattern[npat])
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
else if(desc[idx].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_SHORT_KID)
n = 1+2+8;
if (idx && linelen + n > MAX_KS_GET_LINELEN)
break; /* Declare end of this chunk. */
linelen += n;
pattern[npat] = xtryasprintf ("0x%08lX", (ulong)desc[idx].u.kid[1]);
if (!pattern[npat])
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
else if(desc[idx].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_EXACT)
/* The Dirmngr also uses classify_user_id to detect the type
of the search string. By adding the '=' prefix we force
Dirmngr's KS_GET to consider this an exact search string.
(In gpg 1.4 and gpg 2.0 the keyserver helpers used the
KS_GETNAME command to indicate this.) */
n = 1+1+strlen (desc[idx];
if (idx && linelen + n > MAX_KS_GET_LINELEN)
break; /* Declare end of this chunk. */
linelen += n;
pattern[npat] = strconcat ("=", desc[idx], NULL);
if (!pattern[npat])
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
quiet = 1;
else if (desc[idx].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NONE)
if (err)
for (idx=0; idx < npat; idx++)
xfree (pattern[idx]);
xfree (pattern);
return err;
if (!quiet && override_keyserver)
if (override_keyserver->host)
log_info (_("requesting key %s from %s server %s\n"),
keystr_from_desc (&desc[idx]),
override_keyserver->scheme, override_keyserver->host);
log_info (_("requesting key %s from %s\n"),
keystr_from_desc (&desc[idx]), override_keyserver->uri);
/* Remember now many of search items were considered. Note that
this is different from NPAT. */
*r_ndesc_used = idx;
err = gpg_dirmngr_ks_get (ctrl, pattern, override_keyserver, quick,
&datastream, &source);
for (idx=0; idx < npat; idx++)
xfree (pattern[idx]);
xfree (pattern);
if (opt.verbose && source)
log_info ("data source: %s\n", source);
if (!err)
struct ks_retrieval_screener_arg_s screenerarg;
/* FIXME: Check whether this comment should be moved to dirmngr.
Slurp up all the key data. In the future, it might be nice
to look for KEY foo OUTOFBAND and FAILED indicators. It's
harmless to ignore them, but ignoring them does make gpg
complain about "no valid OpenPGP data found". One way to do
this could be to continue parsing this line-by-line and make
a temp iobuf for each key. Note that we don't allow the
import of secret keys from a keyserver. Keyservers should
never accept or send them but we better protect against rogue
keyservers. */
screenerarg.desc = desc;
screenerarg.ndesc = *r_ndesc_used;
import_keys_es_stream (ctrl, datastream, stats_handle,
r_fpr, r_fprlen,
keyserver_retrieval_screener, &screenerarg);
es_fclose (datastream);
xfree (source);
return err;
/* Retrieve a key from a keyserver. The search pattern are in
(DESC,NDESC). Allowed search modes are keyid, fingerprint, and
exact searches. OVERRIDE_KEYSERVER gives an optional override
keyserver. If (R_FPR,R_FPRLEN) are not NULL, they may return the
fingerprint of a single imported key. If QUICK is set, dirmngr is
advised to use a shorter timeout. */
static gpg_error_t
keyserver_get (ctrl_t ctrl, KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc, int ndesc,
struct keyserver_spec *override_keyserver, int quick,
unsigned char **r_fpr, size_t *r_fprlen)
gpg_error_t err;
import_stats_t stats_handle;
int ndesc_used;
int any_good = 0;
stats_handle = import_new_stats_handle();
for (;;)
err = keyserver_get_chunk (ctrl, desc, ndesc, &ndesc_used, stats_handle,
override_keyserver, quick, r_fpr, r_fprlen);
if (!err)
any_good = 1;
if (err || ndesc_used >= ndesc)
break; /* Error or all processed. */
/* Prepare for the next chunk. */
desc += ndesc_used;
ndesc -= ndesc_used;
if (any_good)
import_print_stats (stats_handle);
import_release_stats_handle (stats_handle);
return err;
/* Send all keys specified by KEYSPECS to the configured keyserver. */
static gpg_error_t
keyserver_put (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t keyspecs)
gpg_error_t err;
strlist_t kspec;
char *ksurl;
if (!keyspecs)
return 0; /* Return success if the list is empty. */
if (gpg_dirmngr_ks_list (ctrl, &ksurl))
log_error (_("no keyserver known\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_KEYSERVER);
for (kspec = keyspecs; kspec; kspec = kspec->next)
void *data;
size_t datalen;
kbnode_t keyblock;
err = export_pubkey_buffer (ctrl, kspec->d,
&keyblock, &data, &datalen);
if (err)
log_error (_("skipped \"%s\": %s\n"), kspec->d, gpg_strerror (err));
log_info (_("sending key %s to %s\n"),
keystr (keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key->keyid),
err = gpg_dirmngr_ks_put (ctrl, data, datalen, keyblock);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
xfree (data);
if (err)
write_status_error ("keyserver_send", err);
log_error (_("keyserver send failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (ksurl);
return err;
/* Loop over all URLs in STRLIST and fetch the key at that URL. Note
that the fetch operation ignores the configured keyservers and
instead directly retrieves the keys. */
keyserver_fetch (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t urilist)
gpg_error_t err;
strlist_t sl;
estream_t datastream;
unsigned int save_options = opt.keyserver_options.import_options;
/* Switch on fast-import, since fetch can handle more than one
import and we don't want each set to rebuild the trustdb.
Instead we do it once at the end. */
opt.keyserver_options.import_options |= IMPORT_FAST;
for (sl=urilist; sl; sl=sl->next)
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("requesting key from '%s'\n"), sl->d);
err = gpg_dirmngr_ks_fetch (ctrl, sl->d, &datastream);
if (!err)
import_stats_t stats_handle;
stats_handle = import_new_stats_handle();
import_keys_es_stream (ctrl, datastream, stats_handle, NULL, NULL,
import_print_stats (stats_handle);
import_release_stats_handle (stats_handle);
log_info (_("WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n"),
sl->d, gpg_strerror (err));
es_fclose (datastream);
opt.keyserver_options.import_options = save_options;
/* If the original options didn't have fast import, and the trustdb
is dirty, rebuild. */
if (!(opt.keyserver_options.import_options&IMPORT_FAST))
check_or_update_trustdb (ctrl);
return 0;
/* Import key in a CERT or pointed to by a CERT. In DANE_MODE fetch
the certificate using the DANE method. */
keyserver_import_cert (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, int dane_mode,
unsigned char **fpr,size_t *fpr_len)
gpg_error_t err;
char *look,*url;
estream_t key;
look = xstrdup(name);
if (!dane_mode)
char *domain = strrchr (look,'@');
if (domain)
err = gpg_dirmngr_dns_cert (ctrl, look, dane_mode? NULL : "*",
&key, fpr, fpr_len, &url);
if (err)
else if (key)
int armor_status=opt.no_armor;
/* CERTs and DANE records are always in binary format */
err = import_keys_es_stream (ctrl, key, NULL, fpr, fpr_len,
es_fclose (key);
key = NULL;
else if (*fpr)
/* We only consider the IPGP type if a fingerprint was provided.
This lets us select the right key regardless of what a URL
points to, or get the key from a keyserver. */
struct keyserver_spec *spec;
spec = parse_keyserver_uri (url, 1);
err = keyserver_import_fprint (ctrl, *fpr, *fpr_len, spec, 0);
else if (keyserver_any_configured (ctrl))
/* If only a fingerprint is provided, try and fetch it from
the configured keyserver. */
err = keyserver_import_fprint (ctrl,
*fpr, *fpr_len, opt.keyserver, 0);
log_info(_("no keyserver known\n"));
/* Give a better string here? "CERT fingerprint for \"%s\"
found, but no keyserver" " known (use option
--keyserver)\n" ? */
return err;
/* Import key pointed to by a PKA record. Return the requested
fingerprint in fpr. */
keyserver_import_pka (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name,
unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fpr_len)
gpg_error_t err;
char *url;
err = gpg_dirmngr_get_pka (ctrl, name, fpr, fpr_len, &url);
if (url && *url && fpr && fpr_len)
/* An URL is available. Lookup the key. */
struct keyserver_spec *spec;
spec = parse_keyserver_uri (url, 1);
if (spec)
err = keyserver_import_fprint (ctrl, *fpr, *fpr_len, spec, 0);
free_keyserver_spec (spec);
xfree (url);
if (err)
*fpr = NULL;
*fpr_len = 0;
return err;
/* Import a key using the Web Key Directory protocol. */
keyserver_import_wkd (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, int quick,
unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fpr_len)
gpg_error_t err;
char *mbox;
estream_t key;
/* We want to work on the mbox. That is what dirmngr will do anyway
* and we need the mbox for the import filter anyway. */
mbox = mailbox_from_userid (name);
if (!mbox)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EINVAL)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
return err;
err = gpg_dirmngr_wkd_get (ctrl, mbox, quick, &key);
if (err)
else if (key)
int armor_status = opt.no_armor;
import_filter_t save_filt;
/* Keys returned via WKD are in binary format. */
opt.no_armor = 1;
save_filt = save_and_clear_import_filter ();
if (!save_filt)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
char *filtstr = es_bsprintf ("keep-uid=mbox = %s", mbox);
err = filtstr? 0 : gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (!err)
err = parse_and_set_import_filter (filtstr);
xfree (filtstr);
if (!err)
err = import_keys_es_stream (ctrl, key, NULL, fpr, fpr_len,
restore_import_filter (save_filt);
opt.no_armor = armor_status;
es_fclose (key);
key = NULL;
xfree (mbox);
return err;
/* Import a key by name using LDAP */
keyserver_import_ldap (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *name, unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fprlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); /*FIXME*/
#if 0
char *domain;
struct keyserver_spec *keyserver;
strlist_t list=NULL;
int rc,hostlen=1;
#ifdef USE_DNS_SRV
struct srventry *srvlist=NULL;
int srvcount,i;
char srvname[MAXDNAME];
/* Parse out the domain */
keyserver=xmalloc_clear(sizeof(struct keyserver_spec));
#ifdef USE_DNS_SRV
FIXME("network related - move to dirmngr or drop the code");
char port[7];
hostlen+=6; /* a colon, plus 5 digits (unsigned 16-bit value) */
strcat(keyserver->host," ");
/* If all else fails, do the PGP Universal trick of
ldap://keys.(domain) */
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); /*FIXME*/
/* keyserver_work (ctrl, KS_GETNAME, list, NULL, */
/* 0, fpr, fpr_len, keyserver); */
return rc;
diff --git a/g10/main.h b/g10/main.h
index c2c92d03d..63aec4712 100644
--- a/g10/main.h
+++ b/g10/main.h
@@ -1,490 +1,490 @@
/* main.h
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
* 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G10_MAIN_H
#define G10_MAIN_H
#include "types.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "util.h"
/* It could be argued that the default cipher should be 3DES rather
than AES128, and the default compression should be 0
(i.e. uncompressed) rather than 1 (zip). However, the real world
issues of speed and size come into play here. */
#if GPG_USE_AES128
#ifdef HAVE_ZIP
#define S2K_DIGEST_ALGO (opt.s2k_digest_algo?opt.s2k_digest_algo:DEFAULT_S2K_DIGEST_ALGO)
/* Various data objects. */
typedef struct
int header_okay;
PK_LIST pk_list;
DEK *symkey_dek;
STRING2KEY *symkey_s2k;
cipher_filter_context_t cfx;
} encrypt_filter_context_t;
struct groupitem
char *name;
strlist_t values;
struct groupitem *next;
struct weakhash
enum gcry_md_algos algo;
int rejection_shown;
struct weakhash *next;
/*-- gpg.c --*/
extern int g10_errors_seen;
#if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5 )
void g10_exit(int rc) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
void g10_exit(int rc);
void print_pubkey_algo_note (pubkey_algo_t algo);
void print_cipher_algo_note (cipher_algo_t algo);
void print_digest_algo_note (digest_algo_t algo);
void print_digest_rejected_note (enum gcry_md_algos algo);
void print_reported_error (gpg_error_t err, gpg_err_code_t skip_if_ec);
void print_further_info (const char *format, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_PRINTF(1,2);
void additional_weak_digest (const char* digestname);
/*-- armor.c --*/
char *make_radix64_string( const byte *data, size_t len );
/*-- misc.c --*/
void trap_unaligned(void);
void register_secured_file (const char *fname);
void unregister_secured_file (const char *fname);
int is_secured_file (int fd);
int is_secured_filename (const char *fname);
u16 checksum_u16( unsigned n );
u16 checksum( byte *p, unsigned n );
u16 checksum_mpi( gcry_mpi_t a );
u32 buffer_to_u32( const byte *buffer );
const byte *get_session_marker( size_t *rlen );
enum gcry_cipher_algos map_cipher_openpgp_to_gcry (cipher_algo_t algo);
#define openpgp_cipher_open(_a,_b,_c,_d) \
#define openpgp_cipher_get_algo_keylen(_a) \
#define openpgp_cipher_get_algo_blklen(_a) \
int openpgp_cipher_blocklen (cipher_algo_t algo);
int openpgp_cipher_test_algo(cipher_algo_t algo);
const char *openpgp_cipher_algo_name (cipher_algo_t algo);
pubkey_algo_t map_pk_gcry_to_openpgp (enum gcry_pk_algos algo);
int openpgp_pk_test_algo (pubkey_algo_t algo);
int openpgp_pk_test_algo2 (pubkey_algo_t algo, unsigned int use);
int openpgp_pk_algo_usage ( int algo );
const char *openpgp_pk_algo_name (pubkey_algo_t algo);
enum gcry_md_algos map_md_openpgp_to_gcry (digest_algo_t algo);
int openpgp_md_test_algo (digest_algo_t algo);
const char *openpgp_md_algo_name (int algo);
struct expando_args
PKT_public_key *pk;
PKT_public_key *pksk;
byte imagetype;
int validity_info;
const char *validity_string;
const byte *namehash;
char *pct_expando(const char *string,struct expando_args *args);
void deprecated_warning(const char *configname,unsigned int configlineno,
const char *option,const char *repl1,const char *repl2);
void deprecated_command (const char *name);
void obsolete_scdaemon_option (const char *configname,
unsigned int configlineno, const char *name);
int string_to_cipher_algo (const char *string);
int string_to_digest_algo (const char *string);
const char *compress_algo_to_string(int algo);
int string_to_compress_algo(const char *string);
int check_compress_algo(int algo);
int default_cipher_algo(void);
int default_compress_algo(void);
const char *compliance_option_string(void);
void compliance_failure(void);
struct parse_options
char *name;
unsigned int bit;
char **value;
char *help;
char *optsep(char **stringp);
char *argsplit(char *string);
int parse_options(char *str,unsigned int *options,
struct parse_options *opts,int noisy);
const char *get_libexecdir (void);
int path_access(const char *file,int mode);
int pubkey_get_npkey (pubkey_algo_t algo);
int pubkey_get_nskey (pubkey_algo_t algo);
int pubkey_get_nsig (pubkey_algo_t algo);
int pubkey_get_nenc (pubkey_algo_t algo);
/* Temporary helpers. */
unsigned int pubkey_nbits( int algo, gcry_mpi_t *pkey );
int mpi_print (estream_t stream, gcry_mpi_t a, int mode);
unsigned int ecdsa_qbits_from_Q (unsigned int qbits);
/*-- cpr.c --*/
void set_status_fd ( int fd );
int is_status_enabled ( void );
void write_status ( int no );
void write_status_error (const char *where, gpg_error_t err);
void write_status_errcode (const char *where, int errcode);
void write_status_failure (const char *where, gpg_error_t err);
void write_status_text ( int no, const char *text );
void write_status_printf (int no, const char *format,
void write_status_strings (int no, const char *text,
void write_status_buffer ( int no,
const char *buffer, size_t len, int wrap );
void write_status_text_and_buffer ( int no, const char *text,
const char *buffer, size_t len, int wrap );
void write_status_begin_signing (gcry_md_hd_t md);
int cpr_enabled(void);
char *cpr_get( const char *keyword, const char *prompt );
char *cpr_get_no_help( const char *keyword, const char *prompt );
char *cpr_get_utf8( const char *keyword, const char *prompt );
char *cpr_get_hidden( const char *keyword, const char *prompt );
void cpr_kill_prompt(void);
int cpr_get_answer_is_yes_def (const char *keyword, const char *prompt,
int def_yes);
int cpr_get_answer_is_yes( const char *keyword, const char *prompt );
int cpr_get_answer_yes_no_quit( const char *keyword, const char *prompt );
int cpr_get_answer_okay_cancel (const char *keyword,
const char *prompt,
int def_answer);
/*-- helptext.c --*/
void display_online_help( const char *keyword );
/*-- encode.c --*/
int setup_symkey (STRING2KEY **symkey_s2k,DEK **symkey_dek);
void encrypt_seskey (DEK *dek, DEK **seskey, byte *enckey);
int use_mdc (pk_list_t pk_list,int algo);
int encrypt_symmetric (const char *filename );
int encrypt_store (const char *filename );
int encrypt_crypt (ctrl_t ctrl, int filefd, const char *filename,
strlist_t remusr, int use_symkey, pk_list_t provided_keys,
int outputfd);
void encrypt_crypt_files (ctrl_t ctrl,
int nfiles, char **files, strlist_t remusr);
int encrypt_filter (void *opaque, int control,
iobuf_t a, byte *buf, size_t *ret_len);
int write_pubkey_enc (PKT_public_key *pk, int throw_keyid,
DEK *dek, iobuf_t out);
/*-- sign.c --*/
int complete_sig (PKT_signature *sig, PKT_public_key *pksk, gcry_md_hd_t md,
const char *cache_nonce);
int sign_file (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t filenames, int detached, strlist_t locusr,
int do_encrypt, strlist_t remusr, const char *outfile );
int clearsign_file (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *fname, strlist_t locusr, const char *outfile);
int sign_symencrypt_file (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname, strlist_t locusr);
/*-- sig-check.c --*/
/* SIG is a revocation signature. Check if any of PK's designated
revokers generated it. If so, return 0. Note: this function
(correctly) doesn't care if the designated revoker is revoked. */
int check_revocation_keys (PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_signature *sig);
/* Check that the backsig BACKSIG from the subkey SUB_PK to its
primary key MAIN_PK is valid. */
int check_backsig(PKT_public_key *main_pk,PKT_public_key *sub_pk,
PKT_signature *backsig);
/* Check that the signature SIG over a key (e.g., a key binding or a
key revocation) is valid. (To check signatures over data, use
check_signature.) */
int check_key_signature( KBNODE root, KBNODE sig, int *is_selfsig );
/* Like check_key_signature, but with the ability to specify some
additional parameters and get back additional information. See the
documentation for the implementation for details. */
int check_key_signature2( KBNODE root, KBNODE node, PKT_public_key *check_pk,
PKT_public_key *ret_pk, int *is_selfsig,
u32 *r_expiredate, int *r_expired );
/* Returns whether SIGNER generated the signature SIG over the packet
PACKET, which is a key, subkey or uid, and comes from the key block
KB. If SIGNER is NULL, it is looked up based on the information in
SIG. If not NULL, sets *IS_SELFSIG to indicate whether the
signature is a self-signature and *RET_PK to a copy of the signer's
key. */
gpg_error_t check_signature_over_key_or_uid (PKT_public_key *signer,
PKT_signature *sig,
KBNODE kb, PACKET *packet,
int *is_selfsig,
PKT_public_key *ret_pk);
/*-- delkey.c --*/
gpg_error_t delete_keys (strlist_t names, int secret, int allow_both);
/*-- keyedit.c --*/
void keyedit_menu (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *username, strlist_t locusr,
strlist_t commands, int quiet, int seckey_check );
void keyedit_passwd (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *username);
void keyedit_quick_adduid (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *username,
const char *newuid);
void keyedit_quick_addkey (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fpr, const char *algostr,
const char *usagestr, const char *expirestr);
void keyedit_quick_revuid (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *username,
const char *uidtorev);
void keyedit_quick_sign (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fpr,
strlist_t uids, strlist_t locusr, int local);
void show_basic_key_info (KBNODE keyblock);
/*-- keygen.c --*/
u32 parse_expire_string(const char *string);
u32 ask_expire_interval(int object,const char *def_expire);
u32 ask_expiredate(void);
unsigned int ask_key_flags (int algo, int subkey, unsigned int current);
void quick_generate_keypair (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *uid, const char *algostr,
const char *usagestr, const char *expirestr);
void generate_keypair (ctrl_t ctrl, int full, const char *fname,
const char *card_serialno, int card_backup_key);
int keygen_set_std_prefs (const char *string,int personal);
PKT_user_id *keygen_get_std_prefs (void);
int keygen_add_key_expire( PKT_signature *sig, void *opaque );
int keygen_add_key_flags (PKT_signature *sig, void *opaque);
int keygen_add_std_prefs( PKT_signature *sig, void *opaque );
int keygen_upd_std_prefs( PKT_signature *sig, void *opaque );
int keygen_add_keyserver_url(PKT_signature *sig, void *opaque);
int keygen_add_notations(PKT_signature *sig,void *opaque);
int keygen_add_revkey(PKT_signature *sig, void *opaque);
gpg_error_t make_backsig (PKT_signature *sig, PKT_public_key *pk,
PKT_public_key *sub_pk, PKT_public_key *sub_psk,
u32 timestamp, const char *cache_nonce);
gpg_error_t generate_subkeypair (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock,
const char *algostr,
const char *usagestr,
const char *expirestr);
gpg_error_t generate_card_subkeypair (kbnode_t pub_keyblock,
int keyno, const char *serialno);
/*-- openfile.c --*/
int overwrite_filep( const char *fname );
char *make_outfile_name( const char *iname );
char *ask_outfile_name( const char *name, size_t namelen );
int open_outfile (int inp_fd, const char *iname, int mode,
int restrictedperm, iobuf_t *a);
char *get_matching_datafile (const char *sigfilename);
iobuf_t open_sigfile (const char *sigfilename, progress_filter_context_t *pfx);
void try_make_homedir( const char *fname );
char *get_openpgp_revocdir (const char *home);
/*-- seskey.c --*/
void make_session_key( DEK *dek );
gcry_mpi_t encode_session_key( int openpgp_pk_algo, DEK *dek, unsigned nbits );
gcry_mpi_t encode_md_value (PKT_public_key *pk,
gcry_md_hd_t md, int hash_algo );
/*-- import.c --*/
struct import_stats_s;
typedef struct import_stats_s *import_stats_t;
struct import_filter_s;
typedef struct import_filter_s *import_filter_t;
typedef gpg_error_t (*import_screener_t)(kbnode_t keyblock, void *arg);
int parse_import_options(char *str,unsigned int *options,int noisy);
gpg_error_t parse_and_set_import_filter (const char *string);
import_filter_t save_and_clear_import_filter (void);
void restore_import_filter (import_filter_t filt);
gpg_error_t read_key_from_file (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname,
kbnode_t *r_keyblock);
void import_keys (ctrl_t ctrl, char **fnames, int nnames,
import_stats_t stats_hd, unsigned int options);
int import_keys_stream (ctrl_t ctrl, iobuf_t inp, import_stats_t stats_hd,
unsigned char **fpr,
size_t *fpr_len, unsigned int options);
int import_keys_es_stream (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t fp,
import_stats_t stats_handle,
unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fpr_len,
unsigned int options,
import_screener_t screener, void *screener_arg);
gpg_error_t import_old_secring (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname);
import_stats_t import_new_stats_handle (void);
void import_release_stats_handle (import_stats_t hd);
void import_print_stats (import_stats_t hd);
const char *impex_filter_getval (void *cookie, const char *propname);
gpg_error_t transfer_secret_keys (ctrl_t ctrl, struct import_stats_s *stats,
kbnode_t sec_keyblock, int batch, int force);
int collapse_uids( KBNODE *keyblock );
/*-- export.c --*/
struct export_stats_s;
typedef struct export_stats_s *export_stats_t;
export_stats_t export_new_stats (void);
void export_release_stats (export_stats_t stats);
void export_print_stats (export_stats_t stats);
int parse_export_options(char *str,unsigned int *options,int noisy);
gpg_error_t parse_and_set_export_filter (const char *string);
int export_pubkeys (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t users, unsigned int options,
export_stats_t stats);
int export_seckeys (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t users, export_stats_t stats);
int export_secsubkeys (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t users, export_stats_t stats);
gpg_error_t export_pubkey_buffer (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyspec,
unsigned int options,
export_stats_t stats,
kbnode_t *r_keyblock,
void **r_data, size_t *r_datalen);
gpg_error_t receive_seckey_from_agent (ctrl_t ctrl, gcry_cipher_hd_t cipherhd,
int cleartext,
char **cache_nonce_addr,
const char *hexgrip,
PKT_public_key *pk);
gpg_error_t write_keyblock_to_output (kbnode_t keyblock,
int with_armor, unsigned int options);
gpg_error_t export_ssh_key (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *userid);
/*-- dearmor.c --*/
int dearmor_file( const char *fname );
int enarmor_file( const char *fname );
/*-- revoke.c --*/
struct revocation_reason_info;
int gen_standard_revoke (PKT_public_key *psk, const char *cache_nonce);
int gen_revoke( const char *uname );
int gen_desig_revoke (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *uname, strlist_t locusr);
int revocation_reason_build_cb( PKT_signature *sig, void *opaque );
struct revocation_reason_info *
ask_revocation_reason( int key_rev, int cert_rev, int hint );
struct revocation_reason_info * get_default_uid_revocation_reason(void);
void release_revocation_reason_info( struct revocation_reason_info *reason );
/*-- keylist.c --*/
void public_key_list (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t list, int locate_mode );
void secret_key_list (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t list );
void print_subpackets_colon(PKT_signature *sig);
void reorder_keyblock (KBNODE keyblock);
void list_keyblock_direct (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock, int secret,
int has_secret, int fpr, int no_validity);
void print_fingerprint (estream_t fp, PKT_public_key *pk, int mode);
void print_revokers (estream_t fp, PKT_public_key *pk);
void show_policy_url(PKT_signature *sig,int indent,int mode);
void show_keyserver_url(PKT_signature *sig,int indent,int mode);
void show_notation(PKT_signature *sig,int indent,int mode,int which);
void dump_attribs (const PKT_user_id *uid, PKT_public_key *pk);
void set_attrib_fd(int fd);
char *format_seckey_info (PKT_public_key *pk);
void print_seckey_info (PKT_public_key *pk);
void print_pubkey_info (estream_t fp, PKT_public_key *pk);
void print_card_key_info (estream_t fp, KBNODE keyblock);
void print_key_line (estream_t fp, PKT_public_key *pk, int secret);
/*-- verify.c --*/
void print_file_status( int status, const char *name, int what );
int verify_signatures (ctrl_t ctrl, int nfiles, char **files );
int verify_files (ctrl_t ctrl, int nfiles, char **files );
int gpg_verify (ctrl_t ctrl, int sig_fd, int data_fd, estream_t out_fp);
/*-- decrypt.c --*/
int decrypt_message (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *filename );
gpg_error_t decrypt_message_fd (ctrl_t ctrl, int input_fd, int output_fd);
void decrypt_messages (ctrl_t ctrl, int nfiles, char *files[]);
/*-- plaintext.c --*/
int hash_datafiles( gcry_md_hd_t md, gcry_md_hd_t md2,
strlist_t files, const char *sigfilename, int textmode);
int hash_datafile_by_fd ( gcry_md_hd_t md, gcry_md_hd_t md2, int data_fd,
int textmode );
PKT_plaintext *setup_plaintext_name(const char *filename,IOBUF iobuf);
/*-- server.c --*/
int gpg_server (ctrl_t);
gpg_error_t gpg_proxy_pinentry_notify (ctrl_t ctrl,
const unsigned char *line);
/*-- card-util.c --*/
void change_pin (int no, int allow_admin);
void card_status (estream_t fp, char *serialno, size_t serialnobuflen);
void card_edit (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t commands);
gpg_error_t card_generate_subkey (KBNODE pub_keyblock);
int card_store_subkey (KBNODE node, int use);
#define S2K_DECODE_COUNT(_val) ((16ul + ((_val) & 15)) << (((_val) >> 4) + 6))
/*-- migrate.c --*/
void migrate_secring (ctrl_t ctrl);
#endif /*G10_MAIN_H*/
diff --git a/g10/mainproc.c b/g10/mainproc.c
index 63f726097..0c979f831 100644
--- a/g10/mainproc.c
+++ b/g10/mainproc.c
@@ -1,2484 +1,2484 @@
/* mainproc.c - handle packets
* Copyright (C) 1998-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "keyserver-internal.h"
#include "photoid.h"
#include "mbox-util.h"
#include "call-dirmngr.h"
/* Put an upper limit on nested packets. The 32 is an arbitrary
value, a much lower should actually be sufficient. */
/* An object to build a list of keyid related info. */
struct kidlist_item
struct kidlist_item *next;
u32 kid[2];
int pubkey_algo;
int reason;
* Object to hold the processing context.
typedef struct mainproc_context *CTX;
struct mainproc_context
ctrl_t ctrl;
struct mainproc_context *anchor; /* May be useful in the future. */
PKT_public_key *last_pubkey;
PKT_user_id *last_user_id;
md_filter_context_t mfx;
int sigs_only; /* Process only signatures and reject all other stuff. */
int encrypt_only; /* Process only encryption messages. */
/* Name of the file with the complete signature or the file with the
detached signature. This is currently only used to deduce the
file name of the data file if that has not been given. */
const char *sigfilename;
/* A structure to describe the signed data in case of a detached
signature. */
/* A file descriptor of the the signed data. Only used if not -1. */
int data_fd;
/* A list of filenames with the data files or NULL. This is only
used if DATA_FD is -1. */
strlist_t data_names;
/* Flag to indicated that either one of the next previous fields
is used. This is only needed for better readability. */
int used;
} signed_data;
DEK *dek;
int last_was_session_key;
kbnode_t list; /* The current list of packets. */
iobuf_t iobuf; /* Used to get the filename etc. */
int trustletter; /* Temporary usage in list_node. */
ulong symkeys;
struct kidlist_item *pkenc_list; /* List of encryption packets. */
struct {
unsigned int sig_seen:1; /* Set to true if a signature packet
has been seen. */
unsigned int data:1; /* Any data packet seen */
unsigned int uncompress_failed:1;
} any;
/*** Local prototypes. ***/
static int do_proc_packets (ctrl_t ctrl, CTX c, iobuf_t a);
static void list_node (CTX c, kbnode_t node);
static void proc_tree (CTX c, kbnode_t node);
static int literals_seen;
/*** Functions. ***/
literals_seen = 0;
static void
release_list( CTX c )
proc_tree (c, c->list);
release_kbnode (c->list);
while (c->pkenc_list)
struct kidlist_item *tmp = c->pkenc_list->next;
xfree (c->pkenc_list);
c->pkenc_list = tmp;
c->pkenc_list = NULL;
c->list = NULL;
c-> = 0;
c->any.uncompress_failed = 0;
c->last_was_session_key = 0;
xfree (c->dek);
c->dek = NULL;
static int
add_onepass_sig (CTX c, PACKET *pkt)
kbnode_t node;
if (c->list) /* Add another packet. */
add_kbnode (c->list, new_kbnode (pkt));
else /* Insert the first one. */
c->list = node = new_kbnode (pkt);
return 1;
static int
add_gpg_control (CTX c, PACKET *pkt)
if ( pkt->pkt.gpg_control->control == CTRLPKT_CLEARSIGN_START )
/* New clear text signature.
* Process the last one and reset everything */
if (c->list) /* Add another packet. */
add_kbnode (c->list, new_kbnode (pkt));
else /* Insert the first one. */
c->list = new_kbnode (pkt);
return 1;
static int
add_user_id (CTX c, PACKET *pkt)
if (!c->list)
log_error ("orphaned user ID\n");
return 0;
add_kbnode (c->list, new_kbnode (pkt));
return 1;
static int
add_subkey (CTX c, PACKET *pkt)
if (!c->list)
log_error ("subkey w/o mainkey\n");
return 0;
add_kbnode (c->list, new_kbnode (pkt));
return 1;
static int
add_ring_trust (CTX c, PACKET *pkt)
if (!c->list)
log_error ("ring trust w/o key\n");
return 0;
add_kbnode (c->list, new_kbnode (pkt));
return 1;
static int
add_signature (CTX c, PACKET *pkt)
kbnode_t node;
c->any.sig_seen = 1;
if (pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE && !c->list)
/* This is the first signature for the following datafile.
* GPG does not write such packets; instead it always uses
* onepass-sig packets. The drawback of PGP's method
* of prepending the signature to the data is
* that it is not possible to make a signature from data read
* from stdin. (GPG is able to read PGP stuff anyway.) */
node = new_kbnode (pkt);
c->list = node;
return 1;
else if (!c->list)
return 0; /* oops (invalid packet sequence)*/
else if (!c->list->pkt)
BUG(); /* so nicht */
/* Add a new signature node item at the end. */
node = new_kbnode (pkt);
add_kbnode (c->list, node);
return 1;
static int
symkey_decrypt_seskey (DEK *dek, byte *seskey, size_t slen)
gcry_cipher_hd_t hd;
if(slen < 17 || slen > 33)
log_error ( _("weird size for an encrypted session key (%d)\n"),
if (openpgp_cipher_open (&hd, dek->algo, GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CFB, 1))
BUG ();
if (gcry_cipher_setkey ( hd, dek->key, dek->keylen ))
BUG ();
gcry_cipher_setiv ( hd, NULL, 0 );
gcry_cipher_decrypt ( hd, seskey, slen, NULL, 0 );
gcry_cipher_close ( hd );
/* Now we replace the dek components with the real session key to
decrypt the contents of the sequencing packet. */
if(dek->keylen > DIM(dek->key))
BUG ();
memcpy(dek->key, seskey + 1, dek->keylen);
/*log_hexdump( "thekey", dek->key, dek->keylen );*/
return 0;
static void
proc_symkey_enc (CTX c, PACKET *pkt)
PKT_symkey_enc *enc;
enc = pkt->pkt.symkey_enc;
if (!enc)
log_error ("invalid symkey encrypted packet\n");
else if(!c->dek)
int algo = enc->cipher_algo;
const char *s = openpgp_cipher_algo_name (algo);
if (!openpgp_cipher_test_algo (algo))
if (!opt.quiet)
if (enc->seskeylen)
log_info (_("%s encrypted session key\n"), s );
log_info (_("%s encrypted data\n"), s );
log_error (_("encrypted with unknown algorithm %d\n"), algo);
if (openpgp_md_test_algo (enc->s2k.hash_algo))
log_error(_("passphrase generated with unknown digest"
" algorithm %d\n"),enc->s2k.hash_algo);
s = NULL;
c->last_was_session_key = 2;
if (!s || opt.list_only)
goto leave;
if (opt.override_session_key)
c->dek = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *c->dek);
if (get_override_session_key (c->dek, opt.override_session_key))
xfree (c->dek);
c->dek = NULL;
c->dek = passphrase_to_dek (algo, &enc->s2k, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (c->dek)
c->dek->symmetric = 1;
/* FIXME: This doesn't work perfectly if a symmetric key
comes before a public key in the message - if the
user doesn't know the passphrase, then there is a
chance that the "decrypted" algorithm will happen to
be a valid one, which will make the returned dek
appear valid, so we won't try any public keys that
come later. */
if (enc->seskeylen)
if (symkey_decrypt_seskey (c->dek,
enc->seskey, enc->seskeylen))
xfree (c->dek);
c->dek = NULL;
c->dek->algo_info_printed = 1;
free_packet (pkt);
static void
proc_pubkey_enc (ctrl_t ctrl, CTX c, PACKET *pkt)
PKT_pubkey_enc *enc;
int result = 0;
/* Check whether the secret key is available and store in this case. */
c->last_was_session_key = 1;
enc = pkt->pkt.pubkey_enc;
/*printf("enc: encrypted by a pubkey with keyid %08lX\n", enc->keyid[1] );*/
/* Hmmm: why do I have this algo check here - anyway there is
* function to check it. */
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("public key is %s\n"), keystr (enc->keyid));
if (is_status_enabled())
char buf[50];
/* FIXME: For ECC support we need to map the OpenPGP algo number
to the Libgcrypt defined one. This is due a chicken-egg
problem: We need to have code in Libgcrypt for a new
algorithm so to implement a proposed new algorithm before the
IANA will finally assign an OpenPGP identifier. */
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%08lX%08lX %d 0",
(ulong)enc->keyid[0], (ulong)enc->keyid[1], enc->pubkey_algo);
write_status_text (STATUS_ENC_TO, buf);
if (!opt.list_only && opt.override_session_key)
/* It does not make much sense to store the session key in
* secure memory because it has already been passed on the
* command line and the GCHQ knows about it. */
c->dek = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *c->dek);
result = get_override_session_key (c->dek, opt.override_session_key);
if (result)
xfree (c->dek);
c->dek = NULL;
else if (enc->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E
|| enc->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH
|| enc->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA
|| enc->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_E
|| enc->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL)
/* Note that we also allow type 20 Elgamal keys for decryption.
There are still a couple of those keys in active use as a
subkey. */
/* FIXME: Store this all in a list and process it later so that
we can prioritize what key to use. This gives a better user
experience if wildcard keyids are used. */
if (!c->dek && ((!enc->keyid[0] && !enc->keyid[1])
|| opt.try_all_secrets
|| have_secret_key_with_kid (enc->keyid)))
result = -1;
c->dek = xmalloc_secure_clear (sizeof *c->dek);
if ((result = get_session_key (ctrl, enc, c->dek)))
/* Error: Delete the DEK. */
xfree (c->dek);
c->dek = NULL;
if (result == -1)
/* Store it for later display. */
struct kidlist_item *x = xmalloc (sizeof *x);
x->kid[0] = enc->keyid[0];
x->kid[1] = enc->keyid[1];
x->pubkey_algo = enc->pubkey_algo;
x->reason = result;
x->next = c->pkenc_list;
c->pkenc_list = x;
if (!result && opt.verbose > 1)
log_info (_("public key encrypted data: good DEK\n"));
* Print the list of public key encrypted packets which we could
* not decrypt.
static void
print_pkenc_list (struct kidlist_item *list, int failed)
for (; list; list = list->next)
PKT_public_key *pk;
const char *algstr;
if (failed && !list->reason)
if (!failed && list->reason)
algstr = openpgp_pk_algo_name (list->pubkey_algo);
pk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pk);
if (!algstr)
algstr = "[?]";
pk->pubkey_algo = list->pubkey_algo;
if (!get_pubkey (pk, list->kid))
char *p;
log_info (_("encrypted with %u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s\n"),
nbits_from_pk (pk), algstr, keystr_from_pk(pk),
strtimestamp (pk->timestamp));
p = get_user_id_native (list->kid);
log_printf (_(" \"%s\"\n"), p);
xfree (p);
log_info (_("encrypted with %s key, ID %s\n"),
algstr, keystr(list->kid));
free_public_key (pk);
if (gpg_err_code (list->reason) == GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY)
if (is_status_enabled())
char buf[20];
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%08lX%08lX",
(ulong)list->kid[0], (ulong)list->kid[1]);
write_status_text (STATUS_NO_SECKEY, buf);
else if (list->reason)
log_info (_("public key decryption failed: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (list->reason));
write_status_error ("pkdecrypt_failed", list->reason);
static void
proc_encrypted (CTX c, PACKET *pkt)
int result = 0;
if (!opt.quiet)
if (c->symkeys>1)
log_info (_("encrypted with %lu passphrases\n"), c->symkeys);
else if (c->symkeys == 1)
log_info (_("encrypted with 1 passphrase\n"));
print_pkenc_list ( c->pkenc_list, 1 );
print_pkenc_list ( c->pkenc_list, 0 );
/* FIXME: Figure out the session key by looking at all pkenc packets. */
/*log_debug("dat: %sencrypted data\n", c->dek?"":"conventional ");*/
if (opt.list_only)
result = -1;
else if (!c->dek && !c->last_was_session_key)
int algo;
STRING2KEY s2kbuf;
int canceled;
if (opt.override_session_key)
c->dek = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *c->dek);
result = get_override_session_key (c->dek, opt.override_session_key);
if (result)
xfree (c->dek);
c->dek = NULL;
/* Assume this is old style conventional encrypted data. */
algo = opt.def_cipher_algo;
if (algo)
log_info (_("assuming %s encrypted data\n"),
openpgp_cipher_algo_name (algo));
else if (openpgp_cipher_test_algo (CIPHER_ALGO_IDEA))
algo = opt.def_cipher_algo;
if (!algo)
algo = opt.s2k_cipher_algo;
log_info (_("IDEA cipher unavailable, "
"optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n"),
openpgp_cipher_algo_name (algo));
if (!opt.s2k_digest_algo)
/* If no digest is given we assume SHA-1. */
s2kbuf.mode = 0;
s2kbuf.hash_algo = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1;
s2k = &s2kbuf;
log_info (_("assuming %s encrypted data\n"), "IDEA");
c->dek = passphrase_to_dek (algo, s2k, 0, 0, NULL, &canceled);
if (c->dek)
c->dek->algo_info_printed = 1;
else if (canceled)
result = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CANCELED);
result = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PASSPHRASE);
else if (!c->dek)
if (!result)
result = decrypt_data (c->ctrl, c, pkt->pkt.encrypted, c->dek );
if (result == -1)
else if (!result
&& !opt.ignore_mdc_error
&& !pkt->pkt.encrypted->mdc_method
&& openpgp_cipher_get_algo_blklen (c->dek->algo) != 8
&& c->dek->algo != CIPHER_ALGO_TWOFISH)
/* The message has been decrypted but has no MDC despite that a
modern cipher (blocklength != 64 bit, except for Twofish) is
used and the option to ignore MDC errors is not used: To
avoid attacks changing an MDC message to a non-MDC message,
we fail here. */
log_error (_("WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n"));
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info ("decryption forced to fail\n");
else if (!result || (gpg_err_code (result) == GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE
&& opt.ignore_mdc_error))
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info(_("decryption okay\n"));
if (pkt->pkt.encrypted->mdc_method && !result)
write_status (STATUS_GOODMDC);
else if (!opt.no_mdc_warn)
log_info (_("WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n"));
else if (gpg_err_code (result) == GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE)
glo_ctrl.lasterr = result;
log_error (_("WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n"));
write_status (STATUS_BADMDC);
if (gpg_err_code (result) == GPG_ERR_BAD_KEY
&& *c->dek->s2k_cacheid != '\0')
if (opt.debug)
log_debug ("cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n",
passphrase_clear_cache (c->dek->s2k_cacheid);
glo_ctrl.lasterr = result;
log_error (_("decryption failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (result));
/* Hmmm: does this work when we have encrypted using multiple
* ways to specify the session key (symmmetric and PK). */
xfree (c->dek);
c->dek = NULL;
free_packet (pkt);
c->last_was_session_key = 0;
static void
proc_plaintext( CTX c, PACKET *pkt )
PKT_plaintext *pt = pkt->pkt.plaintext;
int any, clearsig, rc;
kbnode_t n;
if (pt->namelen == 8 && !memcmp( pt->name, "_CONSOLE", 8))
log_info (_("Note: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n"));
else if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("original file name='%.*s'\n"), pt->namelen, pt->name);
free_md_filter_context (&c->mfx);
if (gcry_md_open (&c->, 0, 0))
BUG ();
/* fixme: we may need to push the textfilter if we have sigclass 1
* and no armoring - Not yet tested
* Hmmm, why don't we need it at all if we have sigclass 1
* Should we assume that plaintext in mode 't' has always sigclass 1??
* See: Russ Allbery's mail 1999-02-09
any = clearsig = 0;
for (n=c->list; n; n = n->next )
if (n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_ONEPASS_SIG)
/* The onepass signature case. */
if (n->pkt->pkt.onepass_sig->digest_algo)
gcry_md_enable (c->, n->pkt->pkt.onepass_sig->digest_algo);
any = 1;
else if (n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_GPG_CONTROL
&& n->pkt->pkt.gpg_control->control == CTRLPKT_CLEARSIGN_START)
/* The clearsigned message case. */
size_t datalen = n->pkt->pkt.gpg_control->datalen;
const byte *data = n->pkt->pkt.gpg_control->data;
/* Check that we have at least the sigclass and one hash. */
if (datalen < 2)
log_fatal ("invalid control packet CTRLPKT_CLEARSIGN_START\n");
/* Note that we don't set the clearsig flag for not-dash-escaped
* documents. */
clearsig = (*data == 0x01);
for (data++, datalen--; datalen; datalen--, data++)
gcry_md_enable (c->, *data);
any = 1;
break; /* Stop here as one-pass signature packets are not
expected. */
else if (n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
/* The SIG+LITERAL case that PGP used to use. */
gcry_md_enable ( c->, n->pkt->pkt.signature->digest_algo );
any = 1;
if (!any && !opt.skip_verify)
/* This is for the old GPG LITERAL+SIG case. It's not legal
according to 2440, so hopefully it won't come up that often.
There is no good way to specify what algorithms to use in
that case, so these there are the historical answer. */
gcry_md_enable (c->, DIGEST_ALGO_RMD160);
gcry_md_enable (c->, DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1);
gcry_md_debug (c->, "verify");
if (c->mfx.md2)
gcry_md_debug (c->mfx.md2, "verify2");
if (literals_seen > 1)
log_info (_("WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n"));
if (!opt.flags.allow_multiple_messages)
write_status_text (STATUS_ERROR, "proc_pkt.plaintext 89_BAD_DATA");
log_inc_errorcount ();
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNEXPECTED);
if (!rc)
/* It we are in --verify mode, we do not want to output the
* signed text. However, if --output is also used we do what
* has been requested and write out the signed data. */
rc = handle_plaintext (pt, &c->mfx,
(opt.outfp || opt.outfile)? 0 : c->sigs_only,
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_EACCES && !c->sigs_only)
/* Can't write output but we hash it anyway to check the
signature. */
rc = handle_plaintext( pt, &c->mfx, 1, clearsig );
if (rc)
log_error ("handle plaintext failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
c->last_was_session_key = 0;
/* We add a marker control packet instead of the plaintext packet.
* This is so that we can later detect invalid packet sequences. */
n = new_kbnode (create_gpg_control (CTRLPKT_PLAINTEXT_MARK, NULL, 0));
if (c->list)
add_kbnode (c->list, n);
c->list = n;
static int
proc_compressed_cb (iobuf_t a, void *info)
if ( ((CTX)info)->signed_data.used
&& ((CTX)info)->signed_data.data_fd != -1)
return proc_signature_packets_by_fd (((CTX)info)->ctrl, info, a,
return proc_signature_packets (((CTX)info)->ctrl, info, a,
((CTX)info)->sigfilename );
static int
proc_encrypt_cb (iobuf_t a, void *info )
CTX c = info;
return proc_encryption_packets (c->ctrl, info, a );
static int
proc_compressed (CTX c, PACKET *pkt)
PKT_compressed *zd = pkt->pkt.compressed;
int rc;
/*printf("zip: compressed data packet\n");*/
if (c->sigs_only)
rc = handle_compressed (c->ctrl, c, zd, proc_compressed_cb, c);
else if( c->encrypt_only )
rc = handle_compressed (c->ctrl, c, zd, proc_encrypt_cb, c);
rc = handle_compressed (c->ctrl, c, zd, NULL, NULL);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_BAD_DATA)
if (!c->any.uncompress_failed)
CTX cc;
for (cc=c; cc; cc = cc->anchor)
cc->any.uncompress_failed = 1;
log_error ("uncompressing failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
else if (rc)
log_error ("uncompressing failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
c->last_was_session_key = 0;
return rc;
* Check the signature. If R_PK is not NULL a copy of the public key
* used to verify the signature will be stored tehre, or NULL if not
* found. Returns: 0 = valid signature or an error code
static int
do_check_sig (CTX c, kbnode_t node, int *is_selfsig,
int *is_expkey, int *is_revkey, PKT_public_key **r_pk)
PKT_signature *sig;
gcry_md_hd_t md = NULL;
gcry_md_hd_t md2 = NULL;
gcry_md_hd_t md_good = NULL;
int algo, rc;
if (r_pk)
*r_pk = NULL;
log_assert (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE);
if (is_selfsig)
*is_selfsig = 0;
sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
algo = sig->digest_algo;
rc = openpgp_md_test_algo (algo);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (sig->sig_class == 0x00)
if (c->
if (gcry_md_copy (&md, c-> ))
BUG ();
else /* detached signature */
/* check_signature() will enable the md. */
if (gcry_md_open (&md, 0, 0 ))
BUG ();
else if (sig->sig_class == 0x01)
/* How do we know that we have to hash the (already hashed) text
in canonical mode ??? (calculating both modes???) */
if (c->
if (gcry_md_copy (&md, c-> ))
BUG ();
if (c->mfx.md2 && gcry_md_copy (&md2, c->mfx.md2))
BUG ();
else /* detached signature */
log_debug ("Do we really need this here?");
/* check_signature() will enable the md*/
if (gcry_md_open (&md, 0, 0 ))
BUG ();
if (gcry_md_open (&md2, 0, 0 ))
BUG ();
else if ((sig->sig_class&~3) == 0x10
|| sig->sig_class == 0x18
|| sig->sig_class == 0x1f
|| sig->sig_class == 0x20
|| sig->sig_class == 0x28
|| sig->sig_class == 0x30)
if (c->list->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| c->list->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
return check_key_signature( c->list, node, is_selfsig );
else if (sig->sig_class == 0x20)
log_error (_("standalone revocation - "
"use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n"));
log_error ("invalid root packet for sigclass %02x\n", sig->sig_class);
/* We only get here if we are checking the signature of a binary
(0x00) or text document (0x01). */
rc = check_signature2 (sig, md, NULL, is_expkey, is_revkey, r_pk);
if (! rc)
md_good = md;
else if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE && md2)
PKT_public_key *pk2;
rc = check_signature2 (sig, md2, NULL, is_expkey, is_revkey,
r_pk? &pk2 : NULL);
if (!rc)
md_good = md2;
if (r_pk)
free_public_key (*r_pk);
*r_pk = pk2;
if (md_good)
unsigned char *buffer = gcry_md_read (md_good, sig->digest_algo);
sig->digest_len = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (map_md_openpgp_to_gcry (algo));
memcpy (sig->digest, buffer, sig->digest_len);
gcry_md_close (md);
gcry_md_close (md2);
return rc;
static void
print_userid (PACKET *pkt)
if (!pkt)
if (pkt->pkttype != PKT_USER_ID)
es_printf ("ERROR: unexpected packet type %d", pkt->pkttype );
if (opt.with_colons)
if (pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data)
es_printf("%u %lu",
es_write_sanitized (es_stdout, pkt->pkt.user_id->name,
pkt->pkt.user_id->len, ":", NULL);
print_utf8_buffer (es_stdout, pkt->pkt.user_id->name,
pkt->pkt.user_id->len );
* List the keyblock in a user friendly way
static void
list_node (CTX c, kbnode_t node)
if (!node)
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
PKT_public_key *pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (opt.with_colons)
u32 keyid[2];
keyid_from_pk( pk, keyid );
if (pk->flags.primary)
c->trustletter = (opt.fast_list_mode?
0 : get_validity_info (c->ctrl, pk, NULL));
es_printf ("%s:", pk->flags.primary? "pub":"sub" );
if (c->trustletter)
es_putc (c->trustletter, es_stdout);
es_printf (":%u:%d:%08lX%08lX:%s:%s::",
nbits_from_pk( pk ),
colon_datestr_from_pk( pk ),
colon_strtime (pk->expiredate) );
if (pk->flags.primary && !opt.fast_list_mode)
es_putc (get_ownertrust_info (pk), es_stdout);
es_putc (':', es_stdout);
es_putc ('\n', es_stdout);
print_key_line (es_stdout, pk, 0);
if (opt.keyid_format == KF_NONE && !opt.with_colons)
; /* Already printed. */
else if ((pk->flags.primary && opt.fingerprint) || opt.fingerprint > 1)
print_fingerprint (NULL, pk, 0);
if (opt.with_colons)
if (node->next && node->next->pkt->pkttype == PKT_RING_TRUST)
es_printf ("rtv:1:%u:\n",
if (pk->flags.primary)
int kl = opt.keyid_format == KF_NONE? 0 : keystrlen ();
/* Now list all userids with their signatures. */
for (node = node->next; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
list_node (c, node );
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
if (opt.with_colons)
es_printf ("%s:::::::::",
es_printf ("uid%*s",
kl + (opt.legacy_list_mode? 9:11),
"" );
print_userid (node->pkt);
if (opt.with_colons)
es_putc (':', es_stdout);
es_putc ('\n', es_stdout);
if (opt.with_colons
&& node->next
&& node->next->pkt->pkttype == PKT_RING_TRUST)
es_printf ("rtv:2:%u:\n",
node->next->pkt->pkt.ring_trust->trustval : 0);
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
list_node(c, node );
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
log_debug ("FIXME: No way to print secret key packets here\n");
/* fixme: We may use a function to turn a secret key packet into
a public key one and use that here. */
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
int is_selfsig = 0;
int rc2 = 0;
size_t n;
char *p;
int sigrc = ' ';
if (!opt.verbose)
if (sig->sig_class == 0x20 || sig->sig_class == 0x30)
es_fputs ("rev", es_stdout);
es_fputs ("sig", es_stdout);
if (opt.check_sigs)
fflush (stdout);
rc2 = do_check_sig (c, node, &is_selfsig, NULL, NULL, NULL);
switch (gpg_err_code (rc2))
case 0: sigrc = '!'; break;
case GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE: sigrc = '-'; break;
case GPG_ERR_UNUSABLE_PUBKEY: sigrc = '?'; break;
default: sigrc = '%'; break;
else /* Check whether this is a self signature. */
u32 keyid[2];
if (c->list->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| c->list->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY )
keyid_from_pk (c->list->pkt->pkt.public_key, keyid);
if (keyid[0] == sig->keyid[0] && keyid[1] == sig->keyid[1])
is_selfsig = 1;
if (opt.with_colons)
es_putc (':', es_stdout);
if (sigrc != ' ')
es_putc (sigrc, es_stdout);
es_printf ("::%d:%08lX%08lX:%s:%s:", sig->pubkey_algo,
(ulong)sig->keyid[0], (ulong)sig->keyid[1],
colon_datestr_from_sig (sig),
colon_expirestr_from_sig (sig));
if (sig->trust_depth || sig->trust_value)
es_printf ("%d %d",sig->trust_depth,sig->trust_value);
es_putc (':', es_stdout);
if (sig->trust_regexp)
es_write_sanitized (es_stdout, sig->trust_regexp,
strlen (sig->trust_regexp), ":", NULL);
es_putc (':', es_stdout);
es_printf ("%c %s %s ",
sigrc, keystr (sig->keyid), datestr_from_sig(sig));
if (sigrc == '%')
es_printf ("[%s] ", gpg_strerror (rc2) );
else if (sigrc == '?')
else if (is_selfsig)
if (opt.with_colons)
es_putc (':', es_stdout);
es_fputs (sig->sig_class == 0x18? "[keybind]":"[selfsig]", es_stdout);
if (opt.with_colons)
es_putc (':', es_stdout);
else if (!opt.fast_list_mode)
p = get_user_id (sig->keyid, &n);
es_write_sanitized (es_stdout, p, n,
opt.with_colons?":":NULL, NULL );
xfree (p);
if (opt.with_colons)
es_printf (":%02x%c:", sig->sig_class, sig->flags.exportable?'x':'l');
es_putc ('\n', es_stdout);
log_error ("invalid node with packet of type %d\n", node->pkt->pkttype);
proc_packets (ctrl_t ctrl, void *anchor, iobuf_t a )
int rc;
CTX c = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *c);
c->ctrl = ctrl;
c->anchor = anchor;
rc = do_proc_packets (ctrl, c, a);
xfree (c);
return rc;
proc_signature_packets (ctrl_t ctrl, void *anchor, iobuf_t a,
strlist_t signedfiles, const char *sigfilename )
CTX c = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *c);
int rc;
c->ctrl = ctrl;
c->anchor = anchor;
c->sigs_only = 1;
c->signed_data.data_fd = -1;
c->signed_data.data_names = signedfiles;
c->signed_data.used = !!signedfiles;
c->sigfilename = sigfilename;
rc = do_proc_packets (ctrl, c, a);
/* If we have not encountered any signature we print an error
messages, send a NODATA status back and return an error code.
Using log_error is required because verify_files does not check
error codes for each file but we want to terminate the process
with an error. */
if (!rc && !c->any.sig_seen)
write_status_text (STATUS_NODATA, "4");
log_error (_("no signature found\n"));
/* Propagate the signature seen flag upward. Do this only on success
so that we won't issue the nodata status several times. */
if (!rc && c->anchor && c->any.sig_seen)
c->anchor->any.sig_seen = 1;
xfree (c);
return rc;
proc_signature_packets_by_fd (ctrl_t ctrl,
void *anchor, iobuf_t a, int signed_data_fd )
int rc;
CTX c;
c = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *c);
if (!c)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
c->ctrl = ctrl;
c->anchor = anchor;
c->sigs_only = 1;
c->signed_data.data_fd = signed_data_fd;
c->signed_data.data_names = NULL;
c->signed_data.used = (signed_data_fd != -1);
rc = do_proc_packets (ctrl, c, a);
/* If we have not encountered any signature we print an error
messages, send a NODATA status back and return an error code.
Using log_error is required because verify_files does not check
error codes for each file but we want to terminate the process
with an error. */
if (!rc && !c->any.sig_seen)
write_status_text (STATUS_NODATA, "4");
log_error (_("no signature found\n"));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
/* Propagate the signature seen flag upward. Do this only on success
so that we won't issue the nodata status several times. */
if (!rc && c->anchor && c->any.sig_seen)
c->anchor->any.sig_seen = 1;
xfree ( c );
return rc;
proc_encryption_packets (ctrl_t ctrl, void *anchor, iobuf_t a )
CTX c = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *c);
int rc;
c->ctrl = ctrl;
c->anchor = anchor;
c->encrypt_only = 1;
rc = do_proc_packets (ctrl, c, a);
xfree (c);
return rc;
static int
check_nesting (CTX c)
int level;
for (level=0; c; c = c->anchor)
if (level > MAX_NESTING_DEPTH)
log_error ("input data with too deeply nested packets\n");
write_status_text (STATUS_UNEXPECTED, "1");
return 0;
static int
do_proc_packets (ctrl_t ctrl, CTX c, iobuf_t a)
PACKET *pkt;
int rc = 0;
int any_data = 0;
int newpkt;
rc = check_nesting (c);
if (rc)
return rc;
pkt = xmalloc( sizeof *pkt );
c->iobuf = a;
while ((rc=parse_packet(a, pkt)) != -1)
any_data = 1;
if (rc)
free_packet (pkt);
/* Stop processing when an invalid packet has been encountered
* but don't do so when we are doing a --list-packets. */
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET
&& opt.list_packets == 0)
newpkt = -1;
if (opt.list_packets)
switch (pkt->pkttype)
case PKT_PUBKEY_ENC: proc_pubkey_enc (ctrl, c, pkt); break;
case PKT_SYMKEY_ENC: proc_symkey_enc (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_ENCRYPTED_MDC: proc_encrypted (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_COMPRESSED: rc = proc_compressed (c, pkt); break;
default: newpkt = 0; break;
else if (c->sigs_only)
switch (pkt->pkttype)
write_status_text( STATUS_UNEXPECTED, "0" );
goto leave;
case PKT_SIGNATURE: newpkt = add_signature (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_PLAINTEXT: proc_plaintext (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_COMPRESSED: rc = proc_compressed (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_ONEPASS_SIG: newpkt = add_onepass_sig (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_GPG_CONTROL: newpkt = add_gpg_control (c, pkt); break;
default: newpkt = 0; break;
else if (c->encrypt_only)
switch (pkt->pkttype)
write_status_text (STATUS_UNEXPECTED, "0");
goto leave;
case PKT_SIGNATURE: newpkt = add_signature (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_SYMKEY_ENC: proc_symkey_enc (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_PUBKEY_ENC: proc_pubkey_enc (ctrl, c, pkt); break;
case PKT_ENCRYPTED_MDC: proc_encrypted (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_PLAINTEXT: proc_plaintext (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_COMPRESSED: rc = proc_compressed (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_ONEPASS_SIG: newpkt = add_onepass_sig (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_GPG_CONTROL: newpkt = add_gpg_control (c, pkt); break;
default: newpkt = 0; break;
switch (pkt->pkttype)
release_list (c);
c->list = new_kbnode (pkt);
newpkt = 1;
newpkt = add_subkey (c, pkt);
case PKT_USER_ID: newpkt = add_user_id (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_SIGNATURE: newpkt = add_signature (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_PUBKEY_ENC: proc_pubkey_enc (ctrl, c, pkt); break;
case PKT_SYMKEY_ENC: proc_symkey_enc (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_ENCRYPTED_MDC: proc_encrypted (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_PLAINTEXT: proc_plaintext (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_COMPRESSED: rc = proc_compressed (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_ONEPASS_SIG: newpkt = add_onepass_sig (c, pkt); break;
case PKT_GPG_CONTROL: newpkt = add_gpg_control(c, pkt); break;
case PKT_RING_TRUST: newpkt = add_ring_trust (c, pkt); break;
default: newpkt = 0; break;
if (rc)
goto leave;
/* This is a very ugly construct and frankly, I don't remember why
* I used it. Adding the MDC check here is a hack.
* The right solution is to initiate another context for encrypted
* packet and not to reuse the current one ... It works right
* when there is a compression packet between which adds just
* an extra layer.
* Hmmm: Rewrite this whole module here??
if (pkt->pkttype != PKT_SIGNATURE && pkt->pkttype != PKT_MDC)
c-> = (pkt->pkttype == PKT_PLAINTEXT);
if (newpkt == -1)
else if (newpkt)
pkt = xmalloc (sizeof *pkt);
init_packet (pkt);
write_status_text (STATUS_NODATA, "3");
if (any_data)
rc = 0;
else if (rc == -1)
write_status_text (STATUS_NODATA, "2");
release_list (c);
free_packet (pkt);
xfree (pkt);
free_md_filter_context (&c->mfx);
return rc;
/* Helper for pka_uri_from_sig to parse the to-be-verified address out
of the notation data. */
static pka_info_t *
get_pka_address (PKT_signature *sig)
pka_info_t *pka = NULL;
struct notation *nd,*notation;
continue; /* Not the notation we want. */
/* For now we only use the first valid PKA notation. In future
we might want to keep additional PKA notations in a linked
list. */
if (is_valid_mailbox (nd->value))
pka = xmalloc (sizeof *pka + strlen(nd->value));
pka->valid = 0;
pka->checked = 0;
pka->uri = NULL;
strcpy (pka->email, nd->value);
return pka;
/* Return the URI from a DNS PKA record. If this record has already
be retrieved for the signature we merely return it; if not we go
out and try to get that DNS record. */
static const char *
pka_uri_from_sig (CTX c, PKT_signature *sig)
if (!sig->flags.pka_tried)
log_assert (!sig->pka_info);
sig->flags.pka_tried = 1;
sig->pka_info = get_pka_address (sig);
if (sig->pka_info)
char *url;
unsigned char *fpr;
size_t fprlen;
if (!gpg_dirmngr_get_pka (c->ctrl, sig->pka_info->email,
&fpr, &fprlen, &url))
if (fpr && fprlen == sizeof sig->pka_info->fpr)
memcpy (sig->pka_info->fpr, fpr, fprlen);
if (url)
sig->pka_info->valid = 1;
if (!*url)
xfree (url);
sig->pka_info->uri = url;
url = NULL;
xfree (fpr);
xfree (url);
return sig->pka_info? sig->pka_info->uri : NULL;
/* Return true if the AKL has the WKD method specified. */
static int
akl_has_wkd_method (void)
struct akl *akl;
for (akl = opt.auto_key_locate; akl; akl = akl->next)
if (akl->type == AKL_WKD)
return 1;
return 0;
/* Return the ISSUER fingerprint string in human readbale format if
* available. Caller must release the string. */
static char *
issuer_fpr_string (PKT_signature *sig)
const byte *p;
size_t n;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_ISSUER_FPR, &n);
if (p && n == 21 && p[0] == 4)
return bin2hex (p+1, n-1, NULL);
return NULL;
static void
print_good_bad_signature (int statno, const char *keyid_str, kbnode_t un,
PKT_signature *sig, int rc)
char *p;
write_status_text_and_buffer (statno, keyid_str,
un? un->pkt->pkt.user_id->name:"[?]",
un? un->pkt->pkt.user_id->len:3,
if (un)
p = utf8_to_native (un->pkt->pkt.user_id->name,
un->pkt->pkt.user_id->len, 0);
p = xstrdup ("[?]");
if (rc)
log_info (_("BAD signature from \"%s\""), p);
else if (sig->flags.expired)
log_info (_("Expired signature from \"%s\""), p);
log_info (_("Good signature from \"%s\""), p);
xfree (p);
static int
check_sig_and_print (CTX c, kbnode_t node)
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
const char *astr;
int rc;
int is_expkey = 0;
int is_revkey = 0;
char *issuer_fpr;
PKT_public_key *pk = NULL; /* The public key for the signature or NULL. */
if (opt.skip_verify)
log_info(_("signature verification suppressed\n"));
return 0;
/* Check that the message composition is valid.
* Per RFC-2440bis (-15) allowed:
* S{1,n} -- detached signature.
* S{1,n} P -- old style PGP2 signature
* O{1,n} P S{1,n} -- standard OpenPGP signature.
* C P S{1,n} -- cleartext signature.
* O = One-Pass Signature packet.
* S = Signature packet.
* P = OpenPGP Message packet (Encrypted | Compressed | Literal)
* (Note that the current rfc2440bis draft also allows
* for a signed message but that does not work as it
* introduces ambiguities.)
* We keep track of these packages using the marker packet
* C = Marker packet for cleartext signatures.
* We reject all other messages.
* Actually we are calling this too often, i.e. for verification of
* each message but better have some duplicate work than to silently
* introduce a bug here.
kbnode_t n;
int n_onepass, n_sig;
/* log_debug ("checking signature packet composition\n"); */
/* dump_kbnode (c->list); */
n = c->list;
log_assert (n);
if ( n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE )
/* This is either "S{1,n}" case (detached signature) or
"S{1,n} P" (old style PGP2 signature). */
for (n = n->next; n; n = n->next)
if (n->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SIGNATURE)
if (!n)
; /* Okay, this is a detached signature. */
else if (n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_GPG_CONTROL
&& (n->pkt->pkt.gpg_control->control
if (n->next)
goto ambiguous; /* We only allow one P packet. */
goto ambiguous;
else if (n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_ONEPASS_SIG)
/* This is the "O{1,n} P S{1,n}" case (standard signature). */
for (n_onepass=1, n = n->next;
n && n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_ONEPASS_SIG; n = n->next)
if (!n || !(n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_GPG_CONTROL
&& (n->pkt->pkt.gpg_control->control
goto ambiguous;
for (n_sig=0, n = n->next;
n && n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE; n = n->next)
if (!n_sig)
goto ambiguous;
/* If we wanted to disallow multiple sig verification, we'd do
something like this:
if (n && !opt.allow_multisig_verification)
goto ambiguous;
However, now that we have --allow-multiple-messages, this
can stay allowable as we can't get here unless multiple
messages (i.e. multiple literals) are allowed. */
if (n_onepass != n_sig)
log_info ("number of one-pass packets does not match "
"number of signature packets\n");
goto ambiguous;
else if (n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_GPG_CONTROL
&& n->pkt->pkt.gpg_control->control == CTRLPKT_CLEARSIGN_START )
/* This is the "C P S{1,n}" case (clear text signature). */
n = n->next;
if (!n || !(n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_GPG_CONTROL
&& (n->pkt->pkt.gpg_control->control
goto ambiguous;
for (n_sig=0, n = n->next;
n && n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE; n = n->next)
if (n || !n_sig)
goto ambiguous;
log_error(_("can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n"));
return 0;
if (sig->signers_uid)
write_status_buffer (STATUS_NEWSIG,
sig->signers_uid, strlen (sig->signers_uid), 0);
write_status_text (STATUS_NEWSIG, NULL);
astr = openpgp_pk_algo_name ( sig->pubkey_algo );
if ((issuer_fpr = issuer_fpr_string (sig)))
log_info (_("Signature made %s\n"), asctimestamp(sig->timestamp));
log_info (_(" using %s key %s\n"),
astr? astr: "?", issuer_fpr);
xfree (issuer_fpr);
else if (!keystrlen () || keystrlen () > 8)
log_info (_("Signature made %s\n"), asctimestamp(sig->timestamp));
log_info (_(" using %s key %s\n"),
astr? astr: "?", keystr(sig->keyid));
else /* Legacy format. */
log_info (_("Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n"),
asctimestamp(sig->timestamp), astr? astr: "?",
/* In verbose mode print the signers UID. */
if (sig->signers_uid)
log_info (_(" issuer \"%s\"\n"), sig->signers_uid);
rc = do_check_sig (c, node, NULL, &is_expkey, &is_revkey, &pk);
/* If the key isn't found, check for a preferred keyserver. */
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY && sig->flags.pref_ks)
const byte *p;
int seq = 0;
size_t n;
while ((p=enum_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed,SIGSUBPKT_PREF_KS,&n,&seq,NULL)))
/* According to my favorite copy editor, in English grammar,
you say "at" if the key is located on a web page, but
"from" if it is located on a keyserver. I'm not going to
even try to make two strings here :) */
log_info(_("Key available at: ") );
print_utf8_buffer (log_get_stream(), p, n);
log_printf ("\n");
if (opt.keyserver_options.options&KEYSERVER_AUTO_KEY_RETRIEVE
&& opt.keyserver_options.options&KEYSERVER_HONOR_KEYSERVER_URL)
struct keyserver_spec *spec;
spec = parse_preferred_keyserver (sig);
if (spec)
int res;
free_public_key (pk);
pk = NULL;
res = keyserver_import_keyid (c->ctrl, sig->keyid,spec, 1);
if (!res)
rc = do_check_sig (c, node, NULL,
&is_expkey, &is_revkey, &pk);
free_keyserver_spec (spec);
if (!rc)
/* If the avove methods didn't work, our next try is to use the URI
* from a DNS PKA record. */
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY
&& (opt.keyserver_options.options & KEYSERVER_AUTO_KEY_RETRIEVE)
&& (opt.keyserver_options.options & KEYSERVER_HONOR_PKA_RECORD))
const char *uri = pka_uri_from_sig (c, sig);
if (uri)
/* FIXME: We might want to locate the key using the
fingerprint instead of the keyid. */
int res;
struct keyserver_spec *spec;
spec = parse_keyserver_uri (uri, 1);
if (spec)
free_public_key (pk);
pk = NULL;
res = keyserver_import_keyid (c->ctrl, sig->keyid, spec, 1);
free_keyserver_spec (spec);
if (!res)
rc = do_check_sig (c, node, NULL, &is_expkey, &is_revkey, &pk);
/* If the above methods didn't work, our next try is to locate
* the key via its fingerprint from a keyserver. This requires
* that the signers fingerprint is encoded in the signature. We
* favor this over the WKD method (to be tried next), because an
* arbitrary keyserver is less subject to web bug like monitoring. */
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY
&& (opt.keyserver_options.options&KEYSERVER_AUTO_KEY_RETRIEVE)
&& keyserver_any_configured (c->ctrl))
int res;
const byte *p;
size_t n;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_ISSUER_FPR, &n);
if (p && n == 21 && p[0] == 4)
/* v4 packet with a SHA-1 fingerprint. */
free_public_key (pk);
pk = NULL;
res = keyserver_import_fprint (c->ctrl, p+1, n-1, opt.keyserver, 1);
if (!res)
rc = do_check_sig (c, node, NULL, &is_expkey, &is_revkey, &pk);
/* If the above methods didn't work, our next try is to retrieve the
* key from the WKD. */
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY
&& (opt.keyserver_options.options & KEYSERVER_AUTO_KEY_RETRIEVE)
&& !opt.flags.disable_signer_uid
&& akl_has_wkd_method ()
&& sig->signers_uid)
int res;
free_public_key (pk);
pk = NULL;
res = keyserver_import_wkd (c->ctrl, sig->signers_uid, 1, NULL, NULL);
/* Fixme: If the fingerprint is embedded in the signature,
* compare it to the fingerprint of the returned key. */
if (!res)
rc = do_check_sig (c, node, NULL, &is_expkey, &is_revkey, &pk);
/* If the above methods did't work, our next try is to use a
* keyserver. */
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY
&& (opt.keyserver_options.options&KEYSERVER_AUTO_KEY_RETRIEVE)
&& keyserver_any_configured (c->ctrl))
int res;
free_public_key (pk);
pk = NULL;
res = keyserver_import_keyid (c->ctrl, sig->keyid, opt.keyserver, 1);
if (!res)
rc = do_check_sig (c, node, NULL, &is_expkey, &is_revkey, &pk);
if (!rc || gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE)
kbnode_t un, keyblock;
int count = 0;
int statno;
char keyid_str[50];
PKT_public_key *mainpk = NULL;
if (rc)
else if (sig->flags.expired)
else if (is_expkey)
else if(is_revkey)
/* FIXME: We should have the public key in PK and thus the
* keyboock has already been fetched. Thus we could use the
* fingerprint or PK itself to lookup the entire keyblock. That
* would best be done with a cache. */
keyblock = get_pubkeyblock (sig->keyid);
snprintf (keyid_str, sizeof keyid_str, "%08lX%08lX [uncertain] ",
(ulong)sig->keyid[0], (ulong)sig->keyid[1]);
/* Find and print the primary user ID along with the
"Good|Expired|Bad signature" line. */
for (un=keyblock; un; un = un->next)
int valid;
if (un->pkt->pkttype==PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
mainpk = un->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (un->pkt->pkttype != PKT_USER_ID)
if (!un->pkt->pkt.user_id->created)
if (un->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_revoked)
if (un->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_expired)
if (!un->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_primary)
/* We want the textual primary user ID here */
if (un->pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data)
log_assert (mainpk);
/* Since this is just informational, don't actually ask the
user to update any trust information. (Note: we register
the signature later.) Because print_good_bad_signature
does not print a LF we need to compute the validity
before calling that function. */
if ((opt.verify_options & VERIFY_SHOW_UID_VALIDITY))
valid = get_validity (c->ctrl, mainpk, un->pkt->pkt.user_id,
NULL, 0);
valid = 0; /* Not used. */
keyid_str[17] = 0; /* cut off the "[uncertain]" part */
print_good_bad_signature (statno, keyid_str, un, sig, rc);
if ((opt.verify_options & VERIFY_SHOW_UID_VALIDITY))
log_printf (" [%s]\n",trust_value_to_string(valid));
log_printf ("\n");
log_assert (mainpk);
/* In case we did not found a valid valid textual userid above
we print the first user id packet or a "[?]" instead along
with the "Good|Expired|Bad signature" line. */
if (!count)
/* Try for an invalid textual userid */
for (un=keyblock; un; un = un->next)
if (un->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
&& !un->pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data)
/* Try for any userid at all */
if (!un)
for (un=keyblock; un; un = un->next)
if (un->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
if (opt.trust_model==TM_ALWAYS || !un)
keyid_str[17] = 0; /* cut off the "[uncertain]" part */
print_good_bad_signature (statno, keyid_str, un, sig, rc);
if (opt.trust_model != TM_ALWAYS && un)
log_printf (" %s",_("[uncertain]") );
log_printf ("\n");
/* If we have a good signature and already printed
* the primary user ID, print all the other user IDs */
if (count
&& !rc
&& !(opt.verify_options & VERIFY_SHOW_PRIMARY_UID_ONLY))
char *p;
for( un=keyblock; un; un = un->next)
if (un->pkt->pkttype != PKT_USER_ID)
if ((un->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_revoked
|| un->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_expired)
&& !(opt.verify_options & VERIFY_SHOW_UNUSABLE_UIDS))
/* Skip textual primary user ids which we printed above. */
if (un->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_primary
&& !un->pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data )
/* If this user id has attribute data, print that. */
if (un->pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data)
dump_attribs (un->pkt->pkt.user_id, mainpk);
if (opt.verify_options&VERIFY_SHOW_PHOTOS)
show_photos (c->ctrl,
mainpk ,un->pkt->pkt.user_id);
p = utf8_to_native (un->pkt->pkt.user_id->name,
un->pkt->pkt.user_id->len, 0);
log_info (_(" aka \"%s\""), p);
xfree (p);
if ((opt.verify_options & VERIFY_SHOW_UID_VALIDITY))
const char *valid;
if (un->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_revoked)
valid = _("revoked");
else if (un->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_expired)
valid = _("expired");
/* Since this is just informational, don't
actually ask the user to update any trust
information. */
valid = (trust_value_to_string
(get_validity (c->ctrl, mainpk,
un->pkt->pkt.user_id, NULL, 0)));
log_printf (" [%s]\n",valid);
log_printf ("\n");
/* For good signatures print notation data. */
if (!rc)
if ((opt.verify_options & VERIFY_SHOW_POLICY_URLS))
show_policy_url (sig, 0, 1);
show_policy_url (sig, 0, 2);
if ((opt.verify_options & VERIFY_SHOW_KEYSERVER_URLS))
show_keyserver_url (sig, 0, 1);
show_keyserver_url (sig, 0, 2);
if ((opt.verify_options & VERIFY_SHOW_NOTATIONS))
(sig, 0, 1,
+ ((opt.verify_options&VERIFY_SHOW_USER_NOTATIONS)?2:0)));
show_notation (sig, 0, 2, 0);
/* For good signatures print the VALIDSIG status line. */
if (!rc && is_status_enabled () && pk)
char pkhex[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN*2+1];
char mainpkhex[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN*2+1];
hexfingerprint (pk, pkhex, sizeof pkhex);
hexfingerprint (mainpk, mainpkhex, sizeof mainpkhex);
/* TODO: Replace the reserved '0' in the field below with
bits for status flags (policy url, notation, etc.). */
write_status_printf (STATUS_VALIDSIG,
"%s %s %lu %lu %d 0 %d %d %02X %s",
strtimestamp (sig->timestamp),
sig->version, sig->pubkey_algo,
/* For good signatures compute and print the trust information.
Note that in the Tofu trust model this may ask the user on
how to resolve a conflict. */
if (!rc)
if ((opt.verify_options & VERIFY_PKA_LOOKUPS))
pka_uri_from_sig (c, sig); /* Make sure PKA info is available. */
rc = check_signatures_trust (c->ctrl, sig);
/* Print extra information about the signature. */
if (sig->flags.expired)
log_info (_("Signature expired %s\n"), asctimestamp(sig->expiredate));
rc = GPG_ERR_GENERAL; /* Need a better error here? */
else if (sig->expiredate)
log_info (_("Signature expires %s\n"), asctimestamp(sig->expiredate));
if (opt.verbose)
char pkstrbuf[PUBKEY_STRING_SIZE];
if (pk)
pubkey_string (pk, pkstrbuf, sizeof pkstrbuf);
*pkstrbuf = 0;
log_info (_("%s signature, digest algorithm %s%s%s\n"),
gcry_md_algo_name (sig->digest_algo),
*pkstrbuf?_(", key algorithm "):"", pkstrbuf);
/* Print final warnings. */
if (!rc && !c->signed_data.used)
/* Signature is basically good but we test whether the
deprecated command
gpg --verify FILE.sig
was used instead of
gpg --verify FILE.sig FILE
to verify a detached signature. If we figure out that a
data file with a matching name exists, we print a warning.
The problem is that the first form would also verify a
standard signature. This behavior could be used to
create a made up .sig file for a tarball by creating a
standard signature from a valid detached signature packet
(for example from a signed git tag). Then replace the
sig file on the FTP server along with a changed tarball.
Using the first form the verify command would correctly
verify the signature but don't even consider the tarball. */
kbnode_t n;
char *dfile;
dfile = get_matching_datafile (c->sigfilename);
if (dfile)
for (n = c->list; n; n = n->next)
if (n->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SIGNATURE)
if (n)
/* Not only signature packets in the tree thus this
is not a detached signature. */
log_info (_("WARNING: not a detached signature; "
"file '%s' was NOT verified!\n"), dfile);
xfree (dfile);
release_kbnode( keyblock );
if (rc)
g10_errors_seen = 1;
if (opt.batch && rc)
g10_exit (1);
char buf[50];
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%08lX%08lX %d %d %02x %lu %d",
(ulong)sig->keyid[0], (ulong)sig->keyid[1],
sig->pubkey_algo, sig->digest_algo,
sig->sig_class, (ulong)sig->timestamp, rc);
write_status_text (STATUS_ERRSIG, buf);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY)
buf[16] = 0;
write_status_text (STATUS_NO_PUBKEY, buf);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_NOT_PROCESSED)
log_error (_("Can't check signature: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
* Process the tree which starts at node
static void
proc_tree (CTX c, kbnode_t node)
kbnode_t n1;
int rc;
if (opt.list_packets || opt.list_only)
/* We must skip our special plaintext marker packets here because
they may be the root packet. These packets are only used in
additional checks and skipping them here doesn't matter. */
while (node
&& node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_GPG_CONTROL
&& node->pkt->pkt.gpg_control->control == CTRLPKT_PLAINTEXT_MARK)
node = node->next;
if (!node)
c->trustletter = ' ';
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
merge_keys_and_selfsig (node);
list_node (c, node);
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY)
merge_keys_and_selfsig (node);
list_node (c, node);
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_ONEPASS_SIG)
/* Check all signatures. */
if (!c->
int use_textmode = 0;
free_md_filter_context (&c->mfx);
/* Prepare to create all requested message digests. */
rc = gcry_md_open (&c->, 0, 0);
if (rc)
goto hash_err;
/* Fixme: why looking for the signature packet and not the
one-pass packet? */
for (n1 = node; (n1 = find_next_kbnode (n1, PKT_SIGNATURE));)
gcry_md_enable (c->, n1->pkt->pkt.signature->digest_algo);
if (n1 && n1->pkt->pkt.onepass_sig->sig_class == 0x01)
use_textmode = 1;
/* Ask for file and hash it. */
if (c->sigs_only)
if (c->signed_data.used && c->signed_data.data_fd != -1)
rc = hash_datafile_by_fd (c->, NULL,
rc = hash_datafiles (c->, NULL,
rc = ask_for_detached_datafile (c->, c->mfx.md2,
iobuf_get_real_fname (c->iobuf),
if (rc)
log_error ("can't hash datafile: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
else if (c->signed_data.used)
log_error (_("not a detached signature\n"));
for (n1 = node; (n1 = find_next_kbnode (n1, PKT_SIGNATURE));)
check_sig_and_print (c, n1);
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_GPG_CONTROL
&& node->pkt->pkt.gpg_control->control == CTRLPKT_CLEARSIGN_START)
/* Clear text signed message. */
if (!c->
log_error ("cleartext signature without data\n");
else if (c->signed_data.used)
log_error (_("not a detached signature\n"));
for (n1 = node; (n1 = find_next_kbnode (n1, PKT_SIGNATURE));)
check_sig_and_print (c, n1);
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
int multiple_ok = 1;
n1 = find_next_kbnode (node, PKT_SIGNATURE);
if (n1)
byte class = sig->sig_class;
byte hash = sig->digest_algo;
for (; n1; (n1 = find_next_kbnode(n1, PKT_SIGNATURE)))
/* We can't currently handle multiple signatures of
* different classes (we'd pretty much have to run a
* different hash context for each), but if they are all
* the same and it is detached signature, we make an
* exception. Note that the old code also disallowed
* multiple signatures if the digest algorithms are
* different. We softened this restriction only for
* detached signatures, to be on the safe side. */
if (n1->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class != class
|| (c->
&& n1->pkt->pkt.signature->digest_algo != hash))
multiple_ok = 0;
log_info (_("WARNING: multiple signatures detected. "
"Only the first will be checked.\n"));
if (sig->sig_class != 0x00 && sig->sig_class != 0x01)
log_info(_("standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n"), sig->sig_class);
else if (!c->
/* Detached signature */
free_md_filter_context (&c->mfx);
rc = gcry_md_open (&c->, sig->digest_algo, 0);
if (rc)
goto detached_hash_err;
if (multiple_ok)
/* If we have and want to handle multiple signatures we
* need to enable all hash algorithms for the context. */
for (n1 = node; (n1 = find_next_kbnode (n1, PKT_SIGNATURE)); )
if (!openpgp_md_test_algo (n1->pkt->pkt.signature->digest_algo))
gcry_md_enable (c->,
if (RFC2440 || RFC4880)
; /* Strict RFC mode. */
else if (sig->digest_algo == DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1
&& sig->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA
&& sig->sig_class == 0x01)
/* Enable a workaround for a pgp5 bug when the detached
* signature has been created in textmode. Note that we
* do not implement this for multiple signatures with
* different hash algorithms. */
rc = gcry_md_open (&c->mfx.md2, sig->digest_algo, 0);
if (rc)
goto detached_hash_err;
/* Here we used to have another hack to work around a pgp
* 2 bug: It worked by not using the textmode for detached
* signatures; this would let the first signature check
* (on md) fail but the second one (on md2), which adds an
* extra CR would then have produced the "correct" hash.
* This is very, very ugly hack but it may haved help in
* some cases (and break others).
* c->mfx.md2? 0 :(sig->sig_class == 0x01)
gcry_md_debug (c->, "verify");
if (c->mfx.md2)
gcry_md_debug (c->mfx.md2, "verify2");
if (c->sigs_only)
if (c->signed_data.used && c->signed_data.data_fd != -1)
rc = hash_datafile_by_fd (c->, c->mfx.md2,
(sig->sig_class == 0x01));
rc = hash_datafiles (c->, c->mfx.md2,
(sig->sig_class == 0x01));
rc = ask_for_detached_datafile (c->, c->mfx.md2,
(sig->sig_class == 0x01));
if (rc)
log_error ("can't hash datafile: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
else if (c->signed_data.used)
log_error (_("not a detached signature\n"));
else if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n"));
if (multiple_ok)
for (n1 = node; n1; (n1 = find_next_kbnode(n1, PKT_SIGNATURE)))
check_sig_and_print (c, n1);
check_sig_and_print (c, node);
dump_kbnode (c->list);
log_error ("invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n");
dump_kbnode (node);
diff --git a/g10/mdfilter.c b/g10/mdfilter.c
index 0dbbc3c36..69b226c3b 100644
--- a/g10/mdfilter.c
+++ b/g10/mdfilter.c
@@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
/* mdfilter.c - filter data and calculate a message digest
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "filter.h"
* This filter is used to collect a message digest
md_filter( void *opaque, int control,
IOBUF a, byte *buf, size_t *ret_len)
size_t size = *ret_len;
md_filter_context_t *mfx = opaque;
int i, rc=0;
if( control == IOBUFCTRL_UNDERFLOW ) {
if( mfx->maxbuf_size && size > mfx->maxbuf_size )
size = mfx->maxbuf_size;
i = iobuf_read( a, buf, size );
if( i == -1 ) i = 0;
if( i ) {
gcry_md_write(mfx->md, buf, i );
if( mfx->md2 )
gcry_md_write(mfx->md2, buf, i );
rc = -1; /* eof */
*ret_len = i;
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_DESC )
mem2str (buf, "md_filter", *ret_len);
return rc;
free_md_filter_context( md_filter_context_t *mfx )
mfx->md = NULL;
mfx->md2 = NULL;
mfx->maxbuf_size = 0;
diff --git a/g10/migrate.c b/g10/migrate.c
index a9da5a032..6ff1014e6 100644
--- a/g10/migrate.c
+++ b/g10/migrate.c
@@ -1,118 +1,118 @@
/* migrate.c - Migrate from earlier GnupG versions.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "call-agent.h"
# define V21_MIGRATION_FNAME "gpg-v21-migrated"
# define V21_MIGRATION_FNAME ".gpg-v21-migrated"
/* Check whether a default secring.gpg from GnuPG < 2.1 exists and
import it if not yet done. */
migrate_secring (ctrl_t ctrl)
dotlock_t lockhd = NULL;
char *secring = NULL;
char *flagfile = NULL;
char *agent_version = NULL;
secring = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), "secring" EXTSEP_S "gpg", NULL);
if (access (secring, F_OK))
goto leave; /* Does not exist or is not readable. */
flagfile = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), V21_MIGRATION_FNAME, NULL);
if (!access (flagfile, F_OK))
goto leave; /* Does exist - fine. */
log_info ("starting migration from earlier GnuPG versions\n");
lockhd = dotlock_create (flagfile, 0);
if (!lockhd)
log_error ("can't allocate lock for '%s': %s\n",
flagfile, gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
goto leave;
if (dotlock_take (lockhd, -1))
log_error ("can't lock '%s': %s\n",
flagfile, gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
dotlock_destroy (lockhd);
lockhd = NULL;
goto leave;
if (!agent_get_version (ctrl, &agent_version))
if (!gnupg_compare_version (agent_version, "2.1.0"))
log_error ("error: GnuPG agent version \"%s\" is too old. ",
log_info ("Please make sure that a recent gpg-agent is running.\n");
log_info ("(restarting the user session may achieve this.)\n");
log_info ("migration aborted\n");
xfree (agent_version);
goto leave;
xfree (agent_version);
log_error ("error: GnuPG agent unusable. "
"Please check that a GnuPG agent can be started.\n");
log_error ("migration aborted\n");
goto leave;
log_info ("porting secret keys from '%s' to gpg-agent\n", secring);
if (!import_old_secring (ctrl, secring))
FILE *fp = fopen (flagfile, "w");
if (!fp || fclose (fp))
log_error ("error creating flag file '%s': %s\n",
flagfile, gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
log_info ("migration succeeded\n");
if (lockhd)
dotlock_release (lockhd);
dotlock_destroy (lockhd);
xfree (flagfile);
xfree (secring);
diff --git a/g10/misc.c b/g10/misc.c
index d2537cf7a..4f9ece349 100644
--- a/g10/misc.c
+++ b/g10/misc.c
@@ -1,1767 +1,1767 @@
/* misc.c - miscellaneous functions
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
* 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__alpha__) && __GLIBC__ < 2
#include <asm/sysinfo.h>
#include <asm/unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
#include <time.h>
#include <process.h>
# include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#define CSIDL_APPDATA 0x001a
#define CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA 0x001c
#define CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE 0x8000
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#include "gpg.h"
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# include "status.h"
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#include "util.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "photoid.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "call-agent.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "zb32.h"
/* A object and a global variable to keep track of files marked as
secured. */
struct secured_file_item
struct secured_file_item *next;
ino_t ino;
dev_t dev;
static struct secured_file_item *secured_files;
/* For the sake of SELinux we want to restrict access through gpg to
certain files we keep under our own control. This function
registers such a file and is_secured_file may then be used to
check whether a file has ben registered as secured. */
register_secured_file (const char *fname)
struct stat buf;
struct secured_file_item *sf;
/* Note that we stop immediately if something goes wrong here. */
if (stat (fname, &buf))
log_fatal (_("fstat of '%s' failed in %s: %s\n"), fname,
"register_secured_file", strerror (errno));
/* log_debug ("registering '%s' i=%lu.%lu\n", fname, */
/* (unsigned long)buf.st_dev, (unsigned long)buf.st_ino); */
for (sf=secured_files; sf; sf = sf->next)
if (sf->ino == buf.st_ino && sf->dev == buf.st_dev)
return; /* Already registered. */
sf = xmalloc (sizeof *sf);
sf->ino = buf.st_ino;
sf->dev = buf.st_dev;
sf->next = secured_files;
secured_files = sf;
/* Remove a file registered as secure. */
unregister_secured_file (const char *fname)
struct stat buf;
struct secured_file_item *sf, *sfprev;
if (stat (fname, &buf))
log_error (_("fstat of '%s' failed in %s: %s\n"), fname,
"unregister_secured_file", strerror (errno));
/* log_debug ("unregistering '%s' i=%lu.%lu\n", fname, */
/* (unsigned long)buf.st_dev, (unsigned long)buf.st_ino); */
for (sfprev=NULL,sf=secured_files; sf; sfprev=sf, sf = sf->next)
if (sf->ino == buf.st_ino && sf->dev == buf.st_dev)
if (sfprev)
sfprev->next = sf->next;
secured_files = sf->next;
xfree (sf);
/* Return true if FD is corresponds to a secured file. Using -1 for
FS is allowed and will return false. */
is_secured_file (int fd)
struct stat buf;
struct secured_file_item *sf;
if (fd == -1)
return 0; /* No file descriptor so it can't be secured either. */
/* Note that we print out a error here and claim that a file is
secure if something went wrong. */
if (fstat (fd, &buf))
log_error (_("fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n"), fd,
"is_secured_file", strerror (errno));
return 1;
/* log_debug ("is_secured_file (%d) i=%lu.%lu\n", fd, */
/* (unsigned long)buf.st_dev, (unsigned long)buf.st_ino); */
for (sf=secured_files; sf; sf = sf->next)
if (sf->ino == buf.st_ino && sf->dev == buf.st_dev)
return 1; /* Yes. */
return 0; /* No. */
/* Return true if FNAME is corresponds to a secured file. Using NULL,
"" or "-" for FS is allowed and will return false. This function is
used before creating a file, thus it won't fail if the file does
not exist. */
is_secured_filename (const char *fname)
struct stat buf;
struct secured_file_item *sf;
if (iobuf_is_pipe_filename (fname) || !*fname)
return 0;
/* Note that we print out a error here and claim that a file is
secure if something went wrong. */
if (stat (fname, &buf))
if (errno == ENOENT || errno == EPERM || errno == EACCES)
return 0;
log_error (_("fstat of '%s' failed in %s: %s\n"), fname,
"is_secured_filename", strerror (errno));
return 1;
/* log_debug ("is_secured_filename (%s) i=%lu.%lu\n", fname, */
/* (unsigned long)buf.st_dev, (unsigned long)buf.st_ino); */
for (sf=secured_files; sf; sf = sf->next)
if (sf->ino == buf.st_ino && sf->dev == buf.st_dev)
return 1; /* Yes. */
return 0; /* No. */
checksum_u16( unsigned n )
u16 a;
a = (n >> 8) & 0xff;
a += n & 0xff;
return a;
checksum( byte *p, unsigned n )
u16 a;
for(a=0; n; n-- )
a += *p++;
return a;
checksum_mpi (gcry_mpi_t a)
u16 csum;
byte *buffer;
size_t nbytes;
if ( gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_PGP, NULL, 0, &nbytes, a) )
BUG ();
/* Fixme: For numbers not in secure memory we should use a stack
* based buffer and only allocate a larger one if mpi_print returns
* an error. */
buffer = (gcry_is_secure(a)?
gcry_xmalloc_secure (nbytes) : gcry_xmalloc (nbytes));
if ( gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_PGP, buffer, nbytes, NULL, a) )
BUG ();
csum = checksum (buffer, nbytes);
xfree (buffer);
return csum;
print_pubkey_algo_note (pubkey_algo_t algo)
if(algo >= 100 && algo <= 110)
static int warn=0;
es_fflush (es_stdout);
log_info (_("WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n"),
openpgp_pk_algo_name (algo));
else if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL)
es_fflush (es_stdout);
log_info (_("WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n"));
print_cipher_algo_note (cipher_algo_t algo)
if(algo >= 100 && algo <= 110)
static int warn=0;
es_fflush (es_stdout);
log_info (_("WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n"),
openpgp_cipher_algo_name (algo));
print_digest_algo_note (digest_algo_t algo)
const enum gcry_md_algos galgo = map_md_openpgp_to_gcry (algo);
const struct weakhash *weak;
if(algo >= 100 && algo <= 110)
static int warn=0;
es_fflush (es_stdout);
log_info (_("WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n"),
gcry_md_algo_name (galgo));
for (weak = opt.weak_digests; weak != NULL; weak = weak->next)
if (weak->algo == galgo)
es_fflush (es_stdout);
log_info (_("WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n"),
gcry_md_algo_name (galgo));
print_digest_rejected_note (enum gcry_md_algos algo)
struct weakhash* weak;
int show = 1;
for (weak = opt.weak_digests; weak; weak = weak->next)
if (weak->algo == algo)
if (weak->rejection_shown)
show = 0;
weak->rejection_shown = 1;
if (show)
es_fflush (es_stdout);
(_("Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n"),
/* Print a message
* "(reported error: %s)\n
* in verbose mode to further explain an error. If the error code has
* the value IGNORE_EC no message is printed. A message is also not
* printed if ERR is 0. */
print_reported_error (gpg_error_t err, gpg_err_code_t ignore_ec)
if (!opt.verbose)
if (!gpg_err_code (err))
else if (gpg_err_code (err) == ignore_ec)
else if (gpg_err_source (err) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT)
log_info (_("(reported error: %s)\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
log_info (_("(reported error: %s <%s>)\n"),
gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
/* Print a message
* "(further info: %s)\n
* in verbose mode to further explain an error. That message is
* intended to help debug a problem and should not be translated.
print_further_info (const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
if (!opt.verbose)
log_info (_("(further info: "));
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
log_logv (GPGRT_LOG_CONT, format, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
log_printf (")\n");
/* Map OpenPGP algo numbers to those used by Libgcrypt. We need to do
this for algorithms we implemented in Libgcrypt after they become
part of OpenPGP. */
enum gcry_cipher_algos
map_cipher_openpgp_to_gcry (cipher_algo_t algo)
switch (algo)
case CIPHER_ALGO_IDEA: return 0;
#ifdef GPG_USE_CAST5
case CIPHER_ALGO_CAST5: return 0;
case CIPHER_ALGO_BLOWFISH: return 0;
#ifdef GPG_USE_AES128
case CIPHER_ALGO_AES: return 0;
#ifdef GPG_USE_AES192
case CIPHER_ALGO_AES192: return 0;
#ifdef GPG_USE_AES256
case CIPHER_ALGO_AES256: return 0;
case CIPHER_ALGO_TWOFISH: return 0;
case CIPHER_ALGO_CAMELLIA128: return 0;
case CIPHER_ALGO_CAMELLIA192: return 0;
case CIPHER_ALGO_CAMELLIA256: return 0;
return 0;
/* The inverse function of above. */
static cipher_algo_t
map_cipher_gcry_to_openpgp (enum gcry_cipher_algos algo)
switch (algo)
default: return 0;
/* Map Gcrypt public key algorithm numbers to those used by OpenPGP.
FIXME: This mapping is used at only two places - we should get rid
of it. */
map_pk_gcry_to_openpgp (enum gcry_pk_algos algo)
switch (algo)
default: return algo < 110 ? algo : 0;
/* Return the block length of an OpenPGP cipher algorithm. */
openpgp_cipher_blocklen (cipher_algo_t algo)
/* We use the numbers from OpenPGP to be sure that we get the right
block length. This is so that the packet parsing code works even
for unknown algorithms (for which we assume 8 due to tradition).
NOTE: If you change the the returned blocklen above 16, check
the callers because they may use a fixed size buffer of that
size. */
switch (algo)
return 16;
return 8;
* Wrapper around the libgcrypt function with additional checks on
* the OpenPGP contraints for the algo ID.
openpgp_cipher_test_algo (cipher_algo_t algo)
enum gcry_cipher_algos ga;
ga = map_cipher_openpgp_to_gcry (algo);
if (!ga)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CIPHER_ALGO);
return gcry_cipher_test_algo (ga);
/* Map the OpenPGP cipher algorithm whose ID is contained in ALGORITHM to a
string representation of the algorithm name. For unknown algorithm
IDs this function returns "?". */
const char *
openpgp_cipher_algo_name (cipher_algo_t algo)
switch (algo)
case CIPHER_ALGO_NONE: break;
case CIPHER_ALGO_IDEA: return "IDEA";
case CIPHER_ALGO_3DES: return "3DES";
case CIPHER_ALGO_CAST5: return "CAST5";
case CIPHER_ALGO_AES: return "AES";
case CIPHER_ALGO_AES192: return "AES192";
case CIPHER_ALGO_AES256: return "AES256";
return "?";
/* Return 0 if ALGO is a supported OpenPGP public key algorithm. */
openpgp_pk_test_algo (pubkey_algo_t algo)
return openpgp_pk_test_algo2 (algo, 0);
/* Return 0 if ALGO is a supported OpenPGP public key algorithm and
allows the usage USE. */
openpgp_pk_test_algo2 (pubkey_algo_t algo, unsigned int use)
enum gcry_pk_algos ga = 0;
size_t use_buf = use;
switch (algo)
#ifdef GPG_USE_RSA
case PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA: ga = GCRY_PK_RSA; break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_E: ga = GCRY_PK_RSA_E; break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_S: ga = GCRY_PK_RSA_S; break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA: break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_E: break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_S: break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA: ga = GCRY_PK_DSA; break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH: ga = GCRY_PK_ECC; break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH: break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA: ga = GCRY_PK_ECC; break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA: break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA: ga = GCRY_PK_ECC; break;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA: break;
/* Dont't allow type 20 keys unless in rfc2440 mode. */
if (RFC2440)
if (!ga)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO);
/* No check whether Libgcrypt has support for the algorithm. */
return gcry_pk_algo_info (ga, GCRYCTL_TEST_ALGO, NULL, &use_buf);
openpgp_pk_algo_usage ( int algo )
int use = 0;
/* They are hardwired in gpg 1.0. */
switch ( algo ) {
if (RFC2440)
return use;
/* Map the OpenPGP pubkey algorithm whose ID is contained in ALGO to a
string representation of the algorithm name. For unknown algorithm
IDs this function returns "?". */
const char *
openpgp_pk_algo_name (pubkey_algo_t algo)
switch (algo)
case PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_S: return "RSA";
case PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA: return "DSA";
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH: return "ECDH";
return "?";
/* Explicit mapping of OpenPGP digest algos to Libgcrypt. */
/* FIXME: We do not yes use it everywhere. */
enum gcry_md_algos
map_md_openpgp_to_gcry (digest_algo_t algo)
switch (algo)
#ifdef GPG_USE_MD5
case DIGEST_ALGO_MD5: return GCRY_MD_MD5;
case DIGEST_ALGO_MD5: return 0;
#ifdef GPG_USE_RMD160
case DIGEST_ALGO_RMD160: return GCRY_MD_RMD160;
case DIGEST_ALGO_RMD160: return 0;
#ifdef GPG_USE_SHA224
case DIGEST_ALGO_SHA224: return GCRY_MD_SHA224;
case DIGEST_ALGO_SHA224: return 0;
case DIGEST_ALGO_SHA256: return GCRY_MD_SHA256;
#ifdef GPG_USE_SHA384
case DIGEST_ALGO_SHA384: return GCRY_MD_SHA384;
case DIGEST_ALGO_SHA384: return 0;
#ifdef GPG_USE_SHA512
case DIGEST_ALGO_SHA512: return GCRY_MD_SHA512;
case DIGEST_ALGO_SHA512: return 0;
return 0;
/* Return 0 if ALGO is suitable and implemented OpenPGP hash
algorithm. */
openpgp_md_test_algo (digest_algo_t algo)
enum gcry_md_algos ga;
ga = map_md_openpgp_to_gcry (algo);
if (!ga)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DIGEST_ALGO);
return gcry_md_test_algo (ga);
/* Map the OpenPGP digest algorithm whose ID is contained in ALGO to a
string representation of the algorithm name. For unknown algorithm
IDs this function returns "?". */
const char *
openpgp_md_algo_name (int algo)
switch (algo)
case DIGEST_ALGO_MD5: return "MD5";
case DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1: return "SHA1";
case DIGEST_ALGO_RMD160: return "RIPEMD160";
case DIGEST_ALGO_SHA256: return "SHA256";
case DIGEST_ALGO_SHA384: return "SHA384";
case DIGEST_ALGO_SHA512: return "SHA512";
case DIGEST_ALGO_SHA224: return "SHA224";
return "?";
static unsigned long
get_signature_count (PKT_public_key *pk)
struct agent_card_info_s info;
if (!agent_scd_getattr ("SIG-COUNTER",&info))
return info.sig_counter;
return 0;
return 0;
/* Expand %-strings. Returns a string which must be xfreed. Returns
NULL if the string cannot be expanded (too large). */
char *
pct_expando(const char *string,struct expando_args *args)
const char *ch=string;
int idx=0,maxlen=0,done=0;
u32 pk_keyid[2]={0,0},sk_keyid[2]={0,0};
char *ret=NULL;
keyid_from_pk (args->pksk, sk_keyid);
/* This is used so that %k works in photoid command strings in
--list-secret-keys (which of course has a sk, but no pk). */
if(!args->pk && args->pksk)
keyid_from_pk (args->pksk, pk_keyid);
/* 8192 is way bigger than we'll need here */
goto fail;
case 's': /* short key id */
case 'S': /* long key id */
case 'k': /* short key id */
case 'K': /* long key id */
case 'U': /* z-base-32 encoded user id hash. */
if (args->namehash)
char *tmp = zb32_encode (args->namehash, 8*20);
if (tmp)
if (idx + strlen (tmp) < maxlen)
strcpy (ret+idx, tmp);
idx += strlen (tmp);
xfree (tmp);
done = 1;
case 'c': /* signature count from card, if any. */
sprintf (&ret[idx],"%lu", get_signature_count (args->pksk));
case 'f': /* Fingerprint of key being signed */
case 'p': /* Fingerprint of the primary key making the signature. */
case 'g': /* Fingerprint of the key making the signature. */
size_t len;
int i;
if ((*(ch+1))=='f' && args->pk)
fingerprint_from_pk (args->pk, array, &len);
else if ((*(ch+1))=='p' && args->pksk)
fingerprint_from_pk (args->pksk, array, &len);
else if (args->pksk->main_keyid[0]
|| args->pksk->main_keyid[1])
/* Not the primary key: Find the fingerprint
of the primary key. */
PKT_public_key *pk=
if (!get_pubkey_fast (pk,args->pksk->main_keyid))
fingerprint_from_pk (pk, array, &len);
memset (array, 0, (len=MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN));
free_public_key (pk);
else /* Oops: info about the primary key missing. */
else if((*(ch+1))=='g' && args->pksk)
fingerprint_from_pk (args->pksk, array, &len);
case 'v': /* validity letters */
if(args->validity_info && idx+1<maxlen)
/* The text string types */
case 't':
case 'T':
case 'V':
const char *str=NULL;
case 't': /* e.g. "jpg" */
case 'T': /* e.g. "image/jpeg" */
case 'V': /* e.g. "full", "expired", etc. */
if(str && idx+strlen(str)<maxlen)
case '%':
/* Any unknown %-keys (like %i, %o, %I, and %O) are
passed through for later expansion. Note this also
handles the case where the last character in the
string is a '%' - the terminating \0 will end up here
and properly terminate the string. */
return ret;
return NULL;
deprecated_warning(const char *configname,unsigned int configlineno,
const char *option,const char *repl1,const char *repl2)
log_info(_("%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n"),
log_info(_("WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n"),option);
log_info(_("please use \"%s%s\" instead\n"),repl1,repl2);
deprecated_command (const char *name)
log_info(_("WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n"),
obsolete_scdaemon_option (const char *configname, unsigned int configlineno,
const char *name)
if (configname)
log_info (_("%s:%u: \"%s\" is obsolete in this file"
" - it only has effect in %s\n"),
configname, configlineno, name, SCDAEMON_NAME EXTSEP_S "conf");
log_info (_("WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option"
" - it has no effect except on %s\n"),
"--", name, SCDAEMON_NAME);
* Wrapper around gcry_cipher_map_name to provide a fallback using the
* "Sn" syntax as used by the preference strings.
string_to_cipher_algo (const char *string)
int val;
val = map_cipher_gcry_to_openpgp (gcry_cipher_map_name (string));
if (!val && string && (string[0]=='S' || string[0]=='s'))
char *endptr;
val = strtol (string, &endptr, 10);
if (!*string || *endptr || openpgp_cipher_test_algo (val))
val = 0;
return val;
* Wrapper around gcry_md_map_name to provide a fallback using the
* "Hn" syntax as used by the preference strings.
string_to_digest_algo (const char *string)
int val;
/* FIXME: We should make use of our wrapper function and not assume
that there is a 1 to 1 mapping between OpenPGP and Libgcrypt. */
val = gcry_md_map_name (string);
if (!val && string && (string[0]=='H' || string[0]=='h'))
char *endptr;
val = strtol (string, &endptr, 10);
if (!*string || *endptr || openpgp_md_test_algo (val))
val = 0;
return val;
const char *
compress_algo_to_string(int algo)
const char *s=NULL;
#ifdef HAVE_BZIP2
return s;
string_to_compress_algo(const char *string)
/* TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. */
return 0;
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(string,"uncompressed")==0)
return 0;
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(string,"none")==0)
return 0;
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(string,"zip")==0)
return 1;
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(string,"zlib")==0)
return 2;
#ifdef HAVE_BZIP2
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(string,"bzip2")==0)
return 3;
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(string,"z0")==0)
return 0;
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(string,"z1")==0)
return 1;
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(string,"z2")==0)
return 2;
#ifdef HAVE_BZIP2
else if(ascii_strcasecmp(string,"z3")==0)
return 3;
return -1;
check_compress_algo(int algo)
switch (algo)
case 0: return 0;
#ifdef HAVE_ZIP
case 1:
case 2: return 0;
#ifdef HAVE_BZIP2
case 3: return 0;
default: return GPG_ERR_COMPR_ALGO;
return opt.def_cipher_algo;
else if(opt.personal_cipher_prefs)
return opt.personal_cipher_prefs[0].value;
return opt.s2k_cipher_algo;
/* There is no default_digest_algo function, but see
sign.c:hash_for() */
return opt.compress_algo;
else if(opt.personal_compress_prefs)
return opt.personal_compress_prefs[0].value;
const char *
char *ver="???";
case CO_GNUPG: return "--gnupg";
case CO_RFC4880: return "--openpgp";
case CO_RFC2440: return "--rfc2440";
case CO_PGP6: return "--pgp6";
case CO_PGP7: return "--pgp7";
case CO_PGP8: return "--pgp8";
return ver;
char *ver="???";
case CO_GNUPG:
case CO_RFC4880:
case CO_RFC2440:
ver="OpenPGP (older)";
case CO_PGP6:
ver="PGP 6.x";
case CO_PGP7:
ver="PGP 7.x";
case CO_PGP8:
ver="PGP 8.x";
log_info(_("this message may not be usable by %s\n"),ver);
/* Break a string into successive option pieces. Accepts single word
options and key=value argument options. */
char *
optsep(char **stringp)
char *tok,*end;
end=strpbrk(tok," ,=");
int sawequals=0;
char *ptr=end;
/* what we need to do now is scan along starting with *end,
If the next character we see (ignoring spaces) is an =
sign, then there is an argument. */
else if(*ptr!=' ')
/* There is an argument, so grab that too. At this point,
ptr points to the first character of the argument. */
/* Is it a quoted argument? */
end=strpbrk(ptr," ,");
if(end && *end)
return tok;
/* Breaks an option value into key and value. Returns NULL if there
is no value. Note that "string" is modified to remove the =value
part. */
char *
argsplit(char *string)
char *equals,*arg=NULL;
char *quote,*space;
/* Quoted arg? */
size_t spaces;
/* Trim leading spaces off of the arg */
spaces=strspn(arg," ");
/* Trim tailing spaces off of the tag */
space=strchr(string,' ');
return arg;
/* Return the length of the initial token, leaving off any
argument. */
static size_t
optlen(const char *s)
char *end=strpbrk(s," =");
return end-s;
return strlen(s);
parse_options(char *str,unsigned int *options,
struct parse_options *opts,int noisy)
char *tok;
if (str && !strcmp (str, "help"))
int i,maxlen=0;
/* Figure out the longest option name so we can line these up
neatly. */
if(opts[i].help && maxlen<strlen(opts[i].name))
int i,rev=0;
char *otok=tok;
size_t toklen=optlen(tok);
/* We have a match, but it might be incomplete */
int j;
log_info(_("ambiguous option '%s'\n"),otok);
return 0;
log_info(_("unknown option '%s'\n"),otok);
return 0;
return 1;
/* Similar to access(2), but uses PATH to find the file. */
path_access(const char *file,int mode)
char *envpath;
int ret=-1;
|| (((file[0]>='A' && file[0]<='Z')
|| (file[0]>='a' && file[0]<='z'))
&& file[1]==':')
|| file[0]=='/'
return access(file,mode);
/* At least as large as, but most often larger than we need. */
char *buffer=xmalloc(strlen(envpath)+1+strlen(file)+1);
char *split,*item,*path=xstrdup(envpath);
return ret;
/* Return the number of public key parameters as used by OpenPGP. */
pubkey_get_npkey (pubkey_algo_t algo)
switch (algo)
case PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_S: return 2;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E: return 3;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA: return 4;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH: return 3;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA: return 2;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL: return 3;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA: return 2;
return 0;
/* Return the number of secret key parameters as used by OpenPGP. */
pubkey_get_nskey (pubkey_algo_t algo)
switch (algo)
case PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_S: return 6;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E: return 4;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA: return 5;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH: return 4;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA: return 3;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL: return 4;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA: return 3;
return 0;
/* Temporary helper. */
pubkey_get_nsig (pubkey_algo_t algo)
switch (algo)
case PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_S: return 1;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E: return 0;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA: return 2;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH: return 0;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA: return 2;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL: return 2;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA: return 2;
return 0;
/* Temporary helper. */
pubkey_get_nenc (pubkey_algo_t algo)
switch (algo)
case PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_S: return 1;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E: return 2;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA: return 0;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH: return 2;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA: return 0;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL: return 2;
case PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA: return 0;
return 0;
/* Temporary helper. */
unsigned int
pubkey_nbits( int algo, gcry_mpi_t *key )
int rc, nbits;
gcry_sexp_t sexp;
if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA
&& key[0] && key[1] && key[2] && key[3])
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&sexp, NULL,
key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3] );
else if ((algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL || algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E)
&& key[0] && key[1] && key[2])
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&sexp, NULL,
key[0], key[1], key[2] );
else if (is_RSA (algo)
&& key[0] && key[1])
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&sexp, NULL,
key[0], key[1] );
else if ((algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA || algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH
&& key[0] && key[1])
char *curve = openpgp_oid_to_str (key[0]);
if (!curve)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&sexp, NULL,
curve, key[1]);
xfree (curve);
return 0;
if (rc)
BUG ();
nbits = gcry_pk_get_nbits (sexp);
gcry_sexp_release (sexp);
return nbits;
mpi_print (estream_t fp, gcry_mpi_t a, int mode)
int n = 0;
size_t nwritten;
if (!a)
return es_fprintf (fp, "[MPI_NULL]");
if (!mode)
unsigned int n1;
n1 = gcry_mpi_get_nbits(a);
n += es_fprintf (fp, "[%u bits]", n1);
else if (gcry_mpi_get_flag (a, GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE))
unsigned int nbits;
unsigned char *p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (a, &nbits);
if (!p)
n += es_fprintf (fp, "[invalid opaque value]");
if (!es_write_hexstring (fp, p, (nbits + 7)/8, 0, &nwritten))
n += nwritten;
unsigned char *buffer;
size_t buflen;
if (gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, &buffer, &buflen, a))
BUG ();
if (!es_write_hexstring (fp, buffer, buflen, 0, &nwritten))
n += nwritten;
gcry_free (buffer);
return n;
/* pkey[1] or skey[1] is Q for ECDSA, which is an uncompressed point,
i.e. 04 <x> <y> */
unsigned int
ecdsa_qbits_from_Q (unsigned int qbits)
if ((qbits%8) > 3)
log_error (_("ECDSA public key is expected to be in SEC encoding "
"multiple of 8 bits\n"));
return 0;
qbits -= qbits%8;
qbits /= 2;
return qbits;
/* Ignore signatures and certifications made over certain digest
* algorithms by default, MD5 is considered weak. This allows users
* to deprecate support for other algorithms as well.
additional_weak_digest (const char* digestname)
struct weakhash *weak = NULL;
const enum gcry_md_algos algo = string_to_digest_algo(digestname);
if (algo == GCRY_MD_NONE)
log_error (_("unknown weak digest '%s'\n"), digestname);
/* Check to ensure it's not already present. */
for (weak = opt.weak_digests; weak; weak = weak->next)
if (algo == weak->algo)
/* Add it to the head of the list. */
weak = xmalloc(sizeof(*weak));
weak->algo = algo;
weak->rejection_shown = 0;
weak->next = opt.weak_digests;
opt.weak_digests = weak;
diff --git a/g10/openfile.c b/g10/openfile.c
index ad256048a..f62deec54 100644
--- a/g10/openfile.c
+++ b/g10/openfile.c
@@ -1,523 +1,523 @@
/* openfile.c
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009,
* 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#ifdef USE_ONLY_8DOT3
#define SKELEXT ".skl"
#define SKELEXT EXTSEP_S "skel"
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
#define NAME_OF_DEV_NULL "nul"
#define NAME_OF_DEV_NULL "/dev/null"
#if defined (HAVE_DRIVE_LETTERS) || defined (__riscos__)
#define CMP_FILENAME(a,b) ascii_strcasecmp( (a), (b) )
#define CMP_FILENAME(a,b) strcmp( (a), (b) )
/* FIXME: Implement opt.interactive. */
* Check whether FNAME exists and ask if it's okay to overwrite an
* existing one.
* Returns: True: it's okay to overwrite or the file does not exist
* False: Do not overwrite
overwrite_filep( const char *fname )
if ( iobuf_is_pipe_filename (fname) )
return 1; /* Writing to stdout is always okay. */
if ( access( fname, F_OK ) )
return 1; /* Does not exist. */
if ( !compare_filenames (fname, NAME_OF_DEV_NULL) )
return 1; /* Does not do any harm. */
if (opt.answer_yes)
return 1;
if (opt.answer_no || opt.batch)
return 0; /* Do not overwrite. */
tty_printf (_("File '%s' exists. "), fname);
if (cpr_enabled ())
tty_printf ("\n");
if (cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("openfile.overwrite.okay",
_("Overwrite? (y/N) ")) )
return 1;
return 0;
* Strip known extensions from iname and return a newly allocated
* filename. Return NULL if we can't do that.
char *
make_outfile_name (const char *iname)
size_t n;
if (iobuf_is_pipe_filename (iname))
return xstrdup ("-");
n = strlen (iname);
if (n > 4 && (!CMP_FILENAME(iname+n-4, EXTSEP_S GPGEXT_GPG)
|| !CMP_FILENAME(iname+n-4, EXTSEP_S "pgp")
|| !CMP_FILENAME(iname+n-4, EXTSEP_S "sig")
|| !CMP_FILENAME(iname+n-4, EXTSEP_S "asc")))
char *buf = xstrdup (iname);
buf[n-4] = 0;
return buf;
else if (n > 5 && !CMP_FILENAME(iname+n-5, EXTSEP_S "sign"))
char *buf = xstrdup (iname);
buf[n-5] = 0;
return buf;
log_info (_("%s: unknown suffix\n"), iname);
return NULL;
/* Ask for an output filename; use the given one as default. Return
NULL if no file has been given or if it is not possible to ask the
user. NAME is the template len which might conatin enbedded Nuls.
NAMELEN is its actual length.
char *
ask_outfile_name( const char *name, size_t namelen )
size_t n;
const char *s;
char *prompt;
char *fname;
char *defname;
if ( opt.batch )
return NULL;
defname = name && namelen? make_printable_string (name, namelen, 0) : NULL;
s = _("Enter new filename");
n = strlen(s) + (defname?strlen (defname):0) + 10;
prompt = xmalloc (n);
if (defname)
snprintf (prompt, n, "%s [%s]: ", s, defname );
snprintf (prompt, n, "%s: ", s );
fname = cpr_get ("openfile.askoutname", prompt );
cpr_kill_prompt ();
tty_disable_completion ();
xfree (prompt);
if ( !*fname )
xfree (fname);
fname = defname;
defname = NULL;
xfree (defname);
if (fname)
trim_spaces (fname);
return fname;
* Make an output filename for the inputfile INAME.
* Returns an IOBUF and an errorcode
* Mode 0 = use ".gpg"
* 1 = use ".asc"
* 2 = use ".sig"
* 3 = use ".rev"
* If INP_FD is not -1 the function simply creates an IOBUF for that
* file descriptor and ignore INAME and MODE. Note that INP_FD won't
* be closed if the returned IOBUF is closed. With RESTRICTEDPERM a
* file will be created with mode 700 if possible.
open_outfile (int inp_fd, const char *iname, int mode, int restrictedperm,
iobuf_t *a)
int rc = 0;
*a = NULL;
if (inp_fd != -1)
char xname[64];
*a = iobuf_fdopen_nc (inp_fd, "wb");
if (!*a)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
snprintf (xname, sizeof xname, "[fd %d]", inp_fd);
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), xname, gpg_strerror (rc));
else if (opt.verbose)
snprintf (xname, sizeof xname, "[fd %d]", inp_fd);
log_info (_("writing to '%s'\n"), xname);
else if (iobuf_is_pipe_filename (iname) && !opt.outfile)
*a = iobuf_create (NULL, 0);
if ( !*a )
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), "[stdout]", strerror(errno) );
else if ( opt.verbose )
log_info (_("writing to stdout\n"));
char *buf = NULL;
const char *name;
if (opt.dry_run)
else if (opt.outfile)
name = opt.outfile;
#ifdef USE_ONLY_8DOT3
if (opt.mangle_dos_filenames)
/* It is quite common for DOS systems to have only one
dot in a filename. If we have something like this,
we simple replace the suffix except in cases where
the suffix is larger than 3 characters and not the
same as the new one. We don't map the filenames to
8.3 because this is a duty of the file system. */
char *dot;
const char *newsfx;
newsfx = (mode==1 ? ".asc" :
mode==2 ? ".sig" :
mode==3 ? ".rev" : ".gpg");
buf = xmalloc (strlen(iname)+4+1);
strcpy (buf, iname);
dot = strchr (buf, '.' );
if ( dot && dot > buf && dot[1] && strlen(dot) <= 4
&& CMP_FILENAME (newsfx, dot) )
strcpy (dot, newsfx);
else if (dot && !dot[1]) /* Do not duplicate a dot. */
strcpy (dot, newsfx+1);
strcat (buf, newsfx);
if (!buf)
#endif /* USE_ONLY_8DOT3 */
buf = xstrconcat (iname,
(mode==1 ? EXTSEP_S "asc" :
mode==2 ? EXTSEP_S "sig" :
mode==3 ? EXTSEP_S "rev" :
name = buf;
rc = 0;
while ( !overwrite_filep (name) )
char *tmp = ask_outfile_name (NULL, 0);
if ( !tmp || !*tmp )
xfree (tmp);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EEXIST);
xfree (buf);
name = buf = tmp;
if ( !rc )
if (is_secured_filename (name) )
*a = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
*a = iobuf_create (name, restrictedperm);
if (!*a)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error(_("can't create '%s': %s\n"), name, strerror(errno) );
else if( opt.verbose )
log_info (_("writing to '%s'\n"), name );
if (*a)
iobuf_ioctl (*a, IOBUF_IOCTL_NO_CACHE, 1, NULL);
return rc;
/* Find a matching data file for the signature file SIGFILENAME and
return it as a malloced string. If no matching data file is found,
return NULL. */
char *
get_matching_datafile (const char *sigfilename)
char *fname = NULL;
size_t len;
if (iobuf_is_pipe_filename (sigfilename))
return NULL;
len = strlen (sigfilename);
if (len > 4
&& (!strcmp (sigfilename + len - 4, EXTSEP_S "sig")
|| (len > 5 && !strcmp(sigfilename + len - 5, EXTSEP_S "sign"))
|| !strcmp(sigfilename + len - 4, EXTSEP_S "asc")))
fname = xstrdup (sigfilename);
fname[len-(fname[len-1]=='n'?5:4)] = 0 ;
if (access (fname, R_OK ))
/* Not found or other error. */
xfree (fname);
fname = NULL;
return fname;
* Try to open a file without the extension ".sig" or ".asc"
* Return NULL if such a file is not available.
open_sigfile (const char *sigfilename, progress_filter_context_t *pfx)
iobuf_t a = NULL;
char *buf;
buf = get_matching_datafile (sigfilename);
if (buf)
a = iobuf_open (buf);
if (a && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (a)))
iobuf_close (a);
a = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if (a)
log_info (_("assuming signed data in '%s'\n"), buf);
if (a && pfx)
handle_progress (pfx, a, buf);
xfree (buf);
return a;
* Copy the option file skeleton for NAME to the given directory.
* Returns true if the new option file has any option.
static int
copy_options_file (const char *destdir, const char *name)
const char *datadir = gnupg_datadir ();
char *fname;
FILE *src, *dst;
int linefeeds=0;
int c;
mode_t oldmask;
int esc = 0;
int any_option = 0;
if (opt.dry_run)
return 0;
fname = xstrconcat (datadir, DIRSEP_S, name, "-conf", SKELEXT, NULL);
src = fopen (fname, "r");
if (src && is_secured_file (fileno (src)))
fclose (src);
src = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if (!src)
log_info (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror(errno));
return 0;
xfree (fname);
fname = xstrconcat (destdir, DIRSEP_S, name, EXTSEP_S, "conf", NULL);
oldmask = umask (077);
if (is_secured_filename (fname))
dst = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
dst = fopen( fname, "w" );
umask (oldmask);
if (!dst)
log_info (_("can't create '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror(errno) );
fclose (src);
xfree (fname);
return 0;
while ((c = getc (src)) != EOF)
if (linefeeds < 3)
if (c == '\n')
putc (c, dst);
if (c== '\n')
esc = 1;
else if (esc == 1)
if (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
else if (c == '#')
esc = 2;
any_option = 1;
fclose (dst);
fclose (src);
log_info (_("new configuration file '%s' created\n"), fname);
xfree (fname);
return any_option;
try_make_homedir (const char *fname)
const char *defhome = standard_homedir ();
/* Create the directory only if the supplied directory name is the
same as the default one. This way we avoid to create arbitrary
directories when a non-default home directory is used. To cope
with HOME, we do compare only the suffix if we see that the
default homedir does start with a tilde. */
if ( opt.dry_run || opt.no_homedir_creation )
if (
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
( !compare_filenames (fname, defhome) )
( *defhome == '~'
&& (strlen(fname) >= strlen (defhome+1)
&& !strcmp(fname+strlen(fname)-strlen(defhome+1), defhome+1 ) ))
|| (*defhome != '~' && !compare_filenames( fname, defhome ) )
if (gnupg_mkdir (fname, "-rwx"))
log_fatal ( _("can't create directory '%s': %s\n"),
fname, strerror(errno) );
else if (!opt.quiet )
log_info ( _("directory '%s' created\n"), fname );
/* Note that we also copy a dirmngr.conf file here. This is
because gpg is likely the first invoked tool and thus creates
the directory. */
copy_options_file (fname, DIRMNGR_NAME);
if (copy_options_file (fname, GPG_NAME))
log_info (_("WARNING: options in '%s'"
" are not yet active during this run\n"),
/* Get and if needed create a string with the directory used to store
openpgp revocations. */
char *
get_openpgp_revocdir (const char *home)
char *fname;
struct stat statbuf;
fname = make_filename (home, GNUPG_OPENPGP_REVOC_DIR, NULL);
if (stat (fname, &statbuf) && errno == ENOENT)
if (gnupg_mkdir (fname, "-rwx"))
log_error (_("can't create directory '%s': %s\n"),
fname, strerror (errno) );
else if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("directory '%s' created\n"), fname);
return fname;
diff --git a/g10/options.h b/g10/options.h
index 43dfd997f..19b855aa4 100644
--- a/g10/options.h
+++ b/g10/options.h
@@ -1,396 +1,396 @@
/* options.h
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
* 2007, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G10_OPTIONS_H
#define G10_OPTIONS_H
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <types.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "tofu.h"
#include "../common/session-env.h"
/* Norcraft can't cope with common symbols */
#if defined (__riscos__) && !defined (INCLUDED_BY_MAIN_MODULE)
/* Declaration of a keyserver spec type. The definition is found in
../common/keyserver.h. */
struct keyserver_spec;
typedef struct keyserver_spec *keyserver_spec_t;
/* Global options for GPG. */
int verbose;
int quiet;
unsigned debug;
int armor;
char *outfile;
estream_t outfp; /* Hack, sometimes used in place of outfile. */
off_t max_output;
/* If > 0 a hint with the expected number of input data bytes. This
* is not necessary an exact number but intended to be used for
* progress info and to decide on how to allocate buffers. */
uint64_t input_size_hint;
int dry_run;
int autostart;
int list_only;
int mimemode;
int textmode;
int expert;
const char *def_sig_expire;
int ask_sig_expire;
const char *def_cert_expire;
int ask_cert_expire;
int batch; /* run in batch mode */
int answer_yes; /* answer yes on most questions */
int answer_no; /* answer no on most questions */
int check_sigs; /* check key signatures */
int with_colons;
int with_key_data;
int with_icao_spelling; /* Print ICAO spelling with fingerprints. */
int with_fingerprint; /* Option --with-fingerprint active. */
int with_subkey_fingerprint; /* Option --with-subkey-fingerprint active. */
int with_keygrip; /* Option --with-keygrip active. */
int with_tofu_info; /* Option --with-tofu_info active. */
int with_secret; /* Option --with-secret active. */
int with_wkd_hash; /* Option --with-wkd-hash. */
int fingerprint; /* list fingerprints */
int list_sigs; /* list signatures */
int no_armor;
int list_packets; /* Option --list-packets active. */
int def_cipher_algo;
int force_mdc;
int disable_mdc;
int def_digest_algo;
int cert_digest_algo;
int compress_algo;
int compress_level;
int bz2_compress_level;
int bz2_decompress_lowmem;
strlist_t def_secret_key;
char *def_recipient;
int def_recipient_self;
strlist_t secret_keys_to_try;
/* A list of mail addresses (addr-spec) provided by the user with
* the option --sender. */
strlist_t sender_list;
int def_cert_level;
int min_cert_level;
int ask_cert_level;
int emit_version; /* 0 = none,
1 = major only,
2 = major and minor,
3 = full version,
4 = full version plus OS string. */
int marginals_needed;
int completes_needed;
int max_cert_depth;
const char *agent_program;
const char *dirmngr_program;
/* Options to be passed to the gpg-agent */
session_env_t session_env;
char *lc_ctype;
char *lc_messages;
int skip_verify;
int skip_hidden_recipients;
/* TM_CLASSIC must be zero to accommodate trustdbsg generated before
we started storing the trust model inside the trustdb. */
} trust_model;
enum tofu_policy tofu_default_policy;
int force_ownertrust;
} compliance;
} keyid_format;
int shm_coprocess;
const char *set_filename;
strlist_t comments;
int throw_keyids;
const char *photo_viewer;
int s2k_mode;
int s2k_digest_algo;
int s2k_cipher_algo;
unsigned char s2k_count; /* This is the encoded form, not the raw
count */
int not_dash_escaped;
int escape_from;
int lock_once;
keyserver_spec_t keyserver; /* The list of configured keyservers. */
unsigned int options;
unsigned int import_options;
unsigned int export_options;
char *http_proxy;
} keyserver_options;
int exec_disable;
int exec_path_set;
unsigned int import_options;
unsigned int export_options;
unsigned int list_options;
unsigned int verify_options;
const char *def_preference_list;
const char *def_keyserver_url;
prefitem_t *personal_cipher_prefs;
prefitem_t *personal_digest_prefs;
prefitem_t *personal_compress_prefs;
struct weakhash *weak_digests;
int no_perm_warn;
int no_mdc_warn;
char *temp_dir;
int no_encrypt_to;
int encrypt_to_default_key;
int interactive;
struct notation *sig_notations;
struct notation *cert_notations;
strlist_t sig_policy_url;
strlist_t cert_policy_url;
strlist_t sig_keyserver_url;
strlist_t cert_subpackets;
strlist_t sig_subpackets;
int allow_non_selfsigned_uid;
int allow_freeform_uid;
int no_literal;
ulong set_filesize;
int fast_list_mode;
int legacy_list_mode;
int ignore_time_conflict;
int ignore_valid_from;
int ignore_crc_error;
int ignore_mdc_error;
int command_fd;
const char *override_session_key;
int show_session_key;
const char *gpg_agent_info;
int try_all_secrets;
int no_expensive_trust_checks;
int no_sig_cache;
int no_auto_check_trustdb;
int preserve_permissions;
int no_homedir_creation;
struct groupitem *grouplist;
int mangle_dos_filenames;
int enable_progress_filter;
unsigned int screen_columns;
unsigned int screen_lines;
byte *show_subpackets;
int rfc2440_text;
/* If true, let write failures on the status-fd exit the process. */
int exit_on_status_write_error;
/* If > 0, limit the number of card insertion prompts to this
value. */
int limit_card_insert_tries;
/* If set, require an 0x19 backsig to be present on signatures
made by signing subkeys. If not set, a missing backsig is not
an error (but an invalid backsig still is). */
unsigned int require_cross_cert:1;
unsigned int use_embedded_filename:1;
unsigned int utf8_filename:1;
unsigned int dsa2:1;
unsigned int allow_multiple_messages:1;
unsigned int allow_weak_digest_algos:1;
unsigned int large_rsa:1;
unsigned int disable_signer_uid:1;
/* Flag to enbale experimental features from RFC4880bis. */
unsigned int rfc4880bis:1;
} flags;
/* Linked list of ways to find a key if the key isn't on the local
keyring. */
struct akl
enum {
} type;
keyserver_spec_t spec;
struct akl *next;
} *auto_key_locate;
int passphrase_repeat;
int pinentry_mode;
int unwrap_encryption;
int only_sign_text_ids;
} opt;
/* CTRL is used to keep some global variables we currently can't
avoid. Future concurrent versions of gpg will put it into a per
request structure CTRL. */
struct {
int in_auto_key_retrieve; /* True if we are doing an
auto_key_retrieve. */
/* Hack to store the last error. We currently need it because the
proc_packet machinery is not able to reliabale return error
codes. Thus for the --server purposes we store some of the error
codes here. FIXME! */
gpg_error_t lasterr;
} glo_ctrl;
#define DBG_PACKET_VALUE 1 /* debug packet reading/writing */
#define DBG_MPI_VALUE 2 /* debug mpi details */
#define DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE 4 /* debug crypto handling */
/* (may reveal sensitive data) */
#define DBG_FILTER_VALUE 8 /* debug internal filter handling */
#define DBG_IOBUF_VALUE 16 /* debug iobuf stuff */
#define DBG_MEMORY_VALUE 32 /* debug memory allocation stuff */
#define DBG_CACHE_VALUE 64 /* debug the caching */
#define DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE 128 /* show memory statistics */
#define DBG_TRUST_VALUE 256 /* debug the trustdb */
#define DBG_HASHING_VALUE 512 /* debug hashing operations */
#define DBG_IPC_VALUE 1024 /* debug assuan communication */
#define DBG_CARD_IO_VALUE 2048 /* debug smart card I/O. */
#define DBG_CLOCK_VALUE 4096
#define DBG_LOOKUP_VALUE 8192 /* debug the key lookup */
#define DBG_EXTPROG_VALUE 16384 /* debug external program calls */
/* Tests for the debugging flags. */
#define DBG_PACKET (opt.debug & DBG_PACKET_VALUE)
#define DBG_MPI (opt.debug & DBG_MPI_VALUE)
#define DBG_CRYPTO (opt.debug & DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE)
#define DBG_FILTER (opt.debug & DBG_FILTER_VALUE)
#define DBG_CACHE (opt.debug & DBG_CACHE_VALUE)
#define DBG_TRUST (opt.debug & DBG_TRUST_VALUE)
#define DBG_HASHING (opt.debug & DBG_HASHING_VALUE)
#define DBG_IPC (opt.debug & DBG_IPC_VALUE)
#define DBG_CARD_IO (opt.debug & DBG_CARD_IO_VALUE)
#define DBG_IPC (opt.debug & DBG_IPC_VALUE)
#define DBG_CLOCK (opt.debug & DBG_CLOCK_VALUE)
#define DBG_LOOKUP (opt.debug & DBG_LOOKUP_VALUE)
#define DBG_EXTPROG (opt.debug & DBG_EXTPROG_VALUE)
/* FIXME: We need to check why we did not put this into opt. */
#define DBG_MEMORY memory_debug_mode
#define DBG_MEMSTAT memory_stat_debug_mode
EXTERN_UNLESS_MAIN_MODULE int memory_debug_mode;
EXTERN_UNLESS_MAIN_MODULE int memory_stat_debug_mode;
/* Compatibility flags. */
#define GNUPG (opt.compliance==CO_GNUPG)
#define RFC2440 (opt.compliance==CO_RFC2440)
#define RFC4880 (opt.compliance==CO_RFC4880)
#define PGP6 (opt.compliance==CO_PGP6)
#define PGP7 (opt.compliance==CO_PGP7)
#define PGP8 (opt.compliance==CO_PGP8)
#define PGPX (PGP6 || PGP7 || PGP8)
/* Various option flags. Note that there should be no common string
names between the IMPORT_ and EXPORT_ flags as they can be mixed in
the keyserver-options option. */
#define IMPORT_LOCAL_SIGS (1<<0)
#define IMPORT_FAST (1<<2)
#define IMPORT_SHOW (1<<3)
#define IMPORT_MERGE_ONLY (1<<4)
#define IMPORT_MINIMAL (1<<5)
#define IMPORT_CLEAN (1<<6)
#define IMPORT_NO_SECKEY (1<<7)
#define IMPORT_EXPORT (1<<9)
#define EXPORT_LOCAL_SIGS (1<<0)
#define EXPORT_ATTRIBUTES (1<<1)
#define EXPORT_MINIMAL (1<<4)
#define EXPORT_CLEAN (1<<5)
#define EXPORT_PKA_FORMAT (1<<6)
#define EXPORT_DANE_FORMAT (1<<7)
#define LIST_SHOW_PHOTOS (1<<0)
#define LIST_SHOW_POLICY_URLS (1<<1)
#define LIST_SHOW_KEYRING (1<<8)
#define LIST_SHOW_SIG_EXPIRE (1<<9)
#define LIST_SHOW_USAGE (1<<11)
#define VERIFY_SHOW_PHOTOS (1<<0)
#define VERIFY_PKA_LOOKUPS (1<<7)
#define KEYSERVER_TIMEOUT (1<<1)
#define KEYSERVER_ADD_FAKE_V3 (1<<2)
#endif /*G10_OPTIONS_H*/
diff --git a/g10/packet.h b/g10/packet.h
index 60af2a233..65f60a9e5 100644
--- a/g10/packet.h
+++ b/g10/packet.h
@@ -1,853 +1,853 @@
/* packet.h - OpenPGP packet definitions
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
* 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G10_PACKET_H
#define G10_PACKET_H
#include "types.h"
#include "../common/iobuf.h"
#include "../common/strlist.h"
#include "dek.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "../common/openpgpdefs.h"
#include "../common/userids.h"
#include "util.h"
/* Constants to allocate static MPI arrays. */
/* Usage flags */
#define PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG GCRY_PK_USAGE_SIGN /* Good for signatures. */
#define PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC GCRY_PK_USAGE_ENCR /* Good for encryption. */
#define PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT GCRY_PK_USAGE_CERT /* Also good to certify keys.*/
#define PUBKEY_USAGE_AUTH GCRY_PK_USAGE_AUTH /* Good for authentication. */
#define PUBKEY_USAGE_UNKNOWN GCRY_PK_USAGE_UNKN /* Unknown usage flag. */
#define PUBKEY_USAGE_NONE 256 /* No usage given. */
# error Please choose another value for PUBKEY_USAGE_NONE
/* Helper macros. */
#define is_RSA(a) ((a)==PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA || (a)==PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_E \
#define is_ELGAMAL(a) ((a)==PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E)
#define is_DSA(a) ((a)==PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA)
/* A pointer to the packet object. */
typedef struct packet_struct PACKET;
/* PKT_GPG_CONTROL types */
typedef enum {
} ctrlpkttype_t;
typedef enum {
} preftype_t;
typedef struct {
byte type;
byte value;
} prefitem_t;
/* A string-to-key specifier as defined in RFC 4880, Section 3.7. */
typedef struct
int mode; /* Must be an integer due to the GNU modes 1001 et al. */
byte hash_algo;
byte salt[8];
/* The *coded* (i.e., the serialized version) iteration count. */
u32 count;
/* A symmetric-key encrypted session key packet as defined in RFC
4880, Section 5.3. All fields are serialized. */
typedef struct {
/* RFC 4880: this must be 4. */
byte version;
/* The cipher algorithm used. */
byte cipher_algo;
/* The string-to-key specifier. */
/* The length of SESKEY in bytes or 0 if this packet does not
encrypt a session key. (In the latter case, the results of the
S2K function on the password is the session key. See RFC 4880,
Section 5.3.) */
byte seskeylen;
/* The session key as encrypted by the S2K specifier. */
byte seskey[1];
} PKT_symkey_enc;
/* A public-key encrypted session key packet as defined in RFC 4880,
Section 5.1. All fields are serialized. */
typedef struct {
/* The 64-bit keyid. */
u32 keyid[2];
/* The packet's version. Currently, only version 3 is defined. */
byte version;
/* The algorithm used for the public key encryption scheme. */
byte pubkey_algo;
/* Whether to hide the key id. This value is not directly
serialized. */
byte throw_keyid;
/* The session key. */
gcry_mpi_t data[PUBKEY_MAX_NENC];
} PKT_pubkey_enc;
/* A one-pass signature packet as defined in RFC 4880, Section
5.4. All fields are serialized. */
typedef struct {
u32 keyid[2]; /* The 64-bit keyid */
/* The signature's classification (RFC 4880, Section 5.2.1). */
byte sig_class;
byte digest_algo; /* algorithm used for digest */
byte pubkey_algo; /* algorithm used for public key scheme */
/* A message can be signed by multiple keys. In this case, there
are n one-pass signature packets before the message to sign and
n signatures packets after the message. It is conceivable that
someone wants to not only sign the message, but all of the
signatures. Now we need to distinguish between signing the
message and signing the message plus the surrounding
signatures. This is the point of this flag. If set, it means:
I sign all of the data starting at the next packet. */
byte last;
} PKT_onepass_sig;
/* A v4 OpenPGP signature has a hashed and unhashed area containing
co-called signature subpackets (RFC 4880, Section 5.2.3). These
areas are described by this data structure. Use enum_sig_subpkt to
parse this area. */
typedef struct {
size_t size; /* allocated */
size_t len; /* used (serialized) */
byte data[1]; /* the serialized subpackes (serialized) */
} subpktarea_t;
/* The in-memory representation of a designated revoker signature
subpacket (RFC 4880, Section */
struct revocation_key {
/* A bit field. 0x80 must be set. 0x40 means this information is
sensitive (and should not be uploaded to a keyserver by
default). */
byte class;
/* The public-key algorithm ID. */
byte algid;
/* The fingerprint of the authorized key. */
/* Object to keep information about a PKA DNS record. */
typedef struct
int valid; /* An actual PKA record exists for EMAIL. */
int checked; /* Set to true if the FPR has been checked against the
actual key. */
char *uri; /* Malloced string with the URI. NULL if the URI is
not available.*/
unsigned char fpr[20]; /* The fingerprint as stored in the PKA RR. */
char email[1];/* The email address from the notation data. */
} pka_info_t;
/* A signature packet (RFC 4880, Section 5.2). Only a subset of these
fields are directly serialized (these are marked as such); the rest
are read from the subpackets, which are not synthesized when
serializing this data structure (i.e., when using build_packet()).
Instead, the subpackets must be created by hand. */
typedef struct
unsigned checked:1; /* Signature has been checked. */
unsigned valid:1; /* Signature is good (if checked is set). */
unsigned chosen_selfsig:1; /* A selfsig that is the chosen one. */
unsigned unknown_critical:1;
unsigned exportable:1;
unsigned revocable:1;
unsigned policy_url:1; /* At least one policy URL is present */
unsigned notation:1; /* At least one notation is present */
unsigned pref_ks:1; /* At least one preferred keyserver is present */
unsigned expired:1;
unsigned pka_tried:1; /* Set if we tried to retrieve the PKA record. */
} flags;
/* The key that allegedly generated this signature. (Directly
serialized in v3 sigs; for v4 sigs, this must be explicitly added
as an issuer subpacket ( */
u32 keyid[2];
/* When the signature was made (seconds since the Epoch). (Directly
serialized in v3 sigs; for v4 sigs, this must be explicitly added
as a signature creation time subpacket ( */
u32 timestamp;
u32 expiredate; /* Expires at this date or 0 if not at all. */
/* The serialization format used / to use. If 0, then defaults to
version 3. (Serialized.) */
byte version;
/* The signature type. (See RFC 4880, Section 5.2.1.) */
byte sig_class;
/* Algorithm used for public key scheme (e.g., PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA).
(Serialized.) */
byte pubkey_algo;
/* Algorithm used for digest (e.g., DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1).
(Serialized.) */
byte digest_algo;
byte trust_depth;
byte trust_value;
const byte *trust_regexp;
struct revocation_key *revkey;
int numrevkeys;
pka_info_t *pka_info; /* Malloced PKA data or NULL if not
available. See also flags.pka_tried. */
char *signers_uid; /* Malloced value of the SIGNERS_UID
* subpacket or NULL. This string has
* already been sanitized. */
subpktarea_t *hashed; /* All subpackets with hashed data (v4 only). */
subpktarea_t *unhashed; /* Ditto for unhashed data. */
/* First 2 bytes of the digest. (Serialized. Note: this is not
automatically filled in when serializing a signature!) */
byte digest_start[2];
/* The signature. (Serialized.) */
gcry_mpi_t data[PUBKEY_MAX_NSIG];
/* The message digest and its length (in bytes). Note the maximum
digest length is 512 bits (64 bytes). If DIGEST_LEN is 0, then
the digest's value has not been saved here. */
byte digest[512 / 8];
int digest_len;
} PKT_signature;
#define ATTRIB_IMAGE 1
/* This is the cooked form of attributes. */
struct user_attribute {
byte type;
const byte *data;
u32 len;
/* A user id (RFC 4880, Section 5.11) or a user attribute packet (RFC
4880, Section 5.12). Only a subset of these fields are directly
serialized (these are marked as such); the rest are read from the
self-signatures in merge_keys_and_selfsig()). */
typedef struct
int ref; /* reference counter */
/* The length of NAME. */
int len;
struct user_attribute *attribs;
int numattribs;
/* If this is not NULL, the packet is a user attribute rather than a
user id. (Serialized.) */
byte *attrib_data;
/* The length of ATTRIB_DATA. */
unsigned long attrib_len;
byte *namehash;
int help_key_usage;
u32 help_key_expire;
int help_full_count;
int help_marginal_count;
int is_primary; /* 2 if set via the primary flag, 1 if calculated */
int is_revoked;
int is_expired;
u32 expiredate; /* expires at this date or 0 if not at all */
prefitem_t *prefs; /* list of preferences (may be NULL)*/
u32 created; /* according to the self-signature */
byte selfsigversion;
/* TODO: Move more flags here */
unsigned int mdc:1;
unsigned int ks_modify:1;
unsigned int compacted:1;
} flags;
char *mbox; /* NULL or the result of mailbox_from_userid. */
/* The text contained in the user id packet, which is normally the
name and email address of the key holder (See RFC 4880 5.11).
(Serialized.). For convenience an extra Nul is always appended. */
char name[1];
} PKT_user_id;
struct revoke_info
/* revoked at this date */
u32 date;
/* the keyid of the revoking key (selfsig or designated revoker) */
u32 keyid[2];
/* the algo of the revoking key */
byte algo;
/* Information pertaining to secret keys. */
struct seckey_info
int is_protected:1; /* The secret info is protected and must */
/* be decrypted before use, the protected */
/* MPIs are simply (void*) pointers to memory */
/* and should never be passed to a mpi_xxx() */
int sha1chk:1; /* SHA1 is used instead of a 16 bit checksum */
u16 csum; /* Checksum for old protection modes. */
byte algo; /* Cipher used to protect the secret information. */
STRING2KEY s2k; /* S2K parameter. */
byte ivlen; /* Used length of the IV. */
byte iv[16]; /* Initialization vector for CFB mode. */
* The in-memory representation of a public key (RFC 4880, Section
* 5.5). Note: this structure contains significantly more information
* than is contained in an OpenPGP public key packet. This
* information is derived from the self-signed signatures (by
* merge_keys_and_selfsig()) and is ignored when serializing the
* packet. The fields that are actually written out when serializing
* this packet are marked as accordingly.
* We assume that secret keys have the same number of parameters as
* the public key and that the public parameters are the first items
* in the PKEY array. Thus NPKEY is always less than NSKEY and it is
* possible to compare the secret and public keys by comparing the
* first NPKEY elements of the PKEY array. Note that since GnuPG 2.1
* we don't use secret keys anymore directly because they are managed
* by gpg-agent. However for parsing OpenPGP key files we need a way
* to temporary store those secret keys. We do this by putting them
* into the public key structure and extending the PKEY field to NSKEY
* elements; the extra secret key information are stored in the
* SECKEY_INFO field.
typedef struct
/* When the key was created. (Serialized.) */
u32 timestamp;
u32 expiredate; /* expires at this date or 0 if not at all */
u32 max_expiredate; /* must not expire past this date */
struct revoke_info revoked;
/* An OpenPGP packet consists of a header and a body. This is the
size of the header. If this is 0, an appropriate size is
automatically chosen based on the size of the body.
(Serialized.) */
byte hdrbytes;
/* The serialization format. If 0, the default version (4) is used
when serializing. (Serialized.) */
byte version;
byte selfsigversion; /* highest version of all of the self-sigs */
/* The public key algorithm. (Serialized.) */
byte pubkey_algo;
byte pubkey_usage; /* for now only used to pass it to getkey() */
byte req_usage; /* hack to pass a request to getkey() */
u32 has_expired; /* set to the expiration date if expired */
/* keyid of the primary key. Never access this value directly.
Instead, use pk_main_keyid(). */
u32 main_keyid[2];
/* keyid of this key. Never access this value directly! Instead,
use pk_keyid(). */
u32 keyid[2];
prefitem_t *prefs; /* list of preferences (may be NULL) */
unsigned int mdc:1; /* MDC feature set. */
unsigned int disabled_valid:1;/* The next flag is valid. */
unsigned int disabled:1; /* The key has been disabled. */
unsigned int primary:1; /* This is a primary key. */
unsigned int revoked:2; /* Key has been revoked.
1 = revoked by the owner
2 = revoked by designated revoker. */
unsigned int maybe_revoked:1; /* A designated revocation is
present, but without the key to
check it. */
unsigned int valid:1; /* Key (especially subkey) is valid. */
unsigned int dont_cache:1; /* Do not cache this key. */
unsigned int backsig:2; /* 0=none, 1=bad, 2=good. */
unsigned int serialno_valid:1;/* SERIALNO below is valid. */
unsigned int exact:1; /* Found via exact (!) search. */
} flags;
PKT_user_id *user_id; /* If != NULL: found by that uid. */
struct revocation_key *revkey;
int numrevkeys;
u32 trust_timestamp;
byte trust_depth;
byte trust_value;
const byte *trust_regexp;
char *serialno; /* Malloced hex string or NULL if it is
likely not on a card. See also
flags.serialno_valid. */
/* If not NULL this malloced structure describes a secret key.
(Serialized.) */
struct seckey_info *seckey_info;
/* The public key. Contains pubkey_get_npkey (pubkey_algo) +
pubkey_get_nskey (pubkey_algo) MPIs. (If pubkey_get_npkey
returns 0, then the algorithm is not understood and the PKEY
contains a single opaque MPI.) (Serialized.) */
gcry_mpi_t pkey[PUBKEY_MAX_NSKEY]; /* Right, NSKEY elements. */
} PKT_public_key;
/* Evaluates as true if the pk is disabled, and false if it isn't. If
there is no disable value cached, fill one in. */
#define pk_is_disabled(a) \
(((a)->flags.disabled_valid)? \
typedef struct {
int len; /* length of data */
char data[1];
} PKT_comment;
/* A compression packet (RFC 4880, Section 5.6). */
typedef struct {
/* Not used. */
u32 len;
/* Whether the serialized version of the packet used / should use
the new format. */
byte new_ctb;
/* The compression algorithm. */
byte algorithm;
/* An iobuf holding the data to be decompressed. (This is not used
for compression!) */
iobuf_t buf;
} PKT_compressed;
/* A symmetrically encrypted data packet (RFC 4880, Section 5.7) or a
symmetrically encrypted integrity protected data packet (Section
5.13) */
typedef struct {
/* Remaining length of encrypted data. */
u32 len;
/* When encrypting, the first block size bytes of data are random
data and the following 2 bytes are copies of the last two bytes
of the random data (RFC 4880, Section 5.7). This provides a
simple check that the key is correct. extralen is the size of
this extra data. This is used by build_packet when writing out
the packet's header. */
int extralen;
/* Whether the serialized version of the packet used / should use
the new format. */
byte new_ctb;
/* Whether the packet has an indeterminate length (old format) or
was encoded using partial body length headers (new format).
Note: this is ignored when encrypting. */
byte is_partial;
/* If 0, MDC is disabled. Otherwise, the MDC method that was used
(currently, only DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1 is supported). */
byte mdc_method;
/* An iobuf holding the data to be decrypted. (This is not used for
encryption!) */
iobuf_t buf;
} PKT_encrypted;
typedef struct {
byte hash[20];
} PKT_mdc;
typedef struct {
unsigned int trustval;
unsigned int sigcache;
} PKT_ring_trust;
/* A plaintext packet (see RFC 4880, 5.9). */
typedef struct {
/* The length of data in BUF or 0 if unknown. */
u32 len;
/* A buffer containing the data stored in the packet's body. */
iobuf_t buf;
byte new_ctb;
byte is_partial; /* partial length encoded */
/* The data's formatting. This is either 'b', 't', 'u', 'l' or '1'
(however, the last two are deprecated). */
int mode;
u32 timestamp;
/* The name of the file. This can be at most 255 characters long,
since namelen is just a byte in the serialized format. */
int namelen;
char name[1];
} PKT_plaintext;
typedef struct {
int control;
size_t datalen;
char data[1];
} PKT_gpg_control;
/* combine all packets into a union */
struct packet_struct {
pkttype_t pkttype;
union {
void *generic;
PKT_symkey_enc *symkey_enc; /* PKT_SYMKEY_ENC */
PKT_pubkey_enc *pubkey_enc; /* PKT_PUBKEY_ENC */
PKT_onepass_sig *onepass_sig; /* PKT_ONEPASS_SIG */
PKT_signature *signature; /* PKT_SIGNATURE */
PKT_public_key *public_key; /* PKT_PUBLIC_[SUB]KEY */
PKT_public_key *secret_key; /* PKT_SECRET_[SUB]KEY */
PKT_comment *comment; /* PKT_COMMENT */
PKT_user_id *user_id; /* PKT_USER_ID */
PKT_compressed *compressed; /* PKT_COMPRESSED */
PKT_encrypted *encrypted; /* PKT_ENCRYPTED[_MDC] */
PKT_mdc *mdc; /* PKT_MDC */
PKT_ring_trust *ring_trust; /* PKT_RING_TRUST */
PKT_plaintext *plaintext; /* PKT_PLAINTEXT */
PKT_gpg_control *gpg_control; /* PKT_GPG_CONTROL */
} pkt;
#define init_packet(a) do { (a)->pkttype = 0; \
(a)->pkt.generic = NULL; \
} while(0)
/* A notation. See RFC 4880, Section */
struct notation
/* The notation's name. */
char *name;
/* If the notation is human readable, then the value is stored here
as a NUL-terminated string. If it is not human readable a human
readable approximation of the binary value _may_ be stored
here. */
char *value;
/* Sometimes we want to %-expand the value. In these cases, we save
that transformed value here. */
char *altvalue;
/* If the notation is not human readable, then the value is stored
here. */
unsigned char *bdat;
/* The amount of data stored in BDAT.
Note: if this is 0 and BDAT is NULL, this does not necessarily
mean that the value is human readable. It could be that we have
a 0-length value. To determine whether the notation is human
readable, always check if VALUE is not NULL. This works, because
if a human-readable value has a length of 0, we will still
allocate space for the NUL byte. */
size_t blen;
/* The notation is critical. */
unsigned int critical:1;
/* The notation is human readable. */
unsigned int human:1;
/* The notation should be deleted. */
unsigned int ignore:1;
} flags;
/* A field to facilitate creating a list of notations. */
struct notation *next;
typedef struct notation *notation_t;
/*-- mainproc.c --*/
void reset_literals_seen(void);
int proc_packets (ctrl_t ctrl, void *ctx, iobuf_t a );
int proc_signature_packets (ctrl_t ctrl, void *ctx, iobuf_t a,
strlist_t signedfiles, const char *sigfile );
int proc_signature_packets_by_fd (ctrl_t ctrl,
void *anchor, IOBUF a, int signed_data_fd );
int proc_encryption_packets (ctrl_t ctrl, void *ctx, iobuf_t a);
int list_packets( iobuf_t a );
/*-- parse-packet.c --*/
/* Sets the packet list mode to MODE (i.e., whether we are dumping a
packet or not). Returns the current mode. This allows for
temporarily suspending dumping by doing the following:
int saved_mode = set_packet_list_mode (0);
set_packet_list_mode (saved_mode);
int set_packet_list_mode( int mode );
/* There are debug functions and should not be used directly. */
int dbg_search_packet( iobuf_t inp, PACKET *pkt, off_t *retpos, int with_uid,
const char* file, int lineno );
int dbg_parse_packet( iobuf_t inp, PACKET *ret_pkt,
const char* file, int lineno );
int dbg_copy_all_packets( iobuf_t inp, iobuf_t out,
const char* file, int lineno );
int dbg_copy_some_packets( iobuf_t inp, iobuf_t out, off_t stopoff,
const char* file, int lineno );
int dbg_skip_some_packets( iobuf_t inp, unsigned n,
const char* file, int lineno );
#define search_packet( a,b,c,d ) \
dbg_search_packet( (a), (b), (c), (d), __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define parse_packet( a, b ) \
dbg_parse_packet( (a), (b), __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define copy_all_packets( a,b ) \
dbg_copy_all_packets((a),(b), __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define copy_some_packets( a,b,c ) \
dbg_copy_some_packets((a),(b),(c), __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define skip_some_packets( a,b ) \
dbg_skip_some_packets((a),(b), __FILE__, __LINE__ )
/* Return the next valid OpenPGP packet in *PKT. (This function will
skip any packets whose type is 0.)
Returns 0 on success, -1 if EOF is reached, and an error code
otherwise. In the case of an error, the packet in *PKT may be
partially constructed. As such, even if there is an error, it is
necessary to free *PKT to avoid a resource leak. To detect what
has been allocated, clear *PKT before calling this function. */
int parse_packet( iobuf_t inp, PACKET *pkt);
/* Return the first OpenPGP packet in *PKT that contains a key (either
a public subkey, a public key, a secret subkey or a secret key) or,
if WITH_UID is set, a user id.
Saves the position in the pipeline of the start of the returned
packet (according to iobuf_tell) in RETPOS, if it is not NULL.
The return semantics are the same as parse_packet. */
int search_packet( iobuf_t inp, PACKET *pkt, off_t *retpos, int with_uid );
/* Copy all packets (except invalid packets, i.e., those with a type
of 0) from INP to OUT until either an error occurs or EOF is
Returns -1 when end of file is reached or an error code, if an
error occurred. (Note: this function never returns 0, because it
effectively keeps going until it gets an EOF.) */
int copy_all_packets( iobuf_t inp, iobuf_t out );
/* Like copy_all_packets, but stops at the first packet that starts at
or after STOPOFF (as indicated by iobuf_tell).
Example: if STOPOFF is 100, the first packet in INP goes from 0 to
110 and the next packet starts at offset 111, then the packet
starting at offset 0 will be completely processed (even though it
extends beyond STOPOFF) and the packet starting at offset 111 will
not be processed at all. */
int copy_some_packets( iobuf_t inp, iobuf_t out, off_t stopoff );
/* Skips the next N packets from INP.
If parsing a packet returns an error code, then the function stops
immediately and returns the error code. Note: in the case of an
error, this function does not indicate how many packets were
successfully processed. */
int skip_some_packets( iobuf_t inp, unsigned n );
/* Parse a signature packet and store it in *SIG.
The signature packet is read from INP. The OpenPGP header (the tag
and the packet's length) have already been read; the next byte read
from INP should be the first byte of the packet's contents. The
packet's type (as extract from the tag) must be passed as PKTTYPE
and the packet's length must be passed as PKTLEN. This is used as
the upper bound on the amount of data read from INP. If the packet
is shorter than PKTLEN, the data at the end will be silently
skipped. If an error occurs, an error code will be returned. -1
means the EOF was encountered. 0 means parsing was successful. */
int parse_signature( iobuf_t inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PKT_signature *sig );
/* Given a subpacket area (typically either PKT_signature.hashed or
PKT_signature.unhashed), either:
- test whether there are any subpackets with the critical bit set
that we don't understand,
- list the subpackets, or,
- find a subpacket with a specific type.
REQTYPE indicates the type of operation.
If REQTYPE is SIGSUBPKT_TEST_CRITICAL, then this function checks
whether there are any subpackets that have the critical bit and
which GnuPG cannot handle. If GnuPG understands all subpackets
whose critical bit is set, then this function returns simply
returns SUBPKTS. If there is a subpacket whose critical bit is set
and which GnuPG does not understand, then this function returns
NULL and, if START is not NULL, sets *START to the 1-based index of
the subpacket that violates the constraint.
packets are dumped. Note: if REQTYPE is SIGSUBPKT_LIST_HASHED,
this function does not check whether the hash is correct; this is
merely an indication of the section that the subpackets came from.
If REQTYPE is anything else, then this function interprets the
values as a subpacket type and looks for the first subpacket with
that type. If such a packet is found, *CRITICAL (if not NULL) is
set if the critical bit was set, *RET_N is set to the offset of the
subpacket's content within the SUBPKTS buffer, *START is set to the
1-based index of the subpacket within the buffer, and returns
*START is the number of initial subpackets to not consider. Thus,
if *START is 2, then the first 2 subpackets are ignored. */
const byte *enum_sig_subpkt ( const subpktarea_t *subpkts,
sigsubpkttype_t reqtype,
size_t *ret_n, int *start, int *critical );
/* Shorthand for:
enum_sig_subpkt (buffer, reqtype, ret_n, NULL, NULL); */
const byte *parse_sig_subpkt ( const subpktarea_t *buffer,
sigsubpkttype_t reqtype,
size_t *ret_n );
/* This calls parse_sig_subpkt first on the hashed signature area in
SIG and then, if that returns NULL, calls parse_sig_subpkt on the
unhashed subpacket area in SIG. */
const byte *parse_sig_subpkt2 ( PKT_signature *sig,
sigsubpkttype_t reqtype);
/* Returns whether the N byte large buffer BUFFER is sufficient to
hold a subpacket of type TYPE. Note: the buffer refers to the
contents of the subpacket (not the header) and it must already be
initialized: for some subpackets, it checks some internal
Returns 0 if the size is acceptable. Returns -2 if the buffer is
definitely too short. To check for an error, check whether the
return value is less than 0. */
int parse_one_sig_subpkt( const byte *buffer, size_t n, int type );
/* Looks for revocation key subpackets (see RFC 4880 in the
hashed area of the signature packet. Any that are found are added
to SIG->REVKEY and SIG->NUMREVKEYS is updated appropriately. */
void parse_revkeys(PKT_signature *sig);
/* Extract the attributes from the buffer at UID->ATTRIB_DATA and
update UID->ATTRIBS and UID->NUMATTRIBS accordingly. */
int parse_attribute_subpkts(PKT_user_id *uid);
/* Set the UID->NAME field according to the attributes. MAX_NAMELEN
must be at least 71. */
void make_attribute_uidname(PKT_user_id *uid, size_t max_namelen);
/* Allocate and initialize a new GPG control packet. DATA is the data
to save in the packet. */
PACKET *create_gpg_control ( ctrlpkttype_t type,
const byte *data,
size_t datalen );
/*-- build-packet.c --*/
int build_packet( iobuf_t inp, PACKET *pkt );
gpg_error_t gpg_mpi_write (iobuf_t out, gcry_mpi_t a);
gpg_error_t gpg_mpi_write_nohdr (iobuf_t out, gcry_mpi_t a);
u32 calc_packet_length( PACKET *pkt );
void build_sig_subpkt( PKT_signature *sig, sigsubpkttype_t type,
const byte *buffer, size_t buflen );
void build_sig_subpkt_from_sig (PKT_signature *sig, PKT_public_key *pksk);
int delete_sig_subpkt(subpktarea_t *buffer, sigsubpkttype_t type );
void build_attribute_subpkt(PKT_user_id *uid,byte type,
const void *buf,u32 buflen,
const void *header,u32 headerlen);
struct notation *string_to_notation(const char *string,int is_utf8);
struct notation *blob_to_notation(const char *name,
const char *data, size_t len);
struct notation *sig_to_notation(PKT_signature *sig);
void free_notation(struct notation *notation);
/*-- free-packet.c --*/
void free_symkey_enc( PKT_symkey_enc *enc );
void free_pubkey_enc( PKT_pubkey_enc *enc );
void free_seckey_enc( PKT_signature *enc );
void release_public_key_parts( PKT_public_key *pk );
void free_public_key( PKT_public_key *key );
void free_attributes(PKT_user_id *uid);
void free_user_id( PKT_user_id *uid );
void free_comment( PKT_comment *rem );
void free_packet( PACKET *pkt );
prefitem_t *copy_prefs (const prefitem_t *prefs);
PKT_public_key *copy_public_key( PKT_public_key *d, PKT_public_key *s );
PKT_signature *copy_signature( PKT_signature *d, PKT_signature *s );
PKT_user_id *scopy_user_id (PKT_user_id *sd );
int cmp_public_keys( PKT_public_key *a, PKT_public_key *b );
int cmp_signatures( PKT_signature *a, PKT_signature *b );
int cmp_user_ids( PKT_user_id *a, PKT_user_id *b );
/*-- sig-check.c --*/
/* Check a signature. This is shorthand for check_signature2 with
the unnamed arguments passed as NULL. */
int check_signature (PKT_signature *sig, gcry_md_hd_t digest);
/* Check a signature. Looks up the public key from the key db. (If
* R_PK is not NULL, it is stored at RET_PK.) DIGEST contains a
* valid hash context that already includes the signed data. This
* function adds the relevant meta-data to the hash before finalizing
* it and verifying the signature. */
gpg_error_t check_signature2 (PKT_signature *sig, gcry_md_hd_t digest,
u32 *r_expiredate, int *r_expired, int *r_revoked,
PKT_public_key **r_pk);
/*-- pubkey-enc.c --*/
gpg_error_t get_session_key (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_pubkey_enc *k, DEK *dek);
gpg_error_t get_override_session_key (DEK *dek, const char *string);
/*-- compress.c --*/
int handle_compressed (ctrl_t ctrl, void *ctx, PKT_compressed *cd,
int (*callback)(iobuf_t, void *), void *passthru );
/*-- encr-data.c --*/
int decrypt_data (ctrl_t ctrl, void *ctx, PKT_encrypted *ed, DEK *dek );
/*-- plaintext.c --*/
gpg_error_t get_output_file (const byte *embedded_name, int embedded_namelen,
iobuf_t data, char **fnamep, estream_t *fpp);
int handle_plaintext( PKT_plaintext *pt, md_filter_context_t *mfx,
int nooutput, int clearsig );
int ask_for_detached_datafile( gcry_md_hd_t md, gcry_md_hd_t md2,
const char *inname, int textmode );
/*-- sign.c --*/
int make_keysig_packet( PKT_signature **ret_sig, PKT_public_key *pk,
PKT_user_id *uid, PKT_public_key *subpk,
PKT_public_key *pksk, int sigclass, int digest_algo,
u32 timestamp, u32 duration,
int (*mksubpkt)(PKT_signature *, void *),
void *opaque,
const char *cache_nonce);
gpg_error_t update_keysig_packet (PKT_signature **ret_sig,
PKT_signature *orig_sig,
PKT_public_key *pk,
PKT_user_id *uid,
PKT_public_key *subpk,
PKT_public_key *pksk,
int (*mksubpkt)(PKT_signature *, void *),
void *opaque );
/*-- keygen.c --*/
PKT_user_id *generate_user_id (kbnode_t keyblock, const char *uidstr);
#endif /*G10_PACKET_H*/
diff --git a/g10/parse-packet.c b/g10/parse-packet.c
index bda3e1420..38cfdd985 100644
--- a/g10/parse-packet.c
+++ b/g10/parse-packet.c
@@ -1,3149 +1,3149 @@
/* parse-packet.c - read packets
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
* 2007, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "photoid.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "host2net.h"
/* Maximum length of packets to avoid excessive memory allocation. */
#define MAX_KEY_PACKET_LENGTH (256 * 1024)
#define MAX_UID_PACKET_LENGTH ( 2 * 1024)
#define MAX_COMMENT_PACKET_LENGTH ( 64 * 1024)
#define MAX_ATTR_PACKET_LENGTH ( 16 * 1024*1024)
static int mpi_print_mode;
static int list_mode;
static estream_t listfp;
static int parse (IOBUF inp, PACKET * pkt, int onlykeypkts,
off_t * retpos, int *skip, IOBUF out, int do_skip
, const char *dbg_w, const char *dbg_f, int dbg_l
static int copy_packet (IOBUF inp, IOBUF out, int pkttype,
unsigned long pktlen, int partial);
static void skip_packet (IOBUF inp, int pkttype,
unsigned long pktlen, int partial);
static void *read_rest (IOBUF inp, size_t pktlen);
static int parse_marker (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen);
static int parse_symkeyenc (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * packet);
static int parse_pubkeyenc (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * packet);
static int parse_onepass_sig (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PKT_onepass_sig * ops);
static int parse_key (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
byte * hdr, int hdrlen, PACKET * packet);
static int parse_user_id (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * packet);
static int parse_attribute (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * packet);
static int parse_comment (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * packet);
static void parse_trust (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * packet);
static int parse_plaintext (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * packet, int new_ctb, int partial);
static int parse_compressed (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * packet, int new_ctb);
static int parse_encrypted (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * packet, int new_ctb, int partial);
static int parse_mdc (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * packet, int new_ctb);
static int parse_gpg_control (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * packet, int partial);
/* Read a 16-bit value in MSB order (big endian) from an iobuf. */
static unsigned short
read_16 (IOBUF inp)
unsigned short a;
a = (unsigned short)iobuf_get_noeof (inp) << 8;
a |= iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
return a;
/* Read a 32-bit value in MSB order (big endian) from an iobuf. */
static unsigned long
read_32 (IOBUF inp)
unsigned long a;
a = (unsigned long)iobuf_get_noeof (inp) << 24;
a |= iobuf_get_noeof (inp) << 16;
a |= iobuf_get_noeof (inp) << 8;
a |= iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
return a;
/* Read an external representation of an MPI and return the MPI. The
external format is a 16-bit unsigned value stored in network byte
order giving the number of bits for the following integer. The
integer is stored MSB first and is left padded with zero bits to
align on a byte boundary.
The caller must set *RET_NREAD to the maximum number of bytes to
read from the pipeline INP. This function sets *RET_NREAD to be
the number of bytes actually read from the pipeline.
If SECURE is true, the integer is stored in secure memory
(allocated using gcry_xmalloc_secure). */
static gcry_mpi_t
mpi_read (iobuf_t inp, unsigned int *ret_nread, int secure)
int c, c1, c2, i;
unsigned int nmax = *ret_nread;
unsigned int nbits, nbytes;
size_t nread = 0;
gcry_mpi_t a = NULL;
byte *buf = NULL;
byte *p;
if (!nmax)
goto overflow;
if ((c = c1 = iobuf_get (inp)) == -1)
goto leave;
if (++nread == nmax)
goto overflow;
nbits = c << 8;
if ((c = c2 = iobuf_get (inp)) == -1)
goto leave;
nbits |= c;
if (nbits > MAX_EXTERN_MPI_BITS)
log_error ("mpi too large (%u bits)\n", nbits);
goto leave;
nbytes = (nbits + 7) / 8;
buf = secure ? gcry_xmalloc_secure (nbytes + 2) : gcry_xmalloc (nbytes + 2);
p = buf;
p[0] = c1;
p[1] = c2;
for (i = 0; i < nbytes; i++)
if (nread == nmax)
goto overflow;
c = iobuf_get (inp);
if (c == -1)
goto leave;
p[i + 2] = c;
nread ++;
if (gcry_mpi_scan (&a, GCRYMPI_FMT_PGP, buf, nread, &nread))
a = NULL;
*ret_nread = nread;
return a;
log_error ("mpi larger than indicated length (%u bits)\n", 8*nmax);
*ret_nread = nread;
return a;
set_packet_list_mode (int mode)
int old = list_mode;
list_mode = mode;
/* We use stdout only if invoked by the --list-packets command
but switch to stderr in all other cases. This breaks the
previous behaviour but that seems to be more of a bug than
intentional. I don't believe that any application makes use of
this long standing annoying way of printing to stdout except when
doing a --list-packets. If this assumption fails, it will be easy
to add an option for the listing stream. Note that we initialize
it only once; mainly because there is code which switches
opt.list_mode back to 1 and we want to have all output to the
same stream. The MPI_PRINT_MODE will be enabled if the
corresponding debug flag is set or if we are in --list-packets
and --verbose is given.
Using stderr is not actually very clean because it bypasses the
logging code but it is a special thing anyway. I am not sure
whether using log_stream() would be better. Perhaps we should
enable the list mode only with a special option. */
if (!listfp)
if (opt.list_packets)
listfp = es_stdout;
if (opt.verbose)
mpi_print_mode = 1;
listfp = es_stderr;
if (DBG_MPI)
mpi_print_mode = 1;
return old;
/* If OPT.VERBOSE is set, print a warning that the algorithm ALGO is
not suitable for signing and encryption. */
static void
unknown_pubkey_warning (int algo)
static byte unknown_pubkey_algos[256];
/* First check whether the algorithm is usable but not suitable for
encryption/signing. */
if (pubkey_get_npkey (algo))
if (opt.verbose)
if (!pubkey_get_nsig (algo))
log_info ("public key algorithm %s not suitable for %s\n",
openpgp_pk_algo_name (algo), "signing");
if (!pubkey_get_nenc (algo))
log_info ("public key algorithm %s not suitable for %s\n",
openpgp_pk_algo_name (algo), "encryption");
algo &= 0xff;
if (!unknown_pubkey_algos[algo])
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("can't handle public key algorithm %d\n"), algo);
unknown_pubkey_algos[algo] = 1;
dbg_parse_packet (IOBUF inp, PACKET *pkt, const char *dbg_f, int dbg_l)
int skip, rc;
rc = parse (inp, pkt, 0, NULL, &skip, NULL, 0, "parse", dbg_f, dbg_l);
while (skip && ! rc);
return rc;
parse_packet (IOBUF inp, PACKET * pkt)
int skip, rc;
rc = parse (inp, pkt, 0, NULL, &skip, NULL, 0);
while (skip && ! rc);
return rc;
* Like parse packet, but only return secret or public (sub)key
* packets.
dbg_search_packet (IOBUF inp, PACKET * pkt, off_t * retpos, int with_uid,
const char *dbg_f, int dbg_l)
int skip, rc;
rc =
parse (inp, pkt, with_uid ? 2 : 1, retpos, &skip, NULL, 0, "search",
dbg_f, dbg_l);
while (skip && ! rc);
return rc;
search_packet (IOBUF inp, PACKET * pkt, off_t * retpos, int with_uid)
int skip, rc;
rc = parse (inp, pkt, with_uid ? 2 : 1, retpos, &skip, NULL, 0);
while (skip && ! rc);
return rc;
* Copy all packets from INP to OUT, thereby removing unused spaces.
dbg_copy_all_packets (IOBUF inp, IOBUF out, const char *dbg_f, int dbg_l)
int skip, rc = 0;
if (! out)
log_bug ("copy_all_packets: OUT may not be NULL.\n");
init_packet (&pkt);
while (!
(rc =
parse (inp, &pkt, 0, NULL, &skip, out, 0, "copy", dbg_f, dbg_l)));
return rc;
copy_all_packets (IOBUF inp, IOBUF out)
int skip, rc = 0;
if (! out)
log_bug ("copy_all_packets: OUT may not be NULL.\n");
init_packet (&pkt);
while (!(rc = parse (inp, &pkt, 0, NULL, &skip, out, 0)));
return rc;
* Copy some packets from INP to OUT, thereby removing unused spaces.
* Stop at offset STOPoff (i.e. don't copy packets at this or later
* offsets)
dbg_copy_some_packets (IOBUF inp, IOBUF out, off_t stopoff,
const char *dbg_f, int dbg_l)
int skip, rc = 0;
if (iobuf_tell (inp) >= stopoff)
return 0;
init_packet (&pkt);
while (!(rc = parse (inp, &pkt, 0, NULL, &skip, out, 0,
"some", dbg_f, dbg_l)));
return rc;
copy_some_packets (IOBUF inp, IOBUF out, off_t stopoff)
int skip, rc = 0;
if (iobuf_tell (inp) >= stopoff)
return 0;
init_packet (&pkt);
while (!(rc = parse (inp, &pkt, 0, NULL, &skip, out, 0)));
return rc;
* Skip over N packets
dbg_skip_some_packets (IOBUF inp, unsigned n, const char *dbg_f, int dbg_l)
int skip, rc = 0;
for (; n && !rc; n--)
init_packet (&pkt);
rc = parse (inp, &pkt, 0, NULL, &skip, NULL, 1, "skip", dbg_f, dbg_l);
return rc;
skip_some_packets (IOBUF inp, unsigned n)
int skip, rc = 0;
for (; n && !rc; n--)
init_packet (&pkt);
rc = parse (inp, &pkt, 0, NULL, &skip, NULL, 1);
return rc;
/* Parse a packet and save it in *PKT.
If OUT is not NULL and the packet is valid (its type is not 0),
then the header, the initial length field and the packet's contents
are written to OUT. In this case, the packet is not saved in *PKT.
ONLYKEYPKTS is a simple packet filter. If ONLYKEYPKTS is set to 1,
then only public subkey packets, public key packets, private subkey
packets and private key packets are parsed. The rest are skipped
(i.e., the header and the contents are read from the pipeline and
discarded). If ONLYKEYPKTS is set to 2, then in addition to the
above 4 types of packets, user id packets are also accepted.
DO_SKIP is a more coarse grained filter. Unless ONLYKEYPKTS is set
to 2 and the packet is a user id packet, all packets are skipped.
Finally, if a packet is invalid (it's type is 0), it is skipped.
If a packet is skipped and SKIP is not NULL, then *SKIP is set to
Note: ONLYKEYPKTS and DO_SKIP are only respected if OUT is NULL,
i.e., the packets are not simply being copied.
If RETPOS is not NULL, then the position of INP (as returned by
iobuf_tell) is saved there before any data is read from INP.
static int
parse (IOBUF inp, PACKET * pkt, int onlykeypkts, off_t * retpos,
int *skip, IOBUF out, int do_skip
, const char *dbg_w, const char *dbg_f, int dbg_l
int rc = 0, c, ctb, pkttype, lenbytes;
unsigned long pktlen;
byte hdr[8];
int hdrlen;
int new_ctb = 0, partial = 0;
int with_uid = (onlykeypkts == 2);
off_t pos;
*skip = 0;
log_assert (!pkt->pkt.generic);
if (retpos || list_mode)
pos = iobuf_tell (inp);
if (retpos)
*retpos = pos;
pos = 0; /* (silence compiler warning) */
/* The first byte of a packet is the so-called tag. The highest bit
must be set. */
if ((ctb = iobuf_get (inp)) == -1)
rc = -1;
goto leave;
hdrlen = 0;
hdr[hdrlen++] = ctb;
if (!(ctb & 0x80))
log_error ("%s: invalid packet (ctb=%02x)\n", iobuf_where (inp), ctb);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
/* Immediately following the header is the length. There are two
formats: the old format and the new format. If bit 6 (where the
least significant bit is bit 0) is set in the tag, then we are
dealing with a new format packet. Otherwise, it is an old format
packet. */
pktlen = 0;
new_ctb = !!(ctb & 0x40);
if (new_ctb)
/* Get the packet's type. This is encoded in the 6 least
significant bits of the tag. */
pkttype = ctb & 0x3f;
/* Extract the packet's length. New format packets have 4 ways
to encode the packet length. The value of the first byte
determines the encoding and partially determines the length.
See section 4.2.2 of RFC 4880 for details. */
if ((c = iobuf_get (inp)) == -1)
log_error ("%s: 1st length byte missing\n", iobuf_where (inp));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
hdr[hdrlen++] = c;
if (c < 192)
pktlen = c;
else if (c < 224)
pktlen = (c - 192) * 256;
if ((c = iobuf_get (inp)) == -1)
log_error ("%s: 2nd length byte missing\n",
iobuf_where (inp));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
hdr[hdrlen++] = c;
pktlen += c + 192;
else if (c == 255)
int i;
char value[4];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
if ((c = iobuf_get (inp)) == -1)
log_error ("%s: 4 byte length invalid\n", iobuf_where (inp));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
value[i] = hdr[hdrlen++] = c;
pktlen = buf32_to_ulong (value);
else /* Partial body length. */
switch (pkttype)
iobuf_set_partial_body_length_mode (inp, c & 0xff);
pktlen = 0; /* To indicate partial length. */
partial = 1;
log_error ("%s: partial length invalid for"
" packet type %d\n", iobuf_where (inp), pkttype);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
/* This is an old format packet. */
/* Extract the packet's type. This is encoded in bits 2-5. */
pkttype = (ctb >> 2) & 0xf;
/* The type of length encoding is encoded in bits 0-1 of the
tag. */
lenbytes = ((ctb & 3) == 3) ? 0 : (1 << (ctb & 3));
if (!lenbytes)
pktlen = 0; /* Don't know the value. */
/* This isn't really partial, but we can treat it the same
in a "read until the end" sort of way. */
partial = 1;
if (pkttype != PKT_ENCRYPTED && pkttype != PKT_PLAINTEXT
&& pkttype != PKT_COMPRESSED)
log_error ("%s: indeterminate length for invalid"
" packet type %d\n", iobuf_where (inp), pkttype);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
for (; lenbytes; lenbytes--)
pktlen <<= 8;
c = iobuf_get (inp);
if (c == -1)
log_error ("%s: length invalid\n", iobuf_where (inp));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
pktlen |= hdr[hdrlen++] = c;
/* Sometimes the decompressing layer enters an error state in which
it simply outputs 0xff for every byte read. If we have a stream
of 0xff bytes, then it will be detected as a new format packet
with type 63 and a 4-byte encoded length that is 4G-1. Since
packets with type 63 are private and we use them as a control
packet, which won't be 4 GB, we reject such packets as
invalid. */
if (pkttype == 63 && pktlen == 0xFFFFFFFF)
/* With some probability this is caused by a problem in the
* the uncompressing layer - in some error cases it just loops
* and spits out 0xff bytes. */
log_error ("%s: garbled packet detected\n", iobuf_where (inp));
g10_exit (2);
if (out && pkttype)
/* This type of copying won't work if the packet uses a partial
body length. (In other words, this only works if HDR is
actually the length.) Currently, no callers require this
functionality so we just log this as an error. */
if (partial)
log_error ("parse: Can't copy partial packet. Aborting.\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
rc = iobuf_write (out, hdr, hdrlen);
if (!rc)
rc = copy_packet (inp, out, pkttype, pktlen, partial);
goto leave;
if (with_uid && pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
/* If ONLYKEYPKTS is set to 2, then we never skip user id packets,
even if DO_SKIP is set. */
else if (do_skip
/* type==0 is not allowed. This is an invalid packet. */
|| !pkttype
/* When ONLYKEYPKTS is set, we don't skip keys. */
|| (onlykeypkts && pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY
&& pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
&& pkttype != PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY && pkttype != PKT_SECRET_KEY))
iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, partial);
*skip = 1;
rc = 0;
goto leave;
log_debug ("parse_packet(iob=%d): type=%d length=%lu%s (%s.%s.%d)\n",
iobuf_id (inp), pkttype, pktlen, new_ctb ? " (new_ctb)" : "",
dbg_w, dbg_f, dbg_l);
log_debug ("parse_packet(iob=%d): type=%d length=%lu%s\n",
iobuf_id (inp), pkttype, pktlen,
new_ctb ? " (new_ctb)" : "");
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "# off=%lu ctb=%02x tag=%d hlen=%d plen=%lu%s%s\n",
(unsigned long)pos, ctb, pkttype, hdrlen, pktlen,
partial? (new_ctb ? " partial" : " indeterminate") :"",
new_ctb? " new-ctb":"");
pkt->pkttype = pkttype;
rc = GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_PACKET; /* default error */
switch (pkttype)
pkt->pkt.public_key = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pkt->pkt.public_key);
rc = parse_key (inp, pkttype, pktlen, hdr, hdrlen, pkt);
rc = parse_symkeyenc (inp, pkttype, pktlen, pkt);
rc = parse_pubkeyenc (inp, pkttype, pktlen, pkt);
pkt->pkt.signature = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pkt->pkt.signature);
rc = parse_signature (inp, pkttype, pktlen, pkt->pkt.signature);
pkt->pkt.onepass_sig = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pkt->pkt.onepass_sig);
rc = parse_onepass_sig (inp, pkttype, pktlen, pkt->pkt.onepass_sig);
rc = parse_user_id (inp, pkttype, pktlen, pkt);
pkt->pkttype = pkttype = PKT_USER_ID; /* we store it in the userID */
rc = parse_attribute (inp, pkttype, pktlen, pkt);
rc = parse_comment (inp, pkttype, pktlen, pkt);
parse_trust (inp, pkttype, pktlen, pkt);
rc = 0;
rc = parse_plaintext (inp, pkttype, pktlen, pkt, new_ctb, partial);
rc = parse_compressed (inp, pkttype, pktlen, pkt, new_ctb);
rc = parse_encrypted (inp, pkttype, pktlen, pkt, new_ctb, partial);
case PKT_MDC:
rc = parse_mdc (inp, pkttype, pktlen, pkt, new_ctb);
rc = parse_gpg_control (inp, pkttype, pktlen, pkt, partial);
rc = parse_marker (inp, pkttype, pktlen);
/* Unknown packet. Skip it. */
skip_packet (inp, pkttype, pktlen, partial);
/* FIXME: We leak in case of an error (see the xmalloc's above). */
if (!rc && iobuf_error (inp))
/* FIXME: We use only the error code for now to avoid problems with
callers which have not been checked to always use gpg_err_code()
when comparing error codes. */
return rc == -1? -1 : gpg_err_code (rc);
static void
dump_hex_line (int c, int *i)
if (*i && !(*i % 8))
if (*i && !(*i % 24))
es_fprintf (listfp, "\n%4d:", *i);
es_putc (' ', listfp);
if (c == -1)
es_fprintf (listfp, " EOF");
es_fprintf (listfp, " %02x", c);
/* Copy the contents of a packet from the pipeline IN to the pipeline
The header and length have already been read from INP and the
decoded values are given as PKGTYPE and PKTLEN.
If the packet is a partial body length packet (RFC 4880, Section, then iobuf_set_partial_block_mode should already have
been called on INP and PARTIAL should be set.
copy until the first EOF is encountered on INP.
Returns 0 on success and an error code if an error occurs. */
static int
copy_packet (IOBUF inp, IOBUF out, int pkttype,
unsigned long pktlen, int partial)
int rc;
int n;
char buf[100];
if (partial)
while ((n = iobuf_read (inp, buf, sizeof (buf))) != -1)
if ((rc = iobuf_write (out, buf, n)))
return rc; /* write error */
else if (!pktlen && pkttype == PKT_COMPRESSED)
log_debug ("copy_packet: compressed!\n");
/* compressed packet, copy till EOF */
while ((n = iobuf_read (inp, buf, sizeof (buf))) != -1)
if ((rc = iobuf_write (out, buf, n)))
return rc; /* write error */
for (; pktlen; pktlen -= n)
n = pktlen > sizeof (buf) ? sizeof (buf) : pktlen;
n = iobuf_read (inp, buf, n);
if (n == -1)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
if ((rc = iobuf_write (out, buf, n)))
return rc; /* write error */
return 0;
/* Skip an unknown packet. PKTTYPE is the packet's type, PKTLEN is
the length of the packet's content and PARTIAL is whether partial
body length encoding in used (in this case PKTLEN is ignored). */
static void
skip_packet (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen, int partial)
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":unknown packet: type %2d, length %lu\n",
pkttype, pktlen);
if (pkttype)
int c, i = 0;
es_fputs ("dump:", listfp);
if (partial)
while ((c = iobuf_get (inp)) != -1)
dump_hex_line (c, &i);
for (; pktlen; pktlen--)
dump_hex_line ((c = iobuf_get (inp)), &i);
if (c == -1)
es_putc ('\n', listfp);
iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, partial);
/* Read PKTLEN bytes form INP and return them in a newly allocated
buffer. In case of an error (including reading fewer than PKTLEN
bytes from INP before EOF is returned), NULL is returned and an
error message is logged. */
static void *
read_rest (IOBUF inp, size_t pktlen)
int c;
byte *buf, *p;
buf = xtrymalloc (pktlen);
if (!buf)
gpg_error_t err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error reading rest of packet: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return NULL;
for (p = buf; pktlen; pktlen--)
c = iobuf_get (inp);
if (c == -1)
log_error ("premature eof while reading rest of packet\n");
xfree (buf);
return NULL;
*p++ = c;
return buf;
/* Read a special size+body from INP. On success store an opaque MPI
with it at R_DATA. On error return an error code and store NULL at
R_DATA. Even in the error case store the number of read bytes at
R_NREAD. The caller shall pass the remaining size of the packet in
static gpg_error_t
read_size_body (iobuf_t inp, int pktlen, size_t *r_nread,
gcry_mpi_t *r_data)
char buffer[256];
char *tmpbuf;
int i, c, nbytes;
*r_nread = 0;
*r_data = NULL;
if (!pktlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
c = iobuf_readbyte (inp);
if (c < 0)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
nbytes = c;
if (nbytes < 2 || nbytes > 254)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
if (nbytes > pktlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
buffer[0] = nbytes;
for (i = 0; i < nbytes; i++)
c = iobuf_get (inp);
if (c < 0)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
buffer[1+i] = c;
tmpbuf = xtrymalloc (1 + nbytes);
if (!tmpbuf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (tmpbuf, buffer, 1 + nbytes);
*r_data = gcry_mpi_set_opaque (NULL, tmpbuf, 8 * (1 + nbytes));
if (!*r_data)
xfree (tmpbuf);
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return 0;
/* Parse a marker packet. */
static int
parse_marker (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen)
(void) pkttype;
if (pktlen != 3)
goto fail;
if (iobuf_get (inp) != 'P')
goto fail;
if (iobuf_get (inp) != 'G')
goto fail;
if (iobuf_get (inp) != 'P')
goto fail;
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":marker packet: PGP\n", listfp);
return 0;
log_error ("invalid marker packet\n");
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":marker packet: [invalid]\n", listfp);
iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, 0);
static int
parse_symkeyenc (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * packet)
PKT_symkey_enc *k;
int rc = 0;
int i, version, s2kmode, cipher_algo, hash_algo, seskeylen, minlen;
if (pktlen < 4)
log_error ("packet(%d) too short\n", pkttype);
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":symkey enc packet: [too short]\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
version = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (version != 4)
log_error ("packet(%d) with unknown version %d\n", pkttype, version);
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":symkey enc packet: [unknown version]\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
if (pktlen > 200)
{ /* (we encode the seskeylen in a byte) */
log_error ("packet(%d) too large\n", pkttype);
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":symkey enc packet: [too large]\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
cipher_algo = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
s2kmode = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
hash_algo = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
switch (s2kmode)
case 0: /* Simple S2K. */
minlen = 0;
case 1: /* Salted S2K. */
minlen = 8;
case 3: /* Iterated+salted S2K. */
minlen = 9;
log_error ("unknown S2K mode %d\n", s2kmode);
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":symkey enc packet: [unknown S2K mode]\n");
goto leave;
if (minlen > pktlen)
log_error ("packet with S2K %d too short\n", s2kmode);
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":symkey enc packet: [too short]\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
seskeylen = pktlen - minlen;
k = packet->pkt.symkey_enc = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *packet->pkt.symkey_enc
+ seskeylen - 1);
k->version = version;
k->cipher_algo = cipher_algo;
k->s2k.mode = s2kmode;
k->s2k.hash_algo = hash_algo;
if (s2kmode == 1 || s2kmode == 3)
for (i = 0; i < 8 && pktlen; i++, pktlen--)
k->s2k.salt[i] = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (s2kmode == 3)
k->s2k.count = iobuf_get (inp);
k->seskeylen = seskeylen;
if (k->seskeylen)
for (i = 0; i < seskeylen && pktlen; i++, pktlen--)
k->seskey[i] = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
/* What we're watching out for here is a session key decryptor
with no salt. The RFC says that using salt for this is a
MUST. */
if (s2kmode != 1 && s2kmode != 3)
log_info (_("WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically"
" encrypted session key\n"));
log_assert (!pktlen);
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp,
":symkey enc packet: version %d, cipher %d, s2k %d, hash %d",
version, cipher_algo, s2kmode, hash_algo);
if (seskeylen)
es_fprintf (listfp, ", seskey %d bits", (seskeylen - 1) * 8);
es_fprintf (listfp, "\n");
if (s2kmode == 1 || s2kmode == 3)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tsalt ");
es_write_hexstring (listfp, k->s2k.salt, 8, 0, NULL);
if (s2kmode == 3)
es_fprintf (listfp, ", count %lu (%lu)",
S2K_DECODE_COUNT ((ulong) k->s2k.count),
(ulong) k->s2k.count);
es_fprintf (listfp, "\n");
iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, 0);
return rc;
static int
parse_pubkeyenc (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * packet)
int rc = 0;
int i, ndata;
PKT_pubkey_enc *k;
k = packet->pkt.pubkey_enc = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *packet->pkt.pubkey_enc);
if (pktlen < 12)
log_error ("packet(%d) too short\n", pkttype);
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":pubkey enc packet: [too short]\n", listfp);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
k->version = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (k->version != 2 && k->version != 3)
log_error ("packet(%d) with unknown version %d\n", pkttype, k->version);
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":pubkey enc packet: [unknown version]\n", listfp);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
k->keyid[0] = read_32 (inp);
pktlen -= 4;
k->keyid[1] = read_32 (inp);
pktlen -= 4;
k->pubkey_algo = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
k->throw_keyid = 0; /* Only used as flag for build_packet. */
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp,
":pubkey enc packet: version %d, algo %d, keyid %08lX%08lX\n",
k->version, k->pubkey_algo, (ulong) k->keyid[0],
(ulong) k->keyid[1]);
ndata = pubkey_get_nenc (k->pubkey_algo);
if (!ndata)
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tunsupported algorithm %d\n", k->pubkey_algo);
unknown_pubkey_warning (k->pubkey_algo);
k->data[0] = NULL; /* No need to store the encrypted data. */
for (i = 0; i < ndata; i++)
if (k->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH && i == 1)
size_t n;
rc = read_size_body (inp, pktlen, &n, k->data+i);
pktlen -= n;
int n = pktlen;
k->data[i] = mpi_read (inp, &n, 0);
pktlen -= n;
if (!k->data[i])
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
if (rc)
goto leave;
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tdata: ");
mpi_print (listfp, k->data[i], mpi_print_mode);
es_putc ('\n', listfp);
iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, 0);
return rc;
/* Dump a subpacket to LISTFP. BUFFER contains the subpacket in
question and points to the type field in the subpacket header (not
the start of the header). TYPE is the subpacket's type with the
critical bit cleared. CRITICAL is the value of the CRITICAL bit.
BUFLEN is the length of the buffer and LENGTH is the length of the
subpacket according to the subpacket's header. */
static void
dump_sig_subpkt (int hashed, int type, int critical,
const byte * buffer, size_t buflen, size_t length)
const char *p = NULL;
int i;
/* The CERT has warning out with explains how to use GNUPG to detect
* the ARRs - we print our old message here when it is a faked ARR
* and add an additional notice. */
if (type == SIGSUBPKT_ARR && !hashed)
es_fprintf (listfp,
"\tsubpkt %d len %u (additional recipient request)\n"
"WARNING: PGP versions > 5.0 and < 6.5.8 will automagically "
"encrypt to this key and thereby reveal the plaintext to "
"the owner of this ARR key. Detailed info follows:\n",
type, (unsigned) length);
es_fprintf (listfp, "\t%s%ssubpkt %d len %u (", /*) */
critical ? "critical " : "",
hashed ? "hashed " : "", type, (unsigned) length);
if (length > buflen)
es_fprintf (listfp, "too short: buffer is only %u)\n", (unsigned) buflen);
switch (type)
if (length >= 4)
es_fprintf (listfp, "sig created %s",
strtimestamp (buf32_to_u32 (buffer)));
if (length >= 4)
if (buf32_to_u32 (buffer))
es_fprintf (listfp, "sig expires after %s",
strtimevalue (buf32_to_u32 (buffer)));
es_fprintf (listfp, "sig does not expire");
if (length)
es_fprintf (listfp, "%sexportable", *buffer ? "" : "not ");
if (length != 2)
p = "[invalid trust subpacket]";
es_fprintf (listfp, "trust signature of depth %d, value %d", buffer[0],
if (!length)
p = "[invalid regexp subpacket]";
es_fprintf (listfp, "regular expression: \"");
es_write_sanitized (listfp, buffer, length, "\"", NULL);
p = "\"";
if (length)
es_fprintf (listfp, "%srevocable", *buffer ? "" : "not ");
if (length >= 4)
if (buf32_to_u32 (buffer))
es_fprintf (listfp, "key expires after %s",
strtimevalue (buf32_to_u32 (buffer)));
es_fprintf (listfp, "key does not expire");
es_fputs ("pref-sym-algos:", listfp);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
es_fprintf (listfp, " %d", buffer[i]);
es_fputs ("revocation key: ", listfp);
if (length < 22)
p = "[too short]";
es_fprintf (listfp, "c=%02x a=%d f=", buffer[0], buffer[1]);
for (i = 2; i < length; i++)
es_fprintf (listfp, "%02X", buffer[i]);
if (length >= 8)
es_fprintf (listfp, "issuer key ID %08lX%08lX",
(ulong) buf32_to_u32 (buffer),
(ulong) buf32_to_u32 (buffer + 4));
if (length >= 21)
char *tmp;
es_fprintf (listfp, "issuer fpr v%d ", buffer[0]);
tmp = bin2hex (buffer+1, length-1, NULL);
if (tmp)
es_fputs (tmp, listfp);
xfree (tmp);
es_fputs ("notation: ", listfp);
if (length < 8)
p = "[too short]";
const byte *s = buffer;
size_t n1, n2;
n1 = (s[4] << 8) | s[5];
n2 = (s[6] << 8) | s[7];
s += 8;
if (8 + n1 + n2 != length)
p = "[error]";
es_write_sanitized (listfp, s, n1, ")", NULL);
es_putc ('=', listfp);
if (*buffer & 0x80)
es_write_sanitized (listfp, s + n1, n2, ")", NULL);
p = "[not human readable]";
es_fputs ("pref-hash-algos:", listfp);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
es_fprintf (listfp, " %d", buffer[i]);
es_fputs ("pref-zip-algos:", listfp);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
es_fprintf (listfp, " %d", buffer[i]);
es_fputs ("keyserver preferences:", listfp);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
es_fprintf (listfp, " %02X", buffer[i]);
es_fputs ("preferred keyserver: ", listfp);
es_write_sanitized (listfp, buffer, length, ")", NULL);
p = "primary user ID";
es_fputs ("policy: ", listfp);
es_write_sanitized (listfp, buffer, length, ")", NULL);
es_fputs ("key flags:", listfp);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
es_fprintf (listfp, " %02X", buffer[i]);
p = "signer's user ID";
if (length)
es_fprintf (listfp, "revocation reason 0x%02x (", *buffer);
es_write_sanitized (listfp, buffer + 1, length - 1, ")", NULL);
p = ")";
es_fputs ("Big Brother's key (ignored): ", listfp);
if (length < 22)
p = "[too short]";
es_fprintf (listfp, "c=%02x a=%d f=", buffer[0], buffer[1]);
if (length > 2)
es_write_hexstring (listfp, buffer+2, length-2, 0, NULL);
es_fputs ("features:", listfp);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
es_fprintf (listfp, " %02x", buffer[i]);
es_fputs ("signature: ", listfp);
if (length < 17)
p = "[too short]";
es_fprintf (listfp, "v%d, class 0x%02X, algo %d, digest algo %d",
buffer[0] == 3 ? buffer[2] : buffer[1],
buffer[0] == 3 ? buffer[15] : buffer[2],
buffer[0] == 3 ? buffer[16] : buffer[3]);
if (type >= 100 && type <= 110)
p = "experimental / private subpacket";
p = "?";
es_fprintf (listfp, "%s)\n", p ? p : "");
* Returns: >= 0 use this offset into buffer
* -1 explicitly reject returning this type
* -2 subpacket too short
parse_one_sig_subpkt (const byte * buffer, size_t n, int type)
switch (type)
if (n < 22)
return 0;
if (n < 4)
return 0;
return 0;
if (!n)
return 0;
case SIGSUBPKT_ISSUER: /* issuer key ID */
if (n < 8)
return 0;
case SIGSUBPKT_ISSUER_FPR: /* issuer key ID */
if (n < 21)
return 0;
/* minimum length needed, and the subpacket must be well-formed
where the name length and value length all fit inside the
packet. */
if (n < 8
|| 8 + ((buffer[4] << 8) | buffer[5]) +
((buffer[6] << 8) | buffer[7]) != n)
return 0;
if (n != 1)
return 0;
if (n != 2)
return 0;
return 0;
return -2;
/* Return true if we understand the critical notation. */
static int
can_handle_critical_notation (const byte * name, size_t len)
if (len == 32 && memcmp (name, "", 32) == 0)
return 1;
if (len == 21 && memcmp (name, "", 21) == 0)
return 1;
return 0;
static int
can_handle_critical (const byte * buffer, size_t n, int type)
switch (type)
if (n >= 8)
size_t notation_len = ((buffer[4] << 8) | buffer[5]);
if (n - 8 >= notation_len)
return can_handle_critical_notation (buffer + 8, notation_len);
return 0;
case SIGSUBPKT_ISSUER: /* issuer key ID */
case SIGSUBPKT_ISSUER_FPR: /* issuer fingerprint */
/* Is it enough to show the policy or keyserver? */
return 1;
return 0;
const byte *
enum_sig_subpkt (const subpktarea_t * pktbuf, sigsubpkttype_t reqtype,
size_t * ret_n, int *start, int *critical)
const byte *buffer;
int buflen;
int type;
int critical_dummy;
int offset;
size_t n;
int seq = 0;
int reqseq = start ? *start : 0;
if (!critical)
critical = &critical_dummy;
if (!pktbuf || reqseq == -1)
static char dummy[] = "x";
/* Return a value different from NULL to indicate that
* there is no critical bit we do not understand. */
return reqtype == SIGSUBPKT_TEST_CRITICAL ? dummy : NULL;
buffer = pktbuf->data;
buflen = pktbuf->len;
while (buflen)
n = *buffer++;
if (n == 255) /* 4 byte length header. */
if (buflen < 4)
goto too_short;
n = buf32_to_size_t (buffer);
buffer += 4;
buflen -= 4;
else if (n >= 192) /* 4 byte special encoded length header. */
if (buflen < 2)
goto too_short;
n = ((n - 192) << 8) + *buffer + 192;
if (buflen < n)
goto too_short;
type = *buffer;
if (type & 0x80)
type &= 0x7f;
*critical = 1;
*critical = 0;
if (!(++seq > reqseq))
else if (reqtype == SIGSUBPKT_TEST_CRITICAL)
if (*critical)
if (n - 1 > buflen + 1)
goto too_short;
if (!can_handle_critical (buffer + 1, n - 1, type))
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("subpacket of type %d has "
"critical bit set\n"), type);
if (start)
*start = seq;
return NULL; /* This is an error. */
else if (reqtype < 0) /* List packets. */
dump_sig_subpkt (reqtype == SIGSUBPKT_LIST_HASHED,
type, *critical, buffer, buflen, n);
else if (type == reqtype) /* Found. */
if (n > buflen)
goto too_short;
if (ret_n)
*ret_n = n;
offset = parse_one_sig_subpkt (buffer, n, type);
switch (offset)
case -2:
log_error ("subpacket of type %d too short\n", type);
return NULL;
case -1:
return NULL;
if (start)
*start = seq;
return buffer + offset;
buffer += n;
buflen -= n;
/* Returning NULL means we found a subpacket with the critical bit
set that we don't grok. We've iterated over all the subpackets
and haven't found such a packet so we need to return a non-NULL
value. */
return buffer;
/* Critical bit we don't understand. */
if (start)
*start = -1;
return NULL; /* End of packets; not found. */
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("buffer shorter than subpacket\n");
if (start)
*start = -1;
return NULL;
const byte *
parse_sig_subpkt (const subpktarea_t * buffer, sigsubpkttype_t reqtype,
size_t * ret_n)
return enum_sig_subpkt (buffer, reqtype, ret_n, NULL, NULL);
const byte *
parse_sig_subpkt2 (PKT_signature * sig, sigsubpkttype_t reqtype)
const byte *p;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, reqtype, NULL);
if (!p)
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->unhashed, reqtype, NULL);
return p;
/* Find all revocation keys. Look in hashed area only. */
parse_revkeys (PKT_signature * sig)
const byte *revkey;
int seq = 0;
size_t len;
if (sig->sig_class != 0x1F)
while ((revkey = enum_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_REV_KEY,
&len, &seq, NULL)))
if (/* The only valid length is 22 bytes. See RFC 4880 */
len == 22
/* 0x80 bit must be set on the class. */
&& (revkey[0] & 0x80))
sig->revkey = xrealloc (sig->revkey,
sizeof (struct revocation_key) *
(sig->numrevkeys + 1));
/* Copy the individual fields. */
sig->revkey[sig->numrevkeys].class = revkey[0];
sig->revkey[sig->numrevkeys].algid = revkey[1];
memcpy (sig->revkey[sig->numrevkeys].fpr, &revkey[2], 20);
parse_signature (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PKT_signature * sig)
int md5_len = 0;
unsigned n;
int is_v4 = 0;
int rc = 0;
int i, ndata;
if (pktlen < 16)
log_error ("packet(%d) too short\n", pkttype);
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":signature packet: [too short]\n", listfp);
goto leave;
sig->version = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (sig->version == 4)
is_v4 = 1;
else if (sig->version != 2 && sig->version != 3)
log_error ("packet(%d) with unknown version %d\n",
pkttype, sig->version);
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":signature packet: [unknown version]\n", listfp);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
if (!is_v4)
if (pktlen == 0)
goto underflow;
md5_len = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (pktlen == 0)
goto underflow;
sig->sig_class = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (!is_v4)
if (pktlen < 12)
goto underflow;
sig->timestamp = read_32 (inp);
pktlen -= 4;
sig->keyid[0] = read_32 (inp);
pktlen -= 4;
sig->keyid[1] = read_32 (inp);
pktlen -= 4;
if (pktlen < 2)
goto underflow;
sig->pubkey_algo = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
sig->digest_algo = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
sig->flags.exportable = 1;
sig->flags.revocable = 1;
if (is_v4) /* Read subpackets. */
if (pktlen < 2)
goto underflow;
n = read_16 (inp);
pktlen -= 2; /* Length of hashed data. */
if (pktlen < n)
goto underflow;
if (n > 10000)
log_error ("signature packet: hashed data too long\n");
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":signature packet: [hashed data too long]\n", listfp);
goto leave;
if (n)
sig->hashed = xmalloc (sizeof (*sig->hashed) + n - 1);
sig->hashed->size = n;
sig->hashed->len = n;
if (iobuf_read (inp, sig->hashed->data, n) != n)
log_error ("premature eof while reading "
"hashed signature data\n");
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":signature packet: [premature eof]\n", listfp);
rc = -1;
goto leave;
pktlen -= n;
if (pktlen < 2)
goto underflow;
n = read_16 (inp);
pktlen -= 2; /* Length of unhashed data. */
if (pktlen < n)
goto underflow;
if (n > 10000)
log_error ("signature packet: unhashed data too long\n");
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":signature packet: [unhashed data too long]\n", listfp);
goto leave;
if (n)
sig->unhashed = xmalloc (sizeof (*sig->unhashed) + n - 1);
sig->unhashed->size = n;
sig->unhashed->len = n;
if (iobuf_read (inp, sig->unhashed->data, n) != n)
log_error ("premature eof while reading "
"unhashed signature data\n");
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":signature packet: [premature eof]\n", listfp);
rc = -1;
goto leave;
pktlen -= n;
if (pktlen < 2)
goto underflow;
sig->digest_start[0] = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
sig->digest_start[1] = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (is_v4 && sig->pubkey_algo) /* Extract required information. */
const byte *p;
size_t len;
/* Set sig->flags.unknown_critical if there is a critical bit
* set for packets which we do not understand. */
if (!parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_TEST_CRITICAL, NULL)
|| !parse_sig_subpkt (sig->unhashed, SIGSUBPKT_TEST_CRITICAL, NULL))
sig->flags.unknown_critical = 1;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_SIG_CREATED, NULL);
if (p)
sig->timestamp = buf32_to_u32 (p);
else if (!(sig->pubkey_algo >= 100 && sig->pubkey_algo <= 110)
&& opt.verbose)
log_info ("signature packet without timestamp\n");
p = parse_sig_subpkt2 (sig, SIGSUBPKT_ISSUER);
if (p)
sig->keyid[0] = buf32_to_u32 (p);
sig->keyid[1] = buf32_to_u32 (p + 4);
else if (!(sig->pubkey_algo >= 100 && sig->pubkey_algo <= 110)
&& opt.verbose)
log_info ("signature packet without keyid\n");
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_SIG_EXPIRE, NULL);
if (p && buf32_to_u32 (p))
sig->expiredate = sig->timestamp + buf32_to_u32 (p);
if (sig->expiredate && sig->expiredate <= make_timestamp ())
sig->flags.expired = 1;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_POLICY, NULL);
if (p)
sig->flags.policy_url = 1;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_PREF_KS, NULL);
if (p)
sig->flags.pref_ks = 1;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_SIGNERS_UID, &len);
if (p && len)
sig->signers_uid = try_make_printable_string (p, len, 0);
if (!sig->signers_uid)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_NOTATION, NULL);
if (p)
sig->flags.notation = 1;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_REVOCABLE, NULL);
if (p && *p == 0)
sig->flags.revocable = 0;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_TRUST, &len);
if (p && len == 2)
sig->trust_depth = p[0];
sig->trust_value = p[1];
/* Only look for a regexp if there is also a trust
subpacket. */
sig->trust_regexp =
parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_REGEXP, &len);
/* If the regular expression is of 0 length, there is no
regular expression. */
if (len == 0)
sig->trust_regexp = NULL;
/* We accept the exportable subpacket from either the hashed or
unhashed areas as older versions of gpg put it in the
unhashed area. In theory, anyway, we should never see this
packet off of a local keyring. */
p = parse_sig_subpkt2 (sig, SIGSUBPKT_EXPORTABLE);
if (p && *p == 0)
sig->flags.exportable = 0;
/* Find all revocation keys. */
if (sig->sig_class == 0x1F)
parse_revkeys (sig);
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":signature packet: algo %d, keyid %08lX%08lX\n"
"\tversion %d, created %lu, md5len %d, sigclass 0x%02x\n"
"\tdigest algo %d, begin of digest %02x %02x\n",
(ulong) sig->keyid[0], (ulong) sig->keyid[1],
sig->version, (ulong) sig->timestamp, md5_len, sig->sig_class,
sig->digest_algo, sig->digest_start[0], sig->digest_start[1]);
if (is_v4)
parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_LIST_HASHED, NULL);
parse_sig_subpkt (sig->unhashed, SIGSUBPKT_LIST_UNHASHED, NULL);
ndata = pubkey_get_nsig (sig->pubkey_algo);
if (!ndata)
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tunknown algorithm %d\n", sig->pubkey_algo);
unknown_pubkey_warning (sig->pubkey_algo);
/* We store the plain material in data[0], so that we are able
* to write it back with build_packet(). */
if (pktlen > (5 * MAX_EXTERN_MPI_BITS / 8))
/* We include a limit to avoid too trivial DoS attacks by
having gpg allocate too much memory. */
log_error ("signature packet: too much data\n");
sig->data[0] =
gcry_mpi_set_opaque (NULL, read_rest (inp, pktlen), pktlen * 8);
pktlen = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ndata; i++)
n = pktlen;
sig->data[i] = mpi_read (inp, &n, 0);
pktlen -= n;
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tdata: ");
mpi_print (listfp, sig->data[i], mpi_print_mode);
es_putc ('\n', listfp);
if (!sig->data[i])
iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, 0);
return rc;
log_error ("packet(%d) too short\n", pkttype);
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":signature packet: [too short]\n", listfp);
iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, 0);
static int
parse_onepass_sig (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PKT_onepass_sig * ops)
int version;
int rc = 0;
if (pktlen < 13)
log_error ("packet(%d) too short\n", pkttype);
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":onepass_sig packet: [too short]\n", listfp);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
version = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (version != 3)
log_error ("onepass_sig with unknown version %d\n", version);
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":onepass_sig packet: [unknown version]\n", listfp);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
ops->sig_class = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
ops->digest_algo = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
ops->pubkey_algo = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
ops->keyid[0] = read_32 (inp);
pktlen -= 4;
ops->keyid[1] = read_32 (inp);
pktlen -= 4;
ops->last = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp,
":onepass_sig packet: keyid %08lX%08lX\n"
"\tversion %d, sigclass 0x%02x, digest %d, pubkey %d, "
(ulong) ops->keyid[0], (ulong) ops->keyid[1],
version, ops->sig_class,
ops->digest_algo, ops->pubkey_algo, ops->last);
iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, 0);
return rc;
static int
parse_key (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
byte * hdr, int hdrlen, PACKET * pkt)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int i, version, algorithm;
unsigned long timestamp, expiredate, max_expiredate;
int npkey, nskey;
u32 keyid[2];
PKT_public_key *pk;
(void) hdr;
pk = pkt->pkt.public_key; /* PK has been cleared. */
version = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY && version == '#')
/* Early versions of G10 used the old PGP comments packets;
* luckily all those comments are started by a hash. */
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":rfc1991 comment packet: \"");
for (; pktlen; pktlen--)
int c;
c = iobuf_get (inp);
if (c == -1)
break; /* Ooops: shorter than indicated. */
if (c >= ' ' && c <= 'z')
es_putc (c, listfp);
es_fprintf (listfp, "\\x%02x", c);
es_fprintf (listfp, "\"\n");
iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, 0);
return 0;
else if (version == 4)
/* The only supported version. Use an older gpg
version (i.e. gpg 1.4) to parse v3 packets. */
else if (version == 2 || version == 3)
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info ("packet(%d) with obsolete version %d\n", pkttype, version);
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":key packet: [obsolete version %d]\n", version);
pk->version = version;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LEGACY_KEY);
goto leave;
log_error ("packet(%d) with unknown version %d\n", pkttype, version);
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":key packet: [unknown version]\n", listfp);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
if (pktlen < 11)
log_error ("packet(%d) too short\n", pkttype);
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":key packet: [too short]\n", listfp);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
else if (pktlen > MAX_KEY_PACKET_LENGTH)
log_error ("packet(%d) too large\n", pkttype);
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":key packet: [too larget]\n", listfp);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
timestamp = read_32 (inp);
pktlen -= 4;
expiredate = 0; /* have to get it from the selfsignature */
max_expiredate = 0;
algorithm = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":%s key packet:\n"
"\tversion %d, algo %d, created %lu, expires %lu\n",
pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY ? "public" :
pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY ? "secret" :
pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY ? "public sub" :
pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY ? "secret sub" : "??",
version, algorithm, timestamp, expiredate);
pk->timestamp = timestamp;
pk->expiredate = expiredate;
pk->max_expiredate = max_expiredate;
pk->hdrbytes = hdrlen;
pk->version = version;
pk->flags.primary = (pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY || pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY);
pk->pubkey_algo = algorithm;
nskey = pubkey_get_nskey (algorithm);
npkey = pubkey_get_npkey (algorithm);
if (!npkey)
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tunknown algorithm %d\n", algorithm);
unknown_pubkey_warning (algorithm);
if (!npkey)
/* Unknown algorithm - put data into an opaque MPI. */
pk->pkey[0] = gcry_mpi_set_opaque (NULL,
read_rest (inp, pktlen), pktlen * 8);
pktlen = 0;
goto leave;
for (i = 0; i < npkey; i++)
if ( (algorithm == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA && (i == 0))
|| (algorithm == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA && (i == 0))
|| (algorithm == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH && (i == 0 || i == 2)))
/* Read the OID (i==1) or the KDF params (i==2). */
size_t n;
err = read_size_body (inp, pktlen, &n, pk->pkey+i);
pktlen -= n;
unsigned int n = pktlen;
pk->pkey[i] = mpi_read (inp, &n, 0);
pktlen -= n;
if (!pk->pkey[i])
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tpkey[%d]: ", i);
mpi_print (listfp, pk->pkey[i], mpi_print_mode);
if ((algorithm == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA
|| algorithm == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA
|| algorithm == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH) && i==0)
char *curve = openpgp_oid_to_str (pk->pkey[0]);
const char *name = openpgp_oid_to_curve (curve, 0);
es_fprintf (listfp, " %s (%s)", name?name:"", curve);
xfree (curve);
es_putc ('\n', listfp);
if (list_mode)
keyid_from_pk (pk, keyid);
if (pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY || pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
struct seckey_info *ski;
byte temp[16];
size_t snlen = 0;
if (pktlen < 1)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
pk->seckey_info = ski = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ski);
if (!pk->seckey_info)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
ski->algo = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (ski->algo)
ski->is_protected = 1;
ski->s2k.count = 0;
if (ski->algo == 254 || ski->algo == 255)
if (pktlen < 3)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
ski->sha1chk = (ski->algo == 254);
ski->algo = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
/* Note that a ski->algo > 110 is illegal, but I'm not
erroring on it here as otherwise there would be no
way to delete such a key. */
ski->s2k.mode = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
ski->s2k.hash_algo = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
/* Check for the special GNU extension. */
if (ski->s2k.mode == 101)
for (i = 0; i < 4 && pktlen; i++, pktlen--)
temp[i] = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (i < 4 || memcmp (temp, "GNU", 3))
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tunknown S2K %d\n",
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
/* Here we know that it is a GNU extension. What
* follows is the GNU protection mode: All values
* have special meanings and they are mapped to MODE
* with a base of 1000. */
ski->s2k.mode = 1000 + temp[3];
/* Read the salt. */
switch (ski->s2k.mode)
case 1:
case 3:
for (i = 0; i < 8 && pktlen; i++, pktlen--)
temp[i] = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (i < 8)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
memcpy (ski->s2k.salt, temp, 8);
/* Check the mode. */
switch (ski->s2k.mode)
case 0:
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tsimple S2K");
case 1:
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tsalted S2K");
case 3:
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\titer+salt S2K");
case 1001:
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tgnu-dummy S2K");
case 1002:
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tgnu-divert-to-card S2K");
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tunknown %sS2K %d\n",
ski->s2k.mode < 1000 ? "" : "GNU ",
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
/* Print some info. */
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ", algo: %d,%s hash: %d",
ski->sha1chk ? " SHA1 protection,"
: " simple checksum,", ski->s2k.hash_algo);
if (ski->s2k.mode == 1 || ski->s2k.mode == 3)
es_fprintf (listfp, ", salt: ");
es_write_hexstring (listfp, ski->s2k.salt, 8, 0, NULL);
es_putc ('\n', listfp);
/* Read remaining protection parameters. */
if (ski->s2k.mode == 3)
if (pktlen < 1)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
ski->s2k.count = iobuf_get (inp);
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tprotect count: %lu (%lu)\n",
(ulong)S2K_DECODE_COUNT ((ulong)ski->s2k.count),
(ulong) ski->s2k.count);
else if (ski->s2k.mode == 1002)
/* Read the serial number. */
if (pktlen < 1)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
snlen = iobuf_get (inp);
if (pktlen < snlen || snlen == (size_t)(-1))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
else /* Old version; no S2K, so we set mode to 0, hash MD5. */
/* Note that a ski->algo > 110 is illegal, but I'm not
erroring on it here as otherwise there would be no
way to delete such a key. */
ski->s2k.mode = 0;
ski->s2k.hash_algo = DIGEST_ALGO_MD5;
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tprotect algo: %d (hash algo: %d)\n",
ski->algo, ski->s2k.hash_algo);
/* It is really ugly that we don't know the size
* of the IV here in cases we are not aware of the algorithm.
* so a
* ski->ivlen = cipher_get_blocksize (ski->algo);
* won't work. The only solution I see is to hardwire it.
* NOTE: if you change the ivlen above 16, don't forget to
* enlarge temp. */
ski->ivlen = openpgp_cipher_blocklen (ski->algo);
log_assert (ski->ivlen <= sizeof (temp));
if (ski->s2k.mode == 1001)
ski->ivlen = 0;
else if (ski->s2k.mode == 1002)
ski->ivlen = snlen < 16 ? snlen : 16;
if (pktlen < ski->ivlen)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
for (i = 0; i < ski->ivlen; i++, pktlen--)
temp[i] = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp,
ski->s2k.mode == 1002 ? "\tserial-number: "
: "\tprotect IV: ");
for (i = 0; i < ski->ivlen; i++)
es_fprintf (listfp, " %02x", temp[i]);
es_putc ('\n', listfp);
memcpy (ski->iv, temp, ski->ivlen);
/* It does not make sense to read it into secure memory.
* If the user is so careless, not to protect his secret key,
* we can assume, that he operates an open system :=(.
* So we put the key into secure memory when we unprotect it. */
if (ski->s2k.mode == 1001 || ski->s2k.mode == 1002)
/* Better set some dummy stuff here. */
pk->pkey[npkey] = gcry_mpi_set_opaque (NULL,
xstrdup ("dummydata"),
10 * 8);
pktlen = 0;
else if (ski->is_protected)
if (pktlen < 2) /* At least two bytes for the length. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
/* Ugly: The length is encrypted too, so we read all stuff
* up to the end of the packet into the first SKEY
* element. */
pk->pkey[npkey] = gcry_mpi_set_opaque (NULL,
read_rest (inp, pktlen),
pktlen * 8);
/* Mark that MPI as protected - we need this information for
importing a key. The OPAQUE flag can't be used because
we also store public EdDSA values in opaque MPIs. */
if (pk->pkey[npkey])
gcry_mpi_set_flag (pk->pkey[npkey], GCRYMPI_FLAG_USER1);
pktlen = 0;
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tskey[%d]: [v4 protected]\n", npkey);
/* Not encrypted. */
for (i = npkey; i < nskey; i++)
unsigned int n;
if (pktlen < 2) /* At least two bytes for the length. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
n = pktlen;
pk->pkey[i] = mpi_read (inp, &n, 0);
pktlen -= n;
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tskey[%d]: ", i);
mpi_print (listfp, pk->pkey[i], mpi_print_mode);
es_putc ('\n', listfp);
if (!pk->pkey[i])
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (pktlen < 2)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
ski->csum = read_16 (inp);
pktlen -= 2;
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tchecksum: %04hx\n", ski->csum);
/* Note that KEYID below has been initialized above in list_mode. */
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tkeyid: %08lX%08lX\n",
(ulong) keyid[0], (ulong) keyid[1]);
iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, 0);
return err;
/* Attribute subpackets have the same format as v4 signature
subpackets. This is not part of OpenPGP, but is done in several
versions of PGP nevertheless. */
parse_attribute_subpkts (PKT_user_id * uid)
size_t n;
int count = 0;
struct user_attribute *attribs = NULL;
const byte *buffer = uid->attrib_data;
int buflen = uid->attrib_len;
byte type;
xfree (uid->attribs);
while (buflen)
n = *buffer++;
if (n == 255) /* 4 byte length header. */
if (buflen < 4)
goto too_short;
n = buf32_to_size_t (buffer);
buffer += 4;
buflen -= 4;
else if (n >= 192) /* 2 byte special encoded length header. */
if (buflen < 2)
goto too_short;
n = ((n - 192) << 8) + *buffer + 192;
if (buflen < n)
goto too_short;
if (!n)
/* Too short to encode the subpacket type. */
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("attribute subpacket too short\n");
attribs = xrealloc (attribs,
(count + 1) * sizeof (struct user_attribute));
memset (&attribs[count], 0, sizeof (struct user_attribute));
type = *buffer;
attribs[count].type = type;
attribs[count].data = buffer;
attribs[count].len = n;
buffer += n;
buflen -= n;
uid->attribs = attribs;
uid->numattribs = count;
return count;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("buffer shorter than attribute subpacket\n");
uid->attribs = attribs;
uid->numattribs = count;
return count;
static int
parse_user_id (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen, PACKET * packet)
byte *p;
/* Cap the size of a user ID at 2k: a value absurdly large enough
that there is no sane user ID string (which is printable text
as of RFC2440bis) that won't fit in it, but yet small enough to
avoid allocation problems. A large pktlen may not be
allocatable, and a very large pktlen could actually cause our
allocation to wrap around in xmalloc to a small number. */
log_error ("packet(%d) too large\n", pkttype);
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":user ID packet: [too large]\n");
iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, 0);
packet->pkt.user_id = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *packet->pkt.user_id + pktlen);
packet->pkt.user_id->len = pktlen;
packet->pkt.user_id->ref = 1;
p = packet->pkt.user_id->name;
for (; pktlen; pktlen--, p++)
*p = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
*p = 0;
if (list_mode)
int n = packet->pkt.user_id->len;
es_fprintf (listfp, ":user ID packet: \"");
/* fixme: Hey why don't we replace this with es_write_sanitized?? */
for (p = packet->pkt.user_id->name; n; p++, n--)
if (*p >= ' ' && *p <= 'z')
es_putc (*p, listfp);
es_fprintf (listfp, "\\x%02x", *p);
es_fprintf (listfp, "\"\n");
return 0;
make_attribute_uidname (PKT_user_id * uid, size_t max_namelen)
log_assert (max_namelen > 70);
if (uid->numattribs <= 0)
sprintf (uid->name, "[bad attribute packet of size %lu]",
else if (uid->numattribs > 1)
sprintf (uid->name, "[%d attributes of size %lu]",
uid->numattribs, uid->attrib_len);
/* Only one attribute, so list it as the "user id" */
if (uid->attribs->type == ATTRIB_IMAGE)
u32 len;
byte type;
if (parse_image_header (uid->attribs, &type, &len))
sprintf (uid->name, "[%.20s image of size %lu]",
image_type_to_string (type, 1), (ulong) len);
sprintf (uid->name, "[invalid image]");
sprintf (uid->name, "[unknown attribute of size %lu]",
(ulong) uid->attribs->len);
uid->len = strlen (uid->name);
static int
parse_attribute (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * packet)
byte *p;
(void) pkttype;
/* We better cap the size of an attribute packet to make DoS not too
easy. 16MB should be more then enough for one attribute packet
(ie. a photo). */
log_error ("packet(%d) too large\n", pkttype);
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":attribute packet: [too large]\n");
iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, 0);
packet->pkt.user_id = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *packet->pkt.user_id
packet->pkt.user_id->ref = 1;
packet->pkt.user_id->attrib_data = xmalloc (pktlen? pktlen:1);
packet->pkt.user_id->attrib_len = pktlen;
p = packet->pkt.user_id->attrib_data;
for (; pktlen; pktlen--, p++)
*p = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
/* Now parse out the individual attribute subpackets. This is
somewhat pointless since there is only one currently defined
attribute type (jpeg), but it is correct by the spec. */
parse_attribute_subpkts (packet->pkt.user_id);
make_attribute_uidname (packet->pkt.user_id, EXTRA_UID_NAME_SPACE);
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":attribute packet: %s\n", packet->pkt.user_id->name);
return 0;
static int
parse_comment (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen, PACKET * packet)
byte *p;
/* Cap comment packet at a reasonable value to avoid an integer
overflow in the malloc below. Comment packets are actually not
anymore define my OpenPGP and we even stopped to use our
private comment packet. */
log_error ("packet(%d) too large\n", pkttype);
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":%scomment packet: [too large]\n",
pkttype == PKT_OLD_COMMENT ? "OpenPGP draft " : "");
iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, 0);
packet->pkt.comment = xmalloc (sizeof *packet->pkt.comment + pktlen - 1);
packet->pkt.comment->len = pktlen;
p = packet->pkt.comment->data;
for (; pktlen; pktlen--, p++)
*p = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (list_mode)
int n = packet->pkt.comment->len;
es_fprintf (listfp, ":%scomment packet: \"", pkttype == PKT_OLD_COMMENT ?
"OpenPGP draft " : "");
for (p = packet->pkt.comment->data; n; p++, n--)
if (*p >= ' ' && *p <= 'z')
es_putc (*p, listfp);
es_fprintf (listfp, "\\x%02x", *p);
es_fprintf (listfp, "\"\n");
return 0;
static void
parse_trust (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen, PACKET * pkt)
int c;
(void) pkttype;
pkt->pkt.ring_trust = xmalloc (sizeof *pkt->pkt.ring_trust);
if (pktlen)
c = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
pkt->pkt.ring_trust->trustval = c;
pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache = 0;
if (!c && pktlen == 1)
c = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
/* We require that bit 7 of the sigcache is 0 (easier eof
handling). */
if (!(c & 0x80))
pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache = c;
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":trust packet: flag=%02x sigcache=%02x\n",
pkt->pkt.ring_trust->trustval = 0;
pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache = 0;
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":trust packet: empty\n");
iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, 0);
static int
parse_plaintext (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * pkt, int new_ctb, int partial)
int rc = 0;
int mode, namelen;
PKT_plaintext *pt;
byte *p;
int c, i;
if (!partial && pktlen < 6)
log_error ("packet(%d) too short (%lu)\n", pkttype, (ulong) pktlen);
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":literal data packet: [too short]\n", listfp);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
mode = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (pktlen)
namelen = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (pktlen)
/* Note that namelen will never exceed 255 bytes. */
pt = pkt->pkt.plaintext =
xmalloc (sizeof *pkt->pkt.plaintext + namelen - 1);
pt->new_ctb = new_ctb;
pt->mode = mode;
pt->namelen = namelen;
pt->is_partial = partial;
if (pktlen)
for (i = 0; pktlen > 4 && i < namelen; pktlen--, i++)
pt->name[i] = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
for (i = 0; i < namelen; i++)
if ((c = iobuf_get (inp)) == -1)
pt->name[i] = c;
pt->timestamp = read_32 (inp);
if (pktlen)
pktlen -= 4;
pt->len = pktlen;
pt->buf = inp;
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":literal data packet:\n"
"\tmode %c (%X), created %lu, name=\"",
mode >= ' ' && mode < 'z' ? mode : '?', mode,
(ulong) pt->timestamp);
for (p = pt->name, i = 0; i < namelen; p++, i++)
if (*p >= ' ' && *p <= 'z')
es_putc (*p, listfp);
es_fprintf (listfp, "\\x%02x", *p);
es_fprintf (listfp, "\",\n\traw data: ");
if (partial)
es_fprintf (listfp, "unknown length\n");
es_fprintf (listfp, "%lu bytes\n", (ulong) pt->len);
return rc;
static int
parse_compressed (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * pkt, int new_ctb)
PKT_compressed *zd;
/* PKTLEN is here 0, but data follows (this should be the last
object in a file or the compress algorithm should know the
length). */
(void) pkttype;
(void) pktlen;
zd = pkt->pkt.compressed = xmalloc (sizeof *pkt->pkt.compressed);
zd->algorithm = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
zd->len = 0; /* not used */
zd->new_ctb = new_ctb;
zd->buf = inp;
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":compressed packet: algo=%d\n", zd->algorithm);
return 0;
static int
parse_encrypted (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * pkt, int new_ctb, int partial)
int rc = 0;
PKT_encrypted *ed;
unsigned long orig_pktlen = pktlen;
ed = pkt->pkt.encrypted = xmalloc (sizeof *pkt->pkt.encrypted);
/* ed->len is set below. */
ed->extralen = 0; /* Unknown here; only used in build_packet. */
ed->buf = NULL;
ed->new_ctb = new_ctb;
ed->is_partial = partial;
if (pkttype == PKT_ENCRYPTED_MDC)
/* Fixme: add some pktlen sanity checks. */
int version;
version = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
if (orig_pktlen)
if (version != 1)
log_error ("encrypted_mdc packet with unknown version %d\n",
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":encrypted data packet: [unknown version]\n", listfp);
/*skip_rest(inp, pktlen); should we really do this? */
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
ed->mdc_method = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1;
ed->mdc_method = 0;
/* A basic sanity check. We need at least an 8 byte IV plus the 2
detection bytes. Note that we don't known the algorithm and thus
we may only check against the minimum blocksize. */
if (orig_pktlen && pktlen < 10)
/* Actually this is blocksize+2. */
log_error ("packet(%d) too short\n", pkttype);
if (list_mode)
es_fputs (":encrypted data packet: [too short]\n", listfp);
iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, partial);
goto leave;
/* Store the remaining length of the encrypted data (i.e. without
the MDC version number but with the IV etc.). This value is
required during decryption. */
ed->len = pktlen;
if (list_mode)
if (orig_pktlen)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":encrypted data packet:\n\tlength: %lu\n",
es_fprintf (listfp, ":encrypted data packet:\n\tlength: unknown\n");
if (ed->mdc_method)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\tmdc_method: %d\n", ed->mdc_method);
ed->buf = inp;
return rc;
/* Note, that this code is not anymore used in real life because the
MDC checking is now done right after the decryption in
decrypt_data. */
static int
parse_mdc (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * pkt, int new_ctb)
int rc = 0;
PKT_mdc *mdc;
byte *p;
(void) pkttype;
mdc = pkt->pkt.mdc = xmalloc (sizeof *pkt->pkt.mdc);
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":mdc packet: length=%lu\n", pktlen);
if (!new_ctb || pktlen != 20)
log_error ("mdc_packet with invalid encoding\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
p = mdc->hash;
for (; pktlen; pktlen--, p++)
*p = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
return rc;
* This packet is internally generated by us (ibn armor.c) to transfer
* some information to the lower layer. To make sure that this packet
* is really a GPG faked one and not one coming from outside, we
* first check that there is a unique tag in it.
* The format of such a control packet is:
* n byte session marker
* 1 byte control type CTRLPKT_xxxxx
* m byte control data
static int
parse_gpg_control (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen,
PACKET * packet, int partial)
byte *p;
const byte *sesmark;
size_t sesmarklen;
int i;
(void) pkttype;
if (list_mode)
es_fprintf (listfp, ":packet 63: length %lu ", pktlen);
sesmark = get_session_marker (&sesmarklen);
if (pktlen < sesmarklen + 1) /* 1 is for the control bytes */
goto skipit;
for (i = 0; i < sesmarklen; i++, pktlen--)
if (sesmark[i] != iobuf_get_noeof (inp))
goto skipit;
if (pktlen > 4096)
goto skipit; /* Definitely too large. We skip it to avoid an
overflow in the malloc. */
if (list_mode)
es_fputs ("- gpg control packet", listfp);
packet->pkt.gpg_control = xmalloc (sizeof *packet->pkt.gpg_control
+ pktlen - 1);
packet->pkt.gpg_control->control = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
packet->pkt.gpg_control->datalen = pktlen;
p = packet->pkt.gpg_control->data;
for (; pktlen; pktlen--, p++)
*p = iobuf_get_noeof (inp);
return 0;
if (list_mode)
int c;
i = 0;
es_fprintf (listfp, "- private (rest length %lu)\n", pktlen);
if (partial)
while ((c = iobuf_get (inp)) != -1)
dump_hex_line (c, &i);
for (; pktlen; pktlen--)
dump_hex_line ((c = iobuf_get (inp)), &i);
if (c == -1)
es_putc ('\n', listfp);
iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, 0);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
/* Create a GPG control packet to be used internally as a placeholder. */
create_gpg_control (ctrlpkttype_t type, const byte * data, size_t datalen)
PACKET *packet;
byte *p;
packet = xmalloc (sizeof *packet);
init_packet (packet);
packet->pkttype = PKT_GPG_CONTROL;
packet->pkt.gpg_control = xmalloc (sizeof *packet->pkt.gpg_control
+ datalen - 1);
packet->pkt.gpg_control->control = type;
packet->pkt.gpg_control->datalen = datalen;
p = packet->pkt.gpg_control->data;
for (; datalen; datalen--, p++)
*p = *data++;
return packet;
diff --git a/g10/passphrase.c b/g10/passphrase.c
index d75d980a1..ccd232a4f 100644
--- a/g10/passphrase.c
+++ b/g10/passphrase.c
@@ -1,547 +1,547 @@
/* passphrase.c - Get a passphrase
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
* 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <langinfo.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "call-agent.h"
#include "../common/shareddefs.h"
static char *fd_passwd = NULL;
static char *next_pw = NULL;
static char *last_pw = NULL;
/* Pack an s2k iteration count into the form specified in 2440. If
we're in between valid values, round up. With value 0 return the
old default. */
unsigned char
encode_s2k_iterations (int iterations)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char c=0;
unsigned char result;
unsigned int count;
if (!iterations)
unsigned long mycnt;
/* Ask the gpg-agent for a useful iteration count. */
err = agent_get_s2k_count (&mycnt);
if (err || mycnt < 65536)
/* Don't print an error if an older agent is used. */
if (err && gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER)
log_error (_("problem with the agent: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
/* Default to 65536 which we used up to 2.0.13. */
return 96;
else if (mycnt >= 65011712)
return 255; /* Largest possible value. */
return encode_s2k_iterations ((int)mycnt);
if (iterations <= 1024)
return 0; /* Command line arg compatibility. */
if (iterations >= 65011712)
return 255;
/* Need count to be in the range 16-31 */
for (count=iterations>>6; count>=32; count>>=1)
result = (c<<4)|(count-16);
if (S2K_DECODE_COUNT(result) < iterations)
return result;
return (!!fd_passwd
&& (opt.batch || opt.pinentry_mode == PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK));
/* Return a static passphrase. The returned value is only valid as
long as no other passphrase related function is called. NULL may
be returned if no passphrase has been set; better use
have_static_passphrase first. */
const char *
get_static_passphrase (void)
return fd_passwd;
* Set the passphrase to be used for the next query and only for the next
* one.
set_next_passphrase( const char *s )
next_pw = NULL;
if ( s )
next_pw = xmalloc_secure( strlen(s)+1 );
strcpy (next_pw, s );
* Get the last passphrase used in passphrase_to_dek.
* Note: This removes the passphrase from this modules and
* the caller must free the result. May return NULL:
char *
char *p = last_pw;
last_pw = NULL;
return p;
/* Here's an interesting question: since this passphrase was passed in
on the command line, is there really any point in using secure
memory for it? I'm going with 'yes', since it doesn't hurt, and
might help in some small way (swapping). */
set_passphrase_from_string(const char *pass)
xfree (fd_passwd);
fd_passwd = xmalloc_secure(strlen(pass)+1);
strcpy (fd_passwd, pass);
read_passphrase_from_fd( int fd )
int i, len;
char *pw;
if ( !opt.batch && opt.pinentry_mode != PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK)
{ /* Not used but we have to do a dummy read, so that it won't end
up at the begin of the message if the quite usual trick to
prepend the passphtrase to the message is used. */
char buf[1];
while (!(read (fd, buf, 1) != 1 || *buf == '\n' ))
*buf = 0;
for (pw = NULL, i = len = 100; ; i++ )
if (i >= len-1 )
char *pw2 = pw;
len += 100;
pw = xmalloc_secure( len );
if( pw2 )
memcpy(pw, pw2, i );
xfree (pw2);
if (read( fd, pw+i, 1) != 1 || pw[i] == '\n' )
pw[i] = 0;
if (!opt.batch && opt.pinentry_mode != PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK)
tty_printf("\b\b\b \n" );
xfree ( fd_passwd );
fd_passwd = pw;
* Ask the GPG Agent for the passphrase.
* If NOCACHE is set the symmetric passpharse caching will not be used.
* Note that TRYAGAIN_TEXT must not be translated. If CANCELED is not
* NULL, the function does set it to 1 if the user canceled the
* operation. If CACHEID is not NULL, it will be used as the cacheID
* for the gpg-agent; if is NULL and a key fingerprint can be
* computed, this will be used as the cacheid.
static char *
passphrase_get (int nocache, const char *cacheid, int repeat,
const char *tryagain_text, int *canceled)
int rc;
char *pw = NULL;
char *orig_codeset;
const char *my_cacheid;
if (canceled)
*canceled = 0;
orig_codeset = i18n_switchto_utf8 ();
if (!nocache && cacheid)
my_cacheid = cacheid;
my_cacheid = NULL;
if (tryagain_text)
tryagain_text = _(tryagain_text);
rc = agent_get_passphrase (my_cacheid, tryagain_text, NULL,
_("Enter passphrase\n"),
repeat, nocache, &pw);
i18n_switchback (orig_codeset);
if (!rc)
else if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_CANCELED
|| gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_FULLY_CANCELED)
log_info (_("cancelled by user\n") );
if (canceled)
*canceled = 1;
log_error (_("problem with the agent: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
/* Due to limitations in the API of the upper layers they
consider an error as no passphrase entered. This works in
most cases but not during key creation where this should
definitely not happen and let it continue without requiring a
passphrase. Given that now all the upper layers handle a
cancel correctly, we simply set the cancel flag now for all
errors from the agent. */
if (canceled)
*canceled = 1;
write_status_errcode ("get_passphrase", rc);
if (rc)
xfree (pw);
pw = NULL;
return pw;
* Clear the cached passphrase with CACHEID.
passphrase_clear_cache (const char *cacheid)
int rc;
rc = agent_clear_passphrase (cacheid);
if (rc)
log_error (_("problem with the agent: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
/* Return a new DEK object using the string-to-key specifier S2K.
* Returns NULL if the user canceled the passphrase entry and if
* CANCELED is not NULL, sets it to true.
* If CREATE is true a new passphrase sll be created. If NOCACHE is
* true the symmetric key caching will not be used. */
passphrase_to_dek (int cipher_algo, STRING2KEY *s2k,
int create, int nocache,
const char *tryagain_text, int *canceled)
char *pw = NULL;
DEK *dek;
STRING2KEY help_s2k;
int dummy_canceled;
char s2k_cacheidbuf[1+16+1];
char *s2k_cacheid = NULL;
if (!canceled)
canceled = &dummy_canceled;
*canceled = 0;
if ( !s2k )
log_assert (create && !nocache);
/* This is used for the old rfc1991 mode
* Note: This must match the code in encode.c with opt.rfc1991 set */
s2k = &help_s2k;
s2k->mode = 0;
s2k->hash_algo = S2K_DIGEST_ALGO;
/* Create a new salt or what else to be filled into the s2k for a
new key. */
if (create && (s2k->mode == 1 || s2k->mode == 3))
gcry_randomize (s2k->salt, 8, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
if ( s2k->mode == 3 )
/* We delay the encoding until it is really needed. This is
if we are going to dynamically calibrate it, we need to
call out to gpg-agent and that should not be done during
option processing in main(). */
if (!opt.s2k_count)
opt.s2k_count = encode_s2k_iterations (0);
s2k->count = opt.s2k_count;
/* If we do not have a passphrase available in NEXT_PW and status
information are request, we print them now. */
if ( !next_pw && is_status_enabled() )
char buf[50];
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%d %d %d",
cipher_algo, s2k->mode, s2k->hash_algo );
write_status_text ( STATUS_NEED_PASSPHRASE_SYM, buf );
if ( next_pw )
/* Simply return the passphrase we already have in NEXT_PW. */
pw = next_pw;
next_pw = NULL;
else if ( have_static_passphrase () )
/* Return the passphrase we have stored in FD_PASSWD. */
pw = xmalloc_secure ( strlen(fd_passwd)+1 );
strcpy ( pw, fd_passwd );
if (!nocache && (s2k->mode == 1 || s2k->mode == 3))
memset (s2k_cacheidbuf, 0, sizeof s2k_cacheidbuf);
*s2k_cacheidbuf = 'S';
bin2hex (s2k->salt, 8, s2k_cacheidbuf + 1);
s2k_cacheid = s2k_cacheidbuf;
if (opt.pinentry_mode == PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK)
char buf[32];
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%u", 100);
write_status_text (STATUS_INQUIRE_MAXLEN, buf);
/* Divert to the gpg-agent. */
pw = passphrase_get (create && nocache, s2k_cacheid,
create? opt.passphrase_repeat : 0,
tryagain_text, canceled);
if (*canceled)
xfree (pw);
return NULL;
if ( !pw || !*pw )
/* Hash the passphrase and store it in a newly allocated DEK object.
Keep a copy of the passphrase in LAST_PW for use by
get_last_passphrase(). */
dek = xmalloc_secure_clear ( sizeof *dek );
dek->algo = cipher_algo;
if ( (!pw || !*pw) && create)
dek->keylen = 0;
gpg_error_t err;
dek->keylen = openpgp_cipher_get_algo_keylen (dek->algo);
if (!(dek->keylen > 0 && dek->keylen <= DIM(dek->key)))
BUG ();
err = gcry_kdf_derive (pw, strlen (pw),
s2k->mode == 3? GCRY_KDF_ITERSALTED_S2K :
s2k->mode == 1? GCRY_KDF_SALTED_S2K :
s2k->hash_algo, s2k->salt, 8,
dek->keylen, dek->key);
if (err)
log_error ("gcry_kdf_derive failed: %s", gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (pw);
xfree (dek);
return NULL;
if (s2k_cacheid)
memcpy (dek->s2k_cacheid, s2k_cacheid, sizeof dek->s2k_cacheid);
last_pw = pw;
return dek;
/* Emit the USERID_HINT and the NEED_PASSPHRASE status messages.
emit_status_need_passphrase (u32 *keyid, u32 *mainkeyid, int pubkey_algo)
char buf[50];
char *us;
us = get_long_user_id_string (keyid);
write_status_text (STATUS_USERID_HINT, us);
xfree (us);
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%08lX%08lX %08lX%08lX %d 0",
(ulong)(mainkeyid? mainkeyid[0]:keyid[0]),
(ulong)(mainkeyid? mainkeyid[1]:keyid[1]),
write_status_text (STATUS_NEED_PASSPHRASE, buf);
/* Return an allocated utf-8 string describing the key PK. If ESCAPED
is true spaces and control characters are percent or plus escaped.
MODE describes the use of the key description; use one of the
FORMAT_KEYDESC_ macros. */
char *
gpg_format_keydesc (PKT_public_key *pk, int mode, int escaped)
char *uid;
size_t uidlen;
const char *algo_name;
const char *timestr;
char *orig_codeset;
char *maink;
char *desc;
const char *prompt;
const char *trailer = "";
int is_subkey;
is_subkey = (pk->main_keyid[0] && pk->main_keyid[1]
&& pk->keyid[0] != pk->main_keyid[0]
&& pk->keyid[1] != pk->main_keyid[1]);
algo_name = openpgp_pk_algo_name (pk->pubkey_algo);
timestr = strtimestamp (pk->timestamp);
uid = get_user_id (is_subkey? pk->main_keyid:pk->keyid, &uidlen);
orig_codeset = i18n_switchto_utf8 ();
if (is_subkey)
maink = xtryasprintf (_(" (main key ID %s)"), keystr (pk->main_keyid));
maink = NULL;
switch (mode)
prompt = _("Please enter the passphrase to unlock the"
" OpenPGP secret key:");
prompt = _("Please enter the passphrase to import the"
" OpenPGP secret key:");
if (is_subkey)
prompt = _("Please enter the passphrase to export the"
" OpenPGP secret subkey:");
prompt = _("Please enter the passphrase to export the"
" OpenPGP secret key:");
if (is_subkey)
prompt = _("Do you really want to permanently delete the"
" OpenPGP secret subkey key:");
prompt = _("Do you really want to permanently delete the"
" OpenPGP secret key:");
trailer = "?";
prompt = "?";
desc = xtryasprintf (_("%s\n"
"%u-bit %s key, ID %s,\n"
"created %s%s.\n%s"),
(int)uidlen, uid,
nbits_from_pk (pk), algo_name,
keystr (pk->keyid), timestr,
maink?maink:"", trailer);
xfree (maink);
xfree (uid);
i18n_switchback (orig_codeset);
if (escaped)
char *tmp = percent_plus_escape (desc);
xfree (desc);
desc = tmp;
return desc;
diff --git a/g10/photoid.c b/g10/photoid.c
index e18865359..b61ed1bcd 100644
--- a/g10/photoid.c
+++ b/g10/photoid.c
@@ -1,382 +1,382 @@
/* photoid.c - photo ID handling code
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
# include <winsock2.h>
# endif
# include <windows.h>
# endif
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "exec.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "photoid.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
/* Generate a new photo id packet, or return NULL if canceled.
FIXME: Should we add a duplicates check similar to generate_user_id? */
PKT_user_id *
generate_photo_id (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk,const char *photo_name)
PKT_user_id *uid;
int error=1,i;
unsigned int len;
char *filename;
byte *photo=NULL;
byte header[16];
IOBUF file;
int overflow;
header[0]=0x10; /* little side of photo header length */
header[1]=0; /* big side of photo header length */
header[2]=1; /* 1 == version of photo header */
header[3]=1; /* 1 == JPEG */
for(i=4;i<16;i++) /* The reserved bytes */
if(photo_name && *photo_name)
filename=make_filename(photo_name,(void *)NULL);
tty_printf(_("\nPick an image to use for your photo ID."
" The image must be a JPEG file.\n"
"Remember that the image is stored within your public key."
" If you use a\n"
"very large picture, your key will become very large"
" as well!\n"
"Keeping the image close to 240x288 is a good size"
" to use.\n"));
char *tempname;
_("Enter JPEG filename for photo ID: "));
filename=make_filename(tempname,(void *)NULL);
goto scram;
if (file && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (file)))
iobuf_close (file);
file = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
log_error(_("unable to open JPEG file '%s': %s\n"),
len=iobuf_get_filelength(file, &overflow);
if(len>6144 || overflow)
tty_printf( _("This JPEG is really large (%d bytes) !\n"),len);
_("Are you sure you want to use it? (y/N) ")))
/* Is it a JPEG? */
if(photo[0]!=0xFF || photo[1]!=0xD8)
log_error(_("'%s' is not a JPEG file\n"),filename);
/* Build the packet */
make_attribute_uidname(uid, EXTRA_UID_NAME_SPACE);
/* Showing the photo is not safe when noninteractive since the
"user" may not be able to dismiss a viewer window! */
show_photos (ctrl, uid->attribs, uid->numattribs, pk, uid);
_("Is this photo correct (y/N/q)? ")))
case -1:
goto scram;
case 0:
return NULL;
return uid;
/* Returns 0 for error, 1 for valid */
int parse_image_header(const struct user_attribute *attr,byte *type,u32 *len)
u16 headerlen;
return 0;
/* For historical reasons (i.e. "oops!"), the header length is
little endian. */
headerlen=(attr->data[1]<<8) | attr->data[0];
return 0;
if(type && attr->len>=4)
if(attr->data[2]==1) /* header version 1 */
return 0;
return 1;
/* style==0 for extension, 1 for name, 2 for MIME type. Remember that
the "name" style string could be used in a user ID name field, so
make sure it is not too big (see parse-packet.c:parse_attribute).
Extensions should be 3 characters long for the best cross-platform
compatibility. */
char *image_type_to_string(byte type,int style)
char *string;
case 1: /* jpeg */
else if(style==1)
else if(style==1)
return string;
static const char *get_default_photo_command(void)
#if defined(_WIN32)
return "start /w %i";
return "cmd /c start /w %i";
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
/* OS X. This really needs more than just __APPLE__. */
return "open %I";
#elif defined(__riscos__)
return "Filer_Run %I";
return "xloadimage -fork -quiet -title 'KeyID 0x%k' stdin";
show_photos (ctrl_t ctrl, const struct user_attribute *attrs, int count,
PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *uid)
int i;
struct expando_args args;
u32 len;
u32 kid[2]={0,0};
memset (&args, 0, sizeof(args)); = pk;
args.validity_info = get_validity_info (ctrl, pk, uid);
args.validity_string = get_validity_string (ctrl, pk, uid);
namehash_from_uid (uid);
args.namehash = uid->namehash;
if (pk)
keyid_from_pk (pk, kid);
if(attrs[i].type==ATTRIB_IMAGE &&
char *command,*name;
struct exec_info *spawn;
int offset=attrs[i].len-len;
/* make command grow */
goto fail;
/* Make the filename. Notice we are not using the image
encoding type for more than cosmetics. Most external image
viewers can handle a multitude of types, and even if one
cannot understand a particular type, we have no way to know
which. The spec permits this, by the way. -dms */
#ifdef USE_ONLY_8DOT3
sprintf(name,"%08lX" EXTSEP_S "%s",(ulong)kid[1],
sprintf(name,"%08lX%08lX" EXTSEP_S "%s",(ulong)kid[0],(ulong)kid[1],
goto fail;
#ifdef __riscos__
goto fail;
goto fail;
log_error(_("unable to display photo ID!\n"));
diff --git a/g10/photoid.h b/g10/photoid.h
index 9fc758e92..fc7ec6fbc 100644
--- a/g10/photoid.h
+++ b/g10/photoid.h
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
/* photoid.h
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2005, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* Photo ID functions */
#ifndef _PHOTOID_H_
#define _PHOTOID_H_
#include "packet.h"
PKT_user_id *generate_photo_id (ctrl_t ctrl,
PKT_public_key *pk,const char *filename);
int parse_image_header(const struct user_attribute *attr,byte *type,u32 *len);
char *image_type_to_string(byte type,int style);
void show_photos (ctrl_t ctrl, const struct user_attribute *attrs, int count,
PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *uid);
#endif /* !_PHOTOID_H_ */
diff --git a/g10/pkclist.c b/g10/pkclist.c
index eef343797..51e8f274c 100644
--- a/g10/pkclist.c
+++ b/g10/pkclist.c
@@ -1,1693 +1,1693 @@
/* pkclist.c - create a list of public keys
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
* 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "photoid.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "tofu.h"
#define CONTROL_D ('D' - 'A' + 1)
static void
send_status_inv_recp (int reason, const char *name)
char buf[40];
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%d ", reason);
write_status_text_and_buffer (STATUS_INV_RECP, buf,
name, strlen (name),
* Show the revocation reason as it is stored with the given signature
static void
do_show_revocation_reason( PKT_signature *sig )
size_t n, nn;
const byte *p, *pp;
int seq = 0;
const char *text;
while( (p = enum_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_REVOC_REASON,
&n, &seq, NULL )) ) {
if( !n )
continue; /* invalid - just skip it */
if( *p == 0 )
text = _("No reason specified");
else if( *p == 0x01 )
text = _("Key is superseded");
else if( *p == 0x02 )
text = _("Key has been compromised");
else if( *p == 0x03 )
text = _("Key is no longer used");
else if( *p == 0x20 )
text = _("User ID is no longer valid");
text = NULL;
log_info ( _("reason for revocation: "));
if (text)
log_printf ("%s\n", text);
log_printf ("code=%02x\n", *p );
n--; p++;
pp = NULL;
do {
/* We don't want any empty lines, so skip them */
while( n && *p == '\n' ) {
if( n ) {
pp = memchr( p, '\n', n );
nn = pp? pp - p : n;
log_info ( _("revocation comment: ") );
es_write_sanitized (log_get_stream(), p, nn, NULL, NULL);
log_printf ("\n");
p += nn; n -= nn;
} while( pp );
/* Mode 0: try and find the revocation based on the pk (i.e. check
subkeys, etc.) Mode 1: use only the revocation on the main pk */
show_revocation_reason( PKT_public_key *pk, int mode )
/* Hmmm, this is not so easy because we have to duplicate the code
* used in the trustbd to calculate the keyflags. We need to find
* a clean way to check revocation certificates on keys and
* signatures. And there should be no duplicate code. Because we
* enter this function only when the trustdb told us that we have
* a revoked key, we could simply look for a revocation cert and
* display this one, when there is only one. Let's try to do this
* until we have a better solution. */
KBNODE node, keyblock = NULL;
byte fingerprint[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN];
size_t fingerlen;
int rc;
/* get the keyblock */
fingerprint_from_pk( pk, fingerprint, &fingerlen );
rc = get_pubkey_byfprint(NULL, &keyblock, fingerprint, fingerlen);
if( rc ) { /* that should never happen */
log_debug( "failed to get the keyblock\n");
for( node=keyblock; node; node = node->next ) {
if( (mode && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY) ||
( ( node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY )
&& !cmp_public_keys( node->pkt->pkt.public_key, pk ) ) )
if( !node ) {
log_debug("Oops, PK not in keyblock\n");
release_kbnode( keyblock );
/* now find the revocation certificate */
for( node = node->next; node ; node = node->next ) {
if( node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY )
if( node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& (node->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class == 0x20
|| node->pkt->pkt.signature->sig_class == 0x28 ) ) {
/* FIXME: we should check the signature here */
do_show_revocation_reason ( node->pkt->pkt.signature );
/* We didn't find it, so check if the whole key is revoked */
if(!node && !mode)
release_kbnode( keyblock );
* mode: 0 = standard
* 1 = Without key info and additional menu option 'm'
* this does also add an option to set the key to ultimately trusted.
* Returns:
* -2 = nothing changed - caller should show some additional info
* -1 = quit operation
* 0 = nothing changed
* 1 = new ownertrust now in new_trust
static int
do_edit_ownertrust (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk, int mode,
unsigned *new_trust, int defer_help )
char *p;
u32 keyid[2];
int changed=0;
int quit=0;
int show=0;
int min_num;
int did_help=defer_help;
unsigned int minimum = tdb_get_min_ownertrust (pk);
case TRUST_UNDEFINED: min_num=1; break;
case TRUST_NEVER: min_num=2; break;
case TRUST_MARGINAL: min_num=3; break;
case TRUST_FULLY: min_num=4; break;
keyid_from_pk (pk, keyid);
for(;;) {
/* A string with valid answers.
TRANSLATORS: These are the allowed answers in lower and
uppercase. Below you will find the matching strings which
should be translated accordingly and the letter changed to
match the one in the answer string.
i = please show me more information
m = back to the main menu
s = skip this key
q = quit
const char *ans = _("iImMqQsS");
if( !did_help )
if( !mode )
KBNODE keyblock, un;
tty_printf (_("No trust value assigned to:\n"));
print_key_line (NULL, pk, 0);
p = get_user_id_native(keyid);
tty_printf (_(" \"%s\"\n"),p);
xfree (p);
keyblock = get_pubkeyblock (keyid);
if (!keyblock)
BUG ();
for (un=keyblock; un; un = un->next)
if (un->pkt->pkttype != PKT_USER_ID )
if (un->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_revoked )
if (un->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_expired )
/* Only skip textual primaries */
if (un->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_primary
&& !un->pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data )
&& un->pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data)
show_photos (ctrl,
un->pkt->pkt.user_id->numattribs, pk,
tty_printf(_(" aka \"%s\"\n"),p);
print_fingerprint (NULL, pk, 2);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
tty_printf(_("How much do you trust that this key actually "
"belongs to the named user?\n"));
/* This string also used in keyedit.c:trustsig_prompt */
tty_printf(_("Please decide how far you trust this user to"
" correctly verify other users' keys\n"
"(by looking at passports, checking fingerprints from"
" different sources, etc.)\n"));
tty_printf (_(" %d = I don't know or won't say\n"), 1);
tty_printf (_(" %d = I do NOT trust\n"), 2);
tty_printf (_(" %d = I trust marginally\n"), 3);
tty_printf (_(" %d = I trust fully\n"), 4);
if (mode)
tty_printf (_(" %d = I trust ultimately\n"), 5);
#if 0
/* not yet implemented */
tty_printf (" i = please show me more information\n");
if( mode )
tty_printf(_(" m = back to the main menu\n"));
tty_printf(_(" s = skip this key\n"));
tty_printf(_(" q = quit\n"));
tty_printf(_("The minimum trust level for this key is: %s\n\n"),
did_help = 1;
if( strlen(ans) != 8 )
p = cpr_get("edit_ownertrust.value",_("Your decision? "));
if( !*p )
did_help = 0;
else if( *p && p[1] )
else if( !p[1] && ((*p >= '0'+min_num) && *p <= (mode?'5':'4')) )
unsigned int trust;
switch( *p )
case '1': trust = TRUST_UNDEFINED; break;
case '2': trust = TRUST_NEVER ; break;
case '3': trust = TRUST_MARGINAL ; break;
case '4': trust = TRUST_FULLY ; break;
case '5': trust = TRUST_ULTIMATE ; break;
default: BUG();
if (trust == TRUST_ULTIMATE
&& !cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("edit_ownertrust.set_ultimate.okay",
_("Do you really want to set this key"
" to ultimate trust? (y/N) ")))
; /* no */
*new_trust = trust;
changed = 1;
#if 0
/* not yet implemented */
else if( *p == ans[0] || *p == ans[1] )
tty_printf(_("Certificates leading to an ultimately trusted key:\n"));
show = 1;
else if( mode && (*p == ans[2] || *p == ans[3] || *p == CONTROL_D ) )
break ; /* back to the menu */
else if( !mode && (*p == ans[6] || *p == ans[7] ) )
break; /* skip */
else if( !mode && (*p == ans[4] || *p == ans[5] ) )
quit = 1;
break ; /* back to the menu */
xfree(p); p = NULL;
return show? -2: quit? -1 : changed;
#endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/
* Display a menu to change the ownertrust of the key PK (which should
* be a primary key).
* For mode values see do_edit_ownertrust ()
edit_ownertrust (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk, int mode )
unsigned int trust = 0;
int no_help = 0;
switch ( do_edit_ownertrust (ctrl, pk, mode, &trust, no_help ) )
case -1: /* quit */
return -1;
case -2: /* show info */
no_help = 1;
case 1: /* trust value set */
trust |= get_ownertrust (pk) & TRUST_FLAG_DISABLED;
update_ownertrust (pk, trust );
return 1;
return 0;
#endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/
* Check whether we can trust this pk which has a trustlevel of TRUSTLEVEL
* Returns: true if we trust.
static int
do_we_trust( PKT_public_key *pk, unsigned int trustlevel )
/* We should not be able to get here with a revoked or expired
key */
if(trustlevel & TRUST_FLAG_REVOKED
|| trustlevel & TRUST_FLAG_SUB_REVOKED
|| (trustlevel & TRUST_MASK) == TRUST_EXPIRED)
if( opt.trust_model==TM_ALWAYS )
if( opt.verbose )
log_info("No trust check due to '--trust-model always' option\n");
return 1;
switch(trustlevel & TRUST_MASK)
log_error ("invalid trustlevel %u returned from validation layer\n",
/* fall through */
log_info(_("%s: There is no assurance this key belongs"
" to the named user\n"),keystr_from_pk(pk));
return 0; /* no */
log_info(_("%s: There is limited assurance this key belongs"
" to the named user\n"),keystr_from_pk(pk));
return 1; /* yes */
if( opt.verbose )
log_info(_("This key probably belongs to the named user\n"));
return 1; /* yes */
if( opt.verbose )
log_info(_("This key belongs to us\n"));
return 1; /* yes */
/* This can be returned by TOFU, which can return negative
assertions. */
log_info(_("%s: This key is bad! It has been marked as untrusted!\n"),
return 0; /* no */
return 1; /*NOTREACHED*/
* wrapper around do_we_trust, so we can ask whether to use the
* key anyway.
static int
do_we_trust_pre( PKT_public_key *pk, unsigned int trustlevel )
int rc;
rc = do_we_trust( pk, trustlevel );
if( !opt.batch && !rc )
print_fingerprint (NULL, pk, 2);
if ((trustlevel & TRUST_MASK) == TRUST_NEVER)
_("This key has is bad! It has been marked as untrusted! If you\n"
"*really* know what you are doing, you may answer the next\n"
"question with yes.\n"));
_("It is NOT certain that the key belongs to the person named\n"
"in the user ID. If you *really* know what you are doing,\n"
"you may answer the next question with yes.\n"));
if (is_status_enabled ())
u32 kid[2];
char *hint_str;
keyid_from_pk (pk, kid);
hint_str = get_long_user_id_string ( kid );
write_status_text ( STATUS_USERID_HINT, hint_str );
xfree (hint_str);
if( cpr_get_answer_is_yes("untrusted_key.override",
_("Use this key anyway? (y/N) ")) )
rc = 1;
/* Hmmm: Should we set a flag to tell the user about
* his decision the next time he encrypts for this recipient?
return rc;
/* Write a TRUST_foo status line inclduing the validation model. */
static void
write_trust_status (int statuscode, int trustlevel)
write_status (statuscode);
#else /* NO_TRUST_MODELS */
int tm;
/* For the combined tofu+pgp method, we return the trust model which
* was responsible for the trustlevel. */
if (opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU_PGP)
tm = (trustlevel & TRUST_FLAG_TOFU_BASED)? TM_TOFU : TM_PGP;
tm = opt.trust_model;
write_status_strings (statuscode, "0 ", trust_model_string (tm), NULL);
#endif /* NO_TRUST_MODELS */
* Check whether we can trust this signature.
* Returns an error code if we should not trust this signature.
check_signatures_trust (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_signature *sig)
PKT_public_key *pk = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *pk );
unsigned int trustlevel = TRUST_UNKNOWN;
int rc=0;
rc = get_pubkey( pk, sig->keyid );
if (rc)
{ /* this should not happen */
log_error("Ooops; the key vanished - can't check the trust\n");
goto leave;
if ( opt.trust_model==TM_ALWAYS )
if( !opt.quiet )
log_info(_("WARNING: Using untrusted key!\n"));
if (opt.with_fingerprint)
print_fingerprint (NULL, pk, 1);
goto leave;
if(pk->flags.maybe_revoked && !pk->flags.revoked)
log_info(_("WARNING: this key might be revoked (revocation key"
" not present)\n"));
trustlevel = get_validity (ctrl, pk, NULL, sig, 1);
if ( (trustlevel & TRUST_FLAG_REVOKED) )
write_status( STATUS_KEYREVOKED );
if(pk->flags.revoked == 2)
log_info(_("WARNING: This key has been revoked by its"
" designated revoker!\n"));
log_info(_("WARNING: This key has been revoked by its owner!\n"));
log_info(_(" This could mean that the signature is forged.\n"));
show_revocation_reason( pk, 0 );
else if ((trustlevel & TRUST_FLAG_SUB_REVOKED) )
write_status( STATUS_KEYREVOKED );
log_info(_("WARNING: This subkey has been revoked by its owner!\n"));
show_revocation_reason( pk, 0 );
if ((trustlevel & TRUST_FLAG_DISABLED))
log_info (_("Note: This key has been disabled.\n"));
/* If we have PKA information adjust the trustlevel. */
if (sig->pka_info && sig->pka_info->valid)
unsigned char fpr[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN];
PKT_public_key *primary_pk;
size_t fprlen;
int okay;
primary_pk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *primary_pk);
get_pubkey (primary_pk, pk->main_keyid);
fingerprint_from_pk (primary_pk, fpr, &fprlen);
free_public_key (primary_pk);
if ( fprlen == 20 && !memcmp (sig->pka_info->fpr, fpr, 20) )
okay = 1;
write_status_text (STATUS_PKA_TRUST_GOOD, sig->pka_info->email);
log_info (_("Note: Verified signer's address is '%s'\n"),
okay = 0;
write_status_text (STATUS_PKA_TRUST_BAD, sig->pka_info->email);
log_info (_("Note: Signer's address '%s' "
"does not match DNS entry\n"), sig->pka_info->email);
switch ( (trustlevel & TRUST_MASK) )
if (okay && opt.verify_options&VERIFY_PKA_TRUST_INCREASE)
trustlevel = ((trustlevel & ~TRUST_MASK) | TRUST_FULLY);
log_info (_("trustlevel adjusted to FULL"
" due to valid PKA info\n"));
/* (fall through) */
if (!okay)
trustlevel = ((trustlevel & ~TRUST_MASK) | TRUST_NEVER);
log_info (_("trustlevel adjusted to NEVER"
" due to bad PKA info\n"));
/* Now let the user know what up with the trustlevel. */
switch ( (trustlevel & TRUST_MASK) )
log_info(_("Note: This key has expired!\n"));
print_fingerprint (NULL, pk, 1);
log_error ("invalid trustlevel %u returned from validation layer\n",
/* fall through */
write_trust_status (STATUS_TRUST_UNDEFINED, trustlevel);
log_info(_("WARNING: This key is not certified with"
" a trusted signature!\n"));
log_info(_(" There is no indication that the "
"signature belongs to the owner.\n" ));
print_fingerprint (NULL, pk, 1);
/* This level can be returned by TOFU, which supports negative
* assertions. */
write_trust_status (STATUS_TRUST_NEVER, trustlevel);
log_info(_("WARNING: We do NOT trust this key!\n"));
log_info(_(" The signature is probably a FORGERY.\n"));
if (opt.with_fingerprint)
print_fingerprint (NULL, pk, 1);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE);
write_trust_status (STATUS_TRUST_MARGINAL, trustlevel);
log_info(_("WARNING: This key is not certified with"
" sufficiently trusted signatures!\n"));
log_info(_(" It is not certain that the"
" signature belongs to the owner.\n" ));
print_fingerprint (NULL, pk, 1);
write_trust_status (STATUS_TRUST_FULLY, trustlevel);
if (opt.with_fingerprint)
print_fingerprint (NULL, pk, 1);
write_trust_status (STATUS_TRUST_ULTIMATE, trustlevel);
if (opt.with_fingerprint)
print_fingerprint (NULL, pk, 1);
free_public_key( pk );
return rc;
release_pk_list (pk_list_t pk_list)
PK_LIST pk_rover;
for ( ; pk_list; pk_list = pk_rover)
pk_rover = pk_list->next;
free_public_key ( pk_list->pk );
xfree ( pk_list );
static int
key_present_in_pk_list(PK_LIST pk_list, PKT_public_key *pk)
for( ; pk_list; pk_list = pk_list->next)
if (cmp_public_keys(pk_list->pk, pk) == 0)
return 0;
return -1;
* Return a malloced string with a default recipient if there is any
static char *
default_recipient(ctrl_t ctrl)
PKT_public_key *pk;
size_t n;
char *p;
int i;
if( opt.def_recipient )
return xstrdup( opt.def_recipient );
if( !opt.def_recipient_self )
return NULL;
pk = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *pk );
i = get_seckey_default (ctrl, pk);
if( i ) {
free_public_key( pk );
return NULL;
fingerprint_from_pk( pk, fpr, &n );
free_public_key( pk );
p = xmalloc( 2*n+3 );
*p++ = '0';
*p++ = 'x';
for(i=0; i < n; i++ )
sprintf( p+2*i, "%02X", fpr[i] );
p -= 2;
return p;
static int
expand_id(const char *id,strlist_t *into,unsigned int flags)
struct groupitem *groups;
int count=0;
/* need strcasecmp() here, as this should be localized */
strlist_t each,sl;
/* this maintains the current utf8-ness */
return count;
/* For simplicity, and to avoid potential loops, we only expand once -
* you can't make an alias that points to an alias. */
static strlist_t
expand_group (strlist_t input)
strlist_t output = NULL;
strlist_t sl, rover;
for (rover = input; rover; rover = rover->next)
if (!(rover->flags & PK_LIST_FROM_FILE)
&& !expand_id(rover->d,&output,rover->flags))
/* Didn't find any groups, so use the existing string */
return output;
/* Helper for build_pk_list to find and check one key. This helper is
* also used directly in server mode by the RECIPIENTS command. On
* success the new key is added to PK_LIST_ADDR. NAME is the user id
* of the key. USE the requested usage and a set MARK_HIDDEN will
* mark the key in the updated list as a hidden recipient. If
* FROM_FILE is true, NAME is is not a user ID but the name of a file
* holding a key. */
find_and_check_key (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, unsigned int use,
int mark_hidden, int from_file, pk_list_t *pk_list_addr)
int rc;
PKT_public_key *pk;
if (!name || !*name)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
pk = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *pk);
if (!pk)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
pk->req_usage = use;
if (from_file)
rc = get_pubkey_fromfile (ctrl, pk, name);
rc = get_best_pubkey_byname (ctrl, NULL, pk, name, NULL, 0, 0);
if (rc)
int code;
/* Key not found or other error. */
log_error (_("%s: skipped: %s\n"), name, gpg_strerror (rc) );
switch (gpg_err_code (rc))
case GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY: code = 1; break;
case GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID: code = 14; break;
default: code = 0; break;
send_status_inv_recp (code, name);
free_public_key (pk);
return rc;
rc = openpgp_pk_test_algo2 (pk->pubkey_algo, use);
if (rc)
/* Key found but not usable for us (e.g. sign-only key). */
send_status_inv_recp (3, name); /* Wrong key usage */
log_error (_("%s: skipped: %s\n"), name, gpg_strerror (rc) );
free_public_key (pk);
return rc;
/* Key found and usable. Check validity. */
if (!from_file)
int trustlevel;
trustlevel = get_validity (ctrl, pk, pk->user_id, NULL, 1);
if ( (trustlevel & TRUST_FLAG_DISABLED) )
/* Key has been disabled. */
send_status_inv_recp (13, name);
log_info (_("%s: skipped: public key is disabled\n"), name);
free_public_key (pk);
if ( !do_we_trust_pre (pk, trustlevel) )
/* We don't trust this key. */
send_status_inv_recp (10, name);
free_public_key (pk);
/* Skip the actual key if the key is already present in the
list. */
if (!key_present_in_pk_list (*pk_list_addr, pk))
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("%s: skipped: public key already present\n"), name);
free_public_key (pk);
pk_list_t r;
r = xtrymalloc (sizeof *r);
if (!r)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
free_public_key (pk);
return rc;
r->pk = pk;
r->next = *pk_list_addr;
r->flags = mark_hidden? 1:0;
*pk_list_addr = r;
return 0;
/* This is the central function to collect the keys for recipients.
* It is thus used to prepare a public key encryption. encrypt-to
* keys, default keys and the keys for the actual recipients are all
* collected here. When not in batch mode and no recipient has been
* passed on the commandline, the function will also ask for
* recipients.
* RCPTS is a string list with the recipients; NULL is an allowed
* value but not very useful. Group expansion is done on these names;
* they may be in any of the user Id formats we can handle. The flags
* bits for each string in the string list are used for:
* - PK_LIST_ENCRYPT_TO :: This is an encrypt-to recipient.
* - PK_LIST_HIDDEN :: This is a hidden recipient.
* - PK_LIST_FROM_FILE :: The argument is a file with a key.
* On success a list of keys is stored at the address RET_PK_LIST; the
* caller must free this list. On error the value at this address is
* not changed.
build_pk_list (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t rcpts, PK_LIST *ret_pk_list)
PK_LIST pk_list = NULL;
PKT_public_key *pk=NULL;
int rc=0;
int any_recipients=0;
strlist_t rov,remusr;
char *def_rec = NULL;
char pkstrbuf[PUBKEY_STRING_SIZE];
/* Try to expand groups if any have been defined. */
if (opt.grouplist)
remusr = expand_group (rcpts);
remusr = rcpts;
/* XXX: Change this function to use get_pubkeys instead of
get_pubkey_byname to detect ambiguous key specifications and warn
about duplicate keyblocks. For ambiguous key specifications on
the command line or provided interactively, prompt the user to
select the best key. If a key specification is ambiguous and we
are in batch mode, die. */
if (opt.encrypt_to_default_key)
static int warned;
const char *default_key = parse_def_secret_key (ctrl);
if (default_key)
PK_LIST r = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *r);
r->pk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *r->pk);
r->pk->req_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC;
rc = get_pubkey_byname (ctrl, NULL, r->pk, default_key,
NULL, NULL, 0, 1);
if (rc)
xfree (r->pk);
xfree (r);
log_error (_("can't encrypt to '%s'\n"), default_key);
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("(check argument of option '%s')\n"),
r->next = pk_list;
r->flags = 0;
pk_list = r;
else if (opt.def_secret_key)
if (! warned)
log_info (_("option '%s' given, but no valid default keys given\n"),
warned = 1;
if (! warned)
log_info (_("option '%s' given, but option '%s' not given\n"),
"--encrypt-to-default-key", "--default-key");
warned = 1;
/* Check whether there are any recipients in the list and build the
* list of the encrypt-to ones (we always trust them). */
for ( rov = remusr; rov; rov = rov->next )
if ( !(rov->flags & PK_LIST_ENCRYPT_TO) )
/* This is a regular recipient; i.e. not an encrypt-to
one. */
any_recipients = 1;
/* Hidden recipients are not allowed while in PGP mode,
issue a warning and switch into GnuPG mode. */
if ((rov->flags & PK_LIST_HIDDEN) && (PGP6 || PGP7 || PGP8))
log_info(_("you may not use %s while in %s mode\n"),
else if (!opt.no_encrypt_to)
/* --encrypt-to has not been disabled. Check this
encrypt-to key. */
pk = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *pk );
pk->req_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC;
/* We explicitly allow encrypt-to to an disabled key; thus
we pass 1 for the second last argument and 1 as the last
argument to disable AKL. */
if ( (rc = get_pubkey_byname (ctrl,
NULL, pk, rov->d, NULL, NULL, 1, 1)) )
free_public_key ( pk ); pk = NULL;
log_error (_("%s: skipped: %s\n"), rov->d, gpg_strerror (rc) );
send_status_inv_recp (0, rov->d);
goto fail;
else if ( !(rc=openpgp_pk_test_algo2 (pk->pubkey_algo,
/* Skip the actual key if the key is already present
* in the list. Add it to our list if not. */
if (key_present_in_pk_list(pk_list, pk) == 0)
free_public_key (pk); pk = NULL;
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("%s: skipped: public key already present\n"),
r = xmalloc( sizeof *r );
r->pk = pk; pk = NULL;
r->next = pk_list;
r->flags = (rov->flags&PK_LIST_HIDDEN)?1:0;
pk_list = r;
/* Hidden encrypt-to recipients are not allowed while
in PGP mode, issue a warning and switch into
GnuPG mode. */
if ((r->flags&PK_LIST_ENCRYPT_TO) && (PGP6 || PGP7 || PGP8))
log_info(_("you may not use %s while in %s mode\n"),
/* The public key is not usable for encryption. */
free_public_key( pk ); pk = NULL;
log_error(_("%s: skipped: %s\n"), rov->d, gpg_strerror (rc) );
send_status_inv_recp (3, rov->d); /* Wrong key usage */
goto fail;
/* If we don't have any recipients yet and we are not in batch mode
drop into interactive selection mode. */
if ( !any_recipients && !opt.batch )
int have_def_rec;
char *answer = NULL;
strlist_t backlog = NULL;
if (pk_list)
any_recipients = 1;
def_rec = default_recipient(ctrl);
have_def_rec = !!def_rec;
if ( !have_def_rec )
tty_printf(_("You did not specify a user ID. (you may use \"-r\")\n"));
for (;;)
rc = 0;
if ( have_def_rec )
/* A default recipient is taken as the first entry. */
answer = def_rec;
def_rec = NULL;
else if (backlog)
/* This is part of our trick to expand and display groups. */
answer = strlist_pop (&backlog);
/* Show the list of already collected recipients and ask
for more. */
PK_LIST iter;
tty_printf(_("Current recipients:\n"));
for (iter=pk_list;iter;iter=iter->next)
u32 keyid[2];
tty_printf ("%s/%s %s \"",
pubkey_string (iter->pk,
pkstrbuf, sizeof pkstrbuf),
datestr_from_pk (iter->pk));
if (iter->pk->user_id)
size_t n;
char *p = get_user_id( keyid, &n );
tty_print_utf8_string( p, n );
answer = cpr_get_utf8("pklist.user_id.enter",
_("\nEnter the user ID. "
"End with an empty line: "));
if ( !answer || !*answer )
break; /* No more recipients entered - get out of loop. */
/* Do group expand here too. The trick here is to continue
the loop if any expansion occurred. The code above will
then list all expanded keys. */
if (expand_id(answer,&backlog,0))
/* Get and check key for the current name. */
free_public_key (pk);
pk = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *pk );
pk->req_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC;
rc = get_pubkey_byname (ctrl, NULL, pk, answer, NULL, NULL, 0, 0 );
if (rc)
tty_printf(_("No such user ID.\n"));
else if ( !(rc=openpgp_pk_test_algo2 (pk->pubkey_algo,
if ( have_def_rec )
/* No validation for a default recipient. */
if (!key_present_in_pk_list(pk_list, pk))
free_public_key (pk);
pk = NULL;
log_info (_("skipped: public key "
"already set as default recipient\n") );
PK_LIST r = xmalloc (sizeof *r);
r->pk = pk; pk = NULL;
r->next = pk_list;
r->flags = 0; /* No throwing default ids. */
pk_list = r;
any_recipients = 1;
{ /* Check validity of this key. */
int trustlevel;
trustlevel = get_validity (ctrl, pk, pk->user_id, NULL, 1);
if ( (trustlevel & TRUST_FLAG_DISABLED) )
tty_printf (_("Public key is disabled.\n") );
else if ( do_we_trust_pre (pk, trustlevel) )
/* Skip the actual key if the key is already
* present in the list */
if (!key_present_in_pk_list(pk_list, pk))
free_public_key (pk);
pk = NULL;
log_info(_("skipped: public key already set\n") );
r = xmalloc( sizeof *r );
r->pk = pk; pk = NULL;
r->next = pk_list;
r->flags = 0; /* No throwing interactive ids. */
pk_list = r;
any_recipients = 1;
xfree(def_rec); def_rec = NULL;
have_def_rec = 0;
if ( pk )
free_public_key( pk );
pk = NULL;
else if ( !any_recipients && (def_rec = default_recipient(ctrl)) )
/* We are in batch mode and have only a default recipient. */
pk = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *pk );
pk->req_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC;
/* The default recipient is allowed to be disabled; thus pass 1
as second last argument. We also don't want an AKL. */
rc = get_pubkey_byname (ctrl, NULL, pk, def_rec, NULL, NULL, 1, 1);
if (rc)
log_error(_("unknown default recipient \"%s\"\n"), def_rec );
else if ( !(rc=openpgp_pk_test_algo2(pk->pubkey_algo,
/* Mark any_recipients here since the default recipient
would have been used if it wasn't already there. It
doesn't really matter if we got this key from the default
recipient or an encrypt-to. */
any_recipients = 1;
if (!key_present_in_pk_list(pk_list, pk))
log_info (_("skipped: public key already set "
"as default recipient\n"));
PK_LIST r = xmalloc( sizeof *r );
r->pk = pk; pk = NULL;
r->next = pk_list;
r->flags = 0; /* No throwing default ids. */
pk_list = r;
if ( pk )
free_public_key( pk );
pk = NULL;
xfree(def_rec); def_rec = NULL;
/* General case: Check all keys. */
any_recipients = 0;
for (; remusr; remusr = remusr->next )
if ( (remusr->flags & PK_LIST_ENCRYPT_TO) )
continue; /* encrypt-to keys are already handled. */
rc = find_and_check_key (ctrl, remusr->d, PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC,
if (rc)
goto fail;
any_recipients = 1;
if ( !rc && !any_recipients )
log_error(_("no valid addressees\n"));
write_status_text (STATUS_NO_RECP, "0");
#ifdef USE_TOFU
if (! rc && (opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU_PGP || opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU))
PK_LIST iter;
for (iter = pk_list; iter; iter = iter->next)
int rc2;
/* Note: we already resolved any conflict when looking up
the key. Don't annoy the user again if she selected
accept once. */
rc2 = tofu_register_encryption (ctrl, iter->pk, NULL, 0);
if (rc2)
log_info ("WARNING: Failed to register encryption to %s"
" with TOFU engine\n",
keystr (pk_main_keyid (iter->pk)));
else if (DBG_TRUST)
log_debug ("Registered encryption to %s with TOFU DB.\n",
keystr (pk_main_keyid (iter->pk)));
#endif /*USE_TOFU*/
if ( rc )
release_pk_list( pk_list );
*ret_pk_list = pk_list;
if (opt.grouplist)
return rc;
/* In pgp6 mode, disallow all ciphers except IDEA (1), 3DES (2), and
CAST5 (3), all hashes except MD5 (1), SHA1 (2), and RIPEMD160 (3),
and all compressions except none (0) and ZIP (1). pgp7 and pgp8
mode expands the cipher list to include AES128 (7), AES192 (8),
AES256 (9), and TWOFISH (10). pgp8 adds the SHA-256 hash (8). For
a true PGP key all of this is unneeded as they are the only items
present in the preferences subpacket, but checking here covers the
weird case of encrypting to a key that had preferences from a
different implementation which was then used with PGP. I am not
completely comfortable with this as the right thing to do, as it
slightly alters the list of what the user is supposedly requesting.
It is not against the RFC however, as the preference chosen will
never be one that the user didn't specify somewhere ("The
implementation may use any mechanism to pick an algorithm in the
intersection"), and PGP has no mechanism to fix such a broken
preference list, so I'm including it. -dms */
algo_available( preftype_t preftype, int algo, const union pref_hint *hint)
if( preftype == PREFTYPE_SYM )
if(PGP6 && (algo != CIPHER_ALGO_IDEA
&& algo != CIPHER_ALGO_3DES
&& algo != CIPHER_ALGO_CAST5))
return 0;
if(PGP7 && (algo != CIPHER_ALGO_IDEA
&& algo != CIPHER_ALGO_3DES
&& algo != CIPHER_ALGO_CAST5
&& algo != CIPHER_ALGO_AES
&& algo != CIPHER_ALGO_AES192
&& algo != CIPHER_ALGO_AES256
return 0;
/* PGP8 supports all the ciphers we do.. */
return algo && !openpgp_cipher_test_algo ( algo );
else if( preftype == PREFTYPE_HASH )
if (hint && hint->digest_length)
if (hint->digest_length!=20 || opt.flags.dsa2)
/* If --enable-dsa2 is set or the hash isn't 160 bits
(which implies DSA2), then we'll accept a hash that
is larger than we need. Otherwise we won't accept
any hash that isn't exactly the right size. */
if (hint->digest_length > gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (algo))
return 0;
else if (hint->digest_length != gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (algo))
return 0;
if((PGP6 || PGP7) && (algo != DIGEST_ALGO_MD5
&& algo != DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1
&& algo != DIGEST_ALGO_RMD160))
return 0;
if(PGP8 && (algo != DIGEST_ALGO_MD5
&& algo != DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1
&& algo != DIGEST_ALGO_RMD160
&& algo != DIGEST_ALGO_SHA256))
return 0;
return algo && !openpgp_md_test_algo (algo);
else if( preftype == PREFTYPE_ZIP )
if((PGP6 || PGP7) && (algo != COMPRESS_ALGO_NONE
&& algo != COMPRESS_ALGO_ZIP))
return 0;
/* PGP8 supports all the compression algos we do */
return !check_compress_algo( algo );
return 0;
* Return -1 if we could not find an algorithm.
select_algo_from_prefs(PK_LIST pk_list, int preftype,
int request, const union pref_hint *hint)
PK_LIST pkr;
u32 bits[8];
const prefitem_t *prefs;
int result=-1,i;
u16 scores[256];
if( !pk_list )
return -1;
for( pkr = pk_list; pkr; pkr = pkr->next )
u32 mask[8];
int rank=1,implicit=-1;
/* IDEA is implicitly there for v3 keys with v3 selfsigs if
--pgp2 mode is on. This was a 2440 thing that was
dropped from 4880 but is still relevant to GPG's 1991
support. All this doesn't mean IDEA is actually
available, of course. */
/* While I am including this code for completeness, note
that currently --pgp2 mode locks the hash at MD5, so this
code will never even be called. Even if the hash wasn't
locked at MD5, we don't support sign+encrypt in --pgp2
mode, and that's the only time PREFTYPE_HASH is used
anyway. -dms */
/* Uncompressed is always an option. */
if (pkr->pk->user_id) /* selected by user ID */
prefs = pkr->pk->user_id->prefs;
prefs = pkr->pk->prefs;
if( prefs )
for (i=0; prefs[i].type; i++ )
if( prefs[i].type == preftype )
/* Make sure all scores don't add up past 0xFFFF
(and roll around) */
mask[prefs[i].value/32] |= 1<<(prefs[i].value%32);
/* We saw the implicit algorithm, so we don't need
tack it on the end ourselves. */
if(rank==1 && preftype==PREFTYPE_ZIP)
/* If the compression preferences are not present, they are
assumed to be ZIP, Uncompressed (RFC4880:13.3.1) */
scores[1]=1; /* ZIP is first choice */
scores[0]=2; /* Uncompressed is second choice */
/* If the key didn't have the implicit algorithm listed
explicitly, add it here at the tail of the list. */
mask[implicit/32] |= 1<<(implicit%32);
/* We've now scored all of the algorithms, and the usable ones have
bits set. Let's pick the winner. */
/* The caller passed us a request. Can we use it? */
if(request>-1 && (bits[request/32] & (1<<(request%32))) &&
/* If we have personal prefs set, use them. */
if(preftype==PREFTYPE_SYM && opt.personal_cipher_prefs)
else if(preftype==PREFTYPE_HASH && opt.personal_digest_prefs)
else if(preftype==PREFTYPE_ZIP && opt.personal_compress_prefs)
if( prefs )
for(i=0; prefs[i].type; i++ )
if(bits[prefs[i].value/32] & (1<<(prefs[i].value%32))
&& algo_available( preftype, prefs[i].value, hint))
result = prefs[i].value;
unsigned int best=-1;
/* At this point, we have not selected an algorithm due to a
special request or via personal prefs. Pick the highest
ranked algorithm (i.e. the one with the lowest score). */
if(preftype==PREFTYPE_HASH && scores[DIGEST_ALGO_MD5])
/* "If you are building an authentication system, the recipient
may specify a preferred signing algorithm. However, the
signer would be foolish to use a weak algorithm simply
because the recipient requests it." (RFC4880:14). If any
other hash algorithm is available, pretend that MD5 isn't.
Note that if the user intentionally chose MD5 by putting it
in their personal prefs, then we do what the user said (as we
never reach this code). */
/* Note the '<' here. This means in case of a tie, we will
favor the lower algorithm number. We have a choice
between the lower number (probably an older algorithm
with more time in use), or the higher number (probably a
newer algorithm with less time in use). Older is
probably safer here, even though the newer algorithms
tend to be "stronger". */
if(scores[i] && scores[i]<best
&& (bits[i/32] & (1<<(i%32)))
&& algo_available(preftype,i,hint))
return result;
* Select the MDC flag from the pk_list. We can only use MDC if all
* recipients support this feature.
select_mdc_from_pklist (PK_LIST pk_list)
PK_LIST pkr;
if ( !pk_list )
return 0;
for (pkr = pk_list; pkr; pkr = pkr->next)
int mdc;
if (pkr->pk->user_id) /* selected by user ID */
mdc = pkr->pk->user_id->flags.mdc;
mdc = pkr->pk->flags.mdc;
if (!mdc)
return 0; /* At least one recipient does not support it. */
return 1; /* Can be used. */
/* Print a warning for all keys in PK_LIST missing the MDC feature. */
warn_missing_mdc_from_pklist (PK_LIST pk_list)
PK_LIST pkr;
for (pkr = pk_list; pkr; pkr = pkr->next)
int mdc;
if (pkr->pk->user_id) /* selected by user ID */
mdc = pkr->pk->user_id->flags.mdc;
mdc = pkr->pk->flags.mdc;
if (!mdc)
log_info (_("Note: key %s has no %s feature\n"),
keystr_from_pk (pkr->pk), "MDC");
warn_missing_aes_from_pklist (PK_LIST pk_list)
PK_LIST pkr;
for (pkr = pk_list; pkr; pkr = pkr->next)
const prefitem_t *prefs;
int i;
int gotit = 0;
prefs = pkr->pk->user_id? pkr->pk->user_id->prefs : pkr->pk->prefs;
if (prefs)
for (i=0; !gotit && prefs[i].type; i++ )
if (prefs[i].type == PREFTYPE_SYM
&& prefs[i].value == CIPHER_ALGO_AES)
if (!gotit)
log_info (_("Note: key %s has no preference for %s\n"),
keystr_from_pk (pkr->pk), "AES");
diff --git a/g10/pkglue.c b/g10/pkglue.c
index 50de347d4..ce24a2ed5 100644
--- a/g10/pkglue.c
+++ b/g10/pkglue.c
@@ -1,422 +1,422 @@
/* pkglue.c - public key operations glue code
* Copyright (C) 2000, 2003, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "pkglue.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "options.h"
/* FIXME: Better change the function name because mpi_ is used by
gcrypt macros. */
get_mpi_from_sexp (gcry_sexp_t sexp, const char *item, int mpifmt)
gcry_sexp_t list;
gcry_mpi_t data;
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (sexp, item, 0);
log_assert (list);
data = gcry_sexp_nth_mpi (list, 1, mpifmt);
log_assert (data);
gcry_sexp_release (list);
return data;
* Emulate our old PK interface here - sometime in the future we might
* change the internal design to directly fit to libgcrypt.
pk_verify (pubkey_algo_t pkalgo, gcry_mpi_t hash,
gcry_mpi_t *data, gcry_mpi_t *pkey)
gcry_sexp_t s_sig, s_hash, s_pkey;
int rc;
unsigned int neededfixedlen = 0;
/* Make a sexp from pkey. */
if (pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA)
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_pkey, NULL,
pkey[0], pkey[1], pkey[2], pkey[3]);
else if (pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E || pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL)
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_pkey, NULL,
pkey[0], pkey[1], pkey[2]);
else if (pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA || pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_S)
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_pkey, NULL,
"(public-key(rsa(n%m)(e%m)))", pkey[0], pkey[1]);
else if (pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA)
char *curve = openpgp_oid_to_str (pkey[0]);
if (!curve)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_pkey, NULL,
"(public-key(ecdsa(curve %s)(q%m)))",
curve, pkey[1]);
xfree (curve);
else if (pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA)
char *curve = openpgp_oid_to_str (pkey[0]);
if (!curve)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_pkey, NULL,
"(public-key(ecc(curve %s)"
"(flags eddsa)(q%m)))",
curve, pkey[1]);
xfree (curve);
if (openpgp_oid_is_ed25519 (pkey[0]))
neededfixedlen = 256 / 8;
if (rc)
BUG (); /* gcry_sexp_build should never fail. */
/* Put hash into a S-Exp s_hash. */
if (pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA)
if (gcry_sexp_build (&s_hash, NULL,
"(data(flags eddsa)(hash-algo sha512)(value %m))",
BUG (); /* gcry_sexp_build should never fail. */
if (gcry_sexp_build (&s_hash, NULL, "%m", hash))
BUG (); /* gcry_sexp_build should never fail. */
/* Put data into a S-Exp s_sig. */
s_sig = NULL;
if (pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA)
if (!data[0] || !data[1])
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_MPI);
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_sig, NULL,
"(sig-val(dsa(r%m)(s%m)))", data[0], data[1]);
else if (pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA)
if (!data[0] || !data[1])
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_MPI);
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_sig, NULL,
"(sig-val(ecdsa(r%m)(s%m)))", data[0], data[1]);
else if (pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA)
gcry_mpi_t r = data[0];
gcry_mpi_t s = data[1];
size_t rlen, slen, n; /* (bytes) */
char buf[64];
log_assert (neededfixedlen <= sizeof buf);
if (!r || !s)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_MPI);
else if ((rlen = (gcry_mpi_get_nbits (r)+7)/8) > neededfixedlen || !rlen)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_MPI);
else if ((slen = (gcry_mpi_get_nbits (s)+7)/8) > neededfixedlen || !slen)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_MPI);
/* We need to fixup the length in case of leading zeroes.
* OpenPGP does not allow leading zeroes and the parser for
* the signature packet has no information on the use curve,
* thus we need to do it here. We won't do it for opaque
* MPIs under the assumption that they are known to be fine;
* we won't see them here anyway but the check is anyway
* required. Fixme: A nifty feature for gcry_sexp_build
* would be a format to left pad the value (e.g. "%*M"). */
rc = 0;
if (rlen < neededfixedlen
&& !gcry_mpi_get_flag (r, GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE)
&& !(rc=gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, buf, sizeof buf, &n, r)))
log_assert (n < neededfixedlen);
memmove (buf + (neededfixedlen - n), buf, n);
memset (buf, 0, neededfixedlen - n);
r = gcry_mpi_set_opaque_copy (NULL, buf, neededfixedlen * 8);
if (slen < neededfixedlen
&& !gcry_mpi_get_flag (s, GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE)
&& !(rc=gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, buf, sizeof buf, &n, s)))
log_assert (n < neededfixedlen);
memmove (buf + (neededfixedlen - n), buf, n);
memset (buf, 0, neededfixedlen - n);
s = gcry_mpi_set_opaque_copy (NULL, buf, neededfixedlen * 8);
if (!rc)
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_sig, NULL,
"(sig-val(eddsa(r%M)(s%M)))", r, s);
if (r != data[0])
gcry_mpi_release (r);
if (s != data[1])
gcry_mpi_release (s);
else if (pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL || pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E)
if (!data[0] || !data[1])
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_MPI);
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_sig, NULL,
"(sig-val(elg(r%m)(s%m)))", data[0], data[1]);
else if (pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA || pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_S)
if (!data[0])
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_MPI);
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_sig, NULL, "(sig-val(rsa(s%m)))", data[0]);
BUG ();
if (!rc)
rc = gcry_pk_verify (s_sig, s_hash, s_pkey);
gcry_sexp_release (s_sig);
gcry_sexp_release (s_hash);
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
return rc;
* Emulate our old PK interface here - sometime in the future we might
* change the internal design to directly fit to libgcrypt.
* PK is only required to compute the fingerprint for ECDH.
pk_encrypt (pubkey_algo_t algo, gcry_mpi_t *resarr, gcry_mpi_t data,
PKT_public_key *pk, gcry_mpi_t *pkey)
gcry_sexp_t s_ciph = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t s_data = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t s_pkey = NULL;
int rc;
/* Make a sexp from pkey. */
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_pkey, NULL,
pkey[0], pkey[1], pkey[2]);
/* Put DATA into a simplified S-expression. */
if (!rc)
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_data, NULL, "%m", data);
else if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA || algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_E)
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_pkey, NULL,
pkey[0], pkey[1]);
/* Put DATA into a simplified S-expression. */
if (!rc)
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_data, NULL, "%m", data);
else if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
gcry_mpi_t k;
rc = pk_ecdh_generate_ephemeral_key (pkey, &k);
if (!rc)
char *curve;
curve = openpgp_oid_to_str (pkey[0]);
if (!curve)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
int with_djb_tweak_flag = openpgp_oid_is_cv25519 (pkey[0]);
/* Now use the ephemeral secret to compute the shared point. */
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_pkey, NULL,
with_djb_tweak_flag ?
"(public-key(ecdh(curve%s)(flags djb-tweak)(q%m)))"
: "(public-key(ecdh(curve%s)(q%m)))",
curve, pkey[1]);
xfree (curve);
/* Put K into a simplified S-expression. */
if (!rc)
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_data, NULL, "%m", k);
gcry_mpi_release (k);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO);
/* Pass it to libgcrypt. */
if (!rc)
rc = gcry_pk_encrypt (&s_ciph, s_data, s_pkey);
gcry_sexp_release (s_data);
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
if (rc)
else if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
gcry_mpi_t shared, public, result;
size_t fpn;
/* Get the shared point and the ephemeral public key. */
shared = get_mpi_from_sexp (s_ciph, "s", GCRYMPI_FMT_USG);
public = get_mpi_from_sexp (s_ciph, "e", GCRYMPI_FMT_USG);
gcry_sexp_release (s_ciph);
s_ciph = NULL;
log_debug ("ECDH ephemeral key:");
gcry_mpi_dump (public);
log_printf ("\n");
result = NULL;
fingerprint_from_pk (pk, fp, &fpn);
if (fpn != 20)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_LENGTH);
rc = pk_ecdh_encrypt_with_shared_point (1 /*=encrypton*/, shared,
fp, data, pkey, &result);
gcry_mpi_release (shared);
if (!rc)
resarr[0] = public;
resarr[1] = result;
gcry_mpi_release (public);
gcry_mpi_release (result);
else /* Elgamal or RSA case. */
{ /* Fixme: Add better error handling or make gnupg use
S-expressions directly. */
resarr[0] = get_mpi_from_sexp (s_ciph, "a", GCRYMPI_FMT_USG);
if (!is_RSA (algo))
resarr[1] = get_mpi_from_sexp (s_ciph, "b", GCRYMPI_FMT_USG);
gcry_sexp_release (s_ciph);
return rc;
/* Check whether SKEY is a suitable secret key. */
pk_check_secret_key (pubkey_algo_t pkalgo, gcry_mpi_t *skey)
gcry_sexp_t s_skey;
int rc;
if (pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA)
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_skey, NULL,
skey[0], skey[1], skey[2], skey[3], skey[4]);
else if (pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL || pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E)
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_skey, NULL,
skey[0], skey[1], skey[2], skey[3]);
else if (is_RSA (pkalgo))
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_skey, NULL,
skey[0], skey[1], skey[2], skey[3], skey[4],
else if (pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA || pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
char *curve = openpgp_oid_to_str (skey[0]);
if (!curve)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_skey, NULL,
curve, skey[1], skey[2]);
xfree (curve);
else if (pkalgo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA)
char *curve = openpgp_oid_to_str (skey[0]);
if (!curve)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
rc = gcry_sexp_build (&s_skey, NULL,
"(private-key(ecc(curve %s)"
"(flags eddsa)(q%m)(d%m)))",
curve, skey[1], skey[2]);
xfree (curve);
if (!rc)
rc = gcry_pk_testkey (s_skey);
gcry_sexp_release (s_skey);
return rc;
diff --git a/g10/pkglue.h b/g10/pkglue.h
index ba1097c2e..77a380191 100644
--- a/g10/pkglue.h
+++ b/g10/pkglue.h
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
/* pkglue.h - public key operations definitions
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef GNUPG_G10_PKGLUE_H
#define GNUPG_G10_PKGLUE_H
#include "packet.h" /* For PKT_public_key. */
/*-- pkglue.c --*/
gcry_mpi_t get_mpi_from_sexp (gcry_sexp_t sexp, const char *item, int mpifmt);
int pk_verify (pubkey_algo_t algo, gcry_mpi_t hash, gcry_mpi_t *data,
gcry_mpi_t *pkey);
int pk_encrypt (pubkey_algo_t algo, gcry_mpi_t *resarr, gcry_mpi_t data,
PKT_public_key *pk, gcry_mpi_t *pkey);
int pk_check_secret_key (pubkey_algo_t algo, gcry_mpi_t *skey);
/*-- ecdh.c --*/
gcry_mpi_t pk_ecdh_default_params (unsigned int qbits);
gpg_error_t pk_ecdh_generate_ephemeral_key (gcry_mpi_t *pkey, gcry_mpi_t *r_k);
gpg_error_t pk_ecdh_encrypt_with_shared_point
/* */ (int is_encrypt, gcry_mpi_t shared_mpi,
const byte pk_fp[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN],
gcry_mpi_t data, gcry_mpi_t *pkey,
gcry_mpi_t *out);
int pk_ecdh_encrypt (gcry_mpi_t *resarr, const byte pk_fp[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN],
gcry_mpi_t data, gcry_mpi_t * pkey);
int pk_ecdh_decrypt (gcry_mpi_t *result, const byte sk_fp[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN],
gcry_mpi_t data, gcry_mpi_t shared, gcry_mpi_t * skey);
#endif /*GNUPG_G10_PKGLUE_H*/
diff --git a/g10/plaintext.c b/g10/plaintext.c
index c9fb67cdc..bdf55923b 100644
--- a/g10/plaintext.c
+++ b/g10/plaintext.c
@@ -1,797 +1,797 @@
/* plaintext.c - process plaintext packets
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
* 2006, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
# include <fcntl.h> /* for setmode() */
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "i18n.h"
/* Get the output filename. On success, the actual filename that is
used is set in *FNAMEP and a filepointer is returned in *FP.
plaintext packet. EMBEDDED_NAMELEN should not include any NUL
terminator (EMBEDDED_NAME does not need to be NUL terminated).
DATA is the iobuf containing the input data. We just use it to get
the input file's filename.
On success, the caller is responsible for calling xfree on *FNAMEP
and calling es_close on *FPP. */
get_output_file (const byte *embedded_name, int embedded_namelen,
iobuf_t data, char **fnamep, estream_t *fpp)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
char *fname = NULL;
estream_t fp = NULL;
int nooutput = 0;
/* Create the filename as C string. */
if (opt.outfp)
fname = xtrystrdup ("[FP]");
if (!fname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
else if (opt.outfile)
fname = xtrystrdup (opt.outfile);
if (!fname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
else if (embedded_namelen == 8 && !memcmp (embedded_name, "_CONSOLE", 8))
log_info (_("data not saved; use option \"--output\" to save it\n"));
nooutput = 1;
else if (!opt.flags.use_embedded_filename)
if (data)
fname = make_outfile_name (iobuf_get_real_fname (data));
if (!fname)
fname = ask_outfile_name (embedded_name, embedded_namelen);
if (!fname)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); /* Can't create file. */
goto leave;
fname = utf8_to_native (embedded_name, embedded_namelen, 0);
if (nooutput)
else if (opt.outfp)
fp = opt.outfp;
es_set_binary (fp);
else if (iobuf_is_pipe_filename (fname) || !*fname)
/* No filename or "-" given; write to stdout. */
fp = es_stdout;
es_set_binary (fp);
while (!overwrite_filep (fname))
char *tmp = ask_outfile_name (NULL, 0);
if (!tmp || !*tmp)
xfree (tmp);
/* FIXME: Below used to be GPG_ERR_CREATE_FILE */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
xfree (fname);
fname = tmp;
#ifndef __riscos__
if (opt.outfp && is_secured_file (es_fileno (opt.outfp)))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EPERM);
log_error (_("error creating '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
else if (fp || nooutput)
else if (is_secured_filename (fname))
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error creating '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
else if (!(fp = es_fopen (fname, "wb")))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error creating '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
#else /* __riscos__ */
/* If no output filename was given, i.e. we constructed it, convert
all '.' in fname to '/' but not vice versa as we don't create
directories! */
if (!opt.outfile)
for (c = 0; fname[c]; ++c)
if (fname[c] == '.')
fname[c] = '/';
if (fp || nooutput)
/* Note: riscos stuff is not expected to work anymore. If we
want to port it again to riscos we should do most of the suff
in estream. FIXME: Consider to remove all riscos special
cases. */
fp = fopen (fname, "wb");
if (!fp)
log_error (_("error creating '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
if (errno == 106)
log_info ("Do output file and input file have the same name?\n");
goto leave;
/* If there's a ,xxx extension in the embedded filename,
use that, else check whether the user input (in fname)
has a ,xxx appended, then use that in preference */
if ((c = riscos_get_filetype_from_string (embedded_name,
embedded_namelen)) != -1)
filetype = c;
if ((c = riscos_get_filetype_from_string (fname, strlen (fname))) != -1)
filetype = c;
riscos_set_filetype_by_number (fname, filetype);
#endif /* __riscos__ */
if (err)
if (fp && fp != es_stdout && fp != opt.outfp)
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (fname);
return err;
*fnamep = fname;
*fpp = fp;
return 0;
/* Handle a plaintext packet. If MFX is not NULL, update the MDs
* Note: We should have used the filter stuff here, but we have to add
* some easy mimic to set a read limit, so we calculate only the bytes
* from the plaintext. */
handle_plaintext (PKT_plaintext * pt, md_filter_context_t * mfx,
int nooutput, int clearsig)
char *fname = NULL;
estream_t fp = NULL;
static off_t count = 0;
int err = 0;
int c;
int convert;
#ifdef __riscos__
int filetype = 0xfff;
if (pt->mode == 't' || pt->mode == 'u' || pt->mode == 'm')
convert = pt->mode;
convert = 0;
/* Let people know what the plaintext info is. This allows the
receiving program to try and do something different based on the
format code (say, recode UTF-8 to local). */
if (!nooutput && is_status_enabled ())
char status[50];
/* Better make sure that stdout has been flushed in case the
output will be written to it. This is to make sure that no
not-yet-flushed stuff will be written after the plaintext
status message. */
es_fflush (es_stdout);
snprintf (status, sizeof status,
"%X %lu ", (byte) pt->mode, (ulong) pt->timestamp);
write_status_text_and_buffer (STATUS_PLAINTEXT,
status, pt->name, pt->namelen, 0);
if (!pt->is_partial)
snprintf (status, sizeof status, "%lu", (ulong) pt->len);
write_status_text (STATUS_PLAINTEXT_LENGTH, status);
if (! nooutput)
err = get_output_file (pt->name, pt->namelen, pt->buf, &fname, &fp);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (!pt->is_partial)
/* We have an actual length (which might be zero). */
if (clearsig)
log_error ("clearsig encountered while not expected\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNEXPECTED);
goto leave;
if (convert) /* Text mode. */
for (; pt->len; pt->len--)
if ((c = iobuf_get (pt->buf)) == -1)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("problem reading source (%u bytes remaining)\n",
(unsigned) pt->len);
goto leave;
if (mfx->md)
gcry_md_putc (mfx->md, c);
/* Convert to native line ending. */
/* fixme: this hack might be too simple */
if (c == '\r' && convert != 'm')
if (fp)
if (opt.max_output && (++count) > opt.max_output)
log_error ("error writing to '%s': %s\n",
fname, "exceeded --max-output limit\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
goto leave;
else if (es_putc (c, fp) == EOF)
if (es_ferror (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
log_error ("error writing to '%s': %s\n",
fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
else /* Binary mode. */
byte *buffer = xmalloc (32768);
while (pt->len)
int len = pt->len > 32768 ? 32768 : pt->len;
len = iobuf_read (pt->buf, buffer, len);
if (len == -1)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("problem reading source (%u bytes remaining)\n",
(unsigned) pt->len);
xfree (buffer);
goto leave;
if (mfx->md)
gcry_md_write (mfx->md, buffer, len);
if (fp)
if (opt.max_output && (count += len) > opt.max_output)
log_error ("error writing to '%s': %s\n",
fname, "exceeded --max-output limit\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
xfree (buffer);
goto leave;
else if (es_fwrite (buffer, 1, len, fp) != len)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error writing to '%s': %s\n",
fname, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (buffer);
goto leave;
pt->len -= len;
xfree (buffer);
else if (!clearsig)
if (convert)
{ /* text mode */
while ((c = iobuf_get (pt->buf)) != -1)
if (mfx->md)
gcry_md_putc (mfx->md, c);
if (c == '\r' && convert != 'm')
continue; /* fixme: this hack might be too simple */
if (fp)
if (opt.max_output && (++count) > opt.max_output)
log_error ("Error writing to '%s': %s\n",
fname, "exceeded --max-output limit\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
goto leave;
else if (es_putc (c, fp) == EOF)
if (es_ferror (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
log_error ("error writing to '%s': %s\n",
fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
{ /* binary mode */
byte *buffer;
int eof_seen = 0;
buffer = xtrymalloc (32768);
if (!buffer)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
while (!eof_seen)
/* Why do we check for len < 32768:
* If we won't, we would practically read 2 EOFs but
* the first one has already popped the block_filter
* off and therefore we don't catch the boundary.
* So, always assume EOF if iobuf_read returns less bytes
* then requested */
int len = iobuf_read (pt->buf, buffer, 32768);
if (len == -1)
if (len < 32768)
eof_seen = 1;
if (mfx->md)
gcry_md_write (mfx->md, buffer, len);
if (fp)
if (opt.max_output && (count += len) > opt.max_output)
log_error ("error writing to '%s': %s\n",
fname, "exceeded --max-output limit\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
xfree (buffer);
goto leave;
else if (es_fwrite (buffer, 1, len, fp) != len)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error writing to '%s': %s\n",
fname, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (buffer);
goto leave;
xfree (buffer);
pt->buf = NULL;
else /* Clear text signature - don't hash the last CR,LF. */
int state = 0;
while ((c = iobuf_get (pt->buf)) != -1)
if (fp)
if (opt.max_output && (++count) > opt.max_output)
log_error ("error writing to '%s': %s\n",
fname, "exceeded --max-output limit\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
goto leave;
else if (es_putc (c, fp) == EOF)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error writing to '%s': %s\n",
fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (!mfx->md)
if (state == 2)
gcry_md_putc (mfx->md, '\r');
gcry_md_putc (mfx->md, '\n');
state = 0;
if (!state)
if (c == '\r')
state = 1;
else if (c == '\n')
state = 2;
gcry_md_putc (mfx->md, c);
else if (state == 1)
if (c == '\n')
state = 2;
gcry_md_putc (mfx->md, '\r');
if (c == '\r')
state = 1;
state = 0;
gcry_md_putc (mfx->md, c);
pt->buf = NULL;
if (fp && fp != es_stdout && fp != opt.outfp && es_fclose (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error closing '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
fp = NULL;
goto leave;
fp = NULL;
/* Make sure that stdout gets flushed after the plaintext has been
handled. This is for extra security as we do a flush anyway
before checking the signature. */
if (es_fflush (es_stdout))
/* We need to check the return code to detect errors like disk
full for short plaintexts. See bug#1207. Checking return
values is a good idea in any case. */
if (!err)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error flushing '%s': %s\n", "[stdout]",
gpg_strerror (err));
if (fp && fp != es_stdout && fp != opt.outfp)
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (fname);
return err;
static void
do_hash (gcry_md_hd_t md, gcry_md_hd_t md2, IOBUF fp, int textmode)
text_filter_context_t tfx;
int c;
if (textmode)
memset (&tfx, 0, sizeof tfx);
iobuf_push_filter (fp, text_filter, &tfx);
if (md2)
{ /* work around a strange behaviour in pgp2 */
/* It seems that at least PGP5 converts a single CR to a CR,LF too */
int lc = -1;
while ((c = iobuf_get (fp)) != -1)
if (c == '\n' && lc == '\r')
gcry_md_putc (md2, c);
else if (c == '\n')
gcry_md_putc (md2, '\r');
gcry_md_putc (md2, c);
else if (c != '\n' && lc == '\r')
gcry_md_putc (md2, '\n');
gcry_md_putc (md2, c);
gcry_md_putc (md2, c);
if (md)
gcry_md_putc (md, c);
lc = c;
while ((c = iobuf_get (fp)) != -1)
if (md)
gcry_md_putc (md, c);
* Ask for the detached datafile and calculate the digest from it.
* INFILE is the name of the input file.
ask_for_detached_datafile (gcry_md_hd_t md, gcry_md_hd_t md2,
const char *inname, int textmode)
progress_filter_context_t *pfx;
char *answer = NULL;
int rc = 0;
pfx = new_progress_context ();
fp = open_sigfile (inname, pfx); /* Open default file. */
if (!fp && !opt.batch)
int any = 0;
tty_printf (_("Detached signature.\n"));
char *name;
xfree (answer);
tty_enable_completion (NULL);
name = cpr_get ("detached_signature.filename",
_("Please enter name of data file: "));
tty_disable_completion ();
cpr_kill_prompt ();
answer = make_filename (name, (void *) NULL);
xfree (name);
if (any && !*answer)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); /*G10ERR_READ_FILE */
goto leave;
fp = iobuf_open (answer);
if (fp && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (fp)))
iobuf_close (fp);
fp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if (!fp && errno == ENOENT)
tty_printf ("No such file, try again or hit enter to quit.\n");
else if (!fp)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), answer,
strerror (errno));
goto leave;
while (!fp);
if (!fp)
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("reading stdin ...\n"));
fp = iobuf_open (NULL);
log_assert (fp);
do_hash (md, md2, fp, textmode);
iobuf_close (fp);
xfree (answer);
release_progress_context (pfx);
return rc;
/* Hash the given files and append the hash to hash contexts MD and
* MD2. If FILES is NULL, stdin is hashed. */
hash_datafiles (gcry_md_hd_t md, gcry_md_hd_t md2, strlist_t files,
const char *sigfilename, int textmode)
progress_filter_context_t *pfx;
strlist_t sl;
pfx = new_progress_context ();
if (!files)
/* Check whether we can open the signed material. We avoid
trying to open a file if run in batch mode. This assumed
data file for a sig file feature is just a convenience thing
for the command line and the user needs to read possible
warning messages. */
if (!opt.batch)
fp = open_sigfile (sigfilename, pfx);
if (fp)
do_hash (md, md2, fp, textmode);
iobuf_close (fp);
release_progress_context (pfx);
return 0;
log_error (_("no signed data\n"));
release_progress_context (pfx);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
for (sl = files; sl; sl = sl->next)
fp = iobuf_open (sl->d);
if (fp && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (fp)))
iobuf_close (fp);
fp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if (!fp)
int rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't open signed data '%s'\n"),
print_fname_stdin (sl->d));
release_progress_context (pfx);
return rc;
handle_progress (pfx, fp, sl->d);
do_hash (md, md2, fp, textmode);
iobuf_close (fp);
release_progress_context (pfx);
return 0;
/* Hash the data from file descriptor DATA_FD and append the hash to hash
contexts MD and MD2. */
hash_datafile_by_fd (gcry_md_hd_t md, gcry_md_hd_t md2, int data_fd,
int textmode)
progress_filter_context_t *pfx = new_progress_context ();
iobuf_t fp;
if (is_secured_file (data_fd))
fp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
fp = iobuf_fdopen_nc (data_fd, "rb");
if (!fp)
int rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n"),
data_fd, strerror (errno));
release_progress_context (pfx);
return rc;
handle_progress (pfx, fp, NULL);
do_hash (md, md2, fp, textmode);
iobuf_close (fp);
release_progress_context (pfx);
return 0;
/* Set up a plaintext packet with the appropriate filename. If there
is a --set-filename, use it (it's already UTF8). If there is a
regular filename, UTF8-ize it if necessary. If there is no
filenames at all, set the field empty. */
PKT_plaintext *
setup_plaintext_name (const char *filename, IOBUF iobuf)
PKT_plaintext *pt;
if ((filename && !iobuf_is_pipe_filename (filename))
|| (opt.set_filename && !iobuf_is_pipe_filename (opt.set_filename)))
char *s;
if (opt.set_filename)
s = make_basename (opt.set_filename, iobuf_get_real_fname (iobuf));
else if (filename && !opt.flags.utf8_filename)
char *tmp = native_to_utf8 (filename);
s = make_basename (tmp, iobuf_get_real_fname (iobuf));
xfree (tmp);
s = make_basename (filename, iobuf_get_real_fname (iobuf));
pt = xmalloc (sizeof *pt + strlen (s) - 1);
pt->namelen = strlen (s);
memcpy (pt->name, s, pt->namelen);
xfree (s);
/* no filename */
pt = xmalloc (sizeof *pt - 1);
pt->namelen = 0;
return pt;
diff --git a/g10/progress.c b/g10/progress.c
index f151657da..feb639e5f 100644
--- a/g10/progress.c
+++ b/g10/progress.c
@@ -1,202 +1,202 @@
/* progress.c - emit progress status lines
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "options.h"
/* Create a new context for use with the progress filter. We need to
allocate such contexts on the heap because there is no guarantee
that at the end of a function the filter has already been popped
off. In general this will happen but with malformed packets it is
possible that a filter has not yet reached the end-of-stream when
the function has done all processing. Checking in each function
that end-of-stream has been reached would be to cumbersome.
What we also do is to shortcut the progress handler by having this
function return NULL if progress information has not been
progress_filter_context_t *
new_progress_context (void)
progress_filter_context_t *pfx;
if (!opt.enable_progress_filter)
return NULL;
if (!is_status_enabled ())
return NULL;
pfx = xcalloc (1, sizeof *pfx);
pfx->refcount = 1;
return pfx;
/* Release a progress filter context. Passing NULL is explicitly
allowed and a no-op. */
release_progress_context (progress_filter_context_t *pfx)
if (!pfx)
log_assert (pfx->refcount);
if ( --pfx->refcount )
xfree (pfx->what);
xfree (pfx);
static void
write_status_progress (const char *what,
unsigned long current, unsigned long total_arg)
char buffer[60];
char units[] = "BKMGTPEZY?";
int unitidx = 0;
uint64_t total = total_arg;
/* Although we use an unsigned long for the values, 32 bit
* applications using GPGME will use an "int" and thus are limited
* in the total size which can be represented. On Windows, where
* sizeof(int)==sizeof(long), this is even worse and will lead to an
* integer overflow for all files larger than 2 GiB. Although, the
* allowed value range of TOTAL and CURRENT is nowhere specified, we
* better protect applications from the need to handle negative
* values. The common usage pattern of the progress information is
* to display how many percent of the operation has been done and
* thus scaling CURRENT and TOTAL down before they get to large,
* should not have a noticeable effect except for rounding
* imprecision. */
if (!total && opt.input_size_hint)
total = opt.input_size_hint;
if (total)
if (current > total)
current = total;
while (total > 1024*1024)
total /= 1024;
current /= 1024;
while (current > 1024*1024)
current /= 1024;
if (unitidx > 9)
unitidx = 9;
snprintf (buffer, sizeof buffer, "%.20s ? %lu %lu %c%s",
what? what : "?", current, (unsigned long)total,
unitidx? "iB" : "");
write_status_text (STATUS_PROGRESS, buffer);
* The filter is used to report progress to the user.
static int
progress_filter (void *opaque, int control,
IOBUF a, byte *buf, size_t *ret_len)
int rc = 0;
progress_filter_context_t *pfx = opaque;
if (control == IOBUFCTRL_INIT)
pfx->last = 0;
pfx->offset = 0;
pfx->last_time = make_timestamp ();
write_status_progress (pfx->what, pfx->offset, pfx->total);
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_UNDERFLOW)
u32 timestamp = make_timestamp ();
int len = iobuf_read (a, buf, *ret_len);
if (len >= 0)
pfx->offset += len;
*ret_len = len;
*ret_len = 0;
rc = -1;
if ((len == -1 && pfx->offset != pfx->last)
|| timestamp - pfx->last_time > 0)
write_status_progress (pfx->what, pfx->offset, pfx->total);
pfx->last = pfx->offset;
pfx->last_time = timestamp;
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_FREE)
release_progress_context (pfx);
else if (control == IOBUFCTRL_DESC)
mem2str (buf, "progress_filter", *ret_len);
return rc;
handle_progress (progress_filter_context_t *pfx, IOBUF inp, const char *name)
off_t filesize = 0;
if (!pfx)
log_assert (opt.enable_progress_filter);
log_assert (is_status_enabled ());
if ( !iobuf_is_pipe_filename (name) && *name )
filesize = iobuf_get_filelength (inp, NULL);
else if (opt.set_filesize)
filesize = opt.set_filesize;
/* register the progress filter */
pfx->what = xstrdup (name ? name : "stdin");
pfx->total = filesize;
iobuf_push_filter (inp, progress_filter, pfx);
diff --git a/g10/pubkey-enc.c b/g10/pubkey-enc.c
index 0df9bfac2..117744fb4 100644
--- a/g10/pubkey-enc.c
+++ b/g10/pubkey-enc.c
@@ -1,430 +1,430 @@
/* pubkey-enc.c - Process a public key encoded packet.
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2009,
* 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "pkglue.h"
#include "call-agent.h"
#include "host2net.h"
static gpg_error_t get_it (PKT_pubkey_enc *k,
DEK *dek, PKT_public_key *sk, u32 *keyid);
/* Check that the given algo is mentioned in one of the valid user-ids. */
static int
is_algo_in_prefs (kbnode_t keyblock, preftype_t type, int algo)
kbnode_t k;
for (k = keyblock; k; k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
PKT_user_id *uid = k->pkt->pkt.user_id;
prefitem_t *prefs = uid->prefs;
if (uid->created && prefs && !uid->is_revoked && !uid->is_expired)
for (; prefs->type; prefs++)
if (prefs->type == type && prefs->value == algo)
return 1;
return 0;
* Get the session key from a pubkey enc packet and return it in DEK,
* which should have been allocated in secure memory by the caller.
get_session_key (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_pubkey_enc * k, DEK * dek)
PKT_public_key *sk = NULL;
int rc;
log_clock ("get_session_key enter");
rc = openpgp_pk_test_algo2 (k->pubkey_algo, PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC);
if (rc)
goto leave;
if ((k->keyid[0] || k->keyid[1]) && !opt.try_all_secrets)
sk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *sk);
sk->pubkey_algo = k->pubkey_algo; /* We want a pubkey with this algo. */
if (!(rc = get_seckey (sk, k->keyid)))
rc = get_it (k, dek, sk, k->keyid);
else if (opt.skip_hidden_recipients)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
else /* Anonymous receiver: Try all available secret keys. */
void *enum_context = NULL;
u32 keyid[2];
for (;;)
free_public_key (sk);
sk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *sk);
rc = enum_secret_keys (ctrl, &enum_context, sk);
if (rc)
if (sk->pubkey_algo != k->pubkey_algo)
if (!(sk->pubkey_usage & PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC))
keyid_from_pk (sk, keyid);
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("anonymous recipient; trying secret key %s ...\n"),
keystr (keyid));
rc = get_it (k, dek, sk, keyid);
if (!rc)
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("okay, we are the anonymous recipient.\n"));
else if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_FULLY_CANCELED)
break; /* Don't try any more secret keys. */
enum_secret_keys (ctrl, &enum_context, NULL); /* free context */
free_public_key (sk);
log_clock ("get_session_key leave");
return rc;
static gpg_error_t
get_it (PKT_pubkey_enc *enc, DEK *dek, PKT_public_key *sk, u32 *keyid)
gpg_error_t err;
byte *frame = NULL;
unsigned int n;
size_t nframe;
u16 csum, csum2;
int padding;
gcry_sexp_t s_data;
char *desc;
char *keygrip;
size_t fpn;
log_clock ("decryption start");
/* Get the keygrip. */
err = hexkeygrip_from_pk (sk, &keygrip);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Convert the data to an S-expression. */
if (sk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL
|| sk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E)
if (!enc->data[0] || !enc->data[1])
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_MPI);
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_data, NULL, "(enc-val(elg(a%m)(b%m)))",
enc->data[0], enc->data[1]);
else if (sk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA
|| sk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_E)
if (!enc->data[0])
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_MPI);
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_data, NULL, "(enc-val(rsa(a%m)))",
else if (sk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
if (!enc->data[0] || !enc->data[1])
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_MPI);
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_data, NULL, "(enc-val(ecdh(s%m)(e%m)))",
enc->data[1], enc->data[0]);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (sk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
fingerprint_from_pk (sk, fp, &fpn);
log_assert (fpn == 20);
/* Decrypt. */
desc = gpg_format_keydesc (sk, FORMAT_KEYDESC_NORMAL, 1);
err = agent_pkdecrypt (NULL, keygrip,
desc, sk->keyid, sk->main_keyid, sk->pubkey_algo,
s_data, &frame, &nframe, &padding);
xfree (desc);
gcry_sexp_release (s_data);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Now get the DEK (data encryption key) from the frame
* Old versions encode the DEK in in this format (msb is left):
* 0 1 DEK(16 bytes) CSUM(2 bytes) 0 RND(n bytes) 2
* Later versions encode the DEK like this:
* 0 2 RND(n bytes) 0 A DEK(k bytes) CSUM(2 bytes)
* (mpi_get_buffer already removed the leading zero).
* RND are non-zero randow bytes.
* A is the cipher algorithm
* DEK is the encryption key (session key) with length k
log_printhex ("DEK frame:", frame, nframe);
n = 0;
if (sk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
gcry_mpi_t shared_mpi;
gcry_mpi_t decoded;
/* At the beginning the frame are the bytes of shared point MPI. */
err = gcry_mpi_scan (&shared_mpi, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, frame, nframe, NULL);
if (err)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_SECKEY);
goto leave;
err = pk_ecdh_decrypt (&decoded, fp, enc->data[1]/*encr data as an MPI*/,
shared_mpi, sk->pkey);
mpi_release (shared_mpi);
goto leave;
xfree (frame);
err = gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, &frame, &nframe, decoded);
mpi_release (decoded);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Now the frame are the bytes decrypted but padded session key. */
/* Allow double padding for the benefit of DEK size concealment.
Higher than this is wasteful. */
if (!nframe || frame[nframe-1] > 8*2 || nframe <= 8
|| frame[nframe-1] > nframe)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_SECKEY);
goto leave;
nframe -= frame[nframe-1]; /* Remove padding. */
log_assert (!n); /* (used just below) */
if (padding)
if (n + 7 > nframe)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_SECKEY);
goto leave;
if (frame[n] == 1 && frame[nframe - 1] == 2)
log_info (_("old encoding of the DEK is not supported\n"));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CIPHER_ALGO);
goto leave;
if (frame[n] != 2) /* Something went wrong. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_SECKEY);
goto leave;
for (n++; n < nframe && frame[n]; n++) /* Skip the random bytes. */
n++; /* Skip the zero byte. */
if (n + 4 > nframe)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_SECKEY);
goto leave;
dek->keylen = nframe - (n + 1) - 2;
dek->algo = frame[n++];
err = openpgp_cipher_test_algo (dek->algo);
if (err)
if (!opt.quiet && gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_CIPHER_ALGO)
log_info (_("cipher algorithm %d%s is unknown or disabled\n"),
dek->algo == CIPHER_ALGO_IDEA ? " (IDEA)" : "");
dek->algo = 0;
goto leave;
if (dek->keylen != openpgp_cipher_get_algo_keylen (dek->algo))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_SECKEY);
goto leave;
/* Copy the key to DEK and compare the checksum. */
csum = buf16_to_u16 (frame+nframe-2);
memcpy (dek->key, frame + n, dek->keylen);
for (csum2 = 0, n = 0; n < dek->keylen; n++)
csum2 += dek->key[n];
if (csum != csum2)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_SECKEY);
goto leave;
log_clock ("decryption ready");
log_printhex ("DEK is:", dek->key, dek->keylen);
/* Check that the algo is in the preferences and whether it has expired. */
PKT_public_key *pk = NULL;
KBNODE pkb = get_pubkeyblock (keyid);
if (!pkb)
err = -1;
log_error ("oops: public key not found for preference check\n");
else if (pkb->pkt->pkt.public_key->selfsigversion > 3
&& dek->algo != CIPHER_ALGO_3DES
&& !opt.quiet
&& !is_algo_in_prefs (pkb, PREFTYPE_SYM, dek->algo))
log_info (_("WARNING: cipher algorithm %s not found in recipient"
" preferences\n"), openpgp_cipher_algo_name (dek->algo));
if (!err)
for (k = pkb; k; k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
u32 aki[2];
keyid_from_pk (k->pkt->pkt.public_key, aki);
if (aki[0] == keyid[0] && aki[1] == keyid[1])
pk = k->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (!pk)
BUG ();
if (pk->expiredate && pk->expiredate <= make_timestamp ())
log_info (_("Note: secret key %s expired at %s\n"),
keystr (keyid), asctimestamp (pk->expiredate));
if (pk && pk->flags.revoked)
log_info (_("Note: key has been revoked"));
log_printf ("\n");
show_revocation_reason (pk, 1);
release_kbnode (pkb);
err = 0;
xfree (frame);
xfree (keygrip);
return err;
* Get the session key from the given string.
* String is supposed to be formatted as this:
* <algo-id>:<even-number-of-hex-digits>
get_override_session_key (DEK *dek, const char *string)
const char *s;
int i;
if (!string)
dek->algo = atoi (string);
if (dek->algo < 1)
if (!(s = strchr (string, ':')))
for (i = 0; i < DIM (dek->key) && *s; i++, s += 2)
int c = hextobyte (s);
if (c == -1)
dek->key[i] = c;
if (*s)
dek->keylen = i;
return 0;
diff --git a/g10/revoke.c b/g10/revoke.c
index 15a91acbf..68fc44ac8 100644
--- a/g10/revoke.c
+++ b/g10/revoke.c
@@ -1,882 +1,882 @@
/* revoke.c - Create recovation certificates.
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
* 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "call-agent.h"
struct revocation_reason_info {
int code;
char *desc;
revocation_reason_build_cb( PKT_signature *sig, void *opaque )
struct revocation_reason_info *reason = opaque;
char *ud = NULL;
byte *buffer;
size_t buflen = 1;
return 0;
if( reason->desc ) {
ud = native_to_utf8( reason->desc );
buflen += strlen(ud);
buffer = xmalloc( buflen );
*buffer = reason->code;
if( ud ) {
memcpy(buffer+1, ud, strlen(ud) );
xfree( ud );
build_sig_subpkt( sig, SIGSUBPKT_REVOC_REASON, buffer, buflen );
xfree( buffer );
return 0;
/* Outputs a minimal pk (as defined by 2440) from a keyblock. A
minimal pk consists of the public key packet and a user ID. We try
and pick a user ID that has a uid signature, and include it if
possible. */
static int
export_minimal_pk(IOBUF out,KBNODE keyblock,
PKT_signature *revsig,PKT_signature *revkey)
KBNODE node;
PKT_user_id *uid=NULL;
PKT_signature *selfsig=NULL;
u32 keyid[2];
int rc;
log_error("key incomplete\n");
log_error(_("build_packet failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc) );
return rc;
/* the revocation itself, if any. 2440 likes this to come first. */
log_error("build_packet failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) );
return rc;
/* If a revkey in a 1F sig is present, include it too */
log_error(_("build_packet failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc) );
return rc;
KBNODE signode;
/* We're out of user IDs - none were self-signed. */
log_error(_("key %s has no user IDs\n"),keystr(keyid));
if(keyid[0]==signode->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid[0] &&
keyid[1]==signode->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid[1] &&
log_error(_("build_packet failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc) );
return rc;
log_error(_("build_packet failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc) );
return rc;
return 0;
* Generate a revocation certificate for UNAME via a designated revoker
gen_desig_revoke (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *uname, strlist_t locusr)
int rc = 0;
armor_filter_context_t *afx;
PKT_public_key *pk = NULL;
PKT_public_key *pk2 = NULL;
PKT_signature *sig = NULL;
struct revocation_reason_info *reason = NULL;
KBNODE keyblock=NULL,node;
u32 keyid[2];
int i,any=0;
SK_LIST sk_list=NULL;
if( opt.batch )
log_error(_("can't do this in batch mode\n"));
afx = new_armor_context ();
kdbhd = keydb_new ();
if (!kdbhd)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
rc = classify_user_id (uname, &desc, 1);
if (!rc)
rc = keydb_search (kdbhd, &desc, 1, NULL);
if (rc) {
log_error (_("key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"),uname, gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
rc = keydb_get_keyblock (kdbhd, &keyblock );
if( rc ) {
log_error (_("error reading keyblock: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc) );
goto leave;
/* To parse the revkeys */
/* get the key from the keyblock */
node = find_kbnode( keyblock, PKT_PUBLIC_KEY );
if( !node )
BUG ();
rc = build_sk_list (ctrl, locusr, &sk_list, PUBKEY_USAGE_CERT);
goto leave;
/* Are we a designated revoker for this key? */
if(!pk->revkey && pk->numrevkeys)
SK_LIST list;
free_public_key (pk2);
pk2 = NULL;
size_t fprlen;
fingerprint_from_pk (list->pk, fpr, &fprlen);
/* Don't get involved with keys that don't have 160
bit fingerprints */
if (list)
pk2 = copy_public_key (NULL, list->pk);
pk2 = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pk2);
rc = get_pubkey_byfprint (pk2, NULL,
pk->revkey[i].fpr, MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN);
/* We have the revocation key. */
PKT_signature *revkey = NULL;
any = 1;
print_pubkey_info (NULL, pk);
tty_printf ("\n");
tty_printf (_("To be revoked by:\n"));
print_seckey_info (pk2);
tty_printf(_("(This is a sensitive revocation key)\n"));
rc = agent_probe_secret_key (ctrl, pk2);
if (rc)
tty_printf (_("Secret key is not available.\n"));
if( !cpr_get_answer_is_yes("gen_desig_revoke.okay",
_("Create a designated revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) ")))
/* get the reason for the revocation (this is always v4) */
reason = ask_revocation_reason( 1, 0, 1 );
if( !reason )
if( !opt.armor )
tty_printf(_("ASCII armored output forced.\n"));
if( (rc = open_outfile (-1, NULL, 0, 1, &out )) )
goto leave;
afx->what = 1;
afx->hdrlines = "Comment: A designated revocation certificate"
" should follow\n";
push_armor_filter (afx, out);
/* create it */
rc = make_keysig_packet( &sig, pk, NULL, NULL, pk2, 0x20, 0,
0, 0,
revocation_reason_build_cb, reason,
if( rc ) {
log_error(_("make_keysig_packet failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
/* Spit out a minimal pk as well, since otherwise there is
no way to know which key to attach this revocation to.
Also include the direct key signature that contains
this revocation key. We're allowed to include
sensitive revocation keys along with a revocation, as
this may be the only time the recipient has seen it.
Note that this means that if we have multiple different
sensitive revocation keys in a given direct key
signature, we're going to include them all here. This
is annoying, but the good outweighs the bad, since
without including this a sensitive revoker can't really
do their job. People should not include multiple
sensitive revocation keys in one signature: 2440 says
"Note that it may be appropriate to isolate this
subpacket within a separate signature so that it is not
combined with other subpackets that need to be
exported." -dms */
KBNODE signode;
if(keyid[0]==signode->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid[0] &&
keyid[1]==signode->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid[1] &&
int j;
signode->pkt->pkt.signature->revkey[j].class &&
signode->pkt->pkt.signature->revkey[j].algid &&
goto leave;
/* and issue a usage notice */
tty_printf(_("Revocation certificate created.\n"));
log_error(_("no revocation keys found for \"%s\"\n"),uname);
free_public_key (pk);
free_public_key (pk2);
if( sig )
free_seckey_enc( sig );
if( rc )
release_revocation_reason_info( reason );
release_armor_context (afx);
return rc;
/* Common core to create the revocation. FILENAME may be NULL to write
to stdout or the filename given by --output. REASON describes the
revocation reason. PSK is the public primary key - we expect that
a corresponding secret key is available. KEYBLOCK is the entire
KEYBLOCK which is used in PGP mode to write a a minimal key and not
just the naked revocation signature; it may be NULL. If LEADINTEXT
is not NULL, it is written right before the (armored) output.*/
static int
create_revocation (const char *filename,
struct revocation_reason_info *reason,
PKT_public_key *psk,
kbnode_t keyblock,
const char *leadintext, int suffix,
const char *cache_nonce)
int rc;
iobuf_t out = NULL;
armor_filter_context_t *afx;
PKT_signature *sig = NULL;
afx = new_armor_context ();
if ((rc = open_outfile (-1, filename, suffix, 1, &out)))
goto leave;
if (leadintext )
iobuf_writestr (out, leadintext);
afx->what = 1;
afx->hdrlines = "Comment: This is a revocation certificate\n";
push_armor_filter (afx, out);
rc = make_keysig_packet (&sig, psk, NULL, NULL, psk, 0x20, 0,
0, 0,
revocation_reason_build_cb, reason, cache_nonce);
if (rc)
log_error (_("make_keysig_packet failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if (keyblock && (PGP6 || PGP7 || PGP8))
/* Use a minimal pk for PGPx mode, since PGP can't import bare
revocation certificates. */
rc = export_minimal_pk (out, keyblock, sig, NULL);
if (rc)
goto leave;
init_packet (&pkt);
pkt.pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
pkt.pkt.signature = sig;
rc = build_packet (out, &pkt);
if (rc)
log_error (_("build_packet failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if (sig)
free_seckey_enc (sig);
if (rc)
iobuf_cancel (out);
iobuf_close (out);
release_armor_context (afx);
return rc;
/* This function is used to generate a standard revocation certificate
by gpg's interactive key generation function. The certificate is
stored at a dedicated place in a slightly modified form to avoid an
accidental import. PSK is the primary key; a corresponding secret
key must be available. CACHE_NONCE is optional but can be used to
help gpg-agent to avoid an extra passphrase prompt. */
gen_standard_revoke (PKT_public_key *psk, const char *cache_nonce)
int rc;
estream_t memfp;
struct revocation_reason_info reason;
char *dir, *tmpstr, *fname;
void *leadin;
size_t len;
u32 keyid[2];
int kl;
char *orig_codeset;
dir = get_openpgp_revocdir (gnupg_homedir ());
tmpstr = hexfingerprint (psk, NULL, 0);
fname = xstrconcat (dir, DIRSEP_S, tmpstr, NULL);
xfree (tmpstr);
xfree (dir);
keyid_from_pk (psk, keyid);
memfp = es_fopenmem (0, "r+");
if (!memfp)
log_fatal ("error creating memory stream\n");
orig_codeset = i18n_switchto_utf8 ();
es_fprintf (memfp, "%s\n\n",
_("This is a revocation certificate for the OpenPGP key:"));
print_key_line (memfp, psk, 0);
if (opt.keyid_format != KF_NONE)
print_fingerprint (memfp, psk, 3);
kl = opt.keyid_format == KF_NONE? 0 : keystrlen ();
tmpstr = get_user_id (keyid, &len);
es_fprintf (memfp, "uid%*s%.*s\n\n",
kl + 10, "",
(int)len, tmpstr);
xfree (tmpstr);
es_fprintf (memfp, "%s\n\n%s\n\n%s\n\n:",
_("A revocation certificate is a kind of \"kill switch\" to publicly\n"
"declare that a key shall not anymore be used. It is not possible\n"
"to retract such a revocation certificate once it has been published."),
_("Use it to revoke this key in case of a compromise or loss of\n"
"the secret key. However, if the secret key is still accessible,\n"
"it is better to generate a new revocation certificate and give\n"
"a reason for the revocation. For details see the description of\n"
"of the gpg command \"--gen-revoke\" in the GnuPG manual."),
_("To avoid an accidental use of this file, a colon has been inserted\n"
"before the 5 dashes below. Remove this colon with a text editor\n"
"before importing and publishing this revocation certificate."));
es_putc (0, memfp);
i18n_switchback (orig_codeset);
if (es_fclose_snatch (memfp, &leadin, NULL))
log_fatal ("error snatching memory stream\n");
reason.code = 0x00; /* No particular reason. */
reason.desc = NULL;
rc = create_revocation (fname, &reason, psk, NULL, leadin, 3, cache_nonce);
if (!rc && !opt.quiet)
log_info (_("revocation certificate stored as '%s.rev'\n"), fname);
xfree (leadin);
xfree (fname);
return rc;
* Generate a revocation certificate for UNAME
gen_revoke (const char *uname)
int rc = 0;
PKT_public_key *psk;
u32 keyid[2];
kbnode_t keyblock = NULL;
kbnode_t node;
struct revocation_reason_info *reason = NULL;
if( opt.batch )
log_error(_("can't do this in batch mode\n"));
/* Search the userid; we don't want the whole getkey stuff here. */
kdbhd = keydb_new ();
if (!kdbhd)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
rc = classify_user_id (uname, &desc, 1);
if (!rc)
rc = keydb_search (kdbhd, &desc, 1, NULL);
if (rc)
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
log_error (_("secret key \"%s\" not found\n"), uname);
log_error (_("secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"),
uname, gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
rc = keydb_get_keyblock (kdbhd, &keyblock );
if (rc)
log_error (_("error reading keyblock: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc) );
goto leave;
rc = keydb_search (kdbhd, &desc, 1, NULL);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
/* Not ambiguous. */
else if (rc == 0)
/* Ambiguous. */
char *info;
/* TRANSLATORS: The %s prints a key specification which
for example has been given at the command line. Several lines
lines with secret key infos are printed after this message. */
log_error (_("'%s' matches multiple secret keys:\n"), uname);
info = format_seckey_info (keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key);
log_error (" %s\n", info);
xfree (info);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
rc = keydb_get_keyblock (kdbhd, &keyblock);
while (! rc)
info = format_seckey_info (keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key);
log_info (" %s\n", info);
xfree (info);
release_kbnode (keyblock);
keyblock = NULL;
rc = keydb_search (kdbhd, &desc, 1, NULL);
if (! rc)
rc = keydb_get_keyblock (kdbhd, &keyblock);
goto leave;
log_error (_("error searching the keyring: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
/* Get the keyid from the keyblock. */
node = find_kbnode (keyblock, PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
if (!node)
BUG ();
psk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key;
rc = agent_probe_secret_key (NULL, psk);
if (rc)
log_error (_("secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"),
uname, gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
keyid_from_pk (psk, keyid );
print_seckey_info (psk);
if (!cpr_get_answer_is_yes ("gen_revoke.okay",
_("Create a revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) ")))
rc = 0;
goto leave;
/* Get the reason for the revocation. */
reason = ask_revocation_reason (1, 0, 1);
if (!reason)
/* User decided to cancel. */
rc = 0;
goto leave;
if (!opt.armor)
tty_printf (_("ASCII armored output forced.\n"));
rc = create_revocation (NULL, reason, psk, keyblock, NULL, 0, NULL);
if (rc)
goto leave;
/* and issue a usage notice */
tty_printf (_(
"Revocation certificate created.\n\n"
"Please move it to a medium which you can hide away; if Mallory gets\n"
"access to this certificate he can use it to make your key unusable.\n"
"It is smart to print this certificate and store it away, just in case\n"
"your media become unreadable. But have some caution: The print system of\n"
"your machine might store the data and make it available to others!\n"));
release_kbnode (keyblock);
keydb_release (kdbhd);
release_revocation_reason_info( reason );
return rc;
struct revocation_reason_info *
ask_revocation_reason( int key_rev, int cert_rev, int hint )
int code=-1;
char *description = NULL;
struct revocation_reason_info *reason;
const char *text_0 = _("No reason specified");
const char *text_1 = _("Key has been compromised");
const char *text_2 = _("Key is superseded");
const char *text_3 = _("Key is no longer used");
const char *text_4 = _("User ID is no longer valid");
const char *code_text = NULL;
do {
description = NULL;
tty_printf(_("Please select the reason for the revocation:\n"));
tty_printf( " 0 = %s\n", text_0 );
if( key_rev )
tty_printf(" 1 = %s\n", text_1 );
if( key_rev )
tty_printf(" 2 = %s\n", text_2 );
if( key_rev )
tty_printf(" 3 = %s\n", text_3 );
if( cert_rev )
tty_printf(" 4 = %s\n", text_4 );
tty_printf( " Q = %s\n", _("Cancel") );
if( hint )
tty_printf(_("(Probably you want to select %d here)\n"), hint );
while(code==-1) {
int n;
char *answer = cpr_get("ask_revocation_reason.code",
_("Your decision? "));
trim_spaces( answer );
if( *answer == 'q' || *answer == 'Q')
return NULL; /* cancel */
if( hint && !*answer )
n = hint;
else if(!digitp( answer ) )
n = -1;
n = atoi(answer);
if( n == 0 ) {
code = 0x00; /* no particular reason */
code_text = text_0;
else if( key_rev && n == 1 ) {
code = 0x02; /* key has been compromised */
code_text = text_1;
else if( key_rev && n == 2 ) {
code = 0x01; /* key is superseded */
code_text = text_2;
else if( key_rev && n == 3 ) {
code = 0x03; /* key is no longer used */
code_text = text_3;
else if( cert_rev && n == 4 ) {
code = 0x20; /* uid is no longer valid */
code_text = text_4;
tty_printf(_("Invalid selection.\n"));
tty_printf(_("Enter an optional description; "
"end it with an empty line:\n") );
for(;;) {
char *answer = cpr_get("ask_revocation_reason.text", "> " );
trim_trailing_ws( answer, strlen(answer) );
if( !*answer ) {
char *p = make_printable_string( answer, strlen(answer), 0 );
answer = p;
if( !description )
description = xstrdup(answer);
else {
char *p = xmalloc( strlen(description) + strlen(answer) + 2 );
strcpy(stpcpy(stpcpy( p, description),"\n"),answer);
description = p;
tty_printf(_("Reason for revocation: %s\n"), code_text );
if( !description )
tty_printf(_("(No description given)\n") );
tty_printf("%s\n", description );
} while( !cpr_get_answer_is_yes("ask_revocation_reason.okay",
_("Is this okay? (y/N) ")) );
reason = xmalloc( sizeof *reason );
reason->code = code;
reason->desc = description;
return reason;
struct revocation_reason_info *
struct revocation_reason_info *reason;
reason = xmalloc( sizeof *reason );
reason->code = 0x20; /* uid is no longer valid */
reason->desc = strdup(""); /* no text */
return reason;
release_revocation_reason_info( struct revocation_reason_info *reason )
if( reason ) {
xfree( reason->desc );
xfree( reason );
diff --git a/g10/rmd160.c b/g10/rmd160.c
index 8eb005f54..7c77ca591 100644
--- a/g10/rmd160.c
+++ b/g10/rmd160.c
@@ -1,425 +1,425 @@
/* rmd160.c - RIPE-MD160
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* For historic reasons gpg uses RIPE-MD160 to to identify names in
the trustdb. It would be better to change that to SHA-1, to take
advantage of a SHA-1 hardware operation provided by some CPUs.
This would break trustdb compatibility and thus we don't want to do
it now.
We do not use the libgcrypt provided implementation of RMD160
because that is not available in FIPS mode, thus for the sake of
gpg internal non-cryptographic, purposes, we use this separate
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "../common/types.h"
#include "rmd160.h"
* Rotate the 32 bit integer X by N bytes.
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__)
static inline u32
rol (u32 x, int n)
__asm__("roll %%cl,%0"
:"=r" (x)
:"0" (x),"c" (n));
return x;
#define rol(x,n) ( ((x) << (n)) | ((x) >> (32-(n))) )
/* Structure holding the context for the RIPE-MD160 computation. */
typedef struct
u32 h0, h1, h2, h3, h4;
u32 nblocks;
unsigned char buf[64];
int count;
} rmd160_context_t;
static void
rmd160_init (rmd160_context_t *hd)
hd->h0 = 0x67452301;
hd->h1 = 0xEFCDAB89;
hd->h2 = 0x98BADCFE;
hd->h3 = 0x10325476;
hd->h4 = 0xC3D2E1F0;
hd->nblocks = 0;
hd->count = 0;
* Transform the message X which consists of 16 32-bit-words.
static void
transform (rmd160_context_t *hd, const unsigned char *data)
u32 a,b,c,d,e,aa,bb,cc,dd,ee,t;
u32 x[16];
int i;
unsigned char *p2, *p1;
for (i=0, p1=data, p2=(unsigned char*)x; i < 16; i++, p2 += 4 )
p2[3] = *p1++;
p2[2] = *p1++;
p2[1] = *p1++;
p2[0] = *p1++;
u32 x[16];
memcpy (x, data, 64);
#define K0 0x00000000
#define K1 0x5A827999
#define K2 0x6ED9EBA1
#define K3 0x8F1BBCDC
#define K4 0xA953FD4E
#define KK0 0x50A28BE6
#define KK1 0x5C4DD124
#define KK2 0x6D703EF3
#define KK3 0x7A6D76E9
#define KK4 0x00000000
#define F0(x,y,z) ( (x) ^ (y) ^ (z) )
#define F1(x,y,z) ( ((x) & (y)) | (~(x) & (z)) )
#define F2(x,y,z) ( ((x) | ~(y)) ^ (z) )
#define F3(x,y,z) ( ((x) & (z)) | ((y) & ~(z)) )
#define F4(x,y,z) ( (x) ^ ((y) | ~(z)) )
#define R(a,b,c,d,e,f,k,r,s) do { t = a + f(b,c,d) + k + x[r]; \
a = rol(t,s) + e; \
c = rol(c,10); \
} while(0)
/* Left lane. */
a = hd->h0;
b = hd->h1;
c = hd->h2;
d = hd->h3;
e = hd->h4;
R( a, b, c, d, e, F0, K0, 0, 11 );
R( e, a, b, c, d, F0, K0, 1, 14 );
R( d, e, a, b, c, F0, K0, 2, 15 );
R( c, d, e, a, b, F0, K0, 3, 12 );
R( b, c, d, e, a, F0, K0, 4, 5 );
R( a, b, c, d, e, F0, K0, 5, 8 );
R( e, a, b, c, d, F0, K0, 6, 7 );
R( d, e, a, b, c, F0, K0, 7, 9 );
R( c, d, e, a, b, F0, K0, 8, 11 );
R( b, c, d, e, a, F0, K0, 9, 13 );
R( a, b, c, d, e, F0, K0, 10, 14 );
R( e, a, b, c, d, F0, K0, 11, 15 );
R( d, e, a, b, c, F0, K0, 12, 6 );
R( c, d, e, a, b, F0, K0, 13, 7 );
R( b, c, d, e, a, F0, K0, 14, 9 );
R( a, b, c, d, e, F0, K0, 15, 8 );
R( e, a, b, c, d, F1, K1, 7, 7 );
R( d, e, a, b, c, F1, K1, 4, 6 );
R( c, d, e, a, b, F1, K1, 13, 8 );
R( b, c, d, e, a, F1, K1, 1, 13 );
R( a, b, c, d, e, F1, K1, 10, 11 );
R( e, a, b, c, d, F1, K1, 6, 9 );
R( d, e, a, b, c, F1, K1, 15, 7 );
R( c, d, e, a, b, F1, K1, 3, 15 );
R( b, c, d, e, a, F1, K1, 12, 7 );
R( a, b, c, d, e, F1, K1, 0, 12 );
R( e, a, b, c, d, F1, K1, 9, 15 );
R( d, e, a, b, c, F1, K1, 5, 9 );
R( c, d, e, a, b, F1, K1, 2, 11 );
R( b, c, d, e, a, F1, K1, 14, 7 );
R( a, b, c, d, e, F1, K1, 11, 13 );
R( e, a, b, c, d, F1, K1, 8, 12 );
R( d, e, a, b, c, F2, K2, 3, 11 );
R( c, d, e, a, b, F2, K2, 10, 13 );
R( b, c, d, e, a, F2, K2, 14, 6 );
R( a, b, c, d, e, F2, K2, 4, 7 );
R( e, a, b, c, d, F2, K2, 9, 14 );
R( d, e, a, b, c, F2, K2, 15, 9 );
R( c, d, e, a, b, F2, K2, 8, 13 );
R( b, c, d, e, a, F2, K2, 1, 15 );
R( a, b, c, d, e, F2, K2, 2, 14 );
R( e, a, b, c, d, F2, K2, 7, 8 );
R( d, e, a, b, c, F2, K2, 0, 13 );
R( c, d, e, a, b, F2, K2, 6, 6 );
R( b, c, d, e, a, F2, K2, 13, 5 );
R( a, b, c, d, e, F2, K2, 11, 12 );
R( e, a, b, c, d, F2, K2, 5, 7 );
R( d, e, a, b, c, F2, K2, 12, 5 );
R( c, d, e, a, b, F3, K3, 1, 11 );
R( b, c, d, e, a, F3, K3, 9, 12 );
R( a, b, c, d, e, F3, K3, 11, 14 );
R( e, a, b, c, d, F3, K3, 10, 15 );
R( d, e, a, b, c, F3, K3, 0, 14 );
R( c, d, e, a, b, F3, K3, 8, 15 );
R( b, c, d, e, a, F3, K3, 12, 9 );
R( a, b, c, d, e, F3, K3, 4, 8 );
R( e, a, b, c, d, F3, K3, 13, 9 );
R( d, e, a, b, c, F3, K3, 3, 14 );
R( c, d, e, a, b, F3, K3, 7, 5 );
R( b, c, d, e, a, F3, K3, 15, 6 );
R( a, b, c, d, e, F3, K3, 14, 8 );
R( e, a, b, c, d, F3, K3, 5, 6 );
R( d, e, a, b, c, F3, K3, 6, 5 );
R( c, d, e, a, b, F3, K3, 2, 12 );
R( b, c, d, e, a, F4, K4, 4, 9 );
R( a, b, c, d, e, F4, K4, 0, 15 );
R( e, a, b, c, d, F4, K4, 5, 5 );
R( d, e, a, b, c, F4, K4, 9, 11 );
R( c, d, e, a, b, F4, K4, 7, 6 );
R( b, c, d, e, a, F4, K4, 12, 8 );
R( a, b, c, d, e, F4, K4, 2, 13 );
R( e, a, b, c, d, F4, K4, 10, 12 );
R( d, e, a, b, c, F4, K4, 14, 5 );
R( c, d, e, a, b, F4, K4, 1, 12 );
R( b, c, d, e, a, F4, K4, 3, 13 );
R( a, b, c, d, e, F4, K4, 8, 14 );
R( e, a, b, c, d, F4, K4, 11, 11 );
R( d, e, a, b, c, F4, K4, 6, 8 );
R( c, d, e, a, b, F4, K4, 15, 5 );
R( b, c, d, e, a, F4, K4, 13, 6 );
aa = a; bb = b; cc = c; dd = d; ee = e;
/* Right lane. */
a = hd->h0;
b = hd->h1;
c = hd->h2;
d = hd->h3;
e = hd->h4;
R( a, b, c, d, e, F4, KK0, 5, 8);
R( e, a, b, c, d, F4, KK0, 14, 9);
R( d, e, a, b, c, F4, KK0, 7, 9);
R( c, d, e, a, b, F4, KK0, 0, 11);
R( b, c, d, e, a, F4, KK0, 9, 13);
R( a, b, c, d, e, F4, KK0, 2, 15);
R( e, a, b, c, d, F4, KK0, 11, 15);
R( d, e, a, b, c, F4, KK0, 4, 5);
R( c, d, e, a, b, F4, KK0, 13, 7);
R( b, c, d, e, a, F4, KK0, 6, 7);
R( a, b, c, d, e, F4, KK0, 15, 8);
R( e, a, b, c, d, F4, KK0, 8, 11);
R( d, e, a, b, c, F4, KK0, 1, 14);
R( c, d, e, a, b, F4, KK0, 10, 14);
R( b, c, d, e, a, F4, KK0, 3, 12);
R( a, b, c, d, e, F4, KK0, 12, 6);
R( e, a, b, c, d, F3, KK1, 6, 9);
R( d, e, a, b, c, F3, KK1, 11, 13);
R( c, d, e, a, b, F3, KK1, 3, 15);
R( b, c, d, e, a, F3, KK1, 7, 7);
R( a, b, c, d, e, F3, KK1, 0, 12);
R( e, a, b, c, d, F3, KK1, 13, 8);
R( d, e, a, b, c, F3, KK1, 5, 9);
R( c, d, e, a, b, F3, KK1, 10, 11);
R( b, c, d, e, a, F3, KK1, 14, 7);
R( a, b, c, d, e, F3, KK1, 15, 7);
R( e, a, b, c, d, F3, KK1, 8, 12);
R( d, e, a, b, c, F3, KK1, 12, 7);
R( c, d, e, a, b, F3, KK1, 4, 6);
R( b, c, d, e, a, F3, KK1, 9, 15);
R( a, b, c, d, e, F3, KK1, 1, 13);
R( e, a, b, c, d, F3, KK1, 2, 11);
R( d, e, a, b, c, F2, KK2, 15, 9);
R( c, d, e, a, b, F2, KK2, 5, 7);
R( b, c, d, e, a, F2, KK2, 1, 15);
R( a, b, c, d, e, F2, KK2, 3, 11);
R( e, a, b, c, d, F2, KK2, 7, 8);
R( d, e, a, b, c, F2, KK2, 14, 6);
R( c, d, e, a, b, F2, KK2, 6, 6);
R( b, c, d, e, a, F2, KK2, 9, 14);
R( a, b, c, d, e, F2, KK2, 11, 12);
R( e, a, b, c, d, F2, KK2, 8, 13);
R( d, e, a, b, c, F2, KK2, 12, 5);
R( c, d, e, a, b, F2, KK2, 2, 14);
R( b, c, d, e, a, F2, KK2, 10, 13);
R( a, b, c, d, e, F2, KK2, 0, 13);
R( e, a, b, c, d, F2, KK2, 4, 7);
R( d, e, a, b, c, F2, KK2, 13, 5);
R( c, d, e, a, b, F1, KK3, 8, 15);
R( b, c, d, e, a, F1, KK3, 6, 5);
R( a, b, c, d, e, F1, KK3, 4, 8);
R( e, a, b, c, d, F1, KK3, 1, 11);
R( d, e, a, b, c, F1, KK3, 3, 14);
R( c, d, e, a, b, F1, KK3, 11, 14);
R( b, c, d, e, a, F1, KK3, 15, 6);
R( a, b, c, d, e, F1, KK3, 0, 14);
R( e, a, b, c, d, F1, KK3, 5, 6);
R( d, e, a, b, c, F1, KK3, 12, 9);
R( c, d, e, a, b, F1, KK3, 2, 12);
R( b, c, d, e, a, F1, KK3, 13, 9);
R( a, b, c, d, e, F1, KK3, 9, 12);
R( e, a, b, c, d, F1, KK3, 7, 5);
R( d, e, a, b, c, F1, KK3, 10, 15);
R( c, d, e, a, b, F1, KK3, 14, 8);
R( b, c, d, e, a, F0, KK4, 12, 8);
R( a, b, c, d, e, F0, KK4, 15, 5);
R( e, a, b, c, d, F0, KK4, 10, 12);
R( d, e, a, b, c, F0, KK4, 4, 9);
R( c, d, e, a, b, F0, KK4, 1, 12);
R( b, c, d, e, a, F0, KK4, 5, 5);
R( a, b, c, d, e, F0, KK4, 8, 14);
R( e, a, b, c, d, F0, KK4, 7, 6);
R( d, e, a, b, c, F0, KK4, 6, 8);
R( c, d, e, a, b, F0, KK4, 2, 13);
R( b, c, d, e, a, F0, KK4, 13, 6);
R( a, b, c, d, e, F0, KK4, 14, 5);
R( e, a, b, c, d, F0, KK4, 0, 15);
R( d, e, a, b, c, F0, KK4, 3, 13);
R( c, d, e, a, b, F0, KK4, 9, 11);
R( b, c, d, e, a, F0, KK4, 11, 11);
t = hd->h1 + d + cc;
hd->h1 = hd->h2 + e + dd;
hd->h2 = hd->h3 + a + ee;
hd->h3 = hd->h4 + b + aa;
hd->h4 = hd->h0 + c + bb;
hd->h0 = t;
/* Update the message digest with the content of (INBUF,INLEN). */
static void
rmd160_write (rmd160_context_t *hd, const unsigned char *inbuf, size_t inlen)
if( hd->count == 64 )
/* Flush the buffer. */
transform (hd, hd->buf);
hd->count = 0;
if (!inbuf)
if (hd->count)
for (; inlen && hd->count < 64; inlen--)
hd->buf[hd->count++] = *inbuf++;
rmd160_write (hd, NULL, 0);
if (!inlen)
while (inlen >= 64)
transform (hd, inbuf);
hd->count = 0;
inlen -= 64;
inbuf += 64;
for (; inlen && hd->count < 64; inlen--)
hd->buf[hd->count++] = *inbuf++;
/* Complete the message computation. */
static void
rmd160_final( rmd160_context_t *hd )
u32 t, msb, lsb;
unsigned char *p;
rmd160_write (hd, NULL, 0); /* Flush buffer. */
t = hd->nblocks;
/* Multiply by 64 to make a byte count. */
lsb = t << 6;
msb = t >> 26;
/* Add the count. */
t = lsb;
if ((lsb += hd->count) < t)
/* Multiply by 8 to make a bit count. */
t = lsb;
lsb <<= 3;
msb <<= 3;
msb |= t >> 29;
if (hd->count < 56)
/* Enough room. */
hd->buf[hd->count++] = 0x80; /* Pad character. */
while (hd->count < 56)
hd->buf[hd->count++] = 0;
/* Need one extra block. */
hd->buf[hd->count++] = 0x80; /* Pad character. */
while (hd->count < 64)
hd->buf[hd->count++] = 0;
rmd160_write (hd, NULL, 0); /* Flush buffer. */
memset (hd->buf, 0, 56); /* Fill next block with zeroes. */
/* Append the 64 bit count. */
hd->buf[56] = lsb;
hd->buf[57] = lsb >> 8;
hd->buf[58] = lsb >> 16;
hd->buf[59] = lsb >> 24;
hd->buf[60] = msb;
hd->buf[61] = msb >> 8;
hd->buf[62] = msb >> 16;
hd->buf[63] = msb >> 24;
transform (hd, hd->buf);
p = hd->buf;
#define X(a) do { *p++ = hd->h##a; *p++ = hd->h##a >> 8; \
*p++ = hd->h##a >> 16; *p++ = hd->h##a >> 24; } while(0)
#undef X
* Compines function to put the hash value of the supplied BUFFER into
* OUTBUF which must have a size of 20 bytes.
rmd160_hash_buffer (void *outbuf, const void *buffer, size_t length)
rmd160_context_t hd;
rmd160_init (&hd);
rmd160_write (&hd, buffer, length);
rmd160_final (&hd);
memcpy (outbuf, hd.buf, 20);
diff --git a/g10/rmd160.h b/g10/rmd160.h
index 551898b5d..f186b72ca 100644
--- a/g10/rmd160.h
+++ b/g10/rmd160.h
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
/* rmd160.h
* Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G10_RMD160_H
#define G10_RMD160_H
void rmd160_hash_buffer (void *outbuf, const void *buffer, size_t length);
#endif /*G10_RMD160_H*/
diff --git a/g10/seckey-cert.c b/g10/seckey-cert.c
index f61d21bbe..61cc2ea87 100644
--- a/g10/seckey-cert.c
+++ b/g10/seckey-cert.c
@@ -1,255 +1,255 @@
/* seckey-cert.c - Not anymore used
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
* 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#error Not anymore used - only kept for reference in the repository.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "cipher.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "pkglue.h"
static int
xxxx_do_check( PKT_secret_key *sk, const char *tryagain_text, int mode,
int *canceled )
gpg_error_t err;
byte *buffer;
u16 csum=0;
int i, res;
size_t nbytes;
if( sk->is_protected ) { /* remove the protection */
DEK *dek = NULL;
u32 keyid[4]; /* 4! because we need two of them */
gcry_cipher_hd_t cipher_hd=NULL;
PKT_secret_key *save_sk;
if( sk->protect.s2k.mode == 1001 ) {
log_info(_("secret key parts are not available\n"));
if( sk->protect.algo == CIPHER_ALGO_NONE )
if( openpgp_cipher_test_algo( sk->protect.algo ) ) {
log_info(_("protection algorithm %d%s is not supported\n"),
sk->protect.algo,sk->protect.algo==1?" (IDEA)":"" );
if(gcry_md_test_algo (sk->protect.s2k.hash_algo))
log_info(_("protection digest %d is not supported\n"),
keyid_from_sk( sk, keyid );
keyid[2] = keyid[3] = 0;
if (!sk->flags.primary)
keyid[2] = sk->main_keyid[0];
keyid[3] = sk->main_keyid[1];
dek = passphrase_to_dek( keyid, sk->pubkey_algo, sk->protect.algo,
&sk->protect.s2k, mode,
tryagain_text, canceled );
if (!dek && canceled && *canceled)
err = openpgp_cipher_open (&cipher_hd, sk->protect.algo,
| (sk->protect.algo >= 100 ?
if (err)
log_fatal ("cipher open failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err) );
err = gcry_cipher_setkey (cipher_hd, dek->key, dek->keylen);
if (err)
log_fatal ("set key failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err) );
save_sk = copy_secret_key( NULL, sk );
gcry_cipher_setiv ( cipher_hd, sk->protect.iv, sk->protect.ivlen );
csum = 0;
if( sk->version >= 4 ) {
int ndata;
unsigned int ndatabits;
byte *p, *data;
u16 csumc = 0;
i = pubkey_get_npkey(sk->pubkey_algo);
assert ( gcry_mpi_get_flag (sk->skey[i], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE ));
p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque ( sk->skey[i], &ndatabits );
ndata = (ndatabits+7)/8;
if ( ndata > 1 )
csumc = buf16_to_u16 (p+ndata-2);
data = xmalloc_secure ( ndata );
gcry_cipher_decrypt ( cipher_hd, data, ndata, p, ndata );
gcry_mpi_release (sk->skey[i]); sk->skey[i] = NULL ;
p = data;
if (sk->protect.sha1chk) {
/* This is the new SHA1 checksum method to detect
tampering with the key as used by the Klima/Rosa
attack */
sk->csum = 0;
csum = 1;
if( ndata < 20 )
log_error("not enough bytes for SHA-1 checksum\n");
else {
gcry_md_hd_t h;
if ( gcry_md_open (&h, DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1, 1))
BUG(); /* Algo not available. */
gcry_md_write (h, data, ndata - 20);
gcry_md_final (h);
if (!memcmp (gcry_md_read (h, DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1),
data + ndata - 20, 20) )
/* Digest does match. We have to keep the old
style checksum in sk->csum, so that the
test used for unprotected keys does work.
This test gets used when we are adding new
keys. */
sk->csum = csum = checksum (data, ndata-20);
gcry_md_close (h);
else {
if( ndata < 2 ) {
log_error("not enough bytes for checksum\n");
sk->csum = 0;
csum = 1;
else {
csum = checksum( data, ndata-2);
sk->csum = data[ndata-2] << 8 | data[ndata-1];
if ( sk->csum != csum ) {
/* This is a PGP 7.0.0 workaround */
sk->csum = csumc; /* take the encrypted one */
/* Must check it here otherwise the mpi_read_xx would fail
because the length may have an arbitrary value */
if( sk->csum == csum ) {
for( ; i < pubkey_get_nskey(sk->pubkey_algo); i++ ) {
if ( gcry_mpi_scan( &sk->skey[i], GCRYMPI_FMT_PGP,
p, ndata, &nbytes))
/* Checksum was okay, but not correctly
decrypted. */
sk->csum = 0;
csum = 1;
ndata -= nbytes;
p += nbytes;
/* Note: at this point ndata should be 2 for a simple
checksum or 20 for the sha1 digest */
else {
i < pubkey_get_nskey(sk->pubkey_algo); i++ ) {
byte *p;
size_t ndata;
unsigned int ndatabits;
assert (gcry_mpi_get_flag (sk->skey[i], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE));
p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (sk->skey[i], &ndatabits);
ndata = (ndatabits+7)/8;
assert (ndata >= 2);
assert (ndata == ((p[0] << 8 | p[1]) + 7)/8 + 2);
buffer = xmalloc_secure (ndata);
gcry_cipher_sync (cipher_hd);
buffer[0] = p[0];
buffer[1] = p[1];
gcry_cipher_decrypt (cipher_hd, buffer+2, ndata-2,
p+2, ndata-2);
csum += checksum (buffer, ndata);
gcry_mpi_release (sk->skey[i]);
err = gcry_mpi_scan( &sk->skey[i], GCRYMPI_FMT_PGP,
buffer, ndata, &ndata );
xfree (buffer);
if (err)
/* Checksum was okay, but not correctly
decrypted. */
sk->csum = 0;
csum = 1;
/* csum += checksum_mpi (sk->skey[i]); */
gcry_cipher_close ( cipher_hd );
/* Now let's see whether we have used the correct passphrase. */
if( csum != sk->csum ) {
copy_secret_key( sk, save_sk );
passphrase_clear_cache ( keyid, NULL, sk->pubkey_algo );
free_secret_key( save_sk );
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE);
/* The checksum may fail, so we also check the key itself. */
res = pk_check_secret_key ( sk->pubkey_algo, sk->skey );
if( res ) {
copy_secret_key( sk, save_sk );
passphrase_clear_cache ( keyid, NULL, sk->pubkey_algo );
free_secret_key( save_sk );
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE);
free_secret_key( save_sk );
sk->is_protected = 0;
else { /* not protected, assume it is okay if the checksum is okay */
csum = 0;
i < pubkey_get_nskey(sk->pubkey_algo); i++ ) {
csum += checksum_mpi( sk->skey[i] );
if( csum != sk->csum )
return 0;
diff --git a/g10/server.c b/g10/server.c
index 0e1517617..b89f0be69 100644
--- a/g10/server.c
+++ b/g10/server.c
@@ -1,802 +1,802 @@
/* server.c - server mode for gpg
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include <assuan.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "../common/server-help.h"
#include "../common/sysutils.h"
#include "status.h"
#define set_error(e,t) assuan_set_error (ctx, gpg_error (e), (t))
/* Data used to associate an Assuan context with local server data. */
struct server_local_s
/* Our current Assuan context. */
assuan_context_t assuan_ctx;
/* File descriptor as set by the MESSAGE command. */
gnupg_fd_t message_fd;
/* List of prepared recipients. */
pk_list_t recplist;
/* Set if pinentry notifications should be passed back to the
client. */
int allow_pinentry_notify;
/* Helper to close the message fd if it is open. */
static void
close_message_fd (ctrl_t ctrl)
if (ctrl->server_local->message_fd != GNUPG_INVALID_FD)
assuan_sock_close (ctrl->server_local->message_fd);
ctrl->server_local->message_fd = GNUPG_INVALID_FD;
/* Called by libassuan for Assuan options. See the Assuan manual for
details. */
static gpg_error_t
option_handler (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *key, const char *value)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
/* Fixme: Implement the tty and locale args. */
if (!strcmp (key, "display"))
else if (!strcmp (key, "ttyname"))
else if (!strcmp (key, "ttytype"))
else if (!strcmp (key, "lc-ctype"))
else if (!strcmp (key, "lc-messages"))
else if (!strcmp (key, "xauthority"))
else if (!strcmp (key, "pinentry_user_data"))
else if (!strcmp (key, "list-mode"))
/* This is for now a dummy option. */
else if (!strcmp (key, "allow-pinentry-notify"))
ctrl->server_local->allow_pinentry_notify = 1;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_OPTION);
return 0;
/* Called by libassuan for RESET commands. */
static gpg_error_t
reset_notify (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
release_pk_list (ctrl->server_local->recplist);
ctrl->server_local->recplist = NULL;
close_message_fd (ctrl);
assuan_close_input_fd (ctx);
assuan_close_output_fd (ctx);
return 0;
/* Called by libassuan for INPUT commands. */
static gpg_error_t
input_notify (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
/* ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); */
if (strstr (line, "--armor"))
; /* FIXME */
else if (strstr (line, "--base64"))
; /* FIXME */
else if (strstr (line, "--binary"))
/* FIXME (autodetect encoding) */
return 0;
/* Called by libassuan for OUTPUT commands. */
static gpg_error_t
output_notify (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
/* ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); */
if (strstr (line, "--armor"))
; /* FIXME */
else if (strstr (line, "--base64"))
/* FIXME */
return 0;
/* RECIPIENT [--hidden] <userID>
RECIPIENT [--hidden] --file <filename>
Set the recipient for the encryption. <userID> should be the
internal representation of the key; the server may accept any other
way of specification. If this is a valid and trusted recipient the
server does respond with OK, otherwise the return is an ERR with
the reason why the recipient can't be used, the encryption will
then not be done for this recipient. If the policy is not to
encrypt at all if not all recipients are valid, the client has to
take care of this. All RECIPIENT commands are cumulative until a
RESET or an successful ENCRYPT command. */
static gpg_error_t
cmd_recipient (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
int hidden, file;
hidden = has_option (line,"--hidden");
file = has_option (line,"--file");
line = skip_options (line);
/* FIXME: Expand groups
if (opt.grouplist)
remusr = expand_group (rcpts);
remusr = rcpts;
err = find_and_check_key (ctrl, line, PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC, hidden, file,
if (err)
log_error ("command '%s' failed: %s\n", "RECIPIENT", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* SIGNER <userID>
Set the signer's keys for the signature creation. <userID> should
be the internal representation of the key; the server may accept
any other way of specification. If this is a valid and usable
signing key the server does respond with OK, otherwise it returns
an ERR with the reason why the key can't be used, the signing will
then not be done for this key. If the policy is not to sign at all
if not all signer keys are valid, the client has to take care of
this. All SIGNER commands are cumulative until a RESET but they
are *not* reset by an SIGN command because it can be expected that
set of signers are used for more than one sign operation.
Note that this command returns an INV_RECP status which is a bit
strange, but they are very similar. */
static gpg_error_t
cmd_signer (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
Do the actual encryption process. Takes the plaintext from the
INPUT command, writes the ciphertext to the file descriptor set
with the OUTPUT command, take the recipients from all the
recipients set so far with RECIPIENTS.
If this command fails the clients should try to delete all output
currently done or otherwise mark it as invalid. GPG does ensure
that there won't be any security problem with leftover data on the
output in this case.
In most cases this command won't fail because most necessary checks
have been done while setting the recipients. However some checks
can only be done right here and thus error may occur anyway (for
example, no recipients at all).
The input, output and message pipes are closed after this
command. */
static gpg_error_t
cmd_encrypt (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
int inp_fd, out_fd;
(void)line; /* LINE is not used. */
if ( !ctrl->server_local->recplist )
write_status_text (STATUS_NO_RECP, "0");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_USER_ID);
goto leave;
inp_fd = translate_sys2libc_fd (assuan_get_input_fd (ctx), 0);
if (inp_fd == -1)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_INPUT, NULL);
goto leave;
out_fd = translate_sys2libc_fd (assuan_get_output_fd (ctx), 1);
if (out_fd == -1)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_OUTPUT, NULL);
goto leave;
/* FIXME: GPGSM does this here: Add all encrypt-to marked recipients
from the default list. */
/* fixme: err = ctrl->audit? 0 : start_audit_session (ctrl);*/
err = encrypt_crypt (ctrl, inp_fd, NULL, NULL, 0,
/* Release the recipient list on success. */
if (!err)
release_pk_list (ctrl->server_local->recplist);
ctrl->server_local->recplist = NULL;
/* Close and reset the fds. */
close_message_fd (ctrl);
assuan_close_input_fd (ctx);
assuan_close_output_fd (ctx);
if (err)
log_error ("command '%s' failed: %s\n", "ENCRYPT", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
This performs the decrypt operation. */
static gpg_error_t
cmd_decrypt (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
int inp_fd, out_fd;
(void)line; /* LINE is not used. */
inp_fd = translate_sys2libc_fd (assuan_get_input_fd (ctx), 0);
if (inp_fd == -1)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_INPUT, NULL);
out_fd = translate_sys2libc_fd (assuan_get_output_fd (ctx), 1);
if (out_fd == -1)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_OUTPUT, NULL);
glo_ctrl.lasterr = 0;
err = decrypt_message_fd (ctrl, inp_fd, out_fd);
if (!err)
err = glo_ctrl.lasterr;
/* Close and reset the fds. */
close_message_fd (ctrl);
assuan_close_input_fd (ctx);
assuan_close_output_fd (ctx);
if (err)
log_error ("command '%s' failed: %s\n", "DECRYPT", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
This does a verify operation on the message send to the input-FD.
The result is written out using status lines. If an output FD was
given, the signed text will be written to that.
If the signature is a detached one, the server will inquire about
the signed material and the client must provide it.
static gpg_error_t
cmd_verify (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
int rc;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gnupg_fd_t fd = assuan_get_input_fd (ctx);
gnupg_fd_t out_fd = assuan_get_output_fd (ctx);
estream_t out_fp = NULL;
/* FIXME: Revamp this code it is nearly to 3 years old and was only
intended as a quick test. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_INPUT);
if (out_fd != GNUPG_INVALID_FD)
es_syshd_t syshd;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
syshd.type = ES_SYSHD_HANDLE;
syshd.u.handle = out_fd;
syshd.type = ES_SYSHD_FD;
syshd.u.fd = out_fd;
out_fp = es_sysopen_nc (&syshd, "w");
if (!out_fp)
return set_error (gpg_err_code_from_syserror (), "fdopen() failed");
log_debug ("WARNING: The server mode is WORK "
"IN PROGRESS and not ready for use\n");
rc = gpg_verify (ctrl, fd, ctrl->server_local->message_fd, out_fp);
es_fclose (out_fp);
close_message_fd (ctrl);
assuan_close_input_fd (ctx);
assuan_close_output_fd (ctx);
if (rc)
log_error ("command '%s' failed: %s\n", "VERIFY", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
/* SIGN [--detached]
Sign the data set with the INPUT command and write it to the sink
set by OUTPUT. With "--detached" specified, a detached signature
is created. */
static gpg_error_t
cmd_sign (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
Import keys as read from the input-fd, return status message for
each imported one. The import checks the validity of the key. */
static gpg_error_t
cmd_import (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
/* EXPORT [--data [--armor|--base64]] [--] pattern
Similar to the --export command line command, this command exports
public keys matching PATTERN. The output is send to the output fd
unless the --data option has been used in which case the output
gets send inline using regular data lines. The options "--armor"
and "--base" ospecify an output format if "--data" has been used.
Recall that in general the output format is set with the OUTPUT
static gpg_error_t
cmd_export (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
static gpg_error_t
cmd_delkeys (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
/* MESSAGE FD[=<n>]
Set the file descriptor to read a message which is used with
detached signatures. */
static gpg_error_t
cmd_message (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
int rc;
gnupg_fd_t fd;
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
rc = assuan_command_parse_fd (ctx, line, &fd);
if (rc)
return rc;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_INPUT);
ctrl->server_local->message_fd = fd;
return 0;
/* LISTKEYS [<patterns>]
static gpg_error_t
do_listkeys (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line, int mode)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
static gpg_error_t
cmd_listkeys (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
return do_listkeys (ctx, line, 3);
static gpg_error_t
cmd_listsecretkeys (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
return do_listkeys (ctx, line, 2);
Read the parameters in native format from the input fd and create a
new OpenPGP key.
static gpg_error_t
cmd_genkey (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
/* GETINFO <what>
Multipurpose function to return a variety of information.
Supported values for WHAT are:
version - Return the version of the program.
pid - Return the process id of the server.
static gpg_error_t
cmd_getinfo (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
int rc;
if (!strcmp (line, "version"))
const char *s = VERSION;
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, s, strlen (s));
else if (!strcmp (line, "pid"))
char numbuf[50];
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%lu", (unsigned long)getpid ());
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, numbuf, strlen (numbuf));
rc = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "unknown value for WHAT");
return rc;
static const char hlp_passwd[] =
"PASSWD <userID>\n"
"Change the passphrase of the secret key for USERID.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_passwd (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
/* ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); */
gpg_error_t err;
/* line = skip_options (line); */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
return err;
/* Helper to register our commands with libassuan. */
static int
register_commands (assuan_context_t ctx)
static struct
const char *name;
assuan_handler_t handler;
const char * const help;
} table[] = {
{ "RECIPIENT", cmd_recipient },
{ "SIGNER", cmd_signer },
{ "ENCRYPT", cmd_encrypt },
{ "DECRYPT", cmd_decrypt },
{ "VERIFY", cmd_verify },
{ "SIGN", cmd_sign },
{ "IMPORT", cmd_import },
{ "EXPORT", cmd_export },
{ "INPUT", NULL },
{ "MESSAGE", cmd_message },
{ "LISTKEYS", cmd_listkeys },
{ "LISTSECRETKEYS",cmd_listsecretkeys },
{ "GENKEY", cmd_genkey },
{ "DELKEYS", cmd_delkeys },
{ "GETINFO", cmd_getinfo },
{ "PASSWD", cmd_passwd, hlp_passwd},
{ NULL }
int i, rc;
for (i=0; table[i].name; i++)
rc = assuan_register_command (ctx, table[i].name,
table[i].handler, table[i].help);
if (rc)
return rc;
return 0;
/* Startup the server. CTRL must have been allocated by the caller
and set to the default values. */
gpg_server (ctrl_t ctrl)
int rc;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
int filedes[2];
assuan_context_t ctx = NULL;
static const char hello[] = ("GNU Privacy Guard's OpenPGP server "
VERSION " ready");
/* We use a pipe based server so that we can work from scripts.
assuan_init_pipe_server will automagically detect when we are
called with a socketpair and ignore FILEDES in this case. */
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
filedes[0] = assuan_fdopen (0);
filedes[1] = assuan_fdopen (1);
rc = assuan_new (&ctx);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to allocate the assuan context: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
rc = assuan_init_pipe_server (ctx, filedes);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to initialize the server: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
rc = register_commands (ctx);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to the register commands with Assuan: %s\n",
goto leave;
assuan_set_pointer (ctx, ctrl);
if (opt.verbose || opt.debug)
char *tmp;
tmp = xtryasprintf ("Home: %s\n"
"Config: %s\n"
gnupg_homedir (),
"fixme: need config filename",
if (tmp)
assuan_set_hello_line (ctx, tmp);
xfree (tmp);
assuan_set_hello_line (ctx, hello);
assuan_register_reset_notify (ctx, reset_notify);
assuan_register_input_notify (ctx, input_notify);
assuan_register_output_notify (ctx, output_notify);
assuan_register_option_handler (ctx, option_handler);
ctrl->server_local = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl->server_local);
if (!ctrl->server_local)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx = ctx;
ctrl->server_local->message_fd = GNUPG_INVALID_FD;
for (;;)
rc = assuan_accept (ctx);
if (rc == -1)
rc = 0;
else if (rc)
log_info ("Assuan accept problem: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = assuan_process (ctx);
if (rc)
log_info ("Assuan processing failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
if (ctrl->server_local)
release_pk_list (ctrl->server_local->recplist);
xfree (ctrl->server_local);
ctrl->server_local = NULL;
assuan_release (ctx);
return rc;
/* Helper to notify the client about Pinentry events. Because that
might disturb some older clients, this is only done when enabled
via an option. If it is not enabled we tell Windows to allow
setting the foreground window right here. Returns an gpg error
code. */
gpg_proxy_pinentry_notify (ctrl_t ctrl, const unsigned char *line)
if (opt.verbose)
char *linecopy = xtrystrdup (line);
char *fields[4];
if (linecopy
&& split_fields (linecopy, fields, DIM (fields)) >= 4
&& !strcmp (fields[0], "PINENTRY_LAUNCHED"))
log_info (_("pinentry launched (pid %s, flavor %s, version %s)\n"),
fields[1], fields[2], fields[3]);
xfree (linecopy);
if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local
|| !ctrl->server_local->allow_pinentry_notify)
gnupg_allow_set_foregound_window ((pid_t)strtoul (line+17, NULL, 10));
/* Client might be interested in that event - send as status line. */
if (!strncmp (line, "PINENTRY_LAUNCHED", 17)
&& (line[17]==' '||!line[17]))
for (line += 17; *line && spacep (line); line++)
write_status_text (STATUS_PINENTRY_LAUNCHED, line);
return 0;
return assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, 0);
diff --git a/g10/seskey.c b/g10/seskey.c
index e5385af98..b2f716960 100644
--- a/g10/seskey.c
+++ b/g10/seskey.c
@@ -1,359 +1,359 @@
/* seskey.c - make sesssion keys etc.
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
* 2006, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "i18n.h"
/* Generate a new session key in *DEK that is appropriate for the
* algorithm DEK->ALGO (i.e., ensure that the key is not weak).
* This function overwrites DEK->KEYLEN, DEK->KEY. The rest of the
* fields are left as is. */
make_session_key( DEK *dek )
gcry_cipher_hd_t chd;
int i, rc;
dek->keylen = openpgp_cipher_get_algo_keylen (dek->algo);
if (openpgp_cipher_open (&chd, dek->algo, GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CFB,
| (dek->algo >= 100 ?
gcry_randomize (dek->key, dek->keylen, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM );
for (i=0; i < 16; i++ )
rc = gcry_cipher_setkey (chd, dek->key, dek->keylen);
if (!rc)
gcry_cipher_close (chd);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_WEAK_KEY)
log_info(_("weak key created - retrying\n") );
/* Renew the session key until we get a non-weak key. */
gcry_randomize (dek->key, dek->keylen, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
log_fatal (_("cannot avoid weak key for symmetric cipher; "
"tried %d times!\n"), i);
/* Encode the session key stored in DEK as an MPI in preparation to
* encrypt it with the public key algorithm OPENPGP_PK_ALGO with a key
* whose length (the size of the public key) is NBITS.
* On success, returns an MPI, which the caller must free using
* gcry_mpi_release(). */
encode_session_key (int openpgp_pk_algo, DEK *dek, unsigned int nbits)
size_t nframe = (nbits+7) / 8;
byte *p;
byte *frame;
int i,n;
u16 csum;
gcry_mpi_t a;
log_debug ("encode_session_key: encoding %d byte DEK", dek->keylen);
csum = 0;
for (p = dek->key, i=0; i < dek->keylen; i++)
csum += *p++;
/* Shortcut for ECDH. It's padding is minimal to simply make the
output be a multiple of 8 bytes. */
if (openpgp_pk_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
/* Pad to 8 byte granulatiry; the padding byte is the number of
* padded bytes.
* A DEK(k bytes) CSUM(2 bytes) 0x 0x 0x 0x ... 0x
* +---- x times ---+
nframe = (( 1 + dek->keylen + 2 /* The value so far is always odd. */
+ 7 ) & (~7));
/* alg+key+csum fit and the size is congruent to 8. */
log_assert (!(nframe%8) && nframe > 1 + dek->keylen + 2 );
frame = xmalloc_secure (nframe);
n = 0;
frame[n++] = dek->algo;
memcpy (frame+n, dek->key, dek->keylen);
n += dek->keylen;
frame[n++] = csum >> 8;
frame[n++] = csum;
i = nframe - n; /* Number of padded bytes. */
memset (frame+n, i, i); /* Use it as the value of each padded byte. */
log_assert (n+i == nframe);
log_debug ("encode_session_key: "
"[%d] %02x %02x %02x ... %02x %02x %02x\n",
(int) nframe, frame[0], frame[1], frame[2],
frame[nframe-3], frame[nframe-2], frame[nframe-1]);
if (gcry_mpi_scan (&a, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, frame, nframe, &nframe))
return a;
/* The current limitation is that we can only use a session key
* whose length is a multiple of BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB
* I think we can live with that.
if (dek->keylen + 7 > nframe || !nframe)
log_bug ("can't encode a %d bit key in a %d bits frame\n",
dek->keylen*8, nbits );
/* We encode the session key according to PKCS#1 v1.5 (see section
* 13.1.1 of RFC 4880):
* 0 2 RND(i bytes) 0 A DEK(k bytes) CSUM(2 bytes)
* (But how can we store the leading 0 - the external representaion
* of MPIs doesn't allow leading zeroes =:-)
* RND are (at least 1) non-zero random bytes.
* A is the cipher algorithm
* DEK is the encryption key (session key) length k depends on the
* cipher algorithm (20 is used with blowfish160).
* CSUM is the 16 bit checksum over the DEK
frame = xmalloc_secure( nframe );
n = 0;
frame[n++] = 0;
frame[n++] = 2;
/* The number of random bytes are the number of otherwise unused
bytes. See diagram above. */
i = nframe - 6 - dek->keylen;
log_assert( i > 0 );
p = gcry_random_bytes_secure (i, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
/* Replace zero bytes by new values. */
for (;;)
int j, k;
byte *pp;
/* Count the zero bytes. */
for (j=k=0; j < i; j++ )
if (!p[j])
if (!k)
break; /* Okay: no zero bytes. */
k += k/128 + 3; /* Better get some more. */
pp = gcry_random_bytes_secure (k, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
for (j=0; j < i && k ;)
if (!p[j])
p[j] = pp[--k];
if (p[j])
xfree (pp);
memcpy (frame+n, p, i);
xfree (p);
n += i;
frame[n++] = 0;
frame[n++] = dek->algo;
memcpy (frame+n, dek->key, dek->keylen );
n += dek->keylen;
frame[n++] = csum >>8;
frame[n++] = csum;
log_assert (n == nframe);
if (gcry_mpi_scan( &a, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, frame, n, &nframe))
xfree (frame);
return a;
static gcry_mpi_t
do_encode_md( gcry_md_hd_t md, int algo, size_t len, unsigned nbits,
const byte *asn, size_t asnlen )
size_t nframe = (nbits+7) / 8;
byte *frame;
int i,n;
gcry_mpi_t a;
if (len + asnlen + 4 > nframe)
log_error ("can't encode a %d bit MD into a %d bits frame, algo=%d\n",
(int)(len*8), (int)nbits, algo);
return NULL;
/* We encode the MD in this way:
* 0 1 PAD(n bytes) 0 ASN(asnlen bytes) MD(len bytes)
* PAD consists of FF bytes.
frame = gcry_md_is_secure (md)? xmalloc_secure (nframe) : xmalloc (nframe);
n = 0;
frame[n++] = 0;
frame[n++] = 1; /* block type */
i = nframe - len - asnlen -3 ;
log_assert( i > 1 );
memset( frame+n, 0xff, i ); n += i;
frame[n++] = 0;
memcpy( frame+n, asn, asnlen ); n += asnlen;
memcpy( frame+n, gcry_md_read (md, algo), len ); n += len;
log_assert( n == nframe );
if (gcry_mpi_scan( &a, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, frame, n, &nframe ))
/* Note that PGP before version 2.3 encoded the MD as:
* 0 1 MD(16 bytes) 0 PAD(n bytes) 1
* The MD is always 16 bytes here because it's always MD5. We do
* not support pre-v2.3 signatures, but I'm including this comment
* so the information is easily found in the future.
return a;
* Encode a message digest into an MPI.
* If it's for a DSA signature, make sure that the hash is large
* enough to fill up q. If the hash is too big, take the leftmost
* bits.
encode_md_value (PKT_public_key *pk, gcry_md_hd_t md, int hash_algo)
gcry_mpi_t frame;
size_t mdlen;
log_assert (hash_algo);
log_assert (pk);
if (pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA)
/* EdDSA signs data of arbitrary length. Thus no special
treatment is required. */
frame = gcry_mpi_set_opaque_copy (NULL, gcry_md_read (md, hash_algo),
8*gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (hash_algo));
else if (pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA
|| pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA)
/* It's a DSA signature, so find out the size of q. */
size_t qbits = gcry_mpi_get_nbits (pk->pkey[1]);
/* pkey[1] is Q for ECDSA, which is an uncompressed point,
i.e. 04 <x> <y> */
if (pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA)
qbits = ecdsa_qbits_from_Q (qbits);
/* Make sure it is a multiple of 8 bits. */
if ((qbits%8))
log_error(_("DSA requires the hash length to be a"
" multiple of 8 bits\n"));
return NULL;
/* Don't allow any q smaller than 160 bits. This might need a
revisit as the DSA2 design firms up, but for now, we don't
want someone to issue signatures from a key with a 16-bit q
or something like that, which would look correct but allow
trivial forgeries. Yes, I know this rules out using MD5 with
DSA. ;) */
if (qbits < 160)
log_error (_("%s key %s uses an unsafe (%zu bit) hash\n"),
openpgp_pk_algo_name (pk->pubkey_algo),
keystr_from_pk (pk), qbits);
return NULL;
/* ECDSA 521 is special has it is larger than the largest hash
we have (SHA-512). Thus we chnage the size for further
processing to 512. */
if (pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA && qbits > 512)
qbits = 512;
/* Check if we're too short. Too long is safe as we'll
automatically left-truncate. */
mdlen = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (hash_algo);
if (mdlen < qbits/8)
log_error (_("%s key %s requires a %zu bit or larger hash "
"(hash is %s)\n"),
openpgp_pk_algo_name (pk->pubkey_algo),
keystr_from_pk (pk), qbits,
gcry_md_algo_name (hash_algo));
return NULL;
/* Note that we do the truncation by passing QBITS/8 as length to
mpi_scan. */
if (gcry_mpi_scan (&frame, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG,
gcry_md_read (md, hash_algo), qbits/8, NULL))
gpg_error_t rc;
byte *asn;
size_t asnlen;
rc = gcry_md_algo_info (hash_algo, GCRYCTL_GET_ASNOID, NULL, &asnlen);
if (rc)
log_fatal ("can't get OID of digest algorithm %d: %s\n",
hash_algo, gpg_strerror (rc));
asn = xtrymalloc (asnlen);
if (!asn)
return NULL;
if ( gcry_md_algo_info (hash_algo, GCRYCTL_GET_ASNOID, asn, &asnlen) )
frame = do_encode_md (md, hash_algo, gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (hash_algo),
gcry_mpi_get_nbits (pk->pkey[0]), asn, asnlen);
xfree (asn);
return frame;
diff --git a/g10/sig-check.c b/g10/sig-check.c
index 4d39e0925..4df29af7f 100644
--- a/g10/sig-check.c
+++ b/g10/sig-check.c
@@ -1,1108 +1,1108 @@
/* sig-check.c - Check a signature
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
* 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "pkglue.h"
static int check_signature_end (PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_signature *sig,
gcry_md_hd_t digest,
int *r_expired, int *r_revoked,
PKT_public_key *ret_pk);
static int check_signature_end_simple (PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_signature *sig,
gcry_md_hd_t digest);
/* Check a signature. This is shorthand for check_signature2 with
the unnamed arguments passed as NULL. */
check_signature (PKT_signature *sig, gcry_md_hd_t digest)
return check_signature2 (sig, digest, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* Check a signature.
* Looks up the public key that created the signature (SIG->KEYID)
* from the key db. Makes sure that the signature is valid (it was
* not created prior to the key, the public key was created in the
* past, and the signature does not include any unsupported critical
* features), finishes computing the hash of the signature data, and
* checks that the signature verifies the digest. If the key that
* generated the signature is a subkey, this function also verifies
* that there is a valid backsig from the subkey to the primary key.
* Finally, if status fd is enabled and the signature class is 0x00 or
* 0x01, then a STATUS_SIG_ID is emitted on the status fd.
* SIG is the signature to check.
* DIGEST contains a valid hash context that already includes the
* signed data. This function adds the relevant meta-data from the
* signature packet to compute the final hash. (See Section 5.2 of
* RFC 4880: "The concatenation of the data being signed and the
* signature data from the version number through the hashed subpacket
* data (inclusive) is hashed.")
* If R_EXPIREDATE is not NULL, R_EXPIREDATE is set to the key's
* expiry.
* If R_EXPIRED is not NULL, *R_EXPIRED is set to 1 if PK has expired
* (0 otherwise). Note: PK being expired does not cause this function
* to fail.
* If R_REVOKED is not NULL, *R_REVOKED is set to 1 if PK has been
* revoked (0 otherwise). Note: PK being revoked does not cause this
* function to fail.
* If R_PK is not NULL, the public key is stored at that address if it
* was found; other wise NULL is stored.
* Returns 0 on success. An error code otherwise. */
check_signature2 (PKT_signature *sig, gcry_md_hd_t digest, u32 *r_expiredate,
int *r_expired, int *r_revoked, PKT_public_key **r_pk)
int rc=0;
PKT_public_key *pk;
if (r_expiredate)
*r_expiredate = 0;
if (r_expired)
*r_expired = 0;
if (r_revoked)
*r_revoked = 0;
if (r_pk)
*r_pk = NULL;
pk = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *pk);
if (!pk)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if ( (rc=openpgp_md_test_algo(sig->digest_algo)) )
; /* We don't have this digest. */
else if ((rc=openpgp_pk_test_algo(sig->pubkey_algo)))
; /* We don't have this pubkey algo. */
else if (!gcry_md_is_enabled (digest,sig->digest_algo))
/* Sanity check that the md has a context for the hash that the
sig is expecting. This can happen if a onepass sig header does
not match the actual sig, and also if the clearsign "Hash:"
header is missing or does not match the actual sig. */
log_info(_("WARNING: signature digest conflict in message\n"));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
else if( get_pubkey( pk, sig->keyid ) )
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY);
else if(!pk->flags.valid)
/* You cannot have a good sig from an invalid key. */
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PUBKEY);
*r_expiredate = pk->expiredate;
rc = check_signature_end (pk, sig, digest, r_expired, r_revoked, NULL);
/* Check the backsig. This is a 0x19 signature from the
subkey on the primary key. The idea here is that it should
not be possible for someone to "steal" subkeys and claim
them as their own. The attacker couldn't actually use the
subkey, but they could try and claim ownership of any
signatures issued by it. */
if (!rc && !pk->flags.primary && pk->flags.backsig < 2)
if (!pk->flags.backsig)
log_info(_("WARNING: signing subkey %s is not"
" cross-certified\n"),keystr_from_pk(pk));
log_info(_("please see %s for more information\n"),
/* --require-cross-certification makes this warning an
error. TODO: change the default to require this
after more keys have backsigs. */
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
else if(pk->flags.backsig == 1)
log_info(_("WARNING: signing subkey %s has an invalid"
" cross-certification\n"),keystr_from_pk(pk));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
if( !rc && sig->sig_class < 2 && is_status_enabled() ) {
/* This signature id works best with DLP algorithms because
* they use a random parameter for every signature. Instead of
* this sig-id we could have also used the hash of the document
* and the timestamp, but the drawback of this is, that it is
* not possible to sign more than one identical document within
* one second. Some remote batch processing applications might
* like this feature here.
* Note that before 2.0.10, we used RIPE-MD160 for the hash
* and accidentally didn't include the timestamp and algorithm
* information in the hash. Given that this feature is not
* commonly used and that a replay attacks detection should
* not solely be based on this feature (because it does not
* work with RSA), we take the freedom and switch to SHA-1
* with 2.0.10 to take advantage of hardware supported SHA-1
* implementations. We also include the missing information
* in the hash. Note also the SIG_ID as computed by gpg 1.x
* and gpg 2.x didn't matched either because 2.x used to print
* MPIs not in PGP format. */
u32 a = sig->timestamp;
int nsig = pubkey_get_nsig( sig->pubkey_algo );
unsigned char *p, *buffer;
size_t n, nbytes;
int i;
char hashbuf[20];
nbytes = 6;
for (i=0; i < nsig; i++ )
if (gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, NULL, 0, &n, sig->data[i]))
nbytes += n;
/* Make buffer large enough to be later used as output buffer. */
if (nbytes < 100)
nbytes = 100;
nbytes += 10; /* Safety margin. */
/* Fill and hash buffer. */
buffer = p = xmalloc (nbytes);
*p++ = sig->pubkey_algo;
*p++ = sig->digest_algo;
*p++ = (a >> 24) & 0xff;
*p++ = (a >> 16) & 0xff;
*p++ = (a >> 8) & 0xff;
*p++ = a & 0xff;
nbytes -= 6;
for (i=0; i < nsig; i++ )
if (gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_PGP, p, nbytes, &n, sig->data[i]))
p += n;
nbytes -= n;
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, hashbuf, buffer, p-buffer);
p = make_radix64_string (hashbuf, 20);
sprintf (buffer, "%s %s %lu",
p, strtimestamp (sig->timestamp), (ulong)sig->timestamp);
xfree (p);
write_status_text (STATUS_SIG_ID, buffer);
xfree (buffer);
if (r_pk)
*r_pk = pk;
release_public_key_parts (pk);
xfree (pk);
return rc;
/* The signature SIG was generated with the public key PK. Check
* whether the signature is valid in the following sense:
* - Make sure the public key was created before the signature was
* generated.
* - Make sure the public key was created in the past
* - Check whether PK has expired (set *R_EXPIRED to 1 if so and 0
* otherwise)
* - Check whether PK has been revoked (set *R_REVOKED to 1 if so
* and 0 otherwise).
* If either of the first two tests fail, returns an error code.
* Otherwise returns 0. (Thus, this function doesn't fail if the
* public key is expired or revoked.) */
static int
check_signature_metadata_validity (PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_signature *sig,
int *r_expired, int *r_revoked)
u32 cur_time;
*r_expired = 0;
*r_revoked = 0;
if( pk->timestamp > sig->timestamp )
ulong d = pk->timestamp - sig->timestamp;
if ( d < 86400 )
("public key %s is %lu second newer than the signature\n",
"public key %s is %lu seconds newer than the signature\n",
d), keystr_from_pk (pk), d);
d /= 86400;
("public key %s is %lu day newer than the signature\n",
"public key %s is %lu days newer than the signature\n",
d), keystr_from_pk (pk), d);
if (!opt.ignore_time_conflict)
return GPG_ERR_TIME_CONFLICT; /* pubkey newer than signature. */
cur_time = make_timestamp();
if( pk->timestamp > cur_time )
ulong d = pk->timestamp - cur_time;
if (d < 86400)
log_info (ngettext("key %s was created %lu second"
" in the future (time warp or clock problem)\n",
"key %s was created %lu seconds"
" in the future (time warp or clock problem)\n",
d), keystr_from_pk (pk), d);
d /= 86400;
log_info (ngettext("key %s was created %lu day"
" in the future (time warp or clock problem)\n",
"key %s was created %lu days"
" in the future (time warp or clock problem)\n",
d), keystr_from_pk (pk), d);
if (!opt.ignore_time_conflict)
/* Check whether the key has expired. We check the has_expired
flag which is set after a full evaluation of the key (getkey.c)
as well as a simple compare to the current time in case the
merge has for whatever reasons not been done. */
if( pk->has_expired || (pk->expiredate && pk->expiredate < cur_time)) {
char buf[11];
if (opt.verbose)
log_info(_("Note: signature key %s expired %s\n"),
keystr_from_pk(pk), asctimestamp( pk->expiredate ) );
*r_expired = 1;
if (pk->flags.revoked)
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("Note: signature key %s has been revoked\n"),
if (r_revoked)
return 0;
/* Finish generating a signature and check it. Concretely: make sure
* that the signature is valid (it was not created prior to the key,
* the public key was created in the past, and the signature does not
* include any unsupported critical features), finish computing the
* digest by adding the relevant data from the signature packet, and
* check that the signature verifies the digest.
* DIGEST contains a hash context, which has already hashed the signed
* data. This function adds the relevant meta-data from the signature
* packet to compute the final hash. (See Section 5.2 of RFC 4880:
* "The concatenation of the data being signed and the signature data
* from the version number through the hashed subpacket data
* (inclusive) is hashed.")
* SIG is the signature to check.
* PK is the public key used to generate the signature.
* If R_EXPIRED is not NULL, *R_EXPIRED is set to 1 if PK has expired
* (0 otherwise). Note: PK being expired does not cause this function
* to fail.
* If R_REVOKED is not NULL, *R_REVOKED is set to 1 if PK has been
* revoked (0 otherwise). Note: PK being revoked does not cause this
* function to fail.
* If RET_PK is not NULL, PK is copied into RET_PK on success.
* Returns 0 on success. An error code other. */
static int
check_signature_end (PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_signature *sig,
gcry_md_hd_t digest,
int *r_expired, int *r_revoked, PKT_public_key *ret_pk)
int rc = 0;
if ((rc = check_signature_metadata_validity (pk, sig,
r_expired, r_revoked)))
return rc;
if ((rc = check_signature_end_simple (pk, sig, digest)))
return rc;
if(!rc && ret_pk)
return rc;
/* This function is similar to check_signature_end, but it only checks
whether the signature was generated by PK. It does not check
expiration, revocation, etc. */
static int
check_signature_end_simple (PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_signature *sig,
gcry_md_hd_t digest)
gcry_mpi_t result = NULL;
int rc = 0;
const struct weakhash *weak;
if (!opt.flags.allow_weak_digest_algos)
for (weak = opt.weak_digests; weak; weak = weak->next)
if (sig->digest_algo == weak->algo)
/* Make sure the digest algo is enabled (in case of a detached
signature). */
gcry_md_enable (digest, sig->digest_algo);
/* Complete the digest. */
if( sig->version >= 4 )
gcry_md_putc( digest, sig->version );
gcry_md_putc( digest, sig->sig_class );
if( sig->version < 4 ) {
u32 a = sig->timestamp;
gcry_md_putc( digest, (a >> 24) & 0xff );
gcry_md_putc( digest, (a >> 16) & 0xff );
gcry_md_putc( digest, (a >> 8) & 0xff );
gcry_md_putc( digest, a & 0xff );
else {
byte buf[6];
size_t n;
gcry_md_putc( digest, sig->pubkey_algo );
gcry_md_putc( digest, sig->digest_algo );
if( sig->hashed ) {
n = sig->hashed->len;
gcry_md_putc (digest, (n >> 8) );
gcry_md_putc (digest, n );
gcry_md_write (digest, sig->hashed->data, n);
n += 6;
else {
/* Two octets for the (empty) length of the hashed
section. */
gcry_md_putc (digest, 0);
gcry_md_putc (digest, 0);
n = 6;
/* add some magic per Section 5.2.4 of RFC 4880. */
buf[0] = sig->version;
buf[1] = 0xff;
buf[2] = n >> 24;
buf[3] = n >> 16;
buf[4] = n >> 8;
buf[5] = n;
gcry_md_write( digest, buf, 6 );
gcry_md_final( digest );
/* Convert the digest to an MPI. */
result = encode_md_value (pk, digest, sig->digest_algo );
if (!result)
/* Verify the signature. */
rc = pk_verify( pk->pubkey_algo, result, sig->data, pk->pkey );
gcry_mpi_release (result);
if( !rc && sig->flags.unknown_critical )
log_info(_("assuming bad signature from key %s"
" due to an unknown critical bit\n"),keystr_from_pk(pk));
return rc;
/* Add a uid node to a hash context. See section 5.2.4, paragraph 4
of RFC 4880. */
static void
hash_uid_packet (PKT_user_id *uid, gcry_md_hd_t md, PKT_signature *sig )
if( uid->attrib_data ) {
if( sig->version >=4 ) {
byte buf[5];
buf[0] = 0xd1; /* packet of type 17 */
buf[1] = uid->attrib_len >> 24; /* always use 4 length bytes */
buf[2] = uid->attrib_len >> 16;
buf[3] = uid->attrib_len >> 8;
buf[4] = uid->attrib_len;
gcry_md_write( md, buf, 5 );
gcry_md_write( md, uid->attrib_data, uid->attrib_len );
else {
if( sig->version >=4 ) {
byte buf[5];
buf[0] = 0xb4; /* indicates a userid packet */
buf[1] = uid->len >> 24; /* always use 4 length bytes */
buf[2] = uid->len >> 16;
buf[3] = uid->len >> 8;
buf[4] = uid->len;
gcry_md_write( md, buf, 5 );
gcry_md_write( md, uid->name, uid->len );
static void
cache_sig_result ( PKT_signature *sig, int result )
if ( !result ) {
sig->flags.checked = 1;
sig->flags.valid = 1;
else if ( gpg_err_code (result) == GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE ) {
sig->flags.checked = 1;
sig->flags.valid = 0;
else {
sig->flags.checked = 0;
sig->flags.valid = 0;
/* SIG is a key revocation signature. Check if this signature was
* generated by any of the public key PK's designated revokers.
* PK is the public key that SIG allegedly revokes.
* SIG is the revocation signature to check.
* This function avoids infinite recursion, which can happen if two
* keys are designed revokers for each other and they revoke each
* other. This is done by observing that if a key A is revoked by key
* B we still consider the revocation to be valid even if B is
* revoked. Thus, we don't need to determine whether B is revoked to
* determine whether A has been revoked by B, we just need to check
* the signature.
* Returns 0 if sig is valid (i.e. pk is revoked), non-0 if not
* revoked. We are careful to make sure that GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY is
* only returned when a revocation signature is from a valid
* revocation key designated in a revkey subpacket, but the revocation
* key itself isn't present.
* XXX: This code will need to be modified if gpg ever becomes
* multi-threaded. Note that this guarantees that a designated
* revocation sig will never be considered valid unless it is actually
* valid, as well as being issued by a revocation key in a valid
* direct signature. Note also that this is written so that a revoked
* revoker can still issue revocations: i.e. If A revokes B, but A is
* revoked, B is still revoked. I'm not completely convinced this is
* the proper behavior, but it matches how PGP does it. -dms */
check_revocation_keys (PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_signature *sig)
static int busy=0;
int i;
log_assert (IS_KEY_REV(sig));
log_assert ((sig->keyid[0]!=pk->keyid[0]) || (sig->keyid[0]!=pk->keyid[1]));
/* Avoid infinite recursion. Consider the following:
* - We want to check if A is revoked.
* - C is a designated revoker for B and has revoked B.
* - B is a designated revoker for A and has revoked A.
* When checking if A is revoked (in merge_selfsigs_main), we
* observe that A has a designed revoker. As such, we call this
* function. This function sees that there is a valid revocation
* signature, which is signed by B. It then calls check_signature()
* to verify that the signature is good. To check the sig, we need
* to lookup B. Looking up B means calling merge_selfsigs_main,
* which checks whether B is revoked, which calls this function to
* see if B was revoked by some key.
* In this case, the added level of indirection doesn't hurt. It
* just means a bit more work. However, if C == A, then we'd end up
* in a loop. But, it doesn't make sense to look up C anyways: even
* if B is revoked, we conservatively consider a valid revocation
* signed by B to revoke A. Since this is the only place where this
* type of recursion can occur, we simply cause this function to
* fail if it is entered recursively. */
if (busy)
/* Return an error (i.e. not revoked), but mark the pk as
uncacheable as we don't really know its revocation status
until it is checked directly. */
pk->flags.dont_cache = 1;
return rc;
/* es_printf("looking at %08lX with a sig from %08lX\n",(ulong)pk->keyid[1],
(ulong)sig->keyid[1]); */
/* is the issuer of the sig one of our revokers? */
if( !pk->revkey && pk->numrevkeys )
/* The revoker's keyid. */
u32 keyid[2];
if(keyid[0]==sig->keyid[0] && keyid[1]==sig->keyid[1])
/* The signature was generated by a designated revoker.
Verify the signature. */
gcry_md_hd_t md;
if (gcry_md_open (&md, sig->digest_algo, 0))
BUG ();
/* Note: check_signature only checks that the signature
is good. It does not fail if the key is revoked. */
gcry_md_close (md);
return rc;
/* Check that the backsig BACKSIG from the subkey SUB_PK to its
primary key MAIN_PK is valid.
Backsigs (0x19) have the same format as binding sigs (0x18), but
this function is simpler than check_key_signature in a few ways.
For example, there is no support for expiring backsigs since it is
questionable what such a thing actually means. Note also that the
sig cache check here, unlike other sig caches in GnuPG, is not
persistent. */
check_backsig (PKT_public_key *main_pk,PKT_public_key *sub_pk,
PKT_signature *backsig)
gcry_md_hd_t md;
int rc;
/* Always check whether the algorithm is available. Although
gcry_md_open would throw an error, some libgcrypt versions will
print a debug message in that case too. */
if ((rc=openpgp_md_test_algo (backsig->digest_algo)))
return rc;
if(!opt.no_sig_cache && backsig->flags.checked)
return backsig->flags.valid? 0 : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE);
rc = gcry_md_open (&md, backsig->digest_algo,0);
if (!rc)
rc = check_signature_end (sub_pk, backsig, md, NULL, NULL, NULL);
return rc;
/* Check that a signature over a key is valid. This is a
* specialization of check_key_signature2 with the unnamed parameters
* passed as NULL. See the documentation for that function for more
* details. */
check_key_signature (KBNODE root, KBNODE node, int *is_selfsig)
return check_key_signature2 (root, node, NULL, NULL, is_selfsig, NULL, NULL);
/* Returns whether SIGNER generated the signature SIG over the packet
PACKET, which is a key, subkey or uid, and comes from the key block
KB. (KB is PACKET's corresponding keyblock; we don't assume that
SIG has been added to the keyblock.)
If SIGNER is set, then checks whether SIGNER generated the
signature. Otherwise, uses SIG->KEYID to find the alleged signer.
This parameter can be used to effectively override the alleged
signer that is stored in SIG.
KB may be NULL if SIGNER is set.
Unlike check_key_signature, this function ignores any cached
results! That is, it does not consider SIG->FLAGS.CHECKED and
SIG->FLAGS.VALID nor does it set them.
This doesn't check the signature's semantic mean. Concretely, it
doesn't check whether a non-self signed revocation signature was
created by a designated revoker. In fact, it doesn't return an
error for a binding generated by a completely different key!
Returns 0 if the signature is valid. Returns GPG_ERR_SIG_CLASS if
this signature can't be over PACKET. Returns GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND if
the key that generated the signature (according to SIG) could not
be found. Returns GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE if the signature is bad.
Other errors codes may be returned if something else goes wrong.
IF IS_SELFSIG is not NULL, sets *IS_SELFSIG to 1 if this is a
self-signature (by the key's primary key) or 0 if not.
If RET_PK is not NULL, returns a copy of the public key that
generated the signature (i.e., the signer) on success. This must
be released by the caller using release_public_key_parts (). */
check_signature_over_key_or_uid (PKT_public_key *signer,
PKT_signature *sig, KBNODE kb, PACKET *packet,
int *is_selfsig, PKT_public_key *ret_pk)
int rc;
PKT_public_key *pripk = kb->pkt->pkt.public_key;
gcry_md_hd_t md;
int signer_alloced = 0;
rc = openpgp_pk_test_algo (sig->pubkey_algo);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = openpgp_md_test_algo (sig->digest_algo);
if (rc)
return rc;
/* A signature's class indicates the type of packet that it
signs. */
if (/* Primary key binding (made by a subkey). */
sig->sig_class == 0x19
/* Direct key signature. */
|| sig->sig_class == 0x1f
/* Primary key revocation. */
|| sig->sig_class == 0x20)
if (packet->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
/* Key revocations can only be over primary keys. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_SIG_CLASS);
else if (/* Subkey binding. */
sig->sig_class == 0x18
/* Subkey revocation. */
|| sig->sig_class == 0x28)
if (packet->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_SIG_CLASS);
else if (/* Certification. */
sig->sig_class == 0x10
|| sig->sig_class == 0x11
|| sig->sig_class == 0x12
|| sig->sig_class == 0x13
/* Certification revocation. */
|| sig->sig_class == 0x30)
if (packet->pkttype != PKT_USER_ID)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_SIG_CLASS);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_SIG_CLASS);
/* PACKET is the right type for SIG. */
if (signer)
if (is_selfsig)
if (signer->keyid[0] == pripk->keyid[0]
&& signer->keyid[1] == pripk->keyid[1])
*is_selfsig = 1;
*is_selfsig = 0;
/* Get the signer. If possible, avoid a look up. */
if (sig->keyid[0] == pripk->keyid[0]
&& sig->keyid[1] == pripk->keyid[1])
/* Issued by the primary key. */
signer = pripk;
if (is_selfsig)
*is_selfsig = 1;
kbnode_t ctx = NULL;
kbnode_t n;
/* See if one of the subkeys was the signer (although this
is extremely unlikely). */
while ((n = walk_kbnode (kb, &ctx, 0)))
PKT_public_key *subk;
if (n->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
subk = n->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (sig->keyid[0] == subk->keyid[0]
&& sig->keyid[1] == subk->keyid[1])
/* Issued by a subkey. */
signer = subk;
if (! signer)
/* Signer by some other key. */
if (is_selfsig)
*is_selfsig = 0;
if (ret_pk)
signer = ret_pk;
memset (signer, 0, sizeof (*signer));
signer_alloced = 1;
signer = xmalloc_clear (sizeof (*signer));
signer_alloced = 2;
rc = get_pubkey (signer, sig->keyid);
if (rc)
xfree (signer);
signer = NULL;
signer_alloced = 0;
goto out;
/* We checked above that we supported this algo, so an error here is
a bug. */
if (gcry_md_open (&md, sig->digest_algo, 0))
BUG ();
/* Hash the relevant data. */
if (/* Direct key signature. */
sig->sig_class == 0x1f
/* Primary key revocation. */
|| sig->sig_class == 0x20)
log_assert (packet->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
hash_public_key (md, packet->pkt.public_key);
rc = check_signature_end_simple (signer, sig, md);
else if (/* Primary key binding (made by a subkey). */
sig->sig_class == 0x19)
log_assert (packet->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
hash_public_key (md, packet->pkt.public_key);
hash_public_key (md, signer);
rc = check_signature_end_simple (signer, sig, md);
else if (/* Subkey binding. */
sig->sig_class == 0x18
/* Subkey revocation. */
|| sig->sig_class == 0x28)
log_assert (packet->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY);
hash_public_key (md, pripk);
hash_public_key (md, packet->pkt.public_key);
rc = check_signature_end_simple (signer, sig, md);
else if (/* Certification. */
sig->sig_class == 0x10
|| sig->sig_class == 0x11
|| sig->sig_class == 0x12
|| sig->sig_class == 0x13
/* Certification revocation. */
|| sig->sig_class == 0x30)
log_assert (packet->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID);
hash_public_key (md, pripk);
hash_uid_packet (packet->pkt.user_id, md, sig);
rc = check_signature_end_simple (signer, sig, md);
/* We should never get here. (The first if above should have
already caught this error.) */
BUG ();
gcry_md_close (md);
if (! rc && ret_pk && (signer_alloced == -1 || ret_pk != signer))
copy_public_key (ret_pk, signer);
if (signer_alloced == 1)
/* We looked up SIGNER; it is not a pointer into KB. */
release_public_key_parts (signer);
if (signer_alloced == 2)
/* We also allocated the memory. */
xfree (signer);
return rc;
/* Check that a signature over a key (e.g., a key revocation, key
* binding, user id certification, etc.) is valid. If the function
* detects a self-signature, it uses the public key from the specified
* key block and does not bother looking up the key specified in the
* signature packet.
* ROOT is a keyblock.
* NODE references a signature packet that appears in the keyblock
* that should be verified.
* If CHECK_PK is set, the specified key is sometimes preferred for
* verifying signatures. See the implementation for details.
* If RET_PK is not NULL, the public key that successfully verified
* the signature is copied into *RET_PK.
* If IS_SELFSIG is not NULL, *IS_SELFSIG is set to 1 if NODE is a
* self-signature.
* If R_EXPIREDATE is not NULL, *R_EXPIREDATE is set to the expiry
* date.
* If R_EXPIRED is not NULL, *R_EXPIRED is set to 1 if PK has been
* expired (0 otherwise). Note: PK being revoked does not cause this
* function to fail.
* If OPT.NO_SIG_CACHE is not set, this function will first check if
* the result of a previous verification is already cached in the
* signature packet's data structure.
* TODO: add r_revoked here as well. It has the same problems as
* r_expiredate and r_expired and the cache. */
check_key_signature2 (kbnode_t root, kbnode_t node, PKT_public_key *check_pk,
PKT_public_key *ret_pk, int *is_selfsig,
u32 *r_expiredate, int *r_expired )
PKT_public_key *pk;
PKT_signature *sig;
int algo;
int rc;
if (is_selfsig)
*is_selfsig = 0;
if (r_expiredate)
*r_expiredate = 0;
if (r_expired)
*r_expired = 0;
log_assert (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE);
log_assert (root->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
pk = root->pkt->pkt.public_key;
sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
algo = sig->digest_algo;
/* Check whether we have cached the result of a previous signature
check. Note that we may no longer have the pubkey or hash
needed to verify a sig, but can still use the cached value. A
cache refresh detects and clears these cases. */
if ( !opt.no_sig_cache )
if (sig->flags.checked) /* Cached status available. */
if (is_selfsig)
u32 keyid[2];
keyid_from_pk (pk, keyid);
if (keyid[0] == sig->keyid[0] && keyid[1] == sig->keyid[1])
*is_selfsig = 1;
/* BUG: This is wrong for non-self-sigs... needs to be the
actual pk. */
rc = check_signature_metadata_validity (pk, sig, r_expired, NULL);
if (rc)
return rc;
return sig->flags.valid? 0 : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE);
rc = openpgp_pk_test_algo(sig->pubkey_algo);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = openpgp_md_test_algo(algo);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (sig->sig_class == 0x20) /* key revocation */
u32 keyid[2];
keyid_from_pk( pk, keyid );
/* Is it a designated revoker? */
if (keyid[0] != sig->keyid[0] || keyid[1] != sig->keyid[1])
rc = check_revocation_keys (pk, sig);
rc = check_signature_metadata_validity (pk, sig,
r_expired, NULL);
if (! rc)
rc = check_signature_over_key_or_uid (pk, sig, root, root->pkt,
is_selfsig, ret_pk);
else if (sig->sig_class == 0x28 /* subkey revocation */
|| sig->sig_class == 0x18) /* key binding */
kbnode_t snode = find_prev_kbnode (root, node, PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY);
if (snode)
rc = check_signature_metadata_validity (pk, sig,
r_expired, NULL);
if (! rc)
/* 0x28 must be a self-sig, but 0x18 needn't be. */
rc = check_signature_over_key_or_uid (sig->sig_class == 0x18
? NULL : pk,
sig, root, snode->pkt,
is_selfsig, ret_pk);
if (opt.verbose)
if (sig->sig_class == 0x28)
log_info (_("key %s: no subkey for subkey"
" revocation signature\n"), keystr_from_pk(pk));
else if (sig->sig_class == 0x18)
log_info(_("key %s: no subkey for subkey"
" binding signature\n"), keystr_from_pk(pk));
else if (sig->sig_class == 0x1f) /* direct key signature */
rc = check_signature_metadata_validity (pk, sig,
r_expired, NULL);
if (! rc)
rc = check_signature_over_key_or_uid (pk, sig, root, root->pkt,
is_selfsig, ret_pk);
else if (/* Certification. */
sig->sig_class == 0x10
|| sig->sig_class == 0x11
|| sig->sig_class == 0x12
|| sig->sig_class == 0x13
/* Certification revocation. */
|| sig->sig_class == 0x30)
kbnode_t unode = find_prev_kbnode (root, node, PKT_USER_ID);
if (unode)
rc = check_signature_metadata_validity (pk, sig, r_expired, NULL);
if (! rc)
/* If this is a self-sig, ignore check_pk. */
rc = check_signature_over_key_or_uid
(keyid_cmp (pk_keyid (pk), sig->keyid) == 0 ? pk : check_pk,
sig, root, unode->pkt, NULL, ret_pk);
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info ("key %s: no user ID for key signature packet"
" of class %02x\n",keystr_from_pk(pk),sig->sig_class);
log_info ("sig issued by %s with class %d (digest: %02x %02x)"
" is not valid over a user id or a key id, ignoring.\n",
keystr (sig->keyid), sig->sig_class,
sig->digest_start[0], sig->digest_start[1]);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE);
cache_sig_result (sig, rc);
return rc;
diff --git a/g10/sign.c b/g10/sign.c
index e5fbd9dc2..a39112824 100644
--- a/g10/sign.c
+++ b/g10/sign.c
@@ -1,1600 +1,1600 @@
/* sign.c - sign data
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
* 2007, 2010, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "pkglue.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "call-agent.h"
#include "mbox-util.h"
#define LF "\r\n"
#define LF "\n"
static int recipient_digest_algo=0;
* Create notations and other stuff. It is assumed that the stings in
* STRLIST are already checked to contain only printable data and have
* a valid NAME=VALUE format.
static void
mk_notation_policy_etc (PKT_signature *sig,
PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_public_key *pksk)
const char *string;
char *p = NULL;
strlist_t pu = NULL;
struct notation *nd = NULL;
struct expando_args args;
log_assert (sig->version >= 4);
memset (&args, 0, sizeof(args)); = pk;
args.pksk = pksk;
/* Notation data. */
if (IS_SIG(sig) && opt.sig_notations)
nd = opt.sig_notations;
else if (IS_CERT(sig) && opt.cert_notations)
nd = opt.cert_notations;
if (nd)
struct notation *item;
for (item = nd; item; item = item->next)
item->altvalue = pct_expando (item->value,&args);
if (!item->altvalue)
log_error (_("WARNING: unable to %%-expand notation "
"(too large). Using unexpanded.\n"));
keygen_add_notations (sig, nd);
for (item = nd; item; item = item->next)
xfree (item->altvalue);
item->altvalue = NULL;
/* Set policy URL. */
if (IS_SIG(sig) && opt.sig_policy_url)
pu = opt.sig_policy_url;
else if (IS_CERT(sig) && opt.cert_policy_url)
pu = opt.cert_policy_url;
for (; pu; pu = pu->next)
string = pu->d;
p = pct_expando (string, &args);
if (!p)
log_error(_("WARNING: unable to %%-expand policy URL "
"(too large). Using unexpanded.\n"));
p = xstrdup(string);
build_sig_subpkt (sig, (SIGSUBPKT_POLICY
| ((pu->flags & 1)?SIGSUBPKT_FLAG_CRITICAL:0)),
p, strlen (p));
xfree (p);
/* Preferred keyserver URL. */
if (IS_SIG(sig) && opt.sig_keyserver_url)
pu = opt.sig_keyserver_url;
for (; pu; pu = pu->next)
string = pu->d;
p = pct_expando (string, &args);
if (!p)
log_error (_("WARNING: unable to %%-expand preferred keyserver URL"
" (too large). Using unexpanded.\n"));
p = xstrdup (string);
build_sig_subpkt (sig, (SIGSUBPKT_PREF_KS
| ((pu->flags & 1)?SIGSUBPKT_FLAG_CRITICAL:0)),
p, strlen (p));
xfree (p);
/* Set signer's user id. */
if (IS_SIG (sig) && !opt.flags.disable_signer_uid)
char *mbox;
/* For now we use the uid which was used to locate the key. */
if (pksk->user_id && (mbox = mailbox_from_userid (pksk->user_id->name)))
log_debug ("setting Signer's UID to '%s'\n", mbox);
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_SIGNERS_UID, mbox, strlen (mbox));
xfree (mbox);
else if (opt.sender_list)
/* If a list of --sender was given we scan that list and use
* the first one matching a user id of the current key. */
/* FIXME: We need to get the list of user ids for the PKSK
* packet. That requires either a function to look it up
* again or we need to extend the key packet struct to link
* to the primary key which in turn could link to the user
* ids. Too much of a change right now. Let's take just
* one from the supplied list and hope that the caller
* passed a matching one. */
build_sig_subpkt (sig, SIGSUBPKT_SIGNERS_UID,
opt.sender_list->d, strlen (opt.sender_list->d));
* Helper to hash a user ID packet.
static void
hash_uid (gcry_md_hd_t md, int sigversion, const PKT_user_id *uid)
byte buf[5];
if (uid->attrib_data)
buf[0] = 0xd1; /* Indicates an attribute packet. */
buf[1] = uid->attrib_len >> 24; /* Always use 4 length bytes. */
buf[2] = uid->attrib_len >> 16;
buf[3] = uid->attrib_len >> 8;
buf[4] = uid->attrib_len;
buf[0] = 0xb4; /* Indicates a userid packet. */
buf[1] = uid->len >> 24; /* Always use 4 length bytes. */
buf[2] = uid->len >> 16;
buf[3] = uid->len >> 8;
buf[4] = uid->len;
gcry_md_write( md, buf, 5 );
if (uid->attrib_data)
gcry_md_write (md, uid->attrib_data, uid->attrib_len );
gcry_md_write (md, uid->name, uid->len );
* Helper to hash some parts from the signature
static void
hash_sigversion_to_magic (gcry_md_hd_t md, const PKT_signature *sig)
byte buf[6];
size_t n;
gcry_md_putc (md, sig->version);
gcry_md_putc (md, sig->sig_class);
gcry_md_putc (md, sig->pubkey_algo);
gcry_md_putc (md, sig->digest_algo);
if (sig->hashed)
n = sig->hashed->len;
gcry_md_putc (md, (n >> 8) );
gcry_md_putc (md, n );
gcry_md_write (md, sig->hashed->data, n );
n += 6;
gcry_md_putc (md, 0); /* Always hash the length of the subpacket. */
gcry_md_putc (md, 0);
n = 6;
/* Add some magic. */
buf[0] = sig->version;
buf[1] = 0xff;
buf[2] = n >> 24; /* (n is only 16 bit, so this is always 0) */
buf[3] = n >> 16;
buf[4] = n >> 8;
buf[5] = n;
gcry_md_write (md, buf, 6);
/* Perform the sign operation. If CACHE_NONCE is given the agent is
advised to use that cached passphrase fro the key. */
static int
do_sign (PKT_public_key *pksk, PKT_signature *sig,
gcry_md_hd_t md, int mdalgo, const char *cache_nonce)
gpg_error_t err;
byte *dp;
char *hexgrip;
if (pksk->timestamp > sig->timestamp )
ulong d = pksk->timestamp - sig->timestamp;
log_info (ngettext("key %s was created %lu second"
" in the future (time warp or clock problem)\n",
"key %s was created %lu seconds"
" in the future (time warp or clock problem)\n",
d), keystr_from_pk (pksk), d);
if (!opt.ignore_time_conflict)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TIME_CONFLICT);
print_pubkey_algo_note (pksk->pubkey_algo);
if (!mdalgo)
mdalgo = gcry_md_get_algo (md);
print_digest_algo_note (mdalgo);
dp = gcry_md_read (md, mdalgo);
sig->digest_algo = mdalgo;
sig->digest_start[0] = dp[0];
sig->digest_start[1] = dp[1];
sig->data[0] = NULL;
sig->data[1] = NULL;
err = hexkeygrip_from_pk (pksk, &hexgrip);
if (!err)
char *desc;
gcry_sexp_t s_sigval;
desc = gpg_format_keydesc (pksk, FORMAT_KEYDESC_NORMAL, 1);
err = agent_pksign (NULL/*ctrl*/, cache_nonce, hexgrip, desc,
pksk->keyid, pksk->main_keyid, pksk->pubkey_algo,
dp, gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (mdalgo), mdalgo,
xfree (desc);
if (err)
else if (pksk->pubkey_algo == GCRY_PK_RSA
|| pksk->pubkey_algo == GCRY_PK_RSA_S)
sig->data[0] = get_mpi_from_sexp (s_sigval, "s", GCRYMPI_FMT_USG);
else if (openpgp_oid_is_ed25519 (pksk->pkey[0]))
sig->data[0] = get_mpi_from_sexp (s_sigval, "r", GCRYMPI_FMT_OPAQUE);
sig->data[1] = get_mpi_from_sexp (s_sigval, "s", GCRYMPI_FMT_OPAQUE);
sig->data[0] = get_mpi_from_sexp (s_sigval, "r", GCRYMPI_FMT_USG);
sig->data[1] = get_mpi_from_sexp (s_sigval, "s", GCRYMPI_FMT_USG);
gcry_sexp_release (s_sigval);
xfree (hexgrip);
if (err)
log_error (_("signing failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
if (opt.verbose)
char *ustr = get_user_id_string_native (sig->keyid);
log_info (_("%s/%s signature from: \"%s\"\n"),
openpgp_pk_algo_name (pksk->pubkey_algo),
openpgp_md_algo_name (sig->digest_algo),
xfree (ustr);
return err;
complete_sig (PKT_signature *sig, PKT_public_key *pksk, gcry_md_hd_t md,
const char *cache_nonce)
int rc;
/* if (!(rc = check_secret_key (pksk, 0))) */
rc = do_sign (pksk, sig, md, 0, cache_nonce);
return rc;
/* Return true if the key seems to be on a version 1 OpenPGP card.
This works by asking the agent and may fail if the card has not yet
been used with the agent. */
static int
openpgp_card_v1_p (PKT_public_key *pk)
gpg_error_t err;
int result;
/* Shortcut if we are not using RSA: The v1 cards only support RSA
thus there is no point in looking any further. */
if (!is_RSA (pk->pubkey_algo))
return 0;
if (!pk->flags.serialno_valid)
char *hexgrip;
err = hexkeygrip_from_pk (pk, &hexgrip);
if (err)
log_error ("error computing a keygrip: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return 0; /* Ooops. */
xfree (pk->serialno);
agent_get_keyinfo (NULL, hexgrip, &pk->serialno, NULL);
xfree (hexgrip);
pk->flags.serialno_valid = 1;
if (!pk->serialno)
result = 0; /* Error from a past agent_get_keyinfo or no card. */
/* The version number of the card is included in the serialno. */
result = !strncmp (pk->serialno, "D2760001240101", 14);
return result;
static int
match_dsa_hash (unsigned int qbytes)
if (qbytes <= 20)
if (qbytes <= 28)
return DIGEST_ALGO_SHA224;
if (qbytes <= 32)
return DIGEST_ALGO_SHA256;
if (qbytes <= 48)
return DIGEST_ALGO_SHA384;
if (qbytes <= 66 ) /* 66 corresponds to 521 (64 to 512) */
return DIGEST_ALGO_SHA512;
/* DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGO will certainly fail, but it's the best wrong
answer we have if a digest larger than 512 bits is requested. */
First try --digest-algo. If that isn't set, see if the recipient
has a preferred algorithm (which is also filtered through
--personal-digest-prefs). If we're making a signature without a
particular recipient (i.e. signing, rather than signing+encrypting)
then take the first algorithm in --personal-digest-prefs that is
usable for the pubkey algorithm. If --personal-digest-prefs isn't
set, then take the OpenPGP default (i.e. SHA-1).
Note that Ed25519+EdDSA takes an input of arbitrary length and thus
we don't enforce any particular algorithm like we do for standard
ECDSA. However, we use SHA256 as the default algorithm.
Possible improvement: Use the highest-ranked usable algorithm from
the signing key prefs either before or after using the personal
static int
hash_for (PKT_public_key *pk)
if (opt.def_digest_algo)
return opt.def_digest_algo;
else if (recipient_digest_algo)
return recipient_digest_algo;
else if (pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA
&& openpgp_oid_is_ed25519 (pk->pkey[0]))
if (opt.personal_digest_prefs)
return opt.personal_digest_prefs[0].value;
return DIGEST_ALGO_SHA256;
else if (pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA
|| pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA)
unsigned int qbytes = gcry_mpi_get_nbits (pk->pkey[1]);
if (pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA)
qbytes = ecdsa_qbits_from_Q (qbytes);
qbytes = qbytes/8;
/* It's a DSA key, so find a hash that is the same size as q or
larger. If q is 160, assume it is an old DSA key and use a
160-bit hash unless --enable-dsa2 is set, in which case act
like a new DSA key that just happens to have a 160-bit q
(i.e. allow truncation). If q is not 160, by definition it
must be a new DSA key. */
if (opt.personal_digest_prefs)
prefitem_t *prefs;
if (qbytes != 20 || opt.flags.dsa2)
for (prefs=opt.personal_digest_prefs; prefs->type; prefs++)
if (gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (prefs->value) >= qbytes)
return prefs->value;
for (prefs=opt.personal_digest_prefs; prefs->type; prefs++)
if (gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (prefs->value) == qbytes)
return prefs->value;
return match_dsa_hash(qbytes);
else if (openpgp_card_v1_p (pk))
/* The sk lives on a smartcard, and old smartcards only handle
SHA-1 and RIPEMD/160. Newer smartcards (v2.0) don't have
this restriction anymore. Fortunately the serial number
encodes the version of the card and thus we know that this
key is on a v1 card. */
prefitem_t *prefs;
for (prefs=opt.personal_digest_prefs;prefs->type;prefs++)
if (prefs->value==DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1
|| prefs->value==DIGEST_ALGO_RMD160)
return prefs->value;
else if (opt.personal_digest_prefs)
/* It's not DSA, so we can use whatever the first hash algorithm
is in the pref list */
return opt.personal_digest_prefs[0].value;
static void
print_status_sig_created (PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_signature *sig, int what)
char buf[100+MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN*2];
size_t n;
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf - 2*MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN, "%c %d %d %02x %lu ",
what, sig->pubkey_algo, sig->digest_algo, sig->sig_class,
(ulong)sig->timestamp );
fingerprint_from_pk (pk, array, &n);
bin2hex (array, n, buf + strlen (buf));
write_status_text( STATUS_SIG_CREATED, buf );
* Loop over the secret certificates in SK_LIST and build the one pass
* signature packets. OpenPGP says that the data should be bracket by
* the onepass-sig and signature-packet; so we build these onepass
* packet here in reverse order
static int
write_onepass_sig_packets (SK_LIST sk_list, IOBUF out, int sigclass )
int skcount;
SK_LIST sk_rover;
for (skcount=0, sk_rover=sk_list; sk_rover; sk_rover = sk_rover->next)
for (; skcount; skcount--) {
PKT_public_key *pk;
PKT_onepass_sig *ops;
int i, rc;
for (i=0, sk_rover = sk_list; sk_rover; sk_rover = sk_rover->next ) {
if (++i == skcount)
pk = sk_rover->pk;
ops = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *ops);
ops->sig_class = sigclass;
ops->digest_algo = hash_for (pk);
ops->pubkey_algo = pk->pubkey_algo;
keyid_from_pk (pk, ops->keyid);
ops->last = (skcount == 1);
pkt.pkttype = PKT_ONEPASS_SIG;
pkt.pkt.onepass_sig = ops;
rc = build_packet (out, &pkt);
free_packet (&pkt);
if (rc) {
log_error ("build onepass_sig packet failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
return 0;
* Helper to write the plaintext (literal data) packet
static int
write_plaintext_packet (IOBUF out, IOBUF inp, const char *fname, int ptmode)
PKT_plaintext *pt = NULL;
u32 filesize;
int rc = 0;
if (!opt.no_literal)
/* try to calculate the length of the data */
if ( !iobuf_is_pipe_filename (fname) && *fname )
off_t tmpsize;
int overflow;
if( !(tmpsize = iobuf_get_filelength(inp, &overflow))
&& !overflow && opt.verbose)
log_info (_("WARNING: '%s' is an empty file\n"), fname);
/* We can't encode the length of very large files because
OpenPGP uses only 32 bit for file sizes. So if the size of
a file is larger than 2^32 minus some bytes for packet
headers, we switch to partial length encoding. */
if ( tmpsize < (IOBUF_FILELENGTH_LIMIT - 65536) )
filesize = tmpsize;
filesize = 0;
/* Because the text_filter modifies the length of the
* data, it is not possible to know the used length
* without a double read of the file - to avoid that
* we simple use partial length packets. */
if ( ptmode == 't' || ptmode == 'u' || ptmode == 'm')
filesize = 0;
filesize = opt.set_filesize? opt.set_filesize : 0; /* stdin */
if (!opt.no_literal) {
/* Note that PT has been initialized above in no_literal mode. */
pt->timestamp = make_timestamp ();
pt->mode = ptmode;
pt->len = filesize;
pt->new_ctb = !pt->len;
pt->buf = inp;
pkt.pkttype = PKT_PLAINTEXT;
pkt.pkt.plaintext = pt;
/*cfx.datalen = filesize? calc_packet_length( &pkt ) : 0;*/
if( (rc = build_packet (out, &pkt)) )
log_error ("build_packet(PLAINTEXT) failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc) );
pt->buf = NULL;
free_packet (&pkt);
else {
byte copy_buffer[4096];
int bytes_copied;
while ((bytes_copied = iobuf_read(inp, copy_buffer, 4096)) != -1)
if ( (rc=iobuf_write(out, copy_buffer, bytes_copied)) ) {
log_error ("copying input to output failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
wipememory(copy_buffer,4096); /* burn buffer */
/* fixme: it seems that we never freed pt/pkt */
return rc;
* Write the signatures from the SK_LIST to OUT. HASH must be a non-finalized
* hash which will not be changes here.
static int
write_signature_packets (SK_LIST sk_list, IOBUF out, gcry_md_hd_t hash,
int sigclass, u32 timestamp, u32 duration,
int status_letter, const char *cache_nonce)
SK_LIST sk_rover;
/* Loop over the certificates with secret keys. */
for (sk_rover = sk_list; sk_rover; sk_rover = sk_rover->next)
PKT_public_key *pk;
PKT_signature *sig;
gcry_md_hd_t md;
int rc;
pk = sk_rover->pk;
/* Build the signature packet. */
sig = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *sig);
if (duration || opt.sig_policy_url
|| opt.sig_notations || opt.sig_keyserver_url)
sig->version = 4;
sig->version = pk->version;
keyid_from_pk (pk, sig->keyid);
sig->digest_algo = hash_for (pk);
sig->pubkey_algo = pk->pubkey_algo;
if (timestamp)
sig->timestamp = timestamp;
sig->timestamp = make_timestamp();
if (duration)
sig->expiredate = sig->timestamp + duration;
sig->sig_class = sigclass;
if (gcry_md_copy (&md, hash))
BUG ();
if (sig->version >= 4)
build_sig_subpkt_from_sig (sig, pk);
mk_notation_policy_etc (sig, NULL, pk);
hash_sigversion_to_magic (md, sig);
gcry_md_final (md);
rc = do_sign (pk, sig, md, hash_for (pk), cache_nonce);
gcry_md_close (md);
if (!rc)
/* Write the packet. */
init_packet (&pkt);
pkt.pkttype = PKT_SIGNATURE;
pkt.pkt.signature = sig;
rc = build_packet (out, &pkt);
if (!rc && is_status_enabled())
print_status_sig_created (pk, sig, status_letter);
free_packet (&pkt);
if (rc)
log_error ("build signature packet failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
if (rc)
return rc;
return 0;
* Sign the files whose names are in FILENAME.
* If DETACHED has the value true,
* make a detached signature. If FILENAMES->d is NULL read from stdin
* and ignore the detached mode. Sign the file with all secret keys
* which can be taken from LOCUSR, if this is NULL, use the default one
* If ENCRYPTFLAG is true, use REMUSER (or ask if it is NULL) to encrypt the
* signed data for these users.
* If OUTFILE is not NULL; this file is used for output and the function
* does not ask for overwrite permission; output is then always
* uncompressed, non-armored and in binary mode.
sign_file (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t filenames, int detached, strlist_t locusr,
int encryptflag, strlist_t remusr, const char *outfile )
const char *fname;
armor_filter_context_t *afx;
compress_filter_context_t zfx;
md_filter_context_t mfx;
text_filter_context_t tfx;
progress_filter_context_t *pfx;
encrypt_filter_context_t efx;
IOBUF inp = NULL, out = NULL;
int rc = 0;
PK_LIST pk_list = NULL;
SK_LIST sk_list = NULL;
SK_LIST sk_rover = NULL;
int multifile = 0;
u32 duration=0;
pfx = new_progress_context ();
afx = new_armor_context ();
memset( &zfx, 0, sizeof zfx);
memset( &mfx, 0, sizeof mfx);
memset( &efx, 0, sizeof efx);
init_packet( &pkt );
if( filenames ) {
fname = filenames->d;
multifile = !!filenames->next;
fname = NULL;
if( fname && filenames->next && (!detached || encryptflag) )
log_bug("multiple files can only be detached signed");
&& (rc=setup_symkey(&efx.symkey_s2k,&efx.symkey_dek)))
goto leave;
if (opt.ask_sig_expire && !opt.batch)
duration = ask_expire_interval(1,opt.def_sig_expire);
duration = parse_expire_string(opt.def_sig_expire);
/* Note: In the old non-agent version the following call used to
unprotect the secret key. This is now done on demand by the agent. */
if( (rc = build_sk_list (ctrl, locusr, &sk_list, PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG )) )
goto leave;
if (encryptflag
&& (rc=build_pk_list (ctrl, remusr, &pk_list)))
goto leave;
/* prepare iobufs */
if( multifile ) /* have list of filenames */
inp = NULL; /* we do it later */
else {
inp = iobuf_open(fname);
if (inp && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (inp)))
iobuf_close (inp);
inp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if( !inp )
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname? fname: "[stdin]",
strerror(errno) );
goto leave;
handle_progress (pfx, inp, fname);
if( outfile ) {
if (is_secured_filename ( outfile )) {
out = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
out = iobuf_create (outfile, 0);
if( !out )
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error(_("can't create '%s': %s\n"), outfile, strerror(errno) );
goto leave;
else if( opt.verbose )
log_info(_("writing to '%s'\n"), outfile );
else if( (rc = open_outfile (-1, fname,
opt.armor? 1: detached? 2:0, 0, &out)))
goto leave;
/* prepare to calculate the MD over the input */
if( opt.textmode && !outfile && !multifile )
memset( &tfx, 0, sizeof tfx);
iobuf_push_filter( inp, text_filter, &tfx );
if ( gcry_md_open (&, 0, 0) )
BUG ();
gcry_md_debug (, "sign");
/* If we're encrypting and signing, it is reasonable to pick the
hash algorithm to use out of the recipient key prefs. This is
best effort only, as in a DSA2 and smartcard world there are
cases where we cannot please everyone with a single hash (DSA2
wants >160 and smartcards want =160). In the future this could
be more complex with different hashes for each sk, but the
current design requires a single hash for all SKs. */
if(! &&
log_info(_("WARNING: forcing digest algorithm %s (%d)"
" violates recipient preferences\n"),
gcry_md_algo_name (opt.def_digest_algo),
opt.def_digest_algo );
int algo, smartcard=0;
union pref_hint hint;
hint.digest_length = 0;
/* Of course, if the recipient asks for something
unreasonable (like the wrong hash for a DSA key) then
don't do it. Check all sk's - if any are DSA or live
on a smartcard, then the hash has restrictions and we
may not be able to give the recipient what they want.
For DSA, pass a hint for the largest q we have. Note
that this means that a q>160 key will override a q=160
key and force the use of truncation for the q=160 key.
The alternative would be to ignore the recipient prefs
completely and get a different hash for each DSA key in
hash_for(). The override behavior here is more or less
reasonable as it is under the control of the user which
keys they sign with for a given message and the fact
that the message with multiple signatures won't be
usable on an implementation that doesn't understand
DSA2 anyway. */
for (sk_rover = sk_list; sk_rover; sk_rover = sk_rover->next )
if (sk_rover->pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA
|| sk_rover->pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA)
int temp_hashlen = (gcry_mpi_get_nbits
if (sk_rover->pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA)
temp_hashlen = ecdsa_qbits_from_Q (temp_hashlen);
temp_hashlen = (temp_hashlen+7)/8;
/* Pick a hash that is large enough for our
largest q */
if (hint.digest_length<temp_hashlen)
/* FIXME: need to check gpg-agent for this. */
/* else if (sk_rover->pk->is_protected */
/* && sk_rover->pk->protect.s2k.mode == 1002) */
/* smartcard = 1; */
/* Current smartcards only do 160-bit hashes. If we have
to have a >160-bit hash, then we can't use the
recipient prefs as we'd need both =160 and >160 at the
same time and recipient prefs currently require a
single hash for all signatures. All this may well have
to change as the cards add algorithms. */
if (!smartcard || (smartcard && hint.digest_length==20))
if ( (algo=
select_algo_from_prefs(pk_list,PREFTYPE_HASH,-1,&hint)) > 0)
for (sk_rover = sk_list; sk_rover; sk_rover = sk_rover->next)
gcry_md_enable (, hash_for (sk_rover->pk));
if( !multifile )
iobuf_push_filter( inp, md_filter, &mfx );
if( detached && !encryptflag)
afx->what = 2;
if( opt.armor && !outfile )
push_armor_filter (afx, out);
if( encryptflag ) {
efx.pk_list = pk_list;
/* fixme: set efx.cfx.datalen if known */
iobuf_push_filter( out, encrypt_filter, &efx );
if (opt.compress_algo && !outfile && !detached)
int compr_algo=opt.compress_algo;
/* If not forced by user */
/* If we're not encrypting, then select_algo_from_prefs
will fail and we'll end up with the default. If we are
encrypting, select_algo_from_prefs cannot fail since
there is an assumed preference for uncompressed data.
Still, if it did fail, we'll also end up with the
default. */
else if(! && pk_list
&& select_algo_from_prefs(pk_list,PREFTYPE_ZIP,
log_info(_("WARNING: forcing compression algorithm %s (%d)"
" violates recipient preferences\n"),
/* algo 0 means no compression */
if( compr_algo )
/* Write the one-pass signature packets if needed */
if (!detached) {
rc = write_onepass_sig_packets (sk_list, out,
opt.textmode && !outfile ? 0x01:0x00);
if (rc)
goto leave;
write_status_begin_signing (;
/* Setup the inner packet. */
if( detached ) {
if( multifile ) {
strlist_t sl;
if( opt.verbose )
log_info(_("signing:") );
/* must walk reverse trough this list */
for( sl = strlist_last(filenames); sl;
sl = strlist_prev( filenames, sl ) ) {
inp = iobuf_open(sl->d);
if (inp && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (inp)))
iobuf_close (inp);
inp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if( !inp )
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error(_("can't open '%s': %s\n"),
goto leave;
handle_progress (pfx, inp, sl->d);
if( opt.verbose )
log_printf (" '%s'", sl->d );
memset( &tfx, 0, sizeof tfx);
iobuf_push_filter( inp, text_filter, &tfx );
iobuf_push_filter( inp, md_filter, &mfx );
while( iobuf_get(inp) != -1 )
iobuf_close(inp); inp = NULL;
if( opt.verbose )
log_printf ("\n");
else {
/* read, so that the filter can calculate the digest */
while( iobuf_get(inp) != -1 )
else {
rc = write_plaintext_packet (out, inp, fname,
opt.textmode && !outfile ?
(opt.mimemode? 'm':'t'):'b');
/* catch errors from above */
if (rc)
goto leave;
/* write the signatures */
rc = write_signature_packets (sk_list, out,,
opt.textmode && !outfile? 0x01 : 0x00,
0, duration, detached ? 'D':'S', NULL);
if( rc )
goto leave;
if( rc )
else {
if (encryptflag)
write_status( STATUS_END_ENCRYPTION );
gcry_md_close ( );
release_sk_list( sk_list );
release_pk_list( pk_list );
release_progress_context (pfx);
release_armor_context (afx);
return rc;
* make a clear signature. note that opt.armor is not needed
clearsign_file (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *fname, strlist_t locusr, const char *outfile )
armor_filter_context_t *afx;
progress_filter_context_t *pfx;
gcry_md_hd_t textmd = NULL;
IOBUF inp = NULL, out = NULL;
int rc = 0;
SK_LIST sk_list = NULL;
SK_LIST sk_rover = NULL;
u32 duration=0;
pfx = new_progress_context ();
afx = new_armor_context ();
init_packet( &pkt );
if (opt.ask_sig_expire && !opt.batch)
duration = ask_expire_interval (1,opt.def_sig_expire);
duration = parse_expire_string (opt.def_sig_expire);
/* Note: In the old non-agent version the following call used to
unprotect the secret key. This is now done on demand by the agent. */
if( (rc=build_sk_list (ctrl, locusr, &sk_list, PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG )) )
goto leave;
/* prepare iobufs */
inp = iobuf_open(fname);
if (inp && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (inp)))
iobuf_close (inp);
inp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if( !inp ) {
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"),
fname? fname: "[stdin]", strerror(errno) );
goto leave;
handle_progress (pfx, inp, fname);
if( outfile ) {
if (is_secured_filename (outfile) ) {
outfile = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
out = iobuf_create (outfile, 0);
if( !out )
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error(_("can't create '%s': %s\n"), outfile, strerror(errno) );
goto leave;
else if( opt.verbose )
log_info(_("writing to '%s'\n"), outfile );
else if ((rc = open_outfile (-1, fname, 1, 0, &out)))
goto leave;
iobuf_writestr(out, "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----" LF );
const char *s;
int any = 0;
byte hashs_seen[256];
memset( hashs_seen, 0, sizeof hashs_seen );
iobuf_writestr(out, "Hash: " );
for( sk_rover = sk_list; sk_rover; sk_rover = sk_rover->next ) {
int i = hash_for (sk_rover->pk);
if( !hashs_seen[ i & 0xff ] ) {
s = gcry_md_algo_name ( i );
if( s ) {
hashs_seen[ i & 0xff ] = 1;
if( any )
iobuf_put(out, ',' );
iobuf_writestr(out, s );
any = 1;
iobuf_writestr(out, LF );
if( opt.not_dash_escaped )
iobuf_writestr( out,
"NotDashEscaped: You need "GPG_NAME
" to verify this message" LF );
iobuf_writestr(out, LF );
if ( gcry_md_open (&textmd, 0, 0) )
BUG ();
for (sk_rover = sk_list; sk_rover; sk_rover = sk_rover->next)
gcry_md_enable (textmd, hash_for(sk_rover->pk));
gcry_md_debug ( textmd, "clearsign" );
copy_clearsig_text (out, inp, textmd, !opt.not_dash_escaped,
/* fixme: check for read errors */
/* now write the armor */
afx->what = 2;
push_armor_filter (afx, out);
/* Write the signatures. */
rc = write_signature_packets (sk_list, out, textmd, 0x01, 0, duration, 'C',
if( rc )
goto leave;
if( rc )
gcry_md_close ( textmd );
release_sk_list( sk_list );
release_progress_context (pfx);
release_armor_context (afx);
return rc;
* Sign and conventionally encrypt the given file.
* FIXME: Far too much code is duplicated - revamp the whole file.
sign_symencrypt_file (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname, strlist_t locusr)
armor_filter_context_t *afx;
progress_filter_context_t *pfx;
compress_filter_context_t zfx;
md_filter_context_t mfx;
text_filter_context_t tfx;
cipher_filter_context_t cfx;
IOBUF inp = NULL, out = NULL;
int rc = 0;
SK_LIST sk_list = NULL;
SK_LIST sk_rover = NULL;
int algo;
u32 duration=0;
int canceled;
pfx = new_progress_context ();
afx = new_armor_context ();
memset( &zfx, 0, sizeof zfx);
memset( &mfx, 0, sizeof mfx);
memset( &tfx, 0, sizeof tfx);
memset( &cfx, 0, sizeof cfx);
init_packet( &pkt );
if (opt.ask_sig_expire && !opt.batch)
duration = ask_expire_interval (1, opt.def_sig_expire);
duration = parse_expire_string (opt.def_sig_expire);
/* Note: In the old non-agent version the following call used to
unprotect the secret key. This is now done on demand by the agent. */
rc = build_sk_list (ctrl, locusr, &sk_list, PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG);
if (rc)
goto leave;
/* prepare iobufs */
inp = iobuf_open(fname);
if (inp && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (inp)))
iobuf_close (inp);
inp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if( !inp ) {
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"),
fname? fname: "[stdin]", strerror(errno) );
goto leave;
handle_progress (pfx, inp, fname);
/* prepare key */
s2k = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *s2k );
s2k->mode = opt.s2k_mode;
s2k->hash_algo = S2K_DIGEST_ALGO;
algo = default_cipher_algo();
if (!opt.quiet || !opt.batch)
log_info (_("%s encryption will be used\n"),
openpgp_cipher_algo_name (algo) );
cfx.dek = passphrase_to_dek (algo, s2k, 1, 1, NULL, &canceled);
if (!cfx.dek || !cfx.dek->keylen) {
rc = gpg_error (canceled?GPG_ERR_CANCELED:GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE);
log_error(_("error creating passphrase: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc) );
goto leave;
cfx.dek->use_mdc = use_mdc (NULL, cfx.dek->algo);
/* now create the outfile */
rc = open_outfile (-1, fname, opt.armor? 1:0, 0, &out);
if (rc)
goto leave;
/* prepare to calculate the MD over the input */
if (opt.textmode)
iobuf_push_filter (inp, text_filter, &tfx);
if ( gcry_md_open (&, 0, 0) )
BUG ();
gcry_md_debug (, "symc-sign");
for (sk_rover = sk_list; sk_rover; sk_rover = sk_rover->next)
gcry_md_enable (, hash_for (sk_rover->pk));
iobuf_push_filter (inp, md_filter, &mfx);
/* Push armor output filter */
if (opt.armor)
push_armor_filter (afx, out);
/* Write the symmetric key packet */
/*(current filters: armor)*/
PKT_symkey_enc *enc = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *enc );
enc->version = 4;
enc->cipher_algo = cfx.dek->algo;
enc->s2k = *s2k;
pkt.pkttype = PKT_SYMKEY_ENC;
pkt.pkt.symkey_enc = enc;
if( (rc = build_packet( out, &pkt )) )
log_error("build symkey packet failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) );
/* Push the encryption filter */
iobuf_push_filter( out, cipher_filter, &cfx );
/* Push the compress filter */
if (default_compress_algo())
if (cfx.dek && cfx.dek->use_mdc)
zfx.new_ctb = 1;
push_compress_filter (out, &zfx,default_compress_algo() );
/* Write the one-pass signature packets */
/*(current filters: zip - encrypt - armor)*/
rc = write_onepass_sig_packets (sk_list, out,
opt.textmode? 0x01:0x00);
if (rc)
goto leave;
write_status_begin_signing (;
/* Pipe data through all filters; i.e. write the signed stuff */
/*(current filters: zip - encrypt - armor)*/
rc = write_plaintext_packet (out, inp, fname,
opt.textmode ? (opt.mimemode?'m':'t'):'b');
if (rc)
goto leave;
/* Write the signatures */
/*(current filters: zip - encrypt - armor)*/
rc = write_signature_packets (sk_list, out,,
opt.textmode? 0x01 : 0x00,
0, duration, 'S', NULL);
if( rc )
goto leave;
if( rc )
else {
write_status( STATUS_END_ENCRYPTION );
release_sk_list( sk_list );
gcry_md_close( );
release_progress_context (pfx);
release_armor_context (afx);
return rc;
* Create a signature packet for the given public key certificate and
* the user id and return it in ret_sig. User signature class SIGCLASS
* user-id is not used (and may be NULL if sigclass is 0x20) If
* DIGEST_ALGO is 0 the function selects an appropriate one.
* SIGVERSION gives the minimal required signature packet version;
* this is needed so that special properties like local sign are not
* applied (actually: dropped) when a v3 key is used. TIMESTAMP is
* the timestamp to use for the signature. 0 means "now" */
make_keysig_packet (PKT_signature **ret_sig, PKT_public_key *pk,
PKT_user_id *uid, PKT_public_key *subpk,
PKT_public_key *pksk,
int sigclass, int digest_algo,
u32 timestamp, u32 duration,
int (*mksubpkt)(PKT_signature *, void *), void *opaque,
const char *cache_nonce)
PKT_signature *sig;
int rc=0;
int sigversion;
gcry_md_hd_t md;
log_assert ((sigclass >= 0x10 && sigclass <= 0x13) || sigclass == 0x1F
|| sigclass == 0x20 || sigclass == 0x18 || sigclass == 0x19
|| sigclass == 0x30 || sigclass == 0x28 );
sigversion = 4;
if (sigversion < pksk->version)
sigversion = pksk->version;
if( !digest_algo )
/* Basically, this means use SHA1 always unless the user
specified something (use whatever they said), or it's DSA
(use the best match). They still can't pick an
inappropriate hash for DSA or the signature will fail.
Note that this still allows the caller of
make_keysig_packet to override the user setting if it
must. */
else if(pksk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA)
digest_algo = match_dsa_hash (gcry_mpi_get_nbits (pksk->pkey[1])/8);
else if (pksk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA
|| pksk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA)
if (openpgp_oid_is_ed25519 (pksk->pkey[0]))
digest_algo = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA256;
digest_algo = match_dsa_hash
(ecdsa_qbits_from_Q (gcry_mpi_get_nbits (pksk->pkey[1]))/8);
digest_algo = DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGO;
if ( gcry_md_open (&md, digest_algo, 0 ) )
BUG ();
/* Hash the public key certificate. */
hash_public_key( md, pk );
if( sigclass == 0x18 || sigclass == 0x19 || sigclass == 0x28 )
/* hash the subkey binding/backsig/revocation */
hash_public_key( md, subpk );
else if( sigclass != 0x1F && sigclass != 0x20 )
/* hash the user id */
hash_uid (md, sigversion, uid);
/* and make the signature packet */
sig = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *sig );
sig->version = sigversion;
keyid_from_pk (pksk, sig->keyid);
sig->pubkey_algo = pksk->pubkey_algo;
sig->digest_algo = digest_algo;
sig->sig_class = sigclass;
build_sig_subpkt_from_sig (sig, pksk);
mk_notation_policy_etc (sig, pk, pksk);
/* Crucial that the call to mksubpkt comes LAST before the calls
to finalize the sig as that makes it possible for the mksubpkt
function to get a reliable pointer to the subpacket area. */
if (mksubpkt)
rc = (*mksubpkt)( sig, opaque );
if( !rc ) {
hash_sigversion_to_magic (md, sig);
gcry_md_final (md);
rc = complete_sig (sig, pksk, md, cache_nonce);
gcry_md_close (md);
if( rc )
free_seckey_enc( sig );
*ret_sig = sig;
return rc;
* Create a new signature packet based on an existing one.
* Only user ID signatures are supported for now.
* PK is the public key to work on.
* PKSK is the key used to make the signature.
* TODO: Merge this with make_keysig_packet.
update_keysig_packet( PKT_signature **ret_sig,
PKT_signature *orig_sig,
PKT_public_key *pk,
PKT_user_id *uid,
PKT_public_key *subpk,
PKT_public_key *pksk,
int (*mksubpkt)(PKT_signature *, void *),
void *opaque)
PKT_signature *sig;
gpg_error_t rc = 0;
int digest_algo;
gcry_md_hd_t md;
if ((!orig_sig || !pk || !pksk)
|| (orig_sig->sig_class >= 0x10 && orig_sig->sig_class <= 0x13 && !uid)
|| (orig_sig->sig_class == 0x18 && !subpk))
if ( opt.cert_digest_algo )
digest_algo = opt.cert_digest_algo;
digest_algo = orig_sig->digest_algo;
if ( gcry_md_open (&md, digest_algo, 0 ) )
BUG ();
/* Hash the public key certificate and the user id. */
hash_public_key( md, pk );
if( orig_sig->sig_class == 0x18 )
hash_public_key( md, subpk );
hash_uid (md, orig_sig->version, uid);
/* create a new signature packet */
sig = copy_signature (NULL, orig_sig);
/* We need to create a new timestamp so that new sig expiration
calculations are done correctly... */
/* ... but we won't make a timestamp earlier than the existing
one. */
int tmout = 0;
if (++tmout > 5 && !opt.ignore_time_conflict)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TIME_CONFLICT);
goto leave;
gnupg_sleep (1);
/* Note that already expired sigs will remain expired (with a
duration of 1) since build-packet.c:build_sig_subpkt_from_sig
detects this case. */
/* Put the updated timestamp into the sig. Note that this will
automagically lower any sig expiration dates to correctly
correspond to the differences in the timestamps (i.e. the
duration will shrink). */
build_sig_subpkt_from_sig (sig, pksk);
if (mksubpkt)
rc = (*mksubpkt)(sig, opaque);
if (!rc) {
hash_sigversion_to_magic (md, sig);
gcry_md_final (md);
rc = complete_sig (sig, pksk, md, NULL);
gcry_md_close (md);
if( rc )
free_seckey_enc (sig);
*ret_sig = sig;
return rc;
diff --git a/g10/skclist.c b/g10/skclist.c
index 4cd7f332e..cedbce79f 100644
--- a/g10/skclist.c
+++ b/g10/skclist.c
@@ -1,270 +1,270 @@
/* skclist.c - Build a list of secret keys
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2006,
* 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
/* Return true if Libgcrypt's RNG is in faked mode. */
random_is_faked (void)
return !!gcry_control (GCRYCTL_FAKED_RANDOM_P, 0);
release_sk_list (SK_LIST sk_list)
SK_LIST sk_rover;
for (; sk_list; sk_list = sk_rover)
sk_rover = sk_list->next;
free_public_key (sk_list->pk);
xfree (sk_list);
/* Check that we are only using keys which don't have
* the string "(insecure!)" or "not secure" or "do not use"
* in one of the user ids. */
static int
is_insecure (PKT_public_key *pk)
u32 keyid[2];
KBNODE node = NULL, u;
int insecure = 0;
keyid_from_pk (pk, keyid);
node = get_pubkeyblock (keyid);
for (u = node; u; u = u->next)
if (u->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
PKT_user_id *id = u->pkt->pkt.user_id;
if (id->attrib_data)
continue; /* skip attribute packets */
if (strstr (id->name, "(insecure!)")
|| strstr (id->name, "not secure")
|| strstr (id->name, "do not use")
|| strstr (id->name, "(INSECURE!)"))
insecure = 1;
release_kbnode (node);
return insecure;
static int
key_present_in_sk_list (SK_LIST sk_list, PKT_public_key *pk)
for (; sk_list; sk_list = sk_list->next)
if (!cmp_public_keys (sk_list->pk, pk))
return 0;
return -1;
static int
is_duplicated_entry (strlist_t list, strlist_t item)
for (; list && list != item; list = list->next)
if (!strcmp (list->d, item->d))
return 1;
return 0;
build_sk_list (ctrl_t ctrl,
strlist_t locusr, SK_LIST *ret_sk_list, unsigned int use)
gpg_error_t err;
SK_LIST sk_list = NULL;
/* XXX: Change this function to use get_pubkeys instead of
getkey_byname to detect ambiguous key specifications and warn
about duplicate keyblocks. For ambiguous key specifications on
the command line or provided interactively, prompt the user to
select the best key. If a key specification is ambiguous and we
are in batch mode, die. */
if (!locusr) /* No user ids given - use the default key. */
PKT_public_key *pk;
pk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pk);
pk->req_usage = use;
if ((err = getkey_byname (ctrl, NULL, pk, NULL, 1, NULL)))
free_public_key (pk);
pk = NULL;
log_error ("no default secret key: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
write_status_text (STATUS_INV_SGNR, get_inv_recpsgnr_code (err));
else if ((err = openpgp_pk_test_algo2 (pk->pubkey_algo, use)))
free_public_key (pk);
pk = NULL;
log_error ("invalid default secret key: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
write_status_text (STATUS_INV_SGNR, get_inv_recpsgnr_code (err));
if (random_is_faked () && !is_insecure (pk))
log_info (_("key is not flagged as insecure - "
"can't use it with the faked RNG!\n"));
free_public_key (pk);
pk = NULL;
write_status_text (STATUS_INV_SGNR,
get_inv_recpsgnr_code (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED));
r = xmalloc (sizeof *r);
r->pk = pk;
pk = NULL;
r->next = sk_list;
r->mark = 0;
sk_list = r;
else /* Check the given user ids. */
strlist_t locusr_orig = locusr;
for (; locusr; locusr = locusr->next)
PKT_public_key *pk;
err = 0;
/* Do an early check against duplicated entries. However
* this won't catch all duplicates because the user IDs may
* be specified in different ways. */
if (is_duplicated_entry (locusr_orig, locusr))
log_info (_("skipped \"%s\": duplicated\n"), locusr->d);
pk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pk);
pk->req_usage = use;
if ((err = getkey_byname (ctrl, NULL, pk, locusr->d, 1, NULL)))
free_public_key (pk);
pk = NULL;
log_error (_("skipped \"%s\": %s\n"),
locusr->d, gpg_strerror (err));
(STATUS_INV_SGNR, get_inv_recpsgnr_code (err),
locusr->d, strlen (locusr->d), -1);
else if (!key_present_in_sk_list (sk_list, pk))
free_public_key (pk);
pk = NULL;
log_info (_("skipped: secret key already present\n"));
else if ((err = openpgp_pk_test_algo2 (pk->pubkey_algo, use)))
free_public_key (pk);
pk = NULL;
log_error ("skipped \"%s\": %s\n", locusr->d, gpg_strerror (err));
(STATUS_INV_SGNR, get_inv_recpsgnr_code (err),
locusr->d, strlen (locusr->d), -1);
if (pk->version == 4 && (use & PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG)
&& pk->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E)
log_info (_("skipped \"%s\": %s\n"), locusr->d,
_("this is a PGP generated Elgamal key which"
" is not secure for signatures!"));
free_public_key (pk);
pk = NULL;
get_inv_recpsgnr_code (GPG_ERR_WRONG_KEY_USAGE),
locusr->d, strlen (locusr->d), -1);
else if (random_is_faked () && !is_insecure (pk))
log_info (_("key is not flagged as insecure - "
"can't use it with the faked RNG!\n"));
free_public_key (pk);
pk = NULL;
get_inv_recpsgnr_code (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED),
locusr->d, strlen (locusr->d), -1);
r = xmalloc (sizeof *r);
r->pk = pk;
pk = NULL;
r->next = sk_list;
r->mark = 0;
sk_list = r;
if (!err && !sk_list)
log_error ("no valid signators\n");
write_status_text (STATUS_NO_SGNR, "0");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_USER_ID);
if (err)
release_sk_list (sk_list);
*ret_sk_list = sk_list;
return err;
diff --git a/g10/t-keydb-get-keyblock.c b/g10/t-keydb-get-keyblock.c
index cab1448da..993d879d5 100644
--- a/g10/t-keydb-get-keyblock.c
+++ b/g10/t-keydb-get-keyblock.c
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
/* t-keydb-get-keyblock.c - Tests for keydb.c.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include "test.c"
#include "keydb.h"
static void
do_test (int argc, char *argv[])
char *fname;
int rc;
(void) argc;
(void) argv;
/* t-keydb-get-keyblock.gpg contains two keys: a modern key followed
by a legacy key. If we get the keyblock for the modern key, we
shouldn't get
- */
fname = prepend_srcdir ("t-keydb-get-keyblock.gpg");
rc = keydb_add_resource (fname, 0);
test_free (fname);
if (rc)
ABORT ("Failed to open keyring.");
hd1 = keydb_new ();
if (!hd1)
ABORT ("");
rc = classify_user_id ("8061 5870 F5BA D690 3336 86D0 F2AD 85AC 1E42 B367",
&desc1, 0);
if (rc)
ABORT ("Failed to convert fingerprint for 1E42B367");
rc = keydb_search (hd1, &desc1, 1, NULL);
if (rc)
ABORT ("Failed to lookup key associated with 1E42B367");
rc = keydb_get_keyblock (hd1, &kb1);
TEST_P ("", ! rc);
keydb_release (hd1);
diff --git a/g10/t-keydb.c b/g10/t-keydb.c
index 3606e2ea2..5eb8d0154 100644
--- a/g10/t-keydb.c
+++ b/g10/t-keydb.c
@@ -1,104 +1,104 @@
/* t-keydb.c - Tests for keydb.c.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include "test.c"
#include "keydb.h"
static void
do_test (int argc, char *argv[])
int rc;
KEYDB_HANDLE hd1, hd2;
KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC desc1, desc2;
KBNODE kb1, kb2, p;
char *uid1;
char *uid2;
char *fname;
(void) argc;
(void) argv;
fname = prepend_srcdir ("t-keydb-keyring.kbx");
rc = keydb_add_resource (fname, 0);
test_free (fname);
if (rc)
ABORT ("Failed to open keyring.");
hd1 = keydb_new ();
if (!hd1)
ABORT ("");
hd2 = keydb_new ();
if (!hd2)
ABORT ("");
rc = classify_user_id ("2689 5E25 E844 6D44 A26D 8FAF 2F79 98F3 DBFC 6AD9",
&desc1, 0);
if (rc)
ABORT ("Failed to convert fingerprint for DBFC6AD9");
rc = keydb_search (hd1, &desc1, 1, NULL);
if (rc)
ABORT ("Failed to lookup key associated with DBFC6AD9");
classify_user_id ("8061 5870 F5BA D690 3336 86D0 F2AD 85AC 1E42 B367",
&desc2, 0);
if (rc)
ABORT ("Failed to convert fingerprint for 1E42B367");
rc = keydb_search (hd2, &desc2, 1, NULL);
if (rc)
ABORT ("Failed to lookup key associated with 1E42B367");
rc = keydb_get_keyblock (hd2, &kb2);
if (rc)
ABORT ("Failed to get keyblock for 1E42B367");
rc = keydb_get_keyblock (hd1, &kb1);
if (rc)
ABORT ("Failed to get keyblock for DBFC6AD9");
p = kb1;
while (p && p->pkt->pkttype != PKT_USER_ID)
p = p->next;
if (! p)
ABORT ("DBFC6AD9 has no user id packet");
uid1 = p->pkt->pkt.user_id->name;
p = kb2;
while (p && p->pkt->pkttype != PKT_USER_ID)
p = p->next;
if (! p)
ABORT ("1E42B367 has no user id packet");
uid2 = p->pkt->pkt.user_id->name;
if (verbose)
printf ("user id for DBFC6AD9: %s\n", uid1);
printf ("user id for 1E42B367: %s\n", uid2);
TEST_P ("cache consistency", strcmp (uid1, uid2) != 0);
release_kbnode (kb1);
release_kbnode (kb2);
keydb_release (hd1);
keydb_release (hd2);
diff --git a/g10/t-rmd160.c b/g10/t-rmd160.c
index ea2933f07..e79d15d9d 100644
--- a/g10/t-rmd160.c
+++ b/g10/t-rmd160.c
@@ -1,91 +1,91 @@
/* t-rmd160.c - Module test for rmd160.c
* Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "rmd160.h"
#define pass() do { ; } while(0)
#define fail(a) do { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: test %d failed\n",\
__FILE__,__LINE__, (a)); \
exit (1); \
} while(0)
static void
run_test (void)
static struct
const char *data;
const char *expect;
} testtbl[] =
{ "",
"\x08\x97\x7e\xe8\xf5\x48\xb2\x25\x8d\x31" },
{ "a",
"\x34\x7b\xe6\xf4\xdc\x83\x5a\x46\x7f\xfe" },
{ "abc",
"\x4a\x8e\x98\xc6\xb0\x87\xf1\x5a\x0b\xfc" },
{ "message digest",
"\x81\xb1\x23\xa8\x5f\xfa\x21\x59\x5f\x36" },
{ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
"\xdc\xeb\x5b\x9d\x28\x65\xb3\x70\x8d\xbc" },
"\x3a\x87\xa5\x71\x30\x79\xb2\x1f\x51\x89" },
{ "1234567890" "1234567890" "1234567890" "1234567890"
"1234567890" "1234567890" "1234567890" "1234567890",
"\xd3\x32\x3c\xab\x82\xbf\x63\x32\x6b\xfb" },
int idx;
char digest[20];
for (idx=0; testtbl[idx].data; idx++)
rmd160_hash_buffer (digest,
testtbl[idx].data, strlen(testtbl[idx].data));
if (memcmp (digest, testtbl[idx].expect, 20))
fail (idx);
main (int argc, char **argv)
run_test ();
return 0;
diff --git a/g10/t-stutter.c b/g10/t-stutter.c
index f3fc65330..a2e9666bf 100644
--- a/g10/t-stutter.c
+++ b/g10/t-stutter.c
@@ -1,611 +1,611 @@
/* t-stutter.c - Test the stutter exploit.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* This test is based on the paper: "An Attack on CFB Mode Encryption
* as Used by OpenPGP." This attack uses a padding oracle to decrypt
* the first two bytes of each block (which are normally 16 bytes
* large). Concretely, if an attacker can use this attack if it can
* sense whether the quick integrity check failed. See RFC 4880,
* Section 5.7 for an explanation of this quick check.
* The concrete attack, as described in the paper, only works for
* PKT_ENCRYPTED packets; it does not work for PKT_ENCRYPTED_MDC
* packets, which use a slightly different CFB mode (they don't
* include a sync after the IV). But, small modifications should
* allow the attack to work for PKT_ENCRYPTED_MDC packets.
* The cost of this attack is 2^15 + i * 2^15 oracle queries, where i
* is the number of blocks the attack wants to decrypt. This attack
* is completely unfeasible when gpg is used interactively, but it
* could work when used as a service.
* How to generate a test message:
* $ echo 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | \
* gpg --disable-mdc -z 0 -c > msg.asc
* $ gpg --list-packets msg.asc
* # Make sure the encryption packet contains a literal packet (without
* # any nesting).
* $ gpgsplit msg.asc
* $ gpg --show-session-key -d msg.asc
* $ ./t-stutter --debug SESSION_KEY 000002-009.encrypted
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "../common/types.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "dek.h"
#include "../common/logging.h"
static void
log_hexdump (byte *buffer, int length)
int written = 0;
fprintf (stderr, "%d bytes:\n", length);
while (length > 0)
int have = length > 16 ? 16 : length;
int i;
char formatted[2 * have + 1];
char text[have + 1];
fprintf (stderr, "%-8d ", written);
bin2hex (buffer, have, formatted);
for (i = 0; i < 16; i ++)
if (i % 2 == 0)
fputc (' ', stderr);
if (i % 8 == 0)
fputc (' ', stderr);
if (i < have)
fwrite (&formatted[2 * i], 2, 1, stderr);
fwrite (" ", 2, 1, stderr);
for (i = 0; i < have; i ++)
if (isprint (buffer[i]))
text[i] = buffer[i];
text[i] = '.';
text[i] = 0;
fprintf (stderr, " ");
if (strlen (text) > 8)
fwrite (text, 8, 1, stderr);
fputc (' ', stderr);
fwrite (&text[8], strlen (text) - 8, 1, stderr);
fwrite (text, strlen (text), 1, stderr);
fputc ('\n', stderr);
buffer += have;
length -= have;
written += have;
static char *
hexstr (const byte *bytes)
static int i;
static char bufs[100][7];
i ++;
if (i == 100)
i = 0;
sprintf (bufs[i], "0x%02X%02X", bytes[0], bytes[1]);
return bufs[i];
/* xor the two bytes starting at A with the two bytes starting at B
and return the result. */
static byte *
bufxor2 (const byte *a, const byte *b)
static int i;
static char bufs[100][2];
i ++;
if (i == 100)
i = 0;
bufs[i][0] = a[0] ^ b[0];
bufs[i][1] = a[1] ^ b[1];
return bufs[i];
/* The session key stays constant. */
static DEK dek;
int blocksize;
/* Decode the session key, which is in the format output by gpg
--show-session-key. */
static void
parse_session_key (char *session_key)
char *tail;
char *p = session_key;
errno = 0;
dek.algo = strtol (p, &tail, 10);
if (errno || (tail && *tail != ':'))
log_fatal ("Invalid session key specification. "
"Expected: cipher-id:HEXADECIMAL-CHRACTERS\n");
/* Skip the ':'. */
p = tail + 1;
if (strlen (p) % 2 != 0)
log_fatal ("Session key must consist of an even number of hexadecimal characters.\n");
dek.keylen = strlen (p) / 2;
log_assert (dek.keylen <= sizeof (dek.key));
if (hex2bin (p, dek.key, dek.keylen) == -1)
log_fatal ("Session key must only contain hexadecimal characters\n");
blocksize = openpgp_cipher_get_algo_blklen (dek.algo);
if ( !blocksize || blocksize > 16 )
log_fatal ("unsupported blocksize %u\n", blocksize );
/* The ciphertext, the plaintext as decrypted by the good session key,
and the cfb stream (derived from the ciphertext and the
plaintext). */
static int msg_len;
static byte *msg;
static byte *msg_plaintext;
static byte *msg_cfb;
/* Whether we need to resynchronize the CFB after writing the random
data (this is the case for encrypted packets, but not encrypted and
integrity protected packets). */
static int sync;
static int
block_offset (int i)
int extra = 0;
log_assert (i >= 1);
/* Make sure blocksize has been initialized. */
log_assert (blocksize);
if (i > 2)
i -= 2;
extra = blocksize + 2;
return (i - 1) * blocksize + extra;
/* Return the ith block from TEXT. The first block is labeled 1.
Note: consistent with the OpenPGP message format, the second block
(i=2) is just 2 bytes. */
static byte *
block (byte *text, int len, int i)
int offset = block_offset (i);
log_assert (offset < len);
return &text[offset];
/* Return true if the quick integrity check passes. Also, if
PLAINTEXTP is not NULL, return the decrypted plaintext in
*PLAINTEXTP. If CFBP is not NULL, return the CFB byte stream in
*CFBP. */
static int
oracle (int debug, byte *ciphertext, int len, byte **plaintextp, byte **cfbp)
int rc = 0;
unsigned nprefix;
gcry_cipher_hd_t cipher_hd = NULL;
byte *plaintext = NULL;
byte *cfb = NULL;
/* Make sure DEK was initialized. */
log_assert (dek.algo);
log_assert (dek.keylen);
log_assert (blocksize);
nprefix = blocksize;
if (len < nprefix + 2)
/* An invalid message. We can't check that during parsing
because we may not know the used cipher then. */
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
goto leave;
rc = openpgp_cipher_open (&cipher_hd, dek.algo,
(! sync /* ed->mdc_method || dek.algo >= 100 */ ?
if (rc)
log_fatal ("Failed to open cipher: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = gcry_cipher_setkey (cipher_hd, dek.key, dek.keylen);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_WEAK_KEY)
log_info ("WARNING: message was encrypted with"
" a weak key in the symmetric cipher.\n");
else if( rc )
log_fatal ("key setup failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
gcry_cipher_setiv (cipher_hd, NULL, 0);
if (debug)
log_debug ("Encrypted data:\n");
log_hexdump(ciphertext, len);
plaintext = xmalloc_clear (len);
gcry_cipher_decrypt (cipher_hd, plaintext, blocksize + 2,
ciphertext, blocksize + 2);
gcry_cipher_sync (cipher_hd);
if (len > blocksize+2)
gcry_cipher_decrypt (cipher_hd,
&plaintext[blocksize+2], len-(blocksize+2),
&ciphertext[blocksize+2], len-(blocksize+2));
if (debug)
log_debug ("Decrypted data:\n");
log_hexdump (plaintext, len);
log_debug ("R_{b-1,b} = %s\n", hexstr (&plaintext[blocksize - 2]));
log_debug ("R_{b+1,b+2} = %s\n", hexstr (&plaintext[blocksize]));
if (cfbp || debug)
int i;
cfb = xmalloc (len);
for (i = 0; i < len; i ++)
cfb[i] = plaintext[i] ^ ciphertext[i];
log_assert (len >= blocksize + 2);
if (debug)
log_debug ("cfb:\n");
log_hexdump (cfb, len);
log_debug ("E_k([C_1]_{1,2}) = C_2 xor R (%s xor %s) = %s\n",
hexstr (&ciphertext[blocksize]),
hexstr (&plaintext[blocksize]),
hexstr (bufxor2 (&ciphertext[blocksize],
if (len >= blocksize + 4)
log_debug ("D = Ek([C1]_{3-b} || C_2)_{1-2} (%s) xor C2 (%s) xor E_k(0)_{b-1,b} (%s) = %s\n",
hexstr (&cfb[blocksize + 2]),
hexstr (&ciphertext[blocksize]),
hexstr (&cfb[blocksize - 2]),
hexstr (bufxor2 (bufxor2 (&cfb[blocksize + 2],
&cfb[blocksize - 2])));
if (plaintext[nprefix-2] != plaintext[nprefix]
|| plaintext[nprefix-1] != plaintext[nprefix+1])
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_KEY);
goto leave;
if (! rc && plaintextp)
*plaintextp = plaintext;
xfree (plaintext);
if (! rc && cfbp)
*cfbp = cfb;
xfree (cfb);
if (cipher_hd)
gcry_cipher_close (cipher_hd);
return rc;
/* Query the oracle with D=D for block B. */
static int
oracle_test (unsigned int d, int b, int debug)
byte probe[blocksize + 2];
log_assert (d < 256 * 256);
if (b == 1)
memcpy (probe, &msg[2], blocksize);
memcpy (probe, block (msg, msg_len, b), blocksize);
probe[blocksize] = d >> 8;
probe[blocksize + 1] = d & 0xff;
if (debug)
log_debug ("oracle (0x%04X):\n", d);
return oracle (debug, probe, blocksize + 2, NULL, NULL) == 0;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
int i;
int debug = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
int help = 0;
byte *raw_data;
int raw_data_len;
int failed = 0;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i ++)
if (strcmp (argv[i], "--debug") == 0)
debug = 1;
else if (! blocksize)
parse_session_key (argv[i]);
else if (! filename)
filename = argv[i];
help = 1;
if (! blocksize && ! filename && (filename = getenv ("srcdir")))
/* Try defaults. */
parse_session_key ("9:9274A8EC128E850C6DDDF9EAC68BFA84FC7BC05F340DA41D78C93D0640C7C503");
filename = xasprintf ("%s/t-stutter-data.asc", filename);
if (help || ! blocksize || ! filename)
log_fatal ("Usage: %s [--debug] SESSION_KEY ENCRYPTED_PKT\n", argv[0]);
/* Don't read more than a KB. */
raw_data_len = 1024;
raw_data = xmalloc (raw_data_len);
FILE *fp;
int r;
fp = fopen (filename, "r");
if (! fp)
log_fatal ("Opening %s: %s\n", filename, strerror (errno));
r = fread (raw_data, 1, raw_data_len, fp);
fclose (fp);
/* We need at least the random data, the encrypted and literal
packets' headers and some body. */
if (r < (blocksize + 2 /* Random data. */
+ 2 * blocksize /* Header + some plaintext. */))
log_fatal ("Not enough data (need at least %d bytes of plain text): %s.\n",
blocksize + 2, strerror (errno));
raw_data_len = r;
if (debug)
log_debug ("First few bytes of the raw data:\n");
log_hexdump (raw_data, raw_data_len > 8 ? 8 : raw_data_len);
/* Parse the packet's header. */
int ctb = raw_data[0];
int new_format = ctb & (1 << 7);
int pkttype = (ctb & ((1 << 5) - 1)) >> (new_format ? 0 : 2);
int hdrlen;
if (new_format)
if (debug)
log_debug ("len encoded: 0x%x (%d)\n", raw_data[1], raw_data[1]);
if (raw_data[1] < 192)
hdrlen = 2;
else if (raw_data[1] < 224)
hdrlen = 3;
else if (raw_data[1] == 255)
hdrlen = 5;
hdrlen = 2;
int lentype = ctb & 0x3;
if (lentype == 0)
hdrlen = 2;
else if (lentype == 1)
hdrlen = 3;
else if (lentype == 2)
hdrlen = 5;
/* Indeterminate. */
hdrlen = 1;
if (debug)
log_debug ("ctb = %x; %s format, hdrlen: %d, packet: %s\n",
ctb, new_format ? "new" : "old",
pkttype_str (pkttype));
if (! (pkttype == PKT_ENCRYPTED || pkttype == PKT_ENCRYPTED_MDC))
log_fatal ("%s does not contain an encrypted packet, but a %s.\n",
filename, pkttype_str (pkttype));
if (pkttype == PKT_ENCRYPTED_MDC)
/* The first byte following the header is the version, which
is 1. */
log_assert (raw_data[hdrlen] == 1);
hdrlen ++;
sync = 0;
sync = 1;
msg = &raw_data[hdrlen];
msg_len = raw_data_len - hdrlen;
log_assert (msg_len >= blocksize + 2);
/* This can at least partially be guessed. So we just assume that
it is known. */
int d;
int found;
const byte *m1;
byte e_k_zero[2];
if (oracle (debug, msg, msg_len, &msg_plaintext, &msg_cfb) == 0)
if (debug)
log_debug ("Session key appears to be good.\n");
log_fatal ("Session key is bad!\n");
m1 = &msg_plaintext[blocksize + 2];
if (debug)
log_debug ("First two bytes of plaintext are: %02X (%c) %02X (%c)\n",
m1[0], isprint (m1[0]) ? m1[0] : '?',
m1[1], isprint (m1[1]) ? m1[1] : '?');
for (d = 0; d < 256 * 256; d ++)
if ((found = oracle_test (d, 1, 0)))
if (! found)
log_fatal ("Failed to find d!\n");
if (debug)
oracle_test (d, 1, 1);
if (debug)
log_debug ("D = %d (%x) looks good.\n", d, d);
byte *c2 = block (msg, msg_len, 2);
byte D[2] = { d >> 8, d & 0xFF };
byte *c3 = block (msg, msg_len, 3);
memcpy (e_k_zero,
bufxor2 (bufxor2 (c2, D),
bufxor2 (c3, m1)),
sizeof (e_k_zero));
if (debug)
log_debug ("C2 = %s\n", hexstr (c2));
log_debug ("D = %s\n", hexstr (D));
log_debug ("C3 = %s\n", hexstr (c3));
log_debug ("M = %s\n", hexstr (m1));
log_debug ("E_k([C1]_{3-b} || C_2) = C3 xor M1 = %s\n",
hexstr (bufxor2 (c3, m1)));
log_debug ("E_k(0)_{b-1,b} = %s\n", hexstr (e_k_zero));
/* Figure out the first 2 bytes of M2... (offset 16 & 17 of the
plain text assuming the blocksize == 16 or bytes 34 & 35 of the
decrypted cipher text, i.e., C4). */
for (i = 1; block_offset (i + 3) + 2 <= msg_len; i ++)
byte e_k_prime[2];
byte m[2];
byte *ct = block (msg, msg_len, i + 2);
byte *pt = block (msg_plaintext, msg_len, 2 + i + 1);
for (d = 0; d < 256 * 256; d ++)
if (oracle_test (d, i + 2, 0))
found = 1;
if (! found)
log_fatal ("Failed to find a valid d for block %d\n", i);
if (debug)
log_debug ("Block %d: oracle: D = %04X passes integrity check\n",
i, d);
byte D[2] = { d >> 8, d & 0xFF };
memcpy (e_k_prime,
bufxor2 (bufxor2 (&ct[blocksize - 2], D), e_k_zero),
sizeof (e_k_prime));
memcpy (m, bufxor2 (e_k_prime, block (msg, msg_len, i + 3)),
sizeof (m));
if (debug)
log_debug ("=> block %d starting at %zd starts with: "
"%s (%c%c)\n",
i, (size_t) pt - (size_t) msg_plaintext,
hexstr (m),
isprint (m[0]) ? m[0] : '?', isprint (m[1]) ? m[1] : '?');
if (m[0] != pt[0] || m[1] != pt[1])
log_debug ("oracle attack failed! Expected %s (%c%c), got %s\n",
hexstr (pt),
isprint (pt[0]) ? pt[0] : '?',
isprint (pt[1]) ? pt[1] : '?',
hexstr (m));
failed = 1;
if (i == 1)
log_fatal ("Message is too short, nothing to test.\n");
xfree (filename);
return failed;
diff --git a/g10/tdbdump.c b/g10/tdbdump.c
index 4c3d7a874..41a025871 100644
--- a/g10/tdbdump.c
+++ b/g10/tdbdump.c
@@ -1,233 +1,233 @@
/* tdbdump.c
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "tdbio.h"
#define HEXTOBIN(x) ( (x) >= '0' && (x) <= '9' ? ((x)-'0') : \
(x) >= 'A' && (x) <= 'F' ? ((x)-'A'+10) : ((x)-'a'+10))
* Write a record; die on error.
static void
write_record( TRUSTREC *rec )
int rc = tdbio_write_record( rec );
if( !rc )
log_error(_("trust record %lu, type %d: write failed: %s\n"),
rec->recnum, rec->rectype, gpg_strerror (rc) );
* Dump the entire trustdb to FP or only the entries of one key.
list_trustdb (estream_t fp, const char *username)
/* For now we ignore the user ID. */
if (1)
ulong recnum;
int i;
es_fprintf (fp, "TrustDB: %s\n", tdbio_get_dbname ());
for (i = 9 + strlen (tdbio_get_dbname()); i > 0; i-- )
es_fputc ('-', fp);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
for (recnum=0; !tdbio_read_record (recnum, &rec, 0); recnum++)
tdbio_dump_record (&rec, fp);
* Print a list of all defined owner trust value.
ulong recnum;
int i;
byte *p;
es_printf (_("# List of assigned trustvalues, created %s\n"
"# (Use \"gpg --import-ownertrust\" to restore them)\n"),
asctimestamp( make_timestamp() ) );
for (recnum=0; !tdbio_read_record (recnum, &rec, 0); recnum++ )
if (rec.rectype == RECTYPE_TRUST)
if (!
p =;
for (i=0; i < 20; i++, p++ )
es_printf("%02X", *p );
es_printf (":%u:\n", (unsigned int) );
import_ownertrust( const char *fname )
estream_t fp;
int is_stdin=0;
char line[256];
char *p;
size_t n, fprlen;
unsigned int otrust;
byte fpr[20];
int any = 0;
int rc;
if( iobuf_is_pipe_filename (fname) ) {
fp = es_stdin;
fname = "[stdin]";
is_stdin = 1;
else if( !(fp = es_fopen( fname, "r" )) ) {
log_error ( _("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror(errno) );
if (is_secured_file (es_fileno (fp)))
es_fclose (fp);
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror(errno) );
while (es_fgets (line, DIM(line)-1, fp)) {
if( !*line || *line == '#' )
n = strlen(line);
if( line[n-1] != '\n' ) {
log_error (_("error in '%s': %s\n"), fname, _("line too long") );
/* ... or last line does not have a LF */
break; /* can't continue */
for(p = line; *p && *p != ':' ; p++ )
if( !hexdigitp(p) )
if( *p != ':' ) {
log_error (_("error in '%s': %s\n"), fname, _("colon missing") );
fprlen = p - line;
if( fprlen != 32 && fprlen != 40 ) {
log_error (_("error in '%s': %s\n"),
fname, _("invalid fingerprint") );
if( sscanf(p, ":%u:", &otrust ) != 1 ) {
log_error (_("error in '%s': %s\n"),
fname, _("ownertrust value missing"));
if( !otrust )
continue; /* no otrust defined - no need to update or insert */
/* convert the ascii fingerprint to binary */
for(p=line, fprlen=0; fprlen < 20 && *p != ':'; p += 2 )
fpr[fprlen++] = HEXTOBIN(p[0]) * 16 + HEXTOBIN(p[1]);
while (fprlen < 20)
fpr[fprlen++] = 0;
rc = tdbio_search_trust_byfpr (fpr, &rec);
if( !rc ) { /* found: update */
if ( != otrust)
if( )
log_info("changing ownertrust from %u to %u\n",, otrust );
log_info("setting ownertrust to %u\n", otrust ); = otrust;
write_record (&rec );
any = 1;
else if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND) { /* insert */
log_info("inserting ownertrust of %u\n", otrust );
memset (&rec, 0, sizeof rec);
rec.recnum = tdbio_new_recnum ();
rec.rectype = RECTYPE_TRUST;
memcpy (, fpr, 20); = otrust;
write_record (&rec );
any = 1;
else /* error */
log_error (_("error finding trust record in '%s': %s\n"),
fname, gpg_strerror (rc));
if (es_ferror (fp))
log_error ( _("read error in '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror(errno) );
if (!is_stdin)
es_fclose (fp);
if (any)
revalidation_mark ();
rc = tdbio_sync ();
if (rc)
log_error (_("trustdb: sync failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc) );
diff --git a/g10/tdbio.c b/g10/tdbio.c
index 02fa91e66..c1cb31211 100644
--- a/g10/tdbio.c
+++ b/g10/tdbio.c
@@ -1,1868 +1,1868 @@
/* tdbio.c - trust database I/O operations
* Copyright (C) 1998-2002, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 1998-2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "tdbio.h"
#if defined(HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM) && !defined(ftruncate)
#define ftruncate chsize
#if defined(HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
#define MY_O_BINARY 0
/* We use ERRNO despite that the cegcc provided open/read/write
functions don't set ERRNO - at least show that ERRNO does not make
sense. */
#undef strerror
#define strerror(a) ("[errno not available]")
* Yes, this is a very simple implementation. We should really
* use a page aligned buffer and read complete pages.
* To implement a simple trannsaction system, this is sufficient.
typedef struct cache_ctrl_struct *CACHE_CTRL;
struct cache_ctrl_struct
struct {
unsigned used:1;
unsigned dirty:1;
} flags;
ulong recno;
char data[TRUST_RECORD_LEN];
/* Size of the cache. The SOFT value is the general one. While in a
transaction this may not be sufficient and thus we may increase it
then up to the HARD limit. */
/* The cache is controlled by these variables. */
static CACHE_CTRL cache_list;
static int cache_entries;
static int cache_is_dirty;
/* An object to pass information to cmp_krec_fpr. */
struct cmp_krec_fpr_struct
int pubkey_algo;
const char *fpr;
int fprlen;
/* An object used to pass information to cmp_[s]dir. */
struct cmp_xdir_struct
int pubkey_algo;
u32 keyid[2];
/* The name of the trustdb file. */
static char *db_name;
/* The handle for locking the trustdb file and a flag to record
whether a lock has been taken. */
static dotlock_t lockhandle;
static int is_locked;
/* The file descriptor of the trustdb. */
static int db_fd = -1;
/* A flag indicating that a transaction is active. */
static int in_transaction;
static void open_db (void);
static void create_hashtable (TRUSTREC *vr, int type);
* Take a lock on the trustdb file name. I a lock file can't be
* created the function terminates the process. Excvept for a
* different return code the function does nothing if the lock has
* already been taken.
* Returns: True if lock already exists, False if the lock has
* actually been taken.
static int
take_write_lock (void)
if (!lockhandle)
lockhandle = dotlock_create (db_name, 0);
if (!lockhandle)
log_fatal ( _("can't create lock for '%s'\n"), db_name );
if (!is_locked)
if (dotlock_take (lockhandle, -1) )
log_fatal ( _("can't lock '%s'\n"), db_name );
is_locked = 1;
return 0;
return 1;
* Release a lock from the trustdb file unless the global option
* --lock-once has been used.
static void
release_write_lock (void)
if (!opt.lock_once)
if (!dotlock_release (lockhandle))
is_locked = 0;
************* record cache **********
* Get the data from the record cache and return a pointer into that
* cache. Caller should copy the returned data. NULL is returned on
* a cache miss.
static const char *
get_record_from_cache (ulong recno)
for (r = cache_list; r; r = r->next)
if (r->flags.used && r->recno == recno)
return r->data;
return NULL;
* Write a cached item back to the trustdb file.
* Returns: 0 on success or an error code.
static int
write_cache_item (CACHE_CTRL r)
gpg_error_t err;
int n;
if (lseek (db_fd, r->recno * TRUST_RECORD_LEN, SEEK_SET) == -1)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("trustdb rec %lu: lseek failed: %s\n"),
r->recno, strerror (errno));
return err;
n = write (db_fd, r->data, TRUST_RECORD_LEN);
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("trustdb rec %lu: write failed (n=%d): %s\n"),
r->recno, n, strerror (errno) );
return err;
r->flags.dirty = 0;
return 0;
* Put data into the cache. This function may flush
* some cache entries if the cache is filled up.
* Returns: 0 on success or an error code.
static int
put_record_into_cache (ulong recno, const char *data)
CACHE_CTRL r, unused;
int dirty_count = 0;
int clean_count = 0;
/* See whether we already cached this one. */
for (unused = NULL, r = cache_list; r; r = r->next)
if (!r->flags.used)
if (!unused)
unused = r;
else if (r->recno == recno)
if (!r->flags.dirty)
/* Hmmm: should we use a copy and compare? */
if (memcmp (r->data, data, TRUST_RECORD_LEN))
r->flags.dirty = 1;
cache_is_dirty = 1;
memcpy (r->data, data, TRUST_RECORD_LEN);
return 0;
if (r->flags.used)
if (r->flags.dirty)
/* Not in the cache: add a new entry. */
if (unused)
/* Reuse this entry. */
r = unused;
r->flags.used = 1;
r->recno = recno;
memcpy (r->data, data, TRUST_RECORD_LEN);
r->flags.dirty = 1;
cache_is_dirty = 1;
return 0;
/* See whether we reached the limit. */
if (cache_entries < MAX_CACHE_ENTRIES_SOFT)
/* No: Put into cache. */
r = xmalloc (sizeof *r);
r->flags.used = 1;
r->recno = recno;
memcpy (r->data, data, TRUST_RECORD_LEN);
r->flags.dirty = 1;
r->next = cache_list;
cache_list = r;
cache_is_dirty = 1;
return 0;
/* Cache is full: discard some clean entries. */
if (clean_count)
int n;
/* We discard a third of the clean entries. */
n = clean_count / 3;
if (!n)
n = 1;
for (unused = NULL, r = cache_list; r; r = r->next)
if (r->flags.used && !r->flags.dirty)
if (!unused)
unused = r;
r->flags.used = 0;
if (!--n)
/* Now put into the cache. */
log_assert (unused);
r = unused;
r->flags.used = 1;
r->recno = recno;
memcpy (r->data, data, TRUST_RECORD_LEN);
r->flags.dirty = 1;
cache_is_dirty = 1;
return 0;
/* No clean entries: We have to flush some dirty entries. */
if (in_transaction)
/* But we can't do this while in a transaction. Thus we
* increase the cache size instead. */
if (cache_entries < MAX_CACHE_ENTRIES_HARD)
if (opt.debug && !(cache_entries % 100))
log_debug ("increasing tdbio cache size\n");
r = xmalloc (sizeof *r);
r->flags.used = 1;
r->recno = recno;
memcpy (r->data, data, TRUST_RECORD_LEN);
r->flags.dirty = 1;
r->next = cache_list;
cache_list = r;
cache_is_dirty = 1;
return 0;
/* Hard limit for the cache size reached. */
log_info (_("trustdb transaction too large\n"));
if (dirty_count)
int n;
/* Discard some dirty entries. */
n = dirty_count / 5;
if (!n)
n = 1;
take_write_lock ();
for (unused = NULL, r = cache_list; r; r = r->next)
if (r->flags.used && r->flags.dirty)
int rc;
rc = write_cache_item (r);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (!unused)
unused = r;
r->flags.used = 0;
if (!--n)
release_write_lock ();
/* Now put into the cache. */
log_assert (unused);
r = unused;
r->flags.used = 1;
r->recno = recno;
memcpy (r->data, data, TRUST_RECORD_LEN);
r->flags.dirty = 1;
cache_is_dirty = 1;
return 0;
/* We should never reach this. */
/* Return true if the cache is dirty. */
return cache_is_dirty;
* Flush the cache. This cannot be used while in a transaction.
int did_lock = 0;
if( db_fd == -1 )
if( in_transaction )
log_bug("tdbio: syncing while in transaction\n");
if( !cache_is_dirty )
return 0;
if (!take_write_lock ())
did_lock = 1;
for( r = cache_list; r; r = r->next ) {
if( r->flags.used && r->flags.dirty ) {
int rc = write_cache_item( r );
if( rc )
return rc;
cache_is_dirty = 0;
if (did_lock)
release_write_lock ();
return 0;
#if 0 /* Not yet used. */
* Simple transactions system:
* Everything between begin_transaction and end/cancel_transaction
* is not immediately written but at the time of end_transaction.
* NOTE: The transaction code is disabled in the 1.2 branch, as it is
* not yet used.
tdbio_begin_transaction () /* Not yet used. */
int rc;
if (in_transaction)
log_bug ("tdbio: nested transactions\n");
/* Flush everything out. */
rc = tdbio_sync();
if (rc)
return rc;
in_transaction = 1;
return 0;
tdbio_end_transaction () /* Not yet used. */
int rc;
if (!in_transaction)
log_bug ("tdbio: no active transaction\n");
take_write_lock ();
gnupg_block_all_signals ();
in_transaction = 0;
rc = tdbio_sync();
release_write_lock ();
return rc;
tdbio_cancel_transaction () /* Not yet used. */
if (!in_transaction)
log_bug ("tdbio: no active transaction\n");
/* Remove all dirty marked entries, so that the original ones are
* read back the next time. */
if (cache_is_dirty)
for (r = cache_list; r; r = r->next)
if (r->flags.used && r->flags.dirty)
r->flags.used = 0;
cache_is_dirty = 0;
in_transaction = 0;
return 0;
#endif /* Not yet used. */
**************** cached I/O functions ******************
/* The cleanup handler for this module. */
static void
cleanup (void)
if (is_locked)
if (!dotlock_release (lockhandle))
is_locked = 0;
* Update an existing trustdb record. The caller must call
* tdbio_sync.
* Returns: 0 on success or an error code.
tdbio_update_version_record (void)
int rc;
memset (&rec, 0, sizeof rec);
rc = tdbio_read_record (0, &rec, RECTYPE_VER);
if (!rc)
rec.r.ver.created = make_timestamp();
rec.r.ver.marginals = opt.marginals_needed;
rec.r.ver.completes = opt.completes_needed;
rec.r.ver.cert_depth = opt.max_cert_depth;
rec.r.ver.trust_model = opt.trust_model;
rec.r.ver.min_cert_level = opt.min_cert_level;
return rc;
* Create and write the trustdb version record.
* Returns: 0 on success or an error code.
static int
create_version_record (void)
int rc;
memset (&rec, 0, sizeof rec);
rec.r.ver.version = 3;
rec.r.ver.created = make_timestamp ();
rec.r.ver.marginals = opt.marginals_needed;
rec.r.ver.completes = opt.completes_needed;
rec.r.ver.cert_depth = opt.max_cert_depth;
if (opt.trust_model == TM_PGP || opt.trust_model == TM_CLASSIC)
rec.r.ver.trust_model = opt.trust_model;
rec.r.ver.trust_model = TM_PGP;
rec.r.ver.min_cert_level = opt.min_cert_level;
rec.rectype = RECTYPE_VER;
rec.recnum = 0;
rc = tdbio_write_record (&rec);
if (!rc)
tdbio_sync ();
if (!rc)
create_hashtable (&rec, 0);
return rc;
* Set the file name for the trustdb to NEW_DBNAME and if CREATE is
* true create that file. If NEW_DBNAME is NULL a default name is
* used, if the it does not contain a path component separator ('/')
* the global GnuPG home directory is used.
* Returns: 0 on success or an error code.
* On the first call this function registers an atexit handler.
tdbio_set_dbname (const char *new_dbname, int create, int *r_nofile)
char *fname, *p;
struct stat statbuf;
static int initialized = 0;
int save_slash;
if (!initialized)
atexit (cleanup);
initialized = 1;
*r_nofile = 0;
if (!new_dbname)
fname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (),
else if (*new_dbname != DIRSEP_C )
if (strchr (new_dbname, DIRSEP_C))
fname = make_filename (new_dbname, NULL);
fname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), new_dbname, NULL);
fname = xstrdup (new_dbname);
xfree (db_name);
db_name = fname;
/* Quick check for (likely) case where there already is a
* trustdb.gpg. This check is not required in theory, but it helps
* in practice avoiding costly operations of preparing and taking
* the lock. */
if (!stat (fname, &statbuf) && statbuf.st_size > 0)
/* OK, we have the valid trustdb.gpg already. */
return 0;
else if (!create)
*r_nofile = 1;
return 0;
/* Here comes: No valid trustdb.gpg AND CREATE==1 */
* Make sure the directory exists. This should be done before
* acquiring the lock, which assumes the existence of the directory.
p = strrchr (fname, DIRSEP_C);
/* Windows may either have a slash or a backslash. Take
care of it. */
char *pp = strrchr (fname, '/');
if (!p || pp > p)
p = pp;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
log_assert (p);
save_slash = *p;
*p = 0;
if (access (fname, F_OK))
try_make_homedir (fname);
if (access (fname, F_OK))
log_fatal (_("%s: directory does not exist!\n"), fname);
*p = save_slash;
take_write_lock ();
if (access (fname, R_OK) || stat (fname, &statbuf) || statbuf.st_size == 0)
FILE *fp;
int rc;
mode_t oldmask;
/* We know how the cegcc implementation of access works ;-). */
if (GetLastError () == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
gpg_err_set_errno (ENOENT);
gpg_err_set_errno (EIO);
#endif /*HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM*/
if (errno && errno != ENOENT)
log_fatal ( _("can't access '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror (errno));
oldmask = umask (077);
if (is_secured_filename (fname))
fp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
fp = fopen (fname, "wb");
if (!fp)
log_fatal (_("can't create '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror (errno));
fclose (fp);
db_fd = open (db_name, O_RDWR | MY_O_BINARY);
if (db_fd == -1)
log_fatal (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), db_name, strerror (errno));
rc = create_version_record ();
if (rc)
log_fatal (_("%s: failed to create version record: %s"),
fname, gpg_strerror (rc));
/* Read again to check that we are okay. */
if (tdbio_read_record (0, &rec, RECTYPE_VER))
log_fatal (_("%s: invalid trustdb created\n"), db_name);
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("%s: trustdb created\n"), db_name);
release_write_lock ();
return 0;
* Return the full name of the trustdb.
const char *
tdbio_get_dbname ()
return db_name;
* Open the trustdb. This may only be called if it has not yet been
* opened and after a successful call to tdbio_set_dbname. On return
* the trustdb handle (DB_FD) is guaranteed to be open.
static void
open_db ()
log_assert( db_fd == -1 );
DWORD prevrc = 0;
wchar_t *wname = utf8_to_wchar (db_name);
if (wname)
db_fd = (int)CreateFile (wname, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,
xfree (wname);
if (db_fd == -1)
log_fatal ("can't open '%s': %d, %d\n", db_name,
(int)prevrc, (int)GetLastError ());
#else /*!HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM*/
db_fd = open (db_name, O_RDWR | MY_O_BINARY );
if (db_fd == -1 && (errno == EACCES
#ifdef EROFS
|| errno == EROFS
) {
/* Take care of read-only trustdbs. */
db_fd = open (db_name, O_RDONLY | MY_O_BINARY );
if (db_fd != -1 && !opt.quiet)
log_info (_("Note: trustdb not writable\n"));
if ( db_fd == -1 )
log_fatal( _("can't open '%s': %s\n"), db_name, strerror(errno) );
#endif /*!HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM*/
register_secured_file (db_name);
/* Read the version record. */
if (tdbio_read_record (0, &rec, RECTYPE_VER ) )
log_fatal( _("%s: invalid trustdb\n"), db_name );
* Append a new empty hashtable to the trustdb. TYPE gives the type
* of the hash table. The only defined type is 0 for a trust hash.
* On return the hashtable has been created, written, the version
* record update, and the data flushed to the disk. On a fatal error
* the function terminates the process.
static void
create_hashtable( TRUSTREC *vr, int type )
off_t offset;
ulong recnum;
int i, n, rc;
offset = lseek (db_fd, 0, SEEK_END);
if (offset == -1)
log_fatal ("trustdb: lseek to end failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
recnum = offset / TRUST_RECORD_LEN;
log_assert (recnum); /* This is will never be the first record. */
if (!type)
vr->r.ver.trusthashtbl = recnum;
/* Now write the records making up the hash table. */
for (i=0; i < n; i++, recnum++)
memset (&rec, 0, sizeof rec);
rec.rectype = RECTYPE_HTBL;
rec.recnum = recnum;
rc = tdbio_write_record (&rec);
if (rc)
log_fatal (_("%s: failed to create hashtable: %s\n"),
db_name, gpg_strerror (rc));
/* Update the version record and flush. */
rc = tdbio_write_record (vr);
if (!rc)
rc = tdbio_sync ();
if (rc)
log_fatal (_("%s: error updating version record: %s\n"),
db_name, gpg_strerror (rc));
* Check whether open trustdb matches the global trust options given
* for this process. On a read problem the process is terminated.
* Return: 1 for yes, 0 for no.
static int yes_no = -1;
if (yes_no == -1)
int rc;
rc = tdbio_read_record (0, &vr, RECTYPE_VER);
if( rc )
log_fatal( _("%s: error reading version record: %s\n"),
db_name, gpg_strerror (rc) );
yes_no = vr.r.ver.marginals == opt.marginals_needed
&& vr.r.ver.completes == opt.completes_needed
&& vr.r.ver.cert_depth == opt.max_cert_depth
&& vr.r.ver.trust_model == opt.trust_model
&& vr.r.ver.min_cert_level == opt.min_cert_level;
return yes_no;
* Read and return the trust model identifier from the trustdb. On a
* read problem the process is terminated.
tdbio_read_model (void)
int rc;
rc = tdbio_read_record (0, &vr, RECTYPE_VER );
if (rc)
log_fatal (_("%s: error reading version record: %s\n"),
db_name, gpg_strerror (rc) );
return vr.r.ver.trust_model;
* Read and return the nextstamp value from the trustdb. On a read
* problem the process is terminated.
tdbio_read_nextcheck ()
int rc;
rc = tdbio_read_record (0, &vr, RECTYPE_VER);
if (rc)
log_fatal (_("%s: error reading version record: %s\n"),
db_name, gpg_strerror (rc));
return vr.r.ver.nextcheck;
* Write the STAMP nextstamp timestamp to the trustdb. On a read or
* write problem the process is terminated.
* Return: True if the stamp actually changed.
tdbio_write_nextcheck (ulong stamp)
int rc;
rc = tdbio_read_record (0, &vr, RECTYPE_VER);
if (rc)
log_fatal (_("%s: error reading version record: %s\n"),
db_name, gpg_strerror (rc));
if (vr.r.ver.nextcheck == stamp)
return 0;
vr.r.ver.nextcheck = stamp;
rc = tdbio_write_record( &vr );
if (rc)
log_fatal (_("%s: error writing version record: %s\n"),
db_name, gpg_strerror (rc));
return 1;
* Return the record number of the trusthash table or create one if it
* does not yet exist. On a read or write problem the process is
* terminated.
* Return: record number
static ulong
static ulong trusthashtbl; /* Record number of the trust hashtable. */
if (!trusthashtbl)
int rc;
rc = tdbio_read_record (0, &vr, RECTYPE_VER );
if (rc)
log_fatal (_("%s: error reading version record: %s\n"),
db_name, gpg_strerror (rc) );
trusthashtbl = vr.r.ver.trusthashtbl;
return trusthashtbl;
* Update a hashtable in the trustdb. TABLE gives the start of the
* table, KEY and KEYLEN are the key, NEWRECNUM is the record number
* to insert into the table.
* Return: 0 on success or an error code.
static int
upd_hashtable (ulong table, byte *key, int keylen, ulong newrecnum)
TRUSTREC lastrec, rec;
ulong hashrec, item;
int msb;
int level = 0;
int rc, i;
hashrec = table;
msb = key[level];
hashrec += msb / ITEMS_PER_HTBL_RECORD;
rc = tdbio_read_record (hashrec, &rec, RECTYPE_HTBL);
if (rc)
log_error ("upd_hashtable: read failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
item = rec.r.htbl.item[msb % ITEMS_PER_HTBL_RECORD];
if (!item) /* Insert a new item into the hash table. */
rec.r.htbl.item[msb % ITEMS_PER_HTBL_RECORD] = newrecnum;
rc = tdbio_write_record (&rec);
if (rc)
log_error ("upd_hashtable: write htbl failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
else if (item != newrecnum) /* Must do an update. */
lastrec = rec;
rc = tdbio_read_record (item, &rec, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("upd_hashtable: read item failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
if (rec.rectype == RECTYPE_HTBL)
hashrec = item;
if (level >= keylen)
log_error ("hashtable has invalid indirections.\n");
goto next_level;
else if (rec.rectype == RECTYPE_HLST) /* Extend the list. */
/* Check whether the key is already in this list. */
for (;;)
for (i=0; i < ITEMS_PER_HLST_RECORD; i++)
if (rec.r.hlst.rnum[i] == newrecnum)
return 0; /* Okay, already in the list. */
if (
rc = tdbio_read_record (, &rec, RECTYPE_HLST);
if (rc)
log_error ("upd_hashtable: read hlst failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc) );
return rc;
break; /* key is not in the list */
/* Find the next free entry and put it in. */
for (;;)
for (i=0; i < ITEMS_PER_HLST_RECORD; i++)
if (!rec.r.hlst.rnum[i])
/* Empty slot found. */
rec.r.hlst.rnum[i] = newrecnum;
rc = tdbio_write_record (&rec);
if (rc)
log_error ("upd_hashtable: write hlst failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc; /* Done. */
if (
/* read the next reord of the list. */
rc = tdbio_read_record (, &rec, RECTYPE_HLST);
if (rc)
log_error ("upd_hashtable: read hlst failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
/* Append a new record to the list. */ = item = tdbio_new_recnum ();
rc = tdbio_write_record (&rec);
if (rc)
log_error ("upd_hashtable: write hlst failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
memset (&rec, 0, sizeof rec);
rec.rectype = RECTYPE_HLST;
rec.recnum = item;
rec.r.hlst.rnum[0] = newrecnum;
rc = tdbio_write_record (&rec);
if (rc)
log_error ("upd_hashtable: write ext hlst failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc; /* Done. */
} /* end loop over list slots */
else if (rec.rectype == RECTYPE_TRUST) /* Insert a list record. */
if (rec.recnum == newrecnum)
return 0;
item = rec.recnum; /* Save number of key record. */
memset (&rec, 0, sizeof rec);
rec.rectype = RECTYPE_HLST;
rec.recnum = tdbio_new_recnum ();
rec.r.hlst.rnum[0] = item; /* Old key record */
rec.r.hlst.rnum[1] = newrecnum; /* and new key record */
rc = tdbio_write_record (&rec);
if (rc)
log_error( "upd_hashtable: write new hlst failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc) );
return rc;
/* Update the hashtable record. */
lastrec.r.htbl.item[msb % ITEMS_PER_HTBL_RECORD] = rec.recnum;
rc = tdbio_write_record (&lastrec);
if (rc)
log_error ("upd_hashtable: update htbl failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc; /* Ready. */
log_error ("hashtbl %lu: %lu/%d points to an invalid record %lu\n",
table, hashrec, (msb % ITEMS_PER_HTBL_RECORD), item);
if (opt.verbose > 1)
list_trustdb (es_stderr, NULL);
return 0;
* Drop an entry from a hashtable. TABLE gives the start of the
* table, KEY and KEYLEN are the key.
* Return: 0 on success or an error code.
static int
drop_from_hashtable (ulong table, byte *key, int keylen, ulong recnum)
ulong hashrec, item;
int msb;
int level = 0;
int rc, i;
hashrec = table;
msb = key[level];
hashrec += msb / ITEMS_PER_HTBL_RECORD;
rc = tdbio_read_record (hashrec, &rec, RECTYPE_HTBL );
if (rc)
log_error ("drop_from_hashtable: read failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
item = rec.r.htbl.item[msb % ITEMS_PER_HTBL_RECORD];
if (!item)
return 0; /* Not found - forget about it. */
if (item == recnum) /* Table points direct to the record. */
rec.r.htbl.item[msb % ITEMS_PER_HTBL_RECORD] = 0;
rc = tdbio_write_record( &rec );
if (rc)
log_error ("drop_from_hashtable: write htbl failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
rc = tdbio_read_record (item, &rec, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("drop_from_hashtable: read item failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
if (rec.rectype == RECTYPE_HTBL)
hashrec = item;
if (level >= keylen)
log_error ("hashtable has invalid indirections.\n");
goto next_level;
if (rec.rectype == RECTYPE_HLST)
for (;;)
for (i=0; i < ITEMS_PER_HLST_RECORD; i++)
if (rec.r.hlst.rnum[i] == recnum)
rec.r.hlst.rnum[i] = 0; /* Mark as free. */
rc = tdbio_write_record (&rec);
if (rc)
log_error("drop_from_hashtable: write htbl failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
if (
rc = tdbio_read_record (, &rec, RECTYPE_HLST);
if (rc)
log_error ("drop_from_hashtable: read hlst failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
return 0; /* Key not in table. */
log_error ("hashtbl %lu: %lu/%d points to wrong record %lu\n",
table, hashrec, (msb % ITEMS_PER_HTBL_RECORD), item);
* Lookup a record via the hashtable TABLE by (KEY,KEYLEN) and return
* the result in REC. The return value of CMP() should be True if the
* record is the desired one.
* Return: 0 if found, GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND, or another error code.
static gpg_error_t
lookup_hashtable (ulong table, const byte *key, size_t keylen,
int (*cmpfnc)(const void*, const TRUSTREC *),
const void *cmpdata, TRUSTREC *rec )
int rc;
ulong hashrec, item;
int msb;
int level = 0;
hashrec = table;
msb = key[level];
hashrec += msb / ITEMS_PER_HTBL_RECORD;
rc = tdbio_read_record (hashrec, rec, RECTYPE_HTBL);
if (rc)
log_error("lookup_hashtable failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) );
return rc;
item = rec->r.htbl.item[msb % ITEMS_PER_HTBL_RECORD];
if (!item)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
rc = tdbio_read_record (item, rec, 0);
if (rc)
log_error( "hashtable read failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) );
return rc;
if (rec->rectype == RECTYPE_HTBL)
hashrec = item;
if (level >= keylen)
log_error ("hashtable has invalid indirections\n");
goto next_level;
else if (rec->rectype == RECTYPE_HLST)
for (;;)
int i;
for (i=0; i < ITEMS_PER_HLST_RECORD; i++)
if (rec->r.hlst.rnum[i])
rc = tdbio_read_record (rec->r.hlst.rnum[i], &tmp, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("lookup_hashtable: read item failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
if ((*cmpfnc)(cmpdata, &tmp))
*rec = tmp;
return 0;
if (rec->
rc = tdbio_read_record (rec->, rec, RECTYPE_HLST);
if (rc)
log_error ("lookup_hashtable: read hlst failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc) );
return rc;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
if ((*cmpfnc)(cmpdata, rec))
return 0; /* really found */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); /* no: not found */
* Update the trust hash table TR or create the table if it does not
* exist.
* Return: 0 on success or an error code.
static int
update_trusthashtbl( TRUSTREC *tr )
return upd_hashtable (get_trusthashrec(),
tr->, 20, tr->recnum);
* Dump the trustdb record REC to stream FP.
tdbio_dump_record (TRUSTREC *rec, estream_t fp)
int i;
ulong rnum = rec->recnum;
es_fprintf (fp, "rec %5lu, ", rnum);
switch (rec->rectype)
case 0:
es_fprintf (fp, "blank\n");
es_fprintf (fp,
"version, td=%lu, f=%lu, m/c/d=%d/%d/%d tm=%d mcl=%d nc=%lu (%s)\n",
es_fprintf (fp, "free, next=%lu\n", rec->;
es_fprintf (fp, "htbl,");
for (i=0; i < ITEMS_PER_HTBL_RECORD; i++)
es_fprintf (fp, " %lu", rec->r.htbl.item[i]);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
es_fprintf (fp, "hlst, next=%lu,", rec->;
for (i=0; i < ITEMS_PER_HLST_RECORD; i++)
es_fprintf (fp, " %lu", rec->r.hlst.rnum[i]);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
es_fprintf (fp, "trust ");
for (i=0; i < 20; i++)
es_fprintf (fp, "%02X", rec->[i]);
es_fprintf (fp, ", ot=%d, d=%d, vl=%lu\n", rec->,
rec->, rec->;
es_fprintf (fp, "valid ");
for (i=0; i < 20; i++)
es_fprintf(fp, "%02X", rec->r.valid.namehash[i]);
es_fprintf (fp, ", v=%d, next=%lu\n", rec->r.valid.validity,
es_fprintf (fp, "unknown type %d\n", rec->rectype );
* Read the record with number RECNUM into the structure REC. If
* EXPECTED is not 0 reading any other record type will return an
* error.
* Return: 0 on success, -1 on EOF, or an error code.
tdbio_read_record (ulong recnum, TRUSTREC *rec, int expected)
byte readbuf[TRUST_RECORD_LEN];
const byte *buf, *p;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int n, i;
if (db_fd == -1)
open_db ();
buf = get_record_from_cache( recnum );
if (!buf)
if (lseek (db_fd, recnum * TRUST_RECORD_LEN, SEEK_SET) == -1)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("trustdb: lseek failed: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
return err;
n = read (db_fd, readbuf, TRUST_RECORD_LEN);
if (!n)
return -1; /* eof */
else if (n != TRUST_RECORD_LEN)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("trustdb: read failed (n=%d): %s\n"),
n, strerror(errno));
return err;
buf = readbuf;
rec->recnum = recnum;
rec->dirty = 0;
p = buf;
rec->rectype = *p++;
if (expected && rec->rectype != expected)
log_error ("%lu: read expected rec type %d, got %d\n",
recnum, expected, rec->rectype);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TRUSTDB);
p++; /* Skip reserved byte. */
switch (rec->rectype)
case 0: /* unused (free) record */
case RECTYPE_VER: /* version record */
if (memcmp(buf+1, GPGEXT_GPG, 3))
log_error (_("%s: not a trustdb file\n"), db_name );
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TRUSTDB);
p += 2; /* skip "gpg" */
rec->r.ver.version = *p++;
rec->r.ver.marginals = *p++;
rec->r.ver.completes = *p++;
rec->r.ver.cert_depth = *p++;
rec->r.ver.trust_model = *p++;
rec->r.ver.min_cert_level = *p++;
p += 2;
rec->r.ver.created = buf32_to_ulong(p);
p += 4;
rec->r.ver.nextcheck = buf32_to_ulong(p);
p += 4;
p += 4;
p += 4;
rec->r.ver.firstfree = buf32_to_ulong(p);
p += 4;
p += 4;
rec->r.ver.trusthashtbl = buf32_to_ulong(p);
if (recnum)
log_error( _("%s: version record with recnum %lu\n"), db_name,
(ulong)recnum );
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TRUSTDB);
else if (rec->r.ver.version != 3)
log_error( _("%s: invalid file version %d\n"), db_name,
rec->r.ver.version );
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TRUSTDB);
rec-> = buf32_to_ulong(p);
for (i=0; i < ITEMS_PER_HTBL_RECORD; i++)
rec->r.htbl.item[i] = buf32_to_ulong(p);
p += 4;
rec-> = buf32_to_ulong(p);
p += 4;
for (i=0; i < ITEMS_PER_HLST_RECORD; i++)
rec->r.hlst.rnum[i] = buf32_to_ulong(p);
p += 4;
memcpy (rec->, p, 20);
rec-> = *p++;
rec-> = *p++;
rec-> = *p++;
rec-> = buf32_to_ulong(p);
memcpy (rec->r.valid.namehash, p, 20);
rec->r.valid.validity = *p++;
rec-> = buf32_to_ulong(p);
p += 4;
rec->r.valid.full_count = *p++;
rec->r.valid.marginal_count = *p++;
log_error ("%s: invalid record type %d at recnum %lu\n",
db_name, rec->rectype, (ulong)recnum);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TRUSTDB);
return err;
* Write the record from the struct REC.
* Return: 0 on success or an error code.
tdbio_write_record( TRUSTREC *rec )
byte *p;
int rc = 0;
int i;
ulong recnum = rec->recnum;
if (db_fd == -1)
open_db ();
memset (buf, 0, TRUST_RECORD_LEN);
p = buf;
*p++ = rec->rectype; p++;
switch (rec->rectype)
case 0: /* unused record */
case RECTYPE_VER: /* version record */
if (recnum)
BUG ();
memcpy(p-1, GPGEXT_GPG, 3 ); p += 2;
*p++ = rec->r.ver.version;
*p++ = rec->r.ver.marginals;
*p++ = rec->r.ver.completes;
*p++ = rec->r.ver.cert_depth;
*p++ = rec->r.ver.trust_model;
*p++ = rec->r.ver.min_cert_level;
p += 2;
ulongtobuf(p, rec->r.ver.created); p += 4;
ulongtobuf(p, rec->r.ver.nextcheck); p += 4;
p += 4;
p += 4;
ulongtobuf(p, rec->r.ver.firstfree ); p += 4;
p += 4;
ulongtobuf(p, rec->r.ver.trusthashtbl ); p += 4;
ulongtobuf(p, rec->; p += 4;
for (i=0; i < ITEMS_PER_HTBL_RECORD; i++)
ulongtobuf( p, rec->r.htbl.item[i]); p += 4;
ulongtobuf( p, rec->; p += 4;
for (i=0; i < ITEMS_PER_HLST_RECORD; i++ )
ulongtobuf( p, rec->r.hlst.rnum[i]); p += 4;
memcpy (p, rec->, 20); p += 20;
*p++ = rec->;
*p++ = rec->;
*p++ = rec->;
ulongtobuf( p, rec->; p += 4;
memcpy (p, rec->r.valid.namehash, 20); p += 20;
*p++ = rec->r.valid.validity;
ulongtobuf( p, rec->; p += 4;
*p++ = rec->r.valid.full_count;
*p++ = rec->r.valid.marginal_count;
rc = put_record_into_cache (recnum, buf);
if (rc)
else if (rec->rectype == RECTYPE_TRUST)
rc = update_trusthashtbl (rec);
return rc;
* Delete the record at record number RECNUm from the trustdb.
* Return: 0 on success or an error code.
tdbio_delete_record (ulong recnum)
TRUSTREC vr, rec;
int rc;
/* Must read the record fist, so we can drop it from the hash tables */
rc = tdbio_read_record (recnum, &rec, 0);
if (rc)
else if (rec.rectype == RECTYPE_TRUST)
rc = drop_from_hashtable (get_trusthashrec(),, 20, rec.recnum);
if (rc)
return rc;
/* Now we can chnage it to a free record. */
rc = tdbio_read_record (0, &vr, RECTYPE_VER);
if (rc)
log_fatal (_("%s: error reading version record: %s\n"),
db_name, gpg_strerror (rc));
rec.recnum = recnum;
rec.rectype = RECTYPE_FREE; = vr.r.ver.firstfree;
vr.r.ver.firstfree = recnum;
rc = tdbio_write_record (&rec);
if (!rc)
rc = tdbio_write_record (&vr);
return rc;
* Create a new record and return its record number.
tdbio_new_recnum ()
off_t offset;
ulong recnum;
TRUSTREC vr, rec;
int rc;
/* Look for unused records. */
rc = tdbio_read_record (0, &vr, RECTYPE_VER);
if (rc)
log_fatal( _("%s: error reading version record: %s\n"),
db_name, gpg_strerror (rc));
if (vr.r.ver.firstfree)
recnum = vr.r.ver.firstfree;
rc = tdbio_read_record (recnum, &rec, RECTYPE_FREE);
if (rc)
log_error (_("%s: error reading free record: %s\n"),
db_name, gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
/* Update dir record. */
vr.r.ver.firstfree =;
rc = tdbio_write_record (&vr);
if (rc)
log_error (_("%s: error writing dir record: %s\n"),
db_name, gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
/* Zero out the new record. */
memset (&rec, 0, sizeof rec);
rec.rectype = 0; /* Mark as unused record (actually already done
my the memset). */
rec.recnum = recnum;
rc = tdbio_write_record (&rec);
if (rc)
log_fatal (_("%s: failed to zero a record: %s\n"),
db_name, gpg_strerror (rc));
else /* Not found - append a new record. */
offset = lseek (db_fd, 0, SEEK_END);
if (offset == (off_t)(-1))
log_fatal ("trustdb: lseek to end failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
recnum = offset / TRUST_RECORD_LEN;
log_assert (recnum); /* this is will never be the first record */
/* We must write a record, so that the next call to this
* function returns another recnum. */
memset (&rec, 0, sizeof rec);
rec.rectype = 0; /* unused record */
rec.recnum = recnum;
rc = 0;
if (lseek( db_fd, recnum * TRUST_RECORD_LEN, SEEK_SET) == -1)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("trustdb rec %lu: lseek failed: %s\n"),
recnum, strerror (errno));
int n;
n = write (db_fd, &rec, TRUST_RECORD_LEN);
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("trustdb rec %lu: write failed (n=%d): %s\n"),
recnum, n, strerror (errno));
if (rc)
log_fatal (_("%s: failed to append a record: %s\n"),
db_name, gpg_strerror (rc));
return recnum ;
/* Helper function for tdbio_search_trust_byfpr. */
static int
cmp_trec_fpr ( const void *fpr, const TRUSTREC *rec )
return (rec->rectype == RECTYPE_TRUST
&& !memcmp (rec->, fpr, 20));
* Given a 20 byte FINGERPRINT search its trust record and return
* that at REC.
* Return: 0 if found, GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND, or another error code.
tdbio_search_trust_byfpr (const byte *fingerprint, TRUSTREC *rec)
int rc;
/* Locate the trust record using the hash table */
rc = lookup_hashtable (get_trusthashrec(), fingerprint, 20,
cmp_trec_fpr, fingerprint, rec );
return rc;
* Given a primary public key object PK search its trust record and
* return that at REC.
* Return: 0 if found, GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND, or another error code.
tdbio_search_trust_bypk (PKT_public_key *pk, TRUSTREC *rec)
byte fingerprint[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN];
size_t fingerlen;
fingerprint_from_pk( pk, fingerprint, &fingerlen );
for (; fingerlen < 20; fingerlen++)
fingerprint[fingerlen] = 0;
return tdbio_search_trust_byfpr (fingerprint, rec);
* Terminate the process with a message about a corrupted trustdb.
tdbio_invalid (void)
log_error (_("Error: The trustdb is corrupted.\n"));
how_to_fix_the_trustdb ();
g10_exit (2);
diff --git a/g10/tdbio.h b/g10/tdbio.h
index 2e15ffe31..1f66b034e 100644
--- a/g10/tdbio.h
+++ b/g10/tdbio.h
@@ -1,118 +1,118 @@
/* tdbio.h - Trust database I/O functions
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G10_TDBIO_H
#define G10_TDBIO_H
#include "host2net.h"
#error ITEMS_PER_PREF_RECORD must be even
#define RECTYPE_VER 1
#define RECTYPE_HTBL 10
#define RECTYPE_HLST 11
#define RECTYPE_TRUST 12
#define RECTYPE_VALID 13
#define RECTYPE_FREE 254
struct trust_record {
int rectype;
int mark;
int dirty; /* for now only used internal by functions */
struct trust_record *next; /* help pointer to build lists in memory */
ulong recnum;
union {
struct { /* version record: */
byte version; /* should be 3 */
byte marginals;
byte completes;
byte cert_depth;
byte trust_model;
byte min_cert_level;
ulong created; /* timestamp of trustdb creation */
ulong nextcheck; /* timestamp of next scheduled check */
ulong reserved;
ulong reserved2;
ulong firstfree;
ulong reserved3;
ulong trusthashtbl;
} ver;
struct { /* free record */
ulong next;
} free;
struct {
} htbl;
struct {
ulong next;
ulong rnum[ITEMS_PER_HLST_RECORD]; /* of another record */
} hlst;
struct {
byte fingerprint[20];
byte ownertrust;
byte depth;
ulong validlist;
byte min_ownertrust;
} trust;
struct {
byte namehash[20];
ulong next;
byte validity;
byte full_count;
byte marginal_count;
} valid;
} r;
typedef struct trust_record TRUSTREC;
/*-- tdbio.c --*/
int tdbio_update_version_record(void);
int tdbio_set_dbname( const char *new_dbname, int create, int *r_nofile);
const char *tdbio_get_dbname(void);
void tdbio_dump_record( TRUSTREC *rec, estream_t fp );
int tdbio_read_record( ulong recnum, TRUSTREC *rec, int expected );
int tdbio_write_record( TRUSTREC *rec );
int tdbio_db_matches_options(void);
byte tdbio_read_model(void);
ulong tdbio_read_nextcheck (void);
int tdbio_write_nextcheck (ulong stamp);
int tdbio_is_dirty(void);
int tdbio_sync(void);
int tdbio_begin_transaction(void);
int tdbio_end_transaction(void);
int tdbio_cancel_transaction(void);
int tdbio_delete_record( ulong recnum );
ulong tdbio_new_recnum(void);
gpg_error_t tdbio_search_trust_byfpr (const byte *fingerprint, TRUSTREC *rec);
gpg_error_t tdbio_search_trust_bypk (PKT_public_key *pk, TRUSTREC *rec);
void tdbio_how_to_fix (void);
void tdbio_invalid(void);
#endif /*G10_TDBIO_H*/
diff --git a/g10/test-stubs.c b/g10/test-stubs.c
index c717cff8c..8560f9d22 100644
--- a/g10/test-stubs.c
+++ b/g10/test-stubs.c
@@ -1,519 +1,519 @@
/* test-stubs.c - The GnuPG signature verify utility
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006,
* 2008, 2009, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "call-agent.h"
int g10_errors_seen;
g10_exit( int rc )
rc = rc? rc : log_get_errorcount(0)? 2 : g10_errors_seen? 1 : 0;
exit(rc );
/* Stub:
* We have to override the trustcheck from pkclist.c because
* this utility assumes that all keys in the keyring are trustworthy
check_signatures_trust (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_signature *sig)
return 0;
read_trust_options(byte *trust_model, ulong *created, ulong *nextcheck,
byte *marginals, byte *completes, byte *cert_depth,
byte *min_cert_level)
/* Stub:
* We don't have the trustdb , so we have to provide some stub functions
* instead
cache_disabled_value(PKT_public_key *pk)
return 0;
check_trustdb_stale (ctrl_t ctrl)
get_validity_info (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *uid)
return '?';
unsigned int
get_validity (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *uid,
PKT_signature *sig, int may_ask)
return 0;
const char *
trust_value_to_string (unsigned int value)
return "err";
const char *
uid_trust_string_fixed (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *key, PKT_user_id *uid)
return "err";
get_ownertrust_info (PKT_public_key *pk)
return '?';
unsigned int
get_ownertrust (PKT_public_key *pk)
/* Stubs:
* Because we only work with trusted keys, it does not make sense to
* get them from a keyserver
struct keyserver_spec *
keyserver_match (struct keyserver_spec *spec)
return NULL;
keyserver_any_configured (ctrl_t ctrl)
return 0;
keyserver_import_keyid (u32 *keyid, void *dummy, int quick)
return -1;
keyserver_import_fprint (ctrl_t ctrl, const byte *fprint,size_t fprint_len,
struct keyserver_spec *keyserver, int quick)
return -1;
keyserver_import_cert (const char *name)
return -1;
keyserver_import_pka (const char *name,unsigned char *fpr)
return -1;
keyserver_import_wkd (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, int quick,
unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fpr_len)
return GPG_ERR_BUG;
keyserver_import_name (const char *name,struct keyserver_spec *spec)
return -1;
keyserver_import_ldap (const char *name)
return -1;
read_key_from_file (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname, kbnode_t *r_keyblock)
return -1;
/* Stub:
* No encryption here but mainproc links to these functions.
get_session_key (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_pubkey_enc *k, DEK *dek)
/* Stub: */
get_override_session_key (DEK *dek, const char *string)
/* Stub: */
decrypt_data (ctrl_t ctrl, void *procctx, PKT_encrypted *ed, DEK *dek)
/* Stub:
* No interactive commands, so we don't need the helptexts
display_online_help (const char *keyword)
/* Stub:
* We don't use secret keys, but getkey.c links to this
check_secret_key (PKT_public_key *pk, int n)
/* Stub:
* No secret key, so no passphrase needed
passphrase_to_dek (int cipher_algo, STRING2KEY *s2k, int create, int nocache,
const char *tmp, int *canceled)
if (canceled)
*canceled = 0;
return NULL;
passphrase_clear_cache (const char *cacheid)
struct keyserver_spec *
parse_preferred_keyserver(PKT_signature *sig)
return NULL;
struct keyserver_spec *
parse_keyserver_uri (const char *uri, int require_scheme,
const char *configname, unsigned int configlineno)
return NULL;
free_keyserver_spec (struct keyserver_spec *keyserver)
/* Stubs to avoid linking to photoid.c */
show_photos (const struct user_attribute *attrs, int count, PKT_public_key *pk)
parse_image_header (const struct user_attribute *attr, byte *type, u32 *len)
return 0;
char *
image_type_to_string (byte type, int string)
return NULL;
agent_scd_getattr (const char *name, struct agent_card_info_s *info)
return 0;
/* We do not do any locking, so use these stubs here */
dotlock_disable (void)
dotlock_create (const char *file_to_lock, unsigned int flags)
return NULL;
dotlock_destroy (dotlock_t h)
dotlock_take (dotlock_t h, long timeout)
return 0;
dotlock_release (dotlock_t h)
return 0;
dotlock_remove_lockfiles (void)
agent_probe_secret_key (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
agent_probe_any_secret_key (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t keyblock)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
agent_get_keyinfo (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexkeygrip,
char **r_serialno, int *r_cleartext)
*r_serialno = NULL;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
gpg_dirmngr_get_pka (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *userid,
unsigned char **r_fpr, size_t *r_fprlen,
char **r_url)
if (r_fpr)
*r_fpr = NULL;
if (r_fprlen)
*r_fprlen = 0;
if (r_url)
*r_url = NULL;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
export_pubkey_buffer (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyspec, unsigned int options,
export_stats_t stats,
kbnode_t *r_keyblock, void **r_data, size_t *r_datalen)
*r_keyblock = NULL;
*r_data = NULL;
*r_datalen = 0;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
tofu_write_tfs_record (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t fp,
PKT_public_key *pk, const char *user_id)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
tofu_get_policy (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *user_id,
enum tofu_policy *policy)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
const char *
tofu_policy_str (enum tofu_policy policy)
return "unknown";
tofu_begin_batch_update (ctrl_t ctrl)
tofu_end_batch_update (ctrl_t ctrl)
diff --git a/g10/test.c b/g10/test.c
index e9e2074d3..734458af3 100644
--- a/g10/test.c
+++ b/g10/test.c
@@ -1,191 +1,191 @@
/* test.c - Infrastructure for unit tests.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gpg.h"
/* A unit test consists of one or more tests. Tests can be broken
into groups and each group can consist of one or more tests. */
/* The number of test groups. */
static int test_groups;
/* The current test group. */
static char *test_group;
/* Whether there was already a failure in the current test group. */
static int current_test_group_failed;
/* The number of test groups with a failure. */
static int test_groups_failed;
/* The total number of tests. */
static int tests;
/* The total number of tests that failed. */
static int tests_failed;
/* Flag to request verbose diagnostics. This is set if the envvar
"verbose" exists and is not the empty string. */
static int verbose;
#define TEST_GROUP(description) \
do { \
test_group = (description); \
test_groups ++; \
current_test_group_failed = 0; \
} while (0)
#define STRINGIFY2(x) #x
/* Execute a test. */
#define TEST(description, test, expected) \
do { \
int test_result; \
int expected_result; \
tests ++; \
if (verbose) \
{ \
printf ("%d. Checking %s...", \
tests, (description) ?: ""); \
fflush (stdout); \
} \
test_result = (test); \
expected_result = (expected); \
if (test_result == expected_result) \
{ \
if (verbose) printf (" ok.\n"); \
} \
else \
{ \
if (!verbose) \
printf ("%d. Checking %s...", \
tests, (description) ?: ""); \
printf (" failed.\n"); \
printf (" %s == %s failed.\n", \
STRINGIFY(test), \
STRINGIFY(expected)); \
tests_failed ++; \
if (! current_test_group_failed) \
{ \
current_test_group_failed = 1; \
test_groups_failed ++; \
} \
} \
} while (0)
/* Test that a condition evaluates to true. */
#define TEST_P(description, test) \
TEST(description, !!(test), 1)
/* Like CHECK, but if the test fails, abort the program. */
#define ASSERT(description, test, expected) \
do { \
int tests_failed_pre = tests_failed; \
CHECK(description, test, expected); \
if (tests_failed_pre != tests_failed) \
exit_tests (1); \
} while (0)
/* Call this if something went wrong. */
#define ABORT(message) \
do { \
printf ("aborting..."); \
if (message) \
printf (" %s\n", (message)); \
exit_tests (1); \
} while (0)
/* You need to fill this function in. */
static void do_test (int argc, char *argv[]);
/* Print stats and call the real exit. If FORCE is set use
EXIT_FAILURE even if no test has failed. */
static void
exit_tests (int force)
if (tests_failed == 0)
if (verbose)
printf ("All %d tests passed.\n", tests);
exit (!!force);
printf ("%d of %d tests failed",
tests_failed, tests);
if (test_groups > 1)
printf (" (%d of %d groups)",
test_groups_failed, test_groups);
printf ("\n");
exit (1);
/* Prepend FNAME with the srcdir environment variable's value and
return a malloced filename. Caller must release the returned
string using test_free. */
char *
prepend_srcdir (const char *fname)
static const char *srcdir;
char *result;
if (!srcdir && !(srcdir = getenv ("srcdir")))
srcdir = ".";
result = malloc (strlen (srcdir) + 1 + strlen (fname) + 1);
strcpy (result, srcdir);
strcat (result, "/");
strcat (result, fname);
return result;
test_free (void *a)
if (a)
free (a);
main (int argc, char *argv[])
const char *s;
(void) test_group;
s = getenv ("verbose");
if (s && *s)
verbose = 1;
do_test (argc, argv);
exit_tests (0);
return !!tests_failed;
diff --git a/g10/textfilter.c b/g10/textfilter.c
index 6ca4f8806..cb5d444ba 100644
--- a/g10/textfilter.c
+++ b/g10/textfilter.c
@@ -1,245 +1,245 @@
/* textfilter.c
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "status.h"
#define LF "\r\n"
#define LF "\n"
#define MAX_LINELEN 19995 /* a little bit smaller than in armor.c */
/* to make sure that a warning is displayed while */
/* creating a message */
static unsigned
len_without_trailing_chars( byte *line, unsigned len, const char *trimchars )
byte *p, *mark;
unsigned n;
for(mark=NULL, p=line, n=0; n < len; n++, p++ ) {
if( strchr( trimchars, *p ) ) {
if( !mark )
mark = p;
mark = NULL;
return mark? (mark - line) : len;
static int
standard( text_filter_context_t *tfx, IOBUF a,
byte *buf, size_t size, size_t *ret_len)
int rc=0;
size_t len = 0;
unsigned maxlen;
log_assert( size > 10 );
size -= 2; /* reserve 2 bytes to append CR,LF */
while( !rc && len < size ) {
int lf_seen;
while( len < size && tfx->buffer_pos < tfx->buffer_len )
buf[len++] = tfx->buffer[tfx->buffer_pos++];
if( len >= size )
/* read the next line */
maxlen = MAX_LINELEN;
tfx->buffer_pos = 0;
tfx->buffer_len = iobuf_read_line( a, &tfx->buffer,
&tfx->buffer_size, &maxlen );
if( !maxlen )
if( !tfx->buffer_len ) {
if( !len )
rc = -1; /* eof */
lf_seen = tfx->buffer[tfx->buffer_len-1] == '\n';
/* The story behind this is that 2440 says that textmode
hashes should canonicalize line endings to CRLF and remove
spaces and tabs. 2440bis-12 says to just canonicalize to
CRLF. 1.4.0 was released using the bis-12 behavior, but it
was discovered that many mail clients do not canonicalize
PGP/MIME signature text appropriately (and were relying on
GnuPG to handle trailing spaces). So, we default to the
2440 behavior, but use the 2440bis-12 behavior if the user
specifies --no-rfc2440-text. The default will be changed
at some point in the future when the mail clients have been
upgraded. Aside from PGP/MIME and broken mail clients,
this makes no difference to any signatures in the real
world except for a textmode detached signature. PGP always
used the 2440bis-12 behavior (ignoring 2440 itself), so
this actually makes us compatible with PGP textmode
detached signatures for the first time. */
" \t\r\n");
if( lf_seen ) {
tfx->buffer[tfx->buffer_len++] = '\r';
tfx->buffer[tfx->buffer_len++] = '\n';
*ret_len = len;
return rc;
* The filter is used to make canonical text: Lines are terminated by
* CR, LF, trailing white spaces are removed.
text_filter( void *opaque, int control,
IOBUF a, byte *buf, size_t *ret_len)
size_t size = *ret_len;
text_filter_context_t *tfx = opaque;
int rc=0;
if( control == IOBUFCTRL_UNDERFLOW ) {
rc = standard( tfx, a, buf, size, ret_len );
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_FREE ) {
if( tfx->truncated )
log_error(_("can't handle text lines longer than %d characters\n"),
xfree( tfx->buffer );
tfx->buffer = NULL;
else if( control == IOBUFCTRL_DESC )
mem2str (buf, "text_filter", *ret_len);
return rc;
* Copy data from INP to OUT and do some escaping if requested.
* md is updated as required by rfc2440
copy_clearsig_text( IOBUF out, IOBUF inp, gcry_md_hd_t md,
int escape_dash, int escape_from)
unsigned int maxlen;
byte *buffer = NULL; /* malloced buffer */
unsigned int bufsize; /* and size of this buffer */
unsigned int n;
int truncated = 0;
int pending_lf = 0;
if( !escape_dash )
escape_from = 0;
write_status_begin_signing (md);
for(;;) {
maxlen = MAX_LINELEN;
n = iobuf_read_line( inp, &buffer, &bufsize, &maxlen );
if( !maxlen )
if( !n )
break; /* read_line has returned eof */
/* update the message digest */
if( escape_dash ) {
if( pending_lf ) {
gcry_md_putc ( md, '\r' );
gcry_md_putc ( md, '\n' );
gcry_md_write ( md, buffer,
len_without_trailing_chars (buffer, n, " \t\r\n"));
gcry_md_write ( md, buffer, n );
pending_lf = buffer[n-1] == '\n';
/* write the output */
if( ( escape_dash && *buffer == '-')
|| ( escape_from && n > 4 && !memcmp(buffer, "From ", 5 ) ) ) {
iobuf_put( out, '-' );
iobuf_put( out, ' ' );
#if 0 /*defined(HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM)*/
/* We don't use this anymore because my interpretation of rfc2440 7.1
* is that there is no conversion needed. If one decides to
* clearsign a unix file on a DOS box he will get a mixed line endings.
* If at some point it turns out, that a conversion is a nice feature
* we can make an option out of it.
/* make sure the lines do end in CR,LF */
if( n > 1 && ( (buffer[n-2] == '\r' && buffer[n-1] == '\n' )
|| (buffer[n-2] == '\n' && buffer[n-1] == '\r'))) {
iobuf_write( out, buffer, n-2 );
iobuf_put( out, '\r');
iobuf_put( out, '\n');
else if( n && buffer[n-1] == '\n' ) {
iobuf_write( out, buffer, n-1 );
iobuf_put( out, '\r');
iobuf_put( out, '\n');
iobuf_write( out, buffer, n );
iobuf_write( out, buffer, n );
/* at eof */
if( !pending_lf ) { /* make sure that the file ends with a LF */
iobuf_writestr( out, LF );
if( !escape_dash )
gcry_md_putc( md, '\n' );
if( truncated )
log_info(_("input line longer than %d characters\n"), MAX_LINELEN );
xfree (buffer);
return 0; /* okay */
diff --git a/g10/tofu.c b/g10/tofu.c
index 46d948402..03d8ebee9 100644
--- a/g10/tofu.c
+++ b/g10/tofu.c
@@ -1,3590 +1,3590 @@
/* tofu.c - TOFU trust model.
* Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* TODO:
- Format the fingerprints nicely when printing (similar to gpg
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "stringhelp.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "mbox-util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "mkdir_p.h"
#include "gpgsql.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "sqrtu32.h"
#include "tofu.h"
#define CONTROL_L ('L' - 'A' + 1)
/* Number of signed messages required to indicate that enough history
* is available for basic trust. */
/* Number of signed messages required to indicate that a lot of
* history is available. */
/* An struct with data pertaining to the tofu DB.
To initialize this data structure, call opendbs(). Cleanup is done
when the CTRL object is released. To get a handle to a database,
use the getdb() function. This will either return an existing
handle or open a new DB connection, as appropriate. */
struct tofu_dbs_s
sqlite3 *db;
char *want_lock_file;
time_t want_lock_file_ctime;
sqlite3_stmt *savepoint_batch;
sqlite3_stmt *savepoint_batch_commit;
sqlite3_stmt *record_binding_get_old_policy;
sqlite3_stmt *record_binding_update;
sqlite3_stmt *record_binding_update2;
sqlite3_stmt *get_policy_select_policy_and_conflict;
sqlite3_stmt *get_trust_bindings_with_this_email;
sqlite3_stmt *get_trust_gather_other_user_ids;
sqlite3_stmt *get_trust_gather_signature_stats;
sqlite3_stmt *get_trust_gather_encryption_stats;
sqlite3_stmt *register_already_seen;
sqlite3_stmt *register_insert;
} s;
int in_batch_transaction;
int in_transaction;
time_t batch_update_started;
#define STRINGIFY2(s) #s
/* The grouping parameters when collecting signature statistics. */
/* If a message is signed a couple of hours in the future, just assume
some clock skew. */
#define TIME_AGO_FUTURE_IGNORE (2 * 60 * 60)
/* Days. */
#define TIME_AGO_UNIT_SMALL (24 * 60 * 60)
/* Months. */
#define TIME_AGO_UNIT_MEDIUM (30 * 24 * 60 * 60)
/* Years. */
#define TIME_AGO_UNIT_LARGE (365 * 24 * 60 * 60)
/* Local prototypes. */
static gpg_error_t end_transaction (ctrl_t ctrl, int only_batch);
static char *email_from_user_id (const char *user_id);
const char *
tofu_policy_str (enum tofu_policy policy)
switch (policy)
case TOFU_POLICY_NONE: return "none";
case TOFU_POLICY_AUTO: return "auto";
case TOFU_POLICY_GOOD: return "good";
case TOFU_POLICY_UNKNOWN: return "unknown";
case TOFU_POLICY_BAD: return "bad";
case TOFU_POLICY_ASK: return "ask";
default: return "???";
/* Convert a binding policy (e.g., TOFU_POLICY_BAD) to a trust level
(e.g., TRUST_BAD) in light of the current configuration. */
tofu_policy_to_trust_level (enum tofu_policy policy)
if (policy == TOFU_POLICY_AUTO)
policy = opt.tofu_default_policy;
switch (policy)
/* If POLICY and OPT.TOFU_DEFAULT_POLICY are both AUTO, default
to marginal trust. */
log_bug ("Bad value for trust policy: %d\n",
return 0;
/* Start a transaction on DB. If ONLY_BATCH is set, then this will
start a batch transaction if we haven't started a batch transaction
and one has been requested. */
static gpg_error_t
begin_transaction (ctrl_t ctrl, int only_batch)
tofu_dbs_t dbs = ctrl->tofu.dbs;
int rc;
char *err = NULL;
log_assert (dbs);
/* If we've been in batch update mode for a while (on average, more
* than 500 ms), to prevent starving other gpg processes, we drop
* and retake the batch lock.
* Note: if we wanted higher resolution, we could use
* npth_clock_gettime. */
if (/* No real transactions. */
dbs->in_transaction == 0
/* There is an open batch transaction. */
&& dbs->in_batch_transaction
/* And some time has gone by since it was started. */
&& dbs->batch_update_started != gnupg_get_time ())
struct stat statbuf;
/* If we are in a batch update, then batch updates better have
been enabled. */
log_assert (ctrl->tofu.batch_updated_wanted);
/* Check if another process wants to run. (We just ignore any
* stat failure. A waiter might have to wait a bit longer, but
* otherwise there should be no impact.) */
if (stat (dbs->want_lock_file, &statbuf) == 0
&& statbuf.st_ctime != dbs->want_lock_file_ctime)
end_transaction (ctrl, 2);
/* Yield to allow another process a chance to run. Note:
* testing suggests that anything less than a 100ms tends to
* not result in the other process getting the lock. */
gnupg_usleep (100000);
dbs->batch_update_started = gnupg_get_time ();
if (/* We don't have an open batch transaction. */
&& (/* Batch mode is enabled or we are starting a new transaction. */
ctrl->tofu.batch_updated_wanted || dbs->in_transaction == 0))
struct stat statbuf;
/* We are in batch mode, but we don't have an open batch
* transaction. Since the batch save point must be the outer
* save point, it must be taken before the inner save point. */
log_assert (dbs->in_transaction == 0);
rc = gpgsql_stepx (dbs->db, &dbs->s.savepoint_batch,
NULL, NULL, &err,
"begin immediate transaction;", GPGSQL_ARG_END);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error beginning transaction on TOFU database: %s\n"),
sqlite3_free (err);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
dbs->in_batch_transaction = 1;
dbs->batch_update_started = gnupg_get_time ();
if (stat (dbs->want_lock_file, &statbuf) == 0)
dbs->want_lock_file_ctime = statbuf.st_ctime;
if (only_batch)
return 0;
log_assert (dbs->in_transaction >= 0);
dbs->in_transaction ++;
rc = gpgsql_exec_printf (dbs->db, NULL, NULL, &err,
"savepoint inner%d;",
if (rc)
log_error (_("error beginning transaction on TOFU database: %s\n"),
sqlite3_free (err);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
return 0;
/* Commit a transaction. If ONLY_BATCH is 1, then this only ends the
* batch transaction if we have left batch mode. If ONLY_BATCH is 2,
* this ends any open batch transaction even if we are still in batch
* mode. */
static gpg_error_t
end_transaction (ctrl_t ctrl, int only_batch)
tofu_dbs_t dbs = ctrl->tofu.dbs;
int rc;
char *err = NULL;
if (only_batch || (! only_batch && dbs->in_transaction == 1))
if (!dbs)
return 0; /* Shortcut to allow for easier cleanup code. */
/* If we are releasing the batch transaction, then we better not
be in a normal transaction. */
if (only_batch)
log_assert (dbs->in_transaction == 0);
if (/* Batch mode disabled? */
(!ctrl->tofu.batch_updated_wanted || only_batch == 2)
/* But, we still have an open batch transaction? */
&& dbs->in_batch_transaction)
/* The batch transaction is still in open, but we've left
* batch mode. */
dbs->in_batch_transaction = 0;
dbs->in_transaction = 0;
rc = gpgsql_stepx (dbs->db, &dbs->s.savepoint_batch_commit,
NULL, NULL, &err,
"commit transaction;", GPGSQL_ARG_END);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error committing transaction on TOFU database: %s\n"),
sqlite3_free (err);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
return 0;
if (only_batch)
return 0;
log_assert (dbs);
log_assert (dbs->in_transaction > 0);
rc = gpgsql_exec_printf (dbs->db, NULL, NULL, &err,
"release inner%d;", dbs->in_transaction);
dbs->in_transaction --;
if (rc)
log_error (_("error committing transaction on TOFU database: %s\n"),
sqlite3_free (err);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
rollback_transaction (ctrl_t ctrl)
tofu_dbs_t dbs = ctrl->tofu.dbs;
int rc;
char *err = NULL;
log_assert (dbs);
log_assert (dbs->in_transaction > 0);
/* Be careful to not any progress made by closed transactions in
batch mode. */
rc = gpgsql_exec_printf (dbs->db, NULL, NULL, &err,
"rollback to inner%d;",
dbs->in_transaction --;
if (rc)
log_error (_("error rolling back transaction on TOFU database: %s\n"),
sqlite3_free (err);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
return 0;
tofu_begin_batch_update (ctrl_t ctrl)
ctrl->tofu.batch_updated_wanted ++;
tofu_end_batch_update (ctrl_t ctrl)
log_assert (ctrl->tofu.batch_updated_wanted > 0);
ctrl->tofu.batch_updated_wanted --;
end_transaction (ctrl, 1);
/* Suspend any extant batch transaction (it is safe to call this even
no batch transaction has been started). Note: you cannot suspend a
batch transaction if you are in a normal transaction. The batch
transaction can be resumed explicitly by calling
tofu_resume_batch_transaction or implicitly by starting a normal
transaction. */
static void
tofu_suspend_batch_transaction (ctrl_t ctrl)
end_transaction (ctrl, 2);
/* Resume a batch transaction if there is no extant batch transaction
and one has been requested using tofu_begin_batch_transaction. */
static void
tofu_resume_batch_transaction (ctrl_t ctrl)
begin_transaction (ctrl, 1);
/* Wrapper around strtol which prints a warning in case of a
* conversion error. On success the converted value is stored at
* R_VALUE and 0 is returned; on error FALLBACK is stored at R_VALUE
* and an error code is returned. */
static gpg_error_t
string_to_long (long *r_value, const char *string, long fallback, int line)
gpg_error_t err;
char *tail = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (0);
*r_value = strtol (string, &tail, 0);
if (errno || !(!strcmp (tail, ".0") || !*tail))
err = errno? gpg_error_from_errno (errno) : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_DATA);
log_debug ("%s:%d: "
"strtol failed for DB returned string (tail=%.10s): %s\n",
__FILE__, line, tail, gpg_strerror (err));
*r_value = fallback;
err = 0;
return err;
/* Wrapper around strtoul which prints a warning in case of a
* conversion error. On success the converted value is stored at
* R_VALUE and 0 is returned; on error FALLBACK is stored at R_VALUE
* and an error code is returned. */
static gpg_error_t
string_to_ulong (unsigned long *r_value, const char *string,
unsigned long fallback, int line)
gpg_error_t err;
char *tail = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (0);
*r_value = strtoul (string, &tail, 0);
if (errno || !(!strcmp (tail, ".0") || !*tail))
err = errno? gpg_error_from_errno (errno) : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_DATA);
log_debug ("%s:%d: "
"strtoul failed for DB returned string (tail=%.10s): %s\n",
__FILE__, line, tail, gpg_strerror (err));
*r_value = fallback;
err = 0;
return err;
/* Collect results of a select count (*) ...; style query. Aborts if
the argument is not a valid integer (or real of the form X.0). */
static int
get_single_unsigned_long_cb (void *cookie, int argc, char **argv,
char **azColName)
unsigned long int *count = cookie;
(void) azColName;
log_assert (argc == 1);
if (string_to_ulong (count, argv[0], 0, __LINE__))
return 1; /* Abort. */
return 0;
static int
get_single_unsigned_long_cb2 (void *cookie, int argc, char **argv,
char **azColName, sqlite3_stmt *stmt)
(void) stmt;
return get_single_unsigned_long_cb (cookie, argc, argv, azColName);
/* We expect a single integer column whose name is "version". COOKIE
must point to an int. This function always aborts. On error or a
if the version is bad, sets *VERSION to -1. */
static int
version_check_cb (void *cookie, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName)
int *version = cookie;
if (argc != 1 || strcmp (azColName[0], "version") != 0)
*version = -1;
return 1;
if (strcmp (argv[0], "1") == 0)
*version = 1;
log_error (_("unsupported TOFU database version: %s\n"), argv[0]);
*version = -1;
/* Don't run again. */
return 1;
/* If the DB is new, initialize it. Otherwise, check the DB's
Return 0 if the database is okay and 1 otherwise. */
static int
initdb (sqlite3 *db)
char *err = NULL;
int rc;
unsigned long int count;
int version = -1;
rc = sqlite3_exec (db, "begin transaction;", NULL, NULL, &err);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error beginning transaction on TOFU database: %s\n"),
sqlite3_free (err);
return 1;
/* If the DB has no tables, then assume this is a new DB that needs
to be initialized. */
rc = sqlite3_exec (db,
"select count(*) from sqlite_master where type='table';",
get_single_unsigned_long_cb, &count, &err);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error reading TOFU database: %s\n"), err);
print_further_info ("query available tables");
sqlite3_free (err);
goto out;
else if (count != 0)
/* Assume that the DB is already initialized. Make sure the
version is okay. */
rc = sqlite3_exec (db, "select version from version;", version_check_cb,
&version, &err);
if (rc == SQLITE_ABORT && version == 1)
/* Happy, happy, joy, joy. */
sqlite3_free (err);
rc = 0;
goto out;
else if (rc == SQLITE_ABORT && version == -1)
/* Unsupported version. */
/* An error message was already displayed. */
sqlite3_free (err);
goto out;
else if (rc)
/* Some error. */
log_error (_("error determining TOFU database's version: %s\n"), err);
sqlite3_free (err);
goto out;
/* Unexpected success. This can only happen if there are no
rows. (select returned 0, but expected ABORT.) */
log_error (_("error determining TOFU database's version: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA));
rc = 1;
goto out;
/* Create the version table. */
rc = sqlite3_exec (db,
"create table version (version INTEGER);",
NULL, NULL, &err);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error initializing TOFU database: %s\n"), err);
print_further_info ("create version");
sqlite3_free (err);
goto out;
/* Initialize the version table, which contains a single integer
value. */
rc = sqlite3_exec (db,
"insert into version values (1);",
NULL, NULL, &err);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error initializing TOFU database: %s\n"), err);
print_further_info ("insert version");
sqlite3_free (err);
goto out;
/* The list of <fingerprint, email> bindings and auxiliary data.
* OID is a unique ID identifying this binding (and used by the
* signatures table, see below). Note: OIDs will never be
* reused.
* FINGERPRINT: The key's fingerprint.
* EMAIL: The normalized email address.
* USER_ID: The unmodified user id from which EMAIL was extracted.
* TIME: The time this binding was first observed.
* POLICY: The trust policy (TOFU_POLICY_BAD, etc. as an integer).
* CONFLICT is either NULL or a fingerprint. Assume that we have
* a binding <0xdeadbeef,> and then we observe
* <0xbaddecaf,>. There two bindings conflict
* (they have the same email address). When we observe the
* latter binding, we warn the user about the conflict and ask
* for a policy decision about the new binding. We also change
* the old binding's policy to ask if it was auto. So that we
* know why this occurred, we also set conflict to 0xbaddecaf.
rc = gpgsql_exec_printf
(db, NULL, NULL, &err,
"create table bindings\n"
" fingerprint TEXT, email TEXT, user_id TEXT, time INTEGER,\n"
" policy INTEGER CHECK (policy in (%d, %d, %d, %d, %d)),\n"
" conflict STRING,\n"
" unique (fingerprint, email));\n"
"create index bindings_fingerprint_email\n"
" on bindings (fingerprint, email);\n"
"create index bindings_email on bindings (email);\n",
if (rc)
log_error (_("error initializing TOFU database: %s\n"), err);
print_further_info ("create bindings");
sqlite3_free (err);
goto out;
/* The signatures that we have observed.
* BINDING refers to a record in the bindings table, which
* describes the binding (i.e., this is a foreign key that
* references bindings.oid).
* SIG_DIGEST is the digest stored in the signature.
* SIG_TIME is the timestamp stored in the signature.
* ORIGIN is a free-form string that describes who fed this
* signature to GnuPG (e.g., email:claws).
* TIME is the time this signature was registered. */
rc = sqlite3_exec (db,
"create table signatures "
" (binding INTEGER NOT NULL, sig_digest TEXT,"
" origin TEXT, sig_time INTEGER, time INTEGER,"
" primary key (binding, sig_digest, origin));",
NULL, NULL, &err);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error initializing TOFU database: %s\n"), err);
print_further_info ("create signatures");
sqlite3_free (err);
goto out;
if (! rc)
/* Early version of the v1 format did not include the encryption
table. Add it. */
sqlite3_exec (db,
"create table if not exists encryptions"
" (binding INTEGER NOT NULL,"
" time INTEGER);"
"create index if not exists encryptions_binding"
" on encryptions (binding);\n",
NULL, NULL, &err);
if (rc)
rc = sqlite3_exec (db, "rollback;", NULL, NULL, &err);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error rolling back transaction on TOFU database: %s\n"),
sqlite3_free (err);
return 1;
rc = sqlite3_exec (db, "end transaction;", NULL, NULL, &err);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error committing transaction on TOFU database: %s\n"),
sqlite3_free (err);
return 1;
return 0;
static int
busy_handler (void *cookie, int call_count)
ctrl_t ctrl = cookie;
tofu_dbs_t dbs = ctrl->tofu.dbs;
(void) call_count;
/* Update the lock file time stamp so that the current owner knows
that we want the lock. */
if (dbs)
/* Note: we don't fail if we can't create the lock file: this
process will have to wait a bit longer, but otherwise nothing
horrible should happen. */
int fd = open (dbs->want_lock_file, O_CREAT);
if (fd == -1)
log_debug ("TOFU: Error opening '%s': %s\n",
dbs->want_lock_file, strerror (errno));
utime (dbs->want_lock_file, NULL);
close (fd);
/* Call again. */
return 1;
/* Create a new DB handle. Returns NULL on error. */
/* FIXME: Change to return an error code for better reporting by the
caller. */
static tofu_dbs_t
opendbs (ctrl_t ctrl)
char *filename;
sqlite3 *db;
int rc;
if (!ctrl->tofu.dbs)
filename = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), "tofu.db", NULL);
rc = sqlite3_open (filename, &db);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error opening TOFU database '%s': %s\n"),
filename, sqlite3_errmsg (db));
/* Even if an error occurs, DB is guaranteed to be valid. */
sqlite3_close (db);
db = NULL;
/* If a DB is locked wait up to 5 seconds for the lock to be cleared
before failing. */
if (db)
sqlite3_busy_timeout (db, 5 * 1000);
sqlite3_busy_handler (db, busy_handler, ctrl);
if (db && initdb (db))
sqlite3_close (db);
db = NULL;
if (db)
ctrl->tofu.dbs = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *ctrl->tofu.dbs);
ctrl->tofu.dbs->db = db;
ctrl->tofu.dbs->want_lock_file = xasprintf ("%s-want-lock", filename);
xfree (filename);
log_assert (ctrl->tofu.dbs->db);
return ctrl->tofu.dbs;
/* Release all of the resources associated with the DB handle. */
tofu_closedbs (ctrl_t ctrl)
tofu_dbs_t dbs;
sqlite3_stmt **statements;
dbs = ctrl->tofu.dbs;
if (!dbs)
return; /* Not initialized. */
log_assert (dbs->in_transaction == 0);
end_transaction (ctrl, 2);
/* Arghh, that is a surprising use of the struct. */
for (statements = (void *) &dbs->s;
(void *) statements < (void *) &(&dbs->s)[1];
statements ++)
sqlite3_finalize (*statements);
sqlite3_close (dbs->db);
xfree (dbs->want_lock_file);
xfree (dbs);
ctrl->tofu.dbs = NULL;
/* Collect results of a select min (foo) ...; style query. Aborts if
the argument is not a valid integer (or real of the form X.0). */
static int
get_single_long_cb (void *cookie, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName)
long *count = cookie;
(void) azColName;
log_assert (argc == 1);
if (string_to_long (count, argv[0], 0, __LINE__))
return 1; /* Abort. */
return 0;
static int
get_single_long_cb2 (void *cookie, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName,
sqlite3_stmt *stmt)
(void) stmt;
return get_single_long_cb (cookie, argc, argv, azColName);
/* Record (or update) a trust policy about a (possibly new)
If SHOW_OLD is set, the binding's old policy is displayed. */
static gpg_error_t
record_binding (tofu_dbs_t dbs, const char *fingerprint, const char *email,
const char *user_id, enum tofu_policy policy,
const char *conflict,
int show_old, time_t now)
char *fingerprint_pp = format_hexfingerprint (fingerprint, NULL, 0);
gpg_error_t rc;
char *err = NULL;
if (! (policy == TOFU_POLICY_AUTO
|| policy == TOFU_POLICY_GOOD
|| policy == TOFU_POLICY_BAD
|| policy == TOFU_POLICY_ASK))
log_bug ("%s: Bad value for policy (%d)!\n", __func__, policy);
if (DBG_TRUST || show_old)
/* Get the old policy. Since this is just for informational
* purposes, there is no need to start a transaction or to die
* if there is a failure. */
/* policy_old needs to be a long and not an enum tofu_policy,
because we pass it by reference to get_single_long_cb2, which
expects a long. */
long policy_old = TOFU_POLICY_NONE;
rc = gpgsql_stepx
(dbs->db, &dbs->s.record_binding_get_old_policy,
get_single_long_cb2, &policy_old, &err,
"select policy from bindings where fingerprint = ? and email = ?",
if (rc)
log_debug ("TOFU: Error reading from binding database"
" (reading policy for <key: %s, user id: %s>): %s\n",
fingerprint, email, err);
sqlite3_free (err);
if (policy_old != TOFU_POLICY_NONE)
(show_old ? log_info : log_debug)
("Changing TOFU trust policy for binding"
" <key: %s, user id: %s> from %s to %s.\n",
fingerprint, show_old ? user_id : email,
tofu_policy_str (policy_old),
tofu_policy_str (policy));
(show_old ? log_info : log_debug)
("Setting TOFU trust policy for new binding"
" <key: %s, user id: %s> to %s.\n",
fingerprint, show_old ? user_id : email,
tofu_policy_str (policy));
if (opt.dry_run)
log_info ("TOFU database update skipped due to --dry-run\n");
rc = 0;
goto leave;
rc = gpgsql_stepx
(dbs->db, &dbs->s.record_binding_update, NULL, NULL, &err,
"insert or replace into bindings\n"
" (oid, fingerprint, email, user_id, time, policy, conflict)\n"
" values (\n"
/* If we don't explicitly reuse the OID, then SQLite will
reallocate a new one. We just need to search for the OID
based on the fingerprint and email since they are unique. */
" (select oid from bindings where fingerprint = ? and email = ?),\n"
" ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);",
GPGSQL_ARG_LONG_LONG, (long long) now,
GPGSQL_ARG_INT, (int) policy,
GPGSQL_ARG_STRING, conflict ? conflict : "",
if (rc)
log_error (_("error updating TOFU database: %s\n"), err);
print_further_info (" insert bindings <key: %s, user id: %s> = %s",
fingerprint, email, tofu_policy_str (policy));
sqlite3_free (err);
goto leave;
xfree (fingerprint_pp);
return rc;
/* Collect the strings returned by a query in a simply string list.
Any NULL values are converted to the empty string.
If a result has 3 rows and each row contains two columns, then the
results are added to the list as follows (the value is parentheses
is the 1-based index in the final list):
row 1, col 2 (6)
row 1, col 1 (5)
row 2, col 2 (4)
row 2, col 1 (3)
row 3, col 2 (2)
row 3, col 1 (1)
This is because add_to_strlist pushes the results onto the front of
the list. The end result is that the rows are backwards, but the
columns are in the expected order. */
static int
strings_collect_cb (void *cookie, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName)
int i;
strlist_t *strlist = cookie;
(void) azColName;
for (i = argc - 1; i >= 0; i --)
add_to_strlist (strlist, argv[i] ? argv[i] : "");
return 0;
static int
strings_collect_cb2 (void *cookie, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName,
sqlite3_stmt *stmt)
(void) stmt;
return strings_collect_cb (cookie, argc, argv, azColName);
/* Auxiliary data structure to collect statistics about
signatures. */
struct signature_stats
struct signature_stats *next;
/* The user-assigned policy for this binding. */
enum tofu_policy policy;
/* How long ago the signature was created (rounded to a multiple of
long time_ago;
/* Number of signatures during this time. */
unsigned long count;
/* If the corresponding key/user id has been expired / revoked. */
int is_expired;
int is_revoked;
/* The key that generated this signature. */
char fingerprint[1];
static void
signature_stats_free (struct signature_stats *stats)
while (stats)
struct signature_stats *next = stats->next;
xfree (stats);
stats = next;
static void
signature_stats_prepend (struct signature_stats **statsp,
const char *fingerprint,
enum tofu_policy policy,
long time_ago,
unsigned long count)
struct signature_stats *stats =
xmalloc_clear (sizeof (*stats) + strlen (fingerprint));
stats->next = *statsp;
*statsp = stats;
strcpy (stats->fingerprint, fingerprint);
stats->policy = policy;
stats->time_ago = time_ago;
stats->count = count;
/* Process rows that contain the four columns:
<fingerprint, policy, time ago, count>. */
static int
signature_stats_collect_cb (void *cookie, int argc, char **argv,
char **azColName, sqlite3_stmt *stmt)
struct signature_stats **statsp = cookie;
int i = 0;
enum tofu_policy policy;
long time_ago;
unsigned long count;
long along;
(void) azColName;
(void) stmt;
i ++;
if (string_to_long (&along, argv[i], 0, __LINE__))
return 1; /* Abort */
policy = along;
i ++;
if (! argv[i])
time_ago = 0;
if (string_to_long (&time_ago, argv[i], 0, __LINE__))
return 1; /* Abort. */
i ++;
/* If time_ago is NULL, then we had no messages, but we still have a
single row, which count(*) turns into 1. */
if (! argv[i - 1])
count = 0;
if (string_to_ulong (&count, argv[i], 0, __LINE__))
return 1; /* Abort */
i ++;
log_assert (argc == i);
signature_stats_prepend (statsp, argv[0], policy, time_ago, count);
return 0;
/* Convert from seconds to time units.
Note: T should already be a multiple of TIME_AGO_UNIT_SMALL or
signed long
time_ago_scale (signed long t)
/* Return the policy for the binding <FINGERPRINT, EMAIL> (email has
already been normalized) and any conflict information in *CONFLICT
if CONFLICT is not NULL. Returns _tofu_GET_POLICY_ERROR if an error
occurs. */
static enum tofu_policy
get_policy (tofu_dbs_t dbs, const char *fingerprint, const char *email,
char **conflict)
int rc;
char *err = NULL;
strlist_t strlist = NULL;
enum tofu_policy policy = _tofu_GET_POLICY_ERROR;
long along;
/* Check if the <FINGERPRINT, EMAIL> binding is known
(TOFU_POLICY_NONE cannot appear in the DB. Thus, if POLICY is
still TOFU_POLICY_NONE after executing the query, then the
result set was empty.) */
rc = gpgsql_stepx (dbs->db, &dbs->s.get_policy_select_policy_and_conflict,
strings_collect_cb2, &strlist, &err,
"select policy, conflict from bindings\n"
" where fingerprint = ? and email = ?",
GPGSQL_ARG_STRING, fingerprint,
if (rc)
log_error (_("error reading TOFU database: %s\n"), err);
print_further_info ("checking for existing bad bindings");
sqlite3_free (err);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto out;
if (strlist_length (strlist) == 0)
/* No results. */
goto out;
else if (strlist_length (strlist) != 2)
/* The result has the wrong form. */
log_error (_("error reading TOFU database: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_BAD_DATA));
print_further_info ("checking for existing bad bindings:"
" expected 2 results, got %d\n",
strlist_length (strlist));
goto out;
/* The result has the right form. */
if (string_to_long (&along, strlist->d, 0, __LINE__))
log_error (_("error reading TOFU database: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_BAD_DATA));
print_further_info ("bad value for policy: %s", strlist->d);
goto out;
policy = along;
if (! (policy == TOFU_POLICY_AUTO
|| policy == TOFU_POLICY_GOOD
|| policy == TOFU_POLICY_BAD
|| policy == TOFU_POLICY_ASK))
log_error (_("error reading TOFU database: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_DB_CORRUPTED));
print_further_info ("invalid value for policy (%d)", policy);
policy = _tofu_GET_POLICY_ERROR;
goto out;
/* If CONFLICT is set, then policy should be TOFU_POLICY_ASK. But,
just in case, we do the check again here and ignore the conflict
if (conflict)
if (policy == TOFU_POLICY_ASK && *strlist->next->d)
*conflict = xstrdup (strlist->next->d);
*conflict = NULL;
log_assert (policy == _tofu_GET_POLICY_ERROR
|| policy == TOFU_POLICY_NONE
|| policy == TOFU_POLICY_AUTO
|| policy == TOFU_POLICY_GOOD
|| policy == TOFU_POLICY_BAD
|| policy == TOFU_POLICY_ASK);
free_strlist (strlist);
return policy;
/* Format the first part of a conflict message and return that as a
* malloced string. */
static char *
format_conflict_msg_part1 (int policy, strlist_t conflict_set,
const char *email)
estream_t fp;
char *fingerprint;
char *tmpstr, *text;
log_assert (conflict_set);
fingerprint = conflict_set->d;
fp = es_fopenmem (0, "rw,samethread");
if (!fp)
log_fatal ("error creating memory stream: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror()));
if (policy == TOFU_POLICY_NONE)
es_fprintf (fp,
_("This is the first time the email address \"%s\" is "
"being used with key %s."),
email, fingerprint);
es_fputs (" ", fp);
else if (policy == TOFU_POLICY_ASK && conflict_set->next)
int conflicts = strlist_length (conflict_set);
es_fprintf (fp, _("The email address \"%s\" is associated with %d keys!"),
email, conflicts);
if (opt.verbose)
es_fprintf (fp,
_(" Since this binding's policy was 'auto', it has been "
"changed to 'ask'."));
es_fputs (" ", fp);
es_fprintf (fp,
_("Please indicate whether this email address should"
" be associated with key %s or whether you think someone"
" is impersonating \"%s\"."),
fingerprint, email);
es_fputc ('\n', fp);
es_fputc (0, fp);
if (es_fclose_snatch (fp, (void **)&tmpstr, NULL))
log_fatal ("error snatching memory stream\n");
text = format_text (tmpstr, 0, 72, 80);
es_free (tmpstr);
return text;
/* Return 1 if A signed B and B signed A. */
static int
cross_sigs (const char *email, kbnode_t a, kbnode_t b)
int i;
PKT_public_key *a_pk = a->pkt->pkt.public_key;
PKT_public_key *b_pk = b->pkt->pkt.public_key;
char a_keyid[33];
char b_keyid[33];
format_keyid (pk_main_keyid (a_pk),
KF_LONG, a_keyid, sizeof (a_keyid));
format_keyid (pk_main_keyid (b_pk),
KF_LONG, b_keyid, sizeof (b_keyid));
for (i = 0; i < 2; i ++)
/* See if SIGNER signed SIGNEE. */
kbnode_t signer = i == 0 ? a : b;
kbnode_t signee = i == 0 ? b : a;
PKT_public_key *signer_pk = signer->pkt->pkt.public_key;
u32 *signer_kid = pk_main_keyid (signer_pk);
kbnode_t n;
int saw_email = 0;
/* Iterate over SIGNEE's keyblock and see if there is a valid
signature from SIGNER. */
for (n = signee; n; n = n->next)
PKT_signature *sig;
if (n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
if (saw_email)
/* We're done: we've processed all signatures on the
user id. */
/* See if this is the matching user id. */
PKT_user_id *user_id = n->pkt->pkt.user_id;
char *email2 = email_from_user_id (user_id->name);
if (strcmp (email, email2) == 0)
saw_email = 1;
xfree (email2);
if (! saw_email)
if (n->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SIGNATURE)
sig = n->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (! (sig->sig_class == 0x10
|| sig->sig_class == 0x11
|| sig->sig_class == 0x12
|| sig->sig_class == 0x13))
/* Not a signature over a user id. */
/* SIG is on SIGNEE's keyblock. If SIG was generated by the
signer, then it's a match. */
if (keyid_cmp (sig->keyid, signer_kid) == 0)
/* Match! */
if (! n)
/* We didn't find a signature from signer over signee. */
log_debug ("No cross sig between %s and %s\n",
a_keyid, b_keyid);
return 0;
/* A signed B and B signed A. */
log_debug ("Cross sig between %s and %s\n",
a_keyid, b_keyid);
return 1;
/* Return whether the key was signed by an ultimately trusted key. */
static int
signed_by_utk (const char *email, kbnode_t a)
kbnode_t n;
int saw_email = 0;
for (n = a; n; n = n->next)
PKT_signature *sig;
if (n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
if (saw_email)
/* We're done: we've processed all signatures on the
user id. */
/* See if this is the matching user id. */
PKT_user_id *user_id = n->pkt->pkt.user_id;
char *email2 = email_from_user_id (user_id->name);
if (strcmp (email, email2) == 0)
saw_email = 1;
xfree (email2);
if (! saw_email)
if (n->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SIGNATURE)
sig = n->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (! (sig->sig_class == 0x10
|| sig->sig_class == 0x11
|| sig->sig_class == 0x12
|| sig->sig_class == 0x13))
/* Not a signature over a user id. */
/* SIG is on SIGNEE's keyblock. If SIG was generated by the
signer, then it's a match. */
if (tdb_keyid_is_utk (sig->keyid))
/* Match! */
log_debug ("TOFU: %s is signed by an ultimately trusted key.\n",
pk_keyid_str (a->pkt->pkt.public_key));
return 1;
log_debug ("TOFU: %s is NOT signed by an ultimately trusted key.\n",
pk_keyid_str (a->pkt->pkt.public_key));
return 0;
BINDING_NEW = 1 << 0,
/* Ask the user about the binding. There are three ways we could end
* up here:
* - This is a new binding and there is a conflict
* (policy == TOFU_POLICY_NONE && conflict_set_count > 1),
* - This is a new binding and opt.tofu_default_policy is set to
* ask. (policy == TOFU_POLICY_NONE && opt.tofu_default_policy ==
* - The policy is ask (the user deferred last time) (policy ==
* Note: this function must not be called while in a transaction!
* CONFLICT_SET includes all of the conflicting bindings
* with FINGERPRINT first. FLAGS is a bit-wise or of
static void
ask_about_binding (ctrl_t ctrl,
enum tofu_policy *policy,
int *trust_level,
strlist_t conflict_set,
const char *fingerprint,
const char *email,
const char *user_id,
time_t now)
tofu_dbs_t dbs;
strlist_t iter;
int conflict_set_count = strlist_length (conflict_set);
char *sqerr = NULL;
int rc;
estream_t fp;
strlist_t other_user_ids = NULL;
struct signature_stats *stats = NULL;
struct signature_stats *stats_iter = NULL;
char *prompt = NULL;
char *choices;
dbs = ctrl->tofu.dbs;
log_assert (dbs);
log_assert (dbs->in_transaction == 0);
fp = es_fopenmem (0, "rw,samethread");
if (!fp)
log_fatal ("error creating memory stream: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror()));
char *text = format_conflict_msg_part1 (*policy, conflict_set, email);
es_fputs (text, fp);
es_fputc ('\n', fp);
xfree (text);
begin_transaction (ctrl, 0);
/* Find other user ids associated with this key and whether the
* bindings are marked as good or bad. */
rc = gpgsql_stepx
(dbs->db, &dbs->s.get_trust_gather_other_user_ids,
strings_collect_cb2, &other_user_ids, &sqerr,
"select user_id, policy from bindings where fingerprint = ?;",
if (rc)
log_error (_("error gathering other user IDs: %s\n"), sqerr);
sqlite3_free (sqerr);
sqerr = NULL;
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
if (other_user_ids)
strlist_t strlist_iter;
es_fprintf (fp, _("This key's user IDs:\n"));
for (strlist_iter = other_user_ids;
strlist_iter = strlist_iter->next)
char *other_user_id = strlist_iter->d;
char *other_thing;
enum tofu_policy other_policy;
log_assert (strlist_iter->next);
strlist_iter = strlist_iter->next;
other_thing = strlist_iter->d;
other_policy = atoi (other_thing);
es_fprintf (fp, " %s (", other_user_id);
es_fprintf (fp, _("policy: %s"), tofu_policy_str (other_policy));
es_fprintf (fp, ")\n");
es_fprintf (fp, "\n");
free_strlist (other_user_ids);
/* Get the stats for all the keys in CONFLICT_SET. */
strlist_rev (&conflict_set);
for (iter = conflict_set; iter && ! rc; iter = iter->next)
#define STATS_SQL(table, time, sign) \
"select fingerprint, policy, time_ago, count(*)\n" \
" from\n" \
" (select bindings.*,\n" \
" "sign" case\n" \
" when delta ISNULL then 1\n" \
/* From the future (but if its just a couple of hours in the \
* future don't turn it into a warning)? Or should we use \
* small, medium or large units? (Note: whatever we do, we \
* keep the value in seconds. Then when we group, everything \
* that rounds to the same number of seconds is grouped.) */ \
" when delta < -("STRINGIFY (TIME_AGO_FUTURE_IGNORE)") then 2\n" \
" when delta < ("STRINGIFY (TIME_AGO_SMALL_THRESHOLD)")\n" \
" then 3\n" \
" then 4\n" \
" when delta < ("STRINGIFY (TIME_AGO_LARGE_THRESHOLD)")\n" \
" then 5\n" \
" else 6\n" \
" end time_ago,\n" \
" delta time_ago_raw\n" \
" from bindings\n" \
" left join\n" \
" (select *,\n" \
" cast(? - " time " as real) delta\n" \
" from " table ") ss\n" \
" on ss.binding = bindings.oid)\n" \
" where email = ? and fingerprint = ?\n" \
" group by time_ago\n" \
/* Make sure the current key is first. */ \
" order by time_ago desc;\n"
/* Use the time when we saw the signature, not when the
signature was created as that can be forged. */
rc = gpgsql_stepx
(dbs->db, &dbs->s.get_trust_gather_signature_stats,
signature_stats_collect_cb, &stats, &sqerr,
STATS_SQL ("signatures", "time", ""),
GPGSQL_ARG_LONG_LONG, (long long) now,
if (rc)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
if (!stats || strcmp (iter->d, stats->fingerprint) != 0)
/* No stats for this binding. Add a dummy entry. */
signature_stats_prepend (&stats, iter->d, TOFU_POLICY_AUTO, 1, 1);
rc = gpgsql_stepx
(dbs->db, &dbs->s.get_trust_gather_encryption_stats,
signature_stats_collect_cb, &stats, &sqerr,
STATS_SQL ("encryptions", "time", "-"),
GPGSQL_ARG_LONG_LONG, (long long) now,
if (rc)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
#undef STATS_SQL
if (!stats || strcmp (iter->d, stats->fingerprint) != 0
|| stats->time_ago > 0)
/* No stats for this binding. Add a dummy entry. */
signature_stats_prepend (&stats, iter->d, TOFU_POLICY_AUTO, -1, 1);
end_transaction (ctrl, 0);
strlist_rev (&conflict_set);
if (rc)
strlist_t strlist_iter;
log_error (_("error gathering signature stats: %s\n"), sqerr);
sqlite3_free (sqerr);
sqerr = NULL;
es_fprintf (fp, ngettext("The email address \"%s\" is"
" associated with %d key:\n",
"The email address \"%s\" is"
" associated with %d keys:\n",
email, conflict_set_count);
for (strlist_iter = conflict_set;
strlist_iter = strlist_iter->next)
es_fprintf (fp, " %s\n", strlist_iter->d);
char *key = NULL;
strlist_t binding;
int seen_in_past = 0;
es_fprintf (fp, _("Statistics for keys"
" with the email address \"%s\":\n"),
for (stats_iter = stats; stats_iter; stats_iter = stats_iter->next)
#if 0
log_debug ("%s: time_ago: %ld; count: %ld\n",
if (! key || strcmp (key, stats_iter->fingerprint))
int this_key;
char *key_pp;
key = stats_iter->fingerprint;
this_key = strcmp (key, fingerprint) == 0;
key_pp = format_hexfingerprint (key, NULL, 0);
es_fprintf (fp, " %s (", key_pp);
/* Find the associated binding. */
for (binding = conflict_set;
binding = binding->next)
if (strcmp (key, binding->d) == 0)
log_assert (binding);
if ((binding->flags & BINDING_REVOKED))
es_fprintf (fp, _("revoked"));
es_fprintf (fp, _(", "));
else if ((binding->flags & BINDING_EXPIRED))
es_fprintf (fp, _("expired"));
es_fprintf (fp, _(", "));
if (this_key)
es_fprintf (fp, _("this key"));
es_fprintf (fp, _("policy: %s"),
tofu_policy_str (stats_iter->policy));
es_fputs ("):\n", fp);
xfree (key_pp);
seen_in_past = 0;
if (labs(stats_iter->time_ago) == 1)
/* The 1 in this case is the NULL entry. */
log_assert (stats_iter->count == 1);
stats_iter->count = 0;
seen_in_past += stats_iter->count;
es_fputs (" ", fp);
/* TANSLATORS: This string is concatenated with one of
* the day/week/month strings to form one sentence. */
if (stats_iter->time_ago > 0)
es_fprintf (fp, ngettext("Verified %d message",
"Verified %d messages",
seen_in_past), seen_in_past);
es_fprintf (fp, ngettext("Encrypted %d message",
"Encrypted %d messages",
seen_in_past), seen_in_past);
if (!stats_iter->count)
es_fputs (".", fp);
else if (labs(stats_iter->time_ago) == 2)
es_fprintf (fp, "in the future.");
/* Reset it. */
seen_in_past = 0;
if (labs(stats_iter->time_ago) == 3)
es_fprintf (fp, ngettext(" over the past day.",
" over the past %d days.",
else if (labs(stats_iter->time_ago) == 4)
es_fprintf (fp, ngettext(" over the past month.",
" over the past %d months.",
else if (labs(stats_iter->time_ago) == 5)
es_fprintf (fp, ngettext(" over the past year.",
" over the past %d years.",
else if (labs(stats_iter->time_ago) == 6)
es_fprintf (fp, _(" in the past."));
log_assert (! "Broken SQL.\n");
es_fputs ("\n", fp);
if (conflict_set_count > 1 || (conflict_set->flags & BINDING_CONFLICT))
/* This is a conflict. */
/* TRANSLATORS: Please translate the text found in the source
* file below. We don't directly internationalize that text so
* that we can tweak it without breaking translations. */
char *text = _("TOFU detected a binding conflict");
char *textbuf;
if (!strcmp (text, "TOFU detected a binding conflict"))
/* No translation. Use the English text. */
text =
"Normally, an email address is associated with a single key. "
"However, people sometimes generate a new key if "
"their key is too old or they think it might be compromised. "
"Alternatively, a new key may indicate a man-in-the-middle "
"attack! Before accepting this association, you should talk to or "
"call the person to make sure this new key is legitimate.";
textbuf = format_text (text, 0, 72, 80);
es_fprintf (fp, "\n%s\n", textbuf);
xfree (textbuf);
es_fputc ('\n', fp);
/* Add a NUL terminator. */
es_fputc (0, fp);
if (es_fclose_snatch (fp, (void **) &prompt, NULL))
log_fatal ("error snatching memory stream\n");
/* I think showing the large message once is sufficient. If we
* would move it right before the cpr_get many lines will scroll
* away and the user might not realize that he merely entered a
* wrong choise (because he does not see that either). As a small
* benefit we allow C-L to redisplay everything. */
tty_printf ("%s", prompt);
/* Suspend any transaction: it could take a while until the user
responds. */
tofu_suspend_batch_transaction (ctrl);
while (1)
char *response;
/* TRANSLATORS: Two letters (normally the lower and upper case
* version of the hotkey) for each of the five choices. If
* there is only one choice in your language, repeat it. */
choices = _("gG" "aA" "uU" "rR" "bB");
if (strlen (choices) != 10)
log_bug ("Bad TOFU conflict translation! Please report.");
response = cpr_get
_("(G)ood, (A)ccept once, (U)nknown, (R)eject once, (B)ad? "));
trim_spaces (response);
cpr_kill_prompt ();
if (*response == CONTROL_L)
tty_printf ("%s", prompt);
else if (!response[0])
/* Default to unknown. Don't save it. */
tty_printf (_("Defaulting to unknown."));
else if (!response[1])
char *choice = strchr (choices, *response);
if (choice)
int c = ((size_t) choice - (size_t) choices) / 2;
switch (c)
case 0: /* Good. */
*trust_level = tofu_policy_to_trust_level (*policy);
case 1: /* Accept once. */
*policy = TOFU_POLICY_ASK;
*trust_level = tofu_policy_to_trust_level (TOFU_POLICY_GOOD);
case 2: /* Unknown. */
*trust_level = tofu_policy_to_trust_level (*policy);
case 3: /* Reject once. */
*policy = TOFU_POLICY_ASK;
*trust_level = tofu_policy_to_trust_level (TOFU_POLICY_BAD);
case 4: /* Bad. */
*policy = TOFU_POLICY_BAD;
*trust_level = tofu_policy_to_trust_level (*policy);
log_bug ("c should be between 0 and 4 but it is %d!", c);
if (record_binding (dbs, fingerprint, email, user_id,
*policy, NULL, 0, now))
/* If there's an error registering the
* binding, don't save the signature. */
*trust_level = _tofu_GET_TRUST_ERROR;
xfree (response);
tofu_resume_batch_transaction (ctrl);
xfree (prompt);
signature_stats_free (stats);
/* Return the set of keys that conflict with the binding <fingerprint,
email> (including the binding itself, which will be first in the
list). For each returned key also sets BINDING_NEW, etc. */
static strlist_t
build_conflict_set (tofu_dbs_t dbs,
PKT_public_key *pk, const char *fingerprint,
const char *email)
gpg_error_t rc;
char *sqerr;
strlist_t conflict_set = NULL;
int conflict_set_count;
strlist_t iter;
kbnode_t *kb_all;
int i;
/* Get the fingerprints of any bindings that share the email address
* and whether the bindings have a known conflict.
* Note: if the binding in question is in the DB, it will also be
* returned. Thus, if the result set is empty, then <email,
* fingerprint> is a new binding. */
rc = gpgsql_stepx
(dbs->db, &dbs->s.get_trust_bindings_with_this_email,
strings_collect_cb2, &conflict_set, &sqerr,
/* A binding should only appear once, but try not to break in the
* case of corruption. */
" fingerprint || case sum(conflict NOTNULL) when 0 then '' else '!' end"
" from bindings where email = ?"
" group by fingerprint"
/* Make sure the current key comes first in the result list (if
it is present). */
" order by fingerprint = ? asc, fingerprint desc;",
GPGSQL_ARG_STRING, fingerprint,
if (rc)
log_error (_("error reading TOFU database: %s\n"), sqerr);
print_further_info ("listing fingerprints");
sqlite3_free (sqerr);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
return NULL;
/* Set BINDING_CONFLICT if the binding has a known conflict. This
* allows us to distinguish between bindings where the user
* explicitly set the policy to ask and bindings where we set the
* policy to ask due to a conflict. */
for (iter = conflict_set; iter; iter = iter->next)
int l = strlen (iter->d);
if (!(l == 2 * MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN
|| l == 2 * MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN + 1))
log_error (_("TOFU db corruption detected.\n"));
print_further_info ("fingerprint '%s' is not %d characters long",
iter->d, 2 * MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN);
if (l >= 1 && iter->d[l - 1] == '!')
iter->flags |= BINDING_CONFLICT;
/* Remove the !. */
iter->d[l - 1] = 0;
/* If the current binding has not yet been recorded, add it to the
* list. (The order by above ensures that if it is present, it will
* be first.) */
if (! (conflict_set && strcmp (conflict_set->d, fingerprint) == 0))
add_to_strlist (&conflict_set, fingerprint);
conflict_set->flags |= BINDING_NEW;
conflict_set_count = strlist_length (conflict_set);
/* Eliminate false conflicts. */
if (conflict_set_count == 1)
/* We only have a single key. There are no false conflicts to
eliminate. But, we do need to set the flags. */
if (pk->has_expired)
conflict_set->flags |= BINDING_EXPIRED;
if (pk->flags.revoked)
conflict_set->flags |= BINDING_REVOKED;
return conflict_set;
/* If two keys have cross signatures, then they are controlled by
* the same person and thus are not in conflict. */
kb_all = xcalloc (sizeof (kb_all[0]), conflict_set_count);
hd = keydb_new ();
for (i = 0, iter = conflict_set;
i < conflict_set_count;
i ++, iter = iter->next)
char *fp = iter->d;
kbnode_t kb;
PKT_public_key *binding_pk;
kbnode_t n;
int found_user_id;
rc = keydb_search_reset (hd);
if (rc)
log_error (_("resetting keydb: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = classify_user_id (fp, &desc, 0);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error parsing key specification '%s': %s\n"),
fp, gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1, NULL);
if (rc)
/* Note: it is entirely possible that we don't have the key
corresponding to an entry in the TOFU DB. This can
happen if we merge two TOFU DBs, but not the key
rings. */
log_info (_("key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"),
fp, gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = keydb_get_keyblock (hd, &kb);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error reading keyblock: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
print_further_info ("fingerprint: %s", fp);
merge_keys_and_selfsig (kb);
log_assert (kb->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
kb_all[i] = kb;
/* Since we have the key block, use this opportunity to figure
* out if the binding is expired or revoked. */
binding_pk = kb->pkt->pkt.public_key;
/* The binding is always expired/revoked if the key is
* expired/revoked. */
if (binding_pk->has_expired)
iter->flags |= BINDING_EXPIRED;
if (binding_pk->flags.revoked)
iter->flags |= BINDING_REVOKED;
/* The binding is also expired/revoked if the user id is
* expired/revoked. */
n = kb;
found_user_id = 0;
while ((n = find_next_kbnode (n, PKT_USER_ID)) && ! found_user_id)
PKT_user_id *user_id2 = n->pkt->pkt.user_id;
char *email2;
if (user_id2->attrib_data)
email2 = email_from_user_id (user_id2->name);
if (strcmp (email, email2) == 0)
found_user_id = 1;
if (user_id2->is_revoked)
iter->flags |= BINDING_REVOKED;
if (user_id2->is_expired)
iter->flags |= BINDING_EXPIRED;
xfree (email2);
if (! found_user_id)
log_info (_("TOFU db corruption detected.\n"));
print_further_info ("user id '%s' not on key block '%s'",
email, fingerprint);
keydb_release (hd);
/* Now that we have the key blocks, check for cross sigs. */
int j;
strlist_t *prevp;
strlist_t iter_next;
int die[conflict_set_count];
memset (die, 0, sizeof (die));
for (i = 0; i < conflict_set_count; i ++)
/* Look for cross sigs between this key (i == 0) or a key
* that has cross sigs with i == 0 (i.e., transitively) */
if (! (i == 0 || die[i]))
for (j = i + 1; j < conflict_set_count; j ++)
/* Be careful: we might not have a key block for a key. */
if (kb_all[i] && kb_all[j] && cross_sigs (email, kb_all[i], kb_all[j]))
die[j] = 1;
/* Free unconflicting bindings (and all of the key blocks). */
for (iter = conflict_set, prevp = &conflict_set, i = 0;
iter = iter_next, i ++)
iter_next = iter->next;
release_kbnode (kb_all[i]);
if (die[i])
*prevp = iter_next;
iter->next = NULL;
free_strlist (iter);
conflict_set_count --;
prevp = &iter->next;
/* We shouldn't have removed the head. */
log_assert (conflict_set);
log_assert (conflict_set_count >= 1);
xfree (kb_all);
log_debug ("binding <key: %s, email: %s> conflicts:\n",
fingerprint, email);
for (iter = conflict_set; iter; iter = iter->next)
log_debug (" %s:%s%s%s%s\n",
(iter->flags & BINDING_NEW) ? " new" : "",
(iter->flags & BINDING_CONFLICT) ? " known_conflict" : "",
(iter->flags & BINDING_EXPIRED) ? " expired" : "",
(iter->flags & BINDING_REVOKED) ? " revoked" : "");
return conflict_set;
/* Return the trust level (TRUST_NEVER, etc.) for the binding
* <FINGERPRINT, EMAIL> (email is already normalized). If no policy
* is registered, returns TOFU_POLICY_NONE. If an error occurs,
* returns _tofu_GET_TRUST_ERROR.
* PK is the public key object for FINGERPRINT.
* USER_ID is the unadulterated user id.
* If MAY_ASK is set, then we may interact with the user. This is
* necessary if there is a conflict or the binding's policy is
* TOFU_POLICY_ASK. In the case of a conflict, we set the new
* conflicting binding's policy to TOFU_POLICY_ASK. In either case,
* we return TRUST_UNDEFINED. Note: if MAY_ASK is set, then this
* function must not be called while in a transaction! */
static enum tofu_policy
get_trust (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk,
const char *fingerprint, const char *email,
const char *user_id, int may_ask, time_t now)
tofu_dbs_t dbs = ctrl->tofu.dbs;
int in_transaction = 0;
enum tofu_policy policy;
int rc;
char *sqerr = NULL;
int change_conflicting_to_ask = 0;
strlist_t conflict_set = NULL;
int conflict_set_count;
int trust_level = TRUST_UNKNOWN;
strlist_t iter;
log_assert (dbs);
if (may_ask)
log_assert (dbs->in_transaction == 0);
if (opt.batch)
may_ask = 0;
log_assert (keyid_cmp (pk_keyid (pk), pk_main_keyid (pk)) == 0);
/* Make sure _tofu_GET_TRUST_ERROR isn't equal to any of the trust
levels. */
log_assert (_tofu_GET_TRUST_ERROR != TRUST_UNKNOWN
begin_transaction (ctrl, 0);
in_transaction = 1;
policy = get_policy (dbs, fingerprint, email, NULL);
/* See if the key is ultimately trusted. If so, we're done. */
u32 kid[2];
keyid_from_pk (pk, kid);
if (tdb_keyid_is_utk (kid))
if (policy == TOFU_POLICY_NONE)
/* New binding. */
if (record_binding (dbs, fingerprint, email, user_id,
TOFU_POLICY_GOOD, NULL, 0, now) != 0)
log_error (_("error setting TOFU binding's trust level"
" to %s\n"), "good");
trust_level = _tofu_GET_TRUST_ERROR;
goto out;
trust_level = TRUST_ULTIMATE;
goto out;
if (policy == TOFU_POLICY_AUTO)
policy = opt.tofu_default_policy;
log_debug ("TOFU: binding <key: %s, user id: %s>'s policy is"
" auto (default: %s).\n",
fingerprint, email,
tofu_policy_str (opt.tofu_default_policy));
switch (policy)
/* The saved judgement is auto -> auto, good, unknown or bad.
* We don't need to ask the user anything. */
log_debug ("TOFU: Known binding <key: %s, user id: %s>'s policy: %s\n",
fingerprint, email, tofu_policy_str (policy));
trust_level = tofu_policy_to_trust_level (policy);
goto out;
/* We need to ask the user what to do. Case #1 or #2 below. */
/* The binding is new, we need to check for conflicts. Case #3
* below. */
case _tofu_GET_POLICY_ERROR:
trust_level = _tofu_GET_TRUST_ERROR;
goto out;
log_bug ("%s: Impossible value for policy (%d)\n", __func__, policy);
/* We get here if:
* 1. The saved policy is auto and the default policy is ask
* (get_policy() == TOFU_POLICY_AUTO
* && opt.tofu_default_policy == TOFU_POLICY_ASK)
* 2. The saved policy is ask (either last time the user selected
* accept once or reject once or there was a conflict and this
* binding's policy was changed from auto to ask)
* (policy == TOFU_POLICY_ASK), or,
* 3. We don't have a saved policy (policy == TOFU_POLICY_NONE)
* (need to check for a conflict).
* In summary: POLICY is ask or none.
/* Before continuing, see if the key is signed by an ultimately
* trusted key. */
int fingerprint_raw_len = strlen (fingerprint) / 2;
char fingerprint_raw[fingerprint_raw_len];
int len = 0;
int is_signed_by_utk = 0;
if (fingerprint_raw_len != 20
|| ((len = hex2bin (fingerprint,
fingerprint_raw, fingerprint_raw_len))
!= strlen (fingerprint)))
log_debug ("TOFU: Bad fingerprint: %s (len: %zd, parsed: %d)\n",
fingerprint, strlen (fingerprint), len);
int lookup_err;
kbnode_t kb;
lookup_err = get_pubkey_byfprint (NULL, &kb,
if (lookup_err)
log_debug ("TOFU: Looking up %s: %s\n",
fingerprint, gpg_strerror (lookup_err));
is_signed_by_utk = signed_by_utk (email, kb);
release_kbnode (kb);
if (is_signed_by_utk)
if (record_binding (dbs, fingerprint, email, user_id,
TOFU_POLICY_GOOD, NULL, 0, now) != 0)
log_error (_("error setting TOFU binding's trust level"
" to %s\n"), "good");
trust_level = _tofu_GET_TRUST_ERROR;
trust_level = TRUST_FULLY;
goto out;
/* Look for conflicts. This is needed in all 3 cases. */
conflict_set = build_conflict_set (dbs, pk, fingerprint, email);
conflict_set_count = strlist_length (conflict_set);
if (conflict_set_count == 0)
/* We should always at least have the current binding. */
trust_level = _tofu_GET_TRUST_ERROR;
goto out;
if (conflict_set_count == 1
&& (conflict_set->flags & BINDING_NEW)
&& opt.tofu_default_policy != TOFU_POLICY_ASK)
/* We've never observed a binding with this email address and we
* have a default policy, which is not to ask the user. */
/* If we've seen this binding, then we've seen this email and
* policy couldn't possibly be TOFU_POLICY_NONE. */
log_assert (policy == TOFU_POLICY_NONE);
log_debug ("TOFU: New binding <key: %s, user id: %s>, no conflict.\n",
fingerprint, email);
if (record_binding (dbs, fingerprint, email, user_id,
TOFU_POLICY_AUTO, NULL, 0, now) != 0)
log_error (_("error setting TOFU binding's trust level to %s\n"),
trust_level = _tofu_GET_TRUST_ERROR;
goto out;
trust_level = tofu_policy_to_trust_level (TOFU_POLICY_AUTO);
goto out;
if (conflict_set_count == 1
&& (conflict_set->flags & BINDING_CONFLICT))
/* No known conflicts now, but there was a conflict. This means
* at somepoint, there was a conflict and we changed this
* binding's policy to ask and set the conflicting key. The
* conflict can go away if there is not a cross sig between the
* two keys. In this case, just silently clear the conflict and
* reset the policy to auto. */
log_assert (policy == TOFU_POLICY_ASK);
log_debug ("TOFU: binding <key: %s, user id: %s> had a conflict, but it's been resolved (probably via cross sig).\n",
fingerprint, email);
if (record_binding (dbs, fingerprint, email, user_id,
TOFU_POLICY_AUTO, NULL, 0, now) != 0)
log_error (_("error setting TOFU binding's trust level to %s\n"),
trust_level = tofu_policy_to_trust_level (TOFU_POLICY_AUTO);
goto out;
/* We have a conflict. Mark any conflicting bindings that have an
* automatic policy as now requiring confirmation. Note: we delay
* this until after we ask for confirmation so that when the current
* policy is printed, it is correct. */
change_conflicting_to_ask = 1;
if (! may_ask)
log_assert (policy == TOFU_POLICY_NONE || policy == TOFU_POLICY_ASK);
if (policy == TOFU_POLICY_NONE)
/* We get here in the third case (no saved policy) and if
* there is a conflict. */
if (record_binding (dbs, fingerprint, email, user_id,
conflict_set && conflict_set->next
? conflict_set->next->d : NULL,
0, now) != 0)
log_error (_("error setting TOFU binding's trust level to %s\n"),
trust_level = TRUST_UNDEFINED;
goto out;
/* We can't be in a normal transaction in ask_about_binding. */
end_transaction (ctrl, 0);
in_transaction = 0;
/* If we get here, we need to ask the user about the binding. */
ask_about_binding (ctrl,
if (change_conflicting_to_ask)
/* Mark any conflicting bindings that have an automatic policy as
* now requiring confirmation. */
if (! in_transaction)
begin_transaction (ctrl, 0);
in_transaction = 1;
/* If we weren't allowed to ask, also update this key as
* conflicting with itself. */
for (iter = may_ask ? conflict_set->next : conflict_set;
iter; iter = iter->next)
rc = gpgsql_exec_printf
(dbs->db, NULL, NULL, &sqerr,
"update bindings set policy = %d, conflict = %Q"
" where email = %Q and fingerprint = %Q and policy = %d;",
TOFU_POLICY_ASK, fingerprint,
email, iter->d, TOFU_POLICY_AUTO);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error changing TOFU policy: %s\n"), sqerr);
print_further_info ("binding: <key: %s, user id: %s>",
fingerprint, user_id);
sqlite3_free (sqerr);
sqerr = NULL;
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
else if (DBG_TRUST)
log_debug ("Set %s to conflict with %s\n",
iter->d, fingerprint);
if (in_transaction)
end_transaction (ctrl, 0);
free_strlist (conflict_set);
return trust_level;
/* Return a malloced string of the form
* "7 months, 1 day, 5 minutes, 0 seconds"
* The caller should replace all '~' in the returned string by a space
* and also free the returned string.
* This is actually a bad hack which may not work correctly with all
* languages.
static char *
time_ago_str (long long int t)
estream_t fp;
int years = 0;
int months = 0;
int days = 0;
int hours = 0;
int minutes = 0;
int seconds = 0;
/* The number of units that we've printed so far. */
int count = 0;
/* The first unit that we printed (year = 0, month = 1,
etc.). */
int first = -1;
/* The current unit. */
int i = 0;
char *str;
/* It would be nice to use a macro to do this, but gettext
works on the unpreprocessed code. */
#define MIN_SECS (60)
#define HOUR_SECS (60 * MIN_SECS)
#define DAY_SECS (24 * HOUR_SECS)
#define MONTH_SECS (30 * DAY_SECS)
#define YEAR_SECS (365 * DAY_SECS)
if (t > YEAR_SECS)
years = t / YEAR_SECS;
t -= years * YEAR_SECS;
if (t > MONTH_SECS)
months = t / MONTH_SECS;
t -= months * MONTH_SECS;
if (t > DAY_SECS)
days = t / DAY_SECS;
t -= days * DAY_SECS;
if (t > HOUR_SECS)
hours = t / HOUR_SECS;
t -= hours * HOUR_SECS;
if (t > MIN_SECS)
minutes = t / MIN_SECS;
t -= minutes * MIN_SECS;
seconds = t;
#undef MIN_SECS
#undef HOUR_SECS
#undef DAY_SECS
#undef YEAR_SECS
fp = es_fopenmem (0, "rw,samethread");
if (! fp)
log_fatal ("error creating memory stream: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror()));
if (years)
/* TRANSLATORS: The tilde ('~') is used here to indicate a
* non-breakable space */
es_fprintf (fp, ngettext("%d~year", "%d~years", years), years);
count ++;
first = i;
i ++;
if ((first == -1 || i - first <= 3) && count <= 0 && months)
if (count)
es_fprintf (fp, ", ");
es_fprintf (fp, ngettext("%d~month", "%d~months", months), months);
count ++;
first = i;
i ++;
if ((first == -1 || i - first <= 3) && count <= 0 && days)
if (count)
es_fprintf (fp, ", ");
es_fprintf (fp, ngettext("%d~day", "%d~days", days), days);
count ++;
first = i;
i ++;
if ((first == -1 || i - first <= 3) && count <= 0 && hours)
if (count)
es_fprintf (fp, ", ");
es_fprintf (fp, ngettext("%d~hour", "%d~hours", hours), hours);
count ++;
first = i;
i ++;
if ((first == -1 || i - first <= 3) && count <= 0 && minutes)
if (count)
es_fprintf (fp, ", ");
es_fprintf (fp, ngettext("%d~minute", "%d~minutes", minutes), minutes);
count ++;
first = i;
i ++;
if ((first == -1 || i - first <= 3) && count <= 0)
if (count)
es_fprintf (fp, ", ");
es_fprintf (fp, ngettext("%d~second", "%d~seconds", seconds), seconds);
es_fputc (0, fp);
if (es_fclose_snatch (fp, (void **) &str, NULL))
log_fatal ("error snatching memory stream\n");
return str;
/* If FP is NULL, write TOFU_STATS status line. If FP is not NULL
* write a "tfs" record to that stream. */
static void
write_stats_status (estream_t fp,
enum tofu_policy policy,
unsigned long signature_count,
unsigned long signature_first_seen,
unsigned long signature_most_recent,
unsigned long encryption_count,
unsigned long encryption_first_done,
unsigned long encryption_most_recent)
const char *validity;
unsigned long messages;
/* Use the euclidean distance (m = sqrt(a^2 + b^2)) rather then the
sum of the magnitudes (m = a + b) to ensure a balance between
verified signatures and encrypted messages. */
messages = sqrtu32 (signature_count * signature_count
+ encryption_count * encryption_count);
if (messages < 1)
validity = "1"; /* Key without history. */
else if (messages < 2 * BASIC_TRUST_THRESHOLD)
validity = "2"; /* Key with too little history. */
else if (messages < 2 * FULL_TRUST_THRESHOLD)
validity = "3"; /* Key with enough history for basic trust. */
validity = "4"; /* Key with a lot of history. */
if (fp)
es_fprintf (fp, "tfs:1:%s:%lu:%lu:%s:%lu:%lu:%lu:%lu:\n",
validity, signature_count, encryption_count,
tofu_policy_str (policy),
signature_first_seen, signature_most_recent,
encryption_first_done, encryption_most_recent);
write_status_printf (STATUS_TOFU_STATS,
"%s %lu %lu %s %lu %lu %lu %lu",
tofu_policy_str (policy),
/* Note: If OUTFP is not NULL, this function merely prints a "tfs" record
* to OUTFP. In this case USER_ID is not required.
* Returns whether the caller should call show_warning after iterating
* over all user ids.
static int
show_statistics (tofu_dbs_t dbs, const char *fingerprint,
const char *email, const char *user_id,
estream_t outfp, time_t now)
enum tofu_policy policy = get_policy (dbs, fingerprint, email, NULL);
char *fingerprint_pp;
int rc;
strlist_t strlist = NULL;
char *err = NULL;
unsigned long signature_first_seen = 0;
unsigned long signature_most_recent = 0;
unsigned long signature_count = 0;
unsigned long encryption_first_done = 0;
unsigned long encryption_most_recent = 0;
unsigned long encryption_count = 0;
int show_warning = 0;
(void) user_id;
fingerprint_pp = format_hexfingerprint (fingerprint, NULL, 0);
/* Get the signature stats. */
rc = gpgsql_exec_printf
(dbs->db, strings_collect_cb, &strlist, &err,
"select count (*), min (signatures.time), max (signatures.time)\n"
" from signatures\n"
" left join bindings on signatures.binding = bindings.oid\n"
" where fingerprint = %Q and email = %Q;",
fingerprint, email);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error reading TOFU database: %s\n"), err);
print_further_info ("getting signature statistics");
sqlite3_free (err);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto out;
if (strlist)
/* We expect exactly 3 elements. */
log_assert (strlist->next);
log_assert (strlist->next->next);
log_assert (! strlist->next->next->next);
string_to_ulong (&signature_count, strlist->d, -1, __LINE__);
string_to_ulong (&signature_first_seen, strlist->next->d, -1, __LINE__);
string_to_ulong (&signature_most_recent,
strlist->next->next->d, -1, __LINE__);
free_strlist (strlist);
strlist = NULL;
/* Get the encryption stats. */
rc = gpgsql_exec_printf
(dbs->db, strings_collect_cb, &strlist, &err,
"select count (*), min (encryptions.time), max (encryptions.time)\n"
" from encryptions\n"
" left join bindings on encryptions.binding = bindings.oid\n"
" where fingerprint = %Q and email = %Q;",
fingerprint, email);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error reading TOFU database: %s\n"), err);
print_further_info ("getting encryption statistics");
sqlite3_free (err);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto out;
if (strlist)
/* We expect exactly 3 elements. */
log_assert (strlist->next);
log_assert (strlist->next->next);
log_assert (! strlist->next->next->next);
string_to_ulong (&encryption_count, strlist->d, -1, __LINE__);
string_to_ulong (&encryption_first_done, strlist->next->d, -1, __LINE__);
string_to_ulong (&encryption_most_recent,
strlist->next->next->d, -1, __LINE__);
free_strlist (strlist);
strlist = NULL;
if (!outfp)
write_status_text_and_buffer (STATUS_TOFU_USER, fingerprint,
email, strlen (email), 0);
write_stats_status (outfp, policy,
if (!outfp)
estream_t fp;
char *msg;
fp = es_fopenmem (0, "rw,samethread");
if (! fp)
log_fatal ("error creating memory stream: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror()));
es_fprintf (fp, _("%s: "), email);
if (signature_count == 0)
es_fprintf (fp, _("Verified %ld signatures"), 0L);
es_fputc ('\n', fp);
char *first_seen_ago_str = time_ago_str (now - signature_first_seen);
/* TRANSLATORS: The final %s is replaced by a string like
"7 months, 1 day, 5 minutes, 0 seconds". */
es_fprintf (fp,
ngettext("Verified %ld signature in the past %s",
"Verified %ld signatures in the past %s",
signature_count, first_seen_ago_str);
xfree (first_seen_ago_str);
if (encryption_count == 0)
es_fprintf (fp, _(", and encrypted %ld messages"), 0L);
char *first_done_ago_str = time_ago_str (now - encryption_first_done);
/* TRANSLATORS: The final %s is replaced by a string like
"7 months, 1 day, 5 minutes, 0 seconds". */
es_fprintf (fp,
ngettext(", and encrypted %ld message in the past %s",
", and encrypted %ld messages in the past %s",
encryption_count, first_done_ago_str);
xfree (first_done_ago_str);
if (opt.verbose)
es_fputs (" ", fp);
es_fputc ('(', fp);
es_fprintf (fp, _("policy: %s"), tofu_policy_str (policy));
es_fputs (").\n", fp);
es_fputs (".\n", fp);
char *tmpmsg, *p;
es_fputc (0, fp);
if (es_fclose_snatch (fp, (void **) &tmpmsg, NULL))
log_fatal ("error snatching memory stream\n");
msg = format_text (tmpmsg, 0, 72, 80);
es_free (tmpmsg);
/* Print a status line but suppress the trailing LF.
* Spaces are not percent escaped. */
if (*msg)
write_status_buffer (STATUS_TOFU_STATS_LONG,
msg, strlen (msg)-1, -1);
/* Remove the non-breaking space markers. */
for (p=msg; *p; p++)
if (*p == '~')
*p = ' ';
log_string (GPGRT_LOG_INFO, msg);
xfree (msg);
if (policy == TOFU_POLICY_AUTO)
if (signature_count == 0)
log_info (_("Warning: we have yet to see"
" a message signed using this key and user id!\n"));
else if (signature_count == 1)
log_info (_("Warning: we've only seen one message"
" signed using this key and user id!\n"));
if (encryption_count == 0)
log_info (_("Warning: you have yet to encrypt"
" a message to this key!\n"));
else if (encryption_count == 1)
log_info (_("Warning: you have only encrypted"
" one message to this key!\n"));
/* Cf. write_stats_status */
if (sqrtu32 (encryption_count * encryption_count
+ signature_count * signature_count)
show_warning = 1;
xfree (fingerprint_pp);
return show_warning;
static void
show_warning (const char *fingerprint, strlist_t user_id_list)
char *set_policy_command;
char *text;
char *tmpmsg;
set_policy_command =
xasprintf ("gpg --tofu-policy bad %s", fingerprint);
tmpmsg = xasprintf
("Warning: if you think you've seen more signatures "
"by this key and user id, then this key might be a "
"forgery! Carefully examine the email address for small "
"variations. If the key is suspect, then use\n"
" %s\n"
"to mark it as being bad.\n",
"Warning: if you think you've seen more signatures "
"by this key and these user ids, then this key might be a "
"forgery! Carefully examine the email addresses for small "
"variations. If the key is suspect, then use\n"
" %s\n"
"to mark it as being bad.\n",
strlist_length (user_id_list)),
text = format_text (tmpmsg, 0, 72, 80);
xfree (tmpmsg);
log_string (GPGRT_LOG_INFO, text);
xfree (text);
es_free (set_policy_command);
/* Extract the email address from a user id and normalize it. If the
user id doesn't contain an email address, then we use the whole
user_id and normalize that. The returned string must be freed. */
static char *
email_from_user_id (const char *user_id)
char *email = mailbox_from_userid (user_id);
if (! email)
/* Hmm, no email address was provided or we are out of core. Just
take the lower-case version of the whole user id. It could be
a hostname, for instance. */
email = ascii_strlwr (xstrdup (user_id));
return email;
/* Register the signature with the bindings <fingerprint, USER_ID>,
for each USER_ID in USER_ID_LIST. The fingerprint is taken from
the primary key packet PK.
SIG_DIGEST_BIN is the binary representation of the message's
digest. SIG_DIGEST_BIN_LEN is its length.
SIG_TIME is the time that the signature was generated.
ORIGIN is a free-formed string describing the origin of the
signature. If this was from an email and the Claws MUA was used,
then this should be something like: "email:claws". If this is
NULL, the default is simply "unknown".
If MAY_ASK is 1, then this function may interact with the user.
This is necessary if there is a conflict or the binding's policy is
This function returns 0 on success and an error code if an error
occurred. */
tofu_register_signature (ctrl_t ctrl,
PKT_public_key *pk, strlist_t user_id_list,
const byte *sig_digest_bin, int sig_digest_bin_len,
time_t sig_time, const char *origin)
time_t now = gnupg_get_time ();
gpg_error_t rc;
tofu_dbs_t dbs;
char *fingerprint = NULL;
strlist_t user_id;
char *email = NULL;
char *err = NULL;
char *sig_digest;
unsigned long c;
dbs = opendbs (ctrl);
if (! dbs)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
log_error (_("error opening TOFU database: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
/* We do a query and then an insert. Make sure they are atomic
by wrapping them in a transaction. */
rc = begin_transaction (ctrl, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
log_assert (keyid_cmp (pk_keyid (pk), pk_main_keyid (pk)) == 0);
sig_digest = make_radix64_string (sig_digest_bin, sig_digest_bin_len);
fingerprint = hexfingerprint (pk, NULL, 0);
if (! origin)
/* The default origin is simply "unknown". */
origin = "unknown";
for (user_id = user_id_list; user_id; user_id = user_id->next)
email = email_from_user_id (user_id->d);
log_debug ("TOFU: Registering signature %s with binding"
" <key: %s, user id: %s>\n",
sig_digest, fingerprint, email);
/* Make sure the binding exists and record any TOFU
conflicts. */
if (get_trust (ctrl, pk, fingerprint, email, user_id->d, 0, now)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
xfree (email);
/* If we've already seen this signature before, then don't add
it again. */
rc = gpgsql_stepx
(dbs->db, &dbs->s.register_already_seen,
get_single_unsigned_long_cb2, &c, &err,
"select count (*)\n"
" from signatures left join bindings\n"
" on signatures.binding = bindings.oid\n"
" where fingerprint = ? and email = ? and sig_time = ?\n"
" and sig_digest = ?",
GPGSQL_ARG_LONG_LONG, (long long) sig_time,
GPGSQL_ARG_STRING, sig_digest,
if (rc)
log_error (_("error reading TOFU database: %s\n"), err);
print_further_info ("checking existence");
sqlite3_free (err);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
else if (c > 1)
/* Duplicates! This should not happen. In particular,
because <fingerprint, email, sig_time, sig_digest> is the
primary key! */
log_debug ("SIGNATURES DB contains duplicate records"
" <key: %s, email: %s, time: 0x%lx, sig: %s,"
" origin: %s>."
" Please report.\n",
fingerprint, email, (unsigned long) sig_time,
sig_digest, origin);
else if (c == 1)
log_debug ("Already observed the signature and binding"
" <key: %s, email: %s, time: 0x%lx, sig: %s,"
" origin: %s>\n",
fingerprint, email, (unsigned long) sig_time,
sig_digest, origin);
else if (opt.dry_run)
log_info ("TOFU database update skipped due to --dry-run\n");
/* This is the first time that we've seen this signature and
binding. Record it. */
log_debug ("TOFU: Saving signature"
" <key: %s, user id: %s, sig: %s>\n",
fingerprint, email, sig_digest);
log_assert (c == 0);
rc = gpgsql_stepx
(dbs->db, &dbs->s.register_insert, NULL, NULL, &err,
"insert into signatures\n"
" (binding, sig_digest, origin, sig_time, time)\n"
" values\n"
" ((select oid from bindings\n"
" where fingerprint = ? and email = ?),\n"
" ?, ?, ?, ?);",
GPGSQL_ARG_LONG_LONG, (long long) sig_time,
GPGSQL_ARG_LONG_LONG, (long long) now,
if (rc)
log_error (_("error updating TOFU database: %s\n"), err);
print_further_info ("insert signatures");
sqlite3_free (err);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
xfree (email);
if (rc)
if (rc)
rollback_transaction (ctrl);
rc = end_transaction (ctrl, 0);
xfree (fingerprint);
xfree (sig_digest);
return rc;
tofu_register_encryption (ctrl_t ctrl,
PKT_public_key *pk, strlist_t user_id_list,
int may_ask)
time_t now = gnupg_get_time ();
gpg_error_t rc = 0;
tofu_dbs_t dbs;
kbnode_t kb = NULL;
int free_user_id_list = 0;
char *fingerprint = NULL;
strlist_t user_id;
char *err = NULL;
dbs = opendbs (ctrl);
if (! dbs)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
log_error (_("error opening TOFU database: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
if (/* We need the key block to find the primary key. */
keyid_cmp (pk_keyid (pk), pk_main_keyid (pk)) != 0
/* We need the key block to find all user ids. */
|| ! user_id_list)
kb = get_pubkeyblock (pk->keyid);
/* Make sure PK is a primary key. */
if (keyid_cmp (pk_keyid (pk), pk_main_keyid (pk)) != 0)
pk = kb->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (! user_id_list)
/* Use all non-revoked user ids. Do use expired user ids. */
kbnode_t n = kb;
while ((n = find_next_kbnode (n, PKT_USER_ID)))
PKT_user_id *uid = n->pkt->pkt.user_id;
if (uid->is_revoked)
add_to_strlist (&user_id_list, uid->name);
free_user_id_list = 1;
if (! user_id_list)
log_info (_("WARNING: Encrypting to %s, which has no"
"non-revoked user ids.\n"),
keystr (pk->keyid));
fingerprint = hexfingerprint (pk, NULL, 0);
tofu_begin_batch_update (ctrl);
tofu_resume_batch_transaction (ctrl);
for (user_id = user_id_list; user_id; user_id = user_id->next)
char *email = email_from_user_id (user_id->d);
/* Make sure the binding exists and that we recognize any
conflicts. */
int tl = get_trust (ctrl, pk, fingerprint, email, user_id->d,
may_ask, now);
if (tl == _tofu_GET_TRUST_ERROR)
/* An error. */
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
xfree (email);
goto die;
rc = gpgsql_stepx
(dbs->db, &dbs->s.register_insert, NULL, NULL, &err,
"insert into encryptions\n"
" (binding, time)\n"
" values\n"
" ((select oid from bindings\n"
" where fingerprint = ? and email = ?),\n"
" ?);",
GPGSQL_ARG_LONG_LONG, (long long) now,
if (rc)
log_error (_("error updating TOFU database: %s\n"), err);
print_further_info ("insert encryption");
sqlite3_free (err);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
xfree (email);
tofu_end_batch_update (ctrl);
if (kb)
release_kbnode (kb);
if (free_user_id_list)
free_strlist (user_id_list);
xfree (fingerprint);
return rc;
/* Combine a trust level returned from the TOFU trust model with a
trust level returned by the PGP trust model. This is primarily of
interest when the trust model is tofu+pgp (TM_TOFU_PGP).
This function ors together the upper bits (the values not covered
by TRUST_MASK, i.e., TRUST_FLAG_REVOKED, etc.). */
tofu_wot_trust_combine (int tofu_base, int wot_base)
int tofu = tofu_base & TRUST_MASK;
int wot = wot_base & TRUST_MASK;
int upper = (tofu_base & ~TRUST_MASK) | (wot_base & ~TRUST_MASK);
log_assert (tofu == TRUST_UNKNOWN
|| tofu == TRUST_EXPIRED
|| tofu == TRUST_NEVER
|| tofu == TRUST_FULLY
|| tofu == TRUST_ULTIMATE);
log_assert (wot == TRUST_UNKNOWN
|| wot == TRUST_NEVER
|| wot == TRUST_FULLY
|| wot == TRUST_ULTIMATE);
/* We first consider negative trust policys. These trump positive
trust policies. */
if (tofu == TRUST_NEVER || wot == TRUST_NEVER)
/* TRUST_NEVER trumps everything else. */
return upper | TRUST_NEVER;
if (tofu == TRUST_EXPIRED || wot == TRUST_EXPIRED)
/* TRUST_EXPIRED trumps everything but TRUST_NEVER. */
return upper | TRUST_EXPIRED;
/* Now we only have positive or neutral trust policies. We take
the max. */
if (tofu == TRUST_ULTIMATE)
if (wot == TRUST_ULTIMATE)
return upper | TRUST_ULTIMATE;
if (tofu == TRUST_FULLY)
if (wot == TRUST_FULLY)
return upper | TRUST_FULLY;
if (tofu == TRUST_MARGINAL)
if (wot == TRUST_MARGINAL)
return upper | TRUST_MARGINAL;
if (tofu == TRUST_UNDEFINED)
return upper | TRUST_UNDEFINED;
return upper | TRUST_UNKNOWN;
/* Write a "tfs" record for a --with-colons listing. */
tofu_write_tfs_record (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t fp,
PKT_public_key *pk, const char *user_id)
time_t now = gnupg_get_time ();
gpg_error_t err;
tofu_dbs_t dbs;
char *fingerprint;
char *email;
if (!*user_id)
return 0; /* No TOFU stats possible for an empty ID. */
dbs = opendbs (ctrl);
if (!dbs)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
log_error (_("error opening TOFU database: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
fingerprint = hexfingerprint (pk, NULL, 0);
email = email_from_user_id (user_id);
show_statistics (dbs, fingerprint, email, user_id, fp, now);
xfree (email);
xfree (fingerprint);
return 0;
/* Return the validity (TRUST_NEVER, etc.) of the bindings
USER_ID_LIST->FLAG is set, then the id is considered to be expired.
PK is the primary key packet.
If MAY_ASK is 1 and the policy is TOFU_POLICY_ASK, then the user
will be prompted to choose a policy. If MAY_ASK is 0 and the
policy is TOFU_POLICY_ASK, then TRUST_UNKNOWN is returned.
Returns TRUST_UNDEFINED if an error occurs. */
tofu_get_validity (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk, strlist_t user_id_list,
int may_ask)
time_t now = gnupg_get_time ();
tofu_dbs_t dbs;
char *fingerprint = NULL;
strlist_t user_id;
int trust_level = TRUST_UNKNOWN;
int bindings = 0;
int bindings_valid = 0;
int need_warning = 0;
dbs = opendbs (ctrl);
if (! dbs)
log_error (_("error opening TOFU database: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_GENERAL));
fingerprint = hexfingerprint (pk, NULL, 0);
tofu_begin_batch_update (ctrl);
/* Start the batch transaction now. */
tofu_resume_batch_transaction (ctrl);
for (user_id = user_id_list; user_id; user_id = user_id->next, bindings ++)
char *email = email_from_user_id (user_id->d);
/* Always call get_trust to make sure the binding is
registered. */
int tl = get_trust (ctrl, pk, fingerprint, email, user_id->d,
may_ask, now);
if (tl == _tofu_GET_TRUST_ERROR)
/* An error. */
trust_level = TRUST_UNDEFINED;
xfree (email);
goto die;
log_debug ("TOFU: validity for <key: %s, user id: %s>: %s%s.\n",
fingerprint, email,
trust_value_to_string (tl),
user_id->flags ? " (but expired)" : "");
if (user_id->flags)
if (tl != TRUST_EXPIRED)
bindings_valid ++;
if (may_ask && tl != TRUST_ULTIMATE && tl != TRUST_EXPIRED)
need_warning |=
show_statistics (dbs, fingerprint, email, user_id->d, NULL, now);
if (tl == TRUST_NEVER)
trust_level = TRUST_NEVER;
else if (tl == TRUST_EXPIRED)
/* Ignore expired bindings in the trust calculation. */
else if (tl > trust_level)
/* The expected values: */
log_assert (tl == TRUST_UNKNOWN || tl == TRUST_UNDEFINED
/* We assume the following ordering: */
trust_level = tl;
xfree (email);
if (need_warning)
show_warning (fingerprint, user_id_list);
tofu_end_batch_update (ctrl);
xfree (fingerprint);
if (bindings_valid == 0)
log_debug ("no (of %d) valid bindings."
" Can't get TOFU validity for this set of user ids.\n",
return trust_level;
/* Set the policy for all non-revoked user ids in the keyblock KB to
If no key is available with the specified key id, then this
function returns GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY.
Returns 0 on success and an error code otherwise. */
tofu_set_policy (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t kb, enum tofu_policy policy)
gpg_error_t err;
time_t now = gnupg_get_time ();
tofu_dbs_t dbs;
PKT_public_key *pk;
char *fingerprint = NULL;
log_assert (kb->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
pk = kb->pkt->pkt.public_key;
dbs = opendbs (ctrl);
if (! dbs)
log_error (_("error opening TOFU database: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_GENERAL));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
log_debug ("Setting TOFU policy for %s to %s\n",
keystr (pk->keyid), tofu_policy_str (policy));
if (keyid_cmp (pk_main_keyid (pk), pk_keyid (pk)) != 0)
log_bug ("%s: Passed a subkey, but expecting a primary key.\n", __func__);
fingerprint = hexfingerprint (pk, NULL, 0);
begin_transaction (ctrl, 0);
for (; kb; kb = kb->next)
PKT_user_id *user_id;
char *email;
if (kb->pkt->pkttype != PKT_USER_ID)
user_id = kb->pkt->pkt.user_id;
if (user_id->is_revoked)
/* Skip revoked user ids. (Don't skip expired user ids, the
expiry can be changed.) */
email = email_from_user_id (user_id->name);
err = record_binding (dbs, fingerprint, email, user_id->name,
policy, NULL, 1, now);
if (err)
log_error (_("error setting policy for key %s, user id \"%s\": %s"),
fingerprint, email, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (email);
xfree (email);
if (err)
rollback_transaction (ctrl);
end_transaction (ctrl, 0);
xfree (fingerprint);
return err;
/* Set the TOFU policy for all non-revoked user ids in the KEY with
the key id KEYID to POLICY.
If no key is available with the specified key id, then this
function returns GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY.
Returns 0 on success and an error code otherwise. */
tofu_set_policy_by_keyid (ctrl_t ctrl, u32 *keyid, enum tofu_policy policy)
kbnode_t keyblock = get_pubkeyblock (keyid);
if (! keyblock)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY);
return tofu_set_policy (ctrl, keyblock, policy);
/* Return the TOFU policy for the specified binding in *POLICY. If no
policy has been set for the binding, sets *POLICY to
PK is a primary public key and USER_ID is a user id.
Returns 0 on success and an error code otherwise. */
tofu_get_policy (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *user_id,
enum tofu_policy *policy)
tofu_dbs_t dbs;
char *fingerprint;
char *email;
/* Make sure PK is a primary key. */
log_assert (pk->main_keyid[0] == pk->keyid[0]
&& pk->main_keyid[1] == pk->keyid[1]);
dbs = opendbs (ctrl);
if (! dbs)
log_error (_("error opening TOFU database: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_GENERAL));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
fingerprint = hexfingerprint (pk, NULL, 0);
email = email_from_user_id (user_id->name);
*policy = get_policy (dbs, fingerprint, email, NULL);
xfree (email);
xfree (fingerprint);
if (*policy == _tofu_GET_POLICY_ERROR)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
return 0;
diff --git a/g10/tofu.h b/g10/tofu.h
index df69a7a93..f114443bc 100644
--- a/g10/tofu.h
+++ b/g10/tofu.h
@@ -1,142 +1,142 @@
/* tofu.h - TOFU trust model.
* Copyright (C) 2015 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G10_TOFU_H
#define G10_TOFU_H
#include <config.h>
/* For each binding, we have a trust policy. */
enum tofu_policy
/* This value can be returned by tofu_get_policy to indicate that
there is no policy set for the specified binding. */
/* We made a default policy decision. This is only done if there
is no conflict with another binding (that is, the email address
is not part of another known key). The default policy is
configurable (and specified using: --tofu-default-policy).
Note: when using the default policy, we save TOFU_POLICY_AUTO
with the binding, not the policy that was in effect. This way,
if the user invokes gpg again, but with a different value for
--tofu-default-policy, a different decision is made. */
/* The user explicitly marked the binding as good. In this case,
we return TRUST_FULLY. */
/* The user explicitly marked the binding as unknown. In this
case, we return TRUST_UNKNOWN. */
/* The user explicitly marked the binding as bad. In this case,
we always return TRUST_NEVER. */
/* The user deferred a definitive policy decision about the
binding (by selecting accept once or reject once). The next
time we see this binding, we should ask the user what to
do. */
/* Private value used only within tofu.c. */
_tofu_GET_POLICY_ERROR = 100
/* Return a string representation of a trust policy. Returns "???" if
POLICY is not valid. */
const char *tofu_policy_str (enum tofu_policy policy);
/* Convert a binding policy (e.g., TOFU_POLICY_BAD) to a trust level
(e.g., TRUST_BAD) in light of the current configuration. */
int tofu_policy_to_trust_level (enum tofu_policy policy);
/* Register the bindings <PK, USER_ID>, for each USER_ID in
USER_ID_LIST, and the signature described by SIGS_DIGEST and
SIG_TIME, which it generated. Origin describes where the signed
data came from, e.g., "email:claws" (default: "unknown"). Note:
this function does not interact with the user, If there is a
conflict, or if the binding's policy is ask, the actual interaction
is deferred until tofu_get_validity is called. Set the string
list FLAG to indicate that a specified user id is expired. This
function returns 0 on success and an error code on failure. */
gpg_error_t tofu_register_signature (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk,
strlist_t user_id_list,
const byte *sigs_digest,
int sigs_digest_len,
time_t sig_time, const char *origin);
/* Note that an encrypted mail was sent to <PK, USER_ID>, for each
non-revoked user ids associated with PK are used.) If MAY_ASK is
set, then may interact with the user to resolve a TOFU
conflict. */
gpg_error_t tofu_register_encryption (ctrl_t ctrl,
PKT_public_key *pk,
strlist_t user_id_list,
int may_ask);
/* Combine a trust level returned from the TOFU trust model with a
trust level returned by the PGP trust model. This is primarily of
interest when the trust model is tofu+pgp (TM_TOFU_PGP). */
int tofu_wot_trust_combine (int tofu, int wot);
/* Write a "tfs" record for a --with-colons listing. */
gpg_error_t tofu_write_tfs_record (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t fp,
PKT_public_key *pk, const char *user_id);
/* Determine the validity (TRUST_NEVER, etc.) of the binding <PK,
USER_ID>. If MAY_ASK is 1, then this function may interact with
the user. If not, TRUST_UNKNOWN is returned if an interaction is
required. Set the string list FLAGS to indicate that a specified
user id is expired. If an error occurs, TRUST_UNDEFINED is
returned. */
int tofu_get_validity (ctrl_t ctrl,
PKT_public_key *pk, strlist_t user_id_list,
int may_ask);
/* Set the policy for all non-revoked user ids in the keyblock KB to
gpg_error_t tofu_set_policy (ctrl_t ctrl, kbnode_t kb, enum tofu_policy policy);
/* Set the TOFU policy for all non-revoked users in the key with the
key id KEYID to POLICY. */
gpg_error_t tofu_set_policy_by_keyid (ctrl_t ctrl,
u32 *keyid, enum tofu_policy policy);
/* Return the TOFU policy for the specified binding in *POLICY. */
gpg_error_t tofu_get_policy (ctrl_t ctrl,
PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *user_id,
enum tofu_policy *policy);
/* When doing a lot of DB activities (in particular, when listing
keys), this causes the DB to enter batch mode, which can
significantly speed up operations. */
void tofu_begin_batch_update (ctrl_t ctrl);
void tofu_end_batch_update (ctrl_t ctrl);
/* Release all of the resources associated with a DB meta-handle. */
void tofu_closedbs (ctrl_t ctrl);
#endif /*G10_TOFU_H*/
diff --git a/g10/trust.c b/g10/trust.c
index 8790754a6..2a829b8b4 100644
--- a/g10/trust.c
+++ b/g10/trust.c
@@ -1,746 +1,746 @@
/* trust.c - High level trust functions
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
* 2008, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "host2net.h"
/* Return true if key is disabled. Note that this is usually used via
the pk_is_disabled macro. */
cache_disabled_value (PKT_public_key *pk)
return 0;
return tdb_cache_disabled_value (pk);
register_trusted_keyid (u32 *keyid)
tdb_register_trusted_keyid (keyid);
register_trusted_key (const char *string)
tdb_register_trusted_key (string);
* This function returns a letter for a trust value. Trust flags
* are ignored.
static int
trust_letter (unsigned int value)
switch( (value & TRUST_MASK) )
case TRUST_UNKNOWN: return '-';
case TRUST_EXPIRED: return 'e';
case TRUST_UNDEFINED: return 'q';
case TRUST_NEVER: return 'n';
case TRUST_MARGINAL: return 'm';
case TRUST_FULLY: return 'f';
case TRUST_ULTIMATE: return 'u';
default: return '?';
/* The strings here are similar to those in
pkclist.c:do_edit_ownertrust() */
const char *
trust_value_to_string (unsigned int value)
switch ((value & TRUST_MASK))
case TRUST_UNKNOWN: return _("unknown");
case TRUST_EXPIRED: return _("expired");
case TRUST_UNDEFINED: return _("undefined");
case TRUST_NEVER: return _("never");
case TRUST_MARGINAL: return _("marginal");
case TRUST_FULLY: return _("full");
case TRUST_ULTIMATE: return _("ultimate");
default: return "err";
string_to_trust_value (const char *str)
if (!ascii_strcasecmp (str, "undefined"))
else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (str, "never"))
else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (str, "marginal"))
else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (str, "full"))
else if (!ascii_strcasecmp(str, "ultimate"))
return -1;
const char *
uid_trust_string_fixed (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *key, PKT_user_id *uid)
if (!key && !uid)
/* TRANSLATORS: these strings are similar to those in
trust_value_to_string(), but are a fixed length. This is needed to
make attractive information listings where columns line up
properly. The value "10" should be the length of the strings you
choose to translate to. This is the length in printable columns.
It gets passed to atoi() so everything after the number is
essentially a comment and need not be translated. Either key and
uid are both NULL, or neither are NULL. */
return _("10 translator see trust.c:uid_trust_string_fixed");
else if(uid->is_revoked || (key && key->flags.revoked))
return _("[ revoked]");
else if(uid->is_expired)
return _("[ expired]");
else if(key)
switch (get_validity (ctrl, key, uid, NULL, 0) & TRUST_MASK)
case TRUST_UNKNOWN: return _("[ unknown]");
case TRUST_EXPIRED: return _("[ expired]");
case TRUST_UNDEFINED: return _("[ undef ]");
case TRUST_NEVER: return _("[ never ]");
case TRUST_MARGINAL: return _("[marginal]");
case TRUST_FULLY: return _("[ full ]");
case TRUST_ULTIMATE: return _("[ultimate]");
return "err";
* Return the assigned ownertrust value for the given public key.
* The key should be the primary key.
unsigned int
get_ownertrust (PKT_public_key *pk)
return tdb_get_ownertrust (pk);
* Same as get_ownertrust but this takes the minimum ownertrust value
* into into account, and will bump up the value as needed.
static int
get_ownertrust_with_min (PKT_public_key *pk)
unsigned int otrust, otrust_min;
otrust = (tdb_get_ownertrust (pk) & TRUST_MASK);
otrust_min = tdb_get_min_ownertrust (pk);
if (otrust < otrust_min)
/* If the trust that the user has set is less than the trust
that was calculated from a trust signature chain, use the
higher of the two. We do this here and not in
get_ownertrust since the underlying ownertrust should not
really be set - just the appearance of the ownertrust. */
otrust = otrust_min;
return otrust;
* Same as get_ownertrust but return a trust letter instead of an
* value. This takes the minimum ownertrust value into account.
get_ownertrust_info (PKT_public_key *pk)
return trust_letter (get_ownertrust_with_min (pk));
* Same as get_ownertrust but return a trust string instead of an
* value. This takes the minimum ownertrust value into account.
const char *
get_ownertrust_string (PKT_public_key *pk)
return trust_value_to_string (get_ownertrust_with_min (pk));
* Set the trust value of the given public key to the new value.
* The key should be a primary one.
update_ownertrust (PKT_public_key *pk, unsigned int new_trust)
tdb_update_ownertrust (pk, new_trust);
clear_ownertrusts (PKT_public_key *pk)
return 0;
return tdb_clear_ownertrusts (pk);
revalidation_mark (void)
tdb_revalidation_mark ();
check_trustdb_stale (ctrl_t ctrl)
tdb_check_trustdb_stale (ctrl);
check_or_update_trustdb (ctrl_t ctrl)
tdb_check_or_update (ctrl);
* Return the validity information for PK. If the namehash is not
* NULL, the validity of the corresponding user ID is returned,
* otherwise, a reasonable value for the entire key is returned.
unsigned int
get_validity (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *uid,
PKT_signature *sig, int may_ask)
int rc;
unsigned int validity;
u32 kid[2];
PKT_public_key *main_pk;
if (uid)
namehash_from_uid (uid);
keyid_from_pk (pk, kid);
if (pk->main_keyid[0] != kid[0] || pk->main_keyid[1] != kid[1])
/* This is a subkey - get the mainkey. */
main_pk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *main_pk);
rc = get_pubkey (main_pk, pk->main_keyid);
if (rc)
char *tempkeystr = xstrdup (keystr (pk->main_keyid));
log_error ("error getting main key %s of subkey %s: %s\n",
tempkeystr, keystr (kid), gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (tempkeystr);
validity = TRUST_UNKNOWN;
goto leave;
main_pk = pk;
validity = TRUST_UNKNOWN;
validity = tdb_get_validity_core (ctrl, pk, uid, main_pk, sig, may_ask);
/* Set some flags direct from the key */
if (main_pk->flags.revoked)
if (main_pk != pk && pk->flags.revoked)
/* Note: expiration is a trust value and not a flag - don't know why
* I initially designed it that way. */
if (main_pk->has_expired || pk->has_expired)
validity = ((validity & (~TRUST_MASK | TRUST_FLAG_PENDING_CHECK))
if (main_pk != pk)
free_public_key (main_pk);
return validity;
get_validity_info (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *uid)
int trustlevel;
if (!pk)
return '?'; /* Just in case a NULL PK is passed. */
trustlevel = get_validity (ctrl, pk, uid, NULL, 0);
if ((trustlevel & TRUST_FLAG_REVOKED))
return 'r';
return trust_letter (trustlevel);
const char *
get_validity_string (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *uid)
int trustlevel;
if (!pk)
return "err"; /* Just in case a NULL PK is passed. */
trustlevel = get_validity (ctrl, pk, uid, NULL, 0);
if ((trustlevel & TRUST_FLAG_REVOKED))
return _("revoked");
return trust_value_to_string (trustlevel);
* Mark the signature of the given UID which are used to certify it.
* To do this, we first revmove all signatures which are not valid and
* from the remain ones we look for the latest one. If this is not a
* certification revocation signature we mark the signature by setting
* node flag bit 8. Revocations are marked with flag 11, and sigs
* from unavailable keys are marked with flag 12. Note that flag bits
* 9 and 10 are used for internal purposes.
mark_usable_uid_certs (kbnode_t keyblock, kbnode_t uidnode,
u32 *main_kid, struct key_item *klist,
u32 curtime, u32 *next_expire)
kbnode_t node;
PKT_signature *sig;
/* First check all signatures. */
for (node=uidnode->next; node; node = node->next)
int rc;
node->flag &= ~(1<<8 | 1<<9 | 1<<10 | 1<<11 | 1<<12);
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
break; /* ready */
if (node->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SIGNATURE)
sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (main_kid
&& sig->keyid[0] == main_kid[0] && sig->keyid[1] == main_kid[1])
continue; /* ignore self-signatures if we pass in a main_kid */
if (!IS_UID_SIG(sig) && !IS_UID_REV(sig))
continue; /* we only look at these signature classes */
if(sig->sig_class>=0x11 && sig->sig_class<=0x13 &&
continue; /* treat anything under our min_cert_level as an
invalid signature */
if (klist && !is_in_klist (klist, sig))
continue; /* no need to check it then */
if ((rc=check_key_signature (keyblock, node, NULL)))
/* we ignore anything that won't verify, but tag the
no_pubkey case */
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY)
node->flag |= 1<<12;
node->flag |= 1<<9;
/* Reset the remaining flags. */
for (; node; node = node->next)
node->flag &= ~(1<<8 | 1<<9 | 1<<10 | 1<<11 | 1<<12);
/* kbnode flag usage: bit 9 is here set for signatures to consider,
* bit 10 will be set by the loop to keep track of keyIDs already
* processed, bit 8 will be set for the usable signatures, and bit
* 11 will be set for usable revocations. */
/* For each cert figure out the latest valid one. */
for (node=uidnode->next; node; node = node->next)
KBNODE n, signode;
u32 kid[2];
u32 sigdate;
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
if ( !(node->flag & (1<<9)) )
continue; /* not a node to look at */
if ( (node->flag & (1<<10)) )
continue; /* signature with a keyID already processed */
node->flag |= (1<<10); /* mark this node as processed */
sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
signode = node;
sigdate = sig->timestamp;
kid[0] = sig->keyid[0]; kid[1] = sig->keyid[1];
/* Now find the latest and greatest signature */
for (n=uidnode->next; n; n = n->next)
if (n->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
if ( !(n->flag & (1<<9)) )
if ( (n->flag & (1<<10)) )
continue; /* shortcut already processed signatures */
sig = n->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (kid[0] != sig->keyid[0] || kid[1] != sig->keyid[1])
n->flag |= (1<<10); /* mark this node as processed */
/* If signode is nonrevocable and unexpired and n isn't,
then take signode (skip). It doesn't matter which is
older: if signode was older then we don't want to take n
as signode is nonrevocable. If n was older then we're
automatically fine. */
if(((IS_UID_SIG(signode->pkt->pkt.signature) &&
!signode->pkt->pkt.signature->flags.revocable &&
(signode->pkt->pkt.signature->expiredate==0 ||
signode->pkt->pkt.signature->expiredate>curtime))) &&
(!(IS_UID_SIG(n->pkt->pkt.signature) &&
!n->pkt->pkt.signature->flags.revocable &&
(n->pkt->pkt.signature->expiredate==0 ||
/* If n is nonrevocable and unexpired and signode isn't,
then take n. Again, it doesn't matter which is older: if
n was older then we don't want to take signode as n is
nonrevocable. If signode was older then we're
automatically fine. */
if((!(IS_UID_SIG(signode->pkt->pkt.signature) &&
!signode->pkt->pkt.signature->flags.revocable &&
(signode->pkt->pkt.signature->expiredate==0 ||
signode->pkt->pkt.signature->expiredate>curtime))) &&
((IS_UID_SIG(n->pkt->pkt.signature) &&
!n->pkt->pkt.signature->flags.revocable &&
(n->pkt->pkt.signature->expiredate==0 ||
signode = n;
sigdate = sig->timestamp;
/* At this point, if it's newer, it goes in as the only
remaining possibilities are signode and n are both either
revocable or expired or both nonrevocable and unexpired.
If the timestamps are equal take the later ordered
packet, presuming that the key packets are hopefully in
their original order. */
if (sig->timestamp >= sigdate)
signode = n;
sigdate = sig->timestamp;
sig = signode->pkt->pkt.signature;
if (IS_UID_SIG (sig))
{ /* this seems to be a usable one which is not revoked.
* Just need to check whether there is an expiration time,
* We do the expired certification after finding a suitable
* certification, the assumption is that a signator does not
* want that after the expiration of his certificate the
* system falls back to an older certification which has a
* different expiration time */
const byte *p;
u32 expire;
p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_SIG_EXPIRE, NULL );
expire = p? sig->timestamp + buf32_to_u32(p) : 0;
if (expire==0 || expire > curtime )
signode->flag |= (1<<8); /* yeah, found a good cert */
if (next_expire && expire && expire < *next_expire)
*next_expire = expire;
signode->flag |= (1<<11);
static int
clean_sigs_from_uid (kbnode_t keyblock, kbnode_t uidnode,
int noisy, int self_only)
int deleted = 0;
kbnode_t node;
u32 keyid[2];
log_assert (keyblock->pkt->pkttype==PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
keyid_from_pk (keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key, keyid);
/* Passing in a 0 for current time here means that we'll never weed
out an expired sig. This is correct behavior since we want to
keep the most recent expired sig in a series. */
mark_usable_uid_certs (keyblock, uidnode, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL);
/* What we want to do here is remove signatures that are not
considered as part of the trust calculations. Thus, all invalid
signatures are out, as are any signatures that aren't the last of
a series of uid sigs or revocations It breaks down like this:
coming out of mark_usable_uid_certs, if a sig is unflagged, it is
not even a candidate. If a sig has flag 9 or 10, that means it
was selected as a candidate and vetted. If a sig has flag 8 it
is a usable signature. If a sig has flag 11 it is a usable
revocation. If a sig has flag 12 it was issued by an unavailable
key. "Usable" here means the most recent valid
signature/revocation in a series from a particular signer.
Delete everything that isn't a usable uid sig (which might be
expired), a usable revocation, or a sig from an unavailable
key. */
for (node=uidnode->next;
node && node->pkt->pkttype==PKT_SIGNATURE;
int keep;
keep = self_only? (node->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid[0] == keyid[0]
&& node->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid[1] == keyid[1]) : 1;
/* Keep usable uid sigs ... */
if ((node->flag & (1<<8)) && keep)
/* ... and usable revocations... */
if ((node->flag & (1<<11)) && keep)
/* ... and sigs from unavailable keys. */
/* disabled for now since more people seem to want sigs from
unavailable keys removed altogether. */
if(node->flag & (1<<12))
/* Everything else we delete */
/* At this point, if 12 is set, the signing key was unavailable.
If 9 or 10 is set, it's superseded. Otherwise, it's
invalid. */
if (noisy)
log_info ("removing signature from key %s on user ID \"%s\": %s\n",
keystr (node->pkt->pkt.signature->keyid),
node->flag&(1<<12)? "key unavailable":
node->flag&(1<<9)? "signature superseded"
/* */ :"invalid signature" );
delete_kbnode (node);
return deleted;
/* This is substantially easier than clean_sigs_from_uid since we just
have to establish if the uid has a valid self-sig, is not revoked,
and is not expired. Note that this does not take into account
whether the uid has a trust path to it - just whether the keyholder
themselves has certified the uid. Returns true if the uid was
compacted. To "compact" a user ID, we simply remove ALL signatures
except the self-sig that caused the user ID to be remove-worthy.
We don't actually remove the user ID packet itself since it might
be resurrected in a later merge. Note that this function requires
that the caller has already done a merge_keys_and_selfsig().
TODO: change the import code to allow importing a uid with only a
revocation if the uid already exists on the keyring. */
static int
clean_uid_from_key (kbnode_t keyblock, kbnode_t uidnode, int noisy)
kbnode_t node;
PKT_user_id *uid = uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id;
int deleted = 0;
log_assert (keyblock->pkt->pkttype==PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
log_assert (uidnode->pkt->pkttype==PKT_USER_ID);
/* Skip valid user IDs, compacted user IDs, and non-self-signed user
IDs if --allow-non-selfsigned-uid is set. */
if (uid->created
|| uid->flags.compacted
|| (!uid->is_expired && !uid->is_revoked && opt.allow_non_selfsigned_uid))
return 0;
for (node=uidnode->next;
node && node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE;
if (!node->pkt->pkt.signature->flags.chosen_selfsig)
delete_kbnode (node);
deleted = 1;
uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id->flags.compacted = 1;
if (noisy)
const char *reason;
char *user = utf8_to_native (uid->name, uid->len, 0);
if (uid->is_revoked)
reason = _("revoked");
else if (uid->is_expired)
reason = _("expired");
reason = _("invalid");
log_info ("compacting user ID \"%s\" on key %s: %s\n",
user, keystr_from_pk (keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key),
xfree (user);
return deleted;
/* Needs to be called after a merge_keys_and_selfsig() */
clean_one_uid (kbnode_t keyblock, kbnode_t uidnode, int noisy, int self_only,
int *uids_cleaned, int *sigs_cleaned)
int dummy = 0;
log_assert (keyblock->pkt->pkttype==PKT_PUBLIC_KEY);
log_assert (uidnode->pkt->pkttype==PKT_USER_ID);
if (!uids_cleaned)
uids_cleaned = &dummy;
if (!sigs_cleaned)
sigs_cleaned = &dummy;
/* Do clean_uid_from_key first since if it fires off, we don't have
to bother with the other. */
*uids_cleaned += clean_uid_from_key (keyblock, uidnode, noisy);
if (!uidnode->pkt->pkt.user_id->flags.compacted)
*sigs_cleaned += clean_sigs_from_uid (keyblock, uidnode, noisy, self_only);
clean_key (kbnode_t keyblock, int noisy, int self_only,
int *uids_cleaned, int *sigs_cleaned)
kbnode_t uidnode;
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
for (uidnode = keyblock->next;
uidnode && uidnode->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY;
uidnode = uidnode->next)
if (uidnode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
clean_one_uid (keyblock, uidnode,noisy, self_only,
uids_cleaned, sigs_cleaned);
diff --git a/g10/trustdb.c b/g10/trustdb.c
index f5b40085f..edae6ef45 100644
--- a/g10/trustdb.c
+++ b/g10/trustdb.c
@@ -1,2177 +1,2177 @@
/* trustdb.c
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
* 2008, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <regex.h>
#endif /* !DISABLE_REGEX */
#include "gpg.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "mbox-util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "tdbio.h"
#include "trustdb.h"
#include "tofu.h"
typedef struct key_item **KeyHashTable; /* see new_key_hash_table() */
* Structure to keep track of keys, this is used as an array wherre
* the item right after the last one has a keyblock set to NULL.
* Maybe we can drop this thing and replace it by key_item
struct key_array
KBNODE keyblock;
/* Control information for the trust DB. */
static struct
int init;
int level;
char *dbname;
int no_trustdb;
} trustdb_args;
/* Some globals. */
static struct key_item *user_utk_list; /* temp. used to store --trusted-keys */
static struct key_item *utk_list; /* all ultimately trusted keys */
static int pending_check_trustdb;
static int validate_keys (ctrl_t ctrl, int interactive);
************* some helpers *******************
static struct key_item *
new_key_item (void)
struct key_item *k;
k = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *k);
return k;
static void
release_key_items (struct key_item *k)
struct key_item *k2;
for (; k; k = k2)
k2 = k->next;
xfree (k->trust_regexp);
xfree (k);
#define KEY_HASH_TABLE_SIZE 1024
* For fast keylook up we need a hash table. Each byte of a KeyID
* should be distributed equally over the 256 possible values (except
* for v3 keyIDs but we consider them as not important here). So we
* can just use 10 bits to index a table of KEY_HASH_TABLE_SIZE key items.
* Possible optimization: Do not use key_items but other hash_table when the
* duplicates lists get too large.
static KeyHashTable
new_key_hash_table (void)
struct key_item **tbl;
tbl = xmalloc_clear (KEY_HASH_TABLE_SIZE * sizeof *tbl);
return tbl;
static void
release_key_hash_table (KeyHashTable tbl)
int i;
if (!tbl)
for (i=0; i < KEY_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
release_key_items (tbl[i]);
xfree (tbl);
* Returns: True if the keyID is in the given hash table
static int
test_key_hash_table (KeyHashTable tbl, u32 *kid)
struct key_item *k;
for (k = tbl[(kid[1] % KEY_HASH_TABLE_SIZE)]; k; k = k->next)
if (k->kid[0] == kid[0] && k->kid[1] == kid[1])
return 1;
return 0;
* Add a new key to the hash table. The key is identified by its key ID.
static void
add_key_hash_table (KeyHashTable tbl, u32 *kid)
int i = kid[1] % KEY_HASH_TABLE_SIZE;
struct key_item *k, *kk;
for (k = tbl[i]; k; k = k->next)
if (k->kid[0] == kid[0] && k->kid[1] == kid[1])
return; /* already in table */
kk = new_key_item ();
kk->kid[0] = kid[0];
kk->kid[1] = kid[1];
kk->next = tbl[i];
tbl[i] = kk;
* Release a key_array
static void
release_key_array ( struct key_array *keys )
struct key_array *k;
if (keys) {
for (k=keys; k->keyblock; k++)
release_kbnode (k->keyblock);
xfree (keys);
********** Initialization *****************
* Used to register extra ultimately trusted keys - this has to be done
* before initializing the validation module.
* FIXME: Should be replaced by a function to add those keys to the trustdb.
tdb_register_trusted_keyid (u32 *keyid)
struct key_item *k;
k = new_key_item ();
k->kid[0] = keyid[0];
k->kid[1] = keyid[1];
k->next = user_utk_list;
user_utk_list = k;
tdb_register_trusted_key( const char *string )
gpg_error_t err;
err = classify_user_id (string, &desc, 1);
if (err || desc.mode != KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_LONG_KID )
log_error(_("'%s' is not a valid long keyID\n"), string );
* Helper to add a key to the global list of ultimately trusted keys.
* Retruns: true = inserted, false = already in in list.
static int
add_utk (u32 *kid)
struct key_item *k;
if (tdb_keyid_is_utk (kid))
return 0;
k = new_key_item ();
k->kid[0] = kid[0];
k->kid[1] = kid[1];
k->ownertrust = TRUST_ULTIMATE;
k->next = utk_list;
utk_list = k;
if( opt.verbose > 1 )
log_info(_("key %s: accepted as trusted key\n"), keystr(kid));
return 1;
* Verify that all our secret keys are usable and put them into the utk_list.
static void
ulong recnum;
int rc;
struct key_item *k;
if (utk_list)
/* scan the trustdb to find all ultimately trusted keys */
for (recnum=1; !tdbio_read_record (recnum, &rec, 0); recnum++ )
if ( rec.rectype == RECTYPE_TRUST
byte *fpr =;
int fprlen;
u32 kid[2];
/* Problem: We do only use fingerprints in the trustdb but
* we need the keyID here to indetify the key; we can only
* use that ugly hack to distinguish between 16 and 20
* butes fpr - it does not work always so we better change
* the whole validation code to only work with
* fingerprints */
fprlen = (!fpr[16] && !fpr[17] && !fpr[18] && !fpr[19])? 16:20;
keyid_from_fingerprint (fpr, fprlen, kid);
if (!add_utk (kid))
log_info(_("key %s occurs more than once in the trustdb\n"),
/* Put any --trusted-key keys into the trustdb */
for (k = user_utk_list; k; k = k->next)
if ( add_utk (k->kid) )
{ /* not yet in trustDB as ultimately trusted */
PKT_public_key pk;
memset (&pk, 0, sizeof pk);
rc = get_pubkey (&pk, k->kid);
if (rc)
log_info(_("key %s: no public key for trusted key - skipped\n"),
tdb_update_ownertrust (&pk,
((tdb_get_ownertrust (&pk) & ~TRUST_MASK)
release_public_key_parts (&pk);
log_info (_("key %s marked as ultimately trusted\n"),keystr(k->kid));
/* release the helper table table */
release_key_items (user_utk_list);
user_utk_list = NULL;
/* Returns whether KID is on the list of ultimately trusted keys. */
tdb_keyid_is_utk (u32 *kid)
struct key_item *k;
for (k = utk_list; k; k = k->next)
if (k->kid[0] == kid[0] && k->kid[1] == kid[1])
return 1;
return 0;
*********** TrustDB stuff *******************
* Read a record but die if it does not exist
static void
read_record (ulong recno, TRUSTREC *rec, int rectype )
int rc = tdbio_read_record (recno, rec, rectype);
if (rc)
log_error(_("trust record %lu, req type %d: read failed: %s\n"),
recno, rec->rectype, gpg_strerror (rc) );
if (rectype != rec->rectype)
log_error(_("trust record %lu is not of requested type %d\n"),
rec->recnum, rectype);
* Write a record and die on error
static void
write_record (TRUSTREC *rec)
int rc = tdbio_write_record (rec);
if (rc)
log_error(_("trust record %lu, type %d: write failed: %s\n"),
rec->recnum, rec->rectype, gpg_strerror (rc) );
* sync the TrustDb and die on error
static void
int rc = tdbio_sync ();
log_error (_("trustdb: sync failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc) );
const char *
trust_model_string (int model)
switch (model)
case TM_CLASSIC: return "classic";
case TM_PGP: return "pgp";
case TM_EXTERNAL: return "external";
case TM_TOFU: return "tofu";
case TM_TOFU_PGP: return "tofu+pgp";
case TM_ALWAYS: return "always";
case TM_DIRECT: return "direct";
default: return "unknown";
* Perform some checks over the trustdb
* level 0: only open the db
* 1: used for initial program startup
setup_trustdb( int level, const char *dbname )
/* just store the args */
if( trustdb_args.init )
return 0;
trustdb_args.level = level;
trustdb_args.dbname = dbname? xstrdup(dbname): NULL;
return 0;
how_to_fix_the_trustdb ()
const char *name = trustdb_args.dbname;
if (!name)
name = "trustdb.gpg";
log_info (_("You may try to re-create the trustdb using the commands:\n"));
log_info (" cd %s\n", default_homedir ());
log_info (" %s --export-ownertrust > otrust.tmp\n", GPG_NAME);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
log_info (" del %s\n", name);
log_info (" rm %s\n", name);
log_info (" %s --import-ownertrust < otrust.tmp\n", GPG_NAME);
log_info (_("If that does not work, please consult the manual\n"));
init_trustdb ()
int level = trustdb_args.level;
const char* dbname = trustdb_args.dbname;
if( trustdb_args.init )
trustdb_args.init = 1;
if(level==0 || level==1)
int rc = tdbio_set_dbname( dbname, !!level, &trustdb_args.no_trustdb);
if( rc )
log_fatal("can't init trustdb: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) );
/* Try and set the trust model off of whatever the trustdb says
it is. */
/* Sanity check this ;) */
if(opt.trust_model != TM_CLASSIC
&& opt.trust_model != TM_PGP
&& opt.trust_model != TM_TOFU_PGP
&& opt.trust_model != TM_TOFU
&& opt.trust_model != TM_EXTERNAL)
log_info(_("unable to use unknown trust model (%d) - "
"assuming %s trust model\n"),opt.trust_model,"pgp");
opt.trust_model = TM_PGP;
log_info(_("using %s trust model\n"),
trust_model_string (opt.trust_model));
if (opt.trust_model==TM_PGP || opt.trust_model==TM_CLASSIC
|| opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU || opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU_PGP)
/* Verify the list of ultimately trusted keys and move the
--trusted-keys list there as well. */
* Recreate the WoT but do not ask for new ownertrusts. Special
* feature: In batch mode and without a forced yes, this is only done
* when a check is due. This can be used to run the check from a crontab
check_trustdb (ctrl_t ctrl)
if (opt.trust_model == TM_PGP || opt.trust_model == TM_CLASSIC
|| opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU_PGP || opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU)
if (opt.batch && !opt.answer_yes)
ulong scheduled;
scheduled = tdbio_read_nextcheck ();
if (!scheduled)
log_info (_("no need for a trustdb check\n"));
if (scheduled > make_timestamp ())
log_info (_("next trustdb check due at %s\n"),
strtimestamp (scheduled));
validate_keys (ctrl, 0);
log_info (_("no need for a trustdb check with '%s' trust model\n"),
* Recreate the WoT.
update_trustdb (ctrl_t ctrl)
init_trustdb ();
if (opt.trust_model == TM_PGP || opt.trust_model == TM_CLASSIC
|| opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU_PGP || opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU)
validate_keys (ctrl, 1);
log_info (_("no need for a trustdb update with '%s' trust model\n"),
tdb_revalidation_mark (void)
if (trustdb_args.no_trustdb && opt.trust_model == TM_ALWAYS)
/* We simply set the time for the next check to 1 (far back in 1970)
so that a --update-trustdb will be scheduled. */
if (tdbio_write_nextcheck (1))
do_sync ();
pending_check_trustdb = 1;
return pending_check_trustdb;
/* If the trustdb is dirty, and we're interactive, update it.
Otherwise, check it unless no-auto-check-trustdb is set. */
tdb_check_or_update (ctrl_t ctrl)
if (trustdb_pending_check ())
if (opt.interactive)
update_trustdb (ctrl);
else if (!opt.no_auto_check_trustdb)
check_trustdb (ctrl);
read_trust_options(byte *trust_model,ulong *created,ulong *nextcheck,
byte *marginals,byte *completes,byte *cert_depth,
byte *min_cert_level)
if (trustdb_args.no_trustdb && opt.trust_model == TM_ALWAYS)
memset (&opts, 0, sizeof opts);
read_record (0, &opts, RECTYPE_VER);
*********** Ownertrust et al. ****************
static int
read_trust_record (PKT_public_key *pk, TRUSTREC *rec)
int rc;
rc = tdbio_search_trust_bypk (pk, rec);
if (rc)
if (gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
log_error ("trustdb: searching trust record failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
if (rec->rectype != RECTYPE_TRUST)
log_error ("trustdb: record %lu is not a trust record\n",
return 0;
* Return the assigned ownertrust value for the given public key.
* The key should be the primary key.
unsigned int
tdb_get_ownertrust ( PKT_public_key *pk)
gpg_error_t err;
if (trustdb_args.no_trustdb && opt.trust_model == TM_ALWAYS)
err = read_trust_record (pk, &rec);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
return TRUST_UNKNOWN; /* no record yet */
if (err)
tdbio_invalid ();
return TRUST_UNKNOWN; /* actually never reached */
unsigned int
tdb_get_min_ownertrust (PKT_public_key *pk)
gpg_error_t err;
if (trustdb_args.no_trustdb && opt.trust_model == TM_ALWAYS)
err = read_trust_record (pk, &rec);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
return TRUST_UNKNOWN; /* no record yet */
if (err)
tdbio_invalid ();
return TRUST_UNKNOWN; /* actually never reached */
* Set the trust value of the given public key to the new value.
* The key should be a primary one.
tdb_update_ownertrust (PKT_public_key *pk, unsigned int new_trust )
gpg_error_t err;
if (trustdb_args.no_trustdb && opt.trust_model == TM_ALWAYS)
err = read_trust_record (pk, &rec);
if (!err)
log_debug ("update ownertrust from %u to %u\n",
(unsigned int), new_trust );
if ( != new_trust)
{ = new_trust;
write_record( &rec );
tdb_revalidation_mark ();
do_sync ();
else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
{ /* no record yet - create a new one */
size_t dummy;
log_debug ("insert ownertrust %u\n", new_trust );
memset (&rec, 0, sizeof rec);
rec.recnum = tdbio_new_recnum ();
rec.rectype = RECTYPE_TRUST;
fingerprint_from_pk (pk,, &dummy); = new_trust;
write_record (&rec);
tdb_revalidation_mark ();
do_sync ();
tdbio_invalid ();
static void
update_min_ownertrust (u32 *kid, unsigned int new_trust )
PKT_public_key *pk;
gpg_error_t err;
if (trustdb_args.no_trustdb && opt.trust_model == TM_ALWAYS)
pk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pk);
err = get_pubkey (pk, kid);
if (err)
log_error (_("public key %s not found: %s\n"),
keystr (kid), gpg_strerror (err));
err = read_trust_record (pk, &rec);
if (!err)
log_debug ("key %08lX%08lX: update min_ownertrust from %u to %u\n",
(unsigned int),
new_trust );
if ( != new_trust)
{ = new_trust;
write_record( &rec );
tdb_revalidation_mark ();
do_sync ();
else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
{ /* no record yet - create a new one */
size_t dummy;
log_debug ("insert min_ownertrust %u\n", new_trust );
memset (&rec, 0, sizeof rec);
rec.recnum = tdbio_new_recnum ();
rec.rectype = RECTYPE_TRUST;
fingerprint_from_pk (pk,, &dummy); = new_trust;
write_record (&rec);
tdb_revalidation_mark ();
do_sync ();
tdbio_invalid ();
* Clear the ownertrust and min_ownertrust values.
* Return: True if a change actually happened.
tdb_clear_ownertrusts (PKT_public_key *pk)
gpg_error_t err;
init_trustdb ();
if (trustdb_args.no_trustdb && opt.trust_model == TM_ALWAYS)
return 0;
err = read_trust_record (pk, &rec);
if (!err)
log_debug ("clearing ownertrust (old value %u)\n",
(unsigned int);
log_debug ("clearing min_ownertrust (old value %u)\n",
(unsigned int);
if ( ||
{ = 0; = 0;
write_record( &rec );
tdb_revalidation_mark ();
do_sync ();
return 1;
else if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
tdbio_invalid ();
return 0;
* Note: Caller has to do a sync
static void
update_validity (PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *uid,
int depth, int validity)
TRUSTREC trec, vrec;
gpg_error_t err;
ulong recno;
err = read_trust_record (pk, &trec);
if (err && gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
tdbio_invalid ();
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
/* No record yet - create a new one. */
size_t dummy;
memset (&trec, 0, sizeof trec);
trec.recnum = tdbio_new_recnum ();
trec.rectype = RECTYPE_TRUST;
fingerprint_from_pk (pk,, &dummy); = 0;
/* locate an existing one */
recno =;
while (recno)
read_record (recno, &vrec, RECTYPE_VALID);
if ( !memcmp (vrec.r.valid.namehash, uid->namehash, 20) )
recno =;
if (!recno) /* insert a new validity record */
memset (&vrec, 0, sizeof vrec);
vrec.recnum = tdbio_new_recnum ();
vrec.rectype = RECTYPE_VALID;
memcpy (vrec.r.valid.namehash, uid->namehash, 20); =; = vrec.recnum;
vrec.r.valid.validity = validity;
vrec.r.valid.full_count = uid->help_full_count;
vrec.r.valid.marginal_count = uid->help_marginal_count;
write_record (&vrec); = depth;
write_record (&trec);
********* Query trustdb values **************
/* Return true if key is disabled. Note that this is usually used via
the pk_is_disabled macro. */
tdb_cache_disabled_value (PKT_public_key *pk)
gpg_error_t err;
int disabled = 0;
if (pk->flags.disabled_valid)
return pk->flags.disabled;
if (trustdb_args.no_trustdb)
return 0; /* No trustdb => not disabled. */
err = read_trust_record (pk, &trec);
if (err && gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
tdbio_invalid ();
goto leave;
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
/* No record found, so assume not disabled. */
goto leave;
disabled = 1;
/* Cache it for later so we don't need to look at the trustdb every
time */
pk->flags.disabled = disabled;
pk->flags.disabled_valid = 1;
return disabled;
tdb_check_trustdb_stale (ctrl_t ctrl)
static int did_nextcheck=0;
init_trustdb ();
if (trustdb_args.no_trustdb)
return; /* No trustdb => can't be stale. */
if (!did_nextcheck
&& (opt.trust_model == TM_PGP || opt.trust_model == TM_CLASSIC
|| opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU_PGP || opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU))
ulong scheduled;
did_nextcheck = 1;
scheduled = tdbio_read_nextcheck ();
if ((scheduled && scheduled <= make_timestamp ())
|| pending_check_trustdb)
if (opt.no_auto_check_trustdb)
pending_check_trustdb = 1;
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("please do a --check-trustdb\n"));
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("checking the trustdb\n"));
validate_keys (ctrl, 0);
* Return the validity information for PK. This is the core of
* get_validity. If SIG is not NULL, then the trust is being
* evaluated in the context of the provided signature. This is used
* by the TOFU code to record statistics.
unsigned int
tdb_get_validity_core (ctrl_t ctrl,
PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *uid,
PKT_public_key *main_pk,
PKT_signature *sig,
int may_ask)
TRUSTREC trec, vrec;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
ulong recno;
#ifdef USE_TOFU
unsigned int tofu_validity = TRUST_UNKNOWN;
unsigned int validity = TRUST_UNKNOWN;
#ifndef USE_TOFU
init_trustdb ();
/* If we have no trustdb (which also means it has not been created)
and the trust-model is always, we don't know the validity -
return immediately. If we won't do that the tdbio code would try
to open the trustdb and run into a fatal error. */
if (trustdb_args.no_trustdb && opt.trust_model == TM_ALWAYS)
check_trustdb_stale (ctrl);
/* Note that this happens BEFORE any user ID stuff is checked.
The direct trust model applies to keys as a whole. */
validity = tdb_get_ownertrust (main_pk);
goto leave;
#ifdef USE_TOFU
if (opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU || opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU_PGP)
kbnode_t kb = NULL;
kbnode_t n = NULL;
strlist_t user_id_list = NULL;
int done = 0;
/* If the caller didn't supply a user id then use all uids. */
if (! uid)
kb = n = get_pubkeyblock (main_pk->keyid);
if (DBG_TRUST && sig && sig->signers_uid)
log_debug ("TOFU: only considering user id: '%s'\n",
while (!done && (uid || (n = find_next_kbnode (n, PKT_USER_ID))))
PKT_user_id *user_id;
int expired = 0;
if (uid)
user_id = uid;
/* If the caller specified a user id, then we only
process the specified user id and are done after the
first iteration. */
done = 1;
user_id = n->pkt->pkt.user_id;
if (user_id->attrib_data)
/* Skip user attributes. */
if (sig && sig->signers_uid)
/* Make sure the UID matches. */
char *email = mailbox_from_userid (user_id->name);
if (!email || !*email || strcmp (sig->signers_uid, email) != 0)
log_debug ("TOFU: skipping user id '%s', which does"
" not match the signer's email ('%s')\n",
email, sig->signers_uid);
xfree (email);
xfree (email);
/* If the user id is revoked or expired, then skip it. */
if (user_id->is_revoked || user_id->is_expired)
char *s;
if (user_id->is_revoked && user_id->is_expired)
s = "revoked and expired";
else if (user_id->is_revoked)
s = "revoked";
s = "expire";
log_debug ("TOFU: Ignoring %s user id (%s)\n",
s, user_id->name);
if (user_id->is_revoked)
expired = 1;
add_to_strlist (&user_id_list, user_id->name);
user_id_list->flags = expired;
/* Process the user ids in the order they appear in the key
block. */
strlist_rev (&user_id_list);
/* It only makes sense to observe any signature before getting
the validity. This is because if the current signature
results in a conflict, then we damn well want to take that
into account. */
if (sig)
err = tofu_register_signature (ctrl, main_pk, user_id_list,
sig->digest, sig->digest_len,
sig->timestamp, "unknown");
if (err)
log_error ("TOFU: error registering signature: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
tofu_validity = TRUST_UNKNOWN;
if (! err)
tofu_validity = tofu_get_validity (ctrl, main_pk, user_id_list,
free_strlist (user_id_list);
release_kbnode (kb);
#endif /*USE_TOFU*/
if (opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU_PGP
|| opt.trust_model == TM_CLASSIC
|| opt.trust_model == TM_PGP)
err = read_trust_record (main_pk, &trec);
if (err && gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
tdbio_invalid ();
return 0;
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
/* No record found. */
validity = TRUST_UNKNOWN;
goto leave;
/* Loop over all user IDs */
recno =;
validity = 0;
while (recno)
read_record (recno, &vrec, RECTYPE_VALID);
/* If a user ID is given we return the validity for that
user ID ONLY. If the namehash is not found, then
there is no validity at all (i.e. the user ID wasn't
signed). */
validity=(vrec.r.valid.validity & TRUST_MASK);
/* If no user ID is given, we take the maximum validity
over all user IDs */
if (validity < (vrec.r.valid.validity & TRUST_MASK))
validity = (vrec.r.valid.validity & TRUST_MASK);
recno =;
pk->flags.disabled = 1;
pk->flags.disabled = 0;
pk->flags.disabled_valid = 1;
#ifdef USE_TOFU
validity = tofu_wot_trust_combine (tofu_validity, validity);
#else /*!USE_TOFU*/
validity &= TRUST_MASK;
if (validity == TRUST_NEVER)
/* TRUST_NEVER trumps everything else. */
validity |= TRUST_NEVER;
if (validity == TRUST_EXPIRED)
/* TRUST_EXPIRED trumps everything but TRUST_NEVER. */
validity |= TRUST_EXPIRED;
#endif /*!USE_TOFU*/
if (opt.trust_model != TM_TOFU
&& pending_check_trustdb)
return validity;
static void
get_validity_counts (PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *uid)
TRUSTREC trec, vrec;
ulong recno;
if(pk==NULL || uid==NULL)
init_trustdb ();
if(read_trust_record (pk, &trec))
/* loop over all user IDs */
recno =;
while (recno)
read_record (recno, &vrec, RECTYPE_VALID);
/* es_printf("Fetched marginal %d, full %d\n",uid->help_marginal_count,uid->help_full_count); */
recno =;
list_trust_path( const char *username )
* Enumerate all keys, which are needed to build all trust paths for
* the given key. This function does not return the key itself or
* the ultimate key (the last point in cerificate chain). Only
* certificate chains which ends up at an ultimately trusted key
* are listed. If ownertrust or validity is not NULL, the corresponding
* value for the returned LID is also returned in these variable(s).
* 1) create a void pointer and initialize it to NULL
* 2) pass this void pointer by reference to this function.
* Set lid to the key you want to enumerate and pass it by reference.
* 3) call this function as long as it does not return -1
* to indicate EOF. LID does contain the next key used to build the web
* 4) Always call this function a last time with LID set to NULL,
* so that it can free its context.
* Returns: -1 on EOF or the level of the returned LID
enum_cert_paths( void **context, ulong *lid,
unsigned *ownertrust, unsigned *validity )
return -1;
* Print the current path
enum_cert_paths_print (void **context, FILE *fp,
int refresh, ulong selected_lid)
*********** NEW NEW NEW ****************
static int
ask_ownertrust (ctrl_t ctrl, u32 *kid, int minimum)
PKT_public_key *pk;
int rc;
int ot;
pk = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *pk);
rc = get_pubkey (pk, kid);
if (rc)
log_error (_("public key %s not found: %s\n"),
keystr(kid), gpg_strerror (rc) );
log_info("force trust for key %s to %s\n",
tdb_update_ownertrust (pk, opt.force_ownertrust);
ot=edit_ownertrust (ctrl, pk, 0);
ot = tdb_get_ownertrust (pk);
else if(ot==0)
ot = minimum?minimum:TRUST_UNDEFINED;
ot = -1; /* quit */
free_public_key( pk );
return ot;
static void
mark_keyblock_seen (KeyHashTable tbl, KBNODE node)
for ( ;node; node = node->next )
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
u32 aki[2];
keyid_from_pk (node->pkt->pkt.public_key, aki);
add_key_hash_table (tbl, aki);
static void
dump_key_array (int depth, struct key_array *keys)
struct key_array *kar;
for (kar=keys; kar->keyblock; kar++)
KBNODE node = kar->keyblock;
u32 kid[2];
keyid_from_pk(node->pkt->pkt.public_key, kid);
es_printf ("%d:%08lX%08lX:K::%c::::\n",
depth, (ulong)kid[0], (ulong)kid[1], '?');
for (; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
int len = node->pkt->pkt.user_id->len;
if (len > 30)
len = 30;
es_printf ("%d:%08lX%08lX:U:::%c:::",
depth, (ulong)kid[0], (ulong)kid[1],
(node->flag & 4)? 'f':
(node->flag & 2)? 'm':
(node->flag & 1)? 'q':'-');
es_write_sanitized (es_stdout, node->pkt->pkt.user_id->name,
len, ":", NULL);
es_putc (':', es_stdout);
es_putc ('\n', es_stdout);
static void
store_validation_status (int depth, KBNODE keyblock, KeyHashTable stored)
KBNODE node;
int status;
int any = 0;
for (node=keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
PKT_user_id *uid = node->pkt->pkt.user_id;
if (node->flag & 4)
status = TRUST_FULLY;
else if (node->flag & 2)
else if (node->flag & 1)
status = 0;
if (status)
update_validity (keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key,
uid, depth, status);
any = 1;
if (any)
do_sync ();
/* Returns a sanitized copy of the regexp (which might be "", but not
NULL). */
static char *
sanitize_regexp(const char *old)
size_t start=0,len=strlen(old),idx=0;
int escaped=0,standard_bracket=0;
char *new=xmalloc((len*2)+1); /* enough to \-escape everything if we
have to */
/* There are basically two commonly-used regexps here. GPG and most
versions of PGP use "<[^>]+[@.]example\.com>$" and PGP (9)
command line uses "" (i.e. whatever the user specfies,
and we can't expect users know to use "\." instead of "."). So
here are the rules: we're allowed to start with "<[^>]+[@.]" and
end with ">$" or start and end with nothing. In between, the
only legal regex character is ".", and everything else gets
escaped. Part of the gotcha here is that some regex packages
allow more than RFC-4880 requires. For example, 4880 has no "{}"
operator, but GNU regex does. Commenting removes these operators
from consideration. A possible future enhancement is to use
commenting to effectively back off a given regex to the Henry
Spencer syntax in 4880. -dshaw */
/* Are we bracketed between "<[^>]+[@.]" and ">$" ? */
if(len>=12 && strncmp(old,"<[^>]+[@.]",10)==0
&& old[len-2]=='>' && old[len-1]=='$')
/* Walk the remaining characters and ensure that everything that is
left is not an operational regex character. */
if(!escaped && old[start]=='\\')
else if(!escaped && old[start]!='.')
/* Note that the (sub)string we look at might end with a bare "\".
If it does, leave it that way. If the regexp actually ended with
">$", then it was escaping the ">" and is fine. If the regexp
actually ended with the bare "\", then it's an illegal regexp and
regcomp should kick it out. */
return new;
#endif /*!DISABLE_REGEX*/
/* Used by validate_one_keyblock to confirm a regexp within a trust
signature. Returns 1 for match, and 0 for no match or regex
error. */
static int
check_regexp(const char *expr,const char *string)
/* When DISABLE_REGEX is defined, assume all regexps do not
match. */
return 0;
int ret;
char *regexp;
#ifdef __riscos__
ret=riscos_check_regexp(expr, string, DBG_TRUST);
regex_t pat;
log_debug("regexp '%s' ('%s') on '%s': %s\n",
return ret;
* Return true if the key is signed by one of the keys in the given
* key ID list. User IDs with a valid signature are marked by node
* flags as follows:
* flag bit 0: There is at least one signature
* 1: There is marginal confidence that this is a legitimate uid
* 2: There is full confidence that this is a legitimate uid.
* 8: Used for internal purposes.
* 9: Ditto (in mark_usable_uid_certs())
* 10: Ditto (ditto)
* This function assumes that all kbnode flags are cleared on entry.
static int
validate_one_keyblock (KBNODE kb, struct key_item *klist,
u32 curtime, u32 *next_expire)
struct key_item *kr;
KBNODE node, uidnode=NULL;
PKT_user_id *uid=NULL;
PKT_public_key *pk = kb->pkt->pkt.public_key;
u32 main_kid[2];
int issigned=0, any_signed = 0;
keyid_from_pk(pk, main_kid);
for (node=kb; node; node = node->next)
/* A bit of discussion here: is it better for the web of trust
to be built among only self-signed uids? On the one hand, a
self-signed uid is a statement that the key owner definitely
intended that uid to be there, but on the other hand, a
signed (but not self-signed) uid does carry trust, of a sort,
even if it is a statement being made by people other than the
key owner "through" the uids on the key owner's key. I'm
going with the latter. However, if the user ID was
explicitly revoked, or passively allowed to expire, that
should stop validity through the user ID until it is
resigned. -dshaw */
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
&& !node->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_revoked
&& !node->pkt->pkt.user_id->is_expired)
if (uidnode && issigned)
if (uid->help_full_count >= opt.completes_needed
|| uid->help_marginal_count >= opt.marginals_needed )
uidnode->flag |= 4;
else if (uid->help_full_count || uid->help_marginal_count)
uidnode->flag |= 2;
uidnode->flag |= 1;
any_signed = 1;
uidnode = node;
/* If the selfsig is going to expire... */
if(uid->expiredate && uid->expiredate<*next_expire)
*next_expire = uid->expiredate;
issigned = 0;
mark_usable_uid_certs (kb, uidnode, main_kid, klist,
curtime, next_expire);
else if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE
&& (node->flag & (1<<8)) && uid)
/* Note that we are only seeing unrevoked sigs here */
PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature;
kr = is_in_klist (klist, sig);
/* If the trust_regexp does not match, it's as if the sig
did not exist. This is safe for non-trust sigs as well
since we don't accept a regexp on the sig unless it's a
trust sig. */
if (kr && (!kr->trust_regexp
|| !(opt.trust_model == TM_PGP
|| opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU_PGP)
|| (uidnode
&& check_regexp(kr->trust_regexp,
/* Are we part of a trust sig chain? We always favor
the latest trust sig, rather than the greater or
lesser trust sig or value. I could make a decent
argument for any of these cases, but this seems to be
what PGP does, and I'd like to be compatible. -dms */
if ((opt.trust_model == TM_PGP
|| opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU_PGP)
&& sig->trust_depth
&& pk->trust_timestamp <= sig->timestamp)
unsigned char depth;
/* If the depth on the signature is less than the
chain currently has, then use the signature depth
so we don't increase the depth beyond what the
signer wanted. If the depth on the signature is
more than the chain currently has, then use the
chain depth so we use as much of the signature
depth as the chain will permit. An ultimately
trusted signature can restart the depth to
whatever level it likes. */
if (sig->trust_depth < kr->trust_depth
|| kr->ownertrust == TRUST_ULTIMATE)
depth = sig->trust_depth;
depth = kr->trust_depth;
if (depth)
log_debug ("trust sig on %s, sig depth is %d,"
" kr depth is %d\n",
/* If we got here, we know that:
this is a trust sig.
it's a newer trust sig than any previous trust
sig on this key (not uid).
it is legal in that it was either generated by an
ultimate key, or a key that was part of a trust
chain, and the depth does not violate the
original trust sig.
if there is a regexp attached, it matched
log_debug ("replacing trust value %d with %d and "
"depth %d with %d\n",
pk->trust_value = sig->trust_value;
pk->trust_depth = depth-1;
/* If the trust sig contains a regexp, record it
on the pk for the next round. */
if (sig->trust_regexp)
pk->trust_regexp = sig->trust_regexp;
if (kr->ownertrust == TRUST_ULTIMATE)
uid->help_full_count = opt.completes_needed;
else if (kr->ownertrust == TRUST_FULLY)
else if (kr->ownertrust == TRUST_MARGINAL)
issigned = 1;
if (uidnode && issigned)
if (uid->help_full_count >= opt.completes_needed
|| uid->help_marginal_count >= opt.marginals_needed )
uidnode->flag |= 4;
else if (uid->help_full_count || uid->help_marginal_count)
uidnode->flag |= 2;
uidnode->flag |= 1;
any_signed = 1;
return any_signed;
static int
search_skipfnc (void *opaque, u32 *kid, int dummy_uid_no)
return test_key_hash_table ((KeyHashTable)opaque, kid);
* Scan all keys and return a key_array of all suitable keys from
* kllist. The caller has to pass keydb handle so that we don't use
* to create our own. Returns either a key_array or NULL in case of
* an error. No results found are indicated by an empty array.
* Caller hast to release the returned array.
static struct key_array *
validate_key_list (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, KeyHashTable full_trust,
struct key_item *klist, u32 curtime, u32 *next_expire)
KBNODE keyblock = NULL;
struct key_array *keys = NULL;
size_t nkeys, maxkeys;
int rc;
maxkeys = 1000;
keys = xmalloc ((maxkeys+1) * sizeof *keys);
nkeys = 0;
rc = keydb_search_reset (hd);
if (rc)
log_error ("keydb_search_reset failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (keys);
return NULL;
memset (&desc, 0, sizeof desc);
desc.skipfnc = search_skipfnc;
desc.skipfncvalue = full_trust;
rc = keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1, NULL);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
keys[nkeys].keyblock = NULL;
return keys;
if (rc)
log_error ("keydb_search(first) failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto die;
desc.mode = KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NEXT; /* change mode */
PKT_public_key *pk;
rc = keydb_get_keyblock (hd, &keyblock);
if (rc)
log_error ("keydb_get_keyblock failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto die;
if ( keyblock->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
log_debug ("ooops: invalid pkttype %d encountered\n",
dump_kbnode (keyblock);
/* prepare the keyblock for further processing */
merge_keys_and_selfsig (keyblock);
clear_kbnode_flags (keyblock);
pk = keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
if (pk->has_expired || pk->flags.revoked)
/* it does not make sense to look further at those keys */
mark_keyblock_seen (full_trust, keyblock);
else if (validate_one_keyblock (keyblock, klist, curtime, next_expire))
KBNODE node;
if (pk->expiredate && pk->expiredate >= curtime
&& pk->expiredate < *next_expire)
*next_expire = pk->expiredate;
if (nkeys == maxkeys) {
maxkeys += 1000;
keys = xrealloc (keys, (maxkeys+1) * sizeof *keys);
keys[nkeys++].keyblock = keyblock;
/* Optimization - if all uids are fully trusted, then we
never need to consider this key as a candidate again. */
for (node=keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID && !(node->flag & 4))
mark_keyblock_seen (full_trust, keyblock);
keyblock = NULL;
release_kbnode (keyblock);
keyblock = NULL;
while (!(rc = keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1, NULL)));
if (rc && gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
log_error ("keydb_search_next failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto die;
keys[nkeys].keyblock = NULL;
return keys;
keys[nkeys].keyblock = NULL;
release_key_array (keys);
return NULL;
/* Caller must sync */
static void
ulong recnum;
int count = 0, nreset = 0;
for (recnum=1; !tdbio_read_record (recnum, &rec, 0); recnum++ )
else if(rec.rectype==RECTYPE_VALID
&& ((rec.r.valid.validity&TRUST_MASK)
|| rec.r.valid.marginal_count
|| rec.r.valid.full_count))
rec.r.valid.validity &= ~TRUST_MASK;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (ngettext("%d key processed",
"%d keys processed",
count), count);
log_printf (ngettext(" (%d validity count cleared)\n",
" (%d validity counts cleared)\n",
nreset), nreset);
* Run the key validation procedure.
* This works this way:
* Step 1: Find all ultimately trusted keys (UTK).
* mark them all as seen and put them into klist.
* Step 2: loop max_cert_times
* Step 3: if OWNERTRUST of any key in klist is undefined
* ask user to assign ownertrust
* Step 4: Loop over all keys in the keyDB which are not marked seen
* Step 5: if key is revoked or expired
* mark key as seen
* continue loop at Step 4
* Step 6: For each user ID of that key signed by a key in klist
* Calculate validity by counting trusted signatures.
* Set validity of user ID
* Step 7: If any signed user ID was found
* mark key as seen
* End Loop
* Step 8: Build a new klist from all fully trusted keys from step 6
* End Loop
* Ready
static int
validate_keys (ctrl_t ctrl, int interactive)
int rc = 0;
int quit=0;
struct key_item *klist = NULL;
struct key_item *k;
struct key_array *keys = NULL;
struct key_array *kar;
KBNODE node;
int depth;
int ot_unknown, ot_undefined, ot_never, ot_marginal, ot_full, ot_ultimate;
KeyHashTable stored,used,full_trust;
u32 start_time, next_expire;
/* Make sure we have all sigs cached. TODO: This is going to
require some architectural re-thinking, as it is agonizingly slow.
Perhaps combine this with reset_trust_records(), or only check
the caches on keys that are actually involved in the web of
trust. */
kdb = keydb_new ();
if (!kdb)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
start_time = make_timestamp ();
next_expire = 0xffffffff; /* set next expire to the year 2106 */
stored = new_key_hash_table ();
used = new_key_hash_table ();
full_trust = new_key_hash_table ();
/* Fixme: Instead of always building a UTK list, we could just build it
* here when needed */
if (!utk_list)
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("no ultimately trusted keys found\n"));
goto leave;
/* mark all UTKs as used and fully_trusted and set validity to
ultimate */
for (k=utk_list; k; k = k->next)
KBNODE keyblock;
PKT_public_key *pk;
keyblock = get_pubkeyblock (k->kid);
if (!keyblock)
log_error (_("public key of ultimately"
" trusted key %s not found\n"), keystr(k->kid));
mark_keyblock_seen (used, keyblock);
mark_keyblock_seen (stored, keyblock);
mark_keyblock_seen (full_trust, keyblock);
pk = keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key;
for (node=keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
update_validity (pk, node->pkt->pkt.user_id, 0, TRUST_ULTIMATE);
if ( pk->expiredate && pk->expiredate >= start_time
&& pk->expiredate < next_expire)
next_expire = pk->expiredate;
release_kbnode (keyblock);
do_sync ();
if (opt.trust_model == TM_TOFU)
/* In the TOFU trust model, we only need to save the ultimately
trusted keys. */
goto leave;
klist = utk_list;
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info ("marginals needed: %d completes needed: %d trust model: %s\n",
opt.marginals_needed, opt.completes_needed,
trust_model_string (opt.trust_model));
for (depth=0; depth < opt.max_cert_depth; depth++)
int valids=0,key_count;
/* See whether we should assign ownertrust values to the keys in
klist. */
ot_unknown = ot_undefined = ot_never = 0;
ot_marginal = ot_full = ot_ultimate = 0;
for (k=klist; k; k = k->next)
int min=0;
/* 120 and 60 are as per RFC2440 */
else if(k->trust_value>=60)
if (interactive && k->ownertrust == TRUST_UNKNOWN)
k->ownertrust = ask_ownertrust (ctrl, k->kid,min);
if (k->ownertrust == (unsigned int)(-1))
goto leave;
/* This can happen during transition from an old trustdb
before trust sigs. It can also happen if a user uses two
different versions of GnuPG or changes the --trust-model
setting. */
log_debug("key %08lX%08lX:"
" overriding ownertrust '%s' with '%s'\n",
if (k->ownertrust == TRUST_UNKNOWN)
else if (k->ownertrust == TRUST_UNDEFINED)
else if (k->ownertrust == TRUST_NEVER)
else if (k->ownertrust == TRUST_MARGINAL)
else if (k->ownertrust == TRUST_FULLY)
else if (k->ownertrust == TRUST_ULTIMATE)
/* Find all keys which are signed by a key in kdlist */
keys = validate_key_list (kdb, full_trust, klist,
start_time, &next_expire);
if (!keys)
log_error ("validate_key_list failed\n");
goto leave;
for (key_count=0, kar=keys; kar->keyblock; kar++, key_count++)
/* Store the calculated valididation status somewhere */
if (opt.verbose > 1 && DBG_TRUST)
dump_key_array (depth, keys);
for (kar=keys; kar->keyblock; kar++)
store_validation_status (depth, kar->keyblock, stored);
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d"
" trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n"),
depth, valids, key_count, ot_unknown, ot_undefined,
ot_never, ot_marginal, ot_full, ot_ultimate );
/* Build a new kdlist from all fully valid keys in KEYS */
if (klist != utk_list)
release_key_items (klist);
klist = NULL;
for (kar=keys; kar->keyblock; kar++)
for (node=kar->keyblock; node; node = node->next)
if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID && (node->flag & 4))
u32 kid[2];
/* have we used this key already? */
keyid_from_pk (kar->keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key, kid);
/* Normally we add both the primary and subkey
ids to the hash via mark_keyblock_seen, but
since we aren't using this hash as a skipfnc,
that doesn't matter here. */
add_key_hash_table (used,kid);
k = new_key_item ();
k->ownertrust =
(kar->keyblock->pkt->pkt.public_key) & TRUST_MASK);
k->min_ownertrust = tdb_get_min_ownertrust
k->next = klist;
klist = k;
release_key_array (keys);
keys = NULL;
if (!klist)
break; /* no need to dive in deeper */
keydb_release (kdb);
release_key_array (keys);
if (klist != utk_list)
release_key_items (klist);
release_key_hash_table (full_trust);
release_key_hash_table (used);
release_key_hash_table (stored);
if (!rc && !quit) /* mark trustDB as checked */
int rc2;
if (next_expire == 0xffffffff || next_expire < start_time )
tdbio_write_nextcheck (0);
tdbio_write_nextcheck (next_expire);
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("next trustdb check due at %s\n"),
strtimestamp (next_expire));
rc2 = tdbio_update_version_record ();
if (rc2)
log_error (_("unable to update trustdb version record: "
"write failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc2));
tdbio_invalid ();
do_sync ();
pending_check_trustdb = 0;
return rc;
diff --git a/g10/trustdb.h b/g10/trustdb.h
index 47d7b72bf..77aa79da6 100644
--- a/g10/trustdb.h
+++ b/g10/trustdb.h
@@ -1,166 +1,166 @@
/* trustdb.h - Trust database
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
* 2005, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G10_TRUSTDB_H
#define G10_TRUSTDB_H
/* Trust values must be sorted in ascending order! */
#define TRUST_MASK 15
#define TRUST_UNKNOWN 0 /* o: not yet calculated/assigned */
#define TRUST_EXPIRED 1 /* e: calculation may be invalid */
#define TRUST_UNDEFINED 2 /* q: not enough information for calculation */
#define TRUST_NEVER 3 /* n: never trust this pubkey */
#define TRUST_MARGINAL 4 /* m: marginally trusted */
#define TRUST_FULLY 5 /* f: fully trusted */
#define TRUST_ULTIMATE 6 /* u: ultimately trusted */
/* Trust values not covered by the mask. */
#define TRUST_FLAG_REVOKED 32 /* r: revoked */
#define TRUST_FLAG_SUB_REVOKED 64 /* r: revoked but for subkeys */
#define TRUST_FLAG_DISABLED 128 /* d: key/uid disabled */
#define TRUST_FLAG_PENDING_CHECK 256 /* a check-trustdb is pending */
#define TRUST_FLAG_TOFU_BASED 512 /* The trust value is based on
* the TOFU information. */
/* Private value used in tofu.c - must be different from the trust
values. */
#define _tofu_GET_TRUST_ERROR 100
/* Length of the hash used to select UIDs in keyedit.c. */
#define NAMEHASH_LEN 20
* A structure to store key identification as well as some stuff needed
* for validation
struct key_item {
struct key_item *next;
unsigned int ownertrust,min_ownertrust;
byte trust_depth;
byte trust_value;
char *trust_regexp;
u32 kid[2];
* Check whether the signature SIG is in the klist K.
static inline struct key_item *
is_in_klist (struct key_item *k, PKT_signature *sig)
for (; k; k = k->next)
if (k->kid[0] == sig->keyid[0] && k->kid[1] == sig->keyid[1])
return k;
return NULL;
/*-- trust.c --*/
int cache_disabled_value (PKT_public_key *pk);
void register_trusted_keyid (u32 *keyid);
void register_trusted_key (const char *string);
const char *trust_value_to_string (unsigned int value);
int string_to_trust_value (const char *str);
const char *uid_trust_string_fixed (ctrl_t ctrl,
PKT_public_key *key, PKT_user_id *uid);
unsigned int get_ownertrust (PKT_public_key *pk);
void update_ownertrust (PKT_public_key *pk, unsigned int new_trust);
int clear_ownertrusts (PKT_public_key *pk);
void revalidation_mark (void);
void check_trustdb_stale (ctrl_t ctrl);
void check_or_update_trustdb (ctrl_t ctrl);
unsigned int get_validity (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *uid,
PKT_signature *sig, int may_ask);
int get_validity_info (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *uid);
const char *get_validity_string (ctrl_t ctrl,
PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *uid);
void mark_usable_uid_certs (kbnode_t keyblock, kbnode_t uidnode,
u32 *main_kid, struct key_item *klist,
u32 curtime, u32 *next_expire);
void clean_one_uid (kbnode_t keyblock, kbnode_t uidnode,
int noisy, int self_only,
int *uids_cleaned, int *sigs_cleaned);
void clean_key (kbnode_t keyblock, int noisy, int self_only,
int *uids_cleaned,int *sigs_cleaned);
/*-- trustdb.c --*/
void tdb_register_trusted_keyid (u32 *keyid);
void tdb_register_trusted_key (const char *string);
/* Returns whether KID is on the list of ultimately trusted keys. */
int tdb_keyid_is_utk (u32 *kid);
void check_trustdb (ctrl_t ctrl);
void update_trustdb (ctrl_t ctrl);
int setup_trustdb( int level, const char *dbname );
void how_to_fix_the_trustdb (void);
const char *trust_model_string (int model);
void init_trustdb( void );
void tdb_check_trustdb_stale (ctrl_t ctrl);
void sync_trustdb( void );
void tdb_revalidation_mark (void);
int trustdb_pending_check(void);
void tdb_check_or_update (ctrl_t ctrl);
int tdb_cache_disabled_value (PKT_public_key *pk);
unsigned int tdb_get_validity_core (ctrl_t ctrl,
PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_user_id *uid,
PKT_public_key *main_pk,
PKT_signature *sig, int may_ask);
void list_trust_path( const char *username );
int enum_cert_paths( void **context, ulong *lid,
unsigned *ownertrust, unsigned *validity );
void enum_cert_paths_print( void **context, FILE *fp,
int refresh, ulong selected_lid );
void read_trust_options(byte *trust_model,ulong *created,ulong *nextcheck,
byte *marginals,byte *completes,byte *cert_depth,
byte *min_cert_level);
unsigned int tdb_get_ownertrust (PKT_public_key *pk);
unsigned int tdb_get_min_ownertrust (PKT_public_key *pk);
int get_ownertrust_info (PKT_public_key *pk);
const char *get_ownertrust_string (PKT_public_key *pk);
void tdb_update_ownertrust (PKT_public_key *pk, unsigned int new_trust);
int tdb_clear_ownertrusts (PKT_public_key *pk);
/*-- tdbdump.c --*/
void list_trustdb (estream_t fp, const char *username);
void export_ownertrust(void);
void import_ownertrust(const char *fname);
/*-- pkclist.c --*/
int edit_ownertrust (ctrl_t ctrl, PKT_public_key *pk, int mode);
#endif /*G10_TRUSTDB_H*/
diff --git a/g10/verify.c b/g10/verify.c
index 5cd0bd7f4..7327e855b 100644
--- a/g10/verify.c
+++ b/g10/verify.c
@@ -1,276 +1,276 @@
/* verify.c - Verify signed data
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006,
* 2007, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "i18n.h"
* Assume that the input is a signature and verify it without
* generating any output. With no arguments, the signature packet
* is read from stdin (it may be a detached signature when not
* used in batch mode). If only a sigfile is given, it may be a complete
* signature or a detached signature in which case the signed stuff
* is expected from stdin. With more than 1 argument, the first should
* be a detached signature and the remaining files are the signed stuff.
verify_signatures (ctrl_t ctrl, int nfiles, char **files )
armor_filter_context_t *afx = NULL;
progress_filter_context_t *pfx = new_progress_context ();
const char *sigfile;
int i, rc;
strlist_t sl;
/* Decide whether we should handle a detached or a normal signature,
* which is needed so that the code later can hash the correct data and
* not have a normal signature act as detached signature and ignoring the
* indended signed material from the 2nd file or stdin.
* 1. gpg <file - normal
* 2. gpg file - normal (or detached)
* 3. gpg file <file2 - detached
* 4. gpg file file2 - detached
* The question is how decide between case 2 and 3? The only way
* we can do it is by reading one byte from stdin and then unget
* it; the problem here is that we may be reading from the
* terminal (which could be detected using isatty() but won't work
* when under contol of a pty using program (e.g. expect)) and
* might get us in trouble when stdin is used for another purpose
* (--passphrase-fd 0). So we have to break with the behaviour
* prior to gpg 1.0.4 by assuming that case 3 is a normal
* signature (where file2 is ignored and require for a detached
* signature to indicate signed material comes from stdin by using
* case 4 with a file2 of "-".
* Actually we don't have to change anything here but can handle
* that all quite easily in mainproc.c
sigfile = nfiles? *files : NULL;
/* open the signature file */
fp = iobuf_open(sigfile);
if (fp && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (fp)))
iobuf_close (fp);
fp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if( !fp ) {
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error(_("can't open '%s': %s\n"),
print_fname_stdin(sigfile), gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
handle_progress (pfx, fp, sigfile);
if ( !opt.no_armor && use_armor_filter( fp ) )
afx = new_armor_context ();
push_armor_filter (afx, fp);
sl = NULL;
for(i=nfiles-1 ; i > 0 ; i-- )
add_to_strlist( &sl, files[i] );
rc = proc_signature_packets (ctrl, NULL, fp, sl, sigfile );
if( (afx && afx->no_openpgp_data && rc == -1)
|| gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA ) {
log_error(_("the signature could not be verified.\n"
"Please remember that the signature file (.sig or .asc)\n"
"should be the first file given on the command line.\n") );
rc = 0;
release_armor_context (afx);
release_progress_context (pfx);
return rc;
print_file_status( int status, const char *name, int what )
char *p = xmalloc(strlen(name)+10);
sprintf(p, "%d %s", what, name );
write_status_text( status, p );
static int
verify_one_file (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name )
armor_filter_context_t *afx = NULL;
progress_filter_context_t *pfx = new_progress_context ();
int rc;
print_file_status( STATUS_FILE_START, name, 1 );
fp = iobuf_open(name);
if (fp)
iobuf_ioctl (fp, IOBUF_IOCTL_NO_CACHE, 1, NULL);
if (fp && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (fp)))
iobuf_close (fp);
fp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
if( !fp ) {
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error(_("can't open '%s': %s\n"),
print_fname_stdin(name), strerror (errno));
print_file_status( STATUS_FILE_ERROR, name, 1 );
goto leave;
handle_progress (pfx, fp, name);
if( !opt.no_armor ) {
if( use_armor_filter( fp ) ) {
afx = new_armor_context ();
push_armor_filter (afx, fp);
rc = proc_signature_packets (ctrl, NULL, fp, NULL, name );
write_status( STATUS_FILE_DONE );
release_armor_context (afx);
release_progress_context (pfx);
return rc;
* Verify each file given in the files array or read the names of the
* files from stdin.
* Note: This function can not handle detached signatures.
verify_files (ctrl_t ctrl, int nfiles, char **files )
int i;
if( !nfiles ) { /* read the filenames from stdin */
char line[2048];
unsigned int lno = 0;
while( fgets(line, DIM(line), stdin) ) {
if( !*line || line[strlen(line)-1] != '\n' ) {
log_error(_("input line %u too long or missing LF\n"), lno );
/* This code does not work on MSDOS but how cares there are
* also no script languages available. We don't strip any
* spaces, so that we can process nearly all filenames */
line[strlen(line)-1] = 0;
verify_one_file (ctrl, line );
else { /* take filenames from the array */
for(i=0; i < nfiles; i++ )
verify_one_file (ctrl, files[i] );
return 0;
/* Perform a verify operation. To verify detached signatures, DATA_FD
shall be the descriptor of the signed data; for regular signatures
it needs to be -1. If OUT_FP is not NULL and DATA_FD is not -1 the
the signed material gets written that stream.
FIXME: OUTFP is not yet implemented.
gpg_verify (ctrl_t ctrl, int sig_fd, int data_fd, estream_t out_fp)
int rc;
iobuf_t fp;
armor_filter_context_t *afx = NULL;
progress_filter_context_t *pfx = new_progress_context ();
if (is_secured_file (sig_fd))
fp = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM);
fp = iobuf_fdopen_nc (sig_fd, "rb");
if (!fp)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't open fd %d: %s\n"), sig_fd, strerror (errno));
goto leave;
handle_progress (pfx, fp, NULL);
if ( !opt.no_armor && use_armor_filter (fp) )
afx = new_armor_context ();
push_armor_filter (afx, fp);
rc = proc_signature_packets_by_fd (ctrl, NULL, fp, data_fd);
if ( afx && afx->no_openpgp_data
&& (rc == -1 || gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_EOF) )
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
iobuf_close (fp);
release_progress_context (pfx);
release_armor_context (afx);
return rc;
diff --git a/g10/zlib-riscos.h b/g10/zlib-riscos.h
index 0f547d380..c8d97b088 100644
--- a/g10/zlib-riscos.h
+++ b/g10/zlib-riscos.h
@@ -1,133 +1,133 @@
/* zlib-riscos.h
* Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNUPG.
* GNUPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GNUPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G10_ZLIB_RISCOS_H
#define G10_ZLIB_RISCOS_H
#include <kernel.h>
#include <swis.h>
static const char * const zlib_path[] = {
#define ZLib_Compress 0x53AC0
#define ZLib_Decompress 0x53AC1
#define ZLib_CRC32 0x53AC2
#define ZLib_Adler32 0x53AC3
#define ZLib_Version 0x53AC4
#define ZLib_ZCompress 0x53AC5
#define ZLib_ZCompress2 0x53AC6
#define ZLib_ZUncompress 0x53AC7
#define ZLib_DeflateInit 0x53AC8
#define ZLib_InflateInit 0x53AC9
#define ZLib_DeflateInit2 0x53ACA
#define ZLib_InflateInit2 0x53ACB
#define ZLib_Deflate 0x53ACC
#define ZLib_DeflateEnd 0x53ACD
#define ZLib_Inflate 0x53ACE
#define ZLib_InflateEnd 0x53ACF
#define ZLib_DeflateSetDictionary 0x53AD0
#define ZLib_DeflateCopy 0x53AD1
#define ZLib_DeflateReset 0x53AD2
#define ZLib_DeflateParams 0x53AD3
#define ZLib_InflateSetDictionary 0x53AD4
#define ZLib_InflateSync 0x53AD5
#define ZLib_InflateReset 0x53AD6
#define ZLib_GZOpen 0x53AD7
#define ZLib_GZRead 0x53AD8
#define ZLib_GRWrite 0x53AD9
#define ZLib_GZFlush 0x53ADA
#define ZLib_GZClose 0x53ADB
#define ZLib_GZError 0x53ADC
#define ZLib_GZSeek 0x53ADD
#define ZLib_GZTell 0x53ADE
#define ZLib_GZEOF 0x53ADF
#define ZLib_TaskAssociate 0x53AE0
#define crc32(r0,r1,r2) \
_swi(ZLib_CRC32, _INR(0,2) | _RETURN(0), r0,r1,r2)
#define adler32(r0,r1,r2) \
_swi(ZLib_Adler32, _INR(0,2) | _RETURN(0), r0,r1,r2)
#define zlibVersion() \
_swi(ZLib_Version, _RETURN(0))
#define compress(r0,r1,r2,r3) \
_swi(ZLib_ZCompress, _INR(0,3) | _RETURN(0)|_OUT(1), r0,r1,r2,r3, &r1)
#define compress2(r0,r1,r2,r3,r4) \
_swi(ZLib_ZCompress2, _INR(0,4) | _RETURN(0)|_OUT(1), r0,r1,r2,r3,r4, &r1)
#define uncompress(r0,r1,r2,r3) \
_swi(ZLib_ZUncompress, _INR(0,3) | _RETURN(0)|_OUT(1), r0,r1,r2,r3, &r1)
#define deflateInit_(r0,r1,r2,r3) \
_swi(ZLib_DeflateInit, _INR(0,3) | _RETURN(0), r0,r1,r2,r3)
#define inflateInit_(r0,r1,r2) \
_swi(ZLib_InflateInit, _INR(0,2) | _RETURN(0), r0,r1,r2)
#define deflateInit2_(r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7) \
_swi(ZLib_DeflateInit2, _INR(0,7) | _RETURN(0), r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7)
#define inflateInit2_(r0,r1,r2,r3) \
_swi(ZLib_InflateInit2, _INR(0,3) | _RETURN(0), r0,r1,r2,r3)
#define deflate(r0,r1) \
_swi(ZLib_Deflate, _INR(0,1) | _RETURN(0), r0,r1)
#define deflateEnd(r0) \
_swi(ZLib_DeflateEnd, _IN(0) | _RETURN(0), r0)
#define inflate(r0,r1) \
_swi(ZLib_Inflate, _INR(0,1) | _RETURN(0), r0,r1)
#define inflateEnd(r0) \
_swi(ZLib_InflateEnd, _IN(0) | _RETURN(0), r0)
#define deflateSetDictionary(r0,r1,r2) \
_swi(ZLib_DeflateSetDictionary, _INR(0,2) | _RETURN(0), r0,r1,r2)
#define deflateCopy(r0,r1) \
_swi(ZLib_DeflateCopy, _INR(0,1) | _RETURN(0), r0,r1)
#define deflateReset(r0) \
_swi(ZLib_DeflateReset, _IN(0) | _RETURN(0), r0)
#define deflateParams(r0,r1,r2) \
_swi(ZLib_DeflateParams, _INR(0,2) | _RETURN(0), r0,r1,r2)
#define inflateSetDictionary(r0,r1,r2) \
_swi(ZLib_InflateSetDictionary, _INR(0,2) | _RETURN(0), r0,r1,r2)
#define inflateSync(r0) \
_swi(ZLib_InflateSync, _IN(0) | _RETURN(0), r0)
#define inflateReset(r0) \
_swi(ZLib_InflateReset, _IN(0) | _RETURN(0), r0)
#define gzopen(r0,r1) \
_swi(ZLib_GZOpen, _INR(0,1) | _RETURN(0), r0)
#define gzdopen(r0,r1) BUG()
#define gzsetparams(r0,r1,r2) BUG()
#define gzread(r0,r1,r2) \
_swi(ZLib_GZRead, _INR(0,2) | _RETURN(0), r0,r1,r2)
#define gzwrite(r0,r1,r2) \
_swi(ZLib_GZWrite, _INR(0,2) | _RETURN(0), r0,r1,r2)
#define gzprintf(r0,r1,...) BUG()
#define gzputs(r0,r1) BUG()
#define gzgets(r0,r1,r2) BUG()
#define gzputc(r0,r1) BUG()
#define gzgetc(r0) BUG()
#define gzflush(r0,r1) \
_swi(ZLib_GZFlush, _INR(0,1) | _RETURN(0), r0,r1)
#define gzclose(r0) \
_swi(ZLib_GZClose, _IN(0) | _RETURN(0), r0)
#define gzerror(r0,r1) \
_swi(ZLib_GZError, _IN(0) | _RETURN(0)|_OUT(1), r0, &r1)
#define gzseek(r0,r1,r2) \
_swi(ZLib_GZSeek, _INR(0,2) | _RETURN(0), r0,r1,r2)
#define gzrewind(r0) BUG()
#define gztell(r0) \
_swi(ZLib_GZTell, _IN(0) | _RETURN(0), r0)
#define gzeof(r0) \
_swi(ZLib_GZEOF, _IN(0) | _RETURN(0), r0)
#endif /* G10_ZLIB_RISCOS_H */
diff --git a/g13/ b/g13/
index 90dd47171..c0e7a7115 100644
--- a/g13/
+++ b/g13/
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
# g13/
# Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
## Process this file with automake to produce
EXTRA_DIST = ChangeLog-2011
bin_PROGRAMS = g13
sbin_PROGRAMS = g13-syshelp
noinst_PROGRAMS = $(module_tests)
TESTS = $(module_tests)
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/common
include $(top_srcdir)/am/
g13_SOURCES = \
g13.c g13.h \
g13-common.c g13-common.h \
keyblob.c keyblob.h \
g13tuple.c g13tuple.h \
server.c server.h \
create.c create.h \
mount.c mount.h \
suspend.c suspend.h \
mountinfo.c mountinfo.h \
call-syshelp.c call-syshelp.h \
runner.c runner.h \
backend.c backend.h \
be-encfs.c be-encfs.h \
be-truecrypt.c be-truecrypt.h \
be-dmcrypt.c be-dmcrypt.h
g13_LDADD = $(libcommonpth) \
g13_syshelp_SOURCES = \
g13-syshelp.c g13-syshelp.h \
g13-common.c g13-common.h \
keyblob.c keyblob.h \
g13tuple.c g13tuple.h \
sh-cmd.c \
sh-blockdev.c \
g13_syshelp_LDADD = $(libcommon) \
module_tests = t-g13tuple
t_common_ldadd = $(libcommon) $(LIBGCRYPT_LIBS) \
t_g13tuple_SOURCES = t-g13tuple.c g13tuple.c
t_g13tuple_LDADD = $(t_common_ldadd)
$(PROGRAMS) : $(libcommon) $(libcommonpth)
diff --git a/g13/backend.c b/g13/backend.c
index 659c6b749..a495f8ad8 100644
--- a/g13/backend.c
+++ b/g13/backend.c
@@ -1,295 +1,295 @@
/* backend.c - Dispatcher to the various backends.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "g13.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "keyblob.h"
#include "backend.h"
#include "be-encfs.h"
#include "be-truecrypt.h"
#include "be-dmcrypt.h"
#include "call-syshelp.h"
#define no_such_backend(a) _no_such_backend ((a), __func__)
static gpg_error_t
_no_such_backend (int conttype, const char *func)
log_error ("invalid backend %d given in %s - this is most likely a bug\n",
conttype, func);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
/* Parse NAME and return the corresponding content type. If the name
is not known, a error message is printed and zero returned. If
NAME is NULL the supported backend types are listed and 0 is
returned. */
be_parse_conttype_name (const char *name)
static struct { const char *name; int conttype; } names[] = {
{ "encfs", CONTTYPE_ENCFS },
{ "dm-crypt", CONTTYPE_DM_CRYPT }
int i;
if (!name)
log_info ("Known backend types:\n");
for (i=0; i < DIM (names); i++)
log_info (" %s\n", names[i].name);
return 0;
for (i=0; i < DIM (names); i++)
if (!strcmp (names[i].name, name))
return names[i].conttype;
log_error ("invalid backend type '%s' given\n", name);
return 0;
/* Return true if CONTTYPE is supported by us. */
be_is_supported_conttype (int conttype)
switch (conttype)
return 1;
return 0;
/* Create a lock file for the container FNAME and store the lock at
* R_LOCK and return 0. On error return an error code and store NULL
* at R_LOCK. */
be_take_lock_for_create (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname, dotlock_t *r_lock)
gpg_error_t err;
dotlock_t lock = NULL;
struct stat sb;
*r_lock = NULL;
/* A DM-crypt container requires special treatment by using the
syshelper fucntions. */
if (ctrl->conttype == CONTTYPE_DM_CRYPT)
/* */
err = call_syshelp_set_device (ctrl, fname);
goto leave;
/* A quick check to see that no container with that name already
exists. */
if (!access (fname, F_OK))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EEXIST);
goto leave;
/* Take a lock and proceed with the creation. If there is a lock we
immediately return an error because for creation it does not make
sense to wait. */
lock = dotlock_create (fname, 0);
if (!lock)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (dotlock_take (lock, 0))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Check again that the file does not exist. */
err = stat (fname, &sb)? 0 : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EEXIST);
if (!err)
*r_lock = lock;
lock = NULL;
dotlock_destroy (lock);
return err;
/* If the backend requires a separate file or directory for the
container, return its name by computing it from FNAME which gives
the g13 filename. The new file name is allocated and stored at
R_NAME, if this is expected to be a directory true is stored at
R_ISDIR. If no detached name is expected or an error occurs NULL
is stored at R_NAME. The function returns 0 on success or an error
code. */
be_get_detached_name (int conttype, const char *fname,
char **r_name, int *r_isdir)
*r_name = NULL;
*r_isdir = 0;
switch (conttype)
return be_encfs_get_detached_name (fname, r_name, r_isdir);
return 0;
return no_such_backend (conttype);
be_create_new_keys (int conttype, membuf_t *mb)
switch (conttype)
return be_encfs_create_new_keys (mb);
return be_truecrypt_create_new_keys (mb);
return 0;
return no_such_backend (conttype);
/* Dispatcher to the backend's create function. */
be_create_container (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype,
const char *fname, int fd, tupledesc_t tuples,
unsigned int *r_id)
(void)fd; /* Not yet used. */
switch (conttype)
return be_encfs_create_container (ctrl, fname, tuples, r_id);
return be_dmcrypt_create_container (ctrl);
return no_such_backend (conttype);
/* Dispatcher to the backend's mount function. */
be_mount_container (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype,
const char *fname, const char *mountpoint,
tupledesc_t tuples, unsigned int *r_id)
switch (conttype)
return be_encfs_mount_container (ctrl, fname, mountpoint, tuples, r_id);
return be_dmcrypt_mount_container (ctrl, fname, mountpoint, tuples);
return no_such_backend (conttype);
/* Dispatcher to the backend's umount function. */
be_umount_container (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype, const char *fname)
switch (conttype)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
return be_dmcrypt_umount_container (ctrl, fname);
return no_such_backend (conttype);
/* Dispatcher to the backend's suspend function. */
be_suspend_container (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype, const char *fname)
switch (conttype)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
return be_dmcrypt_suspend_container (ctrl, fname);
return no_such_backend (conttype);
/* Dispatcher to the backend's resume function. */
be_resume_container (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype, const char *fname,
tupledesc_t tuples)
switch (conttype)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
return be_dmcrypt_resume_container (ctrl, fname, tuples);
return no_such_backend (conttype);
diff --git a/g13/backend.h b/g13/backend.h
index d1cedb36f..2805d99c0 100644
--- a/g13/backend.h
+++ b/g13/backend.h
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
/* backend.h - Defs for the dispatcher to the various backends.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G13_BACKEND_H
#define G13_BACKEND_H
#include "../common/membuf.h"
#include "g13tuple.h"
int be_parse_conttype_name (const char *name);
int be_is_supported_conttype (int conttype);
gpg_error_t be_take_lock_for_create (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname,
dotlock_t *r_lock);
gpg_error_t be_get_detached_name (int conttype, const char *fname,
char **r_name, int *r_isdir);
gpg_error_t be_create_new_keys (int conttype, membuf_t *mb);
gpg_error_t be_create_container (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype,
const char *fname, int fd,
tupledesc_t tuples,
unsigned int *r_id);
gpg_error_t be_mount_container (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype,
const char *fname, const char *mountpoint,
tupledesc_t tuples,
unsigned int *r_id);
gpg_error_t be_umount_container (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype, const char *fname);
gpg_error_t be_suspend_container (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype,
const char *fname);
gpg_error_t be_resume_container (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype,
const char *fname, tupledesc_t tuples);
#endif /*G13_BACKEND_H*/
diff --git a/g13/be-dmcrypt.c b/g13/be-dmcrypt.c
index c65be0894..e048b9945 100644
--- a/g13/be-dmcrypt.c
+++ b/g13/be-dmcrypt.c
@@ -1,116 +1,116 @@
/* be-dmcrypt.c - The DM-Crypt based backend
* Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "g13.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "keyblob.h"
#include "call-syshelp.h"
#include "be-dmcrypt.h"
/* Create the container using the current device.
* information in TUPLES. */
be_dmcrypt_create_container (ctrl_t ctrl)
gpg_error_t err;
err = call_syshelp_run_create (ctrl, CONTTYPE_DM_CRYPT);
return err;
/* Mount the container described by the filename FNAME and the keyblob
* information in TUPLES. On success the runner id is stored at R_ID. */
be_dmcrypt_mount_container (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *fname, const char *mountpoint,
tupledesc_t tuples)
gpg_error_t err;
err = call_syshelp_set_device (ctrl, fname);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = call_syshelp_run_mount (ctrl, CONTTYPE_DM_CRYPT, mountpoint, tuples);
return err;
/* Unmount the container described by the filename FNAME. */
be_dmcrypt_umount_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname)
gpg_error_t err;
err = call_syshelp_set_device (ctrl, fname);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = call_syshelp_run_umount (ctrl, CONTTYPE_DM_CRYPT);
return err;
/* Suspend the container described by the filename FNAME. */
be_dmcrypt_suspend_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname)
gpg_error_t err;
err = call_syshelp_set_device (ctrl, fname);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = call_syshelp_run_suspend (ctrl, CONTTYPE_DM_CRYPT);
return err;
/* Resume the container described by the filename FNAME and the keyblob
* information in TUPLES. */
be_dmcrypt_resume_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname, tupledesc_t tuples)
gpg_error_t err;
err = call_syshelp_set_device (ctrl, fname);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = call_syshelp_run_resume (ctrl, CONTTYPE_DM_CRYPT, tuples);
return err;
diff --git a/g13/be-dmcrypt.h b/g13/be-dmcrypt.h
index 189bfee7b..cc0fce550 100644
--- a/g13/be-dmcrypt.h
+++ b/g13/be-dmcrypt.h
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
/* be-dmcrypt.h - Public defs for the DM-Crypt based backend
* Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G13_BE_DMCRYPT_H
#define G13_BE_DMCRYPT_H
#include "backend.h"
gpg_error_t be_dmcrypt_create_container (ctrl_t ctrl);
gpg_error_t be_dmcrypt_mount_container (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *fname,
const char *mountpoint,
tupledesc_t tuples);
gpg_error_t be_dmcrypt_umount_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname);
gpg_error_t be_dmcrypt_suspend_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname);
gpg_error_t be_dmcrypt_resume_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname,
tupledesc_t tuples);
#endif /*G13_BE_DMCRYPT_H*/
diff --git a/g13/be-encfs.c b/g13/be-encfs.c
index a873541e3..6c648ab58 100644
--- a/g13/be-encfs.c
+++ b/g13/be-encfs.c
@@ -1,471 +1,471 @@
/* be-encfs.c - The EncFS based backend
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "g13.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "keyblob.h"
#include "be-encfs.h"
#include "runner.h"
#include "../common/sysutils.h"
#include "../common/exechelp.h"
/* Command values used to run the encfs tool. */
enum encfs_cmds
/* An object to keep the private state of the encfs tool. It is
released by encfs_handler_cleanup. */
struct encfs_parm_s
enum encfs_cmds cmd; /* The current command. */
tupledesc_t tuples; /* NULL or the tuples object. */
char *mountpoint; /* The mountpoint. */
typedef struct encfs_parm_s *encfs_parm_t;
static gpg_error_t
send_cmd_bin (runner_t runner, const void *data, size_t datalen)
return runner_send_line (runner, data, datalen);
static gpg_error_t
send_cmd (runner_t runner, const char *string)
log_debug ("sending command -->%s<--\n", string);
return send_cmd_bin (runner, string, strlen (string));
static void
run_umount_helper (const char *mountpoint)
gpg_error_t err;
const char pgmname[] = FUSERMOUNT;
const char *args[3];
args[0] = "-u";
args[1] = mountpoint;
args[2] = NULL;
err = gnupg_spawn_process_detached (pgmname, args, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to run '%s': %s\n",
pgmname, gpg_strerror (err));
/* Handle one line of the encfs tool's output. This function is
allowed to modify the content of BUFFER. */
static gpg_error_t
handle_status_line (runner_t runner, const char *line,
enum encfs_cmds cmd, tupledesc_t tuples)
gpg_error_t err;
/* Check that encfs understands our new options. */
if (!strncmp (line, "$STATUS$", 8))
for (line +=8; *line && spacep (line); line++)
log_info ("got status '%s'\n", line);
if (!strcmp (line, "fuse_main_start"))
/* Send a special error code back to let the caller know
that everything has been setup by encfs. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNFINISHED);
err = 0;
else if (!strncmp (line, "$PROMPT$", 8))
for (line +=8; *line && spacep (line); line++)
log_info ("got prompt '%s'\n", line);
if (!strcmp (line, "create_root_dir"))
err = send_cmd (runner, cmd == ENCFS_CMD_CREATE? "y":"n");
else if (!strcmp (line, "create_mount_point"))
err = send_cmd (runner, "y");
else if (!strcmp (line, "passwd")
|| !strcmp (line, "new_passwd"))
if (tuples)
size_t n;
const void *value;
value = find_tuple (tuples, KEYBLOB_TAG_ENCKEY, &n);
if (!value)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SESSION_KEY);
else if ((err = send_cmd_bin (runner, value, n)))
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_BUG
&& gpg_err_source (err) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SESSION_KEY);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
err = send_cmd (runner, ""); /* Default to send an empty line. */
else if (strstr (line, "encfs: unrecognized option '"))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ENGINE);
err = 0;
return err;
/* The main processing function as used by the runner. */
static gpg_error_t
encfs_handler (void *opaque, runner_t runner, const char *status_line)
encfs_parm_t parm = opaque;
gpg_error_t err;
if (!parm || !runner)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
if (!status_line)
/* Runner requested internal flushing - nothing to do here. */
return 0;
err = handle_status_line (runner, status_line, parm->cmd, parm->tuples);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_UNFINISHED
&& gpg_err_source (err) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT)
err = 0;
/* No more need for the tuples. */
destroy_tupledesc (parm->tuples);
parm->tuples = NULL;
if (parm->cmd == ENCFS_CMD_CREATE)
/* The encfs tool keeps on running after creation of the
container. We don't want that and thus need to stop the
encfs process. */
run_umount_helper (parm->mountpoint);
/* In case the umount helper does not work we try to kill
the engine. FIXME: We should figure out how to make
fusermount work. */
runner_cancel (runner);
return err;
/* Called by the runner to cleanup the private data. */
static void
encfs_handler_cleanup (void *opaque)
encfs_parm_t parm = opaque;
if (!parm)
destroy_tupledesc (parm->tuples);
xfree (parm->mountpoint);
xfree (parm);
/* Run the encfs tool. */
static gpg_error_t
run_encfs_tool (ctrl_t ctrl, enum encfs_cmds cmd,
const char *rawdir, const char *mountpoint, tupledesc_t tuples,
unsigned int *r_id)
gpg_error_t err;
encfs_parm_t parm;
runner_t runner = NULL;
int outbound[2] = { -1, -1 };
int inbound[2] = { -1, -1 };
const char *pgmname;
const char *argv[10];
pid_t pid = (pid_t)(-1);
int idx;
parm = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *parm);
if (!parm)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
parm->cmd = cmd;
parm->tuples = ref_tupledesc (tuples);
parm->mountpoint = xtrystrdup (mountpoint);
if (!parm->mountpoint)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = runner_new (&runner, "encfs");
if (err)
goto leave;
err = gnupg_create_inbound_pipe (inbound, NULL, 0);
if (!err)
err = gnupg_create_outbound_pipe (outbound, NULL, 0);
if (err)
log_error (_("error creating a pipe: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
pgmname = ENCFS;
idx = 0;
argv[idx++] = "-f";
if (opt.verbose)
argv[idx++] = "-v";
argv[idx++] = "--stdinpass";
argv[idx++] = "--annotate";
argv[idx++] = rawdir;
argv[idx++] = mountpoint;
argv[idx++] = NULL;
assert (idx <= DIM (argv));
err = gnupg_spawn_process_fd (pgmname, argv,
outbound[0], -1, inbound[1], &pid);
if (err)
log_error ("error spawning '%s': %s\n", pgmname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
close (outbound[0]); outbound[0] = -1;
close ( inbound[1]); inbound[1] = -1;
runner_set_fds (runner, inbound[0], outbound[1]);
inbound[0] = -1; /* Now owned by RUNNER. */
outbound[1] = -1; /* Now owned by RUNNER. */
runner_set_handler (runner, encfs_handler, encfs_handler_cleanup, parm);
parm = NULL; /* Now owned by RUNNER. */
runner_set_pid (runner, pid);
pid = (pid_t)(-1); /* The process is now owned by RUNNER. */
err = runner_spawn (runner);
if (err)
goto leave;
*r_id = runner_get_rid (runner);
log_info ("running '%s' in the background\n", pgmname);
if (inbound[0] != -1)
close (inbound[0]);
if (inbound[1] != -1)
close (inbound[1]);
if (outbound[0] != -1)
close (outbound[0]);
if (outbound[1] != -1)
close (outbound[1]);
if (pid != (pid_t)(-1))
gnupg_wait_process (pgmname, pid, 1, NULL);
gnupg_release_process (pid);
runner_release (runner);
encfs_handler_cleanup (parm);
return err;
/* See be_get_detached_name for a description. Note that the
dispatcher code makes sure that NULL is stored at R_NAME before
calling us. */
be_encfs_get_detached_name (const char *fname, char **r_name, int *r_isdir)
char *result;
if (!fname || !*fname)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
result = strconcat (fname, ".d", NULL);
if (!result)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*r_name = result;
*r_isdir = 1;
return 0;
/* Create a new session key and append it as a tuple to the memory
buffer MB.
The EncFS daemon takes a passphrase from stdin and internally
mangles it by means of some KDF from OpenSSL. We want to store a
binary key but we need to make sure that certain characters are not
used because the EncFS utility reads it from stdin and obviously
acts on some of the characters. This we replace CR (in case of an
MSDOS version of EncFS), LF (the delimiter used by EncFS) and Nul
(because it is unlikely to work). We use 32 bytes (256 bit)
because that is sufficient for the largest cipher (AES-256) and in
addition gives enough margin for a possible entropy degradation by
the KDF. */
be_encfs_create_new_keys (membuf_t *mb)
char *buffer;
int i, j;
/* Allocate a buffer of 32 bytes plus 8 spare bytes we may need to
replace the unwanted values. */
buffer = xtrymalloc_secure (32+8);
if (!buffer)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* Randomize the buffer. STRONG random should be enough as it is a
good compromise between security and performance. The
anticipated usage of this tool is the quite often creation of new
containers and thus this should not deplete the system's entropy
tool too much. */
gcry_randomize (buffer, 32+8, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
for (i=j=0; i < 32; i++)
if (buffer[i] == '\r' || buffer[i] == '\n' || buffer[i] == 0 )
/* Replace. */
if (j == 8)
/* Need to get more random. */
gcry_randomize (buffer+32, 8, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
j = 0;
buffer[i] = buffer[32+j];
/* Store the key. */
append_tuple (mb, KEYBLOB_TAG_ENCKEY, buffer, 32);
/* Free the temporary buffer. */
wipememory (buffer, 32+8); /* A failsafe extra wiping. */
xfree (buffer);
return 0;
/* Create the container described by the filename FNAME and the keyblob
information in TUPLES. */
be_encfs_create_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname, tupledesc_t tuples,
unsigned int *r_id)
gpg_error_t err;
int dummy;
char *containername = NULL;
char *mountpoint = NULL;
err = be_encfs_get_detached_name (fname, &containername, &dummy);
if (err)
goto leave;
mountpoint = xtrystrdup ("/tmp/.#g13_XXXXXX");
if (!mountpoint)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (!gnupg_mkdtemp (mountpoint))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't create directory '%s': %s\n"),
"/tmp/.#g13_XXXXXX", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = run_encfs_tool (ctrl, ENCFS_CMD_CREATE, containername, mountpoint,
tuples, r_id);
/* In any case remove the temporary mount point. */
if (rmdir (mountpoint))
log_error ("error removing temporary mount point '%s': %s\n",
mountpoint, gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
xfree (containername);
xfree (mountpoint);
return err;
/* Mount the container described by the filename FNAME and the keyblob
information in TUPLES. On success the runner id is stored at R_ID. */
be_encfs_mount_container (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *fname, const char *mountpoint,
tupledesc_t tuples, unsigned int *r_id)
gpg_error_t err;
int dummy;
char *containername = NULL;
if (!mountpoint)
log_error ("the encfs backend requires an explicit mountpoint\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
goto leave;
err = be_encfs_get_detached_name (fname, &containername, &dummy);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = run_encfs_tool (ctrl, ENCFS_CMD_MOUNT, containername, mountpoint,
tuples, r_id);
xfree (containername);
return err;
diff --git a/g13/be-encfs.h b/g13/be-encfs.h
index 744c16aee..1f1b8b3c7 100644
--- a/g13/be-encfs.h
+++ b/g13/be-encfs.h
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
/* be-encfs.h - Public defs for the EncFS based backend
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G13_BE_ENCFS_H
#define G13_BE_ENCFS_H
#include "backend.h"
gpg_error_t be_encfs_get_detached_name (const char *fname,
char **r_name, int *r_isdir);
gpg_error_t be_encfs_create_new_keys (membuf_t *mb);
gpg_error_t be_encfs_create_container (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *fname,
tupledesc_t tuples,
unsigned int *r_id);
gpg_error_t be_encfs_mount_container (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *fname,
const char *mountpoint,
tupledesc_t tuples,
unsigned int *r_id);
#endif /*G13_BE_ENCFS_H*/
diff --git a/g13/be-truecrypt.c b/g13/be-truecrypt.c
index 9d75bdfda..e75b936c8 100644
--- a/g13/be-truecrypt.c
+++ b/g13/be-truecrypt.c
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
/* be-truecrypt.c - The Truecrypt based backend
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "g13.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "be-truecrypt.h"
be_truecrypt_create_new_keys (membuf_t *mb)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
diff --git a/g13/be-truecrypt.h b/g13/be-truecrypt.h
index e98c989e9..d6d1e845b 100644
--- a/g13/be-truecrypt.h
+++ b/g13/be-truecrypt.h
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
/* be-truecrypt.h - Public defs for the Truecrypt based backend
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G13_BE_TRUECRYPT_H
#define G13_BE_TRUECRYPT_H
#include "backend.h"
gpg_error_t be_truecrypt_create_new_keys (membuf_t *mb);
#endif /*G13_BE_TRUECRYPT_H*/
diff --git a/g13/call-syshelp.c b/g13/call-syshelp.c
index 76d181b67..adffc6eac 100644
--- a/g13/call-syshelp.c
+++ b/g13/call-syshelp.c
@@ -1,631 +1,631 @@
/* call-syshelp.c - Communication with g13-syshelp
* Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <npth.h>
#include "g13.h"
#include <assuan.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "g13tuple.h"
#include "keyblob.h"
#include "membuf.h"
#include "create.h"
#include "call-syshelp.h"
/* Local data for this module. A pointer to this is stored in the
CTRL object of each connection. */
struct call_syshelp_s
assuan_context_t assctx; /* The Assuan context for the current
g13-syshep connection. */
/* Parameter used with the CREATE command. */
struct create_parm_s
assuan_context_t ctx;
ctrl_t ctrl;
membuf_t plaintext;
unsigned int expect_plaintext:1;
unsigned int got_plaintext:1;
/* Parameter used with the MOUNT command. */
struct mount_parm_s
assuan_context_t ctx;
ctrl_t ctrl;
const void *keyblob;
size_t keybloblen;
/* Fork off the syshelp tool if this has not already been done. On
success stores the current Assuan context for the syshelp tool at
R_CTX. */
static gpg_error_t
start_syshelp (ctrl_t ctrl, assuan_context_t *r_ctx)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
assuan_fd_t no_close_list[3];
int i;
*r_ctx = NULL;
if (ctrl->syshelp_local && (*r_ctx = ctrl->syshelp_local->assctx))
return 0; /* Already set. */
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("starting a new syshelp\n");
if (!ctrl->syshelp_local)
ctrl->syshelp_local = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl->syshelp_local);
if (!ctrl->syshelp_local)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (es_fflush (NULL))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error flushing pending output: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
i = 0;
if (log_get_fd () != -1)
no_close_list[i++] = assuan_fd_from_posix_fd (log_get_fd ());
no_close_list[i++] = assuan_fd_from_posix_fd (es_fileno (es_stderr));
no_close_list[i] = ASSUAN_INVALID_FD;
err = assuan_new (&ctx);
if (err)
log_error ("can't allocate assuan context: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Call userv to start g13-syshelp. This userv script needs to be
* installed under the name "gnupg-g13-syshelp":
* if ( glob service-user root
* )
* reset
* suppress-args
* execute /home/wk/b/gnupg/g13/g13-syshelp -v
* else
* error Nothing to do for this service-user
* fi
* quit
const char *argv[4];
argv[0] = "userv";
argv[1] = "root";
argv[2] = "gnupg-g13-syshelp";
argv[3] = NULL;
err = assuan_pipe_connect (ctx, "/usr/bin/userv", argv,
no_close_list, NULL, NULL, 0);
if (err)
log_error ("can't connect to '%s': %s %s\n",
"g13-syshelp", gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
log_info ("(is userv and its gnupg-g13-syshelp script installed?)\n");
assuan_release (ctx);
return err;
*r_ctx = ctrl->syshelp_local->assctx = ctx;
if (DBG_IPC)
log_debug ("connection to g13-syshelp established\n");
return 0;
/* Release local resources associated with CTRL. */
call_syshelp_release (ctrl_t ctrl)
if (!ctrl)
if (ctrl->syshelp_local)
assuan_release (ctrl->syshelp_local->assctx);
ctrl->syshelp_local->assctx = NULL;
xfree (ctrl->syshelp_local);
ctrl->syshelp_local = NULL;
/* Staus callback for call_syshelp_find_device. */
static gpg_error_t
finddevice_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
char **r_blockdev = opaque;
char *p;
if ((p = has_leading_keyword (line, "BLOCKDEV")) && *p && !*r_blockdev)
*r_blockdev = xtrystrdup (p);
if (!*r_blockdev)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return 0;
/* Send the FINDDEVICE command to the syshelper. On success the name
* of the block device is stored at R_BLOCKDEV. */
call_syshelp_find_device (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, char **r_blockdev)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
char *line = NULL;
char *blockdev = NULL; /* The result. */
*r_blockdev = NULL;
err = start_syshelp (ctrl, &ctx);
if (err)
goto leave;
line = xtryasprintf ("FINDDEVICE %s", name);
if (!line)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
finddevice_status_cb, &blockdev);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (!blockdev)
log_error ("status line for successful FINDDEVICE missing\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNEXPECTED);
goto leave;
*r_blockdev = blockdev;
blockdev = NULL;
xfree (blockdev);
xfree (line);
return err;
static gpg_error_t
getkeyblob_data_cb (void *opaque, const void *data, size_t datalen)
membuf_t *mb = opaque;
if (data)
put_membuf (mb, data, datalen);
return 0;
/* Send the GTEKEYBLOB command to the syshelper. On success the
* encrypted keyblpob is stored at (R_ENCKEYBLOB,R_ENCKEYBLOBLEN). */
call_syshelp_get_keyblob (ctrl_t ctrl,
void **r_enckeyblob, size_t *r_enckeybloblen)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
membuf_t mb;
*r_enckeyblob = NULL;
*r_enckeybloblen = 0;
init_membuf (&mb, 512);
err = start_syshelp (ctrl, &ctx);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, "GETKEYBLOB",
getkeyblob_data_cb, &mb,
if (err)
goto leave;
*r_enckeyblob = get_membuf (&mb, r_enckeybloblen);
if (!*r_enckeyblob)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (get_membuf (&mb, NULL));
return err;
/* Send the DEVICE command to the syshelper. FNAME is the name of the
device. */
call_syshelp_set_device (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
char *line = NULL;
err = start_syshelp (ctrl, &ctx);
if (err)
goto leave;
line = xtryasprintf ("DEVICE %s", fname);
if (!line)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
xfree (line);
return err;
static gpg_error_t
create_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct create_parm_s *parm = opaque;
if (has_leading_keyword (line, "PLAINTEXT_FOLLOWS"))
parm->expect_plaintext = 1;
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
create_data_cb (void *opaque, const void *data, size_t datalen)
struct create_parm_s *parm = opaque;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
if (!parm->expect_plaintext)
log_error ("status line for data missing\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNEXPECTED);
else if (data)
put_membuf (&parm->plaintext, data, datalen);
parm->expect_plaintext = 0;
parm->got_plaintext = 1;
return err;
static gpg_error_t
create_inq_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct create_parm_s *parm = opaque;
gpg_error_t err;
if (has_leading_keyword (line, "ENCKEYBLOB"))
void *plaintext;
size_t plaintextlen;
if (!parm->got_plaintext)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNEXPECTED);
else if (!(plaintext = get_membuf (&parm->plaintext, &plaintextlen)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
void *ciphertext;
size_t ciphertextlen;
log_printhex ("plain", plaintext, plaintextlen);
err = g13_encrypt_keyblob (parm->ctrl,
plaintext, plaintextlen,
&ciphertext, &ciphertextlen);
wipememory (plaintext, plaintextlen);
xfree (plaintext);
if (err)
log_error ("error encrypting keyblob: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
err = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, ciphertext, ciphertextlen);
xfree (ciphertext);
if (err)
log_error ("sending ciphertext to g13-syshelp failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_UNKNOWN_INQUIRE);
return err;
/* Run the CREATE command on the current device. CONTTYPES gives the
requested content type for the new container. */
call_syshelp_run_create (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
struct create_parm_s parm;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
err = start_syshelp (ctrl, &ctx);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* tty_get ("waiting for debugger"); */
/* tty_kill_prompt (); */
parm.ctx = ctx;
parm.ctrl = ctrl;
init_membuf (&parm.plaintext, 512);
if (conttype == CONTTYPE_DM_CRYPT)
err = assuan_transact (ctx, "CREATE dm-crypt",
create_data_cb, &parm,
create_inq_cb, &parm,
create_status_cb, &parm);
log_error ("invalid backend type %d given\n", conttype);
goto leave;
xfree (get_membuf (&parm.plaintext, NULL));
return err;
static gpg_error_t
mount_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct mount_parm_s *parm = opaque;
/* Nothing right now. */
return 0;
/* Inquire callback for MOUNT and RESUME. */
static gpg_error_t
mount_inq_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct mount_parm_s *parm = opaque;
gpg_error_t err;
if (has_leading_keyword (line, "KEYBLOB"))
int setconfidential = !assuan_get_flag (parm->ctx, ASSUAN_CONFIDENTIAL);
if (setconfidential)
assuan_begin_confidential (parm->ctx);
err = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, parm->keyblob, parm->keybloblen);
if (setconfidential)
assuan_end_confidential (parm->ctx);
if (err)
log_error ("sending keyblob to g13-syshelp failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_UNKNOWN_INQUIRE);
return err;
* Run the MOUNT command on the current device. CONTTYPES gives the
* requested content type for the new container. MOUNTPOINT the
* desired mount point or NULL for default.
call_syshelp_run_mount (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype, const char *mountpoint,
tupledesc_t tuples)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
struct mount_parm_s parm;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
err = start_syshelp (ctrl, &ctx);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* tty_get ("waiting for debugger"); */
/* tty_kill_prompt (); */
parm.ctx = ctx;
parm.ctrl = ctrl;
if (conttype == CONTTYPE_DM_CRYPT)
ref_tupledesc (tuples);
parm.keyblob = get_tupledesc_data (tuples, &parm.keybloblen);
err = assuan_transact (ctx, "MOUNT dm-crypt",
mount_inq_cb, &parm,
mount_status_cb, &parm);
unref_tupledesc (tuples);
(void)mountpoint; /* Not used. */
log_error ("invalid backend type %d given\n", conttype);
goto leave;
return err;
* Run the UMOUNT command on the current device. CONTTYPES gives the
* content type of the container (fixme: Do we really need this?).
call_syshelp_run_umount (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
err = start_syshelp (ctrl, &ctx);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (conttype == CONTTYPE_DM_CRYPT)
err = assuan_transact (ctx, "UMOUNT dm-crypt",
log_error ("invalid backend type %d given\n", conttype);
goto leave;
return err;
* Run the SUSPEND command on the current device. CONTTYPES gives the
* requested content type for the new container.
call_syshelp_run_suspend (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
err = start_syshelp (ctrl, &ctx);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (conttype == CONTTYPE_DM_CRYPT)
err = assuan_transact (ctx, "SUSPEND dm-crypt",
log_error ("invalid backend type %d given\n", conttype);
goto leave;
return err;
/* Run the RESUME command on the current device. CONTTYPES gives the
requested content type for the container. */
call_syshelp_run_resume (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype, tupledesc_t tuples)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
struct mount_parm_s parm;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
err = start_syshelp (ctrl, &ctx);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* tty_get ("waiting for debugger"); */
/* tty_kill_prompt (); */
parm.ctx = ctx;
parm.ctrl = ctrl;
if (conttype == CONTTYPE_DM_CRYPT)
ref_tupledesc (tuples);
parm.keyblob = get_tupledesc_data (tuples, &parm.keybloblen);
err = assuan_transact (ctx, "RESUME dm-crypt",
mount_inq_cb, &parm,
unref_tupledesc (tuples);
log_error ("invalid backend type %d given\n", conttype);
goto leave;
return err;
diff --git a/g13/call-syshelp.h b/g13/call-syshelp.h
index 0e110c903..3e8382949 100644
--- a/g13/call-syshelp.h
+++ b/g13/call-syshelp.h
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
/* call-syshelp.h - Communication with g13-syshelp
* Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include "g13tuple.h"
void call_syshelp_release (ctrl_t ctrl);
gpg_error_t call_syshelp_find_device (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *name, char **r_blockdev);
gpg_error_t call_syshelp_get_keyblob (ctrl_t ctrl,
void **r_enckeyblob,
size_t *r_enckeybloblen);
gpg_error_t call_syshelp_set_device (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *fname);
gpg_error_t call_syshelp_run_create (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype);
gpg_error_t call_syshelp_run_mount (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype,
const char *mountpoint,
tupledesc_t tuples);
gpg_error_t call_syshelp_run_umount (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype);
gpg_error_t call_syshelp_run_suspend (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype);
gpg_error_t call_syshelp_run_resume (ctrl_t ctrl, int conttype,
tupledesc_t tuples);
diff --git a/g13/create.c b/g13/create.c
index 0126f5b47..573039dc2 100644
--- a/g13/create.c
+++ b/g13/create.c
@@ -1,302 +1,302 @@
/* create.c - Create a new crypto container
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "g13.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "create.h"
#include "keyblob.h"
#include "backend.h"
#include "g13tuple.h"
#include "../common/call-gpg.h"
/* Create a new blob with all the session keys and other meta
information which are to be stored encrypted in the crypto
container header. On success the malloced blob is stored at R_BLOB
and its length at R_BLOBLEN. On error an error code is returned
and (R_BLOB,R_BLOBLEN) are set to (NULL,0).
The format of this blob is a sequence of tag-length-value tuples.
All tuples have this format:
2 byte TAG Big endian unsigned integer (0..65535)
described by the KEYBLOB_TAG_ constants.
2 byte LENGTH Big endian unsigned integer (0..65535)
giving the length of the value.
length bytes VALUE The value described by the tag.
The first tag in a keyblob must be a BLOBVERSION. The other tags
depend on the type of the container as described by the CONTTYPE
tag. See keyblob.h for details. */
static gpg_error_t
create_new_keyblob (ctrl_t ctrl, int is_detached,
void **r_blob, size_t *r_bloblen)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char twobyte[2];
membuf_t mb;
*r_blob = NULL;
*r_bloblen = 0;
init_membuf_secure (&mb, 512);
append_tuple (&mb, KEYBLOB_TAG_BLOBVERSION, "\x01", 1);
twobyte[0] = (ctrl->conttype >> 8);
twobyte[1] = (ctrl->conttype);
append_tuple (&mb, KEYBLOB_TAG_CONTTYPE, twobyte, 2);
if (is_detached)
append_tuple (&mb, KEYBLOB_TAG_DETACHED, NULL, 0);
err = be_create_new_keys (ctrl->conttype, &mb);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Just for testing. */
append_tuple (&mb, KEYBLOB_TAG_FILLER, "filler", 6);
*r_blob = get_membuf (&mb, r_bloblen);
if (!*r_blob)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*r_bloblen = 0;
log_debug ("used keyblob size is %zu\n", *r_bloblen);
xfree (get_membuf (&mb, NULL));
return err;
/* Encrypt the keyblob (KEYBLOB,KEYBLOBLEN) and store the result at
(R_ENCBLOB, R_ENCBLOBLEN). Returns 0 on success or an error code.
On error R_EKYBLOB is set to NULL. Depending on the keys set in
CTRL the result is a single OpenPGP binary message, a single
special OpenPGP packet encapsulating a CMS message or a
concatenation of both with the CMS packet being the last. */
g13_encrypt_keyblob (ctrl_t ctrl, void *keyblob, size_t keybloblen,
void **r_encblob, size_t *r_encbloblen)
gpg_error_t err;
/* FIXME: For now we only implement OpenPGP. */
err = gpg_encrypt_blob (ctrl, opt.gpg_program, opt.gpg_arguments,
keyblob, keybloblen,
r_encblob, r_encbloblen);
return err;
/* Write a new file under the name FILENAME with the keyblob and an
appropriate header. This function is called with a lock file in
place and after checking that the filename does not exists. */
static gpg_error_t
write_keyblob (const char *filename,
const void *keyblob, size_t keybloblen)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t fp;
unsigned char packet[32];
size_t headerlen, paddinglen;
fp = es_fopen (filename, "wbx");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error creating new container '%s': %s\n",
filename, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Allow for an least 8 times larger keyblob to accommodate for
future key changes. Round it up to 4096 byte. */
headerlen = ((32 + 8 * keybloblen + 16) + 4095) / 4096 * 4096;
paddinglen = headerlen - 32 - keybloblen;
assert (paddinglen >= 16);
packet[0] = (0xc0|61); /* CTB for the private packet type 0x61. */
packet[1] = 0xff; /* 5 byte length packet, value 20. */
packet[2] = 0;
packet[3] = 0;
packet[4] = 0;
packet[5] = 26;
memcpy (packet+6, "GnuPG/G13", 10); /* Packet subtype. */
packet[16] = 1; /* G13 packet format version. */
packet[17] = 0; /* Reserved. */
packet[18] = 0; /* Reserved. */
packet[19] = 0; /* OS Flag. */
packet[20] = (headerlen >> 24); /* Total length of header. */
packet[21] = (headerlen >> 16);
packet[22] = (headerlen >> 8);
packet[23] = (headerlen);
packet[24] = 1; /* Number of header copies. */
packet[25] = 0; /* Number of header copies at the end. */
packet[26] = 0; /* Reserved. */
packet[27] = 0; /* Reserved. */
packet[28] = 0; /* Reserved. */
packet[29] = 0; /* Reserved. */
packet[30] = 0; /* Reserved. */
packet[31] = 0; /* Reserved. */
if (es_fwrite (packet, 32, 1, fp) != 1)
goto writeerr;
if (es_fwrite (keyblob, keybloblen, 1, fp) != 1)
goto writeerr;
/* Write the padding. */
packet[0] = (0xc0|61); /* CTB for Private packet type 0x61. */
packet[1] = 0xff; /* 5 byte length packet, value 20. */
packet[2] = (paddinglen-6) >> 24;
packet[3] = (paddinglen-6) >> 16;
packet[4] = (paddinglen-6) >> 8;
packet[5] = (paddinglen-6);
memcpy (packet+6, "GnuPG/PAD", 10); /* Packet subtype. */
if (es_fwrite (packet, 16, 1, fp) != 1)
goto writeerr;
memset (packet, 0, 32);
for (paddinglen-=16; paddinglen >= 32; paddinglen -= 32)
if (es_fwrite (packet, 32, 1, fp) != 1)
goto writeerr;
if (paddinglen)
if (es_fwrite (packet, paddinglen, 1, fp) != 1)
goto writeerr;
if (es_fclose (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error closing '%s': %s\n",
filename, gpg_strerror (err));
remove (filename);
return err;
return 0;
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error writing header to '%s': %s\n",
filename, gpg_strerror (err));
es_fclose (fp);
remove (filename);
return err;
/* Create a new container under the name FILENAME and intialize it
using the current settings. If the file already exists an error is
returned. */
g13_create_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *filename)
gpg_error_t err;
dotlock_t lock;
void *keyblob = NULL;
size_t keybloblen;
void *enckeyblob = NULL;
size_t enckeybloblen;
char *detachedname = NULL;
int detachedisdir;
tupledesc_t tuples = NULL;
unsigned int dummy_rid;
if (!ctrl->recipients)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY);
err = be_take_lock_for_create (ctrl, filename, &lock);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* And a possible detached file or directory may not exist either. */
err = be_get_detached_name (ctrl->conttype, filename,
&detachedname, &detachedisdir);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (detachedname)
struct stat sb;
if (!stat (detachedname, &sb))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EEXIST);
goto leave;
if (ctrl->conttype != CONTTYPE_DM_CRYPT)
/* Create a new keyblob. */
err = create_new_keyblob (ctrl, !!detachedname, &keyblob, &keybloblen);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Encrypt that keyblob. */
err = g13_encrypt_keyblob (ctrl, keyblob, keybloblen,
&enckeyblob, &enckeybloblen);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Put a copy of the keyblob into a tuple structure. */
err = create_tupledesc (&tuples, keyblob, keybloblen);
if (err)
goto leave;
keyblob = NULL;
/* if (opt.verbose) */
/* dump_keyblob (tuples); */
/* Write out the header, the encrypted keyblob and some padding. */
err = write_keyblob (filename, enckeyblob, enckeybloblen);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Create and append the container. FIXME: We should pass the
estream object in addition to the filename, so that the backend
can append the container to the g13 file. */
err = be_create_container (ctrl, ctrl->conttype, filename, -1, tuples,
destroy_tupledesc (tuples);
xfree (detachedname);
xfree (enckeyblob);
xfree (keyblob);
dotlock_destroy (lock);
return err;
diff --git a/g13/create.h b/g13/create.h
index ec4224c40..ccb954a2d 100644
--- a/g13/create.h
+++ b/g13/create.h
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
/* create.h - Defs to create a new crypto container
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G13_CREATE_H
#define G13_CREATE_H
gpg_error_t g13_encrypt_keyblob (ctrl_t ctrl,
void *keyblob, size_t keybloblen,
void **r_encblob, size_t *r_encbloblen);
gpg_error_t g13_create_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *filename);
#endif /*G13_CREATE_H*/
diff --git a/g13/g13-common.c b/g13/g13-common.c
index e6adcb8a1..8370907fb 100644
--- a/g13/g13-common.c
+++ b/g13/g13-common.c
@@ -1,86 +1,86 @@
/* g13-common.c - Common code for G13 modules
* Copyright (C) 2009, 2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "g13-common.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <assuan.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
/* Global variable to keep an error count. */
int g13_errors_seen = 0;
/* Note: This function is used by signal handlers!. */
static void
emergency_cleanup (void)
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_TERM_SECMEM);
/* Wrapper around gnupg_init_signals. */
g13_init_signals (void)
gnupg_init_signals (0, emergency_cleanup);
/* Install a regular exit handler to make real sure that the secure
memory gets wiped out. */
g13_install_emergency_cleanup (void)
if (atexit (emergency_cleanup))
log_error ("atexit failed\n");
g13_exit (2);
/* Use this function instead of exit() in all g13 modules. */
g13_exit (int rc)
if (opt.debug & DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE)
if (opt.debug)
emergency_cleanup ();
rc = rc? rc : log_get_errorcount(0)? 2 : g13_errors_seen? 1 : 0;
exit (rc);
diff --git a/g13/g13-common.h b/g13/g13-common.h
index a20508128..1fe80d3c7 100644
--- a/g13/g13-common.h
+++ b/g13/g13-common.h
@@ -1,96 +1,96 @@
/* g13.h - Global definitions for G13.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2009, 2015 Werner Koch.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G13_COMMON_H
#define G13_COMMON_H
#error GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT already defined
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include "../common/util.h"
#include "../common/status.h"
#include "../common/session-env.h"
#include "../common/strlist.h"
/* Debug values and macros. */
#define DBG_MOUNT_VALUE 1 /* Debug mount or device stuff. */
#define DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE 4 /* Debug low level crypto. */
#define DBG_MEMORY_VALUE 32 /* Debug memory allocation stuff. */
#define DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE 128 /* Show memory statistics. */
#define DBG_IPC_VALUE 1024 /* Debug assuan communication. */
#define DBG_MOUNT (opt.debug & DBG_MOUNT_VALUE)
#define DBG_CRYPTO (opt.debug & DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE)
#define DBG_MEMORY (opt.debug & DBG_MEMORY_VALUE)
#define DBG_IPC (opt.debug & DBG_IPC_VALUE)
/* A large struct named "opt" to keep global flags. Note that this
struct is used by g13 and g13-syshelp and thus some fields may only
make sense for one of them. */
unsigned int debug; /* Debug flags (DBG_foo_VALUE). */
int verbose; /* Verbosity level. */
int quiet; /* Be as quiet as possible. */
int dry_run; /* Don't change any persistent data. */
const char *config_filename; /* Name of the used config file. */
/* Filename of the AGENT program. */
const char *agent_program;
/* Filename of the GPG program. Unless set via an program option it
is initialzed at the first engine startup to the standard gpg
filename. */
const char *gpg_program;
/* GPG arguments. XXX: Currently it is not possible to set them. */
strlist_t gpg_arguments;
/* Environment variables passed along to the engine. */
char *display;
char *ttyname;
char *ttytype;
char *lc_ctype;
char *lc_messages;
char *xauthority;
char *pinentry_user_data;
session_env_t session_env;
/* Name of the output file - FIXME: what is this? */
const char *outfile;
} opt;
/*-- g13-common.c --*/
void g13_init_signals (void);
void g13_install_emergency_cleanup (void);
void g13_exit (int rc);
/*-- server.c and g13-sh-cmd.c --*/
gpg_error_t g13_status (ctrl_t ctrl, int no, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_SENTINEL(0);
#endif /*G13_COMMON_H*/
diff --git a/g13/g13-syshelp.c b/g13/g13-syshelp.c
index 7b4623946..8b8a4a7d8 100644
--- a/g13/g13-syshelp.c
+++ b/g13/g13-syshelp.c
@@ -1,748 +1,748 @@
/* g13-syshelp.c - Helper for disk key management with GnuPG
* Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#ifdef HAVE_PWD_H
# include <pwd.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "g13-syshelp.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <assuan.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "asshelp.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
#include "keyblob.h"
enum cmd_and_opt_values {
aNull = 0,
oQuiet = 'q',
oVerbose = 'v',
oRecipient = 'r',
aGPGConfList = 500,
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDryRun, "dry-run", N_("do not make any changes")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oVerbose, "verbose", N_("verbose")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oQuiet, "quiet", N_("be somewhat more quiet")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebug, "debug", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebugLevel, "debug-level",
N_("|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugAll, "debug-all", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugNone, "debug-none", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oDebugWait, "debug-wait", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugAllowCoreDump, "debug-allow-core-dump", "@"),
/* The list of supported debug flags. */
static struct debug_flags_s debug_flags [] =
{ DBG_MOUNT_VALUE , "mount" },
{ DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE , "crypto" },
{ DBG_MEMORY_VALUE , "memory" },
{ DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE, "memstat" },
{ DBG_IPC_VALUE , "ipc" },
{ 0, NULL }
/* The timer tick interval used by the idle task. */
/* It is possible that we are currently running under setuid permissions. */
static int maybe_setuid = 1;
/* Helper to implement --debug-level and --debug. */
static const char *debug_level;
static unsigned int debug_value;
/* Local prototypes. */
static void g13_syshelp_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl);
static void release_tab_items (tab_item_t tab);
static tab_item_t parse_g13tab (const char *username);
static const char *
my_strusage( int level )
const char *p;
switch (level)
case 11: p = "@G13@-syshelp (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <" PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ">.\n");
case 1:
case 40: p = _("Usage: @G13@-syshelp [options] [files] (-h for help)");
case 41:
p = _("Syntax: @G13@-syshelp [options] [files]\n"
"Helper to perform root-only tasks for g13\n");
case 31: p = "\nHome: "; break;
case 32: p = gnupg_homedir (); break;
default: p = NULL; break;
return p;
/* Setup the debugging. With a DEBUG_LEVEL of NULL only the active
debug flags are propagated to the subsystems. With DEBUG_LEVEL
set, a specific set of debug flags is set; and individual debugging
flags will be added on top. */
static void
set_debug (void)
int numok = (debug_level && digitp (debug_level));
int numlvl = numok? atoi (debug_level) : 0;
if (!debug_level)
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "none") || (numok && numlvl < 1))
opt.debug = 0;
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "basic") || (numok && numlvl <= 2))
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "advanced") || (numok && numlvl <= 5))
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "expert") || (numok && numlvl <= 8))
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "guru") || numok)
opt.debug = ~0;
/* if (numok) */
/* opt.debug &= ~(DBG_HASHING_VALUE); */
log_error (_("invalid debug-level '%s' given\n"), debug_level);
opt.debug |= debug_value;
if (opt.debug && !opt.verbose)
opt.verbose = 1;
if (opt.debug)
opt.quiet = 0;
if (opt.debug & DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE )
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_DEBUG_FLAGS, 1);
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose);
if (opt.debug)
parse_debug_flag (NULL, &opt.debug, debug_flags);
main ( int argc, char **argv)
int orig_argc;
char **orig_argv;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
/* const char *fname; */
int may_coredump;
FILE *configfp = NULL;
char *configname = NULL;
unsigned configlineno;
int parse_debug = 0;
int no_more_options = 0;
int default_config =1;
char *logfile = NULL;
/* int debug_wait = 0; */
int use_random_seed = 1;
/* int nodetach = 0; */
/* int nokeysetup = 0; */
struct server_control_s ctrl;
early_system_init ();
gnupg_reopen_std (G13_NAME "-syshelp");
set_strusage (my_strusage);
log_set_prefix (G13_NAME "-syshelp", GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX);
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
i18n_init ();
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
/* Take extra care of the random pool. */
may_coredump = disable_core_dumps ();
g13_init_signals ();
dotlock_create (NULL, 0); /* Register locking cleanup. */
opt.session_env = session_env_new ();
if (!opt.session_env)
log_fatal ("error allocating session environment block: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
/* Fixme: We enable verbose mode here because there is currently no
way to do this when starting g13-syshelp. To fix that we should
add a g13-syshelp.conf file in /etc/gnupg. */
opt.verbose = 1;
/* First check whether we have a debug option on the commandline. */
orig_argc = argc;
orig_argv = argv;
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
while (arg_parse( &pargs, opts))
if (pargs.r_opt == oDebug || pargs.r_opt == oDebugAll)
/* Initialize the secure memory. */
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 16384, 0);
maybe_setuid = 0;
Now we are now working under our real uid
/* Setup malloc hooks. */
struct assuan_malloc_hooks malloc_hooks;
malloc_hooks.malloc = gcry_malloc;
malloc_hooks.realloc = gcry_realloc; = gcry_free;
assuan_set_malloc_hooks (&malloc_hooks);
/* Prepare libassuan. */
assuan_set_gpg_err_source (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT);
/*assuan_set_system_hooks (ASSUAN_SYSTEM_NPTH);*/
setup_libassuan_logging (&opt.debug, NULL);
/* Setup a default control structure for command line mode. */
memset (&ctrl, 0, sizeof ctrl);
g13_syshelp_init_default_ctrl (&ctrl);
ctrl.no_server = 1;
ctrl.status_fd = -1; /* No status output. */
if (default_config )
configname = make_filename (gnupg_sysconfdir (),
G13_NAME"-syshelp.conf", NULL);
argc = orig_argc;
argv = orig_argv;
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags = 1; /* Do not remove the args. */
if (configname)
configlineno = 0;
configfp = fopen (configname, "r");
if (!configfp)
if (default_config)
if (parse_debug)
log_info (_("NOTE: no default option file '%s'\n"), configname);
log_error (_("option file '%s': %s\n"),
configname, strerror(errno));
xfree (configname);
configname = NULL;
if (parse_debug && configname)
log_info (_("reading options from '%s'\n"), configname);
default_config = 0;
while (!no_more_options
&& optfile_parse (configfp, configname, &configlineno, &pargs, opts))
switch (pargs.r_opt)
case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break;
case oDryRun: opt.dry_run = 1; break;
case oVerbose:
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose);
case oNoVerbose:
opt.verbose = 0;
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose);
case oLogFile: logfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oNoLogFile: logfile = NULL; break;
case oNoDetach: /*nodetach = 1; */break;
case oDebug:
if (parse_debug_flag (pargs.r.ret_str, &opt.debug, debug_flags))
case oDebugAll: debug_value = ~0; break;
case oDebugNone: debug_value = 0; break;
case oDebugLevel: debug_level = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oDebugWait: /*debug_wait = pargs.r.ret_int; */break;
case oDebugAllowCoreDump:
may_coredump = enable_core_dumps ();
case oStatusFD: ctrl.status_fd = pargs.r.ret_int; break;
case oLoggerFD: log_set_fd (pargs.r.ret_int ); break;
case oHomedir: gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oFakedSystemTime:
time_t faked_time = isotime2epoch (pargs.r.ret_str);
if (faked_time == (time_t)(-1))
faked_time = (time_t)strtoul (pargs.r.ret_str, NULL, 10);
gnupg_set_time (faked_time, 0);
case oNoSecmemWarn: gcry_control (GCRYCTL_DISABLE_SECMEM_WARN); break;
case oNoRandomSeedFile: use_random_seed = 0; break;
if (configfp)
fclose (configfp);
configfp = NULL;
/* Keep a copy of the config filename. */
opt.config_filename = configname;
configname = NULL;
goto next_pass;
xfree (configname);
configname = NULL;
if (!opt.config_filename)
opt.config_filename = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (),
G13_NAME".conf", NULL);
if (log_get_errorcount(0))
/* Now that we have the options parsed we need to update the default
control structure. */
g13_syshelp_init_default_ctrl (&ctrl);
if (may_coredump && !opt.quiet)
log_info (_("WARNING: program may create a core file!\n"));
if (logfile)
log_set_file (logfile);
if (gnupg_faked_time_p ())
gnupg_isotime_t tbuf;
log_info (_("WARNING: running with faked system time: "));
gnupg_get_isotime (tbuf);
dump_isotime (tbuf);
log_printf ("\n");
/* Print any pending secure memory warnings. */
/* Setup the debug flags for all subsystems. */
set_debug ();
/* Install a regular exit handler to make real sure that the secure
memory gets wiped out. */
g13_install_emergency_cleanup ();
/* Terminate if we found any error until now. */
if (log_get_errorcount(0))
g13_exit (2);
/* Set the standard GnuPG random seed file. */
if (use_random_seed)
char *p = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), "random_seed", NULL);
/* Get the UID of the caller. */
#if defined(HAVE_PWD_H) && defined(HAVE_GETPWUID)
const char *uidstr;
struct passwd *pwd = NULL;
uidstr = getenv ("USERV_UID");
/* Print a quick note if we are not started via userv. */
if (!uidstr)
if (getuid ())
log_info ("WARNING: Not started via userv\n");
ctrl.fail_all_cmds = 1;
ctrl.client.uid = getuid ();
unsigned long myuid;
errno = 0;
myuid = strtoul (uidstr, NULL, 10);
if (myuid == ULONG_MAX && errno)
log_info ("WARNING: Started via broken userv: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
ctrl.fail_all_cmds = 1;
ctrl.client.uid = getuid ();
ctrl.client.uid = (uid_t)myuid;
pwd = getpwuid (ctrl.client.uid);
if (!pwd || !*pwd->pw_name)
log_info ("WARNING: Name for UID not found: %s\n", strerror (errno));
ctrl.fail_all_cmds = 1;
ctrl.client.uname = xstrdup ("?");
ctrl.client.uname = xstrdup (pwd->pw_name);
/* Check that the user name does not contain a directory
separator. */
if (strchr (ctrl.client.uname, '/'))
log_info ("WARNING: Invalid user name passed\n");
ctrl.fail_all_cmds = 1;
log_info ("WARNING: System does not support required syscalls\n");
ctrl.fail_all_cmds = 1;
ctrl.client.uid = getuid ();
ctrl.client.uname = xstrdup ("?");
#endif /*!HAVE_PWD_H || !HAVE_GETPWUID*/
/* Read the table entries for this user. */
if (!ctrl.fail_all_cmds
&& !( = parse_g13tab (ctrl.client.uname)))
ctrl.fail_all_cmds = 1;
/* Start the server. */
err = syshelp_server (&ctrl);
if (err)
log_error ("server exited with error: %s <%s>\n",
gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
/* Cleanup. */
g13_syshelp_deinit_default_ctrl (&ctrl);
g13_exit (0);
return 8; /*NOTREACHED*/
/* Store defaults into the per-connection CTRL object. */
g13_syshelp_init_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl)
ctrl->conttype = CONTTYPE_DM_CRYPT;
/* Release all resources allocated by default in the CTRl object. */
static void
g13_syshelp_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl)
xfree (ctrl->client.uname);
release_tab_items (ctrl->;
/* Release the list of g13tab itejms at TAB. */
static void
release_tab_items (tab_item_t tab)
while (tab)
tab_item_t next = tab->next;
xfree (tab->mountpoint);
xfree (tab);
tab = next;
g13_syshelp_i_know_what_i_am_doing (void)
const char * const yesfile = "Yes-g13-I-know-what-I-am-doing";
char *fname;
fname = make_filename (gnupg_sysconfdir (), yesfile, NULL);
if (access (fname, F_OK))
log_info ("*******************************************************\n");
log_info ("* The G13 support for DM-Crypt is new and not matured.\n");
log_info ("* Bugs or improper use may delete all your disks!\n");
log_info ("* To confirm that you are ware of this risk, create\n");
log_info ("* the file '%s'.\n", fname);
log_info ("*******************************************************\n");
exit (1);
xfree (fname);
/* Parse the /etc/gnupg/g13tab for user USERNAME. Return a table for
the user on success. Return NULL on error and print
diagnostics. */
static tab_item_t
parse_g13tab (const char *username)
gpg_error_t err;
int c, n;
char line[512];
char *p;
char *fname;
estream_t fp;
int lnr;
char **words = NULL;
tab_item_t table = NULL;
tab_item_t *tabletail, ti;
fname = make_filename (gnupg_sysconfdir (), G13_NAME"tab", NULL);
fp = es_fopen (fname, "r");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error opening '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
tabletail = &table;
err = 0;
lnr = 0;
while (es_fgets (line, DIM(line)-1, fp))
n = strlen (line);
if (!n || line[n-1] != '\n')
/* Eat until end of line. */
while ((c=es_getc (fp)) != EOF && c != '\n')
err = gpg_error (*line? GPG_ERR_LINE_TOO_LONG
log_error (_("file '%s', line %d: %s\n"),
fname, lnr, gpg_strerror (err));
line[--n] = 0; /* Chop the LF. */
if (n && line[n-1] == '\r')
line[--n] = 0; /* Chop an optional CR. */
/* Allow for empty lines and spaces */
for (p=line; spacep (p); p++)
if (!*p || *p == '#')
/* Parse the line. The format is
* <username> <blockdev> [<label>|"-" [<mountpoint>]]
xfree (words);
words = strtokenize (p, " \t");
if (!words)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (!words[0] || !words[1])
log_error (_("file '%s', line %d: %s\n"),
fname, lnr, gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_SYNTAX));
if (!(*words[1] == '/'
|| !strncmp (words[1], "PARTUUID=", 9)
|| !strncmp (words[1], "partuuid=", 9)))
log_error (_("file '%s', line %d: %s\n"),
fname, lnr, "Invalid block device syntax");
if (words[2])
if (strlen (words[2]) > 16 || strchr (words[2], '/'))
log_error (_("file '%s', line %d: %s\n"),
fname, lnr, "Label too long or invalid syntax");
if (words[3] && *words[3] != '/')
log_error (_("file '%s', line %d: %s\n"),
fname, lnr, "Invalid mountpoint syntax");
if (strcmp (words[0], username))
continue; /* Skip entries for other usernames! */
ti = xtrymalloc (sizeof *ti + strlen (words[1]));
if (!ti)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
ti->next = NULL;
ti->label = NULL;
ti->mountpoint = NULL;
strcpy (ti->blockdev, *words[1]=='/'? words[1] : words[1]+9);
if (words[2])
if (strcmp (words[2], "-")
&& !(ti->label = xtrystrdup (words[2])))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (ti);
if (words[3] && !(ti->mountpoint = xtrystrdup (words[3])))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (ti->label);
xfree (ti);
*tabletail = ti;
tabletail = &ti->next;
if (!err && !es_feof (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (err)
log_error (_("error reading '%s', line %d: %s\n"),
fname, lnr, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (words);
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (fname);
if (err)
release_tab_items (table);
return NULL;
return table;
diff --git a/g13/g13-syshelp.h b/g13/g13-syshelp.h
index 618b41de5..b6adcbd92 100644
--- a/g13/g13-syshelp.h
+++ b/g13/g13-syshelp.h
@@ -1,96 +1,96 @@
/* g130syshelp.h - Global definitions for G13-SYSHELP.
* Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G13_SYSHELP_H
#define G13_SYSHELP_H
#include "g13-common.h"
#include "g13tuple.h"
struct tab_item_s;
typedef struct tab_item_s *tab_item_t;
struct tab_item_s
tab_item_t next;
char *label; /* Optional malloced label for that entry. */
char *mountpoint; /* NULL or a malloced mountpoint. */
char blockdev[1]; /* String with the name of the block device. If
it starts with a slash is is a regular device
name, otherwise it is a PARTUUID. */
/* Forward declaration for an object defined in g13-sh-cmd.c. */
struct server_local_s;
/* Session control object. This object is passed down to most
functions. The default values for it are set by
g13_syshelp_init_default_ctrl(). */
struct server_control_s
int no_server; /* We are not running under server control */
int status_fd; /* Only for non-server mode */
struct server_local_s *server_local;
struct {
uid_t uid; /* UID of the client calling use. */
char *uname;
tab_item_t tab;/* Linked list with the g13tab items for this user. */
} client;
/* Flag indicating that we should fail all commands. */
int fail_all_cmds;
/* Type of the current container. See the CONTTYPE_ constants. */
int conttype;
/* A pointer into with the selected tab line or NULL. */
tab_item_t devti;
/*-- g13-syshelp.c --*/
void g13_syshelp_init_default_ctrl (struct server_control_s *ctrl);
void g13_syshelp_i_know_what_i_am_doing (void);
/*-- sh-cmd.c --*/
gpg_error_t syshelp_server (ctrl_t ctrl);
gpg_error_t sh_encrypt_keyblob (ctrl_t ctrl,
const void *keyblob, size_t keybloblen,
char **r_enckeyblob, size_t *r_enckeybloblen);
/*-- sh-blockdev.c --*/
gpg_error_t sh_blockdev_getsz (const char *name, unsigned long long *r_nblocks);
gpg_error_t sh_is_empty_partition (const char *name);
/*-- sh-dmcrypt.c --*/
gpg_error_t sh_dmcrypt_create_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *devname,
estream_t devfp);
gpg_error_t sh_dmcrypt_mount_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *devname,
tupledesc_t keyblob);
gpg_error_t sh_dmcrypt_umount_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *devname);
gpg_error_t sh_dmcrypt_suspend_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *devname);
gpg_error_t sh_dmcrypt_resume_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *devname,
tupledesc_t keyblob);
#endif /*G13_SYSHELP_H*/
diff --git a/g13/g13.c b/g13/g13.c
index 33f82d668..0553c85c1 100644
--- a/g13/g13.c
+++ b/g13/g13.c
@@ -1,1067 +1,1067 @@
/* g13.c - Disk Key management with GnuPG
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <npth.h>
#include "g13.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <assuan.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "gc-opt-flags.h"
#include "asshelp.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
#include "keyblob.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "runner.h"
#include "create.h"
#include "mount.h"
#include "suspend.h"
#include "mountinfo.h"
#include "backend.h"
#include "call-syshelp.h"
enum cmd_and_opt_values {
aNull = 0,
oQuiet = 'q',
oVerbose = 'v',
oRecipient = 'r',
aGPGConfList = 500,
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
ARGPARSE_group (300, N_("@Commands:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_c (aCreate, "create", N_("Create a new file system container")),
ARGPARSE_c (aMount, "mount", N_("Mount a file system container") ),
ARGPARSE_c (aUmount, "umount", N_("Unmount a file system container") ),
ARGPARSE_c (aSuspend, "suspend", N_("Suspend a file system container") ),
ARGPARSE_c (aResume, "resume", N_("Resume a file system container") ),
ARGPARSE_c (aServer, "server", N_("Run in server mode")),
ARGPARSE_c (aFindDevice, "find-device", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfList, "gpgconf-list", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfTest, "gpgconf-test", "@"),
ARGPARSE_group (301, N_("@\nOptions:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oRecipient, "recipient", N_("|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oType, "type", N_("|NAME|use container format NAME")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oOutput, "output", N_("|FILE|write output to FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oVerbose, "verbose", N_("verbose")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oQuiet, "quiet", N_("be somewhat more quiet")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoTTY, "no-tty", N_("don't use the terminal at all")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoDetach, "no-detach", N_("do not detach from the console")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLogFile, "log-file", N_("|FILE|write log output to FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoLogFile, "no-log-file", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oLoggerFD, "logger-fd", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDryRun, "dry-run", N_("do not make any changes")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oOptions, "options", N_("|FILE|read options from FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebug, "debug", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebugLevel, "debug-level",
N_("|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugAll, "debug-all", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugNone, "debug-none", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oDebugWait, "debug-wait", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugAllowCoreDump, "debug-allow-core-dump", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oStatusFD, "status-fd",
N_("|FD|write status info to this FD")),
ARGPARSE_group (302, N_(
"@\n(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n"
ARGPARSE_group (303, N_("@\nExamples:\n\n"
" blurb\n"
" blurb\n")),
/* Hidden options. */
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoVerbose, "no-verbose", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoSecmemWarn, "no-secmem-warning", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoGreeting, "no-greeting", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoOptions, "no-options", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oHomedir, "homedir", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oAgentProgram, "agent-program", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oGpgProgram, "gpg-program", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisplay, "display", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oTTYname, "ttyname", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oTTYtype, "ttytype", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLCctype, "lc-ctype", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLCmessages, "lc-messages", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oXauthority, "xauthority", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oFakedSystemTime, "faked-system-time", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithColons, "with-colons", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoRandomSeedFile, "no-random-seed-file", "@"),
/* Command aliases. */
/* The list of supported debug flags. */
static struct debug_flags_s debug_flags [] =
{ DBG_MOUNT_VALUE , "mount" },
{ DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE , "crypto" },
{ DBG_MEMORY_VALUE , "memory" },
{ DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE, "memstat" },
{ DBG_IPC_VALUE , "ipc" },
{ 0, NULL }
/* The timer tick interval used by the idle task. */
/* It is possible that we are currently running under setuid permissions. */
static int maybe_setuid = 1;
/* Helper to implement --debug-level and --debug. */
static const char *debug_level;
static unsigned int debug_value;
/* Flag to indicate that a shutdown was requested. */
static int shutdown_pending;
/* The thread id of the idle task. */
static npth_t idle_task_thread;
/* The container type as specified on the command line. */
static int cmdline_conttype;
static void set_cmd (enum cmd_and_opt_values *ret_cmd,
enum cmd_and_opt_values new_cmd );
static void start_idle_task (void);
static void join_idle_task (void);
/* Begin NPth wrapper functions. */
static const char *
my_strusage( int level )
const char *p;
switch (level)
case 11: p = "@G13@ (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <" PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ">.\n");
case 1:
case 40: p = _("Usage: @G13@ [options] [files] (-h for help)");
case 41:
p = _("Syntax: @G13@ [options] [files]\n"
"Create, mount or unmount an encrypted file system container\n");
case 31: p = "\nHome: "; break;
case 32: p = gnupg_homedir (); break;
default: p = NULL; break;
return p;
static void
wrong_args (const char *text)
fprintf (stderr, _("usage: %s [options] "), G13_NAME);
fputs (text, stderr);
putc ('\n', stderr);
g13_exit (2);
/* Setup the debugging. With a DEBUG_LEVEL of NULL only the active
debug flags are propagated to the subsystems. With DEBUG_LEVEL
set, a specific set of debug flags is set; and individual debugging
flags will be added on top. */
static void
set_debug (void)
int numok = (debug_level && digitp (debug_level));
int numlvl = numok? atoi (debug_level) : 0;
if (!debug_level)
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "none") || (numok && numlvl < 1))
opt.debug = 0;
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "basic") || (numok && numlvl <= 2))
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "advanced") || (numok && numlvl <= 5))
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "expert") || (numok && numlvl <= 8))
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "guru") || numok)
opt.debug = ~0;
/* if (numok) */
/* opt.debug &= ~(DBG_HASHING_VALUE); */
log_error (_("invalid debug-level '%s' given\n"), debug_level);
opt.debug |= debug_value;
if (opt.debug && !opt.verbose)
opt.verbose = 1;
if (opt.debug)
opt.quiet = 0;
if (opt.debug & DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE )
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_DEBUG_FLAGS, 1);
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose);
if (opt.debug)
parse_debug_flag (NULL, &opt.debug, debug_flags);
static void
set_cmd (enum cmd_and_opt_values *ret_cmd, enum cmd_and_opt_values new_cmd)
enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd = *ret_cmd;
if (!cmd || cmd == new_cmd)
cmd = new_cmd;
log_error (_("conflicting commands\n"));
g13_exit (2);
*ret_cmd = cmd;
main ( int argc, char **argv)
int orig_argc;
char **orig_argv;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
/* const char *fname; */
int may_coredump;
FILE *configfp = NULL;
char *configname = NULL;
unsigned configlineno;
int parse_debug = 0;
int no_more_options = 0;
int default_config =1;
char *logfile = NULL;
int greeting = 0;
int nogreeting = 0;
/* int debug_wait = 0; */
int use_random_seed = 1;
/* int nodetach = 0; */
/* int nokeysetup = 0; */
enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd = 0;
struct server_control_s ctrl;
strlist_t recipients = NULL;
early_system_init ();
gnupg_reopen_std (G13_NAME);
set_strusage (my_strusage);
log_set_prefix (G13_NAME, GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX);
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
i18n_init ();
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
npth_init ();
/* Take extra care of the random pool. */
may_coredump = disable_core_dumps ();
g13_init_signals ();
dotlock_create (NULL, 0); /* Register locking cleanup. */
opt.session_env = session_env_new ();
if (!opt.session_env)
log_fatal ("error allocating session environment block: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
/* First check whether we have a config file on the commandline. */
orig_argc = argc;
orig_argv = argv;
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= 1|(1<<6); /* Do not remove the args, ignore version. */
while (arg_parse( &pargs, opts))
if (pargs.r_opt == oDebug || pargs.r_opt == oDebugAll)
else if (pargs.r_opt == oOptions)
{ /* Yes, there is one, so we do not try the default one but
read the config file when it is encountered at the
commandline. */
default_config = 0;
else if (pargs.r_opt == oNoOptions)
default_config = 0; /* --no-options */
else if (pargs.r_opt == oHomedir)
gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str);
/* Initialize the secure memory. */
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 16384, 0);
maybe_setuid = 0;
Now we are now working under our real uid
/* Setup malloc hooks. */
struct assuan_malloc_hooks malloc_hooks;
malloc_hooks.malloc = gcry_malloc;
malloc_hooks.realloc = gcry_realloc; = gcry_free;
assuan_set_malloc_hooks (&malloc_hooks);
/* Prepare libassuan. */
assuan_set_gpg_err_source (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT);
assuan_set_system_hooks (ASSUAN_SYSTEM_NPTH);
setup_libassuan_logging (&opt.debug, NULL);
/* Setup a default control structure for command line mode. */
memset (&ctrl, 0, sizeof ctrl);
g13_init_default_ctrl (&ctrl);
ctrl.no_server = 1;
ctrl.status_fd = -1; /* No status output. */
/* Set the default option file */
if (default_config )
configname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), G13_NAME".conf", NULL);
argc = orig_argc;
argv = orig_argv;
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags = 1; /* Do not remove the args. */
if (configname)
configlineno = 0;
configfp = fopen (configname, "r");
if (!configfp)
if (default_config)
if (parse_debug)
log_info (_("Note: no default option file '%s'\n"), configname);
log_error (_("option file '%s': %s\n"),
configname, strerror(errno));
xfree (configname);
configname = NULL;
if (parse_debug && configname)
log_info (_("reading options from '%s'\n"), configname);
default_config = 0;
while (!no_more_options
&& optfile_parse (configfp, configname, &configlineno, &pargs, opts))
switch (pargs.r_opt)
case aGPGConfList:
case aGPGConfTest:
set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt);
nogreeting = 1;
/* nokeysetup = 1; */
case aServer:
case aMount:
case aUmount:
case aSuspend:
case aResume:
case aCreate:
case aFindDevice:
set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt);
case oOutput: opt.outfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break;
case oNoGreeting: nogreeting = 1; break;
case oNoTTY: break;
case oDryRun: opt.dry_run = 1; break;
case oVerbose:
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose);
case oNoVerbose:
opt.verbose = 0;
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose);
case oLogFile: logfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oNoLogFile: logfile = NULL; break;
case oNoDetach: /*nodetach = 1; */break;
case oDebug:
if (parse_debug_flag (pargs.r.ret_str, &opt.debug, debug_flags))
case oDebugAll: debug_value = ~0; break;
case oDebugNone: debug_value = 0; break;
case oDebugLevel: debug_level = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oDebugWait: /*debug_wait = pargs.r.ret_int; */break;
case oDebugAllowCoreDump:
may_coredump = enable_core_dumps ();
case oStatusFD: ctrl.status_fd = pargs.r.ret_int; break;
case oLoggerFD: log_set_fd (pargs.r.ret_int ); break;
case oNoOptions: break; /* no-options */
case oOptions:
/* Config files may not be nested (silently ignore them). */
if (!configfp)
configname = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str);
goto next_pass;
case oHomedir: gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oAgentProgram: opt.agent_program = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oGpgProgram: opt.gpg_program = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oDisplay: opt.display = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oTTYname: opt.ttyname = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oTTYtype: opt.ttytype = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oLCctype: opt.lc_ctype = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oLCmessages: opt.lc_messages = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oXauthority: opt.xauthority = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oFakedSystemTime:
time_t faked_time = isotime2epoch (pargs.r.ret_str);
if (faked_time == (time_t)(-1))
faked_time = (time_t)strtoul (pargs.r.ret_str, NULL, 10);
gnupg_set_time (faked_time, 0);
case oNoSecmemWarn: gcry_control (GCRYCTL_DISABLE_SECMEM_WARN); break;
case oNoRandomSeedFile: use_random_seed = 0; break;
case oRecipient: /* Store the encryption key. */
add_to_strlist (&recipients, pargs.r.ret_str);
case oType:
if (!strcmp (pargs.r.ret_str, "help"))
be_parse_conttype_name (NULL);
g13_exit (0);
cmdline_conttype = be_parse_conttype_name (pargs.r.ret_str);
if (!cmdline_conttype)
/* XXX Construct GPG arguments. */
strlist_t last;
last = append_to_strlist (&opt.gpg_arguments, "-z");
last = append_to_strlist (&last, "0");
last = append_to_strlist (&last, "--trust-model");
last = append_to_strlist (&last, "always");
(void) last;
if (configfp)
fclose (configfp);
configfp = NULL;
/* Keep a copy of the config filename. */
opt.config_filename = configname;
configname = NULL;
goto next_pass;
xfree (configname);
configname = NULL;
if (!opt.config_filename)
opt.config_filename = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (),
G13_NAME".conf", NULL);
if (log_get_errorcount(0))
/* Now that we have the options parsed we need to update the default
control structure. */
g13_init_default_ctrl (&ctrl);
ctrl.recipients = recipients;
recipients = NULL;
if (nogreeting)
greeting = 0;
if (greeting)
fprintf (stderr, "%s %s; %s\n",
strusage(11), strusage(13), strusage(14) );
fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", strusage(15) );
if (may_coredump && !opt.quiet)
log_info (_("WARNING: program may create a core file!\n"));
/* Print a warning if an argument looks like an option. */
if (!opt.quiet && !(pargs.flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_STOP_SEEN))
int i;
for (i=0; i < argc; i++)
if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '-')
log_info (_("Note: '%s' is not considered an option\n"), argv[i]);
if (logfile)
log_set_file (logfile);
if (gnupg_faked_time_p ())
gnupg_isotime_t tbuf;
log_info (_("WARNING: running with faked system time: "));
gnupg_get_isotime (tbuf);
dump_isotime (tbuf);
log_printf ("\n");
/* Print any pending secure memory warnings. */
/* Setup the debug flags for all subsystems. */
set_debug ();
/* Install emergency cleanup handler. */
g13_install_emergency_cleanup ();
/* Terminate if we found any error until now. */
if (log_get_errorcount(0))
g13_exit (2);
/* Set the standard GnuPG random seed file. */
if (use_random_seed)
char *p = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), "random_seed", NULL);
/* Store given filename into FNAME. */
/* fname = argc? *argv : NULL; */
/* Parse all given encryption keys. This does a lookup of the keys
and stops if any of the given keys was not found. */
#if 0 /* Currently not implemented. */
if (!nokeysetup)
strlist_t sl;
int failed = 0;
for (sl = ctrl->recipients; sl; sl = sl->next)
if (check_encryption_key ())
failed = 1;
if (failed)
g13_exit (1);
#endif /*0*/
/* Dispatch command. */
err = 0;
switch (cmd)
case aGPGConfList:
{ /* List options and default values in the GPG Conf format. */
char *config_filename_esc = percent_escape (opt.config_filename, NULL);
printf ("gpgconf-g13.conf:%lu:\"%s\n",
GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT, config_filename_esc);
xfree (config_filename_esc);
printf ("verbose:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
printf ("quiet:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
printf ("debug-level:%lu:\"none:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT);
printf ("log-file:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
case aGPGConfTest:
/* This is merely a dummy command to test whether the
configuration file is valid. */
case aServer:
start_idle_task ();
ctrl.no_server = 0;
err = g13_server (&ctrl);
if (err)
log_error ("server exited with error: %s <%s>\n",
gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
g13_request_shutdown ();
case aFindDevice:
char *blockdev;
if (argc != 1)
wrong_args ("--find-device name");
err = call_syshelp_find_device (&ctrl, argv[0], &blockdev);
if (err)
log_error ("error finding device '%s': %s <%s>\n",
argv[0], gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
puts (blockdev);
case aCreate: /* Create a new container. */
if (argc != 1)
wrong_args ("--create filename");
start_idle_task ();
err = g13_create_container (&ctrl, argv[0]);
if (err)
log_error ("error creating a new container: %s <%s>\n",
gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
g13_request_shutdown ();
case aMount: /* Mount a container. */
if (argc != 1 && argc != 2 )
wrong_args ("--mount filename [mountpoint]");
start_idle_task ();
err = g13_mount_container (&ctrl, argv[0], argc == 2?argv[1]:NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error mounting container '%s': %s <%s>\n",
*argv, gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
case aUmount: /* Unmount a mounted container. */
if (argc != 1)
wrong_args ("--umount filename");
err = g13_umount_container (&ctrl, argv[0], NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error unmounting container '%s': %s <%s>\n",
*argv, gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
case aSuspend: /* Suspend a container. */
/* Fixme: Should we add a suspend all container option? */
if (argc != 1)
wrong_args ("--suspend filename");
err = g13_suspend_container (&ctrl, argv[0]);
if (err)
log_error ("error suspending container '%s': %s <%s>\n",
*argv, gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
case aResume: /* Resume a suspended container. */
/* Fixme: Should we add a resume all container option? */
if (argc != 1)
wrong_args ("--resume filename");
err = g13_resume_container (&ctrl, argv[0]);
if (err)
log_error ("error resuming container '%s': %s <%s>\n",
*argv, gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
log_error (_("invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n"));
g13_deinit_default_ctrl (&ctrl);
if (!err)
join_idle_task ();
/* Cleanup. */
g13_exit (0);
return 8; /*NOTREACHED*/
/* Store defaults into the per-connection CTRL object. */
g13_init_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl)
ctrl->conttype = cmdline_conttype? cmdline_conttype : CONTTYPE_ENCFS;
/* Release remaining resources allocated in the CTRL object. */
g13_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl)
call_syshelp_release (ctrl);
FREE_STRLIST (ctrl->recipients);
/* Request a shutdown. This can be used when the process should
* finish instead of running the idle task. */
g13_request_shutdown (void)
/* This function is called for each signal we catch. It is run in the
main context or the one of a NPth thread and thus it is not
restricted in what it may do. */
static void
handle_signal (int signo)
switch (signo)
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
case SIGHUP:
log_info ("SIGHUP received - re-reading configuration\n");
/* Fixme: Not yet implemented. */
case SIGUSR1:
log_info ("SIGUSR1 received - printing internal information:\n");
/* Fixme: We need to see how to integrate pth dumping into our
logging system. */
/* pth_ctrl (PTH_CTRL_DUMPSTATE, log_get_stream ()); */
mountinfo_dump_all ();
case SIGUSR2:
log_info ("SIGUSR2 received - no action defined\n");
if (!shutdown_pending)
log_info ("SIGTERM received - shutting down ...\n");
log_info ("SIGTERM received - still %u runners active\n",
runner_get_threads ());
if (shutdown_pending > 2)
log_info ("shutdown forced\n");
log_info ("%s %s stopped\n", strusage(11), strusage(13) );
g13_exit (0);
case SIGINT:
log_info ("SIGINT received - immediate shutdown\n");
log_info( "%s %s stopped\n", strusage(11), strusage(13));
g13_exit (0);
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
log_info ("signal %d received - no action defined\n", signo);
/* This ticker function is called about every TIMERTICK_INTERVAL_SEC
seconds. */
static void
handle_tick (void)
/* log_debug ("TICK\n"); */
/* The idle task. We use a separate thread to do idle stuff and to
catch signals. */
static void *
idle_task (void *dummy_arg)
int signo; /* The number of a raised signal is stored here. */
int saved_errno;
struct timespec abstime;
struct timespec curtime;
struct timespec timeout;
int ret;
/* Create the event to catch the signals. */
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
npth_sigev_init ();
npth_sigev_add (SIGHUP);
npth_sigev_add (SIGUSR1);
npth_sigev_add (SIGUSR2);
npth_sigev_add (SIGINT);
npth_sigev_add (SIGTERM);
npth_sigev_fini ();
npth_clock_gettime (&abstime);
abstime.tv_sec += TIMERTICK_INTERVAL_SEC;
for (;;)
/* The shutdown flag allows us to terminate the idle task. */
if (shutdown_pending)
runner_cancel_all ();
if (!runner_get_threads ())
break; /* ready */
npth_clock_gettime (&curtime);
if (!(npth_timercmp (&curtime, &abstime, <)))
/* Timeout. */
handle_tick ();
npth_clock_gettime (&abstime);
abstime.tv_sec += TIMERTICK_INTERVAL_SEC;
npth_timersub (&abstime, &curtime, &timeout);
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
ret = npth_pselect (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &timeout, npth_sigev_sigmask());
saved_errno = errno;
while (npth_sigev_get_pending(&signo))
handle_signal (signo);
ret = npth_eselect (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &timeout, NULL, NULL);
saved_errno = errno;
if (ret == -1 && saved_errno != EINTR)
log_error (_("npth_pselect failed: %s - waiting 1s\n"),
strerror (saved_errno));
npth_sleep (1);
if (ret <= 0)
/* Interrupt or timeout. Will be handled when calculating the
next timeout. */
/* Here one would add processing of file descriptors. */
log_info (_("%s %s stopped\n"), strusage(11), strusage(13));
return NULL;
/* Start the idle task. */
static void
start_idle_task (void)
npth_attr_t tattr;
npth_t thread;
sigset_t sigs; /* The set of signals we want to catch. */
int err;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* These signals should always go to the idle task, so they need to
be blocked everywhere else. We assume start_idle_task is called
from the main thread before any other threads are created. */
sigemptyset (&sigs);
sigaddset (&sigs, SIGHUP);
sigaddset (&sigs, SIGUSR1);
sigaddset (&sigs, SIGUSR2);
sigaddset (&sigs, SIGINT);
sigaddset (&sigs, SIGTERM);
npth_sigmask (SIG_BLOCK, &sigs, NULL);
npth_attr_init (&tattr);
npth_attr_setdetachstate (&tattr, NPTH_CREATE_JOINABLE);
err = npth_create (&thread, &tattr, idle_task, NULL);
if (err)
log_fatal ("error starting idle task: %s\n", strerror (err));
return; /*NOTREACHED*/
npth_setname_np (thread, "idle-task");
idle_task_thread = thread;
npth_attr_destroy (&tattr);
/* Wait for the idle task to finish. */
static void
join_idle_task (void)
int err;
/* FIXME: This assumes that a valid pthread_t is non-null. That is
not guaranteed. */
if (idle_task_thread)
err = npth_join (idle_task_thread, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("waiting for idle task thread failed: %s\n",
strerror (err));
diff --git a/g13/g13.h b/g13/g13.h
index e69489069..9c0acb5b4 100644
--- a/g13/g13.h
+++ b/g13/g13.h
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
/* g13.h - Global definitions for G13.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G13_H
#define G13_H
#include "g13-common.h"
/* Forward declaration for an object defined in server.c. */
struct server_local_s;
/* Forward declaration for an object defined in call-syshelp.c. */
struct call_syshelp_s;
/* Session control object. This object is passed down to most
functions. The default values for it are set by
g13_init_default_ctrl(). */
struct server_control_s
int no_server; /* We are not running under server control */
int status_fd; /* Only for non-server mode */
struct server_local_s *server_local;
struct call_syshelp_s *syshelp_local;
int agent_seen; /* Flag indicating that the gpg-agent has been
accessed. */
int with_colons; /* Use column delimited output format */
/* Type of the current container. See the CONTTYPE_ constants. */
int conttype;
strlist_t recipients; /* List of recipients. */
/*-- g13.c --*/
void g13_init_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl);
void g13_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl);
void g13_request_shutdown (void);
#endif /*G13_H*/
diff --git a/g13/g13tuple.c b/g13/g13tuple.c
index ddcb46715..f79c82d51 100644
--- a/g13/g13tuple.c
+++ b/g13/g13tuple.c
@@ -1,340 +1,340 @@
/* g13tuple.c - Tuple handling
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2009, 2015, 2016 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "g13.h"
#include "g13tuple.h"
#include "keyblob.h" /* Required for dump_tupledesc. */
/* Definition of the tuple descriptor object. */
struct tupledesc_s
unsigned char *data; /* The tuple data. */
size_t datalen; /* The length of the data. */
size_t pos; /* The current position as used by next_tuple. */
int refcount; /* Number of references hold. */
/* Append the TAG and the VALUE to the MEMBUF. There is no error
checking here; this is instead done while getting the value back
from the membuf. */
append_tuple (membuf_t *membuf, int tag, const void *value, size_t length)
unsigned char buf[2];
assert (tag >= 0 && tag <= 0xffff);
assert (length <= 0xffff);
buf[0] = tag >> 8;
buf[1] = tag;
put_membuf (membuf, buf, 2);
buf[0] = length >> 8;
buf[1] = length;
put_membuf (membuf, buf, 2);
if (length)
put_membuf (membuf, value, length);
/* Append the unsigned integer VALUE under TAG to MEMBUF. We make
* sure that the most significant bit is always cleared to explicitly
* flag the value as unsigned. */
append_tuple_uint (membuf_t *membuf, int tag, unsigned long long value)
unsigned char buf[16];
unsigned char *p;
unsigned int len;
p = buf + sizeof buf;
len = 0;
if (p == buf)
BUG () ;
*--p = (value & 0xff);
value >>= 8;
while (value);
/* Prepend a zero byte if the first byte has its MSB set. */
if ((*p & 0x80))
if (p == buf)
BUG () ;
*--p = 0;
append_tuple (membuf, tag, p, len);
/* Create a tuple object by moving the ownership of (DATA,DATALEN) to
* a new object. Returns 0 on success and stores the new object at
* R_TUPLEHD. The return object must be released using
* destroy_tuples(). */
create_tupledesc (tupledesc_t *r_desc, void *data, size_t datalen)
if (datalen < 5 || memcmp (data, "\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01", 5))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
*r_desc = xtrymalloc (sizeof **r_desc);
if (!*r_desc)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
(*r_desc)->data = data;
(*r_desc)->datalen = datalen;
(*r_desc)->pos = 0;
(*r_desc)->refcount = 1;
return 0;
/* Unref a tuple descriptor and if the refcount is down to 0 release
its allocated storage. */
destroy_tupledesc (tupledesc_t tupledesc)
if (!tupledesc)
if (!--tupledesc->refcount)
xfree (tupledesc->data);
xfree (tupledesc);
ref_tupledesc (tupledesc_t tupledesc)
if (tupledesc)
return tupledesc;
/* Return a pointer to the memory used to store the tuples. This is
* the data originally provided to create_tupledesc. It is higly
* recommended that the callers uses ref_tupledesc before calling this
* function and unref_tupledesc when the return data will not anymore
* be used. */
const void *
get_tupledesc_data (tupledesc_t tupledesc, size_t *r_datalen)
*r_datalen = tupledesc->datalen;
return tupledesc->data;
/* Find the first tuple with tag TAG. On success return a pointer to
its value and store the length of the value at R_LENGTH. If no
tuple was found return NULL. For use by next_tuple, the last
position is stored in the descriptor. */
const void *
find_tuple (tupledesc_t tupledesc, unsigned int tag, size_t *r_length)
const unsigned char *s;
const unsigned char *s_end; /* Points right behind the data. */
unsigned int t;
size_t n;
s = tupledesc->data;
if (!s)
return NULL;
s_end = s + tupledesc->datalen;
while (s < s_end)
/* We use addresses for the overflow check to avoid undefined
behaviour. size_t should work with all flat memory models. */
if ((size_t)s+3 >= (size_t)s_end || (size_t)s + 3 < (size_t)s)
t = s[0] << 8;
t |= s[1];
n = s[2] << 8;
n |= s[3];
s += 4;
if ((size_t)s + n > (size_t)s_end || (size_t)s + n < (size_t)s)
if (t == tag)
tupledesc->pos = (s + n) - tupledesc->data;
*r_length = n;
return s;
s += n;
return NULL;
/* Helper for find_tuple_uint and others. */
static gpg_error_t
convert_uint (const unsigned char *s, size_t n, unsigned long long *r_value)
unsigned long long value = 0;
*r_value = 0;
if (!s)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
if (!n || (*s & 0x80)) /* No bytes or negative. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ERANGE);
if (n && !*s) /* Skip a leading zero. */
if (n > sizeof value)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ERANGE);
for (; n; n--, s++)
value <<= 8;
value |= *s;
*r_value = value;
return 0;
/* Similar to find-tuple but expects an unsigned int value and stores
* that at R_VALUE. If the tag was not found GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND is
* returned and 0 stored at R_VALUE. If the value cannot be converted
* to an unsigned integer GPG_ERR_ERANGE is returned. */
find_tuple_uint (tupledesc_t tupledesc, unsigned int tag,
unsigned long long *r_value)
const unsigned char *s;
size_t n;
s = find_tuple (tupledesc, tag, &n);
return convert_uint (s, n, r_value);
const void *
next_tuple (tupledesc_t tupledesc, unsigned int *r_tag, size_t *r_length)
const unsigned char *s;
const unsigned char *s_end; /* Points right behind the data. */
unsigned int t;
size_t n;
s = tupledesc->data;
if (!s)
return NULL;
s_end = s + tupledesc->datalen;
s += tupledesc->pos;
if (s < s_end
&& !((size_t)s + 3 >= (size_t)s_end || (size_t)s + 3 < (size_t)s))
t = s[0] << 8;
t |= s[1];
n = s[2] << 8;
n |= s[3];
s += 4;
if (!((size_t)s + n > (size_t)s_end || (size_t)s + n < (size_t)s))
tupledesc->pos = (s + n) - tupledesc->data;
*r_tag = t;
*r_length = n;
return s;
return NULL;
/* Return true if BUF has only printable characters. */
static int
all_printable (const void *buf, size_t buflen)
const unsigned char *s;
for (s=buf ; buflen; s++, buflen--)
if (*s < 32 && *s > 126)
return 0;
return 1;
/* Print information about TUPLES to the log stream. */
dump_tupledesc (tupledesc_t tuples)
size_t n;
unsigned int tag;
const void *value;
unsigned long long uint;
log_info ("keyblob dump:\n");
value = find_tuple (tuples, tag, &n);
while (value)
log_info (" tag: %-5u len: %-2u value: ", tag, (unsigned int)n);
if (!n)
log_printf ("[none]\n");
switch (tag)
log_printf ("[confidential]\n");
if (n < 100 && all_printable (value, n))
log_printf ("%.*s\n", (int)n, (const char*)value);
log_printhex ("", value, n);
if (!convert_uint (value, n, &uint))
log_printf ("%llu\n", uint);
log_printhex ("", value, n);
log_printhex ("", value, n);
value = next_tuple (tuples, &tag, &n);
diff --git a/g13/g13tuple.h b/g13/g13tuple.h
index c9dfb47b7..77d595df5 100644
--- a/g13/g13tuple.h
+++ b/g13/g13tuple.h
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
/* g13tuple.h - Tuple handling
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G13_G13TUPLE_H
#define G13_G13TUPLE_H
#include "../common/membuf.h"
/* Append a new tuple to a memory buffer. */
void append_tuple (membuf_t *membuf,
int tag, const void *value, size_t length);
void append_tuple_uint (membuf_t *membuf, int tag,
unsigned long long value);
/* The tuple descriptor object. */
struct tupledesc_s;
typedef struct tupledesc_s *tupledesc_t;
gpg_error_t create_tupledesc (tupledesc_t *r_tupledesc,
void *data, size_t datalen);
void destroy_tupledesc (tupledesc_t tupledesc);
tupledesc_t ref_tupledesc (tupledesc_t tupledesc);
#define unref_tupledesc(a) destroy_tupledesc ((a))
const void *get_tupledesc_data (tupledesc_t tupledesc, size_t *r_datalen);
const void *find_tuple (tupledesc_t tupledesc,
unsigned int tag, size_t *r_length);
gpg_error_t find_tuple_uint (tupledesc_t tupledesc, unsigned int tag,
unsigned long long *r_value);
const void *next_tuple (tupledesc_t tupledesc,
unsigned int *r_tag, size_t *r_length);
void dump_tupledesc (tupledesc_t tuples);
#endif /*G13_G13TUPLE_H*/
diff --git a/g13/keyblob.c b/g13/keyblob.c
index 8a5b622ab..81863bb4e 100644
--- a/g13/keyblob.c
+++ b/g13/keyblob.c
@@ -1,207 +1,207 @@
/* keyblob.c - Keyblob parser and builder.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "g13.h"
#include "mount.h"
#include "keyblob.h"
#include "../common/sysutils.h"
#include "host2net.h"
/* Parse the header prefix and return the length of the entire header. */
static gpg_error_t
parse_header (const char *filename,
const unsigned char *packet, size_t packetlen,
size_t *r_headerlen)
unsigned int len;
if (packetlen != 32)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
len = buf32_to_uint (packet+2);
if (packet[0] != (0xc0|61) || len < 26
|| memcmp (packet+6, "GnuPG/G13", 10))
log_error ("file '%s' is not valid container\n", filename);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (packet[16] != 1)
log_error ("unknown version %u of container '%s'\n",
(unsigned int)packet[16], filename);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (packet[17] || packet[18]
|| packet[26] || packet[27] || packet[28] || packet[29]
|| packet[30] || packet[31])
log_info ("WARNING: unknown meta information in '%s'\n", filename);
if (packet[19])
log_info ("WARNING: OS flag is not supported in '%s'\n", filename);
if (packet[24] > 1 )
log_info ("Note: meta data copies in '%s' are ignored\n", filename);
len = buf32_to_uint (packet+20);
/* Do a basic sanity check on the length. */
if (len < 32 || len > 1024*1024)
log_error ("bad length given in container '%s'\n", filename);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
*r_headerlen = len;
return 0;
/* Read the prefix of the keyblob and do some basic parsing. On
success returns an open estream file at R_FP and the length of the
header at R_HEADERLEN. */
static gpg_error_t
read_keyblob_prefix (const char *filename, estream_t *r_fp, size_t *r_headerlen)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t fp;
unsigned char packet[32];
*r_fp = NULL;
fp = es_fopen (filename, "rb");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error reading '%s': %s\n", filename, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Read the header. It is defined as 32 bytes thus we read it in one go. */
if (es_fread (packet, 32, 1, fp) != 1)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error reading the header of '%s': %s\n",
filename, gpg_strerror (err));
es_fclose (fp);
return err;
err = parse_header (filename, packet, 32, r_headerlen);
if (err)
es_fclose (fp);
*r_fp = fp;
return err;
* Test whether the container with name FILENAME is a suitable G13
* container. This function may even be called on a mounted
* container.
g13_is_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *filename)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t fp = NULL;
size_t dummy;
/* Read just the prefix of the header. */
err = read_keyblob_prefix (filename, &fp, &dummy);
if (!err)
es_fclose (fp);
return err;
* Read the keyblob at FILENAME. The caller should have acquired a
* lockfile and checked that the file exists.
g13_keyblob_read (const char *filename,
void **r_enckeyblob, size_t *r_enckeybloblen)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t fp = NULL;
size_t headerlen = 0;
size_t msglen;
void *msg = NULL;
*r_enckeyblob = NULL;
*r_enckeybloblen = 0;
err = read_keyblob_prefix (filename, &fp, &headerlen);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("header length of '%s' is %zu\n", filename, headerlen);
/* Read everything including the padding. We should eventually do a
regular OpenPGP parsing to detect the padding packet and pass
only the actual used OpenPGP data to the engine. This is in
particular required when supporting CMS which will be
encapsulated in an OpenPGP packet. */
assert (headerlen >= 32);
msglen = headerlen - 32;
if (!msglen)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
goto leave;
msg = xtrymalloc (msglen);
if (!msglen)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (es_fread (msg, msglen, 1, fp) != 1)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error reading keyblob of '%s': %s\n",
filename, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
*r_enckeyblob = msg;
msg = NULL;
*r_enckeybloblen = msglen;
xfree (msg);
es_fclose (fp);
return err;
diff --git a/g13/keyblob.h b/g13/keyblob.h
index 48f0b9c9b..90fcf6057 100644
--- a/g13/keyblob.h
+++ b/g13/keyblob.h
@@ -1,162 +1,162 @@
/* keyblob.h - Defs to describe a keyblob
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G13_KEYBLOB_H
#define G13_KEYBLOB_H
/* The setup area (header block) is the actual core of G13. Here is
the format:
u8 Packet type. Value is 61 (0x3d).
u8 Constant value 255 (0xff).
u32 Length of the following structure
b10 Value: "GnuPG/G13\x00".
u8 Version. Value is 1.
u8 reserved
u8 reserved
u8 OS Flag: 0 = unspecified, 1 = Linux
u32 Length of the entire header. This includes all bytes
starting at the packet type and ending with the last
padding byte of the header.
u8 Number of copies of this header (1..255).
u8 Number of copies of this header at the end of the
container (usually 0).
b6 reserved
n bytes: OpenPGP encrypted and optionally signed keyblob.
n bytes: CMS encrypted and optionally signed keyblob. Such a CMS
packet will be enclosed in a private flagged OpenPGP
packet. Either the OpenPGP encrypted packet as described
above, the CMS encrypted or both packets must exist. The
encapsulation packet has this structure:
u8 Packet type. Value is 61 (0x3d).
u8 Constant value 255 (0xff).
u32 Length of the following structure
b10 Value: "GnuPG/CMS\x00".
b(n) Regular CMS structure.
n bytes: Padding. The structure resembles an OpenPGP packet.
u8 Packet type. Value is 61 (0x3d).
u8 Constant value 255 (0xff).
u32 Length of the following structure
b10 Value: "GnuPG/PAD\x00".
b(n) Padding stuff.
(repeat the above value
or if the remaining N < 10, all 0x00).
Given this structure the minimum padding is 16 bytes.
n bytes: File system container.
(optionally followed by copies on the header).
/* This tag is used to describe the version of the keyblob. It must
be the first tag in a keyblob and may only occur once. Its value
is a single byte giving the blob version. The only defined version
is 1. */
/* This tag gives the type of the container. The value is a two byte
big endian integer giving the type of the container as described by
the CONTTYPE_ constants. */
/* Indicates that the actual storage is not in the same file as the
keyblob. If a value is given it is expected to be the GUID of the
partition. */
/* This is an ISO 8601 time string with the date the container was
created. */
/* Number of 512-byte sectors of the entire container including all
copies of the setup area. */
/* Number of 512-byte sectors used for the encrypted data and its
start offset in 512-byte sectors from the begin of the container.
Note that these information can also be deduced from the
unencrypted part of the setup area. */
/* For a dm-crypt container this is the used algorithm string. For
example: "aes-cbc-essiv:sha256". */
/* This tag indicates a new key. The value is a 4 byte big endian
integer giving the key number. If the container type does only
need one key this key number should be 0. */
/* Describes the algorithm of the key. It must follow a KEYNO tag.
The value is a 2 byte big endian algorithm number. The algorithm
numbers used are those from Libgcrypt (e.g. AES 128 is described by
the value 7). This tag is optional. */
/* This tag gives the actual encryption key. It must follow a KEYNO
tag. The value is the plain key. */
/* Describes the MAC algorithm. It must follow a KEYNO tag. The
value is a 2 byte big endian algorithm number describing the MAC
algorithm with a value of 1 indicating HMAC. It is followed by
data specific to the MAC algorithm. In case of HMAC this data is a
2 byte big endian integer with the Libgcrypt algorithm id of the
hash algorithm. */
/* This tag gives the actual MACing key. It must follow a KEYNO tag.
The value is the key used for MACing. */
/* The value of this tag is a copy of the setup area prefix header
block (packet 61 with marker "GnuPG/G13\x00". We use it to allow
signing of that cleartext data. */
#define KEYBLOB_TAG_FILLER 0xffff
/* This tag may be used for alignment and padding purposes. The value
has no meaning. */
/* A EncFS based backend. This requires a whole directory which
includes the encrypted files. Metadata is not encrypted. */
/* A DM-Crypt based backend. */
/* A Truecrypt ( based container. Due to the design
of truecrypt this requires a second datafile because it is not
possible to prepend a truecrypt container with our keyblob. */
/*-- keyblob.c --*/
gpg_error_t g13_is_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *filename);
gpg_error_t g13_keyblob_read (const char *filename,
void **r_enckeyblob, size_t *r_enckeybloblen);
#endif /*G13_KEYBLOB_H*/
diff --git a/g13/mount.c b/g13/mount.c
index b46c8d0a0..7814d5c67 100644
--- a/g13/mount.c
+++ b/g13/mount.c
@@ -1,265 +1,265 @@
/* mount.c - Mount a crypto container
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "g13.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "mount.h"
#include "keyblob.h"
#include "backend.h"
#include "g13tuple.h"
#include "mountinfo.h"
#include "runner.h"
#include "host2net.h"
#include "server.h" /*(g13_keyblob_decrypt)*/
#include "../common/sysutils.h"
#include "call-syshelp.h"
/* Mount the container with name FILENAME at MOUNTPOINT. */
g13_mount_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *filename, const char *mountpoint)
gpg_error_t err;
dotlock_t lock;
int needs_syshelp = 0;
void *enckeyblob = NULL;
size_t enckeybloblen;
void *keyblob = NULL;
size_t keybloblen;
tupledesc_t tuples = NULL;
size_t n;
const unsigned char *value;
int conttype;
unsigned int rid;
char *mountpoint_buffer = NULL;
char *blockdev_buffer = NULL;
/* Decide whether we need to use the g13-syshelp. */
err = call_syshelp_find_device (ctrl, filename, &blockdev_buffer);
if (!err)
needs_syshelp = 1;
filename = blockdev_buffer;
else if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
log_error ("error finding device '%s': %s <%s>\n",
filename, gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
return err;
/* A quick check to see whether we can the container exists. */
if (access (filename, R_OK))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (!mountpoint)
mountpoint_buffer = xtrystrdup ("/tmp/g13-XXXXXX");
if (!mountpoint_buffer)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (!gnupg_mkdtemp (mountpoint_buffer))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't create directory '%s': %s\n"),
"/tmp/g13-XXXXXX", gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (mountpoint_buffer);
return err;
mountpoint = mountpoint_buffer;
err = 0;
if (needs_syshelp)
lock = NULL;
/* Try to take a lock. */
lock = dotlock_create (filename, 0);
if (!lock)
xfree (mountpoint_buffer);
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (dotlock_take (lock, 0))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Check again that the file exists. */
if (!needs_syshelp)
struct stat sb;
if (stat (filename, &sb))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Read the encrypted keyblob. */
if (needs_syshelp)
err = call_syshelp_set_device (ctrl, filename);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = call_syshelp_get_keyblob (ctrl, &enckeyblob, &enckeybloblen);
err = g13_keyblob_read (filename, &enckeyblob, &enckeybloblen);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Decrypt that keyblob and store it in a tuple descriptor. */
err = g13_keyblob_decrypt (ctrl, enckeyblob, enckeybloblen,
&keyblob, &keybloblen);
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (enckeyblob);
enckeyblob = NULL;
err = create_tupledesc (&tuples, keyblob, keybloblen);
if (!err)
keyblob = NULL;
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)
log_error ("unknown keyblob version\n");
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose)
dump_tupledesc (tuples);
value = find_tuple (tuples, KEYBLOB_TAG_CONTTYPE, &n);
if (!value || n != 2)
conttype = 0;
conttype = (value[0] << 8 | value[1]);
if (!be_is_supported_conttype (conttype))
log_error ("content type %d is not supported\n", conttype);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
goto leave;
err = be_mount_container (ctrl, conttype, filename, mountpoint, tuples, &rid);
if (err)
else if (conttype == CONTTYPE_DM_CRYPT)
g13_request_shutdown ();
/* Unless this is a DM-CRYPT mount we put it into our mounttable
so that we can manage the mounts ourselves. For dm-crypt we
do not keep a process to monitor he mounts (for now). */
err = mountinfo_add_mount (filename, mountpoint, conttype, rid,
/* Fixme: What shall we do if this fails? Add a provisional
mountinfo entry first and remove it on error? */
if (!err)
char *tmp = percent_plus_escape (mountpoint);
if (!tmp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
g13_status (ctrl, STATUS_MOUNTPOINT, tmp, NULL);
xfree (tmp);
destroy_tupledesc (tuples);
xfree (keyblob);
xfree (enckeyblob);
dotlock_destroy (lock);
xfree (mountpoint_buffer);
xfree (blockdev_buffer);
return err;
/* Unmount the container with name FILENAME or the one mounted at
MOUNTPOINT. If both are given the FILENAME takes precedence. */
g13_umount_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *filename, const char *mountpoint)
gpg_error_t err;
char *blockdev;
if (!filename && !mountpoint)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOENT);
/* Decide whether we need to use the g13-syshelp. */
err = call_syshelp_find_device (ctrl, filename, &blockdev);
if (!err)
/* Need to employ the syshelper to umount the file system. */
/* FIXME: We should get the CONTTYPE from the blockdev. */
err = be_umount_container (ctrl, CONTTYPE_DM_CRYPT, blockdev);
if (!err)
/* if (conttype == CONTTYPE_DM_CRYPT) */
g13_request_shutdown ();
else if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
log_error ("error finding device '%s': %s <%s>\n",
filename, gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
/* Not in g13tab - kill the runner process for this mount. */
unsigned int rid;
runner_t runner;
err = mountinfo_find_mount (filename, mountpoint, &rid);
if (err)
return err;
runner = runner_find_by_rid (rid);
if (!runner)
log_error ("runner %u not found\n", rid);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
runner_cancel (runner);
runner_release (runner);
xfree (blockdev);
return err;
diff --git a/g13/mount.h b/g13/mount.h
index 003768202..fd403d557 100644
--- a/g13/mount.h
+++ b/g13/mount.h
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
/* mount.h - Defs to mount a crypto container
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G13_MOUNT_H
#define G13_MOUNT_H
gpg_error_t g13_mount_container (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *filename,
const char *mountpoint);
gpg_error_t g13_umount_container (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *filename,
const char *mountpoint);
#endif /*G13_MOUNT_H*/
diff --git a/g13/mountinfo.c b/g13/mountinfo.c
index 1c4894dac..26eca0cd0 100644
--- a/g13/mountinfo.c
+++ b/g13/mountinfo.c
@@ -1,198 +1,198 @@
/* mountinfo.c - Track infos about mounts
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "g13.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "mountinfo.h"
#include "keyblob.h"
#include "g13tuple.h"
/* The object to keep track of mount information. */
struct mounttable_s
int in_use; /* The slot is in use. */
char *container; /* Name of the container. */
char *mountpoint; /* Name of the mounttype. */
int conttype; /* Type of the container. */
unsigned int rid; /* Identifier of the runner task. */
struct {
unsigned int remove:1; /* True if the mountpoint shall be removed
on umount. */
} flags;
/* The allocated table of mounts and its size. */
static mtab_t mounttable;
size_t mounttable_size;
/* Add CONTAINER,MOUNTPOINT,CONTTYPE,RID to the mounttable. */
mountinfo_add_mount (const char *container, const char *mountpoint,
int conttype, unsigned int rid, int remove_flag)
size_t idx;
mtab_t m;
for (idx=0; idx < mounttable_size; idx++)
if (!mounttable[idx].in_use)
if (!(idx < mounttable_size))
size_t nslots = mounttable_size;
mounttable_size += 10;
m = xtrycalloc (mounttable_size, sizeof *mounttable);
if (!m)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (mounttable)
for (idx=0; idx < nslots; idx++)
m[idx] = mounttable[idx];
xfree (mounttable);
mounttable = m;
m = mounttable + nslots;
assert (!m->in_use);
m = mounttable + idx;
m->container = xtrystrdup (container);
if (!m->container)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
m->mountpoint = xtrystrdup (mountpoint);
if (!m->mountpoint)
xfree (m->container);
m->container = NULL;
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
m->conttype = conttype;
m->rid = rid;
m->flags.remove = !!remove_flag;
m->in_use = 1;
return 0;
/* Remove a mount info. Either the CONTAINER, the MOUNTPOINT or the
RID must be given. The first argument given is used. */
mountinfo_del_mount (const char *container, const char *mountpoint,
unsigned int rid)
gpg_error_t err;
size_t idx;
mtab_t m;
/* If a container or mountpint is givem search the RID via the
standard find function. */
if (container || mountpoint)
err = mountinfo_find_mount (container, mountpoint, &rid);
if (err)
return err;
/* Find via RID and delete. */
for (idx=0, m = mounttable; idx < mounttable_size; idx++, m++)
if (m->in_use && m->rid == rid)
if (m->flags.remove && m->mountpoint)
/* FIXME: This does not always work because the umount may
not have completed yet. We should add the mountpoints
to an idle queue and retry a remove. */
if (rmdir (m->mountpoint))
log_error ("error removing mount point '%s': %s\n",
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
m->in_use = 0;
xfree (m->container);
m->container = NULL;
xfree (m->mountpoint);
m->mountpoint = NULL;
return 0;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
/* Find a mount and return its rid at R_RID. If CONTAINER is given,
the search is done by the container name, if it is not given the
search is done by MOUNTPOINT. */
mountinfo_find_mount (const char *container, const char *mountpoint,
unsigned int *r_rid)
size_t idx;
mtab_t m;
if (container)
for (idx=0, m = mounttable; idx < mounttable_size; idx++, m++)
if (m->in_use && !strcmp (m->container, container))
else if (mountpoint)
for (idx=0, m = mounttable; idx < mounttable_size; idx++, m++)
if (m->in_use && !strcmp (m->mountpoint, mountpoint))
idx = mounttable_size;
if (!(idx < mounttable_size))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
*r_rid = m->rid;
return 0;
/* Dump all info to the log stream. */
mountinfo_dump_all (void)
size_t idx;
mtab_t m;
for (idx=0, m = mounttable; idx < mounttable_size; idx++, m++)
if (m->in_use)
log_info ("mtab[%d] %s on %s type %d rid %u%s\n",
(int)idx, m->container, m->mountpoint, m->conttype, m->rid,
m->flags.remove?" [remove]":"");
diff --git a/g13/mountinfo.h b/g13/mountinfo.h
index 95e95f51c..ab346bf1f 100644
--- a/g13/mountinfo.h
+++ b/g13/mountinfo.h
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
/* mountinfo.h - Track infos about mounts
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G13_MOUNTINFO_H
#define G13_MOUNTINFO_H
struct mounttable_s;
typedef struct mounttable_s *mtab_t;
gpg_error_t mountinfo_add_mount (const char *container,
const char *mountpoint,
int conttype, unsigned int rid,
int remove_flag);
gpg_error_t mountinfo_del_mount (const char *container,
const char *mountpoint,
unsigned int rid);
gpg_error_t mountinfo_find_mount (const char *container,
const char *mountpoint,
unsigned int *r_rid);
void mountinfo_dump_all (void);
#endif /*G13_MOUNTINFO_H*/
diff --git a/g13/runner.c b/g13/runner.c
index 35c68437e..af2e836d8 100644
--- a/g13/runner.c
+++ b/g13/runner.c
@@ -1,539 +1,539 @@
/* runner.c - Run and watch the backend engines
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <npth.h>
#include "g13.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "keyblob.h"
#include "runner.h"
#include "../common/exechelp.h"
#include "mountinfo.h"
/* The runner object. */
struct runner_s
char *name; /* The name of this runner. */
unsigned int identifier; /* The runner identifier. */
int spawned; /* True if runner_spawn has been called. */
npth_t thread; /* The TID of the runner thread. */
runner_t next_running; /* Builds a list of all running threads. */
int canceled; /* Set if a cancel has already been send once. */
int cancel_flag; /* If set the thread should terminate itself. */
/* We use a reference counter to know when it is safe to remove the
object. Lacking an explicit ref function this counter will take
only these two values:
1 = Thread not running or only the thread is still running.
2 = Thread is running and someone is holding a reference. */
int refcount;
pid_t pid; /* PID of the backend's process (the engine). */
int in_fd; /* File descriptors to read from the engine. */
int out_fd; /* File descriptors to write to the engine. */
engine_handler_fnc_t handler; /* The handler functions. */
engine_handler_cleanup_fnc_t handler_cleanup;
void *handler_data; /* Private data of HANDLER and HANDLER_CLEANUP. */
/* Instead of IN_FD we use an estream. Note that the runner thread
may close the stream and set status_fp to NULL at any time. Thus
it won't be a good idea to use it while the runner thread is
running. */
estream_t status_fp;
/* The head of the list of all running threads. */
static runner_t running_threads;
/* Write NBYTES of BUF to file descriptor FD. */
static int
writen (int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes)
size_t nleft = nbytes;
int nwritten;
while (nleft > 0)
nwritten = npth_write (fd, buf, nleft);
if (nwritten < 0)
if (errno == EINTR)
nwritten = 0;
return -1;
nleft -= nwritten;
buf = (const char*)buf + nwritten;
return 0;
static int
check_already_spawned (runner_t runner, const char *funcname)
if (runner->spawned)
log_error ("BUG: runner already spawned - ignoring call to %s\n",
return 1;
return 0;
/* Return the number of active threads. */
unsigned int
runner_get_threads (void)
unsigned int n = 0;
runner_t r;
for (r = running_threads; r; r = r->next_running)
return n;
/* The public release function. */
runner_release (runner_t runner)
gpg_error_t err;
if (!runner)
if (!--runner->refcount)
err = mountinfo_del_mount (NULL, NULL, runner->identifier);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to remove mount with rid %u from mtab: %s\n",
runner->identifier, gpg_strerror (err));
es_fclose (runner->status_fp);
if (runner->in_fd != -1)
close (runner->in_fd);
if (runner->out_fd != -1)
close (runner->out_fd);
/* Fixme: close the process. */
/* Tell the engine to release its data. */
if (runner->handler_cleanup)
runner->handler_cleanup (runner->handler_data);
if (runner->pid != (pid_t)(-1))
/* The process has not been cleaned up - do it now. */
gnupg_kill_process (runner->pid);
/* (Actually we should use the program name and not the
arbitrary NAME of the runner object. However it does not
matter because that information is only used for
diagnostics.) */
gnupg_wait_process (runner->name, runner->pid, 1, NULL);
gnupg_release_process (runner->pid);
xfree (runner->name);
xfree (runner);
/* Create a new runner context. On success a new runner object is
stored at R_RUNNER. On failure NULL is stored at this address and
an error code returned. */
runner_new (runner_t *r_runner, const char *name)
static unsigned int namecounter; /* Global name counter. */
char *namebuffer;
runner_t runner, r;
*r_runner = NULL;
runner = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *runner);
if (!runner)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* Bump up the namecounter. In case we ever had an overflow we
check that this number is currently not in use. The algorithm is
a bit lame but should be sufficient because such an wrap is not
very likely: Assuming that we do a mount 10 times a second, then
we would overwrap on a 32 bit system after 13 years. */
for (r = running_threads; r; r = r->next_running)
if (r->identifier == namecounter)
while (r);
runner->identifier = namecounter;
runner->name = namebuffer = xtryasprintf ("%s-%d", name, namecounter);
if (!runner->name)
xfree (runner);
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
runner->refcount = 1;
runner->pid = (pid_t)(-1);
runner->in_fd = -1;
runner->out_fd = -1;
*r_runner = runner;
return 0;
/* Return the identifier of RUNNER. */
unsigned int
runner_get_rid (runner_t runner)
return runner->identifier;
/* Find a runner by its rid. Returns the runner object. The caller
must release the runner object. */
runner_find_by_rid (unsigned int rid)
runner_t r;
for (r = running_threads; r; r = r->next_running)
if (r->identifier == rid)
return r;
return NULL;
/* A runner usually maintains two file descriptors to control the
backend engine. This function is used to set these file
descriptors. The function takes ownership of these file
descriptors. IN_FD will be used to read from engine and OUT_FD to
send data to the engine. */
runner_set_fds (runner_t runner, int in_fd, int out_fd)
if (check_already_spawned (runner, "runner_set_fds"))
if (runner->in_fd != -1)
close (runner->in_fd);
if (runner->out_fd != -1)
close (runner->out_fd);
runner->in_fd = in_fd;
runner->out_fd = out_fd;
/* Set the PID of the backend engine. After this call the engine is
owned by the runner object. */
runner_set_pid (runner_t runner, pid_t pid)
if (check_already_spawned (runner, "runner_set_fds"))
runner->pid = pid;
/* Register the engine handler fucntions HANDLER and HANDLER_CLEANUP
and its private HANDLER_DATA with RUNNER. */
runner_set_handler (runner_t runner,
engine_handler_fnc_t handler,
engine_handler_cleanup_fnc_t handler_cleanup,
void *handler_data)
if (check_already_spawned (runner, "runner_set_handler"))
runner->handler = handler;
runner->handler_cleanup = handler_cleanup;
runner->handler_data = handler_data;
/* The thread spawned by runner_spawn. */
static void *
runner_thread (void *arg)
runner_t runner = arg;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
log_debug ("starting runner thread\n");
/* If a status_fp is available, the thread's main task is to read
from that stream and invoke the backend's handler function. This
is done on a line by line base and the line length is limited to
a reasonable value (about 1000 characters). Other work will
continue either due to an EOF of the stream or by demand of the
engine. */
if (runner->status_fp)
int c, cont_line;
unsigned int pos;
char buffer[1024];
estream_t fp = runner->status_fp;
pos = 0;
cont_line = 0;
while (!err && !runner->cancel_flag && (c=es_getc (fp)) != EOF)
buffer[pos++] = c;
if (pos >= sizeof buffer - 5 || c == '\n')
buffer[pos - (c == '\n')] = 0;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("%s%s: %s\n",
runner->name, cont_line? "(cont)":"", buffer);
/* We handle only complete lines and ignore any stuff we
possibly had to truncate. That is - at least for the
encfs engine - not an issue because our changes to
the tool make sure that only relatively short prompt
lines are of interest. */
if (!cont_line && runner->handler)
err = runner->handler (runner->handler_data,
runner, buffer);
pos = 0;
cont_line = (c != '\n');
if (!err && runner->cancel_flag)
log_debug ("runner thread noticed cancel flag\n");
log_debug ("runner thread saw EOF\n");
if (pos)
buffer[pos] = 0;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("%s%s: %s\n",
runner->name, cont_line? "(cont)":"", buffer);
if (!cont_line && !err && runner->handler)
err = runner->handler (runner->handler_data,
runner, buffer);
if (!err && es_ferror (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error reading from %s: %s\n",
runner->name, gpg_strerror (err));
runner->status_fp = NULL;
es_fclose (fp);
log_debug ("runner thread closed status fp\n");
/* Now wait for the process to finish. */
if (!err && runner->pid != (pid_t)(-1))
int exitcode;
log_debug ("runner thread waiting ...\n");
err = gnupg_wait_process (runner->name, runner->pid, 1, &exitcode);
gnupg_release_process (runner->pid);
runner->pid = (pid_t)(-1);
if (err)
log_error ("running '%s' failed (exitcode=%d): %s\n",
runner->name, exitcode, gpg_strerror (err));
log_debug ("runner thread waiting finished\n");
/* Get rid of the runner object (note: it is refcounted). */
log_debug ("runner thread releasing runner ...\n");
runner_t r, rprev;
for (r = running_threads, rprev = NULL; r; rprev = r, r = r->next_running)
if (r == runner)
if (!rprev)
running_threads = r->next_running;
rprev->next_running = r->next_running;
r->next_running = NULL;
runner_release (runner);
log_debug ("runner thread runner released\n");
return NULL;
/* Spawn a new thread to let RUNNER work as a coprocess. */
runner_spawn (runner_t runner)
gpg_error_t err;
npth_attr_t tattr;
npth_t thread;
int ret;
if (check_already_spawned (runner, "runner_spawn"))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
/* In case we have an input fd, open it as an estream so that the
Pth scheduling will work. The stdio functions don't work with
Pth because they don't call the pth counterparts of read and
write unless linker tricks are used. */
if (runner->in_fd != -1)
estream_t fp;
fp = es_fdopen (runner->in_fd, "r");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("can't fdopen pipe for reading: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
runner->status_fp = fp;
runner->in_fd = -1; /* Now owned by status_fp. */
npth_attr_init (&tattr);
npth_attr_setdetachstate (&tattr, NPTH_CREATE_DETACHED);
ret = npth_create (&thread, &tattr, runner_thread, runner);
if (ret)
err = gpg_error_from_errno (ret);
log_error ("error spawning runner thread: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
npth_setname_np (thread, runner->name);
/* The scheduler has not yet kicked in, thus we can safely set the
spawned flag and the tid. */
runner->spawned = 1;
runner->thread = thread;
runner->next_running = running_threads;
running_threads = runner;
npth_attr_destroy (&tattr);
/* The runner thread is now runnable. */
return 0;
/* Cancel a running thread. */
runner_cancel (runner_t runner)
/* Warning: runner_cancel_all has knowledge of this code. */
if (runner->spawned)
runner->canceled = 1; /* Mark that we canceled this one already. */
/* FIXME: This does only work if the thread emits status lines. We
need to change the thread to wait on an event. */
runner->cancel_flag = 1;
/* For now we use the brutal way and kill the process. */
gnupg_kill_process (runner->pid);
/* Cancel all runner threads. */
runner_cancel_all (void)
runner_t r;
for (r = running_threads; r; r = r->next_running)
if (r->spawned && !r->canceled)
runner_cancel (r);
while (r);
/* Send a line of data down to the engine. This line may not contain
a binary Nul or a LF character. This function is used by the
engine's handler. */
runner_send_line (runner_t runner, const void *data, size_t datalen)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
if (!runner->spawned)
log_error ("BUG: runner for %s not spawned\n", runner->name);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
else if (runner->out_fd == -1)
log_error ("no output file descriptor for runner %s\n", runner->name);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EBADF);
else if (data && datalen)
if (memchr (data, '\n', datalen))
log_error ("LF detected in response data\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
else if (memchr (data, 0, datalen))
log_error ("Nul detected in response data\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
else if (writen (runner->out_fd, data, datalen))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (!err)
if (writen (runner->out_fd, "\n", 1))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return err;
diff --git a/g13/runner.h b/g13/runner.h
index 3c8214304..36181adf9 100644
--- a/g13/runner.h
+++ b/g13/runner.h
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
/* runner.h - Run and watch the backend engines
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G13_RUNNER_H
#define G13_RUNNER_H
/* The runner object. */
struct runner_s;
typedef struct runner_s *runner_t;
/* Prototypes for the handler functions provided by the engine. */
typedef gpg_error_t (*engine_handler_fnc_t) (void *opaque,
runner_t runner,
const char *statusline);
typedef void (*engine_handler_cleanup_fnc_t) (void *opaque);
/* Return the number of active threads. */
unsigned int runner_get_threads (void);
/* Create a new runner object. */
gpg_error_t runner_new (runner_t *r_runner, const char *name);
/* Free a runner object. */
void runner_release (runner_t runner);
/* Return the identifier of RUNNER. */
unsigned int runner_get_rid (runner_t runner);
/* Find a runner by its rid. */
runner_t runner_find_by_rid (unsigned int rid);
/* Functions to set properties of the runner. */
void runner_set_fds (runner_t runner, int in_fd, int out_fd);
void runner_set_pid (runner_t runner, pid_t pid);
/* Register the handler functions with a runner. */
void runner_set_handler (runner_t runner,
engine_handler_fnc_t handler,
engine_handler_cleanup_fnc_t handler_cleanup,
void *handler_data);
/* Start the runner. */
gpg_error_t runner_spawn (runner_t runner);
/* Cancel a runner. */
void runner_cancel (runner_t runner);
/* Cancel all runner. */
void runner_cancel_all (void);
/* Send data back to the engine. This function is used by the
engine's handler. */
gpg_error_t runner_send_line (runner_t runner,
const void *data, size_t datalen);
#endif /*G13_RUNNER_H*/
diff --git a/g13/server.c b/g13/server.c
index 5a273c229..0c4563e6a 100644
--- a/g13/server.c
+++ b/g13/server.c
@@ -1,798 +1,798 @@
/* server.c - The G13 Assuan server
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "g13.h"
#include <assuan.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "keyblob.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "create.h"
#include "mount.h"
#include "suspend.h"
#include "../common/server-help.h"
#include "../common/call-gpg.h"
/* The filepointer for status message used in non-server mode */
static FILE *statusfp;
/* Local data for this server module. A pointer to this is stored in
the CTRL object of each connection. */
struct server_local_s
/* The Assuan contect we are working on. */
assuan_context_t assuan_ctx;
char *containername; /* Malloced active containername. */
/* Local prototypes. */
static int command_has_option (const char *cmd, const char *cmdopt);
Helper functions.
/* Set an error and a description. */
#define set_error(e,t) assuan_set_error (ctx, gpg_error (e), (t))
/* Helper to print a message while leaving a command. */
static gpg_error_t
leave_cmd (assuan_context_t ctx, gpg_error_t err)
if (err)
const char *name = assuan_get_command_name (ctx);
if (!name)
name = "?";
if (gpg_err_source (err) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT)
log_error ("command '%s' failed: %s\n", name,
gpg_strerror (err));
log_error ("command '%s' failed: %s <%s>\n", name,
gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
return err;
/* The handler for Assuan OPTION commands. */
static gpg_error_t
option_handler (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *key, const char *value)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
if (!strcmp (key, "putenv"))
/* Change the session's environment to be used for the
Pinentry. Valid values are:
<NAME> Delete envvar NAME
<KEY>= Set envvar NAME to the empty string
<KEY>=<VALUE> Set envvar NAME to VALUE
err = session_env_putenv (opt.session_env, value);
else if (!strcmp (key, "display"))
err = session_env_setenv (opt.session_env, "DISPLAY", value);
else if (!strcmp (key, "ttyname"))
err = session_env_setenv (opt.session_env, "GPG_TTY", value);
else if (!strcmp (key, "ttytype"))
err = session_env_setenv (opt.session_env, "TERM", value);
else if (!strcmp (key, "lc-ctype"))
xfree (opt.lc_ctype);
opt.lc_ctype = xtrystrdup (value);
if (!opt.lc_ctype)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
else if (!strcmp (key, "lc-messages"))
xfree (opt.lc_messages);
opt.lc_messages = xtrystrdup (value);
if (!opt.lc_messages)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
else if (!strcmp (key, "xauthority"))
err = session_env_setenv (opt.session_env, "XAUTHORITY", value);
else if (!strcmp (key, "pinentry-user-data"))
err = session_env_setenv (opt.session_env, "PINENTRY_USER_DATA", value);
else if (!strcmp (key, "allow-pinentry-notify"))
; /* We always allow it. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_OPTION);
return err;
/* The handler for an Assuan RESET command. */
static gpg_error_t
reset_notify (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
xfree (ctrl->server_local->containername);
ctrl->server_local->containername = NULL;
FREE_STRLIST (ctrl->recipients);
assuan_close_input_fd (ctx);
assuan_close_output_fd (ctx);
return 0;
static const char hlp_open[] =
"OPEN [<options>] <filename>\n"
"Open the container FILENAME. FILENAME must be percent-plus\n"
"escaped. A quick check to see whether this is a suitable G13\n"
"container file is done. However no cryptographic check or any\n"
"other check is done. This command is used to define the target for\n"
"further commands. The filename is reset with the RESET command,\n"
"another OPEN or the CREATE command.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_open (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
char *p, *pend;
size_t len;
/* In any case reset the active container. */
xfree (ctrl->server_local->containername);
ctrl->server_local->containername = NULL;
/* Parse the line. */
line = skip_options (line);
for (p=line; *p && !spacep (p); p++)
pend = p;
while (spacep(p))
if (*p || pend == line)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_SYNTAX);
goto leave;
*pend = 0;
/* Unescape the line and check for embedded Nul bytes. */
len = percent_plus_unescape_inplace (line, 0);
line[len] = 0;
if (!len || memchr (line, 0, len))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
goto leave;
/* Do a basic check. */
err = g13_is_container (ctrl, line);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Store the filename. */
ctrl->server_local->containername = xtrystrdup (line);
if (!ctrl->server_local->containername)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_mount[] =
"MOUNT [options] [<mountpoint>]\n"
"Mount the currently open file onto MOUNTPOINT. If MOUNTPOINT is not\n"
"given the system picks an unused mountpoint. MOUNTPOINT must\n"
"be percent-plus escaped to allow for arbitrary names.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_mount (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
char *p, *pend;
size_t len;
line = skip_options (line);
for (p=line; *p && !spacep (p); p++)
pend = p;
while (spacep(p))
if (*p)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_SYNTAX);
goto leave;
*pend = 0;
/* Unescape the line and check for embedded Nul bytes. */
len = percent_plus_unescape_inplace (line, 0);
line[len] = 0;
if (memchr (line, 0, len))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
goto leave;
if (!ctrl->server_local->containername)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_ACTION);
goto leave;
/* Perform the mount. */
err = g13_mount_container (ctrl, ctrl->server_local->containername,
*line? line : NULL);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_umount[] =
"UMOUNT [options] [<mountpoint>]\n"
"Unmount the currently open file or the one opened at MOUNTPOINT.\n"
"MOUNTPOINT must be percent-plus escaped. On success the mountpoint\n"
"is returned via a \"MOUNTPOINT\" status line.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_umount (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
char *p, *pend;
size_t len;
line = skip_options (line);
for (p=line; *p && !spacep (p); p++)
pend = p;
while (spacep(p))
if (*p)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_SYNTAX);
goto leave;
*pend = 0;
/* Unescape the line and check for embedded Nul bytes. */
len = percent_plus_unescape_inplace (line, 0);
line[len] = 0;
if (memchr (line, 0, len))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
goto leave;
/* Perform the unmount. */
err = g13_umount_container (ctrl, ctrl->server_local->containername,
*line? line : NULL);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_suspend[] =
"Suspend the currently set device.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_suspend (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
line = skip_options (line);
if (*line)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_SYNTAX);
goto leave;
/* Perform the suspend operation. */
err = g13_suspend_container (ctrl, ctrl->server_local->containername);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_resume[] =
"Resume the currently set device.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_resume (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
line = skip_options (line);
if (*line)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_SYNTAX);
goto leave;
/* Perform the suspend operation. */
err = g13_resume_container (ctrl, ctrl->server_local->containername);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_recipient[] =
"RECIPIENT <userID>\n"
"Add USERID to the list of recipients to be used for the next CREATE\n"
"command. All recipient commands are cumulative until a RESET or an\n"
"successful create command.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_recipient (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
line = skip_options (line);
if (!add_to_strlist_try (&ctrl->recipients, line))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_signer[] =
"SIGNER <userID>\n"
"Not yet implemented.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_signer (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_create[] =
"CREATE [options] <filename>\n"
"Create a new container. On success the OPEN command is \n"
"implictly done for the new container.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_create (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
char *p, *pend;
size_t len;
/* First we close the active container. */
xfree (ctrl->server_local->containername);
ctrl->server_local->containername = NULL;
/* Parse the line. */
line = skip_options (line);
for (p=line; *p && !spacep (p); p++)
pend = p;
while (spacep(p))
if (*p || pend == line)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_SYNTAX);
goto leave;
*pend = 0;
/* Unescape the line and check for embedded Nul bytes. */
len = percent_plus_unescape_inplace (line, 0);
line[len] = 0;
if (!len || memchr (line, 0, len))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
goto leave;
/* Create container. */
err = g13_create_container (ctrl, line);
if (!err)
FREE_STRLIST (ctrl->recipients);
/* Store the filename. */
ctrl->server_local->containername = xtrystrdup (line);
if (!ctrl->server_local->containername)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_getinfo[] =
"GETINFO <what>\n"
"Multipurpose function to return a variety of information.\n"
"Supported values for WHAT are:\n"
" version - Return the version of the program.\n"
" pid - Return the process id of the server.\n"
" cmd_has_option CMD OPT\n"
" - Return OK if the command CMD implements the option OPT.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_getinfo (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
if (!strcmp (line, "version"))
const char *s = PACKAGE_VERSION;
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, s, strlen (s));
else if (!strcmp (line, "pid"))
char numbuf[50];
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%lu", (unsigned long)getpid ());
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, numbuf, strlen (numbuf));
else if (!strncmp (line, "cmd_has_option", 14)
&& (line[14] == ' ' || line[14] == '\t' || !line[14]))
char *cmd, *cmdopt;
line += 14;
while (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t')
if (!*line)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE);
cmd = line;
while (*line && (*line != ' ' && *line != '\t'))
if (!*line)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE);
*line++ = 0;
while (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t')
if (!*line)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE);
cmdopt = line;
if (!command_has_option (cmd, cmdopt))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "unknown value for WHAT");
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
/* Return true if the command CMD implements the option CMDOPT. */
static int
command_has_option (const char *cmd, const char *cmdopt)
return 0;
/* Tell the Assuan library about our commands. */
static int
register_commands (assuan_context_t ctx)
static struct {
const char *name;
assuan_handler_t handler;
const char * const help;
} table[] = {
{ "OPEN", cmd_open, hlp_open },
{ "MOUNT", cmd_mount, hlp_mount},
{ "UMOUNT", cmd_umount, hlp_umount },
{ "SUSPEND", cmd_suspend, hlp_suspend },
{ "RESUME", cmd_resume, hlp_resume },
{ "RECIPIENT", cmd_recipient, hlp_recipient },
{ "SIGNER", cmd_signer, hlp_signer },
{ "CREATE", cmd_create, hlp_create },
{ "INPUT", NULL },
{ "GETINFO", cmd_getinfo,hlp_getinfo },
{ NULL }
gpg_error_t err;
int i;
for (i=0; table[i].name; i++)
err = assuan_register_command (ctx, table[i].name, table[i].handler,
if (err)
return err;
return 0;
/* Startup the server. DEFAULT_RECPLIST is the list of recipients as
set from the command line or config file. We only require those
marked as encrypt-to. */
g13_server (ctrl_t ctrl)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_fd_t filedes[2];
assuan_context_t ctx = NULL;
static const char hello[] = ("GNU Privacy Guard's G13 server "
/* We use a pipe based server so that we can work from scripts.
assuan_init_pipe_server will automagically detect when we are
called with a socketpair and ignore FIELDES in this case. */
filedes[0] = assuan_fdopen (0);
filedes[1] = assuan_fdopen (1);
err = assuan_new (&ctx);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to allocate an Assuan context: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = assuan_init_pipe_server (ctx, filedes);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to initialize the server: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = register_commands (ctx);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to the register commands with Assuan: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
assuan_set_pointer (ctx, ctrl);
if (opt.verbose || opt.debug)
char *tmp;
tmp = xtryasprintf ("Home: %s\n"
"Config: %s\n"
gnupg_homedir (),
if (tmp)
assuan_set_hello_line (ctx, tmp);
xfree (tmp);
assuan_set_hello_line (ctx, hello);
assuan_register_reset_notify (ctx, reset_notify);
assuan_register_option_handler (ctx, option_handler);
ctrl->server_local = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl->server_local);
if (!ctrl->server_local)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx = ctx;
while ( !(err = assuan_accept (ctx)) )
err = assuan_process (ctx);
if (err)
log_info ("Assuan processing failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
if (err == -1)
err = 0;
log_info ("Assuan accept problem: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
reset_notify (ctx, NULL); /* Release all items hold by SERVER_LOCAL. */
if (ctrl->server_local)
xfree (ctrl->server_local);
ctrl->server_local = NULL;
assuan_release (ctx);
return err;
/* Send a status line with status ID NO. The arguments are a list of
strings terminated by a NULL argument. */
g13_status (ctrl_t ctrl, int no, ...)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
va_list arg_ptr;
const char *text;
va_start (arg_ptr, no);
if (ctrl->no_server && ctrl->status_fd == -1)
; /* No status wanted. */
else if (ctrl->no_server)
if (!statusfp)
if (ctrl->status_fd == 1)
statusfp = stdout;
else if (ctrl->status_fd == 2)
statusfp = stderr;
statusfp = fdopen (ctrl->status_fd, "w");
if (!statusfp)
log_fatal ("can't open fd %d for status output: %s\n",
ctrl->status_fd, strerror(errno));
fputs ("[GNUPG:] ", statusfp);
fputs (get_status_string (no), statusfp);
while ( (text = va_arg (arg_ptr, const char*) ))
putc ( ' ', statusfp );
for (; *text; text++)
if (*text == '\n')
fputs ( "\\n", statusfp );
else if (*text == '\r')
fputs ( "\\r", statusfp );
putc ( *(const byte *)text, statusfp );
putc ('\n', statusfp);
fflush (statusfp);
assuan_context_t ctx = ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx;
char buf[950], *p;
size_t n;
p = buf;
n = 0;
while ( (text = va_arg (arg_ptr, const char *)) )
if (n)
*p++ = ' ';
for ( ; *text && n < DIM (buf)-2; n++)
*p++ = *text++;
*p = 0;
err = assuan_write_status (ctx, get_status_string (no), buf);
va_end (arg_ptr);
return err;
/* Helper to notify the client about Pinentry events. Returns an gpg
error code. */
g13_proxy_pinentry_notify (ctrl_t ctrl, const unsigned char *line)
if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local)
return 0;
return assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, 0);
* Decrypt the keyblob (ENCKEYBLOB,ENCKEYBLOBLEN) and store the result
* at (R_KEYBLOB, R_KEYBLOBLEN). Returns 0 on success or an error
* code. On error R_KEYBLOB is set to NULL.
* This actually does not belong here but for that simple wrapper it
* does not make sense to add another source file. Note that we do
* not want to have this in keyblob.c, because that code is also used
* by the syshelp.
g13_keyblob_decrypt (ctrl_t ctrl, const void *enckeyblob, size_t enckeybloblen,
void **r_keyblob, size_t *r_keybloblen)
gpg_error_t err;
/* FIXME: For now we only implement OpenPGP. */
err = gpg_decrypt_blob (ctrl, opt.gpg_program, opt.gpg_arguments,
enckeyblob, enckeybloblen,
r_keyblob, r_keybloblen);
return err;
diff --git a/g13/server.h b/g13/server.h
index 41636c876..6338f40c2 100644
--- a/g13/server.h
+++ b/g13/server.h
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
/* server.h - The G13 Assuan server
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G13_SERVER_H
#define G13_SERVER_H
gpg_error_t g13_server (ctrl_t ctrl);
gpg_error_t g13_proxy_pinentry_notify (ctrl_t ctrl, const unsigned char *line);
gpg_error_t g13_keyblob_decrypt (ctrl_t ctrl,
const void *enckeyblob, size_t enckeybloblen,
void **r_keyblob, size_t *r_keybloblen);
#endif /*G13_SERVER_H*/
diff --git a/g13/sh-blockdev.c b/g13/sh-blockdev.c
index 4b4dde464..6c12dde04 100644
--- a/g13/sh-blockdev.c
+++ b/g13/sh-blockdev.c
@@ -1,152 +1,152 @@
/* sh-blockdev.c - Block device functions for g13-syshelp
* Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "g13-syshelp.h"
#include <assuan.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "exectool.h"
#include "keyblob.h"
# error building this tool requires strtoull(3)
#ifndef ULLONG_MAX
# error ULLONG_MAX missing
/* Return the size measured in the number of 512 byte sectors for the
block device NAME. */
sh_blockdev_getsz (const char *name, unsigned long long *r_nblocks)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *argv[3];
char *result;
*r_nblocks = 0;
argv[0] = "--getsz";
argv[1] = name;
argv[2] = NULL;
err = gnupg_exec_tool ("/sbin/blockdev", argv, NULL, &result, NULL);
if (!err)
gpg_err_set_errno (0);
*r_nblocks = strtoull (result, NULL, 10);
if (*r_nblocks == ULLONG_MAX && errno)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*r_nblocks = 0;
xfree (result);
return err;
/* Return 0 if the device NAME looks like an empty partition. */
sh_is_empty_partition (const char *name)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *argv[6];
char *buffer;
estream_t fp;
char *p;
size_t nread;
argv[0] = "-o";
argv[1] = "value";
argv[2] = "-s";
argv[3] = "UUID";
argv[4] = name;
argv[5] = NULL;
err = gnupg_exec_tool ("/sbin/blkid", argv, NULL, &buffer, NULL);
if (err)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FALSE);
if (*buffer)
/* There seems to be an UUID - thus we have a file system. */
xfree (buffer);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FALSE);
xfree (buffer);
argv[0] = "-o";
argv[1] = "value";
argv[2] = "-s";
argv[3] = "PARTUUID";
argv[4] = name;
argv[5] = NULL;
err = gnupg_exec_tool ("/sbin/blkid", argv, NULL, &buffer, NULL);
if (err)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FALSE);
if (!*buffer)
/* If there is no PARTUUID we assume that name has already a
mapped partition. */
xfree (buffer);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FALSE);
xfree (buffer);
/* As a safeguard we require that the first 32k of a partition are
all zero before we assume the partition is empty. */
buffer = xtrymalloc (32 * 1024);
if (!buffer)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
fp = es_fopen (name, "rb,samethread");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error opening '%s': %s\n", name, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (buffer);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FALSE);
if (es_read (fp, buffer, 32 * 1024, &nread))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
else if (nread != 32 *1024)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
err = 0;
es_fclose (fp);
if (err)
log_error ("error reading the first 32 KiB from '%s': %s\n",
name, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (buffer);
return err;
for (p=buffer; nread && !*p; nread--, p++)
xfree (buffer);
if (nread)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FALSE); /* No all zeroes. */
return 0;
diff --git a/g13/sh-cmd.c b/g13/sh-cmd.c
index d9a0f6c05..a54f0aec9 100644
--- a/g13/sh-cmd.c
+++ b/g13/sh-cmd.c
@@ -1,937 +1,937 @@
/* sh-cmd.c - The Assuan server for g13-syshelp
* Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "g13-syshelp.h"
#include <assuan.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "keyblob.h"
/* Local data for this server module. A pointer to this is stored in
the CTRL object of each connection. */
struct server_local_s
/* The Assuan contect we are working on. */
assuan_context_t assuan_ctx;
/* The malloced name of the device. */
char *devicename;
/* A stream open for read of the device set by the DEVICE command or
NULL if no DEVICE command has been used. */
estream_t devicefp;
/* Local prototypes. */
Helper functions.
/* Set an error and a description. */
#define set_error(e,t) assuan_set_error (ctx, gpg_error (e), (t))
#define set_error_fail_cmd() set_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED, \
"not called via userv or unknown user")
/* Skip over options. Blanks after the options are also removed. */
static char *
skip_options (const char *line)
while (spacep (line))
while ( *line == '-' && line[1] == '-' )
while (*line && !spacep (line))
while (spacep (line))
return (char*)line;
/* Check whether the option NAME appears in LINE. */
/* static int */
/* has_option (const char *line, const char *name) */
/* { */
/* const char *s; */
/* int n = strlen (name); */
/* s = strstr (line, name); */
/* if (s && s >= skip_options (line)) */
/* return 0; */
/* return (s && (s == line || spacep (s-1)) && (!s[n] || spacep (s+n))); */
/* } */
/* Helper to print a message while leaving a command. */
static gpg_error_t
leave_cmd (assuan_context_t ctx, gpg_error_t err)
if (err)
const char *name = assuan_get_command_name (ctx);
if (!name)
name = "?";
if (gpg_err_source (err) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT)
log_error ("command '%s' failed: %s\n", name,
gpg_strerror (err));
log_error ("command '%s' failed: %s <%s>\n", name,
gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err));
return err;
/* The handler for Assuan OPTION commands. */
static gpg_error_t
option_handler (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *key, const char *value)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
if (ctrl->fail_all_cmds)
err = set_error_fail_cmd ();
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_OPTION);
return err;
/* The handler for an Assuan RESET command. */
static gpg_error_t
reset_notify (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
xfree (ctrl->server_local->devicename);
ctrl->server_local->devicename = NULL;
es_fclose (ctrl->server_local->devicefp);
ctrl->server_local->devicefp = NULL;
ctrl->devti = NULL;
assuan_close_input_fd (ctx);
assuan_close_output_fd (ctx);
return 0;
static const char hlp_finddevice[] =
"FINDDEVICE <name>\n"
"Find the device matching NAME. NAME be any identifier from\n"
"g13tab permissible for the user. The corresponding block\n"
"device is returned using a status line.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_finddevice (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
tab_item_t ti;
const char *s;
const char *name;
name = skip_options (line);
/* Are we allowed to use the given device? We check several names:
* 1. The full block device
* 2. The label
* 3. The final part of the block device if NAME does not have a slash.
* 4. The mountpoint
for (ti=ctrl->; ti; ti = ti->next)
if (!strcmp (name, ti->blockdev))
if (!ti)
for (ti=ctrl->; ti; ti = ti->next)
if (ti->label && !strcmp (name, ti->label))
if (!ti && !strchr (name, '/'))
for (ti=ctrl->; ti; ti = ti->next)
s = strrchr (ti->blockdev, '/');
if (s && s[1] && !strcmp (name, s+1))
if (!ti)
for (ti=ctrl->; ti; ti = ti->next)
if (ti->mountpoint && !strcmp (name, ti->mountpoint))
if (!ti)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "device not configured for user");
goto leave;
/* Check whether we have permissions to open the device. */
estream_t fp = es_fopen (ti->blockdev, "rb");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error opening '%s': %s\n",
ti->blockdev, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
es_fclose (fp);
err = g13_status (ctrl, STATUS_BLOCKDEV, ti->blockdev, NULL);
if (err)
return err;
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_device[] =
"DEVICE <name>\n"
"Set the device used by further commands.\n"
"A device name or a PARTUUID string may be used.\n"
"Access to that device (by the g13 system) is locked\n"
"until a new DEVICE command or end of this process\n";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_device (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
tab_item_t ti;
estream_t fp = NULL;
line = skip_options (line);
/* # warning hardwired to /dev/sdb1 ! */
/* if (strcmp (line, "/dev/sdb1")) */
/* { */
/* err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOENT); */
/* goto leave; */
/* } */
/* Always close an open device stream of this session. */
xfree (ctrl->server_local->devicename);
ctrl->server_local->devicename = NULL;
es_fclose (ctrl->server_local->devicefp);
ctrl->server_local->devicefp = NULL;
/* Are we allowed to use the given device? */
for (ti=ctrl->; ti; ti = ti->next)
if (!strcmp (line, ti->blockdev))
if (!ti)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_EACCES, "device not configured for user");
goto leave;
ctrl->server_local->devicename = xtrystrdup (line);
if (!ctrl->server_local->devicename)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Check whether we have permissions to open the device and keep an
FD open. */
fp = es_fopen (ctrl->server_local->devicename, "rb");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error opening '%s': %s\n",
ctrl->server_local->devicename, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
es_fclose (ctrl->server_local->devicefp);
ctrl->server_local->devicefp = fp;
fp = NULL;
ctrl->devti = ti;
/* Fixme: Take some kind of lock. */
es_fclose (fp);
if (err)
xfree (ctrl->server_local->devicename);
ctrl->server_local->devicename = NULL;
ctrl->devti = NULL;
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_create[] =
"CREATE <type>\n"
"Create a new encrypted partition on the current device.\n"
"<type> must be \"dm-crypt\" for now.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_create (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
estream_t fp = NULL;
line = skip_options (line);
if (strcmp (line, "dm-crypt"))
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG, "Type must be \"dm-crypt\"");
goto leave;
if (!ctrl->server_local->devicename
|| !ctrl->server_local->devicefp
|| !ctrl->devti)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ENOENT, "No device has been set");
goto leave;
err = sh_is_empty_partition (ctrl->server_local->devicename);
if (err)
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_FALSE)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFLICT);
err = assuan_set_error (ctx, err, "Partition is not empty");
goto leave;
/* We need a writeable stream to create the container. */
fp = es_fopen (ctrl->server_local->devicename, "r+b");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error opening '%s': %s\n",
ctrl->server_local->devicename, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (es_setvbuf (fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error setting '%s' to _IONBF: %s\n",
ctrl->server_local->devicename, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = sh_dmcrypt_create_container (ctrl,
if (es_fclose (fp))
gpg_error_t err2 = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error closing '%s': %s\n",
ctrl->server_local->devicename, gpg_strerror (err2));
if (!err)
err = err2;
fp = NULL;
es_fclose (fp);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_getkeyblob[] =
"Return the encrypted keyblob of the current device.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_getkeyblob (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
void *enckeyblob = NULL;
size_t enckeybloblen;
line = skip_options (line);
if (!ctrl->server_local->devicename
|| !ctrl->server_local->devicefp
|| !ctrl->devti)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ENOENT, "No device has been set");
goto leave;
err = sh_is_empty_partition (ctrl->server_local->devicename);
if (!err)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENODEV);
assuan_set_error (ctx, err, "Partition is empty");
goto leave;
err = 0;
err = g13_keyblob_read (ctrl->server_local->devicename,
&enckeyblob, &enckeybloblen);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, enckeyblob, enckeybloblen);
if (!err)
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, NULL, 0); /* Flush */
xfree (enckeyblob);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_mount[] =
"MOUNT <type>\n"
"Mount an encrypted partition on the current device.\n"
"<type> must be \"dm-crypt\" for now.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_mount (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
unsigned char *keyblob = NULL;
size_t keybloblen;
tupledesc_t tuples = NULL;
line = skip_options (line);
if (strcmp (line, "dm-crypt"))
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG, "Type must be \"dm-crypt\"");
goto leave;
if (!ctrl->server_local->devicename
|| !ctrl->server_local->devicefp
|| !ctrl->devti)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ENOENT, "No device has been set");
goto leave;
err = sh_is_empty_partition (ctrl->server_local->devicename);
if (!err)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENODEV);
assuan_set_error (ctx, err, "Partition is empty");
goto leave;
err = 0;
/* We expect that the client already decrypted the keyblob.
* Eventually we should move reading of the keyblob to here and ask
* the client to decrypt it. */
assuan_begin_confidential (ctx);
err = assuan_inquire (ctx, "KEYBLOB",
&keyblob, &keybloblen, 4 * 1024);
assuan_end_confidential (ctx);
if (err)
log_error (_("assuan_inquire failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = create_tupledesc (&tuples, keyblob, keybloblen);
if (!err)
keyblob = NULL;
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)
log_error ("unknown keyblob version received\n");
goto leave;
err = sh_dmcrypt_mount_container (ctrl,
destroy_tupledesc (tuples);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_umount[] =
"UMOUNT <type>\n"
"Unmount an encrypted partition and wipe the key.\n"
"<type> must be \"dm-crypt\" for now.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_umount (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
line = skip_options (line);
if (strcmp (line, "dm-crypt"))
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG, "Type must be \"dm-crypt\"");
goto leave;
if (!ctrl->server_local->devicename
|| !ctrl->server_local->devicefp
|| !ctrl->devti)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ENOENT, "No device has been set");
goto leave;
err = sh_dmcrypt_umount_container (ctrl, ctrl->server_local->devicename);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_suspend[] =
"SUSPEND <type>\n"
"Suspend an encrypted partition and wipe the key.\n"
"<type> must be \"dm-crypt\" for now.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_suspend (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
line = skip_options (line);
if (strcmp (line, "dm-crypt"))
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG, "Type must be \"dm-crypt\"");
goto leave;
if (!ctrl->server_local->devicename
|| !ctrl->server_local->devicefp
|| !ctrl->devti)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ENOENT, "No device has been set");
goto leave;
err = sh_is_empty_partition (ctrl->server_local->devicename);
if (!err)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENODEV);
assuan_set_error (ctx, err, "Partition is empty");
goto leave;
err = 0;
err = sh_dmcrypt_suspend_container (ctrl, ctrl->server_local->devicename);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_resume[] =
"RESUME <type>\n"
"Resume an encrypted partition and set the key.\n"
"<type> must be \"dm-crypt\" for now.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_resume (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
unsigned char *keyblob = NULL;
size_t keybloblen;
tupledesc_t tuples = NULL;
line = skip_options (line);
if (strcmp (line, "dm-crypt"))
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG, "Type must be \"dm-crypt\"");
goto leave;
if (!ctrl->server_local->devicename
|| !ctrl->server_local->devicefp
|| !ctrl->devti)
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ENOENT, "No device has been set");
goto leave;
err = sh_is_empty_partition (ctrl->server_local->devicename);
if (!err)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENODEV);
assuan_set_error (ctx, err, "Partition is empty");
goto leave;
err = 0;
/* We expect that the client already decrypted the keyblob.
* Eventually we should move reading of the keyblob to here and ask
* the client to decrypt it. */
assuan_begin_confidential (ctx);
err = assuan_inquire (ctx, "KEYBLOB",
&keyblob, &keybloblen, 4 * 1024);
assuan_end_confidential (ctx);
if (err)
log_error (_("assuan_inquire failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = create_tupledesc (&tuples, keyblob, keybloblen);
if (!err)
keyblob = NULL;
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)
log_error ("unknown keyblob version received\n");
goto leave;
err = sh_dmcrypt_resume_container (ctrl,
destroy_tupledesc (tuples);
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
static const char hlp_getinfo[] =
"GETINFO <what>\n"
"Multipurpose function to return a variety of information.\n"
"Supported values for WHAT are:\n"
" version - Return the version of the program.\n"
" pid - Return the process id of the server.\n"
" showtab - Show the table for the user.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_getinfo (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
char *buf;
if (!strcmp (line, "version"))
const char *s = PACKAGE_VERSION;
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, s, strlen (s));
else if (!strcmp (line, "pid"))
char numbuf[50];
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%lu", (unsigned long)getpid ());
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, numbuf, strlen (numbuf));
else if (!strncmp (line, "getsz", 5))
unsigned long long nblocks;
err = sh_blockdev_getsz (line+6, &nblocks);
if (!err)
log_debug ("getsz=%llu\n", nblocks);
else if (!strcmp (line, "showtab"))
tab_item_t ti;
for (ti=ctrl->; !err && ti; ti = ti->next)
buf = es_bsprintf ("%s %s%s %s %s%s\n",
*ti->blockdev=='/'? "":"partuuid=",
ti->label? ti->label : "-",
ti->mountpoint? " ":"",
ti->mountpoint? ti->mountpoint:"");
if (!buf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, buf, strlen (buf));
if (!err)
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, NULL, 0); /* Flush */
xfree (buf);
err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "unknown value for WHAT");
return leave_cmd (ctx, err);
/* This command handler is used for all commands if this process has
not been started as expected. */
static gpg_error_t
fail_command (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *name = assuan_get_command_name (ctx);
if (!name)
name = "?";
err = set_error_fail_cmd ();
log_error ("command '%s' failed: %s\n", name, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Tell the Assuan library about our commands. */
static int
register_commands (assuan_context_t ctx, int fail_all)
static struct {
const char *name;
assuan_handler_t handler;
const char * const help;
} table[] = {
{ "FINDDEVICE", cmd_finddevice, hlp_finddevice },
{ "DEVICE", cmd_device, hlp_device },
{ "CREATE", cmd_create, hlp_create },
{ "GETKEYBLOB", cmd_getkeyblob, hlp_getkeyblob },
{ "MOUNT", cmd_mount, hlp_mount },
{ "UMOUNT", cmd_umount, hlp_umount },
{ "SUSPEND", cmd_suspend,hlp_suspend},
{ "RESUME", cmd_resume, hlp_resume },
{ "INPUT", NULL },
{ "GETINFO", cmd_getinfo, hlp_getinfo },
{ NULL }
gpg_error_t err;
int i;
for (i=0; table[i].name; i++)
err = assuan_register_command (ctx, table[i].name,
fail_all ? fail_command : table[i].handler,
if (err)
return err;
return 0;
/* Startup the server. */
syshelp_server (ctrl_t ctrl)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_fd_t filedes[2];
assuan_context_t ctx = NULL;
/* We use a pipe based server so that we can work from scripts.
assuan_init_pipe_server will automagically detect when we are
called with a socketpair and ignore FILEDES in this case. */
filedes[0] = assuan_fdopen (0);
filedes[1] = assuan_fdopen (1);
err = assuan_new (&ctx);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to allocate an Assuan context: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = assuan_init_pipe_server (ctx, filedes);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to initialize the server: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = register_commands (ctx, 0 /*FIXME:ctrl->fail_all_cmds*/);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to the register commands with Assuan: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
assuan_set_pointer (ctx, ctrl);
char *tmp = xtryasprintf ("G13-syshelp %s ready to serve requests "
"from %lu(%s)",
(unsigned long)ctrl->client.uid,
if (tmp)
assuan_set_hello_line (ctx, tmp);
xfree (tmp);
assuan_register_reset_notify (ctx, reset_notify);
assuan_register_option_handler (ctx, option_handler);
ctrl->server_local = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl->server_local);
if (!ctrl->server_local)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx = ctx;
while ( !(err = assuan_accept (ctx)) )
err = assuan_process (ctx);
if (err)
log_info ("Assuan processing failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
if (err == -1)
err = 0;
log_info ("Assuan accept problem: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
reset_notify (ctx, NULL); /* Release all items hold by SERVER_LOCAL. */
if (ctrl->server_local)
xfree (ctrl->server_local);
ctrl->server_local = NULL;
assuan_release (ctx);
return err;
sh_encrypt_keyblob (ctrl_t ctrl, const void *keyblob, size_t keybloblen,
char **r_enckeyblob, size_t *r_enckeybloblen)
assuan_context_t ctx = ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx;
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *enckeyblob;
size_t enckeybloblen;
*r_enckeyblob = NULL;
/* Send the plaintext. */
err = g13_status (ctrl, STATUS_PLAINTEXT_FOLLOWS, NULL);
if (err)
return err;
assuan_begin_confidential (ctx);
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, keyblob, keybloblen);
if (!err)
err = assuan_send_data (ctx, NULL, 0);
assuan_end_confidential (ctx);
if (!err)
err = assuan_write_line (ctx, "END");
if (err)
log_error (_("error sending data: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Inquire the ciphertext. */
err = assuan_inquire (ctx, "ENCKEYBLOB",
&enckeyblob, &enckeybloblen, 16 * 1024);
if (err)
log_error (_("assuan_inquire failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
*r_enckeyblob = enckeyblob;
*r_enckeybloblen = enckeybloblen;
return 0;
/* Send a status line with status ID NO. The arguments are a list of
strings terminated by a NULL argument. */
g13_status (ctrl_t ctrl, int no, ...)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
va_list arg_ptr;
const char *text;
va_start (arg_ptr, no);
if (1)
assuan_context_t ctx = ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx;
char buf[950], *p;
size_t n;
p = buf;
n = 0;
while ( (text = va_arg (arg_ptr, const char *)) )
if (n)
*p++ = ' ';
for ( ; *text && n < DIM (buf)-2; n++)
*p++ = *text++;
*p = 0;
err = assuan_write_status (ctx, get_status_string (no), buf);
va_end (arg_ptr);
return err;
diff --git a/g13/sh-dmcrypt.c b/g13/sh-dmcrypt.c
index 994fbbbac..bbeab65a2 100644
--- a/g13/sh-dmcrypt.c
+++ b/g13/sh-dmcrypt.c
@@ -1,1036 +1,1036 @@
/* sh-dmcrypt.c - The DM-Crypt part for g13-syshelp
* Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef HAVE_STAT
# include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "g13-syshelp.h"
#include <assuan.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "g13tuple.h"
#include "exectool.h"
#include "keyblob.h"
/* The standard disk block size (logical). */
#define SECTOR_SIZE 512
/* The physical block size used by modern devices. */
#define PHY_SECTOR_SIZE (SECTOR_SIZE*8) /* 4 KiB */
/* The length of the crypto setup area in sectors. 16 KiB is a nice
multiple of a modern block size and should be sufficient for all
kind of extra public key encryption packets. */
#define SETUP_AREA_SECTORS 32 /* 16 KiB */
/* The number of header block copies stored at the begin and end of
the device. */
/* The length in blocks of the space we put at the start and at the
end of the device. This space is used to store N copies of the
setup area for the actual encrypted container in between. */
/* Minimim size of the encrypted space in blocks. This is more or
less an arbitrary value. */
/* Some consistency checks for the above constants. */
# error the physical secotor size should be a multiple of 512
# error The setup area size should be a multiple of the phy. sector size.
* Check whether the block device DEVNAME is used by device mapper.
* If EXPECT_BUSY is set no error message is printed if the device is
* busy. Returns: 0 if the device is good and not yet used by DM.
static gpg_error_t
check_blockdev (const char *devname, int expect_busy)
gpg_error_t err;
struct stat sb;
unsigned int devmajor, devminor;
char *result = NULL;
char **lines = NULL;
char **fields = NULL;
int lno, count;
if (stat (devname, &sb))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error stating '%s': %s\n", devname, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
if (!S_ISBLK (sb.st_mode))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOTBLK);
log_error ("can't use '%s': %s\n", devname, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
devmajor = major (sb.st_rdev);
devminor = minor (sb.st_rdev);
const char *argv[2];
argv[0] = "deps";
argv[1] = NULL;
err = gnupg_exec_tool ("/sbin/dmsetup", argv, NULL, &result, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error running '%s' to search for '%s': %s\n",
"dmsetup deps", devname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
lines = strsplit (result, '\n', 0, NULL);
if (!lines)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (lines[0] && !strcmp (lines[0], "No devices found"))
for (lno=0; lines[lno]; lno++)
unsigned int xmajor, xminor;
if (!*lines[lno])
xfree (fields);
fields = strsplit (lines[lno], ':', 0, &count);
if (!fields)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (count < 3
|| sscanf (fields[2], " (%u,%u)", &xmajor, &xminor) != 2)
log_error ("error running '%s' to search for '%s': %s\n",
"dmsetup deps", devname, "unexpected output");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
goto leave;
if (xmajor == devmajor && xminor == devminor)
if (!expect_busy)
log_error ("device '%s' (%u:%u)"
" already in use by device mapper\n",
devname, devmajor, devminor);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EBUSY);
goto leave;
xfree (fields);
xfree (lines);
xfree (result);
return err;
/* Return a malloced buffer with the prefix of the setup area. This
is the data written right before the encrypted keyblob. Return NULL
on error and sets ERRNO. */
static void *
mk_setup_area_prefix (size_t *r_length)
unsigned char *packet;
size_t setuparealen;
packet = xtrymalloc (32);
if (!packet)
return NULL;
*r_length = 32;
packet[0] = (0xc0|61); /* CTB for the private packet type 0x61. */
packet[1] = 0xff; /* 5 byte length packet, value 20. */
packet[2] = 0;
packet[3] = 0;
packet[4] = 0;
packet[5] = 26;
memcpy (packet+6, "GnuPG/G13", 10); /* Packet subtype. */
packet[16] = 1; /* G13 packet format version. */
packet[17] = 0; /* Reserved. */
packet[18] = 0; /* Reserved. */
packet[19] = 1; /* OS Flag = Linux */
packet[20] = (setuparealen >> 24); /* Total length of header. */
packet[21] = (setuparealen >> 16);
packet[22] = (setuparealen >> 8);
packet[23] = (setuparealen);
packet[26] = 0; /* Reserved. */
packet[27] = 0; /* Reserved. */
packet[28] = 0; /* Reserved. */
packet[29] = 0; /* Reserved. */
packet[30] = 0; /* Reserved. */
packet[31] = 0; /* Reserved. */
return packet;
/* Create a new g13 styloe DM-Crypt container on devoce DEVNAME. */
sh_dmcrypt_create_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *devname, estream_t devfp)
gpg_error_t err;
char *header_space;
size_t header_space_size, header_space_used;
size_t paddinglen;
char *targetname = NULL;
size_t nread;
char *p;
char hexkey[16*2+1];
char *table = NULL;
unsigned long long nblocks;
char *result = NULL;
unsigned char twobyte[2];
membuf_t keyblob;
void *keyblob_buf = NULL;
size_t keyblob_len;
size_t n;
const char *s;
unsigned char *packet;
int copy;
if (!ctrl->devti)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
g13_syshelp_i_know_what_i_am_doing ();
header_space_size = SETUP_AREA_SECTORS * SECTOR_SIZE;
header_space = xtrymalloc (header_space_size);
if (!header_space)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* Start building the keyblob. */
init_membuf (&keyblob, 512);
append_tuple (&keyblob, KEYBLOB_TAG_BLOBVERSION, "\x01", 1);
twobyte[0] = (n >> 8);
twobyte[1] = n;
append_tuple (&keyblob, KEYBLOB_TAG_CONTTYPE, twobyte, 2);
gnupg_isotime_t tbuf;
gnupg_get_isotime (tbuf);
append_tuple (&keyblob, KEYBLOB_TAG_CREATED, tbuf, strlen (tbuf));
/* Rewind device stream. */
if (es_fseeko (devfp, 0, SEEK_SET))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error seeking to begin of '%s': %s\n",
devname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
es_clearerr (devfp);
/* Extra check that the device is empty. */
if (es_read (devfp, header_space, header_space_size, &nread))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
else if (nread != header_space_size)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
err = 0;
if (err)
log_error ("error reading header space of '%s': %s\n",
devname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
for (p=header_space; nread && !*p; nread--, p++)
if (nread)
log_error ("header space of '%s' already used - use %s to override\n",
devname, "--force");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
goto leave;
/* Check that the device is not used by device mapper. */
err = check_blockdev (devname, 0);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Compute the number of blocks. */
err = sh_blockdev_getsz (devname, &nblocks);
if (err)
log_error ("error getting size of '%s': %s\n",
devname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
log_error ("device '%s' is too small (min=%d blocks)\n",
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
goto leave;
append_tuple_uint (&keyblob, KEYBLOB_TAG_CONT_NSEC, nblocks);
append_tuple_uint (&keyblob, KEYBLOB_TAG_ENC_NSEC, nblocks);
append_tuple_uint (&keyblob, KEYBLOB_TAG_ENC_OFF, HEADER_SECTORS);
/* Device mapper needs a name for the device: Take it from the label
or use "0". */
targetname = strconcat ("g13-", ctrl->client.uname, "-",
ctrl->devti->label? ctrl->devti->label : "0",
if (!targetname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Create the key. */
char key[16];
gcry_randomize (key, sizeof key, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
append_tuple (&keyblob, KEYBLOB_TAG_ENCKEY, key, sizeof key);
bin2hex (key, 16, hexkey);
wipememory (key, 16);
/* Add a 2*(4+16) byte filler to conceal the fact that we use
AES-128. If we ever want to switch to 256 bit we can resize
that filler to keep the keyblob at the same size. */
append_tuple (&keyblob, KEYBLOB_TAG_FILLER, key, sizeof key);
append_tuple (&keyblob, KEYBLOB_TAG_FILLER, key, sizeof key);
/* Build dmcrypt table. */
s = "aes-cbc-essiv:sha256";
append_tuple (&keyblob, KEYBLOB_TAG_ALGOSTR, s, strlen (s));
table = es_bsprintf ("0 %llu crypt %s %s 0 %s %d",
nblocks, s, hexkey, devname, HEADER_SECTORS);
if (!table)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
wipememory (hexkey, sizeof hexkey);
/* Add a copy of the setup area prefix to the keyblob. */
p = mk_setup_area_prefix (&n);
if (!p)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
append_tuple (&keyblob, KEYBLOB_TAG_HDRCOPY, p, n);
assert (n < header_space_size);
memcpy (header_space, p, n);
header_space_used = n;
/* Turn the keyblob into a buffer and callback to encrypt it. */
keyblob_buf = get_membuf (&keyblob, &keyblob_len);
if (!keyblob_buf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = sh_encrypt_keyblob (ctrl, keyblob_buf, keyblob_len, &p, &n);
if (err)
log_error ("encrypting the keyblob failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
log_debug ("plain setuparea=%p %zu bytes\n", keyblob_buf, keyblob_len);
wipememory (keyblob_buf, keyblob_len);
xfree (keyblob_buf);
keyblob_buf = NULL;
log_debug ("encry setuparea=%p %zu bytes\n", p, n);
if (n >= header_space_size || (header_space_used + n) >= header_space_size)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
log_error ("setup area would overflow: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
memcpy (header_space + header_space_used, p, n);
header_space_used += n;
/* Write the padding. */
packet = header_space + header_space_used;
paddinglen = header_space_size - header_space_used;
if (paddinglen < 16)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
log_error ("setup area too short for padding: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
packet[0] = (0xc0|61); /* CTB for Private packet type 0x61. */
packet[1] = 0xff; /* 5 byte length packet, value 20. */
packet[2] = (paddinglen-6) >> 24;
packet[3] = (paddinglen-6) >> 16;
packet[4] = (paddinglen-6) >> 8;
packet[5] = (paddinglen-6);
packet += 6;
paddinglen -= 6;
header_space_used += 6;
for ( ;paddinglen >= 10;
paddinglen -= 10, packet += 10, header_space_used += 10)
memcpy (packet, "GnuPG/PAD", 10);
for ( ;paddinglen; paddinglen--, packet++, header_space_used++)
*packet = 0;
if (header_space_used != header_space_size)
BUG ();
/* Create the container. */
const char *argv[3];
argv[0] = "create";
argv[1] = targetname;
argv[2] = NULL;
log_debug ("now running \"dmsetup create %s\"\n", targetname);
log_debug (" with table='%s'\"\n", table);
err = gnupg_exec_tool ("/sbin/dmsetup", argv, table, &result, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error running dmsetup for '%s': %s\n",
devname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (result && *result)
log_debug ("dmsetup result: %s\n", result);
/* Write the setup area. */
if (es_fseeko (devfp, 0, SEEK_SET))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error seeking to begin of '%s': %s\n",
devname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
es_clearerr (devfp);
for (copy = 0; copy < HEADER_SETUP_AREA_COPIES; copy++)
size_t nwritten;
if (es_write (devfp, header_space, header_space_size, &nwritten))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
else if (nwritten != header_space_size)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
if (err)
log_error ("error writing header space copy %d of '%s': %s\n",
copy, devname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (es_fseeko (devfp,
(- header_space_size * FOOTER_SETUP_AREA_COPIES), SEEK_END))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error seeking to end of '%s': %s\n",
devname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
es_clearerr (devfp);
for (copy = 0; copy < FOOTER_SETUP_AREA_COPIES; copy++)
size_t nwritten;
if (es_write (devfp, header_space, header_space_size, &nwritten))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
else if (nwritten != header_space_size)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
if (!err && es_fflush (devfp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (err)
log_error ("error writing footer space copy %d of '%s': %s\n",
copy, devname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
wipememory (hexkey, sizeof hexkey);
if (table)
wipememory (table, strlen (table));
xfree (table);
if (keyblob_buf)
wipememory (keyblob_buf, keyblob_len);
xfree (keyblob_buf);
xfree (get_membuf (&keyblob, NULL));
xfree (targetname);
xfree (result);
xfree (header_space);
return err;
/* Mount a DM-Crypt container on device DEVNAME taking keys and other
* meta data from KEYBLOB. */
sh_dmcrypt_mount_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *devname,
tupledesc_t keyblob)
gpg_error_t err;
char *targetname_abs = NULL;
const char *targetname;
char hexkey[16*2+1];
char *table = NULL;
unsigned long long nblocks, nblocks2;
char *result = NULL;
size_t n;
const char *s;
const char *algostr;
size_t algostrlen;
if (!ctrl->devti)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
g13_syshelp_i_know_what_i_am_doing ();
/* Check that the device is not yet used by device mapper. */
err = check_blockdev (devname, 0);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Compute the number of blocks and compare them to the value
provided as meta data. */
err = sh_blockdev_getsz (devname, &nblocks);
if (err)
log_error ("error getting size of '%s': %s\n",
devname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = find_tuple_uint (keyblob, KEYBLOB_TAG_CONT_NSEC, &nblocks2);
if (err)
log_error ("error getting size from keyblob: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (nblocks != nblocks2)
log_error ("inconsistent size of container: expected==%llu got=%llu\n",
nblocks2, nblocks);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
goto leave;
log_error ("device '%s' is too small (min=%d blocks)\n",
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
goto leave;
err = find_tuple_uint (keyblob, KEYBLOB_TAG_ENC_NSEC, &nblocks2);
if (err)
log_error ("error getting enc size from keyblob: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (nblocks != nblocks2)
log_error ("inconsistent size of enc data: expected==%llu got=%llu\n",
nblocks2, nblocks);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
goto leave;
/* Check that the offset is consistent. */
err = find_tuple_uint (keyblob, KEYBLOB_TAG_ENC_OFF, &nblocks2);
if (err)
log_error ("error getting enc offset from keyblob: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (nblocks2 != HEADER_SECTORS)
log_error ("inconsistent offset of enc data: expected==%llu got=%d\n",
nblocks2, HEADER_SECTORS);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
goto leave;
/* Device mapper needs a name for the device: Take it from the label
or use "0". */
targetname_abs = strconcat ("/dev/mapper/",
"g13-", ctrl->client.uname, "-",
ctrl->devti->label? ctrl->devti->label : "0",
if (!targetname_abs)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
targetname = strrchr (targetname_abs, '/');
if (!targetname)
BUG ();
/* Get the algorithm string. */
algostr = find_tuple (keyblob, KEYBLOB_TAG_ALGOSTR, &algostrlen);
if (!algostr || algostrlen > 100)
log_error ("algo string not found in keyblob or too long\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
goto leave;
/* Get the key. */
s = find_tuple (keyblob, KEYBLOB_TAG_ENCKEY, &n);
if (!s || n != 16)
if (!s)
log_error ("no key found in keyblob\n");
log_error ("unexpected size of key (%zu)\n", n);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_KEYLEN);
goto leave;
bin2hex (s, 16, hexkey);
/* Build dmcrypt table. */
table = es_bsprintf ("0 %llu crypt %.*s %s 0 %s %d",
nblocks, (int)algostrlen, algostr,
hexkey, devname, HEADER_SECTORS);
wipememory (hexkey, sizeof hexkey);
if (!table)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Load the table. */
const char *argv[3];
argv[0] = "create";
argv[1] = targetname;
argv[2] = NULL;
log_debug ("now running \"dmsetup create %s\"\n", targetname);
err = gnupg_exec_tool ("/sbin/dmsetup", argv, table, &result, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error running dmsetup for '%s': %s\n",
devname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (result && *result)
log_debug ("dmsetup result: %s\n", result);
xfree (result);
result = NULL;
/* Mount if a mountpoint has been given. */
if (ctrl->devti->mountpoint)
const char *argv[3];
argv[0] = targetname_abs;
argv[1] = ctrl->devti->mountpoint;
argv[2] = NULL;
log_debug ("now running \"mount %s %s\"\n",
targetname_abs, ctrl->devti->mountpoint);
err = gnupg_exec_tool ("/bin/mount", argv, NULL, &result, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error running mount: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (result && *result) /* (We should not see output to stdout). */
log_info ("WARNING: mount returned data on stdout! (%s)\n", result);
wipememory (hexkey, sizeof hexkey);
if (table)
wipememory (table, strlen (table));
xfree (table);
xfree (targetname_abs);
xfree (result);
return err;
/* Unmount a DM-Crypt container on device DEVNAME and wipe the keys. */
sh_dmcrypt_umount_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *devname)
gpg_error_t err;
char *targetname_abs = NULL;
char *result = NULL;
if (!ctrl->devti)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
g13_syshelp_i_know_what_i_am_doing ();
/* Check that the device is used by device mapper. */
err = check_blockdev (devname, 1);
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_EBUSY)
log_error ("device '%s' is not used by the device mapper: %s\n",
devname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Fixme: Check that this is really a g13 partition. */
/* Device mapper needs a name for the device: Take it from the label
or use "0". */
targetname_abs = strconcat ("/dev/mapper/",
"g13-", ctrl->client.uname, "-",
ctrl->devti->label? ctrl->devti->label : "0",
if (!targetname_abs)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Run the regular umount command. */
const char *argv[2];
argv[0] = targetname_abs;
argv[1] = NULL;
log_debug ("now running \"umount %s\"\n", targetname_abs);
err = gnupg_exec_tool ("/bin/umount", argv, NULL, &result, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error running umount: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
if (1)
/* Try to show some info about processes using the partition. */
const char *argv[3];
argv[0] = "-mv";
argv[1] = targetname_abs;
argv[2] = NULL;
gnupg_exec_tool ("/bin/fuser", argv, NULL, &result, NULL);
goto leave;
if (result && *result) /* (We should not see output to stdout). */
log_info ("WARNING: umount returned data on stdout! (%s)\n", result);
xfree (result);
result = NULL;
/* Run the dmsetup remove command. */
const char *argv[3];
argv[0] = "remove";
argv[1] = targetname_abs;
argv[2] = NULL;
log_debug ("now running \"dmsetup remove %s\"\n", targetname_abs);
err = gnupg_exec_tool ("/sbin/dmsetup", argv, NULL, &result, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error running \"dmsetup remove %s\": %s\n",
targetname_abs, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (result && *result)
log_debug ("dmsetup result: %s\n", result);
xfree (result);
result = NULL;
xfree (targetname_abs);
xfree (result);
return err;
/* Suspend a DM-Crypt container on device DEVNAME and wipe the keys. */
sh_dmcrypt_suspend_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *devname)
gpg_error_t err;
char *targetname_abs = NULL;
const char *targetname;
char *result = NULL;
if (!ctrl->devti)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
g13_syshelp_i_know_what_i_am_doing ();
/* Check that the device is used by device mapper. */
err = check_blockdev (devname, 1);
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_EBUSY)
log_error ("device '%s' is not used by the device mapper: %s\n",
devname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Fixme: Check that this is really a g13 partition. */
/* Device mapper needs a name for the device: Take it from the label
or use "0". */
targetname_abs = strconcat ("/dev/mapper/",
"g13-", ctrl->client.uname, "-",
ctrl->devti->label? ctrl->devti->label : "0",
if (!targetname_abs)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
targetname = strrchr (targetname_abs, '/');
if (!targetname)
BUG ();
/* Send the suspend command. */
const char *argv[3];
argv[0] = "suspend";
argv[1] = targetname;
argv[2] = NULL;
log_debug ("now running \"dmsetup suspend %s\"\n", targetname);
err = gnupg_exec_tool ("/sbin/dmsetup", argv, NULL, &result, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error running \"dmsetup suspend %s\": %s\n",
targetname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (result && *result)
log_debug ("dmsetup result: %s\n", result);
xfree (result);
result = NULL;
/* Send the wipe key command. */
const char *argv[5];
argv[0] = "message";
argv[1] = targetname;
argv[2] = "0";
argv[3] = "key wipe";
argv[4] = NULL;
log_debug ("now running \"dmsetup message %s 0 key wipe\"\n", targetname);
err = gnupg_exec_tool ("/sbin/dmsetup", argv, NULL, &result, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error running \"dmsetup message %s 0 key wipe\": %s\n",
targetname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (result && *result)
log_debug ("dmsetup result: %s\n", result);
xfree (result);
result = NULL;
xfree (targetname_abs);
xfree (result);
return err;
/* Resume a DM-Crypt container on device DEVNAME taking keys and other
* meta data from KEYBLOB. */
sh_dmcrypt_resume_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *devname,
tupledesc_t keyblob)
gpg_error_t err;
char *targetname_abs = NULL;
const char *targetname;
char hexkey[8+16*2+1]; /* 8 is used to prepend "key set ". */
char *table = NULL;
char *result = NULL;
size_t n;
const char *s;
const char *algostr;
size_t algostrlen;
if (!ctrl->devti)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
g13_syshelp_i_know_what_i_am_doing ();
/* Check that the device is used by device mapper. */
err = check_blockdev (devname, 1);
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_EBUSY)
log_error ("device '%s' is not used by the device mapper: %s\n",
devname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Device mapper needs a name for the device: Take it from the label
or use "0". */
targetname_abs = strconcat ("/dev/mapper/",
"g13-", ctrl->client.uname, "-",
ctrl->devti->label? ctrl->devti->label : "0",
if (!targetname_abs)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
targetname = strrchr (targetname_abs, '/');
if (!targetname)
BUG ();
/* Get the algorithm string. */
algostr = find_tuple (keyblob, KEYBLOB_TAG_ALGOSTR, &algostrlen);
if (!algostr || algostrlen > 100)
log_error ("algo string not found in keyblob or too long\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
goto leave;
/* Get the key. */
s = find_tuple (keyblob, KEYBLOB_TAG_ENCKEY, &n);
if (!s || n != 16)
if (!s)
log_error ("no key found in keyblob\n");
log_error ("unexpected size of key (%zu)\n", n);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_KEYLEN);
goto leave;
strcpy (hexkey, "key set ");
bin2hex (s, 16, hexkey+8);
/* Send the key */
const char *argv[4];
argv[0] = "message";
argv[1] = targetname;
argv[2] = "0";
argv[3] = NULL;
log_debug ("now running \"dmsetup message %s 0 [key set]\"\n", targetname);
err = gnupg_exec_tool ("/sbin/dmsetup", argv, hexkey, &result, NULL);
wipememory (hexkey, sizeof hexkey);
if (err)
log_error ("error running \"dmsetup message %s 0 [key set]\": %s\n",
devname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (result && *result)
log_debug ("dmsetup result: %s\n", result);
xfree (result);
result = NULL;
/* Send the resume command. */
const char *argv[3];
argv[0] = "resume";
argv[1] = targetname;
argv[2] = NULL;
log_debug ("now running \"dmsetup resume %s\"\n", targetname);
err = gnupg_exec_tool ("/sbin/dmsetup", argv, NULL, &result, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error running \"dmsetup resume %s\": %s\n",
targetname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (result && *result)
log_debug ("dmsetup result: %s\n", result);
xfree (result);
result = NULL;
wipememory (hexkey, sizeof hexkey);
if (table)
wipememory (table, strlen (table));
xfree (table);
xfree (targetname_abs);
xfree (result);
return err;
diff --git a/g13/suspend.c b/g13/suspend.c
index 39aeaebb9..7bdf738c8 100644
--- a/g13/suspend.c
+++ b/g13/suspend.c
@@ -1,144 +1,144 @@
/* suspend.c - Suspend/Resume a crypto container
* Copyright (C) 2016 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "g13.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "suspend.h"
#include "keyblob.h"
#include "backend.h"
#include "g13tuple.h"
#include "server.h" /*(g13_keyblob_decrypt)*/
/* Suspend the container with name FILENAME. */
g13_suspend_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *filename)
gpg_error_t err;
int needs_syshelp;
/* A quick check to see whether the container exists. */
if (access (filename, R_OK))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* Decide whether we need to use the g13-syshelp because we can't
use lock files for them. This is most likely the case for device
files; thus we test for this. FIXME: The correct solution would
be to call g13-syshelp to match the file against the g13tab. */
needs_syshelp = !strncmp (filename, "/dev/", 5);
if (!needs_syshelp)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
err = be_suspend_container (ctrl, CONTTYPE_DM_CRYPT, filename);
return err;
/* Resume the container with name FILENAME. */
g13_resume_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *filename)
gpg_error_t err;
int needs_syshelp;
void *enckeyblob = NULL;
size_t enckeybloblen;
void *keyblob = NULL;
size_t keybloblen;
tupledesc_t tuples = NULL;
size_t n;
const unsigned char *value;
int conttype;
char *mountpoint_buffer = NULL;
/* A quick check to see whether the container exists. */
if (access (filename, R_OK))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* Decide whether we need to use the g13-syshelp because we can't
use lock files for them. This is most likely the case for device
files; thus we test for this. FIXME: The correct solution would
be to call g13-syshelp to match the file against the g13tab. */
needs_syshelp = !strncmp (filename, "/dev/", 5);
if (!needs_syshelp)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
goto leave;
/* Read the encrypted keyblob. */
/* Fixme: Should we move this to syshelp for dm-crypt or do we
assume that the encrypted device is world readable? */
err = g13_keyblob_read (filename, &enckeyblob, &enckeybloblen);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Decrypt that keyblob and store it in a tuple descriptor. */
err = g13_keyblob_decrypt (ctrl, enckeyblob, enckeybloblen,
&keyblob, &keybloblen);
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (enckeyblob);
enckeyblob = NULL;
err = create_tupledesc (&tuples, keyblob, keybloblen);
if (!err)
keyblob = NULL;
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)
log_error ("unknown keyblob version\n");
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose)
dump_tupledesc (tuples);
value = find_tuple (tuples, KEYBLOB_TAG_CONTTYPE, &n);
if (!value || n != 2)
conttype = 0;
conttype = (value[0] << 8 | value[1]);
if (!be_is_supported_conttype (conttype))
log_error ("content type %d is not supported\n", conttype);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
goto leave;
err = be_resume_container (ctrl, conttype, filename, tuples);
destroy_tupledesc (tuples);
xfree (keyblob);
xfree (enckeyblob);
xfree (mountpoint_buffer);
return err;
diff --git a/g13/suspend.h b/g13/suspend.h
index 91702eb71..21943e7e8 100644
--- a/g13/suspend.h
+++ b/g13/suspend.h
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
/* suspend.h - Suspend/Resume a crypto container.
* Copyright (C) 2016 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef G13_SUSPEND_H
#define G13_SUSPEND_H
gpg_error_t g13_suspend_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *filename);
gpg_error_t g13_resume_container (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *filename);
#endif /*G13_SUSPEND_H*/
diff --git a/g13/t-g13tuple.c b/g13/t-g13tuple.c
index f986efab8..bbd98988e 100644
--- a/g13/t-g13tuple.c
+++ b/g13/t-g13tuple.c
@@ -1,223 +1,223 @@
/* t-g13tuple.c - Module test for g13tuple.c
* Copyright (C) 2016 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "keyblob.h"
#include "g13tuple.h"
#define PGM "t-g13tuple"
static int verbose;
static int debug;
static int errcount;
/* Test for the functions append_tuple_uint and find_tuple_unit. */
static void
test_tuple_uint (void)
static struct {
int tag;
int len;
char *data;
unsigned long long val;
gpg_err_code_t ec;
} tv[] = {
{ 1, 0, "", 0, GPG_ERR_ERANGE },
{ 2, 1, "\x00", 0, 0},
{ 3, 1, "\x7f", 127ull, 0},
{ 4, 1, "\x80", 0, GPG_ERR_ERANGE },
{ 5, 1, "\x81", 0, GPG_ERR_ERANGE },
{ 6, 2, "\x80\x01", 0, GPG_ERR_ERANGE },
{ 7, 2, "\x00\x80", 128ull, 0 },
{ 8, 1, "\x01", 1, 0 },
{ 9, 1, "\x40", 64, 0 },
{ 10, 2, "\x40\x00", 16384, 0 },
{ 11, 8, "\x7f\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff", 0x7fffffffffffffffull, 0 },
{ 12, 9, "\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff", 0xffffffffffffffffull, 0},
{ 13, 9, "\x01\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff", 0, GPG_ERR_ERANGE }
int tidx;
gpg_error_t err;
membuf_t mb, mb2;
void *p;
const void *s;
size_t n;
tupledesc_t tuples;
tupledesc_t tuples2;
unsigned long long value;
int i;
init_membuf (&mb, 512);
init_membuf (&mb2, 512);
append_tuple (&mb, KEYBLOB_TAG_BLOBVERSION, "\x01", 1);
append_tuple (&mb2, KEYBLOB_TAG_BLOBVERSION, "\x01", 1);
for (tidx=0; tidx < DIM (tv); tidx++)
append_tuple (&mb, tv[tidx].tag, tv[tidx].data, tv[tidx].len);
if (!tv[tidx].ec)
append_tuple_uint (&mb2, tv[tidx].tag, tv[tidx].val);
p = get_membuf (&mb, &n);
if (!p)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
fprintf (stderr, PGM ":%s: get_membuf failed: %s\n",
__func__, gpg_strerror (err));
exit (1);
err = create_tupledesc (&tuples, p, n);
if (err)
fprintf (stderr, PGM ":%s: create_tupledesc failed: %s\n",
__func__, gpg_strerror (err));
exit (1);
p = get_membuf (&mb2, &n);
if (!p)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
fprintf (stderr, PGM ":%s: get_membuf failed: %s\n",
__func__, gpg_strerror (err));
exit (1);
err = create_tupledesc (&tuples2, p, n);
if (err)
fprintf (stderr, PGM ":%s: create_tupledesc failed: %s\n",
__func__, gpg_strerror (err));
exit (1);
for (tidx=0; tidx < DIM (tv); tidx++)
err = find_tuple_uint (tuples, tv[tidx].tag, &value);
if (tv[tidx].ec != gpg_err_code (err))
fprintf (stderr, PGM ":%s:tidx=%d: wrong error returned; "
"expected(%s) got(%s)\n",
__func__, tidx,
gpg_strerror (tv[tidx].ec), gpg_strerror (err));
else if (!err && tv[tidx].val != value)
fprintf (stderr, PGM ":%s:tidx=%d: wrong value returned; "
"expected(%llx) got(%llx)\n",
__func__, tidx, tv[tidx].val, value);
err = find_tuple_uint (tuples2, tv[tidx].tag, &value);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
if (!tv[tidx].ec)
fprintf (stderr, PGM ":%s:tidx=%d: find_tuple failed: %s\n",
__func__, tidx, gpg_strerror (err));
else if (tv[tidx].ec != gpg_err_code (err))
fprintf (stderr, PGM ":%s:tidx=%d: wrong error returned (2); "
"expected(%s) got(%s)\n",
__func__, tidx,
gpg_strerror (tv[tidx].ec), gpg_strerror (err));
else if (!err && tv[tidx].val != value)
fprintf (stderr, PGM ":%s:tidx=%d: wrong value returned (2); "
"expected(%llx) got(%llx)\n",
__func__, tidx, tv[tidx].val, value);
s = find_tuple (tuples2, tv[tidx].tag, &n);
if (!s)
else if (tv[tidx].len != n)
fprintf (stderr, PGM ":%s:tidx=%d: wrong string length returned; "
"expected(%d) got(%zu)\n",
__func__, tidx, tv[tidx].len, n);
else if (memcmp (tv[tidx].data, s, n))
fprintf (stderr, PGM ":%s:tidx=%d: wrong string returned:",
__func__, tidx);
for (i=0; i < n; i++)
fprintf (stderr, " %02x", ((unsigned char*)s)[i]);
fputc ('\n', stderr);
destroy_tupledesc (tuples);
destroy_tupledesc (tuples2);
main (int argc, char **argv)
int last_argc = -1;
gpgrt_init ();
if (argc)
{ argc--; argv++; }
while (argc && last_argc != argc )
last_argc = argc;
if (!strcmp (*argv, "--"))
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--verbose"))
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--debug"))
verbose += 2;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strncmp (*argv, "--", 2))
fprintf (stderr, PGM ": unknown option '%s'\n", *argv);
exit (1);
test_tuple_uint ();
return !!errcount;
diff --git a/kbx/ b/kbx/
index 912dd7656..fe7da1bb8 100644
--- a/kbx/
+++ b/kbx/
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
# Keybox Makefile
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
## Process this file with automake to produce
EXTRA_DIST = mkerrors
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/common
include $(top_srcdir)/am/
noinst_LIBRARIES = libkeybox.a libkeybox509.a
bin_PROGRAMS = kbxutil
extra_libs = $(LIBASSUAN_LIBS)
extra_libs =
common_sources = \
keybox.h keybox-defs.h keybox-search-desc.h \
keybox-util.c \
keybox-init.c \
keybox-blob.c \
keybox-file.c \
keybox-search.c \
keybox-update.c \
keybox-openpgp.c \
libkeybox_a_SOURCES = $(common_sources)
libkeybox509_a_SOURCES = $(common_sources)
libkeybox_a_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS)
libkeybox509_a_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DKEYBOX_WITH_X509=1
# We need W32SOCKLIBS because the init subsystem code in libcommon
# requires it - although we don't actually need it. It is easier
# to do it this way.
kbxutil_SOURCES = kbxutil.c $(common_sources)
kbxutil_LDADD = ../common/libcommon.a \
$(KSBA_LIBS) $(LIBGCRYPT_LIBS) $(extra_libs) \
$(PROGRAMS) : ../common/libcommon.a
diff --git a/kbx/kbxutil.c b/kbx/kbxutil.c
index 77b134a38..dd8477c69 100644
--- a/kbx/kbxutil.c
+++ b/kbx/kbxutil.c
@@ -1,625 +1,625 @@
/* kbxutil.c - The Keybox utility
* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include "../common/logging.h"
#include "../common/argparse.h"
#include "../common/stringhelp.h"
#include "../common/utf8conv.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "keybox-defs.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
enum cmd_and_opt_values {
aNull = 0,
oArmor = 'a',
oDryRun = 'n',
oOutput = 'o',
oQuiet = 'q',
oVerbose = 'v',
aNoSuchCmd = 500, /* force other values not to be a letter */
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
{ 300, NULL, 0, N_("@Commands:\n ") },
/* { aFindByFpr, "find-by-fpr", 0, "|FPR| find key using it's fingerprnt" }, */
/* { aFindByKid, "find-by-kid", 0, "|KID| find key using it's keyid" }, */
/* { aFindByUid, "find-by-uid", 0, "|NAME| find key by user name" }, */
{ aStats, "stats", 0, "show key statistics" },
{ aImportOpenPGP, "import-openpgp", 0, "import OpenPGP keyblocks"},
{ aFindDups, "find-dups", 0, "find duplicates" },
{ aCut, "cut", 0, "export records" },
{ 301, NULL, 0, N_("@\nOptions:\n ") },
{ oFrom, "from", 4, "|N|first record to export" },
{ oTo, "to", 4, "|N|last record to export" },
/* { oArmor, "armor", 0, N_("create ascii armored output")}, */
/* { oArmor, "armour", 0, "@" }, */
/* { oOutput, "output", 2, N_("use as output file")}, */
{ oVerbose, "verbose", 0, N_("verbose") },
{ oQuiet, "quiet", 0, N_("be somewhat more quiet") },
{ oDryRun, "dry-run", 0, N_("do not make any changes") },
{ oDebug, "debug" ,4|16, N_("set debugging flags")},
{ oDebugAll, "debug-all" ,0, N_("enable full debugging")},
{0} /* end of list */
void myexit (int rc);
int keybox_errors_seen = 0;
static const char *
my_strusage( int level )
const char *p;
switch( level ) {
case 11: p = "kbxutil (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 1:
case 40: p =
_("Usage: kbxutil [options] [files] (-h for help)");
case 41: p =
_("Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n"
"List, export, import Keybox data\n");
default: p = NULL;
return p;
/* Used by gcry for logging */
static void
my_gcry_logger (void *dummy, int level, const char *fmt, va_list arg_ptr)
/* Map the log levels. */
switch (level)
case GCRY_LOG_CONT: level = GPGRT_LOG_CONT; break;
case GCRY_LOG_INFO: level = GPGRT_LOG_INFO; break;
case GCRY_LOG_WARN: level = GPGRT_LOG_WARN; break;
case GCRY_LOG_ERROR:level = GPGRT_LOG_ERROR; break;
case GCRY_LOG_FATAL:level = GPGRT_LOG_FATAL; break;
case GCRY_LOG_BUG: level = GPGRT_LOG_BUG; break;
case GCRY_LOG_DEBUG:level = GPGRT_LOG_DEBUG; break;
default: level = GPGRT_LOG_ERROR; break;
log_logv (level, fmt, arg_ptr);
/* static void */
/* wrong_args( const char *text ) */
/* { */
/* log_error("usage: kbxutil %s\n", text); */
/* myexit ( 1 ); */
/* } */
#if 0
static int
hextobyte( const byte *s )
int c;
if( *s >= '0' && *s <= '9' )
c = 16 * (*s - '0');
else if( *s >= 'A' && *s <= 'F' )
c = 16 * (10 + *s - 'A');
else if( *s >= 'a' && *s <= 'f' )
c = 16 * (10 + *s - 'a');
return -1;
if( *s >= '0' && *s <= '9' )
c += *s - '0';
else if( *s >= 'A' && *s <= 'F' )
c += 10 + *s - 'A';
else if( *s >= 'a' && *s <= 'f' )
c += 10 + *s - 'a';
return -1;
return c;
#if 0
static char *
format_fingerprint ( const char *s )
int i, c;
byte fpr[20];
for (i=0; i < 20 && *s; ) {
if ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) {
c = hextobyte(s);
if (c == -1) {
return NULL;
fpr[i++] = c;
s += 2;
return gcry_xstrdup ( fpr );
#if 0
static int
format_keyid ( const char *s, u32 *kid )
char helpbuf[9];
switch ( strlen ( s ) ) {
case 8:
kid[0] = 0;
kid[1] = strtoul( s, NULL, 16 );
return 10;
case 16:
mem2str( helpbuf, s, 9 );
kid[0] = strtoul( helpbuf, NULL, 16 );
kid[1] = strtoul( s+8, NULL, 16 );
return 11;
return 0; /* error */
static char *
read_file (const char *fname, size_t *r_length)
FILE *fp;
char *buf;
size_t buflen;
if (!strcmp (fname, "-"))
size_t nread, bufsize = 0;
fp = stdin;
buf = NULL;
buflen = 0;
#define NCHUNK 8192
bufsize += NCHUNK;
if (!buf)
buf = xtrymalloc (bufsize);
buf = xtryrealloc (buf, bufsize);
if (!buf)
log_fatal ("can't allocate buffer: %s\n", strerror (errno));
nread = fread (buf+buflen, 1, NCHUNK, fp);
if (nread < NCHUNK && ferror (fp))
log_error ("error reading '[stdin]': %s\n", strerror (errno));
xfree (buf);
return NULL;
buflen += nread;
while (nread == NCHUNK);
#undef NCHUNK
struct stat st;
fp = fopen (fname, "rb");
if (!fp)
log_error ("can't open '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror (errno));
return NULL;
if (fstat (fileno(fp), &st))
log_error ("can't stat '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror (errno));
fclose (fp);
return NULL;
buflen = st.st_size;
buf = xtrymalloc (buflen+1);
if (!buf)
log_fatal ("can't allocate buffer: %s\n", strerror (errno));
if (fread (buf, buflen, 1, fp) != 1)
log_error ("error reading '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror (errno));
fclose (fp);
xfree (buf);
return NULL;
fclose (fp);
*r_length = buflen;
return buf;
static void
dump_fpr (const unsigned char *buffer, size_t len)
int i;
for (i=0; i < len; i++, buffer++)
if (len == 20)
if (i == 10)
putchar (' ');
printf (" %02X%02X", buffer[0], buffer[1]);
i++; buffer++;
if (i && !(i % 8))
putchar (' ');
printf (" %02X", buffer[0]);
static void
dump_openpgp_key (keybox_openpgp_info_t info, const unsigned char *image)
printf ("pub %2d %02X%02X%02X%02X",
info->primary.keyid[4], info->primary.keyid[5],
info->primary.keyid[6], info->primary.keyid[7] );
dump_fpr (info->primary.fpr, info->primary.fprlen);
putchar ('\n');
if (info->nsubkeys)
struct _keybox_openpgp_key_info *k;
k = &info->subkeys;
printf ("sub %2d %02X%02X%02X%02X",
k->keyid[4], k->keyid[5],
k->keyid[6], k->keyid[7] );
dump_fpr (k->fpr, k->fprlen);
putchar ('\n');
k = k->next;
while (k);
if (info->nuids)
struct _keybox_openpgp_uid_info *u;
u = &info->uids;
printf ("uid\t\t%.*s\n", (int)u->len, image + u->off);
u = u->next;
while (u);
static void
import_openpgp (const char *filename, int dryrun)
gpg_error_t err;
char *buffer;
size_t buflen, nparsed;
unsigned char *p;
struct _keybox_openpgp_info info;
buffer = read_file (filename, &buflen);
if (!buffer)
p = (unsigned char *)buffer;
for (;;)
err = _keybox_parse_openpgp (p, buflen, &nparsed, &info);
assert (nparsed <= buflen);
if (err)
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM)
/* This is likely a v3 key packet with a non-RSA
algorithm. These are keys from very early versions
of GnuPG (pre-OpenPGP). */
fflush (stdout);
log_info ("%s: failed to parse OpenPGP keyblock: %s\n",
filename, gpg_strerror (err));
if (dryrun)
dump_openpgp_key (&info, p);
err = _keybox_create_openpgp_blob (&blob, &info, p, nparsed,
NULL, 0);
if (err)
fflush (stdout);
log_error ("%s: failed to create OpenPGP keyblock: %s\n",
filename, gpg_strerror (err));
err = _keybox_write_blob (blob, stdout);
_keybox_release_blob (blob);
if (err)
fflush (stdout);
log_error ("%s: failed to write OpenPGP keyblock: %s\n",
filename, gpg_strerror (err));
_keybox_destroy_openpgp_info (&info);
p += nparsed;
buflen -= nparsed;
xfree (buffer);
main( int argc, char **argv )
enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd = 0;
unsigned long from = 0, to = ULONG_MAX;
int dry_run = 0;
early_system_init ();
set_strusage( my_strusage );
log_set_prefix ("kbxutil", GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX);
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
i18n_init ();
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
gcry_set_log_handler (my_gcry_logger, NULL);
/*create_dotlock(NULL); register locking cleanup */
/* We need to use the gcry malloc function because jnlib uses them. */
keybox_set_malloc_hooks (gcry_malloc, gcry_realloc, gcry_free);
ksba_set_malloc_hooks (gcry_malloc, gcry_realloc, gcry_free );
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= 1; /* do not remove the args */
while (arg_parse( &pargs, opts) )
switch (pargs.r_opt)
case oVerbose:
/*gcry_control( GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose );*/
case oDebug:
/*opt.debug |= pargs.r.ret_ulong; */
case oDebugAll:
/*opt.debug = ~0;*/
case aFindByFpr:
case aFindByKid:
case aFindByUid:
case aStats:
case aImportOpenPGP:
case aFindDups:
case aCut:
cmd = pargs.r_opt;
case oFrom: from = pargs.r.ret_ulong; break;
case oTo: to = pargs.r.ret_ulong; break;
case oDryRun: dry_run = 1; break;
pargs.err = 2;
if (to < from)
log_error ("record number of \"--to\" is lower than \"--from\" one\n");
if (log_get_errorcount(0) )
if (!cmd)
{ /* Default is to list a KBX file */
if (!argc)
_keybox_dump_file (NULL, 0, stdout);
for (; argc; argc--, argv++)
_keybox_dump_file (*argv, 0, stdout);
else if (cmd == aStats )
if (!argc)
_keybox_dump_file (NULL, 1, stdout);
for (; argc; argc--, argv++)
_keybox_dump_file (*argv, 1, stdout);
else if (cmd == aFindDups )
if (!argc)
_keybox_dump_find_dups (NULL, 0, stdout);
for (; argc; argc--, argv++)
_keybox_dump_find_dups (*argv, 0, stdout);
else if (cmd == aCut )
if (!argc)
_keybox_dump_cut_records (NULL, from, to, stdout);
for (; argc; argc--, argv++)
_keybox_dump_cut_records (*argv, from, to, stdout);
else if (cmd == aImportOpenPGP)
if (!argc)
import_openpgp ("-", dry_run);
for (; argc; argc--, argv++)
import_openpgp (*argv, dry_run);
#if 0
else if ( cmd == aFindByFpr )
char *fpr;
if ( argc != 2 )
wrong_args ("kbxfile foingerprint");
fpr = format_fingerprint ( argv[1] );
if ( !fpr )
log_error ("invalid formatted fingerprint\n");
kbxfile_search_by_fpr ( argv[0], fpr );
gcry_free ( fpr );
else if ( cmd == aFindByKid )
u32 kid[2];
int mode;
if ( argc != 2 )
wrong_args ("kbxfile short-or-long-keyid");
mode = format_keyid ( argv[1], kid );
if ( !mode )
log_error ("invalid formatted keyID\n");
kbxfile_search_by_kid ( argv[0], kid, mode );
else if ( cmd == aFindByUid )
if ( argc != 2 )
wrong_args ("kbxfile userID");
kbxfile_search_by_uid ( argv[0], argv[1] );
log_error ("unsupported action\n");
return 8; /*NEVER REACHED*/
myexit( int rc )
/* if( opt.debug & DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE ) {*/
/* gcry_control( GCRYCTL_DUMP_MEMORY_STATS ); */
/* gcry_control( GCRYCTL_DUMP_RANDOM_STATS ); */
/* }*/
/* if( opt.debug ) */
/* gcry_control( GCRYCTL_DUMP_SECMEM_STATS ); */
rc = rc? rc : log_get_errorcount(0)? 2 :
keybox_errors_seen? 1 : 0;
exit(rc );
diff --git a/kbx/keybox-blob.c b/kbx/keybox-blob.c
index 896f137b8..73ecfbe0d 100644
--- a/kbx/keybox-blob.c
+++ b/kbx/keybox-blob.c
@@ -1,1061 +1,1061 @@
/* keybox-blob.c - KBX Blob handling
* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
* The keybox data format
The KeyBox uses an augmented OpenPGP/X.509 key format. This makes
random access to a keyblock/certificate easier and also gives the
opportunity to store additional information (e.g. the fingerprint)
along with the key. All integers are stored in network byte order,
offsets are counted from the beginning of the Blob.
** Overview of blob types
| Byte 4 | Blob type |
| 0 | Empty blob |
| 1 | First blob |
| 2 | OpenPGP blob |
| 3 | X.509 blob |
** The First blob
The first blob of a plain KBX file has a special format:
- u32 Length of this blob
- byte Blob type (1)
- byte Version number (1)
- u16 Header flags
bit 0 - RFU
bit 1 - Is being or has been used for OpenPGP blobs
- b4 Magic 'KBXf'
- u32 RFU
- u32 file_created_at
- u32 last_maintenance_run
- u32 RFU
- u32 RFU
** The OpenPGP and X.509 blobs
The OpenPGP and X.509 blobs are very similar, things which are
X.509 specific are noted like [X.509: xxx]
- u32 Length of this blob (including these 4 bytes)
- byte Blob type
2 = OpenPGP
3 = X509
- byte Version number of this blob type
1 = The only defined value
- u16 Blob flags
bit 0 = contains secret key material (not used)
bit 1 = ephemeral blob (e.g. used while quering external resources)
- u32 Offset to the OpenPGP keyblock or the X.509 DER encoded
- u32 The length of the keyblock or certificate
- u16 [NKEYS] Number of keys (at least 1!) [X509: always 1]
- u16 Size of the key information structure (at least 28).
- NKEYS times:
- b20 The fingerprint of the key.
Fingerprints are always 20 bytes, MD5 left padded with zeroes.
- u32 Offset to the n-th key's keyID (a keyID is always 8 byte)
or 0 if not known which is the case only for X.509.
- u16 Key flags
bit 0 = qualified signature (not yet implemented}
- u16 RFU
- bN Optional filler up to the specified length of this
- u16 Size of the serial number (may be zero)
- bN The serial number. N as giiven above.
- u16 Number of user IDs
- u16 [NUIDS] Size of user ID information structure
- NUIDS times:
For X509, the first user ID is the Issuer, the second the
Subject and the others are subjectAltNames. For OpenPGP we only
store the information from UserID packets here.
- u32 Blob offset to the n-th user ID
- u32 Length of this user ID.
- u16 User ID flags.
(not yet used)
- byte Validity
- byte RFU
- u16 [NSIGS] Number of signatures
- u16 Size of signature information (4)
- NSIGS times:
- u32 Expiration time of signature with some special values:
- 0x00000000 = not checked
- 0x00000001 = missing key
- 0x00000002 = bad signature
- 0x10000000 = valid and expires at some date in 1978.
- 0xffffffff = valid and does not expire
- u8 Assigned ownertrust [X509: not used]
- u8 All_Validity
OpenPGP: See ../g10/trustdb/TRUST_* [not yet used]
X509: Bit 4 set := key has been revoked.
Note that this value matches TRUST_FLAG_REVOKED
- u16 RFU
- u32 Recheck_after
- u32 Latest timestamp in the keyblock (useful for KS syncronsiation?)
- u32 Blob created at
- u32 [NRES] Size of reserved space (not including this field)
- bN Reserved space of size NRES for future use.
- bN Arbitrary space for example used to store data which is not
part of the keyblock or certificate. For example the v3 key
IDs go here.
- bN Space for the keyblock or certificate.
- bN RFU. This is the remaining space after keyblock and before
the checksum. Is is not covered by the checksum.
- b20 SHA-1 checksum (useful for KS syncronisation?)
Note, that KBX versions before GnuPG 2.1 used an MD5
checksum. However it was only created but never checked.
Thus we do not expect problems if we switch to SHA-1. If
the checksum fails and the first 4 bytes are zero, we can
try again with MD5. SHA-1 has the advantage that it is
faster on CPUs with dedicated SHA-1 support.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "keybox-defs.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#ifdef KEYBOX_WITH_X509
#include <ksba.h>
#include "../common/gettime.h"
/* special values of the signature status */
#define SF_NONE(a) ( !(a) )
#define SF_NOKEY(a) ((a) & (1<<0))
#define SF_BAD(a) ((a) & (1<<1))
#define SF_VALID(a) ((a) & (1<<29))
struct membuf {
size_t len;
size_t size;
char *buf;
int out_of_core;
/* #if MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN < 20 */
/* #error fingerprints are 20 bytes */
/* #endif */
struct keyboxblob_key {
char fpr[20];
u32 off_kid;
ulong off_kid_addr;
u16 flags;
struct keyboxblob_uid {
u32 off;
ulong off_addr;
char *name; /* used only with x509 */
u32 len;
u16 flags;
byte validity;
struct keyid_list {
struct keyid_list *next;
int seqno;
byte kid[8];
struct fixup_list {
struct fixup_list *next;
u32 off;
u32 val;
struct keyboxblob {
byte *blob;
size_t bloblen;
off_t fileoffset;
/* stuff used only by keybox_create_blob */
unsigned char *serialbuf;
const unsigned char *serial;
size_t seriallen;
int nkeys;
struct keyboxblob_key *keys;
int nuids;
struct keyboxblob_uid *uids;
int nsigs;
u32 *sigs;
struct fixup_list *fixups;
int fixup_out_of_core;
struct keyid_list *temp_kids;
struct membuf bufbuf; /* temporary store for the blob */
struct membuf *buf;
/* A simple implemention of a dynamic buffer. Use init_membuf() to
create a buffer, put_membuf to append bytes and get_membuf to
release and return the buffer. Allocation errors are detected but
only returned at the final get_membuf(), this helps not to clutter
the code with out of core checks. */
static void
init_membuf (struct membuf *mb, int initiallen)
mb->len = 0;
mb->size = initiallen;
mb->out_of_core = 0;
mb->buf = xtrymalloc (initiallen);
if (!mb->buf)
mb->out_of_core = 1;
static void
put_membuf (struct membuf *mb, const void *buf, size_t len)
if (mb->out_of_core)
if (mb->len + len >= mb->size)
char *p;
mb->size += len + 1024;
p = xtryrealloc (mb->buf, mb->size);
if (!p)
mb->out_of_core = 1;
mb->buf = p;
if (buf)
memcpy (mb->buf + mb->len, buf, len);
memset (mb->buf + mb->len, 0, len);
mb->len += len;
static void *
get_membuf (struct membuf *mb, size_t *len)
char *p;
if (mb->out_of_core)
xfree (mb->buf);
mb->buf = NULL;
return NULL;
p = mb->buf;
*len = mb->len;
mb->buf = NULL;
mb->out_of_core = 1; /* don't allow a reuse */
return p;
static void
put8 (struct membuf *mb, byte a )
put_membuf (mb, &a, 1);
static void
put16 (struct membuf *mb, u16 a )
unsigned char tmp[2];
tmp[0] = a>>8;
tmp[1] = a;
put_membuf (mb, tmp, 2);
static void
put32 (struct membuf *mb, u32 a )
unsigned char tmp[4];
tmp[0] = a>>24;
tmp[1] = a>>16;
tmp[2] = a>>8;
tmp[3] = a;
put_membuf (mb, tmp, 4);
/* Store a value in the fixup list */
static void
add_fixup (KEYBOXBLOB blob, u32 off, u32 val)
struct fixup_list *fl;
if (blob->fixup_out_of_core)
fl = xtrycalloc(1, sizeof *fl);
if (!fl)
blob->fixup_out_of_core = 1;
fl->off = off;
fl->val = val;
fl->next = blob->fixups;
blob->fixups = fl;
OpenPGP specific stuff
/* We must store the keyid at some place because we can't calculate
the offset yet. This is only used for v3 keyIDs. Function returns
an index value for later fixup or -1 for out of core. The value
must be a non-zero value. */
static int
pgp_temp_store_kid (KEYBOXBLOB blob, struct _keybox_openpgp_key_info *kinfo)
struct keyid_list *k, *r;
k = xtrymalloc (sizeof *k);
if (!k)
return -1;
memcpy (k->kid, kinfo->keyid, 8);
k->seqno = 0;
k->next = blob->temp_kids;
blob->temp_kids = k;
for (r=k; r; r = r->next)
return k->seqno;
/* Helper for pgp_create_key_part. */
static gpg_error_t
pgp_create_key_part_single (KEYBOXBLOB blob, int n,
struct _keybox_openpgp_key_info *kinfo)
size_t fprlen;
int off;
fprlen = kinfo->fprlen;
if (fprlen > 20)
fprlen = 20;
memcpy (blob->keys[n].fpr, kinfo->fpr, fprlen);
if (fprlen != 20) /* v3 fpr - shift right and fill with zeroes. */
memmove (blob->keys[n].fpr + 20 - fprlen, blob->keys[n].fpr, fprlen);
memset (blob->keys[n].fpr, 0, 20 - fprlen);
off = pgp_temp_store_kid (blob, kinfo);
if (off == -1)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
blob->keys[n].off_kid = off;
blob->keys[n].off_kid = 0; /* Will be fixed up later */
blob->keys[n].flags = 0;
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
pgp_create_key_part (KEYBOXBLOB blob, keybox_openpgp_info_t info)
gpg_error_t err;
int n = 0;
struct _keybox_openpgp_key_info *kinfo;
err = pgp_create_key_part_single (blob, n++, &info->primary);
if (err)
return err;
if (info->nsubkeys)
for (kinfo = &info->subkeys; kinfo; kinfo = kinfo->next)
if ((err=pgp_create_key_part_single (blob, n++, kinfo)))
return err;
assert (n == blob->nkeys);
return 0;
static void
pgp_create_uid_part (KEYBOXBLOB blob, keybox_openpgp_info_t info)
int n = 0;
struct _keybox_openpgp_uid_info *u;
if (info->nuids)
for (u = &info->uids; u; u = u->next)
blob->uids[n].off = u->off;
blob->uids[n].len = u->len;
blob->uids[n].flags = 0;
blob->uids[n].validity = 0;
assert (n == blob->nuids);
static void
pgp_create_sig_part (KEYBOXBLOB blob, u32 *sigstatus)
int n;
for (n=0; n < blob->nsigs; n++)
blob->sigs[n] = sigstatus? sigstatus[n+1] : 0;
static int
pgp_create_blob_keyblock (KEYBOXBLOB blob,
const unsigned char *image, size_t imagelen)
struct membuf *a = blob->buf;
int n;
u32 kbstart = a->len;
add_fixup (blob, 8, kbstart);
for (n = 0; n < blob->nuids; n++)
add_fixup (blob, blob->uids[n].off_addr, kbstart + blob->uids[n].off);
put_membuf (a, image, imagelen);
add_fixup (blob, 12, a->len - kbstart);
return 0;
#ifdef KEYBOX_WITH_X509
X.509 specific stuff
/* Write the raw certificate out */
static int
x509_create_blob_cert (KEYBOXBLOB blob, ksba_cert_t cert)
struct membuf *a = blob->buf;
const unsigned char *image;
size_t length;
u32 kbstart = a->len;
/* Store our offset for later fixup */
add_fixup (blob, 8, kbstart);
image = ksba_cert_get_image (cert, &length);
if (!image)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
put_membuf (a, image, length);
add_fixup (blob, 12, a->len - kbstart);
return 0;
#endif /*KEYBOX_WITH_X509*/
/* Write a stored keyID out to the buffer */
static void
write_stored_kid (KEYBOXBLOB blob, int seqno)
struct keyid_list *r;
for ( r = blob->temp_kids; r; r = r->next )
if (r->seqno == seqno )
put_membuf (blob->buf, r->kid, 8);
never_reached ();
/* Release a list of key IDs */
static void
release_kid_list (struct keyid_list *kl)
struct keyid_list *r, *r2;
for ( r = kl; r; r = r2 )
r2 = r->next;
xfree (r);
static int
create_blob_header (KEYBOXBLOB blob, int blobtype, int as_ephemeral)
struct membuf *a = blob->buf;
int i;
put32 ( a, 0 ); /* blob length, needs fixup */
put8 ( a, blobtype);
put8 ( a, 1 ); /* blob type version */
put16 ( a, as_ephemeral? 2:0 ); /* blob flags */
put32 ( a, 0 ); /* offset to the raw data, needs fixup */
put32 ( a, 0 ); /* length of the raw data, needs fixup */
put16 ( a, blob->nkeys );
put16 ( a, 20 + 4 + 2 + 2 ); /* size of key info */
for ( i=0; i < blob->nkeys; i++ )
put_membuf (a, blob->keys[i].fpr, 20);
blob->keys[i].off_kid_addr = a->len;
put32 ( a, 0 ); /* offset to keyid, fixed up later */
put16 ( a, blob->keys[i].flags );
put16 ( a, 0 ); /* reserved */
put16 (a, blob->seriallen); /*fixme: check that it fits into 16 bits*/
if (blob->serial)
put_membuf (a, blob->serial, blob->seriallen);
put16 ( a, blob->nuids );
put16 ( a, 4 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 1 ); /* size of uid info */
for (i=0; i < blob->nuids; i++)
blob->uids[i].off_addr = a->len;
put32 ( a, 0 ); /* offset to userid, fixed up later */
put32 ( a, blob->uids[i].len );
put16 ( a, blob->uids[i].flags );
put8 ( a, 0 ); /* validity */
put8 ( a, 0 ); /* reserved */
put16 ( a, blob->nsigs );
put16 ( a, 4 ); /* size of sig info */
for (i=0; i < blob->nsigs; i++)
put32 ( a, blob->sigs[i]);
put8 ( a, 0 ); /* assigned ownertrust */
put8 ( a, 0 ); /* validity of all user IDs */
put16 ( a, 0 ); /* reserved */
put32 ( a, 0 ); /* time of next recheck */
put32 ( a, 0 ); /* newest timestamp (none) */
put32 ( a, make_timestamp() ); /* creation time */
put32 ( a, 0 ); /* size of reserved space */
/* reserved space (which is currently of size 0) */
/* space where we write keyIDs and and other stuff so that the
pointers can actually point to somewhere */
if (blobtype == KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_PGP)
/* We need to store the keyids for all pgp v3 keys because those key
IDs are not part of the fingerprint. While we are doing that, we
fixup all the keyID offsets */
for (i=0; i < blob->nkeys; i++ )
if (blob->keys[i].off_kid)
{ /* this is a v3 one */
add_fixup (blob, blob->keys[i].off_kid_addr, a->len);
write_stored_kid (blob, blob->keys[i].off_kid);
{ /* the better v4 key IDs - just store an offset 8 bytes back */
add_fixup (blob, blob->keys[i].off_kid_addr,
blob->keys[i].off_kid_addr - 8);
if (blobtype == KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_X509)
/* We don't want to point to ASN.1 encoded UserIDs (DNs) but to
the utf-8 string represenation of them */
for (i=0; i < blob->nuids; i++ )
if (blob->uids[i].name)
{ /* this is a v3 one */
add_fixup (blob, blob->uids[i].off_addr, a->len);
put_membuf (blob->buf, blob->uids[i].name, blob->uids[i].len);
return 0;
static int
create_blob_trailer (KEYBOXBLOB blob)
return 0;
static int
create_blob_finish (KEYBOXBLOB blob)
struct membuf *a = blob->buf;
unsigned char *p;
unsigned char *pp;
size_t n;
/* Write a placeholder for the checksum */
put_membuf (a, NULL, 20);
/* get the memory area */
n = 0; /* (Just to avoid compiler warning.) */
p = get_membuf (a, &n);
if (!p)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);
assert (n >= 20);
/* fixup the length */
add_fixup (blob, 0, n);
/* do the fixups */
if (blob->fixup_out_of_core)
xfree (p);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);
struct fixup_list *fl, *next;
for (fl = blob->fixups; fl; fl = next)
assert (fl->off+4 <= n);
p[fl->off+0] = fl->val >> 24;
p[fl->off+1] = fl->val >> 16;
p[fl->off+2] = fl->val >> 8;
p[fl->off+3] = fl->val;
next = fl->next;
xfree (fl);
blob->fixups = NULL;
/* Compute and store the SHA-1 checksum. */
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, p + n - 20, p, n - 20);
pp = xtrymalloc (n);
if ( !pp )
xfree (p);
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (pp , p, n);
xfree (p);
blob->blob = pp;
blob->bloblen = n;
return 0;
_keybox_create_openpgp_blob (KEYBOXBLOB *r_blob,
keybox_openpgp_info_t info,
const unsigned char *image,
size_t imagelen,
u32 *sigstatus,
int as_ephemeral)
gpg_error_t err;
*r_blob = NULL;
/* If we have a signature status vector, check that the number of
elements matches the actual number of signatures. */
if (sigstatus && sigstatus[0] != info->nsigs)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
blob = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *blob);
if (!blob)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
blob->nkeys = 1 + info->nsubkeys;
blob->keys = xtrycalloc (blob->nkeys, sizeof *blob->keys );
if (!blob->keys)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
blob->nuids = info->nuids;
if (blob->nuids)
blob->uids = xtrycalloc (blob->nuids, sizeof *blob->uids );
if (!blob->uids)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
blob->nsigs = info->nsigs;
if (blob->nsigs)
blob->sigs = xtrycalloc (blob->nsigs, sizeof *blob->sigs );
if (!blob->sigs)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = pgp_create_key_part (blob, info);
if (err)
goto leave;
pgp_create_uid_part (blob, info);
pgp_create_sig_part (blob, sigstatus);
init_membuf (&blob->bufbuf, 1024);
blob->buf = &blob->bufbuf;
err = create_blob_header (blob, KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_PGP, as_ephemeral);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = pgp_create_blob_keyblock (blob, image, imagelen);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = create_blob_trailer (blob);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = create_blob_finish (blob);
if (err)
goto leave;
release_kid_list (blob->temp_kids);
blob->temp_kids = NULL;
if (err)
_keybox_release_blob (blob);
*r_blob = blob;
return err;
#ifdef KEYBOX_WITH_X509
/* Return an allocated string with the email address extracted from a
DN. Note hat we use this code also in ../sm/keylist.c. */
static char *
x509_email_kludge (const char *name)
const char *p, *string;
unsigned char *buf;
int n;
string = name;
for (;;)
p = strstr (string, "1.2.840.113549.1.9.1=#");
if (!p)
return NULL;
if (p == name || (p > string+1 && p[-1] == ',' && p[-2] != '\\'))
name = p + 22;
string = p + 22;
/* This looks pretty much like an email address in the subject's DN
we use this to add an additional user ID entry. This way,
OpenSSL generated keys get a nicer and usable listing. */
for (n=0, p=name; hexdigitp (p) && hexdigitp (p+1); p +=2, n++)
if (!n)
return NULL;
buf = xtrymalloc (n+3);
if (!buf)
return NULL; /* oops, out of core */
*buf = '<';
for (n=1, p=name; hexdigitp (p); p +=2, n++)
buf[n] = xtoi_2 (p);
buf[n++] = '>';
buf[n] = 0;
return (char*)buf;
/* Note: We should move calculation of the digest into libksba and
remove that parameter */
_keybox_create_x509_blob (KEYBOXBLOB *r_blob, ksba_cert_t cert,
unsigned char *sha1_digest, int as_ephemeral)
int i, rc = 0;
unsigned char *sn;
char *p;
char **names = NULL;
size_t max_names;
*r_blob = NULL;
blob = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *blob);
if( !blob )
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
sn = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert);
if (sn)
size_t n, len;
n = gcry_sexp_canon_len (sn, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (n < 2)
xfree (sn);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
blob->serialbuf = sn;
sn++; n--; /* skip '(' */
for (len=0; n && *sn && *sn != ':' && digitp (sn); n--, sn++)
len = len*10 + atoi_1 (sn);
if (*sn != ':')
xfree (blob->serialbuf);
blob->serialbuf = NULL;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
blob->serial = sn;
blob->seriallen = len;
blob->nkeys = 1;
/* create list of names */
blob->nuids = 0;
max_names = 100;
names = xtrymalloc (max_names * sizeof *names);
if (!names)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
p = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0);
if (!p)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE);
goto leave;
names[blob->nuids++] = p;
for (i=0; (p = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, i)); i++)
if (blob->nuids >= max_names)
char **tmp;
max_names += 100;
tmp = xtryrealloc (names, max_names * sizeof *names);
if (!tmp)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
names = tmp;
names[blob->nuids++] = p;
if (!i && (p=x509_email_kludge (p)))
names[blob->nuids++] = p; /* due to !i we don't need to check bounds*/
/* space for signature information */
blob->nsigs = 1;
blob->keys = xtrycalloc (blob->nkeys, sizeof *blob->keys );
blob->uids = xtrycalloc (blob->nuids, sizeof *blob->uids );
blob->sigs = xtrycalloc (blob->nsigs, sizeof *blob->sigs );
if (!blob->keys || !blob->uids || !blob->sigs)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);
goto leave;
memcpy (blob->keys[0].fpr, sha1_digest, 20);
blob->keys[0].off_kid = 0; /* We don't have keyids */
blob->keys[0].flags = 0;
/* issuer and subject names */
for (i=0; i < blob->nuids; i++)
blob->uids[i].name = names[i];
blob->uids[i].len = strlen(names[i]);
names[i] = NULL;
blob->uids[i].flags = 0;
blob->uids[i].validity = 0;
xfree (names);
names = NULL;
/* signatures */
blob->sigs[0] = 0; /* not yet checked */
/* Create a temporary buffer for further processing */
init_membuf (&blob->bufbuf, 1024);
blob->buf = &blob->bufbuf;
/* write out what we already have */
rc = create_blob_header (blob, KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_X509, as_ephemeral);
if (rc)
goto leave;
rc = x509_create_blob_cert (blob, cert);
if (rc)
goto leave;
rc = create_blob_trailer (blob);
if (rc)
goto leave;
rc = create_blob_finish ( blob );
if (rc)
goto leave;
release_kid_list (blob->temp_kids);
blob->temp_kids = NULL;
if (names)
for (i=0; i < blob->nuids; i++)
xfree (names[i]);
xfree (names);
if (rc)
_keybox_release_blob (blob);
*r_blob = NULL;
*r_blob = blob;
return rc;
#endif /*KEYBOX_WITH_X509*/
_keybox_new_blob (KEYBOXBLOB *r_blob,
unsigned char *image, size_t imagelen, off_t off)
*r_blob = NULL;
blob = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *blob);
if (!blob)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
blob->blob = image;
blob->bloblen = imagelen;
blob->fileoffset = off;
*r_blob = blob;
return 0;
_keybox_release_blob (KEYBOXBLOB blob)
int i;
if (!blob)
if (blob->buf)
size_t len;
xfree (get_membuf (blob->buf, &len));
xfree (blob->keys );
xfree (blob->serialbuf);
for (i=0; i < blob->nuids; i++)
xfree (blob->uids[i].name);
xfree (blob->uids );
xfree (blob->sigs );
xfree (blob->blob );
xfree (blob );
const unsigned char *
_keybox_get_blob_image ( KEYBOXBLOB blob, size_t *n )
*n = blob->bloblen;
return blob->blob;
_keybox_get_blob_fileoffset (KEYBOXBLOB blob)
return blob->fileoffset;
_keybox_update_header_blob (KEYBOXBLOB blob, int for_openpgp)
if (blob->bloblen >= 32 && blob->blob[4] == KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_HEADER)
u32 val = make_timestamp ();
/* Update the last maintenance run times tamp. */
blob->blob[20] = (val >> 24);
blob->blob[20+1] = (val >> 16);
blob->blob[20+2] = (val >> 8);
blob->blob[20+3] = (val );
if (for_openpgp)
blob->blob[7] |= 0x02; /* OpenPGP data may be available. */
diff --git a/kbx/keybox-defs.h b/kbx/keybox-defs.h
index d74a7efb5..d9c3d3afe 100644
--- a/kbx/keybox-defs.h
+++ b/kbx/keybox-defs.h
@@ -1,274 +1,274 @@
/* keybox-defs.h - internal Keybox definitions
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#define KEYBOX_DEFS_H 1
# error GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT already defined
# endif
#include <gpg-error.h>
#define map_assuan_err(a) \
map_assuan_err_with_source (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT, (a))
#include <sys/types.h> /* off_t */
/* We include the type defintions from jnlib instead of defining our
owns here. This will not allow us build KBX in a standalone way
but there is currently no need for it anyway. Same goes for
stringhelp.h which for example provides a replacement for stpcpy -
fixme: Better use the LIBOBJ mechnism. */
#include "../common/types.h"
#include "../common/stringhelp.h"
#include "../common/dotlock.h"
#include "../common/logging.h"
#include "keybox.h"
typedef struct keyboxblob *KEYBOXBLOB;
typedef struct keybox_name *KB_NAME;
struct keybox_name
/* Link to the next resources, so that we can walk all
resources. */
KB_NAME next;
/* True if this is a keybox with secret keys. */
int secret;
/* A table with all the handles accessing this resources.
HANDLE_TABLE_SIZE gives the allocated length of this table unused
entrues are set to NULL. HANDLE_TABLE may be NULL. */
KEYBOX_HANDLE *handle_table;
size_t handle_table_size;
/* The lock handle or NULL it not yet initialized. */
dotlock_t lockhd;
/* Not yet used. */
int is_locked;
/* Not yet used. */
int did_full_scan;
/* The name of the resource file. */
char fname[1];
struct keybox_found_s
size_t pk_no;
size_t uid_no;
struct keybox_handle {
int secret; /* this is for a secret keybox */
FILE *fp;
int eof;
int error;
int ephemeral;
int for_openpgp; /* Used by gpg. */
struct keybox_found_s found;
struct keybox_found_s saved_found;
struct {
char *name;
char *pattern;
} word_match;
/* Openpgp helper structures. */
struct _keybox_openpgp_key_info
struct _keybox_openpgp_key_info *next;
int algo;
unsigned char keyid[8];
int fprlen; /* Either 16 or 20 */
unsigned char fpr[20];
struct _keybox_openpgp_uid_info
struct _keybox_openpgp_uid_info *next;
size_t off;
size_t len;
struct _keybox_openpgp_info
int is_secret; /* True if this is a secret key. */
unsigned int nsubkeys;/* Total number of subkeys. */
unsigned int nuids; /* Total number of user IDs in the keyblock. */
unsigned int nsigs; /* Total number of signatures in the keyblock. */
/* Note, we use 2 structs here to better cope with the most common
use of having one primary and one subkey - this allows us to
statically allocate this structure and only malloc stuff for more
than one subkey. */
struct _keybox_openpgp_key_info primary;
struct _keybox_openpgp_key_info subkeys;
struct _keybox_openpgp_uid_info uids;
typedef struct _keybox_openpgp_info *keybox_openpgp_info_t;
/* Don't know whether this is needed: */
/* static struct { */
/* int dry_run; */
/* int quiet; */
/* int verbose; */
/* int preserve_permissions; */
/* } keybox_opt; */
/*-- keybox-init.c --*/
void _keybox_close_file (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd);
/*-- keybox-blob.c --*/
gpg_error_t _keybox_create_openpgp_blob (KEYBOXBLOB *r_blob,
keybox_openpgp_info_t info,
const unsigned char *image,
size_t imagelen,
u32 *sigstatus,
int as_ephemeral);
#ifdef KEYBOX_WITH_X509
int _keybox_create_x509_blob (KEYBOXBLOB *r_blob, ksba_cert_t cert,
unsigned char *sha1_digest, int as_ephemeral);
#endif /*KEYBOX_WITH_X509*/
int _keybox_new_blob (KEYBOXBLOB *r_blob,
unsigned char *image, size_t imagelen,
off_t off);
void _keybox_release_blob (KEYBOXBLOB blob);
const unsigned char *_keybox_get_blob_image (KEYBOXBLOB blob, size_t *n);
off_t _keybox_get_blob_fileoffset (KEYBOXBLOB blob);
void _keybox_update_header_blob (KEYBOXBLOB blob, int for_openpgp);
/*-- keybox-openpgp.c --*/
gpg_error_t _keybox_parse_openpgp (const unsigned char *image, size_t imagelen,
size_t *nparsed,
keybox_openpgp_info_t info);
void _keybox_destroy_openpgp_info (keybox_openpgp_info_t info);
/*-- keybox-file.c --*/
int _keybox_read_blob (KEYBOXBLOB *r_blob, FILE *fp);
int _keybox_read_blob2 (KEYBOXBLOB *r_blob, FILE *fp, int *skipped_deleted);
int _keybox_write_blob (KEYBOXBLOB blob, FILE *fp);
/*-- keybox-search.c --*/
gpg_err_code_t _keybox_get_flag_location (const unsigned char *buffer,
size_t length,
int what,
size_t *flag_off, size_t *flag_size);
static inline int
blob_get_type (KEYBOXBLOB blob)
const unsigned char *buffer;
size_t length;
buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length);
if (length < 32)
return -1; /* blob too short */
return buffer[4];
/*-- keybox-dump.c --*/
int _keybox_dump_blob (KEYBOXBLOB blob, FILE *fp);
int _keybox_dump_file (const char *filename, int stats_only, FILE *outfp);
int _keybox_dump_find_dups (const char *filename, int print_them, FILE *outfp);
int _keybox_dump_cut_records (const char *filename, unsigned long from,
unsigned long to, FILE *outfp);
/*-- keybox-util.c --*/
void *_keybox_malloc (size_t n);
void *_keybox_calloc (size_t n, size_t m);
void *_keybox_realloc (void *p, size_t n);
void _keybox_free (void *p);
#define xtrymalloc(a) _keybox_malloc ((a))
#define xtrycalloc(a,b) _keybox_calloc ((a),(b))
#define xtryrealloc(a,b) _keybox_realloc((a),(b))
#define xfree(a) _keybox_free ((a))
#define DIM(v) (sizeof(v)/sizeof((v)[0]))
#define DIMof(type,member) DIM(((type *)0)->member)
#ifndef STR
# define STR(v) #v
#define STR2(v) STR(v)
a couple of handy macros
#define return_if_fail(expr) do { \
if (!(expr)) { \
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: assertion '%s' failed\n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__, #expr ); \
return; \
} } while (0)
#define return_null_if_fail(expr) do { \
if (!(expr)) { \
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: assertion '%s' failed\n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__, #expr ); \
return NULL; \
} } while (0)
#define return_val_if_fail(expr,val) do { \
if (!(expr)) { \
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: assertion '%s' failed\n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__, #expr ); \
return (val); \
} } while (0)
#define never_reached() do { \
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: oops; should never get here\n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__ ); \
} while (0)
/* some macros to replace ctype ones and avoid locale problems */
#define digitp(p) (*(p) >= '0' && *(p) <= '9')
#define hexdigitp(a) (digitp (a) \
|| (*(a) >= 'A' && *(a) <= 'F') \
|| (*(a) >= 'a' && *(a) <= 'f'))
/* the atoi macros assume that the buffer has only valid digits */
#define atoi_1(p) (*(p) - '0' )
#define atoi_2(p) ((atoi_1(p) * 10) + atoi_1((p)+1))
#define atoi_4(p) ((atoi_2(p) * 100) + atoi_2((p)+2))
#define xtoi_1(p) (*(p) <= '9'? (*(p)- '0'): \
*(p) <= 'F'? (*(p)-'A'+10):(*(p)-'a'+10))
#define xtoi_2(p) ((xtoi_1(p) * 16) + xtoi_1((p)+1))
#endif /*KEYBOX_DEFS_H*/
diff --git a/kbx/keybox-dump.c b/kbx/keybox-dump.c
index f4e7c988d..0e8f63a91 100644
--- a/kbx/keybox-dump.c
+++ b/kbx/keybox-dump.c
@@ -1,805 +1,805 @@
/* keybox-dump.c - Debug helpers
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "keybox-defs.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include "host2net.h"
/* Argg, we can't include ../common/util.h */
char *bin2hexcolon (const void *buffer, size_t length, char *stringbuf);
#define get32(a) buf32_to_ulong ((a))
#define get16(a) buf16_to_ulong ((a))
print_string (FILE *fp, const byte *p, size_t n, int delim)
for ( ; n; n--, p++ )
if (*p < 0x20 || (*p >= 0x7f && *p < 0xa0) || *p == delim)
putc('\\', fp);
if( *p == '\n' )
putc('n', fp);
else if( *p == '\r' )
putc('r', fp);
else if( *p == '\f' )
putc('f', fp);
else if( *p == '\v' )
putc('v', fp);
else if( *p == '\b' )
putc('b', fp);
else if( !*p )
putc('0', fp);
fprintf(fp, "x%02x", *p );
putc(*p, fp);
static int
print_checksum (const byte *buffer, size_t length, size_t unhashed, FILE *fp)
const byte *p;
int i;
int hashlen;
unsigned char digest[20];
fprintf (fp, "Checksum: ");
if (unhashed && unhashed < 20)
fputs ("[specified unhashed sized too short]\n", fp);
return 0;
if (!unhashed)
unhashed = 16;
hashlen = 16;
hashlen = 20;
if (length < 5+unhashed)
fputs ("[blob too short for a checksum]\n", fp);
return 0;
p = buffer + length - hashlen;
for (i=0; i < hashlen; p++, i++)
fprintf (fp, "%02x", *p);
if (hashlen == 16) /* Compatibility method. */
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_MD5, digest, buffer, length - 16);
if (!memcmp (buffer + length - 16, digest, 16))
fputs (" [valid]\n", fp);
fputs (" [bad]\n", fp);
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, digest, buffer, length - unhashed);
if (!memcmp (buffer + length - hashlen, digest, hashlen))
fputs (" [valid]\n", fp);
fputs (" [bad]\n", fp);
return 0;
static int
dump_header_blob (const byte *buffer, size_t length, FILE *fp)
unsigned long n;
if (length < 32)
fprintf (fp, "[blob too short]\n");
return -1;
fprintf (fp, "Version: %d\n", buffer[5]);
n = get16 (buffer + 6);
fprintf( fp, "Flags: %04lX", n);
if (n)
int any = 0;
fputs (" (", fp);
if ((n & 2))
if (any)
putc (',', fp);
fputs ("openpgp", fp);
putc (')', fp);
putc ('\n', fp);
if ( memcmp (buffer+8, "KBXf", 4))
fprintf (fp, "[Error: invalid magic number]\n");
n = get32 (buffer+16);
fprintf( fp, "created-at: %lu\n", n );
n = get32 (buffer+20);
fprintf( fp, "last-maint: %lu\n", n );
return 0;
/* Dump one block to FP */
_keybox_dump_blob (KEYBOXBLOB blob, FILE *fp)
const byte *buffer;
size_t length;
int type, i;
ulong n, nkeys, keyinfolen;
ulong nuids, uidinfolen;
ulong nsigs, siginfolen;
ulong rawdata_off, rawdata_len;
ulong nserial;
ulong unhashed;
const byte *p;
buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length);
if (length < 32)
fprintf (fp, "[blob too short]\n");
return -1;
n = get32( buffer );
if (n > length)
fprintf (fp, "[blob larger than length - output truncated]\n");
length = n; /* ignore the rest */
fprintf (fp, "Length: %lu\n", n );
type = buffer[4];
switch (type)
fprintf (fp, "Type: Empty\n");
return 0;
fprintf (fp, "Type: Header\n");
return dump_header_blob (buffer, length, fp);
fprintf (fp, "Type: OpenPGP\n");
fprintf (fp, "Type: X.509\n");
fprintf (fp, "Type: %d\n", type);
fprintf (fp, "[can't dump this blob type]\n");
return 0;
fprintf (fp, "Version: %d\n", buffer[5]);
if (length < 40)
fprintf (fp, "[blob too short]\n");
return -1;
n = get16 (buffer + 6);
fprintf( fp, "Blob-Flags: %04lX", n);
if (n)
int any = 0;
fputs (" (", fp);
if ((n & 1))
fputs ("secret", fp);
if ((n & 2))
if (any)
putc (',', fp);
fputs ("ephemeral", fp);
putc (')', fp);
putc ('\n', fp);
rawdata_off = get32 (buffer + 8);
rawdata_len = get32 (buffer + 12);
fprintf( fp, "Data-Offset: %lu\n", rawdata_off );
fprintf( fp, "Data-Length: %lu\n", rawdata_len );
if (rawdata_off > length || rawdata_len > length
|| rawdata_off+rawdata_len > length
|| rawdata_len + 4 > length
|| rawdata_off+rawdata_len + 4 > length)
fprintf (fp, "[Error: raw data larger than blob]\n");
unhashed = length - rawdata_off - rawdata_len;
fprintf (fp, "Unhashed: %lu\n", unhashed);
nkeys = get16 (buffer + 16);
fprintf (fp, "Key-Count: %lu\n", nkeys );
if (!nkeys)
fprintf (fp, "[Error: no keys]\n");
if (nkeys > 1 && type == KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_X509)
fprintf (fp, "[Error: only one key allowed for X509]\n");
keyinfolen = get16 (buffer + 18 );
fprintf (fp, "Key-Info-Length: %lu\n", keyinfolen);
/* fixme: check bounds */
p = buffer + 20;
for (n=0; n < nkeys; n++, p += keyinfolen)
ulong kidoff, kflags;
fprintf (fp, "Key-Fpr[%lu]: ", n );
for (i=0; i < 20; i++ )
fprintf (fp, "%02X", p[i]);
kidoff = get32 (p + 20);
fprintf (fp, "\nKey-Kid-Off[%lu]: %lu\n", n, kidoff );
fprintf (fp, "Key-Kid[%lu]: ", n );
/* fixme: check bounds */
for (i=0; i < 8; i++ )
fprintf (fp, "%02X", buffer[kidoff+i] );
kflags = get16 (p + 24 );
fprintf( fp, "\nKey-Flags[%lu]: %04lX\n", n, kflags);
/* serial number */
fputs ("Serial-No: ", fp);
nserial = get16 (p);
p += 2;
if (!nserial)
fputs ("none", fp);
for (; nserial; nserial--, p++)
fprintf (fp, "%02X", *p);
putc ('\n', fp);
/* user IDs */
nuids = get16 (p);
fprintf (fp, "Uid-Count: %lu\n", nuids );
uidinfolen = get16 (p + 2);
fprintf (fp, "Uid-Info-Length: %lu\n", uidinfolen);
/* fixme: check bounds */
p += 4;
for (n=0; n < nuids; n++, p += uidinfolen)
ulong uidoff, uidlen, uflags;
uidoff = get32( p );
uidlen = get32( p+4 );
if (type == KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_X509 && !n)
fprintf (fp, "Issuer-Off: %lu\n", uidoff );
fprintf (fp, "Issuer-Len: %lu\n", uidlen );
fprintf (fp, "Issuer: \"");
else if (type == KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_X509 && n == 1)
fprintf (fp, "Subject-Off: %lu\n", uidoff );
fprintf (fp, "Subject-Len: %lu\n", uidlen );
fprintf (fp, "Subject: \"");
fprintf (fp, "Uid-Off[%lu]: %lu\n", n, uidoff );
fprintf (fp, "Uid-Len[%lu]: %lu\n", n, uidlen );
fprintf (fp, "Uid[%lu]: \"", n );
print_string (fp, buffer+uidoff, uidlen, '\"');
fputs ("\"\n", fp);
uflags = get16 (p + 8);
if (type == KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_X509 && !n)
fprintf (fp, "Issuer-Flags: %04lX\n", uflags );
fprintf (fp, "Issuer-Validity: %d\n", p[10] );
else if (type == KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_X509 && n == 1)
fprintf (fp, "Subject-Flags: %04lX\n", uflags );
fprintf (fp, "Subject-Validity: %d\n", p[10] );
fprintf (fp, "Uid-Flags[%lu]: %04lX\n", n, uflags );
fprintf (fp, "Uid-Validity[%lu]: %d\n", n, p[10] );
nsigs = get16 (p);
fprintf (fp, "Sig-Count: %lu\n", nsigs );
siginfolen = get16 (p + 2);
fprintf (fp, "Sig-Info-Length: %lu\n", siginfolen );
/* fixme: check bounds */
p += 4;
int in_range = 0;
ulong first = 0;
for (n=0; n < nsigs; n++, p += siginfolen)
ulong sflags;
sflags = get32 (p);
if (!in_range && !sflags)
in_range = 1;
first = n;
if (in_range && !sflags)
if (in_range)
fprintf (fp, "Sig-Expire[%lu-%lu]: [not checked]\n", first, n-1);
in_range = 0;
fprintf (fp, "Sig-Expire[%lu]: ", n );
if (!sflags)
fputs ("[not checked]", fp);
else if (sflags == 1 )
fputs ("[missing key]", fp);
else if (sflags == 2 )
fputs ("[bad signature]", fp);
else if (sflags < 0x10000000)
fprintf (fp, "[bad flag %0lx]", sflags);
else if (sflags == (ulong)(-1))
fputs ("[good - does not expire]", fp );
fprintf (fp, "[good - expires at %lu]", sflags);
putc ('\n', fp );
if (in_range)
fprintf (fp, "Sig-Expire[%lu-%lu]: [not checked]\n", first, n-1);
fprintf (fp, "Ownertrust: %d\n", p[0] );
fprintf (fp, "All-Validity: %d\n", p[1] );
p += 4;
n = get32 (p);
p += 4;
fprintf (fp, "Recheck-After: %lu\n", n );
n = get32 (p );
p += 4;
fprintf( fp, "Latest-Timestamp: %lu\n", n );
n = get32 (p );
p += 4;
fprintf (fp, "Created-At: %lu\n", n );
n = get32 (p );
fprintf (fp, "Reserved-Space: %lu\n", n );
if (n >= 4 && unhashed >= 24)
n = get32 ( buffer + length - unhashed);
fprintf (fp, "Storage-Flags: %08lx\n", n );
print_checksum (buffer, length, unhashed, fp);
return 0;
/* Compute the SHA-1 checksum of the rawdata in BLOB and put it into
static int
hash_blob_rawdata (KEYBOXBLOB blob, unsigned char *digest)
const unsigned char *buffer;
size_t n, length;
int type;
ulong rawdata_off, rawdata_len;
buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length);
if (length < 32)
return -1;
n = get32 (buffer);
if (n < length)
length = n; /* Blob larger than length in header - ignore the rest. */
type = buffer[4];
switch (type)
memset (digest, 0, 20);
return 0;
if (length < 40)
return -1;
rawdata_off = get32 (buffer + 8);
rawdata_len = get32 (buffer + 12);
if (rawdata_off > length || rawdata_len > length
|| rawdata_off+rawdata_off > length)
return -1; /* Out of bounds. */
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, digest, buffer+rawdata_off, rawdata_len);
return 0;
struct file_stats_s
unsigned long too_short_blobs;
unsigned long too_large_blobs;
unsigned long total_blob_count;
unsigned long empty_blob_count;
unsigned long header_blob_count;
unsigned long pgp_blob_count;
unsigned long x509_blob_count;
unsigned long unknown_blob_count;
unsigned long non_flagged;
unsigned long secret_flagged;
unsigned long ephemeral_flagged;
unsigned long skipped_long_blobs;
static int
update_stats (KEYBOXBLOB blob, struct file_stats_s *s)
const unsigned char *buffer;
size_t length;
int type;
unsigned long n;
buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length);
if (length < 32)
return -1;
n = get32( buffer );
if (n > length)
length = n; /* ignore the rest */
type = buffer[4];
switch (type)
return 0;
return 0;
return 0;
if (length < 40)
return -1;
n = get16 (buffer + 6);
if (n)
if ((n & 1))
if ((n & 2))
return 0;
static FILE *
open_file (const char **filename, FILE *outfp)
FILE *fp;
if (!*filename)
*filename = "-";
fp = stdin;
fp = fopen (*filename, "rb");
if (!fp)
int save_errno = errno;
fprintf (outfp, "can't open '%s': %s\n", *filename, strerror(errno));
gpg_err_set_errno (save_errno);
return fp;
_keybox_dump_file (const char *filename, int stats_only, FILE *outfp)
FILE *fp;
int rc;
unsigned long count = 0;
struct file_stats_s stats;
memset (&stats, 0, sizeof stats);
if (!(fp = open_file (&filename, outfp)))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
for (;;)
rc = _keybox_read_blob (&blob, fp);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE
&& gpg_err_source (rc) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_KEYBOX)
if (stats_only)
fprintf (outfp, "BEGIN-RECORD: %lu\n", count );
fprintf (outfp, "# Record too large\nEND-RECORD\n");
if (rc)
if (stats_only)
update_stats (blob, &stats);
fprintf (outfp, "BEGIN-RECORD: %lu\n", count );
_keybox_dump_blob (blob, outfp);
fprintf (outfp, "END-RECORD\n");
_keybox_release_blob (blob);
if (rc == -1)
rc = 0;
if (rc)
fprintf (outfp, "# error reading '%s': %s\n", filename, gpg_strerror (rc));
if (fp != stdin)
fclose (fp);
if (stats_only)
fprintf (outfp,
"Total number of blobs: %8lu\n"
" header: %8lu\n"
" empty: %8lu\n"
" openpgp: %8lu\n"
" x509: %8lu\n"
" non flagged: %8lu\n"
" secret flagged: %8lu\n"
" ephemeral flagged: %8lu\n",
if (stats.skipped_long_blobs)
fprintf (outfp, " skipped long blobs: %8lu\n",
if (stats.unknown_blob_count)
fprintf (outfp, " unknown blob types: %8lu\n",
if (stats.too_short_blobs)
fprintf (outfp, " too short blobs: %8lu (error)\n",
if (stats.too_large_blobs)
fprintf (outfp, " too large blobs: %8lu (error)\n",
return rc;
struct dupitem_s
unsigned long recno;
unsigned char digest[20];
static int
cmp_dupitems (const void *arg_a, const void *arg_b)
struct dupitem_s *a = (struct dupitem_s *)arg_a;
struct dupitem_s *b = (struct dupitem_s *)arg_b;
return memcmp (a->digest, b->digest, 20);
_keybox_dump_find_dups (const char *filename, int print_them, FILE *outfp)
FILE *fp;
int rc;
unsigned long recno = 0;
unsigned char zerodigest[20];
struct dupitem_s *dupitems;
size_t dupitems_size, dupitems_count, lastn, n;
char fprbuf[3*20+1];
memset (zerodigest, 0, sizeof zerodigest);
if (!(fp = open_file (&filename, outfp)))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
dupitems_size = 1000;
dupitems = malloc (dupitems_size * sizeof *dupitems);
if (!dupitems)
gpg_error_t tmperr = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
fprintf (outfp, "error allocating array for '%s': %s\n",
filename, strerror(errno));
return tmperr;
dupitems_count = 0;
while ( !(rc = _keybox_read_blob (&blob, fp)) )
unsigned char digest[20];
if (hash_blob_rawdata (blob, digest))
fprintf (outfp, "error in blob %ld of '%s'\n", recno, filename);
else if (memcmp (digest, zerodigest, 20))
if (dupitems_count >= dupitems_size)
struct dupitem_s *tmp;
dupitems_size += 1000;
tmp = realloc (dupitems, dupitems_size * sizeof *dupitems);
if (!tmp)
gpg_error_t tmperr = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
fprintf (outfp, "error reallocating array for '%s': %s\n",
filename, strerror(errno));
free (dupitems);
return tmperr;
dupitems = tmp;
dupitems[dupitems_count].recno = recno;
memcpy (dupitems[dupitems_count].digest, digest, 20);
_keybox_release_blob (blob);
if (rc == -1)
rc = 0;
if (rc)
fprintf (outfp, "error reading '%s': %s\n", filename, gpg_strerror (rc));
if (fp != stdin)
fclose (fp);
qsort (dupitems, dupitems_count, sizeof *dupitems, cmp_dupitems);
for (lastn=0, n=1; n < dupitems_count; lastn=n, n++)
if (!memcmp (dupitems[lastn].digest, dupitems[n].digest, 20))
bin2hexcolon (dupitems[lastn].digest, 20, fprbuf);
fprintf (outfp, "fpr=%s recno=%lu", fprbuf, dupitems[lastn].recno);
fprintf (outfp, " %lu", dupitems[n].recno);
while (++n < dupitems_count
&& !memcmp (dupitems[lastn].digest, dupitems[n].digest, 20));
putc ('\n', outfp);
free (dupitems);
return rc;
/* Print records with record numbers FROM to TO to OUTFP. */
_keybox_dump_cut_records (const char *filename, unsigned long from,
unsigned long to, FILE *outfp)
FILE *fp;
int rc;
unsigned long recno = 0;
if (!(fp = open_file (&filename, stderr)))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
while ( !(rc = _keybox_read_blob (&blob, fp)) )
if (recno > to)
break; /* Ready. */
if (recno >= from)
if ((rc = _keybox_write_blob (blob, outfp)))
fprintf (stderr, "error writing output: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
_keybox_release_blob (blob);
if (rc == -1)
rc = 0;
if (rc)
fprintf (stderr, "error reading '%s': %s\n", filename, gpg_strerror (rc));
if (fp != stdin)
fclose (fp);
return rc;
diff --git a/kbx/keybox-file.c b/kbx/keybox-file.c
index 59dfe0c3e..0485e81b4 100644
--- a/kbx/keybox-file.c
+++ b/kbx/keybox-file.c
@@ -1,177 +1,177 @@
/* keybox-file.c - File operations
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "keybox-defs.h"
#define IMAGELEN_LIMIT (5*1024*1024)
#if !defined(HAVE_FTELLO) && !defined(ftello)
static off_t
ftello (FILE *stream)
long int off;
off = ftell (stream);
if (off == -1)
return (off_t)-1;
return off;
#endif /* !defined(HAVE_FTELLO) && !defined(ftello) */
/* Read a block at the current position and return it in r_blob.
r_blob may be NULL to simply skip the current block. */
_keybox_read_blob2 (KEYBOXBLOB *r_blob, FILE *fp, int *skipped_deleted)
unsigned char *image;
size_t imagelen = 0;
int c1, c2, c3, c4, type;
int rc;
off_t off;
*skipped_deleted = 0;
if (r_blob)
*r_blob = NULL;
off = ftello (fp);
if (off == (off_t)-1)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if ((c1 = getc (fp)) == EOF
|| (c2 = getc (fp)) == EOF
|| (c3 = getc (fp)) == EOF
|| (c4 = getc (fp)) == EOF
|| (type = getc (fp)) == EOF)
if ( c1 == EOF && !ferror (fp) )
return -1; /* eof */
if (!ferror (fp))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
imagelen = ((unsigned int) c1 << 24) | (c2 << 16) | (c3 << 8 ) | c4;
if (imagelen < 5)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
if (!type)
/* Special treatment for empty blobs. */
if (fseek (fp, imagelen-5, SEEK_CUR))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*skipped_deleted = 1;
goto again;
if (imagelen > IMAGELEN_LIMIT) /* Sanity check. */
/* Seek forward so that the caller may choose to ignore this
record. */
if (fseek (fp, imagelen-5, SEEK_CUR))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
image = xtrymalloc (imagelen);
if (!image)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
image[0] = c1; image[1] = c2; image[2] = c3; image[3] = c4; image[4] = type;
if (fread (image+5, imagelen-5, 1, fp) != 1)
gpg_error_t tmperr = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (image);
return tmperr;
rc = r_blob? _keybox_new_blob (r_blob, image, imagelen, off) : 0;
if (rc || !r_blob)
xfree (image);
return rc;
_keybox_read_blob (KEYBOXBLOB *r_blob, FILE *fp)
int dummy;
return _keybox_read_blob2 (r_blob, fp, &dummy);
/* Write the block to the current file position */
_keybox_write_blob (KEYBOXBLOB blob, FILE *fp)
const unsigned char *image;
size_t length;
image = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length);
if (length > IMAGELEN_LIMIT)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
if (fwrite (image, length, 1, fp) != 1)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return 0;
/* Write a fresh header type blob. */
_keybox_write_header_blob (FILE *fp, int for_openpgp)
unsigned char image[32];
u32 val;
memset (image, 0, sizeof image);
/* Length of this blob. */
image[3] = 32;
image[5] = 1; /* Version */
if (for_openpgp)
image[7] = 0x02; /* OpenPGP data may be available. */
memcpy (image+8, "KBXf", 4);
val = time (NULL);
/* created_at and last maintenance run. */
image[16] = (val >> 24);
image[16+1] = (val >> 16);
image[16+2] = (val >> 8);
image[16+3] = (val );
image[20] = (val >> 24);
image[20+1] = (val >> 16);
image[20+2] = (val >> 8);
image[20+3] = (val );
if (fwrite (image, 32, 1, fp) != 1)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return 0;
diff --git a/kbx/keybox-init.c b/kbx/keybox-init.c
index 35da804a4..6a83f7162 100644
--- a/kbx/keybox-init.c
+++ b/kbx/keybox-init.c
@@ -1,329 +1,329 @@
/* keybox-init.c - Initialization of the library
* Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "keybox-defs.h"
#include "../common/mischelp.h"
static KB_NAME kb_names;
/* Register a filename for plain keybox files. Returns 0 on success,
* GPG_ERR_EEXIST if it has already been registered, or another error
* code. On success or with error code GPG_ERR_EEXIST a token usable
* to access the keybox handle is stored at R_TOKEN, NULL is stored
* for all other errors. */
keybox_register_file (const char *fname, int secret, void **r_token)
*r_token = NULL;
for (kr=kb_names; kr; kr = kr->next)
if (same_file_p (kr->fname, fname) )
*r_token = kr;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EEXIST); /* Already registered. */
kr = xtrymalloc (sizeof *kr + strlen (fname));
if (!kr)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
strcpy (kr->fname, fname);
kr->secret = !!secret;
kr->handle_table = NULL;
kr->handle_table_size = 0;
kr->lockhd = NULL;
kr->is_locked = 0;
kr->did_full_scan = 0;
/* keep a list of all issued pointers */
kr->next = kb_names;
kb_names = kr;
/* create the offset table the first time a function here is used */
/* if (!kb_offtbl) */
/* kb_offtbl = new_offset_hash_table (); */
*r_token = kr;
return 0;
keybox_is_writable (void *token)
KB_NAME r = token;
return r? !access (r->fname, W_OK) : 0;
do_keybox_new (KB_NAME resource, int secret, int for_openpgp)
int idx;
assert (resource && !resource->secret == !secret);
hd = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *hd);
if (hd)
hd->kb = resource;
hd->secret = !!secret;
hd->for_openpgp = for_openpgp;
if (!resource->handle_table)
resource->handle_table_size = 3;
resource->handle_table = xtrycalloc (resource->handle_table_size,
sizeof *resource->handle_table);
if (!resource->handle_table)
resource->handle_table_size = 0;
xfree (hd);
return NULL;
for (idx=0; idx < resource->handle_table_size; idx++)
if (!resource->handle_table[idx])
resource->handle_table[idx] = hd;
if (!(idx < resource->handle_table_size))
size_t newsize;
newsize = resource->handle_table_size + 5;
tmptbl = xtryrealloc (resource->handle_table,
newsize * sizeof (*tmptbl));
if (!tmptbl)
xfree (hd);
return NULL;
resource->handle_table = tmptbl;
resource->handle_table_size = newsize;
resource->handle_table[idx] = hd;
for (idx++; idx < resource->handle_table_size; idx++)
resource->handle_table[idx] = NULL;
return hd;
/* Create a new handle for the resource associated with TOKEN. SECRET
is just a cross-check. This is the OpenPGP version. The returned
handle must be released using keybox_release. */
keybox_new_openpgp (void *token, int secret)
KB_NAME resource = token;
return do_keybox_new (resource, secret, 1);
/* Create a new handle for the resource associated with TOKEN. SECRET
is just a cross-check. This is the X.509 version. The returned
handle must be released using keybox_release. */
keybox_new_x509 (void *token, int secret)
KB_NAME resource = token;
return do_keybox_new (resource, secret, 0);
keybox_release (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd)
if (!hd)
if (hd->kb->handle_table)
int idx;
for (idx=0; idx < hd->kb->handle_table_size; idx++)
if (hd->kb->handle_table[idx] == hd)
hd->kb->handle_table[idx] = NULL;
_keybox_release_blob (hd->found.blob);
_keybox_release_blob (hd->saved_found.blob);
if (hd->fp)
fclose (hd->fp);
hd->fp = NULL;
xfree (hd->;
xfree (hd->word_match.pattern);
xfree (hd);
/* Save the current found state in HD for later retrieval by
keybox_restore_found_state. Only one state may be saved. */
keybox_push_found_state (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd)
if (hd->saved_found.blob)
_keybox_release_blob (hd->saved_found.blob);
hd->saved_found.blob = NULL;
hd->saved_found = hd->found;
hd->found.blob = NULL;
/* Restore the saved found state in HD. */
keybox_pop_found_state (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd)
if (hd->found.blob)
_keybox_release_blob (hd->found.blob);
hd->found.blob = NULL;
hd->found = hd->saved_found;
hd->saved_found.blob = NULL;
const char *
keybox_get_resource_name (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd)
if (!hd || !hd->kb)
return NULL;
return hd->kb->fname;
keybox_set_ephemeral (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, int yes)
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE);
hd->ephemeral = yes;
return 0;
/* Close the file of the resource identified by HD. For consistent
results this function closes the files of all handles pointing to
the resource identified by HD. */
_keybox_close_file (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd)
int idx;
if (!hd || !hd->kb || !hd->kb->handle_table)
for (idx=0; idx < hd->kb->handle_table_size; idx++)
if ((roverhd = hd->kb->handle_table[idx]))
if (roverhd->fp)
fclose (roverhd->fp);
roverhd->fp = NULL;
assert (!hd->fp);
* Lock the keybox at handle HD, or unlock if YES is false.
keybox_lock (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, int yes)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
KB_NAME kb = hd->kb;
if (!keybox_is_writable (kb))
return 0;
/* Make sure the lock handle has been created. */
if (!kb->lockhd)
kb->lockhd = dotlock_create (kb->fname, 0);
if (!kb->lockhd)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_info ("can't allocate lock for '%s'\n", kb->fname );
return err;
if (yes) /* Take the lock. */
if (!kb->is_locked)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* Under Windows we need to close the file before we try
* to lock it. This is because another process might have
* taken the lock and is using keybox_file_rename to
* rename the base file. How if our dotlock_take below is
* waiting for the lock but we have the base file still
* open, keybox_file_rename will never succeed as we are
* in a deadlock. */
if (hd->fp)
fclose (hd->fp);
hd->fp = NULL;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
if (dotlock_take (kb->lockhd, -1))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_info ("can't lock '%s'\n", kb->fname );
kb->is_locked = 1;
else /* Release the lock. */
if (kb->is_locked)
if (dotlock_release (kb->lockhd))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_info ("can't unlock '%s'\n", kb->fname );
kb->is_locked = 0;
return err;
diff --git a/kbx/keybox-openpgp.c b/kbx/keybox-openpgp.c
index a0e4ab9f7..6885e059f 100644
--- a/kbx/keybox-openpgp.c
+++ b/kbx/keybox-openpgp.c
@@ -1,522 +1,522 @@
/* keybox-openpgp.c - OpenPGP key parsing
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* This is a simple OpenPGP parser suitable for all OpenPGP key
material. It just provides the functionality required to build and
parse an KBX OpenPGP key blob. Thus it is not a complete parser.
However it is self-contained and optimized for fast in-memory
parsing. Note that we don't support old ElGamal v3 keys
anymore. */
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "keybox-defs.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include "../common/openpgpdefs.h"
#include "host2net.h"
/* Assume a valid OpenPGP packet at the address pointed to by BUFBTR
which has a maximum length as stored at BUFLEN. Return the header
information of that packet and advance the pointer stored at BUFPTR
to the next packet; also adjust the length stored at BUFLEN to
match the remaining bytes. If there are no more packets, store NULL
at BUFPTR. Return an non-zero error code on failure or the
following data on success:
R_DATAPKT = Pointer to the begin of the packet data.
R_DATALEN = Length of this data. This has already been checked to fit
into the buffer.
R_PKTTYPE = The packet type.
R_NTOTAL = The total number of bytes of this packet
Note that these values are only updated on success.
static gpg_error_t
next_packet (unsigned char const **bufptr, size_t *buflen,
unsigned char const **r_data, size_t *r_datalen, int *r_pkttype,
size_t *r_ntotal)
const unsigned char *buf = *bufptr;
size_t len = *buflen;
int c, ctb, pkttype;
unsigned long pktlen;
if (!len)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
ctb = *buf++; len--;
if ( !(ctb & 0x80) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET); /* Invalid CTB. */
if ((ctb & 0x40)) /* New style (OpenPGP) CTB. */
pkttype = (ctb & 0x3f);
if (!len)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET); /* No 1st length byte. */
c = *buf++; len--;
if (pkttype == PKT_COMPRESSED)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNEXPECTED); /* ... packet in a keyblock. */
if ( c < 192 )
pktlen = c;
else if ( c < 224 )
pktlen = (c - 192) * 256;
if (!len)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET); /* No 2nd length byte. */
c = *buf++; len--;
pktlen += c + 192;
else if (c == 255)
if (len <4 )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET); /* No length bytes. */
pktlen = buf32_to_ulong (buf);
buf += 4;
len -= 4;
else /* Partial length encoding is not allowed for key packets. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNEXPECTED);
else /* Old style CTB. */
int lenbytes;
pktlen = 0;
pkttype = (ctb>>2)&0xf;
lenbytes = ((ctb&3)==3)? 0 : (1<<(ctb & 3));
if (!lenbytes) /* Not allowed in key packets. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNEXPECTED);
if (len < lenbytes)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET); /* Not enough length bytes. */
for (; lenbytes; lenbytes--)
pktlen <<= 8;
pktlen |= *buf++; len--;
/* Do some basic sanity check. */
switch (pkttype)
break; /* Okay these are allowed packets. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNEXPECTED);
if (pkttype == 63 && pktlen == 0xFFFFFFFF)
/* Sometimes the decompressing layer enters an error state in
which it simply outputs 0xff for every byte read. If we have a
stream of 0xff bytes, then it will be detected as a new format
packet with type 63 and a 4-byte encoded length that is 4G-1.
Since packets with type 63 are private and we use them as a
control packet, which won't be 4 GB, we reject such packets as
invalid. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
if (pktlen > len)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET); /* Packet length header too long. */
*r_data = buf;
*r_datalen = pktlen;
*r_pkttype = pkttype;
*r_ntotal = (buf - *bufptr) + pktlen;
*bufptr = buf + pktlen;
*buflen = len - pktlen;
if (!*buflen)
*bufptr = NULL;
return 0;
/* Parse a key packet and store the information in KI. */
static gpg_error_t
parse_key (const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen,
struct _keybox_openpgp_key_info *ki)
gpg_error_t err;
const unsigned char *data_start = data;
int i, version, algorithm;
size_t n;
int npkey;
unsigned char hashbuffer[768];
const unsigned char *mpi_n = NULL;
size_t mpi_n_len = 0, mpi_e_len = 0;
gcry_md_hd_t md;
int is_ecc = 0;
if (datalen < 5)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
version = *data++; datalen--;
if (version < 2 || version > 4 )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET); /* Invalid version. */
/*timestamp = ((data[0]<<24)|(data[1]<<16)|(data[2]<<8)|(data[3]));*/
data +=4; datalen -=4;
if (version < 4)
if (datalen < 2)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
data +=2; datalen -= 2;
if (!datalen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
algorithm = *data++; datalen--;
switch (algorithm)
npkey = 2;
npkey = 3;
npkey = 4;
npkey = 3;
is_ecc = 1;
npkey = 2;
is_ecc = 1;
default: /* Unknown algorithm. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_ALGORITHM);
ki->algo = algorithm;
for (i=0; i < npkey; i++ )
unsigned int nbits, nbytes;
if (datalen < 2)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
if (is_ecc && (i == 0 || i == 2))
nbytes = data[0];
if (nbytes < 2 || nbytes > 254)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
nbytes++; /* The size byte itself. */
if (datalen < nbytes)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
nbits = ((data[0]<<8)|(data[1]));
data += 2;
datalen -= 2;
nbytes = (nbits+7) / 8;
if (datalen < nbytes)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET);
/* For use by v3 fingerprint calculation we need to know the RSA
modulus and exponent. */
if (i==0)
mpi_n = data;
mpi_n_len = nbytes;
else if (i==1)
mpi_e_len = nbytes;
data += nbytes; datalen -= nbytes;
n = data - data_start;
if (version < 4)
/* We do not support any other algorithm than RSA in v3
packets. */
if (algorithm < 1 || algorithm > 3)
err = gcry_md_open (&md, GCRY_MD_MD5, 0);
if (err)
return err; /* Oops */
gcry_md_write (md, mpi_n, mpi_n_len);
gcry_md_write (md, mpi_n+mpi_n_len+2, mpi_e_len);
memcpy (ki->fpr, gcry_md_read (md, 0), 16);
gcry_md_close (md);
ki->fprlen = 16;
if (mpi_n_len < 8)
/* Moduli less than 64 bit are out of the specs scope. Zero
them out because this is what gpg does too. */
memset (ki->keyid, 0, 8);
memcpy (ki->keyid, mpi_n + mpi_n_len - 8, 8);
/* Its a pitty that we need to prefix the buffer with the tag
and a length header: We can't simply pass it to the fast
hashing function for that reason. It might be a good idea to
have a scatter-gather enabled hash function. What we do here
is to use a static buffer if this one is large enough and
only use the regular hash functions if this buffer is not
large enough. */
if ( 3 + n < sizeof hashbuffer )
hashbuffer[0] = 0x99; /* CTB */
hashbuffer[1] = (n >> 8); /* 2 byte length header. */
hashbuffer[2] = n;
memcpy (hashbuffer + 3, data_start, n);
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, ki->fpr, hashbuffer, 3 + n);
err = gcry_md_open (&md, GCRY_MD_SHA1, 0);
if (err)
return err; /* Oops */
gcry_md_putc (md, 0x99 ); /* CTB */
gcry_md_putc (md, (n >> 8) ); /* 2 byte length header. */
gcry_md_putc (md, n );
gcry_md_write (md, data_start, n);
memcpy (ki->fpr, gcry_md_read (md, 0), 20);
gcry_md_close (md);
ki->fprlen = 20;
memcpy (ki->keyid, ki->fpr+12, 8);
return 0;
/* The caller must pass the address of an INFO structure which will
get filled on success with information pertaining to the OpenPGP
keyblock IMAGE of length IMAGELEN. Note that a caller does only
need to release this INFO structure if the function returns
success. If NPARSED is not NULL the actual number of bytes parsed
will be stored at this address. */
_keybox_parse_openpgp (const unsigned char *image, size_t imagelen,
size_t *nparsed, keybox_openpgp_info_t info)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
const unsigned char *image_start, *data;
size_t n, datalen;
int pkttype;
int first = 1;
int read_error = 0;
struct _keybox_openpgp_key_info *k, **ktail = NULL;
struct _keybox_openpgp_uid_info *u, **utail = NULL;
memset (info, 0, sizeof *info);
if (nparsed)
*nparsed = 0;
image_start = image;
while (image)
err = next_packet (&image, &imagelen, &data, &datalen, &pkttype, &n);
if (err)
read_error = 1;
if (first)
if (pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)
else if (pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY)
info->is_secret = 1;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNEXPECTED);
if (nparsed)
*nparsed += n;
first = 0;
else if (pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY || pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY)
break; /* Next keyblock encountered - ready. */
if (nparsed)
*nparsed += n;
if (pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE)
/* For now we only count the total number of signatures. */
else if (pkttype == PKT_USER_ID)
if (info->nuids == 1)
info-> = data - image_start;
info->uids.len = datalen;
utail = &info->;
u = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *u);
if (!u)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
u->off = data - image_start;
u->len = datalen;
*utail = u;
utail = &u->next;
else if (pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY || pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY)
err = parse_key (data, datalen, &info->primary);
if (err)
else if( pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY && datalen && *data == '#' )
/* Early versions of GnuPG used old PGP comment packets;
* luckily all those comments are prefixed by a hash
* sign - ignore these packets. */
else if (pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY || pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY)
if (info->nsubkeys == 1)
err = parse_key (data, datalen, &info->subkeys);
if (err)
/* We ignore subkeys with unknown algorithms. */
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_ALGORITHM
|| gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM)
err = 0;
if (err)
ktail = &info->;
k = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *k);
if (!k)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = parse_key (data, datalen, k);
if (err)
xfree (k);
/* We ignore subkeys with unknown algorithms. */
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_ALGORITHM
|| gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM)
err = 0;
if (err)
*ktail = k;
ktail = &k->next;
if (err)
_keybox_destroy_openpgp_info (info);
if (!read_error)
/* Packet parsing worked, thus we should be able to skip the
rest of the keyblock. */
while (image)
if (next_packet (&image, &imagelen,
&data, &datalen, &pkttype, &n) )
break; /* Another error - stop here. */
if (pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY || pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY)
break; /* Next keyblock encountered - ready. */
if (nparsed)
*nparsed += n;
return err;
/* Release any malloced data in INFO but not INFO itself! */
_keybox_destroy_openpgp_info (keybox_openpgp_info_t info)
struct _keybox_openpgp_key_info *k, *k2;
struct _keybox_openpgp_uid_info *u, *u2;
assert (!info->;
for (k=info->; k; k = k2)
k2 = k->next;
xfree (k);
for (u=info->; u; u = u2)
u2 = u->next;
xfree (u);
diff --git a/kbx/keybox-search-desc.h b/kbx/keybox-search-desc.h
index 741f2e872..6298994e9 100644
--- a/kbx/keybox-search-desc.h
+++ b/kbx/keybox-search-desc.h
@@ -1,86 +1,86 @@
/* keybox-search-desc.h - Keybox serch description
* Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
This file is a temporary kludge until we can come up with solution
to share this description between keybox and the application
specific keydb
typedef enum {
} KeydbSearchMode;
/* Forwward declaration. See g10/packet.h. */
struct gpg_pkt_user_id_s;
typedef struct gpg_pkt_user_id_s *gpg_pkt_user_id_t;
/* A search descriptor. */
struct keydb_search_desc
KeydbSearchMode mode;
/* Callback used to filter results. The first parameter is
SKIPFUNCVALUE. The second is the keyid. The third is the
1-based index of the UID packet that matched the search criteria
(or 0, if none).
Return non-zero if the result should be skipped. */
int (*skipfnc)(void *, u32 *, int);
void *skipfncvalue;
const unsigned char *sn;
int snlen; /* -1 := sn is a hex string */
union {
const char *name;
unsigned char fpr[24];
u32 kid[2]; /* Note that this is in native endianness. */
unsigned char grip[20];
} u;
int exact; /* Use exactly this key ('!' suffix in gpg). */
struct keydb_search_desc;
typedef struct keydb_search_desc KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC;
typedef struct keydb_search_desc KEYBOX_SEARCH_DESC;
diff --git a/kbx/keybox-search.c b/kbx/keybox-search.c
index 681d5c0e1..ec5aad128 100644
--- a/kbx/keybox-search.c
+++ b/kbx/keybox-search.c
@@ -1,1227 +1,1227 @@
/* keybox-search.c - Search operations
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2012,
* 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "keybox-defs.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include "host2net.h"
#include "mbox-util.h"
#define xtoi_1(p) (*(p) <= '9'? (*(p)- '0'): \
*(p) <= 'F'? (*(p)-'A'+10):(*(p)-'a'+10))
#define xtoi_2(p) ((xtoi_1(p) * 16) + xtoi_1((p)+1))
struct sn_array_s {
int snlen;
unsigned char *sn;
#define get32(a) buf32_to_ulong ((a))
#define get16(a) buf16_to_ulong ((a))
static inline unsigned int
blob_get_blob_flags (KEYBOXBLOB blob)
const unsigned char *buffer;
size_t length;
buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length);
if (length < 8)
return 0; /* oops */
return get16 (buffer + 6);
/* Return the first keyid from the blob. Returns true if
available. */
static int
blob_get_first_keyid (KEYBOXBLOB blob, u32 *kid)
const unsigned char *buffer;
size_t length, nkeys, keyinfolen;
buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length);
if (length < 48)
return 0; /* blob too short */
nkeys = get16 (buffer + 16);
keyinfolen = get16 (buffer + 18);
if (!nkeys || keyinfolen < 28)
return 0; /* invalid blob */
kid[0] = get32 (buffer + 32);
kid[1] = get32 (buffer + 36);
return 1;
/* Return information on the flag WHAT within the blob BUFFER,LENGTH.
Return the offset and the length (in bytes) of the flag in
_keybox_get_flag_location (const unsigned char *buffer, size_t length,
int what, size_t *flag_off, size_t *flag_size)
size_t pos;
size_t nkeys, keyinfolen;
size_t nuids, uidinfolen;
size_t nserial;
size_t nsigs, siginfolen, siginfooff;
switch (what)
if (length < 8)
*flag_off = 6;
*flag_size = 2;
if (length < 20)
/* Key info. */
nkeys = get16 (buffer + 16);
keyinfolen = get16 (buffer + 18 );
if (keyinfolen < 28)
pos = 20 + keyinfolen*nkeys;
if (pos+2 > length)
return GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ; /* Out of bounds. */
/* Serial number. */
nserial = get16 (buffer+pos);
pos += 2 + nserial;
if (pos+4 > length)
return GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ; /* Out of bounds. */
/* User IDs. */
nuids = get16 (buffer + pos); pos += 2;
uidinfolen = get16 (buffer + pos); pos += 2;
if (uidinfolen < 12 )
pos += uidinfolen*nuids;
if (pos+4 > length)
return GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ ; /* Out of bounds. */
/* Signature info. */
siginfooff = pos;
nsigs = get16 (buffer + pos); pos += 2;
siginfolen = get16 (buffer + pos); pos += 2;
if (siginfolen < 4 )
pos += siginfolen*nsigs;
if (pos+1+1+2+4+4+4+4 > length)
return GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ ; /* Out of bounds. */
*flag_size = 1;
*flag_off = pos;
switch (what)
*flag_off += 1;
*flag_size = 4;
*flag_off += 1+2+4+4+4;
*flag_size = siginfolen * nsigs;
*flag_off = siginfooff;
return 0;
/* Return one of the flags WHAT in VALUE from the blob BUFFER of
LENGTH bytes. Return 0 on success or an raw error code. */
static gpg_err_code_t
get_flag_from_image (const unsigned char *buffer, size_t length,
int what, unsigned int *value)
gpg_err_code_t ec;
size_t pos, size;
*value = 0;
ec = _keybox_get_flag_location (buffer, length, what, &pos, &size);
if (!ec)
switch (size)
case 1: *value = buffer[pos]; break;
case 2: *value = get16 (buffer + pos); break;
case 4: *value = get32 (buffer + pos); break;
default: ec = GPG_ERR_BUG; break;
return ec;
static int
blob_cmp_sn (KEYBOXBLOB blob, const unsigned char *sn, int snlen)
const unsigned char *buffer;
size_t length;
size_t pos, off;
size_t nkeys, keyinfolen;
size_t nserial;
buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length);
if (length < 40)
return 0; /* blob too short */
nkeys = get16 (buffer + 16);
keyinfolen = get16 (buffer + 18 );
if (keyinfolen < 28)
return 0; /* invalid blob */
pos = 20 + keyinfolen*nkeys;
if (pos+2 > length)
return 0; /* out of bounds */
nserial = get16 (buffer+pos);
off = pos + 2;
if (off+nserial > length)
return 0; /* out of bounds */
return nserial == snlen && !memcmp (buffer+off, sn, snlen);
/* Returns 0 if not found or the number of the key which was found.
For X.509 this is always 1, for OpenPGP this is 1 for the primary
key and 2 and more for the subkeys. */
static int
blob_cmp_fpr (KEYBOXBLOB blob, const unsigned char *fpr)
const unsigned char *buffer;
size_t length;
size_t pos, off;
size_t nkeys, keyinfolen;
int idx;
buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length);
if (length < 40)
return 0; /* blob too short */
nkeys = get16 (buffer + 16);
keyinfolen = get16 (buffer + 18 );
if (keyinfolen < 28)
return 0; /* invalid blob */
pos = 20;
if (pos + keyinfolen*nkeys > length)
return 0; /* out of bounds */
for (idx=0; idx < nkeys; idx++)
off = pos + idx*keyinfolen;
if (!memcmp (buffer + off, fpr, 20))
return idx+1; /* found */
return 0; /* not found */
static int
blob_cmp_fpr_part (KEYBOXBLOB blob, const unsigned char *fpr,
int fproff, int fprlen)
const unsigned char *buffer;
size_t length;
size_t pos, off;
size_t nkeys, keyinfolen;
int idx;
buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length);
if (length < 40)
return 0; /* blob too short */
nkeys = get16 (buffer + 16);
keyinfolen = get16 (buffer + 18 );
if (keyinfolen < 28)
return 0; /* invalid blob */
pos = 20;
if (pos + keyinfolen*nkeys > length)
return 0; /* out of bounds */
for (idx=0; idx < nkeys; idx++)
off = pos + idx*keyinfolen;
if (!memcmp (buffer + off + fproff, fpr, fprlen))
return idx+1; /* found */
return 0; /* not found */
static int
blob_cmp_name (KEYBOXBLOB blob, int idx,
const char *name, size_t namelen, int substr, int x509)
const unsigned char *buffer;
size_t length;
size_t pos, off, len;
size_t nkeys, keyinfolen;
size_t nuids, uidinfolen;
size_t nserial;
buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length);
if (length < 40)
return 0; /* blob too short */
nkeys = get16 (buffer + 16);
keyinfolen = get16 (buffer + 18 );
if (keyinfolen < 28)
return 0; /* invalid blob */
pos = 20 + keyinfolen*nkeys;
if (pos+2 > length)
return 0; /* out of bounds */
nserial = get16 (buffer+pos);
pos += 2 + nserial;
if (pos+4 > length)
return 0; /* out of bounds */
/* user ids*/
nuids = get16 (buffer + pos); pos += 2;
uidinfolen = get16 (buffer + pos); pos += 2;
if (uidinfolen < 12 /* should add a: || nuidinfolen > MAX_UIDINFOLEN */)
return 0; /* invalid blob */
if (pos + uidinfolen*nuids > length)
return 0; /* out of bounds */
if (idx < 0)
{ /* Compare all names. Note that for X.509 we start with index 1
so to skip the issuer at index 0. */
for (idx = !!x509; idx < nuids; idx++)
size_t mypos = pos;
mypos += idx*uidinfolen;
off = get32 (buffer+mypos);
len = get32 (buffer+mypos+4);
if (off+len > length)
return 0; /* error: better stop here out of bounds */
if (len < 1)
continue; /* empty name */
if (substr)
if (ascii_memcasemem (buffer+off, len, name, namelen))
return idx+1; /* found */
if (len == namelen && !memcmp (buffer+off, name, len))
return idx+1; /* found */
if (idx > nuids)
return 0; /* no user ID with that idx */
pos += idx*uidinfolen;
off = get32 (buffer+pos);
len = get32 (buffer+pos+4);
if (off+len > length)
return 0; /* out of bounds */
if (len < 1)
return 0; /* empty name */
if (substr)
if (ascii_memcasemem (buffer+off, len, name, namelen))
return idx+1; /* found */
if (len == namelen && !memcmp (buffer+off, name, len))
return idx+1; /* found */
return 0; /* not found */
/* Compare all email addresses of the subject. With SUBSTR given as
True a substring search is done in the mail address. The X509 flag
indicated whether the search is done on an X.509 blob. */
static int
blob_cmp_mail (KEYBOXBLOB blob, const char *name, size_t namelen, int substr,
int x509)
const unsigned char *buffer;
size_t length;
size_t pos, off, len;
size_t nkeys, keyinfolen;
size_t nuids, uidinfolen;
size_t nserial;
int idx;
/* fixme: this code is common to blob_cmp_mail */
buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length);
if (length < 40)
return 0; /* blob too short */
nkeys = get16 (buffer + 16);
keyinfolen = get16 (buffer + 18 );
if (keyinfolen < 28)
return 0; /* invalid blob */
pos = 20 + keyinfolen*nkeys;
if (pos+2 > length)
return 0; /* out of bounds */
nserial = get16 (buffer+pos);
pos += 2 + nserial;
if (pos+4 > length)
return 0; /* out of bounds */
/* user ids*/
nuids = get16 (buffer + pos); pos += 2;
uidinfolen = get16 (buffer + pos); pos += 2;
if (uidinfolen < 12 /* should add a: || nuidinfolen > MAX_UIDINFOLEN */)
return 0; /* invalid blob */
if (pos + uidinfolen*nuids > length)
return 0; /* out of bounds */
if (namelen < 1)
return 0;
/* Note that for X.509 we start at index 1 because index 0 is used
for the issuer name. */
for (idx=!!x509 ;idx < nuids; idx++)
size_t mypos = pos;
size_t mylen;
mypos += idx*uidinfolen;
off = get32 (buffer+mypos);
len = get32 (buffer+mypos+4);
if (off+len > length)
return 0; /* error: better stop here - out of bounds */
if (x509)
if (len < 2 || buffer[off] != '<')
continue; /* empty name or trailing 0 not stored */
len--; /* one back */
if ( len < 3 || buffer[off+len] != '>')
continue; /* not a proper email address */
else /* OpenPGP. */
/* We need to forward to the mailbox part. */
mypos = off;
mylen = len;
for ( ; len && buffer[off] != '<'; len--, off++)
if (len < 2 || buffer[off] != '<')
/* Mailbox not explicitly given or too short. Restore
OFF and LEN and check whether the entire string
resembles a mailbox without the angle brackets. */
off = mypos;
len = mylen;
if (!is_valid_mailbox_mem (buffer+off, len))
continue; /* Not a mail address. */
else /* Seems to be standard user id with mail address. */
off++; /* Point to first char of the mail address. */
/* Search closing '>'. */
for (mypos=off; len && buffer[mypos] != '>'; len--, mypos++)
if (!len || buffer[mypos] != '>' || off == mypos)
continue; /* Not a proper mail address. */
len = mypos - off;
if (substr)
if (ascii_memcasemem (buffer+off, len, name, namelen))
return idx+1; /* found */
if (len == namelen && !ascii_memcasecmp (buffer+off, name, len))
return idx+1; /* found */
return 0; /* not found */
#ifdef KEYBOX_WITH_X509
/* Return true if the key in BLOB matches the 20 bytes keygrip GRIP.
We don't have the keygrips as meta data, thus we need to parse the
certificate. Fixme: We might want to return proper error codes
instead of failing a search for invalid certificates etc. */
static int
blob_x509_has_grip (KEYBOXBLOB blob, const unsigned char *grip)
int rc;
const unsigned char *buffer;
size_t length;
size_t cert_off, cert_len;
ksba_reader_t reader = NULL;
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
ksba_sexp_t p = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t s_pkey;
unsigned char array[20];
unsigned char *rcp;
size_t n;
buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length);
if (length < 40)
return 0; /* Too short. */
cert_off = get32 (buffer+8);
cert_len = get32 (buffer+12);
if (cert_off+cert_len > length)
return 0; /* Too short. */
rc = ksba_reader_new (&reader);
if (rc)
return 0; /* Problem with ksba. */
rc = ksba_reader_set_mem (reader, buffer+cert_off, cert_len);
if (rc)
goto failed;
rc = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (rc)
goto failed;
rc = ksba_cert_read_der (cert, reader);
if (rc)
goto failed;
p = ksba_cert_get_public_key (cert);
if (!p)
goto failed;
n = gcry_sexp_canon_len (p, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!n)
goto failed;
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_pkey, NULL, (char*)p, n);
if (rc)
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
goto failed;
rcp = gcry_pk_get_keygrip (s_pkey, array);
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
if (!rcp)
goto failed; /* Can't calculate keygrip. */
xfree (p);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
ksba_reader_release (reader);
return !memcmp (array, grip, 20);
xfree (p);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
ksba_reader_release (reader);
return 0;
#endif /*KEYBOX_WITH_X509*/
The has_foo functions are used as helpers for search
static inline int
has_short_kid (KEYBOXBLOB blob, u32 lkid)
unsigned char buf[4];
buf[0] = lkid >> 24;
buf[1] = lkid >> 16;
buf[2] = lkid >> 8;
buf[3] = lkid;
return blob_cmp_fpr_part (blob, buf, 16, 4);
static inline int
has_long_kid (KEYBOXBLOB blob, u32 mkid, u32 lkid)
unsigned char buf[8];
buf[0] = mkid >> 24;
buf[1] = mkid >> 16;
buf[2] = mkid >> 8;
buf[3] = mkid;
buf[4] = lkid >> 24;
buf[5] = lkid >> 16;
buf[6] = lkid >> 8;
buf[7] = lkid;
return blob_cmp_fpr_part (blob, buf, 12, 8);
static inline int
has_fingerprint (KEYBOXBLOB blob, const unsigned char *fpr)
return blob_cmp_fpr (blob, fpr);
static inline int
has_keygrip (KEYBOXBLOB blob, const unsigned char *grip)
#ifdef KEYBOX_WITH_X509
if (blob_get_type (blob) == KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_X509)
return blob_x509_has_grip (blob, grip);
return 0;
static inline int
has_issuer (KEYBOXBLOB blob, const char *name)
size_t namelen;
return_val_if_fail (name, 0);
if (blob_get_type (blob) != KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_X509)
return 0;
namelen = strlen (name);
return blob_cmp_name (blob, 0 /* issuer */, name, namelen, 0, 1);
static inline int
has_issuer_sn (KEYBOXBLOB blob, const char *name,
const unsigned char *sn, int snlen)
size_t namelen;
return_val_if_fail (name, 0);
return_val_if_fail (sn, 0);
if (blob_get_type (blob) != KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_X509)
return 0;
namelen = strlen (name);
return (blob_cmp_sn (blob, sn, snlen)
&& blob_cmp_name (blob, 0 /* issuer */, name, namelen, 0, 1));
static inline int
has_sn (KEYBOXBLOB blob, const unsigned char *sn, int snlen)
return_val_if_fail (sn, 0);
if (blob_get_type (blob) != KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_X509)
return 0;
return blob_cmp_sn (blob, sn, snlen);
static inline int
has_subject (KEYBOXBLOB blob, const char *name)
size_t namelen;
return_val_if_fail (name, 0);
if (blob_get_type (blob) != KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_X509)
return 0;
namelen = strlen (name);
return blob_cmp_name (blob, 1 /* subject */, name, namelen, 0, 1);
static inline int
has_username (KEYBOXBLOB blob, const char *name, int substr)
size_t namelen;
int btype;
return_val_if_fail (name, 0);
btype = blob_get_type (blob);
if (btype != KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_PGP && btype != KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_X509)
return 0;
namelen = strlen (name);
return blob_cmp_name (blob, -1 /* all subject/user names */, name,
namelen, substr, (btype == KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_X509));
static inline int
has_mail (KEYBOXBLOB blob, const char *name, int substr)
size_t namelen;
int btype;
return_val_if_fail (name, 0);
btype = blob_get_type (blob);
if (btype != KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_PGP && btype != KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_X509)
return 0;
if (btype == KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_PGP && *name == '<')
name++; /* Hack to remove the leading '<' for gpg. */
namelen = strlen (name);
if (namelen && name[namelen-1] == '>')
return blob_cmp_mail (blob, name, namelen, substr,
(btype == KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_X509));
static void
release_sn_array (struct sn_array_s *array, size_t size)
size_t n;
for (n=0; n < size; n++)
xfree (array[n].sn);
xfree (array);
The search API
keybox_search_reset (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd)
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (hd->found.blob)
_keybox_release_blob (hd->found.blob);
hd->found.blob = NULL;
if (hd->fp)
fclose (hd->fp);
hd->fp = NULL;
hd->error = 0;
hd->eof = 0;
return 0;
/* Note: When in ephemeral mode the search function does visit all
blobs but in standard mode, blobs flagged as ephemeral are ignored.
If WANT_BLOBTYPE is not 0 only blobs of this type are considered.
The value at R_SKIPPED is updated by the number of skipped long
records (counts PGP and X.509). */
keybox_search (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, KEYBOX_SEARCH_DESC *desc, size_t ndesc,
keybox_blobtype_t want_blobtype,
size_t *r_descindex, unsigned long *r_skipped)
gpg_error_t rc;
size_t n;
int need_words, any_skip;
struct sn_array_s *sn_array = NULL;
int pk_no, uid_no;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
/* clear last found result */
if (hd->found.blob)
_keybox_release_blob (hd->found.blob);
hd->found.blob = NULL;
if (hd->error)
return hd->error; /* still in error state */
if (hd->eof)
return -1; /* still EOF */
/* figure out what information we need */
need_words = any_skip = 0;
for (n=0; n < ndesc; n++)
switch (desc[n].mode)
need_words = 1;
/* always restart the search in this mode */
keybox_search_reset (hd);
if (desc[n].skipfnc)
any_skip = 1;
if (desc[n].snlen == -1 && !sn_array)
sn_array = xtrycalloc (ndesc, sizeof *sn_array);
if (!sn_array)
return (hd->error = gpg_error_from_syserror ());
(void)need_words; /* Not yet implemented. */
if (!hd->fp)
hd->fp = fopen (hd->kb->fname, "rb");
if (!hd->fp)
hd->error = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (sn_array);
return hd->error;
/* Kludge: We need to convert an SN given as hexstring to its binary
representation - in some cases we are not able to store it in the
search descriptor, because due to the way we use it, it is not
possible to free allocated memory. */
if (sn_array)
const unsigned char *s;
int i, odd;
size_t snlen;
for (n=0; n < ndesc; n++)
if (!desc[n].sn)
else if (desc[n].snlen == -1)
unsigned char *sn;
s = desc[n].sn;
for (i=0; *s && *s != '/'; s++, i++)
odd = (i & 1);
snlen = (i+1)/2;
sn_array[n].sn = xtrymalloc (snlen);
if (!sn_array[n].sn)
hd->error = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
release_sn_array (sn_array, n);
return hd->error;
sn_array[n].snlen = snlen;
sn = sn_array[n].sn;
s = desc[n].sn;
if (odd)
*sn++ = xtoi_1 (s);
for (; *s && *s != '/'; s += 2)
*sn++ = xtoi_2 (s);
const unsigned char *sn;
sn = desc[n].sn;
snlen = desc[n].snlen;
sn_array[n].sn = xtrymalloc (snlen);
if (!sn_array[n].sn)
hd->error = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
release_sn_array (sn_array, n);
return hd->error;
sn_array[n].snlen = snlen;
memcpy (sn_array[n].sn, sn, snlen);
pk_no = uid_no = 0;
for (;;)
unsigned int blobflags;
int blobtype;
_keybox_release_blob (blob); blob = NULL;
rc = _keybox_read_blob (&blob, hd->fp);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE
&& gpg_err_source (rc) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_KEYBOX)
continue; /* Skip too large records. */
if (rc)
blobtype = blob_get_type (blob);
if (want_blobtype && blobtype != want_blobtype)
blobflags = blob_get_blob_flags (blob);
if (!hd->ephemeral && (blobflags & 2))
continue; /* Not in ephemeral mode but blob is flagged ephemeral. */
for (n=0; n < ndesc; n++)
switch (desc[n].mode)
never_reached ();
uid_no = has_username (blob, desc[n], 0);
if (uid_no)
goto found;
uid_no = has_mail (blob, desc[n], 0);
if (uid_no)
goto found;
uid_no = has_mail (blob, desc[n], 1);
if (uid_no)
goto found;
uid_no = has_username (blob, desc[n], 1);
if (uid_no)
goto found;
/* not yet implemented */
if (has_issuer (blob, desc[n]
goto found;
if (has_issuer_sn (blob, desc[n],
sn_array? sn_array[n].sn : desc[n].sn,
sn_array? sn_array[n].snlen : desc[n].snlen))
goto found;
if (has_sn (blob, sn_array? sn_array[n].sn : desc[n].sn,
sn_array? sn_array[n].snlen : desc[n].snlen))
goto found;
if (has_subject (blob, desc[n]
goto found;
pk_no = has_short_kid (blob, desc[n].u.kid[1]);
if (pk_no)
goto found;
pk_no = has_long_kid (blob, desc[n].u.kid[0], desc[n].u.kid[1]);
if (pk_no)
goto found;
pk_no = has_fingerprint (blob, desc[n].u.fpr);
if (pk_no)
goto found;
if (has_keygrip (blob, desc[n].u.grip))
goto found;
goto found;
goto found;
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
goto found;
/* Record which DESC we matched on. Note this value is only
meaningful if this function returns with no errors. */
*r_descindex = n;
for (n=any_skip?0:ndesc; n < ndesc; n++)
u32 kid[2];
if (desc[n].skipfnc
&& blob_get_first_keyid (blob, kid)
&& desc[n].skipfnc (desc[n].skipfncvalue, kid, uid_no))
if (n == ndesc)
break; /* got it */
if (!rc)
hd->found.blob = blob;
hd->found.pk_no = pk_no;
hd->found.uid_no = uid_no;
else if (rc == -1 || gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
_keybox_release_blob (blob);
hd->eof = 1;
_keybox_release_blob (blob);
hd->error = rc;
if (sn_array)
release_sn_array (sn_array, ndesc);
return rc;
Functions to return a certificate or a keyblock. To be used after
a successful search operation.
/* Return the last found keyblock. Returns 0 on success and stores a
new iobuf at R_IOBUF and a signature status vector at R_SIGSTATUS
in that case. R_UID_NO and R_PK_NO are used to retun the number of
the key or user id which was matched the search criteria; if not
known they are set to 0. */
keybox_get_keyblock (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, iobuf_t *r_iobuf,
int *r_pk_no, int *r_uid_no, u32 **r_sigstatus)
gpg_error_t err;
const unsigned char *buffer, *p;
size_t length;
size_t image_off, image_len;
size_t siginfo_off, siginfo_len;
u32 *sigstatus, n, n_sigs, sigilen;
*r_iobuf = NULL;
*r_sigstatus = NULL;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!hd->found.blob)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND);
if (blob_get_type (hd->found.blob) != KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_PGP)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_BLOB_TYPE);
buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (hd->found.blob, &length);
if (length < 40)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
image_off = get32 (buffer+8);
image_len = get32 (buffer+12);
if (image_off+image_len > length)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
err = _keybox_get_flag_location (buffer, length, KEYBOX_FLAG_SIG_INFO,
&siginfo_off, &siginfo_len);
if (err)
return err;
n_sigs = get16 (buffer + siginfo_off);
sigilen = get16 (buffer + siginfo_off + 2);
p = buffer + siginfo_off + 4;
sigstatus = xtrymalloc ((1+n_sigs) * sizeof *sigstatus);
if (!sigstatus)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
sigstatus[0] = n_sigs;
for (n=1; n <= n_sigs; n++, p += sigilen)
sigstatus[n] = get32 (p);
*r_pk_no = hd->found.pk_no;
*r_uid_no = hd->found.uid_no;
*r_sigstatus = sigstatus;
*r_iobuf = iobuf_temp_with_content (buffer+image_off, image_len);
return 0;
#ifdef KEYBOX_WITH_X509
Return the last found cert. Caller must free it.
keybox_get_cert (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, ksba_cert_t *r_cert)
const unsigned char *buffer;
size_t length;
size_t cert_off, cert_len;
ksba_reader_t reader = NULL;
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
int rc;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!hd->found.blob)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND);
if (blob_get_type (hd->found.blob) != KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_X509)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_BLOB_TYPE);
buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (hd->found.blob, &length);
if (length < 40)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
cert_off = get32 (buffer+8);
cert_len = get32 (buffer+12);
if (cert_off+cert_len > length)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
rc = ksba_reader_new (&reader);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = ksba_reader_set_mem (reader, buffer+cert_off, cert_len);
if (rc)
ksba_reader_release (reader);
/* fixme: need to map the error codes */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
rc = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (rc)
ksba_reader_release (reader);
return rc;
rc = ksba_cert_read_der (cert, reader);
if (rc)
ksba_cert_release (cert);
ksba_reader_release (reader);
/* fixme: need to map the error codes */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
*r_cert = cert;
ksba_reader_release (reader);
return 0;
#endif /*KEYBOX_WITH_X509*/
/* Return the flags named WHAT at the address of VALUE. IDX is used
only for certain flags and should be 0 if not required. */
keybox_get_flags (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, int what, int idx, unsigned int *value)
const unsigned char *buffer;
size_t length;
gpg_err_code_t ec;
(void)idx; /* Not yet used. */
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!hd->found.blob)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND);
buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (hd->found.blob, &length);
ec = get_flag_from_image (buffer, length, what, value);
return ec? gpg_error (ec):0;
keybox_offset (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd)
if (!hd->fp)
return 0;
return ftello (hd->fp);
keybox_seek (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, off_t offset)
int err;
if (hd->error)
return hd->error; /* still in error state */
if (! hd->fp)
if (offset == 0)
/* No need to open the file. An unopened file is effectively at
offset 0. */
return 0;
hd->fp = fopen (hd->kb->fname, "rb");
if (!hd->fp)
hd->error = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return hd->error;
err = fseeko (hd->fp, offset, SEEK_SET);
hd->error = gpg_error_from_errno (err);
return hd->error;
diff --git a/kbx/keybox-update.c b/kbx/keybox-update.c
index e5d4dc8da..dcf8b2e23 100644
--- a/kbx/keybox-update.c
+++ b/kbx/keybox-update.c
@@ -1,800 +1,800 @@
/* keybox-update.c - keybox update operations
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2004, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "keybox-defs.h"
#include "../common/sysutils.h"
#include "../common/host2net.h"
#include "../common/utilproto.h"
#define EXTSEP_S "."
#if !defined(HAVE_FSEEKO) && !defined(fseeko)
# include <limits.h>
#ifndef LONG_MAX
# define LONG_MAX ((long) ((unsigned long) -1 >> 1))
#ifndef LONG_MIN
# define LONG_MIN (-1 - LONG_MAX)
* A substitute for fseeko, for hosts that don't have it.
static int
fseeko (FILE * stream, off_t newpos, int whence)
while (newpos != (long) newpos)
long pos = newpos < 0 ? LONG_MIN : LONG_MAX;
if (fseek (stream, pos, whence) != 0)
return -1;
newpos -= pos;
whence = SEEK_CUR;
return fseek (stream, (long) newpos, whence);
#endif /* !defined(HAVE_FSEEKO) && !defined(fseeko) */
static int
create_tmp_file (const char *template,
char **r_bakfname, char **r_tmpfname, FILE **r_fp)
gpg_error_t err;
err = keybox_tmp_names (template, 0, r_bakfname, r_tmpfname);
if (!err)
*r_fp = fopen (*r_tmpfname, "wb");
if (!*r_fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (*r_tmpfname);
*r_tmpfname = NULL;
xfree (*r_bakfname);
*r_bakfname = NULL;
return err;
static int
rename_tmp_file (const char *bakfname, const char *tmpfname,
const char *fname, int secret )
int rc=0;
int block = 0;
/* restrict the permissions for secret keyboxs */
/* if (secret && !opt.preserve_permissions) */
/* { */
/* if (chmod (tmpfname, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR) ) */
/* { */
/* log_debug ("chmod of '%s' failed: %s\n", */
/* tmpfname, strerror(errno) ); */
/* return KEYBOX_Write_File; */
/* } */
/* } */
/* fixme: invalidate close caches (not used with stdio)*/
/* iobuf_ioctl (NULL, IOBUF_IOCTL_INVALIDATE_CACHE, 0, (char*)tmpfname ); */
/* iobuf_ioctl (NULL, IOBUF_IOCTL_INVALIDATE_CACHE, 0, (char*)bakfname ); */
/* iobuf_ioctl (NULL, IOBUF_IOCTL_INVALIDATE_CACHE, 0, (char*)fname ); */
/* First make a backup file except for secret keyboxes. */
if (!secret)
block = 1;
rc = keybox_file_rename (fname, bakfname, &block);
if (rc)
goto leave;
/* Then rename the file. */
rc = keybox_file_rename (tmpfname, fname, NULL);
if (block)
gnupg_unblock_all_signals ();
block = 0;
/* if (rc) */
/* { */
/* if (secret) */
/* { */
/* log_info ("WARNING: 2 files with confidential" */
/* " information exists.\n"); */
/* log_info ("%s is the unchanged one\n", fname ); */
/* log_info ("%s is the new one\n", tmpfname ); */
/* log_info ("Please fix this possible security flaw\n"); */
/* } */
/* } */
if (block)
gnupg_unblock_all_signals ();
return rc;
/* Perform insert/delete/update operation. MODE is one of
indicates that this is called due to an OpenPGP keyblock change. */
static int
blob_filecopy (int mode, const char *fname, KEYBOXBLOB blob,
int secret, int for_openpgp, off_t start_offset)
FILE *fp, *newfp;
int rc=0;
char *bakfname = NULL;
char *tmpfname = NULL;
char buffer[4096]; /* (Must be at least 32 bytes) */
int nread, nbytes;
/* Open the source file. Because we do a rename, we have to check the
permissions of the file */
if (access (fname, W_OK))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
fp = fopen (fname, "rb");
if (mode == FILECOPY_INSERT && !fp && errno == ENOENT)
/* Insert mode but file does not exist:
Create a new keybox file. */
newfp = fopen (fname, "wb");
if (!newfp )
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
rc = _keybox_write_header_blob (newfp, for_openpgp);
if (rc)
fclose (newfp);
return rc;
rc = _keybox_write_blob (blob, newfp);
if (rc)
fclose (newfp);
return rc;
if ( fclose (newfp) )
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* if (chmod( fname, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR )) */
/* { */
/* log_debug ("%s: chmod failed: %s\n", fname, strerror(errno) ); */
/* return KEYBOX_File_Error; */
/* } */
return 0; /* Ready. */
if (!fp)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Create the new file. On success NEWFP is initialized. */
rc = create_tmp_file (fname, &bakfname, &tmpfname, &newfp);
if (rc)
fclose (fp);
goto leave;
/* prepare for insert */
if (mode == FILECOPY_INSERT)
int first_record = 1;
/* Copy everything to the new file. If this is for OpenPGP, we
make sure that the openpgp flag is set in the header. (We
failsafe the blob type.) */
while ( (nread = fread (buffer, 1, DIM(buffer), fp)) > 0 )
if (first_record && for_openpgp
first_record = 0;
buffer[7] |= 0x02; /* OpenPGP data may be available. */
if (fwrite (buffer, nread, 1, newfp) != 1)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
fclose (fp);
fclose (newfp);
goto leave;
if (ferror (fp))
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
fclose (fp);
fclose (newfp);
goto leave;
/* Prepare for delete or update. */
if ( mode == FILECOPY_DELETE || mode == FILECOPY_UPDATE )
off_t current = 0;
/* Copy first part to the new file. */
while ( current < start_offset )
nbytes = DIM(buffer);
if (current + nbytes > start_offset)
nbytes = start_offset - current;
nread = fread (buffer, 1, nbytes, fp);
if (!nread)
current += nread;
if (fwrite (buffer, nread, 1, newfp) != 1)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
fclose (fp);
fclose (newfp);
goto leave;
if (ferror (fp))
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
fclose (fp);
fclose (newfp);
goto leave;
/* Skip this blob. */
rc = _keybox_read_blob (NULL, fp);
if (rc)
fclose (fp);
fclose (newfp);
return rc;
/* Do an insert or update. */
if ( mode == FILECOPY_INSERT || mode == FILECOPY_UPDATE )
rc = _keybox_write_blob (blob, newfp);
if (rc)
fclose (fp);
fclose (newfp);
return rc;
/* Copy the rest of the packet for an delete or update. */
while ( (nread = fread (buffer, 1, DIM(buffer), fp)) > 0 )
if (fwrite (buffer, nread, 1, newfp) != 1)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
fclose (fp);
fclose (newfp);
goto leave;
if (ferror (fp))
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
fclose (fp);
fclose (newfp);
goto leave;
/* Close both files. */
if (fclose(fp))
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
fclose (newfp);
goto leave;
if (fclose(newfp))
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
rc = rename_tmp_file (bakfname, tmpfname, fname, secret);
return rc;
/* Insert the OpenPGP keyblock {IMAGE,IMAGELEN} into HD. SIGSTATUS is
a vector describing the status of the signatures; its first element
gives the number of following elements. */
keybox_insert_keyblock (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, const void *image, size_t imagelen,
u32 *sigstatus)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *fname;
size_t nparsed;
struct _keybox_openpgp_info info;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE);
if (!hd->kb)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE);
fname = hd->kb->fname;
if (!fname)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE);
/* Close this one otherwise we will mess up the position for a next
search. Fixme: it would be better to adjust the position after
the write operation. */
_keybox_close_file (hd);
err = _keybox_parse_openpgp (image, imagelen, &nparsed, &info);
if (err)
return err;
assert (nparsed <= imagelen);
err = _keybox_create_openpgp_blob (&blob, &info, image, imagelen,
sigstatus, hd->ephemeral);
_keybox_destroy_openpgp_info (&info);
if (!err)
err = blob_filecopy (FILECOPY_INSERT, fname, blob, hd->secret, 1, 0);
_keybox_release_blob (blob);
/* if (!rc && !hd->secret && kb_offtbl) */
/* { */
/* update_offset_hash_table_from_kb (kb_offtbl, kb, 0); */
/* } */
return err;
/* Update the current key at HD with the given OpenPGP keyblock in
keybox_update_keyblock (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, const void *image, size_t imagelen)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *fname;
off_t off;
size_t nparsed;
struct _keybox_openpgp_info info;
if (!hd || !image || !imagelen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!hd->found.blob)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND);
if (blob_get_type (hd->found.blob) != KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_PGP)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_BLOB_TYPE);
fname = hd->kb->fname;
if (!fname)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE);
off = _keybox_get_blob_fileoffset (hd->found.blob);
if (off == (off_t)-1)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
/* Close this the file so that we do no mess up the position for a
next search. */
_keybox_close_file (hd);
/* Build a new blob. */
err = _keybox_parse_openpgp (image, imagelen, &nparsed, &info);
if (err)
return err;
assert (nparsed <= imagelen);
err = _keybox_create_openpgp_blob (&blob, &info, image, imagelen,
NULL, hd->ephemeral);
_keybox_destroy_openpgp_info (&info);
/* Update the keyblock. */
if (!err)
err = blob_filecopy (FILECOPY_UPDATE, fname, blob, hd->secret, 1, off);
_keybox_release_blob (blob);
return err;
#ifdef KEYBOX_WITH_X509
keybox_insert_cert (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, ksba_cert_t cert,
unsigned char *sha1_digest)
int rc;
const char *fname;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE);
if (!hd->kb)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE);
fname = hd->kb->fname;
if (!fname)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE);
/* Close this one otherwise we will mess up the position for a next
search. Fixme: it would be better to adjust the position after
the write operation. */
_keybox_close_file (hd);
rc = _keybox_create_x509_blob (&blob, cert, sha1_digest, hd->ephemeral);
if (!rc)
rc = blob_filecopy (FILECOPY_INSERT, fname, blob, hd->secret, 0, 0);
_keybox_release_blob (blob);
/* if (!rc && !hd->secret && kb_offtbl) */
/* { */
/* update_offset_hash_table_from_kb (kb_offtbl, kb, 0); */
/* } */
return rc;
keybox_update_cert (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, ksba_cert_t cert,
unsigned char *sha1_digest)
return -1;
#endif /*KEYBOX_WITH_X509*/
/* Note: We assume that the keybox has been locked before the current
search was executed. This is needed so that we can depend on the
offset information of the flags. */
keybox_set_flags (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, int what, int idx, unsigned int value)
off_t off;
const char *fname;
FILE *fp;
gpg_err_code_t ec;
size_t flag_pos, flag_size;
const unsigned char *buffer;
size_t length;
(void)idx; /* Not yet used. */
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!hd->found.blob)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND);
if (!hd->kb)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE);
if (!hd->found.blob)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND);
fname = hd->kb->fname;
if (!fname)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE);
off = _keybox_get_blob_fileoffset (hd->found.blob);
if (off == (off_t)-1)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (hd->found.blob, &length);
ec = _keybox_get_flag_location (buffer, length, what, &flag_pos, &flag_size);
if (ec)
return gpg_error (ec);
off += flag_pos;
_keybox_close_file (hd);
fp = fopen (hd->kb->fname, "r+b");
if (!fp)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
ec = 0;
if (fseeko (fp, off, SEEK_SET))
ec = gpg_err_code_from_syserror ();
unsigned char tmp[4];
tmp[0] = value >> 24;
tmp[1] = value >> 16;
tmp[2] = value >> 8;
tmp[3] = value;
switch (flag_size)
case 1:
case 2:
case 4:
if (fwrite (tmp+4-flag_size, flag_size, 1, fp) != 1)
ec = gpg_err_code_from_syserror ();
if (fclose (fp))
if (!ec)
ec = gpg_err_code_from_syserror ();
return gpg_error (ec);
keybox_delete (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd)
off_t off;
const char *fname;
FILE *fp;
int rc;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!hd->found.blob)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND);
if (!hd->kb)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE);
fname = hd->kb->fname;
if (!fname)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE);
off = _keybox_get_blob_fileoffset (hd->found.blob);
if (off == (off_t)-1)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
off += 4;
_keybox_close_file (hd);
fp = fopen (hd->kb->fname, "r+b");
if (!fp)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (fseeko (fp, off, SEEK_SET))
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
else if (putc (0, fp) == EOF)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
rc = 0;
if (fclose (fp))
if (!rc)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return rc;
/* Compress the keybox file. This should be run with the file
locked. */
keybox_compress (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd)
int read_rc, rc;
const char *fname;
FILE *fp, *newfp;
char *bakfname = NULL;
char *tmpfname = NULL;
int first_blob;
u32 cut_time;
int any_changes = 0;
int skipped_deleted;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE);
if (!hd->kb)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE);
if (hd->secret)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
fname = hd->kb->fname;
if (!fname)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE);
_keybox_close_file (hd);
/* Open the source file. Because we do a rename, we have to check the
permissions of the file */
if (access (fname, W_OK))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
fp = fopen (fname, "rb");
if (!fp && errno == ENOENT)
return 0; /* Ready. File has been deleted right after the access above. */
if (!fp)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return rc;
/* A quick test to see if we need to compress the file at all. We
schedule a compress run after 3 hours. */
if ( !_keybox_read_blob (&blob, fp) )
const unsigned char *buffer;
size_t length;
buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length);
if (length > 4 && buffer[4] == KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_HEADER)
u32 last_maint = buf32_to_u32 (buffer+20);
if ( (last_maint + 3*3600) > time (NULL) )
fclose (fp);
_keybox_release_blob (blob);
return 0; /* Compress run not yet needed. */
_keybox_release_blob (blob);
fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
clearerr (fp);
/* Create the new file. */
rc = create_tmp_file (fname, &bakfname, &tmpfname, &newfp);
if (rc)
fclose (fp);
return rc;;
/* Processing loop. By reading using _keybox_read_blob we
automagically skip any blobs flagged as deleted. Thus what we
only have to do is to check all ephemeral flagged blocks whether
their time has come and write out all other blobs. */
cut_time = time(NULL) - 86400;
first_blob = 1;
skipped_deleted = 0;
for (rc=0; !(read_rc = _keybox_read_blob2 (&blob, fp, &skipped_deleted));
_keybox_release_blob (blob), blob = NULL )
unsigned int blobflags;
const unsigned char *buffer;
size_t length, pos, size;
u32 created_at;
if (skipped_deleted)
any_changes = 1;
buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length);
if (first_blob)
first_blob = 0;
if (length > 4 && buffer[4] == KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_HEADER)
/* Write out the blob with an updated maintenance time
stamp and if needed (ie. used by gpg) set the openpgp
flag. */
_keybox_update_header_blob (blob, hd->for_openpgp);
rc = _keybox_write_blob (blob, newfp);
if (rc)
/* The header blob is missing. Insert it. */
rc = _keybox_write_header_blob (newfp, hd->for_openpgp);
if (rc)
any_changes = 1;
else if (length > 4 && buffer[4] == KEYBOX_BLOBTYPE_HEADER)
/* Oops: There is another header record - remove it. */
any_changes = 1;
if (_keybox_get_flag_location (buffer, length,
KEYBOX_FLAG_BLOB, &pos, &size)
|| size != 2)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
blobflags = buf16_to_uint (buffer+pos);
/* This is an ephemeral blob. */
if (_keybox_get_flag_location (buffer, length,
|| size != 4)
created_at = 0; /* oops. */
created_at = buf32_to_u32 (buffer+pos);
if (created_at && created_at < cut_time)
any_changes = 1;
continue; /* Skip this blob. */
rc = _keybox_write_blob (blob, newfp);
if (rc)
if (skipped_deleted)
any_changes = 1;
_keybox_release_blob (blob); blob = NULL;
if (!rc && read_rc == -1)
rc = 0;
else if (!rc)
rc = read_rc;
/* Close both files. */
if (fclose(fp) && !rc)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (fclose(newfp) && !rc)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* Rename or remove the temporary file. */
if (rc || !any_changes)
gnupg_remove (tmpfname);
rc = rename_tmp_file (bakfname, tmpfname, fname, hd->secret);
return rc;
diff --git a/kbx/keybox-util.c b/kbx/keybox-util.c
index a2ca3f0ed..aacd0a431 100644
--- a/kbx/keybox-util.c
+++ b/kbx/keybox-util.c
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
/* keybox-util.c - Utility functions for Keybox
* Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /* We only need the OS core stuff. */
# include <windows.h>
#include "keybox-defs.h"
#include "utilproto.h"
static void *(*alloc_func)(size_t n) = malloc;
static void *(*realloc_func)(void *p, size_t n) = realloc;
static void (*free_func)(void*) = free;
keybox_set_malloc_hooks ( void *(*new_alloc_func)(size_t n),
void *(*new_realloc_func)(void *p, size_t n),
void (*new_free_func)(void*) )
alloc_func = new_alloc_func;
realloc_func = new_realloc_func;
free_func = new_free_func;
void *
_keybox_malloc (size_t n)
return alloc_func (n);
void *
_keybox_realloc (void *a, size_t n)
return realloc_func (a, n);
void *
_keybox_calloc (size_t n, size_t m)
void *p = _keybox_malloc (n*m);
if (p)
memset (p, 0, n* m);
return p;
_keybox_free (void *p)
if (p)
free_func (p);
/* Store the two malloced temporary file names used for keybox updates
of file FILENAME at R_BAKNAME and R_TMPNAME. On error an error
code is returned and NULL stored at R_BAKNAME and R_TMPNAME. If
FOR_KEYRING is true the returned names match those used by GnuPG's
keyring code. */
keybox_tmp_names (const char *filename, int for_keyring,
char **r_bakname, char **r_tmpname)
gpg_error_t err;
char *bak_name, *tmp_name;
*r_bakname = NULL;
*r_tmpname = NULL;
# ifdef USE_ONLY_8DOT3
/* Here is another Windoze bug?:
* you can't rename("pubring.kbx.tmp", "pubring.kbx");
* but rename("pubring.kbx.tmp", "");
* works. So we replace ".kbx" by ".kb_" or ".k__". Note that we
* can't use ".bak" and ".tmp", because these suffixes are used by
* gpg's keyrings and would lead to a sharing violation or data
* corruption. If the name does not end in ".kbx" we assume working
* on a modern file system and append the suffix. */
const char *ext = for_keyring? EXTSEP_S GPGEXT_GPG : EXTSEP_S "kbx";
const char *b_ext = for_keyring? EXTSEP_S "bak" : EXTSEP_S "kb_";
const char *t_ext = for_keyring? EXTSEP_S "tmp" : EXTSEP_S "k__";
int repl;
if (strlen (ext) != 4 || strlen (b_ext) != 4)
BUG ();
repl = (strlen (filename) > 4
&& !strcmp (filename + strlen (filename) - 4, ext));
bak_name = xtrymalloc (strlen (filename) + (repl?0:4) + 1);
if (!bak_name)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
strcpy (bak_name, filename);
strcpy (bak_name + strlen (filename) - (repl?4:0), b_ext);
tmp_name = xtrymalloc (strlen (filename) + (repl?0:4) + 1);
if (!tmp_name)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (bak_name);
return err;
strcpy (tmp_name, filename);
strcpy (tmp_name + strlen (filename) - (repl?4:0), t_ext);
# else /* Posix file names */
bak_name = xtrymalloc (strlen (filename) + 2);
if (!bak_name)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
strcpy (stpcpy (bak_name, filename), "~");
tmp_name = xtrymalloc (strlen (filename) + 5);
if (!tmp_name)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (bak_name);
return err;
strcpy (stpcpy (tmp_name,filename), EXTSEP_S "tmp");
# endif /* Posix filename */
*r_bakname = bak_name;
*r_tmpname = tmp_name;
return 0;
/* Wrapper for rename(2) to handle Windows peculiarities. If
* BLOCK_SIGNALS is not NULL and points to a variable set to true, all
* signals will be blocked by calling gnupg_block_all_signals; the
* caller needs to call gnupg_unblock_all_signals if that variable is
* still set to true on return. */
keybox_file_rename (const char *oldname, const char *newname,
int *block_signals)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
if (block_signals && *block_signals)
gnupg_block_all_signals ();
int wtime = 0;
gnupg_remove (newname);
if (rename (oldname, newname))
/* Another process has the file open. We do not use a
* lock for read but instead we wait until the other
* process has closed the file. This may take long but
* that would also be the case with a dotlock approach for
* read and write. Note that we don't need this on Unix
* due to the inode concept.
* So let's wait until the rename has worked. The retry
* intervals are 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 50ms, ... */
if (!wtime || wtime >= 800)
wtime = 50;
wtime *= 2;
if (wtime >= 800)
log_info ("waiting for file '%s' to become accessible ...\n",
Sleep (wtime);
goto again;
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
#else /* Unix */
#ifdef __riscos__
gnupg_remove (newname);
if (rename (oldname, newname) )
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
#endif /* Unix */
if (block_signals && *block_signals && err)
gnupg_unblock_all_signals ();
*block_signals = 0;
if (err)
log_error ("renaming '%s' to '%s' failed: %s\n",
oldname, newname, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
diff --git a/kbx/keybox.h b/kbx/keybox.h
index 6180a2fd7..a248bf05f 100644
--- a/kbx/keybox.h
+++ b/kbx/keybox.h
@@ -1,144 +1,144 @@
/* keybox.h - Keybox operations
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef KEYBOX_H
#define KEYBOX_H 1
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if 0
#include "../common/iobuf.h"
#include "keybox-search-desc.h"
#ifdef KEYBOX_WITH_X509
# include <ksba.h>
typedef struct keybox_handle *KEYBOX_HANDLE;
typedef enum
KEYBOX_FLAG_BLOB, /* The blob flags. */
KEYBOX_FLAG_VALIDITY, /* The validity of the entire key. */
KEYBOX_FLAG_OWNERTRUST, /* The assigned ownertrust. */
KEYBOX_FLAG_KEY, /* The key flags; requires a key index. */
KEYBOX_FLAG_UID, /* The user ID flags; requires an uid index. */
KEYBOX_FLAG_UID_VALIDITY,/* The validity of a specific uid, requires
an uid index. */
KEYBOX_FLAG_CREATED_AT, /* The date the block was created. */
KEYBOX_FLAG_SIG_INFO, /* The signature info block. */
} keybox_flag_t;
/* Flag values used with KEYBOX_FLAG_BLOB. */
/* The keybox blob types. */
typedef enum
} keybox_blobtype_t;
/*-- keybox-init.c --*/
gpg_error_t keybox_register_file (const char *fname, int secret,
void **r_token);
int keybox_is_writable (void *token);
KEYBOX_HANDLE keybox_new_openpgp (void *token, int secret);
KEYBOX_HANDLE keybox_new_x509 (void *token, int secret);
void keybox_release (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd);
void keybox_push_found_state (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd);
void keybox_pop_found_state (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd);
const char *keybox_get_resource_name (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd);
int keybox_set_ephemeral (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, int yes);
gpg_error_t keybox_lock (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, int yes);
/*-- keybox-file.c --*/
/* Fixme: This function does not belong here: Provide a better
interface to create a new keybox file. */
int _keybox_write_header_blob (FILE *fp, int openpgp_flag);
/*-- keybox-search.c --*/
gpg_error_t keybox_get_keyblock (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, iobuf_t *r_iobuf,
int *r_uid_no, int *r_pk_no, u32 **sigstatus);
#ifdef KEYBOX_WITH_X509
int keybox_get_cert (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, ksba_cert_t *ret_cert);
#endif /*KEYBOX_WITH_X509*/
int keybox_get_flags (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, int what, int idx, unsigned int *value);
gpg_error_t keybox_search_reset (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd);
gpg_error_t keybox_search (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd,
KEYBOX_SEARCH_DESC *desc, size_t ndesc,
keybox_blobtype_t want_blobtype,
size_t *r_descindex, unsigned long *r_skipped);
off_t keybox_offset (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd);
gpg_error_t keybox_seek (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, off_t offset);
/*-- keybox-update.c --*/
gpg_error_t keybox_insert_keyblock (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd,
const void *image, size_t imagelen,
u32 *sigstatus);
gpg_error_t keybox_update_keyblock (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd,
const void *image, size_t imagelen);
#ifdef KEYBOX_WITH_X509
int keybox_insert_cert (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, ksba_cert_t cert,
unsigned char *sha1_digest);
int keybox_update_cert (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, ksba_cert_t cert,
unsigned char *sha1_digest);
#endif /*KEYBOX_WITH_X509*/
int keybox_set_flags (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, int what, int idx, unsigned int value);
int keybox_delete (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd);
int keybox_compress (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd);
/*-- --*/
#if 0
int keybox_locate_writable (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd);
int keybox_rebuild_cache (void *);
/*-- keybox-util.c --*/
void keybox_set_malloc_hooks ( void *(*new_alloc_func)(size_t n),
void *(*new_realloc_func)(void *p, size_t n),
void (*new_free_func)(void*) );
gpg_error_t keybox_tmp_names (const char *filename, int for_keyring,
char **r_bakname, char **r_tmpname);
gpg_error_t keybox_file_rename (const char *oldname, const char *newname,
int *block_signals);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*KEYBOX_H*/
diff --git a/scd/ b/scd/
index f16024454..db096f6e0 100644
--- a/scd/
+++ b/scd/
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
## Process this file with automake to produce
EXTRA_DIST = ChangeLog-2011 scdaemon-w32info.rc
libexec_PROGRAMS = scdaemon
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/common $(LIBUSB_CPPFLAGS)
include $(top_srcdir)/am/
resource_objs += scdaemon-w32info.o
card_apps = app-openpgp.c app-nks.c app-dinsig.c app-p15.c app-geldkarte.c app-sc-hsm.c
scdaemon_SOURCES = \
scdaemon.c scdaemon.h \
command.c \
atr.c atr.h \
apdu.c apdu.h \
ccid-driver.c ccid-driver.h \
iso7816.c iso7816.h \
app.c app-common.h app-help.c $(card_apps)
scdaemon_LDADD = $(libcommonpth) \
$(LIBINTL) $(DL_LIBS) $(NETLIBS) $(LIBICONV) $(resource_objs)
diff --git a/scd/apdu.c b/scd/apdu.c
index 5b7290eab..3e2b609a9 100644
--- a/scd/apdu.c
+++ b/scd/apdu.c
@@ -1,4295 +1,4295 @@
/* apdu.c - ISO 7816 APDU functions and low level I/O
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2010,
* 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* NOTE: This module is also used by other software, thus the use of
the macro USE_NPTH is mandatory. For GnuPG this macro is
guaranteed to be defined true. */
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <signal.h>
#ifdef USE_NPTH
# include <unistd.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <npth.h>
/* If requested include the definitions for the remote APDU protocol
code. */
#include "rapdu.h"
#endif /*USE_G10CODE_RAPDU*/
/* This is used with GnuPG version < 1.9. The code has been source
copied from the current GnuPG >= 1.9 and is maintained over
there. */
#include "options.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "dynload.h"
#include "cardglue.h"
#else /* GNUPG_MAJOR_VERSION != 1 */
#include "scdaemon.h"
#include "exechelp.h"
#endif /* GNUPG_MAJOR_VERSION != 1 */
#include "host2net.h"
#include "iso7816.h"
#include "apdu.h"
#include "ccid-driver.h"
/* Due to conflicting use of threading libraries we usually can't link
against libpcsclite if we are using Pth. Instead we use a wrapper
program. Note that with nPth there is no need for a wrapper. */
#ifdef USE_PTH /* Right, plain old Pth. */
#if !defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
#define MAX_READER 4 /* Number of readers we support concurrently. */
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
#define DLSTDCALL __stdcall
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
typedef unsigned int pcsc_dword_t;
typedef unsigned long pcsc_dword_t;
/* A structure to collect information pertaining to one reader
slot. */
struct reader_table_s {
int used; /* True if slot is used. */
unsigned short port; /* Port number: 0 = unused, 1 - dev/tty */
/* Function pointers intialized to the various backends. */
int (*connect_card)(int);
int (*disconnect_card)(int);
int (*close_reader)(int);
int (*reset_reader)(int);
int (*get_status_reader)(int, unsigned int *);
int (*send_apdu_reader)(int,unsigned char *,size_t,
unsigned char *, size_t *, pininfo_t *);
int (*check_pinpad)(int, int, pininfo_t *);
void (*dump_status_reader)(int);
int (*set_progress_cb)(int, gcry_handler_progress_t, void*);
int (*pinpad_verify)(int, int, int, int, int, pininfo_t *);
int (*pinpad_modify)(int, int, int, int, int, pininfo_t *);
struct {
ccid_driver_t handle;
} ccid;
struct {
long context;
long card;
pcsc_dword_t protocol;
pcsc_dword_t verify_ioctl;
pcsc_dword_t modify_ioctl;
int pinmin;
int pinmax;
int req_fd;
int rsp_fd;
pid_t pid;
} pcsc;
struct {
rapdu_t handle;
} rapdu;
#endif /*USE_G10CODE_RAPDU*/
char *rdrname; /* Name of the connected reader or NULL if unknown. */
int any_status; /* True if we have seen any status. */
int last_status;
int status;
int is_t0; /* True if we know that we are running T=0. */
int is_spr532; /* True if we know that the reader is a SPR532. */
int pinpad_varlen_supported; /* True if we know that the reader
supports variable length pinpad
input. */
unsigned char atr[33];
size_t atrlen; /* A zero length indicates that the ATR has
not yet been read; i.e. the card is not
ready for use. */
unsigned int change_counter;
#ifdef USE_NPTH
int lock_initialized;
npth_mutex_t lock;
typedef struct reader_table_s *reader_table_t;
/* A global table to keep track of active readers. */
static struct reader_table_s reader_table[MAX_READER];
/* ct API function pointer. */
static char (* DLSTDCALL CT_init) (unsigned short ctn, unsigned short Pn);
static char (* DLSTDCALL CT_data) (unsigned short ctn, unsigned char *dad,
unsigned char *sad, unsigned short lc,
unsigned char *cmd, unsigned short *lr,
unsigned char *rsp);
static char (* DLSTDCALL CT_close) (unsigned short ctn);
/* PC/SC constants and function pointer. */
#define PCSC_PROTOCOL_T0 1
#define PCSC_PROTOCOL_T1 2
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# define PCSC_PROTOCOL_RAW 0x00010000 /* The active protocol. */
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# define PCSC_UNKNOWN 0x0000 /* The driver is not aware of the status. */
# define PCSC_ABSENT 0x0001 /* Card is absent. */
# define PCSC_PRESENT 0x0002 /* Card is present. */
# define PCSC_SWALLOWED 0x0003 /* Card is present and electrical connected. */
# define PCSC_POWERED 0x0004 /* Card is powered. */
# define PCSC_NEGOTIABLE 0x0005 /* Card is awaiting PTS. */
# define PCSC_SPECIFIC 0x0006 /* Card is ready for use. */
# define PCSC_UNKNOWN 0x0001
# define PCSC_ABSENT 0x0002 /* Card is absent. */
# define PCSC_PRESENT 0x0004 /* Card is present. */
# define PCSC_SWALLOWED 0x0008 /* Card is present and electrical connected. */
# define PCSC_POWERED 0x0010 /* Card is powered. */
# define PCSC_NEGOTIABLE 0x0020 /* Card is awaiting PTS. */
# define PCSC_SPECIFIC 0x0040 /* Card is ready for use. */
#define PCSC_STATE_UNAWARE 0x0000 /* Want status. */
#define PCSC_STATE_IGNORE 0x0001 /* Ignore this reader. */
#define PCSC_STATE_CHANGED 0x0002 /* State has changed. */
#define PCSC_STATE_UNKNOWN 0x0004 /* Reader unknown. */
#define PCSC_STATE_UNAVAILABLE 0x0008 /* Status unavailable. */
#define PCSC_STATE_EMPTY 0x0010 /* Card removed. */
#define PCSC_STATE_PRESENT 0x0020 /* Card inserted. */
#define PCSC_STATE_ATRMATCH 0x0040 /* ATR matches card. */
#define PCSC_STATE_EXCLUSIVE 0x0080 /* Exclusive Mode. */
#define PCSC_STATE_INUSE 0x0100 /* Shared mode. */
#define PCSC_STATE_MUTE 0x0200 /* Unresponsive card. */
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# define PCSC_STATE_UNPOWERED 0x0400 /* Card not powerred up. */
/* Some PC/SC error codes. */
#define PCSC_E_CANCELLED 0x80100002
#define PCSC_E_CANT_DISPOSE 0x8010000E
#define PCSC_E_INVALID_ATR 0x80100015
#define PCSC_E_INVALID_HANDLE 0x80100003
#define PCSC_E_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x80100004
#define PCSC_E_INVALID_TARGET 0x80100005
#define PCSC_E_INVALID_VALUE 0x80100011
#define PCSC_E_NO_MEMORY 0x80100006
#define PCSC_E_UNKNOWN_READER 0x80100009
#define PCSC_E_TIMEOUT 0x8010000A
#define PCSC_E_NO_SMARTCARD 0x8010000C
#define PCSC_E_UNKNOWN_CARD 0x8010000D
#define PCSC_E_PROTO_MISMATCH 0x8010000F
#define PCSC_E_NOT_READY 0x80100010
#define PCSC_E_SYSTEM_CANCELLED 0x80100012
#define PCSC_E_NOT_TRANSACTED 0x80100016
#define PCSC_E_READER_UNAVAILABLE 0x80100017
#define PCSC_E_NO_SERVICE 0x8010001D
#define PCSC_E_SERVICE_STOPPED 0x8010001E
#define PCSC_W_REMOVED_CARD 0x80100069
/* Fix pcsc-lite ABI incompatibilty. */
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <winioctl.h>
#define SCARD_CTL_CODE(code) (0x42000000 + (code))
#define PCSCv2_PART10_PROPERTY_bEntryValidationCondition 2
#define PCSCv2_PART10_PROPERTY_bTimeOut2 3
#define PCSCv2_PART10_PROPERTY_bMinPINSize 6
#define PCSCv2_PART10_PROPERTY_bMaxPINSize 7
#define PCSCv2_PART10_PROPERTY_wIdVendor 11
#define PCSCv2_PART10_PROPERTY_wIdProduct 12
/* The PC/SC error is defined as a long as per specs. Due to left
shifts bit 31 will get sign extended. We use this mask to fix
it. */
#define PCSC_ERR_MASK(a) ((a) & 0xffffffff)
struct pcsc_io_request_s
unsigned long protocol;
unsigned long pci_len;
typedef struct pcsc_io_request_s *pcsc_io_request_t;
#ifdef __APPLE__
#pragma pack(1)
struct pcsc_readerstate_s
const char *reader;
void *user_data;
pcsc_dword_t current_state;
pcsc_dword_t event_state;
pcsc_dword_t atrlen;
unsigned char atr[33];
#ifdef __APPLE__
#pragma pack()
typedef struct pcsc_readerstate_s *pcsc_readerstate_t;
long (* DLSTDCALL pcsc_establish_context) (pcsc_dword_t scope,
const void *reserved1,
const void *reserved2,
long *r_context);
long (* DLSTDCALL pcsc_release_context) (long context);
long (* DLSTDCALL pcsc_list_readers) (long context,
const char *groups,
char *readers, pcsc_dword_t*readerslen);
long (* DLSTDCALL pcsc_get_status_change) (long context,
pcsc_dword_t timeout,
pcsc_readerstate_t readerstates,
pcsc_dword_t nreaderstates);
long (* DLSTDCALL pcsc_connect) (long context,
const char *reader,
pcsc_dword_t share_mode,
pcsc_dword_t preferred_protocols,
long *r_card,
pcsc_dword_t *r_active_protocol);
long (* DLSTDCALL pcsc_reconnect) (long card,
pcsc_dword_t share_mode,
pcsc_dword_t preferred_protocols,
pcsc_dword_t initialization,
pcsc_dword_t *r_active_protocol);
long (* DLSTDCALL pcsc_disconnect) (long card,
pcsc_dword_t disposition);
long (* DLSTDCALL pcsc_status) (long card,
char *reader, pcsc_dword_t *readerlen,
pcsc_dword_t *r_state,
pcsc_dword_t *r_protocol,
unsigned char *atr, pcsc_dword_t *atrlen);
long (* DLSTDCALL pcsc_begin_transaction) (long card);
long (* DLSTDCALL pcsc_end_transaction) (long card,
pcsc_dword_t disposition);
long (* DLSTDCALL pcsc_transmit) (long card,
const pcsc_io_request_t send_pci,
const unsigned char *send_buffer,
pcsc_dword_t send_len,
pcsc_io_request_t recv_pci,
unsigned char *recv_buffer,
pcsc_dword_t *recv_len);
long (* DLSTDCALL pcsc_set_timeout) (long context,
pcsc_dword_t timeout);
long (* DLSTDCALL pcsc_control) (long card,
pcsc_dword_t control_code,
const void *send_buffer,
pcsc_dword_t send_len,
void *recv_buffer,
pcsc_dword_t recv_len,
pcsc_dword_t *bytes_returned);
/* Prototypes. */
static int pcsc_vendor_specific_init (int slot);
static int pcsc_get_status (int slot, unsigned int *status);
static int reset_pcsc_reader (int slot);
static int apdu_get_status_internal (int slot, int hang, int no_atr_reset,
unsigned int *status,
unsigned int *changed);
static int check_pcsc_pinpad (int slot, int command, pininfo_t *pininfo);
static int pcsc_pinpad_verify (int slot, int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
pininfo_t *pininfo);
static int pcsc_pinpad_modify (int slot, int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
pininfo_t *pininfo);
static int
lock_slot (int slot)
#ifdef USE_NPTH
int err;
err = npth_mutex_lock (&reader_table[slot].lock);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to acquire apdu lock: %s\n", strerror (err));
#endif /*USE_NPTH*/
return 0;
static int
trylock_slot (int slot)
#ifdef USE_NPTH
int err;
err = npth_mutex_trylock (&reader_table[slot].lock);
if (err == EBUSY)
return SW_HOST_BUSY;
else if (err)
log_error ("failed to acquire apdu lock: %s\n", strerror (err));
#endif /*USE_NPTH*/
return 0;
static void
unlock_slot (int slot)
#ifdef USE_NPTH
int err;
err = npth_mutex_unlock (&reader_table[slot].lock);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to release apdu lock: %s\n", strerror (errno));
#endif /*USE_NPTH*/
/* Find an unused reader slot for PORTSTR and put it into the reader
table. Return -1 on error or the index into the reader table.
Acquire slot's lock on successful return. Caller needs to unlock it. */
static int
new_reader_slot (void)
int i, reader = -1;
int err;
for (i=0; i < MAX_READER; i++)
if (!reader_table[i].used && reader == -1)
reader = i;
if (reader == -1)
log_error ("new_reader_slot: out of slots\n");
return -1;
#ifdef USE_NPTH
if (!reader_table[reader].lock_initialized)
err = npth_mutex_init (&reader_table[reader].lock, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error initializing mutex: %s\n", strerror (err));
return -1;
reader_table[reader].lock_initialized = 1;
#endif /*USE_NPTH*/
if (lock_slot (reader))
log_error ("error locking mutex: %s\n", strerror (errno));
return -1;
reader_table[reader].connect_card = NULL;
reader_table[reader].disconnect_card = NULL;
reader_table[reader].close_reader = NULL;
reader_table[reader].reset_reader = NULL;
reader_table[reader].get_status_reader = NULL;
reader_table[reader].send_apdu_reader = NULL;
reader_table[reader].check_pinpad = check_pcsc_pinpad;
reader_table[reader].dump_status_reader = NULL;
reader_table[reader].set_progress_cb = NULL;
reader_table[reader].pinpad_verify = pcsc_pinpad_verify;
reader_table[reader].pinpad_modify = pcsc_pinpad_modify;
reader_table[reader].used = 1;
reader_table[reader].any_status = 0;
reader_table[reader].last_status = 0;
reader_table[reader].is_t0 = 1;
reader_table[reader].is_spr532 = 0;
reader_table[reader].pinpad_varlen_supported = 0;
reader_table[reader].pcsc.req_fd = -1;
reader_table[reader].pcsc.rsp_fd = -1;
reader_table[reader] = (pid_t)(-1);
reader_table[reader].pcsc.verify_ioctl = 0;
reader_table[reader].pcsc.modify_ioctl = 0;
reader_table[reader].pcsc.pinmin = -1;
reader_table[reader].pcsc.pinmax = -1;
return reader;
static void
dump_reader_status (int slot)
if (!opt.verbose)
if (reader_table[slot].dump_status_reader)
reader_table[slot].dump_status_reader (slot);
if (reader_table[slot].status != -1
&& reader_table[slot].atrlen)
log_info ("slot %d: ATR=", slot);
log_printhex ("", reader_table[slot].atr, reader_table[slot].atrlen);
static const char *
host_sw_string (long err)
switch (err)
case 0: return "okay";
case SW_HOST_OUT_OF_CORE: return "out of core";
case SW_HOST_INV_VALUE: return "invalid value";
case SW_HOST_NO_DRIVER: return "no driver";
case SW_HOST_NOT_SUPPORTED: return "not supported";
case SW_HOST_LOCKING_FAILED: return "locking failed";
case SW_HOST_BUSY: return "busy";
case SW_HOST_NO_CARD: return "no card";
case SW_HOST_CARD_INACTIVE: return "card inactive";
case SW_HOST_CARD_IO_ERROR: return "card I/O error";
case SW_HOST_GENERAL_ERROR: return "general error";
case SW_HOST_NO_READER: return "no reader";
case SW_HOST_ABORTED: return "aborted";
case SW_HOST_NO_PINPAD: return "no pinpad";
case SW_HOST_ALREADY_CONNECTED: return "already connected";
default: return "unknown host status error";
const char *
apdu_strerror (int rc)
switch (rc)
case SW_EOF_REACHED : return "eof reached";
case SW_EEPROM_FAILURE : return "eeprom failure";
case SW_WRONG_LENGTH : return "wrong length";
case SW_CHV_WRONG : return "CHV wrong";
case SW_CHV_BLOCKED : return "CHV blocked";
case SW_REF_DATA_INV : return "referenced data invalidated";
case SW_USE_CONDITIONS : return "use conditions not satisfied";
case SW_BAD_PARAMETER : return "bad parameter";
case SW_NOT_SUPPORTED : return "not supported";
case SW_FILE_NOT_FOUND : return "file not found";
case SW_RECORD_NOT_FOUND:return "record not found";
case SW_REF_NOT_FOUND : return "reference not found";
case SW_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: return "not enough memory space in the file";
case SW_INCONSISTENT_LC: return "Lc inconsistent with TLV structure.";
case SW_INCORRECT_P0_P1: return "incorrect parameters P0,P1";
case SW_BAD_LC : return "Lc inconsistent with P0,P1";
case SW_BAD_P0_P1 : return "bad P0,P1";
case SW_INS_NOT_SUP : return "instruction not supported";
case SW_CLA_NOT_SUP : return "class not supported";
case SW_SUCCESS : return "success";
if ((rc & ~0x00ff) == SW_MORE_DATA)
return "more data available";
if ( (rc & 0x10000) )
return host_sw_string (rc);
return "unknown status error";
ct API Interface
static const char *
ct_error_string (long err)
switch (err)
case 0: return "okay";
case -1: return "invalid data";
case -8: return "ct error";
case -10: return "transmission error";
case -11: return "memory allocation error";
case -128: return "HTSI error";
default: return "unknown CT-API error";
static void
ct_dump_reader_status (int slot)
log_info ("reader slot %d: %s\n", slot,
reader_table[slot].status == 1? "Processor ICC present" :
reader_table[slot].status == 0? "Memory ICC present" :
"ICC not present" );
/* Wait for the card in SLOT and activate it. Return a status word
error or 0 on success. */
static int
ct_activate_card (int slot)
int rc;
unsigned char dad[1], sad[1], cmd[11], buf[256];
unsigned short buflen;
/* Check whether card has been inserted. */
dad[0] = 1; /* Destination address: CT. */
sad[0] = 2; /* Source address: Host. */
cmd[0] = 0x20; /* Class byte. */
cmd[1] = 0x13; /* Request status. */
cmd[2] = 0x00; /* From kernel. */
cmd[3] = 0x80; /* Return card's DO. */
cmd[4] = 0x00;
buflen = DIM(buf);
rc = CT_data (slot, dad, sad, 5, cmd, &buflen, buf);
if (rc || buflen < 2 || buf[buflen-2] != 0x90)
log_error ("ct_activate_card: can't get status of reader %d: %s\n",
slot, ct_error_string (rc));
/* Connected, now activate the card. */
dad[0] = 1; /* Destination address: CT. */
sad[0] = 2; /* Source address: Host. */
cmd[0] = 0x20; /* Class byte. */
cmd[1] = 0x12; /* Request ICC. */
cmd[2] = 0x01; /* From first interface. */
cmd[3] = 0x01; /* Return card's ATR. */
cmd[4] = 0x00;
buflen = DIM(buf);
rc = CT_data (slot, dad, sad, 5, cmd, &buflen, buf);
if (rc || buflen < 2 || buf[buflen-2] != 0x90)
log_error ("ct_activate_card(%d): activation failed: %s\n",
slot, ct_error_string (rc));
if (!rc)
log_printhex (" received data:", buf, buflen);
/* Store the type and the ATR. */
if (buflen - 2 > DIM (reader_table[0].atr))
log_error ("ct_activate_card(%d): ATR too long\n", slot);
reader_table[slot].status = buf[buflen - 1];
memcpy (reader_table[slot].atr, buf, buflen - 2);
reader_table[slot].atrlen = buflen - 2;
return 0;
static int
close_ct_reader (int slot)
CT_close (slot);
reader_table[slot].used = 0;
return 0;
static int
reset_ct_reader (int slot)
/* FIXME: Check is this is sufficient do do a reset. */
return ct_activate_card (slot);
static int
ct_get_status (int slot, unsigned int *status)
/* The status we returned is wrong but we don't care because ctAPI
is not anymore required. */
return 0;
/* Actually send the APDU of length APDULEN to SLOT and return a
maximum of *BUFLEN data in BUFFER, the actual returned size will be
set to BUFLEN. Returns: CT API error code. */
static int
ct_send_apdu (int slot, unsigned char *apdu, size_t apdulen,
unsigned char *buffer, size_t *buflen, pininfo_t *pininfo)
int rc;
unsigned char dad[1], sad[1];
unsigned short ctbuflen;
/* If we don't have an ATR, we need to reset the reader first. */
if (!reader_table[slot].atrlen
&& (rc = reset_ct_reader (slot)))
return rc;
dad[0] = 0; /* Destination address: Card. */
sad[0] = 2; /* Source address: Host. */
ctbuflen = *buflen;
log_printhex (" CT_data:", apdu, apdulen);
rc = CT_data (slot, dad, sad, apdulen, apdu, &ctbuflen, buffer);
*buflen = ctbuflen;
return rc? SW_HOST_CARD_IO_ERROR: 0;
/* Open a reader and return an internal handle for it. PORT is a
non-negative value with the port number of the reader. USB readers
do have port numbers starting at 32769. */
static int
open_ct_reader (int port)
int rc, reader;
if (port < 0 || port > 0xffff)
log_error ("open_ct_reader: invalid port %d requested\n", port);
return -1;
reader = new_reader_slot ();
if (reader == -1)
return reader;
reader_table[reader].port = port;
rc = CT_init (reader, (unsigned short)port);
if (rc)
log_error ("apdu_open_ct_reader failed on port %d: %s\n",
port, ct_error_string (rc));
reader_table[reader].used = 0;
unlock_slot (reader);
return -1;
/* Only try to activate the card. */
rc = ct_activate_card (reader);
if (rc)
reader_table[reader].atrlen = 0;
rc = 0;
reader_table[reader].close_reader = close_ct_reader;
reader_table[reader].reset_reader = reset_ct_reader;
reader_table[reader].get_status_reader = ct_get_status;
reader_table[reader].send_apdu_reader = ct_send_apdu;
reader_table[reader].check_pinpad = NULL;
reader_table[reader].dump_status_reader = ct_dump_reader_status;
reader_table[reader].pinpad_verify = NULL;
reader_table[reader].pinpad_modify = NULL;
dump_reader_status (reader);
unlock_slot (reader);
return reader;
PC/SC Interface
static int
writen (int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes)
size_t nleft = nbytes;
int nwritten;
/* log_printhex (" writen:", buf, nbytes); */
while (nleft > 0)
#ifdef USE_NPTH
nwritten = npth_write (fd, buf, nleft);
nwritten = write (fd, buf, nleft);
if (nwritten < 0 && errno == EINTR)
if (nwritten < 0)
return -1;
nleft -= nwritten;
buf = (const char*)buf + nwritten;
return 0;
/* Read up to BUFLEN bytes from FD and return the number of bytes
actually read in NREAD. Returns -1 on error or 0 on success. */
static int
readn (int fd, void *buf, size_t buflen, size_t *nread)
size_t nleft = buflen;
int n;
/* void *orig_buf = buf; */
while (nleft > 0)
#ifdef USE_NPTH
# ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# error Cannot use npth_read here because it expects a system HANDLE.
# endif
n = npth_read (fd, buf, nleft);
n = read (fd, buf, nleft);
if (n < 0 && errno == EINTR)
if (n < 0)
return -1; /* read error. */
if (!n)
break; /* EOF */
nleft -= n;
buf = (char*)buf + n;
if (nread)
*nread = buflen - nleft;
/* log_printhex (" readn:", orig_buf, *nread); */
return 0;
static const char *
pcsc_error_string (long err)
const char *s;
if (!err)
return "okay";
if ((err & 0x80100000) != 0x80100000)
return "invalid PC/SC error code";
err &= 0xffff;
switch (err)
case 0x0002: s = "cancelled"; break;
case 0x000e: s = "can't dispose"; break;
case 0x0008: s = "insufficient buffer"; break;
case 0x0015: s = "invalid ATR"; break;
case 0x0003: s = "invalid handle"; break;
case 0x0004: s = "invalid parameter"; break;
case 0x0005: s = "invalid target"; break;
case 0x0011: s = "invalid value"; break;
case 0x0006: s = "no memory"; break;
case 0x0013: s = "comm error"; break;
case 0x0001: s = "internal error"; break;
case 0x0014: s = "unknown error"; break;
case 0x0007: s = "waited too long"; break;
case 0x0009: s = "unknown reader"; break;
case 0x000a: s = "timeout"; break;
case 0x000b: s = "sharing violation"; break;
case 0x000c: s = "no smartcard"; break;
case 0x000d: s = "unknown card"; break;
case 0x000f: s = "proto mismatch"; break;
case 0x0010: s = "not ready"; break;
case 0x0012: s = "system cancelled"; break;
case 0x0016: s = "not transacted"; break;
case 0x0017: s = "reader unavailable"; break;
case 0x0065: s = "unsupported card"; break;
case 0x0066: s = "unresponsive card"; break;
case 0x0067: s = "unpowered card"; break;
case 0x0068: s = "reset card"; break;
case 0x0069: s = "removed card"; break;
case 0x006a: s = "inserted card"; break;
case 0x001f: s = "unsupported feature"; break;
case 0x0019: s = "PCI too small"; break;
case 0x001a: s = "reader unsupported"; break;
case 0x001b: s = "duplicate reader"; break;
case 0x001c: s = "card unsupported"; break;
case 0x001d: s = "no service"; break;
case 0x001e: s = "service stopped"; break;
default: s = "unknown PC/SC error code"; break;
return s;
/* Map PC/SC error codes to our special host status words. */
static int
pcsc_error_to_sw (long ec)
int rc;
switch ( PCSC_ERR_MASK (ec) )
case 0: rc = 0; break;
default: rc = SW_HOST_GENERAL_ERROR; break;
return rc;
static void
dump_pcsc_reader_status (int slot)
if (reader_table[slot].pcsc.card)
log_info ("reader slot %d: active protocol:", slot);
if ((reader_table[slot].pcsc.protocol & PCSC_PROTOCOL_T0))
log_printf (" T0");
else if ((reader_table[slot].pcsc.protocol & PCSC_PROTOCOL_T1))
log_printf (" T1");
else if ((reader_table[slot].pcsc.protocol & PCSC_PROTOCOL_RAW))
log_printf (" raw");
log_printf ("\n");
log_info ("reader slot %d: not connected\n", slot);
static int
pcsc_get_status_direct (int slot, unsigned int *status)
long err;
struct pcsc_readerstate_s rdrstates[1];
memset (rdrstates, 0, sizeof *rdrstates);
rdrstates[0].reader = reader_table[slot].rdrname;
rdrstates[0].current_state = PCSC_STATE_UNAWARE;
err = pcsc_get_status_change (reader_table[slot].pcsc.context,
rdrstates, 1);
if (err == PCSC_E_TIMEOUT)
err = 0; /* Timeout is no error error here. */
if (err)
log_error ("pcsc_get_status_change failed: %s (0x%lx)\n",
pcsc_error_string (err), err);
return pcsc_error_to_sw (err);
/* log_debug */
/* ("pcsc_get_status_change: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", */
/* (rdrstates[0].event_state & PCSC_STATE_IGNORE)? " ignore":"", */
/* (rdrstates[0].event_state & PCSC_STATE_CHANGED)? " changed":"", */
/* (rdrstates[0].event_state & PCSC_STATE_UNKNOWN)? " unknown":"", */
/* (rdrstates[0].event_state & PCSC_STATE_UNAVAILABLE)?" unavail":"", */
/* (rdrstates[0].event_state & PCSC_STATE_EMPTY)? " empty":"", */
/* (rdrstates[0].event_state & PCSC_STATE_PRESENT)? " present":"", */
/* (rdrstates[0].event_state & PCSC_STATE_ATRMATCH)? " atr":"", */
/* (rdrstates[0].event_state & PCSC_STATE_EXCLUSIVE)? " excl":"", */
/* (rdrstates[0].event_state & PCSC_STATE_INUSE)? " unuse":"", */
/* (rdrstates[0].event_state & PCSC_STATE_MUTE)? " mute":"" ); */
*status = 0;
if ( (rdrstates[0].event_state & PCSC_STATE_PRESENT) )
if ( !(rdrstates[0].event_state & PCSC_STATE_MUTE) )
*status |= APDU_CARD_ACTIVE;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* We indicate a useful card if it is not in use by another
application. This is because we only use exclusive access
mode. */
&& !(rdrstates[0].event_state & PCSC_STATE_INUSE) )
*status |= APDU_CARD_USABLE;
/* Some winscard drivers may set EXCLUSIVE and INUSE at the same
time when we are the only user (SCM SCR335) under Windows. */
*status |= APDU_CARD_USABLE;
return 0;
static int
pcsc_get_status_wrapped (int slot, unsigned int *status)
long err;
reader_table_t slotp;
size_t len, full_len;
int i, n;
unsigned char msgbuf[9];
unsigned char buffer[16];
slotp = reader_table + slot;
if (slotp->pcsc.req_fd == -1
|| slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd == -1
|| slotp-> == (pid_t)(-1) )
log_error ("pcsc_get_status: pcsc-wrapper not running\n");
return sw;
msgbuf[0] = 0x04; /* STATUS command. */
len = 0;
msgbuf[1] = (len >> 24);
msgbuf[2] = (len >> 16);
msgbuf[3] = (len >> 8);
msgbuf[4] = (len );
if ( writen (slotp->pcsc.req_fd, msgbuf, 5) )
log_error ("error sending PC/SC STATUS request: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
goto command_failed;
/* Read the response. */
if ((i=readn (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd, msgbuf, 9, &len)) || len != 9)
log_error ("error receiving PC/SC STATUS response: %s\n",
i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF");
goto command_failed;
len = buf_to_size_t (msgbuf+1);
if (msgbuf[0] != 0x81 || len < 4)
log_error ("invalid response header from PC/SC received\n");
goto command_failed;
len -= 4; /* Already read the error code. */
err = PCSC_ERR_MASK (buf32_to_ulong (msgbuf+5));
if (err)
log_error ("pcsc_status failed: %s (0x%lx)\n",
pcsc_error_string (err), err);
/* This is a proper error code, so return immediately. */
return pcsc_error_to_sw (err);
full_len = len;
/* The current version returns 3 words but we allow also for old
versions returning only 2 words. */
n = 12 < len ? 12 : len;
if ((i=readn (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd, buffer, n, &len))
|| (len != 8 && len != 12))
log_error ("error receiving PC/SC STATUS response: %s\n",
i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF");
goto command_failed;
slotp->is_t0 = (len == 12 && !!(buffer[11] & PCSC_PROTOCOL_T0));
full_len -= len;
/* Newer versions of the wrapper might send more status bytes.
Read them. */
while (full_len)
unsigned char dummybuf[128];
n = full_len < DIM (dummybuf) ? full_len : DIM (dummybuf);
if ((i=readn (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd, dummybuf, n, &len)) || len != n)
log_error ("error receiving PC/SC TRANSMIT response: %s\n",
i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF");
goto command_failed;
full_len -= n;
/* We are lucky: The wrapper already returns the data in the
required format. */
*status = buffer[3];
return 0;
close (slotp->pcsc.req_fd);
close (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd);
slotp->pcsc.req_fd = -1;
slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd = -1;
if (slotp-> != -1)
kill (slotp->, SIGTERM);
slotp-> = (pid_t)(-1);
slotp->used = 0;
return sw;
static int
pcsc_get_status (int slot, unsigned int *status)
return pcsc_get_status_wrapped (slot, status);
return pcsc_get_status_direct (slot, status);
static int
pcsc_send_apdu_direct (int slot, unsigned char *apdu, size_t apdulen,
unsigned char *buffer, size_t *buflen,
pininfo_t *pininfo)
long err;
struct pcsc_io_request_s send_pci;
pcsc_dword_t recv_len;
if (!reader_table[slot].atrlen
&& (err = reset_pcsc_reader (slot)))
return err;
log_printhex (" PCSC_data:", apdu, apdulen);
if ((reader_table[slot].pcsc.protocol & PCSC_PROTOCOL_T1))
send_pci.protocol = PCSC_PROTOCOL_T1;
send_pci.protocol = PCSC_PROTOCOL_T0;
send_pci.pci_len = sizeof send_pci;
recv_len = *buflen;
err = pcsc_transmit (reader_table[slot].pcsc.card,
&send_pci, apdu, apdulen,
NULL, buffer, &recv_len);
*buflen = recv_len;
if (err)
log_error ("pcsc_transmit failed: %s (0x%lx)\n",
pcsc_error_string (err), err);
return pcsc_error_to_sw (err);
static int
pcsc_send_apdu_wrapped (int slot, unsigned char *apdu, size_t apdulen,
unsigned char *buffer, size_t *buflen,
pininfo_t *pininfo)
long err;
reader_table_t slotp;
size_t len, full_len;
int i, n;
unsigned char msgbuf[9];
if (!reader_table[slot].atrlen
&& (err = reset_pcsc_reader (slot)))
return err;
log_printhex (" PCSC_data:", apdu, apdulen);
slotp = reader_table + slot;
if (slotp->pcsc.req_fd == -1
|| slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd == -1
|| slotp-> == (pid_t)(-1) )
log_error ("pcsc_send_apdu: pcsc-wrapper not running\n");
return sw;
msgbuf[0] = 0x03; /* TRANSMIT command. */
len = apdulen;
msgbuf[1] = (len >> 24);
msgbuf[2] = (len >> 16);
msgbuf[3] = (len >> 8);
msgbuf[4] = (len );
if ( writen (slotp->pcsc.req_fd, msgbuf, 5)
|| writen (slotp->pcsc.req_fd, apdu, len))
log_error ("error sending PC/SC TRANSMIT request: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
goto command_failed;
/* Read the response. */
if ((i=readn (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd, msgbuf, 9, &len)) || len != 9)
log_error ("error receiving PC/SC TRANSMIT response: %s\n",
i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF");
goto command_failed;
len = buf_to_size_t (msgbuf+1);
if (msgbuf[0] != 0x81 || len < 4)
log_error ("invalid response header from PC/SC received\n");
goto command_failed;
len -= 4; /* Already read the error code. */
err = PCSC_ERR_MASK (buf32_to_ulong (msgbuf+5));
if (err)
log_error ("pcsc_transmit failed: %s (0x%lx)\n",
pcsc_error_string (err), err);
return pcsc_error_to_sw (err);
full_len = len;
n = *buflen < len ? *buflen : len;
if ((i=readn (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd, buffer, n, &len)) || len != n)
log_error ("error receiving PC/SC TRANSMIT response: %s\n",
i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF");
goto command_failed;
*buflen = n;
full_len -= len;
if (full_len)
log_error ("pcsc_send_apdu: provided buffer too short - truncated\n");
/* We need to read any rest of the response, to keep the
protocol running. */
while (full_len)
unsigned char dummybuf[128];
n = full_len < DIM (dummybuf) ? full_len : DIM (dummybuf);
if ((i=readn (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd, dummybuf, n, &len)) || len != n)
log_error ("error receiving PC/SC TRANSMIT response: %s\n",
i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF");
goto command_failed;
full_len -= n;
return err;
close (slotp->pcsc.req_fd);
close (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd);
slotp->pcsc.req_fd = -1;
slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd = -1;
if (slotp-> != -1)
kill (slotp->, SIGTERM);
slotp-> = (pid_t)(-1);
slotp->used = 0;
return sw;
/* Send the APDU of length APDULEN to SLOT and return a maximum of
*BUFLEN data in BUFFER, the actual returned size will be stored at
BUFLEN. Returns: A status word. */
static int
pcsc_send_apdu (int slot, unsigned char *apdu, size_t apdulen,
unsigned char *buffer, size_t *buflen,
pininfo_t *pininfo)
return pcsc_send_apdu_wrapped (slot, apdu, apdulen, buffer, buflen, pininfo);
return pcsc_send_apdu_direct (slot, apdu, apdulen, buffer, buflen, pininfo);
static int
control_pcsc_direct (int slot, pcsc_dword_t ioctl_code,
const unsigned char *cntlbuf, size_t len,
unsigned char *buffer, pcsc_dword_t *buflen)
long err;
err = pcsc_control (reader_table[slot].pcsc.card, ioctl_code,
cntlbuf, len, buffer, buflen? *buflen:0, buflen);
if (err)
log_error ("pcsc_control failed: %s (0x%lx)\n",
pcsc_error_string (err), err);
return pcsc_error_to_sw (err);
return 0;
static int
control_pcsc_wrapped (int slot, pcsc_dword_t ioctl_code,
const unsigned char *cntlbuf, size_t len,
unsigned char *buffer, pcsc_dword_t *buflen)
reader_table_t slotp;
unsigned char msgbuf[9];
int i, n;
size_t full_len;
slotp = reader_table + slot;
msgbuf[0] = 0x06; /* CONTROL command. */
msgbuf[1] = ((len + 4) >> 24);
msgbuf[2] = ((len + 4) >> 16);
msgbuf[3] = ((len + 4) >> 8);
msgbuf[4] = ((len + 4) );
msgbuf[5] = (ioctl_code >> 24);
msgbuf[6] = (ioctl_code >> 16);
msgbuf[7] = (ioctl_code >> 8);
msgbuf[8] = (ioctl_code );
if ( writen (slotp->pcsc.req_fd, msgbuf, 9)
|| writen (slotp->pcsc.req_fd, cntlbuf, len))
log_error ("error sending PC/SC CONTROL request: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
goto command_failed;
/* Read the response. */
if ((i=readn (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd, msgbuf, 9, &len)) || len != 9)
log_error ("error receiving PC/SC CONTROL response: %s\n",
i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF");
goto command_failed;
len = buf32_to_size_t (msgbuf+1);
if (msgbuf[0] != 0x81 || len < 4)
log_error ("invalid response header from PC/SC received\n");
goto command_failed;
len -= 4; /* Already read the error code. */
err = PCSC_ERR_MASK (buf32_to_ulong (msgbuf+5));
if (err)
log_error ("pcsc_control failed: %s (0x%lx)\n",
pcsc_error_string (err), err);
return pcsc_error_to_sw (err);
full_len = len;
if (buflen)
n = *buflen < len ? *buflen : len;
n = 0;
if ((i=readn (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd, buffer, n, &len)) || len != n)
log_error ("error receiving PC/SC CONTROL response: %s\n",
i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF");
goto command_failed;
if (buflen)
*buflen = n;
full_len -= len;
if (full_len)
log_error ("pcsc_send_apdu: provided buffer too short - truncated\n");
/* We need to read any rest of the response, to keep the
protocol running. */
while (full_len)
unsigned char dummybuf[128];
n = full_len < DIM (dummybuf) ? full_len : DIM (dummybuf);
if ((i=readn (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd, dummybuf, n, &len)) || len != n)
log_error ("error receiving PC/SC CONTROL response: %s\n",
i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF");
goto command_failed;
full_len -= n;
if (!err)
return 0;
close (slotp->pcsc.req_fd);
close (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd);
slotp->pcsc.req_fd = -1;
slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd = -1;
if (slotp-> != -1)
kill (slotp->, SIGTERM);
slotp-> = (pid_t)(-1);
slotp->used = 0;
return pcsc_error_to_sw (err);
/* Do some control with the value of IOCTL_CODE to the card inserted
to SLOT. Input buffer is specified by CNTLBUF of length LEN.
Output buffer is specified by BUFFER of length *BUFLEN, and the
actual output size will be stored at BUFLEN. Returns: A status word.
This routine is used for PIN pad input support. */
static int
control_pcsc (int slot, pcsc_dword_t ioctl_code,
const unsigned char *cntlbuf, size_t len,
unsigned char *buffer, pcsc_dword_t *buflen)
return control_pcsc_wrapped (slot, ioctl_code, cntlbuf, len, buffer, buflen);
return control_pcsc_direct (slot, ioctl_code, cntlbuf, len, buffer, buflen);
static int
close_pcsc_reader_direct (int slot)
pcsc_release_context (reader_table[slot].pcsc.context);
xfree (reader_table[slot].rdrname);
reader_table[slot].rdrname = NULL;
reader_table[slot].used = 0;
return 0;
static int
close_pcsc_reader_wrapped (int slot)
long err;
reader_table_t slotp;
size_t len;
int i;
unsigned char msgbuf[9];
slotp = reader_table + slot;
if (slotp->pcsc.req_fd == -1
|| slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd == -1
|| slotp-> == (pid_t)(-1) )
log_error ("close_pcsc_reader: pcsc-wrapper not running\n");
return 0;
msgbuf[0] = 0x02; /* CLOSE command. */
len = 0;
msgbuf[1] = (len >> 24);
msgbuf[2] = (len >> 16);
msgbuf[3] = (len >> 8);
msgbuf[4] = (len );
if ( writen (slotp->pcsc.req_fd, msgbuf, 5) )
log_error ("error sending PC/SC CLOSE request: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
goto command_failed;
/* Read the response. */
if ((i=readn (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd, msgbuf, 9, &len)) || len != 9)
log_error ("error receiving PC/SC CLOSE response: %s\n",
i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF");
goto command_failed;
len = buf32_to_size_t (msgbuf+1);
if (msgbuf[0] != 0x81 || len < 4)
log_error ("invalid response header from PC/SC received\n");
goto command_failed;
len -= 4; /* Already read the error code. */
err = PCSC_ERR_MASK (buf32_to_ulong (msgbuf+5));
if (err)
log_error ("pcsc_close failed: %s (0x%lx)\n",
pcsc_error_string (err), err);
/* We will close the wrapper in any case - errors are merely
informational. */
close (slotp->pcsc.req_fd);
close (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd);
slotp->pcsc.req_fd = -1;
slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd = -1;
if (slotp-> != -1)
kill (slotp->, SIGTERM);
slotp-> = (pid_t)(-1);
slotp->used = 0;
return 0;
static int
close_pcsc_reader (int slot)
return close_pcsc_reader_wrapped (slot);
return close_pcsc_reader_direct (slot);
/* Connect a PC/SC card. */
static int
connect_pcsc_card (int slot)
long err;
assert (slot >= 0 && slot < MAX_READER);
if (reader_table[slot].pcsc.card)
reader_table[slot].atrlen = 0;
reader_table[slot].last_status = 0;
reader_table[slot].is_t0 = 0;
err = pcsc_connect (reader_table[slot].pcsc.context,
if (err)
reader_table[slot].pcsc.card = 0;
log_error ("pcsc_connect failed: %s (0x%lx)\n",
pcsc_error_string (err), err);
char reader[250];
pcsc_dword_t readerlen, atrlen;
pcsc_dword_t card_state, card_protocol;
pcsc_vendor_specific_init (slot);
atrlen = DIM (reader_table[0].atr);
readerlen = sizeof reader -1 ;
err = pcsc_status (reader_table[slot].pcsc.card,
reader, &readerlen,
&card_state, &card_protocol,
reader_table[slot].atr, &atrlen);
if (err)
log_error ("pcsc_status failed: %s (0x%lx) %lu\n",
pcsc_error_string (err), err, (long unsigned int)readerlen);
if (atrlen > DIM (reader_table[0].atr))
log_bug ("ATR returned by pcsc_status is too large\n");
reader_table[slot].atrlen = atrlen;
/* If we got to here we know that a card is present
and usable. Remember this. */
reader_table[slot].last_status = ( APDU_CARD_USABLE
reader_table[slot].is_t0 = !!(card_protocol & PCSC_PROTOCOL_T0);
dump_reader_status (slot);
return pcsc_error_to_sw (err);
/* Disconnect a PC/SC card. Note that this succeeds even if the card
is not connected. */
static int
disconnect_pcsc_card (int slot)
long err;
assert (slot >= 0 && slot < MAX_READER);
if (!reader_table[slot].pcsc.card)
return 0;
err = pcsc_disconnect (reader_table[slot].pcsc.card, PCSC_LEAVE_CARD);
if (err)
log_error ("pcsc_disconnect failed: %s (0x%lx)\n",
pcsc_error_string (err), err);
reader_table[slot].pcsc.card = 0;
return 0;
static int
reset_pcsc_reader_direct (int slot)
int sw;
sw = disconnect_pcsc_card (slot);
if (!sw)
sw = connect_pcsc_card (slot);
return sw;
static int
reset_pcsc_reader_wrapped (int slot)
long err;
reader_table_t slotp;
size_t len;
int i, n;
unsigned char msgbuf[9];
unsigned int dummy_status;
slotp = reader_table + slot;
if (slotp->pcsc.req_fd == -1
|| slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd == -1
|| slotp-> == (pid_t)(-1) )
log_error ("pcsc_get_status: pcsc-wrapper not running\n");
return sw;
msgbuf[0] = 0x05; /* RESET command. */
len = 0;
msgbuf[1] = (len >> 24);
msgbuf[2] = (len >> 16);
msgbuf[3] = (len >> 8);
msgbuf[4] = (len );
if ( writen (slotp->pcsc.req_fd, msgbuf, 5) )
log_error ("error sending PC/SC RESET request: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
goto command_failed;
/* Read the response. */
if ((i=readn (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd, msgbuf, 9, &len)) || len != 9)
log_error ("error receiving PC/SC RESET response: %s\n",
i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF");
goto command_failed;
len = buf32_to_size_t (msgbuf+1);
if (msgbuf[0] != 0x81 || len < 4)
log_error ("invalid response header from PC/SC received\n");
goto command_failed;
len -= 4; /* Already read the error code. */
if (len > DIM (slotp->atr))
log_error ("PC/SC returned a too large ATR (len=%lx)\n",
(unsigned long)len);
goto command_failed;
err = PCSC_ERR_MASK (buf32_to_ulong (msgbuf+5));
if (err)
log_error ("PC/SC RESET failed: %s (0x%lx)\n",
pcsc_error_string (err), err);
/* If the error code is no smart card, we should not considere
this a major error and close the wrapper. */
sw = pcsc_error_to_sw (err);
return sw;
goto command_failed;
/* The open function may return a zero for the ATR length to
indicate that no card is present. */
n = len;
if (n)
if ((i=readn (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd, slotp->atr, n, &len)) || len != n)
log_error ("error receiving PC/SC RESET response: %s\n",
i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF");
goto command_failed;
slotp->atrlen = len;
/* Read the status so that IS_T0 will be set. */
pcsc_get_status (slot, &dummy_status);
return 0;
close (slotp->pcsc.req_fd);
close (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd);
slotp->pcsc.req_fd = -1;
slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd = -1;
if (slotp-> != -1)
kill (slotp->, SIGTERM);
slotp-> = (pid_t)(-1);
slotp->used = 0;
return sw;
#endif /* !NEED_PCSC_WRAPPER */
/* Send an PC/SC reset command and return a status word on error or 0
on success. */
static int
reset_pcsc_reader (int slot)
return reset_pcsc_reader_wrapped (slot);
return reset_pcsc_reader_direct (slot);
/* Examine reader specific parameters and initialize. This is mostly
for pinpad input. Called at opening the connection to the reader. */
static int
pcsc_vendor_specific_init (int slot)
unsigned char buf[256];
pcsc_dword_t len;
int sw;
int vendor = 0;
int product = 0;
pcsc_dword_t get_tlv_ioctl = (pcsc_dword_t)-1;
unsigned char *p;
len = sizeof (buf);
sw = control_pcsc (slot, CM_IOCTL_GET_FEATURE_REQUEST, NULL, 0, buf, &len);
if (sw)
log_error ("pcsc_vendor_specific_init: GET_FEATURE_REQUEST failed: %d\n",
p = buf;
while (p < buf + len)
unsigned char code = *p++;
int l = *p++;
unsigned int v = 0;
if (l == 1)
v = p[0];
else if (l == 2)
v = buf16_to_uint (p);
else if (l == 4)
v = buf32_to_uint (p);
reader_table[slot].pcsc.verify_ioctl = v;
reader_table[slot].pcsc.modify_ioctl = v;
get_tlv_ioctl = v;
log_debug ("feature: code=%02X, len=%d, v=%02X\n", code, l, v);
p += l;
if (get_tlv_ioctl == (pcsc_dword_t)-1)
* For system which doesn't support GET_TLV_PROPERTIES,
* we put some heuristics here.
if (reader_table[slot].rdrname)
if (strstr (reader_table[slot].rdrname, "SPRx32"))
reader_table[slot].is_spr532 = 1;
reader_table[slot].pinpad_varlen_supported = 1;
else if (strstr (reader_table[slot].rdrname, "ST-2xxx"))
reader_table[slot].pcsc.pinmax = 15;
reader_table[slot].pinpad_varlen_supported = 1;
else if (strstr (reader_table[slot].rdrname, "cyberJack")
|| strstr (reader_table[slot].rdrname, "DIGIPASS")
|| strstr (reader_table[slot].rdrname, "Gnuk")
|| strstr (reader_table[slot].rdrname, "KAAN"))
reader_table[slot].pinpad_varlen_supported = 1;
return 0;
len = sizeof (buf);
sw = control_pcsc (slot, get_tlv_ioctl, NULL, 0, buf, &len);
if (sw)
log_error ("pcsc_vendor_specific_init: GET_TLV_IOCTL failed: %d\n", sw);
p = buf;
while (p < buf + len)
unsigned char tag = *p++;
int l = *p++;
unsigned int v = 0;
/* Umm... here is little endian, while the encoding above is big. */
if (l == 1)
v = p[0];
else if (l == 2)
v = (((unsigned int)p[1] << 8) | p[0]);
else if (l == 4)
v = (((unsigned int)p[3] << 24) | (p[2] << 16) | (p[1] << 8) | p[0]);
if (tag == PCSCv2_PART10_PROPERTY_bMinPINSize)
reader_table[slot].pcsc.pinmin = v;
else if (tag == PCSCv2_PART10_PROPERTY_bMaxPINSize)
reader_table[slot].pcsc.pinmax = v;
else if (tag == PCSCv2_PART10_PROPERTY_wIdVendor)
vendor = v;
else if (tag == PCSCv2_PART10_PROPERTY_wIdProduct)
product = v;
log_debug ("TLV properties: tag=%02X, len=%d, v=%08X\n", tag, l, v);
p += l;
if (vendor == VENDOR_VEGA && product == VEGA_ALPHA)
* Please read the comment of ccid_vendor_specific_init in
* ccid-driver.c.
const unsigned char cmd[] = { '\xb5', '\x01', '\x00', '\x03', '\x00' };
sw = control_pcsc (slot, CM_IOCTL_VENDOR_IFD_EXCHANGE,
cmd, sizeof (cmd), NULL, 0);
if (sw)
else if (vendor == VENDOR_SCM && product == SCM_SPR532) /* SCM SPR532 */
reader_table[slot].is_spr532 = 1;
reader_table[slot].pinpad_varlen_supported = 1;
else if (vendor == 0x046a && product == 0x003e) /* Cherry ST-2xxx */
reader_table[slot].pcsc.pinmax = 15;
reader_table[slot].pinpad_varlen_supported = 1;
else if (vendor == 0x0c4b /* Tested with Reiner cyberJack GO */
|| vendor == 0x1a44 /* Tested with Vasco DIGIPASS 920 */
|| vendor == 0x234b /* Tested with FSIJ Gnuk Token */
|| vendor == 0x0d46 /* Tested with KAAN Advanced??? */)
reader_table[slot].pinpad_varlen_supported = 1;
return 0;
/* Open the PC/SC reader without using the wrapper. Returns -1 on
error or a slot number for the reader. */
static int
open_pcsc_reader_direct (const char *portstr)
long err;
int slot;
char *list = NULL;
char *rdrname = NULL;
pcsc_dword_t nreader;
char *p;
slot = new_reader_slot ();
if (slot == -1)
return -1;
/* Fixme: Allocating a context for each slot is not required. One
global context should be sufficient. */
err = pcsc_establish_context (PCSC_SCOPE_SYSTEM, NULL, NULL,
if (err)
log_error ("pcsc_establish_context failed: %s (0x%lx)\n",
pcsc_error_string (err), err);
reader_table[slot].used = 0;
unlock_slot (slot);
return -1;
err = pcsc_list_readers (reader_table[slot].pcsc.context,
NULL, NULL, &nreader);
if (!err)
list = xtrymalloc (nreader+1); /* Better add 1 for safety reasons. */
if (!list)
log_error ("error allocating memory for reader list\n");
pcsc_release_context (reader_table[slot].pcsc.context);
reader_table[slot].used = 0;
unlock_slot (slot);
return -1 /*SW_HOST_OUT_OF_CORE*/;
err = pcsc_list_readers (reader_table[slot].pcsc.context,
NULL, list, &nreader);
if (err)
log_error ("pcsc_list_readers failed: %s (0x%lx)\n",
pcsc_error_string (err), err);
pcsc_release_context (reader_table[slot].pcsc.context);
reader_table[slot].used = 0;
xfree (list);
unlock_slot (slot);
return -1;
p = list;
while (nreader)
if (!*p && !p[1])
log_info ("detected reader '%s'\n", p);
if (nreader < (strlen (p)+1))
log_error ("invalid response from pcsc_list_readers\n");
if (!rdrname && portstr && !strncmp (p, portstr, strlen (portstr)))
rdrname = p;
nreader -= strlen (p)+1;
p += strlen (p) + 1;
if (!rdrname)
rdrname = list;
reader_table[slot].rdrname = xtrystrdup (rdrname);
if (!reader_table[slot].rdrname)
log_error ("error allocating memory for reader name\n");
pcsc_release_context (reader_table[slot].pcsc.context);
reader_table[slot].used = 0;
unlock_slot (slot);
return -1;
xfree (list);
list = NULL;
reader_table[slot].pcsc.card = 0;
reader_table[slot].atrlen = 0;
reader_table[slot].last_status = 0;
reader_table[slot].connect_card = connect_pcsc_card;
reader_table[slot].disconnect_card = disconnect_pcsc_card;
reader_table[slot].close_reader = close_pcsc_reader;
reader_table[slot].reset_reader = reset_pcsc_reader;
reader_table[slot].get_status_reader = pcsc_get_status;
reader_table[slot].send_apdu_reader = pcsc_send_apdu;
reader_table[slot].dump_status_reader = dump_pcsc_reader_status;
dump_reader_status (slot);
unlock_slot (slot);
return slot;
#endif /*!NEED_PCSC_WRAPPER */
/* Open the PC/SC reader using the pcsc_wrapper program. This is
needed to cope with different thread models and other peculiarities
of libpcsclite. */
static int
open_pcsc_reader_wrapped (const char *portstr)
int slot;
reader_table_t slotp;
int fd, rp[2], wp[2];
int n, i;
pid_t pid;
size_t len;
unsigned char msgbuf[9];
int err;
unsigned int dummy_status;
/* Note that we use the constant and not the function because this
code won't be be used under Windows. */
const char *wrapperpgm = GNUPG_LIBEXECDIR "/gnupg-pcsc-wrapper";
if (access (wrapperpgm, X_OK))
log_error ("can't run PC/SC access module '%s': %s\n",
wrapperpgm, strerror (errno));
return -1;
slot = new_reader_slot ();
if (slot == -1)
return -1;
slotp = reader_table + slot;
/* Fire up the PC/SCc wrapper. We don't use any fork/exec code from
the common directy but implement it directly so that this file
may still be source copied. */
if (pipe (rp) == -1)
log_error ("error creating a pipe: %s\n", strerror (errno));
slotp->used = 0;
unlock_slot (slot);
return -1;
if (pipe (wp) == -1)
log_error ("error creating a pipe: %s\n", strerror (errno));
close (rp[0]);
close (rp[1]);
slotp->used = 0;
unlock_slot (slot);
return -1;
pid = fork ();
if (pid == -1)
log_error ("error forking process: %s\n", strerror (errno));
close (rp[0]);
close (rp[1]);
close (wp[0]);
close (wp[1]);
slotp->used = 0;
unlock_slot (slot);
return -1;
slotp-> = pid;
if (!pid)
{ /*
=== Child ===
/* Double fork. */
pid = fork ();
if (pid == -1)
_exit (31);
if (pid)
_exit (0); /* Immediate exit this parent, so that the child
gets cleaned up by the init process. */
/* Connect our pipes. */
if (wp[0] != 0 && dup2 (wp[0], 0) == -1)
log_fatal ("dup2 stdin failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
if (rp[1] != 1 && dup2 (rp[1], 1) == -1)
log_fatal ("dup2 stdout failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
/* Send stderr to the bit bucket. */
fd = open ("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
if (fd == -1)
log_fatal ("can't open '/dev/null': %s", strerror (errno));
if (fd != 2 && dup2 (fd, 2) == -1)
log_fatal ("dup2 stderr failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
/* Close all other files. */
close_all_fds (3, NULL);
execl (wrapperpgm,
"1", /* API version */
opt.pcsc_driver, /* Name of the PC/SC library. */
_exit (31);
=== Parent ===
close (wp[0]);
close (rp[1]);
slotp->pcsc.req_fd = wp[1];
slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd = rp[0];
/* Wait for the intermediate child to terminate. */
#ifdef USE_NPTH
#define WAIT npth_waitpid
#define WAIT waitpid
while ( (i=WAIT (pid, NULL, 0)) == -1 && errno == EINTR)
#undef WAIT
/* Now send the open request. */
msgbuf[0] = 0x01; /* OPEN command. */
len = portstr? strlen (portstr):0;
msgbuf[1] = (len >> 24);
msgbuf[2] = (len >> 16);
msgbuf[3] = (len >> 8);
msgbuf[4] = (len );
if ( writen (slotp->pcsc.req_fd, msgbuf, 5)
|| (portstr && writen (slotp->pcsc.req_fd, portstr, len)))
log_error ("error sending PC/SC OPEN request: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
goto command_failed;
/* Read the response. */
if ((i=readn (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd, msgbuf, 9, &len)) || len != 9)
log_error ("error receiving PC/SC OPEN response: %s\n",
i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF");
goto command_failed;
len = buf32_to_size_t (msgbuf+1);
if (msgbuf[0] != 0x81 || len < 4)
log_error ("invalid response header from PC/SC received\n");
goto command_failed;
len -= 4; /* Already read the error code. */
if (len > DIM (slotp->atr))
log_error ("PC/SC returned a too large ATR (len=%lx)\n",
(unsigned long)len);
goto command_failed;
err = PCSC_ERR_MASK (buf32_to_ulong (msgbuf+5));
if (err)
log_error ("PC/SC OPEN failed: %s\n", pcsc_error_string (err));
goto command_failed;
slotp->last_status = 0;
/* The open request may return a zero for the ATR length to
indicate that no card is present. */
n = len;
if (n)
if ((i=readn (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd, slotp->atr, n, &len)) || len != n)
log_error ("error receiving PC/SC OPEN response: %s\n",
i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF");
goto command_failed;
/* If we got to here we know that a card is present
and usable. Thus remember this. */
slotp->last_status = ( APDU_CARD_USABLE
slotp->atrlen = len;
reader_table[slot].close_reader = close_pcsc_reader;
reader_table[slot].reset_reader = reset_pcsc_reader;
reader_table[slot].get_status_reader = pcsc_get_status;
reader_table[slot].send_apdu_reader = pcsc_send_apdu;
reader_table[slot].dump_status_reader = dump_pcsc_reader_status;
pcsc_vendor_specific_init (slot);
/* Read the status so that IS_T0 will be set. */
pcsc_get_status (slot, &dummy_status);
dump_reader_status (slot);
unlock_slot (slot);
return slot;
close (slotp->pcsc.req_fd);
close (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd);
slotp->pcsc.req_fd = -1;
slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd = -1;
if (slotp-> != -1)
kill (slotp->, SIGTERM);
slotp-> = (pid_t)(-1);
slotp->used = 0;
unlock_slot (slot);
/* There is no way to return SW. */
return -1;
static int
open_pcsc_reader (const char *portstr)
return open_pcsc_reader_wrapped (portstr);
return open_pcsc_reader_direct (portstr);
/* Check whether the reader supports the ISO command code COMMAND
on the pinpad. Return 0 on success. */
static int
check_pcsc_pinpad (int slot, int command, pininfo_t *pininfo)
int r;
if (reader_table[slot].pcsc.pinmin >= 0)
pininfo->minlen = reader_table[slot].pcsc.pinmin;
if (reader_table[slot].pcsc.pinmax >= 0)
pininfo->maxlen = reader_table[slot].pcsc.pinmax;
if (!pininfo->minlen)
pininfo->minlen = 1;
if (!pininfo->maxlen)
pininfo->maxlen = 15;
if ((command == ISO7816_VERIFY && reader_table[slot].pcsc.verify_ioctl != 0)
|| (command == ISO7816_CHANGE_REFERENCE_DATA
&& reader_table[slot].pcsc.modify_ioctl != 0))
r = 0; /* Success */
log_debug ("check_pcsc_pinpad: command=%02X, r=%d\n",
(unsigned int)command, r);
if (reader_table[slot].pinpad_varlen_supported)
pininfo->fixedlen = 0;
return r;
static int
pcsc_pinpad_verify (int slot, int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
pininfo_t *pininfo)
int sw;
unsigned char *pin_verify;
int len = PIN_VERIFY_STRUCTURE_SIZE + pininfo->fixedlen;
* The result buffer is only expected to have two-byte result on
* return. However, some implementation uses this buffer for lower
* layer too and it assumes that there is enough space for lower
* layer communication. Such an implementation fails for TPDU
* readers with "insufficient buffer", as it needs header and
* trailer. Six is the number for header + result + trailer (TPDU).
unsigned char result[6];
pcsc_dword_t resultlen = 6;
int no_lc;
if (!reader_table[slot].atrlen
&& (sw = reset_pcsc_reader (slot)))
return sw;
if (pininfo->fixedlen < 0 || pininfo->fixedlen >= 16)
pin_verify = xtrymalloc (len);
if (!pin_verify)
no_lc = (!pininfo->fixedlen && reader_table[slot].is_spr532);
pin_verify[0] = 0x00; /* bTimeOut */
pin_verify[1] = 0x00; /* bTimeOut2 */
pin_verify[2] = 0x82; /* bmFormatString: Byte, pos=0, left, ASCII. */
pin_verify[3] = pininfo->fixedlen; /* bmPINBlockString */
pin_verify[4] = 0x00; /* bmPINLengthFormat */
pin_verify[5] = pininfo->maxlen; /* wPINMaxExtraDigit */
pin_verify[6] = pininfo->minlen; /* wPINMaxExtraDigit */
pin_verify[7] = 0x02; /* bEntryValidationCondition: Validation key pressed */
if (pininfo->minlen && pininfo->maxlen && pininfo->minlen == pininfo->maxlen)
pin_verify[7] |= 0x01; /* Max size reached. */
pin_verify[8] = 0x01; /* bNumberMessage: One message */
pin_verify[9] = 0x09; /* wLangId: 0x0409: US English */
pin_verify[10] = 0x04; /* wLangId: 0x0409: US English */
pin_verify[11] = 0x00; /* bMsgIndex */
pin_verify[12] = 0x00; /* bTeoPrologue[0] */
pin_verify[13] = 0x00; /* bTeoPrologue[1] */
pin_verify[14] = pininfo->fixedlen + 0x05 - no_lc; /* bTeoPrologue[2] */
pin_verify[15] = pininfo->fixedlen + 0x05 - no_lc; /* ulDataLength */
pin_verify[16] = 0x00; /* ulDataLength */
pin_verify[17] = 0x00; /* ulDataLength */
pin_verify[18] = 0x00; /* ulDataLength */
pin_verify[19] = class; /* abData[0] */
pin_verify[20] = ins; /* abData[1] */
pin_verify[21] = p0; /* abData[2] */
pin_verify[22] = p1; /* abData[3] */
pin_verify[23] = pininfo->fixedlen; /* abData[4] */
if (pininfo->fixedlen)
memset (&pin_verify[24], 0xff, pininfo->fixedlen);
else if (no_lc)
log_debug ("send secure: c=%02X i=%02X p1=%02X p2=%02X len=%d pinmax=%d\n",
class, ins, p0, p1, len, pininfo->maxlen);
sw = control_pcsc (slot, reader_table[slot].pcsc.verify_ioctl,
pin_verify, len, result, &resultlen);
xfree (pin_verify);
if (sw || resultlen < 2)
log_error ("control_pcsc failed: %d\n", sw);
sw = (result[resultlen-2] << 8) | result[resultlen-1];
log_debug (" response: sw=%04X datalen=%d\n", sw, (unsigned int)resultlen);
return sw;
static int
pcsc_pinpad_modify (int slot, int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
pininfo_t *pininfo)
int sw;
unsigned char *pin_modify;
int len = PIN_MODIFY_STRUCTURE_SIZE + 2 * pininfo->fixedlen;
unsigned char result[6]; /* See the comment at pinpad_verify. */
pcsc_dword_t resultlen = 6;
int no_lc;
if (!reader_table[slot].atrlen
&& (sw = reset_pcsc_reader (slot)))
return sw;
if (pininfo->fixedlen < 0 || pininfo->fixedlen >= 16)
pin_modify = xtrymalloc (len);
if (!pin_modify)
no_lc = (!pininfo->fixedlen && reader_table[slot].is_spr532);
pin_modify[0] = 0x00; /* bTimeOut */
pin_modify[1] = 0x00; /* bTimeOut2 */
pin_modify[2] = 0x82; /* bmFormatString: Byte, pos=0, left, ASCII. */
pin_modify[3] = pininfo->fixedlen; /* bmPINBlockString */
pin_modify[4] = 0x00; /* bmPINLengthFormat */
pin_modify[5] = 0x00; /* bInsertionOffsetOld */
pin_modify[6] = pininfo->fixedlen; /* bInsertionOffsetNew */
pin_modify[7] = pininfo->maxlen; /* wPINMaxExtraDigit */
pin_modify[8] = pininfo->minlen; /* wPINMaxExtraDigit */
pin_modify[9] = (p0 == 0 ? 0x03 : 0x01);
/* bConfirmPIN
* 0x00: new PIN once
* 0x01: new PIN twice (confirmation)
* 0x02: old PIN and new PIN once
* 0x03: old PIN and new PIN twice (confirmation)
pin_modify[10] = 0x02; /* bEntryValidationCondition: Validation key pressed */
if (pininfo->minlen && pininfo->maxlen && pininfo->minlen == pininfo->maxlen)
pin_modify[10] |= 0x01; /* Max size reached. */
pin_modify[11] = 0x03; /* bNumberMessage: Three messages */
pin_modify[12] = 0x09; /* wLangId: 0x0409: US English */
pin_modify[13] = 0x04; /* wLangId: 0x0409: US English */
pin_modify[14] = 0x00; /* bMsgIndex1 */
pin_modify[15] = 0x01; /* bMsgIndex2 */
pin_modify[16] = 0x02; /* bMsgIndex3 */
pin_modify[17] = 0x00; /* bTeoPrologue[0] */
pin_modify[18] = 0x00; /* bTeoPrologue[1] */
pin_modify[19] = 2 * pininfo->fixedlen + 0x05 - no_lc; /* bTeoPrologue[2] */
pin_modify[20] = 2 * pininfo->fixedlen + 0x05 - no_lc; /* ulDataLength */
pin_modify[21] = 0x00; /* ulDataLength */
pin_modify[22] = 0x00; /* ulDataLength */
pin_modify[23] = 0x00; /* ulDataLength */
pin_modify[24] = class; /* abData[0] */
pin_modify[25] = ins; /* abData[1] */
pin_modify[26] = p0; /* abData[2] */
pin_modify[27] = p1; /* abData[3] */
pin_modify[28] = 2 * pininfo->fixedlen; /* abData[4] */
if (pininfo->fixedlen)
memset (&pin_modify[29], 0xff, 2 * pininfo->fixedlen);
else if (no_lc)
log_debug ("send secure: c=%02X i=%02X p1=%02X p2=%02X len=%d pinmax=%d\n",
class, ins, p0, p1, len, (int)pininfo->maxlen);
sw = control_pcsc (slot, reader_table[slot].pcsc.modify_ioctl,
pin_modify, len, result, &resultlen);
xfree (pin_modify);
if (sw || resultlen < 2)
log_error ("control_pcsc failed: %d\n", sw);
sw = (result[resultlen-2] << 8) | result[resultlen-1];
log_debug (" response: sw=%04X datalen=%d\n", sw, (unsigned int)resultlen);
return sw;
Internal CCID driver interface.
static void
dump_ccid_reader_status (int slot)
log_info ("reader slot %d: using ccid driver\n", slot);
static int
close_ccid_reader (int slot)
ccid_close_reader (reader_table[slot].ccid.handle);
reader_table[slot].rdrname = NULL;
reader_table[slot].used = 0;
return 0;
static int
reset_ccid_reader (int slot)
int err;
reader_table_t slotp = reader_table + slot;
unsigned char atr[33];
size_t atrlen;
err = ccid_get_atr (slotp->ccid.handle, atr, sizeof atr, &atrlen);
if (err)
return err;
/* If the reset was successful, update the ATR. */
assert (sizeof slotp->atr >= sizeof atr);
slotp->atrlen = atrlen;
memcpy (slotp->atr, atr, atrlen);
dump_reader_status (slot);
return 0;
static int
set_progress_cb_ccid_reader (int slot, gcry_handler_progress_t cb, void *cb_arg)
reader_table_t slotp = reader_table + slot;
return ccid_set_progress_cb (slotp->ccid.handle, cb, cb_arg);
static int
get_status_ccid (int slot, unsigned int *status)
int rc;
int bits;
rc = ccid_slot_status (reader_table[slot].ccid.handle, &bits);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (bits == 0)
else if (bits == 1)
*status = 0;
return 0;
/* Actually send the APDU of length APDULEN to SLOT and return a
maximum of *BUFLEN data in BUFFER, the actual returned size will be
set to BUFLEN. Returns: Internal CCID driver error code. */
static int
send_apdu_ccid (int slot, unsigned char *apdu, size_t apdulen,
unsigned char *buffer, size_t *buflen,
pininfo_t *pininfo)
long err;
size_t maxbuflen;
/* If we don't have an ATR, we need to reset the reader first. */
if (!reader_table[slot].atrlen
&& (err = reset_ccid_reader (slot)))
return err;
log_printhex (" raw apdu:", apdu, apdulen);
maxbuflen = *buflen;
if (pininfo)
err = ccid_transceive_secure (reader_table[slot].ccid.handle,
apdu, apdulen, pininfo,
buffer, maxbuflen, buflen);
err = ccid_transceive (reader_table[slot].ccid.handle,
apdu, apdulen,
buffer, maxbuflen, buflen);
if (err)
log_error ("ccid_transceive failed: (0x%lx)\n",
return err;
/* Check whether the CCID reader supports the ISO command code COMMAND
on the pinpad. Return 0 on success. For a description of the pin
parameters, see ccid-driver.c */
static int
check_ccid_pinpad (int slot, int command, pininfo_t *pininfo)
unsigned char apdu[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0x81 };
apdu[1] = command;
return ccid_transceive_secure (reader_table[slot].ccid.handle, apdu,
sizeof apdu, pininfo, NULL, 0, NULL);
static int
ccid_pinpad_operation (int slot, int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
pininfo_t *pininfo)
unsigned char apdu[4];
int err, sw;
unsigned char result[2];
size_t resultlen = 2;
apdu[0] = class;
apdu[1] = ins;
apdu[2] = p0;
apdu[3] = p1;
err = ccid_transceive_secure (reader_table[slot].ccid.handle,
apdu, sizeof apdu, pininfo,
result, 2, &resultlen);
if (err)
return err;
if (resultlen < 2)
sw = (result[resultlen-2] << 8) | result[resultlen-1];
return sw;
/* Open the reader and try to read an ATR. */
static int
open_ccid_reader (const char *portstr)
int err;
int slot;
reader_table_t slotp;
slot = new_reader_slot ();
if (slot == -1)
return -1;
slotp = reader_table + slot;
err = ccid_open_reader (&slotp->ccid.handle, portstr,
(const char **)&slotp->rdrname);
if (err)
slotp->used = 0;
unlock_slot (slot);
return -1;
err = ccid_get_atr (slotp->ccid.handle,
slotp->atr, sizeof slotp->atr, &slotp->atrlen);
if (err)
slotp->atrlen = 0;
err = 0;
/* If we got to here we know that a card is present
and usable. Thus remember this. */
reader_table[slot].last_status = (APDU_CARD_USABLE
reader_table[slot].close_reader = close_ccid_reader;
reader_table[slot].reset_reader = reset_ccid_reader;
reader_table[slot].get_status_reader = get_status_ccid;
reader_table[slot].send_apdu_reader = send_apdu_ccid;
reader_table[slot].check_pinpad = check_ccid_pinpad;
reader_table[slot].dump_status_reader = dump_ccid_reader_status;
reader_table[slot].set_progress_cb = set_progress_cb_ccid_reader;
reader_table[slot].pinpad_verify = ccid_pinpad_operation;
reader_table[slot].pinpad_modify = ccid_pinpad_operation;
/* Our CCID reader code does not support T=0 at all, thus reset the
flag. */
reader_table[slot].is_t0 = 0;
dump_reader_status (slot);
unlock_slot (slot);
return slot;
#endif /* HAVE_LIBUSB */
The Remote APDU Interface.
This uses the Remote APDU protocol to contact a reader.
The port number is actually an index into the list of ports as
returned via the protocol.
static int
rapdu_status_to_sw (int status)
int rc;
switch (status)
case RAPDU_STATUS_SUCCESS: rc = 0; break;
default: rc = SW_HOST_GENERAL_ERROR; break;
return rc;
static int
close_rapdu_reader (int slot)
rapdu_release (reader_table[slot].rapdu.handle);
reader_table[slot].used = 0;
return 0;
static int
reset_rapdu_reader (int slot)
int err;
reader_table_t slotp;
rapdu_msg_t msg = NULL;
slotp = reader_table + slot;
err = rapdu_send_cmd (slotp->rapdu.handle, RAPDU_CMD_RESET);
if (err)
log_error ("sending rapdu command RESET failed: %s\n",
err < 0 ? strerror (errno): rapdu_strerror (err));
rapdu_msg_release (msg);
return rapdu_status_to_sw (err);
err = rapdu_read_msg (slotp->rapdu.handle, &msg);
if (err)
log_error ("receiving rapdu message failed: %s\n",
err < 0 ? strerror (errno): rapdu_strerror (err));
rapdu_msg_release (msg);
return rapdu_status_to_sw (err);
if (msg->cmd != RAPDU_STATUS_SUCCESS || !msg->datalen)
int sw = rapdu_status_to_sw (msg->cmd);
log_error ("rapdu command RESET failed: %s\n",
rapdu_strerror (msg->cmd));
rapdu_msg_release (msg);
return sw;
if (msg->datalen > DIM (slotp->atr))
log_error ("ATR returned by the RAPDU layer is too large\n");
rapdu_msg_release (msg);
slotp->atrlen = msg->datalen;
memcpy (slotp->atr, msg->data, msg->datalen);
rapdu_msg_release (msg);
return 0;
static int
my_rapdu_get_status (int slot, unsigned int *status)
int err;
reader_table_t slotp;
rapdu_msg_t msg = NULL;
int oldslot;
slotp = reader_table + slot;
oldslot = rapdu_set_reader (slotp->rapdu.handle, slot);
err = rapdu_send_cmd (slotp->rapdu.handle, RAPDU_CMD_GET_STATUS);
rapdu_set_reader (slotp->rapdu.handle, oldslot);
if (err)
log_error ("sending rapdu command GET_STATUS failed: %s\n",
err < 0 ? strerror (errno): rapdu_strerror (err));
return rapdu_status_to_sw (err);
err = rapdu_read_msg (slotp->rapdu.handle, &msg);
if (err)
log_error ("receiving rapdu message failed: %s\n",
err < 0 ? strerror (errno): rapdu_strerror (err));
rapdu_msg_release (msg);
return rapdu_status_to_sw (err);
if (msg->cmd != RAPDU_STATUS_SUCCESS || !msg->datalen)
int sw = rapdu_status_to_sw (msg->cmd);
log_error ("rapdu command GET_STATUS failed: %s\n",
rapdu_strerror (msg->cmd));
rapdu_msg_release (msg);
return sw;
*status = msg->data[0];
rapdu_msg_release (msg);
return 0;
/* Actually send the APDU of length APDULEN to SLOT and return a
maximum of *BUFLEN data in BUFFER, the actual returned size will be
set to BUFLEN. Returns: APDU error code. */
static int
my_rapdu_send_apdu (int slot, unsigned char *apdu, size_t apdulen,
unsigned char *buffer, size_t *buflen,
pininfo_t *pininfo)
int err;
reader_table_t slotp;
rapdu_msg_t msg = NULL;
size_t maxlen = *buflen;
slotp = reader_table + slot;
*buflen = 0;
log_printhex (" APDU_data:", apdu, apdulen);
if (apdulen < 4)
log_error ("rapdu_send_apdu: APDU is too short\n");
err = rapdu_send_apdu (slotp->rapdu.handle, apdu, apdulen);
if (err)
log_error ("sending rapdu command APDU failed: %s\n",
err < 0 ? strerror (errno): rapdu_strerror (err));
rapdu_msg_release (msg);
return rapdu_status_to_sw (err);
err = rapdu_read_msg (slotp->rapdu.handle, &msg);
if (err)
log_error ("receiving rapdu message failed: %s\n",
err < 0 ? strerror (errno): rapdu_strerror (err));
rapdu_msg_release (msg);
return rapdu_status_to_sw (err);
if (msg->cmd != RAPDU_STATUS_SUCCESS || !msg->datalen)
int sw = rapdu_status_to_sw (msg->cmd);
log_error ("rapdu command APDU failed: %s\n",
rapdu_strerror (msg->cmd));
rapdu_msg_release (msg);
return sw;
if (msg->datalen > maxlen)
log_error ("rapdu response apdu too large\n");
rapdu_msg_release (msg);
*buflen = msg->datalen;
memcpy (buffer, msg->data, msg->datalen);
rapdu_msg_release (msg);
return 0;
static int
open_rapdu_reader (int portno,
const unsigned char *cookie, size_t length,
int (*readfnc) (void *opaque,
void *buffer, size_t size),
void *readfnc_value,
int (*writefnc) (void *opaque,
const void *buffer, size_t size),
void *writefnc_value,
void (*closefnc) (void *opaque),
void *closefnc_value)
int err;
int slot;
reader_table_t slotp;
rapdu_msg_t msg = NULL;
slot = new_reader_slot ();
if (slot == -1)
return -1;
slotp = reader_table + slot;
slotp->rapdu.handle = rapdu_new ();
if (!slotp->rapdu.handle)
slotp->used = 0;
unlock_slot (slot);
return -1;
rapdu_set_reader (slotp->rapdu.handle, portno);
rapdu_set_iofunc (slotp->rapdu.handle,
readfnc, readfnc_value,
writefnc, writefnc_value,
closefnc, closefnc_value);
rapdu_set_cookie (slotp->rapdu.handle, cookie, length);
/* First try to get the current ATR, but if the card is inactive
issue a reset instead. */
err = rapdu_send_cmd (slotp->rapdu.handle, RAPDU_CMD_GET_ATR);
err = rapdu_send_cmd (slotp->rapdu.handle, RAPDU_CMD_RESET);
if (err)
log_info ("sending rapdu command GET_ATR/RESET failed: %s\n",
err < 0 ? strerror (errno): rapdu_strerror (err));
goto failure;
err = rapdu_read_msg (slotp->rapdu.handle, &msg);
if (err)
log_info ("receiving rapdu message failed: %s\n",
err < 0 ? strerror (errno): rapdu_strerror (err));
goto failure;
if (msg->cmd != RAPDU_STATUS_SUCCESS || !msg->datalen)
log_info ("rapdu command GET ATR failed: %s\n",
rapdu_strerror (msg->cmd));
goto failure;
if (msg->datalen > DIM (slotp->atr))
log_error ("ATR returned by the RAPDU layer is too large\n");
goto failure;
slotp->atrlen = msg->datalen;
memcpy (slotp->atr, msg->data, msg->datalen);
reader_table[slot].close_reader = close_rapdu_reader;
reader_table[slot].reset_reader = reset_rapdu_reader;
reader_table[slot].get_status_reader = my_rapdu_get_status;
reader_table[slot].send_apdu_reader = my_rapdu_send_apdu;
reader_table[slot].check_pinpad = NULL;
reader_table[slot].dump_status_reader = NULL;
reader_table[slot].pinpad_verify = NULL;
reader_table[slot].pinpad_modify = NULL;
dump_reader_status (slot);
rapdu_msg_release (msg);
unlock_slot (slot);
return slot;
rapdu_msg_release (msg);
rapdu_release (slotp->rapdu.handle);
slotp->used = 0;
unlock_slot (slot);
return -1;
#endif /*USE_G10CODE_RAPDU*/
Driver Access
/* Open the reader and return an internal slot number or -1 on
error. If PORTSTR is NULL we default to a suitable port (for ctAPI:
the first USB reader. For PC/SC the first listed reader). */
apdu_open_reader (const char *portstr)
static int pcsc_api_loaded, ct_api_loaded;
int slot;
log_debug ("enter: apdu_open_reader: portstr=%s\n", portstr);
if (!opt.disable_ccid)
static int once_available;
int i;
const char *s;
slot = open_ccid_reader (portstr);
if (slot != -1)
once_available = 1;
log_debug ("leave: apdu_open_reader => slot=%d [ccid]\n", slot);
return slot; /* got one */
/* If we ever loaded successfully loaded a CCID reader we never
want to fallback to another driver. This solves a problem
where ccid was used, the card unplugged and then scdaemon
tries to find a new reader and will eventually try PC/SC over
and over again. To reset this flag "gpgconf --kill scdaemon"
can be used. */
if (once_available)
log_debug ("leave: apdu_open_reader => slot=-1 (once_avail)\n");
return -1;
/* If a CCID reader specification has been given, the user does
not want a fallback to other drivers. */
if (portstr)
for (s=portstr, i=0; *s; s++)
if (*s == ':' && (++i == 3))
log_debug ("leave: apdu_open_reader => slot=-1 (no ccid)\n");
return -1;
#endif /* HAVE_LIBUSB */
if (opt.ctapi_driver && *opt.ctapi_driver)
int port = portstr? atoi (portstr) : 32768;
if (!ct_api_loaded)
void *handle;
handle = dlopen (opt.ctapi_driver, RTLD_LAZY);
if (!handle)
log_error ("apdu_open_reader: failed to open driver: %s\n",
dlerror ());
return -1;
CT_init = dlsym (handle, "CT_init");
CT_data = dlsym (handle, "CT_data");
CT_close = dlsym (handle, "CT_close");
if (!CT_init || !CT_data || !CT_close)
log_error ("apdu_open_reader: invalid CT-API driver\n");
dlclose (handle);
return -1;
ct_api_loaded = 1;
return open_ct_reader (port);
/* No ctAPI configured, so lets try the PC/SC API */
if (!pcsc_api_loaded)
void *handle;
handle = dlopen (opt.pcsc_driver, RTLD_LAZY);
if (!handle)
log_error ("apdu_open_reader: failed to open driver '%s': %s\n",
opt.pcsc_driver, dlerror ());
return -1;
pcsc_establish_context = dlsym (handle, "SCardEstablishContext");
pcsc_release_context = dlsym (handle, "SCardReleaseContext");
pcsc_list_readers = dlsym (handle, "SCardListReaders");
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
if (!pcsc_list_readers)
pcsc_list_readers = dlsym (handle, "SCardListReadersA");
pcsc_get_status_change = dlsym (handle, "SCardGetStatusChange");
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
if (!pcsc_get_status_change)
pcsc_get_status_change = dlsym (handle, "SCardGetStatusChangeA");
pcsc_connect = dlsym (handle, "SCardConnect");
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
if (!pcsc_connect)
pcsc_connect = dlsym (handle, "SCardConnectA");
pcsc_reconnect = dlsym (handle, "SCardReconnect");
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
if (!pcsc_reconnect)
pcsc_reconnect = dlsym (handle, "SCardReconnectA");
pcsc_disconnect = dlsym (handle, "SCardDisconnect");
pcsc_status = dlsym (handle, "SCardStatus");
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
if (!pcsc_status)
pcsc_status = dlsym (handle, "SCardStatusA");
pcsc_begin_transaction = dlsym (handle, "SCardBeginTransaction");
pcsc_end_transaction = dlsym (handle, "SCardEndTransaction");
pcsc_transmit = dlsym (handle, "SCardTransmit");
pcsc_set_timeout = dlsym (handle, "SCardSetTimeout");
pcsc_control = dlsym (handle, "SCardControl");
if (!pcsc_establish_context
|| !pcsc_release_context
|| !pcsc_list_readers
|| !pcsc_get_status_change
|| !pcsc_connect
|| !pcsc_reconnect
|| !pcsc_disconnect
|| !pcsc_status
|| !pcsc_begin_transaction
|| !pcsc_end_transaction
|| !pcsc_transmit
|| !pcsc_control
/* || !pcsc_set_timeout */)
/* Note that set_timeout is currently not used and also not
available under Windows. */
log_error ("apdu_open_reader: invalid PC/SC driver "
!!pcsc_control );
dlclose (handle);
return -1;
pcsc_api_loaded = 1;
slot = open_pcsc_reader (portstr);
log_debug ("leave: apdu_open_reader => slot=%d [pc/sc]\n", slot);
return slot;
/* Open an remote reader and return an internal slot number or -1 on
error. This function is an alternative to apdu_open_reader and used
with remote readers only. Note that the supplied CLOSEFNC will
only be called once and the slot will not be valid afther this.
If PORTSTR is NULL we default to the first available port.
apdu_open_remote_reader (const char *portstr,
const unsigned char *cookie, size_t length,
int (*readfnc) (void *opaque,
void *buffer, size_t size),
void *readfnc_value,
int (*writefnc) (void *opaque,
const void *buffer, size_t size),
void *writefnc_value,
void (*closefnc) (void *opaque),
void *closefnc_value)
return open_rapdu_reader (portstr? atoi (portstr) : 0,
cookie, length,
readfnc, readfnc_value,
writefnc, writefnc_value,
closefnc, closefnc_value);
#ifdef _WIN32
errno = ENOENT;
errno = ENOSYS;
return -1;
apdu_close_reader (int slot)
int sw;
log_debug ("enter: apdu_close_reader: slot=%d\n", slot);
if (slot < 0 || slot >= MAX_READER || !reader_table[slot].used )
log_debug ("leave: apdu_close_reader => SW_HOST_NO_DRIVER\n");
sw = apdu_disconnect (slot);
if (sw)
* When the reader/token was removed it might come here.
* It should go through to call CLOSE_READER even if we got an error.
log_debug ("apdu_close_reader => 0x%x (apdu_disconnect)\n", sw);
if (reader_table[slot].close_reader)
sw = reader_table[slot].close_reader (slot);
log_debug ("leave: apdu_close_reader => 0x%x (close_reader)\n", sw);
return sw;
log_debug ("leave: apdu_close_reader => SW_HOST_NOT_SUPPORTED\n");
/* Function suitable for a cleanup function to close all reader. It
should not be used if the reader will be opened again. The reason
for implementing this to properly close USB devices so that they
will startup the next time without error. */
apdu_prepare_exit (void)
static int sentinel;
int slot;
if (!sentinel)
sentinel = 1;
for (slot = 0; slot < MAX_READER; slot++)
if (reader_table[slot].used)
apdu_disconnect (slot);
if (reader_table[slot].close_reader)
reader_table[slot].close_reader (slot);
reader_table[slot].used = 0;
sentinel = 0;
/* Enumerate all readers and return information on whether this reader
is in use. The caller should start with SLOT set to 0 and
increment it with each call until an error is returned. */
apdu_enum_reader (int slot, int *used)
if (slot < 0 || slot >= MAX_READER)
*used = reader_table[slot].used;
return 0;
/* Connect a card. This is used to power up the card and make sure
that an ATR is available. Depending on the reader backend it may
return an error for an inactive card or if no card is
available. */
apdu_connect (int slot)
int sw = 0;
unsigned int status = 0;
log_debug ("enter: apdu_connect: slot=%d\n", slot);
if (slot < 0 || slot >= MAX_READER || !reader_table[slot].used )
log_debug ("leave: apdu_connect => SW_HOST_NO_DRIVER\n");
/* Only if the access method provides a connect function we use it.
If not, we expect that the card has been implicitly connected by
apdu_open_reader. */
if (reader_table[slot].connect_card)
sw = lock_slot (slot);
if (!sw)
sw = reader_table[slot].connect_card (slot);
unlock_slot (slot);
/* We need to call apdu_get_status_internal, so that the last-status
machinery gets setup properly even if a card is inserted while
scdaemon is fired up and apdu_get_status has not yet been called.
Without that we would force a reset of the card with the next
call to apdu_get_status. */
if (!sw)
sw = apdu_get_status_internal (slot, 1, 1, &status, NULL);
if (sw)
else if (!(status & APDU_CARD_PRESENT))
else if ((status & APDU_CARD_PRESENT) && !(status & APDU_CARD_ACTIVE))
log_debug ("leave: apdu_connect => sw=0x%x\n", sw);
return sw;
apdu_disconnect (int slot)
int sw;
log_debug ("enter: apdu_disconnect: slot=%d\n", slot);
if (slot < 0 || slot >= MAX_READER || !reader_table[slot].used )
log_debug ("leave: apdu_disconnect => SW_HOST_NO_DRIVER\n");
if (reader_table[slot].disconnect_card)
sw = lock_slot (slot);
if (!sw)
sw = reader_table[slot].disconnect_card (slot);
unlock_slot (slot);
sw = 0;
log_debug ("leave: apdu_disconnect => sw=0x%x\n", sw);
return sw;
/* Set the progress callback of SLOT to CB and its args to CB_ARG. If
CB is NULL the progress callback is removed. */
apdu_set_progress_cb (int slot, gcry_handler_progress_t cb, void *cb_arg)
int sw;
if (slot < 0 || slot >= MAX_READER || !reader_table[slot].used )
if (reader_table[slot].set_progress_cb)
sw = lock_slot (slot);
if (!sw)
sw = reader_table[slot].set_progress_cb (slot, cb, cb_arg);
unlock_slot (slot);
sw = 0;
return sw;
/* Do a reset for the card in reader at SLOT. */
apdu_reset (int slot)
int sw;
log_debug ("enter: apdu_reset: slot=%d\n", slot);
if (slot < 0 || slot >= MAX_READER || !reader_table[slot].used )
log_debug ("leave: apdu_reset => SW_HOST_NO_DRIVER\n");
if ((sw = lock_slot (slot)))
log_debug ("leave: apdu_reset => sw=0x%x (lock_slot)\n", sw);
return sw;
reader_table[slot].last_status = 0;
if (reader_table[slot].reset_reader)
sw = reader_table[slot].reset_reader (slot);
if (!sw)
/* If we got to here we know that a card is present
and usable. Thus remember this. */
reader_table[slot].last_status = (APDU_CARD_USABLE
unlock_slot (slot);
log_debug ("leave: apdu_reset => sw=0x%x\n", sw);
return sw;
/* Return the ATR or NULL if none is available. On success the length
of the ATR is stored at ATRLEN. The caller must free the returned
value. */
unsigned char *
apdu_get_atr (int slot, size_t *atrlen)
unsigned char *buf;
log_debug ("enter: apdu_get_atr: slot=%d\n", slot);
if (slot < 0 || slot >= MAX_READER || !reader_table[slot].used )
log_debug ("leave: apdu_get_atr => NULL (bad slot)\n");
return NULL;
if (!reader_table[slot].atrlen)
log_debug ("leave: apdu_get_atr => NULL (no ATR)\n");
return NULL;
buf = xtrymalloc (reader_table[slot].atrlen);
if (!buf)
log_debug ("leave: apdu_get_atr => NULL (out of core)\n");
return NULL;
memcpy (buf, reader_table[slot].atr, reader_table[slot].atrlen);
*atrlen = reader_table[slot].atrlen;
log_debug ("leave: apdu_get_atr => atrlen=%zu\n", *atrlen);
return buf;
/* Retrieve the status for SLOT. The function does only wait for the
card to become available if HANG is set to true. On success the
bits in STATUS will be set to
APDU_CARD_USABLE (bit 0) = card present and usable
APDU_CARD_PRESENT (bit 1) = card present
APDU_CARD_ACTIVE (bit 2) = card active
(bit 3) = card access locked [not yet implemented]
For must applications, testing bit 0 is sufficient.
CHANGED will receive the value of the counter tracking the number
of card insertions. This value may be used to detect a card
static int
apdu_get_status_internal (int slot, int hang, int no_atr_reset,
unsigned int *status, unsigned int *changed)
int sw;
unsigned int s;
if (slot < 0 || slot >= MAX_READER || !reader_table[slot].used )
if ((sw = hang? lock_slot (slot) : trylock_slot (slot)))
return sw;
if (reader_table[slot].get_status_reader)
sw = reader_table[slot].get_status_reader (slot, &s);
unlock_slot (slot);
if (sw)
reader_table[slot].last_status = 0;
return sw;
/* Keep track of changes. */
if (s != reader_table[slot].last_status
|| !reader_table[slot].any_status )
/* Make sure that the ATR is invalid so that a reset will be
triggered by apdu_activate. */
if (!no_atr_reset)
reader_table[slot].atrlen = 0;
reader_table[slot].any_status = 1;
reader_table[slot].last_status = s;
if (status)
*status = s;
if (changed)
*changed = reader_table[slot].change_counter;
return 0;
/* See above for a description. */
apdu_get_status (int slot, int hang,
unsigned int *status, unsigned int *changed)
int sw;
log_debug ("enter: apdu_get_status: slot=%d hang=%d\n", slot, hang);
sw = apdu_get_status_internal (slot, hang, 0, status, changed);
if (status && changed)
log_debug ("leave: apdu_get_status => sw=0x%x status=%u changecnt=%u\n",
sw, *status, *changed);
else if (status)
log_debug ("leave: apdu_get_status => sw=0x%x status=%u\n",
sw, *status);
else if (changed)
log_debug ("leave: apdu_get_status => sw=0x%x changed=%u\n",
sw, *changed);
log_debug ("leave: apdu_get_status => sw=0x%x\n", sw);
return sw;
/* Check whether the reader supports the ISO command code COMMAND on
the pinpad. Return 0 on success. For a description of the pin
parameters, see ccid-driver.c */
apdu_check_pinpad (int slot, int command, pininfo_t *pininfo)
if (slot < 0 || slot >= MAX_READER || !reader_table[slot].used )
if (opt.enable_pinpad_varlen)
pininfo->fixedlen = 0;
if (reader_table[slot].check_pinpad)
int sw;
if ((sw = lock_slot (slot)))
return sw;
sw = reader_table[slot].check_pinpad (slot, command, pininfo);
unlock_slot (slot);
return sw;
apdu_pinpad_verify (int slot, int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
pininfo_t *pininfo)
if (slot < 0 || slot >= MAX_READER || !reader_table[slot].used )
if (reader_table[slot].pinpad_verify)
int sw;
if ((sw = lock_slot (slot)))
return sw;
sw = reader_table[slot].pinpad_verify (slot, class, ins, p0, p1,
unlock_slot (slot);
return sw;
apdu_pinpad_modify (int slot, int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
pininfo_t *pininfo)
if (slot < 0 || slot >= MAX_READER || !reader_table[slot].used )
if (reader_table[slot].pinpad_modify)
int sw;
if ((sw = lock_slot (slot)))
return sw;
sw = reader_table[slot].pinpad_modify (slot, class, ins, p0, p1,
unlock_slot (slot);
return sw;
/* Dispatcher for the actual send_apdu function. Note, that this
function should be called in locked state. */
static int
send_apdu (int slot, unsigned char *apdu, size_t apdulen,
unsigned char *buffer, size_t *buflen, pininfo_t *pininfo)
if (slot < 0 || slot >= MAX_READER || !reader_table[slot].used )
if (reader_table[slot].send_apdu_reader)
return reader_table[slot].send_apdu_reader (slot,
apdu, apdulen,
buffer, buflen,
/* Core APDU tranceiver function. Parameters are described at
apdu_send_le with the exception of PININFO which indicates pinpad
related operations if not NULL. If EXTENDED_MODE is not 0
command chaining or extended length will be used according to these
n < 0 := Use command chaining with the data part limited to -n
in each chunk. If -1 is used a default value is used.
n == 0 := No extended mode or command chaining.
n == 1 := Use extended length for input and output without a
length limit.
n > 1 := Use extended length with up to N bytes.
static int
send_le (int slot, int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
int lc, const char *data, int le,
unsigned char **retbuf, size_t *retbuflen,
pininfo_t *pininfo, int extended_mode)
/* We allocate 8 extra bytes as a safety margin towards a driver bug. */
unsigned char short_result_buffer[SHORT_RESULT_BUFFER_SIZE+10];
unsigned char *result_buffer = NULL;
size_t result_buffer_size;
unsigned char *result;
size_t resultlen;
unsigned char short_apdu_buffer[5+256+1];
unsigned char *apdu_buffer = NULL;
size_t apdu_buffer_size;
unsigned char *apdu;
size_t apdulen;
int sw;
long rc; /* We need a long here due to PC/SC. */
int did_exact_length_hack = 0;
int use_chaining = 0;
int use_extended_length = 0;
int lc_chunk;
if (slot < 0 || slot >= MAX_READER || !reader_table[slot].used )
log_debug ("send apdu: c=%02X i=%02X p1=%02X p2=%02X lc=%d le=%d em=%d\n",
class, ins, p0, p1, lc, le, extended_mode);
if (lc != -1 && (lc > 255 || lc < 0))
/* Data does not fit into an APDU. What we do now depends on
the EXTENDED_MODE parameter. */
if (!extended_mode)
return SW_WRONG_LENGTH; /* No way to send such an APDU. */
else if (extended_mode > 0)
use_extended_length = 1;
else if (extended_mode < 0)
/* Send APDU using chaining mode. */
if (lc > 16384)
return SW_WRONG_LENGTH; /* Sanity check. */
if ((class&0xf0) != 0)
return SW_HOST_INV_VALUE; /* Upper 4 bits need to be 0. */
use_chaining = extended_mode == -1? 255 : -extended_mode;
use_chaining &= 0xff;
else if (lc == -1 && extended_mode > 0)
use_extended_length = 1;
if (le != -1 && (le > (extended_mode > 0? 255:256) || le < 0))
/* Expected Data does not fit into an APDU. What we do now
depends on the EXTENDED_MODE parameter. Note that a check
for command chaining does not make sense because we are
looking at Le. */
if (!extended_mode)
return SW_WRONG_LENGTH; /* No way to send such an APDU. */
else if (use_extended_length)
; /* We are already using extended length. */
else if (extended_mode > 0)
use_extended_length = 1;
if ((!data && lc != -1) || (data && lc == -1))
if (use_extended_length)
if (reader_table[slot].is_t0)
/* Space for: cls/ins/p1/p2+Z+2_byte_Lc+Lc+2_byte_Le. */
apdu_buffer_size = 4 + 1 + (lc >= 0? (2+lc):0) + 2;
apdu_buffer = xtrymalloc (apdu_buffer_size + 10);
if (!apdu_buffer)
apdu = apdu_buffer;
apdu_buffer_size = sizeof short_apdu_buffer;
apdu = short_apdu_buffer;
if (use_extended_length && (le > 256 || le < 0))
result_buffer_size = le < 0? 4096 : le;
result_buffer = xtrymalloc (result_buffer_size + 10);
if (!result_buffer)
xfree (apdu_buffer);
result = result_buffer;
result_buffer_size = SHORT_RESULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
result = short_result_buffer;
if ((sw = lock_slot (slot)))
xfree (apdu_buffer);
xfree (result_buffer);
return sw;
if (use_extended_length)
use_chaining = 0;
apdulen = 0;
apdu[apdulen++] = class;
apdu[apdulen++] = ins;
apdu[apdulen++] = p0;
apdu[apdulen++] = p1;
if (lc > 0)
apdu[apdulen++] = 0; /* Z byte: Extended length marker. */
apdu[apdulen++] = ((lc >> 8) & 0xff);
apdu[apdulen++] = (lc & 0xff);
memcpy (apdu+apdulen, data, lc);
data += lc;
apdulen += lc;
if (le != -1)
if (lc <= 0)
apdu[apdulen++] = 0; /* Z byte: Extended length marker. */
apdu[apdulen++] = ((le >> 8) & 0xff);
apdu[apdulen++] = (le & 0xff);
apdulen = 0;
apdu[apdulen] = class;
if (use_chaining && lc > 255)
apdu[apdulen] |= 0x10;
assert (use_chaining < 256);
lc_chunk = use_chaining;
lc -= use_chaining;
use_chaining = 0;
lc_chunk = lc;
apdu[apdulen++] = ins;
apdu[apdulen++] = p0;
apdu[apdulen++] = p1;
if (lc_chunk != -1)
apdu[apdulen++] = lc_chunk;
memcpy (apdu+apdulen, data, lc_chunk);
data += lc_chunk;
apdulen += lc_chunk;
/* T=0 does not allow the use of Lc together with Le;
thus disable Le in this case. */
if (reader_table[slot].is_t0)
le = -1;
if (le != -1 && !use_chaining)
apdu[apdulen++] = le; /* Truncation is okay (0 means 256). */
/* As a safeguard don't pass any garbage to the driver. */
assert (apdulen <= apdu_buffer_size);
memset (apdu+apdulen, 0, apdu_buffer_size - apdulen);
resultlen = result_buffer_size;
rc = send_apdu (slot, apdu, apdulen, result, &resultlen, pininfo);
if (rc || resultlen < 2)
log_info ("apdu_send_simple(%d) failed: %s\n",
slot, apdu_strerror (rc));
unlock_slot (slot);
xfree (apdu_buffer);
xfree (result_buffer);
sw = (result[resultlen-2] << 8) | result[resultlen-1];
if (!use_extended_length
&& !did_exact_length_hack && SW_EXACT_LENGTH_P (sw))
apdu[apdulen-1] = (sw & 0x00ff);
did_exact_length_hack = 1;
goto exact_length_hack;
while (use_chaining && sw == SW_SUCCESS);
if (apdu_buffer)
xfree (apdu_buffer);
apdu_buffer = NULL;
apdu_buffer_size = 0;
/* Store away the returned data but strip the statusword. */
resultlen -= 2;
log_debug (" response: sw=%04X datalen=%d\n",
sw, (unsigned int)resultlen);
if ( !retbuf && (sw == SW_SUCCESS || (sw & 0xff00) == SW_MORE_DATA))
log_printhex (" dump: ", result, resultlen);
if (sw == SW_SUCCESS || sw == SW_EOF_REACHED)
if (retbuf)
*retbuf = xtrymalloc (resultlen? resultlen : 1);
if (!*retbuf)
unlock_slot (slot);
xfree (result_buffer);
*retbuflen = resultlen;
memcpy (*retbuf, result, resultlen);
else if ((sw & 0xff00) == SW_MORE_DATA)
unsigned char *p = NULL, *tmp;
size_t bufsize = 4096;
/* It is likely that we need to return much more data, so we
start off with a large buffer. */
if (retbuf)
*retbuf = p = xtrymalloc (bufsize);
if (!*retbuf)
unlock_slot (slot);
xfree (result_buffer);
assert (resultlen < bufsize);
memcpy (p, result, resultlen);
p += resultlen;
int len = (sw & 0x00ff);
log_debug ("apdu_send_simple(%d): %d more bytes available\n",
slot, len);
apdu_buffer_size = sizeof short_apdu_buffer;
apdu = short_apdu_buffer;
apdulen = 0;
apdu[apdulen++] = class;
apdu[apdulen++] = 0xC0;
apdu[apdulen++] = 0;
apdu[apdulen++] = 0;
apdu[apdulen++] = len;
assert (apdulen <= apdu_buffer_size);
memset (apdu+apdulen, 0, apdu_buffer_size - apdulen);
resultlen = result_buffer_size;
rc = send_apdu (slot, apdu, apdulen, result, &resultlen, NULL);
if (rc || resultlen < 2)
log_error ("apdu_send_simple(%d) for get response failed: %s\n",
slot, apdu_strerror (rc));
unlock_slot (slot);
xfree (result_buffer);
sw = (result[resultlen-2] << 8) | result[resultlen-1];
resultlen -= 2;
log_debug (" more: sw=%04X datalen=%d\n",
sw, (unsigned int)resultlen);
if (!retbuf && (sw==SW_SUCCESS || (sw&0xff00)==SW_MORE_DATA))
log_printhex (" dump: ", result, resultlen);
if ((sw & 0xff00) == SW_MORE_DATA
|| sw == SW_SUCCESS
|| sw == SW_EOF_REACHED )
if (retbuf && resultlen)
if (p - *retbuf + resultlen > bufsize)
bufsize += resultlen > 4096? resultlen: 4096;
tmp = xtryrealloc (*retbuf, bufsize);
if (!tmp)
unlock_slot (slot);
xfree (result_buffer);
p = tmp + (p - *retbuf);
*retbuf = tmp;
memcpy (p, result, resultlen);
p += resultlen;
log_info ("apdu_send_simple(%d) "
"got unexpected status %04X from get response\n",
slot, sw);
while ((sw & 0xff00) == SW_MORE_DATA);
if (retbuf)
*retbuflen = p - *retbuf;
tmp = xtryrealloc (*retbuf, *retbuflen);
if (tmp)
*retbuf = tmp;
unlock_slot (slot);
xfree (result_buffer);
if (DBG_CARD_IO && retbuf && sw == SW_SUCCESS)
log_printhex (" dump: ", *retbuf, *retbuflen);
return sw;
/* Send an APDU to the card in SLOT. The APDU is created from all
given parameters: CLASS, INS, P0, P1, LC, DATA, LE. A value of -1
for LC won't sent this field and the data field; in this case DATA
must also be passed as NULL. If EXTENDED_MODE is not 0 command
chaining or extended length will be used; see send_le for details.
The return value is the status word or -1 for an invalid SLOT or
other non card related error. If RETBUF is not NULL, it will
receive an allocated buffer with the returned data. The length of
that data will be put into *RETBUFLEN. The caller is responsible
for releasing the buffer even in case of errors. */
apdu_send_le(int slot, int extended_mode,
int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
int lc, const char *data, int le,
unsigned char **retbuf, size_t *retbuflen)
return send_le (slot, class, ins, p0, p1,
lc, data, le,
retbuf, retbuflen,
NULL, extended_mode);
/* Send an APDU to the card in SLOT. The APDU is created from all
given parameters: CLASS, INS, P0, P1, LC, DATA. A value of -1 for
LC won't sent this field and the data field; in this case DATA must
also be passed as NULL. If EXTENDED_MODE is not 0 command chaining
or extended length will be used; see send_le for details. The
return value is the status word or -1 for an invalid SLOT or other
non card related error. If RETBUF is not NULL, it will receive an
allocated buffer with the returned data. The length of that data
will be put into *RETBUFLEN. The caller is responsible for
releasing the buffer even in case of errors. */
apdu_send (int slot, int extended_mode,
int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
int lc, const char *data, unsigned char **retbuf, size_t *retbuflen)
return send_le (slot, class, ins, p0, p1, lc, data, 256,
retbuf, retbuflen, NULL, extended_mode);
/* Send an APDU to the card in SLOT. The APDU is created from all
given parameters: CLASS, INS, P0, P1, LC, DATA. A value of -1 for
LC won't sent this field and the data field; in this case DATA must
also be passed as NULL. If EXTENDED_MODE is not 0 command chaining
or extended length will be used; see send_le for details. The
return value is the status word or -1 for an invalid SLOT or other
non card related error. No data will be returned. */
apdu_send_simple (int slot, int extended_mode,
int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
int lc, const char *data)
return send_le (slot, class, ins, p0, p1, lc, data, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL,
/* This is a more generic version of the apdu sending routine. It
takes an already formatted APDU in APDUDATA or length APDUDATALEN
and returns with an APDU including the status word. With
HANDLE_MORE set to true this function will handle the MORE DATA
status and return all APDUs concatenated with one status word at
the end. If EXTENDED_LENGTH is != 0 extended lengths are allowed
with a max. result data length of EXTENDED_LENGTH bytes. The
function does not return a regular status word but 0 on success.
If the slot is locked, the function returns immediately with an
error. */
apdu_send_direct (int slot, size_t extended_length,
const unsigned char *apdudata, size_t apdudatalen,
int handle_more,
unsigned char **retbuf, size_t *retbuflen)
unsigned char short_result_buffer[SHORT_RESULT_BUFFER_SIZE+10];
unsigned char *result_buffer = NULL;
size_t result_buffer_size;
unsigned char *result;
size_t resultlen;
unsigned char short_apdu_buffer[5+256+10];
unsigned char *apdu_buffer = NULL;
unsigned char *apdu;
size_t apdulen;
int sw;
long rc; /* we need a long here due to PC/SC. */
int class;
if (slot < 0 || slot >= MAX_READER || !reader_table[slot].used )
if (apdudatalen > 65535)
if (apdudatalen > sizeof short_apdu_buffer - 5)
apdu_buffer = xtrymalloc (apdudatalen + 5);
if (!apdu_buffer)
apdu = apdu_buffer;
apdu = short_apdu_buffer;
apdulen = apdudatalen;
memcpy (apdu, apdudata, apdudatalen);
class = apdulen? *apdu : 0;
if (extended_length >= 256 && extended_length <= 65536)
result_buffer_size = extended_length;
result_buffer = xtrymalloc (result_buffer_size + 10);
if (!result_buffer)
xfree (apdu_buffer);
result = result_buffer;
result_buffer_size = SHORT_RESULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
result = short_result_buffer;
if ((sw = trylock_slot (slot)))
xfree (apdu_buffer);
xfree (result_buffer);
return sw;
resultlen = result_buffer_size;
rc = send_apdu (slot, apdu, apdulen, result, &resultlen, NULL);
xfree (apdu_buffer);
apdu_buffer = NULL;
if (rc || resultlen < 2)
log_error ("apdu_send_direct(%d) failed: %s\n",
slot, apdu_strerror (rc));
unlock_slot (slot);
xfree (result_buffer);
sw = (result[resultlen-2] << 8) | result[resultlen-1];
/* Store away the returned data but strip the statusword. */
resultlen -= 2;
log_debug (" response: sw=%04X datalen=%d\n",
sw, (unsigned int)resultlen);
if ( !retbuf && (sw == SW_SUCCESS || (sw & 0xff00) == SW_MORE_DATA))
log_printhex (" dump: ", result, resultlen);
if (handle_more && (sw & 0xff00) == SW_MORE_DATA)
unsigned char *p = NULL, *tmp;
size_t bufsize = 4096;
/* It is likely that we need to return much more data, so we
start off with a large buffer. */
if (retbuf)
*retbuf = p = xtrymalloc (bufsize + 2);
if (!*retbuf)
unlock_slot (slot);
xfree (result_buffer);
assert (resultlen < bufsize);
memcpy (p, result, resultlen);
p += resultlen;
int len = (sw & 0x00ff);
log_debug ("apdu_send_direct(%d): %d more bytes available\n",
slot, len);
apdu = short_apdu_buffer;
apdulen = 0;
apdu[apdulen++] = class;
apdu[apdulen++] = 0xC0;
apdu[apdulen++] = 0;
apdu[apdulen++] = 0;
apdu[apdulen++] = len;
memset (apdu+apdulen, 0, sizeof (short_apdu_buffer) - apdulen);
resultlen = result_buffer_size;
rc = send_apdu (slot, apdu, apdulen, result, &resultlen, NULL);
if (rc || resultlen < 2)
log_error ("apdu_send_direct(%d) for get response failed: %s\n",
slot, apdu_strerror (rc));
unlock_slot (slot);
xfree (result_buffer);
sw = (result[resultlen-2] << 8) | result[resultlen-1];
resultlen -= 2;
log_debug (" more: sw=%04X datalen=%d\n",
sw, (unsigned int)resultlen);
if (!retbuf && (sw==SW_SUCCESS || (sw&0xff00)==SW_MORE_DATA))
log_printhex (" dump: ", result, resultlen);
if ((sw & 0xff00) == SW_MORE_DATA
|| sw == SW_SUCCESS
|| sw == SW_EOF_REACHED )
if (retbuf && resultlen)
if (p - *retbuf + resultlen > bufsize)
bufsize += resultlen > 4096? resultlen: 4096;
tmp = xtryrealloc (*retbuf, bufsize + 2);
if (!tmp)
unlock_slot (slot);
xfree (result_buffer);
p = tmp + (p - *retbuf);
*retbuf = tmp;
memcpy (p, result, resultlen);
p += resultlen;
log_info ("apdu_send_direct(%d) "
"got unexpected status %04X from get response\n",
slot, sw);
while ((sw & 0xff00) == SW_MORE_DATA);
if (retbuf)
*retbuflen = p - *retbuf;
tmp = xtryrealloc (*retbuf, *retbuflen + 2);
if (tmp)
*retbuf = tmp;
if (retbuf)
*retbuf = xtrymalloc ((resultlen? resultlen : 1)+2);
if (!*retbuf)
unlock_slot (slot);
xfree (result_buffer);
*retbuflen = resultlen;
memcpy (*retbuf, result, resultlen);
unlock_slot (slot);
xfree (result_buffer);
/* Append the status word. Note that we reserved the two extra
bytes while allocating the buffer. */
if (retbuf)
(*retbuf)[(*retbuflen)++] = (sw >> 8);
(*retbuf)[(*retbuflen)++] = sw;
if (DBG_CARD_IO && retbuf)
log_printhex (" dump: ", *retbuf, *retbuflen);
return 0;
const char *
apdu_get_reader_name (int slot)
return reader_table[slot].rdrname;
diff --git a/scd/apdu.h b/scd/apdu.h
index 7ca4c147e..e29c971e1 100644
--- a/scd/apdu.h
+++ b/scd/apdu.h
@@ -1,138 +1,138 @@
/* apdu.h - ISO 7816 APDU functions and low level I/O
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
* $Id$
#ifndef APDU_H
#define APDU_H
/* ISO 7816 values for the statusword are defined here because they
should not be visible to the users of the actual ISO command
API. */
enum {
SW_MORE_DATA = 0x6100, /* Note: that the low byte must be
masked of.*/
SW_EOF_REACHED = 0x6282,
SW_TERM_STATE = 0x6285, /* Selected file is in termination state. */
SW_SM_NOT_SUP = 0x6882, /* Secure Messaging is not supported. */
SW_CC_NOT_SUP = 0x6884, /* Command Chaining is not supported. */
SW_CHV_WRONG = 0x6982,
SW_CHV_BLOCKED = 0x6983,
SW_REF_DATA_INV = 0x6984, /* Referenced data invalidated. */
SW_BAD_PARAMETER = 0x6a80, /* (in the data field) */
SW_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY= 0x6a84, /* Not enough memory space in the file. */
SW_INCONSISTENT_LC = 0x6a85, /* Lc inconsistent with TLV structure. */
SW_INCORRECT_P0_P1 = 0x6a86,
SW_BAD_LC = 0x6a87, /* Lc does not match command or p1/p2. */
SW_REF_NOT_FOUND = 0x6a88,
SW_BAD_P0_P1 = 0x6b00,
SW_INS_NOT_SUP = 0x6d00,
SW_CLA_NOT_SUP = 0x6e00,
SW_SUCCESS = 0x9000,
/* The following statuswords are no real ones but used to map host
OS errors into status words. A status word is 16 bit so that
those values can't be issued by a card. */
SW_HOST_OUT_OF_CORE = 0x10001, /* No way yet to differentiate
between errnos on a failed malloc. */
SW_HOST_INV_VALUE = 0x10002,
SW_HOST_NO_DRIVER = 0x10004,
SW_HOST_BUSY = 0x10007,
SW_HOST_NO_CARD = 0x10008,
SW_HOST_NO_READER = 0x1000c,
SW_HOST_ABORTED = 0x1000d,
SW_HOST_NO_PINPAD = 0x1000e,
#define SW_EXACT_LENGTH_P(a) (((a)&~0xff) == SW_EXACT_LENGTH)
/* Bit flags for the card status. */
#define APDU_CARD_USABLE (1) /* Card is present and ready for use. */
#define APDU_CARD_PRESENT (2) /* Card is just present. */
#define APDU_CARD_ACTIVE (4) /* Card is active. */
/* Note, that apdu_open_reader returns no status word but -1 on error. */
int apdu_open_reader (const char *portstr);
int apdu_open_remote_reader (const char *portstr,
const unsigned char *cookie, size_t length,
int (*readfnc) (void *opaque,
void *buffer, size_t size),
void *readfnc_value,
int (*writefnc) (void *opaque,
const void *buffer, size_t size),
void *writefnc_value,
void (*closefnc) (void *opaque),
void *closefnc_value);
int apdu_close_reader (int slot);
void apdu_prepare_exit (void);
int apdu_enum_reader (int slot, int *used);
unsigned char *apdu_get_atr (int slot, size_t *atrlen);
const char *apdu_strerror (int rc);
/* These APDU functions return status words. */
int apdu_connect (int slot);
int apdu_disconnect (int slot);
int apdu_set_progress_cb (int slot, gcry_handler_progress_t cb, void *cb_arg);
int apdu_reset (int slot);
int apdu_get_status (int slot, int hang,
unsigned int *status, unsigned int *changed);
int apdu_check_pinpad (int slot, int command, pininfo_t *pininfo);
int apdu_pinpad_verify (int slot, int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
pininfo_t *pininfo);
int apdu_pinpad_modify (int slot, int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
pininfo_t *pininfo);
int apdu_send_simple (int slot, int extended_mode,
int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
int lc, const char *data);
int apdu_send (int slot, int extended_mode,
int class, int ins, int p0, int p1, int lc, const char *data,
unsigned char **retbuf, size_t *retbuflen);
int apdu_send_le (int slot, int extended_mode,
int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
int lc, const char *data, int le,
unsigned char **retbuf, size_t *retbuflen);
int apdu_send_direct (int slot, size_t extended_length,
const unsigned char *apdudata, size_t apdudatalen,
int handle_more,
unsigned char **retbuf, size_t *retbuflen);
const char *apdu_get_reader_name (int slot);
#endif /*APDU_H*/
diff --git a/scd/app-common.h b/scd/app-common.h
index cda657f14..e12b4fbfd 100644
--- a/scd/app-common.h
+++ b/scd/app-common.h
@@ -1,229 +1,229 @@
/* app-common.h - Common declarations for all card applications
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
* $Id$
# include "assuan.h"
# endif
# include <ksba.h>
/* Bit flags set by the decipher function into R_INFO. */
#define APP_DECIPHER_INFO_NOPAD 1 /* Padding has been removed. */
struct app_local_s; /* Defined by all app-*.c. */
struct app_ctx_s {
/* Number of connections currently using this application context.
If this is not 0 the application has been initialized and the
function pointers may be used. Note that for unsupported
operations the particular function pointer is set to NULL */
unsigned int ref_count;
/* Used reader slot. */
int slot;
/* If this is used by GnuPG 1.4 we need to know the assuan context
in case we need to divert the operation to an already running
agent. This if ASSUAN_CTX is not NULL we take this as indication
that all operations are diverted to gpg-agent. */
assuan_context_t assuan_ctx;
#endif /*GNUPG_MAJOR_VERSION == 1*/
unsigned char *serialno; /* Serialnumber in raw form, allocated. */
size_t serialnolen; /* Length in octets of serialnumber. */
const char *apptype;
unsigned int card_version;
unsigned int did_chv1:1;
unsigned int force_chv1:1; /* True if the card does not cache CHV1. */
unsigned int did_chv2:1;
unsigned int did_chv3:1;
struct app_local_s *app_local; /* Local to the application. */
struct {
void (*deinit) (app_t app);
gpg_error_t (*learn_status) (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, unsigned int flags);
gpg_error_t (*readcert) (app_t app, const char *certid,
unsigned char **cert, size_t *certlen);
gpg_error_t (*readkey) (app_t app, int advanced, const char *certid,
unsigned char **pk, size_t *pklen);
gpg_error_t (*getattr) (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name);
gpg_error_t (*setattr) (app_t app, const char *name,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const unsigned char *value, size_t valuelen);
gpg_error_t (*sign) (app_t app,
const char *keyidstr, int hashalgo,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen );
gpg_error_t (*auth) (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen);
gpg_error_t (*decipher) (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen,
unsigned int *r_info);
gpg_error_t (*writecert) (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *certid,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*,const char *,char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen);
gpg_error_t (*writekey) (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *keyid, unsigned int flags,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*,const char *,char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const unsigned char *pk, size_t pklen);
gpg_error_t (*genkey) (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *keynostr, unsigned int flags,
time_t createtime,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg);
gpg_error_t (*change_pin) (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *chvnostr, unsigned int flags,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg);
gpg_error_t (*check_pin) (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg);
} fnc;
gpg_error_t app_select_openpgp (app_t app);
gpg_error_t app_get_serial_and_stamp (app_t app, char **serial, time_t *stamp);
gpg_error_t app_openpgp_storekey (app_t app, int keyno,
unsigned char *template, size_t template_len,
time_t created_at,
const unsigned char *m, size_t mlen,
const unsigned char *e, size_t elen,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg);
/*-- app-help.c --*/
unsigned int app_help_count_bits (const unsigned char *a, size_t len);
gpg_error_t app_help_get_keygrip_string (ksba_cert_t cert, char *hexkeygrip);
size_t app_help_read_length_of_cert (int slot, int fid, size_t *r_certoff);
/*-- app.c --*/
void app_dump_state (void);
void application_notify_card_reset (int slot);
gpg_error_t check_application_conflict (ctrl_t ctrl, int slot,
const char *name);
gpg_error_t select_application (ctrl_t ctrl, int slot, const char *name,
app_t *r_app);
char *get_supported_applications (void);
void release_application (app_t app);
gpg_error_t app_munge_serialno (app_t app);
gpg_error_t app_get_serial_and_stamp (app_t app, char **serial, time_t *stamp);
gpg_error_t app_write_learn_status (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl,
unsigned int flags);
gpg_error_t app_readcert (app_t app, const char *certid,
unsigned char **cert, size_t *certlen);
gpg_error_t app_readkey (app_t app, int advanced, const char *keyid,
unsigned char **pk, size_t *pklen);
gpg_error_t app_getattr (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name);
gpg_error_t app_setattr (app_t app, const char *name,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const unsigned char *value, size_t valuelen);
gpg_error_t app_sign (app_t app, const char *keyidstr, int hashalgo,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen );
gpg_error_t app_auth (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen);
gpg_error_t app_decipher (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen,
unsigned int *r_info);
gpg_error_t app_writecert (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *certidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const unsigned char *keydata, size_t keydatalen);
gpg_error_t app_writekey (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *keyidstr, unsigned int flags,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const unsigned char *keydata, size_t keydatalen);
gpg_error_t app_genkey (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *keynostr, unsigned int flags,
time_t createtime,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg);
gpg_error_t app_get_challenge (app_t app, size_t nbytes,
unsigned char *buffer);
gpg_error_t app_change_pin (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *chvnostr, int reset_mode,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg);
gpg_error_t app_check_pin (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg);
/*-- app-openpgp.c --*/
gpg_error_t app_select_openpgp (app_t app);
/*-- app-nks.c --*/
gpg_error_t app_select_nks (app_t app);
/*-- app-dinsig.c --*/
gpg_error_t app_select_dinsig (app_t app);
/*-- app-p15.c --*/
gpg_error_t app_select_p15 (app_t app);
/*-- app-geldkarte.c --*/
gpg_error_t app_select_geldkarte (app_t app);
/*-- app-sc-hsm.c --*/
gpg_error_t app_select_sc_hsm (app_t app);
diff --git a/scd/app-dinsig.c b/scd/app-dinsig.c
index 7dad6b14f..3f99e2e5b 100644
--- a/scd/app-dinsig.c
+++ b/scd/app-dinsig.c
@@ -1,574 +1,574 @@
/* app-dinsig.c - The DINSIG (DIN V 66291-1) card application.
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* The German signature law and its bylaw (SigG and SigV) is currently
used with an interface specification described in DIN V 66291-1.
The AID to be used is: 'D27600006601'.
The file IDs for certificates utilize the generic format:
C being the hex digit 'C' (12).
x being the service indicator:
'0' := SigG conform digital signature.
'1' := entity authentication.
'2' := key encipherment.
'3' := data encipherment.
'4' := key agreement.
other values are reserved for future use.
y being the security environment number using '0' for cards
not supporting a SE number.
z being the certificate type:
'0' := C.CH (base certificate of card holder) or C.ICC.
'1' .. '7' := C.CH (business or professional certificate
of card holder.
'8' .. 'D' := C.CA (certificate of a CA issue by the Root-CA).
'E' := C.RCA (self certified certificate of the Root-CA).
'F' := reserved.
The file IDs used by default are:
'1F00' EF.SSD (security service descriptor). [o,o]
'2F02' EF.GDO (global data objects) [m,m]
'A000' EF.PROT (signature log). Cyclic file with 20 records of 53 byte.
Read and update after user authentication. [o,o]
'B000' EF.PK.RCA.DS (public keys of Root-CA). Size is 512b or size
of keys. [m (unless a 'C00E' is present),m]
'B001' EF.PK.CA.DS (public keys of CAs). Size is 512b or size
of keys. [o,o]
'C00n' EF.C.CH.DS (digital signature certificate of card holder)
with n := 0 .. 7. Size is 2k or size of cert. Read and
update allowed after user authentication. [m,m]
'C00m' EF.C.CA.DS (digital signature certificate of CA)
with m := 8 .. E. Size is 1k or size of cert. Read always
allowed, update after user authentication. [o,o]
'C100' EF.C.ICC.AUT (AUT certificate of ICC) [o,m]
'C108' EF.C.CA.AUT (AUT certificate of CA) [o,m]
'D000' EF.DM (display message) [-,m]
The letters in brackets indicate optional or mandatory files: The
first for card terminals under full control and the second for
"business" card terminals.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "scdaemon.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "iso7816.h"
#include "app-common.h"
#include "tlv.h"
static gpg_error_t
do_learn_status (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, unsigned int flags)
gpg_error_t err;
char ct_buf[100], id_buf[100];
char hexkeygrip[41];
size_t len, certoff;
unsigned char *der;
size_t derlen;
ksba_cert_t cert;
int fid;
/* Return the certificate of the card holder. */
fid = 0xC000;
len = app_help_read_length_of_cert (app->slot, fid, &certoff);
if (!len)
return 0; /* Card has not been personalized. */
sprintf (ct_buf, "%d", 101);
sprintf (id_buf, "DINSIG.%04X", fid);
send_status_info (ctrl, "CERTINFO",
ct_buf, strlen (ct_buf),
id_buf, strlen (id_buf),
NULL, (size_t)0);
/* Now we need to read the certificate, so that we can get the
public key out of it. */
err = iso7816_read_binary (app->slot, certoff, len-certoff, &der, &derlen);
if (err)
log_info ("error reading entire certificate from FID 0x%04X: %s\n",
fid, gpg_strerror (err));
return 0;
err = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (err)
xfree (der);
return err;
err = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, der, derlen);
xfree (der); der = NULL;
if (err)
log_error ("failed to parse the certificate at FID 0x%04X: %s\n",
fid, gpg_strerror (err));
ksba_cert_release (cert);
return err;
err = app_help_get_keygrip_string (cert, hexkeygrip);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to calculate the keygrip for FID 0x%04X\n", fid);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
sprintf (id_buf, "DINSIG.%04X", fid);
send_status_info (ctrl, "KEYPAIRINFO",
hexkeygrip, 40,
id_buf, strlen (id_buf),
NULL, (size_t)0);
return 0;
/* Read the certificate with id CERTID (as returned by learn_status in
the CERTINFO status lines) and return it in the freshly allocated
buffer put into CERT and the length of the certificate put into
FIXME: This needs some cleanups and caching with do_learn_status.
static gpg_error_t
do_readcert (app_t app, const char *certid,
unsigned char **cert, size_t *certlen)
int fid;
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer;
const unsigned char *p;
size_t buflen, n;
int class, tag, constructed, ndef;
size_t totobjlen, objlen, hdrlen;
int rootca = 0;
*cert = NULL;
*certlen = 0;
if (strncmp (certid, "DINSIG.", 7) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
certid += 7;
if (!hexdigitp (certid) || !hexdigitp (certid+1)
|| !hexdigitp (certid+2) || !hexdigitp (certid+3)
|| certid[4])
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
fid = xtoi_4 (certid);
if (fid != 0xC000 )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
/* Read the entire file. fixme: This could be optimized by first
reading the header to figure out how long the certificate
actually is. */
err = iso7816_select_file (app->slot, fid, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error selecting FID 0x%04X: %s\n", fid, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
err = iso7816_read_binary (app->slot, 0, 0, &buffer, &buflen);
if (err)
log_error ("error reading certificate from FID 0x%04X: %s\n",
fid, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
if (!buflen || *buffer == 0xff)
log_info ("no certificate contained in FID 0x%04X\n", fid);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
goto leave;
/* Now figure something out about the object. */
p = buffer;
n = buflen;
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (err)
goto leave;
if ( class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_SEQUENCE && constructed )
else if ( class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_SET && constructed )
rootca = 1;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
totobjlen = objlen + hdrlen;
assert (totobjlen <= buflen);
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (rootca)
else if (class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_OBJECT_ID && !constructed)
const unsigned char *save_p;
/* The certificate seems to be contained in a userCertificate
container. Skip this and assume the following sequence is
the certificate. */
if (n < objlen)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
goto leave;
p += objlen;
n -= objlen;
save_p = p;
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (err)
goto leave;
if ( !(class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_SEQUENCE && constructed) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
totobjlen = objlen + hdrlen;
assert (save_p + totobjlen <= buffer + buflen);
memmove (buffer, save_p, totobjlen);
*cert = buffer;
buffer = NULL;
*certlen = totobjlen;
xfree (buffer);
return err;
/* Verify the PIN if required. */
static gpg_error_t
verify_pin (app_t app,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg)
const char *s;
int rc;
pininfo_t pininfo;
if ( app->did_chv1 && !app->force_chv1 )
return 0; /* No need to verify it again. */
memset (&pininfo, 0, sizeof pininfo);
pininfo.fixedlen = -1;
pininfo.minlen = 6;
pininfo.maxlen = 8;
if (!opt.disable_pinpad
&& !iso7816_check_pinpad (app->slot, ISO7816_VERIFY, &pininfo) )
rc = pincb (pincb_arg,
_("||Please enter your PIN at the reader's pinpad"),
if (rc)
log_info (_("PIN callback returned error: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
rc = iso7816_verify_kp (app->slot, 0x81, &pininfo);
/* Dismiss the prompt. */
pincb (pincb_arg, NULL, NULL);
else /* No Pinpad. */
char *pinvalue;
rc = pincb (pincb_arg, "PIN", &pinvalue);
if (rc)
log_info ("PIN callback returned error: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
/* We require the PIN to be at least 6 and at max 8 bytes.
According to the specs, this should all be ASCII. */
for (s=pinvalue; digitp (s); s++)
if (*s)
log_error ("Non-numeric digits found in PIN\n");
xfree (pinvalue);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN);
if (strlen (pinvalue) < pininfo.minlen)
log_error ("PIN is too short; minimum length is %d\n",
xfree (pinvalue);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN);
else if (strlen (pinvalue) > pininfo.maxlen)
log_error ("PIN is too large; maximum length is %d\n",
xfree (pinvalue);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN);
rc = iso7816_verify (app->slot, 0x81, pinvalue, strlen (pinvalue));
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE)
/* We assume that ISO 9564-1 encoding is used and we failed
because the first nibble we passed was 3 and not 2. DIN
says something about looking up such an encoding in the
SSD but I was not able to find any tag relevant to
this. */
char paddedpin[8];
int i, ndigits;
for (ndigits=0, s=pinvalue; *s; ndigits++, s++)
i = 0;
paddedpin[i++] = 0x20 | (ndigits & 0x0f);
for (s=pinvalue; i < sizeof paddedpin && *s && s[1]; s = s+2 )
paddedpin[i++] = (((*s - '0') << 4) | ((s[1] - '0') & 0x0f));
if (i < sizeof paddedpin && *s)
paddedpin[i++] = (((*s - '0') << 4) | 0x0f);
while (i < sizeof paddedpin)
paddedpin[i++] = 0xff;
rc = iso7816_verify (app->slot, 0x81, paddedpin, sizeof paddedpin);
xfree (pinvalue);
if (rc)
log_error ("verify PIN failed\n");
return rc;
app->did_chv1 = 1;
return 0;
/* Create the signature and return the allocated result in OUTDATA.
If a PIN is required the PINCB will be used to ask for the PIN;
that callback should return the PIN in an allocated buffer and
store that in the 3rd argument. */
static gpg_error_t
do_sign (app_t app, const char *keyidstr, int hashalgo,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen )
static unsigned char sha1_prefix[15] = /* Object ID is */
{ 0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x0e, 0x03,
0x02, 0x1a, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14 };
static unsigned char rmd160_prefix[15] = /* Object ID is */
{ 0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x24, 0x03,
0x02, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14 };
static unsigned char sha256_prefix[19] = /* OID is 2.16.840. */
{ 0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86,
0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x05,
0x00, 0x04, 0x20 };
int rc;
int fid;
unsigned char data[19+32]; /* Must be large enough for a SHA-256 digest
+ the largest OID _prefix above. */
int datalen;
if (!keyidstr || !*keyidstr)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (indatalen != 20 && indatalen != 16 && indatalen != 32
&& indatalen != (15+20) && indatalen != (19+32))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
/* Check that the provided ID is vaid. This is not really needed
but we do it to to enforce correct usage by the caller. */
if (strncmp (keyidstr, "DINSIG.", 7) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
keyidstr += 7;
if (!hexdigitp (keyidstr) || !hexdigitp (keyidstr+1)
|| !hexdigitp (keyidstr+2) || !hexdigitp (keyidstr+3)
|| keyidstr[4])
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
fid = xtoi_4 (keyidstr);
if (fid != 0xC000)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
/* Prepare the DER object from INDATA. */
datalen = 35;
if (indatalen == 15+20)
/* Alright, the caller was so kind to send us an already
prepared DER object. Check that it is what we want and that
it matches the hash algorithm. */
if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_SHA1 && !memcmp (indata, sha1_prefix, 15))
else if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_RMD160 && !memcmp (indata, rmd160_prefix,15))
memcpy (data, indata, indatalen);
else if (indatalen == 19+32)
/* Alright, the caller was so kind to send us an already
prepared DER object. Check that it is what we want and that
it matches the hash algorithm. */
datalen = indatalen;
if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_SHA256 && !memcmp (indata, sha256_prefix, 19))
else if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_SHA1 && !memcmp (indata, sha256_prefix, 19))
/* Fixme: This is a kludge. A better solution is not to use
SHA1 as default but use an autodetection. However this
needs changes in all app-*.c */
hashalgo = GCRY_MD_SHA256;
datalen = indatalen;
memcpy (data, indata, indatalen);
int len = 15;
if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_SHA1)
memcpy (data, sha1_prefix, len);
else if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_RMD160)
memcpy (data, rmd160_prefix, len);
else if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_SHA256)
len = 19;
datalen = len + indatalen;
memcpy (data, sha256_prefix, len);
memcpy (data+len, indata, indatalen);
rc = verify_pin (app, pincb, pincb_arg);
if (!rc)
rc = iso7816_compute_ds (app->slot, 0, data, datalen, 0,
outdata, outdatalen);
return rc;
#if 0
#warning test function - works but may brick your card
/* Handle the PASSWD command. CHVNOSTR is currently ignored; we
always use VHV0. RESET_MODE is not yet implemented. */
static gpg_error_t
do_change_pin (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, const char *chvnostr,
unsigned int flags,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg)
gpg_error_t err;
char *pinvalue;
const char *oldpin;
size_t oldpinlen;
if ((flags & APP_CHANGE_FLAG_RESET))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
/* With the nullpin flag, we do not verify the PIN - it would fail
if the Nullpin is still set. */
oldpin = "\0\0\0\0\0";
oldpinlen = 6;
err = verify_pin (app, pincb, pincb_arg);
if (err)
return err;
oldpin = NULL;
oldpinlen = 0;
/* TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but
keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere
to get some infos on the string. */
err = pincb (pincb_arg, _("|N|Initial New PIN"), &pinvalue);
if (err)
log_error (_("error getting new PIN: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
err = iso7816_change_reference_data (app->slot, 0x81,
oldpin, oldpinlen,
pinvalue, strlen (pinvalue));
xfree (pinvalue);
return err;
#endif /*0*/
/* Select the DINSIG application on the card in SLOT. This function
must be used before any other DINSIG application functions. */
app_select_dinsig (app_t app)
static char const aid[] = { 0xD2, 0x76, 0x00, 0x00, 0x66, 0x01 };
int slot = app->slot;
int rc;
rc = iso7816_select_application (slot, aid, sizeof aid, 0);
if (!rc)
app->apptype = "DINSIG";
app->fnc.learn_status = do_learn_status;
app->fnc.readcert = do_readcert;
app->fnc.getattr = NULL;
app->fnc.setattr = NULL;
app->fnc.genkey = NULL;
app->fnc.sign = do_sign;
app->fnc.auth = NULL;
app->fnc.decipher = NULL;
app->fnc.change_pin = NULL /*do_change_pin*/;
app->fnc.check_pin = NULL;
app->force_chv1 = 1;
return rc;
diff --git a/scd/app-geldkarte.c b/scd/app-geldkarte.c
index f8ee9f640..e3c7dcc62 100644
--- a/scd/app-geldkarte.c
+++ b/scd/app-geldkarte.c
@@ -1,409 +1,409 @@
/* app-geldkarte.c - The German Geldkarte application
* Copyright (C) 2004 g10 Code GmbH
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* This is a read-only application to quickly dump information of a
German Geldkarte (debit card for small amounts). We only support
newer Geldkarte (with the AID DF_BOERSE_NEU) issued since 2000 or
even earlier.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "scdaemon.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "iso7816.h"
#include "app-common.h"
#include "tlv.h"
/* Object with application (i.e. Geldkarte) specific data. */
struct app_local_s
char kblz[2+1+4+1];
const char *banktype;
char *cardno;
char expires[7+1];
char validfrom[10+1];
char *country;
char currency[3+1];
unsigned int currency_mult100;
unsigned char chipid;
unsigned char osvers;
int balance;
int maxamount;
int maxamount1;
/* Deconstructor. */
static void
do_deinit (app_t app)
if (app && app->app_local)
xfree (app->app_local->cardno);
xfree (app->app_local->country);
xfree (app->app_local);
app->app_local = NULL;
static gpg_error_t
send_one_string (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, const char *string)
if (!name || !string)
return 0;
send_status_info (ctrl, name, string, strlen (string), NULL, 0);
return 0;
/* Implement the GETATTR command. This is similar to the LEARN
command but returns just one value via the status interface. */
static gpg_error_t
do_getattr (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name)
gpg_error_t err;
struct app_local_s *ld = app->app_local;
char numbuf[100];
if (!strcmp (name, "X-KBLZ"))
err = send_one_string (ctrl, name, ld->kblz);
else if (!strcmp (name, "X-BANKINFO"))
err = send_one_string (ctrl, name, ld->banktype);
else if (!strcmp (name, "X-CARDNO"))
err = send_one_string (ctrl, name, ld->cardno);
else if (!strcmp (name, "X-EXPIRES"))
err = send_one_string (ctrl, name, ld->expires);
else if (!strcmp (name, "X-VALIDFROM"))
err = send_one_string (ctrl, name, ld->validfrom);
else if (!strcmp (name, "X-COUNTRY"))
err = send_one_string (ctrl, name, ld->country);
else if (!strcmp (name, "X-CURRENCY"))
err = send_one_string (ctrl, name, ld->currency);
else if (!strcmp (name, "X-ZKACHIPID"))
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "0x%02X", ld->chipid);
err = send_one_string (ctrl, name, numbuf);
else if (!strcmp (name, "X-OSVERSION"))
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "0x%02X", ld->osvers);
err = send_one_string (ctrl, name, numbuf);
else if (!strcmp (name, "X-BALANCE"))
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%.2f",
(double)ld->balance / 100 * ld->currency_mult100);
err = send_one_string (ctrl, name, numbuf);
else if (!strcmp (name, "X-MAXAMOUNT"))
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%.2f",
(double)ld->maxamount / 100 * ld->currency_mult100);
err = send_one_string (ctrl, name, numbuf);
else if (!strcmp (name, "X-MAXAMOUNT1"))
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%.2f",
(double)ld->maxamount1 / 100 * ld->currency_mult100);
err = send_one_string (ctrl, name, numbuf);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
return err;
static gpg_error_t
do_learn_status (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, unsigned int flags)
static const char *names[] = {
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int idx;
for (idx=0; names[idx] && !err; idx++)
err = do_getattr (app, ctrl, names[idx]);
return err;
static char *
copy_bcd (const unsigned char *string, size_t length)
const unsigned char *s;
size_t n;
size_t needed;
char *buffer, *dst;
if (!length)
return xtrystrdup ("");
/* Skip leading zeroes. */
for (; length && !*string; length--, string++)
s = string;
n = length;
needed = 0;
for (; n ; n--, s++)
if (!needed && !(*s & 0xf0))
; /* Skip the leading zero in the first nibble. */
if ( ((*s >> 4) & 0x0f) > 9 )
errno = EINVAL;
return NULL;
if ( n == 1 && (*s & 0x0f) > 9 )
; /* Ignore the last digit if it has the sign. */
if ( (*s & 0x0f) > 9 )
errno = EINVAL;
return NULL;
if (!needed) /* If it is all zero, print a "0". */
buffer = dst = xtrymalloc (needed+1);
if (!buffer)
return NULL;
s = string;
n = length;
needed = 0;
for (; n ; n--, s++)
if (!needed && !(*s & 0xf0))
; /* Skip the leading zero in the first nibble. */
*dst++ = '0' + ((*s >> 4) & 0x0f);
if ( n == 1 && (*s & 0x0f) > 9 )
; /* Ignore the last digit if it has the sign. */
*dst++ = '0' + (*s & 0x0f);
if (!needed)
*dst++ = '0';
*dst = 0;
return buffer;
/* Convert the BCD number at STING of LENGTH into an integer and store
that at RESULT. Return 0 on success. */
static gpg_error_t
bcd_to_int (const unsigned char *string, size_t length, int *result)
char *tmp;
tmp = copy_bcd (string, length);
if (!tmp)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_DATA);
*result = strtol (tmp, NULL, 10);
xfree (tmp);
return 0;
/* Select the Geldkarte application. */
app_select_geldkarte (app_t app)
static char const aid[] =
{ 0xD2, 0x76, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x45, 0x50, 0x02, 0x00 };
gpg_error_t err;
int slot = app->slot;
unsigned char *result = NULL;
size_t resultlen;
struct app_local_s *ld;
const char *banktype;
err = iso7816_select_application (slot, aid, sizeof aid, 0);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Read the first record of EF_ID (SFI=0x17). We require this
record to be at least 24 bytes with the the first byte 0x67 and a
correct filler byte. */
err = iso7816_read_record (slot, 1, 1, ((0x17 << 3)|4), &result, &resultlen);
if (err)
goto leave; /* Oops - not a Geldkarte. */
if (resultlen < 24 || *result != 0x67 || result[22])
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
goto leave;
/* The short Bankleitzahl consists of 3 bytes at offset 1. */
switch (result[1])
case 0x21: banktype = "Oeffentlich-rechtliche oder private Bank"; break;
case 0x22: banktype = "Privat- oder Geschaeftsbank"; break;
case 0x25: banktype = "Sparkasse"; break;
case 0x26:
case 0x29: banktype = "Genossenschaftsbank"; break;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
goto leave; /* Probably not a Geldkarte. */
app->apptype = "GELDKARTE";
app->fnc.deinit = do_deinit;
/* If we don't have a serialno yet construct it from the EF_ID. */
if (!app->serialno)
app->serialno = xtrymalloc (10);
if (!app->serialno)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
memcpy (app->serialno, result, 10);
app->serialnolen = 10;
err = app_munge_serialno (app);
if (err)
goto leave;
app->app_local = ld = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *app->app_local);
if (!app->app_local)
err = gpg_err_code_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
snprintf (ld->kblz, sizeof ld->kblz, "%02X-%02X%02X",
result[1], result[2], result[3]);
ld->banktype = banktype;
ld->cardno = copy_bcd (result+4, 5);
if (!ld->cardno)
err = gpg_err_code_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
snprintf (ld->expires, sizeof ld->expires, "20%02X-%02X",
result[10], result[11]);
snprintf (ld->validfrom, sizeof ld->validfrom, "20%02X-%02X-%02X",
result[12], result[13], result[14]);
ld->country = copy_bcd (result+15, 2);
if (!ld->country)
err = gpg_err_code_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
snprintf (ld->currency, sizeof ld->currency, "%c%c%c",
isascii (result[17])? result[17]:' ',
isascii (result[18])? result[18]:' ',
isascii (result[19])? result[19]:' ');
ld->currency_mult100 = (result[20] == 0x01? 1:
result[20] == 0x02? 10:
result[20] == 0x04? 100:
result[20] == 0x08? 1000:
result[20] == 0x10? 10000:
result[20] == 0x20? 100000:0);
ld->chipid = result[21];
ld->osvers = result[23];
/* Read the first record of EF_BETRAG (SFI=0x18). */
xfree (result);
err = iso7816_read_record (slot, 1, 1, ((0x18 << 3)|4), &result, &resultlen);
if (err)
goto leave; /* It does not make sense to continue. */
if (resultlen < 12)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
goto leave;
err = bcd_to_int (result+0, 3, &ld->balance);
if (!err)
err = bcd_to_int (result+3, 3, &ld->maxamount);
if (!err)
err = bcd_to_int (result+6, 3, &ld->maxamount1);
/* The next 3 bytes are the maximum amount chargable without using a
MAC. This is usually 0. */
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Setup the rest of the methods. */
app->fnc.learn_status = do_learn_status;
app->fnc.getattr = do_getattr;
xfree (result);
if (err)
do_deinit (app);
return err;
diff --git a/scd/app-help.c b/scd/app-help.c
index 2576d5cfa..1cc86b1fc 100644
--- a/scd/app-help.c
+++ b/scd/app-help.c
@@ -1,180 +1,180 @@
/* app-help.c - Application helper functions
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "scdaemon.h"
#include "app-common.h"
#include "iso7816.h"
#include "tlv.h"
/* Count the number of bits, assuming the A represents an unsigned big
integer of length LEN bytes. If A is NULL a length of 0 is
returned. */
unsigned int
app_help_count_bits (const unsigned char *a, size_t len)
unsigned int n = len * 8;
int i;
if (!a)
return 0;
for (; len && !*a; len--, a++, n -=8)
if (len)
for (i=7; i && !(*a & (1<<i)); i--)
return n;
/* Return the KEYGRIP for the certificate CERT as an hex encoded
string in the user provided buffer HEXKEYGRIP which must be of at
least 41 bytes. */
app_help_get_keygrip_string (ksba_cert_t cert, char *hexkeygrip)
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_sexp_t s_pkey;
ksba_sexp_t p;
size_t n;
unsigned char array[20];
p = ksba_cert_get_public_key (cert);
if (!p)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
n = gcry_sexp_canon_len (p, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!n)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
err = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_pkey, NULL, (char*)p, n);
xfree (p);
if (err)
return err; /* Can't parse that S-expression. */
if (!gcry_pk_get_keygrip (s_pkey, array))
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); /* Failed to calculate the keygrip.*/
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
bin2hex (array, 20, hexkeygrip);
return 0;
/* Given the SLOT and the File ID FID, return the length of the
certificate contained in that file. Returns 0 if the file does not
exists or does not contain a certificate. If R_CERTOFF is not
NULL, the length the header will be stored at this address; thus to
parse the X.509 certificate a read should start at that offset.
On success the file is still selected.
app_help_read_length_of_cert (int slot, int fid, size_t *r_certoff)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer;
const unsigned char *p;
size_t buflen, n;
int class, tag, constructed, ndef;
size_t resultlen, objlen, hdrlen;
err = iso7816_select_file (slot, fid, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
log_info ("error selecting FID 0x%04X: %s\n", fid, gpg_strerror (err));
return 0;
err = iso7816_read_binary (slot, 0, 32, &buffer, &buflen);
if (err)
log_info ("error reading certificate from FID 0x%04X: %s\n",
fid, gpg_strerror (err));
return 0;
if (!buflen || *buffer == 0xff)
log_info ("no certificate contained in FID 0x%04X\n", fid);
xfree (buffer);
return 0;
p = buffer;
n = buflen;
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (err)
log_info ("error parsing certificate in FID 0x%04X: %s\n",
fid, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (buffer);
return 0;
/* All certificates should commence with a SEQUENCE except for the
special ROOT CA which are enclosed in a SET. */
if ( !(class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && constructed
&& (tag == TAG_SEQUENCE || tag == TAG_SET)))
log_info ("data at FID 0x%04X does not look like a certificate\n", fid);
return 0;
resultlen = objlen + hdrlen;
if (r_certoff)
/* The callers want the offset to the actual certificate. */
*r_certoff = hdrlen;
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (err)
return 0;
if (class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_OBJECT_ID && !constructed)
/* The certificate seems to be contained in a
userCertificate container. Assume the following sequence
is the certificate. */
*r_certoff += hdrlen + objlen;
if (*r_certoff > resultlen)
*r_certoff = 0;
return 0; /* That should never happen. */
*r_certoff = 0;
return resultlen;
diff --git a/scd/app-nks.c b/scd/app-nks.c
index 598dee187..a6487c4b0 100644
--- a/scd/app-nks.c
+++ b/scd/app-nks.c
@@ -1,1429 +1,1429 @@
/* app-nks.c - The Telesec NKS card application.
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* Notes:
- We are now targeting TCOS 3 cards and it may happen that there is
a regression towards TCOS 2 cards. Please report.
- The TKS3 AUT key is not used. It seems that it is only useful for
the internal authentication command and not accessible by other
applications. The key itself is in the encryption class but the
corresponding certificate has only the digitalSignature
- If required, we automagically switch between the NKS application
and the SigG application. This avoids to use the DINSIG
application which is somewhat limited, has no support for Secure
Messaging as required by TCOS 3 and has no way to change the PIN
or even set the NullPIN.
- We use the prefix NKS-DF01 for TCOS 2 cards and NKS-NKS3 for newer
cards. This is because the NKS application has moved to DF02 with
TCOS 3 and thus we better use a DF independent tag.
- We use only the global PINs for the NKS application.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "scdaemon.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "iso7816.h"
#include "app-common.h"
#include "tlv.h"
#include "apdu.h"
#include "host2net.h"
static char const aid_nks[] = { 0xD2, 0x76, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x01, 0x02 };
static char const aid_sigg[] = { 0xD2, 0x76, 0x00, 0x00, 0x66, 0x01 };
static struct
int is_sigg; /* Valid for SigG application. */
int fid; /* File ID. */
int nks_ver; /* 0 for NKS version 2, 3 for version 3. */
int certtype; /* Type of certificate or 0 if it is not a certificate. */
int iskeypair; /* If true has the FID of the corresponding certificate. */
int issignkey; /* True if file is a key usable for signing. */
int isenckey; /* True if file is a key usable for decryption. */
unsigned char kid; /* Corresponding key references. */
} filelist[] = {
{ 0, 0x4531, 0, 0, 0xC000, 1, 0, 0x80 }, /* EF_PK.NKS.SIG */
{ 0, 0xC000, 0, 101 }, /* EF_C.NKS.SIG */
{ 0, 0x4331, 0, 100 },
{ 0, 0x4332, 0, 100 },
{ 0, 0xB000, 0, 110 }, /* EF_PK.RCA.NKS */
{ 0, 0x45B1, 0, 0, 0xC200, 0, 1, 0x81 }, /* EF_PK.NKS.ENC */
{ 0, 0xC200, 0, 101 }, /* EF_C.NKS.ENC */
{ 0, 0x43B1, 0, 100 },
{ 0, 0x43B2, 0, 100 },
/* The authentication key is not used. */
/* { 0, 0x4571, 3, 0, 0xC500, 0, 0, 0x82 }, /\* EF_PK.NKS.AUT *\/ */
/* { 0, 0xC500, 3, 101 }, /\* EF_C.NKS.AUT *\/ */
{ 0, 0x45B2, 3, 0, 0xC201, 0, 1, 0x83 }, /* EF_PK.NKS.ENC1024 */
{ 0, 0xC201, 3, 101 }, /* EF_C.NKS.ENC1024 */
{ 1, 0x4531, 3, 0, 0xC000, 1, 1, 0x84 }, /* EF_PK.CH.SIG */
{ 1, 0xC000, 0, 101 }, /* EF_C.CH.SIG */
{ 1, 0xC008, 3, 101 }, /* EF_C.CA.SIG */
{ 1, 0xC00E, 3, 111 }, /* EF_C.RCA.SIG */
{ 0, 0 }
/* Object with application (i.e. NKS) specific data. */
struct app_local_s {
int nks_version; /* NKS version. */
int sigg_active; /* True if switched to the SigG application. */
int sigg_msig_checked;/* True if we checked for a mass signature card. */
int sigg_is_msig; /* True if this is a mass signature card. */
int need_app_select; /* Need to re-select the application. */
static gpg_error_t switch_application (app_t app, int enable_sigg);
/* Release local data. */
static void
do_deinit (app_t app)
if (app && app->app_local)
xfree (app->app_local);
app->app_local = NULL;
static int
all_zero_p (void *buffer, size_t length)
char *p;
for (p=buffer; length; length--, p++)
if (*p)
return 0;
return 1;
/* Read the file with FID, assume it contains a public key and return
its keygrip in the caller provided 41 byte buffer R_GRIPSTR. */
static gpg_error_t
keygripstr_from_pk_file (app_t app, int fid, char *r_gripstr)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char grip[20];
unsigned char *buffer[2];
size_t buflen[2];
gcry_sexp_t sexp;
int i;
int offset[2] = { 0, 0 };
err = iso7816_select_file (app->slot, fid, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
return err;
err = iso7816_read_record (app->slot, 1, 1, 0, &buffer[0], &buflen[0]);
if (err)
return err;
err = iso7816_read_record (app->slot, 2, 1, 0, &buffer[1], &buflen[1]);
if (err)
xfree (buffer[0]);
return err;
if (app->app_local->nks_version < 3)
/* Old versions of NKS store the values in a TLV encoded format.
We need to do some checks. */
for (i=0; i < 2; i++)
/* Check that the value appears like an integer encoded as
Simple-TLV. We don't check the tag because the tests cards I
have use 1 for both, the modulus and the exponent - the
example in the documentation gives 2 for the exponent. */
if (buflen[i] < 3)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
else if (buffer[i][1] != buflen[i]-2 )
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
offset[i] = 2;
/* Remove leading zeroes to get a correct keygrip. Take care of
negative numbers. We should also fix it the same way in
libgcrypt but we can't yet rely on it yet. */
for (i=0; i < 2; i++)
while (buflen[i]-offset[i] > 1
&& !buffer[i][offset[i]]
&& !(buffer[i][offset[i]+1] & 0x80))
/* Check whether negative values are not prefixed with a zero and
fix that. */
for (i=0; i < 2; i++)
if ((buflen[i]-offset[i]) && (buffer[i][offset[i]] & 0x80))
unsigned char *newbuf;
size_t newlen;
newlen = 1 + buflen[i] - offset[i];
newbuf = xtrymalloc (newlen);
if (!newlen)
xfree (buffer[0]);
xfree (buffer[1]);
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
newbuf[0] = 0;
memcpy (newbuf+1, buffer[i]+offset[i], buflen[i] - offset[i]);
xfree (buffer[i]);
buffer[i] = newbuf;
buflen[i] = newlen;
offset[i] = 0;
if (!err)
err = gcry_sexp_build (&sexp, NULL,
"(public-key (rsa (n %b) (e %b)))",
(int)buflen[0]-offset[0], buffer[0]+offset[0],
(int)buflen[1]-offset[1], buffer[1]+offset[1]);
xfree (buffer[0]);
xfree (buffer[1]);
if (err)
return err;
if (!gcry_pk_get_keygrip (sexp, grip))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL); /* i.e. RSA not supported by
libgcrypt. */
bin2hex (grip, 20, r_gripstr);
gcry_sexp_release (sexp);
return err;
/* TCOS responds to a verify with empty data (i.e. without the Lc
byte) with the status of the PIN. PWID is the PIN ID, If SIGG is
true, the application is switched into SigG mode.
-1 = Error retrieving the data,
-2 = No such PIN,
-3 = PIN blocked,
-4 = NullPIN activ,
n >= 0 = Number of verification attempts left. */
static int
get_chv_status (app_t app, int sigg, int pwid)
unsigned char *result = NULL;
size_t resultlen;
char command[4];
int rc;
if (switch_application (app, sigg))
return sigg? -2 : -1; /* No such PIN / General error. */
command[0] = 0x00;
command[1] = 0x20;
command[2] = 0x00;
command[3] = pwid;
if (apdu_send_direct (app->slot, 0, (unsigned char *)command,
4, 0, &result, &resultlen))
rc = -1; /* Error. */
else if (resultlen < 2)
rc = -1; /* Error. */
unsigned int sw = buf16_to_uint (result+resultlen-2);
if (sw == 0x6a88)
rc = -2; /* No such PIN. */
else if (sw == 0x6983)
rc = -3; /* PIN is blocked. */
else if (sw == 0x6985)
rc = -4; /* NullPIN is activ. */
else if ((sw & 0xfff0) == 0x63C0)
rc = (sw & 0x000f); /* PIN has N tries left. */
rc = -1; /* Other error. */
xfree (result);
return rc;
/* Implement the GETATTR command. This is similar to the LEARN
command but returns just one value via the status interface. */
static gpg_error_t
do_getattr (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name)
static struct {
const char *name;
int special;
} table[] = {
{ "$AUTHKEYID", 1 },
{ "NKS-VERSION", 2 },
{ "CHV-STATUS", 3 },
{ NULL, 0 }
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int idx;
char buffer[100];
err = switch_application (app, 0);
if (err)
return err;
for (idx=0; table[idx].name && strcmp (table[idx].name, name); idx++)
if (!table[idx].name)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
switch (table[idx].special)
case 1: /* $AUTHKEYID */
/* NetKey 3.0 cards define an authentication key but according
to the specs this key is only usable for encryption and not
signing. it might work anyway but it has not yet been
tested - fixme. Thus for now we use the NKS signature key
for authentication. */
char const tmp[] = "NKS-NKS3.4531";
send_status_info (ctrl, table[idx].name, tmp, strlen (tmp), NULL, 0);
case 2: /* NKS-VERSION */
snprintf (buffer, sizeof buffer, "%d", app->app_local->nks_version);
send_status_info (ctrl, table[idx].name,
buffer, strlen (buffer), NULL, 0);
case 3: /* CHV-STATUS */
/* Returns: PW1.CH PW2.CH PW1.CH.SIG PW2.CH.SIG That are the
two global passwords followed by the two SigG passwords.
For the values, see the function get_chv_status. */
int tmp[4];
/* We use a helper array so that we can control that there is
no superfluous application switch. Note that PW2.CH.SIG
really has the identifier 0x83 and not 0x82 as one would
expect. */
tmp[0] = get_chv_status (app, 0, 0x00);
tmp[1] = get_chv_status (app, 0, 0x01);
tmp[2] = get_chv_status (app, 1, 0x81);
tmp[3] = get_chv_status (app, 1, 0x83);
snprintf (buffer, sizeof buffer,
"%d %d %d %d", tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[3]);
send_status_info (ctrl, table[idx].name,
buffer, strlen (buffer), NULL, 0);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
return err;
static void
do_learn_status_core (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, unsigned int flags, int is_sigg)
gpg_error_t err;
char ct_buf[100], id_buf[100];
int i;
const char *tag;
if (is_sigg)
tag = "SIGG";
else if (app->app_local->nks_version < 3)
tag = "DF01";
tag = "NKS3";
/* Output information about all useful objects in the NKS application. */
for (i=0; filelist[i].fid; i++)
if (filelist[i].nks_ver > app->app_local->nks_version)
if (!!filelist[i].is_sigg != !!is_sigg)
if (filelist[i].certtype && !(flags &1))
size_t len;
len = app_help_read_length_of_cert (app->slot,
filelist[i].fid, NULL);
if (len)
/* FIXME: We should store the length in the application's
context so that a following readcert does only need to
read that many bytes. */
snprintf (ct_buf, sizeof ct_buf, "%d", filelist[i].certtype);
snprintf (id_buf, sizeof id_buf, "NKS-%s.%04X",
tag, filelist[i].fid);
send_status_info (ctrl, "CERTINFO",
ct_buf, strlen (ct_buf),
id_buf, strlen (id_buf),
NULL, (size_t)0);
else if (filelist[i].iskeypair)
char gripstr[40+1];
err = keygripstr_from_pk_file (app, filelist[i].fid, gripstr);
if (err)
log_error ("can't get keygrip from FID 0x%04X: %s\n",
filelist[i].fid, gpg_strerror (err));
snprintf (id_buf, sizeof id_buf, "NKS-%s.%04X",
tag, filelist[i].fid);
send_status_info (ctrl, "KEYPAIRINFO",
gripstr, 40,
id_buf, strlen (id_buf),
NULL, (size_t)0);
static gpg_error_t
do_learn_status (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, unsigned int flags)
gpg_error_t err;
err = switch_application (app, 0);
if (err)
return err;
do_learn_status_core (app, ctrl, flags, 0);
err = switch_application (app, 1);
if (err)
return 0; /* Silently ignore if we can't switch to SigG. */
do_learn_status_core (app, ctrl, flags, 1);
return 0;
/* Read the certificate with id CERTID (as returned by learn_status in
the CERTINFO status lines) and return it in the freshly allocated
buffer put into CERT and the length of the certificate put into
static gpg_error_t
do_readcert (app_t app, const char *certid,
unsigned char **cert, size_t *certlen)
int i, fid;
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer;
const unsigned char *p;
size_t buflen, n;
int class, tag, constructed, ndef;
size_t totobjlen, objlen, hdrlen;
int rootca = 0;
int is_sigg = 0;
*cert = NULL;
*certlen = 0;
if (!strncmp (certid, "NKS-NKS3.", 9))
else if (!strncmp (certid, "NKS-DF01.", 9))
else if (!strncmp (certid, "NKS-SIGG.", 9))
is_sigg = 1;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
err = switch_application (app, is_sigg);
if (err)
return err;
certid += 9;
if (!hexdigitp (certid) || !hexdigitp (certid+1)
|| !hexdigitp (certid+2) || !hexdigitp (certid+3)
|| certid[4])
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
fid = xtoi_4 (certid);
for (i=0; filelist[i].fid; i++)
if ((filelist[i].certtype || filelist[i].iskeypair)
&& filelist[i].fid == fid)
if (!filelist[i].fid)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
/* If the requested objects is a plain public key, redirect it to
the corresponding certificate. The whole system is a bit messy
because we sometime use the key directly or let the caller
retrieve the key from the certificate. The rationale for
that is to support not-yet stored certificates. */
if (filelist[i].iskeypair)
fid = filelist[i].iskeypair;
/* Read the entire file. fixme: This could be optimized by first
reading the header to figure out how long the certificate
actually is. */
err = iso7816_select_file (app->slot, fid, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error selecting FID 0x%04X: %s\n", fid, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
err = iso7816_read_binary (app->slot, 0, 0, &buffer, &buflen);
if (err)
log_error ("error reading certificate from FID 0x%04X: %s\n",
fid, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
if (!buflen || *buffer == 0xff)
log_info ("no certificate contained in FID 0x%04X\n", fid);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
goto leave;
/* Now figure something out about the object. */
p = buffer;
n = buflen;
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (err)
goto leave;
if ( class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_SEQUENCE && constructed )
else if ( class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_SET && constructed )
rootca = 1;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
totobjlen = objlen + hdrlen;
assert (totobjlen <= buflen);
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (rootca)
else if (class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_OBJECT_ID && !constructed)
const unsigned char *save_p;
/* The certificate seems to be contained in a userCertificate
container. Skip this and assume the following sequence is
the certificate. */
if (n < objlen)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
goto leave;
p += objlen;
n -= objlen;
save_p = p;
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (err)
goto leave;
if ( !(class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_SEQUENCE && constructed) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
totobjlen = objlen + hdrlen;
assert (save_p + totobjlen <= buffer + buflen);
memmove (buffer, save_p, totobjlen);
*cert = buffer;
buffer = NULL;
*certlen = totobjlen;
xfree (buffer);
return err;
/* Handle the READKEY command. On success a canonical encoded
S-expression with the public key will get stored at PK and its
length at PKLEN; the caller must release that buffer. On error PK
and PKLEN are not changed and an error code is returned. As of now
this function is only useful for the internal authentication key.
Other keys are automagically retrieved via by means of the
certificate parsing code in commands.c:cmd_readkey. For internal
use PK and PKLEN may be NULL to just check for an existing key. */
static gpg_error_t
do_readkey (app_t app, int advanced, const char *keyid,
unsigned char **pk, size_t *pklen)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer[2];
size_t buflen[2];
unsigned short path[1] = { 0x4500 };
if (advanced)
/* We use a generic name to retrieve PK.AUT.IFD-SPK. */
if (!strcmp (keyid, "$IFDAUTHKEY") && app->app_local->nks_version >= 3)
else /* Return the error code expected by cmd_readkey. */
/* Access the KEYD file which is always in the master directory. */
err = iso7816_select_path (app->slot, path, DIM (path), NULL, NULL);
if (err)
return err;
/* Due to the above select we need to re-select our application. */
app->app_local->need_app_select = 1;
/* Get the two records. */
err = iso7816_read_record (app->slot, 5, 1, 0, &buffer[0], &buflen[0]);
if (err)
return err;
if (all_zero_p (buffer[0], buflen[0]))
xfree (buffer[0]);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
err = iso7816_read_record (app->slot, 6, 1, 0, &buffer[1], &buflen[1]);
if (err)
xfree (buffer[0]);
return err;
if (pk && pklen)
*pk = make_canon_sexp_from_rsa_pk (buffer[0], buflen[0],
buffer[1], buflen[1],
if (!*pk)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (buffer[0]);
xfree (buffer[1]);
return err;
/* Handle the WRITEKEY command for NKS. This function expects a
canonical encoded S-expression with the public key in KEYDATA and
its length in KEYDATALEN. The only supported KEYID is
"$IFDAUTHKEY" to store the terminal key on the card. Bit 0 of
FLAGS indicates whether an existing key shall get overwritten.
PINCB and PINCB_ARG are the usual arguments for the pinentry
callback. */
static gpg_error_t
do_writekey (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *keyid, unsigned int flags,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const unsigned char *keydata, size_t keydatalen)
gpg_error_t err;
int force = (flags & 1);
const unsigned char *rsa_n = NULL;
const unsigned char *rsa_e = NULL;
size_t rsa_n_len, rsa_e_len;
unsigned int nbits;
if (!strcmp (keyid, "$IFDAUTHKEY") && app->app_local->nks_version >= 3)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
if (!force && !do_readkey (app, 0, keyid, NULL, NULL))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EEXIST);
/* Parse the S-expression. */
err = get_rsa_pk_from_canon_sexp (keydata, keydatalen,
&rsa_n, &rsa_n_len, &rsa_e, &rsa_e_len);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Check that the parameters match the requirements. */
nbits = app_help_count_bits (rsa_n, rsa_n_len);
if (nbits != 1024)
log_error (_("RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n"), 1024);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PUBKEY);
goto leave;
nbits = app_help_count_bits (rsa_e, rsa_e_len);
if (nbits < 2 || nbits > 32)
log_error (_("RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n"),
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PUBKEY);
goto leave;
/* /\* Store them. *\/ */
/* err = verify_pin (app, 0, NULL, pincb, pincb_arg); */
/* if (err) */
/* goto leave; */
/* Send the MSE:Store_Public_Key. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
/* mse = xtrymalloc (1000); */
/* mse[0] = 0x80; /\* Algorithm reference. *\/ */
/* mse[1] = 1; */
/* mse[2] = 0x17; */
/* mse[3] = 0x84; /\* Private key reference. *\/ */
/* mse[4] = 1; */
/* mse[5] = 0x77; */
/* mse[6] = 0x7F; /\* Public key parameter. *\/ */
/* mse[7] = 0x49; */
/* mse[8] = 0x81; */
/* mse[9] = 3 + 0x80 + 2 + rsa_e_len; */
/* mse[10] = 0x81; /\* RSA modulus of 128 byte. *\/ */
/* mse[11] = 0x81; */
/* mse[12] = rsa_n_len; */
/* memcpy (mse+12, rsa_n, rsa_n_len); */
/* mse[10] = 0x82; /\* RSA public exponent of up to 4 bytes. *\/ */
/* mse[12] = rsa_e_len; */
/* memcpy (mse+12, rsa_e, rsa_e_len); */
/* err = iso7816_manage_security_env (app->slot, 0x81, 0xB6, */
/* mse, sizeof mse); */
return err;
static gpg_error_t
basic_pin_checks (const char *pinvalue, int minlen, int maxlen)
if (strlen (pinvalue) < minlen)
log_error ("PIN is too short; minimum length is %d\n", minlen);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN);
if (strlen (pinvalue) > maxlen)
log_error ("PIN is too large; maximum length is %d\n", maxlen);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN);
return 0;
/* Verify the PIN if required. */
static gpg_error_t
verify_pin (app_t app, int pwid, const char *desc,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg)
pininfo_t pininfo;
int rc;
if (!desc)
desc = "PIN";
memset (&pininfo, 0, sizeof pininfo);
pininfo.fixedlen = -1;
pininfo.minlen = 6;
pininfo.maxlen = 16;
if (!opt.disable_pinpad
&& !iso7816_check_pinpad (app->slot, ISO7816_VERIFY, &pininfo) )
rc = pincb (pincb_arg, desc, NULL);
if (rc)
log_info (_("PIN callback returned error: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
rc = iso7816_verify_kp (app->slot, pwid, &pininfo);
pincb (pincb_arg, NULL, NULL); /* Dismiss the prompt. */
char *pinvalue;
rc = pincb (pincb_arg, desc, &pinvalue);
if (rc)
log_info ("PIN callback returned error: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
rc = basic_pin_checks (pinvalue, pininfo.minlen, pininfo.maxlen);
if (rc)
xfree (pinvalue);
return rc;
rc = iso7816_verify (app->slot, pwid, pinvalue, strlen (pinvalue));
xfree (pinvalue);
if (rc)
if ( gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_USE_CONDITIONS )
log_error (_("the NullPIN has not yet been changed\n"));
log_error ("verify PIN failed\n");
return rc;
return 0;
/* Create the signature and return the allocated result in OUTDATA.
If a PIN is required the PINCB will be used to ask for the PIN;
that callback should return the PIN in an allocated buffer and
store that in the 3rd argument. */
static gpg_error_t
do_sign (app_t app, const char *keyidstr, int hashalgo,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen )
static unsigned char sha1_prefix[15] = /* Object ID is */
{ 0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x0e, 0x03,
0x02, 0x1a, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14 };
static unsigned char rmd160_prefix[15] = /* Object ID is */
{ 0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x24, 0x03,
0x02, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14 };
int rc, i;
int is_sigg = 0;
int fid;
unsigned char kid;
unsigned char data[83]; /* Must be large enough for a SHA-1 digest
+ the largest OID prefix. */
size_t datalen;
if (!keyidstr || !*keyidstr)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
switch (indatalen)
case 16: case 20: case 35: case 47: case 51: case 67: case 83: break;
default: return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
/* Check that the provided ID is valid. This is not really needed
but we do it to enforce correct usage by the caller. */
if (!strncmp (keyidstr, "NKS-NKS3.", 9) )
else if (!strncmp (keyidstr, "NKS-DF01.", 9) )
else if (!strncmp (keyidstr, "NKS-SIGG.", 9) )
is_sigg = 1;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
keyidstr += 9;
rc = switch_application (app, is_sigg);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (is_sigg && app->app_local->sigg_is_msig)
log_info ("mass signature cards are not allowed\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
if (!hexdigitp (keyidstr) || !hexdigitp (keyidstr+1)
|| !hexdigitp (keyidstr+2) || !hexdigitp (keyidstr+3)
|| keyidstr[4])
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
fid = xtoi_4 (keyidstr);
for (i=0; filelist[i].fid; i++)
if (filelist[i].iskeypair && filelist[i].fid == fid)
if (!filelist[i].fid)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
if (!filelist[i].issignkey)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
kid = filelist[i].kid;
/* Prepare the DER object from INDATA. */
if (app->app_local->nks_version > 2 && (indatalen == 35
|| indatalen == 47
|| indatalen == 51
|| indatalen == 67
|| indatalen == 83))
/* The caller send data matching the length of the ASN.1 encoded
hash for SHA-{1,224,256,384,512}. Assume that is okay. */
assert (indatalen <= sizeof data);
memcpy (data, indata, indatalen);
datalen = indatalen;
else if (indatalen == 35)
/* Alright, the caller was so kind to send us an already
prepared DER object. This is for TCOS 2. */
if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_SHA1 && !memcmp (indata, sha1_prefix, 15))
else if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_RMD160 && !memcmp (indata,rmd160_prefix,15))
memcpy (data, indata, indatalen);
datalen = 35;
else if (indatalen == 20)
if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_SHA1)
memcpy (data, sha1_prefix, 15);
else if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_RMD160)
memcpy (data, rmd160_prefix, 15);
memcpy (data+15, indata, indatalen);
datalen = 35;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
/* Send an MSE for PSO:Computer_Signature. */
if (app->app_local->nks_version > 2)
unsigned char mse[6];
mse[0] = 0x80; /* Algorithm reference. */
mse[1] = 1;
mse[2] = 2; /* RSA, card does pkcs#1 v1.5 padding, no ASN.1 check. */
mse[3] = 0x84; /* Private key reference. */
mse[4] = 1;
mse[5] = kid;
rc = iso7816_manage_security_env (app->slot, 0x41, 0xB6,
mse, sizeof mse);
/* Verify using PW1.CH. */
if (!rc)
rc = verify_pin (app, 0, NULL, pincb, pincb_arg);
/* Compute the signature. */
if (!rc)
rc = iso7816_compute_ds (app->slot, 0, data, datalen, 0,
outdata, outdatalen);
return rc;
/* Decrypt the data in INDATA and return the allocated result in OUTDATA.
If a PIN is required the PINCB will be used to ask for the PIN; it
should return the PIN in an allocated buffer and put it into PIN. */
static gpg_error_t
do_decipher (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen,
unsigned int *r_info)
int rc, i;
int is_sigg = 0;
int fid;
int kid;
if (!keyidstr || !*keyidstr || !indatalen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
/* Check that the provided ID is valid. This is not really needed
but we do it to to enforce correct usage by the caller. */
if (!strncmp (keyidstr, "NKS-NKS3.", 9) )
else if (!strncmp (keyidstr, "NKS-DF01.", 9) )
else if (!strncmp (keyidstr, "NKS-SIGG.", 9) )
is_sigg = 1;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
keyidstr += 9;
rc = switch_application (app, is_sigg);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (!hexdigitp (keyidstr) || !hexdigitp (keyidstr+1)
|| !hexdigitp (keyidstr+2) || !hexdigitp (keyidstr+3)
|| keyidstr[4])
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
fid = xtoi_4 (keyidstr);
for (i=0; filelist[i].fid; i++)
if (filelist[i].iskeypair && filelist[i].fid == fid)
if (!filelist[i].fid)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
if (!filelist[i].isenckey)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
kid = filelist[i].kid;
if (app->app_local->nks_version > 2)
unsigned char mse[6];
mse[0] = 0x80; /* Algorithm reference. */
mse[1] = 1;
mse[2] = 0x0a; /* RSA no padding. (0x1A is pkcs#1.5 padding.) */
mse[3] = 0x84; /* Private key reference. */
mse[4] = 1;
mse[5] = kid;
rc = iso7816_manage_security_env (app->slot, 0x41, 0xB8,
mse, sizeof mse);
static const unsigned char mse[] =
0x80, 1, 0x10, /* Select algorithm RSA. */
0x84, 1, 0x81 /* Select local secret key 1 for decryption. */
rc = iso7816_manage_security_env (app->slot, 0xC1, 0xB8,
mse, sizeof mse);
if (!rc)
rc = verify_pin (app, 0, NULL, pincb, pincb_arg);
/* Note that we need to use extended length APDUs for TCOS 3 cards.
Command chaining does not work. */
if (!rc)
rc = iso7816_decipher (app->slot, app->app_local->nks_version > 2? 1:0,
indata, indatalen, 0, 0x81,
outdata, outdatalen);
return rc;
/* Parse a password ID string. Returns NULL on error or a string
suitable as passphrase prompt on success. On success stores the
reference value for the password at R_PWID and a flag indicating
that the SigG application is to be used at R_SIGG. If NEW_MODE is
true, the returned description is suitable for a new Password.
Supported values for PWIDSTR are:
PW1.CH - Global password 1
PW2.CH - Global password 2
PW1.CH.SIG - SigG password 1
PW2.CH.SIG - SigG password 2
static const char *
parse_pwidstr (const char *pwidstr, int new_mode, int *r_sigg, int *r_pwid)
const char *desc;
if (!pwidstr)
desc = NULL;
else if (!strcmp (pwidstr, "PW1.CH"))
*r_sigg = 0;
*r_pwid = 0x00;
/* TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but keep
them verbatim at the start of the string. */
desc = (new_mode
? _("|N|Please enter a new PIN for the standard keys.")
: _("||Please enter the PIN for the standard keys."));
else if (!strcmp (pwidstr, "PW2.CH"))
*r_pwid = 0x01;
desc = (new_mode
? _("|NP|Please enter a new PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) "
"for the standard keys.")
: _("|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) "
"for the standard keys."));
else if (!strcmp (pwidstr, "PW1.CH.SIG"))
*r_pwid = 0x81;
*r_sigg = 1;
desc = (new_mode
? _("|N|Please enter a new PIN for the key to create "
"qualified signatures.")
: _("||Please enter the PIN for the key to create "
"qualified signatures."));
else if (!strcmp (pwidstr, "PW2.CH.SIG"))
*r_pwid = 0x83; /* Yes, that is 83 and not 82. */
*r_sigg = 1;
desc = (new_mode
? _("|NP|Please enter a new PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) "
"for the key to create qualified signatures.")
: _("|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) "
"for the key to create qualified signatures."));
*r_pwid = 0; /* Only to avoid gcc warning in calling function. */
desc = NULL; /* Error. */
return desc;
/* Handle the PASSWD command. See parse_pwidstr() for allowed values
for CHVNOSTR. */
static gpg_error_t
do_change_pin (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, const char *pwidstr,
unsigned int flags,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg)
gpg_error_t err;
char *newpin = NULL;
char *oldpin = NULL;
size_t newpinlen;
size_t oldpinlen;
int is_sigg;
const char *newdesc;
int pwid;
pininfo_t pininfo;
/* The minimum length is enforced by TCOS, the maximum length is
just a reasonable value. */
memset (&pininfo, 0, sizeof pininfo);
pininfo.minlen = 6;
pininfo.maxlen = 16;
newdesc = parse_pwidstr (pwidstr, 1, &is_sigg, &pwid);
if (!newdesc)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
err = switch_application (app, is_sigg);
if (err)
return err;
/* With the nullpin flag, we do not verify the PIN - it would
fail if the Nullpin is still set. */
oldpin = xtrycalloc (1, 6);
if (!oldpin)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
oldpinlen = 6;
const char *desc;
int dummy1, dummy2;
if ((flags & APP_CHANGE_FLAG_RESET))
/* Reset mode: Ask for the alternate PIN. */
const char *altpwidstr;
if (!strcmp (pwidstr, "PW1.CH"))
altpwidstr = "PW2.CH";
else if (!strcmp (pwidstr, "PW2.CH"))
altpwidstr = "PW1.CH";
else if (!strcmp (pwidstr, "PW1.CH.SIG"))
altpwidstr = "PW2.CH.SIG";
else if (!strcmp (pwidstr, "PW2.CH.SIG"))
altpwidstr = "PW1.CH.SIG";
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
goto leave;
desc = parse_pwidstr (altpwidstr, 0, &dummy1, &dummy2);
/* Regular change mode: Ask for the old PIN. */
desc = parse_pwidstr (pwidstr, 0, &dummy1, &dummy2);
err = pincb (pincb_arg, desc, &oldpin);
if (err)
log_error ("error getting old PIN: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
oldpinlen = strlen (oldpin);
err = basic_pin_checks (oldpin, pininfo.minlen, pininfo.maxlen);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = pincb (pincb_arg, newdesc, &newpin);
if (err)
log_error (_("error getting new PIN: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
newpinlen = strlen (newpin);
err = basic_pin_checks (newpin, pininfo.minlen, pininfo.maxlen);
if (err)
goto leave;
if ((flags & APP_CHANGE_FLAG_RESET))
char *data;
size_t datalen = oldpinlen + newpinlen;
data = xtrymalloc (datalen);
if (!data)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
memcpy (data, oldpin, oldpinlen);
memcpy (data+oldpinlen, newpin, newpinlen);
err = iso7816_reset_retry_counter_with_rc (app->slot, pwid,
data, datalen);
wipememory (data, datalen);
xfree (data);
err = iso7816_change_reference_data (app->slot, pwid,
oldpin, oldpinlen,
newpin, newpinlen);
xfree (oldpin);
xfree (newpin);
return err;
/* Perform a simple verify operation. KEYIDSTR should be NULL or empty. */
static gpg_error_t
do_check_pin (app_t app, const char *pwidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg)
gpg_error_t err;
int pwid;
int is_sigg;
const char *desc;
desc = parse_pwidstr (pwidstr, 0, &is_sigg, &pwid);
if (!desc)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
err = switch_application (app, is_sigg);
if (err)
return err;
return verify_pin (app, pwid, desc, pincb, pincb_arg);
/* Return the version of the NKS application. */
static int
get_nks_version (int slot)
unsigned char *result = NULL;
size_t resultlen;
int type;
if (iso7816_apdu_direct (slot, "\x80\xaa\x06\x00\x00", 5, 0,
&result, &resultlen))
return 2; /* NKS 2 does not support this command. */
/* Example value: 04 11 19 22 21 6A 20 80 03 03 01 01 01 00 00 00
vv tt ccccccccccccccccc aa bb cc vvvvvvvvvvv xx
vendor (Philips) -+ | | | | | | |
chip type -----------+ | | | | | |
chip id ----------------+ | | | | |
card type (3 - tcos 3) -------------------+ | | | |
OS version of card type ---------------------+ | | |
OS release of card type ------------------------+ | |
OS vendor internal version ------------------------+ |
RFU -----------------------------------------------------------+
if (resultlen < 16)
type = 0; /* Invalid data returned. */
type = result[8];
xfree (result);
return type;
/* If ENABLE_SIGG is true switch to the SigG application if not yet
active. If false switch to the NKS application if not yet active.
Returns 0 on success. */
static gpg_error_t
switch_application (app_t app, int enable_sigg)
gpg_error_t err;
if (((app->app_local->sigg_active && enable_sigg)
|| (!app->app_local->sigg_active && !enable_sigg))
&& !app->app_local->need_app_select)
return 0; /* Already switched. */
log_info ("app-nks: switching to %s\n", enable_sigg? "SigG":"NKS");
if (enable_sigg)
err = iso7816_select_application (app->slot, aid_sigg, sizeof aid_sigg, 0);
err = iso7816_select_application (app->slot, aid_nks, sizeof aid_nks, 0);
if (!err && enable_sigg && app->app_local->nks_version >= 3
&& !app->app_local->sigg_msig_checked)
/* Check whether this card is a mass signature card. */
unsigned char *buffer;
size_t buflen;
const unsigned char *tmpl;
size_t tmpllen;
app->app_local->sigg_msig_checked = 1;
app->app_local->sigg_is_msig = 1;
err = iso7816_select_file (app->slot, 0x5349, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!err)
err = iso7816_read_record (app->slot, 1, 1, 0, &buffer, &buflen);
if (!err)
tmpl = find_tlv (buffer, buflen, 0x7a, &tmpllen);
if (tmpl && tmpllen == 12
&& !memcmp (tmpl,
app->app_local->sigg_is_msig = 0;
xfree (buffer);
if (app->app_local->sigg_is_msig)
log_info ("This is a mass signature card\n");
if (!err)
app->app_local->need_app_select = 0;
app->app_local->sigg_active = enable_sigg;
log_error ("app-nks: error switching to %s: %s\n",
enable_sigg? "SigG":"NKS", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Select the NKS application. */
app_select_nks (app_t app)
int slot = app->slot;
int rc;
rc = iso7816_select_application (slot, aid_nks, sizeof aid_nks, 0);
if (!rc)
app->apptype = "NKS";
app->app_local = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *app->app_local);
if (!app->app_local)
rc = gpg_error (gpg_err_code_from_errno (errno));
goto leave;
app->app_local->nks_version = get_nks_version (slot);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("Detected NKS version: %d\n", app->app_local->nks_version);
app->fnc.deinit = do_deinit;
app->fnc.learn_status = do_learn_status;
app->fnc.readcert = do_readcert;
app->fnc.readkey = do_readkey;
app->fnc.getattr = do_getattr;
app->fnc.setattr = NULL;
app->fnc.writekey = do_writekey;
app->fnc.genkey = NULL;
app->fnc.sign = do_sign;
app->fnc.auth = NULL;
app->fnc.decipher = do_decipher;
app->fnc.change_pin = do_change_pin;
app->fnc.check_pin = do_check_pin;
if (rc)
do_deinit (app);
return rc;
diff --git a/scd/app-openpgp.c b/scd/app-openpgp.c
index f8d99545a..d1c9efeb5 100644
--- a/scd/app-openpgp.c
+++ b/scd/app-openpgp.c
@@ -1,4934 +1,4934 @@
/* app-openpgp.c - The OpenPGP card application.
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008,
* 2009, 2013, 2014, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* Some notes:
CHV means Card Holder Verification and is nothing else than a PIN
or password. That term seems to have been used originally with GSM
cards. Version v2 of the specs changes the term to the clearer
term PW for password. We use the terms here interchangeable
because we do not want to change existing strings i18n wise.
Version 2 of the specs also drops the separate PW2 which was
required in v1 due to ISO requirements. It is now possible to have
one physical PW but two reference to it so that they can be
individually be verified (e.g. to implement a forced verification
for one key). Thus you will noticed the use of PW2 with the verify
command but not with change_reference_data because the latter
operates directly on the physical PW.
The Reset Code (RC) as implemented by v2 cards uses the same error
counter as the PW2 of v1 cards. By default no RC is set and thus
that error counter is set to 0. After setting the RC the error
counter will be initialized to 3.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
/* This is used with GnuPG version < 1.9. The code has been source
copied from the current GnuPG >= 1.9 and is maintained over
there. */
#include "options.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "cardglue.h"
#else /* GNUPG_MAJOR_VERSION != 1 */
#include "scdaemon.h"
#endif /* GNUPG_MAJOR_VERSION != 1 */
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "iso7816.h"
#include "app-common.h"
#include "tlv.h"
#include "host2net.h"
#include "openpgpdefs.h"
/* A table describing the DOs of the card. */
static struct {
int tag;
int constructed;
int get_from; /* Constructed DO with this DO or 0 for direct access. */
int binary:1;
int dont_cache:1;
int flush_on_error:1;
int get_immediate_in_v11:1; /* Enable a hack to bypass the cache of
this data object if it is used in 1.1
and later versions of the card. This
does not work with composite DO and
is currently only useful for the CHV
status bytes. */
int try_extlen:1; /* Large object; try to use an extended
length APDU. */
char *desc;
} data_objects[] = {
{ 0x005E, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Login Data" },
{ 0x5F50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "URL" },
{ 0x5F52, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Historical Bytes" },
{ 0x0065, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Cardholder Related Data"},
{ 0x005B, 0, 0x65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Name" },
{ 0x5F2D, 0, 0x65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Language preferences" },
{ 0x5F35, 0, 0x65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Sex" },
{ 0x006E, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Application Related Data" },
{ 0x004F, 0, 0x6E, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "AID" },
{ 0x0073, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Discretionary Data Objects" },
{ 0x0047, 0, 0x6E, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, "Card Capabilities" },
{ 0x00C0, 0, 0x6E, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, "Extended Card Capabilities" },
{ 0x00C1, 0, 0x6E, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, "Algorithm Attributes Signature" },
{ 0x00C2, 0, 0x6E, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, "Algorithm Attributes Decryption" },
{ 0x00C3, 0, 0x6E, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, "Algorithm Attributes Authentication" },
{ 0x00C4, 0, 0x6E, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "CHV Status Bytes" },
{ 0x00C5, 0, 0x6E, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Fingerprints" },
{ 0x00C6, 0, 0x6E, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "CA Fingerprints" },
{ 0x00CD, 0, 0x6E, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Generation time" },
{ 0x007A, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Security Support Template" },
{ 0x0093, 0, 0x7A, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, "Digital Signature Counter" },
{ 0x0101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Private DO 1"},
{ 0x0102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Private DO 2"},
{ 0x0103, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Private DO 3"},
{ 0x0104, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Private DO 4"},
{ 0x7F21, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, "Cardholder certificate"},
/* V3.0 */
{ 0x7F74, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "General Feature Management"},
{ 0x00D5, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "AES key data"},
{ 0 }
/* Type of keys. */
typedef enum
/* The format of RSA private keys. */
typedef enum
/* One cache item for DOs. */
struct cache_s {
struct cache_s *next;
int tag;
size_t length;
unsigned char data[1];
/* Object with application (i.e. OpenPGP card) specific data. */
struct app_local_s {
/* A linked list with cached DOs. */
struct cache_s *cache;
/* Keep track of the public keys. */
int read_done; /* True if we have at least tried to read them. */
unsigned char *key; /* This is a malloced buffer with a canonical
encoded S-expression encoding a public
key. Might be NULL if key is not
available. */
size_t keylen; /* The length of the above S-expression. This
is usually only required for cross checks
because the length of an S-expression is
implicitly available. */
} pk[3];
unsigned char status_indicator; /* The card status indicator. */
unsigned int manufacturer:16; /* Manufacturer ID from the s/n. */
/* Keep track of the ISO card capabilities. */
unsigned int cmd_chaining:1; /* Command chaining is supported. */
unsigned int ext_lc_le:1; /* Extended Lc and Le are supported. */
} cardcap;
/* Keep track of extended card capabilities. */
unsigned int is_v2:1; /* This is a v2.0 compatible card. */
unsigned int sm_supported:1; /* Secure Messaging is supported. */
unsigned int get_challenge:1;
unsigned int key_import:1;
unsigned int change_force_chv:1;
unsigned int private_dos:1;
unsigned int algo_attr_change:1; /* Algorithm attributes changeable. */
unsigned int has_decrypt:1; /* Support symmetric decryption. */
unsigned int has_button:1;
unsigned int sm_algo:2; /* Symmetric crypto algo for SM. */
unsigned int max_certlen_3:16;
unsigned int max_get_challenge:16; /* Maximum size for get_challenge. */
unsigned int max_cmd_data:16; /* Maximum data size for a command. */
unsigned int max_rsp_data:16; /* Maximum size of a response. */
} extcap;
/* Flags used to control the application. */
unsigned int no_sync:1; /* Do not sync CHV1 and CHV2 */
unsigned int def_chv2:1; /* Use 123456 for CHV2. */
} flags;
/* Pinpad request specified on card. */
unsigned int specified:1;
int fixedlen_user;
int fixedlen_admin;
} pinpad;
key_type_t key_type;
union {
struct {
unsigned int n_bits; /* Size of the modulus in bits. The rest
of this strucuire is only valid if
this is not 0. */
unsigned int e_bits; /* Size of the public exponent in bits. */
rsa_key_format_t format;
} rsa;
struct {
const char *curve;
int flags;
} ecc;
} keyattr[3];
#define ECC_FLAG_DJB_TWEAK (1 << 0)
#define ECC_FLAG_PUBKEY (1 << 1)
/***** Local prototypes *****/
static unsigned long convert_sig_counter_value (const unsigned char *value,
size_t valuelen);
static unsigned long get_sig_counter (app_t app);
static gpg_error_t do_auth (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen);
static void parse_algorithm_attribute (app_t app, int keyno);
static gpg_error_t change_keyattr_from_string
(app_t app,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *value, size_t valuelen);
/* Deconstructor. */
static void
do_deinit (app_t app)
if (app && app->app_local)
struct cache_s *c, *c2;
int i;
for (c = app->app_local->cache; c; c = c2)
c2 = c->next;
xfree (c);
for (i=0; i < DIM (app->app_local->pk); i++)
xfree (app->app_local->pk[i].key);
app->app_local->pk[i].read_done = 0;
xfree (app->app_local);
app->app_local = NULL;
/* Wrapper around iso7816_get_data which first tries to get the data
from the cache. With GET_IMMEDIATE passed as true, the cache is
bypassed. With TRY_EXTLEN extended lengths APDUs are use if
supported by the card. */
static gpg_error_t
get_cached_data (app_t app, int tag,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen,
int get_immediate, int try_extlen)
gpg_error_t err;
int i;
unsigned char *p;
size_t len;
struct cache_s *c;
int exmode;
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
if (!get_immediate)
for (c=app->app_local->cache; c; c = c->next)
if (c->tag == tag)
p = xtrymalloc (c->length);
if (!p)
return gpg_error (gpg_err_code_from_errno (errno));
memcpy (p, c->data, c->length);
*result = p;
*resultlen = c->length;
return 0;
if (try_extlen && app->app_local->cardcap.ext_lc_le)
exmode = app->app_local->extcap.max_rsp_data;
exmode = 0;
err = iso7816_get_data (app->slot, exmode, tag, &p, &len);
if (err)
return err;
*result = p;
*resultlen = len;
/* Check whether we should cache this object. */
if (get_immediate)
return 0;
for (i=0; data_objects[i].tag; i++)
if (data_objects[i].tag == tag)
if (data_objects[i].dont_cache)
return 0;
/* Okay, cache it. */
for (c=app->app_local->cache; c; c = c->next)
assert (c->tag != tag);
c = xtrymalloc (sizeof *c + len);
if (c)
memcpy (c->data, p, len);
c->length = len;
c->tag = tag;
c->next = app->app_local->cache;
app->app_local->cache = c;
return 0;
/* Remove DO at TAG from the cache. */
static void
flush_cache_item (app_t app, int tag)
struct cache_s *c, *cprev;
int i;
if (!app->app_local)
for (c=app->app_local->cache, cprev=NULL; c ; cprev=c, c = c->next)
if (c->tag == tag)
if (cprev)
cprev->next = c->next;
app->app_local->cache = c->next;
xfree (c);
for (c=app->app_local->cache; c ; c = c->next)
assert (c->tag != tag); /* Oops: duplicated entry. */
/* Try again if we have an outer tag. */
for (i=0; data_objects[i].tag; i++)
if (data_objects[i].tag == tag && data_objects[i].get_from
&& data_objects[i].get_from != tag)
flush_cache_item (app, data_objects[i].get_from);
/* Flush all entries from the cache which might be out of sync after
an error. */
static void
flush_cache_after_error (app_t app)
int i;
for (i=0; data_objects[i].tag; i++)
if (data_objects[i].flush_on_error)
flush_cache_item (app, data_objects[i].tag);
/* Flush the entire cache. */
static void
flush_cache (app_t app)
if (app && app->app_local)
struct cache_s *c, *c2;
for (c = app->app_local->cache; c; c = c2)
c2 = c->next;
xfree (c);
app->app_local->cache = NULL;
/* Get the DO identified by TAG from the card in SLOT and return a
buffer with its content in RESULT and NBYTES. The return value is
NULL if not found or a pointer which must be used to release the
buffer holding value. */
static void *
get_one_do (app_t app, int tag, unsigned char **result, size_t *nbytes,
int *r_rc)
int rc, i;
unsigned char *buffer;
size_t buflen;
unsigned char *value;
size_t valuelen;
int dummyrc;
int exmode;
if (!r_rc)
r_rc = &dummyrc;
*result = NULL;
*nbytes = 0;
*r_rc = 0;
for (i=0; data_objects[i].tag && data_objects[i].tag != tag; i++)
if (app->card_version > 0x0100 && data_objects[i].get_immediate_in_v11)
if (data_objects[i].try_extlen && app->app_local->cardcap.ext_lc_le)
exmode = app->app_local->extcap.max_rsp_data;
exmode = 0;
rc = iso7816_get_data (app->slot, exmode, tag, &buffer, &buflen);
if (rc)
*r_rc = rc;
return NULL;
*result = buffer;
*nbytes = buflen;
return buffer;
value = NULL;
rc = -1;
if (data_objects[i].tag && data_objects[i].get_from)
rc = get_cached_data (app, data_objects[i].get_from,
&buffer, &buflen,
|| data_objects[i].get_immediate_in_v11),
if (!rc)
const unsigned char *s;
s = find_tlv_unchecked (buffer, buflen, tag, &valuelen);
if (!s)
value = NULL; /* not found */
else if (valuelen > buflen - (s - buffer))
log_error ("warning: constructed DO too short\n");
value = NULL;
xfree (buffer); buffer = NULL;
value = buffer + (s - buffer);
if (!value) /* Not in a constructed DO, try simple. */
rc = get_cached_data (app, tag, &buffer, &buflen,
|| data_objects[i].get_immediate_in_v11),
if (!rc)
value = buffer;
valuelen = buflen;
if (!rc)
*nbytes = valuelen;
*result = value;
return buffer;
*r_rc = rc;
return NULL;
static void
dump_all_do (int slot)
int rc, i, j;
unsigned char *buffer;
size_t buflen;
for (i=0; data_objects[i].tag; i++)
if (data_objects[i].get_from)
/* We don't try extended length APDU because such large DO would
be pretty useless in a log file. */
rc = iso7816_get_data (slot, 0, data_objects[i].tag, &buffer, &buflen);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_OBJ)
else if (rc)
log_info ("DO '%s' not available: %s\n",
data_objects[i].desc, gpg_strerror (rc));
if (data_objects[i].binary)
log_info ("DO '%s': ", data_objects[i].desc);
log_printhex ("", buffer, buflen);
log_info ("DO '%s': '%.*s'\n",
(int)buflen, buffer); /* FIXME: sanitize */
if (data_objects[i].constructed)
for (j=0; data_objects[j].tag; j++)
const unsigned char *value;
size_t valuelen;
if (j==i || data_objects[i].tag != data_objects[j].get_from)
value = find_tlv_unchecked (buffer, buflen,
data_objects[j].tag, &valuelen);
if (!value)
; /* not found */
else if (valuelen > buflen - (value - buffer))
log_error ("warning: constructed DO too short\n");
if (data_objects[j].binary)
log_info ("DO '%s': ", data_objects[j].desc);
if (valuelen > 200)
log_info ("[%u]\n", (unsigned int)valuelen);
log_printhex ("", value, valuelen);
log_info ("DO '%s': '%.*s'\n",
(int)valuelen, value); /* FIXME: sanitize */
xfree (buffer); buffer = NULL;
/* Count the number of bits, assuming the A represents an unsigned big
integer of length LEN bytes. */
static unsigned int
count_bits (const unsigned char *a, size_t len)
unsigned int n = len * 8;
int i;
for (; len && !*a; len--, a++, n -=8)
if (len)
for (i=7; i && !(*a & (1<<i)); i--)
return n;
/* GnuPG makes special use of the login-data DO, this function parses
the login data to store the flags for later use. It may be called
at any time and should be called after changing the login-data DO.
Everything up to a LF is considered a mailbox or account name. If
the first LF is followed by DC4 (0x14) control sequence are
expected up to the next LF. Control sequences are separated by FS
(0x18) and consist of key=value pairs. There are two keys defined:
Where FLAGS is a plain hexadecimal number representing flag values.
The lsb is here the rightmost bit. Defined flags bits are:
Bit 0 = CHV1 and CHV2 are not syncronized
Bit 1 = CHV2 has been been set to the default PIN of "123456"
(this implies that bit 0 is also set).
Where PINPAD_REQUEST is in the format of: <n> or <n>,<m>.
N for user PIN, M for admin PIN. If M is missing it means M=N.
0 means to force not to use pinpad.
static void
parse_login_data (app_t app)
unsigned char *buffer, *p;
size_t buflen, len;
void *relptr;
/* Set defaults. */
app->app_local->flags.no_sync = 0;
app->app_local->flags.def_chv2 = 0;
app->app_local->pinpad.specified = 0;
app->app_local->pinpad.fixedlen_user = -1;
app->app_local->pinpad.fixedlen_admin = -1;
/* Read the DO. */
relptr = get_one_do (app, 0x005E, &buffer, &buflen, NULL);
if (!relptr)
return; /* Ooops. */
for (; buflen; buflen--, buffer++)
if (*buffer == '\n')
if (buflen < 2 || buffer[1] != '\x14')
xfree (relptr);
return; /* No control sequences. */
if (buflen > 1 && *buffer == 'F' && buffer[1] == '=')
/* Flags control sequence found. */
int lastdig = 0;
/* For now we are only interested in the last digit, so skip
any leading digits but bail out on invalid characters. */
for (p=buffer+2, len = buflen-2; len && hexdigitp (p); p++, len--)
lastdig = xtoi_1 (p);
buffer = p;
buflen = len;
if (len && !(*p == '\n' || *p == '\x18'))
goto next; /* Invalid characters in field. */
app->app_local->flags.no_sync = !!(lastdig & 1);
app->app_local->flags.def_chv2 = (lastdig & 3) == 3;
else if (buflen > 1 && *buffer == 'P' && buffer[1] == '=')
/* Pinpad request control sequence found. */
buffer += 2;
buflen -= 2;
if (buflen)
if (digitp (buffer))
char *q;
int n, m;
n = strtol (buffer, &q, 10);
if (q >= (char *)buffer + buflen
|| *q == '\x18' || *q == '\n')
m = n;
if (*q++ != ',' || !digitp (q))
goto next;
m = strtol (q, &q, 10);
if (buflen < ((unsigned char *)q - buffer))
buflen -= ((unsigned char *)q - buffer);
buffer = q;
if (buflen && !(*buffer == '\n' || *buffer == '\x18'))
goto next;
app->app_local->pinpad.specified = 1;
app->app_local->pinpad.fixedlen_user = n;
app->app_local->pinpad.fixedlen_admin = m;
/* Skip to FS (0x18) or LF (\n). */
for (; buflen && *buffer != '\x18' && *buffer != '\n'; buflen--)
while (buflen && *buffer != '\n');
xfree (relptr);
/* Note, that FPR must be at least 20 bytes. */
static gpg_error_t
store_fpr (app_t app, int keynumber, u32 timestamp, unsigned char *fpr,
int algo, ...)
unsigned int n, nbits;
unsigned char *buffer, *p;
int tag, tag2;
int rc;
const unsigned char *m[MAX_ARGS_STORE_FPR];
size_t mlen[MAX_ARGS_STORE_FPR];
va_list ap;
int argc;
int i;
n = 6; /* key packet version, 4-byte timestamps, and algorithm */
if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH)
argc = 3;
argc = 2;
va_start (ap, algo);
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
m[i] = va_arg (ap, const unsigned char *);
mlen[i] = va_arg (ap, size_t);
if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA || i == 1)
n += 2;
n += mlen[i];
va_end (ap);
p = buffer = xtrymalloc (3 + n);
if (!buffer)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*p++ = 0x99; /* ctb */
*p++ = n >> 8; /* 2 byte length header */
*p++ = n;
*p++ = 4; /* key packet version */
*p++ = timestamp >> 24;
*p++ = timestamp >> 16;
*p++ = timestamp >> 8;
*p++ = timestamp;
*p++ = algo;
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA || i == 1)
nbits = count_bits (m[i], mlen[i]);
*p++ = nbits >> 8;
*p++ = nbits;
memcpy (p, m[i], mlen[i]);
p += mlen[i];
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, fpr, buffer, n+3);
xfree (buffer);
tag = (app->card_version > 0x0007? 0xC7 : 0xC6) + keynumber;
flush_cache_item (app, 0xC5);
tag2 = 0xCE + keynumber;
flush_cache_item (app, 0xCD);
rc = iso7816_put_data (app->slot, 0, tag, fpr, 20);
if (rc)
log_error (_("failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n"),gpg_strerror (rc));
if (!rc && app->card_version > 0x0100)
unsigned char buf[4];
buf[0] = timestamp >> 24;
buf[1] = timestamp >> 16;
buf[2] = timestamp >> 8;
buf[3] = timestamp;
rc = iso7816_put_data (app->slot, 0, tag2, buf, 4);
if (rc)
log_error (_("failed to store the creation date: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
static void
send_fpr_if_not_null (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyword,
int number, const unsigned char *fpr)
int i;
char buf[41];
char numbuf[25];
for (i=0; i < 20 && !fpr[i]; i++)
if (i==20)
return; /* All zero. */
bin2hex (fpr, 20, buf);
if (number == -1)
*numbuf = 0; /* Don't print the key number */
sprintf (numbuf, "%d", number);
send_status_info (ctrl, keyword,
numbuf, (size_t)strlen(numbuf),
buf, (size_t)strlen (buf), NULL, 0);
static void
send_fprtime_if_not_null (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyword,
int number, const unsigned char *stamp)
char numbuf1[50], numbuf2[50];
unsigned long value;
value = buf32_to_ulong (stamp);
if (!value)
sprintf (numbuf1, "%d", number);
sprintf (numbuf2, "%lu", value);
send_status_info (ctrl, keyword,
numbuf1, (size_t)strlen(numbuf1),
numbuf2, (size_t)strlen(numbuf2), NULL, 0);
static void
send_key_data (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name,
const unsigned char *a, size_t alen)
char *buffer, *buf;
size_t buflen;
buffer = buf = bin2hex (a, alen, NULL);
if (!buffer)
log_error ("memory allocation error in send_key_data\n");
buflen = strlen (buffer);
/* 768 is the hexified size for the modulus of an 3072 bit key. We
use extra chunks to transmit larger data (i.e for 4096 bit). */
for ( ;buflen > 768; buflen -= 768, buf += 768)
send_status_info (ctrl, "KEY-DATA",
"-", 1,
buf, 768,
NULL, 0);
send_status_info (ctrl, "KEY-DATA",
name, (size_t)strlen(name),
buf, buflen,
NULL, 0);
xfree (buffer);
static void
send_key_attr (ctrl_t ctrl, app_t app, const char *keyword, int keyno)
char buffer[200];
assert (keyno >=0 && keyno < DIM(app->app_local->keyattr));
if (app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].key_type == KEY_TYPE_RSA)
snprintf (buffer, sizeof buffer, "%d 1 rsa%u %u %d",
else if (app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].key_type == KEY_TYPE_ECC)
snprintf (buffer, sizeof buffer, "%d %d %s",
keyno==1? PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH :
(app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].ecc.flags & ECC_FLAG_DJB_TWEAK)?
snprintf (buffer, sizeof buffer, "%d 0 0 UNKNOWN", keyno+1);
send_status_direct (ctrl, keyword, buffer);
/* Implement the GETATTR command. This is similar to the LEARN
command but returns just one value via the status interface. */
static gpg_error_t
do_getattr (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name)
static struct {
const char *name;
int tag;
int special;
} table[] = {
{ "DISP-NAME", 0x005B },
{ "LOGIN-DATA", 0x005E },
{ "DISP-LANG", 0x5F2D },
{ "DISP-SEX", 0x5F35 },
{ "PUBKEY-URL", 0x5F50 },
{ "KEY-FPR", 0x00C5, 3 },
{ "KEY-TIME", 0x00CD, 4 },
{ "KEY-ATTR", 0x0000, -5 },
{ "CA-FPR", 0x00C6, 3 },
{ "CHV-STATUS", 0x00C4, 1 },
{ "SIG-COUNTER", 0x0093, 2 },
{ "SERIALNO", 0x004F, -1 },
{ "AID", 0x004F },
{ "EXTCAP", 0x0000, -2 },
{ "PRIVATE-DO-1", 0x0101 },
{ "PRIVATE-DO-2", 0x0102 },
{ "PRIVATE-DO-3", 0x0103 },
{ "PRIVATE-DO-4", 0x0104 },
{ "$AUTHKEYID", 0x0000, -3 },
{ "$DISPSERIALNO",0x0000, -4 },
{ NULL, 0 }
int idx, i, rc;
void *relptr;
unsigned char *value;
size_t valuelen;
for (idx=0; table[idx].name && strcmp (table[idx].name, name); idx++)
if (!table[idx].name)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
if (table[idx].special == -1)
/* The serial number is very special. We could have used the
AID DO to retrieve it, but we have it already in the app
context and the stamp argument is required anyway which we
can't by other means. The AID DO is available anyway but not
hex formatted. */
char *serial;
time_t stamp;
char tmp[50];
if (!app_get_serial_and_stamp (app, &serial, &stamp))
sprintf (tmp, "%lu", (unsigned long)stamp);
send_status_info (ctrl, "SERIALNO",
serial, strlen (serial),
tmp, strlen (tmp),
NULL, 0);
xfree (serial);
return 0;
if (table[idx].special == -2)
char tmp[110];
snprintf (tmp, sizeof tmp,
"gc=%d ki=%d fc=%d pd=%d mcl3=%u aac=%d "
"sm=%d si=%u dec=%d bt=%d",
? (app->app_local->extcap.sm_algo == 0? CIPHER_ALGO_3DES :
(app->app_local->extcap.sm_algo == 1?
: 0),
send_status_info (ctrl, table[idx].name, tmp, strlen (tmp), NULL, 0);
return 0;
if (table[idx].special == -3)
char const tmp[] = "OPENPGP.3";
send_status_info (ctrl, table[idx].name, tmp, strlen (tmp), NULL, 0);
return 0;
if (table[idx].special == -4)
char *serial;
time_t stamp;
if (!app_get_serial_and_stamp (app, &serial, &stamp))
if (strlen (serial) > 16+12)
send_status_info (ctrl, table[idx].name, serial+16, 12, NULL, 0);
xfree (serial);
return 0;
xfree (serial);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
if (table[idx].special == -5)
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
send_key_attr (ctrl, app, table[idx].name, i);
return 0;
relptr = get_one_do (app, table[idx].tag, &value, &valuelen, &rc);
if (relptr)
if (table[idx].special == 1)
char numbuf[7*23];
for (i=0,*numbuf=0; i < valuelen && i < 7; i++)
sprintf (numbuf+strlen (numbuf), " %d", value[i]);
send_status_info (ctrl, table[idx].name,
numbuf, strlen (numbuf), NULL, 0);
else if (table[idx].special == 2)
char numbuf[50];
sprintf (numbuf, "%lu", convert_sig_counter_value (value, valuelen));
send_status_info (ctrl, table[idx].name,
numbuf, strlen (numbuf), NULL, 0);
else if (table[idx].special == 3)
if (valuelen >= 60)
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
send_fpr_if_not_null (ctrl, table[idx].name, i+1, value+i*20);
else if (table[idx].special == 4)
if (valuelen >= 12)
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
send_fprtime_if_not_null (ctrl, table[idx].name, i+1, value+i*4);
send_status_info (ctrl, table[idx].name, value, valuelen, NULL, 0);
xfree (relptr);
return rc;
/* Retrieve the fingerprint from the card inserted in SLOT and write
the according hex representation to FPR. Caller must have provide
a buffer at FPR of least 41 bytes. Returns 0 on success or an
error code. */
static gpg_error_t
retrieve_fpr_from_card (app_t app, int keyno, char *fpr)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
void *relptr;
unsigned char *value;
size_t valuelen;
assert (keyno >=0 && keyno <= 2);
relptr = get_one_do (app, 0x00C5, &value, &valuelen, NULL);
if (relptr && valuelen >= 60)
bin2hex (value+keyno*20, 20, fpr);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
xfree (relptr);
return err;
#endif /*GNUPG_MAJOR_VERSION > 1*/
/* Retrieve the public key material for the RSA key, whose fingerprint
is FPR, from gpg output, which can be read through the stream FP.
The RSA modulus will be stored at the address of M and MLEN, the
public exponent at E and ELEN. Returns zero on success, an error
code on failure. Caller must release the allocated buffers at M
and E if the function returns success. */
static gpg_error_t
retrieve_key_material (FILE *fp, const char *hexkeyid,
const unsigned char **m, size_t *mlen,
const unsigned char **e, size_t *elen)
gcry_error_t err = 0;
char *line = NULL; /* read_line() buffer. */
size_t line_size = 0; /* Helper for for read_line. */
int found_key = 0; /* Helper to find a matching key. */
unsigned char *m_new = NULL;
unsigned char *e_new = NULL;
size_t m_new_n = 0;
size_t e_new_n = 0;
/* Loop over all records until we have found the subkey
corresponding to the fingerprint. Inm general the first record
should be the pub record, but we don't rely on that. Given that
we only need to look at one key, it is sufficient to compare the
keyid so that we don't need to look at "fpr" records. */
for (;;)
char *p;
char *fields[6] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
int nfields;
size_t max_length;
gcry_mpi_t mpi;
int i;
max_length = 4096;
i = read_line (fp, &line, &line_size, &max_length);
if (!i)
break; /* EOF. */
if (i < 0)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave; /* Error. */
if (!max_length)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TRUNCATED);
goto leave; /* Line truncated - we better stop processing. */
/* Parse the line into fields. */
for (nfields=0, p=line; p && nfields < DIM (fields); nfields++)
fields[nfields] = p;
p = strchr (p, ':');
if (p)
*(p++) = 0;
if (!nfields)
continue; /* No fields at all - skip line. */
if (!found_key)
if ( (!strcmp (fields[0], "sub") || !strcmp (fields[0], "pub") )
&& nfields > 4 && !strcmp (fields[4], hexkeyid))
found_key = 1;
if ( !strcmp (fields[0], "sub") || !strcmp (fields[0], "pub") )
break; /* Next key - stop. */
if ( strcmp (fields[0], "pkd") )
continue; /* Not a key data record. */
i = 0; /* Avoid erroneous compiler warning. */
if ( nfields < 4 || (i = atoi (fields[1])) < 0 || i > 1
|| (!i && m_new) || (i && e_new))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave; /* Error: Invalid key data record or not an RSA key. */
err = gcry_mpi_scan (&mpi, GCRYMPI_FMT_HEX, fields[3], 0, NULL);
if (err)
mpi = NULL;
else if (!i)
err = gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_STD, &m_new, &m_new_n, mpi);
err = gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_STD, &e_new, &e_new_n, mpi);
gcry_mpi_release (mpi);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (m_new && e_new)
*m = m_new;
*mlen = m_new_n;
m_new = NULL;
*e = e_new;
*elen = e_new_n;
e_new = NULL;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
xfree (m_new);
xfree (e_new);
xfree (line);
return err;
#endif /*GNUPG_MAJOR_VERSION > 1*/
static gpg_error_t
rsa_read_pubkey (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, u32 created_at, int keyno,
const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen, gcry_sexp_t *r_sexp)
gpg_error_t err;
const unsigned char *m, *e;
size_t mlen, elen;
unsigned char *mbuf = NULL, *ebuf = NULL;
m = find_tlv (data, datalen, 0x0081, &mlen);
if (!m)
log_error (_("response does not contain the RSA modulus\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD);
e = find_tlv (data, datalen, 0x0082, &elen);
if (!e)
log_error (_("response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD);
if (ctrl)
send_key_data (ctrl, "n", m, mlen);
send_key_data (ctrl, "e", e, elen);
for (; mlen && !*m; mlen--, m++) /* strip leading zeroes */
for (; elen && !*e; elen--, e++) /* strip leading zeroes */
if (ctrl)
unsigned char fprbuf[20];
err = store_fpr (app, keyno, created_at, fprbuf, PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA,
m, mlen, e, elen);
if (err)
return err;
send_fpr_if_not_null (ctrl, "KEY-FPR", -1, fprbuf);
mbuf = xtrymalloc (mlen + 1);
if (!mbuf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Prepend numbers with a 0 if needed. */
if (mlen && (*m & 0x80))
*mbuf = 0;
memcpy (mbuf+1, m, mlen);
memcpy (mbuf, m, mlen);
ebuf = xtrymalloc (elen + 1);
if (!ebuf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Prepend numbers with a 0 if needed. */
if (elen && (*e & 0x80))
*ebuf = 0;
memcpy (ebuf+1, e, elen);
memcpy (ebuf, e, elen);
err = gcry_sexp_build (r_sexp, NULL, "(public-key(rsa(n%b)(e%b)))",
(int)mlen, mbuf, (int)elen, ebuf);
xfree (mbuf);
xfree (ebuf);
return err;
/* Determine KDF hash algorithm and KEK encryption algorithm by CURVE. */
static const unsigned char*
ecdh_params (const char *curve)
unsigned int nbits;
openpgp_curve_to_oid (curve, &nbits);
/* See RFC-6637 for those constants.
0x03: Number of bytes
0x01: Version for this parameter format
KDF algo
KEK algo
if (nbits <= 256)
return (const unsigned char*)"\x03\x01\x08\x07";
else if (nbits <= 384)
return (const unsigned char*)"\x03\x01\x09\x08";
return (const unsigned char*)"\x03\x01\x0a\x09";
static gpg_error_t
ecc_read_pubkey (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, u32 created_at, int keyno,
const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen, gcry_sexp_t *r_sexp)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *qbuf = NULL;
const unsigned char *ecc_q;
size_t ecc_q_len;
gcry_mpi_t oid = NULL;
int n;
const char *curve;
const char *oidstr;
const unsigned char *oidbuf;
size_t oid_len;
int algo;
const char *format;
ecc_q = find_tlv (data, datalen, 0x0086, &ecc_q_len);
if (!ecc_q)
log_error (_("response does not contain the EC public key\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD);
curve = app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].ecc.curve;
oidstr = openpgp_curve_to_oid (curve, NULL);
err = openpgp_oid_from_str (oidstr, &oid);
if (err)
return err;
oidbuf = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (oid, &n);
if (!oidbuf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
oid_len = (n+7)/8;
qbuf = xtrymalloc (ecc_q_len + 1);
if (!qbuf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if ((app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].ecc.flags & ECC_FLAG_DJB_TWEAK))
{ /* Prepend 0x40 prefix. */
*qbuf = 0x40;
memcpy (qbuf+1, ecc_q, ecc_q_len);
memcpy (qbuf, ecc_q, ecc_q_len);
if (ctrl)
send_key_data (ctrl, "q", qbuf, ecc_q_len);
send_key_data (ctrl, "curve", oidbuf, oid_len);
if (keyno == 1)
if (ctrl)
send_key_data (ctrl, "kdf/kek", ecdh_params (curve), (size_t)4);
if ((app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].ecc.flags & ECC_FLAG_DJB_TWEAK))
if (ctrl)
unsigned char fprbuf[20];
err = store_fpr (app, keyno, created_at, fprbuf, algo, oidbuf, oid_len,
qbuf, ecc_q_len, ecdh_params (curve), (size_t)4);
if (err)
goto leave;
send_fpr_if_not_null (ctrl, "KEY-FPR", -1, fprbuf);
if (!(app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].ecc.flags & ECC_FLAG_DJB_TWEAK))
format = "(public-key(ecc(curve%s)(q%b)))";
else if (keyno == 1)
format = "(public-key(ecc(curve%s)(flags djb-tweak)(q%b)))";
format = "(public-key(ecc(curve%s)(flags eddsa)(q%b)))";
err = gcry_sexp_build (r_sexp, NULL, format,
(int)ecc_q_len, qbuf);
gcry_mpi_release (oid);
xfree (qbuf);
return err;
/* Parse tag-length-value data for public key in BUFFER of BUFLEN
length. Key of KEYNO in APP is updated with an S-expression of
public key. When CTRL is not NULL, fingerprint is computed with
CREATED_AT, and fingerprint is written to the card, and key data
and fingerprint are send back to the client side.
static gpg_error_t
read_public_key (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, u32 created_at, int keyno,
const unsigned char *buffer, size_t buflen)
gpg_error_t err;
const unsigned char *data;
size_t datalen;
gcry_sexp_t s_pkey = NULL;
data = find_tlv (buffer, buflen, 0x7F49, &datalen);
if (!data)
log_error (_("response does not contain the public key data\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD);
if (app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].key_type == KEY_TYPE_RSA)
err = rsa_read_pubkey (app, ctrl, created_at, keyno,
data, datalen, &s_pkey);
else if (app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].key_type == KEY_TYPE_ECC)
err = ecc_read_pubkey (app, ctrl, created_at, keyno,
data, datalen, &s_pkey);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
if (!err)
unsigned char *keybuf;
size_t len;
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (s_pkey, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, NULL, 0);
keybuf = xtrymalloc (len);
if (!data)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
return err;
gcry_sexp_sprint (s_pkey, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, keybuf, len);
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
app->app_local->pk[keyno].key = keybuf;
/* Decrement for trailing '\0' */
app->app_local->pk[keyno].keylen = len - 1;
return err;
/* Get the public key for KEYNO and store it as an S-expresion with
the APP handle. On error that field gets cleared. If we already
know about the public key we will just return. Note that this does
not mean a key is available; this is solely indicated by the
presence of the app->app_local->pk[KEYNO].key field.
Note that GnuPG 1.x does not need this and it would be too time
consuming to send it just for the fun of it. However, given that we
use the same code in gpg 1.4, we can't use the gcry S-expresion
here but need to open encode it. */
static gpg_error_t
get_public_key (app_t app, int keyno)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
unsigned char *buffer;
const unsigned char *m, *e;
size_t buflen;
size_t mlen = 0;
size_t elen = 0;
char *keybuf = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t s_pkey;
size_t len;
if (keyno < 0 || keyno > 2)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
/* Already cached? */
if (app->app_local->pk[keyno].read_done)
return 0;
xfree (app->app_local->pk[keyno].key);
app->app_local->pk[keyno].key = NULL;
app->app_local->pk[keyno].keylen = 0;
m = e = NULL; /* (avoid cc warning) */
if (app->card_version > 0x0100)
int exmode, le_value;
/* We may simply read the public key out of these cards. */
if (app->app_local->cardcap.ext_lc_le)
exmode = 1; /* Use extended length. */
le_value = app->app_local->extcap.max_rsp_data;
exmode = 0;
le_value = 256; /* Use legacy value. */
err = iso7816_read_public_key (app->slot, exmode,
(keyno == 0? "\xB6" :
keyno == 1? "\xB8" : "\xA4"),
2, le_value, &buffer, &buflen);
if (err)
log_error (_("reading public key failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = read_public_key (app, NULL, 0U, keyno, buffer, buflen);
/* Due to a design problem in v1.0 cards we can't get the public
key out of these cards without doing a verify on CHV3.
Clearly that is not an option and thus we try to locate the
key using an external helper.
The helper we use here is gpg itself, which should know about
the key in any case. */
char fpr[41];
char *hexkeyid;
char *command = NULL;
FILE *fp;
int ret;
buffer = NULL; /* We don't need buffer. */
err = retrieve_fpr_from_card (app, keyno, fpr);
if (err)
log_error ("error while retrieving fpr from card: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
hexkeyid = fpr + 24;
ret = gpgrt_asprintf
(&command, "gpg --list-keys --with-colons --with-key-data '%s'", fpr);
if (ret < 0)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
fp = popen (command, "r");
xfree (command);
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("running gpg failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = retrieve_key_material (fp, hexkeyid, &m, &mlen, &e, &elen);
pclose (fp);
if (err)
log_error ("error while retrieving key material through pipe: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_pkey, NULL, "(public-key(rsa(n%b)(e%b)))",
(int)mlen, m, (int)elen, e);
if (err)
goto leave;
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (s_pkey, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, NULL, 0);
keybuf = xtrymalloc (len);
if (!keybuf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
goto leave;
gcry_sexp_sprint (s_pkey, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, keybuf, len);
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
app->app_local->pk[keyno].key = (unsigned char*)keybuf;
/* Decrement for trailing '\0' */
app->app_local->pk[keyno].keylen = len - 1;
/* Set a flag to indicate that we tried to read the key. */
app->app_local->pk[keyno].read_done = 1;
xfree (buffer);
return err;
#endif /* GNUPG_MAJOR_VERSION > 1 */
/* Send the KEYPAIRINFO back. KEY needs to be in the range [1,3].
This is used by the LEARN command. */
static gpg_error_t
send_keypair_info (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, int key)
int keyno = key - 1;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
/* Note that GnuPG 1.x does not need this and it would be too time
consuming to send it just for the fun of it. */
unsigned char grip[20];
char gripstr[41];
char idbuf[50];
err = get_public_key (app, keyno);
if (err)
goto leave;
assert (keyno >= 0 && keyno <= 2);
if (!app->app_local->pk[keyno].key)
goto leave; /* No such key - ignore. */
err = keygrip_from_canon_sexp (app->app_local->pk[keyno].key,
if (err)
goto leave;
bin2hex (grip, 20, gripstr);
sprintf (idbuf, "OPENPGP.%d", keyno+1);
send_status_info (ctrl, "KEYPAIRINFO",
gripstr, 40,
idbuf, strlen (idbuf),
NULL, (size_t)0);
#endif /* GNUPG_MAJOR_VERSION > 1 */
return err;
/* Handle the LEARN command for OpenPGP. */
static gpg_error_t
do_learn_status (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, unsigned int flags)
do_getattr (app, ctrl, "EXTCAP");
do_getattr (app, ctrl, "DISP-NAME");
do_getattr (app, ctrl, "DISP-LANG");
do_getattr (app, ctrl, "DISP-SEX");
do_getattr (app, ctrl, "PUBKEY-URL");
do_getattr (app, ctrl, "LOGIN-DATA");
do_getattr (app, ctrl, "KEY-FPR");
if (app->card_version > 0x0100)
do_getattr (app, ctrl, "KEY-TIME");
do_getattr (app, ctrl, "CA-FPR");
do_getattr (app, ctrl, "CHV-STATUS");
do_getattr (app, ctrl, "SIG-COUNTER");
if (app->app_local->extcap.private_dos)
do_getattr (app, ctrl, "PRIVATE-DO-1");
do_getattr (app, ctrl, "PRIVATE-DO-2");
if (app->did_chv2)
do_getattr (app, ctrl, "PRIVATE-DO-3");
if (app->did_chv3)
do_getattr (app, ctrl, "PRIVATE-DO-4");
send_keypair_info (app, ctrl, 1);
send_keypair_info (app, ctrl, 2);
send_keypair_info (app, ctrl, 3);
/* Note: We do not send the Cardholder Certificate, because that is
relatively long and for OpenPGP applications not really needed. */
return 0;
/* Handle the READKEY command for OpenPGP. On success a canonical
encoded S-expression with the public key will get stored at PK and
its length (for assertions) at PKLEN; the caller must release that
buffer. On error PK and PKLEN are not changed and an error code is
returned. */
static gpg_error_t
do_readkey (app_t app, int advanced, const char *keyid,
unsigned char **pk, size_t *pklen)
gpg_error_t err;
int keyno;
unsigned char *buf;
if (!strcmp (keyid, "OPENPGP.1"))
keyno = 0;
else if (!strcmp (keyid, "OPENPGP.2"))
keyno = 1;
else if (!strcmp (keyid, "OPENPGP.3"))
keyno = 2;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
err = get_public_key (app, keyno);
if (err)
return err;
buf = app->app_local->pk[keyno].key;
if (!buf)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY);
if (advanced)
gcry_sexp_t s_key;
err = gcry_sexp_new (&s_key, buf, app->app_local->pk[keyno].keylen, 0);
if (err)
return err;
*pklen = gcry_sexp_sprint (s_key, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, NULL, 0);
*pk = xtrymalloc (*pklen);
if (!*pk)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*pklen = 0;
return err;
gcry_sexp_sprint (s_key, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, *pk, *pklen);
gcry_sexp_release (s_key);
/* Decrement for trailing '\0' */
*pklen = *pklen - 1;
*pklen = app->app_local->pk[keyno].keylen;
*pk = xtrymalloc (*pklen);
if (!*pk)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*pklen = 0;
return err;
memcpy (*pk, buf, *pklen);
return 0;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
/* Read the standard certificate of an OpenPGP v2 card. It is
returned in a freshly allocated buffer with that address stored at
CERT and the length of the certificate stored at CERTLEN. CERTID
needs to be set to "OPENPGP.3". */
static gpg_error_t
do_readcert (app_t app, const char *certid,
unsigned char **cert, size_t *certlen)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer;
size_t buflen;
void *relptr;
*cert = NULL;
*certlen = 0;
if (strcmp (certid, "OPENPGP.3"))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
if (!app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
relptr = get_one_do (app, 0x7F21, &buffer, &buflen, NULL);
if (!relptr)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
if (!buflen)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
else if (!(*cert = xtrymalloc (buflen)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (*cert, buffer, buflen);
*certlen = buflen;
err = 0;
xfree (relptr);
return err;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
/* Decide if we use the pinpad of the reader for PIN input according
to the user preference on the card, and the capability of the
reader. This routine is only called when the reader has pinpad.
Returns 0 if we use pinpad, 1 otherwise. */
static int
check_pinpad_request (app_t app, pininfo_t *pininfo, int admin_pin)
if (app->app_local->pinpad.specified == 0) /* No preference on card. */
if (pininfo->fixedlen == 0) /* Reader has varlen capability. */
return 0; /* Then, use pinpad. */
* Reader has limited capability, and it may not match PIN of
* the card.
return 1;
if (admin_pin)
pininfo->fixedlen = app->app_local->pinpad.fixedlen_admin;
pininfo->fixedlen = app->app_local->pinpad.fixedlen_user;
if (pininfo->fixedlen == 0 /* User requests disable pinpad. */
|| pininfo->fixedlen < pininfo->minlen
|| pininfo->fixedlen > pininfo->maxlen
/* Reader doesn't have the capability to input a PIN which
* length is FIXEDLEN. */)
return 1;
return 0;
/* Verify a CHV either using using the pinentry or if possible by
using a pinpad. PINCB and PINCB_ARG describe the usual callback
for the pinentry. CHVNO must be either 1 or 2. SIGCOUNT is only
used with CHV1. PINVALUE is the address of a pointer which will
receive a newly allocated block with the actual PIN (this is useful
in case that PIN shall be used for another verify operation). The
caller needs to free this value. If the function returns with
success and NULL is stored at PINVALUE, the caller should take this
as an indication that the pinpad has been used.
static gpg_error_t
verify_a_chv (app_t app,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
int chvno, unsigned long sigcount, char **pinvalue)
int rc = 0;
char *prompt_buffer = NULL;
const char *prompt;
pininfo_t pininfo;
int minlen = 6;
assert (chvno == 1 || chvno == 2);
*pinvalue = NULL;
if (chvno == 2 && app->app_local->flags.def_chv2)
/* Special case for def_chv2 mechanism. */
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("using default PIN as %s\n"), "CHV2");
rc = iso7816_verify (app->slot, 0x82, "123456", 6);
if (rc)
/* Verification of CHV2 with the default PIN failed,
although the card pretends to have the default PIN set as
CHV2. We better disable the def_chv2 flag now. */
log_info (_("failed to use default PIN as %s: %s"
" - disabling further default use\n"),
"CHV2", gpg_strerror (rc));
app->app_local->flags.def_chv2 = 0;
return rc;
memset (&pininfo, 0, sizeof pininfo);
pininfo.fixedlen = -1;
pininfo.minlen = minlen;
if (chvno == 1)
#define PROMPTSTRING _("||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]")
size_t promptsize = strlen (PROMPTSTRING) + 50;
prompt_buffer = xtrymalloc (promptsize);
if (!prompt_buffer)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
snprintf (prompt_buffer, promptsize, PROMPTSTRING, sigcount);
prompt = prompt_buffer;
prompt = _("||Please enter the PIN");
if (!opt.disable_pinpad
&& !iso7816_check_pinpad (app->slot, ISO7816_VERIFY, &pininfo)
&& !check_pinpad_request (app, &pininfo, 0))
/* The reader supports the verify command through the pinpad.
Note that the pincb appends a text to the prompt telling the
user to use the pinpad. */
rc = pincb (pincb_arg, prompt, NULL);
prompt = NULL;
xfree (prompt_buffer);
prompt_buffer = NULL;
if (rc)
log_info (_("PIN callback returned error: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
rc = iso7816_verify_kp (app->slot, 0x80+chvno, &pininfo);
/* Dismiss the prompt. */
pincb (pincb_arg, NULL, NULL);
assert (!*pinvalue);
/* The reader has no pinpad or we don't want to use it. */
rc = pincb (pincb_arg, prompt, pinvalue);
prompt = NULL;
xfree (prompt_buffer);
prompt_buffer = NULL;
if (rc)
log_info (_("PIN callback returned error: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
if (strlen (*pinvalue) < minlen)
log_error (_("PIN for CHV%d is too short;"
" minimum length is %d\n"), chvno, minlen);
xfree (*pinvalue);
*pinvalue = NULL;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN);
rc = iso7816_verify (app->slot, 0x80+chvno,
*pinvalue, strlen (*pinvalue));
if (rc)
log_error (_("verify CHV%d failed: %s\n"), chvno, gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (*pinvalue);
*pinvalue = NULL;
flush_cache_after_error (app);
return rc;
/* Verify CHV2 if required. Depending on the configuration of the
card CHV1 will also be verified. */
static gpg_error_t
verify_chv2 (app_t app,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg)
int rc;
char *pinvalue;
if (app->did_chv2)
return 0; /* We already verified CHV2. */
rc = verify_a_chv (app, pincb, pincb_arg, 2, 0, &pinvalue);
if (rc)
return rc;
app->did_chv2 = 1;
if (!app->did_chv1 && !app->force_chv1 && pinvalue)
/* For convenience we verify CHV1 here too. We do this only if
the card is not configured to require a verification before
each CHV1 controlled operation (force_chv1) and if we are not
using the pinpad (PINVALUE == NULL). */
rc = iso7816_verify (app->slot, 0x81, pinvalue, strlen (pinvalue));
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_PIN_NOT_SYNCED);
if (rc)
log_error (_("verify CHV%d failed: %s\n"), 1, gpg_strerror (rc));
flush_cache_after_error (app);
app->did_chv1 = 1;
xfree (pinvalue);
return rc;
/* Build the prompt to enter the Admin PIN. The prompt depends on the
current sdtate of the card. */
static gpg_error_t
build_enter_admin_pin_prompt (app_t app, char **r_prompt)
void *relptr;
unsigned char *value;
size_t valuelen;
int remaining;
char *prompt;
*r_prompt = NULL;
relptr = get_one_do (app, 0x00C4, &value, &valuelen, NULL);
if (!relptr || valuelen < 7)
log_error (_("error retrieving CHV status from card\n"));
xfree (relptr);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD);
if (value[6] == 0)
log_info (_("card is permanently locked!\n"));
xfree (relptr);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN);
remaining = value[6];
xfree (relptr);
log_info (ngettext("%d Admin PIN attempt remaining before card"
" is permanently locked\n",
"%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card"
" is permanently locked\n",
remaining), remaining);
if (remaining < 3)
/* TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at
the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. */
prompt = xtryasprintf (_("|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A"
"[remaining attempts: %d]"), remaining);
prompt = xtrystrdup (_("|A|Please enter the Admin PIN"));
if (!prompt)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*r_prompt = prompt;
return 0;
/* Verify CHV3 if required. */
static gpg_error_t
verify_chv3 (app_t app,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg)
int rc = 0;
if (!opt.allow_admin)
log_info (_("access to admin commands is not configured\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EACCES);
if (!app->did_chv3)
pininfo_t pininfo;
int minlen = 8;
char *prompt;
memset (&pininfo, 0, sizeof pininfo);
pininfo.fixedlen = -1;
pininfo.minlen = minlen;
rc = build_enter_admin_pin_prompt (app, &prompt);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (!opt.disable_pinpad
&& !iso7816_check_pinpad (app->slot, ISO7816_VERIFY, &pininfo)
&& !check_pinpad_request (app, &pininfo, 1))
/* The reader supports the verify command through the pinpad. */
rc = pincb (pincb_arg, prompt, NULL);
xfree (prompt);
prompt = NULL;
if (rc)
log_info (_("PIN callback returned error: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
rc = iso7816_verify_kp (app->slot, 0x83, &pininfo);
/* Dismiss the prompt. */
pincb (pincb_arg, NULL, NULL);
char *pinvalue;
rc = pincb (pincb_arg, prompt, &pinvalue);
xfree (prompt);
prompt = NULL;
if (rc)
log_info (_("PIN callback returned error: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
if (strlen (pinvalue) < minlen)
log_error (_("PIN for CHV%d is too short;"
" minimum length is %d\n"), 3, minlen);
xfree (pinvalue);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN);
rc = iso7816_verify (app->slot, 0x83, pinvalue, strlen (pinvalue));
xfree (pinvalue);
if (rc)
log_error (_("verify CHV%d failed: %s\n"), 3, gpg_strerror (rc));
flush_cache_after_error (app);
return rc;
app->did_chv3 = 1;
return rc;
/* Handle the SETATTR operation. All arguments are already basically
checked. */
static gpg_error_t
do_setattr (app_t app, const char *name,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const unsigned char *value, size_t valuelen)
gpg_error_t rc;
int idx;
static struct {
const char *name;
int tag;
int need_chv;
int special;
unsigned int need_v2:1;
} table[] = {
{ "DISP-NAME", 0x005B, 3 },
{ "LOGIN-DATA", 0x005E, 3, 2 },
{ "DISP-LANG", 0x5F2D, 3 },
{ "DISP-SEX", 0x5F35, 3 },
{ "PUBKEY-URL", 0x5F50, 3 },
{ "CHV-STATUS-1", 0x00C4, 3, 1 },
{ "CA-FPR-1", 0x00CA, 3 },
{ "CA-FPR-2", 0x00CB, 3 },
{ "CA-FPR-3", 0x00CC, 3 },
{ "PRIVATE-DO-1", 0x0101, 2 },
{ "PRIVATE-DO-2", 0x0102, 3 },
{ "PRIVATE-DO-3", 0x0103, 2 },
{ "PRIVATE-DO-4", 0x0104, 3 },
{ "CERT-3", 0x7F21, 3, 0, 1 },
{ "SM-KEY-ENC", 0x00D1, 3, 0, 1 },
{ "SM-KEY-MAC", 0x00D2, 3, 0, 1 },
{ "KEY-ATTR", 0, 0, 3, 1 },
{ "AESKEY", 0x00D5, 3, 0, 1 },
{ NULL, 0 }
int exmode;
for (idx=0; table[idx].name && strcmp (table[idx].name, name); idx++)
if (!table[idx].name)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
if (table[idx].need_v2 && !app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); /* Not yet supported. */
if (table[idx].special == 3)
return change_keyattr_from_string (app, pincb, pincb_arg, value, valuelen);
switch (table[idx].need_chv)
case 2:
rc = verify_chv2 (app, pincb, pincb_arg);
case 3:
rc = verify_chv3 (app, pincb, pincb_arg);
rc = 0;
if (rc)
return rc;
/* Flush the cache before writing it, so that the next get operation
will reread the data from the card and thus get synced in case of
errors (e.g. data truncated by the card). */
flush_cache_item (app, table[idx].tag);
if (app->app_local->cardcap.ext_lc_le && valuelen > 254)
exmode = 1; /* Use extended length w/o a limit. */
else if (app->app_local->cardcap.cmd_chaining && valuelen > 254)
exmode = -254; /* Command chaining with max. 254 bytes. */
exmode = 0;
rc = iso7816_put_data (app->slot, exmode, table[idx].tag, value, valuelen);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to set '%s': %s\n", table[idx].name, gpg_strerror (rc));
if (table[idx].special == 1)
app->force_chv1 = (valuelen && *value == 0);
else if (table[idx].special == 2)
parse_login_data (app);
return rc;
/* Handle the WRITECERT command for OpenPGP. This rites the standard
certifciate to the card; CERTID needs to be set to "OPENPGP.3".
PINCB and PINCB_ARG are the usual arguments for the pinentry
callback. */
static gpg_error_t
do_writecert (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *certidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const unsigned char *certdata, size_t certdatalen)
if (strcmp (certidstr, "OPENPGP.3"))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
if (!certdata || !certdatalen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
if (!app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
if (certdatalen > app->app_local->extcap.max_certlen_3)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
return do_setattr (app, "CERT-3", pincb, pincb_arg, certdata, certdatalen);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
/* Handle the PASSWD command. The following combinations are
Flags CHVNO Vers. Description
RESET 1 1 Verify CHV3 and set a new CHV1 and CHV2
RESET 1 2 Verify PW3 and set a new PW1.
RESET 2 1 Verify CHV3 and set a new CHV1 and CHV2.
RESET 2 2 Verify PW3 and set a new Reset Code.
RESET 3 any Returns GPG_ERR_INV_ID.
- 1 1 Verify CHV2 and set a new CHV1 and CHV2.
- 1 2 Verify PW1 and set a new PW1.
- 2 1 Verify CHV2 and set a new CHV1 and CHV2.
- 2 2 Verify Reset Code and set a new PW1.
- 3 any Verify CHV3/PW3 and set a new CHV3/PW3.
static gpg_error_t
do_change_pin (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, const char *chvnostr,
unsigned int flags,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg)
int rc = 0;
int chvno = atoi (chvnostr);
char *resetcode = NULL;
char *oldpinvalue = NULL;
char *pinvalue = NULL;
int reset_mode = !!(flags & APP_CHANGE_FLAG_RESET);
int set_resetcode = 0;
pininfo_t pininfo;
int use_pinpad = 0;
int minlen = 6;
memset (&pininfo, 0, sizeof pininfo);
pininfo.fixedlen = -1;
pininfo.minlen = minlen;
if (reset_mode && chvno == 3)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
goto leave;
if (!app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
/* Version 1 cards. */
if (reset_mode || chvno == 3)
/* We always require that the PIN is entered. */
app->did_chv3 = 0;
rc = verify_chv3 (app, pincb, pincb_arg);
if (rc)
goto leave;
else if (chvno == 1 || chvno == 2)
/* On a v1.x card CHV1 and CVH2 should always have the same
value, thus we enforce it here. */
int save_force = app->force_chv1;
app->force_chv1 = 0;
app->did_chv1 = 0;
app->did_chv2 = 0;
rc = verify_chv2 (app, pincb, pincb_arg);
app->force_chv1 = save_force;
if (rc)
goto leave;
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
goto leave;
/* Version 2 cards. */
if (!opt.disable_pinpad
&& !iso7816_check_pinpad (app->slot,
&& !check_pinpad_request (app, &pininfo, chvno == 3))
use_pinpad = 1;
if (reset_mode)
/* To reset a PIN the Admin PIN is required. */
use_pinpad = 0;
app->did_chv3 = 0;
rc = verify_chv3 (app, pincb, pincb_arg);
if (rc)
goto leave;
if (chvno == 2)
set_resetcode = 1;
else if (chvno == 1 || chvno == 3)
if (!use_pinpad)
char *promptbuf = NULL;
const char *prompt;
if (chvno == 3)
minlen = 8;
rc = build_enter_admin_pin_prompt (app, &promptbuf);
if (rc)
goto leave;
prompt = promptbuf;
prompt = _("||Please enter the PIN");
rc = pincb (pincb_arg, prompt, &oldpinvalue);
xfree (promptbuf);
promptbuf = NULL;
if (rc)
log_info (_("PIN callback returned error: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if (strlen (oldpinvalue) < minlen)
log_info (_("PIN for CHV%d is too short;"
" minimum length is %d\n"), chvno, minlen);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN);
goto leave;
else if (chvno == 2)
/* There is no PW2 for v2 cards. We use this condition to
allow a PW reset using the Reset Code. */
void *relptr;
unsigned char *value;
size_t valuelen;
int remaining;
use_pinpad = 0;
minlen = 8;
relptr = get_one_do (app, 0x00C4, &value, &valuelen, NULL);
if (!relptr || valuelen < 7)
log_error (_("error retrieving CHV status from card\n"));
xfree (relptr);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD);
goto leave;
remaining = value[5];
xfree (relptr);
if (!remaining)
log_error (_("Reset Code not or not anymore available\n"));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN);
goto leave;
rc = pincb (pincb_arg,
_("||Please enter the Reset Code for the card"),
if (rc)
log_info (_("PIN callback returned error: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if (strlen (resetcode) < minlen)
log_info (_("Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n"),
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN);
goto leave;
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
goto leave;
if (chvno == 3)
app->did_chv3 = 0;
app->did_chv1 = app->did_chv2 = 0;
if (!use_pinpad)
/* TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but
keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere
to get some infos on the string. */
rc = pincb (pincb_arg, set_resetcode? _("|RN|New Reset Code") :
chvno == 3? _("|AN|New Admin PIN") : _("|N|New PIN"),
if (rc)
log_error (_("error getting new PIN: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if (resetcode)
char *buffer;
buffer = xtrymalloc (strlen (resetcode) + strlen (pinvalue) + 1);
if (!buffer)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
strcpy (stpcpy (buffer, resetcode), pinvalue);
rc = iso7816_reset_retry_counter_with_rc (app->slot, 0x81,
buffer, strlen (buffer));
wipememory (buffer, strlen (buffer));
xfree (buffer);
else if (set_resetcode)
if (strlen (pinvalue) < 8)
log_error (_("Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n"), 8);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN);
rc = iso7816_put_data (app->slot, 0, 0xD3,
pinvalue, strlen (pinvalue));
else if (reset_mode)
rc = iso7816_reset_retry_counter (app->slot, 0x81,
pinvalue, strlen (pinvalue));
if (!rc && !app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
rc = iso7816_reset_retry_counter (app->slot, 0x82,
pinvalue, strlen (pinvalue));
else if (!app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
/* Version 1 cards. */
if (chvno == 1 || chvno == 2)
rc = iso7816_change_reference_data (app->slot, 0x81, NULL, 0,
pinvalue, strlen (pinvalue));
if (!rc)
rc = iso7816_change_reference_data (app->slot, 0x82, NULL, 0,
pinvalue, strlen (pinvalue));
else /* CHVNO == 3 */
rc = iso7816_change_reference_data (app->slot, 0x80 + chvno, NULL, 0,
pinvalue, strlen (pinvalue));
/* Version 2 cards. */
assert (chvno == 1 || chvno == 3);
if (use_pinpad)
rc = pincb (pincb_arg,
chvno == 3 ?
_("||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN") :
_("||Please enter the PIN and New PIN"), NULL);
if (rc)
log_info (_("PIN callback returned error: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
rc = iso7816_change_reference_data_kp (app->slot, 0x80 + chvno, 0,
pincb (pincb_arg, NULL, NULL); /* Dismiss the prompt. */
rc = iso7816_change_reference_data (app->slot, 0x80 + chvno,
oldpinvalue, strlen (oldpinvalue),
pinvalue, strlen (pinvalue));
if (pinvalue)
wipememory (pinvalue, strlen (pinvalue));
xfree (pinvalue);
if (rc)
flush_cache_after_error (app);
if (resetcode)
wipememory (resetcode, strlen (resetcode));
xfree (resetcode);
if (oldpinvalue)
wipememory (oldpinvalue, strlen (oldpinvalue));
xfree (oldpinvalue);
return rc;
/* Check whether a key already exists. KEYIDX is the index of the key
(0..2). If FORCE is TRUE a diagnositic will be printed but no
error returned if the key already exists. The flag GENERATING is
only used to print correct messages. */
static gpg_error_t
does_key_exist (app_t app, int keyidx, int generating, int force)
const unsigned char *fpr;
unsigned char *buffer;
size_t buflen, n;
int i;
assert (keyidx >=0 && keyidx <= 2);
if (iso7816_get_data (app->slot, 0, 0x006E, &buffer, &buflen))
log_error (_("error reading application data\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
fpr = find_tlv (buffer, buflen, 0x00C5, &n);
if (!fpr || n < 60)
log_error (_("error reading fingerprint DO\n"));
xfree (buffer);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
fpr += 20*keyidx;
for (i=0; i < 20 && !fpr[i]; i++)
xfree (buffer);
if (i!=20 && !force)
log_error (_("key already exists\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EEXIST);
else if (i!=20)
log_info (_("existing key will be replaced\n"));
else if (generating)
log_info (_("generating new key\n"));
log_info (_("writing new key\n"));
return 0;
/* Create a TLV tag and value and store it at BUFFER. Return the length
of tag and length. A LENGTH greater than 65535 is truncated. */
static size_t
add_tlv (unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int tag, size_t length)
unsigned char *p = buffer;
assert (tag <= 0xffff);
if ( tag > 0xff )
*p++ = tag >> 8;
*p++ = tag;
if (length < 128)
*p++ = length;
else if (length < 256)
*p++ = 0x81;
*p++ = length;
if (length > 0xffff)
length = 0xffff;
*p++ = 0x82;
*p++ = length >> 8;
*p++ = length;
return p - buffer;
static gpg_error_t
build_privkey_template (app_t app, int keyno,
const unsigned char *rsa_n, size_t rsa_n_len,
const unsigned char *rsa_e, size_t rsa_e_len,
const unsigned char *rsa_p, size_t rsa_p_len,
const unsigned char *rsa_q, size_t rsa_q_len,
const unsigned char *rsa_u, size_t rsa_u_len,
const unsigned char *rsa_dp, size_t rsa_dp_len,
const unsigned char *rsa_dq, size_t rsa_dq_len,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen)
size_t rsa_e_reqlen;
unsigned char privkey[7*(1+3+3)];
size_t privkey_len;
unsigned char exthdr[2+2+3];
size_t exthdr_len;
unsigned char suffix[2+3];
size_t suffix_len;
unsigned char *tp;
size_t datalen;
unsigned char *template;
size_t template_size;
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
switch (app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.format)
case RSA_STD:
case RSA_STD_N:
case RSA_CRT:
case RSA_CRT_N:
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
/* Get the required length for E. Rounded up to the nearest byte */
rsa_e_reqlen = (app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.e_bits + 7) / 8;
assert (rsa_e_len <= rsa_e_reqlen);
/* Build the 7f48 cardholder private key template. */
datalen = 0;
tp = privkey;
tp += add_tlv (tp, 0x91, rsa_e_reqlen);
datalen += rsa_e_reqlen;
tp += add_tlv (tp, 0x92, rsa_p_len);
datalen += rsa_p_len;
tp += add_tlv (tp, 0x93, rsa_q_len);
datalen += rsa_q_len;
if (app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.format == RSA_CRT
|| app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.format == RSA_CRT_N)
tp += add_tlv (tp, 0x94, rsa_u_len);
datalen += rsa_u_len;
tp += add_tlv (tp, 0x95, rsa_dp_len);
datalen += rsa_dp_len;
tp += add_tlv (tp, 0x96, rsa_dq_len);
datalen += rsa_dq_len;
if (app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.format == RSA_STD_N
|| app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.format == RSA_CRT_N)
tp += add_tlv (tp, 0x97, rsa_n_len);
datalen += rsa_n_len;
privkey_len = tp - privkey;
/* Build the extended header list without the private key template. */
tp = exthdr;
*tp++ = keyno ==0 ? 0xb6 : keyno == 1? 0xb8 : 0xa4;
*tp++ = 0;
tp += add_tlv (tp, 0x7f48, privkey_len);
exthdr_len = tp - exthdr;
/* Build the 5f48 suffix of the data. */
tp = suffix;
tp += add_tlv (tp, 0x5f48, datalen);
suffix_len = tp - suffix;
/* Now concatenate everything. */
template_size = (1 + 3 /* 0x4d and len. */
+ exthdr_len
+ privkey_len
+ suffix_len
+ datalen);
tp = template = xtrymalloc_secure (template_size);
if (!template)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
tp += add_tlv (tp, 0x4d, exthdr_len + privkey_len + suffix_len + datalen);
memcpy (tp, exthdr, exthdr_len);
tp += exthdr_len;
memcpy (tp, privkey, privkey_len);
tp += privkey_len;
memcpy (tp, suffix, suffix_len);
tp += suffix_len;
memcpy (tp, rsa_e, rsa_e_len);
if (rsa_e_len < rsa_e_reqlen)
/* Right justify E. */
memmove (tp + rsa_e_reqlen - rsa_e_len, tp, rsa_e_len);
memset (tp, 0, rsa_e_reqlen - rsa_e_len);
tp += rsa_e_reqlen;
memcpy (tp, rsa_p, rsa_p_len);
tp += rsa_p_len;
memcpy (tp, rsa_q, rsa_q_len);
tp += rsa_q_len;
if (app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.format == RSA_CRT
|| app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.format == RSA_CRT_N)
memcpy (tp, rsa_u, rsa_u_len);
tp += rsa_u_len;
memcpy (tp, rsa_dp, rsa_dp_len);
tp += rsa_dp_len;
memcpy (tp, rsa_dq, rsa_dq_len);
tp += rsa_dq_len;
if (app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.format == RSA_STD_N
|| app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.format == RSA_CRT_N)
memcpy (tp, rsa_n, rsa_n_len);
tp += rsa_n_len;
/* Sanity check. We don't know the exact length because we
allocated 3 bytes for the first length header. */
assert (tp - template <= template_size);
*result = template;
*resultlen = tp - template;
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
build_ecc_privkey_template (app_t app, int keyno,
const unsigned char *ecc_d, size_t ecc_d_len,
const unsigned char *ecc_q, size_t ecc_q_len,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen)
unsigned char privkey[2+2];
size_t privkey_len;
unsigned char exthdr[2+2+1];
size_t exthdr_len;
unsigned char suffix[2+1];
size_t suffix_len;
unsigned char *tp;
size_t datalen;
unsigned char *template;
size_t template_size;
int pubkey_required;
pubkey_required = !!(app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].ecc.flags
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
/* Build the 7f48 cardholder private key template. */
datalen = 0;
tp = privkey;
tp += add_tlv (tp, 0x92, ecc_d_len);
datalen += ecc_d_len;
if (pubkey_required)
tp += add_tlv (tp, 0x99, ecc_q_len);
datalen += ecc_q_len;
privkey_len = tp - privkey;
/* Build the extended header list without the private key template. */
tp = exthdr;
*tp++ = keyno ==0 ? 0xb6 : keyno == 1? 0xb8 : 0xa4;
*tp++ = 0;
tp += add_tlv (tp, 0x7f48, privkey_len);
exthdr_len = tp - exthdr;
/* Build the 5f48 suffix of the data. */
tp = suffix;
tp += add_tlv (tp, 0x5f48, datalen);
suffix_len = tp - suffix;
/* Now concatenate everything. */
template_size = (1 + 1 /* 0x4d and len. */
+ exthdr_len
+ privkey_len
+ suffix_len
+ datalen);
if (exthdr_len + privkey_len + suffix_len + datalen >= 128)
tp = template = xtrymalloc_secure (template_size);
if (!template)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
tp += add_tlv (tp, 0x4d, exthdr_len + privkey_len + suffix_len + datalen);
memcpy (tp, exthdr, exthdr_len);
tp += exthdr_len;
memcpy (tp, privkey, privkey_len);
tp += privkey_len;
memcpy (tp, suffix, suffix_len);
tp += suffix_len;
memcpy (tp, ecc_d, ecc_d_len);
tp += ecc_d_len;
if (pubkey_required)
memcpy (tp, ecc_q, ecc_q_len);
tp += ecc_q_len;
assert (tp - template == template_size);
*result = template;
*resultlen = tp - template;
return 0;
/* Helper for do_writekley to change the size of a key. Not ethat
this deletes the entire key without asking. */
static gpg_error_t
change_keyattr (app_t app, int keyno, const unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg)
gpg_error_t err;
assert (keyno >=0 && keyno <= 2);
/* Prepare for storing the key. */
err = verify_chv3 (app, pincb, pincb_arg);
if (err)
return err;
/* Change the attribute. */
err = iso7816_put_data (app->slot, 0, 0xC1+keyno, buf, buflen);
if (err)
log_error ("error changing key attribute (key=%d)\n", keyno+1);
log_info ("key attribute changed (key=%d)\n", keyno+1);
flush_cache (app);
parse_algorithm_attribute (app, keyno);
app->did_chv1 = 0;
app->did_chv2 = 0;
app->did_chv3 = 0;
return err;
static gpg_error_t
change_rsa_keyattr (app_t app, int keyno, unsigned int nbits,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
unsigned char *buf;
size_t buflen;
void *relptr;
/* Read the current attributes into a buffer. */
relptr = get_one_do (app, 0xC1+keyno, &buf, &buflen, NULL);
if (!relptr)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD);
else if (buflen < 6 || buf[0] != PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA)
/* Attriutes too short or not an RSA key. */
xfree (relptr);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD);
/* We only change n_bits and don't touch anything else. Before we
do so, we round up NBITS to a sensible way in the same way as
gpg's key generation does it. This may help to sort out problems
with a few bits too short keys. */
nbits = ((nbits + 31) / 32) * 32;
buf[1] = (nbits >> 8);
buf[2] = nbits;
err = change_keyattr (app, keyno, buf, buflen, pincb, pincb_arg);
xfree (relptr);
return err;
/* Helper to process an setattr command for name KEY-ATTR.
In (VALUE,VALUELEN), it expects following string:
RSA: "--force <key> <algo> rsa<nbits>"
ECC: "--force <key> <algo> <curvename>"
static gpg_error_t
change_keyattr_from_string (app_t app,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *value, size_t valuelen)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
char *string;
int key, keyno, algo;
int n = 0;
/* VALUE is expected to be a string but not guaranteed to be
terminated. Thus copy it to an allocated buffer first. */
string = xtrymalloc (valuelen+1);
if (!string)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (string, value, valuelen);
string[valuelen] = 0;
/* Because this function deletes the key we require the string
"--force" in the data to make clear that something serious might
happen. */
sscanf (string, "--force %d %d %n", &key, &algo, &n);
if (n < 12)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
goto leave;
keyno = key - 1;
if (keyno < 0 || keyno > 2)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
else if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA)
unsigned int nbits;
errno = 0;
nbits = strtoul (string+n+3, NULL, 10);
if (errno)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
else if (nbits < 1024)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
else if (nbits > 4096)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
err = change_rsa_keyattr (app, keyno, nbits, pincb, pincb_arg);
else if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH || algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA
const char *oidstr;
gcry_mpi_t oid;
const unsigned char *oidbuf;
size_t oid_len;
oidstr = openpgp_curve_to_oid (string+n, NULL);
if (!oidstr)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
goto leave;
err = openpgp_oid_from_str (oidstr, &oid);
if (err)
goto leave;
oidbuf = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (oid, &n);
oid_len = (n+7)/8;
/* We have enough room at STRING. */
string[0] = algo;
memcpy (string+1, oidbuf+1, oid_len-1);
err = change_keyattr (app, keyno, string, oid_len, pincb, pincb_arg);
gcry_mpi_release (oid);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_PUBKEY_ALGO);
xfree (string);
return err;
static gpg_error_t
rsa_writekey (app_t app, gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg, int keyno,
const unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen, int depth)
gpg_error_t err;
const unsigned char *tok;
size_t toklen;
int last_depth1, last_depth2;
const unsigned char *rsa_n = NULL;
const unsigned char *rsa_e = NULL;
const unsigned char *rsa_p = NULL;
const unsigned char *rsa_q = NULL;
size_t rsa_n_len, rsa_e_len, rsa_p_len, rsa_q_len;
unsigned int nbits;
unsigned int maxbits;
unsigned char *template = NULL;
unsigned char *tp;
size_t template_len;
unsigned char fprbuf[20];
u32 created_at = 0;
if (app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].key_type != KEY_TYPE_RSA)
log_error (_("unsupported algorithm: %s"), "RSA");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
goto leave;
last_depth1 = depth;
while (!(err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen))
&& depth && depth >= last_depth1)
if (tok)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
goto leave;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
goto leave;
if (tok && toklen == 1)
const unsigned char **mpi;
size_t *mpi_len;
switch (*tok)
case 'n': mpi = &rsa_n; mpi_len = &rsa_n_len; break;
case 'e': mpi = &rsa_e; mpi_len = &rsa_e_len; break;
case 'p': mpi = &rsa_p; mpi_len = &rsa_p_len; break;
case 'q': mpi = &rsa_q; mpi_len = &rsa_q_len;break;
default: mpi = NULL; mpi_len = NULL; break;
if (mpi && *mpi)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE);
goto leave;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
goto leave;
if (tok && mpi)
/* Strip off leading zero bytes and save. */
for (;toklen && !*tok; toklen--, tok++)
*mpi = tok;
*mpi_len = toklen;
/* Skip until end of list. */
last_depth2 = depth;
while (!(err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen))
&& depth && depth >= last_depth2)
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Parse other attributes. */
last_depth1 = depth;
while (!(err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen))
&& depth && depth >= last_depth1)
if (tok)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
goto leave;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
goto leave;
if (tok && toklen == 10 && !memcmp ("created-at", tok, toklen))
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf,&buflen,&depth,&tok,&toklen)))
goto leave;
if (tok)
for (created_at=0; toklen && *tok && *tok >= '0' && *tok <= '9';
tok++, toklen--)
created_at = created_at*10 + (*tok - '0');
/* Skip until end of list. */
last_depth2 = depth;
while (!(err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen))
&& depth && depth >= last_depth2)
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Check that we have all parameters and that they match the card
description. */
if (!created_at)
log_error (_("creation timestamp missing\n"));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
goto leave;
maxbits = app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.n_bits;
nbits = rsa_n? count_bits (rsa_n, rsa_n_len) : 0;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("RSA modulus size is %u bits (%u bytes)\n",
nbits, (unsigned int)rsa_n_len);
if (nbits && nbits != maxbits
&& app->app_local->extcap.algo_attr_change)
/* Try to switch the key to a new length. */
err = change_rsa_keyattr (app, keyno, nbits, pincb, pincb_arg);
if (!err)
maxbits = app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.n_bits;
if (nbits != maxbits)
log_error (_("RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n"),
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
goto leave;
maxbits = app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.e_bits;
if (maxbits > 32 && !app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
maxbits = 32; /* Our code for v1 does only support 32 bits. */
nbits = rsa_e? count_bits (rsa_e, rsa_e_len) : 0;
if (nbits < 2 || nbits > maxbits)
log_error (_("RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n"),
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
goto leave;
maxbits = app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.n_bits/2;
nbits = rsa_p? count_bits (rsa_p, rsa_p_len) : 0;
if (nbits != maxbits)
log_error (_("RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n"),
"P", (int)maxbits);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
goto leave;
nbits = rsa_q? count_bits (rsa_q, rsa_q_len) : 0;
if (nbits != maxbits)
log_error (_("RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n"),
"Q", (int)maxbits);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
goto leave;
/* We need to remove the cached public key. */
xfree (app->app_local->pk[keyno].key);
app->app_local->pk[keyno].key = NULL;
app->app_local->pk[keyno].keylen = 0;
app->app_local->pk[keyno].read_done = 0;
if (app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
unsigned char *rsa_u, *rsa_dp, *rsa_dq;
size_t rsa_u_len, rsa_dp_len, rsa_dq_len;
gcry_mpi_t mpi_e, mpi_p, mpi_q;
gcry_mpi_t mpi_u = gcry_mpi_snew (0);
gcry_mpi_t mpi_dp = gcry_mpi_snew (0);
gcry_mpi_t mpi_dq = gcry_mpi_snew (0);
gcry_mpi_t mpi_tmp = gcry_mpi_snew (0);
int exmode;
/* Calculate the u, dp and dq components needed by RSA_CRT cards */
gcry_mpi_scan (&mpi_e, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, rsa_e, rsa_e_len, NULL);
gcry_mpi_scan (&mpi_p, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, rsa_p, rsa_p_len, NULL);
gcry_mpi_scan (&mpi_q, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, rsa_q, rsa_q_len, NULL);
gcry_mpi_invm (mpi_u, mpi_q, mpi_p);
gcry_mpi_sub_ui (mpi_tmp, mpi_p, 1);
gcry_mpi_invm (mpi_dp, mpi_e, mpi_tmp);
gcry_mpi_sub_ui (mpi_tmp, mpi_q, 1);
gcry_mpi_invm (mpi_dq, mpi_e, mpi_tmp);
gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, &rsa_u, &rsa_u_len, mpi_u);
gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, &rsa_dp, &rsa_dp_len, mpi_dp);
gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, &rsa_dq, &rsa_dq_len, mpi_dq);
gcry_mpi_release (mpi_e);
gcry_mpi_release (mpi_p);
gcry_mpi_release (mpi_q);
gcry_mpi_release (mpi_u);
gcry_mpi_release (mpi_dp);
gcry_mpi_release (mpi_dq);
gcry_mpi_release (mpi_tmp);
/* Build the private key template as described in section of
the OpenPGP card specs version 2.0. */
err = build_privkey_template (app, keyno,
rsa_n, rsa_n_len,
rsa_e, rsa_e_len,
rsa_p, rsa_p_len,
rsa_q, rsa_q_len,
rsa_u, rsa_u_len,
rsa_dp, rsa_dp_len,
rsa_dq, rsa_dq_len,
&template, &template_len);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Prepare for storing the key. */
err = verify_chv3 (app, pincb, pincb_arg);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Store the key. */
if (app->app_local->cardcap.ext_lc_le && template_len > 254)
exmode = 1; /* Use extended length w/o a limit. */
else if (app->app_local->cardcap.cmd_chaining && template_len > 254)
exmode = -254;
exmode = 0;
err = iso7816_put_data_odd (app->slot, exmode, 0x3fff,
template, template_len);
/* Build the private key template as described in section of
the OpenPGP card specs version 1.1:
0xC0 <length> public exponent
0xC1 <length> prime p
0xC2 <length> prime q
assert (rsa_e_len <= 4);
template_len = (1 + 1 + 4
+ 1 + 1 + rsa_p_len
+ 1 + 1 + rsa_q_len);
template = tp = xtrymalloc_secure (template_len);
if (!template)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
*tp++ = 0xC0;
*tp++ = 4;
memcpy (tp, rsa_e, rsa_e_len);
if (rsa_e_len < 4)
/* Right justify E. */
memmove (tp+4-rsa_e_len, tp, rsa_e_len);
memset (tp, 0, 4-rsa_e_len);
tp += 4;
*tp++ = 0xC1;
*tp++ = rsa_p_len;
memcpy (tp, rsa_p, rsa_p_len);
tp += rsa_p_len;
*tp++ = 0xC2;
*tp++ = rsa_q_len;
memcpy (tp, rsa_q, rsa_q_len);
tp += rsa_q_len;
assert (tp - template == template_len);
/* Prepare for storing the key. */
err = verify_chv3 (app, pincb, pincb_arg);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Store the key. */
err = iso7816_put_data (app->slot, 0,
(app->card_version > 0x0007? 0xE0:0xE9)+keyno,
template, template_len);
if (err)
log_error (_("failed to store the key: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = store_fpr (app, keyno, created_at, fprbuf, PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA,
rsa_n, rsa_n_len, rsa_e, rsa_e_len);
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (template);
return err;
static gpg_error_t
ecc_writekey (app_t app, gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg, int keyno,
const unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen, int depth)
gpg_error_t err;
const unsigned char *tok;
size_t toklen;
int last_depth1, last_depth2;
const unsigned char *ecc_q = NULL;
const unsigned char *ecc_d = NULL;
size_t ecc_q_len, ecc_d_len;
const char *curve = NULL;
u32 created_at = 0;
const char *oidstr;
int flag_djb_tweak = 0;
int algo;
gcry_mpi_t oid = NULL;
const unsigned char *oidbuf;
unsigned int n;
size_t oid_len;
unsigned char fprbuf[20];
/* (private-key(ecc(curve%s)(q%m)(d%m))(created-at%d)):
curve = "NIST P-256" */
/* (private-key(ecc(curve%s)(q%m)(d%m))(created-at%d)):
curve = "secp256k1" */
/* (private-key(ecc(curve%s)(flags eddsa)(q%m)(d%m))(created-at%d)):
curve = "Ed25519" */
last_depth1 = depth;
while (!(err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen))
&& depth && depth >= last_depth1)
if (tok)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
goto leave;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
goto leave;
if (tok && toklen == 5 && !memcmp (tok, "curve", 5))
char *curve_name;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
goto leave;
curve_name = xtrymalloc (toklen+1);
if (!curve_name)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
memcpy (curve_name, tok, toklen);
curve_name[toklen] = 0;
curve = openpgp_is_curve_supported (curve_name, NULL);
xfree (curve_name);
else if (tok && toklen == 5 && !memcmp (tok, "flags", 5))
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
goto leave;
if (tok)
if ((toklen == 5 && !memcmp (tok, "eddsa", 5))
|| (toklen == 9 && !memcmp (tok, "djb-tweak", 9)))
flag_djb_tweak = 1;
else if (tok && toklen == 1)
const unsigned char **buf2;
size_t *buf2len;
int native = flag_djb_tweak;
switch (*tok)
case 'q': buf2 = &ecc_q; buf2len = &ecc_q_len; break;
case 'd': buf2 = &ecc_d; buf2len = &ecc_d_len; native = 0; break;
default: buf2 = NULL; buf2len = NULL; break;
if (buf2 && *buf2)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE);
goto leave;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
goto leave;
if (tok && buf2)
if (!native)
/* Strip off leading zero bytes and save. */
for (;toklen && !*tok; toklen--, tok++)
*buf2 = tok;
*buf2len = toklen;
/* Skip until end of list. */
last_depth2 = depth;
while (!(err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen))
&& depth && depth >= last_depth2)
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Parse other attributes. */
last_depth1 = depth;
while (!(err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen))
&& depth && depth >= last_depth1)
if (tok)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
goto leave;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
goto leave;
if (tok && toklen == 10 && !memcmp ("created-at", tok, toklen))
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf,&buflen,&depth,&tok,&toklen)))
goto leave;
if (tok)
for (created_at=0; toklen && *tok && *tok >= '0' && *tok <= '9';
tok++, toklen--)
created_at = created_at*10 + (*tok - '0');
/* Skip until end of list. */
last_depth2 = depth;
while (!(err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen))
&& depth && depth >= last_depth2)
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Check that we have all parameters and that they match the card
description. */
if (!curve)
log_error (_("unsupported curve\n"));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
goto leave;
if (!created_at)
log_error (_("creation timestamp missing\n"));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
goto leave;
if (flag_djb_tweak && keyno != 1)
else if (keyno == 1)
oidstr = openpgp_curve_to_oid (curve, NULL);
err = openpgp_oid_from_str (oidstr, &oid);
if (err)
goto leave;
oidbuf = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (oid, &n);
if (!oidbuf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
oid_len = (n+7)/8;
if (app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].key_type != KEY_TYPE_ECC
|| app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].ecc.curve != curve
|| (flag_djb_tweak !=
(app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].ecc.flags & ECC_FLAG_DJB_TWEAK)))
if (app->app_local->extcap.algo_attr_change)
unsigned char keyattr[oid_len];
keyattr[0] = algo;
memcpy (keyattr+1, oidbuf+1, oid_len-1);
err = change_keyattr (app, keyno, keyattr, oid_len, pincb, pincb_arg);
if (err)
goto leave;
log_error ("key attribute on card doesn't match\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("ECC private key size is %u bytes\n", (unsigned int)ecc_d_len);
/* We need to remove the cached public key. */
xfree (app->app_local->pk[keyno].key);
app->app_local->pk[keyno].key = NULL;
app->app_local->pk[keyno].keylen = 0;
app->app_local->pk[keyno].read_done = 0;
if (app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
/* Build the private key template as described in section of
the OpenPGP card specs version 2.0. */
unsigned char *template;
size_t template_len;
int exmode;
err = build_ecc_privkey_template (app, keyno,
ecc_d, ecc_d_len,
ecc_q, ecc_q_len,
&template, &template_len);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Prepare for storing the key. */
err = verify_chv3 (app, pincb, pincb_arg);
if (err)
xfree (template);
goto leave;
/* Store the key. */
if (app->app_local->cardcap.ext_lc_le && template_len > 254)
exmode = 1; /* Use extended length w/o a limit. */
else if (app->app_local->cardcap.cmd_chaining && template_len > 254)
exmode = -254;
exmode = 0;
err = iso7816_put_data_odd (app->slot, exmode, 0x3fff,
template, template_len);
xfree (template);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
if (err)
log_error (_("failed to store the key: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = store_fpr (app, keyno, created_at, fprbuf, algo, oidbuf, oid_len,
ecc_q, ecc_q_len, ecdh_params (curve), (size_t)4);
gcry_mpi_release (oid);
return err;
/* Handle the WRITEKEY command for OpenPGP. This function expects a
canonical encoded S-expression with the secret key in KEYDATA and
its length (for assertions) in KEYDATALEN. KEYID needs to be the
usual keyid which for OpenPGP is the string "OPENPGP.n" with
n=1,2,3. Bit 0 of FLAGS indicates whether an existing key shall
get overwritten. PINCB and PINCB_ARG are the usual arguments for
the pinentry callback. */
static gpg_error_t
do_writekey (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *keyid, unsigned int flags,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const unsigned char *keydata, size_t keydatalen)
gpg_error_t err;
int force = (flags & 1);
int keyno;
const unsigned char *buf, *tok;
size_t buflen, toklen;
int depth;
if (!strcmp (keyid, "OPENPGP.1"))
keyno = 0;
else if (!strcmp (keyid, "OPENPGP.2"))
keyno = 1;
else if (!strcmp (keyid, "OPENPGP.3"))
keyno = 2;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
err = does_key_exist (app, keyno, 0, force);
if (err)
return err;
Parse the S-expression
buf = keydata;
buflen = keydatalen;
depth = 0;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
goto leave;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
goto leave;
if (!tok || toklen != 11 || memcmp ("private-key", tok, toklen))
if (!tok)
else if (toklen == 21 && !memcmp ("protected-private-key", tok, toklen))
log_info ("protected-private-key passed to writekey\n");
else if (toklen == 20 && !memcmp ("shadowed-private-key", tok, toklen))
log_info ("shadowed-private-key passed to writekey\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY);
goto leave;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
goto leave;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
goto leave;
if (tok && toklen == 3 && memcmp ("rsa", tok, toklen) == 0)
err = rsa_writekey (app, pincb, pincb_arg, keyno, buf, buflen, depth);
else if (tok && toklen == 3 && memcmp ("ecc", tok, toklen) == 0)
err = ecc_writekey (app, pincb, pincb_arg, keyno, buf, buflen, depth);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_PUBKEY_ALGO);
goto leave;
return err;
/* Handle the GENKEY command. */
static gpg_error_t
do_genkey (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keynostr, unsigned int flags,
time_t createtime,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg)
gpg_error_t err;
char numbuf[30];
unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
const unsigned char *keydata;
size_t buflen, keydatalen;
u32 created_at;
int keyno = atoi (keynostr) - 1;
int force = (flags & 1);
time_t start_at;
int exmode = 0;
int le_value = 256; /* Use legacy value. */
if (keyno < 0 || keyno > 2)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
/* We flush the cache to increase the traffic before a key
generation. This _might_ help a card to gather more entropy. */
flush_cache (app);
/* Obviously we need to remove the cached public key. */
xfree (app->app_local->pk[keyno].key);
app->app_local->pk[keyno].key = NULL;
app->app_local->pk[keyno].keylen = 0;
app->app_local->pk[keyno].read_done = 0;
/* Check whether a key already exists. */
err = does_key_exist (app, keyno, 1, force);
if (err)
return err;
if (app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].key_type == KEY_TYPE_RSA)
unsigned int keybits = app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.n_bits;
/* Because we send the key parameter back via status lines we need
to put a limit on the max. allowed keysize. 2048 bit will
already lead to a 527 byte long status line and thus a 4096 bit
key would exceed the Assuan line length limit. */
if (keybits > 4096)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
/* Test whether we will need extended length mode. (1900 is an
arbitrary length which for sure fits into a short apdu.) */
if (app->app_local->cardcap.ext_lc_le && keybits > 1900)
exmode = 1; /* Use extended length w/o a limit. */
le_value = app->app_local->extcap.max_rsp_data;
/* No need to check le_value because it comes from a 16 bit
value and thus can't create an overflow on a 32 bit
system. */
/* Prepare for key generation by verifying the Admin PIN. */
err = verify_chv3 (app, pincb, pincb_arg);
if (err)
return err;
log_info (_("please wait while key is being generated ...\n"));
start_at = time (NULL);
err = iso7816_generate_keypair (app->slot, exmode,
(keyno == 0? "\xB6" :
keyno == 1? "\xB8" : "\xA4"),
2, le_value, &buffer, &buflen);
if (err)
log_error (_("generating key failed\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD);
int nsecs = (int)(time (NULL) - start_at);
log_info (ngettext("key generation completed (%d second)\n",
"key generation completed (%d seconds)\n",
nsecs), nsecs);
keydata = find_tlv (buffer, buflen, 0x7F49, &keydatalen);
if (!keydata)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD);
log_error (_("response does not contain the public key data\n"));
goto leave;
created_at = (u32)(createtime? createtime : gnupg_get_time ());
sprintf (numbuf, "%u", created_at);
send_status_info (ctrl, "KEY-CREATED-AT",
numbuf, (size_t)strlen(numbuf), NULL, 0);
err = read_public_key (app, ctrl, created_at, keyno, buffer, buflen);
xfree (buffer);
return err;
static unsigned long
convert_sig_counter_value (const unsigned char *value, size_t valuelen)
unsigned long ul;
if (valuelen == 3 )
ul = (value[0] << 16) | (value[1] << 8) | value[2];
log_error (_("invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n"));
ul = 0;
return ul;
static unsigned long
get_sig_counter (app_t app)
void *relptr;
unsigned char *value;
size_t valuelen;
unsigned long ul;
relptr = get_one_do (app, 0x0093, &value, &valuelen, NULL);
if (!relptr)
return 0;
ul = convert_sig_counter_value (value, valuelen);
xfree (relptr);
return ul;
static gpg_error_t
compare_fingerprint (app_t app, int keyno, unsigned char *sha1fpr)
const unsigned char *fpr;
unsigned char *buffer;
size_t buflen, n;
int rc, i;
assert (keyno >= 0 && keyno <= 2);
rc = get_cached_data (app, 0x006E, &buffer, &buflen, 0, 0);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error reading application data\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
fpr = find_tlv (buffer, buflen, 0x00C5, &n);
if (!fpr || n != 60)
xfree (buffer);
log_error (_("error reading fingerprint DO\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
fpr += keyno*20;
for (i=0; i < 20; i++)
if (sha1fpr[i] != fpr[i])
xfree (buffer);
log_info (_("fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_SECKEY);
xfree (buffer);
return 0;
/* If a fingerprint has been specified check it against the one on the
card. This allows for a meaningful error message in case the key
on the card has been replaced but the shadow information known to
gpg has not been updated. If there is no fingerprint we assume
that this is okay. */
static gpg_error_t
check_against_given_fingerprint (app_t app, const char *fpr, int key)
unsigned char tmp[20];
const char *s;
int n;
for (s=fpr, n=0; hexdigitp (s); s++, n++)
if (n != 40)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
else if (!*s)
; /* okay */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
for (s=fpr, n=0; n < 20; s += 2, n++)
tmp[n] = xtoi_2 (s);
return compare_fingerprint (app, key-1, tmp);
/* Compute a digital signature on INDATA which is expected to be the
raw message digest. For this application the KEYIDSTR consists of
the serialnumber and the fingerprint delimited by a slash.
Note that this function may return the error code
GPG_ERR_WRONG_CARD to indicate that the card currently present does
not match the one required for the requested action (e.g. the
serial number does not match).
As a special feature a KEYIDSTR of "OPENPGP.3" redirects the
operation to the auth command.
static gpg_error_t
do_sign (app_t app, const char *keyidstr, int hashalgo,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen )
static unsigned char rmd160_prefix[15] = /* Object ID is */
{ 0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x24, 0x03,
0x02, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14 };
static unsigned char sha1_prefix[15] = /* ( */
{ 0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x0e, 0x03,
0x02, 0x1a, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14 };
static unsigned char sha224_prefix[19] = /* (2.16.840. */
{ 0x30, 0x2D, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86, 0x48,
0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04,
0x1C };
static unsigned char sha256_prefix[19] = /* (2.16.840. */
{ 0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86,
0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x05,
0x00, 0x04, 0x20 };
static unsigned char sha384_prefix[19] = /* (2.16.840. */
{ 0x30, 0x41, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86,
0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x02, 0x05,
0x00, 0x04, 0x30 };
static unsigned char sha512_prefix[19] = /* (2.16.840. */
{ 0x30, 0x51, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86,
0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05,
0x00, 0x04, 0x40 };
int rc;
unsigned char data[19+64];
size_t datalen;
unsigned char tmp_sn[20]; /* Actually 16 bytes but also for the fpr. */
const char *s;
int n;
const char *fpr = NULL;
unsigned long sigcount;
int use_auth = 0;
int exmode, le_value;
if (!keyidstr || !*keyidstr)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
/* Strip off known prefixes. */
#define X(a,b,c,d) \
if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_ ## a \
&& (d) \
&& indatalen == sizeof b ## _prefix + (c) \
&& !memcmp (indata, b ## _prefix, sizeof b ## _prefix)) \
{ \
indata = (const char*)indata + sizeof b ## _prefix; \
indatalen -= sizeof b ## _prefix; \
if (indatalen == 20)
; /* Assume a plain SHA-1 or RMD160 digest has been given. */
else X(SHA1, sha1, 20, 1)
else X(RMD160, rmd160, 20, 1)
else X(SHA224, sha224, 28, app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
else X(SHA256, sha256, 32, app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
else X(SHA384, sha384, 48, app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
else X(SHA512, sha512, 64, app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
else if ((indatalen == 28 || indatalen == 32
|| indatalen == 48 || indatalen ==64)
&& app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
; /* Assume a plain SHA-3 digest has been given. */
log_error (_("card does not support digest algorithm %s\n"),
gcry_md_algo_name (hashalgo));
/* Or the supplied digest length does not match an algorithm. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
#undef X
/* Check whether an OpenPGP card of any version has been requested. */
if (!strcmp (keyidstr, "OPENPGP.1"))
else if (!strcmp (keyidstr, "OPENPGP.3"))
use_auth = 1;
else if (strlen (keyidstr) < 32 || strncmp (keyidstr, "D27600012401", 12))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
for (s=keyidstr, n=0; hexdigitp (s); s++, n++)
if (n != 32)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
else if (!*s)
; /* no fingerprint given: we allow this for now. */
else if (*s == '/')
fpr = s + 1;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
for (s=keyidstr, n=0; n < 16; s += 2, n++)
tmp_sn[n] = xtoi_2 (s);
if (app->serialnolen != 16)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CARD);
if (memcmp (app->serialno, tmp_sn, 16))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_CARD);
/* If a fingerprint has been specified check it against the one on
the card. This is allows for a meaningful error message in case
the key on the card has been replaced but the shadow information
known to gpg was not updated. If there is no fingerprint, gpg
will detect a bogus signature anyway due to the
verify-after-signing feature. */
rc = fpr? check_against_given_fingerprint (app, fpr, 1) : 0;
if (rc)
return rc;
/* Concatenate prefix and digest. */
#define X(a,b,d) \
if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_ ## a && (d) ) \
{ \
datalen = sizeof b ## _prefix + indatalen; \
assert (datalen <= sizeof data); \
memcpy (data, b ## _prefix, sizeof b ## _prefix); \
memcpy (data + sizeof b ## _prefix, indata, indatalen); \
if (use_auth
|| app->app_local->keyattr[use_auth? 2: 0].key_type == KEY_TYPE_RSA)
X(SHA1, sha1, 1)
else X(RMD160, rmd160, 1)
else X(SHA224, sha224, app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
else X(SHA256, sha256, app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
else X(SHA384, sha384, app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
else X(SHA512, sha512, app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
datalen = indatalen;
memcpy (data, indata, indatalen);
#undef X
/* Redirect to the AUTH command if asked to. */
if (use_auth)
return do_auth (app, "OPENPGP.3", pincb, pincb_arg,
data, datalen,
outdata, outdatalen);
/* Show the number of signature done using this key. */
sigcount = get_sig_counter (app);
log_info (_("signatures created so far: %lu\n"), sigcount);
/* Check CHV if needed. */
if (!app->did_chv1 || app->force_chv1 )
char *pinvalue;
rc = verify_a_chv (app, pincb, pincb_arg, 1, sigcount, &pinvalue);
if (rc)
return rc;
app->did_chv1 = 1;
/* For cards with versions < 2 we want to keep CHV1 and CHV2 in
sync, thus we verify CHV2 here using the given PIN. Cards
with version2 to not have the need for a separate CHV2 and
internally use just one. Obviously we can't do that if the
pinpad has been used. */
if (!app->did_chv2 && pinvalue && !app->app_local->extcap.is_v2)
rc = iso7816_verify (app->slot, 0x82, pinvalue, strlen (pinvalue));
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_PIN_NOT_SYNCED);
if (rc)
log_error (_("verify CHV%d failed: %s\n"), 2, gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (pinvalue);
flush_cache_after_error (app);
return rc;
app->did_chv2 = 1;
xfree (pinvalue);
if (app->app_local->cardcap.ext_lc_le)
exmode = 1; /* Use extended length. */
le_value = app->app_local->extcap.max_rsp_data;
exmode = 0;
le_value = 0;
rc = iso7816_compute_ds (app->slot, exmode, data, datalen, le_value,
outdata, outdatalen);
return rc;
/* Compute a digital signature using the INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command
on INDATA which is expected to be the raw message digest. For this
application the KEYIDSTR consists of the serialnumber and the
fingerprint delimited by a slash. Optionally the id OPENPGP.3 may
be given.
Note that this function may return the error code
GPG_ERR_WRONG_CARD to indicate that the card currently present does
not match the one required for the requested action (e.g. the
serial number does not match). */
static gpg_error_t
do_auth (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen )
int rc;
unsigned char tmp_sn[20]; /* Actually 16 but we use it also for the fpr. */
const char *s;
int n;
const char *fpr = NULL;
if (!keyidstr || !*keyidstr)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (app->app_local->keyattr[2].key_type == KEY_TYPE_RSA
&& indatalen > 101) /* For a 2048 bit key. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (app->app_local->keyattr[2].key_type == KEY_TYPE_ECC)
if (!(app->app_local->keyattr[2].ecc.flags & ECC_FLAG_DJB_TWEAK)
&& (indatalen == 51 || indatalen == 67 || indatalen == 83))
const char *p = (const char *)indata + 19;
indata = p;
indatalen -= 19;
const char *p = (const char *)indata + 15;
indata = p;
indatalen -= 15;
/* Check whether an OpenPGP card of any version has been requested. */
if (!strcmp (keyidstr, "OPENPGP.3"))
else if (strlen (keyidstr) < 32 || strncmp (keyidstr, "D27600012401", 12))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
for (s=keyidstr, n=0; hexdigitp (s); s++, n++)
if (n != 32)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
else if (!*s)
; /* no fingerprint given: we allow this for now. */
else if (*s == '/')
fpr = s + 1;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
for (s=keyidstr, n=0; n < 16; s += 2, n++)
tmp_sn[n] = xtoi_2 (s);
if (app->serialnolen != 16)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CARD);
if (memcmp (app->serialno, tmp_sn, 16))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_CARD);
/* If a fingerprint has been specified check it against the one on
the card. This is allows for a meaningful error message in case
the key on the card has been replaced but the shadow information
known to gpg was not updated. If there is no fingerprint, gpg
will detect a bogus signature anyway due to the
verify-after-signing feature. */
rc = fpr? check_against_given_fingerprint (app, fpr, 3) : 0;
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = verify_chv2 (app, pincb, pincb_arg);
if (!rc)
int exmode, le_value;
if (app->app_local->cardcap.ext_lc_le)
exmode = 1; /* Use extended length. */
le_value = app->app_local->extcap.max_rsp_data;
exmode = 0;
le_value = 0;
rc = iso7816_internal_authenticate (app->slot, exmode,
indata, indatalen, le_value,
outdata, outdatalen);
return rc;
static gpg_error_t
do_decipher (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen,
unsigned int *r_info)
int rc;
unsigned char tmp_sn[20]; /* actually 16 but we use it also for the fpr. */
const char *s;
int n;
const char *fpr = NULL;
int exmode, le_value;
unsigned char *fixbuf = NULL;
int padind = 0;
int fixuplen = 0;
if (!keyidstr || !*keyidstr || !indatalen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
/* Check whether an OpenPGP card of any version has been requested. */
if (!strcmp (keyidstr, "OPENPGP.2"))
else if (strlen (keyidstr) < 32 || strncmp (keyidstr, "D27600012401", 12))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
for (s=keyidstr, n=0; hexdigitp (s); s++, n++)
if (n != 32)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
else if (!*s)
; /* no fingerprint given: we allow this for now. */
else if (*s == '/')
fpr = s + 1;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
for (s=keyidstr, n=0; n < 16; s += 2, n++)
tmp_sn[n] = xtoi_2 (s);
if (app->serialnolen != 16)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CARD);
if (memcmp (app->serialno, tmp_sn, 16))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_CARD);
/* If a fingerprint has been specified check it against the one on
the card. This is allows for a meaningful error message in case
the key on the card has been replaced but the shadow information
known to gpg was not updated. If there is no fingerprint, the
decryption won't produce the right plaintext anyway. */
rc = fpr? check_against_given_fingerprint (app, fpr, 2) : 0;
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = verify_chv2 (app, pincb, pincb_arg);
if (rc)
return rc;
if ((indatalen == 16 + 1 || indatalen == 32 + 1)
&& ((char *)indata)[0] == 0x02)
/* PSO:DECIPHER with symmetric key. */
padind = -1;
else if (app->app_local->keyattr[1].key_type == KEY_TYPE_RSA)
/* We might encounter a couple of leading zeroes in the
cryptogram. Due to internal use of MPIs these leading zeroes
are stripped. However the OpenPGP card expects exactly 128
bytes for the cryptogram (for a 1k key). Thus we need to fix
it up. We do this for up to 16 leading zero bytes; a
cryptogram with more than this is with a very high
probability anyway broken. If a signed conversion was used
we may also encounter one leading zero followed by the correct
length. We fix that as well. */
if (indatalen >= (128-16) && indatalen < 128) /* 1024 bit key. */
fixuplen = 128 - indatalen;
else if (indatalen >= (192-16) && indatalen < 192) /* 1536 bit key. */
fixuplen = 192 - indatalen;
else if (indatalen >= (256-16) && indatalen < 256) /* 2048 bit key. */
fixuplen = 256 - indatalen;
else if (indatalen >= (384-16) && indatalen < 384) /* 3072 bit key. */
fixuplen = 384 - indatalen;
else if (indatalen >= (512-16) && indatalen < 512) /* 4096 bit key. */
fixuplen = 512 - indatalen;
else if (!*(const char *)indata && (indatalen == 129
|| indatalen == 193
|| indatalen == 257
|| indatalen == 385
|| indatalen == 513))
fixuplen = -1;
fixuplen = 0;
if (fixuplen > 0)
/* While we have to prepend stuff anyway, we can also
include the padding byte here so that iso1816_decipher
does not need to do another data mangling. */
fixbuf = xtrymalloc (fixuplen + indatalen);
if (!fixbuf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memset (fixbuf, 0, fixuplen);
memcpy (fixbuf+fixuplen, indata, indatalen);
indata = fixbuf;
indatalen = fixuplen + indatalen;
padind = -1; /* Already padded. */
else if (fixuplen < 0)
/* We use the extra leading zero as the padding byte. */
padind = -1;
else if (app->app_local->keyattr[1].key_type == KEY_TYPE_ECC)
int old_format_len = 0;
if ((app->app_local->keyattr[1].ecc.flags & ECC_FLAG_DJB_TWEAK))
if (indatalen > 32 && (indatalen % 2))
{ /*
* Skip the prefix. It may be 0x40 (in new format), or MPI
* head of 0x00 (in old format).
indata = (const char *)indata + 1;
else if (indatalen < 32)
{ /*
* Old format trancated by MPI handling.
old_format_len = indatalen;
indatalen = 32;
fixuplen = 7;
fixbuf = xtrymalloc (fixuplen + indatalen);
if (!fixbuf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* Build 'Cipher DO' */
fixbuf[0] = '\xa6';
fixbuf[1] = (char)(indatalen+5);
fixbuf[2] = '\x7f';
fixbuf[3] = '\x49';
fixbuf[4] = (char)(indatalen+2);
fixbuf[5] = '\x86';
fixbuf[6] = (char)indatalen;
if (old_format_len)
memset (fixbuf+fixuplen, 0, 32 - old_format_len);
memcpy (fixbuf+fixuplen + 32 - old_format_len,
indata, old_format_len);
memcpy (fixbuf+fixuplen, indata, indatalen);
indata = fixbuf;
indatalen = fixuplen + indatalen;
padind = -1;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (app->app_local->cardcap.ext_lc_le && indatalen > 254 )
exmode = 1; /* Extended length w/o a limit. */
le_value = app->app_local->extcap.max_rsp_data;
else if (app->app_local->cardcap.cmd_chaining && indatalen > 254)
exmode = -254; /* Command chaining with max. 254 bytes. */
le_value = 0;
exmode = le_value = 0;
rc = iso7816_decipher (app->slot, exmode,
indata, indatalen, le_value, padind,
outdata, outdatalen);
xfree (fixbuf);
if (app->app_local->keyattr[1].key_type == KEY_TYPE_ECC)
unsigned char prefix = 0;
if (app->app_local->keyattr[1].ecc.flags & ECC_FLAG_DJB_TWEAK)
prefix = 0x40;
else if ((*outdatalen % 2) == 0) /* No 0x04 -> x-coordinate only */
prefix = 0x41;
if (prefix)
{ /* Add the prefix */
fixbuf = xtrymalloc (*outdatalen + 1);
if (!fixbuf)
xfree (*outdata);
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
fixbuf[0] = prefix;
memcpy (fixbuf+1, *outdata, *outdatalen);
xfree (*outdata);
*outdata = fixbuf;
*outdatalen = *outdatalen + 1;
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_CARD /* actual SW is 0x640a */
&& app->app_local->manufacturer == 5
&& app->card_version == 0x0200)
log_info ("NOTE: Cards with manufacturer id 5 and s/n <= 346 (0x15a)"
" do not work with encryption keys > 2048 bits\n");
return rc;
/* Perform a simple verify operation for CHV1 and CHV2, so that
further operations won't ask for CHV2 and it is possible to do a
cheap check on the PIN: If there is something wrong with the PIN
entry system, only the regular CHV will get blocked and not the
dangerous CHV3. KEYIDSTR is the usual card's serial number; an
optional fingerprint part will be ignored.
There is a special mode if the keyidstr is "<serialno>[CHV3]" with
the "[CHV3]" being a literal string: The Admin Pin is checked if
and only if the retry counter is still at 3. */
static gpg_error_t
do_check_pin (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg)
unsigned char tmp_sn[20];
const char *s;
int n;
int admin_pin = 0;
if (!keyidstr || !*keyidstr)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
/* Check whether an OpenPGP card of any version has been requested. */
if (strlen (keyidstr) < 32 || strncmp (keyidstr, "D27600012401", 12))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
for (s=keyidstr, n=0; hexdigitp (s); s++, n++)
if (n != 32)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
else if (!*s)
; /* No fingerprint given: we allow this for now. */
else if (*s == '/')
; /* We ignore a fingerprint. */
else if (!strcmp (s, "[CHV3]") )
admin_pin = 1;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
for (s=keyidstr, n=0; n < 16; s += 2, n++)
tmp_sn[n] = xtoi_2 (s);
if (app->serialnolen != 16)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CARD);
if (memcmp (app->serialno, tmp_sn, 16))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_CARD);
/* Yes, there is a race conditions: The user might pull the card
right here and we won't notice that. However this is not a
problem and the check above is merely for a graceful failure
between operations. */
if (admin_pin)
void *relptr;
unsigned char *value;
size_t valuelen;
int count;
relptr = get_one_do (app, 0x00C4, &value, &valuelen, NULL);
if (!relptr || valuelen < 7)
log_error (_("error retrieving CHV status from card\n"));
xfree (relptr);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD);
count = value[6];
xfree (relptr);
if (!count)
log_info (_("card is permanently locked!\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN);
else if (count < 3)
log_info (_("verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited "
"through this command\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
app->did_chv3 = 0; /* Force verification. */
return verify_chv3 (app, pincb, pincb_arg);
return verify_chv2 (app, pincb, pincb_arg);
/* Show information about card capabilities. */
static void
show_caps (struct app_local_s *s)
log_info ("Version-2 ......: %s\n", s->extcap.is_v2? "yes":"no");
log_info ("Get-Challenge ..: %s", s->extcap.get_challenge? "yes":"no");
if (s->extcap.get_challenge)
log_printf (" (%u bytes max)", s->extcap.max_get_challenge);
log_info ("Key-Import .....: %s\n", s->extcap.key_import? "yes":"no");
log_info ("Change-Force-PW1: %s\n", s->extcap.change_force_chv? "yes":"no");
log_info ("Private-DOs ....: %s\n", s->extcap.private_dos? "yes":"no");
log_info ("Algo-Attr-Change: %s\n", s->extcap.algo_attr_change? "yes":"no");
log_info ("SM-Support .....: %s", s->extcap.sm_supported? "yes":"no");
if (s->extcap.sm_supported)
log_printf (" (%s)", s->extcap.sm_algo==2? "3DES":
(s->extcap.sm_algo==2? "AES-128" : "AES-256"));
log_info ("Max-Cert3-Len ..: %u\n", s->extcap.max_certlen_3);
log_info ("Max-Cmd-Data ...: %u\n", s->extcap.max_cmd_data);
log_info ("Max-Rsp-Data ...: %u\n", s->extcap.max_rsp_data);
log_info ("Cmd-Chaining ...: %s\n", s->cardcap.cmd_chaining?"yes":"no");
log_info ("Ext-Lc-Le ......: %s\n", s->cardcap.ext_lc_le?"yes":"no");
log_info ("Status Indicator: %02X\n", s->status_indicator);
log_info ("Symmetric crypto: %s\n", s->extcap.has_decrypt? "yes":"no");
log_info ("Button..........: %s\n", s->extcap.has_button? "yes":"no");
log_info ("GnuPG-No-Sync ..: %s\n", s->flags.no_sync? "yes":"no");
log_info ("GnuPG-Def-PW2 ..: %s\n", s->flags.def_chv2? "yes":"no");
/* Parse the historical bytes in BUFFER of BUFLEN and store them in
static void
parse_historical (struct app_local_s *apploc,
const unsigned char * buffer, size_t buflen)
/* Example buffer: 00 31 C5 73 C0 01 80 00 90 00 */
if (buflen < 4)
log_error ("warning: historical bytes are too short\n");
return; /* Too short. */
if (*buffer)
log_error ("warning: bad category indicator in historical bytes\n");
/* Skip category indicator. */
/* Get the status indicator. */
apploc->status_indicator = buffer[buflen-3];
buflen -= 3;
/* Parse the compact TLV. */
while (buflen)
unsigned int tag = (*buffer & 0xf0) >> 4;
unsigned int len = (*buffer & 0x0f);
if (len+1 > buflen)
log_error ("warning: bad Compact-TLV in historical bytes\n");
return; /* Error. */
if (tag == 7 && len == 3)
/* Card capabilities. */
apploc->cardcap.cmd_chaining = !!(buffer[2] & 0x80);
apploc->cardcap.ext_lc_le = !!(buffer[2] & 0x40);
buffer += len;
buflen -= len;
* Check if the OID in an DER encoding is available by GnuPG/libgcrypt,
* and return the curve name. Return NULL if not available.
* The constant string is not allocated dynamically, never free it.
static const char *
ecc_curve (unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen)
gcry_mpi_t oid;
char *oidstr;
const char *result;
unsigned char *oidbuf;
oidbuf = xtrymalloc (buflen + 1);
if (!oidbuf)
return NULL;
memcpy (oidbuf+1, buf, buflen);
oidbuf[0] = buflen;
oid = gcry_mpi_set_opaque (NULL, oidbuf, (buflen+1) * 8);
if (!oid)
xfree (oidbuf);
return NULL;
oidstr = openpgp_oid_to_str (oid);
gcry_mpi_release (oid);
if (!oidstr)
return NULL;
result = openpgp_oid_to_curve (oidstr, 1);
xfree (oidstr);
return result;
/* Parse and optionally show the algorithm attributes for KEYNO.
KEYNO must be in the range 0..2. */
static void
parse_algorithm_attribute (app_t app, int keyno)
unsigned char *buffer;
size_t buflen;
void *relptr;
const char desc[3][5] = {"sign", "encr", "auth"};
assert (keyno >=0 && keyno <= 2);
app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].key_type = KEY_TYPE_RSA;
app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.n_bits = 0;
relptr = get_one_do (app, 0xC1+keyno, &buffer, &buflen, NULL);
if (!relptr)
log_error ("error reading DO 0x%02X\n", 0xc1+keyno);
if (buflen < 1)
log_error ("error reading DO 0x%02X\n", 0xc1+keyno);
xfree (relptr);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("Key-Attr-%s ..: ", desc[keyno]);
if (*buffer == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA && (buflen == 5 || buflen == 6))
app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.n_bits = (buffer[1]<<8 | buffer[2]);
app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.e_bits = (buffer[3]<<8 | buffer[4]);
app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.format = 0;
if (buflen < 6)
app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.format = RSA_STD;
app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.format = (buffer[5] == 0? RSA_STD :
buffer[5] == 1? RSA_STD_N :
buffer[5] == 2? RSA_CRT :
buffer[5] == 3? RSA_CRT_N :
if (opt.verbose)
("RSA, n=%u, e=%u, fmt=%s\n",
app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.format == RSA_STD? "std" :
app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.format == RSA_STD_N?"std+n":
app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.format == RSA_CRT? "crt" :
app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].rsa.format == RSA_CRT_N?"crt+n":"?");
else if (*buffer == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH || *buffer == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDSA
|| *buffer == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA)
const char *curve;
int oidlen = buflen - 1;
app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].ecc.flags = 0;
if (buffer[buflen-1] == 0x00 || buffer[buflen-1] == 0xff)
{ /* Found "pubkey required"-byte for private key template. */
if (buffer[buflen-1] == 0xff)
app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].ecc.flags |= ECC_FLAG_PUBKEY;
curve = ecc_curve (buffer + 1, oidlen);
if (!curve)
log_printhex ("Curve with OID not supported: ", buffer+1, buflen-1);
app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].key_type = KEY_TYPE_ECC;
app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].ecc.curve = curve;
if (*buffer == PUBKEY_ALGO_EDDSA
|| (*buffer == PUBKEY_ALGO_ECDH
&& !strcmp (app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].ecc.curve,
app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].ecc.flags |= ECC_FLAG_DJB_TWEAK;
if (opt.verbose)
("ECC, curve=%s%s\n", app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].ecc.curve,
!(app->app_local->keyattr[keyno].ecc.flags & ECC_FLAG_DJB_TWEAK)?
"": keyno==1? " (djb-tweak)": " (eddsa)");
else if (opt.verbose)
log_printhex ("", buffer, buflen);
xfree (relptr);
/* Select the OpenPGP application on the card in SLOT. This function
must be used before any other OpenPGP application functions. */
app_select_openpgp (app_t app)
static char const aid[] = { 0xD2, 0x76, 0x00, 0x01, 0x24, 0x01 };
int slot = app->slot;
int rc;
unsigned char *buffer;
size_t buflen;
void *relptr;
/* Note that the card can't cope with P2=0xCO, thus we need to pass a
special flag value. */
rc = iso7816_select_application (slot, aid, sizeof aid, 0x0001);
if (!rc)
unsigned int manufacturer;
app->apptype = "OPENPGP";
app->did_chv1 = 0;
app->did_chv2 = 0;
app->did_chv3 = 0;
app->app_local = NULL;
/* The OpenPGP card returns the serial number as part of the
AID; because we prefer to use OpenPGP serial numbers, we
replace a possibly already set one from a EF.GDO with this
one. Note, that for current OpenPGP cards, no EF.GDO exists
and thus it won't matter at all. */
rc = iso7816_get_data (slot, 0, 0x004F, &buffer, &buflen);
if (rc)
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("AID: ");
log_printhex ("", buffer, buflen);
app->card_version = buffer[6] << 8;
app->card_version |= buffer[7];
manufacturer = (buffer[8]<<8 | buffer[9]);
xfree (app->serialno);
app->serialno = buffer;
app->serialnolen = buflen;
buffer = NULL;
app->app_local = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *app->app_local);
if (!app->app_local)
rc = gpg_error (gpg_err_code_from_errno (errno));
goto leave;
app->app_local->manufacturer = manufacturer;
if (app->card_version >= 0x0200)
app->app_local->extcap.is_v2 = 1;
/* Read the historical bytes. */
relptr = get_one_do (app, 0x5f52, &buffer, &buflen, NULL);
if (relptr)
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("Historical Bytes: ");
log_printhex ("", buffer, buflen);
parse_historical (app->app_local, buffer, buflen);
xfree (relptr);
/* Read the force-chv1 flag. */
relptr = get_one_do (app, 0x00C4, &buffer, &buflen, NULL);
if (!relptr)
log_error (_("can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n"),
"CHV Status Bytes");
goto leave;
app->force_chv1 = (buflen && *buffer == 0);
xfree (relptr);
/* Read the extended capabilities. */
relptr = get_one_do (app, 0x00C0, &buffer, &buflen, NULL);
if (!relptr)
log_error (_("can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n"),
"Extended Capability Flags" );
goto leave;
if (buflen)
app->app_local->extcap.sm_supported = !!(*buffer & 0x80);
app->app_local->extcap.get_challenge = !!(*buffer & 0x40);
app->app_local->extcap.key_import = !!(*buffer & 0x20);
app->app_local->extcap.change_force_chv = !!(*buffer & 0x10);
app->app_local->extcap.private_dos = !!(*buffer & 0x08);
app->app_local->extcap.algo_attr_change = !!(*buffer & 0x04);
app->app_local->extcap.has_decrypt = !!(*buffer & 0x02);
if (buflen >= 10)
/* Available with v2 cards. */
app->app_local->extcap.sm_algo = buffer[1];
= (buffer[2] << 8 | buffer[3]);
app->app_local->extcap.max_certlen_3 = (buffer[4] << 8 | buffer[5]);
app->app_local->extcap.max_cmd_data = (buffer[6] << 8 | buffer[7]);
app->app_local->extcap.max_rsp_data = (buffer[8] << 8 | buffer[9]);
xfree (relptr);
/* Some of the first cards accidentally don't set the
CHANGE_FORCE_CHV bit but allow it anyway. */
if (app->card_version <= 0x0100 && manufacturer == 1)
app->app_local->extcap.change_force_chv = 1;
/* Check optional DO of "General Feature Management" for button. */
relptr = get_one_do (app, 0x7f74, &buffer, &buflen, NULL);
if (relptr)
/* It must be: 03 81 01 20 */
app->app_local->extcap.has_button = 1;
parse_login_data (app);
if (opt.verbose)
show_caps (app->app_local);
parse_algorithm_attribute (app, 0);
parse_algorithm_attribute (app, 1);
parse_algorithm_attribute (app, 2);
if (opt.verbose > 1)
dump_all_do (slot);
app->fnc.deinit = do_deinit;
app->fnc.learn_status = do_learn_status;
app->fnc.readcert = do_readcert;
app->fnc.readkey = do_readkey;
app->fnc.getattr = do_getattr;
app->fnc.setattr = do_setattr;
app->fnc.writecert = do_writecert;
app->fnc.writekey = do_writekey;
app->fnc.genkey = do_genkey;
app->fnc.sign = do_sign;
app->fnc.auth = do_auth;
app->fnc.decipher = do_decipher;
app->fnc.change_pin = do_change_pin;
app->fnc.check_pin = do_check_pin;
if (rc)
do_deinit (app);
return rc;
diff --git a/scd/app-p15.c b/scd/app-p15.c
index 12254ab33..505073e6b 100644
--- a/scd/app-p15.c
+++ b/scd/app-p15.c
@@ -1,3427 +1,3427 @@
/* app-p15.c - The pkcs#15 card application.
* Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* Information pertaining to the BELPIC developer card samples:
Unblock PUK: "222222111111"
Reset PIN: "333333111111")
e.g. the APDUs 00:20:00:02:08:2C:33:33:33:11:11:11:FF
and 00:24:01:01:08:24:12:34:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
should change the PIN into 1234.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "scdaemon.h"
#include "iso7816.h"
#include "app-common.h"
#include "tlv.h"
#include "apdu.h" /* fixme: we should move the card detection to a
separate file */
/* Types of cards we know and which needs special treatment. */
typedef enum
CARD_TYPE_BELPIC /* Belgian eID card specs. */
/* A list card types with ATRs noticed with these cards. */
#define X(a) ((unsigned char const *)(a))
static struct
size_t atrlen;
unsigned char const *atr;
card_type_t type;
} card_atr_list[] = {
{ 19, X("\x3B\xBA\x13\x00\x81\x31\x86\x5D\x00\x64\x05\x0A\x02\x01\x31\x80"
{ 19, X("\x3B\xBA\x14\x00\x81\x31\x86\x5D\x00\x64\x05\x14\x02\x02\x31\x80"
{ 19, X("\x3B\xBA\x96\x00\x81\x31\x86\x5D\x00\x64\x05\x60\x02\x03\x31\x80"
{ 27, X("\x3B\xFF\x94\x00\xFF\x80\xB1\xFE\x45\x1F\x03\x00\x68\xD2\x76\x00"
CARD_TYPE_MICARDO }, /* German BMI card */
{ 19, X("\x3B\x6F\x00\xFF\x00\x68\xD2\x76\x00\x00\x28\xFF\x05\x1E\x31\x80"
CARD_TYPE_MICARDO }, /* German BMI card (ATR due to reader problem) */
{ 26, X("\x3B\xFE\x94\x00\xFF\x80\xB1\xFA\x45\x1F\x03\x45\x73\x74\x45\x49"
CARD_TYPE_MICARDO }, /* EstEID (Estonian Big Brother card) */
{ 0 }
#undef X
/* The AID of PKCS15. */
static char const pkcs15_aid[] = { 0xA0, 0, 0, 0, 0x63,
0x50, 0x4B, 0x43, 0x53, 0x2D, 0x31, 0x35 };
/* The Belgian eID variant - they didn't understood why a shared AID
is useful for a standard. Oh well. */
static char const pkcs15be_aid[] = { 0xA0, 0, 0, 0x01, 0x77,
0x50, 0x4B, 0x43, 0x53, 0x2D, 0x31, 0x35 };
/* The PIN types as defined in pkcs#15 v1.1 */
typedef enum
PIN_TYPE_ISO9564_1 = 4
} pin_type_t;
/* A bit array with for the key usage flags from the
commonKeyAttributes. */
struct keyusage_flags_s
unsigned int encrypt: 1;
unsigned int decrypt: 1;
unsigned int sign: 1;
unsigned int sign_recover: 1;
unsigned int wrap: 1;
unsigned int unwrap: 1;
unsigned int verify: 1;
unsigned int verify_recover: 1;
unsigned int derive: 1;
unsigned int non_repudiation: 1;
typedef struct keyusage_flags_s keyusage_flags_t;
/* This is an object to store information about a Certificate
Directory File (CDF) in a format suitable for further processing by
us. To keep memory management, simple we use a linked list of
items; i.e. one such object represents one certificate and the list
the entire CDF. */
struct cdf_object_s
/* Link to next item when used in a linked list. */
struct cdf_object_s *next;
/* Length and allocated buffer with the Id of this object. */
size_t objidlen;
unsigned char *objid;
/* To avoid reading a certificate more than once, we cache it in an
allocated memory IMAGE of IMAGELEN. */
size_t imagelen;
unsigned char *image;
/* Set to true if a length and offset is available. */
int have_off;
/* The offset and length of the object. They are only valid if
HAVE_OFF is true and set to 0 if HAVE_OFF is false. */
unsigned long off, len;
/* The length of the path as given in the CDF and the path itself.
path[0] is the top DF (usually 0x3f00). The path will never be
empty. */
size_t pathlen;
unsigned short path[1];
typedef struct cdf_object_s *cdf_object_t;
/* This is an object to store information about a Private Key
Directory File (PrKDF) in a format suitable for further processing
by us. To keep memory management, simple we use a linked list of
items; i.e. one such object represents one certificate and the list
the entire PrKDF. */
struct prkdf_object_s
/* Link to next item when used in a linked list. */
struct prkdf_object_s *next;
/* Length and allocated buffer with the Id of this object. */
size_t objidlen;
unsigned char *objid;
/* Length and allocated buffer with the authId of this object or
NULL if no authID is known. */
size_t authidlen;
unsigned char *authid;
/* The key's usage flags. */
keyusage_flags_t usageflags;
/* The keyReference and a flag telling whether it is valid. */
unsigned long key_reference;
int key_reference_valid;
/* Set to true if a length and offset is available. */
int have_off;
/* The offset and length of the object. They are only valid if
HAVE_OFF is true and set to 0 if HAVE_OFF is false. */
unsigned long off, len;
/* The length of the path as given in the PrKDF and the path itself.
path[0] is the top DF (usually 0x3f00). */
size_t pathlen;
unsigned short path[1];
typedef struct prkdf_object_s *prkdf_object_t;
/* This is an object to store information about a Authentication
Object Directory File (AODF) in a format suitable for further
processing by us. To keep memory management, simple we use a linked
list of items; i.e. one such object represents one authentication
object and the list the entire AOKDF. */
struct aodf_object_s
/* Link to next item when used in a linked list. */
struct aodf_object_s *next;
/* Length and allocated buffer with the Id of this object. */
size_t objidlen;
unsigned char *objid;
/* Length and allocated buffer with the authId of this object or
NULL if no authID is known. */
size_t authidlen;
unsigned char *authid;
/* The PIN Flags. */
unsigned int case_sensitive: 1;
unsigned int local: 1;
unsigned int change_disabled: 1;
unsigned int unblock_disabled: 1;
unsigned int initialized: 1;
unsigned int needs_padding: 1;
unsigned int unblocking_pin: 1;
unsigned int so_pin: 1;
unsigned int disable_allowed: 1;
unsigned int integrity_protected: 1;
unsigned int confidentiality_protected: 1;
unsigned int exchange_ref_data: 1;
} pinflags;
/* The PIN Type. */
pin_type_t pintype;
/* The minimum length of a PIN. */
unsigned long min_length;
/* The stored length of a PIN. */
unsigned long stored_length;
/* The maximum length of a PIN and a flag telling whether it is valid. */
unsigned long max_length;
int max_length_valid;
/* The pinReference and a flag telling whether it is valid. */
unsigned long pin_reference;
int pin_reference_valid;
/* The padChar and a flag telling whether it is valid. */
char pad_char;
int pad_char_valid;
/* Set to true if a length and offset is available. */
int have_off;
/* The offset and length of the object. They are only valid if
HAVE_OFF is true and set to 0 if HAVE_OFF is false. */
unsigned long off, len;
/* The length of the path as given in the Aodf and the path itself.
path[0] is the top DF (usually 0x3f00). PATH is optional and thus
may be NULL. Malloced.*/
size_t pathlen;
unsigned short *path;
typedef struct aodf_object_s *aodf_object_t;
/* Context local to this application. */
struct app_local_s
/* The home DF. Note, that we don't yet support a multilevel
hierarchy. Thus we assume this is directly below the MF. */
unsigned short home_df;
/* The type of the card. */
card_type_t card_type;
/* Flag indicating whether we may use direct path selection. */
int direct_path_selection;
/* Structure with the EFIDs of the objects described in the ODF
file. */
unsigned short private_keys;
unsigned short public_keys;
unsigned short trusted_public_keys;
unsigned short secret_keys;
unsigned short certificates;
unsigned short trusted_certificates;
unsigned short useful_certificates;
unsigned short data_objects;
unsigned short auth_objects;
} odf;
/* The PKCS#15 serialnumber from EF(TokeiNFo) or NULL. Malloced. */
unsigned char *serialno;
size_t serialnolen;
/* Information on all certificates. */
cdf_object_t certificate_info;
/* Information on all trusted certificates. */
cdf_object_t trusted_certificate_info;
/* Information on all useful certificates. */
cdf_object_t useful_certificate_info;
/* Information on all private keys. */
prkdf_object_t private_key_info;
/* Information on all authentication objects. */
aodf_object_t auth_object_info;
/*** Local prototypes. ***/
static gpg_error_t readcert_by_cdf (app_t app, cdf_object_t cdf,
unsigned char **r_cert, size_t *r_certlen);
/* Release the CDF object A */
static void
release_cdflist (cdf_object_t a)
while (a)
cdf_object_t tmp = a->next;
xfree (a->image);
xfree (a->objid);
xfree (a);
a = tmp;
/* Release the PrKDF object A. */
static void
release_prkdflist (prkdf_object_t a)
while (a)
prkdf_object_t tmp = a->next;
xfree (a->objid);
xfree (a->authid);
xfree (a);
a = tmp;
/* Release just one aodf object. */
release_aodf_object (aodf_object_t a)
if (a)
xfree (a->objid);
xfree (a->authid);
xfree (a->path);
xfree (a);
/* Release the AODF list A. */
static void
release_aodflist (aodf_object_t a)
while (a)
aodf_object_t tmp = a->next;
release_aodf_object (a);
a = tmp;
/* Release all local resources. */
static void
do_deinit (app_t app)
if (app && app->app_local)
release_cdflist (app->app_local->certificate_info);
release_cdflist (app->app_local->trusted_certificate_info);
release_cdflist (app->app_local->useful_certificate_info);
release_prkdflist (app->app_local->private_key_info);
release_aodflist (app->app_local->auth_object_info);
xfree (app->app_local->serialno);
xfree (app->app_local);
app->app_local = NULL;
/* Do a select and a read for the file with EFID. EFID_DESC is a
desctription of the EF to be used with error messages. On success
BUFFER and BUFLEN contain the entire content of the EF. The caller
must free BUFFER only on success. */
static gpg_error_t
select_and_read_binary (int slot, unsigned short efid, const char *efid_desc,
unsigned char **buffer, size_t *buflen)
gpg_error_t err;
err = iso7816_select_file (slot, efid, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error selecting %s (0x%04X): %s\n",
efid_desc, efid, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
err = iso7816_read_binary (slot, 0, 0, buffer, buflen);
if (err)
log_error ("error reading %s (0x%04X): %s\n",
efid_desc, efid, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
return 0;
/* This function calls select file to read a file using a complete
path which may or may not start at the master file (MF). */
static gpg_error_t
select_ef_by_path (app_t app, const unsigned short *path, size_t pathlen)
gpg_error_t err;
int i, j;
if (!pathlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (pathlen && *path != 0x3f00 )
log_debug ("WARNING: relative path selection not yet implemented\n");
if (app->app_local->direct_path_selection)
err = iso7816_select_path (app->slot, path+1, pathlen-1, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error selecting path ");
for (j=0; j < pathlen; j++)
log_printf ("%04hX", path[j]);
log_printf (": %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* FIXME: Need code to remember the last PATH so that we can decide
what select commands to send in case the path does not start off
with 3F00. We might also want to use direct path selection if
supported by the card. */
for (i=0; i < pathlen; i++)
err = iso7816_select_file (app->slot, path[i],
!(i+1 == pathlen), NULL, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error selecting part %d from path ", i);
for (j=0; j < pathlen; j++)
log_printf ("%04hX", path[j]);
log_printf (": %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
return 0;
/* Parse a cert Id string (or a key Id string) and return the binary
object Id string in a newly allocated buffer stored at R_OBJID and
R_OBJIDLEN. On Error NULL will be stored there and an error code
returned. On success caller needs to free the buffer at R_OBJID. */
static gpg_error_t
parse_certid (app_t app, const char *certid,
unsigned char **r_objid, size_t *r_objidlen)
char tmpbuf[10];
const char *s;
size_t objidlen;
unsigned char *objid;
int i;
*r_objid = NULL;
*r_objidlen = 0;
if (app->app_local->home_df)
snprintf (tmpbuf, sizeof tmpbuf,
"P15-%04X.", (unsigned int)(app->app_local->home_df & 0xffff));
strcpy (tmpbuf, "P15.");
if (strncmp (certid, tmpbuf, strlen (tmpbuf)) )
if (!strncmp (certid, "P15.", 4)
|| (!strncmp (certid, "P15-", 4)
&& hexdigitp (certid+4)
&& hexdigitp (certid+5)
&& hexdigitp (certid+6)
&& hexdigitp (certid+7)
&& certid[8] == '.'))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
certid += strlen (tmpbuf);
for (s=certid, objidlen=0; hexdigitp (s); s++, objidlen++)
if (*s || !objidlen || (objidlen%2))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
objidlen /= 2;
objid = xtrymalloc (objidlen);
if (!objid)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
for (s=certid, i=0; i < objidlen; i++, s+=2)
objid[i] = xtoi_2 (s);
*r_objid = objid;
*r_objidlen = objidlen;
return 0;
/* Find a certificate object by the certificate ID CERTID and store a
pointer to it at R_CDF. */
static gpg_error_t
cdf_object_from_certid (app_t app, const char *certid, cdf_object_t *r_cdf)
gpg_error_t err;
size_t objidlen;
unsigned char *objid;
cdf_object_t cdf;
err = parse_certid (app, certid, &objid, &objidlen);
if (err)
return err;
for (cdf = app->app_local->certificate_info; cdf; cdf = cdf->next)
if (cdf->objidlen == objidlen && !memcmp (cdf->objid, objid, objidlen))
if (!cdf)
for (cdf = app->app_local->trusted_certificate_info; cdf; cdf = cdf->next)
if (cdf->objidlen == objidlen && !memcmp (cdf->objid, objid, objidlen))
if (!cdf)
for (cdf = app->app_local->useful_certificate_info; cdf; cdf = cdf->next)
if (cdf->objidlen == objidlen && !memcmp (cdf->objid, objid, objidlen))
xfree (objid);
if (!cdf)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
*r_cdf = cdf;
return 0;
/* Find a private key object by the key Id string KEYIDSTR and store a
pointer to it at R_PRKDF. */
static gpg_error_t
prkdf_object_from_keyidstr (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
prkdf_object_t *r_prkdf)
gpg_error_t err;
size_t objidlen;
unsigned char *objid;
prkdf_object_t prkdf;
err = parse_certid (app, keyidstr, &objid, &objidlen);
if (err)
return err;
for (prkdf = app->app_local->private_key_info; prkdf; prkdf = prkdf->next)
if (prkdf->objidlen == objidlen && !memcmp (prkdf->objid, objid, objidlen))
xfree (objid);
if (!prkdf)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
*r_prkdf = prkdf;
return 0;
/* Read and parse the Object Directory File and store away the
pointers. ODF_FID shall contain the FID of the ODF.
Example of such a file:
A0 06 30 04 04 02 60 34 = Private Keys
A4 06 30 04 04 02 60 35 = Certificates
A5 06 30 04 04 02 60 36 = TrustedCertificates
A7 06 30 04 04 02 60 37 = DataObjects
A8 06 30 04 04 02 60 38 = AuthObjects
These are all PathOrObjects using the path CHOICE element. The
paths are octet strings of length 2. Using this Path CHOICE
element is recommended, so we only implement that for now.
static gpg_error_t
read_ef_odf (app_t app, unsigned short odf_fid)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer, *p;
size_t buflen;
unsigned short value;
size_t offset;
err = select_and_read_binary (app->slot, odf_fid, "ODF", &buffer, &buflen);
if (err)
return err;
if (buflen < 8)
log_error ("error: ODF too short\n");
xfree (buffer);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
p = buffer;
while (buflen && *p && *p != 0xff)
if ( buflen >= 8
&& (p[0] & 0xf0) == 0xA0
&& !memcmp (p+1, "\x06\x30\x04\x04\x02", 5) )
offset = 6;
else if ( buflen >= 12
&& (p[0] & 0xf0) == 0xA0
&& !memcmp (p+1, "\x0a\x30\x08\x04\x06\x3F\x00", 7)
&& app->app_local->home_df == ((p[8]<<8)|p[9]) )
/* We only allow a full path if all files are at the same
level and below the home directory. The extend this we
would need to make use of new data type capable of
keeping a full path. */
offset = 10;
log_error ("ODF format is not supported by us\n");
xfree (buffer);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
switch ((p[0] & 0x0f))
case 0: value = app->app_local->odf.private_keys; break;
case 1: value = app->app_local->odf.public_keys; break;
case 2: value = app->app_local->odf.trusted_public_keys; break;
case 3: value = app->app_local->odf.secret_keys; break;
case 4: value = app->app_local->odf.certificates; break;
case 5: value = app->app_local->odf.trusted_certificates; break;
case 6: value = app->app_local->odf.useful_certificates; break;
case 7: value = app->app_local->odf.data_objects; break;
case 8: value = app->app_local->odf.auth_objects; break;
default: value = 0; break;
if (value)
log_error ("duplicate object type %d in ODF ignored\n",(p[0]&0x0f));
value = ((p[offset] << 8) | p[offset+1]);
switch ((p[0] & 0x0f))
case 0: app->app_local->odf.private_keys = value; break;
case 1: app->app_local->odf.public_keys = value; break;
case 2: app->app_local->odf.trusted_public_keys = value; break;
case 3: app->app_local->odf.secret_keys = value; break;
case 4: app->app_local->odf.certificates = value; break;
case 5: app->app_local->odf.trusted_certificates = value; break;
case 6: app->app_local->odf.useful_certificates = value; break;
case 7: app->app_local->odf.data_objects = value; break;
case 8: app->app_local->odf.auth_objects = value; break;
log_error ("unknown object type %d in ODF ignored\n", (p[0]&0x0f));
offset += 2;
if (buflen < offset)
p += offset;
buflen -= offset;
if (buflen)
log_info ("warning: %u bytes of garbage detected at end of ODF\n",
(unsigned int)buflen);
xfree (buffer);
return 0;
/* Parse the BIT STRING with the keyUsageFlags from the
CommonKeyAttributes. */
static gpg_error_t
parse_keyusage_flags (const unsigned char *der, size_t derlen,
keyusage_flags_t *usageflags)
unsigned int bits, mask;
int i, unused, full;
memset (usageflags, 0, sizeof *usageflags);
if (!derlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
unused = *der++; derlen--;
if ((!derlen && unused) || unused/8 > derlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENCODING_PROBLEM);
full = derlen - (unused+7)/8;
unused %= 8;
mask = 0;
for (i=1; unused; i <<= 1, unused--)
mask |= i;
/* First octet */
if (derlen)
bits = *der++; derlen--;
if (full)
bits &= ~mask;
mask = 0;
bits = 0;
if ((bits & 0x80)) usageflags->encrypt = 1;
if ((bits & 0x40)) usageflags->decrypt = 1;
if ((bits & 0x20)) usageflags->sign = 1;
if ((bits & 0x10)) usageflags->sign_recover = 1;
if ((bits & 0x08)) usageflags->wrap = 1;
if ((bits & 0x04)) usageflags->unwrap = 1;
if ((bits & 0x02)) usageflags->verify = 1;
if ((bits & 0x01)) usageflags->verify_recover = 1;
/* Second octet. */
if (derlen)
bits = *der++; derlen--;
if (full)
bits &= ~mask;
mask = 0;
bits = 0;
if ((bits & 0x80)) usageflags->derive = 1;
if ((bits & 0x40)) usageflags->non_repudiation = 1;
return 0;
/* Read and parse the Private Key Directory Files. */
6034 (privatekeys)
30 33 30 11 0C 08 53 4B 2E 43 48 2E 44 53 03 02 030...SK.CH.DS..
06 80 04 01 07 30 0C 04 01 01 03 03 06 00 40 02 .....0........@.
02 00 50 A1 10 30 0E 30 08 04 06 3F 00 40 16 00 ..P..0.0...?.@..
50 02 02 04 00 30 33 30 11 0C 08 53 4B 2E 43 48 P....030...SK.CH
2E 4B 45 03 02 06 80 04 01 0A 30 0C 04 01 0C 03 .KE.......0.....
03 06 44 00 02 02 00 52 A1 10 30 0E 30 08 04 06 ..D....R..0.0...
3F 00 40 16 00 52 02 02 04 00 30 34 30 12 0C 09 ?.@..R....040...
53 4B 2E 43 48 2E 41 55 54 03 02 06 80 04 01 0A SK.CH.AUT.......
30 0C 04 01 0D 03 03 06 20 00 02 02 00 51 A1 10 0....... ....Q..
30 0E 30 08 04 06 3F 00 40 16 00 51 02 02 04 00 0.0...?.@..Q....
30 37 30 15 0C 0C 53 4B 2E 43 48 2E 44 53 2D 53 070...SK.CH.DS-S
50 58 03 02 06 80 04 01 0A 30 0C 04 01 02 03 03 PX.......0......
06 20 00 02 02 00 53 A1 10 30 0E 30 08 04 06 3F . ....S..0.0...?
00 40 16 00 53 02 02 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .@..S...........
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0 30 51: SEQUENCE {
2 30 17: SEQUENCE { -- commonObjectAttributes
4 0C 8: UTF8String 'SK.CH.DS'
14 03 2: BIT STRING 6 unused bits
: '01'B (bit 0)
18 04 1: OCTET STRING --authid
: 07
: }
21 30 12: SEQUENCE { -- commonKeyAttributes
: 01
26 03 3: BIT STRING 6 unused bits
: '1000000000'B (bit 9)
31 02 2: INTEGER 80 -- keyReference (optional)
: }
35 A1 16: [1] { -- keyAttributes
37 30 14: SEQUENCE { -- privateRSAKeyAttributes
39 30 8: SEQUENCE { -- objectValue
41 04 6: OCTET STRING --path
: 3F 00 40 16 00 50
: }
49 02 2: INTEGER 1024 -- modulus
: }
: }
: }
static gpg_error_t
read_ef_prkdf (app_t app, unsigned short fid, prkdf_object_t *result)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
size_t buflen;
const unsigned char *p;
size_t n, objlen, hdrlen;
int class, tag, constructed, ndef;
prkdf_object_t prkdflist = NULL;
int i;
if (!fid)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA); /* No private keys. */
err = select_and_read_binary (app->slot, fid, "PrKDF", &buffer, &buflen);
if (err)
return err;
p = buffer;
n = buflen;
/* FIXME: This shares a LOT of code with read_ef_cdf! */
/* Loop over the records. We stop as soon as we detect a new record
starting with 0x00 or 0xff as these values are commonly used to
pad data blocks and are no valid ASN.1 encoding. */
while (n && *p && *p != 0xff)
const unsigned char *pp;
size_t nn;
int where;
const char *errstr = NULL;
prkdf_object_t prkdf = NULL;
unsigned long ul;
const unsigned char *objid;
size_t objidlen;
const unsigned char *authid = NULL;
size_t authidlen = 0;
keyusage_flags_t usageflags;
unsigned long key_reference = 0;
int key_reference_valid = 0;
const char *s;
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > n || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
log_error ("error parsing PrKDF record: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
pp = p;
nn = objlen;
p += objlen;
n -= objlen;
/* Parse the commonObjectAttributes. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
const unsigned char *ppp = pp;
size_t nnn = objlen;
pp += objlen;
nn -= objlen;
/* Search the optional AuthId. We need to skip the optional
Label (UTF8STRING) and the optional CommonObjectFlags
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nnn || class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto no_authid;
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (tag == TAG_UTF8_STRING)
ppp += objlen; /* Skip the Label. */
nnn -= objlen;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nnn || class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto no_authid;
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (tag == TAG_BIT_STRING)
ppp += objlen; /* Skip the CommonObjectFlags. */
nnn -= objlen;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nnn || class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto no_authid;
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (tag == TAG_OCTET_STRING && objlen)
authid = ppp;
authidlen = objlen;
/* Parse the commonKeyAttributes. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
const unsigned char *ppp = pp;
size_t nnn = objlen;
pp += objlen;
nn -= objlen;
/* Get the Id. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nnn
|| class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_OCTET_STRING))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
objid = ppp;
objidlen = objlen;
ppp += objlen;
nnn -= objlen;
/* Get the KeyUsageFlags. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nnn
|| class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_BIT_STRING))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
err = parse_keyusage_flags (ppp, objlen, &usageflags);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
ppp += objlen;
nnn -= objlen;
/* Find the keyReference */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto leave_cki;
if (!err && objlen > nnn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_BOOLEAN)
/* Skip the native element. */
ppp += objlen;
nnn -= objlen;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto leave_cki;
if (!err && objlen > nnn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_BIT_STRING)
/* Skip the accessFlags. */
ppp += objlen;
nnn -= objlen;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto leave_cki;
if (!err && objlen > nnn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_INTEGER)
/* Yep, this is the keyReference. */
for (ul=0; objlen; objlen--)
ul <<= 8;
ul |= (*ppp++) & 0xff;
key_reference = ul;
key_reference_valid = 1;
/* Skip subClassAttributes. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && objlen > nn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (class == CLASS_CONTEXT && tag == 0)
pp += objlen;
nn -= objlen;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
/* Parse the keyAttributes. */
if (!err && (objlen > nn || class != CLASS_CONTEXT || tag != 1))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
nn = objlen;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && objlen > nn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_SEQUENCE)
; /* RSA */
else if (class == CLASS_CONTEXT)
switch (tag)
case 0: errstr = "EC key objects are not supported"; break;
case 1: errstr = "DH key objects are not supported"; break;
case 2: errstr = "DSA key objects are not supported"; break;
case 3: errstr = "KEA key objects are not supported"; break;
default: errstr = "unknown privateKeyObject"; break;
goto parse_error;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
goto parse_error;
nn = objlen;
/* Check that the reference is a Path object. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && objlen > nn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
errstr = "unsupported reference type";
goto parse_error;
nn = objlen;
/* Parse the Path object. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && objlen > nn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
/* Make sure that the next element is a non zero path and of
even length (FID are two bytes each). */
|| !objlen || (objlen & 1) )
errstr = "invalid path reference";
goto parse_error;
/* Create a new PrKDF list item. */
prkdf = xtrycalloc (1, (sizeof *prkdf
- sizeof(unsigned short)
+ objlen/2 * sizeof(unsigned short)));
if (!prkdf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
prkdf->objidlen = objidlen;
prkdf->objid = xtrymalloc (objidlen);
if (!prkdf->objid)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (prkdf);
goto leave;
memcpy (prkdf->objid, objid, objidlen);
if (authid)
prkdf->authidlen = authidlen;
prkdf->authid = xtrymalloc (authidlen);
if (!prkdf->authid)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (prkdf->objid);
xfree (prkdf);
goto leave;
memcpy (prkdf->authid, authid, authidlen);
prkdf->pathlen = objlen/2;
for (i=0; i < prkdf->pathlen; i++, pp += 2, nn -= 2)
prkdf->path[i] = ((pp[0] << 8) | pp[1]);
prkdf->usageflags = usageflags;
prkdf->key_reference = key_reference;
prkdf->key_reference_valid = key_reference_valid;
if (nn)
/* An index and length follows. */
prkdf->have_off = 1;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn
|| class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_INTEGER))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
for (ul=0; objlen; objlen--)
ul <<= 8;
ul |= (*pp++) & 0xff;
prkdf->off = ul;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn
|| class != CLASS_CONTEXT || tag != 0))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
for (ul=0; objlen; objlen--)
ul <<= 8;
ul |= (*pp++) & 0xff;
prkdf->len = ul;
log_debug ("PrKDF %04hX: id=", fid);
for (i=0; i < prkdf->objidlen; i++)
log_printf ("%02X", prkdf->objid[i]);
log_printf (" path=");
for (i=0; i < prkdf->pathlen; i++)
log_printf ("%04hX", prkdf->path[i]);
if (prkdf->have_off)
log_printf ("[%lu/%lu]", prkdf->off, prkdf->len);
if (prkdf->authid)
log_printf (" authid=");
for (i=0; i < prkdf->authidlen; i++)
log_printf ("%02X", prkdf->authid[i]);
if (prkdf->key_reference_valid)
log_printf (" keyref=0x%02lX", prkdf->key_reference);
log_printf (" usage=");
s = "";
if (prkdf->usageflags.encrypt) log_printf ("%sencrypt", s), s = ",";
if (prkdf->usageflags.decrypt) log_printf ("%sdecrypt", s), s = ",";
if (prkdf->usageflags.sign ) log_printf ("%ssign", s), s = ",";
if (prkdf->usageflags.sign_recover)
log_printf ("%ssign_recover", s), s = ",";
if (prkdf->usageflags.wrap ) log_printf ("%swrap", s), s = ",";
if (prkdf->usageflags.unwrap ) log_printf ("%sunwrap", s), s = ",";
if (prkdf->usageflags.verify ) log_printf ("%sverify", s), s = ",";
if (prkdf->usageflags.verify_recover)
log_printf ("%sverify_recover", s), s = ",";
if (prkdf->usageflags.derive ) log_printf ("%sderive", s), s = ",";
if (prkdf->usageflags.non_repudiation)
log_printf ("%snon_repudiation", s), s = ",";
log_printf ("\n");
/* Put it into the list. */
prkdf->next = prkdflist;
prkdflist = prkdf;
prkdf = NULL;
continue; /* Ready. */
log_error ("error parsing PrKDF record (%d): %s - skipped\n",
where, errstr? errstr : gpg_strerror (err));
if (prkdf)
xfree (prkdf->objid);
xfree (prkdf->authid);
xfree (prkdf);
err = 0;
} /* End looping over all records. */
xfree (buffer);
if (err)
release_prkdflist (prkdflist);
*result = prkdflist;
return err;
/* Read and parse the Certificate Directory Files identified by FID.
On success a newlist of CDF object gets stored at RESULT and the
caller is then responsible of releasing this list. On error a
error code is returned and RESULT won't get changed. */
static gpg_error_t
read_ef_cdf (app_t app, unsigned short fid, cdf_object_t *result)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
size_t buflen;
const unsigned char *p;
size_t n, objlen, hdrlen;
int class, tag, constructed, ndef;
cdf_object_t cdflist = NULL;
int i;
if (!fid)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA); /* No certificates. */
err = select_and_read_binary (app->slot, fid, "CDF", &buffer, &buflen);
if (err)
return err;
p = buffer;
n = buflen;
/* Loop over the records. We stop as soon as we detect a new record
starting with 0x00 or 0xff as these values are commonly used to
pad data blocks and are no valid ASN.1 encoding. */
while (n && *p && *p != 0xff)
const unsigned char *pp;
size_t nn;
int where;
const char *errstr = NULL;
cdf_object_t cdf = NULL;
unsigned long ul;
const unsigned char *objid;
size_t objidlen;
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > n || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
log_error ("error parsing CDF record: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
pp = p;
nn = objlen;
p += objlen;
n -= objlen;
/* Skip the commonObjectAttributes. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
pp += objlen;
nn -= objlen;
/* Parse the commonCertificateAttributes. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
const unsigned char *ppp = pp;
size_t nnn = objlen;
pp += objlen;
nn -= objlen;
/* Get the Id. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nnn
|| class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_OCTET_STRING))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
objid = ppp;
objidlen = objlen;
/* Parse the certAttribute. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn || class != CLASS_CONTEXT || tag != 1))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
nn = objlen;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn
|| class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
nn = objlen;
/* Check that the reference is a Path object. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && objlen > nn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
errstr = "unsupported reference type";
nn = objlen;
/* Parse the Path object. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && objlen > nn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
/* Make sure that the next element is a non zero path and of
even length (FID are two bytes each). */
|| !objlen || (objlen & 1) )
errstr = "invalid path reference";
goto parse_error;
/* Create a new CDF list item. */
cdf = xtrycalloc (1, (sizeof *cdf
- sizeof(unsigned short)
+ objlen/2 * sizeof(unsigned short)));
if (!cdf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
cdf->objidlen = objidlen;
cdf->objid = xtrymalloc (objidlen);
if (!cdf->objid)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (cdf);
goto leave;
memcpy (cdf->objid, objid, objidlen);
cdf->pathlen = objlen/2;
for (i=0; i < cdf->pathlen; i++, pp += 2, nn -= 2)
cdf->path[i] = ((pp[0] << 8) | pp[1]);
if (nn)
/* An index and length follows. */
cdf->have_off = 1;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn
|| class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_INTEGER))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
for (ul=0; objlen; objlen--)
ul <<= 8;
ul |= (*pp++) & 0xff;
cdf->off = ul;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn
|| class != CLASS_CONTEXT || tag != 0))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
for (ul=0; objlen; objlen--)
ul <<= 8;
ul |= (*pp++) & 0xff;
cdf->len = ul;
log_debug ("CDF %04hX: id=", fid);
for (i=0; i < cdf->objidlen; i++)
log_printf ("%02X", cdf->objid[i]);
log_printf (" path=");
for (i=0; i < cdf->pathlen; i++)
log_printf ("%04hX", cdf->path[i]);
if (cdf->have_off)
log_printf ("[%lu/%lu]", cdf->off, cdf->len);
log_printf ("\n");
/* Put it into the list. */
cdf->next = cdflist;
cdflist = cdf;
cdf = NULL;
continue; /* Ready. */
log_error ("error parsing CDF record (%d): %s - skipped\n",
where, errstr? errstr : gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (cdf);
err = 0;
} /* End looping over all records. */
xfree (buffer);
if (err)
release_cdflist (cdflist);
*result = cdflist;
return err;
SEQUENCE { -- CommonObjectAttributes
UTF8String 'specific PIN for DS'
BIT STRING 0 unused bits
SEQUENCE { -- CommonAuthenticationObjectAttributes
07 -- iD
[1] { -- typeAttributes
SEQUENCE { -- PinAttributes
BIT STRING 0 unused bits
'0000100000110010'B -- local,initialized,needs-padding
-- exchangeRefData
ENUMERATED 1 -- ascii-numeric
INTEGER 6 -- minLength
INTEGER 6 -- storedLength
INTEGER 8 -- maxLength
02 -- pinReference
GeneralizedTime 19/04/2002 12:12 GMT -- lastPinChange
3F 00 40 16 -- path to DF of PIN
/* Read and parse an Authentication Object Directory File identified
by FID. On success a newlist of AODF objects gets stored at RESULT
and the caller is responsible of releasing this list. On error a
error code is returned and RESULT won't get changed. */
static gpg_error_t
read_ef_aodf (app_t app, unsigned short fid, aodf_object_t *result)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
size_t buflen;
const unsigned char *p;
size_t n, objlen, hdrlen;
int class, tag, constructed, ndef;
aodf_object_t aodflist = NULL;
int i;
if (!fid)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA); /* No authentication objects. */
err = select_and_read_binary (app->slot, fid, "AODF", &buffer, &buflen);
if (err)
return err;
p = buffer;
n = buflen;
/* FIXME: This shares a LOT of code with read_ef_prkdf! */
/* Loop over the records. We stop as soon as we detect a new record
starting with 0x00 or 0xff as these values are commonly used to
pad data blocks and are no valid ASN.1 encoding. */
while (n && *p && *p != 0xff)
const unsigned char *pp;
size_t nn;
int where;
const char *errstr = NULL;
aodf_object_t aodf = NULL;
unsigned long ul;
const char *s;
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > n || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
log_error ("error parsing AODF record: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
pp = p;
nn = objlen;
p += objlen;
n -= objlen;
/* Allocate memory for a new AODF list item. */
aodf = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *aodf);
if (!aodf)
goto no_core;
/* Parse the commonObjectAttributes. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
const unsigned char *ppp = pp;
size_t nnn = objlen;
pp += objlen;
nn -= objlen;
/* Search the optional AuthId. We need to skip the optional
Label (UTF8STRING) and the optional CommonObjectFlags
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nnn || class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto no_authid;
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (tag == TAG_UTF8_STRING)
ppp += objlen; /* Skip the Label. */
nnn -= objlen;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nnn || class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto no_authid;
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (tag == TAG_BIT_STRING)
ppp += objlen; /* Skip the CommonObjectFlags. */
nnn -= objlen;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nnn || class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto no_authid;
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (tag == TAG_OCTET_STRING && objlen)
aodf->authidlen = objlen;
aodf->authid = xtrymalloc (objlen);
if (!aodf->authid)
goto no_core;
memcpy (aodf->authid, ppp, objlen);
/* Parse the CommonAuthenticationObjectAttributes. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
const unsigned char *ppp = pp;
size_t nnn = objlen;
pp += objlen;
nn -= objlen;
/* Get the Id. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nnn
|| class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_OCTET_STRING))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
aodf->objidlen = objlen;
aodf->objid = xtrymalloc (objlen);
if (!aodf->objid)
goto no_core;
memcpy (aodf->objid, ppp, objlen);
/* Parse the typeAttributes. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn || class != CLASS_CONTEXT || tag != 1))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
nn = objlen;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && objlen > nn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_SEQUENCE)
; /* PinAttributes */
else if (class == CLASS_CONTEXT)
switch (tag)
case 0: errstr = "biometric auth types are not supported"; break;
case 1: errstr = "authKey auth types are not supported"; break;
case 2: errstr = "external auth type are not supported"; break;
default: errstr = "unknown privateKeyObject"; break;
goto parse_error;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
goto parse_error;
nn = objlen;
/* PinFlags */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn || !objlen
|| class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_BIT_STRING))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
unsigned int bits, mask;
int unused, full;
unused = *pp++; nn--; objlen--;
if ((!objlen && unused) || unused/8 > objlen)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENCODING_PROBLEM);
goto parse_error;
full = objlen - (unused+7)/8;
unused %= 8;
mask = 0;
for (i=1; unused; i <<= 1, unused--)
mask |= i;
/* The first octet */
bits = 0;
if (objlen)
bits = *pp++; nn--; objlen--;
if (full)
bits &= ~mask;
mask = 0;
if ((bits & 0x80)) /* ASN.1 bit 0. */
aodf->pinflags.case_sensitive = 1;
if ((bits & 0x40)) /* ASN.1 bit 1. */
aodf->pinflags.local = 1;
if ((bits & 0x20))
aodf->pinflags.change_disabled = 1;
if ((bits & 0x10))
aodf->pinflags.unblock_disabled = 1;
if ((bits & 0x08))
aodf->pinflags.initialized = 1;
if ((bits & 0x04))
aodf->pinflags.needs_padding = 1;
if ((bits & 0x02))
aodf->pinflags.unblocking_pin = 1;
if ((bits & 0x01))
aodf->pinflags.so_pin = 1;
/* The second octet. */
bits = 0;
if (objlen)
bits = *pp++; nn--; objlen--;
if (full)
bits &= ~mask;
mask = 0;
if ((bits & 0x80))
aodf->pinflags.disable_allowed = 1;
if ((bits & 0x40))
aodf->pinflags.integrity_protected = 1;
if ((bits & 0x20))
aodf->pinflags.confidentiality_protected = 1;
if ((bits & 0x10))
aodf->pinflags.exchange_ref_data = 1;
/* Skip remaining bits. */
pp += objlen;
nn -= objlen;
/* PinType */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn
|| class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_ENUMERATED))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (!err && (objlen > sizeof (pin_type_t) || objlen > sizeof (ul)))
if (err)
goto parse_error;
for (ul=0; objlen; objlen--)
ul <<= 8;
ul |= (*pp++) & 0xff;
aodf->pintype = ul;
/* minLength */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn
|| class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_INTEGER))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (!err && objlen > sizeof (ul))
if (err)
goto parse_error;
for (ul=0; objlen; objlen--)
ul <<= 8;
ul |= (*pp++) & 0xff;
aodf->min_length = ul;
/* storedLength */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn
|| class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_INTEGER))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (!err && objlen > sizeof (ul))
if (err)
goto parse_error;
for (ul=0; objlen; objlen--)
ul <<= 8;
ul |= (*pp++) & 0xff;
aodf->stored_length = ul;
/* optional maxLength */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto ready;
if (!err && objlen > nn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_INTEGER)
if (objlen > sizeof (ul))
goto parse_error;
for (ul=0; objlen; objlen--)
ul <<= 8;
ul |= (*pp++) & 0xff;
aodf->max_length = ul;
aodf->max_length_valid = 1;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto ready;
if (!err && objlen > nn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
/* Optional pinReference. */
if (class == CLASS_CONTEXT && tag == 0)
if (objlen > sizeof (ul))
goto parse_error;
for (ul=0; objlen; objlen--)
ul <<= 8;
ul |= (*pp++) & 0xff;
aodf->pin_reference = ul;
aodf->pin_reference_valid = 1;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto ready;
if (!err && objlen > nn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
/* Optional padChar. */
if (class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_OCTET_STRING)
if (objlen != 1)
errstr = "padChar is not of size(1)";
goto parse_error;
aodf->pad_char = *pp++; nn--;
aodf->pad_char_valid = 1;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto ready;
if (!err && objlen > nn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
/* Skip optional lastPinChange. */
pp += objlen;
nn -= objlen;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto ready;
if (!err && objlen > nn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
/* Optional Path object. */
if (class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag == TAG_SEQUENCE)
const unsigned char *ppp = pp;
size_t nnn = objlen;
pp += objlen;
nn -= objlen;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && objlen > nnn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
/* Make sure that the next element is a non zero FID and of
even length (FID are two bytes each). */
|| !objlen || (objlen & 1) )
errstr = "invalid path reference";
goto parse_error;
aodf->pathlen = objlen/2;
aodf->path = xtrymalloc (aodf->pathlen);
if (!aodf->path)
goto no_core;
for (i=0; i < aodf->pathlen; i++, ppp += 2, nnn -= 2)
aodf->path[i] = ((ppp[0] << 8) | ppp[1]);
if (nnn)
/* An index and length follows. */
aodf->have_off = 1;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nnn
|| class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_INTEGER))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
for (ul=0; objlen; objlen--)
ul <<= 8;
ul |= (*ppp++) & 0xff;
aodf->off = ul;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nnn
|| class != CLASS_CONTEXT || tag != 0))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
for (ul=0; objlen; objlen--)
ul <<= 8;
ul |= (*ppp++) & 0xff;
aodf->len = ul;
/* Igonore further objects which might be there due to future
extensions of pkcs#15. */
log_debug ("AODF %04hX: id=", fid);
for (i=0; i < aodf->objidlen; i++)
log_printf ("%02X", aodf->objid[i]);
if (aodf->authid)
log_printf (" authid=");
for (i=0; i < aodf->authidlen; i++)
log_printf ("%02X", aodf->authid[i]);
log_printf (" flags=");
s = "";
if (aodf->pinflags.case_sensitive)
log_printf ("%scase_sensitive", s), s = ",";
if (aodf->pinflags.local)
log_printf ("%slocal", s), s = ",";
if (aodf->pinflags.change_disabled)
log_printf ("%schange_disabled", s), s = ",";
if (aodf->pinflags.unblock_disabled)
log_printf ("%sunblock_disabled", s), s = ",";
if (aodf->pinflags.initialized)
log_printf ("%sinitialized", s), s = ",";
if (aodf->pinflags.needs_padding)
log_printf ("%sneeds_padding", s), s = ",";
if (aodf->pinflags.unblocking_pin)
log_printf ("%sunblocking_pin", s), s = ",";
if (aodf->pinflags.so_pin)
log_printf ("%sso_pin", s), s = ",";
if (aodf->pinflags.disable_allowed)
log_printf ("%sdisable_allowed", s), s = ",";
if (aodf->pinflags.integrity_protected)
log_printf ("%sintegrity_protected", s), s = ",";
if (aodf->pinflags.confidentiality_protected)
log_printf ("%sconfidentiality_protected", s), s = ",";
if (aodf->pinflags.exchange_ref_data)
log_printf ("%sexchange_ref_data", s), s = ",";
char numbuf[50];
switch (aodf->pintype)
case PIN_TYPE_BCD: s = "bcd"; break;
case PIN_TYPE_ASCII_NUMERIC: s = "ascii-numeric"; break;
case PIN_TYPE_UTF8: s = "utf8"; break;
case PIN_TYPE_HALF_NIBBLE_BCD: s = "half-nibble-bcd"; break;
case PIN_TYPE_ISO9564_1: s = "iso9564-1"; break;
sprintf (numbuf, "%lu", (unsigned long)aodf->pintype);
s = numbuf;
log_printf (" type=%s", s);
log_printf (" min=%lu", aodf->min_length);
log_printf (" stored=%lu", aodf->stored_length);
if (aodf->max_length_valid)
log_printf (" max=%lu", aodf->max_length);
if (aodf->pad_char_valid)
log_printf (" pad=0x%02x", aodf->pad_char);
if (aodf->pin_reference_valid)
log_printf (" pinref=0x%02lX", aodf->pin_reference);
if (aodf->pathlen)
log_printf (" path=");
for (i=0; i < aodf->pathlen; i++)
log_printf ("%04hX", aodf->path[i]);
if (aodf->have_off)
log_printf ("[%lu/%lu]", aodf->off, aodf->len);
log_printf ("\n");
/* Put it into the list. */
aodf->next = aodflist;
aodflist = aodf;
aodf = NULL;
continue; /* Ready. */
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
release_aodf_object (aodf);
goto leave;
log_error ("error parsing AODF record (%d): %s - skipped\n",
where, errstr? errstr : gpg_strerror (err));
err = 0;
release_aodf_object (aodf);
} /* End looping over all records. */
xfree (buffer);
if (err)
release_aodflist (aodflist);
*result = aodflist;
return err;
/* Read and parse the EF(TokenInfo).
TokenInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
version INTEGER {v1(0)} (v1,...),
serialNumber OCTET STRING,
manufacturerID Label OPTIONAL,
label [0] Label OPTIONAL,
tokenflags TokenFlags,
seInfo SEQUENCE OF SecurityEnvironmentInfo OPTIONAL,
recordInfo [1] RecordInfo OPTIONAL,
supportedAlgorithms [2] SEQUENCE OF AlgorithmInfo OPTIONAL,
issuerId [3] Label OPTIONAL,
holderId [4] Label OPTIONAL,
lastUpdate [5] LastUpdate OPTIONAL,
preferredLanguage PrintableString OPTIONAL -- In accordance with
-- IETF RFC 1766
} (CONSTRAINED BY { -- Each AlgorithmInfo.reference value must be unique --})
TokenFlags ::= BIT STRING {
readOnly (0),
loginRequired (1),
prnGeneration (2),
eidCompliant (3)
30 31 02 01 00 04 04 05 45 36 9F 0C 0C 44 2D 54 01......E6...D-T
72 75 73 74 20 47 6D 62 48 80 14 4F 66 66 69 63 rust GmbH..Offic
65 20 69 64 65 6E 74 69 74 79 20 63 61 72 64 03 e identity card.
02 00 40 20 63 61 72 64 03 02 00 40 00 00 00 00 ..@ card...@....
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0 49: SEQUENCE {
2 1: INTEGER 0
5 4: OCTET STRING 05 45 36 9F
11 12: UTF8String 'D-Trust GmbH'
25 20: [0] 'Office identity card'
: '00000010'B (bit 1)
: Error: Spurious zero bits in bitstring.
: }
static gpg_error_t
read_ef_tokeninfo (app_t app)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
size_t buflen;
const unsigned char *p;
size_t n, objlen, hdrlen;
int class, tag, constructed, ndef;
unsigned long ul;
err = select_and_read_binary (app->slot, 0x5032, "TokenInfo",
&buffer, &buflen);
if (err)
return err;
p = buffer;
n = buflen;
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > n || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
log_error ("error parsing TokenInfo: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
n = objlen;
/* Version. */
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > n || tag != TAG_INTEGER))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto leave;
for (ul=0; objlen; objlen--)
ul <<= 8;
ul |= (*p++) & 0xff;
if (ul)
log_error ("invalid version %lu in TokenInfo\n", ul);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
goto leave;
/* serialNumber. */
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > n || tag != TAG_OCTET_STRING || !objlen))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (app->app_local->serialno);
app->app_local->serialno = xtrymalloc (objlen);
if (!app->app_local->serialno)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
memcpy (app->app_local->serialno, p, objlen);
app->app_local->serialnolen = objlen;
log_printhex ("Serialnumber from EF(TokenInfo) is:", p, objlen);
xfree (buffer);
return err;
/* Get all the basic information from the pkcs#15 card, check the
structure and initialize our local context. This is used once at
application initialization. */
static gpg_error_t
read_p15_info (app_t app)
gpg_error_t err;
if (!read_ef_tokeninfo (app))
/* If we don't have a serial number yet but the TokenInfo provides
one, use that. */
if (!app->serialno && app->app_local->serialno)
app->serialno = app->app_local->serialno;
app->serialnolen = app->app_local->serialnolen;
app->app_local->serialno = NULL;
app->app_local->serialnolen = 0;
err = app_munge_serialno (app);
if (err)
return err;
/* Read the ODF so that we know the location of all directory
files. */
/* Fixme: We might need to get a non-standard ODF FID from TokenInfo. */
err = read_ef_odf (app, 0x5031);
if (err)
return err;
/* Read certificate information. */
assert (!app->app_local->certificate_info);
assert (!app->app_local->trusted_certificate_info);
assert (!app->app_local->useful_certificate_info);
err = read_ef_cdf (app, app->app_local->odf.certificates,
if (!err || gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
err = read_ef_cdf (app, app->app_local->odf.trusted_certificates,
if (!err || gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
err = read_ef_cdf (app, app->app_local->odf.useful_certificates,
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
err = 0;
if (err)
return err;
/* Read information about private keys. */
assert (!app->app_local->private_key_info);
err = read_ef_prkdf (app, app->app_local->odf.private_keys,
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
err = 0;
if (err)
return err;
/* Read information about authentication objects. */
assert (!app->app_local->auth_object_info);
err = read_ef_aodf (app, app->app_local->odf.auth_objects,
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
err = 0;
return err;
/* Helper to do_learn_status: Send information about all certificates
listed in CERTINFO back. Use CERTTYPE as type of the
certificate. */
static gpg_error_t
send_certinfo (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, const char *certtype,
cdf_object_t certinfo)
for (; certinfo; certinfo = certinfo->next)
char *buf, *p;
buf = xtrymalloc (9 + certinfo->objidlen*2 + 1);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
p = stpcpy (buf, "P15");
if (app->app_local->home_df)
snprintf (p, 6, "-%04X",
(unsigned int)(app->app_local->home_df & 0xffff));
p += 5;
p = stpcpy (p, ".");
bin2hex (certinfo->objid, certinfo->objidlen, p);
send_status_info (ctrl, "CERTINFO",
certtype, strlen (certtype),
buf, strlen (buf),
NULL, (size_t)0);
xfree (buf);
return 0;
/* Get the keygrip of the private key object PRKDF. On success the
keygrip gets returned in the caller provided 41 byte buffer
static gpg_error_t
keygripstr_from_prkdf (app_t app, prkdf_object_t prkdf, char *r_gripstr)
gpg_error_t err;
cdf_object_t cdf;
unsigned char *der;
size_t derlen;
ksba_cert_t cert;
/* FIXME: We should check whether a public key directory file and a
matching public key for PRKDF is available. This should make
extraction of the key much easier. My current test card doesn't
have one, so we can only use the fallback solution bu looking for
a matching certificate and extract the key from there. */
/* Look for a matching certificate. A certificate matches if the Id
matches the one of the private key info. */
for (cdf = app->app_local->certificate_info; cdf; cdf = cdf->next)
if (cdf->objidlen == prkdf->objidlen
&& !memcmp (cdf->objid, prkdf->objid, prkdf->objidlen))
if (!cdf)
for (cdf = app->app_local->trusted_certificate_info; cdf; cdf = cdf->next)
if (cdf->objidlen == prkdf->objidlen
&& !memcmp (cdf->objid, prkdf->objid, prkdf->objidlen))
if (!cdf)
for (cdf = app->app_local->useful_certificate_info; cdf; cdf = cdf->next)
if (cdf->objidlen == prkdf->objidlen
&& !memcmp (cdf->objid, prkdf->objid, prkdf->objidlen))
if (!cdf)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
err = readcert_by_cdf (app, cdf, &der, &derlen);
if (err)
return err;
err = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (!err)
err = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, der, derlen);
xfree (der);
if (!err)
err = app_help_get_keygrip_string (cert, r_gripstr);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
return err;
/* Helper to do_learn_status: Send information about all known
keypairs back. FIXME: much code duplication from
send_certinfo(). */
static gpg_error_t
send_keypairinfo (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, prkdf_object_t keyinfo)
gpg_error_t err;
for (; keyinfo; keyinfo = keyinfo->next)
char gripstr[40+1];
char *buf, *p;
int j;
buf = xtrymalloc (9 + keyinfo->objidlen*2 + 1);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
p = stpcpy (buf, "P15");
if (app->app_local->home_df)
snprintf (p, 6, "-%04hX",
(unsigned int)(app->app_local->home_df & 0xffff));
p += 5;
p = stpcpy (p, ".");
bin2hex (keyinfo->objid, keyinfo->objidlen, p);
err = keygripstr_from_prkdf (app, keyinfo, gripstr);
if (err)
log_error ("can't get keygrip from ");
for (j=0; j < keyinfo->pathlen; j++)
log_printf ("%04hX", keyinfo->path[j]);
log_printf (": %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
assert (strlen (gripstr) == 40);
send_status_info (ctrl, "KEYPAIRINFO",
gripstr, 40,
buf, strlen (buf),
NULL, (size_t)0);
xfree (buf);
return 0;
/* This is the handler for the LEARN command. */
static gpg_error_t
do_learn_status (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, unsigned int flags)
gpg_error_t err;
if ((flags & 1))
err = 0;
err = send_certinfo (app, ctrl, "100", app->app_local->certificate_info);
if (!err)
err = send_certinfo (app, ctrl, "101",
if (!err)
err = send_certinfo (app, ctrl, "102",
if (!err)
err = send_keypairinfo (app, ctrl, app->app_local->private_key_info);
return err;
/* Read a certifciate using the information in CDF and return the
certificate in a newly llocated buffer R_CERT and its length
static gpg_error_t
readcert_by_cdf (app_t app, cdf_object_t cdf,
unsigned char **r_cert, size_t *r_certlen)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
const unsigned char *p, *save_p;
size_t buflen, n;
int class, tag, constructed, ndef;
size_t totobjlen, objlen, hdrlen;
int rootca;
int i;
*r_cert = NULL;
*r_certlen = 0;
/* First check whether it has been cached. */
if (cdf->image)
*r_cert = xtrymalloc (cdf->imagelen);
if (!*r_cert)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (*r_cert, cdf->image, cdf->imagelen);
*r_certlen = cdf->imagelen;
return 0;
/* Read the entire file. fixme: This could be optimized by first
reading the header to figure out how long the certificate
actually is. */
err = select_ef_by_path (app, cdf->path, cdf->pathlen);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = iso7816_read_binary (app->slot, cdf->off, cdf->len, &buffer, &buflen);
if (!err && (!buflen || *buffer == 0xff))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
if (err)
log_error ("error reading certificate with Id ");
for (i=0; i < cdf->objidlen; i++)
log_printf ("%02X", cdf->objid[i]);
log_printf (": %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Check whether this is really a certificate. */
p = buffer;
n = buflen;
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_SEQUENCE && constructed)
rootca = 0;
else if ( class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_SET && constructed )
rootca = 1;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
goto leave;
totobjlen = objlen + hdrlen;
assert (totobjlen <= buflen);
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (!rootca
&& class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_OBJECT_ID && !constructed)
/* The certificate seems to be contained in a userCertificate
container. Skip this and assume the following sequence is
the certificate. */
if (n < objlen)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
goto leave;
p += objlen;
n -= objlen;
save_p = p;
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (err)
goto leave;
if ( !(class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_SEQUENCE && constructed) )
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
goto leave;
totobjlen = objlen + hdrlen;
assert (save_p + totobjlen <= buffer + buflen);
memmove (buffer, save_p, totobjlen);
*r_cert = buffer;
buffer = NULL;
*r_certlen = totobjlen;
/* Try to cache it. */
if (!cdf->image && (cdf->image = xtrymalloc (*r_certlen)))
memcpy (cdf->image, *r_cert, *r_certlen);
cdf->imagelen = *r_certlen;
xfree (buffer);
return err;
/* Handler for the READCERT command.
Read the certificate with id CERTID (as returned by learn_status in
the CERTINFO status lines) and return it in the freshly allocated
buffer to be stored at R_CERT and its length at R_CERTLEN. A error
code will be returned on failure and R_CERT and R_CERTLEN will be
set to (NULL,0). */
static gpg_error_t
do_readcert (app_t app, const char *certid,
unsigned char **r_cert, size_t *r_certlen)
gpg_error_t err;
cdf_object_t cdf;
*r_cert = NULL;
*r_certlen = 0;
err = cdf_object_from_certid (app, certid, &cdf);
if (!err)
err = readcert_by_cdf (app, cdf, r_cert, r_certlen);
return err;
/* Implement the GETATTR command. This is similar to the LEARN
command but returns just one value via the status interface. */
static gpg_error_t
do_getattr (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name)
gpg_error_t err;
if (!strcmp (name, "$AUTHKEYID"))
char *buf, *p;
prkdf_object_t prkdf;
/* We return the ID of the first private keycapable of
signing. */
for (prkdf = app->app_local->private_key_info; prkdf;
prkdf = prkdf->next)
if (prkdf->usageflags.sign)
if (prkdf)
buf = xtrymalloc (9 + prkdf->objidlen*2 + 1);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
p = stpcpy (buf, "P15");
if (app->app_local->home_df)
snprintf (p, 6, "-%04hX",
(unsigned int)(app->app_local->home_df & 0xffff));
p += 5;
p = stpcpy (p, ".");
bin2hex (prkdf->objid, prkdf->objidlen, p);
send_status_info (ctrl, name, buf, strlen (buf), NULL, 0);
xfree (buf);
return 0;
else if (!strcmp (name, "$DISPSERIALNO"))
/* For certain cards we return special IDs. There is no
general rule for it so we need to decide case by case. */
if (app->app_local->card_type == CARD_TYPE_BELPIC)
/* The eID card has a card number printed on the front matter
which seems to be a good indication. */
unsigned char *buffer;
const unsigned char *p;
size_t buflen, n;
unsigned short path[] = { 0x3F00, 0xDF01, 0x4031 };
err = select_ef_by_path (app, path, DIM(path) );
if (!err)
err = iso7816_read_binary (app->slot, 0, 0, &buffer, &buflen);
if (err)
log_error ("error accessing EF(ID): %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
p = find_tlv (buffer, buflen, 1, &n);
if (p && n == 12)
char tmp[12+2+1];
memcpy (tmp, p, 3);
tmp[3] = '-';
memcpy (tmp+4, p+3, 7);
tmp[11] = '-';
memcpy (tmp+12, p+10, 2);
tmp[14] = 0;
send_status_info (ctrl, name, tmp, strlen (tmp), NULL, 0);
xfree (buffer);
return 0;
xfree (buffer);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
/* Micardo cards require special treatment. This is a helper for the
crypto functions to manage the security environment. We expect that
the key file has already been selected. FID is the one of the
selected key. */
static gpg_error_t
micardo_mse (app_t app, unsigned short fid)
gpg_error_t err;
int recno;
unsigned short refdata = 0;
int se_num;
unsigned char msebuf[10];
/* Read the KeyD file containing extra information on keys. */
err = iso7816_select_file (app->slot, 0x0013, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("error reading EF_keyD: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
for (recno = 1, se_num = -1; ; recno++)
unsigned char *buffer;
size_t buflen;
size_t n, nn;
const unsigned char *p, *pp;
err = iso7816_read_record (app->slot, recno, 1, 0, &buffer, &buflen);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
break; /* ready */
if (err)
log_error ("error reading EF_keyD record: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
log_printhex ("keyD record:", buffer, buflen);
p = find_tlv (buffer, buflen, 0x83, &n);
if (p && n == 4 && ((p[2]<<8)|p[3]) == fid)
refdata = ((p[0]<<8)|p[1]);
/* Locate the SE DO and the there included sec env number. */
p = find_tlv (buffer, buflen, 0x7b, &n);
if (p && n)
pp = find_tlv (p, n, 0x80, &nn);
if (pp && nn == 1)
se_num = *pp;
xfree (buffer);
break; /* found. */
xfree (buffer);
if (se_num == -1)
log_error ("CRT for keyfile %04hX not found\n", fid);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
/* Restore the security environment to SE_NUM if needed */
if (se_num)
err = iso7816_manage_security_env (app->slot, 0xf3, se_num, NULL, 0);
if (err)
log_error ("restoring SE to %d failed: %s\n",
se_num, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Set the DST reference data. */
msebuf[0] = 0x83;
msebuf[1] = 0x03;
msebuf[2] = 0x80;
msebuf[3] = (refdata >> 8);
msebuf[4] = refdata;
err = iso7816_manage_security_env (app->slot, 0x41, 0xb6, msebuf, 5);
if (err)
log_error ("setting SE to reference file %04hX failed: %s\n",
refdata, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
return 0;
/* Handler for the PKSIGN command.
Create the signature and return the allocated result in OUTDATA.
If a PIN is required, the PINCB will be used to ask for the PIN;
that callback should return the PIN in an allocated buffer and
store that as the 3rd argument. */
static gpg_error_t
do_sign (app_t app, const char *keyidstr, int hashalgo,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen )
static unsigned char sha1_prefix[15] = /* Object ID is */
{ 0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x0e, 0x03,
0x02, 0x1a, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14 };
static unsigned char rmd160_prefix[15] = /* Object ID is */
{ 0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x24, 0x03,
0x02, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14 };
gpg_error_t err;
int i;
unsigned char data[36]; /* Must be large enough for a SHA-1 digest
+ the largest OID prefix above and also
fit the 36 bytes of md5sha1. */
prkdf_object_t prkdf; /* The private key object. */
aodf_object_t aodf; /* The associated authentication object. */
int no_data_padding = 0; /* True if the card want the data without padding.*/
int mse_done = 0; /* Set to true if the MSE has been done. */
if (!keyidstr || !*keyidstr)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (indatalen != 20 && indatalen != 16 && indatalen != 35 && indatalen != 36)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
err = prkdf_object_from_keyidstr (app, keyidstr, &prkdf);
if (err)
return err;
if (!(prkdf->usageflags.sign || prkdf->usageflags.sign_recover
log_error ("key %s may not be used for signing\n", keyidstr);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_KEY_USAGE);
if (!prkdf->authid)
log_error ("no authentication object defined for %s\n", keyidstr);
/* fixme: we might want to go ahead and do without PIN
verification. */
/* Find the authentication object to this private key object. */
for (aodf = app->app_local->auth_object_info; aodf; aodf = aodf->next)
if (aodf->objidlen == prkdf->authidlen
&& !memcmp (aodf->objid, prkdf->authid, prkdf->authidlen))
if (!aodf)
log_error ("authentication object for %s missing\n", keyidstr);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CARD);
if (aodf->authid)
log_error ("PIN verification is protected by an "
"additional authentication token\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN_METHOD);
if (aodf->pinflags.integrity_protected
|| aodf->pinflags.confidentiality_protected)
log_error ("PIN verification requires unsupported protection method\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN_METHOD);
if (!aodf->stored_length && aodf->pinflags.needs_padding)
log_error ("PIN verification requires padding but no length known\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CARD);
/* Select the key file. Note that this may change the security
environment thus we do it before PIN verification. */
err = select_ef_by_path (app, prkdf->path, prkdf->pathlen);
if (err)
log_error ("error selecting file for key %s: %s\n",
keyidstr, gpg_strerror (errno));
return err;
/* Due to the fact that the non-repudiation signature on a BELPIC
card requires a verify immediately before the DSO we set the
MSE before we do the verification. Other cards might also allow
this but I don't want to break anything, thus we do it only
for the BELPIC card here. */
if (app->app_local->card_type == CARD_TYPE_BELPIC)
unsigned char mse[5];
mse[0] = 4; /* Length of the template. */
mse[1] = 0x80; /* Algorithm reference tag. */
if (hashalgo == MD_USER_TLS_MD5SHA1)
mse[2] = 0x01; /* Let card do pkcs#1 0xFF padding. */
mse[2] = 0x02; /* RSASSA-PKCS1-v1.5 using SHA1. */
mse[3] = 0x84; /* Private key reference tag. */
mse[4] = prkdf->key_reference_valid? prkdf->key_reference : 0x82;
err = iso7816_manage_security_env (app->slot,
0x41, 0xB6,
mse, sizeof mse);
no_data_padding = 1;
mse_done = 1;
if (err)
log_error ("MSE failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Now that we have all the information available, prepare and run
the PIN verification.*/
if (1)
char *pinvalue;
size_t pinvaluelen;
const char *errstr;
const char *s;
if (prkdf->usageflags.non_repudiation
&& app->app_local->card_type == CARD_TYPE_BELPIC)
err = pincb (pincb_arg, "PIN (qualified signature!)", &pinvalue);
err = pincb (pincb_arg, "PIN", &pinvalue);
if (err)
log_info ("PIN callback returned error: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* We might need to cope with UTF8 things here. Not sure how
min_length etc. are exactly defined, for now we take them as
a plain octet count. */
if (strlen (pinvalue) < aodf->min_length)
log_error ("PIN is too short; minimum length is %lu\n",
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN);
else if (aodf->stored_length && strlen (pinvalue) > aodf->stored_length)
/* This would otherwise truncate the PIN silently. */
log_error ("PIN is too large; maximum length is %lu\n",
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN);
else if (aodf->max_length_valid && strlen (pinvalue) > aodf->max_length)
log_error ("PIN is too large; maximum length is %lu\n",
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN);
if (err)
xfree (pinvalue);
return err;
errstr = NULL;
err = 0;
switch (aodf->pintype)
for (s=pinvalue; digitp (s); s++)
if (*s)
errstr = "Non-numeric digits found in PIN";
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN);
errstr = "PIN type Half-Nibble-BCD is not supported";
case PIN_TYPE_ISO9564_1:
errstr = "PIN type ISO9564-1 is not supported";
errstr = "Unknown PIN type";
if (errstr)
log_error ("can't verify PIN: %s\n", errstr);
xfree (pinvalue);
return err? err : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN_METHOD);
if (aodf->pintype == PIN_TYPE_BCD )
char *paddedpin;
int ndigits;
for (ndigits=0, s=pinvalue; *s; ndigits++, s++)
paddedpin = xtrymalloc (aodf->stored_length+1);
if (!paddedpin)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (pinvalue);
return err;
i = 0;
paddedpin[i++] = 0x20 | (ndigits & 0x0f);
for (s=pinvalue; i < aodf->stored_length && *s && s[1]; s = s+2 )
paddedpin[i++] = (((*s - '0') << 4) | ((s[1] - '0') & 0x0f));
if (i < aodf->stored_length && *s)
paddedpin[i++] = (((*s - '0') << 4)
if (aodf->pinflags.needs_padding)
while (i < aodf->stored_length)
paddedpin[i++] = aodf->pad_char_valid? aodf->pad_char : 0;
xfree (pinvalue);
pinvalue = paddedpin;
pinvaluelen = i;
else if (aodf->pinflags.needs_padding)
char *paddedpin;
paddedpin = xtrymalloc (aodf->stored_length+1);
if (!paddedpin)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (pinvalue);
return err;
for (i=0, s=pinvalue; i < aodf->stored_length && *s; i++, s++)
paddedpin[i] = *s;
/* Not sure what padding char to use if none has been set.
For now we use 0x00; maybe a space would be better. */
for (; i < aodf->stored_length; i++)
paddedpin[i] = aodf->pad_char_valid? aodf->pad_char : 0;
paddedpin[i] = 0;
pinvaluelen = i;
xfree (pinvalue);
pinvalue = paddedpin;
pinvaluelen = strlen (pinvalue);
err = iso7816_verify (app->slot,
aodf->pin_reference_valid? aodf->pin_reference : 0,
pinvalue, pinvaluelen);
xfree (pinvalue);
if (err)
log_error ("PIN verification failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
log_debug ("PIN verification succeeded\n");
/* Prepare the DER object from INDATA. */
if (indatalen == 36)
/* No ASN.1 container used. */
if (hashalgo != MD_USER_TLS_MD5SHA1)
memcpy (data, indata, indatalen);
else if (indatalen == 35)
/* Alright, the caller was so kind to send us an already
prepared DER object. Check that it is what we want and that
it matches the hash algorithm. */
if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_SHA1 && !memcmp (indata, sha1_prefix, 15))
else if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_RMD160
&& !memcmp (indata, rmd160_prefix, 15))
memcpy (data, indata, indatalen);
/* Need to prepend the prefix. */
if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_SHA1)
memcpy (data, sha1_prefix, 15);
else if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_RMD160)
memcpy (data, rmd160_prefix, 15);
memcpy (data+15, indata, indatalen);
/* Manage security environment needs to be weaked for certain cards. */
if (mse_done)
err = 0;
else if (app->app_local->card_type == CARD_TYPE_TCOS)
/* TCOS creates signatures always using the local key 0. MSE
may not be used. */
else if (app->app_local->card_type == CARD_TYPE_MICARDO)
if (!prkdf->pathlen)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
err = micardo_mse (app, prkdf->path[prkdf->pathlen-1]);
else if (prkdf->key_reference_valid)
unsigned char mse[3];
mse[0] = 0x84; /* Select asym. key. */
mse[1] = 1;
mse[2] = prkdf->key_reference;
err = iso7816_manage_security_env (app->slot,
0x41, 0xB6,
mse, sizeof mse);
if (err)
log_error ("MSE failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
if (hashalgo == MD_USER_TLS_MD5SHA1)
err = iso7816_compute_ds (app->slot, 0, data, 36, 0, outdata, outdatalen);
else if (no_data_padding)
err = iso7816_compute_ds (app->slot, 0, data+15, 20, 0,outdata,outdatalen);
err = iso7816_compute_ds (app->slot, 0, data, 35, 0, outdata, outdatalen);
return err;
/* Handler for the PKAUTH command.
This is basically the same as the PKSIGN command but we first check
that the requested key is suitable for authentication; that is, it
must match the criteria used for the attribute $AUTHKEYID. See
do_sign for calling conventions; there is no HASHALGO, though. */
static gpg_error_t
do_auth (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen )
gpg_error_t err;
prkdf_object_t prkdf;
int algo;
if (!keyidstr || !*keyidstr)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
err = prkdf_object_from_keyidstr (app, keyidstr, &prkdf);
if (err)
return err;
if (!prkdf->usageflags.sign)
log_error ("key %s may not be used for authentication\n", keyidstr);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_KEY_USAGE);
algo = indatalen == 36? MD_USER_TLS_MD5SHA1 : GCRY_MD_SHA1;
return do_sign (app, keyidstr, algo, pincb, pincb_arg,
indata, indatalen, outdata, outdatalen);
/* Assume that EF(DIR) has been selected. Read its content and figure
out the home EF of pkcs#15. Return that home DF or 0 if not found
and the value at the address of BELPIC indicates whether it was
found by the belpic aid. */
static unsigned short
read_home_df (int slot, int *r_belpic)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer;
const unsigned char *p, *pp;
size_t buflen, n, nn;
unsigned short result = 0;
*r_belpic = 0;
err = iso7816_read_binary (slot, 0, 0, &buffer, &buflen);
if (err)
log_error ("error reading EF{DIR}: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return 0;
/* FIXME: We need to scan all records. */
p = find_tlv (buffer, buflen, 0x61, &n);
if (p && n)
pp = find_tlv (p, n, 0x4f, &nn);
if (pp && ((nn == sizeof pkcs15_aid && !memcmp (pp, pkcs15_aid, nn))
|| (*r_belpic = (nn == sizeof pkcs15be_aid
&& !memcmp (pp, pkcs15be_aid, nn)))))
pp = find_tlv (p, n, 0x50, &nn);
if (pp) /* fixme: Filter log value? */
log_info ("pkcs#15 application label from EF(DIR) is '%.*s'\n",
(int)nn, pp);
pp = find_tlv (p, n, 0x51, &nn);
if (pp && nn == 4 && *pp == 0x3f && !pp[1])
result = ((pp[2] << 8) | pp[3]);
log_info ("pkcs#15 application directory is 0x%04hX\n", result);
xfree (buffer);
return result;
Select the PKCS#15 application on the card in SLOT.
app_select_p15 (app_t app)
int slot = app->slot;
int rc;
unsigned short def_home_df = 0;
card_type_t card_type = CARD_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
int direct = 0;
int is_belpic = 0;
rc = iso7816_select_application (slot, pkcs15_aid, sizeof pkcs15_aid, 0);
if (rc)
{ /* Not found: Try to locate it from 2F00. We use direct path
selection here because it seems that the Belgian eID card
does only allow for that. Many other cards supports this
selection method too. Note, that we don't use
select_application above for the Belgian card - the call
works but it seems that it did not switch to the correct DF.
Using the 2f02 just works. */
unsigned short path[1] = { 0x2f00 };
rc = iso7816_select_path (app->slot, path, 1, NULL, NULL);
if (!rc)
direct = 1;
def_home_df = read_home_df (slot, &is_belpic);
if (def_home_df)
path[0] = def_home_df;
rc = iso7816_select_path (app->slot, path, 1, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
{ /* Still not found: Try the default DF. */
def_home_df = 0x5015;
rc = iso7816_select_file (slot, def_home_df, 1, NULL, NULL);
if (!rc)
/* Determine the type of the card. The general case is to look
it up from the ATR table. For the Belgian eID card we know
it instantly from the AID. */
if (is_belpic)
card_type = CARD_TYPE_BELPIC;
unsigned char *atr;
size_t atrlen;
int i;
atr = apdu_get_atr (app->slot, &atrlen);
if (!atr)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CARD);
for (i=0; card_atr_list[i].atrlen; i++)
if (card_atr_list[i].atrlen == atrlen
&& !memcmp (card_atr_list[i].atr, atr, atrlen))
card_type = card_atr_list[i].type;
xfree (atr);
if (!rc)
app->apptype = "P15";
app->app_local = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *app->app_local);
if (!app->app_local)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Set the home DF. Note that we currently can't do that if the
selection via application ID worked. This will store 0 there
instead. FIXME: We either need to figure the home_df via the
DIR file or using the return values from the select file
APDU. */
app->app_local->home_df = def_home_df;
/* Store the card type. FIXME: We might want to put this into
the common APP structure. */
app->app_local->card_type = card_type;
/* Store whether we may and should use direct path selection. */
app->app_local->direct_path_selection = direct;
/* Read basic information and thus check whether this is a real
card. */
rc = read_p15_info (app);
if (rc)
goto leave;
/* Special serial number munging. We need to check for a German
prototype card right here because we need to access to
EF(TokenInfo). We mark such a serial number by the using a
prefix of FF0100. */
if (app->serialnolen == 12
&& !memcmp (app->serialno, "\xD2\x76\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 12))
/* This is a German card with a silly serial number. Try to get
the serial number from the EF(TokenInfo). . */
unsigned char *p;
/* FIXME: actually get it from EF(TokenInfo). */
p = xtrymalloc (3 + app->serialnolen);
if (!p)
rc = gpg_error (gpg_err_code_from_errno (errno));
memcpy (p, "\xff\x01", 3);
memcpy (p+3, app->serialno, app->serialnolen);
app->serialnolen += 3;
xfree (app->serialno);
app->serialno = p;
app->fnc.deinit = do_deinit;
app->fnc.learn_status = do_learn_status;
app->fnc.readcert = do_readcert;
app->fnc.getattr = do_getattr;
app->fnc.setattr = NULL;
app->fnc.genkey = NULL;
app->fnc.sign = do_sign;
app->fnc.auth = do_auth;
app->fnc.decipher = NULL;
app->fnc.change_pin = NULL;
app->fnc.check_pin = NULL;
if (rc)
do_deinit (app);
return rc;
diff --git a/scd/app-sc-hsm.c b/scd/app-sc-hsm.c
index 79899ce55..c5827345c 100644
--- a/scd/app-sc-hsm.c
+++ b/scd/app-sc-hsm.c
@@ -1,2084 +1,2084 @@
/* app-sc-hsm.c - The SmartCard-HSM card application (
* Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Andreas Schwier <>
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
Code in this driver is based on app-p15.c with modifications.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "scdaemon.h"
#include "iso7816.h"
#include "app-common.h"
#include "tlv.h"
#include "apdu.h"
/* The AID of the SmartCard-HSM applet. */
static char const sc_hsm_aid[] = { 0xE8, 0x2B, 0x06, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x81,
0xC3, 0x1F, 0x02, 0x01 };
/* Special file identifier for SmartCard-HSM */
typedef enum
} fid_prefix_type_t;
/* The key types supported by the SmartCard-HSM */
typedef enum
} key_type_t;
/* A bit array with for the key usage flags from the
commonKeyAttributes. */
struct keyusage_flags_s
unsigned int encrypt: 1;
unsigned int decrypt: 1;
unsigned int sign: 1;
unsigned int sign_recover: 1;
unsigned int wrap: 1;
unsigned int unwrap: 1;
unsigned int verify: 1;
unsigned int verify_recover: 1;
unsigned int derive: 1;
unsigned int non_repudiation: 1;
typedef struct keyusage_flags_s keyusage_flags_t;
/* This is an object to store information about a Certificate
Directory File (CDF) in a format suitable for further processing by
us. To keep memory management, simple we use a linked list of
items; i.e. one such object represents one certificate and the list
the entire CDF. */
struct cdf_object_s
/* Link to next item when used in a linked list. */
struct cdf_object_s *next;
/* Length and allocated buffer with the Id of this object. */
size_t objidlen;
unsigned char *objid;
/* To avoid reading a certificate more than once, we cache it in an
allocated memory IMAGE of IMAGELEN. */
size_t imagelen;
unsigned char *image;
/* EF containing certificate */
unsigned short fid;
typedef struct cdf_object_s *cdf_object_t;
/* This is an object to store information about a Private Key
Directory File (PrKDF) in a format suitable for further processing
by us. To keep memory management, simple we use a linked list of
items; i.e. one such object represents one certificate and the list
the entire PrKDF. */
struct prkdf_object_s
/* Link to next item when used in a linked list. */
struct prkdf_object_s *next;
/* Key type */
key_type_t keytype;
/* Key size in bits or 0 if unknown */
size_t keysize;
/* Length and allocated buffer with the Id of this object. */
size_t objidlen;
unsigned char *objid;
/* The key's usage flags. */
keyusage_flags_t usageflags;
/* The keyReference */
unsigned char key_reference;
typedef struct prkdf_object_s *prkdf_object_t;
/* Context local to this application. */
struct app_local_s
/* Information on all certificates. */
cdf_object_t certificate_info;
/* Information on all trusted certificates. */
cdf_object_t trusted_certificate_info;
/* Information on all private keys. */
prkdf_object_t private_key_info;
/*** Local prototypes. ***/
static gpg_error_t readcert_by_cdf (app_t app, cdf_object_t cdf,
unsigned char **r_cert, size_t *r_certlen);
/* Release the CDF object A */
static void
release_cdflist (cdf_object_t a)
while (a)
cdf_object_t tmp = a->next;
xfree (a->image);
xfree (a->objid);
xfree (a);
a = tmp;
/* Release the PrKDF object A. */
static void
release_prkdflist (prkdf_object_t a)
while (a)
prkdf_object_t tmp = a->next;
xfree (a->objid);
xfree (a);
a = tmp;
/* Release all local resources. */
static void
do_deinit (app_t app)
if (app && app->app_local)
release_cdflist (app->app_local->certificate_info);
release_cdflist (app->app_local->trusted_certificate_info);
release_prkdflist (app->app_local->private_key_info);
xfree (app->app_local);
app->app_local = NULL;
/* Get the list of EFs from the SmartCard-HSM.
* On success a dynamically buffer containing the EF list is returned.
* The caller is responsible for freeing the buffer.
static gpg_error_t
list_ef (int slot, unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen)
int sw;
if (!result || !resultlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
sw = apdu_send_le (slot, 1, 0x80, 0x58, 0x00, 0x00, -1, NULL, 65536,
result, resultlen);
if (sw != SW_SUCCESS)
/* Make sure that pending buffers are released. */
xfree (*result);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
return iso7816_map_sw (sw);
/* Do a select and a read for the file with EFID. EFID_DESC is a
description of the EF to be used with error messages. On success
BUFFER and BUFLEN contain the entire content of the EF. The caller
must free BUFFER only on success. */
static gpg_error_t
select_and_read_binary (int slot, unsigned short efid, const char *efid_desc,
unsigned char **buffer, size_t *buflen, int maxread)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char cdata[4];
int sw;
cdata[0] = 0x54; /* Create ISO 7861-4 odd ins READ BINARY */
cdata[1] = 0x02;
cdata[2] = 0x00;
cdata[3] = 0x00;
sw = apdu_send_le(slot, 1, 0x00, 0xB1, efid >> 8, efid & 0xFF,
4, cdata, maxread, buffer, buflen);
if (sw == SW_EOF_REACHED)
err = iso7816_map_sw (sw);
if (err)
log_error ("error reading %s (0x%04X): %s\n",
efid_desc, efid, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
return 0;
/* Parse a cert Id string (or a key Id string) and return the binary
object Id string in a newly allocated buffer stored at R_OBJID and
R_OBJIDLEN. On Error NULL will be stored there and an error code
returned. On success caller needs to free the buffer at R_OBJID. */
static gpg_error_t
parse_certid (const char *certid, unsigned char **r_objid, size_t *r_objidlen)
const char *s;
size_t objidlen;
unsigned char *objid;
int i;
*r_objid = NULL;
*r_objidlen = 0;
if (strncmp (certid, "HSM.", 4))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
certid += 4;
for (s=certid, objidlen=0; hexdigitp (s); s++, objidlen++)
if (*s || !objidlen || (objidlen%2))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ID);
objidlen /= 2;
objid = xtrymalloc (objidlen);
if (!objid)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
for (s=certid, i=0; i < objidlen; i++, s+=2)
objid[i] = xtoi_2 (s);
*r_objid = objid;
*r_objidlen = objidlen;
return 0;
/* Find a certificate object by the certificate ID CERTID and store a
pointer to it at R_CDF. */
static gpg_error_t
cdf_object_from_certid (app_t app, const char *certid, cdf_object_t *r_cdf)
gpg_error_t err;
size_t objidlen;
unsigned char *objid;
cdf_object_t cdf;
err = parse_certid (certid, &objid, &objidlen);
if (err)
return err;
for (cdf = app->app_local->certificate_info; cdf; cdf = cdf->next)
if (cdf->objidlen == objidlen && !memcmp (cdf->objid, objid, objidlen))
if (!cdf)
for (cdf = app->app_local->trusted_certificate_info; cdf; cdf = cdf->next)
if (cdf->objidlen == objidlen && !memcmp (cdf->objid, objid, objidlen))
xfree (objid);
if (!cdf)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
*r_cdf = cdf;
return 0;
/* Find a private key object by the key Id string KEYIDSTR and store a
pointer to it at R_PRKDF. */
static gpg_error_t
prkdf_object_from_keyidstr (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
prkdf_object_t *r_prkdf)
gpg_error_t err;
size_t objidlen;
unsigned char *objid;
prkdf_object_t prkdf;
err = parse_certid (keyidstr, &objid, &objidlen);
if (err)
return err;
for (prkdf = app->app_local->private_key_info; prkdf; prkdf = prkdf->next)
if (prkdf->objidlen == objidlen && !memcmp (prkdf->objid, objid, objidlen))
xfree (objid);
if (!prkdf)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
*r_prkdf = prkdf;
return 0;
/* Parse the BIT STRING with the keyUsageFlags from the
CommonKeyAttributes. */
static gpg_error_t
parse_keyusage_flags (const unsigned char *der, size_t derlen,
keyusage_flags_t *usageflags)
unsigned int bits, mask;
int i, unused, full;
memset (usageflags, 0, sizeof *usageflags);
if (!derlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
unused = *der++; derlen--;
if ((!derlen && unused) || unused/8 > derlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENCODING_PROBLEM);
full = derlen - (unused+7)/8;
unused %= 8;
mask = 0;
for (i=1; unused; i <<= 1, unused--)
mask |= i;
/* First octet */
if (derlen)
bits = *der++; derlen--;
if (full)
bits &= ~mask;
mask = 0;
bits = 0;
if ((bits & 0x80)) usageflags->encrypt = 1;
if ((bits & 0x40)) usageflags->decrypt = 1;
if ((bits & 0x20)) usageflags->sign = 1;
if ((bits & 0x10)) usageflags->sign_recover = 1;
if ((bits & 0x08)) usageflags->wrap = 1;
if ((bits & 0x04)) usageflags->unwrap = 1;
if ((bits & 0x02)) usageflags->verify = 1;
if ((bits & 0x01)) usageflags->verify_recover = 1;
/* Second octet. */
if (derlen)
bits = *der++; derlen--;
if (full)
bits &= ~mask;
mask = 0;
bits = 0;
if ((bits & 0x80)) usageflags->derive = 1;
if ((bits & 0x40)) usageflags->non_repudiation = 1;
return 0;
/* Read and parse a Private Key Directory File containing a single key
description in PKCS#15 format. For each private key a matching
certificate description is created, if the certificate EF exists
and contains a X.509 certificate.
Example data:
0000 30 2A 30 13 0C 11 4A 6F 65 20 44 6F 65 20 28 52 0*0...Joe Doe (R
0010 53 41 32 30 34 38 29 30 07 04 01 01 03 02 02 74 SA2048)0.......t
0020 A1 0A 30 08 30 02 04 00 02 02 08 00 ..0.0.......
Decoded example:
UTF8-STRING SIZE( 17 ) -- label
0000 4A 6F 65 20 44 6F 65 20 28 52 53 41 32 30 34 38 Joe Doe (RSA2048
0010 29 )
0000 01
BIT-STRING SIZE( 2 ) -- key usage
0000 02 74
OCTET-STRING SIZE( 0 ) -- empty path, req object in PKCS#15
INTEGER SIZE( 2 ) -- modulus size in bits
0000 08 00
static gpg_error_t
read_ef_prkd (app_t app, unsigned short fid, prkdf_object_t *prkdresult,
cdf_object_t *cdresult)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
size_t buflen;
const unsigned char *p;
size_t n, objlen, hdrlen;
int class, tag, constructed, ndef;
int i;
const unsigned char *pp;
size_t nn;
int where;
const char *errstr = NULL;
prkdf_object_t prkdf = NULL;
cdf_object_t cdf = NULL;
unsigned long ul;
const unsigned char *objid;
size_t objidlen;
keyusage_flags_t usageflags;
const char *s;
key_type_t keytype;
size_t keysize;
if (!fid)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA); /* No private keys. */
err = select_and_read_binary (app->slot, fid, "PrKDF", &buffer, &buflen, 255);
if (err)
return err;
p = buffer;
n = buflen;
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > n || (tag != TAG_SEQUENCE && tag != 0x00)))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
log_error ("error parsing PrKDF record: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
keytype = tag == 0x00 ? KEY_TYPE_ECC : KEY_TYPE_RSA;
pp = p;
nn = objlen;
p += objlen;
n -= objlen;
/* Parse the commonObjectAttributes. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
const unsigned char *ppp = pp;
size_t nnn = objlen;
pp += objlen;
nn -= objlen;
/* Search the optional AuthId. We need to skip the optional Label
(UTF8STRING) and the optional CommonObjectFlags (BITSTRING). */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nnn || class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto no_authid;
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (tag == TAG_UTF8_STRING)
ppp += objlen; /* Skip the Label. */
nnn -= objlen;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nnn || class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto no_authid;
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (tag == TAG_BIT_STRING)
ppp += objlen; /* Skip the CommonObjectFlags. */
nnn -= objlen;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nnn || class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto no_authid;
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (tag == TAG_OCTET_STRING && objlen)
/* AuthId ignored */
/* Parse the commonKeyAttributes. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
const unsigned char *ppp = pp;
size_t nnn = objlen;
pp += objlen;
nn -= objlen;
/* Get the Id. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nnn
|| class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_OCTET_STRING))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
objid = ppp;
objidlen = objlen;
ppp += objlen;
nnn -= objlen;
/* Get the KeyUsageFlags. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nnn
|| class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_BIT_STRING))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
err = parse_keyusage_flags (ppp, objlen, &usageflags);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
ppp += objlen;
nnn -= objlen;
/* Find the keyReference */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto leave_cki;
if (!err && objlen > nnn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_BOOLEAN)
/* Skip the native element. */
ppp += objlen;
nnn -= objlen;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto leave_cki;
if (!err && objlen > nnn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_BIT_STRING)
/* Skip the accessFlags. */
ppp += objlen;
nnn -= objlen;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
goto leave_cki;
if (!err && objlen > nnn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_INTEGER)
/* Yep, this is the keyReference.
Note: UL is currently not used. */
for (ul=0; objlen; objlen--)
ul <<= 8;
ul |= (*ppp++) & 0xff;
/* Skip subClassAttributes. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && objlen > nn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (class == CLASS_CONTEXT && tag == 0)
pp += objlen;
nn -= objlen;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
/* Parse the keyAttributes. */
if (!err && (objlen > nn || class != CLASS_CONTEXT || tag != 1))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
nn = objlen;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && objlen > nn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
nn = objlen;
/* Check that the reference is a Path object. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && objlen > nn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
errstr = "unsupported reference type";
goto parse_error;
pp += objlen;
nn -= objlen;
/* Parse the key size object. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && objlen > nn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
keysize = 0;
if (class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_INTEGER && objlen == 2)
keysize = *pp++ << 8;
keysize += *pp++;
/* Create a new PrKDF list item. */
prkdf = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *prkdf);
if (!prkdf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
prkdf->keytype = keytype;
prkdf->keysize = keysize;
prkdf->objidlen = objidlen;
prkdf->objid = xtrymalloc (objidlen);
if (!prkdf->objid)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (prkdf);
prkdf = NULL;
goto leave;
memcpy (prkdf->objid, objid, objidlen);
prkdf->usageflags = usageflags;
prkdf->key_reference = fid & 0xFF;
log_debug ("PrKDF %04hX: id=", fid);
for (i=0; i < prkdf->objidlen; i++)
log_printf ("%02X", prkdf->objid[i]);
log_printf (" keyref=0x%02X", prkdf->key_reference);
log_printf (" keysize=%zu", prkdf->keysize);
log_printf (" usage=");
s = "";
if (prkdf->usageflags.encrypt)
log_printf ("%sencrypt", s);
s = ",";
if (prkdf->usageflags.decrypt)
log_printf ("%sdecrypt", s);
s = ",";
if (prkdf->usageflags.sign)
log_printf ("%ssign", s);
s = ",";
if (prkdf->usageflags.sign_recover)
log_printf ("%ssign_recover", s);
s = ",";
if (prkdf->usageflags.wrap )
log_printf ("%swrap", s);
s = ",";
if (prkdf->usageflags.unwrap )
log_printf ("%sunwrap", s);
s = ",";
if (prkdf->usageflags.verify )
log_printf ("%sverify", s);
s = ",";
if (prkdf->usageflags.verify_recover)
log_printf ("%sverify_recover", s);
s = ",";
if (prkdf->usageflags.derive )
log_printf ("%sderive", s);
s = ",";
if (prkdf->usageflags.non_repudiation)
log_printf ("%snon_repudiation", s);
s = ",";
log_printf ("\n");
xfree (buffer);
buffer = NULL;
buflen = 0;
err = select_and_read_binary (app->slot,
((SC_HSM_EE_PREFIX << 8) | (fid & 0xFF)),
"CertEF", &buffer, &buflen, 1);
if (!err && buffer[0] == 0x30)
/* Create a matching CDF list item. */
cdf = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *cdf);
if (!cdf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
cdf->objidlen = prkdf->objidlen;
cdf->objid = xtrymalloc (cdf->objidlen);
if (!cdf->objid)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (cdf);
cdf = NULL;
goto leave;
memcpy (cdf->objid, prkdf->objid, objidlen);
cdf->fid = (SC_HSM_EE_PREFIX << 8) | (fid & 0xFF);
log_debug ("CDF %04hX: id=", fid);
for (i=0; i < cdf->objidlen; i++)
log_printf ("%02X", cdf->objid[i]);
log_printf (" fid=%04X\n", cdf->fid);
goto leave; /* Ready. */
log_error ("error parsing PrKDF record (%d): %s - skipped\n",
where, errstr? errstr : gpg_strerror (err));
err = 0;
xfree (buffer);
if (err)
if (prkdf)
if (prkdf->objid)
xfree (prkdf->objid);
xfree (prkdf);
if (cdf)
if (cdf->objid)
xfree (cdf->objid);
xfree (cdf);
prkdf->next = *prkdresult;
*prkdresult = prkdf;
if (cdf)
cdf->next = *cdresult;
*cdresult = cdf;
return err;
/* Read and parse the Certificate Description File identified by FID.
On success a the CDF list gets stored at RESULT and the caller is
then responsible of releasing the object.
Example data:
0000 30 35 30 11 0C 0B 43 65 72 74 69 66 69 63 61 74 050...Certificat
0010 65 03 02 06 40 30 16 04 14 C2 01 7C 2F BA A4 4A e...@0.....|/..J
0020 4A BB B8 49 11 DB 4A CA AA 7E 6A 2D 1B A1 08 30 J..I..J..~j-...0
0030 06 30 04 04 02 CA 00 .0.....
Decoded example:
UTF8-STRING SIZE( 11 ) -- label
0000 43 65 72 74 69 66 69 63 61 74 65 Certificate
BIT-STRING SIZE( 2 ) -- common object attributes
0000 06 40
0000 C2 01 7C 2F BA A4 4A 4A BB B8 49 11 DB 4A CA AA
0010 7E 6A 2D 1B
OCTET-STRING SIZE( 2 ) -- path
0000 CA 00 ..
static gpg_error_t
read_ef_cd (app_t app, unsigned short fid, cdf_object_t *result)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
size_t buflen;
const unsigned char *p;
size_t n, objlen, hdrlen;
int class, tag, constructed, ndef;
int i;
const unsigned char *pp;
size_t nn;
int where;
const char *errstr = NULL;
cdf_object_t cdf = NULL;
const unsigned char *objid;
size_t objidlen;
if (!fid)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA); /* No certificates. */
err = select_and_read_binary (app->slot, fid, "CDF", &buffer, &buflen, 255);
if (err)
return err;
p = buffer;
n = buflen;
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > n || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
log_error ("error parsing CDF record: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
pp = p;
nn = objlen;
p += objlen;
n -= objlen;
/* Skip the commonObjectAttributes. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
pp += objlen;
nn -= objlen;
/* Parse the commonCertificateAttributes. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
const unsigned char *ppp = pp;
size_t nnn = objlen;
pp += objlen;
nn -= objlen;
/* Get the Id. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&ppp, &nnn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nnn
|| class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_OCTET_STRING))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
objid = ppp;
objidlen = objlen;
/* Parse the certAttribute. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn || class != CLASS_CONTEXT || tag != 1))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
nn = objlen;
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn
|| class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
nn = objlen;
/* Check that the reference is a Path object. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && objlen > nn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
if (class != CLASS_UNIVERSAL || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
goto parse_error;
nn = objlen;
/* Parse the Path object. */
where = __LINE__;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && objlen > nn)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto parse_error;
/* Make sure that the next element is a non zero path and of
even length (FID are two bytes each). */
|| (objlen & 1) )
errstr = "invalid path reference";
goto parse_error;
/* Create a new CDF list item. */
cdf = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *cdf);
if (!cdf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
cdf->objidlen = objidlen;
cdf->objid = xtrymalloc (objidlen);
if (!cdf->objid)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (cdf);
cdf = NULL;
goto leave;
memcpy (cdf->objid, objid, objidlen);
cdf->fid = (SC_HSM_CA_PREFIX << 8) | (fid & 0xFF);
log_debug ("CDF %04hX: id=", fid);
for (i=0; i < cdf->objidlen; i++)
log_printf ("%02X", cdf->objid[i]);
goto leave;
log_error ("error parsing CDF record (%d): %s - skipped\n",
where, errstr? errstr : gpg_strerror (err));
err = 0;
xfree (buffer);
if (err)
if (cdf)
if (cdf->objid)
xfree (cdf->objid);
xfree (cdf);
cdf->next = *result;
*result = cdf;
return err;
/* Read the device certificate and extract the serial number.
EF.C_DevAut (2F02) contains two CVCs, the first is the device
certificate, the second is the issuer certificate.
Example data:
0000 7F 21 81 E2 7F 4E 81 9B 5F 29 01 00 42 0B 55 54 .!...N.._)..B.UT
0010 43 43 30 32 30 30 30 30 32 7F 49 4F 06 0A 04 00 CC0200002.IO....
0020 7F 00 07 02 02 02 02 03 86 41 04 6D FF D6 85 57 .........A.m...W
0030 40 FB 10 5D 94 71 8A 94 D2 5E 50 33 E7 1E C0 6C @..].q...^P3...l
0040 63 D5 C8 FC BA F3 02 1D 70 23 F6 47 E8 35 48 EF c.......p#.G.5H.
0050 B5 94 72 3C 6F BE C0 EB 9A C7 FB 06 59 26 CF 65 ..r<o.......Y&.e
0060 EF A1 72 E0 98 F3 F0 44 1B B7 71 5F 20 10 55 54 ..r....D..q_ .UT
0070 43 43 30 32 30 30 30 31 33 30 30 30 30 30 7F 4C CC020001300000.L
0080 10 06 0B 2B 06 01 04 01 81 C3 1F 03 01 01 53 01 ...+..........S.
0090 00 5F 25 06 01 04 00 07 01 01 5F 24 06 02 01 00 ._%......._$....
00A0 03 02 07 5F 37 40 7F 73 04 3B 06 63 79 41 BE 1A ..._7@.s.;.cyA..
00B0 9F FC F6 77 67 2B 8A 41 D1 11 F6 9B 54 44 AD 19 ...wg+.A....TD..
00C0 FB B8 0C C6 2F 34 71 8E 4F F6 92 59 34 61 D9 4F ..../4q.O..Y4a.O
00D0 4A 86 36 A8 D8 9A C6 3C 17 7E 71 CE A8 26 D0 C5 J.6....<.~q..&..
00E0 25 61 78 9D 01 F8 7F 21 81 E0 7F 4E 81 99 5F 29 %ax....!...N.._)
00F0 01 00 42 0E 55 54 53 52 43 41 43 43 31 30 30 30 ..B.UTSRCACC1000
0100 30 31 7F 49 4F 06 0A 04 00 7F 00 07 02 02 02 02 01.IO...........
0110 03 86 41 04 2F EA 33 47 7F 45 81 E2 FC CB 66 87 ..A./.3G.E....f.
0120 4B 96 21 1D 68 81 73 F2 9F 8F 6B 91 F0 DE 4B 54 K.!.h.s...k...KT
0130 8E D8 F0 82 3D CB BE 10 98 A3 1E 4F F0 72 5C E5 ....=......O.r\.
0140 7B 1E F7 3C 68 09 03 E8 A0 3F 3E 06 C1 B0 3C 18 {..<h....?>...<.
0150 6B AC 06 EA 5F 20 0B 55 54 43 43 30 32 30 30 30 k..._ .UTCC02000
0160 30 32 7F 4C 10 06 0B 2B 06 01 04 01 81 C3 1F 03 02.L...+........
0170 01 01 53 01 80 5F 25 06 01 03 00 03 02 08 5F 24 ..S.._%......._$
0180 06 02 01 00 03 02 07 5F 37 40 93 C1 42 8B B3 8E ......._7@..B...
0190 42 61 6F 2C 19 E6 98 41 BD AA 60 BD E0 DD 4E F0 Bao,...A..`...N.
01A0 15 D5 4F 71 B7 BB C3 3A F2 AD 27 5E DD EE 6D 12 ..Oq...:..'^..m.
01B0 76 E6 2B A0 4C 01 CA C1 26 0C 45 6D C6 CB EC 92 v.+.L...&.Em....
01C0 BF 38 18 AD 8F B2 29 40 A9 51 .8....)@.Q
The certificate format is defined in BSI TR-03110:
5F29 [ APPLICATION 41 ] SIZE( 1 ) -- profile id
0000 00
42 [ APPLICATION 2 ] SIZE( 11 ) -- CAR
0000 55 54 43 43 30 32 30 30 30 30 32 UTCC0200002
7F49 [ APPLICATION 73 ] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE SIZE( 79 ) -- public key
86 [ CONTEXT 6 ] SIZE( 65 )
0000 04 6D FF D6 85 57 40 FB 10 5D 94 71 8A 94 D2 5E
0010 50 33 E7 1E C0 6C 63 D5 C8 FC BA F3 02 1D 70 23
0020 F6 47 E8 35 48 EF B5 94 72 3C 6F BE C0 EB 9A C7
0030 FB 06 59 26 CF 65 EF A1 72 E0 98 F3 F0 44 1B B7
0040 71
5F20 [ APPLICATION 32 ] SIZE( 16 ) -- CHR
0000 55 54 43 43 30 32 30 30 30 31 33 30 30 30 30 30 UTCC020001300000
OBJECT IDENTIFIER = { 1 3 6 1 4 1 24991 3 1 1 }
53 [ APPLICATION 19 ] SIZE( 1 )
0000 00
5F25 [ APPLICATION 37 ] SIZE( 6 ) -- Valid from
0000 01 04 00 07 01 01
5F24 [ APPLICATION 36 ] SIZE( 6 ) -- Valid to
0000 02 01 00 03 02 07
5F37 [ APPLICATION 55 ] SIZE( 64 ) -- Signature
0000 7F 73 04 3B 06 63 79 41 BE 1A 9F FC F6 77 67 2B
0010 8A 41 D1 11 F6 9B 54 44 AD 19 FB B8 0C C6 2F 34
0020 71 8E 4F F6 92 59 34 61 D9 4F 4A 86 36 A8 D8 9A
0030 C6 3C 17 7E 71 CE A8 26 D0 C5 25 61 78 9D 01 F8
The serial number is contained in tag 5F20, while the last 5 digits
are truncated.
static gpg_error_t
read_serialno(app_t app)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
size_t buflen;
const unsigned char *p,*chr;
size_t n, objlen, hdrlen, chrlen;
int class, tag, constructed, ndef;
err = select_and_read_binary (app->slot, 0x2F02, "EF.C_DevAut",
&buffer, &buflen, 512);
if (err)
return err;
p = buffer;
n = buflen;
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > n || tag != 0x21))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
log_error ("error parsing C_DevAut: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
chr = find_tlv (p, objlen, 0x5F20, &chrlen);
if (!chr || chrlen <= 5)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
log_error ("CHR not found in CVC\n");
goto leave;
chrlen -= 5;
app->serialno = xtrymalloc (chrlen);
if (!app->serialno)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
app->serialnolen = chrlen;
memcpy (app->serialno, chr, chrlen);
xfree (buffer);
return err;
/* Get all the basic information from the SmartCard-HSM, check the
structure and initialize our local context. This is used once at
application initialization. */
static gpg_error_t
read_meta (app_t app)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *eflist = NULL;
size_t eflistlen = 0;
int i;
err = read_serialno(app);
if (err)
return err;
err = list_ef (app->slot, &eflist, &eflistlen);
if (err)
return err;
for (i = 0; i < eflistlen; i += 2)
if (eflist[i + 1] == 0) /* No key with ID=0 */
err = read_ef_prkd (app, ((SC_HSM_PRKD_PREFIX << 8) | eflist[i + 1]),
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
err = 0;
if (err)
return err;
err = read_ef_cd (app, ((eflist[i] << 8) | eflist[i + 1]),
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
err = 0;
if (err)
return err;
xfree (eflist);
return err;
/* Helper to do_learn_status: Send information about all certificates
listed in CERTINFO back. Use CERTTYPE as type of the
certificate. */
static gpg_error_t
send_certinfo (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *certtype, cdf_object_t certinfo)
for (; certinfo; certinfo = certinfo->next)
char *buf, *p;
buf = xtrymalloc (4 + certinfo->objidlen*2 + 1);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
p = stpcpy (buf, "HSM.");
bin2hex (certinfo->objid, certinfo->objidlen, p);
send_status_info (ctrl, "CERTINFO",
certtype, strlen (certtype),
buf, strlen (buf),
NULL, (size_t)0);
xfree (buf);
return 0;
/* Get the keygrip of the private key object PRKDF. On success the
keygrip gets returned in the caller provided 41 byte buffer
static gpg_error_t
keygripstr_from_prkdf (app_t app, prkdf_object_t prkdf, char *r_gripstr)
gpg_error_t err;
cdf_object_t cdf;
unsigned char *der;
size_t derlen;
ksba_cert_t cert;
/* Look for a matching certificate. A certificate matches if the Id
matches the one of the private key info. */
for (cdf = app->app_local->certificate_info; cdf; cdf = cdf->next)
if (cdf->objidlen == prkdf->objidlen
&& !memcmp (cdf->objid, prkdf->objid, prkdf->objidlen))
if (!cdf)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
err = readcert_by_cdf (app, cdf, &der, &derlen);
if (err)
return err;
err = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (!err)
err = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, der, derlen);
xfree (der);
if (!err)
err = app_help_get_keygrip_string (cert, r_gripstr);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
return err;
/* Helper to do_learn_status: Send information about all known
keypairs back. */
static gpg_error_t
send_keypairinfo (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, prkdf_object_t keyinfo)
gpg_error_t err;
for (; keyinfo; keyinfo = keyinfo->next)
char gripstr[40+1];
char *buf, *p;
buf = xtrymalloc (4 + keyinfo->objidlen*2 + 1);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
p = stpcpy (buf, "HSM.");
bin2hex (keyinfo->objid, keyinfo->objidlen, p);
err = keygripstr_from_prkdf (app, keyinfo, gripstr);
if (err)
log_error ("can't get keygrip from %04X\n", keyinfo->key_reference);
assert (strlen (gripstr) == 40);
send_status_info (ctrl, "KEYPAIRINFO",
gripstr, 40,
buf, strlen (buf),
NULL, (size_t)0);
xfree (buf);
return 0;
/* This is the handler for the LEARN command. */
static gpg_error_t
do_learn_status (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, unsigned int flags)
gpg_error_t err;
if ((flags & 1))
err = 0;
err = send_certinfo (ctrl, "100", app->app_local->certificate_info);
if (!err)
err = send_certinfo (ctrl, "101",
if (!err)
err = send_keypairinfo (app, ctrl, app->app_local->private_key_info);
return err;
/* Read a certificate using the information in CDF and return the
certificate in a newly allocated buffer R_CERT and its length
static gpg_error_t
readcert_by_cdf (app_t app, cdf_object_t cdf,
unsigned char **r_cert, size_t *r_certlen)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
const unsigned char *p, *save_p;
size_t buflen, n;
int class, tag, constructed, ndef;
size_t totobjlen, objlen, hdrlen;
int rootca;
int i;
*r_cert = NULL;
*r_certlen = 0;
/* First check whether it has been cached. */
if (cdf->image)
*r_cert = xtrymalloc (cdf->imagelen);
if (!*r_cert)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (*r_cert, cdf->image, cdf->imagelen);
*r_certlen = cdf->imagelen;
return 0;
err = select_and_read_binary (app->slot, cdf->fid, "CD",
&buffer, &buflen, 4096);
if (err)
log_error ("error reading certificate with Id ");
for (i=0; i < cdf->objidlen; i++)
log_printf ("%02X", cdf->objid[i]);
log_printf (": %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Check whether this is really a certificate. */
p = buffer;
n = buflen;
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_SEQUENCE && constructed)
rootca = 0;
else if ( class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_SET && constructed )
rootca = 1;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
goto leave;
totobjlen = objlen + hdrlen;
assert (totobjlen <= buflen);
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (!rootca
&& class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_OBJECT_ID && !constructed)
/* The certificate seems to be contained in a userCertificate
container. Skip this and assume the following sequence is
the certificate. */
if (n < objlen)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
goto leave;
p += objlen;
n -= objlen;
save_p = p;
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (err)
goto leave;
if ( !(class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && tag == TAG_SEQUENCE && constructed) )
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
goto leave;
totobjlen = objlen + hdrlen;
assert (save_p + totobjlen <= buffer + buflen);
memmove (buffer, save_p, totobjlen);
*r_cert = buffer;
buffer = NULL;
*r_certlen = totobjlen;
/* Try to cache it. */
if (!cdf->image && (cdf->image = xtrymalloc (*r_certlen)))
memcpy (cdf->image, *r_cert, *r_certlen);
cdf->imagelen = *r_certlen;
xfree (buffer);
return err;
/* Handler for the READCERT command.
Read the certificate with id CERTID (as returned by learn_status in
the CERTINFO status lines) and return it in the freshly allocated
buffer to be stored at R_CERT and its length at R_CERTLEN. A error
code will be returned on failure and R_CERT and R_CERTLEN will be
set to (NULL,0). */
static gpg_error_t
do_readcert (app_t app, const char *certid,
unsigned char **r_cert, size_t *r_certlen)
gpg_error_t err;
cdf_object_t cdf;
*r_cert = NULL;
*r_certlen = 0;
err = cdf_object_from_certid (app, certid, &cdf);
if (!err)
err = readcert_by_cdf (app, cdf, r_cert, r_certlen);
return err;
/* Implement the GETATTR command. This is similar to the LEARN
command but returns just one value via the status interface. */
static gpg_error_t
do_getattr (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name)
if (!strcmp (name, "$AUTHKEYID"))
char *buf, *p;
prkdf_object_t prkdf;
/* We return the ID of the first private key capable of
signing. */
for (prkdf = app->app_local->private_key_info; prkdf;
prkdf = prkdf->next)
if (prkdf->usageflags.sign)
if (prkdf)
buf = xtrymalloc (4 + prkdf->objidlen*2 + 1);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
p = stpcpy (buf, "HSM.");
bin2hex (prkdf->objid, prkdf->objidlen, p);
send_status_info (ctrl, name, buf, strlen (buf), NULL, 0);
xfree (buf);
return 0;
else if (!strcmp (name, "$DISPSERIALNO"))
send_status_info (ctrl, name, app->serialno, app->serialnolen, NULL, 0);
return 0;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
/* Apply PKCS#1 V1.5 padding for signature operation. The function
* combines padding, digest info and the hash value. The buffer must
* be allocated by the caller matching the key size. */
static void
apply_PKCS_padding(const unsigned char *dig, int diglen,
const unsigned char *prefix, int prefixlen,
unsigned char *buff, int bufflen)
int i, n_ff;
/* Caller must ensure a sufficient buffer. */
if (diglen + prefixlen + 4 > bufflen)
n_ff = bufflen - diglen - prefixlen - 3;
*buff++ = 0x00;
*buff++ = 0x01;
for (i=0; i < n_ff; i++)
*buff++ = 0xFF;
*buff++ = 0x00;
if (prefix)
memcpy (buff, prefix, prefixlen);
buff += prefixlen;
memcpy (buff, dig, diglen);
/* Decode a digest info structure (DI,DILEN) to extract the hash
* value. The buffer HASH to receive the digest must be provided by
* the caller with HASHLEN pointing to the inbound length. HASHLEN is
* updated to the outbound length. */
static int
hash_from_digestinfo (const unsigned char *di, size_t dilen,
unsigned char *hash, size_t *hashlen)
const unsigned char *p,*pp;
size_t n, nn, objlen, hdrlen;
int class, tag, constructed, ndef;
gpg_error_t err;
p = di;
n = dilen;
err = parse_ber_header (&p, &n, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > n || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if ( err )
return err;
pp = p;
nn = objlen;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if ( err )
return err;
pp += objlen;
nn -= objlen;
err = parse_ber_header (&pp, &nn, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > nn || tag != TAG_OCTET_STRING))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if ( err )
return err;
if (*hashlen < objlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_SHORT);
memcpy (hash, pp, objlen);
*hashlen = objlen;
return 0;
/* Perform PIN verification
static gpg_error_t
verify_pin (app_t app, gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg)
gpg_error_t err;
pininfo_t pininfo;
char *pinvalue;
char *prompt;
int sw;
sw = apdu_send_simple (app->slot, 0, 0x00, ISO7816_VERIFY, 0x00, 0x81,
-1, NULL);
if (sw == SW_SUCCESS)
return 0; /* PIN already verified */
if (sw == SW_REF_DATA_INV)
log_error ("SmartCard-HSM not initialized. Run sc-hsm-tool first\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PIN);
if (sw == SW_CHV_BLOCKED)
log_error ("PIN Blocked\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_PIN_BLOCKED);
memset (&pininfo, 0, sizeof pininfo);
pininfo.fixedlen = 0;
pininfo.minlen = 6;
pininfo.maxlen = 15;
prompt = "||Please enter the PIN";
if (!opt.disable_pinpad
&& !iso7816_check_pinpad (app->slot, ISO7816_VERIFY, &pininfo) )
err = pincb (pincb_arg, prompt, NULL);
if (err)
log_info ("PIN callback returned error: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
err = iso7816_verify_kp (app->slot, 0x81, &pininfo);
pincb (pincb_arg, NULL, NULL); /* Dismiss the prompt. */
err = pincb (pincb_arg, prompt, &pinvalue);
if (err)
log_info ("PIN callback returned error: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
err = iso7816_verify (app->slot, 0x81, pinvalue, strlen(pinvalue));
xfree (pinvalue);
if (err)
log_error ("PIN verification failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
log_debug ("PIN verification succeeded\n");
return err;
/* Handler for the PKSIGN command.
Create the signature and return the allocated result in OUTDATA.
If a PIN is required, the PINCB will be used to ask for the PIN;
that callback should return the PIN in an allocated buffer and
store that as the 3rd argument.
The API is somewhat inconsistent: The caller can either supply
a plain hash and the algorithm in hashalgo or a complete
DigestInfo structure. The former is detect by characteristic length
of the provided data (20,28,32,48 or 64 byte).
The function returns the RSA block in the size of the modulus or
the ECDSA signature in X9.62 format (SEQ/INT(r)/INT(s))
static gpg_error_t
do_sign (app_t app, const char *keyidstr, int hashalgo,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen )
static unsigned char rmd160_prefix[15] = /* Object ID is */
{ 0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x24, 0x03,
0x02, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14 };
static unsigned char sha1_prefix[15] = /* ( */
{ 0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x0e, 0x03,
0x02, 0x1a, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14 };
static unsigned char sha224_prefix[19] = /* (2.16.840. */
{ 0x30, 0x2D, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86, 0x48,
0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04,
0x1C };
static unsigned char sha256_prefix[19] = /* (2.16.840. */
{ 0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86,
0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x05,
0x00, 0x04, 0x20 };
static unsigned char sha384_prefix[19] = /* (2.16.840. */
{ 0x30, 0x41, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86,
0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x02, 0x05,
0x00, 0x04, 0x30 };
static unsigned char sha512_prefix[19] = /* (2.16.840. */
{ 0x30, 0x51, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86,
0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05,
0x00, 0x04, 0x40 };
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char cdsblk[256]; /* Raw PKCS#1 V1.5 block with padding
(RSA) or hash. */
prkdf_object_t prkdf; /* The private key object. */
size_t cdsblklen;
unsigned char algoid;
int sw;
if (!keyidstr || !*keyidstr)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (indatalen > 124) /* Limit for 1024 bit key */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
err = prkdf_object_from_keyidstr (app, keyidstr, &prkdf);
if (err)
return err;
if (!(prkdf->usageflags.sign || prkdf->usageflags.sign_recover
log_error ("key %s may not be used for signing\n", keyidstr);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_KEY_USAGE);
if (prkdf->keytype == KEY_TYPE_RSA)
algoid = 0x20;
cdsblklen = prkdf->keysize >> 3;
if (!cdsblklen)
cdsblklen = 256;
if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_SHA1 && indatalen == 20)
apply_PKCS_padding (indata, indatalen,
sha1_prefix, sizeof(sha1_prefix),
cdsblk, cdsblklen);
else if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_MD5 && indatalen == 20)
apply_PKCS_padding (indata, indatalen,
rmd160_prefix, sizeof(rmd160_prefix),
cdsblk, cdsblklen);
else if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_SHA224 && indatalen == 28)
apply_PKCS_padding (indata, indatalen,
sha224_prefix, sizeof(sha224_prefix),
cdsblk, cdsblklen);
else if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_SHA256 && indatalen == 32)
apply_PKCS_padding (indata, indatalen,
sha256_prefix, sizeof(sha256_prefix),
cdsblk, cdsblklen);
else if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_SHA384 && indatalen == 48)
apply_PKCS_padding (indata, indatalen,
sha384_prefix, sizeof(sha384_prefix),
cdsblk, cdsblklen);
else if (hashalgo == GCRY_MD_SHA512 && indatalen == 64)
apply_PKCS_padding (indata, indatalen,
sha512_prefix, sizeof(sha512_prefix),
cdsblk, cdsblklen);
else /* Assume it's already a digest info or TLS_MD5SHA1 */
apply_PKCS_padding (indata, indatalen, NULL, 0, cdsblk, cdsblklen);
algoid = 0x70;
if (indatalen != 20 && indatalen != 28 && indatalen != 32
&& indatalen != 48 && indatalen != 64)
cdsblklen = sizeof(cdsblk);
err = hash_from_digestinfo (indata, indatalen, cdsblk, &cdsblklen);
if (err)
log_error ("DigestInfo invalid: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
memcpy (cdsblk, indata, indatalen);
cdsblklen = indatalen;
err = verify_pin (app, pincb, pincb_arg);
if (err)
return err;
sw = apdu_send_le (app->slot, 1, 0x80, 0x68, prkdf->key_reference, algoid,
cdsblklen, cdsblk, 0, outdata, outdatalen);
return iso7816_map_sw (sw);
/* Handler for the PKAUTH command.
This is basically the same as the PKSIGN command but we first check
that the requested key is suitable for authentication; that is, it
must match the criteria used for the attribute $AUTHKEYID. See
do_sign for calling conventions; there is no HASHALGO, though. */
static gpg_error_t
do_auth (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen )
gpg_error_t err;
prkdf_object_t prkdf;
int algo;
if (!keyidstr || !*keyidstr)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
err = prkdf_object_from_keyidstr (app, keyidstr, &prkdf);
if (err)
return err;
if (!prkdf->usageflags.sign)
log_error ("key %s may not be used for authentication\n", keyidstr);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_KEY_USAGE);
algo = indatalen == 36? MD_USER_TLS_MD5SHA1 : GCRY_MD_SHA1;
return do_sign (app, keyidstr, algo, pincb, pincb_arg,
indata, indatalen, outdata, outdatalen);
/* Check PKCS#1 V1.5 padding and extract plain text. The function
* allocates a buffer for the plain text. The caller must release the
* buffer. */
static gpg_error_t
strip_PKCS15_padding(unsigned char *src, int srclen, unsigned char **dst,
size_t *dstlen)
unsigned char *p;
if (srclen < 2)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DECRYPT_FAILED);
if (*src++ != 0x00)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DECRYPT_FAILED);
if (*src++ != 0x02)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DECRYPT_FAILED);
srclen -= 2;
while ((srclen > 0) && *src)
if (srclen < 2)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DECRYPT_FAILED);
p = xtrymalloc (srclen);
if (!p)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (p, src, srclen);
*dst = p;
*dstlen = srclen;
return 0;
/* Decrypt a PKCS#1 V1.5 formatted cryptogram using the referenced
key. */
static gpg_error_t
do_decipher (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen,
unsigned int *r_info)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char p1blk[256]; /* Enciphered P1 block */
prkdf_object_t prkdf; /* The private key object. */
unsigned char *rspdata;
size_t rspdatalen;
size_t p1blklen;
int sw;
if (!keyidstr || !*keyidstr || !indatalen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
err = prkdf_object_from_keyidstr (app, keyidstr, &prkdf);
if (err)
return err;
if (!(prkdf->usageflags.decrypt || prkdf->usageflags.unwrap))
log_error ("key %s may not be used for deciphering\n", keyidstr);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_KEY_USAGE);
if (prkdf->keytype != KEY_TYPE_RSA)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
p1blklen = prkdf->keysize >> 3;
if (!p1blklen)
p1blklen = 256;
/* The input may be shorter (due to MPIs not storing leading zeroes)
or longer than the block size. We put INDATA right aligned into
the buffer. If INDATA is longer than the block size we truncate
it on the left. */
memset (p1blk, 0, sizeof(p1blk));
if (indatalen > p1blklen)
memcpy (p1blk, (unsigned char *)indata + (indatalen - p1blklen), p1blklen);
memcpy (p1blk + (p1blklen - indatalen), indata, indatalen);
err = verify_pin(app, pincb, pincb_arg);
if (err)
return err;
sw = apdu_send_le (app->slot, 1, 0x80, 0x62, prkdf->key_reference, 0x21,
p1blklen, p1blk, 0, &rspdata, &rspdatalen);
err = iso7816_map_sw (sw);
if (err)
log_error ("Decrypt failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
err = strip_PKCS15_padding (rspdata, rspdatalen, outdata, outdatalen);
xfree (rspdata);
if (!err)
return err;
* Select the SmartCard-HSM application on the card in SLOT.
app_select_sc_hsm (app_t app)
int slot = app->slot;
int rc;
rc = iso7816_select_application (slot, sc_hsm_aid, sizeof sc_hsm_aid, 0);
if (!rc)
app->apptype = "SC-HSM";
app->app_local = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *app->app_local);
if (!app->app_local)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
rc = read_meta (app);
if (rc)
goto leave;
app->fnc.deinit = do_deinit;
app->fnc.learn_status = do_learn_status;
app->fnc.readcert = do_readcert;
app->fnc.getattr = do_getattr;
app->fnc.setattr = NULL;
app->fnc.genkey = NULL;
app->fnc.sign = do_sign;
app->fnc.auth = do_auth;
app->fnc.decipher = do_decipher;
app->fnc.change_pin = NULL;
app->fnc.check_pin = NULL;
if (rc)
do_deinit (app);
return rc;
diff --git a/scd/app.c b/scd/app.c
index 1f21dc149..40bdd22a5 100644
--- a/scd/app.c
+++ b/scd/app.c
@@ -1,959 +1,959 @@
/* app.c - Application selection.
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <npth.h>
#include "scdaemon.h"
#include "app-common.h"
#include "iso7816.h"
#include "apdu.h"
#include "tlv.h"
/* This table is used to keep track of locks on a per reader base.
The index into the table is the slot number of the reader. The
mutex will be initialized on demand (one of the advantages of a
userland threading system). */
static struct
int initialized;
npth_mutex_t lock;
app_t app; /* Application context in use or NULL. */
} lock_table[10];
static void deallocate_app (app_t app);
static void
print_progress_line (void *opaque, const char *what, int pc, int cur, int tot)
ctrl_t ctrl = opaque;
char line[100];
if (ctrl)
snprintf (line, sizeof line, "%s %c %d %d", what, pc, cur, tot);
send_status_direct (ctrl, "PROGRESS", line);
/* Lock the reader SLOT. This function shall be used right before
calling any of the actual application functions to serialize access
to the reader. We do this always even if the reader is not
actually used. This allows an actual connection to assume that it
never shares a reader (while performing one command). Returns 0 on
success; only then the unlock_reader function must be called after
returning from the handler. */
static gpg_error_t
lock_reader (int slot, ctrl_t ctrl)
int res;
if (slot < 0 || slot >= DIM (lock_table))
return gpg_error (slot<0? GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE : GPG_ERR_RESOURCE_LIMIT);
if (!lock_table[slot].initialized)
res = npth_mutex_init (&lock_table[slot].lock, NULL);
if (res)
log_error ("error initializing mutex: %s\n", strerror (res));
return gpg_error_from_errno (res);
lock_table[slot].initialized = 1;
lock_table[slot].app = NULL;
res = npth_mutex_lock (&lock_table[slot].lock);
if (res)
log_error ("failed to acquire APP lock for slot %d: %s\n",
slot, strerror (res));
return gpg_error_from_errno (res);
apdu_set_progress_cb (slot, print_progress_line, ctrl);
return 0;
/* Release a lock on the reader. See lock_reader(). */
static void
unlock_reader (int slot)
int res;
if (slot < 0 || slot >= DIM (lock_table)
|| !lock_table[slot].initialized)
log_bug ("unlock_reader called for invalid slot %d\n", slot);
apdu_set_progress_cb (slot, NULL, NULL);
res = npth_mutex_unlock (&lock_table[slot].lock);
if (res)
log_error ("failed to release APP lock for slot %d: %s\n",
slot, strerror (res));
/* This function may be called to print information pertaining to the
current state of this module to the log. */
app_dump_state (void)
int slot;
for (slot=0; slot < DIM (lock_table); slot++)
if (lock_table[slot].initialized)
log_info ("app_dump_state: slot=%d", slot);
if (lock_table[slot].app)
log_printf (" app=%p", lock_table[slot].app);
if (lock_table[slot].app->apptype)
log_printf (" type='%s'", lock_table[slot].app->apptype);
log_printf ("\n");
/* Check wether the application NAME is allowed. This does not mean
we have support for it though. */
static int
is_app_allowed (const char *name)
strlist_t l;
for (l=opt.disabled_applications; l; l = l->next)
if (!strcmp (l->d, name))
return 0; /* no */
return 1; /* yes */
/* This may be called to tell this module about a removed or resetted card. */
application_notify_card_reset (int slot)
if (slot < 0 || slot >= DIM (lock_table))
/* FIXME: We are ignoring any error value here. */
lock_reader (slot, NULL);
/* Release the APP, as it's not reusable any more. */
if (lock_table[slot].app)
if (lock_table[slot].app->ref_count)
log_bug ("trying to release active context\n");
deallocate_app (lock_table[slot].app);
lock_table[slot].app = NULL;
log_debug ("application has been released\n");
unlock_reader (slot);
* This function is called with lock held.
static gpg_error_t
check_conflict (int slot, const char *name)
app_t app = lock_table[slot].app;
if (!app || !name || (app->apptype && !ascii_strcasecmp (app->apptype, name)))
return 0;
if (!app->ref_count)
lock_table[slot].app = NULL;
deallocate_app (app);
return 0;
log_info ("application '%s' in use by reader %d - can't switch\n",
app->apptype? app->apptype : "<null>", slot);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFLICT);
/* This function is used by the serialno command to check for an
application conflict which may appear if the serialno command is
used to request a specific application and the connection has
already done a select_application. */
check_application_conflict (ctrl_t ctrl, int slot, const char *name)
gpg_error_t err;
if (slot < 0 || slot >= DIM (lock_table))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
err = lock_reader (slot, ctrl);
if (err)
return err;
err = check_conflict (slot, name);
unlock_reader (slot);
return err;
/* If called with NAME as NULL, select the best fitting application
and return a context; otherwise select the application with NAME
and return a context. SLOT identifies the reader device. Returns
an error code and stores NULL at R_APP if no application was found
or no card is present. */
select_application (ctrl_t ctrl, int slot, const char *name, app_t *r_app)
gpg_error_t err;
app_t app = NULL;
unsigned char *result = NULL;
size_t resultlen;
int want_undefined;
*r_app = NULL;
want_undefined = (name && !strcmp (name, "undefined"));
err = lock_reader (slot, ctrl);
if (err)
return err;
/* First check whether we already have an application to share. */
err = check_conflict (slot, name);
if (err)
unlock_reader (slot);
return err;
app = lock_table[slot].app;
/* If we can reuse an application, bump the reference count and
return it. */
if (app)
if (app->slot != slot)
log_bug ("slot mismatch %d/%d\n", app->slot, slot);
app->slot = slot;
*r_app = app;
unlock_reader (slot);
return 0; /* Okay: We share that one. */
/* Need to allocate a new one. */
app = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *app);
if (!app)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_info ("error allocating context: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
unlock_reader (slot);
return err;
app->slot = slot;
/* Fixme: We should now first check whether a card is at all
present. */
/* Try to read the GDO file first to get a default serial number.
We skip this if the undefined application has been requested. */
if (!want_undefined)
err = iso7816_select_file (slot, 0x3F00, 1, NULL, NULL);
if (!err)
err = iso7816_select_file (slot, 0x2F02, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!err)
err = iso7816_read_binary (slot, 0, 0, &result, &resultlen);
if (!err)
size_t n;
const unsigned char *p;
p = find_tlv_unchecked (result, resultlen, 0x5A, &n);
if (p)
resultlen -= (p-result);
if (p && n > resultlen && n == 0x0d && resultlen+1 == n)
/* The object it does not fit into the buffer. This is an
invalid encoding (or the buffer is too short. However, I
have some test cards with such an invalid encoding and
therefore I use this ugly workaround to return something
I can further experiment with. */
log_info ("enabling BMI testcard workaround\n");
if (p && n <= resultlen)
/* The GDO file is pretty short, thus we simply reuse it for
storing the serial number. */
memmove (result, p, n);
app->serialno = result;
app->serialnolen = n;
err = app_munge_serialno (app);
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (result);
result = NULL;
/* For certain error codes, there is no need to try more. */
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_PRESENT
|| gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_ENODEV)
goto leave;
/* Figure out the application to use. */
if (want_undefined)
/* We switch to the "undefined" application only if explicitly
requested. */
app->apptype = "UNDEFINED";
err = 0;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
if (err && is_app_allowed ("openpgp")
&& (!name || !strcmp (name, "openpgp")))
err = app_select_openpgp (app);
if (err && is_app_allowed ("nks") && (!name || !strcmp (name, "nks")))
err = app_select_nks (app);
if (err && is_app_allowed ("p15") && (!name || !strcmp (name, "p15")))
err = app_select_p15 (app);
if (err && is_app_allowed ("geldkarte")
&& (!name || !strcmp (name, "geldkarte")))
err = app_select_geldkarte (app);
if (err && is_app_allowed ("dinsig") && (!name || !strcmp (name, "dinsig")))
err = app_select_dinsig (app);
if (err && is_app_allowed ("sc-hsm") && (!name || !strcmp (name, "sc-hsm")))
err = app_select_sc_hsm (app);
if (err && name && gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_OBJ_TERM_STATE)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
if (err)
if (name)
log_info ("can't select application '%s': %s\n",
name, gpg_strerror (err));
log_info ("no supported card application found: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (app);
unlock_reader (slot);
return err;
app->ref_count = 1;
lock_table[slot].app = app;
*r_app = app;
unlock_reader (slot);
return 0;
char *
get_supported_applications (void)
const char *list[] = {
/* Note: "undefined" is not listed here because it needs special
treatment by the client. */
int idx;
size_t nbytes;
char *buffer, *p;
for (nbytes=1, idx=0; list[idx]; idx++)
nbytes += strlen (list[idx]) + 1 + 1;
buffer = xtrymalloc (nbytes);
if (!buffer)
return NULL;
for (p=buffer, idx=0; list[idx]; idx++)
if (is_app_allowed (list[idx]))
p = stpcpy (stpcpy (p, list[idx]), ":\n");
*p = 0;
return buffer;
/* Deallocate the application. */
static void
deallocate_app (app_t app)
if (app->fnc.deinit)
app->fnc.deinit (app);
app->fnc.deinit = NULL;
xfree (app->serialno);
xfree (app);
/* Free the resources associated with the application APP. APP is
allowed to be NULL in which case this is a no-op. Note that we are
using reference counting to track the users of the application and
actually deferring the deallocation to allow for a later reuse by
a new connection. */
release_application (app_t app)
int slot;
if (!app)
if (!app->ref_count)
log_bug ("trying to release an already released context\n");
if (--app->ref_count)
/* Move the reference to the application in the lock table. */
slot = app->slot;
/* FIXME: We are ignoring any error value. */
lock_reader (slot, NULL);
if (lock_table[slot].app != app)
unlock_reader (slot);
log_bug ("app mismatch %p/%p\n", app, lock_table[slot].app);
deallocate_app (app);
/* We don't deallocate app here. Instead, we keep it. This is
useful so that a card does not get reset even if only one session
is using the card - this way the PIN cache and other cached data
are preserved. */
unlock_reader (slot);
/* The serial number may need some cosmetics. Do it here. This
function shall only be called once after a new serial number has
been put into APP->serialno.
Prefixes we use:
FF 00 00 = For serial numbers starting with an FF
FF 01 00 = Some german p15 cards return an empty serial number so the
serial number from the EF(TokenInfo) is used instead.
FF 7F 00 = No serialno.
All other serial number not starting with FF are used as they are.
app_munge_serialno (app_t app)
if (app->serialnolen && app->serialno[0] == 0xff)
/* The serial number starts with our special prefix. This
requires that we put our default prefix "FF0000" in front. */
unsigned char *p = xtrymalloc (app->serialnolen + 3);
if (!p)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (p, "\xff\0", 3);
memcpy (p+3, app->serialno, app->serialnolen);
app->serialnolen += 3;
xfree (app->serialno);
app->serialno = p;
else if (!app->serialnolen)
unsigned char *p = xtrymalloc (3);
if (!p)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (p, "\xff\x7f", 3);
app->serialnolen = 3;
xfree (app->serialno);
app->serialno = p;
return 0;
/* Retrieve the serial number and the time of the last update of the
card. The serial number is returned as a malloced string (hex
encoded) in SERIAL and the time of update is returned in STAMP. If
no update time is available the returned value is 0. Caller must
free SERIAL unless the function returns an error. If STAMP is not
of interest, NULL may be passed. */
app_get_serial_and_stamp (app_t app, char **serial, time_t *stamp)
char *buf;
if (!app || !serial)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
*serial = NULL;
if (stamp)
*stamp = 0; /* not available */
if (!app->serialnolen)
buf = xtrystrdup ("FF7F00");
buf = bin2hex (app->serialno, app->serialnolen, NULL);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*serial = buf;
return 0;
/* Write out the application specifig status lines for the LEARN
command. */
app_write_learn_status (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, unsigned int flags)
gpg_error_t err;
if (!app)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!app->ref_count)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_INITIALIZED);
if (!app->fnc.learn_status)
/* We do not send APPTYPE if only keypairinfo is requested. */
if (app->apptype && !(flags & 1))
send_status_info (ctrl, "APPTYPE",
app->apptype, strlen (app->apptype), NULL, 0);
err = lock_reader (app->slot, ctrl);
if (err)
return err;
err = app->fnc.learn_status (app, ctrl, flags);
unlock_reader (app->slot);
return err;
/* Read the certificate with id CERTID (as returned by learn_status in
the CERTINFO status lines) and return it in the freshly allocated
buffer put into CERT and the length of the certificate put into
app_readcert (app_t app, const char *certid,
unsigned char **cert, size_t *certlen)
gpg_error_t err;
if (!app)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!app->ref_count)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_INITIALIZED);
if (!app->fnc.readcert)
err = lock_reader (app->slot, NULL/* FIXME*/);
if (err)
return err;
err = app->fnc.readcert (app, certid, cert, certlen);
unlock_reader (app->slot);
return err;
/* Read the key with ID KEYID. On success a canonical encoded
S-expression with the public key will get stored at PK and its
length (for assertions) at PKLEN; the caller must release that
buffer. On error NULL will be stored at PK and PKLEN and an error
code returned.
This function might not be supported by all applications. */
app_readkey (app_t app, int advanced, const char *keyid,
unsigned char **pk, size_t *pklen)
gpg_error_t err;
if (pk)
*pk = NULL;
if (pklen)
*pklen = 0;
if (!app || !keyid || !pk || !pklen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!app->ref_count)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_INITIALIZED);
if (!app->fnc.readkey)
err = lock_reader (app->slot, NULL /*FIXME*/);
if (err)
return err;
err= app->fnc.readkey (app, advanced, keyid, pk, pklen);
unlock_reader (app->slot);
return err;
/* Perform a GETATTR operation. */
app_getattr (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name)
gpg_error_t err;
if (!app || !name || !*name)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!app->ref_count)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_INITIALIZED);
if (app->apptype && name && !strcmp (name, "APPTYPE"))
send_status_info (ctrl, "APPTYPE",
app->apptype, strlen (app->apptype), NULL, 0);
return 0;
if (name && !strcmp (name, "SERIALNO"))
char *serial;
time_t stamp;
int rc;
rc = app_get_serial_and_stamp (app, &serial, &stamp);
if (rc)
return rc;
send_status_info (ctrl, "SERIALNO", serial, strlen (serial), NULL, 0);
xfree (serial);
return 0;
if (!app->fnc.getattr)
err = lock_reader (app->slot, ctrl);
if (err)
return err;
err = app->fnc.getattr (app, ctrl, name);
unlock_reader (app->slot);
return err;
/* Perform a SETATTR operation. */
app_setattr (app_t app, const char *name,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const unsigned char *value, size_t valuelen)
gpg_error_t err;
if (!app || !name || !*name || !value)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!app->ref_count)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_INITIALIZED);
if (!app->fnc.setattr)
err = lock_reader (app->slot, NULL /*FIXME*/);
if (err)
return err;
err = app->fnc.setattr (app, name, pincb, pincb_arg, value, valuelen);
unlock_reader (app->slot);
return err;
/* Create the signature and return the allocated result in OUTDATA.
If a PIN is required the PINCB will be used to ask for the PIN; it
should return the PIN in an allocated buffer and put it into PIN. */
app_sign (app_t app, const char *keyidstr, int hashalgo,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen )
gpg_error_t err;
if (!app || !indata || !indatalen || !outdata || !outdatalen || !pincb)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!app->ref_count)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_INITIALIZED);
if (!app->fnc.sign)
err = lock_reader (app->slot, NULL /*FIXME*/);
if (err)
return err;
err = app->fnc.sign (app, keyidstr, hashalgo,
pincb, pincb_arg,
indata, indatalen,
outdata, outdatalen);
unlock_reader (app->slot);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("operation sign result: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Create the signature using the INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command and
return the allocated result in OUTDATA. If a PIN is required the
PINCB will be used to ask for the PIN; it should return the PIN in
an allocated buffer and put it into PIN. */
app_auth (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen )
gpg_error_t err;
if (!app || !indata || !indatalen || !outdata || !outdatalen || !pincb)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!app->ref_count)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_INITIALIZED);
if (!app->fnc.auth)
err = lock_reader (app->slot, NULL /*FIXME*/);
if (err)
return err;
err = app->fnc.auth (app, keyidstr,
pincb, pincb_arg,
indata, indatalen,
outdata, outdatalen);
unlock_reader (app->slot);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("operation auth result: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Decrypt the data in INDATA and return the allocated result in OUTDATA.
If a PIN is required the PINCB will be used to ask for the PIN; it
should return the PIN in an allocated buffer and put it into PIN. */
app_decipher (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const void *indata, size_t indatalen,
unsigned char **outdata, size_t *outdatalen,
unsigned int *r_info)
gpg_error_t err;
*r_info = 0;
if (!app || !indata || !indatalen || !outdata || !outdatalen || !pincb)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!app->ref_count)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_INITIALIZED);
if (!app->fnc.decipher)
err = lock_reader (app->slot, NULL /*FIXME*/);
if (err)
return err;
err = app->fnc.decipher (app, keyidstr,
pincb, pincb_arg,
indata, indatalen,
outdata, outdatalen,
unlock_reader (app->slot);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("operation decipher result: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Perform the WRITECERT operation. */
app_writecert (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *certidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen)
gpg_error_t err;
if (!app || !certidstr || !*certidstr || !pincb)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!app->ref_count)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_INITIALIZED);
if (!app->fnc.writecert)
err = lock_reader (app->slot, ctrl);
if (err)
return err;
err = app->fnc.writecert (app, ctrl, certidstr,
pincb, pincb_arg, data, datalen);
unlock_reader (app->slot);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("operation writecert result: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Perform the WRITEKEY operation. */
app_writekey (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *keyidstr, unsigned int flags,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg,
const unsigned char *keydata, size_t keydatalen)
gpg_error_t err;
if (!app || !keyidstr || !*keyidstr || !pincb)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!app->ref_count)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_INITIALIZED);
if (!app->fnc.writekey)
err = lock_reader (app->slot, ctrl);
if (err)
return err;
err = app->fnc.writekey (app, ctrl, keyidstr, flags,
pincb, pincb_arg, keydata, keydatalen);
unlock_reader (app->slot);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("operation writekey result: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Perform a SETATTR operation. */
app_genkey (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keynostr, unsigned int flags,
time_t createtime,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg)
gpg_error_t err;
if (!app || !keynostr || !*keynostr || !pincb)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!app->ref_count)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_INITIALIZED);
if (!app->fnc.genkey)
err = lock_reader (app->slot, ctrl);
if (err)
return err;
err = app->fnc.genkey (app, ctrl, keynostr, flags,
createtime, pincb, pincb_arg);
unlock_reader (app->slot);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("operation genkey result: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Perform a GET CHALLENGE operation. This function is special as it
directly accesses the card without any application specific
wrapper. */
app_get_challenge (app_t app, size_t nbytes, unsigned char *buffer)
gpg_error_t err;
if (!app || !nbytes || !buffer)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!app->ref_count)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_INITIALIZED);
err = lock_reader (app->slot, NULL /*FIXME*/);
if (err)
return err;
err = iso7816_get_challenge (app->slot, nbytes, buffer);
unlock_reader (app->slot);
return err;
app_change_pin (app_t app, ctrl_t ctrl, const char *chvnostr, int reset_mode,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg)
gpg_error_t err;
if (!app || !chvnostr || !*chvnostr || !pincb)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!app->ref_count)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_INITIALIZED);
if (!app->fnc.change_pin)
err = lock_reader (app->slot, ctrl);
if (err)
return err;
err = app->fnc.change_pin (app, ctrl, chvnostr, reset_mode,
pincb, pincb_arg);
unlock_reader (app->slot);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("operation change_pin result: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Perform a VERIFY operation without doing anything lese. This may
be used to initialze a the PIN cache for long lasting other
operations. Its use is highly application dependent. */
app_check_pin (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
gpg_error_t (*pincb)(void*, const char *, char **),
void *pincb_arg)
gpg_error_t err;
if (!app || !keyidstr || !*keyidstr || !pincb)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (!app->ref_count)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_INITIALIZED);
if (!app->fnc.check_pin)
err = lock_reader (app->slot, NULL /*FIXME*/);
if (err)
return err;
err = app->fnc.check_pin (app, keyidstr, pincb, pincb_arg);
unlock_reader (app->slot);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("operation check_pin result: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
diff --git a/scd/atr.c b/scd/atr.c
index 5b94758a5..9dc79de25 100644
--- a/scd/atr.c
+++ b/scd/atr.c
@@ -1,290 +1,290 @@
/* atr.c - ISO 7816 ATR fucntions
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include "../common/logging.h"
#include "atr.h"
static int const fi_table[16] = { 0, 372, 558, 744, 1116,1488, 1860, -1,
-1, 512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048, -1, -1 };
static int const di_table[16] = { -1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, -1, -1,
0, -1, -2, -4, -8, -16, -32, -64};
/* Dump the ATR in (BUFFER,BUFLEN) to a human readable format and
return that as a malloced buffer. The caller must release this
buffer using es_free! On error this function returns NULL and sets
char *
atr_dump (const void *buffer, size_t buflen)
const unsigned char *atr = buffer;
size_t atrlen = buflen;
estream_t fp;
int have_ta, have_tb, have_tc, have_td;
int n_historical;
int idx, val;
unsigned char chksum;
char *result;
fp = es_fopenmem (0, "rwb,samethread");
if (!fp)
return NULL;
if (!atrlen)
es_fprintf (fp, "error: empty ATR\n");
goto bailout;
for (idx=0; idx < atrlen ; idx++)
es_fprintf (fp, "%s%02X", idx?" ":"", atr[idx]);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
if (*atr == 0x3b)
es_fputs ("Direct convention\n", fp);
else if (*atr == 0x3f)
es_fputs ("Inverse convention\n", fp);
es_fprintf (fp,"error: invalid TS character 0x%02x\n", *atr);
if (!--atrlen)
goto bailout;
chksum = *atr;
for (idx=1; idx < atrlen-1; idx++)
chksum ^= atr[idx];
have_ta = !!(*atr & 0x10);
have_tb = !!(*atr & 0x20);
have_tc = !!(*atr & 0x40);
have_td = !!(*atr & 0x80);
n_historical = (*atr & 0x0f);
es_fprintf (fp, "%d historical characters indicated\n", n_historical);
if (have_ta + have_tb + have_tc + have_td + n_historical > atrlen)
es_fputs ("error: ATR shorter than indicated by format character\n", fp);
if (!--atrlen)
goto bailout;
if (have_ta)
es_fputs ("TA1: F=", fp);
val = fi_table[(*atr >> 4) & 0x0f];
if (!val)
es_fputs ("internal clock", fp);
else if (val == -1)
es_fputs ("RFU", fp);
es_fprintf (fp, "%d", val);
es_fputs (" D=", fp);
val = di_table[*atr & 0x0f];
if (!val)
es_fputs ("[impossible value]\n", fp);
else if (val == -1)
es_fputs ("RFU\n", fp);
else if (val < 0 )
es_fprintf (fp, "1/%d\n", val);
es_fprintf (fp, "%d\n", val);
if (!--atrlen)
goto bailout;
if (have_tb)
es_fprintf (fp, "TB1: II=%d PI1=%d%s\n",
((*atr >> 5) & 3), (*atr & 0x1f),
(*atr & 0x80)? " [high bit not cleared]":"");
if (!--atrlen)
goto bailout;
if (have_tc)
if (*atr == 255)
es_fputs ("TC1: guard time shortened to 1 etu\n", fp);
es_fprintf (fp, "TC1: (extra guard time) N=%d\n", *atr);
if (!--atrlen)
goto bailout;
if (have_td)
have_ta = !!(*atr & 0x10);
have_tb = !!(*atr & 0x20);
have_tc = !!(*atr & 0x40);
have_td = !!(*atr & 0x80);
es_fprintf (fp, "TD1: protocol T%d supported\n", (*atr & 0x0f));
if (have_ta + have_tb + have_tc + have_td + n_historical > atrlen)
es_fputs ("error: ATR shorter than indicated by format character\n",
if (!--atrlen)
goto bailout;
have_ta = have_tb = have_tc = have_td = 0;
if (have_ta)
es_fprintf (fp, "TA2: (PTS) %stoggle, %splicit, T=%02X\n",
(*atr & 0x80)? "no-":"",
(*atr & 0x10)? "im": "ex",
(*atr & 0x0f));
if ((*atr & 0x60))
es_fprintf (fp, "note: reserved bits are set (TA2=0x%02X)\n", *atr);
if (!--atrlen)
goto bailout;
if (have_tb)
es_fprintf (fp, "TB2: PI2=%d\n", *atr);
if (!--atrlen)
goto bailout;
if (have_tc)
es_fprintf (fp, "TC2: PWI=%d\n", *atr);
if (!--atrlen)
goto bailout;
if (have_td)
have_ta = !!(*atr & 0x10);
have_tb = !!(*atr & 0x20);
have_tc = !!(*atr & 0x40);
have_td = !!(*atr & 0x80);
es_fprintf (fp, "TD2: protocol T%d supported\n", *atr & 0x0f);
if (have_ta + have_tb + have_tc + have_td + n_historical > atrlen)
es_fputs ("error: ATR shorter than indicated by format character\n",
if (!--atrlen)
goto bailout;
have_ta = have_tb = have_tc = have_td = 0;
for (idx = 3; have_ta || have_tb || have_tc || have_td; idx++)
if (have_ta)
es_fprintf (fp, "TA%d: IFSC=%d\n", idx, *atr);
if (!--atrlen)
goto bailout;
if (have_tb)
es_fprintf (fp, "TB%d: BWI=%d CWI=%d\n",
idx, (*atr >> 4) & 0x0f, *atr & 0x0f);
if (!--atrlen)
goto bailout;
if (have_tc)
es_fprintf (fp, "TC%d: 0x%02X\n", idx, *atr);
if (!--atrlen)
goto bailout;
if (have_td)
have_ta = !!(*atr & 0x10);
have_tb = !!(*atr & 0x20);
have_tc = !!(*atr & 0x40);
have_td = !!(*atr & 0x80);
es_fprintf (fp, "TD%d: protocol T%d supported\n", idx, *atr & 0x0f);
if (have_ta + have_tb + have_tc + have_td + n_historical > atrlen)
es_fputs ("error: "
"ATR shorter than indicated by format character\n",
if (!--atrlen)
goto bailout;
have_ta = have_tb = have_tc = have_td = 0;
if (n_historical + 1 > atrlen)
es_fputs ("error: ATR shorter than required for historical bytes "
"and checksum\n", fp);
if (n_historical)
es_fputs ("HCH:", fp);
for (; n_historical && atrlen ; n_historical--, atrlen--, atr++)
es_fprintf (fp, " %02X", *atr);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
if (!atrlen)
es_fputs ("error: checksum missing\n", fp);
else if (*atr == chksum)
es_fprintf (fp, "TCK: %02X (good)\n", *atr);
es_fprintf (fp, "TCK: %02X (bad; computed %02X)\n", *atr, chksum);
if (atrlen)
es_fprintf (fp, "error: %u bytes garbage at end of ATR\n",
(unsigned int)atrlen );
es_putc ('\0', fp); /* We want a string. */
if (es_fclose_snatch (fp, (void**)&result, NULL))
log_error ("oops: es_fclose_snatch failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
return NULL;
return result;
diff --git a/scd/atr.h b/scd/atr.h
index b06a83a60..d39e243fb 100644
--- a/scd/atr.h
+++ b/scd/atr.h
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
/* atr.h - ISO 7816 ATR functions
* Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef ATR_H
#define ATR_H
char *atr_dump (const void *buffer, size_t buflen);
#endif /*ATR_H*/
diff --git a/scd/ccid-driver.c b/scd/ccid-driver.c
index 478e03854..0917105f2 100644
--- a/scd/ccid-driver.c
+++ b/scd/ccid-driver.c
@@ -1,3763 +1,3763 @@
/* ccid-driver.c - USB ChipCardInterfaceDevices driver
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
* 2008, 2009, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Written by Werner Koch.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
* ALTERNATIVELY, this file may be distributed under the terms of the
* following license, in which case the provisions of this license are
* required INSTEAD OF the GNU General Public License. If you wish to
* allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License, and not to allow others to use your
* version of this file under the terms of the following license,
* indicate your decision by deleting this paragraph and the license
* below.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, and the entire permission notice in its entirety,
* including the disclaimer of warranties.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote
* products derived from this software without specific prior
* written permission.
/* CCID (ChipCardInterfaceDevices) is a specification for accessing
smartcard via a reader connected to the USB.
This is a limited driver allowing to use some CCID drivers directly
without any other specila drivers. This is a fallback driver to be
used when nothing else works or the system should be kept minimal
for security reasons. It makes use of the libusb library to gain
portable access to USB.
This driver has been tested with the SCM SCR335 and SPR532
smartcard readers and requires that a reader implements APDU or
TPDU level exchange and does fully automatic initialization.
# include <config.h>
#if defined(HAVE_LIBUSB) || defined(TEST)
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef HAVE_NPTH
# include <npth.h>
#endif /*HAVE_NPTH*/
#include <libusb.h>
#include "scdaemon.h"
#include "iso7816.h"
#include "ccid-driver.h"
#define DRVNAME "ccid-driver: "
/* Max length of buffer with out CCID message header of 10-byte
Sending: 547 for RSA-4096 key import
APDU size = 540 (24+4+256+256)
commnd + lc + le = 4 + 3 + 0
Sending: write data object of cardholder certificate
APDU size = 2048
commnd + lc + le = 4 + 3 + 0
Receiving: 2048 for cardholder certificate
#define CCID_MAX_BUF (2048+7+10)
/* CCID command timeout. OpenPGPcard v2.1 requires timeout of 13 seconds. */
#define CCID_CMD_TIMEOUT (13*1000)
/* Depending on how this source is used we either define our error
output to go to stderr or to the GnuPG based logging functions. We
are defined. */
#elif GNUPG_MAJOR_VERSION == 1 /* GnuPG Version is < 1.9. */
# include "options.h"
# include "util.h"
# include "memory.h"
# include "cardglue.h"
# else /* This is the modularized GnuPG 1.9 or later. */
# include "scdaemon.h"
# define DEBUGOUT(t) do { if (debug_level) \
log_debug (DRVNAME t); } while (0)
# define DEBUGOUT_1(t,a) do { if (debug_level) \
log_debug (DRVNAME t,(a)); } while (0)
# define DEBUGOUT_2(t,a,b) do { if (debug_level) \
log_debug (DRVNAME t,(a),(b)); } while (0)
# define DEBUGOUT_3(t,a,b,c) do { if (debug_level) \
log_debug (DRVNAME t,(a),(b),(c));} while (0)
# define DEBUGOUT_4(t,a,b,c,d) do { if (debug_level) \
log_debug (DRVNAME t,(a),(b),(c),(d));} while (0)
# define DEBUGOUT_CONT(t) do { if (debug_level) \
log_printf (t); } while (0)
# define DEBUGOUT_CONT_1(t,a) do { if (debug_level) \
log_printf (t,(a)); } while (0)
# define DEBUGOUT_CONT_2(t,a,b) do { if (debug_level) \
log_printf (t,(a),(b)); } while (0)
# define DEBUGOUT_CONT_3(t,a,b,c) do { if (debug_level) \
log_printf (t,(a),(b),(c)); } while (0)
# define DEBUGOUT_LF() do { if (debug_level) \
log_printf ("\n"); } while (0)
#else /* Other usage of this source - don't use gnupg specifics. */
# define DEBUGOUT(t) do { if (debug_level) \
fprintf (stderr, DRVNAME t); } while (0)
# define DEBUGOUT_1(t,a) do { if (debug_level) \
fprintf (stderr, DRVNAME t, (a)); } while (0)
# define DEBUGOUT_2(t,a,b) do { if (debug_level) \
fprintf (stderr, DRVNAME t, (a), (b)); } while (0)
# define DEBUGOUT_3(t,a,b,c) do { if (debug_level) \
fprintf (stderr, DRVNAME t, (a), (b), (c)); } while (0)
# define DEBUGOUT_4(t,a,b,c,d) do { if (debug_level) \
fprintf (stderr, DRVNAME t, (a), (b), (c), (d));} while(0)
# define DEBUGOUT_CONT(t) do { if (debug_level) \
fprintf (stderr, t); } while (0)
# define DEBUGOUT_CONT_1(t,a) do { if (debug_level) \
fprintf (stderr, t, (a)); } while (0)
# define DEBUGOUT_CONT_2(t,a,b) do { if (debug_level) \
fprintf (stderr, t, (a), (b)); } while (0)
# define DEBUGOUT_CONT_3(t,a,b,c) do { if (debug_level) \
fprintf (stderr, t, (a), (b), (c)); } while (0)
# define DEBUGOUT_LF() do { if (debug_level) \
putc ('\n', stderr); } while (0)
#endif /* This source not used by scdaemon. */
#ifndef EAGAIN
enum {
RDR_to_PC_NotifySlotChange= 0x50,
RDR_to_PC_HardwareError = 0x51,
PC_to_RDR_SetParameters = 0x61,
PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOn = 0x62,
PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOff = 0x63,
PC_to_RDR_GetSlotStatus = 0x65,
PC_to_RDR_Secure = 0x69,
PC_to_RDR_T0APDU = 0x6a,
PC_to_RDR_Escape = 0x6b,
PC_to_RDR_GetParameters = 0x6c,
PC_to_RDR_ResetParameters = 0x6d,
PC_to_RDR_IccClock = 0x6e,
PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock = 0x6f,
PC_to_RDR_Mechanical = 0x71,
PC_to_RDR_Abort = 0x72,
PC_to_RDR_SetDataRate = 0x73,
RDR_to_PC_DataBlock = 0x80,
RDR_to_PC_SlotStatus = 0x81,
RDR_to_PC_Parameters = 0x82,
RDR_to_PC_Escape = 0x83,
RDR_to_PC_DataRate = 0x84
/* Two macro to detect whether a CCID command has failed and to get
the error code. These macros assume that we can access the
mandatory first 10 bytes of a CCID message in BUF. */
#define CCID_COMMAND_FAILED(buf) ((buf)[7] & 0x40)
#define CCID_ERROR_CODE(buf) (((unsigned char *)(buf))[8])
/* A list and a table with special transport descriptions. */
enum {
TRANSPORT_USB = 0, /* Standard USB transport. */
TRANSPORT_CM4040 = 1 /* As used by the Cardman 4040. */
static struct
char *name; /* Device name. */
int type;
} transports[] = {
{ "/dev/cmx0", TRANSPORT_CM4040 },
{ "/dev/cmx1", TRANSPORT_CM4040 },
{ NULL },
/* Store information on the driver's state. A pointer to such a
structure is used as handle for most functions. */
struct ccid_driver_s
libusb_device_handle *idev;
char *rid;
int dev_fd; /* -1 for USB transport or file descriptor of the
transport device. */
unsigned short id_vendor;
unsigned short id_product;
unsigned short bcd_device;
int ifc_no;
int ep_bulk_out;
int ep_bulk_in;
int ep_intr;
int seqno;
unsigned char t1_ns;
unsigned char t1_nr;
unsigned char nonnull_nad;
int max_ifsd;
int max_ccid_msglen;
int ifsc;
unsigned char apdu_level:2; /* Reader supports short APDU level
exchange. With a value of 2 short
and extended level is supported.*/
unsigned int auto_voltage:1;
unsigned int auto_param:1;
unsigned int auto_pps:1;
unsigned int auto_ifsd:1;
unsigned int powered_off:1;
unsigned int has_pinpad:2;
unsigned int enodev_seen:1;
time_t last_progress; /* Last time we sent progress line. */
/* The progress callback and its first arg as supplied to
ccid_set_progress_cb. */
void (*progress_cb)(void *, const char *, int, int, int);
void *progress_cb_arg;
static int initialized_usb; /* Tracks whether USB has been initialized. */
static int debug_level; /* Flag to control the debug output.
0 = No debugging
1 = USB I/O info
2 = Level 1 + T=1 protocol tracing
3 = Level 2 + USB/I/O tracing of SlotStatus.
static unsigned int compute_edc (const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen,
int use_crc);
static int bulk_out (ccid_driver_t handle, unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen,
int no_debug);
static int bulk_in (ccid_driver_t handle, unsigned char *buffer, size_t length,
size_t *nread, int expected_type, int seqno, int timeout,
int no_debug);
static int abort_cmd (ccid_driver_t handle, int seqno);
static int send_escape_cmd (ccid_driver_t handle, const unsigned char *data,
size_t datalen, unsigned char *result,
size_t resultmax, size_t *resultlen);
/* Convert a little endian stored 4 byte value into an unsigned
integer. */
static unsigned int
convert_le_u32 (const unsigned char *buf)
return buf[0] | (buf[1] << 8) | (buf[2] << 16) | ((unsigned int)buf[3] << 24);
/* Convert a little endian stored 2 byte value into an unsigned
integer. */
static unsigned int
convert_le_u16 (const unsigned char *buf)
return buf[0] | (buf[1] << 8);
static void
set_msg_len (unsigned char *msg, unsigned int length)
msg[1] = length;
msg[2] = length >> 8;
msg[3] = length >> 16;
msg[4] = length >> 24;
static void
my_sleep (int seconds)
#ifdef USE_NPTH
npth_sleep (seconds);
# ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
Sleep (seconds*1000);
# else
sleep (seconds);
# endif
static void
print_progress (ccid_driver_t handle)
time_t ct = time (NULL);
/* We don't want to print progress lines too often. */
if (ct == handle->last_progress)
if (handle->progress_cb)
handle->progress_cb (handle->progress_cb_arg, "card_busy", 'w', 0, 0);
handle->last_progress = ct;
/* Pint an error message for a failed CCID command including a textual
error code. MSG shall be the CCID message at a minimum of 10 bytes. */
static void
print_command_failed (const unsigned char *msg)
const char *t;
char buffer[100];
int ec;
if (!debug_level)
ec = CCID_ERROR_CODE (msg);
switch (ec)
case 0x00: t = "Command not supported"; break;
case 0xE0: t = "Slot busy"; break;
case 0xEF: t = "PIN cancelled"; break;
case 0xF0: t = "PIN timeout"; break;
case 0xF2: t = "Automatic sequence ongoing"; break;
case 0xF3: t = "Deactivated Protocol"; break;
case 0xF4: t = "Procedure byte conflict"; break;
case 0xF5: t = "ICC class not supported"; break;
case 0xF6: t = "ICC protocol not supported"; break;
case 0xF7: t = "Bad checksum in ATR"; break;
case 0xF8: t = "Bad TS in ATR"; break;
case 0xFB: t = "An all inclusive hardware error occurred"; break;
case 0xFC: t = "Overrun error while talking to the ICC"; break;
case 0xFD: t = "Parity error while talking to the ICC"; break;
case 0xFE: t = "CCID timed out while talking to the ICC"; break;
case 0xFF: t = "Host aborted the current activity"; break;
if (ec > 0 && ec < 128)
sprintf (buffer, "Parameter error at offset %d", ec);
sprintf (buffer, "Error code %02X", ec);
t = buffer;
DEBUGOUT_1 ("CCID command failed: %s\n", t);
static void
print_pr_data (const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen, size_t off)
int any = 0;
for (; off < datalen; off++)
if (!any || !(off % 16))
if (any)
DEBUGOUT_1 (" [%04lu] ", (unsigned long) off);
DEBUGOUT_CONT_1 (" %02X", data[off]);
any = 1;
if (any && (off % 16))
static void
print_p2r_header (const char *name, const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
DEBUGOUT_1 ("%s:\n", name);
if (msglen < 7)
DEBUGOUT_1 (" dwLength ..........: %u\n", convert_le_u32 (msg+1));
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bSlot .............: %u\n", msg[5]);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bSeq ..............: %u\n", msg[6]);
static void
print_p2r_iccpoweron (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOn", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
DEBUGOUT_2 (" bPowerSelect ......: 0x%02x (%s)\n", msg[7],
msg[7] == 0? "auto":
msg[7] == 1? "5.0 V":
msg[7] == 2? "3.0 V":
msg[7] == 3? "1.8 V":"");
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 8);
static void
print_p2r_iccpoweroff (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOff", msg, msglen);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 7);
static void
print_p2r_getslotstatus (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_GetSlotStatus", msg, msglen);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 7);
static void
print_p2r_xfrblock (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
unsigned int val;
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bBWI ..............: 0x%02x\n", msg[7]);
val = convert_le_u16 (msg+8);
DEBUGOUT_2 (" wLevelParameter ...: 0x%04x%s\n", val,
val == 1? " (continued)":
val == 2? " (continues+ends)":
val == 3? " (continues+continued)":
val == 16? " (DataBlock-expected)":"");
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10);
static void
print_p2r_getparameters (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_GetParameters", msg, msglen);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 7);
static void
print_p2r_resetparameters (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_ResetParameters", msg, msglen);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 7);
static void
print_p2r_setparameters (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_SetParameters", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bProtocolNum ......: 0x%02x\n", msg[7]);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 8);
static void
print_p2r_escape (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_Escape", msg, msglen);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 7);
static void
print_p2r_iccclock (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_IccClock", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bClockCommand .....: 0x%02x\n", msg[7]);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 8);
static void
print_p2r_to0apdu (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_T0APDU", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bmChanges .........: 0x%02x\n", msg[7]);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bClassGetResponse .: 0x%02x\n", msg[8]);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bClassEnvelope ....: 0x%02x\n", msg[9]);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10);
static void
print_p2r_secure (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
unsigned int val;
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_Secure", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bBMI ..............: 0x%02x\n", msg[7]);
val = convert_le_u16 (msg+8);
DEBUGOUT_2 (" wLevelParameter ...: 0x%04x%s\n", val,
val == 1? " (continued)":
val == 2? " (continues+ends)":
val == 3? " (continues+continued)":
val == 16? " (DataBlock-expected)":"");
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10);
static void
print_p2r_mechanical (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_Mechanical", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bFunction .........: 0x%02x\n", msg[7]);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 8);
static void
print_p2r_abort (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_Abort", msg, msglen);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 7);
static void
print_p2r_setdatarate (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_SetDataRate", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 7);
static void
print_p2r_unknown (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("Unknown PC_to_RDR command", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 0);
static void
print_r2p_header (const char *name, const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
DEBUGOUT_1 ("%s:\n", name);
if (msglen < 9)
DEBUGOUT_1 (" dwLength ..........: %u\n", convert_le_u32 (msg+1));
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bSlot .............: %u\n", msg[5]);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bSeq ..............: %u\n", msg[6]);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bStatus ...........: %u\n", msg[7]);
if (msg[8])
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bError ............: %u\n", msg[8]);
static void
print_r2p_datablock (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_r2p_header ("RDR_to_PC_DataBlock", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
if (msg[9])
DEBUGOUT_2 (" bChainParameter ...: 0x%02x%s\n", msg[9],
msg[9] == 1? " (continued)":
msg[9] == 2? " (continues+ends)":
msg[9] == 3? " (continues+continued)":
msg[9] == 16? " (XferBlock-expected)":"");
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10);
static void
print_r2p_slotstatus (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_r2p_header ("RDR_to_PC_SlotStatus", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
DEBUGOUT_2 (" bClockStatus ......: 0x%02x%s\n", msg[9],
msg[9] == 0? " (running)":
msg[9] == 1? " (stopped-L)":
msg[9] == 2? " (stopped-H)":
msg[9] == 3? " (stopped)":"");
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10);
static void
print_r2p_parameters (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_r2p_header ("RDR_to_PC_Parameters", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
DEBUGOUT_1 (" protocol ..........: T=%d\n", msg[9]);
if (msglen == 17 && msg[9] == 1)
/* Protocol T=1. */
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bmFindexDindex ....: %02X\n", msg[10]);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bmTCCKST1 .........: %02X\n", msg[11]);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bGuardTimeT1 ......: %02X\n", msg[12]);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bmWaitingIntegersT1: %02X\n", msg[13]);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bClockStop ........: %02X\n", msg[14]);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bIFSC .............: %d\n", msg[15]);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bNadValue .........: %d\n", msg[16]);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10);
static void
print_r2p_escape (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_r2p_header ("RDR_to_PC_Escape", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
DEBUGOUT_1 (" buffer[9] .........: %02X\n", msg[9]);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10);
static void
print_r2p_datarate (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_r2p_header ("RDR_to_PC_DataRate", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
if (msglen >= 18)
DEBUGOUT_1 (" dwClockFrequency ..: %u\n", convert_le_u32 (msg+10));
DEBUGOUT_1 (" dwDataRate ..... ..: %u\n", convert_le_u32 (msg+14));
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 18);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10);
static void
print_r2p_unknown (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_r2p_header ("Unknown RDR_to_PC command", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bMessageType ......: %02X\n", msg[0]);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" buffer[9] .........: %02X\n", msg[9]);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10);
/* Given a handle used for special transport prepare it for use. In
particular setup all information in way that resembles what
parse_cccid_descriptor does. */
static void
prepare_special_transport (ccid_driver_t handle)
assert (!handle->id_vendor);
handle->nonnull_nad = 0;
handle->auto_ifsd = 0;
handle->max_ifsd = 32;
handle->max_ccid_msglen = CCID_MAX_BUF;
handle->has_pinpad = 0;
handle->apdu_level = 0;
switch (handle->id_product)
case TRANSPORT_CM4040:
DEBUGOUT ("setting up transport for CardMan 4040\n");
handle->apdu_level = 1;
default: assert (!"transport not defined");
/* Parse a CCID descriptor, optionally print all available features
and test whether this reader is usable by this driver. Returns 0
if it is usable.
Note, that this code is based on the one in lsusb.c of the
usb-utils package, I wrote on 2003-09-01. -wk. */
static int
parse_ccid_descriptor (ccid_driver_t handle,
const unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen)
unsigned int i;
unsigned int us;
int have_t1 = 0, have_tpdu=0;
handle->nonnull_nad = 0;
handle->auto_ifsd = 0;
handle->max_ifsd = 32;
handle->has_pinpad = 0;
handle->apdu_level = 0;
handle->auto_voltage = 0;
handle->auto_param = 0;
handle->auto_pps = 0;
DEBUGOUT_3 ("idVendor: %04X idProduct: %04X bcdDevice: %04X\n",
handle->id_vendor, handle->id_product, handle->bcd_device);
if (buflen < 54 || buf[0] < 54)
DEBUGOUT ("CCID device descriptor is too short\n");
return -1;
DEBUGOUT ("ChipCard Interface Descriptor:\n");
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bLength %5u\n", buf[0]);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bDescriptorType %5u\n", buf[1]);
DEBUGOUT_2 (" bcdCCID %2x.%02x", buf[3], buf[2]);
if (buf[3] != 1 || buf[2] != 0)
DEBUGOUT_CONT(" (Warning: Only accurate for version 1.0)");
DEBUGOUT_1 (" nMaxSlotIndex %5u\n", buf[4]);
DEBUGOUT_2 (" bVoltageSupport %5u %s\n",
buf[5], (buf[5] == 1? "5.0V" : buf[5] == 2? "3.0V"
: buf[5] == 3? "1.8V":"?"));
us = convert_le_u32 (buf+6);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" dwProtocols %5u ", us);
if ((us & 1))
if ((us & 2))
have_t1 = 1;
if ((us & ~3))
DEBUGOUT_CONT (" (Invalid values detected)");
us = convert_le_u32(buf+10);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" dwDefaultClock %5u\n", us);
us = convert_le_u32(buf+14);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" dwMaxiumumClock %5u\n", us);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bNumClockSupported %5u\n", buf[18]);
us = convert_le_u32(buf+19);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" dwDataRate %7u bps\n", us);
us = convert_le_u32(buf+23);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" dwMaxDataRate %7u bps\n", us);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bNumDataRatesSupp. %5u\n", buf[27]);
us = convert_le_u32(buf+28);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" dwMaxIFSD %5u\n", us);
handle->max_ifsd = us;
us = convert_le_u32(buf+32);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" dwSyncProtocols %08X ", us);
if ((us&1))
DEBUGOUT_CONT ( " 2-wire");
if ((us&2))
DEBUGOUT_CONT ( " 3-wire");
if ((us&4))
us = convert_le_u32(buf+36);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" dwMechanical %08X ", us);
if ((us & 1))
DEBUGOUT_CONT (" accept");
if ((us & 2))
DEBUGOUT_CONT (" eject");
if ((us & 4))
DEBUGOUT_CONT (" capture");
if ((us & 8))
DEBUGOUT_CONT (" lock");
us = convert_le_u32(buf+40);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" dwFeatures %08X\n", us);
if ((us & 0x0002))
DEBUGOUT (" Auto configuration based on ATR (assumes auto voltage)\n");
handle->auto_voltage = 1;
if ((us & 0x0004))
DEBUGOUT (" Auto activation on insert\n");
if ((us & 0x0008))
DEBUGOUT (" Auto voltage selection\n");
handle->auto_voltage = 1;
if ((us & 0x0010))
DEBUGOUT (" Auto clock change\n");
if ((us & 0x0020))
DEBUGOUT (" Auto baud rate change\n");
if ((us & 0x0040))
DEBUGOUT (" Auto parameter negotiation made by CCID\n");
handle->auto_param = 1;
else if ((us & 0x0080))
DEBUGOUT (" Auto PPS made by CCID\n");
handle->auto_pps = 1;
if ((us & (0x0040 | 0x0080)) == (0x0040 | 0x0080))
DEBUGOUT (" WARNING: conflicting negotiation features\n");
if ((us & 0x0100))
DEBUGOUT (" CCID can set ICC in clock stop mode\n");
if ((us & 0x0200))
DEBUGOUT (" NAD value other than 0x00 accepted\n");
handle->nonnull_nad = 1;
if ((us & 0x0400))
DEBUGOUT (" Auto IFSD exchange\n");
handle->auto_ifsd = 1;
if ((us & 0x00010000))
DEBUGOUT (" TPDU level exchange\n");
have_tpdu = 1;
else if ((us & 0x00020000))
DEBUGOUT (" Short APDU level exchange\n");
handle->apdu_level = 1;
else if ((us & 0x00040000))
DEBUGOUT (" Short and extended APDU level exchange\n");
handle->apdu_level = 2;
else if ((us & 0x00070000))
DEBUGOUT (" WARNING: conflicting exchange levels\n");
us = convert_le_u32(buf+44);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" dwMaxCCIDMsgLen %5u\n", us);
handle->max_ccid_msglen = us;
DEBUGOUT ( " bClassGetResponse ");
if (buf[48] == 0xff)
DEBUGOUT_CONT ("echo\n");
DEBUGOUT_CONT_1 (" %02X\n", buf[48]);
DEBUGOUT ( " bClassEnvelope ");
if (buf[49] == 0xff)
DEBUGOUT_CONT ("echo\n");
DEBUGOUT_CONT_1 (" %02X\n", buf[48]);
DEBUGOUT ( " wlcdLayout ");
if (!buf[50] && !buf[51])
DEBUGOUT_CONT ("none\n");
DEBUGOUT_CONT_2 ("%u cols %u lines\n", buf[50], buf[51]);
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bPINSupport %5u ", buf[52]);
if ((buf[52] & 1))
DEBUGOUT_CONT ( " verification");
handle->has_pinpad |= 1;
if ((buf[52] & 2))
DEBUGOUT_CONT ( " modification");
handle->has_pinpad |= 2;
DEBUGOUT_1 (" bMaxCCIDBusySlots %5u\n", buf[53]);
if (buf[0] > 54)
DEBUGOUT (" junk ");
for (i=54; i < buf[0]-54; i++)
DEBUGOUT_CONT_1 (" %02X", buf[i]);
if (!have_t1 || !(have_tpdu || handle->apdu_level))
DEBUGOUT ("this drivers requires that the reader supports T=1, "
"TPDU or APDU level exchange - this is not available\n");
return -1;
/* SCM drivers get stuck in their internal USB stack if they try to
send a frame of n*wMaxPacketSize back to us. Given that
wMaxPacketSize is 64 for these readers we set the IFSD to a value
lower than that:
64 - 10 CCID header - 4 T1frame - 2 reserved = 48
Product Ids:
0xe001 - SCR 331
0x5111 - SCR 331-DI
0x5115 - SCR 335
0xe003 - SPR 532
0x5117 - SCR 3320 USB ID-000 reader
seems to be very slow but enabling this workaround boosts the
performance to a a more or less acceptable level (tested by David).
if (handle->id_vendor == VENDOR_SCM
&& handle->max_ifsd > 48
&& ( (handle->id_product == SCM_SCR331 && handle->bcd_device < 0x0516)
||(handle->id_product == SCM_SCR331DI && handle->bcd_device < 0x0620)
||(handle->id_product == SCM_SCR335 && handle->bcd_device < 0x0514)
||(handle->id_product == SCM_SPR532 && handle->bcd_device < 0x0504)
||(handle->id_product == SCM_SCR3320 && handle->bcd_device < 0x0522)
DEBUGOUT ("enabling workaround for buggy SCM readers\n");
handle->max_ifsd = 48;
if (handle->id_vendor == VENDOR_GEMPC)
DEBUGOUT ("enabling product quirk: disable non-null NAD\n");
handle->nonnull_nad = 0;
return 0;
static char *
get_escaped_usb_string (libusb_device_handle *idev, int idx,
const char *prefix, const char *suffix)
int rc;
unsigned char buf[280];
unsigned char *s;
unsigned int langid;
size_t i, n, len;
char *result;
if (!idx)
return NULL;
/* Fixme: The next line is for the current Valgrid without support
for USB IOCTLs. */
memset (buf, 0, sizeof buf);
/* First get the list of supported languages and use the first one.
If we do don't find it we try to use English. Note that this is
all in a 2 bute Unicode encoding using little endian. */
rc = libusb_control_transfer (idev, LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN,
(char*)buf, sizeof buf, 1000 /* ms timeout */);
if (rc < 4)
langid = 0x0409; /* English. */
langid = (buf[3] << 8) | buf[2];
rc = libusb_control_transfer (idev, LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN,
(LIBUSB_DT_STRING << 8) + idx, langid,
(char*)buf, sizeof buf, 1000 /* ms timeout */);
if (rc < 2 || buf[1] != LIBUSB_DT_STRING)
return NULL; /* Error or not a string. */
len = buf[0];
if (len > rc)
return NULL; /* Larger than our buffer. */
for (s=buf+2, i=2, n=0; i+1 < len; i += 2, s += 2)
if (s[1])
n++; /* High byte set. */
else if (*s <= 0x20 || *s >= 0x7f || *s == '%' || *s == ':')
n += 3 ;
result = malloc (strlen (prefix) + n + strlen (suffix) + 1);
if (!result)
return NULL;
strcpy (result, prefix);
n = strlen (prefix);
for (s=buf+2, i=2; i+1 < len; i += 2, s += 2)
if (s[1])
result[n++] = '\xff'; /* High byte set. */
else if (*s <= 0x20 || *s >= 0x7f || *s == '%' || *s == ':')
sprintf (result+n, "%%%02X", *s);
n += 3;
result[n++] = *s;
strcpy (result+n, suffix);
return result;
/* This function creates an reader id to be used to find the same
physical reader after a reset. It returns an allocated and possibly
percent escaped string or NULL if not enough memory is available. */
static char *
make_reader_id (libusb_device_handle *idev,
unsigned int vendor, unsigned int product,
unsigned char serialno_index)
char *rid;
char prefix[20];
sprintf (prefix, "%04X:%04X:", (vendor & 0xffff), (product & 0xffff));
rid = get_escaped_usb_string (idev, serialno_index, prefix, ":0");
if (!rid)
rid = malloc (strlen (prefix) + 3 + 1);
if (!rid)
return NULL;
strcpy (rid, prefix);
strcat (rid, "X:0");
return rid;
/* Helper to find the endpoint from an interface descriptor. */
static int
find_endpoint (const struct libusb_interface_descriptor *ifcdesc, int mode)
int no;
int want_bulk_in = 0;
if (mode == 1)
want_bulk_in = 0x80;
for (no=0; no < ifcdesc->bNumEndpoints; no++)
const struct libusb_endpoint_descriptor *ep = ifcdesc->endpoint + no;
if (ep->bDescriptorType != LIBUSB_DT_ENDPOINT)
else if (mode == 2
&& ((ep->bmAttributes & LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_MASK)
&& (ep->bEndpointAddress & 0x80))
return ep->bEndpointAddress;
else if (((ep->bmAttributes & LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_MASK)
&& (ep->bEndpointAddress & 0x80) == want_bulk_in)
return ep->bEndpointAddress;
return -1;
/* Helper for scan_or_find_devices. This function returns true if a
requested device has been found or the caller should stop scanning
for other reasons. */
static int
scan_or_find_usb_device (int scan_mode,
int *readerno, int *count, char **rid_list,
const char *readerid,
struct libusb_device *dev,
char **r_rid,
struct libusb_device_descriptor *desc,
libusb_device_handle **r_idev,
unsigned char **ifcdesc_extra,
size_t *ifcdesc_extra_len,
int *interface_number,
int *ep_bulk_out, int *ep_bulk_in, int *ep_intr)
int cfg_no;
int ifc_no;
int set_no;
const struct libusb_interface_descriptor *ifcdesc;
char *rid;
libusb_device_handle *idev;
int err;
err = libusb_get_device_descriptor (dev, desc);
if (err < 0)
return err;
*r_idev = NULL;
for (cfg_no=0; cfg_no < desc->bNumConfigurations; cfg_no++)
struct libusb_config_descriptor *config;
err = libusb_get_config_descriptor (dev, cfg_no, &config);
if (err < 0)
return err;
for (ifc_no=0; ifc_no < config->bNumInterfaces; ifc_no++)
for (set_no=0; set_no < config->interface[ifc_no].num_altsetting;
ifcdesc = (config->interface[ifc_no].altsetting + set_no);
/* The second condition is for older SCM SPR 532 who did
not know about the assigned CCID class. The third
condition does the same for a Cherry SmartTerminal
ST-2000. Instead of trying to interpret the strings
we simply check the product ID. */
if (ifcdesc && ifcdesc->extra
&& ((ifcdesc->bInterfaceClass == 11
&& ifcdesc->bInterfaceSubClass == 0
&& ifcdesc->bInterfaceProtocol == 0)
|| (ifcdesc->bInterfaceClass == 255
&& desc->idVendor == VENDOR_SCM
&& desc->idProduct == SCM_SPR532)
|| (ifcdesc->bInterfaceClass == 255
&& desc->idVendor == VENDOR_CHERRY
&& desc->idProduct == CHERRY_ST2000)))
err = libusb_open (dev, &idev);
if (err < 0)
DEBUGOUT_1 ("usb_open failed: %s\n",
libusb_error_name (err));
continue; /* with next setting. */
rid = make_reader_id (idev,
if (rid)
if (scan_mode)
char *p;
/* We are collecting infos about all
available CCID readers. Store them and
continue. */
DEBUGOUT_2 ("found CCID reader %d (ID=%s)\n",
*count, rid );
p = malloc ((*rid_list? strlen (*rid_list):0) + 1
+ strlen (rid) + 1);
if (p)
*p = 0;
if (*rid_list)
strcat (p, *rid_list);
free (*rid_list);
strcat (p, rid);
strcat (p, "\n");
*rid_list = p;
else /* Out of memory. */
free (rid);
rid = NULL;
else if (!*readerno
|| (*readerno < 0
&& readerid
&& !strcmp (readerid, rid)))
/* We found the requested reader. */
if (ifcdesc_extra && ifcdesc_extra_len)
*ifcdesc_extra = malloc (ifcdesc
if (!*ifcdesc_extra)
libusb_close (idev);
free (rid);
libusb_free_config_descriptor (config);
return 1; /* Out of core. */
memcpy (*ifcdesc_extra, ifcdesc->extra,
*ifcdesc_extra_len = ifcdesc->extra_length;
if (interface_number)
*interface_number = (ifcdesc->bInterfaceNumber);
if (ep_bulk_out)
*ep_bulk_out = find_endpoint (ifcdesc, 0);
if (ep_bulk_in)
*ep_bulk_in = find_endpoint (ifcdesc, 1);
if (ep_intr)
*ep_intr = find_endpoint (ifcdesc, 2);
if (r_rid)
*r_rid = rid;
rid = NULL;
free (rid);
*r_idev = idev;
libusb_free_config_descriptor (config);
return 1; /* Found requested device. */
/* This is not yet the reader we want.
fixme: We should avoid the extra usb_open
in this case. */
if (*readerno >= 0)
free (rid);
libusb_close (idev);
idev = NULL;
libusb_free_config_descriptor (config);
return 0;
libusb_free_config_descriptor (config);
return 0;
/* Combination function to either scan all CCID devices or to find and
open one specific device.
The function returns 0 if a reader has been found or when a scan
returned without error.
With READERNO = -1 and READERID is NULL, scan mode is used and
R_RID should be the address where to store the list of reader_ids
we found. If on return this list is empty, no CCID device has been
found; otherwise it points to an allocated linked list of reader
IDs. Note that in this mode the function always returns NULL.
With READERNO >= 0 or READERID is not NULL find mode is used. This
uses the same algorithm as the scan mode but stops and returns at
the entry number READERNO and return the handle for the the opened
USB device. If R_RID is not NULL it will receive the reader ID of
that device. If R_DEV is not NULL it will the device pointer of
that device. If IFCDESC_EXTRA is NOT NULL it will receive a
malloced copy of the interfaces "extra: data filed;
IFCDESC_EXTRA_LEN receive the length of this field. If there is
no reader with number READERNO or that reader is not usable by our
implementation NULL will be returned. The caller must close a
returned USB device handle and free (if not passed as NULL) the
returned reader ID info as well as the IFCDESC_EXTRA. On error
NULL will get stored at R_RID, R_DEV, IFCDESC_EXTRA and
IFCDESC_EXTRA_LEN. With READERID being -1 the function stops if
the READERID was found.
If R_FD is not -1 on return the device is not using USB for
transport but the device associated with that file descriptor. In
this case INTERFACE will receive the transport type and the other
USB specific return values are not used; the return value is
Note that the first entry of the returned reader ID list in scan mode
corresponds with a READERNO of 0 in find mode.
static int
scan_or_find_devices (int readerno, const char *readerid,
char **r_rid,
struct libusb_device_descriptor *r_desc,
unsigned char **ifcdesc_extra,
size_t *ifcdesc_extra_len,
int *interface_number,
int *ep_bulk_out, int *ep_bulk_in, int *ep_intr,
libusb_device_handle **r_idev,
int *r_fd)
char *rid_list = NULL;
int count = 0;
libusb_device **dev_list = NULL;
libusb_device *dev;
libusb_device_handle *idev = NULL;
int scan_mode = (readerno == -1 && !readerid);
int i;
ssize_t n;
struct libusb_device_descriptor desc;
/* Set return values to a default. */
if (r_rid)
*r_rid = NULL;
if (ifcdesc_extra)
*ifcdesc_extra = NULL;
if (ifcdesc_extra_len)
*ifcdesc_extra_len = 0;
if (interface_number)
*interface_number = 0;
if (r_idev)
*r_idev = NULL;
if (r_fd)
*r_fd = -1;
/* See whether we want scan or find mode. */
if (scan_mode)
assert (r_rid);
n = libusb_get_device_list (NULL, &dev_list);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
dev = dev_list[i];
if (scan_or_find_usb_device (scan_mode, &readerno, &count, &rid_list,
ep_bulk_out, ep_bulk_in, ep_intr))
libusb_free_device_list (dev_list, 1);
/* Found requested device or out of core. */
if (!idev)
free (rid_list);
return -1; /* error */
*r_idev = idev;
if (r_desc)
memcpy (r_desc, &desc, sizeof (struct libusb_device_descriptor));
return 0;
libusb_free_device_list (dev_list, 1);
/* Now check whether there are any devices with special transport types. */
for (i=0; transports[i].name; i++)
int fd;
char *rid, *p;
fd = open (transports[i].name, O_RDWR);
if (fd == -1 && scan_mode && errno == EBUSY)
/* Ignore this error in scan mode because it indicates that
the device exists but is already open (most likely by us)
and thus in general suitable as a reader. */
else if (fd == -1)
DEBUGOUT_2 ("failed to open '%s': %s\n",
transports[i].name, strerror (errno));
rid = malloc (strlen (transports[i].name) + 30 + 10);
if (!rid)
if (fd != -1)
close (fd);
free (rid_list);
return -1; /* Error. */
sprintf (rid, "0000:%04X:%s:0", transports[i].type, transports[i].name);
if (scan_mode)
DEBUGOUT_2 ("found CCID reader %d (ID=%s)\n", count, rid);
p = malloc ((rid_list? strlen (rid_list):0) + 1 + strlen (rid) + 1);
if (!p)
if (fd != -1)
close (fd);
free (rid_list);
free (rid);
return -1; /* Error. */
*p = 0;
if (rid_list)
strcat (p, rid_list);
free (rid_list);
strcat (p, rid);
strcat (p, "\n");
rid_list = p;
else if (!readerno ||
(readerno < 0 && readerid && !strcmp (readerid, rid)))
/* Found requested device. */
if (interface_number)
*interface_number = transports[i].type;
if (r_rid)
*r_rid = rid;
free (rid);
if (r_fd)
*r_fd = fd;
return 0; /* Okay, found device */
else /* This is not yet the reader we want. */
if (readerno >= 0)
free (rid);
if (fd != -1)
close (fd);
if (scan_mode)
*r_rid = rid_list;
return 0;
return -1;
/* Set the level of debugging to LEVEL and return the old level. -1
just returns the old level. A level of 0 disables debugging, 1
enables debugging, 2 enables additional tracing of the T=1
protocol, 3 additionally enables debugging for GetSlotStatus, other
values are not yet defined.
Note that libusb may provide its own debugging feature which is
enabled by setting the envvar USB_DEBUG. */
ccid_set_debug_level (int level)
int old = debug_level;
if (level != -1)
debug_level = level;
return old;
char *
ccid_get_reader_list (void)
char *reader_list;
if (!initialized_usb)
libusb_init (NULL);
initialized_usb = 1;
if (scan_or_find_devices (-1, NULL, &reader_list, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
return NULL; /* Error. */
return reader_list;
/* Vendor specific custom initialization. */
static int
ccid_vendor_specific_init (ccid_driver_t handle)
if (handle->id_vendor == VENDOR_VEGA && handle->id_product == VEGA_ALPHA)
int r;
* Vega alpha has a feature to show retry counter on the pinpad
* display. But it assumes that the card returns the value of
* retry counter by VERIFY with empty data (return code of
* 63Cx). Unfortunately, existing OpenPGP cards don't support
* VERIFY command with empty data. This vendor specific command
* sequence is to disable the feature.
const unsigned char cmd[] = { '\xb5', '\x01', '\x00', '\x03', '\x00' };
r = send_escape_cmd (handle, cmd, sizeof (cmd), NULL, 0, NULL);
return r;
return 0;
/* Open the reader with the internal number READERNO and return a
pointer to be used as handle in HANDLE. Returns 0 on success. */
ccid_open_reader (ccid_driver_t *handle, const char *readerid,
const char **rdrname_p)
int rc = 0;
libusb_device_handle *idev = NULL;
int dev_fd = -1;
char *rid = NULL;
unsigned char *ifcdesc_extra = NULL;
size_t ifcdesc_extra_len;
int readerno;
int ifc_no, ep_bulk_out, ep_bulk_in, ep_intr;
struct libusb_device_descriptor desc;
*handle = NULL;
if (!initialized_usb)
libusb_init (NULL);
initialized_usb = 1;
/* See whether we want to use the reader ID string or a reader
number. A readerno of -1 indicates that the reader ID string is
to be used. */
if (readerid && strchr (readerid, ':'))
readerno = -1; /* We want to use the readerid. */
else if (readerid)
readerno = atoi (readerid);
if (readerno < 0)
DEBUGOUT ("no CCID readers found\n");
goto leave;
readerno = 0; /* Default. */
if (scan_or_find_devices (readerno, readerid, &rid, &desc,
&ifcdesc_extra, &ifcdesc_extra_len,
&ifc_no, &ep_bulk_out, &ep_bulk_in, &ep_intr,
&idev, &dev_fd) )
if (readerno == -1)
DEBUGOUT_1 ("no CCID reader with ID %s\n", readerid );
DEBUGOUT_1 ("no CCID reader with number %d\n", readerno );
goto leave;
/* Okay, this is a CCID reader. */
*handle = calloc (1, sizeof **handle);
if (!*handle)
DEBUGOUT ("out of memory\n");
goto leave;
(*handle)->rid = rid;
if (idev) /* Regular USB transport. */
(*handle)->idev = idev;
(*handle)->dev_fd = -1;
(*handle)->id_vendor = desc.idVendor;
(*handle)->id_product = desc.idProduct;
(*handle)->bcd_device = desc.bcdDevice;
(*handle)->ifc_no = ifc_no;
(*handle)->ep_bulk_out = ep_bulk_out;
(*handle)->ep_bulk_in = ep_bulk_in;
(*handle)->ep_intr = ep_intr;
else if (dev_fd != -1) /* Device transport. */
(*handle)->idev = NULL;
(*handle)->dev_fd = dev_fd;
(*handle)->id_vendor = 0; /* Magic vendor for special transport. */
(*handle)->id_product = ifc_no; /* Transport type */
prepare_special_transport (*handle);
assert (!"no transport"); /* Bug. */
DEBUGOUT_2 ("using CCID reader %d (ID=%s)\n", readerno, rid );
if (idev)
if (parse_ccid_descriptor (*handle, ifcdesc_extra, ifcdesc_extra_len))
DEBUGOUT ("device not supported\n");
goto leave;
rc = libusb_claim_interface (idev, ifc_no);
if (rc < 0)
DEBUGOUT_1 ("usb_claim_interface failed: %d\n", rc);
goto leave;
rc = ccid_vendor_specific_init (*handle);
free (ifcdesc_extra);
if (rc)
free (rid);
if (idev)
libusb_close (idev);
if (dev_fd != -1)
close (dev_fd);
free (*handle);
*handle = NULL;
if (rdrname_p)
*rdrname_p = (*handle)->rid;
return rc;
static void
do_close_reader (ccid_driver_t handle)
int rc;
unsigned char msg[100];
size_t msglen;
unsigned char seqno;
if (!handle->powered_off)
msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOff;
msg[5] = 0; /* slot */
msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++;
msg[7] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[8] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[9] = 0; /* RFU */
set_msg_len (msg, 0);
msglen = 10;
rc = bulk_out (handle, msg, msglen, 0);
if (!rc)
bulk_in (handle, msg, sizeof msg, &msglen, RDR_to_PC_SlotStatus,
seqno, 2000, 0);
handle->powered_off = 1;
if (handle->idev)
libusb_release_interface (handle->idev, handle->ifc_no);
libusb_close (handle->idev);
handle->idev = NULL;
if (handle->dev_fd != -1)
close (handle->dev_fd);
handle->dev_fd = -1;
ccid_set_progress_cb (ccid_driver_t handle,
void (*cb)(void *, const char *, int, int, int),
void *cb_arg)
if (!handle || !handle->rid)
handle->progress_cb = cb;
handle->progress_cb_arg = cb_arg;
return 0;
/* Close the reader HANDLE. */
ccid_close_reader (ccid_driver_t handle)
if (!handle || (!handle->idev && handle->dev_fd == -1))
return 0;
do_close_reader (handle);
free (handle->rid);
free (handle);
return 0;
/* Return False if a card is present and powered. */
ccid_check_card_presence (ccid_driver_t handle)
(void)handle; /* Not yet implemented. */
return -1;
/* Write NBYTES of BUF to file descriptor FD. */
static int
writen (int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes)
size_t nleft = nbytes;
int nwritten;
while (nleft > 0)
nwritten = write (fd, buf, nleft);
if (nwritten < 0)
if (errno == EINTR)
nwritten = 0;
return -1;
nleft -= nwritten;
buf = (const char*)buf + nwritten;
return 0;
/* Write a MSG of length MSGLEN to the designated bulk out endpoint.
Returns 0 on success. */
static int
bulk_out (ccid_driver_t handle, unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen,
int no_debug)
int rc;
/* No need to continue and clutter the log with USB write error
messages after we got the first ENODEV. */
if (handle->enodev_seen)
if (debug_level && (!no_debug || debug_level >= 3))
switch (msglen? msg[0]:0)
case PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOn:
print_p2r_iccpoweron (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOff:
print_p2r_iccpoweroff (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_GetSlotStatus:
print_p2r_getslotstatus (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock:
print_p2r_xfrblock (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_GetParameters:
print_p2r_getparameters (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_ResetParameters:
print_p2r_resetparameters (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_SetParameters:
print_p2r_setparameters (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_Escape:
print_p2r_escape (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_IccClock:
print_p2r_iccclock (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_T0APDU:
print_p2r_to0apdu (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_Secure:
print_p2r_secure (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_Mechanical:
print_p2r_mechanical (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_Abort:
print_p2r_abort (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_SetDataRate:
print_p2r_setdatarate (msg, msglen);
print_p2r_unknown (msg, msglen);
if (handle->idev)
int transferred;
rc = libusb_bulk_transfer (handle->idev, handle->ep_bulk_out,
(char*)msg, msglen, &transferred,
5000 /* ms timeout */);
if (rc == 0 && transferred == msglen)
return 0;
if (rc < 0)
DEBUGOUT_1 ("usb_bulk_write error: %s\n", libusb_error_name (rc));
handle->enodev_seen = 1;
rc = writen (handle->dev_fd, msg, msglen);
if (!rc)
return 0;
DEBUGOUT_2 ("writen to %d failed: %s\n",
handle->dev_fd, strerror (errno));
/* Read a maximum of LENGTH bytes from the bulk in endpoint into
BUFFER and return the actual read number if bytes in NREAD. SEQNO
is the sequence number used to send the request and EXPECTED_TYPE
the type of message we expect. Does checks on the ccid
header. TIMEOUT is the timeout value in ms. NO_DEBUG may be set to
avoid debug messages in case of no error; this can be overriden
with a glibal debug level of at least 3. Returns 0 on success. */
static int
bulk_in (ccid_driver_t handle, unsigned char *buffer, size_t length,
size_t *nread, int expected_type, int seqno, int timeout,
int no_debug)
int rc;
int msglen;
int eagain_retries = 0;
/* Fixme: The next line for the current Valgrind without support
for USB IOCTLs. */
memset (buffer, 0, length);
if (handle->idev)
rc = libusb_bulk_transfer (handle->idev, handle->ep_bulk_in,
(char*)buffer, length, &msglen, timeout);
if (rc < 0)
DEBUGOUT_1 ("usb_bulk_read error: %s\n", libusb_error_name (rc));
handle->enodev_seen = 1;
if (msglen < 0)
return CCID_DRIVER_ERR_INV_VALUE; /* Faulty libusb. */
*nread = msglen;
rc = read (handle->dev_fd, buffer, length);
if (rc < 0)
rc = errno;
DEBUGOUT_2 ("read from %d failed: %s\n",
handle->dev_fd, strerror (rc));
if (rc == EAGAIN && eagain_retries++ < 5)
my_sleep (1);
goto retry;
*nread = msglen = rc;
eagain_retries = 0;
if (msglen < 10)
DEBUGOUT_1 ("bulk-in msg too short (%u)\n", (unsigned int)msglen);
abort_cmd (handle, seqno);
if (buffer[5] != 0)
DEBUGOUT_1 ("unexpected bulk-in slot (%d)\n", buffer[5]);
if (buffer[6] != seqno)
DEBUGOUT_2 ("bulk-in seqno does not match (%d/%d)\n",
seqno, buffer[6]);
/* Retry until we are synced again. */
goto retry;
/* We need to handle the time extension request before we check that
we got the expected message type. This is in particular required
for the Cherry keyboard which sends a time extension request for
each key hit. */
if ( !(buffer[7] & 0x03) && (buffer[7] & 0xC0) == 0x80)
/* Card present and active, time extension requested. */
DEBUGOUT_2 ("time extension requested (%02X,%02X)\n",
buffer[7], buffer[8]);
goto retry;
if (buffer[0] != expected_type)
DEBUGOUT_1 ("unexpected bulk-in msg type (%02x)\n", buffer[0]);
abort_cmd (handle, seqno);
if (debug_level && (!no_debug || debug_level >= 3))
switch (buffer[0])
case RDR_to_PC_DataBlock:
print_r2p_datablock (buffer, msglen);
case RDR_to_PC_SlotStatus:
print_r2p_slotstatus (buffer, msglen);
case RDR_to_PC_Parameters:
print_r2p_parameters (buffer, msglen);
case RDR_to_PC_Escape:
print_r2p_escape (buffer, msglen);
case RDR_to_PC_DataRate:
print_r2p_datarate (buffer, msglen);
print_r2p_unknown (buffer, msglen);
print_command_failed (buffer);
/* Check whether a card is at all available. Note: If you add new
error codes here, check whether they need to be ignored in
send_escape_cmd. */
switch ((buffer[7] & 0x03))
case 0: /* no error */ break;
case 2: return CCID_DRIVER_ERR_NO_CARD;
case 3: /* RFU */ break;
return 0;
/* Send an abort sequence and wait until everything settled. */
static int
abort_cmd (ccid_driver_t handle, int seqno)
int rc;
char dummybuf[8];
unsigned char msg[100];
int msglen;
if (!handle->idev)
/* I don't know how to send an abort to non-USB devices. */
seqno &= 0xff;
DEBUGOUT_1 ("sending abort sequence for seqno %d\n", seqno);
/* Send the abort command to the control pipe. Note that we don't
need to keep track of sent abort commands because there should
never be another thread using the same slot concurrently. */
rc = libusb_control_transfer (handle->idev,
0x21,/* bmRequestType: host-to-device,
class specific, to interface. */
1, /* ABORT */
(seqno << 8 | 0 /* slot */),
dummybuf, 0,
1000 /* ms timeout */);
if (rc < 0)
DEBUGOUT_1 ("usb_control_msg error: %s\n", libusb_error_name (rc));
/* Now send the abort command to the bulk out pipe using the same
SEQNO and SLOT. Do this in a loop to so that all seqno are
tried. */
seqno--; /* Adjust for next increment. */
int transferred;
msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_Abort;
msg[5] = 0; /* slot */
msg[6] = seqno;
msg[7] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[8] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[9] = 0; /* RFU */
msglen = 10;
set_msg_len (msg, 0);
rc = libusb_bulk_transfer (handle->idev, handle->ep_bulk_out,
(char*)msg, msglen, &transferred,
5000 /* ms timeout */);
if (rc == 0 && transferred == msglen)
rc = 0;
else if (rc < 0)
DEBUGOUT_1 ("usb_bulk_write error in abort_cmd: %s\n",
libusb_error_name (rc));
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = libusb_bulk_transfer (handle->idev, handle->ep_bulk_in,
(char*)msg, sizeof msg, &msglen,
5000 /*ms timeout*/);
if (rc < 0)
DEBUGOUT_1 ("usb_bulk_read error in abort_cmd: %s\n",
libusb_error_name (rc));
if (msglen < 10)
DEBUGOUT_1 ("bulk-in msg in abort_cmd too short (%u)\n",
(unsigned int)msglen);
if (msg[5] != 0)
DEBUGOUT_1 ("unexpected bulk-in slot (%d) in abort_cmd\n", msg[5]);
DEBUGOUT_3 ("status: %02X error: %02X octet[9]: %02X\n",
msg[7], msg[8], msg[9]);
print_command_failed (msg);
while (msg[0] != RDR_to_PC_SlotStatus && msg[5] != 0 && msg[6] != seqno);
handle->seqno = ((seqno + 1) & 0xff);
DEBUGOUT ("sending abort sequence succeeded\n");
return 0;
/* Note that this function won't return the error codes NO_CARD or
CARD_INACTIVE. IF RESULT is not NULL, the result from the
operation will get returned in RESULT and its length in RESULTLEN.
If the response is larger than RESULTMAX, an error is returned and
the required buffer length returned in RESULTLEN. */
static int
send_escape_cmd (ccid_driver_t handle,
const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen,
unsigned char *result, size_t resultmax, size_t *resultlen)
int rc;
unsigned char msg[100];
size_t msglen;
unsigned char seqno;
if (resultlen)
*resultlen = 0;
if (datalen > sizeof msg - 10)
return CCID_DRIVER_ERR_INV_VALUE; /* Escape data too large. */
msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_Escape;
msg[5] = 0; /* slot */
msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++;
msg[7] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[8] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[9] = 0; /* RFU */
memcpy (msg+10, data, datalen);
msglen = 10 + datalen;
set_msg_len (msg, datalen);
rc = bulk_out (handle, msg, msglen, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = bulk_in (handle, msg, sizeof msg, &msglen, RDR_to_PC_Escape,
seqno, 5000, 0);
if (result)
switch (rc)
/* We need to ignore certain errorcode here. */
case 0:
if (msglen > resultmax)
rc = CCID_DRIVER_ERR_INV_VALUE; /* Response too large. */
memcpy (result, msg, msglen);
*resultlen = msglen;
rc = 0;
return rc;
ccid_transceive_escape (ccid_driver_t handle,
const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen,
unsigned char *resp, size_t maxresplen, size_t *nresp)
return send_escape_cmd (handle, data, datalen, resp, maxresplen, nresp);
/* experimental */
ccid_poll (ccid_driver_t handle)
int rc;
unsigned char msg[10];
int msglen;
int i, j;
if (handle->idev)
rc = libusb_bulk_transfer (handle->idev, handle->ep_intr,
(char*)msg, sizeof msg, &msglen,
0 /* ms timeout */ );
return 0;
return 0;
if (rc < 0)
DEBUGOUT_1 ("usb_intr_read error: %s\n", libusb_error_name (rc));
if (msglen < 1)
DEBUGOUT ("intr-in msg too short\n");
if (msg[0] == RDR_to_PC_NotifySlotChange)
DEBUGOUT ("notify slot change:");
for (i=1; i < msglen; i++)
for (j=0; j < 4; j++)
DEBUGOUT_CONT_3 (" %d:%c%c",
(msg[i] & (1<<(j*2)))? 'p':'-',
(msg[i] & (2<<(j*2)))? '*':' ');
else if (msg[0] == RDR_to_PC_HardwareError)
DEBUGOUT ("hardware error occurred\n");
DEBUGOUT_1 ("unknown intr-in msg of type %02X\n", msg[0]);
return 0;
/* Note that this function won't return the error codes NO_CARD or
ccid_slot_status (ccid_driver_t handle, int *statusbits)
int rc;
unsigned char msg[100];
size_t msglen;
unsigned char seqno;
int retries = 0;
msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_GetSlotStatus;
msg[5] = 0; /* slot */
msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++;
msg[7] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[8] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[9] = 0; /* RFU */
set_msg_len (msg, 0);
rc = bulk_out (handle, msg, 10, 1);
if (rc)
return rc;
/* Note that we set the NO_DEBUG flag here, so that the logs won't
get cluttered up by a ticker function checking for the slot
status and debugging enabled. */
rc = bulk_in (handle, msg, sizeof msg, &msglen, RDR_to_PC_SlotStatus,
seqno, retries? 1000 : 200, 1);
if (rc == CCID_DRIVER_ERR_CARD_IO_ERROR && retries < 3)
if (!retries)
libusb_clear_halt (handle->idev, handle->ep_bulk_in);
libusb_clear_halt (handle->idev, handle->ep_bulk_out);
goto retry;
if (rc && rc != CCID_DRIVER_ERR_NO_CARD
return rc;
*statusbits = (msg[7] & 3);
return 0;
/* Parse ATR string (of ATRLEN) and update parameters at PARAM.
Calling this routine, it should prepare default values at PARAM
beforehand. This routine assumes that card is accessed by T=1
protocol. It doesn't analyze historical bytes at all.
Returns < 0 value on error:
-1 for parse error or integrity check error
-2 for card doesn't support T=1 protocol
-3 for parameters are nod explicitly defined by ATR
-4 for this driver doesn't support CRC
Returns >= 0 on success:
0 for card is negotiable mode
1 for card is specific mode (and not negotiable)
static int
update_param_by_atr (unsigned char *param, unsigned char *atr, size_t atrlen)
int i = -1;
int t, y, chk;
int historical_bytes_num, negotiable = 1;
#define NEXTBYTE() do { i++; if (atrlen <= i) return -1; } while (0)
if (atr[i] == 0x3F)
param[1] |= 0x02; /* Convention is inverse. */
y = (atr[i] >> 4);
historical_bytes_num = atr[i] & 0x0f;
if ((y & 1))
param[0] = atr[i]; /* TA1 - Fi & Di */
if ((y & 2))
NEXTBYTE (); /* TB1 - ignore */
if ((y & 4))
param[2] = atr[i]; /* TC1 - Guard Time */
if ((y & 8))
y = (atr[i] >> 4); /* TD1 */
t = atr[i] & 0x0f;
if ((y & 1))
{ /* TA2 - PPS mode */
if ((atr[i] & 0x0f) != 1)
return -2; /* Wrong card protocol (!= 1). */
if ((atr[i] & 0x10) != 0x10)
return -3; /* Transmission parameters are implicitly defined. */
negotiable = 0; /* TA2 means specific mode. */
if ((y & 2))
NEXTBYTE (); /* TB2 - ignore */
if ((y & 4))
NEXTBYTE (); /* TC2 - ignore */
if ((y & 8))
y = (atr[i] >> 4); /* TD2 */
t = atr[i] & 0x0f;
y = 0;
while (y)
if ((y & 1))
{ /* TAx */
if (t == 1)
param[5] = atr[i]; /* IFSC */
else if (t == 15)
/* XXX: check voltage? */
param[4] = (atr[i] >> 6); /* ClockStop */
if ((y & 2))
if (t == 1)
param[3] = atr[i]; /* TBx - BWI & CWI */
if ((y & 4))
if (t == 1)
param[1] |= (atr[i] & 0x01); /* TCx - LRC/CRC */
if (param[1] & 0x01)
return -4; /* CRC not supported yet. */
if ((y & 8))
y = (atr[i] >> 4); /* TDx */
t = atr[i] & 0x0f;
y = 0;
i += historical_bytes_num - 1;
if (atrlen != i+1)
return -1;
chk = 0;
chk ^= atr[i];
while (i > 0);
if (chk != 0)
return -1;
return negotiable;
/* Return the ATR of the card. This is not a cached value and thus an
actual reset is done. */
ccid_get_atr (ccid_driver_t handle,
unsigned char *atr, size_t maxatrlen, size_t *atrlen)
int rc;
int statusbits;
unsigned char msg[100];
unsigned char *tpdu;
size_t msglen, tpdulen;
unsigned char seqno;
int use_crc = 0;
unsigned int edc;
int tried_iso = 0;
int got_param;
unsigned char param[7] = { /* For Protocol T=1 */
0x11, /* bmFindexDindex */
0x10, /* bmTCCKST1 */
0x00, /* bGuardTimeT1 */
0x4d, /* bmWaitingIntegersT1 */
0x00, /* bClockStop */
0x20, /* bIFSC */
0x00 /* bNadValue */
/* First check whether a card is available. */
rc = ccid_slot_status (handle, &statusbits);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (statusbits == 2)
/* For an inactive and also for an active card, issue the PowerOn
command to get the ATR. */
msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOn;
msg[5] = 0; /* slot */
msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++;
/* power select (0=auto, 1=5V, 2=3V, 3=1.8V) */
msg[7] = handle->auto_voltage ? 0 : 1;
msg[8] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[9] = 0; /* RFU */
set_msg_len (msg, 0);
msglen = 10;
rc = bulk_out (handle, msg, msglen, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = bulk_in (handle, msg, sizeof msg, &msglen, RDR_to_PC_DataBlock,
seqno, 5000, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (!tried_iso && CCID_COMMAND_FAILED (msg) && CCID_ERROR_CODE (msg) == 0xbb
&& ((handle->id_vendor == VENDOR_CHERRY
&& handle->id_product == 0x0005)
|| (handle->id_vendor == VENDOR_GEMPC
&& handle->id_product == 0x4433)
tried_iso = 1;
/* Try switching to ISO mode. */
if (!send_escape_cmd (handle, (const unsigned char*)"\xF1\x01", 2,
goto again;
else if (CCID_COMMAND_FAILED (msg))
handle->powered_off = 0;
if (atr)
size_t n = msglen - 10;
if (n > maxatrlen)
n = maxatrlen;
memcpy (atr, msg+10, n);
*atrlen = n;
param[6] = handle->nonnull_nad? ((1 << 4) | 0): 0;
rc = update_param_by_atr (param, msg+10, msglen - 10);
if (rc < 0)
DEBUGOUT_1 ("update_param_by_atr failed: %d\n", rc);
got_param = 0;
if (handle->auto_param)
msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_GetParameters;
msg[5] = 0; /* slot */
msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++;
msg[7] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[8] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[9] = 0; /* RFU */
set_msg_len (msg, 0);
msglen = 10;
rc = bulk_out (handle, msg, msglen, 0);
if (!rc)
rc = bulk_in (handle, msg, sizeof msg, &msglen, RDR_to_PC_Parameters,
seqno, 2000, 0);
if (rc)
DEBUGOUT ("GetParameters failed\n");
else if (msglen == 17 && msg[9] == 1)
got_param = 1;
else if (handle->auto_pps)
else if (rc == 1) /* It's negotiable, send PPS. */
msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock;
msg[5] = 0; /* slot */
msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++;
msg[7] = 0;
msg[8] = 0;
msg[9] = 0;
msg[10] = 0xff; /* PPSS */
msg[11] = 0x11; /* PPS0: PPS1, Protocol T=1 */
msg[12] = param[0]; /* PPS1: Fi / Di */
msg[13] = 0xff ^ 0x11 ^ param[0]; /* PCK */
set_msg_len (msg, 4);
msglen = 10 + 4;
rc = bulk_out (handle, msg, msglen, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = bulk_in (handle, msg, sizeof msg, &msglen, RDR_to_PC_DataBlock,
seqno, 5000, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (msglen != 10 + 4)
DEBUGOUT_1 ("Setting PPS failed: %zu\n", msglen);
if (msg[10] != 0xff || msg[11] != 0x11 || msg[12] != param[0])
DEBUGOUT_1 ("Setting PPS failed: 0x%02x\n", param[0]);
/* Setup parameters to select T=1. */
msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_SetParameters;
msg[5] = 0; /* slot */
msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++;
msg[7] = 1; /* Select T=1. */
msg[8] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[9] = 0; /* RFU */
if (!got_param)
memcpy (&msg[10], param, 7);
set_msg_len (msg, 7);
msglen = 10 + 7;
rc = bulk_out (handle, msg, msglen, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = bulk_in (handle, msg, sizeof msg, &msglen, RDR_to_PC_Parameters,
seqno, 5000, 0);
if (rc)
DEBUGOUT ("SetParameters failed (ignored)\n");
if (!rc && msglen > 15 && msg[15] >= 16 && msg[15] <= 254 )
handle->ifsc = msg[15];
handle->ifsc = 128; /* Something went wrong, assume 128 bytes. */
if (handle->nonnull_nad && msglen > 16 && msg[16] == 0)
DEBUGOUT ("Use Null-NAD, clearing handle->nonnull_nad.\n");
handle->nonnull_nad = 0;
handle->t1_ns = 0;
handle->t1_nr = 0;
/* Send an S-Block with our maximum IFSD to the CCID. */
if (!handle->apdu_level && !handle->auto_ifsd)
tpdu = msg+10;
/* NAD: DAD=1, SAD=0 */
tpdu[0] = handle->nonnull_nad? ((1 << 4) | 0): 0;
tpdu[1] = (0xc0 | 0 | 1); /* S-block request: change IFSD */
tpdu[2] = 1;
tpdu[3] = handle->max_ifsd? handle->max_ifsd : 32;
tpdulen = 4;
edc = compute_edc (tpdu, tpdulen, use_crc);
if (use_crc)
tpdu[tpdulen++] = (edc >> 8);
tpdu[tpdulen++] = edc;
msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock;
msg[5] = 0; /* slot */
msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++;
msg[7] = 0;
msg[8] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[9] = 0; /* RFU */
set_msg_len (msg, tpdulen);
msglen = 10 + tpdulen;
if (debug_level > 1)
DEBUGOUT_3 ("T=1: put %c-block seq=%d%s\n",
((msg[11] & 0xc0) == 0x80)? 'R' :
(msg[11] & 0x80)? 'S' : 'I',
((msg[11] & 0x80)? !!(msg[11]& 0x10)
: !!(msg[11] & 0x40)),
(!(msg[11] & 0x80) && (msg[11] & 0x20)? " [more]":""));
rc = bulk_out (handle, msg, msglen, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = bulk_in (handle, msg, sizeof msg, &msglen,
RDR_to_PC_DataBlock, seqno, 5000, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
tpdu = msg + 10;
tpdulen = msglen - 10;
if (tpdulen < 4)
if (debug_level > 1)
DEBUGOUT_4 ("T=1: got %c-block seq=%d err=%d%s\n",
((msg[11] & 0xc0) == 0x80)? 'R' :
(msg[11] & 0x80)? 'S' : 'I',
((msg[11] & 0x80)? !!(msg[11]& 0x10)
: !!(msg[11] & 0x40)),
((msg[11] & 0xc0) == 0x80)? (msg[11] & 0x0f) : 0,
(!(msg[11] & 0x80) && (msg[11] & 0x20)? " [more]":""));
if ((tpdu[1] & 0xe0) != 0xe0 || tpdu[2] != 1)
DEBUGOUT ("invalid response for S-block (Change-IFSD)\n");
return -1;
DEBUGOUT_1 ("IFSD has been set to %d\n", tpdu[3]);
return 0;
static unsigned int
compute_edc (const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen, int use_crc)
if (use_crc)
return 0x42; /* Not yet implemented. */
unsigned char crc = 0;
for (; datalen; datalen--)
crc ^= *data++;
return crc;
/* Return true if APDU is an extended length one. */
static int
is_exlen_apdu (const unsigned char *apdu, size_t apdulen)
if (apdulen < 7 || apdu[4])
return 0; /* Too short or no Z byte. */
return 1;
/* Helper for ccid_transceive used for APDU level exchanges. */
static int
ccid_transceive_apdu_level (ccid_driver_t handle,
const unsigned char *apdu_buf, size_t apdu_len,
unsigned char *resp, size_t maxresplen,
size_t *nresp)
int rc;
unsigned char msg[CCID_MAX_BUF];
const unsigned char *apdu_p;
size_t apdu_part_len;
size_t msglen;
unsigned char seqno;
int bwi = 4;
unsigned char chain = 0;
if (apdu_len == 0 || apdu_len > sizeof (msg) - 10)
return CCID_DRIVER_ERR_INV_VALUE; /* Invalid length. */
apdu_p = apdu_buf;
while (1)
apdu_part_len = apdu_len;
if (apdu_part_len > handle->max_ccid_msglen - 10)
apdu_part_len = handle->max_ccid_msglen - 10;
chain |= 0x01;
msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock;
msg[5] = 0; /* slot */
msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++;
msg[7] = bwi;
msg[8] = chain;
msg[9] = 0;
memcpy (msg+10, apdu_p, apdu_part_len);
set_msg_len (msg, apdu_part_len);
msglen = 10 + apdu_part_len;
rc = bulk_out (handle, msg, msglen, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
apdu_p += apdu_part_len;
apdu_len -= apdu_part_len;
rc = bulk_in (handle, msg, sizeof msg, &msglen,
RDR_to_PC_DataBlock, seqno, CCID_CMD_TIMEOUT, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (!(chain & 0x01))
chain = 0x02;
apdu_len = 0;
while (1)
apdu_part_len = msglen - 10;
if (resp && apdu_len + apdu_part_len <= maxresplen)
memcpy (resp + apdu_len, msg+10, apdu_part_len);
apdu_len += apdu_part_len;
if (!(msg[9] & 0x01))
msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock;
msg[5] = 0; /* slot */
msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++;
msg[7] = bwi;
msg[8] = 0x10; /* Request next data block */
msg[9] = 0;
set_msg_len (msg, 0);
msglen = 10;
rc = bulk_out (handle, msg, msglen, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = bulk_in (handle, msg, sizeof msg, &msglen,
RDR_to_PC_DataBlock, seqno, CCID_CMD_TIMEOUT, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (resp)
if (apdu_len > maxresplen)
DEBUGOUT_2 ("provided buffer too short for received data "
(unsigned int)apdu_len, (unsigned int)maxresplen);
*nresp = apdu_len;
return 0;
Protocol T=1 overview
Block Structure:
Prologue Field:
1 byte Node Address (NAD)
1 byte Protocol Control Byte (PCB)
1 byte Length (LEN)
Information Field:
0-254 byte APDU or Control Information (INF)
Epilogue Field:
1 byte Error Detection Code (EDC)
bit 7 unused
bit 4..6 Destination Node Address (DAD)
bit 3 unused
bit 2..0 Source Node Address (SAD)
If node adresses are not used, SAD and DAD should be set to 0 on
the first block sent to the card. If they are used they should
have different values (0 for one is okay); that first block sets up
the addresses of the nodes.
Information Block (I-Block):
bit 7 0
bit 6 Sequence number (yep, that is modulo 2)
bit 5 Chaining flag
bit 4..0 reserved
Received-Ready Block (R-Block):
bit 7 1
bit 6 0
bit 5 0
bit 4 Sequence number
bit 3..0 0 = no error
1 = EDC or parity error
2 = other error
other values are reserved
Supervisory Block (S-Block):
bit 7 1
bit 6 1
bit 5 clear=request,set=response
bit 4..0 0 = resyncronisation request
1 = information field size request
2 = abort request
3 = extension of BWT request
4 = VPP error
other values are reserved
ccid_transceive (ccid_driver_t handle,
const unsigned char *apdu_buf, size_t apdu_buflen,
unsigned char *resp, size_t maxresplen, size_t *nresp)
int rc;
/* The size of the buffer used to be 10+259. For the via_escape
hack we need one extra byte, thus 11+259. */
unsigned char send_buffer[11+259], recv_buffer[11+259];
const unsigned char *apdu;
size_t apdulen;
unsigned char *msg, *tpdu, *p;
size_t msglen, tpdulen, last_tpdulen, n;
unsigned char seqno;
unsigned int edc;
int use_crc = 0;
int hdrlen, pcboff;
size_t dummy_nresp;
int via_escape = 0;
int next_chunk = 1;
int sending = 1;
int retries = 0;
int resyncing = 0;
int nad_byte;
if (!nresp)
nresp = &dummy_nresp;
*nresp = 0;
/* Smarter readers allow sending APDUs directly; divert here. */
if (handle->apdu_level)
/* We employ a hack for Omnikey readers which are able to send
TPDUs using an escape sequence. There is no documentation
but the Windows driver does it this way. Tested using a
CM6121. This method works also for the Cherry XX44
keyboards; however there are problems with the
ccid_tranceive_secure which leads to a loss of sync on the
CCID level. If Cherry wants to make their keyboard work
again, they should hand over some docs. */
if ((handle->id_vendor == VENDOR_OMNIKEY
|| (!handle->idev && handle->id_product == TRANSPORT_CM4040))
&& handle->apdu_level < 2
&& is_exlen_apdu (apdu_buf, apdu_buflen))
via_escape = 1;
return ccid_transceive_apdu_level (handle, apdu_buf, apdu_buflen,
resp, maxresplen, nresp);
/* The other readers we support require sending TPDUs. */
tpdulen = 0; /* Avoid compiler warning about no initialization. */
msg = send_buffer;
hdrlen = via_escape? 11 : 10;
/* NAD: DAD=1, SAD=0 */
nad_byte = handle->nonnull_nad? ((1 << 4) | 0): 0;
if (via_escape)
nad_byte = 0;
last_tpdulen = 0; /* Avoid gcc warning (controlled by RESYNCING). */
for (;;)
if (next_chunk)
next_chunk = 0;
apdu = apdu_buf;
apdulen = apdu_buflen;
assert (apdulen);
/* Construct an I-Block. */
tpdu = msg + hdrlen;
tpdu[0] = nad_byte;
tpdu[1] = ((handle->t1_ns & 1) << 6); /* I-block */
if (apdulen > handle->ifsc )
apdulen = handle->ifsc;
apdu_buf += handle->ifsc;
apdu_buflen -= handle->ifsc;
tpdu[1] |= (1 << 5); /* Set more bit. */
tpdu[2] = apdulen;
memcpy (tpdu+3, apdu, apdulen);
tpdulen = 3 + apdulen;
edc = compute_edc (tpdu, tpdulen, use_crc);
if (use_crc)
tpdu[tpdulen++] = (edc >> 8);
tpdu[tpdulen++] = edc;
if (via_escape)
msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_Escape;
msg[5] = 0; /* slot */
msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++;
msg[7] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[8] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[9] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[10] = 0x1a; /* Omnikey command to send a TPDU. */
set_msg_len (msg, 1 + tpdulen);
msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock;
msg[5] = 0; /* slot */
msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++;
msg[7] = 4; /* bBWI */
msg[8] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[9] = 0; /* RFU */
set_msg_len (msg, tpdulen);
msglen = hdrlen + tpdulen;
if (!resyncing)
last_tpdulen = tpdulen;
pcboff = hdrlen+1;
if (debug_level > 1)
DEBUGOUT_3 ("T=1: put %c-block seq=%d%s\n",
((msg[pcboff] & 0xc0) == 0x80)? 'R' :
(msg[pcboff] & 0x80)? 'S' : 'I',
((msg[pcboff] & 0x80)? !!(msg[pcboff]& 0x10)
: !!(msg[pcboff] & 0x40)),
(!(msg[pcboff] & 0x80) && (msg[pcboff] & 0x20)?
" [more]":""));
rc = bulk_out (handle, msg, msglen, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
msg = recv_buffer;
rc = bulk_in (handle, msg, sizeof recv_buffer, &msglen,
via_escape? RDR_to_PC_Escape : RDR_to_PC_DataBlock,
seqno, CCID_CMD_TIMEOUT, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
tpdu = msg + hdrlen;
tpdulen = msglen - hdrlen;
resyncing = 0;
if (tpdulen < 4)
libusb_clear_halt (handle->idev, handle->ep_bulk_in);
if (debug_level > 1)
DEBUGOUT_4 ("T=1: got %c-block seq=%d err=%d%s\n",
((msg[pcboff] & 0xc0) == 0x80)? 'R' :
(msg[pcboff] & 0x80)? 'S' : 'I',
((msg[pcboff] & 0x80)? !!(msg[pcboff]& 0x10)
: !!(msg[pcboff] & 0x40)),
((msg[pcboff] & 0xc0) == 0x80)? (msg[pcboff] & 0x0f) : 0,
(!(msg[pcboff] & 0x80) && (msg[pcboff] & 0x20)?
" [more]":""));
if (!(tpdu[1] & 0x80))
{ /* This is an I-block. */
retries = 0;
if (sending)
{ /* last block sent was successful. */
handle->t1_ns ^= 1;
sending = 0;
if (!!(tpdu[1] & 0x40) != handle->t1_nr)
{ /* Response does not match our sequence number. */
msg = send_buffer;
tpdu = msg + hdrlen;
tpdu[0] = nad_byte;
tpdu[1] = (0x80 | (handle->t1_nr & 1) << 4 | 2); /* R-block */
tpdu[2] = 0;
tpdulen = 3;
edc = compute_edc (tpdu, tpdulen, use_crc);
if (use_crc)
tpdu[tpdulen++] = (edc >> 8);
tpdu[tpdulen++] = edc;
handle->t1_nr ^= 1;
p = tpdu + 3; /* Skip the prologue field. */
n = tpdulen - 3 - 1; /* Strip the epilogue field. */
/* fixme: verify the checksum. */
if (resp)
if (n > maxresplen)
DEBUGOUT_2 ("provided buffer too short for received data "
(unsigned int)n, (unsigned int)maxresplen);
memcpy (resp, p, n);
resp += n;
*nresp += n;
maxresplen -= n;
if (!(tpdu[1] & 0x20))
return 0; /* No chaining requested - ready. */
msg = send_buffer;
tpdu = msg + hdrlen;
tpdu[0] = nad_byte;
tpdu[1] = (0x80 | (handle->t1_nr & 1) << 4); /* R-block */
tpdu[2] = 0;
tpdulen = 3;
edc = compute_edc (tpdu, tpdulen, use_crc);
if (use_crc)
tpdu[tpdulen++] = (edc >> 8);
tpdu[tpdulen++] = edc;
else if ((tpdu[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80)
{ /* This is a R-block. */
if ( (tpdu[1] & 0x0f))
if (via_escape && retries == 1 && (msg[pcboff] & 0x0f))
/* Error probably due to switching to TPDU. Send a
resync request. We use the recv_buffer so that
we don't corrupt the send_buffer. */
msg = recv_buffer;
tpdu = msg + hdrlen;
tpdu[0] = nad_byte;
tpdu[1] = 0xc0; /* S-block resync request. */
tpdu[2] = 0;
tpdulen = 3;
edc = compute_edc (tpdu, tpdulen, use_crc);
if (use_crc)
tpdu[tpdulen++] = (edc >> 8);
tpdu[tpdulen++] = edc;
resyncing = 1;
DEBUGOUT ("T=1: requesting resync\n");
else if (retries > 3)
DEBUGOUT ("T=1: 3 failed retries\n");
/* Error: repeat last block */
msg = send_buffer;
tpdulen = last_tpdulen;
else if (sending && !!(tpdu[1] & 0x10) == handle->t1_ns)
{ /* Response does not match our sequence number. */
DEBUGOUT ("R-block with wrong seqno received on more bit\n");
else if (sending)
{ /* Send next chunk. */
retries = 0;
msg = send_buffer;
next_chunk = 1;
handle->t1_ns ^= 1;
DEBUGOUT ("unexpected ACK R-block received\n");
{ /* This is a S-block. */
retries = 0;
DEBUGOUT_2 ("T=1: S-block %s received cmd=%d\n",
(tpdu[1] & 0x20)? "response": "request",
(tpdu[1] & 0x1f));
if ( !(tpdu[1] & 0x20) && (tpdu[1] & 0x1f) == 1 && tpdu[2] == 1)
/* Information field size request. */
unsigned char ifsc = tpdu[3];
if (ifsc < 16 || ifsc > 254)
msg = send_buffer;
tpdu = msg + hdrlen;
tpdu[0] = nad_byte;
tpdu[1] = (0xc0 | 0x20 | 1); /* S-block response */
tpdu[2] = 1;
tpdu[3] = ifsc;
tpdulen = 4;
edc = compute_edc (tpdu, tpdulen, use_crc);
if (use_crc)
tpdu[tpdulen++] = (edc >> 8);
tpdu[tpdulen++] = edc;
DEBUGOUT_1 ("T=1: requesting an ifsc=%d\n", ifsc);
else if ( !(tpdu[1] & 0x20) && (tpdu[1] & 0x1f) == 3 && tpdu[2])
/* Wait time extension request. */
unsigned char bwi = tpdu[3];
msg = send_buffer;
tpdu = msg + hdrlen;
tpdu[0] = nad_byte;
tpdu[1] = (0xc0 | 0x20 | 3); /* S-block response */
tpdu[2] = 1;
tpdu[3] = bwi;
tpdulen = 4;
edc = compute_edc (tpdu, tpdulen, use_crc);
if (use_crc)
tpdu[tpdulen++] = (edc >> 8);
tpdu[tpdulen++] = edc;
DEBUGOUT_1 ("T=1: waittime extension of bwi=%d\n", bwi);
print_progress (handle);
else if ( (tpdu[1] & 0x20) && (tpdu[1] & 0x1f) == 0 && !tpdu[2])
DEBUGOUT ("T=1: resync ack from reader\n");
/* Repeat previous block. */
msg = send_buffer;
tpdulen = last_tpdulen;
} /* end T=1 protocol loop. */
return 0;
/* Send the CCID Secure command to the reader. APDU_BUF should
contain the APDU template. PIN_MODE defines how the pin gets
1 := The PIN is ASCII encoded and of variable length. The
length of the PIN entered will be put into Lc by the reader.
The APDU should me made up of 4 bytes without Lc.
PINLEN_MIN and PINLEN_MAX define the limits for the pin length. 0
may be used t enable reasonable defaults.
When called with RESP and NRESP set to NULL, the function will
merely check whether the reader supports the secure command for the
given APDU and PIN_MODE. */
ccid_transceive_secure (ccid_driver_t handle,
const unsigned char *apdu_buf, size_t apdu_buflen,
pininfo_t *pininfo,
unsigned char *resp, size_t maxresplen, size_t *nresp)
int rc;
unsigned char send_buffer[10+259], recv_buffer[10+259];
unsigned char *msg, *tpdu, *p;
size_t msglen, tpdulen, n;
unsigned char seqno;
size_t dummy_nresp;
int testmode;
int cherry_mode = 0;
int add_zero = 0;
int enable_varlen = 0;
testmode = !resp && !nresp;
if (!nresp)
nresp = &dummy_nresp;
*nresp = 0;
if (apdu_buflen >= 4 && apdu_buf[1] == 0x20 && (handle->has_pinpad & 1))
else if (apdu_buflen >= 4 && apdu_buf[1] == 0x24 && (handle->has_pinpad & 2))
if (!pininfo->minlen)
pininfo->minlen = 1;
if (!pininfo->maxlen)
pininfo->maxlen = 15;
/* Note that the 25 is the maximum value the SPR532 allows. */
if (pininfo->minlen < 1 || pininfo->minlen > 25
|| pininfo->maxlen < 1 || pininfo->maxlen > 25
|| pininfo->minlen > pininfo->maxlen)
/* We have only tested a few readers so better don't risk anything
and do not allow the use with other readers. */
switch (handle->id_vendor)
case VENDOR_SCM: /* Tested with SPR 532. */
case VENDOR_KAAN: /* Tested with KAAN Advanced (1.02). */
case VENDOR_FSIJ: /* Tested with Gnuk (0.21). */
pininfo->maxlen = 25;
enable_varlen = 1;
case VENDOR_REINER:/* Tested with cyberJack go */
case VENDOR_VASCO: /* Tested with DIGIPASS 920 */
enable_varlen = 1;
pininfo->maxlen = 15;
enable_varlen = 1;
/* The CHERRY XX44 keyboard echos an asterisk for each entered
character on the keyboard channel. We use a special variant
of PC_to_RDR_Secure which directs these characters to the
smart card's bulk-in channel. We also need to append a zero
Lc byte to the APDU. It seems that it will be replaced with
the actual length instead of being appended before the APDU
is send to the card. */
add_zero = 1;
if (handle->id_product != CHERRY_ST2000)
cherry_mode = 1;
if ((handle->id_vendor == VENDOR_GEMPC &&
handle->id_product == GEMPC_PINPAD)
|| (handle->id_vendor == VENDOR_VEGA &&
handle->id_product == VEGA_ALPHA))
enable_varlen = 0;
pininfo->minlen = 4;
pininfo->maxlen = 8;
if (enable_varlen)
pininfo->fixedlen = 0;
if (testmode)
return 0; /* Success */
if (pininfo->fixedlen < 0 || pininfo->fixedlen >= 16)
msg = send_buffer;
if (handle->id_vendor == VENDOR_SCM)
DEBUGOUT ("sending escape sequence to switch to a case 1 APDU\n");
rc = send_escape_cmd (handle, (const unsigned char*)"\x80\x02\x00", 3,
if (rc)
return rc;
msg[0] = cherry_mode? 0x89 : PC_to_RDR_Secure;
msg[5] = 0; /* slot */
msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++;
msg[7] = 0; /* bBWI */
msg[8] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[9] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[10] = apdu_buf[1] == 0x20 ? 0 : 1;
/* Perform PIN verification or PIN modification. */
msg[11] = 0; /* Timeout in seconds. */
msg[12] = 0x82; /* bmFormatString: Byte, pos=0, left, ASCII. */
if (handle->id_vendor == VENDOR_SCM)
/* For the SPR532 the next 2 bytes need to be zero. We do this
for all SCM products. Kudos to Martin Paljak for this
hint. */
msg[13] = msg[14] = 0;
msg[13] = pininfo->fixedlen; /* bmPINBlockString:
0 bits of pin length to insert.
PIN block size by fixedlen. */
msg[14] = 0x00; /* bmPINLengthFormat:
Units are bytes, position is 0. */
msglen = 15;
if (apdu_buf[1] == 0x24)
msg[msglen++] = 0; /* bInsertionOffsetOld */
msg[msglen++] = pininfo->fixedlen; /* bInsertionOffsetNew */
/* The following is a little endian word. */
msg[msglen++] = pininfo->maxlen; /* wPINMaxExtraDigit-Maximum. */
msg[msglen++] = pininfo->minlen; /* wPINMaxExtraDigit-Minimum. */
if (apdu_buf[1] == 0x24)
msg[msglen++] = apdu_buf[2] == 0 ? 0x03 : 0x01;
/* bConfirmPIN
* 0x00: new PIN once
* 0x01: new PIN twice (confirmation)
* 0x02: old PIN and new PIN once
* 0x03: old PIN and new PIN twice (confirmation)
msg[msglen] = 0x02; /* bEntryValidationCondition:
Validation key pressed */
if (pininfo->minlen && pininfo->maxlen && pininfo->minlen == pininfo->maxlen)
msg[msglen] |= 0x01; /* Max size reached. */
if (apdu_buf[1] == 0x20)
msg[msglen++] = 0x01; /* bNumberMessage. */
msg[msglen++] = 0x03; /* bNumberMessage. */
msg[msglen++] = 0x09; /* wLangId-Low: English FIXME: use the first entry. */
msg[msglen++] = 0x04; /* wLangId-High. */
if (apdu_buf[1] == 0x20)
msg[msglen++] = 0; /* bMsgIndex. */
msg[msglen++] = 0; /* bMsgIndex1. */
msg[msglen++] = 1; /* bMsgIndex2. */
msg[msglen++] = 2; /* bMsgIndex3. */
/* Calculate Lc. */
n = pininfo->fixedlen;
if (apdu_buf[1] == 0x24)
n += pininfo->fixedlen;
/* bTeoProlog follows: */
msg[msglen++] = handle->nonnull_nad? ((1 << 4) | 0): 0;
msg[msglen++] = ((handle->t1_ns & 1) << 6); /* I-block */
if (n)
msg[msglen++] = n + 5; /* apdulen should be filled for fixed length. */
msg[msglen++] = 0; /* The apdulen will be filled in by the reader. */
/* APDU follows: */
msg[msglen++] = apdu_buf[0]; /* CLA */
msg[msglen++] = apdu_buf[1]; /* INS */
msg[msglen++] = apdu_buf[2]; /* P1 */
msg[msglen++] = apdu_buf[3]; /* P2 */
if (add_zero)
msg[msglen++] = 0;
else if (pininfo->fixedlen != 0)
msg[msglen++] = n;
memset (&msg[msglen], 0xff, n);
msglen += n;
/* An EDC is not required. */
set_msg_len (msg, msglen - 10);
rc = bulk_out (handle, msg, msglen, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
msg = recv_buffer;
rc = bulk_in (handle, msg, sizeof recv_buffer, &msglen,
RDR_to_PC_DataBlock, seqno, 30000, 0);
if (rc)
return rc;
tpdu = msg + 10;
tpdulen = msglen - 10;
if (handle->apdu_level)
if (resp)
if (tpdulen > maxresplen)
DEBUGOUT_2 ("provided buffer too short for received data "
(unsigned int)tpdulen, (unsigned int)maxresplen);
memcpy (resp, tpdu, tpdulen);
*nresp = tpdulen;
return 0;
if (tpdulen < 4)
libusb_clear_halt (handle->idev, handle->ep_bulk_in);
if (debug_level > 1)
DEBUGOUT_4 ("T=1: got %c-block seq=%d err=%d%s\n",
((msg[11] & 0xc0) == 0x80)? 'R' :
(msg[11] & 0x80)? 'S' : 'I',
((msg[11] & 0x80)? !!(msg[11]& 0x10) : !!(msg[11] & 0x40)),
((msg[11] & 0xc0) == 0x80)? (msg[11] & 0x0f) : 0,
(!(msg[11] & 0x80) && (msg[11] & 0x20)? " [more]":""));
if (!(tpdu[1] & 0x80))
{ /* This is an I-block. */
/* Last block sent was successful. */
handle->t1_ns ^= 1;
if (!!(tpdu[1] & 0x40) != handle->t1_nr)
{ /* Response does not match our sequence number. */
DEBUGOUT ("I-block with wrong seqno received\n");
handle->t1_nr ^= 1;
p = tpdu + 3; /* Skip the prologue field. */
n = tpdulen - 3 - 1; /* Strip the epilogue field. */
/* fixme: verify the checksum. */
if (resp)
if (n > maxresplen)
DEBUGOUT_2 ("provided buffer too short for received data "
(unsigned int)n, (unsigned int)maxresplen);
memcpy (resp, p, n);
resp += n;
*nresp += n;
maxresplen -= n;
if (!(tpdu[1] & 0x20))
return 0; /* No chaining requested - ready. */
DEBUGOUT ("chaining requested but not supported for Secure operation\n");
else if ((tpdu[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80)
{ /* This is a R-block. */
if ( (tpdu[1] & 0x0f))
{ /* Error: repeat last block */
DEBUGOUT ("No retries supported for Secure operation\n");
else if (!!(tpdu[1] & 0x10) == handle->t1_ns)
{ /* Response does not match our sequence number. */
DEBUGOUT ("R-block with wrong seqno received on more bit\n");
{ /* Send next chunk. */
DEBUGOUT ("chaining not supported on Secure operation\n");
{ /* This is a S-block. */
DEBUGOUT_2 ("T=1: S-block %s received cmd=%d for Secure operation\n",
(tpdu[1] & 0x20)? "response": "request",
(tpdu[1] & 0x1f));
return 0;
#ifdef TEST
static void
print_error (int err)
const char *p;
char buf[50];
switch (err)
case 0: p = "success";
case CCID_DRIVER_ERR_OUT_OF_CORE: p = "out of core"; break;
case CCID_DRIVER_ERR_INV_VALUE: p = "invalid value"; break;
case CCID_DRIVER_ERR_NO_DRIVER: p = "no driver"; break;
case CCID_DRIVER_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: p = "not supported"; break;
case CCID_DRIVER_ERR_LOCKING_FAILED: p = "locking failed"; break;
case CCID_DRIVER_ERR_BUSY: p = "busy"; break;
case CCID_DRIVER_ERR_NO_CARD: p = "no card"; break;
case CCID_DRIVER_ERR_CARD_INACTIVE: p = "card inactive"; break;
case CCID_DRIVER_ERR_CARD_IO_ERROR: p = "card I/O error"; break;
case CCID_DRIVER_ERR_GENERAL_ERROR: p = "general error"; break;
case CCID_DRIVER_ERR_NO_READER: p = "no reader"; break;
case CCID_DRIVER_ERR_ABORTED: p = "aborted"; break;
default: sprintf (buf, "0x%05x", err); p = buf; break;
fprintf (stderr, "operation failed: %s\n", p);
static void
print_data (const unsigned char *data, size_t length)
if (length >= 2)
fprintf (stderr, "operation status: %02X%02X\n",
data[length-2], data[length-1]);
length -= 2;
if (length)
fputs (" returned data:", stderr);
for (; length; length--, data++)
fprintf (stderr, " %02X", *data);
putc ('\n', stderr);
static void
print_result (int rc, const unsigned char *data, size_t length)
if (rc)
print_error (rc);
else if (data)
print_data (data, length);
main (int argc, char **argv)
int rc;
ccid_driver_t ccid;
int slotstat;
unsigned char result[512];
size_t resultlen;
int no_pinpad = 0;
int verify_123456 = 0;
int did_verify = 0;
int no_poll = 0;
if (argc)
while (argc)
if ( !strcmp (*argv, "--list"))
char *p;
p = ccid_get_reader_list ();
if (!p)
return 1;
fputs (p, stderr);
free (p);
return 0;
else if ( !strcmp (*argv, "--debug"))
ccid_set_debug_level (ccid_set_debug_level (-1)+1);
argc--; argv++;
else if ( !strcmp (*argv, "--no-poll"))
no_poll = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if ( !strcmp (*argv, "--no-pinpad"))
no_pinpad = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if ( !strcmp (*argv, "--verify-123456"))
verify_123456 = 1;
argc--; argv++;
rc = ccid_open_reader (&ccid, argc? *argv:NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
return 1;
if (!no_poll)
ccid_poll (ccid);
fputs ("getting ATR ...\n", stderr);
rc = ccid_get_atr (ccid, NULL, 0, NULL);
if (rc)
print_error (rc);
return 1;
if (!no_poll)
ccid_poll (ccid);
fputs ("getting slot status ...\n", stderr);
rc = ccid_slot_status (ccid, &slotstat);
if (rc)
print_error (rc);
return 1;
if (!no_poll)
ccid_poll (ccid);
fputs ("selecting application OpenPGP ....\n", stderr);
static unsigned char apdu[] = {
0, 0xA4, 4, 0, 6, 0xD2, 0x76, 0x00, 0x01, 0x24, 0x01};
rc = ccid_transceive (ccid,
apdu, sizeof apdu,
result, sizeof result, &resultlen);
print_result (rc, result, resultlen);
if (!no_poll)
ccid_poll (ccid);
fputs ("getting OpenPGP DO 0x65 ....\n", stderr);
static unsigned char apdu[] = { 0, 0xCA, 0, 0x65, 254 };
rc = ccid_transceive (ccid, apdu, sizeof apdu,
result, sizeof result, &resultlen);
print_result (rc, result, resultlen);
if (!no_pinpad)
if (!no_pinpad)
static unsigned char apdu[] = { 0, 0x20, 0, 0x81 };
if (ccid_transceive_secure (ccid,
apdu, sizeof apdu,
1, 0, 0, 0,
fputs ("can't verify using a PIN-Pad reader\n", stderr);
fputs ("verifying CHV1 using the PINPad ....\n", stderr);
rc = ccid_transceive_secure (ccid,
apdu, sizeof apdu,
1, 0, 0, 0,
result, sizeof result, &resultlen);
print_result (rc, result, resultlen);
did_verify = 1;
if (verify_123456 && !did_verify)
fputs ("verifying that CHV1 is 123456....\n", stderr);
static unsigned char apdu[] = {0, 0x20, 0, 0x81,
6, '1','2','3','4','5','6'};
rc = ccid_transceive (ccid, apdu, sizeof apdu,
result, sizeof result, &resultlen);
print_result (rc, result, resultlen);
if (!rc)
fputs ("getting OpenPGP DO 0x5E ....\n", stderr);
static unsigned char apdu[] = { 0, 0xCA, 0, 0x5E, 254 };
rc = ccid_transceive (ccid, apdu, sizeof apdu,
result, sizeof result, &resultlen);
print_result (rc, result, resultlen);
ccid_close_reader (ccid);
return 0;
* Local Variables:
* compile-command: "gcc -DTEST -Wall -I/usr/local/include -lusb -g ccid-driver.c"
* End:
#endif /*TEST*/
#endif /*HAVE_LIBUSB*/
diff --git a/scd/ccid-driver.h b/scd/ccid-driver.h
index be8a5ce31..e3aed9f56 100644
--- a/scd/ccid-driver.h
+++ b/scd/ccid-driver.h
@@ -1,138 +1,138 @@
/* ccid-driver.c - USB ChipCardInterfaceDevices driver
* Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
* ALTERNATIVELY, this file may be distributed under the terms of the
* following license, in which case the provisions of this license are
* required INSTEAD OF the GNU General Public License. If you wish to
* allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License, and not to allow others to use your
* version of this file under the terms of the following license,
* indicate your decision by deleting this paragraph and the license
* below.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, and the entire permission notice in its entirety,
* including the disclaimer of warranties.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote
* products derived from this software without specific prior
* written permission.
* $Id$
/* We need to know the vendor to do some hacks. */
enum {
VENDOR_SCM = 0x04e6,
VENDOR_GEMPC = 0x08e6,
VENDOR_VEGA = 0x0982,
VENDOR_KAAN = 0x0d46,
VENDOR_FSIJ = 0x234b,
/* Some product ids. */
#define SCM_SCR331 0xe001
#define SCM_SCR331DI 0x5111
#define SCM_SCR335 0x5115
#define SCM_SCR3320 0x5117
#define SCM_SPR532 0xe003 /* Also used succeeding model SPR332. */
#define CHERRY_ST2000 0x003e
#define VASCO_920 0x0920
#define GEMPC_PINPAD 0x3478
#define GEMPC_CT30 0x3437
#define VEGA_ALPHA 0x0008
#define CYBERJACK_GO 0x0504
/* The CID driver returns the same error codes as the status words
used by GnuPG's apdu.h. For ease of maintenance they should always
match. */
#define CCID_DRIVER_ERR_BUSY 0x10007
#define CCID_DRIVER_ERR_NO_CARD 0x10008
struct ccid_driver_s;
typedef struct ccid_driver_s *ccid_driver_t;
int ccid_set_debug_level (int level);
char *ccid_get_reader_list (void);
int ccid_open_reader (ccid_driver_t *handle, const char *readerid,
const char **rdrname_p);
int ccid_set_progress_cb (ccid_driver_t handle,
void (*cb)(void *, const char *, int, int, int),
void *cb_arg);
int ccid_shutdown_reader (ccid_driver_t handle);
int ccid_close_reader (ccid_driver_t handle);
int ccid_get_atr (ccid_driver_t handle,
unsigned char *atr, size_t maxatrlen, size_t *atrlen);
int ccid_slot_status (ccid_driver_t handle, int *statusbits);
int ccid_transceive (ccid_driver_t handle,
const unsigned char *apdu, size_t apdulen,
unsigned char *resp, size_t maxresplen, size_t *nresp);
int ccid_transceive_secure (ccid_driver_t handle,
const unsigned char *apdu, size_t apdulen,
pininfo_t *pininfo,
unsigned char *resp, size_t maxresplen, size_t *nresp);
int ccid_transceive_escape (ccid_driver_t handle,
const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen,
unsigned char *resp, size_t maxresplen,
size_t *nresp);
#endif /*CCID_DRIVER_H*/
diff --git a/scd/command.c b/scd/command.c
index edea01c1e..358459364 100644
--- a/scd/command.c
+++ b/scd/command.c
@@ -1,2395 +1,2395 @@
/* command.c - SCdaemon command handler
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
* 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#ifdef USE_NPTH
# include <npth.h>
#include "scdaemon.h"
#include <assuan.h>
#include <ksba.h>
#include "app-common.h"
#include "iso7816.h"
#include "apdu.h" /* Required for apdu_*_reader (). */
#include "atr.h"
#include "exechelp.h"
#include "ccid-driver.h"
#include "asshelp.h"
#include "server-help.h"
/* Maximum length allowed as a PIN; used for INQUIRE NEEDPIN */
#define MAXLEN_PIN 100
/* Maximum allowed size of key data as used in inquiries. */
#define MAXLEN_KEYDATA 4096
/* Maximum allowed total data size for SETDATA. */
#define MAXLEN_SETDATA 4096
/* Maximum allowed size of certificate data as used in inquiries. */
#define MAXLEN_CERTDATA 16384
#define set_error(e,t) assuan_set_error (ctx, gpg_error (e), (t))
/* Macro to flag a removed card. ENODEV is also tested to catch the
case of a removed reader. */
#define TEST_CARD_REMOVAL(c,r) \
do { \
int _r = (r); \
if (gpg_err_code (_r) == GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_PRESENT \
|| gpg_err_code (_r) == GPG_ERR_CARD_REMOVED \
|| gpg_err_code (_r) == GPG_ERR_CARD_RESET \
|| gpg_err_code (_r) == GPG_ERR_ENODEV ) \
update_card_removed ((c)->server_local->vreader_idx, 1); \
} while (0)
#define IS_LOCKED(c) \
(locked_session \
&& locked_session != (c)->server_local \
&& (c)->server_local->vreader_idx != -1 \
&& locked_session->ctrl_backlink \
&& ((c)->server_local->vreader_idx \
== locked_session->ctrl_backlink->server_local->vreader_idx))
/* This structure is used to keep track of user readers. To
eventually accommodate this structure for RFID cards, where more
than one card is used per reader, we name it virtual reader. */
struct vreader_s
int valid; /* True if the other objects are valid. */
int slot; /* APDU slot number of the reader or -1 if not open. */
int reset_failed; /* A reset failed. */
int any; /* Flag indicating whether any status check has been
done. This is set once to indicate that the status
tracking for the slot has been initialized. */
unsigned int status; /* Last status of the reader. */
unsigned int changed; /* Last change counter of the reader. */
/* Data used to associate an Assuan context with local server data.
This object describes the local properties of one session. */
struct server_local_s
/* We keep a list of all active sessions with the anchor at
SESSION_LIST (see below). This field is used for linking. */
struct server_local_s *next_session;
/* This object is usually assigned to a CTRL object (which is
globally visible). While enumerating all sessions we sometimes
need to access data of the CTRL object; thus we keep a
backpointer here. */
ctrl_t ctrl_backlink;
/* The Assuan context used by this session/server. */
assuan_context_t assuan_ctx;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
unsigned long event_signal; /* Or 0 if not used. */
int event_signal; /* Or 0 if not used. */
/* Index into the vreader table (command.c) or -1 if not open. */
int vreader_idx;
/* True if the card has been removed and a reset is required to
continue operation. */
int card_removed;
/* A disconnect command has been sent. */
int disconnect_allowed;
/* If set to true we will be terminate ourself at the end of the
this session. */
int stopme;
/* The table with information on all used virtual readers. */
static struct vreader_s vreader_table[10];
/* To keep track of all running sessions, we link all active server
contexts and the anchor in this variable. */
static struct server_local_s *session_list;
/* If a session has been locked we store a link to its server object
in this variable. */
static struct server_local_s *locked_session;
/* While doing a reset we need to make sure that the ticker does not
call scd_update_reader_status_file while we are using it. */
static npth_mutex_t status_file_update_lock;
/*-- Local prototypes --*/
static void update_reader_status_file (int set_card_removed_flag);
/* This function must be called once to initialize this module. This
has to be done before a second thread is spawned. We can't do the
static initialization because Pth emulation code might not be able
to do a static init; in particular, it is not possible for W32. */
initialize_module_command (void)
static int initialized;
int err;
if (!initialized)
err = npth_mutex_init (&status_file_update_lock, NULL);
if (!err)
initialized = 1;
/* Helper to return the slot number for a given virtual reader index
VRDR. In case on an error -1 is returned. */
static int
vreader_slot (int vrdr)
if (vrdr == -1 || !(vrdr >= 0 && vrdr < DIM(vreader_table)))
return -1;
if (!vreader_table [vrdr].valid)
return -1;
return vreader_table[vrdr].slot;
/* Update the CARD_REMOVED element of all sessions using the virtual
reader given by VRDR to VALUE. */
static void
update_card_removed (int vrdr, int value)
struct server_local_s *sl;
if (vrdr == -1)
for (sl=session_list; sl; sl = sl->next_session)
ctrl_t ctrl = sl->ctrl_backlink;
if (ctrl && ctrl->server_local->vreader_idx == vrdr)
sl->card_removed = value;
if (value)
struct app_ctx_s *app = ctrl->app_ctx;
ctrl->app_ctx = NULL;
release_application (app);
/* Let the card application layer know about the removal. */
if (value)
int slot = vreader_slot (vrdr);
log_debug ("Removal of a card: %d\n", vrdr);
apdu_close_reader (slot);
application_notify_card_reset (slot);
vreader_table[vrdr].slot = -1;
/* Convert the STRING into a newly allocated buffer while translating
the hex numbers. Stops at the first invalid character. Blanks and
colons are allowed to separate the hex digits. Returns NULL on
error or a newly malloced buffer and its length in LENGTH. */
static unsigned char *
hex_to_buffer (const char *string, size_t *r_length)
unsigned char *buffer;
const char *s;
size_t n;
buffer = xtrymalloc (strlen (string)+1);
if (!buffer)
return NULL;
for (s=string, n=0; *s; s++)
if (spacep (s) || *s == ':')
if (hexdigitp (s) && hexdigitp (s+1))
buffer[n++] = xtoi_2 (s);
*r_length = n;
return buffer;
/* Reset the card and free the application context. With SEND_RESET
set to true actually send a RESET to the reader; this is the normal
way of calling the function. */
static void
do_reset (ctrl_t ctrl, int send_reset)
int vrdr = ctrl->server_local->vreader_idx;
int slot;
int err;
struct app_ctx_s *app = ctrl->app_ctx;
if (!(vrdr == -1 || (vrdr >= 0 && vrdr < DIM(vreader_table))))
BUG ();
/* If there is an active application, release it. */
if (app)
ctrl->app_ctx = NULL;
release_application (app);
/* Release the same application which is used by other sessions. */
if (send_reset)
struct server_local_s *sl;
for (sl=session_list; sl; sl = sl->next_session)
ctrl_t c = sl->ctrl_backlink;
if (c && c != ctrl && c->server_local->vreader_idx == vrdr)
struct app_ctx_s *app0 = c->app_ctx;
if (app0)
c->app_ctx = NULL;
release_application (app0);
/* If we want a real reset for the card, send the reset APDU and
tell the application layer about it. */
slot = vreader_slot (vrdr);
if (slot != -1 && send_reset && !IS_LOCKED (ctrl) )
application_notify_card_reset (slot);
switch (apdu_reset (slot))
case 0:
apdu_close_reader (slot);
vreader_table[vrdr].slot = -1;
/* If we hold a lock, unlock now. */
if (locked_session && ctrl->server_local == locked_session)
locked_session = NULL;
log_info ("implicitly unlocking due to RESET\n");
/* Reset the card removed flag for the current reader. We need to
take the lock here so that the ticker thread won't concurrently
try to update the file. Calling update_reader_status_file is
required to get hold of the new status of the card in the vreader
table. */
err = npth_mutex_lock (&status_file_update_lock);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to acquire status_file_update lock\n");
ctrl->server_local->vreader_idx = -1;
update_reader_status_file (0); /* Update slot status table. */
update_card_removed (vrdr, 0); /* Clear card_removed flag. */
err = npth_mutex_unlock (&status_file_update_lock);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to release status_file_update lock: %s\n",
strerror (err));
/* Do this last, so that the update_card_removed above does its job. */
ctrl->server_local->vreader_idx = -1;
static gpg_error_t
reset_notify (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
(void) line;
do_reset (ctrl, 1);
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
option_handler (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *key, const char *value)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
if (!strcmp (key, "event-signal"))
/* A value of 0 is allowed to reset the event signal. */
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (!*value)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER);
ctrl->server_local->event_signal = strtoul (value, NULL, 16);
int i = *value? atoi (value) : -1;
if (i < 0)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER);
ctrl->server_local->event_signal = i;
return 0;
/* Return the index of the current reader or open the reader if no
other sessions are using that reader. If it is not possible to
open the reader -1 is returned. Note, that we currently support
only one reader but most of the code (except for this function)
should be able to cope with several readers. */
static int
get_current_reader (void)
struct vreader_s *vr;
/* We only support one reader for now. */
vr = &vreader_table[0];
/* Initialize the vreader item if not yet done. */
if (!vr->valid)
vr->slot = -1;
vr->valid = 1;
/* Try to open the reader. */
if (vr->slot == -1)
vr->slot = apdu_open_reader (opt.reader_port);
/* If we still don't have a slot, we have no readers.
Invalidate for now until a reader is attached. */
if (vr->slot == -1)
vr->valid = 0;
/* Return the vreader index or -1. */
return vr->valid ? 0 : -1;
/* If the card has not yet been opened, do it. */
static gpg_error_t
open_card (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *apptype)
gpg_error_t err;
int vrdr;
/* If we ever got a card not present error code, return that. Only
the SERIALNO command and a reset are able to clear from that
state. */
if (ctrl->server_local->card_removed)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD_REMOVED);
if ( IS_LOCKED (ctrl) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LOCKED);
/* If we are already initialized for one specific application we
need to check that the client didn't requested a specific
application different from the one in use before we continue. */
if (ctrl->app_ctx)
return check_application_conflict
(ctrl, vreader_slot (ctrl->server_local->vreader_idx), apptype);
/* Setup the vreader and select the application. */
if (ctrl->server_local->vreader_idx != -1)
vrdr = ctrl->server_local->vreader_idx;
vrdr = get_current_reader ();
ctrl->server_local->vreader_idx = vrdr;
if (vrdr == -1)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD);
/* Fixme: We should move the apdu_connect call to
select_application. */
int sw;
int slot = vreader_slot (vrdr);
ctrl->server_local->disconnect_allowed = 0;
sw = apdu_connect (slot);
if (sw == SW_HOST_NO_CARD)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD_NOT_PRESENT);
else if (sw == SW_HOST_CARD_INACTIVE)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CARD_RESET);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENODEV);
err = select_application (ctrl, slot, apptype, &ctrl->app_ctx);
TEST_CARD_REMOVAL (ctrl, err);
return err;
static const char hlp_serialno[] =
"SERIALNO [<apptype>]\n"
"Return the serial number of the card using a status response. This\n"
"function should be used to check for the presence of a card.\n"
"If APPTYPE is given, an application of that type is selected and an\n"
"error is returned if the application is not supported or available.\n"
"The default is to auto-select the application using a hardwired\n"
"preference system. Note, that a future extension to this function\n"
"may enable specifying a list and order of applications to try.\n"
"This function is special in that it can be used to reset the card.\n"
"Most other functions will return an error when a card change has\n"
"been detected and the use of this function is therefore required.\n"
"Background: We want to keep the client clear of handling card\n"
"changes between operations; i.e. the client can assume that all\n"
"operations are done on the same card unless he calls this function.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_serialno (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc = 0;
char *serial;
time_t stamp;
int retries = 0;
/* Clear the remove flag so that the open_card is able to reread it. */
if (ctrl->server_local->card_removed)
if ( IS_LOCKED (ctrl) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LOCKED);
do_reset (ctrl, 1);
if ((rc = open_card (ctrl, *line? line:NULL)))
/* In case of an inactive card, retry once. */
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_CARD_RESET && retries++ < 1)
goto retry;
return rc;
rc = app_get_serial_and_stamp (ctrl->app_ctx, &serial, &stamp);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = print_assuan_status (ctx, "SERIALNO", "%s %lu",
serial, (unsigned long)stamp);
xfree (serial);
return rc;
static const char hlp_learn[] =
"LEARN [--force] [--keypairinfo]\n"
"Learn all useful information of the currently inserted card. When\n"
"used without the force options, the command might do an INQUIRE\n"
"like this:\n"
" INQUIRE KNOWNCARDP <hexstring_with_serialNumber> <timestamp>\n"
"The client should just send an \"END\" if the processing should go on\n"
"or a \"CANCEL\" to force the function to terminate with a Cancel\n"
"error message.\n"
"With the option --keypairinfo only KEYPARIINFO lstatus lines are\n"
"The response of this command is a list of status lines formatted as\n"
" S APPTYPE <apptype>\n"
"This returns the type of the application, currently the strings:\n"
" P15 = PKCS-15 structure used\n"
" OPENPGP = OpenPGP card\n"
" NKS = NetKey card\n"
"are implemented. These strings are aliases for the AID\n"
" S KEYPAIRINFO <hexstring_with_keygrip> <hexstring_with_id>\n"
"If there is no certificate yet stored on the card a single 'X' is\n"
"returned as the keygrip. In addition to the keypair info, information\n"
"about all certificates stored on the card is also returned:\n"
" S CERTINFO <certtype> <hexstring_with_id>\n"
"Where CERTTYPE is a number indicating the type of certificate:\n"
" 0 := Unknown\n"
" 100 := Regular X.509 cert\n"
" 101 := Trusted X.509 cert\n"
" 102 := Useful X.509 cert\n"
" 110 := Root CA cert in a special format (e.g. DINSIG)\n"
" 111 := Root CA cert as standard X509 cert.\n"
"For certain cards, more information will be returned:\n"
" S KEY-FPR <no> <hexstring>\n"
"For OpenPGP cards this returns the stored fingerprints of the\n"
"keys. This can be used check whether a key is available on the\n"
"card. NO may be 1, 2 or 3.\n"
" S CA-FPR <no> <hexstring>\n"
"Similar to above, these are the fingerprints of keys assumed to be\n"
"ultimately trusted.\n"
" S DISP-NAME <name_of_card_holder>\n"
"The name of the card holder as stored on the card; percent\n"
"escaping takes place, spaces are encoded as '+'\n"
" S PUBKEY-URL <url>\n"
"The URL to be used for locating the entire public key.\n"
" \n"
"Note, that this function may even be used on a locked card.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_learn (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc = 0;
int only_keypairinfo = has_option (line, "--keypairinfo");
if ((rc = open_card (ctrl, NULL)))
return rc;
/* Unless the force option is used we try a shortcut by identifying
the card using a serial number and inquiring the client with
that. The client may choose to cancel the operation if he already
knows about this card */
if (!only_keypairinfo)
int slot;
const char *reader;
char *serial;
time_t stamp;
slot = vreader_slot (ctrl->server_local->vreader_idx);
reader = apdu_get_reader_name (slot);
if (!reader)
return out_of_core ();
send_status_direct (ctrl, "READER", reader);
/* No need to free the string of READER. */
rc = app_get_serial_and_stamp (ctrl->app_ctx, &serial, &stamp);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = print_assuan_status (ctx, "SERIALNO", "%s %lu",
serial, (unsigned long)stamp);
if (rc < 0)
xfree (serial);
return out_of_core ();
if (!has_option (line, "--force"))
char *command;
rc = gpgrt_asprintf (&command, "KNOWNCARDP %s %lu",
serial, (unsigned long)stamp);
if (rc < 0)
xfree (serial);
return out_of_core ();
rc = assuan_inquire (ctx, command, NULL, NULL, 0);
xfree (command);
if (rc)
if (gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED)
log_error ("inquire KNOWNCARDP failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (serial);
return rc;
/* Not canceled, so we have to proceeed. */
xfree (serial);
/* Let the application print out its collection of useful status
information. */
if (!rc)
rc = app_write_learn_status (ctrl->app_ctx, ctrl, only_keypairinfo);
return rc;
static const char hlp_readcert[] =
"READCERT <hexified_certid>|<keyid>\n"
"Note, that this function may even be used on a locked card.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_readcert (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
unsigned char *cert;
size_t ncert;
if ((rc = open_card (ctrl, NULL)))
return rc;
line = xstrdup (line); /* Need a copy of the line. */
rc = app_readcert (ctrl->app_ctx, line, &cert, &ncert);
if (rc)
log_error ("app_readcert failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (line);
line = NULL;
if (!rc)
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, cert, ncert);
xfree (cert);
if (rc)
return rc;
return rc;
static const char hlp_readkey[] =
"READKEY [--advanced] <keyid>\n"
"Return the public key for the given cert or key ID as a standard\n"
"In --advanced mode it returns the S-expression in advanced format.\n"
"Note that this function may even be used on a locked card.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_readkey (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
int advanced = 0;
unsigned char *cert = NULL;
size_t ncert, n;
ksba_cert_t kc = NULL;
ksba_sexp_t p;
unsigned char *pk;
size_t pklen;
if ((rc = open_card (ctrl, NULL)))
return rc;
if (has_option (line, "--advanced"))
advanced = 1;
line = skip_options (line);
line = xstrdup (line); /* Need a copy of the line. */
/* If the application supports the READKEY function we use that.
Otherwise we use the old way by extracting it from the
certificate. */
rc = app_readkey (ctrl->app_ctx, advanced, line, &pk, &pklen);
if (!rc)
{ /* Yeah, got that key - send it back. */
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, pk, pklen);
xfree (pk);
xfree (line);
line = NULL;
goto leave;
if (gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION)
log_error ("app_readkey failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = app_readcert (ctrl->app_ctx, line, &cert, &ncert);
if (rc)
log_error ("app_readcert failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (line);
line = NULL;
if (rc)
goto leave;
rc = ksba_cert_new (&kc);
if (rc)
goto leave;
rc = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (kc, cert, ncert);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to parse the certificate: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
p = ksba_cert_get_public_key (kc);
if (!p)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY);
goto leave;
n = gcry_sexp_canon_len (p, 0, NULL, NULL);
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, p, n);
xfree (p);
ksba_cert_release (kc);
xfree (cert);
return rc;
static const char hlp_setdata[] =
"SETDATA [--append] <hexstring>\n"
"The client should use this command to tell us the data he want to sign.\n"
"With the option --append, the data is appended to the data set by a\n"
"previous SETDATA command.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_setdata (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int append;
int n, i, off;
char *p;
unsigned char *buf;
append = (ctrl->in_data.value && has_option (line, "--append"));
line = skip_options (line);
if (locked_session && locked_session != ctrl->server_local)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LOCKED);
/* Parse the hexstring. */
for (p=line,n=0; hexdigitp (p); p++, n++)
if (*p)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "invalid hexstring");
if (!n)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "no data given");
if ((n&1))
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "odd number of digits");
n /= 2;
if (append)
if (ctrl->in_data.valuelen + n > MAXLEN_SETDATA)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE,
"limit on total size of data reached");
buf = xtrymalloc (ctrl->in_data.valuelen + n);
buf = xtrymalloc (n);
if (!buf)
return out_of_core ();
if (append)
memcpy (buf, ctrl->in_data.value, ctrl->in_data.valuelen);
off = ctrl->in_data.valuelen;
off = 0;
for (p=line, i=0; i < n; p += 2, i++)
buf[off+i] = xtoi_2 (p);
xfree (ctrl->in_data.value);
ctrl->in_data.value = buf;
ctrl->in_data.valuelen = off+n;
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
pin_cb (void *opaque, const char *info, char **retstr)
assuan_context_t ctx = opaque;
char *command;
int rc;
unsigned char *value;
size_t valuelen;
if (!retstr)
/* We prompt for pinpad entry. To make sure that the popup has
been show we use an inquire and not just a status message.
We ignore any value returned. */
if (info)
log_debug ("prompting for pinpad entry '%s'\n", info);
rc = gpgrt_asprintf (&command, "POPUPPINPADPROMPT %s", info);
if (rc < 0)
return gpg_error (gpg_err_code_from_errno (errno));
rc = assuan_inquire (ctx, command, &value, &valuelen, MAXLEN_PIN);
xfree (command);
log_debug ("dismiss pinpad entry prompt\n");
rc = assuan_inquire (ctx, "DISMISSPINPADPROMPT",
&value, &valuelen, MAXLEN_PIN);
if (!rc)
xfree (value);
return rc;
*retstr = NULL;
log_debug ("asking for PIN '%s'\n", info);
rc = gpgrt_asprintf (&command, "NEEDPIN %s", info);
if (rc < 0)
return gpg_error (gpg_err_code_from_errno (errno));
/* Fixme: Write an inquire function which returns the result in
secure memory and check all further handling of the PIN. */
rc = assuan_inquire (ctx, command, &value, &valuelen, MAXLEN_PIN);
xfree (command);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (!valuelen || value[valuelen-1])
/* We require that the returned value is an UTF-8 string */
xfree (value);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_RESPONSE);
*retstr = (char*)value;
return 0;
static const char hlp_pksign[] =
"PKSIGN [--hash=[rmd160|sha{1,224,256,384,512}|md5]] <hexified_id>\n"
"The --hash option is optional; the default is SHA1.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_pksign (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
unsigned char *outdata;
size_t outdatalen;
char *keyidstr;
int hash_algo;
if (has_option (line, "--hash=rmd160"))
hash_algo = GCRY_MD_RMD160;
else if (has_option (line, "--hash=sha1"))
hash_algo = GCRY_MD_SHA1;
else if (has_option (line, "--hash=sha224"))
hash_algo = GCRY_MD_SHA224;
else if (has_option (line, "--hash=sha256"))
hash_algo = GCRY_MD_SHA256;
else if (has_option (line, "--hash=sha384"))
hash_algo = GCRY_MD_SHA384;
else if (has_option (line, "--hash=sha512"))
hash_algo = GCRY_MD_SHA512;
else if (has_option (line, "--hash=md5"))
hash_algo = GCRY_MD_MD5;
else if (!strstr (line, "--"))
hash_algo = GCRY_MD_SHA1;
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "invalid hash algorithm");
line = skip_options (line);
if ( IS_LOCKED (ctrl) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LOCKED);
if ((rc = open_card (ctrl, NULL)))
return rc;
/* We have to use a copy of the key ID because the function may use
the pin_cb which in turn uses the assuan line buffer and thus
overwriting the original line with the keyid */
keyidstr = xtrystrdup (line);
if (!keyidstr)
return out_of_core ();
rc = app_sign (ctrl->app_ctx,
keyidstr, hash_algo,
pin_cb, ctx,
ctrl->in_data.value, ctrl->in_data.valuelen,
&outdata, &outdatalen);
xfree (keyidstr);
if (rc)
log_error ("app_sign failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, outdata, outdatalen);
xfree (outdata);
if (rc)
return rc; /* that is already an assuan error code */
return rc;
static const char hlp_pkauth[] =
"PKAUTH <hexified_id>";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_pkauth (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
unsigned char *outdata;
size_t outdatalen;
char *keyidstr;
if ( IS_LOCKED (ctrl) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LOCKED);
if ((rc = open_card (ctrl, NULL)))
return rc;
if (!ctrl->app_ctx)
/* We have to use a copy of the key ID because the function may use
the pin_cb which in turn uses the assuan line buffer and thus
overwriting the original line with the keyid */
keyidstr = xtrystrdup (line);
if (!keyidstr)
return out_of_core ();
rc = app_auth (ctrl->app_ctx,
pin_cb, ctx,
ctrl->in_data.value, ctrl->in_data.valuelen,
&outdata, &outdatalen);
xfree (keyidstr);
if (rc)
log_error ("app_auth failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, outdata, outdatalen);
xfree (outdata);
if (rc)
return rc; /* that is already an assuan error code */
return rc;
static const char hlp_pkdecrypt[] =
"PKDECRYPT <hexified_id>";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_pkdecrypt (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
unsigned char *outdata;
size_t outdatalen;
char *keyidstr;
unsigned int infoflags;
if ( IS_LOCKED (ctrl) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LOCKED);
if ((rc = open_card (ctrl, NULL)))
return rc;
keyidstr = xtrystrdup (line);
if (!keyidstr)
return out_of_core ();
rc = app_decipher (ctrl->app_ctx,
pin_cb, ctx,
ctrl->in_data.value, ctrl->in_data.valuelen,
&outdata, &outdatalen, &infoflags);
xfree (keyidstr);
if (rc)
log_error ("app_decipher failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
/* If the card driver told us that there is no padding, send a
status line. If there is a padding it is assumed that the
caller knows what padding is used. It would have been better
to always send that information but for backward
compatibility we can't do that. */
if ((infoflags & APP_DECIPHER_INFO_NOPAD))
send_status_direct (ctrl, "PADDING", "0");
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, outdata, outdatalen);
xfree (outdata);
if (rc)
return rc; /* that is already an assuan error code */
return rc;
static const char hlp_getattr[] =
"GETATTR <name>\n"
"This command is used to retrieve data from a smartcard. The\n"
"allowed names depend on the currently selected smartcard\n"
"application. NAME must be percent and '+' escaped. The value is\n"
"returned through status message, see the LEARN command for details.\n"
"However, the current implementation assumes that Name is not escaped;\n"
"this works as long as no one uses arbitrary escaping. \n"
"Note, that this function may even be used on a locked card.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_getattr (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
const char *keyword;
if ((rc = open_card (ctrl, NULL)))
return rc;
keyword = line;
for (; *line && !spacep (line); line++)
if (*line)
*line++ = 0;
/* (We ignore any garbage for now.) */
/* FIXME: Applications should not return sensitive data if the card
is locked. */
rc = app_getattr (ctrl->app_ctx, ctrl, keyword);
return rc;
static const char hlp_setattr[] =
"SETATTR <name> <value> \n"
"This command is used to store data on a a smartcard. The allowed\n"
"names and values are depend on the currently selected smartcard\n"
"application. NAME and VALUE must be percent and '+' escaped.\n"
"However, the current implementation assumes that NAME is not\n"
"escaped; this works as long as no one uses arbitrary escaping.\n"
"A PIN will be requested for most NAMEs. See the corresponding\n"
"setattr function of the actually used application (app-*.c) for\n"
static gpg_error_t
cmd_setattr (assuan_context_t ctx, char *orig_line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
char *keyword;
int keywordlen;
size_t nbytes;
char *line, *linebuf;
if ( IS_LOCKED (ctrl) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LOCKED);
if ((rc = open_card (ctrl, NULL)))
return rc;
/* We need to use a copy of LINE, because PIN_CB uses the same
context and thus reuses the Assuan provided LINE. */
line = linebuf = xtrystrdup (orig_line);
if (!line)
return out_of_core ();
keyword = line;
for (keywordlen=0; *line && !spacep (line); line++, keywordlen++)
if (*line)
*line++ = 0;
while (spacep (line))
nbytes = percent_plus_unescape_inplace (line, 0);
rc = app_setattr (ctrl->app_ctx, keyword, pin_cb, ctx,
(const unsigned char*)line, nbytes);
xfree (linebuf);
return rc;
static const char hlp_writecert[] =
"WRITECERT <hexified_certid>\n"
"This command is used to store a certifciate on a smartcard. The\n"
"allowed certids depend on the currently selected smartcard\n"
"application. The actual certifciate is requested using the inquiry\n"
"\"CERTDATA\" and needs to be provided in its raw (e.g. DER) form.\n"
"In almost all cases a a PIN will be requested. See the related\n"
"writecert function of the actually used application (app-*.c) for\n"
static gpg_error_t
cmd_writecert (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
char *certid;
unsigned char *certdata;
size_t certdatalen;
if ( IS_LOCKED (ctrl) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LOCKED);
line = skip_options (line);
if (!*line)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "no certid given");
certid = line;
while (*line && !spacep (line))
*line = 0;
if ((rc = open_card (ctrl, NULL)))
return rc;
if (!ctrl->app_ctx)
certid = xtrystrdup (certid);
if (!certid)
return out_of_core ();
/* Now get the actual keydata. */
rc = assuan_inquire (ctx, "CERTDATA",
&certdata, &certdatalen, MAXLEN_CERTDATA);
if (rc)
xfree (certid);
return rc;
/* Write the certificate to the card. */
rc = app_writecert (ctrl->app_ctx, ctrl, certid,
pin_cb, ctx, certdata, certdatalen);
xfree (certid);
xfree (certdata);
return rc;
static const char hlp_writekey[] =
"WRITEKEY [--force] <keyid> \n"
"This command is used to store a secret key on a a smartcard. The\n"
"allowed keyids depend on the currently selected smartcard\n"
"application. The actual keydata is requested using the inquiry\n"
"\"KEYDATA\" and need to be provided without any protection. With\n"
"--force set an existing key under this KEYID will get overwritten.\n"
"The keydata is expected to be the usual canonical encoded\n"
"A PIN will be requested for most NAMEs. See the corresponding\n"
"writekey function of the actually used application (app-*.c) for\n"
static gpg_error_t
cmd_writekey (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
char *keyid;
int force = has_option (line, "--force");
unsigned char *keydata;
size_t keydatalen;
if ( IS_LOCKED (ctrl) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LOCKED);
line = skip_options (line);
if (!*line)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "no keyid given");
keyid = line;
while (*line && !spacep (line))
*line = 0;
if ((rc = open_card (ctrl, NULL)))
return rc;
if (!ctrl->app_ctx)
keyid = xtrystrdup (keyid);
if (!keyid)
return out_of_core ();
/* Now get the actual keydata. */
assuan_begin_confidential (ctx);
rc = assuan_inquire (ctx, "KEYDATA", &keydata, &keydatalen, MAXLEN_KEYDATA);
assuan_end_confidential (ctx);
if (rc)
xfree (keyid);
return rc;
/* Write the key to the card. */
rc = app_writekey (ctrl->app_ctx, ctrl, keyid, force? 1:0,
pin_cb, ctx, keydata, keydatalen);
xfree (keyid);
xfree (keydata);
return rc;
static const char hlp_genkey[] =
"GENKEY [--force] [--timestamp=<isodate>] <no>\n"
"Generate a key on-card identified by NO, which is application\n"
"specific. Return values are application specific. For OpenPGP\n"
"cards 3 status lines are returned:\n"
" S KEY-FPR <hexstring>\n"
" S KEY-CREATED-AT <seconds_since_epoch>\n"
" S KEY-DATA [-|p|n] <hexdata>\n"
" 'p' and 'n' are the names of the RSA parameters; '-' is used to\n"
" indicate that HEXDATA is the first chunk of a parameter given\n"
" by the next KEY-DATA.\n"
"--force is required to overwrite an already existing key. The\n"
"KEY-CREATED-AT is required for further processing because it is\n"
"part of the hashed key material for the fingerprint.\n"
"If --timestamp is given an OpenPGP key will be created using this\n"
"value. The value needs to be in ISO Format; e.g.\n"
"\"--timestamp=20030316T120000\" and after 1970-01-01 00:00:00.\n"
"The public part of the key can also later be retrieved using the\n"
"READKEY command.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_genkey (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
char *keyno;
int force;
const char *s;
time_t timestamp;
if ( IS_LOCKED (ctrl) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LOCKED);
force = has_option (line, "--force");
if ((s=has_option_name (line, "--timestamp")))
if (*s != '=')
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "missing value for option");
timestamp = isotime2epoch (s+1);
if (timestamp < 1)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "invalid time value");
timestamp = 0;
line = skip_options (line);
if (!*line)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "no key number given");
keyno = line;
while (*line && !spacep (line))
*line = 0;
if ((rc = open_card (ctrl, NULL)))
return rc;
if (!ctrl->app_ctx)
keyno = xtrystrdup (keyno);
if (!keyno)
return out_of_core ();
rc = app_genkey (ctrl->app_ctx, ctrl, keyno, force? 1:0,
timestamp, pin_cb, ctx);
xfree (keyno);
return rc;
static const char hlp_random[] =
"RANDOM <nbytes>\n"
"Get NBYTES of random from the card and send them back as data.\n"
"This usually involves EEPROM write on the card and thus excessive\n"
"use of this command may destroy the card.\n"
"Note, that this function may be even be used on a locked card.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_random (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
size_t nbytes;
unsigned char *buffer;
if (!*line)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER,
"number of requested bytes missing");
nbytes = strtoul (line, NULL, 0);
if ((rc = open_card (ctrl, NULL)))
return rc;
if (!ctrl->app_ctx)
buffer = xtrymalloc (nbytes);
if (!buffer)
return out_of_core ();
rc = app_get_challenge (ctrl->app_ctx, nbytes, buffer);
if (!rc)
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, buffer, nbytes);
xfree (buffer);
return rc; /* that is already an assuan error code */
xfree (buffer);
return rc;
static const char hlp_passwd[] =
"PASSWD [--reset] [--nullpin] <chvno>\n"
"Change the PIN or, if --reset is given, reset the retry counter of\n"
"the card holder verification vector CHVNO. The option --nullpin is\n"
"used for TCOS cards to set the initial PIN. The format of CHVNO\n"
"depends on the card application.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_passwd (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
char *chvnostr;
unsigned int flags = 0;
if (has_option (line, "--reset"))
if (has_option (line, "--nullpin"))
if ( IS_LOCKED (ctrl) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LOCKED);
line = skip_options (line);
if (!*line)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "no CHV number given");
chvnostr = line;
while (*line && !spacep (line))
*line = 0;
if ((rc = open_card (ctrl, NULL)))
return rc;
if (!ctrl->app_ctx)
chvnostr = xtrystrdup (chvnostr);
if (!chvnostr)
return out_of_core ();
rc = app_change_pin (ctrl->app_ctx, ctrl, chvnostr, flags, pin_cb, ctx);
if (rc)
log_error ("command passwd failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (chvnostr);
return rc;
static const char hlp_checkpin[] =
"CHECKPIN <idstr>\n"
"Perform a VERIFY operation without doing anything else. This may\n"
"be used to initialize a the PIN cache earlier to long lasting\n"
"operations. Its use is highly application dependent.\n"
"For OpenPGP:\n"
" Perform a simple verify operation for CHV1 and CHV2, so that\n"
" further operations won't ask for CHV2 and it is possible to do a\n"
" cheap check on the PIN: If there is something wrong with the PIN\n"
" entry system, only the regular CHV will get blocked and not the\n"
" dangerous CHV3. IDSTR is the usual card's serial number in hex\n"
" notation; an optional fingerprint part will get ignored. There\n"
" is however a special mode if the IDSTR is sffixed with the\n"
" literal string \"[CHV3]\": In this case the Admin PIN is checked\n"
" if and only if the retry counter is still at 3.\n"
"For Netkey:\n"
" Any of the valid PIN Ids may be used. These are the strings:\n"
" PW1.CH - Global password 1\n"
" PW2.CH - Global password 2\n"
" PW1.CH.SIG - SigG password 1\n"
" PW2.CH.SIG - SigG password 2\n"
" For a definitive list, see the implementation in app-nks.c.\n"
" Note that we call a PW2.* PIN a \"PUK\" despite that since TCOS\n"
" 3.0 they are technically alternative PINs used to mutally\n"
" unblock each other.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_checkpin (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
char *idstr;
if ( IS_LOCKED (ctrl) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LOCKED);
if ((rc = open_card (ctrl, NULL)))
return rc;
if (!ctrl->app_ctx)
/* We have to use a copy of the key ID because the function may use
the pin_cb which in turn uses the assuan line buffer and thus
overwriting the original line with the keyid. */
idstr = xtrystrdup (line);
if (!idstr)
return out_of_core ();
rc = app_check_pin (ctrl->app_ctx, idstr, pin_cb, ctx);
xfree (idstr);
if (rc)
log_error ("app_check_pin failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
static const char hlp_lock[] =
"LOCK [--wait]\n"
"Grant exclusive card access to this session. Note that there is\n"
"no lock counter used and a second lock from the same session will\n"
"be ignored. A single unlock (or RESET) unlocks the session.\n"
"Return GPG_ERR_LOCKED if another session has locked the reader.\n"
"If the option --wait is given the command will wait until a\n"
"lock has been released.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_lock (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc = 0;
if (locked_session)
if (locked_session != ctrl->server_local)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LOCKED);
locked_session = ctrl->server_local;
#ifdef USE_NPTH
if (rc && has_option (line, "--wait"))
rc = 0;
npth_sleep (1); /* Better implement an event mechanism. However,
for card operations this should be
sufficient. */
/* FIXME: Need to check that the connection is still alive.
This can be done by issuing status messages. */
goto retry;
#endif /*USE_NPTH*/
if (rc)
log_error ("cmd_lock failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
static const char hlp_unlock[] =
"Release exclusive card access.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_unlock (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc = 0;
if (locked_session)
if (locked_session != ctrl->server_local)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LOCKED);
locked_session = NULL;
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_LOCKED);
if (rc)
log_error ("cmd_unlock failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
static const char hlp_getinfo[] =
"GETINFO <what>\n"
"Multi purpose command to return certain information. \n"
"Supported values of WHAT are:\n"
"version - Return the version of the program.\n"
"pid - Return the process id of the server.\n"
"socket_name - Return the name of the socket.\n"
"status - Return the status of the current reader (in the future, may\n"
"also return the status of all readers). The status is a list of\n"
"one-character flags. The following flags are currently defined:\n"
" 'u' Usable card present. This is the normal state during operation.\n"
" 'r' Card removed. A reset is necessary.\n"
"These flags are exclusive.\n"
"reader_list - Return a list of detected card readers. Does\n"
" currently only work with the internal CCID driver.\n"
"deny_admin - Returns OK if admin commands are not allowed or\n"
" GPG_ERR_GENERAL if admin commands are allowed.\n"
"app_list - Return a list of supported applications. One\n"
" application per line, fields delimited by colons,\n"
" first field is the name.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_getinfo (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
int rc = 0;
if (!strcmp (line, "version"))
const char *s = VERSION;
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, s, strlen (s));
else if (!strcmp (line, "pid"))
char numbuf[50];
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%lu", (unsigned long)getpid ());
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, numbuf, strlen (numbuf));
else if (!strcmp (line, "socket_name"))
const char *s = scd_get_socket_name ();
if (s)
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, s, strlen (s));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
else if (!strcmp (line, "status"))
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int vrdr = ctrl->server_local->vreader_idx;
char flag = 'r';
if (!ctrl->server_local->card_removed && vrdr != -1)
struct vreader_s *vr;
if (!(vrdr >= 0 && vrdr < DIM(vreader_table)))
BUG ();
vr = &vreader_table[vrdr];
if (vr->valid && vr->any && (vr->status & 1))
flag = 'u';
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, &flag, 1);
else if (!strcmp (line, "reader_list"))
char *s = ccid_get_reader_list ();
char *s = NULL;
if (s)
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, s, strlen (s));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
xfree (s);
else if (!strcmp (line, "deny_admin"))
rc = opt.allow_admin? gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL) : 0;
else if (!strcmp (line, "app_list"))
char *s = get_supported_applications ();
if (s)
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, s, strlen (s));
rc = 0;
xfree (s);
rc = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "unknown value for WHAT");
return rc;
static const char hlp_restart[] =
"Restart the current connection; this is a kind of warm reset. It\n"
"deletes the context used by this connection but does not send a\n"
"RESET to the card. Thus the card itself won't get reset. \n"
"This is used by gpg-agent to reuse a primary pipe connection and\n"
"may be used by clients to backup from a conflict in the serial\n"
"command; i.e. to select another application.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_restart (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
struct app_ctx_s *app = ctrl->app_ctx;
if (app)
ctrl->app_ctx = NULL;
release_application (app);
if (locked_session && ctrl->server_local == locked_session)
locked_session = NULL;
log_info ("implicitly unlocking due to RESTART\n");
return 0;
static const char hlp_disconnect[] =
"Disconnect the card if it is not any longer used by other\n"
"connections and the backend supports a disconnect operation.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_disconnect (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
ctrl->server_local->disconnect_allowed = 1;
return 0;
static const char hlp_apdu[] =
"APDU [--[dump-]atr] [--more] [--exlen[=N]] [hexstring]\n"
"Send an APDU to the current reader. This command bypasses the high\n"
"level functions and sends the data directly to the card. HEXSTRING\n"
"is expected to be a proper APDU. If HEXSTRING is not given no\n"
"commands are set to the card but the command will implictly check\n"
"whether the card is ready for use. \n"
"Using the option \"--atr\" returns the ATR of the card as a status\n"
"message before any data like this:\n"
" S CARD-ATR 3BFA1300FF813180450031C173C00100009000B1\n"
"Using the option --more handles the card status word MORE_DATA\n"
"(61xx) and concatenates all responses to one block.\n"
"Using the option \"--exlen\" the returned APDU may use extended\n"
"length up to N bytes. If N is not given a default value is used\n"
"(currently 4096).";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_apdu (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
unsigned char *apdu;
size_t apdulen;
int with_atr;
int handle_more;
const char *s;
size_t exlen;
int slot;
if (has_option (line, "--dump-atr"))
with_atr = 2;
with_atr = has_option (line, "--atr");
handle_more = has_option (line, "--more");
if ((s=has_option_name (line, "--exlen")))
if (*s == '=')
exlen = strtoul (s+1, NULL, 0);
exlen = 4096;
exlen = 0;
line = skip_options (line);
if ( IS_LOCKED (ctrl) )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LOCKED);
if ((rc = open_card (ctrl, NULL)))
return rc;
slot = vreader_slot (ctrl->server_local->vreader_idx);
if (with_atr)
unsigned char *atr;
size_t atrlen;
char hexbuf[400];
atr = apdu_get_atr (slot, &atrlen);
if (!atr || atrlen > sizeof hexbuf - 2 )
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CARD);
goto leave;
if (with_atr == 2)
char *string, *p, *pend;
string = atr_dump (atr, atrlen);
if (string)
for (rc=0, p=string; !rc && (pend = strchr (p, '\n')); p = pend+1)
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, p, pend - p + 1);
if (!rc)
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, NULL, 0);
if (!rc && *p)
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, p, strlen (p));
es_free (string);
if (rc)
goto leave;
bin2hex (atr, atrlen, hexbuf);
send_status_info (ctrl, "CARD-ATR", hexbuf, strlen (hexbuf), NULL, 0);
xfree (atr);
apdu = hex_to_buffer (line, &apdulen);
if (!apdu)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (apdulen)
unsigned char *result = NULL;
size_t resultlen;
rc = apdu_send_direct (slot, exlen,
apdu, apdulen, handle_more,
&result, &resultlen);
if (rc)
log_error ("apdu_send_direct failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, result, resultlen);
xfree (result);
xfree (apdu);
return rc;
static const char hlp_killscd[] =
"Commit suicide.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_killscd (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
ctrl->server_local->stopme = 1;
assuan_set_flag (ctx, ASSUAN_FORCE_CLOSE, 1);
return 0;
/* Tell the assuan library about our commands */
static int
register_commands (assuan_context_t ctx)
static struct {
const char *name;
assuan_handler_t handler;
const char * const help;
} table[] = {
{ "SERIALNO", cmd_serialno, hlp_serialno },
{ "LEARN", cmd_learn, hlp_learn },
{ "READCERT", cmd_readcert, hlp_readcert },
{ "READKEY", cmd_readkey, hlp_readkey },
{ "SETDATA", cmd_setdata, hlp_setdata },
{ "PKSIGN", cmd_pksign, hlp_pksign },
{ "PKAUTH", cmd_pkauth, hlp_pkauth },
{ "PKDECRYPT", cmd_pkdecrypt,hlp_pkdecrypt },
{ "INPUT", NULL },
{ "GETATTR", cmd_getattr, hlp_getattr },
{ "SETATTR", cmd_setattr, hlp_setattr },
{ "WRITECERT", cmd_writecert,hlp_writecert },
{ "WRITEKEY", cmd_writekey, hlp_writekey },
{ "GENKEY", cmd_genkey, hlp_genkey },
{ "RANDOM", cmd_random, hlp_random },
{ "PASSWD", cmd_passwd, hlp_passwd },
{ "CHECKPIN", cmd_checkpin, hlp_checkpin },
{ "LOCK", cmd_lock, hlp_lock },
{ "UNLOCK", cmd_unlock, hlp_unlock },
{ "GETINFO", cmd_getinfo, hlp_getinfo },
{ "RESTART", cmd_restart, hlp_restart },
{ "DISCONNECT", cmd_disconnect,hlp_disconnect },
{ "APDU", cmd_apdu, hlp_apdu },
{ "KILLSCD", cmd_killscd, hlp_killscd },
{ NULL }
int i, rc;
for (i=0; table[i].name; i++)
rc = assuan_register_command (ctx, table[i].name, table[i].handler,
if (rc)
return rc;
assuan_set_hello_line (ctx, "GNU Privacy Guard's Smartcard server ready");
assuan_register_reset_notify (ctx, reset_notify);
assuan_register_option_handler (ctx, option_handler);
return 0;
/* Startup the server. If FD is given as -1 this is simple pipe
server, otherwise it is a regular server. Returns true if there
are no more active asessions. */
scd_command_handler (ctrl_t ctrl, int fd)
int rc;
assuan_context_t ctx = NULL;
int stopme;
rc = assuan_new (&ctx);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to allocate assuan context: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
scd_exit (2);
if (fd == -1)
assuan_fd_t filedes[2];
filedes[0] = assuan_fdopen (0);
filedes[1] = assuan_fdopen (1);
rc = assuan_init_pipe_server (ctx, filedes);
rc = assuan_init_socket_server (ctx, INT2FD(fd),
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to initialize the server: %s\n",
scd_exit (2);
rc = register_commands (ctx);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to register commands with Assuan: %s\n",
scd_exit (2);
assuan_set_pointer (ctx, ctrl);
/* Allocate and initialize the server object. Put it into the list
of active sessions. */
ctrl->server_local = xcalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl->server_local);
ctrl->server_local->next_session = session_list;
session_list = ctrl->server_local;
ctrl->server_local->ctrl_backlink = ctrl;
ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx = ctx;
/* We open the reader right at startup so that the ticker is able to
update the status file. */
ctrl->server_local->vreader_idx = get_current_reader ();
/* Command processing loop. */
for (;;)
rc = assuan_accept (ctx);
if (rc == -1)
else if (rc)
log_info ("Assuan accept problem: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = assuan_process (ctx);
if (rc)
log_info ("Assuan processing failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
/* Cleanup. We don't send an explicit reset to the card. */
do_reset (ctrl, 0);
/* Release the server object. */
if (session_list == ctrl->server_local)
session_list = ctrl->server_local->next_session;
struct server_local_s *sl;
for (sl=session_list; sl->next_session; sl = sl->next_session)
if (sl->next_session == ctrl->server_local)
if (!sl->next_session)
BUG ();
sl->next_session = ctrl->server_local->next_session;
stopme = ctrl->server_local->stopme;
xfree (ctrl->server_local);
ctrl->server_local = NULL;
/* Release the Assuan context. */
assuan_release (ctx);
if (stopme)
scd_exit (0);
/* If there are no more sessions return true. */
return !session_list;
/* Send a line with status information via assuan and escape all given
buffers. The variable elements are pairs of (char *, size_t),
terminated with a (NULL, 0). */
send_status_info (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyword, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
const unsigned char *value;
size_t valuelen;
char buf[950], *p;
size_t n;
assuan_context_t ctx = ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx;
va_start (arg_ptr, keyword);
p = buf;
n = 0;
while ( (value = va_arg (arg_ptr, const unsigned char *)) )
valuelen = va_arg (arg_ptr, size_t);
if (!valuelen)
continue; /* empty buffer */
if (n)
*p++ = ' ';
for ( ; valuelen && n < DIM (buf)-2; n++, valuelen--, value++)
if (*value < ' ' || *value == '+')
sprintf (p, "%%%02X", *value);
p += 3;
else if (*value == ' ')
*p++ = '+';
*p++ = *value;
*p = 0;
assuan_write_status (ctx, keyword, buf);
va_end (arg_ptr);
/* Send a ready formatted status line via assuan. */
send_status_direct (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyword, const char *args)
assuan_context_t ctx = ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx;
if (strchr (args, '\n'))
log_error ("error: LF detected in status line - not sending\n");
assuan_write_status (ctx, keyword, args);
/* Helper to send the clients a status change notification. */
static void
send_client_notifications (void)
struct {
pid_t pid;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
HANDLE handle;
int signo;
} killed[50];
int killidx = 0;
int kidx;
struct server_local_s *sl;
for (sl=session_list; sl; sl = sl->next_session)
if (sl->event_signal && sl->assuan_ctx)
pid_t pid = assuan_get_pid (sl->assuan_ctx);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
HANDLE handle = (void *)sl->event_signal;
for (kidx=0; kidx < killidx; kidx++)
if (killed[kidx].pid == pid
&& killed[kidx].handle == handle)
if (kidx < killidx)
log_info ("event %lx (%p) already triggered for client %d\n",
sl->event_signal, handle, (int)pid);
log_info ("triggering event %lx (%p) for client %d\n",
sl->event_signal, handle, (int)pid);
if (!SetEvent (handle))
log_error ("SetEvent(%lx) failed: %s\n",
sl->event_signal, w32_strerror (-1));
if (killidx < DIM (killed))
killed[killidx].pid = pid;
killed[killidx].handle = handle;
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
int signo = sl->event_signal;
if (pid != (pid_t)(-1) && pid && signo > 0)
for (kidx=0; kidx < killidx; kidx++)
if (killed[kidx].pid == pid
&& killed[kidx].signo == signo)
if (kidx < killidx)
log_info ("signal %d already sent to client %d\n",
signo, (int)pid);
log_info ("sending signal %d to client %d\n",
signo, (int)pid);
kill (pid, signo);
if (killidx < DIM (killed))
killed[killidx].pid = pid;
killed[killidx].signo = signo;
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* This is the core of scd_update_reader_status_file but the caller
needs to take care of the locking. */
static void
update_reader_status_file (int set_card_removed_flag)
int idx;
unsigned int status, changed;
/* Note, that we only try to get the status, because it does not
make sense to wait here for a operation to complete. If we are
busy working with a card, delays in the status file update should
be acceptable. */
for (idx=0; idx < DIM(vreader_table); idx++)
struct vreader_s *vr = vreader_table + idx;
struct server_local_s *sl;
int sw_apdu;
if (!vr->valid || vr->slot == -1)
continue; /* Not valid or reader not yet open. */
sw_apdu = apdu_get_status (vr->slot, 0, &status, &changed);
if (sw_apdu == SW_HOST_NO_READER)
/* Most likely the _reader_ has been unplugged. */
apdu_close_reader (vr->slot);
status = 0;
changed = vr->changed;
else if (sw_apdu)
/* Get status failed. Ignore that. */
if (!vr->any || vr->status != status || vr->changed != changed )
char *fname;
char templ[50];
FILE *fp;
log_info ("updating reader %d (%d) status: 0x%04X->0x%04X (%u->%u)\n",
idx, vr->slot, vr->status, status, vr->changed, changed);
vr->status = status;
vr->changed = changed;
/* FIXME: Should this be IDX instead of vr->slot? This
depends on how client sessions will associate the reader
status with their session. */
snprintf (templ, sizeof templ, "reader_%d.status", vr->slot);
fname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), templ, NULL );
fp = fopen (fname, "w");
if (fp)
fprintf (fp, "%s\n",
(status & 1)? "USABLE":
(status & 4)? "ACTIVE":
(status & 2)? "PRESENT": "NOCARD");
fclose (fp);
xfree (fname);
/* If a status script is executable, run it. */
const char *args[9], *envs[2];
char numbuf1[30], numbuf2[30], numbuf3[30];
char *homestr, *envstr;
gpg_error_t err;
homestr = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), NULL);
if (gpgrt_asprintf (&envstr, "GNUPGHOME=%s", homestr) < 0)
log_error ("out of core while building environment\n");
envs[0] = envstr;
envs[1] = NULL;
sprintf (numbuf1, "%d", vr->slot);
sprintf (numbuf2, "0x%04X", vr->status);
sprintf (numbuf3, "0x%04X", status);
args[0] = "--reader-port";
args[1] = numbuf1;
args[2] = "--old-code";
args[3] = numbuf2;
args[4] = "--new-code";
args[5] = numbuf3;
args[6] = "--status";
args[7] = ((status & 1)? "USABLE":
(status & 4)? "ACTIVE":
(status & 2)? "PRESENT": "NOCARD");
args[8] = NULL;
fname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), "scd-event", NULL);
err = gnupg_spawn_process_detached (fname, args, envs);
if (err && gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_ENOENT)
log_error ("failed to run event handler '%s': %s\n",
fname, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (fname);
xfree (envstr);
xfree (homestr);
/* Set the card removed flag for all current sessions. */
if (vr->any && vr->status == 0 && set_card_removed_flag)
update_card_removed (idx, 1);
vr->any = 1;
/* Send a signal to all clients who applied for it. */
send_client_notifications ();
/* Check whether a disconnect is pending. */
if (opt.card_timeout)
for (sl=session_list; sl; sl = sl->next_session)
if (!sl->disconnect_allowed)
if (session_list && !sl)
/* FIXME: Use a real timeout. */
/* At least one connection and all allow a disconnect. */
log_info ("disconnecting card in reader %d (%d)\n",
idx, vr->slot);
apdu_disconnect (vr->slot);
/* This function is called by the ticker thread to check for changes
of the reader stati. It updates the reader status files and if
requested by the caller also send a signal to the caller. */
scd_update_reader_status_file (void)
int err;
err = npth_mutex_lock (&status_file_update_lock);
if (err)
return; /* locked - give up. */
update_reader_status_file (1);
err = npth_mutex_unlock (&status_file_update_lock);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to release status_file_update lock: %s\n",
strerror (err));
diff --git a/scd/iso7816.c b/scd/iso7816.c
index 28cd2eb96..6cfa6b6c9 100644
--- a/scd/iso7816.c
+++ b/scd/iso7816.c
@@ -1,834 +1,834 @@
/* iso7816.c - ISO 7816 commands
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* This is used with GnuPG version < 1.9. The code has been source
copied from the current GnuPG >= 1.9 and is maintained over
there. */
#include "options.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#else /* GNUPG_MAJOR_VERSION != 1 */
#include "scdaemon.h"
#endif /* GNUPG_MAJOR_VERSION != 1 */
#include "iso7816.h"
#include "apdu.h"
#define CMD_SELECT_FILE 0xA4
#define CMD_GET_DATA 0xCA
#define CMD_PUT_DATA 0xDA
#define CMD_MSE 0x22
#define CMD_PSO 0x2A
#define CMD_GET_CHALLENGE 0x84
#define CMD_READ_BINARY 0xB0
#define CMD_READ_RECORD 0xB2
static gpg_error_t
map_sw (int sw)
gpg_err_code_t ec;
switch (sw)
case SW_CHV_WRONG: ec = GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN; break;
case SW_REF_NOT_FOUND: ec = GPG_ERR_NO_OBJ; break;
case SW_BAD_P0_P1: ec = GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE; break;
case SW_INS_NOT_SUP: ec = GPG_ERR_CARD; break;
case SW_CLA_NOT_SUP: ec = GPG_ERR_CARD; break;
case SW_SUCCESS: ec = 0; break;
case SW_HOST_BUSY: ec = GPG_ERR_EBUSY; break;
case SW_HOST_CARD_IO_ERROR: ec = GPG_ERR_EIO; break;
if ((sw & 0x010000))
ec = GPG_ERR_GENERAL; /* Should not happen. */
else if ((sw & 0xff00) == SW_MORE_DATA)
ec = 0; /* This should actually never been seen here. */
return gpg_error (ec);
/* Map a status word from the APDU layer to a gpg-error code. */
iso7816_map_sw (int sw)
/* All APDU functions should return 0x9000 on success but for
historical reasons of the implementation some return 0 to
indicate success. We allow for that here. */
return sw? map_sw (sw) : 0;
/* This function is specialized version of the SELECT FILE command.
SLOT is the card and reader as created for example by
apdu_open_reader (), AID is a buffer of size AIDLEN holding the
requested application ID. The function can't be used to enumerate
AIDs and won't return the AID on success. The return value is 0
for okay or a GPG error code. Note that ISO error codes are
internally mapped. Bit 0 of FLAGS should be set if the card does
not understand P2=0xC0. */
iso7816_select_application (int slot, const char *aid, size_t aidlen,
unsigned int flags)
int sw;
sw = apdu_send_simple (slot, 0, 0x00, CMD_SELECT_FILE, 4,
(flags&1)? 0 :0x0c, aidlen, aid);
return map_sw (sw);
iso7816_select_file (int slot, int tag, int is_dir,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen)
int sw, p0, p1;
unsigned char tagbuf[2];
tagbuf[0] = (tag >> 8) & 0xff;
tagbuf[1] = tag & 0xff;
if (result || resultlen)
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
p0 = (tag == 0x3F00)? 0: is_dir? 1:2;
p1 = 0x0c; /* No FC return. */
sw = apdu_send_simple (slot, 0, 0x00, CMD_SELECT_FILE,
p0, p1, 2, (char*)tagbuf );
return map_sw (sw);
return 0;
/* Do a select file command with a direct path. */
iso7816_select_path (int slot, const unsigned short *path, size_t pathlen,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen)
int sw, p0, p1;
unsigned char buffer[100];
int buflen;
if (result || resultlen)
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
if (pathlen/2 >= sizeof buffer)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
for (buflen = 0; pathlen; pathlen--, path++)
buffer[buflen++] = (*path >> 8);
buffer[buflen++] = *path;
p0 = 0x08;
p1 = 0x0c; /* No FC return. */
sw = apdu_send_simple (slot, 0, 0x00, CMD_SELECT_FILE,
p0, p1, buflen, (char*)buffer );
return map_sw (sw);
/* This is a private command currently only working for TCOS cards. */
iso7816_list_directory (int slot, int list_dirs,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen)
int sw;
if (!result || !resultlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
sw = apdu_send (slot, 0, 0x80, 0xAA, list_dirs? 1:2, 0, -1, NULL,
result, resultlen);
if (sw != SW_SUCCESS)
/* Make sure that pending buffers are released. */
xfree (*result);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
return map_sw (sw);
/* This funcion sends an already formatted APDU to the card. With
HANDLE_MORE set to true a MORE DATA status will be handled
internally. The return value is a gpg error code (i.e. a mapped
status word). This is basically the same as apdu_send_direct but
it maps the status word and does not return it in the result
buffer. */
iso7816_apdu_direct (int slot, const void *apdudata, size_t apdudatalen,
int handle_more,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen)
int sw;
if (!result || !resultlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
sw = apdu_send_direct (slot, 0, apdudata, apdudatalen, handle_more,
result, resultlen);
if (!sw)
if (*resultlen < 2)
sw = ((*result)[*resultlen-2] << 8) | (*result)[*resultlen-1];
if (sw != SW_SUCCESS)
/* Make sure that pending buffers are released. */
xfree (*result);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
return map_sw (sw);
/* Check whether the reader supports the ISO command code COMMAND on
the pinpad. Returns 0 on success. */
iso7816_check_pinpad (int slot, int command, pininfo_t *pininfo)
int sw;
sw = apdu_check_pinpad (slot, command, pininfo);
return iso7816_map_sw (sw);
/* Perform a VERIFY command on SLOT using the card holder verification
vector CHVNO. With PININFO non-NULL the pinpad of the reader will
be used. Returns 0 on success. */
iso7816_verify_kp (int slot, int chvno, pininfo_t *pininfo)
int sw;
sw = apdu_pinpad_verify (slot, 0x00, CMD_VERIFY, 0, chvno, pininfo);
return map_sw (sw);
/* Perform a VERIFY command on SLOT using the card holder verification
vector CHVNO with a CHV of length CHVLEN. Returns 0 on success. */
iso7816_verify (int slot, int chvno, const char *chv, size_t chvlen)
int sw;
sw = apdu_send_simple (slot, 0, 0x00, CMD_VERIFY, 0, chvno, chvlen, chv);
return map_sw (sw);
/* Perform a CHANGE_REFERENCE_DATA command on SLOT for the card holder
verification vector CHVNO. With PININFO non-NULL the pinpad of the
reader will be used. If IS_EXCHANGE is 0, a "change reference
data" is done, otherwise an "exchange reference data". */
iso7816_change_reference_data_kp (int slot, int chvno, int is_exchange,
pininfo_t *pininfo)
int sw;
sw = apdu_pinpad_modify (slot, 0x00, CMD_CHANGE_REFERENCE_DATA,
is_exchange ? 1 : 0, chvno, pininfo);
return map_sw (sw);
/* Perform a CHANGE_REFERENCE_DATA command on SLOT for the card holder
verification vector CHVNO. If the OLDCHV is NULL (and OLDCHVLEN
0), a "change reference data" is done, otherwise an "exchange
reference data". The new reference data is expected in NEWCHV of
length NEWCHVLEN. */
iso7816_change_reference_data (int slot, int chvno,
const char *oldchv, size_t oldchvlen,
const char *newchv, size_t newchvlen)
int sw;
char *buf;
if ((!oldchv && oldchvlen)
|| (oldchv && !oldchvlen)
|| !newchv || !newchvlen )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
buf = xtrymalloc (oldchvlen + newchvlen);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error (gpg_err_code_from_errno (errno));
if (oldchvlen)
memcpy (buf, oldchv, oldchvlen);
memcpy (buf+oldchvlen, newchv, newchvlen);
sw = apdu_send_simple (slot, 0, 0x00, CMD_CHANGE_REFERENCE_DATA,
oldchvlen? 0 : 1, chvno, oldchvlen+newchvlen, buf);
xfree (buf);
return map_sw (sw);
iso7816_reset_retry_counter_with_rc (int slot, int chvno,
const char *data, size_t datalen)
int sw;
if (!data || !datalen )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
sw = apdu_send_simple (slot, 0, 0x00, CMD_RESET_RETRY_COUNTER,
0, chvno, datalen, data);
return map_sw (sw);
iso7816_reset_retry_counter (int slot, int chvno,
const char *newchv, size_t newchvlen)
int sw;
sw = apdu_send_simple (slot, 0, 0x00, CMD_RESET_RETRY_COUNTER,
2, chvno, newchvlen, newchv);
return map_sw (sw);
/* Perform a GET DATA command requesting TAG and storing the result in
a newly allocated buffer at the address passed by RESULT. Return
the length of this data at the address of RESULTLEN. */
iso7816_get_data (int slot, int extended_mode, int tag,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen)
int sw;
int le;
if (!result || !resultlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
if (extended_mode > 0 && extended_mode < 256)
le = 65534; /* Not 65535 in case it is used as some special flag. */
else if (extended_mode > 0)
le = extended_mode;
le = 256;
sw = apdu_send_le (slot, extended_mode, 0x00, CMD_GET_DATA,
((tag >> 8) & 0xff), (tag & 0xff), -1, NULL, le,
result, resultlen);
if (sw != SW_SUCCESS)
/* Make sure that pending buffers are released. */
xfree (*result);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
return map_sw (sw);
return 0;
/* Perform a PUT DATA command on card in SLOT. Write DATA of length
DATALEN to TAG. EXTENDED_MODE controls whether extended length
headers or command chaining is used instead of single length
bytes. */
iso7816_put_data (int slot, int extended_mode, int tag,
const void *data, size_t datalen)
int sw;
sw = apdu_send_simple (slot, extended_mode, 0x00, CMD_PUT_DATA,
((tag >> 8) & 0xff), (tag & 0xff),
datalen, (const char*)data);
return map_sw (sw);
/* Same as iso7816_put_data but uses an odd instruction byte. */
iso7816_put_data_odd (int slot, int extended_mode, int tag,
const void *data, size_t datalen)
int sw;
sw = apdu_send_simple (slot, extended_mode, 0x00, CMD_PUT_DATA+1,
((tag >> 8) & 0xff), (tag & 0xff),
datalen, (const char*)data);
return map_sw (sw);
/* Manage Security Environment. This is a weird operation and there
is no easy abstraction for it. Furthermore, some card seem to have
a different interpreation of 7816-8 and thus we resort to let the
caller decide what to do. */
iso7816_manage_security_env (int slot, int p1, int p2,
const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen)
int sw;
if (p1 < 0 || p1 > 255 || p2 < 0 || p2 > 255 )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
sw = apdu_send_simple (slot, 0, 0x00, CMD_MSE, p1, p2,
data? datalen : -1, (const char*)data);
return map_sw (sw);
/* Perform the security operation COMPUTE DIGITAL SIGANTURE. On
success 0 is returned and the data is availavle in a newly
allocated buffer stored at RESULT with its length stored at
RESULTLEN. For LE see do_generate_keypair. */
iso7816_compute_ds (int slot, int extended_mode,
const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen, int le,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen)
int sw;
if (!data || !datalen || !result || !resultlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
if (!extended_mode)
le = 256; /* Ignore provided Le and use what apdu_send uses. */
else if (le >= 0 && le < 256)
le = 256;
sw = apdu_send_le (slot, extended_mode,
0x00, CMD_PSO, 0x9E, 0x9A,
datalen, (const char*)data,
result, resultlen);
if (sw != SW_SUCCESS)
/* Make sure that pending buffers are released. */
xfree (*result);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
return map_sw (sw);
return 0;
/* Perform the security operation DECIPHER. PADIND is the padding
indicator to be used. It should be 0 if no padding is required, a
value of -1 suppresses the padding byte. On success 0 is returned
and the plaintext is available in a newly allocated buffer stored
at RESULT with its length stored at RESULTLEN. For LE see
do_generate_keypair. */
iso7816_decipher (int slot, int extended_mode,
const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen, int le,
int padind, unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen)
int sw;
unsigned char *buf;
if (!data || !datalen || !result || !resultlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
if (!extended_mode)
le = 256; /* Ignore provided Le and use what apdu_send uses. */
else if (le >= 0 && le < 256)
le = 256;
if (padind >= 0)
/* We need to prepend the padding indicator. */
buf = xtrymalloc (datalen + 1);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error (gpg_err_code_from_errno (errno));
*buf = padind; /* Padding indicator. */
memcpy (buf+1, data, datalen);
sw = apdu_send_le (slot, extended_mode,
0x00, CMD_PSO, 0x80, 0x86,
datalen+1, (char*)buf, le,
result, resultlen);
xfree (buf);
sw = apdu_send_le (slot, extended_mode,
0x00, CMD_PSO, 0x80, 0x86,
datalen, (const char *)data, le,
result, resultlen);
if (sw != SW_SUCCESS)
/* Make sure that pending buffers are released. */
xfree (*result);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
return map_sw (sw);
return 0;
/* For LE see do_generate_keypair. */
iso7816_internal_authenticate (int slot, int extended_mode,
const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen,
int le,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen)
int sw;
if (!data || !datalen || !result || !resultlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
if (!extended_mode)
le = 256; /* Ignore provided Le and use what apdu_send uses. */
else if (le >= 0 && le < 256)
le = 256;
sw = apdu_send_le (slot, extended_mode,
datalen, (const char*)data,
result, resultlen);
if (sw != SW_SUCCESS)
/* Make sure that pending buffers are released. */
xfree (*result);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
return map_sw (sw);
return 0;
/* LE is the expected return length. This is usually 0 except if
extended length mode is used and more than 256 byte will be
returned. In that case a value of -1 uses a large default
(e.g. 4096 bytes), a value larger 256 used that value. */
static gpg_error_t
do_generate_keypair (int slot, int extended_mode, int read_only,
const char *data, size_t datalen, int le,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen)
int sw;
if (!data || !datalen || !result || !resultlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
sw = apdu_send_le (slot, extended_mode,
0x00, CMD_GENERATE_KEYPAIR, read_only? 0x81:0x80, 0,
datalen, data,
le >= 0 && le < 256? 256:le,
result, resultlen);
if (sw != SW_SUCCESS)
/* Make sure that pending buffers are released. */
xfree (*result);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
return map_sw (sw);
return 0;
iso7816_generate_keypair (int slot, int extended_mode,
const char *data, size_t datalen,
int le,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen)
return do_generate_keypair (slot, extended_mode, 0,
data, datalen, le, result, resultlen);
iso7816_read_public_key (int slot, int extended_mode,
const char *data, size_t datalen,
int le,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen)
return do_generate_keypair (slot, extended_mode, 1,
data, datalen, le, result, resultlen);
iso7816_get_challenge (int slot, int length, unsigned char *buffer)
int sw;
unsigned char *result;
size_t resultlen, n;
if (!buffer || length < 1)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
result = NULL;
n = length > 254? 254 : length;
sw = apdu_send_le (slot, 0,
0x00, CMD_GET_CHALLENGE, 0, 0, -1, NULL, n,
&result, &resultlen);
if (sw != SW_SUCCESS)
/* Make sure that pending buffers are released. */
xfree (result);
return map_sw (sw);
if (resultlen > n)
resultlen = n;
memcpy (buffer, result, resultlen);
buffer += resultlen;
length -= resultlen;
xfree (result);
while (length > 0);
return 0;
/* Perform a READ BINARY command requesting a maximum of NMAX bytes
from OFFSET. With NMAX = 0 the entire file is read. The result is
stored in a newly allocated buffer at the address passed by RESULT.
Returns the length of this data at the address of RESULTLEN. */
iso7816_read_binary (int slot, size_t offset, size_t nmax,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen)
int sw;
unsigned char *buffer;
size_t bufferlen;
int read_all = !nmax;
size_t n;
if (!result || !resultlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
/* We can only encode 15 bits in p0,p1 to indicate an offset. Thus
we check for this limit. */
if (offset > 32767)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
buffer = NULL;
bufferlen = 0;
n = read_all? 0 : nmax;
sw = apdu_send_le (slot, 0, 0x00, CMD_READ_BINARY,
((offset>>8) & 0xff), (offset & 0xff) , -1, NULL,
n, &buffer, &bufferlen);
if ( SW_EXACT_LENGTH_P(sw) )
n = (sw & 0x00ff);
sw = apdu_send_le (slot, 0, 0x00, CMD_READ_BINARY,
((offset>>8) & 0xff), (offset & 0xff) , -1, NULL,
n, &buffer, &bufferlen);
if (*result && sw == SW_BAD_P0_P1)
/* Bad Parameter means that the offset is outside of the
EF. When reading all data we take this as an indication
for EOF. */
if (sw != SW_SUCCESS && sw != SW_EOF_REACHED)
/* Make sure that pending buffers are released. */
xfree (buffer);
xfree (*result);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
return map_sw (sw);
if (*result) /* Need to extend the buffer. */
unsigned char *p = xtryrealloc (*result, *resultlen + bufferlen);
if (!p)
gpg_error_t err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (buffer);
xfree (*result);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
return err;
*result = p;
memcpy (*result + *resultlen, buffer, bufferlen);
*resultlen += bufferlen;
xfree (buffer);
buffer = NULL;
else /* Transfer the buffer into our result. */
*result = buffer;
*resultlen = bufferlen;
offset += bufferlen;
if (offset > 32767)
break; /* We simply truncate the result for too large
files. */
if (nmax > bufferlen)
nmax -= bufferlen;
nmax = 0;
while ((read_all && sw != SW_EOF_REACHED) || (!read_all && nmax));
return 0;
/* Perform a READ RECORD command. RECNO gives the record number to
read with 0 indicating the current record. RECCOUNT must be 1 (not
all cards support reading of more than one record). SHORT_EF
should be 0 to read the current EF or contain a short EF. The
result is stored in a newly allocated buffer at the address passed
by RESULT. Returns the length of this data at the address of
iso7816_read_record (int slot, int recno, int reccount, int short_ef,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen)
int sw;
unsigned char *buffer;
size_t bufferlen;
if (!result || !resultlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
/* We can only encode 15 bits in p0,p1 to indicate an offset. Thus
we check for this limit. */
if (recno < 0 || recno > 255 || reccount != 1
|| short_ef < 0 || short_ef > 254 )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
buffer = NULL;
bufferlen = 0;
sw = apdu_send_le (slot, 0, 0x00, CMD_READ_RECORD,
short_ef? short_ef : 0x04,
-1, NULL,
0, &buffer, &bufferlen);
if (sw != SW_SUCCESS && sw != SW_EOF_REACHED)
/* Make sure that pending buffers are released. */
xfree (buffer);
xfree (*result);
*result = NULL;
*resultlen = 0;
return map_sw (sw);
*result = buffer;
*resultlen = bufferlen;
return 0;
diff --git a/scd/iso7816.h b/scd/iso7816.h
index 45cd416bb..bcef47351 100644
--- a/scd/iso7816.h
+++ b/scd/iso7816.h
@@ -1,119 +1,119 @@
/* iso7816.h - ISO 7816 commands
* Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef ISO7816_H
#define ISO7816_H
#include "cardglue.h"
/* Command codes used by iso7816_check_pinpad. */
#define ISO7816_VERIFY 0x20
/* Information to be passed to pinpad equipped readers. See
ccid-driver.c for details. */
struct pininfo_s
int fixedlen; /*
* -1: Variable length input is not supported,
* no information of fixed length yet.
* 0: Use variable length input.
* >0: Fixed length of PIN.
int minlen;
int maxlen;
typedef struct pininfo_s pininfo_t;
gpg_error_t iso7816_map_sw (int sw);
gpg_error_t iso7816_select_application (int slot,
const char *aid, size_t aidlen,
unsigned int flags);
gpg_error_t iso7816_select_file (int slot, int tag, int is_dir,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen);
gpg_error_t iso7816_select_path (int slot,
const unsigned short *path, size_t pathlen,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen);
gpg_error_t iso7816_list_directory (int slot, int list_dirs,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen);
gpg_error_t iso7816_apdu_direct (int slot,
const void *apdudata, size_t apdudatalen,
int handle_more,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen);
gpg_error_t iso7816_check_pinpad (int slot, int command,
pininfo_t *pininfo);
gpg_error_t iso7816_verify (int slot,
int chvno, const char *chv, size_t chvlen);
gpg_error_t iso7816_verify_kp (int slot, int chvno, pininfo_t *pininfo);
gpg_error_t iso7816_change_reference_data (int slot, int chvno,
const char *oldchv, size_t oldchvlen,
const char *newchv, size_t newchvlen);
gpg_error_t iso7816_change_reference_data_kp (int slot, int chvno,
int is_exchange,
pininfo_t *pininfo);
gpg_error_t iso7816_reset_retry_counter (int slot, int chvno,
const char *newchv, size_t newchvlen);
gpg_error_t iso7816_reset_retry_counter_with_rc (int slot, int chvno,
const char *data,
size_t datalen);
gpg_error_t iso7816_get_data (int slot, int extended_mode, int tag,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen);
gpg_error_t iso7816_put_data (int slot, int extended_mode, int tag,
const void *data, size_t datalen);
gpg_error_t iso7816_put_data_odd (int slot, int extended_mode, int tag,
const void *data, size_t datalen);
gpg_error_t iso7816_manage_security_env (int slot, int p1, int p2,
const unsigned char *data,
size_t datalen);
gpg_error_t iso7816_compute_ds (int slot, int extended_mode,
const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen,
int le,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen);
gpg_error_t iso7816_decipher (int slot, int extended_mode,
const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen,
int le, int padind,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen);
gpg_error_t iso7816_internal_authenticate (int slot, int extended_mode,
const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen,
int le,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen);
gpg_error_t iso7816_generate_keypair (int slot, int extended_mode,
const char *data, size_t datalen,
int le,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen);
gpg_error_t iso7816_read_public_key (int slot, int extended_mode,
const char *data, size_t datalen,
int le,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen);
gpg_error_t iso7816_get_challenge (int slot,
int length, unsigned char *buffer);
gpg_error_t iso7816_read_binary (int slot, size_t offset, size_t nmax,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen);
gpg_error_t iso7816_read_record (int slot, int recno, int reccount,
int short_ef,
unsigned char **result, size_t *resultlen);
#endif /*ISO7816_H*/
diff --git a/scd/scdaemon.c b/scd/scdaemon.c
index ab2fadbb3..acc5b4772 100644
--- a/scd/scdaemon.c
+++ b/scd/scdaemon.c
@@ -1,1315 +1,1315 @@
/* scdaemon.c - The GnuPG Smartcard Daemon
* Copyright (C) 2001-2002, 2004-2005, 2007-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2001-2002, 2004-2005, 2007-2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <npth.h>
#include "scdaemon.h"
#include <ksba.h>
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <assuan.h> /* malloc hooks */
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "app-common.h"
#include "iso7816.h"
#include "apdu.h"
#include "ccid-driver.h"
#include "gc-opt-flags.h"
#include "asshelp.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
enum cmd_and_opt_values
{ aNull = 0,
oCsh = 'c',
oQuiet = 'q',
oSh = 's',
oVerbose = 'v',
oNoVerbose = 500,
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfList, "gpgconf-list", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfTest, "gpgconf-test", "@"),
ARGPARSE_group (301, N_("@Options:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oServer,"server", N_("run in server mode (foreground)")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oMultiServer, "multi-server",
N_("run in multi server mode (foreground)")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDaemon, "daemon", N_("run in daemon mode (background)")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oVerbose, "verbose", N_("verbose")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oQuiet, "quiet", N_("be somewhat more quiet")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oSh, "sh", N_("sh-style command output")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oCsh, "csh", N_("csh-style command output")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oOptions, "options", N_("|FILE|read options from FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebug, "debug", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugAll, "debug-all", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebugLevel, "debug-level" ,
N_("|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL")),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oDebugWait, "debug-wait", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugAllowCoreDump, "debug-allow-core-dump", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugCCIDDriver, "debug-ccid-driver", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugDisableTicker, "debug-disable-ticker", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugLogTid, "debug-log-tid", "@"),
ARGPARSE_p_u (oDebugAssuanLogCats, "debug-assuan-log-cats", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoDetach, "no-detach", N_("do not detach from the console")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLogFile, "log-file", N_("|FILE|write a log to FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oReaderPort, "reader-port",
N_("|N|connect to reader at port N")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (octapiDriver, "ctapi-driver",
N_("|NAME|use NAME as ct-API driver")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (opcscDriver, "pcsc-driver",
N_("|NAME|use NAME as PC/SC driver")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableCCID, "disable-ccid",
N_("do not use the internal CCID driver")
/* end --disable-ccid */),
ARGPARSE_s_u (oCardTimeout, "card-timeout",
N_("|N|disconnect the card after N seconds of inactivity")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisablePinpad, "disable-pinpad",
N_("do not use a reader's pinpad")),
ARGPARSE_ignore (300, "disable-keypad"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowAdmin, "allow-admin", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDenyAdmin, "deny-admin",
N_("deny the use of admin card commands")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisableApplication, "disable-application", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnablePinpadVarlen, "enable-pinpad-varlen",
N_("use variable length input for pinpad")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oHomedir, "homedir", "@"),
/* The list of supported debug flags. */
static struct debug_flags_s debug_flags [] =
{ DBG_COMMAND_VALUE, "command" },
{ DBG_MPI_VALUE , "mpi" },
{ DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE , "crypto" },
{ DBG_MEMORY_VALUE , "memory" },
{ DBG_CACHE_VALUE , "cache" },
{ DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE, "memstat" },
{ DBG_HASHING_VALUE, "hashing" },
{ DBG_IPC_VALUE , "ipc" },
{ DBG_CARD_IO_VALUE, "cardio" },
{ DBG_READER_VALUE , "reader" },
{ 0, NULL }
/* The card driver we use by default for PC/SC. */
#if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
#define DEFAULT_PCSC_DRIVER "winscard.dll"
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#define DEFAULT_PCSC_DRIVER "/System/Library/Frameworks/PCSC.framework/PCSC"
#elif defined(__GLIBC__)
/* The timer tick used for housekeeping stuff. We poll every 500ms to
let the user immediately know a status change.
This is not too good for power saving but given that there is no
easy way to block on card status changes it is the best we can do.
For PC/SC we could in theory use an extra thread to wait for status
changes but that requires a native thread because there is no way
to make the underlying PC/SC card change function block using a Npth
mechanism. Given that a native thread could only be used under W32
we don't do that at all. */
/* Flag to indicate that a shutdown was requested. */
static int shutdown_pending;
/* It is possible that we are currently running under setuid permissions */
static int maybe_setuid = 1;
/* Flag telling whether we are running as a pipe server. */
static int pipe_server;
/* Name of the communication socket */
static char *socket_name;
/* Name of the redirected socket or NULL. */
static char *redir_socket_name;
/* We need to keep track of the server's nonces (these are dummies for
POSIX systems). */
static assuan_sock_nonce_t socket_nonce;
/* Debug flag to disable the ticker. The ticker is in fact not
disabled but it won't perform any ticker specific actions. */
static int ticker_disabled;
static char *create_socket_name (char *standard_name);
static gnupg_fd_t create_server_socket (const char *name,
char **r_redir_name,
assuan_sock_nonce_t *nonce);
static void *start_connection_thread (void *arg);
static void handle_connections (int listen_fd);
/* Pth wrapper function definitions. */
static int active_connections;
static char *
make_libversion (const char *libname, const char *(*getfnc)(const char*))
const char *s;
char *result;
if (maybe_setuid)
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 0, 0); /* Drop setuid. */
maybe_setuid = 0;
s = getfnc (NULL);
result = xmalloc (strlen (libname) + 1 + strlen (s) + 1);
strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (result, libname), " "), s);
return result;
static const char *
my_strusage (int level)
static char *ver_gcry, *ver_ksba;
const char *p;
switch (level)
case 11: p = "@SCDAEMON@ (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 20:
if (!ver_gcry)
ver_gcry = make_libversion ("libgcrypt", gcry_check_version);
p = ver_gcry;
case 21:
if (!ver_ksba)
ver_ksba = make_libversion ("libksba", ksba_check_version);
p = ver_ksba;
case 1:
case 40: p = _("Usage: @SCDAEMON@ [options] (-h for help)");
case 41: p = _("Syntax: scdaemon [options] [command [args]]\n"
"Smartcard daemon for @GNUPG@\n");
default: p = NULL;
return p;
static int
tid_log_callback (unsigned long *rvalue)
int len = sizeof (*rvalue);
npth_t thread;
thread = npth_self ();
if (sizeof (thread) < len)
len = sizeof (thread);
memcpy (rvalue, &thread, len);
return 2; /* Use use hex representation. */
/* Setup the debugging. With a LEVEL of NULL only the active debug
flags are propagated to the subsystems. With LEVEL set, a specific
set of debug flags is set; thus overriding all flags already
set. */
static void
set_debug (const char *level)
int numok = (level && digitp (level));
int numlvl = numok? atoi (level) : 0;
if (!level)
else if (!strcmp (level, "none") || (numok && numlvl < 1))
opt.debug = 0;
else if (!strcmp (level, "basic") || (numok && numlvl <= 2))
opt.debug = DBG_IPC_VALUE;
else if (!strcmp (level, "advanced") || (numok && numlvl <= 5))
else if (!strcmp (level, "expert") || (numok && numlvl <= 8))
else if (!strcmp (level, "guru") || numok)
opt.debug = ~0;
/* Unless the "guru" string has been used we don't want to allow
hashing debugging. The rationale is that people tend to
select the highest debug value and would then clutter their
disk with debug files which may reveal confidential data. */
if (numok)
opt.debug &= ~(DBG_HASHING_VALUE);
log_error (_("invalid debug-level '%s' given\n"), level);
if (opt.debug && !opt.verbose)
opt.verbose = 1;
if (opt.debug && opt.quiet)
opt.quiet = 0;
if (opt.debug & DBG_MPI_VALUE)
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_DEBUG_FLAGS, 2);
if (opt.debug & DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE )
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_DEBUG_FLAGS, 1);
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose);
if (opt.debug)
parse_debug_flag (NULL, &opt.debug, debug_flags);
static void
cleanup (void)
if (socket_name && *socket_name)
char *name;
name = redir_socket_name? redir_socket_name : socket_name;
gnupg_remove (name);
*socket_name = 0;
main (int argc, char **argv )
int orig_argc;
char **orig_argv;
FILE *configfp = NULL;
char *configname = NULL;
const char *shell;
unsigned int configlineno;
int parse_debug = 0;
const char *debug_level = NULL;
int default_config =1;
int greeting = 0;
int nogreeting = 0;
int multi_server = 0;
int is_daemon = 0;
int nodetach = 0;
int csh_style = 0;
char *logfile = NULL;
int debug_wait = 0;
int gpgconf_list = 0;
const char *config_filename = NULL;
int allow_coredump = 0;
struct assuan_malloc_hooks malloc_hooks;
int res;
npth_t pipecon_handler;
early_system_init ();
set_strusage (my_strusage);
/* Please note that we may running SUID(ROOT), so be very CAREFUL
when adding any stuff between here and the call to INIT_SECMEM()
somewhere after the option parsing */
log_set_prefix ("scdaemon", GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX | GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PID);
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
i18n_init ();
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
ksba_set_malloc_hooks (gcry_malloc, gcry_realloc, gcry_free);
malloc_hooks.malloc = gcry_malloc;
malloc_hooks.realloc = gcry_realloc; = gcry_free;
assuan_set_malloc_hooks (&malloc_hooks);
assuan_set_gpg_err_source (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT);
assuan_set_system_hooks (ASSUAN_SYSTEM_NPTH);
assuan_sock_init ();
setup_libassuan_logging (&opt.debug, NULL);
setup_libgcrypt_logging ();
disable_core_dumps ();
/* Set default options. */
opt.allow_admin = 1;
opt.pcsc_driver = DEFAULT_PCSC_DRIVER;
shell = getenv ("SHELL");
if (shell && strlen (shell) >= 3 && !strcmp (shell+strlen (shell)-3, "csh") )
csh_style = 1;
/* Check whether we have a config file on the commandline */
orig_argc = argc;
orig_argv = argv;
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= 1|(1<<6); /* do not remove the args, ignore version */
while (arg_parse( &pargs, opts))
if (pargs.r_opt == oDebug || pargs.r_opt == oDebugAll)
else if (pargs.r_opt == oOptions)
{ /* yes there is one, so we do not try the default one, but
read the option file when it is encountered at the
commandline */
default_config = 0;
else if (pargs.r_opt == oNoOptions)
default_config = 0; /* --no-options */
else if (pargs.r_opt == oHomedir)
gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str);
/* initialize the secure memory. */
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 16384, 0);
maybe_setuid = 0;
Now we are working under our real uid
if (default_config)
configname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), SCDAEMON_NAME EXTSEP_S "conf",
argc = orig_argc;
argv = orig_argv;
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= 1; /* do not remove the args */
if (configname)
configlineno = 0;
configfp = fopen (configname, "r");
if (!configfp)
if (default_config)
if( parse_debug )
log_info (_("Note: no default option file '%s'\n"),
configname );
log_error (_("option file '%s': %s\n"),
configname, strerror(errno) );
xfree (configname);
configname = NULL;
if (parse_debug && configname )
log_info (_("reading options from '%s'\n"), configname );
default_config = 0;
while (optfile_parse( configfp, configname, &configlineno, &pargs, opts) )
switch (pargs.r_opt)
case aGPGConfList: gpgconf_list = 1; break;
case aGPGConfTest: gpgconf_list = 2; break;
case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break;
case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; break;
case oBatch: opt.batch=1; break;
case oDebug:
if (parse_debug_flag (pargs.r.ret_str, &opt.debug, debug_flags))
case oDebugAll: opt.debug = ~0; break;
case oDebugLevel: debug_level = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oDebugWait: debug_wait = pargs.r.ret_int; break;
case oDebugAllowCoreDump:
enable_core_dumps ();
allow_coredump = 1;
case oDebugCCIDDriver:
ccid_set_debug_level (ccid_set_debug_level (-1)+1);
#endif /*HAVE_LIBUSB*/
case oDebugDisableTicker: ticker_disabled = 1; break;
case oDebugLogTid:
log_set_pid_suffix_cb (tid_log_callback);
case oDebugAssuanLogCats:
set_libassuan_log_cats (pargs.r.ret_ulong);
case oOptions:
/* config files may not be nested (silently ignore them) */
if (!configfp)
configname = xstrdup(pargs.r.ret_str);
goto next_pass;
case oNoGreeting: nogreeting = 1; break;
case oNoVerbose: opt.verbose = 0; break;
case oNoOptions: break; /* no-options */
case oHomedir: gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oNoDetach: nodetach = 1; break;
case oLogFile: logfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oCsh: csh_style = 1; break;
case oSh: csh_style = 0; break;
case oServer: pipe_server = 1; break;
case oMultiServer: pipe_server = 1; multi_server = 1; break;
case oDaemon: is_daemon = 1; break;
case oReaderPort: opt.reader_port = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case octapiDriver: opt.ctapi_driver = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case opcscDriver: opt.pcsc_driver = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oDisableCCID: opt.disable_ccid = 1; break;
case oDisableOpenSC: break;
case oDisablePinpad: opt.disable_pinpad = 1; break;
case oAllowAdmin: /* Dummy because allow is now the default. */
case oDenyAdmin: opt.allow_admin = 0; break;
case oCardTimeout: opt.card_timeout = pargs.r.ret_ulong; break;
case oDisableApplication:
add_to_strlist (&opt.disabled_applications, pargs.r.ret_str);
case oEnablePinpadVarlen: opt.enable_pinpad_varlen = 1; break;
if (configfp)
fclose( configfp );
configfp = NULL;
/* Keep a copy of the config name for use by --gpgconf-list. */
config_filename = configname;
configname = NULL;
goto next_pass;
xfree (configname);
configname = NULL;
if (log_get_errorcount(0))
if (nogreeting )
greeting = 0;
if (greeting)
es_fprintf (es_stderr, "%s %s; %s\n",
strusage(11), strusage(13), strusage(14) );
es_fprintf (es_stderr, "%s\n", strusage(15) );
log_info ("NOTE: this is a development version!\n");
/* Print a warning if an argument looks like an option. */
if (!opt.quiet && !(pargs.flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_STOP_SEEN))
int i;
for (i=0; i < argc; i++)
if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '-')
log_info (_("Note: '%s' is not considered an option\n"), argv[i]);
if (atexit (cleanup))
log_error ("atexit failed\n");
cleanup ();
exit (1);
set_debug (debug_level);
initialize_module_command ();
if (gpgconf_list == 2)
scd_exit (0);
if (gpgconf_list)
/* List options and default values in the GPG Conf format. */
char *filename = NULL;
char *filename_esc;
if (config_filename)
filename = xstrdup (config_filename);
filename = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (),
filename_esc = percent_escape (filename, NULL);
es_printf ("%s-%s.conf:%lu:\"%s\n",
GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT, filename_esc);
xfree (filename_esc);
xfree (filename);
es_printf ("verbose:%lu:\n"
es_printf ("reader-port:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE );
es_printf ("ctapi-driver:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE );
es_printf ("pcsc-driver:%lu:\"%s:\n",
es_printf ("disable-ccid:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE );
es_printf ("deny-admin:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE );
es_printf ("disable-pinpad:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE );
es_printf ("card-timeout:%lu:%d:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT, 0);
es_printf ("enable-pinpad-varlen:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE );
scd_exit (0);
/* Now start with logging to a file if this is desired. */
if (logfile)
log_set_file (logfile);
if (debug_wait && pipe_server)
log_debug ("waiting for debugger - my pid is %u .....\n",
(unsigned int)getpid());
gnupg_sleep (debug_wait);
log_debug ("... okay\n");
if (pipe_server)
/* This is the simple pipe based server */
ctrl_t ctrl;
npth_attr_t tattr;
int fd = -1;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
struct sigaction sa;
sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);
sa.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction (SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL);
npth_init ();
gpgrt_set_syscall_clamp (npth_unprotect, npth_protect);
/* If --debug-allow-core-dump has been given we also need to
switch the working directory to a place where we can actually
write. */
if (allow_coredump)
if (chdir("/tmp"))
log_debug ("chdir to '/tmp' failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
log_debug ("changed working directory to '/tmp'\n");
/* In multi server mode we need to listen on an additional
socket. Create that socket now before starting the handler
for the pipe connection. This allows that handler to send
back the name of that socket. */
if (multi_server)
socket_name = create_socket_name (SCDAEMON_SOCK_NAME);
fd = FD2INT(create_server_socket (socket_name,
&redir_socket_name, &socket_nonce));
res = npth_attr_init (&tattr);
if (res)
log_error ("error allocating thread attributes: %s\n",
strerror (res));
scd_exit (2);
npth_attr_setdetachstate (&tattr, NPTH_CREATE_DETACHED);
ctrl = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl);
if ( !ctrl )
log_error ("error allocating connection control data: %s\n",
strerror (errno) );
scd_exit (2);
ctrl->thread_startup.fd = GNUPG_INVALID_FD;
res = npth_create (&pipecon_handler, &tattr, start_connection_thread, ctrl);
if (res)
log_error ("error spawning pipe connection handler: %s\n",
strerror (res) );
xfree (ctrl);
scd_exit (2);
npth_setname_np (pipecon_handler, "pipe-connection");
npth_attr_destroy (&tattr);
/* We run handle_connection to wait for the shutdown signal and
to run the ticker stuff. */
handle_connections (fd);
if (fd != -1)
close (fd);
else if (!is_daemon)
log_info (_("please use the option '--daemon'"
" to run the program in the background\n"));
{ /* Regular server mode */
int fd;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
pid_t pid;
int i;
/* Create the socket. */
socket_name = create_socket_name (SCDAEMON_SOCK_NAME);
fd = FD2INT (create_server_socket (socket_name,
&redir_socket_name, &socket_nonce));
fflush (NULL);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
pid = fork ();
if (pid == (pid_t)-1)
log_fatal ("fork failed: %s\n", strerror (errno) );
exit (1);
else if (pid)
{ /* we are the parent */
char *infostr;
close (fd);
/* create the info string: <name>:<pid>:<protocol_version> */
if (gpgrt_asprintf (&infostr, "SCDAEMON_INFO=%s:%lu:1",
socket_name, (ulong) pid) < 0)
log_error ("out of core\n");
kill (pid, SIGTERM);
exit (1);
*socket_name = 0; /* don't let cleanup() remove the socket -
the child should do this from now on */
if (argc)
{ /* run the program given on the commandline */
if (putenv (infostr))
log_error ("failed to set environment: %s\n",
strerror (errno) );
kill (pid, SIGTERM );
exit (1);
execvp (argv[0], argv);
log_error ("failed to run the command: %s\n", strerror (errno));
kill (pid, SIGTERM);
exit (1);
/* Print the environment string, so that the caller can use
shell's eval to set it */
if (csh_style)
*strchr (infostr, '=') = ' ';
es_printf ( "setenv %s;\n", infostr);
es_printf ( "%s; export SCDAEMON_INFO;\n", infostr);
xfree (infostr);
exit (0);
} /* end parent */
/* This is the child. */
npth_init ();
gpgrt_set_syscall_clamp (npth_unprotect, npth_protect);
/* Detach from tty and put process into a new session. */
if (!nodetach )
/* Close stdin, stdout and stderr unless it is the log stream. */
for (i=0; i <= 2; i++)
if ( log_test_fd (i) && i != fd)
close (i);
if (setsid() == -1)
log_error ("setsid() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno) );
cleanup ();
exit (1);
struct sigaction sa;
sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);
sa.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction (SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL);
if (chdir("/"))
log_error ("chdir to / failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
exit (1);
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
handle_connections (fd);
close (fd);
return 0;
scd_exit (int rc)
apdu_prepare_exit ();
#if 0
#warning no update_random_seed_file
#if 0
/* at this time a bit annoying */
if (opt.debug & DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE)
if (opt.debug)
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_TERM_SECMEM );
rc = rc? rc : log_get_errorcount(0)? 2 : 0;
exit (rc);
static void
scd_init_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl)
static void
scd_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl)
if (!ctrl)
xfree (ctrl->in_data.value);
ctrl->in_data.value = NULL;
ctrl->in_data.valuelen = 0;
/* Return the name of the socket to be used to connect to this
process. If no socket is available, return NULL. */
const char *
scd_get_socket_name ()
if (socket_name && *socket_name)
return socket_name;
return NULL;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static void
handle_signal (int signo)
switch (signo)
case SIGHUP:
log_info ("SIGHUP received - "
"re-reading configuration and resetting cards\n");
/* reread_configuration (); */
case SIGUSR1:
log_info ("SIGUSR1 received - printing internal information:\n");
/* Fixme: We need to see how to integrate pth dumping into our
logging system. */
/* pth_ctrl (PTH_CTRL_DUMPSTATE, log_get_stream ()); */
app_dump_state ();
case SIGUSR2:
log_info ("SIGUSR2 received - no action defined\n");
if (!shutdown_pending)
log_info ("SIGTERM received - shutting down ...\n");
log_info ("SIGTERM received - still %i running threads\n",
if (shutdown_pending > 2)
log_info ("shutdown forced\n");
log_info ("%s %s stopped\n", strusage(11), strusage(13) );
cleanup ();
scd_exit (0);
case SIGINT:
log_info ("SIGINT received - immediate shutdown\n");
log_info( "%s %s stopped\n", strusage(11), strusage(13));
cleanup ();
scd_exit (0);
log_info ("signal %d received - no action defined\n", signo);
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
static void
handle_tick (void)
if (!ticker_disabled)
scd_update_reader_status_file ();
/* Create a name for the socket. We check for valid characters as
well as against a maximum allowed length for a unix domain socket
is done. The function terminates the process in case of an error.
Retunrs: Pointer to an allcoated string with the absolute name of
the socket used. */
static char *
create_socket_name (char *standard_name)
char *name;
name = make_filename (gnupg_socketdir (), standard_name, NULL);
if (strchr (name, PATHSEP_C))
log_error (("'%s' are not allowed in the socket name\n"), PATHSEP_S);
scd_exit (2);
return name;
/* Create a Unix domain socket with NAME. Returns the file descriptor
or terminates the process in case of an error. If the socket has
been redirected the name of the real socket is stored as a malloced
string at R_REDIR_NAME. */
static gnupg_fd_t
create_server_socket (const char *name, char **r_redir_name,
assuan_sock_nonce_t *nonce)
struct sockaddr *addr;
struct sockaddr_un *unaddr;
socklen_t len;
gnupg_fd_t fd;
int rc;
xfree (*r_redir_name);
*r_redir_name = NULL;
fd = assuan_sock_new (AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
log_error (_("can't create socket: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
scd_exit (2);
unaddr = xmalloc (sizeof (*unaddr));
addr = (struct sockaddr*)unaddr;
int redirected;
if (assuan_sock_set_sockaddr_un (name, addr, &redirected))
if (errno == ENAMETOOLONG)
log_error (_("socket name '%s' is too long\n"), name);
log_error ("error preparing socket '%s': %s\n",
name, gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
scd_exit (2);
if (redirected)
*r_redir_name = xstrdup (unaddr->sun_path);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("redirecting socket '%s' to '%s'\n", name, *r_redir_name);
len = SUN_LEN (unaddr);
rc = assuan_sock_bind (fd, addr, len);
if (rc == -1 && errno == EADDRINUSE)
gnupg_remove (unaddr->sun_path);
rc = assuan_sock_bind (fd, addr, len);
if (rc != -1
&& (rc=assuan_sock_get_nonce (addr, len, nonce)))
log_error (_("error getting nonce for the socket\n"));
if (rc == -1)
log_error (_("error binding socket to '%s': %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
assuan_sock_close (fd);
scd_exit (2);
if (gnupg_chmod (unaddr->sun_path, "-rwx"))
log_error (_("can't set permissions of '%s': %s\n"),
unaddr->sun_path, strerror (errno));
if (listen (FD2INT(fd), 5 ) == -1)
log_error (_("listen() failed: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
assuan_sock_close (fd);
scd_exit (2);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("listening on socket '%s'\n"), unaddr->sun_path);
return fd;
/* This is the standard connection thread's main function. */
static void *
start_connection_thread (void *arg)
ctrl_t ctrl = arg;
if (ctrl->thread_startup.fd != GNUPG_INVALID_FD
&& assuan_sock_check_nonce (ctrl->thread_startup.fd, &socket_nonce))
log_info (_("error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n"),
FD2INT(ctrl->thread_startup.fd), strerror (errno));
assuan_sock_close (ctrl->thread_startup.fd);
xfree (ctrl);
return NULL;
scd_init_default_ctrl (ctrl);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("handler for fd %d started\n"),
/* If this is a pipe server, we request a shutdown if the command
handler asked for it. With the next ticker event and given that
no other connections are running the shutdown will then
happen. */
if (scd_command_handler (ctrl, FD2INT(ctrl->thread_startup.fd))
&& pipe_server)
shutdown_pending = 1;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("handler for fd %d terminated\n"),
FD2INT (ctrl->thread_startup.fd));
scd_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl);
xfree (ctrl);
return NULL;
/* Connection handler loop. Wait for connection requests and spawn a
thread after accepting a connection. LISTEN_FD is allowed to be -1
in which case this code will only do regular timeouts and handle
signals. */
static void
handle_connections (int listen_fd)
npth_attr_t tattr;
struct sockaddr_un paddr;
socklen_t plen;
fd_set fdset, read_fdset;
int ret;
int fd;
int nfd;
struct timespec abstime;
struct timespec curtime;
struct timespec timeout;
int saved_errno;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
int signo;
ret = npth_attr_init(&tattr);
/* FIXME: Check error. */
npth_attr_setdetachstate (&tattr, NPTH_CREATE_DETACHED);
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
npth_sigev_init ();
npth_sigev_add (SIGHUP);
npth_sigev_add (SIGUSR1);
npth_sigev_add (SIGUSR2);
npth_sigev_add (SIGINT);
npth_sigev_add (SIGTERM);
npth_sigev_fini ();
FD_ZERO (&fdset);
nfd = 0;
if (listen_fd != -1)
FD_SET (listen_fd, &fdset);
nfd = listen_fd;
npth_clock_gettime (&curtime);
timeout.tv_sec = TIMERTICK_INTERVAL_SEC;
timeout.tv_nsec = TIMERTICK_INTERVAL_USEC * 1000;
npth_timeradd (&curtime, &timeout, &abstime);
/* We only require abstime here. The others will be reused. */
for (;;)
if (shutdown_pending)
if (active_connections == 0)
break; /* ready */
/* Do not accept anymore connections but wait for existing
connections to terminate. We do this by clearing out all
file descriptors to wait for, so that the select will be
used to just wait on a signal or timeout event. */
FD_ZERO (&fdset);
listen_fd = -1;
npth_clock_gettime (&curtime);
if (!(npth_timercmp (&curtime, &abstime, <)))
/* Timeout. */
handle_tick ();
timeout.tv_sec = TIMERTICK_INTERVAL_SEC;
timeout.tv_nsec = TIMERTICK_INTERVAL_USEC * 1000;
npth_timeradd (&curtime, &timeout, &abstime);
npth_timersub (&abstime, &curtime, &timeout);
/* POSIX says that fd_set should be implemented as a structure,
thus a simple assignment is fine to copy the entire set. */
read_fdset = fdset;
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
ret = npth_pselect (nfd+1, &read_fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout, npth_sigev_sigmask());
saved_errno = errno;
while (npth_sigev_get_pending(&signo))
handle_signal (signo);
ret = npth_eselect (nfd+1, &read_fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout, NULL, NULL);
saved_errno = errno;
if (ret == -1 && saved_errno != EINTR)
log_error (_("npth_pselect failed: %s - waiting 1s\n"),
strerror (saved_errno));
npth_sleep (1);
if (ret <= 0)
/* Timeout. Will be handled when calculating the next timeout. */
if (listen_fd != -1 && FD_ISSET (listen_fd, &read_fdset))
ctrl_t ctrl;
plen = sizeof paddr;
fd = npth_accept (listen_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&paddr, &plen);
if (fd == -1)
log_error ("accept failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
else if ( !(ctrl = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl)) )
log_error ("error allocating connection control data: %s\n",
strerror (errno) );
close (fd);
char threadname[50];
npth_t thread;
snprintf (threadname, sizeof threadname, "conn fd=%d", fd);
ctrl->thread_startup.fd = INT2FD (fd);
ret = npth_create (&thread, &tattr, start_connection_thread, ctrl);
if (ret)
log_error ("error spawning connection handler: %s\n",
strerror (ret));
xfree (ctrl);
close (fd);
npth_setname_np (thread, threadname);
fd = -1;
cleanup ();
log_info (_("%s %s stopped\n"), strusage(11), strusage(13));
npth_attr_destroy (&tattr);
diff --git a/scd/scdaemon.h b/scd/scdaemon.h
index 448cb8487..31e9c791c 100644
--- a/scd/scdaemon.h
+++ b/scd/scdaemon.h
@@ -1,131 +1,131 @@
/* scdaemon.h - Global definitions for the SCdaemon
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef SCDAEMON_H
#define SCDAEMON_H
#error GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT already defined
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include "../common/util.h"
#include "../common/sysutils.h"
/* To convey some special hash algorithms we use algorithm numbers
reserved for application use. */
#define GCRY_MODULE_ID_USER 1024
/* Maximum length of a digest. */
#define MAX_DIGEST_LEN 64
/* A large struct name "opt" to keep global flags. */
unsigned int debug; /* Debug flags (DBG_foo_VALUE). */
int verbose; /* Verbosity level. */
int quiet; /* Be as quiet as possible. */
int dry_run; /* Don't change any persistent data. */
int batch; /* Batch mode. */
const char *ctapi_driver; /* Library to access the ctAPI. */
const char *pcsc_driver; /* Library to access the PC/SC system. */
const char *reader_port; /* NULL or reder port to use. */
int disable_ccid; /* Disable the use of the internal CCID driver. */
int disable_pinpad; /* Do not use a pinpad. */
int enable_pinpad_varlen; /* Use variable length input for pinpad. */
int allow_admin; /* Allow the use of admin commands for certain
cards. */
strlist_t disabled_applications; /* Card applications we do not
want to use. */
unsigned long card_timeout; /* Disconnect after N seconds of inactivity. */
} opt;
#define DBG_COMMAND_VALUE 1 /* debug commands i/o */
#define DBG_MPI_VALUE 2 /* debug mpi details */
#define DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE 4 /* debug low level crypto */
#define DBG_MEMORY_VALUE 32 /* debug memory allocation stuff */
#define DBG_CACHE_VALUE 64 /* debug the caching */
#define DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE 128 /* show memory statistics */
#define DBG_HASHING_VALUE 512 /* debug hashing operations */
#define DBG_IPC_VALUE 1024
#define DBG_CARD_IO_VALUE 2048
#define DBG_READER_VALUE 4096 /* Trace reader related functions. */
#define DBG_COMMAND (opt.debug & DBG_COMMAND_VALUE)
#define DBG_CRYPTO (opt.debug & DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE)
#define DBG_MEMORY (opt.debug & DBG_MEMORY_VALUE)
#define DBG_CACHE (opt.debug & DBG_CACHE_VALUE)
#define DBG_HASHING (opt.debug & DBG_HASHING_VALUE)
#define DBG_IPC (opt.debug & DBG_IPC_VALUE)
#define DBG_CARD_IO (opt.debug & DBG_CARD_IO_VALUE)
#define DBG_READER (opt.debug & DBG_READER_VALUE)
struct server_local_s;
struct app_ctx_s;
struct server_control_s
/* Private data used to fire up the connection thread. We use this
structure do avoid an extra allocation for just a few bytes. */
struct {
gnupg_fd_t fd;
} thread_startup;
/* Local data of the server; used only in command.c. */
struct server_local_s *server_local;
/* The application context used with this connection or NULL if none
associated. Note that this is shared with the other connections:
All connections accessing the same reader are using the same
application context. */
struct app_ctx_s *app_ctx;
/* Helper to store the value we are going to sign */
unsigned char *value;
int valuelen;
} in_data;
typedef struct app_ctx_s *app_t;
/*-- scdaemon.c --*/
void scd_exit (int rc);
const char *scd_get_socket_name (void);
/*-- command.c --*/
void initialize_module_command (void);
int scd_command_handler (ctrl_t, int);
void send_status_info (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyword, ...)
void send_status_direct (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyword, const char *args);
void scd_update_reader_status_file (void);
#endif /*SCDAEMON_H*/
diff --git a/sm/ b/sm/
index 11f86e9a4..a9c67a89a 100644
--- a/sm/
+++ b/sm/
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
## Process this file with automake to produce
EXTRA_DIST = ChangeLog-2011 gpgsm-w32info.rc
bin_PROGRAMS = gpgsm
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/common -DKEYBOX_WITH_X509=1
include $(top_srcdir)/am/
resource_objs += gpgsm-w32info.o
gpgsm_SOURCES = \
gpgsm.c gpgsm.h \
misc.c \
keydb.c keydb.h \
server.c \
call-agent.c \
call-dirmngr.c \
fingerprint.c \
base64.c \
certlist.c \
certdump.c \
certcheck.c \
certchain.c \
keylist.c \
verify.c \
sign.c \
encrypt.c \
decrypt.c \
import.c \
export.c \
delete.c \
certreqgen.c \
certreqgen-ui.c \
minip12.c minip12.h \
qualified.c \
passphrase.c passphrase.h
common_libs = ../kbx/libkeybox509.a $(libcommon)
gpgsm_LDADD = $(common_libs) ../common/libgpgrl.a \
$(LIBICONV) $(resource_objs) $(extra_sys_libs)
gpgsm_LDFLAGS = $(extra_bin_ldflags)
# Make sure that all libs are build before we use them. This is
# important for things like make -j2.
$(PROGRAMS): $(common_libs)
diff --git a/sm/base64.c b/sm/base64.c
index 43781ab31..f3c7def2c 100644
--- a/sm/base64.c
+++ b/sm/base64.c
@@ -1,700 +1,700 @@
/* base64.c
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <ksba.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#define LF "\r\n"
#define LF "\n"
/* Data used by the reader callbacks. */
struct reader_cb_parm_s
estream_t fp;
unsigned char line[1024];
int linelen;
int readpos;
int have_lf;
unsigned long line_counter;
int allow_multi_pem; /* Allow processing of multiple PEM objects. */
int autodetect; /* Try to detect the input encoding. */
int assume_pem; /* Assume input encoding is PEM. */
int assume_base64; /* Assume input is base64 encoded. */
int identified;
int is_pem;
int is_base64;
int stop_seen;
int might_be_smime;
int eof_seen;
struct {
int idx;
unsigned char val;
int stop_seen;
} base64;
/* Data used by the writer callbacks. */
struct writer_cb_parm_s
estream_t stream; /* Output stream. */
const char *pem_name;
int wrote_begin;
int did_finish;
struct {
int idx;
int quad_count;
unsigned char radbuf[4];
} base64;
/* context for this module's functions */
struct base64_context_s {
union {
struct reader_cb_parm_s rparm;
struct writer_cb_parm_s wparm;
} u;
union {
ksba_reader_t reader;
ksba_writer_t writer;
} u2;
/* The base-64 character list */
static char bintoasc[64] =
/* The reverse base-64 list */
static unsigned char asctobin[256] = {
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x3e, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x3f,
0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06,
0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12,
0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24,
0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30,
0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
static int
has_only_base64 (const unsigned char *line, int linelen)
if (linelen < 20)
return 0;
for (; linelen; line++, linelen--)
if (*line == '\n' || (linelen > 1 && *line == '\r' && line[1] == '\n'))
if ( !strchr (bintoasc, *line) )
return 0;
return 1; /* yes */
static int
is_empty_line (const unsigned char *line, int linelen)
if (linelen >= 2 && *line == '\r' && line[1] == '\n')
return 1;
if (linelen >= 1 && *line == '\n')
return 1;
return 0;
static int
base64_reader_cb (void *cb_value, char *buffer, size_t count, size_t *nread)
struct reader_cb_parm_s *parm = cb_value;
size_t n;
int c, c2;
*nread = 0;
if (!buffer)
return -1; /* not supported */
if (!parm->linelen)
/* read an entire line or up to the size of the buffer */
parm->have_lf = 0;
for (n=0; n < DIM(parm->line);)
c = es_getc (parm->fp);
if (c == EOF)
parm->eof_seen = 1;
if (es_ferror (parm->fp))
return -1;
parm->line[n++] = c;
if (c == '\n')
parm->have_lf = 1;
/* Fixme: we need to skip overlong lines while detecting
the dashed lines */
parm->linelen = n;
if (!n)
return -1; /* eof */
parm->readpos = 0;
if (!parm->identified)
if (!parm->autodetect)
if (parm->assume_pem)
/* wait for the header line */
parm->linelen = parm->readpos = 0;
if (!parm->have_lf
|| strncmp ((char*)parm->line, "-----BEGIN ", 11)
|| !strncmp ((char*)parm->line+11, "PGP ", 4))
goto next;
parm->is_pem = 1;
else if (parm->assume_base64)
parm->is_base64 = 1;
else if (parm->line_counter == 1 && !parm->have_lf)
/* first line too long - assume DER encoding */
parm->is_pem = 0;
else if (parm->line_counter == 1 && parm->linelen && *parm->line == 0x30)
/* the very first byte does pretty much look like a SEQUENCE tag*/
parm->is_pem = 0;
else if ( parm->have_lf
&& !strncmp ((char*)parm->line, "-----BEGIN ", 11)
&& strncmp ((char *)parm->line+11, "PGP ", 4) )
/* Fixme: we must only compare if the line really starts at
the beginning */
parm->is_pem = 1;
parm->linelen = parm->readpos = 0;
else if ( parm->have_lf && parm->line_counter == 1
&& parm->linelen >= 13
&& !ascii_memcasecmp (parm->line, "Content-Type:", 13))
{ /* might be a S/MIME body */
parm->might_be_smime = 1;
parm->linelen = parm->readpos = 0;
goto next;
else if (parm->might_be_smime == 1
&& is_empty_line (parm->line, parm->linelen))
parm->might_be_smime = 2;
parm->linelen = parm->readpos = 0;
goto next;
else if (parm->might_be_smime == 2)
parm->might_be_smime = 0;
if ( !has_only_base64 (parm->line, parm->linelen))
parm->linelen = parm->readpos = 0;
goto next;
parm->is_pem = 1;
parm->linelen = parm->readpos = 0;
goto next;
parm->identified = 1;
parm->base64.stop_seen = 0;
parm->base64.idx = 0;
n = 0;
if (parm->is_pem || parm->is_base64)
if (parm->is_pem && parm->have_lf
&& !strncmp ((char*)parm->line, "-----END ", 9))
parm->identified = 0;
parm->linelen = parm->readpos = 0;
/* If the caller want to read multiple PEM objects from one
file, we have to reset our internal state and return a
EOF immediately. The caller is the expected to use
ksba_reader_clear to clear the EOF condition and continue
to read. If we don't want to do that we just return 0
bytes which will force the ksba_reader to skip until
EOF. */
if (parm->allow_multi_pem)
parm->identified = 0;
parm->autodetect = 0;
parm->assume_pem = 1;
parm->stop_seen = 0;
return -1; /* Send EOF now. */
else if (parm->stop_seen)
{ /* skip the rest of the line */
parm->linelen = parm->readpos = 0;
int idx = parm->base64.idx;
unsigned char val = parm->base64.val;
while (n < count && parm->readpos < parm->linelen )
c = parm->line[parm->readpos++];
if (c == '\n' || c == ' ' || c == '\r' || c == '\t')
if (c == '=')
{ /* pad character: stop */
if (idx == 1)
buffer[n++] = val;
parm->stop_seen = 1;
if( (c = asctobin[(c2=c)]) == 255 )
log_error (_("invalid radix64 character %02x skipped\n"),
switch (idx)
case 0:
val = c << 2;
case 1:
val |= (c>>4)&3;
buffer[n++] = val;
val = (c<<4)&0xf0;
case 2:
val |= (c>>2)&15;
buffer[n++] = val;
val = (c<<6)&0xc0;
case 3:
val |= c&0x3f;
buffer[n++] = val;
idx = (idx+1) % 4;
if (parm->readpos == parm->linelen)
parm->linelen = parm->readpos = 0;
parm->base64.idx = idx;
parm->base64.val = val;
{ /* DER encoded */
while (n < count && parm->readpos < parm->linelen)
buffer[n++] = parm->line[parm->readpos++];
if (parm->readpos == parm->linelen)
parm->linelen = parm->readpos = 0;
*nread = n;
return 0;
static int
simple_reader_cb (void *cb_value, char *buffer, size_t count, size_t *nread)
struct reader_cb_parm_s *parm = cb_value;
size_t n;
int c = 0;
*nread = 0;
if (!buffer)
return -1; /* not supported */
for (n=0; n < count; n++)
c = es_getc (parm->fp);
if (c == EOF)
parm->eof_seen = 1;
if (es_ferror (parm->fp))
return -1;
if (n)
break; /* Return what we have before an EOF. */
return -1;
*(byte *)buffer++ = c;
*nread = n;
return 0;
static int
base64_writer_cb (void *cb_value, const void *buffer, size_t count)
struct writer_cb_parm_s *parm = cb_value;
unsigned char radbuf[4];
int i, c, idx, quad_count;
const unsigned char *p;
estream_t stream = parm->stream;
if (!count)
return 0;
if (!parm->wrote_begin)
if (parm->pem_name)
es_fputs ("-----BEGIN ", stream);
es_fputs (parm->pem_name, stream);
es_fputs ("-----\n", stream);
parm->wrote_begin = 1;
parm->base64.idx = 0;
parm->base64.quad_count = 0;
idx = parm->base64.idx;
quad_count = parm->base64.quad_count;
for (i=0; i < idx; i++)
radbuf[i] = parm->base64.radbuf[i];
for (p=buffer; count; p++, count--)
radbuf[idx++] = *p;
if (idx > 2)
idx = 0;
c = bintoasc[(*radbuf >> 2) & 077];
es_putc (c, stream);
c = bintoasc[(((*radbuf<<4)&060)|((radbuf[1] >> 4)&017))&077];
es_putc (c, stream);
c = bintoasc[(((radbuf[1]<<2)&074)|((radbuf[2]>>6)&03))&077];
es_putc (c, stream);
c = bintoasc[radbuf[2]&077];
es_putc (c, stream);
if (++quad_count >= (64/4))
es_fputs (LF, stream);
quad_count = 0;
for (i=0; i < idx; i++)
parm->base64.radbuf[i] = radbuf[i];
parm->base64.idx = idx;
parm->base64.quad_count = quad_count;
return es_ferror (stream)? gpg_error_from_syserror () : 0;
/* This callback is only used in stream mode. Hiowever, we don't
restrict it to this. */
static int
plain_writer_cb (void *cb_value, const void *buffer, size_t count)
struct writer_cb_parm_s *parm = cb_value;
estream_t stream = parm->stream;
if (!count)
return 0;
es_write (stream, buffer, count, NULL);
return es_ferror (stream)? gpg_error_from_syserror () : 0;
static int
base64_finish_write (struct writer_cb_parm_s *parm)
unsigned char *radbuf;
int c, idx, quad_count;
estream_t stream = parm->stream;
if (!parm->wrote_begin)
return 0; /* Nothing written or we are not called in base-64 mode. */
/* flush the base64 encoding */
idx = parm->base64.idx;
quad_count = parm->base64.quad_count;
if (idx)
radbuf = parm->base64.radbuf;
c = bintoasc[(*radbuf>>2)&077];
es_putc (c, stream);
if (idx == 1)
c = bintoasc[((*radbuf << 4) & 060) & 077];
es_putc (c, stream);
es_putc ('=', stream);
es_putc ('=', stream);
c = bintoasc[(((*radbuf<<4)&060)|((radbuf[1]>>4)&017))&077];
es_putc (c, stream);
c = bintoasc[((radbuf[1] << 2) & 074) & 077];
es_putc (c, stream);
es_putc ('=', stream);
if (++quad_count >= (64/4))
es_fputs (LF, stream);
quad_count = 0;
if (quad_count)
es_fputs (LF, stream);
if (parm->pem_name)
es_fputs ("-----END ", stream);
es_fputs (parm->pem_name, stream);
es_fputs ("-----\n", stream);
return es_ferror (stream)? gpg_error_from_syserror () : 0;
/* Create a reader for the given file descriptor. Depending on the
control information an input decoding is automagically chosen.
The function returns a Base64Context object which must be passed to
the gpgme_destroy_reader function. The created KsbaReader object
is also returned, but the caller must not call the
ksba_reader_release function on. If ALLOW_MULTI_PEM is true, the
reader expects that the caller uses ksba_reader_clear after EOF
until no more objects were found. */
gpgsm_create_reader (Base64Context *ctx,
ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t fp, int allow_multi_pem,
ksba_reader_t *r_reader)
int rc;
ksba_reader_t r;
*r_reader = NULL;
*ctx = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof **ctx);
if (!*ctx)
return out_of_core ();
(*ctx)->u.rparm.allow_multi_pem = allow_multi_pem;
rc = ksba_reader_new (&r);
if (rc)
xfree (*ctx); *ctx = NULL;
return rc;
(*ctx)->u.rparm.fp = fp;
if (ctrl->is_pem)
(*ctx)->u.rparm.assume_pem = 1;
(*ctx)->u.rparm.assume_base64 = 1;
rc = ksba_reader_set_cb (r, base64_reader_cb, &(*ctx)->u.rparm);
else if (ctrl->is_base64)
(*ctx)->u.rparm.assume_base64 = 1;
rc = ksba_reader_set_cb (r, base64_reader_cb, &(*ctx)->u.rparm);
else if (ctrl->autodetect_encoding)
(*ctx)->u.rparm.autodetect = 1;
rc = ksba_reader_set_cb (r, base64_reader_cb, &(*ctx)->u.rparm);
rc = ksba_reader_set_cb (r, simple_reader_cb, &(*ctx)->u.rparm);
if (rc)
ksba_reader_release (r);
xfree (*ctx); *ctx = NULL;
return rc;
(*ctx)->u2.reader = r;
*r_reader = r;
return 0;
gpgsm_reader_eof_seen (Base64Context ctx)
return ctx && ctx->u.rparm.eof_seen;
gpgsm_destroy_reader (Base64Context ctx)
if (!ctx)
ksba_reader_release (ctx->u2.reader);
xfree (ctx);
/* Create a writer for the given STREAM. Depending on
the control information an output encoding is automagically
chosen. The function returns a Base64Context object which must be
passed to the gpgme_destroy_writer function. The created
KsbaWriter object is also returned, but the caller must not call
the ksba_reader_release function on it. */
gpgsm_create_writer (Base64Context *ctx, ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t stream,
ksba_writer_t *r_writer)
int rc;
ksba_writer_t w;
*r_writer = NULL;
*ctx = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof **ctx);
if (!*ctx)
return out_of_core ();
rc = ksba_writer_new (&w);
if (rc)
xfree (*ctx); *ctx = NULL;
return rc;
if (ctrl->create_pem || ctrl->create_base64)
(*ctx)-> = stream;
if (ctrl->create_pem)
(*ctx)->u.wparm.pem_name = ctrl->pem_name? ctrl->pem_name
rc = ksba_writer_set_cb (w, base64_writer_cb, &(*ctx)->u.wparm);
else if (stream)
(*ctx)-> = stream;
rc = ksba_writer_set_cb (w, plain_writer_cb, &(*ctx)->u.wparm);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
if (rc)
ksba_writer_release (w);
xfree (*ctx); *ctx = NULL;
return rc;
(*ctx)->u2.writer = w;
*r_writer = w;
return 0;
gpgsm_finish_writer (Base64Context ctx)
struct writer_cb_parm_s *parm;
if (!ctx)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
parm = &ctx->u.wparm;
if (parm->did_finish)
return 0; /* Already done. */
parm->did_finish = 1;
if (!parm->stream)
return 0; /* Callback was not used. */
return base64_finish_write (parm);
gpgsm_destroy_writer (Base64Context ctx)
if (!ctx)
ksba_writer_release (ctx->u2.writer);
xfree (ctx);
diff --git a/sm/call-agent.c b/sm/call-agent.c
index c9a210fa5..6dbaba534 100644
--- a/sm/call-agent.c
+++ b/sm/call-agent.c
@@ -1,1348 +1,1348 @@
/* call-agent.c - Divert GPGSM operations to the agent
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007,
* 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <assuan.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "asshelp.h"
#include "keydb.h" /* fixme: Move this to import.c */
#include "membuf.h"
#include "shareddefs.h"
#include "passphrase.h"
static assuan_context_t agent_ctx = NULL;
struct cipher_parm_s
ctrl_t ctrl;
assuan_context_t ctx;
const unsigned char *ciphertext;
size_t ciphertextlen;
struct genkey_parm_s
ctrl_t ctrl;
assuan_context_t ctx;
const unsigned char *sexp;
size_t sexplen;
struct learn_parm_s
int error;
ctrl_t ctrl;
assuan_context_t ctx;
membuf_t *data;
struct import_key_parm_s
ctrl_t ctrl;
assuan_context_t ctx;
const void *key;
size_t keylen;
struct default_inq_parm_s
ctrl_t ctrl;
assuan_context_t ctx;
/* Print a warning if the server's version number is less than our
version number. Returns an error code on a connection problem. */
static gpg_error_t
warn_version_mismatch (ctrl_t ctrl, assuan_context_t ctx,
const char *servername, int mode)
gpg_error_t err;
char *serverversion;
const char *myversion = strusage (13);
err = get_assuan_server_version (ctx, mode, &serverversion);
if (err)
log_error (_("error getting version from '%s': %s\n"),
servername, gpg_strerror (err));
else if (compare_version_strings (serverversion, myversion) < 0)
char *warn;
warn = xtryasprintf (_("server '%s' is older than us (%s < %s)"),
servername, serverversion, myversion);
if (!warn)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_info (_("WARNING: %s\n"), warn);
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_WARNING, "server_version_mismatch 0",
warn, NULL);
xfree (warn);
xfree (serverversion);
return err;
/* Try to connect to the agent via socket or fork it off and work by
pipes. Handle the server's initial greeting */
static int
start_agent (ctrl_t ctrl)
int rc;
if (agent_ctx)
rc = 0; /* fixme: We need a context for each thread or
serialize the access to the agent (which is
suitable given that the agent is not MT. */
rc = start_new_gpg_agent (&agent_ctx,
opt.lc_ctype, opt.lc_messages,
opt.autostart, opt.verbose, DBG_IPC,
gpgsm_status2, ctrl);
if (!opt.autostart && gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_AGENT)
static int shown;
if (!shown)
shown = 1;
log_info (_("no gpg-agent running in this session\n"));
else if (!rc && !(rc = warn_version_mismatch (ctrl, agent_ctx,
/* Tell the agent that we support Pinentry notifications. No
error checking so that it will work also with older
agents. */
assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "OPTION allow-pinentry-notify",
/* Pass on the pinentry mode. */
if (opt.pinentry_mode)
char *tmp = xasprintf ("OPTION pinentry-mode=%s",
str_pinentry_mode (opt.pinentry_mode));
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, tmp,
xfree (tmp);
if (rc)
log_error ("setting pinentry mode '%s' failed: %s\n",
str_pinentry_mode (opt.pinentry_mode),
gpg_strerror (rc));
if (!ctrl->agent_seen)
ctrl->agent_seen = 1;
audit_log_ok (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_AGENT_READY, rc);
return rc;
/* This is the default inquiry callback. It mainly handles the
Pinentry notifications. */
static gpg_error_t
default_inq_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
struct default_inq_parm_s *parm = opaque;
ctrl_t ctrl = parm->ctrl;
if (has_leading_keyword (line, "PINENTRY_LAUNCHED"))
err = gpgsm_proxy_pinentry_notify (ctrl, line);
if (err)
log_error (_("failed to proxy %s inquiry to client\n"),
/* We do not pass errors to avoid breaking other code. */
else if ((has_leading_keyword (line, "PASSPHRASE")
|| has_leading_keyword (line, "NEW_PASSPHRASE"))
&& opt.pinentry_mode == PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK
&& have_static_passphrase ())
const char *s = get_static_passphrase ();
err = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, s, strlen (s));
log_error ("ignoring gpg-agent inquiry '%s'\n", line);
return err;
/* Call the agent to do a sign operation using the key identified by
the hex string KEYGRIP. */
gpgsm_agent_pksign (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keygrip, const char *desc,
unsigned char *digest, size_t digestlen, int digestalgo,
unsigned char **r_buf, size_t *r_buflen )
int rc, i;
char *p, line[ASSUAN_LINELENGTH];
membuf_t data;
size_t len;
struct default_inq_parm_s inq_parm;
*r_buf = NULL;
rc = start_agent (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
inq_parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
if (digestlen*2 + 50 > DIM(line))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "RESET", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
return rc;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SIGKEY %s", keygrip);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (desc)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETKEYDESC %s", desc);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
if (rc)
return rc;
sprintf (line, "SETHASH %d ", digestalgo);
p = line + strlen (line);
for (i=0; i < digestlen ; i++, p += 2 )
sprintf (p, "%02X", digest[i]);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
return rc;
init_membuf (&data, 1024);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "PKSIGN",
put_membuf_cb, &data, default_inq_cb, &inq_parm,
if (rc)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, &len));
return rc;
*r_buf = get_membuf (&data, r_buflen);
if (!gcry_sexp_canon_len (*r_buf, *r_buflen, NULL, NULL))
xfree (*r_buf); *r_buf = NULL;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
return *r_buf? 0 : out_of_core ();
/* Call the scdaemon to do a sign operation using the key identified by
the hex string KEYID. */
gpgsm_scd_pksign (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyid, const char *desc,
unsigned char *digest, size_t digestlen, int digestalgo,
unsigned char **r_buf, size_t *r_buflen )
int rc, i;
char *p, line[ASSUAN_LINELENGTH];
membuf_t data;
size_t len;
const char *hashopt;
unsigned char *sigbuf;
size_t sigbuflen;
struct default_inq_parm_s inq_parm;
*r_buf = NULL;
case GCRY_MD_SHA1: hashopt = "--hash=sha1"; break;
case GCRY_MD_RMD160:hashopt = "--hash=rmd160"; break;
case GCRY_MD_MD5: hashopt = "--hash=md5"; break;
case GCRY_MD_SHA256:hashopt = "--hash=sha256"; break;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DIGEST_ALGO);
rc = start_agent (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
inq_parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
if (digestlen*2 + 50 > DIM(line))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
p = stpcpy (line, "SCD SETDATA " );
for (i=0; i < digestlen ; i++, p += 2 )
sprintf (p, "%02X", digest[i]);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
return rc;
init_membuf (&data, 1024);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SCD PKSIGN %s %s", hashopt, keyid);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
put_membuf_cb, &data, default_inq_cb, &inq_parm,
if (rc)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, &len));
return rc;
sigbuf = get_membuf (&data, &sigbuflen);
/* Create an S-expression from it which is formatted like this:
"(7:sig-val(3:rsa(1:sSIGBUFLEN:SIGBUF)))" Fixme: If a card ever
creates non-RSA keys we need to change things. */
*r_buflen = 21 + 11 + sigbuflen + 4;
p = xtrymalloc (*r_buflen);
*r_buf = (unsigned char*)p;
if (!p)
xfree (sigbuf);
return 0;
p = stpcpy (p, "(7:sig-val(3:rsa(1:s" );
sprintf (p, "%u:", (unsigned int)sigbuflen);
p += strlen (p);
memcpy (p, sigbuf, sigbuflen);
p += sigbuflen;
strcpy (p, ")))");
xfree (sigbuf);
assert (gcry_sexp_canon_len (*r_buf, *r_buflen, NULL, NULL));
return 0;
/* Handle a CIPHERTEXT inquiry. Note, we only send the data,
assuan_transact takes care of flushing and writing the end */
static gpg_error_t
inq_ciphertext_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct cipher_parm_s *parm = opaque;
int rc;
if (has_leading_keyword (line, "CIPHERTEXT"))
assuan_begin_confidential (parm->ctx);
rc = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, parm->ciphertext, parm->ciphertextlen);
assuan_end_confidential (parm->ctx);
struct default_inq_parm_s inq_parm = { parm->ctrl, parm->ctx };
rc = default_inq_cb (&inq_parm, line);
return rc;
/* Call the agent to do a decrypt operation using the key identified by
the hex string KEYGRIP. */
gpgsm_agent_pkdecrypt (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keygrip, const char *desc,
ksba_const_sexp_t ciphertext,
char **r_buf, size_t *r_buflen )
int rc;
membuf_t data;
struct cipher_parm_s cipher_parm;
size_t n, len;
char *p, *buf, *endp;
size_t ciphertextlen;
if (!keygrip || strlen(keygrip) != 40 || !ciphertext || !r_buf || !r_buflen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
*r_buf = NULL;
ciphertextlen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (ciphertext, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!ciphertextlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
rc = start_agent (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "RESET", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
return rc;
assert ( DIM(line) >= 50 );
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETKEY %s", keygrip);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (desc)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETKEYDESC %s", desc);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
if (rc)
return rc;
init_membuf (&data, 1024);
cipher_parm.ctrl = ctrl;
cipher_parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
cipher_parm.ciphertext = ciphertext;
cipher_parm.ciphertextlen = ciphertextlen;
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "PKDECRYPT",
put_membuf_cb, &data,
inq_ciphertext_cb, &cipher_parm, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, &len));
return rc;
put_membuf (&data, "", 1); /* Make sure it is 0 terminated. */
buf = get_membuf (&data, &len);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);
assert (len); /* (we forced Nul termination.) */
if (*buf == '(')
if (len < 13 || memcmp (buf, "(5:value", 8) ) /* "(5:valueN:D)\0" */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
len -= 11; /* Count only the data of the second part. */
p = buf + 8; /* Skip leading parenthesis and the value tag. */
/* For compatibility with older gpg-agents handle the old style
incomplete S-exps. */
len--; /* Do not count the Nul. */
p = buf;
n = strtoul (p, &endp, 10);
if (!n || *endp != ':')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
if (endp-p+n > len)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP); /* Oops: Inconsistent S-Exp. */
memmove (buf, endp, n);
*r_buflen = n;
*r_buf = buf;
return 0;
/* Handle a KEYPARMS inquiry. Note, we only send the data,
assuan_transact takes care of flushing and writing the end */
static gpg_error_t
inq_genkey_parms (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct genkey_parm_s *parm = opaque;
int rc;
if (has_leading_keyword (line, "KEYPARAM"))
rc = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, parm->sexp, parm->sexplen);
struct default_inq_parm_s inq_parm = { parm->ctrl, parm->ctx };
rc = default_inq_cb (&inq_parm, line);
return rc;
/* Call the agent to generate a newkey */
gpgsm_agent_genkey (ctrl_t ctrl,
ksba_const_sexp_t keyparms, ksba_sexp_t *r_pubkey)
int rc;
struct genkey_parm_s gk_parm;
membuf_t data;
size_t len;
unsigned char *buf;
*r_pubkey = NULL;
rc = start_agent (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "RESET", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
return rc;
init_membuf (&data, 1024);
gk_parm.ctrl = ctrl;
gk_parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
gk_parm.sexp = keyparms;
gk_parm.sexplen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (keyparms, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!gk_parm.sexplen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "GENKEY",
put_membuf_cb, &data,
inq_genkey_parms, &gk_parm, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, &len));
return rc;
buf = get_membuf (&data, &len);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);
if (!gcry_sexp_canon_len (buf, len, NULL, NULL))
xfree (buf);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
*r_pubkey = buf;
return 0;
/* Call the agent to read the public key part for a given keygrip. If
FROMCARD is true, the key is directly read from the current
smartcard. In this case HEXKEYGRIP should be the keyID
(e.g. OPENPGP.3). */
gpgsm_agent_readkey (ctrl_t ctrl, int fromcard, const char *hexkeygrip,
ksba_sexp_t *r_pubkey)
int rc;
membuf_t data;
size_t len;
unsigned char *buf;
struct default_inq_parm_s inq_parm;
*r_pubkey = NULL;
rc = start_agent (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
inq_parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "RESET",NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
return rc;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "%sREADKEY %s",
fromcard? "SCD ":"", hexkeygrip);
init_membuf (&data, 1024);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
put_membuf_cb, &data,
default_inq_cb, &inq_parm, NULL, NULL);
if (rc)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, &len));
return rc;
buf = get_membuf (&data, &len);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);
if (!gcry_sexp_canon_len (buf, len, NULL, NULL))
xfree (buf);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SEXP);
*r_pubkey = buf;
return 0;
/* Take the serial number from LINE and return it verbatim in a newly
allocated string. We make sure that only hex characters are
returned. */
static char *
store_serialno (const char *line)
const char *s;
char *p;
for (s=line; hexdigitp (s); s++)
p = xtrymalloc (s + 1 - line);
if (p)
memcpy (p, line, s-line);
p[s-line] = 0;
return p;
/* Callback for the gpgsm_agent_serialno function. */
static gpg_error_t
scd_serialno_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
char **r_serialno = opaque;
const char *keyword = line;
int keywordlen;
for (keywordlen=0; *line && !spacep (line); line++, keywordlen++)
while (spacep (line))
if (keywordlen == 8 && !memcmp (keyword, "SERIALNO", keywordlen))
xfree (*r_serialno);
*r_serialno = store_serialno (line);
return 0;
/* Call the agent to read the serial number of the current card. */
gpgsm_agent_scd_serialno (ctrl_t ctrl, char **r_serialno)
int rc;
char *serialno = NULL;
struct default_inq_parm_s inq_parm;
*r_serialno = NULL;
rc = start_agent (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
inq_parm.ctrl = ctrl;
inq_parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "SCD SERIALNO",
default_inq_cb, &inq_parm,
scd_serialno_status_cb, &serialno);
if (!rc && !serialno)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
if (rc)
xfree (serialno);
return rc;
*r_serialno = serialno;
return 0;
/* Callback for the gpgsm_agent_serialno function. */
static gpg_error_t
scd_keypairinfo_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
strlist_t *listaddr = opaque;
const char *keyword = line;
int keywordlen;
strlist_t sl;
char *p;
for (keywordlen=0; *line && !spacep (line); line++, keywordlen++)
while (spacep (line))
if (keywordlen == 11 && !memcmp (keyword, "KEYPAIRINFO", keywordlen))
sl = append_to_strlist (listaddr, line);
p = sl->d;
/* Make sure that we only have two tokes so that future
extensions of the format won't change the format expected by
the caller. */
while (*p && !spacep (p))
if (*p)
while (spacep (p))
while (*p && !spacep (p))
*p = 0;
return 0;
/* Call the agent to read the keypairinfo lines of the current card.
The list is returned as a string made up of the keygrip, a space
and the keyid. */
gpgsm_agent_scd_keypairinfo (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t *r_list)
int rc;
strlist_t list = NULL;
struct default_inq_parm_s inq_parm;
*r_list = NULL;
rc = start_agent (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
inq_parm.ctrl = ctrl;
inq_parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "SCD LEARN --force",
default_inq_cb, &inq_parm,
scd_keypairinfo_status_cb, &list);
if (!rc && !list)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
if (rc)
free_strlist (list);
return rc;
*r_list = list;
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
istrusted_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct rootca_flags_s *flags = opaque;
const char *s;
if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "TRUSTLISTFLAG")))
line = s;
if (has_leading_keyword (line, "relax"))
flags->relax = 1;
else if (has_leading_keyword (line, "cm"))
flags->chain_model = 1;
return 0;
/* Ask the agent whether the certificate is in the list of trusted
keys. The certificate is either specified by the CERT object or by
the fingerprint HEXFPR. ROOTCA_FLAGS is guaranteed to be cleared
on error. */
gpgsm_agent_istrusted (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, const char *hexfpr,
struct rootca_flags_s *rootca_flags)
int rc;
memset (rootca_flags, 0, sizeof *rootca_flags);
if (cert && hexfpr)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
rc = start_agent (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (hexfpr)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "ISTRUSTED %s", hexfpr);
char *fpr;
fpr = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_hexstring (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1);
if (!fpr)
log_error ("error getting the fingerprint\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "ISTRUSTED %s", fpr);
xfree (fpr);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
istrusted_status_cb, rootca_flags);
if (!rc)
rootca_flags->valid = 1;
return rc;
/* Ask the agent to mark CERT as a trusted Root-CA one */
gpgsm_agent_marktrusted (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert)
int rc;
char *fpr, *dn, *dnfmt;
struct default_inq_parm_s inq_parm;
rc = start_agent (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
inq_parm.ctrl = ctrl;
inq_parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
fpr = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_hexstring (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1);
if (!fpr)
log_error ("error getting the fingerprint\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
dn = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0);
if (!dn)
xfree (fpr);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
dnfmt = gpgsm_format_name2 (dn, 0);
xfree (dn);
if (!dnfmt)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "MARKTRUSTED %s S %s", fpr, dnfmt);
ksba_free (dnfmt);
xfree (fpr);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL,
default_inq_cb, &inq_parm, NULL, NULL);
return rc;
/* Ask the agent whether the a corresponding secret key is available
for the given keygrip */
gpgsm_agent_havekey (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexkeygrip)
int rc;
rc = start_agent (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (!hexkeygrip || strlen (hexkeygrip) != 40)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "HAVEKEY %s", hexkeygrip);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
return rc;
static gpg_error_t
learn_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct learn_parm_s *parm = opaque;
const char *s;
/* Pass progress data to the caller. */
if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "PROGRESS")))
line = s;
if (parm->ctrl)
if (gpgsm_status (parm->ctrl, STATUS_PROGRESS, line))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED);
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
learn_cb (void *opaque, const void *buffer, size_t length)
struct learn_parm_s *parm = opaque;
size_t len;
char *buf;
ksba_cert_t cert;
int rc;
if (parm->error)
return 0;
if (buffer)
put_membuf (parm->data, buffer, length);
return 0;
/* END encountered - process what we have */
buf = get_membuf (parm->data, &len);
if (!buf)
parm->error = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);
return 0;
if (gpgsm_status (parm->ctrl, STATUS_PROGRESS, "learncard C 0 0"))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED);
/* FIXME: this should go into import.c */
rc = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (rc)
parm->error = rc;
return 0;
rc = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, buf, len);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to parse a certificate: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
ksba_cert_release (cert);
parm->error = rc;
return 0;
/* We do not store a certifciate with missing issuers as ephemeral
because we can assume that the --learn-card command has been used
on purpose. */
rc = gpgsm_basic_cert_check (parm->ctrl, cert);
if (rc && gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT
&& gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_MISSING_ISSUER_CERT)
log_error ("invalid certificate: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
int existed;
if (!keydb_store_cert (cert, 0, &existed))
if (opt.verbose > 1 && existed)
log_info ("certificate already in DB\n");
else if (opt.verbose && !existed)
log_info ("certificate imported\n");
ksba_cert_release (cert);
init_membuf (parm->data, 4096);
return 0;
/* Call the agent to learn about a smartcard */
gpgsm_agent_learn (ctrl_t ctrl)
int rc;
struct learn_parm_s learn_parm;
membuf_t data;
size_t len;
rc = start_agent (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = warn_version_mismatch (ctrl, agent_ctx, SCDAEMON_NAME, 2);
if (rc)
return rc;
init_membuf (&data, 4096);
learn_parm.error = 0;
learn_parm.ctrl = ctrl;
learn_parm.ctx = agent_ctx; = &data;
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "LEARN --send",
learn_cb, &learn_parm,
learn_status_cb, &learn_parm);
xfree (get_membuf (&data, &len));
if (rc)
return rc;
return learn_parm.error;
/* Ask the agent to change the passphrase of the key identified by
HEXKEYGRIP. If DESC is not NULL, display instead of the default
description message. */
gpgsm_agent_passwd (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexkeygrip, const char *desc)
int rc;
struct default_inq_parm_s inq_parm;
rc = start_agent (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
inq_parm.ctrl = ctrl;
inq_parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
if (!hexkeygrip || strlen (hexkeygrip) != 40)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (desc)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETKEYDESC %s", desc);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
if (rc)
return rc;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "PASSWD %s", hexkeygrip);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL,
default_inq_cb, &inq_parm, NULL, NULL);
return rc;
/* Ask the agent to pop up a confirmation dialog with the text DESC
and an okay and cancel button. */
gpgsm_agent_get_confirmation (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc)
int rc;
struct default_inq_parm_s inq_parm;
rc = start_agent (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
inq_parm.ctrl = ctrl;
inq_parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "GET_CONFIRMATION %s", desc);
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL,
default_inq_cb, &inq_parm, NULL, NULL);
return rc;
/* Return 0 if the agent is alive. This is useful to make sure that
an agent has been started. */
gpgsm_agent_send_nop (ctrl_t ctrl)
int rc;
rc = start_agent (ctrl);
if (!rc)
rc = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "NOP",
return rc;
static gpg_error_t
keyinfo_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
char **serialno = opaque;
const char *s, *s2;
if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "KEYINFO")) && !*serialno)
s = strchr (s, ' ');
if (s && s[1] == 'T' && s[2] == ' ' && s[3])
s += 3;
s2 = strchr (s, ' ');
if ( s2 > s )
*serialno = xtrymalloc ((s2 - s)+1);
if (*serialno)
memcpy (*serialno, s, s2 - s);
(*serialno)[s2 - s] = 0;
return 0;
/* Return the serial number for a secret key. If the returned serial
number is NULL, the key is not stored on a smartcard. Caller needs
to free R_SERIALNO. */
gpgsm_agent_keyinfo (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexkeygrip, char **r_serialno)
gpg_error_t err;
char *serialno = NULL;
*r_serialno = NULL;
err = start_agent (ctrl);
if (err)
return err;
if (!hexkeygrip || strlen (hexkeygrip) != 40)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "KEYINFO %s", hexkeygrip);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
keyinfo_status_cb, &serialno);
if (!err && serialno)
/* Sanity check for bad characters. */
if (strpbrk (serialno, ":\n\r"))
if (err)
xfree (serialno);
*r_serialno = serialno;
return err;
/* Ask for the passphrase (this is used for pkcs#12 import/export. On
success the caller needs to free the string stored at R_PASSPHRASE.
On error NULL will be stored at R_PASSPHRASE and an appropriate
error code returned. If REPEAT is true the agent tries to get a
new passphrase (i.e. asks the user to confirm it). */
gpgsm_agent_ask_passphrase (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc_msg, int repeat,
char **r_passphrase)
gpg_error_t err;
char *arg4 = NULL;
membuf_t data;
struct default_inq_parm_s inq_parm;
*r_passphrase = NULL;
err = start_agent (ctrl);
if (err)
return err;
inq_parm.ctrl = ctrl;
inq_parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
if (desc_msg && *desc_msg && !(arg4 = percent_plus_escape (desc_msg)))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "GET_PASSPHRASE --data%s -- X X X %s",
repeat? " --repeat=1 --check --qualitybar":"",
xfree (arg4);
init_membuf_secure (&data, 64);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
put_membuf_cb, &data,
default_inq_cb, &inq_parm, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, NULL));
put_membuf (&data, "", 1);
*r_passphrase = get_membuf (&data, NULL);
if (!*r_passphrase)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return err;
/* Retrieve a key encryption key from the agent. With FOREXPORT true
the key shall be use for export, with false for import. On success
the new key is stored at R_KEY and its length at R_KEKLEN. */
gpgsm_agent_keywrap_key (ctrl_t ctrl, int forexport,
void **r_kek, size_t *r_keklen)
gpg_error_t err;
membuf_t data;
size_t len;
unsigned char *buf;
struct default_inq_parm_s inq_parm;
*r_kek = NULL;
err = start_agent (ctrl);
if (err)
return err;
inq_parm.ctrl = ctrl;
inq_parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "KEYWRAP_KEY %s",
forexport? "--export":"--import");
init_membuf_secure (&data, 64);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
put_membuf_cb, &data,
default_inq_cb, &inq_parm, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, &len));
return err;
buf = get_membuf (&data, &len);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*r_kek = buf;
*r_keklen = len;
return 0;
/* Handle the inquiry for an IMPORT_KEY command. */
static gpg_error_t
inq_import_key_parms (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct import_key_parm_s *parm = opaque;
gpg_error_t err;
if (has_leading_keyword (line, "KEYDATA"))
assuan_begin_confidential (parm->ctx);
err = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, parm->key, parm->keylen);
assuan_end_confidential (parm->ctx);
struct default_inq_parm_s inq_parm = { parm->ctrl, parm->ctx };
err = default_inq_cb (&inq_parm, line);
return err;
/* Call the agent to import a key into the agent. */
gpgsm_agent_import_key (ctrl_t ctrl, const void *key, size_t keylen)
gpg_error_t err;
struct import_key_parm_s parm;
err = start_agent (ctrl);
if (err)
return err;
parm.ctrl = ctrl;
parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
parm.key = key;
parm.keylen = keylen;
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, "IMPORT_KEY",
NULL, NULL, inq_import_key_parms, &parm, NULL, NULL);
return err;
/* Receive a secret key from the agent. KEYGRIP is the hexified
keygrip, DESC a prompt to be displayed with the agent's passphrase
question (needs to be plus+percent escaped). On success the key is
stored as a canonical S-expression at R_RESULT and R_RESULTLEN. */
gpgsm_agent_export_key (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keygrip, const char *desc,
unsigned char **r_result, size_t *r_resultlen)
gpg_error_t err;
membuf_t data;
size_t len;
unsigned char *buf;
struct default_inq_parm_s inq_parm;
*r_result = NULL;
err = start_agent (ctrl);
if (err)
return err;
inq_parm.ctrl = ctrl;
inq_parm.ctx = agent_ctx;
if (desc)
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "SETKEYDESC %s", desc);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
if (err)
return err;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "EXPORT_KEY %s", keygrip);
init_membuf_secure (&data, 1024);
err = assuan_transact (agent_ctx, line,
put_membuf_cb, &data,
default_inq_cb, &inq_parm, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
xfree (get_membuf (&data, &len));
return err;
buf = get_membuf (&data, &len);
if (!buf)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*r_result = buf;
*r_resultlen = len;
return 0;
diff --git a/sm/call-dirmngr.c b/sm/call-dirmngr.c
index 6d7053c54..ea1bb5f28 100644
--- a/sm/call-dirmngr.c
+++ b/sm/call-dirmngr.c
@@ -1,1046 +1,1046 @@
/* call-dirmngr.c - Communication with the dirmngr
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008,
* 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <assuan.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "asshelp.h"
struct membuf {
size_t len;
size_t size;
char *buf;
int out_of_core;
/* fixme: We need a context for each thread or serialize the access to
the dirmngr. */
static assuan_context_t dirmngr_ctx = NULL;
static assuan_context_t dirmngr2_ctx = NULL;
static int dirmngr_ctx_locked;
static int dirmngr2_ctx_locked;
struct inq_certificate_parm_s {
ctrl_t ctrl;
assuan_context_t ctx;
ksba_cert_t cert;
ksba_cert_t issuer_cert;
struct isvalid_status_parm_s {
ctrl_t ctrl;
int seen;
unsigned char fpr[20];
struct lookup_parm_s {
ctrl_t ctrl;
assuan_context_t ctx;
void (*cb)(void *, ksba_cert_t);
void *cb_value;
struct membuf data;
int error;
struct run_command_parm_s {
assuan_context_t ctx;
static gpg_error_t get_cached_cert (assuan_context_t ctx,
const unsigned char *fpr,
ksba_cert_t *r_cert);
/* A simple implementation of a dynamic buffer. Use init_membuf() to
create a buffer, put_membuf to append bytes and get_membuf to
release and return the buffer. Allocation errors are detected but
only returned at the final get_membuf(), this helps not to clutter
the code with out of core checks. */
static void
init_membuf (struct membuf *mb, int initiallen)
mb->len = 0;
mb->size = initiallen;
mb->out_of_core = 0;
mb->buf = xtrymalloc (initiallen);
if (!mb->buf)
mb->out_of_core = 1;
static void
put_membuf (struct membuf *mb, const void *buf, size_t len)
if (mb->out_of_core)
if (mb->len + len >= mb->size)
char *p;
mb->size += len + 1024;
p = xtryrealloc (mb->buf, mb->size);
if (!p)
mb->out_of_core = 1;
mb->buf = p;
memcpy (mb->buf + mb->len, buf, len);
mb->len += len;
static void *
get_membuf (struct membuf *mb, size_t *len)
char *p;
if (mb->out_of_core)
xfree (mb->buf);
mb->buf = NULL;
return NULL;
p = mb->buf;
*len = mb->len;
mb->buf = NULL;
mb->out_of_core = 1; /* don't allow a reuse */
return p;
/* Print a warning if the server's version number is less than our
version number. Returns an error code on a connection problem. */
static gpg_error_t
warn_version_mismatch (ctrl_t ctrl, assuan_context_t ctx,
const char *servername, int mode)
gpg_error_t err;
char *serverversion;
const char *myversion = strusage (13);
err = get_assuan_server_version (ctx, mode, &serverversion);
if (err)
log_error (_("error getting version from '%s': %s\n"),
servername, gpg_strerror (err));
else if (compare_version_strings (serverversion, myversion) < 0)
char *warn;
warn = xtryasprintf (_("server '%s' is older than us (%s < %s)"),
servername, serverversion, myversion);
if (!warn)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_info (_("WARNING: %s\n"), warn);
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_WARNING, "server_version_mismatch 0",
warn, NULL);
xfree (warn);
xfree (serverversion);
return err;
/* This function prepares the dirmngr for a new session. The
audit-events option is used so that other dirmngr clients won't get
disturbed by such events. */
static void
prepare_dirmngr (ctrl_t ctrl, assuan_context_t ctx, gpg_error_t err)
struct keyserver_spec *server;
if (!err)
err = warn_version_mismatch (ctrl, ctx, DIRMNGR_NAME, 0);
if (!err)
err = assuan_transact (ctx, "OPTION audit-events=1",
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_OPTION)
err = 0; /* Allow the use of old dirmngr versions. */
audit_log_ok (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_DIRMNGR_READY, err);
if (!ctx || err)
server = opt.keyserver;
while (server)
char *user = server->user ? server->user : "";
char *pass = server->pass ? server->pass : "";
char *base = server->base ? server->base : "";
snprintf (line, DIM (line), "LDAPSERVER %s:%i:%s:%s:%s",
server->host, server->port, user, pass, base);
assuan_transact (ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* The code below is not required because we don't return an error. */
/* err = [above call] */
/* if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_ASS_UNKNOWN_CMD) */
/* err = 0; /\* Allow the use of old dirmngr versions. *\/ */
server = server->next;
/* Return a new assuan context for a Dirmngr connection. */
static gpg_error_t
start_dirmngr_ext (ctrl_t ctrl, assuan_context_t *ctx_r)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
if (opt.disable_dirmngr || ctrl->offline)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DIRMNGR);
if (*ctx_r)
return 0;
/* Note: if you change this to multiple connections, you also need
to take care of the implicit option sending caching. */
err = start_new_dirmngr (&ctx, GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT,
opt.autostart, opt.verbose, DBG_IPC,
gpgsm_status2, ctrl);
if (!opt.autostart && gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DIRMNGR)
static int shown;
if (!shown)
shown = 1;
log_info (_("no dirmngr running in this session\n"));
prepare_dirmngr (ctrl, ctx, err);
if (err)
return err;
*ctx_r = ctx;
return 0;
static int
start_dirmngr (ctrl_t ctrl)
gpg_error_t err;
assert (! dirmngr_ctx_locked);
dirmngr_ctx_locked = 1;
err = start_dirmngr_ext (ctrl, &dirmngr_ctx);
/* We do not check ERR but the existence of a context because the
error might come from a failed command send to the dirmngr.
Fixme: Why don't we close the drimngr context if we encountered
an error in prepare_dirmngr? */
if (!dirmngr_ctx)
dirmngr_ctx_locked = 0;
return err;
static void
release_dirmngr (ctrl_t ctrl)
if (!dirmngr_ctx_locked)
log_error ("WARNING: trying to release a non-locked dirmngr ctx\n");
dirmngr_ctx_locked = 0;
static int
start_dirmngr2 (ctrl_t ctrl)
gpg_error_t err;
assert (! dirmngr2_ctx_locked);
dirmngr2_ctx_locked = 1;
err = start_dirmngr_ext (ctrl, &dirmngr2_ctx);
if (!dirmngr2_ctx)
dirmngr2_ctx_locked = 0;
return err;
static void
release_dirmngr2 (ctrl_t ctrl)
if (!dirmngr2_ctx_locked)
log_error ("WARNING: trying to release a non-locked dirmngr2 ctx\n");
dirmngr2_ctx_locked = 0;
/* Handle a SENDCERT inquiry. */
static gpg_error_t
inq_certificate (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct inq_certificate_parm_s *parm = opaque;
const char *s;
int rc;
size_t n;
const unsigned char *der;
size_t derlen;
int issuer_mode = 0;
ksba_sexp_t ski = NULL;
if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "SENDCERT")))
line = s;
else if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "SENDCERT_SKI")))
/* Send a certificate where a sourceKeyIdentifier is included. */
line = s;
ski = make_simple_sexp_from_hexstr (line, &n);
line += n;
while (*line == ' ')
else if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "SENDISSUERCERT")))
line = s;
issuer_mode = 1;
else if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "ISTRUSTED")))
/* The server is asking us whether the certificate is a trusted
root certificate. */
char fpr[41];
struct rootca_flags_s rootca_flags;
line = s;
for (s=line,n=0; hexdigitp (s); s++, n++)
if (*s || n != 40)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER);
for (s=line, n=0; n < 40; s++, n++)
fpr[n] = (*s >= 'a')? (*s & 0xdf): *s;
fpr[n] = 0;
if (!gpgsm_agent_istrusted (parm->ctrl, NULL, fpr, &rootca_flags))
rc = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, "1", 1);
rc = 0;
return rc;
log_error ("unsupported inquiry '%s'\n", line);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_UNKNOWN_INQUIRE);
if (!*line)
{ /* Send the current certificate. */
der = ksba_cert_get_image (issuer_mode? parm->issuer_cert : parm->cert,
if (!der)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CERT_OBJ);
rc = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, der, derlen);
else if (issuer_mode)
log_error ("sending specific issuer certificate back "
"is not yet implemented\n");
{ /* Send the given certificate. */
int err;
ksba_cert_t cert;
err = gpgsm_find_cert (line, ski, &cert);
if (err)
log_error ("certificate not found: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
der = ksba_cert_get_image (cert, &derlen);
if (!der)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CERT_OBJ);
rc = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, der, derlen);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
xfree (ski);
return rc;
/* Take a 20 byte hexencoded string and put it into the the provided
20 byte buffer FPR in binary format. */
static int
unhexify_fpr (const char *hexstr, unsigned char *fpr)
const char *s;
int n;
for (s=hexstr, n=0; hexdigitp (s); s++, n++)
if (*s || (n != 40))
return 0; /* no fingerprint (invalid or wrong length). */
for (s=hexstr, n=0; *s; s += 2, n++)
fpr[n] = xtoi_2 (s);
return 1; /* okay */
static gpg_error_t
isvalid_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct isvalid_status_parm_s *parm = opaque;
const char *s;
if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "PROGRESS")))
if (parm->ctrl)
line = s;
if (gpgsm_status (parm->ctrl, STATUS_PROGRESS, line))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED);
else if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "ONLY_VALID_IF_CERT_VALID")))
if (!*s || !unhexify_fpr (s, parm->fpr))
parm->seen++; /* Bumb it to indicate an error. */
return 0;
/* Call the directory manager to check whether the certificate is valid
Returns 0 for valid or usually one of the errors:
Values for USE_OCSP:
0 = Do CRL check.
1 = Do an OCSP check.
2 = Do an OCSP check using only the default responder.
gpgsm_dirmngr_isvalid (ctrl_t ctrl,
ksba_cert_t cert, ksba_cert_t issuer_cert, int use_ocsp)
static int did_options;
int rc;
char *certid;
struct inq_certificate_parm_s parm;
struct isvalid_status_parm_s stparm;
rc = start_dirmngr (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
if (use_ocsp)
certid = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_hexstring (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1);
certid = gpgsm_get_certid (cert);
if (!certid)
log_error ("error getting the certificate ID\n");
release_dirmngr (ctrl);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
if (opt.verbose > 1)
char *fpr = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_string (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1);
log_info ("asking dirmngr about %s%s\n", fpr,
use_ocsp? " (using OCSP)":"");
xfree (fpr);
parm.ctx = dirmngr_ctx;
parm.ctrl = ctrl;
parm.cert = cert;
parm.issuer_cert = issuer_cert;
stparm.ctrl = ctrl;
stparm.seen = 0;
memset (stparm.fpr, 0, 20);
/* FIXME: If --disable-crl-checks has been set, we should pass an
option to dirmngr, so that no fallback CRL check is done after an
ocsp check. It is not a problem right now as dirmngr does not
fallback to CRL checking. */
/* It is sufficient to send the options only once because we have
one connection per process only. */
if (!did_options)
if (opt.force_crl_refresh)
assuan_transact (dirmngr_ctx, "OPTION force-crl-refresh=1",
did_options = 1;
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "ISVALID%s %s",
use_ocsp == 2? " --only-ocsp --force-default-responder":"",
xfree (certid);
rc = assuan_transact (dirmngr_ctx, line, NULL, NULL,
inq_certificate, &parm,
isvalid_status_cb, &stparm);
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info ("response of dirmngr: %s\n", rc? gpg_strerror (rc): "okay");
if (!rc && stparm.seen)
/* Need to also check the certificate validity. */
if (stparm.seen != 1)
log_error ("communication problem with dirmngr detected\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CRL);
ksba_cert_t rspcert = NULL;
if (get_cached_cert (dirmngr_ctx, stparm.fpr, &rspcert))
/* Ooops: Something went wrong getting the certificate
from the dirmngr. Try our own cert store now. */
kh = keydb_new (0);
if (!kh)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);
if (!rc)
rc = keydb_search_fpr (kh, stparm.fpr);
if (!rc)
rc = keydb_get_cert (kh, &rspcert);
if (rc)
log_error ("unable to find the certificate used "
"by the dirmngr: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CRL);
keydb_release (kh);
if (!rc)
rc = gpgsm_cert_use_ocsp_p (rspcert);
if (rc)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CRL);
/* Note the no_dirmngr flag: This avoids checking
this certificate over and over again. */
rc = gpgsm_validate_chain (ctrl, rspcert, "", NULL, 0, NULL,
if (rc)
log_error ("invalid certificate used for CRL/OCSP: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CRL);
ksba_cert_release (rspcert);
release_dirmngr (ctrl);
return rc;
/* Lookup helpers*/
static gpg_error_t
lookup_cb (void *opaque, const void *buffer, size_t length)
struct lookup_parm_s *parm = opaque;
size_t len;
char *buf;
ksba_cert_t cert;
int rc;
if (parm->error)
return 0;
if (buffer)
put_membuf (&parm->data, buffer, length);
return 0;
/* END encountered - process what we have */
buf = get_membuf (&parm->data, &len);
if (!buf)
parm->error = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);
return 0;
rc = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (rc)
parm->error = rc;
return 0;
rc = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, buf, len);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to parse a certificate: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
parm->cb (parm->cb_value, cert);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
init_membuf (&parm->data, 4096);
return 0;
/* Return a properly escaped pattern from NAMES. The only error
return is NULL to indicate a malloc failure. */
static char *
pattern_from_strlist (strlist_t names)
strlist_t sl;
int n;
const char *s;
char *pattern, *p;
for (n=0, sl=names; sl; sl = sl->next)
for (s=sl->d; *s; s++, n++)
if (*s == '%' || *s == ' ' || *s == '+')
n += 2;
p = pattern = xtrymalloc (n+1);
if (!pattern)
return NULL;
for (sl=names; sl; sl = sl->next)
for (s=sl->d; *s; s++)
switch (*s)
case '%':
*p++ = '%';
*p++ = '2';
*p++ = '5';
case ' ':
*p++ = '%';
*p++ = '2';
*p++ = '0';
case '+':
*p++ = '%';
*p++ = '2';
*p++ = 'B';
*p++ = *s;
*p++ = ' ';
if (p == pattern)
*pattern = 0; /* is empty */
p[-1] = '\0'; /* remove trailing blank */
return pattern;
static gpg_error_t
lookup_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct lookup_parm_s *parm = opaque;
const char *s;
if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "PROGRESS")))
if (parm->ctrl)
line = s;
if (gpgsm_status (parm->ctrl, STATUS_PROGRESS, line))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED);
else if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "TRUNCATED")))
if (parm->ctrl)
line = s;
gpgsm_status (parm->ctrl, STATUS_TRUNCATED, line);
return 0;
/* Run the Directory Manager's lookup command using the pattern
compiled from the strings given in NAMES. The caller must provide
the callback CB which will be passed cert by cert. Note that CTRL
is optional. With CACHE_ONLY the dirmngr will search only its own
key cache. */
gpgsm_dirmngr_lookup (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t names, int cache_only,
void (*cb)(void*, ksba_cert_t), void *cb_value)
int rc;
char *pattern;
struct lookup_parm_s parm;
size_t len;
assuan_context_t ctx;
/* The lookup function can be invoked from the callback of a lookup
function, for example to walk the chain. */
if (!dirmngr_ctx_locked)
rc = start_dirmngr (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
ctx = dirmngr_ctx;
else if (!dirmngr2_ctx_locked)
rc = start_dirmngr2 (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
ctx = dirmngr2_ctx;
log_fatal ("both dirmngr contexts are in use\n");
pattern = pattern_from_strlist (names);
if (!pattern)
if (ctx == dirmngr_ctx)
release_dirmngr (ctrl);
release_dirmngr2 (ctrl);
return out_of_core ();
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "LOOKUP%s %s",
cache_only? " --cache-only":"", pattern);
xfree (pattern);
parm.ctrl = ctrl;
parm.ctx = ctx;
parm.cb = cb;
parm.cb_value = cb_value;
parm.error = 0;
init_membuf (&, 4096);
rc = assuan_transact (ctx, line, lookup_cb, &parm,
NULL, NULL, lookup_status_cb, &parm);
xfree (get_membuf (&, &len));
if (ctx == dirmngr_ctx)
release_dirmngr (ctrl);
release_dirmngr2 (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
return parm.error;
static gpg_error_t
get_cached_cert_data_cb (void *opaque, const void *buffer, size_t length)
struct membuf *mb = opaque;
if (buffer)
put_membuf (mb, buffer, length);
return 0;
/* Return a certificate from the Directory Manager's cache. This
function only returns one certificate which must be specified using
the fingerprint FPR and will be stored at R_CERT. On error NULL is
stored at R_CERT and an error code returned. Note that the caller
must provide the locked dirmngr context CTX. */
static gpg_error_t
get_cached_cert (assuan_context_t ctx,
const unsigned char *fpr, ksba_cert_t *r_cert)
gpg_error_t err;
char hexfpr[2*20+1];
struct membuf mb;
char *buf;
size_t buflen = 0;
ksba_cert_t cert;
*r_cert = NULL;
bin2hex (fpr, 20, hexfpr);
snprintf (line, DIM(line), "LOOKUP --single --cache-only 0x%s", hexfpr);
init_membuf (&mb, 4096);
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line, get_cached_cert_data_cb, &mb,
buf = get_membuf (&mb, &buflen);
if (err)
xfree (buf);
return err;
if (!buf)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);
err = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (err)
xfree (buf);
return err;
err = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, buf, buflen);
xfree (buf);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to parse a certificate: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
ksba_cert_release (cert);
return err;
*r_cert = cert;
return 0;
/* Run Command helpers*/
/* Fairly simple callback to write all output of dirmngr to stdout. */
static gpg_error_t
run_command_cb (void *opaque, const void *buffer, size_t length)
if (buffer)
if ( fwrite (buffer, length, 1, stdout) != 1 )
log_error ("error writing to stdout: %s\n", strerror (errno));
return 0;
/* Handle inquiries from the dirmngr COMMAND. */
static gpg_error_t
run_command_inq_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct run_command_parm_s *parm = opaque;
const char *s;
int rc = 0;
if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "SENDCERT")))
{ /* send the given certificate */
int err;
ksba_cert_t cert;
const unsigned char *der;
size_t derlen;
line = s;
if (!*line)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER);
err = gpgsm_find_cert (line, NULL, &cert);
if (err)
log_error ("certificate not found: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
der = ksba_cert_get_image (cert, &derlen);
if (!der)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CERT_OBJ);
rc = assuan_send_data (parm->ctx, der, derlen);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
else if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "PRINTINFO")))
{ /* Simply show the message given in the argument. */
line = s;
log_info ("dirmngr: %s\n", line);
log_error ("unsupported inquiry '%s'\n", line);
return rc;
static gpg_error_t
run_command_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = opaque;
const char *s;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("dirmngr status: %s\n", line);
if ((s = has_leading_keyword (line, "PROGRESS")))
if (ctrl)
line = s;
if (gpgsm_status (ctrl, STATUS_PROGRESS, line))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED);
return 0;
/* Pass COMMAND to dirmngr and print all output generated by Dirmngr
to stdout. A couple of inquiries are defined (see above). ARGC
arguments in ARGV are given to the Dirmngr. Spaces, plus and
percent characters within the argument strings are percent escaped
so that blanks can act as delimiters. */
gpgsm_dirmngr_run_command (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *command,
int argc, char **argv)
int rc;
int i;
const char *s;
char *line, *p;
size_t len;
struct run_command_parm_s parm;
rc = start_dirmngr (ctrl);
if (rc)
return rc;
parm.ctx = dirmngr_ctx;
len = strlen (command) + 1;
for (i=0; i < argc; i++)
len += 1 + 3*strlen (argv[i]); /* enough space for percent escaping */
line = xtrymalloc (len);
if (!line)
release_dirmngr (ctrl);
return out_of_core ();
p = stpcpy (line, command);
for (i=0; i < argc; i++)
*p++ = ' ';
for (s=argv[i]; *s; s++)
if (!isascii (*s))
*p++ = *s;
else if (*s == ' ')
*p++ = '+';
else if (!isprint (*s) || *s == '+')
sprintf (p, "%%%02X", *(const unsigned char *)s);
p += 3;
*p++ = *s;
*p = 0;
rc = assuan_transact (dirmngr_ctx, line,
run_command_cb, NULL,
run_command_inq_cb, &parm,
run_command_status_cb, ctrl);
xfree (line);
log_info ("response of dirmngr: %s\n", rc? gpg_strerror (rc): "okay");
release_dirmngr (ctrl);
return rc;
diff --git a/sm/certchain.c b/sm/certchain.c
index b884d3d49..feefbb7f8 100644
--- a/sm/certchain.c
+++ b/sm/certchain.c
@@ -1,2135 +1,2135 @@
/* certchain.c - certificate chain validation
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
* 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <ksba.h>
#include "keydb.h"
#include "../kbx/keybox.h" /* for KEYBOX_FLAG_* */
#include "i18n.h"
#include "tlv.h"
/* Object to keep track of certain root certificates. */
struct marktrusted_info_s
struct marktrusted_info_s *next;
unsigned char fpr[20];
static struct marktrusted_info_s *marktrusted_info;
/* While running the validation function we want to keep track of the
certificates in the chain. This type is used for that. */
struct chain_item_s
struct chain_item_s *next;
ksba_cert_t cert; /* The certificate. */
int is_root; /* The certificate is the root certificate. */
typedef struct chain_item_s *chain_item_t;
static int is_root_cert (ksba_cert_t cert,
const char *issuerdn, const char *subjectdn);
static int get_regtp_ca_info (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, int *chainlen);
/* This function returns true if we already asked during this session
whether the root certificate CERT shall be marked as trusted. */
static int
already_asked_marktrusted (ksba_cert_t cert)
unsigned char fpr[20];
struct marktrusted_info_s *r;
gpgsm_get_fingerprint (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1, fpr, NULL);
/* No context switches in the loop! */
for (r=marktrusted_info; r; r= r->next)
if (!memcmp (r->fpr, fpr, 20))
return 1;
return 0;
/* Flag certificate CERT as already asked whether it shall be marked
as trusted. */
static void
set_already_asked_marktrusted (ksba_cert_t cert)
unsigned char fpr[20];
struct marktrusted_info_s *r;
gpgsm_get_fingerprint (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1, fpr, NULL);
for (r=marktrusted_info; r; r= r->next)
if (!memcmp (r->fpr, fpr, 20))
return; /* Already marked. */
r = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *r);
if (!r)
memcpy (r->fpr, fpr, 20);
r->next = marktrusted_info;
marktrusted_info = r;
/* If LISTMODE is true, print FORMAT using LISTMODE to FP. If
LISTMODE is false, use the string to print an log_info or, if
IS_ERROR is true, and log_error. */
static void
do_list (int is_error, int listmode, estream_t fp, const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start (arg_ptr, format) ;
if (listmode)
if (fp)
es_fputs (" [", fp);
es_vfprintf (fp, format, arg_ptr);
es_fputs ("]\n", fp);
log_logv (is_error? GPGRT_LOG_ERROR: GPGRT_LOG_INFO, format, arg_ptr);
log_printf ("\n");
va_end (arg_ptr);
/* Return 0 if A and B are equal. */
static int
compare_certs (ksba_cert_t a, ksba_cert_t b)
const unsigned char *img_a, *img_b;
size_t len_a, len_b;
img_a = ksba_cert_get_image (a, &len_a);
if (!img_a)
return 1;
img_b = ksba_cert_get_image (b, &len_b);
if (!img_b)
return 1;
return !(len_a == len_b && !memcmp (img_a, img_b, len_a));
/* Return true if CERT has the validityModel extensions and defines
the use of the chain model. */
static int
has_validation_model_chain (ksba_cert_t cert, int listmode, estream_t listfp)
gpg_error_t err;
int idx, yes;
const char *oid;
size_t off, derlen, objlen, hdrlen;
const unsigned char *der;
int class, tag, constructed, ndef;
char *oidbuf;
for (idx=0; !(err=ksba_cert_get_extension (cert, idx,
&oid, NULL, &off, &derlen));idx++)
if (!strcmp (oid, "") )
if (err)
return 0; /* Not found. */
der = ksba_cert_get_image (cert, NULL);
if (!der)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ); /* Oops */
goto leave;
der += off;
err = parse_ber_header (&der, &derlen, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > derlen || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto leave;
derlen = objlen;
err = parse_ber_header (&der, &derlen, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > derlen || tag != TAG_OBJECT_ID))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
goto leave;
oidbuf = ksba_oid_to_str (der, objlen);
if (!oidbuf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose)
do_list (0, listmode, listfp,
_("validation model requested by certificate: %s"),
!strcmp (oidbuf, "")? _("chain") :
!strcmp (oidbuf, "")? _("shell") :
/* */ oidbuf);
yes = !strcmp (oidbuf, "");
ksba_free (oidbuf);
return yes;
log_error ("error parsing validityModel: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return 0;
static int
unknown_criticals (ksba_cert_t cert, int listmode, estream_t fp)
static const char *known[] = {
"", /* keyUsage */
"", /* subjectAltName
Japanese DoCoMo certs mark them as critical. PKIX
only requires them as critical if subjectName is
empty. I don't know whether our code gracefully
handles such empry subjectNames but that is
another story. */
"", /* basic Constraints */
"", /* certificatePolicies */
"", /* extendedKeyUsage - handled by certlist.c */
"", /* validityModel - handled here. */
int rc = 0, i, idx, crit;
const char *oid;
gpg_error_t err;
int unsupported;
strlist_t sl;
for (idx=0; !(err=ksba_cert_get_extension (cert, idx,
&oid, &crit, NULL, NULL));idx++)
if (!crit)
for (i=0; known[i] && strcmp (known[i],oid); i++)
unsupported = !known[i];
/* If this critical extension is not supported. Check the list
of to be ignored extensions to see whether we claim that it
is supported. */
if (unsupported && opt.ignored_cert_extensions)
for (sl=opt.ignored_cert_extensions;
sl && strcmp (sl->d, oid); sl = sl->next)
if (sl)
unsupported = 0;
if (unsupported)
do_list (1, listmode, fp,
_("critical certificate extension %s is not supported"),
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_CERT);
/* We ignore the error codes EOF as well as no-value. The later will
occur for certificates with no extensions at all. */
if (err
&& gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_EOF
&& gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NO_VALUE)
rc = err;
return rc;
/* Check whether CERT is an allowed certificate. This requires that
CERT matches all requirements for such a CA, i.e. the
BasicConstraints extension. The function returns 0 on success and
the allowed length of the chain at CHAINLEN. */
static int
allowed_ca (ctrl_t ctrl,
ksba_cert_t cert, int *chainlen, int listmode, estream_t fp)
gpg_error_t err;
int flag;
err = ksba_cert_is_ca (cert, &flag, chainlen);
if (err)
return err;
if (!flag)
if (get_regtp_ca_info (ctrl, cert, chainlen))
/* Note that dirmngr takes a different way to cope with such
certs. */
return 0; /* RegTP issued certificate. */
do_list (1, listmode, fp,_("issuer certificate is not marked as a CA"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CA_CERT);
return 0;
static int
check_cert_policy (ksba_cert_t cert, int listmode, estream_t fplist)
gpg_error_t err;
char *policies;
FILE *fp;
int any_critical;
err = ksba_cert_get_cert_policies (cert, &policies);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
return 0; /* No policy given. */
if (err)
return err;
/* STRING is a line delimited list of certificate policies as stored
in the certificate. The line itself is colon delimited where the
first field is the OID of the policy and the second field either
N or C for normal or critical extension */
if (opt.verbose > 1 && !listmode)
log_info ("certificate's policy list: %s\n", policies);
/* The check is very minimal but won't give false positives */
any_critical = !!strstr (policies, ":C");
if (!opt.policy_file)
xfree (policies);
if (any_critical)
do_list (1, listmode, fplist,
_("critical marked policy without configured policies"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_POLICY_MATCH);
return 0;
fp = fopen (opt.policy_file, "r");
if (!fp)
if (opt.verbose || errno != ENOENT)
log_info (_("failed to open '%s': %s\n"),
opt.policy_file, strerror (errno));
xfree (policies);
/* With no critical policies this is only a warning */
if (!any_critical)
if (!opt.quiet)
do_list (0, listmode, fplist,
_("Note: non-critical certificate policy not allowed"));
return 0;
do_list (1, listmode, fplist,
_("certificate policy not allowed"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_POLICY_MATCH);
for (;;)
int c;
char *p, line[256];
char *haystack, *allowed;
/* read line */
if (!fgets (line, DIM(line)-1, fp) )
gpg_error_t tmperr = gpg_error (gpg_err_code_from_errno (errno));
xfree (policies);
if (feof (fp))
fclose (fp);
/* With no critical policies this is only a warning */
if (!any_critical)
do_list (0, listmode, fplist,
_("Note: non-critical certificate policy not allowed"));
return 0;
do_list (1, listmode, fplist,
_("certificate policy not allowed"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_POLICY_MATCH);
fclose (fp);
return tmperr;
if (!*line || line[strlen(line)-1] != '\n')
/* eat until end of line */
while ( (c=getc (fp)) != EOF && c != '\n')
fclose (fp);
xfree (policies);
return gpg_error (*line? GPG_ERR_LINE_TOO_LONG
/* Allow for empty lines and spaces */
for (p=line; spacep (p); p++)
while (!*p || *p == '\n' || *p == '#');
/* Parse line. Note that the line has always a LF and spacep
does not consider a LF a space. Thus strpbrk will always
succeed. */
for (allowed=line; spacep (allowed); allowed++)
p = strpbrk (allowed, " :\n");
if (!*p || p == allowed)
fclose (fp);
xfree (policies);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFIGURATION);
*p = 0; /* strip the rest of the line */
/* See whether we find ALLOWED (which is an OID) in POLICIES */
for (haystack=policies; (p=strstr (haystack, allowed)); haystack = p+1)
if ( !(p == policies || p[-1] == '\n') )
continue; /* Does not match the begin of a line. */
if (p[strlen (allowed)] != ':')
continue; /* The length does not match. */
/* Yep - it does match so return okay. */
fclose (fp);
xfree (policies);
return 0;
/* Helper function for find_up. This resets the key handle and search
for an issuer ISSUER with a subjectKeyIdentifier of KEYID. Returns
0 on success or -1 when not found. */
static int
find_up_search_by_keyid (KEYDB_HANDLE kh,
const char *issuer, ksba_sexp_t keyid)
int rc;
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
ksba_sexp_t subj = NULL;
int anyfound = 0;
ksba_isotime_t not_before, last_not_before;
keydb_search_reset (kh);
while (!(rc = keydb_search_subject (kh, issuer)))
ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL;
rc = keydb_get_cert (kh, &cert);
if (rc)
log_error ("keydb_get_cert() failed: rc=%d\n", rc);
rc = -1;
xfree (subj);
if (!ksba_cert_get_subj_key_id (cert, NULL, &subj))
if (!cmp_simple_canon_sexp (keyid, subj))
/* Found matching cert. */
rc = ksba_cert_get_validity (cert, 0, not_before);
if (rc)
log_error ("keydb_get_validity() failed: rc=%d\n", rc);
rc = -1;
if (!anyfound || strcmp (last_not_before, not_before) < 0)
/* This certificate is the first one found or newer
than the previous one. This copes with
re-issuing CA certificates while keeping the same
key information. */
anyfound = 1;
gnupg_copy_time (last_not_before, not_before);
keydb_push_found_state (kh);
if (anyfound)
/* Take the last saved one. */
keydb_pop_found_state (kh);
rc = 0; /* Ignore EOF or other error after the first cert. */
ksba_cert_release (cert);
xfree (subj);
return rc? -1:0;
static void
find_up_store_certs_cb (void *cb_value, ksba_cert_t cert)
if (keydb_store_cert (cert, 1, NULL))
log_error ("error storing issuer certificate as ephemeral\n");
/* Helper for find_up(). Locate the certificate for ISSUER using an
external lookup. KH is the keydb context we are currently using.
On success 0 is returned and the certificate may be retrieved from
the keydb using keydb_get_cert(). KEYID is the keyIdentifier from
the AKI or NULL. */
static int
find_up_external (ctrl_t ctrl, KEYDB_HANDLE kh,
const char *issuer, ksba_sexp_t keyid)
int rc;
strlist_t names = NULL;
int count = 0;
char *pattern;
const char *s;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("looking up issuer at external location\n"));
/* The Dirmngr process is confused about unknown attributes. As a
quick and ugly hack we locate the CN and use the issuer string
starting at this attribite. Fixme: we should have far better
parsing for external lookups in the Dirmngr. */
s = strstr (issuer, "CN=");
if (!s || s == issuer || s[-1] != ',')
s = issuer;
pattern = xtrymalloc (strlen (s)+2);
if (!pattern)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
strcpy (stpcpy (pattern, "/"), s);
add_to_strlist (&names, pattern);
xfree (pattern);
rc = gpgsm_dirmngr_lookup (ctrl, names, 0, find_up_store_certs_cb, &count);
free_strlist (names);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("number of issuers matching: %d\n"), count);
if (rc)
log_error ("external key lookup failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = -1;
else if (!count)
rc = -1;
int old;
/* The issuers are currently stored in the ephemeral key DB, so
we temporary switch to ephemeral mode. */
old = keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, 1);
if (keyid)
rc = find_up_search_by_keyid (kh, issuer, keyid);
keydb_search_reset (kh);
rc = keydb_search_subject (kh, issuer);
keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, old);
return rc;
/* Helper for find_up(). Ask the dirmngr for the certificate for
ISSUER with optional SERIALNO. KH is the keydb context we are
currently using. With SUBJECT_MODE set, ISSUER is searched as the
subject. On success 0 is returned and the certificate is available
in the ephemeral DB. */
static int
find_up_dirmngr (ctrl_t ctrl, KEYDB_HANDLE kh,
ksba_sexp_t serialno, const char *issuer, int subject_mode)
int rc;
strlist_t names = NULL;
int count = 0;
char *pattern;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("looking up issuer from the Dirmngr cache\n"));
if (subject_mode)
pattern = xtrymalloc (strlen (issuer)+2);
if (pattern)
strcpy (stpcpy (pattern, "/"), issuer);
else if (serialno)
pattern = gpgsm_format_sn_issuer (serialno, issuer);
pattern = xtrymalloc (strlen (issuer)+3);
if (pattern)
strcpy (stpcpy (pattern, "#/"), issuer);
if (!pattern)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
add_to_strlist (&names, pattern);
xfree (pattern);
rc = gpgsm_dirmngr_lookup (ctrl, names, 1, find_up_store_certs_cb, &count);
free_strlist (names);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("number of matching certificates: %d\n"), count);
if (rc && !opt.quiet)
log_info (_("dirmngr cache-only key lookup failed: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
return (!rc && count)? 0 : -1;
/* Locate issuing certificate for CERT. ISSUER is the name of the
issuer used as a fallback if the other methods don't work. If
FIND_NEXT is true, the function shall return the next possible
issuer. The certificate itself is not directly returned but a
keydb_get_cert on the keyDb context KH will return it. Returns 0
on success, -1 if not found or an error code. */
static int
find_up (ctrl_t ctrl, KEYDB_HANDLE kh,
ksba_cert_t cert, const char *issuer, int find_next)
ksba_name_t authid;
ksba_sexp_t authidno;
ksba_sexp_t keyid;
int rc = -1;
if (DBG_X509)
log_debug ("looking for parent certificate\n");
if (!ksba_cert_get_auth_key_id (cert, &keyid, &authid, &authidno))
const char *s = ksba_name_enum (authid, 0);
if (s && *authidno)
rc = keydb_search_issuer_sn (kh, s, authidno);
if (rc)
keydb_search_reset (kh);
if (!rc && DBG_X509)
log_debug (" found via authid and sn+issuer\n");
/* In case of an error, try to get the certificate from the
dirmngr. That is done by trying to put that certifcate
into the ephemeral DB and let the code below do the
actual retrieve. Thus there is no error checking.
Skipped in find_next mode as usual. */
if (rc == -1 && !find_next)
find_up_dirmngr (ctrl, kh, authidno, s, 0);
/* In case of an error try the ephemeral DB. We can't do
that in find_next mode because we can't keep the search
state then. */
if (rc == -1 && !find_next)
int old = keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, 1);
if (!old)
rc = keydb_search_issuer_sn (kh, s, authidno);
if (rc)
keydb_search_reset (kh);
if (!rc && DBG_X509)
log_debug (" found via authid and sn+issuer (ephem)\n");
keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, old);
if (rc)
rc = -1; /* Need to make sure to have this error code. */
if (rc == -1 && keyid && !find_next)
/* Not found by AIK.issuer_sn. Lets try the
instead. Loop over all certificates with that issuer as
subject and stop for the one with a matching
subjectKeyIdentifier. */
/* Fixme: Should we also search in the dirmngr? */
rc = find_up_search_by_keyid (kh, issuer, keyid);
if (!rc && DBG_X509)
log_debug (" found via authid and keyid\n");
if (rc)
int old = keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, 1);
if (!old)
rc = find_up_search_by_keyid (kh, issuer, keyid);
if (!rc && DBG_X509)
log_debug (" found via authid and keyid (ephem)\n");
keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, old);
if (rc)
rc = -1; /* Need to make sure to have this error code. */
/* If we still didn't found it, try to find it via the subject
from the dirmngr-cache. */
if (rc == -1 && !find_next)
if (!find_up_dirmngr (ctrl, kh, NULL, issuer, 1))
int old = keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, 1);
if (keyid)
rc = find_up_search_by_keyid (kh, issuer, keyid);
keydb_search_reset (kh);
rc = keydb_search_subject (kh, issuer);
keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, old);
if (rc)
rc = -1; /* Need to make sure to have this error code. */
if (!rc && DBG_X509)
log_debug (" found via authid and issuer from dirmngr cache\n");
/* If we still didn't found it, try an external lookup. */
if (rc == -1 && opt.auto_issuer_key_retrieve && !find_next)
rc = find_up_external (ctrl, kh, issuer, keyid);
if (!rc && DBG_X509)
log_debug (" found via authid and external lookup\n");
/* Print a note so that the user does not feel too helpless when
an issuer certificate was found and gpgsm prints BAD
signature because it is not the correct one. */
if (rc == -1 && opt.quiet)
else if (rc == -1)
log_info ("%sissuer certificate ", find_next?"next ":"");
if (keyid)
log_printf ("{");
gpgsm_dump_serial (keyid);
log_printf ("} ");
if (authidno)
log_printf ("(#");
gpgsm_dump_serial (authidno);
log_printf ("/");
gpgsm_dump_string (s);
log_printf (") ");
log_printf ("not found using authorityKeyIdentifier\n");
else if (rc)
log_error ("failed to find authorityKeyIdentifier: rc=%d\n", rc);
xfree (keyid);
ksba_name_release (authid);
xfree (authidno);
if (rc) /* Not found via authorithyKeyIdentifier, try regular issuer name. */
rc = keydb_search_subject (kh, issuer);
if (rc == -1 && !find_next)
int old;
/* Also try to get it from the Dirmngr cache. The function
merely puts it into the ephemeral database. */
find_up_dirmngr (ctrl, kh, NULL, issuer, 0);
/* Not found, let us see whether we have one in the ephemeral key DB. */
old = keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, 1);
if (!old)
keydb_search_reset (kh);
rc = keydb_search_subject (kh, issuer);
keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, old);
if (!rc && DBG_X509)
log_debug (" found via issuer\n");
/* Still not found. If enabled, try an external lookup. */
if (rc == -1 && opt.auto_issuer_key_retrieve && !find_next)
rc = find_up_external (ctrl, kh, issuer, NULL);
if (!rc && DBG_X509)
log_debug (" found via issuer and external lookup\n");
return rc;
/* Return the next certificate up in the chain starting at START.
Returns -1 when there are no more certificates. */
gpgsm_walk_cert_chain (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t start, ksba_cert_t *r_next)
int rc = 0;
char *issuer = NULL;
char *subject = NULL;
KEYDB_HANDLE kh = keydb_new (0);
*r_next = NULL;
if (!kh)
log_error (_("failed to allocate keyDB handle\n"));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
issuer = ksba_cert_get_issuer (start, 0);
subject = ksba_cert_get_subject (start, 0);
if (!issuer)
log_error ("no issuer found in certificate\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT);
goto leave;
if (!subject)
log_error ("no subject found in certificate\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT);
goto leave;
if (is_root_cert (start, issuer, subject))
rc = -1; /* we are at the root */
goto leave;
rc = find_up (ctrl, kh, start, issuer, 0);
if (rc)
/* It is quite common not to have a certificate, so better don't
print an error here. */
if (rc != -1 && opt.verbose > 1)
log_error ("failed to find issuer's certificate: rc=%d\n", rc);
goto leave;
rc = keydb_get_cert (kh, r_next);
if (rc)
log_error ("keydb_get_cert() failed: rc=%d\n", rc);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
xfree (issuer);
xfree (subject);
keydb_release (kh);
return rc;
/* Helper for gpgsm_is_root_cert. This one is used if the subject and
issuer DNs are already known. */
static int
is_root_cert (ksba_cert_t cert, const char *issuerdn, const char *subjectdn)
gpg_error_t err;
int result = 0;
ksba_sexp_t serialno;
ksba_sexp_t ak_keyid;
ksba_name_t ak_name;
ksba_sexp_t ak_sn;
const char *ak_name_str;
ksba_sexp_t subj_keyid = NULL;
if (!issuerdn || !subjectdn)
return 0; /* No. */
if (strcmp (issuerdn, subjectdn))
return 0; /* No. */
err = ksba_cert_get_auth_key_id (cert, &ak_keyid, &ak_name, &ak_sn);
if (err)
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
return 1; /* Yes. Without a authorityKeyIdentifier this needs
to be the Root certifcate (our trust anchor). */
log_error ("error getting authorityKeyIdentifier: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
return 0; /* Well, it is broken anyway. Return No. */
serialno = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert);
if (!serialno)
log_error ("error getting serialno: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Check whether the auth name's matches the issuer name+sn. If
that is the case this is a root certificate. */
ak_name_str = ksba_name_enum (ak_name, 0);
if (ak_name_str
&& !strcmp (ak_name_str, issuerdn)
&& !cmp_simple_canon_sexp (ak_sn, serialno))
result = 1; /* Right, CERT is self-signed. */
goto leave;
/* Similar for the ak_keyid. */
if (ak_keyid && !ksba_cert_get_subj_key_id (cert, NULL, &subj_keyid)
&& !cmp_simple_canon_sexp (ak_keyid, subj_keyid))
result = 1; /* Right, CERT is self-signed. */
goto leave;
ksba_free (subj_keyid);
ksba_free (ak_keyid);
ksba_name_release (ak_name);
ksba_free (ak_sn);
ksba_free (serialno);
return result;
/* Check whether the CERT is a root certificate. Returns True if this
is the case. */
gpgsm_is_root_cert (ksba_cert_t cert)
char *issuer;
char *subject;
int yes;
issuer = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0);
subject = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0);
yes = is_root_cert (cert, issuer, subject);
xfree (issuer);
xfree (subject);
return yes;
/* This is a helper for gpgsm_validate_chain. */
static gpg_error_t
is_cert_still_valid (ctrl_t ctrl, int force_ocsp, int lm, estream_t fp,
ksba_cert_t subject_cert, ksba_cert_t issuer_cert,
int *any_revoked, int *any_no_crl, int *any_crl_too_old)
gpg_error_t err;
if (ctrl->offline || (opt.no_crl_check && !ctrl->use_ocsp))
audit_log_ok (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_CRL_CHECK,
gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_ENABLED));
return 0;
err = gpgsm_dirmngr_isvalid (ctrl,
subject_cert, issuer_cert,
force_ocsp? 2 : !!ctrl->use_ocsp);
audit_log_ok (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_CRL_CHECK, err);
if (err)
if (!lm)
gpgsm_cert_log_name (NULL, subject_cert);
switch (gpg_err_code (err))
do_list (1, lm, fp, _("certificate has been revoked"));
*any_revoked = 1;
/* Store that in the keybox so that key listings are able to
return the revoked flag. We don't care about error,
though. */
keydb_set_cert_flags (subject_cert, 1, KEYBOX_FLAG_VALIDITY, 0,
do_list (1, lm, fp, _("no CRL found for certificate"));
*any_no_crl = 1;
do_list (1, lm, fp, _("the status of the certificate is unknown"));
*any_no_crl = 1;
do_list (1, lm, fp, _("the available CRL is too old"));
if (!lm)
log_info (_("please make sure that the "
"\"dirmngr\" is properly installed\n"));
*any_crl_too_old = 1;
do_list (1, lm, fp, _("checking the CRL failed: %s"),
gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
return 0;
/* Helper for gpgsm_validate_chain to check the validity period of
SUBJECT_CERT. The caller needs to pass EXPTIME which will be
updated to the nearest expiration time seen. A DEPTH of 0 indicates
the target certifciate, -1 the final root certificate and other
values intermediate certificates. */
static gpg_error_t
check_validity_period (ksba_isotime_t current_time,
ksba_cert_t subject_cert,
ksba_isotime_t exptime,
int listmode, estream_t listfp, int depth)
gpg_error_t err;
ksba_isotime_t not_before, not_after;
err = ksba_cert_get_validity (subject_cert, 0, not_before);
if (!err)
err = ksba_cert_get_validity (subject_cert, 1, not_after);
if (err)
do_list (1, listmode, listfp,
_("certificate with invalid validity: %s"), gpg_strerror (err));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT);
if (*not_after)
if (!*exptime)
gnupg_copy_time (exptime, not_after);
else if (strcmp (not_after, exptime) < 0 )
gnupg_copy_time (exptime, not_after);
if (*not_before && strcmp (current_time, not_before) < 0 )
do_list (1, listmode, listfp,
depth == 0 ? _("certificate not yet valid") :
depth == -1 ? _("root certificate not yet valid") :
/* other */ _("intermediate certificate not yet valid"));
if (!listmode)
log_info (" (valid from ");
dump_isotime (not_before);
log_printf (")\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CERT_TOO_YOUNG);
if (*not_after && strcmp (current_time, not_after) > 0 )
do_list (opt.ignore_expiration?0:1, listmode, listfp,
depth == 0 ? _("certificate has expired") :
depth == -1 ? _("root certificate has expired") :
/* other */ _("intermediate certificate has expired"));
if (!listmode)
log_info (" (expired at ");
dump_isotime (not_after);
log_printf (")\n");
if (opt.ignore_expiration)
log_info ("WARNING: ignoring expiration\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CERT_EXPIRED);
return 0;
/* This is a variant of check_validity_period used with the chain
model. The dextra contraint here is that notBefore and notAfter
must exists and if the additional argument CHECK_TIME is given this
time is used to check the validity period of SUBJECT_CERT. */
static gpg_error_t
check_validity_period_cm (ksba_isotime_t current_time,
ksba_isotime_t check_time,
ksba_cert_t subject_cert,
ksba_isotime_t exptime,
int listmode, estream_t listfp, int depth)
gpg_error_t err;
ksba_isotime_t not_before, not_after;
err = ksba_cert_get_validity (subject_cert, 0, not_before);
if (!err)
err = ksba_cert_get_validity (subject_cert, 1, not_after);
if (err)
do_list (1, listmode, listfp,
_("certificate with invalid validity: %s"), gpg_strerror (err));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT);
if (!*not_before || !*not_after)
do_list (1, listmode, listfp,
_("required certificate attributes missing: %s%s%s"),
!*not_before? "notBefore":"",
(!*not_before && !*not_after)? ", ":"",
!*not_before? "notAfter":"");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT);
if (strcmp (not_before, not_after) > 0 )
do_list (1, listmode, listfp,
_("certificate with invalid validity"));
log_info (" (valid from ");
dump_isotime (not_before);
log_printf (" expired at ");
dump_isotime (not_after);
log_printf (")\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT);
if (!*exptime)
gnupg_copy_time (exptime, not_after);
else if (strcmp (not_after, exptime) < 0 )
gnupg_copy_time (exptime, not_after);
if (strcmp (current_time, not_before) < 0 )
do_list (1, listmode, listfp,
depth == 0 ? _("certificate not yet valid") :
depth == -1 ? _("root certificate not yet valid") :
/* other */ _("intermediate certificate not yet valid"));
if (!listmode)
log_info (" (valid from ");
dump_isotime (not_before);
log_printf (")\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CERT_TOO_YOUNG);
if (*check_time
&& (strcmp (check_time, not_before) < 0
|| strcmp (check_time, not_after) > 0))
/* Note that we don't need a case for the root certificate
because its own consitency has already been checked. */
do_list(opt.ignore_expiration?0:1, listmode, listfp,
depth == 0 ?
_("signature not created during lifetime of certificate") :
depth == 1 ?
_("certificate not created during lifetime of issuer") :
_("intermediate certificate not created during lifetime "
"of issuer"));
if (!listmode)
log_info (depth== 0? _(" ( signature created at ") :
/* */ _(" (certificate created at ") );
dump_isotime (check_time);
log_printf (")\n");
log_info (depth==0? _(" (certificate valid from ") :
/* */ _(" ( issuer valid from ") );
dump_isotime (not_before);
log_info (" to ");
dump_isotime (not_after);
log_printf (")\n");
if (opt.ignore_expiration)
log_info ("WARNING: ignoring expiration\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CERT_EXPIRED);
return 0;
/* Ask the user whether he wants to mark the certificate CERT trusted.
Returns true if the CERT is the trusted. We also check whether the
agent is at all enabled to allow marktrusted and don't call it in
this session again if it is not. */
static int
ask_marktrusted (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, int listmode)
static int no_more_questions;
int rc;
char *fpr;
int success = 0;
fpr = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_string (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1);
log_info (_("fingerprint=%s\n"), fpr? fpr : "?");
xfree (fpr);
if (no_more_questions)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
rc = gpgsm_agent_marktrusted (ctrl, cert);
if (!rc)
log_info (_("root certificate has now been marked as trusted\n"));
success = 1;
else if (!listmode)
gpgsm_dump_cert ("issuer", cert);
log_info ("after checking the fingerprint, you may want "
"to add it manually to the list of trusted certificates.\n");
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)
if (!no_more_questions)
log_info (_("interactive marking as trusted "
"not enabled in gpg-agent\n"));
no_more_questions = 1;
else if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_CANCELED)
log_info (_("interactive marking as trusted "
"disabled for this session\n"));
no_more_questions = 1;
set_already_asked_marktrusted (cert);
return success;
/* Validate a chain and optionally return the nearest expiration time
in R_EXPTIME. With LISTMODE set to 1 a special listmode is
activated where only information about the certificate is printed
to LISTFP and no output is send to the usual log stream. If
CHECKTIME_ARG is set, it is used only in the chain model instead of the
current time.
Defined flag bits
VALIDATE_FLAG_NO_DIRMNGR - Do not do any dirmngr isvalid checks.
VALIDATE_FLAG_CHAIN_MODEL - Check according to chain model.
VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED - Check according to the STEED model.
static int
do_validate_chain (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, ksba_isotime_t checktime_arg,
ksba_isotime_t r_exptime,
int listmode, estream_t listfp, unsigned int flags,
struct rootca_flags_s *rootca_flags)
int rc = 0, depth, maxdepth;
char *issuer = NULL;
char *subject = NULL;
ksba_cert_t subject_cert = NULL, issuer_cert = NULL;
ksba_isotime_t current_time;
ksba_isotime_t check_time;
ksba_isotime_t exptime;
int any_expired = 0;
int any_revoked = 0;
int any_no_crl = 0;
int any_crl_too_old = 0;
int any_no_policy_match = 0;
int is_qualified = -1; /* Indicates whether the certificate stems
from a qualified root certificate.
-1 = unknown, 0 = no, 1 = yes. */
chain_item_t chain = NULL; /* A list of all certificates in the chain. */
gnupg_get_isotime (current_time);
if (!strcmp (checktime_arg, "19700101T000000"))
do_list (1, listmode, listfp,
_("WARNING: creation time of signature not known - "
"assuming current time"));
gnupg_copy_time (check_time, current_time);
gnupg_copy_time (check_time, checktime_arg);
*check_time = 0;
if (r_exptime)
*r_exptime = 0;
*exptime = 0;
if (opt.no_chain_validation && !listmode)
log_info ("WARNING: bypassing certificate chain validation\n");
return 0;
kh = keydb_new (0);
if (!kh)
log_error (_("failed to allocate keyDB handle\n"));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
if (DBG_X509 && !listmode)
gpgsm_dump_cert ("target", cert);
subject_cert = cert;
ksba_cert_ref (subject_cert);
maxdepth = 50;
depth = 0;
for (;;)
int is_root;
gpg_error_t istrusted_rc = -1;
/* Put the certificate on our list. */
chain_item_t ci;
ci = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ci);
if (!ci)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
ksba_cert_ref (subject_cert);
ci->cert = subject_cert;
ci->next = chain;
chain = ci;
xfree (issuer);
xfree (subject);
issuer = ksba_cert_get_issuer (subject_cert, 0);
subject = ksba_cert_get_subject (subject_cert, 0);
if (!issuer)
do_list (1, listmode, listfp, _("no issuer found in certificate"));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT);
goto leave;
/* Is this a self-issued certificate (i.e. the root certificate)? */
is_root = is_root_cert (subject_cert, issuer, subject);
if (is_root)
chain->is_root = 1;
/* Check early whether the certificate is listed as trusted.
We used to do this only later but changed it to call the
check right here so that we can access special flags
associated with that specific root certificate. */
if (gpgsm_cert_has_well_known_private_key (subject_cert))
memset (rootca_flags, 0, sizeof *rootca_flags);
istrusted_rc = ((flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED)
? 0 : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED));
istrusted_rc = gpgsm_agent_istrusted (ctrl, subject_cert, NULL,
audit_log_cert (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_ROOT_TRUSTED,
subject_cert, istrusted_rc);
/* If the chain model extended attribute is used, make sure
that our chain model flag is set. */
if (!(flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED)
&& has_validation_model_chain (subject_cert, listmode, listfp))
rootca_flags->chain_model = 1;
/* Check the validity period. */
rc = check_validity_period_cm (current_time, check_time, subject_cert,
exptime, listmode, listfp,
(depth && is_root)? -1: depth);
rc = check_validity_period (current_time, subject_cert,
exptime, listmode, listfp,
(depth && is_root)? -1: depth);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_CERT_EXPIRED)
any_expired = 1;
else if (rc)
goto leave;
/* Assert that we understand all critical extensions. */
rc = unknown_criticals (subject_cert, listmode, listfp);
if (rc)
goto leave;
/* Do a policy check. */
if (!opt.no_policy_check)
rc = check_cert_policy (subject_cert, listmode, listfp);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_POLICY_MATCH)
any_no_policy_match = 1;
rc = 1; /* Be on the safe side and set RC. */
else if (rc)
goto leave;
/* If this is the root certificate we are at the end of the chain. */
if (is_root)
if (!istrusted_rc)
; /* No need to check the certificate for a trusted one. */
else if (gpgsm_check_cert_sig (subject_cert, subject_cert) )
/* We only check the signature if the certificate is not
trusted for better diagnostics. */
do_list (1, listmode, listfp,
_("self-signed certificate has a BAD signature"));
if (DBG_X509)
gpgsm_dump_cert ("self-signing cert", subject_cert);
rc = gpg_error (depth? GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT_CHAIN
goto leave;
if (!rootca_flags->relax)
rc = allowed_ca (ctrl, subject_cert, NULL, listmode, listfp);
if (rc)
goto leave;
/* Set the flag for qualified signatures. This flag is
deduced from a list of root certificates allowed for
qualified signatures. */
if (is_qualified == -1 && !(flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED))
gpg_error_t err;
size_t buflen;
char buf[1];
if (!ksba_cert_get_user_data (cert, "is_qualified",
&buf, sizeof (buf),
&buflen) && buflen)
/* We already checked this for this certificate,
thus we simply take it from the user data. */
is_qualified = !!*buf;
/* Need to consult the list of root certificates for
qualified signatures. */
err = gpgsm_is_in_qualified_list (ctrl, subject_cert, NULL);
if (!err)
is_qualified = 1;
else if ( gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
is_qualified = 0;
log_error ("checking the list of qualified "
"root certificates failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
if ( is_qualified != -1 )
/* Cache the result but don't care too much
about an error. */
buf[0] = !!is_qualified;
err = ksba_cert_set_user_data (subject_cert,
"is_qualified", buf, 1);
if (err)
log_error ("set_user_data(is_qualified) failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
/* Act on the check for a trusted root certificates. */
rc = istrusted_rc;
if (!rc)
else if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED)
do_list (0, listmode, listfp,
_("root certificate is not marked trusted"));
/* If we already figured out that the certificate is
expired it does not make much sense to ask the user
whether we wants to trust the root certificate. We
should do this only if the certificate under question
will then be usable. If the certificate has a well
known private key asking the user does not make any
sense. */
if ( !any_expired
&& !gpgsm_cert_has_well_known_private_key (subject_cert)
&& (!listmode || !already_asked_marktrusted (subject_cert))
&& ask_marktrusted (ctrl, subject_cert, listmode) )
rc = 0;
log_error (_("checking the trust list failed: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
if (rc)
goto leave;
/* Check for revocations etc. */
else if ((flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED))
; /* Fixme: check revocations via DNS. */
else if (opt.no_trusted_cert_crl_check || rootca_flags->relax)
rc = is_cert_still_valid (ctrl,
listmode, listfp,
subject_cert, subject_cert,
&any_revoked, &any_no_crl,
if (rc)
goto leave;
break; /* Okay: a self-signed certicate is an end-point. */
} /* End is_root. */
/* Take care that the chain does not get too long. */
if ((depth+1) > maxdepth)
do_list (1, listmode, listfp, _("certificate chain too long\n"));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT_CHAIN);
goto leave;
/* Find the next cert up the tree. */
keydb_search_reset (kh);
rc = find_up (ctrl, kh, subject_cert, issuer, 0);
if (rc)
if (rc == -1)
do_list (0, listmode, listfp, _("issuer certificate not found"));
if (!listmode)
log_info ("issuer certificate: #/");
gpgsm_dump_string (issuer);
log_printf ("\n");
log_error ("failed to find issuer's certificate: rc=%d\n", rc);
goto leave;
ksba_cert_release (issuer_cert); issuer_cert = NULL;
rc = keydb_get_cert (kh, &issuer_cert);
if (rc)
log_error ("keydb_get_cert() failed: rc=%d\n", rc);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
if (DBG_X509)
log_debug ("got issuer's certificate:\n");
gpgsm_dump_cert ("issuer", issuer_cert);
rc = gpgsm_check_cert_sig (issuer_cert, subject_cert);
if (rc)
do_list (0, listmode, listfp, _("certificate has a BAD signature"));
if (DBG_X509)
gpgsm_dump_cert ("signing issuer", issuer_cert);
gpgsm_dump_cert ("signed subject", subject_cert);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE)
/* We now try to find other issuer certificates which
might have been used. This is required because some
CAs are reusing the issuer and subject DN for new
root certificates. */
/* FIXME: Do this only if we don't have an
AKI.keyIdentifier */
rc = find_up (ctrl, kh, subject_cert, issuer, 1);
if (!rc)
ksba_cert_t tmp_cert;
rc = keydb_get_cert (kh, &tmp_cert);
if (rc || !compare_certs (issuer_cert, tmp_cert))
/* The find next did not work or returned an
identical certificate. We better stop here
to avoid infinite checks. */
/* No need to set RC because it is not used:
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE); */
ksba_cert_release (tmp_cert);
do_list (0, listmode, listfp,
_("found another possible matching "
"CA certificate - trying again"));
ksba_cert_release (issuer_cert);
issuer_cert = tmp_cert;
goto try_another_cert;
/* We give a more descriptive error code than the one
returned from the signature checking. */
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT_CHAIN);
goto leave;
is_root = gpgsm_is_root_cert (issuer_cert);
istrusted_rc = -1;
/* Check that a CA is allowed to issue certificates. */
int chainlen;
rc = allowed_ca (ctrl, issuer_cert, &chainlen, listmode, listfp);
if (rc)
/* Not allowed. Check whether this is a trusted root
certificate and whether we allow special exceptions.
We could carry the result of the test over to the
regular root check at the top of the loop but for
clarity we won't do that. Given that the majority of
certificates carry proper BasicContraints our way of
overriding an error in the way is justified for
performance reasons. */
if (is_root)
if (gpgsm_cert_has_well_known_private_key (issuer_cert))
memset (rootca_flags, 0, sizeof *rootca_flags);
istrusted_rc = ((flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED)
? 0 : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED));
istrusted_rc = gpgsm_agent_istrusted
(ctrl, issuer_cert, NULL, rootca_flags);
if (!istrusted_rc && rootca_flags->relax)
/* Ignore the error due to the relax flag. */
rc = 0;
chainlen = -1;
if (rc)
goto leave;
if (chainlen >= 0 && depth > chainlen)
do_list (1, listmode, listfp,
_("certificate chain longer than allowed by CA (%d)"),
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT_CHAIN);
goto leave;
/* Is the certificate allowed to sign other certificates. */
if (!listmode)
rc = gpgsm_cert_use_cert_p (issuer_cert);
if (rc)
char numbuf[50];
sprintf (numbuf, "%d", rc);
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_ERROR, "certcert.issuer.keyusage",
numbuf, NULL);
goto leave;
/* Check for revocations etc. Note that for a root certificate
this test is done a second time later. This should eventually
be fixed. */
rc = 0;
else if ((flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED))
rc = 0; /* Fixme: XXX */
else if (is_root && (opt.no_trusted_cert_crl_check
|| (!istrusted_rc && rootca_flags->relax)))
rc = 0;
rc = is_cert_still_valid (ctrl,
listmode, listfp,
subject_cert, issuer_cert,
&any_revoked, &any_no_crl, &any_crl_too_old);
if (rc)
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose && !listmode)
log_info (depth == 0 ? _("certificate is good\n") :
!is_root ? _("intermediate certificate is good\n") :
/* other */ _("root certificate is good\n"));
/* Under the chain model the next check time is the creation
time of the subject certificate. */
rc = ksba_cert_get_validity (subject_cert, 0, check_time);
if (rc)
/* That will never happen as we have already checked
this above. */
BUG ();
/* For the next round the current issuer becomes the new subject. */
keydb_search_reset (kh);
ksba_cert_release (subject_cert);
subject_cert = issuer_cert;
issuer_cert = NULL;
} /* End chain traversal. */
if (!listmode && !opt.quiet)
if (opt.no_policy_check)
log_info ("policies not checked due to %s option\n",
if (ctrl->offline || (opt.no_crl_check && !ctrl->use_ocsp))
log_info ("CRLs not checked due to %s option\n",
ctrl->offline ? "offline" : "--disable-crl-checks");
if (!rc)
{ /* If we encountered an error somewhere during the checks, set
the error code to the most critical one */
if (any_revoked)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CERT_REVOKED);
else if (any_expired)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CERT_EXPIRED);
else if (any_no_crl)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_CRL_KNOWN);
else if (any_crl_too_old)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CRL_TOO_OLD);
else if (any_no_policy_match)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_POLICY_MATCH);
/* If we have traversed a complete chain up to the root we will
reset the ephemeral flag for all these certificates. This is done
regardless of any error because those errors may only be
transient. */
if (chain && chain->is_root)
gpg_error_t err;
chain_item_t ci;
for (ci = chain; ci; ci = ci->next)
/* Note that it is possible for the last certificate in the
chain (i.e. our target certificate) that it has not yet
been stored in the keybox and thus the flag can't be set.
We ignore this error because it will later be stored
anyway. */
err = keydb_set_cert_flags (ci->cert, 1, KEYBOX_FLAG_BLOB, 0,
if (!ci->next && gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
else if (err)
log_error ("clearing ephemeral flag failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
/* If we have figured something about the qualified signature
capability of the certificate under question, store the result as
user data in all certificates of the chain. We do this even if the
validation itself failed. */
if (is_qualified != -1 && !(flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED))
gpg_error_t err;
chain_item_t ci;
char buf[1];
buf[0] = !!is_qualified;
for (ci = chain; ci; ci = ci->next)
err = ksba_cert_set_user_data (ci->cert, "is_qualified", buf, 1);
if (err)
log_error ("set_user_data(is_qualified) failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
if (!rc)
rc = err;
/* If auditing has been enabled, record what is in the chain. */
if (ctrl->audit)
chain_item_t ci;
audit_log (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_CHAIN_BEGIN);
for (ci = chain; ci; ci = ci->next)
audit_log_cert (ctrl->audit,
ci->cert, 0);
audit_log (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_CHAIN_END);
if (r_exptime)
gnupg_copy_time (r_exptime, exptime);
xfree (issuer);
xfree (subject);
keydb_release (kh);
while (chain)
chain_item_t ci_next = chain->next;
ksba_cert_release (chain->cert);
xfree (chain);
chain = ci_next;
ksba_cert_release (issuer_cert);
ksba_cert_release (subject_cert);
return rc;
/* Validate a certificate chain. For a description see
do_validate_chain. This function is a wrapper to handle a root
certificate with the chain_model flag set. If RETFLAGS is not
NULL, flags indicating now the verification was done are stored
there. The only defined vits for RETFLAGS are
If you are verifying a signature you should set CHECKTIME to the
creation time of the signature. If your are verifying a
certificate, set it nil (i.e. the empty string). If the creation
date of the signature is not known use the special date
"19700101T000000" which is treated in a special way here. */
gpgsm_validate_chain (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, ksba_isotime_t checktime,
ksba_isotime_t r_exptime,
int listmode, estream_t listfp, unsigned int flags,
unsigned int *retflags)
int rc;
struct rootca_flags_s rootca_flags;
unsigned int dummy_retflags;
if (!retflags)
retflags = &dummy_retflags;
/* If the session requested a certain validation mode make sure the
corresponding flags are set. */
if (ctrl->validation_model == 1)
else if (ctrl->validation_model == 2)
/* If the chain model was forced, set this immediately into
*retflags = (flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_CHAIN_MODEL);
memset (&rootca_flags, 0, sizeof rootca_flags);
rc = do_validate_chain (ctrl, cert, checktime,
r_exptime, listmode, listfp, flags,
if (!rc && (flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED))
else if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_CERT_EXPIRED
&& (rootca_flags.valid && rootca_flags.chain_model))
do_list (0, listmode, listfp, _("switching to chain model"));
rc = do_validate_chain (ctrl, cert, checktime,
r_exptime, listmode, listfp,
if (opt.verbose)
do_list (0, listmode, listfp, _("validation model used: %s"),
(*retflags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED)?
"steed" :
return rc;
/* Check that the given certificate is valid but DO NOT check any
constraints. We assume that the issuers certificate is already in
the DB and that this one is valid; which it should be because it
has been checked using this function. */
gpgsm_basic_cert_check (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert)
int rc = 0;
char *issuer = NULL;
char *subject = NULL;
ksba_cert_t issuer_cert = NULL;
if (opt.no_chain_validation)
log_info ("WARNING: bypassing basic certificate checks\n");
return 0;
kh = keydb_new (0);
if (!kh)
log_error (_("failed to allocate keyDB handle\n"));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
issuer = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0);
subject = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0);
if (!issuer)
log_error ("no issuer found in certificate\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT);
goto leave;
if (is_root_cert (cert, issuer, subject))
rc = gpgsm_check_cert_sig (cert, cert);
if (rc)
log_error ("self-signed certificate has a BAD signature: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
if (DBG_X509)
gpgsm_dump_cert ("self-signing cert", cert);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT);
goto leave;
/* Find the next cert up the tree. */
keydb_search_reset (kh);
rc = find_up (ctrl, kh, cert, issuer, 0);
if (rc)
if (rc == -1)
log_info ("issuer certificate (#/");
gpgsm_dump_string (issuer);
log_printf (") not found\n");
log_error ("failed to find issuer's certificate: rc=%d\n", rc);
goto leave;
ksba_cert_release (issuer_cert); issuer_cert = NULL;
rc = keydb_get_cert (kh, &issuer_cert);
if (rc)
log_error ("keydb_get_cert() failed: rc=%d\n", rc);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
rc = gpgsm_check_cert_sig (issuer_cert, cert);
if (rc)
log_error ("certificate has a BAD signature: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
if (DBG_X509)
gpgsm_dump_cert ("signing issuer", issuer_cert);
gpgsm_dump_cert ("signed subject", cert);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT);
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info (_("certificate is good\n"));
xfree (issuer);
xfree (subject);
keydb_release (kh);
ksba_cert_release (issuer_cert);
return rc;
/* Check whether the certificate CERT has been issued by the German
authority for qualified signature. They do not set the
basicConstraints and thus we need this workaround. It works by
looking up the root certificate and checking whether that one is
listed as a qualified certificate for Germany.
We also try to cache this data but as long as don't keep a
reference to the certificate this won't be used.
Returns: True if CERT is a RegTP issued CA cert (i.e. the root
certificate itself or one of the CAs). In that case CHAINLEN will
receive the length of the chain which is either 0 or 1.
static int
get_regtp_ca_info (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, int *chainlen)
gpg_error_t err;
ksba_cert_t next;
int rc = 0;
int i, depth;
char country[3];
ksba_cert_t array[4];
char buf[2];
size_t buflen;
int dummy_chainlen;
if (!chainlen)
chainlen = &dummy_chainlen;
*chainlen = 0;
err = ksba_cert_get_user_data (cert, "regtp_ca_chainlen",
&buf, sizeof (buf), &buflen);
if (!err)
/* Got info. */
if (buflen < 2 || !*buf)
return 0; /* Nothing found. */
*chainlen = buf[1];
return 1; /* This is a regtp CA. */
else if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
log_error ("ksba_cert_get_user_data(%s) failed: %s\n",
"regtp_ca_chainlen", gpg_strerror (err));
return 0; /* Nothing found. */
/* Need to gather the info. This requires to walk up the chain
until we have found the root. Because we are only interested in
German Bundesnetzagentur (former RegTP) derived certificates 3
levels are enough. (The German signature law demands a 3 tier
hierarchy; thus there is only one CA between the EE and the Root
CA.) */
memset (&array, 0, sizeof array);
depth = 0;
ksba_cert_ref (cert);
array[depth++] = cert;
ksba_cert_ref (cert);
while (depth < DIM(array) && !(rc=gpgsm_walk_cert_chain (ctrl, cert, &next)))
ksba_cert_release (cert);
ksba_cert_ref (next);
array[depth++] = next;
cert = next;
ksba_cert_release (cert);
if (rc != -1 || !depth || depth == DIM(array) )
/* We did not reached the root. */
goto leave;
/* If this is a German signature law issued certificate, we store
additional additional information. */
if (!gpgsm_is_in_qualified_list (NULL, array[depth-1], country)
&& !strcmp (country, "de"))
/* Setting the pathlen for the root CA and the CA flag for the
next one is all what we need to do. */
err = ksba_cert_set_user_data (array[depth-1], "regtp_ca_chainlen",
"\x01\x01", 2);
if (!err && depth > 1)
err = ksba_cert_set_user_data (array[depth-2], "regtp_ca_chainlen",
"\x01\x00", 2);
if (err)
log_error ("ksba_set_user_data(%s) failed: %s\n",
"regtp_ca_chainlen", gpg_strerror (err));
for (i=0; i < depth; i++)
ksba_cert_release (array[i]);
*chainlen = (depth>1? 0:1);
return 1;
/* Nothing special with this certificate. Mark the target
certificate anyway to avoid duplicate lookups. */
err = ksba_cert_set_user_data (cert, "regtp_ca_chainlen", "", 1);
if (err)
log_error ("ksba_set_user_data(%s) failed: %s\n",
"regtp_ca_chainlen", gpg_strerror (err));
for (i=0; i < depth; i++)
ksba_cert_release (array[i]);
return 0;
diff --git a/sm/certcheck.c b/sm/certcheck.c
index 904556f5c..04b391717 100644
--- a/sm/certcheck.c
+++ b/sm/certcheck.c
@@ -1,436 +1,436 @@
/* certcheck.c - check one certificate
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <ksba.h>
#include "keydb.h"
#include "i18n.h"
/* Return the number of bits of the Q parameter from the DSA key
KEY. */
static unsigned int
get_dsa_qbits (gcry_sexp_t key)
gcry_sexp_t l1, l2;
gcry_mpi_t q;
unsigned int nbits;
l1 = gcry_sexp_find_token (key, "public-key", 0);
if (!l1)
return 0; /* Does not contain a key object. */
l2 = gcry_sexp_cadr (l1);
gcry_sexp_release (l1);
l1 = gcry_sexp_find_token (l2, "q", 1);
gcry_sexp_release (l2);
if (!l1)
return 0; /* Invalid object. */
q = gcry_sexp_nth_mpi (l1, 1, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG);
gcry_sexp_release (l1);
if (!q)
return 0; /* Missing value. */
nbits = gcry_mpi_get_nbits (q);
gcry_mpi_release (q);
return nbits;
static int
do_encode_md (gcry_md_hd_t md, int algo, int pkalgo, unsigned int nbits,
gcry_sexp_t pkey, gcry_mpi_t *r_val)
int n;
size_t nframe;
unsigned char *frame;
if (pkalgo == GCRY_PK_DSA || pkalgo == GCRY_PK_ECDSA)
unsigned int qbits;
if ( pkalgo == GCRY_PK_ECDSA )
qbits = gcry_pk_get_nbits (pkey);
qbits = get_dsa_qbits (pkey);
if ( (qbits%8) )
log_error(_("DSA requires the hash length to be a"
" multiple of 8 bits\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
/* Don't allow any Q smaller than 160 bits. We don't want
someone to issue signatures from a key with a 16-bit Q or
something like that, which would look correct but allow
trivial forgeries. Yes, I know this rules out using MD5 with
DSA. ;) */
if (qbits < 160)
log_error (_("%s key uses an unsafe (%u bit) hash\n"),
gcry_pk_algo_name (pkalgo), qbits);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
/* Check if we're too short. Too long is safe as we'll
automatically left-truncate. */
nframe = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (algo);
if (nframe < qbits/8)
log_error (_("a %u bit hash is not valid for a %u bit %s key\n"),
(unsigned int)nframe*8,
gcry_pk_get_nbits (pkey),
gcry_pk_algo_name (pkalgo));
/* FIXME: we need to check the requirements for ECDSA. */
if (nframe < 20 || pkalgo == GCRY_PK_DSA )
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
frame = xtrymalloc (nframe);
if (!frame)
return out_of_core ();
memcpy (frame, gcry_md_read (md, algo), nframe);
n = nframe;
/* Truncate. */
if (n > qbits/8)
n = qbits/8;
int i;
unsigned char asn[100];
size_t asnlen;
size_t len;
nframe = (nbits+7) / 8;
asnlen = DIM(asn);
if (!algo || gcry_md_test_algo (algo))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DIGEST_ALGO);
if (gcry_md_algo_info (algo, GCRYCTL_GET_ASNOID, asn, &asnlen))
log_error ("no object identifier for algo %d\n", algo);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
len = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (algo);
if ( len + asnlen + 4 > nframe )
log_error ("can't encode a %d bit MD into a %d bits frame\n",
(int)(len*8), (int)nbits);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
/* We encode the MD in this way:
* 0 A PAD(n bytes) 0 ASN(asnlen bytes) MD(len bytes)
* PAD consists of FF bytes.
frame = xtrymalloc (nframe);
if (!frame)
return out_of_core ();
n = 0;
frame[n++] = 0;
frame[n++] = 1; /* block type */
i = nframe - len - asnlen -3 ;
assert ( i > 1 );
memset ( frame+n, 0xff, i ); n += i;
frame[n++] = 0;
memcpy ( frame+n, asn, asnlen ); n += asnlen;
memcpy ( frame+n, gcry_md_read(md, algo), len ); n += len;
assert ( n == nframe );
int j;
log_debug ("encoded hash:");
for (j=0; j < nframe; j++)
log_printf (" %02X", frame[j]);
log_printf ("\n");
gcry_mpi_scan (r_val, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, frame, n, &nframe);
xfree (frame);
return 0;
/* Return the public key algorithm id from the S-expression PKEY.
FIXME: libgcrypt should provide such a function. Note that this
implementation uses the names as used by libksba. */
static int
pk_algo_from_sexp (gcry_sexp_t pkey)
gcry_sexp_t l1, l2;
const char *name;
size_t n;
int algo;
l1 = gcry_sexp_find_token (pkey, "public-key", 0);
if (!l1)
return 0; /* Not found. */
l2 = gcry_sexp_cadr (l1);
gcry_sexp_release (l1);
name = gcry_sexp_nth_data (l2, 0, &n);
if (!name)
algo = 0; /* Not found. */
else if (n==3 && !memcmp (name, "rsa", 3))
algo = GCRY_PK_RSA;
else if (n==3 && !memcmp (name, "dsa", 3))
algo = GCRY_PK_DSA;
/* Because this function is called only for verification we can
assume that ECC actually means ECDSA. */
else if (n==3 && !memcmp (name, "ecc", 3))
else if (n==13 && !memcmp (name, "ambiguous-rsa", 13))
algo = GCRY_PK_RSA;
algo = 0;
gcry_sexp_release (l2);
return algo;
/* Check the signature on CERT using the ISSUER-CERT. This function
does only test the cryptographic signature and nothing else. It is
assumed that the ISSUER_CERT is valid. */
gpgsm_check_cert_sig (ksba_cert_t issuer_cert, ksba_cert_t cert)
const char *algoid;
gcry_md_hd_t md;
int rc, algo;
gcry_mpi_t frame;
ksba_sexp_t p;
size_t n;
gcry_sexp_t s_sig, s_hash, s_pkey;
algo = gcry_md_map_name ( (algoid=ksba_cert_get_digest_algo (cert)));
if (!algo)
log_error ("unknown hash algorithm '%s'\n", algoid? algoid:"?");
if (algoid
&& ( !strcmp (algoid, "1.2.840.113549.1.1.2")
||!strcmp (algoid, "1.2.840.113549.2.2")))
log_info (_("(this is the MD2 algorithm)\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
rc = gcry_md_open (&md, algo, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("md_open failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
gcry_md_debug (md, "hash.cert");
rc = ksba_cert_hash (cert, 1, HASH_FNC, md);
if (rc)
log_error ("ksba_cert_hash failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
gcry_md_close (md);
return rc;
gcry_md_final (md);
p = ksba_cert_get_sig_val (cert);
n = gcry_sexp_canon_len (p, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!n)
log_error ("libksba did not return a proper S-Exp\n");
gcry_md_close (md);
ksba_free (p);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
int j;
log_debug ("signature value:");
for (j=0; j < n; j++)
log_printf (" %02X", p[j]);
log_printf ("\n");
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan ( &s_sig, NULL, (char*)p, n);
ksba_free (p);
if (rc)
log_error ("gcry_sexp_scan failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
gcry_md_close (md);
return rc;
p = ksba_cert_get_public_key (issuer_cert);
n = gcry_sexp_canon_len (p, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!n)
log_error ("libksba did not return a proper S-Exp\n");
gcry_md_close (md);
ksba_free (p);
gcry_sexp_release (s_sig);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan ( &s_pkey, NULL, (char*)p, n);
ksba_free (p);
if (rc)
log_error ("gcry_sexp_scan failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
gcry_md_close (md);
gcry_sexp_release (s_sig);
return rc;
rc = do_encode_md (md, algo, pk_algo_from_sexp (s_pkey),
gcry_pk_get_nbits (s_pkey), s_pkey, &frame);
if (rc)
gcry_md_close (md);
gcry_sexp_release (s_sig);
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
return rc;
/* put hash into the S-Exp s_hash */
if ( gcry_sexp_build (&s_hash, NULL, "%m", frame) )
BUG ();
gcry_mpi_release (frame);
rc = gcry_pk_verify (s_sig, s_hash, s_pkey);
if (DBG_X509)
log_debug ("gcry_pk_verify: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
gcry_md_close (md);
gcry_sexp_release (s_sig);
gcry_sexp_release (s_hash);
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
return rc;
gpgsm_check_cms_signature (ksba_cert_t cert, ksba_const_sexp_t sigval,
gcry_md_hd_t md, int mdalgo, int *r_pkalgo)
int rc;
ksba_sexp_t p;
gcry_mpi_t frame;
gcry_sexp_t s_sig, s_hash, s_pkey;
size_t n;
int pkalgo;
if (r_pkalgo)
*r_pkalgo = 0;
n = gcry_sexp_canon_len (sigval, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!n)
log_error ("libksba did not return a proper S-Exp\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_sig, NULL, (char*)sigval, n);
if (rc)
log_error ("gcry_sexp_scan failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
p = ksba_cert_get_public_key (cert);
n = gcry_sexp_canon_len (p, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!n)
log_error ("libksba did not return a proper S-Exp\n");
ksba_free (p);
gcry_sexp_release (s_sig);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
log_printhex ("public key: ", p, n);
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan ( &s_pkey, NULL, (char*)p, n);
ksba_free (p);
if (rc)
log_error ("gcry_sexp_scan failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
gcry_sexp_release (s_sig);
return rc;
pkalgo = pk_algo_from_sexp (s_pkey);
if (r_pkalgo)
*r_pkalgo = pkalgo;
rc = do_encode_md (md, mdalgo, pkalgo,
gcry_pk_get_nbits (s_pkey), s_pkey, &frame);
if (rc)
gcry_sexp_release (s_sig);
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
return rc;
/* put hash into the S-Exp s_hash */
if ( gcry_sexp_build (&s_hash, NULL, "%m", frame) )
BUG ();
gcry_mpi_release (frame);
rc = gcry_pk_verify (s_sig, s_hash, s_pkey);
if (DBG_X509)
log_debug ("gcry_pk_verify: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
gcry_sexp_release (s_sig);
gcry_sexp_release (s_hash);
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
return rc;
gpgsm_create_cms_signature (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert,
gcry_md_hd_t md, int mdalgo,
unsigned char **r_sigval)
int rc;
char *grip, *desc;
size_t siglen;
grip = gpgsm_get_keygrip_hexstring (cert);
if (!grip)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT);
desc = gpgsm_format_keydesc (cert);
rc = gpgsm_agent_pksign (ctrl, grip, desc, gcry_md_read(md, mdalgo),
gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (mdalgo), mdalgo,
r_sigval, &siglen);
xfree (desc);
xfree (grip);
return rc;
diff --git a/sm/certdump.c b/sm/certdump.c
index 0cc492af4..e47251ef2 100644
--- a/sm/certdump.c
+++ b/sm/certdump.c
@@ -1,858 +1,858 @@
/* certdump.c - Dump a certificate for debugging
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2004, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <langinfo.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <ksba.h>
#include "keydb.h"
#include "i18n.h"
struct dn_array_s {
char *key;
char *value;
int multivalued;
int done;
/* Print the first element of an S-Expression. */
gpgsm_print_serial (estream_t fp, ksba_const_sexp_t sn)
const char *p = (const char *)sn;
unsigned long n;
char *endp;
if (!p)
es_fputs (_("none"), fp);
else if (*p != '(')
es_fputs ("[Internal error - not an S-expression]", fp);
n = strtoul (p, &endp, 10);
p = endp;
if (*p++ != ':')
es_fputs ("[Internal Error - invalid S-expression]", fp);
es_write_hexstring (fp, p, n, 0, NULL);
/* Dump the serial number or any other simple S-expression. */
gpgsm_dump_serial (ksba_const_sexp_t sn)
const char *p = (const char *)sn;
unsigned long n;
char *endp;
if (!p)
log_printf ("none");
else if (*p != '(')
log_printf ("ERROR - not an S-expression");
n = strtoul (p, &endp, 10);
p = endp;
if (*p!=':')
log_printf ("ERROR - invalid S-expression");
for (p++; n; n--, p++)
log_printf ("%02X", *(const unsigned char *)p);
char *
gpgsm_format_serial (ksba_const_sexp_t sn)
const char *p = (const char *)sn;
unsigned long n;
char *endp;
char *buffer;
int i;
if (!p)
return NULL;
if (*p != '(')
BUG (); /* Not a valid S-expression. */
n = strtoul (p, &endp, 10);
p = endp;
if (*p!=':')
BUG (); /* Not a valid S-expression. */
buffer = xtrymalloc (n*2+1);
if (buffer)
for (i=0; n; n--, p++, i+=2)
sprintf (buffer+i, "%02X", *(unsigned char *)p);
buffer[i] = 0;
return buffer;
gpgsm_print_time (estream_t fp, ksba_isotime_t t)
if (!t || !*t)
es_fputs (_("none"), fp);
es_fprintf (fp, "%.4s-%.2s-%.2s %.2s:%.2s:%s",
t, t+4, t+6, t+9, t+11, t+13);
gpgsm_dump_string (const char *string)
if (!string)
log_printf ("[error]");
const unsigned char *s;
for (s=(const unsigned char*)string; *s; s++)
if (*s < ' ' || (*s >= 0x7f && *s <= 0xa0))
if (!*s && *string != '[')
log_printf ("%s", string);
log_printf ( "[ ");
log_printhex (NULL, string, strlen (string));
log_printf ( " ]");
/* This simple dump function is mainly used for debugging purposes. */
gpgsm_dump_cert (const char *text, ksba_cert_t cert)
ksba_sexp_t sexp;
char *p;
char *dn;
ksba_isotime_t t;
log_debug ("BEGIN Certificate '%s':\n", text? text:"");
if (cert)
sexp = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert);
log_debug (" serial: ");
gpgsm_dump_serial (sexp);
ksba_free (sexp);
log_printf ("\n");
ksba_cert_get_validity (cert, 0, t);
log_debug (" notBefore: ");
dump_isotime (t);
log_printf ("\n");
ksba_cert_get_validity (cert, 1, t);
log_debug (" notAfter: ");
dump_isotime (t);
log_printf ("\n");
dn = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0);
log_debug (" issuer: ");
gpgsm_dump_string (dn);
ksba_free (dn);
log_printf ("\n");
dn = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0);
log_debug (" subject: ");
gpgsm_dump_string (dn);
ksba_free (dn);
log_printf ("\n");
log_debug (" hash algo: %s\n", ksba_cert_get_digest_algo (cert));
p = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_string (cert, 0);
log_debug (" SHA1 Fingerprint: %s\n", p);
xfree (p);
log_debug ("END Certificate\n");
/* Return a new string holding the format serial number and issuer
("#SN/issuer"). No filtering on invalid characters is done.
Caller must release the string. On memory failure NULL is
returned. */
char *
gpgsm_format_sn_issuer (ksba_sexp_t sn, const char *issuer)
char *p, *p1;
if (sn && issuer)
p1 = gpgsm_format_serial (sn);
if (!p1)
p = xtrystrdup ("[invalid SN]");
p = xtrymalloc (strlen (p1) + strlen (issuer) + 2 + 1);
if (p)
*p = '#';
strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (p+1, p1),"/"), issuer);
xfree (p1);
p = xtrystrdup ("[invalid SN/issuer]");
return p;
/* Log the certificate's name in "#SN/ISSUERDN" format along with
TEXT. */
gpgsm_cert_log_name (const char *text, ksba_cert_t cert)
log_info ("%s", text? text:"certificate" );
if (cert)
ksba_sexp_t sn;
char *p;
p = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0);
sn = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert);
if (p && sn)
log_printf (" #");
gpgsm_dump_serial (sn);
log_printf ("/");
gpgsm_dump_string (p);
log_printf (" [invalid]");
ksba_free (sn);
xfree (p);
log_printf ("\n");
/* helper for the rfc2253 string parser */
static const unsigned char *
parse_dn_part (struct dn_array_s *array, const unsigned char *string)
static struct {
const char *label;
const char *oid;
} label_map[] = {
/* Warning: When adding new labels, make sure that the buffer
below we be allocated large enough. */
{"EMail", "1.2.840.113549.1.9.1" },
{"T", "" },
{"GN", "" },
{"SN", "" },
{"NameDistinguisher", ""},
{"ADDR", "" },
{"BC", "" },
{"D", "" },
{"PostalCode", "" },
{"Pseudo", "" },
{"SerialNumber", "" },
const unsigned char *s, *s1;
size_t n;
char *p;
int i;
/* Parse attributeType */
for (s = string+1; *s && *s != '='; s++)
if (!*s)
return NULL; /* error */
n = s - string;
if (!n)
return NULL; /* empty key */
/* We need to allocate a few bytes more due to the possible mapping
from the shorter OID to the longer label. */
array->key = p = xtrymalloc (n+10);
if (!array->key)
return NULL;
memcpy (p, string, n);
p[n] = 0;
trim_trailing_spaces (p);
if (digitp (p))
for (i=0; label_map[i].label; i++ )
if ( !strcmp (p, label_map[i].oid) )
strcpy (p, label_map[i].label);
string = s + 1;
if (*string == '#')
{ /* hexstring */
for (s=string; hexdigitp (s); s++)
n = s - string;
if (!n || (n & 1))
return NULL; /* Empty or odd number of digits. */
n /= 2;
array->value = p = xtrymalloc (n+1);
if (!p)
return NULL;
for (s1=string; n; s1 += 2, n--, p++)
*(unsigned char *)p = xtoi_2 (s1);
if (!*p)
*p = 0x01; /* Better print a wrong value than truncating
the string. */
*p = 0;
{ /* regular v3 quoted string */
for (n=0, s=string; *s; s++)
if (*s == '\\')
{ /* pair */
if (*s == ',' || *s == '=' || *s == '+'
|| *s == '<' || *s == '>' || *s == '#' || *s == ';'
|| *s == '\\' || *s == '\"' || *s == ' ')
else if (hexdigitp (s) && hexdigitp (s+1))
return NULL; /* invalid escape sequence */
else if (*s == '\"')
return NULL; /* invalid encoding */
else if (*s == ',' || *s == '=' || *s == '+'
|| *s == '<' || *s == '>' || *s == ';' )
array->value = p = xtrymalloc (n+1);
if (!p)
return NULL;
for (s=string; n; s++, n--)
if (*s == '\\')
if (hexdigitp (s))
*(unsigned char *)p++ = xtoi_2 (s);
*p++ = *s;
*p++ = *s;
*p = 0;
return s;
/* Parse a DN and return an array-ized one. This is not a validating
parser and it does not support any old-stylish syntax; KSBA is
expected to return only rfc2253 compatible strings. */
static struct dn_array_s *
parse_dn (const unsigned char *string)
struct dn_array_s *array;
size_t arrayidx, arraysize;
int i;
arraysize = 7; /* C,ST,L,O,OU,CN,email */
arrayidx = 0;
array = xtrymalloc ((arraysize+1) * sizeof *array);
if (!array)
return NULL;
while (*string)
while (*string == ' ')
if (!*string)
break; /* ready */
if (arrayidx >= arraysize)
struct dn_array_s *a2;
arraysize += 5;
a2 = xtryrealloc (array, (arraysize+1) * sizeof *array);
if (!a2)
goto failure;
array = a2;
array[arrayidx].key = NULL;
array[arrayidx].value = NULL;
string = parse_dn_part (array+arrayidx, string);
if (!string)
goto failure;
while (*string == ' ')
array[arrayidx].multivalued = (*string == '+');
array[arrayidx].done = 0;
if (*string && *string != ',' && *string != ';' && *string != '+')
goto failure; /* invalid delimiter */
if (*string)
array[arrayidx].key = NULL;
array[arrayidx].value = NULL;
return array;
for (i=0; i < arrayidx; i++)
xfree (array[i].key);
xfree (array[i].value);
xfree (array);
return NULL;
/* Print a DN part to STREAM. */
static void
print_dn_part (estream_t stream,
struct dn_array_s *dn, const char *key, int translate)
struct dn_array_s *first_dn = dn;
for (; dn->key; dn++)
if (!dn->done && !strcmp (dn->key, key))
/* Forward to the last multi-valued RDN, so that we can
print them all in reverse in the correct order. Note
that this overrides the the standard sequence but that
seems to a reasonable thing to do with multi-valued
RDNs. */
while (dn->multivalued && dn[1].key)
if (!dn->done && dn->value && *dn->value)
es_fprintf (stream, "/%s=", dn->key);
if (translate)
print_utf8_buffer3 (stream, dn->value, strlen (dn->value),
es_write_sanitized (stream, dn->value, strlen (dn->value),
"/", NULL);
dn->done = 1;
if (dn > first_dn && dn[-1].multivalued)
goto next;
/* Print all parts of a DN in a "standard" sequence. We first print
all the known parts, followed by the uncommon ones */
static void
print_dn_parts (estream_t stream,
struct dn_array_s *dn, int translate)
const char *stdpart[] = {
"CN", "OU", "O", "STREET", "L", "ST", "C", "EMail", NULL
int i;
for (i=0; stdpart[i]; i++)
print_dn_part (stream, dn, stdpart[i], translate);
/* Now print the rest without any specific ordering */
for (; dn->key; dn++)
print_dn_part (stream, dn, dn->key, translate);
/* Print the S-Expression in BUF to extended STREAM, which has a valid
length of BUFLEN, as a human readable string in one line to FP. */
static void
pretty_es_print_sexp (estream_t fp, const unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen)
size_t len;
gcry_sexp_t sexp;
char *result, *p;
if ( gcry_sexp_sscan (&sexp, NULL, (const char*)buf, buflen) )
es_fputs (_("[Error - invalid encoding]"), fp);
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (sexp, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, NULL, 0);
assert (len);
result = xtrymalloc (len);
if (!result)
es_fputs (_("[Error - out of core]"), fp);
gcry_sexp_release (sexp);
len = gcry_sexp_sprint (sexp, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, result, len);
assert (len);
for (p = result; len; len--, p++)
if (*p == '\n')
if (len > 1) /* Avoid printing the trailing LF. */
es_fputs ("\\n", fp);
else if (*p == '\r')
es_fputs ("\\r", fp);
else if (*p == '\v')
es_fputs ("\\v", fp);
else if (*p == '\t')
es_fputs ("\\t", fp);
es_putc (*p, fp);
xfree (result);
gcry_sexp_release (sexp);
/* This is a variant of gpgsm_print_name sending it output to an estream. */
gpgsm_es_print_name2 (estream_t fp, const char *name, int translate)
const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char *)name;
int i;
if (!s)
es_fputs (_("[Error - No name]"), fp);
else if (*s == '<')
const char *s2 = strchr ( (char*)s+1, '>');
if (s2)
if (translate)
print_utf8_buffer (fp, s + 1, s2 - (char*)s - 1);
es_write_sanitized (fp, s + 1, s2 - (char*)s - 1, NULL, NULL);
else if (*s == '(')
pretty_es_print_sexp (fp, s, gcry_sexp_canon_len (s, 0, NULL, NULL));
else if (!((*s >= '0' && *s < '9')
|| (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'Z')
|| (*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'z')))
es_fputs (_("[Error - invalid encoding]"), fp);
struct dn_array_s *dn = parse_dn (s);
if (!dn)
es_fputs (_("[Error - invalid DN]"), fp);
print_dn_parts (fp, dn, translate);
for (i=0; dn[i].key; i++)
xfree (dn[i].key);
xfree (dn[i].value);
xfree (dn);
gpgsm_es_print_name (estream_t fp, const char *name)
gpgsm_es_print_name2 (fp, name, 1);
/* A cookie structure used for the memory stream. */
struct format_name_cookie
char *buffer; /* Malloced buffer with the data to deliver. */
size_t size; /* Allocated size of this buffer. */
size_t len; /* strlen (buffer). */
int error; /* system error code if any. */
/* The writer function for the memory stream. */
static gpgrt_ssize_t
format_name_writer (void *cookie, const void *buffer, size_t size)
struct format_name_cookie *c = cookie;
char *p;
if (!c->buffer)
p = xtrymalloc (size + 1 + 1);
if (p)
c->size = size + 1;
c->buffer = p;
c->len = 0;
else if (c->len + size < c->len)
p = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (ENOMEM);
else if (c->size < c->len + size)
p = xtryrealloc (c->buffer, c->len + size + 1);
if (p)
c->size = c->len + size;
c->buffer = p;
p = c->buffer;
if (!p)
c->error = errno;
xfree (c->buffer);
c->buffer = NULL;
gpg_err_set_errno (c->error);
return -1;
memcpy (p + c->len, buffer, size);
c->len += size;
p[c->len] = 0; /* Terminate string. */
return (gpgrt_ssize_t)size;
/* Format NAME which is expected to be in rfc2253 format into a better
human readable format. Caller must free the returned string. NULL
is returned in case of an error. With TRANSLATE set to true the
name will be translated to the native encoding. Note that NAME is
internally always UTF-8 encoded. */
char *
gpgsm_format_name2 (const char *name, int translate)
estream_t fp;
struct format_name_cookie cookie;
es_cookie_io_functions_t io = { NULL };
memset (&cookie, 0, sizeof cookie);
io.func_write = format_name_writer;
fp = es_fopencookie (&cookie, "w", io);
if (!fp)
int save_errno = errno;
log_error ("error creating memory stream: %s\n", strerror (save_errno));
gpg_err_set_errno (save_errno);
return NULL;
gpgsm_es_print_name2 (fp, name, translate);
es_fclose (fp);
if (cookie.error || !cookie.buffer)
xfree (cookie.buffer);
gpg_err_set_errno (cookie.error);
return NULL;
return cookie.buffer;
char *
gpgsm_format_name (const char *name)
return gpgsm_format_name2 (name, 1);
/* Return fingerprint and a percent escaped name in a human readable
format suitable for status messages like GOODSIG. May return NULL
on error (out of core). */
char *
gpgsm_fpr_and_name_for_status (ksba_cert_t cert)
char *fpr, *name, *p;
char *buffer;
fpr = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_hexstring (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1);
if (!fpr)
return NULL;
name = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0);
if (!name)
xfree (fpr);
return NULL;
p = gpgsm_format_name2 (name, 0);
ksba_free (name);
name = p;
if (!name)
xfree (fpr);
return NULL;
buffer = xtrymalloc (strlen (fpr) + 1 + 3*strlen (name) + 1);
if (buffer)
const char *s;
p = stpcpy (stpcpy (buffer, fpr), " ");
for (s = name; *s; s++)
if (*s < ' ')
sprintf (p, "%%%02X", *(const unsigned char*)s);
p += 3;
*p++ = *s;
*p = 0;
xfree (fpr);
xfree (name);
return buffer;
/* Create a key description for the CERT, this may be passed to the
pinentry. The caller must free the returned string. NULL may be
returned on error. */
char *
gpgsm_format_keydesc (ksba_cert_t cert)
char *name, *subject, *buffer;
ksba_isotime_t t;
char created[20];
char expires[20];
char *sn;
ksba_sexp_t sexp;
char *orig_codeset;
name = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0);
subject = name? gpgsm_format_name2 (name, 0) : NULL;
ksba_free (name); name = NULL;
sexp = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert);
sn = sexp? gpgsm_format_serial (sexp) : NULL;
ksba_free (sexp);
ksba_cert_get_validity (cert, 0, t);
if (*t)
sprintf (created, "%.4s-%.2s-%.2s", t, t+4, t+6);
*created = 0;
ksba_cert_get_validity (cert, 1, t);
if (*t)
sprintf (expires, "%.4s-%.2s-%.2s", t, t+4, t+6);
*expires = 0;
orig_codeset = i18n_switchto_utf8 ();
name = xtryasprintf (_("Please enter the passphrase to unlock the"
" secret key for the X.509 certificate:\n"
"S/N %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n"
"created %s, expires %s.\n" ),
subject? subject:"?",
sn? sn: "?",
gpgsm_get_short_fingerprint (cert, NULL),
created, expires);
i18n_switchback (orig_codeset);
if (!name)
xfree (subject);
xfree (sn);
return NULL;
xfree (subject);
xfree (sn);
buffer = percent_plus_escape (name);
xfree (name);
return buffer;
diff --git a/sm/certlist.c b/sm/certlist.c
index 9adcabf23..616f4f1a7 100644
--- a/sm/certlist.c
+++ b/sm/certlist.c
@@ -1,569 +1,569 @@
/* certlist.c - build list of certificates
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007,
* 2008, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <ksba.h>
#include "keydb.h"
#include "i18n.h"
static const char oid_kp_serverAuth[] = "";
static const char oid_kp_clientAuth[] = "";
static const char oid_kp_codeSigning[] = "";
static const char oid_kp_emailProtection[]= "";
static const char oid_kp_timeStamping[] = "";
static const char oid_kp_ocspSigning[] = "";
/* Return 0 if the cert is usable for encryption. A MODE of 0 checks
for signing a MODE of 1 checks for encryption, a MODE of 2 checks
for verification and a MODE of 3 for decryption (just for
debugging). MODE 4 is for certificate signing, MODE for COSP
response signing. */
static int
cert_usage_p (ksba_cert_t cert, int mode)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned int use;
char *extkeyusages;
int have_ocsp_signing = 0;
err = ksba_cert_get_ext_key_usages (cert, &extkeyusages);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
err = 0; /* no policy given */
if (!err)
unsigned int extusemask = ~0; /* Allow all. */
if (extkeyusages)
char *p, *pend;
int any_critical = 0;
extusemask = 0;
p = extkeyusages;
while (p && (pend=strchr (p, ':')))
*pend++ = 0;
/* Only care about critical flagged usages. */
if ( *pend == 'C' )
any_critical = 1;
if ( !strcmp (p, oid_kp_serverAuth))
else if ( !strcmp (p, oid_kp_clientAuth))
else if ( !strcmp (p, oid_kp_codeSigning))
else if ( !strcmp (p, oid_kp_emailProtection))
else if ( !strcmp (p, oid_kp_timeStamping))
/* This is a hack to cope with OCSP. Note that we do
not yet fully comply with the requirements and that
the entire CRL/OCSP checking thing should undergo a
thorough review and probably redesign. */
if ( !strcmp (p, oid_kp_ocspSigning))
have_ocsp_signing = 1;
if ((p = strchr (pend, '\n')))
xfree (extkeyusages);
extkeyusages = NULL;
if (!any_critical)
extusemask = ~0; /* Reset to the don't care mask. */
err = ksba_cert_get_key_usage (cert, &use);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
err = 0;
if (opt.verbose && mode < 2)
log_info (_("no key usage specified - assuming all usages\n"));
use = ~0;
/* Apply extKeyUsage. */
use &= extusemask;
if (err)
log_error (_("error getting key usage information: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (extkeyusages);
return err;
if (mode == 4)
return 0;
log_info (_("certificate should not have "
"been used for certification\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_KEY_USAGE);
if (mode == 5)
if (use != ~0
&& (have_ocsp_signing
return 0;
log_info (_("certificate should not have "
"been used for OCSP response signing\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_KEY_USAGE);
if ((use & ((mode&1)?
return 0;
log_info (mode==3? _("certificate should not have been used for encryption\n"):
mode==2? _("certificate should not have been used for signing\n"):
mode==1? _("certificate is not usable for encryption\n"):
_("certificate is not usable for signing\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_KEY_USAGE);
/* Return 0 if the cert is usable for signing */
gpgsm_cert_use_sign_p (ksba_cert_t cert)
return cert_usage_p (cert, 0);
/* Return 0 if the cert is usable for encryption */
gpgsm_cert_use_encrypt_p (ksba_cert_t cert)
return cert_usage_p (cert, 1);
gpgsm_cert_use_verify_p (ksba_cert_t cert)
return cert_usage_p (cert, 2);
gpgsm_cert_use_decrypt_p (ksba_cert_t cert)
return cert_usage_p (cert, 3);
gpgsm_cert_use_cert_p (ksba_cert_t cert)
return cert_usage_p (cert, 4);
gpgsm_cert_use_ocsp_p (ksba_cert_t cert)
return cert_usage_p (cert, 5);
/* Return true if CERT has the well known private key extension. */
gpgsm_cert_has_well_known_private_key (ksba_cert_t cert)
int idx;
const char *oid;
for (idx=0; !ksba_cert_get_extension (cert, idx,
&oid, NULL, NULL, NULL);idx++)
if (!strcmp (oid, "") )
return 1; /* Yes. */
return 0; /* No. */
static int
same_subject_issuer (const char *subject, const char *issuer, ksba_cert_t cert)
char *subject2 = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0);
char *issuer2 = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0);
int tmp;
tmp = (subject && subject2
&& !strcmp (subject, subject2)
&& issuer && issuer2
&& !strcmp (issuer, issuer2));
xfree (subject2);
xfree (issuer2);
return tmp;
/* Return true if CERT_A is the same as CERT_B. */
gpgsm_certs_identical_p (ksba_cert_t cert_a, ksba_cert_t cert_b)
const unsigned char *img_a, *img_b;
size_t len_a, len_b;
img_a = ksba_cert_get_image (cert_a, &len_a);
if (img_a)
img_b = ksba_cert_get_image (cert_b, &len_b);
if (img_b && len_a == len_b && !memcmp (img_a, img_b, len_a))
return 1; /* Identical. */
return 0;
/* Return true if CERT is already contained in CERTLIST. */
static int
is_cert_in_certlist (ksba_cert_t cert, certlist_t certlist)
const unsigned char *img_a, *img_b;
size_t len_a, len_b;
img_a = ksba_cert_get_image (cert, &len_a);
if (img_a)
for ( ; certlist; certlist = certlist->next)
img_b = ksba_cert_get_image (certlist->cert, &len_b);
if (img_b && len_a == len_b && !memcmp (img_a, img_b, len_a))
return 1; /* Already contained. */
return 0;
/* Add CERT to the list of certificates at CERTADDR but avoid
duplicates. */
gpgsm_add_cert_to_certlist (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert,
certlist_t *listaddr, int is_encrypt_to)
if (!is_cert_in_certlist (cert, *listaddr))
certlist_t cl = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *cl);
if (!cl)
return out_of_core ();
cl->cert = cert;
ksba_cert_ref (cert);
cl->next = *listaddr;
cl->is_encrypt_to = is_encrypt_to;
*listaddr = cl;
return 0;
/* Add a certificate to a list of certificate and make sure that it is
a valid certificate. With SECRET set to true a secret key must be
available for the certificate. IS_ENCRYPT_TO sets the corresponding
flag in the new create LISTADDR item. */
gpgsm_add_to_certlist (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, int secret,
certlist_t *listaddr, int is_encrypt_to)
int rc;
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
rc = classify_user_id (name, &desc, 0);
if (!rc)
kh = keydb_new (0);
if (!kh)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);
int wrong_usage = 0;
char *first_subject = NULL;
char *first_issuer = NULL;
rc = keydb_search (kh, &desc, 1);
if (!rc)
rc = keydb_get_cert (kh, &cert);
if (!rc)
if (!first_subject)
/* Save the the subject and the issuer for key usage
and ambiguous name tests. */
first_subject = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0);
first_issuer = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0);
rc = secret? gpgsm_cert_use_sign_p (cert)
: gpgsm_cert_use_encrypt_p (cert);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_WRONG_KEY_USAGE)
/* There might be another certificate with the
correct usage, so we try again */
if (!wrong_usage)
{ /* save the first match */
wrong_usage = rc;
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
goto get_next;
else if (same_subject_issuer (first_subject, first_issuer,
wrong_usage = rc;
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
goto get_next;
wrong_usage = rc;
/* We want the error code from the first match in this case. */
if (rc && wrong_usage)
rc = wrong_usage;
if (!rc)
certlist_t dup_certs = NULL;
rc = keydb_search (kh, &desc, 1);
if (rc == -1)
rc = 0;
else if (!rc)
ksba_cert_t cert2 = NULL;
/* If this is the first possible duplicate, add the original
certificate to our list of duplicates. */
if (!dup_certs)
gpgsm_add_cert_to_certlist (ctrl, cert, &dup_certs, 0);
/* We have to ignore ambigious names as long as
there only fault is a bad key usage. This is
required to support encryption and signing
certificates of the same subject.
Further we ignore them if they are due to an
identical certificate (which may happen if a
certificate is accidential duplicated in the
keybox). */
if (!keydb_get_cert (kh, &cert2))
int tmp = (same_subject_issuer (first_subject,
&& ((gpg_err_code (
secret? gpgsm_cert_use_sign_p (cert2)
: gpgsm_cert_use_encrypt_p (cert2)
if (tmp)
gpgsm_add_cert_to_certlist (ctrl, cert2,
&dup_certs, 0);
if (is_cert_in_certlist (cert2, dup_certs))
tmp = 1;
ksba_cert_release (cert2);
if (tmp)
goto next_ambigious;
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_AMBIGUOUS_NAME);
gpgsm_release_certlist (dup_certs);
xfree (first_subject);
xfree (first_issuer);
first_subject = NULL;
first_issuer = NULL;
if (!rc && !is_cert_in_certlist (cert, *listaddr))
if (!rc && secret)
char *p;
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
p = gpgsm_get_keygrip_hexstring (cert);
if (p)
if (!gpgsm_agent_havekey (ctrl, p))
rc = 0;
xfree (p);
if (!rc)
rc = gpgsm_validate_chain (ctrl, cert, "", NULL,
0, NULL, 0, NULL);
if (!rc)
certlist_t cl = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *cl);
if (!cl)
rc = out_of_core ();
cl->cert = cert; cert = NULL;
cl->next = *listaddr;
cl->is_encrypt_to = is_encrypt_to;
*listaddr = cl;
keydb_release (kh);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
return rc == -1? gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY): rc;
gpgsm_release_certlist (certlist_t list)
while (list)
certlist_t cl = list->next;
ksba_cert_release (list->cert);
xfree (list);
list = cl;
/* Like gpgsm_add_to_certlist, but look only for one certificate. No
chain validation is done. If KEYID is not NULL it is taken as an
additional filter value which must match the
subjectKeyIdentifier. */
gpgsm_find_cert (const char *name, ksba_sexp_t keyid, ksba_cert_t *r_cert)
int rc;
*r_cert = NULL;
rc = classify_user_id (name, &desc, 0);
if (!rc)
kh = keydb_new (0);
if (!kh)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);
rc = keydb_search (kh, &desc, 1);
if (!rc)
rc = keydb_get_cert (kh, r_cert);
if (!rc && keyid)
ksba_sexp_t subj;
rc = ksba_cert_get_subj_key_id (*r_cert, NULL, &subj);
if (!rc)
if (cmp_simple_canon_sexp (keyid, subj))
xfree (subj);
goto nextone;
xfree (subj);
/* Okay: Here we know that the certificate's
subjectKeyIdentifier matches the requested
one. */
else if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
goto nextone;
/* If we don't have the KEYID filter we need to check for
ambigious search results. Note, that it is somehwat
reasonable to assume that a specification of a KEYID
won't lead to ambiguous names. */
if (!rc && !keyid)
rc = keydb_search (kh, &desc, 1);
if (rc == -1)
rc = 0;
if (!rc)
ksba_cert_t cert2 = NULL;
if (!keydb_get_cert (kh, &cert2))
if (gpgsm_certs_identical_p (*r_cert, cert2))
ksba_cert_release (cert2);
goto next_ambiguous;
ksba_cert_release (cert2);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_AMBIGUOUS_NAME);
ksba_cert_release (*r_cert);
*r_cert = NULL;
keydb_release (kh);
return rc == -1? gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY): rc;
diff --git a/sm/certreqgen-ui.c b/sm/certreqgen-ui.c
index 3ccd048c7..ece8668f6 100644
--- a/sm/certreqgen-ui.c
+++ b/sm/certreqgen-ui.c
@@ -1,435 +1,435 @@
/* certreqgen-ui.c - Simple user interface for certreqgen.c
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "ttyio.h"
#include "membuf.h"
/* Prompt for lines and append them to MB. */
static void
ask_mb_lines (membuf_t *mb, const char *prefix)
char *answer = NULL;
xfree (answer);
answer = tty_get ("> ");
tty_kill_prompt ();
trim_spaces (answer);
if (*answer)
put_membuf_str (mb, prefix);
put_membuf_str (mb, answer);
put_membuf (mb, "\n", 1);
while (*answer);
xfree (answer);
/* Helper to store stuff in a membuf. */
store_key_value_lf (membuf_t *mb, const char *key, const char *value)
put_membuf_str (mb, key);
put_membuf_str (mb, value);
put_membuf (mb, "\n", 1);
/* Helper tp store a membuf create by mb_ask_lines into MB. Returns
-1 on error. */
store_mb_lines (membuf_t *mb, membuf_t *lines)
char *p;
if (get_membuf_len (lines))
put_membuf (lines, "", 1);
p = get_membuf (lines, NULL);
if (!p)
return -1;
put_membuf_str (mb, p);
xfree (p);
return 0;
/* Chech whether we have a key for the key with HEXGRIP. Returns NULL
if not or a string describing the type of the key (RSA, ELG, DSA,
etc..). */
static const char *
check_keygrip (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexgrip)
gpg_error_t err;
ksba_sexp_t public;
size_t publiclen;
const char *algostr;
if (hexgrip[0] == '&')
err = gpgsm_agent_readkey (ctrl, 0, hexgrip, &public);
if (err)
return NULL;
publiclen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (public, 0, NULL, NULL);
get_pk_algo_from_canon_sexp (public, publiclen, &algostr);
xfree (public);
if (!algostr)
return NULL;
else if (!strcmp (algostr, "rsa"))
return "RSA";
else if (!strcmp (algostr, "dsa"))
return "DSA";
else if (!strcmp (algostr, "elg"))
return "ELG";
else if (!strcmp (algostr, "ecdsa"))
return "ECDSA";
return NULL;
/* This function is used to create a certificate request from the
command line. In the past the similar script has
been used for it; however that scripts requires a full Unix shell
and thus is not suitable for the Windows port. So here is the
re-implementation. */
gpgsm_gencertreq_tty (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t output_stream)
gpg_error_t err;
char *answer;
int selection;
estream_t fp = NULL;
int method;
char *keytype_buffer = NULL;
const char *keytype;
char *keygrip = NULL;
unsigned int nbits;
int minbits = 1024;
int maxbits = 4096;
int defbits = 2048;
const char *keyusage;
char *subject_name;
membuf_t mb_email, mb_dns, mb_uri, mb_result;
char *result = NULL;
const char *s, *s2;
int selfsigned;
answer = NULL;
init_membuf (&mb_email, 100);
init_membuf (&mb_dns, 100);
init_membuf (&mb_uri, 100);
init_membuf (&mb_result, 512);
/* Get the type of the key. */
tty_printf (_("Please select what kind of key you want:\n"));
tty_printf (_(" (%d) RSA\n"), 1 );
tty_printf (_(" (%d) Existing key\n"), 2 );
tty_printf (_(" (%d) Existing key from card\n"), 3 );
xfree (answer);
answer = tty_get (_("Your selection? "));
tty_kill_prompt ();
selection = *answer? atoi (answer): 1;
while (!(selection >= 1 && selection <= 3));
method = selection;
/* Get size of the key. */
if (method == 1)
keytype = "RSA";
for (;;)
xfree (answer);
answer = tty_getf (_("What keysize do you want? (%u) "), defbits);
tty_kill_prompt ();
trim_spaces (answer);
nbits = *answer? atoi (answer): defbits;
if (nbits < minbits || nbits > maxbits)
tty_printf(_("%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n"),
"RSA", minbits, maxbits);
break; /* Okay. */
tty_printf (_("Requested keysize is %u bits\n"), nbits);
/* We round it up so that it better matches the word size. */
if (( nbits % 64))
nbits = ((nbits + 63) / 64) * 64;
tty_printf (_("rounded up to %u bits\n"), nbits);
else if (method == 2)
for (;;)
xfree (answer);
answer = tty_get (_("Enter the keygrip: "));
tty_kill_prompt ();
trim_spaces (answer);
if (!*answer)
goto again;
else if (strlen (answer) != 40 &&
!(answer[0] == '&' && strlen (answer+1) == 40))
tty_printf (_("Not a valid keygrip (expecting 40 hex digits)\n"));
else if (!(keytype = check_keygrip (ctrl, answer)) )
tty_printf (_("No key with this keygrip\n"));
break; /* Okay. */
xfree (keygrip);
keygrip = answer;
answer = NULL;
nbits = 1024; /* A dummy value is sufficient. */
else /* method == 3 */
char *serialno;
strlist_t keypairlist, sl;
int count;
err = gpgsm_agent_scd_serialno (ctrl, &serialno);
if (err)
tty_printf (_("error reading the card: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto again;
tty_printf (_("Serial number of the card: %s\n"), serialno);
xfree (serialno);
err = gpgsm_agent_scd_keypairinfo (ctrl, &keypairlist);
if (err)
tty_printf (_("error reading the card: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto again;
tty_printf (_("Available keys:\n"));
for (count=1,sl=keypairlist; sl; sl = sl->next, count++)
tty_printf (" (%d) %s\n", count, sl->d);
xfree (answer);
answer = tty_get (_("Your selection? "));
tty_kill_prompt ();
trim_spaces (answer);
selection = atoi (answer);
while (!(selection > 0 && selection < count));
for (count=1,sl=keypairlist; sl; sl = sl->next, count++)
if (count == selection)
s = sl->d;
while (*s && !spacep (s))
while (spacep (s))
xfree (keygrip);
keygrip = NULL;
xfree (keytype_buffer);
keytype_buffer = xasprintf ("card:%s", s);
free_strlist (keypairlist);
keytype = keytype_buffer;
nbits = 1024; /* A dummy value is sufficient. */
/* Ask for the key usage. */
tty_printf (_("Possible actions for a %s key:\n"), "RSA");
tty_printf (_(" (%d) sign, encrypt\n"), 1 );
tty_printf (_(" (%d) sign\n"), 2 );
tty_printf (_(" (%d) encrypt\n"), 3 );
xfree (answer);
answer = tty_get (_("Your selection? "));
tty_kill_prompt ();
trim_spaces (answer);
selection = *answer? atoi (answer): 1;
switch (selection)
case 1: keyusage = "sign, encrypt"; break;
case 2: keyusage = "sign"; break;
case 3: keyusage = "encrypt"; break;
default: keyusage = NULL; break;
while (!keyusage);
/* Get the subject name. */
size_t erroff, errlen;
xfree (answer);
answer = tty_get (_("Enter the X.509 subject name: "));
tty_kill_prompt ();
trim_spaces (answer);
if (!*answer)
tty_printf (_("No subject name given\n"));
else if ( (err = ksba_dn_teststr (answer, 0, &erroff, &errlen)) )
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_NAME)
tty_printf (_("Invalid subject name label '%.*s'\n"),
(int)errlen, answer+erroff);
/* TRANSLATORS: The 22 in the second string is the
length of the first string up to the "%s". Please
adjust it do the length of your translation. The
second string is merely passed to atoi so you can
drop everything after the number. */
tty_printf (_("Invalid subject name '%s'\n"), answer);
tty_printf ("%*s^\n",
atoi (_("22 translator: see "
+ (int)erroff, "");
*answer = 0;
while (!*answer);
subject_name = answer;
answer = NULL;
/* Get the email addresses. */
tty_printf (_("Enter email addresses"));
tty_printf (_(" (end with an empty line):\n"));
ask_mb_lines (&mb_email, "Name-Email: ");
/* DNS names. */
tty_printf (_("Enter DNS names"));
tty_printf (_(" (optional; end with an empty line):\n"));
ask_mb_lines (&mb_dns, "Name-DNS: ");
/* URIs. */
tty_printf (_("Enter URIs"));
tty_printf (_(" (optional; end with an empty line):\n"));
ask_mb_lines (&mb_uri, "Name-URI: ");
/* Want a self-signed certificate? */
selfsigned = tty_get_answer_is_yes
(_("Create self-signed certificate? (y/N) "));
/* Put it all together. */
store_key_value_lf (&mb_result, "Key-Type: ", keytype);
char numbuf[30];
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%u", nbits);
store_key_value_lf (&mb_result, "Key-Length: ", numbuf);
if (keygrip)
store_key_value_lf (&mb_result, "Key-Grip: ", keygrip);
store_key_value_lf (&mb_result, "Key-Usage: ", keyusage);
if (selfsigned)
store_key_value_lf (&mb_result, "Serial: ", "random");
store_key_value_lf (&mb_result, "Name-DN: ", subject_name);
if (store_mb_lines (&mb_result, &mb_email))
goto mem_error;
if (store_mb_lines (&mb_result, &mb_dns))
goto mem_error;
if (store_mb_lines (&mb_result, &mb_uri))
goto mem_error;
put_membuf (&mb_result, "", 1);
result = get_membuf (&mb_result, NULL);
if (!result)
goto mem_error;
tty_printf (_("These parameters are used:\n"));
for (s=result; (s2 = strchr (s, '\n')); s = s2+1)
tty_printf (" %.*s\n", (int)(s2-s), s);
tty_printf ("\n");
if (!tty_get_answer_is_yes ("Proceed with creation? (y/N) "))
goto leave;
/* Now create a parameter file and generate the key. */
fp = es_fopenmem (0, "w+");
if (!fp)
log_error (_("error creating temporary file: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
goto leave;
es_fputs (result, fp);
es_rewind (fp);
if (selfsigned)
tty_printf ("%s", _("Now creating self-signed certificate. "));
tty_printf ("%s", _("Now creating certificate request. "));
tty_printf ("%s", _("This may take a while ...\n"));
int save_pem = ctrl->create_pem;
ctrl->create_pem = 1; /* Force creation of PEM. */
err = gpgsm_genkey (ctrl, fp, output_stream);
ctrl->create_pem = save_pem;
if (!err)
if (selfsigned)
tty_printf (_("Ready.\n"));
(_("Ready. You should now send this request to your CA.\n"));
goto leave;
log_error (_("resource problem: out of core\n"));
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (answer);
xfree (subject_name);
xfree (keytype_buffer);
xfree (keygrip);
xfree (get_membuf (&mb_email, NULL));
xfree (get_membuf (&mb_dns, NULL));
xfree (get_membuf (&mb_uri, NULL));
xfree (get_membuf (&mb_result, NULL));
xfree (result);
diff --git a/sm/certreqgen.c b/sm/certreqgen.c
index 4d5027005..9b4ffc92a 100644
--- a/sm/certreqgen.c
+++ b/sm/certreqgen.c
@@ -1,1386 +1,1386 @@
/* certreqgen.c - Generate a key and a certification [request]
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010,
* 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
The format of the parameter file is described in the manual under
"Unattended Usage".
Here is an example:
$ cat >foo <<EOF
%echo Generating a standard key
Key-Type: RSA
Key-Length: 2048
Name-DN: CN=test cert 1,OU=Aegypten Project,O=g10 Code GmbH,L=Ddorf,C=DE
# Do a commit here, so that we can later print a "done"
%echo done
This parameter file was used to create the STEED CA:
Key-Type: RSA
Key-Length: 1024
Key-Grip: 68A638998DFABAC510EA645CE34F9686B2EDF7EA
Key-Usage: cert
Serial: 1
Name-DN: CN=The STEED Self-Signing Nonthority
Not-Before: 2011-11-11
Not-After: 2106-02-06
Subject-Key-Id: 68A638998DFABAC510EA645CE34F9686B2EDF7EA
Extension: c 30060101ff020101
Extension: n 0101ff
Signing-Key: 68A638998DFABAC510EA645CE34F9686B2EDF7EA
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <ksba.h>
#include "keydb.h"
#include "i18n.h"
enum para_name
struct para_data_s
struct para_data_s *next;
int lnr;
enum para_name key;
union {
unsigned int usage;
char value[1];
} u;
struct reqgen_ctrl_s
int lnr;
int dryrun;
static const char oidstr_authorityKeyIdentifier[] = "";
static const char oidstr_subjectKeyIdentifier[] = "";
static const char oidstr_keyUsage[] = "";
static const char oidstr_basicConstraints[] = "";
static const char oidstr_standaloneCertificate[] = "";
static int proc_parameters (ctrl_t ctrl,
struct para_data_s *para,
estream_t out_fp,
struct reqgen_ctrl_s *outctrl);
static int create_request (ctrl_t ctrl,
struct para_data_s *para,
const char *carddirect,
ksba_const_sexp_t public,
ksba_const_sexp_t sigkey,
ksba_writer_t writer);
static void
release_parameter_list (struct para_data_s *r)
struct para_data_s *r2;
for (; r ; r = r2)
r2 = r->next;
static struct para_data_s *
get_parameter (struct para_data_s *para, enum para_name key, int seq)
struct para_data_s *r;
for (r = para; r ; r = r->next)
if ( r->key == key && !seq--)
return r;
return NULL;
static const char *
get_parameter_value (struct para_data_s *para, enum para_name key, int seq)
struct para_data_s *r = get_parameter (para, key, seq);
return (r && *r->u.value)? r->u.value : NULL;
static int
get_parameter_algo (struct para_data_s *para, enum para_name key)
struct para_data_s *r = get_parameter (para, key, 0);
if (!r)
return -1;
if (digitp (r->u.value))
return atoi( r->u.value );
return gcry_pk_map_name (r->u.value);
/* Parse the usage parameter. Returns 0 on success. Note that we
only care about sign and encrypt and don't (yet) allow all the
other X.509 usage to be specified; instead we will use a fixed
mapping to the X.509 usage flags. */
static int
parse_parameter_usage (struct para_data_s *para, enum para_name key)
struct para_data_s *r = get_parameter (para, key, 0);
char *p, *pn;
unsigned int use;
if (!r)
return 0; /* none (this is an optional parameter)*/
use = 0;
pn = r->u.value;
while ( (p = strsep (&pn, " \t,")) )
if (!*p)
else if ( !ascii_strcasecmp (p, "sign") )
else if ( !ascii_strcasecmp (p, "encrypt")
|| !ascii_strcasecmp (p, "encr") )
else if ( !ascii_strcasecmp (p, "cert") )
log_error ("line %d: invalid usage list\n", r->lnr);
return -1; /* error */
r->u.usage = use;
return 0;
static unsigned int
get_parameter_uint (struct para_data_s *para, enum para_name key)
struct para_data_s *r = get_parameter (para, key, 0);
if (!r)
return 0;
if (r->key == pKEYUSAGE)
return r->u.usage;
return (unsigned int)strtoul (r->u.value, NULL, 10);
/* Read the certificate generation parameters from FP and generate
(all) certificate requests. */
static int
read_parameters (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t fp, estream_t out_fp)
static struct {
const char *name;
enum para_name key;
int allow_dups;
} keywords[] = {
{ "Key-Type", pKEYTYPE},
{ "Key-Length", pKEYLENGTH },
{ "Key-Grip", pKEYGRIP },
{ "Key-Usage", pKEYUSAGE },
{ "Name-DN", pNAMEDN },
{ "Name-Email", pNAMEEMAIL, 1 },
{ "Name-DNS", pNAMEDNS, 1 },
{ "Name-URI", pNAMEURI, 1 },
{ "Serial", pSERIAL },
{ "Issuer-DN", pISSUERDN },
{ "Creation-Date", pNOTBEFORE },
{ "Not-Before", pNOTBEFORE },
{ "Expire-Date", pNOTAFTER },
{ "Not-After", pNOTAFTER },
{ "Signing-Key", pSIGNINGKEY },
{ "Hash-Algo", pHASHALGO },
{ "Authority-Key-Id", pAUTHKEYID },
{ "Subject-Key-Id", pSUBJKEYID },
{ "Extension", pEXTENSION, 1 },
{ NULL, 0 }
char line[1024], *p;
const char *err = NULL;
struct para_data_s *para, *r;
int i, rc = 0, any = 0;
struct reqgen_ctrl_s outctrl;
memset (&outctrl, 0, sizeof (outctrl));
err = NULL;
para = NULL;
while (es_fgets (line, DIM(line)-1, fp) )
char *keyword, *value;
if (*line && line[strlen(line)-1] != '\n')
err = "line too long";
for (p=line; spacep (p); p++)
if (!*p || *p == '#')
keyword = p;
if (*keyword == '%')
for (; *p && !ascii_isspace (*p); p++)
if (*p)
*p++ = 0;
for (; ascii_isspace (*p); p++)
value = p;
trim_trailing_spaces (value);
if (!ascii_strcasecmp (keyword, "%echo"))
log_info ("%s\n", value);
else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (keyword, "%dry-run"))
outctrl.dryrun = 1;
else if (!ascii_strcasecmp( keyword, "%commit"))
rc = proc_parameters (ctrl, para, out_fp, &outctrl);
if (rc)
goto leave;
any = 1;
release_parameter_list (para);
para = NULL;
log_info ("skipping control '%s' (%s)\n", keyword, value);
if (!(p = strchr (p, ':')) || p == keyword)
err = "missing colon";
if (*p)
*p++ = 0;
for (; spacep (p); p++)
if (!*p)
err = "missing argument";
value = p;
trim_trailing_spaces (value);
for (i=0; (keywords[i].name
&& ascii_strcasecmp (keywords[i].name, keyword)); i++)
if (!keywords[i].name)
err = "unknown keyword";
if (keywords[i].key != pKEYTYPE && !para)
err = "parameter block does not start with \"Key-Type\"";
if (keywords[i].key == pKEYTYPE && para)
rc = proc_parameters (ctrl, para, out_fp, &outctrl);
if (rc)
goto leave;
any = 1;
release_parameter_list (para);
para = NULL;
else if (!keywords[i].allow_dups)
for (r = para; r && r->key != keywords[i].key; r = r->next)
if (r)
err = "duplicate keyword";
r = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *r + strlen( value ));
if (!r)
err = "out of core";
r->lnr = outctrl.lnr;
r->key = keywords[i].key;
strcpy (r->u.value, value);
r->next = para;
para = r;
if (err)
log_error ("line %d: %s\n", outctrl.lnr, err);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
else if (es_ferror(fp))
log_error ("line %d: read error: %s\n", outctrl.lnr, strerror(errno) );
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
else if (para)
rc = proc_parameters (ctrl, para, out_fp, &outctrl);
if (rc)
goto leave;
any = 1;
if (!rc && !any)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
release_parameter_list (para);
return rc;
/* check whether there are invalid characters in the email address S */
static int
has_invalid_email_chars (const char *s)
int at_seen=0;
static char valid_chars[] = "01234567890_-."
for (; *s; s++)
if (*s & 0x80)
return 1;
if (*s == '@')
else if (!at_seen && !( !!strchr (valid_chars, *s) || *s == '+'))
return 1;
else if (at_seen && !strchr (valid_chars, *s))
return 1;
return at_seen != 1;
/* Check that all required parameters are given and perform the action */
static int
proc_parameters (ctrl_t ctrl, struct para_data_s *para,
estream_t out_fp, struct reqgen_ctrl_s *outctrl)
gpg_error_t err;
struct para_data_s *r;
const char *s, *string;
int i;
unsigned int nbits;
char numbuf[20];
unsigned char keyparms[100];
int rc = 0;
ksba_sexp_t public = NULL;
ksba_sexp_t sigkey = NULL;
int seq;
size_t erroff, errlen;
char *cardkeyid = NULL;
/* Check that we have all required parameters; */
assert (get_parameter (para, pKEYTYPE, 0));
/* We can only use RSA for now. There is a problem with pkcs-10 on
how to use ElGamal because it is expected that a PK algorithm can
always be used for signing. Another problem is that on-card
generated encryption keys may not be used for signing. */
i = get_parameter_algo (para, pKEYTYPE);
if (!i && (s = get_parameter_value (para, pKEYTYPE, 0)) && *s)
/* Hack to allow creation of certificates directly from a smart
card. For example: "Key-Type: card:OPENPGP.3". */
if (!strncmp (s, "card:", 5) && s[5])
cardkeyid = xtrystrdup (s+5);
if ( (i < 1 || i != GCRY_PK_RSA) && !cardkeyid )
r = get_parameter (para, pKEYTYPE, 0);
log_error (_("line %d: invalid algorithm\n"), r->lnr);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PARAMETER);
/* Check the keylength. NOTE: If you change this make sure that it
macthes the gpgconflist item in gpgsm.c */
if (!get_parameter (para, pKEYLENGTH, 0))
nbits = 2048;
nbits = get_parameter_uint (para, pKEYLENGTH);
if ((nbits < 1024 || nbits > 4096) && !cardkeyid)
/* The BSI specs dated 2002-11-25 don't allow lengths below 1024. */
r = get_parameter (para, pKEYLENGTH, 0);
log_error (_("line %d: invalid key length %u (valid are %d to %d)\n"),
r->lnr, nbits, 1024, 4096);
xfree (cardkeyid);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PARAMETER);
/* Check the usage. */
if (parse_parameter_usage (para, pKEYUSAGE))
xfree (cardkeyid);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PARAMETER);
/* Check that there is a subject name and that this DN fits our
requirements. */
if (!(s=get_parameter_value (para, pNAMEDN, 0)))
r = get_parameter (para, pNAMEDN, 0);
log_error (_("line %d: no subject name given\n"), r->lnr);
xfree (cardkeyid);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PARAMETER);
err = ksba_dn_teststr (s, 0, &erroff, &errlen);
if (err)
r = get_parameter (para, pNAMEDN, 0);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_NAME)
log_error (_("line %d: invalid subject name label '%.*s'\n"),
r->lnr, (int)errlen, s+erroff);
log_error (_("line %d: invalid subject name '%s' at pos %d\n"),
r->lnr, s, (int)erroff);
xfree (cardkeyid);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PARAMETER);
/* Check that the optional email address is okay. */
for (seq=0; (s=get_parameter_value (para, pNAMEEMAIL, seq)); seq++)
if (has_invalid_email_chars (s)
|| *s == '@'
|| s[strlen(s)-1] == '@'
|| s[strlen(s)-1] == '.'
|| strstr(s, ".."))
r = get_parameter (para, pNAMEEMAIL, seq);
log_error (_("line %d: not a valid email address\n"), r->lnr);
xfree (cardkeyid);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PARAMETER);
/* Check the optional serial number. */
string = get_parameter_value (para, pSERIAL, 0);
if (string)
if (!strcmp (string, "random"))
; /* Okay. */
for (s=string, i=0; hexdigitp (s); s++, i++)
if (*s)
r = get_parameter (para, pSERIAL, 0);
log_error (_("line %d: invalid serial number\n"), r->lnr);
xfree (cardkeyid);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PARAMETER);
/* Check the optional issuer DN. */
string = get_parameter_value (para, pISSUERDN, 0);
if (string)
err = ksba_dn_teststr (string, 0, &erroff, &errlen);
if (err)
r = get_parameter (para, pISSUERDN, 0);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_NAME)
log_error (_("line %d: invalid issuer name label '%.*s'\n"),
r->lnr, (int)errlen, string+erroff);
log_error (_("line %d: invalid issuer name '%s' at pos %d\n"),
r->lnr, string, (int)erroff);
xfree (cardkeyid);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PARAMETER);
/* Check the optional creation date. */
string = get_parameter_value (para, pNOTBEFORE, 0);
if (string && !string2isotime (NULL, string))
r = get_parameter (para, pNOTBEFORE, 0);
log_error (_("line %d: invalid date given\n"), r->lnr);
xfree (cardkeyid);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PARAMETER);
/* Check the optional expire date. */
string = get_parameter_value (para, pNOTAFTER, 0);
if (string && !string2isotime (NULL, string))
r = get_parameter (para, pNOTAFTER, 0);
log_error (_("line %d: invalid date given\n"), r->lnr);
xfree (cardkeyid);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PARAMETER);
/* Get the optional signing key. */
string = get_parameter_value (para, pSIGNINGKEY, 0);
if (string)
rc = gpgsm_agent_readkey (ctrl, 0, string, &sigkey);
if (rc)
r = get_parameter (para, pKEYTYPE, 0);
log_error (_("line %d: error getting signing key by keygrip '%s'"
": %s\n"), r->lnr, s, gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (cardkeyid);
return rc;
/* Check the optional hash-algo. */
int mdalgo;
string = get_parameter_value (para, pHASHALGO, 0);
if (string && !((mdalgo = gcry_md_map_name (string))
&& (mdalgo == GCRY_MD_SHA1
|| mdalgo == GCRY_MD_SHA256
|| mdalgo == GCRY_MD_SHA384
|| mdalgo == GCRY_MD_SHA512)))
r = get_parameter (para, pHASHALGO, 0);
log_error (_("line %d: invalid hash algorithm given\n"), r->lnr);
xfree (cardkeyid);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PARAMETER);
/* Check the optional AuthorityKeyId. */
string = get_parameter_value (para, pAUTHKEYID, 0);
if (string)
for (s=string, i=0; hexdigitp (s); s++, i++)
if (*s || (i&1))
r = get_parameter (para, pAUTHKEYID, 0);
log_error (_("line %d: invalid authority-key-id\n"), r->lnr);
xfree (cardkeyid);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PARAMETER);
/* Check the optional SubjectKeyId. */
string = get_parameter_value (para, pSUBJKEYID, 0);
if (string)
for (s=string, i=0; hexdigitp (s); s++, i++)
if (*s || (i&1))
r = get_parameter (para, pSUBJKEYID, 0);
log_error (_("line %d: invalid subject-key-id\n"), r->lnr);
xfree (cardkeyid);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PARAMETER);
/* Check the optional extensions. */
for (seq=0; (string=get_parameter_value (para, pEXTENSION, seq)); seq++)
int okay = 0;
s = strpbrk (string, " \t:");
if (s)
while (spacep (s))
if (*s && strchr ("nNcC", *s))
while (spacep (s))
if (*s == ':')
if (*s)
while (spacep (s))
for (i=0; hexdigitp (s); s++, i++)
if (!((*s && *s != ':') || !i || (i&1)))
okay = 1;
if (!okay)
r = get_parameter (para, pEXTENSION, seq);
log_error (_("line %d: invalid extension syntax\n"), r->lnr);
xfree (cardkeyid);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PARAMETER);
/* Create or retrieve the public key. */
if (cardkeyid) /* Take the key from the current smart card. */
rc = gpgsm_agent_readkey (ctrl, 1, cardkeyid, &public);
if (rc)
r = get_parameter (para, pKEYTYPE, 0);
log_error (_("line %d: error reading key '%s' from card: %s\n"),
r->lnr, cardkeyid, gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (sigkey);
xfree (cardkeyid);
return rc;
else if ((s=get_parameter_value (para, pKEYGRIP, 0))) /* Use existing key.*/
rc = gpgsm_agent_readkey (ctrl, 0, s, &public);
if (rc)
r = get_parameter (para, pKEYTYPE, 0);
log_error (_("line %d: error getting key by keygrip '%s': %s\n"),
r->lnr, s, gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (sigkey);
xfree (cardkeyid);
return rc;
else if (!outctrl->dryrun) /* Generate new key. */
sprintf (numbuf, "%u", nbits);
snprintf ((char*)keyparms, DIM (keyparms),
(int)strlen (numbuf), numbuf);
rc = gpgsm_agent_genkey (ctrl, keyparms, &public);
if (rc)
r = get_parameter (para, pKEYTYPE, 0);
log_error (_("line %d: key generation failed: %s <%s>\n"),
r->lnr, gpg_strerror (rc), gpg_strsource (rc));
xfree (sigkey);
xfree (cardkeyid);
return rc;
if (!outctrl->dryrun)
Base64Context b64writer = NULL;
ksba_writer_t writer;
int create_cert ;
create_cert = !!get_parameter_value (para, pSERIAL, 0);
ctrl->pem_name = create_cert? "CERTIFICATE" : "CERTIFICATE REQUEST";
rc = gpgsm_create_writer (&b64writer, ctrl, out_fp, &writer);
if (rc)
log_error ("can't create writer: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = create_request (ctrl, para, cardkeyid, public, sigkey, writer);
if (!rc)
rc = gpgsm_finish_writer (b64writer);
if (rc)
log_error ("write failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
gpgsm_status (ctrl, STATUS_KEY_CREATED, "P");
log_info ("certificate%s created\n",
create_cert?"":" request");
gpgsm_destroy_writer (b64writer);
xfree (sigkey);
xfree (public);
xfree (cardkeyid);
return rc;
/* Parameters are checked, the key pair has been created. Now
generate the request and write it out */
static int
create_request (ctrl_t ctrl,
struct para_data_s *para,
const char *carddirect,
ksba_const_sexp_t public,
ksba_const_sexp_t sigkey,
ksba_writer_t writer)
ksba_certreq_t cr;
gpg_error_t err;
gcry_md_hd_t md;
ksba_stop_reason_t stopreason;
int rc = 0;
const char *s, *string;
unsigned int use;
int seq;
char *buf, *p;
size_t len;
char numbuf[30];
ksba_isotime_t atime;
int certmode = 0;
int mdalgo;
err = ksba_certreq_new (&cr);
if (err)
return err;
string = get_parameter_value (para, pHASHALGO, 0);
if (string)
mdalgo = gcry_md_map_name (string);
mdalgo = GCRY_MD_SHA256;
rc = gcry_md_open (&md, mdalgo, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("md_open failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
gcry_md_debug (md, "cr.cri");
ksba_certreq_set_hash_function (cr, HASH_FNC, md);
ksba_certreq_set_writer (cr, writer);
err = ksba_certreq_add_subject (cr, get_parameter_value (para, pNAMEDN, 0));
if (err)
log_error ("error setting the subject's name: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
for (seq=0; (s = get_parameter_value (para, pNAMEEMAIL, seq)); seq++)
buf = xtrymalloc (strlen (s) + 3);
if (!buf)
rc = out_of_core ();
goto leave;
*buf = '<';
strcpy (buf+1, s);
strcat (buf+1, ">");
err = ksba_certreq_add_subject (cr, buf);
xfree (buf);
if (err)
log_error ("error setting the subject's alternate name: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
for (seq=0; (s = get_parameter_value (para, pNAMEDNS, seq)); seq++)
len = strlen (s);
assert (len);
snprintf (numbuf, DIM(numbuf), "%u:", (unsigned int)len);
buf = p = xtrymalloc (11 + strlen (numbuf) + len + 3);
if (!buf)
rc = out_of_core ();
goto leave;
p = stpcpy (p, "(8:dns-name");
p = stpcpy (p, numbuf);
p = stpcpy (p, s);
strcpy (p, ")");
err = ksba_certreq_add_subject (cr, buf);
xfree (buf);
if (err)
log_error ("error setting the subject's alternate name: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
for (seq=0; (s = get_parameter_value (para, pNAMEURI, seq)); seq++)
len = strlen (s);
assert (len);
snprintf (numbuf, DIM(numbuf), "%u:", (unsigned int)len);
buf = p = xtrymalloc (6 + strlen (numbuf) + len + 3);
if (!buf)
rc = out_of_core ();
goto leave;
p = stpcpy (p, "(3:uri");
p = stpcpy (p, numbuf);
p = stpcpy (p, s);
strcpy (p, ")");
err = ksba_certreq_add_subject (cr, buf);
xfree (buf);
if (err)
log_error ("error setting the subject's alternate name: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
err = ksba_certreq_set_public_key (cr, public);
if (err)
log_error ("error setting the public key: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
/* Set key usage flags. */
use = get_parameter_uint (para, pKEYUSAGE);
if (use)
unsigned int mask, pos;
unsigned char der[4];
der[0] = 0x03;
der[1] = 0x02;
der[2] = 0;
der[3] = 0;
if ((use & GCRY_PK_USAGE_SIGN))
/* For signing only we encode the bits:
KSBA_KEYUSAGE_NON_REPUDIATION = 0b11 -> 0b11000000 */
der[3] |= 0xc0;
if ((use & GCRY_PK_USAGE_ENCR))
/* For encrypt only we encode the bits:
KSBA_KEYUSAGE_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT = 0b1100 -> 0b00110000 */
der[3] |= 0x30;
if ((use & GCRY_PK_USAGE_CERT))
/* For certify only we encode the bits:
KSBA_KEYUSAGE_CRL_SIGN = 0b1100000 -> 0b00000110 */
der[3] |= 0x06;
/* Count number of unused bits. */
for (mask=1, pos=0; pos < 8 * sizeof mask; pos++, mask <<= 1)
if ((der[3] & mask))
err = ksba_certreq_add_extension (cr, oidstr_keyUsage, 1, der, 4);
if (err)
log_error ("error setting the key usage: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
/* See whether we want to create an X.509 certificate. */
string = get_parameter_value (para, pSERIAL, 0);
if (string)
certmode = 1;
/* Store the serial number. */
if (!strcmp (string, "random"))
char snbuf[3+8+1];
memcpy (snbuf, "(8:", 3);
gcry_create_nonce (snbuf+3, 8);
/* Clear high bit to guarantee a positive integer. */
snbuf[3] &= 0x7f;
snbuf[3+8] = ')';
err = ksba_certreq_set_serial (cr, snbuf);
char *hexbuf;
/* Allocate a buffer large enough to prefix the string with
a '0' so to have an even number of digits. Prepend two
further '0' so that the binary result will have a leading
0 byte and thus can't be the representation of a negative
number. Note that ksba_certreq_set_serial strips all
unneeded leading 0 bytes. */
hexbuf = p = xtrymalloc (2 + 1 + strlen (string) + 1);
if (!hexbuf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if ((strlen (string) & 1))
*p++ = '0';
*p++ = '0';
*p++ = '0';
strcpy (p, string);
for (p=hexbuf, len=0; p[0] && p[1]; p += 2)
((unsigned char*)hexbuf)[len++] = xtoi_2 (p);
/* Now build the S-expression. */
snprintf (numbuf, DIM(numbuf), "%u:", (unsigned int)len);
buf = p = xtrymalloc (1 + strlen (numbuf) + len + 1 + 1);
if (!buf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (hexbuf);
goto leave;
p = stpcpy (stpcpy (buf, "("), numbuf);
memcpy (p, hexbuf, len);
p += len;
strcpy (p, ")");
xfree (hexbuf);
err = ksba_certreq_set_serial (cr, buf);
xfree (buf);
if (err)
log_error ("error setting the serial number: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Store the issuer DN. If no issuer DN is given and no signing
key has been set we add the standalone extension and the
basic constraints to mark it as a self-signed CA
certificate. */
string = get_parameter_value (para, pISSUERDN, 0);
if (string)
/* Issuer DN given. Note that this may be the same as the
subject DN and thus this could as well be a self-signed
certificate. However the caller needs to explicitly
specify basicConstraints and so forth. */
err = ksba_certreq_set_issuer (cr, string);
if (err)
log_error ("error setting the issuer DN: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
else if (!string && !sigkey)
/* Self-signed certificate requested. Add basicConstraints
and the custom GnuPG standalone extension. */
err = ksba_certreq_add_extension (cr, oidstr_basicConstraints, 1,
"\x30\x03\x01\x01\xff", 5);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = ksba_certreq_add_extension (cr, oidstr_standaloneCertificate, 0,
"\x01\x01\xff", 3);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Store the creation date. */
string = get_parameter_value (para, pNOTBEFORE, 0);
if (string)
if (!string2isotime (atime, string))
BUG (); /* We already checked the value. */
gnupg_get_isotime (atime);
err = ksba_certreq_set_validity (cr, 0, atime);
if (err)
log_error ("error setting the creation date: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Store the expire date. If it is not given, libksba inserts a
default value. */
string = get_parameter_value (para, pNOTAFTER, 0);
if (string)
if (!string2isotime (atime, string))
BUG (); /* We already checked the value. */
err = ksba_certreq_set_validity (cr, 1, atime);
if (err)
log_error ("error setting the expire date: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Figure out the signing algorithm. If no sigkey has been
given we set it to the public key to create a self-signed
certificate. */
if (!sigkey)
sigkey = public;
unsigned char *siginfo;
err = transform_sigval (sigkey,
gcry_sexp_canon_len (sigkey, 0, NULL, NULL),
mdalgo, &siginfo, NULL);
if (!err)
err = ksba_certreq_set_siginfo (cr, siginfo);
xfree (siginfo);
if (err)
log_error ("error setting the siginfo: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
/* Insert the AuthorityKeyId. */
string = get_parameter_value (para, pAUTHKEYID, 0);
if (string)
char *hexbuf;
/* Allocate a buffer for in-place conversion. We also add 4
extra bytes space for the tags and lengths fields. */
hexbuf = xtrymalloc (4 + strlen (string) + 1);
if (!hexbuf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
strcpy (hexbuf+4, string);
for (p=hexbuf+4, len=0; p[0] && p[1]; p += 2)
((unsigned char*)hexbuf)[4+len++] = xtoi_2 (p);
if (len > 125)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
xfree (hexbuf);
goto leave;
hexbuf[0] = 0x30; /* Tag for a Sequence. */
hexbuf[1] = len+2;
hexbuf[2] = 0x80; /* Context tag for an implicit Octet string. */
hexbuf[3] = len;
err = ksba_certreq_add_extension (cr, oidstr_authorityKeyIdentifier,
hexbuf, 4+len);
xfree (hexbuf);
if (err)
log_error ("error setting the authority-key-id: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Insert the SubjectKeyId. */
string = get_parameter_value (para, pSUBJKEYID, 0);
if (string)
char *hexbuf;
/* Allocate a buffer for in-place conversion. We also add 2
extra bytes space for the tag and length field. */
hexbuf = xtrymalloc (2 + strlen (string) + 1);
if (!hexbuf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
strcpy (hexbuf+2, string);
for (p=hexbuf+2, len=0; p[0] && p[1]; p += 2)
((unsigned char*)hexbuf)[2+len++] = xtoi_2 (p);
if (len > 127)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
xfree (hexbuf);
goto leave;
hexbuf[0] = 0x04; /* Tag for an Octet string. */
hexbuf[1] = len;
err = ksba_certreq_add_extension (cr, oidstr_subjectKeyIdentifier, 0,
hexbuf, 2+len);
xfree (hexbuf);
if (err)
log_error ("error setting the subject-key-id: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Insert additional extensions. */
for (seq=0; (string = get_parameter_value (para, pEXTENSION, seq)); seq++)
char *hexbuf;
char *oidstr;
int crit = 0;
s = strpbrk (string, " \t:");
if (!s)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
goto leave;
oidstr = xtrymalloc (s - string + 1);
if (!oidstr)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
memcpy (oidstr, string, (s-string));
oidstr[(s-string)] = 0;
while (spacep (s))
if (!*s)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
xfree (oidstr);
goto leave;
if (strchr ("cC", *s))
crit = 1;
while (spacep (s))
if (*s == ':')
while (spacep (s))
hexbuf = xtrystrdup (s);
if (!hexbuf)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (oidstr);
goto leave;
for (p=hexbuf, len=0; p[0] && p[1]; p += 2)
((unsigned char*)hexbuf)[len++] = xtoi_2 (p);
err = ksba_certreq_add_extension (cr, oidstr, crit,
hexbuf, len);
xfree (oidstr);
xfree (hexbuf);
sigkey = public;
err = ksba_certreq_build (cr, &stopreason);
if (err)
log_error ("ksba_certreq_build failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
if (stopreason == KSBA_SR_NEED_SIG)
gcry_sexp_t s_pkey;
size_t n;
unsigned char grip[20];
char hexgrip[41];
unsigned char *sigval, *newsigval;
size_t siglen;
n = gcry_sexp_canon_len (sigkey, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!n)
log_error ("libksba did not return a proper S-Exp\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
goto leave;
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_pkey, NULL, (const char*)sigkey, n);
if (rc)
log_error ("gcry_sexp_scan failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if ( !gcry_pk_get_keygrip (s_pkey, grip) )
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
log_error ("can't figure out the keygrip\n");
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
goto leave;
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
bin2hex (grip, 20, hexgrip);
log_info ("about to sign the %s for key: &%s\n",
certmode? "certificate":"CSR", hexgrip);
if (carddirect)
rc = gpgsm_scd_pksign (ctrl, carddirect, NULL,
gcry_md_read (md, mdalgo),
gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (mdalgo),
&sigval, &siglen);
char *orig_codeset;
char *desc;
orig_codeset = i18n_switchto_utf8 ();
desc = percent_plus_escape
(_("To complete this certificate request please enter"
" the passphrase for the key you just created once"
" more.\n"));
i18n_switchback (orig_codeset);
rc = gpgsm_agent_pksign (ctrl, hexgrip, desc,
gcry_md_read(md, mdalgo),
gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (mdalgo),
&sigval, &siglen);
xfree (desc);
if (rc)
log_error ("signing failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
err = transform_sigval (sigval, siglen, mdalgo,
&newsigval, NULL);
xfree (sigval);
if (!err)
err = ksba_certreq_set_sig_val (cr, newsigval);
xfree (newsigval);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to store the sig_val: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
while (stopreason != KSBA_SR_READY);
gcry_md_close (md);
ksba_certreq_release (cr);
return rc;
/* Create a new key by reading the parameters from IN_FP. Multiple
keys may be created */
gpgsm_genkey (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t in_stream, estream_t out_stream)
int rc;
rc = read_parameters (ctrl, in_stream, out_stream);
if (rc)
log_error ("error creating certificate request: %s <%s>\n",
gpg_strerror (rc), gpg_strsource (rc));
goto leave;
return rc;
diff --git a/sm/decrypt.c b/sm/decrypt.c
index a56027288..3cee54b31 100644
--- a/sm/decrypt.c
+++ b/sm/decrypt.c
@@ -1,583 +1,583 @@
/* decrypt.c - Decrypt a message
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <ksba.h>
#include "keydb.h"
#include "i18n.h"
struct decrypt_filter_parm_s
int algo;
int mode;
int blklen;
gcry_cipher_hd_t hd;
char iv[16];
size_t ivlen;
int any_data; /* dod we push anything through the filter at all? */
unsigned char lastblock[16]; /* to strip the padding we have to
keep this one */
char helpblock[16]; /* needed because there is no block buffering in
libgcrypt (yet) */
int helpblocklen;
/* Decrypt the session key and fill in the parm structure. The
algo and the IV is expected to be already in PARM. */
static int
prepare_decryption (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexkeygrip, const char *desc,
ksba_const_sexp_t enc_val,
struct decrypt_filter_parm_s *parm)
char *seskey = NULL;
size_t n, seskeylen;
int rc;
rc = gpgsm_agent_pkdecrypt (ctrl, hexkeygrip, desc, enc_val,
&seskey, &seskeylen);
if (rc)
log_error ("error decrypting session key: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
log_printhex ("pkcs1 encoded session key:", seskey, seskeylen);
if (seskeylen == 24)
/* Smells like a 3-des key. This might happen because a SC has
already done the unpacking. */
if (n + 7 > seskeylen )
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SESSION_KEY);
goto leave;
/* FIXME: Actually the leading zero is required but due to the way
we encode the output in libgcrypt as an MPI we are not able to
encode that leading zero. However, when using a Smartcard we are
doing it the right way and therefore we have to skip the zero. This
should be fixed in gpg-agent of course. */
if (!seskey[n])
if (seskey[n] != 2 ) /* Wrong block type version. */
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SESSION_KEY);
goto leave;
for (n++; n < seskeylen && seskey[n]; n++) /* Skip the random bytes. */
n++; /* and the zero byte */
if (n >= seskeylen )
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_SESSION_KEY);
goto leave;
log_printhex ("session key:", seskey+n, seskeylen-n);
rc = gcry_cipher_open (&parm->hd, parm->algo, parm->mode, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("error creating decryptor: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
rc = gcry_cipher_setkey (parm->hd, seskey+n, seskeylen-n);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_WEAK_KEY)
log_info (_("WARNING: message was encrypted with "
"a weak key in the symmetric cipher.\n"));
rc = 0;
if (rc)
log_error("key setup failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror(rc) );
goto leave;
gcry_cipher_setiv (parm->hd, parm->iv, parm->ivlen);
xfree (seskey);
return rc;
/* This function is called by the KSBA writer just before the actual
write is done. The function must take INLEN bytes from INBUF,
decrypt it and store it inoutbuf which has a maximum size of
maxoutlen. The valid bytes in outbuf should be return in outlen.
Due to different buffer sizes or different length of input and
output, it may happen that fewer bytes are processed or fewer bytes
are written. */
static gpg_error_t
decrypt_filter (void *arg,
const void *inbuf, size_t inlen, size_t *inused,
void *outbuf, size_t maxoutlen, size_t *outlen)
struct decrypt_filter_parm_s *parm = arg;
int blklen = parm->blklen;
size_t orig_inlen = inlen;
/* fixme: Should we issue an error when we have not seen one full block? */
if (!inlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
if (maxoutlen < 2*parm->blklen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
/* Make some space because we will later need an extra block at the end. */
maxoutlen -= blklen;
if (parm->helpblocklen)
int i, j;
for (i=parm->helpblocklen,j=0; i < blklen && j < inlen; i++, j++)
parm->helpblock[i] = ((const char*)inbuf)[j];
inlen -= j;
if (blklen > maxoutlen)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
if (i < blklen)
parm->helpblocklen = i;
*outlen = 0;
parm->helpblocklen = 0;
if (parm->any_data)
memcpy (outbuf, parm->lastblock, blklen);
*outlen =blklen;
*outlen = 0;
gcry_cipher_decrypt (parm->hd, parm->lastblock, blklen,
parm->helpblock, blklen);
parm->any_data = 1;
*inused = orig_inlen - inlen;
return 0;
if (inlen > maxoutlen)
inlen = maxoutlen;
if (inlen % blklen)
{ /* store the remainder away */
parm->helpblocklen = inlen%blklen;
inlen = inlen/blklen*blklen;
memcpy (parm->helpblock, (const char*)inbuf+inlen, parm->helpblocklen);
*inused = inlen + parm->helpblocklen;
if (inlen)
assert (inlen >= blklen);
if (parm->any_data)
gcry_cipher_decrypt (parm->hd, (char*)outbuf+blklen, inlen,
inbuf, inlen);
memcpy (outbuf, parm->lastblock, blklen);
memcpy (parm->lastblock,(char*)outbuf+inlen, blklen);
*outlen = inlen;
gcry_cipher_decrypt (parm->hd, outbuf, inlen, inbuf, inlen);
memcpy (parm->lastblock, (char*)outbuf+inlen-blklen, blklen);
*outlen = inlen - blklen;
parm->any_data = 1;
*outlen = 0;
return 0;
/* Perform a decrypt operation. */
gpgsm_decrypt (ctrl_t ctrl, int in_fd, estream_t out_fp)
int rc;
Base64Context b64reader = NULL;
Base64Context b64writer = NULL;
ksba_reader_t reader;
ksba_writer_t writer;
ksba_cms_t cms = NULL;
ksba_stop_reason_t stopreason;
int recp;
estream_t in_fp = NULL;
struct decrypt_filter_parm_s dfparm;
memset (&dfparm, 0, sizeof dfparm);
audit_set_type (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_TYPE_DECRYPT);
kh = keydb_new (0);
if (!kh)
log_error (_("failed to allocate keyDB handle\n"));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
in_fp = es_fdopen_nc (in_fd, "rb");
if (!in_fp)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("fdopen() failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
goto leave;
rc = gpgsm_create_reader (&b64reader, ctrl, in_fp, 0, &reader);
if (rc)
log_error ("can't create reader: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
rc = gpgsm_create_writer (&b64writer, ctrl, out_fp, &writer);
if (rc)
log_error ("can't create writer: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
rc = ksba_cms_new (&cms);
if (rc)
goto leave;
rc = ksba_cms_set_reader_writer (cms, reader, writer);
if (rc)
log_debug ("ksba_cms_set_reader_writer failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
audit_log (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SETUP_READY);
/* Parser loop. */
rc = ksba_cms_parse (cms, &stopreason);
if (rc)
log_debug ("ksba_cms_parse failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if (stopreason == KSBA_SR_BEGIN_DATA
|| stopreason == KSBA_SR_DETACHED_DATA)
int algo, mode;
const char *algoid;
int any_key = 0;
audit_log (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_GOT_DATA);
algoid = ksba_cms_get_content_oid (cms, 2/* encryption algo*/);
algo = gcry_cipher_map_name (algoid);
mode = gcry_cipher_mode_from_oid (algoid);
if (!algo || !mode)
log_error ("unsupported algorithm '%s'\n", algoid? algoid:"?");
if (algoid && !strcmp (algoid, "1.2.840.113549.3.2"))
log_info (_("(this is the RC2 algorithm)\n"));
else if (!algoid)
log_info (_("(this does not seem to be an encrypted"
" message)\n"));
char numbuf[50];
sprintf (numbuf, "%d", rc);
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_ERROR, "decrypt.algorithm",
numbuf, algoid?algoid:"?", NULL);
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_BAD_DATA_CIPHER_ALGO, algoid);
/* If it seems that this is not an encrypted message we
return a more sensible error code. */
if (!algoid)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
goto leave;
audit_log_i (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_DATA_CIPHER_ALGO, algo);
dfparm.algo = algo;
dfparm.mode = mode;
dfparm.blklen = gcry_cipher_get_algo_blklen (algo);
if (dfparm.blklen > sizeof (dfparm.helpblock))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
rc = ksba_cms_get_content_enc_iv (cms,
sizeof (dfparm.iv),
if (rc)
log_error ("error getting IV: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
for (recp=0; !any_key; recp++)
char *issuer;
ksba_sexp_t serial;
ksba_sexp_t enc_val;
char *hexkeygrip = NULL;
char *desc = NULL;
char kidbuf[16+1];
*kidbuf = 0;
rc = ksba_cms_get_issuer_serial (cms, recp, &issuer, &serial);
if (rc == -1 && recp)
break; /* no more recipients */
audit_log_i (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_NEW_RECP, recp);
if (rc)
log_error ("recp %d - error getting info: %s\n",
recp, gpg_strerror (rc));
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
log_debug ("recp %d - issuer: '%s'\n",
recp, issuer? issuer:"[NONE]");
log_debug ("recp %d - serial: ", recp);
gpgsm_dump_serial (serial);
log_printf ("\n");
if (ctrl->audit)
char *tmpstr = gpgsm_format_sn_issuer (serial, issuer);
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_RECP_NAME, tmpstr);
xfree (tmpstr);
keydb_search_reset (kh);
rc = keydb_search_issuer_sn (kh, issuer, serial);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to find the certificate: %s\n",
goto oops;
rc = keydb_get_cert (kh, &cert);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to get cert: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto oops;
/* Print the ENC_TO status line. Note that we can
do so only if we have the certificate. This is
in contrast to gpg where the keyID is commonly
included in the encrypted messages. It is too
cumbersome to retrieve the used algorithm, thus
we don't print it for now. We also record the
keyid for later use. */
unsigned long kid[2];
kid[0] = gpgsm_get_short_fingerprint (cert, kid+1);
snprintf (kidbuf, sizeof kidbuf, "%08lX%08lX",
kid[1], kid[0]);
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_ENC_TO,
kidbuf, "0", "0", NULL);
/* Put the certificate into the audit log. */
audit_log_cert (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SAVE_CERT, cert, 0);
/* Just in case there is a problem with the own
certificate we print this message - should never
happen of course */
rc = gpgsm_cert_use_decrypt_p (cert);
if (rc)
char numbuf[50];
sprintf (numbuf, "%d", rc);
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_ERROR, "decrypt.keyusage",
numbuf, NULL);
rc = 0;
hexkeygrip = gpgsm_get_keygrip_hexstring (cert);
desc = gpgsm_format_keydesc (cert);
xfree (issuer);
xfree (serial);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
if (!hexkeygrip)
else if (!(enc_val = ksba_cms_get_enc_val (cms, recp)))
log_error ("recp %d - error getting encrypted session key\n",
rc = prepare_decryption (ctrl,
hexkeygrip, desc, enc_val, &dfparm);
xfree (enc_val);
if (rc)
log_info ("decrypting session key failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY && *kidbuf)
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_NO_SECKEY, kidbuf, NULL);
{ /* setup the bulk decrypter */
any_key = 1;
ksba_writer_set_filter (writer,
audit_log_ok (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_RECP_RESULT, rc);
xfree (hexkeygrip);
xfree (desc);
/* If we write an audit log add the unused recipients to the
log as well. */
if (ctrl->audit && any_key)
for (;; recp++)
char *issuer;
ksba_sexp_t serial;
int tmp_rc;
tmp_rc = ksba_cms_get_issuer_serial (cms, recp,
&issuer, &serial);
if (tmp_rc == -1)
break; /* no more recipients */
audit_log_i (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_NEW_RECP, recp);
if (tmp_rc)
log_error ("recp %d - error getting info: %s\n",
recp, gpg_strerror (rc));
char *tmpstr = gpgsm_format_sn_issuer (serial, issuer);
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_RECP_NAME, tmpstr);
xfree (tmpstr);
xfree (issuer);
xfree (serial);
if (!any_key)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
goto leave;
else if (stopreason == KSBA_SR_END_DATA)
ksba_writer_set_filter (writer, NULL, NULL);
if (dfparm.any_data)
{ /* write the last block with padding removed */
int i, npadding = dfparm.lastblock[dfparm.blklen-1];
if (!npadding || npadding > dfparm.blklen)
log_error ("invalid padding with value %d\n", npadding);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
goto leave;
rc = ksba_writer_write (writer,
dfparm.blklen - npadding);
if (rc)
goto leave;
for (i=dfparm.blklen - npadding; i < dfparm.blklen; i++)
if (dfparm.lastblock[i] != npadding)
log_error ("inconsistent padding\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
goto leave;
while (stopreason != KSBA_SR_READY);
rc = gpgsm_finish_writer (b64writer);
if (rc)
log_error ("write failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
gpgsm_status (ctrl, STATUS_DECRYPTION_OKAY, NULL);
audit_log_ok (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_DECRYPTION_RESULT, rc);
if (rc)
gpgsm_status (ctrl, STATUS_DECRYPTION_FAILED, NULL);
log_error ("message decryption failed: %s <%s>\n",
gpg_strerror (rc), gpg_strsource (rc));
ksba_cms_release (cms);
gpgsm_destroy_reader (b64reader);
gpgsm_destroy_writer (b64writer);
keydb_release (kh);
es_fclose (in_fp);
if (dfparm.hd)
gcry_cipher_close (dfparm.hd);
return rc;
diff --git a/sm/delete.c b/sm/delete.c
index bafe60122..e8638c34f 100644
--- a/sm/delete.c
+++ b/sm/delete.c
@@ -1,182 +1,182 @@
/* delete.c - Delete certificates from the keybox.
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <ksba.h>
#include "keydb.h"
#include "i18n.h"
/* Delete a certificate or an secret key from a key database. */
static int
delete_one (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *username)
int rc = 0;
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
int duplicates = 0;
int is_ephem = 0;
rc = classify_user_id (username, &desc, 0);
if (rc)
log_error (_("certificate '%s' not found: %s\n"),
username, gpg_strerror (rc));
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_DELETE_PROBLEM, "1", NULL);
goto leave;
kh = keydb_new (0);
if (!kh)
log_error ("keydb_new failed\n");
goto leave;
/* If the key is specified in a unique way, include ephemeral keys
in the search. */
if ( desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR
|| desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20
|| desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR16
is_ephem = 1;
keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, 1);
rc = keydb_search (kh, &desc, 1);
if (!rc)
rc = keydb_get_cert (kh, &cert);
if (!rc && !is_ephem)
unsigned char fpr[20];
gpgsm_get_fingerprint (cert, 0, fpr, NULL);
rc = keydb_search (kh, &desc, 1);
if (rc == -1)
rc = 0;
else if (!rc)
ksba_cert_t cert2 = NULL;
unsigned char fpr2[20];
/* We ignore all duplicated certificates which might have
been inserted due to program bugs. */
if (!keydb_get_cert (kh, &cert2))
gpgsm_get_fingerprint (cert2, 0, fpr2, NULL);
ksba_cert_release (cert2);
if (!memcmp (fpr, fpr2, 20))
goto next_ambigious;
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_AMBIGUOUS_NAME);
if (rc)
if (rc == -1)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY);
log_error (_("certificate '%s' not found: %s\n"),
username, gpg_strerror (rc));
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_DELETE_PROBLEM, "3", NULL);
goto leave;
/* We need to search again to get back to the right position. */
rc = keydb_lock (kh);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error locking keybox: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
keydb_search_reset (kh);
rc = keydb_search (kh, &desc, 1);
if (rc)
log_error ("problem re-searching certificate: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
rc = keydb_delete (kh, duplicates ? 0 : 1);
if (rc)
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose)
if (duplicates)
log_info (_("duplicated certificate '%s' deleted\n"), username);
log_info (_("certificate '%s' deleted\n"), username);
while (duplicates--);
keydb_release (kh);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
return rc;
/* Delete the certificates specified by NAMES. */
gpgsm_delete (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t names)
int rc;
if (!names)
log_error ("nothing to delete\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
for (; names; names=names->next )
rc = delete_one (ctrl, names->d);
if (rc)
log_error (_("deleting certificate \"%s\" failed: %s\n"),
names->d, gpg_strerror (rc) );
return rc;
return 0;
diff --git a/sm/encrypt.c b/sm/encrypt.c
index c677a429d..8555f4acd 100644
--- a/sm/encrypt.c
+++ b/sm/encrypt.c
@@ -1,520 +1,520 @@
/* encrypt.c - Encrypt a message
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008,
* 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <ksba.h>
#include "keydb.h"
#include "i18n.h"
struct dek_s {
const char *algoid;
int algo;
gcry_cipher_hd_t chd;
char key[32];
int keylen;
char iv[32];
int ivlen;
typedef struct dek_s *DEK;
/* Callback parameters for the encryption. */
struct encrypt_cb_parm_s
estream_t fp;
DEK dek;
int eof_seen;
int ready;
int readerror;
int bufsize;
unsigned char *buffer;
int buflen;
/* Initialize the data encryption key (session key). */
static int
init_dek (DEK dek)
int rc=0, mode, i;
dek->algo = gcry_cipher_map_name (dek->algoid);
mode = gcry_cipher_mode_from_oid (dek->algoid);
if (!dek->algo || !mode)
log_error ("unsupported algorithm '%s'\n", dek->algoid);
/* Extra check for algorithms we consider to be too weak for
encryption, although we support them for decryption. Note that
there is another check below discriminating on the key length. */
switch (dek->algo)
case GCRY_CIPHER_RFC2268_40:
log_error ("cipher algorithm '%s' not allowed: too weak\n",
gnupg_cipher_algo_name (dek->algo));
dek->keylen = gcry_cipher_get_algo_keylen (dek->algo);
if (!dek->keylen || dek->keylen > sizeof (dek->key))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
dek->ivlen = gcry_cipher_get_algo_blklen (dek->algo);
if (!dek->ivlen || dek->ivlen > sizeof (dek->iv))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
/* Make sure we don't use weak keys. */
if (dek->keylen < 100/8)
log_error ("key length of '%s' too small\n", dek->algoid);
rc = gcry_cipher_open (&dek->chd, dek->algo, mode, GCRY_CIPHER_SECURE);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to create cipher context: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
for (i=0; i < 8; i++)
gcry_randomize (dek->key, dek->keylen, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM );
rc = gcry_cipher_setkey (dek->chd, dek->key, dek->keylen);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_WEAK_KEY)
log_info(_("weak key created - retrying\n") );
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to set the key: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
gcry_cipher_close (dek->chd);
dek->chd = NULL;
return rc;
gcry_create_nonce (dek->iv, dek->ivlen);
rc = gcry_cipher_setiv (dek->chd, dek->iv, dek->ivlen);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to set the IV: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
gcry_cipher_close (dek->chd);
dek->chd = NULL;
return rc;
return 0;
static int
encode_session_key (DEK dek, gcry_sexp_t * r_data)
gcry_sexp_t data;
char *p;
int rc;
p = xtrymalloc (64 + 2 * dek->keylen);
if (!p)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
strcpy (p, "(data\n (flags pkcs1)\n (value #");
bin2hex (dek->key, dek->keylen, p + strlen (p));
strcat (p, "#))\n");
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan (&data, NULL, p, strlen (p));
xfree (p);
*r_data = data;
return rc;
/* Encrypt the DEK under the key contained in CERT and return it as a
canonical S-Exp in encval. */
static int
encrypt_dek (const DEK dek, ksba_cert_t cert, unsigned char **encval)
gcry_sexp_t s_ciph, s_data, s_pkey;
int rc;
ksba_sexp_t buf;
size_t len;
*encval = NULL;
/* get the key from the cert */
buf = ksba_cert_get_public_key (cert);
if (!buf)
log_error ("no public key for recipient\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY);
len = gcry_sexp_canon_len (buf, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!len)
log_error ("libksba did not return a proper S-Exp\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_pkey, NULL, (char*)buf, len);
xfree (buf); buf = NULL;
if (rc)
log_error ("gcry_sexp_scan failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
/* Put the encoded cleartext into a simple list. */
s_data = NULL; /* (avoid compiler warning) */
rc = encode_session_key (dek, &s_data);
if (rc)
log_error ("encode_session_key failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
/* pass it to libgcrypt */
rc = gcry_pk_encrypt (&s_ciph, s_data, s_pkey);
gcry_sexp_release (s_data);
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
/* Reformat it. */
if (!rc)
rc = make_canon_sexp (s_ciph, encval, NULL);
gcry_sexp_release (s_ciph);
return rc;
/* do the actual encryption */
static int
encrypt_cb (void *cb_value, char *buffer, size_t count, size_t *nread)
struct encrypt_cb_parm_s *parm = cb_value;
int blklen = parm->dek->ivlen;
unsigned char *p;
size_t n;
*nread = 0;
if (!buffer)
return -1; /* not supported */
if (parm->ready)
return -1;
if (count < blklen)
BUG ();
if (!parm->eof_seen)
{ /* fillup the buffer */
p = parm->buffer;
for (n=parm->buflen; n < parm->bufsize; n++)
int c = es_getc (parm->fp);
if (c == EOF)
if (es_ferror (parm->fp))
parm->readerror = errno;
return -1;
parm->eof_seen = 1;
p[n] = c;
parm->buflen = n;
n = parm->buflen < count? parm->buflen : count;
n = n/blklen * blklen;
if (n)
{ /* encrypt the stuff */
gcry_cipher_encrypt (parm->dek->chd, buffer, n, parm->buffer, n);
*nread = n;
/* Who cares about cycles, take the easy way and shift the buffer */
parm->buflen -= n;
memmove (parm->buffer, parm->buffer+n, parm->buflen);
else if (parm->eof_seen)
{ /* no complete block but eof: add padding */
/* fixme: we should try to do this also in the above code path */
int i, npad = blklen - (parm->buflen % blklen);
p = parm->buffer;
for (n=parm->buflen, i=0; n < parm->bufsize && i < npad; n++, i++)
p[n] = npad;
gcry_cipher_encrypt (parm->dek->chd, buffer, n, parm->buffer, n);
*nread = n;
parm->ready = 1;
return 0;
/* Perform an encrypt operation.
Encrypt the data received on DATA-FD and write it to OUT_FP. The
recipients are take from the certificate given in recplist; if this
is NULL it will be encrypted for a default recipient */
gpgsm_encrypt (ctrl_t ctrl, certlist_t recplist, int data_fd, estream_t out_fp)
int rc = 0;
Base64Context b64writer = NULL;
gpg_error_t err;
ksba_writer_t writer;
ksba_reader_t reader = NULL;
ksba_cms_t cms = NULL;
ksba_stop_reason_t stopreason;
struct encrypt_cb_parm_s encparm;
DEK dek = NULL;
int recpno;
estream_t data_fp = NULL;
certlist_t cl;
int count;
memset (&encparm, 0, sizeof encparm);
audit_set_type (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_TYPE_ENCRYPT);
/* Check that the certificate list is not empty and that at least
one certificate is not flagged as encrypt_to; i.e. is a real
recipient. */
for (cl = recplist; cl; cl = cl->next)
if (!cl->is_encrypt_to)
if (!cl)
log_error(_("no valid recipients given\n"));
gpgsm_status (ctrl, STATUS_NO_RECP, "0");
audit_log_i (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_GOT_RECIPIENTS, 0);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY);
goto leave;
for (count = 0, cl = recplist; cl; cl = cl->next)
audit_log_i (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_GOT_RECIPIENTS, count);
kh = keydb_new (0);
if (!kh)
log_error (_("failed to allocate keyDB handle\n"));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
/* Fixme: We should use the unlocked version of the es functions. */
data_fp = es_fdopen_nc (data_fd, "rb");
if (!data_fp)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("fdopen() failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
goto leave;
err = ksba_reader_new (&reader);
if (err)
rc = err;
if (!rc)
rc = ksba_reader_set_cb (reader, encrypt_cb, &encparm);
if (rc)
goto leave;
encparm.fp = data_fp;
ctrl->pem_name = "ENCRYPTED MESSAGE";
rc = gpgsm_create_writer (&b64writer, ctrl, out_fp, &writer);
if (rc)
log_error ("can't create writer: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
err = ksba_cms_new (&cms);
if (err)
rc = err;
goto leave;
err = ksba_cms_set_reader_writer (cms, reader, writer);
if (err)
log_debug ("ksba_cms_set_reader_writer failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
audit_log (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_GOT_DATA);
/* We are going to create enveloped data with uninterpreted data as
inner content */
err = ksba_cms_set_content_type (cms, 0, KSBA_CT_ENVELOPED_DATA);
if (!err)
err = ksba_cms_set_content_type (cms, 1, KSBA_CT_DATA);
if (err)
log_debug ("ksba_cms_set_content_type failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
/* Create a session key */
dek = xtrycalloc_secure (1, sizeof *dek);
if (!dek)
rc = out_of_core ();
dek->algoid = opt.def_cipher_algoid;
rc = init_dek (dek);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to create the session key: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
err = ksba_cms_set_content_enc_algo (cms, dek->algoid, dek->iv, dek->ivlen);
if (err)
log_error ("ksba_cms_set_content_enc_algo failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
encparm.dek = dek;
/* Use a ~8k (AES) or ~4k (3DES) buffer */
encparm.bufsize = 500 * dek->ivlen;
encparm.buffer = xtrymalloc (encparm.bufsize);
if (!encparm.buffer)
rc = out_of_core ();
goto leave;
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SESSION_KEY, dek->algoid);
/* Gather certificates of recipients, encrypt the session key for
each and store them in the CMS object */
for (recpno = 0, cl = recplist; cl; recpno++, cl = cl->next)
unsigned char *encval;
rc = encrypt_dek (dek, cl->cert, &encval);
if (rc)
audit_log_cert (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_ENCRYPTED_TO, cl->cert, rc);
log_error ("encryption failed for recipient no. %d: %s\n",
recpno, gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
err = ksba_cms_add_recipient (cms, cl->cert);
if (err)
audit_log_cert (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_ENCRYPTED_TO, cl->cert, err);
log_error ("ksba_cms_add_recipient failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
xfree (encval);
goto leave;
err = ksba_cms_set_enc_val (cms, recpno, encval);
xfree (encval);
audit_log_cert (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_ENCRYPTED_TO, cl->cert, err);
if (err)
log_error ("ksba_cms_set_enc_val failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
/* Main control loop for encryption. */
recpno = 0;
err = ksba_cms_build (cms, &stopreason);
if (err)
log_debug ("ksba_cms_build failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
while (stopreason != KSBA_SR_READY);
if (encparm.readerror)
log_error ("error reading input: %s\n", strerror (encparm.readerror));
rc = gpg_error (gpg_err_code_from_errno (encparm.readerror));
goto leave;
rc = gpgsm_finish_writer (b64writer);
if (rc)
log_error ("write failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
audit_log (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_ENCRYPTION_DONE);
log_info ("encrypted data created\n");
ksba_cms_release (cms);
gpgsm_destroy_writer (b64writer);
ksba_reader_release (reader);
keydb_release (kh);
xfree (dek);
es_fclose (data_fp);
xfree (encparm.buffer);
return rc;
diff --git a/sm/export.c b/sm/export.c
index d3dc9b98a..131794599 100644
--- a/sm/export.c
+++ b/sm/export.c
@@ -1,750 +1,750 @@
/* export.c - Export certificates and private keys.
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2009,
* 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <ksba.h>
#include "keydb.h"
#include "exechelp.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "minip12.h"
/* A table to store a fingerprint as used in a duplicates table. We
don't need to hash here because a fingerprint is already a perfect
hash value. This we use the most significant bits to index the
table and then use a linked list for the overflow. Possible
enhancement for very large number of certificates: Add a second
level table and then resort to a linked list. */
struct duptable_s
struct duptable_s *next;
/* Note that we only need to store 19 bytes because the first byte
is implictly given by the table index (we require at least 8
bits). */
unsigned char fpr[19];
typedef struct duptable_s *duptable_t;
#define DUPTABLE_BITS 12
static void print_short_info (ksba_cert_t cert, estream_t stream);
static gpg_error_t export_p12 (ctrl_t ctrl,
const unsigned char *certimg, size_t certimglen,
const char *prompt, const char *keygrip,
int rawmode,
void **r_result, size_t *r_resultlen);
/* Create a table used to indetify duplicated certificates. */
static duptable_t *
create_duptable (void)
return xtrycalloc (DUPTABLE_SIZE, sizeof (duptable_t));
static void
destroy_duptable (duptable_t *table)
int idx;
duptable_t t, t2;
if (table)
for (idx=0; idx < DUPTABLE_SIZE; idx++)
for (t = table[idx]; t; t = t2)
t2 = t->next;
xfree (t);
xfree (table);
/* Insert the 20 byte fingerprint FPR into TABLE. Sets EXITS to true
if the fingerprint already exists in the table. */
static gpg_error_t
insert_duptable (duptable_t *table, unsigned char *fpr, int *exists)
size_t idx;
duptable_t t;
*exists = 0;
idx = fpr[0];
#error cannot handle a table larger than 16 bits or smaller than 8 bits
idx <<= (DUPTABLE_BITS - 8);
idx |= (fpr[1] & ~(~0U << 4));
for (t = table[idx]; t; t = t->next)
if (!memcmp (t->fpr, fpr+1, 19))
if (t)
*exists = 1;
return 0;
/* Insert that fingerprint. */
t = xtrymalloc (sizeof *t);
if (!t)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
memcpy (t->fpr, fpr+1, 19);
t->next = table[idx];
table[idx] = t;
return 0;
/* Export all certificates or just those given in NAMES. The output
is written to STREAM. */
gpgsm_export (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t names, estream_t stream)
int ndesc;
Base64Context b64writer = NULL;
ksba_writer_t writer;
strlist_t sl;
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
int rc=0;
int count = 0;
int i;
duptable_t *dtable;
dtable = create_duptable ();
if (!dtable)
log_error ("creating duplicates table failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
goto leave;
hd = keydb_new (0);
if (!hd)
log_error ("keydb_new failed\n");
goto leave;
if (!names)
ndesc = 1;
for (sl=names, ndesc=0; sl; sl = sl->next, ndesc++)
desc = xtrycalloc (ndesc, sizeof *desc);
if (!ndesc)
log_error ("allocating memory for export failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (out_of_core ()));
goto leave;
if (!names)
for (ndesc=0, sl=names; sl; sl = sl->next)
rc = classify_user_id (sl->d, desc+ndesc, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("key '%s' not found: %s\n",
sl->d, gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = 0;
/* If all specifications are done by fingerprint or keygrip, we
switch to ephemeral mode so that _all_ currently available and
matching certificates are exported. */
if (names && ndesc)
for (i=0; (i < ndesc
&& (desc[i].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR
|| desc[i].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20
|| desc[i].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR16
|| desc[i].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_KEYGRIP)); i++)
if (i == ndesc)
keydb_set_ephemeral (hd, 1);
while (!(rc = keydb_search (hd, desc, ndesc)))
unsigned char fpr[20];
int exists;
if (!names)
desc[0].mode = KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NEXT;
rc = keydb_get_cert (hd, &cert);
if (rc)
log_error ("keydb_get_cert failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
gpgsm_get_fingerprint (cert, 0, fpr, NULL);
rc = insert_duptable (dtable, fpr, &exists);
if (rc)
log_error ("inserting into duplicates table failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if (!exists && count && !ctrl->create_pem)
log_info ("exporting more than one certificate "
"is not possible in binary mode\n");
log_info ("ignoring other certificates\n");
if (!exists)
const unsigned char *image;
size_t imagelen;
image = ksba_cert_get_image (cert, &imagelen);
if (!image)
log_error ("ksba_cert_get_image failed\n");
goto leave;
if (ctrl->create_pem)
if (count)
es_putc ('\n', stream);
print_short_info (cert, stream);
es_putc ('\n', stream);
if (!b64writer)
ctrl->pem_name = "CERTIFICATE";
rc = gpgsm_create_writer (&b64writer, ctrl, stream, &writer);
if (rc)
log_error ("can't create writer: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
rc = ksba_writer_write (writer, image, imagelen);
if (rc)
log_error ("write error: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if (ctrl->create_pem)
/* We want one certificate per PEM block */
rc = gpgsm_finish_writer (b64writer);
if (rc)
log_error ("write failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
gpgsm_destroy_writer (b64writer);
b64writer = NULL;
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
if (rc && rc != -1)
log_error ("keydb_search failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
else if (b64writer)
rc = gpgsm_finish_writer (b64writer);
if (rc)
log_error ("write failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
gpgsm_destroy_writer (b64writer);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
xfree (desc);
keydb_release (hd);
destroy_duptable (dtable);
/* Export a certificate and its private key. RAWMODE controls the
actual output:
0 - Private key and certifciate in PKCS#12 format
1 - Only unencrypted private key in PKCS#8 format
2 - Only unencrypted private key in PKCS#1 format
gpgsm_p12_export (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, estream_t stream, int rawmode)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
Base64Context b64writer = NULL;
ksba_writer_t writer;
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
const unsigned char *image;
size_t imagelen;
char *keygrip = NULL;
char *prompt;
void *data;
size_t datalen;
hd = keydb_new (0);
if (!hd)
log_error ("keydb_new failed\n");
goto leave;
desc = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *desc);
if (!desc)
log_error ("allocating memory for export failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (out_of_core ()));
goto leave;
err = classify_user_id (name, desc, 0);
if (err)
log_error ("key '%s' not found: %s\n",
name, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Lookup the certificate and make sure that it is unique. */
err = keydb_search (hd, desc, 1);
if (!err)
err = keydb_get_cert (hd, &cert);
if (err)
log_error ("keydb_get_cert failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = keydb_search (hd, desc, 1);
if (!err)
ksba_cert_t cert2 = NULL;
if (!keydb_get_cert (hd, &cert2))
if (gpgsm_certs_identical_p (cert, cert2))
ksba_cert_release (cert2);
goto next_ambiguous;
ksba_cert_release (cert2);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_AMBIGUOUS_NAME);
else if (err == -1 || gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
err = 0;
if (err)
log_error ("key '%s' not found: %s\n",
name, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
keygrip = gpgsm_get_keygrip_hexstring (cert);
if (!keygrip || gpgsm_agent_havekey (ctrl, keygrip))
/* Note, that the !keygrip case indicates a bad certificate. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY);
log_error ("can't export key '%s': %s\n", name, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
image = ksba_cert_get_image (cert, &imagelen);
if (!image)
log_error ("ksba_cert_get_image failed\n");
goto leave;
if (ctrl->create_pem)
print_short_info (cert, stream);
es_putc ('\n', stream);
if (opt.p12_charset && ctrl->create_pem && !rawmode)
es_fprintf (stream, "The passphrase is %s encoded.\n\n",
if (rawmode == 0)
ctrl->pem_name = "PKCS12";
else if (rawmode == 1)
ctrl->pem_name = "PRIVATE KEY";
ctrl->pem_name = "RSA PRIVATE KEY";
err = gpgsm_create_writer (&b64writer, ctrl, stream, &writer);
if (err)
log_error ("can't create writer: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
prompt = gpgsm_format_keydesc (cert);
err = export_p12 (ctrl, image, imagelen, prompt, keygrip, rawmode,
&data, &datalen);
xfree (prompt);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = ksba_writer_write (writer, data, datalen);
xfree (data);
if (err)
log_error ("write failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (ctrl->create_pem)
/* We want one certificate per PEM block */
err = gpgsm_finish_writer (b64writer);
if (err)
log_error ("write failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
gpgsm_destroy_writer (b64writer);
b64writer = NULL;
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
gpgsm_destroy_writer (b64writer);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
xfree (desc);
keydb_release (hd);
/* Print some info about the certifciate CERT to FP or STREAM */
static void
print_short_info (ksba_cert_t cert, estream_t stream)
char *p;
ksba_sexp_t sexp;
int idx;
for (idx=0; (p = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, idx)); idx++)
es_fputs ((!idx
? "Issuer ...: "
: "\n aka ...: "), stream);
gpgsm_es_print_name (stream, p);
xfree (p);
es_putc ('\n', stream);
es_fputs ("Serial ...: ", stream);
sexp = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert);
if (sexp)
int len;
const unsigned char *s = sexp;
if (*s == '(')
for (len=0; *s && *s != ':' && digitp (s); s++)
len = len*10 + atoi_1 (s);
if (*s == ':')
es_write_hexstring (stream, s+1, len, 0, NULL);
xfree (sexp);
es_putc ('\n', stream);
for (idx=0; (p = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, idx)); idx++)
es_fputs ((!idx
? "Subject ..: "
: "\n aka ..: "), stream);
gpgsm_es_print_name (stream, p);
xfree (p);
es_putc ('\n', stream);
p = gpgsm_get_keygrip_hexstring (cert);
if (p)
es_fprintf (stream, "Keygrip ..: %s\n", p);
xfree (p);
/* Parse a private key S-expression and return a malloced array with
the RSA parameters in pkcs#12 order. The caller needs to
deep-release this array. */
static gcry_mpi_t *
sexp_to_kparms (gcry_sexp_t sexp)
gcry_sexp_t list, l2;
const char *name;
const char *s;
size_t n;
int idx;
const char *elems;
gcry_mpi_t *array;
list = gcry_sexp_find_token (sexp, "private-key", 0 );
return NULL;
l2 = gcry_sexp_cadr (list);
gcry_sexp_release (list);
list = l2;
name = gcry_sexp_nth_data (list, 0, &n);
if(!name || n != 3 || memcmp (name, "rsa", 3))
gcry_sexp_release (list);
return NULL;
/* Parameter names used with RSA in the pkcs#12 order. */
elems = "nedqp--u";
array = xtrycalloc (strlen(elems) + 1, sizeof *array);
if (!array)
gcry_sexp_release (list);
return NULL;
for (idx=0, s=elems; *s; s++, idx++ )
if (*s == '-')
continue; /* Computed below */
l2 = gcry_sexp_find_token (list, s, 1);
if (l2)
array[idx] = gcry_sexp_nth_mpi (l2, 1, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG);
gcry_sexp_release (l2);
if (!array[idx]) /* Required parameter not found or invalid. */
for (idx=0; array[idx]; idx++)
gcry_mpi_release (array[idx]);
xfree (array);
gcry_sexp_release (list);
return NULL;
gcry_sexp_release (list);
array[5] = gcry_mpi_snew (0); /* compute d mod (q-1) */
gcry_mpi_sub_ui (array[5], array[3], 1);
gcry_mpi_mod (array[5], array[2], array[5]);
array[6] = gcry_mpi_snew (0); /* compute d mod (p-1) */
gcry_mpi_sub_ui (array[6], array[4], 1);
gcry_mpi_mod (array[6], array[3], array[6]);
return array;
static gpg_error_t
export_p12 (ctrl_t ctrl, const unsigned char *certimg, size_t certimglen,
const char *prompt, const char *keygrip, int rawmode,
void **r_result, size_t *r_resultlen)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
void *kek = NULL;
size_t keklen;
unsigned char *wrappedkey = NULL;
size_t wrappedkeylen;
gcry_cipher_hd_t cipherhd = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t s_skey = NULL;
gcry_mpi_t *kparms = NULL;
unsigned char *key = NULL;
size_t keylen;
char *passphrase = NULL;
unsigned char *result = NULL;
size_t resultlen;
int i;
*r_result = NULL;
/* Get the current KEK. */
err = gpgsm_agent_keywrap_key (ctrl, 1, &kek, &keklen);
if (err)
log_error ("error getting the KEK: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Receive the wrapped key from the agent. */
err = gpgsm_agent_export_key (ctrl, keygrip, prompt,
&wrappedkey, &wrappedkeylen);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Unwrap the key. */
err = gcry_cipher_open (&cipherhd, GCRY_CIPHER_AES128,
if (err)
goto leave;
err = gcry_cipher_setkey (cipherhd, kek, keklen);
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (kek);
kek = NULL;
if (wrappedkeylen < 24)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_LENGTH);
goto leave;
keylen = wrappedkeylen - 8;
key = xtrymalloc_secure (keylen);
if (!key)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = gcry_cipher_decrypt (cipherhd, key, keylen, wrappedkey, wrappedkeylen);
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (wrappedkey);
wrappedkey = NULL;
gcry_cipher_close (cipherhd);
cipherhd = NULL;
/* Convert to a gcrypt S-expression. */
err = gcry_sexp_create (&s_skey, key, keylen, 0, xfree_fnc);
if (err)
goto leave;
key = NULL; /* Key is now owned by S_KEY. */
/* Get the parameters from the S-expression. */
kparms = sexp_to_kparms (s_skey);
gcry_sexp_release (s_skey);
s_skey = NULL;
if (!kparms)
log_error ("error converting key parameters\n");
goto leave;
if (rawmode)
/* Export in raw mode, that is only the pkcs#1/#8 private key. */
result = p12_raw_build (kparms, rawmode, &resultlen);
if (!result)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
err = gpgsm_agent_ask_passphrase
i18n_utf8 ("Please enter the passphrase to protect the "
"new PKCS#12 object."),
1, &passphrase);
if (err)
goto leave;
result = p12_build (kparms, certimg, certimglen, passphrase,
opt.p12_charset, &resultlen);
xfree (passphrase);
passphrase = NULL;
if (!result)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
xfree (key);
gcry_sexp_release (s_skey);
if (kparms)
for (i=0; kparms[i]; i++)
gcry_mpi_release (kparms[i]);
xfree (kparms);
gcry_cipher_close (cipherhd);
xfree (wrappedkey);
xfree (kek);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE)
/* During export this is the passphrase used to unprotect the
key and not the pkcs#12 thing as in export. Therefore we can
issue the regular passphrase status. FIXME: replace the all
zero keyid by a regular one. */
gpgsm_status (ctrl, STATUS_BAD_PASSPHRASE, "0000000000000000");
if (err)
xfree (result);
*r_result = result;
*r_resultlen = resultlen;
return err;
diff --git a/sm/fingerprint.c b/sm/fingerprint.c
index 8d2b800ae..d8e840592 100644
--- a/sm/fingerprint.c
+++ b/sm/fingerprint.c
@@ -1,345 +1,345 @@
/* fingerprint.c - Get the fingerprint
* Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <ksba.h>
#include "host2net.h"
/* Return the fingerprint of the certificate (we can't put this into
libksba because we need libgcrypt support). The caller must
provide an array of sufficient length or NULL so that the function
allocates the array. If r_len is not NULL, the length of the
digest is returned; well, this can also be done by using
gcry_md_get_algo_dlen(). If algo is 0, a SHA-1 will be used.
If there is a problem , the function does never return NULL but a
digest of all 0xff.
unsigned char *
gpgsm_get_fingerprint (ksba_cert_t cert, int algo,
unsigned char *array, int *r_len)
gcry_md_hd_t md;
int rc, len;
if (!algo)
algo = GCRY_MD_SHA1;
len = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (algo);
assert (len);
if (!array)
array = xmalloc (len);
if (r_len)
*r_len = len;
/* Fist check whether we have cached the fingerprint. */
if (algo == GCRY_MD_SHA1)
size_t buflen;
assert (len >= 20);
if (!ksba_cert_get_user_data (cert, "sha1-fingerprint",
array, len, &buflen)
&& buflen == 20)
return array;
/* No, need to compute it. */
rc = gcry_md_open (&md, algo, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("md_open failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
memset (array, 0xff, len); /* better return an invalid fpr than NULL */
return array;
rc = ksba_cert_hash (cert, 0, HASH_FNC, md);
if (rc)
log_error ("ksba_cert_hash failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
gcry_md_close (md);
memset (array, 0xff, len); /* better return an invalid fpr than NULL */
return array;
gcry_md_final (md);
memcpy (array, gcry_md_read(md, algo), len );
gcry_md_close (md);
/* Cache an SHA-1 fingerprint. */
if ( algo == GCRY_MD_SHA1 )
ksba_cert_set_user_data (cert, "sha1-fingerprint", array, 20);
return array;
/* Return an allocated buffer with the formatted fingerprint */
char *
gpgsm_get_fingerprint_string (ksba_cert_t cert, int algo)
unsigned char digest[MAX_DIGEST_LEN];
char *buf;
int len;
if (!algo)
algo = GCRY_MD_SHA1;
len = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (algo);
assert (len <= MAX_DIGEST_LEN );
gpgsm_get_fingerprint (cert, algo, digest, NULL);
buf = xmalloc (len*3+1);
bin2hexcolon (digest, len, buf);
return buf;
/* Return an allocated buffer with the formatted fingerprint as one
large hexnumber */
char *
gpgsm_get_fingerprint_hexstring (ksba_cert_t cert, int algo)
unsigned char digest[MAX_DIGEST_LEN];
char *buf;
int len;
if (!algo)
algo = GCRY_MD_SHA1;
len = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (algo);
assert (len <= MAX_DIGEST_LEN );
gpgsm_get_fingerprint (cert, algo, digest, NULL);
buf = xmalloc (len*2+1);
bin2hex (digest, len, buf);
return buf;
/* Return a certificate ID. These are the last 4 bytes of the SHA-1
fingerprint. If R_HIGH is not NULL the next 4 bytes are stored
there. */
unsigned long
gpgsm_get_short_fingerprint (ksba_cert_t cert, unsigned long *r_high)
unsigned char digest[20];
gpgsm_get_fingerprint (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1, digest, NULL);
if (r_high)
*r_high = buf32_to_ulong (digest+12);
return buf32_to_ulong (digest + 16);
/* Return the so called KEYGRIP which is the SHA-1 hash of the public
key parameters expressed as an canoncial encoded S-Exp. ARRAY must
be 20 bytes long. Returns ARRAY or a newly allocated buffer if ARRAY was
given as NULL. May return NULL on error. */
unsigned char *
gpgsm_get_keygrip (ksba_cert_t cert, unsigned char *array)
gcry_sexp_t s_pkey;
int rc;
ksba_sexp_t p;
size_t n;
p = ksba_cert_get_public_key (cert);
if (!p)
return NULL; /* oops */
if (DBG_X509)
log_debug ("get_keygrip for public key\n");
n = gcry_sexp_canon_len (p, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!n)
log_error ("libksba did not return a proper S-Exp\n");
return NULL;
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan ( &s_pkey, NULL, (char*)p, n);
xfree (p);
if (rc)
log_error ("gcry_sexp_scan failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return NULL;
array = gcry_pk_get_keygrip (s_pkey, array);
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
if (!array)
log_error ("can't calculate keygrip\n");
return NULL;
if (DBG_X509)
log_printhex ("keygrip=", array, 20);
return array;
/* Return an allocated buffer with the keygrip of CERT encoded as a
hexstring. NULL is returned in case of error. */
char *
gpgsm_get_keygrip_hexstring (ksba_cert_t cert)
unsigned char grip[20];
char *buf;
if (!gpgsm_get_keygrip (cert, grip))
return NULL;
buf = xtrymalloc (20*2+1);
if (buf)
bin2hex (grip, 20, buf);
return buf;
/* Return the PK algorithm used by CERT as well as the length in bits
of the public key at NBITS. */
gpgsm_get_key_algo_info (ksba_cert_t cert, unsigned int *nbits)
gcry_sexp_t s_pkey;
int rc;
ksba_sexp_t p;
size_t n;
gcry_sexp_t l1, l2;
const char *name;
char namebuf[128];
if (nbits)
*nbits = 0;
p = ksba_cert_get_public_key (cert);
if (!p)
return 0;
n = gcry_sexp_canon_len (p, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!n)
xfree (p);
return 0;
rc = gcry_sexp_sscan (&s_pkey, NULL, (char *)p, n);
xfree (p);
if (rc)
return 0;
if (nbits)
*nbits = gcry_pk_get_nbits (s_pkey);
/* Breaking the algorithm out of the S-exp is a bit of a challenge ... */
l1 = gcry_sexp_find_token (s_pkey, "public-key", 0);
if (!l1)
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
return 0;
l2 = gcry_sexp_cadr (l1);
gcry_sexp_release (l1);
l1 = l2;
name = gcry_sexp_nth_data (l1, 0, &n);
if (name)
if (n > sizeof namebuf -1)
n = sizeof namebuf -1;
memcpy (namebuf, name, n);
namebuf[n] = 0;
*namebuf = 0;
gcry_sexp_release (l1);
gcry_sexp_release (s_pkey);
return gcry_pk_map_name (namebuf);
/* For certain purposes we need a certificate id which has an upper
limit of the size. We use the hash of the issuer name and the
serial number for this. In most cases the serial number is not
that large and the resulting string can be passed on an assuan
command line. Everything is hexencoded with the serialnumber
delimited from the hash by a dot.
The caller must free the string.
char *
gpgsm_get_certid (ksba_cert_t cert)
ksba_sexp_t serial;
char *p;
char *endp;
unsigned char hash[20];
unsigned long n;
char *certid;
int i;
p = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0);
if (!p)
return NULL; /* Ooops: No issuer */
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, hash, p, strlen (p));
xfree (p);
serial = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert);
if (!serial)
return NULL; /* oops: no serial number */
p = (char *)serial;
if (*p != '(')
log_error ("Ooops: invalid serial number\n");
xfree (serial);
return NULL;
n = strtoul (p, &endp, 10);
p = endp;
if (*p != ':')
log_error ("Ooops: invalid serial number (no colon)\n");
xfree (serial);
return NULL;
certid = xtrymalloc ( 40 + 1 + n*2 + 1);
if (!certid)
xfree (serial);
return NULL; /* out of core */
for (i=0, endp = certid; i < 20; i++, endp += 2 )
sprintf (endp, "%02X", hash[i]);
*endp++ = '.';
for (i=0; i < n; i++, endp += 2)
sprintf (endp, "%02X", ((unsigned char*)p)[i]);
*endp = 0;
xfree (serial);
return certid;
diff --git a/sm/gpgsm.c b/sm/gpgsm.c
index 6e12b7da9..6c9d85c44 100644
--- a/sm/gpgsm.c
+++ b/sm/gpgsm.c
@@ -1,2244 +1,2244 @@
/* gpgsm.c - GnuPG for S/MIME
* Copyright (C) 2001-2008, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2001-2008, 2010 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
/*#include <mcheck.h>*/
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <assuan.h> /* malloc hooks */
#include "passphrase.h"
#include "../common/shareddefs.h"
#include "../kbx/keybox.h" /* malloc hooks */
#include "i18n.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "gc-opt-flags.h"
#include "asshelp.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
#ifndef O_BINARY
#define O_BINARY 0
enum cmd_and_opt_values {
aNull = 0,
oArmor = 'a',
aDetachedSign = 'b',
aSym = 'c',
aDecrypt = 'd',
aEncr = 'e',
aListKeys = 'k',
aListSecretKeys = 'K',
oDryRun = 'n',
oOutput = 'o',
oQuiet = 'q',
oRecipient = 'r',
aSign = 's',
oUser = 'u',
oVerbose = 'v',
oBatch = 500,
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
ARGPARSE_group (300, N_("@Commands:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_c (aSign, "sign", N_("make a signature")),
/*ARGPARSE_c (aClearsign, "clearsign", N_("make a clear text signature") ),*/
ARGPARSE_c (aDetachedSign, "detach-sign", N_("make a detached signature")),
ARGPARSE_c (aEncr, "encrypt", N_("encrypt data")),
/*ARGPARSE_c (aSym, "symmetric", N_("encryption only with symmetric cipher")),*/
ARGPARSE_c (aDecrypt, "decrypt", N_("decrypt data (default)")),
ARGPARSE_c (aVerify, "verify", N_("verify a signature")),
ARGPARSE_c (aListKeys, "list-keys", N_("list keys")),
ARGPARSE_c (aListExternalKeys, "list-external-keys",
N_("list external keys")),
ARGPARSE_c (aListSecretKeys, "list-secret-keys", N_("list secret keys")),
ARGPARSE_c (aListChain, "list-chain", N_("list certificate chain")),
ARGPARSE_c (aFingerprint, "fingerprint", N_("list keys and fingerprints")),
ARGPARSE_c (aKeygen, "gen-key", N_("generate a new key pair")),
ARGPARSE_c (aDeleteKey, "delete-keys",
N_("remove keys from the public keyring")),
/*ARGPARSE_c (aSendKeys, "send-keys", N_("export keys to a keyserver")),*/
/*ARGPARSE_c (aRecvKeys, "recv-keys", N_("import keys from a keyserver")),*/
ARGPARSE_c (aImport, "import", N_("import certificates")),
ARGPARSE_c (aExport, "export", N_("export certificates")),
/* We use -raw and not -p1 for pkcs#1 secret key export so that it
won't accidentally be used in case -p12 was intended. */
ARGPARSE_c (aExportSecretKeyP12, "export-secret-key-p12", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aExportSecretKeyP8, "export-secret-key-p8", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aExportSecretKeyRaw, "export-secret-key-raw", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aLearnCard, "learn-card", N_("register a smartcard")),
ARGPARSE_c (aServer, "server", N_("run in server mode")),
ARGPARSE_c (aCallDirmngr, "call-dirmngr",
N_("pass a command to the dirmngr")),
ARGPARSE_c (aCallProtectTool, "call-protect-tool",
N_("invoke gpg-protect-tool")),
ARGPARSE_c (aPasswd, "passwd", N_("change a passphrase")),
ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfList, "gpgconf-list", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfTest, "gpgconf-test", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aDumpKeys, "dump-cert", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aDumpKeys, "dump-keys", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aDumpChain, "dump-chain", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aDumpExternalKeys, "dump-external-keys", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aDumpSecretKeys, "dump-secret-keys", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aKeydbClearSomeCertFlags, "keydb-clear-some-cert-flags", "@"),
ARGPARSE_group (301, N_("@\nOptions:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oArmor, "armor", N_("create ascii armored output")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oArmor, "armour", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oBase64, "base64", N_("create base-64 encoded output")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oP12Charset, "p12-charset", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oPassphraseFD, "passphrase-fd", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oPinentryMode, "pinentry-mode", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAssumeArmor, "assume-armor",
N_("assume input is in PEM format")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAssumeBase64, "assume-base64",
N_("assume input is in base-64 format")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAssumeBinary, "assume-binary",
N_("assume input is in binary format")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oRecipient, "recipient", N_("|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oPreferSystemDirmngr,"prefer-system-dirmngr", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableCRLChecks, "disable-crl-checks",
N_("never consult a CRL")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableCRLChecks, "enable-crl-checks", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableTrustedCertCRLCheck,
"disable-trusted-cert-crl-check", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableTrustedCertCRLCheck,
"enable-trusted-cert-crl-check", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oForceCRLRefresh, "force-crl-refresh", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableOCSP, "disable-ocsp", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableOCSP, "enable-ocsp", N_("check validity using OCSP")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oValidationModel, "validation-model", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oIncludeCerts, "include-certs",
N_("|N|number of certificates to include") ),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oPolicyFile, "policy-file",
N_("|FILE|take policy information from FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisablePolicyChecks, "disable-policy-checks",
N_("do not check certificate policies")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnablePolicyChecks, "enable-policy-checks", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAutoIssuerKeyRetrieve, "auto-issuer-key-retrieve",
N_("fetch missing issuer certificates")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oEncryptTo, "encrypt-to", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoEncryptTo, "no-encrypt-to", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oUser, "local-user",
N_("|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oOutput, "output", N_("|FILE|write output to FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oVerbose, "verbose", N_("verbose")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oQuiet, "quiet", N_("be somewhat more quiet")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoTTY, "no-tty", N_("don't use the terminal at all")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLogFile, "log-file",
N_("|FILE|write a server mode log to FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoLogFile, "no-log-file", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oLoggerFD, "logger-fd", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oAuditLog, "audit-log",
N_("|FILE|write an audit log to FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oHtmlAuditLog, "html-audit-log", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDryRun, "dry-run", N_("do not make any changes")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oBatch, "batch", N_("batch mode: never ask")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAnswerYes, "yes", N_("assume yes on most questions")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oAnswerNo, "no", N_("assume no on most questions")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyring, "keyring",
N_("|FILE|add keyring to the list of keyrings")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDefaultKey, "default-key",
N_("|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key")),
/* Not yet used: */
/* ARGPARSE_s_s (oDefRecipient, "default-recipient", */
/* N_("|NAME|use NAME as default recipient")), */
/* ARGPARSE_s_n (oDefRecipientSelf, "default-recipient-self", */
/* N_("use the default key as default recipient")), */
/* ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoDefRecipient, "no-default-recipient", "@"), */
ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyServer, "keyserver",
N_("|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oOptions, "options", N_("|FILE|read options from FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebug, "debug", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebugLevel, "debug-level",
N_("|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugAll, "debug-all", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugNone, "debug-none", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oDebugWait, "debug-wait", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugAllowCoreDump, "debug-allow-core-dump", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugNoChainValidation, "debug-no-chain-validation", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugIgnoreExpiration, "debug-ignore-expiration", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_i (oStatusFD, "status-fd",
N_("|FD|write status info to this FD")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oCipherAlgo, "cipher-algo",
N_("|NAME|use cipher algorithm NAME")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDigestAlgo, "digest-algo",
N_("|NAME|use message digest algorithm NAME")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oExtraDigestAlgo, "extra-digest-algo", "@"),
ARGPARSE_group (302, N_(
"@\n(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n"
ARGPARSE_group (303, N_("@\nExamples:\n\n"
" -se -r Bob [file] sign and encrypt for user Bob\n"
" --clearsign [file] make a clear text signature\n"
" --detach-sign [file] make a detached signature\n"
" --list-keys [names] show keys\n"
" --fingerprint [names] show fingerprints\n" )),
/* Hidden options. */
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoVerbose, "no-verbose", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableSpecialFilenames, "enable-special-filenames", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoSecmemWarn, "no-secmem-warning", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoArmor, "no-armor", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoArmor, "no-armour", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoDefKeyring, "no-default-keyring", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoGreeting, "no-greeting", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoOptions, "no-options", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oHomedir, "homedir", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oAgentProgram, "agent-program", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisplay, "display", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oTTYname, "ttyname", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oTTYtype, "ttytype", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLCctype, "lc-ctype", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oLCmessages, "lc-messages", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oXauthority, "xauthority", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDirmngrProgram, "dirmngr-program", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableDirmngr, "disable-dirmngr", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oProtectToolProgram, "protect-tool-program", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oFakedSystemTime, "faked-system-time", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoBatch, "no-batch", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithColons, "with-colons", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithKeyData,"with-key-data", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithValidation, "with-validation", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithMD5Fingerprint, "with-md5-fingerprint", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithEphemeralKeys, "with-ephemeral-keys", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oSkipVerify, "skip-verify", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithFingerprint, "with-fingerprint", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithKeygrip, "with-keygrip", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithSecret, "with-secret", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisableCipherAlgo, "disable-cipher-algo", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisablePubkeyAlgo, "disable-pubkey-algo", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oIgnoreTimeConflict, "ignore-time-conflict", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoRandomSeedFile, "no-random-seed-file", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoCommonCertsImport, "no-common-certs-import", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oIgnoreCertExtension, "ignore-cert-extension", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAutostart, "no-autostart", "@"),
/* Command aliases. */
ARGPARSE_c (aListKeys, "list-key", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aListChain, "list-sig", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aListChain, "list-sigs", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aListChain, "check-sig", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aListChain, "check-sigs", "@"),
ARGPARSE_c (aDeleteKey, "delete-key", "@"),
/* The list of supported debug flags. */
static struct debug_flags_s debug_flags [] =
{ DBG_X509_VALUE , "x509" },
{ DBG_MPI_VALUE , "mpi" },
{ DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE , "crypto" },
{ DBG_MEMORY_VALUE , "memory" },
{ DBG_CACHE_VALUE , "cache" },
{ DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE, "memstat" },
{ DBG_HASHING_VALUE, "hashing" },
{ DBG_IPC_VALUE , "ipc" },
{ 0, NULL }
/* Global variable to keep an error count. */
int gpgsm_errors_seen = 0;
/* It is possible that we are currentlu running under setuid permissions */
static int maybe_setuid = 1;
/* Helper to implement --debug-level and --debug*/
static const char *debug_level;
static unsigned int debug_value;
/* Option --enable-special-filenames */
static int allow_special_filenames;
/* Default value for include-certs. We need an extra macro for
gpgconf-list because the variable will be changed by the command
line option.
It is often cumbersome to locate intermediate certificates, thus by
default we include all certificates in the chain. However we leave
out the root certificate because that would make it too easy for
the recipient to import that root certificate. A root certificate
should be installed only after due checks and thus it won't help to
send it along with each message. */
#define DEFAULT_INCLUDE_CERTS -2 /* Include all certs but root. */
static int default_include_certs = DEFAULT_INCLUDE_CERTS;
/* Whether the chain mode shall be used for validation. */
static int default_validation_model;
/* The default cipher algo. */
static char *build_list (const char *text,
const char *(*mapf)(int), int (*chkf)(int));
static void set_cmd (enum cmd_and_opt_values *ret_cmd,
enum cmd_and_opt_values new_cmd );
static void emergency_cleanup (void);
static int check_special_filename (const char *fname, int for_write);
static int open_read (const char *filename);
static estream_t open_es_fread (const char *filename, const char *mode);
static estream_t open_es_fwrite (const char *filename);
static void run_protect_tool (int argc, char **argv);
static int
our_pk_test_algo (int algo)
switch (algo)
return gcry_pk_test_algo (algo);
return 1;
static int
our_cipher_test_algo (int algo)
switch (algo)
return gcry_cipher_test_algo (algo);
return 1;
static int
our_md_test_algo (int algo)
switch (algo)
case GCRY_MD_MD5:
case GCRY_MD_SHA1:
case GCRY_MD_RMD160:
case GCRY_MD_SHA224:
case GCRY_MD_SHA256:
case GCRY_MD_SHA384:
case GCRY_MD_SHA512:
return gcry_md_test_algo (algo);
return 1;
static char *
make_libversion (const char *libname, const char *(*getfnc)(const char*))
const char *s;
char *result;
if (maybe_setuid)
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 0, 0); /* Drop setuid. */
maybe_setuid = 0;
s = getfnc (NULL);
result = xmalloc (strlen (libname) + 1 + strlen (s) + 1);
strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (result, libname), " "), s);
return result;
static const char *
my_strusage( int level )
static char *digests, *pubkeys, *ciphers;
static char *ver_gcry, *ver_ksba;
const char *p;
switch (level)
case 11: p = "@GPGSM@ (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 1:
case 40: p = _("Usage: @GPGSM@ [options] [files] (-h for help)");
case 41:
p = _("Syntax: @GPGSM@ [options] [files]\n"
"Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n"
"Default operation depends on the input data\n");
case 20:
if (!ver_gcry)
ver_gcry = make_libversion ("libgcrypt", gcry_check_version);
p = ver_gcry;
case 21:
if (!ver_ksba)
ver_ksba = make_libversion ("libksba", ksba_check_version);
p = ver_ksba;
case 31: p = "\nHome: "; break;
case 32: p = gnupg_homedir (); break;
case 33: p = _("\nSupported algorithms:\n"); break;
case 34:
if (!ciphers)
ciphers = build_list ("Cipher: ", gnupg_cipher_algo_name,
our_cipher_test_algo );
p = ciphers;
case 35:
if (!pubkeys)
pubkeys = build_list ("Pubkey: ", gcry_pk_algo_name,
our_pk_test_algo );
p = pubkeys;
case 36:
if (!digests)
digests = build_list("Hash: ", gcry_md_algo_name, our_md_test_algo );
p = digests;
default: p = NULL; break;
return p;
static char *
build_list (const char *text, const char * (*mapf)(int), int (*chkf)(int))
int i;
size_t n=strlen(text)+2;
char *list, *p;
if (maybe_setuid) {
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_DROP_PRIVS); /* drop setuid */
for (i=1; i < 400; i++ )
if (!chkf(i))
n += strlen(mapf(i)) + 2;
list = xmalloc (21 + n);
*list = 0;
for (p=NULL, i=1; i < 400; i++)
if (!chkf(i))
if( !p )
p = stpcpy (list, text );
p = stpcpy (p, ", ");
p = stpcpy (p, mapf(i) );
if (p)
strcpy (p, "\n" );
return list;
/* Set the file pointer into binary mode if required. */
static void
set_binary (FILE *fp)
setmode (fileno (fp), O_BINARY);
static void
wrong_args (const char *text)
fprintf (stderr, _("usage: %s [options] %s\n"), GPGSM_NAME, text);
gpgsm_exit (2);
static void
set_opt_session_env (const char *name, const char *value)
gpg_error_t err;
err = session_env_setenv (opt.session_env, name, value);
if (err)
log_fatal ("error setting session environment: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
/* Setup the debugging. With a DEBUG_LEVEL of NULL only the active
debug flags are propagated to the subsystems. With DEBUG_LEVEL
set, a specific set of debug flags is set; and individual debugging
flags will be added on top. */
static void
set_debug (void)
int numok = (debug_level && digitp (debug_level));
int numlvl = numok? atoi (debug_level) : 0;
if (!debug_level)
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "none") || (numok && numlvl < 1))
opt.debug = 0;
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "basic") || (numok && numlvl <= 2))
opt.debug = DBG_IPC_VALUE;
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "advanced") || (numok && numlvl <= 5))
opt.debug = DBG_IPC_VALUE|DBG_X509_VALUE;
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "expert") || (numok && numlvl <= 8))
opt.debug = (DBG_IPC_VALUE|DBG_X509_VALUE
else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "guru") || numok)
opt.debug = ~0;
/* Unless the "guru" string has been used we don't want to allow
hashing debugging. The rationale is that people tend to
select the highest debug value and would then clutter their
disk with debug files which may reveal confidential data. */
if (numok)
opt.debug &= ~(DBG_HASHING_VALUE);
log_error (_("invalid debug-level '%s' given\n"), debug_level);
gpgsm_exit (2);
opt.debug |= debug_value;
if (opt.debug && !opt.verbose)
opt.verbose = 1;
if (opt.debug)
opt.quiet = 0;
if (opt.debug & DBG_MPI_VALUE)
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_DEBUG_FLAGS, 2);
if (opt.debug & DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE )
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_DEBUG_FLAGS, 1);
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose);
if (opt.debug)
parse_debug_flag (NULL, &opt.debug, debug_flags);
static void
set_cmd (enum cmd_and_opt_values *ret_cmd, enum cmd_and_opt_values new_cmd)
enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd = *ret_cmd;
if (!cmd || cmd == new_cmd)
cmd = new_cmd;
else if ( cmd == aSign && new_cmd == aEncr )
cmd = aSignEncr;
else if ( cmd == aEncr && new_cmd == aSign )
cmd = aSignEncr;
else if ( (cmd == aSign && new_cmd == aClearsign)
|| (cmd == aClearsign && new_cmd == aSign) )
cmd = aClearsign;
log_error(_("conflicting commands\n"));
*ret_cmd = cmd;
/* Helper to add recipients to a list. */
static void
do_add_recipient (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name,
certlist_t *recplist, int is_encrypt_to, int recp_required)
int rc = gpgsm_add_to_certlist (ctrl, name, 0, recplist, is_encrypt_to);
if (rc)
if (recp_required)
log_error ("can't encrypt to '%s': %s\n", name, gpg_strerror (rc));
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_INV_RECP,
get_inv_recpsgnr_code (rc), name, NULL);
log_info (_("Note: won't be able to encrypt to '%s': %s\n"),
name, gpg_strerror (rc));
static void
parse_validation_model (const char *model)
int i = gpgsm_parse_validation_model (model);
if (i == -1)
log_error (_("unknown validation model '%s'\n"), model);
default_validation_model = i;
/* Release the list of SERVERS. As usual it is okay to call this
function with SERVERS passed as NULL. */
keyserver_list_free (struct keyserver_spec *servers)
while (servers)
struct keyserver_spec *tmp = servers->next;
xfree (servers->host);
xfree (servers->user);
if (servers->pass)
memset (servers->pass, 0, strlen (servers->pass));
xfree (servers->pass);
xfree (servers->base);
xfree (servers);
servers = tmp;
/* See also dirmngr ldapserver_parse_one(). */
struct keyserver_spec *
parse_keyserver_line (char *line,
const char *filename, unsigned int lineno)
char *p;
char *endp;
struct keyserver_spec *server;
int fieldno;
int fail = 0;
/* Parse the colon separated fields. */
server = xcalloc (1, sizeof *server);
for (fieldno = 1, p = line; p; p = endp, fieldno++ )
endp = strchr (p, ':');
if (endp)
*endp++ = '\0';
trim_spaces (p);
switch (fieldno)
case 1:
if (*p)
server->host = xstrdup (p);
log_error (_("%s:%u: no hostname given\n"),
filename, lineno);
fail = 1;
case 2:
if (*p)
server->port = atoi (p);
case 3:
if (*p)
server->user = xstrdup (p);
case 4:
if (*p && !server->user)
log_error (_("%s:%u: password given without user\n"),
filename, lineno);
fail = 1;
else if (*p)
server->pass = xstrdup (p);
case 5:
if (*p)
server->base = xstrdup (p);
/* (We silently ignore extra fields.) */
if (fail)
log_info (_("%s:%u: skipping this line\n"), filename, lineno);
keyserver_list_free (server);
server = NULL;
return server;
main ( int argc, char **argv)
int orig_argc;
char **orig_argv;
/* char *username;*/
int may_coredump;
strlist_t sl, remusr= NULL, locusr=NULL;
strlist_t nrings=NULL;
int detached_sig = 0;
FILE *configfp = NULL;
char *configname = NULL;
unsigned configlineno;
int parse_debug = 0;
int no_more_options = 0;
int default_config =1;
int default_keyring = 1;
char *logfile = NULL;
char *auditlog = NULL;
char *htmlauditlog = NULL;
int greeting = 0;
int nogreeting = 0;
int debug_wait = 0;
int use_random_seed = 1;
int no_common_certs_import = 0;
int with_fpr = 0;
const char *forced_digest_algo = NULL;
const char *extra_digest_algo = NULL;
enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd = 0;
struct server_control_s ctrl;
certlist_t recplist = NULL;
certlist_t signerlist = NULL;
int do_not_setup_keys = 0;
int recp_required = 0;
estream_t auditfp = NULL;
estream_t htmlauditfp = NULL;
struct assuan_malloc_hooks malloc_hooks;
int pwfd = -1;
early_system_init ();
gnupg_reopen_std (GPGSM_NAME);
/* trap_unaligned ();*/
gnupg_rl_initialize ();
set_strusage (my_strusage);
/* Please note that we may running SUID(ROOT), so be very CAREFUL
when adding any stuff between here and the call to secmem_init()
somewhere after the option parsing */
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
i18n_init ();
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
/* Check that the libraries are suitable. Do it here because the
option parse may need services of the library */
if (!ksba_check_version (NEED_KSBA_VERSION) )
log_fatal (_("%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n"), "libksba",
NEED_KSBA_VERSION, ksba_check_version (NULL) );
may_coredump = disable_core_dumps ();
gnupg_init_signals (0, emergency_cleanup);
dotlock_create (NULL, 0); /* Register lockfile cleanup. */
opt.autostart = 1;
opt.session_env = session_env_new ();
if (!opt.session_env)
log_fatal ("error allocating session environment block: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
/* Note: If you change this default cipher algorithm , please
remember to update the Gpgconflist entry as well. */
opt.def_cipher_algoid = DEFAULT_CIPHER_ALGO;
/* First check whether we have a config file on the commandline */
orig_argc = argc;
orig_argv = argv;
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= 1|(1<<6); /* do not remove the args, ignore version */
while (arg_parse( &pargs, opts))
if (pargs.r_opt == oDebug || pargs.r_opt == oDebugAll)
else if (pargs.r_opt == oOptions)
{ /* yes there is one, so we do not try the default one but
read the config file when it is encountered at the
commandline */
default_config = 0;
else if (pargs.r_opt == oNoOptions)
default_config = 0; /* --no-options */
opt.no_homedir_creation = 1;
else if (pargs.r_opt == oHomedir)
gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str);
else if (pargs.r_opt == aCallProtectTool)
break; /* This break makes sure that --version and --help are
passed to the protect-tool. */
/* Initialize the secure memory. */
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 16384, 0);
maybe_setuid = 0;
Now we are now working under our real uid
ksba_set_malloc_hooks (gcry_malloc, gcry_realloc, gcry_free );
malloc_hooks.malloc = gcry_malloc;
malloc_hooks.realloc = gcry_realloc; = gcry_free;
assuan_set_malloc_hooks (&malloc_hooks);
assuan_set_gpg_err_source (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT);
setup_libassuan_logging (&opt.debug, NULL);
keybox_set_malloc_hooks (gcry_malloc, gcry_realloc, gcry_free);
/* Setup a default control structure for command line mode */
memset (&ctrl, 0, sizeof ctrl);
gpgsm_init_default_ctrl (&ctrl);
ctrl.no_server = 1;
ctrl.status_fd = -1; /* No status output. */
ctrl.autodetect_encoding = 1;
/* Set the default option file */
if (default_config )
configname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (),
/* Set the default policy file */
opt.policy_file = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), "policies.txt", NULL);
argc = orig_argc;
argv = orig_argv;
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags = 1; /* do not remove the args */
if (configname) {
configlineno = 0;
configfp = fopen (configname, "r");
if (!configfp)
if (default_config)
if (parse_debug)
log_info (_("Note: no default option file '%s'\n"), configname);
log_error (_("option file '%s': %s\n"), configname, strerror(errno));
configname = NULL;
if (parse_debug && configname)
log_info (_("reading options from '%s'\n"), configname);
default_config = 0;
while (!no_more_options
&& optfile_parse (configfp, configname, &configlineno, &pargs, opts))
switch (pargs.r_opt)
case aGPGConfList:
case aGPGConfTest:
set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt);
do_not_setup_keys = 1;
nogreeting = 1;
case aServer:
opt.batch = 1;
set_cmd (&cmd, aServer);
case aCallDirmngr:
opt.batch = 1;
set_cmd (&cmd, aCallDirmngr);
do_not_setup_keys = 1;
case aCallProtectTool:
opt.batch = 1;
set_cmd (&cmd, aCallProtectTool);
no_more_options = 1; /* Stop parsing. */
do_not_setup_keys = 1;
case aDeleteKey:
set_cmd (&cmd, aDeleteKey);
do_not_setup_keys = 1;
case aDetachedSign:
detached_sig = 1;
set_cmd (&cmd, aSign );
case aKeygen:
set_cmd (&cmd, aKeygen);
do_not_setup_keys = 1;
case aImport:
case aSendKeys:
case aRecvKeys:
case aExport:
case aExportSecretKeyP12:
case aExportSecretKeyP8:
case aExportSecretKeyRaw:
case aDumpKeys:
case aDumpChain:
case aDumpExternalKeys:
case aDumpSecretKeys:
case aListKeys:
case aListExternalKeys:
case aListSecretKeys:
case aListChain:
case aLearnCard:
case aPasswd:
case aKeydbClearSomeCertFlags:
do_not_setup_keys = 1;
set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt);
case aEncr:
recp_required = 1;
set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt);
case aSym:
case aDecrypt:
case aSign:
case aClearsign:
case aVerify:
set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt);
/* Output encoding selection. */
case oArmor:
ctrl.create_pem = 1;
case oBase64:
ctrl.create_pem = 0;
ctrl.create_base64 = 1;
case oNoArmor:
ctrl.create_pem = 0;
ctrl.create_base64 = 0;
case oP12Charset:
opt.p12_charset = pargs.r.ret_str;
case oPassphraseFD:
pwfd = translate_sys2libc_fd_int (pargs.r.ret_int, 0);
case oPinentryMode:
opt.pinentry_mode = parse_pinentry_mode (pargs.r.ret_str);
if (opt.pinentry_mode == -1)
log_error (_("invalid pinentry mode '%s'\n"), pargs.r.ret_str);
/* Input encoding selection. */
case oAssumeArmor:
ctrl.autodetect_encoding = 0;
ctrl.is_pem = 1;
ctrl.is_base64 = 0;
case oAssumeBase64:
ctrl.autodetect_encoding = 0;
ctrl.is_pem = 0;
ctrl.is_base64 = 1;
case oAssumeBinary:
ctrl.autodetect_encoding = 0;
ctrl.is_pem = 0;
ctrl.is_base64 = 0;
case oDisableCRLChecks:
opt.no_crl_check = 1;
case oEnableCRLChecks:
opt.no_crl_check = 0;
case oDisableTrustedCertCRLCheck:
opt.no_trusted_cert_crl_check = 1;
case oEnableTrustedCertCRLCheck:
opt.no_trusted_cert_crl_check = 0;
case oForceCRLRefresh:
opt.force_crl_refresh = 1;
case oDisableOCSP:
ctrl.use_ocsp = opt.enable_ocsp = 0;
case oEnableOCSP:
ctrl.use_ocsp = opt.enable_ocsp = 1;
case oIncludeCerts:
ctrl.include_certs = default_include_certs = pargs.r.ret_int;
case oPolicyFile:
xfree (opt.policy_file);
if (*pargs.r.ret_str)
opt.policy_file = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str);
opt.policy_file = NULL;
case oDisablePolicyChecks:
opt.no_policy_check = 1;
case oEnablePolicyChecks:
opt.no_policy_check = 0;
case oAutoIssuerKeyRetrieve:
opt.auto_issuer_key_retrieve = 1;
case oOutput: opt.outfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break;
case oNoTTY: /* fixme:tty_no_terminal(1);*/ break;
case oDryRun: opt.dry_run = 1; break;
case oVerbose:
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose);
case oNoVerbose:
opt.verbose = 0;
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose);
case oLogFile: logfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oNoLogFile: logfile = NULL; break;
case oAuditLog: auditlog = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oHtmlAuditLog: htmlauditlog = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oBatch:
opt.batch = 1;
greeting = 0;
case oNoBatch: opt.batch = 0; break;
case oAnswerYes: opt.answer_yes = 1; break;
case oAnswerNo: opt.answer_no = 1; break;
case oKeyring: append_to_strlist (&nrings, pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oDebug:
if (parse_debug_flag (pargs.r.ret_str, &debug_value, debug_flags))
case oDebugAll: debug_value = ~0; break;
case oDebugNone: debug_value = 0; break;
case oDebugLevel: debug_level = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oDebugWait: debug_wait = pargs.r.ret_int; break;
case oDebugAllowCoreDump:
may_coredump = enable_core_dumps ();
case oDebugNoChainValidation: opt.no_chain_validation = 1; break;
case oDebugIgnoreExpiration: opt.ignore_expiration = 1; break;
case oStatusFD: ctrl.status_fd = pargs.r.ret_int; break;
case oLoggerFD: log_set_fd (pargs.r.ret_int ); break;
case oWithMD5Fingerprint:
opt.with_md5_fingerprint=1; /*fall through*/
case oWithFingerprint:
with_fpr=1; /*fall through*/
case aFingerprint:
case oWithKeygrip:
opt.with_keygrip = 1;
case oOptions:
/* config files may not be nested (silently ignore them) */
if (!configfp)
configname = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str);
goto next_pass;
case oNoOptions: opt.no_homedir_creation = 1; break; /* no-options */
case oHomedir: gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oAgentProgram: opt.agent_program = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oDisplay:
set_opt_session_env ("DISPLAY", pargs.r.ret_str);
case oTTYname:
set_opt_session_env ("GPG_TTY", pargs.r.ret_str);
case oTTYtype:
set_opt_session_env ("TERM", pargs.r.ret_str);
case oXauthority:
set_opt_session_env ("XAUTHORITY", pargs.r.ret_str);
case oLCctype: opt.lc_ctype = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oLCmessages: opt.lc_messages = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oDirmngrProgram: opt.dirmngr_program = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oDisableDirmngr: opt.disable_dirmngr = 1; break;
case oPreferSystemDirmngr: /* Obsolete */; break;
case oProtectToolProgram:
opt.protect_tool_program = pargs.r.ret_str;
case oFakedSystemTime:
time_t faked_time = isotime2epoch (pargs.r.ret_str);
if (faked_time == (time_t)(-1))
faked_time = (time_t)strtoul (pargs.r.ret_str, NULL, 10);
gnupg_set_time (faked_time, 0);
case oNoDefKeyring: default_keyring = 0; break;
case oNoGreeting: nogreeting = 1; break;
case oDefaultKey:
if (*pargs.r.ret_str)
xfree (opt.local_user);
opt.local_user = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str);
case oDefRecipient:
if (*pargs.r.ret_str)
opt.def_recipient = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str);
case oDefRecipientSelf:
xfree (opt.def_recipient);
opt.def_recipient = NULL;
opt.def_recipient_self = 1;
case oNoDefRecipient:
xfree (opt.def_recipient);
opt.def_recipient = NULL;
opt.def_recipient_self = 0;
case oWithKeyData: opt.with_key_data=1; /* fall through */
case oWithColons: ctrl.with_colons = 1; break;
case oWithSecret: ctrl.with_secret = 1; break;
case oWithValidation: ctrl.with_validation=1; break;
case oWithEphemeralKeys: ctrl.with_ephemeral_keys=1; break;
case oSkipVerify: opt.skip_verify=1; break;
case oNoEncryptTo: opt.no_encrypt_to = 1; break;
case oEncryptTo: /* Store the recipient in the second list */
sl = add_to_strlist (&remusr, pargs.r.ret_str);
sl->flags = 1;
case oRecipient: /* store the recipient */
add_to_strlist ( &remusr, pargs.r.ret_str);
case oUser: /* Store the local users, the first one is the default */
if (!opt.local_user)
opt.local_user = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str);
add_to_strlist (&locusr, pargs.r.ret_str);
case oNoSecmemWarn:
case oCipherAlgo:
opt.def_cipher_algoid = pargs.r.ret_str;
case oDisableCipherAlgo:
int algo = gcry_cipher_map_name (pargs.r.ret_str);
gcry_cipher_ctl (NULL, GCRYCTL_DISABLE_ALGO, &algo, sizeof algo);
case oDisablePubkeyAlgo:
int algo = gcry_pk_map_name (pargs.r.ret_str);
gcry_pk_ctl (GCRYCTL_DISABLE_ALGO,&algo, sizeof algo );
case oDigestAlgo:
forced_digest_algo = pargs.r.ret_str;
case oExtraDigestAlgo:
extra_digest_algo = pargs.r.ret_str;
case oIgnoreTimeConflict: opt.ignore_time_conflict = 1; break;
case oNoRandomSeedFile: use_random_seed = 0; break;
case oNoCommonCertsImport: no_common_certs_import = 1; break;
case oEnableSpecialFilenames: allow_special_filenames =1; break;
case oValidationModel: parse_validation_model (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oKeyServer:
struct keyserver_spec *keyserver;
keyserver = parse_keyserver_line (pargs.r.ret_str,
configname, configlineno);
if (! keyserver)
log_error (_("could not parse keyserver\n"));
/* FIXME: Keep last next pointer. */
struct keyserver_spec **next_p = &opt.keyserver;
while (*next_p)
next_p = &(*next_p)->next;
*next_p = keyserver;
case oIgnoreCertExtension:
add_to_strlist (&opt.ignored_cert_extensions, pargs.r.ret_str);
case oNoAutostart: opt.autostart = 0; break;
if (configfp)
fclose (configfp);
configfp = NULL;
/* Keep a copy of the config filename. */
opt.config_filename = configname;
configname = NULL;
goto next_pass;
xfree (configname);
configname = NULL;
if (!opt.config_filename)
opt.config_filename = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (),
if (log_get_errorcount(0))
if (pwfd != -1) /* Read the passphrase now. */
read_passphrase_from_fd (pwfd);
/* Now that we have the options parsed we need to update the default
control structure. */
gpgsm_init_default_ctrl (&ctrl);
if (nogreeting)
greeting = 0;
if (greeting)
es_fprintf (es_stderr, "%s %s; %s\n",
strusage(11), strusage(13), strusage(14) );
es_fprintf (es_stderr, "%s\n", strusage(15) );
if (!opt.batch)
log_info ("It is only intended for test purposes and should NOT be\n");
log_info ("used in a production environment or with production keys!\n");
# endif
if (may_coredump && !opt.quiet)
log_info (_("WARNING: program may create a core file!\n"));
/* if (opt.qualsig_approval && !opt.quiet) */
/* log_info (_("This software has officially been approved to " */
/* "create and verify\n" */
/* "qualified signatures according to German law.\n")); */
if (logfile && cmd == aServer)
log_set_file (logfile);
if (gnupg_faked_time_p ())
gnupg_isotime_t tbuf;
log_info (_("WARNING: running with faked system time: "));
gnupg_get_isotime (tbuf);
dump_isotime (tbuf);
log_printf ("\n");
/* Print a warning if an argument looks like an option. */
if (!opt.quiet && !(pargs.flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_STOP_SEEN))
int i;
for (i=0; i < argc; i++)
if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '-')
log_info (_("Note: '%s' is not considered an option\n"), argv[i]);
/*FIXME if (opt.batch) */
/* tty_batchmode (1); */
set_debug ();
/* Although we always use gpgsm_exit, we better install a regualr
exit handler so that at least the secure memory gets wiped
out. */
if (atexit (emergency_cleanup))
log_error ("atexit failed\n");
gpgsm_exit (2);
/* Must do this after dropping setuid, because the mapping functions
may try to load an module and we may have disabled an algorithm.
We remap the commonly used algorithms to the OIDs for
convenience. We need to work with the OIDs because they are used
to check whether the encryption mode is actually available. */
if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "3DES") )
opt.def_cipher_algoid = "1.2.840.113549.3.7";
else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "AES")
|| !strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "AES128"))
opt.def_cipher_algoid = "2.16.840.";
else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "AES192") )
opt.def_cipher_algoid = "2.16.840.";
else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "AES256") )
opt.def_cipher_algoid = "2.16.840.";
else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "SERPENT")
|| !strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "SERPENT128") )
opt.def_cipher_algoid = "";
else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "SERPENT192") )
opt.def_cipher_algoid = "";
else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "SERPENT256") )
opt.def_cipher_algoid = "";
else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "SEED") )
opt.def_cipher_algoid = "1.2.410.200004.1.4";
else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "CAMELLIA")
|| !strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "CAMELLIA128") )
opt.def_cipher_algoid = "1.2.392.200011.";
else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "CAMELLIA192") )
opt.def_cipher_algoid = "1.2.392.200011.";
else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "CAMELLIA256") )
opt.def_cipher_algoid = "1.2.392.200011.";
if (cmd != aGPGConfList)
if ( !gcry_cipher_map_name (opt.def_cipher_algoid)
|| !gcry_cipher_mode_from_oid (opt.def_cipher_algoid))
log_error (_("selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n"));
if (forced_digest_algo)
opt.forced_digest_algo = gcry_md_map_name (forced_digest_algo);
if (our_md_test_algo(opt.forced_digest_algo) )
log_error (_("selected digest algorithm is invalid\n"));
if (extra_digest_algo)
opt.extra_digest_algo = gcry_md_map_name (extra_digest_algo);
if (our_md_test_algo (opt.extra_digest_algo) )
log_error (_("selected digest algorithm is invalid\n"));
if (log_get_errorcount(0))
/* Set the random seed file. */
if (use_random_seed)
char *p = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), "random_seed", NULL);
if (!cmd && opt.fingerprint && !with_fpr)
set_cmd (&cmd, aListKeys);
/* Add default keybox. */
if (!nrings && default_keyring)
int created;
keydb_add_resource ("pubring.kbx", 0, 0, &created);
if (created && !no_common_certs_import)
/* Import the standard certificates for a new default keybox. */
char *filelist[2];
filelist[0] = make_filename (gnupg_datadir (),"com-certs.pem", NULL);
filelist[1] = NULL;
if (!access (filelist[0], F_OK))
log_info (_("importing common certificates '%s'\n"),
gpgsm_import_files (&ctrl, 1, filelist, open_read);
xfree (filelist[0]);
for (sl = nrings; sl; sl = sl->next)
keydb_add_resource (sl->d, 0, 0, NULL);
/* Prepare the audit log feature for certain commands. */
if (auditlog || htmlauditlog)
switch (cmd)
case aEncr:
case aSign:
case aDecrypt:
case aVerify:
audit_release (ctrl.audit);
ctrl.audit = audit_new ();
if (auditlog)
auditfp = open_es_fwrite (auditlog);
if (htmlauditlog)
htmlauditfp = open_es_fwrite (htmlauditlog);
if (!do_not_setup_keys)
for (sl = locusr; sl ; sl = sl->next)
int rc = gpgsm_add_to_certlist (&ctrl, sl->d, 1, &signerlist, 0);
if (rc)
log_error (_("can't sign using '%s': %s\n"),
sl->d, gpg_strerror (rc));
gpgsm_status2 (&ctrl, STATUS_INV_SGNR,
get_inv_recpsgnr_code (rc), sl->d, NULL);
gpgsm_status2 (&ctrl, STATUS_INV_RECP,
get_inv_recpsgnr_code (rc), sl->d, NULL);
/* Build the recipient list. We first add the regular ones and then
the encrypt-to ones because the underlying function will silently
ignore duplicates and we can't allow keeping a duplicate which is
flagged as encrypt-to as the actually encrypt function would then
complain about no (regular) recipients. */
for (sl = remusr; sl; sl = sl->next)
if (!(sl->flags & 1))
do_add_recipient (&ctrl, sl->d, &recplist, 0, recp_required);
if (!opt.no_encrypt_to)
for (sl = remusr; sl; sl = sl->next)
if ((sl->flags & 1))
do_add_recipient (&ctrl, sl->d, &recplist, 1, recp_required);
if (log_get_errorcount(0))
gpgsm_exit(1); /* Must stop for invalid recipients. */
/* Dispatch command. */
switch (cmd)
case aGPGConfList:
{ /* List options and default values in the GPG Conf format. */
char *config_filename_esc = percent_escape (opt.config_filename, NULL);
es_printf ("%s-%s.conf:%lu:\"%s\n",
GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT, config_filename_esc);
xfree (config_filename_esc);
es_printf ("verbose:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("quiet:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("debug-level:%lu:\"none:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT);
es_printf ("log-file:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("disable-crl-checks:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("disable-trusted-cert-crl-check:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("enable-ocsp:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("include-certs:%lu:%d:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT,
es_printf ("disable-policy-checks:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("auto-issuer-key-retrieve:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("disable-dirmngr:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
es_printf ("cipher-algo:%lu:\"%s:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT,
es_printf ("p12-charset:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT);
es_printf ("default-key:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT);
es_printf ("encrypt-to:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT);
es_printf ("keyserver:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE);
/* The next one is an info only item and should match what
proc_parameters actually implements. */
es_printf ("default_pubkey_algo:%lu:\"%s:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT,
case aGPGConfTest:
/* This is merely a dummy command to test whether the
configuration file is valid. */
case aServer:
if (debug_wait)
log_debug ("waiting for debugger - my pid is %u .....\n",
(unsigned int)getpid());
gnupg_sleep (debug_wait);
log_debug ("... okay\n");
gpgsm_server (recplist);
case aCallDirmngr:
if (!argc)
wrong_args ("--call-dirmngr <command> {args}");
if (gpgsm_dirmngr_run_command (&ctrl, *argv, argc-1, argv+1))
gpgsm_exit (1);
case aCallProtectTool:
run_protect_tool (argc, argv);
case aEncr: /* Encrypt the given file. */
estream_t fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-");
set_binary (stdin);
if (!argc) /* Source is stdin. */
gpgsm_encrypt (&ctrl, recplist, 0, fp);
else if (argc == 1) /* Source is the given file. */
gpgsm_encrypt (&ctrl, recplist, open_read (*argv), fp);
wrong_args ("--encrypt [datafile]");
es_fclose (fp);
case aSign: /* Sign the given file. */
estream_t fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-");
/* Fixme: We should also allow concatenation of multiple files for
signing because that is what gpg does.*/
set_binary (stdin);
if (!argc) /* Create from stdin. */
gpgsm_sign (&ctrl, signerlist, 0, detached_sig, fp);
else if (argc == 1) /* From file. */
gpgsm_sign (&ctrl, signerlist,
open_read (*argv), detached_sig, fp);
wrong_args ("--sign [datafile]");
es_fclose (fp);
case aSignEncr: /* sign and encrypt the given file */
log_error ("this command has not yet been implemented\n");
case aClearsign: /* make a clearsig */
log_error ("this command has not yet been implemented\n");
case aVerify:
estream_t fp = NULL;
set_binary (stdin);
if (argc == 2 && opt.outfile)
log_info ("option --output ignored for a detached signature\n");
else if (opt.outfile)
fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile);
if (!argc)
gpgsm_verify (&ctrl, 0, -1, fp); /* normal signature from stdin */
else if (argc == 1)
gpgsm_verify (&ctrl, open_read (*argv), -1, fp); /* std signature */
else if (argc == 2) /* detached signature (sig, detached) */
gpgsm_verify (&ctrl, open_read (*argv), open_read (argv[1]), NULL);
wrong_args ("--verify [signature [detached_data]]");
es_fclose (fp);
case aDecrypt:
estream_t fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-");
set_binary (stdin);
if (!argc)
gpgsm_decrypt (&ctrl, 0, fp); /* from stdin */
else if (argc == 1)
gpgsm_decrypt (&ctrl, open_read (*argv), fp); /* from file */
wrong_args ("--decrypt [filename]");
es_fclose (fp);
case aDeleteKey:
for (sl=NULL; argc; argc--, argv++)
add_to_strlist (&sl, *argv);
gpgsm_delete (&ctrl, sl);
case aListChain:
case aDumpChain:
ctrl.with_chain = 1;
case aListKeys:
case aDumpKeys:
case aListExternalKeys:
case aDumpExternalKeys:
case aListSecretKeys:
case aDumpSecretKeys:
unsigned int mode;
estream_t fp;
switch (cmd)
case aListChain:
case aListKeys: mode = (0 | 0 | (1<<6)); break;
case aDumpChain:
case aDumpKeys: mode = (256 | 0 | (1<<6)); break;
case aListExternalKeys: mode = (0 | 0 | (1<<7)); break;
case aDumpExternalKeys: mode = (256 | 0 | (1<<7)); break;
case aListSecretKeys: mode = (0 | 2 | (1<<6)); break;
case aDumpSecretKeys: mode = (256 | 2 | (1<<6)); break;
default: BUG();
fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-");
for (sl=NULL; argc; argc--, argv++)
add_to_strlist (&sl, *argv);
gpgsm_list_keys (&ctrl, sl, fp, mode);
es_fclose (fp);
case aKeygen: /* Generate a key; well kind of. */
estream_t fpin = NULL;
estream_t fpout;
if (opt.batch)
if (!argc) /* Create from stdin. */
fpin = open_es_fread ("-", "r");
else if (argc == 1) /* From file. */
fpin = open_es_fread (*argv, "r");
wrong_args ("--gen-key --batch [parmfile]");
fpout = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-");
if (fpin)
gpgsm_genkey (&ctrl, fpin, fpout);
gpgsm_gencertreq_tty (&ctrl, fpout);
es_fclose (fpout);
case aImport:
gpgsm_import_files (&ctrl, argc, argv, open_read);
case aExport:
estream_t fp;
fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-");
for (sl=NULL; argc; argc--, argv++)
add_to_strlist (&sl, *argv);
gpgsm_export (&ctrl, sl, fp);
es_fclose (fp);
case aExportSecretKeyP12:
estream_t fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-");
if (argc == 1)
gpgsm_p12_export (&ctrl, *argv, fp, 0);
wrong_args ("--export-secret-key-p12 KEY-ID");
if (fp != es_stdout)
es_fclose (fp);
case aExportSecretKeyP8:
estream_t fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-");
if (argc == 1)
gpgsm_p12_export (&ctrl, *argv, fp, 1);
wrong_args ("--export-secret-key-p8 KEY-ID");
if (fp != es_stdout)
es_fclose (fp);
case aExportSecretKeyRaw:
estream_t fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-");
if (argc == 1)
gpgsm_p12_export (&ctrl, *argv, fp, 2);
wrong_args ("--export-secret-key-raw KEY-ID");
if (fp != es_stdout)
es_fclose (fp);
case aSendKeys:
case aRecvKeys:
log_error ("this command has not yet been implemented\n");
case aLearnCard:
if (argc)
wrong_args ("--learn-card");
int rc = gpgsm_agent_learn (&ctrl);
if (rc)
log_error ("error learning card: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
case aPasswd:
if (argc != 1)
wrong_args ("--passwd <key-Id>");
int rc;
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
char *grip = NULL;
rc = gpgsm_find_cert (*argv, NULL, &cert);
if (rc)
else if (!(grip = gpgsm_get_keygrip_hexstring (cert)))
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
char *desc = gpgsm_format_keydesc (cert);
rc = gpgsm_agent_passwd (&ctrl, grip, desc);
xfree (desc);
if (rc)
log_error ("error changing passphrase: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (grip);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
case aKeydbClearSomeCertFlags:
for (sl=NULL; argc; argc--, argv++)
add_to_strlist (&sl, *argv);
keydb_clear_some_cert_flags (&ctrl, sl);
log_error (_("invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n"));
/* Print the audit result if needed. */
if ((auditlog && auditfp) || (htmlauditlog && htmlauditfp))
if (auditlog && auditfp)
audit_print_result (ctrl.audit, auditfp, 0);
if (htmlauditlog && htmlauditfp)
audit_print_result (ctrl.audit, htmlauditfp, 1);
audit_release (ctrl.audit);
ctrl.audit = NULL;
es_fclose (auditfp);
es_fclose (htmlauditfp);
/* cleanup */
keyserver_list_free (opt.keyserver);
opt.keyserver = NULL;
gpgsm_release_certlist (recplist);
gpgsm_release_certlist (signerlist);
FREE_STRLIST (remusr);
FREE_STRLIST (locusr);
return 8; /*NOTREACHED*/
/* Note: This function is used by signal handlers!. */
static void
emergency_cleanup (void)
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_TERM_SECMEM );
gpgsm_exit (int rc)
if (opt.debug & DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE)
if (opt.debug)
emergency_cleanup ();
rc = rc? rc : log_get_errorcount(0)? 2 : gpgsm_errors_seen? 1 : 0;
exit (rc);
gpgsm_init_default_ctrl (struct server_control_s *ctrl)
ctrl->include_certs = default_include_certs;
ctrl->use_ocsp = opt.enable_ocsp;
ctrl->validation_model = default_validation_model;
ctrl->offline = opt.disable_dirmngr;
gpgsm_parse_validation_model (const char *model)
if (!ascii_strcasecmp (model, "shell") )
return 0;
else if ( !ascii_strcasecmp (model, "chain") )
return 1;
else if ( !ascii_strcasecmp (model, "steed") )
return 2;
return -1;
/* Check whether the filename has the form "-&nnnn", where n is a
non-zero number. Returns this number or -1 if it is not the case. */
static int
check_special_filename (const char *fname, int for_write)
if (allow_special_filenames
&& fname && *fname == '-' && fname[1] == '&' ) {
int i;
fname += 2;
for (i=0; isdigit (fname[i]); i++ )
if ( !fname[i] )
return translate_sys2libc_fd_int (atoi (fname), for_write);
return -1;
/* Open the FILENAME for read and return the file descriptor. Stop
with an error message in case of problems. "-" denotes stdin and
if special filenames are allowed the given fd is opened instead. */
static int
open_read (const char *filename)
int fd;
if (filename[0] == '-' && !filename[1])
set_binary (stdin);
return 0; /* stdin */
fd = check_special_filename (filename, 0);
if (fd != -1)
return fd;
fd = open (filename, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
if (fd == -1)
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), filename, strerror (errno));
gpgsm_exit (2);
return fd;
/* Same as open_read but return an estream_t. */
static estream_t
open_es_fread (const char *filename, const char *mode)
int fd;
estream_t fp;
if (filename[0] == '-' && !filename[1])
fd = fileno (stdin);
fd = check_special_filename (filename, 0);
if (fd != -1)
fp = es_fdopen_nc (fd, mode);
if (!fp)
log_error ("es_fdopen(%d) failed: %s\n", fd, strerror (errno));
gpgsm_exit (2);
return fp;
fp = es_fopen (filename, mode);
if (!fp)
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), filename, strerror (errno));
gpgsm_exit (2);
return fp;
/* Open FILENAME for fwrite and return an extended stream. Stop with
an error message in case of problems. "-" denotes stdout and if
special filenames are allowed the given fd is opened instead.
Caller must close the returned stream. */
static estream_t
open_es_fwrite (const char *filename)
int fd;
estream_t fp;
if (filename[0] == '-' && !filename[1])
fflush (stdout);
fp = es_fdopen_nc (fileno(stdout), "wb");
return fp;
fd = check_special_filename (filename, 1);
if (fd != -1)
fp = es_fdopen_nc (fd, "wb");
if (!fp)
log_error ("es_fdopen(%d) failed: %s\n", fd, strerror (errno));
gpgsm_exit (2);
return fp;
fp = es_fopen (filename, "wb");
if (!fp)
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), filename, strerror (errno));
gpgsm_exit (2);
return fp;
static void
run_protect_tool (int argc, char **argv)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
const char *pgm;
char **av;
int i;
if (!opt.protect_tool_program || !*opt.protect_tool_program)
pgm = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_PROTECT_TOOL);
pgm = opt.protect_tool_program;
av = xcalloc (argc+2, sizeof *av);
av[0] = strrchr (pgm, '/');
if (!av[0])
av[0] = xstrdup (pgm);
for (i=1; argc; i++, argc--, argv++)
av[i] = *argv;
av[i] = NULL;
execv (pgm, av);
log_error ("error executing '%s': %s\n", pgm, strerror (errno));
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
gpgsm_exit (2);
diff --git a/sm/gpgsm.h b/sm/gpgsm.h
index 9751df4bb..88db67070 100644
--- a/sm/gpgsm.h
+++ b/sm/gpgsm.h
@@ -1,447 +1,447 @@
/* gpgsm.h - Global definitions for GpgSM
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2009,
* 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef GPGSM_H
#define GPGSM_H
#error GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT already defined
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include <ksba.h>
#include "../common/util.h"
#include "../common/status.h"
#include "../common/audit.h"
#include "../common/session-env.h"
#define MAX_DIGEST_LEN 64
struct keyserver_spec
struct keyserver_spec *next;
char *host;
int port;
char *user;
char *pass;
char *base;
/* A large struct named "opt" to keep global flags. */
unsigned int debug; /* debug flags (DBG_foo_VALUE) */
int verbose; /* verbosity level */
int quiet; /* be as quiet as possible */
int batch; /* run in batch mode, i.e w/o any user interaction */
int answer_yes; /* assume yes on most questions */
int answer_no; /* assume no on most questions */
int dry_run; /* don't change any persistent data */
int no_homedir_creation;
const char *config_filename; /* Name of the used config file. */
const char *agent_program;
session_env_t session_env;
char *lc_ctype;
char *lc_messages;
int autostart;
const char *dirmngr_program;
int disable_dirmngr; /* Do not do any dirmngr calls. */
const char *protect_tool_program;
char *outfile; /* name of output file */
int with_key_data;/* include raw key in the column delimted output */
int fingerprint; /* list fingerprints in all key listings */
int with_md5_fingerprint; /* Also print an MD5 fingerprint for
standard key listings. */
int with_keygrip; /* Option --with-keygrip active. */
int pinentry_mode;
int armor; /* force base64 armoring (see also ctrl.with_base64) */
int no_armor; /* don't try to figure out whether data is base64 armored*/
const char *p12_charset; /* Use this charset for encoding the
pkcs#12 passphrase. */
const char *def_cipher_algoid; /* cipher algorithm to use if
nothing else is specified */
int def_compress_algo; /* Ditto for compress algorithm */
int forced_digest_algo; /* User forced hash algorithm. */
char *def_recipient; /* userID of the default recipient */
int def_recipient_self; /* The default recipient is the default key */
int no_encrypt_to; /* Ignore all as encrypt to marked recipients. */
char *local_user; /* NULL or argument to -u */
int extra_digest_algo; /* A digest algorithm also used for
verification of signatures. */
int always_trust; /* Trust the given keys even if there is no
valid certification chain */
int skip_verify; /* do not check signatures on data */
int lock_once; /* Keep lock once they are set */
int ignore_time_conflict; /* Ignore certain time conflicts */
int no_crl_check; /* Don't do a CRL check */
int no_trusted_cert_crl_check; /* Don't run a CRL check for trusted certs. */
int force_crl_refresh; /* Force refreshing the CRL. */
int enable_ocsp; /* Default to use OCSP checks. */
char *policy_file; /* full pathname of policy file */
int no_policy_check; /* ignore certificate policies */
int no_chain_validation; /* Bypass all cert chain validity tests */
int ignore_expiration; /* Ignore the notAfter validity checks. */
int auto_issuer_key_retrieve; /* try to retrieve a missing issuer key. */
int qualsig_approval; /* Set to true if this software has
officially been approved to create an
verify qualified signatures. This is a
runtime option in case we want to check
the integrity of the software at
runtime. */
struct keyserver_spec *keyserver;
/* A list of certificate extension OIDs which are ignored so that
one can claim that a critical extension has been handled. One
OID per string. */
strlist_t ignored_cert_extensions;
} opt;
/* Debug values and macros. */
#define DBG_X509_VALUE 1 /* debug x.509 data reading/writing */
#define DBG_MPI_VALUE 2 /* debug mpi details */
#define DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE 4 /* debug low level crypto */
#define DBG_MEMORY_VALUE 32 /* debug memory allocation stuff */
#define DBG_CACHE_VALUE 64 /* debug the caching */
#define DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE 128 /* show memory statistics */
#define DBG_HASHING_VALUE 512 /* debug hashing operations */
#define DBG_IPC_VALUE 1024 /* debug assuan communication */
#define DBG_X509 (opt.debug & DBG_X509_VALUE)
#define DBG_CRYPTO (opt.debug & DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE)
#define DBG_MEMORY (opt.debug & DBG_MEMORY_VALUE)
#define DBG_CACHE (opt.debug & DBG_CACHE_VALUE)
#define DBG_HASHING (opt.debug & DBG_HASHING_VALUE)
#define DBG_IPC (opt.debug & DBG_IPC_VALUE)
/* Forward declaration for an object defined in server.c */
struct server_local_s;
/* Session control object. This object is passed down to most
functions. Note that the default values for it are set by
gpgsm_init_default_ctrl(). */
struct server_control_s
int no_server; /* We are not running under server control */
int status_fd; /* Only for non-server mode */
struct server_local_s *server_local;
audit_ctx_t audit; /* NULL or a context for the audit subsystem. */
int agent_seen; /* Flag indicating that the gpg-agent has been
accessed. */
int with_colons; /* Use column delimited output format */
int with_secret; /* Mark secret keys in a public key listing. */
int with_chain; /* Include the certifying certs in a listing */
int with_validation;/* Validate each key while listing. */
int with_ephemeral_keys; /* Include ephemeral flagged keys in the
keylisting. */
int autodetect_encoding; /* Try to detect the input encoding */
int is_pem; /* Is in PEM format */
int is_base64; /* is in plain base-64 format */
int create_base64; /* Create base64 encoded output */
int create_pem; /* create PEM output */
const char *pem_name; /* PEM name to use */
int include_certs; /* -1 to send all certificates in the chain
along with a signature or the number of
certificates up the chain (0 = none, 1 = only
signer) */
int use_ocsp; /* Set to true if OCSP should be used. */
int validation_model; /* 0 := standard model (shell),
1 := chain model,
2 := STEED model. */
int offline; /* If true gpgsm won't do any network access. */
/* Data structure used in base64.c. */
typedef struct base64_context_s *Base64Context;
/* An object to keep a list of certificates. */
struct certlist_s
struct certlist_s *next;
ksba_cert_t cert;
int is_encrypt_to; /* True if the certificate has been set through
the --encrypto-to option. */
int hash_algo; /* Used to track the hash algorithm to use. */
const char *hash_algo_oid; /* And the corresponding OID. */
typedef struct certlist_s *certlist_t;
/* A structure carrying information about trusted root certificates. */
struct rootca_flags_s
unsigned int valid:1; /* The rest of the structure has valid
information. */
unsigned int relax:1; /* Relax checking of root certificates. */
unsigned int chain_model:1; /* Root requires the use of the chain model. */
/*-- gpgsm.c --*/
void gpgsm_exit (int rc);
void gpgsm_init_default_ctrl (struct server_control_s *ctrl);
int gpgsm_parse_validation_model (const char *model);
/*-- server.c --*/
void gpgsm_server (certlist_t default_recplist);
gpg_error_t gpgsm_status (ctrl_t ctrl, int no, const char *text);
gpg_error_t gpgsm_status2 (ctrl_t ctrl, int no, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_SENTINEL(0);
gpg_error_t gpgsm_status_with_err_code (ctrl_t ctrl, int no, const char *text,
gpg_err_code_t ec);
gpg_error_t gpgsm_proxy_pinentry_notify (ctrl_t ctrl,
const unsigned char *line);
/*-- fingerprint --*/
unsigned char *gpgsm_get_fingerprint (ksba_cert_t cert, int algo,
unsigned char *array, int *r_len);
char *gpgsm_get_fingerprint_string (ksba_cert_t cert, int algo);
char *gpgsm_get_fingerprint_hexstring (ksba_cert_t cert, int algo);
unsigned long gpgsm_get_short_fingerprint (ksba_cert_t cert,
unsigned long *r_high);
unsigned char *gpgsm_get_keygrip (ksba_cert_t cert, unsigned char *array);
char *gpgsm_get_keygrip_hexstring (ksba_cert_t cert);
int gpgsm_get_key_algo_info (ksba_cert_t cert, unsigned int *nbits);
char *gpgsm_get_certid (ksba_cert_t cert);
/*-- base64.c --*/
int gpgsm_create_reader (Base64Context *ctx,
ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t fp, int allow_multi_pem,
ksba_reader_t *r_reader);
int gpgsm_reader_eof_seen (Base64Context ctx);
void gpgsm_destroy_reader (Base64Context ctx);
int gpgsm_create_writer (Base64Context *ctx,
ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t stream,
ksba_writer_t *r_writer);
int gpgsm_finish_writer (Base64Context ctx);
void gpgsm_destroy_writer (Base64Context ctx);
/*-- certdump.c --*/
void gpgsm_print_serial (estream_t fp, ksba_const_sexp_t p);
void gpgsm_print_time (estream_t fp, ksba_isotime_t t);
void gpgsm_print_name2 (FILE *fp, const char *string, int translate);
void gpgsm_print_name (FILE *fp, const char *string);
void gpgsm_es_print_name (estream_t fp, const char *string);
void gpgsm_es_print_name2 (estream_t fp, const char *string, int translate);
void gpgsm_cert_log_name (const char *text, ksba_cert_t cert);
void gpgsm_dump_cert (const char *text, ksba_cert_t cert);
void gpgsm_dump_serial (ksba_const_sexp_t p);
void gpgsm_dump_time (ksba_isotime_t t);
void gpgsm_dump_string (const char *string);
char *gpgsm_format_serial (ksba_const_sexp_t p);
char *gpgsm_format_name2 (const char *name, int translate);
char *gpgsm_format_name (const char *name);
char *gpgsm_format_sn_issuer (ksba_sexp_t sn, const char *issuer);
char *gpgsm_fpr_and_name_for_status (ksba_cert_t cert);
char *gpgsm_format_keydesc (ksba_cert_t cert);
/*-- certcheck.c --*/
int gpgsm_check_cert_sig (ksba_cert_t issuer_cert, ksba_cert_t cert);
int gpgsm_check_cms_signature (ksba_cert_t cert, ksba_const_sexp_t sigval,
gcry_md_hd_t md, int hash_algo, int *r_pkalgo);
/* fixme: move create functions to another file */
int gpgsm_create_cms_signature (ctrl_t ctrl,
ksba_cert_t cert, gcry_md_hd_t md, int mdalgo,
unsigned char **r_sigval);
/*-- certchain.c --*/
/* Flags used with gpgsm_validate_chain. */
int gpgsm_walk_cert_chain (ctrl_t ctrl,
ksba_cert_t start, ksba_cert_t *r_next);
int gpgsm_is_root_cert (ksba_cert_t cert);
int gpgsm_validate_chain (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert,
ksba_isotime_t checktime,
ksba_isotime_t r_exptime,
int listmode, estream_t listfp,
unsigned int flags, unsigned int *retflags);
int gpgsm_basic_cert_check (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert);
/*-- certlist.c --*/
int gpgsm_cert_use_sign_p (ksba_cert_t cert);
int gpgsm_cert_use_encrypt_p (ksba_cert_t cert);
int gpgsm_cert_use_verify_p (ksba_cert_t cert);
int gpgsm_cert_use_decrypt_p (ksba_cert_t cert);
int gpgsm_cert_use_cert_p (ksba_cert_t cert);
int gpgsm_cert_use_ocsp_p (ksba_cert_t cert);
int gpgsm_cert_has_well_known_private_key (ksba_cert_t cert);
int gpgsm_certs_identical_p (ksba_cert_t cert_a, ksba_cert_t cert_b);
int gpgsm_add_cert_to_certlist (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert,
certlist_t *listaddr, int is_encrypt_to);
int gpgsm_add_to_certlist (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, int secret,
certlist_t *listaddr, int is_encrypt_to);
void gpgsm_release_certlist (certlist_t list);
int gpgsm_find_cert (const char *name, ksba_sexp_t keyid, ksba_cert_t *r_cert);
/*-- keylist.c --*/
gpg_error_t gpgsm_list_keys (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t names,
estream_t fp, unsigned int mode);
/*-- import.c --*/
int gpgsm_import (ctrl_t ctrl, int in_fd, int reimport_mode);
int gpgsm_import_files (ctrl_t ctrl, int nfiles, char **files,
int (*of)(const char *fname));
/*-- export.c --*/
void gpgsm_export (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t names, estream_t stream);
void gpgsm_p12_export (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, estream_t stream,
int rawmode);
/*-- delete.c --*/
int gpgsm_delete (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t names);
/*-- verify.c --*/
int gpgsm_verify (ctrl_t ctrl, int in_fd, int data_fd, estream_t out_fp);
/*-- sign.c --*/
int gpgsm_get_default_cert (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t *r_cert);
int gpgsm_sign (ctrl_t ctrl, certlist_t signerlist,
int data_fd, int detached, estream_t out_fp);
/*-- encrypt.c --*/
int gpgsm_encrypt (ctrl_t ctrl, certlist_t recplist,
int in_fd, estream_t out_fp);
/*-- decrypt.c --*/
int gpgsm_decrypt (ctrl_t ctrl, int in_fd, estream_t out_fp);
/*-- certreqgen.c --*/
int gpgsm_genkey (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t in_stream, estream_t out_stream);
/*-- certreqgen-ui.c --*/
void gpgsm_gencertreq_tty (ctrl_t ctrl, estream_t out_stream);
/*-- qualified.c --*/
gpg_error_t gpgsm_is_in_qualified_list (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert,
char *country);
gpg_error_t gpgsm_qualified_consent (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert);
gpg_error_t gpgsm_not_qualified_warning (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert);
/*-- call-agent.c --*/
int gpgsm_agent_pksign (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keygrip, const char *desc,
unsigned char *digest,
size_t digestlen,
int digestalgo,
unsigned char **r_buf, size_t *r_buflen);
int gpgsm_scd_pksign (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyid, const char *desc,
unsigned char *digest, size_t digestlen, int digestalgo,
unsigned char **r_buf, size_t *r_buflen);
int gpgsm_agent_pkdecrypt (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keygrip, const char *desc,
ksba_const_sexp_t ciphertext,
char **r_buf, size_t *r_buflen);
int gpgsm_agent_genkey (ctrl_t ctrl,
ksba_const_sexp_t keyparms, ksba_sexp_t *r_pubkey);
int gpgsm_agent_readkey (ctrl_t ctrl, int fromcard, const char *hexkeygrip,
ksba_sexp_t *r_pubkey);
int gpgsm_agent_scd_serialno (ctrl_t ctrl, char **r_serialno);
int gpgsm_agent_scd_keypairinfo (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t *r_list);
int gpgsm_agent_istrusted (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, const char *hexfpr,
struct rootca_flags_s *rootca_flags);
int gpgsm_agent_havekey (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexkeygrip);
int gpgsm_agent_marktrusted (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert);
int gpgsm_agent_learn (ctrl_t ctrl);
int gpgsm_agent_passwd (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexkeygrip, const char *desc);
gpg_error_t gpgsm_agent_get_confirmation (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc);
gpg_error_t gpgsm_agent_send_nop (ctrl_t ctrl);
gpg_error_t gpgsm_agent_keyinfo (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexkeygrip,
char **r_serialno);
gpg_error_t gpgsm_agent_ask_passphrase (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc_msg,
int repeat, char **r_passphrase);
gpg_error_t gpgsm_agent_keywrap_key (ctrl_t ctrl, int forexport,
void **r_kek, size_t *r_keklen);
gpg_error_t gpgsm_agent_import_key (ctrl_t ctrl,
const void *key, size_t keylen);
gpg_error_t gpgsm_agent_export_key (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keygrip,
const char *desc,
unsigned char **r_result,
size_t *r_resultlen);
/*-- call-dirmngr.c --*/
int gpgsm_dirmngr_isvalid (ctrl_t ctrl,
ksba_cert_t cert, ksba_cert_t issuer_cert,
int use_ocsp);
int gpgsm_dirmngr_lookup (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t names, int cache_only,
void (*cb)(void*, ksba_cert_t), void *cb_value);
int gpgsm_dirmngr_run_command (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *command,
int argc, char **argv);
/*-- misc.c --*/
void setup_pinentry_env (void);
gpg_error_t transform_sigval (const unsigned char *sigval, size_t sigvallen,
int mdalgo,
unsigned char **r_newsigval,
size_t *r_newsigvallen);
#endif /*GPGSM_H*/
diff --git a/sm/import.c b/sm/import.c
index b2ad83914..2011fb51a 100644
--- a/sm/import.c
+++ b/sm/import.c
@@ -1,934 +1,934 @@
/* import.c - Import certificates
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2004, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <ksba.h>
#include "keydb.h"
#include "exechelp.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "../kbx/keybox.h" /* for KEYBOX_FLAG_* */
#include "../common/membuf.h"
#include "minip12.h"
/* The arbitrary limit of one PKCS#12 object. */
#define MAX_P12OBJ_SIZE 128 /*kb*/
struct stats_s {
unsigned long count;
unsigned long imported;
unsigned long unchanged;
unsigned long not_imported;
unsigned long secret_read;
unsigned long secret_imported;
unsigned long secret_dups;
struct rsa_secret_key_s
gcry_mpi_t n; /* public modulus */
gcry_mpi_t e; /* public exponent */
gcry_mpi_t d; /* exponent */
gcry_mpi_t p; /* prime p. */
gcry_mpi_t q; /* prime q. */
gcry_mpi_t u; /* inverse of p mod q. */
static gpg_error_t parse_p12 (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_reader_t reader,
struct stats_s *stats);
static void
print_imported_status (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, int new_cert)
char *fpr;
fpr = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_hexstring (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1);
if (new_cert)
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_IMPORTED, fpr, "[X.509]", NULL);
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_IMPORT_OK,
new_cert? "1":"0", fpr, NULL);
xfree (fpr);
/* Print an IMPORT_PROBLEM status. REASON is one of:
0 := "No specific reason given".
1 := "Invalid Certificate".
2 := "Issuer Certificate missing".
3 := "Certificate Chain too long".
4 := "Error storing certificate".
static void
print_import_problem (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, int reason)
char *fpr = NULL;
char buf[25];
int i;
sprintf (buf, "%d", reason);
if (cert)
fpr = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_hexstring (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1);
/* detetect an error (all high) value */
for (i=0; fpr[i] == 'F'; i++)
if (!fpr[i])
xfree (fpr);
fpr = NULL;
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_IMPORT_PROBLEM, buf, fpr, NULL);
xfree (fpr);
print_imported_summary (ctrl_t ctrl, struct stats_s *stats)
char buf[14*25];
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("total number processed: %lu\n"), stats->count);
if (stats->imported)
log_info (_(" imported: %lu"), stats->imported );
log_printf ("\n");
if (stats->unchanged)
log_info (_(" unchanged: %lu\n"), stats->unchanged);
if (stats->secret_read)
log_info (_(" secret keys read: %lu\n"), stats->secret_read );
if (stats->secret_imported)
log_info (_(" secret keys imported: %lu\n"), stats->secret_imported );
if (stats->secret_dups)
log_info (_(" secret keys unchanged: %lu\n"), stats->secret_dups );
if (stats->not_imported)
log_info (_(" not imported: %lu\n"), stats->not_imported);
sprintf(buf, "%lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu",
0l /*stats->no_user_id*/,
0l /*stats->imported_rsa*/,
0l /*stats->n_uids*/,
0l /*stats->n_subk*/,
0l /*stats->n_sigs*/,
0l /*stats->n_revoc*/,
0l /*stats->skipped_new_keys*/,
gpgsm_status (ctrl, STATUS_IMPORT_RES, buf);
static void
check_and_store (ctrl_t ctrl, struct stats_s *stats,
ksba_cert_t cert, int depth)
int rc;
if (stats)
if ( depth >= 50 )
log_error (_("certificate chain too long\n"));
if (stats)
print_import_problem (ctrl, cert, 3);
/* Some basic checks, but don't care about missing certificates;
this is so that we are able to import entire certificate chains
w/o requiring a special order (i.e. root-CA first). This used
to be different but because gpgsm_verify even imports
certificates without any checks, it doesn't matter much and the
code gets much cleaner. A housekeeping function to remove
certificates w/o an anchor would be nice, though.
Optionally we do a full validation in addition to the basic test.
rc = gpgsm_basic_cert_check (ctrl, cert);
if (!rc && ctrl->with_validation)
rc = gpgsm_validate_chain (ctrl, cert, "", NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL);
if (!rc || (!ctrl->with_validation
&& (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT
|| gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_MISSING_ISSUER_CERT)))
int existed;
if (!keydb_store_cert (cert, 0, &existed))
ksba_cert_t next = NULL;
if (!existed)
print_imported_status (ctrl, cert, 1);
if (stats)
print_imported_status (ctrl, cert, 0);
if (stats)
if (opt.verbose > 1 && existed)
if (depth)
log_info ("issuer certificate already in DB\n");
log_info ("certificate already in DB\n");
else if (opt.verbose && !existed)
if (depth)
log_info ("issuer certificate imported\n");
log_info ("certificate imported\n");
/* Now lets walk up the chain and import all certificates up
the chain. This is required in case we already stored
parent certificates in the ephemeral keybox. Do not
update the statistics, though. */
if (!gpgsm_walk_cert_chain (ctrl, cert, &next))
check_and_store (ctrl, NULL, next, depth+1);
ksba_cert_release (next);
log_error (_("error storing certificate\n"));
if (stats)
print_import_problem (ctrl, cert, 4);
log_error (_("basic certificate checks failed - not imported\n"));
if (stats)
/* We keep the test for GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT only in case
GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT has been used instead of the newer
(ctrl, cert,
gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_MISSING_ISSUER_CERT? 2 :
gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT? 2 :
gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT? 1 : 0);
static int
import_one (ctrl_t ctrl, struct stats_s *stats, int in_fd)
int rc;
Base64Context b64reader = NULL;
ksba_reader_t reader;
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
ksba_cms_t cms = NULL;
estream_t fp = NULL;
ksba_content_type_t ct;
int any = 0;
fp = es_fdopen_nc (in_fd, "rb");
if (!fp)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("fdopen() failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
goto leave;
rc = gpgsm_create_reader (&b64reader, ctrl, fp, 1, &reader);
if (rc)
log_error ("can't create reader: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
/* We need to loop here to handle multiple PEM objects in one
file. */
ksba_cms_release (cms); cms = NULL;
ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL;
ct = ksba_cms_identify (reader);
{ /* This is probably a signed-only message - import the certs */
ksba_stop_reason_t stopreason;
int i;
rc = ksba_cms_new (&cms);
if (rc)
goto leave;
rc = ksba_cms_set_reader_writer (cms, reader, NULL);
if (rc)
log_error ("ksba_cms_set_reader_writer failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
rc = ksba_cms_parse (cms, &stopreason);
if (rc)
log_error ("ksba_cms_parse failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if (stopreason == KSBA_SR_BEGIN_DATA)
log_info ("not a certs-only message\n");
while (stopreason != KSBA_SR_READY);
for (i=0; (cert=ksba_cms_get_cert (cms, i)); i++)
check_and_store (ctrl, stats, cert, 0);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
if (!i)
log_error ("no certificate found\n");
any = 1;
else if (ct == KSBA_CT_PKCS12)
/* This seems to be a pkcs12 message. */
rc = parse_p12 (ctrl, reader, stats);
if (!rc)
any = 1;
else if (ct == KSBA_CT_NONE)
{ /* Failed to identify this message - assume a certificate */
rc = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (rc)
goto leave;
rc = ksba_cert_read_der (cert, reader);
if (rc)
goto leave;
check_and_store (ctrl, stats, cert, 0);
any = 1;
log_error ("can't extract certificates from input\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
ksba_reader_clear (reader, NULL, NULL);
while (!gpgsm_reader_eof_seen (b64reader));
if (any && gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
rc = 0;
ksba_cms_release (cms);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
gpgsm_destroy_reader (b64reader);
es_fclose (fp);
return rc;
/* Re-import certifciates. IN_FD is a list of linefeed delimited
fingerprints t re-import. The actual re-import is done by clearing
the ephemeral flag. */
static int
reimport_one (ctrl_t ctrl, struct stats_s *stats, int in_fd)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
estream_t fp = NULL;
char line[100]; /* Sufficient for a fingerprint. */
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
unsigned int flags;
kh = keydb_new (0);
if (!kh)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);;
log_error (_("failed to allocate keyDB handle\n"));
goto leave;
keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, 1);
fp = es_fdopen_nc (in_fd, "r");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("es_fdopen(%d) failed: %s\n", in_fd, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
while (es_fgets (line, DIM(line)-1, fp) )
if (*line && line[strlen(line)-1] != '\n')
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LINE_TOO_LONG);
goto leave;
trim_spaces (line);
if (!*line)
err = classify_user_id (line, &desc, 0);
if (err)
print_import_problem (ctrl, NULL, 0);
keydb_search_reset (kh);
err = keydb_search (kh, &desc, 1);
if (err)
print_import_problem (ctrl, NULL, 0);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
err = keydb_get_cert (kh, &cert);
if (err)
log_error ("keydb_get_cert() failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
print_import_problem (ctrl, NULL, 1);
err = keydb_get_flags (kh, KEYBOX_FLAG_BLOB, 0, &flags);
if (err)
log_error (_("error getting stored flags: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
print_imported_status (ctrl, cert, 0);
print_imported_status (ctrl, cert, 0);
err = keydb_set_cert_flags (cert, 1, KEYBOX_FLAG_BLOB, 0,
if (err)
log_error ("clearing ephemeral flag failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
print_import_problem (ctrl, cert, 0);
print_imported_status (ctrl, cert, 1);
err = 0;
if (es_ferror (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error reading fd %d: %s\n", in_fd, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
ksba_cert_release (cert);
keydb_release (kh);
es_fclose (fp);
return err;
gpgsm_import (ctrl_t ctrl, int in_fd, int reimport_mode)
int rc;
struct stats_s stats;
memset (&stats, 0, sizeof stats);
if (reimport_mode)
rc = reimport_one (ctrl, &stats, in_fd);
rc = import_one (ctrl, &stats, in_fd);
print_imported_summary (ctrl, &stats);
/* If we never printed an error message do it now so that a command
line invocation will return with an error (log_error keeps a
global errorcount) */
if (rc && !log_get_errorcount (0))
log_error (_("error importing certificate: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
gpgsm_import_files (ctrl_t ctrl, int nfiles, char **files,
int (*of)(const char *fname))
int rc = 0;
struct stats_s stats;
memset (&stats, 0, sizeof stats);
if (!nfiles)
rc = import_one (ctrl, &stats, 0);
for (; nfiles && !rc ; nfiles--, files++)
int fd = of (*files);
rc = import_one (ctrl, &stats, fd);
close (fd);
if (rc == -1)
rc = 0;
print_imported_summary (ctrl, &stats);
/* If we never printed an error message do it now so that a command
line invocation will return with an error (log_error keeps a
global errorcount) */
if (rc && !log_get_errorcount (0))
log_error (_("error importing certificate: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
/* Check that the RSA secret key SKEY is valid. Swap parameters to
the libgcrypt standard. */
static gpg_error_t
rsa_key_check (struct rsa_secret_key_s *skey)
int err = 0;
gcry_mpi_t t = gcry_mpi_snew (0);
gcry_mpi_t t1 = gcry_mpi_snew (0);
gcry_mpi_t t2 = gcry_mpi_snew (0);
gcry_mpi_t phi = gcry_mpi_snew (0);
/* Check that n == p * q. */
gcry_mpi_mul (t, skey->p, skey->q);
if (gcry_mpi_cmp( t, skey->n) )
log_error ("RSA oops: n != p * q\n");
/* Check that p is less than q. */
if (gcry_mpi_cmp (skey->p, skey->q) > 0)
gcry_mpi_t tmp;
log_info ("swapping secret primes\n");
tmp = gcry_mpi_copy (skey->p);
gcry_mpi_set (skey->p, skey->q);
gcry_mpi_set (skey->q, tmp);
gcry_mpi_release (tmp);
/* Recompute u. */
gcry_mpi_invm (skey->u, skey->p, skey->q);
/* Check that e divides neither p-1 nor q-1. */
gcry_mpi_sub_ui (t, skey->p, 1 );
gcry_mpi_div (NULL, t, t, skey->e, 0);
if (!gcry_mpi_cmp_ui( t, 0) )
log_error ("RSA oops: e divides p-1\n");
gcry_mpi_sub_ui (t, skey->q, 1);
gcry_mpi_div (NULL, t, t, skey->e, 0);
if (!gcry_mpi_cmp_ui( t, 0))
log_info ("RSA oops: e divides q-1\n" );
/* Check that d is correct. */
gcry_mpi_sub_ui (t1, skey->p, 1);
gcry_mpi_sub_ui (t2, skey->q, 1);
gcry_mpi_mul (phi, t1, t2);
gcry_mpi_invm (t, skey->e, phi);
if (gcry_mpi_cmp (t, skey->d))
/* No: try universal exponent. */
gcry_mpi_gcd (t, t1, t2);
gcry_mpi_div (t, NULL, phi, t, 0);
gcry_mpi_invm (t, skey->e, t);
if (gcry_mpi_cmp (t, skey->d))
log_error ("RSA oops: bad secret exponent\n");
/* Check for correctness of u. */
gcry_mpi_invm (t, skey->p, skey->q);
if (gcry_mpi_cmp (t, skey->u))
log_info ("RSA oops: bad u parameter\n");
if (err)
log_info ("RSA secret key check failed\n");
gcry_mpi_release (t);
gcry_mpi_release (t1);
gcry_mpi_release (t2);
gcry_mpi_release (phi);
return err? gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SECKEY):0;
/* Object passed to store_cert_cb. */
struct store_cert_parm_s
gpg_error_t err; /* First error seen. */
struct stats_s *stats; /* The stats object. */
ctrl_t ctrl; /* The control object. */
/* Helper to store the DER encoded certificate CERTDATA of length
static void
store_cert_cb (void *opaque,
const unsigned char *certdata, size_t certdatalen)
struct store_cert_parm_s *parm = opaque;
gpg_error_t err;
ksba_cert_t cert;
err = ksba_cert_new (&cert);
if (err)
if (!parm->err)
parm->err = err;
err = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, certdata, certdatalen);
if (err)
log_error ("failed to parse a certificate: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
if (!parm->err)
parm->err = err;
check_and_store (parm->ctrl, parm->stats, cert, 0);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
/* Assume that the reader is at a pkcs#12 message and try to import
certificates from that stupid format. We will transfer secret
keys to the agent. */
static gpg_error_t
parse_p12 (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_reader_t reader, struct stats_s *stats)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
char buffer[1024];
size_t ntotal, nread;
membuf_t p12mbuf;
char *p12buffer = NULL;
size_t p12buflen;
size_t p12bufoff;
gcry_mpi_t *kparms = NULL;
struct rsa_secret_key_s sk;
char *passphrase = NULL;
unsigned char *key = NULL;
size_t keylen;
void *kek = NULL;
size_t keklen;
unsigned char *wrappedkey = NULL;
size_t wrappedkeylen;
gcry_cipher_hd_t cipherhd = NULL;
gcry_sexp_t s_key = NULL;
unsigned char grip[20];
int bad_pass = 0;
int i;
struct store_cert_parm_s store_cert_parm;
memset (&store_cert_parm, 0, sizeof store_cert_parm);
store_cert_parm.ctrl = ctrl;
store_cert_parm.stats = stats;
init_membuf (&p12mbuf, 4096);
ntotal = 0;
while (!(err = ksba_reader_read (reader, buffer, sizeof buffer, &nread)))
if (ntotal >= MAX_P12OBJ_SIZE*1024)
/* Arbitrary limit to avoid DoS attacks. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
log_error ("pkcs#12 object is larger than %dk\n", MAX_P12OBJ_SIZE);
put_membuf (&p12mbuf, buffer, nread);
ntotal += nread;
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
err = 0;
if (!err)
p12buffer = get_membuf (&p12mbuf, &p12buflen);
if (!p12buffer)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (err)
log_error (_("error reading input: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* GnuPG 2.0.4 accidentally created binary P12 files with the string
"The passphrase is %s encoded.\n\n" prepended to the ASN.1 data.
We fix that here. */
if (p12buflen > 29 && !memcmp (p12buffer, "The passphrase is ", 18))
for (p12bufoff=18;
p12bufoff < p12buflen && p12buffer[p12bufoff] != '\n';
if (p12bufoff < p12buflen && p12buffer[p12bufoff] == '\n')
p12bufoff = 0;
err = gpgsm_agent_ask_passphrase
i18n_utf8 ("Please enter the passphrase to unprotect the PKCS#12 object."),
0, &passphrase);
if (err)
goto leave;
kparms = p12_parse (p12buffer + p12bufoff, p12buflen - p12bufoff,
passphrase, store_cert_cb, &store_cert_parm, &bad_pass);
xfree (passphrase);
passphrase = NULL;
if (!kparms)
log_error ("error parsing or decrypting the PKCS#12 file\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
goto leave;
/* print_mpi (" n", kparms[0]); */
/* print_mpi (" e", kparms[1]); */
/* print_mpi (" d", kparms[2]); */
/* print_mpi (" p", kparms[3]); */
/* print_mpi (" q", kparms[4]); */
/* print_mpi ("dmp1", kparms[5]); */
/* print_mpi ("dmq1", kparms[6]); */
/* print_mpi (" u", kparms[7]); */
sk.n = kparms[0];
sk.e = kparms[1];
sk.d = kparms[2];
sk.q = kparms[3];
sk.p = kparms[4];
sk.u = kparms[7];
err = rsa_key_check (&sk);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* print_mpi (" n", sk.n); */
/* print_mpi (" e", sk.e); */
/* print_mpi (" d", sk.d); */
/* print_mpi (" p", sk.p); */
/* print_mpi (" q", sk.q); */
/* print_mpi (" u", sk.u); */
/* Create an S-expresion from the parameters. */
err = gcry_sexp_build (&s_key, NULL,
sk.n, sk.e, sk.d, sk.p, sk.q, sk.u, NULL);
for (i=0; i < 8; i++)
gcry_mpi_release (kparms[i]);
gcry_free (kparms);
kparms = NULL;
if (err)
log_error ("failed to create S-expression from key: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Compute the keygrip. */
if (!gcry_pk_get_keygrip (s_key, grip))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
log_error ("can't calculate keygrip\n");
goto leave;
log_printhex ("keygrip=", grip, 20);
/* Convert to canonical encoding using a function which pads it to a
multiple of 64 bits. We need this padding for AESWRAP. */
err = make_canon_sexp_pad (s_key, 1, &key, &keylen);
if (err)
log_error ("error creating canonical S-expression\n");
goto leave;
gcry_sexp_release (s_key);
s_key = NULL;
/* Get the current KEK. */
err = gpgsm_agent_keywrap_key (ctrl, 0, &kek, &keklen);
if (err)
log_error ("error getting the KEK: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Wrap the key. */
err = gcry_cipher_open (&cipherhd, GCRY_CIPHER_AES128,
if (err)
goto leave;
err = gcry_cipher_setkey (cipherhd, kek, keklen);
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (kek);
kek = NULL;
wrappedkeylen = keylen + 8;
wrappedkey = xtrymalloc (wrappedkeylen);
if (!wrappedkey)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = gcry_cipher_encrypt (cipherhd, wrappedkey, wrappedkeylen, key, keylen);
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (key);
key = NULL;
gcry_cipher_close (cipherhd);
cipherhd = NULL;
/* Send the wrapped key to the agent. */
err = gpgsm_agent_import_key (ctrl, wrappedkey, wrappedkeylen);
if (!err)
else if ( gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EEXIST )
err = 0;
/* If we did not get an error from storing the secret key we return
a possible error from parsing the certificates. We do this after
storing the secret keys so that a bad certificate does not
inhibit our chance to store the secret key. */
if (!err && store_cert_parm.err)
err = store_cert_parm.err;
if (kparms)
for (i=0; i < 8; i++)
gcry_mpi_release (kparms[i]);
gcry_free (kparms);
kparms = NULL;
xfree (key);
gcry_sexp_release (s_key);
xfree (passphrase);
gcry_cipher_close (cipherhd);
xfree (wrappedkey);
xfree (kek);
xfree (get_membuf (&p12mbuf, NULL));
xfree (p12buffer);
if (bad_pass)
/* We only write a plain error code and not direct
BAD_PASSPHRASE because the pkcs12 parser might issue this
message multiple times, BAD_PASSPHRASE in general requires a
keyID and parts of the import might actually succeed so that
IMPORT_PROBLEM is also not appropriate. */
gpgsm_status_with_err_code (ctrl, STATUS_ERROR,
"import.parsep12", GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE);
return err;
diff --git a/sm/keydb.c b/sm/keydb.c
index 8a1efd454..02ca5ad5d 100644
--- a/sm/keydb.c
+++ b/sm/keydb.c
@@ -1,1355 +1,1355 @@
/* keydb.c - key database dispatcher
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include "../kbx/keybox.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "i18n.h"
static int active_handles;
typedef enum {
} KeydbResourceType;
struct resource_item {
KeydbResourceType type;
union {
} u;
void *token;
int secret;
dotlock_t lockhandle;
static struct resource_item all_resources[MAX_KEYDB_RESOURCES];
static int used_resources;
struct keydb_handle {
int locked;
int found;
int saved_found;
int current;
int is_ephemeral;
int used; /* items in active */
struct resource_item active[MAX_KEYDB_RESOURCES];
static int lock_all (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
static void unlock_all (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
static void
try_make_homedir (const char *fname)
const char *defhome = standard_homedir ();
/* Create the directory only if the supplied directory name is the
same as the default one. This way we avoid to create arbitrary
directories when a non-default home directory is used. To cope
with HOME, we do compare only the suffix if we see that the
default homedir does start with a tilde. */
if ( opt.dry_run || opt.no_homedir_creation )
if (
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
( !compare_filenames (fname, defhome) )
( *defhome == '~'
&& (strlen(fname) >= strlen (defhome+1)
&& !strcmp(fname+strlen(fname)-strlen(defhome+1), defhome+1 ) ))
|| (*defhome != '~' && !compare_filenames( fname, defhome ) )
if (gnupg_mkdir (fname, "-rwx"))
log_info (_("can't create directory '%s': %s\n"),
fname, strerror(errno) );
else if (!opt.quiet )
log_info (_("directory '%s' created\n"), fname);
/* Handle the creation of a keybox if it does not yet exist. Take
into acount that other processes might have the keybox already
locked. This lock check does not work if the directory itself is
not yet available. If R_CREATED is not NULL it will be set to true
if the function created a new keybox. */
static gpg_error_t
maybe_create_keybox (char *filename, int force, int *r_created)
dotlock_t lockhd = NULL;
FILE *fp;
int rc;
mode_t oldmask;
char *last_slash_in_filename;
int save_slash;
if (r_created)
*r_created = 0;
/* A quick test whether the filename already exists. */
if (!access (filename, F_OK))
return 0;
/* If we don't want to create a new file at all, there is no need to
go any further - bail out right here. */
if (!force)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOENT);
/* First of all we try to create the home directory. Note, that we
don't do any locking here because any sane application of gpg
would create the home directory by itself and not rely on gpg's
tricky auto-creation which is anyway only done for some home
directory name patterns. */
last_slash_in_filename = strrchr (filename, DIRSEP_C);
/* Windows may either have a slash or a backslash. Take care of it. */
char *p = strrchr (filename, '/');
if (!last_slash_in_filename || p > last_slash_in_filename)
last_slash_in_filename = p;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
if (!last_slash_in_filename)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOENT); /* No slash at all - should
not happen though. */
save_slash = *last_slash_in_filename;
*last_slash_in_filename = 0;
if (access(filename, F_OK))
static int tried;
if (!tried)
tried = 1;
try_make_homedir (filename);
if (access (filename, F_OK))
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*last_slash_in_filename = save_slash;
goto leave;
*last_slash_in_filename = save_slash;
/* To avoid races with other instances of gpg trying to create or
update the keybox (it is removed during an update for a short
time), we do the next stuff in a locked state. */
lockhd = dotlock_create (filename, 0);
if (!lockhd)
/* A reason for this to fail is that the directory is not
writable. However, this whole locking stuff does not make
sense if this is the case. An empty non-writable directory
with no keyring is not really useful at all. */
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("can't allocate lock for '%s'\n", filename );
if (!force)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOENT);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
if ( dotlock_take (lockhd, -1) )
/* This is something bad. Probably a stale lockfile. */
log_info ("can't lock '%s'\n", filename);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
/* Now the real test while we are locked. */
if (!access(filename, F_OK))
rc = 0; /* Okay, we may access the file now. */
goto leave;
/* The file does not yet exist, create it now. */
oldmask = umask (077);
fp = fopen (filename, "w");
if (!fp)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
umask (oldmask);
log_error (_("error creating keybox '%s': %s\n"),
filename, gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
umask (oldmask);
/* Make sure that at least one record is in a new keybox file, so
that the detection magic for OpenPGP keyboxes works the next time
it is used. */
rc = _keybox_write_header_blob (fp, 0);
if (rc)
fclose (fp);
log_error (_("error creating keybox '%s': %s\n"),
filename, gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if (!opt.quiet)
log_info (_("keybox '%s' created\n"), filename);
if (r_created)
*r_created = 1;
fclose (fp);
rc = 0;
if (lockhd)
dotlock_release (lockhd);
dotlock_destroy (lockhd);
return rc;
* Register a resource (which currently may only be a keybox file).
* The first keybox which is added by this function is created if it
* does not exist. If AUTO_CREATED is not NULL it will be set to true
* if the function has created a new keybox.
keydb_add_resource (const char *url, int force, int secret, int *auto_created)
static int any_secret, any_public;
const char *resname = url;
char *filename = NULL;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
KeydbResourceType rt = KEYDB_RESOURCE_TYPE_NONE;
if (auto_created)
*auto_created = 0;
/* Do we have an URL?
gnupg-kbx:filename := this is a plain keybox
filename := See what is is, but create as plain keybox.
if (strlen (resname) > 10)
if (!strncmp (resname, "gnupg-kbx:", 10) )
resname += 10;
#if !defined(HAVE_DRIVE_LETTERS) && !defined(__riscos__)
else if (strchr (resname, ':'))
log_error ("invalid key resource URL '%s'\n", url );
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
#endif /* !HAVE_DRIVE_LETTERS && !__riscos__ */
if (*resname != DIRSEP_C )
{ /* do tilde expansion etc */
if (strchr(resname, DIRSEP_C) )
filename = make_filename (resname, NULL);
filename = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), resname, NULL);
filename = xstrdup (resname);
if (!force)
force = secret? !any_secret : !any_public;
/* see whether we can determine the filetype */
FILE *fp = fopen( filename, "rb" );
if (fp)
u32 magic;
/* FIXME: check for the keybox magic */
if (fread (&magic, 4, 1, fp) == 1 )
if (magic == 0x13579ace || magic == 0xce9a5713)
; /* GDBM magic - no more support */
else /* maybe empty: assume keybox */
fclose (fp);
else /* no file yet: create keybox */
switch (rt)
log_error ("unknown type of key resource '%s'\n", url );
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
err = maybe_create_keybox (filename, force, auto_created);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Now register the file */
void *token;
err = keybox_register_file (filename, secret, &token);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EEXIST)
; /* Already registered - ignore. */
else if (err)
; /* Other error. */
else if (used_resources >= MAX_KEYDB_RESOURCES)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_RESOURCE_LIMIT);
all_resources[used_resources].type = rt;
all_resources[used_resources] = NULL; /* Not used here */
all_resources[used_resources].token = token;
all_resources[used_resources].secret = secret;
= dotlock_create (filename, 0);
if (!all_resources[used_resources].lockhandle)
log_fatal ( _("can't create lock for '%s'\n"), filename);
/* Do a compress run if needed and the file is not locked. */
if (!dotlock_take (all_resources[used_resources].lockhandle, 0))
KEYBOX_HANDLE kbxhd = keybox_new_x509 (token, secret);
if (kbxhd)
keybox_compress (kbxhd);
keybox_release (kbxhd);
dotlock_release (all_resources[used_resources].lockhandle);
log_error ("resource type of '%s' not supported\n", url);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
goto leave;
/* fixme: check directory permissions and print a warning */
if (err)
log_error ("keyblock resource '%s': %s\n", filename, gpg_strerror (err));
else if (secret)
any_secret = 1;
any_public = 1;
xfree (filename);
return err;
keydb_new (int secret)
int i, j;
hd = xcalloc (1, sizeof *hd);
hd->found = -1;
hd->saved_found = -1;
assert (used_resources <= MAX_KEYDB_RESOURCES);
for (i=j=0; i < used_resources; i++)
if (!all_resources[i].secret != !secret)
switch (all_resources[i].type)
case KEYDB_RESOURCE_TYPE_NONE: /* ignore */
hd->active[j].type = all_resources[i].type;
hd->active[j].token = all_resources[i].token;
hd->active[j].secret = all_resources[i].secret;
hd->active[j].lockhandle = all_resources[i].lockhandle;
hd->active[j] = keybox_new_x509 (all_resources[i].token, secret);
if (!hd->active[j]
xfree (hd);
return NULL; /* fixme: release all previously allocated handles*/
hd->used = j;
return hd;
keydb_release (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
int i;
if (!hd)
assert (active_handles > 0);
unlock_all (hd);
for (i=0; i < hd->used; i++)
switch (hd->active[i].type)
keybox_release (hd->active[i];
xfree (hd);
/* Return the name of the current resource. This is function first
looks for the last found found, then for the current search
position, and last returns the first available resource. The
returned string is only valid as long as the handle exists. This
function does only return NULL if no handle is specified, in all
other error cases an empty string is returned. */
const char *
keydb_get_resource_name (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
int idx;
const char *s = NULL;
if (!hd)
return NULL;
if ( hd->found >= 0 && hd->found < hd->used)
idx = hd->found;
else if ( hd->current >= 0 && hd->current < hd->used)
idx = hd->current;
idx = 0;
switch (hd->active[idx].type)
s = NULL;
s = keybox_get_resource_name (hd->active[idx];
return s? s: "";
/* Switch the handle into ephemeral mode and return the original value. */
keydb_set_ephemeral (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, int yes)
int i;
if (!hd)
return 0;
yes = !!yes;
if (hd->is_ephemeral != yes)
for (i=0; i < hd->used; i++)
switch (hd->active[i].type)
keybox_set_ephemeral (hd->active[i], yes);
i = hd->is_ephemeral;
hd->is_ephemeral = yes;
return i;
/* If the keyring has not yet been locked, lock it now. This
operation is required before any update operation; it is optional
for an insert operation. The lock is released with
keydb_released. */
keydb_lock (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE);
if (hd->locked)
return 0; /* Already locked. */
return lock_all (hd);
static int
lock_all (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
int i, rc = 0;
/* Fixme: This locking scheme may lead to deadlock if the resources
are not added in the same order by all processes. We are
currently only allowing one resource so it is not a problem. */
for (i=0; i < hd->used; i++)
switch (hd->active[i].type)
if (hd->active[i].lockhandle)
rc = dotlock_take (hd->active[i].lockhandle, -1);
if (rc)
if (rc)
/* revert the already set locks */
for (i--; i >= 0; i--)
switch (hd->active[i].type)
if (hd->active[i].lockhandle)
dotlock_release (hd->active[i].lockhandle);
hd->locked = 1;
/* make_dotlock () does not yet guarantee that errno is set, thus
we can't rely on the error reason and will simply use
return rc? gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EACCES) : 0;
static void
unlock_all (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
int i;
if (!hd->locked)
for (i=hd->used-1; i >= 0; i--)
switch (hd->active[i].type)
if (hd->active[i].lockhandle)
dotlock_release (hd->active[i].lockhandle);
hd->locked = 0;
/* Push the last found state if any. */
keydb_push_found_state (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
if (!hd)
if (hd->found < 0 || hd->found >= hd->used)
hd->saved_found = -1;
switch (hd->active[hd->found].type)
keybox_push_found_state (hd->active[hd->found];
hd->saved_found = hd->found;
hd->found = -1;
/* Pop the last found state. */
keydb_pop_found_state (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
if (!hd)
hd->found = hd->saved_found;
hd->saved_found = -1;
if (hd->found < 0 || hd->found >= hd->used)
switch (hd->active[hd->found].type)
keybox_pop_found_state (hd->active[hd->found];
Return the last found object. Caller must free it. The returned
keyblock has the kbode flag bit 0 set for the node with the public
key used to locate the keyblock or flag bit 1 set for the user ID
node. */
keydb_get_cert (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, ksba_cert_t *r_cert)
int rc = 0;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if ( hd->found < 0 || hd->found >= hd->used)
return -1; /* nothing found */
switch (hd->active[hd->found].type)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); /* oops */
rc = keybox_get_cert (hd->active[hd->found], r_cert);
return rc;
/* Return a flag of the last found object. WHICH is the flag requested;
it should be one of the KEYBOX_FLAG_ values. If the operation is
successful, the flag value will be stored at the address given by
VALUE. Return 0 on success or an error code. */
keydb_get_flags (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, int which, int idx, unsigned int *value)
int err = 0;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if ( hd->found < 0 || hd->found >= hd->used)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND);
switch (hd->active[hd->found].type)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); /* oops */
err = keybox_get_flags (hd->active[hd->found], which, idx, value);
return err;
/* Set a flag of the last found object. WHICH is the flag to be set; it
should be one of the KEYBOX_FLAG_ values. If the operation is
successful, the flag value will be stored in the keybox. Note,
that some flag values can't be updated and thus may return an
error, some other flag values may be masked out before an update.
Returns 0 on success or an error code. */
keydb_set_flags (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, int which, int idx, unsigned int value)
int err = 0;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if ( hd->found < 0 || hd->found >= hd->used)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND);
if (!hd->locked)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_LOCKED);
switch (hd->active[hd->found].type)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); /* oops */
err = keybox_set_flags (hd->active[hd->found], which, idx, value);
return err;
* Insert a new Certificate into one of the resources.
keydb_insert_cert (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, ksba_cert_t cert)
int rc = -1;
int idx;
unsigned char digest[20];
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if (opt.dry_run)
return 0;
if ( hd->found >= 0 && hd->found < hd->used)
idx = hd->found;
else if ( hd->current >= 0 && hd->current < hd->used)
idx = hd->current;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
if (!hd->locked)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_LOCKED);
gpgsm_get_fingerprint (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1, digest, NULL); /* kludge*/
switch (hd->active[idx].type)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
rc = keybox_insert_cert (hd->active[idx], cert, digest);
unlock_all (hd);
return rc;
/* Update the current keyblock with KB. */
keydb_update_cert (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, ksba_cert_t cert)
int rc = 0;
unsigned char digest[20];
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if ( hd->found < 0 || hd->found >= hd->used)
return -1; /* nothing found */
if (opt.dry_run)
return 0;
rc = lock_all (hd);
if (rc)
return rc;
gpgsm_get_fingerprint (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1, digest, NULL); /* kludge*/
switch (hd->active[hd->found].type)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); /* oops */
rc = keybox_update_cert (hd->active[hd->found], cert, digest);
unlock_all (hd);
return rc;
* The current keyblock or cert will be deleted.
keydb_delete (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, int unlock)
int rc = -1;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
if ( hd->found < 0 || hd->found >= hd->used)
return -1; /* nothing found */
if( opt.dry_run )
return 0;
if (!hd->locked)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_LOCKED);
switch (hd->active[hd->found].type)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
rc = keybox_delete (hd->active[hd->found];
if (unlock)
unlock_all (hd);
return rc;
* Locate the default writable key resource, so that the next
* operation (which is only relevant for inserts) will be done on this
* resource.
keydb_locate_writable (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, const char *reserved)
int rc;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
rc = keydb_search_reset (hd); /* this does reset hd->current */
if (rc)
return rc;
for ( ; hd->current >= 0 && hd->current < hd->used; hd->current++)
switch (hd->active[hd->current].type)
if (keybox_is_writable (hd->active[hd->current].token))
return 0; /* found (hd->current is set to it) */
return -1;
* Rebuild the caches of all key resources.
keydb_rebuild_caches (void)
int i;
for (i=0; i < used_resources; i++)
if (all_resources[i].secret)
switch (all_resources[i].type)
case KEYDB_RESOURCE_TYPE_NONE: /* ignore */
/* rc = keybox_rebuild_cache (all_resources[i].token); */
/* if (rc) */
/* log_error (_("failed to rebuild keybox cache: %s\n"), */
/* g10_errstr (rc)); */
* Start the next search on this handle right at the beginning
keydb_search_reset (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
int i;
gpg_error_t rc = 0;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
hd->current = 0;
hd->found = -1;
/* and reset all resources */
for (i=0; !rc && i < hd->used; i++)
switch (hd->active[i].type)
rc = keybox_search_reset (hd->active[i];
return rc;
* Search through all keydb resources, starting at the current position,
* for a keyblock which contains one of the keys described in the DESC array.
keydb_search (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc, size_t ndesc)
int rc = -1;
unsigned long skipped;
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
while (rc == -1 && hd->current >= 0 && hd->current < hd->used)
switch (hd->active[hd->current].type)
BUG(); /* we should never see it here */
rc = keybox_search (hd->active[hd->current], desc, ndesc,
NULL, &skipped);
if (rc == -1 || gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
{ /* EOF -> switch to next resource */
else if (!rc)
hd->found = hd->current;
return rc;
keydb_search_first (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
memset (&desc, 0, sizeof desc);
return keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1);
keydb_search_next (KEYDB_HANDLE hd)
memset (&desc, 0, sizeof desc);
return keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1);
keydb_search_kid (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, u32 *kid)
memset (&desc, 0, sizeof desc);
desc.u.kid[0] = kid[0];
desc.u.kid[1] = kid[1];
return keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1);
keydb_search_fpr (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, const byte *fpr)
memset (&desc, 0, sizeof desc);
memcpy (desc.u.fpr, fpr, 20);
return keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1);
keydb_search_issuer (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, const char *issuer)
int rc;
memset (&desc, 0, sizeof desc);
desc.mode = KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_ISSUER; = issuer;
rc = keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1);
return rc;
keydb_search_issuer_sn (KEYDB_HANDLE hd,
const char *issuer, ksba_const_sexp_t serial)
int rc;
const unsigned char *s;
memset (&desc, 0, sizeof desc);
s = serial;
if (*s !='(')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
for (desc.snlen = 0; digitp (s); s++)
desc.snlen = 10*desc.snlen + atoi_1 (s);
if (*s !=':')
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE); = s+1; = issuer;
rc = keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1);
return rc;
keydb_search_subject (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, const char *name)
int rc;
memset (&desc, 0, sizeof desc);
desc.mode = KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_SUBJECT; = name;
rc = keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1);
return rc;
/* Store the certificate in the key DB but make sure that it does not
already exists. We do this simply by comparing the fingerprint.
If EXISTED is not NULL it will be set to true if the certificate
was already in the DB. */
keydb_store_cert (ksba_cert_t cert, int ephemeral, int *existed)
int rc;
unsigned char fpr[20];
if (existed)
*existed = 0;
if (!gpgsm_get_fingerprint (cert, 0, fpr, NULL))
log_error (_("failed to get the fingerprint\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
kh = keydb_new (0);
if (!kh)
log_error (_("failed to allocate keyDB handle\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);;
/* Set the ephemeral flag so that the search looks at all
records. */
keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, 1);
rc = lock_all (kh);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = keydb_search_fpr (kh, fpr);
if (rc != -1)
keydb_release (kh);
if (!rc)
if (existed)
*existed = 1;
if (!ephemeral)
/* Remove ephemeral flags from existing certificate to "store"
it permanently. */
rc = keydb_set_cert_flags (cert, 1, KEYBOX_FLAG_BLOB, 0,
if (rc)
log_error ("clearing ephemeral flag failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
return 0; /* okay */
log_error (_("problem looking for existing certificate: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
/* Reset the ephemeral flag if not requested. */
if (!ephemeral)
keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, 0);
rc = keydb_locate_writable (kh, 0);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error finding writable keyDB: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
keydb_release (kh);
return rc;
rc = keydb_insert_cert (kh, cert);
if (rc)
log_error (_("error storing certificate: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc));
keydb_release (kh);
return rc;
keydb_release (kh);
return 0;
/* This is basically keydb_set_flags but it implements a complete
transaction by locating the certificate in the DB and updating the
flags. */
keydb_set_cert_flags (ksba_cert_t cert, int ephemeral,
int which, int idx,
unsigned int mask, unsigned int value)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char fpr[20];
unsigned int old_value;
if (!gpgsm_get_fingerprint (cert, 0, fpr, NULL))
log_error (_("failed to get the fingerprint\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
kh = keydb_new (0);
if (!kh)
log_error (_("failed to allocate keyDB handle\n"));
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);;
if (ephemeral)
keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, 1);
err = keydb_lock (kh);
if (err)
log_error (_("error locking keybox: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
keydb_release (kh);
return err;
err = keydb_search_fpr (kh, fpr);
if (err)
if (err == -1)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
log_error (_("problem re-searching certificate: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
keydb_release (kh);
return err;
err = keydb_get_flags (kh, which, idx, &old_value);
if (err)
log_error (_("error getting stored flags: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
keydb_release (kh);
return err;
value = ((old_value & ~mask) | (value & mask));
if (value != old_value)
err = keydb_set_flags (kh, which, idx, value);
if (err)
log_error (_("error storing flags: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
keydb_release (kh);
return err;
keydb_release (kh);
return 0;
/* Reset all the certificate flags we have stored with the certificates
for performance reasons. */
keydb_clear_some_cert_flags (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t names)
gpg_error_t err;
int ndesc;
strlist_t sl;
int rc=0;
unsigned int old_value, value;
hd = keydb_new (0);
if (!hd)
log_error ("keydb_new failed\n");
goto leave;
if (!names)
ndesc = 1;
for (sl=names, ndesc=0; sl; sl = sl->next, ndesc++)
desc = xtrycalloc (ndesc, sizeof *desc);
if (!ndesc)
log_error ("allocating memory failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (out_of_core ()));
goto leave;
if (!names)
for (ndesc=0, sl=names; sl; sl = sl->next)
rc = classify_user_id (sl->d, desc+ndesc, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("key '%s' not found: %s\n", sl->d, gpg_strerror (rc));
err = keydb_lock (hd);
if (err)
log_error (_("error locking keybox: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
while (!(rc = keydb_search (hd, desc, ndesc)))
if (!names)
desc[0].mode = KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NEXT;
err = keydb_get_flags (hd, KEYBOX_FLAG_VALIDITY, 0, &old_value);
if (err)
log_error (_("error getting stored flags: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
value = (old_value & ~VALIDITY_REVOKED);
if (value != old_value)
err = keydb_set_flags (hd, KEYBOX_FLAG_VALIDITY, 0, value);
if (err)
log_error (_("error storing flags: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (rc && rc != -1)
log_error ("keydb_search failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
xfree (desc);
keydb_release (hd);
diff --git a/sm/keydb.h b/sm/keydb.h
index 3c0f2d6ee..5713fde30 100644
--- a/sm/keydb.h
+++ b/sm/keydb.h
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
/* keydb.h - Key database
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <ksba.h>
#include "../common/userids.h"
typedef struct keydb_handle *KEYDB_HANDLE;
/* Flag value used with KEYBOX_FLAG_VALIDITY. */
#define VALIDITY_REVOKED (1<<5)
/*-- keydb.c --*/
gpg_error_t keydb_add_resource (const char *url, int force, int secret,
int *auto_created);
KEYDB_HANDLE keydb_new (int secret);
void keydb_release (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
int keydb_set_ephemeral (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, int yes);
const char *keydb_get_resource_name (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
gpg_error_t keydb_lock (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
gpg_error_t keydb_get_flags (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, int which, int idx,
unsigned int *value);
gpg_error_t keydb_set_flags (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, int which, int idx,
unsigned int value);
void keydb_push_found_state (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
void keydb_pop_found_state (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
int keydb_get_cert (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, ksba_cert_t *r_cert);
int keydb_insert_cert (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, ksba_cert_t cert);
int keydb_update_cert (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, ksba_cert_t cert);
int keydb_delete (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, int unlock);
int keydb_locate_writable (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, const char *reserved);
void keydb_rebuild_caches (void);
gpg_error_t keydb_search_reset (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
int keydb_search (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc, size_t ndesc);
int keydb_search_first (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
int keydb_search_next (KEYDB_HANDLE hd);
int keydb_search_kid (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, u32 *kid);
int keydb_search_fpr (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, const byte *fpr);
int keydb_search_issuer (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, const char *issuer);
int keydb_search_issuer_sn (KEYDB_HANDLE hd,
const char *issuer, const unsigned char *serial);
int keydb_search_subject (KEYDB_HANDLE hd, const char *issuer);
int keydb_store_cert (ksba_cert_t cert, int ephemeral, int *existed);
gpg_error_t keydb_set_cert_flags (ksba_cert_t cert, int ephemeral,
int which, int idx,
unsigned int mask, unsigned int value);
void keydb_clear_some_cert_flags (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t names);
#endif /*GNUPG_KEYDB_H*/
diff --git a/sm/keylist.c b/sm/keylist.c
index 0d975c352..c4d475ce5 100644
--- a/sm/keylist.c
+++ b/sm/keylist.c
@@ -1,1587 +1,1587 @@
/* keylist.c - Print certificates in various formats.
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009,
* 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <ksba.h>
#include "keydb.h"
#include "../kbx/keybox.h" /* for KEYBOX_FLAG_* */
#include "i18n.h"
#include "tlv.h"
struct list_external_parm_s
ctrl_t ctrl;
estream_t fp;
int print_header;
int with_colons;
int with_chain;
int raw_mode;
/* This table is to map Extended Key Usage OIDs to human readable
names. */
const char *oid;
const char *name;
} key_purpose_map[] = {
{ "", "serverAuth" },
{ "", "clientAuth" },
{ "", "codeSigning" },
{ "", "emailProtection" },
{ "", "ipsecEndSystem" },
{ "", "ipsecTunnel" },
{ "", "ipsecUser" },
{ "", "timeStamping" },
{ "", "ocspSigning" },
{ "", "dvcs" },
{ "", "sbgpCertAAServerAuth" },
{ "", "eapOverPPP" },
{ "", "wlanSSID" },
{ "2.16.840.1.113730.4.1", "serverGatedCrypto.ns" }, /* Netscape. */
{ "", ""}, /* Microsoft. */
{ "", "ocspNoCheck" },
/* Do not print this extension in the list of extensions. This is set
for oids which are already available via ksba fucntions. */
#define OID_FLAG_SKIP 1
/* The extension is a simple UTF8String and should be printed. */
#define OID_FLAG_UTF8 2
/* A table mapping OIDs to a descriptive string. */
static struct
char *oid;
char *name;
unsigned int flag; /* A flag as described above. */
} oidtranstbl[] = {
/* Algorithms. */
{ "1.2.840.10040.4.1", "dsa" },
{ "1.2.840.10040.4.3", "dsaWithSha1" },
{ "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1", "rsaEncryption" },
{ "1.2.840.113549.1.1.2", "md2WithRSAEncryption" },
{ "1.2.840.113549.1.1.3", "md4WithRSAEncryption" },
{ "1.2.840.113549.1.1.4", "md5WithRSAEncryption" },
{ "1.2.840.113549.1.1.5", "sha1WithRSAEncryption" },
{ "1.2.840.113549.1.1.7", "rsaOAEP" },
{ "1.2.840.113549.1.1.8", "rsaOAEP-MGF" },
{ "1.2.840.113549.1.1.9", "rsaOAEP-pSpecified" },
{ "1.2.840.113549.1.1.10", "rsaPSS" },
{ "1.2.840.113549.1.1.11", "sha256WithRSAEncryption" },
{ "1.2.840.113549.1.1.12", "sha384WithRSAEncryption" },
{ "1.2.840.113549.1.1.13", "sha512WithRSAEncryption" },
{ "", "sha1" },
{ "", "sha-1WithRSAEncryption" },
{ "", "rsaSignatureWithripemd160" },
/* Telesec extensions. */
{ "", "certExtensionLiabilityLimitationExt" },
{ "", "telesecCertIdExt" },
{ "", "telesecPolicyIdentifier" },
{ "", "telesecPolicyQualifierID" },
{ "", "telesecCRLFilteredExt" },
{ "", "telesecCRLFilterExt"},
{ "", "telesecNamingAuthorityExt" },
#define OIDSTR_restriction \
{ OIDSTR_restriction, "restriction", OID_FLAG_UTF8 },
/* PKIX private extensions. */
{ "", "authorityInfoAccess" },
{ "", "biometricInfo" },
{ "", "qcStatements" },
{ "", "acAuditIdentity" },
{ "", "acTargeting" },
{ "", "acAaControls" },
{ "", "sbgp-ipAddrBlock" },
{ "", "sbgp-autonomousSysNum" },
{ "", "sbgp-routerIdentifier" },
{ "", "acProxying" },
{ "", "subjectInfoAccess" },
{ "", "ocsp" },
{ "", "caIssuers" },
{ "", "timeStamping" },
{ "", "caRepository" },
/* X.509 id-ce */
{ "", "subjectKeyIdentifier", OID_FLAG_SKIP},
{ "", "keyUsage", OID_FLAG_SKIP},
{ "", "privateKeyUsagePeriod" },
{ "", "subjectAltName", OID_FLAG_SKIP},
{ "", "issuerAltName", OID_FLAG_SKIP},
{ "", "basicConstraints", OID_FLAG_SKIP},
{ "", "cRLNumber" },
{ "", "cRLReason" },
{ "", "expirationDate" },
{ "", "instructionCode" },
{ "", "invalidityDate" },
{ "", "deltaCRLIndicator" },
{ "", "issuingDistributionPoint" },
{ "", "certificateIssuer" },
{ "", "nameConstraints" },
{ "", "cRLDistributionPoints", OID_FLAG_SKIP},
{ "", "certificatePolicies", OID_FLAG_SKIP},
{ "", "anyPolicy" },
{ "", "policyMappings" },
{ "", "authorityKeyIdentifier", OID_FLAG_SKIP},
{ "", "policyConstraints" },
{ "", "extKeyUsage", OID_FLAG_SKIP},
{ "", "freshestCRL" },
{ "", "inhibitAnyPolicy" },
/* Netscape certificate extensions. */
{ "2.16.840.1.113730.1.1", "netscape-cert-type" },
{ "2.16.840.1.113730.1.2", "netscape-base-url" },
{ "2.16.840.1.113730.1.3", "netscape-revocation-url" },
{ "2.16.840.1.113730.1.4", "netscape-ca-revocation-url" },
{ "2.16.840.1.113730.1.7", "netscape-cert-renewal-url" },
{ "2.16.840.1.113730.1.8", "netscape-ca-policy-url" },
{ "2.16.840.1.113730.1.9", "netscape-homePage-url" },
{ "2.16.840.1.113730.1.10", "netscape-entitylogo" },
{ "2.16.840.1.113730.1.11", "netscape-userPicture" },
{ "2.16.840.1.113730.1.12", "netscape-ssl-server-name" },
{ "2.16.840.1.113730.1.13", "netscape-comment" },
/* GnuPG extensions */
{ "", "pkaAddress" },
{ "", "standaloneCertificate" },
{ "", "wellKnownPrivateKey" },
/* Extensions used by the Bundesnetzagentur. */
{ "", "validityModel" },
{ NULL }
/* Return the description for OID; if no description is available
NULL is returned. */
static const char *
get_oid_desc (const char *oid, unsigned int *flag)
int i;
if (oid)
for (i=0; oidtranstbl[i].oid; i++)
if (!strcmp (oidtranstbl[i].oid, oid))
if (flag)
*flag = oidtranstbl[i].flag;
return oidtranstbl[i].name;
if (flag)
*flag = 0;
return NULL;
static void
print_key_data (ksba_cert_t cert, estream_t fp)
#if 0
int n = pk ? pubkey_get_npkey( pk->pubkey_algo ) : 0;
int i;
for(i=0; i < n; i++ )
es_fprintf (fp, "pkd:%d:%u:", i, mpi_get_nbits( pk->pkey[i] ) );
mpi_print(stdout, pk->pkey[i], 1 );
static void
print_capabilities (ksba_cert_t cert, estream_t fp)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned int use;
size_t buflen;
char buffer[1];
err = ksba_cert_get_user_data (cert, "is_qualified",
&buffer, sizeof (buffer), &buflen);
if (!err && buflen)
if (*buffer)
es_putc ('q', fp);
else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
; /* Don't know - will not get marked as 'q' */
log_debug ("get_user_data(is_qualified) failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
err = ksba_cert_get_key_usage (cert, &use);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
es_putc ('e', fp);
es_putc ('s', fp);
es_putc ('c', fp);
es_putc ('E', fp);
es_putc ('S', fp);
es_putc ('C', fp);
if (err)
log_error (_("error getting key usage information: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
es_putc ('e', fp);
es_putc ('s', fp);
es_putc ('c', fp);
es_putc ('E', fp);
es_putc ('S', fp);
es_putc ('C', fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
static void
print_time (gnupg_isotime_t t, estream_t fp)
if (!t || !*t)
es_fputs (t, fp);
/* Return an allocated string with the email address extracted from a
DN. Note hat we use this code also in ../kbx/keybox-blob.c. */
static char *
email_kludge (const char *name)
const char *p, *string;
unsigned char *buf;
int n;
string = name;
for (;;)
p = strstr (string, "1.2.840.113549.1.9.1=#");
if (!p)
return NULL;
if (p == name || (p > string+1 && p[-1] == ',' && p[-2] != '\\'))
name = p + 22;
string = p + 22;
/* This looks pretty much like an email address in the subject's DN
we use this to add an additional user ID entry. This way,
OpenSSL generated keys get a nicer and usable listing. */
for (n=0, p=name; hexdigitp (p) && hexdigitp (p+1); p +=2, n++)
if (!n)
return NULL;
buf = xtrymalloc (n+3);
if (!buf)
return NULL; /* oops, out of core */
*buf = '<';
for (n=1, p=name; hexdigitp (p); p +=2, n++)
buf[n] = xtoi_2 (p);
buf[n++] = '>';
buf[n] = 0;
return (char*)buf;
/* List one certificate in colon mode */
static void
list_cert_colon (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, unsigned int validity,
estream_t fp, int have_secret)
int rc;
int idx;
char truststring[2];
char *p;
ksba_sexp_t sexp;
char *fpr;
ksba_isotime_t t;
gpg_error_t valerr;
int algo;
unsigned int nbits;
const char *chain_id;
char *chain_id_buffer = NULL;
int is_root = 0;
char *kludge_uid;
if (ctrl->with_validation)
valerr = gpgsm_validate_chain (ctrl, cert, "", NULL, 1, NULL, 0, NULL);
valerr = 0;
/* We need to get the fingerprint and the chaining ID in advance. */
fpr = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_hexstring (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1);
ksba_cert_t next;
rc = gpgsm_walk_cert_chain (ctrl, cert, &next);
if (!rc) /* We known the issuer's certificate. */
p = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_hexstring (next, GCRY_MD_SHA1);
chain_id_buffer = p;
chain_id = chain_id_buffer;
ksba_cert_release (next);
else if (rc == -1) /* We have reached the root certificate. */
chain_id = fpr;
is_root = 1;
chain_id = NULL;
es_fputs (have_secret? "crs:":"crt:", fp);
/* Note: We can't use multiple flags, like "ei", because the
validation check does only return one error. */
truststring[0] = 0;
truststring[1] = 0;
if ((validity & VALIDITY_REVOKED)
|| gpg_err_code (valerr) == GPG_ERR_CERT_REVOKED)
*truststring = 'r';
else if (gpg_err_code (valerr) == GPG_ERR_CERT_EXPIRED)
*truststring = 'e';
/* Lets also check whether the certificate under question
expired. This is merely a hack until we found a proper way
to store the expiration flag in the keybox. */
ksba_isotime_t current_time, not_after;
gnupg_get_isotime (current_time);
if (!opt.ignore_expiration
&& !ksba_cert_get_validity (cert, 1, not_after)
&& *not_after && strcmp (current_time, not_after) > 0 )
*truststring = 'e';
else if (valerr)
if (gpgsm_cert_has_well_known_private_key (cert))
*truststring = 'w'; /* Well, this is dummy CA. */
*truststring = 'i';
else if (ctrl->with_validation && !is_root)
*truststring = 'f';
/* If we have no truststring yet (i.e. the certificate might be
good) and this is a root certificate, we ask the agent whether
this is a trusted root certificate. */
if (!*truststring && is_root)
struct rootca_flags_s dummy_flags;
if (gpgsm_cert_has_well_known_private_key (cert))
*truststring = 'w'; /* Well, this is dummy CA. */
rc = gpgsm_agent_istrusted (ctrl, cert, NULL, &dummy_flags);
if (!rc)
*truststring = 'u'; /* Yes, we trust this one (ultimately). */
else if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED)
*truststring = 'n'; /* No, we do not trust this one. */
/* (in case of an error we can't tell anything.) */
if (*truststring)
es_fputs (truststring, fp);
algo = gpgsm_get_key_algo_info (cert, &nbits);
es_fprintf (fp, ":%u:%d:%s:", nbits, algo, fpr+24);
ksba_cert_get_validity (cert, 0, t);
print_time (t, fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
ksba_cert_get_validity (cert, 1, t);
print_time ( t, fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
/* Field 8, serial number: */
if ((sexp = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert)))
int len;
const unsigned char *s = sexp;
if (*s == '(')
for (len=0; *s && *s != ':' && digitp (s); s++)
len = len*10 + atoi_1 (s);
if (*s == ':')
for (s++; len; len--, s++)
es_fprintf (fp,"%02X", *s);
xfree (sexp);
es_putc (':', fp);
/* Field 9, ownertrust - not used here */
es_putc (':', fp);
/* field 10, old user ID - we use it here for the issuer DN */
if ((p = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert,0)))
es_write_sanitized (fp, p, strlen (p), ":", NULL);
xfree (p);
es_putc (':', fp);
/* Field 11, signature class - not used */
es_putc (':', fp);
/* Field 12, capabilities: */
print_capabilities (cert, fp);
/* Field 13, not used: */
es_putc (':', fp);
if (have_secret || ctrl->with_secret)
char *cardsn;
p = gpgsm_get_keygrip_hexstring (cert);
if (!gpgsm_agent_keyinfo (ctrl, p, &cardsn)
&& (cardsn || ctrl->with_secret))
/* Field 14, not used: */
es_putc (':', fp);
/* Field 15: Token serial number or secret key indicator. */
if (cardsn)
es_fputs (cardsn, fp);
else if (ctrl->with_secret)
es_putc ('+', fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
xfree (cardsn);
xfree (p);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
/* FPR record */
es_fprintf (fp, "fpr:::::::::%s:::", fpr);
/* Print chaining ID (field 13)*/
if (chain_id)
es_fputs (chain_id, fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
xfree (fpr); fpr = NULL; chain_id = NULL;
xfree (chain_id_buffer); chain_id_buffer = NULL;
if (opt.with_key_data)
if ( (p = gpgsm_get_keygrip_hexstring (cert)))
es_fprintf (fp, "grp:::::::::%s:\n", p);
xfree (p);
print_key_data (cert, fp);
kludge_uid = NULL;
for (idx=0; (p = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert,idx)); idx++)
/* In the case that the same email address is in the subject DN
as well as in an alternate subject name we avoid printing it
a second time. */
if (kludge_uid && !strcmp (kludge_uid, p))
es_fprintf (fp, "uid:%s::::::::", truststring);
es_write_sanitized (fp, p, strlen (p), ":", NULL);
es_putc (':', fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
if (!idx)
/* It would be better to get the faked email address from
the keydb. But as long as we don't have a way to pass
the meta data back, we just check it the same way as the
code used to create the keybox meta data does */
kludge_uid = email_kludge (p);
if (kludge_uid)
es_fprintf (fp, "uid:%s::::::::", truststring);
es_write_sanitized (fp, kludge_uid, strlen (kludge_uid),
":", NULL);
es_putc (':', fp);
es_putc (':', fp);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
xfree (p);
xfree (kludge_uid);
static void
print_name_raw (estream_t fp, const char *string)
if (!string)
es_fputs ("[error]", fp);
es_write_sanitized (fp, string, strlen (string), NULL, NULL);
static void
print_names_raw (estream_t fp, int indent, ksba_name_t name)
int idx;
const char *s;
int indent_all;
if ((indent_all = (indent < 0)))
indent = - indent;
if (!name)
es_fputs ("none\n", fp);
for (idx=0; (s = ksba_name_enum (name, idx)); idx++)
char *p = ksba_name_get_uri (name, idx);
es_fprintf (fp, "%*s", idx||indent_all?indent:0, "");
es_write_sanitized (fp, p?p:s, strlen (p?p:s), NULL, NULL);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
xfree (p);
static void
print_utf8_extn_raw (estream_t fp, int indent,
const unsigned char *der, size_t derlen)
gpg_error_t err;
int class, tag, constructed, ndef;
size_t objlen, hdrlen;
if (indent < 0)
indent = - indent;
err = parse_ber_header (&der, &derlen, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > derlen || tag != TAG_UTF8_STRING))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
es_fprintf (fp, "%*s[%s]\n", indent, "", gpg_strerror (err));
es_fprintf (fp, "%*s(%.*s)\n", indent, "", (int)objlen, der);
static void
print_utf8_extn (estream_t fp, int indent,
const unsigned char *der, size_t derlen)
gpg_error_t err;
int class, tag, constructed, ndef;
size_t objlen, hdrlen;
int indent_all;
if ((indent_all = (indent < 0)))
indent = - indent;
err = parse_ber_header (&der, &derlen, &class, &tag, &constructed,
&ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen);
if (!err && (objlen > derlen || tag != TAG_UTF8_STRING))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ);
if (err)
es_fprintf (fp, "%*s[%s%s]\n",
indent_all? indent:0, "", _("Error - "), gpg_strerror (err));
es_fprintf (fp, "%*s\"", indent_all? indent:0, "");
/* Fixme: we should implement word wrapping */
es_write_sanitized (fp, der, objlen, "\"", NULL);
es_fputs ("\"\n", fp);
/* List one certificate in raw mode useful to have a closer look at
the certificate. This one does no beautification and only minimal
output sanitation. It is mainly useful for debugging. */
static void
list_cert_raw (ctrl_t ctrl, KEYDB_HANDLE hd,
ksba_cert_t cert, estream_t fp, int have_secret,
int with_validation)
gpg_error_t err;
size_t off, len;
ksba_sexp_t sexp, keyid;
char *dn;
ksba_isotime_t t;
int idx, i;
int is_ca, chainlen;
unsigned int kusage;
char *string, *p, *pend;
const char *oid, *s;
ksba_name_t name, name2;
unsigned int reason;
const unsigned char *cert_der = NULL;
es_fprintf (fp, " ID: 0x%08lX\n",
gpgsm_get_short_fingerprint (cert, NULL));
sexp = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert);
es_fputs (" S/N: ", fp);
gpgsm_print_serial (fp, sexp);
ksba_free (sexp);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
dn = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0);
es_fputs (" Issuer: ", fp);
print_name_raw (fp, dn);
ksba_free (dn);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
for (idx=1; (dn = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, idx)); idx++)
es_fputs (" aka: ", fp);
print_name_raw (fp, dn);
ksba_free (dn);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
dn = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0);
es_fputs (" Subject: ", fp);
print_name_raw (fp, dn);
ksba_free (dn);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
for (idx=1; (dn = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, idx)); idx++)
es_fputs (" aka: ", fp);
print_name_raw (fp, dn);
ksba_free (dn);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
dn = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_string (cert, 0);
es_fprintf (fp, " sha1_fpr: %s\n", dn?dn:"error");
xfree (dn);
dn = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_string (cert, GCRY_MD_MD5);
es_fprintf (fp, " md5_fpr: %s\n", dn?dn:"error");
xfree (dn);
dn = gpgsm_get_certid (cert);
es_fprintf (fp, " certid: %s\n", dn?dn:"error");
xfree (dn);
dn = gpgsm_get_keygrip_hexstring (cert);
es_fprintf (fp, " keygrip: %s\n", dn?dn:"error");
xfree (dn);
ksba_cert_get_validity (cert, 0, t);
es_fputs (" notBefore: ", fp);
gpgsm_print_time (fp, t);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
es_fputs (" notAfter: ", fp);
ksba_cert_get_validity (cert, 1, t);
gpgsm_print_time (fp, t);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
oid = ksba_cert_get_digest_algo (cert);
s = get_oid_desc (oid, NULL);
es_fprintf (fp, " hashAlgo: %s%s%s%s\n", oid, s?" (":"",s?s:"",s?")":"");
const char *algoname;
unsigned int nbits;
algoname = gcry_pk_algo_name (gpgsm_get_key_algo_info (cert, &nbits));
es_fprintf (fp, " keyType: %u bit %s\n",
nbits, algoname? algoname:"?");
/* subjectKeyIdentifier */
es_fputs (" subjKeyId: ", fp);
err = ksba_cert_get_subj_key_id (cert, NULL, &keyid);
if (!err || gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
es_fputs ("[none]\n", fp);
gpgsm_print_serial (fp, keyid);
ksba_free (keyid);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
es_fputs ("[?]\n", fp);
/* authorityKeyIdentifier */
es_fputs (" authKeyId: ", fp);
err = ksba_cert_get_auth_key_id (cert, &keyid, &name, &sexp);
if (!err || gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA || !name)
es_fputs ("[none]\n", fp);
gpgsm_print_serial (fp, sexp);
ksba_free (sexp);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
print_names_raw (fp, -15, name);
ksba_name_release (name);
if (keyid)
es_fputs (" ", fp);
gpgsm_print_serial (fp, keyid);
ksba_free (keyid);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
es_fputs ("[?]\n", fp);
es_fputs (" keyUsage:", fp);
err = ksba_cert_get_key_usage (cert, &kusage);
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
if (err)
es_fprintf (fp, " [error: %s]", gpg_strerror (err));
es_fputs (" digitalSignature", fp);
es_fputs (" nonRepudiation", fp);
es_fputs (" keyEncipherment", fp);
es_fputs (" dataEncipherment", fp);
es_fputs (" keyAgreement", fp);
es_fputs (" certSign", fp);
if ( (kusage & KSBA_KEYUSAGE_CRL_SIGN))
es_fputs (" crlSign", fp);
es_fputs (" encipherOnly", fp);
es_fputs (" decipherOnly", fp);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
es_fputs (" [none]\n", fp);
es_fputs (" extKeyUsage: ", fp);
err = ksba_cert_get_ext_key_usages (cert, &string);
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
if (err)
es_fprintf (fp, "[error: %s]", gpg_strerror (err));
p = string;
while (p && (pend=strchr (p, ':')))
*pend++ = 0;
for (i=0; key_purpose_map[i].oid; i++)
if ( !strcmp (key_purpose_map[i].oid, p) )
es_fputs (key_purpose_map[i].oid?key_purpose_map[i].name:p, fp);
p = pend;
if (*p != 'C')
es_fputs (" (suggested)", fp);
if ((p = strchr (p, '\n')))
es_fputs ("\n ", fp);
xfree (string);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
es_fputs ("[none]\n", fp);
es_fputs (" policies: ", fp);
err = ksba_cert_get_cert_policies (cert, &string);
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
if (err)
es_fprintf (fp, "[error: %s]", gpg_strerror (err));
p = string;
while (p && (pend=strchr (p, ':')))
*pend++ = 0;
for (i=0; key_purpose_map[i].oid; i++)
if ( !strcmp (key_purpose_map[i].oid, p) )
es_fputs (p, fp);
p = pend;
if (*p == 'C')
es_fputs (" (critical)", fp);
if ((p = strchr (p, '\n')))
es_fputs ("\n ", fp);
xfree (string);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
es_fputs ("[none]\n", fp);
es_fputs (" chainLength: ", fp);
err = ksba_cert_is_ca (cert, &is_ca, &chainlen);
if (err || is_ca)
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_VALUE )
es_fprintf (fp, "[none]");
else if (err)
es_fprintf (fp, "[error: %s]", gpg_strerror (err));
else if (chainlen == -1)
es_fputs ("unlimited", fp);
es_fprintf (fp, "%d", chainlen);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
es_fputs ("not a CA\n", fp);
/* CRL distribution point */
for (idx=0; !(err=ksba_cert_get_crl_dist_point (cert, idx, &name, &name2,
&reason)) ;idx++)
es_fputs (" crlDP: ", fp);
print_names_raw (fp, 15, name);
if (reason)
es_fputs (" reason: ", fp);
es_fputs (" unused", fp);
es_fputs (" keyCompromise", fp);
es_fputs (" caCompromise", fp);
es_fputs (" affiliationChanged", fp);
es_fputs (" superseded", fp);
es_fputs (" cessationOfOperation", fp);
es_fputs (" certificateHold", fp);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
es_fputs (" issuer: ", fp);
print_names_raw (fp, 23, name2);
ksba_name_release (name);
ksba_name_release (name2);
if (err && gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_EOF
&& gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NO_VALUE)
es_fputs (" crlDP: [error]\n", fp);
else if (!idx)
es_fputs (" crlDP: [none]\n", fp);
/* authorityInfoAccess. */
for (idx=0; !(err=ksba_cert_get_authority_info_access (cert, idx, &string,
&name)); idx++)
es_fputs (" authInfo: ", fp);
s = get_oid_desc (string, NULL);
es_fprintf (fp, "%s%s%s%s\n", string, s?" (":"", s?s:"", s?")":"");
print_names_raw (fp, -15, name);
ksba_name_release (name);
ksba_free (string);
if (err && gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_EOF
&& gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NO_VALUE)
es_fputs (" authInfo: [error]\n", fp);
else if (!idx)
es_fputs (" authInfo: [none]\n", fp);
/* subjectInfoAccess. */
for (idx=0; !(err=ksba_cert_get_subject_info_access (cert, idx, &string,
&name)); idx++)
es_fputs (" subjectInfo: ", fp);
s = get_oid_desc (string, NULL);
es_fprintf (fp, "%s%s%s%s\n", string, s?" (":"", s?s:"", s?")":"");
print_names_raw (fp, -15, name);
ksba_name_release (name);
ksba_free (string);
if (err && gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_EOF
&& gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NO_VALUE)
es_fputs (" subjInfo: [error]\n", fp);
else if (!idx)
es_fputs (" subjInfo: [none]\n", fp);
for (idx=0; !(err=ksba_cert_get_extension (cert, idx,
&oid, &i, &off, &len));idx++)
unsigned int flag;
s = get_oid_desc (oid, &flag);
if ((flag & OID_FLAG_SKIP))
es_fprintf (fp, " %s: %s%s%s%s [%d octets]\n",
i? "critExtn":" extn",
oid, s?" (":"", s?s:"", s?")":"", (int)len);
if ((flag & OID_FLAG_UTF8))
if (!cert_der)
cert_der = ksba_cert_get_image (cert, NULL);
assert (cert_der);
print_utf8_extn_raw (fp, -15, cert_der+off, len);
if (with_validation)
err = gpgsm_validate_chain (ctrl, cert, "", NULL, 1, fp, 0, NULL);
if (!err)
es_fprintf (fp, " [certificate is good]\n");
es_fprintf (fp, " [certificate is bad: %s]\n", gpg_strerror (err));
if (hd)
unsigned int blobflags;
err = keydb_get_flags (hd, KEYBOX_FLAG_BLOB, 0, &blobflags);
if (err)
es_fprintf (fp, " [error getting keyflags: %s]\n",gpg_strerror (err));
else if ((blobflags & KEYBOX_FLAG_BLOB_EPHEMERAL))
es_fprintf (fp, " [stored as ephemeral]\n");
/* List one certificate in standard mode */
static void
list_cert_std (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, estream_t fp, int have_secret,
int with_validation)
gpg_error_t err;
ksba_sexp_t sexp;
char *dn;
ksba_isotime_t t;
int idx, i;
int is_ca, chainlen;
unsigned int kusage;
char *string, *p, *pend;
size_t off, len;
const char *oid;
const unsigned char *cert_der = NULL;
es_fprintf (fp, " ID: 0x%08lX\n",
gpgsm_get_short_fingerprint (cert, NULL));
sexp = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert);
es_fputs (" S/N: ", fp);
gpgsm_print_serial (fp, sexp);
ksba_free (sexp);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
dn = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0);
es_fputs (" Issuer: ", fp);
gpgsm_es_print_name (fp, dn);
ksba_free (dn);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
for (idx=1; (dn = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, idx)); idx++)
es_fputs (" aka: ", fp);
gpgsm_es_print_name (fp, dn);
ksba_free (dn);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
dn = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0);
es_fputs (" Subject: ", fp);
gpgsm_es_print_name (fp, dn);
ksba_free (dn);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
for (idx=1; (dn = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, idx)); idx++)
es_fputs (" aka: ", fp);
gpgsm_es_print_name (fp, dn);
ksba_free (dn);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
ksba_cert_get_validity (cert, 0, t);
es_fputs (" validity: ", fp);
gpgsm_print_time (fp, t);
es_fputs (" through ", fp);
ksba_cert_get_validity (cert, 1, t);
gpgsm_print_time (fp, t);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
const char *algoname;
unsigned int nbits;
algoname = gcry_pk_algo_name (gpgsm_get_key_algo_info (cert, &nbits));
es_fprintf (fp, " key type: %u bit %s\n",
nbits, algoname? algoname:"?");
err = ksba_cert_get_key_usage (cert, &kusage);
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
es_fputs (" key usage:", fp);
if (err)
es_fprintf (fp, " [error: %s]", gpg_strerror (err));
es_fputs (" digitalSignature", fp);
es_fputs (" nonRepudiation", fp);
es_fputs (" keyEncipherment", fp);
es_fputs (" dataEncipherment", fp);
es_fputs (" keyAgreement", fp);
es_fputs (" certSign", fp);
if ( (kusage & KSBA_KEYUSAGE_CRL_SIGN))
es_fputs (" crlSign", fp);
es_fputs (" encipherOnly", fp);
es_fputs (" decipherOnly", fp);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
err = ksba_cert_get_ext_key_usages (cert, &string);
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
es_fputs ("ext key usage: ", fp);
if (err)
es_fprintf (fp, "[error: %s]", gpg_strerror (err));
p = string;
while (p && (pend=strchr (p, ':')))
*pend++ = 0;
for (i=0; key_purpose_map[i].oid; i++)
if ( !strcmp (key_purpose_map[i].oid, p) )
es_fputs (key_purpose_map[i].oid?key_purpose_map[i].name:p, fp);
p = pend;
if (*p != 'C')
es_fputs (" (suggested)", fp);
if ((p = strchr (p, '\n')))
es_fputs (", ", fp);
xfree (string);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
/* Print restrictions. */
for (idx=0; !(err=ksba_cert_get_extension (cert, idx,
&oid, NULL, &off, &len));idx++)
if (!strcmp (oid, OIDSTR_restriction) )
if (!cert_der)
cert_der = ksba_cert_get_image (cert, NULL);
assert (cert_der);
es_fputs (" restriction: ", fp);
print_utf8_extn (fp, 15, cert_der+off, len);
/* Print policies. */
err = ksba_cert_get_cert_policies (cert, &string);
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
es_fputs (" policies: ", fp);
if (err)
es_fprintf (fp, "[error: %s]", gpg_strerror (err));
for (p=string; *p; p++)
if (*p == '\n')
*p = ',';
es_write_sanitized (fp, string, strlen (string), NULL, NULL);
xfree (string);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
err = ksba_cert_is_ca (cert, &is_ca, &chainlen);
if (err || is_ca)
es_fputs (" chain length: ", fp);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_VALUE )
es_fprintf (fp, "none");
else if (err)
es_fprintf (fp, "[error: %s]", gpg_strerror (err));
else if (chainlen == -1)
es_fputs ("unlimited", fp);
es_fprintf (fp, "%d", chainlen);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
if (opt.with_md5_fingerprint)
dn = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_string (cert, GCRY_MD_MD5);
es_fprintf (fp, " md5 fpr: %s\n", dn?dn:"error");
xfree (dn);
dn = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_string (cert, 0);
es_fprintf (fp, " fingerprint: %s\n", dn?dn:"error");
xfree (dn);
if (opt.with_keygrip)
dn = gpgsm_get_keygrip_hexstring (cert);
if (dn)
es_fprintf (fp, " keygrip: %s\n", dn);
xfree (dn);
if (have_secret)
char *cardsn;
p = gpgsm_get_keygrip_hexstring (cert);
if (!gpgsm_agent_keyinfo (ctrl, p, &cardsn) && cardsn)
es_fprintf (fp, " card s/n: %s\n", cardsn);
xfree (cardsn);
xfree (p);
if (with_validation)
gpg_error_t tmperr;
size_t buflen;
char buffer[1];
err = gpgsm_validate_chain (ctrl, cert, "", NULL, 1, fp, 0, NULL);
tmperr = ksba_cert_get_user_data (cert, "is_qualified",
&buffer, sizeof (buffer), &buflen);
if (!tmperr && buflen)
if (*buffer)
es_fputs (" [qualified]\n", fp);
else if (gpg_err_code (tmperr) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
; /* Don't know - will not get marked as 'q' */
log_debug ("get_user_data(is_qualified) failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (tmperr));
if (!err)
es_fprintf (fp, " [certificate is good]\n");
es_fprintf (fp, " [certificate is bad: %s]\n", gpg_strerror (err));
/* Same as standard mode mode list all certifying certs too. */
static void
list_cert_chain (ctrl_t ctrl, KEYDB_HANDLE hd,
ksba_cert_t cert, int raw_mode,
estream_t fp, int with_validation)
ksba_cert_t next = NULL;
if (raw_mode)
list_cert_raw (ctrl, hd, cert, fp, 0, with_validation);
list_cert_std (ctrl, cert, fp, 0, with_validation);
ksba_cert_ref (cert);
while (!gpgsm_walk_cert_chain (ctrl, cert, &next))
ksba_cert_release (cert);
es_fputs ("Certified by\n", fp);
if (raw_mode)
list_cert_raw (ctrl, hd, next, fp, 0, with_validation);
list_cert_std (ctrl, next, fp, 0, with_validation);
cert = next;
ksba_cert_release (cert);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
/* List all internal keys or just the keys given as NAMES. MODE is a
bit vector to specify what keys are to be included; see
gpgsm_list_keys (below) for details. If RAW_MODE is true, the raw
output mode will be used instead of the standard beautified one.
static gpg_error_t
list_internal_keys (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t names, estream_t fp,
unsigned int mode, int raw_mode)
strlist_t sl;
int ndesc;
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
ksba_cert_t lastcert = NULL;
gpg_error_t rc = 0;
const char *lastresname, *resname;
int have_secret;
int want_ephemeral = ctrl->with_ephemeral_keys;
hd = keydb_new (0);
if (!hd)
log_error ("keydb_new failed\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
if (!names)
ndesc = 1;
for (sl=names, ndesc=0; sl; sl = sl->next, ndesc++)
desc = xtrycalloc (ndesc, sizeof *desc);
if (!ndesc)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("out of core\n");
goto leave;
if (!names)
for (ndesc=0, sl=names; sl; sl = sl->next)
rc = classify_user_id (sl->d, desc+ndesc, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("key '%s' not found: %s\n",
sl->d, gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = 0;
/* If all specifications are done by fingerprint or keygrip, we
switch to ephemeral mode so that _all_ currently available and
matching certificates are listed. */
if (!want_ephemeral && names && ndesc)
int i;
for (i=0; (i < ndesc
&& (desc[i].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR
|| desc[i].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20
|| desc[i].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR16
|| desc[i].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_KEYGRIP)); i++)
if (i == ndesc)
want_ephemeral = 1;
if (want_ephemeral)
keydb_set_ephemeral (hd, 1);
/* It would be nice to see which of the given users did actually
match one in the keyring. To implement this we need to have a
found flag for each entry in desc and to set this we must check
all those entries after a match to mark all matched one -
currently we stop at the first match. To do this we need an
extra flag to enable this feature so */
/* Suppress duplicates at least when they follow each other. */
lastresname = NULL;
while (!(rc = keydb_search (hd, desc, ndesc)))
unsigned int validity;
if (!names)
desc[0].mode = KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NEXT;
rc = keydb_get_flags (hd, KEYBOX_FLAG_VALIDITY, 0, &validity);
if (rc)
log_error ("keydb_get_flags failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
rc = keydb_get_cert (hd, &cert);
if (rc)
log_error ("keydb_get_cert failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
/* Skip duplicated certificates, at least if they follow each
others. This works best if a single key is searched for and
expected. FIXME: Non-sequential duplicates remain. */
if (gpgsm_certs_identical_p (cert, lastcert))
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
resname = keydb_get_resource_name (hd);
if (lastresname != resname )
int i;
if (ctrl->no_server)
es_fprintf (fp, "%s\n", resname );
for (i=strlen(resname); i; i-- )
es_putc ('-', fp);
es_putc ('\n', fp);
lastresname = resname;
have_secret = 0;
if (mode)
char *p = gpgsm_get_keygrip_hexstring (cert);
if (p)
rc = gpgsm_agent_havekey (ctrl, p);
if (!rc)
have_secret = 1;
else if ( gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY)
goto leave;
rc = 0;
xfree (p);
if (!mode
|| ((mode & 1) && !have_secret)
|| ((mode & 2) && have_secret) )
if (ctrl->with_colons)
list_cert_colon (ctrl, cert, validity, fp, have_secret);
else if (ctrl->with_chain)
list_cert_chain (ctrl, hd, cert,
raw_mode, fp, ctrl->with_validation);
if (raw_mode)
list_cert_raw (ctrl, hd, cert, fp, have_secret,
list_cert_std (ctrl, cert, fp, have_secret,
es_putc ('\n', fp);
ksba_cert_release (lastcert);
lastcert = cert;
cert = NULL;
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_EOF || rc == -1 )
rc = 0;
if (rc)
log_error ("keydb_search failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
ksba_cert_release (cert);
ksba_cert_release (lastcert);
xfree (desc);
keydb_release (hd);
return rc;
static void
list_external_cb (void *cb_value, ksba_cert_t cert)
struct list_external_parm_s *parm = cb_value;
if (keydb_store_cert (cert, 1, NULL))
log_error ("error storing certificate as ephemeral\n");
if (parm->print_header)
const char *resname = "[external keys]";
int i;
es_fprintf (parm->fp, "%s\n", resname );
for (i=strlen(resname); i; i-- )
es_putc('-', parm->fp);
es_putc ('\n', parm->fp);
parm->print_header = 0;
if (parm->with_colons)
list_cert_colon (parm->ctrl, cert, 0, parm->fp, 0);
else if (parm->with_chain)
list_cert_chain (parm->ctrl, NULL, cert, parm->raw_mode, parm->fp, 0);
if (parm->raw_mode)
list_cert_raw (parm->ctrl, NULL, cert, parm->fp, 0, 0);
list_cert_std (parm->ctrl, cert, parm->fp, 0, 0);
es_putc ('\n', parm->fp);
/* List external keys similar to internal one. Note: mode does not
make sense here because it would be unwise to list external secret
keys */
static gpg_error_t
list_external_keys (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t names, estream_t fp, int raw_mode)
int rc;
struct list_external_parm_s parm;
parm.fp = fp;
parm.ctrl = ctrl,
parm.print_header = ctrl->no_server;
parm.with_colons = ctrl->with_colons;
parm.with_chain = ctrl->with_chain;
parm.raw_mode = raw_mode;
rc = gpgsm_dirmngr_lookup (ctrl, names, 0, list_external_cb, &parm);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_EOF || rc == -1
|| gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
rc = 0; /* "Not found" is not an error here. */
if (rc)
log_error ("listing external keys failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
/* List all keys or just the key given as NAMES.
MODE controls the operation mode:
Bit 0-2:
0 = list all public keys but don't flag secret ones
1 = list only public keys
2 = list only secret keys
3 = list secret and public keys
Bit 6: list internal keys
Bit 7: list external keys
Bit 8: Do a raw format dump.
gpgsm_list_keys (ctrl_t ctrl, strlist_t names, estream_t fp,
unsigned int mode)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
if ((mode & (1<<6)))
err = list_internal_keys (ctrl, names, fp, (mode & 3), (mode&256));
if (!err && (mode & (1<<7)))
err = list_external_keys (ctrl, names, fp, (mode&256));
return err;
diff --git a/sm/minip12.c b/sm/minip12.c
index 0e94753f8..f066892a0 100644
--- a/sm/minip12.c
+++ b/sm/minip12.c
@@ -1,2620 +1,2620 @@
/* minip12.c - A minimal pkcs-12 implementation.
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifdef TEST
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "../common/logging.h"
#include "../common/utf8conv.h"
#include "minip12.h"
#ifndef DIM
#define DIM(v) (sizeof(v)/sizeof((v)[0]))
TAG_SET = 17,
static unsigned char const oid_data[9] = {
0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x07, 0x01 };
static unsigned char const oid_encryptedData[9] = {
0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x07, 0x06 };
static unsigned char const oid_pkcs_12_keyBag[11] = {
0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x0C, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x01 };
static unsigned char const oid_pkcs_12_pkcs_8ShroudedKeyBag[11] = {
0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x0C, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x02 };
static unsigned char const oid_pkcs_12_CertBag[11] = {
0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x0C, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x03 };
static unsigned char const oid_pkcs_12_CrlBag[11] = {
0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x0C, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x04 };
static unsigned char const oid_pbeWithSHAAnd3_KeyTripleDES_CBC[10] = {
0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x03 };
static unsigned char const oid_pbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC2_CBC[10] = {
0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x06 };
static unsigned char const oid_x509Certificate_for_pkcs_12[10] = {
0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x09, 0x16, 0x01 };
static unsigned char const oid_pkcs5PBKDF2[9] = {
0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x05, 0x0C };
static unsigned char const oid_pkcs5PBES2[9] = {
0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x05, 0x0D };
static unsigned char const oid_aes128_CBC[9] = {
0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x01, 0x02 };
static unsigned char const oid_rsaEncryption[9] = {
0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 };
static unsigned char const data_3desiter2048[30] = {
0x30, 0x1C, 0x06, 0x0A, 0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86,
0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x03, 0x30, 0x0E,
0x04, 0x08, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00 };
#define DATA_3DESITER2048_SALT_OFF 18
static unsigned char const data_rc2iter2048[30] = {
0x30, 0x1C, 0x06, 0x0A, 0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86,
0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x06, 0x30, 0x0E,
0x04, 0x08, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00 };
#define DATA_RC2ITER2048_SALT_OFF 18
static unsigned char const data_mactemplate[51] = {
0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05,
0x2b, 0x0e, 0x03, 0x02, 0x1a, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04,
0x14, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x04, 0x08, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x02,
0x02, 0x08, 0x00 };
static unsigned char const data_attrtemplate[106] = {
0x31, 0x7c, 0x30, 0x55, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86,
0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x09, 0x14, 0x31,
0x48, 0x1e, 0x46, 0x00, 0x47, 0x00, 0x6e, 0x00,
0x75, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0x47, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00,
0x65, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0x6f, 0x00,
0x72, 0x00, 0x74, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00,
0x20, 0x00, 0x63, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x72, 0x00,
0x74, 0x00, 0x69, 0x00, 0x66, 0x00, 0x69, 0x00,
0x63, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x74, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00,
0x20, 0x00, 0x66, 0x00, 0x66, 0x00, 0x66, 0x00,
0x66, 0x00, 0x66, 0x00, 0x66, 0x00, 0x66, 0x00,
0x66, 0x30, 0x23, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48,
0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x09, 0x15, 0x31, 0x16,
0x04, 0x14 }; /* Need to append SHA-1 digest. */
struct buffer_s
unsigned char *buffer;
size_t length;
struct tag_info
int class;
int is_constructed;
unsigned long tag;
unsigned long length; /* length part of the TLV */
int nhdr;
int ndef; /* It is an indefinite length */
/* Parse the buffer at the address BUFFER which is of SIZE and return
the tag and the length part from the TLV triplet. Update BUFFER
and SIZE on success. Checks that the encoded length does not
exhaust the length of the provided buffer. */
static int
parse_tag (unsigned char const **buffer, size_t *size, struct tag_info *ti)
int c;
unsigned long tag;
const unsigned char *buf = *buffer;
size_t length = *size;
ti->length = 0;
ti->ndef = 0;
ti->nhdr = 0;
/* Get the tag */
if (!length)
return -1; /* premature eof */
c = *buf++; length--;
ti->class = (c & 0xc0) >> 6;
ti->is_constructed = !!(c & 0x20);
tag = c & 0x1f;
if (tag == 0x1f)
tag = 0;
tag <<= 7;
if (!length)
return -1; /* premature eof */
c = *buf++; length--;
tag |= c & 0x7f;
while (c & 0x80);
ti->tag = tag;
/* Get the length */
if (!length)
return -1; /* prematureeof */
c = *buf++; length--;
if ( !(c & 0x80) )
ti->length = c;
else if (c == 0x80)
ti->ndef = 1;
else if (c == 0xff)
return -1; /* forbidden length value */
unsigned long len = 0;
int count = c & 0x7f;
for (; count; count--)
len <<= 8;
if (!length)
return -1; /* premature_eof */
c = *buf++; length--;
len |= c & 0xff;
ti->length = len;
if (ti->class == UNIVERSAL && !ti->tag)
ti->length = 0;
if (ti->length > length)
return -1; /* data larger than buffer. */
*buffer = buf;
*size = length;
return 0;
/* Given an ASN.1 chunk of a structure like:
24 NDEF: OCTET STRING -- This is not passed to us
04 1: OCTET STRING -- INPUT point s to here
: 30
: 80
: 00 00
: } -- This denotes a Null tag and are the last
-- two bytes in INPUT.
Create a new buffer with the content of that octet string. INPUT
is the original buffer with a length as stored at LENGTH. Returns
NULL on error or a new malloced buffer with the length of this new
buffer stored at LENGTH and the number of bytes parsed from input
are added to the value stored at INPUT_CONSUMED. INPUT_CONSUMED is
allowed to be passed as NULL if the caller is not interested in
this value. */
static unsigned char *
cram_octet_string (const unsigned char *input, size_t *length,
size_t *input_consumed)
const unsigned char *s = input;
size_t n = *length;
unsigned char *output, *d;
struct tag_info ti;
/* Allocate output buf. We know that it won't be longer than the
input buffer. */
d = output = gcry_malloc (n);
if (!output)
goto bailout;
for (;;)
if (parse_tag (&s, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class == UNIVERSAL && ti.tag == TAG_OCTET_STRING
&& !ti.ndef && !ti.is_constructed)
memcpy (d, s, ti.length);
s += ti.length;
d += ti.length;
n -= ti.length;
else if (ti.class == UNIVERSAL && !ti.tag && !ti.is_constructed)
break; /* Ready */
goto bailout;
*length = d - output;
if (input_consumed)
*input_consumed += s - input;
return output;
if (input_consumed)
*input_consumed += s - input;
gcry_free (output);
return NULL;
static int
string_to_key (int id, char *salt, size_t saltlen, int iter, const char *pw,
int req_keylen, unsigned char *keybuf)
int rc, i, j;
gcry_md_hd_t md;
gcry_mpi_t num_b1 = NULL;
int pwlen;
unsigned char hash[20], buf_b[64], buf_i[128], *p;
size_t cur_keylen;
size_t n;
cur_keylen = 0;
pwlen = strlen (pw);
if (pwlen > 63/2)
log_error ("password too long\n");
return -1;
if (saltlen < 8)
log_error ("salt too short\n");
return -1;
/* Store salt and password in BUF_I */
p = buf_i;
for(i=0; i < 64; i++)
*p++ = salt [i%saltlen];
for(i=j=0; i < 64; i += 2)
*p++ = 0;
*p++ = pw[j];
if (++j > pwlen) /* Note, that we include the trailing zero */
j = 0;
for (;;)
rc = gcry_md_open (&md, GCRY_MD_SHA1, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ( "gcry_md_open failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return rc;
for(i=0; i < 64; i++)
gcry_md_putc (md, id);
gcry_md_write (md, buf_i, 128);
memcpy (hash, gcry_md_read (md, 0), 20);
gcry_md_close (md);
for (i=1; i < iter; i++)
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, hash, hash, 20);
for (i=0; i < 20 && cur_keylen < req_keylen; i++)
keybuf[cur_keylen++] = hash[i];
if (cur_keylen == req_keylen)
gcry_mpi_release (num_b1);
return 0; /* ready */
/* need more bytes. */
for(i=0; i < 64; i++)
buf_b[i] = hash[i % 20];
rc = gcry_mpi_scan (&num_b1, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, buf_b, 64, &n);
if (rc)
log_error ( "gcry_mpi_scan failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return -1;
gcry_mpi_add_ui (num_b1, num_b1, 1);
for (i=0; i < 128; i += 64)
gcry_mpi_t num_ij;
rc = gcry_mpi_scan (&num_ij, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, buf_i + i, 64, &n);
if (rc)
log_error ( "gcry_mpi_scan failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return -1;
gcry_mpi_add (num_ij, num_ij, num_b1);
gcry_mpi_clear_highbit (num_ij, 64*8);
rc = gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, buf_i + i, 64, &n, num_ij);
if (rc)
log_error ( "gcry_mpi_print failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return -1;
gcry_mpi_release (num_ij);
static int
set_key_iv (gcry_cipher_hd_t chd, char *salt, size_t saltlen, int iter,
const char *pw, int keybytes)
unsigned char keybuf[24];
int rc;
assert (keybytes == 5 || keybytes == 24);
if (string_to_key (1, salt, saltlen, iter, pw, keybytes, keybuf))
return -1;
rc = gcry_cipher_setkey (chd, keybuf, keybytes);
if (rc)
log_error ( "gcry_cipher_setkey failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return -1;
if (string_to_key (2, salt, saltlen, iter, pw, 8, keybuf))
return -1;
rc = gcry_cipher_setiv (chd, keybuf, 8);
if (rc)
log_error ("gcry_cipher_setiv failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return -1;
return 0;
static int
set_key_iv_pbes2 (gcry_cipher_hd_t chd, char *salt, size_t saltlen, int iter,
const void *iv, size_t ivlen, const char *pw, int algo)
unsigned char *keybuf;
size_t keylen;
int rc;
keylen = gcry_cipher_get_algo_keylen (algo);
if (!keylen)
return -1;
keybuf = gcry_malloc_secure (keylen);
if (!keybuf)
return -1;
rc = gcry_kdf_derive (pw, strlen (pw),
salt, saltlen, iter, keylen, keybuf);
if (rc)
log_error ("gcry_kdf_derive failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
gcry_free (keybuf);
return -1;
rc = gcry_cipher_setkey (chd, keybuf, keylen);
gcry_free (keybuf);
if (rc)
log_error ("gcry_cipher_setkey failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return -1;
rc = gcry_cipher_setiv (chd, iv, ivlen);
if (rc)
log_error ("gcry_cipher_setiv failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return -1;
return 0;
static void
crypt_block (unsigned char *buffer, size_t length, char *salt, size_t saltlen,
int iter, const void *iv, size_t ivlen,
const char *pw, int cipher_algo, int encrypt)
gcry_cipher_hd_t chd;
int rc;
rc = gcry_cipher_open (&chd, cipher_algo, GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CBC, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ( "gcry_cipher_open failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror(rc));
wipememory (buffer, length);
if (cipher_algo == GCRY_CIPHER_AES128
? set_key_iv_pbes2 (chd, salt, saltlen, iter, iv, ivlen, pw, cipher_algo)
: set_key_iv (chd, salt, saltlen, iter, pw,
cipher_algo == GCRY_CIPHER_RFC2268_40? 5:24))
wipememory (buffer, length);
goto leave;
rc = encrypt? gcry_cipher_encrypt (chd, buffer, length, NULL, 0)
: gcry_cipher_decrypt (chd, buffer, length, NULL, 0);
if (rc)
wipememory (buffer, length);
log_error ( "en/de-crytion failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
gcry_cipher_close (chd);
/* Decrypt a block of data and try several encodings of the key.
CIPHERTEXT is the encrypted data of size LENGTH bytes; PLAINTEXT is
a buffer of the same size to receive the decryption result. SALT,
SALTLEN, ITER and PW are the information required for decryption
and CIPHER_ALGO is the algorithm id to use. CHECK_FNC is a
function called with the plaintext and used to check whether the
decryption succeeded; i.e. that a correct passphrase has been
given. That function shall return true if the decryption has likely
succeeded. */
static void
decrypt_block (const void *ciphertext, unsigned char *plaintext, size_t length,
char *salt, size_t saltlen,
int iter, const void *iv, size_t ivlen,
const char *pw, int cipher_algo,
int (*check_fnc) (const void *, size_t))
static const char * const charsets[] = {
"", /* No conversion - use the UTF-8 passphrase direct. */
int charsetidx = 0;
char *convertedpw = NULL; /* Malloced and converted password or NULL. */
size_t convertedpwsize = 0; /* Allocated length. */
for (charsetidx=0; charsets[charsetidx]; charsetidx++)
if (*charsets[charsetidx])
jnlib_iconv_t cd;
const char *inptr;
char *outptr;
size_t inbytes, outbytes;
if (!convertedpw)
/* We assume one byte encodings. Thus we can allocate
the buffer of the same size as the original
passphrase; the result will actually be shorter
then. */
convertedpwsize = strlen (pw) + 1;
convertedpw = gcry_malloc_secure (convertedpwsize);
if (!convertedpw)
log_info ("out of secure memory while"
" converting passphrase\n");
break; /* Give up. */
cd = jnlib_iconv_open (charsets[charsetidx], "utf-8");
if (cd == (jnlib_iconv_t)(-1))
inptr = pw;
inbytes = strlen (pw);
outptr = convertedpw;
outbytes = convertedpwsize - 1;
if ( jnlib_iconv (cd, (const char **)&inptr, &inbytes,
&outptr, &outbytes) == (size_t)-1)
jnlib_iconv_close (cd);
*outptr = 0;
jnlib_iconv_close (cd);
log_info ("decryption failed; trying charset '%s'\n",
memcpy (plaintext, ciphertext, length);
crypt_block (plaintext, length, salt, saltlen, iter, iv, ivlen,
convertedpw? convertedpw:pw, cipher_algo, 0);
if (check_fnc (plaintext, length))
break; /* Decryption succeeded. */
gcry_free (convertedpw);
/* Return true if the decryption of an bag_encrypted_data object has
likely succeeded. */
static int
bag_decrypted_data_p (const void *plaintext, size_t length)
struct tag_info ti;
const unsigned char *p = plaintext;
size_t n = length;
/* { */
/* # warning debug code is enabled */
/* FILE *fp = fopen ("tmp-rc2-plain.der", "wb"); */
/* if (!fp || fwrite (p, n, 1, fp) != 1) */
/* exit (2); */
/* fclose (fp); */
/* } */
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
return 0;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
return 0;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
return 0;
return 1;
/* Note: If R_RESULT is passed as NULL, a key object as already be
processed and thus we need to skip it here. */
static int
parse_bag_encrypted_data (const unsigned char *buffer, size_t length,
int startoffset, size_t *r_consumed, const char *pw,
void (*certcb)(void*, const unsigned char*, size_t),
void *certcbarg, gcry_mpi_t **r_result,
int *r_badpass)
struct tag_info ti;
const unsigned char *p = buffer;
const unsigned char *p_start = buffer;
size_t n = length;
const char *where;
char salt[20];
size_t saltlen;
char iv[16];
unsigned int iter;
unsigned char *plain = NULL;
int bad_pass = 0;
unsigned char *cram_buffer = NULL;
size_t consumed = 0; /* Number of bytes consumed from the original buffer. */
int is_3des = 0;
int is_pbes2 = 0;
gcry_mpi_t *result = NULL;
int result_count;
if (r_result)
*r_result = NULL;
where = "start";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class != ASNCONTEXT || ti.tag)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
where = "bag.encryptedData.version";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.tag != TAG_INTEGER || ti.length != 1 || *p != 0)
goto bailout;
p++; n--;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
where = "";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.tag != TAG_OBJECT_ID || ti.length != DIM(oid_data)
|| memcmp (p, oid_data, DIM(oid_data)))
goto bailout;
p += DIM(oid_data);
n -= DIM(oid_data);
where = "bag.encryptedData.keyinfo";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (!ti.class && ti.tag == TAG_OBJECT_ID
&& ti.length == DIM(oid_pbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC2_CBC)
&& !memcmp (p, oid_pbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC2_CBC,
p += DIM(oid_pbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC2_CBC);
n -= DIM(oid_pbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC2_CBC);
else if (!ti.class && ti.tag == TAG_OBJECT_ID
&& ti.length == DIM(oid_pbeWithSHAAnd3_KeyTripleDES_CBC)
&& !memcmp (p, oid_pbeWithSHAAnd3_KeyTripleDES_CBC,
p += DIM(oid_pbeWithSHAAnd3_KeyTripleDES_CBC);
n -= DIM(oid_pbeWithSHAAnd3_KeyTripleDES_CBC);
is_3des = 1;
else if (!ti.class && ti.tag == TAG_OBJECT_ID
&& ti.length == DIM(oid_pkcs5PBES2)
&& !memcmp (p, oid_pkcs5PBES2, ti.length))
p += ti.length;
n -= ti.length;
is_pbes2 = 1;
goto bailout;
if (is_pbes2)
where = "pkcs5PBES2-params";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (!(!ti.class && ti.tag == TAG_OBJECT_ID
&& ti.length == DIM(oid_pkcs5PBKDF2)
&& !memcmp (p, oid_pkcs5PBKDF2, ti.length)))
goto bailout; /* Not PBKDF2. */
p += ti.length;
n -= ti.length;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (!(!ti.class && ti.tag == TAG_OCTET_STRING
&& ti.length >= 8 && ti.length < sizeof salt))
goto bailout; /* No salt or unsupported length. */
saltlen = ti.length;
memcpy (salt, p, saltlen);
p += saltlen;
n -= saltlen;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (!(!ti.class && ti.tag == TAG_INTEGER && ti.length))
goto bailout; /* No valid iteration count. */
for (iter=0; ti.length; ti.length--)
iter <<= 8;
iter |= (*p++) & 0xff;
/* Note: We don't support the optional parameters but assume
that the algorithmIdentifier follows. */
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (!(!ti.class && ti.tag == TAG_OBJECT_ID
&& ti.length == DIM(oid_aes128_CBC)
&& !memcmp (p, oid_aes128_CBC, ti.length)))
goto bailout; /* Not AES-128. */
p += ti.length;
n -= ti.length;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (!(!ti.class && ti.tag == TAG_OCTET_STRING && ti.length == sizeof iv))
goto bailout; /* Bad IV. */
memcpy (iv, p, sizeof iv);
p += sizeof iv;
n -= sizeof iv;
where = "rc2or3des-params";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_OCTET_STRING
|| ti.length < 8 || ti.length > 20 )
goto bailout;
saltlen = ti.length;
memcpy (salt, p, saltlen);
p += saltlen;
n -= saltlen;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_INTEGER || !ti.length )
goto bailout;
for (iter=0; ti.length; ti.length--)
iter <<= 8;
iter |= (*p++) & 0xff;
where = "rc2or3desoraes-ciphertext";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
consumed = p - p_start;
if (ti.class == ASNCONTEXT && ti.tag == 0 && ti.is_constructed && ti.ndef)
/* Mozilla exported certs now come with single byte chunks of
octect strings. (Mozilla Firefox 1.0.4). Arghh. */
where = "cram-rc2or3des-ciphertext";
cram_buffer = cram_octet_string ( p, &n, &consumed);
if (!cram_buffer)
goto bailout;
p = p_start = cram_buffer;
if (r_consumed)
*r_consumed = consumed;
r_consumed = NULL; /* Ugly hack to not update that value any further. */
ti.length = n;
else if (ti.class == ASNCONTEXT && ti.tag == 0 && ti.length )
goto bailout;
log_info ("%lu bytes of %s encrypted text\n",ti.length,
plain = gcry_malloc_secure (ti.length);
if (!plain)
log_error ("error allocating decryption buffer\n");
goto bailout;
decrypt_block (p, plain, ti.length, salt, saltlen, iter,
iv, is_pbes2?16:0, pw,
is_pbes2 ? GCRY_CIPHER_AES128 :
is_3des ? GCRY_CIPHER_3DES : GCRY_CIPHER_RFC2268_40,
n = ti.length;
startoffset = 0;
p_start = p = plain;
where = "outer.outer.seq";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
bad_pass = 1;
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
bad_pass = 1;
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
bad_pass = 1;
goto bailout;
/* Loop over all certificates inside the bag. */
while (n)
int iscrlbag = 0;
int iskeybag = 0;
where = "certbag.nextcert";
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
where = "certbag.objectidentifier";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_OBJECT_ID)
goto bailout;
if ( ti.length == DIM(oid_pkcs_12_CertBag)
&& !memcmp (p, oid_pkcs_12_CertBag, DIM(oid_pkcs_12_CertBag)))
p += DIM(oid_pkcs_12_CertBag);
n -= DIM(oid_pkcs_12_CertBag);
else if ( ti.length == DIM(oid_pkcs_12_CrlBag)
&& !memcmp (p, oid_pkcs_12_CrlBag, DIM(oid_pkcs_12_CrlBag)))
p += DIM(oid_pkcs_12_CrlBag);
n -= DIM(oid_pkcs_12_CrlBag);
iscrlbag = 1;
else if ( ti.length == DIM(oid_pkcs_12_keyBag)
&& !memcmp (p, oid_pkcs_12_keyBag, DIM(oid_pkcs_12_keyBag)))
/* The TrustedMIME plugin for MS Outlook started to create
files with just one outer 3DES encrypted container and
inside the certificates as well as the key. */
p += DIM(oid_pkcs_12_keyBag);
n -= DIM(oid_pkcs_12_keyBag);
iskeybag = 1;
goto bailout;
where = "certbag.before.certheader";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class != ASNCONTEXT || ti.tag)
goto bailout;
if (iscrlbag)
log_info ("skipping unsupported crlBag\n");
p += ti.length;
n -= ti.length;
else if (iskeybag && (result || !r_result))
log_info ("one keyBag already processed; skipping this one\n");
p += ti.length;
n -= ti.length;
else if (iskeybag)
int len;
log_info ("processing simple keyBag\n");
/* Fixme: This code is duplicated from parse_bag_data. */
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti) || ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti) || ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_INTEGER
|| ti.length != 1 || *p)
goto bailout;
p++; n--;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti) || ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
len = ti.length;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (len < ti.nhdr)
goto bailout;
len -= ti.nhdr;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_OBJECT_ID
|| ti.length != DIM(oid_rsaEncryption)
|| memcmp (p, oid_rsaEncryption,
goto bailout;
p += DIM (oid_rsaEncryption);
n -= DIM (oid_rsaEncryption);
if (len < ti.length)
goto bailout;
len -= ti.length;
if (n < len)
goto bailout;
p += len;
n -= len;
if ( parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti)
|| ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_OCTET_STRING)
goto bailout;
if ( parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti)
|| ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
len = ti.length;
result = gcry_calloc (10, sizeof *result);
if (!result)
log_error ( "error allocating result array\n");
goto bailout;
result_count = 0;
where = "reading.keybag.key-parameters";
for (result_count = 0; len && result_count < 9;)
if ( parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti)
|| ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_INTEGER)
goto bailout;
if (len < ti.nhdr)
goto bailout;
len -= ti.nhdr;
if (len < ti.length)
goto bailout;
len -= ti.length;
if (!result_count && ti.length == 1 && !*p)
; /* ignore the very first one if it is a 0 */
int rc;
rc = gcry_mpi_scan (result+result_count, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, p,
ti.length, NULL);
if (rc)
log_error ("error parsing key parameter: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
goto bailout;
p += ti.length;
n -= ti.length;
if (len)
goto bailout;
log_info ("processing certBag\n");
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_OBJECT_ID
|| ti.length != DIM(oid_x509Certificate_for_pkcs_12)
|| memcmp (p, oid_x509Certificate_for_pkcs_12,
goto bailout;
p += DIM(oid_x509Certificate_for_pkcs_12);
n -= DIM(oid_x509Certificate_for_pkcs_12);
where = "certbag.before.octetstring";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class != ASNCONTEXT || ti.tag)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_OCTET_STRING || ti.ndef)
goto bailout;
/* Return the certificate. */
if (certcb)
certcb (certcbarg, p, ti.length);
p += ti.length;
n -= ti.length;
/* Ugly hack to cope with the padding: Forget about the rest if
that is less or equal to the cipher's block length. We can
reasonable assume that all valid data will be longer than
just one block. */
if (n <= (is_pbes2? 16:8))
n = 0;
/* Skip the optional SET with the pkcs12 cert attributes. */
if (n)
where = "bag.attributes";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (!ti.class && ti.tag == TAG_SEQUENCE)
; /* No attributes. */
else if (!ti.class && ti.tag == TAG_SET && !ti.ndef)
{ /* The optional SET. */
p += ti.length;
n -= ti.length;
if (n <= (is_pbes2?16:8))
n = 0;
if (n && parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
goto bailout;
if (r_consumed)
*r_consumed = consumed;
gcry_free (plain);
gcry_free (cram_buffer);
if (r_result)
*r_result = result;
return 0;
if (result)
int i;
for (i=0; result[i]; i++)
gcry_mpi_release (result[i]);
gcry_free (result);
if (r_consumed)
*r_consumed = consumed;
gcry_free (plain);
gcry_free (cram_buffer);
log_error ("encryptedData error at \"%s\", offset %u\n",
where, (unsigned int)((p - p_start)+startoffset));
if (bad_pass)
/* Note, that the following string might be used by other programs
to check for a bad passphrase; it should therefore not be
translated or changed. */
log_error ("possibly bad passphrase given\n");
*r_badpass = 1;
return -1;
/* Return true if the decryption of a bag_data object has likely
succeeded. */
static int
bag_data_p (const void *plaintext, size_t length)
struct tag_info ti;
const unsigned char *p = plaintext;
size_t n = length;
/* { */
/* # warning debug code is enabled */
/* FILE *fp = fopen ("tmp-3des-plain-key.der", "wb"); */
/* if (!fp || fwrite (p, n, 1, fp) != 1) */
/* exit (2); */
/* fclose (fp); */
/* } */
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti) || ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
return 0;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti) || ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_INTEGER
|| ti.length != 1 || *p)
return 0;
return 1;
static gcry_mpi_t *
parse_bag_data (const unsigned char *buffer, size_t length, int startoffset,
size_t *r_consumed, const char *pw)
int rc;
struct tag_info ti;
const unsigned char *p = buffer;
const unsigned char *p_start = buffer;
size_t n = length;
const char *where;
char salt[20];
size_t saltlen;
char iv[16];
unsigned int iter;
int len;
unsigned char *plain = NULL;
gcry_mpi_t *result = NULL;
int result_count, i;
unsigned char *cram_buffer = NULL;
size_t consumed = 0; /* Number of bytes consumed from the original buffer. */
int is_pbes2 = 0;
where = "start";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class != ASNCONTEXT || ti.tag)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_OCTET_STRING)
goto bailout;
consumed = p - p_start;
if (ti.is_constructed && ti.ndef)
/* Mozilla exported certs now come with single byte chunks of
octect strings. (Mozilla Firefox 1.0.4). Arghh. */
where = "cram-data.outersegs";
cram_buffer = cram_octet_string ( p, &n, &consumed);
if (!cram_buffer)
goto bailout;
p = p_start = cram_buffer;
if (r_consumed)
*r_consumed = consumed;
r_consumed = NULL; /* Ugly hack to not update that value any further. */
where = "data.outerseqs";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
where = "data.objectidentifier";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_OBJECT_ID
|| ti.length != DIM(oid_pkcs_12_pkcs_8ShroudedKeyBag)
|| memcmp (p, oid_pkcs_12_pkcs_8ShroudedKeyBag,
goto bailout;
p += DIM(oid_pkcs_12_pkcs_8ShroudedKeyBag);
n -= DIM(oid_pkcs_12_pkcs_8ShroudedKeyBag);
where = "shrouded,outerseqs";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class != ASNCONTEXT || ti.tag)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class == 0 && ti.tag == TAG_OBJECT_ID
&& ti.length == DIM(oid_pbeWithSHAAnd3_KeyTripleDES_CBC)
&& !memcmp (p, oid_pbeWithSHAAnd3_KeyTripleDES_CBC,
p += DIM(oid_pbeWithSHAAnd3_KeyTripleDES_CBC);
n -= DIM(oid_pbeWithSHAAnd3_KeyTripleDES_CBC);
else if (ti.class == 0 && ti.tag == TAG_OBJECT_ID
&& ti.length == DIM(oid_pkcs5PBES2)
&& !memcmp (p, oid_pkcs5PBES2, DIM(oid_pkcs5PBES2)))
p += DIM(oid_pkcs5PBES2);
n -= DIM(oid_pkcs5PBES2);
is_pbes2 = 1;
goto bailout;
if (is_pbes2)
where = "pkcs5PBES2-params";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (!(!ti.class && ti.tag == TAG_OBJECT_ID
&& ti.length == DIM(oid_pkcs5PBKDF2)
&& !memcmp (p, oid_pkcs5PBKDF2, ti.length)))
goto bailout; /* Not PBKDF2. */
p += ti.length;
n -= ti.length;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (!(!ti.class && ti.tag == TAG_OCTET_STRING
&& ti.length >= 8 && ti.length < sizeof salt))
goto bailout; /* No salt or unsupported length. */
saltlen = ti.length;
memcpy (salt, p, saltlen);
p += saltlen;
n -= saltlen;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (!(!ti.class && ti.tag == TAG_INTEGER && ti.length))
goto bailout; /* No valid iteration count. */
for (iter=0; ti.length; ti.length--)
iter <<= 8;
iter |= (*p++) & 0xff;
/* Note: We don't support the optional parameters but assume
that the algorithmIdentifier follows. */
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (!(!ti.class && ti.tag == TAG_OBJECT_ID
&& ti.length == DIM(oid_aes128_CBC)
&& !memcmp (p, oid_aes128_CBC, ti.length)))
goto bailout; /* Not AES-128. */
p += ti.length;
n -= ti.length;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (!(!ti.class && ti.tag == TAG_OCTET_STRING && ti.length == sizeof iv))
goto bailout; /* Bad IV. */
memcpy (iv, p, sizeof iv);
p += sizeof iv;
n -= sizeof iv;
where = "3des-params";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_OCTET_STRING
|| ti.length < 8 || ti.length > 20)
goto bailout;
saltlen = ti.length;
memcpy (salt, p, saltlen);
p += saltlen;
n -= saltlen;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_INTEGER || !ti.length )
goto bailout;
for (iter=0; ti.length; ti.length--)
iter <<= 8;
iter |= (*p++) & 0xff;
where = "3desoraes-ciphertext";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_OCTET_STRING || !ti.length )
goto bailout;
log_info ("%lu bytes of %s encrypted text\n",
ti.length, is_pbes2? "AES128":"3DES");
plain = gcry_malloc_secure (ti.length);
if (!plain)
log_error ("error allocating decryption buffer\n");
goto bailout;
consumed += p - p_start + ti.length;
decrypt_block (p, plain, ti.length, salt, saltlen, iter,
iv, is_pbes2? 16:0, pw,
n = ti.length;
startoffset = 0;
p_start = p = plain;
where = "decrypted-text";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti) || ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti) || ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_INTEGER
|| ti.length != 1 || *p)
goto bailout;
p++; n--;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti) || ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
len = ti.length;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (len < ti.nhdr)
goto bailout;
len -= ti.nhdr;
if (ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_OBJECT_ID
|| ti.length != DIM(oid_rsaEncryption)
|| memcmp (p, oid_rsaEncryption,
goto bailout;
p += DIM (oid_rsaEncryption);
n -= DIM (oid_rsaEncryption);
if (len < ti.length)
goto bailout;
len -= ti.length;
if (n < len)
goto bailout;
p += len;
n -= len;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti) || ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_OCTET_STRING)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti) || ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
len = ti.length;
result = gcry_calloc (10, sizeof *result);
if (!result)
log_error ( "error allocating result array\n");
goto bailout;
result_count = 0;
where = "reading.key-parameters";
for (result_count=0; len && result_count < 9;)
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti) || ti.class || ti.tag != TAG_INTEGER)
goto bailout;
if (len < ti.nhdr)
goto bailout;
len -= ti.nhdr;
if (len < ti.length)
goto bailout;
len -= ti.length;
if (!result_count && ti.length == 1 && !*p)
; /* ignore the very first one if it is a 0 */
rc = gcry_mpi_scan (result+result_count, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, p,
ti.length, NULL);
if (rc)
log_error ("error parsing key parameter: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
goto bailout;
p += ti.length;
n -= ti.length;
if (len)
goto bailout;
gcry_free (cram_buffer);
if (r_consumed)
*r_consumed = consumed;
return result;
gcry_free (plain);
if (result)
for (i=0; result[i]; i++)
gcry_mpi_release (result[i]);
gcry_free (result);
gcry_free (cram_buffer);
log_error ( "data error at \"%s\", offset %u\n",
where, (unsigned int)((p - buffer) + startoffset));
if (r_consumed)
*r_consumed = consumed;
return NULL;
/* Parse a PKCS12 object and return an array of MPI representing the
secret key parameters. This is a very limited implementation in
that it is only able to look for 3DES encoded encryptedData and
tries to extract the first private key object it finds. In case of
an error NULL is returned. CERTCB and CERRTCBARG are used to pass
X.509 certificates back to the caller. */
gcry_mpi_t *
p12_parse (const unsigned char *buffer, size_t length, const char *pw,
void (*certcb)(void*, const unsigned char*, size_t),
void *certcbarg, int *r_badpass)
struct tag_info ti;
const unsigned char *p = buffer;
const unsigned char *p_start = buffer;
size_t n = length;
const char *where;
int bagseqlength, len;
int bagseqndef, lenndef;
gcry_mpi_t *result = NULL;
unsigned char *cram_buffer = NULL;
*r_badpass = 0;
where = "pfx";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
where = "pfxVersion";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.tag != TAG_INTEGER || ti.length != 1 || *p != 3)
goto bailout;
p++; n--;
where = "authSave";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.tag != TAG_OBJECT_ID || ti.length != DIM(oid_data)
|| memcmp (p, oid_data, DIM(oid_data)))
goto bailout;
p += DIM(oid_data);
n -= DIM(oid_data);
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class != ASNCONTEXT || ti.tag)
goto bailout;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class != UNIVERSAL || ti.tag != TAG_OCTET_STRING)
goto bailout;
if (ti.is_constructed && ti.ndef)
/* Mozilla exported certs now come with single byte chunks of
octect strings. (Mozilla Firefox 1.0.4). Arghh. */
where = "cram-bags";
cram_buffer = cram_octet_string ( p, &n, NULL);
if (!cram_buffer)
goto bailout;
p = p_start = cram_buffer;
where = "bags";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (ti.class != UNIVERSAL || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
bagseqndef = ti.ndef;
bagseqlength = ti.length;
while (bagseqlength || bagseqndef)
/* log_debug ( "at offset %u\n", (p - p_start)); */
where = "bag-sequence";
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (bagseqndef && ti.class == UNIVERSAL && !ti.tag && !ti.is_constructed)
break; /* Ready */
if (ti.class != UNIVERSAL || ti.tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)
goto bailout;
if (!bagseqndef)
if (bagseqlength < ti.nhdr)
goto bailout;
bagseqlength -= ti.nhdr;
if (bagseqlength < ti.length)
goto bailout;
bagseqlength -= ti.length;
lenndef = ti.ndef;
len = ti.length;
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (lenndef)
len = ti.nhdr;
len -= ti.nhdr;
if (ti.tag == TAG_OBJECT_ID && ti.length == DIM(oid_encryptedData)
&& !memcmp (p, oid_encryptedData, DIM(oid_encryptedData)))
size_t consumed = 0;
p += DIM(oid_encryptedData);
n -= DIM(oid_encryptedData);
if (!lenndef)
len -= DIM(oid_encryptedData);
where = "bag.encryptedData";
if (parse_bag_encrypted_data (p, n, (p - p_start), &consumed, pw,
certcb, certcbarg,
result? NULL : &result, r_badpass))
goto bailout;
if (lenndef)
len += consumed;
else if (ti.tag == TAG_OBJECT_ID && ti.length == DIM(oid_data)
&& !memcmp (p, oid_data, DIM(oid_data)))
if (result)
log_info ("already got an key object, skipping this one\n");
p += ti.length;
n -= ti.length;
size_t consumed = 0;
p += DIM(oid_data);
n -= DIM(oid_data);
if (!lenndef)
len -= DIM(oid_data);
result = parse_bag_data (p, n, (p - p_start), &consumed, pw);
if (!result)
goto bailout;
if (lenndef)
len += consumed;
log_info ("unknown bag type - skipped\n");
p += ti.length;
n -= ti.length;
if (len < 0 || len > n)
goto bailout;
p += len;
n -= len;
if (lenndef)
/* Need to skip the Null Tag. */
if (parse_tag (&p, &n, &ti))
goto bailout;
if (!(ti.class == UNIVERSAL && !ti.tag && !ti.is_constructed))
goto bailout;
gcry_free (cram_buffer);
return result;
log_error ("error at \"%s\", offset %u\n",
where, (unsigned int)(p - p_start));
if (result)
int i;
for (i=0; result[i]; i++)
gcry_mpi_release (result[i]);
gcry_free (result);
gcry_free (cram_buffer);
return NULL;
static size_t
compute_tag_length (size_t n)
int needed = 0;
if (n < 128)
needed += 2; /* tag and one length byte */
else if (n < 256)
needed += 3; /* tag, number of length bytes, 1 length byte */
else if (n < 65536)
needed += 4; /* tag, number of length bytes, 2 length bytes */
log_error ("object too larger to encode\n");
return 0;
return needed;
static unsigned char *
store_tag_length (unsigned char *p, int tag, size_t n)
if (tag == TAG_SEQUENCE)
tag |= 0x20; /* constructed */
*p++ = tag;
if (n < 128)
*p++ = n;
else if (n < 256)
*p++ = 0x81;
*p++ = n;
else if (n < 65536)
*p++ = 0x82;
*p++ = n >> 8;
*p++ = n;
return p;
/* Create the final PKCS-12 object from the sequences contained in
SEQLIST. PW is the password. That array is terminated with an NULL
object. */
static unsigned char *
create_final (struct buffer_s *sequences, const char *pw, size_t *r_length)
int i;
size_t needed = 0;
size_t len[8], n;
unsigned char *macstart;
size_t maclen;
unsigned char *result, *p;
size_t resultlen;
char salt[8];
unsigned char keybuf[20];
gcry_md_hd_t md;
int rc;
int with_mac = 1;
/* 9 steps to create the pkcs#12 Krampf. */
/* 8. The MAC. */
/* We add this at step 0. */
/* 7. All the buffers. */
for (i=0; sequences[i].buffer; i++)
needed += sequences[i].length;
/* 6. This goes into a sequences. */
len[6] = needed;
n = compute_tag_length (needed);
needed += n;
/* 5. Encapsulate all in an octet string. */
len[5] = needed;
n = compute_tag_length (needed);
needed += n;
/* 4. And tag it with [0]. */
len[4] = needed;
n = compute_tag_length (needed);
needed += n;
/* 3. Prepend an data OID. */
needed += 2 + DIM (oid_data);
/* 2. Put all into a sequences. */
len[2] = needed;
n = compute_tag_length (needed);
needed += n;
/* 1. Prepend the version integer 3. */
needed += 3;
/* 0. And the final outer sequence. */
if (with_mac)
needed += DIM (data_mactemplate);
len[0] = needed;
n = compute_tag_length (needed);
needed += n;
/* Allocate a buffer. */
result = gcry_malloc (needed);
if (!result)
log_error ("error allocating buffer\n");
return NULL;
p = result;
/* 0. Store the very outer sequence. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_SEQUENCE, len[0]);
/* 1. Store the version integer 3. */
*p++ = 1;
*p++ = 3;
/* 2. Store another sequence. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_SEQUENCE, len[2]);
/* 3. Store the data OID. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_OBJECT_ID, DIM (oid_data));
memcpy (p, oid_data, DIM (oid_data));
p += DIM (oid_data);
/* 4. Next comes a context tag. */
p = store_tag_length (p, 0xa0, len[4]);
/* 5. And an octet string. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_OCTET_STRING, len[5]);
/* 6. And the inner sequence. */
macstart = p;
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_SEQUENCE, len[6]);
/* 7. Append all the buffers. */
for (i=0; sequences[i].buffer; i++)
memcpy (p, sequences[i].buffer, sequences[i].length);
p += sequences[i].length;
if (with_mac)
/* Intermezzo to compute the MAC. */
maclen = p - macstart;
gcry_randomize (salt, 8, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
if (string_to_key (3, salt, 8, 2048, pw, 20, keybuf))
gcry_free (result);
return NULL;
rc = gcry_md_open (&md, GCRY_MD_SHA1, GCRY_MD_FLAG_HMAC);
if (rc)
log_error ("gcry_md_open failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
gcry_free (result);
return NULL;
rc = gcry_md_setkey (md, keybuf, 20);
if (rc)
log_error ("gcry_md_setkey failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
gcry_md_close (md);
gcry_free (result);
return NULL;
gcry_md_write (md, macstart, maclen);
/* 8. Append the MAC template and fix it up. */
memcpy (p, data_mactemplate, DIM (data_mactemplate));
memcpy (p + DATA_MACTEMPLATE_SALT_OFF, salt, 8);
memcpy (p + DATA_MACTEMPLATE_MAC_OFF, gcry_md_read (md, 0), 20);
p += DIM (data_mactemplate);
gcry_md_close (md);
/* Ready. */
resultlen = p - result;
if (needed != resultlen)
log_debug ("length mismatch: %lu, %lu\n",
(unsigned long)needed, (unsigned long)resultlen);
*r_length = resultlen;
return result;
/* Build a DER encoded SEQUENCE with the key:
OBJECT IDENTIFIER rsaEncryption (1 2 840 113549 1 1 1)
OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
MODE controls what is being generated:
0 - As described above
1 - Ditto but without the padding
2 - Only the inner part (pkcs#1)
static unsigned char *
build_key_sequence (gcry_mpi_t *kparms, int mode, size_t *r_length)
int rc, i;
size_t needed, n;
unsigned char *plain, *p;
size_t plainlen;
size_t outseqlen, oidseqlen, octstrlen, inseqlen;
needed = 3; /* The version integer with value 0. */
for (i=0; kparms[i]; i++)
n = 0;
rc = gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_STD, NULL, 0, &n, kparms[i]);
if (rc)
log_error ("error formatting parameter: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return NULL;
needed += n;
n = compute_tag_length (n);
if (!n)
return NULL;
needed += n;
if (i != 8)
log_error ("invalid parameters for p12_build\n");
return NULL;
/* Now this all goes into a sequence. */
inseqlen = needed;
n = compute_tag_length (needed);
if (!n)
return NULL;
needed += n;
if (mode != 2)
/* Encapsulate all into an octet string. */
octstrlen = needed;
n = compute_tag_length (needed);
if (!n)
return NULL;
needed += n;
/* Prepend the object identifier sequence. */
oidseqlen = 2 + DIM (oid_rsaEncryption) + 2;
needed += 2 + oidseqlen;
/* The version number. */
needed += 3;
/* And finally put the whole thing into a sequence. */
outseqlen = needed;
n = compute_tag_length (needed);
if (!n)
return NULL;
needed += n;
/* allocate 8 extra bytes for padding */
plain = gcry_malloc_secure (needed+8);
if (!plain)
log_error ("error allocating encryption buffer\n");
return NULL;
/* And now fill the plaintext buffer. */
p = plain;
if (mode != 2)
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_SEQUENCE, outseqlen);
/* Store version. */
*p++ = 1;
*p++ = 0;
/* Store object identifier sequence. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_SEQUENCE, oidseqlen);
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_OBJECT_ID, DIM (oid_rsaEncryption));
memcpy (p, oid_rsaEncryption, DIM (oid_rsaEncryption));
p += DIM (oid_rsaEncryption);
*p++ = TAG_NULL;
*p++ = 0;
/* Start with the octet string. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_OCTET_STRING, octstrlen);
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_SEQUENCE, inseqlen);
/* Store the key parameters. */
*p++ = 1;
*p++ = 0;
for (i=0; kparms[i]; i++)
n = 0;
rc = gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_STD, NULL, 0, &n, kparms[i]);
if (rc)
log_error ("oops: error formatting parameter: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
gcry_free (plain);
return NULL;
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_INTEGER, n);
n = plain + needed - p;
rc = gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_STD, p, n, &n, kparms[i]);
if (rc)
log_error ("oops: error storing parameter: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
gcry_free (plain);
return NULL;
p += n;
plainlen = p - plain;
assert (needed == plainlen);
if (!mode)
/* Append some pad characters; we already allocated extra space. */
n = 8 - plainlen % 8;
for (i=0; i < n; i++, plainlen++)
*p++ = n;
*r_length = plainlen;
return plain;
static unsigned char *
build_key_bag (unsigned char *buffer, size_t buflen, char *salt,
const unsigned char *sha1hash, const char *keyidstr,
size_t *r_length)
size_t len[11], needed;
unsigned char *p, *keybag;
size_t keybaglen;
/* Walk 11 steps down to collect the info: */
/* 10. The data goes into an octet string. */
needed = compute_tag_length (buflen);
needed += buflen;
/* 9. Prepend the algorithm identifier. */
needed += DIM (data_3desiter2048);
/* 8. Put a sequence around. */
len[8] = needed;
needed += compute_tag_length (needed);
/* 7. Prepend a [0] tag. */
len[7] = needed;
needed += compute_tag_length (needed);
/* 6b. The attributes which are appended at the end. */
if (sha1hash)
needed += DIM (data_attrtemplate) + 20;
/* 6. Prepend the shroudedKeyBag OID. */
needed += 2 + DIM (oid_pkcs_12_pkcs_8ShroudedKeyBag);
/* 5+4. Put all into two sequences. */
len[5] = needed;
needed += compute_tag_length ( needed);
len[4] = needed;
needed += compute_tag_length (needed);
/* 3. This all goes into an octet string. */
len[3] = needed;
needed += compute_tag_length (needed);
/* 2. Prepend another [0] tag. */
len[2] = needed;
needed += compute_tag_length (needed);
/* 1. Prepend the data OID. */
needed += 2 + DIM (oid_data);
/* 0. Prepend another sequence. */
len[0] = needed;
needed += compute_tag_length (needed);
/* Now that we have all length information, allocate a buffer. */
p = keybag = gcry_malloc (needed);
if (!keybag)
log_error ("error allocating buffer\n");
return NULL;
/* Walk 11 steps up to store the data. */
/* 0. Store the first sequence. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_SEQUENCE, len[0]);
/* 1. Store the data OID. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_OBJECT_ID, DIM (oid_data));
memcpy (p, oid_data, DIM (oid_data));
p += DIM (oid_data);
/* 2. Store a [0] tag. */
p = store_tag_length (p, 0xa0, len[2]);
/* 3. And an octet string. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_OCTET_STRING, len[3]);
/* 4+5. Two sequences. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_SEQUENCE, len[4]);
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_SEQUENCE, len[5]);
/* 6. Store the shroudedKeyBag OID. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_OBJECT_ID,
DIM (oid_pkcs_12_pkcs_8ShroudedKeyBag));
memcpy (p, oid_pkcs_12_pkcs_8ShroudedKeyBag,
DIM (oid_pkcs_12_pkcs_8ShroudedKeyBag));
p += DIM (oid_pkcs_12_pkcs_8ShroudedKeyBag);
/* 7. Store a [0] tag. */
p = store_tag_length (p, 0xa0, len[7]);
/* 8. Store a sequence. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_SEQUENCE, len[8]);
/* 9. Now for the pre-encoded algorithm identifier and the salt. */
memcpy (p, data_3desiter2048, DIM (data_3desiter2048));
memcpy (p + DATA_3DESITER2048_SALT_OFF, salt, 8);
p += DIM (data_3desiter2048);
/* 10. And the octet string with the encrypted data. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_OCTET_STRING, buflen);
memcpy (p, buffer, buflen);
p += buflen;
/* Append the attributes whose length we calculated at step 2b. */
if (sha1hash)
int i;
memcpy (p, data_attrtemplate, DIM (data_attrtemplate));
for (i=0; i < 8; i++)
p[DATA_ATTRTEMPLATE_KEYID_OFF+2*i+1] = keyidstr[i];
p += DIM (data_attrtemplate);
memcpy (p, sha1hash, 20);
p += 20;
keybaglen = p - keybag;
if (needed != keybaglen)
log_debug ("length mismatch: %lu, %lu\n",
(unsigned long)needed, (unsigned long)keybaglen);
*r_length = keybaglen;
return keybag;
static unsigned char *
build_cert_bag (unsigned char *buffer, size_t buflen, char *salt,
size_t *r_length)
size_t len[9], needed;
unsigned char *p, *certbag;
size_t certbaglen;
/* Walk 9 steps down to collect the info: */
/* 8. The data goes into an octet string. */
needed = compute_tag_length (buflen);
needed += buflen;
/* 7. The algorithm identifier. */
needed += DIM (data_rc2iter2048);
/* 6. The data OID. */
needed += 2 + DIM (oid_data);
/* 5. A sequence. */
len[5] = needed;
needed += compute_tag_length ( needed);
/* 4. An integer. */
needed += 3;
/* 3. A sequence. */
len[3] = needed;
needed += compute_tag_length (needed);
/* 2. A [0] tag. */
len[2] = needed;
needed += compute_tag_length (needed);
/* 1. The encryptedData OID. */
needed += 2 + DIM (oid_encryptedData);
/* 0. The first sequence. */
len[0] = needed;
needed += compute_tag_length (needed);
/* Now that we have all length information, allocate a buffer. */
p = certbag = gcry_malloc (needed);
if (!certbag)
log_error ("error allocating buffer\n");
return NULL;
/* Walk 9 steps up to store the data. */
/* 0. Store the first sequence. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_SEQUENCE, len[0]);
/* 1. Store the encryptedData OID. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_OBJECT_ID, DIM (oid_encryptedData));
memcpy (p, oid_encryptedData, DIM (oid_encryptedData));
p += DIM (oid_encryptedData);
/* 2. Store a [0] tag. */
p = store_tag_length (p, 0xa0, len[2]);
/* 3. Store a sequence. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_SEQUENCE, len[3]);
/* 4. Store the integer 0. */
*p++ = 1;
*p++ = 0;
/* 5. Store a sequence. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_SEQUENCE, len[5]);
/* 6. Store the data OID. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_OBJECT_ID, DIM (oid_data));
memcpy (p, oid_data, DIM (oid_data));
p += DIM (oid_data);
/* 7. Now for the pre-encoded algorithm identifier and the salt. */
memcpy (p, data_rc2iter2048, DIM (data_rc2iter2048));
memcpy (p + DATA_RC2ITER2048_SALT_OFF, salt, 8);
p += DIM (data_rc2iter2048);
/* 8. And finally the [0] tag with the encrypted data. */
p = store_tag_length (p, 0x80, buflen);
memcpy (p, buffer, buflen);
p += buflen;
certbaglen = p - certbag;
if (needed != certbaglen)
log_debug ("length mismatch: %lu, %lu\n",
(unsigned long)needed, (unsigned long)certbaglen);
*r_length = certbaglen;
return certbag;
static unsigned char *
build_cert_sequence (const unsigned char *buffer, size_t buflen,
const unsigned char *sha1hash, const char *keyidstr,
size_t *r_length)
size_t len[8], needed, n;
unsigned char *p, *certseq;
size_t certseqlen;
int i;
assert (strlen (keyidstr) == 8);
/* Walk 8 steps down to collect the info: */
/* 7. The data goes into an octet string. */
needed = compute_tag_length (buflen);
needed += buflen;
/* 6. A [0] tag. */
len[6] = needed;
needed += compute_tag_length (needed);
/* 5. An OID. */
needed += 2 + DIM (oid_x509Certificate_for_pkcs_12);
/* 4. A sequence. */
len[4] = needed;
needed += compute_tag_length (needed);
/* 3. A [0] tag. */
len[3] = needed;
needed += compute_tag_length (needed);
/* 2b. The attributes which are appended at the end. */
if (sha1hash)
needed += DIM (data_attrtemplate) + 20;
/* 2. An OID. */
needed += 2 + DIM (oid_pkcs_12_CertBag);
/* 1. A sequence. */
len[1] = needed;
needed += compute_tag_length (needed);
/* 0. The first sequence. */
len[0] = needed;
needed += compute_tag_length (needed);
/* Now that we have all length information, allocate a buffer. */
p = certseq = gcry_malloc (needed + 8 /*(for padding)*/);
if (!certseq)
log_error ("error allocating buffer\n");
return NULL;
/* Walk 8 steps up to store the data. */
/* 0. Store the first sequence. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_SEQUENCE, len[0]);
/* 1. Store the second sequence. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_SEQUENCE, len[1]);
/* 2. Store the pkcs12-cert-bag OID. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_OBJECT_ID, DIM (oid_pkcs_12_CertBag));
memcpy (p, oid_pkcs_12_CertBag, DIM (oid_pkcs_12_CertBag));
p += DIM (oid_pkcs_12_CertBag);
/* 3. Store a [0] tag. */
p = store_tag_length (p, 0xa0, len[3]);
/* 4. Store a sequence. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_SEQUENCE, len[4]);
/* 5. Store the x509Certificate OID. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_OBJECT_ID,
DIM (oid_x509Certificate_for_pkcs_12));
memcpy (p, oid_x509Certificate_for_pkcs_12,
DIM (oid_x509Certificate_for_pkcs_12));
p += DIM (oid_x509Certificate_for_pkcs_12);
/* 6. Store a [0] tag. */
p = store_tag_length (p, 0xa0, len[6]);
/* 7. And the octet string with the actual certificate. */
p = store_tag_length (p, TAG_OCTET_STRING, buflen);
memcpy (p, buffer, buflen);
p += buflen;
/* Append the attributes whose length we calculated at step 2b. */
if (sha1hash)
memcpy (p, data_attrtemplate, DIM (data_attrtemplate));
for (i=0; i < 8; i++)
p[DATA_ATTRTEMPLATE_KEYID_OFF+2*i+1] = keyidstr[i];
p += DIM (data_attrtemplate);
memcpy (p, sha1hash, 20);
p += 20;
certseqlen = p - certseq;
if (needed != certseqlen)
log_debug ("length mismatch: %lu, %lu\n",
(unsigned long)needed, (unsigned long)certseqlen);
/* Append some pad characters; we already allocated extra space. */
n = 8 - certseqlen % 8;
for (i=0; i < n; i++, certseqlen++)
*p++ = n;
*r_length = certseqlen;
return certseq;
/* Expect the RSA key parameters in KPARMS and a password in PW.
Create a PKCS structure from it and return it as well as the length
in R_LENGTH; return NULL in case of an error. If CHARSET is not
NULL, re-encode PW to that character set. */
unsigned char *
p12_build (gcry_mpi_t *kparms, const void *cert, size_t certlen,
const char *pw, const char *charset, size_t *r_length)
unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
size_t n, buflen;
char salt[8];
struct buffer_s seqlist[3];
int seqlistidx = 0;
unsigned char sha1hash[20];
char keyidstr[8+1];
char *pwbuf = NULL;
size_t pwbufsize = 0;
n = buflen = 0; /* (avoid compiler warning). */
memset (sha1hash, 0, 20);
*keyidstr = 0;
if (charset && pw && *pw)
jnlib_iconv_t cd;
const char *inptr;
char *outptr;
size_t inbytes, outbytes;
/* We assume that the converted passphrase is at max 2 times
longer than its utf-8 encoding. */
pwbufsize = strlen (pw)*2 + 1;
pwbuf = gcry_malloc_secure (pwbufsize);
if (!pwbuf)
log_error ("out of secure memory while converting passphrase\n");
goto failure;
cd = jnlib_iconv_open (charset, "utf-8");
if (cd == (jnlib_iconv_t)(-1))
log_error ("can't convert passphrase to"
" requested charset '%s': %s\n",
charset, strerror (errno));
goto failure;
inptr = pw;
inbytes = strlen (pw);
outptr = pwbuf;
outbytes = pwbufsize - 1;
if ( jnlib_iconv (cd, (const char **)&inptr, &inbytes,
&outptr, &outbytes) == (size_t)-1)
log_error ("error converting passphrase to"
" requested charset '%s': %s\n",
charset, strerror (errno));
jnlib_iconv_close (cd);
goto failure;
*outptr = 0;
jnlib_iconv_close (cd);
pw = pwbuf;
if (cert && certlen)
/* Calculate the hash value we need for the bag attributes. */
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, sha1hash, cert, certlen);
sprintf (keyidstr, "%02x%02x%02x%02x",
sha1hash[16], sha1hash[17], sha1hash[18], sha1hash[19]);
/* Encode the certificate. */
buffer = build_cert_sequence (cert, certlen, sha1hash, keyidstr,
if (!buffer)
goto failure;
/* Encrypt it. */
gcry_randomize (salt, 8, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
crypt_block (buffer, buflen, salt, 8, 2048, NULL, 0, pw,
GCRY_CIPHER_RFC2268_40, 1);
/* Encode the encrypted stuff into a bag. */
seqlist[seqlistidx].buffer = build_cert_bag (buffer, buflen, salt, &n);
seqlist[seqlistidx].length = n;
gcry_free (buffer);
buffer = NULL;
if (!seqlist[seqlistidx].buffer)
goto failure;
if (kparms)
/* Encode the key. */
buffer = build_key_sequence (kparms, 0, &buflen);
if (!buffer)
goto failure;
/* Encrypt it. */
gcry_randomize (salt, 8, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
crypt_block (buffer, buflen, salt, 8, 2048, NULL, 0,
/* Encode the encrypted stuff into a bag. */
if (cert && certlen)
seqlist[seqlistidx].buffer = build_key_bag (buffer, buflen, salt,
sha1hash, keyidstr, &n);
seqlist[seqlistidx].buffer = build_key_bag (buffer, buflen, salt,
NULL, NULL, &n);
seqlist[seqlistidx].length = n;
gcry_free (buffer);
buffer = NULL;
if (!seqlist[seqlistidx].buffer)
goto failure;
seqlist[seqlistidx].buffer = NULL;
seqlist[seqlistidx].length = 0;
buffer = create_final (seqlist, pw, &buflen);
if (pwbuf)
/* Note that wipememory is not really needed due to the use of
gcry_malloc_secure. */
wipememory (pwbuf, pwbufsize);
gcry_free (pwbuf);
for ( ; seqlistidx; seqlistidx--)
gcry_free (seqlist[seqlistidx].buffer);
*r_length = buffer? buflen : 0;
return buffer;
/* This is actually not a pkcs#12 function but one which creates an
unencrypted a pkcs#1 private key. */
unsigned char *
p12_raw_build (gcry_mpi_t *kparms, int rawmode, size_t *r_length)
unsigned char *buffer;
size_t buflen;
assert (rawmode == 1 || rawmode == 2);
buffer = build_key_sequence (kparms, rawmode, &buflen);
if (!buffer)
return NULL;
*r_length = buflen;
return buffer;
#ifdef TEST
static void
cert_cb (void *opaque, const unsigned char *cert, size_t certlen)
printf ("got a certificate of %u bytes length\n", certlen);
main (int argc, char **argv)
FILE *fp;
struct stat st;
unsigned char *buf;
size_t buflen;
gcry_mpi_t *result;
int badpass;
if (argc != 3)
fprintf (stderr, "usage: testp12 file passphrase\n");
return 1;
fp = fopen (argv[1], "rb");
if (!fp)
fprintf (stderr, "can't open '%s': %s\n", argv[1], strerror (errno));
return 1;
if (fstat (fileno(fp), &st))
fprintf (stderr, "can't stat '%s': %s\n", argv[1], strerror (errno));
return 1;
buflen = st.st_size;
buf = gcry_malloc (buflen+1);
if (!buf || fread (buf, buflen, 1, fp) != 1)
fprintf (stderr, "error reading '%s': %s\n", argv[1], strerror (errno));
return 1;
fclose (fp);
result = p12_parse (buf, buflen, argv[2], cert_cb, NULL, &badpass);
if (result)
int i, rc;
unsigned char *tmpbuf;
for (i=0; result[i]; i++)
rc = gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_HEX, &tmpbuf,
NULL, result[i]);
if (rc)
printf ("%d: [error printing number: %s]\n",
i, gpg_strerror (rc));
printf ("%d: %s\n", i, tmpbuf);
gcry_free (tmpbuf);
return 0;
Local Variables:
compile-command: "gcc -Wall -O0 -g -DTEST=1 -o minip12 minip12.c ../common/libcommon.a -L /usr/local/lib -lgcrypt -lgpg-error"
#endif /* TEST */
diff --git a/sm/minip12.h b/sm/minip12.h
index 7a1950fb0..39a81939d 100644
--- a/sm/minip12.h
+++ b/sm/minip12.h
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
/* minip12.h - Global definitions for the minimal pkcs-12 implementation.
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef MINIP12_H
#define MINIP12_H
#include <gcrypt.h>
gcry_mpi_t *p12_parse (const unsigned char *buffer, size_t length,
const char *pw,
void (*certcb)(void*, const unsigned char*, size_t),
void *certcbarg, int *r_badpass);
unsigned char *p12_build (gcry_mpi_t *kparms,
const void *cert, size_t certlen,
const char *pw, const char *charset,
size_t *r_length);
unsigned char *p12_raw_build (gcry_mpi_t *kparms,
int rawmode,
size_t *r_length);
#endif /*MINIP12_H*/
diff --git a/sm/misc.c b/sm/misc.c
index 39897f4e8..40e989f4e 100644
--- a/sm/misc.c
+++ b/sm/misc.c
@@ -1,218 +1,218 @@
/* misc.c - Miscellaneous fucntions
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2009, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "../common/tlv.h"
#include "../common/sexp-parse.h"
/* Setup the environment so that the pinentry is able to get all
required information. This is used prior to an exec of the
protect-tool. */
setup_pinentry_env (void)
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
char *lc;
const char *name, *value;
int iterator;
/* Try to make sure that GPG_TTY has been set. This is needed if we
call for example the protect-tools with redirected stdin and thus
it won't be able to ge a default by itself. Try to do it here
but print a warning. */
value = session_env_getenv (opt.session_env, "GPG_TTY");
if (value)
gnupg_setenv ("GPG_TTY", value, 1);
else if (!(lc=getenv ("GPG_TTY")) || !*lc)
log_error (_("GPG_TTY has not been set - "
"using maybe bogus default\n"));
lc = gnupg_ttyname (0);
if (!lc)
lc = "/dev/tty";
gnupg_setenv ("GPG_TTY", lc, 1);
if (opt.lc_ctype)
gnupg_setenv ("LC_CTYPE", opt.lc_ctype, 1);
#if defined(HAVE_SETLOCALE) && defined(LC_CTYPE)
else if ( (lc = setlocale (LC_CTYPE, "")) )
gnupg_setenv ("LC_CTYPE", lc, 1);
if (opt.lc_messages)
gnupg_setenv ("LC_MESSAGES", opt.lc_messages, 1);
#if defined(HAVE_SETLOCALE) && defined(LC_MESSAGES)
else if ( (lc = setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, "")) )
gnupg_setenv ("LC_MESSAGES", lc, 1);
iterator = 0;
while ((name = session_env_list_stdenvnames (&iterator, NULL)))
if (!strcmp (name, "GPG_TTY"))
continue; /* Already set. */
value = session_env_getenv (opt.session_env, name);
if (value)
gnupg_setenv (name, value, 1);
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* Transform a sig-val style s-expression as returned by Libgcrypt to
one which includes an algorithm identifier encoding the public key
and the hash algorithm. The public key algorithm is taken directly
from SIGVAL and the hash algorithm is given by MDALGO. This is
required because X.509 merges the public key algorithm and the hash
algorithm into one OID but Libgcrypt is not aware of that. The
function ignores missing parameters so that it can also be used to
create an siginfo value as expected by ksba_certreq_set_siginfo.
To create a siginfo s-expression a public-key s-expression may be
used instead of a sig-val. We only support RSA for now. */
transform_sigval (const unsigned char *sigval, size_t sigvallen, int mdalgo,
unsigned char **r_newsigval, size_t *r_newsigvallen)
gpg_error_t err;
const unsigned char *buf, *tok;
size_t buflen, toklen;
int depth, last_depth1, last_depth2;
int is_pubkey = 0;
const unsigned char *rsa_s = NULL;
size_t rsa_s_len = 0;
const char *oid;
gcry_sexp_t sexp;
*r_newsigval = NULL;
if (r_newsigvallen)
*r_newsigvallen = 0;
buf = sigval;
buflen = sigvallen;
depth = 0;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
return err;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
return err;
if (tok && toklen == 7 && !memcmp ("sig-val", tok, toklen))
else if (tok && toklen == 10 && !memcmp ("public-key", tok, toklen))
is_pubkey = 1;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
return err;
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
return err;
if (!tok || toklen != 3 || memcmp ("rsa", tok, toklen))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_WRONG_PUBKEY_ALGO);
last_depth1 = depth;
while (!(err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen))
&& depth && depth >= last_depth1)
if (tok)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEXP);
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
return err;
if (tok && toklen == 1)
const unsigned char **mpi;
size_t *mpi_len;
switch (*tok)
case 's': mpi = &rsa_s; mpi_len = &rsa_s_len; break;
default: mpi = NULL; mpi_len = NULL; break;
if (mpi && *mpi)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE);
if ((err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen)))
return err;
if (tok && mpi)
*mpi = tok;
*mpi_len = toklen;
/* Skip to the end of the list. */
last_depth2 = depth;
while (!(err = parse_sexp (&buf, &buflen, &depth, &tok, &toklen))
&& depth && depth >= last_depth2)
if (err)
return err;
if (err)
return err;
/* Map the hash algorithm to an OID. */
switch (mdalgo)
case GCRY_MD_SHA1:
oid = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.5"; /* sha1WithRSAEncryption */
case GCRY_MD_SHA256:
oid = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.11"; /* sha256WithRSAEncryption */
case GCRY_MD_SHA384:
oid = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.12"; /* sha384WithRSAEncryption */
case GCRY_MD_SHA512:
oid = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.13"; /* sha512WithRSAEncryption */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DIGEST_ALGO);
if (rsa_s && !is_pubkey)
err = gcry_sexp_build (&sexp, NULL, "(sig-val(%s(s%b)))",
oid, (int)rsa_s_len, rsa_s);
err = gcry_sexp_build (&sexp, NULL, "(sig-val(%s))", oid);
if (err)
return err;
err = make_canon_sexp (sexp, r_newsigval, r_newsigvallen);
gcry_sexp_release (sexp);
return err;
diff --git a/sm/passphrase.c b/sm/passphrase.c
index 6ad2b0a20..09eac07dc 100644
--- a/sm/passphrase.c
+++ b/sm/passphrase.c
@@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
/* passphrase.c - Get a passphrase
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
* 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "passphrase.h"
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include "../common/shareddefs.h"
#include "../common/ttyio.h"
static char *fd_passwd = NULL;
have_static_passphrase ()
return (!!fd_passwd
&& (opt.batch || opt.pinentry_mode == PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK));
/* Return a static passphrase. The returned value is only valid as
long as no other passphrase related function is called. NULL may
be returned if no passphrase has been set; better use
have_static_passphrase first. */
const char *
get_static_passphrase (void)
return fd_passwd;
read_passphrase_from_fd (int fd)
int i, len;
char *pw;
if (!opt.batch && opt.pinentry_mode != PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK)
{ /* Not used but we have to do a dummy read, so that it won't end
up at the begin of the message if the quite usual trick to
prepend the passphtrase to the message is used. */
char buf[1];
while (!(read (fd, buf, 1) != 1 || *buf == '\n'))
*buf = 0;
for (pw = NULL, i = len = 100; ; i++)
if (i >= len-1)
char *pw2 = pw;
len += 100;
pw = xmalloc_secure (len);
if (pw2)
memcpy (pw, pw2, i);
xfree (pw2);
i = 0;
if (read (fd, pw+i, 1) != 1 || pw[i] == '\n')
pw[i] = 0;
if (!opt.batch && opt.pinentry_mode != PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK)
tty_printf("\b\b\b \n" );
xfree (fd_passwd);
fd_passwd = pw;
diff --git a/sm/passphrase.h b/sm/passphrase.h
index 3401a0b0c..c69f4d9b1 100644
--- a/sm/passphrase.h
+++ b/sm/passphrase.h
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
/* passphrase.h - Get a passphrase
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
int have_static_passphrase (void);
const char *get_static_passphrase (void);
void read_passphrase_from_fd (int fd);
diff --git a/sm/qualified.c b/sm/qualified.c
index bae03a4c3..61b071cbc 100644
--- a/sm/qualified.c
+++ b/sm/qualified.c
@@ -1,325 +1,325 @@
/* qualified.c - Routines related to qualified signatures
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include <ksba.h>
/* We open the file only once and keep the open file pointer as well
as the name of the file here. Note that, a listname not equal to
NULL indicates that this module has been intialized and if the
LISTFP is also NULL, no list of qualified signatures exists. */
static char *listname;
static FILE *listfp;
/* Read the trustlist and return entry by entry. KEY must point to a
buffer of at least 41 characters. COUNTRY shall be a buffer of at
least 3 characters to receive the country code of that qualified
signature (i.e. "de" for German and "be" for Belgium).
Reading a valid entry returns 0, EOF is indicated by GPG_ERR_EOF
and any other error condition is indicated by the appropriate error
code. */
static gpg_error_t
read_list (char *key, char *country, int *lnr)
gpg_error_t err;
int c, i, j;
char *p, line[256];
*key = 0;
*country = 0;
if (!listname)
listname = make_filename (gnupg_datadir (), "qualified.txt", NULL);
listfp = fopen (listname, "r");
if (!listfp && errno != ENOENT)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), listname, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
if (!listfp)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
if (!fgets (line, DIM(line)-1, listfp) )
if (feof (listfp))
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF);
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (!*line || line[strlen(line)-1] != '\n')
/* Eat until end of line. */
while ( (c=getc (listfp)) != EOF && c != '\n')
return gpg_error (*line? GPG_ERR_LINE_TOO_LONG
/* Allow for empty lines and spaces */
for (p=line; spacep (p); p++)
while (!*p || *p == '\n' || *p == '#');
for (i=j=0; (p[i] == ':' || hexdigitp (p+i)) && j < 40; i++)
if ( p[i] != ':' )
key[j++] = p[i] >= 'a'? (p[i] & 0xdf): p[i];
key[j] = 0;
if (j != 40 || !(spacep (p+i) || p[i] == '\n'))
log_error (_("invalid formatted fingerprint in '%s', line %d\n"),
listname, *lnr);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_DATA);
assert (p[i]);
while (spacep (p+i))
if ( p[i] >= 'a' && p[i] <= 'z'
&& p[i+1] >= 'a' && p[i+1] <= 'z'
&& (spacep (p+i+2) || p[i+2] == '\n'))
country[0] = p[i];
country[1] = p[i+1];
country[2] = 0;
log_error (_("invalid country code in '%s', line %d\n"), listname, *lnr);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_DATA);
return 0;
/* Check whether the certificate CERT is included in the list of
qualified certificates. This list is similar to the "trustlist.txt"
as maintained by gpg-agent and includes fingerprints of root
certificates to be used for qualified (legally binding like
handwritten) signatures. We keep this list system wide and not
per user because it is not a decision of the user.
Returns: 0 if the certificate is included. GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND if it
is not in the list or any other error (e.g. if no list of
qualified signatures is available. If COUNTRY has not been passed
as NULL a string witha maximum length of 2 will be copied into it;
thus the caller needs to provide a buffer of length 3. */
gpgsm_is_in_qualified_list (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, char *country)
gpg_error_t err;
char *fpr;
char key[41];
char mycountry[3];
int lnr = 0;
if (country)
*country = 0;
fpr = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_hexstring (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1);
if (!fpr)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
if (listfp)
/* W32ce has no rewind, thus we use the equivalent code. */
fseek (listfp, 0, SEEK_SET);
clearerr (listfp);
while (!(err = read_list (key, mycountry, &lnr)))
if (!strcmp (key, fpr))
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
if (!err && country)
strcpy (country, mycountry);
xfree (fpr);
return err;
/* We know that CERT is a qualified certificate. Ask the user for
consent to actually create a signature using this certificate.
Returns: 0 for yes, GPG_ERR_CANCEL for no or any other error
code. */
gpgsm_qualified_consent (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert)
gpg_error_t err;
char *name, *subject, *buffer, *p;
const char *s;
char *orig_codeset = NULL;
name = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0);
if (!name)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
subject = gpgsm_format_name2 (name, 0);
ksba_free (name); name = NULL;
orig_codeset = i18n_switchto_utf8 ();
if (asprintf (&name,
_("You are about to create a signature using your "
"This will create a qualified signature by law "
"equated to a handwritten signature.\n\n%s%s"
"Are you really sure that you want to do this?"),
subject? subject:"?",
_("Note, that this software is not officially approved "
"to create or verify such signatures.\n"),
opt.qualsig_approval? "":"\n"
) < 0 )
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = 0;
i18n_switchback (orig_codeset);
xfree (subject);
if (err)
return err;
buffer = p = xtrymalloc (strlen (name) * 3 + 1);
if (!buffer)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
free (name);
return err;
for (s=name; *s; s++)
if (*s < ' ' || *s == '+')
sprintf (p, "%%%02X", *(unsigned char *)s);
p += 3;
else if (*s == ' ')
*p++ = '+';
*p++ = *s;
*p = 0;
free (name);
err = gpgsm_agent_get_confirmation (ctrl, buffer);
xfree (buffer);
return err;
/* Popup a prompt to inform the user that the signature created is not
a qualified one. This is of course only done if we know that we
have been approved. */
gpgsm_not_qualified_warning (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert)
gpg_error_t err;
char *name, *subject, *buffer, *p;
const char *s;
char *orig_codeset;
if (!opt.qualsig_approval)
return 0;
name = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0);
if (!name)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
subject = gpgsm_format_name2 (name, 0);
ksba_free (name); name = NULL;
orig_codeset = i18n_switchto_utf8 ();
if (asprintf (&name,
_("You are about to create a signature using your "
"Note, that this certificate will NOT create a "
"qualified signature!"),
subject? subject:"?") < 0 )
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = 0;
i18n_switchback (orig_codeset);
xfree (subject);
if (err)
return err;
buffer = p = xtrymalloc (strlen (name) * 3 + 1);
if (!buffer)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
free (name);
return err;
for (s=name; *s; s++)
if (*s < ' ' || *s == '+')
sprintf (p, "%%%02X", *(unsigned char *)s);
p += 3;
else if (*s == ' ')
*p++ = '+';
*p++ = *s;
*p = 0;
free (name);
err = gpgsm_agent_get_confirmation (ctrl, buffer);
xfree (buffer);
return err;
diff --git a/sm/server.c b/sm/server.c
index b4fcb43c0..d6a2dbbdd 100644
--- a/sm/server.c
+++ b/sm/server.c
@@ -1,1483 +1,1483 @@
/* server.c - Server mode and main entry point
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,
* 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <assuan.h>
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "server-help.h"
#define set_error(e,t) assuan_set_error (ctx, gpg_error (e), (t))
/* The filepointer for status message used in non-server mode */
static FILE *statusfp;
/* Data used to assuciate an Assuan context with local server data */
struct server_local_s {
assuan_context_t assuan_ctx;
int message_fd;
int list_internal;
int list_external;
int list_to_output; /* Write keylistings to the output fd. */
int enable_audit_log; /* Use an audit log. */
certlist_t recplist;
certlist_t signerlist;
certlist_t default_recplist; /* As set by main() - don't release. */
int allow_pinentry_notify; /* Set if pinentry notifications should
be passed back to the client. */
int no_encrypt_to; /* Local version of option. */
/* Cookie definition for assuan data line output. */
static gpgrt_ssize_t data_line_cookie_write (void *cookie,
const void *buffer, size_t size);
static int data_line_cookie_close (void *cookie);
static es_cookie_io_functions_t data_line_cookie_functions =
static int command_has_option (const char *cmd, const char *cmdopt);
/* Note that it is sufficient to allocate the target string D as
long as the source string S, i.e.: strlen(s)+1; */
static void
strcpy_escaped_plus (char *d, const char *s)
while (*s)
if (*s == '%' && s[1] && s[2])
*d++ = xtoi_2 (s);
s += 2;
else if (*s == '+')
*d++ = ' ', s++;
*d++ = *s++;
*d = 0;
/* A write handler used by es_fopencookie to write assuan data
lines. */
static gpgrt_ssize_t
data_line_cookie_write (void *cookie, const void *buffer, size_t size)
assuan_context_t ctx = cookie;
if (assuan_send_data (ctx, buffer, size))
gpg_err_set_errno (EIO);
return -1;
return (gpgrt_ssize_t)size;
static int
data_line_cookie_close (void *cookie)
assuan_context_t ctx = cookie;
if (assuan_send_data (ctx, NULL, 0))
gpg_err_set_errno (EIO);
return -1;
return 0;
static void
close_message_fd (ctrl_t ctrl)
if (ctrl->server_local->message_fd != -1)
#warning Is this correct for W32/W32CE?
close (ctrl->server_local->message_fd);
ctrl->server_local->message_fd = -1;
/* Start a new audit session if this has been enabled. */
static gpg_error_t
start_audit_session (ctrl_t ctrl)
audit_release (ctrl->audit);
ctrl->audit = NULL;
if (ctrl->server_local->enable_audit_log && !(ctrl->audit = audit_new ()) )
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
option_handler (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *key, const char *value)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err = 0;
if (!strcmp (key, "putenv"))
/* Change the session's environment to be used for the
Pinentry. Valid values are:
<NAME> Delete envvar NAME
<KEY>= Set envvar NAME to the empty string
<KEY>=<VALUE> Set envvar NAME to VALUE
err = session_env_putenv (opt.session_env, value);
else if (!strcmp (key, "display"))
err = session_env_setenv (opt.session_env, "DISPLAY", value);
else if (!strcmp (key, "ttyname"))
err = session_env_setenv (opt.session_env, "GPG_TTY", value);
else if (!strcmp (key, "ttytype"))
err = session_env_setenv (opt.session_env, "TERM", value);
else if (!strcmp (key, "lc-ctype"))
xfree (opt.lc_ctype);
opt.lc_ctype = xtrystrdup (value);
if (!opt.lc_ctype)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
else if (!strcmp (key, "lc-messages"))
xfree (opt.lc_messages);
opt.lc_messages = xtrystrdup (value);
if (!opt.lc_messages)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
else if (!strcmp (key, "xauthority"))
err = session_env_setenv (opt.session_env, "XAUTHORITY", value);
else if (!strcmp (key, "pinentry-user-data"))
err = session_env_setenv (opt.session_env, "PINENTRY_USER_DATA", value);
else if (!strcmp (key, "include-certs"))
int i = *value? atoi (value) : -1;
if (ctrl->include_certs < -2)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER);
ctrl->include_certs = i;
else if (!strcmp (key, "list-mode"))
int i = *value? atoi (value) : 0;
if (!i || i == 1) /* default and mode 1 */
ctrl->server_local->list_internal = 1;
ctrl->server_local->list_external = 0;
else if (i == 2)
ctrl->server_local->list_internal = 0;
ctrl->server_local->list_external = 1;
else if (i == 3)
ctrl->server_local->list_internal = 1;
ctrl->server_local->list_external = 1;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER);
else if (!strcmp (key, "list-to-output"))
int i = *value? atoi (value) : 0;
ctrl->server_local->list_to_output = i;
else if (!strcmp (key, "with-validation"))
int i = *value? atoi (value) : 0;
ctrl->with_validation = i;
else if (!strcmp (key, "with-secret"))
int i = *value? atoi (value) : 0;
ctrl->with_secret = i;
else if (!strcmp (key, "validation-model"))
int i = gpgsm_parse_validation_model (value);
if ( i >= 0 && i <= 2 )
ctrl->validation_model = i;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER);
else if (!strcmp (key, "with-key-data"))
opt.with_key_data = 1;
else if (!strcmp (key, "enable-audit-log"))
int i = *value? atoi (value) : 0;
ctrl->server_local->enable_audit_log = i;
else if (!strcmp (key, "allow-pinentry-notify"))
ctrl->server_local->allow_pinentry_notify = 1;
else if (!strcmp (key, "with-ephemeral-keys"))
int i = *value? atoi (value) : 0;
ctrl->with_ephemeral_keys = i;
else if (!strcmp (key, "no-encrypt-to"))
ctrl->server_local->no_encrypt_to = 1;
else if (!strcmp (key, "offline"))
/* We ignore this option if gpgsm has been started with
--disable-dirmngr (which also sets offline). */
if (!opt.disable_dirmngr)
int i = *value? !!atoi (value) : 1;
ctrl->offline = i;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_OPTION);
return err;
static gpg_error_t
reset_notify (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
(void) line;
gpgsm_release_certlist (ctrl->server_local->recplist);
gpgsm_release_certlist (ctrl->server_local->signerlist);
ctrl->server_local->recplist = NULL;
ctrl->server_local->signerlist = NULL;
close_message_fd (ctrl);
assuan_close_input_fd (ctx);
assuan_close_output_fd (ctx);
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
input_notify (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
ctrl->autodetect_encoding = 0;
ctrl->is_pem = 0;
ctrl->is_base64 = 0;
if (strstr (line, "--armor"))
ctrl->is_pem = 1;
else if (strstr (line, "--base64"))
ctrl->is_base64 = 1;
else if (strstr (line, "--binary"))
ctrl->autodetect_encoding = 1;
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
output_notify (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
ctrl->create_pem = 0;
ctrl->create_base64 = 0;
if (strstr (line, "--armor"))
ctrl->create_pem = 1;
else if (strstr (line, "--base64"))
ctrl->create_base64 = 1; /* just the raw output */
return 0;
static const char hlp_recipient[] =
"RECIPIENT <userID>\n"
"Set the recipient for the encryption. USERID shall be the\n"
"internal representation of the key; the server may accept any other\n"
"way of specification [we will support this]. If this is a valid and\n"
"trusted recipient the server does respond with OK, otherwise the\n"
"return is an ERR with the reason why the recipient can't be used,\n"
"the encryption will then not be done for this recipient. If the\n"
"policy is not to encrypt at all if not all recipients are valid, the\n"
"client has to take care of this. All RECIPIENT commands are\n"
"cumulative until a RESET or an successful ENCRYPT command.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_recipient (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
if (!ctrl->audit)
rc = start_audit_session (ctrl);
rc = 0;
if (!rc)
rc = gpgsm_add_to_certlist (ctrl, line, 0,
&ctrl->server_local->recplist, 0);
if (rc)
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_INV_RECP,
get_inv_recpsgnr_code (rc), line, NULL);
return rc;
static const char hlp_signer[] =
"SIGNER <userID>\n"
"Set the signer's keys for the signature creation. USERID should\n"
"be the internal representation of the key; the server may accept any\n"
"other way of specification [we will support this]. If this is a\n"
"valid and usable signing key the server does respond with OK,\n"
"otherwise it returns an ERR with the reason why the key can't be\n"
"used, the signing will then not be done for this key. If the policy\n"
"is not to sign at all if not all signer keys are valid, the client\n"
"has to take care of this. All SIGNER commands are cumulative until\n"
"a RESET but they are *not* reset by an SIGN command because it can\n"
"be expected that set of signers are used for more than one sign\n"
static gpg_error_t
cmd_signer (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
rc = gpgsm_add_to_certlist (ctrl, line, 1,
&ctrl->server_local->signerlist, 0);
if (rc)
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_INV_SGNR,
get_inv_recpsgnr_code (rc), line, NULL);
/* For compatibiliy reasons we also issue the old code after the
new one. */
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_INV_RECP,
get_inv_recpsgnr_code (rc), line, NULL);
return rc;
static const char hlp_encrypt[] =
"Do the actual encryption process. Takes the plaintext from the INPUT\n"
"command, writes to the ciphertext to the file descriptor set with\n"
"the OUTPUT command, take the recipients form all the recipients set\n"
"so far. If this command fails the clients should try to delete all\n"
"output currently done or otherwise mark it as invalid. GPGSM does\n"
"ensure that there won't be any security problem with leftover data\n"
"on the output in this case.\n"
"This command should in general not fail, as all necessary checks\n"
"have been done while setting the recipients. The input and output\n"
"pipes are closed.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_encrypt (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
certlist_t cl;
int inp_fd, out_fd;
estream_t out_fp;
int rc;
inp_fd = translate_sys2libc_fd (assuan_get_input_fd (ctx), 0);
if (inp_fd == -1)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_INPUT, NULL);
out_fd = translate_sys2libc_fd (assuan_get_output_fd (ctx), 1);
if (out_fd == -1)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_OUTPUT, NULL);
out_fp = es_fdopen_nc (out_fd, "w");
if (!out_fp)
return set_error (gpg_err_code_from_syserror (), "fdopen() failed");
/* Now add all encrypt-to marked recipients from the default
list. */
rc = 0;
if (!opt.no_encrypt_to && !ctrl->server_local->no_encrypt_to)
for (cl=ctrl->server_local->default_recplist; !rc && cl; cl = cl->next)
if (cl->is_encrypt_to)
rc = gpgsm_add_cert_to_certlist (ctrl, cl->cert,
&ctrl->server_local->recplist, 1);
if (!rc)
rc = ctrl->audit? 0 : start_audit_session (ctrl);
if (!rc)
rc = gpgsm_encrypt (assuan_get_pointer (ctx),
inp_fd, out_fp);
es_fclose (out_fp);
gpgsm_release_certlist (ctrl->server_local->recplist);
ctrl->server_local->recplist = NULL;
/* Close and reset the fd */
close_message_fd (ctrl);
assuan_close_input_fd (ctx);
assuan_close_output_fd (ctx);
return rc;
static const char hlp_decrypt[] =
"This performs the decrypt operation after doing some check on the\n"
"internal state. (e.g. that only needed data has been set). Because\n"
"it utilizes the GPG-Agent for the session key decryption, there is\n"
"no need to ask the client for a protecting passphrase - GPG-Agent\n"
"does take care of this by requesting this from the user.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_decrypt (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int inp_fd, out_fd;
estream_t out_fp;
int rc;
inp_fd = translate_sys2libc_fd (assuan_get_input_fd (ctx), 0);
if (inp_fd == -1)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_INPUT, NULL);
out_fd = translate_sys2libc_fd (assuan_get_output_fd (ctx), 1);
if (out_fd == -1)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_OUTPUT, NULL);
out_fp = es_fdopen_nc (out_fd, "w");
if (!out_fp)
return set_error (gpg_err_code_from_syserror (), "fdopen() failed");
rc = start_audit_session (ctrl);
if (!rc)
rc = gpgsm_decrypt (ctrl, inp_fd, out_fp);
es_fclose (out_fp);
/* Close and reset the fds. */
close_message_fd (ctrl);
assuan_close_input_fd (ctx);
assuan_close_output_fd (ctx);
return rc;
static const char hlp_verify[] =
"This does a verify operation on the message send to the input FD.\n"
"The result is written out using status lines. If an output FD was\n"
"given, the signed text will be written to that.\n"
"If the signature is a detached one, the server will inquire about\n"
"the signed material and the client must provide it.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_verify (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
int rc;
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int fd = translate_sys2libc_fd (assuan_get_input_fd (ctx), 0);
int out_fd = translate_sys2libc_fd (assuan_get_output_fd (ctx), 1);
estream_t out_fp = NULL;
if (fd == -1)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_INPUT, NULL);
if (out_fd != -1)
out_fp = es_fdopen_nc (out_fd, "w");
if (!out_fp)
return set_error (gpg_err_code_from_syserror (), "fdopen() failed");
rc = start_audit_session (ctrl);
if (!rc)
rc = gpgsm_verify (assuan_get_pointer (ctx), fd,
ctrl->server_local->message_fd, out_fp);
es_fclose (out_fp);
/* Close and reset the fd. */
close_message_fd (ctrl);
assuan_close_input_fd (ctx);
assuan_close_output_fd (ctx);
return rc;
static const char hlp_sign[] =
"SIGN [--detached]\n"
"Sign the data set with the INPUT command and write it to the sink\n"
"set by OUTPUT. With \"--detached\", a detached signature is\n"
"created (surprise).";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_sign (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int inp_fd, out_fd;
estream_t out_fp;
int detached;
int rc;
inp_fd = translate_sys2libc_fd (assuan_get_input_fd (ctx), 0);
if (inp_fd == -1)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_INPUT, NULL);
out_fd = translate_sys2libc_fd (assuan_get_output_fd (ctx), 1);
if (out_fd == -1)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_OUTPUT, NULL);
detached = has_option (line, "--detached");
out_fp = es_fdopen_nc (out_fd, "w");
if (!out_fp)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_GENERAL, "fdopen() failed");
rc = start_audit_session (ctrl);
if (!rc)
rc = gpgsm_sign (assuan_get_pointer (ctx), ctrl->server_local->signerlist,
inp_fd, detached, out_fp);
es_fclose (out_fp);
/* close and reset the fd */
close_message_fd (ctrl);
assuan_close_input_fd (ctx);
assuan_close_output_fd (ctx);
return rc;
static const char hlp_import[] =
"IMPORT [--re-import]\n"
"Import the certificates read form the input-fd, return status\n"
"message for each imported one. The import checks the validity of\n"
"the certificate but not of the entire chain. It is possible to\n"
"import expired certificates.\n"
"With the option --re-import the input data is expected to a be a LF\n"
"separated list of fingerprints. The command will re-import these\n"
"certificates, meaning that they are made permanent by removing\n"
"their ephemeral flag.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_import (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc;
int fd = translate_sys2libc_fd (assuan_get_input_fd (ctx), 0);
int reimport = has_option (line, "--re-import");
if (fd == -1)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_INPUT, NULL);
rc = gpgsm_import (assuan_get_pointer (ctx), fd, reimport);
/* close and reset the fd */
close_message_fd (ctrl);
assuan_close_input_fd (ctx);
assuan_close_output_fd (ctx);
return rc;
static const char hlp_export[] =
"EXPORT [--data [--armor|--base64]] [--secret [--(raw|pkcs12)] [--] <pattern>\n"
"Export the certificates selected by PATTERN. With --data the output\n"
"is returned using Assuan D lines; the default is to use the sink given\n"
"by the last \"OUTPUT\" command. The options --armor or --base64 encode \n"
"the output using the PEM respective a plain base-64 format; the default\n"
"is a binary format which is only suitable for a single certificate.\n"
"With --secret the secret key is exported using the PKCS#8 format,\n"
"with --raw using PKCS#1, and with --pkcs12 as full PKCS#12 container.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_export (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
char *p;
strlist_t list, sl;
int use_data;
int opt_secret;
int opt_raw = 0;
int opt_pkcs12 = 0;
use_data = has_option (line, "--data");
if (use_data)
/* We need to override any possible setting done by an OUTPUT command. */
ctrl->create_pem = has_option (line, "--armor");
ctrl->create_base64 = has_option (line, "--base64");
opt_secret = has_option (line, "--secret");
if (opt_secret)
opt_raw = has_option (line, "--raw");
opt_pkcs12 = has_option (line, "--pkcs12");
line = skip_options (line);
/* Break the line down into an strlist_t. */
list = NULL;
for (p=line; *p; line = p)
while (*p && *p != ' ')
if (*p)
*p++ = 0;
if (*line)
sl = xtrymalloc (sizeof *sl + strlen (line));
if (!sl)
free_strlist (list);
return out_of_core ();
sl->flags = 0;
strcpy_escaped_plus (sl->d, line);
sl->next = list;
list = sl;
if (opt_secret)
if (!list || !*list->d)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA, "No key given");
if (list->next)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_MANY, "Only one key allowed");
if (use_data)
estream_t stream;
stream = es_fopencookie (ctx, "w", data_line_cookie_functions);
if (!stream)
free_strlist (list);
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_GENERAL,
"error setting up a data stream");
if (opt_secret)
gpgsm_p12_export (ctrl, list->d, stream,
opt_raw? 2 : opt_pkcs12 ? 0 : 1);
gpgsm_export (ctrl, list, stream);
es_fclose (stream);
int fd = translate_sys2libc_fd (assuan_get_output_fd (ctx), 1);
estream_t out_fp;
if (fd == -1)
free_strlist (list);
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_OUTPUT, NULL);
out_fp = es_fdopen_nc (fd, "w");
if (!out_fp)
free_strlist (list);
return set_error (gpg_err_code_from_syserror (), "fdopen() failed");
if (opt_secret)
gpgsm_p12_export (ctrl, list->d, out_fp,
opt_raw? 2 : opt_pkcs12 ? 0 : 1);
gpgsm_export (ctrl, list, out_fp);
es_fclose (out_fp);
free_strlist (list);
/* Close and reset the fds. */
close_message_fd (ctrl);
assuan_close_input_fd (ctx);
assuan_close_output_fd (ctx);
return 0;
static const char hlp_delkeys[] =
"DELKEYS <patterns>\n"
"Delete the certificates specified by PATTERNS. Each pattern shall be\n"
"a percent-plus escaped certificate specification. Usually a\n"
"fingerprint will be used for this.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_delkeys (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
char *p;
strlist_t list, sl;
int rc;
/* break the line down into an strlist_t */
list = NULL;
for (p=line; *p; line = p)
while (*p && *p != ' ')
if (*p)
*p++ = 0;
if (*line)
sl = xtrymalloc (sizeof *sl + strlen (line));
if (!sl)
free_strlist (list);
return out_of_core ();
sl->flags = 0;
strcpy_escaped_plus (sl->d, line);
sl->next = list;
list = sl;
rc = gpgsm_delete (ctrl, list);
free_strlist (list);
/* close and reset the fd */
close_message_fd (ctrl);
assuan_close_input_fd (ctx);
assuan_close_output_fd (ctx);
return rc;
static const char hlp_output[] =
"OUTPUT FD[=<n>]\n"
"Set the file descriptor to write the output data to N. If N is not\n"
"given and the operating system supports file descriptor passing, the\n"
"file descriptor currently in flight will be used. See also the\n"
"\"INPUT\" and \"MESSAGE\" commands.";
static const char hlp_input[] =
"INPUT FD[=<n>]\n"
"Set the file descriptor to read the input data to N. If N is not\n"
"given and the operating system supports file descriptor passing, the\n"
"file descriptor currently in flight will be used. See also the\n"
"\"MESSAGE\" and \"OUTPUT\" commands.";
static const char hlp_message[] =
"MESSAGE FD[=<n>]\n"
"Set the file descriptor to read the message for a detached\n"
"signatures to N. If N is not given and the operating system\n"
"supports file descriptor passing, the file descriptor currently in\n"
"flight will be used. See also the \"INPUT\" and \"OUTPUT\" commands.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_message (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
int rc;
gnupg_fd_t sysfd;
int fd;
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
rc = assuan_command_parse_fd (ctx, line, &sysfd);
if (rc)
return rc;
sysfd = _assuan_w32ce_finish_pipe ((int)sysfd, 0);
return set_error (gpg_err_code_from_syserror (),
"rvid conversion failed");
fd = translate_sys2libc_fd (sysfd, 0);
if (fd == -1)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_INPUT, NULL);
ctrl->server_local->message_fd = fd;
return 0;
static const char hlp_listkeys[] =
"LISTKEYS [<patterns>]\n"
"LISTSECRETKEYS [<patterns>]\n"
"DUMPKEYS [<patterns>]\n"
"DUMPSECRETKEYS [<patterns>]\n"
"List all certificates or only those specified by PATTERNS. Each\n"
"pattern shall be a percent-plus escaped certificate specification.\n"
"The \"SECRET\" versions of the command filter the output to include\n"
"only certificates where the secret key is available or a corresponding\n"
"smartcard has been registered. The \"DUMP\" versions of the command\n"
"are only useful for debugging. The output format is a percent escaped\n"
"colon delimited listing as described in the manual.\n"
"These \"OPTION\" command keys effect the output::\n"
" \"list-mode\" set to 0: List only local certificates (default).\n"
" 1: Ditto.\n"
" 2: List only external certificates.\n"
" 3: List local and external certificates.\n"
" \"with-validation\" set to true: Validate each certificate.\n"
" \"with-ephemeral-key\" set to true: Always include ephemeral\n"
" certificates.\n"
" \"list-to-output\" set to true: Write output to the file descriptor\n"
" given by the last \"OUTPUT\" command.";
static int
do_listkeys (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line, int mode)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
estream_t fp;
char *p;
strlist_t list, sl;
unsigned int listmode;
gpg_error_t err;
/* Break the line down into an strlist. */
list = NULL;
for (p=line; *p; line = p)
while (*p && *p != ' ')
if (*p)
*p++ = 0;
if (*line)
sl = xtrymalloc (sizeof *sl + strlen (line));
if (!sl)
free_strlist (list);
return out_of_core ();
sl->flags = 0;
strcpy_escaped_plus (sl->d, line);
sl->next = list;
list = sl;
if (ctrl->server_local->list_to_output)
int outfd = translate_sys2libc_fd (assuan_get_output_fd (ctx), 1);
if ( outfd == -1 )
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_OUTPUT, NULL);
fp = es_fdopen_nc (outfd, "w");
if (!fp)
return set_error (gpg_err_code_from_syserror (), "es_fdopen() failed");
fp = es_fopencookie (ctx, "w", data_line_cookie_functions);
if (!fp)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_GENERAL,
"error setting up a data stream");
ctrl->with_colons = 1;
listmode = mode;
if (ctrl->server_local->list_internal)
listmode |= (1<<6);
if (ctrl->server_local->list_external)
listmode |= (1<<7);
err = gpgsm_list_keys (assuan_get_pointer (ctx), list, fp, listmode);
free_strlist (list);
es_fclose (fp);
if (ctrl->server_local->list_to_output)
assuan_close_output_fd (ctx);
return err;
static gpg_error_t
cmd_listkeys (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
return do_listkeys (ctx, line, 3);
static gpg_error_t
cmd_dumpkeys (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
return do_listkeys (ctx, line, 259);
static gpg_error_t
cmd_listsecretkeys (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
return do_listkeys (ctx, line, 2);
static gpg_error_t
cmd_dumpsecretkeys (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
return do_listkeys (ctx, line, 258);
static const char hlp_genkey[] =
"Read the parameters in native format from the input fd and write a\n"
"certificate request to the output.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_genkey (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int inp_fd, out_fd;
estream_t in_stream, out_stream;
int rc;
inp_fd = translate_sys2libc_fd (assuan_get_input_fd (ctx), 0);
if (inp_fd == -1)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_INPUT, NULL);
out_fd = translate_sys2libc_fd (assuan_get_output_fd (ctx), 1);
if (out_fd == -1)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_OUTPUT, NULL);
in_stream = es_fdopen_nc (inp_fd, "r");
if (!in_stream)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_GENERAL, "es_fdopen failed");
out_stream = es_fdopen_nc (out_fd, "w");
if (!out_stream)
es_fclose (in_stream);
return set_error (gpg_err_code_from_syserror (), "fdopen() failed");
rc = gpgsm_genkey (ctrl, in_stream, out_stream);
es_fclose (out_stream);
es_fclose (in_stream);
/* close and reset the fds */
assuan_close_input_fd (ctx);
assuan_close_output_fd (ctx);
return rc;
static const char hlp_getauditlog[] =
"GETAUDITLOG [--data] [--html]\n"
"If --data is used, the output is send using D-lines and not to the\n"
"file descriptor given by an OUTPUT command.\n"
"If --html is used the output is formatted as an XHTML block. This is\n"
"designed to be incorporated into a HTML document.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_getauditlog (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int out_fd;
estream_t out_stream;
int opt_data, opt_html;
int rc;
opt_data = has_option (line, "--data");
opt_html = has_option (line, "--html");
/* Not needed: line = skip_options (line); */
if (!ctrl->audit)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
if (opt_data)
out_stream = es_fopencookie (ctx, "w", data_line_cookie_functions);
if (!out_stream)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_GENERAL,
"error setting up a data stream");
out_fd = translate_sys2libc_fd (assuan_get_output_fd (ctx), 1);
if (out_fd == -1)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_NO_OUTPUT, NULL);
out_stream = es_fdopen_nc (out_fd, "w");
if (!out_stream)
return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_GENERAL, "es_fdopen() failed");
audit_print_result (ctrl->audit, out_stream, opt_html);
rc = 0;
es_fclose (out_stream);
/* Close and reset the fd. */
if (!opt_data)
assuan_close_output_fd (ctx);
return rc;
static const char hlp_getinfo[] =
"GETINFO <what>\n"
"Multipurpose function to return a variety of information.\n"
"Supported values for WHAT are:\n"
" version - Return the version of the program.\n"
" pid - Return the process id of the server.\n"
" agent-check - Return success if the agent is running.\n"
" cmd_has_option CMD OPT\n"
" - Returns OK if the command CMD implements the option OPT.\n"
" offline - Returns OK if the connection is in offline mode.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_getinfo (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
int rc = 0;
if (!strcmp (line, "version"))
const char *s = VERSION;
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, s, strlen (s));
else if (!strcmp (line, "pid"))
char numbuf[50];
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%lu", (unsigned long)getpid ());
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, numbuf, strlen (numbuf));
else if (!strcmp (line, "agent-check"))
rc = gpgsm_agent_send_nop (ctrl);
else if (!strncmp (line, "cmd_has_option", 14)
&& (line[14] == ' ' || line[14] == '\t' || !line[14]))
char *cmd, *cmdopt;
line += 14;
while (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t')
if (!*line)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE);
cmd = line;
while (*line && (*line != ' ' && *line != '\t'))
if (!*line)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE);
*line++ = 0;
while (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t')
if (!*line)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE);
cmdopt = line;
if (!command_has_option (cmd, cmdopt))
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
else if (!strcmp (line, "offline"))
rc = ctrl->offline? 0 : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
rc = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "unknown value for WHAT");
return rc;
static const char hlp_passwd[] =
"PASSWD <userID>\n"
"Change the passphrase of the secret key for USERID.";
static gpg_error_t
cmd_passwd (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx);
gpg_error_t err;
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
char *grip = NULL;
line = skip_options (line);
err = gpgsm_find_cert (line, NULL, &cert);
if (err)
else if (!(grip = gpgsm_get_keygrip_hexstring (cert)))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
char *desc = gpgsm_format_keydesc (cert);
err = gpgsm_agent_passwd (ctrl, grip, desc);
xfree (desc);
xfree (grip);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
return err;
/* Return true if the command CMD implements the option OPT. */
static int
command_has_option (const char *cmd, const char *cmdopt)
if (!strcmp (cmd, "IMPORT"))
if (!strcmp (cmdopt, "re-import"))
return 1;
return 0;
/* Tell the assuan library about our commands */
static int
register_commands (assuan_context_t ctx)
static struct {
const char *name;
assuan_handler_t handler;
const char * const help;
} table[] = {
{ "RECIPIENT", cmd_recipient, hlp_recipient },
{ "SIGNER", cmd_signer, hlp_signer },
{ "ENCRYPT", cmd_encrypt, hlp_encrypt },
{ "DECRYPT", cmd_decrypt, hlp_decrypt },
{ "VERIFY", cmd_verify, hlp_verify },
{ "SIGN", cmd_sign, hlp_sign },
{ "IMPORT", cmd_import, hlp_import },
{ "EXPORT", cmd_export, hlp_export },
{ "INPUT", NULL, hlp_input },
{ "OUTPUT", NULL, hlp_output },
{ "MESSAGE", cmd_message, hlp_message },
{ "LISTKEYS", cmd_listkeys, hlp_listkeys },
{ "DUMPKEYS", cmd_dumpkeys, hlp_listkeys },
{ "LISTSECRETKEYS",cmd_listsecretkeys, hlp_listkeys },
{ "DUMPSECRETKEYS",cmd_dumpsecretkeys, hlp_listkeys },
{ "GENKEY", cmd_genkey, hlp_genkey },
{ "DELKEYS", cmd_delkeys, hlp_delkeys },
{ "GETAUDITLOG", cmd_getauditlog, hlp_getauditlog },
{ "GETINFO", cmd_getinfo, hlp_getinfo },
{ "PASSWD", cmd_passwd, hlp_passwd },
{ NULL }
int i, rc;
for (i=0; table[i].name; i++)
rc = assuan_register_command (ctx, table[i].name, table[i].handler,
if (rc)
return rc;
return 0;
/* Startup the server. DEFAULT_RECPLIST is the list of recipients as
set from the command line or config file. We only require those
marked as encrypt-to. */
gpgsm_server (certlist_t default_recplist)
int rc;
assuan_fd_t filedes[2];
assuan_context_t ctx;
struct server_control_s ctrl;
static const char hello[] = ("GNU Privacy Guard's S/M server "
VERSION " ready");
memset (&ctrl, 0, sizeof ctrl);
gpgsm_init_default_ctrl (&ctrl);
/* We use a pipe based server so that we can work from scripts.
assuan_init_pipe_server will automagically detect when we are
called with a socketpair and ignore FILEDES in this case. */
#define SERVER_STDIN es_fileno(es_stdin)
#define SERVER_STDOUT es_fileno(es_stdout)
#define SERVER_STDIN 0
filedes[0] = assuan_fdopen (SERVER_STDIN);
filedes[1] = assuan_fdopen (SERVER_STDOUT);
rc = assuan_new (&ctx);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to allocate assuan context: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
gpgsm_exit (2);
rc = assuan_init_pipe_server (ctx, filedes);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to initialize the server: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
gpgsm_exit (2);
rc = register_commands (ctx);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to the register commands with Assuan: %s\n",
gpgsm_exit (2);
if (opt.verbose || opt.debug)
char *tmp;
/* Fixme: Use the really used socket name. */
if (asprintf (&tmp,
"Home: %s\n"
"Config: %s\n"
"DirmngrInfo: %s\n"
gnupg_homedir (),
dirmngr_socket_name (),
hello) > 0)
assuan_set_hello_line (ctx, tmp);
free (tmp);
assuan_set_hello_line (ctx, hello);
assuan_register_reset_notify (ctx, reset_notify);
assuan_register_input_notify (ctx, input_notify);
assuan_register_output_notify (ctx, output_notify);
assuan_register_option_handler (ctx, option_handler);
assuan_set_pointer (ctx, &ctrl);
ctrl.server_local = xcalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl.server_local);
ctrl.server_local->assuan_ctx = ctx;
ctrl.server_local->message_fd = -1;
ctrl.server_local->list_internal = 1;
ctrl.server_local->list_external = 0;
ctrl.server_local->default_recplist = default_recplist;
for (;;)
rc = assuan_accept (ctx);
if (rc == -1)
else if (rc)
log_info ("Assuan accept problem: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
rc = assuan_process (ctx);
if (rc)
log_info ("Assuan processing failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
gpgsm_release_certlist (ctrl.server_local->recplist);
ctrl.server_local->recplist = NULL;
gpgsm_release_certlist (ctrl.server_local->signerlist);
ctrl.server_local->signerlist = NULL;
xfree (ctrl.server_local);
audit_release (ctrl.audit);
ctrl.audit = NULL;
assuan_release (ctx);
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl_t ctrl, int no, ...)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
va_list arg_ptr;
const char *text;
va_start (arg_ptr, no);
if (ctrl->no_server && ctrl->status_fd == -1)
; /* No status wanted. */
else if (ctrl->no_server)
if (!statusfp)
if (ctrl->status_fd == 1)
statusfp = stdout;
else if (ctrl->status_fd == 2)
statusfp = stderr;
statusfp = fdopen (ctrl->status_fd, "w");
if (!statusfp)
log_fatal ("can't open fd %d for status output: %s\n",
ctrl->status_fd, strerror(errno));
fputs ("[GNUPG:] ", statusfp);
fputs (get_status_string (no), statusfp);
while ( (text = va_arg (arg_ptr, const char*) ))
putc ( ' ', statusfp );
for (; *text; text++)
if (*text == '\n')
fputs ( "\\n", statusfp );
else if (*text == '\r')
fputs ( "\\r", statusfp );
putc ( *(const byte *)text, statusfp );
putc ('\n', statusfp);
fflush (statusfp);
assuan_context_t ctx = ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx;
char buf[950], *p;
size_t n;
p = buf;
n = 0;
while ( (text = va_arg (arg_ptr, const char *)) )
if (n)
*p++ = ' ';
for ( ; *text && n < DIM (buf)-2; n++)
*p++ = *text++;
*p = 0;
err = assuan_write_status (ctx, get_status_string (no), buf);
va_end (arg_ptr);
return err;
gpgsm_status (ctrl_t ctrl, int no, const char *text)
return gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, no, text, NULL);
gpgsm_status_with_err_code (ctrl_t ctrl, int no, const char *text,
gpg_err_code_t ec)
char buf[30];
sprintf (buf, "%u", (unsigned int)ec);
if (text)
return gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, no, text, buf, NULL);
return gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, no, buf, NULL);
/* Helper to notify the client about Pinentry events. Because that
might disturb some older clients, this is only done when enabled
via an option. Returns an gpg error code. */
gpgsm_proxy_pinentry_notify (ctrl_t ctrl, const unsigned char *line)
if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local
|| !ctrl->server_local->allow_pinentry_notify)
return 0;
return assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, 0);
diff --git a/sm/sign.c b/sm/sign.c
index 6cb1f8631..6eec2e97b 100644
--- a/sm/sign.c
+++ b/sm/sign.c
@@ -1,785 +1,785 @@
/* sign.c - Sign a message
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2008,
* 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <ksba.h>
#include "keydb.h"
#include "i18n.h"
/* Hash the data and return if something was hashed. Return -1 on error. */
static int
hash_data (int fd, gcry_md_hd_t md)
estream_t fp;
char buffer[4096];
int nread;
int rc = 0;
fp = es_fdopen_nc (fd, "rb");
if (!fp)
log_error ("fdopen(%d) failed: %s\n", fd, strerror (errno));
return -1;
nread = es_fread (buffer, 1, DIM(buffer), fp);
gcry_md_write (md, buffer, nread);
while (nread);
if (es_ferror (fp))
log_error ("read error on fd %d: %s\n", fd, strerror (errno));
rc = -1;
es_fclose (fp);
return rc;
static int
hash_and_copy_data (int fd, gcry_md_hd_t md, ksba_writer_t writer)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t fp;
char buffer[4096];
int nread;
int rc = 0;
int any = 0;
fp = es_fdopen_nc (fd, "rb");
if (!fp)
gpg_error_t tmperr = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("fdopen(%d) failed: %s\n", fd, strerror (errno));
return tmperr;
nread = es_fread (buffer, 1, DIM(buffer), fp);
if (nread)
any = 1;
gcry_md_write (md, buffer, nread);
err = ksba_writer_write_octet_string (writer, buffer, nread, 0);
if (err)
log_error ("write failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
while (nread && !rc);
if (es_ferror (fp))
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("read error on fd %d: %s\n", fd, strerror (errno));
es_fclose (fp);
if (!any)
/* We can't allow signing an empty message because it does not
make much sense and more seriously, ksba_cms_build has
already written the tag for data and now expects an octet
string and an octet string of size 0 is illegal. */
log_error ("cannot sign an empty message\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
if (!rc)
err = ksba_writer_write_octet_string (writer, NULL, 0, 1);
if (err)
log_error ("write failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
return rc;
/* Get the default certificate which is defined as the first
certificate capable of signing returned by the keyDB and has a
secret key available. */
gpgsm_get_default_cert (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t *r_cert)
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
int rc;
char *p;
hd = keydb_new (0);
if (!hd)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
rc = keydb_search_first (hd);
if (rc)
keydb_release (hd);
return rc;
rc = keydb_get_cert (hd, &cert);
if (rc)
log_error ("keydb_get_cert failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
keydb_release (hd);
return rc;
if (!gpgsm_cert_use_sign_p (cert))
p = gpgsm_get_keygrip_hexstring (cert);
if (p)
if (!gpgsm_agent_havekey (ctrl, p))
xfree (p);
keydb_release (hd);
*r_cert = cert;
return 0; /* got it */
xfree (p);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
while (!(rc = keydb_search_next (hd)));
if (rc && rc != -1)
log_error ("keydb_search_next failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
ksba_cert_release (cert);
keydb_release (hd);
return rc;
static ksba_cert_t
get_default_signer (ctrl_t ctrl)
ksba_cert_t cert = NULL;
int rc;
if (!opt.local_user)
rc = gpgsm_get_default_cert (ctrl, &cert);
if (rc)
if (rc != -1)
log_debug ("failed to find default certificate: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
return NULL;
return cert;
rc = classify_user_id (opt.local_user, &desc, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to find default signer: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
return NULL;
kh = keydb_new (0);
if (!kh)
return NULL;
rc = keydb_search (kh, &desc, 1);
if (rc)
log_debug ("failed to find default certificate: rc=%d\n", rc);
rc = keydb_get_cert (kh, &cert);
if (rc)
log_debug ("failed to get cert: rc=%d\n", rc);
keydb_release (kh);
return cert;
/* Depending on the options in CTRL add the certificate CERT as well as
other certificate up in the chain to the Root-CA to the CMS
object. */
static int
add_certificate_list (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cms_t cms, ksba_cert_t cert)
gpg_error_t err;
int rc = 0;
ksba_cert_t next = NULL;
int n;
int not_root = 0;
ksba_cert_ref (cert);
n = ctrl->include_certs;
log_debug ("adding certificates at level %d\n", n);
if (n == -2)
not_root = 1;
n = -1;
if (n < 0 || n > 50)
n = 50; /* We better apply an upper bound */
/* First add my own certificate unless we don't want any certificate
included at all. */
if (n)
if (not_root && gpgsm_is_root_cert (cert))
err = 0;
err = ksba_cms_add_cert (cms, cert);
if (err)
goto ksba_failure;
if (n>0)
/* Walk the chain to include all other certificates. Note that a -1
used for N makes sure that there is no limit and all certs get
included. */
while ( n-- && !(rc = gpgsm_walk_cert_chain (ctrl, cert, &next)) )
if (not_root && gpgsm_is_root_cert (next))
err = 0;
err = ksba_cms_add_cert (cms, next);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = next; next = NULL;
if (err)
goto ksba_failure;
ksba_cert_release (cert);
return rc == -1? 0: rc;
ksba_cert_release (cert);
log_error ("ksba_cms_add_cert failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Perform a sign operation.
Sign the data received on DATA-FD in embedded mode or in detached
mode when DETACHED is true. Write the signature to OUT_FP. The
keys used to sign are taken from SIGNERLIST or the default one will
be used if the value of this argument is NULL. */
gpgsm_sign (ctrl_t ctrl, certlist_t signerlist,
int data_fd, int detached, estream_t out_fp)
int i, rc;
gpg_error_t err;
Base64Context b64writer = NULL;
ksba_writer_t writer;
ksba_cms_t cms = NULL;
ksba_stop_reason_t stopreason;
gcry_md_hd_t data_md = NULL;
int signer;
const char *algoid;
int algo;
ksba_isotime_t signed_at;
certlist_t cl;
int release_signerlist = 0;
audit_set_type (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_TYPE_SIGN);
kh = keydb_new (0);
if (!kh)
log_error (_("failed to allocate keyDB handle\n"));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
ctrl->pem_name = "SIGNED MESSAGE";
rc = gpgsm_create_writer (&b64writer, ctrl, out_fp, &writer);
if (rc)
log_error ("can't create writer: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
err = ksba_cms_new (&cms);
if (err)
rc = err;
goto leave;
err = ksba_cms_set_reader_writer (cms, NULL, writer);
if (err)
log_debug ("ksba_cms_set_reader_writer failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
/* We are going to create signed data with data as encap. content */
err = ksba_cms_set_content_type (cms, 0, KSBA_CT_SIGNED_DATA);
if (!err)
err = ksba_cms_set_content_type (cms, 1, KSBA_CT_DATA);
if (err)
log_debug ("ksba_cms_set_content_type failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
/* If no list of signers is given, use the default certificate. */
if (!signerlist)
ksba_cert_t cert = get_default_signer (ctrl);
if (!cert)
log_error ("no default signer found\n");
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_INV_SGNR,
get_inv_recpsgnr_code (GPG_ERR_NO_SECKEY), NULL);
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
/* Although we don't check for ambigious specification we will
check that the signer's certificate is usable and valid. */
rc = gpgsm_cert_use_sign_p (cert);
if (!rc)
rc = gpgsm_validate_chain (ctrl, cert, "", NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL);
if (rc)
char *tmpfpr;
tmpfpr = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_hexstring (cert, 0);
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_INV_SGNR,
get_inv_recpsgnr_code (rc), tmpfpr, NULL);
xfree (tmpfpr);
goto leave;
/* That one is fine - create signerlist. */
signerlist = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *signerlist);
if (!signerlist)
rc = out_of_core ();
ksba_cert_release (cert);
goto leave;
signerlist->cert = cert;
release_signerlist = 1;
/* Figure out the hash algorithm to use. We do not want to use the
one for the certificate but if possible an OID for the plain
algorithm. */
if (opt.forced_digest_algo && opt.verbose)
log_info ("user requested hash algorithm %d\n", opt.forced_digest_algo);
for (i=0, cl=signerlist; cl; cl = cl->next, i++)
const char *oid;
if (opt.forced_digest_algo)
oid = NULL;
cl->hash_algo = opt.forced_digest_algo;
oid = ksba_cert_get_digest_algo (cl->cert);
cl->hash_algo = oid ? gcry_md_map_name (oid) : 0;
switch (cl->hash_algo)
case GCRY_MD_SHA1: oid = ""; break;
case GCRY_MD_RMD160: oid = ""; break;
case GCRY_MD_SHA224: oid = "2.16.840."; break;
case GCRY_MD_SHA256: oid = "2.16.840."; break;
case GCRY_MD_SHA384: oid = "2.16.840."; break;
case GCRY_MD_SHA512: oid = "2.16.840."; break;
/* case GCRY_MD_WHIRLPOOL: oid = "No OID yet"; break; */
case GCRY_MD_MD5: /* We don't want to use MD5. */
case 0: /* No algorithm found in cert. */
default: /* Other algorithms. */
log_info (_("hash algorithm %d (%s) for signer %d not supported;"
" using %s\n"),
cl->hash_algo, oid? oid: "?", i,
gcry_md_algo_name (GCRY_MD_SHA1));
cl->hash_algo = GCRY_MD_SHA1;
oid = "";
cl->hash_algo_oid = oid;
if (opt.verbose)
for (i=0, cl=signerlist; cl; cl = cl->next, i++)
log_info (_("hash algorithm used for signer %d: %s (%s)\n"),
i, gcry_md_algo_name (cl->hash_algo), cl->hash_algo_oid);
/* Gather certificates of signers and store them in the CMS object. */
for (cl=signerlist; cl; cl = cl->next)
rc = gpgsm_cert_use_sign_p (cl->cert);
if (rc)
goto leave;
err = ksba_cms_add_signer (cms, cl->cert);
if (err)
log_error ("ksba_cms_add_signer failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
rc = add_certificate_list (ctrl, cms, cl->cert);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to store list of certificates: %s\n",
goto leave;
/* Set the hash algorithm we are going to use */
err = ksba_cms_add_digest_algo (cms, cl->hash_algo_oid);
if (err)
log_debug ("ksba_cms_add_digest_algo failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
/* Check whether one of the certificates is qualified. Note that we
already validated the certificate and thus the user data stored
flag must be available. */
if (!opt.no_chain_validation)
for (cl=signerlist; cl; cl = cl->next)
size_t buflen;
char buffer[1];
err = ksba_cert_get_user_data (cl->cert, "is_qualified",
&buffer, sizeof (buffer), &buflen);
if (err || !buflen)
log_error (_("checking for qualified certificate failed: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
if (*buffer)
err = gpgsm_qualified_consent (ctrl, cl->cert);
err = gpgsm_not_qualified_warning (ctrl, cl->cert);
if (err)
rc = err;
goto leave;
/* Prepare hashing (actually we are figuring out what we have set
above). */
rc = gcry_md_open (&data_md, 0, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("md_open failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
gcry_md_debug (data_md, "");
for (i=0; (algoid=ksba_cms_get_digest_algo_list (cms, i)); i++)
algo = gcry_md_map_name (algoid);
if (!algo)
log_error ("unknown hash algorithm '%s'\n", algoid? algoid:"?");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
goto leave;
gcry_md_enable (data_md, algo);
audit_log_i (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_DATA_HASH_ALGO, algo);
audit_log (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SETUP_READY);
if (detached)
{ /* We hash the data right now so that we can store the message
digest. ksba_cms_build() takes this as an flag that detached
data is expected. */
unsigned char *digest;
size_t digest_len;
if (!hash_data (data_fd, data_md))
audit_log (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_GOT_DATA);
for (cl=signerlist,signer=0; cl; cl = cl->next, signer++)
digest = gcry_md_read (data_md, cl->hash_algo);
digest_len = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (cl->hash_algo);
if ( !digest || !digest_len )
log_error ("problem getting the hash of the data\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
goto leave;
err = ksba_cms_set_message_digest (cms, signer, digest, digest_len);
if (err)
log_error ("ksba_cms_set_message_digest failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
gnupg_get_isotime (signed_at);
for (cl=signerlist,signer=0; cl; cl = cl->next, signer++)
err = ksba_cms_set_signing_time (cms, signer, signed_at);
if (err)
log_error ("ksba_cms_set_signing_time failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
/* We need to write at least a minimal list of our capabilities to
try to convince some MUAs to use 3DES and not the crippled
RC2. Our list is:
err = ksba_cms_add_smime_capability (cms, "2.16.840.", NULL, 0);
if (!err)
err = ksba_cms_add_smime_capability (cms, "1.2.840.113549.3.7", NULL, 0);
if (err)
log_error ("ksba_cms_add_smime_capability failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Main building loop. */
err = ksba_cms_build (cms, &stopreason);
if (err)
log_debug ("ksba_cms_build failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
if (stopreason == KSBA_SR_BEGIN_DATA)
/* Hash the data and store the message digest. */
unsigned char *digest;
size_t digest_len;
assert (!detached);
rc = hash_and_copy_data (data_fd, data_md, writer);
if (rc)
goto leave;
audit_log (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_GOT_DATA);
for (cl=signerlist,signer=0; cl; cl = cl->next, signer++)
digest = gcry_md_read (data_md, cl->hash_algo);
digest_len = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (cl->hash_algo);
if ( !digest || !digest_len )
log_error ("problem getting the hash of the data\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
goto leave;
err = ksba_cms_set_message_digest (cms, signer,
digest, digest_len);
if (err)
log_error ("ksba_cms_set_message_digest failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
goto leave;
else if (stopreason == KSBA_SR_NEED_SIG)
/* Compute the signature for all signers. */
gcry_md_hd_t md;
rc = gcry_md_open (&md, 0, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("md_open failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
gcry_md_debug (md, "sign.attr");
ksba_cms_set_hash_function (cms, HASH_FNC, md);
for (cl=signerlist,signer=0; cl; cl = cl->next, signer++)
unsigned char *sigval = NULL;
char *buf, *fpr;
audit_log_i (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_NEW_SIG, signer);
if (signer)
gcry_md_reset (md);
certlist_t cl_tmp;
for (cl_tmp=signerlist; cl_tmp; cl_tmp = cl_tmp->next)
gcry_md_enable (md, cl_tmp->hash_algo);
audit_log_i (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_ATTR_HASH_ALGO,
rc = ksba_cms_hash_signed_attrs (cms, signer);
if (rc)
log_debug ("hashing signed attrs failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
gcry_md_close (md);
goto leave;
rc = gpgsm_create_cms_signature (ctrl, cl->cert,
md, cl->hash_algo, &sigval);
if (rc)
audit_log_cert (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SIGNED_BY, cl->cert, rc);
gcry_md_close (md);
goto leave;
err = ksba_cms_set_sig_val (cms, signer, sigval);
xfree (sigval);
if (err)
audit_log_cert (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SIGNED_BY, cl->cert, err);
log_error ("failed to store the signature: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
rc = err;
gcry_md_close (md);
goto leave;
/* write a status message */
fpr = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_hexstring (cl->cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1);
if (!fpr)
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM);
gcry_md_close (md);
goto leave;
rc = 0;
int pkalgo = gpgsm_get_key_algo_info (cl->cert, NULL);
buf = xtryasprintf ("%c %d %d 00 %s %s",
detached? 'D':'S',
if (!buf)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (fpr);
if (rc)
gcry_md_close (md);
goto leave;
gpgsm_status (ctrl, STATUS_SIG_CREATED, buf);
xfree (buf);
audit_log_cert (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SIGNED_BY, cl->cert, 0);
gcry_md_close (md);
while (stopreason != KSBA_SR_READY);
rc = gpgsm_finish_writer (b64writer);
if (rc)
log_error ("write failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
audit_log (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SIGNING_DONE);
log_info ("signature created\n");
if (rc)
log_error ("error creating signature: %s <%s>\n",
gpg_strerror (rc), gpg_strsource (rc) );
if (release_signerlist)
gpgsm_release_certlist (signerlist);
ksba_cms_release (cms);
gpgsm_destroy_writer (b64writer);
keydb_release (kh);
gcry_md_close (data_md);
return rc;
diff --git a/sm/verify.c b/sm/verify.c
index 73e0ab4b7..4df1cc0c6 100644
--- a/sm/verify.c
+++ b/sm/verify.c
@@ -1,661 +1,661 @@
/* verify.c - Verify a messages signature
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2007,
* 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "gpgsm.h"
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <ksba.h>
#include "keydb.h"
#include "i18n.h"
static char *
strtimestamp_r (ksba_isotime_t atime)
char *buffer = xmalloc (15);
if (!atime || !*atime)
strcpy (buffer, "none");
sprintf (buffer, "%.4s-%.2s-%.2s", atime, atime+4, atime+6);
return buffer;
/* Hash the data for a detached signature. Returns 0 on success. */
static gpg_error_t
hash_data (int fd, gcry_md_hd_t md)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
estream_t fp;
char buffer[4096];
int nread;
fp = es_fdopen_nc (fd, "rb");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("fdopen(%d) failed: %s\n", fd, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
nread = es_fread (buffer, 1, DIM(buffer), fp);
gcry_md_write (md, buffer, nread);
while (nread);
if (es_ferror (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("read error on fd %d: %s\n", fd, gpg_strerror (err));
es_fclose (fp);
return err;
/* Perform a verify operation. To verify detached signatures, DATA_FD
must be different than -1. With OUT_FP given and a non-detached
signature, the signed material is written to that stream. */
gpgsm_verify (ctrl_t ctrl, int in_fd, int data_fd, estream_t out_fp)
int i, rc;
Base64Context b64reader = NULL;
Base64Context b64writer = NULL;
ksba_reader_t reader;
ksba_writer_t writer = NULL;
ksba_cms_t cms = NULL;
ksba_stop_reason_t stopreason;
ksba_cert_t cert;
gcry_md_hd_t data_md = NULL;
int signer;
const char *algoid;
int algo;
int is_detached;
estream_t in_fp = NULL;
char *p;
audit_set_type (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_TYPE_VERIFY);
kh = keydb_new (0);
if (!kh)
log_error (_("failed to allocate keyDB handle\n"));
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
in_fp = es_fdopen_nc (in_fd, "rb");
if (!in_fp)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("fdopen() failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
goto leave;
rc = gpgsm_create_reader (&b64reader, ctrl, in_fp, 0, &reader);
if (rc)
log_error ("can't create reader: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if (out_fp)
rc = gpgsm_create_writer (&b64writer, ctrl, out_fp, &writer);
if (rc)
log_error ("can't create writer: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
rc = ksba_cms_new (&cms);
if (rc)
goto leave;
rc = ksba_cms_set_reader_writer (cms, reader, writer);
if (rc)
log_error ("ksba_cms_set_reader_writer failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
rc = gcry_md_open (&data_md, 0, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("md_open failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
gcry_md_debug (data_md, "");
audit_log (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SETUP_READY);
is_detached = 0;
rc = ksba_cms_parse (cms, &stopreason);
if (rc)
log_error ("ksba_cms_parse failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
goto leave;
if (stopreason == KSBA_SR_NEED_HASH)
is_detached = 1;
audit_log (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_DETACHED_SIGNATURE);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("detached signature\n");
if (stopreason == KSBA_SR_NEED_HASH
|| stopreason == KSBA_SR_BEGIN_DATA)
audit_log (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_GOT_DATA);
/* We are now able to enable the hash algorithms */
for (i=0; (algoid=ksba_cms_get_digest_algo_list (cms, i)); i++)
algo = gcry_md_map_name (algoid);
if (!algo)
log_error ("unknown hash algorithm '%s'\n",
algoid? algoid:"?");
if (algoid
&& ( !strcmp (algoid, "1.2.840.113549.1.1.2")
||!strcmp (algoid, "1.2.840.113549.2.2")))
log_info (_("(this is the MD2 algorithm)\n"));
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_BAD_DATA_HASH_ALGO, algoid);
if (DBG_X509)
log_debug ("enabling hash algorithm %d (%s)\n",
algo, algoid? algoid:"");
gcry_md_enable (data_md, algo);
audit_log_i (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_DATA_HASH_ALGO, algo);
if (opt.extra_digest_algo)
if (DBG_X509)
log_debug ("enabling extra hash algorithm %d\n",
gcry_md_enable (data_md, opt.extra_digest_algo);
audit_log_i (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_DATA_HASH_ALGO,
if (is_detached)
if (data_fd == -1)
log_info ("detached signature w/o data "
"- assuming certs-only\n");
audit_log (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_CERT_ONLY_SIG);
audit_log_ok (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_DATA_HASHING,
hash_data (data_fd, data_md));
ksba_cms_set_hash_function (cms, HASH_FNC, data_md);
else if (stopreason == KSBA_SR_END_DATA)
{ /* The data bas been hashed */
audit_log_ok (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_DATA_HASHING, 0);
while (stopreason != KSBA_SR_READY);
if (b64writer)
rc = gpgsm_finish_writer (b64writer);
if (rc)
log_error ("write failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
audit_log_ok (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_WRITE_ERROR, rc);
goto leave;
if (data_fd != -1 && !is_detached)
log_error ("data given for a non-detached signature\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFLICT);
audit_log (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_USAGE_ERROR);
goto leave;
for (i=0; (cert=ksba_cms_get_cert (cms, i)); i++)
/* Fixme: it might be better to check the validity of the
certificate first before entering it into the DB. This way
we would avoid cluttering the DB with invalid
certificates. */
audit_log_cert (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SAVE_CERT, cert,
keydb_store_cert (cert, 0, NULL));
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
for (signer=0; ; signer++)
char *issuer = NULL;
ksba_sexp_t sigval = NULL;
ksba_isotime_t sigtime, keyexptime;
ksba_sexp_t serial;
char *msgdigest = NULL;
size_t msgdigestlen;
char *ctattr;
int sigval_hash_algo;
int info_pkalgo;
unsigned int verifyflags;
rc = ksba_cms_get_issuer_serial (cms, signer, &issuer, &serial);
if (!signer && gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA
&& data_fd == -1 && is_detached)
log_info ("certs-only message accepted\n");
rc = 0;
if (rc)
if (signer && rc == -1)
rc = 0;
gpgsm_status (ctrl, STATUS_NEWSIG, NULL);
audit_log_i (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_NEW_SIG, signer);
if (DBG_X509)
log_debug ("signer %d - issuer: '%s'\n",
signer, issuer? issuer:"[NONE]");
log_debug ("signer %d - serial: ", signer);
gpgsm_dump_serial (serial);
log_printf ("\n");
if (ctrl->audit)
char *tmpstr = gpgsm_format_sn_issuer (serial, issuer);
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SIG_NAME, tmpstr);
xfree (tmpstr);
rc = ksba_cms_get_signing_time (cms, signer, sigtime);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
*sigtime = 0;
else if (rc)
log_error ("error getting signing time: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
*sigtime = 0; /* (we can't encode an error in the time string.) */
rc = ksba_cms_get_message_digest (cms, signer,
&msgdigest, &msgdigestlen);
if (!rc)
size_t is_enabled;
algoid = ksba_cms_get_digest_algo (cms, signer);
algo = gcry_md_map_name (algoid);
if (DBG_X509)
log_debug ("signer %d - digest algo: %d\n", signer, algo);
is_enabled = sizeof algo;
if ( gcry_md_info (data_md, GCRYCTL_IS_ALGO_ENABLED,
&algo, &is_enabled)
|| !is_enabled)
log_error ("digest algo %d (%s) has not been enabled\n",
algo, algoid?algoid:"");
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SIG_STATUS, "unsupported");
goto next_signer;
else if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)
assert (!msgdigest);
rc = 0;
algoid = NULL;
algo = 0;
else /* real error */
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SIG_STATUS, "error");
rc = ksba_cms_get_sigattr_oids (cms, signer,
"1.2.840.113549.1.9.3", &ctattr);
if (!rc)
const char *s;
if (DBG_X509)
log_debug ("signer %d - content-type attribute: %s",
signer, ctattr);
s = ksba_cms_get_content_oid (cms, 1);
if (!s || strcmp (ctattr, s))
log_error ("content-type attribute does not match "
"actual content-type\n");
ksba_free (ctattr);
ctattr = NULL;
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SIG_STATUS, "bad");
goto next_signer;
ksba_free (ctattr);
ctattr = NULL;
else if (rc != -1)
log_error ("error getting content-type attribute: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SIG_STATUS, "bad");
goto next_signer;
rc = 0;
sigval = ksba_cms_get_sig_val (cms, signer);
if (!sigval)
log_error ("no signature value available\n");
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SIG_STATUS, "bad");
goto next_signer;
sigval_hash_algo = hash_algo_from_sigval (sigval);
if (DBG_X509)
log_debug ("signer %d - signature available (sigval hash=%d)",
signer, sigval_hash_algo);
/* log_printhex ("sigval ", sigval, */
/* gcry_sexp_canon_len (sigval, 0, NULL, NULL)); */
if (!sigval_hash_algo)
sigval_hash_algo = algo; /* Fallback used e.g. with old libksba. */
/* Find the certificate of the signer */
keydb_search_reset (kh);
rc = keydb_search_issuer_sn (kh, issuer, serial);
if (rc)
if (rc == -1)
log_error ("certificate not found\n");
rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY);
log_error ("failed to find the certificate: %s\n",
char numbuf[50];
sprintf (numbuf, "%d", rc);
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_ERROR, "verify.findkey",
numbuf, NULL);
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SIG_STATUS, "no-cert");
goto next_signer;
rc = keydb_get_cert (kh, &cert);
if (rc)
log_error ("failed to get cert: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SIG_STATUS, "error");
goto next_signer;
log_info (_("Signature made "));
if (*sigtime)
dump_isotime (sigtime);
log_printf (_("[date not given]"));
log_printf (_(" using certificate ID 0x%08lX\n"),
gpgsm_get_short_fingerprint (cert, NULL));
audit_log_i (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_DATA_HASH_ALGO, algo);
if (msgdigest)
{ /* Signed attributes are available. */
gcry_md_hd_t md;
unsigned char *s;
/* Check that the message digest in the signed attributes
matches the one we calculated on the data. */
s = gcry_md_read (data_md, algo);
if ( !s || !msgdigestlen
|| gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (algo) != msgdigestlen
|| memcmp (s, msgdigest, msgdigestlen) )
char *fpr;
log_error (_("invalid signature: message digest attribute "
"does not match computed one\n"));
if (DBG_X509)
if (msgdigest)
log_printhex ("message: ", msgdigest, msgdigestlen);
if (s)
log_printhex ("computed: ",
s, gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (algo));
fpr = gpgsm_fpr_and_name_for_status (cert);
gpgsm_status (ctrl, STATUS_BADSIG, fpr);
xfree (fpr);
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SIG_STATUS, "bad");
goto next_signer;
audit_log_i (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_ATTR_HASH_ALGO, sigval_hash_algo);
rc = gcry_md_open (&md, sigval_hash_algo, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("md_open failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SIG_STATUS, "error");
goto next_signer;
gcry_md_debug (md, "vrfy.attr");
ksba_cms_set_hash_function (cms, HASH_FNC, md);
rc = ksba_cms_hash_signed_attrs (cms, signer);
if (rc)
log_error ("hashing signed attrs failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
gcry_md_close (md);
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SIG_STATUS, "error");
goto next_signer;
rc = gpgsm_check_cms_signature (cert, sigval, md,
sigval_hash_algo, &info_pkalgo);
gcry_md_close (md);
rc = gpgsm_check_cms_signature (cert, sigval, data_md,
algo, &info_pkalgo);
if (rc)
char *fpr;
log_error ("invalid signature: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
fpr = gpgsm_fpr_and_name_for_status (cert);
gpgsm_status (ctrl, STATUS_BADSIG, fpr);
xfree (fpr);
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SIG_STATUS, "bad");
goto next_signer;
rc = gpgsm_cert_use_verify_p (cert); /*(this displays an info message)*/
if (rc)
gpgsm_status_with_err_code (ctrl, STATUS_ERROR, "verify.keyusage",
gpg_err_code (rc));
rc = 0;
if (DBG_X509)
log_debug ("signature okay - checking certs\n");
audit_log (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_VALIDATE_CHAIN);
rc = gpgsm_validate_chain (ctrl, cert,
*sigtime? sigtime : "19700101T000000",
keyexptime, 0,
NULL, 0, &verifyflags);
char *fpr, *buf, *tstr;
fpr = gpgsm_fpr_and_name_for_status (cert);
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_CERT_EXPIRED)
gpgsm_status (ctrl, STATUS_EXPKEYSIG, fpr);
rc = 0;
gpgsm_status (ctrl, STATUS_GOODSIG, fpr);
xfree (fpr);
fpr = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_hexstring (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1);
tstr = strtimestamp_r (sigtime);
buf = xasprintf ("%s %s %s %s 0 0 %d %d 00", fpr, tstr,
*sigtime? sigtime : "0",
*keyexptime? keyexptime : "0",
info_pkalgo, algo);
xfree (tstr);
xfree (fpr);
gpgsm_status (ctrl, STATUS_VALIDSIG, buf);
xfree (buf);
audit_log_ok (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_CHAIN_STATUS, rc);
if (rc) /* of validate_chain */
log_error ("invalid certification chain: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT_CHAIN
|| gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT
|| gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_BAD_CA_CERT
|| gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_CERT_REVOKED)
gpgsm_status_with_err_code (ctrl, STATUS_TRUST_NEVER, NULL,
gpg_err_code (rc));
gpgsm_status_with_err_code (ctrl, STATUS_TRUST_UNDEFINED, NULL,
gpg_err_code (rc));
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SIG_STATUS, "bad");
goto next_signer;
audit_log_s (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_SIG_STATUS, "good");
for (i=0; (p = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, i)); i++)
log_info (!i? _("Good signature from")
: _(" aka"));
log_printf (" \"");
gpgsm_es_print_name (log_get_stream (), p);
log_printf ("\"\n");
ksba_free (p);
/* Print a note if this is a qualified signature. */
size_t qualbuflen;
char qualbuffer[1];
rc = ksba_cert_get_user_data (cert, "is_qualified", &qualbuffer,
sizeof (qualbuffer), &qualbuflen);
if (!rc && qualbuflen)
if (*qualbuffer)
log_info (_("This is a qualified signature\n"));
if (!opt.qualsig_approval)
(_("Note, that this software is not officially approved "
"to create or verify such signatures.\n"));
else if (gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
log_error ("get_user_data(is_qualified) failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
gpgsm_status (ctrl, STATUS_TRUST_FULLY,
(verifyflags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED)?
"0 steed":
"0 chain": "0 shell");
rc = 0;
xfree (issuer);
xfree (serial);
xfree (sigval);
xfree (msgdigest);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
rc = 0;
ksba_cms_release (cms);
gpgsm_destroy_reader (b64reader);
gpgsm_destroy_writer (b64writer);
keydb_release (kh);
gcry_md_close (data_md);
es_fclose (in_fp);
if (rc)
char numbuf[50];
sprintf (numbuf, "%d", rc );
gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_ERROR, "verify.leave",
numbuf, NULL);
return rc;
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 6ede0d409..2fbdc7fa1 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
# -tests makefile for libxtime
# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
## Process this file with automake to produce
SUBDIRS = gpgscm openpgp migrations pkits .
GPGSM = ../sm/gpgsm
# Note that we need to use /bin/pwd so that we don't get into trouble
# if the shell used for inittests would uses an internal version of
# pwd which handles symlinks differently.
GPGSM=$(GPGSM) $(srcdir)/runtest
testscripts = sm-sign+verify sm-verify
EXTRA_DIST = runtest inittests $(testscripts) ChangeLog-2011 \
text-1.txt text-2.txt text-3.txt \
text-1.osig.pem text-1.dsig.pem text-1.osig-bad.pem \
text-2.osig.pem text-2.osig-bad.pem \
fake-pinentries/README.txt \
fake-pinentries/fake-pinentry.php \
fake-pinentries/ \
fake-pinentries/ \
fake-pinentries/ \
samplekeys/steed-self-signing-nonthority.pem \
samplekeys/68A638998DFABAC510EA645CE34F9686B2EDF7EA.key \
samplekeys/32100C27173EF6E9C4E9A25D3D69F86D37A4F939.key \
samplekeys/cert_g10code_pete1.pem \
samplekeys/cert_g10code_test1.pem \
# We used to run $(testscripts) here but these asschk scripts are not
# completely reliable in all environments and thus we better disable
# them. The tests are anyway way too minimal. We will eventually
# write new tests based on gpg-connect-agent which has a full fledged
# script language and thus makes it far easier to write tests than to
# use that low-level asschk stuff.
CLEANFILES = inittests.stamp x y y z out err \
*.lock .\#lk*
DISTCLEANFILES = pubring.kbx~ random_seed
noinst_PROGRAMS = asschk
asschk_SOURCES = asschk.c
all-local: inittests.stamp
srcdir=$(srcdir) $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $(srcdir)/inittests --clean
inittests.stamp: inittests
srcdir=$(srcdir) $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $(srcdir)/inittests
echo timestamp >./inittests.stamp
diff --git a/tests/asschk.c b/tests/asschk.c
index a86984174..2595c0a99 100644
--- a/tests/asschk.c
+++ b/tests/asschk.c
@@ -1,1094 +1,1094 @@
/* asschk.c - Assuan Server Checker
* Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* This is a simple stand-alone Assuan server test program. We don't
want to use the assuan library because we don't want to hide errors
in that library.
The script language is line based. Empty lines or lines containing
only white spaces are ignored, line with a hash sign as first non
white space character are treated as comments.
A simple macro mechanism is implemnted. Macros are expanded before
a line is processed but after comment processing. Macros are only
expanded once and non existing macros expand to the empty string.
A macro is dereferenced by prefixing its name with a dollar sign;
the end of the name is currently indicated by a white space, a
dollar sign or a slash. To use a dollor sign verbatim, double it.
A macro is assigned by prefixing a statement with the macro name
and an equal sign. The value is assigned verbatim if it does not
resemble a command, otherwise the return value of the command will
get assigned. The command "let" may be used to assign values
unambigiously and it should be used if the value starts with a
Conditions are not yes implemented except for a simple evaluation
which yields false for an empty string or the string "0". The
result may be negated by prefixing with a '!'.
The general syntax of a command is:
[<name> =] <statement> [<args>]
If NAME is not specifed but the statement returns a value it is
assigned to the name "?" so that it can be referenced using "$?".
The following commands are implemented:
let <value>
Return VALUE.
echo <value>
Print VALUE.
openfile <filename>
Open file FILENAME for read access and return the file descriptor.
createfile <filename>
Create file FILENAME, open for write access and return the file
pipeserver <program>
Connect to the Assuan server PROGRAM.
send <line>
Send LINE to the server.
Expect an OK response from the server. Status and data out put
is ignored.
Expect an ERR response from the server. Status and data out put
is ignored.
count-status <code>
Initialize the assigned variable to 0 and assign it as an counter for
status code CODE. This command must be called with an assignment.
Terminate the process.
quit-if <condition>
Terminate the process if CONDITION evaluates to true.
fail-if <condition>
Terminate the process with an exit code of 1 if CONDITION
evaluates to true.
cmpfiles <first> <second>
Returns true when the content of the files FIRST and SECOND match.
getenv <name>
Return the value of the environment variable NAME.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5 )
# define ATTR_PRINTF(f,a) __attribute__ ((format (printf,f,a)))
# define ATTR_PRINTF(f,a)
#if __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901L
# if __GNUC__ >= 2
# define __func__ __FUNCTION__
# else
/* Let's try our luck here. Some systems may provide __func__ without
providing __STDC_VERSION__ 199901L. */
# if 0
# define __func__ "<unknown>"
# endif
# endif
#define spacep(p) (*(p) == ' ' || *(p) == '\t')
#define MAX_LINELEN 2048
typedef enum {
LINE_OK = 0,
typedef enum {
struct variable_s {
struct variable_s *next;
unsigned int count;
char *value;
char name[1];
typedef struct variable_s *VARIABLE;
static void die (const char *format, ...) ATTR_PRINTF(1,2);
/* Name of this program to be printed in error messages. */
static const char *invocation_name;
/* Talk a bit about what is going on. */
static int opt_verbose;
/* Option to ignore the echo command. */
static int opt_no_echo;
/* File descriptors used to communicate with the current server. */
static int server_send_fd = -1;
static int server_recv_fd = -1;
/* The Assuan protocol limits the line length to 1024, so we can
safely use a (larger) buffer. The buffer is filled using the
read_assuan(). */
static char recv_line[MAX_LINELEN];
/* Tell the status of the current line. */
static LINETYPE recv_type;
/* This is our variable storage. */
static VARIABLE variable_list;
static void
die (const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
fflush (stdout);
fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", invocation_name);
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
vfprintf (stderr, format, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
putc ('\n', stderr);
exit (1);
#define die_0(format) (die) ("%s: " format, __func__)
#define die_1(format, a) (die) ("%s: " format, __func__, (a))
#define die_2(format, a, b) (die) ("%s: " format, __func__, (a),(b))
#define die_3(format, a, b, c) (die) ("%s: " format, __func__, (a),(b),(c))
static void
err (const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
fflush (stdout);
fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", invocation_name);
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
vfprintf (stderr, format, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
putc ('\n', stderr);
static void *
xmalloc (size_t n)
void *p = malloc (n);
if (!p)
die ("out of core");
return p;
static void *
xcalloc (size_t n, size_t m)
void *p = calloc (n, m);
if (!p)
die ("out of core");
return p;
static char *
xstrdup (const char *s)
char *p = xmalloc (strlen (s)+1);
strcpy (p, s);
return p;
/* Write LENGTH bytes from BUFFER to FD. */
static int
writen (int fd, const char *buffer, size_t length)
while (length)
int nwritten = write (fd, buffer, length);
if (nwritten < 0)
if (errno == EINTR)
return -1; /* write error */
length -= nwritten;
buffer += nwritten;
return 0; /* okay */
/* Assuan specific stuff. */
/* Read a line from FD, store it in the global recv_line, analyze the
type and store that in recv_type. The function terminates on a
communication error. Returns a pointer into the inputline to the
first byte of the arguments. The parsing is very strict to match
exaclty what we want to send. */
static char *
read_assuan (int fd)
/* FIXME: For general robustness, the pending stuff needs to be
associated with FD. */
static char pending[MAX_LINELEN];
static size_t pending_len;
size_t nleft = sizeof recv_line;
char *buf = recv_line;
char *p;
while (nleft > 0)
int n;
if (pending_len)
if (pending_len >= nleft)
die_0 ("received line too large");
memcpy (buf, pending, pending_len);
n = pending_len;
pending_len = 0;
n = read (fd, buf, nleft);
while (n < 0 && errno == EINTR);
if (opt_verbose && n >= 0 )
int i;
printf ("%s: read \"", __func__);
for (i = 0; i < n; i ++)
putc (buf[i], stdout);
printf ("\"\n");
if (n < 0)
die_2 ("reading fd %d failed: %s", fd, strerror (errno));
else if (!n)
die_1 ("received incomplete line on fd %d", fd);
p = buf;
nleft -= n;
buf += n;
for (; n && *p != '\n'; n--, p++)
if (n)
if (n>1)
memcpy (pending, p + 1, n);
pending_len = n;
*p = '\0';
if (!nleft)
die_0 ("received line too large");
p = recv_line;
if (p[0] == 'O' && p[1] == 'K' && (p[2] == ' ' || !p[2]))
recv_type = LINE_OK;
p += 3;
else if (p[0] == 'E' && p[1] == 'R' && p[2] == 'R'
&& (p[3] == ' ' || !p[3]))
recv_type = LINE_ERR;
p += 4;
else if (p[0] == 'S' && (p[1] == ' ' || !p[1]))
recv_type = LINE_STAT;
p += 2;
else if (p[0] == 'D' && p[1] == ' ')
recv_type = LINE_DATA;
p += 2;
else if (p[0] == 'E' && p[1] == 'N' && p[2] == 'D' && !p[3])
recv_type = LINE_END;
p += 3;
die_1 ("invalid line type (%.5s)", p);
return p;
/* Write LINE to the server using FD. It is expected that the line
contains the terminating linefeed as last character. */
static void
write_assuan (int fd, const char *line)
char buffer[1026];
size_t n = strlen (line);
if (n > 1024)
die_0 ("line too long for Assuan protocol");
strcpy (buffer, line);
if (!n || buffer[n-1] != '\n')
buffer[n++] = '\n';
if (writen (fd, buffer, n))
die_3 ("sending line (\"%s\") to %d failed: %s", buffer, fd,
strerror (errno));
/* Start the server with path PGMNAME and connect its stdout and
strerr to a newly created pipes; the file descriptors are then
store in the gloabl variables SERVER_SEND_FD and
SERVER_RECV_FD. The initial handcheck is performed.*/
static void
start_server (const char *pgmname)
int rp[2];
int wp[2];
pid_t pid;
if (pipe (rp) < 0)
die_1 ("pipe creation failed: %s", strerror (errno));
if (pipe (wp) < 0)
die_1 ("pipe creation failed: %s", strerror (errno));
fflush (stdout);
fflush (stderr);
pid = fork ();
if (pid < 0)
die_0 ("fork failed");
if (!pid)
const char *arg0;
arg0 = strrchr (pgmname, '/');
if (arg0)
arg0 = pgmname;
if (wp[0] != STDIN_FILENO)
if (dup2 (wp[0], STDIN_FILENO) == -1)
die_1 ("dup2 failed in child: %s", strerror (errno));
close (wp[0]);
if (rp[1] != STDOUT_FILENO)
if (dup2 (rp[1], STDOUT_FILENO) == -1)
die_1 ("dup2 failed in child: %s", strerror (errno));
close (rp[1]);
if (!opt_verbose)
int fd = open ("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
if (fd == -1)
die_1 ("can't open '/dev/null': %s", strerror (errno));
if (dup2 (fd, STDERR_FILENO) == -1)
die_1 ("dup2 failed in child: %s", strerror (errno));
close (fd);
close (wp[1]);
close (rp[0]);
execl (pgmname, arg0, "--server", NULL);
die_2 ("exec failed for '%s': %s", pgmname, strerror (errno));
close (wp[0]);
close (rp[1]);
server_send_fd = wp[1];
server_recv_fd = rp[0];
read_assuan (server_recv_fd);
if (recv_type != LINE_OK)
die_0 ("no greating message");
/* Script intepreter. */
static void
unset_var (const char *name)
for (var=variable_list; var && strcmp (var->name, name); var = var->next)
if (!var)
/* fprintf (stderr, "unsetting '%s'\n", name); */
if (var->type == VARTYPE_FD && var->value)
int fd;
fd = atoi (var->value);
if (fd != -1 && fd != 0 && fd != 1 && fd != 2)
close (fd);
free (var->value);
var->value = NULL;
var->type = 0;
var->count = 0;
static void
set_type_var (const char *name, const char *value, VARTYPE type)
if (!name)
name = "?";
for (var=variable_list; var && strcmp (var->name, name); var = var->next)
if (!var)
var = xcalloc (1, sizeof *var + strlen (name));
strcpy (var->name, name);
var->next = variable_list;
variable_list = var;
free (var->value);
var->value = NULL;
if (var->type == VARTYPE_FD && var->value)
int fd;
fd = atoi (var->value);
if (fd != -1 && fd != 0 && fd != 1 && fd != 2)
close (fd);
var->type = type;
var->count = 0;
if (var->type == VARTYPE_COUNTER)
/* We need some extra sapce as scratch area for get_var. */
var->value = xmalloc (strlen (value) + 1 + 20);
strcpy (var->value, value);
var->value = xstrdup (value);
static void
set_var (const char *name, const char *value)
set_type_var (name, value, 0);
static const char *
get_var (const char *name)
for (var=variable_list; var && strcmp (var->name, name); var = var->next)
if (!var)
return NULL;
if (var->type == VARTYPE_COUNTER && var->value)
{ /* Use the scratch space allocated by set_var. */
char *p = var->value + strlen(var->value)+1;
sprintf (p, "%u", var->count);
return p;
return var->value;
/* Incremente all counter type variables with NAME in their VALUE. */
static void
inc_counter (const char *name)
if (!*name)
for (var=variable_list; var; var = var->next)
if (var->type == VARTYPE_COUNTER
&& var->value && !strcmp (var->value, name))
/* Expand variables in LINE and return a new allocated buffer if
required. The function might modify LINE if the expanded version
fits into it. */
static char *
expand_line (char *buffer)
char *line = buffer;
char *p, *pend;
const char *value;
size_t valuelen, n;
char *result = NULL;
while (*line)
p = strchr (line, '$');
if (!p)
return result; /* nothing more to expand */
if (p[1] == '$') /* quoted */
memmove (p, p+1, strlen (p+1)+1);
line = p + 1;
for (pend=p+1; *pend && !spacep (pend)
&& *pend != '$' && *pend != '/'; pend++)
if (*pend)
int save = *pend;
*pend = 0;
value = get_var (p+1);
*pend = save;
value = get_var (p+1);
if (!value)
value = "";
valuelen = strlen (value);
if (valuelen <= pend - p)
memcpy (p, value, valuelen);
p += valuelen;
n = pend - p;
if (n)
memmove (p, p+n, strlen (p+n)+1);
line = p;
char *src = result? result : buffer;
char *dst;
dst = xmalloc (strlen (src) + valuelen + 1);
n = p - src;
memcpy (dst, src, n);
memcpy (dst + n, value, valuelen);
n += valuelen;
strcpy (dst + n, pend);
line = dst + n;
free (result);
result = dst;
return result;
/* Evaluate COND and return the result. */
static int
eval_boolean (const char *cond)
int true = 1;
for ( ; *cond == '!'; cond++)
true = !true;
if (!*cond || (*cond == '0' && !cond[1]))
return !true;
return true;
static void
cmd_let (const char *assign_to, char *arg)
set_var (assign_to, arg);
static void
cmd_echo (const char *assign_to, char *arg)
if (!opt_no_echo)
printf ("%s\n", arg);
static void
cmd_send (const char *assign_to, char *arg)
if (opt_verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "sending '%s'\n", arg);
write_assuan (server_send_fd, arg);
static void
handle_status_line (char *arg)
char *p;
for (p=arg; *p && !spacep (p); p++)
if (*p)
int save = *p;
*p = 0;
inc_counter (arg);
*p = save;
inc_counter (arg);
static void
cmd_expect_ok (const char *assign_to, char *arg)
if (opt_verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "expecting OK\n");
char *p = read_assuan (server_recv_fd);
if (opt_verbose > 1)
fprintf (stderr, "got line '%s'\n", recv_line);
if (recv_type == LINE_STAT)
handle_status_line (p);
while (recv_type != LINE_OK && recv_type != LINE_ERR);
if (recv_type != LINE_OK)
die_1 ("expected OK but got '%s'", recv_line);
static void
cmd_expect_err (const char *assign_to, char *arg)
if (opt_verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "expecting ERR\n");
char *p = read_assuan (server_recv_fd);
if (opt_verbose > 1)
fprintf (stderr, "got line '%s'\n", recv_line);
if (recv_type == LINE_STAT)
handle_status_line (p);
while (recv_type != LINE_OK && recv_type != LINE_ERR);
if (recv_type != LINE_ERR)
die_1 ("expected ERR but got '%s'", recv_line);
static void
cmd_count_status (const char *assign_to, char *arg)
char *p;
if (!*assign_to || !*arg)
die_0 ("syntax error: count-status requires an argument and a variable");
for (p=arg; *p && !spacep (p); p++)
if (*p)
for (*p++ = 0; spacep (p); p++)
if (*p)
die_0 ("cmpfiles: syntax error");
set_type_var (assign_to, arg, VARTYPE_COUNTER);
static void
cmd_openfile (const char *assign_to, char *arg)
int fd;
char numbuf[20];
fd = open (arg, O_RDONLY);
while (fd == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (fd == -1)
die_2 ("error opening '%s': %s", arg, strerror (errno));
sprintf (numbuf, "%d", fd);
set_type_var (assign_to, numbuf, VARTYPE_FD);
static void
cmd_createfile (const char *assign_to, char *arg)
int fd;
char numbuf[20];
fd = open (arg, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666);
while (fd == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (fd == -1)
die_2 ("error creating '%s': %s", arg, strerror (errno));
sprintf (numbuf, "%d", fd);
set_type_var (assign_to, numbuf, VARTYPE_FD);
static void
cmd_pipeserver (const char *assign_to, char *arg)
if (!*arg)
die_0 ("syntax error: servername missing");
start_server (arg);
static void
cmd_quit_if(const char *assign_to, char *arg)
if (eval_boolean (arg))
exit (0);
static void
cmd_fail_if(const char *assign_to, char *arg)
if (eval_boolean (arg))
exit (1);
static void
cmd_cmpfiles (const char *assign_to, char *arg)
char *p = arg;
char *second;
FILE *fp1, *fp2;
char buffer1[2048]; /* note: both must be of equal size. */
char buffer2[2048];
size_t nread1, nread2;
int rc = 0;
set_var (assign_to, "0");
for (p=arg; *p && !spacep (p); p++)
if (!*p)
die_0 ("cmpfiles: syntax error");
for (*p++ = 0; spacep (p); p++)
second = p;
for (; *p && !spacep (p); p++)
if (*p)
for (*p++ = 0; spacep (p); p++)
if (*p)
die_0 ("cmpfiles: syntax error");
fp1 = fopen (arg, "rb");
if (!fp1)
err ("can't open '%s': %s", arg, strerror (errno));
fp2 = fopen (second, "rb");
if (!fp2)
err ("can't open '%s': %s", second, strerror (errno));
fclose (fp1);
while ( (nread1 = fread (buffer1, 1, sizeof buffer1, fp1)))
if (ferror (fp1))
nread2 = fread (buffer2, 1, sizeof buffer2, fp2);
if (ferror (fp2))
if (nread1 != nread2 || memcmp (buffer1, buffer2, nread1))
rc = 1;
if (feof (fp1) && feof (fp2) && !rc)
if (opt_verbose)
err ("files match");
set_var (assign_to, "1");
else if (!rc)
err ("cmpfiles: read error: %s", strerror (errno));
err ("cmpfiles: mismatch");
fclose (fp1);
fclose (fp2);
static void
cmd_getenv (const char *assign_to, char *arg)
const char *s;
s = *arg? getenv (arg):"";
set_var (assign_to, s? s:"");
/* Process the current script line LINE. */
static int
interpreter (char *line)
static struct {
const char *name;
void (*fnc)(const char*, char*);
} cmdtbl[] = {
{ "let" , cmd_let },
{ "echo" , cmd_echo },
{ "send" , cmd_send },
{ "expect-ok" , cmd_expect_ok },
{ "expect-err", cmd_expect_err },
{ "count-status", cmd_count_status },
{ "openfile" , cmd_openfile },
{ "createfile", cmd_createfile },
{ "pipeserver", cmd_pipeserver },
{ "quit" , NULL },
{ "quit-if" , cmd_quit_if },
{ "fail-if" , cmd_fail_if },
{ "cmpfiles" , cmd_cmpfiles },
{ "getenv" , cmd_getenv },
{ NULL }
char *p, *save_p;
int i, save_c;
char *stmt = NULL;
char *assign_to = NULL;
char *must_free = NULL;
for ( ;spacep (line); line++)
if (!*line || *line == '#')
return 0; /* empty or comment */
p = expand_line (line);
if (p)
must_free = p;
line = p;
for ( ;spacep (line); line++)
if (!*line || *line == '#')
free (must_free);
return 0; /* empty or comment */
for (p=line; *p && !spacep (p) && *p != '='; p++)
if (*p == '=')
*p = 0;
assign_to = line;
else if (*p)
for (*p++ = 0; spacep (p); p++)
if (*p == '=')
assign_to = line;
if (!*line)
die_0 ("syntax error");
stmt = line;
save_c = 0;
save_p = NULL;
if (assign_to)
{ /* this is an assignment */
for (p++; spacep (p); p++)
if (!*p)
unset_var (assign_to);
free (must_free);
return 0;
stmt = p;
for (; *p && !spacep (p); p++)
if (*p)
save_p = p;
save_c = *p;
for (*p++ = 0; spacep (p); p++)
for (i=0; cmdtbl[i].name && strcmp (stmt, cmdtbl[i].name); i++)
if (!cmdtbl[i].name)
if (!assign_to)
die_1 ("invalid statement '%s'\n", stmt);
if (save_p)
*save_p = save_c;
set_var (assign_to, stmt);
free (must_free);
return 0;
if (cmdtbl[i].fnc)
cmdtbl[i].fnc (assign_to, p);
free (must_free);
return cmdtbl[i].fnc? 0:1;
main (int argc, char **argv)
char buffer[2048];
char *p, *pend;
if (!argc)
invocation_name = "asschk";
invocation_name = *argv++;
p = strrchr (invocation_name, '/');
if (p)
invocation_name = p+1;
set_var ("?","1"); /* defaults to true */
for (; argc; argc--, argv++)
p = *argv;
if (*p != '-')
if (!strcmp (p, "--verbose"))
else if (!strcmp (p, "--no-echo"))
else if (*p == '-' && p[1] == 'D')
p += 2;
pend = strchr (p, '=');
if (pend)
int tmp = *pend;
*pend = 0;
set_var (p, pend+1);
*pend = tmp;
set_var (p, "1");
else if (*p == '-' && p[1] == '-' && !p[2])
argc--; argv++;
if (argc)
die ("usage: asschk [--verbose] {-D<name>[=<value>]}");
while (fgets (buffer, sizeof buffer, stdin))
p = strchr (buffer,'\n');
if (!p)
die_0 ("incomplete script line");
*p = 0;
if (interpreter (buffer))
fflush (stdout);
return 0;
diff --git a/tests/gpgscm/ b/tests/gpgscm/
index dad30ed8a..9a5edc2ab 100644
--- a/tests/gpgscm/
+++ b/tests/gpgscm/
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
# TinyScheme-based test driver.
# Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
Manual.txt \
ffi.scm \
init.scm \
lib.scm \
repl.scm \
t-child.scm \
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/common
include $(top_srcdir)/am/
bin_PROGRAMS = gpgscm
noinst_PROGRAMS = t-child
common_libs = ../$(libcommon)
commonpth_libs = ../$(libcommonpth)
gpgscm_CFLAGS = -imacros scheme-config.h \
gpgscm_SOURCES = main.c private.h ffi.c ffi.h ffi-private.h \
scheme-config.h opdefines.h scheme.c scheme.h scheme-private.h
gpgscm_LDADD = $(LDADD) $(common_libs) \
t_child_SOURCES = t-child.c
# Make sure that all libs are build before we use them. This is
# important for things like make -j2.
$(PROGRAMS): $(common_libs)
check-local: gpgscm$(EXEEXT) t-child$(EXEEXT)
./gpgscm$(EXEEXT) $(srcdir)/t-child.scm
diff --git a/tests/gpgscm/ffi-private.h b/tests/gpgscm/ffi-private.h
index 0d58c416e..037da56ac 100644
--- a/tests/gpgscm/ffi-private.h
+++ b/tests/gpgscm/ffi-private.h
@@ -1,148 +1,148 @@
/* FFI interface for TinySCHEME.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include "scheme.h"
#include "scheme-private.h"
#define FFI_PROLOG() \
unsigned int ffi_arg_index GPGRT_ATTR_UNUSED = 1; \
int err GPGRT_ATTR_UNUSED = 0 \
int ffi_bool_value (scheme *sc, pointer p);
#define CONVERSION_number(SC, X) (SC)->vptr->ivalue (X)
#define CONVERSION_string(SC, X) (SC)->vptr->string_value (X)
#define CONVERSION_character(SC, X) (SC)->vptr->charvalue (X)
#define CONVERSION_list(SC, X) (X)
#define CONVERSION_bool(SC, X) ffi_bool_value ((SC), (X))
#define CONVERSION_path(SC, X) (((SC)->vptr->is_string (X) \
? (SC)->vptr->string_value \
: (SC)->vptr->symname) (X))
#define IS_A_number(SC, X) (SC)->vptr->is_number (X)
#define IS_A_string(SC, X) (SC)->vptr->is_string (X)
#define IS_A_character(SC, X) (SC)->vptr->is_character (X)
#define IS_A_list(SC, X) (SC)->vptr->is_list ((SC), X)
#define IS_A_bool(SC, X) ((X) == (SC)->F || (X) == (SC)->T)
#define IS_A_path(SC, X) ((SC)->vptr->is_string (X) \
|| (SC)->vptr->is_symbol (X))
do { \
if ((ARGS) == (SC)->NIL) \
return (SC)->vptr->mk_string ((SC), \
"too few arguments: want " \
#TARGET "("#WANT"/"#CTYPE")\n"); \
if (! IS_A_##WANT ((SC), pair_car (ARGS))) { \
char ffi_error_message[256]; \
snprintf (ffi_error_message, sizeof ffi_error_message, \
"argument %d must be: " #WANT "\n", ffi_arg_index); \
return (SC)->vptr->mk_string ((SC), ffi_error_message); \
} \
ARGS = pair_cdr (ARGS); \
ffi_arg_index += 1; \
} while (0)
do { \
if ((ARGS) != (SC)->NIL) \
return (SC)->vptr->mk_string ((SC), "too many arguments"); \
} while (0)
return _cons ((SC), mk_integer ((SC), (ERR)), (SC)->NIL, 1)
return _cons ((SC), mk_integer ((SC), err), \
_cons ((SC), (X), (SC)->NIL, 1), 1)
#define FFI_RETURN_INT(SC, X) \
FFI_RETURN_POINTER ((SC), mk_integer ((SC), (X)))
FFI_RETURN_POINTER ((SC), mk_string ((SC), (X)))
char *ffi_schemify_name (const char *s, int macro);
void ffi_scheme_eval (scheme *sc, const char *format, ...)
pointer ffi_sprintf (scheme *sc, const char *format, ...)
#define ffi_define_function_name(SC, NAME, F) \
do { \
char *_fname = ffi_schemify_name ("__" #F, 0); \
scheme_define ((SC), \
(SC)->global_env, \
mk_symbol ((SC), _fname), \
mk_foreign_func ((SC), (do_##F))); \
ffi_scheme_eval ((SC), \
"(define (%s . a) (ffi-apply \"%s\" %s a))", \
(NAME), (NAME), _fname); \
free (_fname); \
} while (0)
#define ffi_define_function(SC, F) \
do { \
char *_name = ffi_schemify_name (#F, 0); \
ffi_define_function_name ((SC), _name, F); \
free (_name); \
} while (0)
#define ffi_define_constant(SC, C) \
do { \
char *_name = ffi_schemify_name (#C, 1); \
scheme_define ((SC), \
(SC)->global_env, \
mk_symbol ((SC), _name), \
mk_integer ((SC), (C))); \
free (_name); \
} while (0)
#define ffi_define(SC, SYM, EXP) \
scheme_define ((SC), (SC)->global_env, mk_symbol ((SC), (SYM)), EXP)
#define ffi_define_variable_pointer(SC, C, P) \
do { \
char *_name = ffi_schemify_name (#C, 0); \
scheme_define ((SC), \
(SC)->global_env, \
mk_symbol ((SC), _name), \
(P)); \
free (_name); \
} while (0)
#define ffi_define_variable_integer(SC, C) \
ffi_define_variable_pointer ((SC), C, (SC)->vptr->mk_integer ((SC), C))
#define ffi_define_variable_string(SC, C) \
ffi_define_variable_pointer ((SC), C, (SC)->vptr->mk_string ((SC), C ?: ""))
gpg_error_t ffi_list2argv (scheme *sc, pointer list,
char ***argv, size_t *len);
gpg_error_t ffi_list2intv (scheme *sc, pointer list,
int **intv, size_t *len);
diff --git a/tests/gpgscm/ffi.c b/tests/gpgscm/ffi.c
index 305b7a135..49aeb9769 100644
--- a/tests/gpgscm/ffi.c
+++ b/tests/gpgscm/ffi.c
@@ -1,1299 +1,1299 @@
/* FFI interface for TinySCHEME.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <readline/readline.h>
#include <readline/history.h>
#include "../../common/util.h"
#include "../../common/exechelp.h"
#include "../../common/sysutils.h"
#include "private.h"
#include "ffi.h"
#include "ffi-private.h"
ffi_bool_value (scheme *sc, pointer p)
return ! (p == sc->F);
static pointer
do_logand (scheme *sc, pointer args)
unsigned int v, acc = ~0;
while (args != sc->NIL)
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, unsigned int, v, number, args);
acc &= v;
FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, acc);
static pointer
do_logior (scheme *sc, pointer args)
unsigned int v, acc = 0;
while (args != sc->NIL)
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, unsigned int, v, number, args);
acc |= v;
FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, acc);
static pointer
do_logxor (scheme *sc, pointer args)
unsigned int v, acc = 0;
while (args != sc->NIL)
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, unsigned int, v, number, args);
acc ^= v;
FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, acc);
static pointer
do_lognot (scheme *sc, pointer args)
unsigned int v;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, unsigned int, v, number, args);
FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, ~v);
/* User interface. */
static pointer
do_flush_stdio (scheme *sc, pointer args)
fflush (stdout);
fflush (stderr);
int use_libreadline;
/* Read a string, and return a pointer to it. Returns NULL on EOF. */
char *
rl_gets (const char *prompt)
static char *line = NULL;
char *p;
xfree (line);
line = readline (prompt);
if (line && *line)
add_history (line);
size_t max_size = 0xff;
printf ("%s", prompt);
fflush (stdout);
line = xtrymalloc (max_size);
if (line != NULL)
fgets (line, max_size, stdin);
/* Strip trailing whitespace. */
if (line && strlen (line) > 0)
for (p = &line[strlen (line) - 1]; isspace (*p); p--)
*p = 0;
return line;
static pointer
do_prompt (scheme *sc, pointer args)
const char *prompt;
const char *line;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, const char *, prompt, string, args);
line = rl_gets (prompt);
if (! line)
static pointer
do_sleep (scheme *sc, pointer args)
unsigned int seconds;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, unsigned int, seconds, number, args);
sleep (seconds);
static pointer
do_usleep (scheme *sc, pointer args)
useconds_t microseconds;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, useconds_t, microseconds, number, args);
usleep (microseconds);
static pointer
do_chdir (scheme *sc, pointer args)
char *name;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, name, path, args);
if (chdir (name))
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, errno);
static pointer
do_strerror (scheme *sc, pointer args)
int error;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, error, number, args);
FFI_RETURN_STRING (sc, gpg_strerror (error));
static pointer
do_getenv (scheme *sc, pointer args)
char *name;
char *value;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, name, string, args);
value = getenv (name);
FFI_RETURN_STRING (sc, value ? value : "");
static pointer
do_setenv (scheme *sc, pointer args)
char *name;
char *value;
int overwrite;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, name, string, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, value, string, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, overwrite, bool, args);
if (gnupg_setenv (name, value, overwrite))
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ());
static pointer
do_exit (scheme *sc, pointer args)
int retcode;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, retcode, number, args);
exit (retcode);
/* XXX: use gnupgs variant b/c mode as string */
static pointer
do_open (scheme *sc, pointer args)
int fd;
char *pathname;
int flags;
mode_t mode = 0;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, pathname, path, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, flags, number, args);
if (args != sc->NIL)
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, mode_t, mode, number, args);
fd = open (pathname, flags, mode);
if (fd == -1)
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ());
FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, fd);
static pointer
do_fdopen (scheme *sc, pointer args)
FILE *stream;
int fd;
char *mode;
int kind;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, fd, number, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, mode, string, args);
stream = fdopen (fd, mode);
if (stream == NULL)
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ());
if (setvbuf (stream, NULL, _IONBF, 0) != 0)
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ());
kind = 0;
if (strchr (mode, 'r'))
kind |= port_input;
if (strchr (mode, 'w'))
kind |= port_output;
FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, sc->vptr->mk_port_from_file (sc, stream, kind));
static pointer
do_close (scheme *sc, pointer args)
int fd;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, fd, number, args);
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, close (fd) == 0 ? 0 : gpg_error_from_syserror ());
static pointer
do_mkdtemp (scheme *sc, pointer args)
char *template;
char buffer[128];
char *name;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, template, string, args);
if (strlen (template) > sizeof buffer - 1)
strncpy (buffer, template, sizeof buffer);
name = gnupg_mkdtemp (buffer);
if (name == NULL)
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ());
static pointer
do_unlink (scheme *sc, pointer args)
char *name;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, name, string, args);
if (unlink (name) == -1)
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ());
static gpg_error_t
unlink_recursively (const char *name)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
struct stat st;
if (stat (name, &st) == -1)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (S_ISDIR (st.st_mode))
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *dent;
dir = opendir (name);
if (dir == NULL)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
while ((dent = readdir (dir)))
char *child;
if (strcmp (dent->d_name, ".") == 0
|| strcmp (dent->d_name, "..") == 0)
child = xtryasprintf ("%s/%s", name, dent->d_name);
if (child == NULL)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = unlink_recursively (child);
xfree (child);
if (err == gpg_error_from_errno (ENOENT))
err = 0;
if (err)
goto leave;
closedir (dir);
if (! err)
rmdir (name);
return err;
if (unlink (name) == -1)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return 0;
static pointer
do_unlink_recursively (scheme *sc, pointer args)
char *name;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, name, string, args);
err = unlink_recursively (name);
static pointer
do_rename (scheme *sc, pointer args)
char *old;
char *new;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, old, string, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, new, string, args);
if (rename (old, new) == -1)
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ());
static pointer
do_getcwd (scheme *sc, pointer args)
pointer result;
char *cwd;
cwd = gnupg_getcwd ();
if (cwd == NULL)
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ());
result = sc->vptr->mk_string (sc, cwd);
xfree (cwd);
FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, result);
static pointer
do_mkdir (scheme *sc, pointer args)
char *name;
char *mode;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, name, string, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, mode, string, args);
if (gnupg_mkdir (name, mode) == -1)
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ());
static pointer
do_rmdir (scheme *sc, pointer args)
char *name;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, name, string, args);
if (rmdir (name) == -1)
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ());
static pointer
do_get_isotime (scheme *sc, pointer args)
gnupg_isotime_t timebuf;
gnupg_get_isotime (timebuf);
FFI_RETURN_STRING (sc, timebuf);
/* estream functions. */
struct es_object_box
estream_t stream;
int closed;
static void
es_object_finalize (scheme *sc, void *data)
struct es_object_box *box = data;
(void) sc;
if (! box->closed)
es_fclose (box->stream);
xfree (box);
static void
es_object_to_string (scheme *sc, char *out, size_t size, void *data)
struct es_object_box *box = data;
(void) sc;
snprintf (out, size, "#estream %p", box->stream);
static struct foreign_object_vtable es_object_vtable =
static pointer
es_wrap (scheme *sc, estream_t stream)
struct es_object_box *box = xmalloc (sizeof *box);
if (box == NULL)
return sc->NIL;
box->stream = stream;
box->closed = 0;
return sc->vptr->mk_foreign_object (sc, &es_object_vtable, box);
static struct es_object_box *
es_unwrap (scheme *sc, pointer object)
(void) sc;
if (! is_foreign_object (object))
return NULL;
if (sc->vptr->get_foreign_object_vtable (object) != &es_object_vtable)
return NULL;
return sc->vptr->get_foreign_object_data (object);
#define CONVERSION_estream(SC, X) es_unwrap (SC, X)
#define IS_A_estream(SC, X) es_unwrap (SC, X)
static pointer
do_es_fclose (scheme *sc, pointer args)
struct es_object_box *box;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, struct es_object_box *, box, estream, args);
err = es_fclose (box->stream);
if (! err)
box->closed = 1;
static pointer
do_es_read (scheme *sc, pointer args)
struct es_object_box *box;
size_t bytes_to_read;
pointer result;
void *buffer;
size_t bytes_read;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, struct es_object_box *, box, estream, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, size_t, bytes_to_read, number, args);
buffer = xtrymalloc (bytes_to_read);
if (buffer == NULL)
err = es_read (box->stream, buffer, bytes_to_read, &bytes_read);
if (err)
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, err);
result = sc->vptr->mk_counted_string (sc, buffer, bytes_read);
xfree (buffer);
FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, result);
static pointer
do_es_feof (scheme *sc, pointer args)
struct es_object_box *box;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, struct es_object_box *, box, estream, args);
FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, es_feof (box->stream) ? sc->T : sc->F);
static pointer
do_es_write (scheme *sc, pointer args)
struct es_object_box *box;
const char *buffer;
size_t bytes_to_write, bytes_written;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, struct es_object_box *, box, estream, args);
/* XXX how to get the length of the string buffer? scheme strings
may contain \0. */
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, const char *, buffer, string, args);
bytes_to_write = strlen (buffer);
while (bytes_to_write > 0)
err = es_write (box->stream, buffer, bytes_to_write, &bytes_written);
if (err)
bytes_to_write -= bytes_written;
buffer += bytes_written;
/* Process handling. */
static pointer
do_spawn_process (scheme *sc, pointer args)
pointer arguments;
char **argv;
size_t len;
unsigned int flags;
estream_t infp;
estream_t outfp;
estream_t errfp;
pid_t pid;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, pointer, arguments, list, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, unsigned int, flags, number, args);
err = ffi_list2argv (sc, arguments, &argv, &len);
if (err == gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE))
return ffi_sprintf (sc, "%luth element of first argument is "
"neither string nor symbol",
(unsigned long) len);
if (err)
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, err);
if (verbose > 1)
char **p;
fprintf (stderr, "Executing:");
for (p = argv; *p; p++)
fprintf (stderr, " '%s'", *p);
fprintf (stderr, "\n");
err = gnupg_spawn_process (argv[0], (const char **) &argv[1],
&infp, &outfp, &errfp, &pid);
xfree (argv);
#define IMC(A, B) \
_cons (sc, sc->vptr->mk_integer (sc, (unsigned long) (A)), (B), 1)
#define IMS(A, B) \
_cons (sc, es_wrap (sc, (A)), (B), 1)
IMS (outfp,
IMS (errfp,
IMC (pid, sc->NIL)))));
#undef IMS
#undef IMC
static pointer
do_spawn_process_fd (scheme *sc, pointer args)
pointer arguments;
char **argv;
size_t len;
int infd, outfd, errfd;
pid_t pid;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, pointer, arguments, list, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, infd, number, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, outfd, number, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, errfd, number, args);
err = ffi_list2argv (sc, arguments, &argv, &len);
if (err == gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE))
return ffi_sprintf (sc, "%luth element of first argument is "
"neither string nor symbol",
(unsigned long) len);
if (err)
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, err);
if (verbose > 1)
char **p;
fprintf (stderr, "Executing:");
for (p = argv; *p; p++)
fprintf (stderr, " '%s'", *p);
fprintf (stderr, "\n");
err = gnupg_spawn_process_fd (argv[0], (const char **) &argv[1],
infd, outfd, errfd, &pid);
xfree (argv);
FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, pid);
static pointer
do_wait_process (scheme *sc, pointer args)
const char *name;
pid_t pid;
int hang;
int retcode;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, const char *, name, string, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, pid_t, pid, number, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, hang, bool, args);
err = gnupg_wait_process (name, pid, hang, &retcode);
if (err == GPG_ERR_GENERAL)
err = 0; /* Let the return code speak for itself. */
FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, retcode);
static pointer
do_wait_processes (scheme *sc, pointer args)
pointer list_names;
char **names;
pointer list_pids;
size_t i, count;
pid_t *pids;
int hang;
int *retcodes;
pointer retcodes_list = sc->NIL;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, pointer, list_names, list, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, pointer, list_pids, list, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, hang, bool, args);
if (sc->vptr->list_length (sc, list_names)
!= sc->vptr->list_length (sc, list_pids))
sc->vptr->mk_string (sc, "length of first two arguments must match");
err = ffi_list2argv (sc, list_names, &names, &count);
if (err == gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE))
return ffi_sprintf (sc, "%luth element of first argument is "
"neither string nor symbol",
(unsigned long) count);
if (err)
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, err);
err = ffi_list2intv (sc, list_pids, (int **) &pids, &count);
if (err == gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE))
return ffi_sprintf (sc, "%luth element of second argument is "
"neither string nor symbol",
(unsigned long) count);
if (err)
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, err);
retcodes = xtrycalloc (sizeof *retcodes, count);
if (retcodes == NULL)
xfree (names);
xfree (pids);
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ());
err = gnupg_wait_processes ((const char **) names, pids, count, hang,
if (err == GPG_ERR_GENERAL)
err = 0; /* Let the return codes speak. */
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
retcodes_list =
(sc->vptr->cons) (sc,
sc->vptr->mk_integer (sc,
(long) retcodes[count-1-i]),
xfree (names);
xfree (pids);
xfree (retcodes);
FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, retcodes_list);
static pointer
do_pipe (scheme *sc, pointer args)
int filedes[2];
err = gnupg_create_pipe (filedes);
#define IMC(A, B) \
_cons (sc, sc->vptr->mk_integer (sc, (unsigned long) (A)), (B), 1)
FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, IMC (filedes[0],
IMC (filedes[1], sc->NIL)));
#undef IMC
static pointer
do_inbound_pipe (scheme *sc, pointer args)
int filedes[2];
err = gnupg_create_inbound_pipe (filedes, NULL, 0);
#define IMC(A, B) \
_cons (sc, sc->vptr->mk_integer (sc, (unsigned long) (A)), (B), 1)
FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, IMC (filedes[0],
IMC (filedes[1], sc->NIL)));
#undef IMC
static pointer
do_outbound_pipe (scheme *sc, pointer args)
int filedes[2];
err = gnupg_create_outbound_pipe (filedes, NULL, 0);
#define IMC(A, B) \
_cons (sc, sc->vptr->mk_integer (sc, (unsigned long) (A)), (B), 1)
FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, IMC (filedes[0],
IMC (filedes[1], sc->NIL)));
#undef IMC
/* Test helper functions. */
static pointer
do_file_equal (scheme *sc, pointer args)
pointer result = sc->F;
char *a_name, *b_name;
int binary;
const char *mode;
FILE *a_stream = NULL, *b_stream = NULL;
struct stat a_stat, b_stat;
#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024
char a_buf[BUFFER_SIZE], b_buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
size_t chunk;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, a_name, string, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, b_name, string, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, binary, bool, args);
mode = binary ? "rb" : "r";
a_stream = fopen (a_name, mode);
if (a_stream == NULL)
goto errout;
b_stream = fopen (b_name, mode);
if (b_stream == NULL)
goto errout;
if (fstat (fileno (a_stream), &a_stat) < 0)
goto errout;
if (fstat (fileno (b_stream), &b_stat) < 0)
goto errout;
if (binary && a_stat.st_size != b_stat.st_size)
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "Files %s and %s differ in size %lu != %lu\n",
a_name, b_name, (unsigned long) a_stat.st_size,
(unsigned long) b_stat.st_size);
goto out;
while (! feof (a_stream))
chunk = sizeof a_buf;
chunk = fread (a_buf, 1, chunk, a_stream);
if (chunk == 0 && ferror (a_stream))
goto errout; /* some error */
if (fread (b_buf, 1, chunk, b_stream) < chunk)
if (feof (b_stream))
goto out; /* short read */
goto errout; /* some error */
if (chunk > 0 && memcmp (a_buf, b_buf, chunk) != 0)
goto out;
fread (b_buf, 1, 1, b_stream);
if (! feof (b_stream))
goto out; /* b is longer */
/* They match. */
result = sc->T;
if (a_stream)
fclose (a_stream);
if (b_stream)
fclose (b_stream);
FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, result);
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto out;
static pointer
do_splice (scheme *sc, pointer args)
int source;
int sink;
ssize_t len = -1;
char buffer[1024];
ssize_t bytes_read;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, source, number, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, sink, number, args);
if (args != sc->NIL)
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, ssize_t, len, number, args);
while (len == -1 || len > 0)
size_t want = sizeof buffer;
if (len > 0 && (ssize_t) want > len)
want = (size_t) len;
bytes_read = read (source, buffer, want);
if (bytes_read == 0)
if (bytes_read < 0)
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ());
if (write (sink, buffer, bytes_read) != bytes_read)
FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ());
if (len != -1)
len -= bytes_read;
static pointer
do_string_index (scheme *sc, pointer args)
char *haystack;
char needle;
ssize_t offset = 0;
char *position;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, haystack, string, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char, needle, character, args);
if (args != sc->NIL)
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, ssize_t, offset, number, args);
if (offset < 0)
return ffi_sprintf (sc, "offset must be positive");
if (offset > strlen (haystack))
return ffi_sprintf (sc, "offset exceeds haystack");
position = strchr (haystack+offset, needle);
if (position)
FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, position - haystack);
static pointer
do_string_rindex (scheme *sc, pointer args)
char *haystack;
char needle;
ssize_t offset = 0;
char *position;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, haystack, string, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char, needle, character, args);
if (args != sc->NIL)
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, ssize_t, offset, number, args);
if (offset < 0)
return ffi_sprintf (sc, "offset must be positive");
if (offset > strlen (haystack))
return ffi_sprintf (sc, "offset exceeds haystack");
position = strrchr (haystack+offset, needle);
if (position)
FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, position - haystack);
static pointer
do_string_contains (scheme *sc, pointer args)
char *haystack;
char *needle;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, haystack, string, args);
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, needle, string, args);
FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, strstr (haystack, needle) ? sc->T : sc->F);
static pointer
do_get_verbose (scheme *sc, pointer args)
FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, verbose);
static pointer
do_set_verbose (scheme *sc, pointer args)
int new_verbosity, old;
FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, new_verbosity, number, args);
old = verbose;
verbose = new_verbosity;
FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, old);
ffi_list2argv (scheme *sc, pointer list, char ***argv, size_t *len)
int i;
*len = sc->vptr->list_length (sc, list);
*argv = xtrycalloc (*len + 1, sizeof **argv);
if (*argv == NULL)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
for (i = 0; sc->vptr->is_pair (list); list = sc->vptr->pair_cdr (list))
if (sc->vptr->is_string (sc->vptr->pair_car (list)))
(*argv)[i++] = sc->vptr->string_value (sc->vptr->pair_car (list));
else if (sc->vptr->is_symbol (sc->vptr->pair_car (list)))
(*argv)[i++] = sc->vptr->symname (sc->vptr->pair_car (list));
xfree (*argv);
*argv = NULL;
*len = i;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
(*argv)[i] = NULL;
return 0;
ffi_list2intv (scheme *sc, pointer list, int **intv, size_t *len)
int i;
*len = sc->vptr->list_length (sc, list);
*intv = xtrycalloc (*len, sizeof **intv);
if (*intv == NULL)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
for (i = 0; sc->vptr->is_pair (list); list = sc->vptr->pair_cdr (list))
if (sc->vptr->is_number (sc->vptr->pair_car (list)))
(*intv)[i++] = sc->vptr->ivalue (sc->vptr->pair_car (list));
xfree (*intv);
*intv = NULL;
*len = i;
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
return 0;
char *
ffi_schemify_name (const char *s, int macro)
/* Fixme: We should use xtrystrdup and return NULL. However, this
* requires a lot more changes. Simply returning S as done
* originally is not an option. */
char *n = xstrdup (s), *p;
/* if (n == NULL) */
/* return s; */
for (p = n; *p; p++)
*p = (char) tolower (*p);
/* We convert _ to - in identifiers. We allow, however, for
function names to start with a leading _. The functions in
this namespace are not yet finalized and might change or
vanish without warning. Use them with care. */
if (! macro
&& p != n
&& *p == '_')
*p = '-';
return n;
ffi_sprintf (scheme *sc, const char *format, ...)
pointer result;
va_list listp;
char *expression;
int size, written;
va_start (listp, format);
size = vsnprintf (NULL, 0, format, listp);
va_end (listp);
expression = xtrymalloc (size + 1);
if (expression == NULL)
return NULL;
va_start (listp, format);
written = vsnprintf (expression, size + 1, format, listp);
va_end (listp);
assert (size == written);
result = sc->vptr->mk_string (sc, expression);
xfree (expression);
return result;
ffi_scheme_eval (scheme *sc, const char *format, ...)
va_list listp;
char *expression;
int size, written;
va_start (listp, format);
size = vsnprintf (NULL, 0, format, listp);
va_end (listp);
expression = xtrymalloc (size + 1);
if (expression == NULL)
va_start (listp, format);
written = vsnprintf (expression, size + 1, format, listp);
va_end (listp);
assert (size == written);
sc->vptr->load_string (sc, expression);
xfree (expression);
ffi_init (scheme *sc, const char *argv0, const char *scriptname,
int argc, const char **argv)
int i;
pointer args = sc->NIL;
/* bitwise arithmetic */
ffi_define_function (sc, logand);
ffi_define_function (sc, logior);
ffi_define_function (sc, logxor);
ffi_define_function (sc, lognot);
/* libc. */
ffi_define_constant (sc, O_RDONLY);
ffi_define_constant (sc, O_WRONLY);
ffi_define_constant (sc, O_RDWR);
ffi_define_constant (sc, O_CREAT);
ffi_define_constant (sc, O_APPEND);
#ifndef O_BINARY
# define O_BINARY 0
#ifndef O_TEXT
# define O_TEXT 0
ffi_define_constant (sc, O_BINARY);
ffi_define_constant (sc, O_TEXT);
ffi_define_constant (sc, STDIN_FILENO);
ffi_define_constant (sc, STDOUT_FILENO);
ffi_define_constant (sc, STDERR_FILENO);
ffi_define_function (sc, sleep);
ffi_define_function (sc, usleep);
ffi_define_function (sc, chdir);
ffi_define_function (sc, strerror);
ffi_define_function (sc, getenv);
ffi_define_function (sc, setenv);
ffi_define_function_name (sc, "_exit", exit);
ffi_define_function (sc, open);
ffi_define_function (sc, fdopen);
ffi_define_function (sc, close);
ffi_define_function_name (sc, "_mkdtemp", mkdtemp);
ffi_define_function (sc, unlink);
ffi_define_function (sc, unlink_recursively);
ffi_define_function (sc, rename);
ffi_define_function (sc, getcwd);
ffi_define_function (sc, mkdir);
ffi_define_function (sc, rmdir);
ffi_define_function (sc, get_isotime);
/* Process management. */
ffi_define_function (sc, spawn_process);
ffi_define_function (sc, spawn_process_fd);
ffi_define_function (sc, wait_process);
ffi_define_function (sc, wait_processes);
ffi_define_function (sc, pipe);
ffi_define_function (sc, inbound_pipe);
ffi_define_function (sc, outbound_pipe);
/* estream functions. */
ffi_define_function_name (sc, "es-fclose", es_fclose);
ffi_define_function_name (sc, "es-read", es_read);
ffi_define_function_name (sc, "es-feof", es_feof);
ffi_define_function_name (sc, "es-write", es_write);
/* Test helper functions. */
ffi_define_function (sc, file_equal);
ffi_define_function (sc, splice);
ffi_define_function (sc, string_index);
ffi_define_function (sc, string_rindex);
ffi_define_function_name (sc, "string-contains?", string_contains);
/* User interface. */
ffi_define_function (sc, flush_stdio);
ffi_define_function (sc, prompt);
/* Configuration. */
ffi_define_function_name (sc, "*verbose*", get_verbose);
ffi_define_function_name (sc, "*set-verbose!*", set_verbose);
ffi_define (sc, "*argv0*", sc->vptr->mk_string (sc, argv0));
ffi_define (sc, "*scriptname*", sc->vptr->mk_string (sc, scriptname));
for (i = argc - 1; i >= 0; i--)
pointer value = sc->vptr->mk_string (sc, argv[i]);
args = (sc->vptr->cons) (sc, value, args);
ffi_define (sc, "*args*", args);
#if _WIN32
ffi_define (sc, "*pathsep*", sc->vptr->mk_character (sc, ';'));
ffi_define (sc, "*pathsep*", sc->vptr->mk_character (sc, ':'));
ffi_define (sc, "*win32*",
#if _WIN32
ffi_define (sc, "*stdin*",
sc->vptr->mk_port_from_file (sc, stdin, port_input));
ffi_define (sc, "*stdout*",
sc->vptr->mk_port_from_file (sc, stdout, port_output));
ffi_define (sc, "*stderr*",
sc->vptr->mk_port_from_file (sc, stderr, port_output));
return 0;
diff --git a/tests/gpgscm/ffi.h b/tests/gpgscm/ffi.h
index 9bd710fbf..eba6282f0 100644
--- a/tests/gpgscm/ffi.h
+++ b/tests/gpgscm/ffi.h
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
/* FFI interface for TinySCHEME.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef GPGSCM_FFI_H
#define GPGSCM_FFI_H
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include "scheme.h"
gpg_error_t ffi_init (scheme *sc, const char *argv0, const char *scriptname,
int argc, const char **argv);
#endif /* GPGSCM_FFI_H */
diff --git a/tests/gpgscm/main.c b/tests/gpgscm/main.c
index 70ce85592..2f77ac5aa 100644
--- a/tests/gpgscm/main.c
+++ b/tests/gpgscm/main.c
@@ -1,298 +1,298 @@
/* TinyScheme-based test driver.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "private.h"
#include "scheme.h"
#include "scheme-private.h"
#include "ffi.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "../../common/argparse.h"
#include "../../common/init.h"
#include "../../common/logging.h"
#include "../../common/strlist.h"
#include "../../common/sysutils.h"
#include "../../common/util.h"
/* The TinyScheme banner. Unfortunately, it isn't in the header
file. */
#define ts_banner "TinyScheme 1.41"
int verbose;
/* Constants to identify the commands and options. */
enum cmd_and_opt_values
aNull = 0,
oVerbose = 'v',
/* The list of commands and options. */
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] =
ARGPARSE_s_n (oVerbose, "verbose", N_("verbose")),
ARGPARSE_end (),
char *scmpath = "";
size_t scmpath_len = 0;
/* Command line parsing. */
static void
parse_arguments (ARGPARSE_ARGS *pargs, ARGPARSE_OPTS *popts)
int no_more_options = 0;
while (!no_more_options && optfile_parse (NULL, NULL, NULL, pargs, popts))
switch (pargs->r_opt)
case oVerbose:
pargs->err = 2;
/* Print usage information and and provide strings for help. */
static const char *
my_strusage( int level )
const char *p;
switch (level)
case 11: p = "gpgscm (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 1:
case 40:
p = _("Usage: gpgscm [options] [file] (-h for help)");
case 41:
p = _("Syntax: gpgscm [options] [file]\n"
"Execute the given Scheme program, or spawn interactive shell.\n");
default: p = NULL; break;
return p;
/* Load the Scheme program from FILE_NAME. If FILE_NAME is not an
absolute path, and LOOKUP_IN_PATH is given, then it is qualified
with the values in scmpath until the file is found. */
static gpg_error_t
load (scheme *sc, char *file_name,
int lookup_in_cwd, int lookup_in_path)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
size_t n;
const char *directory;
char *qualified_name = file_name;
int use_path;
use_path =
lookup_in_path && ! (file_name[0] == '/' || scmpath_len == 0);
if (file_name[0] == '/' || lookup_in_cwd || scmpath_len == 0)
h = fopen (file_name, "r");
if (! h)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (h == NULL && use_path)
for (directory = scmpath, n = scmpath_len; n;
directory += strlen (directory) + 1, n--)
if (asprintf (&qualified_name, "%s/%s", directory, file_name) < 0)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
h = fopen (qualified_name, "r");
if (h)
if (n > 1)
free (qualified_name);
continue; /* Try again! */
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (h == NULL)
/* Failed and no more elements in scmpath to try. */
fprintf (stderr, "Could not read %s: %s.\n",
qualified_name, gpg_strerror (err));
if (lookup_in_path)
fprintf (stderr,
"Consider using GPGSCM_PATH to specify the location "
"of the Scheme library.\n");
return err;
if (verbose > 1)
fprintf (stderr, "Loading %s...\n", qualified_name);
scheme_load_named_file (sc, h, qualified_name);
fclose (h);
if (sc->retcode)
if (sc->nesting)
fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unbalanced parenthesis\n", qualified_name);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
if (file_name != qualified_name)
free (qualified_name);
return 0;
main (int argc, char **argv)
gpg_error_t err;
char *argv0;
scheme *sc;
char *p;
#if _WIN32
char pathsep = ';';
char pathsep = ':';
char *script = NULL;
/* Save argv[0] so that we can re-exec. */
argv0 = argv[0];
/* Parse path. */
if (getenv ("GPGSCM_PATH"))
scmpath = getenv ("GPGSCM_PATH");
p = scmpath = strdup (scmpath);
if (p == NULL)
return 2;
if (*p)
for (; *p; p++)
if (*p == pathsep)
*p = 0, scmpath_len++;
set_strusage (my_strusage);
log_set_prefix ("gpgscm", GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX);
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
i18n_init ();
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
if (!gcry_check_version (NEED_LIBGCRYPT_VERSION))
fputs ("libgcrypt version mismatch\n", stderr);
exit (2);
/* Parse the command line. */
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags = 0;
parse_arguments (&pargs, opts);
if (log_get_errorcount (0))
exit (2);
sc = scheme_init_new_custom_alloc (gcry_malloc, gcry_free);
if (! sc) {
fprintf (stderr, "Could not initialize TinyScheme!\n");
return 2;
scheme_set_input_port_file (sc, stdin);
scheme_set_output_port_file (sc, stderr);
if (argc)
script = argv[0];
argc--, argv++;
err = load (sc, "init.scm", 0, 1);
if (! err)
err = load (sc, "ffi.scm", 0, 1);
if (! err)
err = ffi_init (sc, argv0, script ? script : "interactive",
argc, (const char **) argv);
if (! err)
err = load (sc, "lib.scm", 0, 1);
if (! err)
err = load (sc, "repl.scm", 0, 1);
if (! err)
err = load (sc, "tests.scm", 0, 1);
if (err)
fprintf (stderr, "Error initializing gpgscm: %s.\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
exit (2);
if (script == NULL)
/* Interactive shell. */
fprintf (stderr, "gpgscm/"ts_banner".\n");
scheme_load_string (sc, "(interactive-repl)");
err = load (sc, script, 1, 1);
if (err)
log_fatal ("%s: %s", script, gpg_strerror (err));
scheme_load_string (sc, "(*run-atexit-handlers*)");
scheme_deinit (sc);
xfree (sc);
diff --git a/tests/gpgscm/private.h b/tests/gpgscm/private.h
index efa0cb026..6e330e014 100644
--- a/tests/gpgscm/private.h
+++ b/tests/gpgscm/private.h
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
/* TinyScheme-based test driver.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef __GPGSCM_PRIVATE_H__
#define __GPGSCM_PRIVATE_H__
extern int verbose;
#endif /* __GPGSCM_PRIVATE_H__ */
diff --git a/tests/gpgscm/scheme-config.h b/tests/gpgscm/scheme-config.h
index fe3d746dd..20034981a 100644
--- a/tests/gpgscm/scheme-config.h
+++ b/tests/gpgscm/scheme-config.h
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
/* TinyScheme configuration.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#define STANDALONE 0
#define USE_MATH 0
#define USE_ERROR_HOOK 1
#define USE_TRACING 1
#define USE_COLON_HOOK 1
#define USE_DL 0
#define USE_PLIST 0
#if __MINGW32__
# define USE_STRLWR 0
#endif /* __MINGW32__ */
diff --git a/tests/gpgscm/t-child.c b/tests/gpgscm/t-child.c
index ae1a6352c..547eb1708 100644
--- a/tests/gpgscm/t-child.c
+++ b/tests/gpgscm/t-child.c
@@ -1,74 +1,74 @@
/* Sanity check for the process and IPC primitives.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <io.h>
main (int argc, char **argv)
char buffer[4096];
memset (buffer, 'A', sizeof buffer);
#if _WIN32
if (! setmode (stdin, O_BINARY))
return 23;
if (! setmode (stdout, O_BINARY))
return 23;
if (argc == 1)
return 2;
else if (strcmp (argv[1], "return0") == 0)
return 0;
else if (strcmp (argv[1], "return1") == 0)
return 1;
else if (strcmp (argv[1], "return77") == 0)
return 77;
else if (strcmp (argv[1], "hello_stdout") == 0)
fprintf (stdout, "hello");
else if (strcmp (argv[1], "hello_stderr") == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "hello");
else if (strcmp (argv[1], "stdout4096") == 0)
fwrite (buffer, 1, sizeof buffer, stdout);
else if (strcmp (argv[1], "stdout8192") == 0)
fwrite (buffer, 1, sizeof buffer, stdout);
fwrite (buffer, 1, sizeof buffer, stdout);
else if (strcmp (argv[1], "cat") == 0)
while (! feof (stdin))
size_t bytes_read;
bytes_read = fread (buffer, 1, sizeof buffer, stdin);
fwrite (buffer, 1, bytes_read, stdout);
fprintf (stderr, "unknown command %s\n", argv[1]);
return 2;
return 0;
diff --git a/tests/migrations/ b/tests/migrations/
index 5f76f455f..277396976 100644
--- a/tests/migrations/
+++ b/tests/migrations/
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
# - For tests/openpgp
# Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# Process this file with automake to create
# Programs required before we can run these tests.
required_pgms = ../../g10/gpg$(EXEEXT) ../../agent/gpg-agent$(EXEEXT) \
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/common
include $(top_srcdir)/am/
TMP ?= /tmp
PATH=../gpgscm:$(PATH) \
TMP=$(TMP) \
TESTS = from-classic.scm \
extended-pkf.scm \
TEST_FILES = from-classic.tar.asc \
extended-pkf.tar.asc \
EXTRA_DIST = common.scm $(TESTS) $(TEST_FILES)
CLEANFILES = prepared.stamp x y yy z out err $(data_files) \
plain-1 plain-2 plain-3 trustdb.gpg *.lock .\#lk* \
*.test.log gpg_dearmor gpg.conf gpg-agent.conf S.gpg-agent \
pubring.gpg pubring.gpg~ pubring.kbx pubring.kbx~ \
secring.gpg pubring.pkr secring.skr \
gnupg-test.stop random_seed gpg-agent.log tofu.db
-rm -rf from-classic.gpghome/*.gpg
# We need to depend on a couple of programs so that the tests don't
# start before all programs are built.
all-local: $(required_pgms)
diff --git a/tests/openpgp/ b/tests/openpgp/
index 75e2fd40f..8df968c0f 100644
--- a/tests/openpgp/
+++ b/tests/openpgp/
@@ -1,213 +1,213 @@
# - For tests/openpgp
# Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003,
# 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# Process this file with automake to create
# Programs required before we can run these tests.
required_pgms = ../../g10/gpg$(EXEEXT) ../../agent/gpg-agent$(EXEEXT) \
../../tools/gpg-connect-agent$(EXEEXT) \
../../tools/mk-tdata$(EXEEXT) \
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/common
include $(top_srcdir)/am/
noinst_PROGRAMS = fake-pinentry
fake_pinentry_SOURCES = fake-pinentry.c
TMP ?= /tmp
PATH=../gpgscm:$(PATH) \
TMP=$(TMP) \
srcdir=$(abs_srcdir) \
objdir=$(abs_top_builddir) \
version.scm \
mds.scm \
decrypt.scm \
decrypt-dsa.scm \
sigs.scm \
sigs-dsa.scm \
encrypt.scm \
encrypt-dsa.scm \
seat.scm \
clearsig.scm \
encryptp.scm \
detach.scm \
detachm.scm \
armsigs.scm \
armencrypt.scm \
armencryptp.scm \
signencrypt.scm \
signencrypt-dsa.scm \
armsignencrypt.scm \
armdetach.scm \
armdetachm.scm \
genkey1024.scm \
conventional.scm \
conventional-mdc.scm \
multisig.scm \
verify.scm \
gpgv-forged-keyring.scm \
armor.scm \
import.scm \
ecc.scm \
4gb-packet.scm \
tofu.scm \
gpgtar.scm \
use-exact-key.scm \
default-key.scm \
export.scm \
ssh.scm \
quick-key-manipulation.scm \
key-selection.scm \
issue2015.scm \
issue2346.scm \
issue2417.scm \
# XXX: Currently, one cannot override automake's 'check' target. As a
# workaround, we avoid defining 'TESTS', thus automake will not emit
# the 'check' target. For extra robustness, we merely define a
# dependency on 'xcheck', so this hack should also work even if
# automake would emit the 'check' target, as adding dependencies to
# targets is okay.
check: xcheck
.PHONY: xcheck
$(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $(abs_top_builddir)/tests/gpgscm/gpgscm \
run-tests.scm $(TESTFLAGS) $(XTESTS)
TEST_FILES = pubring.asc secring.asc plain-1o.asc plain-2o.asc plain-3o.asc \
plain-1.asc plain-2.asc plain-3.asc plain-1-pgp.asc \
plain-largeo.asc \
pubring.pkr.asc secring.skr.asc secdemo.asc pubdemo.asc \
gpg.conf.tmpl gpg-agent.conf.tmpl \ bug894-test.asc \
bug1223-good.asc bug1223-bogus.asc 4gb-packet.asc \
tofu-keys.asc tofu-keys-secret.asc \
tofu-2183839A-1.txt tofu-BC15C85A-1.txt tofu-EE37CF96-1.txt \
tofu/cross-sigs/EC38277E-secret.gpg \
tofu/cross-sigs/EC38277E-1.gpg \
tofu/cross-sigs/EC38277E-1.txt \
tofu/cross-sigs/EC38277E-2.gpg \
tofu/cross-sigs/EC38277E-2.txt \
tofu/cross-sigs/EC38277E-3.txt \
tofu/cross-sigs/871C2247-secret.gpg \
tofu/cross-sigs/871C2247-1.gpg \
tofu/cross-sigs/871C2247-1.txt \
tofu/cross-sigs/871C2247-2.gpg \
tofu/cross-sigs/871C2247-2.txt \
tofu/cross-sigs/871C2247-3.gpg \
tofu/cross-sigs/871C2247-3.txt \
tofu/cross-sigs/871C2247-4.gpg \
tofu/cross-sigs/README \
key-selection/0.asc \
key-selection/1.asc \
key-selection/2.asc \
key-selection/3.asc \
data_files = data-500 data-9000 data-32000 data-80000 plain-large
priv_keys = privkeys/50B2D4FA4122C212611048BC5FC31BD44393626E.asc \
privkeys/7E201E28B6FEB2927B321F443205F4724EBE637E.asc \
privkeys/13FDB8809B17C5547779F9D205C45F47CE0217CE.asc \
privkeys/343D8AF79796EE107D645A2787A9D9252F924E6F.asc \
privkeys/8B5ABF3EF9EB8D96B91A0B8C2C4401C91C834C34.asc \
privkeys/0D6F6AD4C4C803B25470F9104E9F4E6A4CA64255.asc \
privkeys/FD692BD59D6640A84C8422573D469F84F3B98E53.asc \
privkeys/76F7E2B35832976B50A27A282D9B87E44577EB66.asc \
privkeys/A0747D5F9425E6664F4FFBEED20FBCA79FDED2BD.asc \
privkeys/0DD40284FF992CD24DC4AAC367037E066FCEE26A.asc \
privkeys/2BC997C0B8691D41D29A4EC81CCBCF08454E4961.asc \
privkeys/3C9D5ECA70130C2DBB1FC6AC0076BEEEC197716F.asc \
privkeys/449E644892C951A37525654730DD32C202079926.asc \
privkeys/58FFE844087634E62440224908BDE44BEA7EB730.asc \
privkeys/4DF9172D6FF428C97A0E9AA96F03E8BCE3B2F188.asc \
privkeys/9D7CD8F53F2F14C3E2177D1E9D1D11F39513A4A4.asc \
privkeys/6E6B7ED0BD4425018FFC54F3921D5467A3AE00EB.asc \
privkeys/C905D0AB6AE9655C5A35975939997BBF3325D6DD.asc \
privkeys/B2BAA7144303DF19BB6FDE23781DD3FDD97918D4.asc \
privkeys/CF60965BF51F67CF80DECE853E0D2D343468571D.asc \
privkeys/DF00E361D34F80868D06879AC21D7A7D4E4FAD76.asc \
privkeys/00FE67F28A52A8AA08FFAED20AF832DA916D1985.asc \
privkeys/1DF48228FEFF3EC2481B106E0ACA8C465C662CC5.asc \
privkeys/A2832820DC9F40751BDCD375BB0945BA33EC6B4C.asc \
privkeys/ADE710D74409777B7729A7653373D820F67892E0.asc \
privkeys/CEFC51AF91F68A2904FBFF62C4F075A4785B803F.asc \
privkeys/1E28F20E41B54C2D1234D896096495FF57E08D18.asc \
privkeys/EB33B687EB8581AB64D04852A54453E85F3DF62D.asc \
privkeys/C6A6390E9388CDBAD71EAEA698233FE5E04F001E.asc \
sample_keys = samplekeys/README \
samplekeys/ecc-sample-1-pub.asc \
samplekeys/ecc-sample-2-pub.asc \
samplekeys/ecc-sample-3-pub.asc \
samplekeys/ecc-sample-1-sec.asc \
samplekeys/ecc-sample-2-sec.asc \
samplekeys/ecc-sample-3-sec.asc \
samplekeys/eddsa-sample-1-pub.asc \
samplekeys/eddsa-sample-1-sec.asc \
samplekeys/dda252ebb8ebe1af-1.asc \
samplekeys/dda252ebb8ebe1af-2.asc \
samplekeys/whats-new-in-2.1.asc \
samplekeys/e2e-p256-1-clr.asc \
samplekeys/e2e-p256-1-prt.asc \
samplekeys/E657FB607BB4F21C90BB6651BC067AF28BC90111.asc \
samplekeys/rsa-rsa-sample-1.asc \
samplekeys/ed25519-cv25519-sample-1.asc \
samplekeys/silent-running.asc \
samplekeys/ssh-dsa.key \
samplekeys/ssh-ecdsa.key \
samplekeys/ssh-ed25519.key \
samplekeys/ssh-rsa.key \
sample_msgs = samplemsgs/issue2419.asc
mkdemodirs signdemokey $(priv_keys) $(sample_keys) \
$(sample_msgs) ChangeLog-2011 run-tests.scm \
setup.scm finish.scm shell.scm
CLEANFILES = prepared.stamp x y yy z out err $(data_files) \
plain-1 plain-2 plain-3 trustdb.gpg *.lock .\#lk* \
*.test.log gpg_dearmor gpg.conf gpg-agent.conf S.gpg-agent \
pubring.gpg pubring.gpg~ pubring.kbx pubring.kbx~ \
secring.gpg pubring.pkr secring.skr \
gnupg-test.stop random_seed gpg-agent.log tofu.db \
passphrases sshcontrol S.gpg-agent.ssh
-rm -rf private-keys-v1.d openpgp-revocs.d tofu.d gpgtar.d
# We need to depend on a couple of programs so that the tests don't
# start before all programs are built.
all-local: $(required_pgms)
diff --git a/tests/openpgp/fake-pinentry.c b/tests/openpgp/fake-pinentry.c
index 13dc6d9c0..6585b01dc 100644
--- a/tests/openpgp/fake-pinentry.c
+++ b/tests/openpgp/fake-pinentry.c
@@ -1,316 +1,316 @@
/* Fake pinentry program for the OpenPGP test suite.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <unistd.h>
static FILE *log_stream;
static int
reply (const char *fmt, ...)
int result;
va_list ap;
if (log_stream)
fprintf (log_stream, "> ");
va_start (ap, fmt);
vfprintf (log_stream, fmt, ap);
va_end (ap);
va_start (ap, fmt);
result = vprintf (fmt, ap);
va_end (ap);
fflush (stdout);
return result;
/* Return the first line from FNAME, removing it from the file. */
static char *
get_passphrase (const char *fname)
char *passphrase = NULL;
size_t fname_len;
char *fname_new;
FILE *source, *sink;
char linebuf[80];
fname_len = strlen (fname);
fname_new = malloc (fname_len + 5);
if (fname_new == NULL)
perror ("malloc");
exit (1);
snprintf (fname_new, fname_len + 5, "", fname);
source = fopen (fname, "r");
if (! source)
perror (fname);
exit (1);
sink = fopen (fname_new, "w");
if (! sink)
perror (fname_new);
exit (1);
while (fgets (linebuf, sizeof linebuf, source))
linebuf[sizeof linebuf - 1] = 0;
if (passphrase == NULL)
passphrase = strdup (linebuf);
if (passphrase == NULL)
perror ("strdup");
exit (1);
fputs (linebuf, sink);
if (ferror (source))
perror (fname);
exit (1);
if (ferror (sink))
perror (fname_new);
exit (1);
fclose (source);
fclose (sink);
if (remove (fname))
fprintf (stderr, "Failed to remove %s: %s",
fname, strerror (errno));
exit (1);
if (rename (fname_new, fname))
fprintf (stderr, "Failed to rename %s to %s: %s",
fname, fname_new, strerror (errno));
exit (1);
return passphrase;
#define whitespacep(p) (*(p) == ' ' || *(p) == '\t' \
|| *(p) == '\r' || *(p) == '\n')
/* rstrip line. */
static void
rstrip (char *buffer)
char *p;
if (!*buffer)
return; /* This is to avoid p = buffer - 1 */
for (p = buffer + strlen (buffer) - 1; p >= buffer; p--)
if (! whitespacep (p))
*p = 0;
/* Skip over options in LINE.
Blanks after the options are also removed. Options are indicated
by two leading dashes followed by a string consisting of non-space
characters. The special option "--" indicates an explicit end of
options; all what follows will not be considered an option. The
first no-option string also indicates the end of option parsing. */
char *
skip_options (const char *line)
while (whitespacep (line))
while (*line == '-' && line[1] == '-')
while (*line && !whitespacep (line))
while (whitespacep (line))
return (char*) line;
/* Return a pointer to the argument of the option with NAME. If such
an option is not given, NULL is returned. */
char *
option_value (const char *line, const char *name)
char *s;
int n = strlen (name);
s = strstr (line, name);
if (s && s >= skip_options (line))
return NULL;
if (s && (s == line || whitespacep (s-1))
&& s[n] && (whitespacep (s+n) || s[n] == '='))
s += n + 1;
s += strspn (s, " ");
if (*s && !whitespacep(s))
return s;
return NULL;
main (int argc, char **argv)
char *args;
char *option_user_data = NULL;
int got_environment_user_data;
char *logfile;
char *passphrasefile;
char *passphrase;
/* We get our options via PINENTRY_USER_DATA. */
(void) argc, (void) argv;
setvbuf (stdin, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ);
setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ);
args = getenv ("PINENTRY_USER_DATA");
got_environment_user_data = !!args;
if (! args)
args = "";
logfile = option_value (args, "--logfile");
if (logfile)
char *p = logfile, more;
while (*p && ! whitespacep (p))
more = !! *p;
*p = 0;
args = more ? p+1 : p;
log_stream = fopen (logfile, "a");
if (! log_stream)
perror (logfile);
return 1;
passphrasefile = option_value (args, "--passphrasefile");
if (passphrasefile)
char *p = passphrasefile, more;
while (*p && ! whitespacep (p))
more = !! *p;
*p = 0;
args = more ? p+1 : p;
passphrase = get_passphrase (passphrasefile);
if (! passphrase)
reply ("# Passphrasefile '%s' is empty. Terminating.\n",
return 1;
rstrip (passphrase);
passphrase = skip_options (args);
if (*passphrase == 0)
passphrase = "no PINENTRY_USER_DATA -- using default passphrase";
reply ("# fake-pinentry(%u) started. Passphrase='%s'.\n",
(unsigned int)getpid (), passphrase);
reply ("OK - what's up?\n");
while (! feof (stdin))
char buffer[1024];
if (fgets (buffer, sizeof buffer, stdin) == NULL)
if (log_stream)
fprintf (log_stream, "< %s", buffer);
rstrip (buffer);
#define OPT_USER_DATA "OPTION pinentry-user-data="
if (strncmp (buffer, "GETPIN", 6) == 0)
reply ("D %s\n", passphrase);
else if (strncmp (buffer, "BYE", 3) == 0)
reply ("OK\n");
else if (strncmp (buffer, OPT_USER_DATA, strlen (OPT_USER_DATA)) == 0)
if (got_environment_user_data)
reply ("OK - I already got the data from the environment.\n");
if (log_stream)
fclose (log_stream);
log_stream = NULL;
free (option_user_data);
option_user_data = args = strdup (buffer + strlen (OPT_USER_DATA));
goto restart;
reply ("OK\n");
reply ("# Connection terminated.\n");
if (log_stream)
fclose (log_stream);
free (option_user_data);
return 0;
diff --git a/tests/pkits/ b/tests/pkits/
index 8098ad22b..9de1f8c59 100644
--- a/tests/pkits/
+++ b/tests/pkits/
@@ -1,75 +1,75 @@
# - tests using NIST's PKITS
# Copyright (C) 2004, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
## Process this file with automake to produce
GPGSM = ../../sm/gpgsm
GPGSM=$(GPGSM) silent=yes
testscripts = import-all-certs validate-all-certs \
signature-verification \
validity-periods \
verifying-name-chaining \
basic-certificate-revocation \
verifying-paths-self-issued \
verifying-basic-constraints \
key-usage \
certificate-policies \
require-explicit-policy \
policy-mappings \
inhibit-policy-mapping \
inhibit-any-policy \
name-constraints \
distribution-points \
delta-crls \
EXTRA_DIST = inittests runtest $(testscripts) ChangeLog-2011 \
TESTS = $(testscripts)
CLEANFILES = inittests.stamp scratch.*.tmp x y z out err *.lock .\#lk* *.log
DISTCLEANFILES = pubring.kbx~ random_seed
all-local: inittests.stamp
srcdir=$(srcdir) $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $(srcdir)/inittests --clean
inittests.stamp: inittests
srcdir=$(srcdir) $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $(srcdir)/inittests
echo timestamp >./inittests.stamp
run-all-tests: inittests.stamp
@set -e; \
GNUPGHOME=`/bin/pwd`; export GNUPGHOME;\
for tst in $(testscripts); do \
if ./$${tst}; then : ; \
elif test $$? -eq 77; then echo "- SKIP $$tst"; \
fi; \
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 42b023fbb..c07a8b111 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -1,182 +1,182 @@
# - Tools directory
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
Manifest watchgnupg.c no-libgcrypt.c \
addgnupghome applygnupgdefaults \
lspgpot mail-signed-keys convert-from-106 sockprox.c \
ccidmon.c ChangeLog-2011 gpg-connect-agent-w32info.rc
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/common
include $(top_srcdir)/am/
resource_objs += gpg-connect-agent-w32info.o
sbin_SCRIPTS = addgnupghome applygnupgdefaults
# bin_SCRIPTS += gpg-zip
noinst_SCRIPTS = gpg-zip
symcryptrun = symcryptrun
symcryptrun =
gpg_wks_server = gpg-wks-server
gpg_wks_client = gpg-wks-client
gpg_wks_server =
gpg_wks_client =
libexec_PROGRAMS =
bin_PROGRAMS = gpgconf gpg-connect-agent ${symcryptrun}
bin_PROGRAMS += watchgnupg gpgparsemail ${gpg_wks_server}
libexec_PROGRAMS += ${gpg_wks_client}
libexec_PROGRAMS += gpg-check-pattern
noinst_PROGRAMS = clean-sat mk-tdata make-dns-cert gpgsplit
bin_PROGRAMS += gpgtar
noinst_PROGRAMS += gpgtar
common_libs = $(libcommon)
commonpth_libs = $(libcommonpth)
# Some modules require PTH under W32CE.
maybe_commonpth_libs = $(commonpth_libs)
maybe_commonpth_libs = $(common_libs)
pwquery_libs =
pwquery_libs = ../common/libsimple-pwquery.a
opt_libassuan_libs = $(LIBASSUAN_LIBS)
gpgsplit_LDADD = $(common_libs) \
gpgconf_SOURCES = gpgconf.c gpgconf.h gpgconf-comp.c
# common sucks in gpg-error, will they, nil they (some compilers
# do not eliminate the supposed-to-be-unused-inline-functions).
gpgconf_LDADD = $(maybe_commonpth_libs) $(opt_libassuan_libs) \
gpgconf_LDFLAGS = $(extra_bin_ldflags)
gpgparsemail_SOURCES = gpgparsemail.c rfc822parse.c rfc822parse.h
gpgparsemail_LDADD =
symcryptrun_SOURCES = symcryptrun.c
symcryptrun_LDADD = $(LIBUTIL_LIBS) $(common_libs) $(pwquery_libs) \
watchgnupg_SOURCES = watchgnupg.c
watchgnupg_LDADD = $(NETLIBS)
gpg_connect_agent_SOURCES = gpg-connect-agent.c
gpg_connect_agent_LDADD = ../common/libgpgrl.a $(common_libs) \
gpg_check_pattern_SOURCES = gpg-check-pattern.c
gpg_check_pattern_LDADD = $(common_libs) $(LIBGCRYPT_LIBS) $(GPG_ERROR_LIBS) \
gpgtar_SOURCES = \
gpgtar.c gpgtar.h \
gpgtar-create.c \
gpgtar-extract.c \
gpgtar_LDADD = $(libcommon) $(LIBGCRYPT_LIBS) $(GPG_ERROR_LIBS) \
gpg_wks_server_SOURCES = \
gpg-wks-server.c \
gpg-wks.h \
wks-util.c \
wks-receive.c \
rfc822parse.c rfc822parse.h \
mime-parser.c mime-parser.h \
mime-maker.c mime-maker.h \
send-mail.c send-mail.h
gpg_wks_server_LDADD = $(libcommon) $(LIBGCRYPT_LIBS) $(GPG_ERROR_LIBS) \
gpg_wks_client_SOURCES = \
gpg-wks-client.c \
gpg-wks.h \
wks-util.c \
wks-receive.c \
rfc822parse.c rfc822parse.h \
mime-parser.c mime-parser.h \
mime-maker.h mime-maker.c \
send-mail.c send-mail.h \
call-dirmngr.c call-dirmngr.h
gpg_wks_client_LDADD = $(libcommon) \
# Make sure that all libs are build before we use them. This is
# important for things like make -j2.
$(PROGRAMS): $(common_libs) $(pwquery_libs) ../common/libgpgrl.a
diff --git a/tools/call-dirmngr.c b/tools/call-dirmngr.c
index 9142350cd..c5ee244f9 100644
--- a/tools/call-dirmngr.c
+++ b/tools/call-dirmngr.c
@@ -1,260 +1,260 @@
/* call-dirmngr.c - Interact with the Dirmngr.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
# include <locale.h>
#include <assuan.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "asshelp.h"
#include "mbox-util.h"
#include "./call-dirmngr.h"
static struct
int verbose;
int debug_ipc;
int autostart;
} opt;
set_dirmngr_options (int verbose, int debug_ipc, int autostart)
opt.verbose = verbose;
opt.debug_ipc = debug_ipc;
opt.autostart = autostart;
/* Connect to the Dirmngr and return an assuan context. */
static gpg_error_t
connect_dirmngr (assuan_context_t *r_ctx)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
*r_ctx = NULL;
err = start_new_dirmngr (&ctx,
opt.autostart, opt.verbose, opt.debug_ipc,
if (!opt.autostart && gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DIRMNGR)
static int shown;
if (!shown)
shown = 1;
log_info (_("no dirmngr running in this session\n"));
if (err)
assuan_release (ctx);
*r_ctx = ctx;
return err;
/* Parameter structure used with the WKD_GET command. */
struct wkd_get_parm_s
estream_t memfp;
/* Data callback for the WKD_GET command. */
static gpg_error_t
wkd_get_data_cb (void *opaque, const void *data, size_t datalen)
struct wkd_get_parm_s *parm = opaque;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
size_t nwritten;
if (!data)
return 0; /* Ignore END commands. */
if (!parm->memfp)
return 0; /* Data is not required. */
if (es_write (parm->memfp, data, datalen, &nwritten))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return err;
/* Status callback for the WKD_GET command. */
static gpg_error_t
wkd_get_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line)
struct wkd_get_parm_s *parm = opaque;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
return err;
/* Ask the dirmngr for the submission address of a WKD server for the
* mail address ADDRSPEC. On success the submission address is stored
* at R_ADDRSPEC. */
wkd_get_submission_address (const char *addrspec, char **r_addrspec)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
struct wkd_get_parm_s parm;
char *line = NULL;
void *vp;
char *buffer = NULL;
char *p;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
*r_addrspec = NULL;
err = connect_dirmngr (&ctx);
if (err)
return err;
line = es_bsprintf ("WKD_GET --submission-address -- %s", addrspec);
if (!line)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (strlen (line) + 2 >= ASSUAN_LINELENGTH)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
goto leave;
parm.memfp = es_fopenmem (0, "rwb");
if (!parm.memfp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line, wkd_get_data_cb, &parm,
NULL, NULL, wkd_get_status_cb, &parm);
if (err)
goto leave;
es_fputc (0, parm.memfp);
if (es_fclose_snatch (parm.memfp, &vp, NULL))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
buffer = vp;
parm.memfp = NULL;
p = strchr (buffer, '\n');
if (p)
*p = 0;
trim_spaces (buffer);
if (!is_valid_mailbox (buffer))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
goto leave;
*r_addrspec = xtrystrdup (buffer);
if (!*r_addrspec)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
es_free (buffer);
es_fclose (parm.memfp);
xfree (line);
assuan_release (ctx);
return err;
/* Ask the dirmngr for the policy flags and return them as an estream
* memory stream. If no policy flags are set, NULL is stored at
* R_BUFFER. */
wkd_get_policy_flags (const char *addrspec, estream_t *r_buffer)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
struct wkd_get_parm_s parm;
char *line = NULL;
char *buffer = NULL;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
*r_buffer = NULL;
err = connect_dirmngr (&ctx);
if (err)
return err;
line = es_bsprintf ("WKD_GET --policy-flags -- %s", addrspec);
if (!line)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (strlen (line) + 2 >= ASSUAN_LINELENGTH)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
goto leave;
parm.memfp = es_fopenmem (0, "rwb");
if (!parm.memfp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = assuan_transact (ctx, line, wkd_get_data_cb, &parm,
NULL, NULL, wkd_get_status_cb, &parm);
if (err)
goto leave;
es_rewind (parm.memfp);
*r_buffer = parm.memfp;
parm.memfp = 0;
es_free (buffer);
es_fclose (parm.memfp);
xfree (line);
assuan_release (ctx);
return err;
diff --git a/tools/call-dirmngr.h b/tools/call-dirmngr.h
index 6c866e7e6..83ebd2c0e 100644
--- a/tools/call-dirmngr.h
+++ b/tools/call-dirmngr.h
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
/* call-dirmngr.h - Interact with the Dirmngr.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
void set_dirmngr_options (int verbose, int debug_ipc, int autostart);
gpg_error_t wkd_get_submission_address (const char *addrspec,
char **r_addrspec);
gpg_error_t wkd_get_policy_flags (const char *addrspec, estream_t *r_buffer);
diff --git a/tools/ccidmon.c b/tools/ccidmon.c
index 92673f4ec..d61bb3c64 100644
--- a/tools/ccidmon.c
+++ b/tools/ccidmon.c
@@ -1,882 +1,882 @@
/* ccidmon.c - CCID monitor for use with the Linux usbmon facility.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* This utility takes the output of usbmon, filters out the bulk data
and prints the CCID messages in a human friendly way.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
# define PACKAGE_VERSION "[build on " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "]"
#define PGM "ccidmon"
#ifndef GNUPG_NAME
# define GNUPG_NAME "GnuPG"
/* Option flags. */
static int verbose;
static int debug;
static int skip_escape;
static int usb_bus, usb_dev;
static int sniffusb;
/* Error counter. */
static int any_error;
/* Data storage. */
int is_bi;
char address[50];
int count;
char data[2000];
} databuffer;
enum {
RDR_to_PC_NotifySlotChange= 0x50,
RDR_to_PC_HardwareError = 0x51,
PC_to_RDR_SetParameters = 0x61,
PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOn = 0x62,
PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOff = 0x63,
PC_to_RDR_GetSlotStatus = 0x65,
PC_to_RDR_Secure = 0x69,
PC_to_RDR_T0APDU = 0x6a,
PC_to_RDR_Escape = 0x6b,
PC_to_RDR_GetParameters = 0x6c,
PC_to_RDR_ResetParameters = 0x6d,
PC_to_RDR_IccClock = 0x6e,
PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock = 0x6f,
PC_to_RDR_Mechanical = 0x71,
PC_to_RDR_Abort = 0x72,
PC_to_RDR_SetDataRate = 0x73,
RDR_to_PC_DataBlock = 0x80,
RDR_to_PC_SlotStatus = 0x81,
RDR_to_PC_Parameters = 0x82,
RDR_to_PC_Escape = 0x83,
RDR_to_PC_DataRate = 0x84
#define digitp(p) (*(p) >= '0' && *(p) <= '9')
#define hexdigitp(a) (digitp (a) \
|| (*(a) >= 'A' && *(a) <= 'F') \
|| (*(a) >= 'a' && *(a) <= 'f'))
#define ascii_isspace(a) ((a)==' ' || (a)=='\n' || (a)=='\r' || (a)=='\t')
#define xtoi_1(p) ((p) <= '9'? ((p)- '0'): \
(p) <= 'F'? ((p)-'A'+10):((p)-'a'+10))
/* Print diagnostic message and exit with failure. */
static void
die (const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
fflush (stdout);
fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", PGM);
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
vfprintf (stderr, format, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
putc ('\n', stderr);
exit (1);
/* Print diagnostic message. */
static void
err (const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
any_error = 1;
fflush (stdout);
fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", PGM);
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
vfprintf (stderr, format, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
putc ('\n', stderr);
/* Convert a little endian stored 4 byte value into an unsigned
integer. */
static unsigned int
convert_le_u32 (const unsigned char *buf)
return buf[0] | (buf[1] << 8) | (buf[2] << 16) | ((unsigned int)buf[3] << 24);
/* Convert a little endian stored 2 byte value into an unsigned
integer. */
static unsigned int
convert_le_u16 (const unsigned char *buf)
return buf[0] | (buf[1] << 8);
static void
print_pr_data (const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen, size_t off)
int needlf = 0;
int first = 1;
for (; off < datalen; off++)
if (!(off % 16) || first)
if (needlf)
putchar ('\n');
printf (" [%04lu] ", (unsigned long)off);
printf (" %02X", data[off]);
needlf = 1;
first = 0;
if (needlf)
putchar ('\n');
static void
print_p2r_header (const char *name, const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
printf ("%s:\n", name);
if (msglen < 7)
printf (" dwLength ..........: %u\n", convert_le_u32 (msg+1));
printf (" bSlot .............: %u\n", msg[5]);
printf (" bSeq ..............: %u\n", msg[6]);
static void
print_p2r_iccpoweron (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOn", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
printf (" bPowerSelect ......: 0x%02x (%s)\n", msg[7],
msg[7] == 0? "auto":
msg[7] == 1? "5.0 V":
msg[7] == 2? "3.0 V":
msg[7] == 3? "1.8 V":"");
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 8);
static void
print_p2r_iccpoweroff (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOff", msg, msglen);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 7);
static void
print_p2r_getslotstatus (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_GetSlotStatus", msg, msglen);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 7);
static void
print_p2r_xfrblock (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
unsigned int val;
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
printf (" bBWI ..............: 0x%02x\n", msg[7]);
val = convert_le_u16 (msg+8);
printf (" wLevelParameter ...: 0x%04x%s\n", val,
val == 1? " (continued)":
val == 2? " (continues+ends)":
val == 3? " (continues+continued)":
val == 16? " (DataBlock-expected)":"");
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10);
static void
print_p2r_getparameters (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_GetParameters", msg, msglen);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 7);
static void
print_p2r_resetparameters (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_ResetParameters", msg, msglen);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 7);
static void
print_p2r_setparameters (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_SetParameters", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
printf (" bProtocolNum ......: 0x%02x\n", msg[7]);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 8);
static void
print_p2r_escape (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
if (skip_escape)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_Escape", msg, msglen);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 7);
static void
print_p2r_iccclock (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_IccClock", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
printf (" bClockCommand .....: 0x%02x\n", msg[7]);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 8);
static void
print_p2r_to0apdu (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_T0APDU", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
printf (" bmChanges .........: 0x%02x\n", msg[7]);
printf (" bClassGetResponse .: 0x%02x\n", msg[8]);
printf (" bClassEnvelope ....: 0x%02x\n", msg[9]);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10);
static void
print_p2r_secure (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
unsigned int val;
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_Secure", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
printf (" bBMI ..............: 0x%02x\n", msg[7]);
val = convert_le_u16 (msg+8);
printf (" wLevelParameter ...: 0x%04x%s\n", val,
val == 1? " (continued)":
val == 2? " (continues+ends)":
val == 3? " (continues+continued)":
val == 16? " (DataBlock-expected)":"");
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10);
static void
print_p2r_mechanical (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_Mechanical", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
printf (" bFunction .........: 0x%02x\n", msg[7]);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 8);
static void
print_p2r_abort (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_Abort", msg, msglen);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 7);
static void
print_p2r_setdatarate (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_p2r_header ("PC_to_RDR_SetDataRate", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 7);
static void
print_p2r_unknown (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
char buf[100];
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "Unknown PC_to_RDR command 0x%02X",
msglen? msg[0]:0);
print_p2r_header (buf, msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 0);
static void
print_p2r (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
switch (msglen? msg[0]:0)
case PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOn:
print_p2r_iccpoweron (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOff:
print_p2r_iccpoweroff (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_GetSlotStatus:
print_p2r_getslotstatus (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock:
print_p2r_xfrblock (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_GetParameters:
print_p2r_getparameters (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_ResetParameters:
print_p2r_resetparameters (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_SetParameters:
print_p2r_setparameters (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_Escape:
print_p2r_escape (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_IccClock:
print_p2r_iccclock (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_T0APDU:
print_p2r_to0apdu (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_Secure:
print_p2r_secure (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_Mechanical:
print_p2r_mechanical (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_Abort:
print_p2r_abort (msg, msglen);
case PC_to_RDR_SetDataRate:
print_p2r_setdatarate (msg, msglen);
print_p2r_unknown (msg, msglen);
static void
print_r2p_header (const char *name, const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
printf ("%s:\n", name);
if (msglen < 9)
printf (" dwLength ..........: %u\n", convert_le_u32 (msg+1));
printf (" bSlot .............: %u\n", msg[5]);
printf (" bSeq ..............: %u\n", msg[6]);
printf (" bStatus ...........: %u\n", msg[7]);
if (msg[8])
printf (" bError ............: %u\n", msg[8]);
static void
print_r2p_datablock (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_r2p_header ("RDR_to_PC_DataBlock", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
if (msg[9])
printf (" bChainParameter ...: 0x%02x%s\n", msg[9],
msg[9] == 1? " (continued)":
msg[9] == 2? " (continues+ends)":
msg[9] == 3? " (continues+continued)":
msg[9] == 16? " (XferBlock-expected)":"");
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10);
static void
print_r2p_slotstatus (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_r2p_header ("RDR_to_PC_SlotStatus", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
printf (" bClockStatus ......: 0x%02x%s\n", msg[9],
msg[9] == 0? " (running)":
msg[9] == 1? " (stopped-L)":
msg[9] == 2? " (stopped-H)":
msg[9] == 3? " (stopped)":"");
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10);
static void
print_r2p_parameters (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_r2p_header ("RDR_to_PC_Parameters", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
printf (" protocol ..........: T=%d\n", msg[9]);
if (msglen == 17 && msg[9] == 1)
/* Protocol T=1. */
printf (" bmFindexDindex ....: %02X\n", msg[10]);
printf (" bmTCCKST1 .........: %02X\n", msg[11]);
printf (" bGuardTimeT1 ......: %02X\n", msg[12]);
printf (" bmWaitingIntegersT1: %02X\n", msg[13]);
printf (" bClockStop ........: %02X\n", msg[14]);
printf (" bIFSC .............: %d\n", msg[15]);
printf (" bNadValue .........: %d\n", msg[16]);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10);
static void
print_r2p_escape (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
if (skip_escape)
print_r2p_header ("RDR_to_PC_Escape", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
printf (" buffer[9] .........: %02X\n", msg[9]);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10);
static void
print_r2p_datarate (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
print_r2p_header ("RDR_to_PC_DataRate", msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
if (msglen >= 18)
printf (" dwClockFrequency ..: %u\n", convert_le_u32 (msg+10));
printf (" dwDataRate ..... ..: %u\n", convert_le_u32 (msg+14));
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 18);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10);
static void
print_r2p_unknown (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
char buf[100];
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "Unknown RDR_to_PC command 0x%02X",
msglen? msg[0]:0);
print_r2p_header (buf, msg, msglen);
if (msglen < 10)
printf (" bMessageType ......: %02X\n", msg[0]);
printf (" buffer[9] .........: %02X\n", msg[9]);
print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10);
static void
print_r2p (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen)
switch (msglen? msg[0]:0)
case RDR_to_PC_DataBlock:
print_r2p_datablock (msg, msglen);
case RDR_to_PC_SlotStatus:
print_r2p_slotstatus (msg, msglen);
case RDR_to_PC_Parameters:
print_r2p_parameters (msg, msglen);
case RDR_to_PC_Escape:
print_r2p_escape (msg, msglen);
case RDR_to_PC_DataRate:
print_r2p_datarate (msg, msglen);
print_r2p_unknown (msg, msglen);
static void
flush_data (void)
if (!databuffer.count)
if (verbose)
printf ("Address: %s\n", databuffer.address);
if (databuffer.is_bi)
print_r2p (, databuffer.count);
if (verbose)
putchar ('\n');
print_p2r (, databuffer.count);
databuffer.count = 0;
static void
collect_data (char *hexdata, const char *address, unsigned int lineno)
size_t length;
int is_bi;
char *s;
unsigned int value;
is_bi = (*address && address[1] == 'i');
if (databuffer.is_bi != is_bi || strcmp (databuffer.address, address))
flush_data ();
databuffer.is_bi = is_bi;
if (strlen (address) >= sizeof databuffer.address)
die ("address field too long");
strcpy (databuffer.address, address);
length = databuffer.count;
for (s=hexdata; *s; s++ )
if (ascii_isspace (*s))
if (!hexdigitp (s))
err ("invalid hex digit in line %u - line skipped", lineno);
value = xtoi_1 (*s) * 16;
if (!hexdigitp (s))
err ("invalid hex digit in line %u - line skipped", lineno);
value += xtoi_1 (*s);
if (length >= sizeof (
err ("too much data at line %u - can handle only up to % bytes",
lineno, sizeof (;
}[length++] = value;
databuffer.count = length;
static void
parse_line (char *line, unsigned int lineno)
char *p;
char *event_type, *address, *data, *status, *datatag;
if (debug)
printf ("line[%u] ='%s'\n", lineno, line);
p = strtok (line, " ");
if (!p)
die ("invalid line %d (no URB)");
p = strtok (NULL, " ");
if (!p)
die ("invalid line %d (no timestamp)");
event_type = strtok (NULL, " ");
if (!event_type)
die ("invalid line %d (no event type)");
address = strtok (NULL, " ");
if (!address)
die ("invalid line %d (no address");
if (usb_bus || usb_dev)
int bus, dev;
p = strchr (address, ':');
if (!p)
die ("invalid line %d (invalid address");
bus = atoi (p);
p = strchr (p, ':');
if (!p)
die ("invalid line %d (invalid address");
dev = atoi (p);
if ((usb_bus && usb_bus != bus) || (usb_dev && usb_dev != dev))
return; /* We don't want that one. */
if (*address != 'B' || (address[1] != 'o' && address[1] != 'i'))
return; /* We only want block in and block out. */
status = strtok (NULL, " ");
if (!status)
if (!strchr ("-0123456789", *status))
return; /* Setup packet. */
/* We don't support "Z[io]" types thus we don't need to check here. */
p = strtok (NULL, " ");
if (!p)
return; /* No data length. */
datatag = strtok (NULL, " ");
if (datatag && *datatag == '=')
data = strtok (NULL, "");
collect_data (data?data:"", address, lineno);
static void
parse_line_sniffusb (char *line, unsigned int lineno)
char *p;
if (debug)
printf ("line[%u] ='%s'\n", lineno, line);
p = strtok (line, " \t");
if (!p)
p = strtok (NULL, " \t");
if (!p)
p = strtok (NULL, " \t");
if (!p)
if (hexdigitp (p+0) && hexdigitp (p+1)
&& hexdigitp (p+2) && hexdigitp (p+3)
&& p[4] == ':' && !p[5])
size_t length;
unsigned int value;
length = databuffer.count;
while ((p=strtok (NULL, " \t")))
if (!hexdigitp (p+0) || !hexdigitp (p+1))
err ("invalid hex digit in line %u (%s)", lineno,p);
value = xtoi_1 (p[0]) * 16 + xtoi_1 (p[1]);
if (length >= sizeof (
err ("too much data at line %u - can handle only up to % bytes",
lineno, sizeof (;
}[length++] = value;
databuffer.count = length;
else if (!strcmp (p, "TransferFlags"))
flush_data ();
*databuffer.address = 0;
while ((p=strtok (NULL, " \t(,)")))
if (!strcmp (p, "USBD_TRANSFER_DIRECTION_IN"))
databuffer.is_bi = 1;
else if (!strcmp (p, "USBD_TRANSFER_DIRECTION_OUT"))
databuffer.is_bi = 0;
static void
parse_input (FILE *fp)
char line[2000];
size_t length;
unsigned int lineno = 0;
while (fgets (line, sizeof (line), fp))
length = strlen (line);
if (length && line[length - 1] == '\n')
line[--length] = 0;
err ("line number %u too long or last line not terminated", lineno);
if (length && line[length - 1] == '\r')
line[--length] = 0;
if (sniffusb)
parse_line_sniffusb (line, lineno);
parse_line (line, lineno);
flush_data ();
if (ferror (fp))
err ("error reading input at line %u: %s", lineno, strerror (errno));
main (int argc, char **argv)
int last_argc = -1;
if (argc)
argc--; argv++;
while (argc && last_argc != argc )
last_argc = argc;
if (!strcmp (*argv, "--"))
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--version"))
fputs (PGM " (" GNUPG_NAME ") " PACKAGE_VERSION "\n", stdout);
exit (0);
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--help"))
puts ("Usage: " PGM " [BUS:DEV]\n"
"Parse the output of usbmod assuming it is CCID compliant.\n\n"
" --skip-escape do not show escape packets\n"
" --sniffusb Assume output from Sniffusb.exe\n"
" --verbose enable extra informational output\n"
" --debug enable additional debug output\n"
" --help display this help and exit\n\n"
"Report bugs to " PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ".");
exit (0);
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--verbose"))
verbose = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--debug"))
verbose = debug = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--skip-escape"))
skip_escape = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--sniffusb"))
sniffusb = 1;
argc--; argv++;
if (argc && sniffusb)
die ("no arguments expected when using --sniffusb\n");
else if (argc > 1)
die ("usage: " PGM " [BUS:DEV] (try --help for more information)\n");
if (argc == 1)
const char *s = strchr (argv[0], ':');
usb_bus = atoi (argv[0]);
if (s)
usb_dev = atoi (s+1);
if (usb_bus < 1 || usb_bus > 999 || usb_dev < 1 || usb_dev > 999)
die ("invalid bus:dev specified");
signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
parse_input (stdin);
return any_error? 1:0;
Local Variables:
compile-command: "gcc -Wall -Wno-pointer-sign -g -o ccidmon ccidmon.c"
diff --git a/tools/gpg-check-pattern.c b/tools/gpg-check-pattern.c
index fba2365c1..a3224ab9d 100644
--- a/tools/gpg-check-pattern.c
+++ b/tools/gpg-check-pattern.c
@@ -1,494 +1,494 @@
/* gpg-check-pattern.c - A tool to check passphrases against pattern.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
# include <locale.h>
# include <langinfo.h>
# include <fcntl.h> /* for setmode() */
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <regex.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
enum cmd_and_opt_values
{ aNull = 0,
oVerbose = 'v',
oArmor = 'a',
oPassphrase = 'P',
oProtect = 'p',
oUnprotect = 'u',
oNull = '0',
oNoVerbose = 500,
/* The list of commands and options. */
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
{ 301, NULL, 0, N_("@Options:\n ") },
{ oVerbose, "verbose", 0, "verbose" },
{ oHomedir, "homedir", 2, "@" },
{ oCheck, "check", 0, "run only a syntax check on the patternfile" },
{ oNull, "null", 0, "input is expected to be null delimited" },
/* Global options are accessed through the usual OPT structure. */
static struct
int verbose;
const char *homedir;
int checkonly;
int null;
} opt;
enum {
PAT_NULL, /* Indicates end of the array. */
PAT_STRING, /* The pattern is a simple string. */
PAT_REGEX /* The pattern is an extended regualr expression. */
/* An object to decibe an item of our pattern table. */
struct pattern_s
int type;
unsigned int lineno; /* Line number of the pattern file. */
union {
struct {
const char *string; /* Pointer to the actual string (nul termnated). */
size_t length; /* The length of this string (strlen). */
} s; /*PAT_STRING*/
struct {
/* We allocate the regex_t because this type is larger than what
we need for PAT_STRING and we expect only a few regex in a
patternfile. It would be a waste of core to have so many
unused stuff in the table. */
regex_t *regex;
} r; /*PAT_REGEX*/
} u;
typedef struct pattern_s pattern_t;
/*** Local prototypes ***/
static char *read_file (const char *fname, size_t *r_length);
static pattern_t *parse_pattern_file (char *data, size_t datalen);
static void process (FILE *fp, pattern_t *patarray);
/* Info function for usage(). */
static const char *
my_strusage (int level)
const char *p;
switch (level)
case 11: p = "gpg-check-pattern (@GnuPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 1:
case 40:
p = _("Usage: gpg-check-pattern [options] patternfile (-h for help)\n");
case 41:
p = _("Syntax: gpg-check-pattern [options] patternfile\n"
"Check a passphrase given on stdin against the patternfile\n");
default: p = NULL;
return p;
main (int argc, char **argv )
char *raw_pattern;
size_t raw_pattern_length;
pattern_t *patternarray;
early_system_init ();
set_strusage (my_strusage);
log_set_prefix ("gpg-check-pattern", GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX);
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
i18n_init ();
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
setup_libgcrypt_logging ();
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 4096, 0);
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= 1; /* (do not remove the args) */
while (arg_parse (&pargs, opts) )
switch (pargs.r_opt)
case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; break;
case oHomedir: gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oCheck: opt.checkonly = 1; break;
case oNull: opt.null = 1; break;
default : pargs.err = 2; break;
if (log_get_errorcount(0))
exit (2);
if (argc != 1)
usage (1);
/* We read the entire pattern file into our memory and parse it
using a separate function. This allows us to eventual do the
reading while running setuid so that the pattern file can be
hidden from regular users. I am not sure whether this makes
sense, but lets be prepared for it. */
raw_pattern = read_file (*argv, &raw_pattern_length);
if (!raw_pattern)
exit (2);
patternarray = parse_pattern_file (raw_pattern, raw_pattern_length);
if (!patternarray)
exit (1);
if (opt.checkonly)
return 0;
setmode (fileno (stdin) , O_BINARY );
process (stdin, patternarray);
return log_get_errorcount(0)? 1 : 0;
/* Read a file FNAME into a buffer and return that malloced buffer.
Caller must free the buffer. On error NULL is returned, on success
the valid length of the buffer is stored at R_LENGTH. The returned
buffer is guarnteed to be nul terminated. */
static char *
read_file (const char *fname, size_t *r_length)
FILE *fp;
char *buf;
size_t buflen;
if (!strcmp (fname, "-"))
size_t nread, bufsize = 0;
fp = stdin;
setmode ( fileno(fp) , O_BINARY );
buf = NULL;
buflen = 0;
#define NCHUNK 8192
bufsize += NCHUNK;
if (!buf)
buf = xmalloc (bufsize+1);
buf = xrealloc (buf, bufsize+1);
nread = fread (buf+buflen, 1, NCHUNK, fp);
if (nread < NCHUNK && ferror (fp))
log_error ("error reading '[stdin]': %s\n", strerror (errno));
xfree (buf);
return NULL;
buflen += nread;
while (nread == NCHUNK);
#undef NCHUNK
struct stat st;
fp = fopen (fname, "rb");
if (!fp)
log_error ("can't open '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror (errno));
return NULL;
if (fstat (fileno(fp), &st))
log_error ("can't stat '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror (errno));
fclose (fp);
return NULL;
buflen = st.st_size;
buf = xmalloc (buflen+1);
if (fread (buf, buflen, 1, fp) != 1)
log_error ("error reading '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror (errno));
fclose (fp);
xfree (buf);
return NULL;
fclose (fp);
buf[buflen] = 0;
*r_length = buflen;
return buf;
static char *
get_regerror (int errcode, regex_t *compiled)
size_t length = regerror (errcode, compiled, NULL, 0);
char *buffer = xmalloc (length);
regerror (errcode, compiled, buffer, length);
return buffer;
/* Parse the pattern given in the memory aread DATA/DATALEN and return
a new pattern array. The end of the array is indicated by a NULL
entry. On error an error message is printed and the function
returns NULL. Note that the function modifies DATA and assumes
that data is nul terminated (even if this is one byte past
static pattern_t *
parse_pattern_file (char *data, size_t datalen)
char *p, *p2;
size_t n;
pattern_t *array;
size_t arraysize, arrayidx;
unsigned int lineno = 0;
/* Estimate the number of entries by counting the non-comment lines. */
arraysize = 0;
p = data;
for (n = datalen; n && (p2 = memchr (p, '\n', n)); p2++, n -= p2 - p, p = p2)
if (*p != '#')
arraysize += 2; /* For the terminating NULL and a last line w/o a LF. */
array = xcalloc (arraysize, sizeof *array);
arrayidx = 0;
/* Loop over all lines. */
while (datalen && data)
p = data;
p2 = data = memchr (p, '\n', datalen);
if (p2)
*data++ = 0;
datalen -= data - p;
p2 = p + datalen;
assert (!*p2);
while (isascii (*p) && isspace (*p))
if (*p == '#')
while (p2 > p && isascii (*p2) && isspace (*p2))
*p2-- = 0;
if (!*p)
assert (arrayidx < arraysize);
array[arrayidx].lineno = lineno;
if (*p == '/')
int rerr;
array[arrayidx].type = PAT_REGEX;
if (*p && p[strlen(p)-1] == '/')
p[strlen(p)-1] = 0; /* Remove optional delimiter. */
array[arrayidx].u.r.regex = xcalloc (1, sizeof (regex_t));
rerr = regcomp (array[arrayidx].u.r.regex, p,
if (rerr)
char *rerrbuf = get_regerror (rerr, array[arrayidx].u.r.regex);
log_error ("invalid r.e. at line %u: %s\n", lineno, rerrbuf);
xfree (rerrbuf);
if (!opt.checkonly)
exit (1);
array[arrayidx].type = PAT_STRING;
array[arrayidx].u.s.string = p;
array[arrayidx].u.s.length = strlen (p);
assert (arrayidx < arraysize);
array[arrayidx].type = PAT_NULL;
return array;
/* Check whether string macthes any of the pattern in PATARRAY and
returns the matching pattern item or NULL. */
static pattern_t *
match_p (const char *string, pattern_t *patarray)
pattern_t *pat;
if (!*string)
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("zero length input line - ignored\n");
return NULL;
for (pat = patarray; pat->type != PAT_NULL; pat++)
if (pat->type == PAT_STRING)
if (!strcasecmp (pat->u.s.string, string))
return pat;
else if (pat->type == PAT_REGEX)
int rerr;
rerr = regexec (pat->u.r.regex, string, 0, NULL, 0);
if (!rerr)
return pat;
else if (rerr != REG_NOMATCH)
char *rerrbuf = get_regerror (rerr, pat->u.r.regex);
log_error ("matching r.e. failed: %s\n", rerrbuf);
xfree (rerrbuf);
return pat; /* Better indicate a match on error. */
BUG ();
return NULL;
/* Actual processing of the input. This function does not return an
error code but exits as soon as a match has been found. */
static void
process (FILE *fp, pattern_t *patarray)
char buffer[2048];
size_t idx;
int c;
unsigned long lineno = 0;
pattern_t *pat;
idx = 0;
c = 0;
while (idx < sizeof buffer -1 && c != EOF )
if ((c = getc (fp)) != EOF)
buffer[idx] = c;
if ((c == '\n' && !opt.null) || (!c && opt.null) || c == EOF)
if (!opt.null)
while (idx && isascii (buffer[idx-1]) && isspace (buffer[idx-1]))
buffer[idx] = 0;
pat = match_p (buffer, patarray);
if (pat)
if (opt.verbose)
log_error ("input line %lu matches pattern at line %u"
" - rejected\n",
lineno, pat->lineno);
exit (1);
idx = 0;
if (c != EOF)
log_error ("input line %lu too long - rejected\n", lineno+1);
exit (1);
if (ferror (fp))
log_error ("input read error at line %lu: %s - rejected\n",
lineno+1, strerror (errno));
exit (1);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("no input line matches the pattern - accepted\n");
diff --git a/tools/gpg-connect-agent.c b/tools/gpg-connect-agent.c
index d90365baf..a5413cf61 100644
--- a/tools/gpg-connect-agent.c
+++ b/tools/gpg-connect-agent.c
@@ -1,2258 +1,2258 @@
/* gpg-connect-agent.c - Tool to connect to the agent.
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assuan.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "../common/util.h"
#include "../common/asshelp.h"
#include "../common/sysutils.h"
#include "../common/membuf.h"
#include "../common/ttyio.h"
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# include "../common/exechelp.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
#define CONTROL_D ('D' - 'A' + 1)
#define octdigitp(p) (*(p) >= '0' && *(p) <= '7')
/* Constants to identify the commands and options. */
enum cmd_and_opt_values
aNull = 0,
oQuiet = 'q',
oVerbose = 'v',
oRawSocket = 'S',
oTcpSocket = 'T',
oExec = 'E',
oRun = 'r',
oSubst = 's',
oNoVerbose = 500,
/* The list of commands and options. */
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
ARGPARSE_group (301, N_("@\nOptions:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oVerbose, "verbose", N_("verbose")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oQuiet, "quiet", N_("quiet")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oHex, "hex", N_("print data out hex encoded")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDecode,"decode", N_("decode received data lines")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDirmngr,"dirmngr", N_("connect to the dirmngr")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oUIServer, "uiserver", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oRawSocket, "raw-socket",
N_("|NAME|connect to Assuan socket NAME")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oTcpSocket, "tcp-socket",
N_("|ADDR|connect to Assuan server at ADDR")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oExec, "exec",
N_("run the Assuan server given on the command line")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoExtConnect, "no-ext-connect",
N_("do not use extended connect mode")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oRun, "run",
N_("|FILE|run commands from FILE on startup")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oSubst, "subst", N_("run /subst on startup")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAutostart, "no-autostart", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoVerbose, "no-verbose", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oHomedir, "homedir", "@" ),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oAgentProgram, "agent-program", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDirmngrProgram, "dirmngr-program", "@"),
/* We keep all global options in the structure OPT. */
int verbose; /* Verbosity level. */
int quiet; /* Be extra quiet. */
int autostart; /* Start the server if not running. */
const char *homedir; /* Configuration directory name */
const char *agent_program; /* Value of --agent-program. */
const char *dirmngr_program; /* Value of --dirmngr-program. */
int hex; /* Print data lines in hex format. */
int decode; /* Decode received data lines. */
int use_dirmngr; /* Use the dirmngr and not gpg-agent. */
int use_uiserver; /* Use the standard UI server. */
const char *raw_socket; /* Name of socket to connect in raw mode. */
const char *tcp_socket; /* Name of server to connect in tcp mode. */
int exec; /* Run the pgm given on the command line. */
unsigned int connect_flags; /* Flags used for connecting. */
int enable_varsubst; /* Set if variable substitution is enabled. */
int trim_leading_spaces;
} opt;
/* Definitions for /definq commands and a global linked list with all
the definitions. */
struct definq_s
struct definq_s *next;
char *name; /* Name of inquiry or NULL for any name. */
int is_var; /* True if FILE is a variable name. */
int is_prog; /* True if FILE is a program to run. */
char file[1]; /* Name of file or program. */
typedef struct definq_s *definq_t;
static definq_t definq_list;
static definq_t *definq_list_tail = &definq_list;
/* Variable definitions and glovbal table. */
struct variable_s
struct variable_s *next;
char *value; /* Malloced value - always a string. */
char name[1]; /* Name of the variable. */
typedef struct variable_s *variable_t;
static variable_t variable_table;
/* To implement loops we store entire lines in a linked list. */
struct loopline_s
struct loopline_s *next;
char line[1];
typedef struct loopline_s *loopline_t;
/* This is used to store the pid of the server. */
static pid_t server_pid = (pid_t)(-1);
/* The current datasink file or NULL. */
static FILE *current_datasink;
/* A list of open file descriptors. */
static struct
int inuse;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
HANDLE handle;
} open_fd_table[256];
/*-- local prototypes --*/
static char *substitute_line_copy (const char *buffer);
static int read_and_print_response (assuan_context_t ctx, int withhash,
int *r_goterr);
static assuan_context_t start_agent (void);
/* Print usage information and and provide strings for help. */
static const char *
my_strusage( int level )
const char *p;
switch (level)
case 11: p = "@GPG@-connect-agent (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 1:
case 40: p = _("Usage: @GPG@-connect-agent [options] (-h for help)");
case 41:
p = _("Syntax: @GPG@-connect-agent [options]\n"
"Connect to a running agent and send commands\n");
case 31: p = "\nHome: "; break;
case 32: p = gnupg_homedir (); break;
case 33: p = "\n"; break;
default: p = NULL; break;
return p;
/* Unescape STRING and returned the malloced result. The surrounding
quotes must already be removed from STRING. */
static char *
unescape_string (const char *string)
const unsigned char *s;
int esc;
size_t n;
char *buffer;
unsigned char *d;
n = 0;
for (s = (const unsigned char*)string, esc=0; *s; s++)
if (esc)
switch (*s)
case 'b':
case 't':
case 'v':
case 'n':
case 'f':
case 'r':
case '"':
case '\'':
case '\\': n++; break;
case 'x':
if (s[1] && s[2] && hexdigitp (s+1) && hexdigitp (s+2))
if (s[1] && s[2]
&& octdigitp (s) && octdigitp (s+1) && octdigitp (s+2))
esc = 0;
else if (*s == '\\')
esc = 1;
buffer = xmalloc (n+1);
d = (unsigned char*)buffer;
for (s = (const unsigned char*)string, esc=0; *s; s++)
if (esc)
switch (*s)
case 'b': *d++ = '\b'; break;
case 't': *d++ = '\t'; break;
case 'v': *d++ = '\v'; break;
case 'n': *d++ = '\n'; break;
case 'f': *d++ = '\f'; break;
case 'r': *d++ = '\r'; break;
case '"': *d++ = '\"'; break;
case '\'': *d++ = '\''; break;
case '\\': *d++ = '\\'; break;
case 'x':
if (s[1] && s[2] && hexdigitp (s+1) && hexdigitp (s+2))
*d++ = xtoi_2 (s);
if (s[1] && s[2]
&& octdigitp (s) && octdigitp (s+1) && octdigitp (s+2))
*d++ = (atoi_1 (s)*64) + (atoi_1 (s+1)*8) + atoi_1 (s+2);
s += 2;
esc = 0;
else if (*s == '\\')
esc = 1;
*d++ = *s;
*d = 0;
return buffer;
/* Do the percent unescaping and return a newly malloced string.
If WITH_PLUS is set '+' characters will be changed to space. */
static char *
unpercent_string (const char *string, int with_plus)
const unsigned char *s;
unsigned char *buffer, *p;
size_t n;
n = 0;
for (s=(const unsigned char *)string; *s; s++)
if (*s == '%' && s[1] && s[2])
else if (with_plus && *s == '+')
buffer = xmalloc (n+1);
p = buffer;
for (s=(const unsigned char *)string; *s; s++)
if (*s == '%' && s[1] && s[2])
*p++ = xtoi_2 (s);
else if (with_plus && *s == '+')
*p++ = ' ';
*p++ = *s;
*p = 0;
return (char*)buffer;
static const char *
set_var (const char *name, const char *value)
variable_t var;
for (var = variable_table; var; var = var->next)
if (!strcmp (var->name, name))
if (!var)
var = xmalloc (sizeof *var + strlen (name));
var->value = NULL;
strcpy (var->name, name);
var->next = variable_table;
variable_table = var;
xfree (var->value);
var->value = value? xstrdup (value) : NULL;
return var->value;
static void
set_int_var (const char *name, int value)
char numbuf[35];
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%d", value);
set_var (name, numbuf);
/* Return the value of a variable. That value is valid until a
variable of the name is changed. Return NULL if not found. Note
that envvars are copied to our variable list at the first access
and not at oprogram start. */
static const char *
get_var (const char *name)
variable_t var;
const char *s;
if (!*name)
return "";
for (var = variable_table; var; var = var->next)
if (!strcmp (var->name, name))
if (!var && (s = getenv (name)))
return set_var (name, s);
if (!var || !var->value)
return NULL;
return var->value;
/* Perform some simple arithmetic operations. Caller must release
the return value. On error the return value is NULL. */
static char *
arithmetic_op (int operator, const char *operands)
long result, value;
char numbuf[35];
while ( spacep (operands) )
if (!*operands)
return NULL;
result = strtol (operands, NULL, 0);
while (*operands && !spacep (operands) )
if (operator == '!')
result = !result;
while (*operands)
while ( spacep (operands) )
if (!*operands)
value = strtol (operands, NULL, 0);
while (*operands && !spacep (operands) )
switch (operator)
case '+': result += value; break;
case '-': result -= value; break;
case '*': result *= value; break;
case '/':
if (!value)
return NULL;
result /= value;
case '%':
if (!value)
return NULL;
result %= value;
case '!': result = !value; break;
case '|': result = result || value; break;
case '&': result = result && value; break;
log_error ("unknown arithmetic operator '%c'\n", operator);
return NULL;
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%ld", result);
return xstrdup (numbuf);
/* Extended version of get_var. This returns a malloced string and
understand the function syntax: "func args".
Defined functions are
get - Return a value described by the next argument:
cwd - The current working directory.
homedir - The gnupg homedir.
sysconfdir - GnuPG's system configuration directory.
bindir - GnuPG's binary directory.
libdir - GnuPG's library directory.
libexecdir - GnuPG's library directory for executable files.
datadir - GnuPG's data directory.
serverpid - The PID of the current server.
unescape ARGS
Remove C-style escapes from string. Note that "\0" and
"\x00" terminate the string implictly. Use "\x7d" to
represent the closing brace. The args start right after
the first space after the function name.
unpercent ARGS
unpercent+ ARGS
Remove percent style ecaping from string. Note that "%00
terminates the string implicitly. Use "%7d" to represetn
the closing brace. The args start right after the first
space after the function name. "unpercent+" also maps '+'
to space.
percent ARGS
percent+ ARGS
Escape the args using the percent style. Tabs, formfeeds,
linefeeds, carriage return, and the plus sign are also
escaped. "percent+" also maps spaces to plus characters.
errcode ARG
Assuming ARG is an integer, return the gpg-error code.
errsource ARG
Assuming ARG is an integer, return the gpg-error source.
errstring ARG
Assuming ARG is an integer return a formatted fpf error string.
Example: get_var_ext ("get sysconfdir") -> "/etc/gnupg"
static char *
get_var_ext (const char *name)
static int recursion_count;
const char *s;
char *result;
char *p;
char *free_me = NULL;
int intvalue;
if (recursion_count > 50)
log_error ("variables nested too deeply\n");
return NULL;
free_me = opt.enable_varsubst? substitute_line_copy (name) : NULL;
if (free_me)
name = free_me;
for (s=name; *s && !spacep (s); s++)
if (!*s)
s = get_var (name);
result = s? xstrdup (s): NULL;
else if ( (s - name) == 3 && !strncmp (name, "get", 3))
while ( spacep (s) )
if (!strcmp (s, "cwd"))
result = gnupg_getcwd ();
if (!result)
log_error ("getcwd failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
else if (!strcmp (s, "homedir"))
result = xstrdup (gnupg_homedir ());
else if (!strcmp (s, "sysconfdir"))
result = xstrdup (gnupg_sysconfdir ());
else if (!strcmp (s, "bindir"))
result = xstrdup (gnupg_bindir ());
else if (!strcmp (s, "libdir"))
result = xstrdup (gnupg_libdir ());
else if (!strcmp (s, "libexecdir"))
result = xstrdup (gnupg_libexecdir ());
else if (!strcmp (s, "datadir"))
result = xstrdup (gnupg_datadir ());
else if (!strcmp (s, "serverpid"))
result = xasprintf ("%d", (int)server_pid);
log_error ("invalid argument '%s' for variable function 'get'\n", s);
log_info ("valid are: cwd, "
"{home,bin,lib,libexec,data}dir, serverpid\n");
result = NULL;
else if ( (s - name) == 8 && !strncmp (name, "unescape", 8))
result = unescape_string (s);
else if ( (s - name) == 9 && !strncmp (name, "unpercent", 9))
result = unpercent_string (s, 0);
else if ( (s - name) == 10 && !strncmp (name, "unpercent+", 10))
result = unpercent_string (s, 1);
else if ( (s - name) == 7 && !strncmp (name, "percent", 7))
result = percent_escape (s, "+\t\r\n\f\v");
else if ( (s - name) == 8 && !strncmp (name, "percent+", 8))
result = percent_escape (s, "+\t\r\n\f\v");
for (p=result; *p; p++)
if (*p == ' ')
*p = '+';
else if ( (s - name) == 7 && !strncmp (name, "errcode", 7))
intvalue = (int)strtol (s, NULL, 0);
result = xasprintf ("%d", gpg_err_code (intvalue));
else if ( (s - name) == 9 && !strncmp (name, "errsource", 9))
intvalue = (int)strtol (s, NULL, 0);
result = xasprintf ("%d", gpg_err_source (intvalue));
else if ( (s - name) == 9 && !strncmp (name, "errstring", 9))
intvalue = (int)strtol (s, NULL, 0);
result = xasprintf ("%s <%s>",
gpg_strerror (intvalue), gpg_strsource (intvalue));
else if ( (s - name) == 1 && strchr ("+-*/%!|&", *name))
result = arithmetic_op (*name, s+1);
log_error ("unknown variable function '%.*s'\n", (int)(s-name), name);
result = NULL;
xfree (free_me);
return result;
/* Substitute variables in LINE and return a new allocated buffer if
required. The function might modify LINE if the expanded version
fits into it. */
static char *
substitute_line (char *buffer)
char *line = buffer;
char *p, *pend;
const char *value;
size_t valuelen, n;
char *result = NULL;
char *freeme = NULL;
while (*line)
p = strchr (line, '$');
if (!p)
return result; /* No more variables. */
if (p[1] == '$') /* Escaped dollar sign. */
memmove (p, p+1, strlen (p+1)+1);
line = p + 1;
if (p[1] == '{')
int count = 0;
for (pend=p+2; *pend; pend++)
if (*pend == '{')
else if (*pend == '}')
if (--count < 0)
if (!*pend)
return result; /* Unclosed - don't substitute. */
for (pend=p+1; *pend && !spacep (pend) && *pend != '$' ; pend++)
if (p[1] == '{' && *pend == '}')
int save = *pend;
*pend = 0;
freeme = get_var_ext (p+2);
value = freeme;
*pend++ = save;
else if (*pend)
int save = *pend;
*pend = 0;
value = get_var (p+1);
*pend = save;
value = get_var (p+1);
if (!value)
value = "";
valuelen = strlen (value);
if (valuelen <= pend - p)
memcpy (p, value, valuelen);
p += valuelen;
n = pend - p;
if (n)
memmove (p, p+n, strlen (p+n)+1);
line = p;
char *src = result? result : buffer;
char *dst;
dst = xmalloc (strlen (src) + valuelen + 1);
n = p - src;
memcpy (dst, src, n);
memcpy (dst + n, value, valuelen);
n += valuelen;
strcpy (dst + n, pend);
line = dst + n;
xfree (result);
result = dst;
xfree (freeme);
freeme = NULL;
return result;
/* Same as substitute_line but do not modify BUFFER. */
static char *
substitute_line_copy (const char *buffer)
char *result, *p;
p = xstrdup (buffer?buffer:"");
result = substitute_line (p);
if (!result)
result = p;
xfree (p);
return result;
static void
assign_variable (char *line, int syslet)
char *name, *p, *tmp, *free_me, *buffer;
/* Get the name. */
name = line;
for (p=name; *p && !spacep (p); p++)
if (*p)
*p++ = 0;
while (spacep (p))
if (!*p)
set_var (name, NULL); /* Remove variable. */
else if (syslet)
free_me = opt.enable_varsubst? substitute_line_copy (p) : NULL;
if (free_me)
p = free_me;
buffer = xmalloc (4 + strlen (p) + 1);
strcpy (stpcpy (buffer, "get "), p);
tmp = get_var_ext (buffer);
xfree (buffer);
set_var (name, tmp);
xfree (tmp);
xfree (free_me);
tmp = opt.enable_varsubst? substitute_line_copy (p) : NULL;
if (tmp)
set_var (name, tmp);
xfree (tmp);
set_var (name, p);
static void
show_variables (void)
variable_t var;
for (var = variable_table; var; var = var->next)
if (var->value)
printf ("%-20s %s\n", var->name, var->value);
/* Store an inquire response pattern. Note, that this function may
change the content of LINE. We assume that leading white spaces
are already removed. */
static void
add_definq (char *line, int is_var, int is_prog)
definq_t d;
char *name, *p;
/* Get name. */
name = line;
for (p=name; *p && !spacep (p); p++)
if (*p)
*p++ = 0;
while (spacep (p))
d = xmalloc (sizeof *d + strlen (p) );
strcpy (d->file, p);
d->is_var = is_var;
d->is_prog = is_prog;
if ( !strcmp (name, "*"))
d->name = NULL;
d->name = xstrdup (name);
d->next = NULL;
*definq_list_tail = d;
definq_list_tail = &d->next;
/* Show all inquiry defintions. */
static void
show_definq (void)
definq_t d;
for (d=definq_list; d; d = d->next)
if (d->name)
printf ("%-20s %c %s\n",
d->name, d->is_var? 'v' : d->is_prog? 'p':'f', d->file);
for (d=definq_list; d; d = d->next)
if (!d->name)
printf ("%-20s %c %s\n", "*",
d->is_var? 'v': d->is_prog? 'p':'f', d->file);
/* Clear all inquiry definitions. */
static void
clear_definq (void)
while (definq_list)
definq_t tmp = definq_list->next;
xfree (definq_list->name);
xfree (definq_list);
definq_list = tmp;
definq_list_tail = &definq_list;
static void
do_sendfd (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
FILE *fp;
char *name, *mode, *p;
int rc, fd;
/* Get file name. */
name = line;
for (p=name; *p && !spacep (p); p++)
if (*p)
*p++ = 0;
while (spacep (p))
/* Get mode. */
mode = p;
if (!*mode)
mode = "r";
for (p=mode; *p && !spacep (p); p++)
if (*p)
*p++ = 0;
/* Open and send. */
fp = fopen (name, mode);
if (!fp)
log_error ("can't open '%s' in \"%s\" mode: %s\n",
name, mode, strerror (errno));
fd = fileno (fp);
if (opt.verbose)
log_error ("file '%s' opened in \"%s\" mode, fd=%d\n",
name, mode, fd);
rc = assuan_sendfd (ctx, INT2FD (fd) );
if (rc)
log_error ("sending descriptor %d failed: %s\n", fd, gpg_strerror (rc));
fclose (fp);
static void
do_recvfd (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
log_info ("This command has not yet been implemented\n");
static void
do_open (char *line)
FILE *fp;
char *varname, *name, *mode, *p;
int fd;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (server_pid == (pid_t)(-1))
log_error ("the pid of the server is unknown\n");
log_info ("use command \"/serverpid\" first\n");
/* Get variable name. */
varname = line;
for (p=varname; *p && !spacep (p); p++)
if (*p)
*p++ = 0;
while (spacep (p))
/* Get file name. */
name = p;
for (p=name; *p && !spacep (p); p++)
if (*p)
*p++ = 0;
while (spacep (p))
/* Get mode. */
mode = p;
if (!*mode)
mode = "r";
for (p=mode; *p && !spacep (p); p++)
if (*p)
*p++ = 0;
/* Open and send. */
fp = fopen (name, mode);
if (!fp)
log_error ("can't open '%s' in \"%s\" mode: %s\n",
name, mode, strerror (errno));
fd = fileno (fp);
if (fd >= 0 && fd < DIM (open_fd_table))
open_fd_table[fd].inuse = 1;
# warning fixme: implement our pipe emulation.
#if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) && !defined(HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM)
HANDLE prochandle, handle, newhandle;
handle = (void*)_get_osfhandle (fd);
prochandle = OpenProcess (PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, FALSE, server_pid);
if (!prochandle)
log_error ("failed to open the server process\n");
close (fd);
if (!DuplicateHandle (GetCurrentProcess(), handle,
prochandle, &newhandle, 0,
log_error ("failed to duplicate the handle\n");
close (fd);
CloseHandle (prochandle);
CloseHandle (prochandle);
open_fd_table[fd].handle = newhandle;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("file '%s' opened in \"%s\" mode, fd=%d (libc=%d)\n",
name, mode, (int)open_fd_table[fd].handle, fd);
set_int_var (varname, (int)open_fd_table[fd].handle);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("file '%s' opened in \"%s\" mode, fd=%d\n",
name, mode, fd);
set_int_var (varname, fd);
log_error ("can't put fd %d into table\n", fd);
close (fd);
static void
do_close (char *line)
int fd = atoi (line);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
int i;
for (i=0; i < DIM (open_fd_table); i++)
if ( open_fd_table[i].inuse && open_fd_table[i].handle == (void*)fd)
if (i < DIM (open_fd_table))
fd = i;
log_error ("given fd (system handle) has not been opened\n");
if (fd < 0 || fd >= DIM (open_fd_table))
log_error ("invalid fd\n");
if (!open_fd_table[fd].inuse)
log_error ("given fd has not been opened\n");
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
CloseHandle (open_fd_table[fd].handle); /* Close duped handle. */
close (fd);
open_fd_table[fd].inuse = 0;
static void
do_showopen (void)
int i;
for (i=0; i < DIM (open_fd_table); i++)
if (open_fd_table[i].inuse)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
printf ("%-15d (libc=%d)\n", (int)open_fd_table[i].handle, i);
printf ("%-15d\n", i);
static gpg_error_t
getinfo_pid_cb (void *opaque, const void *buffer, size_t length)
membuf_t *mb = opaque;
put_membuf (mb, buffer, length);
return 0;
/* Get the pid of the server and store it locally. */
static void
do_serverpid (assuan_context_t ctx)
int rc;
membuf_t mb;
char *buffer;
init_membuf (&mb, 100);
rc = assuan_transact (ctx, "GETINFO pid", getinfo_pid_cb, &mb,
put_membuf (&mb, "", 1);
buffer = get_membuf (&mb, NULL);
if (rc || !buffer)
log_error ("command \"%s\" failed: %s\n",
"GETINFO pid", gpg_strerror (rc));
server_pid = (pid_t)strtoul (buffer, NULL, 10);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("server's PID is %lu\n", (unsigned long)server_pid);
xfree (buffer);
/* Return true if the command is either "HELP" or "SCD HELP". */
static int
help_cmd_p (const char *line)
if (!ascii_strncasecmp (line, "SCD", 3)
&& (spacep (line+3) || !line[3]))
for (line += 3; spacep (line); line++)
return (!ascii_strncasecmp (line, "HELP", 4)
&& (spacep (line+4) || !line[4]));
/* gpg-connect-agent's entry point. */
main (int argc, char **argv)
int no_more_options = 0;
assuan_context_t ctx;
char *line, *p;
char *tmpline;
size_t linesize;
int rc;
int cmderr;
const char *opt_run = NULL;
FILE *script_fp = NULL;
int use_tty, keep_line;
struct {
int collecting;
loopline_t head;
loopline_t *tail;
loopline_t current;
unsigned int nestlevel;
int oneshot;
char *condition;
} loopstack[20];
int loopidx;
char **cmdline_commands = NULL;
early_system_init ();
gnupg_rl_initialize ();
set_strusage (my_strusage);
log_set_prefix ("gpg-connect-agent", GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX);
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
assuan_set_gpg_err_source (0);
opt.autostart = 1;
opt.connect_flags = 1;
/* Parse the command line. */
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags = 1; /* Do not remove the args. */
while (!no_more_options && optfile_parse (NULL, NULL, NULL, &pargs, opts))
switch (pargs.r_opt)
case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break;
case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; break;
case oNoVerbose: opt.verbose = 0; break;
case oHomedir: gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oAgentProgram: opt.agent_program = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oDirmngrProgram: opt.dirmngr_program = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oNoAutostart: opt.autostart = 0; break;
case oHex: opt.hex = 1; break;
case oDecode: opt.decode = 1; break;
case oDirmngr: opt.use_dirmngr = 1; break;
case oUIServer: opt.use_uiserver = 1; break;
case oRawSocket: opt.raw_socket = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oTcpSocket: opt.tcp_socket = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oExec: opt.exec = 1; break;
case oNoExtConnect: opt.connect_flags &= ~(1); break;
case oRun: opt_run = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oSubst:
opt.enable_varsubst = 1;
opt.trim_leading_spaces = 1;
default: pargs.err = 2; break;
if (log_get_errorcount (0))
exit (2);
/* --uiserver is a shortcut for a specific raw socket. This comes
in particular handy on Windows. */
if (opt.use_uiserver)
opt.raw_socket = make_absfilename (gnupg_homedir (), "S.uiserver", NULL);
/* Print a warning if an argument looks like an option. */
if (!opt.quiet && !(pargs.flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_STOP_SEEN))
int i;
for (i=0; i < argc; i++)
if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '-')
log_info (_("Note: '%s' is not considered an option\n"), argv[i]);
use_tty = (gnupg_isatty (fileno (stdin)) && gnupg_isatty (fileno (stdout)));
if (opt.exec)
if (!argc)
log_error (_("option \"%s\" requires a program "
"and optional arguments\n"), "--exec" );
exit (1);
else if (argc)
cmdline_commands = argv;
if (opt.exec && opt.raw_socket)
opt.raw_socket = NULL;
log_info (_("option \"%s\" ignored due to \"%s\"\n"),
"--raw-socket", "--exec");
if (opt.exec && opt.tcp_socket)
opt.tcp_socket = NULL;
log_info (_("option \"%s\" ignored due to \"%s\"\n"),
"--tcp-socket", "--exec");
if (opt.tcp_socket && opt.raw_socket)
opt.tcp_socket = NULL;
log_info (_("option \"%s\" ignored due to \"%s\"\n"),
"--tcp-socket", "--raw-socket");
if (opt_run && !(script_fp = fopen (opt_run, "r")))
log_error ("cannot open run file '%s': %s\n",
opt_run, strerror (errno));
exit (1);
if (opt.exec)
assuan_fd_t no_close[3];
no_close[0] = assuan_fd_from_posix_fd (es_fileno (es_stderr));
no_close[1] = assuan_fd_from_posix_fd (log_get_fd ());
no_close[2] = ASSUAN_INVALID_FD;
rc = assuan_new (&ctx);
if (rc)
log_error ("assuan_new failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
exit (1);
rc = assuan_pipe_connect
(ctx, *argv, (const char **)argv, no_close, NULL, NULL,
(opt.connect_flags & 1) ? ASSUAN_PIPE_CONNECT_FDPASSING : 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("assuan_pipe_connect_ext failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (rc));
exit (1);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("server '%s' started\n", *argv);
else if (opt.raw_socket)
rc = assuan_new (&ctx);
if (rc)
log_error ("assuan_new failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
exit (1);
rc = assuan_socket_connect
(ctx, opt.raw_socket, 0,
(opt.connect_flags & 1) ? ASSUAN_SOCKET_CONNECT_FDPASSING : 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("can't connect to socket '%s': %s\n",
opt.raw_socket, gpg_strerror (rc));
exit (1);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("connection to socket '%s' established\n", opt.raw_socket);
else if (opt.tcp_socket)
char *url;
url = xstrconcat ("assuan://", opt.tcp_socket, NULL);
rc = assuan_new (&ctx);
if (rc)
log_error ("assuan_new failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc));
exit (1);
rc = assuan_socket_connect (ctx, opt.tcp_socket, 0, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("can't connect to server '%s': %s\n",
opt.tcp_socket, gpg_strerror (rc));
exit (1);
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("connection to socket '%s' established\n", url);
xfree (url);
ctx = start_agent ();
/* See whether there is a line pending from the server (in case
assuan did not run the initial handshaking). */
if (assuan_pending_line (ctx))
rc = read_and_print_response (ctx, 0, &cmderr);
if (rc)
log_info (_("receiving line failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc) );
for (loopidx=0; loopidx < DIM (loopstack); loopidx++)
loopstack[loopidx].collecting = 0;
loopidx = -1;
line = NULL;
linesize = 0;
keep_line = 1;
for (;;)
int n;
size_t maxlength = 2048;
assert (loopidx < (int)DIM (loopstack));
if (loopidx >= 0 && loopstack[loopidx].current)
keep_line = 0;
xfree (line);
line = xstrdup (loopstack[loopidx].current->line);
n = strlen (line);
/* Never go beyond of the final /end. */
if (loopstack[loopidx].current->next)
loopstack[loopidx].current = loopstack[loopidx].current->next;
else if (!strncmp (line, "/end", 4) && (!line[4]||spacep(line+4)))
log_fatal ("/end command vanished\n");
else if (cmdline_commands && *cmdline_commands && !script_fp)
keep_line = 0;
xfree (line);
line = xstrdup (*cmdline_commands);
n = strlen (line);
if (n >= maxlength)
maxlength = 0;
else if (use_tty && !script_fp)
keep_line = 0;
xfree (line);
line = tty_get ("> ");
n = strlen (line);
if (n==1 && *line == CONTROL_D)
n = 0;
if (n >= maxlength)
maxlength = 0;
if (!keep_line)
xfree (line);
line = NULL;
linesize = 0;
keep_line = 1;
n = read_line (script_fp? script_fp:stdin,
&line, &linesize, &maxlength);
if (n < 0)
log_error (_("error reading input: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
if (script_fp)
fclose (script_fp);
script_fp = NULL;
log_error ("stopping script execution\n");
exit (1);
if (!n)
/* EOF */
if (script_fp)
fclose (script_fp);
script_fp = NULL;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("end of script\n");
if (!maxlength)
log_error (_("line too long - skipped\n"));
if (memchr (line, 0, n))
log_info (_("line shortened due to embedded Nul character\n"));
if (line[n-1] == '\n')
line[n-1] = 0;
if (opt.trim_leading_spaces)
const char *s = line;
while (spacep (s))
if (s != line)
for (p=line; *s;)
*p++ = *s++;
*p = 0;
n = p - line;
if (loopidx+1 >= 0 && loopstack[loopidx+1].collecting)
loopline_t ll;
ll = xmalloc (sizeof *ll + strlen (line));
ll->next = NULL;
strcpy (ll->line, line);
*loopstack[loopidx+1].tail = ll;
loopstack[loopidx+1].tail = &ll->next;
if (!strncmp (line, "/end", 4) && (!line[4]||spacep(line+4)))
else if (!strncmp (line, "/while", 6) && (!line[6]||spacep(line+6)))
if (loopstack[loopidx+1].nestlevel)
/* We reached the corresponding /end. */
loopstack[loopidx+1].collecting = 0;
if (*line == '/')
/* Handle control commands. */
char *cmd = line+1;
for (p=cmd; *p && !spacep (p); p++)
if (*p)
*p++ = 0;
while (spacep (p))
if (!strcmp (cmd, "let"))
assign_variable (p, 0);
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "slet"))
/* Deprecated - never used in a released version. */
assign_variable (p, 1);
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "showvar"))
show_variables ();
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "definq"))
tmpline = opt.enable_varsubst? substitute_line (p) : NULL;
if (tmpline)
add_definq (tmpline, 1, 0);
xfree (tmpline);
add_definq (p, 1, 0);
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "definqfile"))
tmpline = opt.enable_varsubst? substitute_line (p) : NULL;
if (tmpline)
add_definq (tmpline, 0, 0);
xfree (tmpline);
add_definq (p, 0, 0);
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "definqprog"))
tmpline = opt.enable_varsubst? substitute_line (p) : NULL;
if (tmpline)
add_definq (tmpline, 0, 1);
xfree (tmpline);
add_definq (p, 0, 1);
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "datafile"))
const char *fname;
if (current_datasink)
if (current_datasink != stdout)
fclose (current_datasink);
current_datasink = NULL;
tmpline = opt.enable_varsubst? substitute_line (p) : NULL;
fname = tmpline? tmpline : p;
if (fname && !strcmp (fname, "-"))
current_datasink = stdout;
else if (fname && *fname)
current_datasink = fopen (fname, "wb");
if (!current_datasink)
log_error ("can't open '%s': %s\n",
fname, strerror (errno));
xfree (tmpline);
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "showdef"))
show_definq ();
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "cleardef"))
clear_definq ();
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "echo"))
tmpline = opt.enable_varsubst? substitute_line (p) : NULL;
if (tmpline)
puts (tmpline);
xfree (tmpline);
puts (p);
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "sendfd"))
tmpline = opt.enable_varsubst? substitute_line (p) : NULL;
if (tmpline)
do_sendfd (ctx, tmpline);
xfree (tmpline);
do_sendfd (ctx, p);
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "recvfd"))
tmpline = opt.enable_varsubst? substitute_line (p) : NULL;
if (tmpline)
do_recvfd (ctx, tmpline);
xfree (tmpline);
do_recvfd (ctx, p);
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "open"))
tmpline = opt.enable_varsubst? substitute_line (p) : NULL;
if (tmpline)
do_open (tmpline);
xfree (tmpline);
do_open (p);
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "close"))
tmpline = opt.enable_varsubst? substitute_line (p) : NULL;
if (tmpline)
do_close (tmpline);
xfree (tmpline);
do_close (p);
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "showopen"))
do_showopen ();
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "serverpid"))
do_serverpid (ctx);
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "hex"))
opt.hex = 1;
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "nohex"))
opt.hex = 0;
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "decode"))
opt.decode = 1;
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "nodecode"))
opt.decode = 0;
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "subst"))
opt.enable_varsubst = 1;
opt.trim_leading_spaces = 1;
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "nosubst"))
opt.enable_varsubst = 0;
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "run"))
char *p2;
for (p2=p; *p2 && !spacep (p2); p2++)
if (*p2)
*p2++ = 0;
while (spacep (p2))
if (*p2)
log_error ("syntax error in run command\n");
if (script_fp)
fclose (script_fp);
script_fp = NULL;
else if (script_fp)
log_error ("cannot nest run commands - stop\n");
fclose (script_fp);
script_fp = NULL;
else if (!(script_fp = fopen (p, "r")))
log_error ("cannot open run file '%s': %s\n",
p, strerror (errno));
else if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("running commands from '%s'\n", p);
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "while"))
if (loopidx+2 >= (int)DIM(loopstack))
log_error ("blocks are nested too deep\n");
/* We should better die or break all loop in this
case as recovering from this error won't be
easy. */
loopstack[loopidx+1].head = NULL;
loopstack[loopidx+1].tail = &loopstack[loopidx+1].head;
loopstack[loopidx+1].current = NULL;
loopstack[loopidx+1].nestlevel = 1;
loopstack[loopidx+1].oneshot = 0;
loopstack[loopidx+1].condition = xstrdup (p);
loopstack[loopidx+1].collecting = 1;
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "if"))
if (loopidx+2 >= (int)DIM(loopstack))
log_error ("blocks are nested too deep\n");
/* Note that we need to evaluate the condition right
away and not just at the end of the block as we
do with a WHILE. */
loopstack[loopidx+1].head = NULL;
loopstack[loopidx+1].tail = &loopstack[loopidx+1].head;
loopstack[loopidx+1].current = NULL;
loopstack[loopidx+1].nestlevel = 1;
loopstack[loopidx+1].oneshot = 1;
loopstack[loopidx+1].condition = substitute_line_copy (p);
loopstack[loopidx+1].collecting = 1;
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "end"))
if (loopidx < 0)
log_error ("stray /end command encountered - ignored\n");
char *tmpcond;
const char *value;
long condition;
/* Evaluate the condition. */
tmpcond = xstrdup (loopstack[loopidx].condition);
if (loopstack[loopidx].oneshot)
xfree (loopstack[loopidx].condition);
loopstack[loopidx].condition = xstrdup ("0");
tmpline = substitute_line (tmpcond);
value = tmpline? tmpline : tmpcond;
/* "true" or "yes" are commonly used to mean TRUE;
all other strings will evaluate to FALSE due to
the strtoul. */
if (!ascii_strcasecmp (value, "true")
|| !ascii_strcasecmp (value, "yes"))
condition = 1;
condition = strtol (value, NULL, 0);
xfree (tmpline);
xfree (tmpcond);
if (condition)
/* Run loop. */
loopstack[loopidx].current = loopstack[loopidx].head;
/* Cleanup. */
while (loopstack[loopidx].head)
loopline_t tmp = loopstack[loopidx].head->next;
xfree (loopstack[loopidx].head);
loopstack[loopidx].head = tmp;
loopstack[loopidx].tail = NULL;
loopstack[loopidx].current = NULL;
loopstack[loopidx].nestlevel = 0;
loopstack[loopidx].collecting = 0;
loopstack[loopidx].oneshot = 0;
xfree (loopstack[loopidx].condition);
loopstack[loopidx].condition = NULL;
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "bye"))
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "sleep"))
gnupg_sleep (1);
else if (!strcmp (cmd, "help"))
puts (
"Available commands:\n"
"/echo ARGS Echo ARGS.\n"
"/let NAME VALUE Set variable NAME to VALUE.\n"
"/showvar Show all variables.\n"
"/definq NAME VAR Use content of VAR for inquiries with NAME.\n"
"/definqfile NAME FILE Use content of FILE for inquiries with NAME.\n"
"/definqprog NAME PGM Run PGM for inquiries with NAME.\n"
"/datafile [NAME] Write all D line content to file NAME.\n"
"/showdef Print all definitions.\n"
"/cleardef Delete all definitions.\n"
"/sendfd FILE MODE Open FILE and pass descriptor to server.\n"
"/recvfd Receive FD from server and print.\n"
"/open VAR FILE MODE Open FILE and assign the file descriptor to VAR.\n"
"/close FD Close file with descriptor FD.\n"
"/showopen Show descriptors of all open files.\n"
"/serverpid Retrieve the pid of the server.\n"
"/[no]hex Enable hex dumping of received data lines.\n"
"/[no]decode Enable decoding of received data lines.\n"
"/[no]subst Enable variable substitution.\n"
"/run FILE Run commands from FILE.\n"
"/if VAR Begin conditional block controlled by VAR.\n"
"/while VAR Begin loop controlled by VAR.\n"
"/end End loop or condition\n"
"/bye Terminate gpg-connect-agent.\n"
"/help Print this help.");
log_error (_("unknown command '%s'\n"), cmd );
if (opt.verbose && script_fp)
puts (line);
tmpline = opt.enable_varsubst? substitute_line (line) : NULL;
if (tmpline)
rc = assuan_write_line (ctx, tmpline);
xfree (tmpline);
rc = assuan_write_line (ctx, line);
if (rc)
log_info (_("sending line failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc) );
if (*line == '#' || !*line)
continue; /* Don't expect a response for a comment line. */
rc = read_and_print_response (ctx, help_cmd_p (line), &cmderr);
if (rc)
log_info (_("receiving line failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc) );
if ((rc || cmderr) && script_fp)
log_error ("stopping script execution\n");
fclose (script_fp);
script_fp = NULL;
/* FIXME: If the last command was BYE or the server died for
some other reason, we won't notice until we get the next
input command. Probing the connection with a non-blocking
read could help to notice termination or other problems
early. */
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("closing connection to agent\n");
/* XXX: We would like to release the context here, but libassuan
nicely says good bye to the server, which results in a SIGPIPE if
the server died. Unfortunately, libassuan does not ignore
SIGPIPE when used with UNIX sockets, hence we simply leak the
context here. */
if (0)
assuan_release (ctx);
gpgrt_annotate_leaked_object (ctx);
xfree (line);
return 0;
/* Handle an Inquire from the server. Return False if it could not be
handled; in this case the caller shll complete the operation. LINE
is the complete line as received from the server. This function
may change the content of LINE. */
static int
handle_inquire (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
const char *name;
definq_t d;
FILE *fp = NULL;
char buffer[1024];
int rc, n;
/* Skip the command and trailing spaces. */
for (; *line && !spacep (line); line++)
while (spacep (line))
/* Get the name. */
name = line;
for (; *line && !spacep (line); line++)
if (*line)
*line++ = 0;
/* Now match it against our list. The second loop is there to
detect the match-all entry. */
for (d=definq_list; d; d = d->next)
if (d->name && !strcmp (d->name, name))
if (!d)
for (d=definq_list; d; d = d->next)
if (!d->name)
if (!d)
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("no handler for inquiry '%s' found\n", name);
return 0;
if (d->is_var)
char *tmpvalue = get_var_ext (d->file);
if (tmpvalue)
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, tmpvalue, strlen (tmpvalue));
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, "", 0);
xfree (tmpvalue);
if (rc)
log_error ("sending data back failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) );
if (d->is_prog)
fp = NULL;
fp = popen (d->file, "r");
if (!fp)
log_error ("error executing '%s': %s\n",
d->file, strerror (errno));
else if (opt.verbose)
log_error ("handling inquiry '%s' by running '%s'\n",
name, d->file);
fp = fopen (d->file, "rb");
if (!fp)
log_error ("error opening '%s': %s\n", d->file, strerror (errno));
else if (opt.verbose)
log_error ("handling inquiry '%s' by returning content of '%s'\n",
name, d->file);
if (!fp)
return 0;
while ( (n = fread (buffer, 1, sizeof buffer, fp)) )
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, buffer, n);
if (rc)
log_error ("sending data back failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) );
if (ferror (fp))
log_error ("error reading from '%s': %s\n", d->file, strerror (errno));
rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, NULL, 0);
if (rc)
log_error ("sending data back failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) );
if (d->is_var)
else if (d->is_prog)
if (pclose (fp))
log_error ("error running '%s': %s\n", d->file, strerror (errno));
fclose (fp);
return 1;
/* Read all response lines from server and print them. Returns 0 on
success or an assuan error code. If WITHHASH istrue, comment lines
are printed. Sets R_GOTERR to true if the command did not returned
OK. */
static int
read_and_print_response (assuan_context_t ctx, int withhash, int *r_goterr)
char *line;
size_t linelen;
gpg_error_t rc;
int i, j;
int need_lf = 0;
*r_goterr = 0;
for (;;)
rc = assuan_read_line (ctx, &line, &linelen);
if (rc)
return rc;
if ((withhash || opt.verbose > 1) && *line == '#')
fwrite (line, linelen, 1, stdout);
putchar ('\n');
while (*line == '#' || !linelen);
if (linelen >= 1
&& line[0] == 'D' && line[1] == ' ')
if (current_datasink)
const unsigned char *s;
int c = 0;
for (j=2, s=(unsigned char*)line+2; j < linelen; j++, s++ )
if (*s == '%' && j+2 < linelen)
s++; j++;
c = xtoi_2 ( s );
s++; j++;
c = *s;
putc (c, current_datasink);
else if (opt.hex)
for (i=2; i < linelen; )
int save_i = i;
printf ("D[%04X] ", i-2);
for (j=0; j < 16 ; j++, i++)
if (j == 8)
putchar (' ');
if (i < linelen)
printf (" %02X", ((unsigned char*)line)[i]);
fputs (" ", stdout);
fputs (" ", stdout);
i= save_i;
for (j=0; j < 16; j++, i++)
unsigned int c = ((unsigned char*)line)[i];
if ( i >= linelen )
putchar (' ');
else if (isascii (c) && isprint (c) && !iscntrl (c))
putchar (c);
putchar ('.');
putchar ('\n');
else if (opt.decode)
const unsigned char *s;
int need_d = 1;
int c = 0;
for (j=2, s=(unsigned char*)line+2; j < linelen; j++, s++ )
if (need_d)
fputs ("D ", stdout);
need_d = 0;
if (*s == '%' && j+2 < linelen)
s++; j++;
c = xtoi_2 ( s );
s++; j++;
c = *s;
if (c == '\n')
need_d = 1;
putchar (c);
need_lf = (c != '\n');
fwrite (line, linelen, 1, stdout);
putchar ('\n');
if (need_lf)
if (!current_datasink || current_datasink != stdout)
putchar ('\n');
need_lf = 0;
if (linelen >= 1
&& line[0] == 'S'
&& (line[1] == '\0' || line[1] == ' '))
if (!current_datasink || current_datasink != stdout)
fwrite (line, linelen, 1, stdout);
putchar ('\n');
else if (linelen >= 2
&& line[0] == 'O' && line[1] == 'K'
&& (line[2] == '\0' || line[2] == ' '))
if (!current_datasink || current_datasink != stdout)
fwrite (line, linelen, 1, stdout);
putchar ('\n');
set_int_var ("?", 0);
return 0;
else if (linelen >= 3
&& line[0] == 'E' && line[1] == 'R' && line[2] == 'R'
&& (line[3] == '\0' || line[3] == ' '))
int errval;
errval = strtol (line+3, NULL, 10);
if (!errval)
errval = -1;
set_int_var ("?", errval);
if (!current_datasink || current_datasink != stdout)
fwrite (line, linelen, 1, stdout);
putchar ('\n');
*r_goterr = 1;
return 0;
else if (linelen >= 7
&& line[0] == 'I' && line[1] == 'N' && line[2] == 'Q'
&& line[3] == 'U' && line[4] == 'I' && line[5] == 'R'
&& line[6] == 'E'
&& (line[7] == '\0' || line[7] == ' '))
if (!current_datasink || current_datasink != stdout)
fwrite (line, linelen, 1, stdout);
putchar ('\n');
if (!handle_inquire (ctx, line))
assuan_write_line (ctx, "CANCEL");
else if (linelen >= 3
&& line[0] == 'E' && line[1] == 'N' && line[2] == 'D'
&& (line[3] == '\0' || line[3] == ' '))
if (!current_datasink || current_datasink != stdout)
fwrite (line, linelen, 1, stdout);
putchar ('\n');
/* Received from server, thus more responses are expected. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_INV_RESPONSE);
/* Connect to the agent and send the standard options. */
static assuan_context_t
start_agent (void)
gpg_error_t err;
assuan_context_t ctx;
session_env_t session_env;
session_env = session_env_new ();
if (!session_env)
log_fatal ("error allocating session environment block: %s\n",
strerror (errno));
if (opt.use_dirmngr)
err = start_new_dirmngr (&ctx,
!opt.quiet, 0,
err = start_new_gpg_agent (&ctx,
!opt.quiet, 0,
session_env_release (session_env);
if (err)
if (!opt.autostart
&& (gpg_err_code (err)
== opt.use_dirmngr? GPG_ERR_NO_DIRMNGR : GPG_ERR_NO_AGENT))
/* In the no-autostart case we don't make gpg-connect-agent
fail on a missing server. */
log_info (opt.use_dirmngr?
_("no dirmngr running in this session\n"):
_("no gpg-agent running in this session\n"));
exit (0);
log_error (_("error sending standard options: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
exit (1);
return ctx;
diff --git a/tools/gpg-wks-client.c b/tools/gpg-wks-client.c
index 7630953f0..cc0c0a57e 100644
--- a/tools/gpg-wks-client.c
+++ b/tools/gpg-wks-client.c
@@ -1,1026 +1,1026 @@
/* gpg-wks-client.c - A client for the Web Key Service protocols.
* Copyright (C) 2016 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "asshelp.h"
#include "userids.h"
#include "ccparray.h"
#include "exectool.h"
#include "mbox-util.h"
#include "name-value.h"
#include "call-dirmngr.h"
#include "mime-maker.h"
#include "send-mail.h"
#include "gpg-wks.h"
/* Constants to identify the commands and options. */
enum cmd_and_opt_values
aNull = 0,
oQuiet = 'q',
oVerbose = 'v',
oOutput = 'o',
oDebug = 500,
/* The list of commands and options. */
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
ARGPARSE_group (300, ("@Commands:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_c (aSupported, "supported",
("check whether provider supports WKS")),
ARGPARSE_c (aCreate, "create",
("create a publication request")),
ARGPARSE_c (aReceive, "receive",
("receive a MIME confirmation request")),
ARGPARSE_c (aRead, "read",
("receive a plain text confirmation request")),
ARGPARSE_group (301, ("@\nOptions:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oVerbose, "verbose", ("verbose")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oQuiet, "quiet", ("be somewhat more quiet")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebug, "debug", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oGpgProgram, "gpg", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oSend, "send", "send the mail using sendmail"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oOutput, "output", "|FILE|write the mail to FILE"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oFakeSubmissionAddr, "fake-submission-addr", "@"),
/* The list of supported debug flags. */
static struct debug_flags_s debug_flags [] =
{ DBG_MIME_VALUE , "mime" },
{ DBG_PARSER_VALUE , "parser" },
{ DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE , "crypto" },
{ DBG_MEMORY_VALUE , "memory" },
{ DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE, "memstat" },
{ DBG_IPC_VALUE , "ipc" },
{ DBG_EXTPROG_VALUE, "extprog" },
{ 0, NULL }
/* Value of the option --fake-submission-addr. */
const char *fake_submission_addr;
static void wrong_args (const char *text) GPGRT_ATTR_NORETURN;
static gpg_error_t command_supported (char *userid);
static gpg_error_t command_send (const char *fingerprint, char *userid);
static gpg_error_t encrypt_response (estream_t *r_output, estream_t input,
const char *addrspec);
static gpg_error_t read_confirmation_request (estream_t msg);
static gpg_error_t command_receive_cb (void *opaque,
const char *mediatype, estream_t fp,
unsigned int flags);
/* Print usage information and and provide strings for help. */
static const char *
my_strusage( int level )
const char *p;
switch (level)
case 11: p = "gpg-wks-client (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = ("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 1:
case 40:
p = ("Usage: gpg-wks-client [command] [options] [args] (-h for help)");
case 41:
p = ("Syntax: gpg-wks-client [command] [options] [args]\n"
"Client for the Web Key Service\n");
default: p = NULL; break;
return p;
static void
wrong_args (const char *text)
es_fprintf (es_stderr, _("usage: %s [options] %s\n"), strusage (11), text);
exit (2);
/* Command line parsing. */
static enum cmd_and_opt_values
parse_arguments (ARGPARSE_ARGS *pargs, ARGPARSE_OPTS *popts)
enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd = 0;
int no_more_options = 0;
while (!no_more_options && optfile_parse (NULL, NULL, NULL, pargs, popts))
switch (pargs->r_opt)
case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break;
case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; break;
case oDebug:
if (parse_debug_flag (pargs->r.ret_str, &opt.debug, debug_flags))
pargs->r_opt = ARGPARSE_INVALID_ARG;
case oGpgProgram:
opt.gpg_program = pargs->r.ret_str;
case oSend:
opt.use_sendmail = 1;
case oOutput:
opt.output = pargs->r.ret_str;
case oFakeSubmissionAddr:
fake_submission_addr = pargs->r.ret_str;
case aSupported:
case aCreate:
case aReceive:
case aRead:
cmd = pargs->r_opt;
default: pargs->err = 2; break;
return cmd;
/* gpg-wks-client main. */
main (int argc, char **argv)
gpg_error_t err;
enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd;
gnupg_reopen_std ("gpg-wks-client");
set_strusage (my_strusage);
log_set_prefix ("gpg-wks-client", GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX);
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
assuan_set_gpg_err_source (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT);
setup_libassuan_logging (&opt.debug, NULL);
/* Parse the command line. */
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags = ARGPARSE_FLAG_KEEP;
cmd = parse_arguments (&pargs, opts);
if (log_get_errorcount (0))
exit (2);
/* Print a warning if an argument looks like an option. */
if (!opt.quiet && !(pargs.flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_STOP_SEEN))
int i;
for (i=0; i < argc; i++)
if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '-')
log_info (("NOTE: '%s' is not considered an option\n"), argv[i]);
/* Set defaults for non given options. */
if (!opt.gpg_program)
opt.gpg_program = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_GPG);
/* Tell call-dirmngr what options we want. */
set_dirmngr_options (opt.verbose, (opt.debug & DBG_IPC_VALUE), 1);
/* Run the selected command. */
switch (cmd)
case aSupported:
if (argc != 1)
wrong_args ("--supported USER-ID");
err = command_supported (argv[0]);
if (err && gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_FALSE)
log_error ("checking support failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
case aCreate:
if (argc != 2)
wrong_args ("--create FINGERPRINT USER-ID");
err = command_send (argv[0], argv[1]);
if (err)
log_error ("creating request failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
case aReceive:
if (argc)
wrong_args ("--receive < MIME-DATA");
err = wks_receive (es_stdin, command_receive_cb, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("processing mail failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
case aRead:
if (argc)
wrong_args ("--read < WKS-DATA");
err = read_confirmation_request (es_stdin);
if (err)
log_error ("processing mail failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
usage (1);
return log_get_errorcount (0)? 1:0;
struct get_key_status_parm_s
const char *fpr;
int found;
int count;
static void
get_key_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *keyword, char *args)
struct get_key_status_parm_s *parm = opaque;
/*log_debug ("%s: %s\n", keyword, args);*/
if (!strcmp (keyword, "EXPORTED"))
if (!ascii_strcasecmp (args, parm->fpr))
parm->found = 1;
/* Get a key by fingerprint from gpg's keyring and make sure that the
* mail address ADDRSPEC is included in the key. The key is returned
* as a new memory stream at R_KEY.
* Fixme: After we have implemented import and export filters for gpg
* this function shall only return a key with just this user id. */
static gpg_error_t
get_key (estream_t *r_key, const char *fingerprint, const char *addrspec)
gpg_error_t err;
ccparray_t ccp;
const char **argv = NULL;
estream_t key = NULL;
struct get_key_status_parm_s parm;
char *filterexp = NULL;
memset (&parm, 0, sizeof parm);
*r_key = NULL;
key = es_fopenmem (0, "w+b");
if (!key)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error allocating memory buffer: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Prefix the key with the MIME content type. */
es_fputs ("Content-Type: application/pgp-keys\n"
"\n", key);
filterexp = es_bsprintf ("keep-uid=mbox = %s", addrspec);
if (!filterexp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error allocating memory buffer: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
ccparray_init (&ccp, 0);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--no-options");
if (!opt.verbose)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--quiet");
else if (opt.verbose > 1)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--verbose");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--batch");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--status-fd=2");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--always-trust");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--armor");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--export-options=export-minimal");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--export-filter");
ccparray_put (&ccp, filterexp);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--export");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--");
ccparray_put (&ccp, fingerprint);
ccparray_put (&ccp, NULL);
argv = ccparray_get (&ccp, NULL);
if (!argv)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
parm.fpr = fingerprint;
err = gnupg_exec_tool_stream (opt.gpg_program, argv, NULL,
NULL, key,
get_key_status_cb, &parm);
if (!err && parm.count > 1)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_MANY);
else if (!err && !parm.found)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
if (err)
log_error ("export failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
es_rewind (key);
*r_key = key;
key = NULL;
es_fclose (key);
xfree (argv);
xfree (filterexp);
return err;
static void
decrypt_stream_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *keyword, char *args)
log_debug ("gpg status: %s %s\n", keyword, args);
/* Decrypt the INPUT stream to a new stream which is stored at success
* at R_OUTPUT. */
static gpg_error_t
decrypt_stream (estream_t *r_output, estream_t input)
gpg_error_t err;
ccparray_t ccp;
const char **argv;
estream_t output;
*r_output = NULL;
output = es_fopenmem (0, "w+b");
if (!output)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error allocating memory buffer: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
ccparray_init (&ccp, 0);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--no-options");
/* We limit the output to 64 KiB to avoid DoS using compression
* tricks. A regular client will anyway only send a minimal key;
* that is one w/o key signatures and attribute packets. */
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--max-output=0x10000");
if (!opt.verbose)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--quiet");
else if (opt.verbose > 1)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--verbose");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--batch");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--status-fd=2");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--decrypt");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--");
ccparray_put (&ccp, NULL);
argv = ccparray_get (&ccp, NULL);
if (!argv)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = gnupg_exec_tool_stream (opt.gpg_program, argv, input,
NULL, output,
decrypt_stream_status_cb, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("decryption failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
else if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("decryption succeeded\n");
es_rewind (output);
*r_output = output;
output = NULL;
es_fclose (output);
xfree (argv);
return err;
/* Check whether the provider supports the WKS protocol. */
static gpg_error_t
command_supported (char *userid)
gpg_error_t err;
char *addrspec = NULL;
char *submission_to = NULL;
addrspec = mailbox_from_userid (userid);
if (!addrspec)
log_error (_("\"%s\" is not a proper mail address\n"), userid);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
goto leave;
/* Get the submission address. */
err = wkd_get_submission_address (addrspec, &submission_to);
if (err)
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA
|| gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST)
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("provider for '%s' does NOT support WKS (%s)\n",
addrspec, gpg_strerror (err));
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FALSE);
log_inc_errorcount ();
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("provider for '%s' supports WKS\n", addrspec);
xfree (submission_to);
xfree (addrspec);
return err;
/* Locate the key by fingerprint and userid and send a publication
* request. */
static gpg_error_t
command_send (const char *fingerprint, char *userid)
gpg_error_t err;
char *addrspec = NULL;
estream_t key = NULL;
estream_t keyenc = NULL;
char *submission_to = NULL;
mime_maker_t mime = NULL;
struct policy_flags_s policy;
memset (&policy, 0, sizeof policy);
if (classify_user_id (fingerprint, &desc, 1)
|| !(desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR
|| desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20))
log_error (_("\"%s\" is not a fingerprint\n"), fingerprint);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
goto leave;
addrspec = mailbox_from_userid (userid);
if (!addrspec)
log_error (_("\"%s\" is not a proper mail address\n"), userid);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
goto leave;
err = get_key (&key, fingerprint, addrspec);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Get the submission address. */
if (fake_submission_addr)
submission_to = xstrdup (fake_submission_addr);
err = 0;
err = wkd_get_submission_address (addrspec, &submission_to);
if (err)
goto leave;
log_info ("submitting request to '%s'\n", submission_to);
/* Get the policy flags. */
if (!fake_submission_addr)
estream_t mbuf;
err = wkd_get_policy_flags (addrspec, &mbuf);
if (err)
log_error ("error reading policy flags for '%s': %s\n",
submission_to, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (mbuf)
err = wks_parse_policy (&policy, mbuf, 1);
es_fclose (mbuf);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (policy.auth_submit)
log_info ("no confirmation required for '%s'\n", addrspec);
/* Encrypt the key part. */
es_rewind (key);
err = encrypt_response (&keyenc, key, submission_to);
if (err)
goto leave;
es_fclose (key);
key = NULL;
/* Send the key. */
err = mime_maker_new (&mime, NULL);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "From", addrspec);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "To", submission_to);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Subject", "Key publishing request");
if (err)
goto leave;
/* Tell server that we support draft version 3. */
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Wks-Draft-Version", "3");
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Content-Type",
"multipart/encrypted; "
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_container (mime);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Content-Type",
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_body (mime, "Version: 1\n");
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Content-Type",
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_stream (mime, &keyenc);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = wks_send_mime (mime);
mime_maker_release (mime);
xfree (submission_to);
es_fclose (keyenc);
es_fclose (key);
xfree (addrspec);
return err;
static void
encrypt_response_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *keyword, char *args)
gpg_error_t *failure = opaque;
char *fields[2];
log_debug ("gpg status: %s %s\n", keyword, args);
if (!strcmp (keyword, "FAILURE"))
if (split_fields (args, fields, DIM (fields)) >= 2
&& !strcmp (fields[0], "encrypt"))
*failure = strtoul (fields[1], NULL, 10);
/* Encrypt the INPUT stream to a new stream which is stored at success
* at R_OUTPUT. Encryption is done for ADDRSPEC. We currently
* retrieve that key from the WKD, DANE, or from "local". "local" is
* last to prefer the latest key version but use a local copy in case
* we are working offline. It might be useful for the server to send
* the fingerprint of its encryption key - or even the entire key
* back. */
static gpg_error_t
encrypt_response (estream_t *r_output, estream_t input, const char *addrspec)
gpg_error_t err;
ccparray_t ccp;
const char **argv;
estream_t output;
gpg_error_t gpg_err = 0;
*r_output = NULL;
output = es_fopenmem (0, "w+b");
if (!output)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error allocating memory buffer: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
ccparray_init (&ccp, 0);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--no-options");
if (!opt.verbose)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--quiet");
else if (opt.verbose > 1)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--verbose");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--batch");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--status-fd=2");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--always-trust");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--armor");
if (fake_submission_addr)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--auto-key-locate=clear,local");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--auto-key-locate=clear,wkd,dane,local");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--recipient");
ccparray_put (&ccp, addrspec);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--encrypt");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--");
ccparray_put (&ccp, NULL);
argv = ccparray_get (&ccp, NULL);
if (!argv)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = gnupg_exec_tool_stream (opt.gpg_program, argv, input,
NULL, output,
encrypt_response_status_cb, &gpg_err);
if (err)
if (gpg_err)
err = gpg_err;
log_error ("encryption failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
es_rewind (output);
*r_output = output;
output = NULL;
es_fclose (output);
xfree (argv);
return err;
static gpg_error_t
send_confirmation_response (const char *sender, const char *address,
const char *nonce, int encrypt)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t body = NULL;
estream_t bodyenc = NULL;
mime_maker_t mime = NULL;
body = es_fopenmem (0, "w+b");
if (!body)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error allocating memory buffer: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* It is fine to use 8 bit encoding because that is encrypted and
* only our client will see it. */
if (encrypt)
es_fputs ("Content-Type: application/vnd.gnupg.wks\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
es_fprintf (body, ("type: confirmation-response\n"
"sender: %s\n"
"address: %s\n"
"nonce: %s\n"),
es_rewind (body);
if (encrypt)
err = encrypt_response (&bodyenc, body, sender);
if (err)
goto leave;
es_fclose (body);
body = NULL;
err = mime_maker_new (&mime, NULL);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "From", address);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "To", sender);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Subject", "Key publication confirmation");
if (err)
goto leave;
if (encrypt)
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Content-Type",
"multipart/encrypted; "
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_container (mime);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Content-Type",
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_body (mime, "Version: 1\n");
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Content-Type",
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_stream (mime, &bodyenc);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Content-Type",
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_stream (mime, &body);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = wks_send_mime (mime);
mime_maker_release (mime);
es_fclose (bodyenc);
es_fclose (body);
return err;
/* Reply to a confirmation request. The MSG has already been
* decrypted and we only need to send the nonce back. */
static gpg_error_t
process_confirmation_request (estream_t msg)
gpg_error_t err;
nvc_t nvc;
nve_t item;
const char *value, *sender, *address, *nonce;
err = nvc_parse (&nvc, NULL, msg);
if (err)
log_error ("parsing the WKS message failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
log_debug ("request follows:\n");
nvc_write (nvc, log_get_stream ());
/* Check that this is a confirmation request. */
if (!((item = nvc_lookup (nvc, "type:")) && (value = nve_value (item))
&& !strcmp (value, "confirmation-request")))
if (item && value)
log_error ("received unexpected wks message '%s'\n", value);
log_error ("received invalid wks message: %s\n", "'type' missing");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNEXPECTED_MSG);
goto leave;
/* FIXME: Check that the fingerprint matches the key used to decrypt the
* message. */
/* Get the address. */
if (!((item = nvc_lookup (nvc, "address:")) && (value = nve_value (item))
&& is_valid_mailbox (value)))
log_error ("received invalid wks message: %s\n",
"'address' missing or invalid");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
goto leave;
address = value;
/* FIXME: Check that the "address" matches the User ID we want to
* publish. Also get the "fingerprint" and compare that to our to
* be published key. Further we should make sure that we actually
* decrypted using that fingerprint (which is a bit problematic if
* --read is used). */
/* Get the sender. */
if (!((item = nvc_lookup (nvc, "sender:")) && (value = nve_value (item))
&& is_valid_mailbox (value)))
log_error ("received invalid wks message: %s\n",
"'sender' missing or invalid");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
goto leave;
sender = value;
/* FIXME: Check that the "sender" matches the From: address. */
/* Get the nonce. */
if (!((item = nvc_lookup (nvc, "nonce:")) && (value = nve_value (item))
&& strlen (value) > 16))
log_error ("received invalid wks message: %s\n",
"'nonce' missing or too short");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
goto leave;
nonce = value;
/* Send the confirmation. If no key was found, try again without
* encryption. */
err = send_confirmation_response (sender, address, nonce, 1);
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY)
log_info ("no encryption key found - sending response in the clear\n");
err = send_confirmation_response (sender, address, nonce, 0);
nvc_release (nvc);
return err;
/* Read a confirmation request and decrypt it if needed. This
* function may not be used with a mail or MIME message but only with
* the actual encrypted or plaintext WKS data. */
static gpg_error_t
read_confirmation_request (estream_t msg)
gpg_error_t err;
int c;
estream_t plaintext = NULL;
/* We take a really simple approach to check whether MSG is
* encrypted: We know that an encrypted message is always armored
* and thus starts with a few dashes. It is even sufficient to
* check for a single dash, because that can never be a proper first
* WKS data octet. We need to skip leading spaces, though. */
while ((c = es_fgetc (msg)) == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n')
if (c == EOF)
log_error ("can't process an empty message\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
if (es_ungetc (c, msg) != c)
log_error ("error ungetting octet from message\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INTERNAL);
if (c != '-')
err = process_confirmation_request (msg);
err = decrypt_stream (&plaintext, msg);
if (err)
log_error ("decryption failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
err = process_confirmation_request (plaintext);
es_fclose (plaintext);
return err;
/* Called from the MIME receiver to process the plain text data in MSG. */
static gpg_error_t
command_receive_cb (void *opaque, const char *mediatype,
estream_t msg, unsigned int flags)
gpg_error_t err;
if (!strcmp (mediatype, "application/vnd.gnupg.wks"))
err = read_confirmation_request (msg);
log_info ("ignoring unexpected message of type '%s'\n", mediatype);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNEXPECTED_MSG);
return err;
diff --git a/tools/gpg-wks-server.c b/tools/gpg-wks-server.c
index 60505abec..fd65b40c6 100644
--- a/tools/gpg-wks-server.c
+++ b/tools/gpg-wks-server.c
@@ -1,1997 +1,1997 @@
/* gpg-wks-server.c - A server for the Web Key Service protocols.
* Copyright (C) 2016 Werner Koch
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* The Web Key Service I-D defines an update protocol to store a
* public key in the Web Key Directory. The current specification is
* draft-koch-openpgp-webkey-service-01.txt.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "ccparray.h"
#include "exectool.h"
#include "zb32.h"
#include "mbox-util.h"
#include "name-value.h"
#include "mime-maker.h"
#include "send-mail.h"
#include "gpg-wks.h"
/* The time we wait for a confirmation response. */
#define PENDING_TTL (86400 * 3) /* 3 days. */
/* Constants to identify the commands and options. */
enum cmd_and_opt_values
aNull = 0,
oQuiet = 'q',
oVerbose = 'v',
oOutput = 'o',
oDebug = 500,
/* The list of commands and options. */
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
ARGPARSE_group (300, ("@Commands:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_c (aReceive, "receive",
("receive a submission or confirmation")),
ARGPARSE_c (aCron, "cron",
("run regular jobs")),
ARGPARSE_c (aListDomains, "list-domains",
("list configured domains")),
ARGPARSE_group (301, ("@\nOptions:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oVerbose, "verbose", ("verbose")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oQuiet, "quiet", ("be somewhat more quiet")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebug, "debug", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oGpgProgram, "gpg", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oSend, "send", "send the mail using sendmail"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oOutput, "output", "|FILE|write the mail to FILE"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oFrom, "from", "|ADDR|use ADDR as the default sender"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oHeader, "header" ,
"|NAME=VALUE|add \"NAME: VALUE\" as header to all mails"),
/* The list of supported debug flags. */
static struct debug_flags_s debug_flags [] =
{ DBG_MIME_VALUE , "mime" },
{ DBG_PARSER_VALUE , "parser" },
{ DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE , "crypto" },
{ DBG_MEMORY_VALUE , "memory" },
{ DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE, "memstat" },
{ DBG_IPC_VALUE , "ipc" },
{ DBG_EXTPROG_VALUE, "extprog" },
{ 0, NULL }
/* State for processing a message. */
struct server_ctx_s
char *fpr;
strlist_t mboxes; /* List of addr-specs taken from the UIDs. */
unsigned int draft_version_2:1; /* Client supports the draft 2. */
typedef struct server_ctx_s *server_ctx_t;
/* Prototypes. */
static gpg_error_t get_domain_list (strlist_t *r_list);
static gpg_error_t command_receive_cb (void *opaque,
const char *mediatype, estream_t fp,
unsigned int flags);
static gpg_error_t command_list_domains (void);
static gpg_error_t command_cron (void);
/* Print usage information and and provide strings for help. */
static const char *
my_strusage( int level )
const char *p;
switch (level)
case 11: p = "gpg-wks-server (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = ("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 1:
case 40:
p = ("Usage: gpg-wks-server command [options] (-h for help)");
case 41:
p = ("Syntax: gpg-wks-server command [options]\n"
"Server for the Web Key Service protocol\n");
default: p = NULL; break;
return p;
static void
wrong_args (const char *text)
es_fprintf (es_stderr, "usage: %s [options] %s\n", strusage (11), text);
exit (2);
/* Command line parsing. */
static enum cmd_and_opt_values
parse_arguments (ARGPARSE_ARGS *pargs, ARGPARSE_OPTS *popts)
enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd = 0;
int no_more_options = 0;
while (!no_more_options && optfile_parse (NULL, NULL, NULL, pargs, popts))
switch (pargs->r_opt)
case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break;
case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; break;
case oDebug:
if (parse_debug_flag (pargs->r.ret_str, &opt.debug, debug_flags))
pargs->r_opt = ARGPARSE_INVALID_ARG;
case oGpgProgram:
opt.gpg_program = pargs->r.ret_str;
case oFrom:
opt.default_from = pargs->r.ret_str;
case oHeader:
append_to_strlist (&opt.extra_headers, pargs->r.ret_str);
case oSend:
opt.use_sendmail = 1;
case oOutput:
opt.output = pargs->r.ret_str;
case aReceive:
case aCron:
case aListDomains:
cmd = pargs->r_opt;
default: pargs->err = 2; break;
return cmd;
/* gpg-wks-server main. */
main (int argc, char **argv)
gpg_error_t err;
enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd;
gnupg_reopen_std ("gpg-wks-server");
set_strusage (my_strusage);
log_set_prefix ("gpg-wks-server", GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX);
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
/* Parse the command line. */
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags = ARGPARSE_FLAG_KEEP;
cmd = parse_arguments (&pargs, opts);
if (log_get_errorcount (0))
exit (2);
/* Print a warning if an argument looks like an option. */
if (!opt.quiet && !(pargs.flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_STOP_SEEN))
int i;
for (i=0; i < argc; i++)
if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '-')
log_info (("NOTE: '%s' is not considered an option\n"), argv[i]);
/* Set defaults for non given options. */
if (!opt.gpg_program)
opt.gpg_program = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_GPG);
if (! = "/var/lib/gnupg/wks";
/* Check for syntax errors in the --header option to avoid later
* error messages with a not easy to find cause */
if (opt.extra_headers)
strlist_t sl;
for (sl = opt.extra_headers; sl; sl = sl->next)
err = mime_maker_add_header (NULL, sl->d, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("syntax error in \"--header %s\": %s\n",
sl->d, gpg_strerror (err));
if (log_get_errorcount (0))
exit (2);
/* Check that we have a working directory. */
#if defined(HAVE_STAT)
struct stat sb;
if (stat (, &sb))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error accessing directory '%s': %s\n",, gpg_strerror (err));
exit (2);
if (!S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
log_error ("error accessing directory '%s': %s\n",, "not a directory");
exit (2);
if (sb.st_uid != getuid())
log_error ("directory '%s' not owned by user\n",;
exit (2);
if ((sb.st_mode & (S_IROTH|S_IWOTH)))
log_error ("directory '%s' has too relaxed permissions\n",;
exit (2);
#else /*!HAVE_STAT*/
log_fatal ("program build w/o stat() call\n");
#endif /*!HAVE_STAT*/
/* Run the selected command. */
switch (cmd)
case aReceive:
if (argc)
wrong_args ("--receive");
err = wks_receive (es_stdin, command_receive_cb, NULL);
case aCron:
if (argc)
wrong_args ("--cron");
err = command_cron ();
case aListDomains:
err = command_list_domains ();
usage (1);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG);
if (err)
log_error ("command failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return log_get_errorcount (0)? 1:0;
static void
list_key_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *keyword, char *args)
server_ctx_t ctx = opaque;
log_debug ("gpg status: %s %s\n", keyword, args);
static gpg_error_t
list_key (server_ctx_t ctx, estream_t key)
gpg_error_t err;
ccparray_t ccp;
const char **argv;
estream_t listing;
char *line = NULL;
size_t length_of_line = 0;
size_t maxlen;
ssize_t len;
char **fields = NULL;
int nfields;
int lnr;
char *mbox = NULL;
/* We store our results in the context - clear it first. */
xfree (ctx->fpr);
ctx->fpr = NULL;
free_strlist (ctx->mboxes);
ctx->mboxes = NULL;
/* Open a memory stream. */
listing = es_fopenmem (0, "w+b");
if (!listing)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error allocating memory buffer: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
ccparray_init (&ccp, 0);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--no-options");
if (!opt.verbose)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--quiet");
else if (opt.verbose > 1)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--verbose");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--batch");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--status-fd=2");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--always-trust");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--with-colons");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--dry-run");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--import-options=import-minimal,import-show");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--import");
ccparray_put (&ccp, NULL);
argv = ccparray_get (&ccp, NULL);
if (!argv)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = gnupg_exec_tool_stream (opt.gpg_program, argv, key,
NULL, listing,
list_key_status_cb, ctx);
if (err)
log_error ("import failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
es_rewind (listing);
lnr = 0;
maxlen = 2048; /* Set limit. */
while ((len = es_read_line (listing, &line, &length_of_line, &maxlen)) > 0)
if (!maxlen)
log_error ("received line too long\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LINE_TOO_LONG);
goto leave;
/* Strip newline and carriage return, if present. */
while (len > 0
&& (line[len - 1] == '\n' || line[len - 1] == '\r'))
line[--len] = '\0';
/* log_debug ("line '%s'\n", line); */
xfree (fields);
fields = strtokenize (line, ":");
if (!fields)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("strtokenize failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
for (nfields = 0; fields[nfields]; nfields++)
if (!nfields)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ENGINE);
goto leave;
if (!strcmp (fields[0], "sec"))
/* gpg may return "sec" as the first record - but we do not
* accept secret keys. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY);
goto leave;
if (lnr == 1 && strcmp (fields[0], "pub"))
/* First record is not a public key. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ENGINE);
goto leave;
if (lnr > 1 && !strcmp (fields[0], "pub"))
/* More than one public key. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_MANY);
goto leave;
if (!strcmp (fields[0], "sub") || !strcmp (fields[0], "ssb"))
break; /* We can stop parsing here. */
if (!strcmp (fields[0], "fpr") && nfields > 9 && !ctx->fpr)
ctx->fpr = xtrystrdup (fields[9]);
if (!ctx->fpr)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
else if (!strcmp (fields[0], "uid") && nfields > 9)
/* Fixme: Unescape fields[9] */
xfree (mbox);
mbox = mailbox_from_userid (fields[9]);
if (mbox && !append_to_strlist_try (&ctx->mboxes, mbox))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (len < 0 || es_ferror (listing))
log_error ("error reading memory stream\n");
xfree (mbox);
xfree (fields);
es_free (line);
xfree (argv);
es_fclose (listing);
return err;
/* Take the key in KEYFILE and write it to OUTFILE in binary encoding.
* If ADDRSPEC is given only matching user IDs are included in the
* output. */
static gpg_error_t
copy_key_as_binary (const char *keyfile, const char *outfile,
const char *addrspec)
gpg_error_t err;
ccparray_t ccp;
const char **argv = NULL;
char *filterexp = NULL;
if (addrspec)
filterexp = es_bsprintf ("keep-uid=mbox = %s", addrspec);
if (!filterexp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error allocating memory buffer: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
ccparray_init (&ccp, 0);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--no-options");
if (!opt.verbose)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--quiet");
else if (opt.verbose > 1)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--verbose");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--batch");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--yes");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--always-trust");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--no-keyring");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--output");
ccparray_put (&ccp, outfile);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--import-options=import-export");
if (filterexp)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--import-filter");
ccparray_put (&ccp, filterexp);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--import");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--");
ccparray_put (&ccp, keyfile);
ccparray_put (&ccp, NULL);
argv = ccparray_get (&ccp, NULL);
if (!argv)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = gnupg_exec_tool_stream (opt.gpg_program, argv, NULL,
if (err)
log_error ("%s failed: %s\n", __func__, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
xfree (filterexp);
xfree (argv);
return err;
/* Take the key in KEYFILE and write it to DANEFILE using the DANE
* output format. */
static gpg_error_t
copy_key_as_dane (const char *keyfile, const char *danefile)
gpg_error_t err;
ccparray_t ccp;
const char **argv;
ccparray_init (&ccp, 0);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--no-options");
if (!opt.verbose)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--quiet");
else if (opt.verbose > 1)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--verbose");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--batch");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--yes");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--always-trust");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--no-keyring");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--output");
ccparray_put (&ccp, danefile);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--export-options=export-dane");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--import-options=import-export");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--import");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--");
ccparray_put (&ccp, keyfile);
ccparray_put (&ccp, NULL);
argv = ccparray_get (&ccp, NULL);
if (!argv)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = gnupg_exec_tool_stream (opt.gpg_program, argv, NULL,
if (err)
log_error ("%s failed: %s\n", __func__, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
xfree (argv);
return err;
static void
encrypt_stream_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *keyword, char *args)
log_debug ("gpg status: %s %s\n", keyword, args);
/* Encrypt the INPUT stream to a new stream which is stored at success
* at R_OUTPUT. Encryption is done for the key in file KEYFIL. */
static gpg_error_t
encrypt_stream (estream_t *r_output, estream_t input, const char *keyfile)
gpg_error_t err;
ccparray_t ccp;
const char **argv;
estream_t output;
*r_output = NULL;
output = es_fopenmem (0, "w+b");
if (!output)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error allocating memory buffer: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
ccparray_init (&ccp, 0);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--no-options");
if (!opt.verbose)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--quiet");
else if (opt.verbose > 1)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--verbose");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--batch");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--status-fd=2");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--always-trust");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--no-keyring");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--armor");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--recipient-file");
ccparray_put (&ccp, keyfile);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--encrypt");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--");
ccparray_put (&ccp, NULL);
argv = ccparray_get (&ccp, NULL);
if (!argv)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = gnupg_exec_tool_stream (opt.gpg_program, argv, input,
NULL, output,
encrypt_stream_status_cb, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("encryption failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
es_rewind (output);
*r_output = output;
output = NULL;
es_fclose (output);
xfree (argv);
return err;
static void
sign_stream_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *keyword, char *args)
log_debug ("gpg status: %s %s\n", keyword, args);
/* Sign the INPUT stream to a new stream which is stored at success at
* R_OUTPUT. A detached signature is created using the key specified
* by USERID. */
static gpg_error_t
sign_stream (estream_t *r_output, estream_t input, const char *userid)
gpg_error_t err;
ccparray_t ccp;
const char **argv;
estream_t output;
*r_output = NULL;
output = es_fopenmem (0, "w+b");
if (!output)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error allocating memory buffer: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
ccparray_init (&ccp, 0);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--no-options");
if (!opt.verbose)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--quiet");
else if (opt.verbose > 1)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--verbose");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--batch");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--status-fd=2");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--armor");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--local-user");
ccparray_put (&ccp, userid);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--detach-sign");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--");
ccparray_put (&ccp, NULL);
argv = ccparray_get (&ccp, NULL);
if (!argv)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = gnupg_exec_tool_stream (opt.gpg_program, argv, input,
NULL, output,
sign_stream_status_cb, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("signing failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
es_rewind (output);
*r_output = output;
output = NULL;
es_fclose (output);
xfree (argv);
return err;
/* Get the submission address for address MBOX. Caller must free the
* value. If no address can be found NULL is returned. */
static char *
get_submission_address (const char *mbox)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *domain;
char *fname, *line, *p;
size_t n;
estream_t fp;
domain = strchr (mbox, '@');
if (!domain)
return NULL;
fname = make_filename_try (, domain, "submission-address", NULL);
if (!fname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("make_filename failed in %s: %s\n",
__func__, gpg_strerror (err));
return NULL;
fp = es_fopen (fname, "r");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_ENOENT)
log_info ("Note: no specific submission address configured"
" for domain '%s'\n", domain);
log_error ("error reading '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (fname);
return NULL;
line = NULL;
n = 0;
if (es_getline (&line, &n, fp) < 0)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error reading '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (line);
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (fname);
return NULL;
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (fname);
p = strchr (line, '\n');
if (p)
*p = 0;
trim_spaces (line);
if (!is_valid_mailbox (line))
log_error ("invalid submission address for domain '%s' detected\n",
xfree (line);
return NULL;
return line;
/* Get the policy flags for address MBOX and store them in POLICY. */
static gpg_error_t
get_policy_flags (policy_flags_t policy, const char *mbox)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *domain;
char *fname;
estream_t fp;
memset (policy, 0, sizeof *policy);
domain = strchr (mbox, '@');
if (!domain)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
fname = make_filename_try (, domain, "policy", NULL);
if (!fname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("make_filename failed in %s: %s\n",
__func__, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
fp = es_fopen (fname, "r");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_ENOENT)
err = 0;
log_error ("error reading '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (fname);
return err;
err = wks_parse_policy (policy, fp, 0);
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (fname);
return err;
/* We store the key under the name of the nonce we will then send to
* the user. On success the nonce is stored at R_NONCE and the file
* name at R_FNAME. */
static gpg_error_t
store_key_as_pending (const char *dir, estream_t key,
char **r_nonce, char **r_fname)
gpg_error_t err;
char *dname = NULL;
char *fname = NULL;
char *nonce = NULL;
estream_t outfp = NULL;
char buffer[1024];
size_t nbytes, nwritten;
*r_nonce = NULL;
*r_fname = NULL;
dname = make_filename_try (dir, "pending", NULL);
if (!dname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Create the nonce. We use 20 bytes so that we don't waste a
* character in our zBase-32 encoding. Using the gcrypt's nonce
* function is faster than using the strong random function; this is
* Good Enough for our purpose. */
log_assert (sizeof buffer > 20);
gcry_create_nonce (buffer, 20);
nonce = zb32_encode (buffer, 8 * 20);
memset (buffer, 0, 20); /* Not actually needed but it does not harm. */
if (!nonce)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
fname = strconcat (dname, "/", nonce, NULL);
if (!fname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* With 128 bits of random we can expect that no other file exists
* under this name. We use "x" to detect internal errors. */
outfp = es_fopen (fname, "wbx,mode=-rw");
if (!outfp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error creating '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
es_rewind (key);
for (;;)
if (es_read (key, buffer, sizeof buffer, &nbytes))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error reading '%s': %s\n",
es_fname_get (key), gpg_strerror (err));
if (!nbytes)
err = 0;
goto leave; /* Ready. */
if (es_write (outfp, buffer, nbytes, &nwritten))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error writing '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
else if (nwritten != nbytes)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EIO);
log_error ("error writing '%s': %s\n", fname, "short write");
goto leave;
if (err)
es_fclose (outfp);
gnupg_remove (fname);
else if (es_fclose (outfp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error closing '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
if (!err)
*r_nonce = nonce;
*r_fname = fname;
xfree (nonce);
xfree (fname);
xfree (dname);
return err;
/* Send a confirmation request. DIR is the directory used for the
* address MBOX. NONCE is the nonce we want to see in the response to
* this mail. FNAME the name of the file with the key. */
static gpg_error_t
send_confirmation_request (server_ctx_t ctx,
const char *mbox, const char *nonce,
const char *keyfile)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t body = NULL;
estream_t bodyenc = NULL;
estream_t signeddata = NULL;
estream_t signature = NULL;
mime_maker_t mime = NULL;
char *from_buffer = NULL;
const char *from;
strlist_t sl;
from = from_buffer = get_submission_address (mbox);
if (!from)
from = opt.default_from;
if (!from)
log_error ("no sender address found for '%s'\n", mbox);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFIGURATION);
goto leave;
log_info ("Note: using default sender address '%s'\n", from);
body = es_fopenmem (0, "w+b");
if (!body)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error allocating memory buffer: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (!ctx->draft_version_2)
/* It is fine to use 8 bit encoding because that is encrypted and
* only our client will see it. */
es_fputs ("Content-Type: application/vnd.gnupg.wks\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
es_fprintf (body, ("type: confirmation-request\n"
"sender: %s\n"
"address: %s\n"
"fingerprint: %s\n"
"nonce: %s\n"),
es_rewind (body);
err = encrypt_stream (&bodyenc, body, keyfile);
if (err)
goto leave;
es_fclose (body);
body = NULL;
err = mime_maker_new (&mime, NULL);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "From", from);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "To", mbox);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Subject", "Confirm your key publication");
if (err)
goto leave;
for (sl = opt.extra_headers; sl; sl = sl->next)
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, sl->d, NULL);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (!ctx->draft_version_2)
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Content-Type",
"multipart/encrypted; "
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_container (mime);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Content-Type",
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_body (mime, "Version: 1\n");
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Content-Type",
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_stream (mime, &bodyenc);
if (err)
goto leave;
unsigned int partid;
/* FIXME: Add micalg. */
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Content-Type",
"multipart/signed; "
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_container (mime);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Content-Type", "multipart/mixed");
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_container (mime);
if (err)
goto leave;
partid = mime_maker_get_partid (mime);
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Content-Type", "text/plain");
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_body
"This message has been send to confirm your request\n"
"to publish your key. If you did not request a key\n"
"publication, simply ignore this message.\n"
"Most mail software can handle this kind of message\n"
"automatically and thus you would not have seen this\n"
"message. It seems that your client does not fully\n"
"support this service. The web page\n"
"explains how you can process this message anyway in\n"
"a few manual steps.\n");
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Content-Type",
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_stream (mime, &bodyenc);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_end_container (mime);
if (err)
goto leave;
mime_maker_dump_tree (mime);
err = mime_maker_get_part (mime, partid, &signeddata);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = sign_stream (&signature, signeddata, from);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Content-Type",
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_stream (mime, &signature);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = wks_send_mime (mime);
mime_maker_release (mime);
es_fclose (signature);
es_fclose (signeddata);
es_fclose (bodyenc);
es_fclose (body);
xfree (from_buffer);
return err;
/* Store the key given by KEY into the pending directory and send a
* confirmation requests. */
static gpg_error_t
process_new_key (server_ctx_t ctx, estream_t key)
gpg_error_t err;
strlist_t sl;
const char *s;
char *dname = NULL;
char *nonce = NULL;
char *fname = NULL;
struct policy_flags_s policybuf;
/* First figure out the user id from the key. */
err = list_key (ctx, key);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (!ctx->fpr)
log_error ("error parsing key (no fingerprint)\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY);
goto leave;
log_info ("fingerprint: %s\n", ctx->fpr);
for (sl = ctx->mboxes; sl; sl = sl->next)
log_info (" addr-spec: %s\n", sl->d);
/* Walk over all user ids and send confirmation requests for those
* we support. */
for (sl = ctx->mboxes; sl; sl = sl->next)
s = strchr (sl->d, '@');
log_assert (s && s[1]);
xfree (dname);
dname = make_filename_try (, s+1, NULL);
if (!dname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (access (dname, W_OK))
log_info ("skipping address '%s': Domain not configured\n", sl->d);
if (get_policy_flags (&policybuf, sl->d))
log_info ("skipping address '%s': Bad policy flags\n", sl->d);
if (policybuf.auth_submit)
/* Bypass the confirmation stuff and publish the the key as is. */
log_info ("publishing address '%s'\n", sl->d);
/* FIXME: We need to make sure that we do this only for the
* address in the mail. */
log_debug ("auth-submit not yet working!\n");
log_info ("storing address '%s'\n", sl->d);
xfree (nonce);
xfree (fname);
err = store_key_as_pending (dname, key, &nonce, &fname);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = send_confirmation_request (ctx, sl->d, nonce, fname);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (nonce)
wipememory (nonce, strlen (nonce));
xfree (nonce);
xfree (fname);
xfree (dname);
return err;
/* Send a message to tell the user at MBOX that their key has been
* published. FNAME the name of the file with the key. */
static gpg_error_t
send_congratulation_message (const char *mbox, const char *keyfile)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t body = NULL;
estream_t bodyenc = NULL;
mime_maker_t mime = NULL;
char *from_buffer = NULL;
const char *from;
strlist_t sl;
from = from_buffer = get_submission_address (mbox);
if (!from)
from = opt.default_from;
if (!from)
log_error ("no sender address found for '%s'\n", mbox);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFIGURATION);
goto leave;
log_info ("Note: using default sender address '%s'\n", from);
body = es_fopenmem (0, "w+b");
if (!body)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error allocating memory buffer: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* It is fine to use 8 bit encoding because that is encrypted and
* only our client will see it. */
es_fputs ("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
es_fprintf (body,
"The key for your address '%s' has been published\n"
"and can now be retrieved from the Web Key Directory.\n"
"For more information on this system see:\n"
"Best regards\n"
" Gnu Key Publisher\n\n\n"
"-- \n"
"The GnuPG Project welcomes donations: %s\n",
mbox, "");
es_rewind (body);
err = encrypt_stream (&bodyenc, body, keyfile);
if (err)
goto leave;
es_fclose (body);
body = NULL;
err = mime_maker_new (&mime, NULL);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "From", from);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "To", mbox);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Subject", "Your key has been published");
if (err)
goto leave;
for (sl = opt.extra_headers; sl; sl = sl->next)
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, sl->d, NULL);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Content-Type",
"multipart/encrypted; "
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_container (mime);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Content-Type",
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_body (mime, "Version: 1\n");
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_header (mime, "Content-Type",
if (err)
goto leave;
err = mime_maker_add_stream (mime, &bodyenc);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = wks_send_mime (mime);
mime_maker_release (mime);
es_fclose (bodyenc);
es_fclose (body);
xfree (from_buffer);
return err;
/* Check that we have send a request with NONCE and publish the key. */
static gpg_error_t
check_and_publish (server_ctx_t ctx, const char *address, const char *nonce)
gpg_error_t err;
char *fname = NULL;
char *fnewname = NULL;
estream_t key = NULL;
char *hash = NULL;
const char *domain;
const char *s;
strlist_t sl;
char shaxbuf[32]; /* Used for SHA-1 and SHA-256 */
/* FIXME: There is a bug in name-value.c which adds white space for
* the last pair and thus we strip the nonce here until this has
* been fixed. */
char *nonce2 = xstrdup (nonce);
trim_trailing_spaces (nonce2);
nonce = nonce2;
domain = strchr (address, '@');
log_assert (domain && domain[1]);
fname = make_filename_try (, domain, "pending", nonce, NULL);
if (!fname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Try to open the file with the key. */
key = es_fopen (fname, "rb");
if (!key)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_ENOENT)
log_info ("no pending request for '%s'\n", address);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
log_error ("error reading '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* We need to get the fingerprint from the key. */
err = list_key (ctx, key);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (!ctx->fpr)
log_error ("error parsing key (no fingerprint)\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY);
goto leave;
log_info ("fingerprint: %s\n", ctx->fpr);
for (sl = ctx->mboxes; sl; sl = sl->next)
log_info (" addr-spec: %s\n", sl->d);
/* Check that the key has 'address' as a user id. We use
* case-insensitive matching because the client is expected to
* return the address verbatim. */
for (sl = ctx->mboxes; sl; sl = sl->next)
if (!strcmp (sl->d, address))
if (!sl)
log_error ("error publishing key: '%s' is not a user ID of %s\n",
address, ctx->fpr);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY);
goto leave;
/* Hash user ID and create filename. */
s = strchr (address, '@');
log_assert (s);
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, shaxbuf, address, s - address);
hash = zb32_encode (shaxbuf, 8*20);
if (!hash)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
fnewname = make_filename_try (, domain, "hu", hash, NULL);
if (!fnewname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
/* Publish. */
err = copy_key_as_binary (fname, fnewname, address);
if (err)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("copying '%s' to '%s' failed: %s\n",
fname, fnewname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
log_info ("key %s published for '%s'\n", ctx->fpr, address);
send_congratulation_message (address, fnewname);
/* Try to publish as DANE record if the DANE directory exists. */
xfree (fname);
fname = fnewname;
fnewname = make_filename_try (, domain, "dane", NULL);
if (!fnewname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (!access (fnewname, W_OK))
/* Yes, we have a dane directory. */
s = strchr (address, '@');
log_assert (s);
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA256, shaxbuf, address, s - address);
xfree (hash);
hash = bin2hex (shaxbuf, 28, NULL);
if (!hash)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
xfree (fnewname);
fnewname = make_filename_try (, domain, "dane", hash, NULL);
if (!fnewname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = copy_key_as_dane (fname, fnewname);
if (err)
goto leave;
log_info ("key %s published for '%s' (DANE record)\n", ctx->fpr, address);
es_fclose (key);
xfree (hash);
xfree (fnewname);
xfree (fname);
xfree (nonce2);
return err;
/* Process a confirmation response in MSG. */
static gpg_error_t
process_confirmation_response (server_ctx_t ctx, estream_t msg)
gpg_error_t err;
nvc_t nvc;
nve_t item;
const char *value, *sender, *address, *nonce;
err = nvc_parse (&nvc, NULL, msg);
if (err)
log_error ("parsing the WKS message failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (opt.debug)
log_debug ("response follows:\n");
nvc_write (nvc, log_get_stream ());
/* Check that this is a confirmation response. */
if (!((item = nvc_lookup (nvc, "type:")) && (value = nve_value (item))
&& !strcmp (value, "confirmation-response")))
if (item && value)
log_error ("received unexpected wks message '%s'\n", value);
log_error ("received invalid wks message: %s\n", "'type' missing");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNEXPECTED_MSG);
goto leave;
/* Get the sender. */
if (!((item = nvc_lookup (nvc, "sender:")) && (value = nve_value (item))
&& is_valid_mailbox (value)))
log_error ("received invalid wks message: %s\n",
"'sender' missing or invalid");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
goto leave;
sender = value;
/* FIXME: Do we really need the sender?. */
/* Get the address. */
if (!((item = nvc_lookup (nvc, "address:")) && (value = nve_value (item))
&& is_valid_mailbox (value)))
log_error ("received invalid wks message: %s\n",
"'address' missing or invalid");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
goto leave;
address = value;
/* Get the nonce. */
if (!((item = nvc_lookup (nvc, "nonce:")) && (value = nve_value (item))
&& strlen (value) > 16))
log_error ("received invalid wks message: %s\n",
"'nonce' missing or too short");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_DATA);
goto leave;
nonce = value;
err = check_and_publish (ctx, address, nonce);
nvc_release (nvc);
return err;
/* Called from the MIME receiver to process the plain text data in MSG . */
static gpg_error_t
command_receive_cb (void *opaque, const char *mediatype,
estream_t msg, unsigned int flags)
gpg_error_t err;
struct server_ctx_s ctx;
memset (&ctx, 0, sizeof ctx);
if ((flags & WKS_RECEIVE_DRAFT2))
ctx.draft_version_2 = 1;
if (!strcmp (mediatype, "application/pgp-keys"))
err = process_new_key (&ctx, msg);
else if (!strcmp (mediatype, "application/vnd.gnupg.wks"))
err = process_confirmation_response (&ctx, msg);
log_info ("ignoring unexpected message of type '%s'\n", mediatype);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNEXPECTED_MSG);
xfree (ctx.fpr);
free_strlist (ctx.mboxes);
return err;
/* Return a list of all configured domains. ECh list element is the
* top directory for for the domain. To figure out the actual domain
* name strrchr(name, '/') can be used. */
static gpg_error_t
get_domain_list (strlist_t *r_list)
gpg_error_t err;
DIR *dir = NULL;
char *fname = NULL;
struct dirent *dentry;
struct stat sb;
strlist_t list = NULL;
*r_list = NULL;
dir = opendir (;
if (!dir)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
while ((dentry = readdir (dir)))
if (*dentry->d_name == '.')
if (!strchr (dentry->d_name, '.'))
continue; /* No dot - can't be a domain subdir. */
xfree (fname);
fname = make_filename_try (, dentry->d_name, NULL);
if (!fname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("make_filename failed in %s: %s\n",
__func__, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (stat (fname, &sb))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error accessing '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
if (!S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
if (!add_to_strlist_try (&list, fname))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("add_to_strlist failed in %s: %s\n",
__func__, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = 0;
*r_list = list;
list = NULL;
free_strlist (list);
if (dir)
closedir (dir);
xfree (fname);
return err;
static gpg_error_t
expire_one_domain (const char *top_dirname, const char *domain)
gpg_error_t err;
char *dirname;
char *fname = NULL;
DIR *dir = NULL;
struct dirent *dentry;
struct stat sb;
time_t now = gnupg_get_time ();
dirname = make_filename_try (top_dirname, "pending", NULL);
if (!dirname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("make_filename failed in %s: %s\n",
__func__, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
dir = opendir (dirname);
if (!dir)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (("can't access directory '%s': %s\n"),
dirname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
while ((dentry = readdir (dir)))
if (*dentry->d_name == '.')
xfree (fname);
fname = make_filename_try (dirname, dentry->d_name, NULL);
if (!fname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("make_filename failed in %s: %s\n",
__func__, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (strlen (dentry->d_name) != 32)
log_info ("garbage file '%s' ignored\n", fname);
if (stat (fname, &sb))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error accessing '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
log_info ("garbage directory '%s' ignored\n", fname);
if (sb.st_mtime + PENDING_TTL < now)
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("domain %s: removing pending key '%s'\n",
domain, dentry->d_name);
if (remove (fname))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* In case the file has just been renamed or another
* processes is cleaning up, we don't print a diagnostic
* for ENOENT. */
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_ENOENT)
log_error ("error removing '%s': %s\n",
fname, gpg_strerror (err));
err = 0;
if (dir)
closedir (dir);
xfree (dirname);
xfree (fname);
return err;
/* Scan spool directories and expire too old pending keys. */
static gpg_error_t
expire_pending_confirmations (strlist_t domaindirs)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
strlist_t sl;
const char *domain;
for (sl = domaindirs; sl; sl = sl->next)
domain = strrchr (sl->d, '/');
log_assert (domain);
expire_one_domain (sl->d, domain);
return err;
/* List all configured domains. */
static gpg_error_t
command_list_domains (void)
static struct {
const char *name;
const char *perm;
} requireddirs[] = {
{ "pending", "-rwx" },
{ "hu", "-rwxr-xr-x" }
gpg_error_t err;
strlist_t domaindirs;
strlist_t sl;
const char *domain;
char *fname = NULL;
int i;
estream_t fp;
err = get_domain_list (&domaindirs);
if (err)
log_error ("error reading list of domains: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
for (sl = domaindirs; sl; sl = sl->next)
domain = strrchr (sl->d, '/');
log_assert (domain);
es_printf ("%s\n", domain);
/* Check that the required directories are there. */
for (i=0; i < DIM (requireddirs); i++)
xfree (fname);
fname = make_filename_try (sl->d, requireddirs[i].name, NULL);
if (!fname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (access (fname, W_OK))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_ENOENT)
if (gnupg_mkdir (fname, requireddirs[i].perm))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("domain %s: error creating subdir '%s': %s\n",
domain, requireddirs[i].name,
gpg_strerror (err));
log_info ("domain %s: subdir '%s' created\n",
domain, requireddirs[i].name);
else if (err)
log_error ("domain %s: problem with subdir '%s': %s\n",
domain, requireddirs[i].name, gpg_strerror (err));
/* Print a warning if the submission address is not configured. */
xfree (fname);
fname = make_filename_try (sl->d, "submission-address", NULL);
if (!fname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (access (fname, F_OK))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_ENOENT)
log_error ("domain %s: submission address not configured\n",
log_error ("domain %s: problem with '%s': %s\n",
domain, fname, gpg_strerror (err));
/* Check the syntax of the optional policy file. */
xfree (fname);
fname = make_filename_try (sl->d, "policy", NULL);
if (!fname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
fp = es_fopen (fname, "r");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_ENOENT)
log_error ("domain %s: error in policy file: %s\n",
domain, gpg_strerror (err));
struct policy_flags_s policy;
err = wks_parse_policy (&policy, fp, 0);
es_fclose (fp);
if (!err)
struct policy_flags_s empty_policy;
memset (&empty_policy, 0, sizeof empty_policy);
if (!memcmp (&empty_policy, &policy, sizeof policy))
log_error ("domain %s: empty policy file\n", domain);
err = 0;
xfree (fname);
free_strlist (domaindirs);
return err;
/* Run regular maintenance jobs. */
static gpg_error_t
command_cron (void)
gpg_error_t err;
strlist_t domaindirs;
err = get_domain_list (&domaindirs);
if (err)
log_error ("error reading list of domains: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
err = expire_pending_confirmations (domaindirs);
free_strlist (domaindirs);
return err;
diff --git a/tools/gpg-wks.h b/tools/gpg-wks.h
index f8b6cfdc4..f7cccb32c 100644
--- a/tools/gpg-wks.h
+++ b/tools/gpg-wks.h
@@ -1,86 +1,86 @@
/* gpg-wks.h - Common definitions for wks server and client.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include "../common/util.h"
#include "../common/strlist.h"
#include "mime-maker.h"
/* We keep all global options in the structure OPT. */
int verbose;
unsigned int debug;
int quiet;
int use_sendmail;
const char *output;
const char *gpg_program;
const char *directory;
const char *default_from;
strlist_t extra_headers;
} opt;
/* Debug values and macros. */
#define DBG_MIME_VALUE 1 /* Debug the MIME structure. */
#define DBG_PARSER_VALUE 2 /* Debug the Mail parser. */
#define DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE 4 /* Debug low level crypto. */
#define DBG_MEMORY_VALUE 32 /* Debug memory allocation stuff. */
#define DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE 128 /* Show memory statistics. */
#define DBG_IPC_VALUE 1024 /* Debug assuan communication. */
#define DBG_EXTPROG_VALUE 16384 /* debug external program calls */
#define DBG_MIME (opt.debug & DBG_MIME_VALUE)
#define DBG_PARSER (opt.debug & DBG_PARSER_VALUE)
#define DBG_CRYPTO (opt.debug & DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE)
/* The parsed policy flags. */
struct policy_flags_s
unsigned int mailbox_only : 1;
unsigned int dane_only : 1;
unsigned int auth_submit : 1;
unsigned int max_pending; /* Seconds to wait for a confirmation. */
typedef struct policy_flags_s *policy_flags_t;
/*-- wks-util.c --*/
gpg_error_t wks_send_mime (mime_maker_t mime);
gpg_error_t wks_parse_policy (policy_flags_t flags, estream_t stream,
int ignore_unknown);
/*-- wks-receive.c --*/
/* Flag values for the receive callback. */
gpg_error_t wks_receive (estream_t fp,
gpg_error_t (*result_cb)(void *opaque,
const char *mediatype,
estream_t data,
unsigned int flags),
void *cb_data);
#endif /*GNUPG_GPG_WKS_H*/
diff --git a/tools/gpgconf-comp.c b/tools/gpgconf-comp.c
index 8bf3086ae..55e822c48 100644
--- a/tools/gpgconf-comp.c
+++ b/tools/gpgconf-comp.c
@@ -1,3828 +1,3828 @@
/* gpgconf-comp.c - Configuration utility for GnuPG.
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
* 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GnuPG; if not, see <>.
+ * along with GnuPG; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
# include <signal.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
# include <windows.h>
# include <pwd.h>
# include <grp.h>
/* For log_logv(), asctimestamp(), gnupg_get_time (). */
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "exechelp.h"
#include "gc-opt-flags.h"
#include "gpgconf.h"
/* There is a problem with gpg 1.4 under Windows: --gpgconf-list
returns a plain filename without escaping. As long as we have not
fixed that we need to use gpg2. */
#if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) && !defined(HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM)
#define GPGNAME "gpg2"
/* TODO:
Components: Add more components and their options.
Robustness: Do more validation. Call programs to do validation for us.
Add options to change backend binary path.
Extract binary path for some backends from gpgsm/gpg config.
#if (__GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5 ))
void gc_error (int status, int errnum, const char *fmt, ...) \
__attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)));
/* Output a diagnostic message. If ERRNUM is not 0, then the output
is followed by a colon, a white space, and the error string for the
error number ERRNUM. In any case the output is finished by a
newline. The message is prepended by the program name, a colon,
and a whitespace. The output may be further formatted or
redirected by the jnlib logging facility. */
gc_error (int status, int errnum, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start (arg_ptr, fmt);
log_logv (GPGRT_LOG_ERROR, fmt, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
if (errnum)
log_printf (": %s\n", strerror (errnum));
log_printf ("\n");
if (status)
log_printf (NULL);
log_printf ("fatal error (exit status %i)\n", status);
exit (status);
/* Forward declaration. */
static void gpg_agent_runtime_change (int killflag);
static void scdaemon_runtime_change (int killflag);
static void dirmngr_runtime_change (int killflag);
/* Backend configuration. Backends are used to decide how the default
and current value of an option can be determined, and how the
option can be changed. To every option in every component belongs
exactly one backend that controls and determines the option. Some
backends are programs from the GPG system. Others might be
implemented by GPGConf itself. If you change this enum, don't
forget to update GC_BACKEND below. */
typedef enum
/* Any backend, used for find_option (). */
/* The Gnu Privacy Guard. */
/* The Gnu Privacy Guard for S/MIME. */
/* The GPG Agent. */
/* The GnuPG SCDaemon. */
/* The GnuPG directory manager. */
/* The LDAP server list file for the director manager. */
/* The Pinentry (not a part of GnuPG, proper). */
/* The number of the above entries. */
} gc_backend_t;
/* To be able to implement generic algorithms for the various
backends, we collect all information about them in this struct. */
static struct
/* The name of the backend. */
const char *name;
/* The name of the program that acts as the backend. Some backends
don't have an associated program, but are implemented directly by
GPGConf. In this case, PROGRAM is NULL. */
char *program;
/* The module name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_foo) as defined by
../common/util.h. This value is used to get the actual installed
path of the program. 0 is used if no backend program is
available. */
char module_name;
/* The runtime change callback. If KILLFLAG is true the component
is killed and not just reloaded. */
void (*runtime_change) (int killflag);
/* The option name for the configuration filename of this backend.
This must be an absolute filename. It can be an option from a
different backend (but then ordering of the options might
matter). Note: This must be unique among all components. */
const char *option_config_filename;
/* If this is a file backend rather than a program backend, then
this is the name of the option associated with the file. */
const char *option_name;
} gc_backend[GC_BACKEND_NR] =
{ NULL }, /* GC_BACKEND_ANY dummy entry. */
gpg_agent_runtime_change, GPGCONF_NAME"-" GPG_AGENT_NAME ".conf" },
scdaemon_runtime_change, GPGCONF_NAME"-" SCDAEMON_NAME ".conf" },
dirmngr_runtime_change, GPGCONF_NAME "-" DIRMNGR_NAME ".conf" },
NULL, "ldapserverlist-file", "LDAP Server" },
{ "Pinentry", "pinentry", GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_PINENTRY,
NULL, GPGCONF_NAME "-pinentry.conf" },
/* Option configuration. */
/* An option might take an argument, or not. Argument types can be
basic or complex. Basic types are generic and easy to validate.
Complex types provide more specific information about the intended
use, but can be difficult to validate. If you add to this enum,
don't forget to update GC_ARG_TYPE below. YOU MUST NOT CHANGE THE
typedef enum
/* Basic argument types. */
/* No argument. */
/* A String argument. */
/* A signed integer argument. */
/* An unsigned integer argument. */
/* Complex argument types. */
/* A complete filename. */
/* An LDAP server in the format
/* A 40 character fingerprint. */
/* A user ID or key ID or fingerprint for a certificate. */
/* A user ID or key ID or fingerprint for a certificate with a key. */
/* A alias list made up of a key, an equal sign and a space
separated list of values. */
/* The number of the above entries. */
} gc_arg_type_t;
/* For every argument, we record some information about it in the
following struct. */
static struct
/* For every argument type exists a basic argument type that can be
used as a fallback for input and validation purposes. */
gc_arg_type_t fallback;
/* Human-readable name of the type. */
const char *name;
} gc_arg_type[GC_ARG_TYPE_NR] =
/* The basic argument types have their own types as fallback. */
{ GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE, "none" },
{ GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING, "string" },
{ GC_ARG_TYPE_INT32, "int32" },
{ GC_ARG_TYPE_UINT32, "uint32" },
/* Reserved basic type entries for future extension. */
/* The complex argument types have a basic type as fallback. */
{ GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING, "filename" },
{ GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING, "ldap server" },
{ GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING, "key fpr" },
{ GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING, "pub key" },
{ GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING, "sec key" },
{ GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING, "alias list" },
/* Every option has an associated expert level, than can be used to
hide advanced and expert options from beginners. If you add to
this list, don't forget to update GC_LEVEL below. YOU MUST NOT
typedef enum
/* The basic options should always be displayed. */
/* The advanced options may be hidden from beginners. */
/* The expert options should only be displayed to experts. */
/* The invisible options should normally never be displayed. */
/* The internal options are never exported, they mark options that
are recorded for internal use only. */
/* The number of the above entries. */
} gc_expert_level_t;
/* A description for each expert level. */
static struct
const char *name;
} gc_level[] =
{ "basic" },
{ "advanced" },
{ "expert" },
{ "invisible" },
{ "internal" }
/* Option flags. The flags which are used by the backends are defined
by gc-opt-flags.h, included above.
/* Some entries in the option list are not options, but mark the
beginning of a new group of options. These entries have the GROUP
flag set. */
#define GC_OPT_FLAG_GROUP (1UL << 0)
/* The ARG_OPT flag for an option indicates that the argument is
optional. This is never set for GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE options. */
#define GC_OPT_FLAG_ARG_OPT (1UL << 1)
/* The LIST flag for an option indicates that the option can occur
several times. A comma separated list of arguments is used as the
argument value. */
#define GC_OPT_FLAG_LIST (1UL << 2)
/* A human-readable description for each flag. */
static struct
const char *name;
} gc_flag[] =
{ "group" },
{ "optional arg" },
{ "list" },
{ "runtime" },
{ "default" },
{ "default desc" },
{ "no arg desc" },
{ "no change" }
/* To each option, or group marker, the information in the GC_OPTION
struct is provided. If you change this, don't forget to update the
option list of each component. */
struct gc_option
/* If this is NULL, then this is a terminator in an array of unknown
length. Otherwise, if this entry is a group marker (see FLAGS),
then this is the name of the group described by this entry.
Otherwise it is the name of the option described by this
entry. The name must not contain a colon. */
const char *name;
/* The option flags. If the GROUP flag is set, then this entry is a
group marker, not an option, and only the fields LEVEL,
DESC_DOMAIN and DESC are valid. In all other cases, this entry
describes a new option and all fields are valid. */
unsigned long flags;
/* The expert level. This field is valid for options and groups. A
group has the expert level of the lowest-level option in the
group. */
gc_expert_level_t level;
/* A gettext domain in which the following description can be found.
If this is NULL, then DESC is not translated. Valid for groups
and options.
Note that we try to keep the description of groups within the
gnupg domain.
IMPORTANT: If you add a new domain please make sure to add a code
set switching call to the function my_dgettext further below. */
const char *desc_domain;
/* A gettext description for this group or option. If it starts
with a '|', then the string up to the next '|' describes the
argument, and the description follows the second '|'.
In general enclosing these description in N_() is not required
because the description should be identical to the one in the
help menu of the respective program. */
const char *desc;
/* The following fields are only valid for options. */
/* The type of the option argument. */
gc_arg_type_t arg_type;
/* The backend that implements this option. */
gc_backend_t backend;
/* The following fields are set to NULL at startup (because all
option's are declared as static variables). They are at the end
of the list so that they can be omitted from the option
declarations. */
/* This is true if the option is supported by this version of the
backend. */
int active;
/* The default value for this option. This is NULL if the option is
not present in the backend, the empty string if no default is
available, and otherwise a quoted string. */
char *default_value;
/* The default argument is only valid if the "optional arg" flag is
set, and specifies the default argument (value) that is used if
the argument is omitted. */
char *default_arg;
/* The current value of this option. */
char *value;
/* The new flags for this option. The only defined flag is actually
GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT, and it means that the option should be
deleted. In this case, NEW_VALUE is NULL. */
unsigned long new_flags;
/* The new value of this option. */
char *new_value;
typedef struct gc_option gc_option_t;
/* Use this macro to terminate an option list. */
#define gc_options_gpg_agent NULL
/* The options of the GC_COMPONENT_GPG_AGENT component. */
static gc_option_t gc_options_gpg_agent[] =
/* The configuration file to which we write the changes. */
{ "Monitor",
"gnupg", N_("Options controlling the diagnostic output") },
"gnupg", "verbose",
"gnupg", "be somewhat more quiet",
{ "Configuration",
"gnupg", N_("Options controlling the configuration") },
"gnupg", "|FILE|read options from FILE",
{ "disable-scdaemon", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED,
"gnupg", "do not use the SCdaemon",
{ "enable-ssh-support", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC,
"gnupg", "enable ssh support",
{ "enable-putty-support", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC,
"gnupg", "enable putty support",
{ "Debug",
"gnupg", N_("Options useful for debugging") },
"gnupg", "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL",
"gnupg", N_("|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE"),
{ "faked-system-time", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE,
{ "Security",
"gnupg", N_("Options controlling the security") },
{ "default-cache-ttl", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME,
GC_LEVEL_BASIC, "gnupg",
"|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds",
{ "default-cache-ttl-ssh", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME,
N_("|N|expire SSH keys after N seconds"),
{ "max-cache-ttl", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME,
N_("|N|set maximum PIN cache lifetime to N seconds"),
{ "max-cache-ttl-ssh", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME,
N_("|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds"),
{ "ignore-cache-for-signing", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME,
GC_LEVEL_BASIC, "gnupg", "do not use the PIN cache when signing",
{ "allow-emacs-pinentry", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME,
"gnupg", "allow passphrase to be prompted through Emacs",
{ "no-allow-external-cache", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME,
GC_LEVEL_BASIC, "gnupg", "disallow the use of an external password cache",
{ "no-allow-mark-trusted", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME,
GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED, "gnupg", "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"",
{ "no-allow-loopback-pinentry", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME,
GC_LEVEL_EXPERT, "gnupg", "disallow caller to override the pinentry",
"gnupg", "do not grab keyboard and mouse",
{ "Passphrase policy",
"gnupg", N_("Options enforcing a passphrase policy") },
{ "enforce-passphrase-constraints", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME,
N_("do not allow bypassing the passphrase policy"),
{ "min-passphrase-len", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME,
N_("|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N"),
{ "min-passphrase-nonalpha", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME,
N_("|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase"),
{ "check-passphrase-pattern", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME,
"gnupg", N_("|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE"),
{ "max-passphrase-days", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME,
N_("|N|expire the passphrase after N days"),
{ "enable-passphrase-history", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME,
N_("do not allow the reuse of old passphrases"),
{ "pinentry-timeout", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME,
N_("|N|set the Pinentry timeout to N seconds"),
#define gc_options_scdaemon NULL
/* The options of the GC_COMPONENT_SCDAEMON component. */
static gc_option_t gc_options_scdaemon[] =
/* The configuration file to which we write the changes. */
{ "Monitor",
"gnupg", N_("Options controlling the diagnostic output") },
"gnupg", "verbose",
"gnupg", "be somewhat more quiet",
{ "Configuration",
"gnupg", N_("Options controlling the configuration") },
"gnupg", "|FILE|read options from FILE",
"gnupg", "|N|connect to reader at port N",
"gnupg", "|NAME|use NAME as ct-API driver",
"gnupg", "|NAME|use NAME as PC/SC driver",
"gnupg", "do not use the internal CCID driver",
"gnupg", "do not use a reader's pinpad",
{ "enable-pinpad-varlen",
"gnupg", "use variable length input for pinpad",
"gnupg", "|N|disconnect the card after N seconds of inactivity",
{ "Debug",
"gnupg", N_("Options useful for debugging") },
"gnupg", "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL",
"gnupg", N_("|FILE|write a log to FILE"),
{ "Security",
"gnupg", N_("Options controlling the security") },
"gnupg", "deny the use of admin card commands",
#define gc_options_gpg NULL
/* The options of the GC_COMPONENT_GPG component. */
static gc_option_t gc_options_gpg[] =
/* The configuration file to which we write the changes. */
{ "Monitor",
"gnupg", N_("Options controlling the diagnostic output") },
"gnupg", "verbose",
"gnupg", "be somewhat more quiet",
{ "Configuration",
"gnupg", N_("Options controlling the configuration") },
{ "default-key", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC,
"gnupg", N_("|NAME|use NAME as default secret key"),
"gnupg", N_("|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well"),
"gnupg", N_("|SPEC|set up email aliases"),
"gnupg", "|FILE|read options from FILE",
{ "default_pubkey_algo",
{ "Debug",
"gnupg", N_("Options useful for debugging") },
"gnupg", "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL",
"gnupg", N_("|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE"),
/* { "faked-system-time", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE, */
/* NULL, NULL, */
{ "Keyserver",
"gnupg", N_("Configuration for Keyservers") },
"gnupg", N_("|URL|use keyserver at URL"), /* Deprecated - use dirmngr */
{ "allow-pka-lookup", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC,
"gnupg", N_("allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)"),
{ "auto-key-locate", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED,
"gnupg", N_("|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address"),
#endif /*BUILD_WITH_GPG*/
#define gc_options_gpgsm NULL
/* The options of the GC_COMPONENT_GPGSM component. */
static gc_option_t gc_options_gpgsm[] =
/* The configuration file to which we write the changes. */
{ "Monitor",
"gnupg", N_("Options controlling the diagnostic output") },
"gnupg", "verbose",
"gnupg", "be somewhat more quiet",
{ "Configuration",
"gnupg", N_("Options controlling the configuration") },
{ "default-key", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC,
"gnupg", N_("|NAME|use NAME as default secret key"),
"gnupg", N_("|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well"),
"gnupg", "|FILE|read options from FILE",
{ "prefer-system-dirmngr", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED,
"gnupg", "use system's dirmngr if available",
{ "disable-dirmngr", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT,
"gnupg", N_("disable all access to the dirmngr"),
"gnupg", N_("|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases"),
"gnupg", N_("|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys"),
{ "default_pubkey_algo",
{ "Debug",
"gnupg", N_("Options useful for debugging") },
"gnupg", "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL",
"gnupg", N_("|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE"),
{ "faked-system-time", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE,
{ "Security",
"gnupg", N_("Options controlling the security") },
{ "disable-crl-checks", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC,
"gnupg", "never consult a CRL",
{ "disable-trusted-cert-crl-check", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT,
"gnupg", N_("do not check CRLs for root certificates"),
"gnupg", "check validity using OCSP",
{ "include-certs", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT,
"gnupg", "|N|number of certificates to include",
{ "disable-policy-checks", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED,
"gnupg", "do not check certificate policies",
{ "auto-issuer-key-retrieve", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC,
"gnupg", "fetch missing issuer certificates",
"gnupg", "|NAME|use cipher algorithm NAME",
#define gc_options_dirmngr NULL
/* The options of the GC_COMPONENT_DIRMNGR component. */
static gc_option_t gc_options_dirmngr[] =
/* The configuration file to which we write the changes. */
{ "Monitor",
"gnupg", N_("Options controlling the diagnostic output") },
"dirmngr", "verbose",
"dirmngr", "be somewhat more quiet",
{ "Format",
"gnupg", N_("Options controlling the format of the output") },
"dirmngr", "sh-style command output",
"dirmngr", "csh-style command output",
{ "Configuration",
"gnupg", N_("Options controlling the configuration") },
"dirmngr", "|FILE|read options from FILE",
{ "Debug",
"gnupg", N_("Options useful for debugging") },
"dirmngr", "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL",
"dirmngr", "do not detach from the console",
"dirmngr", N_("|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE"),
{ "faked-system-time", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE,
{ "Enforcement",
"gnupg", N_("Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement") },
"dirmngr", "run without asking a user",
"dirmngr", "force loading of outdated CRLs",
{ "Tor",
"gnupg", N_("Options controlling the use of Tor") },
"dirmngr", "route all network traffic via TOR",
{ "Keyserver",
"gnupg", N_("Configuration for Keyservers") },
"gnupg", N_("|URL|use keyserver at URL"),
{ "HTTP",
"gnupg", N_("Configuration for HTTP servers") },
"dirmngr", "inhibit the use of HTTP",
{ "ignore-http-dp", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED,
"dirmngr", "ignore HTTP CRL distribution points",
"dirmngr", "|URL|redirect all HTTP requests to URL",
{ "honor-http-proxy", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED,
"gnupg", N_("use system's HTTP proxy setting"),
{ "LDAP",
"gnupg", N_("Configuration of LDAP servers to use") },
"dirmngr", "inhibit the use of LDAP",
{ "ignore-ldap-dp", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED,
"dirmngr", "ignore LDAP CRL distribution points",
"dirmngr", "|HOST|use HOST for LDAP queries",
{ "only-ldap-proxy", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED,
"dirmngr", "do not use fallback hosts with --ldap-proxy",
"dirmngr", "add new servers discovered in CRL distribution points"
{ "ldaptimeout", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC,
"dirmngr", "|N|set LDAP timeout to N seconds",
/* The following entry must not be removed, as it is required for
{ "ldapserverlist-file",
"dirmngr", "|FILE|read LDAP server list from FILE",
/* This entry must come after at least one entry for
GC_BACKEND_DIRMNGR in this component, so that the entry for
"ldapserverlist-file will be initialized before this one. */
"gnupg", N_("LDAP server list"),
{ "max-replies", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC,
"dirmngr", "|N|do not return more than N items in one query",
{ "OCSP",
"gnupg", N_("Configuration for OCSP") },
"dirmngr", "allow sending OCSP requests",
{ "ignore-ocsp-service-url", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED,
"dirmngr", "ignore certificate contained OCSP service URLs",
{ "ocsp-responder", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED,
"dirmngr", "|URL|use OCSP responder at URL",
"dirmngr", "|FPR|OCSP response signed by FPR",
/* The options of the GC_COMPONENT_PINENTRY component. */
static gc_option_t gc_options_pinentry[] =
/* A dummy option to allow gc_component_list_components to find the
pinentry backend. Needs to be a conf file. */
{ GPGCONF_NAME"-pinentry.conf",
/* Component system. Each component is a set of options that can be
configured at the same time. If you change this, don't forget to
update GC_COMPONENT below. */
typedef enum
/* The classic GPG for OpenPGP. */
/* The GPG Agent. */
/* The Smardcard Daemon. */
/* GPG for S/MIME. */
/* The LDAP Directory Manager for CRLs. */
/* The external Pinentry. */
/* The number of components. */
} gc_component_t;
/* The information associated with each component. */
static struct
/* The name of this component. Must not contain a colon (':')
character. */
const char *name;
/* The gettext domain for the description DESC. If this is NULL,
then the description is not translated. */
const char *desc_domain;
/* The description for this domain. */
const char *desc;
/* The list of options for this component, terminated by
gc_option_t *options;
} gc_component[] =
{ "gpg", "gnupg", N_("GPG for OpenPGP"), gc_options_gpg },
{ "gpg-agent","gnupg", N_("GPG Agent"), gc_options_gpg_agent },
{ "scdaemon", "gnupg", N_("Smartcard Daemon"), gc_options_scdaemon },
{ "gpgsm", "gnupg", N_("GPG for S/MIME"), gc_options_gpgsm },
{ "dirmngr", "gnupg", N_("Key Acquirer"), gc_options_dirmngr },
{ "pinentry", "gnupg", N_("PIN and Passphrase Entry"), gc_options_pinentry }
/* Structure used to collect error output of the backend programs. */
struct error_line_s;
typedef struct error_line_s *error_line_t;
struct error_line_s
error_line_t next; /* Link to next item. */
const char *fname; /* Name of the config file (points into BUFFER). */
unsigned int lineno; /* Line number of the config file. */
const char *errtext; /* Text of the error message (points into BUFFER). */
char buffer[1]; /* Helper buffer. */
/* Engine specific support. */
static void
gpg_agent_runtime_change (int killflag)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
const char *pgmname;
const char *argv[5];
pid_t pid;
char *abs_homedir = NULL;
int i = 0;
pgmname = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_CONNECT_AGENT);
if (!gnupg_default_homedir_p ())
abs_homedir = make_absfilename_try (gnupg_homedir (), NULL);
if (!abs_homedir)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
argv[i++] = "--homedir";
argv[i++] = abs_homedir;
argv[i++] = "--no-autostart";
argv[i++] = killflag? "KILLAGENT" : "RELOADAGENT";
argv[i++] = NULL;
if (!err)
err = gnupg_spawn_process_fd (pgmname, argv, -1, -1, -1, &pid);
if (!err)
err = gnupg_wait_process (pgmname, pid, 1, NULL);
if (err)
gc_error (0, 0, "error running '%s %s': %s",
pgmname, argv[1], gpg_strerror (err));
gnupg_release_process (pid);
xfree (abs_homedir);
static void
scdaemon_runtime_change (int killflag)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
const char *pgmname;
const char *argv[9];
pid_t pid;
char *abs_homedir = NULL;
int i = 0;
(void)killflag; /* For scdaemon kill and reload are synonyms. */
/* We use "GETINFO app_running" to see whether the agent is already
running and kill it only in this case. This avoids an explicit
starting of the agent in case it is not yet running. There is
obviously a race condition but that should not harm too much. */
pgmname = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_CONNECT_AGENT);
if (!gnupg_default_homedir_p ())
abs_homedir = make_absfilename_try (gnupg_homedir (), NULL);
if (!abs_homedir)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
argv[i++] = "--homedir";
argv[i++] = abs_homedir;
argv[i++] = "-s";
argv[i++] = "--no-autostart";
argv[i++] = "GETINFO scd_running";
argv[i++] = "/if ${! $?}";
argv[i++] = "scd killscd";
argv[i++] = "/end";
argv[i++] = NULL;
if (!err)
err = gnupg_spawn_process_fd (pgmname, argv, -1, -1, -1, &pid);
if (!err)
err = gnupg_wait_process (pgmname, pid, 1, NULL);
if (err)
gc_error (0, 0, "error running '%s %s': %s",
pgmname, argv[4], gpg_strerror (err));
gnupg_release_process (pid);
xfree (abs_homedir);
static void
dirmngr_runtime_change (int killflag)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
const char *pgmname;
const char *argv[6];
pid_t pid;
char *abs_homedir = NULL;
pgmname = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_CONNECT_AGENT);
argv[0] = "--no-autostart";
argv[1] = "--dirmngr";
argv[2] = killflag? "KILLDIRMNGR" : "RELOADDIRMNGR";
if (gnupg_default_homedir_p ())
argv[3] = NULL;
abs_homedir = make_absfilename_try (gnupg_homedir (), NULL);
if (!abs_homedir)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
argv[3] = "--homedir";
argv[4] = abs_homedir;
argv[5] = NULL;
if (!err)
err = gnupg_spawn_process_fd (pgmname, argv, -1, -1, -1, &pid);
if (!err)
err = gnupg_wait_process (pgmname, pid, 1, NULL);
if (err)
gc_error (0, 0, "error running '%s %s': %s",
pgmname, argv[2], gpg_strerror (err));
gnupg_release_process (pid);
xfree (abs_homedir);
/* Launch the gpg-agent or the dirmngr if not already running. */
gc_component_launch (int component)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *pgmname;
const char *argv[3];
int i;
pid_t pid;
if (!(component == GC_COMPONENT_GPG_AGENT
|| component == GC_COMPONENT_DIRMNGR))
es_fputs (_("Component not suitable for launching"), es_stderr);
es_putc ('\n', es_stderr);
exit (1);
pgmname = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_CONNECT_AGENT);
i = 0;
if (component == GC_COMPONENT_DIRMNGR)
argv[i++] = "--dirmngr";
argv[i++] = "NOP";
argv[i] = NULL;
err = gnupg_spawn_process_fd (pgmname, argv, -1, -1, -1, &pid);
if (!err)
err = gnupg_wait_process (pgmname, pid, 1, NULL);
if (err)
gc_error (0, 0, "error running '%s%s%s': %s",
component == GC_COMPONENT_DIRMNGR? " --dirmngr":"",
" NOP",
gpg_strerror (err));
gnupg_release_process (pid);
return err;
/* Unconditionally restart COMPONENT. */
gc_component_kill (int component)
int runtime[GC_BACKEND_NR];
gc_option_t *option;
gc_backend_t backend;
/* Set a flag for the backends to be reloaded. */
for (backend = 0; backend < GC_BACKEND_NR; backend++)
runtime[backend] = 0;
if (component >= 0)
assert (component < GC_COMPONENT_NR);
option = gc_component[component].options;
for (; option && option->name; option++)
runtime[option->backend] = 1;
/* Do the restart for the selected backends. */
for (backend = 0; backend < GC_BACKEND_NR; backend++)
if (runtime[backend] && gc_backend[backend].runtime_change)
(*gc_backend[backend].runtime_change) (1);
/* Unconditionally reload COMPONENT or all components if COMPONENT is -1. */
gc_component_reload (int component)
int runtime[GC_BACKEND_NR];
gc_option_t *option;
gc_backend_t backend;
/* Set a flag for the backends to be reloaded. */
for (backend = 0; backend < GC_BACKEND_NR; backend++)
runtime[backend] = 0;
if (component == -1)
for (component = 0; component < GC_COMPONENT_NR; component++)
option = gc_component[component].options;
for (; option && option->name; option++)
runtime[option->backend] = 1;
assert (component < GC_COMPONENT_NR);
option = gc_component[component].options;
for (; option && option->name; option++)
runtime[option->backend] = 1;
/* Do the reload for all selected backends. */
for (backend = 0; backend < GC_BACKEND_NR; backend++)
if (runtime[backend] && gc_backend[backend].runtime_change)
(*gc_backend[backend].runtime_change) (0);
/* More or less Robust version of dgettext. It has the side effect of
switching the codeset to utf-8 because this is what we want to
output. In theory it is posible to keep the original code set and
switch back for regular disgnostic output (redefine "_(" for that)
but given the natur of this tool, being something invoked from
other pograms, it does not make much sense. */
static const char *
my_dgettext (const char *domain, const char *msgid)
if (domain)
static int switched_codeset;
char *text;
if (!switched_codeset)
switched_codeset = 1;
gettext_use_utf8 (1);
if (!strcmp (domain, "gnupg"))
domain = PACKAGE_GT;
/* FIXME: we have no dgettext, thus we can't switch. */
text = (char*)gettext (msgid);
return text ? text : msgid;
return msgid;
#elif defined(ENABLE_NLS)
if (domain)
static int switched_codeset;
char *text;
if (!switched_codeset)
switched_codeset = 1;
bind_textdomain_codeset (PACKAGE_GT, "utf-8");
bindtextdomain (DIRMNGR_NAME, LOCALEDIR);
bind_textdomain_codeset (DIRMNGR_NAME, "utf-8");
/* Note: This is a hack to actually use the gnupg2 domain as
long we are in a transition phase where gnupg 1.x and 1.9 may
coexist. */
if (!strcmp (domain, "gnupg"))
domain = PACKAGE_GT;
text = dgettext (domain, msgid);
return text ? text : msgid;
return msgid;
return msgid;
/* Percent-Escape special characters. The string is valid until the
next invocation of the function. */
char *
gc_percent_escape (const char *src)
static char *esc_str;
static int esc_str_len;
int new_len = 3 * strlen (src) + 1;
char *dst;
if (esc_str_len < new_len)
char *new_esc_str = realloc (esc_str, new_len);
if (!new_esc_str)
gc_error (1, errno, "can not escape string");
esc_str = new_esc_str;
esc_str_len = new_len;
dst = esc_str;
while (*src)
if (*src == '%')
*(dst++) = '%';
*(dst++) = '2';
*(dst++) = '5';
else if (*src == ':')
/* The colon is used as field separator. */
*(dst++) = '%';
*(dst++) = '3';
*(dst++) = 'a';
else if (*src == ',')
/* The comma is used as list separator. */
*(dst++) = '%';
*(dst++) = '2';
*(dst++) = 'c';
*(dst++) = *(src);
*dst = '\0';
return esc_str;
/* Percent-Deescape special characters. The string is valid until the
next invocation of the function. */
static char *
percent_deescape (const char *src)
static char *str;
static int str_len;
int new_len = 3 * strlen (src) + 1;
char *dst;
if (str_len < new_len)
char *new_str = realloc (str, new_len);
if (!new_str)
gc_error (1, errno, "can not deescape string");
str = new_str;
str_len = new_len;
dst = str;
while (*src)
if (*src == '%')
int val = hextobyte (src + 1);
if (val < 0)
gc_error (1, 0, "malformed end of string %s", src);
*(dst++) = (char) val;
src += 3;
*(dst++) = *(src++);
*dst = '\0';
return str;
/* List all components that are available. */
gc_component_list_components (estream_t out)
gc_component_t component;
gc_option_t *option;
gc_backend_t backend;
int backend_seen[GC_BACKEND_NR];
const char *desc;
const char *pgmname;
for (component = 0; component < GC_COMPONENT_NR; component++)
option = gc_component[component].options;
if (option)
for (backend = 0; backend < GC_BACKEND_NR; backend++)
backend_seen[backend] = 0;
pgmname = "";
for (; option && option->name; option++)
if ((option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_GROUP))
backend = option->backend;
if (backend_seen[backend])
backend_seen[backend] = 1;
assert (backend != GC_BACKEND_ANY);
if (gc_backend[backend].program
&& !gc_backend[backend].module_name)
pgmname = gnupg_module_name (gc_backend[backend].module_name);
desc = gc_component[component].desc;
desc = my_dgettext (gc_component[component].desc_domain, desc);
es_fprintf (out, "%s:%s:",
gc_component[component].name, gc_percent_escape (desc));
es_fprintf (out, "%s\n", gc_percent_escape (pgmname));
static int
all_digits_p (const char *p, size_t len)
if (!len)
return 0; /* No. */
for (; len; len--, p++)
if (!isascii (*p) || !isdigit (*p))
return 0; /* No. */
return 1; /* Yes. */
/* Collect all error lines from stream FP. Only lines prefixed with
TAG are considered. Returns a list of error line items (which may
be empty). There is no error return. */
static error_line_t
collect_error_output (estream_t fp, const char *tag)
char buffer[1024];
char *p, *p2, *p3;
int c, cont_line;
unsigned int pos;
error_line_t eitem, errlines, *errlines_tail;
size_t taglen = strlen (tag);
errlines = NULL;
errlines_tail = &errlines;
pos = 0;
cont_line = 0;
while ((c=es_getc (fp)) != EOF)
buffer[pos++] = c;
if (pos >= sizeof buffer - 5 || c == '\n')
buffer[pos - (c == '\n')] = 0;
if (cont_line)
; /*Ignore continuations of previous line. */
else if (!strncmp (buffer, tag, taglen) && buffer[taglen] == ':')
/* "gpgsm: foo:4: bla" */
/* Yep, we are interested in this line. */
p = buffer + taglen + 1;
while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
trim_trailing_spaces (p); /* Get rid of extra CRs. */
if (!*p)
; /* Empty lines are ignored. */
else if ( (p2 = strchr (p, ':')) && (p3 = strchr (p2+1, ':'))
&& all_digits_p (p2+1, p3 - (p2+1)))
/* Line in standard compiler format. */
while (*p3 == ' ' || *p3 == '\t')
eitem = xmalloc (sizeof *eitem + strlen (p));
eitem->next = NULL;
strcpy (eitem->buffer, p);
eitem->fname = eitem->buffer;
eitem->buffer[p2-p] = 0;
eitem->errtext = eitem->buffer + (p3 - p);
/* (we already checked that there are only ascii
digits followed by a colon) */
eitem->lineno = 0;
for (p2++; isdigit (*p2); p2++)
eitem->lineno = eitem->lineno*10 + (*p2 - '0');
*errlines_tail = eitem;
errlines_tail = &eitem->next;
/* Other error output. */
eitem = xmalloc (sizeof *eitem + strlen (p));
eitem->next = NULL;
strcpy (eitem->buffer, p);
eitem->fname = NULL;
eitem->errtext = eitem->buffer;
eitem->lineno = 0;
*errlines_tail = eitem;
errlines_tail = &eitem->next;
pos = 0;
/* If this was not a complete line mark that we are in a
continuation. */
cont_line = (c != '\n');
/* We ignore error lines not terminated by a LF. */
return errlines;
/* Check the options of a single component. Returns 0 if everything
is OK. */
gc_component_check_options (int component, estream_t out, const char *conf_file)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned int result;
int backend_seen[GC_BACKEND_NR];
gc_backend_t backend;
gc_option_t *option;
const char *pgmname;
const char *argv[4];
int i;
pid_t pid;
int exitcode;
estream_t errfp;
error_line_t errlines;
for (backend = 0; backend < GC_BACKEND_NR; backend++)
backend_seen[backend] = 0;
option = gc_component[component].options;
for (; option && option->name; option++)
if ((option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_GROUP))
backend = option->backend;
if (backend_seen[backend])
backend_seen[backend] = 1;
assert (backend != GC_BACKEND_ANY);
if (!gc_backend[backend].program)
if (!gc_backend[backend].module_name)
if (! option || ! option->name)
return 0;
pgmname = gnupg_module_name (gc_backend[backend].module_name);
i = 0;
if (conf_file)
argv[i++] = "--options";
argv[i++] = conf_file;
if (component == GC_COMPONENT_PINENTRY)
argv[i++] = "--version";
argv[i++] = "--gpgconf-test";
argv[i++] = NULL;
result = 0;
errlines = NULL;
err = gnupg_spawn_process (pgmname, argv, NULL, NULL, 0,
NULL, NULL, &errfp, &pid);
if (err)
result |= 1; /* Program could not be run. */
errlines = collect_error_output (errfp,
if (gnupg_wait_process (pgmname, pid, 1, &exitcode))
if (exitcode == -1)
result |= 1; /* Program could not be run or it
terminated abnormally. */
result |= 2; /* Program returned an error. */
gnupg_release_process (pid);
es_fclose (errfp);
/* If the program could not be run, we can't tell whether
the config file is good. */
if (result & 1)
result |= 2;
if (out)
const char *desc;
error_line_t errptr;
desc = gc_component[component].desc;
desc = my_dgettext (gc_component[component].desc_domain, desc);
es_fprintf (out, "%s:%s:",
gc_component[component].name, gc_percent_escape (desc));
es_fputs (gc_percent_escape (pgmname), out);
es_fprintf (out, ":%d:%d:", !(result & 1), !(result & 2));
for (errptr = errlines; errptr; errptr = errptr->next)
if (errptr != errlines)
es_fputs ("\n:::::", out); /* Continuation line. */
if (errptr->fname)
es_fputs (gc_percent_escape (errptr->fname), out);
es_putc (':', out);
if (errptr->fname)
es_fprintf (out, "%u", errptr->lineno);
es_putc (':', out);
es_fputs (gc_percent_escape (errptr->errtext), out);
es_putc (':', out);
es_putc ('\n', out);
while (errlines)
error_line_t tmp = errlines->next;
xfree (errlines);
errlines = tmp;
return result;
/* Check all components that are available. */
gc_check_programs (estream_t out)
gc_component_t component;
for (component = 0; component < GC_COMPONENT_NR; component++)
gc_component_check_options (component, out, NULL);
/* Find the component with the name NAME. Returns -1 if not
found. */
gc_component_find (const char *name)
gc_component_t idx;
for (idx = 0; idx < GC_COMPONENT_NR; idx++)
if (gc_component[idx].options
&& !strcmp (name, gc_component[idx].name))
return idx;
return -1;
/* List the option OPTION. */
static void
list_one_option (const gc_option_t *option, estream_t out)
const char *desc = NULL;
char *arg_name = NULL;
if (option->desc)
desc = my_dgettext (option->desc_domain, option->desc);
if (*desc == '|')
const char *arg_tail = strchr (&desc[1], '|');
if (arg_tail)
int arg_len = arg_tail - &desc[1];
arg_name = xmalloc (arg_len + 1);
memcpy (arg_name, &desc[1], arg_len);
arg_name[arg_len] = '\0';
desc = arg_tail + 1;
/* The name field. */
es_fprintf (out, "%s", option->name);
/* The flags field. */
es_fprintf (out, ":%lu", option->flags);
if (opt.verbose)
es_putc (' ', out);
if (!option->flags)
es_fprintf (out, "none");
unsigned long flags = option->flags;
unsigned long flag = 0;
unsigned long first = 1;
while (flags)
if (flags & 1)
if (first)
first = 0;
es_putc (',', out);
es_fprintf (out, "%s", gc_flag[flag].name);
flags >>= 1;
/* The level field. */
es_fprintf (out, ":%u", option->level);
if (opt.verbose)
es_fprintf (out, " %s", gc_level[option->level].name);
/* The description field. */
es_fprintf (out, ":%s", desc ? gc_percent_escape (desc) : "");
/* The type field. */
es_fprintf (out, ":%u", option->arg_type);
if (opt.verbose)
es_fprintf (out, " %s", gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].name);
/* The alternate type field. */
es_fprintf (out, ":%u", gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback);
if (opt.verbose)
es_fprintf (out, " %s",
/* The argument name field. */
es_fprintf (out, ":%s", arg_name ? gc_percent_escape (arg_name) : "");
xfree (arg_name);
/* The default value field. */
es_fprintf (out, ":%s", option->default_value ? option->default_value : "");
/* The default argument field. */
es_fprintf (out, ":%s", option->default_arg ? option->default_arg : "");
/* The value field. */
if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE
&& (option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_LIST)
&& option->value)
/* The special format "1,1,1,1,...,1" is converted to a number
here. */
es_fprintf (out, ":%u", (unsigned int)((strlen (option->value) + 1) / 2));
es_fprintf (out, ":%s", option->value ? option->value : "");
es_putc ('\n', out);
/* List all options of the component COMPONENT. */
gc_component_list_options (int component, estream_t out)
const gc_option_t *option = gc_component[component].options;
while (option && option->name)
/* Do not output unknown or internal options. */
if (!(option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_GROUP)
&& (!option->active || option->level == GC_LEVEL_INTERNAL))
if (option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_GROUP)
const gc_option_t *group_option = option + 1;
gc_expert_level_t level = GC_LEVEL_NR;
/* The manual states that the group level is always the
minimum of the levels of all contained options. Due to
different active options, and because it is hard to
maintain manually, we calculate it here. The value in
the global static table is ignored. */
while (group_option->name)
if (group_option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_GROUP)
if (group_option->level < level)
level = group_option->level;
/* Check if group is empty. */
if (level != GC_LEVEL_NR)
gc_option_t opt_copy;
/* Fix up the group level. */
memcpy (&opt_copy, option, sizeof (opt_copy));
opt_copy.level = level;
list_one_option (&opt_copy, out);
list_one_option (option, out);
/* Find the option NAME in component COMPONENT, for the backend
BACKEND. If BACKEND is GC_BACKEND_ANY, any backend will match. */
static gc_option_t *
find_option (gc_component_t component, const char *name,
gc_backend_t backend)
gc_option_t *option = gc_component[component].options;
while (option->name)
if (!(option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_GROUP)
&& !strcmp (option->name, name)
&& (backend == GC_BACKEND_ANY || option->backend == backend))
return option->name ? option : NULL;
/* Determine the configuration filename for the component COMPONENT
and backend BACKEND. */
static char *
get_config_filename (gc_component_t component, gc_backend_t backend)
char *filename = NULL;
gc_option_t *option = find_option
(component, gc_backend[backend].option_config_filename, GC_BACKEND_ANY);
assert (option);
assert (option->arg_type == GC_ARG_TYPE_FILENAME);
assert (!(option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_LIST));
if (!option->active || !option->default_value)
gc_error (1, 0, "Option %s, needed by backend %s, was not initialized",
if (option->value && *option->value)
filename = percent_deescape (&option->value[1]);
else if (option->default_value && *option->default_value)
filename = percent_deescape (&option->default_value[1]);
filename = "";
if (!(filename[0] == '/' || filename[0] == '\\'))
#elif defined(HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM)
if (!(filename[0]
&& filename[1] == ':'
&& (filename[2] == '/' || filename[2] == '\\')))
if (filename[0] != '/')
gc_error (1, 0, "Option %s, needed by backend %s, is not absolute",
return filename;
/* Retrieve the options for the component COMPONENT from backend
BACKEND, which we already know is a program-type backend. */
static void
retrieve_options_from_program (gc_component_t component, gc_backend_t backend)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *pgmname;
const char *argv[2];
estream_t outfp;
int exitcode;
pid_t pid;
char *line = NULL;
size_t line_len = 0;
ssize_t length;
estream_t config;
char *config_filename;
pgmname = (gc_backend[backend].module_name
? gnupg_module_name (gc_backend[backend].module_name)
: gc_backend[backend].program );
argv[0] = "--gpgconf-list";
argv[1] = NULL;
err = gnupg_spawn_process (pgmname, argv, NULL, NULL, 0,
NULL, &outfp, NULL, &pid);
if (err)
gc_error (1, 0, "could not gather active options from '%s': %s",
pgmname, gpg_strerror (err));
while ((length = es_read_line (outfp, &line, &line_len, NULL)) > 0)
gc_option_t *option;
char *linep;
unsigned long flags = 0;
char *default_value = NULL;
/* Strip newline and carriage return, if present. */
while (length > 0
&& (line[length - 1] == '\n' || line[length - 1] == '\r'))
line[--length] = '\0';
linep = strchr (line, ':');
if (linep)
*(linep++) = '\0';
/* Extract additional flags. Default to none. */
if (linep)
char *end;
char *tail;
end = strchr (linep, ':');
if (end)
*(end++) = '\0';
gpg_err_set_errno (0);
flags = strtoul (linep, &tail, 0);
if (errno)
gc_error (1, errno, "malformed flags in option %s from %s",
line, pgmname);
if (!(*tail == '\0' || *tail == ':' || *tail == ' '))
gc_error (1, 0, "garbage after flags in option %s from %s",
line, pgmname);
linep = end;
/* Extract default value, if present. Default to empty if
not. */
if (linep)
char *end;
end = strchr (linep, ':');
if (end)
*(end++) = '\0';
if (flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT)
default_value = linep;
linep = end;
/* Look up the option in the component and install the
configuration data. */
option = find_option (component, line, backend);
if (option)
if (option->active)
gc_error (1, errno, "option %s returned twice from %s",
line, pgmname);
option->active = 1;
option->flags |= flags;
if (default_value && *default_value)
option->default_value = xstrdup (default_value);
if (length < 0 || es_ferror (outfp))
gc_error (1, errno, "error reading from %s", pgmname);
if (es_fclose (outfp))
gc_error (1, errno, "error closing %s", pgmname);
err = gnupg_wait_process (pgmname, pid, 1, &exitcode);
if (err)
gc_error (1, 0, "running %s failed (exitcode=%d): %s",
pgmname, exitcode, gpg_strerror (err));
gnupg_release_process (pid);
/* At this point, we can parse the configuration file. */
config_filename = get_config_filename (component, backend);
config = es_fopen (config_filename, "r");
if (!config)
gc_error (0, errno, "warning: can not open config file %s",
while ((length = es_read_line (config, &line, &line_len, NULL)) > 0)
char *name;
char *value;
gc_option_t *option;
name = line;
while (*name == ' ' || *name == '\t')
if (!*name || *name == '#' || *name == '\r' || *name == '\n')
value = name;
while (*value && *value != ' ' && *value != '\t'
&& *value != '#' && *value != '\r' && *value != '\n')
if (*value == ' ' || *value == '\t')
char *end;
*(value++) = '\0';
while (*value == ' ' || *value == '\t')
end = value;
while (*end && *end != '#' && *end != '\r' && *end != '\n')
while (end > value && (end[-1] == ' ' || end[-1] == '\t'))
*end = '\0';
*value = '\0';
/* Look up the option in the component and install the
configuration data. */
option = find_option (component, line, backend);
if (option)
char *opt_value;
if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE)
if (*value)
gc_error (0, 0,
"warning: ignoring argument %s for option %s",
value, name);
opt_value = xstrdup ("1");
else if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback
opt_value = xasprintf ("\"%s", gc_percent_escape (value));
/* FIXME: Verify that the number is sane. */
opt_value = xstrdup (value);
/* Now enter the option into the table. */
if (!(option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_LIST))
if (option->value)
free (option->value);
option->value = opt_value;
if (!option->value)
option->value = opt_value;
char *opt_val = opt_value;
option->value = xasprintf ("%s,%s", option->value,
xfree (opt_value);
if (length < 0 || es_ferror (config))
gc_error (1, errno, "error reading from %s", config_filename);
if (es_fclose (config))
gc_error (1, errno, "error closing %s", config_filename);
xfree (line);
/* Retrieve the options for the component COMPONENT from backend
BACKEND, which we already know is of type file list. */
static void
retrieve_options_from_file (gc_component_t component, gc_backend_t backend)
gc_option_t *list_option;
gc_option_t *config_option;
char *list_filename;
FILE *list_file;
char *line = NULL;
size_t line_len = 0;
ssize_t length;
char *list = NULL;
list_option = find_option (component,
gc_backend[backend].option_name, GC_BACKEND_ANY);
assert (list_option);
assert (!list_option->active);
list_filename = get_config_filename (component, backend);
list_file = fopen (list_filename, "r");
if (!list_file)
gc_error (0, errno, "warning: can not open list file %s", list_filename);
while ((length = read_line (list_file, &line, &line_len, NULL)) > 0)
char *start;
char *end;
char *new_list;
start = line;
while (*start == ' ' || *start == '\t')
if (!*start || *start == '#' || *start == '\r' || *start == '\n')
end = start;
while (*end && *end != '#' && *end != '\r' && *end != '\n')
/* Walk back to skip trailing white spaces. Looks evil, but
works because of the conditions on START and END imposed
at this point (END is at least START + 1, and START is
not a whitespace character). */
while (*(end - 1) == ' ' || *(end - 1) == '\t')
*end = '\0';
/* FIXME: Oh, no! This is so lame! Should use realloc and
really append. */
if (list)
new_list = xasprintf ("%s,\"%s", list, gc_percent_escape (start));
xfree (list);
list = new_list;
list = xasprintf ("\"%s", gc_percent_escape (start));
if (length < 0 || ferror (list_file))
gc_error (1, errno, "can not read list file %s", list_filename);
list_option->active = 1;
list_option->value = list;
/* Fix up the read-only flag. */
config_option = find_option
(component, gc_backend[backend].option_config_filename, GC_BACKEND_ANY);
if (config_option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_NO_CHANGE)
list_option->flags |= GC_OPT_FLAG_NO_CHANGE;
if (list_file && fclose (list_file))
gc_error (1, errno, "error closing %s", list_filename);
xfree (line);
/* Retrieve the currently active options and their defaults from all
involved backends for this component. Using -1 for component will
retrieve all options from all components. */
gc_component_retrieve_options (int component)
int process_all = 0;
int backend_seen[GC_BACKEND_NR];
gc_backend_t backend;
gc_option_t *option;
if (component == GC_COMPONENT_PINENTRY)
return; /* Dummy module for now. */
for (backend = 0; backend < GC_BACKEND_NR; backend++)
backend_seen[backend] = 0;
if (component == -1)
process_all = 1;
component = 0;
assert (component < GC_COMPONENT_NR);
option = gc_component[component].options;
while (option && option->name)
if (!(option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_GROUP))
backend = option->backend;
if (backend_seen[backend])
backend_seen[backend] = 1;
assert (backend != GC_BACKEND_ANY);
if (gc_backend[backend].program)
retrieve_options_from_program (component, backend);
retrieve_options_from_file (component, backend);
while (process_all && ++component < GC_COMPONENT_NR);
/* Perform a simple validity check based on the type. Return in
NEW_VALUE_NR the value of the number in NEW_VALUE if OPTION is of
static void
option_check_validity (gc_option_t *option, unsigned long flags,
char *new_value, unsigned long *new_value_nr)
char *arg;
if (!option->active)
gc_error (1, 0, "option %s not supported by backend %s",
option->name, gc_backend[option->backend].name);
if (option->new_flags || option->new_value)
gc_error (1, 0, "option %s already changed", option->name);
if (flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT)
if (*new_value)
gc_error (1, 0, "argument %s provided for deleted option %s",
new_value, option->name);
/* GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE options have special list treatment. */
if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE)
char *tail;
gpg_err_set_errno (0);
*new_value_nr = strtoul (new_value, &tail, 0);
if (errno)
gc_error (1, errno, "invalid argument for option %s",
if (*tail)
gc_error (1, 0, "garbage after argument for option %s",
if (!(option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_LIST))
if (*new_value_nr != 1)
gc_error (1, 0, "argument for non-list option %s of type 0 "
"(none) must be 1", option->name);
if (*new_value_nr == 0)
gc_error (1, 0, "argument for option %s of type 0 (none) "
"must be positive", option->name);
arg = new_value;
if (*arg == '\0' || *arg == ',')
if (!(option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_ARG_OPT))
gc_error (1, 0, "argument required for option %s", option->name);
if (*arg == ',' && !(option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_LIST))
gc_error (1, 0, "list found for non-list option %s", option->name);
else if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING)
if (*arg != '"')
gc_error (1, 0, "string argument for option %s must begin "
"with a quote (\") character", option->name);
/* FIXME: We do not allow empty string arguments for now, as
we do not quote arguments in configuration files, and
thus no argument is indistinguishable from the empty
string. */
if (arg[1] == '\0' || arg[1] == ',')
gc_error (1, 0, "empty string argument for option %s is "
"currently not allowed. Please report this!",
else if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_INT32)
long res;
gpg_err_set_errno (0);
res = strtol (arg, &arg, 0);
(void) res;
if (errno)
gc_error (1, errno, "invalid argument for option %s",
if (*arg != '\0' && *arg != ',')
gc_error (1, 0, "garbage after argument for option %s",
else if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_UINT32)
unsigned long res;
gpg_err_set_errno (0);
res = strtoul (arg, &arg, 0);
(void) res;
if (errno)
gc_error (1, errno, "invalid argument for option %s",
if (*arg != '\0' && *arg != ',')
gc_error (1, 0, "garbage after argument for option %s",
arg = strchr (arg, ',');
if (arg)
while (arg && *arg);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
copy_file (const char *src_name, const char *dst_name)
#define BUF_LEN 4096
char buffer[BUF_LEN];
int len;
FILE *src;
FILE *dst;
src = fopen (src_name, "r");
if (src == NULL)
return -1;
dst = fopen (dst_name, "w");
if (dst == NULL)
int saved_err = errno;
fclose (src);
gpg_err_set_errno (saved_err);
return -1;
int written;
len = fread (buffer, 1, BUF_LEN, src);
if (len == 0)
written = fwrite (buffer, 1, len, dst);
if (written != len)
while (!feof (src) && !ferror (src) && !ferror (dst));
if (ferror (src) || ferror (dst) || !feof (src))
int saved_errno = errno;
fclose (src);
fclose (dst);
unlink (dst_name);
gpg_err_set_errno (saved_errno);
return -1;
if (fclose (dst))
gc_error (1, errno, "error closing %s", dst_name);
if (fclose (src))
gc_error (1, errno, "error closing %s", src_name);
return 0;
#endif /* HAVE_W32_SYSTEM */
/* Create and verify the new configuration file for the specified
backend and component. Returns 0 on success and -1 on error. */
static int
change_options_file (gc_component_t component, gc_backend_t backend,
char **src_filenamep, char **dest_filenamep,
char **orig_filenamep)
static const char marker[] = "###+++--- " GPGCONF_DISP_NAME " ---+++###";
/* True if we are within the marker in the config file. */
int in_marker = 0;
gc_option_t *option;
char *line = NULL;
size_t line_len;
ssize_t length;
int res;
int fd;
FILE *src_file = NULL;
FILE *dest_file = NULL;
char *src_filename;
char *dest_filename;
char *orig_filename;
char *arg;
char *cur_arg = NULL;
option = find_option (component,
gc_backend[backend].option_name, GC_BACKEND_ANY);
assert (option);
assert (option->active);
assert (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback != GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE);
/* FIXME. Throughout the function, do better error reporting. */
/* Note that get_config_filename() calls percent_deescape(), so we
call this before processing the arguments. */
dest_filename = xstrdup (get_config_filename (component, backend));
src_filename = xasprintf ("",
dest_filename, GPGCONF_NAME, (int)getpid ());
orig_filename = xasprintf ("%s.%s.%i.bak",
dest_filename, GPGCONF_NAME, (int)getpid ());
arg = option->new_value;
if (arg && arg[0] == '\0')
arg = NULL;
else if (arg)
char *end;
end = strchr (arg, ',');
if (end)
*end = '\0';
cur_arg = percent_deescape (arg);
if (end)
*end = ',';
arg = end + 1;
arg = NULL;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
res = copy_file (dest_filename, orig_filename);
res = link (dest_filename, orig_filename);
if (res < 0 && errno != ENOENT)
xfree (dest_filename);
return -1;
if (res < 0)
xfree (orig_filename);
orig_filename = NULL;
/* We now initialize the return strings, so the caller can do the
cleanup for us. */
*src_filenamep = src_filename;
*dest_filenamep = dest_filename;
*orig_filenamep = orig_filename;
/* Use open() so that we can use O_EXCL. */
fd = open (src_filename, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0644);
if (fd < 0)
return -1;
src_file = fdopen (fd, "w");
res = errno;
if (!src_file)
gpg_err_set_errno (res);
return -1;
/* Only if ORIG_FILENAME is not NULL did the configuration file
exist already. In this case, we will copy its content into the
new configuration file, changing it to our liking in the
process. */
if (orig_filename)
dest_file = fopen (dest_filename, "r");
if (!dest_file)
goto change_file_one_err;
while ((length = read_line (dest_file, &line, &line_len, NULL)) > 0)
int disable = 0;
char *start;
if (!strncmp (marker, line, sizeof (marker) - 1))
if (!in_marker)
in_marker = 1;
start = line;
while (*start == ' ' || *start == '\t')
if (*start && *start != '\r' && *start != '\n' && *start != '#')
char *end;
char *endp;
char saved_end;
endp = start;
end = endp;
/* Search for the end of the line. */
while (*endp && *endp != '#' && *endp != '\r' && *endp != '\n')
if (*endp && *endp != ' ' && *endp != '\t'
&& *endp != '\r' && *endp != '\n' && *endp != '#')
end = endp + 1;
saved_end = *end;
*end = '\0';
if ((option->new_flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT)
|| !cur_arg || strcmp (start, cur_arg))
disable = 1;
/* Find next argument. */
if (arg)
char *arg_end;
arg_end = strchr (arg, ',');
if (arg_end)
*arg_end = '\0';
cur_arg = percent_deescape (arg);
if (arg_end)
*arg_end = ',';
arg = arg_end + 1;
arg = NULL;
cur_arg = NULL;
*end = saved_end;
if (disable)
if (!in_marker)
fprintf (src_file,
"# %s disabled this option here at %s\n",
GPGCONF_DISP_NAME, asctimestamp (gnupg_get_time ()));
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_file_one_err;
fprintf (src_file, "# %s", line);
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_file_one_err;
fprintf (src_file, "%s", line);
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_file_one_err;
if (length < 0 || ferror (dest_file))
goto change_file_one_err;
if (!in_marker)
/* There was no marker. This is the first time we edit the
file. We add our own marker at the end of the file and
proceed. Note that we first write a newline, this guards us
against files which lack the newline at the end of the last
line, while it doesn't hurt us in all other cases. */
fprintf (src_file, "\n%s\n", marker);
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_file_one_err;
/* At this point, we have copied everything up to the end marker
into the new file, except for the arguments we are going to add.
Now, dump the new arguments and write the end marker, possibly
followed by the rest of the original file. */
while (cur_arg)
fprintf (src_file, "%s\n", cur_arg);
/* Find next argument. */
if (arg)
char *end;
end = strchr (arg, ',');
if (end)
*end = '\0';
cur_arg = percent_deescape (arg);
if (end)
*end = ',';
arg = end + 1;
arg = NULL;
cur_arg = NULL;
fprintf (src_file, "%s %s\n", marker, asctimestamp (gnupg_get_time ()));
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_file_one_err;
if (!in_marker)
fprintf (src_file, "# %s edited this configuration file.\n",
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_file_one_err;
fprintf (src_file, "# It will disable options before this marked "
"block, but it will\n");
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_file_one_err;
fprintf (src_file, "# never change anything below these lines.\n");
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_file_one_err;
if (dest_file)
while ((length = read_line (dest_file, &line, &line_len, NULL)) > 0)
fprintf (src_file, "%s", line);
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_file_one_err;
if (length < 0 || ferror (dest_file))
goto change_file_one_err;
xfree (line);
line = NULL;
res = fclose (src_file);
if (res)
res = errno;
close (fd);
if (dest_file)
fclose (dest_file);
gpg_err_set_errno (res);
return -1;
close (fd);
if (dest_file)
res = fclose (dest_file);
if (res)
return -1;
return 0;
xfree (line);
res = errno;
if (src_file)
fclose (src_file);
close (fd);
if (dest_file)
fclose (dest_file);
gpg_err_set_errno (res);
return -1;
/* Create and verify the new configuration file for the specified
backend and component. Returns 0 on success and -1 on error. */
static int
change_options_program (gc_component_t component, gc_backend_t backend,
char **src_filenamep, char **dest_filenamep,
char **orig_filenamep)
static const char marker[] = "###+++--- " GPGCONF_DISP_NAME " ---+++###";
/* True if we are within the marker in the config file. */
int in_marker = 0;
gc_option_t *option;
char *line = NULL;
size_t line_len;
ssize_t length;
int res;
int fd;
FILE *src_file = NULL;
FILE *dest_file = NULL;
char *src_filename;
char *dest_filename;
char *orig_filename;
/* Special hack for gpg, see below. */
int utf8strings_seen = 0;
/* FIXME. Throughout the function, do better error reporting. */
dest_filename = xstrdup (get_config_filename (component, backend));
src_filename = xasprintf ("",
dest_filename, GPGCONF_NAME, (int)getpid ());
orig_filename = xasprintf ("%s.%s.%i.bak",
dest_filename, GPGCONF_NAME, (int)getpid ());
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
res = copy_file (dest_filename, orig_filename);
res = link (dest_filename, orig_filename);
if (res < 0 && errno != ENOENT)
return -1;
if (res < 0)
xfree (orig_filename);
orig_filename = NULL;
/* We now initialize the return strings, so the caller can do the
cleanup for us. */
*src_filenamep = src_filename;
*dest_filenamep = dest_filename;
*orig_filenamep = orig_filename;
/* Use open() so that we can use O_EXCL. */
fd = open (src_filename, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0644);
if (fd < 0)
return -1;
src_file = fdopen (fd, "w");
res = errno;
if (!src_file)
gpg_err_set_errno (res);
return -1;
/* Only if ORIG_FILENAME is not NULL did the configuration file
exist already. In this case, we will copy its content into the
new configuration file, changing it to our liking in the
process. */
if (orig_filename)
dest_file = fopen (dest_filename, "r");
if (!dest_file)
goto change_one_err;
while ((length = read_line (dest_file, &line, &line_len, NULL)) > 0)
int disable = 0;
char *start;
if (!strncmp (marker, line, sizeof (marker) - 1))
if (!in_marker)
in_marker = 1;
else if (backend == GC_BACKEND_GPG && in_marker
&& ! strcmp ("utf8-strings\n", line))
/* Strip duplicated entries. */
if (utf8strings_seen)
disable = 1;
utf8strings_seen = 1;
start = line;
while (*start == ' ' || *start == '\t')
if (*start && *start != '\r' && *start != '\n' && *start != '#')
char *end;
char saved_end;
end = start;
while (*end && *end != ' ' && *end != '\t'
&& *end != '\r' && *end != '\n' && *end != '#')
saved_end = *end;
*end = '\0';
option = find_option (component, start, backend);
*end = saved_end;
if (option && ((option->new_flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT)
|| option->new_value))
disable = 1;
if (disable)
if (!in_marker)
fprintf (src_file,
"# %s disabled this option here at %s\n",
GPGCONF_DISP_NAME, asctimestamp (gnupg_get_time ()));
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_one_err;
fprintf (src_file, "# %s", line);
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_one_err;
fprintf (src_file, "%s", line);
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_one_err;
if (length < 0 || ferror (dest_file))
goto change_one_err;
if (!in_marker)
/* There was no marker. This is the first time we edit the
file. We add our own marker at the end of the file and
proceed. Note that we first write a newline, this guards us
against files which lack the newline at the end of the last
line, while it doesn't hurt us in all other cases. */
fprintf (src_file, "\n%s\n", marker);
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_one_err;
/* At this point, we have copied everything up to the end marker
into the new file, except for the options we are going to change.
Now, dump the changed options (except for those we are going to
revert to their default), and write the end marker, possibly
followed by the rest of the original file. */
/* We have to turn on UTF8 strings for GnuPG. */
if (backend == GC_BACKEND_GPG && ! utf8strings_seen)
fprintf (src_file, "utf8-strings\n");
option = gc_component[component].options;
while (option->name)
if (!(option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_GROUP)
&& option->backend == backend
&& option->new_value)
char *arg = option->new_value;
if (*arg == '\0' || *arg == ',')
fprintf (src_file, "%s\n", option->name);
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_one_err;
else if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback
assert (*arg == '1');
fprintf (src_file, "%s\n", option->name);
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_one_err;
else if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback
char *end;
assert (*arg == '"');
end = strchr (arg, ',');
if (end)
*end = '\0';
fprintf (src_file, "%s %s\n", option->name,
percent_deescape (arg));
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_one_err;
if (end)
*end = ',';
arg = end;
char *end;
end = strchr (arg, ',');
if (end)
*end = '\0';
fprintf (src_file, "%s %s\n", option->name, arg);
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_one_err;
if (end)
*end = ',';
arg = end;
assert (arg == NULL || *arg == '\0' || *arg == ',');
if (arg && *arg == ',')
while (arg && *arg);
fprintf (src_file, "%s %s\n", marker, asctimestamp (gnupg_get_time ()));
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_one_err;
if (!in_marker)
fprintf (src_file, "# %s edited this configuration file.\n",
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_one_err;
fprintf (src_file, "# It will disable options before this marked "
"block, but it will\n");
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_one_err;
fprintf (src_file, "# never change anything below these lines.\n");
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_one_err;
if (dest_file)
while ((length = read_line (dest_file, &line, &line_len, NULL)) > 0)
fprintf (src_file, "%s", line);
if (ferror (src_file))
goto change_one_err;
if (length < 0 || ferror (dest_file))
goto change_one_err;
xfree (line);
line = NULL;
res = fclose (src_file);
if (res)
res = errno;
close (fd);
if (dest_file)
fclose (dest_file);
gpg_err_set_errno (res);
return -1;
close (fd);
if (dest_file)
res = fclose (dest_file);
if (res)
return -1;
return 0;
xfree (line);
res = errno;
if (src_file)
fclose (src_file);
close (fd);
if (dest_file)
fclose (dest_file);
gpg_err_set_errno (res);
return -1;
/* Common code for gc_component_change_options and
gc_process_gpgconf_conf. */
static void
change_one_value (gc_option_t *option, int *runtime,
unsigned long flags, char *new_value)
unsigned long new_value_nr = 0;
option_check_validity (option, flags, new_value, &new_value_nr);
if (option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME)
runtime[option->backend] = 1;
option->new_flags = flags;
if (!(flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT))
if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE
&& (option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_LIST))
char *str;
/* We convert the number to a list of 1's for convenient
list handling. */
assert (new_value_nr > 0);
option->new_value = xmalloc ((2 * (new_value_nr - 1) + 1) + 1);
str = option->new_value;
*(str++) = '1';
while (--new_value_nr > 0)
*(str++) = ',';
*(str++) = '1';
*(str++) = '\0';
option->new_value = xstrdup (new_value);
/* Read the modifications from IN and apply them. If IN is NULL the
modifications are expected to already have been set to the global
table. */
gc_component_change_options (int component, estream_t in, estream_t out)
int err = 0;
int runtime[GC_BACKEND_NR];
char *src_filename[GC_BACKEND_NR];
char *dest_filename[GC_BACKEND_NR];
char *orig_filename[GC_BACKEND_NR];
gc_backend_t backend;
gc_option_t *option;
char *line = NULL;
size_t line_len = 0;
ssize_t length;
if (component == GC_COMPONENT_PINENTRY)
return; /* Dummy component for now. */
for (backend = 0; backend < GC_BACKEND_NR; backend++)
runtime[backend] = 0;
src_filename[backend] = NULL;
dest_filename[backend] = NULL;
orig_filename[backend] = NULL;
if (in)
/* Read options from the file IN. */
while ((length = es_read_line (in, &line, &line_len, NULL)) > 0)
char *linep;
unsigned long flags = 0;
char *new_value = "";
/* Strip newline and carriage return, if present. */
while (length > 0
&& (line[length - 1] == '\n' || line[length - 1] == '\r'))
line[--length] = '\0';
linep = strchr (line, ':');
if (linep)
*(linep++) = '\0';
/* Extract additional flags. Default to none. */
if (linep)
char *end;
char *tail;
end = strchr (linep, ':');
if (end)
*(end++) = '\0';
gpg_err_set_errno (0);
flags = strtoul (linep, &tail, 0);
if (errno)
gc_error (1, errno, "malformed flags in option %s", line);
if (!(*tail == '\0' || *tail == ':' || *tail == ' '))
gc_error (1, 0, "garbage after flags in option %s", line);
linep = end;
/* Don't allow setting of the no change flag. */
/* Extract default value, if present. Default to empty if not. */
if (linep)
char *end;
end = strchr (linep, ':');
if (end)
*(end++) = '\0';
new_value = linep;
linep = end;
option = find_option (component, line, GC_BACKEND_ANY);
if (!option)
gc_error (1, 0, "unknown option %s", line);
if ((option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_NO_CHANGE))
gc_error (0, 0, "ignoring new value for option %s",
change_one_value (option, runtime, flags, new_value);
/* Now that we have collected and locally verified the changes,
write them out to new configuration files, verify them
externally, and then commit them. */
option = gc_component[component].options;
while (option && option->name)
/* Go on if we have already seen this backend, or if there is
nothing to do. */
if (src_filename[option->backend]
|| !(option->new_flags || option->new_value))
if (gc_backend[option->backend].program)
err = change_options_program (component, option->backend,
if (! err)
/* External verification. */
err = gc_component_check_options (component, out,
if (err)
gc_error (0, 0,
_("External verification of component %s failed"),
gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL);
err = change_options_file (component, option->backend,
if (err)
if (! err && ! opt.dry_run)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < GC_BACKEND_NR; i++)
if (src_filename[i])
/* FIXME: Make a verification here. */
assert (dest_filename[i]);
if (orig_filename[i])
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* There is no atomic update on W32. */
err = unlink (dest_filename[i]);
#endif /* HAVE_W32_SYSTEM */
if (!err)
err = rename (src_filename[i], dest_filename[i]);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* We skip the unlink if we expect the file not to
be there. */
err = rename (src_filename[i], dest_filename[i]);
#else /* HAVE_W32_SYSTEM */
/* This is a bit safer than rename() because we
expect DEST_FILENAME not to be there. If it
happens to be there, this will fail. */
err = link (src_filename[i], dest_filename[i]);
if (!err)
err = unlink (src_filename[i]);
#endif /* !HAVE_W32_SYSTEM */
if (err)
src_filename[i] = NULL;
if (err || opt.dry_run)
int i;
int saved_errno = errno;
/* An error occurred or a dry-run is requested. */
for (i = 0; i < GC_BACKEND_NR; i++)
if (src_filename[i])
/* The change was not yet committed. */
unlink (src_filename[i]);
if (orig_filename[i])
unlink (orig_filename[i]);
/* The changes were already committed. FIXME: This is a
tad dangerous, as we don't know if we don't overwrite
a version of the file that is even newer than the one
we just installed. */
if (orig_filename[i])
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* There is no atomic update on W32. */
unlink (dest_filename[i]);
#endif /* HAVE_W32_SYSTEM */
rename (orig_filename[i], dest_filename[i]);
unlink (dest_filename[i]);
if (err)
gc_error (1, saved_errno, "could not commit changes");
/* Fall-through for dry run. */
goto leave;
/* If it all worked, notify the daemons of the changes. */
if (opt.runtime)
for (backend = 0; backend < GC_BACKEND_NR; backend++)
if (runtime[backend] && gc_backend[backend].runtime_change)
(*gc_backend[backend].runtime_change) (0);
/* Move the per-process backup file into its place. */
for (backend = 0; backend < GC_BACKEND_NR; backend++)
if (orig_filename[backend])
char *backup_filename;
assert (dest_filename[backend]);
backup_filename = xasprintf ("%s.%s.bak",
dest_filename[backend], GPGCONF_NAME);
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* There is no atomic update on W32. */
unlink (backup_filename);
#endif /* HAVE_W32_SYSTEM */
rename (orig_filename[backend], backup_filename);
xfree (line);
/* Check whether USER matches the current user of one of its group.
This function may change USER. Returns true is there is a
match. */
static int
key_matches_user_or_group (char *user)
char *group;
if (*user == '*' && user[1] == 0)
return 1; /* A single asterisk matches all users. */
group = strchr (user, ':');
if (group)
*group++ = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
/* Under Windows we don't support groups. */
if (group && *group)
gc_error (0, 0, _("Note that group specifications are ignored\n"));
if (*user)
static char *my_name;
if (!my_name)
char tmp[1];
DWORD size = 1;
GetUserNameA (tmp, &size);
my_name = xmalloc (size);
if (!GetUserNameA (my_name, &size))
gc_error (1,0, "error getting current user name: %s",
w32_strerror (-1));
if (!strcmp (user, my_name))
return 1; /* Found. */
#endif /*HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM*/
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* First check whether the user matches. */
if (*user)
static char *my_name;
if (!my_name)
struct passwd *pw = getpwuid ( getuid () );
if (!pw)
gc_error (1, errno, "getpwuid failed for current user");
my_name = xstrdup (pw->pw_name);
if (!strcmp (user, my_name))
return 1; /* Found. */
/* If that failed, check whether a group matches. */
if (group && *group)
static char *my_group;
static char **my_supgroups;
int n;
if (!my_group)
struct group *gr = getgrgid ( getgid () );
if (!gr)
gc_error (1, errno, "getgrgid failed for current user");
my_group = xstrdup (gr->gr_name);
if (!strcmp (group, my_group))
return 1; /* Found. */
if (!my_supgroups)
int ngids;
gid_t *gids;
ngids = getgroups (0, NULL);
gids = xcalloc (ngids+1, sizeof *gids);
ngids = getgroups (ngids, gids);
if (ngids < 0)
gc_error (1, errno, "getgroups failed for current user");
my_supgroups = xcalloc (ngids+1, sizeof *my_supgroups);
for (n=0; n < ngids; n++)
struct group *gr = getgrgid ( gids[n] );
if (!gr)
gc_error (1, errno, "getgrgid failed for supplementary group");
my_supgroups[n] = xstrdup (gr->gr_name);
xfree (gids);
for (n=0; my_supgroups[n]; n++)
if (!strcmp (group, my_supgroups[n]))
return 1; /* Found. */
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
return 0; /* No match. */
/* Read and process the global configuration file for gpgconf. This
optional file is used to update our internal tables at runtime and
may also be used to set new default values. If FNAME is NULL the
default name will be used. With UPDATE set to true the internal
tables are actually updated; if not set, only a syntax check is
done. If DEFAULTS is true the global options are written to the
configuration files. If LISTFP is set, no changes are done but the
configuration file is printed to LISTFP in a colon separated format.
Returns 0 on success or if the config file is not present; -1 is
returned on error. */
gc_process_gpgconf_conf (const char *fname_arg, int update, int defaults,
estream_t listfp)
int result = 0;
char *line = NULL;
size_t line_len = 0;
ssize_t length;
FILE *config;
int lineno = 0;
int in_rule = 0;
int got_match = 0;
int runtime[GC_BACKEND_NR];
int backend_id, component_id;
char *fname;
if (fname_arg)
fname = xstrdup (fname_arg);
fname = make_filename (gnupg_sysconfdir (), GPGCONF_NAME EXTSEP_S "conf",
for (backend_id = 0; backend_id < GC_BACKEND_NR; backend_id++)
runtime[backend_id] = 0;
config = fopen (fname, "r");
if (!config)
/* Do not print an error if the file is not available, except
when running in syntax check mode. */
if (errno != ENOENT || !update)
gc_error (0, errno, "can not open global config file '%s'", fname);
result = -1;
xfree (fname);
return result;
while ((length = read_line (config, &line, &line_len, NULL)) > 0)
char *key, *component, *option, *flags, *value;
char *empty;
gc_option_t *option_info = NULL;
char *p;
int is_continuation;
key = line;
while (*key == ' ' || *key == '\t')
if (!*key || *key == '#' || *key == '\r' || *key == '\n')
is_continuation = (key != line);
/* Parse the key field. */
if (!is_continuation && got_match)
break; /* Finish after the first match. */
else if (!is_continuation)
in_rule = 0;
for (p=key+1; *p && !strchr (" \t\r\n", *p); p++)
if (!*p)
gc_error (0, 0, "missing rule at '%s', line %d", fname, lineno);
result = -1;
*p++ = 0;
component = p;
else if (!in_rule)
gc_error (0, 0, "continuation but no rule at '%s', line %d",
fname, lineno);
result = -1;
component = key;
key = NULL;
in_rule = 1;
/* Parse the component. */
while (*component == ' ' || *component == '\t')
for (p=component; *p && !strchr (" \t\r\n", *p); p++)
if (p == component)
gc_error (0, 0, "missing component at '%s', line %d",
fname, lineno);
result = -1;
empty = p;
*p++ = 0;
option = p;
component_id = gc_component_find (component);
if (component_id < 0)
gc_error (0, 0, "unknown component at '%s', line %d",
fname, lineno);
result = -1;
/* Parse the option name. */
while (*option == ' ' || *option == '\t')
for (p=option; *p && !strchr (" \t\r\n", *p); p++)
if (p == option)
gc_error (0, 0, "missing option at '%s', line %d",
fname, lineno);
result = -1;
*p++ = 0;
flags = p;
if ( component_id != -1)
option_info = find_option (component_id, option, GC_BACKEND_ANY);
if (!option_info)
gc_error (0, 0, "unknown option at '%s', line %d",
fname, lineno);
result = -1;
/* Parse the optional flags. */
while (*flags == ' ' || *flags == '\t')
if (*flags == '[')
p = strchr (flags, ']');
if (!p)
gc_error (0, 0, "syntax error in rule at '%s', line %d",
fname, lineno);
result = -1;
*p++ = 0;
value = p;
else /* No flags given. */
value = flags;
flags = NULL;
/* Parse the optional value. */
while (*value == ' ' || *value == '\t')
for (p=value; *p && !strchr ("\r\n", *p); p++)
if (p == value)
value = empty; /* No value given; let it point to an empty string. */
/* Strip trailing white space. */
*p = 0;
for (p--; p > value && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t'); p--)
*p = 0;
/* Check flag combinations. */
if (!flags)
else if (!strcmp (flags, "default"))
if (*value)
gc_error (0, 0, "flag \"default\" may not be combined "
"with a value at '%s', line %d",
fname, lineno);
result = -1;
else if (!strcmp (flags, "change"))
else if (!strcmp (flags, "no-change"))
gc_error (0, 0, "unknown flag at '%s', line %d",
fname, lineno);
result = -1;
/* In list mode we print out all records. */
if (listfp && !result)
/* If this is a new ruleset, print a key record. */
if (!is_continuation)
char *group = strchr (key, ':');
if (group)
*group++ = 0;
if ((p = strchr (group, ':')))
*p = 0; /* We better strip any extra stuff. */
es_fprintf (listfp, "k:%s:", gc_percent_escape (key));
es_fprintf (listfp, "%s\n", group? gc_percent_escape (group):"");
/* All other lines are rule records. */
es_fprintf (listfp, "r:::%s:%s:%s:",
option_info->name? option_info->name : "",
flags? flags : "");
if (value != empty)
es_fprintf (listfp, "\"%s", gc_percent_escape (value));
es_putc ('\n', listfp);
/* Check whether the key matches but do this only if we are not
running in syntax check mode. */
if ( update
&& !result && !listfp
&& (got_match || (key && key_matches_user_or_group (key))) )
int newflags = 0;
got_match = 1;
/* Apply the flags from gpgconf.conf. */
if (!flags)
else if (!strcmp (flags, "default"))
newflags |= GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT;
else if (!strcmp (flags, "no-change"))
option_info->flags |= GC_OPT_FLAG_NO_CHANGE;
else if (!strcmp (flags, "change"))
option_info->flags &= ~GC_OPT_FLAG_NO_CHANGE;
if (defaults)
/* Here we explicitly allow updating the value again. */
if (newflags)
option_info->new_flags = 0;
if (*value)
xfree (option_info->new_value);
option_info->new_value = NULL;
change_one_value (option_info, runtime, newflags, value);
if (length < 0 || ferror (config))
gc_error (0, errno, "error reading from '%s'", fname);
result = -1;
if (fclose (config))
gc_error (0, errno, "error closing '%s'", fname);
xfree (line);
/* If it all worked, process the options. */
if (!result && update && defaults && !listfp)
/* We need to switch off the runtime update, so that we can do
it later all at once. */
int save_opt_runtime = opt.runtime;
opt.runtime = 0;
for (component_id = 0; component_id < GC_COMPONENT_NR; component_id++)
gc_component_change_options (component_id, NULL, NULL);
opt.runtime = save_opt_runtime;
if (opt.runtime)
for (backend_id = 0; backend_id < GC_BACKEND_NR; backend_id++)
if (runtime[backend_id] && gc_backend[backend_id].runtime_change)
(*gc_backend[backend_id].runtime_change) (0);
xfree (fname);
return result;
diff --git a/tools/gpgconf.c b/tools/gpgconf.c
index e43f49d40..67a0dce95 100644
--- a/tools/gpgconf.c
+++ b/tools/gpgconf.c
@@ -1,743 +1,743 @@
/* gpgconf.c - Configuration utility for GnuPG
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2007, 2009, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gpgconf.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
/* Constants to identify the commands and options. */
enum cmd_and_opt_values
aNull = 0,
oDryRun = 'n',
oOutput = 'o',
oQuiet = 'q',
oVerbose = 'v',
oRuntime = 'r',
oComponent = 'c',
oNull = '0',
oNoVerbose = 500,
/* The list of commands and options. */
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] =
{ 300, NULL, 0, N_("@Commands:\n ") },
{ aListComponents, "list-components", 256, N_("list all components") },
{ aCheckPrograms, "check-programs", 256, N_("check all programs") },
{ aListOptions, "list-options", 256, N_("|COMPONENT|list options") },
{ aChangeOptions, "change-options", 256, N_("|COMPONENT|change options") },
{ aCheckOptions, "check-options", 256, N_("|COMPONENT|check options") },
{ aApplyDefaults, "apply-defaults", 256,
N_("apply global default values") },
{ aListDirs, "list-dirs", 256,
N_("get the configuration directories for @GPGCONF@") },
{ aListConfig, "list-config", 256,
N_("list global configuration file") },
{ aCheckConfig, "check-config", 256,
N_("check global configuration file") },
{ aQuerySWDB, "query-swdb", 256,
N_("query the software version database") },
{ aReload, "reload", 256, N_("reload all or a given component")},
{ aLaunch, "launch", 256, N_("launch a given component")},
{ aKill, "kill", 256, N_("kill a given component")},
{ aCreateSocketDir, "create-socketdir", 256, "@"},
{ aRemoveSocketDir, "remove-socketdir", 256, "@"},
{ 301, NULL, 0, N_("@\nOptions:\n ") },
{ oOutput, "output", 2, N_("use as output file") },
{ oVerbose, "verbose", 0, N_("verbose") },
{ oQuiet, "quiet", 0, N_("quiet") },
{ oDryRun, "dry-run", 0, N_("do not make any changes") },
{ oRuntime, "runtime", 0, N_("activate changes at runtime, if possible") },
/* hidden options */
{ oHomedir, "homedir", 2, "@" },
{ oNull, "null", 0, "@" },
{ oNoVerbose, "no-verbose", 0, "@"},
/* Print usage information and and provide strings for help. */
static const char *
my_strusage( int level )
const char *p;
switch (level)
case 11: p = "@GPGCONF@ (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 1:
case 40: p = _("Usage: @GPGCONF@ [options] (-h for help)");
case 41:
p = _("Syntax: @GPGCONF@ [options]\n"
"Manage configuration options for tools of the @GNUPG@ system\n");
default: p = NULL; break;
return p;
/* Return the fp for the output. This is usually stdout unless
--output has been used. In the latter case this function opens
that file. */
static estream_t
get_outfp (estream_t *fp)
if (!*fp)
if (opt.outfile)
*fp = es_fopen (opt.outfile, "w");
if (!*fp)
gc_error (1, errno, "can not open '%s'", opt.outfile);
*fp = es_stdout;
return *fp;
static void
list_dirs (estream_t fp, char **names)
static struct {
const char *name;
const char *(*fnc)(void);
const char *extra;
} list[] = {
{ "sysconfdir", gnupg_sysconfdir, NULL },
{ "bindir", gnupg_bindir, NULL },
{ "libexecdir", gnupg_libexecdir, NULL },
{ "libdir", gnupg_libdir, NULL },
{ "datadir", gnupg_datadir, NULL },
{ "localedir", gnupg_localedir, NULL },
{ "socketdir", gnupg_socketdir, NULL },
{ "dirmngr-socket", dirmngr_socket_name, NULL,},
{ "agent-ssh-socket", gnupg_socketdir, GPG_AGENT_SSH_SOCK_NAME },
{ "agent-extra-socket", gnupg_socketdir, GPG_AGENT_EXTRA_SOCK_NAME },
{ "agent-browser-socket",gnupg_socketdir, GPG_AGENT_BROWSER_SOCK_NAME },
{ "agent-socket", gnupg_socketdir, GPG_AGENT_SOCK_NAME },
{ "homedir", gnupg_homedir, NULL }
int idx, j;
char *tmp;
const char *s;
for (idx = 0; idx < DIM (list); idx++)
s = list[idx].fnc ();
if (list[idx].extra)
tmp = make_filename (s, list[idx].extra, NULL);
s = tmp;
tmp = NULL;
if (!names)
es_fprintf (fp, "%s:%s\n", list[idx].name, gc_percent_escape (s));
for (j=0; names[j]; j++)
if (!strcmp (names[j], list[idx].name))
es_fputs (s, fp);
es_putc (opt.null? '\0':'\n', fp);
xfree (tmp);
/* Check whether NAME is valid argument for query_swdb(). Valid names
* start with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters or an
* underscore. */
static int
valid_swdb_name_p (const char *name)
if (!name || !*name || !alphap (name))
return 0;
for (name++; *name; name++)
if (!alnump (name) && *name != '_')
return 0;
return 1;
/* Query the SWDB file. If necessary and possible this functions asks
* the dirmngr to load an updated version of that file. The caller
* needs to provide the NAME to query (e.g. "gnupg", "libgcrypt") and
* optional the currently installed version in CURRENT_VERSION. The
* output written to OUT is a colon delimited line with these fields:
* name :: The name of the package
* curvers:: The installed version if given.
* status :: This value tells the status of the software package
* '-' :: No information available
* (error or CURRENT_VERSION not given)
* '?' :: Unknown NAME
* 'u' :: Update available
* 'c' :: The version is Current
* 'n' :: The current version is already Newer than the
* available one.
* urgency :: If the value is greater than zero an urgent update is required.
* error :: 0 on success or an gpg_err_code_t
* Common codes seen:
* GPG_ERR_TOO_OLD :: The SWDB file is to old to be used.
* GPG_ERR_ENOENT :: The SWDB file is not available.
* GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE :: Currupted SWDB file.
* filedate:: Date of the swdb file (yyyymmddThhmmss)
* verified:: Date we checked the validity of the file (yyyyymmddThhmmss)
* version :: The version string from the swdb.
* reldate :: Release date of that version (yyyymmddThhmmss)
* size :: Size of the package in bytes.
* hash :: SHA-2 hash of the package.
static void
query_swdb (estream_t out, const char *name, const char *current_version)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *search_name;
char *fname = NULL;
estream_t fp = NULL;
char *line = NULL;
char *self_version = NULL;
size_t length_of_line = 0;
size_t maxlen;
ssize_t len;
char *fields[2];
char *p;
gnupg_isotime_t filedate = {0};
gnupg_isotime_t verified = {0};
char *value_ver = NULL;
gnupg_isotime_t value_date = {0};
char *value_size = NULL;
char *value_sha2 = NULL;
unsigned long value_size_ul;
int status, i;
if (!valid_swdb_name_p (name))
log_error ("error in package name '%s': %s\n",
name, gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME));
goto leave;
if (!strcmp (name, "gnupg"))
search_name = "gnupg21";
else if (!strcmp (name, "gnupg1"))
search_name = "gnupg1";
search_name = name;
if (!current_version && !strcmp (name, "gnupg"))
/* Use our own version but string a possible beta string. */
self_version = xstrdup (PACKAGE_VERSION);
p = strchr (self_version, '-');
if (p)
*p = 0;
current_version = self_version;
if (current_version && (strchr (current_version, ':')
|| compare_version_strings (current_version, NULL)))
log_error ("error in version string '%s': %s\n",
current_version, gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG));
goto leave;
fname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), "swdb.lst", NULL);
fp = es_fopen (fname, "r");
if (!fp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
es_fprintf (out, "%s:%s:-::%u:::::::\n",
current_version? current_version : "",
gpg_err_code (err));
if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_ENOENT)
log_error (_("error opening '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Note that the parser uses the first occurance of a matching
* values and ignores possible duplicated values. */
maxlen = 2048; /* Set limit. */
while ((len = es_read_line (fp, &line, &length_of_line, &maxlen)) > 0)
if (!maxlen)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LINE_TOO_LONG);
log_error (_("error reading '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Strip newline and carriage return, if present. */
while (len > 0 && (line[len - 1] == '\n' || line[len - 1] == '\r'))
line[--len] = '\0';
if (split_fields (line, fields, DIM (fields)) < DIM(fields))
continue; /* Skip empty lines and names w/o a value. */
if (*fields[0] == '#')
continue; /* Skip comments. */
/* Record the meta data. */
if (!*filedate && !strcmp (fields[0], ".filedate"))
string2isotime (filedate, fields[1]);
if (!*verified && !strcmp (fields[0], ".verified"))
string2isotime (verified, fields[1]);
/* Tokenize the name. */
p = strrchr (fields[0], '_');
if (!p)
continue; /* Name w/o an underscore. */
*p++ = 0;
/* Wait for the requested name. */
if (!strcmp (fields[0], search_name))
if (!strcmp (p, "ver") && !value_ver)
value_ver = xstrdup (fields[1]);
else if (!strcmp (p, "date") && !*value_date)
string2isotime (value_date, fields[1]);
else if (!strcmp (p, "size") && !value_size)
value_size = xstrdup (fields[1]);
else if (!strcmp (p, "sha2") && !value_sha2)
value_sha2 = xstrdup (fields[1]);
if (len < 0 || es_ferror (fp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error reading '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (!*filedate || !*verified)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_TIME);
es_fprintf (out, "%s:%s:-::%u:::::::\n",
current_version? current_version : "",
gpg_err_code (err));
goto leave;
if (!value_ver)
es_fprintf (out, "%s:%s:?:::::::::\n",
current_version? current_version : "");
goto leave;
if (value_size)
gpg_err_set_errno (0);
value_size_ul = strtoul (value_size, &p, 10);
if (errno)
value_size_ul = 0;
else if (*p == 'k')
value_size_ul *= 1024;
err = 0;
status = '-';
if (compare_version_strings (value_ver, NULL))
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
else if (!current_version)
else if (!(i = compare_version_strings (value_ver, current_version)))
status = 'c';
else if (i > 0)
status = 'u';
status = 'n';
es_fprintf (out, "%s:%s:%c::%d:%s:%s:%s:%s:%lu:%s:\n",
current_version? current_version : "",
value_sha2? value_sha2 : "");
xfree (value_ver);
xfree (value_size);
xfree (value_sha2);
xfree (line);
es_fclose (fp);
xfree (fname);
xfree (self_version);
/* gpgconf main. */
main (int argc, char **argv)
const char *fname;
int no_more_options = 0;
enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd = 0;
estream_t outfp = NULL;
early_system_init ();
gnupg_reopen_std (GPGCONF_NAME);
set_strusage (my_strusage);
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
/* Parse the command line. */
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags = 1; /* Do not remove the args. */
while (!no_more_options && optfile_parse (NULL, NULL, NULL, &pargs, opts))
switch (pargs.r_opt)
case oOutput: opt.outfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break;
case oDryRun: opt.dry_run = 1; break;
case oRuntime:
opt.runtime = 1;
case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; break;
case oNoVerbose: opt.verbose = 0; break;
case oHomedir: gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str); break;
case oNull: opt.null = 1; break;
case aListDirs:
case aListComponents:
case aCheckPrograms:
case aListOptions:
case aChangeOptions:
case aCheckOptions:
case aApplyDefaults:
case aListConfig:
case aCheckConfig:
case aQuerySWDB:
case aReload:
case aLaunch:
case aKill:
case aCreateSocketDir:
case aRemoveSocketDir:
cmd = pargs.r_opt;
default: pargs.err = 2; break;
if (log_get_errorcount (0))
exit (2);
/* Print a warning if an argument looks like an option. */
if (!opt.quiet && !(pargs.flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_STOP_SEEN))
int i;
for (i=0; i < argc; i++)
if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '-')
log_info (_("Note: '%s' is not considered an option\n"), argv[i]);
fname = argc ? *argv : NULL;
switch (cmd)
case aListComponents:
/* List all components. */
gc_component_list_components (get_outfp (&outfp));
case aCheckPrograms:
/* Check all programs. */
gc_check_programs (get_outfp (&outfp));
case aListOptions:
case aChangeOptions:
case aCheckOptions:
if (!fname)
es_fprintf (es_stderr, _("usage: %s [options] "), GPGCONF_NAME);
es_putc ('\n', es_stderr);
es_fputs (_("Need one component argument"), es_stderr);
es_putc ('\n', es_stderr);
exit (2);
int idx = gc_component_find (fname);
if (idx < 0)
es_fputs (_("Component not found"), es_stderr);
es_putc ('\n', es_stderr);
exit (1);
if (cmd == aCheckOptions)
gc_component_check_options (idx, get_outfp (&outfp), NULL);
gc_component_retrieve_options (idx);
if (gc_process_gpgconf_conf (NULL, 1, 0, NULL))
exit (1);
if (cmd == aListOptions)
gc_component_list_options (idx, get_outfp (&outfp));
else if (cmd == aChangeOptions)
gc_component_change_options (idx, es_stdin, get_outfp (&outfp));
case aLaunch:
case aKill:
if (!fname)
es_fprintf (es_stderr, _("usage: %s [options] "), GPGCONF_NAME);
es_putc ('\n', es_stderr);
es_fputs (_("Need one component argument"), es_stderr);
es_putc ('\n', es_stderr);
exit (2);
/* Launch/Kill a given component. */
int idx;
idx = gc_component_find (fname);
if (idx < 0)
es_fputs (_("Component not found"), es_stderr);
es_putc ('\n', es_stderr);
exit (1);
else if (cmd == aLaunch)
if (gc_component_launch (idx))
exit (1);
/* We don't error out if the kill failed because this
command should do nothing if the component is not
running. */
gc_component_kill (idx);
case aReload:
if (!fname)
/* Reload all. */
gc_component_reload (-1);
/* Reload given component. */
int idx;
idx = gc_component_find (fname);
if (idx < 0)
es_fputs (_("Component not found"), es_stderr);
es_putc ('\n', es_stderr);
exit (1);
gc_component_reload (idx);
case aListConfig:
if (gc_process_gpgconf_conf (fname, 0, 0, get_outfp (&outfp)))
exit (1);
case aCheckConfig:
if (gc_process_gpgconf_conf (fname, 0, 0, NULL))
exit (1);
case aApplyDefaults:
if (fname)
es_fprintf (es_stderr, _("usage: %s [options] "), GPGCONF_NAME);
es_putc ('\n', es_stderr);
es_fputs (_("No argument allowed"), es_stderr);
es_putc ('\n', es_stderr);
exit (2);
gc_component_retrieve_options (-1);
if (gc_process_gpgconf_conf (NULL, 1, 1, NULL))
exit (1);
case aListDirs:
/* Show the system configuration directories for gpgconf. */
get_outfp (&outfp);
list_dirs (outfp, argc? argv : NULL);
case aQuerySWDB:
/* Query the software version database. */
if (!fname || argc > 2)
es_fprintf (es_stderr, "usage: %s --query-swdb NAME [VERSION]\n",
exit (2);
get_outfp (&outfp);
query_swdb (outfp, fname, argc > 1? argv[1] : NULL);
case aCreateSocketDir:
char *socketdir;
unsigned int flags;
/* Make sure that the top /run/user/UID/gnupg dir has been
* created. */
gnupg_socketdir ();
/* Check the /var/run dir. */
socketdir = _gnupg_socketdir_internal (1, &flags);
if ((flags & 64) && !opt.dry_run)
/* No sub dir - create it. */
if (gnupg_mkdir (socketdir, "-rwx"))
gc_error (1, errno, "error creating '%s'", socketdir);
/* Try again. */
socketdir = _gnupg_socketdir_internal (1, &flags);
/* Give some info. */
if ( (flags & ~32) || opt.verbose || opt.dry_run)
log_info ("socketdir is '%s'\n", socketdir);
if ((flags & 1)) log_info ("\tgeneral error\n");
if ((flags & 2)) log_info ("\tno /run/user dir\n");
if ((flags & 4)) log_info ("\tbad permissions\n");
if ((flags & 8)) log_info ("\tbad permissions (subdir)\n");
if ((flags & 16)) log_info ("\tmkdir failed\n");
if ((flags & 32)) log_info ("\tnon-default homedir\n");
if ((flags & 64)) log_info ("\tno such subdir\n");
if ((flags & 128)) log_info ("\tusing homedir as fallback\n");
if ((flags & ~32) && !opt.dry_run)
gc_error (1, 0, "error creating socket directory");
xfree (socketdir);
case aRemoveSocketDir:
char *socketdir;
unsigned int flags;
/* Check the /var/run dir. */
socketdir = _gnupg_socketdir_internal (1, &flags);
if ((flags & 128))
log_info ("ignoring request to remove non /run/user socket dir\n");
else if (opt.dry_run)
else if (rmdir (socketdir))
gc_error (1, errno, "error removing '%s'", socketdir);
xfree (socketdir);
if (outfp != es_stdout)
if (es_fclose (outfp))
gc_error (1, errno, "error closing '%s'", opt.outfile);
return 0;
diff --git a/tools/gpgconf.h b/tools/gpgconf.h
index a1e382819..e99042fe1 100644
--- a/tools/gpgconf.h
+++ b/tools/gpgconf.h
@@ -1,87 +1,87 @@
/* gpgconf.h - Global definitions for gpgconf
* Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef GPGCONF_H
#define GPGCONF_H
#include "../common/util.h"
/* We keep all global options in the structure OPT. */
int verbose; /* Verbosity level. */
int quiet; /* Be extra quiet. */
int dry_run; /* Don't change any persistent data. */
int runtime; /* Make changes active at runtime. */
int null; /* Option -0 active. */
char *outfile; /* Name of output file. */
int component; /* The active component. */
} opt;
/*-- gpgconf-comp.c --*/
/* Percent-Escape special characters. The string is valid until the
next invocation of the function. */
char *gc_percent_escape (const char *src);
void gc_error (int status, int errnum, const char *fmt, ...);
/* Launch given component. */
gpg_error_t gc_component_launch (int component);
/* Kill given component. */
void gc_component_kill (int component);
/* Reload given component. */
void gc_component_reload (int component);
/* List all components that are available. */
void gc_component_list_components (estream_t out);
/* List all programs along with their status. */
void gc_check_programs (estream_t out);
/* Find the component with the name NAME. Returns -1 if not
found. */
int gc_component_find (const char *name);
/* Retrieve the currently active options and their defaults from all
involved backends for this component. */
void gc_component_retrieve_options (int component);
/* List all options of the component COMPONENT. */
void gc_component_list_options (int component, estream_t out);
/* Read the modifications from IN and apply them. */
void gc_component_change_options (int component, estream_t in, estream_t out);
/* Check the options of a single component. Returns 0 if everything
is OK. */
int gc_component_check_options (int component, estream_t out,
const char *conf_file);
/* Process global configuration file. */
int gc_process_gpgconf_conf (const char *fname, int update, int defaults,
estream_t listfp);
#endif /*GPGCONF_H*/
diff --git a/tools/gpgparsemail.c b/tools/gpgparsemail.c
index 57a6203dd..8c9c4d4ec 100644
--- a/tools/gpgparsemail.c
+++ b/tools/gpgparsemail.c
@@ -1,816 +1,816 @@
/* gpgparsemail.c - Standalone crypto mail parser
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* This utility prints an RFC822, possible MIME structured, message
in an annotated format with the first column having an indicator
for the content of the line. Several options are available to
scrutinize the message. S/MIME and OpenPGP support is included. */
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include "rfc822parse.h"
#define PGM "gpgparsemail"
/* Option flags. */
static int verbose;
static int debug;
static int opt_crypto; /* Decrypt or verify messages. */
static int opt_no_header; /* Don't output the header lines. */
/* Structure used to communicate with the parser callback. */
struct parse_info_s {
int show_header; /* Show the header lines. */
int show_data; /* Show the data lines. */
unsigned int skip_show; /* Temporary disable above for these
number of lines. */
int show_data_as_note; /* The next data line should be shown
as a note. */
int show_boundary;
int nesting_level;
int is_pkcs7; /* Old style S/MIME message. */
int smfm_state; /* State of PGP/MIME or S/MIME parsing. */
int is_smime; /* This is S/MIME and not PGP/MIME. */
const char *signing_protocol;
const char *signing_protocol_2; /* there are two ways to present
PKCS7 */
int hashing_level; /* The nesting level we are hashing. */
int hashing;
FILE *hash_file;
FILE *sig_file; /* Signature part with MIME or full
pkcs7 data if IS_PCKS7 is set. */
int verify_now; /* Flag set when all signature data is
available. */
/* Print diagnostic message and exit with failure. */
static void
die (const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
fflush (stdout);
fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", PGM);
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
vfprintf (stderr, format, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
putc ('\n', stderr);
exit (1);
/* Print diagnostic message. */
static void
err (const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
fflush (stdout);
fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", PGM);
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
vfprintf (stderr, format, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
putc ('\n', stderr);
static void *
xmalloc (size_t n)
void *p = malloc (n);
if (!p)
die ("out of core: %s", strerror (errno));
return p;
/* static void * */
/* xcalloc (size_t n, size_t m) */
/* { */
/* void *p = calloc (n, m); */
/* if (!p) */
/* die ("out of core: %s", strerror (errno)); */
/* return p; */
/* } */
/* static void * */
/* xrealloc (void *old, size_t n) */
/* { */
/* void *p = realloc (old, n); */
/* if (!p) */
/* die ("out of core: %s", strerror (errno)); */
/* return p; */
/* } */
/* static char * */
/* xstrdup (const char *string) */
/* { */
/* void *p = malloc (strlen (string)+1); */
/* if (!p) */
/* die ("out of core: %s", strerror (errno)); */
/* strcpy (p, string); */
/* return p; */
/* } */
static char *
stpcpy (char *a,const char *b)
while (*b)
*a++ = *b++;
*a = 0;
return (char*)a;
static int
run_gnupg (int smime, int sig_fd, int data_fd, int *close_list)
int rp[2];
pid_t pid;
int i, c, is_status;
unsigned int pos;
char status_buf[10];
FILE *fp;
if (pipe (rp) == -1)
die ("error creating a pipe: %s", strerror (errno));
pid = fork ();
if (pid == -1)
die ("error forking process: %s", strerror (errno));
if (!pid)
{ /* Child. */
char data_fd_buf[50];
int fd;
/* Connect our signature fd to stdin. */
if (sig_fd != 0)
if (dup2 (sig_fd, 0) == -1)
die ("dup2 stdin failed: %s", strerror (errno));
/* Keep our data fd and format it for gpg/gpgsm use. */
if (data_fd == -1)
*data_fd_buf = 0;
sprintf (data_fd_buf, "-&%d", data_fd);
/* Send stdout to the bit bucket. */
fd = open ("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
if (fd == -1)
die ("can't open '/dev/null': %s", strerror (errno));
if (fd != 1)
if (dup2 (fd, 1) == -1)
die ("dup2 stderr failed: %s", strerror (errno));
/* Connect stderr to our pipe. */
if (rp[1] != 2)
if (dup2 (rp[1], 2) == -1)
die ("dup2 stderr failed: %s", strerror (errno));
/* Close other files. */
for (i=0; (fd=close_list[i]) != -1; i++)
if (fd > 2 && fd != data_fd)
close (fd);
errno = 0;
if (smime)
execlp ("gpgsm", "gpgsm",
"--status-fd", "2",
"-", data_fd == -1? NULL : data_fd_buf,
execlp ("gpg", "gpg",
"--status-fd", "2",
"-", data_fd == -1? NULL : data_fd_buf,
die ("failed to exec the crypto command: %s", strerror (errno));
/* Parent. */
close (rp[1]);
fp = fdopen (rp[0], "r");
if (!fp)
die ("can't fdopen pipe for reading: %s", strerror (errno));
pos = 0;
is_status = 0;
assert (sizeof status_buf > 9);
while ((c=getc (fp)) != EOF)
if (pos < 9)
status_buf[pos] = c;
if (pos == 9)
is_status = !memcmp (status_buf, "[GNUPG:] ", 9);
if (is_status)
fputs ( "c ", stdout);
else if (verbose)
fputs ( "# ", stdout);
fwrite (status_buf, 9, 1, stdout);
putchar (c);
if (c == '\n')
if (verbose && pos < 9)
fputs ( "# ", stdout);
fwrite (status_buf, pos+1, 1, stdout);
pos = 0;
if (pos)
if (verbose && pos < 9)
fputs ( "# ", stdout);
fwrite (status_buf, pos+1, 1, stdout);
putchar ('\n');
fclose (fp);
while ( (i=waitpid (pid, NULL, 0)) == -1 && errno == EINTR)
if (i == -1)
die ("waiting for child failed: %s", strerror (errno));
return 0;
/* Verify the signature in the current temp files. */
static void
verify_signature (struct parse_info_s *info)
int close_list[10];
if (info->is_pkcs7)
assert (!info->hash_file);
assert (info->sig_file);
rewind (info->sig_file);
assert (info->hash_file);
assert (info->sig_file);
rewind (info->hash_file);
rewind (info->sig_file);
/* printf ("# Begin hashed data\n"); */
/* while ( (c=getc (info->hash_file)) != EOF) */
/* putchar (c); */
/* printf ("# End hashed data signature\n"); */
/* printf ("# Begin signature\n"); */
/* while ( (c=getc (info->sig_file)) != EOF) */
/* putchar (c); */
/* printf ("# End signature\n"); */
/* rewind (info->hash_file); */
/* rewind (info->sig_file); */
close_list[0] = -1;
run_gnupg (info->is_smime, fileno (info->sig_file),
info->hash_file ? fileno (info->hash_file) : -1, close_list);
/* Prepare for a multipart/signed.
FIELD_CTX is the parsed context of the content-type header.*/
static void
mime_signed_begin (struct parse_info_s *info, rfc822parse_t msg,
rfc822parse_field_t field_ctx)
const char *s;
s = rfc822parse_query_parameter (field_ctx, "protocol", 1);
if (s)
printf ("h signed.protocol: %s\n", s);
if (!strcmp (s, "application/pgp-signature"))
if (info->smfm_state)
err ("note: ignoring nested PGP/MIME or S/MIME signature");
info->smfm_state = 1;
info->is_smime = 0;
info->signing_protocol = "application/pgp-signature";
info->signing_protocol_2 = NULL;
else if (!strcmp (s, "application/pkcs7-signature")
|| !strcmp (s, "application/x-pkcs7-signature"))
if (info->smfm_state)
err ("note: ignoring nested PGP/MIME or S/MIME signature");
info->smfm_state = 1;
info->is_smime = 1;
info->signing_protocol = "application/pkcs7-signature";
info->signing_protocol_2 = "application/x-pkcs7-signature";
else if (verbose)
printf ("# this protocol is not supported\n");
/* Prepare for a multipart/encrypted.
FIELD_CTX is the parsed context of the content-type header.*/
static void
mime_encrypted_begin (struct parse_info_s *info, rfc822parse_t msg,
rfc822parse_field_t field_ctx)
const char *s;
s = rfc822parse_query_parameter (field_ctx, "protocol", 0);
if (s)
printf ("h encrypted.protocol: %s\n", s);
/* Prepare for old-style pkcs7 messages. */
static void
pkcs7_begin (struct parse_info_s *info, rfc822parse_t msg,
rfc822parse_field_t field_ctx)
const char *s;
s = rfc822parse_query_parameter (field_ctx, "name", 0);
if (s)
printf ("h %s\n", s);
if (info->is_pkcs7)
err ("note: ignoring nested pkcs7 data");
info->is_pkcs7 = 1;
if (opt_crypto)
assert (!info->sig_file);
info->sig_file = tmpfile ();
if (!info->sig_file)
die ("error creating temp file: %s", strerror (errno));
/* Print the event received by the parser for debugging as comment
line. */
static void
show_event (rfc822parse_event_t event)
const char *s;
switch (event)
case RFC822PARSE_OPEN: s= "Open"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_CLOSE: s= "Close"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_CANCEL: s= "Cancel"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_T2BODY: s= "T2Body"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_FINISH: s= "Finish"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_RCVD_SEEN: s= "Rcvd_Seen"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_LEVEL_DOWN: s= "Level_Down"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_LEVEL_UP: s= "Level_Up"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_BOUNDARY: s= "Boundary"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_LAST_BOUNDARY: s= "Last_Boundary"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_BEGIN_HEADER: s= "Begin_Header"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_PREAMBLE: s= "Preamble"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_EPILOGUE: s= "Epilogue"; break;
default: s= "[unknown event]"; break;
printf ("# *** got RFC822 event %s\n", s);
/* This function is called by the parser to communicate events. This
callback comminucates with the main program using a structure
passed in OPAQUE. Should retrun 0 or set errno and return -1. */
static int
message_cb (void *opaque, rfc822parse_event_t event, rfc822parse_t msg)
struct parse_info_s *info = opaque;
if (debug)
show_event (event);
if (event == RFC822PARSE_BEGIN_HEADER || event == RFC822PARSE_T2BODY)
/* We need to check here whether to start collecting signed data
because attachments might come without header lines and thus
we won't see the BEGIN_HEADER event. */
if (info->smfm_state == 1)
printf ("c begin_hash\n");
info->hashing = 1;
info->hashing_level = info->nesting_level;
if (opt_crypto)
assert (!info->hash_file);
info->hash_file = tmpfile ();
if (!info->hash_file)
die ("failed to create temporary file: %s", strerror (errno));
if (event == RFC822PARSE_OPEN)
/* Initialize for a new message. */
info->show_header = 1;
else if (event == RFC822PARSE_T2BODY)
rfc822parse_field_t ctx;
ctx = rfc822parse_parse_field (msg, "Content-Type", -1);
if (ctx)
const char *s1, *s2;
s1 = rfc822parse_query_media_type (ctx, &s2);
if (s1)
printf ("h media: %*s%s %s\n",
info->nesting_level*2, "", s1, s2);
if (info->smfm_state == 3)
char *buf = xmalloc (strlen (s1) + strlen (s2) + 2);
strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (buf, s1), "/"), s2);
assert (info->signing_protocol);
if (strcmp (buf, info->signing_protocol) &&
|| strcmp (buf,info->signing_protocol_2)))
err ("invalid %s structure; expected %s%s%s, found '%s'",
info->is_smime? "S/MIME":"PGP/MIME",
info->signing_protocol_2 ? " or " : "",
info->signing_protocol_2 ? info->signing_protocol_2:"",
printf ("c begin_signature\n");
if (opt_crypto)
assert (!info->sig_file);
info->sig_file = tmpfile ();
if (!info->sig_file)
die ("error creating temp file: %s",
strerror (errno));
free (buf);
else if (!strcmp (s1, "multipart"))
if (!strcmp (s2, "signed"))
mime_signed_begin (info, msg, ctx);
else if (!strcmp (s2, "encrypted"))
mime_encrypted_begin (info, msg, ctx);
else if (!strcmp (s1, "application")
&& (!strcmp (s2, "pkcs7-mime")
|| !strcmp (s2, "x-pkcs7-mime")))
pkcs7_begin (info, msg, ctx);
printf ("h media: %*s none\n", info->nesting_level*2, "");
rfc822parse_release_field (ctx);
printf ("h media: %*stext plain [assumed]\n",
info->nesting_level*2, "");
info->show_header = 0;
info->show_data = 1;
info->skip_show = 1;
else if (event == RFC822PARSE_PREAMBLE)
info->show_data_as_note = 1;
else if (event == RFC822PARSE_LEVEL_DOWN)
printf ("b down\n");
else if (event == RFC822PARSE_LEVEL_UP)
printf ("b up\n");
if (info->nesting_level)
err ("invalid structure (bad nesting level)");
else if (event == RFC822PARSE_BOUNDARY || event == RFC822PARSE_LAST_BOUNDARY)
info->show_data = 0;
info->show_boundary = 1;
if (event == RFC822PARSE_BOUNDARY)
info->show_header = 1;
info->skip_show = 1;
printf ("b part\n");
printf ("b last\n");
if (info->smfm_state == 2 && info->nesting_level == info->hashing_level)
printf ("c end_hash\n");
info->hashing = 0;
else if (info->smfm_state == 4)
printf ("c end_signature\n");
info->verify_now = 1;
return 0;
/* Read a message from FP and process it according to the global
options. */
static void
parse_message (FILE *fp)
char line[5000];
size_t length;
rfc822parse_t msg;
unsigned int lineno = 0;
int no_cr_reported = 0;
struct parse_info_s info;
memset (&info, 0, sizeof info);
msg = rfc822parse_open (message_cb, &info);
if (!msg)
die ("can't open parser: %s", strerror (errno));
/* Fixme: We should not use fgets because it can't cope with
embedded nul characters. */
while (fgets (line, sizeof (line), fp))
if (lineno == 1 && !strncmp (line, "From ", 5))
continue; /* We better ignore a leading From line. */
length = strlen (line);
if (length && line[length - 1] == '\n')
line[--length] = 0;
err ("line number %u too long or last line not terminated", lineno);
if (length && line[length - 1] == '\r')
line[--length] = 0;
else if (verbose && !no_cr_reported)
err ("non canonical ended line detected (line %u)", lineno);
no_cr_reported = 1;
if (rfc822parse_insert (msg, line, length))
die ("parser failed: %s", strerror (errno));
if (info.hashing)
/* Delay hashing of the CR/LF because the last line ending
belongs to the next boundary. */
if (debug)
printf ("# hashing %s'%s'\n", info.hashing==2?"CR,LF+":"", line);
if (opt_crypto)
if (info.hashing == 2)
fputs ("\r\n", info.hash_file);
fputs (line, info.hash_file);
if (ferror (info.hash_file))
die ("error writing to temporary file: %s", strerror (errno));
info.hashing = 2;
if (info.sig_file && opt_crypto)
if (info.verify_now)
verify_signature (&info);
if (info.hash_file)
fclose (info.hash_file);
info.hash_file = NULL;
fclose (info.sig_file);
info.sig_file = NULL;
info.smfm_state = 0;
info.is_smime = 0;
info.is_pkcs7 = 0;
fputs (line, info.sig_file);
fputs ("\r\n", info.sig_file);
if (ferror (info.sig_file))
die ("error writing to temporary file: %s", strerror (errno));
if (info.show_boundary)
if (!opt_no_header)
printf (":%s\n", line);
info.show_boundary = 0;
if (info.skip_show)
else if (info.show_data)
if (info.show_data_as_note)
if (verbose)
printf ("# DATA: %s\n", line);
info.show_data_as_note = 0;
printf (" %s\n", line);
else if (info.show_header && !opt_no_header)
printf (".%s\n", line);
if (info.sig_file && opt_crypto && info.is_pkcs7)
verify_signature (&info);
fclose (info.sig_file);
info.sig_file = NULL;
info.is_pkcs7 = 0;
rfc822parse_close (msg);
main (int argc, char **argv)
int last_argc = -1;
if (argc)
argc--; argv++;
while (argc && last_argc != argc )
last_argc = argc;
if (!strcmp (*argv, "--"))
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--help"))
puts (
"Usage: " PGM " [OPTION] [FILE]\n"
"Parse a mail message into an annotated format.\n\n"
" --crypto decrypt or verify messages\n"
" --no-header don't output the header lines\n"
" --verbose enable extra informational output\n"
" --debug enable additional debug output\n"
" --help display this help and exit\n\n"
"With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.\n\n"
"WARNING: This tool is under development.\n"
" The semantics may change without notice\n\n"
"Report bugs to <>.");
exit (0);
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--verbose"))
verbose = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--debug"))
verbose = debug = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--crypto"))
opt_crypto = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--no-header"))
opt_no_header = 1;
argc--; argv++;
if (argc > 1)
die ("usage: " PGM " [OPTION] [FILE] (try --help for more information)\n");
signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
if (argc && strcmp (*argv, "-"))
FILE *fp = fopen (*argv, "rb");
if (!fp)
die ("can't open '%s': %s", *argv, strerror (errno));
parse_message (fp);
fclose (fp);
parse_message (stdin);
return 0;
Local Variables:
compile-command: "gcc -Wall -Wno-pointer-sign -g -o gpgparsemail rfc822parse.c gpgparsemail.c"
diff --git a/tools/gpgsplit.c b/tools/gpgsplit.c
index 93dd8edf8..3b4bb15a9 100644
--- a/tools/gpgsplit.c
+++ b/tools/gpgsplit.c
@@ -1,890 +1,890 @@
/* gpgsplit.c - An OpenPGP packet splitting tool
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
# include <fcntl.h> /* for setmode() */
#ifdef HAVE_ZIP
# include <zlib.h>
#ifdef HAVE_BZIP2
# include <bzlib.h>
#endif /* HAVE_BZIP2 */
#if defined(__riscos__) && defined(USE_ZLIBRISCOS)
# include "zlib-riscos.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "openpgpdefs.h"
static int opt_verbose;
static const char *opt_prefix = "";
static int opt_uncompress;
static int opt_secret_to_public;
static int opt_no_split;
static void g10_exit( int rc );
static void split_packets (const char *fname);
enum cmd_and_opt_values {
aNull = 0,
oVerbose = 'v',
oPrefix = 'p',
oUncompress = 500,
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
{ 301, NULL, 0, "@Options:\n " },
{ oVerbose, "verbose", 0, "verbose" },
{ oPrefix, "prefix", 2, "|STRING|Prepend filenames with STRING" },
{ oUncompress, "uncompress", 0, "uncompress a packet"},
{ oSecretToPublic, "secret-to-public", 0, "convert secret keys to public keys"},
{ oNoSplit, "no-split", 0, "write to stdout and don't actually split"},
{0} };
static const char *
my_strusage (int level)
const char *p;
switch (level)
case 11: p = "gpgsplit (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"; break;
case 1:
case 40: p =
"Usage: gpgsplit [options] [files] (-h for help)";
case 41: p =
"Syntax: gpgsplit [options] [files]\n"
"Split an OpenPGP message into packets\n";
default: p = NULL;
return p;
main (int argc, char **argv)
setmode( fileno(stdin), O_BINARY );
setmode( fileno(stdout), O_BINARY );
log_set_prefix ("gpgsplit", GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX);
set_strusage (my_strusage);
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= 1; /* do not remove the args */
while (optfile_parse( NULL, NULL, NULL, &pargs, opts))
switch (pargs.r_opt)
case oVerbose: opt_verbose = 1; break;
case oPrefix: opt_prefix = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oUncompress: opt_uncompress = 1; break;
case oSecretToPublic: opt_secret_to_public = 1; break;
case oNoSplit: opt_no_split = 1; break;
default : pargs.err = 2; break;
if (log_get_errorcount(0))
g10_exit (2);
if (!argc)
split_packets (NULL);
for ( ;argc; argc--, argv++)
split_packets (*argv);
g10_exit (0);
return 0;
static void
g10_exit (int rc)
rc = rc? rc : log_get_errorcount(0)? 2 : 0;
exit(rc );
static const char *
pkttype_to_string (int pkttype)
const char *s;
switch (pkttype)
case PKT_PUBKEY_ENC : s = "pk_enc"; break;
case PKT_SIGNATURE : s = "sig"; break;
case PKT_SYMKEY_ENC : s = "sym_enc"; break;
case PKT_ONEPASS_SIG : s = "onepass_sig"; break;
case PKT_SECRET_KEY : s = "secret_key"; break;
case PKT_PUBLIC_KEY : s = "public_key"; break;
case PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY : s = "secret_subkey"; break;
s = opt_uncompress? "uncompressed":"compressed";
case PKT_ENCRYPTED : s = "encrypted"; break;
case PKT_MARKER : s = "marker"; break;
case PKT_PLAINTEXT : s = "plaintext"; break;
case PKT_RING_TRUST : s = "ring_trust"; break;
case PKT_USER_ID : s = "user_id"; break;
case PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY : s = "public_subkey"; break;
case PKT_OLD_COMMENT : s = "old_comment"; break;
case PKT_ATTRIBUTE : s = "attribute"; break;
case PKT_ENCRYPTED_MDC : s = "encrypted_mdc"; break;
case PKT_MDC : s = "mdc"; break;
case PKT_COMMENT : s = "comment"; break;
case PKT_GPG_CONTROL : s = "gpg_control"; break;
default: s = "unknown"; break;
return s;
* Create a new filename and a return a pointer to a statically
* allocated buffer
static char *
create_filename (int pkttype)
static unsigned int partno = 0;
static char *name;
if (!name)
name = xmalloc (strlen (opt_prefix) + 100 );
assert (pkttype < 1000 && pkttype >= 0 );
sprintf (name, "%s%06u-%03d" EXTSEP_S "%.40s",
opt_prefix, partno, pkttype, pkttype_to_string (pkttype));
return name;
static int
read_u16 (FILE *fp, size_t *rn)
int c;
if ( (c = getc (fp)) == EOF )
return -1;
*rn = c << 8;
if ( (c = getc (fp)) == EOF )
return -1;
*rn |= c;
return 0;
static int
read_u32 (FILE *fp, unsigned long *rn)
size_t tmp;
if (read_u16 (fp, &tmp))
return -1;
*rn = tmp << 16;
if (read_u16 (fp, &tmp))
return -1;
*rn |= tmp;
return 0;
static int
write_old_header (FILE *fp, int pkttype, unsigned int len)
int ctb = (0x80 | ((pkttype & 15)<<2));
if (len < 256)
else if (len < 65536)
ctb |= 1;
ctb |= 2;
if ( putc ( ctb, fp) == EOF )
return -1;
if ( (ctb & 2) )
if (putc ((len>>24), fp) == EOF)
return -1;
if (putc ((len>>16), fp) == EOF)
return -1;
if ( (ctb & 3) )
if (putc ((len>>8), fp) == EOF)
return -1;
if (putc ((len&0xff), fp) == EOF)
return -1;
return 0;
static int
write_new_header (FILE *fp, int pkttype, unsigned int len)
if ( putc ((0xc0 | (pkttype & 0x3f)), fp) == EOF )
return -1;
if (len < 192)
if (putc (len, fp) == EOF)
return -1;
else if (len < 8384)
len -= 192;
if (putc ((len/256)+192, fp) == EOF)
return -1;
if (putc ((len%256), fp) == EOF)
return -1;
if (putc ( 0xff, fp) == EOF)
return -1;
if (putc ( (len >> 24), fp) == EOF)
return -1;
if (putc ( (len >> 16), fp) == EOF)
return -1;
if (putc ( (len >> 8), fp) == EOF)
return -1;
if (putc ( (len & 0xff), fp) == EOF)
return -1;
return 0;
/* Return the length of the public key given BUF of BUFLEN with a
secret key. */
static int
public_key_length (const unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen)
const unsigned char *s;
int nmpis;
/* byte version number (3 or 4)
u32 creation time
[u16 valid days (version 3 only)]
byte algorithm
n MPIs (n and e) */
if (!buflen)
return 0;
if (buf[0] < 2 || buf[0] > 4)
return 0; /* wrong version number */
if (buflen < (buf[0] == 4? 6:8))
return 0;
s = buf + (buf[0] == 4? 6:8);
buflen -= (buf[0] == 4? 6:8);
switch (s[-1])
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
nmpis = 2;
case 16:
case 20:
nmpis = 3;
case 17:
nmpis = 4;
return 0;
for (; nmpis; nmpis--)
unsigned int nbits, nbytes;
if (buflen < 2)
return 0;
nbits = (s[0] << 8) | s[1];
s += 2; buflen -= 2;
nbytes = (nbits+7) / 8;
if (buflen < nbytes)
return 0;
s += nbytes; buflen -= nbytes;
return s - buf;
#ifdef HAVE_ZIP
static int
handle_zlib(int algo,FILE *fpin,FILE *fpout)
z_stream zs;
byte *inbuf, *outbuf;
unsigned int inbufsize, outbufsize;
int c,zinit_done, zrc, nread, count;
size_t n;
memset (&zs, 0, sizeof zs);
inbufsize = 2048;
inbuf = xmalloc (inbufsize);
outbufsize = 8192;
outbuf = xmalloc (outbufsize);
zs.avail_in = 0;
zinit_done = 0;
if (zs.avail_in < inbufsize)
n = zs.avail_in;
if (!n)
zs.next_in = (Bytef *) inbuf;
count = inbufsize - n;
for (nread=0;
nread < count && (c=getc (fpin)) != EOF;
inbuf[n+nread] = c;
n += nread;
if (nread < count && algo == 1)
inbuf[n] = 0xFF; /* chew dummy byte */
zs.avail_in = n;
zs.next_out = (Bytef *) outbuf;
zs.avail_out = outbufsize;
if (!zinit_done)
zrc = (algo == 1? inflateInit2 ( &zs, -13)
: inflateInit ( &zs ));
if (zrc != Z_OK)
log_fatal ("zlib problem: %s\n", zs.msg? zs.msg :
zrc == Z_MEM_ERROR ? "out of core" :
"invalid lib version" :
"unknown error" );
zinit_done = 1;
zrc = inflate (&zs, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
zrc = inflate (&zs, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH);
if (zrc == Z_STREAM_END)
; /* eof */
else if (zrc != Z_OK && zrc != Z_BUF_ERROR)
if (zs.msg)
log_fatal ("zlib inflate problem: %s\n", zs.msg );
log_fatal ("zlib inflate problem: rc=%d\n", zrc );
for (n=0; n < outbufsize - zs.avail_out; n++)
if (putc (outbuf[n], fpout) == EOF )
return 1;
while (zrc != Z_STREAM_END && zrc != Z_BUF_ERROR);
int i;
fputs ("Left over bytes:", stderr);
for (i=0; i < zs.avail_in; i++)
fprintf (stderr, " %02X", zs.next_in[i]);
putc ('\n', stderr);
inflateEnd (&zs);
return 0;
#endif /*HAVE_ZIP*/
#ifdef HAVE_BZIP2
static int
handle_bzip2(int algo,FILE *fpin,FILE *fpout)
bz_stream bzs;
byte *inbuf, *outbuf;
unsigned int inbufsize, outbufsize;
int c,zinit_done, zrc, nread, count;
size_t n;
memset (&bzs, 0, sizeof bzs);
inbufsize = 2048;
inbuf = xmalloc (inbufsize);
outbufsize = 8192;
outbuf = xmalloc (outbufsize);
bzs.avail_in = 0;
zinit_done = 0;
if (bzs.avail_in < inbufsize)
n = bzs.avail_in;
if (!n)
bzs.next_in = inbuf;
count = inbufsize - n;
for (nread=0;
nread < count && (c=getc (fpin)) != EOF;
inbuf[n+nread] = c;
n += nread;
if (nread < count && algo == 1)
inbuf[n] = 0xFF; /* chew dummy byte */
bzs.avail_in = n;
bzs.next_out = outbuf;
bzs.avail_out = outbufsize;
if (!zinit_done)
zrc = BZ2_bzDecompressInit(&bzs,0,0);
if (zrc != BZ_OK)
log_fatal ("bz2lib problem: %d\n",zrc);
zinit_done = 1;
zrc = BZ2_bzDecompress(&bzs);
if (zrc == BZ_STREAM_END)
; /* eof */
else if (zrc != BZ_OK && zrc != BZ_PARAM_ERROR)
log_fatal ("bz2lib inflate problem: %d\n", zrc );
for (n=0; n < outbufsize - bzs.avail_out; n++)
if (putc (outbuf[n], fpout) == EOF )
return 1;
while (zrc != BZ_STREAM_END && zrc != BZ_PARAM_ERROR);
return 0;
#endif /* HAVE_BZIP2 */
/* hdr must point to a buffer large enough to hold all header bytes */
static int
write_part (FILE *fpin, unsigned long pktlen,
int pkttype, int partial, unsigned char *hdr, size_t hdrlen)
FILE *fpout;
int c, first;
unsigned char *p;
const char *outname = create_filename (pkttype);
#if defined(__riscos__) && defined(USE_ZLIBRISCOS)
static int initialized = 0;
if (!initialized)
initialized = riscos_load_module("ZLib", zlib_path, 1);
if (opt_no_split)
fpout = stdout;
if (opt_verbose)
log_info ("writing '%s'\n", outname);
fpout = fopen (outname, "wb");
if (!fpout)
log_error ("error creating '%s': %s\n", outname, strerror(errno));
/* stop right now, otherwise we would mess up the sequence
of the part numbers */
g10_exit (1);
if (opt_secret_to_public
&& (pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY || pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY))
unsigned char *blob = xmalloc (pktlen);
int i, len;
for (i=0; i < pktlen; i++)
c = getc (fpin);
if (c == EOF)
goto read_error;
blob[i] = c;
len = public_key_length (blob, pktlen);
if (!len)
log_error ("error calculating public key length\n");
g10_exit (1);
if ( (hdr[0] & 0x40) )
if (write_new_header (fpout, pkttype, len))
goto write_error;
if (write_old_header (fpout, pkttype, len))
goto write_error;
for (i=0; i < len; i++)
if ( putc (blob[i], fpout) == EOF )
goto write_error;
goto ready;
if (!opt_uncompress)
for (p=hdr; hdrlen; p++, hdrlen--)
if ( putc (*p, fpout) == EOF )
goto write_error;
first = 1;
while (partial)
size_t partlen;
if (partial == 1)
{ /* openpgp */
if (first )
c = pktlen;
assert( c >= 224 && c < 255 );
first = 0;
else if ((c = getc (fpin)) == EOF )
goto read_error;
hdr[hdrlen++] = c;
if (c < 192)
pktlen = c;
partial = 0; /* (last segment may follow) */
else if (c < 224 )
pktlen = (c - 192) * 256;
if ((c = getc (fpin)) == EOF)
goto read_error;
hdr[hdrlen++] = c;
pktlen += c + 192;
partial = 0;
else if (c == 255)
if (read_u32 (fpin, &pktlen))
goto read_error;
hdr[hdrlen++] = pktlen >> 24;
hdr[hdrlen++] = pktlen >> 16;
hdr[hdrlen++] = pktlen >> 8;
hdr[hdrlen++] = pktlen;
partial = 0;
{ /* next partial body length */
for (p=hdr; hdrlen; p++, hdrlen--)
if ( putc (*p, fpout) == EOF )
goto write_error;
partlen = 1 << (c & 0x1f);
for (; partlen; partlen--)
if ((c = getc (fpin)) == EOF)
goto read_error;
if ( putc (c, fpout) == EOF )
goto write_error;
else if (partial == 2)
{ /* old gnupg */
assert (!pktlen);
if ( read_u16 (fpin, &partlen) )
goto read_error;
hdr[hdrlen++] = partlen >> 8;
hdr[hdrlen++] = partlen;
for (p=hdr; hdrlen; p++, hdrlen--)
if ( putc (*p, fpout) == EOF )
goto write_error;
if (!partlen)
partial = 0; /* end of packet */
for (; partlen; partlen--)
c = getc (fpin);
if (c == EOF)
goto read_error;
if ( putc (c, fpout) == EOF )
goto write_error;
{ /* compressed: read to end */
pktlen = 0;
partial = 0;
hdrlen = 0;
if (opt_uncompress)
if ((c = getc (fpin)) == EOF)
goto read_error;
if (0)
#ifdef HAVE_ZIP
else if(c==1 || c==2)
goto write_error;
#endif /* HAVE_ZIP */
#ifdef HAVE_BZIP2
else if(c==3)
goto write_error;
#endif /* HAVE_BZIP2 */
log_error("invalid compression algorithm (%d)\n",c);
goto read_error;
while ( (c=getc (fpin)) != EOF )
if ( putc (c, fpout) == EOF )
goto write_error;
if (!feof (fpin))
goto read_error;
for (p=hdr; hdrlen; p++, hdrlen--)
if ( putc (*p, fpout) == EOF )
goto write_error;
/* standard packet or last segment of partial length encoded packet */
for (; pktlen; pktlen--)
c = getc (fpin);
if (c == EOF)
goto read_error;
if ( putc (c, fpout) == EOF )
goto write_error;
if ( !opt_no_split && fclose (fpout) )
log_error ("error closing '%s': %s\n", outname, strerror (errno));
return 0;
log_error ("error writing '%s': %s\n", outname, strerror (errno));
if (!opt_no_split)
fclose (fpout);
return 2;
if (!opt_no_split)
int save = errno;
fclose (fpout);
errno = save;
return -1;
static int
do_split (FILE *fp)
int c, ctb, pkttype;
unsigned long pktlen = 0;
int partial = 0;
unsigned char header[20];
int header_idx = 0;
ctb = getc (fp);
if (ctb == EOF)
return 3; /* ready */
header[header_idx++] = ctb;
if (!(ctb & 0x80))
log_error("invalid CTB %02x\n", ctb );
return 1;
if ( (ctb & 0x40) )
{ /* new CTB */
pkttype = (ctb & 0x3f);
if( (c = getc (fp)) == EOF )
return -1;
header[header_idx++] = c;
if ( c < 192 )
pktlen = c;
else if ( c < 224 )
pktlen = (c - 192) * 256;
if( (c = getc (fp)) == EOF )
return -1;
header[header_idx++] = c;
pktlen += c + 192;
else if ( c == 255 )
if (read_u32 (fp, &pktlen))
return -1;
header[header_idx++] = pktlen >> 24;
header[header_idx++] = pktlen >> 16;
header[header_idx++] = pktlen >> 8;
header[header_idx++] = pktlen;
{ /* partial body length */
pktlen = c;
partial = 1;
int lenbytes;
pkttype = (ctb>>2)&0xf;
lenbytes = ((ctb&3)==3)? 0 : (1<<(ctb & 3));
if (!lenbytes )
pktlen = 0; /* don't know the value */
if( pkttype == PKT_COMPRESSED )
partial = 3;
partial = 2; /* the old GnuPG partial length encoding */
for ( ; lenbytes; lenbytes-- )
pktlen <<= 8;
if( (c = getc (fp)) == EOF )
return -1;
header[header_idx++] = c;
pktlen |= c;
return write_part (fp, pktlen, pkttype, partial, header, header_idx);
static void
split_packets (const char *fname)
FILE *fp;
int rc;
if (!fname || !strcmp (fname, "-"))
fp = stdin;
fname = "-";
else if ( !(fp = fopen (fname,"rb")) )
log_error ("can't open '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror (errno));
while ( !(rc = do_split (fp)) )
if ( rc > 0 )
; /* error already handled */
else if ( ferror (fp) )
log_error ("error reading '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror (errno));
log_error ("premature EOF while reading '%s'\n", fname );
if ( fp != stdin )
fclose (fp);
diff --git a/tools/gpgtar-create.c b/tools/gpgtar-create.c
index 6780eff65..ef906a5dd 100644
--- a/tools/gpgtar-create.c
+++ b/tools/gpgtar-create.c
@@ -1,974 +1,974 @@
/* gpgtar-create.c - Create a TAR archive
* Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# include <windows.h>
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
# include <unistd.h>
# include <pwd.h>
# include <grp.h>
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
#include <assert.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "../common/exectool.h"
#include "../common/sysutils.h"
#include "../common/ccparray.h"
#include "gpgtar.h"
#ifndef HAVE_LSTAT
#define lstat(a,b) stat ((a), (b))
/* Object to control the file scanning. */
struct scanctrl_s;
typedef struct scanctrl_s *scanctrl_t;
struct scanctrl_s
tar_header_t flist;
tar_header_t *flist_tail;
int nestlevel;
/* Given a fresh header object HDR with only the name field set, try
to gather all available info. This is the W32 version. */
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static gpg_error_t
fillup_entry_w32 (tar_header_t hdr)
char *p;
wchar_t *wfname;
DWORD attr;
for (p=hdr->name; *p; p++)
if (*p == '/')
*p = '\\';
wfname = native_to_wchar (hdr->name);
for (p=hdr->name; *p; p++)
if (*p == '\\')
*p = '/';
if (!wfname)
log_error ("error converting '%s': %s\n", hdr->name, w32_strerror (-1));
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (!GetFileAttributesExW (wfname, GetFileExInfoStandard, &fad))
log_error ("error stat-ing '%s': %s\n", hdr->name, w32_strerror (-1));
xfree (wfname);
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (wfname);
attr = fad.dwFileAttributes;
hdr->typeflag = TF_REGULAR;
hdr->typeflag = TF_DIRECTORY;
else if ((attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE))
hdr->typeflag = TF_NOTSUP;
hdr->typeflag = TF_NOTSUP;
hdr->typeflag = TF_REGULAR;
/* Map some attributes to USTAR defined mode bits. */
hdr->mode = 0640; /* User may read and write, group only read. */
hdr->mode |= 0110; /* Dirs are user and group executable. */
hdr->mode &= ~0200; /* Clear the user write bit. */
hdr->mode &= ~0707; /* Clear all user and other bits. */
hdr->mode |= 0004; /* Make it readable by other. */
/* Only set the size for a regular file. */
if (hdr->typeflag == TF_REGULAR)
hdr->size = (fad.nFileSizeHigh * (unsigned long long)(MAXDWORD+1)
+ fad.nFileSizeLow);
hdr->mtime = (((unsigned long long)fad.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime << 32)
| fad.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime);
if (!hdr->mtime)
hdr->mtime = (((unsigned long long)fad.ftCreationTime.dwHighDateTime << 32)
| fad.ftCreationTime.dwLowDateTime);
hdr->mtime -= 116444736000000000ULL; /* The filetime epoch is 1601-01-01. */
hdr->mtime /= 10000000; /* Convert from 0.1us to seconds. */
return 0;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* Given a fresh header object HDR with only the name field set, try
to gather all available info. This is the POSIX version. */
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
static gpg_error_t
fillup_entry_posix (tar_header_t hdr)
gpg_error_t err;
struct stat sbuf;
if (lstat (hdr->name, &sbuf))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error stat-ing '%s': %s\n", hdr->name, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
if (S_ISREG (sbuf.st_mode))
hdr->typeflag = TF_REGULAR;
else if (S_ISDIR (sbuf.st_mode))
hdr->typeflag = TF_DIRECTORY;
else if (S_ISCHR (sbuf.st_mode))
hdr->typeflag = TF_CHARDEV;
else if (S_ISBLK (sbuf.st_mode))
hdr->typeflag = TF_BLOCKDEV;
else if (S_ISFIFO (sbuf.st_mode))
hdr->typeflag = TF_FIFO;
else if (S_ISLNK (sbuf.st_mode))
hdr->typeflag = TF_SYMLINK;
hdr->typeflag = TF_NOTSUP;
/* FIXME: Save DEV and INO? */
/* Set the USTAR defined mode bits using the system macros. */
if (sbuf.st_mode & S_IRUSR)
hdr->mode |= 0400;
if (sbuf.st_mode & S_IWUSR)
hdr->mode |= 0200;
if (sbuf.st_mode & S_IXUSR)
hdr->mode |= 0100;
if (sbuf.st_mode & S_IRGRP)
hdr->mode |= 0040;
if (sbuf.st_mode & S_IWGRP)
hdr->mode |= 0020;
if (sbuf.st_mode & S_IXGRP)
hdr->mode |= 0010;
if (sbuf.st_mode & S_IROTH)
hdr->mode |= 0004;
if (sbuf.st_mode & S_IWOTH)
hdr->mode |= 0002;
if (sbuf.st_mode & S_IXOTH)
hdr->mode |= 0001;
#ifdef S_IXUID
if (sbuf.st_mode & S_IXUID)
hdr->mode |= 04000;
#ifdef S_IXGID
if (sbuf.st_mode & S_IXGID)
hdr->mode |= 02000;
#ifdef S_ISVTX
if (sbuf.st_mode & S_ISVTX)
hdr->mode |= 01000;
hdr->nlink = sbuf.st_nlink;
hdr->uid = sbuf.st_uid;
hdr->gid = sbuf.st_gid;
/* Only set the size for a regular file. */
if (hdr->typeflag == TF_REGULAR)
hdr->size = sbuf.st_size;
hdr->mtime = sbuf.st_mtime;
return 0;
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* Add a new entry. The name of a director entry is ENTRYNAME; if
that is NULL, DNAME is the name of the directory itself. Under
Windows ENTRYNAME shall have backslashes replaced by standard
slashes. */
static gpg_error_t
add_entry (const char *dname, const char *entryname, scanctrl_t scanctrl)
gpg_error_t err;
tar_header_t hdr;
char *p;
size_t dnamelen = strlen (dname);
assert (dnamelen);
hdr = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *hdr + dnamelen + 1
+ (entryname? strlen (entryname) : 0) + 1);
if (!hdr)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
p = stpcpy (hdr->name, dname);
if (entryname)
if (dname[dnamelen-1] != '/')
*p++ = '/';
strcpy (p, entryname);
if (hdr->name[dnamelen-1] == '/')
hdr->name[dnamelen-1] = 0;
err = fillup_entry_w32 (hdr);
err = fillup_entry_posix (hdr);
if (err)
xfree (hdr);
if (opt.verbose)
gpgtar_print_header (hdr, log_get_stream ());
*scanctrl->flist_tail = hdr;
scanctrl->flist_tail = &hdr->next;
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
scan_directory (const char *dname, scanctrl_t scanctrl)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
char *p;
if (!*dname)
return 0; /* An empty directory name has no entries. */
char *fname;
wchar_t *wfname;
fname = xtrymalloc (strlen (dname) + 2 + 2 + 1);
if (!fname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (!strcmp (dname, "/"))
strcpy (fname, "/*"); /* Trailing slash is not allowed. */
else if (!strcmp (dname, "."))
strcpy (fname, "*");
else if (*dname && dname[strlen (dname)-1] == '/')
strcpy (stpcpy (fname, dname), "*");
else if (*dname && dname[strlen (dname)-1] != '*')
strcpy (stpcpy (fname, dname), "/*");
strcpy (fname, dname);
for (p=fname; *p; p++)
if (*p == '/')
*p = '\\';
wfname = native_to_wchar (fname);
xfree (fname);
if (!wfname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error reading directory '%s': %s\n"),
dname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
hd = FindFirstFileW (wfname, &fi);
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error reading directory '%s': %s\n"),
dname, w32_strerror (-1));
xfree (wfname);
goto leave;
xfree (wfname);
char *fname = wchar_to_native (fi.cFileName);
if (!fname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error converting filename: %s\n", w32_strerror (-1));
for (p=fname; *p; p++)
if (*p == '\\')
*p = '/';
if (!strcmp (fname, "." ) || !strcmp (fname, ".."))
err = 0; /* Skip self and parent dir entry. */
else if (!strncmp (dname, "./", 2) && dname[2])
err = add_entry (dname+2, fname, scanctrl);
err = add_entry (dname, fname, scanctrl);
xfree (fname);
while (!err && FindNextFileW (hd, &fi));
if (err)
else if (GetLastError () == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
err = 0;
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error reading directory '%s': %s\n"),
dname, w32_strerror (-1));
FindClose (hd);
#else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *de;
if (!*dname)
return 0; /* An empty directory name has no entries. */
dir = opendir (dname);
if (!dir)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error (_("error reading directory '%s': %s\n"),
dname, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
while ((de = readdir (dir)))
if (!strcmp (de->d_name, "." ) || !strcmp (de->d_name, ".."))
continue; /* Skip self and parent dir entry. */
err = add_entry (dname, de->d_name, scanctrl);
if (err)
goto leave;
closedir (dir);
#endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
return err;
static gpg_error_t
scan_recursive (const char *dname, scanctrl_t scanctrl)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
tar_header_t hdr, *start_tail, *stop_tail;
if (scanctrl->nestlevel > 200)
log_error ("directories too deeply nested\n");
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_RESOURCE_LIMIT);
assert (scanctrl->flist_tail);
start_tail = scanctrl->flist_tail;
scan_directory (dname, scanctrl);
stop_tail = scanctrl->flist_tail;
hdr = *start_tail;
for (; hdr && hdr != *stop_tail; hdr = hdr->next)
if (hdr->typeflag == TF_DIRECTORY)
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info ("scanning directory '%s'\n", hdr->name);
scan_recursive (hdr->name, scanctrl);
return err;
/* Returns true if PATTERN is acceptable. */
static int
pattern_valid_p (const char *pattern)
if (!*pattern)
return 0;
if (*pattern == '.' && pattern[1] == '.')
return 0;
if (*pattern == '/' || *pattern == DIRSEP_C)
return 0; /* Absolute filenames are not supported. */
if (((*pattern >= 'a' && *pattern <= 'z')
|| (*pattern >= 'A' && *pattern <= 'Z'))
&& pattern[1] == ':')
return 0; /* Drive letter are not allowed either. */
return 1; /* Okay. */
static void
store_xoctal (char *buffer, size_t length, unsigned long long value)
char *p, *pend;
size_t n;
unsigned long long v;
assert (length > 1);
v = value;
n = length;
p = pend = buffer + length;
*--p = 0; /* Nul byte. */
*--p = '0' + (v % 8);
v /= 8;
while (v && n);
if (!v)
/* Pad. */
for ( ; n; n--)
*--p = '0';
else /* Does not fit into the field. Store as binary number. */
v = value;
n = length;
p = pend = buffer + length;
*--p = v;
v /= 256;
while (v && n);
if (!v)
/* Pad. */
for ( ; n; n--)
*--p = 0;
if (*p & 0x80)
BUG ();
*p |= 0x80; /* Set binary flag. */
BUG ();
static void
store_uname (char *buffer, size_t length, unsigned long uid)
static int initialized;
static unsigned long lastuid;
static char lastuname[32];
if (!initialized || uid != lastuid)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
mem2str (lastuname, uid? "user":"root", sizeof lastuname);
struct passwd *pw = getpwuid (uid);
lastuid = uid;
initialized = 1;
if (pw)
mem2str (lastuname, pw->pw_name, sizeof lastuname);
log_info ("failed to get name for uid %lu\n", uid);
*lastuname = 0;
mem2str (buffer, lastuname, length);
static void
store_gname (char *buffer, size_t length, unsigned long gid)
static int initialized;
static unsigned long lastgid;
static char lastgname[32];
if (!initialized || gid != lastgid)
#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
mem2str (lastgname, gid? "users":"root", sizeof lastgname);
struct group *gr = getgrgid (gid);
lastgid = gid;
initialized = 1;
if (gr)
mem2str (lastgname, gr->gr_name, sizeof lastgname);
log_info ("failed to get name for gid %lu\n", gid);
*lastgname = 0;
mem2str (buffer, lastgname, length);
static gpg_error_t
build_header (void *record, tar_header_t hdr)
gpg_error_t err;
struct ustar_raw_header *raw = record;
size_t namelen, n;
unsigned long chksum;
unsigned char *p;
memset (record, 0, RECORDSIZE);
/* Store name and prefix. */
namelen = strlen (hdr->name);
if (namelen < sizeof raw->name)
memcpy (raw->name, hdr->name, namelen);
n = (namelen < sizeof raw->prefix)? namelen : sizeof raw->prefix;
for (n--; n ; n--)
if (hdr->name[n] == '/')
if (namelen - n < sizeof raw->name)
/* Note that the N is < sizeof prefix and that the
delimiting slash is not stored. */
memcpy (raw->prefix, hdr->name, n);
memcpy (raw->name, hdr->name+n+1, namelen - n);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TOO_LARGE);
log_error ("error storing file '%s': %s\n",
hdr->name, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
store_xoctal (raw->mode, sizeof raw->mode, hdr->mode);
store_xoctal (raw->uid, sizeof raw->uid, hdr->uid);
store_xoctal (raw->gid, sizeof raw->gid, hdr->gid);
store_xoctal (raw->size, sizeof raw->size, hdr->size);
store_xoctal (raw->mtime, sizeof raw->mtime, hdr->mtime);
switch (hdr->typeflag)
case TF_REGULAR: raw->typeflag[0] = '0'; break;
case TF_HARDLINK: raw->typeflag[0] = '1'; break;
case TF_SYMLINK: raw->typeflag[0] = '2'; break;
case TF_CHARDEV: raw->typeflag[0] = '3'; break;
case TF_BLOCKDEV: raw->typeflag[0] = '4'; break;
case TF_DIRECTORY: raw->typeflag[0] = '5'; break;
case TF_FIFO: raw->typeflag[0] = '6'; break;
default: return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
memcpy (raw->magic, "ustar", 6);
raw->version[0] = '0';
raw->version[1] = '0';
store_uname (raw->uname, sizeof raw->uname, hdr->uid);
store_gname (raw->gname, sizeof raw->gname, hdr->gid);
#ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM
if (hdr->typeflag == TF_SYMLINK)
int nread;
nread = readlink (hdr->name, raw->linkname, sizeof raw->linkname -1);
if (nread < 0)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error reading symlink '%s': %s\n",
hdr->name, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
raw->linkname[nread] = 0;
#endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/
/* Compute the checksum. */
memset (raw->checksum, ' ', sizeof raw->checksum);
chksum = 0;
p = record;
for (n=0; n < RECORDSIZE; n++)
chksum += *p++;
store_xoctal (raw->checksum, sizeof raw->checksum - 1, chksum);
raw->checksum[7] = ' ';
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
write_file (estream_t stream, tar_header_t hdr)
gpg_error_t err;
char record[RECORDSIZE];
estream_t infp;
size_t nread, nbytes;
int any;
err = build_header (record, hdr);
if (err)
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)
log_info ("skipping unsupported file '%s'\n", hdr->name);
err = 0;
return err;
if (hdr->typeflag == TF_REGULAR)
infp = es_fopen (hdr->name, "rb");
if (!infp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("can't open '%s': %s - skipped\n",
hdr->name, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
infp = NULL;
err = write_record (stream, record);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (hdr->typeflag == TF_REGULAR)
hdr->nrecords = (hdr->size + RECORDSIZE-1)/RECORDSIZE;
any = 0;
while (hdr->nrecords--)
nbytes = hdr->nrecords? RECORDSIZE : (hdr->size % RECORDSIZE);
if (!nbytes)
nbytes = RECORDSIZE;
nread = es_fread (record, 1, nbytes, infp);
if (nread != nbytes)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error reading file '%s': %s%s\n",
hdr->name, gpg_strerror (err),
any? " (file shrunk?)":"");
goto leave;
any = 1;
err = write_record (stream, record);
if (err)
goto leave;
nread = es_fread (record, 1, 1, infp);
if (nread)
log_info ("note: file '%s' has grown\n", hdr->name);
if (err)
es_fclose (infp);
else if ((err = es_fclose (infp)))
log_error ("error closing file '%s': %s\n", hdr->name, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
static gpg_error_t
write_eof_mark (estream_t stream)
gpg_error_t err;
char record[RECORDSIZE];
memset (record, 0, sizeof record);
err = write_record (stream, record);
if (!err)
err = write_record (stream, record);
return err;
/* Create a new tarball using the names in the array INPATTERN. If
INPATTERN is NULL take the pattern as null terminated strings from
stdin. */
gpgtar_create (char **inpattern, int encrypt, int sign)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
struct scanctrl_s scanctrl_buffer;
scanctrl_t scanctrl = &scanctrl_buffer;
tar_header_t hdr, *start_tail;
estream_t outstream = NULL;
estream_t cipher_stream = NULL;
int eof_seen = 0;
if (!inpattern)
es_set_binary (es_stdin);
memset (scanctrl, 0, sizeof *scanctrl);
scanctrl->flist_tail = &scanctrl->flist;
while (!eof_seen)
char *pat, *p;
int skip_this = 0;
if (inpattern)
const char *pattern = *inpattern;
if (!pattern)
break; /* End of array. */
if (!*pattern)
pat = xtrystrdup (pattern);
else /* Read null delimited pattern from stdin. */
int c;
char namebuf[4096];
size_t n = 0;
for (;;)
if ((c = es_getc (es_stdin)) == EOF)
if (es_ferror (es_stdin))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error reading '%s': %s\n",
"[stdin]", strerror (errno));
goto leave;
/* Note: The Nul is a delimiter and not a terminator. */
c = 0;
eof_seen = 1;
if (n >= sizeof namebuf - 1)
if (!skip_this)
skip_this = 1;
log_error ("error reading '%s': %s\n",
"[stdin]", "filename too long");
namebuf[n++] = c;
if (!c)
namebuf[n] = 0;
if (skip_this || n < 2)
pat = xtrystrdup (namebuf);
if (!pat)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("memory allocation problem: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
for (p=pat; *p; p++)
if (*p == '\\')
*p = '/';
if (opt.verbose > 1)
log_info ("scanning '%s'\n", pat);
start_tail = scanctrl->flist_tail;
if (skip_this || !pattern_valid_p (pat))
log_error ("skipping invalid name '%s'\n", pat);
else if (!add_entry (pat, NULL, scanctrl)
&& *start_tail && ((*start_tail)->typeflag & TF_DIRECTORY))
scan_recursive (pat, scanctrl);
xfree (pat);
if (opt.outfile)
if (!strcmp (opt.outfile, "-"))
outstream = es_stdout;
outstream = es_fopen (opt.outfile, "wb");
if (!outstream)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
outstream = es_stdout;
if (outstream == es_stdout)
es_set_binary (es_stdout);
if (encrypt || sign)
cipher_stream = outstream;
outstream = es_fopenmem (0, "rwb");
if (! outstream)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
for (hdr = scanctrl->flist; hdr; hdr = hdr->next)
err = write_file (outstream, hdr);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = write_eof_mark (outstream);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (encrypt || sign)
strlist_t arg;
ccparray_t ccp;
const char **argv;
err = es_fseek (outstream, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (err)
goto leave;
/* '--encrypt' may be combined with '--symmetric', but 'encrypt'
is set either way. Clear it if no recipients are specified.
XXX: Fix command handling. */
if (opt.symmetric && opt.recipients == NULL)
encrypt = 0;
ccparray_init (&ccp, 0);
if (encrypt)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--encrypt");
if (sign)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--sign");
if (opt.user)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--local-user");
ccparray_put (&ccp, opt.user);
if (opt.symmetric)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--symmetric");
for (arg = opt.recipients; arg; arg = arg->next)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--recipient");
ccparray_put (&ccp, arg->d);
for (arg = opt.gpg_arguments; arg; arg = arg->next)
ccparray_put (&ccp, arg->d);
ccparray_put (&ccp, NULL);
argv = ccparray_get (&ccp, NULL);
if (!argv)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = gnupg_exec_tool_stream (opt.gpg_program, argv,
outstream, NULL, cipher_stream, NULL, NULL);
xfree (argv);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (!err)
gpg_error_t first_err;
if (outstream != es_stdout)
first_err = es_fclose (outstream);
first_err = es_fflush (outstream);
outstream = NULL;
if (cipher_stream != es_stdout)
err = es_fclose (cipher_stream);
err = es_fflush (cipher_stream);
cipher_stream = NULL;
if (! err)
err = first_err;
if (err)
log_error ("creating tarball '%s' failed: %s\n",
opt.outfile ? opt.outfile : "-", gpg_strerror (err));
if (outstream && outstream != es_stdout)
es_fclose (outstream);
if (cipher_stream && cipher_stream != es_stdout)
es_fclose (cipher_stream);
if (opt.outfile)
gnupg_remove (opt.outfile);
scanctrl->flist_tail = NULL;
while ( (hdr = scanctrl->flist) )
scanctrl->flist = hdr->next;
xfree (hdr);
return err;
diff --git a/tools/gpgtar-extract.c b/tools/gpgtar-extract.c
index 864112624..f9a50e747 100644
--- a/tools/gpgtar-extract.c
+++ b/tools/gpgtar-extract.c
@@ -1,401 +1,401 @@
/* gpgtar-extract.c - Extract from a TAR archive
* Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "../common/exectool.h"
#include "../common/sysutils.h"
#include "../common/ccparray.h"
#include "gpgtar.h"
static gpg_error_t
extract_regular (estream_t stream, const char *dirname,
tar_header_t hdr)
gpg_error_t err;
char record[RECORDSIZE];
size_t n, nbytes, nwritten;
char *fname;
estream_t outfp = NULL;
fname = strconcat (dirname, "/", hdr->name, NULL);
if (!fname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error creating filename: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = 0;
if (opt.dry_run)
outfp = es_fopenmem (0, "wb");
outfp = es_fopen (fname, "wb");
if (!outfp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error creating '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
for (n=0; n < hdr->nrecords;)
err = read_record (stream, record);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (n < hdr->nrecords || (hdr->size && !(hdr->size % RECORDSIZE)))
nbytes = RECORDSIZE;
nbytes = (hdr->size % RECORDSIZE);
nwritten = es_fwrite (record, 1, nbytes, outfp);
if (nwritten != nbytes)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error writing '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Fixme: Set permissions etc. */
if (!err && opt.verbose)
log_info ("extracted '%s'\n", fname);
es_fclose (outfp);
if (err && fname && outfp)
if (gnupg_remove (fname))
log_error ("error removing incomplete file '%s': %s\n",
fname, gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
xfree (fname);
return err;
static gpg_error_t
extract_directory (const char *dirname, tar_header_t hdr)
gpg_error_t err;
char *fname;
size_t prefixlen;
prefixlen = strlen (dirname) + 1;
fname = strconcat (dirname, "/", hdr->name, NULL);
if (!fname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error creating filename: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = 0;
if (fname[strlen (fname)-1] == '/')
fname[strlen (fname)-1] = 0;
if (! opt.dry_run && gnupg_mkdir (fname, "-rwx------"))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EEXIST)
/* Ignore existing directories while extracting. */
err = 0;
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_ENOENT)
/* Try to create the directory with parents but keep the
original error code in case of a failure. */
char *p;
int rc = 0;
for (p = fname+prefixlen; (p = strchr (p, '/')); p++)
*p = 0;
rc = gnupg_mkdir (fname, "-rwx------");
*p = '/';
if (rc)
if (!rc && !gnupg_mkdir (fname, "-rwx------"))
err = 0;
if (err)
log_error ("error creating directory '%s': %s\n",
fname, gpg_strerror (err));
if (!err && opt.verbose)
log_info ("created '%s/'\n", fname);
xfree (fname);
return err;
static gpg_error_t
extract (estream_t stream, const char *dirname, tar_header_t hdr)
gpg_error_t err;
size_t n;
n = strlen (hdr->name);
if (strchr (hdr->name, '\\'))
log_error ("filename '%s' contains a backslash - "
"can't extract on this system\n", hdr->name);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
if (!n
|| strstr (hdr->name, "//")
|| strstr (hdr->name, "/../")
|| !strncmp (hdr->name, "../", 3)
|| (n >= 3 && !strcmp (hdr->name+n-3, "/.." )))
log_error ("filename '%s' as suspicious parts - not extracting\n",
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
if (hdr->typeflag == TF_REGULAR || hdr->typeflag == TF_UNKNOWN)
err = extract_regular (stream, dirname, hdr);
else if (hdr->typeflag == TF_DIRECTORY)
err = extract_directory (dirname, hdr);
char record[RECORDSIZE];
log_info ("unsupported file type %d for '%s' - skipped\n",
(int)hdr->typeflag, hdr->name);
for (err = 0, n=0; !err && n < hdr->nrecords; n++)
err = read_record (stream, record);
return err;
/* Create a new directory to be used for extracting the tarball.
Returns the name of the directory which must be freed by the
caller. In case of an error a diagnostic is printed and NULL
returned. */
static char *
create_directory (const char *dirprefix)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
char *prefix_buffer = NULL;
char *dirname = NULL;
size_t n;
int idx;
/* Remove common suffixes. */
n = strlen (dirprefix);
if (n > 4 && (!compare_filenames (dirprefix + n - 4, EXTSEP_S GPGEXT_GPG)
|| !compare_filenames (dirprefix + n - 4, EXTSEP_S "pgp")
|| !compare_filenames (dirprefix + n - 4, EXTSEP_S "asc")
|| !compare_filenames (dirprefix + n - 4, EXTSEP_S "pem")
|| !compare_filenames (dirprefix + n - 4, EXTSEP_S "p7m")
|| !compare_filenames (dirprefix + n - 4, EXTSEP_S "p7e")))
prefix_buffer = xtrystrdup (dirprefix);
if (!prefix_buffer)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
prefix_buffer[n-4] = 0;
dirprefix = prefix_buffer;
for (idx=1; idx < 5000; idx++)
xfree (dirname);
dirname = xtryasprintf ("%s_%d_", dirprefix, idx);
if (!dirname)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (!gnupg_mkdir (dirname, "-rwx------"))
goto leave; /* Ready. */
if (errno != EEXIST && errno != ENOTDIR)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_LIMIT_REACHED);
if (err)
log_error ("error creating an extract directory: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (dirname);
dirname = NULL;
xfree (prefix_buffer);
return dirname;
gpgtar_extract (const char *filename, int decrypt)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t stream;
estream_t cipher_stream = NULL;
tar_header_t header = NULL;
const char *dirprefix = NULL;
char *dirname = NULL;
if (filename)
if (!strcmp (filename, "-"))
stream = es_stdin;
stream = es_fopen (filename, "rb");
if (!stream)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error opening '%s': %s\n", filename, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
stream = es_stdin;
if (stream == es_stdin)
es_set_binary (es_stdin);
if (decrypt)
strlist_t arg;
ccparray_t ccp;
const char **argv;
cipher_stream = stream;
stream = es_fopenmem (0, "rwb");
if (! stream)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
ccparray_init (&ccp, 0);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--decrypt");
for (arg = opt.gpg_arguments; arg; arg = arg->next)
ccparray_put (&ccp, arg->d);
ccparray_put (&ccp, NULL);
argv = ccparray_get (&ccp, NULL);
if (!argv)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = gnupg_exec_tool_stream (opt.gpg_program, argv,
cipher_stream, NULL, stream, NULL, NULL);
xfree (argv);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = es_fseek (stream, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (
dirname = xtrystrdup (;
if (filename)
dirprefix = strrchr (filename, '/');
if (dirprefix)
dirprefix = filename;
else if (opt.filename)
dirprefix = strrchr (opt.filename, '/');
if (dirprefix)
dirprefix = opt.filename;
if (!dirprefix || !*dirprefix)
dirprefix = "GPGARCH";
dirname = create_directory (dirprefix);
if (!dirname)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
goto leave;
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("extracting to '%s/'\n", dirname);
for (;;)
err = gpgtar_read_header (stream, &header);
if (err || header == NULL)
goto leave;
err = extract (stream, dirname, header);
if (err)
goto leave;
xfree (header);
header = NULL;
xfree (header);
xfree (dirname);
if (stream != es_stdin)
es_fclose (stream);
if (stream != cipher_stream)
es_fclose (cipher_stream);
return err;
diff --git a/tools/gpgtar-list.c b/tools/gpgtar-list.c
index cb2e70048..8286d0861 100644
--- a/tools/gpgtar-list.c
+++ b/tools/gpgtar-list.c
@@ -1,375 +1,375 @@
/* gpgtar-list.c - List a TAR archive
* Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "gpgtar.h"
#include "../common/exectool.h"
#include "../common/ccparray.h"
static unsigned long long
parse_xoctal (const void *data, size_t length, const char *filename)
const unsigned char *p = data;
unsigned long long value;
if (!length)
value = 0;
else if ( (*p & 0x80))
/* Binary format. */
value = (*p++ & 0x7f);
while (--length)
value <<= 8;
value |= *p++;
/* Octal format */
value = 0;
/* Skip leading spaces and zeroes. */
for (; length && (*p == ' ' || *p == '0'); length--, p++)
for (; length && *p; length--, p++)
if (*p >= '0' && *p <= '7')
value <<= 3;
value += (*p - '0');
log_error ("%s: invalid octal number encountered - assuming 0\n",
value = 0;
return value;
static tar_header_t
parse_header (const void *record, const char *filename)
const struct ustar_raw_header *raw = record;
size_t n, namelen, prefixlen;
tar_header_t header;
int use_prefix;
use_prefix = (!memcmp (raw->magic, "ustar", 5)
&& (raw->magic[5] == ' ' || !raw->magic[5]));
for (namelen=0; namelen < sizeof raw->name && raw->name[namelen]; namelen++)
if (namelen == sizeof raw->name)
log_info ("%s: warning: name not terminated by a nul byte\n", filename);
for (n=namelen+1; n < sizeof raw->name; n++)
if (raw->name[n])
log_info ("%s: warning: garbage after name\n", filename);
if (use_prefix && raw->prefix[0])
for (prefixlen=0; (prefixlen < sizeof raw->prefix
&& raw->prefix[prefixlen]); prefixlen++)
if (prefixlen == sizeof raw->prefix)
log_info ("%s: warning: prefix not terminated by a nul byte\n",
for (n=prefixlen+1; n < sizeof raw->prefix; n++)
if (raw->prefix[n])
log_info ("%s: warning: garbage after prefix\n", filename);
prefixlen = 0;
header = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *header + prefixlen + 1 + namelen);
if (!header)
log_error ("%s: error allocating header: %s\n",
filename, gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
return NULL;
if (prefixlen)
n = prefixlen;
memcpy (header->name, raw->prefix, n);
if (raw->prefix[n-1] != '/')
header->name[n++] = '/';
n = 0;
memcpy (header->name+n, raw->name, namelen);
header->name[n+namelen] = 0;
header->mode = parse_xoctal (raw->mode, sizeof raw->mode, filename);
header->uid = parse_xoctal (raw->uid, sizeof raw->uid, filename);
header->gid = parse_xoctal (raw->gid, sizeof raw->gid, filename);
header->size = parse_xoctal (raw->size, sizeof raw->size, filename);
header->mtime = parse_xoctal (raw->mtime, sizeof raw->mtime, filename);
/* checksum = */
switch (raw->typeflag[0])
case '0': header->typeflag = TF_REGULAR; break;
case '1': header->typeflag = TF_HARDLINK; break;
case '2': header->typeflag = TF_SYMLINK; break;
case '3': header->typeflag = TF_CHARDEV; break;
case '4': header->typeflag = TF_BLOCKDEV; break;
case '5': header->typeflag = TF_DIRECTORY; break;
case '6': header->typeflag = TF_FIFO; break;
case '7': header->typeflag = TF_RESERVED; break;
default: header->typeflag = TF_UNKNOWN; break;
/* Compute the number of data records following this header. */
if (header->typeflag == TF_REGULAR || header->typeflag == TF_UNKNOWN)
header->nrecords = (header->size + RECORDSIZE-1)/RECORDSIZE;
header->nrecords = 0;
return header;
/* Read the next block, assming it is a tar header. Returns a header
object on success in R_HEADER, or an error. If the stream is
consumed, R_HEADER is set to NULL. In case of an error an error
message has been printed. */
static gpg_error_t
read_header (estream_t stream, tar_header_t *r_header)
gpg_error_t err;
char record[RECORDSIZE];
int i;
err = read_record (stream, record);
if (err)
return err;
for (i=0; i < RECORDSIZE && !record[i]; i++)
if (i == RECORDSIZE)
/* All zero header - check whether it is the first part of an
end of archive mark. */
err = read_record (stream, record);
if (err)
return err;
for (i=0; i < RECORDSIZE && !record[i]; i++)
if (i != RECORDSIZE)
log_info ("%s: warning: skipping empty header\n",
es_fname_get (stream));
/* End of archive - FIXME: we might want to check for garbage. */
*r_header = NULL;
return 0;
*r_header = parse_header (record, es_fname_get (stream));
return *r_header ? 0 : gpg_error_from_syserror ();
/* Skip the data records according to HEADER. Prints an error message
on error and return -1. */
static int
skip_data (estream_t stream, tar_header_t header)
char record[RECORDSIZE];
unsigned long long n;
for (n=0; n < header->nrecords; n++)
if (read_record (stream, record))
return -1;
return 0;
static void
print_header (tar_header_t header, estream_t out)
unsigned long mask;
char modestr[10+1];
int i;
*modestr = '?';
switch (header->typeflag)
case TF_REGULAR: *modestr = '-'; break;
case TF_HARDLINK: *modestr = 'h'; break;
case TF_SYMLINK: *modestr = 'l'; break;
case TF_CHARDEV: *modestr = 'c'; break;
case TF_BLOCKDEV: *modestr = 'b'; break;
case TF_DIRECTORY:*modestr = 'd'; break;
case TF_FIFO: *modestr = 'f'; break;
case TF_RESERVED: *modestr = '='; break;
case TF_UNKNOWN: break;
case TF_NOTSUP: break;
for (mask = 0400, i = 0; i < 9; i++, mask >>= 1)
modestr[1+i] = (header->mode & mask)? "rwxrwxrwx"[i]:'-';
if ((header->typeflag & 04000))
modestr[3] = modestr[3] == 'x'? 's':'S';
if ((header->typeflag & 02000))
modestr[6] = modestr[6] == 'x'? 's':'S';
if ((header->typeflag & 01000))
modestr[9] = modestr[9] == 'x'? 't':'T';
modestr[10] = 0;
es_fprintf (out, "%s %lu %lu/%lu %12llu %s %s\n",
modestr, header->nlink, header->uid, header->gid, header->size,
isotimestamp (header->mtime), header->name);
/* List the tarball FILENAME or, if FILENAME is NULL, the tarball read
from stdin. */
gpgtar_list (const char *filename, int decrypt)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t stream;
estream_t cipher_stream = NULL;
tar_header_t header = NULL;
if (filename)
if (!strcmp (filename, "-"))
stream = es_stdin;
stream = es_fopen (filename, "rb");
if (!stream)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error opening '%s': %s\n", filename, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
stream = es_stdin;
if (stream == es_stdin)
es_set_binary (es_stdin);
if (decrypt)
strlist_t arg;
ccparray_t ccp;
const char **argv;
cipher_stream = stream;
stream = es_fopenmem (0, "rwb");
if (! stream)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
ccparray_init (&ccp, 0);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--decrypt");
for (arg = opt.gpg_arguments; arg; arg = arg->next)
ccparray_put (&ccp, arg->d);
ccparray_put (&ccp, NULL);
argv = ccparray_get (&ccp, NULL);
if (!argv)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = gnupg_exec_tool_stream (opt.gpg_program, argv,
cipher_stream, NULL, stream, NULL, NULL);
xfree (argv);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = es_fseek (stream, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (err)
goto leave;
for (;;)
err = read_header (stream, &header);
if (err || header == NULL)
goto leave;
print_header (header, es_stdout);
if (skip_data (stream, header))
goto leave;
xfree (header);
header = NULL;
xfree (header);
if (stream != es_stdin)
es_fclose (stream);
if (stream != cipher_stream)
es_fclose (cipher_stream);
return err;
gpgtar_read_header (estream_t stream, tar_header_t *r_header)
return read_header (stream, r_header);
gpgtar_print_header (tar_header_t header, estream_t out)
if (header && out)
print_header (header, out);
diff --git a/tools/gpgtar.c b/tools/gpgtar.c
index 9c171397d..23176dc9c 100644
--- a/tools/gpgtar.c
+++ b/tools/gpgtar.c
@@ -1,597 +1,597 @@
/* gpgtar.c - A simple TAR implementation mainly useful for Windows.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* GnuPG comes with a shell script gpg-zip which creates archive files
in the same format as PGP Zip, which is actually a USTAR format.
That is fine and works nicely on all Unices but for Windows we
don't have a compatible shell and the supply of tar programs is
limited. Given that we need just a few tar option and it is an
open question how many Unix concepts are to be mapped to Windows,
we might as well write our own little tar customized for use with
gpg. So here we go. */
#include <config.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "../common/openpgpdefs.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
#include "../common/strlist.h"
#include "gpgtar.h"
/* Constants to identify the commands and options. */
enum cmd_and_opt_values
aNull = 0,
aCreate = 600,
aEncrypt = 'e',
aDecrypt = 'd',
aSign = 's',
aList = 't',
oSymmetric = 'c',
oRecipient = 'r',
oUser = 'u',
oOutput = 'o',
oDirectory = 'C',
oQuiet = 'q',
oVerbose = 'v',
oFilesFrom = 'T',
oNoVerbose = 500,
/* Compatibility with gpg-zip. */
/* Debugging. */
/* The list of commands and options. */
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
ARGPARSE_group (300, N_("@Commands:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_c (aCreate, "create", N_("create an archive")),
ARGPARSE_c (aExtract, "extract", N_("extract an archive")),
ARGPARSE_c (aEncrypt, "encrypt", N_("create an encrypted archive")),
ARGPARSE_c (aDecrypt, "decrypt", N_("extract an encrypted archive")),
ARGPARSE_c (aSign, "sign", N_("create a signed archive")),
ARGPARSE_c (aList, "list-archive", N_("list an archive")),
ARGPARSE_group (301, N_("@\nOptions:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oSymmetric, "symmetric", N_("use symmetric encryption")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oRecipient, "recipient", N_("|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oUser, "local-user",
N_("|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oOutput, "output", N_("|FILE|write output to FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oVerbose, "verbose", N_("verbose")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oQuiet, "quiet", N_("be somewhat more quiet")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oGpgProgram, "gpg", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oSkipCrypto, "skip-crypto", N_("skip the crypto processing")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oDryRun, "dry-run", N_("do not make any changes")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oSetFilename, "set-filename", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oOpenPGP, "openpgp", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oCMS, "cms", "@"),
ARGPARSE_group (302, N_("@\nTar options:\n ")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDirectory, "directory",
N_("|DIRECTORY|extract files into DIRECTORY")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oFilesFrom, "files-from",
N_("|FILE|get names to create from FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNull, "null", N_("-T reads null-terminated names")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oGpgArgs, "gpg-args", "@"),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oTarArgs, "tar-args", "@"),
/* The list of commands and options for tar that we understand. */
static ARGPARSE_OPTS tar_opts[] = {
ARGPARSE_s_s (oDirectory, "directory",
N_("|DIRECTORY|extract files into DIRECTORY")),
ARGPARSE_s_s (oFilesFrom, "files-from",
N_("|FILE|get names to create from FILE")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNull, "null", N_("-T reads null-terminated names")),
/* Print usage information and and provide strings for help. */
static const char *
my_strusage( int level )
const char *p;
switch (level)
case 11: p = "@GPGTAR@ (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 1:
case 40:
p = _("Usage: gpgtar [options] [files] [directories] (-h for help)");
case 41:
p = _("Syntax: gpgtar [options] [files] [directories]\n"
"Encrypt or sign files into an archive\n");
default: p = NULL; break;
return p;
static void
set_cmd (enum cmd_and_opt_values *ret_cmd, enum cmd_and_opt_values new_cmd)
enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd = *ret_cmd;
if (!cmd || cmd == new_cmd)
cmd = new_cmd;
else if (cmd == aSign && new_cmd == aEncrypt)
cmd = aSignEncrypt;
else if (cmd == aEncrypt && new_cmd == aSign)
cmd = aSignEncrypt;
log_error (_("conflicting commands\n"));
exit (2);
*ret_cmd = cmd;
/* Shell-like argument splitting.
For compatibility with gpg-zip we accept arguments for GnuPG and
tar given as a string argument to '--gpg-args' and '--tar-args'.
gpg-zip was implemented as a Bourne Shell script, and therefore, we
need to split the string the same way the shell would. */
static int
shell_parse_stringlist (const char *str, strlist_t *r_list)
strlist_t list = NULL;
const char *s = str;
char quoted = 0;
char arg[1024];
char *p = arg;
#define addchar(c) \
do { if (p - arg + 2 < sizeof arg) *p++ = (c); else return 1; } while (0)
#define addargument() \
do { \
if (p > arg) \
{ \
*p = 0; \
append_to_strlist (&list, arg); \
p = arg; \
} \
} while (0)
#define unquoted 0
#define singlequote '\''
#define doublequote '"'
for (; *s; s++)
switch (quoted)
case unquoted:
if (isspace (*s))
addargument ();
else if (*s == singlequote || *s == doublequote)
quoted = *s;
addchar (*s);
case singlequote:
if (*s == singlequote)
quoted = unquoted;
addchar (*s);
case doublequote:
assert (s > str || !"cannot be quoted at first char");
if (*s == doublequote && *(s - 1) != '\\')
quoted = unquoted;
addchar (*s);
assert (! "reached");
/* Append the last argument. */
addargument ();
#undef doublequote
#undef singlequote
#undef unquoted
#undef addargument
#undef addchar
*r_list = list;
return 0;
/* Like shell_parse_stringlist, but returns an argv vector
instead of a strlist. */
static int
shell_parse_argv (const char *s, int *r_argc, char ***r_argv)
int i;
strlist_t list;
if (shell_parse_stringlist (s, &list))
return 1;
*r_argc = strlist_length (list);
*r_argv = xtrycalloc (*r_argc, sizeof **r_argv);
if (*r_argv == NULL)
return 1;
for (i = 0; list; i++)
gpgrt_annotate_leaked_object (list);
(*r_argv)[i] = list->d;
list = list->next;
gpgrt_annotate_leaked_object (*r_argv);
return 0;
/* Global flags. */
enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd = 0;
int skip_crypto = 0;
const char *files_from = NULL;
int null_names = 0;
/* Command line parsing. */
static void
parse_arguments (ARGPARSE_ARGS *pargs, ARGPARSE_OPTS *popts)
int no_more_options = 0;
while (!no_more_options && optfile_parse (NULL, NULL, NULL, pargs, popts))
switch (pargs->r_opt)
case oOutput: opt.outfile = pargs->r.ret_str; break;
case oDirectory: = pargs->r.ret_str; break;
case oSetFilename: opt.filename = pargs->r.ret_str; break;
case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break;
case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; break;
case oNoVerbose: opt.verbose = 0; break;
case oFilesFrom: files_from = pargs->r.ret_str; break;
case oNull: null_names = 1; break;
case aList:
case aDecrypt:
case aEncrypt:
case aSign:
set_cmd (&cmd, pargs->r_opt);
case aCreate:
set_cmd (&cmd, aEncrypt);
skip_crypto = 1;
case aExtract:
set_cmd (&cmd, aDecrypt);
skip_crypto = 1;
case oRecipient:
add_to_strlist (&opt.recipients, pargs->r.ret_str);
case oUser:
opt.user = pargs->r.ret_str;
case oSymmetric:
set_cmd (&cmd, aEncrypt);
opt.symmetric = 1;
case oGpgProgram:
opt.gpg_program = pargs->r.ret_str;
case oSkipCrypto:
skip_crypto = 1;
case oOpenPGP: /* Dummy option for now. */ break;
case oCMS: /* Dummy option for now. */ break;
case oGpgArgs:;
strlist_t list;
if (shell_parse_stringlist (pargs->r.ret_str, &list))
log_error ("failed to parse gpg arguments '%s'\n",
if (opt.gpg_arguments)
strlist_last (opt.gpg_arguments)->next = list;
opt.gpg_arguments = list;
case oTarArgs:;
int tar_argc;
char **tar_argv;
if (shell_parse_argv (pargs->r.ret_str, &tar_argc, &tar_argv))
log_error ("failed to parse tar arguments '%s'\n",
tar_args.argc = &tar_argc;
tar_args.argv = &tar_argv;
tar_args.flags = ARGPARSE_FLAG_ARG0;
parse_arguments (&tar_args, tar_opts);
if (tar_args.err)
log_error ("unsupported tar arguments '%s'\n",
pargs->err = tar_args.err;
case oDryRun:
opt.dry_run = 1;
default: pargs->err = 2; break;
/* gpgtar main. */
main (int argc, char **argv)
gpg_error_t err;
const char *fname;
assert (sizeof (struct ustar_raw_header) == 512);
gnupg_reopen_std (GPGTAR_NAME);
set_strusage (my_strusage);
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
/* Parse the command line. */
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags = ARGPARSE_FLAG_KEEP;
parse_arguments (&pargs, opts);
if ((files_from && !null_names) || (!files_from && null_names))
log_error ("--files-from and --null may only be used in conjunction\n");
if (files_from && strcmp (files_from, "-"))
log_error ("--files-from only supports argument \"-\"\n");
if (log_get_errorcount (0))
exit (2);
/* Print a warning if an argument looks like an option. */
if (!opt.quiet && !(pargs.flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_STOP_SEEN))
int i;
for (i=0; i < argc; i++)
if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '-')
log_info (_("NOTE: '%s' is not considered an option\n"), argv[i]);
if (! opt.gpg_program)
opt.gpg_program = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_GPG);
if (opt.verbose > 1)
opt.debug_level = 1024;
switch (cmd)
case aList:
if (argc > 1)
usage (1);
fname = argc ? *argv : NULL;
if (opt.filename)
log_info ("note: ignoring option --set-filename\n");
if (files_from)
log_info ("note: ignoring option --files-from\n");
err = gpgtar_list (fname, !skip_crypto);
if (err && log_get_errorcount (0) == 0)
log_error ("listing archive failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
case aEncrypt:
case aSign:
case aSignEncrypt:
if ((!argc && !null_names)
|| (argc && null_names))
usage (1);
if (opt.filename)
log_info ("note: ignoring option --set-filename\n");
err = gpgtar_create (null_names? NULL :argv,
&& (cmd == aEncrypt || cmd == aSignEncrypt),
cmd == aSign || cmd == aSignEncrypt);
if (err && log_get_errorcount (0) == 0)
log_error ("creating archive failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
case aDecrypt:
if (argc != 1)
usage (1);
if (opt.outfile)
log_info ("note: ignoring option --output\n");
if (files_from)
log_info ("note: ignoring option --files-from\n");
fname = argc ? *argv : NULL;
err = gpgtar_extract (fname, !skip_crypto);
if (err && log_get_errorcount (0) == 0)
log_error ("extracting archive failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
log_error (_("invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n"));
return log_get_errorcount (0)? 1:0;
/* Read the next record from STREAM. RECORD is a buffer provided by
the caller and must be at leadt of size RECORDSIZE. The function
return 0 on success and and error code on failure; a diagnostic
printed as well. Note that there is no need for an EOF indicator
because a tarball has an explicit EOF record. */
read_record (estream_t stream, void *record)
gpg_error_t err;
size_t nread;
nread = es_fread (record, 1, RECORDSIZE, stream);
if (nread != RECORDSIZE)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (es_ferror (stream))
log_error ("error reading '%s': %s\n",
es_fname_get (stream), gpg_strerror (err));
log_error ("error reading '%s': premature EOF "
"(size of last record: %zu)\n",
es_fname_get (stream), nread);
err = 0;
return err;
/* Write the RECORD of size RECORDSIZE to STREAM. FILENAME is the
name of the file used for diagnostics. */
write_record (estream_t stream, const void *record)
gpg_error_t err;
size_t nwritten;
nwritten = es_fwrite (record, 1, RECORDSIZE, stream);
if (nwritten != RECORDSIZE)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error writing '%s': %s\n",
es_fname_get (stream), gpg_strerror (err));
err = 0;
return err;
/* Return true if FP is an unarmored OpenPGP message. Note that this
function reads a few bytes from FP but pushes them back. */
#if 0
static int
openpgp_message_p (estream_t fp)
int ctb;
ctb = es_getc (fp);
if (ctb != EOF)
if (es_ungetc (ctb, fp))
log_fatal ("error ungetting first byte: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
if ((ctb & 0x80))
switch ((ctb & 0x40) ? (ctb & 0x3f) : ((ctb>>2)&0xf))
return 1; /* Yes, this seems to be an OpenPGP message. */
return 0;
diff --git a/tools/gpgtar.h b/tools/gpgtar.h
index 7d03719e2..8cbe80bbb 100644
--- a/tools/gpgtar.h
+++ b/tools/gpgtar.h
@@ -1,133 +1,133 @@
/* gpgtar.h - Global definitions for gpgtar
* Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef GPGTAR_H
#define GPGTAR_H
#include "../common/util.h"
#include "../common/strlist.h"
/* We keep all global options in the structure OPT. */
int verbose;
unsigned int debug_level;
int quiet;
int dry_run;
const char *gpg_program;
strlist_t gpg_arguments;
const char *outfile;
strlist_t recipients;
const char *user;
int symmetric;
const char *filename;
const char *directory;
} opt;
/* The size of a tar record. All IO is done in chunks of this size.
Note that we don't care about blocking because this version of tar
is not expected to be used directly on a tape drive in fact it is
used in a pipeline with GPG and thus any blocking would be
useless. */
#define RECORDSIZE 512
/* Description of the USTAR header format. */
struct ustar_raw_header
char name[100];
char mode[8];
char uid[8];
char gid[8];
char size[12];
char mtime[12];
char checksum[8];
char typeflag[1];
char linkname[100];
char magic[6];
char version[2];
char uname[32];
char gname[32];
char devmajor[8];
char devminor[8];
char prefix[155];
char pad[12];
/* Filetypes as defined by USTAR. */
typedef enum
TF_UNKNOWN, /* Needs to be treated as regular file. */
TF_NOTSUP /* Not supported (used with --create). */
} typeflag_t;
/* The internal represenation of a TAR header. */
struct tar_header_s;
typedef struct tar_header_s *tar_header_t;
struct tar_header_s
tar_header_t next; /* Used to build a linked list iof entries. */
unsigned long mode; /* The file mode. */
unsigned long nlink; /* Number of hard links. */
unsigned long uid; /* The user id of the file. */
unsigned long gid; /* The group id of the file. */
unsigned long long size; /* The size of the file. */
unsigned long long mtime; /* Modification time since Epoch. Note
that we don't use time_t here but a
type which is more likely to be larger
that 32 bit and thus allows tracking
times beyond 2106. */
typeflag_t typeflag; /* The type of the file. */
unsigned long long nrecords; /* Number of data records. */
char name[1]; /* Filename (dynamically extended). */
/*-- gpgtar.c --*/
gpg_error_t read_record (estream_t stream, void *record);
gpg_error_t write_record (estream_t stream, const void *record);
/*-- gpgtar-create.c --*/
gpg_error_t gpgtar_create (char **inpattern, int encrypt, int sign);
/*-- gpgtar-extract.c --*/
gpg_error_t gpgtar_extract (const char *filename, int decrypt);
/*-- gpgtar-list.c --*/
gpg_error_t gpgtar_list (const char *filename, int decrypt);
gpg_error_t gpgtar_read_header (estream_t stream, tar_header_t *r_header);
void gpgtar_print_header (tar_header_t header, estream_t out);
#endif /*GPGTAR_H*/
diff --git a/tools/make-dns-cert.c b/tools/make-dns-cert.c
index 4cd4bd365..9a7e20d10 100644
--- a/tools/make-dns-cert.c
+++ b/tools/make-dns-cert.c
@@ -1,247 +1,247 @@
/* make-dns-cert.c - An OpenPGP-to-DNS CERT conversion tool
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
# include <config.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
/* We use TYPE37 instead of CERT since not all nameservers can handle
CERT yet... */
static int
cert_key(const char *name,const char *keyfile)
int fd,ret=1,err,i;
struct stat statbuf;
fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open key file %s: %s\n",keyfile,strerror(errno));
return 1;
fprintf(stderr,"Unable to stat key file %s: %s\n",
goto fail;
fprintf(stderr,"Key %s too large for CERT encoding\n",keyfile);
goto fail;
fprintf(stderr,"Warning: key file %s is larger than the default"
" GnuPG max-cert-size\n",keyfile);
printf("%s\tTYPE37\t\\# %u 0003 0000 00 ",
name,(unsigned int)statbuf.st_size+5);
unsigned char buffer[1024];
err = read (fd,buffer,1024);
while (err == -1 && errno == EINTR);
fprintf(stderr,"Unable to read key file %s: %s\n",
goto fail;
return ret;
static int
url_key(const char *name,const char *fpr,const char *url)
int len=6,fprlen=0;
const char *tmp = fpr;
while (*tmp)
if ((*tmp >= 'A' && *tmp <= 'F') ||
(*tmp >= 'a' && *tmp <= 'f') ||
(*tmp >= '0' && *tmp <= '9'))
else if (*tmp != ' ' && *tmp != '\t')
fprintf(stderr,"Fingerprint must consist of only hex digits"
" and whitespace\n");
return 1;
fprintf(stderr,"Fingerprint must be an even number of characters\n");
return 1;
if(!fpr && !url)
"Cannot generate a CERT without either a fingerprint or URL\n");
return 1;
printf("%s\tTYPE37\t\\# %d 0006 0000 00 %02X",name,len,fprlen);
printf(" %s",fpr);
const char *c;
printf(" ");
return 0;
static void
usage(FILE *stream)
fprintf(stream,"\t-k\tkey file\n");
fprintf(stream,"\t-n\tDNS name\n");
main(int argc,char *argv[])
int arg,err=1;
char *fpr=NULL,*url=NULL,*keyfile=NULL,*name=NULL;
return 1;
else if(argc>1 && strcmp(argv[1],"--version")==0)
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) && defined(VERSION)
printf ("make-dns-cert (GnuPG) " VERSION "\n");
printf ("make-dns-cert gnupg-svn%d\n", atoi (10+"$Revision$"));
return 0;
else if(argc>1 && strcmp(argv[1],"--help")==0)
return 0;
case 'h':
case 'f':
case 'u':
case 'k':
case 'n':
fprintf(stderr,"No name provided\n");
return 1;
if(keyfile && (fpr || url))
fprintf(stderr,"Cannot generate a CERT record with both a keyfile and"
" a fingerprint or URL\n");
return 1;
return err;
diff --git a/tools/mime-maker.c b/tools/mime-maker.c
index a81bd69c3..ca05f1d40 100644
--- a/tools/mime-maker.c
+++ b/tools/mime-maker.c
@@ -1,799 +1,799 @@
/* mime-maker.c - Create MIME structures
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "zb32.h"
#include "mime-maker.h"
/* All valid characters in a header name. */
#define HEADER_NAME_CHARS ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" \
/* An object to store an header. Also used for a list of headers. */
struct header_s
struct header_s *next;
char *value; /* Malloced value. */
char name[1]; /* Name. */
typedef struct header_s *header_t;
/* An object to store a MIME part. A part is the header plus the
* content (body). */
struct part_s
struct part_s *next; /* Next part in the current container. */
struct part_s *child; /* Child container. */
char *boundary; /* Malloced boundary string. */
header_t headers; /* List of headers. */
header_t *headers_tail;/* Address of last header in chain. */
size_t bodylen; /* Length of BODY. */
char *body; /* Malloced buffer with the body. This is the
* non-encoded value. */
unsigned int partid; /* The part ID. */
typedef struct part_s *part_t;
/* Definition of the mime parser object. */
struct mime_maker_context_s
void *cookie; /* Cookie passed to all callbacks. */
unsigned int verbose:1; /* Enable verbose mode. */
unsigned int debug:1; /* Enable debug mode. */
part_t mail; /* The MIME tree. */
part_t current_part;
unsigned int partid_counter; /* Counter assign part ids. */
int boundary_counter; /* Used to create easy to read boundaries. */
char *boundary_suffix; /* Random string used in the boundaries. */
struct b64state *b64state; /* NULL or malloced Base64 decoder state. */
/* Helper to convey the output stream to recursive functions. */
estream_t outfp;
/* Create a new mime make object. COOKIE is a values woich will be
* used as first argument for all callbacks registered with this
* object. */
mime_maker_new (mime_maker_t *r_maker, void *cookie)
mime_maker_t ctx;
*r_maker = NULL;
ctx = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctx);
if (!ctx)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
ctx->cookie = cookie;
*r_maker = ctx;
return 0;
static void
release_parts (part_t part)
while (part)
part_t partnext = part->next;
while (part->headers)
header_t hdrnext = part->headers->next;
xfree (part->headers);
part->headers = hdrnext;
release_parts (part->child);
xfree (part->boundary);
xfree (part->body);
xfree (part);
part = partnext;
/* Release a mime maker object. */
mime_maker_release (mime_maker_t ctx)
if (!ctx)
release_parts (ctx->mail);
xfree (ctx->boundary_suffix);
xfree (ctx);
/* Set verbose and debug mode. */
mime_maker_set_verbose (mime_maker_t ctx, int level)
if (!level)
ctx->verbose = 0;
ctx->debug = 0;
ctx->verbose = 1;
if (level > 10)
ctx->debug = 1;
static void
dump_parts (part_t part, int level)
header_t hdr;
for (; part; part = part->next)
log_debug ("%*s[part %u]\n", level*2, "", part->partid);
for (hdr = part->headers; hdr; hdr = hdr->next)
log_debug ("%*s%s: %s\n", level*2, "", hdr->name, hdr->value);
if (part->body)
log_debug ("%*s[body %zu bytes]\n", level*2, "", part->bodylen);
if (part->child)
log_debug ("%*s[container]\n", level*2, "");
dump_parts (part->child, level+1);
/* Dump the mime tree for debugging. */
mime_maker_dump_tree (mime_maker_t ctx)
dump_parts (ctx->mail, 0);
/* Find the parent node for NEEDLE starting at ROOT. */
static part_t
find_parent (part_t root, part_t needle)
part_t node, n;
for (node = root->child; node; node = node->next)
if (node == needle)
return root;
if ((n = find_parent (node, needle)))
return n;
return NULL;
/* Find the part node from the PARTID. */
static part_t
find_part (part_t root, unsigned int partid)
part_t node, n;
for (node = root->child; node; node = node->next)
if (node->partid == partid)
return root;
if ((n = find_part (node, partid)))
return n;
return NULL;
/* Create a boundary string. Outr codes is aware of the general
* structure of that string (gebins with "=-=") so that
* it can protect against accidentally-used boundaries within the
* content. */
static char *
generate_boundary (mime_maker_t ctx)
if (!ctx->boundary_suffix)
char buffer[12];
gcry_create_nonce (buffer, sizeof buffer);
ctx->boundary_suffix = zb32_encode (buffer, 8 * sizeof buffer);
if (!ctx->boundary_suffix)
return NULL;
return es_bsprintf ("=-=%02d-%s=-=",
ctx->boundary_counter, ctx->boundary_suffix);
/* Ensure that the context has a MAIL and CURRENT_PART object and
* return the parent object if available */
static gpg_error_t
ensure_part (mime_maker_t ctx, part_t *r_parent)
if (!ctx->mail)
ctx->mail = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctx->mail);
if (!ctx->mail)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_assert (!ctx->current_part);
ctx->current_part = ctx->mail;
ctx->current_part->headers_tail = &ctx->current_part->headers;
log_assert (ctx->current_part);
if (r_parent)
*r_parent = find_parent (ctx->mail, ctx->current_part);
return 0;
/* Transform a header name into a standard capitalized format.
* "Content-Type". Conversion stops at the colon. */
static void
capitalize_header_name (char *name)
unsigned char *p = name;
int first = 1;
/* Special cases first. */
if (!ascii_strcasecmp (name, "MIME-Version"))
strcpy (name, "MIME-Version");
/* Regular cases. */
for (; *p && *p != ':'; p++)
if (*p == '-')
first = 1;
else if (first)
if (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z')
*p = *p - 'a' + 'A';
first = 0;
else if (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z')
*p = *p - 'A' + 'a';
/* Check whether a header with NAME has already been set into PART.
* NAME must be in canonical capitalized format. Return true or
* false. */
static int
have_header (part_t part, const char *name)
header_t hdr;
for (hdr = part->headers; hdr; hdr = hdr->next)
if (!strcmp (hdr->name, name))
return 1;
return 0;
/* Helper to add a header to a part. */
static gpg_error_t
add_header (part_t part, const char *name, const char *value)
gpg_error_t err;
header_t hdr;
size_t namelen;
const char *s;
char *p;
if (!value)
s = strchr (name, '=');
if (!s)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG);
namelen = s - name;
value = s+1;
namelen = strlen (name);
hdr = xtrymalloc (sizeof *hdr + namelen);
if (!hdr)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
hdr->next = NULL;
memcpy (hdr->name, name, namelen);
hdr->name[namelen] = 0;
/* Check that the header name is valid. We allow all lower and
* uppercase letters and, except for the first character, digits and
* the dash. */
if (strspn (hdr->name, HEADER_NAME_CHARS) != namelen
|| strchr ("-0123456789", *hdr->name))
xfree (hdr);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
capitalize_header_name (hdr->name);
hdr->value = xtrystrdup (value);
if (!hdr->value)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (hdr);
return err;
for (p = hdr->value + strlen (hdr->value) - 1;
(p >= hdr->value
&& (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\n' || *p == '\r'));
*p = 0;
if (!(p >= hdr->value))
xfree (hdr->value);
xfree (hdr);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE); /* Only spaces. */
if (part)
*part->headers_tail = hdr;
part->headers_tail = &hdr->next;
xfree (hdr);
return 0;
/* Add a header with NAME and VALUE to the current mail. A LF in the
* VALUE will be handled automagically. If NULL is used for VALUE it
* is expected that the NAME has the format "NAME=VALUE" and VALUE is
* taken from there.
* If no container has been added, the header will be used for the
* regular mail headers and not for a MIME part. If the current part
* is in a container and a body has been added, we append a new part
* to the current container. Thus for a non-MIME mail the caller
* needs to call this function followed by a call to add a body. When
* adding a Content-Type the boundary parameter must not be included.
mime_maker_add_header (mime_maker_t ctx, const char *name, const char *value)
gpg_error_t err;
part_t part, parent;
/* Hack to use this function for a syntax check of NAME and VALUE. */
if (!ctx)
return add_header (NULL, name, value);
err = ensure_part (ctx, &parent);
if (err)
return err;
part = ctx->current_part;
if ((part->body || part->child) && !parent)
/* We already have a body but no parent. Adding another part is
* thus not possible. */
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFLICT);
if (part->body || part->child)
/* We already have a body and there is a parent. We now append
* a new part to the current container. */
part = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *part);
if (!part)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
part->partid = ++ctx->partid_counter;
part->headers_tail = &part->headers;
log_assert (!ctx->current_part->next);
ctx->current_part->next = part;
ctx->current_part = part;
/* If no NAME and no VALUE has been given we do not add a header.
* This can be used to create a new part without any header. */
if (!name && !value)
return 0;
/* If we add Content-Type, make sure that we have a MIME-version
* header first; this simply looks better. */
if (!ascii_strcasecmp (name, "Content-Type")
&& !have_header (ctx->mail, "MIME-Version"))
err = add_header (ctx->mail, "MIME-Version", "1.0");
if (err)
return err;
return add_header (part, name, value);
/* Helper for mime_maker_add_{body,stream}. */
static gpg_error_t
add_body (mime_maker_t ctx, const void *data, size_t datalen)
gpg_error_t err;
part_t part, parent;
err = ensure_part (ctx, &parent);
if (err)
return err;
part = ctx->current_part;
if (part->body)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFLICT);
part->body = xtrymalloc (datalen? datalen : 1);
if (!part->body)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
part->bodylen = datalen;
if (data)
memcpy (part->body, data, datalen);
return 0;
/* Add STRING as body to the mail or the current MIME container. A
* second call to this function is not allowed.
* FIXME: We may want to have an append_body to add more data to a body.
mime_maker_add_body (mime_maker_t ctx, const char *string)
return add_body (ctx, string, strlen (string));
/* This is the same as mime_maker_add_body but takes a stream as
* argument. As of now the stream is copied to the MIME object but
* eventually we may delay that and read the stream only at the time
* it is needed. Note that the address of the stream object must be
* passed and that the ownership of the stream is transferred to this
* MIME object. To indicate the latter the function will store NULL
* at the ADDR_STREAM so that a caller can't use that object anymore
* except for es_fclose which accepts a NULL pointer. */
mime_maker_add_stream (mime_maker_t ctx, estream_t *stream_addr)
void *data;
size_t datalen;
es_rewind (*stream_addr);
if (es_fclose_snatch (*stream_addr, &data, &datalen))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
*stream_addr = NULL;
return add_body (ctx, data, datalen);
/* Add a new MIME container. A container can be used instead of a
* body. */
mime_maker_add_container (mime_maker_t ctx)
gpg_error_t err;
part_t part;
err = ensure_part (ctx, NULL);
if (err)
return err;
part = ctx->current_part;
if (part->body)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFLICT); /* There is already a body. */
if (part->child || part->boundary)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFLICT); /* There is already a container. */
/* Create a child node. */
part->child = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *part->child);
if (!part->child)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
part->child->headers_tail = &part->child->headers;
part->boundary = generate_boundary (ctx);
if (!part->boundary)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
xfree (part->child);
part->child = NULL;
return err;
part = part->child;
part->partid = ++ctx->partid_counter;
ctx->current_part = part;
return 0;
/* Finish the current container. */
mime_maker_end_container (mime_maker_t ctx)
gpg_error_t err;
part_t parent;
err = ensure_part (ctx, &parent);
if (err)
return err;
if (!parent)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFLICT); /* No container. */
while (parent->next)
parent = parent->next;
ctx->current_part = parent;
return 0;
/* Return the part-ID of the current part. */
unsigned int
mime_maker_get_partid (mime_maker_t ctx)
if (ensure_part (ctx, NULL))
return 0; /* Ooops. */
return ctx->current_part->partid;
/* Write a header and handle emdedded LFs. If BOUNDARY is not NULL it
* is appended to the value. */
/* Fixme: Add automatic line wrapping. */
static gpg_error_t
write_header (mime_maker_t ctx, const char *name, const char *value,
const char *boundary)
const char *s;
es_fprintf (ctx->outfp, "%s: ", name);
/* Note that add_header made sure that VALUE does not end with a LF.
* Thus we can assume that a LF is followed by non-whitespace. */
for (s = value; *s; s++)
if (*s == '\n')
es_fputs ("\r\n\t", ctx->outfp);
es_fputc (*s, ctx->outfp);
if (boundary)
if (s > value && s[-1] != ';')
es_fputc (';', ctx->outfp);
es_fprintf (ctx->outfp, "\r\n\tboundary=\"%s\"", boundary);
es_fputs ("\r\n", ctx->outfp);
return es_ferror (ctx->outfp)? gpg_error_from_syserror () : 0;
static gpg_error_t
write_gap (mime_maker_t ctx)
es_fputs ("\r\n", ctx->outfp);
return es_ferror (ctx->outfp)? gpg_error_from_syserror () : 0;
static gpg_error_t
write_boundary (mime_maker_t ctx, const char *boundary, int last)
es_fprintf (ctx->outfp, "\r\n--%s%s\r\n", boundary, last?"--":"");
return es_ferror (ctx->outfp)? gpg_error_from_syserror () : 0;
/* Fixme: Apply required encoding. */
static gpg_error_t
write_body (mime_maker_t ctx, const void *body, size_t bodylen)
const char *s;
for (s = body; bodylen; s++, bodylen--)
if (*s == '\n' && !(s > (const char *)body && s[-1] == '\r'))
es_fputc ('\r', ctx->outfp);
es_fputc (*s, ctx->outfp);
return es_ferror (ctx->outfp)? gpg_error_from_syserror () : 0;
/* Recursive worker for mime_maker_make. */
static gpg_error_t
write_tree (mime_maker_t ctx, part_t parent, part_t part)
gpg_error_t err;
header_t hdr;
for (; part; part = part->next)
for (hdr = part->headers; hdr; hdr = hdr->next)
if (part->child && !strcmp (hdr->name, "Content-Type"))
err = write_header (ctx, hdr->name, hdr->value, part->boundary);
err = write_header (ctx, hdr->name, hdr->value, NULL);
if (err)
return err;
err = write_gap (ctx);
if (err)
return err;
if (part->body)
err = write_body (ctx, part->body, part->bodylen);
if (err)
return err;
if (part->child)
log_assert (part->boundary);
err = write_boundary (ctx, part->boundary, 0);
if (!err)
err = write_tree (ctx, part, part->child);
if (!err)
err = write_boundary (ctx, part->boundary, 1);
if (err)
return err;
if (part->next)
log_assert (parent && parent->boundary);
err = write_boundary (ctx, parent->boundary, 0);
if (err)
return err;
return 0;
/* Add headers we always require. */
static gpg_error_t
add_missing_headers (mime_maker_t ctx)
gpg_error_t err;
if (!ctx->mail)
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
if (!have_header (ctx->mail, "MIME-Version"))
/* Even if a Content-Type has never been set, we want to
* announce that we do MIME. */
err = add_header (ctx->mail, "MIME-Version", "1.0");
if (err)
goto leave;
if (!have_header (ctx->mail, "Date"))
char *p = rfctimestamp (make_timestamp ());
if (!p)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = add_header (ctx->mail, "Date", p);
xfree (p);
if (err)
goto leave;
return err;
/* Create message from the tree MIME and write it to FP. Note that
* the output uses only a LF and a later called sendmail(1) is
* expected to convert them to network line endings. */
mime_maker_make (mime_maker_t ctx, estream_t fp)
gpg_error_t err;
err = add_missing_headers (ctx);
if (err)
return err;
ctx->outfp = fp;
err = write_tree (ctx, NULL, ctx->mail);
ctx->outfp = NULL;
return err;
/* Create a stream object from the MIME part identified by PARTID and
* store it at R_STREAM. If PARTID identifies a container the entire
* tree is returned. Using that function may read stream objects
* which have been added as MIME bodies. The caller must close the
* stream object. */
mime_maker_get_part (mime_maker_t ctx, unsigned int partid, estream_t *r_stream)
gpg_error_t err;
part_t part;
estream_t fp;
*r_stream = NULL;
/* When the entire tree is requested, we make sure that all missing
* headers are applied. We don't do that if only a part is
* requested because the additional headers (like Date:) will only
* be added to part 0 headers anyway. */
if (!partid)
err = add_missing_headers (ctx);
if (err)
return err;
part = ctx->mail;
part = find_part (ctx->mail, partid);
/* For now we use a memory stream object; however it would also be
* possible to create an object created on the fly while the caller
* is reading the returned stream. */
fp = es_fopenmem (0, "w+b");
if (!fp)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
ctx->outfp = fp;
err = write_tree (ctx, NULL, part);
ctx->outfp = NULL;
if (!err)
es_rewind (fp);
*r_stream = fp;
es_fclose (fp);
return err;
diff --git a/tools/mime-maker.h b/tools/mime-maker.h
index 23047c327..7aebdbd83 100644
--- a/tools/mime-maker.h
+++ b/tools/mime-maker.h
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
/* mime-maker.h - Create MIME structures
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
struct mime_maker_context_s;
typedef struct mime_maker_context_s *mime_maker_t;
gpg_error_t mime_maker_new (mime_maker_t *r_ctx, void *cookie);
void mime_maker_release (mime_maker_t ctx);
void mime_maker_set_verbose (mime_maker_t ctx, int level);
void mime_maker_dump_tree (mime_maker_t ctx);
gpg_error_t mime_maker_add_header (mime_maker_t ctx,
const char *name, const char *value);
gpg_error_t mime_maker_add_body (mime_maker_t ctx, const char *string);
gpg_error_t mime_maker_add_stream (mime_maker_t ctx, estream_t *stream_addr);
gpg_error_t mime_maker_add_container (mime_maker_t ctx);
gpg_error_t mime_maker_end_container (mime_maker_t ctx);
unsigned int mime_maker_get_partid (mime_maker_t ctx);
gpg_error_t mime_maker_make (mime_maker_t ctx, estream_t fp);
gpg_error_t mime_maker_get_part (mime_maker_t ctx, unsigned int partid,
estream_t *r_stream);
diff --git a/tools/mime-parser.c b/tools/mime-parser.c
index 901781040..264353c19 100644
--- a/tools/mime-parser.c
+++ b/tools/mime-parser.c
@@ -1,807 +1,807 @@
/* mime-parser.c - Parse MIME structures (high level rfc822 parser).
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "rfc822parse.h"
#include "mime-parser.h"
enum pgpmime_states
/* Definition of the mime parser object. */
struct mime_parser_context_s
void *cookie; /* Cookie passed to all callbacks. */
/* The callback to announce a new part. */
gpg_error_t (*new_part) (void *cookie,
const char *mediatype,
const char *mediasubtype);
/* The callback to return data of a part. */
gpg_error_t (*part_data) (void *cookie,
const void *data,
size_t datalen);
/* The callback to collect encrypted data. */
gpg_error_t (*collect_encrypted) (void *cookie, const char *data);
/* The callback to collect signed data. */
gpg_error_t (*collect_signeddata) (void *cookie, const char *data);
/* The callback to collect a signature. */
gpg_error_t (*collect_signature) (void *cookie, const char *data);
/* The RFC822 parser context is stored here during callbacks. */
rfc822parse_t msg;
/* Helper to convey error codes from user callbacks. */
gpg_error_t err;
int nesting_level; /* The current nesting level. */
int hashing_at_level; /* The nesting level at which we are hashing. */
enum pgpmime_states pgpmime; /* Current PGP/MIME state. */
unsigned int delay_hashing:1;/* Helper for PGPMIME_IN_SIGNEDDATA. */
unsigned int want_part:1; /* Return the current part. */
unsigned int decode_part:2; /* Decode the part. 1 = QP, 2 = Base64. */
unsigned int verbose:1; /* Enable verbose mode. */
unsigned int debug:1; /* Enable debug mode. */
/* Flags to help with debug output. */
struct {
unsigned int n_skip; /* Skip showing these number of lines. */
unsigned int header:1; /* Show the header lines. */
unsigned int data:1; /* Show the data lines. */
unsigned int as_note:1; /* Show the next data line as a note. */
unsigned int boundary : 1;
} show;
struct b64state *b64state; /* NULL or malloced Base64 decoder state. */
/* A buffer for reading a mail line, */
char line[5000];
/* Print the event received by the parser for debugging. */
static void
show_message_parser_event (rfc822parse_event_t event)
const char *s;
switch (event)
case RFC822PARSE_OPEN: s= "Open"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_CLOSE: s= "Close"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_CANCEL: s= "Cancel"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_T2BODY: s= "T2Body"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_FINISH: s= "Finish"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_RCVD_SEEN: s= "Rcvd_Seen"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_LEVEL_DOWN: s= "Level_Down"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_LEVEL_UP: s= "Level_Up"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_BOUNDARY: s= "Boundary"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_LAST_BOUNDARY: s= "Last_Boundary"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_BEGIN_HEADER: s= "Begin_Header"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_PREAMBLE: s= "Preamble"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_EPILOGUE: s= "Epilogue"; break;
default: s= "[unknown event]"; break;
log_debug ("*** RFC822 event %s\n", s);
/* Do in-place decoding of quoted-printable data of LENGTH in BUFFER.
Returns the new length of the buffer and stores true at R_SLBRK if
the line ended with a soft line break; false is stored if not.
This function asssumes that a complete line is passed in
buffer. */
static size_t
qp_decode (char *buffer, size_t length, int *r_slbrk)
char *d, *s;
if (r_slbrk)
*r_slbrk = 0;
/* Fixme: We should remove trailing white space first. */
for (s=d=buffer; length; length--)
if (*s == '=')
if (length > 2 && hexdigitp (s+1) && hexdigitp (s+2))
*(unsigned char*)d++ = xtoi_2 (s);
s += 2;
length -= 2;
else if (length > 2 && s[1] == '\r' && s[2] == '\n')
/* Soft line break. */
s += 3;
length -= 2;
if (r_slbrk && length == 1)
*r_slbrk = 1;
else if (length > 1 && s[1] == '\n')
/* Soft line break with only a Unix line terminator. */
s += 2;
length -= 1;
if (r_slbrk && length == 1)
*r_slbrk = 1;
else if (length == 1)
/* Soft line break at the end of the line. */
s += 1;
if (r_slbrk)
*r_slbrk = 1;
*d++ = *s++;
*d++ = *s++;
return d - buffer;
/* This function is called by parse_mail to communicate events. This
* callback communicates with the caller using a structure passed in
* OPAQUE. Should return 0 on success or set ERRNO and return -1. */
static int
parse_message_cb (void *opaque, rfc822parse_event_t event, rfc822parse_t msg)
mime_parser_t ctx = opaque;
const char *s;
int rc = 0;
/* Make the RFC822 parser context availabale for callbacks. */
ctx->msg = msg;
if (ctx->debug)
show_message_parser_event (event);
if (event == RFC822PARSE_BEGIN_HEADER || event == RFC822PARSE_T2BODY)
/* We need to check here whether to start collecting signed data
* because attachments might come without header lines and thus
* we won't see the BEGIN_HEADER event. */
if (ctx->pgpmime == PGPMIME_WAIT_SIGNEDDATA)
if (ctx->debug)
log_debug ("begin_hash\n");
ctx->hashing_at_level = ctx->nesting_level;
ctx->delay_hashing = 0;
if (event == RFC822PARSE_OPEN)
/* Initialize for a new message. */
ctx->show.header = 1;
else if (event == RFC822PARSE_T2BODY)
rfc822parse_field_t field;
ctx->want_part = 0;
ctx->decode_part = 0;
field = rfc822parse_parse_field (msg, "Content-Type", -1);
if (field)
const char *s1, *s2;
s1 = rfc822parse_query_media_type (field, &s2);
if (s1)
if (ctx->verbose)
log_debug ("h media: %*s%s %s\n",
ctx->nesting_level*2, "", s1, s2);
if (ctx->pgpmime == PGPMIME_WAIT_ENCVERSION)
if (!strcmp (s1, "application")
&& !strcmp (s2, "pgp-encrypted"))
if (ctx->debug)
log_debug ("c begin_encversion\n");
log_error ("invalid PGP/MIME structure;"
" expected '%s', got '%s/%s'\n",
"application/pgp-encrypted", s1, s2);
ctx->pgpmime = PGPMIME_INVALID;
else if (ctx->pgpmime == PGPMIME_WAIT_ENCDATA)
if (!strcmp (s1, "application")
&& !strcmp (s2, "octet-stream"))
if (ctx->debug)
log_debug ("c begin_encdata\n");
ctx->pgpmime = PGPMIME_IN_ENCDATA;
log_error ("invalid PGP/MIME structure;"
" expected '%s', got '%s/%s'\n",
"application/octet-stream", s1, s2);
ctx->pgpmime = PGPMIME_INVALID;
else if (ctx->pgpmime == PGPMIME_WAIT_SIGNATURE)
if (!strcmp (s1, "application")
&& !strcmp (s2, "pgp-signature"))
if (ctx->debug)
log_debug ("c begin_signature\n");
ctx->pgpmime = PGPMIME_IN_SIGNATURE;
log_error ("invalid PGP/MIME structure;"
" expected '%s', got '%s/%s'\n",
"application/pgp-signature", s1, s2);
ctx->pgpmime = PGPMIME_INVALID;
else if (!strcmp (s1, "multipart")
&& !strcmp (s2, "encrypted"))
s = rfc822parse_query_parameter (field, "protocol", 0);
if (s)
if (ctx->debug)
log_debug ("h encrypted.protocol: %s\n", s);
if (!strcmp (s, "application/pgp-encrypted"))
if (ctx->pgpmime)
log_error ("note: "
"ignoring nested PGP/MIME signature\n");
else if (ctx->verbose)
log_debug ("# this protocol is not supported\n");
else if (!strcmp (s1, "multipart")
&& !strcmp (s2, "signed"))
s = rfc822parse_query_parameter (field, "protocol", 1);
if (s)
if (ctx->debug)
log_debug ("h signed.protocol: %s\n", s);
if (!strcmp (s, "application/pgp-signature"))
if (ctx->pgpmime)
log_error ("note: "
"ignoring nested PGP/MIME signature\n");
else if (ctx->verbose)
log_debug ("# this protocol is not supported\n");
else if (ctx->new_part)
ctx->err = ctx->new_part (ctx->cookie, s1, s2);
if (!ctx->err)
ctx->want_part = 1;
else if (gpg_err_code (ctx->err) == GPG_ERR_FALSE)
ctx->err = 0;
else if (gpg_err_code (ctx->err) == GPG_ERR_TRUE)
ctx->want_part = ctx->decode_part = 1;
ctx->err = 0;
if (ctx->debug)
log_debug ("h media: %*s none\n", ctx->nesting_level*2, "");
if (ctx->new_part)
ctx->err = ctx->new_part (ctx->cookie, "", "");
if (!ctx->err)
ctx->want_part = 1;
else if (gpg_err_code (ctx->err) == GPG_ERR_FALSE)
ctx->err = 0;
else if (gpg_err_code (ctx->err) == GPG_ERR_TRUE)
ctx->want_part = ctx->decode_part = 1;
ctx->err = 0;
rfc822parse_release_field (field);
if (ctx->verbose)
log_debug ("h media: %*stext plain [assumed]\n",
ctx->nesting_level*2, "");
if (ctx->new_part)
ctx->err = ctx->new_part (ctx->cookie, "text", "plain");
if (!ctx->err)
ctx->want_part = 1;
else if (gpg_err_code (ctx->err) == GPG_ERR_FALSE)
ctx->err = 0;
else if (gpg_err_code (ctx->err) == GPG_ERR_TRUE)
ctx->want_part = ctx->decode_part = 1;
ctx->err = 0;
/* Figure out the encoding if needed. */
if (ctx->decode_part)
char *value;
size_t valueoff;
ctx->decode_part = 0; /* Fallback for unknown encoding. */
value = rfc822parse_get_field (msg, "Content-Transfer-Encoding", -1,
if (value)
if (!stricmp (value+valueoff, "quoted-printable"))
ctx->decode_part = 1;
else if (!stricmp (value+valueoff, "base64"))
ctx->decode_part = 2;
if (ctx->b64state)
b64dec_finish (ctx->b64state); /* Reuse state. */
ctx->b64state = xtrymalloc (sizeof *ctx->b64state);
if (!ctx->b64state)
rc = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (!rc)
rc = b64dec_start (ctx->b64state, NULL);
free (value); /* Right, we need a plain free. */
ctx->show.header = 0;
ctx-> = 1;
ctx->show.n_skip = 1;
else if (event == RFC822PARSE_PREAMBLE)
ctx->show.as_note = 1;
else if (event == RFC822PARSE_LEVEL_DOWN)
if (ctx->debug)
log_debug ("b down\n");
else if (event == RFC822PARSE_LEVEL_UP)
if (ctx->debug)
log_debug ("b up\n");
if (ctx->nesting_level)
log_error ("invalid structure (bad nesting level)\n");
else if (event == RFC822PARSE_BOUNDARY || event == RFC822PARSE_LAST_BOUNDARY)
ctx-> = 0;
ctx->show.boundary = 1;
if (event == RFC822PARSE_BOUNDARY)
ctx->show.header = 1;
ctx->show.n_skip = 1;
if (ctx->debug)
log_debug ("b part\n");
else if (ctx->debug)
log_debug ("b last\n");
if (ctx->pgpmime == PGPMIME_IN_ENCDATA)
if (ctx->debug)
log_debug ("c end_encdata\n");
ctx->pgpmime = PGPMIME_GOT_ENCDATA;
/* FIXME: We should assert (event == LAST_BOUNDARY). */
else if (ctx->pgpmime == PGPMIME_IN_SIGNEDDATA
&& ctx->nesting_level == ctx->hashing_at_level)
if (ctx->debug)
log_debug ("c end_hash\n");
if (ctx->collect_signeddata)
ctx->err = ctx->collect_signeddata (ctx->cookie, NULL);
else if (ctx->pgpmime == PGPMIME_IN_SIGNATURE)
if (ctx->debug)
log_debug ("c end_signature\n");
/* FIXME: We should assert (event == LAST_BOUNDARY). */
else if (ctx->want_part)
if (ctx->part_data)
/* FIXME: We may need to flush things. */
ctx->err = ctx->part_data (ctx->cookie, NULL, 0);
ctx->want_part = 0;
ctx->msg = NULL;
return rc;
/* Create a new mime parser object. COOKIE is a values which will be
* used as first argument for all callbacks registered with this
* parser object. */
mime_parser_new (mime_parser_t *r_parser, void *cookie)
mime_parser_t ctx;
*r_parser = NULL;
ctx = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctx);
if (!ctx)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
ctx->cookie = cookie;
*r_parser = ctx;
return 0;
/* Release a mime parser object. */
mime_parser_release (mime_parser_t ctx)
if (!ctx)
if (ctx->b64state)
b64dec_finish (ctx->b64state);
xfree (ctx->b64state);
xfree (ctx);
/* Set verbose and debug mode. */
mime_parser_set_verbose (mime_parser_t ctx, int level)
if (!level)
ctx->verbose = 0;
ctx->debug = 0;
ctx->verbose = 1;
if (level > 10)
ctx->debug = 1;
/* Set the callback used to announce a new part. It will be called
* with the media type and media subtype of the part. If no
* Content-type header was given both values are the empty string.
* The callback should return 0 on success or an error code. The
* error code GPG_ERR_FALSE indicates that the caller is not
* interested in the part and data shall not be returned via a
* registered part_data callback. The error code GPG_ERR_TRUE
* indicates that the parts shall be redurned in decoded format
* (i.e. base64 or QP encoding is removed). */
mime_parser_set_new_part (mime_parser_t ctx,
gpg_error_t (*fnc) (void *cookie,
const char *mediatype,
const char *mediasubtype))
ctx->new_part = fnc;
/* Set the callback used to return the data of a part to the caller.
* The end of the part is indicated by passing NUL for DATA. */
mime_parser_set_part_data (mime_parser_t ctx,
gpg_error_t (*fnc) (void *cookie,
const void *data,
size_t datalen))
ctx->part_data = fnc;
/* Set the callback to collect encrypted data. A NULL passed to the
* callback indicates the end of the encrypted data; the callback may
* then decrypt the collected data. */
mime_parser_set_collect_encrypted (mime_parser_t ctx,
gpg_error_t (*fnc) (void *cookie,
const char *data))
ctx->collect_encrypted = fnc;
/* Set the callback to collect signed data. A NULL passed to the
* callback indicates the end of the signed data. */
mime_parser_set_collect_signeddata (mime_parser_t ctx,
gpg_error_t (*fnc) (void *cookie,
const char *data))
ctx->collect_signeddata = fnc;
/* Set the callback to collect the signature. A NULL passed to the
* callback indicates the end of the signature; the callback may the
* verify the signature. */
mime_parser_set_collect_signature (mime_parser_t ctx,
gpg_error_t (*fnc) (void *cookie,
const char *data))
ctx->collect_signature = fnc;
/* Return the RFC888 parser context. This is only available inside a
* callback. */
mime_parser_rfc822parser (mime_parser_t ctx)
return ctx->msg;
/* Helper for mime_parser_parse. */
static gpg_error_t
process_part_data (mime_parser_t ctx, char *line, size_t *length)
gpg_error_t err;
size_t nbytes;
if (!ctx->want_part)
return 0;
if (!ctx->part_data)
return 0;
if (ctx->decode_part == 1)
*length = qp_decode (line, *length, NULL);
else if (ctx->decode_part == 2)
log_assert (ctx->b64state);
err = b64dec_proc (ctx->b64state, line, *length, &nbytes);
if (err)
return err;
*length = nbytes;
return ctx->part_data (ctx->cookie, line, *length);
/* Read and parse a message from FP and call the appropriate
* callbacks. */
mime_parser_parse (mime_parser_t ctx, estream_t fp)
gpg_error_t err;
rfc822parse_t msg = NULL;
unsigned int lineno = 0;
size_t length;
char *line;
line = ctx->line;
msg = rfc822parse_open (parse_message_cb, ctx);
if (!msg)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("can't open mail parser: %s", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
/* Fixme: We should not use fgets because it can't cope with
embedded nul characters. */
while (es_fgets (ctx->line, sizeof (ctx->line), fp))
if (lineno == 1 && !strncmp (line, "From ", 5))
continue; /* We better ignore a leading From line. */
length = strlen (line);
if (length && line[length - 1] == '\n')
line[--length] = 0;
log_error ("mail parser detected too long or"
" non terminated last line (lnr=%u)\n", lineno);
if (length && line[length - 1] == '\r')
line[--length] = 0;
ctx->err = 0;
if (rfc822parse_insert (msg, line, length))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("mail parser failed: %s", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (ctx->err)
/* Error from a callback detected. */
err = ctx->err;
goto leave;
/* Debug output. Note that the boundary is shown before n_skip
* is evaluated. */
if (ctx->show.boundary)
if (ctx->debug)
log_debug ("# Boundary: %s\n", line);
ctx->show.boundary = 0;
if (ctx->show.n_skip)
else if (ctx->
if (ctx->show.as_note)
if (ctx->verbose)
log_debug ("# Note: %s\n", line);
ctx->show.as_note = 0;
else if (ctx->debug)
log_debug ("# Data: %s\n", line);
else if (ctx->show.header && ctx->verbose)
log_debug ("# Header: %s\n", line);
if (ctx->pgpmime == PGPMIME_IN_ENCVERSION)
trim_trailing_spaces (line);
if (!*line)
; /* Skip empty lines. */
else if (!strcmp (line, "Version: 1"))
ctx->pgpmime = PGPMIME_WAIT_ENCDATA;
log_error ("invalid PGP/MIME structure;"
" garbage in pgp-encrypted part ('%s')\n", line);
ctx->pgpmime = PGPMIME_INVALID;
else if (ctx->pgpmime == PGPMIME_IN_ENCDATA)
if (ctx->collect_encrypted)
err = ctx->collect_encrypted (ctx->cookie, line);
if (!err)
err = ctx->collect_encrypted (ctx->cookie, "\r\n");
if (err)
goto leave;
else if (ctx->pgpmime == PGPMIME_GOT_ENCDATA)
ctx->pgpmime = PGPMIME_NONE;
if (ctx->collect_encrypted)
ctx->collect_encrypted (ctx->cookie, NULL);
else if (ctx->pgpmime == PGPMIME_IN_SIGNEDDATA)
/* If we are processing signed data, store the signed data.
* We need to delay the hashing of the CR/LF because the
* last line ending belongs to the next boundary. This is
* the reason why we can't use the PGPMIME state as a
* condition. */
if (ctx->debug)
log_debug ("# hashing %s'%s'\n",
ctx->delay_hashing? "CR,LF+":"", line);
if (ctx->collect_signeddata)
if (ctx->delay_hashing)
ctx->collect_signeddata (ctx->cookie, "\r\n");
ctx->collect_signeddata (ctx->cookie, line);
ctx->delay_hashing = 1;
err = process_part_data (ctx, line, &length);
if (err)
goto leave;
else if (ctx->pgpmime == PGPMIME_IN_SIGNATURE)
if (ctx->collect_signeddata)
ctx->collect_signature (ctx->cookie, line);
ctx->collect_signature (ctx->cookie, "\r\n");
else if (ctx->pgpmime == PGPMIME_GOT_SIGNATURE)
ctx->pgpmime = PGPMIME_NONE;
if (ctx->collect_signeddata)
ctx->collect_signature (ctx->cookie, NULL);
err = process_part_data (ctx, line, &length);
if (err)
goto leave;
rfc822parse_close (msg);
msg = NULL;
err = 0;
rfc822parse_cancel (msg);
return err;
diff --git a/tools/mime-parser.h b/tools/mime-parser.h
index b217a2c8f..37a74a153 100644
--- a/tools/mime-parser.h
+++ b/tools/mime-parser.h
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
/* mime-parser.h - Parse MIME structures (high level rfc822 parser).
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
struct mime_parser_context_s;
typedef struct mime_parser_context_s *mime_parser_t;
gpg_error_t mime_parser_new (mime_parser_t *r_ctx, void *cookie);
void mime_parser_release (mime_parser_t ctx);
void mime_parser_set_verbose (mime_parser_t ctx, int level);
void mime_parser_set_new_part (mime_parser_t ctx,
gpg_error_t (*fnc) (void *cookie,
const char *mediatype,
const char *mediasubtype));
void mime_parser_set_part_data (mime_parser_t ctx,
gpg_error_t (*fnc) (void *cookie,
const void *data,
size_t datalen));
void mime_parser_set_collect_encrypted (mime_parser_t ctx,
gpg_error_t (*fnc) (void *cookie,
const char *data));
void mime_parser_set_collect_signeddata (mime_parser_t ctx,
gpg_error_t (*fnc) (void *cookie,
const char *data));
void mime_parser_set_collect_signature (mime_parser_t ctx,
gpg_error_t (*fnc) (void *cookie,
const char *data));
gpg_error_t mime_parser_parse (mime_parser_t ctx, estream_t fp);
/* Duplicated declaration of the RFC822 parser context. */
struct rfc822parse_context;
typedef struct rfc822parse_context *rfc822parse_t;
rfc822parse_t mime_parser_rfc822parser (mime_parser_t ctx);
diff --git a/tools/rfc822parse.c b/tools/rfc822parse.c
index 215ab52a7..ee81b5d90 100644
--- a/tools/rfc822parse.c
+++ b/tools/rfc822parse.c
@@ -1,1265 +1,1265 @@
/* rfc822parse.c - Simple mail and MIME parser
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Werner Koch, Duesseldorf
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 g10 Code GmbH
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * License along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* According to RFC822 binary zeroes are allowed at many places. We do
* not handle this correct especially in the field parsing code. It
* should be easy to fix and the API provides a interfaces which
* returns the length but in addition makes sure that returned strings
* are always ended by a \0.
* Furthermore, the case of field names is changed and thus it is not
* always a good idea to use these modified header
* lines (e.g. signatures may break).
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "rfc822parse.h"
enum token_type
/* For now we directly use our TOKEN as the parse context */
typedef struct rfc822parse_field_context *TOKEN;
struct rfc822parse_field_context
TOKEN next;
enum token_type type;
struct {
unsigned int cont:1;
unsigned int lowered:1;
} flags;
/*TOKEN owner_pantry; */
char data[1];
struct hdr_line
struct hdr_line *next;
int cont; /* This is a continuation of the previous line. */
unsigned char line[1];
typedef struct hdr_line *HDR_LINE;
struct part
struct part *right; /* The next part. */
struct part *down; /* A contained part. */
HDR_LINE hdr_lines; /* Header lines os that part. */
HDR_LINE *hdr_lines_tail; /* Helper for adding lines. */
char *boundary; /* Only used in the first part. */
typedef struct part *part_t;
struct rfc822parse_context
rfc822parse_cb_t callback;
void *callback_value;
int callback_error;
int in_body;
int in_preamble; /* Wether we are before the first boundary. */
part_t parts; /* The tree of parts. */
part_t current_part; /* Whom we are processing (points into parts). */
const char *boundary; /* Current boundary. */
static HDR_LINE find_header (rfc822parse_t msg, const char *name,
int which, HDR_LINE * rprev);
static size_t
length_sans_trailing_ws (const unsigned char *line, size_t len)
const unsigned char *p, *mark;
size_t n;
for (mark=NULL, p=line, n=0; n < len; n++, p++)
if (strchr (" \t\r\n", *p ))
if( !mark )
mark = p;
mark = NULL;
if (mark)
return mark - line;
return len;
static void
lowercase_string (unsigned char *string)
for (; *string; string++)
if (*string >= 'A' && *string <= 'Z')
*string = *string - 'A' + 'a';
/* Transform a header name into a standard capitalized format; i.e
"Content-Type". Conversion stops at the colon. As usual we don't
use the localized versions of ctype.h.
static void
capitalize_header_name (unsigned char *name)
int first = 1;
for (; *name && *name != ':'; name++)
if (*name == '-')
first = 1;
else if (first)
if (*name >= 'a' && *name <= 'z')
*name = *name - 'a' + 'A';
first = 0;
else if (*name >= 'A' && *name <= 'Z')
*name = *name - 'A' + 'a';
static char *
stpcpy (char *a,const char *b)
while (*b)
*a++ = *b++;
*a = 0;
return (char*)a;
/* If a callback has been registerd, call it for the event of type
static int
do_callback (rfc822parse_t msg, rfc822parse_event_t event)
int rc;
if (!msg->callback || msg->callback_error)
return 0;
rc = msg->callback (msg->callback_value, event, msg);
if (rc)
msg->callback_error = rc;
return rc;
static part_t
new_part (void)
part_t part;
part = calloc (1, sizeof *part);
if (part)
part->hdr_lines_tail = &part->hdr_lines;
return part;
static void
release_part (part_t part)
part_t tmp;
HDR_LINE hdr, hdr2;
for (; part; part = tmp)
tmp = part->right;
if (part->down)
release_part (part->down);
for (hdr = part->hdr_lines; hdr; hdr = hdr2)
hdr2 = hdr->next;
free (hdr);
free (part->boundary);
free (part);
static void
release_handle_data (rfc822parse_t msg)
release_part (msg->parts);
msg->parts = NULL;
msg->current_part = NULL;
msg->boundary = NULL;
/* Create a new parsing context for an entire rfc822 message and
return it. CB and CB_VALUE may be given to callback for certain
events. NULL is returned on error with errno set appropriately. */
rfc822parse_open (rfc822parse_cb_t cb, void *cb_value)
rfc822parse_t msg = calloc (1, sizeof *msg);
if (msg)
msg->parts = msg->current_part = new_part ();
if (!msg->parts)
free (msg);
msg = NULL;
msg->callback = cb;
msg->callback_value = cb_value;
if (do_callback (msg, RFC822PARSE_OPEN))
release_handle_data (msg);
free (msg);
msg = NULL;
return msg;
rfc822parse_cancel (rfc822parse_t msg)
if (msg)
do_callback (msg, RFC822PARSE_CANCEL);
release_handle_data (msg);
free (msg);
rfc822parse_close (rfc822parse_t msg)
if (msg)
do_callback (msg, RFC822PARSE_CLOSE);
release_handle_data (msg);
free (msg);
static part_t
find_parent (part_t tree, part_t target)
part_t part;
for (part = tree->down; part; part = part->right)
if (part == target)
return tree; /* Found. */
if (part->down)
part_t tmp = find_parent (part, target);
if (tmp)
return tmp;
return NULL;
static void
set_current_part_to_parent (rfc822parse_t msg)
part_t parent;
assert (msg->current_part);
parent = find_parent (msg->parts, msg->current_part);
if (!parent)
return; /* Already at the top. */
#ifndef NDEBUG
part_t part;
for (part = parent->down; part; part = part->right)
if (part == msg->current_part)
assert (part);
msg->current_part = parent;
parent = find_parent (msg->parts, parent);
msg->boundary = parent? parent->boundary: NULL;
* We have read in all header lines and are about to receive the body
* part. The delimiter line has already been processed.
* FIXME: we's better return an error in case of memory failures.
static int
transition_to_body (rfc822parse_t msg)
rfc822parse_field_t ctx;
int rc;
rc = do_callback (msg, RFC822PARSE_T2BODY);
if (!rc)
/* Store the boundary if we have multipart type. */
ctx = rfc822parse_parse_field (msg, "Content-Type", -1);
if (ctx)
const char *s;
s = rfc822parse_query_media_type (ctx, NULL);
if (s && !strcmp (s,"multipart"))
s = rfc822parse_query_parameter (ctx, "boundary", 0);
if (s)
assert (!msg->current_part->boundary);
msg->current_part->boundary = malloc (strlen (s) + 1);
if (msg->current_part->boundary)
part_t part;
strcpy (msg->current_part->boundary, s);
msg->boundary = msg->current_part->boundary;
part = new_part ();
if (!part)
int save_errno = errno;
rfc822parse_release_field (ctx);
errno = save_errno;
return -1;
rc = do_callback (msg, RFC822PARSE_LEVEL_DOWN);
assert (!msg->current_part->down);
msg->current_part->down = part;
msg->current_part = part;
msg->in_preamble = 1;
rfc822parse_release_field (ctx);
return rc;
/* We have just passed a MIME boundary and need to prepare for new part.
headers. */
static int
transition_to_header (rfc822parse_t msg)
part_t part;
assert (msg->current_part);
assert (!msg->current_part->right);
part = new_part ();
if (!part)
return -1;
msg->current_part->right = part;
msg->current_part = part;
return 0;
static int
insert_header (rfc822parse_t msg, const unsigned char *line, size_t length)
assert (msg->current_part);
if (!length)
msg->in_body = 1;
return transition_to_body (msg);
if (!msg->current_part->hdr_lines)
do_callback (msg, RFC822PARSE_BEGIN_HEADER);
length = length_sans_trailing_ws (line, length);
hdr = malloc (sizeof (*hdr) + length);
if (!hdr)
return -1;
hdr->next = NULL;
hdr->cont = (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t');
memcpy (hdr->line, line, length);
hdr->line[length] = 0; /* Make it a string. */
/* Transform a field name into canonical format. */
if (!hdr->cont && strchr (line, ':'))
capitalize_header_name (hdr->line);
*msg->current_part->hdr_lines_tail = hdr;
msg->current_part->hdr_lines_tail = &hdr->next;
/* Lets help the caller to prevent mail loops and issue an event for
* every Received header. */
if (length >= 9 && !memcmp (line, "Received:", 9))
do_callback (msg, RFC822PARSE_RCVD_SEEN);
return 0;
* Note: We handle the body transparent to allow binary zeroes in it.
static int
insert_body (rfc822parse_t msg, const unsigned char *line, size_t length)
int rc = 0;
if (length > 2 && *line == '-' && line[1] == '-' && msg->boundary)
size_t blen = strlen (msg->boundary);
if (length == blen + 2
&& !memcmp (line+2, msg->boundary, blen))
rc = do_callback (msg, RFC822PARSE_BOUNDARY);
msg->in_body = 0;
if (!rc && !msg->in_preamble)
rc = transition_to_header (msg);
msg->in_preamble = 0;
else if (length == blen + 4
&& line[length-2] =='-' && line[length-1] == '-'
&& !memcmp (line+2, msg->boundary, blen))
rc = do_callback (msg, RFC822PARSE_LAST_BOUNDARY);
msg->boundary = NULL; /* No current boundary anymore. */
set_current_part_to_parent (msg);
/* Fixme: The next should actually be send right before the
next boundary, so that we can mark the epilogue. */
if (!rc)
rc = do_callback (msg, RFC822PARSE_LEVEL_UP);
if (msg->in_preamble && !rc)
rc = do_callback (msg, RFC822PARSE_PREAMBLE);
return rc;
/* Insert the next line into the parser. Return 0 on success or true
on error with errno set appropriately. */
rfc822parse_insert (rfc822parse_t msg, const unsigned char *line, size_t length)
return (msg->in_body
? insert_body (msg, line, length)
: insert_header (msg, line, length));
/* Tell the parser that we have finished the message. */
rfc822parse_finish (rfc822parse_t msg)
return do_callback (msg, RFC822PARSE_FINISH);
* Get a copy of a header line. The line is returned as one long
* string with LF to separate the continuation line. Caller must free
* the return buffer. WHICH may be used to enumerate over all lines.
* Wildcards are allowed. This function works on the current headers;
* i.e. the regular mail headers or the MIME headers of the current
* part.
* WHICH gives the mode:
* -1 := Take the last occurrence
* n := Take the n-th one.
* Returns a newly allocated buffer or NULL on error. errno is set in
* case of a memory failure or set to 0 if the requested field is not
* available.
* If VALUEOFF is not NULL it will receive the offset of the first non
* space character in the value part of the line (i.e. after the first
* colon).
char *
rfc822parse_get_field (rfc822parse_t msg, const char *name, int which,
size_t *valueoff)
HDR_LINE h, h2;
char *buf, *p;
size_t n;
h = find_header (msg, name, which, NULL);
if (!h)
errno = 0;
return NULL; /* no such field */
n = strlen (h->line) + 1;
for (h2 = h->next; h2 && h2->cont; h2 = h2->next)
n += strlen (h2->line) + 1;
buf = p = malloc (n);
if (buf)
p = stpcpy (p, h->line);
*p++ = '\n';
for (h2 = h->next; h2 && h2->cont; h2 = h2->next)
p = stpcpy (p, h2->line);
*p++ = '\n';
p[-1] = 0;
if (valueoff)
p = strchr (buf, ':');
if (!p)
*valueoff = 0; /* Oops: should never happen. */
while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\r' || *p == '\n')
*valueoff = p - buf;
return buf;
* Enumerate all header. Caller has to provide the address of a pointer
* which has to be initialzed to NULL, the caller should then never change this
* pointer until he has closed the enumeration by passing again the address
* of the pointer but with msg set to NULL.
* The function returns pointers to all the header lines or NULL when
* all lines have been enumerated or no headers are available.
const char *
rfc822parse_enum_header_lines (rfc822parse_t msg, void **context)
if (!msg) /* Close. */
return NULL;
if (*context == msg || !msg->current_part)
return NULL;
l = *context ? (HDR_LINE) *context : msg->current_part->hdr_lines;
if (l)
*context = l->next ? (void *) (l->next) : (void *) msg;
return l->line;
*context = msg; /* Mark end of list. */
return NULL;
* Find a header field. If the Name does end in an asterisk this is meant
* to be a wildcard.
* which -1 : Retrieve the last field
* >0 : Retrieve the n-th field
* RPREV may be used to return the predecessor of the returned field;
* which may be NULL for the very first one. It has to be initialzed
* to either NULL in which case the search start at the first header line,
* or it may point to a headerline, where the search should start
static HDR_LINE
find_header (rfc822parse_t msg, const char *name, int which, HDR_LINE *rprev)
HDR_LINE hdr, prev = NULL, mark = NULL;
unsigned char *p;
size_t namelen, n;
int found = 0;
int glob = 0;
if (!msg->current_part)
return NULL;
namelen = strlen (name);
if (namelen && name[namelen - 1] == '*')
glob = 1;
hdr = msg->current_part->hdr_lines;
if (rprev && *rprev)
/* spool forward to the requested starting place.
* we cannot simply set this as we have to return
* the previous list element too */
for (; hdr && hdr != *rprev; prev = hdr, hdr = hdr->next)
for (; hdr; prev = hdr, hdr = hdr->next)
if (hdr->cont)
if (!(p = strchr (hdr->line, ':')))
continue; /* invalid header, just skip it. */
n = p - hdr->line;
if (!n)
continue; /* invalid name */
if ((glob ? (namelen <= n) : (namelen == n))
&& !memcmp (hdr->line, name, namelen))
if (which == -1)
mark = hdr;
else if (found == which)
if (rprev)
*rprev = prev;
return hdr;
if (mark && rprev)
*rprev = prev;
return mark;
static const char *
skip_ws (const char *s)
while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\r' || *s == '\n')
return s;
static void
release_token_list (TOKEN t)
while (t)
TOKEN t2 = t->next;
/* fixme: If we have owner_pantry, put the token back to
* this pantry so that it can be reused later */
free (t);
t = t2;
static TOKEN
new_token (enum token_type type, const char *buf, size_t length)
/* fixme: look through our pantries to find a suitable
* token for reuse */
t = malloc (sizeof *t + length);
if (t)
t->next = NULL;
t->type = type;
memset (&t->flags, 0, sizeof (t->flags));
t->data[0] = 0;
if (buf)
memcpy (t->data, buf, length);
t->data[length] = 0; /* Make sure it is a C string. */
t->data[0] = 0;
return t;
static TOKEN
append_to_token (TOKEN old, const char *buf, size_t length)
size_t n = strlen (old->data);
t = malloc (sizeof *t + n + length);
if (t)
t->next = old->next;
t->type = old->type;
t->flags = old->flags;
memcpy (t->data, old->data, n);
memcpy (t->data + n, buf, length);
t->data[n + length] = 0;
old->next = NULL;
release_token_list (old);
return t;
Parse a field into tokens as defined by rfc822.
static TOKEN
parse_field (HDR_LINE hdr)
static const char specials[] = "<>@.,;:\\[]\"()";
static const char specials2[] = "<>@.,;:";
static const char tspecials[] = "/?=<>@,;:\\[]\"()";
static const char tspecials2[] = "/?=<>@.,;:"; /* FIXME: really
include '.'?*/
static struct
const unsigned char *name;
size_t namelen;
} tspecial_header[] = {
{ "Content-Type", 12},
{ "Content-Transfer-Encoding", 25},
{ "Content-Disposition", 19},
{ NULL, 0}
const char *delimiters;
const char *delimiters2;
const unsigned char *line, *s, *s2;
size_t n;
int i, invalid = 0;
TOKEN t, tok, *tok_tail;
errno = 0;
if (!hdr)
return NULL;
tok = NULL;
tok_tail = &tok;
line = hdr->line;
if (!(s = strchr (line, ':')))
return NULL; /* oops */
n = s - line;
if (!n)
return NULL; /* oops: invalid name */
delimiters = specials;
delimiters2 = specials2;
for (i = 0; tspecial_header[i].name; i++)
if (n == tspecial_header[i].namelen
&& !memcmp (line, tspecial_header[i].name, n))
delimiters = tspecials;
delimiters2 = tspecials2;
s++; /* Move over the colon. */
for (;;)
while (!*s)
if (!hdr->next || !hdr->next->cont)
return tok; /* Ready. */
/* Next item is a header continuation line. */
hdr = hdr->next;
s = hdr->line;
if (*s == '(')
int level = 1;
int in_quote = 0;
invalid = 0;
for (s++;; s++)
while (!*s)
if (!hdr->next || !hdr->next->cont)
goto oparen_out;
/* Next item is a header continuation line. */
hdr = hdr->next;
s = hdr->line;
if (in_quote)
if (*s == '\"')
in_quote = 0;
else if (*s == '\\' && s[1]) /* what about continuation? */
else if (*s == ')')
if (!--level)
else if (*s == '(')
else if (*s == '\"')
in_quote = 1;
if (!*s)
; /* Actually this is an error, but we don't care about it. */
else if (*s == '\"' || *s == '[')
/* We do not check for non-allowed nesting of domainliterals */
int term = *s == '\"' ? '\"' : ']';
invalid = 0;
t = NULL;
for (;;)
for (s2 = s; *s2; s2++)
if (*s2 == term)
else if (*s2 == '\\' && s2[1]) /* what about continuation? */
t = (t
? append_to_token (t, s, s2 - s)
: new_token (term == '\"'? tQUOTED : tDOMAINLIT, s, s2 - s));
if (!t)
goto failure;
if (*s2 || !hdr->next || !hdr->next->cont)
/* Next item is a header continuation line. */
hdr = hdr->next;
s = hdr->line;
*tok_tail = t;
tok_tail = &t->next;
s = s2;
if (*s)
s++; /* skip the delimiter */
else if ((s2 = strchr (delimiters2, *s)))
{ /* Special characters which are not handled above. */
invalid = 0;
t = new_token (tSPECIAL, s, 1);
if (!t)
goto failure;
*tok_tail = t;
tok_tail = &t->next;
else if (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\r' || *s == '\n')
invalid = 0;
s = skip_ws (s + 1);
else if (*s > 0x20 && !(*s & 128))
{ /* Atom. */
invalid = 0;
for (s2 = s + 1; *s2 > 0x20
&& !(*s2 & 128) && !strchr (delimiters, *s2); s2++)
t = new_token (tATOM, s, s2 - s);
if (!t)
goto failure;
*tok_tail = t;
tok_tail = &t->next;
s = s2;
{ /* Invalid character. */
if (!invalid)
{ /* For parsing we assume only one space. */
t = new_token (tSPACE, NULL, 0);
if (!t)
goto failure;
*tok_tail = t;
tok_tail = &t->next;
invalid = 1;
int save = errno;
release_token_list (tok);
errno = save;
return NULL;
* Find and parse a header field.
* WHICH indicates what to do if there are multiple instance of the same
* field (like "Received"); the following value are defined:
* -1 := Take the last occurrence
* 0 := Reserved
* n := Take the n-th one.
* Returns a handle for further operations on the parse context of the field
* or NULL if the field was not found.
rfc822parse_parse_field (rfc822parse_t msg, const char *name, int which)
if (!which)
return NULL;
hdr = find_header (msg, name, which, NULL);
if (!hdr)
return NULL;
return parse_field (hdr);
rfc822parse_release_field (rfc822parse_field_t ctx)
if (ctx)
release_token_list (ctx);
* Check whether T points to a parameter.
* A parameter starts with a semicolon and it is assumed that t
* points to exactly this one.
static int
is_parameter (TOKEN t)
t = t->next;
if (!t || t->type != tATOM)
return 0;
t = t->next;
if (!t || !(t->type == tSPECIAL && t->data[0] == '='))
return 0;
t = t->next;
if (!t)
return 1; /* We assume that an non existing value is an empty one. */
return t->type == tQUOTED || t->type == tATOM;
Some header (Content-type) have a special syntax where attribute=value
pairs are used after a leading semicolon. The parse_field code
knows about these fields and changes the parsing to the one defined
in RFC2045.
Returns a pointer to the value which is valid as long as the
parse context is valid; NULL is returned in case that attr is not
defined in the header, a missing value is reppresented by an empty string.
With LOWER_VALUE set to true, a matching field valuebe be
Note, that ATTR should be lowercase.
const char *
rfc822parse_query_parameter (rfc822parse_field_t ctx, const char *attr,
int lower_value)
TOKEN t, a;
for (t = ctx; t; t = t->next)
/* skip to the next semicolon */
for (; t && !(t->type == tSPECIAL && t->data[0] == ';'); t = t->next)
if (!t)
return NULL;
if (is_parameter (t))
{ /* Look closer. */
a = t->next; /* We know that this is an atom */
if ( !a->flags.lowered )
lowercase_string (a->data);
a->flags.lowered = 1;
if (!strcmp (a->data, attr))
{ /* found */
t = a->next->next;
/* Either T is now an atom, a quoted string or NULL in
* which case we return an empty string. */
if ( lower_value && t && !t->flags.lowered )
lowercase_string (t->data);
t->flags.lowered = 1;
return t ? t->data : "";
return NULL;
* This function may be used for the Content-Type header to figure out
* the media type and subtype. Note, that the returned strings are
* guaranteed to be lowercase as required by MIME.
* Returns: a pointer to the media type and if subtype is not NULL,
* a pointer to the subtype.
const char *
rfc822parse_query_media_type (rfc822parse_field_t ctx, const char **subtype)
TOKEN t = ctx;
const char *type;
if (t->type != tATOM)
return NULL;
if (!t->flags.lowered)
lowercase_string (t->data);
t->flags.lowered = 1;
type = t->data;
t = t->next;
if (!t || t->type != tSPECIAL || t->data[0] != '/')
return NULL;
t = t->next;
if (!t || t->type != tATOM)
return NULL;
if (subtype)
if (!t->flags.lowered)
lowercase_string (t->data);
t->flags.lowered = 1;
*subtype = t->data;
return type;
#ifdef TESTING
/* Internal debug function to print the structure of the message. */
static void
dump_structure (rfc822parse_t msg, part_t part, int indent)
if (!part)
printf ("*** Structure of this message:\n");
part = msg->parts;
for (; part; part = part->right)
rfc822parse_field_t ctx;
part_t save_part; /* ugly hack - we should have a function to
get part information. */
const char *s;
save_part = msg->current_part;
msg->current_part = part;
ctx = rfc822parse_parse_field (msg, "Content-Type", -1);
msg->current_part = save_part;
if (ctx)
const char *s1, *s2;
s1 = rfc822parse_query_media_type (ctx, &s2);
if (s1)
printf ("*** %*s %s/%s", indent*2, "", s1, s2);
printf ("*** %*s [not found]", indent*2, "");
s = rfc822parse_query_parameter (ctx, "boundary", 0);
if (s)
printf (" (boundary=\"%s\")", s);
rfc822parse_release_field (ctx);
printf ("*** %*s text/plain [assumed]", indent*2, "");
if (part->down)
dump_structure (msg, part->down, indent + 1);
static void
show_param (rfc822parse_field_t ctx, const char *name)
const char *s;
if (!ctx)
s = rfc822parse_query_parameter (ctx, name, 0);
if (s)
printf ("*** %s: '%s'\n", name, s);
static void
show_event (rfc822parse_event_t event)
const char *s;
switch (event)
case RFC822PARSE_OPEN: s= "Open"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_CLOSE: s= "Close"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_CANCEL: s= "Cancel"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_T2BODY: s= "T2Body"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_FINISH: s= "Finish"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_RCVD_SEEN: s= "Rcvd_Seen"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_LEVEL_DOWN: s= "Level_Down"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_LEVEL_UP: s= "Level_Up"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_BOUNDARY: s= "Boundary"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_LAST_BOUNDARY: s= "Last_Boundary"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_BEGIN_HEADER: s= "Begin_Header"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_PREAMBLE: s= "Preamble"; break;
case RFC822PARSE_EPILOGUE: s= "Epilogue"; break;
default: s= "***invalid event***"; break;
printf ("*** got RFC822 event %s\n", s);
static int
msg_cb (void *dummy_arg, rfc822parse_event_t event, rfc822parse_t msg)
show_event (event);
if (event == RFC822PARSE_T2BODY)
rfc822parse_field_t ctx;
void *ectx;
const char *line;
for (ectx=NULL; (line = rfc822parse_enum_header_lines (msg, &ectx)); )
printf ("*** HDR: %s\n", line);
rfc822parse_enum_header_lines (NULL, &ectx); /* Close enumerator. */
ctx = rfc822parse_parse_field (msg, "Content-Type", -1);
if (ctx)
const char *s1, *s2;
s1 = rfc822parse_query_media_type (ctx, &s2);
if (s1)
printf ("*** media: '%s/%s'\n", s1, s2);
printf ("*** media: [not found]\n");
show_param (ctx, "boundary");
show_param (ctx, "protocol");
rfc822parse_release_field (ctx);
printf ("*** media: text/plain [assumed]\n");
return 0;
main (int argc, char **argv)
char line[5000];
size_t length;
rfc822parse_t msg;
msg = rfc822parse_open (msg_cb, NULL);
if (!msg)
abort ();
while (fgets (line, sizeof (line), stdin))
length = strlen (line);
if (length && line[length - 1] == '\n')
line[--length] = 0;
if (length && line[length - 1] == '\r')
line[--length] = 0;
if (rfc822parse_insert (msg, line, length))
abort ();
dump_structure (msg, NULL, 0);
rfc822parse_close (msg);
return 0;
Local Variables:
compile-command: "gcc -Wall -Wno-pointer-sign -g -DTESTING -o rfc822parse rfc822parse.c"
diff --git a/tools/rfc822parse.h b/tools/rfc822parse.h
index c5579fe44..966c91efb 100644
--- a/tools/rfc822parse.h
+++ b/tools/rfc822parse.h
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
/* rfc822parse.h - Simple mail and MIME parser
* Copyright (C) 1999 Werner Koch, Duesseldorf
* Copyright (C) 2003 g10 Code GmbH
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * License along with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef RFC822PARSE_H
#define RFC822PARSE_H
struct rfc822parse_context;
typedef struct rfc822parse_context *rfc822parse_t;
typedef enum
struct rfc822parse_field_context;
typedef struct rfc822parse_field_context *rfc822parse_field_t;
typedef int (*rfc822parse_cb_t) (void *opaque,
rfc822parse_event_t event,
rfc822parse_t msg);
rfc822parse_t rfc822parse_open (rfc822parse_cb_t cb, void *opaque_value);
void rfc822parse_close (rfc822parse_t msg);
void rfc822parse_cancel (rfc822parse_t msg);
int rfc822parse_finish (rfc822parse_t msg);
int rfc822parse_insert (rfc822parse_t msg,
const unsigned char *line, size_t length);
char *rfc822parse_get_field (rfc822parse_t msg, const char *name, int which,
size_t *valueoff);
const char *rfc822parse_enum_header_lines (rfc822parse_t msg, void **context);
rfc822parse_field_t rfc822parse_parse_field (rfc822parse_t msg,
const char *name,
int which);
void rfc822parse_release_field (rfc822parse_field_t field);
const char *rfc822parse_query_parameter (rfc822parse_field_t ctx,
const char *attr, int lower_value);
const char *rfc822parse_query_media_type (rfc822parse_field_t ctx,
const char **subtype);
#endif /*RFC822PARSE_H */
diff --git a/tools/send-mail.c b/tools/send-mail.c
index 2266521a4..56f250029 100644
--- a/tools/send-mail.c
+++ b/tools/send-mail.c
@@ -1,129 +1,129 @@
/* send-mail.c - Invoke sendmail or other delivery tool.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "exectool.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#include "send-mail.h"
static gpg_error_t
run_sendmail (estream_t data)
gpg_error_t err;
const char pgmname[] = "/usr/lib/sendmail";
const char *argv[3];
argv[0] = "-oi";
argv[1] = "-t";
argv[2] = NULL;
err = gnupg_exec_tool_stream (pgmname, argv, data, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("running '%s' failed: %s\n", pgmname, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;
/* Send the data in FP as mail. */
send_mail (estream_t fp)
return run_sendmail (fp);
/* Convenience function to write a mail to a named file. */
send_mail_to_file (estream_t fp, const char *fname)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t outfp = NULL;
char *buffer = NULL;
size_t buffersize = 32 * 1024;
size_t nbytes, nwritten;
if (!fname)
fname = "-";
buffer = xtrymalloc (buffersize);
if (!buffer)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
outfp = !strcmp (fname,"-")? es_stdout : es_fopen (fname, "wb");
if (!outfp)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error creating '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
for (;;)
if (es_read (fp, buffer, sizeof buffer, &nbytes))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error reading '%s': %s\n",
es_fname_get (fp), gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (!nbytes)
err = 0;
break; /* Ready. */
if (es_write (outfp, buffer, nbytes, &nwritten))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error writing '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
else if (nwritten != nbytes)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EIO);
log_error ("error writing '%s': %s\n", fname, "short write");
goto leave;
if (err)
if (outfp && outfp != es_stdout)
es_fclose (outfp);
gnupg_remove (fname);
else if (outfp && outfp != es_stdout && es_fclose (outfp))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error closing '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err));
xfree (buffer);
return err;
diff --git a/tools/send-mail.h b/tools/send-mail.h
index 5f57854af..4d8ae983c 100644
--- a/tools/send-mail.h
+++ b/tools/send-mail.h
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
/* send-mail.h - Invoke sendmail or other delivery tool.
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
gpg_error_t send_mail (estream_t fp);
gpg_error_t send_mail_to_file (estream_t fp, const char *fname);
#endif /*GNUPG_SEND_MAIL_H*/
diff --git a/tools/sockprox.c b/tools/sockprox.c
index 35935987a..8648bb5a2 100644
--- a/tools/sockprox.c
+++ b/tools/sockprox.c
@@ -1,551 +1,551 @@
/* sockprox - Proxy for local sockets with logging facilities
* Copyright (C) 2007 g10 Code GmbH.
* sockprox is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* sockprox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* Hacked by Moritz Schulte <>.
Usage example:
Run a server which binds to a local socket. For example,
gpg-agent. gpg-agent's local socket is specified with --server.
sockprox opens a new local socket (here "mysock"); the whole
traffic between server and client is written to "/tmp/prot" in this
./sockprox --server /tmp/gpg-PKdD8r/S.gpg-agent.ssh \
--listen mysock --protocol /tmp/prot
Then, redirect your ssh-agent client to sockprox by setting
SSH_AUTH_SOCK to "mysock".
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <pthread.h>
struct opt
char *protocol_file;
char *server_spec;
char *listen_spec;
int verbose;
struct opt opt = { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 };
struct thread_data
int client_sock;
FILE *protocol_file;
static int
create_server_socket (const char *filename, int *new_sock)
struct sockaddr_un name;
size_t size;
int sock;
int ret;
int err;
/* Create the socket. */
sock = socket (PF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sock < 0)
err = errno;
goto out;
/* Bind a name to the socket. */
name.sun_family = AF_LOCAL;
strncpy (name.sun_path, filename, sizeof (name.sun_path));
name.sun_path[sizeof (name.sun_path) - 1] = '\0';
size = SUN_LEN (&name);
remove (filename);
ret = bind (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &name, size);
if (ret < 0)
err = errno;
goto out;
ret = listen (sock, 2);
if (ret < 0)
err = errno;
goto out;
*new_sock = sock;
err = 0;
return err;
static int
connect_to_socket (const char *filename, int *new_sock)
struct sockaddr_un srvr_addr;
size_t len;
int sock;
int ret;
int err;
sock = socket (PF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sock == -1)
err = errno;
goto out;
memset (&srvr_addr, 0, sizeof srvr_addr);
srvr_addr.sun_family = AF_LOCAL;
strncpy (srvr_addr.sun_path, filename, sizeof (srvr_addr.sun_path) - 1);
srvr_addr.sun_path[sizeof (srvr_addr.sun_path) - 1] = 0;
len = SUN_LEN (&srvr_addr);
ret = connect (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &srvr_addr, len);
if (ret == -1)
close (sock);
err = errno;
goto out;
*new_sock = sock;
err = 0;
return err;
static int
log_data (unsigned char *data, size_t length,
FILE *from, FILE *to, FILE *protocol)
unsigned int i;
int ret;
int err;
flockfile (protocol);
fprintf (protocol, "%i -> %i: ", fileno (from), fileno (to));
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
fprintf (protocol, "%02X", data[i]);
fprintf (protocol, "\n");
funlockfile (protocol);
ret = fflush (protocol);
if (ret == EOF)
err = errno;
err = 0;
return err;
static int
transfer_data (FILE *from, FILE *to, FILE *protocol)
unsigned char buffer[BUFSIZ];
size_t len, written;
int err;
int ret;
err = 0;
while (1)
len = fread (buffer, 1, sizeof (buffer), from);
if (len == 0)
err = log_data (buffer, len, from, to, protocol);
if (err)
written = fwrite (buffer, 1, len, to);
if (written != len)
err = errno;
ret = fflush (to);
if (ret == EOF)
err = errno;
if (ferror (from))
return err;
static int
io_loop (FILE *client, FILE *server, FILE *protocol)
fd_set active_fd_set, read_fd_set;
int ret;
int err;
FD_ZERO (&active_fd_set);
FD_SET (fileno (client), &active_fd_set);
FD_SET (fileno (server), &active_fd_set);
err = 0;
while (1)
read_fd_set = active_fd_set;
/* FIXME: eof? */
ret = select (FD_SETSIZE, &read_fd_set, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (ret < 0)
err = errno;
if (FD_ISSET (fileno (client), &read_fd_set))
if (feof (client))
/* Forward data from client to server. */
err = transfer_data (client, server, protocol);
else if (FD_ISSET (fileno (server), &read_fd_set))
if (feof (server))
/* Forward data from server to client. */
err = transfer_data (server, client, protocol);
if (err)
return err;
/* Set the 'O_NONBLOCK' flag of DESC if VALUE is nonzero,
or clear the flag if VALUE is 0.
Return 0 on success, or -1 on error with 'errno' set. */
set_nonblock_flag (int desc, int value)
int oldflags = fcntl (desc, F_GETFL, 0);
int err;
int ret;
/* If reading the flags failed, return error indication now. */
if (oldflags == -1)
return -1;
/* Set just the flag we want to set. */
if (value != 0)
oldflags |= O_NONBLOCK;
oldflags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
/* Store modified flag word in the descriptor. */
ret = fcntl (desc, F_SETFL, oldflags);
if (ret == -1)
err = errno;
err = 0;
return err;
void *
serve_client (void *data)
struct thread_data *thread_data = data;
int client_sock = thread_data->client_sock;
int server_sock;
FILE *protocol = thread_data->protocol_file;
FILE *client;
FILE *server;
int err;
client = NULL;
server = NULL;
/* Connect to server. */
err = connect_to_socket (opt.server_spec, &server_sock);
if (err)
goto out;
/* Set IO mode to nonblicking. */
err = set_nonblock_flag (server_sock, 1);
if (err)
goto out;
client = fdopen (client_sock, "r+");
if (! client)
err = errno;
goto out;
server = fdopen (server_sock, "r+");
if (! server)
err = errno;
goto out;
err = io_loop (client, server, protocol);
if (client)
fclose (client);
close (client_sock);
if (server)
fclose (server);
close (server_sock);
free (data);
return NULL;
static int
run_proxy (void)
int client_sock;
int my_sock;
int err;
struct sockaddr_un clientname;
size_t size;
pthread_t mythread;
struct thread_data *thread_data;
FILE *protocol_file;
pthread_attr_t thread_attr;
protocol_file = NULL;
err = pthread_attr_init (&thread_attr);
if (err)
goto out;
err = pthread_attr_setdetachstate (&thread_attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
if (err)
goto out;
if (opt.protocol_file)
protocol_file = fopen (opt.protocol_file, "a");
if (! protocol_file)
err = errno;
goto out;
protocol_file = stdout;
err = create_server_socket (opt.listen_spec, &my_sock);
if (err)
goto out;
while (1)
/* Accept new client. */
size = sizeof (clientname);
client_sock = accept (my_sock,
(struct sockaddr *) &clientname,
if (client_sock < 0)
err = errno;
/* Set IO mode to nonblicking. */
err = set_nonblock_flag (client_sock, 1);
if (err)
close (client_sock);
/* Got new client -> handle in new process. */
thread_data = malloc (sizeof (*thread_data));
if (! thread_data)
err = errno;
thread_data->client_sock = client_sock;
thread_data->protocol_file = protocol_file;
err = pthread_create (&mythread, &thread_attr, serve_client, thread_data);
if (err)
if (err)
goto out;
/* ? */
pthread_attr_destroy (&thread_attr);
if (protocol_file)
fclose (protocol_file); /* FIXME, err checking. */
return err;
static int
print_help (int ret)
printf ("Usage: sockprox [options] "
"--server SERVER-SOCKET --listen PROXY-SOCKET\n");
exit (ret);
main (int argc, char **argv)
struct option long_options[] =
{ "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' },
{ "verbose", no_argument, &opt.verbose, 1 },
{ "protocol", required_argument, 0, 'p' },
{ "server", required_argument, 0, 's' },
{ "listen", required_argument, 0, 'l' },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
int ret;
int err;
int c;
while (1)
int opt_idx = 0;
c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hvp:s:l:",
long_options, &opt_idx);
if (c == -1)
switch (c)
case 0:
if (long_options[opt_idx].flag)
printf ("option %s", long_options[opt_idx].name);
if (optarg)
printf (" with arg %s", optarg);
printf ("\n");
case 'p':
opt.protocol_file = optarg;
case 's':
opt.server_spec = optarg;
case 'l':
opt.listen_spec = optarg;
case 'v':
opt.verbose = 1;
case 'h':
print_help (EXIT_SUCCESS);
abort ();
if (opt.verbose)
printf ("server: %s\n", opt.server_spec ? opt.server_spec : "");
printf ("listen: %s\n", opt.listen_spec ? opt.listen_spec : "");
printf ("protocol: %s\n", opt.protocol_file ? opt.protocol_file : "");
if (! (opt.server_spec && opt.listen_spec))
print_help (EXIT_FAILURE);
err = run_proxy ();
if (err)
fprintf (stderr, "run_proxy() failed: %s\n", strerror (err));
/* ? */
return ret;
Local Variables:
compile-command: "cc -Wall -g -o sockprox sockprox.c -lpthread"
diff --git a/tools/symcryptrun.c b/tools/symcryptrun.c
index b2d8f5cc1..dc680f5a5 100644
--- a/tools/symcryptrun.c
+++ b/tools/symcryptrun.c
@@ -1,1023 +1,1023 @@
/* symcryptrun.c - Tool to call simple symmetric encryption tools.
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* Sometimes simple encryption tools are already in use for a long
time and there is a desire to integrate them into the GnuPG
framework. The protocols and encryption methods might be
non-standard or not even properly documented, so that a
full-fledged encryption tool with an interface like gpg is not
doable. This simple wrapper program provides a solution: It
operates by calling the encryption/decryption module and providing
the passphrase for a key (or even the key directly) using the
standard pinentry mechanism through gpg-agent. */
/* This program is invoked in the following way:
symcryptrun --class CLASS --program PROGRAM --keyfile KEYFILE \
[--decrypt | --encrypt]
For encryption, the plain text must be provided on STDIN, and the
ciphertext will be output to STDOUT. For decryption vice versa.
CLASS can currently only be "confucius".
PROGRAM must be the path to the crypto engine.
KEYFILE must contain the secret key, which may be protected by a
passphrase. The passphrase is retrieved via the pinentry program.
The GPG Agent _must_ be running before starting symcryptrun.
The possible exit status codes:
0 Success
1 Some error occurred
2 No valid passphrase was provided
3 The operation was canceled by the user
Other classes may be added in the future. */
#include <config.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#ifdef HAVE_PTY_H
#include <pty.h>
#ifdef HAVE_UTMP_H
#include <utmp.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <langinfo.h>
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include "i18n.h"
#include "../common/util.h"
#include "../common/init.h"
#include "../common/sysutils.h"
/* FIXME: Bah. For spwq_secure_free. */
#include "../common/simple-pwquery.h"
/* From simple-gettext.c. */
/* We assume to have 'unsigned long int' value with at least 32 bits. */
/* The so called 'hashpjw' function by P.J. Weinberger
[see Aho/Sethi/Ullman, COMPILERS: Principles, Techniques and Tools,
1986, 1987 Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.] */
static __inline__ ulong
hash_string( const char *str_param )
unsigned long int hval, g;
const char *str = str_param;
hval = 0;
while (*str != '\0')
hval <<= 4;
hval += (unsigned long int) *str++;
g = hval & ((unsigned long int) 0xf << (HASHWORDBITS - 4));
if (g != 0)
hval ^= g >> (HASHWORDBITS - 8);
hval ^= g;
return hval;
/* Constants to identify the commands and options. */
enum cmd_and_opt_values
aNull = 0,
oQuiet = 'q',
oVerbose = 'v',
oNoVerbose = 500,
/* The list of commands and options. */
static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] =
{ 301, NULL, 0, N_("@\nCommands:\n ") },
{ oDecrypt, "decrypt", 0, N_("decryption modus") },
{ oEncrypt, "encrypt", 0, N_("encryption modus") },
{ 302, NULL, 0, N_("@\nOptions:\n ") },
{ oClass, "class", 2, N_("tool class (confucius)") },
{ oProgram, "program", 2, N_("program filename") },
{ oKeyfile, "keyfile", 2, N_("secret key file (required)") },
{ oInput, "inputfile", 2, N_("input file name (default stdin)") },
{ oVerbose, "verbose", 0, N_("verbose") },
{ oQuiet, "quiet", 0, N_("quiet") },
{ oLogFile, "log-file", 2, N_("use a log file for the server") },
{ oOptions, "options" , 2, N_("|FILE|read options from FILE") },
/* Hidden options. */
{ oNoVerbose, "no-verbose", 0, "@" },
{ oHomedir, "homedir", 2, "@" },
{ oNoOptions, "no-options", 0, "@" },/* shortcut for --options /dev/null */
/* We keep all global options in the structure OPT. */
int verbose; /* Verbosity level. */
int quiet; /* Be extra quiet. */
const char *homedir; /* Configuration directory name */
char *class;
char *program;
char *keyfile;
char *input;
} opt;
/* Print usage information and and provide strings for help. */
static const char *
my_strusage (int level)
const char *p;
switch (level)
case 11: p = "symcryptrun (@GNUPG@)";
case 13: p = VERSION; break;
case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break;
case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break;
case 1:
case 40: p = _("Usage: symcryptrun [options] (-h for help)");
case 41:
p = _("Syntax: symcryptrun --class CLASS --program PROGRAM "
"--keyfile KEYFILE [options...] COMMAND [inputfile]\n"
"Call a simple symmetric encryption tool\n");
case 31: p = "\nHome: "; break;
case 32: p = gnupg_homedir (); break;
case 33: p = "\n"; break;
default: p = NULL; break;
return p;
/* This is in the GNU C library in unistd.h. */
/* Evaluate EXPRESSION, and repeat as long as it returns -1 with 'errno'
set to EINTR. */
# define TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(expression) \
(__extension__ \
({ long int __result; \
do __result = (long int) (expression); \
while (__result == -1L && errno == EINTR); \
__result; }))
/* Unlink a file, and shred it if SHRED is true. */
remove_file (char *name, int shred)
if (!shred)
return unlink (name);
int status;
pid_t pid;
pid = fork ();
if (pid == 0)
/* Child. */
/* -f forces file to be writable, and -u unlinks it afterwards. */
char *args[] = { SHRED, "-uf", name, NULL };
execv (SHRED, args);
_exit (127);
else if (pid < 0)
/* Fork failed. */
status = -1;
/* Parent. */
if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY (waitpid (pid, &status, 0)) != pid)
status = -1;
if (!WIFEXITED (status))
log_error (_("%s on %s aborted with status %i\n"),
SHRED, name, status);
unlink (name);
return 1;
else if (WEXITSTATUS (status))
log_error (_("%s on %s failed with status %i\n"), SHRED, name,
WEXITSTATUS (status));
unlink (name);
return 1;
return 0;
/* Class Confucius.
"Don't worry that other people don't know you;
worry that you don't know other people." Analects--1.16. */
/* Create temporary directory with mode 0700. Returns a dynamically
allocated string with the filename of the directory. */
static char *
confucius_mktmpdir (void)
char *name, *p;
p = getenv ("TMPDIR");
if (!p || !*p)
p = "/tmp";
if (p[strlen (p) - 1] == '/')
name = xstrconcat (p, "gpg-XXXXXX", NULL);
name = xstrconcat (p, "/", "gpg-XXXXXX", NULL);
if (!name || !gnupg_mkdtemp (name))
log_error (_("can't create temporary directory '%s': %s\n"),
name?name:"", strerror (errno));
return NULL;
return name;
/* Buffer size for I/O operations. */
/* Buffer size for output lines. */
/* Copy the file IN to OUT, either of which may be "-". If PLAIN is
true, and the copying fails, and OUT is not STDOUT, then shred the
file instead unlinking it. */
static int
confucius_copy_file (char *infile, char *outfile, int plain)
FILE *in;
int in_is_stdin = 0;
FILE *out;
int out_is_stdout = 0;
ssize_t data_len;
if (infile[0] == '-' && infile[1] == '\0')
/* FIXME: Is stdin in binary mode? */
in = stdin;
in_is_stdin = 1;
in = fopen (infile, "rb");
if (!in)
log_error (_("could not open %s for writing: %s\n"),
infile, strerror (errno));
return 1;
if (outfile[0] == '-' && outfile[1] == '\0')
/* FIXME: Is stdout in binary mode? */
out = stdout;
out_is_stdout = 1;
out = fopen (outfile, "wb");
if (!out)
log_error (_("could not open %s for writing: %s\n"),
infile, strerror (errno));
return 1;
/* Now copy the data. */
while ((data_len = fread (data, 1, sizeof (data), in)) > 0)
if (fwrite (data, 1, data_len, out) != data_len)
log_error (_("error writing to %s: %s\n"), outfile,
strerror (errno));
goto copy_err;
if (data_len < 0 || ferror (in))
log_error (_("error reading from %s: %s\n"), infile, strerror (errno));
goto copy_err;
/* Close IN if appropriate. */
if (!in_is_stdin && fclose (in) && ferror (in))
log_error (_("error closing %s: %s\n"), infile, strerror (errno));
goto copy_err;
/* Close OUT if appropriate. */
if (!out_is_stdout && fclose (out) && ferror (out))
log_error (_("error closing %s: %s\n"), infile, strerror (errno));
goto copy_err;
return 0;
if (!out_is_stdout)
remove_file (outfile, plain);
return 1;
/* Get a passphrase in secure storage (if possible). If AGAIN is
true, then this is a repeated attempt. If CANCELED is not a null
pointer, it will be set to true or false, depending on if the user
canceled the operation or not. On error (including cancelation), a
null pointer is returned. The passphrase must be deallocated with
confucius_drop_pass. CACHEID is the ID to be used for passphrase
caching and can be NULL to disable caching. */
char *
confucius_get_pass (const char *cacheid, int again, int *canceled)
int err;
char *pw;
char *orig_codeset;
if (canceled)
*canceled = 0;
orig_codeset = i18n_switchto_utf8 ();
pw = simple_pwquery (cacheid,
again ? _("does not match - try again"):NULL,
_("Passphrase:"), NULL, 0, &err);
i18n_switchback (orig_codeset);
if (!pw)
if (err)
log_error (_("error while asking for the passphrase: %s\n"),
gpg_strerror (err));
log_info (_("cancelled\n"));
if (canceled)
*canceled = 1;
return pw;
/* Drop a passphrase retrieved with confucius_get_pass. */
confucius_drop_pass (char *pass)
if (pass)
spwq_secure_free (pass);
/* Run a confucius crypto engine. If MODE is oEncrypt, encryption is
requested. If it is oDecrypt, decryption is requested. INFILE and
OUTFILE are the temporary files used in the process. */
confucius_process (int mode, char *infile, char *outfile,
int argc, char *argv[])
char **args;
int cstderr[2];
int master;
int slave;
int res;
pid_t pid;
pid_t wpid;
int tries = 0;
char cacheid[40];
signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
if (!opt.program)
log_error (_("no --program option provided\n"));
return 1;
if (mode != oDecrypt && mode != oEncrypt)
log_error (_("only --decrypt and --encrypt are supported\n"));
return 1;
if (!opt.keyfile)
log_error (_("no --keyfile option provided\n"));
return 1;
/* Generate a hash from the keyfile name for caching. */
snprintf (cacheid, sizeof (cacheid), "confucius:%lu",
hash_string (opt.keyfile));
cacheid[sizeof (cacheid) - 1] = '\0';
args = malloc (sizeof (char *) * (10 + argc));
if (!args)
log_error (_("cannot allocate args vector\n"));
return 1;
args[0] = opt.program;
args[1] = (mode == oEncrypt) ? "-m1" : "-m2";
args[2] = "-q";
args[3] = infile;
args[4] = "-z";
args[5] = outfile;
args[6] = "-s";
args[7] = opt.keyfile;
args[8] = (mode == oEncrypt) ? "-af" : "-f";
args[9 + argc] = NULL;
while (argc--)
args[9 + argc] = argv[argc];
if (pipe (cstderr) < 0)
log_error (_("could not create pipe: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
free (args);
return 1;
if (openpty (&master, &slave, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1)
log_error (_("could not create pty: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
close (cstderr[0]);
close (cstderr[1]);
free (args);
return -1;
/* We don't want to deal with the worst case scenarios. */
assert (master > 2);
assert (slave > 2);
assert (cstderr[0] > 2);
assert (cstderr[1] > 2);
pid = fork ();
if (pid < 0)
log_error (_("could not fork: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
close (master);
close (slave);
close (cstderr[0]);
close (cstderr[1]);
free (args);
return 1;
else if (pid == 0)
/* Child. */
/* Close the parent ends. */
close (master);
close (cstderr[0]);
/* Change controlling terminal. */
if (login_tty (slave))
/* It's too early to output a debug message. */
_exit (1);
dup2 (cstderr[1], 2);
close (cstderr[1]);
/* Now kick off the engine program. */
execv (opt.program, args);
log_error (_("execv failed: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
_exit (1);
/* Parent. */
int buffer_len = 0;
fd_set fds;
int slave_closed = 0;
int stderr_closed = 0;
close (slave);
close (cstderr[1]);
free (args);
/* Listen on the output FDs. */
FD_ZERO (&fds);
if (!slave_closed)
FD_SET (master, &fds);
if (!stderr_closed)
FD_SET (cstderr[0], &fds);
res = select (FD_SETSIZE, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (res < 0)
log_error (_("select failed: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
kill (pid, SIGTERM);
close (master);
close (cstderr[0]);
return 1;
if (FD_ISSET (cstderr[0], &fds))
/* We got some output on stderr. This is just passed
through via the logging facility. */
res = read (cstderr[0], &buffer[buffer_len],
sizeof (buffer) - buffer_len - 1);
if (res < 0)
log_error (_("read failed: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
kill (pid, SIGTERM);
close (master);
close (cstderr[0]);
return 1;
char *newline;
buffer_len += res;
for (;;)
buffer[buffer_len] = '\0';
newline = strchr (buffer, '\n');
if (newline)
*newline = '\0';
log_error ("%s\n", buffer);
buffer_len -= newline + 1 - buffer;
memmove (buffer, newline + 1, buffer_len);
else if (buffer_len == sizeof (buffer) - 1)
/* Overflow. */
log_error ("%s\n", buffer);
buffer_len = 0;
if (res == 0)
stderr_closed = 1;
else if (FD_ISSET (master, &fds))
char data[512];
res = read (master, data, sizeof (data));
if (res < 0)
if (errno == EIO)
/* Slave-side close leads to readable fd and
EIO. */
slave_closed = 1;
log_error (_("pty read failed: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
kill (pid, SIGTERM);
close (master);
close (cstderr[0]);
return 1;
else if (res == 0)
/* This never seems to be what happens on slave-side
close. */
slave_closed = 1;
/* Check for password prompt. */
if (data[res - 1] == ':')
char *pass;
int canceled;
/* If this is not the first attempt, the
passphrase seems to be wrong, so clear the
cache. */
if (tries)
simple_pwclear (cacheid);
pass = confucius_get_pass (cacheid,
tries ? 1 : 0, &canceled);
if (!pass)
kill (pid, SIGTERM);
close (master);
close (cstderr[0]);
return canceled ? SYMC_CANCELED : 1;
write (master, pass, strlen (pass));
write (master, "\n", 1);
confucius_drop_pass (pass);
while (!stderr_closed || !slave_closed);
close (master);
close (cstderr[0]);
wpid = waitpid (pid, &res, 0);
if (wpid < 0)
log_error (_("waitpid failed: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
kill (pid, SIGTERM);
/* State of cached password is unclear. Just remove it. */
simple_pwclear (cacheid);
return 1;
/* Shouldn't happen, as we don't use WNOHANG. */
assert (wpid != 0);
if (!WIFEXITED (res))
log_error (_("child aborted with status %i\n"), res);
/* State of cached password is unclear. Just remove it. */
simple_pwclear (cacheid);
return 1;
if (WEXITSTATUS (res))
/* The passphrase was wrong. Remove it from the cache. */
simple_pwclear (cacheid);
/* We probably exceeded our number of attempts at guessing
the password. */
if (tries >= 3)
return 1;
return 0;
/* Not reached. */
/* Class confucius main program. If MODE is oEncrypt, encryption is
requested. If it is oDecrypt, decryption is requested. The other
parameters are taken from the global option data. */
confucius_main (int mode, int argc, char *argv[])
int res;
char *tmpdir;
char *infile;
int infile_from_stdin = 0;
char *outfile;
tmpdir = confucius_mktmpdir ();
if (!tmpdir)
return 1;
if (opt.input && !(opt.input[0] == '-' && opt.input[1] == '\0'))
infile = xstrdup (opt.input);
infile_from_stdin = 1;
/* TMPDIR + "/" + "in" + "\0". */
infile = malloc (strlen (tmpdir) + 1 + 2 + 1);
if (!infile)
log_error (_("cannot allocate infile string: %s\n"),
strerror (errno));
rmdir (tmpdir);
return 1;
strcpy (infile, tmpdir);
strcat (infile, "/in");
/* TMPDIR + "/" + "out" + "\0". */
outfile = malloc (strlen (tmpdir) + 1 + 3 + 1);
if (!outfile)
log_error (_("cannot allocate outfile string: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
free (infile);
rmdir (tmpdir);
return 1;
strcpy (outfile, tmpdir);
strcat (outfile, "/out");
if (infile_from_stdin)
/* Create INFILE and fill it with content. */
res = confucius_copy_file ("-", infile, mode == oEncrypt);
if (res)
free (outfile);
free (infile);
rmdir (tmpdir);
return res;
/* Run the engine and thus create the output file, handling
passphrase retrieval. */
res = confucius_process (mode, infile, outfile, argc, argv);
if (res)
remove_file (outfile, mode == oDecrypt);
if (infile_from_stdin)
remove_file (infile, mode == oEncrypt);
free (outfile);
free (infile);
rmdir (tmpdir);
return res;
/* Dump the output file to stdout. */
res = confucius_copy_file (outfile, "-", mode == oDecrypt);
if (res)
remove_file (outfile, mode == oDecrypt);
if (infile_from_stdin)
remove_file (infile, mode == oEncrypt);
free (outfile);
free (infile);
rmdir (tmpdir);
return res;
remove_file (outfile, mode == oDecrypt);
if (infile_from_stdin)
remove_file (infile, mode == oEncrypt);
free (outfile);
free (infile);
rmdir (tmpdir);
return 0;
/* symcryptrun's entry point. */
main (int argc, char **argv)
int orig_argc;
char **orig_argv;
FILE *configfp = NULL;
char *configname = NULL;
unsigned configlineno;
int mode = 0;
int res;
char *logfile = NULL;
int default_config = 1;
early_system_init ();
set_strusage (my_strusage);
log_set_prefix ("symcryptrun", GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX);
/* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */
init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv);
/* Check whether we have a config file given on the commandline */
orig_argc = argc;
orig_argv = argv;
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= 1|(1<<6); /* do not remove the args, ignore version */
while (arg_parse( &pargs, opts))
if (pargs.r_opt == oOptions)
{ /* Yes there is one, so we do not try the default one, but
read the option file when it is encountered at the
commandline */
default_config = 0;
else if (pargs.r_opt == oNoOptions)
default_config = 0; /* --no-options */
else if (pargs.r_opt == oHomedir)
gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str);
if (default_config)
configname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), "symcryptrun.conf", NULL );
argc = orig_argc;
argv = orig_argv;
pargs.argc = &argc;
pargs.argv = &argv;
pargs.flags= 1; /* do not remove the args */
if (configname)
configlineno = 0;
configfp = fopen (configname, "r");
if (!configfp)
if (!default_config)
log_error (_("option file '%s': %s\n"),
configname, strerror(errno) );
xfree (configname);
configname = NULL;
default_config = 0;
/* Parse the command line. */
while (optfile_parse (configfp, configname, &configlineno, &pargs, opts))
switch (pargs.r_opt)
case oDecrypt: mode = oDecrypt; break;
case oEncrypt: mode = oEncrypt; break;
case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break;
case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; break;
case oNoVerbose: opt.verbose = 0; break;
case oClass: opt.class = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oProgram: opt.program = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oKeyfile: opt.keyfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oInput: opt.input = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oLogFile: logfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
case oOptions:
/* Config files may not be nested (silently ignore them) */
if (!configfp)
configname = xstrdup(pargs.r.ret_str);
goto next_pass;
case oNoOptions: break; /* no-options */
case oHomedir: /* Ignore this option here. */; break;
default : pargs.err = configfp? 1:2; break;
if (configfp)
fclose( configfp );
configfp = NULL;
configname = NULL;
goto next_pass;
xfree (configname);
configname = NULL;
if (!mode)
log_error (_("either %s or %s must be given\n"),
"--decrypt", "--encrypt");
if (log_get_errorcount (0))
exit (1);
if (logfile)
log_set_file (logfile);
setup_libgcrypt_logging ();
gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 16384, 0);
/* Tell simple-pwquery about the the standard socket name. */
char *tmp = make_filename (gnupg_socketdir (), GPG_AGENT_SOCK_NAME, NULL);
simple_pw_set_socket (tmp);
xfree (tmp);
if (!opt.class)
log_error (_("no class provided\n"));
res = 1;
else if (!strcmp (opt.class, "confucius"))
res = confucius_main (mode, argc, argv);
log_error (_("class %s is not supported\n"), opt.class);
res = 1;
return res;
diff --git a/tools/watchgnupg.c b/tools/watchgnupg.c
index b22635745..44ff43c45 100644
--- a/tools/watchgnupg.c
+++ b/tools/watchgnupg.c
@@ -1,519 +1,519 @@
/* watchgnupg.c - Socket server for GnuPG logs
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <time.h>
# include <sys/select.h>
#define PGM "watchgnupg"
/* Allow for a standalone build on most systems. */
#ifdef VERSION
#define BUGREPORT_LINE "\nReport bugs to <>.\n"
#define MYVERSION_LINE PGM " (standalone build) " __DATE__
#if !defined(SUN_LEN) || !defined(PF_LOCAL) || !defined(AF_LOCAL)
#include "../common/mischelp.h"
static int verbose;
static int time_only;
static void
die (const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
fflush (stdout);
fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", PGM);
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
vfprintf (stderr, format, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
putc ('\n', stderr);
exit (1);
static void
err (const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
fflush (stdout);
fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", PGM);
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
vfprintf (stderr, format, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
putc ('\n', stderr);
static void *
xmalloc (size_t n)
void *p = malloc (n);
if (!p)
die ("out of core");
return p;
static void *
xcalloc (size_t n, size_t m)
void *p = calloc (n, m);
if (!p)
die ("out of core");
return p;
static void *
xrealloc (void *old, size_t n)
void *p = realloc (old, n);
if (!p)
die ("out of core");
return p;
struct client_s {
struct client_s *next;
int fd;
size_t size; /* Allocated size of buffer. */
size_t len; /* Current length of buffer. */
unsigned char *buffer; /* Buffer to with data already read. */
typedef struct client_s *client_t;
/* The list of all connected peers. */
static client_t client_list;
static void
print_fd_and_time (int fd)
struct tm *tp;
time_t atime = time (NULL);
tp = localtime (&atime);
if (time_only)
printf ("%3d - %02d:%02d:%02d ",
tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec );
printf ("%3d - %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d ",
1900+tp->tm_year, tp->tm_mon+1, tp->tm_mday,
tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec );
/* Print LINE for the client identified by C. Calling this function
with LINE set to NULL, will flush the internal buffer. */
static void
print_line (client_t c, const char *line)
const char *s;
size_t n;
if (!line)
if (c->buffer && c->len)
print_fd_and_time (c->fd);
fwrite (c->buffer, c->len, 1, stdout);
putc ('\n', stdout);
c->len = 0;
while ((s = strchr (line, '\n')))
print_fd_and_time (c->fd);
if (c->buffer && c->len)
fwrite (c->buffer, c->len, 1, stdout);
c->len = 0;
fwrite (line, s - line + 1, 1, stdout);
line = s + 1;
n = strlen (line);
if (n)
if (c->len + n >= c->size)
c->size += ((n + 255) & ~255);
c->buffer = (c->buffer
? xrealloc (c->buffer, c->size)
: xmalloc (c->size));
memcpy (c->buffer + c->len, line, n);
c->len += n;
static void
setup_client (int server_fd, int is_un)
struct sockaddr_un addr_un;
struct sockaddr_in addr_in;
struct sockaddr *addr;
socklen_t addrlen;
int fd;
client_t client;
if (is_un)
addr = (struct sockaddr *)&addr_un;
addrlen = sizeof addr_un;
addr = (struct sockaddr *)&addr_in;
addrlen = sizeof addr_in;
fd = accept (server_fd, addr, &addrlen);
if (fd == -1)
printf ("[accepting %s connection failed: %s]\n",
is_un? "local":"tcp", strerror (errno));
else if (fd >= FD_SETSIZE)
close (fd);
printf ("[connection request denied: too many connections]\n");
for (client = client_list; client && client->fd != -1;
client = client->next)
if (!client)
client = xcalloc (1, sizeof *client);
client->next = client_list;
client_list = client;
client->fd = fd;
printf ("[client at fd %d connected (%s)]\n",
client->fd, is_un? "local":"tcp");
static void
print_version (int with_help)
fputs (MYVERSION_LINE "\n"
"Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n"
"License GPLv3+: "
"GNU GPL version 3 or later <>\n"
"This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\n"
"There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n",
if (with_help)
"Open the local socket SOCKETNAME (or the TCP port PORT)\n"
"and display log messages\n"
" --tcp listen on a TCP port and optionally on a local socket\n"
" --force delete an already existing socket file\n"
" --verbose enable extra informational output\n"
" --time-only print only the time; not a full timestamp\n"
" --version print version of the program and exit\n"
" --help display this help and exit\n"
exit (0);
main (int argc, char **argv)
int last_argc = -1;
int force = 0;
int tcp = 0;
struct sockaddr_un srvr_addr_un;
struct sockaddr_in srvr_addr_in;
struct sockaddr *addr_in = NULL;
struct sockaddr *addr_un = NULL;
socklen_t addrlen_in, addrlen_un;
unsigned short port;
int server_un, server_in;
int flags;
if (argc)
argc--; argv++;
while (argc && last_argc != argc )
last_argc = argc;
if (!strcmp (*argv, "--"))
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--version"))
print_version (0);
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--help"))
print_version (1);
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--verbose"))
verbose = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--time-only"))
time_only = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--force"))
force = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--tcp"))
tcp = 1;
argc--; argv++;
if (!((!tcp && argc == 1) || (tcp && (argc == 1 || argc == 2))))
fprintf (stderr, "usage: " PGM " socketname\n"
" " PGM " --tcp port [socketname]\n");
exit (1);
if (tcp)
port = atoi (*argv);
argc--; argv++;
port = 0;
setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);
if (tcp)
int i = 1;
server_in = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (server_in == -1)
die ("socket(PF_INET) failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
if (setsockopt (server_in, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,
(unsigned char *)&i, sizeof (i)))
err ("setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR) failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "listening on port %hu\n", port);
server_in = -1;
if (argc)
server_un = socket (PF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (server_un == -1)
die ("socket(PF_LOCAL) failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "listening on socket '%s'\n", *argv);
server_un = -1;
/* We better set the listening socket to non-blocking so that we
don't get bitten by race conditions in accept. The should not
happen for Unix Domain sockets but well, shit happens. */
if (server_in != -1)
flags = fcntl (server_in, F_GETFL, 0);
if (flags == -1)
die ("fcntl (F_GETFL) failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
if ( fcntl (server_in, F_SETFL, (flags | O_NONBLOCK)) == -1)
die ("fcntl (F_SETFL) failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
if (server_un != -1)
flags = fcntl (server_un, F_GETFL, 0);
if (flags == -1)
die ("fcntl (F_GETFL) failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
if ( fcntl (server_un, F_SETFL, (flags | O_NONBLOCK)) == -1)
die ("fcntl (F_SETFL) failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
if (tcp)
memset (&srvr_addr_in, 0, sizeof srvr_addr_in);
srvr_addr_in.sin_family = AF_INET;
srvr_addr_in.sin_port = htons (port);
srvr_addr_in.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_ANY);
addr_in = (struct sockaddr *)&srvr_addr_in;
addrlen_in = sizeof srvr_addr_in;
if (argc)
memset (&srvr_addr_un, 0, sizeof srvr_addr_un);
srvr_addr_un.sun_family = AF_LOCAL;
strncpy (srvr_addr_un.sun_path, *argv, sizeof (srvr_addr_un.sun_path)-1);
srvr_addr_un.sun_path[sizeof (srvr_addr_un.sun_path) - 1] = 0;
addr_un = (struct sockaddr *)&srvr_addr_un;
addrlen_un = SUN_LEN (&srvr_addr_un);
addrlen_un = 0; /* Silent gcc. */
if (server_in != -1 && bind (server_in, addr_in, addrlen_in))
die ("bind to port %hu failed: %s\n", port, strerror (errno));
if (server_un != -1 && bind (server_un, addr_un, addrlen_un))
if (errno == EADDRINUSE && force)
force = 0;
remove (srvr_addr_un.sun_path);
goto again;
die ("bind to '%s' failed: %s\n", *argv, strerror (errno));
if (server_in != -1 && listen (server_in, 5))
die ("listen on inet failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
if (server_un != -1 && listen (server_un, 5))
die ("listen on local failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
for (;;)
fd_set rfds;
int max_fd;
client_t client;
/* Usually we don't have that many connections, thus it is okay
to set them allways from scratch and don't maintain an active
fd_set. */
FD_ZERO (&rfds);
max_fd = -1;
if (server_in != -1)
FD_SET (server_in, &rfds);
max_fd = server_in;
if (server_un != -1)
FD_SET (server_un, &rfds);
if (server_un > max_fd)
max_fd = server_un;
for (client = client_list; client; client = client->next)
if (client->fd != -1)
FD_SET (client->fd, &rfds);
if (client->fd > max_fd)
max_fd = client->fd;
if (select (max_fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL) <= 0)
continue; /* Ignore any errors. */
if (server_in != -1 && FD_ISSET (server_in, &rfds))
setup_client (server_in, 0);
if (server_un != -1 && FD_ISSET (server_un, &rfds))
setup_client (server_un, 1);
for (client = client_list; client; client = client->next)
if (client->fd != -1 && FD_ISSET (client->fd, &rfds))
char line[256];
int n;
n = read (client->fd, line, sizeof line - 1);
if (n < 0)
int save_errno = errno;
print_line (client, NULL); /* flush */
printf ("[client at fd %d read error: %s]\n",
client->fd, strerror (save_errno));
close (client->fd);
client->fd = -1;
else if (!n)
print_line (client, NULL); /* flush */
close (client->fd);
printf ("[client at fd %d disconnected]\n", client->fd);
client->fd = -1;
line[n] = 0;
print_line (client, line);
return 0;
Local Variables:
compile-command: "gcc -Wall -g -o watchgnupg watchgnupg.c"
diff --git a/tools/wks-receive.c b/tools/wks-receive.c
index 7292cff18..12ec08935 100644
--- a/tools/wks-receive.c
+++ b/tools/wks-receive.c
@@ -1,516 +1,516 @@
/* wks-receive.c - Receive a WKS mail
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "ccparray.h"
#include "exectool.h"
#include "gpg-wks.h"
#include "rfc822parse.h"
#include "mime-parser.h"
/* Limit of acceptable signed data. */
#define MAX_SIGNEDDATA 10000
/* Limit of acceptable signature. */
#define MAX_SIGNATURE 10000
/* Limit of acceptable encrypted data. */
#define MAX_ENCRYPTED 100000
/* Data for a received object. */
struct receive_ctx_s
mime_parser_t parser;
estream_t encrypted;
estream_t plaintext;
estream_t signeddata;
estream_t signature;
estream_t key_data;
estream_t wkd_data;
unsigned int collect_key_data:1;
unsigned int collect_wkd_data:1;
unsigned int draft_version_2:1; /* This is a draft version 2 request. */
unsigned int multipart_mixed_seen:1;
typedef struct receive_ctx_s *receive_ctx_t;
static void
decrypt_data_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *keyword, char *args)
receive_ctx_t ctx = opaque;
log_debug ("gpg status: %s %s\n", keyword, args);
/* Decrypt the collected data. */
static void
decrypt_data (receive_ctx_t ctx)
gpg_error_t err;
ccparray_t ccp;
const char **argv;
int c;
es_rewind (ctx->encrypted);
if (!ctx->plaintext)
ctx->plaintext = es_fopenmem (0, "w+b");
if (!ctx->plaintext)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error allocating space for plaintext: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
ccparray_init (&ccp, 0);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--no-options");
/* We limit the output to 64 KiB to avoid DoS using compression
* tricks. A regular client will anyway only send a minimal key;
* that is one w/o key signatures and attribute packets. */
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--max-output=0xf0000"); /*FIXME: Change s/F/1/ */
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--batch");
if (opt.verbose)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--verbose");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--always-trust");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--decrypt");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--");
ccparray_put (&ccp, NULL);
argv = ccparray_get (&ccp, NULL);
if (!argv)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = gnupg_exec_tool_stream (opt.gpg_program, argv, ctx->encrypted,
NULL, ctx->plaintext,
decrypt_data_status_cb, ctx);
if (err)
log_error ("decryption failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
es_rewind (ctx->plaintext);
log_debug ("plaintext: '");
while ((c = es_getc (ctx->plaintext)) != EOF)
log_printf ("%c", c);
log_printf ("'\n");
es_rewind (ctx->plaintext);
xfree (argv);
static void
verify_signature_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *keyword, char *args)
receive_ctx_t ctx = opaque;
log_debug ("gpg status: %s %s\n", keyword, args);
/* Verify the signed data. */
static void
verify_signature (receive_ctx_t ctx)
gpg_error_t err;
ccparray_t ccp;
const char **argv;
log_assert (ctx->signeddata);
log_assert (ctx->signature);
es_rewind (ctx->signeddata);
es_rewind (ctx->signature);
ccparray_init (&ccp, 0);
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--no-options");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--batch");
if (opt.verbose)
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--verbose");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--enable-special-filenames");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--status-fd=2");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--always-trust"); /* To avoid trustdb checks. */
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--verify");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "--");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "-&@INEXTRA@");
ccparray_put (&ccp, "-");
ccparray_put (&ccp, NULL);
argv = ccparray_get (&ccp, NULL);
if (!argv)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = gnupg_exec_tool_stream (opt.gpg_program, argv, ctx->signeddata,
ctx->signature, NULL,
verify_signature_status_cb, ctx);
if (err)
log_error ("verification failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
log_debug ("Fixme: Verification result is not used\n");
xfree (argv);
static gpg_error_t
collect_encrypted (void *cookie, const char *data)
receive_ctx_t ctx = cookie;
if (!ctx->encrypted)
if (!(ctx->encrypted = es_fopenmem (MAX_ENCRYPTED, "w+b,samethread")))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (data)
es_fputs (data, ctx->encrypted);
if (es_ferror (ctx->encrypted))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (!data)
decrypt_data (ctx);
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
collect_signeddata (void *cookie, const char *data)
receive_ctx_t ctx = cookie;
if (!ctx->signeddata)
if (!(ctx->signeddata = es_fopenmem (MAX_SIGNEDDATA, "w+b,samethread")))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (data)
es_fputs (data, ctx->signeddata);
if (es_ferror (ctx->signeddata))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
collect_signature (void *cookie, const char *data)
receive_ctx_t ctx = cookie;
if (!ctx->signature)
if (!(ctx->signature = es_fopenmem (MAX_SIGNATURE, "w+b,samethread")))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (data)
es_fputs (data, ctx->signature);
if (es_ferror (ctx->signature))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (!data)
verify_signature (ctx);
return 0;
static gpg_error_t
new_part (void *cookie, const char *mediatype, const char *mediasubtype)
receive_ctx_t ctx = cookie;
gpg_error_t err = 0;
ctx->collect_key_data = 0;
ctx->collect_wkd_data = 0;
if (!strcmp (mediatype, "application")
&& !strcmp (mediasubtype, "pgp-keys"))
log_info ("new '%s/%s' message part\n", mediatype, mediasubtype);
if (ctx->key_data)
log_error ("we already got a key - ignoring this part\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FALSE);
rfc822parse_t msg = mime_parser_rfc822parser (ctx->parser);
if (msg)
char *value;
size_t valueoff;
value = rfc822parse_get_field (msg, "Wks-Draft-Version",
-1, &valueoff);
if (value)
if (atoi(value+valueoff) >= 2 )
ctx->draft_version_2 = 1;
free (value);
ctx->key_data = es_fopenmem (0, "w+b");
if (!ctx->key_data)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error allocating space for key: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
ctx->collect_key_data = 1;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TRUE); /* We want the part decoded. */
else if (!strcmp (mediatype, "application")
&& !strcmp (mediasubtype, "vnd.gnupg.wks"))
log_info ("new '%s/%s' message part\n", mediatype, mediasubtype);
if (ctx->wkd_data)
log_error ("we already got a wkd part - ignoring this part\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FALSE);
ctx->wkd_data = es_fopenmem (0, "w+b");
if (!ctx->wkd_data)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_error ("error allocating space for key: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
ctx->collect_wkd_data = 1;
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TRUE); /* We want the part decoded. */
else if (!strcmp (mediatype, "multipart")
&& !strcmp (mediasubtype, "mixed"))
ctx->multipart_mixed_seen = 1;
else if (!strcmp (mediatype, "text"))
/* Check that we receive a text part only after a
* application/mixed. This is actually a too simple test and we
* should eventually employ a strict MIME structure check. */
if (!ctx->multipart_mixed_seen)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNEXPECTED_MSG);
log_error ("unexpected '%s/%s' message part\n", mediatype, mediasubtype);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FALSE); /* We do not want the part. */
return err;
static gpg_error_t
part_data (void *cookie, const void *data, size_t datalen)
receive_ctx_t ctx = cookie;
if (data)
log_debug ("part_data: '%.*s'\n", (int)datalen, (const char*)data);
if (ctx->collect_key_data)
if (es_write (ctx->key_data, data, datalen, NULL)
|| es_fputs ("\n", ctx->key_data))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (ctx->collect_wkd_data)
if (es_write (ctx->wkd_data, data, datalen, NULL)
|| es_fputs ("\n", ctx->wkd_data))
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
log_debug ("part_data: finished\n");
ctx->collect_key_data = 0;
ctx->collect_wkd_data = 0;
return 0;
/* Receive a WKS mail from FP and process it accordingly. On success
* the RESULT_CB is called with the mediatype and a stream with the
* decrypted data. */
wks_receive (estream_t fp,
gpg_error_t (*result_cb)(void *opaque,
const char *mediatype,
estream_t data,
unsigned int flags),
void *cb_data)
gpg_error_t err;
receive_ctx_t ctx;
mime_parser_t parser;
estream_t plaintext = NULL;
int c;
unsigned int flags = 0;
ctx = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctx);
if (!ctx)
return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
err = mime_parser_new (&parser, ctx);
if (err)
goto leave;
mime_parser_set_verbose (parser, 1);
mime_parser_set_new_part (parser, new_part);
mime_parser_set_part_data (parser, part_data);
mime_parser_set_collect_encrypted (parser, collect_encrypted);
mime_parser_set_collect_signeddata (parser, collect_signeddata);
mime_parser_set_collect_signature (parser, collect_signature);
ctx->parser = parser;
err = mime_parser_parse (parser, fp);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (ctx->key_data)
log_info ("key data found\n");
if (ctx->wkd_data)
log_info ("wkd data found\n");
if (ctx->draft_version_2)
log_info ("draft version 2 requested\n");
if (ctx->plaintext)
if (opt.verbose)
log_info ("parsing decrypted message\n");
plaintext = ctx->plaintext;
ctx->plaintext = NULL;
if (ctx->encrypted)
es_rewind (ctx->encrypted);
if (ctx->signeddata)
es_rewind (ctx->signeddata);
if (ctx->signature)
es_rewind (ctx->signature);
err = mime_parser_parse (parser, plaintext);
if (err)
return err;
if (!ctx->key_data && !ctx->wkd_data)
log_error ("no suitable data found in the message\n");
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA);
goto leave;
if (ctx->key_data)
es_rewind (ctx->key_data);
log_debug ("Key: '");
log_printf ("\n");
while ((c = es_getc (ctx->key_data)) != EOF)
log_printf ("%c", c);
log_printf ("'\n");
if (result_cb)
es_rewind (ctx->key_data);
err = result_cb (cb_data, "application/pgp-keys",
ctx->key_data, flags);
if (err)
goto leave;
if (ctx->wkd_data)
es_rewind (ctx->wkd_data);
log_debug ("WKD: '");
log_printf ("\n");
while ((c = es_getc (ctx->wkd_data)) != EOF)
log_printf ("%c", c);
log_printf ("'\n");
if (result_cb)
es_rewind (ctx->wkd_data);
err = result_cb (cb_data, "application/vnd.gnupg.wks",
ctx->wkd_data, flags);
if (err)
goto leave;
es_fclose (plaintext);
mime_parser_release (parser);
ctx->parser = NULL;
es_fclose (ctx->encrypted);
es_fclose (ctx->plaintext);
es_fclose (ctx->signeddata);
es_fclose (ctx->signature);
es_fclose (ctx->key_data);
es_fclose (ctx->wkd_data);
xfree (ctx);
return err;
diff --git a/tools/wks-util.c b/tools/wks-util.c
index 7a87a27a8..183bdcd68 100644
--- a/tools/wks-util.c
+++ b/tools/wks-util.c
@@ -1,173 +1,173 @@
/* wks-utils.c - Common helper fucntions for wks tools
* Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "mime-maker.h"
#include "send-mail.h"
#include "gpg-wks.h"
/* Helper to write mail to the output(s). */
wks_send_mime (mime_maker_t mime)
gpg_error_t err;
estream_t mail;
/* Without any option we take a short path. */
if (!opt.use_sendmail && !opt.output)
return mime_maker_make (mime, es_stdout);
mail = es_fopenmem (0, "w+b");
if (!mail)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
return err;
err = mime_maker_make (mime, mail);
if (!err && opt.output)
es_rewind (mail);
err = send_mail_to_file (mail, opt.output);
if (!err && opt.use_sendmail)
es_rewind (mail);
err = send_mail (mail);
es_fclose (mail);
return err;
/* Parse the policy flags by reading them from STREAM and storing them
* into FLAGS. If IGNORE_UNKNOWN is iset unknown keywords are
* ignored. */
wks_parse_policy (policy_flags_t flags, estream_t stream, int ignore_unknown)
enum tokens {
static struct {
const char *name;
enum tokens token;
} keywords[] = {
{ "mailbox-only", TOK_MAILBOX_ONLY },
{ "dane-only", TOK_DANE_ONLY },
{ "auth-submit", TOK_AUTH_SUBMIT },
{ "max-pending", TOK_MAX_PENDING }
gpg_error_t err = 0;
int lnr = 0;
char line[1024];
char *p, *keyword, *value;
int i, n;
memset (flags, 0, sizeof *flags);
while (es_fgets (line, DIM(line)-1, stream) )
n = strlen (line);
if (!n || line[n-1] != '\n')
err = gpg_error (*line? GPG_ERR_LINE_TOO_LONG
trim_trailing_spaces (line);
/* Skip empty and comment lines. */
for (p=line; spacep (p); p++)
if (!*p || *p == '#')
if (*p == ':')
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_SYNTAX);
keyword = p;
value = NULL;
if ((p = strchr (p, ':')))
/* Colon found: Keyword with value. */
*p++ = 0;
for (; spacep (p); p++)
if (!*p)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE);
value = p;
for (i=0; i < DIM (keywords); i++)
if (!ascii_strcasecmp (keywords[i].name, keyword))
if (!(i < DIM (keywords)))
if (ignore_unknown)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
switch (keywords[i].token)
case TOK_MAILBOX_ONLY: flags->mailbox_only = 1; break;
case TOK_DANE_ONLY: flags->dane_only = 1; break;
case TOK_AUTH_SUBMIT: flags->auth_submit = 1; break;
if (!value)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_SYNTAX);
goto leave;
/* FIXME: Define whether these are seconds, hours, or days
* and decide whether to allow other units. */
flags->max_pending = atoi (value);
if (!err && !es_feof (stream))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
if (err)
log_error ("error reading '%s', line %d: %s\n",
es_fname_get (stream), lnr, gpg_strerror (err));
return err;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Wed, Oct 2, 3:19 AM (1 d, 21 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Storage Handle

Event Timeline