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Auto-generate a revocation certificate?
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Citing Debian bug #526331:

Given the number of times that I've witnessed clueless people
generate keys, publish them and then delete them, it would be good
if revocation certificates would be automatically generated and
mailed to them, or otherwise some sort of backup bundle should be
created with clear instructions for the people about their
importance and how to treat them.

Now I could imagine 2 possible solutions. First the less intrusive: During key
generation ask, if a revocation certificate should be created too. The second
option would be to automatically create it and put it e.g. into .gnupg/revocs/
or so.

Can you please comment on this?


External Link

Event Timeline

dleidert set External Link to 7 2009, 5:18 PM
dleidert set Version to 1.4.9.
dleidert added a subscriber: dleidert.

Asking to create a revocation certificate is a good idea. Frontends can make
this the default then. However, this is something for GnuPG-2 and not for the
standalone version. I expect people using the standalone version to be smart
enough to create one. Should be discussed on gnupg-devel.

dleidert added a project: gnupg.
werner claimed this task.
werner changed Version from 2.x to 2.1.

Done for 2.1 with commit 03018ef