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local-user in gpg.conf makes --local-user a no-op
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If gpg.conf contains an entry for local-user and gpg is called with the
--local-user switch (or: call gpg with more than one --local-user switch) and
the same keyid, then gpg errors out. IMHO it would be more consistent to work on
a use-last-specified base here, so the user can override the option from
gpg.conf via command line.

See Debian bug #130363.


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Event Timeline

dleidert set External Link to 8 2009, 12:27 PM
dleidert set Version to 1.4.9.
dleidert added projects: gnupg, Bug Report, Debian.
dleidert added a subscriber: dleidert.
werner added a subscriber: werner.

Fixed in svn rev 5005. (gpg1 and gpg2)

werner claimed this task.
werner removed a project: Restricted Project.