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Wrong option 'allow-pka-lookup' listed by gpgconf
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Package: gnupg2 Architecture: i386 Version: 2.0.11-0kk1

LANG=C gpgconf --list-options gpg
Monitor:1:0:Options controlling the diagnostic output:0:0::::
quiet:0:0:be somewhat more quiet:0:0::::
Configuration:1:0:Options controlling the configuration:0:0::::
default-key:0:0:use NAME as default secret key:1:1:NAME:::"8BDAC189
encrypt-to:0:0:encrypt to user ID NAME as well:1:1:NAME:::
group:4:1:set up email aliases:37:1:SPEC:::
Debug:1:1:Options useful for debugging:0:0::::
debug-level:18:1:set the debugging level to LEVEL:1:1:LEVEL:"none::"guru
log-file:0:1:write server mode logs to FILE:32:1:FILE:::
Keyserver:1:0:Configuration for Keyservers:0:0::::
keyserver:0:0:use keyserver at URL:1:1:URL:::
allow-pka-lookup:0:0:allow PKA lookups (DNS requests):0:0::::
auto-key-locate:0:1:use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail

echo 'allow-pka-lookup:0:1' | LANG=C gpgconf --change-options gpg
gpgconf: error running `/usr/bin/gpg2': exit status 2
gpg:GPG for
gpgconf: External verification of component gpg failed
gpgconf: could not commit changes: Invalid argument
gpgconf: fatal error (exit status 1)

LANG=C gpg2 --allow-pka-lookup
gpg: invalid option "--allow-pka-lookup"



Event Timeline

marcus added a project: Restricted Project.May 15 2009, 1:11 PM

Thanks for the report, I removed the dead entry. allow-pka-lookup was changed
into a verify option quite a while ago. Fixed in rev 5010:

2009-05-15 Marcus Brinkmann <>

  • gpg.c (gpgconf_list): Remove dead entry "allow-pka-lookup" (a

verify option for a couple of years now).

werner removed a project: Restricted Project.