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Possible typo in doc/gpg-agent.texi
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There is probably a typo in the documentation about gpg-agent. The --daemon
switch is described with:

Run the program in the background. This option is required to prevent
it from being accidently running in the background. A common way to do
this is:

The second "background" probably should be "foreground". But later in the manual
page it is stated, that gpg-agent "can only be used in background mode". So the
description above needs to be corrected anyway?


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dleidert set Version to 2.0.11.
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dleidert added a subscriber: dleidert.
werner added a subscriber: werner.

No, that is not a typo. --daemon used to be required to avoid starting several
gpg-agents - which happened quite often while in lets-see-what-happens testing
mode. Later the code was change so that running gpg-agent without any args
tested whether a gpg-agent is already running. Thus we can simplify the paragraph.

werner claimed this task.