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Googlemail/IMAP Outlook GPGol - Problem
Closed, InvalidPublic


I'm using googlemail as IMAP-account and Outlook as client on a windows7-system.
I wanted to test mailencryption an installed GPG4win (GNUPG, GPA, GPGOl).
Encryption and decryption works fine everythings perfect. BUT: Mails disappear
in outlook after beeing decrypted. I found, that there is created a second mail
containing the clear text and the encrypted text. These two mails (original an
new) are combined by google to a conversation. I think this is why outlook
doesn't recognise the mail any longer.

Is there any possibility to solve this problem an prevent this second mail to be

Event Timeline

THisis a proble with that IMAP server. With an IMAP backend Outlooks updates
the mail several time becuase we create some internal attachments). They should
be expunged as soon as possible - you can set an option in some IMAP servers to
do this immediatley. We can't do anything about it.

Since this is not a GnuPG problem, I'm closing this bug.