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gpg has no easy way to view the reason and description of revocation sigs
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Quoting Debian bug #543559:

as the subject says, it would be nice if there was an easy way to view
the reason and optional description that were specified when creating an
uid revocation signature. I think this is really useful information.

Indeed. I couldn't figure out some easy way to retrieve this information. Maybe
it's just some kind of missing documentation?


External Link

Event Timeline

dleidert set External Link to
dleidert added a subscriber: dleidert.
werner added a subscriber: werner.

Well, should be implemented.

Sorry for reviving this bug, but, What is this implemented in gpg 1.4.x series?

Or this is going to be in the gpg 2.x series?

I would say this should go into 2.1.

Where should this output be displayed? When doing gpg2 -K, revoked user ids are
not shown. Perhaps in --edit-key? Nevertheless, it would be nice to have a
command line option to get this information directly.

That should go into the keylisting. Here is a listing of a revoked

  pub   dsa1024/269E78D84738350A 1999-08-16 [revoked: 2011-02-15]
        Key fingerprint = 72A2 A242 8623 84A9 5910  C454 269E 78D8 4738 350A
        Keygrip = 2BBB5EF3D036022DD66EF4386680C194352A2EC2
  uid                 [ revoked] Florian Lohoff <flo@[...]>
  uid                 [ revoked] Florian Lohoff <flo@[...]>
  uid                 [ revoked] Florian Lohoff <flor[...]>

Another line after the Keygrip line could show key revocation
information. To show user id revocations a list option is anyway

  $ gpg --list-options show-unusable-uids  \
     --with-fingerprint  --with-keygrip -k 6C7EE1B8621CC013
  pub   dsa1024/6C7EE1B8621CC013 1998-07-07 [expired: 2004-12-31]
        Key fingerprint = ECAF 7590 EB34 43B5 C7CF  3ACB 6C7E E1B8 621C C013
        Keygrip = E3003A38C3CCB63DFB39998A6C8A78EB9498E42A
  uid                 [ expired] Werner Koch <>
  uid                 [ expired] Werner Koch <>
  uid                 [ expired] Werner Koch <wk@[...].com>
  uid                 [ revoked] Werner Koch <>

A similar formatted revocation reason could be shown after the revoked
user id. It would be best to indent that to align with the [revoked]

And of course we also need to come up with a --with-colon format for
both cases.

Iff we do this it should only go into 2.1 thus I changed the Version field.

werner changed Version from 1.4.10 to master.Nov 12 2015, 9:20 AM
werner renamed this task from gnupg: has no easy way to view the reason and description of revocation sigs to gpg has no easy way to view the reason and description of revocation sigs.Jan 6 2017, 6:27 PM
werner added a project: gnupg (gpg22).
marcus removed a project: gnupg (gpg22).
werner raised the priority of this task from Normal to High.Jun 21 2018, 3:24 PM
werner changed the task status from Open to Testing.Jun 21 2018, 8:38 PM
werner added a project: backport.

Done for master. Needs backport.

werner claimed this task.
werner removed a project: backport.

Backport done. To be released with 2.2.9.