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Error-Message: gpg: DBG: rndw32: get performance data problem
Closed, ResolvedPublic



gnupg 1.4.10b for Windows


Windows Server 2003 Standard Editon


When I generating a 2048-bit RSA key, I get the following error message: "gpg:
DBG: rndw32: get performance data problem".

After further tests I found that the error does not appear, if I logged in as
administrator on Windows.

But when I logged in as a "normal" user, the described error message appear!

Unfortunately most companies provide only "limited rights" systems to their
employees. But just the "normal" user need the capabilities of GnuPG!!!!!
Therefore, this error should be corrected urgently!!



Event Timeline

Michael set Version to gnupg-w32cli-1.4.10b.exe.Jul 1 2010, 4:42 PM
Michael added projects: gnupg, Bug Report.
Michael added a subscriber: Michael.
werner lowered the priority of this task from High to Wishlist.Jan 10 2011, 6:42 PM
werner removed a project: Bug Report.
werner added a project: Feature Request.
werner added a subscriber: werner.

This is just a warning.

According to Werner's comment, this is not a bug so closing.

neal claimed this task.