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file-encryption does not work when keyrings are stored on volumes that are made offline available
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We store keyring-files on the users network-shares, which are configured to be
offline available. This works fine while the share is available. If the client
is offline and the share changes to offline-mode all the files can be accessed
but the command gpg.exe -e [file] results in the beahvior that no keys can be
found. However gpg -k or gpg -K shows the expected result.


gpg4win 2.1??

Event Timeline

bkrbecek added projects: gnupg, Bug Report.
bkrbecek added a subscriber: bkrbecek.

additional information:
gpg4win (2.1) is installed on a Microsoft Windows 7 Client

werner lowered the priority of this task from High to Normal.Jan 10 2011, 6:39 PM
werner added a project: gpg4win.
werner changed Version from 2.1 to gpg4win 2.1??.
werner added a subscriber: werner.

Please explain in more detail what you are doing. And well we don't have
support for Windows7 yet. According to user reports it seems to work but we
don't have first-hand knowledge. Windows7 hardware arrived only recently.

BTW gpg4win 2.1 has not been released; there is merely a release candidate
available and as such the priority can't be urgent ;-).

we don't use GPG4Win anymore ... so, honestly I don't know - if you want I can verify that. Or you simply close the topic ...

Thanks for the fast response!