Release: 1.2.1
Linux (RedHat 8)
When generating a revocation certificate for a key:
gpg --output revoke.asc --gen-revoke UID
One gets to select the reason for revoking, then enter an optional description. After entering a description select 'n' for the "Is this okay?" prompt. This returns one to the entering description option AFTER printing both the "Select reason" and "enter description" text.
This adds a level of confusion that one can't change the reason for revoking, just the description -- even though it looks like you can change the reason.
How To Repeat
The exact text I enter is:
gpg --output revoke.asc --gen-revoke UID y 1 blah. n
Unknown - either not print the additional text asking for the reason to revoke, or allow the reason to be changed too.