If you request a fingerprint for a keyid, it'll print fingerprints for other
keys with matching subkey ids, which is misleading. I'm not sure if this is
desired, but if it is, there should, at minimum, be a way to specify
--primary-key-ids-only or something.
$ gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring ./scale-13x-keyring.gpg --fingerprint 9c4ada06
pub 4096R/D749AB0E9C4ADA06 2013-02-25
Key fingerprint = 3856 FD13 0BEC 5E91 1289 80C2 D749 AB0E 9C4A DA06
uid J. Joe Feise <joe.feise@numecent.com>
sub 4096R/55B5E43349C534E4 2013-02-25
pub 1024D/D4105202C7867633 2013-10-17 [expires: 2018-10-16]
Key fingerprint = 2DFE B741 FDDF 50A6 DB29 6B88 D410 5202 C786 7633
uid johan test <johan@test.privacymail.nl>
sub 1024g/F83D0F4D9C4ADA06 2013-10-17 [expires: 2018-10-16]