In Tomb we came across this peculiar and hard to spot bug here:
related to the most infamous issue of non-breaking spaces (NBS)
The French translation of GnuPG status message includes the string:
"gpg: chiffré avec 1 phrase secrète"
where the space between "1" and "phrase" is a non-blocking space. Curiously
enough, "phrase" is not a French word AFAIK so this string may occur also in
other translations.
In our case the NBS hangs the '=~' string operator in Zsh (and we are
interacting now with the ZSh team for a workaround to face all such kind of
situations), but it is also known to cause problems in all kinds of shell
scripting situations. Considering that the status of GnuPG is best interacted
via shell, this NBS may constitute a fairly large scale case for bugs that are
hard to spot.
I recommend that GnuPG runs a scan across all its translated and not translated
strings to spot NBS and convert them to normal space chars (0x20).