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OpenPGP ASCII armor should be more robust
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I recently got an armored encrypted mail that I couldn't decrypt. I asked the
sender to send me the mail in a way that it is protected from modification on
the way, and here is the diff:

% diff -u problematic-mail.good problematic-mail.borken

  • problematic-mail.good 2016-02-10 18:15:50.712836224 +0100

+++ problematic-mail.borken 2016-02-10 18:15:56.236875821 +0100
@@ -40,5 +40,5 @@

I just found the gpg flag --ignore-crc-error, which let's me decrypt the message
in its mangled form. In any case, I believe that this should not happen, and
blaming the MTAs involved or the sender for using PGP/INLINE does not help,
because people are going to blame "this encryption thing".



Event Timeline

justus set Version to 2.1.11.
justus added a subscriber: justus.

It seems like detecting and correcting this simple manging would be
straightforward to do and relatively self contained.

The following simple patch works for me and make check still passes. I think it
makes sense to apply this patch given that this workaround is no more
complicated than an existing workaround for something similar (immediately
preceding my change). Can you please test to make sure it works for you?

Yes, that patch works for me.

neal claimed this task.