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.git/config [filter "cleanpo"] added during build is incorrect
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Git id 49655fb6ef39b307787e1b6e00c996f9c7db64f7
Ubuntu 15.10

In .git/config:
[filter "cleanpo"]
clean = "awk '/^\"POT-Creation-Date:/&&!s{s=1;next};!/^#: /{print}'"

triggers in SmartGit:
awk cmd line 1: ^invalid char" in expression



Event Timeline

Running from the command line with gawk and mawk, I don't get an error message.
What version of awk are you using? Does this occur when triggering this from
the command line or only when running it from smartgit?

awk --version
GNU Awk 4.1.1, API: 1.1 (GNU MPFR 3.1.3, GNU MP 6.0.0)
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991-2014 Free Software Foundation.

Running the filter from the CLI: nothing happens.
root@/home/actionmystique/Program-Files/Ubuntu/GnuPG/git-libgpg-error# awk
'/^\"POT-Creation-Date:/&&!s{s=1;next};!/^#: /{print}'


What is smartgit? What OS are you using?

[gpg-error version seems to be 1.21]

werner claimed this task.