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gpg2 fails on keyserver fingerprint search while gpg succeeds
Closed, ResolvedPublic


How to reproduce:

0. configure sks keyservers

  1. gpg2 --search-keys 0xDB068FA97889A60F0A0D615BD5E0B342C6B115B5
  2. gpg --search-keys 0xDB068FA97889A60F0A0D615BD5E0B342C6B115B5

Expected output:

gpg2 and gpg both return the same search result, i.e. one key found.

Actual output:

  1. gpg: error searching keyserver: No data

gpg: keyserver search failed: No data

  1. (1) Tilo Jung <>
	  2048 bit RSA key C6B115B5, created: 2014-01-02, expires: 2018-01-02

Keys 1-1 of 1 for "0xDB068FA97889A60F0A0D615BD5E0B342C6B115B5". Enter
number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit >

In contrast to that, just searching with the short key id with gpg and gpg2
works as expected, i.e. in both cases a match is returned:

gpg2 --search-keys 0xC6B115B5
gpg --search-keys 0xC6B115B5

Looking at the verbose output of gpg and dirmngr (when using gpg2) it seems that
the difference is that gpg2/dirmngr strips the 0x print from the fingerprint
string when constructing the https URL. GPG 1 doesn't do that.

For example URL from the dirmngr log:

with curl:

$ curl

-> 404, no keys found

When patching that Url with a 0x fingerprint prefix:

$ curl
uid:Tilo Jung <>:1388670492::

And with gpg 1, enabling verbose logging like this:

gpg -v --keyserver-options=debug --search-keys

I can verify that the internally generated URL indeed has the search=0xDB... part.



Event Timeline

gms set Version to 2.1.11.
gms added a subscriber: gms.

You should better use --recv-key if you already know the fingerprint. Anyway,
this is a regression and will be fixed for 2.1.14 with commit 0342369. Thanks.

werner claimed this task.
werner removed a project: Restricted Project.