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Docbook-to-man Source Compile error (for making GNUPG docs)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Release: gnupg 1.3.5-cvs


Linux 2.6.2, Slackware 9.1, gnupg 1.3.5-cvs


Docbook-to-man source contains incorrect external function definition in {docbook-to-man-src}/Instant/tptregexp/regexp.c, which causes make to fail.

How To Repeat

run make again.


In the {docbook-to-man-src}/Instant/tptregexp directory, the file regexp.c requires a change in order to compile properly (at least with my gcc 3.2.3 and headers)in that file, in lines 708 and 807
extern char *strchr()

needs to be commented out since it conflicts with newer definitions in string.h. Removal of those two lines allows the script to run properly.

Release Note

We have switched to a different Debian package for converting the things and even plan to get way from SGML stuff at all.