GnuPG 2.1.x now correctly finds User IDs that contain a raw e-mail address like
'' when the user requests '<>'. That's good!
However, it appears to only work for those keys stored in pubring.kbx, and does
not work for keys stored in pubring.gpg.
You can recreate this problem with a fresh $GNUPGHOME with the reproducer below:
export GNUPGHOME=$(mktemp -d)
gpg --quick-gen-key --batch --passphrase ''
gpg --list-keys '<>'
gpg --export '<>' > $GNUPGHOME/pubring.gpg
mv $GNUPGHOME/pubring.kbx{,.bak}
gpg --list-keys '<>'
not found above, but it is seen below:
gpg --list-keys