Page MenuHome GnuPG 403s, should redirect to https instead
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Visiting returns 403. It'd be nice to
redirect the user to the respective https:// URL instead.

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I do not understand your request. Do you mean we shall use HSTS and forced
redirection to https for jenkins?

I don't know about HSTS, but I'd love to see a forced redirect.

It seems Jenkins sometimes generates a redirect that strips the httpS off, e.g.
go to, click on [Manage Plugins] (the link
itself looks fine), but one is for some reason redirected to

jenkins is redirected from kerckhoffs to soro using pound features. Please
check out /etc/pound/pound.cfg on kerckhoffs. The jenkins server on soro is
running on a non-standard port - may be this is the reason for the wrong redirect.

I can't easily test this because I am living in the same network.

Regarding HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security): The Jenkins server needs to
generate that header

I added the following snippet to our pound configuration in the ListenHTTP
section for IPv4:

  1. Justus: Redirect all jenkins request to https. Service HeadRequire "Host:.*" Redirect 301 "" End

I hope I didn't break anything. Jenkins is much nicer to use now :)