The documentation says:
This command revokes a User ID on an existing key. It cannot be used
to revoke the last User ID on key (some non-revoked User ID must
remain), with revocation reason ``User ID is no longer valid''. If
you want to specify a different revocation reason, or to supply
supplementary revocation text, you should use the interactive
sub-command @code{revuid} of @option{--edit-key}.
Which is a bit fuzzy. It can be read as "it is ok to revoke the last uid with a
differen reason", but that is weird, because there is no way to specify the
reason using this command.
I hereby note that
- It is possible to revoke the last uid with --quick-revoke-uid.
- It is possible to revoke the last uid with --edit-key, with the reason "User
ID is no longer valid".