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Adding a UID corrupts the keyring
Closed, DuplicatePublic


Apply the following patch:

diff --git a/tests/openpgp/defs.scm b/tests/openpgp/defs.scm
index 9e681bf92..4d515c4ed 100644
--- a/tests/openpgp/defs.scm
+++ b/tests/openpgp/defs.scm
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
   (srandom (getpid))
   (make-test-data "random_seed" 600)
+  (create-file "pubring.gpg")
   (log "Creating configuration files")
   (create-file "gpg.conf"

Then do make -Ctests/openpgp check XTESTS=quick-key-manipulation.scm verbose=3:

Executing: '/home/teythoon/repos/g10/gnupg/obj/g10/gpg' '--no-permission-warning' '--always-trust' '--quick-add-uid' '=Alpha <>' 'Bravo <>'
Key capabilities changed when adding a user id:
  Pre: ((pub - 2048 1 A58E6E61267D5C01 1493899840 1556971840  u   scESC      23  ) (sub - 2048 1 7D5D5E9F679C61E5 1493899840      e      23))
 Post: ((pub - 2048 1 A58E6E61267D5C01 1493899840 1556971840  u   scESC      23  ) (sub - 2048 1 7D5D5E9F679C61E5 1493899840      e      23) (sub - 2048 1 7D5D5E9F679C61E5 1493899840      e      23))