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kleopatra dies when given a path on the command line
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% src/kleopatra .
QSystemTrayIcon::setVisible: No Icon set
kleopatra: /home/teythoon/repos/g10/kleopatra/src/crypto/signencryptfilescontroller.cpp:278: std::shared_ptr<Kleo::ArchiveDefinition> getDefaultAd(): Assertion `!ads.empty()' failed.
[1]    31787 abort (core dumped)  src/kleopatra .

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aheinecke claimed this task.
aheinecke added a subscriber: aheinecke.

The problem here is that libkleopatrarc did not exist. The error could be nicer but I would say this is a downstream issue that packagers have to make sure libkleopatra-data is installed when kleopatra is installed.
I've opened a debian bug for this some time ago: