$ g10/gpg --quick-gen-key susie.nist@example.org nistp256 [...] gpg: writing self signature gpg: key 52F5DB2F95434811 not suitable for signing while in --compliance=de-vs mode gpg: signing failed: Invalid public key algorithm gpg: make_keysig_packet failed: Invalid public key algorithm Key generation failed: Invalid public key algorithm
Furthermore, the key size when generating an RSA key is silently increased to the minimum (2048 bits):
$ g10/gpg --quick-gen-key susie.rsa1024@example.org rsa1024 [...] pub rsa2048 2017-06-28 [SC] [expires: 2019-06-28] DAC5F9FD7E5A693922E7E21376E20ADEF6C11BA2 DAC5F9FD7E5A693922E7E21376E20ADEF6C11BA2 uid susie.rsa1024@example.org