Solaris 8, x86
Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
asprintf app-openpgp.o
Note: autoconf determined that asprintf is not available.
How To Repeat
Attempt to build on solaris 8.
Should be fixed in 1.4.0
Solaris 8, x86
Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
asprintf app-openpgp.o
Note: autoconf determined that asprintf is not available.
Attempt to build on solaris 8.
Should be fixed in 1.4.0
gnupg 1.9 won't build on Solaris. As of now we only support
GNU and *BSD systems. Work is in progress to rectify this
situation be deploying a new buffered I/O layer which will
also repalce the need for asprintf.
There are also other reasons why it won't build on Solaris
(cf. funopen)