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NetBSD: scdaemon should be killed when its parent (gpg-agent) is going to shutdown
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In the master branch of GnuPG, selection preference by available card/token is implemented.
Because of this, some gpg operation causes invocation of scdaemon.
After gpg-agent shutdown, scdaemon remains with no parent on NetBSD.

$ gpg-agent --homedir=/some/where --daemon /bin/bash
$ gpg ...
$ exit
$ ps aux | grep scdaemon

Revisions and Commits

Event Timeline

gniibe triaged this task as Normal priority.Feb 6 2018, 8:43 AM
gniibe updated the task description. (Show Details)
gniibe renamed this task from scdaemon should be killed when its parent (gpg-agent) is going to shutdown to NetBSD: scdaemon should be killed when its parent (gpg-agent) is going to shutdown.Feb 7 2018, 2:38 AM

I think that it's the kernel problem in NetBSD, where signal to self cannot result EINTR for pselect.
Well, something like rG031e3fa7b9a6: scd: Wake up the select when new USB scan. can be applied, I suppose.
Let's see for and HAVE_PSELECT_EINTR.

gniibe changed the task status from Open to Testing.Feb 13 2018, 4:05 AM

HAVE_PSELECT_NO_EINTR is introduced for systems which pselect cannot be interrupted.