If I use DecryptVerifyJob and cancle the password dialog I can't detect this canceling correctly, as it falls back to a general "Decryption Failed" error. So I can't present a user the option to retry another time later. As you will distinguish between errors, that ma be solvable and those that are not.
here the status I see:
GpgME::DecryptionResult( error: GpgME::Error(117440664 (Decryption failed)) fileName: <null> unsupportedAlgorithm: <null> isWrongKeyUsage: 0 recipients: GpgME::DecryptionResult::Recipient( keyID: 8392A04A0103961A shortKeyID: 0103961A publicKeyAlgorithm: RSA status: GpgME::Error(0 (Success))) ) GpgME::VerificationResult( error: GpgME::Error(117440664 (Decryption failed)) fileName: signatures: ) decryptResult.error().isCanceled(): false decryptResult.error().code(): 152