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gpgme fails compilation in deep directory
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is similar to

Since we happen to be building in deep directory, I have prepared a patch which allows me to change the GNUPGHOME make variable.

I considered making gpgme a directory in /tmp and having GNUPGHOME point there, but I thought that this is less intrusive change which has higher chance of getting into your official source tree.

Different solutions to the problem welcome :)



Revisions and Commits

Event Timeline

aheinecke triaged this task as Normal priority.Aug 6 2018, 9:30 AM
aheinecke added a subscriber: aheinecke.

I do not see the harm in this patch and it seems useful. Indeed it seems better then making a directory in tmp as this might create regressions for others.

I'll apply the patch.

aheinecke claimed this task.

Patch applied. Thanks.