Release: 1.0
If we try to use PGP desktop at one end and GnuPg at the other side of encrypted mail. PGP desktop can open all the attachements sent from the GnuPG. But GnuPG suffers problems while opening attachment sent by PGP desktop.
Mainly files encrypted using PGP Zip available in PGP 9.0.1
GnuPGP doen not have a system to Zip Encrypt the files.
Thanks! GnuPG woeks great!!
thanks a lot for the S/W
How To Repeat
Download a trial version of PGP desktop.
Sent a mail to another mailbox with GnuPg and enigmail.
u cant open the attachemnts.
now try sending an attachment that is Zip-encrypted using PGP. U cant agin open that file.