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libgpg-error: after regenerate ac/am/lt files and build reported version is 1.37-unknown
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I must fix libtool script and easiest way for me is just call "autoreconf -fiv" before execute configure.
I found that when I'm doing that configure script reports at the end unknown version like below

libgpg-error v1.37-unknown has been configured as follows:

Revision: 0000000  (0)
Platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu

What needs to be done to not introduce that unknown sufix in version?



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werner added a subscriber: werner.

Do not use arbitary libtool versions or use autoreconf - this is maintainer-only and any problems are not considered a bug.

Sorry but that really strange.
I need to regenerate those files.
Could you please describe what needs to be done to have proper version?