Pentium 4, Windows 2000 SP4 (german), all HotFixes, gnupg 1.4.1 installer, Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (german) with Enigmail 0.9.2 (german)
The machine has a working USB smart card reader w/o card inserted.
Klicking Enigmail->OpenPGP-SmartCard results in an abnormal program termination detected by Windows.
The enigmail console shows the following messages:
C:\Programme\GNU\GnuPG\gpg.exe --charset utf8 --status-fd 2 --fixed-l
ist-mode --with-colons --card-status
gpg: detected reader `Fujitsu Siemens USB Smartcard Reader 0'
gpg: pcsc_connect failed: removed card (0x80100069)
gpg: card reader not available
gpg: OpenPGP Karte ist nicht vorhanden: Allgemeiner Fehler
How To Repeat
Call gpg.exe --card-status