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GpgOL does not work in parallel with Kopano Outlook Extension
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The "Kopano Outlook Extension" (KOE) plugin must not be activated if GpgOL is active as this leads to mails not checked by the GpgOL plugin.

The plugin icon stays purple with a questionmark. Seems like it never gets the content of the email.
As soon as the KOE is deactiated GpgOL generally works again.

Maybe this is something for the list of incompatile add-ons here:
I will try to also report this incompatibility to the Kopano maintainers.

See attached log where an encrypted and signed mail was sent from one to another account also added in Outlook and then opened while the KOE plugin was active.


Gpg4Win: 3.1.12, Outlook 365 (16.0.13029.20450) 64-Bit, KOE 2.1.20, Windows 10 Pro 2004

Event Timeline

aheinecke triaged this task as Normal priority.
aheinecke added a subscriber: aheinecke.

Hi Zetrick,

Yes, seems like the properties are somehow different in that case.

Are you sure that if you receive a mail from external and the plugin is active that GpgOL does not work? I'm not sure if its not related to the incompatibilities with the Kopano server.

If you send me your public key to I can reply you with both a signed and then a signed and encrypted mail. I would then appreciate a log with +Outlook API Calls log level. That could help me to understand this better. Maybe there is something we can do on our side. We always aim for maximum compatibility.