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Translate Gnupg in Italian
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I would like to translate GnuPg into Italian can you please send me the po file to translate? Thanks a lot!

This is still valid:;a=blob;f=po/it.po;h=3c5f606ae2c2d203257dbb36405a34830c276292;hb=refs/heads/STABLE-BRANCH-2-2

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We do have an Italian translation but it is quite outdated:

gnupg-2.2/po/it.po: 424 translated messages, 1139 fuzzy translations, 649 untranslated messages.

If you want to work on this, I suggest to download the latest tarball with all the sources. This is very helpful because sometimes you may want to look at the comments in the source code. As alternative, you may want to start translating the master branch which will soon be 2.3.

werner triaged this task as Normal priority.Oct 6 2020, 9:39 PM
werner added projects: i18n, gnupg.

I finished the Italian translation of the GnuPg 2.2 file.
I need help, can you please update the source project with this translation? I am a beginner, unable to do this.
I attach files translated into Italian

you can close this tickets, the Italian translation has already been uploaded successfully. Don't import anything to GnuPG. Thanks a lot!

Denisov23 claimed this task.