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Bad FR translation of IDEA page which leads to miscomprehension
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Debian GNU/Linux


The French translation of the sentence "CAST5 and AES are good and patent unencumbered algorithms which don't bear any interoperability problems." on the "Why not IDEA" page is strictly incorrect.
The French translation says : "CAST5 et AES sont des algorithmes brevetés peu encombrants...", which means that CAST5 and AES are patented, but not really annoying. The truth is that AES is not patented and the patent on CAST has been released a while ago.

How To Repeat

Just visit this page :


The correct translation should be : "CAST5 et AES sont des algorithmes non encombrés par des brevets..." (literal translation) or "CAST5 et AES sont des algorithmes non brevetés..." (better one).