An archive (.tar.gpg) encrypted with gpg4win version 3.1.12 could not be decrypted with versions 3.1.12/11 (Windows 10).
Input error: Error while running C:/Program Files (x86)/GnuPG/bin/gpgtar.exe: gpgtar: error creating ….(Path+filename 220 characters) No such file or directory
Suspected cause: Very long filenames with special characters and umlauts (ä,ö,ü...) were used.
Decryption attempt with version 4 (Windows 10) also failed:
filename.tar.gpg → Eingabe von C:/Program Files (x86)/GnuPG/bin/gpgtar.exe --utf8-strings --openpgp --skip-crypto ...:
Entschlüsseln fehlgeschlagen: Input/output error.
Eingabefehler: Fehler während der Ausführung von C:/Program Files (x86)/GnuPG/bin/gpgtar.exe: gpgtar: Ungltige Option "--utf8-strings"
Step by step solution attempt under powerShell did work:
- decoding the tar file worked. gpg -tar -x filename.tar.gpg -> filename.tar
- tar -x -v -f filename.tar -> creates the original directory tree
Suggested solution: Do not abort if files cannot be created, but continue and create all that work.
If there are restrictions regarding the file names (character set, length), these should be documented. Cleopatra should check these before encoding.