When I use Whonix Gateway and route all traffic trough Tor on another virtual machine (not Whonix Workstation), I can't get the pgp key through the key servers, because Tor can't resolve DNS srv record.
When I resolve IP address manully, and use it, I can.
Or when I route traffic trough vpn and use other dns server (not Whonix's, then and in this case I can.
It's important, because people, who routing traffic trough Tor (for example, not only using whonix, wi-fi routers too) can't get keys from keyservers.
Technical information:
Virtual machine: debian bullseye (stable)
GnuPG: 2.2.27
Dirmngr: 2.2.27
Command: gpg --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys DF9B9C49EAA9298432589D76DA87E80D6294BE9B