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Kleopatra: Add GpgOL help and Group help under a new "More Documents" entry in GnuPG VS-Desktop
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It would be good to have all available help documents under the help menu in kleopatra.

To avoid confiusing the user we should open a subgroup "More documents" listing the help documents. The SecOps / EuB documents would also be better placed in such a subgroup, leaving only the two quickguides in the main menu.

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aheinecke created this task.

This is what it looks like for VSD curently:

Which is as it should be.

This is the help menu for gpg4win:

For Gpg4win there is no documentation in the first place and no further documentation, so there are no documents there.
Either we need to add documentation here, too, or not show this.

ebo added a project: Restricted Project.Jan 3 2024, 12:44 PM