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Kleopatra: Disable check for signed VSD version if a disabling registry key is set
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Discussed with werner, we will ad an unsupported or disable support registry key to GnuPG to turn a GnuPG VS-Desktop behaviorally back into Gpg4win, with compliance mode reset etc. This should be handled in Kleopatra too who currently only lets this depend on the VERSION file.

The use case for this are installations where e.g. 1000 users share a single application server but only 40 of them have GnuPG VS-Desktop with the compliance needs and the rest need the software without support and without compliance settings.

Event Timeline

aheinecke created this task.
aheinecke added a project: g10code.
This comment was removed by aheinecke.

This is about showing the corresponding about dialog text for the disable support option.