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Kleopatra Crashes when Decrypting PGP message in the Notepad
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Kleopatra Crashes when Decrypting PGP message in the Notepad. I cut and paste a PGP message into the notepad, enter in the credentials, and Kleopatra crashes, with no log or indication.... Kleopatra just exits.


GPG4Win 4.0.4

Event Timeline

CH3NO2 renamed this task from GPG4Win Crashes when Decrypting PGP message in the Notepad to Kelopatra Crashes when Decrypting PGP message in the Notepad .Nov 2 2022, 7:14 PM
CH3NO2 updated the task description. (Show Details)
ikloecker renamed this task from Kelopatra Crashes when Decrypting PGP message in the Notepad to Kleopatra Crashes when Decrypting PGP message in the Notepad .Nov 2 2022, 10:32 PM
aheinecke added a project: Info Needed.
aheinecke added a subscriber: aheinecke.

There must be something special with the message. Can you save the message to a file and use the command line to decrypt it? Is there anything special with it? Is it maybe a binary and not text? Although I tried decrypting random bytes with the notepad and it worked for me. Is the message very large? Anything unusual? Or does it even happen for you when you encrypt a short text to yourself and then decrypt it again?

To decrypt on the command line In cmd:
gpg -o output.txt --decrypt "yourfile.asc"

Prio low for now as we cannot reproduce the issue.

On the command line using:
gpg -o output.txt --decrypt "yourfile.asc"

works perfectly fine...

``C:\Users\x\Documents>dir Kl*.*
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is F231-49D2

Directory of C:\Users\x\Documents

11/01/2022 01:36 PM 2,133 kleopatra_crash_test_T6266.txt.pgp

1 File(s)          2,133 bytes
0 Dir(s)  366,088,998,912 bytes free

C:\Users\x\Documents>gpg -o kleopatra_crash_test_T6226.txt --decrypt "kleopatra_crash_test_T6266.txt.pgp"
gpg: encrypted with rsa4096 key, ID 52B149DADB84D9EE, created 2022-02-10


gpg: encrypted with rsa3072 key, ID 3E1FEA3E8180C5A5, created 2022-01-27


gpg: encrypted with RSA key, ID AD15EDDB395A0BFA

C:\Users\x\Documents>type kleopatra_crash_test_T6266.txt.pgp


...  cut out section ... 


So, not sure why Kleopatra is crashing... is there a way I can turn on logging and / or get more information from Kleopatra why it is crashing ?

Let me know,

Much appreciated.

@aheinecke What additional information do you need ?