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Kleopatra: Trusted-introducer without limitation as a kind of sub-ca
Open, WishlistPublic


So I have the following use case in mind:

  • We have a large customer that uses "trusted-key"
  • The customer wants to delegate checking signatures to maybe 20 people
  • That list of people might change, people could be added / removed.

Currently they can either do this by adding / removing 20 trusted-keys but that is not a good solution IMO. When holding a presentation this came up when we talked about delegating trust "sub ca" like with trusted-introducer. If you could add a trusted introducer without limitations.

With GnuPG you can do that.

Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.

Your selection?

Kleopatra won't allow it. Maybe we can add a radio button before the domain part and have the domain entry selected by default but add another option for "anything".

Event Timeline

aheinecke triaged this task as Wishlist priority.Jul 3 2023, 11:44 AM
aheinecke created this task.