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export / import exit code always 1 for my keyring
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If you look at the gpg-enable-keyboxd.bat script in gpg4win-4.2.0 you will notice that error handling for the import is commented out because for me it would always return an error code.

gpg --export | GNUPGHOME=$(mktemp -d) gpg --import || echo fail

Adding things like

--export-options backup
--import-options keep-ownertrust,bulk-import,restore

does not have an effect.

It always exited with an error code but no apparent error.
I can provide the keyring in question to anyone who wants to look into this.

Event Timeline

aheinecke triaged this task as Normal priority.Jul 14 2023, 10:38 AM
aheinecke created this task.

There are some more surprising results like on my windows test keyring it would always report "5 new signatures" regardless of how often I ran the script ;)