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Finish implementation of --export-secret-ssh-key
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I made a new subkey but can't export the secret key in SSH format:

$ gpg --export-secret-ssh-key \&9AE6168B402A720D0AD27C4FB09A244CFEE3476E
gpg: export as ssh key failed: Invalid public key algorithm

This functionality is needed to support the Monkeysphere. Converting SSH-format ed25519 keys to Tor onion service key files is mostly straightforward but obviously OpenPGP key files are more complex. I tried seeing if I could inform gpgsm of the key pair and use its options to export raw public keys, but it choked on the key thinking it was RSA and that's a separate issue.



Event Timeline

I mostly used ed25519 keys and thus I do the avove command pretty often without problems. Can you please add

-v --debug lookup

to the command line show us the log (send privately to my standard mail address (wk@gnu...) if you feel that data is too sensitive for the public).

werner triaged this task as Normal priority.Aug 17 2023, 9:20 AM
werner edited projects, added Feature Request, gnupg24, gnupg26; removed Bug Report.

Sorry, I only now noticed that you used the --export-secret-ssh-key. Unfortunately commit
rGafe5fcda52e88438c7a7278117b2e03f510a9c1c states in the comment:
"Due to time constraints the code is not yet ready." Let's turn this into a feature request.

werner renamed this task from 'Invalid public key algorithm' trying to export a ed25519 secret SSH key to Finish implementation of --export-secret-ssh-key.Aug 17 2023, 9:21 AM