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Website - navi and menu not accessible by keyboard with Tab key or Spatial Navigation
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At the navigation menu at top is not accessible.

Nor can i select the links in gray navigation by Tab key (tested with Edge 116 and Firefox 117, Chromium 117) or Spatial Navigation (tested with Vivaldi 6.2), neither the drop down menues.
And i fear it is not usable with screen readers.

Giving no accessible navigation violates WAI/WCAG webstandards.

Please redesign the navigation so gets is accessible.

PS: Sorry for reporting this here, i could not find where to post the issue for the website.


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Event Timeline

werner triaged this task as Normal priority.Sep 15 2023, 8:55 AM
werner edited projects, added; removed Bug Report.
werner added a subscriber: werner.

The site is on purpose w/o Javascript which might be the cause for things you reported. But I agree that the tab order is not as one would expect.

Someone needs to check the CSS.