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GpgOL: Decrypting encrypted drafts with S/MIME smartcard results in Operation Cancelled
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While testing draft encryption I used an S/MIME smartcard to encrypt drafts to. When I try to decrypt them I am asked for the PIN but when I enter the correct PIN it says "decryption failed: Operation Cancelled"

But the card works with Kleopatra's notepad to encrypt / decrypt stuff there.

Using a soft S/MIME cert in GpgOL for draft encryption also works though.

Very strange.

Event Timeline

aheinecke created this task.
aheinecke moved this task from Backlog to vsd-3.2.0 on the vsd32 board.
aheinecke edited projects, added vsd32 (vsd-3.2.0); removed vsd32.

I retested this with the current beta and It works without problems. I somehow suspect that the permanent access loop from Kleopatra caused other Smartcard operations to be canceled. Since the test setup is not really good to reproduce to for Ebo I resolved this myself.

Similarly if you decrypt with a PKI BW card and the mimeviewer there are also no longer problems which again might be related that the internal states where somewhat disturbed by the loop in Kleopatra.