With a slight possibility that Akonadi might one day find its way into the Gpg4win / GnuPG VS-Desktop package it is important that we can use sqlite as a database backend. Since this might also attract more users to KMail in general and thus bring us more testers I would like to start using it.
But since I have ~10 identities configured and various send / receive accounts I do not want to loose that.
Problems I can imagine is that mapping things like sent mail folder / drafts / trash etc. might loose their connection. This could be similarly a problem for Mailfilteragent based filters. Which I personally do not use.
I would like to see the current state how to do this documented somewhere. Even if the documentation is just "no chance" to keep anything, but you have to delete / modify the following configuration files for a clean switch. Maybe under: https://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi (And give that page some love while you are at it.)