When you choose "Revoke Certificate" in the context menu of a key, the following window "Revoke Key" (yes, there is a wording mismatch) does not contain any warning regarding the irreversibility of that step.
- Please add a warning + some explanation
- after the line which lists the key to be revoked add something like "The revocation will take effect immediately and can not be reversed." in some highlighted way.
- add 2-3 short sentences as to what is then no longer possible/still possible. E.g. "Signing with the associated key will no longer be possible, decryption with it will continue to work."
- maybe add some visual warning to the "Revoke Key" (Revoke Certificate) button at the bottom.
- Change the wording to "Revoke Certificate", at least in the window title, the first sentence and the action button. I am not sure whether "key" or "certificate" would be better in the radio button choices. (And if we need all those choices.)
- The default layout for the window
- has no space between the first sentence and the line with the certificate to be revoked, here at least 1.5 line spacing would improve the UI. And add a bit more space before the "reason" part.
- includes a very big free text field, I think a field with 2 lines max should be the default. (And the default width could be smaller, too.) It is currently not even possible to decrease the window height manually as much that only 2 lines remain for the field.