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Do not allow local installation (without administrator rights) for VSD
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In the VSD versions a local installation (with user rights only):

a) is not VS-NfD compliant
b) does not work anyway (typical error: IPC connect call failed)

Therefore it should not be possible and not be offered in the installer

Event Timeline

ebo triaged this task as Normal priority.Apr 16 2024, 3:03 PM
ebo created this task.

Without administrator rights it does not work for me, since it then cannot write to %PROGRAMDATA% to install the VS-NfD mode config files. But the only thing for "does not work anyway" that I know and could quickly see is that "IPC connect call failed" problem with GPGEX (which we are planning to remove / replace anyway). So I don't think it is very important to remove this and addtionally we do not know if this is something that is used, we have offered it from the beginning but have no data if our customers use it. We can suspect that we would have seen more support questions about the gpgex error if it was widely used. But I always thought that the "only for me" installation option was useful for some use cases.

I would rather change this in the 5.0 release since we will then change the installation paths anyway (Program Files instead of Program Files (x86)) and removing functionality is always "major" in a way that it will break for all the people who have used that function before, even if it were not many.

ebo edited projects, added gpd5x; removed Restricted Project.Thu, Feb 13, 10:34 AM