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Draft: Kleopatra: Highlight if no valid encryption subkey exists
Open, NormalPublic


If a keypair does have at least one encryption subkey, but none of them is valid, it should be highlighted in the certificate list that something is not as it should.
This should be done via an appearance filter. We could use a "! " before the status and in VSD versions not use the green background but orange.

In the details view, we should in this case add a warning widget at the top of the window warning "No usable encryption subkey."

Event Timeline

ebo triaged this task as Normal priority.Nov 19 2024, 2:56 PM
ebo created this task.

This addresses the same problem as T5950. We should either merge the tickets or just close T5950 (which was more of a support ticket and the reporter has fixed their problem) with reference to this ticket.

T6109 is also closely related and I think it would be addressed by this ticket.

ebo renamed this task from Kleopatra: Highlight if no valid encryption subkey exists to Draft: Kleopatra: Highlight if no valid encryption subkey exists.Fri, Mar 7, 11:28 AM