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Kleopatra: Correction of card action tooltips
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The formatting of some of the card action strings is not existent, there is only one long line:

Please make them all wrap. Possibly the second sentence should start on a new line, check how it looks/reads best.

And for the Admin PIN tooltip the hint that it needs to have at least 8 characters is missing:

This is for the Yubikey OpenPGP app.
The Yubikey PIV app has several too long strings in the card actions, too. Please format those, too.

Event Timeline

ebo triaged this task as Normal priority.Nov 20 2024, 11:28 AM
ebo created this task.

Shall we use the narrower tooltips in general? I'm undecided. On one hand, we'd avoid an unholy mix of wider (but not too long) one-line tooltips (at least for English and maybe German) and narrower multi-line tooltips. On the other hand, I think the multi-line tooltips are too narrow and a narrow two-liner might look uglier than a slightly wider one-liner.

Yeah, it's a dilemma. How about if we use the narrower formatting everywhere only starting from 6 or 7 words in the English string? Or some count of characters?