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Improve decryption error message caused by deleted card key
Open, Needs TriagePublic


When trying to decrypt a file which is only encrypted to a deleted key which was on a already connected smart card you get an error message like:

C:\Users\g10code\Documents>gpg -d "C:\Users\g10code\Documents\Le er Zeichen  + T E S T.txt.gpg"
gpg: verschlüsselt mit 256-Bit ECDH Schlüssel, ID ACCA5BB181004DC7, erzeugt 2025-01-08
gpg: Entschlüsselung mit Public-Key-Verfahren fehlgeschlagen: Ungültige ID
gpg: Entschlüsselung fehlgeschlagen: Kein geheimer Schlüssel

That is "invalid ID" in the first and "no secret key" in the second line

This is confusing, we should improve the error message.
(In Kleopatra, only the "Invalid ID" is shown in the decryption window.)

A hint for the user what they could/should do would be nice.


gpg 2.2.46