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Kleopatra: Confusing additional pinentry on creation of new keypair with ADSK configured
Open, NormalPublic


When a new keypair is created while an ADSK is configured in the gpg.conf, after the usual dialog to enter the new password twice an additional dialog pops up, asking for the password of an unknown user ID:

This is the password for the key being generated.

The best solution would be to cache the password from the first step and not annoy the user with this additional question.


VS-Desktop-, VSD 3.3.0

Event Timeline

ikloecker added a subscriber: ikloecker.

Kleopatra has no influence on this. This does surely also happen when a new keypair is created on the command line.

werner triaged this task as Normal priority.Thu, Jan 23, 8:28 AM
werner added projects: gnupg26, gpgagent.
ebo renamed this task from Kleopatra: Confusing additional pinentry on while new keypair with ADSK configured to Kleopatra: Confusing additional pinentry on creation of new keypair with ADSK configured .Thu, Jan 23, 9:18 AM