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Draft: Kleopatra: Improve success message on keyserver upload
Open, NormalPublic


Follow up to T6769: Kleopatra: Change warning on keyserver upload

When you upload a certificate to a keyserver you get the success message "OpenPGP certificates exported successfully."
This is confusing. Additionally, the titel of the window shows the first part of nearly the same text and is cut short as that is too long:

For the window title that should be either the default window title or something short like "Success".

For the message "OpenPGP certificates uploaded successfully." or even better "OpenPGP certificates uploaded successfully to %1" which could be either keyserver vs internal directory or the URL.

Revisions and Commits

Event Timeline

ebo renamed this task from Draft: Kleopatra: Improve succes message on keyserver upload to Draft: Kleopatra: Improve success message on keyserver upload.Jan 29 2025, 10:35 AM
ebo created this task.
TobiasFella triaged this task as Normal priority.
TobiasFella set External Link to